#so merlin decides to take responsibility for both of them
pyreshe · 2 years
one day I will write out my lil arthuriana thing where m.erlin raises a.rthur and loves him like a son but he still loses him and is more or less doomed to an agonizingly long life where he is constantly reminded that he failed his boy and is looking for a reincarnation he can't even be sure will ever come,,
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frost-queen · 4 months
Effecting herbs (Reader!Bridgerton & Bridgerton siblings)
Requested by: anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic  , @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22 , @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers   , @merlieve   , @queen-of-books  , @glimmering-darling-dolly   ,@denkisclown  , @wildieflower   ,@meyocoko    , @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl  , @m-rae23 , @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr , @swampthing07   , @melsunshine   @panhoeofmanyfandoms  , @venomsvl , @the-uncoordinated-house-cat ,@rosecentury   ,  @imagines-by-her   ,  @evilcr0ne   , @vviolynn    , @niktwazny303   ,@avada-kedavra-bitch-187  , @markive-m  , @lovesanimals0000
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Loud stomps on the stairs alarmed your coming. Gregory and Hyacinth standing still on the upper floor. They were making their way downstairs, but paused near the stairs, having heard your loud footsteps. With each foot you stomped louder to make it clear. Dress pulled up slightly to not trip over the hem. With bloated cheeks, you were mumbling under your breath. Hyacinth and Gregory made way for you to let you brush past them.
Once out of reach, Hyacinth turned curious to her brother. – “You think she’s in a mood?” – she asked receiving a glance of her brother that stated the obvious. The two younglings rushed down the stairs to the drawing room, eager to know any gossip that would sure be attached to the appearance of your mood. You knew exactly what door to pick, knowing it would allow you to ramble.
You swung the door open, startling two of your brothers. Benedict and Colin. Stationed across each other, a small round table in between. Porcelain cups for each. Colin looked over his shoulder with a curious frown. You had pressed your back against the door, exhaling loud, slouching a bit through your knees.
“Calling hours already over?” – Colin questioned. – “Has it been productive?” – Benedict asked. Removing yourself from against the door, you paced around them. – “I’m sensing some negativities.” – Benedict spoke with a waving gesture at your aura. It made you groan loud with a hard stare at him. Colin was about to gesture to spill your heart when you already begun spewing your frustrations. – “What is with men?” – you called out. Benedict responding with his body language at your question.
Cup in his hand as he pulled his shoulders up. – “Have… have none been of your liking?” – Colin asked. – “Liking?” – you repeated loud, followed by a puff. – “Is it something about me that makes me attract the most uninteresting of men? Am I that dull-looking?” – you wondered about yourself starting your irritations. – “Were there no interesting topics to discuss?” – Colin wondered, having no clue which men had called upon the house for you.
He had no interest in joining, leaving it all to Anthony and mama to do so. Perhaps they had required his assistance, surely now with two daughters debuting. – “If you call being compared to a bird a topic.” – you answered sarcastically, taking a hold of one of the chairs, to both their side.
Benedict snorted loud, unable to stop himself. Colin sighed disappointed in his brother’s silly response. – “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” – Benedict said waving his hand around. – “Y/n has Anthony not assisted you in the matter?” – Colin wanted to know as your eyes fell upon the tea on the table. – “What are you two tea-gathering about?” – curious what made them decide to share a tea together around four. Colin chuckled nervously, moving his hand over the table to let a little sack disappear.
“Nothing.” – Colin said moving his hand under the table. Benedict leaned a bit more back in his seat, looking with one squinted eye at you. – “Perhaps you need to loosen up? Get that rage out of you.” – he suggested with half a smirk. – “No!” – Colin made clear with a point at Benedict to not suggest what he was thinking. Benedict sighed soft with a roll of his eyes.
“I was merely teasing. I would never let her…” – he began hinting subtly at the tea he was still holding untouched up in his hand. – “A long-wattled umbrellabird he compared me with. What even in heaven’s name is that?” – you outed with frustration plucking the cup of tea from Benedict’s hand. – “Y/n no!” – Colin called out as Benedict lunged forwards, wanting to grab the tea from you.
You took a sip from the tea, tasting it funnily in your mouth. – “I’m not sure whether it was an insult or not!” – you said lowering the cup a bit. Colin cupped his hands underneath it wanting to take it from you as you moved the cup to your lips once more. Benedict wincing in discomfort as he watched you drink the entire content in one breath. Colin took the cup of tea out of your hands, staring inside.
With a soft gulp, he turned the empty cup to his brother to look upon. – “Dear God.” – Benedict breathed out, wiping his hand down his face. – “What?” – you called out confused to your brother’s absurd reactions. Benedict shoved his chair back, coming to stand by you. – “How… how are you feeling sister?” – he asked touching your arm. Colin gave him a slap against his arm.
“It does not take effect so quickly.” – he said between clenched teeth, outraged by the outcome. – “How am I supposed to know?” – Benedict countered throwing his hands up. – “Why did you drop the entire content in the tea?” – Colin shout-whispered trying to keep his composure. – “Why didn’t you stop me?” – Benedict responded in sheer panic. – “I tried!” – Colin made clear with a loud voice.
Your sudden giggling made your brothers look upon you. – “God she is giggling.” – Benedict said, letting his head fall back, scrunching his nose. You started giggling more, shuddering with your shoulders. Colin noticed the blush appearing on your cheeks. He pointed it out with a gesture, looking annoyed at his brother. – “Mend her!” – Benedict let out pushing you a bit in his direction. Colin caught you, looking with wide eyes at Ben.
“What? I can’t mend this?” – he answered as you interrupted him with more giggles. – “It was your tea, you mend her!” – Colin pushed you back to Benedict as you spun into the arms of your brother. – “Benny…” – you said rubbing your cheek against his, arms tight around his neck. – “I wuv you Benny…” – you said dozily as Benedict tried to get you off him. He managed to push you off as you spun dizzily against Colin, making him catch you by your arms.
“It were your herbs!” – Benedict breathed out, pulling his shirt more down. Colin gasped loud at his accusations. – “For you! Not for her!” – he shouted pushing you a bit to the side, so he could see his brother clearer. The hem of your dress caught underneath your shoe as it send you flat down. Falling with a loud thump to the ground.
Your brothers turning their heads worriedly at you. You got back up, flapping your hands against your side, bits of your skirt fluffing up. – “I am quite alright.” – you told them, standing a bit wobbly on your heels. It made them both almost jump at you to restrain your balance. Giggling again. Colin pinched his nose-bridge. – “Anthony cannot see her like this.” – Benedict spoke as a wave of fear washed over him.
If Anthony knew, he’d punish them so gravely they would not see daylight for numerous years. – “Mama!” – Colin gasped out fearing her reaction too. – “Perhaps… perhaps it wouldn’t be as terrible as we think?” – Benedict responded calmly yet at the brink of fearing his poor nerves. A soft ‘whee’ sound came from you. Patting your hands in the air as you twirled around. Dartling around like a butterfly. Benedict’s first response was to slap his palm against his forehead. Colin gaping at the effects of the herbs visible.
They turned back to each other, to continue their bickering. – “How are you going to keep this quiet from mama?” – Colin stated keeping his voice down. – “Me? You mean us!” – Benedict made clear, as Colin had as much blame for it as him. – “You poured it in the tea!” – Colin argued keeping his voice low. – “You brought the lavender herbs!” – Benedict finished.
Colin sighed loud, turning his posture to you. – “Y/n come.” – he said… apparently at a blank wall. Blinking confused and rapidly. Benedict’s eyes widened. – “Where is she?” – he called out in a panic, ducking down a bit to look lower to the ground. – “She has not shrunken!” – Colin shouted annoyed. Benedict straightened his posture. – “Oh really!” – he let out sarcastically ready to throw hands at Colin for being so humouring in such a dire time. Both froze hearing something in the hallway. – “You don’t think?” – Colin started as Benedict feared the same idea.
Pushing each other out of the way, they ran out of the room into the hallway. Benedict gasped loud seeing you on the floor. Clearly having tripped. Colin hastened himself over, pulling you up by your arm. – “For goodness sake Y/n, sober up.” – he whispered in your ear. You let out a hiccup in response. Chuckling amusingly afterwards. The opening of a door made the three of you stare and freeze like deer. Francesca left her room, holding music sheets in her hand.
Eyes glued on the notes scribbled on the papers. – “Francesca!” – you called out, throwing your arms up. It made Colin loose his grip on you. Before he could hold you back, you ran up to your sister. Startling her as you cupped her cheeks, pressing a thick and deep kiss on her forehead.
Benedict made haste, pulling you off Francesca. – “She… she is very excited to see you.” – he said nervously, keeping you behind him. Francesca blinked slowly trying to process the sudden kiss attack. – “Y/n no!” – Colin called out as you had freed yourself from Benedict, running down the stairs. He hastily went after you, groaning at the annoyance of this cat and mouse game. – “Sister! Come back!” – Colin shouted in pursuit. Benedict had smiled sheepishly at Francesca before hurrying after Colin.
“Keep her away from the drawing room!��� – Benedict spoke in a panic. – “Keep who away?” – To their dismay turned Anthony up. Appearing as if he sensed something was off. Colin took a hold of your elbow, pulling you closer to him. – “No one… who?” – Benedict answered nervously to his brother. – “You. You said keep her away from the drawing room. Who?” – Anthony wanted to know, already moving his hands to his hip. – “Who?” – Benedict repeated to confuse Anthony.
“You!” – you called out loud with a point at your brother. Colin gave your arm a pull, scowling you for drawing attention. Anthony’s stare was tentative. Observant to say the least. – “What is with her?” – he questioned seeing you get distracted by your own skirt, watching it twirl at your ankles.
Benedict came standing in front of his view, hands up. – “Nothing, why?” – He asked moving his hands under his armpit. Anthony sensed something off, pushing him out of the way. – “She is testing the swiftness of her skirt.” – Colin interfered to say something. Benedict looked questionable over to him.
Colin pulling his shoulders up as it was the best he could think off. Benedict hurried over to the two of you, grabbing you by your arms to push you away. – “Come sister, your dress is most perfect for a sketch of mine.” – Benedict grinned sheepishly over his shoulder to Anthony, hoping he would not find it suspicious. It took Anthony a few thoughtful seconds before shouting Benedict’s name.
“Hurry!” – Colin called out, pushing you harder as they started running to get away from Anthony. There was clearly no fooling Anthony. – “She needs to sober up and very soon!” – Benedict warned Colin. – “I know something.” – Colin huffed out, running through the house with you.
Colin opened the door to the cleaning room. He hastened himself to pick up a bucket and hurry back outside to fetch water. You hugged the doorframe hazily as Benedict moved you away from it. – “I don’t feel so good.” – you mumbled out, feeling lightheaded. Benedict held you by your arm, moving a small stool closer. Pushing you down to sit on it. You sat more to the side, as the stool tipped over, making you fall down.
Benedict pressed his hands worriedly against his cheeks. You did nothing but laugh hysterically. – “Y/n.” – Benedict groaned out, helping you back up. He sat you down as you booped his nose. Smiling high as the sky at him. You then smacked your hands against his cheeks, moving it around, squashing and stretching the skin on his cheeks out of pure amusement. – “Y/n stop that!” – Benedict let out, pulling your hands down. The first reaction from you while feeling this strangely was to cry. – “Oh… no, no, no.” – Benedict called out, not intending for you to cry.
He looked anxiously over his shoulder, begging Colin to hurry up. He began shushing you, wiping your tears away.  – “I’m sorry, sorry sister. Here.” – he took your hands bringing it back to his cheeks. – “You are allowed.” – he rubbed your hands against his cheeks in an attempt that you would continue, yet you just kept crying, not engaging.
“Please Y/n stop crying. I am begging you.” – he responded not wanting to alarm anyone else to this room. You cried even louder, ugly crying as if you were doing it on purpose. Benedict was at the brink of shutting your mouth by covering it up with his hand just to deafen your cries when Colin stumbled inside. A bit of water splashing over the edge of the heavy bucket he was carrying.
“Out of the way!” – he called out, moving the bucket up. Benedict’s eyes widened jumping aside as Colin splashed the water on you. A shower of cold water over you. The sudden shock making you jump up, drenched, sputtering out some water. Colin lowered the bucket out of breath. – “Are you insane?” – Benedict called out to Colin. Clatter teething, you rubbed your arms.
“Co-o-old.” – you stuttered out. Benedict shot Colin a warning glare before fetching you a towel. – “How are you feeling sister?” – Colin asked curious, trying to come closer as you slapped his hand annoyingly away. Benedict wrapped the towel around you. Still feeling a bit out of yourself, it was improving. – “Please don’t tell mama.” – Colin said as you shot him a dead glare.
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floatyflowers · 4 months
Arthurian Legends | Dark Platonic King Arthur Pandragon x Daughter Reader x Dark Platonic Various
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You are the twin of Mordred, and the child of King Arthur and Morgan Le Fay.
