#so many thoughts on the making of this ama lol
tuiyla · 2 years
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amatres · 1 year
anyway my personal ranks of origins backstories just in the game by themselves is brosca and tabris at the top, aeducan at the bottom. cousland i will admit is pretty impactful but i still feel like, as wild as an option it would have been, that a cousland warden should had the option to solo rule. they are from the only other teryn in ferelden and it's even said that it was considered for bryce to rule so like! come on!
aeducan is at the bottom because it so tightly locks you into siding against bhelen, which i suppose is fair for brosca being so skewed in behlens favor bc of rica, but brosca is just Good so i forgive that, while aeducan is just suffering.
i still stand by my idea that the 'noble' dwarven origin shouldn't have been the second aeducan child, they should have been the second aeducan's second in place of gorim. that way there would have been more room for roleplay. also the second aeducan child would have been a secret third option for ruler of orzammar that you would encounter with the legion of the dead that they joined after being kicked out.
you would have to both do the legion of dead quest to give them a noble caste, and also have high as hell coercion for it to work but it would really cool and also so funny to do. that said the origin just by itself is pretty fun, love being backstabbed by my second favorite baby brother from the dragon age franchise
mahariel and the magi warden are in the 'i like them but they don't feel as impactful' as much as it hurts me. they're both just kinda there, however that said if the game let you recruit jowan into your party that would bring the magi warden up much higher. alas.
#ama mumbles#dragon age origins#dragon age#sorry for putting this in the main tags yall can ignore me this is for the followers who want to block the tags lol#magi warden is brought up higher on an 'entire franchise' scale bc they feel relevant while the others... don't#but in just origins i will heartbreakingly admit they can feel a bit disconnected and underwhelming despite all the ties they have.#to the broken circle and to jowan bc of how smaller scope the choices you get in those two areas are#you get two choices with broken circle more or less and you either run jowan off or get him killed. sad.#which is fitting considering the fact they were forcibly disconnected from the world as a child by the chantry. anyway.#what if broken circle just let me kill the templars. what then.#if you could recruit jowan then they'd be tied to a companion and would probably get special dialogue with him#also then id get to drag my miserable adopted brother with me to the ass end of thedas. i was robbed when they scrapped that idea. robbed!!#to be fair magi feels less 'disconnected' in world and more just in a player sense#bc so much of the drama in it is entrenched in the lore of the world and when you don't know That then it feels. odd.#its a origin i feel many new players would have the hardest time emotionally getting into#mahariel however feels Very disconnected from everything. tamlen showing up as a ghoul i feel was added to remedy that a bit#bc otherwise theres really only nature of the beast and later on velanna but it's not even their tribe or someone they knew. so. 🤷‍♀️#these are just personal thoughts tho#also why is tabris and brosca at the top? bc they go hard and i love underdog stories.#brosca also helps make paragon of her kind like. actually land. i never know what to roleplay otherwise bc Why Would I Care#tabris is just good baby#when will the city elf player background return to me#aeducan would probably be more bearable if they hadn't made harrowmount like That as king. or at least. foreshadowed it better#beyond just ambient npc dialogue bc at that point in game most pl are just running past#made paragon of her kind feel more well rounded. its very hard to get invested roleplay wise when youre not a dwarf pc#but that might just be my own failings i suppose#lots of tags#sorry i rambled again
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viiiiiiiiiin · 4 months
Okay so can I request zero overhearing that his crushes favorite color is green (bonus it if they describe a shade that’s close to his hair )
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50 Shades of Green: Zoro x Reader
Includes: Roronoa Zoro , GN Reader
A / N: I assumed you meant Zoro lol. This is such a cute idea for a scenario ! I Hope you enjoy <3. I hope this is up to your standards !! Feel free to tell me in my AMA if you want me to redo this <33
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It was a bright day , a day of relaxation. Everyone on the Sunny took this opportunity to take a break and enjoy themselves. Rather it be playing tag on the deck , listening to Brook play some beautiful tunes , or even just reading / tending to the garden. Everyone was being themselves and having fun. It was quite the break from the massive battles they've had recently.
You sat next to Nami , who was tending to her tangerines. Behind you , Robin sat reading her book. You and Nami had been chatting happily for what felt like hours. Robin , though she was reading , listened and observed everything to two of you were saying. She was ever observant , even if she was on break.
"Hey , I'll be back. I'm gonna go see if Sanji would mind making me something to drink." You said , excusing yourself from the 2 women. They nodded and waved to you as your form retreated from their vision.
As you jumped down to the kitchen , you noticed the two who normally fight . . . Well , fighting. The blonde haired cook seemed to be enraged about something while the moss headed swordsman just sarcastically commented back and basically brushed off the cook's complaints.
That swordsman. The very one that lacks a sense of direction in a literal and figurative sense. You felt your heart flutter as your eyes trailed to him. You shook your head and brushed pass them to get into the kitchen.
Though you didn't know it , Zoro's eyes followed you as the door shut behind your body. You walked over to the fridge and stared at all of your selections. As you sighed and closed the fridge , the door to the kitchen reopened. You glanced over to see who was coming in and noticed the cook. Sanji had apparently stopped arguing with Zoro and came to attend to your needs.
"What would you like , Reader ?" He asked with a smile on his face. Even if it was near dinner time , it was clear he didn't mind tending to his crewmates' needs. You smiled back at him and leaned against the counter.
"Are you able to make a drink for me ? I'm not sure exactly what I want yet. Or maybe a snack , if that's not too much to ask for." You trailed off as your mind trailed back to its thoughts.
"Of course. How about a vol - au - vent ?" He asked as he he began to take out the pastry from a sealed container. "I made some earlier for Nami and Robin , but they told me they weren't hungry." He shrugged and placed it on the counter for you.
"Thank you , Sanji." You bowed your head lightly and took one of the treats from the tray. You resealed the container and walked out of the kitchen.
Somewhere in the time that you had been inside , your ship had landed on an island. You looked at the gorgeous tree filled island in awe. It was lush with fresh vegetation and had many beautiful flowers. You've seen many different islands in the New World , but this had to be one of the nicer ones.
"Alright. I want Chopper , Usopp , and . . sadly . . . Luffy . . To go into town. Robin , I'd like you to go with them. We need you 4 to pick up some herbs for me and Chopper. Sanji , I want you and Brook to go stock up on food supplies. And Franky , you go get materials to repair the ship and for whatever else." Nami directed , pointing those people in the directions they were supposed to go. As she spoke , the groups filed out so they could get their job done as quickly as possible. It was hard to tell if it was because they wanted to go back to the sea or if they didn't wanna see Nami angry. Most likely the latter , you thought.
