#so yeah. i don't think that's my name but it's a fine enough neutral enough name
neuromantis · 4 months
i love responding to "what's your name" with "you may call me *something*" and to "what's your pronouns" with "you may use whatever you want"
i am giving you a permission to call me something. you will never know if it's my actual name probably. but you may use that.
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yesimwriting · 8 months
oh my god yes i'm very much interested in a drabble about my favourite besties kissing as besties do!!!!!!!!
the one that i really can't stop thinking about is the "i trust you more than anyone else" stuff like it's me and you against the world i'm such a sucker for that!! especially since felix is surrounded by people who wanna be close to him all the time and as easy going and open as he seems with anyone, it's of course on an entirely different level with reader
ugh the intimacy of it all makes me melt i love them😭😭
you get the vision!!
also had to start off a little angstier than usual bc the bestie kiss ™️ is only justifiable if both of them are upset enough to be more focused on being close than anything else, y'know
The taste lingers. The bitterness infects all it touches, poisoning you from the inside out as you down the drink that some guy pushed into your hand a few minutes ago.
A familiar warning briefly flashes to the front of your mind. Don't take drinks from strangers...especially not drinks that you didn't see them make. One of a hundred safety rules that you usually adhere to.
You've never really under the self destructive urge after drinking thing. Maybe it's just being tired. Maybe it's just this.
You wipe at your eyes with your palm, only remembering the products you had so carefully applied to your skin a few hours ago after the fact.
"Are you--" A familiar voice cuts through the music. You blink once, but it's not enough to force your eyes to adjust, so you try again. After screwing your eyes shut for a second, you can finally make out the person in front of you. Annabel. "You don't look like you're doing too good."
Your irritation has nothing to do with her, and yet seeing her standing there, effortlessly flawless with a slight edge that just fits here, you feel the knot in your stomach tighten. But that's not her fault, so as stabiliy and politely as possible, you answer, "I'm...fine."
She regards you for a moment, eyebrows pinching together in uncertainty. "Why don't we find Felix, yeah?"
Why does everyone always assume that Felix is the solution to all of your problems? "I'm okay," you try again, voice a little more certain, "really."
Annabel still doesn't seem too convinced. She turns her head, scanning the crowded room. It doesn't take long for her to find Felix. It never does.
He's sitting on a loveseat that's been pushed towards the edge of the room. A few people are standing around him, a girl is sitting on the chair's arm, her legs swung over his lap.
"And he seems..." You force your face to remain neutral as your eyes finally land on him. "Busy."
Annabel looks back at you, her lips pressing together. Her expression only adds to your unease. "He wouldn't mind. It's you."
You shake your head, the motion adding to your slight nausea. Usually, you wouldn't think twice about sticking by Felix's side. Especially in this kind of setting, but after the words the two of you exchanged earlier, everything feels off its axis.
You're not used to fighting with Felix. It's such a foreign concept that the strange tension that had you walking away from him earlier probably doesn't even constitute an actual argument. But it's enough to make you feel out of place.
Swallowing once, you force yourself to focus on Annabel. "I think I just need some air." Annabel's still regarding you with uncertainty. "I'll be back in a minute, and if I feel sick or anything, I'll go get Felix." She doesn't move until someone calls her name. "Go. Have fun. I'll see you."
Annabel nods once, giving you a polite smile before leaving.
The door is near where Felix is sitting, which means there's no leaving without walking past him. There's enough of a crowd around him that him not noticing is a likely option, so you feel safe crossing the room.
You push your way through the room, eyes trained on the ground to help your balance. It's also a good excuse to not look at Felix as you reach the door.
There are stragglers--a group of girls chatting and giggling in front of the door, some guys doing shots, a girl in the middle of a phone call that looks painful.
You walk around the side of the house until you find an empty section of the sidewalk. The party feels far away here, even though the only thing dividing you is a few cars, a mailbox, and a streetlight. You sit and let yourself pretend that the bit of distance you've managed to create means something.
You could actually leave. Sure, this is a slightly off campus house party, but it's only a few blocks away from the street that'll take you to your dorm. You did walk here, but that was when you were focused, sober, and you had Felix with you.
But that's--you brought cash. You think. Maybe you should call a cab. It's not the worst idea. You drop your attention to the ground, instinctually searching for your purse.
Ugh. Your purse. Felix. You gave it to Felix.
Okay, you're still an independent person. This is probably for the best. It's never a good idea to leave a party without at least telling the person you came with, and this way it won't be a big deal. You'll ask for your purse so that you can call a cab. He probably won't even care.
You just need a minute to get it together. Then you'll be able to go back in, tap Felix on his shoulder, and get your purse. He won't even have to get that girl off his lap.
It is such a double standard. Felix completely forgetting about you is perfectly fine, but you talk to one person that isn't more Felix's friend than yours at one of these things and that must mean you're trying to replace him as a best friend.
Maybe you've been deluding yourself, convincing yourself that your friendship means more than it actually does. The thought makes it hard to breathe right.
"It's cold out."
Your palms press into asphalt as you snap your head to find the source of the sound. Felix. A lump wedges itself in your throat. "I'm fine." He takes a step forward. "I just wanted some air."
You turn your head, forcing yourself to stare ahead. Soft footsteps, the crunching of asphalt echoes, somehow sharper than the music coming from the house. Felix sits.
He's farther than he usually is.
You lift your hands, taking your time brushing your fingers against your palms to get rid of the debris that indented itself into your skin. "You um--you have my purse, right?" You fold your hands against your lap. "I need my phone. I--I need to call a taxi."
"What?" His voice doesn't come out angry, but there's a flatness there that burrows deep into the pit of your stomach. It almost feels disappointed. "Why?"
You squeeze your hands together, "I want to go home." You still can't look at him. "I want to go back to my room." Your voice starts to crack on the last word. Nails instinctually dig into your knee.
Felix sighs, angling himself towards you, "You don't have to do that." His voice is soft, cautious. "If you want to leave, I'll take you."
"No," you shake your head once, attention still focused forward to keep him from noticing the fact that your eyes are now watering. All of this feels so dumb, so small. Why are you almost crying? "It's okay, you're having fun, I can get back by myself."
He lets out another breath, moving his arm so that his hand sits between both of you. "You're drunk."
"So are you."
A beat of silence that feels like an attempt at admitting that he's more than just drunk. You saw Tyler--or Trevor, or maybe Timothy--wandering the halls. Some guy whose name you can never remember because he only shows up at the end of nights, when you're too out of it to do much more than just be happy. He's known for carrying--and sharing--harder stuff.
Not that you'd know. There's nowhere that Felix won't take you, nothing that he keeps from you. That's part of the beauty of your friendship, the lack of judgement. But Felix isn't fond of you participating in everything all the time.
If you ever show interest in anything on a night that Felix isn't feeling too sure about, he'll offer to get you whatever you want later, when it's just the two of you. Maybe you'd mind his concern if you cared about getting high more.
You can feel Felix's stare, the weight of his full attention. "You don't actually think I'm going to let you go anywhere alone, after drinking, in the middle of the night."
There's a patience there that makes it hard to sit still. You turn your head, finally looking at him, "I'm fine. I can--" You cut yourself off with a slight sniffle.
You wipe at your face with the side of your palm. Felix's eyebrows are pinched together. You don't know what to make of the way he's watching you. Felix lifts his hand, fingers finding their way against your jaw before you can move. "You're upset."
Pressing your lips together, you try to force yourself to look as neutral as possible. "I'm fine." He doesn't move. "You should go back to your party, Felix."
"The party?" His expression briefly contorts in confusion. "I don't care about the party." Your vision is starting to blur. "There are other parties. You're crying." Felix shifts his hand up your face, his thumb brushing against the apple of your cheek.
You try to take a stabilizing breath, "It's not a big deal." You will yourself to move, to rely on him less. "I don't think I'm going to be any fun tonight, you should go, and I--I'll talk you tomorrow."
He frowns. "You don't have to be any fun." Felix shouldn't have to coddle you. Embarrassment and guilt further knot your stomach. "If you want to sit here, we can sit here. If you want to go inside, we can go inside. If you want to go home, we'll go home."
"Earlier," you manage, focusing on keeping your voice as even as possible, "When we--" Tears pool in your eyes, something at the back of your throat constricts. "I didn't--I don't know--"
You're not making sense, forcing out fragments of thoughts that don't work together. Felix seems to understand anyway, his thumb grazing against your cheek. "We don't have to talk about that now." You nod slowly. "If you still want to go home, let me take you."
You attempt a full breath, "But what ab--"
He tilts his head in a way that makes it feel like he's telling you a secret, "If you ask about the party again, I'm calling you delusional."
You roll your eyes. It's a relatively lame threat, but it serves its purpose. The corner of your mouth tugs itself upwards, your lips pressed together to hold in a partial laugh. "Okay."
Felix's hand slips from the side of your face and finds a new place against your shoulder. "Yeah? Let's go then."
He stands first and then extends an arm to help you. His stability makes it easier.
There is no laughter or pausing on sidewalks to try to hold onto each other. The two of you are quiet, but Felix does keep your fingers intertwined the entire way back to his dorm.
You don't think to question where he's taking you until you're in his room. "Felix." The walk had been good for you, the fresh air and time to gather your thoughts providing enough of a reprieve for you to get it together. "I want to go to sleep."
"Yeah," he mumbles, "I know, I'll get you your favorite shirt."
Your eyes focus on the ground. "I think I should sleep in my room tonight."
Felix sighs, turning away from the door. "You're trying to leave again."
The accusation only half makes sense, but there's a quietness to his voice that gets to you. All the nervous, alcohol fueled energy is coming back with a vengeance. "When have I ever left you?"
Felix scoffs, the sound bitter. "You left me tonight." If his voice was any less raspy, any less urging, you likely would have laughed. He's the one that got mad at you. "You just--you walked away from me. Like I didn't even matter to you."
The a thinly veiled sadness there that almost feels nervous. He can't meet your gaze. The pride encouraging you to stand still bleeds from you. Without its heat, its fire, there's not much keeping you stable.
You move forward, footsteps cautious. "Felix." You stretch a hand forward, fingers brushing against his forearm. He doesn't move. "Of course you matter to me. So much." Your fingers bend around his wrist. "You're my best friend."
He turns his arm. Your body tenses, preparing for his rejection. Felix's hand squeezes yours. There's a tension in his hold, but you embrace it all the same. "You walked away from me."
You take another step towards him, freehand finding his arm. "That's why." He sets a hand against you waist. The contact is firm, unforgiving. There's still hurt, but the only thing more unthinkable than holding on is letting go. "What you say means so much to me, because you're my best friend." His fingers press into your side. "And you were upset--and there were so many people--" Tears prick the corner of your eyes. "And I couldn't do that there."
"No." He squeezes your hand. "No, don't--don't cry, we're okay." As if to prove his point, Felix pulls you closer. The movement's too sudden for you to keep your balance on your own. You tighten your hold on Felix's arm. "Still my best girl, yeah?"
This is nowhere near the closest you've ever been to him. He has a hand on your hip, but that's far from the touchiest he's ever been. It shouldn't--he shouldn't be this distracting. It takes you a second too long to remember to nod.
He angles his head downwards, his cheek finding a place against your shoulder. Felix's breath is warm against your neck. "Wouldn't leave me."
You nod, moving your hand to rest against his back. Felix relaxes against you. It's not easy to stay stable with the alcohol still in your system and Felix's weight on you, but you manage.
"No." You mean it so much it almost hurts to get out. You'd never walk away from him. There's nothing like your bond with Felix. You could talk to him, be around him forever without feeling drained. "Of course not."
Felix turns his head, brushing his lips against your neck. "Stay over, then?" The question is soft, fragile. It'd be smart to create distance. If tonight's proven anything, it's that you're too attached to him. "Please?"
You smooth your knuckles against his spine. "Okay." He presses a kiss against your shoulder. "Yeah. I'll stay."
He hugs you even tighter. "No more tears, alright?"
You squeeze him back. "Alright."
For awhile, the two of you stay like that. There's nothing left to say, and that still manages to be comfortable. Silence is never uncomfortable with Felix.
He eventually shifts to place a kiss against the side of your neck. "We should get ready for bed."
You hum once in agreement. Neither of you move. Things are simple when you factor out the rest of the world. Things are easy when it's just you and Felix.
An overwhelming wave of fondness brings you back. As gently as possible, you start the process of untangling limbs. Felix pouts at you, expression drowsier than before.
Your fingers carefully brush his hair out of his face. "I need to change."
Felix fully straightens. His hand finds the back of your head. He pulls you towards him, pressing a kiss against your forehead. "Okay."
He lets go of you before walking towards his dresser. Felix opens the top drawer and finds your usual sleep shirt. You take it before entering his bathroom.
Going out outfits are cute, but there's something about the moment you get home that immediately forces every ounce of discomfort to hit all at once. You shed the restrictive layers before pulling Felix's T-shirt over your head.
You swear there's some kind of rich guy secret to keeping clothes this soft. A combination of fabric, fancy detergent, and some third thing that's reserved for those in the know.
You turn on the sink, ready to wash what's left of the night off of your face. Felix has never gotten rid of or moved anything you've left in here. What's left of your buzz has you more emotional than usual, making the evidence of your life in his space heavier than it should be.
The feeling is good and bad all at once. Your attachment to Felix is the kind of thing that can only come from fully understanding someone. But there's an inherent danger in knowing someone like that, carrying about them like that. Especially Felix, who has everyone so he doesn't need anyone.
You splash some more water onto your face, attempting to shake off any lingering angst. You don't want to dissect your friendship until it eventually falls apart into nothingness.
When you finally step back into his room, Felix is sitting on his bed, back pressed against the wall. He's managed to change into pajama pants, but seems to be struggling with everything else. His shirt's half unbuttoned, and his fingers are actively working at undoing the rest of them. Felix's movements are slow and clumsy as he tugs on the fabric.
Wow. Maybe you were right to think he was high. "Hey." He looks up at you, hands still attempting to pull apart his shirt. There's something endearing about the clumsiness. He drops his head back down to refocus."Do you--uh--do you need help?"
He angles his head to one side, a smile playing at his lips. "Are you asking to undress me?"
Heat burns through your chest, leaving you hollow. You approach his dresser, leaving your neatly folded outfit on the wooden surface. "Figure out your own shirt."
"No," his sigh is light, almost a laugh, "'M kidding." Your glare only seems to add to his easygoing mood. He smiles, dropping a hand to pat the space next to him. "Come here."
You give in with a sigh, crossing the room and sitting at the foot of his bed. He reaches forward, briefly squeezing your shoulder before returning to work on his shirt. It's hard to watch him stumble through undoing a single button, just to have to start the process all over again.
You pull your legs onto the bed, turning to fully face him. Your knee is pressed against his thigh.
"Lovie," he hums, as if your presence is some kind of revelation.
"Felix." He grins, hands releasing his shirt in favor of trying to grasp your arm. "Wait--" His fingers wrap around your wrist. "I'm--trying--" He pulls your hand towards him, placing a kiss against your knuckles. You laugh. "I'm trying to help you."
He tugs on your arm. His pull isn't harsh, but the unexpectedness of it paired with your buzz makes it enough to throw off your balance. Your freehand presses against the mattress in an attempt to stabilize yourself. Felix laughs, tugging on you again.
Fighting your own fit of giggles, you instinctually push yourself onto your knees in an attempt to regain some control. Felix gives you a second to find your footing. You gently pull his hand off of your forearm and set it on his lap. He frowns.
You extend your arms, placing your hands on his shoulders. Part of the reason for it is to help keep you stable, the rest of it is to keep him focused. He looks up at you, eyes pools of hesitant affection. "Stay still."
He lets you reach for his shirt. "Y'don't have to, I'm okay."
Shrugging, you continue to work at unclasping his buttons. "It's okay, I like helping you."
You unbutton the few buttons that are left. "Better?" Felix nods. "I'll get you a pajama shirt."
Before you can get far, Felix grabs your hand. "We're..." He focuses on bending and straightening your fingers. "Good, right?"