As you grew up, your mother mother shielded you, by placing protection spells on you, and also teaching you about healing using magic.
and she filled Mordred's head with hate on Arthur, claiming that he stole her birthright.
Mordred grew up with hatred in his heart towards Arthur, while you refused to hold ill intentions towards your father.
But that didn't stop you and Mordred from being inseparable and bonding as twins.
Whenever you have a suitor, Mordred gets rid of them with the help of his mother.
Morgan pushed you and your twin to reveal that you are his children at the court.
Mordred is quick to object on you coming with him, believing it to be dangerous.
"Mother, keep (Y/n) with you until I take revenge, I don't wish for her to meet the man who abandoned us and stole your throne"
"You and your sister have a connection, separation will only cause destruction"
You, on the other hand, did not want to ruin Arthur's marriage with Guinevere, yet you didn't wish to make your mother sad.
So, you started your journey with your twin.
Mordred made the first appearance by saving the king on a hunting trip, making Arthur knight him therefore he joins the Round Table.
Then Mordred introduces you to the court before announcing that the both of you are the children of the King
Arthur wanted to deny it even if he knew it was true, but when he saw how embarrassed you felt, he confirms it instead.
Later that day, you approach him and Guinevere shyly, stuttering out words of apology.
"I apologise for my brother's behavior and causing disturbance"
Your apology made Arthur obsessed with the idea of protecting you from any harm.
While Guinevere fall in love with the idea of you being her step-daughter.
She didn't have any children of her own, so you being her daughter is a really exciting thought.
Arthur makes sure to spend time with you bringing you on hunting trips with him and the knights of the round table.
He made you a tiara decorated with all types of rare stone gems for you to wear at all times.
Arthur would notice the closeness you have with Mordred which makes him decide to intask his son with many responsibilities so, you could spend more time with him instead of your twin.
"Your brother is occupied with his new responsibilities, allow to accompany you instead"
Merlin would grant you any wish you want, being more soft with you unlike how he is with Arthur when he was your age.
The old wizard also tries to advice your father to not keep you and your twin apart as it would might cause havoc.
But Arthur chose to ignore the warning, letting platonic obsession with you win.
On the other hand, Guinevere would take you with her on walks in the early morning.
Insisting you call her mother while she picks out expensive fabrics for the new dresses she ordered to be made for you.
"I wish for you to call me mother and to consider as such from now on"
"But, I have a mother, my queen"
"She is not here now, is she? I'm the wife of your father, so I'm your legitimate mother"
Mordred realizing that you are drafting away from him, your twin decided to cause chaos.
He exposed Guinevere in front of the whole court for having an affair with Lancelot, only to have his father cast her aside and order her death.
You try to reason with Arthur to spare her but seeing your love for her only made the king insistent on excuting.
The whole affair scandal caused a civil war.
Arthur decided to leave the kingdom and you in the care of Mordred while he went into war against Lancelot.
You helped Guinevere escape before she could get executed.
While Mordred seized the opportunity to ursurp the throne and become a king, allowing Morgan into the castle so all of you three could live together.
But you weren't pleased, taking a horse, you go to inform Arthur about what has occurred in his absence, making decide to return to reclaim the throne.
Thinking that Arthur has kidnapped and held you captive, Mordred almost went insane about how you, his twin, the other part of him, isn't by his side.
So, he went with an army to the battle of Camlann against Arthur's army.
The father and son stabbed each other severely, so both could die.
The end.
Actually, no, that's not the end.
Remember when your mother taught you about healing?
Well, it came to use, as you healed both Mordred and Arthur.
You made them both agree on peace, with Mordred returning the throne to your father, while Arthur forgives Mordred and open a new page.
Arthur banished Morgan, so she doesn't influence you and your twin ever again.
You, Arthur, and Mordred live in peace as a happy family.
A/n: I decided to give it a happy ending because I feel like it would be nice for a change.
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Hello everyone! I'm back with another Merlin au idea! This story was actually supposed to be a part of my fic "What to do When an Eldritch God Decides That You're Friend-Shaped", but I decided that this idea didn't really mesh well with the rest of that fic and would probably be better off as its own separate story.
And I will say, in my opinion, that this is probably one of my best au ideas yet. I had so much fun just writing this! Also, heads up, this post is going to be very long because I really love this idea! So, I hope you all enjoy! :D
In this au, which is set post-Camlann, Morgana wasn't able to take Merlin's magic away before the battle, so Merlin was able to save Arthur and defeat both Mordred and Morgana without revealing his magic. He was also able to prevent Gwaine's death since he kept Morgana preoccupied in the battle. So, Camelot is saved, and everything is great!
Except, Arthur has some questions. He knows from Morgana's furious screams during the battle that she was killed by a sorcerer named "Emrys", but Arthur never saw him. And Arthur recognized that name from when Morgana taunted him years ago by saying "Not even Emrys can save you now."
Arthur knows that he owes his kingdom and perhaps his life to this Emrys guy, but he knows nothing about him other than that he's a very powerful sorcerer, more powerful than Morgana. This frightens Arthur, as he doesn't know what Emrys wants or why he helps Arthur. For all Arthur knows, Emrys could be just biding his time to take over Camelot and was simply doing away with his competition by killing Morgana.
After things calmed down after the battle of Camlann, Arthur decides that he needs more information on Emrys. Who he is, what are his motives, how can they find him, and a million other details that Arthur needs to ensure his people's safety. He first goes to Gaius for information, but Gaius can tells him that, according to the myths of the Old Religion, Emrys is the most powerful sorcerer to ever walk the earth and is held in high regard by the druids.
Gaius's answer only heightens Arthur's alarm, as the prospect of having to fight to most powerful sorcerer ever is terrifying to him. However, he still doesn't have any good information on Emrys, so he goes to the next best source: the druids.
Thanks to Arthur making peace with the druids after promising the ghost of the young druid boy and permitting them to use their magic for peaceful purposes only, there were a couple druid camps not far from Camelot. Arthur picked the closer one and took a day to travel there alongside Merlin and a few knights in the hopes of finally getting some answers.
When they arrive at the camp, they're met with worried glances and panicked faces, but the druid elders welcome them into the camp nonetheless, offering them all a seat by their campfire and warm meal. Once they got settled and Arthur exchanged some pleasantries with Iseldir, the druid chieftain, Arthur was finally able to ask what had been plaguing him for weeks.
"Iseldir, I know that your people hold a sorcerer named Emrys in high regard, and it's come to my attention that he was responsible for Morgana's defeat at Camlann and possibly on other occasions. Please, I need to know more about him and why he's chosen to help me."
Several people froze and tensed at Arthur's questions, including Merlin. Arthur sighed internally at Merlin's usual panic. He knew that Merlin could become easily scared in the face of magic, so he should have knows that his friend wouldn't approve of Arthur actively seeking out a dangerous sorcerer.
After a short, tense pause, Iseldir clears his throat and responds.
"I'd be happy to answer some of your questions about the god of magic!"
Wait, did Arthur hear that correctly? God of magic?! Arthur, in his shock, blurted out,
"Emrys is a god?! I had heard that he was a powerful sorcerer, not some deity!"
Iseldir chuckled a bit before responding,
"Emrys is indeed the god of magic in the Old Religion, the son of the Triple Goddess herself! He is not simply the master of magic, but rather magic itself, its very incarnation!"
That... was a rather frightening prospect, and it confused Arthur even further. Why would magic itself fight against Morgana? Why take Arthur's side? And, perhaps more importantly, was Arthur going to have to fight a god in order to protect his kingdom?!
Iseldir continued before Arthur's hysterical thought could bubble up to the surface.
"As I said, I'm happy to answer your questions, but please know that there are some secrets that Emrys has entrusted our people with that we cannot divulge, and there are some truths that might be... difficult for you in particular."
Arthur frowned at Iseldir's answer, unsure of what to make of it.
"What do you mean it might be difficult for me in particular?"
Iseldir winced a bit, grimacing like he didn't know how to respond without warranting a negative response.
"Well, there are some elements of Emrys's story that intertwine with your own life in some ways that you might not expect or be ready to hear at this point. Your life and Emrys's are highly connected, King Arthur, even if you don't know the extent of it yet."
Arthur's eyes widened at this admission. His life was connected to this mysterious god of the old religion? How could that possibly be true? He had didn't even know that Emrys was a god until a few moments ago! However, as curious as he was about what Iseldir could be talking about, he had more pressing matters at hand.
"We can discuss how I am connected to Emrys later. For now, I need answers to more important questions. Why does Emrys help Camelot? What is he hoping to get out of it?"
Iseldir looked much happier to answer this question, speaking calmly with a serene smile on his face.
"Emrys had many reasons to stand against the witch. She frequently hunted down and killed more peaceful magic users who did not share her taste for vengeance and bloodshed, including our fellow druids and even the Catha, a small sect of priests of the Old Religion that followed Emrys's will. Emrys fought against Morgana to protect these followers of his from her wrath."
Arthur nodded at Iseldir's explanation. As odd as it felt to have something in common with a god of the Old Religion, he could understand very well the drive to protect his own people. If Emrys's people were also in danger because of Morgana, it made sense for him to join forces with Arthur, even if Arthur was unaware of that alliance. Seeing Arthur's understanding, Iseldir continued with his explanation.
"Emrys also fought against Morgana in order to punish her for her hubris and use of dark magic. There are certain dark arts that take the power that Emrys grants us and twist it into a horrible force, bound only by the will of its user. Such arts are expressly forbidden by Emrys, and he cannot control what sorcerers do with such magic after its been corrupted so thoroughly. Morgana frequently used such forbidden arts and claimed the title of high priestess while ignoring the will of the gods, even the one that she drew her power from. Emrys is normally slow to anger, but for such transgressions, he became furious with Morgana and sought to punish her for treason against magic itself."
Arthur understood that a little bit less, but he could also relate to Emrys's reasoning as a king who had also had to punish some of his own citizens for treason.
"I can see that Emrys stood opposed to Morgana, but does Camelot have anything to fear from him? I can understand why he might not be very forgiving towards us considering my father's actions during his reign."
To Arthur's immense relief, Iseldir shook his head slightly before providing an explanation.
"No, Camelot has nothing to fear from Emrys. He knows that not everyone in Camelot agreed with your father's actions, and he can see progress that you've made since the end of your father's reign. In fact, Emrys has assisted Camelot many times even when Morgana wasn't involved!"
Arthur reeled backwards in shock at Iseldir words. The god of magic, helping Camelot freely? Despite everything his father had done?! Iseldir's explanation forced Arthur to re-evaluate what he knew of the Old Religion.
He had always seen the Old Religion and its gods as monstrous and barbaric. However, that wasn't the case, was it? Emrys had saved the kingdom that sought to destroy him. The Disir had shown Mordred mercy, even though Arthur had rejected their offer. The White Goddess had restored Guinevere's soul at the Cauldron of Arianrhod and healed her of Morgana's curse. Were all of the gods and goddesses of the Old Religion so benevolent and kind? Had Arthur misunderstood the Old Religion for his entire life?
However, Arthur was still shocked at Emrys in particular choosing to help Camelot, supposedly with no ulterior motives besides a common enemy in Morgana. That was how Camelot had survived against such odds? How could it be that magic itself was on their side?!
As Arthur looked at Iseldir again however, he noticed that the druid chieftain's face had pulled into a grimace again. Arthur certainly knew that look, he had seen it on the faces of his council members frequently.
"There's something that you aren't telling me, isn't there? I know that there are some things that you may be hesitant to divulge, but please, I must know everything I can about Emrys, for the safety of my kingdom."
Iseldir paused again, sighing deeply. He sat still for a moment, as if pondering how to proceed.
"Truthfully, there is another reason why Emrys assisted you, but it involves what I spoke of earlier, wen I said that your life and Emrys's are connected in ways that you may not expect. I am willing to tell you such things, but these truths might be hard for you to hear."
Arthur leaned forward, his curiosity piqued again.
"I have learned many uncomfortable truths about my own life through the years, so I will ask you: how could my life be connected to the god of magic?"
Iseldir nodded at Arthur's words and began speaking with a serious, nearly grim, voice.
"I assume that you are familiar with how life is exchanged in the practice of the Old Religion? For any life give, a life must be taken."
Arthur flinched backwards at Iseldir's words, already recognizing what topic was about to be brought up. He had come to terms with the truth of his birth years ago, but hearing it again didn't make it any easier. Blinking back tears, Arthur responded.
"Yes, I... I know. I'm aware that my father made a deal with the priestess Nimueh to secure an heir, and I know that my mother was the one who paid the price in the end."
Arthur heard quiet gasps coming from the knights around him, while Merlin silently put a comforting hand on Arthur's shoulder. Iseldir, after a moment, continued with his explanation.
"You are correct in your understanding, however, there is one part of the story that you are unaware of."
