#so no human dies of medicine lack
seijuroraizel · 6 months
So, I don't speak a lot here or anywhere, but today, I want to speak about the "brave" and "honest" person you might know here as muttpeeta or as attheredmind on AO3 which I had the unfortunate experience of following someone like her for a couple years now without knowing the kind of person she is.
So, following some meaningless squabble about New York Times POTT, someone brought up to her attention -or she might have addressed that herself- that people associated with the current genocide going on in Gaza AND West Bank (where there is no KHAMAS!) Were more deserving to get the award or title whatever, since the newspaper gave it to president Zel of Ukraine last year. atthered mind didn't like that apparently, so she answered by some nonsense and amidst her replies to the anons she claimed she is neutral and that she sympathize with the "people suffering in Gaza and Israel". But then she followed that sweet talk with tags accusing the Palastinian and Gaza's side of committing crimes of murder and rape against "Jews". Now notice the stereotypes which she uses. Saying Jews instead of Israeli. As if the Palestinians are targeting all jews. And no Jews stand against Israel.
Then in another reply, she simplified the situation as "war" between Muslims and Jews.
She was so upset about ppl calling her out about that as anons and wanted someone to confront her by their names. So I did. And guess what, she run away and blocked me 🙂😂
But sorry muttpeeta, I'm not letting your Zionist propaganda slide. And everything will be backed by actual evidence and sources -Israeli ones too- and not words in the air.
So first things first. Muttpeeta claims about rape and murder were addressed multiple times by both Palastinian and Israeli sides. Israeli government said they found no evidence of sexual assault. Image from The Times of Israel.
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On the other hand, there are uncountable vitrified cases of rape crimes by the Israeli military, but Muttpeeta won't mention that ofc
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And I think we can determine the truth of these claims, on both sides, from the statements of women held captive.
The murder... there sure was murdering cases by Palastinian personals in that day. Which I personals considered grave mistakes that need punishment. And Gaza's government stated that those actions -and civilians kidnapping by the way too- were against the orders given. Also that most of these cases were carried out by persons not affiliated with Hamas. But to claim that all the dead were civilians and by Hamas hands? Look for yourselves. The white names are civilians, and the yellow are military
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Ok, are we certain all tgese were killed by Hamas? No. In more than one statement, Israeli officials and officers in their panic revealed that Israeli army killed civilians that day
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While Hamas condemned killing and kidnapping civilians, you will find the Israeli government shamelessly calling to use nuclear on Gaza, or kill 150 thousand of its population or calling these people human animals... things you would have heard of from Hitler and his Nazis.
Muttpeeta didn't like when Intold her this.
Finally, this is not war between "Muslims and Jewish" this is a genocide carried out by one of the strongest armies in the world, backed up by superpowers innthe world against Palastinians who have no water, electricity, medicine, food let alone an army to defend them. This is a genocide against Palastinians, Muslims AND Christians. Just 10 days ago Israeli bombes one of the oldest churches in the world, killing many of the ppl who were seeking a safe place there.
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Here is a great video from President Carter about Palastine
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And for further informations I would recommend this video here
It has English caption. It's long but worth it. And it's all from Israeli sources.
I would also strongly recommend following Norman Finkelstein, Miko Peled, Noam Chomsky, who are ALL Jews, and Miko even Israeli, but they have the humanity in them to stand against Zionism and its genocidal agend.
To Muttpeeta, next time, either be contented with anon replies (I wasn't one of them, btw) or be brave enough to continue a debate once you start it. I hope someone, even if anon delivers this to her or it reaches her, is in any way.
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theprissythumbelina · 5 months
So you want to write about horses.
Part 2 now out!
Or you're writing and horses show up. Or its a pre-industrial fantasy and your characters have to get somewhere. Or you have a faint idea of your MC's love interest showing up on a white stallion.
Whatever the cause, you're writing, and a horse appears. But you know nothing about horses. I can help.
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This is a horse. Horses come in many sizes.
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^ Big Jake, a Belgian Draft horse, and a roughly 5 foot woman for scale.
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1 hand = 4 inches = 10.16 cm
Once a horse is smaller than about 14.2hh, it is generally considered a pony. In the modern day, ponies are not considered suitable for adult riders due to weight and height issues. Some pony breeds, such as Welsh, Fjords, ect. are known for being sturdy, and can more easily carry adult sized humans. Miniature horses should never be ridden by adults.
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^The only suitable 'riding' a miniature horse should do
The above graphic mentions that horses are measured from the top of the withers, not the top of the head. But, what are withers?
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The withers are where the horse's shoulders meet the spine, and the neck becomes the back. Withers are incredibly important for saddle placement, as a badly placed saddle in this area can prevent a horse from moving its legs properly, cause a large amount of pain, and even damage a horse's spine. Speaking of spines, this is a horse skeleton, with the withers pointed out.
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Horses have four legs. Horses cannot have any fewer than four legs. They are obligate quadrupeds. This is, in part, due to their weight, as well as the construction of their legs and hooves. This is to say, that while cats, dogs, and other animals can be amputees, a horse, short of some incredible magic solution, cannot. Even a broken leg bone will cause a huge amount of problems, as all of the weight that leg would usually hold must be shifted to the other feet, and this causes a condition called laminitis, where the tissue that holds together the hoof and the toe bone becomes inflamed, and begins to separate. Once this happens, the hoof tissue dies from lack of blood, and the bone begins to rotate. This is extremely painful for the horse, and so often the best solution for a horse with a broken leg is to be spared that pain. Famous American racehorse Barbaro experienced a complex broken bone, which began to heal fine, but complications from laminitis in two of his other legs caused him to be put down. This is why media will almost always show a horse with a broken or injured leg being 'taken care of'.
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^Barbaro, in his prime. Even the best veterinary medicine couldn't save him.
Now, racehorses like Barbaro are moving at the fastest speed and the fastest gait of the horse, the gallop. The patterns that horses move their feet are referred to as gaits, with most horses having four, with some breeds having five or more.
The first gait and the slowest is the walk. In the walk, all four feet move independently, which leads it to be called a four-beat gait, as the footfalls make a sort of drumbeat on the ground.
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The next gait is the trot, a two beat gait with diagonal pairs of legs moving together.
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^Diagonal pairs marked in red and blue
The trot is a very bouncy experience for the rider, and can be uncomfortable. Some riders will rise and fall with a pair of diagonal legs, called a posting trot, some will stand in their stirrups, called a two-point or jump position, and some will sit the trot, which requires a lot of core strength (seriously, if you want a strong core, screw the gym)
The third gait is the canter, a three-beat gait with a single diagonal pair. This gait is ridden sitting, and feels a lot like going over waves on a jetski. There is a rise, a scoop, and a fall feeling. The canter is also called a lope in Western riding, they are the same gait.
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^diagonal pair marked in red
A gallop is sometimes considered a variation on canter, as it is similar save for the legs actually moving in a four-beat pattern. As you can see with the image of Barbaro, all four of his feet are moving in different patterns, at different times, even though the gallop is really a four beat version of the canter. Riders in the gallop rise off the horse's back into a raised position, which allows the horse to use the full length of its spine and musculature to get as much reach and speed as possible. It feels like riding on top of a train barreling down the tracks, at least until your horse takes an unexpected turn and the ground is suddenly the only thing you're riding.
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^ I've been there. The trick is to push away and hit the ground rolling, it hurts less that way. And don't land on your head.
That's all for this post. I'll have more when I feel like it, and send me questions if you want to know more about specific things or need a writing question answered
Reblogs welcome and encouraged
@jacqueswriteblrlibrary for wider reach
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elbiotipo · 17 days
So, remember the 5000 TONS OF FOOD that were supposed to go to community kitchens that Milei's administration refused to give (even though legally the Argentine state should?) Here's the very, very abridged story so far:
When Milei was inagurated, because of his anti-state spending fanaticism, he concentrated the ministries of education, health, science and technology and others into a single mega "human capital" ministry. The name is dystopian enough, but he also put his personal "friend" Sandra Pettovello in charge. Pettovello has just a 2-years degree in "family science" and no experience at all with administration and she was left with all that. Predictably, things are turning to shit, universities and science are defunded (which as you can imagine has affected me very personally), cancer patients have already died because of lack of medicine, and basically everything related to education health and social justice in Argentina is being defunded and in crisis.
The Human Capital (literally 1984) ministry was also supposed to support community kitchens (comedores) which provide for poor people are often administered by popular associations. These associations, being left-leaning and anti-Milei are often hit with accussations of corruption, which are sometimes true, but never to the extent that they're accussed of. So Milei and Pettovello retained, again, 5000 TONS OF FOOD that were supposed to feed hungry people until they 'investigated' these popular associations. Of the hundreds and hundreds of acussations, less than two dozens are currently being investigated. Pettovello insulted the people who said they were going hungry saying that they could queque in the Human Capital ministry and she'll recieve them (and they did as a sort of protest).