There's something soft about the question, almost shy. "Yeah." He turns over your palm, tracing the lines etched into your skin. "Of course we're good." You adjust, crossing your legs beneath you to sit down.
"Honestly, I was thinking about it, and part of the reason I was upset is because..." This is harder to admit than you thought it'd be. "You seemed really okay without me, and that--I don't know. It's dumb, because I really do want you to be happy, but it made me feel a little replaceable, I guess."
You sigh, dropping your attention to your intertwined hands. "I know, I said it was dumb." You pause, eyes darting up to look at him. His expression isn't judgmental or like he needs space. You can't fully read his expression, but nothing about the way he's looking at you feels unkind. "I only mentioned it to be honest, I don't like the idea of keeping se--"
He pulls on your arm again, this time his hold a little firmer. You're closer now. Felix's other hand finds your hip, anchoring you in place. You're too confused to do anything but blink at him.
Felix lets go of your arm, fingers finding their way beneath your chin. He angles your head so that all of your attention is on him. Your lips part, a half thought out question is on the tip of your tongue when Felix leans towards you. His lips meet yours.
You're still, shock and something a lot more electric rendering you in capable of anything else. This isn't the first time Felix has pressed his lips against yours. He's affectionate, especially when drinking is involved. He'll brush his lips against yours after taking a shot together, or just because at the end of a long night. It's not an everyday thing, but it's happened from time to time.
This--this isn't that. He's lingering, lips parting so that his teeth can graze against your bottom lip. Felix pulls away just enough to look you in the eye. His thumb brushes across your cheek.
"You're my best friend." Felix's words are so urging, so pleading you nod before you can think. "Best mate. You're the--the only one that gets me. Really gets me." His hand moves to the back of your head, pulling you back to him.
Any sense of hesitance vanishes the second time he kisses you. He's all consuming, lips dragging against yours with a desperate patience that's dizzying. It's disorientating, the desire to be that much closer to someone when there's no way to get there.
Felix's hand finds your back. He pushes you towards him. There's no good way to oblige. You try anyway, shifting your weight back onto your knees. Felix pulls you forward by your waist. You're too focused on him to realize what's happening until you're on his lap.
He takes his time letting you go, teeth tugging on your bottom lip. "I trust you more than anyone." Felix leans back in, placing a quick kiss against your lips. "You're not replaceable." He squeezes your shoulder. "You know that, right?"
Still breathless, you nod. He's watching you with so much patience, so much care it's almost hard to bare.
His thumb smooths circles against your shoulder. "Let's go to bed, yeah?"
You lift his hand off your thigh to press a kiss against the back of his palm. "Yeah, lets go to bed."
He squeezes your shoulder once before letting you go. You move off of his lap carefully.
Felix sits up enough to push his shirt off of his shoulders. Your eyes instinctually fall to his sheets. "Do you want me to get you a shirt?"
"Why? Distracted?"
You roll your eyes in an attempt to the fact that you are struggling to look at him. "Shut up."
He grins as he pulls back his sheets. "M'okay." You take the opportunity to slip beneath the layers of fabric. Felix waits until you're settled to crawl beneath the sheets. "It's warm enough, even with you stealing my blankets."
"I do not," the sentence is more of a mock gasp than anything else. Felix shifts onto his side before collapsing his weight on you. "Felix."
"What?" He rests his cheek against your chest. "This is the only way to keep you from taking my sheets."
You sigh, feigning annoyance as your fingers find his hair. "Rude. I'm a great bed sharer."
Felix lets out a partial laugh against the side of your neck. His hand finds your hip. "You are pretty great."
Your hand trails down towards his back, nails grazing against the bare skin. "You are, too."
Silence stretches between the two of you for so long you assume that he's already fallen asleep. Felix has a talent for drifting off in the blink of an eye.
"Lovie?" He whispers the term so lowly you almost convince yourself the sound is a figment of your imagination.
You can feel the shift in his breathing. "It's you and me--just you and me, when it comes down to it." His thumb brushes up and down your side. "You know that."
He relaxes as your fingers trail down the start of his spine. "Yeah. Of course I know that." A part of you feels naive for believing his words so easily. He's too adored to just be your Felix at the end of the day, and yet-- "Just you and me."
Felix leaves an open mouthed kiss against collarbone. It's the kind of warm that leaves goosebumps breaking out everywhere the contact can't be felt. "Good."
taglist; @vader-is-hot @spiritofbuddha @getosangie @freyafriggafrey @ilovehyperfixating @aryiannarae @willowpains @ker0senebunny
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ghostlykeyes · 7 months
dw abt crazy detailed posts, just have fun writing!! i like reading all of them, short or long :D besides goth gfs 🔛🔝
what abt kayn when his goth gf, who‘s usually confident abt her style, suddenly starts questioning herself bc of her parents? n she spiraling, barely participating in band stuff, and even wanting to avoid kayn bc of it all
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At first, Kayn assumes you're just feeling a little off. Who doesn't, every now and then? He tries to help you cheer up the only way he knows how—bothering you. Kayn blows up your phone even more than normal, shows up at your house at all hours to take you out "because he's bored", and is practically glued to your skin whenever you're together. Maybe he's not the best at all that conversation stuff, but his antics will be enough to get you back to your old self...right?
When that doesn't work, Kayn's attitude takes a turn for the worse. He assumes that the reason you're withdrawing is because you're finally fed up with his shit and can't handle him anymore. It's a slap in the face, and he's more upset than he'd like to admit. After all, you were supposed to be different! He would never have let you in if he thought you'd just ditch him.
Kayn does a little spiraling of his own, which obviously makes the situation ten times worse. Surprisingly, he doesn't immediately lash out at you. He's too confused about his emotions to do much other than give you an uncharacteristic cold shoulder. But his bad attitude during rehearsals, general irritability, and the scowl that darkens his face whenever anyone drops your name clues his friends in that something definitely happened between you two.
Thank god for Ezreal, because he just gets it and takes it upon himself to talk some sense into Kayn. He approaches Kayn bringing his favorite energy drink, hoping to give his sulking friend a reality check without getting something thrown at his head. Ezreal listens as Kayn gripes that you must be sick of him or something, but it's whatever, he's totally fine—
"Kayn," Ezreal cuts him off, not bothering to hide his eyes rolling behind his candy-pink sunglasses. "Talk. to. them. You're crazy about each other and it honestly just sounds like they're going through something. You need to be there for them instead of doing this whole hot-and-cold asshole routine."
Kayn grudgingly considers Ezreal's words. Yeah, maybe you could be going through something. But why wouldn't you just talk to him, then? He's still not convinced, and he's still a bit pissy, and he's still dodging your phone calls.
But then you show up to his apartment wearing a beige t-shirt and Kayn knows something is up. The goth baddie he knows wouldn't be caught dead in neutral tones. He snags your hand in his, makes a pit stop at the fridge to grab a can of your favorite drink (he writes it on the grocery list every week to make sure Yone keeps it in stock for you), and drags you into his room.
"Okay, my lil' batty," he sighs, sitting you down on his bed. He squishes your hand reassuringly. "No more acting weird, it stresses me the fuck out. What's up with you?"
Kayn's fuming when he finds out that your parents are putting you down. In his own strange, aggressive way, he gives you a pep-talk about not giving a fuck what anyone thinks. You're awesome and hot, why should you let anyone make you doubt that? He bumps your shoulder with his arm and gives you his signature cocky smirk. "I'm supposed to be the problem, remember? Don't ever let any-fuckin'-body convince you that you're less than perfect."
From then on it's Kayn's life mission to piss the hell out of your parents. Whenever he picks you up from your house, he shows up ten minutes early so he can smoke in the driveway and blast his music so loud it makes the front door rattle in place. He "sneaks in" at night, but always leaves the toilet seat up and muddy boot-prints in the hall so your parents know he doesn't give a shit about your curfew. And, if they have the nerve to confront him about it? Oh, boy... let's just say he has no issues making his opinions known, and he tells them exactly how fucking stupid it is of them to put you down.
Knowing that you're struggling with your confidence right now, Kayn makes extra effort to lift you up. He demands a selfie every day, and blasts you with a hundred drooling emojis and thirsty comments when you flash a peace sign in the mirror and show off your outfit. If he notices makeup or clothes you might like, he doesn't even stop to look at the price tag—straight into his bag it goes. Most of all, he tries to get you to stay with him as much as possible. If your parents are going to pressure you, well then, fuck your parents. You can sleepover at his place whenever you want. If it's privacy you want? He doesn't mind splurging on a studio apartment for you, just so you can have your own space away from your parents' negativity. (Just be warned—if he does pay for your apartment, he's gonna be crashing the place all the time. Make sure you've got his favorite snacks and an extra set of sweatpants on hand, because your couch is basically his second home.)
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waldau-archived · 9 months
constant — choi seungcheol | 1,459 words | fluff, hurt/comfort
alexa, play sorry by justin bieber. that damn edit just won't leave my head.
gender neutral reader. warnings: reader pointedly has an ex-boyfriend.
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the one face you're looking for is the one that's conspicuously absent. you'd think maybe your boyfriend — no, ex — would have the courtesy of picking you up from the airport after promising to do it weeks ago, but it's just you and your stupidly heavy suitcase in the midst of a swarm of people that are too close, too loud.
you try not to let the tears slip, instead repeating your search for him through all the faces in the crowd. it doesn't change anything. you're all alone.
who the hell breaks up through a text message when you're on a flight halfway home?
there's really no other option left. you just have to take a cab and get home, and do your best not to stew in your thoughts for the next few days while you adjust to the jet lag. but there's one name that catches your eye in your contacts.
choi seungcheol.
it's been nearly two months since you've met him in person, and every single instance of you returning his calls and messages undeniably late is brought up to the front of your mind. it's selfish, really, to even think of asking him if he can wake up at this hour of the night to pick you up, but he's the only person you'd trust in a situation like this.
you press the call button and wait for it to connect. part of you hopes it just goes to voicemail so you don't have to apologize for everything between you, all of which is your fault.
"sunshine? you okay? did you get back home safely?"
there's concern in his voice that shouldn't be there but still is, because he's cheol. the fact that he remembered you'd be getting back today is enough to break you. "he—" you choke on a sob. "he didn't show up."
seungcheol curses softly. "are you still at the airport?"
you nod, then remember he can't see you. "yeah."
"just wait a few more minutes, okay? tell me where you are."
"cheol, what—"
"i'll explain everything to you. just tell me you're okay."
"i— yeah." you mumble your location, the closest landmark you can see, and it's not long before a familiar jacket appears in your line of sight. you don't think you've ever been relieved to see him before.
seungcheol doesn't say a word as he guides you into his arms. all you can think of and feel is him protecting you from the rest of the world, your head on his chest and his head on yours. the tears don't stop falling, and neither do the apologies. you don't even know what you're apologizing for at this point, but seungcheol keeps shushing you. you've never been one for making a scene at airports, but the parking lot is pretty empty. you can't bring yourself to care.
when you pull away after a while, finally able to breathe a bit easier, you find seungcheol looking at you with a pout.
"what," you ask wetly.
"seeing you cry is making me sad. please don't cry?"
"i would if i could," you say, but then your eyes land on the wet patch on his white shirt, all soaked with your tears, and you begin crying even more.
"i'm sorry," you say, voice weak. "i don't— can we just go?"
"of course we can," seungcheol says, wiping your tears. "don't apologize. you're fine with me, okay? nothing's going to happen to you."
you've heard those words, or variations of those words, from so many people before, but the only person who can convince you he means to keep his promise is seungcheol. you nod, feeling yourself believe his words. he's never one lied to you, and you don't think he's going to start now.
seungcheol places his baseball cap on your head and tugs your hoodie closer around you to make sure you're shielded from the cold. your cold hand is in his while he wheels your suitcase to where his car is parked. you've managed to calm down by then, but it's still not easy to look at seungcheol after all he's done for you.
"are you hungry? tired?" he asks, getting into his seat.
you shake your head, buckling your seatbelt with slightly shaky hands. "neither."
"then there's someplace i want to take you before i drop you home. is that okay?"
you'd follow seungcheol wherever he went. of course it's okay. he hands you the aux cord while he drives through the city which is quiet at night, and it's not long before your mood begins lifting up. you kind of don't want to get out when he stops the car and motions for you to follow him, but you do it anyway.
he grabs a blanket from the trunk and throws it on the hood of his car, holding out his hand for you to join him. you're about to ask him what he wants to do, but your words die in your throat when you look up.
the dark sky is painted with countless stars splashed out across however far your eyes can see. it's not often you get to see such a sight, and you realize seungcheol's driven you to the countryside, somewhat far from where both of you live. sitting underneath the sea of stars with seungcheol seems better than everything that's happened to you in the past month. or two. or more.
"hey," seungcheol says, reaching over to rest a hand on your thigh. warm. friendly.
"hey," you say back, taking his cap off so you can look at his face properly. you gasp when you notice his hair. it's a striking blond shade, one he'd been nervous about getting months ago. you run a hand through it slowly, wondering how old it is. how long it's been since you've really taken time to be with him.
"you okay?" he asks. you want to say yes, but you don't want to lie to him. but you also don't want to burden him with everything you've been facing recently. also the fact that you've been somewhat ignoring him. you just shrug in response.
"do you want to talk about it?"
"no. tell me something else."
seungcheol doesn't question why you said what you said. he starts talking about everything he's been up recently, and it just makes you realize how much you've pulled away from him without realizing.
he's in the middle of some story of him and jeonghan when you sigh. "he broke up with me."
seungcheol stops immediately. "what?"
"he broke up with me. over text."
seungcheol scoffs. "who the fuck does that?" and then, "i'm so sorry, sunshine. you deserved so much better than him."
"aren't you going to say i told you so?"
seungcheol shakes his head. "you know i'd never make fun of you."
you do. "you didn't have to come, you know."
"and if i didn't?"
"i'd have taken a cab or something."
seungcheol frowns in mock annoyance. "don't call me something," he says, punching your arm lightly. "i'm your best friend."
it circles back to that, then. you look down at your feet dangling in the air. "i'm sorry for being a bad friend for the past few months," you say, not meeting his eyes. "i should've tried spending more time with you. or returning your messages on time."
"sunshine," seungcheol says. "don't. you did what you thought was best for you. you're still my best friend, in case you've forgotten."
you look at him, at that. "how is it so easy for you?"
"it wasn't. i won't lie. but there's no one else i want as my best friend, okay?"
"me too," you say, relieved. "and i'm really sorry, you know?"
seungcheol throws his arm around your shoulders. "stop. i know. now that you're here, can you promise me we'll be better?"
"you mean me?"
"no, i mean us. i'm not going to let you distance yourself so easily. on that note, do you want to lay off dating for a while? what if you find...the one? in your own time?"
you raise an eyebrow. "are you dictating who i date?"
seungcheol looks like he's been caught stealing your leftovers. "no! of course not! just looking out for you, is all. you know i just want you to be happy, no matter what."
you smile and settle a bit more into his side, feeling his warmth through your hoodie. "do you really believe in that? finding the one?"
he shrugs. "it's nice to think it could happen someday, don't you?"
leaning against the hood of seungcheol's car with his arm around you and the stars twinkling up in the sky, yes, you think. it would be nice.
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sunnytyun · 15 days
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Chapter One of the Marry Me, Officer? series
warnings. minor!reader, mentions of underage drinking, reader is a cutie pie
taglist. @junzitis @xxkhxndlelitexx @channiesleftarm @taylsluvs @skzskzskzskzskzskzskz
not proofread!!
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"Do you know why I pulled you over, miss?" The attractive officer spoke, leaning against the open window of your car. He removed the duty cap from his head, sighing as he looked at you. He looked tired.
"No.." You blink at him.
"Your number plate. It's broken."
"Oh." You nodded, toes wiggling inside your shoe as you kept wanting to just drive off. But that'd be illegal. "I'll get it fixed." You gave him a nervous and polite smile.
He raised a brow. "Where are you coming from this late at night?"
