#so they decided to just stay at home
padfootastic · 2 years
thinking of qpp prongsfoot in their 30s/40s who’d devoted their entire life to harry (and any other potential kids) and now that he’s moved out of the house, have so much free time on their hands that they don’t know what to do with.
so they pick up new hobbies, travel around the world, learn how to live as individuals, fall in love all over again.
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torgawl · 7 months
i think what hits most about nobara's backstory is everything that's left unsaid and peaks from between the lines. it's the fact you can easily infer that something was wrong without ever having clear answers on what exactly was wrong. but if you can relate to the feeling of wanting to escape a place and the alienation from everyone around you, especially when you're brought up in small communities, then you can certainly understand, if not fully then partially, nobara herself and the struggles she might have had to face all by herself for a very long time; maybe even the importance fumi and saori had in her life and the pain from having to part from them; and, perhaps the selectiveness in letting people in that she later on develops as well.
#the way her story is told from fumi's point of view is quite interesting#nobara's backstory is like a silent whisper without a lot of obvious context and told from someone else's perspective#someone who until the end never really understood her fully despite their obvious close bond#someone who we weren't even aware was part of her life#and nobara's peak emotional moment and the last person she thinks as her life is in danger is her and the promise she didn't accomplish#a promise to reunite with the friends that shaped her and her life#ah.#i find her last line so... powerful?#she definitely struggled growing up and the only two people she kept in her heart from her life before jujutsu were people that#moved to where she lived. saori didn't even stay in that place for long. and then she moves somewhere new and she meets people#and a group that actually feels like home a community where she fits in and suddenly they kind of break through making place in her heart#just for everything to come to a halt. to turn to shit. for her to see that shatter away little by little. and in the end she's put in a#position where she knows she will not be able to hold on to what she cares for the most. that she will hurt people that truly cared for her#for not being able to go back to fumi and rekindle the friendship with saori and for being forced to be another punch in the guts for yuuji#and everyone else that up until that point were forced to go through losses already and traumatic events#and she decides to encourage yuuji to go on a good note and she truly believes the people she met made it worth it#even if it was for a brief moment in her life#i am not being coherent right now but it pains me :')#she deserved so much better#and i will hang on tightly to the line saying that she had a small chance of survival until the end#because she deserves it she deserves to live 😭#i'm taking her from that stupid anime and putting her in a slice of life anime watch me#yuuji too. and everyone else. i'm taking the kaisen out of the jujutsu and you can't stop me#jjk spoilers#nobara kugisaki#jujutsu kaisen#jjk 💭#my post
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piracytheorist · 1 year
someone: how angsty do you want your identity reveal scenario to be?
me: so what if right after Anya's powers are revealed Twilight asks her why she tricked him into adopting her, if she was put into it by someone else in order to expose him, and Anya tries to tell him she wanted to help and he asks why would you want to help me and she's like "because you want a peaceful world where children don't cry" and he nearly has a flashback triggered by that and she runs and hugs his legs saying she wants to help and be good and Twilight just. Pushes her away. Gently and without physically hurting her but emotionally it's a massacre. And he sees her devastated face because of his rejection and realizes he has now caused her the pain he never wanted to see on another child's face, and he thanks whatever lucky stars he doesn't deserve that Yor is there because he cannot process anything else and just leaves out the door, leaving Anya to bawl in Yor's arms :)
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amaraudermind · 1 year
Something something Bruce love Gotham because it's his home, jason loves Gotham because it's in his soul, Duke loves Gotham because it's his family, Steph loves Gotham on purpose
#the void screams#duke thomas#bruce wayne#jason todd#stephanie brown#each member of the batfam having a complicated relationship with gotham is something that can be so personal-#but yeah bruce loves gotham because this is where his family has always lived. leaving would mean leaving them behind.#he loves gotham because it's the only home he's ever known#i don't know what fucked up tether there is between gotham and jason. compells me though.#even when he leaves he can't stay away along. gotham's in his head. in his soul. it's where he's alive and it's where his life is drained#the people of gotham are duke's family and he wants to protect them the way they've always tried to protect him#the city is the people and duke knows these people. he's one of them. he's seen what they go through to survive because#he goes through it too. he loves gotham because it's his whole world. his family. and he'll protect that family#until he dies.#steph though? steph grew up here and hated it. hated the city. resented the people. resented the heroes.#and still every fibre of her being goes into loving this city. into hoping for it.#on purpose. she's going to love this city on purpose. even when it hurts. even when she'd rather die.#even when the whole CITY turns against her. time and again. because she's already decided.#she's going to love gotham. even if gotham never loves her back.#don't mind me i am just rambling nonsensically. i am right though by the way. it doesn't make sense but it's Correct
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nikikikiko · 1 month
huge phase rn dw about it but
Forbidden Family Odyssey AU
featuring: Eugene as Odysseus
Most specifically I think it'd be funny to put Eugene through The Horrors for 10 years (imprisonment) and then The Trials for another 10 years (trying to get back home)
I'd imagine ?? In this AU, Gavus managed to escape the invasion with the kids (or one of the kids... haven't decided yet) while Eugene was captured, splitting the family apart for 10 years. Then Eugene breaks out (whether or not with his own wit or with the aid of the kids) and spends another 10 years struggling to get home to his family.