Many activists like Grabois (the evil leftist zurdo kirchnerist) demanded through the justice that the food was released. The government and its trolls called them thieves, corrupt, etc. etc. and they started lying (as in the official spokesman, the puppet Adorni) that the food was reserved for emergencies (it was requested for recent emergencies and denied) then that it was of poor quality (it wasn't), and Grabois and other denounced that the food was going to expire, and it should be released NOW. Even pro-Milei right-wing journalists had to recognize that Grabois was right, and hell is freezing over. Meanwhile the chief of cabinet, head of ministers, whatever the translation, was fired for spying and likely insulting Milei's sister. How did Milei respond to this political crisis? He went in honeymoon with his sister to visit some shitty tech CEO forum. He cannot stop visiting shitty right-wing forums.
Finally Pettovello and the government (not Milei, he's busy sucking CEO cock in the US) admited that the food, especially powdered milk, was about to expire and should be distributed by the army (which has no idea what to do but that's how the right thinks), and to cover herself, she threw one of her secretaries, De La Torre, to the anti-corruption office. However, she cannot save herself because everything that De La Torre did was under HER signature, and what's worse it was recently discovered De La Torre had over 100 employees that were cashing millions of pesos without a single day of work, and THAT was also approved by Pettovello. This is probably just the tip of the iceberg of the corruption in Milei's government, which has been just a circus of personal friends and incompetents. What's funny is that people like Grabois were acussed to be corrupt wasters of state money, by De La Torre, and now HE'S likely going to prison for being a corrupt waster of state money.
Speaking of which, Pettovello, by all accounts, is not capable or ready to holding the ministry, she often breaks down crying (too bad, but people are dying because of her incompetence), and most of her subordinates are resigning in droves. Milei remains ironclad in his support for her, though. In fact, he might have REJECTED her resignation when she presented it. Why? Well, when you look at the register of visits to the presidential residence, Pettovello has spent several nights there. It might be that she's really Milei's 'therapeutical companion' with her 'reiki sessions'. At least it's not his sister Karina? Well, while his government and the country is in flames, Milei was taking selfies with Mark Zuckerberg and now is visiting Bukele while Karina (again, his sister) acts like the first lady, and is basically treated as such by libertarians.
It would be all so chaotic and funny if people weren't deprived of education, health and food because of this.
Milei has been president for 6 months, by the way.
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violet-eng · 8 months
Lantern Rite Zhongli x fem!reader - NSFW of course
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Summary: Zhongli likes reader! since the first day he saw her. Then, during the Lantern Rite, he finds a spot where to watch the show together and do it. The second part wasn't planned. Old man just wanted some time with his crush but ended up doing it.
Warnings: Smut as always. piv. Outdoors sex? Unprotected sex (wear a condom please)
World count: idk, but it's a lot.
(🎨by @gorooon0402)
__________________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐┊ ⋆ ┊ . ┊ ┊┊ ┊⋆ ┊ .┊ ┊ ⋆˚         ✧. ┊         ⋆ ★
The first time Zhongli saw you was at the top of the city, at the place where Rex Lapis had died. You had caught his attention, kneeling in front of the place, offerings in front of you and your head lowered.
He knew everyone in Liyue, somehow his ancient omniscience had given him that privilege, but you were a complete stranger. The cloak covering your body, the seams bruised and the hood worn, you had had a long journey, but you were there, praying.
You stood up, wiped your knees and adjusted your clothes. You headed towards the exit and brushed against his arm.
“I’m sorry,” you said, your voice soft, just like your features. You were in his eyes the most beautiful creature he had ever seen in his life.
That same afternoon, Zhongli goes to the Bubu pharmacy in search of certain medications; his human form had been difficult for him to care for in recent years. He rings the bell on the table expecting Baizhu or Qiqi to appear, instead, you are the one who receives it. This time you wear a different cape, matte oak colors without a hood, allowing your face to be seen clearly, framed by your hair.
"What can I help you?" You ask, both hands on the table and a kind smile on your lips. Zhongli, due to vestiges of his ability as an Archon, perceives a certain energy emanating from you: perseverance, an unbreakable will accompanied by nostalgia and kindness. He realizes that you have come a long way in your life, that you know hard work and have extensive knowledge about the different nations of Teyvat. He wonders why he didn't give you a Vision when he was Rex Lapis, realizing you lack one. All of this is enough to awaken something in him, a human feeling that he thought he had gotten rid of a long time ago.
"I need medicine" is the only thing that can come out of his lips, while he spreads a prescription in front of you.
"Ah, yes. Mr. Baizhu warned me that someone like you would come" you say, taking a bag.
"Someone like me?" The phrase sparks a hungry curiosity in Zhongli.
"Yes, an elegant gentleman with an eloquent voice."
Those words send a wave of heat up Zhongli's spine, although his face doesn't flinch.
"I see, it's like Baizhu" he finally says.
The following months you find yourself invading Zhongli's mind, and the more he gets to know you he realizes the greater attraction he feels for you. It's not just your face, your smile or your gestures, it's the way you care for the patients that Baizhu can't care for, the way you tell the children about the things you've seen outside of Liyue, when you help Madam Ping with her teapot or when you bandage Yanfei's ankle for running from side to side.
You are the kind of person he decided to live for as a human, the kind of pure soul he had given up his gnosis for, the creature he hates not having created, even though he knows he would never have had the ability to create something so perfect like you.
The Lantern Rite arrives, the festival is bigger this year than last, and Zhongli, who watches everything from one of the tables at the Wanmin Restaurant, cannot help but feel slightly alone. He looks for you in the crowd, perhaps you could share stories of his expeditions as you have often done for a few weeks, but he can't find you anywhere. That worries him.
He asks about you in a subtle way, knowing that people hold you in high esteem for your work as an auxiliary doctor, discovering that you have been making outpatient visits all day to some of the adventurers who suffered a gunpowder accident while preparing the fireworks.
So Zhongli heads to the city dock, where he finds you leaving the house of one of your patients. He notices that you are exhausted, so he approaches you cautiously.
"It looks like you haven't rested all day" he says as he offers you a drink.
"Is it late for the event?" you ask after wiping your lips with the back of your hand.
"No, you're just in time."
"Madame Ping's place is probably full, not to mention the plaza. I was dying to see the lanterns this year," you say, looking over the sea, where you realize that they are preparing everything for the big event.
"I know a place..." Zhongli says, not very sure of his words although his tone of voice hides it pretty well.
So you two end up crossing the water in a boat, reaching the other shore, from where you can see the coast of Liyue.
You are amazed by the sight, and you express it to Zhongli as you get rid of your cloak, revealing your clothes underneath, it is a dress, and Zhongli surprises himself by looking for where the zipper of your clothes would be or how easily It would be undoing your buttons.
The lanterns rise, and you pick up your legs as you follow the bright spots rising above the dark sky with your gaze. You watch the show and Zhongli looks at you, the amber color of the fudistant ego reflected faintly on your face.
You are alone, and that gives him enough courage to approach you, take your chin in his hand and turn your face towards his. You don't have time to react because his lips are against yours, gently sucking on your bottom lip.
You put your hands on his chest and separate yourself from him in search of air. He feels dazed, ecstatic, and ashamed all at once. He believes he has offended you, and regret consumes him until you kiss him again, this time wrapping your arms around his neck.
You feel the same as him, and that gives him enough courage to take off his jacket and tie while still kissing you. His hands go behind your back looking for that zipper that he had identified before, and then sliding it to reveal your body in lingerie. The image sends a ripple to his core and he suddenly feels imprisoned in his pants. He gently pushes you until your back is against the grass, damp from the rain a few hours ago, and he positions himself over you, your legs between his.
“Zhongli…” you whisper as you watch the way he undoes his shirt and then removes a glove with his teeth. You notice something primitive, almost animalistic, in his gaze.
As he undoes his pants you notice his hardened cock lifting the fabric of his underwear, your already wet center becoming even more soaked at the image of him on top of you.
Zhongli leans over you to kiss you as he gets rid of the fabric and is completely exposed to you. The image he gives you makes your nipples harden, and you close your legs even more before the incessant moisture that flows from you. Zhongli's body seems sculpted, his shoulders defined, his pectorals large, and his abdomen marked by his muscles. His cock points at you, big and thick, the head red with hunger at your center and a vein bulging on the side.
