#somebody help a fella out
shima-draws · 8 months
Sanlu consuming my brain like a goddamn fungus. Please send help. I’ve already written down so many ideas for fics I’m going to blow up
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Blurred bc spoilers and also some of these are really REALLY self indulgent (embarrassing) and may never see the light of day
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sayitwityachest · 9 months
david: welcome, brother
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vivwritesfics · 5 months
"I Don't Know Anything About Dinosaurs"
Spencer was meant to be at the museum on a blind date, not walking around with a mother and son, listening to him as he spouted off dinosaur facts. But then the kid goes missing and it's Spencer's mission to save him.
Spencer x Single mother! Reader
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Spencer Reid hated the thought of a blind date. He didn't know if said blind date being set up by Garcia made things better or worse. At least Garcia was a fellow need. She liked some of the things Spencer was into and hopefully knew people who were also into those things.
Their meeting place being a museum had to be a good sign, he thought as he stared up at the recreation of the Parasaurolophus skeleton. But, so far, there had been no sign of her. He looked around with the knowledge that she'd be wearing a green scarf and carrying a museum tote bag, but she was nowhere to be seen.
Suddenly, somebody was tugging at his sleeve. Spencer looked down to see a boy with wild, dark curls staring up at him. "Excuse me, Mister," the boy said as he looked up at Spencer. "You're blocking the sign." Spencer looked to his left and saw that he really was blocking the sign.
Not that this little boy would be able to read it from his height. "I'm sorry," Spencer said gently as he stepped to one side.
He couldn't help but watch as this little boy walked over to the sign full of dinosaur facts. Just as Spencer had thought, he'd been too short to read it, but he stood on his tiptoes and really tried.
When the boy gave up, he turned to Spencer. "Hey Mister," he said and put his hands on his hips. "Wanna help a fella out?"
Spencer couldn't help but wonder where this kid had learnt this phrase. He looked around before he crouched down, matching the kids height. "Is your mom anywhere around here?" Spencer asked. The kid shrugged her shoulders and, suddenly, Spencer was trying not to panic. "Do you want help finding her?"
Again, the boy shrugged. "She knows where to find me," he said and turned his attention back to the dinosaur.
Spencer stayed by the kid. He looked around, searching for any sign of his mother. But nobody around him seemed like they were panicked or looking for him.
Suddenly, shouts filled the room. "Jimmy!" Somebody shouted. Spencer looked around until he saw a young woman running towards him and the kid. "Jimmy!" When she got close enough, she grabbed the boy and pulled him into her embrace.
But then she stood up straight and looked at him, her expression stern. "James L/N, you know better than to run off like that!"
Jimmy pouted as he looked at his mother. "I'm sorry, momma," he said. "I just wanted to see the dinosaurs."
Her face dropped and she ruffled his dark curls. "It's okay, baby. We can look at them together," she said softly.
Jimmy took his mothers hand, but he turned towards Spencer. Spencer, who knew everything, but didn't know why he was still standing there, watching them. "This fella was gonna help me read the sign," he said.
His mother suddenly turned to Spencer. She tightened her grip on her sons hand and placed her other on her hip as she stared at him.
Spencer jumped into action. "He, uh, he said his mother knew where to find him. I didn't want to leave him here until someone came to claim him," he explained.
She dropped the hand from her hip. "Well, thank you," she said and lifted her son up. She placed him on her hip so that he could read the sign and turned her attention to Spencer. "Do you like Hadrosaurs?" She asked as she nodded her head to the not entirely real skeleton. (Well, maybe a few bones were real, but not the whole thing.)
Spencer shook his head. "No. I'm more of a science museum guy," he answered. He didn't add that he rarely got time to visit a museum with his job.
"Well, if you wanna know anything about any of the dinosaurs, I'm sure Jimmy would be happy to answer you," she said in reply. Her smile was polite, sweet, one Spencer found he really liked looking at.
Spencer took one last look around the museum, one last look for the blind date that Garcia had set up for him. He'd mentally prepared himself for a date, mentally prepared himself to be confident and out going. He wasn't about to let that go to waste.
"I don't know anything about dinosaurs." A lie. "Do you mind if I joined you?"