Arthur jolted in shock at Iseldir's words. There was more to the story of his birth? Frantically, Arthur started asking questions.
"What do you mean? What haven't I been told?"
Iseldir patiently and softly answered Arthur's questions, trying to soften the crushing revelation that he was about to tell Arthur.
"The balance of life and death is at the very core of the Old Religion. However, it is not the power of creation. The power over life and death was used by the high priestesses to resurrect and bring life to someone who has already passed. To magically create a new life, a new soul, from nothing is an act of creation, something that takes far more power than manipulating the balance of life and death. An act of creation takes the power of a god."
"I... I don't understand. What are you trying to tell me?"
"I am sorry that you had to find out this way, King Arthur. But in order to successfully ensure that your mother and father had an heir, Nimueh called upon the power of her patron god: Emrys."
This time, it was Arthur was gasped in shock at this information, hysteria rising in him once again.
"Are you telling me that Emrys was responsible for my very creation?! That it was his power that created me?!"
"More than that, I'm afraid. To create your soul, Emrys did more than just weave his own power into a life. He cut out a shard of his own soul and breathed life into it, thus creating you. While we don't know his reasons for doing so, Emrys created you from a part of his own being."
Arthur felt like his breath had just been punched out of him. What... what did this mean?!
Iseldir must have seen his panic, and further clarified.
"In the eyes of the gods, this made Emrys your true creator and, in the eyes of the magical world, your father."
At those words, Arthur stopped breathing entirely. Unbeknownst to Iseldir, who kept going with his explanation, Arthur entire worldview was collapsing in on itself.
Magic itself was his father?! What did that even mean?!
And oh god was he even a Pendragon? Did he even have a legitimate claim to the throne of Camelot?!
Arthur's panic was so strong that he could barely feel how Merlin's supportive hand on his shoulder was now clenching hard enough to bruise.
(Meanwhile, inside Merlin's panicking mind: WTF??! Oh shit I owed HOW MUCH to Uther Pendragon in child support?! Am I a deadbeat dad to my own best friend??)
"This is why you triumphed over any foe, magical or otherwise. Emrys forbade any magic from truly harming you, and he rose to protect you when you needed him. He will always fight by your side, as you are, in many ways, a part of him."
Iseldir paused, now noticing Arthur's hyperventilating.
"I assume that you have many questions following this news. Please, feel free to ask anything, there's no need to be scared by this!"
Arthur took a deep breath and tried to keep from laugh hysterically. No need to be scared?! His entire life had just been turned on its head!
"If... if Emrys is my true father, what about Uther? Do I even have a claim to my throne?"
"Ah, there's no need to worried about that. While Emrys might be your father in terms of your soul, Uther is still your father in terms of blood. Do not fret, King Arthur, you are still of Pendragon blood and have every rightful claim to your throne."
Arthur calmed down a bit at Iseldir's words, breathing much easier now. This explained so many things about Arthur's life, how he had survived in situations that he by all means shouldn't have. Still, he had many questions for Iseldir.
"If I am truly the son of magic itself, am I even human, or am I some sort of demigod?"
At this question, Iseldir shook his head.
"That, I truly do not know. I'm sorry, but I don't think anyone knows the answer to that question except for Emrys himself."
Finally, an idea occurred to Arthur. He stiffened as he blurted out,
"Can I speak with him then? Is there any way to summon him?"
As soon as the idea took root in Arthur's mind, he couldn't get it out. Emrys had to have been looking out for Arthur for many years now, using his power to protect him. This notion of having a secret father who had been caring for him for years almost felt like having a second chance.
Arthur never had the relationship with Uther that he wanted. There was no affection, no bonding, and no comfort to be found there. Only expectations and demands.
But Emrys had apparently been helping Arthur for years with no expectations and no demands. Arthur had fantasized as a young boy about what it would have been like to have a kind, caring father, the kind he saw doting on their children in the marketplace. Now, it almost seemed like he had another chance of having a father, one who truly cared about him!
So naturally, Arthur wanted to meet him! Both the druids and the knights look slightly confused at Arthur's excited outburst about wanting to meet Emrys, but the druids tell him that they have everything that they need to perform a summoning ritual, but they'd need some time to set it up.
Arthur asks if they can set it up for him, and they nod and walk away to begin preparations. Meanwhile, Merlin and the knights ask Arthur if he's just lost his mind. They know that this must be shocking for him, but does he need to summon a god?!
Merlin shows the most vocal opposition to Arthur's plan, saying that they still don't even know if they can trust Emrys. All they have to go on is the word of the druids, and they seem pretty biased in Emrys's favor.
Arthur smiles and tells Merlin that he appreciates his protectiveness, but this is something that Arthur needs to do. He needs this closure, this chance to connect with his last living parent.
Arthur does take Merlin's concerns into consideration though, and orders for his men to leave the camp and take Merlin with them, so they're far away and protected if Emrys turns out to be untrustworthy.
(As the knights drag a struggling Merlin away, Merlin is frantically talking with Iseldir in his mind about what the summoning ritual entails and what it looks like. If he magically pops up next to Arthur right as Arthur does a ritual to summon Emrys, even Arthur would be able to put two and two together!
Luckily, Iseldir informs him that the summoning ritual will summon his soul, not his body, and Arthur wouldn't be able to recognize him. Still, Merlin tried to talk the druids out of the ritual, because Merlin doesn't want his soul to get yanked out of his body! But there was little that the druids could do with Arthur insisting on the ritual.)
After preparing the materials for the ritual, the druids take Arthur back into a tent to get him ready. Arthur's heart pounded in his chest with both excitement and fear as the druids walked him through what he had to do.
First, they gave him some plain but comfortable robes to change in to. They explained that Emrys preferred his followers to come to him in the garments of peace, not war, so his armor, chainmail, and weapons would have to be left in the tent.
After changing into the robes, Arthur felt strangely both vulnerable and comforted. As the druids rubbed some flowery smelling oil into his arms and then led him to a small wooden altar, Arthur couldn't help comparing this experience to approaching Uther.
Whenever he was meeting with his father, Arthur was expected to show no weakness, no flaws. He had to look the part of the warrior prince, trained since birth and hardened by battle. However, here with Emrys, Arthur was dressed in comfortable clothes and told to simply ask for Emrys's presence before the altar. He didn't need a sacrifice or penance or any sort of challenge to summon Emrys. All that the druids told him was to "call for him, and Emrys will answer."
Placing one hand gently on the wooden surface of the intricately carved altar, Arthur cleared his throat wetly before saying aloud to the empty space in front of him,
"Emrys, I'm... I'm not sure if you're here, but I'm your- your son, Arthur. You probably know me already, though, since you've been helping me and protecting me for a long time now. I- I wanted to thank you for your help. So, I would appreciate it if you could appear, so I could meet you and thank you in person."
There, Arthur thought that was a pretty good introduction! This was his first time meeting his new father, so he needed to make a good first impression!
Arthur stood, awkwardly shifting on his feet as he tried to push down his disappointment with each passing moment that Emrys did not appear. Maybe Arthur did it wrong? Maybe Emrys hadn't heard him? Or maybe Emrys had heard him, but was disappointed in Arthur and deemed him a weak son, just like Uther had?
As Arthur tried to swallow down his hurt, suddenly, there was a bright flash of light above the altar. It was so bright that Arthur had to throw his hand in front of his eyes and turn away, but his heart leapt at the sight.
Was this it?! Was he about to meet his creator and have another chance at having a father?
As soon as he could, Arthur lowered his hand and opened his eyes, anxiously awaiting his first glimpse at Emrys! As the light died down, Arthur was able to make out the outline of something...
As the light slowly dwindled, Arthur could see a bright, glowing ball of golden light, very similar to the one that had saved him from that cave so many years ago, floating above the altar. His eyes widened as he realized what, or more likely who, this light must be.
Emrys was a god after all, Arthur really shouldn't have assumed that he'd look like a human. The god of magic taking a human form, what a crazy idea!
Taking a deep breath to compose himself, Arthur called out to the light.
"Emrys? Is that you?"
At his words, the light floated down from the altar until it was hovering right in front of Arthur, an arm's reach away. Arthur fought the urge to reach out and touch the light, just to see if it was real and not just a product of his own wishful thinking.
After a couple seconds, the ball of light flashed, and Arthur heard what sounded like multiple voices coming from it, speaking in unison.
"Hello Arthur. I'm so glad to finally be able to meet you. I am Emrys."
(Elsewhere, Merlin mentally patted himself on the back for making his soul-self sound sufficiently inhuman and speak in a manner that was completely unlike his usual self. Arthur couldn't possibly figure his identity out now!)
Arthur let out a sound that was something between a joyful laugh and a sob. Emrys actually came! Clearing his throat, Arthur tried to calm down his excitement and nerves and put on his best diplomat voice. He needed to start off strong here!
"I'm glad that we could meet as well. It's come to my attention that I have many things to thank you for, including Camelot's victory over Morgana in our latest battle. You might have saved all of Camelot, and I owe you a debt of gratitude."
Emrys silently floated in place for a moment, making Arthur sweat with nervousness. Had he already blown his one chance of having a caring parent?
Finally, Emrys's... orb body (what else was Arthur supposed to call it?!) glowed again and spoke with his multiple voices overlapping in harmony.
"You do not owe me anything, Arthur. There are no debts between us. We are family, tied together by our very souls. You never have to feel indebted to me for protecting you and Camelot. I do it not for a reward or recognition, but because I care for you."
Arthur's eyes misted over as he took in Emrys's words. How many times had he wished to hear anything like that from Uther? How many nights had he lied awake wondering what unconditional love from a parent would feel like?
As tears started silently rolling down Arthur's face, Emrys drifted closer to him. Arthur was startled by this move and didn't really know how to respond. Hesitantly, he lifted his hands to ball of light, unsure of what to do.
Slowly, the light moved towards Arthur's outreached hands. Arthur almost expected to flinch back upon contact, but instead, when his hands finally touched the ball of light itself, he was only met with a warm, comforting sensation, and he instantly relaxed and leaned into it. The only thing he could compare it to were those warm hugs that Merlin gave him whenever he felt down, which he would never admit to Merlin that he enjoyed.
Arthur gently guided the light closer, until he was hugging it against his chest and that wonderful warm fuzzy feeling was spreading through his entire body. Arthur wondered if this counted as getting a hug from his father, and then immediately decided that the answer was yes. And his new father apparently gave very good hugs.
Arthur stayed with Emrys for several more minutes, until the sun was setting. From there, Emrys told him that he had spent too much time in the mortal realm and couldn't hold his form for much longer without taking time to rest. Panicking, Arthur asked if he would be able to see Emrys again, he couldn't lose his new father so soon after meeting him!
Emrys reassured him that they'd see each other again soon and that he'd be by Arthur's side the whole time, even if Arthur couldn't see him. Comforted by this news, Arthur bid his new father farewell, and the ball of light slowly dissipated.
Arthur then returned to Merlin and his knights, who had a million questions for Arthur. Arthur answered their burning questions as best he could, and they were relieved to see that Arthur was safe and not scarred by the experience of talking to the god of magic.
The next day, they returned to Camelot, and Arthur soon realized that even if he couldn't see Emrys himself, he could certainly the effects that Emrys had on the world around him.
Arthur never fell sick, his rooms were never too hot or too cold, his muscles were never sore from training, his attackers that snuck into the castle never managed to land a hit on him, his kingdom's crops prospered, and a million other things went right in Arthur's life, and for the very first time, Arthur understood.
Magic loved him. And, more importantly, his father loved him.
And it didn't escape other people's notice either. He had told the knights that he had brought with him to the druid camp to not discuss the revelation of his relationship to Emrys, but one knight got drunk at the tavern and told his friend, and someone overheard, and now everyone in the kingdom had heard the news that King Arthur was apparently the son of a god.
The fact that Arthur had secretly prayed for Emrys's help when Gaius reported about a deadly plague in the lower town, only for Emrys to immediately appear again as a ball of light in the middle of a council meeting in front of dozens of witnesses didn't help Arthur keep it a secret either.
(Meanwhile, Merlin hears all of Arthur's prayers for Emrys. He's able to take care of most of Arthur's concerns just as Merlin, but a very powerful/emotional prayer from Arthur actually summons him in his "Emrys" form, leading to some awkward moments, but he makes it work for Arthur's sake.)
On the bright side of Arthur's heritage being revealed, other kingdoms were now much more open to peaceful negotiations and trade deals.
And on one occasion where a very foolish king tried to declare war on Arthur, the enemy king's army only made it a hundred yards of Camelot's forces before the earth itself broke open into a wide chasm that started swallowing the leaders of the enemy army whole. No one was stupid enough to attempt an attack on Camelot after that.
Life goes on like this for about a year, until Arthur catches Merlin using magic for some mundane purpose. Arthur is shocked of course, but magic has been legal for a while now. When he questions Merlin on where he learned magic from, Merlin stammers and says "Well... uh, Emrys..."