"Um.. just out." You nodded, biting your bottom lip. "with some friends." Oh God, why was this man not letting you go? You just wanted to get out of there before he suspected anything else was wrong.
"No! I mean," Your eyes widened. "no, I didn't drink."
"Do you have a license?"
"License.." You nodded, chuckling nervously. "Y- yeah, it's probably here somewhere." You turn away from him, letting your guard down and making a scared face once you were facing away from him before regaining yourself, pretending to search for the non existent license.
"Did you find it?"
"I think I-" You turned to him again, taking in a deep breath. "I think I forgot it at home."
He sighed, almost rolling his eyes. "What's your name?" He asked, taking out his notepad and pen.
"Wh- why are you asking?"
"Just answer, miss."
He quickly scribbles down your name on his notepad, much to your anxiety. "Alright, Y/N, you said your name was? Did you bring proof of insurance atleast?"
"Must be here somewhere." You nodded, turning to search for the papers. Come on, Y/N. Dad must have kept it here somewhere. The officers watches as you rummage through your car, his patience slowly waning. He taps his foot on the ground, making a soft tapping noise. He crosses his arms and tries to keep a neutral expression but can't help but wonder what else you forgot besides your ID and Registration.
"Find it yet?"
"Um, I think-"
"You left it at home?" He completed your sentence with a fed up expression. You pouted, nodding as you looked down. "I need you step out of the car."
"Please just let me go-"
"Miss. I need you to step out of the car."
You tsked, not wanting to piss off the man as you stepped out of the car at once. "Am I gonna be fined?"
"I should fine you."
"Please don't."
"Why not?"
"B- because this is the first time I've forgot my license at home."
He sighed, turning away and pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "Miss, it's my job."
"Please, please, please, officer." You pleaded, squeezing your eyes shut and joining your hands.
"Hey, stop that."
You opened your eyes, still giving him a puppy dog look. His gaze softened at the sight. God, why was he so weak for cute girls?
"You know what? Fine." He sighed, and your eyes widened. "Don't forget your license again, miss. I'm leaving you with a warning this time."
You grinned. "Thank you so much, officer. You're the best!"
Fate certainly was not on your side. If you thought about it hard enough, you'd realise it never really was. Because why the fuck would the wind blow at this certain moment? Why the fuck would your school ID fly out of the open window of your car? Why the fuck would it land in his feet?
"I think you dropped something."
"That's not mine." You nervously chuckled, but it was too late. He was already bending down to pick it up, his eyes immediately scanning the contents of the ID. His expression hardened as he saw your age and the realisation of your true age dawned on him.
"And how old are you exactly, miss?"
"ei- eighteen." You lied again.
The officer's gaze narrowed as he looked at you with a mixture of skepticism and annoyance. "Really? That's not what your ID tells me. It says you're only seventeen. Care to explain?"
"That's old, really! I'm 18 now." You insisted, trying to give him a pleading look.
The officer leaned against your car again, his eyes scrutinizing you. "Cut the crap. You know it's a felony to lie to a police officer, right? Especially the one who happens to be holding your ID in his hand with your date of birth printed on it." He continued to eye you, his jaw clenching as he spoke. "I'm gonna ask you again. How old are you? And don't lie to me this time. I don't take kindly to liars."
You flinched at his harsh tone, realising there was no way out now. "17."
The officer sighed as you finally confessed your age. "Why didn't you just tell the truth from the start? Lying to a cop won't do you any favours, kid."
You quickly put on more pathetic of an expression. "'m sorry, officer."
The officer shakes his head, his expression softening a bit at your apology. "Don't apologise to me. You ought to apologise to yourself for getting into this mess by yourself."
"Let me off this once, please."
The officer huffed. "Listen, kid-"
"Please please please, let me off, officer!" You quite literally begged.
The officer crossed his arms and looked at you, contemplating the situation. He knew he should give you a ticket as per the protocol, but something about you tugged at his heart strings. "Listen, I shouldn't be letting you off this easy, you know that, right?"
"I'll even get you some ice-cream."
He raised an eyebrow at your offer, unable to hold back a small chuckle. "You're trying to bribe a police officer with ice cream?"
"...is it working—?"
You pouted.
He frowned, looking away for a moment, collecting himself. Maybe he should give in, you were only a kid after all. "Fine."
"Yeah, fine."
"How much?"
He glared at you. "I said, fine! I'll let you off with a warning."
"Oh." Yoh nodded. "Oh!" You smiled gratefully. "Thank you, officer!"
He rolled his eyes, nodding slightly. "You know, you're lucky I'm feeling nice tonight. Most officers wouldn't be this lenient, especially with an underage driver."
"Good thing it's you then." You grinned, but stopped when you saw his serious expression.
The officer couldn't help but raise a brow at your cheeky response. He shook his head, trying to maintain his stern behaviour. "Watch yourself, kid. Just because I'm giving you a break doesn't mean you can sass me. Understand?"
"Sorry, sir." You looked down, genuinely apologizing.
"Apology accepted."
"Can you do me one more favor, officer?" You blinked at him, feigning innocence.
"What now?"
"Please don't tell my parents." You pleaded. Dad could not find about this, or your grace would be ready til morning.
"Alright, alright. I won't tell your parents. But you have to promise me one thing." He leaned in a bit closer to you, his voice dropping to a serious tone. "This stays between us, and I mean it. No telling your friends, no bragging to anyone about how you got out of it without a ticket. Do you understand?"
You nodded. "Yeah."
"Good. I'm going to give you a warning this time, but understand that this is a one time thing. If I catch you driving without proper documents again, I won't be as lenient."
"Got it, boss." You nodded with a mock determined look on your face.
He rolled his eyes at your playful response but couldn't help a small smirk from crossing his face. "Smartass. Keep that mouth in check, kiddo."
You giggled, and he let out a small smile.
He checked his watch, noticing the time. "Now, tell me where you're headed. I'm gonna follow you to make sure you get home safe."
"Jackson Street." You answered.
He nodded. "Alright." He walked back to his vehicle and got into the driver's seat.
You sighed. Tonight was something, for sure. But funnily enough, you were sure you had developed a little crush on the handsome and kind officer. You smiled to yourself as you drive, looking in the rear view mirror to see him following. God, he was so cute.
Soon, amidst your daydreaming, you reached your house. He pulled up behind you, parking his patrol car next to yours. He shut off his engine and stepped out, walking towards your car as to get out of the driver's seat.
"That's your house, I assume?"
"No, it's my friend's."
The officer rolled his eyes at your sarcastic comment but chose to ignore it. He crossed his arms across his chest. "Very funny. You know what I meant, smartass." He looked at your house before looking back at the cheeky expression on your face. "You seem to get a kick out of riling me up."
"By the way." You wiggled your brows, a smile on your face as you stared at the handsome officer. "Don't you have a wife and kids at home?"
His expression darkened slightly at your question, not expecting the sudden change in subject. He rubbed the back of his neck, a frown crossing over his face. "What kind of question is that? And no, I don't have a wife and kids, if you must know."
"Good." You grinned.
The officer looked at you curiously, sensing that you're upto something. "And what's with the smug grin, huh? What are you playing at, kiddo?"
"Do you have a girlfriend?"
The question caught him off guard again, a look of surprise crossing his face. He glanced away for a moment, trying to hide his reaction. "What's with these personal questions all of a sudden? Is that any of your business?"
"Tell!" You almost whined.
He couldn't help but chuckle at your persistence. "Alright, alright, nosy brat. Since you're so curious, no. I do not have a girlfriend. Happy now?"
Your grin reached your ears at this point. "Then can you wait?" You asked, a hopeful gleam in your eyes.
"Wait? Wait for what?"
"For me to grow up so we can marry each other!"
The officer nearly choked on his own saliva as he heard your response. He stared at you in disbelief, clearly not expecting such a bold statement. "What the hell, kid? You can't be serious, right? You're 17, for Christ's sake! and I'm a grown ass man!"
Your face fell at his response. It seemed like he wasn't even a bit attracted by the idea, more repelled. "I'll grow up enough someday."
The officer rubbed his temple, trying to wrap his head around your logic. "And what, you think I'm going to sit around waiting for you to age like some kind of weirdo? And for what? So you can marry me at some point in distant future? That's not how it works, kid. You don't even know me!"
"Then allow me to."
He groaned and ran a hand through his hair, clearly frustrated by your stubbornness. Meanwhile, you could only ogle how his biceps bulged as he did that.
"You are something else, you know that? I'm a grown man, you're a minor. It's not appropriate for us to know each other like that. You understand that, don't you?"
"Do you have a pen?"
He looked at you quizzically, confused by your sudden change in topic. "A pen? Yeah, of course, I have a pen. Why?"
He reached into his pocket, sighing as he handed it to you. "Here, take it. What do you need it for anyway?"
You took his hand, scribbling something on the palm of his hand. "Here's my number. I'll try not to change it. Call me after four years!"
The officer watched as you scribbled your number on his hand, dumbfounded by your audacity. He can't believe you're actually serious about this. "Jesus Christ, you really are dead set on this marriage idea, aren't you? And what makes you think I'll even be single by then?"
You blinked up at him. "I'd be sad if you're not single then."
He chuckled dryly. "You'd be sad, huh? What if I do find myself in a relationship by then? What would you do then, hm?"
You pouted. "I'll have to let you go."
He shook his head and sighed, torn between amusement and annoyance at your determination. "I don't know whether to be impressed or concerned by your dedication. Just how much are you willing to wait for a guy you don't even know?"
"How old are you?" You changed the topic again, he noticed.
He crossed his arms across his chest. "I'm 26, why?"
"9 years is nothing."
"You say that now. This age difference is a lot. A whole generational gap." He sighed. "People move on, they grow up, they find other partners. You can't seriously tell me you're willing to put your dating life on hold for that long just for the slim possibility of us being together someday?"
You tilted your head. "I have no dating life."
The officer snorted and shook his head, his disbelief growing. "That's not the point, and you know it."
"What's your name?" You finally asked. You should know the name of your future hubby atleast.
The officer paused, hesitating for a moment before finally sighing in resignation. "Chan. Bang Chan. Happy now?"
"Chan." You grinned, saying his name to know how it tasted on your tongue. "Our names would sound so good together."
"Fine, let's entertain this crazy scenario for a minute. Let's say, four years from now, I'm still single and somehow remember this insanity. What then? You seriously think I'm gonna go, 'Oh, yeah! Remember that random underage brat I met on the street four years ago? Yeah! Guess I'll marry her!'"
You pouted as he remained uninterested.
He couldn't help but chuckle at your pouty face, finding your stubborn endearing despite himself. "You should really stop pouting like that. It makes it damn hard to say no to your kicked puppy face."
"Then I should pout more often!"
"You brat-"
"Officer! I'm gonna marry you one day!" You grinned cheekily, saluting him before running off to the door of your house. "Call me after four years!"
He could only watch in disbelief as you sprinted away, still reeling from your boldness. He glanced down at his hand, where your number is written in a messy handwriting. He couldn't believe he was actually entertaining any of this. But then again, you were still just a bratty kid.
"Damn, kid. What am I getting myself into?"
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callmelola111 · 1 year
maniac ♡ e.w. oneshot
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✄ - - - -   inspo track   - - - -   maniac
synopsis: lies are spewed and truths are revealed when a precarious friend group joins together once more on the 1 year anniversary of their estranged friends disappearance.
      | 𓆣 | pairing & wc: ellie williams x reader. wc: 4.4k
      | ❀ | cw: 18+ themes (MDNI), modern au, reader is referred to with she/her pronouns but other than that all descriptors are gender neutral, heavy violence blood and gore, oc deaths, drug use, homophobia (use of the word "dyke" once. i'm a lesbian so don't y'all try to cancel me), heavy language, mentions of reader having anxiety and panic attacks, lots of tension and fighting, ⭑ SMUT ⭑ ... thigh riding (r on e), dom!ellie, sub!reader, fingering (r receiving), pet names (baby, angel, etc.)
a/n: hi lovelies!! long time no see... i know this is a little different from my usual stuff but i honestly really love how it turned out. i spent a good chunk of time planning this out and then even longer writing it so i really hope y'all love it! i want this to be a fresh and exciting read for everyone. if you do end up enjoying the fic, any kind of note is greatly appreciated! ur fave tumblr writers thrive off all y'alls support! anyways, love love love you guys!!! ♡~ lola
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To everyone else, it was a summer like any other. But when it came to you and your friends there was something missing this time– someone missing. This absence felt extra heavy as tomorrow would be the 1 year anniversary of August’s disappearance, and the annual camping trip was right on time with it. It had been tradition for as long as you could remember, but its memory was now tainted and left something that used to be so sure, completely up in the air…
✄ - - - -   ♡   - - - - 
The five of you squeezed into the small 4 person booth at your favorite local diner; Tj’s Eats. In one seat sat Lottie and Reid. The girl’s loose, dark curls gathered at the boy's shoulders as she snuggled into him, still clearly in the honeymoon stage of their relationship. On the other side of the white marbled table sat Xavier and Ellie, with you perched on her lap, of course, as she insisted to everyone that it was “necessity” and “there really, really was no more room”. In all actuality, all it took was an extra chair to fit the five, but she was your girlfriend, and even after years of dating you still couldn’t get enough of each other. 
“Can someone just say what we’re all thinking, please! I can’t with this tension,” Lottie complained, finally snapping out of the cuddle fest with her red-headed boyfriend.
“What are we all thinking Lottie, huh? Since you know everything,” Xavier retaliated, guising his irritation with a poorly crafted remark. 
“Don’t be fucking mean,” she said, kicking him under the table.
“Yeah seriously chill out,” Reid echoed. 
“God, enough with this shit, you guys are driving me insane!” Ellie butted in. You, however, paid no mind to this type of bullshit, as fights like this had become a frequent occurrence in your group of friends ever since that godforsaken night. So you continued to down your chocolate shake and drown out the bickering with a light hum. That is, until you were rudely interrupted by Xavier’s insulting words.
“You’re being real fucking quiet over there, Y/n. Do you really have nothing to say? You can’t just tune us out forever. We’re your fucking friends.”
You felt your hands balled into tight fists, “Fine. You want me to say something? I’ll say something–my brother is still missing and if you’re even thinking of going on that stupid fucking trip this year, you can count me out.”
“Not going on that trip isn’t gonna magically bring him back. August is gone and we can’t stop living our lives because of it,” he retorted, going just a tad bit too far. This was the last straw and quickly sent you up and out of your warm place in Ellie’s lap. She grasped at your wrist trying to pull you back into this mess of a friend group, but to no avail. 
“Now look what you’ve fucking done!” Ellie yelled at your defense as you disappeared into the bathroom.
✄ - - - -   ♡   - - - - 
Now face-to-face with your tear-stained cheeks in the mirror, your head fell down between your shoulders, slowly letting the pent up emotions roll off your back. Ever since you lost August, life had become 10 times harder. As much as your younger self would’ve hated to admit it, he was your rock–your annoying brother–but still, your rock. This confession made you feel even worse though, because deep down, there was a part of you that blamed yourself for how things happened. Maybe if you would’ve stopped fighting, or told the truth to the police, or took it easier on the booze and coke that night, August would still be here. There was nothing you could do now though. This was your reality and you had to accept it. 
With that you reached into the pocket of Ellie’s varsity jacket that engulfed your figure, hoping to find a tissue to blot away your tears and smeared mascara. Instead, you were met with a small polaroid. You flipped it over to reveal a bewildering picture of Xavier and August from the last night he was seen. Their arms were swung around each other’s necks, both flashing toothy smiles at the camera and you could recall being the one to take this photo. The one thing you didn’t remember is the black sharpie captioning the bottom of the image. It read “don’t believe his lies”. Your head began to race with countless questions and zero answers. The biggest one being, what the fuck was Xavier lying about?
The wet bathroom countertop dug into the palms of your hands as you took a second to decide the best course of action, but all you could come up with was shutting the fuck up and pretending it never happened. You weren’t ready to relive last year all over again. Not yet–not ever. So you paraded back into the dining room, eyes still damp and hands still shaking. Ellie felt your energy immediately and knew it was time to go.
