#so maybe it’s time to follow my dreams?
tinietaehyun · 2 days
Bliss of Time
[WhiteRabbit!Soobin x Lost!Reader] [Wondrous Tales] [One-shot Series]
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Pairing: WhiteRabbit!Soobin x Lost!Reader
Genres: fantasy, angst, romance, fluff, dark fantasy, alice in wonderland inspired.
Contains: profanity, mentions of beheading, punishment, implications of death, angsty themes, panic attacks, hallucinations, anxiety.
Links: Masterlist | Wondrous Tales Masterlist
Summary: With your abrupt arrival into this whimsical space, you wander around aimlessly. How odd, every turn you took, you ended up in the same spot.
Though as they say, third time’s the charm, when you encounter a blonde haired man, with a top hat and formal attire - goodness, were you going insane already?
The man gives you a gentle smile, walking towards you with his hand outstretched, “Goodness it’s been awhile since we’ve had any guests,” he observes you, “A pretty one no less.” That‘s it, you were definitely going insane.
He brings your hand to his lips with a soft gaze, “You must be so frazzled, guests always are. Well it’s my pleasure to be your guide. Now, come on, chop, chop, time’s ticking.” With a swift tug, you’re getting pulled along by this strangely tall man. What had you gotten yourself into?
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Horrendous neon petals, purple stems and red bushes, multicoloured trees. Where on earth were you? Grotesque purple vines everywhere and a cobbled path that you had fallen upon, probably bruising the hell out of your knees.
Brushing yourself off, you stand up taking in your whimsical and wacky surroundings. The air smelled sweet and everything was disgustingly bright here. You yelp seeing a duck and her orange spotted ducklings waddle behind her.
This had to be some sort of dream, right? You picked up an invitation, opened up the envelope and poof! You were here. Yeah, this definitely had to be a dream. You pinch your arm and hiss in pain, no, no, you could feel pain. Perhaps this was just a really realistic dream?
Panic sets into your mind and you peer around lost. Where did you even come from? The sky? You remember falling, but there’s no portal, door or well, anything in the sky from where you supposedly fell. Your gaze drifts to a pitifully old, broken sign with faded letters: ‘Welcome to Wonderland.’
Great, just great. How lovely. You scramble around in your pockets to attempt to get your phone but to no avail. What the fuck? Where did your phone, keys, and whatever else you had on you go? No, no, no. You were well and truly trapped here with not even a way to call for help!
You groan dragging a hand down your stressed face, “Oh I’m fucked,” you shakily murmur, “This is bad, so, so bad.”
Building up some semblance of resilience and determination you begin following the path. Standing around wallowing in distress would get you nowhere, that’s for sure! Thus, you begin trekking down the bumpy path taking in your wild surroundings and hoping for the best.
After what seems like a few minutes, you spot the same neon yellow flower. Your brows furrow, maybe it was just another one of the same species. Yeah. No, wait- that tree with the broken branch, you swore you had passed that before. You look around and see the same broken sign.
“The fuck…?” You question wide-eyed, bamboozled by your circumstances. Did you just walk in one big circle? But the path seemed relatively straight? You didn’t take any turns? Huh? Confusion laces your features and you shake your head to get some bearings.
You walk down the path again, this time making note of key features, making sure you didn’t walk off the path at any point. Your jaw drops ajar seeing the same welcome sign. You were back to the beginning.
Your head pounds and your legs begin to ache. No, no, how long would you have to walk like this? Why was there no sense of direction? Was this your incapability or did this space have mischievous properties preventing you from leaving this spot? Dread fills your soul. A shaky breath escapes you, this was awful.
Would you rot here unable to escape this perpetually horrendous loop?
Shaking your head, you walk down the path. One more time. Maybe you just have to keep trying! Maybe there would be something different at least once, right? So, once again, you march down the path-
Only to be met with the same spot again. A frustrated scream escapes you, “No, no, no!”
Panic, disorientation and fatigue begin to plague your senses. This was the third time. How many more times would you have to walk this god forsaken path? Or were you just destined to never break free? Was this hell? Did you die? You’d go insane here!
The crunch of leaf litter alerts you and you peer around with your heart racing. What was that? Your body tenses and your breath hitches as tall, pale man with blonde locks and an absurdly tall top hat with two white ears embroidered on it as he pushes through the foliage.
You observe the male cautiously, gazing at his formal attire consisting of a baby blue satin shirt and various buckles, a waistcoat and sleek trousers and boots. His face however…was the picture of beauty in this wacky wasteland. So much so it almost causes you whiplash.
Maybe you did die, and this was an angel? His pouty lips, sharp, narrow nose and pale grey eyes. He looked beautiful. Oh, most definitely you must be going insane. Look at you, already hallucinating a stunning man!
The man gives you a gentle smile, walking towards you with his gloved hand outstretched. “Goodness it’s been awhile since we’ve had any guests,” he observes you taking in your face and form, “And a pretty one, no less.” You almost keel over on the spot.
Was this some perverse fantasy your brain thought of? Did you get drugged perhaps?
He clicks his tongue with a humourous hum, “Ah, ah, I see your brain gears turning, no need to overthink,” he pouts cooing, “You must be so confused right now,” he peers at his pocket watch, “I did run late after all! I do sincerely apologise, you can’t get out of the loop without my guidance after all!”
Your expression becomes deadpan. Of course you fucking can’t because that just makes sense, doesn’t it? He rambles softly, “Oh, I’ve been having such a busy day, running around here and there, you couldn’t imagine it! The King’s meeting overran as well because he couldn’t choose what to wear, goodness me-“
You cut in frankly, “Uhm, hey, Mr…?” You drawl awkwardly. “Call me Soobin, also known more commonly as the White Rabbit, the timekeeper. I do apologise, it’s utterly rude to not introduce myself. And you are?”
“Right…” you murmur, “Y/n. My name’s Y/n.” Soobin hums taking your hand and bringing it up to his lips, “Wonderful name. We’ve never ever had a Y/n visit Wonderland before. You must be so frazzled, guests always are. Well, it’s my pleasure to be your guide. Now, come on, chop, chop, time’s ticking.”
With a swift tug, you’re getting pulled along by this strange man. What had you gotten yourself into?
“I already walked this path,” you stammer trying to keep up with his long legs making quick strides. He seemed to be in a hurry. Soobin peers over his shoulder with a smile, “Oh, I’m well aware, lovely.” You quirk confused, “So…why are we walking down this route again?”
He chuckles, “Ah, well for those who don’t live here, the illusions here can be quite difficult to surpass.”
You sigh. You know what, if you want your sanity intact, you decide it’s best not to question it any further. “Right, makes sense,” you mutter. Soobin muses, “It does now, does it? It’s not supposed to, or are you used to walking in never ending loops?”
Rolling your eyes, you hum, “Not particularly, no. It seems you are, though.” He is delighted by your sarcastic remark, “You’ve got a little spunk, I like that. You’ll need some wit and resilience to make it here, after all. Wonderland isn’t for the weak minded.”
You grimace, “Good to know…” You glance down at his hand wrapped around yours. “Uh, Soobin, where exactly are you taking me?” You question unsurely.
“Well, there’s only one destination according to the King of Hearts rules! That’s his palace! All guests must be brought to the palace.” He hums. “King of Hearts? Is he the ruler of Wonderland?” You inquire. Soobin nods, “Indeed he is, it’s rather unfortunate.”
“Unfortunate? Why?” You question. Soobin grimaces, “Well, he’s…rather impulsive. Cruel, even. Often most people don’t make it out of her grasp, he’ll execute them if he grows bored.” You rip your hand out of his grasp with a bewildered expression, “Then why on earth would you take me there?”
Soobin gives you almost a pitiful smile, “It’s my duty to escort all guests to the King. It’s been years since our last guest, I believe you’ll be paraded rather highly.”
You shake your head and exclaim, “No, no, this King of Hearts seems terrible! Do you work for him? How many people have you led to their demise?”
Soobin’s eyes flicker with an unknown emotion, “Come now, lovely. Don’t make this difficult, I’m on a schedule here. Time’s ticking.”
You snap, “What schedule; as if anything in this shitshow of a world has a schedule!” Soobin flinches at your tone and he sighs in frustration, “It’s inevitable I suppose, you are right. I am destined to be late.”
You regard him with a blank expression. What does that even mean? Soobin chuckles at your lost expression, “No matter how much I follow my pocket watch, I’m always late. I have to thank the Hatter for that.”
“You’re throwing a lot of nonsensical words at me, Soobin,” you quip with confusion. Soobin’s fingers trail the rim of his hat, “I do apologise, it must be a lot. You’re the most stable guest I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting, if that makes you feel any better.”
He’s apologising again? You almost feel an ounce of guilt for snapping at him. His eyes glimmer, peering into yours and you can’t help but feel a little bad. Perhaps, he was forced to play this twisted game of leading all those who appear here to what appears to be at most certain doom at the hands of the King of Hearts.
You dryly murmur, “Not really, but I appreciate the effort.” Soobin smiles, “So should we get moving?”
You deadpan, “Towards my death? Absolutely not. I’m awfully boring, you know.” Soobin folds his arms, peering at you, “You seem pretty entertaining now, lovely.” He was so damn pretty you might have almost believed him.
Snorting, you respond, “No, no. I doubt I’d take the King’s interest more than two minutes and oops! Off I go! Getting shot or hanged! Or whatever deranged punishment this world has.”
Soobin corrects you, “He prefers the guillotine, something about how satisfying a clean chop is.” You feel nauseous, “How? How is that meant to make me follow you?” Soobin mumbles, “I do suppose that is rather grotesque.”
You yell, “It’s more than grotesque! It’s fucking absurd! Slaughtering the pitiful souls like myself who have the unfortunate plight of stumbling into this place only to be executed because what? Because your ruler was fucking bored?”
A silence resounds loudly between the two of you as he gazes at you with mixed emotions painting his face. “We should really get going.” Your shoulders droop into a slouch, “Even after all that, you’re more concerned with your fucking schedule?”
A bitter laugh your lips, as you place a hand on your forehead, “God, I’m doomed here. With a guide who has no empathy.”
“I-I do, it’s just- the rules,” Soobin mumbles. You yelp, “Break them! Don’t you feel guilty at all, leading so many souls to their demise?” Your voice holds conviction and an impassioned tone that seems to stir something within Soobin.
“How can you be so complicit?” Your brows furrow, “Don’t you feel even an ounce of guilt? Of remorse, knowing what you’re leading them too? Do you even tell them where you’re taking them? That’s even more morbid!”
Soobin stands there hands behind his back, clasped together. His thoughts in a whirlwind mess; perhaps he shouldn’t have rambled. He never really did know how to contain his thoughts.
“You never know? You could be different? The King may come to like you?” He attempts to soothe your panicked rage. “If I’m not? How many people have you said that line to?” You shakily breathe out.
Silence is what you receive and you peer away wrapping your arms around yourself. Typical. Not one good justification.
Sweat drips down Soobin’s brow. He’d be late. He’d be late. His foot taps against the cobblestone and his heart races, fingers twitching and palms clammy. He’d be late. He had a schedule. His eyes almost seem manic. Guests weren’t usually this aware, this obstinate or stubborn.
Why did your silly words make so much sense in this nonsensical world? He was just doing his job right? He had to. That was his role. Ever since time was killed, he had struggled to keep up any time at all! It was so stressful and now that you were here, it would add to his insurmountable stress of getting you to the King on time before anyone else caught wind of your presence.
You observe Soobin, he seemed panicky. Nervous, anxious and overwhelmed. His pupils had shrunk and a manic expression on his face making you feel uneasy. “Soobin?”
“W-We really should keep m-moving?” He almost asks, as though it’s a question instead of a statement. You glare, “It’s like talking to a wall.” He stammers, “Lovely, I-I- I understand. I- I do.”
“You don’t. Don’t you want to break this cycle? I can see it. You don’t enjoy this. You don’t enjoy this pressure of whatever it is you do,” you plead. A sudden laugh escapes his lips, “Sorry, sorry. I’m just nervous. I laugh when I’m nervous.” Another chortle escapes his lips.
“You don’t need to apologise for everything.” You murmur awkwardly; perhaps he wasn’t as sane as he appears. He lets out another giggle, “L-Lets move, I don’t like standing around. Standing around means doing nothing. Doing n-nothing means no productivity. How c-can anything get done?”
An awful sense of dread fills you and you peer behind you, everything looks the same. You knew without Soobin, navigating Wonderland would be perilous and frankly for naught. Perhaps, you needed to take your chances with the King. Or…you could find a perfect chance to escape as you journey further. Yes, yes, just be patient and pretend to go along with it.
Sighing, you murmur, “Keep walking then, I guess.” A defeated expression coats your face and you see a glimmer of sadness in his eyes and he takes your hand with a subtle pout, “Please don’t be sad, it pain me so to see your pretty face stained by sadness.” You mumble, “Pretty hard to look on the bright side with no way home.”
You both begin walking and he mumbles, “Lovely I, I know.” You say nothing and after awhile, the scenery morphs and you sigh seeing the dancing flowers with their waving leaves. He looks at you expectantly as if he wanted to see you be awed or amused only to be met with your lacklustre reaction. How odd, most guests he guided loved this part!
Soobin stops facing you and tilts your head up by the chin, “Lovely, are these flowers not to your liking? Look at them dancing! Their smiles!” You frown, “I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?” He questions. He laughs, a short manic laugh. “You don’t know. That’s okay. It’s okay not to know,” he reassures with an unsure expression. He tugs you along.