"What about me and Zoro ?" You questioned as you took a final bite of the tasty hollow treat Sanji had made. "I want you 2 to watch the ship. I'm going onto the island to chart it." She responded , picking up some paper and pens. Before either of you could say anything , she walked off of the ship.
You stood there , staring at the place the ginger once was. You blinked and turned your attention to Zoro , who seemed to be in the same boat as you. You wouldn't admit it , but you were happy to be alone with him.
You stood there , collecting your thoughts. While you stood like a statue , the Swordsman went off to work out. You shook your head violently and whipped your head around to find him. There he was , in all his muscular glory , at the end of the ship with a comically large weight in his hands. He had his coat discarded and he was thrusting the weight forwards and back onto his shoulder in a slicing like motion.
You couldn't help but stare. Everything about how he just so calmly lifted what you assumed to be over 400ibs surprised you. Instead of staring , you decided to go into the crows nest to keep a lookout for any enemies or your crewmates.
A few hours had passed by without either of you speaking to one another. The ship was in a comfortable silence , engulfing the both of you as you did separate things. You were bored sitting by yourself , if you were being honest. You were often fidgety and lost in thought instead of looking out. Of course , observation haki helped out with sensing living things but you didn't use it often.
Just as you were about to take a nap , you noticed a bag bobbing around the Sunny. You narrowed your eyes to see who it was and didn't see anyone. That was until you saw Luffy and Robin. You assumed it was either Chopper or Usopp. You smiled softly and walked down from your previous place.
You watched as the lump ran up to you. "Reader ! I got you something ! I thought it was your favorite color." The little reindeer doctor said excitedly as he ran up to you. He handed you a bag that was pink. Not your favorite color , but you liked his thought.
"I appreciate your gesture , Chopper. My favorite color isn't pink , though." You responded , putting the bag on your right side. You could definitely put your weapons and stuff in it. "Oh ! What's your favorite color then ?" He tilted his head with an adorable look on his face.
"Green , actually. I'd say a minty - moss green ? It's just really nice , in my opinion." You explained with a smile on your [shape] face. You heard a noise of surprise behind you and you turned. You didn't expect to have your [color] colored eyes meet with one brown one. Your face lit up.
"Greenisaprettycolorididntmeanitlikethat !" You sputtered out , hiding your face from his confusing stare. You couldn't tell if he was mad at you , if you were being honest.
"Green is a nice color , isn't it ?" Zoro mocked , laughing heartily. You were EXTREMELY embarrassed. Though , you didn't notice the red on his cheeks as well.
Chopper and Usopp laughed at your misery. They were even on the floor , about dying at that point. "I just didn't expect you to be into that color of green." He shrugged and smiled smugly at you. He turned and walked away from the 3 of you , cheeks reddening further.
Though you didn't know it , your words stuck in his head. It repeated like a broken record. He didn't understand why , but he liked the thought of it. Maybe his feelings for you grew , but he didn't know that. Maybe he should talk to Robin or Chopper about it. For now , he would sit and think about you. Even at night.
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sweetingseva · 8 months
Everything to Know About ACFTL ☺️💕📚
Hello, everyone!
With A Curse For True Love coming out next week, I thought maybe creating a compile list of what everything we will be expecting might be helpful to those who want a refresher.
However, if you don't want to be reminded of any of the details that have been shared and want to go in blind, that's cool, too!
All of the information that I have gathered has been from all of the IG AMA's stories, comments, replies, and some from podcasts.
Slight spoilers. Quick refresher below.
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Stephanie hasn’t been nice writing this book, but let’s see if the torture is well worth it in the end.
There’s this scene that corresponds to these emoji: 🛏😮🩸🚪🩸🩸🩸😱🍎👑
There are three POVs: Evangeline, Jacks, and Apollo
The answer to why Jacks eat apples is in the book, but according to B&N site, we might get the answer to everything about him!
Q: is there a scene you’ve written that’s made you tear up? A: “So many scenes have made me cry—I don’t tear up, I sob, and writing this series has made me cry a lot more than the Caraval series 💘😭 But don’t be too scared—I’ve put a lot fun scenes in this book. Although, my defintion of fun is a little twisted. 🤭”
Q: Do you already have a favorite scene in “A Curse For True Love”? A: Usually I have favorites but with this book I love every scene. I keep telling my editor to let me know if I’ve gone too far with this story because I’ve had so much fun writing. I keep fearing I must be doing something wrong. 🖤”
There will be more LaLa and Chaos scenes, and apparently Stephanie has gotten carried away with them lol
There will be a few more scenes in the Hollow!!!! YAAYYY!
Her favorite scene has something to with these emojis: 🌳🫀🔥
Stephanie has cried the last time she had read ACFTL.
Q: what’s your favorite scene out of all the books in this series: A: “This is so tough. There’s a scene in CURSE that made me cry and it’s probaly my favorite 💔”
Q: can you tell us who the bonus content povs will be? A: “For B&N and Waterstones, the bonus content is in Eva’s POV. 🦊”
My speculation from the answer above, but this makes me think that the Owlcrate’s edition will be Jacks’s POV if not Evangeline’s.
Q: did u know how acftl would end early on? or did it change as you wrote it? A: “It changed! In January, I hit a wall with the book and after talking with my critique partner @/staceyleeauthor, I realized that I had taken the story in the wrong direction. So I went back, I rewrote, I changed the plot, and I changed a large portion of the ending. This is part of the reason why the book’s publication date was changed from Sept to Oct.”
Q: What three songs come to mind when you think of Evangeline and Jacks? A: “Ooh! It’s hard to pick just three. Here are a few that came to mind first: 1. The Archer by Taylor Swift, 2. You’re Losing Me by Taylor Swift, 3. Religiously by Bailey Zimmerman”
Q: Do you pick the audiobook narrators for your books? A: “I did! @/macmillan.audio is wonderful. They’ve always given me a choice in narrators. The amazing @/rebeccasoleri has narrated all of my audiobooks (so she’s an easy choice). Then for ACFTL I got to choose a second narrator for the Jacks and Apollo chapters and he is also fantastic ❤️”
IMPORTANT TO KNOW ‼️: Q: are there actually multiple copies of acftl with different endings? A: “The book only has one official ending. Which I think is the best ending. However, there are three editions that bonus material in the form of 3 alternate epilogues. The books with bonus epilogues are: 1. Barnes and Noble/Indigo exlusive edition 2. the Waterstones exclusive, 3. the Owlcrate edition. P.S. These 3 bonus epilogues are not canon, they are just for fun! P.P.S. if you get all three, I recommend reading in the order that I shared in this post 😉”
The third map has new locations, along with old ones we have seen like: Merrywood Manor, Merrywood Village, Merrywood Forest, Wolf Hall, Ye Olde Brick Inn: Vacancy One Bed, The Phoenix Tree, Cursed Forest, Tree of Souls, and The Hunt.