She glanced at you for confirmation and then turned to address the group, “I think it’s time for me and Y/N to head out. Sorry guys.” Xavier shot a look of discontent and Ellie mouthed something along the lines of “I’m sorry, I’ll talk to her I promise”, which seemed to slightly ease the tension he was previously carrying in his shoulders. She then slid out from the booth, slipped her left hand into the pocket of your denim shorts, and ushered you outside to her red convertible.
The drive back was silent but as Ellie’s hand gently stroked the flesh of your thighs and the other steered you knew there was no way she could have anything to do with that polaroid. But you had to find out who did. Just as you were nearing your house though, Ellie’s gentle touch quickly shifted to a handsier approach and it was clear she had other plans for the night. 
“Els?” is all you had to say before she quickly pulled over and jumped to the backseat, pulling you along with her. She positioned herself in the middle seat opening up her legs in a dominating stance resembling a manspread. You eagerly climbed atop her lap, placing soft kisses up her veiny neck and extending them to her defining jawline. This was just what you needed to release the tension that had racked up from tonight's events. The moon was hitting your face just right and Ellie felt so lucky to have you in that moment.
“You’re so goddamn beautiful” she murmured, slightly breathless from the overwhelming touch of your lips. You smiled against the crook of her neck and dove into the girl's mouth for a deep and passionate kiss. She returned the exchange with even more fire, graciously slipping her tongue into your entrance. With each second things got messier and your hips got looser, slowly grinding into Ellie’s denim clad thighs. She couldn’t help but chuckle just a little at your desperation, to which you buried your head back into her shoulder, encasing her in your arms for better traction. Ellie’s hands swiftly found the curves of your hips and rocked them back forth to aid you in your journey towards climax. That is until your anxiety got the best of you at the sound of rustling coming from outside the car.
“What does it not feel good?” she questioned.
“No, no– It’s just… I swear I just heard something coming from behind the car.”
“I mean… we are parked by the woods. It’s probably just some animal or the wind.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes babe, I’m sure.” she assured you with a firm squeeze to your thigh and you let your worries go. This time Ellie was on top, laying you down across the seats to hover over you alluringly. Your lips found hers once again as she slipped a hand down your shorts and past your panties to meet the slick that had been piling up the whole drive. You let out a strangled moan into Ellie’s mouth as her rough digits met the throbbing bud of nerves. She took that as a sign to speed up the pace and slip in a curved finger to hit that perfect spot. You jerked in pleasure, eyes closed, almost reaching your climax from just those few movements. Ellie felt as your walls tightened around her and knew you were close.
“Look at me baby. I wanna see your eye’s when you cum all over my fingers.” she cooed. You obeyed and parted your lids open to reveal a disturbing image followed by a frightened scream escaping your puffy lips. Ellie jumped back at the clearly non-orgasmic exclamation, letting out a string of concerned “what? What??”’s. All you could do is point your shaky hand towards the message written in the condensation of the back windshield. 
“I know about last summer…” Ellie read out, voice as shaky as your extremities. Both of your fight or flight responses were triggered; you choosing flight and her of course choosing fight. The door to the cherry red car flung open and Ellie climbed over and out of her seat to trail the perimeter. You cowered down, eye’s filled with tears as Ellie recklessly yelled out to whoever wrote the message.
“Hello? Anybody out there?”, she kicked at the rocks in frustration, “Seriously who the fuck are you? This isnt fucking funny!”
“Ellie, will you please just get back in the car? They’re gone!” you pleaded. She eventually returned from her fit and came to console you. You were a mess and you were scared. 
“Hey, hey, it’s probably some prank. Let’s just take a breath, babe. In and out. Nice and slow.” she coached and you followed.
“But- what if it’s not though… what if this isn’t the first time something like this has happened…”
“Wha-what do you mean?” she asked.
You pulled out the polaroid and handed it to Ellie, “I- I found this in your jacket.”
“Y/n I swear I didn't put that there. I have no idea where it came from. Please, please believe me.”
“I do, I do. But that means someone else put it there, and they probably wrote that message too.”
Her head fell into her hands as she let out a sigh, “Fuck. We’re so fucked.”
“So what do we do?” 
“We go on that camping trip and keep our mouths shut till we know more.” 
“Seriously? What is camping gonna help? I already said I’m not going!” you yelled.
“Like hell you are! You’re insane if you think staying in the same town with the psycho freak who's borderline blackmailing us is gonna solve shit! If we’re in the woods they can’t get to us.” Ellie argued, face turning red with insistence.
“Fuck. I guess you’re kinda right. I’ll go.”
“Thank you.”
“Will you sleep over tonight though? I’m scared Els. I don’t even wanna think about being alone after tonight.”
She gave you a kiss on the forehead, “Of course I’ll stay the night. We’re in this together, okay?”
✄ - - - -   ♡   - - - - 
The next morning Reid came barreling over in his beat up white van. He haphazardly whipped into the driveway of your two story home that looked straight out of suburbia. Ellie stood at the top of the concrete hill holding your pink duffle and her navy blue one on the dip of her shoulder. Xavier swung open the sliding door and the both of you climbed in as you were practically slapped in the face with the smell of old bong water and way too many Little Trees air fresheners that somehow made the smell worse.
“Fuckk Reid, you’ve gotta get rid of this kidnapper van.” Ellie remarked, holding her nose and pretending to gag a couple times.
“Fuck off Ellie, you should be thanking me for driving you bums around.”
She just rolled her eyes, “Righttt… Right…” 
The van quickly took to the road again, heading straight for the forest where it all happened just 1 year ago.
“It’s too quiet in here. Can we please put on some music?” Lottie asked about 30 minutes into the drive. 
“Yeah sure. I have a few tapes in the console right there if you wanna put one in.” Reid gestured to the compartment on the passenger side and Lottie reached in, pulling out the first tape she could find. It was in a small plastic case with no writing or cover to indicate what it was, but it sparked an intrigue, so she popped it into the car's sound system anyways. To Lottie and everyone else’s surprise, music didn’t start playing. All that came through the speakers was a muffled recording of two voices arguing. 
“Shut the fuck up August you’re just jealous!”
“You’re gonna regret this Reid.”
“Are you threatening me right now?”
“You’re the one who-”
Before the tape could finish Reid ripped it out of the player, slamming it into the dashboard and destroying the possible evidence.
“How the fuck did you get this Lottie?! Where’d you find this, seriously?” he screamed as his frantic girlfriend tried to explain.
“It was just in the console I swear!”
“Don’t fucking lie to me! I’ve never seen that tape, let alone put it in my car!”
Tears welled in her eyes, “I’m not lying Reid!”
The bickering continued as you, Ellie, and Xavier sat in the back, jaws dropped in utter shock. You felt yourself shutting down at this new found information. Did Reid have something to do with August disappearing? What were they even fighting about? Suddenly breathing felt impossible and the world went silent as panic set it. You only snapped back to Earth when you heard the sound of Ellie screaming.
“FUCK REID LOOK OUT!” It was too late though and the thud of a full size deer flipping over the hood is what finally shut everyone up. 
“Oh my god…” you shuddered at the smear of thick crimson blood across the dirty windshield. It didn’t matter if it was an animal, Reid had just taken a life and you were basically an accomplice. Your heart broke and the pit of your stomach swirled with sickness thinking of the likely decapitated body splattered just behind the van. Ellie wrapped you in her arms, as if to shield you from the horror of not only the poor deer, but the realization that any one of your friends could be the reason your brother was missing. 
Xavier finally broke the jarring lull in speech, “I- I think we should take a pit stop.”
“Yeah…” Ellie agreed.
✄ - - - -   ♡   - - - -
A few miles down the road was a small gas station where Reid pulled over for everyone to recollect themselves. Lottie scrubbed mindlessly at the deer carnage with the murky gas station water and squeegee she found beside the gas pump. Xavier paced in the parking lot like he was off one but it was the pure anxiety and adrenaline that had him tweaking so much. Reid on the other hand was still stuck at the wheel, slouching in the driver's seat, and not making a single move since he put the van into park. Even his deep green eyes remained motionless, they seemed to be locked onto absolutely nothing, just staring into the void. Everyone was a fucking mess. The only people who seemed to be somewhat on this planet still were you and Ellie.
“I think I might gouge my eye’s out if I don’t eat some Swedish Fish and drink a Yerb as soon as possible.” you professed, walking inside the little convenience store with a ring of a bell.
“I think I need a fucking cigarette.” Ellie said in a joking tone, but candidly, these past few days had her seriously considering picking the old habit back up.
“I think everybody does. I’m tired of shit like this happening and then everyone shoving it under the rug cause we’re all still ashamed about last year. I mean, I know I am, but we have to talk about it eventually.”
“You’re right, but even if we did, what is there to say? We were all so fucked up the whole night’s just a blurry mess. Like, did you see Reid's face when that tape came on? It looked like he was hearing the conversation for the first time just like the rest of us.”
“This sucks Ellie” you groaned as you opened up the glass door to retrieve your drink. Ellie approached from behind, slithering her hands from your sides to your naval and giving you a squeeze. 
She planted a soft kiss to the top of your head, “This does suck, but I love you and we’re gonna be alright. You gonna be okay for the rest of the drive?” She flipped you around to face her and you gave an assuring nod in response. Ellie always knew just what to say to ease that panicky feeling that was constantly bubbling up in your chest. The girl then took your hand and led you to the counter where a gruff looking cashier checked you out. He slowly scanned each item at an agonizing pace; Hot fries, Swedish Fish, a Yerba Mate, Chex Mix, and a Fanta Orange. 
“Total is $13.78” he mumbled as Ellie swiped her card and you gathered up the snacks. The clerk's eyes seemed to get meaner and meaner each second you waited for your receipt– until he finally cracked. “You know you’re going to hell for what you did.” 
Ellie backed away, “Excuse me?” Had he overheard something? Did he know about August? Who the fuck was this guy?
“I don’t need any dykes shoving their sins all in my face in my own damn store!” he grunted. Oh, he’s just homophobic. Right. That was y’alls que to get back on the road and out of the middle of nowhere immediately.
✄ - - - -   ♡   - - - -
After an excruciatingly mute hour stuck in the “kidnapper van” you finally arrived at the forest where you’d be spending the night. The silence looked to have eased some of the tension though as conversation grew a little more lax around the campfire. 
“Yo Lottie do you have the bud? We should roll up.” Xavier suggested. You nodded fervently in agreement, a joint was exactly what you needed. Lottie seemed to have made up with Reid as she was hanging all over him not hearing a word Xavier said.
With a few calls of her name she finally looked up, “Huh?”
“The weed Lottie.” Ellie said.
“Yeah it’s in a little pouch in my tent if someone wants to grab it.” Xavier got up from his spot on a mossy log and ventured into the purple tent hitched by a tree. In just 30 seconds flat he came storming back out, face completely red and a beaded bracelet dangling from his right fist. 
“What the fuck is this Lottie!? How do you have this?” 
She pulled back from her steamy kiss with Reid to answer, “Oh my god what Xavier? You’re being sooo goddamn annoying today.”
“Could you maybe stop grinding on your boyfriend for 5 fucking seconds and look at what I found in your bag?!” he yelled back. After a closer look the small beads began to look eerily familiar. This wasn’t just any bracelet, this was August’s bracelet. The one he had on the last night he was seen, and all of the sudden Lottie’s loud mouth seemed to shut right up.
“I- I- Xavier believe me I didn’t put that there.”
His voice broke with pain and fury, “Oh really?? Then who did ‘Miss innocent’?”
“I don’t fucking know but it wasn’t me!”
“Fuck you!” he screamed, dashing off into the dark woods. Everyone tried to yell at him to come back but it was no use. He was too angry to listen to anyone but himself.
That being said, hypervigilant Reid stood up to follow, “I’m gonna go find him guys. He shouldn’t be out there alone. Not after…” His voice trailed off but everyone knew exactly what he was alluding to.
“I really didn’t put that there you know” Lottie said.
You and Ellie shared a glance, “We know.”
A puzzled look spread across her face, “what do you mean you know?”
“We think someone’s orchestrating all this,” Ellie said.
“Like blackmail?”
You nodded, “exactly like blackmail. It’s happened to me and Ellie too. Once with a lost polaroid photo and another time with a message written on her car.” You then pulled out the photo to show to Lottie.
She read it aloud, “Don’t believe his lies? Like… Xavier?” Ellie twiddled with her fingers, looking down at the dirt before saying what you and Lottie were both thinking.
“I mean, I don’t want to point fingers because this is a fucked up situation, but how have we all been framed except him?”
Lottie smoothed back the sweaty bangs stuck to her temples, “Fuckkkk. He probably had the bracelet from the start too, he seemed sooo damn eager to go dig through my shit.” 
“So, what do we do?” you asked.
Xavier suddenly appeared out of thin air, “What do we do about what?” Lottie practically jumped out of her spot.
“Fuck Xavier you scared me. Wait… Wh- where’s Reid?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, he left to look for you.”
“I never saw him.”
Lottie began to scream and call for her missing boyfriend and without a second thought went straight for the forest like an idiot.
“Lottie fuck come back!” Ellie yelled out. It wasn’t long before she was running right back to you though. A blood curdling scream dampening any sounds of nature and sending a parade of chills up everyone’s backs.
“IT’S REID Y/N! IT’S REID! HE- HE- HE’S DEAD!” Lottie collapsed into your arms dry heaving from the overwhelming amount of tears, pain, and betrayal. “IT WAS YOU! IT WAS FUCKING YOU XAVIER!” You and Ellie worked to hold her back as he denied every claim.
“Lottie you’re acting fucking crazy! I didn’t do shit!”
“Even if you didn’t, you're not helping! But to me, it looks like you have guilty written all over you!” Ellie spat back.
“Fuck you guys! This isn’t fucking funny! I didn’t do it! Please, is this some kind of-” His words were cut short along with his head by the swing of a large machete right through his neck, sending a spray of fresh blood into the air and across your face. It took a solid 15 seconds before any of you could even let out a scream, but when you did, it was pure terror.  
“RUN! JUST RUN!” you yelled. Ellie grabbed your wrist in one hand and Lottie’s in the other, sprinting away with little discretion. A hooded figure trailed close behind, dirt and rocks flying into the air upon each kick of their sneakers. Air caught in your lungs with no release, all you could do was put one foot in front of the other which was a struggle in itself.
Lottie got brave though and took one single look behind her following immediate regret. A rock caught her pink converse just right, throwing her across the dirty ground and setting her feet back from the rest. And as this hooded figure caught up, the moon casting its light through the trees and across his face, it all began to make sense.
Lottie struggled backwards through the dirt with a scream, “IT’S AUGUST! IT’S FUCKING AUGUST!” Ellie halted in an attempt to pull the fallen girl back up and running but she was frozen in disbelief, in horror, in complete and utter fear. There was no choice but to leave her there and as the both of you turned to run, all you needed to hear was her earth shattering shriek to know exactly what happened.
Tears streamed down your face, “Els, Ellie I- I can’t.”
“Yes you can. Just keep running baby please.” And you did for another couple feet until fate had other plans. A hunting trap violently swept you up into a tree, encasing you in a thick net. 
“ELLIE HELP!” you screamed. She pulled and pulled at the rope creating lacerations across her palms and fingers but to no avail. 
“Do you trust me Y/n?” 
Through tears and strings of snot you shook your head, “Yes Ellie, I trust you.” Your girlfriend then took off, leaving you dangling in the air with no protection. It was just you and August now. And with a single swipe of his weapon you tumbled to the ground, twisting your ankle at the fall.
He gave a sinister smile, “hello sister.” You scrambled in the opposite direction, hands grasping at the soil below but never getting far with your limp foot. 
“August please. You don’t have to do this. It’s me! It’s Y/n!”
“STOP IT! You’re not gonna change my mind about this. I’ve waited long enough!” Your heart beats from your chest. What the fuck were you going to do to survive this?
“We’re fucking family August! I’m your sister. You’re my little brother!”
“‘Family’, ‘little brother’,” he mocked, “you haven’t changed a bit.”