You almost feel bad for the guy. A ticking time bomb you could almost see. He must be under enormous pressure, especially with a ruler like…the King of Hearts. You could sense it, he had an ounce of goodness in there, a little sense of remorse, of guilt.
“Don’t you…don’t you want to spend some time for yourself? Are you ever free?” You ask. The question makes him freeze and he bursts out laughing startling you.
“Time…for myself? Time for myself? For me? How amusing! My lovely, is that what you asked?” You blink at him blankly, “Uh…yes? Doesn’t everyone deserve time off?”
A shattered expression appears on his face and he smiles almost brokenly, “Ah, perhaps in your world but the time keeper never sleeps. Never…dilly dallies.”
Your heart aches; you wonder what this man goes through on a daily basis to behave like this. Then again, being in this place would make anyone go insane.
He releases another frantic laugh, and abruptly cover his mouth, “I- sorr- I mean. You’re not like the other guests. It’s rather strange, how funny! I thought nothing could surprise me anymore in Wonderland. Yet, here you are.”
You raise a brow, “Uh…you mean showing basic empathy?” A manic smile appears on his visage, “Not one of my guests ever cared like you have. They usually just run off and get lost and died in some grave manner or they follow along and become the King’s, I don’t ever,” he giggles quietly, “don’t ever really hear from them again.”
You frown, “Oh Soobin.” He murmurs, “C-Can we move? We should move.” You hum, “Oh right, you don’t like standing around.”
His eyes glimmer as you both walk again, “You’re so…nice. You haven’t run away despite hearing all of this. Have you been here before? Or, or, have you already succumbed to the madness here?”
You sink into your own mind, why haven’t you run off? Maybe because you knew your own rationale and logic wouldn’t do shit here. Glancing back at Soobin, the way his large hand envelopes yours, your heart flutters and aches, you…kinda felt bad. You didn’t want to leave him alone. He gives you a soft, wavering smile, his eyes guilt-ridden.
“Soobin, I-“ your voice cracks. The air between you two becoming heavy. He shakes his head, “That’s preposterous…” he frowns, “That’s impossible. Then…why are you still with me?”
Truthfully, you answer, “I don’t know, Soobin. I just feel inclined to stay, I guess. Not like I could ever navigate this place alone anyway.” Your eyes lock for a moment, a torrent of emotions wash over Soobin and he abruptly peers away. In silence, you both walk along the path. An aura of panic and regret emanates off Soobin.
After a few minutes, you spot a large meadow full of pearlescent flowers, utterly gorgeous, glistening under the sun. In awe, you point at the meadow, “Those are so stunning, Soobin. I-“
Soobin murmurs, “Moon Lillies, beautiful aren’t they?” He peers at your wide-eyed excitement. His heart aches, you were different from the others who has the misfortune to arrive here in Wonderland.
Seeds of doubt had been implanted into his mind from your impassioned speech and thoughts. Did he really have to lead you down this path to your doom? Into Yeonjun’s grasp? Could…could this time be different?
Timidly, Soobin asks, “Why don’t we go take a look?” The very notion of taking a minor detour had his hands clamming up and heart palpitating fast. Time, time, time. He had work to do. He couldn’t dilly dally.
You squeal grasping his hand in gratitude, “Oh thank you! Yes, yes!” But how could he deny your endearing expression of exhilaration and joy? Maybe just a little detour wouldn’t be an issue, then the both of you would go right back onto the path. Yes, precisely.
Momentarily, your eyes widen in surprise as he in turn envelopes his large gloved hand over yours leading you towards the thousands of flowers. You can’t help but admire the way he walks, his strong, secure hold on your hand. His angelic features, the ever so subtle crease between his brows as though he was always deep in thought.
You had a feeling this wasn’t exactly part of the plan and would only delay the inevitable. Though, you were unsure why someone as obsessed with schedules and time would take this detour merely because you fawned over these flowers.
Did your words get to him? You feel his grasp on your hand tighten and you finally reach the sea of flowers. Oh, how ethereal this place was, a stark contrast to the wacky surroundings, this place also had its moments of beauty apparently?
“Soobin, these are beautiful, I can’t believe these exist.” You fawn in excitement releasing his hand as you run through the flowers, feeling free and almost magical in a sense. Soobin observes you as you wade and spin carefree through the flowers with a soft smile trying his best to ignore his twitching fingers and shaky hands.
“Only in Wonderland,” he muses, watching you prance around with an almost childlike innocence. Something stirs within him, the urge, no, the need to protect you from the horrors deeper located in this place. From the Red King of Hearts, the Cheshire Cat, and god forbid the Hatter. No. No he couldn’t let another soul become destroyed here.
You were right. Time for himself, to indulge in such a luxury…such as now. Felt revitalising, thrilling. Soobin peers at his shaking hands. Time. Time. Would he make it on time? No, why, why did he have to make it on time? Time was killed. But, why? Why did he have to follow this terrible cycle? Because he was afraid?
A short strangled laugh escapes his lips before morphing into a manic cackle startling you. “S-Soobin?” His bizarre gaze meets yours, “Yes, yes lovely, you’re right. Time for myself. I have a choice. I…I don’t have to go through with this. Not when…not with you, lovely.”
You murmur, “Are…you okay?” He lets out a laugh, “Yes, yes, I’m just not-” a giggle slips out to which he covers his mouth, “Yes, just not used to so much free time…such indulgence.” You frown peering down at his viciously shaking hands. What had this place done to this poor man? He seemed so panicky and anxious?
You tentatively approach him and take his hands in yours, peering up at him with an awkward but comforting smile, “Breathe. Breathe with me, Soobin. Look around you, how could you not stop to ever take in the sights?” You had learnt some breathing exercises when you were younger whenever you felt overwhelmed. It should help right?
“Sights…never had time,” he murmurs deliriously peering around at the flowers surrounding you two. The glistening pollen coating your skin in a pearlescent sheen. Soobin gazes down at you with a shaky breath; your big eyes peering up through your lashes, your lips moving, telling him to breathe with such a soft voice. Your hands, petite in comparison to his. How he wished to feel your velvet skin against his, ungloved.
Another strangled laugh, “Sorry, sorry. I’m just a little panicked is all.” You’re a bit taken aback as he grips your hands back tightly. Okay, perhaps he wasn’t entirely sane, but certainly quirky. His pupils were blown out and shaky breaths tumble from his luscious lips.
“Relax, Soobin. It’s okay. Nothing will happen. Uh…you don’t even need to worry, something about time getting killed right? It’s all in your head,” you reassure. Soobin gives you a smile (perhaps a little too wide, but he was cute regardless).
“Yes…yes. Time is…dead. No matter how much I hurry, I am bound to be late. No doubt about that now that we are here in this meadow,” he shakily hums. “Yes, yes, yes,” he deliriously hums, almost delighted by the bizarre revelation you’ve provided him.
Oh, how kind you were, knocking some sense into him! He was going to be late anyway, why not spend some time with you…his new favourite guest? His….lovely. Why did the King have to always ruin things? Why couldn’t the White Rabbit indulge in himself for a while? Yes, yes, he could, couldn’t he? It’s not so absurd of thought is it?
Soobin gazes at you as you wait expectantly. Oh how adorable you were! You yelp as he suddenly draws you into a tight hug. His large frame envelopes yours; the body heat of his seeping onto your frame; you murmur awkwardly returning the hug, “Ah, thank…you? May I ask why-“
Soobin releases you with a glimmer in his eyes, “You’re too good for this world. I’d hate to see anything happen to you. I…I feel as though you do not deserve your tragic fate. You have touched me unlike any other guest I’ve led.” He leans down and your breath hitches as he gives you a sweet smile, “The others, they cannot know of you. They’ll only know if I bring you to the palace right?” A wavering laugh escapes him once more.
You gulp, he was getting rather attached rather quickly. Huh, maybe this really was your ticket out of here. Your peer up at him again, he was…rather cute. He had this now hyper quality to him, which you attributed to breaking through his usual exterior and facade. Soobin murmurs, "Look over there.” He spins you with your shoulders and points over to the distance and you spot shimmering reflections and upon closer inspection, jewels hanging off the trees? No…not quite.
His breath brushes against your neck as he murmurs, “Diamond apples.” You splutter, “What, apples?”
“Diamond, they’re even prettier close up, I’ve heard. Though I’ve not see them,” another giggle, “But now, now let’s go. We’ll run out of time otherwise.” You stammer, “Didn’t you just say there wasn’t enough-“
He tugs you behind him as he strides quickly towards the diamond apple orchard using what seems to be a large glistening lake as a placeholder for direction. “Hey- let’s not get hasty-“ you breathlessly pant trying to make your legs keep up with him.
Soobin cackles peering back at you, “Come on, lovely,” his eyes wide and smile large, “Come on, don’t you want to have fun?” The sentence almost gives you whiplash, was this the same dude you had initially stumbled upon? Were you the one going insane? Surely not. No, he was. You weren’t.
Oddly enough, it settled your heart at ease to see him finally being carefree (albeit at your expense), well, not like you had anything to do. You chuckle as he trips over his own foot and he smiles bashfully. Oh damn him…and his charm!
Now that you mention it, his golden hair that bounced with the breeze underneath his hat, looked so utterly soft. You wonder how it would feel if you… No, keep it together y/n! He takes your other hand and spins you around and you squeal, feeling the wind whip through your hair and you let out a laugh. “Now who’s the serious one?”
“Hypocrite,” you murmur panting. He grins, a small pinkish hue coating his cheeks, “Oh lovely, I know…but I cannot explain how enlightened you’ve made me feel. You must care so much for me.”
You give him a bashful smile. You suppose you could say that…more so basic empathy but you weren’t one to ruin people’s delusions. This was probably his first break that he’s ever had. Huh, how odd…
You lock eyes as he looks at you, a gaze holding such adoration. Perhaps a little too much to be comfortable. He murmurs, snapping himself out of it, “C-Come on, we’re almost there.” Another tug and you yelp, laughing as he pulls you along, “Hold on-!”
The breeze wafts through your locks as you both run through the meadow and you can’t help but grin like an idiot. Both of your clothes stained with the pearlescent pollen giving your skin a shimmering hue akin to the reflection of the moon on open water. The sweet smell becoming ever so slightly disorienting.
Soon enough, you see the sparkling water of the massive lake, glittering under the comically large sun. Beside the lake is indeed an orchard and beautifully hung diamond apples. They really did look like diamonds carved into the shape of apples with their jagged and sculpted edges. Stunning, truly.
In amazement, you walk up to one of the trees, your hands trailing over the rough bark and peering up at the apples glimmering and glittering under the sun, “They’re gorgeous, wow…” “Aren’t they just?” He fawns.
Reaching up, he picks one handing it to you. It feels a little cold to the touch but you admire it as you ask, “Does it just grow like this? Is it edible? I don’t even know how this possible.”
Soobin takes in the cute expression you make as your curiosity overwhelms you, “Yes, it does grow this way naturally, and no, it’s not edible, well,” he lets out a chuckle, “Unless you want to lose your teeth that is.”
You raise a brow, “Uh, speaking from experience or…?” He gives you a wide grin, pointing at his pearly intact teeth, “No not me, lovely. I saw another do the same foolishly, all his teeth broke.” You grimace, “Right, of course.”
He peers at you, “Anything can grow here in Wonderland. Nothing’s impossible here, well, apart from eating this.” You snort, shaking your head, “I suppose so.”
You peer back up at into the foliage and canopy of the apple tree and a particularly large one catches your eye, on a slightly higher branch. It has little crystal blossoms too, oh, how incredibly pretty!
Soobin’s gaze seems to align with yours and he hums, “Do you want it, lovely? I can pick it for you?” Your brows furrow, “You may be rather ridiculously tall, but I damn well know that’s even high for you.” He peers down at you for a moment, the gears in his head turning. He lets out a laugh and his arms outstretch, “Then, we’ll join our heights. I’ll help you up.”
Stammering you halt his hands, “It’s alright-“ He tilts his head in confusion at your hesitance and you almost melt at the instinctual pout forming on his lips. Does he even realise how cute he looks at the moment? Ah…shit. Fine.
Mumbling, you reply, “Okay, uh, alright then. Pick me up- sorry if I’m too hea-“ You squeal as his hands grip your waist hoisting you up and a chaotic giggle escapes your lips as your hands steady yourself on a branch. You hear him snickering, “I believe my arms will get sore soon, lovely. I’d hate to drop such a pretty thing due to my own incapacity.”
A warmth bursts through your cheeks at his words. Clearing your throat, you stretch your arm up, twisting the apple and plucking it with the blossoms attached to its stem. Wow, it’s even prettier close up. “You can put me down,” you suggest. You yelp as you slip in his arms and your find your back pressed against his chest and arms securely wrapped around you. The smooth timbre of his voice resounds in your ear, “My apologies, my gloves do make it hard to hold onto you for very along. Are you hurt?”
Flustered, you turn around, “N-No.” Well, maybe your heart was in tatters at this point, but other than that, no. He peers at you, your gazes locking once more. He murmurs quietly, “Oh, you get cuter by the minute.”
You scoff setting some distance between the two of you, “I- oh hush.” Soobin smiles, “It’s true? Why must you be so reluctant to accept a compliment?” You huff, “Well, you’re handsome, saying that to me is just- of course I’ll be flustered!”
You observe a familiar tinge of pink dusting his cheeks and you smirk, “Ha! There! You know how I feel now.” Clearing his throat, “L-Lets get a move on,” he grasps your hand tugging you along.