ACFTL has 49 chapters with an epilogue. It only has one part titled, IV. Happily Ever After.
The dedication that was revealed says, “For anyone who’s ever hoped for a second chance.”
The tree on the front cover is very important.
ACFTL’s logline: Two villains, one girl, and a deadly battle for happily ever after.
The three words that Stephanie used to describe the book is: Heart-stealing, emotionally-devastating, and painfully romantic.
Stephanie shared the Pinterest board, which could be found here! Some very good hints in there!
The UK editions of ACFTL will have hidden covers. There are four of them and they are: an apple, Jacks’s dagger, a fox paw print, and a wolf in a flower crown.
Fairyloot edition has a special front and back cover that says, "The Greatest Love Story Ever Told: Evangeline Fox and The Prince of Hearts" and "The Greatest Love Story Ever Told: Evangeline Fox and Apollo Acadian."
Quotes Shared:
“Remember, Little Fox.”
“If you stop fighting, you lose.” His hand moved up to her throat and she felt the cool brush of his dagger against her skin. Evangeline went very still. “ Never imagine you’re safe.” The tip of his blade drew a line over her pulse. Her breath caught. She felt him smile against her jaw.
(Possible Quote) “You have no sense of self-preservation. If someone labeled a bottle with poison you would drink it. You take warnings as invitations. You can’t seem to stay away from all the things that will hurt you … like me.”
Evangeline needed something familiar, something to hold onto that would keep her from collapsing back to the ground. Apollo looked at her as if he wanted to be that. He made her think of a hero from a fairytale.
(Page 21) “No.” “No.” “No.” (Page 100) He wanted a piece of her. (Page 213) “You can’t just tie people up and whisk them to wherever you want them.”
Apollo hated apples.
He enjoyed inflicting pain, not receiving it. And yet he couldn’t bring himself to leave the shadows of Evangeline’s bedroom.
“I’m glad you came.” “I’ll always come. Even when you don’t want me to.”
He wanted a piece of her. To keep her. To use her for later.
“What are you to me?” she asked. His eyes locked with hers. “Nothing.”
“Im the one who will never let anyone harm you again.”
“I’m your monster.”
He considered setting the room ablaze just so that he’d have a reason to pick her up and carry her out, to save her one last time, before he left her for good.
“This will hurt.”
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misc-obeyme · 11 days
Oya CC I've been thinking about what you said, about the og app I don't think the content and what everyone achieved in the og app will be deleted or removed, I think after they release the new chapter in nb there will be an option to merge the content There just so much content that was created in og (cards, events, chats etc) that just deleting it will be a loss of money for them Also they really like us the fans lol So, nothing to worry about! It just makes more sense to do merging than just ctrl+A+delete Also, I finally got to know what Raph mission during the RAD sport festival was and couldn't be happier -🐆
I thought the same thing at first. Well, I never thought they'd merge the content, I just assumed they'd leave the OG running indefinitely.
And it does make more sense for them not to delete everything. And maybe they will keep the app running. I have no idea how much stuff like that costs, but I'm sure the franchise makes them enough money that they can maintain the second app even if all it's doing is holding the old stuff.
But I really don't think they're going to merge stuff. If they were going to do that, I think they would have said so by now.
When they did the Reddit AMA before the release of NB, that was like the most commonly asked question. Everybody wanted to know if any of the things they had in the OG would be carried over to NB. And they never answered that question, despite how many people wanted to know.
This is what leads me to believe they won't be transferring anything, at least not when it comes to individual people's accounts.
This has been one of the major complaints of the fan base, so I can't imagine they wouldn't say anything about it at all.
And really, they've already made their money off that content. People are most likely to spend money for current events and lessons. I don't think having all that old content removed would cost them to lose any money. Most people have dropped OG all together, so I can't imagine it's really making much money for them anymore.
But in the end, it's all speculation because they haven't told us what they're doing either way. It just seems to me like there is the possibility of losing all of that content. But I could be wrong! I guess only time will tell lol.
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silversiren1101 · 8 months
betrayal, break, fear for either or both mino and morolai?
Hey Ama! Thanks for the asks! These are good ones :3
[Questions are from this ask game]
betrayal: Has your OC ever been betrayed by someone they thought they could trust? Has your OC ever betrayed someone who trusted them?
Ah, Mino's life is scored by moments of betrayal against her. What other kind of person would join the Hellknights in the hopes of turning their life around? The biggest one is the one that happened that night she pledged herself to them: her then-adventuring party ambushed by ghouls in the night, and the party's rogue cut her ankle to leave her behind as distraction. Jokes on them that she was the only survivor, the ghouls more eager to give in to the chase rather than dig into the seemingly helpless meal unable to run.
As for if she's betrayed someone who trusted her? Well, the ploy to free Daeran from the Other is a big one, but I think the one that haunts her forever is the general betrayal of the Hellknights by siding with House Thrune. Even though she was just another knight during the war, she sees it as a personal betrayal of all she stands for and believes in, towards the Orders that didn't side with House Thrune, to Westcrown and Cheliax as a whole... A lot of her post-Crusade life is spent trying to "fix" what she considers their (the Hellknights') greatest mistake.
fear: What is your OC's greatest fear? What do they do when confronted with it? Are they open with their fear, or do they hide it away?
Easy! Mino is terrified of ghouls and cannibalistic undead, and being eaten alive. This is related to the part above, obviously. She had many bite wounds from the encounter, and nearly died to ghoul fever afterward giving her also a fear of fevers and catching illness.
If she encounters a ghoul she fully dives into her Hellknight resilience, shutting down all her emotions and becoming more of a machine than anything else. She's trained herself to do it on instinct, knowing if she doesn't she risks shutting down in a completely different way or panicking, which could get herself or (worse) others killed. She's not exactly openly talkative about it but people around her definitely notice if she goes into that mode after a fight with anything that'd trigger it.
Afterwards is tough. Jitters, sweating, distant. A reckoning fully after battle helps steel herself but the immediate aftermath is a delicate situation that is often quite humiliating for her. 'It's just ghouls. You are so much stronger now they can barely touch you.'
She doesn't speak of why she has that fear. That'd be admitting that she was so insignificant and so unloved that someone she trusted so readily cut her down and left her to die. Very few people know the truth.
break: What would cause your OC to break down completely? What do they look like when that happens? Has anyone ever seen them at their lowest?