Arthur cut Merlin off, yelling because apparently his father was teaching Merlin magic behind his back?! What was that about!
Merlin then decides to take this misunderstanding and roll with it, because there's no way in hell that he's looking Arthur in the eyes and telling him that he's actually Arthur's magical father.
Merlin spins a story about how Emrys had been slowly teaching Merlin magic so Merlin could help Arthur out and always have someone nearby with magic to protect him! Arthur accepts this story, but is secretly a little bit jealous. How come Emrys chose to teach Merlin magic and not his own son?
After Arthur asks Emrys about this, Emrys apologizes to Arthur, saying that he didn't know if Arthur would be interested. He then starts trying to teach Arthur magic (to pretty much no success). To further apologize to Arthur, Emrys gives him a gift! Emrys had apparently heard about how Uther had forbidden Arthur from having a pet as a child despite Arthur begging for one, so Emrys decided to remedy this by giving Arthur a baby dragon to take care of and to train to protect Camelot.
Everyone else is alarmed by this, but Arthur is almost moved to tears because he loves the little dragon so much already!
And this au is already wayyyy too long, so I'll cut it off there! I'm tempted to call this the "Arthur gets catfished into a healthy parental relationship" au lol!
I hope you all enjoyed this au! Sorry about it being longer than usual, but I had a lot that I wanted to write about this au idea! And if you want to see even more of this au, feel free to let me know if you'd like a continuation!
And, as always, thank you for reading through my (very long) ramblings! :D
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shanastoryteller · 9 months
Happy Christmas Shana! May I ask for some Merlin and Arthur? Maybe the time travel Ygraine one, or something else entirely 🎁🎄🎅🏻
Queen Ygraine is cursed to die during childbirth and the baby is stolen from his very crib that same night.
Uther rages. The grief and the fury of losing them both leave him a broken man and a broken king. The grounds of Camelot turn to mud with all the blood he's spilled and the air turns grey and harsh from the burnings. He sends knights to every corner of his kingdom, but his son remains missing, not even a body to be found.
Tristan and Agravaine de Bois send letters, blaming Uther for their sister and nephew's death and proclaiming they are subjects of Uther's no more. It's a blip in torrent of grief - Uther can't even pretend to mourn the loss of his brothers in law in the face of that of his wife and son.
"I still think we should have killed him," Tristan says, watching the servants pack up the contents of their manor with a scowl.
"He would have killed you and then I'd be stuck doing this alone," Agravaine replies, a blond, blue eyed infant in his arms. "So our revenge will have to wait."
"Alone?" Nimueh scoffs. "Thanks. Is this not revenge enough?"
Tristan softens, reaching out to brush the back of his index finger against Arthur's chubby cheek. "He's not revenge. He's our nephew."
Agravaine briefly tightens his hold on the babe before relaxing. "Where are we going? I suppose Mercia is the obvious choice."
"That old man won't be able to help gloating to Uther and we don't want him giving us a second glance," Tristan says. "Cendred's kingdom is a better choice, I think. That's our where our grandfather's castle is anyway."
The two of them plus a sorceress should be more than compelling enough additions to his court for Cendred to relinquish it back to them. Or at least turn a blind eye when they take it back themselves.
Merlin is fourteen and standing by his mother's side, keeping his head down and not moving or thinking or looking or anything as the lords come to collect taxes.
No matter what they say, no matter what they do, he's not to move.
There's cries of pain from the smith as one of the lords kicks him down, shouting at him for how little they have. He's the most educated man in the village, he's the one that keeps track. He's the one that warns them how short they are.
They are especially short this year.
There's the sound of sword being unsheathed and Merlin resists the urge to bury his head in his mother's shoulder. He's not suppsosed to move.
"Oh, for goddess's sake," a new, young voice says. He doesn't sound that much older than Merlin. "This is a waste of time. If you cut off his head, will gold coins fall out?"
"We're here to collect taxes!" he insists.
The young lord scoffs. "And if we were sent to squeeze blood from a stone, how long would you spend with your hands pressing into bedrock? Look at them!"
"We can't just let them get away with it," he argues. "If you're father hears about this-"
"He'll hear about it because I'll tell him myself," he says, annoyed. "We could take everything they have and we'll still lose money when they starve to death and we have to send people to bury the bodies or risk disease settling in. The wages for those soldiers will cost far more than everything this little village has to offer."
"They're on our land, they pay the tax!"
The young lord's voice goes hard. "I think you'll see that they're on my father's land and it's ultimately his responsibility to collect taxes for the king. Which means this is decision, not yours."
"Yes, and he decided that-"
"Well I'm deciding differently and he can yell at me about it then!" he snaps. "Put your sword away before I draw mine."
There's a tense, heavy silence. Then there's the sound of a sword going back in its sheathe and, "Yes, Lord de Bois."
Lord de Bois sighs and then raises his voice so his voice carries travels to everyone standing there, to the whole village standing there and waiting. "I'll return within the week. If there's any sort of bookkeeping you have, gather it for me."
"Y-yes, my lord," the blacksmith stutters.
There's the sound of footsteps then hooves.
He lifts his head and only sees the back of the young Lord de Bois's blond head.
Merlin wonders if when he returns, he'll be allowed to look.
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gldnstrngs · 20 days
it’s wild to think that the two times arthur gives a ring to gwen in case he dies, he doesn’t actually give it to her himself
in s4 ep 5, he gives ygraine’s ring—his mother’s ring—to merlin, so he could hand it off to gwen. even though it was because gwen hadn’t actually been there, arthur knew what they were getting into before they left for the battle. he had every opportunity to give it to her before that, but instead gave merlin the responsibility with a “tell her i’m sorry”
and then in the series finale, when arthur knows that the chances of him making it are slim, he gives gaius to the royal seal to give to gwen. arthur knew how high stakes the battle against morgana was and gwen had even been there, so he could’ve actually given it to her himself because of that very risk. also, the fact that they never even really got a proper goodbye, despite everything…
then we have the s4 ep1 deleted scene of arthur giving merlin ygraine’s sigil, explicitly telling him to “just… take it.” nothing else was said, but there was nothing else actually needed to be said between the both of them. arthur’s actions said enough, which is not something gwen had the privilege of seeing herself
arthur knew the risks when he was going to confront the dorocha, so he gave merlin his mother’s sigil. but when it came to gwen, he couldn’t be the one to actually give his rings to her
also, the fact that arthur thought that merlin was meant to have his sigil, despite knowing the weight in doing that??? it’s not just a symbol that represents the de bois house, but it’s a seal for royalty, which means he inadvertently made merlin the heir to the throne. and that was before he entertained the idea of giving gwen his rings
that in itself is enough to prove that arthur looked at merlin as something more than just king and manservant or friends. in his mind, merlin and gwen paralleled each other, hence his actions. but it turned out that, in the end, merlin was the only one who really mattered to arthur when his life was at risk. and he actually got to say goodbye to merlin before he died, even telling him thank you—which we all know was coded for “i love you” (platonic or romantic)
and people can argue that because the deleted scene is, in fact, deleted, then that means it wouldn’t actually mean anything. i would argue against that— i think it actually means way more that the scene was not only deleted, but replaced with a more “platonic” feel to it. because the showrunners knew what they were doing
they. knew. i CANNOT emphasize that enough. it’s likely that they came up with the original scene, proceeded to film it, and then decided to cut it out because of The Implications
honestly, this little rant isn’t necessarily me trying to invalidate arwen. i may not ship them, but i definitely do think they deserved better treatment as the main ship (like not having arthur properly say goodbye to gwen was actually Diabolical). i do think arthur loved her, but his love for merlin superseded that and those scenes just seem to prove it😭
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iamnmbr3 · 2 months
broke: ron thinks harry isn't good enough for ginny
woke: ron thinks ginny isn't good enough for harry
bespoke: ron realizes that although his sister marrying his best friend would be nice in theory they both are better off with other people and ultimately he wants what's best for them and when he sees how happy ginny is to marry tonks, well, he's thrilled for her and is delighted to welcome tonks into the family...and when he sees how happy harry is to marry draco, well, he loves harry, so he pastes on the best imitation of a smile he can and if his grip on draco's hand when he welcomes him into the family (because let's face it, whether or not harry marries ginny, he's still family, which unfortunately means Draco is family now dear Merlin) is a bit vice-like and his smile a bit mechanical, well, who can blame him?
he softens eventually when he sees that even several years on harry really is happy with draco and draco truly seems to have changed and when he realizes that every holiday with the weasleys draco makes himself scarce because he's sure he'll never be wanted but he doesn't want to take away the only family harry has. so he makes himself unobtrusive and hopes he'll be tolerated for harry's sake. and that's not right is it? and suddenly ron finds himself actually seeking draco out and inviting him down when he's snuck off to bed early to stay out of everyone's way.
sure some wounds don't heal - like the scars on bill's face and fleur's snarl every time she looks at the man she holds nearly as responsible as greyback himself - but ron doesn't have it in him to be angry anymore. after all he's made mistakes hasn't he? he left, that time in the woods, walked out on the two people he loved most in the world. and sometimes he still wakes in a cold sweat from nightmares where he comes back and its too late and they're both lying dead and it's all his fault. it's not the same of course, but still, he understands what it is to regret. and the war's over now. and harry's happy. and draco's almost painfully polite these days and he works with werewolves at saint mungos and has friends in the muggle world that he made on his probation. so ron decides to give him a chance. after all, as harry often points out, none of them would be here if draco hadn't lied for them that day in the manor. it's not as good as being able to change your nose at will, he tells draco, but it'll do.
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Harry really should’ve expected something like this, but he’s still bewildered.
(And more than a little pissed off.)
Of course some bastard managed to enter him as the fifth champion in the Triwizard Tournament.
...Well. There are four schools participating, but “Quadwizard Tournament” doesn’t have the same ring to it.
There are several people shouting at each other and him in a variety of languages, and while he has no idea what they’re saying, he gets the gist of it: how did this scrawny fifth year have the audacity to trick the Goblet of Fire and enter the prestigious (and deadly) tournament?
He wishes they’d ask him so he could clear up that he hadn’t done that, and he doesn’t want to take part in this tournament, and they’re all being world-class prats right now.
Well. Except for Cedric Diggory. He just looks a bit confused, bless him.
Dumbledore asks him if he put his name in, and he says no, and maybe he overestimated these people because pretty much all of them scoff and don’t believe him. 
The Koldovstoretz champion’s voice cuts through the hullabaloo and says, in barely accented English, “If he is required to participate, why not let him forfeit?”
Thank Merlin, there’s a voice of reason in all this idiocy.
All eyes turn to the tall young man – Tom Riddle, Harry’d heard the name said by his love-struck peers enough times since the other schools arrived to remember it – who looks politely disinterested in the chaos around him.
“That sounds good to me,” Harry says, hoping that’ll be the end of it.
But of course it isn’t. 
The Durmstrang headmaster sneers something that sounds awfully rude at Riddle in a language Harry doesn’t recognise, which makes the boy tense and darkens his eyes. And then the shouting starts up again.
For all that the gathered headmistresses and headmasters and students were arguing against his participation before, they’re now demanding that he take responsibility and not besmirch the tournament’s prestigious history nor the Goblet’s choice by bowing out. Harry is once again of the opinion that there is no continuity or logic in the thinking of magical people, so he zones out like he does when Uncle Vernon wants to rant at him.
As the group finally quiets down and Dumbledore explains what the next steps are for the champions, Harry tunes back in to listen with half an ear. The other schools’ representatives send him dark looks as they depart, while Cedric gives him a pensive frown. Dumbledore ignores Harry’s attempts to catch his eye and disappears as soon as the discussion ends.
Well that’s just great.
Harry decides to head back to the Gryffindor common room – he needs to vent his anger at this madness to his friends, who will hopefully have his back.
(Though, the look on Ron’s face when Harry’s name had been called… No. Ron knows him better than that.)
Before he gets too far, he hears a voice call, “Harry Potter.”
He turns reluctantly, hoping it’s not another person ready to call him an attention-seeker or cheat, to find Tom Riddle.
Feeling his shoulders lower from his ears where they’d risen in pre-emptive defensiveness, Harry manages a half-hearted smile for the older boy. “Hey. Thanks for trying to help, back there.”
Riddle shrugs and somehow makes the motion elegant. “It was obvious you did not want to be chosen." 
Harry thought so, but apparently they're the only two of that opinion. “What did the Durmstrang headmaster say to you?”
“Nothing I didn’t expect,” Riddle says dismissively. When Harry doesn’t relent, he clarifies, “Igor Karkaroff rejected my application to Durmstrang because I’m not a pureblood. I’m sure you can imagine his opinion of me – and my blood – hasn’t changed in the intervening years.”