That was how Spencer spent his day. If his date eventually showed up to the museum, he didn't much care. He was much happier listening to Jimmy talk about dinosaurs. For the first time in his life, Spencer bit his tongue. Jimmy rarely got any of his facts wrong, and Spencer didn't add to his knowledge base, not when he'd said he didn't know anything about dinosaurs.
Once they got back to the museum entrance, Jimmy dragged his mother to the gift shop, and Spencer was only happy to follow. When Jimmy found two soft toys that he wanted (an Ankylosaurus and a Pachycephalosaurus), Spencer helped him to decide which one he wanted.
Jimmy told Spencer everything he knew about the Ankylosaurus as they walked out of the museum. But, once they were on the steps, his mother squeezed his hand. "We've gotta go, Jim," she said softly to him.
Jimmy pouted, but then he turned to Spencer. "It was nice to meet you, Spencer," he said. "You're a nice fella."
Spencer couldn't help but grin. "Thanks for teaching me all about Dinosaurs, Jimmy," he said as he crouched down to his height. "Take good care of, Anky."
He stood up straight and looked at Jimmy's mother. "He's right," she said. "It really was nice to meet you. Thanks for being so nice to him. I don't know many other people who would walk around and let a six year old talk at them for hours."
Spencer shoved his hands into his pockets and rocked on the balls of his feet. "No, I learnt a lot," he replied. Neither of them had spoken about Jimmy having a father, or his mother having a partner. There had been no ring on her finger, and the profiler could pick up no indications that she had a partner.
So, Spencer took a leap of faith. "Maybe we could do this again sometime."
Her grin only grew. "I'm sure Jimmy will find some more facts for you," she said, her hand on his sons head. But then she went fishing through her bag and pulled out her phone. "Give me your number," she said and handed him her phone.
Spencer put his number into the phone and passed it back. She typed out a text and quickly sent it to him. "Until next time, Doctor Reid," she said and walked Jimmy down the museum steps, leading him to her car.
Spencer couldn't help but watch them go.
The case must have been local. JJ had told them not to back an overnight bag and they all rushed to the BAU as quickly as they could.
It had only been a few days since Spencer had met Jimmy and his mother. They'd texted here and there, but they were both pretty busy with their jobs. Still, he couldn't help but think of them as the elevator took him up. After this case was done, he'd make arrangements to see them again. To find out what new dinosaur facts Jimmy had for him.
He and the rest of the team sat around the round table. Within seconds JJ was walking into the room and turning on the monitor. "James L/N has been reported missing by his mother," she said as the rest of the team passed around folders.
Spencer felt his heart stop. James. Jimmy. Reported missing by his mother. Jimmy, the sweet boy who knew so much about dinosaurs, had been reported missing. He suddenly couldn't breathe.
"His mother said she put him to bed and went to clean up the kitchen. When she checked on him before taking herself to bed, he was gone," JJ continued.
"Jimmy." Spencer couldn't stop himself from saying it.
All eyes were suddenly on him. JJ took a step towards him. "What is it, Spence?" She asked softly. She always was soft with him, almost treating him like he was a child. It wasn't what he needed right now, but he was grateful.
"I-I know this boy," he said as he flipped through the folder that was passed to him. "He, uh, his mom calls him Jimmy, not James."
"You know his mother?" Hotch asked him.
Spencer nodded. "They were at the museum last weekend. I walked around the exhibits with them," he said.
Hotch sent them on their way. He, Rossi, Prentiss, and Garcia began looking through all the information they could find on James L/N and his mother, while JJ, Reid and Morgan went to James's house.
Before this, Spencer had been wondering if he could count their time at the museum as a date. It hadn't been, really. But he wanted to take her on one, or at least get to know her better.
He couldn't believe his first time inside of her house was going to be because of a case. Spencer couldn't help but feel a little sick as he, JJ and Morgan walked up the steps to the house. There was an array of flowers in the garden. Some in pots lining the steps, some on the windows, some hanging beside the door.
Spencer raised his fist. The stained glass window panes painted a scene. Water, a clock tower, a bird flying above the ocean. Spencer sucked in a breath and knocked between the window panes.