“Wha- what do you mean?”
“I’m not living in your shadow anymore Y/n. I’m done being the sidekick to you and all of your stupid friends!”
“They’re your friends too!”
He began inching closer and closer, “No they fucking aren’t! Friends don’t do what you guys did to me. Lying to the police, seriously? Acting like you had no idea what happened? I disappeared and none of you even gave a fuck till the cops started asking questions!”
“That’s not true August,” you broke down into tears once more, “I missed you every fucking day!”
“Clearly not enough.” He slowly lifted his arms, gripping the bloody machete with both hands. There was no escaping at this point. You just clenched your eye’s shut and braced for the end. 
“NOOO!” The sound of a gunshot rang through your ears and instead of the feeling of cold metal slicing through you, you were met with the warm embrace of your girlfriend. You broke.
“Ellie. Oh my god Ellie.”
“I’m right here baby. Never leaving. I promise.” She just held you and held you, rocking back and forth till your breaths got less shaky.
“A cabin. I found an empty cabin with a shotgun hanging right on the wall.”
“God, I love you.” Ellie smoothed back your hair and gave you a kiss.
“I love you too, angel.” 
✄ - - - -   ♡   - - - -
After that night things were never the same. It was just you and Ellie now. But together you would heal. Somehow, despite all the pain and loss, there was a glimmer of hope. Deep down you both knew things would be okay. And they were.
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✄ - - - -   masterlist   - - - -   ♡
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@endureher @gold-dustwomxn @alexpritch @4rt3m1ss @robinismywifee @sophlovesbooks @97cityy
(taglist is for all callmelola111 works, if you'd like to be removed just kindly lmk)
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326 notes · View notes
munson-blurbs · 1 year
Dum-Dum.* Kit Kat. Eddie.
*"I don't know what that is" - in an Australian accent.
Idiots in love/Artist!Reader/Eddie Munson
Warnings: drug use (weed), reader can be read as gender neutral, mention of Billy Hargrove, sitting on Eddie's lap
WC: 778
Divider credit to @saradika (also, Dum-Dums are a brand of lollipop)
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Knock knock.
The sound of someone at the door startles you, drawing your attention from your unfinished sketch and to the curly-haired boy clutching a piece of paper in his ringed hand.
“Sorry, uh,” Eddie says with a nervous laugh, “didn’t mean to scare you.” When you don’t reply, he looks around the otherwise-empty classroom. “Is now a bad time, or…?”
You gather your thoughts, heart pounding a mile a minute at the sudden interruption. “N-No, you’re fine,” you stammer. God, he’s so cute. Cheeks tinged red with bashfulness, free hand shoved into his back pocket, frizzy curls brushing against his denim-clad shoulders. “Something I can help you with?” you ask when he remains standing in place.
“Oh! Um, yeah.” He shuffles over to you, as though reminding himself to put one foot in front of the other. “You draw, right? Like, sketches and stuff?” He winces at his stilted attempt at an opening, especially given the fact that your sketchbook is open right in front of you.
“Cool.” Eddie nods. “Could I ask you to draw this? It’s for my uncle’s birthday next month.” He hands you the photo, and your heart instantly melts. It’s a picture of him and who you assume is his uncle, and Eddie can’t be much older than ten years old. He’s wearing a blue shirt with an S in a diamond hastily drawn on the front. A faded red towel is tied around his neck in a makeshift cape. The older man stands behind him, half a KitKat bar hanging from his lips like a cigarette. “It was my first Halloween with him.” The first time I ever celebrated Halloween, actually, he thinks, but keeps that information to himself.
You carefully study the photo, careful not to leave fingerprints on it, even though there’s already a smudge in the corner. “I, uh, I don’t know what those stains are,” Eddie mumbles. “I can’t offer a lot of money, but if you smoke…” he mimics taking a pull from a joint, “I can hook you up for free.”
“You sure?” You wrinkle your nose. “I don’t want you getting in trouble or anything.”
Eddie dismisses the notion with a wave. “What’s he gonna do, call the cops?”
“Fair enough,” you agree with a smile.
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You hadn’t realized that when Eddie had offered to smoke you up for free, he’d meant smoking with him. Over the next few weeks, any free time that wasn’t spent drawing the photo of him and his uncle–whose name was Wayne, you’d learned–you spent with him in a haze of marijuana. Sharing giggles, splitting family bags of potato chips when the munchies inevitably hit, snuggling up on his couch and sleepily watching sitcom reruns consumed your afternoons. To an outsider’s perspective, it looked like you two were together. Truthfully, you had no idea what you and Eddie’s status was.
“Oh! I almost forgot,” you sit up suddenly, shifting under the blanket and reaching for your backpack. “I finished this last night.”
Eddie’s bloodshot eyes go wide, and you swear that their glassiness is fueled by more than just pot. “This is…wow,” he breathes out, shaking his head in disbelief. “This is even better than I imagined.” He doesn’t know the technical terms for what you’ve done, but you’ve perfectly captured their enthused expressions, the joy in their eyes evident even just through pencil shading. “You’re amazing.”
And maybe it’s the compliment, or the high, or the way he’s been nestled into you for the last forty minutes, but you tilt his head towards yours and kiss him. Your mouths collide clumsily, and he seems shocked at first, but he quickly eases himself into it to deepen it. One hand cups your cheek while the other pulls you onto his lap so you’re straddling his lithe waist. 
“Wanted to do this for a long time,” he murmurs into you, not wanting to fully break the kiss. “Ever since I first saw you, I thought you were so goddamn pretty.”
“I’ve had a crush on you since you jumped on the cafeteria table and called Billy Hargrove out for leading all those poor girls on,” you admit with a laugh. “He turned bright red.”
Eddie inhales, shrugging his shoulders haphazardly. “Earned myself a pretty little black eye for that.” His nose nudges yours as he leans in to kiss you again. “But it was totally worth it if it meant you noticed me.”
You pull back slightly, taking in his beautiful brown eyes, the tiny patch of stubble where he’d missed shaving, the flyaway hairs on his temple. “Can I keep noticing you?”
“I’d be sad if you stopped.”
152 notes · View notes
midmourn · 11 months
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title happier
pairing park jisung x gender neutral!reader
summary you know you're being selfish— but you hope she doesn't make jisung as happy as you did.
warnings angst, post break up
word count 1,412
author's note jisung is not an asshole in this dw i could never see him like that LMAO. as usual, let me know what you think bc it encourages me to continue writing!! reposting from my old blog.
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"Jisung has a girlfriend," Jaemin fumbles with a stray string from his cardigan, looking at you from the corner of his eyes to gauge your reaction. You pause mid-bite, grip around your fork tightening before you relaxed your expression, slowly nodding. "Her name's Minji."
"Good for him," you mumble through a mouthful of food as your foot starts tapping on the tile. Minji as in Lee Minji? The girl in his dance class? You hope your eyes don't tell Jaemin anything, the last thing you wanted to talk about right now was your ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend. You press your lips together, no longer feeling hungry and set your fork down, "Do you want the rest of my food?" When he shakes his head, you sigh and nod, closing the box up so you can eat it later.
Jaemin opens his mouth before closing it as the two of you notice your friends walking over to the lunch table and stands up, "Alright, I'm going to sit with the guys, then ..."
"Bye, Jaemin," you send him a smile as Ningning replaces him and you turn to her, "Hey, how was the test in chem?" You ignore Jaemin's sigh before he walks away to another table, eyes slowly darting away from Ningning's as she rambles about the chemistry test. You follow him with your eyes, mouth twisting to the side as you spot the only girl at the table full of boys. Jisung's sitting beside her, his arm wrapped around her shoulders as he slowly eats his food while she talks beside him, occasionally nodding. You refrain from huffing and scowling, you didn't want your friends noticing.
"Yeah?" You tear your eyes away from them, turning to Ningning who looks at you curiously.
"You good?"
"Just fine," you smile, patting her arm before turning and tuning into the conversation between Yeojin and Taehyun.
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"She's so pretty," you mumble into your pillow, head face down as your mother rubs your back comfortingly. "And I know she's sweet, we were lab partners last year ..." Unlike after your break up, you haven't cried at all since you found out they got together. You consider that an accomplishment.
Your mother sighs, "At least you know he'll be happy, Y/N."
You don't tell her that you hope he isn't.
After your mother leaves your room, you flip onto your stomach to look at the ceiling where you have bright glow-in-the-dark stars stuck there. A sigh leaves your mouth, blinking as you remember that Jisung was the one who helped you put them up there. He didn't make fun of you for the fact that you wanted them up there.
"I think I accidentally made those ones look like a constellation," you followed with your eyes to where Jisung's pointing and raised your eyebrows.
"What constellation?"
"I have no idea, but they definitely look like one."
You laughed, "Do me a favor, don't major in astronomy when we go to college."
Jisung chuckled, "Hey, I could be an expert in astronomy before we get to college, alright? You don't know that." He turned on his side, but you don't look at him until his hand rested on your cheek. You met his eyes, blinking curiously at him and he smiled slightly— you were close enough that you could see his eyes and smile clearly. "You know, you're the most beautiful person I've ever seen in my entire life."
"Oh, yeah? What about Taeyeon? IU?" You snort, rolling your eyes at his cheesiness. "Ooh, Taecyeon? He's pretty hot."
"They're pretty, and hot," he shrugged as best as he could, still smiling, "But you're still the most beautiful."
Your cheeks burned hot and you just hoped he couldn't see that well in the dark as you turned your head back to the ceiling, "OK, cheesy. Next topic."
Jisung laughed, knowing exactly what was going on and pressed a kiss to your cheek, resting his head on your shoulder. He let the two of you be in silence for a few minutes before he said softly, "Y/N?" You hummed out a response, and he continued, "We're gonna be together forever, you know that?"
You don't respond for a moment, and he briefly wondered if you fell asleep on accident, but you exhale and say, "I hope so."
Bullshit, you roll your eyes. Love was a bunch of bullshit, and you can't believe you even believed for a while that you two would stay together forever. You force yourself into a sitting position and grab your phone, going on Instagram to find Minji's account. She hasn't updated in about a month, but she has enough posts.
She is pretty, as much as you want to deny it. She's kind, as much as you want to deny that, too. You wish she was a horrible person and tricked Jisung into liking her, but you can't blame him for liking her. She volunteers as much as she can, and she helps around her house with chores and babysitting her younger siblings, and works with no pay at her family's restaurant.
Park Jisung deserves someone like her.
You toss your phone on your bed, pressing the palms of your hands against your eyes as you slump against your wall. You want to cry, you want to scream and toss things at your wall and wreck everything in sight. But your mind overtakes your heart, and you know it's not a good idea. You love Jisung with all your heart, and you really do hope he is happy. It's what he deserves. But you thought he was happy with you, and look where that ended.
No one made you as happy as Jisung did, and you're not even sure if you would ever find someone like him again. As selfish as it sounds, you hope it's the same for him.
You blink and lean forward to grab your phone, clicking on Jisung's messages. You never deleted them after your break up, the last few ones being about picking his things up from your house that he had left when you two were dating. You force yourself not to read through them, and start typing.
YOU: hey, i heard about you and minji, she's a great girl. i really hope you two are happy~ :D
You hesitate before you press send, staring down at your phone. Was this a good idea? Would he tell her and then she turns into a jealous monster and comes after you? Your brows furrow before sighing, going to click on the text to delete it but your stupid-fucking-thumb accidentally touched the send button. You gasp, eyes widening at your luck before you clicked out of the message and actually throw your phone across the room.
"God," you groan, closing your eyes as you leaned back and hit your head on the wall. It hurt like a fucking bitch, but you figured you deserved it. Out of everything that had to happen, your thumb just had to accidentally hit send. Someone, whoever is up there, must really hate you. Your heart pounds in your chest, worry setting in. What if he confronted you at school tomorrow, saying you were out of line for talking to him? What if he or her took your message the wrong way?
Sure, you might be selfish and hope he wasn't as happy as he was with you but— you weren't a homewrecker. If you two were meant to be together, like you once thought, you'd end up together, right? Your stomach twists and you huff, clenching your fist to ignore the stomach ache.
Your phone dings from its place on the floor and your eyes shoot open, staring up at the ceiling and the stupid stars. You hastily sit up and grab your phone, breath hitching as you see the notification. Jisung responded back.
JISUNG: hey, y/n, thank you so much. i hope you're happy too.
A second later, another message comes in.
JISUNG: we didn't really talk about it before but we never ended on an actual bad note ... we're still friends, right?
You exhale, closing your eyes as you sit down, legs feeling wobbly. Would your regret this? Probably. Your eyes open as you make up your mind and smile sadly down at your phone, feeling the back of your eyes sting harshly.
YOU: of course, jisung. we were friends first before everything. see you at school tomorrow.
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sour series masterlist. masterlist. rules.
144 notes · View notes
talesoftheesun · 1 year
I um... tripped! [O.G.]
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pairing: ominis gaunt x slytherin!reader (gender neutral)
genre: fluff, slight angst, idk??
warnings: mention of blood. ominis might spontaneously go gray. can be read platonically, kind of. also english is not my first language and i wrote this while high on sleep deprivation lol
word count: 862
a/n: hi!! this is my first hogwarts legacy fic. i've written before here and there but it's been a long time lol. i hope you guys enjoy!
prompt: "they do a poor job of hiding the damage"
summary: you're out doing keeper stuff, ominis is concerned.
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Stumbling through the common room doors, you cling to the wall like a lifeline. The winding of the stairs makes you feel even worse. As you near the bottom of the stairs, you strain your ears trying to figure out if anyone was still awake. Silence. You relax a bit as you continue to limp down the stairs. 
You should've known better. 
As soon as you make it all the way down, that ever-concerned voice speaks up, "And where in Merlin's name have you been?" 
“Bloody hell Ominis, how many times do I have to ask you to stop doing that?!” You clutch your heart. He turns his head in your direction, deadpan look on his face. “I wouldn’t have to if you’d stop coming back so late every bloody day.” 
You grumble, “You know I have keeper stuff to do.” Ominis can’t stop the sigh from escaping. “Yes, I’m aware of that, but do you have to keep doing it in the middle of the night?” 
Unbeknownst to him, you’re swaying on your feet, “Can we not do this right now, please, I just want to go to bed.” You don't wait for a response. Knowing full well he’d pop a vein if he knew of your current condition, you try to make as little noise as possible as you move in the direction of your room. 
Ominis scoffs and jumps up from where he was sitting on the chesterfield so fast, you’d think someone just slapped him. “No, we are doing this now!” He makes his way over to you in just a few strides, “You’re never around long enough during the day for us to have this conversation then! Do you have any id—” He freezes up at the sound of a loud thud.
Frantically waving his wand around, he finally finds you, on the floor. “Wha— Are you okay?” 
Any other day, in any other situation, you’d have laughed at how big his eyes have gotten since the start of your… conversation. Right now however, you were too preoccupied with keeping your pain hidden from him. You cough, “Yeah, I’m fine, I um… tripped! Over uh… Violet’s shoe..?” Mentally beating yourself up over how bad of an excuse that was.
“Right…” He holds his left hand out for you to grab, “Come on then.” 
Too preoccupied with keeping your labored breaths down, you don't notice his hand until he hisses your name. “Oh. Sorry,” you gingerly grab his hand. 
Now, Ominis wouldn’t describe himself as strong, he can’t exactly participate in sports given his lack of sight. But the blood-curdling scream you let out as he pulled you up, would make anyone think he just ripped your body apart.
Feeling your weight drop back down, he quickly wraps his arms around you to catch you. “What’s wrong?! Did I hurt you? Wait— Did someone hurt you out there?!” Eyes darting around, as if trying to find the damage.
Still trying to catch your breath, you can only groan in response. He strokes your hair as he carefully walks you back towards the couch. Repeating apologies like a prayer. He pulls you onto his lap, not sure whether he should be careful and hold you like a porcelain doll, or to pull you closer and hold on for dear life. When he feels you lean into him, he settles on the latter. 