Harry can feel his hackles rise. Yes, he can imagine – he’s heard what the pureblood bigots have said about Hermione and the other muggleborn students over the years.
“Well, there’s only one thing to do, isn’t there?” Harry says, grinning sharply. “We’ll both just have to–” absolutely crush them all “–prove them all wrong.”
Riddle’s eyebrows rise slightly and one side of his mouth twitches. “I suppose we will.”
Harry holds out a hand. “May the best champion win.”
Riddle accepts the handshake. “Indeed. I’m glad to have your support.” 
Delivered in a perfect deadpan, it takes Harry a couple moments to realise the other boy is making a joke. He laughs, and Riddle finally lets his face break into a grin.
When Riddle uses parseltongue to get past the Peruvian Vipertooth (“What were they thinking, including a human-eating dragon?” Hermione demands when Harry first sees her after the first task) and retrieves the egg in less than two minutes, it causes an uproar. How did someone with Slytherin’s gift, who was born on British soil, not end up going to Hogwarts? The details of Riddle’s first introduction to magic and meeting with Professor Dumbledore are splashed across the front page of the Daily Prophet the following day.
Needless to say, the headmaster is in a bit of hot water with the Hogwarts board of trustees and the pureblood crowd.
(Karkaroff is looking decidedly pale, too.)
Harry thinks he’s the only one who sees the vengeful grin on Riddle’s face while everyone else is staring at Dumbledore getting dressed down. When Harry congratulates Riddle later that day, he knows the older boy understands it’s for more than just retrieving the egg the fastest.
(As for his performance in the first task, Harry’s content with how he did against the Hungarian Horntail, even if he’d gotten a little singed. He might be in second place, but he’s nipping at Riddle’s heels.)
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dreamcubed · 1 year
daylight | harry potter x reader
song; daylight [taylor swift] pairing; harry potter x ministry worker!single mother!fem!hufflepuff!reader genre; s2l, fluff, angst word count; 4,4k timeline; post-second wizarding war warnings; references to abusive ex (verbal, emotional, baby-trapping), y/n has trust issues, references to poverty summary; after providing for yourself and your two sons alone for so long, you were foreign to the concept of help, and the last person you expected to receive it from was the infamous boy who lived
"i once believed love would be burning red, but it's golden."
Now both your sons were in school, you were finally able to take on a full-time job and bring more money in. It had been immensely difficult being limited to only a low-paying part time job for the last five years, but you had needed flexible hours due to your lack of support system when it came to raising your boys. They were a year apart, at four and five, and their father hadn't been in the picture since the third trimester of the youngest's pregnancy.
Your family had turned their backs to you after you fell pregnant so young, out of wedlock, and without a decent job. And Merlin knows your baby daddy's family wanted absolutely nothing to do with you.
It was a shame, because your academics were good, and you had received excellent scores in both your OWLs and NEWTs, originally having big plans for your career. Then your boyfriend at the time baby-trapped you, just to abandon you anyway.
But now your sons were both old enough to enrol in muggle primary school, which was unusual for magic families to do, but it gave you the opportunity to get a better job and create a better life for the both of them. Merlin knows you were too busy to adequately homeschool them in the years before Hogwarts, anyway.
"Well, Miss L/N, you seem more than qualified," the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement in the Ministry of Magic said to you, "Typically we only have freshly graduated applicants for such positions, though."
"Does that dampen by chances?"
"Not at all," she shook her head, "I see no reason not to hire you, unless there's something you need to tell me?"
You bit your tongue, deciding to not let her on to the fact you had two sons to take care of all by yourself. "No, ma'am."
"Well, perfect. Your hours would be from 8am til 5pm with forty-five minutes paid lunch break that you can take between noon and 2pm."
The hours were long, but you had already signed up your sons for their school's breakfast club every morning, as well as a different extra-curricular after school every day. Thankfully apparition would likely mean you would only be a minute or two late for pick-up.
"When can you start?"
"Immediately," you smiled.
While you worked in the department responsible for aurors, you would not be out in the field yourself at any point. You were simply responsible for distributing tasks and filling out and filing the reports after missions. Once upon a time you had wanted to be an auror, but now you had sons who would have no one else if something were to happen to you. You simply couldn't endanger yourself in any way.
The pay of your job was good: good enough to support a family of three and move you out of the one bedroom flat you lived in. You would wait a couple months until you were settled into the job, though, as you still needed to pay off the boys' uniforms and school lunches.
You were sat at your desk on the second day of your job, busy filling out forms for a small mission that had taken place earlier that morning. Ever since Voldemort's demise, there hadn't been any large scale missions. You supposed that was a good thing.
"Oh, you're new."
You looked up in surprise to see the Boy Who Lived stood before you, evidently having just returned from a mission as an auror.
He gave you an awkward smile, "Harry Potter."
You nodded mindlessly with your mouth slightly agape, before coming to your senses and saying, "Y/N. Y/N L/N."
"Nice to meet you."
"You too."
"How long have you worked here?"
"It's my second day."
"Wow, so you're, like, brand new?"
"I... I guess?"
"Let me know if you need anythi-"
"Potter," your supervisor's voice rang out, "My office."
"Shit, sorry, I have a mission debrief to give, we'll talk later?" he said, somewhat hopefully.
"Yeah, later..." you trailed off, staring after him as he walked to the office.
It was the end of the day, and you were packing up your belongings ready for your departure at exactly five o'clock.
"Y/N," a person called.
You turned around to see Harry Potter stood before you once more.
"Sorry I didn't have a chance to catch up with you after earlier," he said, "But, uh, do you think... do you think maybe we could go for a drink? It's important to have friends at work, after all."
You were in shock, but still answered, "I'd love to, really - but I have places to be today, I'm afraid."
"Tomorrow night, then?"
"I'm busy then too," you said apologetically.
"Okay, then when are you free?"
Great, now you were going to sound like a massive dick. "Rarely, unfortunately, I have a... chaotic family, you see."
"Right, well... see you tomorrow then."
Yep. He definitely thought you were making up excuses.
"I'm not too late, am I?" you asked the teacher that had been supervising the football club your sons had been attending.
"No, the other last kid just left moments ago," he smiled at you.
"Oh, thank Helga," you said without thinking.
The man frowned at your exclamation, but didn't say anything about it.
"Matty, Eric, are you boys ready to go?" you turned to your sons, who both nodded tiredly at you. Your heart dropped at how much the long day wore them out.
You led them around the corner from the primary school until you were out of sight from others, where you apparated to outside your small apartment. Upon entering, you gazed at the cramped space: you couldn't wait to upgrade to a bigger one.
"What's for dinner, mama?" your youngest, Eric, asked.
"I'll cook some pasta, yeah? And then I'll read you a story."
You couldn't fail them. They had to have a different life to you.
You didn't see Harry Potter at work again for the next two weeks, as he had been sent on a slightly larger auror mission abroad. But, when he did return, you ran into him almost instantly.
"How was the mission?" you asked immediately.
"Fine," he said dismissively, "Look, I'm sorry for asking you for drinks last time, you clearly didn't want to-"
"No, it's not that I don't want to," you said quickly.
"You don't have to lie to be nice, I shouldn't have asked something like that so soon after meeting you."
You sighed, "I'm not lying, I really am just an exceptionally busy person."
"Busy with what exactly?"
"I- I can't talk about it."
That was when the ringing of your mobile phone cut through the air, making you jump slightly. You took the tiny flip phone out of your pocket and exhaled harshly at the sight of who it was. This was exactly why you had bothered getting a phone as a witch, you had just hoped it wouldn't happen so soon
"Sorry, I have to take this."
You began walking away as you answered.
"Hello, Y/N L/N speaking."
"Hello, this is Emily from St Andrew's Primary School," the woman on the other end spoke, "I'm calling on behalf of your son, Eric."
"What happened?"
"He... exhibited peculiar behaviour during a lesson today."
"Why? What did he do?"
"He made a classmate float in the air."
Your breath hitched, "That's not possible."
"I assure you, I'm being quite honest."
"Is this a prank call?" you asked. You knew it wasn't.
You didn't want the Ministry to find out you had enrolled wizards into muggle school. It was advised against for a reason, as they had enough on their plates when it came to dealing with the chaos muggle-borns caused. But, they would have already detected the use of improper magic and sent people to deal with it.
"Y/N L/N," a man to your left said.
"If you excuse me," you spoke to the caller, hanging up. They would just think you still thought them a prankster. "Yes?"
"Simon Periwink of the Improper Use of Magic sector, can you come with me please?"
You sighed, "Is this regarding my son?"
He nodded.
"Lead the way."
"So as you seem to know, your son, Eric L/N, has caused a bit of a conundrum in a muggle school," Simon said, sat behind his desk with crescent moon glasses perched on his nose, "Now, he is a child, so obviously he will not be facing any consequences for this action. However, I am obliged to ask, why is he in a muggle school?"
"I don't have a choice, sir."
"Just Simon is fine- elaborate, please."
"I'm a single mother to two boys. My family abandoned me after my first pregnancy and my boyfriend upped and left during my second," you explained, although you didn't want to talk about it, "I can't afford childcare - muggle school is free and my only option."
Simon hummed, flicking through pieces of parchment, "I see. Well, I won't prevent this then - thanks to muggle-borns, we're well equipped to deal with these situations. Please, though, talk to your sons about this."
"Yes, sir- Simon. Thank you."
"We also have many support systems in place in the ministry to aid people in similar situations to yourself. Please consider looking into them."
"I will, thank you again."
"No worries - I suppose you should go and pick up your son for now."
You nodded.
By the time you arrived at the primary school, you saw that members of the ministry were already there - and, to your horror, Harry Potter.
He quickly spotted you, and raised a confused eyebrow.
"Y/N, what are you doing here?"
"I could ask the same of y-"
"Mama!" your son, evidently in tears, called out. He ran from the ministry member that was comforting him into your arms; you didn't hesitate to pick up your son.
Harry watched as the situation unfolded, piecing everything together in his head, before saying, "They were a member short in the improper use department, so I offered to fill in. Is this your son?"
You hummed, rocking the sobbing boy about.
"I didn't know you were-" he cut himself off, "If I had, I wouldn't have asked you out."
You sighed, "I am single."
"Sorry for hurting your feelings, but I think I need to go pick my other son up too," you said, "Please don't mention this to anyone."
He showed his agreement through an absent-minded nod.
He stared after you as you walked away.
After a long chat with both of your sons about resorting to muggle methods in the face of problems instead of magic methods, you reluctantly returned to work the next day, dreading the next interaction between you and Harry Potter. Why was a literal celebrity even working a normal day job anyway?
Taking in a deep breath, you sat down at your desk to begin working your way through the stack of paperwork your manager had already left for you. Just when you had almost forgotten about the man who now knew your biggest work secret, you heard a cough for attention coming from in front of you.
You looked up and saw the exact person you didn't want to see.
"Hey, I just wanted to check up on you after... yesterday."
He seemed taken aback by your response, "Well, you know, I... care about you?"
"You hardly know me," you said pointedly.
"And I would like to change that."
"Potter!" a voice called from the hallway, "Where are you?"
"Coming!" he replied, giving a lingering glance to you but realising you were already focused on your work again.
You felt mean, and you thought he was cute, you just didn't want him to get attached to the mess that you were.
"L/N, I need you to stay late today to discuss your progress," your manager said to you later that day, "Don't worry, it's nothing negative."
"Late? Respectfully, I can't do overtime."
"It's hardly overtime. Half an hour, maximum."
"Yes, but-"
"What plans do you have that are so important you must leave exactly at five o'clock?" she raised an eyebrow at you.
"I-" you froze. Should you be honest?
"Y/N," Harry Potter.
You turned away from your manager to the man, pleased at the distraction.
"I can take care of the errand you need to run," he said simply, "It's no bother."
"You can't-"
"Well, it's settled then," your manager smiled, "See you at five in my office."
Once she had walked away, you turned to Harry with a scowl.
"I could've handled that myself!"
"You clearly don't want to admit to the situation," he shrugged, "I'll go pick up your boys, don't worry."
You sighed, "I'll have to call the school to let them know."
"No worries, where should I take them? Back to yours?"
"No!" you quickly said, a little too quickly.
"I'm not gonna judge your living quarters, Y/N."
"Just- I... fine. Fine. Take them back to mine. I'll write down the address for you."
As you handed the paper over, you admitted defeat.
"Thank you, Harry, for this."
"It's my pleasure."
You were severely hoping that you hadn't made a stupid decision in trusting Harry with your most prized jewels. He had to be trustworthy, you reasoned, he risked his own life to save the entire world from a horrible and cruel man, after all. As you reached the door to your flat, you took a deep breath before knocking twice. You had given the key to Harry earlier on.
The door quickly flung open to reveal the Boy Who Lived with Eric on his shoulders, who was giggling in a manner you had never seen him before.
"Mama!" he exclaimed, along with his brother, who was by Harry's leg.