“S-Soobin where are we going?” You yelp stumbling behind him. Damn him and his long legs. “I-I don’t know. But we’ve stayed here too long.” A hint of anxiety permeates his gaze and his fingers tighten around your hand.
You look up at the sky and notice the sun hasn’t changed position. Huh, time was truly dead here. You wonder how much time has passed back in your world. Seconds? Minutes? Days? Years? You shudder not wanting to give yourself an existential crisis.
You halt your feet seeing the shore of the lake, “Soobin, let’s sit by the lake.” He freezes looking at you over his shoulder, “Is…Is that okay?” Now he truly was as timid as a rabbit, goodness he was super hyper awhile back? “Uh…why wouldn’t it be?” You question confused.
“I just…nothing bad will happen right?” He shakily murmurs, “I-I have never done this. Gone off the…the path like this,” another panicked laugh escapes him, “It’s- It’s oddly thrilling, but I’m terrified at the same time. What…what if the King finds out?”
Soobin’s eyes shake as you both walk, “My…My head…” His voice wavers and you frown, “He can only know if you bring me to him right?”
He mutters, “Yes, yes. Right? It works that way right? There’s no way he can know. I always bring the guests to him. That’s just the way it is.” He peers back at you with uneasy smile, “As long as you remain with me, he…he’ll never know.”
The words strike a chord within you, making you feel ever so slightly anxious and at unease. The King seemed to be a terrifying person. You shiver, there was no way you could go to him! Soobin was your best bet for now!
You murmur reassuringly, squeezing his hand, “Hey, hey,” you smile softly, “Breathe.” The poor blonde haired man looked like he was on the verge of a panic attack. He smiles shakily, “Yes…yes, breathe, thank you, lovely.”
With a swift tug, you’re both walking towards the shore of the lake. The water laps against the sediment and you have the urge to dip your feet into the refreshing water. Hurriedly, you remove your shoes and settle down by the shore dipping your toes into the immensely cooling water.
“Ah…” you sigh, it felt good after all that walking and running. You look up at him with your hand outstretched, “Come on Soobin, lighten up. Have you tried this before?”
He observes you almost as if you were the insane one here. How ironic! Tentatively, he sits down beside you and grimaces at the feeling of the dirt against his fine fabric. For you, he thinks, he’s willing to try. His heart races with anticipation. He likes this. With you, he felt as though time itself had stopped for you both (well, it already had but that’s besides the point.)
You look over to meet his gaze and you’re once again struck by his beautiful features. He removes his top hat putting is aside and your eyes widen ever so slightly at his fluffy blonde hair. Oh…to run your fingers through it.
Embarrassed at such a thought, you redirect your gaze back to the lapping waters and glistening surface of the lake. You feel his gaze on you, you find your hands fidgeting awkwardly. In an odd and twisted sense…this almost felt like a date.
You almost might have keeled over if this happened in real life, well, this was real life but…also not. You peer back over at Soobin, you’d never met someone like him before. Well, he was clingy you suppose in his own endearing way, and clearly had some issues to resolve, but doesn’t everyone?
“You’re…” he begins before looking away, a blush appearing on his cheeks. “I’m…?” You answer. “No, it’s just…” he mumbles, “…you’re so different. So…pure-hearted. Most just go against with the antics here and I…I have no choice but to lead them to the King of Hearts. But-but you…” With a bashful hum, you shrug, “No, no, you’re making me sound as though I changed your entire life. I just…I believe you needed some time off.”
In hesitation, you bite your lower lip, “I also… truthfully, I didn’t want you to take me to the King. So…I thought I could persuade you, you know? To not do that? By…taking a detour?” You wanted to be transparent, perhaps that would be a mistake, maybe he would tug you right back up and back onto the cobblestone path.
Soobin lets out a laugh, “Oh lovely, I’m aware. But who am I to stop you when we’re this far off? In fact you have enlightened me so, to the idea of going off the path, both figuratively and literally.” You let a breathy laugh, “You’re…not going to take me back to the path then?”
He muses slightly shakily, “No one has come for us, so far. This peace, I have never felt before. It’s…It’s addicting.”
His gaze pierces through you, “You’re addicting, lovely. You make me feel at ease. As though I am not slacking off, but spending meaningful time.” Okay, perhaps, he was very clingy, but you’d let it fly only because the way he looked at you made your heart perform a gymnastics routine within your ribcage and leaves you oddly breathless.
The cool water laps at your feet and you close your eyes feeling the soft breeze. A comfortable silence overlooks the two of you, sat side by side. Soobin peers at your hand on the ground and inches his fingers forward ever so slightly. You don’t let this go unnoticed as you try to keep from smiling like an idiot.
All this time, he had no problem grabbing your hand and pulling you along, but now, he was hesitating? You inch your fingers closer to his and his hand halts in surprise before you give him a small, shy smile. Your fingers intertwine over each other, enjoying the solace together. How odd, that a place as bizarre as Wonderland could be so…tranquil?
“For once I am glad that time is no longer a thing, for once, I am glad that I am destined to be late, so that I could have fortuitous opportunity to meet you,” he speaks. Your heart flutters and you murmur, “You certainly have a way with words.”
“I speak the truth, lovely, do I not?” He questions. A moment of quiet passes and he flushes as you scoot closer to him. The curve of his ears turning a subtle hue of red. “It’s…nice like this, to relax. Not have anything to worry about.”
It was a stark contrast to your busy life. Most of it spent working and socialising (much to your disinclination), it was draining. But here, you felt so…free. Unbound. Lightweight even, as though a speck of dust flowing in a beam of sunlight.
“…Do you also work…hard? What is the world you come from like? Your world must have time, it has been years since we have followed a clock. I’m the only one who does,” he brings out a golden pocket watch. It ticks and the gears churn but the hour and minute hand seem to move back and forth. How on earth does he even use that thing?
“Ah, well, yes, I do have a job. It…takes up majority of my time, unfortunately. It’s,” you breathe shakily, “It’s rough, but gotta get paid, you know?”
“Paid? You get money?” He questions and you gawk absurdly, “You…don’t?” He murmurs, “…No? It is merely my duty, as the White Rabbit, the Timekeeper,” he answers nonchalantly.
Well, you do suppose, living in this world, you’d be so insane, that money would the last of your worries. Nothing made sense here. You snort, “Right, of course. Normal rules don’t apply here, I forgot.”
Soobin inquires softly; his eyes glistening with curiosity, “Could…you tell me about your world? Your life? What’s it like?” He was so interested in you, it made your heart feel so utterly warm.
His fingers tighten their grasp atop yours, his thumb rubbing circles on the back of your hand. Soobin regards you expectantly and you begin to describe your terribly mundane life. As you do so, he pays you much attention, you don’t miss the way his eyes drop to your lips and back up to meet your gaze.
You don’t miss the way he shifts ever so slightly closer. How enamoured he seems to be with you, and oddly, how you relish in this attention, something you’ve never experienced before. “Your voice…I like hearing you talk,” he murmurs, not taking his eyes off you.
You hum, “I could say the same, your voice is nice to hear too.” It had a husk to it, but soft edge at the same time. “You, like my voice, lovely?” He quirks up at your words, eyes flickering with delight. His lips twitch in excitement.
Lovely. Oh goodness…the way he called you that, since you arrived. It just scratched your brain in all the right places. Fuck, were you becoming just as delusional? At this rate you were going to fall in love with a man you had just met!
You look back at Soobin who observes you as you have a mental debate with yourself. You can’t help but let your eyes flicker down to his utterly kissable lips. Oh, how unfair was life.
“Yes, I do…” you finally breathe out. He murmurs, a slight rasp to his voice; the tension in the air palpable, almost sweet to the taste, “Is there anything else you like?”
You hum, “About you?”
“About me,” he confirms. Since when did you get this close to him? Or did he get close to you? Your shoulders were touching, so were your thighs. Oh fuck, what was happening?
Shakily, you respond, “About…you, your hair. Your eyes…” He nods slowly his gaze travelling down from your hair, to your eyes down your face to your lips. Breathless, you resume, “Your…lips.”
Your faces were so close now, inches apart. Breaths mingling, noses brushing against each other. Oh how tempting, was this some sort of test? An illusion? You didn’t know, but something about this moment alone, made him ever so utterly irresistible.
“My…lips?” He breathes, and you nod. “I like yours too,” he breathlessly murmurs. With that, your hand cups his cheek and you lean forward pressing your lips to his. Ah well, fuck it, you’re in this deep and you doubt you could find your own way out, might as well do what you’d never normally do in the normal world, right?
Never knew, you had the capability to ensnare the White Rabbit of Wonderland. Choi Soobin. How odd indeed! Oh but the sweetness of his lips against yours was just too good, too sweet, too addictive.
Soobin’s other hand slides around your waist tugging you closer, his back hunches leaning over and tilting his head slightly giving you better access as your lips move against each other, tongues ever so slightly brushing against each other but not quite enough.
He speaks against your lips, “You’re irresistible.” You smile against his lips, “I could,” he kisses back fervently, “say, the same, ah” you breathe out pleasurably. His lips felt so soft.
Soobin felt as though he was indeed in heaven, kissing you felt more like a dream. An escape from his unshackled yet bound duties. An escape from his never ending time. Oh…how could he possibly let you go? He didn’t want you to leave, if you did…he-he’d have to wait for another guest (who would be nowhere near as perfect as you!) or in the meanwhile resume his duties for the King!
When he got this sweet taste of temptation, how could he ever go back to the way things were? Oh, no, no, no…
You release a muffled yelp of surprise as he leans forward caging your frame between his arm on the ground, his fingers still intertwined with yours and the other around your waist, as he kisses more passionately, desperately even. A groan escapes his lips; he was kissing you like a starved man, a man who was desperate. It had you feeling all sorts of ways, made your body buzz with anticipation and nervous excitement.
He breathes out, “Mm, I could spend all my time doing this,” and you let out a chuckle, “Ah, that’s quite the…suggestion there. I thought you didn’t like waiting around.” He pecks your lips, trailing the bridge of his nose along your jaw to your neck, “I don’t… but for some reason…now I don’t care, lovely.”
Both of you part, his forehead rests upon yours. This moment felt as though you were apart of a fairytale. You didn’t want it to end. He cups your face, “I find myself rather fond of you,” he smiles a little too widely, “Really fond of you.”
You shakily murmur, “I…I can tell.” Soobin murmurs, “How I wish, you could stay in Wonderland with me, there are so many more places to see. To show you. So much more we can do,” he murmurs. He parts from you keeping a hand cupped around your cheek. “Must you really return back home?” His brows furrow, “Must you really try to find the exit?”
Woah now, oh right! You were trying to get back home. That completely slipped your mind. Huh. You mumble, “Oh…right. Yeah, I- I probably should.”
Soobin pleads, “Oh lovely, but you bring me such solace and peace. Can’t you stay? We can hide away here, away from the rest? Didn’t you say you liked it here with no responsibilities and no burdens?” Oh dear, he is awfully persistent. You give him a small smile, “Soobin…you know I can’t.”
“Even…even after we kissed? Won’t you miss me?” His hands tremble and the familiar expression of panic coats his features, “H-H-How will I return back to my duties? W-What if I go insane like the Hatter? Once you leave…there’s no way you c-can even visit-“
“Hold on now, Soobin- lets calm down-“ you stammer awkwardly. You really needed him to guide you to the exit, he clearly knows where it is, if he’s speaking like this. However the trembling waver in his voice and pleading gaze twist and churn your heart in a painful manner. For some reason you felt almost a touch of guilt.
Perhaps it was the momentary euphoria, the blissful nature of everything that caused you two to bond so well, to become so…intimate, romantic even.
Did he fall for you already? Surely not, perhaps he’s just clinging onto the ideals you imparted, the way you make him feel at ease, not you, yourself. Right? Oh, but the way he’s looking at you tells you the very opposite. He wishes for your very being. You shift awkwardly peering away, “Soobin…I-“
He lets out a frantic laugh before covering his mouth, “It’s fine,” another manic laugh. “Really, I-I- understand. I…what was I thinking? That you’d wanted to stay. Wonderland is…a horrid place under this…this… whimsical facade.” He seems to be desperately muttering to himself trying his best to organise his chaotic thoughts.
“No, no, no, I can’t let the others lay their hands on you, you do not deserve such cruelty. If…If I can’t have you…then they certainly cannot.” Your heart drops to your stomach, well, that was certainly ominous. Surely, he wouldn’t be this possessive, right?
With more delirious murmuring, he abruptly stands placing his top hat back on and outstretches his hand to help you up. You peer at his cautiously, “W-Where are we going, Soobin?”
A pained look crosses his eyes, “The exit. You…you do not wish to…be here. And I do not wish to take you to the king. We are already off schedule, the path. I don’t want their f-filthy hands on you.”
You carefully take his hands and he pulls you into a hug. Your heart races; he was acting rather strange. “Come, come, chop, chop, let’s go. Time’s ticking.” Your eyes widen in as he tugs you along once more with determination. “Uh- are you sure, I mean- are you really just letting me go? I don’t know about this- Soobin- Soobin? Are you listening?” You call out.
An aura of paranoia surrounds him. Did the King already know? There’s no way. Well…there’s no way to tell if he did already know. If he did, then there would already be troops out on the hunt. He was the only one in Wonderland who knew when guests arrived. Right?