Constant exposure to highly-concentrated Abyssal energies for one, lol. I've talked a lot about what Mino's time in the Abyss did to her so I'll kind of explain the why of it: her metaphysical makeup as a ganzi (and really a protean) makes her more on a chaotic-wavelength on the soul energy level. Her ganzi-ness absorbs chaos like a sponge while rebuffing law, as her soul matter is more permeable to chaotic energy. Abyss energy is chaotic evil energy though, so while the chaos that would harmlessly pass through her is fine, the equal parts evilness of it catches in her like particulate in a filter. It sticks and festers. Her feathers blacken and rot and her scales turn matte red and purple as the demonic rage rots her from the inside out. She loses most of her kindness and patience, turning into a raging beast filled with hatred just wanting to make the pain stop and resorts to turning it on others. She looks every bit the monster as she starts to act, lost in Abyssal darkness rising inside her like water in her lungs as if to drown.
All of her companions have seen her like this, and so did most of Drezen upon their return. Iomedae saw her like it, and condemned her as lost because of it.
Later on, as the Inevitable Paradox, both law and chaos can be readily absorbed by her, and she has to be careful to maintain balance lest she tips in any one direction and risks sickness. Goodness and Evilness no longer impact her as they did before (especially Evilness like with what happened in the Abyss), but too much of either Law or Chaos is like radiation poisoning to her. Luckily it takes a lot for that to happen.
betrayal: Has your OC ever been betrayed by someone they thought they could trust? Has your OC ever betrayed someone who trusted them?
Debatable on whether or not she actually trusted Tristian, but more like... didn't consider him a threat? Still, Tristian's betrayal in Vordakai's tomb wasn't so much as wounding as it was enraging. That she would be duped by such a worm??? The humiliation and rage demanded she pursue him immediately rather than rally to Aldori (though honestly she would've left Aldori to be 'tenderized' by the Numerians a little longer lol)
As for if she's betrayed people that trusted her? Literally above - Jamandi Aldori, lol. Wait hold on let's see just how many people she's betrayed I can remember:
Jamandi Aldori: Leaving her and her armies to die in the fight against the barbarian hordes
Natala Surtova: Accepted all of their help and resources and left them high and dry afterward when she could stand on her own feet as ruler
Maegar Varn: Let Vordakai keep his body
Kalikke & Sweet Teeth: Let them be killed by the Soul Eaters and Kalikke give herself over to hell
Honestly so many more in various little quests and such I can't recall right now but just imagine she always tried to come out on top. Morolai's rather stable and happy kingdom is built upon countless acts of betrayal and backstabbing. She feels no remorse. She feels they wouldn't have been true loyal allies that care anyway.
fear: What is your OC's greatest fear? What do they do when confronted with it? Are they open with their fear, or do they hide it away?
This is easy: being powerless. Morolai craves power as both a weapon and a shield to protect herself. Being stripped of her physical prowess or her magic is an actual nightmare for her, and in situations where she is weaker than she needs to be she becomes a bit of a feral beast.
She would rather go down fighting and biting and screaming that let herself be taken or her wings clipped, so to speak.
break: What would cause your OC to break down completely? What do they look like when that happens? Has anyone ever seen them at their lowest?
There is a delicate balance with Morolai and her bloodrager powers: she refuses to lose herself to them and yet she also refuses to be powerless or weak. This came to a head in the final battle with The Lantern King, where she fully gave in and became the black dragon.
It was fortunate her kingdom was already in so much physical disarray because she would've destroyed the capital herself in the battle from how viciously and almost mindlessly she fought. Only having a wing torn off, severe burns, and blood loss snapped her out of it. While nearly all of constituents saw the dragon queen's true awe-striking rage, very few saw the aftermath.
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aannonn · 9 months
Opinion: My own view on the SunFlower trio because.. Why not? lol
honestly i know absolutely no one asked me this but i rEAALLY wanted to do this kind of post so let's go
To be completely honest... I really like TeruAoiKane and (Ama)HanaNeneTsuka. without the incest ofc...
LIke- idk they all just- fit each other so much??
I know not many people ship TeruAoi, AoiKane nor TsuNene (some may even call AoiKane and TsuNene toxic), but, honestly, if u put your mind into it, you (maybe) can see how much it makes sense.
Okokok... I'll just explain my own view on TeruAoiKane (all three of them together) and (Ama)HanaNeneTsuka (without the incest, of course.) ships. Feel free to add your own thoughts into it and/or correct me about it, though!
Though, since this post is kind of long... I'll be splitting this post into 2!
First i'll be talking about TeruAoiKane, theeen in the next part, I'll be talking about (Ama)HanaNeneTsuka!
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Alr, without further ado... Let's start with TeruAoi.
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Honestly, I never really thought about actually shipping them until I read this analysis about their relationship. (it was actually another analysis, but I can't find it; Besides, the analysis this person made is really good and well-taken!)
If u think about it, Teru and Aoi are pretty similar;
Both hide their true nature under perfect facades.
Both are the 'Queen' and the 'King' of the school.
Both have a very distinct line of thought about the world around them; Aoi oftens looks down on others, while Teru looks down on supernaturals. Aoi is afraid of being hated by the people she loves the most, while Teru is afraid of his siblings not needing him anymore.
It may not be alot, but it's definitely something; They both parallel each other so much. They both understand each other. I wouldn't be surprised if the 'Teru likes Aoi' theory would turn out to be canon, because Teru liking Aoi makes so much more sense instead of him liking Akane.
There are also alot of hints in the manga where its implied that Teru may like Aoi; (All taken from the very same analysis! If u want a more detailed explanation, you can read their analysis about it.)
Chapter 73; He says he likes Akane-san(He calls Aoi Akane-san, while he calls Akane Aoi). Turns around he was just kidding; But the way he acted about it didn't really seem like he was just 'kidding'. The fact that he says that in a bigger panel may really implies that it meant more than it should have.
Later on in the chapter, he looks annoyed when he asks Akane if he did something rather indecent to Aoi. Not even mocking or teasing, just accusing him of it as he says it with an irritated face. And the fact that the text was written in a black word cloud...
He looks pretty genuine in a panel; A panel where he seems genuinely melancholic when he says; "I.. only want Akane-san to come back."
Whenever is asked/implied if Teru have genuine feelings for Aoi, it's always shown to us a big panel about Teru's response. It's almost like his answer about this kind of question is important.
I don't think there are any hints about Aoi liking Teru, but there are definitely alot of hints about Teru liking Aoi. That isn't exactly what made me ship them, but more like their similarities and how they parallel each other.
I don't know how to explain it, they just make sense. They make it make sense. I feel like their ship makes alot more sense than AoiKane and TeruKane.
Their personalities are so similar, the way they think is pretty similar-They just fits each other personalities so much.
Besides, they make me think about that one trope where the popular kids get together in the end. It's clichè, but it's a nice trope when done well.
Now let's go to AoiKane...