"I must admit, I'm normally bad with children," he said as you hugged Matty in greeting.
"Coulda fooled me," you replied, entering the flat.
"Right, I'll get going then-"
Your boys both began complaining, Matty even running from your arms to cling on to Harry's leg again.
You sighed, looking up at the man, "Stay for dinner?"
Somewhere along the way, after helping you put your sons to bed, an old bottle of fire whiskey in the back of your cupboard had been cracked open and you were sat on the sofa with Harry Potter, drunker than him because you hadn't had the chance to drink in years.
"Do you really do this all by yourself?" he eventually asked, after a laughing fit from the both of you.
"Do what?"
"Everything. Work, chores, raising your sons. Do you have no help at all?"
You shook your head, "Their father took off during my second pregnancy, haven't heard from him since. As you can tell, I was young when I first fell pregnant, so neither of our families wanted anything to do with us."
"But- no friends?"
"I used to have friends," you sighed, "But I kinda lost them when I started dating Derran. He isolated me a lot. Never had the chance to remake them."
He hummed, "I'm sorry that happened to you - really. I'm happy to be your first friend."
You smiled.
"And more, if you'll let me."
"Really? Thing One and Thing Two haven't put you off?"
He chuckled, "No, not yet, they haven't."
"I don't know if I have the time for dating," you said, picking at your fingernails, "I'm struggling to keep all my plates spinning as it is."
"I understand that dating you would mean a lot of time with the boys."
"Really? Do you? We'd have no date nights."
"I'm prepared to make that sacrifice."
"I don't think you are," you said simply, "Anyway, this has been fun, but I should really get to bed. Are you good to get home or should I-"
"I'm fine to get home, don't worry about me," he said, standing up.
And as you showed him out the door, shutting it behind him, he paused and turned back to look at the spot where he just saw you, meanwhile you rested your back against the wooden frame on the other side, feeling a painful longing in your chest.
Saturday morning started like it normally did: a later start with both your boys waking up in your arms. It was as routine up until you all entered the main room ready for breakfast.
A knock arrived on the door.
You frowned, and told the boys to sit at the table before heading over and peering through the peephole. To your surprise, you saw Harry stood patiently outside. Opening the door, you questioned his presence with a simple furrowing of your eyebrows, when you caught sight of the bags he was holding either side of him.
"I hope I'm not here too early," he said, taking in your pyjama-clad presence.
"No- no... we just weren't expecting you," you replied, allowing him in.
"Harry!" your boys called, running over to cling to his legs.
"I wanted it to be a surprise," he shrugged, placing the bags on the kitchen counter, "Hello, Eric, Matty."
"A surprise?"
He hummed, "I brought some basic foods- including ingredients for chocolate chip pancakes."
Eric and Matty cheered.
"That's sweet but- but we don't need handouts."
"Then don't think of it as one," he said simply, "This is simply a man doing something for the woman he has romantic interest in."
You sighed, unable to stop a smile from creeping on to your face.
"Are you our new dad?" Eric asked, making you snap your head in his direction.
Harry was evidently at a loss for words.
"I've always wanted a dad," Matty added. Despite having been alive for when your ex-boyfriend was still around, he had no memory of him. Not that the memories would have been good ones, anyway.
"It depends if your mum lets me date her or not," Harry stated.
"Mama, please!"
"Please, mama!"
"I don't think you know us well enough to make a commitment," you said to Harry, ignoring your sons for the time being.
"Yeah, because you won't let me get to know you," he argued, but without malice, "Is it so hard to believe I genuinely want this?"
"Yeah, it is," you said, "After-" you nodded your head towards the boys, communicating your reference to their father.
"Let me prove it to you," Harry said, to both you and the boys, "What say after breakfast, we head to Diagon Alley and make a day of it?"
The boys began cheering, though you knew all too well they had no idea what Diagon Alley was.
You pulled Harry aside and began whispering, "I've never taken them there. I don't want to get their hopes up by seeing all the things in the shops and not being able to get any of it."
"I'm paying," he reassured you, "For anything they want- that you approve of, of course."
"No buts. I told you, I'm proving this to you."
You sighed, admitting defeat, "Okay. Fine."
"Now, let's get the pancakes on," he announced loudly.
You watched your sons excitedly run around Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, unable to take the smile off your face. Part of you was overjoyed that they were finally getting some experience of a normal wizardly childhood; the other part of you was upset that it wasn't really you that had provided the experience.
"I think they like the place," Harry said from his place next to you, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"I've never seen them so happy."
"Don't think you're a failure as a mother or anything," he added, "You're far from it."
You smiled, "I know I'm doing my best, but they deserve more."
He didn't reply to that statement, instead wrapping his arm around your shoulder in a comforting gesture.
Maybe, just maybe, you should let him in.
After that day, things fell into a new routine. Any day that Harry wasn't on an auror mission, he would show up at your flat with dinner ingredients not long after you had gotten home with your sons. Together, you would cook the meal, and then sit and eat. On Saturdays, he would take you and the boys somewhere for the day, always insisting on paying if there was an associated cost. He had even on one Sunday insisted that he babysit the boys so you could get your first bit of lone time in years. You had treated yourself to some rest and relaxation in a spa.
You had become very comfortable with his presence, but at there same time there was this constant tension between the two of you, like something was going to snap at any given moment. You almost wanted it to.
It was after dinner one night, and you were putting Eric and Matty to bed with Harry, just having finished reading their bedtime story.
"Goodnight, my loves," you said, kissing each of their heads, and tucking them in, "I'll be here to join you shortly."
"Night, mama."
"Goodnight, mama."
"Goodnight, boys," Harry said, "I should hopefully be here again tomorrow."
"Goodnight," your eldest, Matty, said tiredly.
"Night night, dad," your youngest, Eric, mumbled.
You stilled in shock, but didn't say anything since he was drifting off to sleep, instead glancing at Harry to gage his reaction. He had a slight smile on his face, which admittedly filled you with a sense of warmth. Nonetheless, when you were back in the kitchen charming the dishes to begin washing, you decided to talk about it.
"Thank you, Harry."
"For what?"
"Everything you have done for us the last few weeks," you said, "And I'm sorry Eric called you dad."
"I don't mind," he quickly said, "But I understand if you mind."
"I don't mind... but I don't want them to get hurt."
Next thing you knew, Harry's hand was on yours, "I'm not leaving."
"That's an easy thing to say."
"Y/N, I-" he cut himself off, pausing for a moment to think, "Have dinner at my house on Saturday - bring the boys, obviously."
You frowned, "Are you sure?"
"I'm always sure."
You couldn't help but chuckle at that, "Okay, we'll be there."
On Saturday evening, you apparated outside Harry's cottage in Godric's Hollow with your sons holding a hand either side of you. This was your first time seeing his house, and it was absolutely gorgeous: large, too. From what he had told you, he had been born in this house, but it was also where his parents had died tragically.
You let Eric and Matty run ahead to knock on the front door, which was a classic medieval-style shape. All too quickly, it swung open to reveal Harry dressed up in dress trousers and a button up shirt, with the top button left undone. You were glad that you had opted for a more dressed up look yourself - you had gotten the feeling that this was a fancier occasion than usual.
"Hello, boys," he greeted your sons, hugging both of them before standing up straight, "And, hello, Y/N." He seemed even more awkward than normal, making you confused.
He beckoned you all in and through to the dining room, where a delicious spread was billowing steam throughout the room.
"I wish I could take full credit- Molly helped quite a bit," you knew Molly to be his best friend's mother, "But I wanted this to be perfect."
"Why?" you asked, "I mean- it is, but why?"
"Because it's for you," he said.
You held prolonged and tension-filled eye contact with him for a few moments, before your attention was diverted by your boys jumping about excitedly.
"I think they're hungry," Harry laughed, "Sit down, sit down."
You all sat around the table, and you scolded your sons for not showing good manners and trying to dig in right away.
"Not to make you wait too much longer, boys, but I would like to say something first," Harry said, taking in a deep breath, "When I first met you, Y/N, I thought you wanted nothing to do with me- because you rejected me."
You chuckled.
"And that was quite a blow to my ego, so it was certainly relieving to learn that it wasn't me that was the problem- not that there really was a problem. You are simply an amazingly independent woman who didn't want people to know about her two incredible sons, for some insane reason," he said with a grin, making your cheeks heat up, "And I know it's hard for you to accept that I genuinely do want to be with you given everything you've been through."
You started to get a feeling of what was about to happen.
"And I know that being with you means being with your sons as well," he continued, "But I need you to know that it's far from a chore for me to take them in as my own - so, I have to ask, even though it may seem too soon, will you marry me?"
Tears pricked at your eyes as Matty and Eric gasped, them both being old enough to understand what marriage meant.
"You'll be our dad?" Eric asked, his eyes shining hopefully.
"Well, if your mum says yes."
"Mama, please say yes!" your youngest begged.
His older brother joined in, "Please, mama!"
"Okay," you said, sniffling, "I'll marry you, Harry Potter."
It was then, as Matty and Eric were cheering about having a dad, that Harry pushed a small velvet box across the table, and you opened it to reveal a yellow gold band with a ruby stone set in the centre.
"It's- it's beautiful."
Harry beamed at you as you put it on and admired its place on your ring finger.
"Can we eat now?" Matty asked.
"Yes, yes, we can eat," you said through happy sobs.
"And, after dinner, you two can pick your new bedrooms."
Your eyes widened in shock as Matty exclaimed, "We get our own bedrooms?!"
written; 01/05/2023 —> 05/06/2023 published; 06/06/2023 edited; —/—/——
taglist ; @workinatdapyramid @iluvweasleys
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eternallyseverus · 1 year
Beg me  - Severus Snape x y/n
Tumblr media
+18, minors DNI. 
Read on AO3 here | Words 1393
Summary: After having sex with Severus you want to go to take a shower but the idea of pleasuring him again makes you change your plans so you ask him to beg you for pleasure, and he kinda does but he doesn’t like to beg so he decides to do something about it.
A/N: I am not used to writing smut so please forgive me if it is not that good. I promise to keep improving but I needed to write this since it was something that was around my head for weeks.
Triggers / Warnings: +18 reader and character. Is a she. Blowjob, ejaculation, oral sex, begging, established relationship, mentions of pet names. Basically this is oral sex with a lot of bad words lol.
“So pretty on your knees, with your mouth full of my cock, only mine, my little whore” Said Severus whispering, trying to control his composure.
No matter how many times you would do this, it would drive him crazy. On your knees, naked, tears pricking from the corners of your eyes and seeing how his cock disappeared on your mouth and how pretty you sounded gagging because of that.
It was normal that whoever woke up first would tease the other one, giving some kisses here and there, touching them or giving a surprise oral in the morning that then lead to some other intimate activities. That’s why, when you woke up first you decided to tease him and ended up on top of him, bouncing on his length as if your life depended on it.
Once satisfied, the both of you stood up from the bed with the objective in mind of taking a shower together but it seems that you were still wanting more from him.
Blame it on the fact that your husband is so sexy, or how good he makes you feel or even on your hormones but that didn’t stop you from going towards him biting your bottom lip, swinging your hips, yourself fully naked and your hand going to his chest to push him against the wall.
Severus just quirked an eyebrow as a response to these acts fully knowing what you would intend. Your mouth started to give him lazy kisses around his chest, worshipping his soft skin and the scars he had gotten over the years. Then it would go up to his neck until his earlobe, softly biting it and earning a soft moan from Severus.
“Up for a second round?” You whispered in his ear while your free hand went to his member, hardening more and more at your touch. Your soft fingers trailed his length, hard but its skin so soft it made your mouth water. 
“You know I am always up for it” he simply said in a low voice but revealing a hitched breath feeling already aroused.
“Oh my, look who is getting hard” you smirked and you took his cock on your hands, fully erected by now and you started to lazily stroke it.
Earning a few extra moans by your actions he looked at you with eyes full of desire. 
“It certainly surprised me what a great libido you have my love” you commented and he smirked at your words.
“How can I not, having you by my side. The way you are always so ready to take me, to suck me, right?” 
His words made you wet, so wet, your legs crossing trying to get some frictions. Merlin, he knew how much you loved his words and how wet he made you feel.
“Do you want me to suck you? Hm?” 
At your question Severus nodded eagerly trying to hold himself back. You loved when he went feral and he would slap you, manhandle you and fuck you senseless but you felt pride when he would just be submissive trying to earn your praises and taking the time to see how his face contorted in pleasure.
Seeing how he nodded at your question you smirked, trying to do something different this time.
“Then beg for it” you just simply stated and his eyebrows furrowed.
“Beg you?” he said and you were the one who nodded this time.
“Beg me, won’t you? I know you want me to suck your cock, so beg me Severus”
He took a few seconds before answering you, his manhood and himself desperate to feel more of your touch.
“Then I will have to beg for your touch, for your mouth around my cock, for your hand to please me. Please my love” he whispered in your ear and then kissed your neck a few times.