You gulp at the thought of what awaits you. You can't believe you're with him like this, outdoors, on the grass.
"We're alone, right?" you ask, and he smiles, leaning over you.
"Completely alone," he says, kissing your neck as one of his hands slides under the fabric of your bra, grabbing the soft flesh of your breast and teasing your nipple.
“I’ve wanted to do this for so long,” he whispers in your ear, his voice hoarse.
He takes off your bra, exposing your breasts to him. You try to cover yourself, but he grabs your hands and pulls them away from your breasts. He wants to see you, he has wanted to for weeks.
"Don't be shy," he hisses, tilting his head, a proud smile on his lips. You are completely blushing, "Let's see what else you have for me" he says, sliding one of his fingers between your breasts, down your abdomen and reaching the edge of your panties. He lowers them cautiously from both ends and when he takes them from you he brings them to his nose, inhaling your essence impregnated in the damp fabric. That only causes you to leak even more.
Zhongli throws the fabric along with the rest of the clothes and bows again, this time he won't pause as much. He glances at you as he spreads your legs with one hand, a lopsided smile appearing on his face as he notices how wet you are for him.
"All this just by touching you" he says as he slides two of his fingers through your folds making you shudder and arch your back, you are as needy for him as he is for you.
He brings his fingers to his mouth and tastes your juices, running his tongue over his lips.
"So sweet, and all for me," he growls.
He aligns himself with your entrance and suddenly you feel him slide easily inside you, it's as if you were tailor-made for him, specially created for him.
Zhongli pushes his way inside you, molding your walls to the shape of his cock.
“You're tight,” he whispers, stifling a moan, leaning over you and gripping the grass under his hands. The way you squeeze him drives him crazy.
When Zhongli is completely inside you, you throw your head to the side and cover your mouth so he doesn't hear you moan, you don't want to make him uncomfortable with some embarrassing sound.
"I want to hear you," he says, taking your hands and putting them on the sides of your head, "I want to hear you moan, scream, curse... no one else is going to hear you, only me."
You look at him with reddened cheeks, completely drugged with desire and lust. The way those words leave his lips, the way he looks at you while he's inside you, all of it makes you feel ready for whatever's next.
Zhongli moves slowly at first, drawing soft moans from you, he wants you to adjust to his size, he wants you to get used to his rhythm as he holds on your hips while he lets low moans into your neck.
You cling to his back and move your hips as if to signal that you are ready, that you want him to fuck you as he really wants.
When your insides feel empty without him, your walls clench around his tip, and then he slides all the way inside, hard and fast, giving you no time to process the thrust.
He does it one, two, three times, keeping your hips static against the grass, the friction against your buttocks burns at first, but then succumbs to the pleasure you feel every time he enters you, every time he hits your cervix and your g-spot. Every time he moans incoherently into your neck you forget that they are out in the open fucking like two animals in heat.
"So soft, so mine," he says between indecent moans as his tip arches inside you, hitting your cervix. You feel that at any moment he will cross into your uterus and split in half.
The force with which he thrusts into you is almost beastly, accompanied by grunts and his hand tangled in your hair. His mouth attacks your nipple, making you feel double stimulation.
Zhongli stands up and sits on the grass, placing you on top of him, on his hip. He never left your insides.
You cling to his neck and rest your head on his shoulder, the image of the approaching lanterns blurred by the tears in your eyes. Zhongli's hands on your hips mark the pace of penetration, sinking deeper into you if that is possible.
"Just like that, cutie, just like that~" he growls as he squeezes your glutes and abuses your pussy with his cock. You feel a knot forming inside you.
“Zhongli,” you moan, breathing heavily, arching your back and digging your nails into his shoulders.
He realizes you're about to reach your limit, and he lays you back down on the grass.
"Don't resist," he says as he lifts one of your legs and places it on his shoulder, giving you a wave of ecstasy from the new, even more pleasurable position.
You look at his face as he continues to move inside you, some of the lanterns fly above his head, the amber fire almost as intense as that of his eyes at that moment. You caress his cheek, that image of him, thirsty for your pussy with the flashlights on him, you want to keep it in your memory forever.
His thrusts become frantic and irregular in rhythm, you feel the burning in your belly and center grow more and more, like a flame of fire every time he touches the already quite abused rubbery spot. Zhongli goes on and on and on and then you feel him coming. The knot inside you unravels and you let out a scream as you mark his back with your nails. You've reached your orgasm, and overstimulation haunts you as Zhongli continues to move, seeking to reach his own climax.
He twists his mouth into a grimace and presses his hips against yours, releasing a load of his cum into your hole.
He's breathing hard, his forehead is sweaty, and his member is still inside you. You caress his chest and neck, he takes your hand and kisses the back. You are both silent, only your heavy breathing can be heard in the air.
"Oh my Rex Lapis" you finally say.
Zhongli smiles and kisses you on the lips after hearing you say that. Maybe in the future he will tell you about his past and who he really is, for now he just wants to be there, lying next to you, naked and watching the lanterns traveling through the night sky.
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sanest-bsd-delegate · 1 month
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──SOULMATE [Part-1]
⪩oneshot: Soulmates are meant to be with each other, even if death do them apart.
⪩pairing: Dazai x reader
⪩a/n: soulmate au where the soulmate will feel other's pain in form of flowers blooming in the hurt area
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Nothing seemed to make Dazai happy. Sure the fake mask of his personality he wore everyday could deceive others, he could fool everyone but himself, and maybe his soulmate too. Dazai viewed it like a curse. Soulmates shouldn't exist in the first place. He couldn't help but empathize and feel sad for his soulmate, for every suicidal tactic he survived, his soulmate will be somewhere, getting hurt or injured by the flowers and thorns that grew. And yet, with no sign of revenge, his soulmate never sent him a flower when he sent a bouquet of them. Human mind is weird. Should he be happy about it? He didn't knew.
You were tired. You were so tired of this life, this soulmate link that existed between you and your soulmate. Whatever his job was, how could he be so reckless. At first, you thought maybe he is still in his teen spirit dirtbag era, but it wasn't the case. For every flower that bloomed on your skin left the scars of the openings. It pained a lot at first, but you got used to it. You wanted to end this connection. It was tiring for you. As you would sob about how tough your life get, another flower would bloom open in your arms, like a lover sending his love a bouquet of flowers. You would smile a little, maybe you weren't alone in the sufferings of this world, maybe your soulmate is too, and maybe, just maybe you both could fill the emptiness in your heart with each other.
You were walking on the street returning from your job when suddenly a sharp throbbing pain arises in your forehead. Did you forget to take your medicine? Is it because of you using your phone? Are you getting heartburn? What ever the reason was, it pained so much, it felt like someone wants to burst your head open with all the forces they got. You drop on your knees, holding the pain, it hurts so much, and you didn't even know what was the cause of that. People surrounded you, calling for an ambulance, and shifting you to a hospital. The last thing you remembered were the shocking faces of people and the concerned medical team trying to talk to you. And then, you lost consciousness.
Dazai was devastated, how could chuuya shoot his head thrice? "CHUUYAAA HOW COULD YOUUUU" Dazai whined, forgetting that his soulmate existed somewhere. Maybe he was selfish, maybe people would call him a person who lacked feelings, but did it matter when the world's fate was in his hands? Chuuya did nothing but shake his head in disapproval, as both of them were on their way to walk out of the prision. Dazai whistled led all his way walking, annoying chuuya every second he got. "Can you stop being annoying?" "Come on shorthat, we have been doing this since the long time" Dazai replied, his arm around Chuuya's shoulder as they walk, "Cant believe i still have to bend my knees to get to your height".
A brief moment of silence passed when Dazai wined in pain….No it wasn't the usual physical pain he felt for the first time, it was something intense and deep, an emotion he had never felt before….it felt like his soul would ripe apart if he breathe any longer and then he felt numb.
"Are you going to just stand still? we have the world to save you know?" Chuuya remarked, rolling his eyes as he opens the door stepping outside for others to see that infact they were alive. Dazai does nothing but remained silent at his remark, before walking out the door. Suddenly he felt something on his forehead, it was a withered leaf, sticking on his forehead. Maybe it came with the wind, yeah maybe.
His soulmate had died and it was way to long gone before he could have realized.
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TAGLIST: @averagehisoilluenjoyer @high-on-dazai @ruru-kiss @kissesmellow21 @just2normalperson
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soapymansuds · 2 months
Eternity and Counting
(Pt1) This is a running piece I've nearly finished, but the whole thing is way too long to post as one chapter sooooo... This part's pretty short just for the sake of timeline splitting.