"I'm sorry," by now he's realized that the iron smell of blood he got a waft of earlier wasn't the blood of your enemies, it was yours. "I'm so, so sorry."
Finally able to breathe easier now, you wrap your arms around his torso. "It's not your fault. Please don't beat yourself up about it."
"Why didn't you tell me?" He frowns, tears brimming his eyes. "And why didn't you take a wiggenweld potion?"
You sigh, "Well, I knew you'd be upset with me and... I ran out at some point." Looking down in shame.
"You're damn right I'd be upset," he huffs, "But I'd at least wait until after you're okay to lecture you." Realizing how silly you’d been acting, you mumble an apology into his neck.
"What? I didn't quite catch that." He fails to fight the smirk threatening to break out. You roll your eyes, but give in anyway, "I said, you're right and I'm sorry."
"Hmm no, still didn't catch that."
Exasperated now, you huff, "You're right and I'm wrong.” Finally satisfied, he allows the smile on his face to grow even more. "Now will you help patch me up?"
He winces, "Not sure how you could forget darling, but I'm horrible at potions, I don't have any wiggenweld potions for you." You groan, "Ugh right. Then can you just hold me until you can get Sebastian to get some for me?" 
“Of course,” Shifting your bodies so you’re both laying down on the couch, you on top of his chest, he summons the blanket resting on the other couch to drape over you. "Now, get some rest."
As you settle into the warmth of his body, you drift off to sleep. The last thing you feel is his lips on your forehead.
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messysketchyobeyme · 1 year
From Past to Present
Satan/Gender-Neutral Reader
Being sent to the past was a harrowing journey. Although you were now back in the present, the trauma alone should have been enough to turn someone into a sobbing mess.
Funnily enough, that 'someone' wasn't you.
Word Count: 1181
You laid down in your bed–your actual bed, not the stiff, desolate one in Coytus Hall–and tried to drift off into a much-needed sleep. Just as your daydreams were starting to blur into actual dreams, something jolted you awake. You blinked groggily and patted the figure lying on top of you.
"Satan," you whispered in the dark, "you're trembling again." 
You had assumed that you were speaking to deaf ears until Satan spoke in a quiet mumble, "I can't help it." He steadied himself, but his hands were still a little shaky. He gripped the bedsheet, almost clawing through it. "I just keep thinking about…"
You held him close to your chest.
"...about how you disappeared," he finished. "You were just gone." He turned his head so you couldn't see his face anymore. 
"I'm sorry," you whispered and ran your fingers through his hair. "But I'm here now, and I'm safe. You don't have to worry anymore."
He made a sound that sounded vaguely like a scoff and a bitter laugh. It made your chest ache in a truly vile way. "Worry," he repeated. You had to strain to hear his voice among the quiet ticking of the clock on the far side of the wall. "Don't you know that I'm always worried about you?"
"You don't need to be. I'm more than capable of handling these types of things."
"I know that, but I can't help it." After a long, silent pause, he said, "You went to the past, right?" Satan closed his eyes and only now leaned into your touch. He was still as tense as he was before. You smoothed out the crinkle in his eyebrows with your thumb. Satan didn't budge.
You nodded before realizing he wasn't looking at you. "Yeah," you said, "Didn't Solomon tell you this?" 
Satan opened his eyes in a flutter. You tried not to get distracted by how pretty his eyelashes were. "He did, but I just can't wrap my head around it. I mean, I can't believe you met us when we were–" He swallowed thickly. "When I was–" Satan made another indescribable noise before whispering, "You must have been terrified." 
"I really wasn't, Satan. I was fine."
"No, you weren't," he said with such authority that you instantly quieted down, "I know what I was like back then. I don't even want to think about all the awful things I must have said and done to you."
You sat up, forcing Satan to get off of you. He sat in front of you, the blanket hanging loosely from his shoulders. Any sudden movement, and it would have slid off him and onto the dusty floor. Huh. You hadn’t realized how bad things had gotten since you left. 
You were still staring at the floor. "You didn't do anything." 
"Yes, I did." His voice cracked. "I know I did."
You sighed. "Come on…" Satan grabbed your hands. The movement was so sudden that you jumped. He froze, wide-eyed, before retracting his hands and coiling in on himself. "No, no, don't be like that." You reached out toward him, but Satan wrapped the blanket tighter around himself.
"Look, everything happened so long ago for me that I can hardly remember." Now his voice was shaking, too. "I know that Lord Diavolo had appointed someone to look after us when we were first acclimating ourselves with the Devildom and that something happened to them, but I can't recall their name, their voice, their appearance…" He trailed off to spare a quick glance in your direction. "But I can recall how much I acted like a monster. How violent I was. How disgusting, and–and unstable, and–"
"And scared," you offered, "You were just a scared demon who was born only a year ago out of the hate and misery of a world you barely even knew." You didn't dare to touch him, not yet at least, but you rubbed your fingers against the hem of the blanket closest to his knee. "You fought so hard to carve an identity for yourself that you constantly alienated yourself from your loved ones."
Satan sat hunched over. He was heaving, but his line of sight remained glued to your face. He was giving you a strange look. You couldn't tell whether it was an expression of pain, fear, or something else entirely.
You continued, "You weren't a monster, Satan. Far from it. You just wanted to be loved." 
Before the idea of reacting could cross your mind, Satan dove straight into your arms. Desperation overtook him as his hands climbed up your back before settling underneath your shoulder blades. He buried his face in your chest and squeezed you so hard, so longingly that you let out a sharp gasp. The blanket fell onto the floor, dragging your breath along with it.
After a second of your arms hanging awkwardly in the air, the gears nestled deep within your brain finally began to churn. You hugged him back. He had curled up into a ball at this point, so it was more like you were scooping him up. You nuzzled his hair and inadvertently breathed in the scent of his shampoo. Coconut. That wasn't what you were expecting. 
Satan's chest jerkily rose up and down. He clung onto your shirt as though he was afraid you were going to disappear. Though, considering what had been happening these past few weeks, you supposed that he truly was afraid you'd be sent to the past all over again. The wet spot on your shirt clung to your skin, sending an awful wave of heaviness over you.
"I don't–I didn't–" he hiccuped, "I didn't want you to see me like that."
As tenderly as you could, you kissed his forehead. It made Satan stop shuddering if only for a moment. "I'm really glad I got to see that side of you," you admitted, taking the time to brush the stray wisps of his hair away from his face, which was still buried into your shirt, "because I want to see all parts of you, even the ones that are less than perfect. I love you, Satan, and nothing you can do–past, present, or future–will make me stop." 
Slowly, his quiet sobs ebbed away. You rubbed circles into Satan's back, silently noting how he hummed in what you hoped was contentment. He still clung to your frame, making no effort to move. His muscles relaxed into you as he sighed. 
"Isn't it pathetic?" he muttered, "You were the one actually dealing with me in the past, yet here I am, crying at the mere thought."
"It's not pathetic," you said. 
Satan didn't immediately respond. After a long moment or two, he choked out your name. It was quiet but strained like he was trying to speak underwater in small gasps. You squeezed his shoulder, silently telling him to take his time. 
"Is it okay if we stay like this? Just for a little longer?"
You tightened your grip around him. "Of course, Satan. Of course." 
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sunnflowyyr · 2 years
Heya beautiful sunshine! How's going? Eating and drinking enough water? Really hope so!
I was thinking about this for a long time so,i'm gonna just drop it here for you :)
2012 or Rise Leo and reader (female or neutral, your choise) who's just can't see the obvious hints that he gives to her about he's feelings aways thinking that is a joke and one day, Leo just had enough and kiss her deeply looking into her eyes before the kiss and confess (probably again lol).
(Sorry if my english sounds weird, i still learning 😅)
me, beautiful sunshine?! NO YOU !! *dramatically places down reverse Uno card*
but, you have requested one of my favorite tropes, the "Partner A relentlessly flirting and Partner B just not getting it."
i also did this with rise!leo so i hope you don't mind! i color-coded the dialogue too so you could get a sense on who's talking (also bc my brain likes the color). i hope you like this one!
put a break below because i got a little carried away ... sorry. :-)
Take The Hint. || Rise!Leo x GN!Reader
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"(Name), you're absolutely beautiful today. ~"
"Aw, you really think so? Thanks, Leo; you're beautiful too."
Then you walk away with an oblivious smile, leaving a stunned Leo frozen in place. His brothers try to hide their smirks as April shakes her head with her shoulders trembling from quiet giggles. While it was amusing to see the turtle's advances backfire, it was also torture that made them flinch from the second-hand embarrassment.
Leo watches you sit, your eyes glued to your phone as you scroll mindlessly through social media. His confidence rolls off of his shell, shoulders slack with defeat as he racks his brain for answers. It feels like he's tried every solution in the "Top 100 Ways to Hint to Your Crush You Like Them" article he found on the internet; Going out of his way to do things for you, hanging out with you, and pick up lines so obvious it makes him want to pull hair out when you don't understand him; and he doesn't even have hair!
"I told you (Name) wouldn't get it; Now, pay up." Donnie smirks, holding his plate out with a raised brow. "Fine." Raph grumbles and reluctantly sacrifices his slice of pizza to the purple-clad turtle. Leo's head snaps over, jaw dropped as he gawks at the scene he's witnessed. "You guys placed a bet about it?!" He screeches, ready to strangle them from embarrassment before Mikey stands next to him and places a reassuring hand on his shoulder. He turns to look at his brother, though he doesn't like that scheming look in his eye as he smiles. "Don't worry, bro; This is a job for Dr. Delicate Touch," He struts forward before Leo yanks him back. "Mikey, no!"
April then settles the two, looking at Leo with a reassuring look as she looks at you, absolutely not aware to the chaos around you. "Listen, why don't I take them home tonight and you plan a really romantic evening tomorrow so you can just help them get a clue and confess to them?"
A great idea, finally. Why hadn't he thought of it sooner? He wasn't sure, but after you left, he sat in solitude and thought about some of the most romantic places in New York City, your favorite food and hobbies, your laugh, and ... he had gotten distracted by his nerves and just thinking about you, because he couldn't get you off of his mind. As he stares at the ceiling at 2 AM that night, he convinces himself that you had to be unaware of his advances; right? Maybe you guys were so friendly before he started flirting more that you didn't realize that he was genuinely trying and wanting to be with you ... yeah, that has to be it.
Otherwise, he'll feel like the sorest loser in the entire world.
He feels like backing out, but after getting a stern look from April, he decides to stomach his nerves for now and play it cool; as he always does, of course. He takes you out for the night, doing some of your favorite things before taking you to the rooftop of a really tall building, the artificial city lights clashing with the natural brightness of the moon and stars lighting the dark sky. The both of you talk and eat some of your favorite food, just enjoying the other's company with the faint city noise filling in for some moments of silence.
He feels his heart pound against his plastron and his guts twist in his stomach as he watches you, the longing of being with you filling him with a sickening dread; if he's rejected, he might just melt and spill away from you. Though he's excited at the relief of you finally understanding his advances and reciprocating his feelings, and how lucky he'll be to have you as his partner. He relaxes with a deep breath before turning his body to face yours.
You turn your head at his call, pausing the moment you look over to read his expression. His demeanor appears cool, though his small smile and that look his eye was much more serious compared to his playful attitude. It makes your heart flutter a bit, and you're thankful the lack of light in this area could hide your flustered expression. "What's up, Leo?" You reply, turning to face him but a bit surprised when he reaches out to hold your hand in his, scooting closer to you. "You mean a lot to me, you know that? You've not only shown kindness to me, but my family, and that is more than I could ever ask for from anyone in the world. I want you to be in my life forever, (Name); I love you."
It was all from his vulnerable little heart; a piece that he hides behind playful one-liners and nonchalant behavior, and that much you could see. Leo knows that too and feels like he can't breathe as he holds his breath so he can hear your answer. What he doesn't expect after his heart-felt confession is that oblivious look in your eye and your small smile as you laugh a bit.
"Very funny, Leo. Did your brothers put you up to this?"
When he realized you didn't know, he felt his face drain of color. His stunned expression confuses you, as you assumed he'd grin and nod as his brothers would reveal themselves with laughter. He groans, smacking his face hard before peeking at you from behind his fingers; he tried to convince himself you were just messing with him, but that adorable, confused puppy-face you gave him said everything.
So he reaches forward, grabs your face, and gently pulls you inches away from his own.
"(Name), seriously?! Do you have any idea how long I've been trying to confess, huh?! I looked up how to drop obvious hints; way too obvious hints, for you, and you STILL DON'T REALIZE?!"
He can feel your heated cheeks against his fingers and see the surprise in your wide eyes, but you shake your head in his grip as you interrupt him.
"Look, you can drop the bit now; It's funny!"
You gasp when he closes the distance between you, his lips crashing against yours and silencing you. Leo doesn't force you to stay, his grip loosens to encourage you to pull away if you're uncomfortable, but he's surprised when you stay frozen in place. He pulls away seconds later to look at you, a bit amused with himself at causing such a funny expression to sit across your features. "I'm not repeating myself all over again, but if it makes you get a clue, I will. I LOVE YOU, (Full Name). I want you to be my partner ... So will you be mine?"
Your hand falls to your lips, surprised at how he stole that kiss from you. The realization hit you like a train, and you felt the embarrassment make your face burn as you recall the hints he was talking about. It also washes a relief over you, because you had developed the quietest crush on him and assumed he'd never return the feeling; so, you had settled for daydreaming and having a friendship, but knowing he liked you too was a warm feeling that spread from your heart to your body.
When you nod and say yes, Leo flashes a playful grin as he leans forward to kiss your warm cheek.
"It's about time you took the hint, (Name)."
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yagirlwrites · 2 years
(Not) My Baby (3)
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Pairing: college! Rafe Cameron x Reader
Synopsys: Rafe struggles to explain himself and Y/N struggles to deal with the situation he put her in. Her best friend is there to comfort her in the aftermath.
Warnings: Angst
A/N: Hi y'all! I'm so sorry this took so damn long to update! I hope it's enjoyable enough and people still care about this little story! I do intend to write this series out completely, I have not given up on it! But life be a bitch and I be busy, unfortunately. I hope y'all like this part and as always let me know what you think!
Series Masterlist
My work is my own; it's not to be copied, transferred or translated (but reblogs are welcome).
Happy reading! 🥰
(Not) My Baby (Part 3)
Stella walked through the door after a long afternoon of classes, ready to plop down on the couch and chill hard. Walking into the livingroom she greeted out a cheery "Honey, I'm home!" followed by a chuckle. She expected to be welcomed with an eyeroll from /Y/N or a silly comment from Lena but she was met with silence.
Y/N was sitting on the couch - a melted pint of Ben & Jerry's on the table, seemingly untouched - staring at the TV screen with a far away look in her eye. She hadn't even noticed Stella's arrival.
"Peach?" Stella's voice was quiet, catious, unsure of what was going on. Her worry only grew once she realized Y/N still wasn't acknowledging her. She approached her gently, laying an uncertain hand on her shoulder and calling her name again.
Y/N snapped out of her thoughts with a start, confused and disoriented for a few seconds untill she realized who was touching her and where she was. The darkness was slowly setting in outside, accompanied by the twinkling of lights. She had no idea how long she had been sitting there, staring at nothing.
"Are you okay, Peach?" She finally met Stella's eye and shook off her haze.
"Yeah. I'm fine, Pumpkin" she replied with a small smile.
Their nicknames for each other had been a staple of their friendship since freshman year. That first semester, the dorm they had shared had been a mess. The mysterious stench that could never be placed constantly plaguing them. They were forced to light scented candles to neutralize it. Y/N's favourite was the Peach scented one her mother made for her before she left for college. Stella's choice was always Pumpkin Spice, no matter what the season was. One day the nicknames came up and they hadn't left them since. The memory always made her smile.
"You don't seem okay." Her friend wore a concerned look and she sighed. She didn't even know how to begin to explain to her what was wrong. Physically she had been on that couch for hours, but her mind was still at the sandwich bar... with him.
"Something weird happened today..." She started talking, hoping that if she managed to explain it to Stella she might start to make sense of it herself.