As much as it hurt him to do so, he knew he could only hide you for so long before suspicions would arise with the others. You wouldn’t last a day with the others. No, no, no. He couldn’t let that happen. He had to let you go.
Perhaps, perhaps he could find a way to visit your world instead. He’s always had been a little different from the rest of the mad bunch. He wasn’t insane, right? No, he was the normal one. He was always the normal one. That’s why you got along so well with him, well, that’s what he thinks anyway. There he was preoccupied with his thoughts again.
Yes, yes, he could attempt to visit your world. You must have had that invite with you, he could work with that. Somehow. Then you could be his safe little secret. Maybe…he could escape this hellhole for good? He would never have to serve the Hatter or King of Hearts ever again? A delusional laugh escapes Soobin’s lips as he strides along. Yes, yes, yes!
You observe him with a concerned expression, whatever internal battle he was having with himself didn’t seem to bode well for you. You wonder what he’s thinking of as he grins to himself.
As you walk along some foliage, a sudden checkered path appears and there’s a large hole in the ground, quite literally like a rabbit burrow. He stammers, “This…this is a short cut to the other side of Wonderland. It’s a bit dark but how I often move around.” You peer at the embroidered white rabbit ears on his hat. You deadpan, “…how fitting.”
“You’re not claustrophobic are you?” He asks shakily. “Uh…” you hesitate peering down into the dark hole, “Depends how narrow it can get.” “It’s okay, I’m with you,” he reassures. You grimace, “Wouldn’t that make it even more cramped?” His eyes widen, “But, but, I need to get you to the exit! I need to!”
You peer at him surprised, “Weren’t you opposed to all that before-“ Soobin clasps both your hand with a pleading gaze, “Come on, lovely, trust me. Trust me. I want you to be safe. I’m not insane like the others, I want to protect you from them.”
From who? The king? The others? Protect? Your head spins, fucking hell, there’s too much happening.
All of a sudden, the both of you are startled with a trumpet blowing and the heavy sound of armoured footsteps. You yelp clinging onto Soobin’s arm, “What the fuck is that?!” There’s no response, you look up to see how pale he’s become, “S-Soobin? Soobin? Hello? Hey!”
His lips twitch into a shaky smile, “Oh. Ah, they’ve found us. How…convenient. I thought no one else knew about you.” What the fuck was going on? Who? Your eyes widen as you tug his arm towards the hole, “Come on! Ah, I’m not claustrophobic all of a sudden! Let’s get moving!”
“It’s too late,” he sighs. You snap pulling at his arm, “The fuck you mean it’s too late?! Come on, move your feet!” He seems to be glued to his spot with fear in his eyes.
You panic as you see several armoured guards. A few holding a banners with ominous red hearts and tassles. Many hold heart shaped spears and stand in formation. A few aim heart shaped arrows at the two of you. You freeze, you were well and truly fucked. No wonder he wasn’t moving.
“Is..Is this the-“ you begin with trepidation. “The Red King of Heart’s troops, yes. Yes they are, lovely,” he answers weakly. One of the knights steps out and bellows, “The White Rabbit has been charged with treason and the dearest guest of Wonderland has been charged as an accomplice!”
You gawk enraged, accomplice? Treason! You snap, “What? We did nothing! You mean having fun is against the rules here?”
The knight ignores your protests and continues, “I hereby come on orders of the King to escort our guest as per usual ordinance since you have failed to do so White Rabbit.”
You look at Soobin who seems to remain silent gripping your hand like a vice. The knight’s eyes snap to yours, “Dearest guest, upon your arrival to the palace, you will be greeted hospitably by our ruler and also face minor punishment for your hand in deviating our timekeeper.”
You snarl, “You were watching!?” The troops flinch at your words and Soobin sighs, “It’s over, lovely. I knew I shouldn’t have deviated. I…I knew this was too good to be true. To indulge myself or to keep you safe. The moment you set foot here, there is only one path to take. After all, time is stuck here.”
You blink at him, anger rolling through you in waves, “Stop all this nonsense! Soobin! This-“ You splutter helplessly; you didn’t even know what to say to that!
“Please come with us with no retaliation or we will be forced to take more harsh measures. That pertains more to you, our dear guest.” They begin marching towards the two of you. Fuck, if you ran into the burrow, they’d shoot all the arrows.
“C-Can we not negotiate?” You stammer however your pleas ring on deaf ears. You scream as they encroach closer and Soobin’s hand never leaves yours; a defeated expression on his face, “I’m sorry, lovely. For my foolishness has gotten us here. It appears that our time, is up.”
Your eyes begin watering, “No, Soobin, no-“ The knights lunge at Soobin and pry him away and you scream piercingly grabbing his arms attempting some semblance of defiance. No, no, they couldn’t take him away from you! Fuck! You couldn’t go to the King!
You cry out, “Give him back! Please, we’ll both go! He’ll take m-me to the palace, in- in- fact, you can escort us b-both there! Promise!” Soobin peers at you as he gets ruthlessly tugged away and finally your grip slips with a final tug, your fingers lose touch and you gasp out painfully, “Soobin!”
The knights haul him away and you spot tears running down his face and his lips form a smile, “It’s okay…cooperate with them. Please. Just cooperate with them, l-lovely.” He hisses as they pin his arms back behind him and he grunts as he writhes against their grasp. He knew what his fate would be.
Tears drip down his cheeks and you see him begin to laugh, making your heart jump to your throat in nausea. It was different laugh from what you previously heard, it was…worse. Maddening. Soobin cackles as tears run down his face, “Lovely, don’t be sad, don’t be sad, please, please, please.”
More and more maniacal laughter emits from him. You peer around at the knights who seem utterly unfazed by his insane outburst. You tremble frozen to your spot as you feel the knights grip your arms pulling them behind you. Soobin is dragged away laughing and crying simultaneously; it caused your heart to ache.
Your throat feels dry and your fingertips cold as ice, fear envelopes you. You were alone once more, in this…new version of hell. You shakily ask the knights who grip and shove you forward, “W-What’s going to happen to Soobin?”
“The White Rabbit has been charged with treason for going against the order of the King. Thus, his punishment will naturally be an execution through beheading,” the knight says nonchalantly. “He’s the timekeeper, you can’t just-“ you stammer shakily. He interrupts with a cruel laugh, “Dearest guest, anything can be replaced. Even you. There’s been many guests though you have been the most different. Now you too, will end up on the same path.”
You feel sick. No…this had to be a bluff. You hear the other knights release a twisted chuckle. “Our majesty has been rather eager to see you.”
Another knight hums amused, “I wonder if they’ll make it longer than the last one.” They all resounding laugh as your blood runs cold.
In a resounding cheer, they haul you along like a lifeless puppet, “In the name of the King of Hearts, march forward!”
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Taglist: @naoristerling @staaaarykids @tremendousphantommiracle @lun4kazumii @lunathewritingcat @ur-mother-realnotclickbait @taehyhunnzly @20crowsinahoodie @baekberrie @syraphyina @fullbodyblankets @soohashits @f4iryfever @themochiverse @atiny-chocolate-chip @nothingwithoutgyu @ethystclove @hancafe @nap-of-a-starr @isa942572 @evn-09 @ninitorih
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marie-swriting · 3 days
To Be With You - Kate Bishop
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Marvel Masterlist
Summary : After having a nightmare about you dying, Kate is scared for your safety but she doesn't know how to talk to you about her fears.
Warnings : character's death in a dream, anxiety, mention of Natasha's death, hurt/comfort, angst, happy ending, maybe some grammatical mistakes as English is not my first language, tell me if you see some or if I missed any warning.
Word count : 2.6k
French version (will be published 16/06/2024 at 9pm)
Song inspiration : Talk Too Much by Reneé Rapp
Fear can be read on Kate’s face, her wide opened eyes are set on you. Her bow is armed with an arrow, she doesn’t know whether she should shoot or find an other solution to save you. On the edge of the building roof, Wilson Fisk has his arm around your neck while his other hand holds a gun against your temple. Your body is shaking and your eyes are full of tears whilst you gaze at Kate, completely terrified. 
“You should listen to me, Kate, and give me what I want or you can say goodbye to your girlfriend.” Fisk threatens with a harsh voice. “If you really loved her, you would’ve already saved her.”
“I’m not giving you anything.”
“Are you sure about that?” He replies before shooting you in the legs to prove he’s being serious.
“Let her go!” Kate yells following you cry of pain.
“You know what you have to do to save her life.”
“Fine! I’m gonna give it to you, just let her go.”
“Kate, no!” you scream while Fisk tightens his grip on your neck.
Reluctantly, Kate slowly puts down her bow on the ground whilst looking at you as a way to reassure you. She takes her bag off her back and throws it at Fisk. A machiavellian smirk on his face, Fisk loosens his grip however he still doesn’t let you go. You can finally breathe a bit more easily when Fisk suddenly throws you on the side and grabs the bag. You scream as you feel yourself falling off the roof. Your body goes on the other side of the edge when a pair of hands grabs yours. Looking up, you see Kate holding you with all her might. 
“It’s gonna be okay, I’ve got you! I’m gonna pull you up. Hold on.” she comforts you as she tries to haul you up and Fisk runs away from the scene.
“Kate, I don’t have any more strength.”
A tear rolls down your face the second you talk. You’re physically exhausted. Fisk kidnapped you for a whole day to set a trap on Kate and he didn’t go easy on you - he’s known for his cruelty and you’ve seen it first hand. However, you do everything to help Kate to haul you up, in vain.
“I’m gonna find a solution. I’m gonna pull you up. I’m gonna do it.” Kate repeats to reassure you but also herself.
In addition to your fear, acceptance also takes over your body. You know she won’t be able to do it. Kate might be strong yet, you feel your hands slowly slipping from hers so, you tenderly look at her with a comforting smile.
“It’s gonna be okay, Kate. I love you.”
Kate’s panic stops as soon as she hears your sentence, it’s the first time you say ‘I love you’. You’ve only been together for three months and until now, you didn’t dare to say those three words.
“I told you I’m gonna pull you up! Don’t say this as if you-”
“Kate, it’s okay.” you say softly.
“No, stop it. I-”
Kate doesn’t have the time to finish her sentence that your hands slip from hers and you fall down the building. Kate yells your name at the top of her lungs, your fall being engraved in her memory. The thud of your body colliding with the ground resonates and Kate can’t look away from you.
Kate takes a deep breath as she sits on her bed, panting. A hand on her chest, she tries to make sense of her nightmare. Kate brutally waking up makes you open your eyes so you turn around and see her, all shaken up. You sit down and put your hand on her shoulder, at your touch, she abruptly faces you, fear being replaced with relief in her eyes. You barely have the time to notice a tear streaming down her face when Kate throws herself in your arms.
“Kate, what’s wrong?” you question, worried.
“Everything is okay, you’re here.”
“You don’t seem okay.” 
“I’m fine, don’t worry. I just had a dream.” she lies, breaking the hug and faking a smile.
“Wanna talk about it? You seem pretty upset because of it.”
“No need. It was nothing. It was just a stupid dream, it didn’t mean anything. I’m fine.” Kate quickly says before standing up from the bed. “I have to go, I have training soon. You can stay here, if you want to or you can do something else, I’ll probably be home late. Be careful and call me if there’s anything weird.”
Kate finishes her rambling by pecking your lips and then, she runs away from her bedroom as if it was on fire. You stare at where she left, completely confused. Despite what she said, you can see right through her and you know this dream upset her. You tell yourself you should talk to her about it once she’s calmed down.
The following days, Kate’s nightmare keeps haunting her mind and she still hasn’t talked about it. Her nightmare made her question herself, more specifically your relationship. Though she’s never said it out loud, she loves you and she can’t lose you. Yet, since she became a vigilante after meeting Clint Barton, she has to take into account the dangers of this new life. Clint mentioned Natasha a few times and even if her death wasn’t like the one in her nightmare, the fact is, the Avengers are in constant danger and by extent their loved ones, too. Besides, since Kate’s mom went to jail, she is even more scared to lose the people she loves. 
Now that Kate has realised what it truly means being in a relationship with her, she’s not sure you’ve realised it, too. Kate is afraid to be the cause of your death due to her lifestyle so she wants to push you away, but she also wants to keep you close to her, though she knows it might be selfish on her part. She should talk to you about it, on the other hand if she does, she’ll just fall down a rabbit hole by saying too much and probably breaking up with you, her fears growing everyday so she prefers to stay silent. 
Obviously you’ve noticed she acts differently. You’ve tried to put her at ease several times without being too direct, fearing you’ll get her back up, however she always avoids the subject. 
She doesn't mention her nightmare even a week after and stays lost in her own thoughts. It kills you to see her distance yourself from you like this. You try to talk to her as much as you can but it's like talking to a brick wall and yet you keep making the conversation even if Kate doesn't seem to pay attention. One day, whilst you’re both walking in the street, you tell Kate about your last exam. As usual the second you’re talking with someone, you don’t pay attention to where you’re going, focusing on your interlocutor. As you’re talking about how you feel about your exam, you just feel Kate violently grabbing you and making you take a step back then you see a blue car driving fast and honking.
“Are you okay? Are you hurt?” Kate asks, worried, searching for a potential wound.
“Thanks to you, I’m fine.”
“You really need to look in front of you when you’re talking, especially while walking in the streets!” she retorts, annoyed, “If I hadn’t been there, you could have had an accident! They were driving super fast, they could have hit you. Do you have any idea how reckless you are? You scared me! What if I hadn’t seen this car, you would have died in front of me!”