Obey me! X Angel!MC (They/Them Pronouns)
TW: Suicide, depression, self-deprecation, death, big feelings, lots of sad, everybody is crying like all the time
MC just can't handle anything anymore and takes their own life. Imagine their dismay to find even death isn't the end for them.
(Takes place in the Frost Flowers event (sorta?), with mild "that chapter where MC finds out they're the Bridge" spoilers. Can't remember which chapter that was.)
It's so heavy. This grand weight I've been lugging around since that day. I should have died. I was supposed to die. I would have deserved it too. All I've ever managed to do was cause problems for this family. And maybe I still am. The idea almost stopped me. Visions of their faces. Their tears. Their grief. It did, actually. A few times at least. But not today. It's happened again. Everything was going just fine until that God-forsaken dog decided I would be the object of his affection. Somehow, in spite of the threat it faced to the nation, the brothers refused to just hand me over. Almost losing not just their home, but their kingdom, for my sake. Yet again wasting their time trying to save me. Just like they did when my stupid power nearly killed Lucifer. When Lucifer nearly killed HIMSELF to save me. A bitter, evil part of me is still mad at Michael for stopping me. For saving me.
My arms feel heavy as lead as I lay here, counting away the seconds. I've got nearly an hour before anybody gets home from RAD. Plenty of time to make sure I stay dead. I feel a little bad for lying about being sick to get out of classes today. But maybe I am. Doesn't matter much now anyway. Really, my biggest concern in the current moment is how long it will take Barbatos to notice the ingredients I took. Sure, he's in classes right now too, but he pops in and out of the castle all day long. The likelihood of him stopping into the kitchen and noticing the cracked cabinet door, the scavaged shelves, and finally the open jars is uncomfortably high. In my defense, the chances of that happening while I was there were equally high, so I can't be blamed for the messy crime. But he's only got a few moments more before his discovery will be for naught, so I suppose it's not terribly worrying.
I can feel it, creeping up my spine like a cold massage. The ever-growing numbness. The slow death of my limbs. My lungs. Me. It's growing darker now, unnaturally so, even for The Devildom. I can finally free them of my burden. Free myself of it too. But I would like to offer a final scorn to whatever God allowed me to hear the gentle creaking of the front door.
(Mammon's POV)
A chill runs through my spine,like something ominous is lurking behind me, but as I turn around, nobody's there. In spite of that comfort, I can't shake this overwhelming dread coating my nerves and sinking into my bones, urging me to move. Driving me to jog home. The gentle sway of the bag on my arm becoming notably more violent as it begins swinging by my side.
My hands can't work fast enough as I try to unlock the front door. I break into a near sprint as I approach their door, slamming it open.
"MC?" I call, it's dark in their room, but I can just make out the shape of their body resting in their bed. "Oh, you're just sleeping." I mumble, walking up to their bed and setting the bag on the ground next to it.
"Hey, I gotcha some human world medicines." I whisper, pulling a few bottles from the bag. "C'mon, you gotta wake up and take some."
I can't help but roll my eyes at their lack of reaction. "Been spending too much time with Belphie." I reach up to shake their shoulder gently.
Nothing happens. So I try again, fingers gripping just barely tighter. Tight enough to feel the unsettling chill of their skin. It seeps through my fingertips and into my soul. Gripping my heart in white hot fear.
"MC, wake up." I shake them again. "MC." Their name falls from my lips like a plea. "MC please-" I grab their other shoulder. "MC!" Tears spill from my eyes, breath shaky and ragged. "Wake up!"
(Raghhhh, sorry about this)
-Your dear friend, the author
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abybweisse · 4 months
Blood Work (p1), Elitism, transmutation, and religious fear
⚠️ long post ⚠️
So, I now have a copy of Blood Work: A Tale of Medicine and Murder in the Scientific Revolution, by Holly Tucker. It's a reference for Yana-san, as she mentioned it in her old tuna.be blog around the start of the blue arc.
I see in the list of important people a mention of the real Dr. Moreau, and there's a later chapter about chimeras... so I know I'll be talking about that some, over this series of posts.
It's important here, too, because when researchers were first attempting blood transfusions in the 17th century, people were terrified about receiving blood from animals, like sheep and cattle. They thought that animal blood would transmute humans into human-animal hybrids. Even in the 20th century, some white people were terrified of receiving blood from black people, because they thought the blood could effect the race of their future children or grandchildren. Nonsense, of course, but they didn't understand.
17th century blood transfusions were generally performed by taking blood from a lamb or a calf. The barbers/physicians/researchers had no clue about blood types. Jean-Baptiste Denis successfully transfused blood from a lamb into a teenage patient. Then he made several successful attempts at transfusing from a calf to a "madman". The guy later died, and Denis was blamed. Turns out some doctors who didn't want him to succeed had actually poisoned that second subject with arsenic.
It wasn't even a matter of those physicians wanting his experiments to fail while theirs worked; no, they simply didn't want blood transfusions to become a practice. They were afraid of transmutation from animal blood, and they were afraid of what animal-to-human blood transfusions would reveal about humanity -- that we are truly just animals, too. The trial against Denis ended research into blood transfusions for about 150 years.
Blood types were still unknown in the late 18th century, when a physician wanted to attempt to revive George Washington's largely exsanguinated corpse with a transfusion of lamb's blood. FYI, he died on a December 14th, just like Prince Albert. His family refused the offer only because they feared sullying his body with animal blood, and they insisted his body must be left untainted and wholly together for him to be properly received into heaven. Such was the continued lack of understanding. Yana-san might have given Undertaker the idea to use blood transfusions in conjunction with other techniques for the reanimating and revival process from the account of what that physician wanted to do to Washington.
When blood transfusion research was in full swing, in the 19th century, they were starting to piece together the idea of blood groups, but they still didn't quite know about things like universal whole blood donor and universal whole blood recipient. There was a strong elitist element to this, so they generally thought like could only be compatible with like. They also still saw non-human blood as inferior, even if it might be compatible. The best compatibility was expected between twins and then between close relatives.
I have a feeling that Yana-san has played around with this bias, which would explain why real Ciel is only receiving AB (Sirius) blood, Canopus B, Vega O, and Polaris A. All those people at Sphere Music Hall are led to believe they are being treated as equals, when they are in fact being split up into a caste system where some "stars" are of a higher magnitude than others. And, at times, Blavat Sky and others have made it clear they see some blood types as being less worthy than others. By extension, some people are treated as less worthy. Blavat seems to realize that Sirius can receive blood from other blood types, because he gives "leftovers" of Vega and Polaris blood to the Sirius renal patients. It's possible that real Ciel doesn't know he can have any type of whole blood, but I suspect he knows and simply doesn't think anything else is good enough for him.
I'd also like to mention Snake and Finny here, since we know Finny was injected with something to increase his strength and other traits. Then we see Snake with various attributes that are associated with snakes. In either case (or both) we could be dealing with transmutation. It's not realistic in our world, but it might very well be possible in theirs. Each of them might have been injected with chemical cocktails derived from other animals: Snake from snakes and Finny from perhaps a few completely different species.
We now know Snake wasn't born a snake and turned into a human, but there's nothing to say he wasn't born human and "adulterated" with snake traits. There's also the weird story the freak show attendant claims: human mother and snake father. Maybe not an actual snake as his father but more like his mother being injected with snake blood or something... and that producing a hybrid child. Again, not what we'd consider possible, but the Kuroverse plays by different rules.
One other aspect I want to touch on in this post: Othello's and Grelle's fears regarding the very nature of human souls and existence. This is a form of religious fear, not too different from what George Washington's family feared. His family feared he wouldn't be accepted into heaven, while these two reapers fear humans might no longer even need souls, and that heaven may no longer matter to them. What would that mean for the existence of reapers, when their supposed salvation requires them to keep collecting souls?
Well, I'll probably talk about bias and fear again, as well as these other issues, but I'll stop here... for now.
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tg-headcanons · 3 months
i just had this thought after watching one too many medical dramas, how are hospitals going to change after ghoul legalization? how many doctor will turn up all of a sudden being ghouls? will ghouls only be allowed to treat ghouls and humans only be allowed to treat human? and will the medical field evolve for the better for both humans and ghouls?