"Are you gonna say something?" His voice broke her staredown with the glass of water on the table in front of her. She hadn't moved a muscle for several minutes, trying and failing to process his words.
His family thought they were a couple. And it was because of him. He told a boldfaced lie and implicated her in it. How the hell does she react to that?
"Why?" Her voice startled him when she finaly spoke. He was freaking out big time. How the hell could he explain it without sounding like a dick? He couldn't. If she didn't before, she will definitely hate him now.
"I -" he trailed off, not being able to meet her eye. The words weren't coming no matter how hard he willed them to. Just say something, idiot!
Her focus was on him again and he didn't know if that freaked him out more or less than her disasociation from earlier. She was staring. Waiting. He wasn't even sure she was blinking. He tried wiping his sweaty hands on his pants, but it didn't help.
"My family..." he looked up at her, making sure she was still listening and not getting ready to run.
"My family is complicated. I've been dodging the talk about girlfriends and relationships for as long as I could... But then they started pestering me about this wedding and my stepmom was talking about these different girls" he scoffed "options, she called them. Options for dates for the wedding. And I tried, I really tried to get them to drop it but then my dad got angry because I wasn't taking things seriously and he started going on about how immature I am that I can't even have a single relationship work and how embarrasing it is having to set me up with these dates and I just -"
He had been speaking so fast she was struggling to keep up, the story spilling from his lips as if he had been holding it in for ages. She supposed he had. The way he made his family sound was making her skin crawl.
"I just cracked." His eyes were glossy, and if she didn't know any better she'd think he was on the verge of tears.
"I told them I have a girlfriend." He took a big gulp of his sweet tea, trying to calm his skipping heart. He felt ill, like he was going to pass out from telling her all of this. But she gave him no choice.
"Okay..." she broke the silence when it became clear he wasn't going to continue. He still hadn't explained why she was involved and that's exacly what she told him. He was playing with his hands on the table again, cheeks flushed and beads of sweat forming on his brow. He looked rough.
"Once I said it, I couldn't take it back. But then they started demanding to know 'who she was' and 'why I hadn't told them' and 'how long we've been together' and they kept-" he closed his eyes then.
"They kept asking : 'Whats her name? Who is it?' over and over and I just... your name slipped out."
"He what?!" Stella had been listening to the story with bathed breath untill that moment. Y/N sighed and repeated herself.
"He told them we're together..." Her hands met her face as she exhaled. This was not helping at all. She supposed it was wishful thinking that it might.
"What the fuck?" Stella took a large sip from her wine glass - having at some point during the recounting of Y/N's day decided she needed to pour them both a drink.
"Exactly." Y/N leaned her head back over the couch and closed her eyes, trying and failing to push away the oncoming headache. She could feel the pulsing in her ears. This was a mess. She had no clue what to do about it. So she took another sip of the Pinot.
"So what did you say?" Stella was holding onto the wine glass with an iron grip, the situation making every nerve in her body buzz with anticipation and trepidation. Completely bewildered but secretly loving the drama.
She had always thought the two had a weird relationship. Even though her friend would kill her if she knew she thought of the word 'relationship' pertaining to them in the first place. She knew he had left a mark on the girl, having witnessed the way they acted around each other. He pushed all her buttons and Y/N never hesitated to throw back what she got. But Stella never knew the full extent of it and she wondered if this was a blessing or a curse.
On the one hand, there was always an insane ammount of sexual tension between Y/N and Rafe. Everyone thought so but no one dared say it, not willing to risk life and limb from the pair. Maybe this could be what tips over the glass and they finally resolve whatever is going on between them. Or, more likely, it would end in blood and tears. It was one of the two, Stella was sure of it.
"I don't know..." Y/N trailed off, looking awkward as hell.
"You don't know what you said?" Stella was looking at her with disbelief. What did that even mean?
"I just... I freaked out. Okay?" Y/N's voice held a note of panic and embarrassment and Stella could not help herself, leaning over, now on the edge of her seat.
"Freaked out how?"
"What do you mean 'my name slipped out'?" Her voice was incredulous. He'd put her in a terrible position without a second thought. It made her cheeks flush with anger again.
"It just slipped out, okay? I didn't plan it. It just happened!" He was tripping over his words with how fast he was talking. It felt like everything was falling appart and he had no idea how to fix it. If he even could anymore.
Y/N was shaking her head, eyes wide as the realisation of exactly what he had done finally sunk in. And then she lost the plot a little bit, she'll admit.
"I'm sorry. Okay? I never meant for it to happen. But then once it was out there I couldn't take it back. I couldn't tell them I lied! My dad would never let me live it down, he'd never let me forget..." He trailed off from his rambling then.
As he had been speaking, Y/N had reached over and grabbed the sandwich off his plate and was currently munching down on it, looking like a deer caught in headlights.
"Did you just... take my sandwich?" He didn't even mean to speek, the bizzarity of the situation just making his words slip out. She looked at him then and there was a spark of anger in her eyes that made him gulp.
"Yeah... yeah! I did take your sandwich." She took another bite, maintaining eye contact. She knew it was childish but she'd be damned if she apologized now.
"I eat when I'm stressed. This is making me very stressed." She spoke as she grabbed his tea and then proceeded to down half of it. He was completely bewildered at what was happening.
"That's..." he trailed off, trying to move on from this weird moment, while she chewed on his lunch.
"Look it - it doesn't matter. If you could just see it from my perspective you'd understand-"
"Understand what?" She interrupted, voice eerily cold. "Understand that after being a dick to me for years, you decided to involve me in your family drama that has nothing to do with me? To lie about us being a couple? Not only that but you expect me to help you keep up the lie!? Go to a wedding? Are you actually insane?"
She was getting angrier by the second. How dare he? After everything, after how he treated her... to go and pull something like this? It was unbelievable. Selfish. Egoistic. So very him, after all. She scoffed at the realisation.
"You know what?" He was looking at her with big pleading eyes as she stood from her seat.
"I don't need this." She grabbed her stuff and made to leave.
"Please, Y/N!" His hand wrapped around her wrist again and she saw red.
"Take your fucking hand off me." He raised his hands up in surrender, fear in his eyes. He had really fucked this up big time. He didn't even know why he thought this would go any differently.
"Please..." His pleading voice and those big eyes made a funny feeling she couldn't decipher blossom in her stomach. She was frozen in place.
"Please, just think about it? Please?" Her face softened some at his pathetic state. Why was this act pulling on her heartstrings?
"I - I need you." He was fighting so hard not to touch her, to pull her to him and beg her. He was so close to getting down on his knees when she spoke.
"Fine. I'll think about it." Her words were quiet and for a moment he thought he imagined them, but the sincere look in her eyes made him realize it was true. He didn't expect that.
She didn't expect that. She couldn't believe she folded like that. As soon as he brought out the sad eyes she was acting like a fucking idiot. She wanted to slap herself but instead she settled for turning and walking away from him. Angry. Sad. More confused than she'd ever been in her life.
Stella was sitting there, mouth agape. Y/N finally stopped avoiding her eyes and looked at her friend. She wanted to disappear. For the ground to swallow her up. She felt so drained and lost and now, once again, embarrassed.
"You stole his sandwich?" Stella was visibly holding back a laugh and Y/N couldn't stop the eye roll. Of course she would focus on that.
"Piss off." She got up to put her glass in the sink, trying to settle her heart from reliving the day. Stella followed, completely unphased by the girl snapping at her.
"Okay, so what are you gonna do?" Y/N took a deep breath and looked at her friend. Stella finally realized how tired Y/N looked and that it was probably taking a lot more out of her than she had picked up on. She got lost in the drama of it all but her friend was really stressed.
"You know what? We can worry about that tomorrow. Okay?" Y/N let out a breath of relief, even if it was a small one.
"What do you say we get into your bed and put on netflix, like we used to?" Y/N gave a small smile and a nod at that and Stella wrapped her arm around her, leading them towards her room. "I'll heat up the leftovers from last night and we can cozy up, yeah?"
Y/N agreed. Even thought she had planned to make a nice dinner tonight she knew she had no energy. Yet another thing Rafe had ruined today. Left over cheesy pasta would have to take on the difficult job of trying to soothe her. She knew it wouldn't succeed though. It couldn't possibly. She was fucked on so many levels and she had no idea how to move forward.
But for tonight, it didn't matter. Simon Bassett and his dreamy forearms were the only thing she needed to focus on tonight. That and the feel of her friend holding her in a comforting embrace, making her smile. She was glad to have Stella by her side, no matter what. And before she drifted into dream land, she realised that as long as she had her friends she would be just fine. She always was. Rafe couldn't ruin that.
Taglist: if anyone wants to be tagged in future work let me know; @r0und3bitch @tee-swizzle @wishing-i-was-rafes-princess @goldenjo @kanib45 @clinelyn @magnificantmermaid @mannstarkey @harringtonstudios @totallynotkaibiased @popcrone818 @fangirlwithlou @rafesxgold @cmac-writes @malfoytargaryen @alinaharlow @buggy-d-chopper @withbeautyandrage @sierrahhh @harrys-humble-housewife
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Jamil, Idia: Desires so Deep
Ignore me getting a late start on this new birthday series 💀 (Got busy with irl stuff!!)
Oddly enough, the vignettes don’t mention Jamil’s birthday at all; they’re at the National Art Museum in the Land of Dawning to celebrate its 100th anniversary. It seems this new series (Platinum Jacket) will have vignettes with more focus on how the boys relate to and what they think about important historical figures in Twisted Wonderland!
… Also, the fact that the book 7 part 5 update came out a few days before Jamil’s birthday… and then his vignettes go and show a Maleficent painting in them… Yeah 😭 but what’s even funnier to me is that Idia calls Jamil a chuunibyou WHich iS SO ACCURATE, THANK YoU fOR CALLinG HIS ASS OuT, KING 🙏 What is Jamil doing in that sussy Groovy if not being a chunni…
A Tale as Old as Time.
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Contained within a shining platinum frame was an illustration of a starry scene. A man in a fine white turban crowned by a single violet plume. A woman, perched on a balcony, in a refreshing blue-green, a jasmine flower set into her long, dark braid.
They stared longingly into each other’s eyes, conveying an emotion not spoken aloud. No words were needed for what they had: a love so tender it made the night weep. The stars into glittering tears sliding down the face of darkness.
Standing before the painting of the happy couple, Jamil folded his arms and frowned.
… Can feelings truly defy social status?
"A street rat marrying a princess… Hah."
His fingers curled to fists, digging into the pristine white fabric of his suit. Jamil's expression remained neutral, no hint of the bitterness brewing within. He was a master of leashing it.
What nonsense. I doubt their happiness lasted long. The difference in their standing is far too vast to be bridged.
Jamil lowered his gaze and looked away.
Adjacent to the loving pair was a spindly man with a curled goatee. His crimson and black headdress resembled the flared hood of a desert viper—a look iconic to the Sorcerer of the Sands. He gleefully clasped a golden oil lamp in his long, bony fingers. A remarkable achievement, an item he had been searching his entire life for.
Now, here was a great man. Someone who had slaved away and earned his reputation, climbed in social ranks on merit alone. The Sorcerer of the Sands would die a highly accomplished man, advisor to a sultan, renown scholar mage, and seeker of truth.
The very symbol of Scarabia’s spirit of deliberation.
The voice was soft and nervous, like that of a specter not yet parted from this world. A faint blue glow fell upon the Sorcerer of the Sands.
Jamil turned, releasing a sigh when he realized who had appeared beside him. "... Oh. It's you, Idia-senpai."
"Eeep!" His upperclassman jumped at the mention of his name. He clung to the doorway, and anxiety evident on his pale face.
"Well? Don't let my presence deter you from appreciating the artwork."
"N-No, that's okay!! It was getting to be too crowded in the main hall, so I wanted to dip and take a breather somewhere quiet to let my stamina recharge... b-but that's completely pointless if other people are still around!"
"You won't even notice me. I not a snake—I don't bite," Jamil insisted flatly. Not unless I want to. "You look suspicious lurking in the doorframe. You may as well come in."
Left with no other choice, Idia awkwardly shuffled into the exhibit.
He positioned himself a good distance away from Jamil, not saying so much as a word as he stared at an ornate figure of a broad-bodied ape. Its lips were twisted into a grotesquely wide smile.
Nestled in the monkey’s palms was a massive red jewel, glistening even in the scarce light. Idia's own terrified reflection bounced back at him in the gem’s many facets.
"Can't believe I got dragged out for this," the third year grumbled under his breath. "I-I wanted to go to that pop-up Sled Over Heels collab cafe with the walk-in museum... Instead I have to be here and gawk at the same pictures I've seen over and over again in magic history textbooks... Aaah, it totally doesn't compare at all to cute anime girls pouring all their passion into the artful sport of sledding!"
Some small, fragmented part of Jamil grimaced at the disrespect, try as he might to close off his ears, to not engage. No good ever comes of provoking a stubborn mule, he chided himself.
But the devil on his left shoulder pounced.
"Idia-senpai," Jamil spoke carefully, a slight edge to his voice. It made the hairs on the back of Idia's neck stand at attention. "Are you not a fan of this style of artwork? Or is it the subject matter you find distasteful?"
His upperclassmen startled. Horrified as the realization that Jamil had heard his every complaint, the tips of his flaming hair colored pink.
"W-Well... I'm not exactly a buff for this kind of thing," Idia stuttered. "It's ancient history. Been there, don’t that. Th-There's really no point in being on that grind cycle if it all just amounts to the same ending anyway. That's basically all history is, anyway."
Jamil bristled—though he took care to not let it show. "I beg to differ. The story of the Sorcerer of the Sands defies such paltry notions. He struggled much in his life, even served under a carefree, incompetent sultan that barely listened to a work he said.”
I know what that’s like.
A smile he thoroughly detested flashed in his mind. So big and pearly and irritating as he offered him his hand.
“Let’s start over. We can be rivals… but we can be friends too.”
But that boy was a fool.
Feelings can’t trump social status. Not then, not now. Not ever.
“And yet it was thanks to his contributions that he is remembered today as one of the greatest men to have ever lived. The Sorcerer of the Sands was able to break free and live as he desired. He acquired the Genie of the Lamp and phenomenal cosmic power. He decided his own destiny.”
"Uweh, sounds like he's your kami-oshi, Jamil-shi... I guess it makes sense though, since you and the Sorcerer of the Sands are the same character archetype and everything. Chunnibyous gotta stick together and all…”
"… What is that supposed to mean?" Jamil planted his hands on his hips. He didn’t understand all of Idia’s slang, but he also wasn’t sure if he wanted to.
Idia's eyes—wide and anxious—cut away from him. “I-It’s nothing important…”
“Then why are you hiding it?”
“B-Because you’re definitely the type who would hold a grudge if anyone pisses you off!!”
“How rude. I’m offended that you think so lowly of me.” Jamil allowed himself a little smirk. “I’ll have you know that I won’t stop there. In fact, I’ll enact a vengeance plot so excruciatingly humiliating that you won’t ever be able to face the light of day comfortably again.”
“S-See?! That’s what I meant!! Y-You’re a certified chuunibyou!!”
“Whatever that means, I assure you that I’m not. Is it so wrong to look back on history and to appreciate how far we’ve come since?”
Jamil found himself returning to the painting of the Sorcerer with the lamp. He was almost drawn to it, lulled into a hypnotic trance. An item that could make all of his hopes come true…
“Let me ask you this: if you could have any wish granted, what would that wish be?”
“E-Eh?! Any wish…” Idia fiddled with the glittering buttons on his suit. He nibbled on his lower lip, a darkness having swept up what little color there was left to him. “I-I can’t say it, but… more than anything, there’s someone I want to say goodbye to.”
“I see. A fond farewell.”
Letting go.
Jamil’s chest tightened.
In a distant memory, flowers of fire lit up the night. He had been dancing then, hair and fabric flying as he spun and spun and spun. When had he last felt so free? His wings unbound, the sky as his limits.