It wasn’t what you really expected but let’s be honest, at this point probably you were hornier than him so you just got on your knees in front of him, spat on your hand and started to continue stroking him, this time at a faster pace. 
A grunt escaped from his lips and he rolled his eyes and arched his back a sign for you to fuck your mouth.
His tip was so swollen and so inviting, touching it with your tongue and this made him see stars but he couldn’t come yet. He wanted to turn the tables this time, how he dared you, his pretty wife to make him beg?
That’s why he gave himself a few minutes of seeing how you licked his swollen tip, enjoyed the taste of his precum and you fucked his cock with your mouth, such a pretty sight, the sound of you gagging was heavenly and he needed to pull your hair to gain stability, control himself and try to not end on your mouth just yet.
He wanted to make it as long as possible. And that’s what he did.
Merlin, he doesn’t know how he got the strength this time to not end already. Probably it was the fact that he was counting the number of ingredients he had in his office, trying to just think about something else. Going through the shopping list or what potions he had to brew. Anything to just last as much as possible.
And for you that was weird. How was that he wasn’t already grunting and spilling his hot seeds on your tongue? What on earth was going on? You just had sex with him not long ago, but still, it was taking more time than expected.
You continued sucking him, licking him, your hand still pleasuring his member even increasing the pace of your movements but nothing happened.
Already a bit annoyed you looked at him getting out of your mouth his flesh with a loud pop.
“Love, I want to hear you moan and taste you in my mouth, please” you told him and he just smirked.
“Soon love, just a bit more” he simply said but you were already feeling tired.
“Baby, my hand is hurting already and I am getting impatient, please” you replied, almost whispering, feeling a mix of emotions.
It was at this moment that Severus took your arm and pulled you to stand up, not sucking his cock anymore but continuing to work with your hand. His lips had bitten softly your jaw when he spoke to you closer to your ear.
“Beg me to come. Hm?” 
Bastard. You knew it. But that annoyed you and made you so flustered.
“I knew you were up to something” you simply reply. “What if I just stop?”
He  scoffed at your words and you swore you saw a drop of sweat navigating down his chest.
“My baby won’t do it right? You are always wanting to pleasure me and I know you are so wet already, I bet you want to swallow all of my release. Stopping already would be a punishment for you”
He was right and you expressed that with a loud huff, defeat plastered on your face.
“Let me swallow everything, let me hear your pretty moans, you shouting my name, you pulling my hair, I beg you, Sev” It was what parted from your lips as a whisper that made him push you to get on your knees again. Those words, with the way you were so flustered and so eager to beg him for his release was what made Severus collapse. 
He pulled you in front of his cock and he stuffed it quickly in your mouth, a few deep thrusts to hear you gag and then, you could feel how his hot seeds painted each corner of your mouth, swallowing it all without breaking any eye contact with him.
He just simply stood looking at you. Always so amazed at this sight and thanking destiny for his luck of having someone like you in his life.
Staring at each other for a few minutes trying to recover your breath he smiled and helped to stand up again placing a soft kiss on your mouth.
“You drive me crazy. Let’s go and get that shower before I have the urge to push you against the wall”
You smiled and went to the bathroom to finally get that shower and get rid of the smell of sweat and sex. 
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klilyr · 2 months
(Ok this is my first ever microfic so please be kind! I'm not a writer! I just couldn't stop thinking about this scene so I got up today and wrote it down. I'm a sucker for the black brothers.) Also it doesn't have a title.
Sirius dropped off a cup of tea in front of Remus who was reading his book by the fireplace before taking the other two steaming cups outside to the patio where his brother was sitting on the day bed, knees up to his chest, arms clutched around them and watching the rain drip off the trees onto the sodden lawn.
Regulus lifted his head up as Sirius approached him and took the tea from him gratefully.
"Thank you"
Sirius smiled softly. Regulus was here. He was here at the Potters and he was safe. Finally.
He sat down beside him as Regulus lifted the tea to his lips.
"Jesus fucking Merlin, Sirius! Did you drop the entire sugar bowl in here?"
Sirius whipped his head round to him as a distinctive "urgggh gross" was heard from inside the house.
"Oh whoops, must have mixed up yours and moony's mugs. Hang on!"
He waved his wand to switch the two cups and called out,
"Sorry love! Try it again!"
Remus grumbled something neither of the other two could hear in response and they both settled back into silence. Suddenly Regulus laughed, "he's going to lose a foot one day with the amount of sugar he consumes."
"Eh, maybe.. but I'm not going to be the one to get between him and his sugar and you shouldn't either, if you want to keep all your limbs."
"I could take Remus"
Sirius chuckled but decided to leave it.
"Uh Reggie.. I've been meaning to ask.. have you ever thought of.. uh.."
Regulus cut him off but there wasn't any malice in his voice, just resignation "Going to a mind healer?"
Sirius was taken aback by Regulus' non chalance on the subject.
"Well, yeah. I'm surprised you aren't getting angry at me right now for suggesting it to be honest. It's just, I went after I got out of that house and although I hated it, I have to say it did actually help."
"Yeah I know. Jamie told me."
Sirius scoffs and decides to let the fact his best friend was sharing his secrets with his little brother go. He wouldn't make a fuss. Not if it actually helped Regulus.
Regulus' voice was small but clear as he looked up to Sirius, chin resting on his knees that were still drawn up to his chest.
"I'll go. If you want me to."
"I think it will be really good for you."
Sirius leans back on the couch and both boys turn their heads back to watch the rain. Sirius breaths out, letting the warmth in his chest spread out through the rest of his body.
That was enough for now. Reggie was here and trying. That was enough.
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itisme-rosie · 8 days
-- touch; marlene quite enjoyed warmth. to be more specific, yours.
cw: marlene x fem!physical touch lover!reader; smidge of angst (?) in the last 3rd, 95% fluff; pining -> established relationship
[ a) i'm projecting and b) the blonde soapyt as a marlene fancast, my love. ]
masterlist | rules
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typically, the amount of times marlene would latch onto you like a koala was never an issue with you, especially on rainy days and almost every day of the fall and winter seasons. you couldn't really fault the girl for being cold, friends hug friends anyway, right?
"oi, mckinnon!" you and the mentioned girl lift your heads simultaneously, her eyes blinking sleepily. sirius lifts a cigarette box, shaking it with an impish grin, "fancy a smoke?"
marlene's head did cartwheels trying to make a decision - you and your warmth, or a quick smoke and then returning to you and your warmth. but what if you didn't like the smell of smoke and wouldn't want to hug anymore?
sirius rolls his eyes at marlene's delayed response, tossing the box to her which prompts the blonde to catch it before standing and stretching, bending down to give you a hug as you remainded seated on the sofa in an attempt to get the warmth to linger for a moment longer before moving to stand beside sirius by the open window of the common room.
"you looked like you were about to smother the poor girl," sirius muses in a low voice only they two could hear, eyes lazily turning to the blonde as he takes a long drag of cigarette. marlene's eyes follow the smoke as it drifts up towards the night sky, "warming charms exist you know,"
"never bothered to learn how to perfect them - too much work for some warmth," marlene shrugs, lighting the cigarette that hung from her lips, taking a drag and glancing at you, laughing at whatever story of james' antics lily was telling you about. her lip twitches in a smile at the sound of you dissolving into giggles and she turns back to face the window, catching the look sirius was giving her, "...what?"
"i said -" the man claps her on her back, "- remus, lily, hell - even she could have waved her wand and warmed you up with a charm had you asked,"
"drop it, black," she punches his arm.
ever the drama queen, sirius winces loudly, rubbing his arm, "what did i ever do to you?" he whines dramatically, "i am just a curious man with a single question - how bloody close do you two have to be pressed against each other for you to admit that you aren't doing it to stay warm?"
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in a normal setting, perhaps if you were all back in the comfort of the gryffindor common room, tucked against the arm of the big sofa right by the fireplace, james would be teasing you and marlene. let the poor poppet breathe, marls, he would say, i know you two are dating, but merlin, you two are so wrapped up in each other that she may never leave this godawful room ever again!
you would laugh and marlene would grumble, flipping him off and muttering a jab about how he must be jealous of the warm cuddles she was getting that was keeping her all comfortable and content - occasionally about how he must be wishing lily evans would as much as look his way and he would yell out a goodnatured s'cuse me?! at the jab - and yelping at the occasional stinging hex she sent his way when she was particularly perturbed by his loud voice interrupting cuddle time with you.
not this time.
james' smile is fond, lily's presence under his arm is comforting. despite the darkened atmosphere around them, around everyone, you and marlene are comfortably trapped in your own little bubble. this time, james decides that letting you two stay in that bubble was the best thing for you both, and exactly what marlene needed more than his teasing.
"some things never change," lily murmurs, her eyes also on you and your girlfriend and james snorts a silent affirmation to her statement, pressing a soft kiss to the crown of his girlfriend's head.
marlene is warm, she's bright, and you have never been happier despite the gloom of the impending war hovering over you all.
"you're brillant," she murmurs, thumbing over your knee, staring at you like a lovesick puppy (which she would proudly agree she is).
"i know," is the cheeky reply, followed by rains of soft kisses all over her face, "you're not too bad yourself, mckinnon,"
"yeah, yeah, keep laughing," marlene grumbles, the warning pinch on your thigh only serves as what sends you into laughter.
"no - don't push me off -" you tighten your arms around her when she makes a show of wanting you off of her (she wasn't doing a very good job at pretending), "marls - c'mon," you laugh again, nuzzling your nose against the crook of her neck, "'m sorry for teasin'," you kiss her face again, settling back down against her after she shifts you around into a more comfortable stop.
"you're lucky i love you," your girlfriend huffs, pressing a kiss to your temple.
you smile softly, staring at the side of her face, your fingertips brushing over the blushing swell of her cheek, "i love you too, marls,"
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at some point, you began to curse the world, specifically the day you had been out on a mission and the safehouse you shared with your girlfriend was infiltrated and she had gone missing or disposed of by the dark lord.
or into hiding, mary would say many, many times throughout the time you two spent together after being relocated more times than you could count, no matter how much you cried in her arms, or snapped and yelled in the midst of the pain of missing marlene that your love was never coming back, she never lost hope. mary macdonald may have had more than enough faith for the both of you, but alas, even she seemed to lose hope the more you two lost loved ones to the war.
by some miracle, the dark lord was defeated at the expense of even more of your friends - james, lily, peter. sirius was chucked into azkaban for that, mary left - disappearing, remus distanced himself with the occasional letter to make sure you were okay, and you remained in the little beachside cottage that was the last safehouse you moved into. you stayed for the familiarity and comfort, maybe even the sound of the waves crashing on the shore that ensured the house was never quiet as long as your lone soul lived there.
one day, you felt the wards you set up shift and your head snaps to the window, carefully lowering the framed picture you held of you with marlene as you spot a figure in the distance taking purposeful steps towards your home and your heart thunders in your chest. immediately grabbing your wand, you hurry out the back door to greet whoever it was. it couldn't have been remus, or mary, or anyone you knew. they would have had the sense to write to you before dropping by so you wouldn't have a heart attack when they breach your wards.
you freeze, the world seemed to blur and sound muffled as you focused on the face of the supposed stranger - it was marlene. you drop your wand, taking quick, large strides to get to her, shaky hands reaching to hold her face, scanning up and down her body. she looked different, but the tenderness in her eyes as she held your face gave you all the confirmation you needed. this was your marlene.
marlene had a slight limp in her step, a healing scar that creeped up from her chest, underneath her shirt, her hair was shorter, the roots starting to grow out.
you release a breath you weren't aware you had been holding, a strangled laugh of disbelief escaping you as you embraced her tightly.
"marlene," you sob, "oh my - marlene," you both sink to your knees on the sand, hands wandering each other's bodies freely.
"fuck," she lets out a hiccuped curse, squeezing you against her like you would float away if she let go, "i've got you, my love,"
she pulls away to hold your face, pressing her lips eagerly against yours and as she used to, she took your breath away. between hurried gasps for air and the salty kisses from the tears streaming both your faces, marlene murmured apologies and declarations of love and longing, how much she missed you, how much she wanted to feel your warmth again. her hands wander, mapping out the curves of your body until she was re-familiarized with how you felt in her arms.
your hands are busy as well, thumbs rubbing back and forth on her cheek, trailing down her jawline, to the side of her throat and feeling the way her pulse thumped, before it settles on her chest, right above her heart and you give her a watery smile, "you're alive," you whisper tearfully, "you're really here, and i'm not stuck in a dream just to have you for a fleeting moment," you smile at her, "i can feel how alive you are, marls,"
more tears well in your girlfriend's eyes and she pressed a kiss to your temple, helping you stand back up before hugging you tightly again for a long time, not that you minded, forever in her arms sounded nice.
marlene's hands are unrelenting in how they run up and down your sides and back, "goddamn," she sighs, nuzzling her nose against the juncture between your neck and shoulder, inhaling the comforting smell that was exclusively you, her hands squeeze your hips, your waist, and she pulls away to hold your cheeks in her hands, "i can't hold enough of you in my hands," she murmurs, forehead against yours, "after spending so much time away from you, i -" marlene inhales sharply, "i can and will never, ever get enough of you,"
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thekingofthenameless · 4 months
Happy Pride Month!!!! OC that was previously cis is now transmasc!