Medical care is not something most ghouls had access to, and ghouls aren’t something most doctors considered before, but after legalization and the promise made that ghouls would be given access to doctors, the need arose. It was a big shake up of the system, doctors pushing back against the idea of retraining, a lack of a plan for how to go about getting ghouls into hospitals, and even the common argument that ghouls should go the a vet instead. To try to handle this, former CCG ghouls researchers were offered positions in hospitals as the closest thing there is to a ghoul specialist. Between their knowledge of ghouls and doctor’s knowledge of medicine, the early access ghouls got was shoddy, not well researched, and often fraught with mistreatment and neglect
It got better as more ghouls came out, and the previous few ghouls who managed to become doctors became highly sought both as practitioners and for teaching medical students and leading studies. Humans making a big stand about refusing to be treated by a ghoul doctor we’re just loud and obnoxious because the ghoul doctors they’re oh so adamant about rejecting are way too busy founding a new branch of medicine
A lot of things had to be tested and researched. For the first time there’s ghouls that need prescriptions and treatments and they’re really trying to figure out what medicines in what doses work. Most ghouls make a few extra bucks here and there from studies desperate for a ghoul to take some pills and report results
The advancements in medical technology they got from ghouls were immense. Previously terminal diseases are getting treatments using ghoul rc cells. Previously irreversible chronic illnesses and injuries are making incremental progress for the better and increasing quality of life. Even organ donation is better. It turns out that if a ghoul with low enough rc donates a kidney or lung to a human who’s okay with a lifetime of rc supplements, it works just fine, and there’s ghouls now who’s whole job is just being an organ farm with a salary and benefits
Half-ghoul surgery becomes a rare, but lifesaving procedure. It took a long time for it to be okayed on human trials after the studies on the quinx and artificial ghouls came out to the horror of the entire medical community, but in some cases of extreme disfigurement and injury, if there’s a donor kakuhou available they can implant it. It’s a heavily regulated and closely monitored procedure, but a human who’s lost a significant portion of their body can be saved by the process of becoming na artificial ghoul, regenerate most of what they lost, then be given the treatment to remove the need for human flesh
Over time, more ghouls are going into the medical field, and when the original uproar from people upset at having to entrust their health to their predators died down, it became clear that they make great doctors. They can sniff out a lot of infection or diseases. They can smell blood and bile on someone’s breath. They can utilize adaptations meant for hunting humans to diagnose them and, when in an emergency, they tend to have no problems sticking their hands into a mess of a body. Many ghouls are sought out as emts and paramedics for that ability to sniff out blood and lack of disgust response when it comes to the nasty side of saving lives
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chihuahuawashere · 1 month
Sir Pentous, Husk, Alastor and Lucifer all sit in one big ass circle with snacks and drinks in the middle and their all cracking the most dad of dad jokes known to dad kind and it’s driving the hotel insane.
Charlie is just happy that everyone is getting along even though yes she does admit it can get annoying some days
While Vagie is just happy that’s she’s not the butt of the joke anymore. But she’s still getting pushed to the ground with how hard they laugh nest her. Although yes they still sometimes they do poke fun (kinda like a dad embarrassing their tween/teen/emo daughter for shits a giggles)
Angel dust had enough dad jokes in his human life with he’s evil ass dad. He wants to avoid it any way he can now but sometimes even Val cracks dad jokes at work so now he just associates dad jokes with he’s abusive ass father and Val so he HATES them to put it nicely
Nifty is the only one who genuinely laughs at them
Husk thought it was stupid at first but he came around and now he’s apart of them and it’s actually really nice
Sir Pentouse used to be a dad but he’s kid died at a very young age due to the lack of education in medicine in his time so he didn’t have enough time to do certain things like playing catch, talk about girls, cooking together, killing together, dad jokes, embrassing him.
So this is really healing for him. Being about to make nifty, Angel, Charlie and Vaggie all cringe at his dad jokes make his day a little bit easier.
Alastors father never made jokes like that before, but he’s mom will crack jokes once in a while when his father wasn’t mad. But then again he doesn’t know what dad jokes even are and believes that these genera of jokes are genuinely funny.
For Lucifer this is just his way to escape his ever lasting depression and it means to leave his room once in a while.
Either way the hotel is full of laughter and easily followed up by a group of collective groans 
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What do you think about Mother's role in characters' life of The Hunger Games series?
Do you think there is correlation of their situation with their action?
Thank you :)
What I appreciate about Suzanne's writing is that she accounts for the political with the personal and we can see how this plays out with mothers.
The mother we know most about is Mrs. Everdeen. Her husband died due to a mine accident for a material that, given the fact D12 shifts to having medicine factories post-war, likely didn't need to mine coal. In TBOSAS, it's a material for Districts. And you have to question how safe they bother to make the mines. So first--the political system killed her husband. Then the class divide fostered by the Capitol has left her estranged from her old support system and the Seam have to survive on their own because of the inequality the Capitol maintains, and she's incapable of getting the medicine she needs to deal with her catatonic depression. This depression creates (understandable and justified) anger in Katniss, creating a wedge between them. And she continues to lose her rights as a mother when her children are placed into a war without her permission, even her child who is younger than 14, the age of a soldier in D13. Then D13 that was supposed to make the country better chews up and spits out her oldest, and a power-hungry leader kills her youngest.
Katniss says her mother focused her grief in her work. I think that the reason why Mrs. Everdeen did this is because she feels she failed as a mother and is searching for something she can succeed in, which for her is medicine. She lost Katniss's trust years before, and she didn't keep track of Prim well enough to prevent her from going into a warzone, leading to her death. Katniss says that she heard her mother's voice during that time after Prim's death, but she becomes mute and is in grief, and I think in response to seeing her daughter this way, Mrs. Everdeen felt she was a failure in Katniss's eyes. And after the assassination and Katniss's trial, she left for Four. I think she felt useless as a mother by that point and was very deep in her self-loathing, doubting that she could do anything for Katniss or contribute anything to help her.
A lot of people hate Mrs. Everdeen, but I never can. She's not an admirable character, but she's very tragic. She lost her home, Prim, and her equivalent of Peeta, and her eldest daughter has pushed her away for years and only began to regain some relationship when everything got taken again. Katniss was planning on going to the Capitol to die to end the pain of Peeta being lost to her forever and leaving Prim to deal with the consequences, yet she doesn't get hate for that. People are sympathetic. So I wonder...why can't Mrs. Everdeen, too? Why can't people see how the politics have affected her so deeply that she personally has made bad decisions, decisions she needs to ask Katniss forgiveness for, but does not make her an inherently terrible person, but simply makes her human?
As for other mothers, I'm never going to defend Mrs. Mellark, but I would love to see how she ended up where she did. All we know is that she was apparently her husband's second choice of wife. I wonder what her childhood was like and any relevant details for her. Just to see how she became the abuser that she did.
Coriolanus's mom is also wrapped up in the political, to the point where the war interfered with her birth and that lack of medical care resulted in her and her baby's death. And this tragedy affected Coriolanus, though we can't be sure if his mother's presence would have prevented what he became. It's said she was a little ditzy, but he remembers her as loving. Perhaps to deal with her death, Coriolanus had to harden himself to love and made him callous toward other people's pain.
There are other moms, but those seem the most prominent and this is already kinda long so I'll leave things at that!
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stinkysatan · 1 year
Il Dottore x fem! Reader NSFW
Estabilished relationship, body worship, mentally unstable reader, violence, gore, mentions of cockwarming, sub! Reader, blood kink, unprotected sex, praise kink, biting, marking NOT PROOFREAD
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As someone who's morality was basically non-existant, and who's view on the world was very similar to a certain harbinger, it was no surprise that the Fatui had approached you after your expulsion from the Akademiya. You, of course, agreed. Even way too enthusiastically - some might say. It didn't take long for Il Dottore to appreciate your work.
As a medicine student you didn't leave room for failure, and your cryo vision proved to be quite useful whenever your master's test subjects were being too... difficult.
Your relationship didn't remain professional for long, it was only a matter of time until the Doctor realized how sickly obsessed you were with him. It amused him how you were even willing to be one of his subjects, trusting him with your life. Despite everything, you knew he wouldn't kill you - he was too used to your presence at this point.
The nights when he usually would just sit, filling out various documents were spent more pleasantly with you cockwarming him, ans giving him some advice while doing so. After work he would bend you over his desk, your moans a music to his ears as you chanted his name like a prayer. He believed his actions to be driven purely by lust, not once indulging you whenever you let out a breathless 'I love you'.
That illusion soon shattered, due to your careless scheming. One especially lively specimen was subjected to your own experiment. You weren't afraid to put your life at risk, and if Dottore were to save you - it would surely mean he felt the same way, right? At least that what you told yourself while loosening the man's restraints while he was unconscious.
When it was time for a test, the doctor instructed you to wake up your subject. You obediently walked over to the man, opening up a flask with a liquid which awakened the brain almost immediately. As expected, you has no time to react before the man grabbed you by the neck, slamming you on the table next to him. "Fucking bitch." He wheezed out to your amusement. Somehow he still hasn't lost his voice.