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I'll be honest; At first, I thought those 2 would never work out, and didn't deserve each other.
Akane was pretty obsessive towards Aoi, so much to the point that he would hurt himself just for her.
Aoi always hid behind the appearance of a perfect girl, so much so that it made her think that Akane never really loved her; Instead, he loved the school princess Ao-chan, not Akane Aoi. - Besides, she backstabbed him. (literally lol)
So yeah, basically; They weren't healthy for each other.
But... As the chapters went on, and how their relationship started to improve ever since the Sacrifice Of The Grim Reaper arc... I feel like they slowly started to patch up the holes in their relationship, and started to trust each other more.
Akane even stopped being that obsessive towards Aoi, and Aoi started to be more open to Akane.
Basically; Their relationship got a big massive improvement, and that's good.
Both of them genuinely loves each other for who the other are; They don't need such facades to love each other, they just do.
"One(s) who truly hates himself(themselves), cannot love. He(they) cannot place his(their) trust in another."
That phrase fits Aoi so much-
She always hated herself, always putting herself under a facade so everyone could love her and never know about her true flaws. She was very careful so that no one could ever know about her true self.
But once she realized that Akane did love her for she really was, she instantly started crying.
It seemed like she finally started to feel loved.
I feel like Akane could help Aoi to love herself more, while Aoi would help Akane to have his own personality more if they were to be in a romantic relationship.
They both got their flaws, but they genuinely love each other and it seems they are slowly starting to improve more their relationship at the same time they are starting to focus on themselves more. Akane is starting to gain more his own personality, while Aoi is (really) slowly starting to love herself.
I still don't really feel like actually shipping them, but I would be lying if their relationship and character's development didn't make me ship them atleast a lil' bit.
Besides, I really like the childhood friends romance trope.
Now let's move on to TeruKane!
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To be honest.. I only shipped them for a while before I decided they were better off as best friends. (And that their ship was kind of toxic)
But now, mainly due to the fandom, I started shipping them again, this time for real.
Teru and Akane don't really seem to give any indication that they like each other romantically in the manga, but their dynamic and friendship is very interesting and fun to see.
And, I don't know, but it really seems like Teru cares for Akane;
Teru has cast a spell on Akane's glasses that makes it so he cannot see supernaturals while wearing them and can continue to live a normal life. This has become more evident in the Sacrifice of the Grim Reaper arc, where Teru saves Akane without telling him that Aoi would not be able to leave the Far Shore, most likely because he knew Akane would refuse to leave without her.
Akane does not hold back when insulting Teru, but does have respect for him. He recognizes the hard work Teru does and believes that even though he has a distasteful personality on the surface, deep down he is a caring person who wants to save others.
Taken from their shipping Wikipedia.
I have to agree that their relationship can be kind of toxic, and they wouldn't really work out; But the way they both have mutual respect and care for each other it really what drives me into liking this ship.
Besides, I once saw someone call them; "2 cm away from kissing each other trope", and I agree with them.
Besides, I think Teru would help Akane to gain more personality of his own, while Akane would view Teru for who he is. (I mean, they technically already do that in canon lol)
I feel like they both feel like they don't need to hide under a facade for each other, instead they are just Akane and Teru. Not Vice-president Aoi-kun nor Exorcist Minamoto-senpai; Just Akane and Teru.
Overall; Their relationship is a bit toxic so it will need some development, but their interactions together are pretty nice to see. They can definitely work out once their relationship gets more development. They are more like best friends than to lovers to me, but their ship is still pretty nice.
All three of them together.
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It's basically TeruKane, TeruAoi and AoiKane dynamics, but with possibly more development and together.
All three of them would love each other for who the other are; I feel like they would make each other so happy.
Aoi and Teru would help Akane gain a personality of his own; Akane and Teru would help Aoi to love herself more; And Akane and Aoi would let Teru to act like himself more.
Mutual respect and care. Helping each other out with their self-worthy and self-love. Awful personality trio. Parallels each other. Popular trio. They are perfect.
There is probably more to add to it than it actually seems, but it's already 1 am in my country and I really want to move on to (Ama)HanaNeneTsuka already xd
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Final opinion; I genuinely really like this trio. I feel like, once they all finally get the character development they deserve, they all could make it work if they were ever to be in a romantic relationship with each other. I love both of their trio name too; Awful Personality and Sunflower trio! To whoever came up with those names for them, you are a absolutely genius. That fits them so much-
Lil' reminder; Always remember that you are free to add your own thoughts into it or correct me about something! Just be respectful about it, please. &lt;3
Ohwell, I think that's it for this post-
Cya! ^~
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Lil' update! ; Edited! Fixed some things and added some gifs. lol (Even though this opinion of mine is kind of outdated by now... xd)
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eleanor-bradstreet · 11 months
Happy 500 followers my dear Eleanor!!! 🎉🎉🥳🍾👏
You more than deserve this and many many more!!! Thanks for sharing your many talents with us 🫶
So I have a would you rather AMA and it’s going to be filthy, cos HELLO, it’s ME. 👋
Would you rather…
Breathplay with Anthony
Frottage with Benedict?
Yes you have to choose mwhaha 😜
Anyway continue to be awesome you! Thanks for all of your content 😁🧡🧡
Oh, you EVIL EVIL LADY!!! 😠 Wow, I have clearly divulged enough of the filthy little crevices of my brain to you, that you knew precisely what kind of depraved Sophie's choice to lob at me (and yes, pun very much intended, though we know her obvious pick lol).
What I want is breathplay with Benedict, but it's like you KNEW that, so you did the ole' switcheroo and put just the right kinks with just the right brother to make this fking impossible... DEVIL LADY!
Okay, on the one hand breathplay with Anthony - gguuuuhhhh have you written this yet in your fics? Because I think he'd be even better at it than Ben. Because he's so domineering. Just take that necktie off when you come home from the office my lord and tighten it around my throat until I behave GOOD GODDDDDD 😵🫠🫠🫠😮‍💨
But then frottage with Ben - am I riding him?? Is he riding me?? Are we tucked away under the stairs at his gallery showing and he's shoving me into a table??? Just friction and his filthy fucking mouth. Who needs to get naked to get off with THAT??!? Fucccckkkkk 🥵🥵🥵
Well you know what my answer is - POR QUE NO LOS DOS FAYE!?!? I want to be riding Benedict like a goddamn rodeo champion while Anthony stands over us and chokes me out 😅😅🫣🫣 ITS THE ONLY ACCEPTABLE ANSWER. I DONT LIKE THIS GAME. WHY DID I EVEN ALLOW IT? THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE. YOU ARE SO MEAN. I HAVE FOMO WITH EITHER CHOICE. I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND!
ok, if I absolutely have to choose, I have to take Benedict and frottage him to within an inch of his life, because of course. He owns my heart. But I'm still not really happy about this. 😤
I guess we can still be friends, you sadist. I'll forgive you because you have been so generous to me. Thank you for your well wishes and for being the best fairy smutmother a girl could ask for.💙
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fishy-lava · 2 months
Hello Loveliest Fishy!