“But you saw it just in time and you pulled me back before it could hit me. I’m fine, Kate, we were more scared than hurt.” you calmly affirm, hoping to ease the tension.
“Because you were lucky! You won’t always be, something can happen to you at any given moment.”
Kate’s breath gets more jerky and you understand this goes way deeper than a bad driver. You force Kate to look at you before saying with a reassuring tone:
“Kate, breathe. I’m fine, you’re fine, we’re both fine.”
“I got so scared.”
“I know. Come on, let’s go to my place.” you tell her as you start to drag her in the opposite direction.
“But you wanted to buy the new book you’ve been waiting for months.” Kate protests, confused.
“I’ll buy it another day. We should get home, far away from the cars.” you state with a small smile though Kate isn’t in the mood to laugh. “Too soon?”
“Yes, barely two minutes after your almost accident is too soon.”
“Sorry. Come on.” you say, taking Kate’s hand in yours.
You turn around and start walking to your place whilst you stroke Kate’s hand with your thumb as a way to comfort her. Kate’s reaction confirms you have to make her talk, even if you have to force her. Something is wrong and she’s anxious, more specifically about you and you don’t know why.
Once you get in your small apartment, you let her sit on your couch whilst you make two hot chocolates - no matter the season, Kate loves to drink them. You hope the hot drinks will put her at ease so she’ll talk more easily. As soon as the beverages are ready, you join her on the couch. You let her take a few sips before speaking.
“Kate, we need to talk.”
“I don’t wanna talk about it.” she states, avoiding your gaze.
“You’re clearly anxious about something, you can’t just stay in your fear all alone. Talk to me.”
“I…,” Kate starts with hesitation, “I wonder if you really know what you got yourself into when you decided to date me and if it’s not the case then, I wonder if you’ll still want to be with me when you’ll realise it.”
“Why are you saying that?”
“You died.” she bluntly states.
“Kate, the car didn’t run me over.”
“In my dream.”
“The one you had last week? Why didn’t you tell me?” you question, starting to understand the situation better.
“You died and it was my fault.”
“I’m sure that’s not true.”
“It is,” Kate insists with teary eyes, “Fisk found me again and he wanted my bag - I have no idea what was so precious in this bag but he wouldn’t let it go and to force me to give it to him, he had kidnaped you. He even shot you in the leg and once I finally gave him the bag, he threw you off the building roof - because, yeah we were on a building roof - and I tried to pull you back but I didn’t have enough strength and… and you fell.” she tells you, her voice breaking at her last sentence. “You died and it was my fault. If I had listened to Fisk earlier, if I had had more strength-”
“Kate, it was only a dream.” you interrupt her, taking her hand in yours.
“It didn’t feel like a dream, it felt so real and it made me think.” Kate retorts, putting her cup on the living room table. “At any moment, it could be real. Now that I’ve worked with Hawkeye and with my mom who worked for Fisk, I could be a target and I don’t want you to get hurt because of me. I care about you too much to lose you, especially if it’s my fault. And even if I’m no Spider-man or Captain America, with time, I could have more enemies way more ruthless than Fisk and Fisk is awful enough. This nightmare was like a wake-up call, I can’t be with you because it means you’re in danger and you're already putting yourself in danger when you’re talking in the street without looking where you’re going. Who walks without watching where they’re going seriously?” She rambles before going back to her main argument. “The fact is, by dating me, you put yourself in danger and it’s something you should keep in mind,” Kate adds before taking a deep breath. “Okay, having said all that, do you still wanna be with me? ‘Cause, like, I wanna be with you, maybe even forever, holy shit, maybe not forever. I mean, I’m not saying ‘not forever,’” Kate nervously adds without giving you the time to answer, “I actually have no idea what I’m saying. Are you mad at me because I’m pushing you to break up with me because of a stupid nightmare? You’re mad at me, I’m sure of it and it’s cool if you are, I don’t care. It’s just that with this dream, I can’t stop wondering if it’s a sign, like a premonitory one, you know and if it’s true, I’d forever resent myself for not protecting you by giving you an exit when there was still a chance. And, oh my God, I think I talk too much.” Kate tells herself, “I’m talking too much, aren’t I? I should let you talk. Like you said, we should talk and… Ah! Just shut the fuck up!” she screams, frustrated.
“I haven’t said anything!” you reply, putting your hands up to prove your innocence.
“Not you, sorry, I meant me.” Kate corrects with a guilty face. “I meant I should shut up and let you talk.”
“Can I talk?” you ask after letting her breath for a second. Once she nods, you start speaking again. “Kate, I get your nightmare scared you, but it doesn’t mean it’ll happen. Besides, I knew what I was getting myself into by dating you - I mean, you bragged about working with Hawkeye on our first date so I knew for the whole vigilante thing, potential enemies and everything and I still accepted to go on a second date with you. I’m aware of all of this and despite it, I don’t want us to break up, particularly because of a nightmare.” you add with a soft yet firm voice. “And also, I don’t want to leave you alone. Being a vigilante is already complicated enough, you can’t isolate yourself. You have to talk to me when you’re not okay, especially if you get yourself worried sick. I want to be with you. I might not know how to do archery or fight but I can be here for you. I want to be here for you. You can try and give me every exit you want but I’ll still want to be with you. I love you, Kate.” you confess, looking her straight in the eyes.
“You love me?” Kate questions, stunned.
“Of course.”
“Wow, I didn’t think we were at the stage of our relationship and I didn’t think you’d say it during this kind of conversation. I mean, technically, in my dream, you said it before dying though we should probably forget about that dream. Anyway, I thought you’d say it when we’d be doing something much more romantic. God, I’m rambling again, aren’t I?”
You lightly laugh before putting your hands on both sides of her face and kissing Kate. As she feels your lips on hers, Kate’s fears finally calm down. The kiss only lasts for a few seconds so it can allow Kate to focus on something else, yet it doesn’t mean it’s not full of love and tenderness. Once you break the kiss, Kate gives you a smile you find cute.
“I love you, too.” she says, stroking your right hand on her cheek.
“I love you and I want to be with you, Kate Bishop, no matter what you can say to dissuade me.”
At your words, Kate’s smile gets bigger, grateful she’s found someone so comprehensive and kind as you are. She couldn’t have dreamed of a sweeter girlfriend in this brutal world.
Marvel Masterlist
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Worried About Traction/Why Write?
Anonymous asked: Okay answer me this, so I've read how trad publishing is going to shit, but self-publishing I doubt I could gain any traction with. Then why fucking write, ya know? People say, "write for yourself," which sounds like a lot of goody bullshit. I want people to love my writing, I need some type of validation. So, how the hell do I get anyone to care about my stories?
Just a quick note that this ask came in off Anon, and I wasn't sure if it was meant to, so I put I'm posting it Anon to be on the safe side.
So, I don't want to get too much into the "is traditional publishing dying" debacle, because it's a conversation that's complex and nuanced and outside of my energy reserves at the moment. What I will say is that the traditional publishers--the Big Five in particular--still dominate the market, especially where print books are concerned. And although self-publishing can respond more quickly to trends and shifting tastes, traditional publishing continues to evolve.
Having said that, even if traditional publishing was stronger than ever before, that wouldn't guarantee you a book deal. Even in the best of times, the odds of being traditionally published are between 1 and 2%. Even if you get a book deal, that doesn't guarantee your book will be a best-seller. Hundreds of thousands of books are traditionally published every year, and far fewer than 1% of those books will become best sellers. Being traditionally published doesn't even guarantee your book will be sold in brick and mortar bookstores. I can point you toward traditionally published books that have been out almost a year and still have fewer than 10 reviews on Amazon. I can point you toward many more with fewer than 30.
And, while we're on the subject, I can show you self-published books with thousands of reviews (positive ones, btw...)
The point is, it doesn't really matter how you publish. What you write, how you write, and how you market is far, far more important. But the reality is, most of us aren't writing the kinds of books that are going to be best-sellers, BookTok sensations, Oprah's Book Club selections, or get optioned for film rights before the ink on the book deal is even dry. So, when you say you need validation, what does that look like for you? Does it mean seeing your name at the top of the NYT best seller list for five weeks straight? Seeing your book on eye-level shelves at an international airport? Hundreds of fans showing up to your book signing? A-hundred thousand followers on Twitter eagerly awaiting news of your next release? Or, does it look like someone... anyone... enjoying your book enough to leave a 5-star review... someone calling you their favorite writer, several fans re-posting your cover reveal because they're so excited for your upcoming book, or someone writing to say your book got them through a difficult time in their lives? Because, while I would never tell you not to dare to dream of achieving the former list of expectations, I will absolutely tell you the latter list of expectations is well within your grasp. So, if that's validation enough for you, write for those people. If it isn't, and it's not enough to write for yourself, then I think all you can do is try. Write the best stories you can write. Get them out there. Promote the hell out of them and see what happens. Maybe you will be one of those lucky few who see their book at the top of the NYT best seller list for five weeks in a row. Or, maybe you won't, but you get a two-page e-mail from a fan who says your story changed their life. And maybe, after all, that's enough. Here are some posts that can help you start building a following ahead of publishing, whatever route you end up choosing. Building a buzz on social media ahead of publishing and consistent promotion afterward can make a big difference. Even if you publish traditionally. Guide: Getting Your Writing Noticed on Tumblr Guide: Author Platforms-What, Why, and How? Guide: How to Promote Yourself as a Writer/Author via Social Media 12 Sites for Sharing Original Fiction
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
♦ Questions that violate my ask policies will be deleted! ♦ Please see my master list of top posts before asking ♦ Learn more about WQA here
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The "Ghoulcy" Songs of Fallout (4/4)
Ok, so if you’ve read the previous posts, at this point you’re wondering “Ok, so those are the 'obvious' ones” what was the extra one?
Well I’m so glad you asked because this is the one I’m most excited to share. Something about how they slipped a Ghoulcy reference in all sly and smooth made it feel spicy to discover.
And the reason it’s so easy to miss is it plays during (or more accurately AFTER) a Lucy/Maximus scene. In fact, it plays at the very end of the only episode in which the ghoul doesn't get any screen time...or does he?
Yup, that's right. I firmly believe there’s a song foreshadowing Lucy’s decision to leave Maximus (and her sweet but naive dream with him) in favor of following the Ghoul in pursuit of finding her truth waaaaay back in episode 5 (which is during Lucy/Max’s solo stint).
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Remember with me for a moment how absolutely intentional every song choice has been. And how so many have reflected the Ghoul’s point of view? Well, he may not be in the scene but his attitude sure is.
Because in the final scene for the episode, after they fall down into Vault 4, Maximus asks Lucy where they are and she turns to him full of blind faith and confidence, telling him they’re in the “best place in the world.”
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This ends the scene and as the credits roll this lovely little number starts crooning—
“It’s Just a Matter of Time”
Someday, some way, you'll realize that you've been blind
Yes, darling, you're going to need me again
It's Just A Matter Of Time
Go on, go on, until you reach the end of the line
But I know you'll pass my way again
It's Just A Matter Of Time
The song references two people who are *currently* apart but destined to meet again. In this moment, Maximus is with her so it can’t be referring to him. The song also talks of naivete (“you’ll realize you’ve been blind”) right after the scene where she makes the comment about a vault being the best place in the world (very ghoulish sounding snark if you ask me).
So who is this mysterious absent figure with an attitude, who seems to delight in calling out naiveté, someone whom she will “need again” when she “reaches the end of the line” and “passes his way again”?
Oh, I think you know.
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And maybe this is just the craziest of coincidences but as the song crescendos on it’s final line the screen settles on Walton Goggins name before fading to black. 
And in case you are curious, though it is a short song it has two more stanzas that weren’t used.
After I gave you everything I had
You laughed and called me a clown
Remember, in your search for fortune and fame
What goes up must come down
I know, I know
That one day, you'll wake up and find
That my love was a true love
It's just a matter of time
You're welcome. Now go have some sweet Ghoulcy dreams, sugars.
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scriberye · 13 hours
Vows (1/?)
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       ➥  Rogal Dorn x F!Reader     |     1566     |     Ao3
⚠️Romance, Emotional and Physical Abuse by a Partner (Arm-grabbing, Threatening Tone) You've come to terms with your lot in life, trapped and isolated in a loveless marriage for political gain. Until one faithful evening when you meet Rogal Dorn and a romance blooms that you must both keep secret. a/n: I'm taking some liberties here for the sake of ✨romance✨ and I hope he's believable enough. Come get the Door @moodymisty and @sleepyfan-blog.
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Your husband lets out a loud, exasperated sigh. “Must you always take so long?” he snaps at you, tapping his foot against the floor. “We’re going to be late if you don’t hurry up.”
You sigh, suppressing the urge to roll your eyes. “I’m almost ready.” Turning back to the mirror, you adjust your gown once more. It is lovely, hugging your body in all the right places. The fabric is silken and wispy, modestly cut, though the front dips dangerously low in the front. Still, it’s not too scandalous for a married woman.
“Finally,” he mutters something unintelligible under his breath, turning sharply and storming off. You fall into step behind him, following him to the Imperial Palace. He doesn’t even pretend to compliment you, and the pang of disappointment and hurt hardly registers anymore. There’s no love in this marriage. He only married you for the power of your family.
The sight of the Imperial Palace never ceases to amaze you, grand and majestic against the starry night sky. It fills you with hope for the Imperium and the future of mankind. Your husband grips your arm, tight like an iron clamp, and drags you back to reality.
“Make sure you don’t embarrass me,” he hisses in your ear, hot and unpleasant. You flinch, yanking your arm free of his hold.