All the while he's chased by Conrad, avoiding the Esperia vs. Hypogean War, and trying to figure out where the hell Gavus and the kids even are at the moment.
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meganechan05 · 11 months
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Is it really summer if there's no summer festival?
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kirkwallguy · 1 month
finding it very funny to imagine that varric and hawke actually WEREN'T in contact until inquisition and varric was just acting shifty about it because he was embarrassed that his bestest friend ever kind of abandoned him for a guy and he's now a 40 year old man with a teenage girl problem (worst kind of problem to have)
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wickedhawtwexler · 11 days
i need to make more friends who i can drag out to karaoke nights with me lmao
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puppyeared · 1 year
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vermillioncrown · 9 months
it has finally happened
the Plague, 3 years later
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I really wanted breakfast :(
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g1rlr0b1n · 1 year
Does anyone else ever think about how Damian might have had a semblance of a normal childhood if Dick had just like chosen not to relinquish guardianship of him? Because, I think about it a lot actually.
Like I know why he did but what if he didn't? Like what if Dick and Barbara raised him together? Like what then? Sure, it would be awkward because your bio-dad would also technically be your granddad and your father would also be your brother, but overall I think it would have been better for Damian.
I'm sure there are fics about this, drop them in the comments for me, will ya?
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istherewifiinhell · 9 months
Kicking my feet. DO. I go to my last 3 shifts..... itll be 14days by then. Also conviently i used up my sick days.... it be.... a couple hundred bucks verus. Not having that. buh buh buh. but its also. working.
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stars-inthe-sky · 7 months
#went on my first real work trip in FOUR YEARS yesterday. had one meeting.#woke up this morning and was getting ready for a day of stuff with another one tomorrow#only to find out that one of the only five other people in the wednesday meeting just tested positive for covid#and another had found out she'd been separately exposed as well#so today turned into doing all my meetings on zoom and rearranging travel plans#and now instead of a professional thing i'd been really looking forward to and then a fun weekend add-on with the fam#i'm flying home late tonight to isolate in our third-floor guest room while boyfriend parents etc.#at least we got credit for his and bébé's last-minute flight cancellations#and we decided to leave the dog with the sitter that had already been arranged to just have one less thing on the collective plate for now#but UGH#and what's extra infuriating is that i am probably fine. i got boosted just a few weeks ago and wasn't like hugging anyone or whatever.#but you just don't know and when there's an actual case it's reason to be actually careful#and i'm just so exhausted and bummed about a lot of things already and had so been looking forward to this whole trip#best laid plans#as they say#anyway cross your fingers for me and the battery of rapid tests i'll be taking this weekend#and in addition to staying negative i'm also very concerned about whether anyone will be comfortable will me at thanksgiving#so that's a whole other thing#UGHHHHHHH#fucking#coronavirus
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kyros-tha-soldier · 6 months
Kyros the type of dad who watches silly pictures of his daughter back when she was a child in the family photo album and spend 90$ making a frame for each one of them and writing little goofy notes behind them. He likes to proudly show them to every guest who enters the house (Rebecca just sits far away while groaning and hiding her face behind her hands while Viola and Riku are laughing)
Rebecca the type of daughter who keeps sending cheesy glitter "good morning" GIFs and weird but wholesome photo edits of kittens to her dad and aunt and grandpa every morning even when she's in school
Scarlett the type of mom who lets her daughter drive the car while she's dramatically holding onto her passenger seat and gasping at every turn, she herself is a good driver. She also likes to play the radio in the car but always picks on the stations where it's right in the middle of two other stations like when you can hear radio static and music at the same time.
and Viola is the aunt who basically always "knows a friend who can help" in basically anything starting from skipping lengthy lines and waiting times at the airport to literally going to the backstage of every concert, she just KNOWS what she's doing!
Riku is the type of grandpa who HAS to read the small shiny and barely visible sticker at the back of the remote control while wearing his grandpa sunglasses, everybody convinces him not to bother but he's too curious to listen
Riku Matriarch (screw you Oda for not giving her a name) is the type of grandma who always, in some way, brings the most limited edition candy that has been on sale for only the last thirty seconds of halloween (she definitely has a dealer for those)
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steorransaluki · 6 months
that was certainly not how I expected tonight to go.
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