You asked for more so here you go :)
🏆 a recent release you enjoyed 👨🏼‍🤝‍👨🏻favorite main couple 🌄 your favorite scene of any BL show
May your day be peaceful and your sleep restful.
Hello Ama! Thank you for indulging me in my desire for silly little questions lol <3
🏆 A Recent Release You Enjoyed
Definitely Perfect Propose! It was such a simple and mundane show but in the best way possible and i truly loved getting to watch Hiro and Kai open up and grow and heal together in a way that felt very natural and steady to me (and surprisingly didn't feel rushed despite how short the show was). I really appreciated the topics they touched on as well and the series will definitely be one very dear to me for a long time i think.
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👨🏼‍🤝‍👨🏻 Favorite Main Couple
This is a tough one! Especially when there are so many couples i adore but i think for this I'm gonna go with Tang Yi/Shao Fei bc no matter how much I rewatch Trapped my love for them never dies. They can be so silly and ridiculous and soft and it's so much fun to watch them fight and work together and tease and take care of each other and truly fall for each other (and drive each other insane sometimes lol) in a way that feels so meaningful to me and then you add in the scenes like this
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that just break me down into nothing but an emotional disaster no matter how many times i see them.
Everything about these two, from the hostility at the beginning to the ridiculous antics and the tender love and quiet gentle care and the raw heartbreaking emotion, was truly so incredible and these two have remained a favorite couple since the first watch and likely will continue to be for many years longer.
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🌄 Your Favorite Scene Of Any BL Show
Wow!! World's Most Difficult Question For Me Specifically™ as someone who has watched over 40 different BLs as of now and is notoriously bad at picking favorites and sticking to them lol
To make this easier for myself I'm just gonna go with one of the first scenes that popped into my head and say the confession scene in UtsuKare at the end of season 1 in the classroom.
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There is genuinely not a single thing i don't like about this scene. The emotions, the color scheme, the lighting, just everything. i do not know how to describe the way it makes me feel.
The distress in Kiyoi as this all becomes too much for him to handle anymore, the way his mask of nonchalance and apathy he hid behind for so many years to protect his heart is now nowhere to be found in the wake of everything finally boiling over, the way he shouts at Hira because its the only defense he has left, the way his voice breaks as he tries to speak and to make Hira understand, "I'm an ordinary guy. I want to be with the person i love. I want to touch him... I'm just an ordinary guy." Hira's shocked disbelief that Kiyoi could ever want him of all people, the emotion in Kiyoi's face and in his voice as he falls apart, "Why would you love someone like me?" "I wish I knew! I really don't know" the mesmerized look on Hira's face as he tries to reach out and touch Kiyoi only to have his hand slapped away because Kiyoi can't handle it if it doesn't change anything, the way Kiyoi is lashing out because he's still so afraid of how much this matters to him, "I love you so much, Kiyoi, that it drives me crazy! I think of you like a god. I never thought i could have you." " I'm not a god" Hira's nod as he tries so hard to understand "Can I touch you, Kiyoi?" "Not if it's the same way you did before" the way Hira looks at him as he tentatively places his hand on Kiyoi's cheek still unable to believe he really can do this, the way Hira looks him in the eyes as he tells him he loves him, THE HUG AND THE WAY HIRA BACKS KIYOI ONTO THE DESK AND THE LIGHTING AND THE MUSIC AND THE WAY HIRA IS FINALLY LETTING HIMSELF WANT AND TO ACT ON IT AND THE WAY KIYOI LETS HIM BECAUSE THIS IS WHAT HE HAS WANTED FOR SO LONG
I'm sorry i just have a million feelings about this scene and its impossible for me to convey them in a way that makes sense and isnt just screaming but holy fuck dude this scene was so incredible and the actors did an absolutely phenomenal job with it
Even though it's the end of the season it's also just the beginning of them learning and growing together. It's the beginning of Kiyoi learning to be vulnerable and express his feelings and ask for what he wants and of Hira learning to be Kiyoi's partner and equal instead of a devotee and servant like he always thought he was. It was an incredible end to the season and very important turning point for both of them as people and their relationship going forward and i am still so incredibly proud of the growth and progress they achieved through the rest of the series. It's both one of my favorite scenes and one of my favorite series and I'm not sure i will ever really recover from the things it made me feel.
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Again, thanks for the ask and sorry about my probably incomprehensible ramblings lol, I hope you have a very lovely day<3
BL Ask Game
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elavoria · 2 months
20 Questions for Writers
Tagged by @sylvienerevarine and @dirty-bosmer, thank you!
I tag @1helios1, @sheirukitriesfandom, and whoever wants to join. :3
Putting these under the cut~
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
10, and about half aren’t up to my current standards but I’m leaving them up for posterity.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
71,030, which does not remotely reflect how much I write. I wasn’t particularly inclined to answer these given the AO3 bias to the questions but then I was tagged twice so here we are.
I’m sitting on just about 401k words of unpublished fic. : )
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Dragon Age [all games], Pathfinder [mostly Wrath of the Righteous], and TES [Skyrim and Morrowind with a bit of Oblivion] are the biggest ones, but also Shadowrun, Mass Effect, Cyberpunk 2077, Fallout 4, Game of Thrones, Divinity: Original Sin II… if I get hooked into a story there is liable to be fic it seems.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I’m only giving you two—From Dreams to Deliverance [non-canon Nerevarine/Dagoth Ur] at 100, and The Adventures of Polyshep [post-canon Shep/Garrus/Tali OT3 + others having mostly fluffy fun] at 55.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Absolutely! And if we’re talking privately I WILL talk your ear off in response to any comments you make.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don’t go in for angsty endings but my Nerevarine’s fic will probably have a less happy / joyful / triumphant ending than the others, and my V’s ending will likewise be bittersweet.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmm… hard to say. Perhaps a tossup between the Dragon Age fic and the Pathfinder fic… Ama and Isanna both get everything they ever wanted and more.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, but it wouldn’t surprise me if Ama’s AU fics get hate in the future for mage/templar shipping…
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, generally things that are descriptive but not terribly explicit, and most sexual intimacy is a bit glossed over. I find I tend to write at least one descriptive sex scene per pairing and then gloss over the other instances—partly because it isn’t necessary to the story, partly because writing sex scenes takes so much more effort for me and I have no interest in coming up with endless variations on that theme.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I’ve written exactly one very whack crossover and have no intention of doing that again—Skyrim/Drowtales.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I’d be honored if someone asked to translate something of mine.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
I co-wrote a bit of unpublished Skyrim fic with spouse long enough ago that neither of us would be proud of it anymore, with each of us taking different POV chapters for our vampires that were going through the Dawnguard questline together. More recently I’ve been borrowing one of his WotR ladies for my Pathfinder fic and having him supply her dialogue if that counts. Amusingly, both instances of our characters interacting in this way involve his judging mine for their romantic interests lol.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Hmm… I get so deeply attached to most of the ships I write. I will cheat and say Ama/everyone I ship her with. ; p
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
At this point I doubt my TES fics will ever get finished, but it would be nice if they did… Rya’s story was too grand for my capabilities at the time, and Rendrasa’s I simply lost motivation on and with her playthrough finished, well… hm.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and characterization. Dialogue is my beloved and I’ve been told repeatedly that I capture canon characters well. Also romance, soft and tender things...