“I wouldn’t dream of it, dear,” you reply, your voice dripping with venom at the forced endearment.
“You had better not.”
No sooner have you stepped inside the banquet hall does your husband vanishes from your side, darting off to chat up influential figures within the Imperium. He doesn’t even pay you a second glance. Free of his presence, you drift to the side of the hall framed by towering windows.
High-ranking officials, nobles, and heroes of the Imperium crowd the hall, conversing and laughing. You recognize a few faces from years of social posturing, but they’re all strangers and not someone you would seek for companionship.
You stand alone, back against the window, and occupy your time with people watching. Maybe, if you could spot a Remembrancer…
Then you see him — Rogal Dorn. He stands away from the crowd, his stern gaze sweeping over the room. He’s a statue compared to the man talking animatedly beside him. The Primarch of the Ultramarines speaks at Dorn, gesturing and waving his glass of wine. And Dorn listens, nodding occasionally, but his attention is on the gathered crowd.
His eyes find yours staring back at him, and for a moment your heart stops. A fierce blush blooms over your cheeks and you quickly look away. Before you can even entertain the thought of hiding behind the buffet table, Dorn has already excused himself from Roboute’s presence and is walking toward you. The crowd parts for him, his presence drawing everyone’s attention, curious and wondering what the Primarch is doing.
He stops in front of you, shielding you from the view of the gathered attendees. Slowly, conversation returns to the hall once it becomes clear nothing of interest is happening. You swallow and look up at Dorn. He inclines his head in a respectful nod.
“My lady,” he says, his deep voice rumbling down to your bones. He offers you his arm. “A moment of your time? I’d like a word with you.”
You’re in no position to say no. You nod, wordlessly placing your hand upon his offered arm. Dorn escorts you out of the hall and out into the night, ensuring you’re away from prying eyes.
“I have heard a rumor that you once defended your home against an uprising,” he says after a moment of silence.
You blink in surprise, recalling that distant memory. It had been before your marriage, your father had left with his forces leaving your home undefended. The enemy saw it as an opportunity but hadn’t expected your resistance. It was a minor thing in your eyes, hardly deserving of reaching the ears of a Primarch like Rogal Dorn.
“Please, my lord, whatever the rumors say, I am certain they’re greatly exaggerated,” you reply with a quiet, disbelieving laugh.
“Perhaps,” Dorn agrees, “but it is true that you did.”
You sigh, wondering what he intends with this conversation. “I did not do it for praise or glory, if that’s what you’re implying. It was my duty in my father’s absence, and I carried it out. That’s all.”
“Not everyone would have the courage to do what you did, it is a rare quality.” Dorn’s expression softens, the hard lines of his face easing as he looks at you with an emotion you can’t believe — desire.
A blush creeps up on your cheeks at the unexpected praise and turn of events. “Thank you, my lord. It means a lot to hear such words from you.”
There’s a sudden burst of music from the hall, spilling out into the serene night air. The people inside sound more rambunctious than ever, voices louder and ringer with laughter.
Dorn glances back at the hall, observing the dancing figures through the towering, arched windows. “Would you care for a walk in the gardens?” he asks, turning his attention back to you.
You nod, smiling. “I would like that very much.”
Dorn offers you his arm once again, and you take it eagerly. Together, you move away from the banquet and into the quiet embrace of the palace gardens.
The moon illuminates the path as Dorn guides you through the twists and turns until you come upon a secluded bench at the edge of a lake. Despite being made of stone, it’s still much too small for Dorn, so he remains standing while you take a seat.
Silence settles between you both. The night air is chilly, making you shiver, and you instinctively rub your arms for warmth to ward it off. “I’m amazed anyone could endure the winters of Inwit. They must be far colder than anything here on Terra.”
Dorn hums softly. His eyes are fixed on you, yet there's a faraway glint in them, as though he's lost in a memory from long ago. “They are more extreme, yes, but we endure and are stronger for it.”
“It must have been difficult.”
“It was,” he admits, his tone softer, touched with a bit of affection.
Oh, you hope you’ve been reading his cues correctly. Your heart races as you venture into a potentially dangerous situation. “Forgive my presumptions, my lord, do you know how we endure the cold here on Terra?”
Dorn’s brow arches. “Enlighten me.”
“We spend time together to create a sense of coziness and warmth in our hearts,” you begin, your voice trembling both from the chill and your boldness. “Sometimes, even in the coldest places, we must create our own…” You falter, locking eyes with Dorn’s intense gaze, “… our own heat.”
“I see,” he says, his voice low. He reaches out, brushing his fingers over your cheek. His expression is contemplative, as if he’s weighing what is appropriate, and what the consequences would be if he dared.
You lean into his touch, craving more. If only he was your husband.
His thumb grazes your bottom lip, sending a different kind of shiver through you. Throwing caution to the wind, you press a kiss against his thumb. Dorn’s breath hitches, his eyes narrowing, a conflict of duty and desire warring inside of him.
“You do seem cold,” his voice is rough, strained, his desire winning out. “Let’s see if I can warm you.”
The sound of approaching footsteps breaks the spell. You and Dorn jump apart, as if burned, and your heart sinks as the familiar figure of your husband appears from behind one of the towering garden hedges. Dorn’s expression immediately becomes guarded again.
“There you are,” he barks. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you. Do you have any idea how it looks for me to be wandering around alone?”
You take a deep, calming breath, rising from the bench. “I was just speaking with —”
“Lord Dorn!” your husband interjects, his voice rising in pitch. Your mouth snaps shut, your lips pressing into a tight, thin line. He hurries forward, nearly tripping over himself in his eagerness to win Rogal Dorn’s approval. “It is such an honor that you would speak to my wife. She has always admired you.”
Dorn inclines his head, polite but reserved. “It honors me to hear that. She is a remarkable woman.”
There’s a subtle warmth in his voice, and the praise brings a rush of heat to your cheeks. Your husband stammers, “Indeed, she is! I just hope she hasn’t bored you with her conversation, my lord.”
A flash of something raw and seething ignites in Dorn’s eyes, constrained as quickly as it appears. He remains composed, his voice is calm. “On the contrary, it has been quite enlightening.”
“That is… good to hear!” The overly confident, smug smile on your husband’s face falters. He clears his throat, awkward and forced. “Well, by your leave, it is time for us to hear home. Come along, dear.”
You don’t want to go home with him, but you force your feet to move, following behind your husband. You steal a final glance over your shoulder, your heart tightening.
Dorn remains by the bench, unmoving. His gaze follows you, heavy and intense — unrelenting, his hands clenched into tight fists at his sides. This won’t stand.
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vulpixisananimal · 2 days
Carrion!Sif AU, Chapter 1.
ACT 1, The Hunger.
(Au origonaly by @traumaboyexo. it's so cool. I'm 100% going to do more of this.)
(You're lying down in the field near Dormont. You had a weird dream about eating a star. You smell cherries, Mirabelle was calling your name.)
". . . Siffrin?" (She's looming over you now, your Housemaiden.) "Good morning! Or, well more like good afternoon I guess. Were you taking a nap? That's just like you. . . Only you could sleep peacfully at a time like this, hee hee."
(You're too sleepy to talk, you close your eye again.)
"You're still half asleep, aren't you. I'll let you sleep a bit longer, but not too long!!"
(. . . Ugh. You can't stay here, like this. The sun was nice, and you could smell the birds in the air. The people in the village. The faint and distinct smell Mirabelle carried with her. But you were getting hungry, really, really hungry.)
(Wake up, Siffrin. You have a country to save.)
(Statues, big and small, all with different faces. Some jump up and down, some are sad, some are happy. The Change God, Deity of all of Vaugarde, stands before you.)
(So much has happened over the last few months, since you met Mirabelle. You helped save them from a sadness, and you were here to defeat the King. They were nice, they were your familly.)
(Mirabelle, Isabeau, Odile, Bonniface. Each of them had been your best friends, or at least allies. You hoped you were friends, at least.)
(Mirabelle once asked if you were ok with following them on your journey. You truthfully answered that this had been the happiest you'd ever been. But, that just made her look upset.)
(You cringe just thinking about it, truth be told.)
(You're still hungry.)
"Don't worry about a thing, then. Can I get you anything on the house? A croissant, maybe? . . . Incredible, incredible. I've never seen someone give such a look of disdain when offered croissant."
"A Pain Au Chocolate, then. Only monsters don't like Pain Au Chocola."
(You like those! You nod!!)
"Ha, one Pain Au Chocolate, coming up."
(You got the Pain Au Chocolate!! Yay!!)
(You know they're really, really bad for your stomach. But it's still warm! Smells of butter and chocolate. You try and restrain yourself with one small bite. But you're so hungry, it smells so good!! You take one bite, and another, and another!!)
". . . Not gonna lie, seeing a tiny one like you eat like a rabid beast. . . That was distrubing, but also weirdly satisfying."
(Haha, this was future Siffrins problem.)
(The Favor Tree looms above you.)
(You look around for a good leaf, one to represent you. You need it for the Favor Tree, after all.)
(A wish, a wish. . . Favor Trees must be popular around Vaugarde, these days. Everyone must be wishing for the same thing. So, why should you join them, then? What's one more wish on the pile. Something small. . .)
(You wish for. . .)
"Phew, Bonbon! That was DE-LI-CIOUS!!"
(It was really, really good!! You ate every bite on your plate! It was sooooo tasty, but now your tummy was feeling upset. Damn you, past Siffrin!! But, you could still eat more!!)
"Aw Siff, are you still hungry?" (Isabeau asks.)
"Frin, you ate a lot, huh!! You liked my cooking a lot, huh!!! Here, have some more food since you're so hungry and like my cooking so much."
(Bonnie gives you one (1) carrot slice. It smelled tasty!)
"Won't that give you a stomach ache? Nevermind that, how can you still eat after all that food?" (Odile asks, concerned.)
"I'm a growing kid!" (You reply, cheekily.)
"A growing kid that drinks achohol?!?"
"You're older than most of the people here?!?"
(You wink cutely.)
"I suppose we're lucky to get some meat for you all the way out here." (Odile sighs.) "What a strange diet you have."
(You shrug. You've always been like this.)
(You step into the House of Change. It feels. . . Wrong. You have a tingling on the back of your neck. A tingling you'd always get when something was "off.")
(A house frozen in time. A faint smell of sugar slicing through the air. It was strange, but still you were confident. You could smell your companions following you, step by step. Each as distinct as the next.)
(You're hungry again.)
(You smell a sadness ahead.)
"Is something wrong, Siffrin?" (Asks Odile.)
(You look around. There, behind you, there was a flickering white. . . Star?)
"Did you see that light?" (You ask.)
"A light?" (Mirabelle looks concerned.)
"Something wrong, Sif?" (Isa adds.)
(You walk over to the light and point to it.)
". . . . . . ?"
(So they can't see it? It smelled of sugar.)
(You reach out and touch the light.)
(Traps? Traps?)
"A job for me then." (You say, cheekily.)
"It is your job."
"Protect us, trap master!"
(Not the first time you had to reassure Mirabelle. Time to look around.)
(You look around the room. Checking each wall, checking the floors, checking the pillars. You felt the brickwork for anything, a hidden switch, a pressure plate, anything. It all smelled of... Sugar, and old stone. Well maintained, it smelled of people too. You could smell. . . Fear, worry, no, no that was Mirabelles. She smelled of fear, it smelled. . .)
(You're hungry again.)
(There's nothing here. You can't find any switches, so. . .)
"So? So are we safe?? We're not safe, are we!! This is the death corridor!!! There must be a trap--"
(Oh come on now.) "There's nothing weird in here."
"But there must be!!"
"Aw, Mira. . ."
"Belle, Belle, don't worry about it. Frin isn't good at many things, but they know stuff about traps."
(Hey. . .)
"Right, if we can't trust the one who's supposed to lead us THIS early, this wont bode well for later."
"But! But!"
"We're not dead yet." (You say, stepping through the hall.)
"W-well, that's true. . ."
"We HAVE been in this room for a while. . . And Siffrin has been walking everywhere. So if it was weight sensitive, it would have gone off by now."
"Exactly! It's all fine!!"
"Oh. . . Yeah, yeah okay! I'll believe you! Sorry for worrying, I'm a little on edge."
(You smile at them.) "We're good, Mira, see?" (You walk to the center of the room.)
"Everythings fine!"
(. . . . The back of your neck tingles. Somethings-)
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ilovearthur-morgan · 2 days
She Keeps Me Up | Chapter 1
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pairing: Arthur Morgan x fem/afab!reader
Plot summary: Modern AU, John Marston is in a band, you're in the band. (as the bassist). One day, Arthur is dragged to one of John's gigs and sees you playing and develops a lil crush
warning: very slight nsfw themes if you squint, and I mean squint but other than that there are none
authors note: this is my first fan fic so constructive criticism is welcomed! can you tell what instrument I play? ;) can't tell if this story will turn into anything so this might be abandoned.... sorry!
The mashup mentioned in the fic, is this one below. My band plays it, and it is very cool.
The bar was dingy. Why did John even bother to book this place? Arthur wondered to himself as he stumbled in. The band was still setting up as John wondered over to him. "You excited, Arthur?" John questioned.
"No" Arthur replied bluntly. John expected this. His band only played covers and mashups, and that was not Arthurs scene. "Well even so, I hope you enjoy it" John said to Arthur. He just shrugged as John walked back to his band. Arthur walked over to the bar and ordered himself a beer as he waited for the band to start.