Dottore's stoic smile faded as he noticed your lack of vision. How careless. The subject was crushing your throat as you instinctively tried to get away, but to no avail. He was an enhanced human after all. Your eyes met the doctor's mask, who clicked his tongue and with one quick motion cut off the brute's hand. "Touching MY assistant? How brave of you" He chuckled, watching you stagger back and lean against the wall, wheezing and coughing.
The trial was wrapped up rather quickly, and once the segments got rid of the subject, Dottore mentioned for you to sit on his knees, which you gladly did, wrapping your hands around his neck. He pulled his mask up, revealing those wonderful crimson red eyes. "I suppose you had something to do with today's... issue, yes?" He asked, squeezing your thigh.
His touch alone sent shivers down your spine. "Perhaps. I may have wanted to test you this time." A sweet smile graced your lips as you played with your master's hair. "I knew you would help me. Your loyal worshipper... I wonder if your feelings will match mine, someday." You giggled, sinking your teeth into Dottore's neck.
He didn't complain, instead his fingers sank further into your flesh as he gasped, feeling you draw blood. You moved away, lapping up the red liquid and pressing a quick kiss to his lips. He hummed in amusement, cleaning your lips with his tongue.
"I can overlook this disobedience. I must admit it would be quite unfortunate if you died, especially from someone else's hands." The last words came out as a whisper, as you felt gloved fingers trace the marks of another man's hands. "How bothersome, I will have to cover those marks with my own. Were you hoping for that to happen?"
The question was rhetorical of course, he already knew the answer and began marking you by sucking and biting on all the red spots. Your gasps filled the otherwise quiet lab, loud enough to let all the segments passing by know, not to disturb their creator.
Dottore pulled away with a playful smirk, admiring your flushed face, glossy eyes, slightly parted lips and that needy look. He motioned for you to hold on, to which you wrapped your legs tight around him. He carried you over to his bedroom - which was mostly now yours considering the fact he doesn't sleep much and you still do.
All the segments passing by in the hallway either did their best to ignore you two, while some of the younger ones couldn't seem to look away. They always were curious about you, but unfortunately for them - in the absence of the original, you always were found around his newest versions, mostly the ones that had already developed some feelings towards you.
Not bothering to properly lock the door, Dottore's lips attacked yours as soon as he stepped into the room. He laid you on the bed, climbing on top and not once breaking the kiss, which grew messier with every second. You knew better than to keep him waiting and reached down to unbutton your pants. But before you did so, the harbinger slapped your hand, clicking his tongue. "I want to take my time with you today, (y/n)."
Hearing your name fall from his lips made you whimper. You don't get to hear it often, but when you do - it's enough to melt you. "Using our names now, Zandik?" You teased him, well aware that you had the similar effect on him. His gloved hands traveled under your shirt, tracing the delicate skin and cupping your breasts. "I suppose you got me in the mood today." He said, pulling back and getting rid of his lab coat, revealing the clothes beneath and that slutty harness that you adored.
He pressed his fingers to your lips, and you understood what he wanted you to do. You bit down on the glove, pulling it off. He did the same with his left hand, and threw the pieces of clothing somewhere across the room. He unbuttoned your shirt, really taking his time now. If it were any of the segments you would get impatient, but it was rare for your real lover to not be in such a hurry. You savored every moment.
Your hands traveled to his stomach, silently asking for permission to get rid of his shirt. No words were exchange, instead a silent agreement in a form of him pulling you into sitting position so he could pull down your own clothing. You weren't as patient as you'd like to be. You fumbled with the buttons, cursing under your breath. Dottore chuckled, but was interrupted by you pulling him by the harness, his laugh dying in your lips and turning into a low groan.
Each of you hastily discarded your bottoms, growing too horny to wait. The bulge in his boxers was painfully obvious, the sight alone causing your mouth to water. "You're drooling darling." He teased, causing you to roll your eyes and pull down his last bits of clothes. "Can't help myself when you look so good." You replied, licking a straight line along his shaft, to which you were rewarded with a sharp hiss. You lapped up his precum, careful to not let even a drop go to waste.
You felt the doctor's hand on your head, his fingers grabbing onto your hair, as you took him all in. You could hear him mutter praises as you choked on his veiny cock, your tongue caressing It gently. He pushed your head further, so that your nose was now touching his skin. You looked up at him, as his eyes were now barely opened, pupils dilated and filled with lust. "That's my good girl." He muttered out, scooping up a single tear that fell from your eye.
Dottore used your mouth like his fleshlight, ruthlessly pounding into you, as you grabbed onto his hips for some sort of support. Your groans sending vibrations down his long dick, causing your lover himself to groan and pant heavily. As he could feel himself getting closer his moves came to a halt as he pulled out of you with a 'pop sound.
Before you could even say anything, he roughly flipped you onto your stomach, pressing your head down into your pillow, and plunging into your wet cunt without a warning. Your muffled moan echoed in the room, as Dottore circled your ass with his palm. "Fuck, you're so wet already. Such a good fucking girl." He whispered into your ear, thrusting his hips roughly, one of his hands reaching down to masage your sensitive clit.
The rhythm of his movements was fast, the room was filled with your noises and loud sounds caused by his flesh colliding with yours. Dottore's cock stretched you so perfectly, as always. It was like you were made for him and only him. Your nails dug into the silky sheets as you let out a breathless gasp when his tip was hitting that sweet spot. "Oh fuck, dear Archons..." You mumbled into the pillow.
At your words, your lover grabbed you by the throat, pulling you up so your back collided with his sweaty chest. You held onto his leather harness for support, as Dottore pushed his fingers into your lips, leaning into your ear. "I am your Archon, darling." He groaned out, and proceeded to bite into your shoulder. A silent scream left your lips as your hold on the harness tightened.
The sensation of his dick pounding into you mercilessly, his fingers abusing your poor clit, as you swirled your tongue around his other hand were all too much. "Za-andik 'm close!" You managed to whimper out, to which he pulled you closer. "Then cum for your God, darling." He demanded, muffling your desperate moans with his lips on yours. Salvia dripping from the corner of your mouth, as you grabbed onto his bicep, nails breaking skin and drawing blood.
Waves of pleasure caused your legs to tremble, your body momentarily weakened as your grip on Dottore gave out, making you fall limp onto the soft bed. The doctor's movements didn't slow down even a bit, but they grew more irregular as your walls clenched around him. His breath hitched and his voice was strained. "Such a good girl —ah! 'm gonna fill you up." He managed to mutter in-between grunts, not even realizing you were getting drunk off his voice when he was in such state.
The harbinger grabbed your ass roughly, pulling you as close as possible as his seed filled up your plush walls. A low moan escaped his lips as he laid above you, body almost giving out. You could feel his dick twitch inside you, which was the most wonderful feeling in the world. After what felt like forever for him, the doctor laid beside you, cleaning the drool from your face with his fingers.
Your eyes half lidded, the serotonin was quickly wearing off as you buried your head in your lovers chest. "Stay with me tonight?" You asked hopefully, only earning a hum of agreement in reply. Dottore played with your hair, lost deep in thoughts about whether he truly began to reciprocate your feelings. Perhaps he was.
He sat up for a moment to get rid of his leather harness, causing you to look up at him questioningly. Was he actually willing to stay with you for the first time? You did get your answer once he resumed your previous position, as he hesitantly kissed your forehead. Maybe it was time to explore his newfound feelings.
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bonefall · 11 months
I was wondering if BB Barkface should get decreased in age. In canon he's as old as Tallstar which would make him like 20 when he dies, which would be a rare event, but given that his death is specifically supposed to be a moment of "OMG the Moonstone is destroyed, the clerics are dead and now we have to throw in poor Kestrelpaw into a rushed apprenticeship" I feel it kind of ruins the effect if Barkface was already so ridiculously old that his lack of apprentice comes off more as just a really dumb move on WindClan's part rather since they really should have foreseen he would die any day now. It would work better if Barkface was younger and, given clerics sticking out of battle, everyone had reason to believe they had plenty of time to get him an apprentice. Especially given that the other cleric who dies there, Mudfur, is already super old.
Though if you made Barkface younger you might have to add another cleric between Hawkheart and him, I wonder which cat you would put in the role? Maybe you could drag out Muddyclaw adventuregame who is "canonically" interested in being a medicine cat, and with him being far older you could even make Mudclaw named after him. I know I should have thought of this earlier since you already made the WindClan family tree, but I really think the whole human destruction/Kestrelpaw apprenticeship would be so much more impactful if Barkface isn't already like the cat equivalent of 100 years old at the time.