That was the concept I was yelling about! Everyone I’ve told has loved it, and Tumblr’s getting it too.
I can say with the upmost confidence that he’s definitely never been transgender in any Arthurian adaptation before except fanfiction.
There isn’t really much of a story for why I decided to do this, though. He’s been cisgender for a little over three years, give or take, and I hadn’t had any intentions of changing it.
But I had literally just started work yesterday morning, and out of nowhere my brain was like: “Trans Merlin.”
And then I got consumed by it.
There isn’t much content about him being transgender; only ten posts tagged posts for it on Tumblr, 82 fics of it on Ao3. (Yes, I checked.) And it’s all for one adaptation only: BBC Merlin.
I’m going to be the change I want to see though >:)
So without further ado, here’s a few new facts about him!
Merlin was his name at birth, and he kept it after transitioning.
(In my opinion, it’s an ode to trans people who don’t change their name before or after transitioning, and it’s also a reference/mythology gag to female portrayals of Merlin, such as The Seven Deadly Sins!)
(Honestly thinking about it, I can’t believe in all these adaptations of Arthurian Legend Merlin isn’t trans in at least one?? Or queer in some way? This is so rude.)
In TKN, cambions can shapeshift easily, and there’s also a spell they can cast that makes the form they change into their base/true form, which is what Merlin did. (He cried when he finally saw who he wanted to be in a mirror.)
When he was deciding on how he wanted to ideally look before the spell, he decided he didn’t want to let his ear piercings close, and he also chose to keep his hair long and keep wearing jewelry.
(Older queers my beloved.)
He still got periods until he went into menopause because magic unfortunately, as he and I both agree can’t get rid of periods, and he actually didn’t want to change his genitalia! He still has every reproductive organ he was born with. His chest, however, gave him gender dysphoria, so he bound it during/after puberty before using the spell.
(I love how Merlin has gone from cis white to cis ambiguously brown skinned [glad I changed that lol] to cis black to transmac black. Just. Merlin my beloved.)
Charlie is one of the few characters who knows that Merlin is transgender: people already think Merlin’s crazy for his schizophrenia and psychosis, and/or an asshole for his misophonia, so he doesn’t want to risk another thing they’d use against him. Charlie is the best familiar and was fully supportive throughout his transition, and he loves him and is fully willing to accommodate his disabilities when no one will.
(Trans Merlin has been giving me so much euphoria all day oh my gosh. I love him so much.)
He still has a sister! Her name is Ganieda, and in some of the Legends she’s two years younger than him. Here, though, they’re identical twins!
(No offense to the og Legends, but for one reason, it’s because of Adhan having a second child only two years after being assaulted and getting pregnant from it. She would’ve gotten pregnant again at a year and three months after? It’s kind of strange, in my opinion.)
Also identical twins, and one of them being trans!
As a given, he knows what periods and feminine rage and experiencing misogyny are like! But in a world that doesn’t for the most part, he comes off as well versed in it to everyone else.
(This is just an idea for now, but I was thinking that maybe later in TKN, Morgana gets her period at Camelot, and after Merlin gets her taken care of/gently educates her about it, he astral projects to Igraine and Gorlois and is like: “Hey Morgana got her period, but I got her taken care of dw 👍” and their response is: “Wow, you’re really knowledgeable about periods!”
Merlin: Trans panic
He’s experienced both womanhood and manhood, and both of them are extremely important to him. He was raised as a daughter. He experienced being a sister. He went through puberty in a girl’s body. He has the right to tell her story, and his.
Anyways. Transmasc Merlin because I’m not going to stop screaming about it
Also I made this :D
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tansyuduri · 6 months
Hi, do you mind if I ask, what do you think are Merlin and Arthurt’s greatest personality strengths and weaknesses? Why? What do you love about their dynamic? Thanks if you want to answer....
Of course, I'll answer! I love answering questions! It's hard for me to put into words the answer to the first question. (For some reason these things are a LOT easier to express in fic) For Merlin it is devotion to the people closest to him. This is a man who will do almost anything for those he cares about. He will choose them EVERY TIME. He might struggle with it and choose something else might be more objectivly "right" and feel bad about it.
And some of his greatest struggles deciding what to do come from having to decide between what he is told might happen in teh future (AKA kid mordred and early morgana) and what to do now.
But usually he will choose the well being of the people he cares about (ESP ARTHUR) Especially if no one around him is in imidate danger (AKA Sins of the father magic statement) By season 5 this is at an extreme level and he has Arthur tunnel vision. The key thing here is this comes from a place of caring. It comes from him caring so much. Its his kindness and golden heart twisted by destiny, responsability, and some pretty horrible advice (That at least from one source is ALSO well-meaning) Hes basically told from day one that the entire responsibility for keeping Arthur safe is ALL on him. And he takes that to heart. For Arthur It's harder to pinpoint. But 99.9 percent of it is generational trauma from uther. From having a hard time expressing and processing emotions. (leading to lashing out) To the self-hate that spurs a lot of his acting out and trying to be more sure of himself. Hes a good person but doesn't always know how to express it right because he was not given the right tools. One thing I bring up in one of my fics is also that I'm pretty convinced at least subconsciously one of the reasons Arthur has such a hard time with magic is that IF it's good then in his view his very birth caused horrible things to happen to innocent people. He would self-blame. (Despite it being on uther) Despite this, he still asks himself questions about it being good. This is a bit rambly. Their best personality trait, for both of them as far as I am concerned are their hearts of gold. They are human but they are both such GOOD people. Now for their dynamics, I'm a sucker for banter so thats one thing. But I think what I like most about them both is that they can/could help heal each other. They are good for each other. Given time I think they would help each other heal from their trauma and the hardships they have faced. Just by being themselves. (I kinda live for that dynamic) We didn't get to see this as much from Arthur because so much was kept from him until the last episode. As someone who has deals with trauma a lot the idea of a pairing that can help heal each other and help each other be better is VERY appealing. We didn't get a chance to see the full extent of that in cannon though we do see a lot. One of the most important and meaningful parts of writing fanfic for me is being able to see them heal a bit, and help each other with that. (though a lot of Arthurs happens in the prequal fic to the one I am posting right now. Fair warning. The one I posting ATM mostly focuses on Merlin Trauma)
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cbk1000 · 3 months
if it’s not too late, for the emoji ask game i’d love if you answered 👀 and 🤡
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please! This is still a ways off because I don't intend to start another big WIP until I finish Book of Merthur, but I have an idea that's been brewing for the next Big One that's inspired by the murder politics of Renaissance Italy and the culture/folklore of Wales, so basically I take the two and smash them together like Barbies kissing and create my own little world where Arthur is the son of one of the most prominent, powerful noble households in the country, and Merlin is the unfortunate sucker who decided to save him from an assassination attempt, because he thinks Arthur's a twat, but not quite enough of a twat for him to just let him die, and now he's got a place in the Pendragon household and he and Arthur are both big mad about it. Arthur and Morgana are cousins who are arranged to be married to one another, because rich people love incest, and Morgana plots a coup because if the men can't be responsible with their government, she's taking it away from them.
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh? This one is tough, because "I'm funny" is like the only nice thing my Imposter Syndrome lets me think about my writing, so I have lots of examples. lmao I still think the dick tree is a classic:
'And King Arthur was bound to go first on account of being a silly grandstanding cock; and anon he went with Excalibur girded to him; and anon went Sir Gwaine after him, and Sir Leon, Sir Elyan, Sir Percival, Sir Lancelot, and there came after them the passing fair damosels Guinevere of Camelot/Lyonesse and Hunith formerly of Ealdor; and Igraine formerly of Camelot and currently of Camelot. And thence did they come through the forest and into a clearing wherein there was a passing fair tree in the centre, uncommonly green and full-flowering; and on the tree hung manhoods of divers colours and a great spear* thereby.
Then sayeth Sir Gwaine thoughtfully, “That’s a tree full of dicks.”'
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sirgwaiine · 1 year
@goth-emrys as soon as I read your ficlet about merwaine shenanigans, this popped into my head and I had to get it out
Merlin sighs and turns to watch as Gwaine collides with the door to the physician’s quarters.
“One of these days that door is going to come off of its hinges and I’m forcing you to fix it. I have too much on my plate already,” he complains. In return, Gwaine puts his hands to his chest, a faux-butthurt expression on his face.
“C’mon, Merlin, I haven’t even said anything,” Gwaine counters, but Merlin’s just shaking his head. He should have slept in this morning.
“Gwaine, that’s the way you say my name when you get into trouble and need my help to get you out of it,” Merlin replies, “and I’m swamped right now.”
Gwaine just smirks and makes puppy eyes. Or, tries to. Instead it just looks like that time Merlin pranked him during Samhain. Merlin’s never seen eyes look so close to actually popping out of their sockets.
Merlin groans, and Gwaine mutters a little “yes” before scrambling over to Merlin. Before Gwaine can even mention the trouble he’s in, they hear a stampede clambering through the hallway, shouting angrily.
“Betting again?” Merlin asks. Gwaine just chortles, but it stops at the “Knight or not, I’m gonna kill you!” that echoes its way from the hall into the open door.
“Hide me?” is all Gwaine says in response, and all of a sudden, Merlin knows how they can both benefit from this.
“Of course,” the warlock responds, a dastardly and enthusiastic grin on his face.
At the change in mood, Gwaine’s putting his hands up, a “wait” leaving his lips, but Merlin’s already begun speaking in the old tongue. Suddenly, it’s not the Gwaine he knows standing before him, but an old man with Gwaine’s eyes, surprise and displeasure writ clear across his face.
“Hey, beggars can’t be choosers,” Merlin says, delighted, and he’s not sure he’ll ever be able to wipe the smirk off of his face.
Gwaine’s old body is plopping down grumpily on the patient’s cot as a horde of angry townsfolk burst through the door. Again, Merlin can’t help but think how pissed he’ll be if that thing comes off of it’s hinges.
“Where is he?” grumbles an old man at the front of the pack. Merlin turns to them with a disappointed frown on his face.
“Where is who? This is the physician’s quarters. You can’t be in here while I’m with a patient,” Merlin scolds, gesturing to Gwaine on the cot. Gwaine takes the opportunity to groan and mumble to himself, gripping his abdomen. Merlin can’t help it.
“This man has been backed up for days. You can’t imagine the pain he’s in right now,” he almost blows it with a laugh, “The last thing he needs is this pileup barging in and blasting through while he’s in such a vulnerable state.”
The townspeople look genuinely unsure at this point. On the one hand, the physician’s quarters are at a dead end in the citadel, meaning there’s nowhere else Gwaine could have gone. On the other hand, they mean no disrespect to this elderly man. Merlin decided to really sell it.
“I’ve just given him a remedy of buckthorn and senna leaf. Do you really want to infringe upon his comfort as his body releases such a great accumulation of waste?”
Merlin’s got his hands on his waist, eyebrows knit, as he watches them catch up one by one. Then, all at once, they turn and scramble out the door.
“Oi! He’s going to be making some truly terrible noises! You can’t give him his privacy?” Merlin yells after them, and the last he sees of the crowd is a hand roughly yanking the door closed. He stares at it for a brief moment, and then he’s almost doubled over with laughter as he turns back to Gwaine. Gwaine who’s trying for unimpressed, but can’t quite seem to get the corner of his mouth to come down.
As Merlin calms down from his fit, Gwaine just looks at him, eyebrows raised and arms slightly extended, palms face up.
“Thanks for the assist, mate. I’m ready to be dashing again.” Now it’s Merlin’s turn to be unimpressed.
“Sorry, I seem to have forgotten how to reverse this one,” Merlin tells him, and for a second Gwaine’s face blanches, eyes wide again, before he smooths his face.
“Very funny, change me back,” he tries again, but Merlin’s already shaking his head.
“I think there’s a lot you could learn in a night as an old man. Like how to appreciate friends. And how good a nice soup truly is-“
“Merlin, please, you know I appreciate you and all you do, you can’t leave me like this,” Gwaine begs, but Merlin refuses to relent.
“I do, but this is too much fun,” the warlock replies. “Now get out of here before I decide to put buckthorn and senna leaf in your next meal.”
At that, Gwaine eases himself off the cot and stumbles his way toward the door, groaning and muttering the whole way.
When Gaius enters the room almost an hour later, he watches his ward with concern as Merlin laughs to himself, still wiping tears from his eyes.
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