The lights dimmed, casting a red hue over the bar. It must be starting soon. Arthur wondered to himself. Almost as soon as he thought that, the opening notes of Seven Nation Army could be heard throughout the bar. The lights shone up on the band, and that's when he saw it. You. There you were playing the main riff to seven nation army. As basic as the song choice was, Arthur couldn't help but think to himself how well you played.
He was surprised, as he was getting into the song, John sang a different song? it was not seven nation army, but sweet dreams are made of this. He actually enjoyed it. Usually he didn't like the music John played but here he was, tapping his foot and humming along. Maybe it was you? the way your fingers worked sent him into a trance. He wondered what else those fingers could do....
He shook his head. He couldn't be thinking this! You were John's band member! But then it happened. You looked at him from the risen floor, which was a pathetic attempt of a stage. You looked at him with those peircing eyes of yours, sending him into a blushing mess. This has never happened before? he was blushing over someone looking at him! He was thankful for how dark it was in the room because he was certain he was bright red.
He stood there in a trance throughout the whole gig, only looking at you. You had hypnotised him as if you were a sorcerer holding a watch in front of him and rocking it back and forth.
Before he knew it, it was the end of the gig, and the lights were turning on. He slowly, hypnotically dragged himself over to John. "Well done, that was actually decent" he congratulated him. "Thanks, Arthur, means a lot" John replied.
"Let me introduce you to the band!" John takes his arm and drags him over to meet everyone. "That's Taylor, our drummer, Kaylee is on rhythmic guitar and you know I'm on lead guitar and singing" He then points you out and says your name "That's our bassist". You wave and smile at him. Arthur can't speak, he can't do anything but wave back. You finish packing up your instruments and walk over to John "Alright, I'm out" you say, patting his shoulder and waving goodbye. He couldn't believe it, your voice was softer than butter, as airy as a sponge.
John turned to Arthur as he followed your form leaving the bar. "We're getting drinks here same time tomorrow, you up for it?". Arthur only nods.
Same place, same time he'll get to see you again. Of course, he'd be there. He couldn't wait
notes: thanks for reading! I hope everything was decent and pls lmk if people want another chapter!
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cauqhtz · 3 days
Luffy & Zoro thoughts
so I saw a post about how if Luffy asked zoro to kill one of the straw hats Zoro would do it. (Oda confirmed)
The majority of the comments were all like oh yeah Zoro would, but he also knows Luffy would never ask him to do such a thing, at least without a good reason or if he wasn't in his right mind.
This was also my first thought as well, but then I thought about it more. I mean I really thought about it…and that's not even remotely true.
Now, I don't doubt Zoro killing one of the straw hats if Luffy told him to, but it's the "he knows Luffy would never ask him to" That's the part I dont agree with.
That's just not true at all, because Zoro is one of the few besides Robin that doesn't try to make sense of Luffy or how he thinks.
But let's say for the sake of this argument that. That is true and Zoro knows that Luffy would never ask him to do it...That doesn't negate the fact that Zoro would still kill a straw hat if Luffy said so. So I guess that part of situation really doesn't matter. Zoro will do what Luffy asks of him either way.
Because Luffy is not the type of person/captain to give DIRECT orders in the first place. Have you realized that?
I can count on one hand how many times Luffy has given a direct order in general, but we're going to focus on Zoro for right now.
Albasta. When Luffy told Zoro to save Smoker. "Zoro. Quick! You have to save Smokey!"
Ennies Lobby. When Luffy told Zoro to cut the sea train carts in half. "Okay, Zoro. Cut them."
In Alabasta when Luffy told Zoro to save Smoker. Zoro protested not understanding why Luffy would want to save the enemy. Not caring about the fact that Smoker was a devil fruit user and would've died without his help. He expressed how much he didn't want to do it, but he did it anyways.
Ignoring Sanji when he picked at him for saving Smoker, but when Smoker came to and questioned Zoro on why he saved his life?
Zoro's reasoning was. "I was just following my captain's orders. It was just another one of his crazy whims. Pay it no mind."
I think this was when Zoro really started to not question Luffy. Deciding it'd be a lot easier on every one if he just went with it rather than trying to make sense of his captain.
Not just that but Zoro is his own man. He doesnt follow Luffy blindly. It's just that the majority of the time. Luffy and Zoro are on the same wavelength mentally. They're cut from the same cloth. Though, Luffy is more of a wild card. He does what he wants, when he wants, wherever the hell he wants to. Where as Zoro is a lot more put together and thought out. Luffy is pure instinct and feeling driven.
I dont think you guys realize that Zoro would've killed the lot of them excluding Luffy a long time ago. Especially Nami, Robin, and Franky. When he found out they betrayed Luffy.
Zoro has made it very clear that there is NOTHING that he is not prepared to do. BUT he always leaves decisions like these up to Luffy and Luffy never gives Zoro an answer. He always says "I want to find out for myself. I want them to tell me this to my face."
As for Luffy?
I do believe there is a possibility of Luffy asking Zoro to kill a straw hat.
Because it's like I said earlier. Luffy is completely instinct driven. He does what he wants, when he wants, wherever he wants.
Luffy woke up one day and decided to become the king of the pirates and come to find out thats only a requirement of his real dream.
So what the hell is stopping him from waking up one day and deciding you know what? I want you all dead.
The only ones I feel like Luffy wouldn't kill is obviously Zoro, Robin, and Chopper. And maybe Jinbei. And MAYBE brook since he's been wanting a musician since day one.
But the rest of them? DEAD.
What's stopping him from changing his definition of freedom and wiping the world of one-piece CLEAN?
Especially since Zoro would still follow him?
Get real. Everyone would be cooked. Those two have always been a dangerous duo even before their awakening and haki. They'd be unstoppable now of all times.
Well... That's my thoughts on the matter anyways..
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pascaloverx · 2 days
Sweet Love
Summary: You're an up-and-coming writer, congratulations. To protect your beloved job, you're willing to do anything. Even strike a deal with the devil, better known as your sister's neighbor. You and Dean Winchester don't really see eye to eye, but in a moment of desperation, you agree to collaborate with him for a greater good.
Author's Notes: Many characters do not belong to me but to the Supernatural Universe (2005-2020). I hope you enjoy the fanfic's story. The fanfic will contain strong language and adult content. Dear readers, I'm here to let you know that if you enjoy this fic, please engage with it. Comments and likes are welcome. I appreciate everyone who follows this fanfic. Anyway, enjoy this chapter.
chapter six
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The following month felt almost like a dream. You and Dean officially together, without having to pretend to casually bump into each other as good neighbors. Sam seems to be adjusting to your relationship. But he seems to enjoy the time he spends alone when Dean is with you at your sister's apartment. The good news is that you'll be moving soon. Your new book is going to be released, and with the money you've already earned, you'll be able to buy your own apartment.
"I'm not ready to say goodbye to the comfort of being able to see you without much effort. Maybe you should come live with me. I can kick Sam out with just one command from you," Dean says while still cuddling with you. You spent the night together yesterday and decided to sleep snuggled up.
"I don't want to start our relationship by making your brother angry with me. Not to mention that I'll still be close by. My sister lives here," you say, turning slightly and giving Winchester a kiss on the cheek. You don't even finish saying this when you hear a noise at the door. It can only mean one thing: your sister is back.
"Is anyone home?" your sister yells, and you immediately get out of bed, running to find your missing clothes and Dean's. It's not that you won't admit you're with him, you just don't want to admit it like this.
"I'm in the bedroom, just give me a moment to greet you," you shout back, finishing getting dressed. As you're about to leave the room and reach for Dean's hand, he pulls back. You look at him, puzzled.
"I'd better hide here and leave later. Trust me, you don't want to tell your sister about us like this," Dean says, stepping away, which you find suspicious. It's one thing that they don't get along, but acting as if he's ashamed to be seen as your boyfriend makes you uncomfortable.
"I thought us dating meant we were going to make it official to everyone. Including my sister. Unless there's something different about telling my sister that we're together," you say a little irritated. Your sister calls your name and you feel you should go. Dean seems like he has something to say to you but you just close the door and go to where your sister is.
"My little sister! I've missed you so much. I'm dying to hear all the news, what happened while I was working away. I want to know everything," your sister says, hugging you tightly after setting down her bags.
"I should have come back earlier. You didn't even tell me you were coming. Such an ungrateful sister," you say as you hug your sister.
"My boss allowed me to come home for a few days, but I have to go back soon. There's an investigative story in Bulgaria that they'll need me for. And how's it been staying here without me? Dealing with Winchester up front been keeping you up at night?" She speaks and you widen your eyes in surprise at the question. Maybe she suspects something, but you don't want to give anything away.
"Actually, he's been much calmer. Almost like a changed man. Sam's even visiting him. Maybe later we can all meet up," you say, deflecting the conversation while hinting at Dean possibly changing. However, by pretending he's not in your room and omitting that you're dating, you're starting to feel like Dean's little dirty secret—which might suggest he hasn't changed after all.
"My sweet sister, always believing in the best of people. From my own experience, believe me, he's unlikely to change. Although when he was dating Castiel, it seemed like he had changed. I think maybe Castiel was the love of his life," your sister says, and you feel the weight of her words almost immediately. Firstly, what does she mean by "from my own experience"? And the fact that she thinks Castiel might have been Dean's great love confirms your worst fear—that you might be Dean's second choice because he can no longer have Castiel.
"By 'from my own experience,' do you mean because you've witnessed several of Dean's relationships?" you ask, trying not to show how a wrong answer could make this one of the weirdest mornings of your life.
"I never mentioned it to you? Dean and I had a brief relationship. That's why I always insisted you stay away from him. Actually, it was a bit before you came to live with me and he got involved with Castiel. It was fun, but he would never have taken me seriously. I always thought it made sense that he dumped me because he'd found the love of his life. But maybe it was never meant to be me and him. Or him and Castiel. Who knows, right? So, want to eat out? I'm starving." Your sister says this, and you look at her, almost crying. But you have to pretend you're not feeling anything. How could she never have told you? And him? What kind of messed-up morning is this?
"I'll grab my bag and a coat. Meet you downstairs?" you say, trying to hold back the tears.
"Alright. I'll wait for you downstairs. I'll be the girl almost dying of hunger," your sister says, giving you a kiss on the cheek before leaving.
"You can come out now," you say loudly so Dean can hear. Fortunately, your sister is a good reporter, but when she's hungry, she can't think straight. Otherwise, she would have noticed that my coat and bag are in the living room.
"I can explain," he says, appearing quickly in front of you. Obviously, he had been listening to your conversation.
"Just like you could have explained before I found out from my sister. Is that why you didn't want her to know about us? Because you slept with my sister before meeting the supposed love of your life?" Your voice rises, a mix of anger and sadness. A blend of disillusionment with the feeling that you shouldn't be reacting this way.
"It's not fair for you to be mad about the comment on Castiel being the love of my life. I didn't make it. But I understand it's fair for you to be angry that I didn't tell you. At first, I thought it was irrelevant, and then we were already into each other; how could I tell you that I'd been with your sister?" Dean says, and you have no reaction. It's like you can't process what he's saying.
"Don't worry, Dean. I don't blame you for any of this. The fault is mine, the illusion is mine. Now, please go." You speak in a low voice. Dean seems to understand that you really don't want to discuss this now.
"Are you breaking up with me?" Dean asks, approaching you. Looking at him seems to make you even sadder.
"I'm asking for some time; please respect that if you can. If not, you can consider it a breakup. Whatever makes you feel better," you say, looking at him with teary eyes. Dean looks sad, maybe even disappointed.
"I may be an idiot, but I'm not giving up on you," he says, looking into your eyes. Then he leaves, leaving a kind of emptiness in you. But now isn't the time to dwell on it, as your sister will soon become suspicious. You compose yourself, grab your bag and coat, and leave.
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medusapelagia · 13 hours
Seeds of Dreams, Seeds of Truth 7\11
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Rating: Mature Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Tags: Alternate Universe - Medieval, Alternate Universe - Magic, Regent Prince/King Steve Harrington, Knight Eddie Munson, Prison, Sick Steve Harrington, Vomiting, Attempted Murder, Poisoning, Double povs, Panic Attacks, Magic,
Read it here or on AO3
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, (soon Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11)
WC: 2237
Even as he eats, Steve’s eyes are pinned on Eddie. He has known him since they were kids, and he can tell that something is worrying him.
“You know you can talk to me,” Steve says, between one spoon and the other.
“There is nothing to talk about.” Eddie denies it, avoiding his stare.
“Eddie, I know you think you are protecting me but you are not. Please, tell me what’s going on. I need all the information I can get if we want to take back the castle.”
Taking back the castle is not an option anymore, not now that they know that there is a powerful dark mage waiting to feed on their worst nightmares.
“He deserves to know.” Gareth says, from the door. “He is our king and we are his subjects. You can’t keep it a secret; that’s treason.”
The air in the room becomes even more tense, Eddie is stubbornly avoiding looking Steve in the eyes while his best friend keeps pushing him, but Eddie has no words to explain that there is a monster waiting for them and that he will not be able to protect his king because the mage will kill him in his sleep.
Gareth sighs and takes a chair, sitting next to the bed, and he retells the entire story to Steve.
“So what I’m hearing is that all we have to do is kill Vecna, right?” Steve asks, sitting on his bed, his skin so pale and sweaty that Eddie doesn’t know how he manages to stay awake.
“Steve, maybe you didn’t hear, but he is a monster that kills people in their dreams! It’s not something you can kill!”