I prefer not to shuffle the tree any further; though I will be adding Ruffclaw and Chipstone to it at some point. I'm also not going to be changing Barkface's age unless I end up shuffling Tallstar to be younger, one of the things I'd like to keep from canon is that they were childhood friends.
THOUGH I do think it's a good idea to account for the fact Barkface was getting really old with no apprentice; so I've got an idea.
Quailheart was his first apprentice. Barkface simply never retired, because Quail's connection with StarClan was particularly weak... though, she was an excellent doctor.
Blackfur, sibling of Whitetail, became Quailheart's apprentice. This was to Barkface's chagrin; Blackfur also didn't meet Barkface's high standards of piety, but it was Quailheart's choice.
Quailheart was taken out around the time of the WindClan Exile, and Blackfur was murdered in the same TigerClan raid that killed Gorsepaw and Deadfoot. Barkface refused to pick a random apprentice after this.
StarClan did not shine on the other two, he believed, so WindClan would have to wait for the right choice to reveal itself.
(Though I may end up deciding later that Blackfur also dies in the collapse, give the event a kill count of 3. In any case; Barkface's age will be staying the same)
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zetsubo-bani · 7 months
Bizarre dolls are Yana's take on vampires
Here's why!
So we all know what vampires are. Supernatural beings that are commonly known for drinking the blood of humans, never aging, having supernatural powers, etc
But yk what they are in european folklore?
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Undead corpses which came back from the dead! Sounds familiar?
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The people back then had a lot of different theories on what turned a dead person in a vampire. Be that an animal jumping over the grave of a person or that dead person having been a rebel against the church in their living times. People generally were curious with death in itself
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Now you know who was also curious with death? Ryan stoker
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He tried to use medicine to overcome death, the biggest hurdle in human life in his opinion. And with undertakers help he sort of did but they didn't fully come back so they are more undead than actually alive
Now we all know that yana sometimes likes to take inspiration by historical figures and bringing them to life in her manga. And that also goes out for him. Because you know who he was likely inspired by?
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Different first names, same surname
We all know dracula, he's the fictional character we think of when we hear the term vampire
Also to address the elephant in the room, the most obvious sign is how bizarre dolls need blood to function
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Also now you know why vampires are said to never age. They already died and can't physically age anymore. And so do the bizarre dolls (if they are not physically changed by undertaker)
Also this panel here is quite ironic
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Since vampires have this stereotype to sleep in coffins (also you can guess where that also came from now)
Also this description by undertaker is also interesting
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"these dolls don't feel pain or fear" could be another way to be considered superhuman powers. Fear and pain are things that are mostly considered humans and a lack of those make them into something different
"they eat the living" is probably also a reference since by drinking blood, vampires also eat away from the living
Now we can say that yana likely watched a bit too much twilight
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simplegenius042 · 6 months
What's at your OC's core? Quiz
Tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton
Tagging @shallow-gravy @strangefable @strafethesesinners @direwombat @derelictheretic @voidika @onehornedbeast @josephslittledeputy @g0dspeeed @carlosoliveiraa @cassietrn @chazz-anova @ladyoriza @adelaidedrubman @deputyash @purplehairsecretlair @corvosattano @ec-10 @inafieldofdaisies @minilev @nightbloodbix @neverthesameneveranother @vampireninjabunnies-blog @wrathfulrook @thewanderer-000 @a-rose-in-a-garden-of-weeds @snake-in-the-garden @henbased and @fourlittleseedlings + anyone else who wants to join.
You can find the quiz here. Results below.
Joaquin Cobalt (The UnTitledverse)
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Honestly this describes Joaquin's core character almost perfectly. Due to being classified as a Balancer, the multiverse unfortunately revolves around him, even when he'd rather it not. Though his status of "supposed to be non-existent" also means the multiverse is trying to "correct" its mistake and get rid of him. Joaquin doesn't even know he's running from his past opposition as he didn't think he had much of a past to begin with, so yeah, he is at a disadvantage. Though there's nothing here about his protection over his friend nor his lack of mercy over his enemies, which is slightly disappointing.
Silva Omar (Far Cry The Silver Chronicles)
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Geez... this result actually holds a lot more merit to it than I expected. Silva is a mentor in a way, and becomes a more personal one to Azriel and Mercy. Her whole arc is about whether she'll continue her brutality and black-and-white view on the world or soften up and find the grey in the middle, understand it better. Show some mercy to those who deserve it. There's also the "reincarnation" thing... becoming smarter and quicker as each life resets. In a way that's how the Third Eye works... while Silva doesn't entirely know it, in each world she is "reborn" in, her Third Eye installs subconscious memories of her past lives to make her instincts quicker.
Haoyu Anabuki (Life, Despair & Monsters)
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The problem with Haoyu is that they were solely focused on finding their long-lost half-sister they only focus on that one goal and ignore everything else. Well... at least they try to, but the guilt of not helping others when they have the power to do so pushes them to go on ahead and do just that. Haoyu has seen so much general and cosmic horror for someone who really should be in, like, university at that point.
Marissa "Ress" Bishop (A Radioactive Calamity of Love, Bombs & Gore, a Fallout fanfic series)
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It's not that Ress isn't genuine in her emotions. Not at all... in fact that's mostly thanks to her half-human side. However, she has extreme difficulty with understanding emotions and extending that kind of support to others. She's also extremely powerful thanks to the magic on her non-human side. It also sucks that the first people she connected with (Amata and the Lone Wanderer) were the first people she cared for that died. She closes herself off to other companions, and becomes more distant with each new loss (her brother, mother, Charon, Raul, Christine, etc) . Eventually by the events of Fallout 4 she comes across as a bit of an asshole, and thinks every negative thing about herself is well deserved.
Crawford Klaus (The UnTitledverse and Far Cry The Silver Chronicles)
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A self-absorbed and careless pharmaceutical tycoon, Crawford would sell out anyone just to save his own skin and keep the status quo of him in power at peace. Even if it means drugging a British town stuck in a 1940s mindset and might be a cult, to test out knew strains of medicine and whatnot even if those people die in the process. Alexander Khaos hates this man with a burning passion, and is regretful he didn't kill the dick when he had the chance. How pleasantly unfortunate that Mr. Klaus gets the attention of the ICA and the ire of the infamous hitmen; Agent 47 and "the Cleaner" aka Albert Paczkowski.
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light-trio-pokemon · 7 months
Finally the player found their children. Suddenly behind them is the devil Banban who has defeated the real antagonist. Player worried about the possibility that the devil will attack and kill them and their children. But something unexpected happened...
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"So glad... you made it."
His veins suddenly appeared on his entire body causing a lot of green blood or givanium burst out from Banban's mouth and then he lost his balance fell laying on the floor. Player quickly went to him bravely as they felt that Banban was able to control himself again. They can saw that Banban's body was getting thinner because of losing givanium.
"Just call me what I am... Poor you all, I shouldn't be mad when you call me that... But... it's just painful for me to accept the truth that I'm... a monster..."
Suddenly, they felt a tremor like an earthquake in this kindergarten.
"Oh no... You and your children have to get out of this place now before it collapses and destroys..!"
"What about you? Let's go out too! I don't want to leave you here!!"
"I... may not be longer anymore... You two should leave without me... This place is the only one I should stay... I could be dangerous to humans like you..."
"Player... As a principal of this kindergarten... I'm so sorry for anything bad that happen to you and your children... and thank you for being the only one who trust me until the end... I'm really appreciate it... Take care... Farewell..."
In tears, Player hesitated to leave him alone...
"Wha.. what are you do-"
He shocked when suddenly Player hold him to give him a long hug
"I'm so sorry about you... You've been through a lot since you existed... You must been lonely... But I respect that you still help me no matter what will happen to you... You are a human at heart, Banban... I'm so glad I got to meet you."
Finally, Player slowly put him down and woke up to go to the elevator with their children. When the elevator went up, they waved their hand.
"Thank you... Goodbye..."
Player was not to be seen anymore. Only Case 6 was left alone. His eyes are filled with tears after hearing the last word from Player who's the only one care about him especially about the term of humanity that he actually had it even though he is a monster.
Soon he was silent for eternity then the building collapsed and fell covering him.
That's it, you guys. So why Banban may be dead because lack of blood to live and didn't eat his pain medicine for too long. Every time he returns from being devil, he will spit out too much givanium and it's happen too many times added up with the effect of Jumbo Josh's punch from chapter 3. Maybe his body still can't accept the givanium which is supposed to be like his blood. And because of his body appearance usually change (become hellish form), stitches on his back slowly open or torn. The way of his talking also showed that he didn't have more energy to live. And the way he died was referring to the way Kugisaki Nobara's death from anime Jujutsu Kaisen. So yeah, I hope even the ending maybe not like this, there were some angst because I would love it especially when it relates to Banban's situation. Ok bye!