“As for myself, what I wish for most of all is…”
He glanced back at the painting of the two lovers. Star-crossed, against a star-streaked sky. Adventure calling, liberation beckoning.
A look most malicious graced his careful controlled features. Lips in a lopsided smirk, eyes like daggers, glinting sinisterly in the dark. Concealed weapons rising to the surface.
“… to be well-connected with people who may prove useful in attaining my dreams. Yes, that’s it. Useful.”
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6rookie-writer0110 · 2 years
The secret is out
Kate Bishop x Reader (Gender-Neutral)
Request - Kate Bishop x neutral reader! Pyrokenie. Reader is Daisy Johnson's little sister / brother and an Inhuman who can control fire and is part of Team Coulson. The Avengers call on SHIELD to help them on a mission where the reader is secretly dating Kate without Team Coulson and the Avengers knowing. Team Coulson is really protective of the reader, especially Daisy and the Avengers towards Kate as they are the youngest on the team, they met on a mission they both did, they are fell in love with each other. on the other and from there they started to come out. When they meet the Avengers. Kate and Reader flirt all the time and that's when the others find out they are dating.
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Kate just finished walking Lucky, and now she is home. She called you to face time and you answered, you and Kate start to smile at each other.
“What happened to your face?” Kate asked.
You have some cuts on your face on your bottom lip and cheek.
“We had to fight against Magneto and it wasn't easy to fight him,” You said.
“I don't know who he is,” Kate said.
“He controls metal and he is hard to fight against,” You said.
“Babe, I miss you and Lucky misses you,” Kate said.
“I miss you too and Lucky. Are you still feeding him pizza? I don't think dogs should eat that much pizza” You said.
“Y/n, you do know that he loves pizza,” Kate said.
She points the camera at Lucky and he starts to bark. You are in the living room when your older sister Daisy walked in, you quickly hide your phone.
“Why did you just hide your phone?” Daisy asked.
“I don't know what you are talking about,” You said.
“Y/n, I saw you put your phone away. That just means that you are hiding something” Daisy said.
Now Daisy tries to get your phone, but you won't let her get it. You and Daisy struggle for the phone, you used your powers to make your hands hot but not too hot so you won't hurt her. She lets go and you ended the call.
“What the hell!? Wow, that's low, Y/n” Daisy said.
“Don’t touch my phone” You said.
Your ability to control fire and sometimes you use it on people when they touch your stuff. Daisy smacked your arm.
“Don’t touch my phone” Daisy mocked you.
“What do you want?” You asked.
“Relax, Y/n I just came over to see how are you doing,” Daisy said.
“I’m fine. Still feeling sore but glad we don't have to fight him again” You said.
“Yeah. Let's do something, I really don't feel like training” Daisy said.
“Long as you are buying something to eat then I'm in,” You said.
“Last time, I bought dinner now it's your turn,” Daisy said.
“Not true,” You said.
You and Daisy go back and forth talking about who bought food last time.
There is a team meeting, you are standing next to Melinda and Daisy. Phil is talking about what is going on.
“We have a big problem. Dr. Doom, Magneto and Dr. Mind bubble are working together. And the avengers need our help to stop them” Phil said.
“He can't be serious with that name, Dr. Mind bubble,” Daisy said.
“Don’t be fooled by his name, he is smart and he can control your mind” Nick said.
“Nick Fury?” You said
“He is Nick Fury. Nick and the avengers will work with us until they are put away. The team is here and Lincoln try to get along with them” Phil said.
The Avengers walked in but you are feeling nervous. Because Kate is with them and you don't know what to do. Everyone is introducing themselves to your team. Kate is feeling nervous to meet everyone and she doesn't know how to act around you and them. Kate starts to shake your hand and she starts to ramble...
“Hi, it's nice meeting you. I-I just met you for the first time, I don't know you and you don't know me. I'm Kate Bishop. I know we just met...”
Daisy and Lincoln are looking at Kate strangely. Kate is still shaking your hand and still rambling on... But you don't know what to do.
“Kate, they get it,” Natasha said.
Kate lets go of your hand and try to shake Daisy’s hand.
“Saying hi is good enough, we don't have to shake hands,” Daisy said.
“Yeah,” Kate said and nods.
Nick and Fury start to talk about the plan. Tony tries to be the leader but then Lincoln argued with Tony.
✬ ✯ ✫ ✬
You are alone and you texted Kate, to meet you away from the team. It's a hiding secret hiding place in the building.
“Did you text me to meet you in the closet?” Kate asked.
“Okay, it's closet but no one comes back ever. What was that, when you shook my hand” You said.
“I freaked out, Y/n. I didn't know what to say. They don't know, right?” Kate said.
“No, they don't know. We have to be careful” You said.
“I think this is fun, us sneaking around” Kate smiled.
“Yeah,” You said.
Kate put her arms around your shoulders and your hands go on her hips. She leans in and starts to kiss you and you start to smile.
Dr. Doom, Magneto, and Dr. Mind bubble are attacking the city. While fighting, Kate noticed how your sister is protective of you. You and Daisy would fight together against the enemies. Kate used her arrow to attack one of the bad guys.
“You are pretty good with the arrows,” Daisy said.
“Thanks. I like how you used your powers for the double attack earlier” Kate smiled.
Now Kate and Daisy are fighting together. You used your fire blasts to stop Dr. Doom’s attacks. Magneto used his powers to pick up the cars and it goes toward Daisy and Kate. You pushed your limits your body is on fire and people around you are moving away. You used your fire to destroy the cars, Kate and Daisy couldn't be close to you because of your flames.
“Y/n!” Daisy yelled.
You and Magneto start to fight. You were going to kill him but Kate used her arrows to distract him. Then Daisy tries to make you calm down.
“He was going to hurt you!” You yelled.
“Don't be like him and kill people” Daisy said.
Steve used his shield from preventing you from killing the bad guys. But you used your flames to melt his shield. Then Magneto used his powers to grab something sharp and it went through your stomach. You fall down and you are starting to bleed. Daisy and Kate runs towards you and you start to blackout.
You did wake up but you have to rest in the medical bed. Daisy and the others would come and visit you and bring you something to eat. Kate walked in and you are happy to see her
“You had me worried, Y/n,” Kate said.
She runs to you and hugged you then kissed you.
“The medicine is helping with the pain,” You said.
Kate kissed you again.
“I’m happy I didn't lose you,” Kate said.
“I have a scar on my stomach... So do you think I'm cool?” You smiled.
“Cool and cute” Kate smiled.
“You said cool” You said.
You and Kate laughed. Phil almost walked in and he saw Kate kiss you then he moved back and pretends to talk on the phone. Kate moved away and Phil puts his phone away.
“Y/n, how are you feeling today?” Phil asked.
“A little sore but the medicine is helping,” You said.
“We are all happy that you are feeling a little better,” Phil said.
You smiled at him.
You and Kate are in the kitchen, she starts to flirt with you. But Clint and Melinda heard you flirt with Kate. Clint and Melinda looked at each other and they saw Kate kiss you on the lips.
“They are dating?” Melinda whispered.
“ I guess they are” Clint whispered.
You leave the kitchen then Kate gets on her phone.
✬ ✯ ✫ ✬
Kate and Avengers are still helping you and the team fight crime. You like having her around but the relationship is still a secret. You and Kate are on the couch making out. Daisy and Lincoln walked in and they are in shock.
“Y/n!” Daisy yelled.
You moved away from Kate.
“Wait, you two are dating?” Lincoln asked.
“Why are you kissing her?” Daisy asked.
You and Kate looked at each other and you are feeling nervous.
“Yeah, we are dating. Kate... Kate is my girlfriend” You said.
“Since when?” Daisy asked.
“One year and two months,” Kate said.
“One year!? And you never told me about it!?” Daisy yelled.
“I was going to tell you but I didn't know how,” You said.
“Can't believe you never told me. I thought we were close but looks like I'm wrong” Daisy said.
Daisy starts to walk away.
“Daisy!” You yelled.
Daisy is ignoring you and Kate. Now, Daisy finds out the other knew
“Wait how did you know about their relationship?” Daisy asked.
“I caught them kissing,” Phil said.
“Meldina and I heard them flirting with each other,” Clint said.
“And I caught them holding hands,” Natasha said.
“And I saw them sneak into the room while holding hands,” Lincoln said.
“Wow, they suck at being sneaky. I'm mad that Y/n didn't tell me” Daisy said.
“You shouldn't be mad at Y/n and Kate. They are young and are still in the puppy phase where everything is new to them. I know they wanted to tell you but they needed to do it on their own time. I know, you hid secrets from us and Y/n like when you started to date Lincoln” Phil said.
“I guess I shouldn't be mad at them” Daisy sighed.
Two Days Later...
Daisy went to see you and Kate.
“I’m sorry, I didn't tell you,” You said.
“Y/n, I want you to be happy. I don't want us to hide secrets from each other or for you to feel that you can't tell me anything. If Kate makes you happy then I will support the relationship” Daisy said.
“Means a lot for you to say that” You smiled.
You hugged Daisy and Kate is happy.
“How did you two even meet?” Daisy asked.
“We met on a mission to stop King Pin. Since then we started to know each other and I asked Y/n on a date” Kate said.
“Wow, that's nice... I guess” Daisy said.
“You and Kate would get along” You smiled.
You and Kate started a YouTube channel. There are some videos of you and Kate fighting crime and Lucky helping. In another video, you take care of Lucky and fed him. In the third video, Kate shows off her archery skills and you cheer her on.
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kanerallels · 1 year
Okay here are my many, many thoughts on Jedi Survivor. I'll keep the spoilers beneath the cut, so all who venture forward have been warned!
The way the game started out was so fun!! The stealth heist! The crew members Cal was teaming up with! Being on CORUSCANT of all places!
I really, really love the gameplay over all. It felt like they took the last game and just improved these tiny little details that I remember from the first one. Tiny things that would seem stupid but also made the game play that much smoother!
Also I don't know who decided we should get Fast Travel but I would die for them
I'll probably make a separate post about this, but Cal introduced BD-1 to almost everyone he met-- ALMOST. Not Dagan, and not a couple other people that it was clear he didn't trust. And I for one LOVE that detail
Jedha was so fun other than the fact that I almost died every fifteen seconds
The Merrical was *chef's kiss* absolutely amazing. They are so April and Andy from Parks and Rec I love them
As a fan of the High Republic books, I thought the Nihil references, along with Dagan Gera and Santari Khri, were pretty neat! He was a fun villain to fight
I really really loved... pretty much all the Greez content? How happy he was to see Cal, and the fact that he had a room set aside for him, and the fact that he ventured back out into the fight just to keep Cal safe. I was mostly neutral on him during JFO, but Battle Scars made me really, really love him, and this game definitely built on that! Also I love that he named his saloon after his grandma (I think?)
Rayvis was an interesting villain! I liked him a lot, especially the final battle with him. They did a good job developing his character
Speaking of villains... I do be feeling some emotions about Cal's fight with Masana Tide. I'm a redemption arc girlie at heart, what can I say? But I see why they did what they did
That one scene where the whole crew was at the campfire together and for like five minutes it felt like everything was going to be okay warmed my heart so much
Yeah I don't remember what happened after that (obvious lie)
I like the new open world features, and the bounties you get to hunt, and the customization and stuff! And those Force tear things are terrifying, but I've completed two of them, and plan to do more as time goes on!
Kriff. Okay I gotta talk about the Horrors at some point. Thanks to my lack of self control, I'd seen some spoilers and knew that Bode was gonna betray us. I didn't know about Cordova (sad) and I didn't know about Bode's secret (SO MUCH SHOCK THAT WAS AN AMAZING PLOT TWIST)
I will say, Cere's final battle against Vader was SO FREAKING COOL IT WAS AWESOME PLAYING AS HER
I also love the fact she set Vader on fire. It's ironic
Uhhh the Tanalorr plot line was pretty cool! I like the idea of there being somewhere safe from the Empire, to prevent Cal from being killed for plot convinience
Bode's betrayal... yeah I'm not gonna talk about that. I'm not ready, and honestly I have an objectively awful take on the whole situation that no one will like
The part where BD-1 was going to scan the trontoshell, and Cal called him BD and THEN BD-1 like he was his mom, full naming him into safety. I love it so much
(can you tell I love BD-1?)
I also really, really loved Merrin's entrance. Ten out of ten, the only thing I would change is that Cal should have immediately proposed
Oh! And Merrin and Kata's relationship is so fun I really really like it
Ummm yeah I think I've addressed everything there is to talk about (the most obvious lie yet) so yeah! The brainrot is still strong with me so I might end up posting some screenshots and more thoughts later on!
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drkmgs · 2 years
Can you do Angst about when Reader is cold and gloomy like wednesday but they cry and shows their soft side because Wednesday hates them(Any gender is fine).
Loving you is torture...
Wednesday Addams x Male! Reader
Warning: pure sadness...
Thank you anon! I was in the mood for some Angst and might as well connect this with a male reader, cos men also cry! It's short but hurtful, I guess? I know it says male reader but honestly? You can still read it as gender-neutral reader...lol
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When you enter the room, everyone knows it's you because they instantly feel goosebumps and shivers down their spine. You were known for your cold stone face and your gloomy mood, but more importantly, how you look, mid-length silver hair, a pale face, and icy blue eyes — The Ice King — your nickname.
Everyone avoids you and you didn't care as long as they're not talking ill of you, because why talk ill of someone you don't even know? Right, but there's a student, who seemed to dislike you the moment you stepped foot at Nevermore Academy and her name is Wednesday Addams. You're not certain as to why she hates you, was it because you were a new student and doesn't trust you? or is it because of something else?
The moment you saw Wednesday, you were magnetized by her. You have heard stories about last year's incident, but you couldn't blame her if she finds you suspicious, who wouldn't be on their toes when their first love turns out to be a serial killer monster controlled by a vengeful bitch who resurrected a murderous pilgrim? Yeah.
Soon you found yourself falling for the goth girl, secretly. Being in love with a girl who hates you is kinda morbid. You knew how painful this will be but you continued to love her, even if it was behind the doors of your room. You let her, hate you and you let, yourself love her.
Wednesday knew you were innocent. She knew she didn't have to put a barrier between you and her, but the spiders that are crawling inside her stomach every time she sees you, make her want to murder you. She hasn't felt this way, not even with Tyler. It makes her mad and hates you for causing it.
Confessing wasn't even on the list of choices, she didn't want to take the chance — of you being some kind of an evil maniac, she liked the idea of you being innocent. So, the only way to stop her feelings for you is to hate you.
You on the other end, you were already deeply in love. You knew if you continued your feelings for her, it would break you apart. As if you aren't breaking right now, you could see the loathe in her eyes and her hands in a fist, clearly ready to pounce at you anytime.
You wanted to say something but seeing her like that, you bit your tongue and dismissed the case. You watch her scoff at you and walked away. You could feel something stuck in your throat and stinging in your eyes. You tried blinking it away but it resulted in fluids dripping down your eyes.
You were crying. You'd never thought you'll be crying over a Wednesday Addams, but here you were with bloodshot eyes, surprisingly, it suited your icy blue eyes. You were certainly tired of thinking about as to why she despise you a lot. You had enough and want to clear this once and for all.
In no time you were bursting into her dorm room and slamming the door close.
"What did I ever do to you? What made you hate me so much? Because I-...Because loving you is torture and clearly I enjoyed it way too much. That my heart is breaking and I'm starting to feel numb every second that is passing by." You gritted your teeth at her and tears are spilling down your eyes.
"What do you want me to do about it? Comfort you?" Wednesday replied with her monotonous tone, not even looking at you, and continued to type on her Typewriter.
"No. I want you to watch me, how I crumble in front of you! How you broke me and lost your chance to feel loved! Okay, You won! I thought we could have been friends or more." bluish fire is soaring out of you as you walked out of her room.
Students ran away or hid in the nearest classroom, if any of them wasn't scared of you before, well now they are. You only calmed down as soon as you got into your room, the bluish fire extinguished as your breath evened out. You sluggishly slumped face down on your bed, tears slowly falling to your sheets, you buried your face onto the mattress and screamed.
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