“Why not? Mages die too, don’t they?”
Robin chuckles from the door, “Oh, they do, but they usually put up quite a fight and you can’t really kill someone in your dreams, can you?” she asks, lifting one eyebrow.
“I can’t, but this mage has to be inside the victim’s mind, am I right?” The woman nods. “So all we have to do is trap him inside someone’s mind and kill his body while he attacks his victim.”
The emerald mage’s eyes shine with a hint of amusement. “That’s not a bad plan, actually. It could even work.”
“See? All we have to do is kill him.” Steve says with conviction but Eddie is not sure that he is lucid enough to understand the implication of what he is saying.
“It’s too dangerous, Steve! How can we be sure when he will attack? Think about it, we would be inside the castle, which is very well guarded, looking for a mage that we have never seen before, and waiting for him to hunt someone. It’s too risky!” The guard insists.
“I know, it’s risky, but so is life! He might have killed many people, but he never met us before. We can do it, Eds, I’m sure we can.”
“Why are you so sure?”
There is an awkward moment of silence: Steve tries to avoid Eddie’s stare while his personal guard, and his lover, keep staring at him with worry and confusion.
“Because I dreamed of it!” Steve finally admits and Eddie turns his head, trying to hide his annoyance. “You don’t believe me, do you?”
“Steve, you said you dreamed that I was dead! And I’m right here, am I not?!” Eddie yells, exasperated. “Sorry if knowing that you dreamed that we fought a monster isn’t exactly the kind of plan I’m willing to follow!”
Steve opens his mouth, ready to say something, but seems to decide that it’s better to keep his mouth shut, so he turns away.
“Come on, Steve! Try to be reasonable!” Eddie begs him, turning Steve back toward him with a hand on his shoulder.“You can’t be serious!”
This time Steve doesn’t avoid Eddie’s stare. “You don’t have to come with me. You are free to leave at this very moment.”
“I’m your personal guard.” Eddie stubbornly replies, “It’s my duty to keep you safe and protect you, even from yourself!”
“You were never my personal guard. You were the Regent Prince's personal guard and he doesn’t exist anymore.” Steve states coldly. “Look at me. I’m just a fugitive, and I will understand if you decide not to follow me,” he turns toward the other men in the room, “and this applies to you all. No one of you has to follow me.” He sighs, brushing a stubborn lock of hair away from his face. “I know how it sounds: I almost died and I’m talking about dreams like they were real, but I know that we can beat Vecna and I’ll go back to the castle to fight him once and for all. I’m not asking you to follow me, all I ask,” he adds, turning toward Eddie “is that none of you tries to stop me.”
Eddie shakes his head. “No, no, no! You won’t get back there! Not after we risked our lives to get you out of prison!” He yells, grabbing Steve’s wrist so hard that Steve yelps, and Eddie, who completely forgot about the blistered skin in the heat of the moment, releases Steve’s wrist immediately, apologizing.
“I’m not a child, Eddie,” Steve replies “you can’t say to me what I can do or I cannot. And I won’t tell you what to do either. I know that I’m asking a lot, but please believe me when I say we can make it.”
They share a look in silence, Steve seems convinced that they have a chance, maybe only one, but it’s there, he sees it, and he is determined to go on with his plan, no matter what.
The clang of Eddie’s armor fills the air when he gets up and leaves the little house, slamming the door behind himself, and screaming so loudly in the quiet of the forest that he scares some birds who fly away quickly.
The only thing Eddie is sure about is that he can’t risk Steve’s life, and he knows him well enough to know that he is stubborn and if he has decided that he is going back to the castle he is going back, no matter what.
Eddie, sighs, staring at the orange-red sky, wondering if this will be the last time he will see the sunset, but if Steve is going to do something reckless, he will be at his side.
“What’s the other option?” Robin asks, appearing from nowhere. “If Vecna wants to find him he’ll find him, no matter how far you take him.”
Eddie sighs, looking at the red turn into dark pink and then a lovely violet.
“We never had a chance, right?”
“Probably not.” She agrees “From the moment Vecna came back, everyone was cursed.”
“Especially Steve.”
The mage stares at Eddie with her bright blue eyes. “Everyone means everyone.”
The truth is that Eddie is the best guard Steve has because he is selfish. That boy is his Prince, his King, his Lover, his entire world and he will fight for him, kill for him, even die for him, but he can’t endure the idea of losing him.
“Do you think we can make it?” Eddie asks.
“I can only guess.” The mage replies, picking a little blue iris from the ground and tucking it into Eddie’s hair. “Mages don’t make bets, but if they would, I would bet on you. You have that possessive anger hidden behind that smirk that will be the death of many people.”
He will kill everyone who will try to lay a finger on his king, mage or not.
“I guess this means we are going to war.”
“Come along, your companions are already making a plan while you are here sulking.”
“I’m not sulking!” Eddie protests, but when he turns he is alone in the meadow.
When Eddie gets back to the little house Steve is leaning on the table, pointing at the map and giving directions to his men.
“There are just a few of us,” Jeff murmurs, “we can’t take the castle.”
“We don’t have to take the entire castle, we just need to find Vecna and kill him.” Steve explains, “And I think our friend Robin has more than one trick up her sleeve.”
“I can’t promise you anything more than my protection.”
“That’s exactly what I’m asking for. Only… not only for us, but for the people in the castle as well.”
Steve quickly explains that he wants Robin to make all the people in the castle fall asleep in a dreamless sleep so that they will be protected from Vecna’s powers. “If he kills them in their dreams, a dreamless sleep will protect them from Vecna’s influence, right?”
“It’s a powerful enchantment you’re asking me to do. I might not be able to help you if I’m busy keeping everyone asleep.” The older mage explains and Steve nods in understanding.
“Keep them safe, we’ll take care of the rest.” Steve turns toward his guards. “Once everyone is asleep the mage will have to find someone else to attack if he wants to feed and we will be just outside the castle, waiting.”
“He needs to feed every night,” Robin adds, “so he will try to find the closest victim he could find. But which one of you will be willing to sacrifice himself?”
Eddie turns toward Steve, yelling one single word “No!”
Steve doesn’t even turn, so Eddie grabs him by the shoulders. “No! I said no! Did you hear me? I’m your fucking guard and I’m not letting you be the bait for a dark mage! Are we clear?”
“Eddie, you are all trained swordsmen. If someone has a better possibility to kill him it’s you and your men, not the spoiled prince.”
Eddie shakes his head, feeling the rage knotting his stomach. “No. I’ll do it. I’ll be the fucking bait.”
Chrissy puts a hand on Eddie’s shoulder. “I think… I think that Vecna will be more inclined to kill the heir of the kingdom. After all, if he’s really looking for revenge he will be the one he’ll look for. Don’t you think so?”
Eddie glares at the girl. He is not going to let Steve sacrifice himself. Not if he can’t prevent it. But it seems that he is the only one opposing Steve's decision.
Steve sighs, before getting up and staring into his lover's eyes. “You swore an oath to me. This is the moment I’m going to ask you to honor that oath.”
Eddie’s nostril flares and clenches his jaw, but Steve gives him all the time he needs until he calms himself and lowers his head. “Your wish is my command.” 
Later that night, when they are trying to get some rest with Eddie’s arms around Steve’s body and his sword ready at his side, Steve whispers to Eddie, “I’m sorry. I keep giving you orders you despise.” 
Eddie stiffens behind him, whispering, “It’s not that.”
“It’s exactly that. I’m using my power against you, and I’m sorry. I know you think I’m crazy, either because I trust a dream I had or because I was poisoned. In any case, you do not trust me, that’s the truth. And I understand that,” Steve insists, “but you can’t stay at my side if you don’t trust me because if you want me to trust you, you have to trust me first.”
Eddie bites the inside of his cheek. He doesn't want to lie to his king and tell him that he trusts him because, in fact, he doesn’t, but he is not going to leave his side no matter what.
“I trust that you believe what you say.” Eddie whispers behind Steve’s ear. “But I’m unsure about this dreaming thing.” He admits in a low voice.
“Haven't you ever had a dream that became reality?”
Eddie’s grip on Steve’s body gets even stronger. He did. He dreamed that the annoying little prince would have looked at him even one time and he did. And he did more than that: he became his best friend, his faithful companion, his lover.
“I did.” Eddie finally admits, holding Steve in a tight embrace.
“So trust my dream. It’s a good dream, Eddie. I swear.”
“What if your dream is an illusion? What if Vecna is manipulating your dreams?”
Steve’s grip on Eddie’s hand tightens. “What other choice do we have?”
Those are the same words Robin told him in the woods and are still so true.
“I hate this. I hate that I don’t know if I can protect you from this monster, I hate that I know that you’ll go there even if I ask you not to and I hate that I can’t avoid it.”
Brushing  his knuckles on Eddie’s cheek, Steve chuckles, “You can’t control me Eddie, no one can, but if there was one person in the world I’d give the power to do it, it would be you.” Steve replies, “Now sleep. Tomorrow we are leaving. At first lights”
Eddie nods, breathing in Steve’s scent and trying to memorize every detail of his dotted skin. He keeps staring at his lover, and once he is sure that the boy is finally asleep he sighs, “I love you…” Eddie whispers to the night “and I know I can’t live without you.”
And that is a promise.
And a threat.
tag list: @katyawriteswhump
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divkazkdovikde · 2 years
the bookworm urge to quit the food science major i’m currently studying and apply for literature and translation or history major instead.
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mizartz · 9 months
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I am dreaming of a mod that is So self indulgent
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quietwingsinthesky · 5 months
i do love canon amy & rory but god, does some part of me wish they really had gone with the idea of the doctor picking up a child as a companion (and then later, that child’s best friend with a huge crush on her.) with the rest of the season really not changing at all, except now it’s amelia pond with an angel in her head killing her and lost alone in the woods. it’s little rory who dies and is forgotten and becomes a toy soldier. if this is going to be a fairy tale, then let it be one. children have never been safe in fairy tales.
#it wouldn’t have to change any of the actual plot of the season. except MAYBE amy’s choice but even then i think amy’s choice would be the#one episode where they should be adults. if only for the half where they live in a village in that dream.#because that’s the kind of future that children would dream up. they live in a little cottage and nothing ever goes wrong and their best#friend visits them all the time even though they’ve grown up.#they aren’t actually adults there just children with an idea of what they should be as adults and acting accordingly#and it would still end the same way.#but idk its just. rory’s 2000 years waiting for amy inside the pandorica is already tragic. yes.#now imagine its a kid. a kid in a little roman soldier helmet who will never grow up. who will not leave his best friend.#he loves her and she’s more important than the whole universe and that sort of love is supposed to MEAN something in a fairy tale!#its supposed to melt the ice out of hearts and transform people from stone.#and what that love means here. is that he will have to wait 2000 years. a child and a box.#little rory and the amelia who followed the doctor’s letters to the pandorica. and she doesn’t recognize him again.#and amelia in the pandorica… 2000 years a child trapped in a small box waiting to be rescued.#s5 is already fucked for them but it could be worse. it could be so much worse.#and it would make the doctor choosing to take her place in the pandorica to save the universe later even better.#because who else but the doctor would put the fate of the universe on the shoulders of two children and realize much too late what a#monstrous thing he’d done. and still have to hope. have to hope. that amelia would remember him fondly enough to bring him back to reality.#the logistics of all of this would have been a pain lmao. child labor laws in acting and all that.#BUT. hypothetically. it would have slapped.#doctor who#amy pond#rory williams#<- also this entire time ive been referring to him in my head as rory pond so much that i fuckin. forgot his actual last name.#and then like if you want them to be adults in s6 or whatever you can just timeskip to them getting married and still have amelia remember#the doctor there. it would work. it would.#amelia pond au
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lunarharp · 1 year
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leftover vibes from yesterday
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mobbothetrue · 5 months
Had a dream I went to go see a publicity stunt movie, which was about… I want to say, like, animal farm or something— some grim thing, involving animals— except the movie was about forcing a real life pig, strapped to a movie theatre chair, to watch. Except the big twist at the end was the camera panning around to reveal… it was a fake pig all along. Unsure what the goal was.
I knew the twist going in, but I am as much unable to stop where my dreams are going as I am able to redirect a river with my bare hands, so into the theatre I went. The specific promotional stunt my dream theatre was doing was that the fake pig? In the theatre with you. Whooaaaaa. I got a seat pretty close to the animals— and the choice to switch from ‘pig’ to ‘animal’ is intentional, here, because I don’t remember what they were but they sure as hell wasn’t pigs
There was a baby… whatever it was, on the ground in front of the screen, and it’s mother was the one strapped to a chair. I remember spending most of the film staring at the mother & thinking ‘damn… that fake animal sure as hell looks real. I can see it blinking. Wow. Hang on,’ bc the fake animal was supposed to have button eyes
Now, I’m pretty sure in real life I would in fact be able to tell that it was a real animal like wayyyy faster, but again, dreams, rivers.
Anyway me forcing the realization that the animals were real made the dream start falling apart. Got lost in some long ass dark hallways. A theatre employee accosted me. Wound up back in the theatre & chose to free the baby. Was looking for a key to free the mother when I got trapped in the lobby which was also a veterinary office and my mother was there and trying to get me to run a class on animal welfare.
I don’t know why I’m turning this into a tumblr post. It was visceral though. I can still see the mother’s eye.
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magnusbae · 6 months
having vivid dreams about being hugged tight and warm by someone who is currently shitty to you like thanks brain 🙄
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