Prequel ----- Middle story
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mariacallous · 10 months
In February, a dermatologist in New York City contacted the state’s health department about two female patients, ages 28 and 47, who were not related but suffered from the same troubling problem. They had ringworm, a scaly, crusty, disfiguring rash covering large portions of their bodies. Ringworm sounds like a parasite, but it is caused by a fungus—and in both cases, the fungus was a species that had never been recorded in the US. It was also severely drug-resistant, requiring treatment with several types of antifungals for weeks. There was no indication where the patients might have acquired the infections; the older woman had visited Bangladesh the previous summer, but the younger one, who was pregnant and hadn’t traveled, must have picked it up in the city.
That seemed alarming—but in one of the largest and most mobile cities on the planet, weird medical things happen. The state reported the cases to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the New York doctors and some CDC staff wrote up an account for the CDC’s weekly journal.
Then, in March, some of those same CDC investigators reported that a fungus they had been tracking—Candida auris, an extremely drug-resistant yeast that invades health care facilities and kills two-thirds of the people infected with it—had risen to more than 10,000 cases since it was identified in the US in 2016, tripling in just two years. In April, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services rushed to investigate cases of a fungal infection called blastomycosis centered on a paper mill, an outbreak that would grow to 118 people, the largest ever recorded. And in May, US and Mexican health authorities jointly rang an alarm over cases of meningitis, caused by the fungus Fusarium solani, which seemed to have spread to more than 150 clinic patients via contaminated anesthesia products. By mid-August, 12 people had died.
All of those outbreaks are different: in size, in pathogen, in location, and the people they affected. But what links them is that they were all caused by fungi—and to the small cadre of researchers who keep track of such things, that is worrisome. The experts share a sense, supported by incomplete data but also backed by hunch, that serious fungal infections are occurring more frequently, affecting more people, and also are becoming harder to treat.
“We don’t have good surveillance for fungal infections,” admits Tom Chiller, an infectious disease physician and chief of the CDC’s mycotic diseases branch. “So it’s hard to give a fully data-driven answer. But the feeling is definitely that there is an increase.”
The question is: Why? There may be multiple answers. More people are living longer with chronic illnesses, and their impaired immune systems make them vulnerable. But the problem isn’t only that fungal illnesses are more frequent; it is also that new pathogens are emerging and existing ones are claiming new territory. When experts try to imagine what could exert such widespread influence, they land on the possibility that the problem is climate change.
Fungi live in the environment; they affect us when they encounter us, but for many, their original homes are vegetation, decaying plant matter, and dirt. “Speculative as it is, it's entirely possible that if you have an environmental organism with a very specific ecological niche, out there in the world, you only need a very small change in the surface temperature or the air temperature to alter its niche and allow it to proliferate,” says Neil Stone, a physician and fungal infections lead at University College London Hospitals. “And it's that plausibility, and the lack of any alternative explanation, which makes it believable as a hypothesis.”
For this argument, C. auris is the leading piece of evidence. The rogue yeast was first identified in 2009 in a single patient in Japan, but within just a few years, it bloomed on several continents. Genetic analyses showed the organism had not spread from one continent to others, but emerged simultaneously on each. It also behaved strikingly differently from most yeasts, gaining the abilities to pass from person to person and to thrive on cool inorganic surfaces such as plastic and metal—while collecting an array of resistance factors that protect it from almost all antifungal drugs.
Arturo Casadevall, a physician and chair of molecular microbiology and immunology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, proposed more than a decade ago that the rise of mammals over dinosaurs was propelled by an inherent protection: Internally, we’re too hot. Most fungi flourish at 30 degrees Celsius or less, while our body temperature hovers between 36 and 37 degrees Celsius. (That’s from 96.8 to the familiar 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.) So when an asteroid smashed into the Earth 65 million years ago, throwing up a cloud of pulverized vegetation and soil and the fungi those would have contained, the Earth’s dominant reptiles were vulnerable, but early mammals were not.
But Casadevall warned of a corollary possibility: If fungi increased their thermotolerance, learning to live at higher temperatures as the climate warms, mammals could lose that built-in protection—and he proposed that the weird success of C. auris might indicate it is the first fungal pathogen whose adaptation to warmth allowed it to find a new niche.
In the 14 years since it was first spotted, C. auris has invaded health care in dozens of countries. But in that time, other fungal infections have also surged. At the height of the Covid pandemic, India experienced tens of thousands of cases of mucormycosis, commonly called “black fungus,” which ate away at the faces and airways of people made vulnerable by having diabetes or taking steroids. In California, diagnosis of coccidioidomycosis (also called Valley fever) rose 800 percent between 2000 and 2018. And new species are affecting humans for the first time. In 2018, a team of researchers from the US and Canada identified four people, two from each country, who had been infected by a newly identified genus, Emergomyces. Two of the four died. (The fungus got its name because it is “emerging” into the human world.) Subsequently, a multinational team identified five species in that newly-named genus that are causing infections all over the world, most severely in Africa.
Fungi are on the move. Last April, a research group from the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis examined the expected geographic range in the US of what are usually called the “endemic fungi,” ones that flourish only within specific areas. Those are Valley fever in the dry Southwestern US; histoplasmosis in the damp Ohio River valley; and blastomycosis, with a range that stretched from the Great Lakes down the Mississippi to New Orleans, and as far east as the Virginia coast. Using Medicare data from more than 45 million seniors who sought health care between 2007 and 2016, the group discovered that the historically documented range of these fungi is wildly out of step with where they are actually causing infections now. Histoplasmosis, they found, had been diagnosed in at least one county in 94 percent of US states; blastomycosis, in 78 percent; and Valley fever in 69 percent.
That represents an extension of range so vast that it challenges the meaning of endemic—to the point that Patrick Mazi, an assistant professor of medicine and first author on the paper, urges clinicians to cease thinking of fungal infections as geographically determined, and focus on symptoms instead. “Let’s acknowledge that everything is dynamic and changing,” he says. “We should recognize that for the sake of our patients.”
Without taking detailed histories from those millions of patients, it can’t be proven where their infections originated. They could have been exposed within the fungi’s historic home ranges and then traveled; one analysis has correlated the occurrence of Valley fever in the upper Midwest with “snowbird” winter migration to the Southwest. But there is plenty of evidence for fungal pathogens moving to new areas, via animals and bats, and on winds and wildfire smoke as well.
However fungi are relocating, they appear to be adapting to their new homes, and changes in temperature and precipitation patterns may be part of that. Ten years ago, CDC and state investigators found people in eastern Washington state infected with Valley fever, and proved they had acquired it not while traveling, but locally—in a place long considered too cold and dry for that fungus to survive. A group based primarily at UC Berkeley has demonstrated that transmission of Valley fever in California is intimately linked to weather there—and that the growing pattern of extreme drought interrupted by erratic precipitation is increasing the disease’s spread. And other researchers have identified cases of a novel blastomycosis in Saskatchewan and Alberta, pushing the map of where that infection occurs further north and west.
The impact of climate change on complex phenomena is notoriously hard to prove—but researchers can now add some evidence to back up their intuition that fungi are adapting. In January, researchers at Duke University reported that when they raised the lab temperatures in which they were growing the pathogenic fungus Cryptococcus deneoformans—the cause of a quarter-million cases of meningitis each year—the fungus’s rate of mutation revved into overdrive. That activated mobile elements in the fungus’s genome, known as transposons, allowing them to move around within its DNA and affect how its genes are regulated. The rate of mutation was five times higher in fungi raised at human body temperature than at an incubator temperature of 30 degrees Celsius—and when the investigators infected mice with the transformed fungi, the rate of mutation sped up even more.
Researchers who are paying attention to rising fungal problems make a final point about them: We’re not seeing more cases because we’ve gotten better at finding them. Tests and devices to detect fungi, especially within patients, haven’t undergone a sudden improvement. In fact, achieving better diagnostics was top of a list published by the World Health Organization last fall when it drew up its first ranking of “priority fungal pathogens” in hopes of guiding research.
Multiple studies have shown that patients can wait two to seven weeks to get an accurate diagnosis, even when they are infected with fungi endemic to where they live, which ought to be familiar to local physicians. So understanding that fungi are changing their behavior is really an opportunity to identify how many more people might be in danger than previously thought—and to get out in front of that risk. “Patients are being diagnosed out of traditional areas, and we are missing them,” Mazi says. “All of these are opportunities to achieve better outcomes.”
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