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Too many filler words and phrases that get repetitive… but I like them. So.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
If it fits and is understandable, sure. I sprinkled some German into my Shadowrun fic, but it was mostly pet names and I translated everything in the notes. As a reader I don’t want to be left with questions as to what was said, or have to look things up separately.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Good gods, probably H*rry P*tter ages and ages ago, before junior high, if I’m being honest, and not much of it. Not remotely interested in that fandom anymore. Then a tiny bit of Les Mis fic not too long after that. Terrible but at least some of the Les Mis concepts are… highly amusing, shall we say. Mermaid AU??? Younger self, what on earth…
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
My Dragon Age longfic-in-progress, Knight’s Star. I love Ama sooo so so much and I think her extended conversation with Samson is one of the best things I have ever written. The Pathfinder fic is shaping up to be a close second though. Learning many things about myself with that one hehe such as how desperately I want a gnome boyfriend.
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blueluigi118 · 5 months
Venting because I'm severely pissed.
Clear by my profile I'm an avid Dva player and I know how to play her.
I was playing with my sunshine today, and he asks me to play Dva because recently I've been afraid because the games have been completely ass.
So our first game, we win the first round because of me and our Pharah starts talking as if they're better than the enemy (who happens to have a pocket) whilst they have literally just 2k dmg. Whatever, idiot but I'll let it slide. So naturally we lose second and they have the GUTS to try and tell me to swap.
Neither of our dps are playing hitscan, my man is forced to Bap because they won't, he is getting completely diffed by the enemy Pharah, and I'm doing both the dps's dmg combined AND mitigated more, I'm the only reason we have a shot because the only one countering the Pharmercy is me and my partner. I'm a t500 tank. I know how to play Dva. I OTP her for Christ's sake. Wanna know this Pharah otp's rank?
We lost that game, I had 12k blocked and 13k mit, I told this moron to never try to teach me again, and then, guess what? Yep, next game, he's on the enemy team whilst I'm on dps. Friendly reminded I'm not that great at aiming. I'm on Ashe. We wipe the floor. Lmao.
To add salt to the wound, we went for one last game because I wanted to play Dva. We got this guy, Stich, yeah I'm calling you out dickhead, who thought it would be a great idea to try and pin the blame on me, calling my account 'bought' (nobody else has ever played on my account before ever, not even for fun) and all that dumb shit etc. Hun, their Tracer is 20-0 LOL, I'm peeling the entire game because your 'gm1' dumbass is so bad at positioning and so unaware of anything you can't kill them. Of course my dear duo has been trying to comfort and cheer me up all night because both of us know I'm not the one in the wrong (and buddy, I watched the reply, don't sit there and tell me you're gm1 and you're playing like that lmao, '4800 peak' lying out your arse moron that's PRO SR you fucking brainless dipshit), but I'm still incredibly annoyed so, ranting to let it off. I know I'm not wrong lmao but it's so shit to have people randomly start talking smack in QUICK PLAY games and trying to act like they know better than you. For the love of God people, please just be kind to those you're playing with, it costs nothing, and it makes you not a spineless loser.
On another note, I'd love to post anything Dva related and my ama's are open, appreciate anyone who stumbles across this and can sympathise with me. If you're getting attacked or deal with toxicity too, send a question, I'll listen. I know how it feels. Stop attacking other people, I didn't say a word to you until you decided to speak. I can't begin to even count how many people have told me to kill myself over a VIDEO GAME. If you're gonna be a toxic arse, please stop talking in chat.
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16-pennies · 8 months
Literally hurling myself into your ask box to say I LOVE Silver and I am shamefully, shamefully behind on reading it.
Have you ever done that thing where you open a fic in a tab, burn through 50k of it in a day, and then like... lose the tab? And forget to subscribe? And then come back months later and you can't even remember what chapter you got to???
It's completely disgraceful and I'm going to be re-reading it from the beginning, which actually just works out as a wonderful little treat for myself!
Aaaaanyway that's my grovelling done. Sorry you're bored and lonely! That sucks :( AMA literally whenever I'm never busy lol
So a question for you!
How are you feeling now you're so close to the end of Silver?! From the dates it looks like you're on track for finishing it almost exactly two years after starting it! Do you have something else that you're working on next, or are you taking a well-deserved break?
Hi hi hi!!! Thank you so much for the ask <3 And you're so relatable. The number of fics I've half-read and then completely lost track of is embarrassing. I'd love to hear your thoughts as you embark on your reread!
I didn't even notice that Silver might wrap up on its 2 year anniversary. It's strange to think of how much my life has changed in that period. As to how I'm feeling... nervous 😬 I have no problem admitting that plot is my weakness and I think satisfying endings are difficult for me. I'd hate to think that my readers made it through 220k+ only to feel like I could've wrapped it up better.
But other than my own insecurity, I'm excited to be able to say I have a completed draft for such a massive word count. There are still a few scenes I need to fill in, which is why I don't know exactly how many chapters are left.
I'll probably make a more detailed post about this when the story is finished, but I came up with the premise for Silver and wrote the first chapter(s) when I was 15. (So if you're rereading those early chapters, sorry about the lesser quality. I did my best with editing.) I didn't come back to it until I was 21. It's been an interesting journey, writing characters that I looked up to and now am much older than.
Anyway. Let me stop there before I philosophise for thousands of words.
Since I finished the bulk of Silver in 2021, I've been working on my next longfic (thought not as long as Silver) I'm calling The Trial. It's a lumione, post-canon Ministry shenanigans with some trauma not-quite-recovery thrown in. I know that ship isn't everyone's cup of tea, but it's been my guilty pleasure for years and I'm excited to write something more substantial than one-shots for them. It's also been one of the most challenging drafts I've ever worked on, as far as process goes, but that's a different conversation.
That's probably way more answer than you asked for, so I'll stop here, but if you ever want to chat my ask/messages/whatever else are always open!
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amatres · 1 year
also im obviously very early into it but i feel as though the romance choices in inquisition are only ever flagged are when they are direct flirts, and not actions that would make the character fall in love with the protagonist, which kinda sucks. it's like, as someone who's asexual i found accidentally romancing someone both very funny and much easier than roleplaying a character openly shooting their shot at every opportunity, especially when it's done during a serious conversation.
it makes the relationship feel more organic to me, if that make sense? like yeah, technically you are still just dinging the right options to activate it, but it's narratively built off not just openly making your character available to the npc, but by reaching out to them in a way they find worth loving someone over
i know it was probably a decision to not only make romancing a character easier, but also to make it easier not to romance a character but still :/ it feels a bit more hollow to me, especially if the player wants to roleplay someone who is less forward
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erin-bo-berin · 2 years
See I thought the tag was pretty weird too. I think maika is a huge inspiration for the album so it makes sense to thank her but it’s like they thanked her in a way where they won’t be associated with each other. Also the AMA questions. People asked him what he likes to do in his downtime etc and gave him many chances to indirectly mention his gf but he doesn’t. He mentions calling his friends and stuff like that but not hanging out with gf. I think the recent articles were also released in a very weird timing like they took place in July but are just now being released which makes sense publication wise but so much can change between a month especially rs wise. Imo I think they’ve been on and off since last December which is why she didn’t walk the carpet with him in may and then they recently called it quits. Just my two cents based on my nosy ass investigation lol
No I’m so glad other people want to discuss speculations like me. Obviously, I don’t wish the worst or anything in a mean spirited way, I’ve just honestly been curious.
The interviews definitely threw me off at first because I was like “oh okay yeah they must still be together” but then seeing as it was the day after Lollapolooza I was like oh that was 2 months ago.
Also, that one thing you mentioned has always bugged me. Again, I know this isn’t all a big deal but like in my detective mind I’ve always wondered why she never walked the carpet with him back in May.
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f2ucharacters · 7 months
If you're still looking for questions for an AMA:
What fandoms are you in/what media do you enjoy?
When did you start drawing?
How long does it usually take for you to finish each of these drawings?
What are some typical sources of inspiration for you?
Is there a reason why you draw fat representation when so many other artists don't? And thank you for doing so!
What are some of your favorite songs? Do you listen to music while you draw?
If you had to make a current hobby into a job, which would you choose?
If you could make a video game, how would you design it? What would the game be about?
Why did you decide to make a blog for posting free to use designs?
Do you like Thai tea? (I love Thai tea, had to ask)
HI thank you for asking!!! i always take questions because they are fun. here are my answers
i like homestuck, object shows, minecraft & roblox (if those count), things with dragons, and generally post-apocalyptic stuff i think
i've been drawing for most of my life, but i only started digital art in like 2017, so my go-to answer is 6 years (...it's almost 7 years and that's scary O_O)
it depends, but surprisingly, i take less than an hour on most of them. i make them all in batches of 20 or 25, and ibis paint also records the time i spend idling on the canvas, so i couldn't tell you the actual time.
it depends. sometimes it's character designs i like, sometimes a random idea hits me and i have to sketch it out real quick, sometimes i see a cool moodboard or image or something.
i just wanted to. i think some people just dont wanna get over the initial hurdle of learning to draw body types with fat, cuz after you learn it, its not that difficult.
i usually watch videos when i draw! but sometimes i will listen to music (it is usually by patricia taxxon, because she uses bandcamp). i don't really have a favorite song, but one i've been listening to lately is this (https://patriciataxxon.bandcamp.com/track/gdgegdgcdedhecetchcohthototo-2), and my favorite album is either _SNDWRK/gh or sixteen sketchbooks ago
gardening. i like plants and i like working outside
actually, i've had this idea for an RPG with my roblox OCs for a while now, but i'm too lazy to make it 😔 i've always liked the idea of making choose-your-own adventure type RPGs with like a ton of endings, where in each replay you can find something different about the game. this is mostly cause i like writing, but i don't like committing to ideas, so sometimes i just wanna add all the ideas at once. i don't know how to code though, so i've thought about using RPGmaker
I LOVE DESIGNING!!! i have been doing it since i started drawing. when i was in elementary i would draw wacky little monster designs. but i dont my designs for anything, and informally, i've always been saying that people can use my characters and ideas for whatever. so i just decided to make it official, lol. this blog is kinda like an advertisement
I LOVE THAI TEA especially thai bubble tea
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detectiveconnor · 2 years
has your muse ever discharged themselves from hospital against medical advice, if they are the sort of muse who could be receiving medical advice in a hospital
#human!connor has but not since moving to......... that's not even true#human!connor has. he tries not to. but he has and would do it again if his work were - again - pressing#and the medical advice is ''we want to watch you'' rather than ''you are actively ill / dying''#....... out of interest if markus Asked him not to he probably wouldn't. but markus would have to - lol#connor's nurses going to ''hey markus can you speak to your boyfriend''#he's not even a difficult patient he just has things to do#... i think that if it were pressing enough even markus asking him explicitly Not to do the thing. wouldn't be enough to stop him#but you know i have never. markus has never Asked Connor for something with that. ''this is something important to me'' behind it#and that would do a Lot to keep connor where he is (there is. almost nothing markus could Ask For like that which connor wouldn't give him)#(he sometimes wishes markus would ask more often. in general not 'important to me' but In General. it is nice to be asked)#(to wash his back. pick him up. make dinner tonight because markus is tired. help him pack. he sometimes wishes markus would ask more)#anyway back on the thought of discharging himself AMA#pre-moving to detroit when he was young/a teen. he's passed out and ended up in hospital before as a minor#and amanda went out of her way to minimise the length of hospital stays like that#she found them annoying#... connor falling for an ER nurse after being ''no you aren't''ed and disbelieved by So Many medical personnel#(and markus falling for a detective after being disbelieved by So Many law enforcement officials and almost killed by them)#that's the thought#thanks#(connor put in a formal complaint about the medical staff at that university's hospital a few years after moving to detroit)#(he didn't Think to do it until then. but he did it when he had the thought.)#the statute of limitations had Long passed by that point. like LONG passed. but review by the medical board ...#anyway#yeah#muse development questions#(android!connor has discharged himself from the infirmary AMA *often* and will continue to do so)#(if he can keep moving and keep working he will do so. it is harder to keep him in medical care)#(he also... will weigh medical advice from different medical personnel differently. if Lane tells him he Has to sit down)#(connor will probably sit down. but still be working. just seated.)#i say 'medical' as a shorthand for 'technical' but like. they're the s. yeah
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