The door was open within seconds. Jimmy's mother stared at the three ages. Morgan said her name. "We're with the-"
But, before he could finish he sentence, she threw herself at Spencer, wrapping her arms around him. Spencer stood there for a moment, unable to move. But then he hesitantly wrapped his arms around her. "He's gone," she cried against Spencer's chest.
"I know," Spencer whispered, his large hand against her back. "But we're gonna find him."
JJ and Morgan hung back as they watched the interaction. It felt intimate, something they couldn't interrupt. But she let go of Spencer and stepped to the side, letting all three agents into her house.
She wrapped her arms around herself as she shut the door behind them. "I... I didn't touch anything in his room," she said as she led them upstairs. At the very first room she pushed open the door.
Morgan and JJ pulled on gloves as they stepped into the room. But it was perfectly clean. The bed was made, the room had been cleaned up, but there was no sign of a break in. "Reid, take her downstairs," Morgan said as he and JJ began combing through the room.
Spencer did just that. He took her downstairs and sat her on the sofa, sitting himself beside her. She drew in a shaky breath. "He has Anky," she said quietly and wiped at her eyes. "If I had known you were FBI I would have called you before I called the police."
He swallowed. "I'm here now," he said, meeting her teary gaze. "And I need you to tell me everything that happened, starting with when you put Jimmy to bed."
She ran Spencer through her entire evening. Starting with dinner, and then bath time, story time and bed. She told him how she cleaned the kitchen after dinner and took some time, only ten minutes to read. By the time she went up to check on him, by the time she was ready to go to sleep herself, Jimmy was gone.
When she started crying Spencer rubbed her back. There was little else he could do to offer contact as he asked as she had noticed anything or anybody strange recently. He'd already worked out that the unsub must have known her usual schedule to be able to take Jimmy and then clean his room.
Before Spencer could piece together any information from her answers, the phone began ringing. She drew in a sharp gasp as she turned her head towards it.
When she looked at Spencer again, he nodded and she picked up the phone. "H-hello?" She said, voice shaking as she put the phone on speaker.
"Hi mommy!"
Immediately, tears sprang to her eyes. "Jimmy?" She cried. "Is that you, baby?"
"Yeah, mommy," he said. He sounded fine and she had to take comfort in that.
Her hand fell onto Spencer's and she squeezed. Squeezed him to the point of pain. But Spencer didn't say anything. He squeezed her back, trying to be encouraging. "Jimmy, baby, can you tell me where you are? I-It's almost time for lunch and I need to come get you."
"I'm with a friend, mommy," Jimmy answered. "Her name is mommy, too. She said she's gonna make me lunch."
Suddenly, Spencer's brows furrowed. She. The unsub was a woman.
"Mommy, she wants to speak to you," Jimmy said. Spencer watched as her eyes went wide and she began rapidly shaking her head.
But Spencer squeezed her hand and nodded his head. She swallowed the lump in her throat. "Okay, Jimmy, But, can you tell me where you are first, baby?"
Jimmy didn't answer her.
There was an indistinguishable noise from the other end and then, "Leave my son and I alone!"
It was a woman's voice, an obviously upset woman's voice. As the rest of the team came down the stairs Spencer pressed his fingers to his lips.
"Please," she said desperately as she looked at Spencer. "Please, just bring Jimmy home. He's all I got."
"His name isn't Jimmy!" The other woman suddenly cried. "He's my son and his name is Robert!" She ended the call after that, cutting off the contact.
Her hands shook as she put the phone down.
"His name is Robert," Spencer repeated. He said it to himself a few times as the rest of the team crowded around her to ask her more questions. Desperately, she looked at Spencer, but he pulled his phone from his pocket and pressed it to his ear.
Spencer didn't sleep much on this case. He couldn't, not until he knew that Jimmy was safe at home with his mother.
He had Garcia look into mothers who had lost their children. More specifically, mothers that had lost children called Robert.
The whole team tried several different angles for the case. While Morgan and JJ interviewed mothers that had lost children, Spencer and Garcia desperately searched through records of institutions.
Their lucky break was when the unsub called once again. Spencer had been there, thank god. All she had to do was call and he was running.
Garcia had set things up to trace the call. When the phone began ringing, she held her hand against her chest. "It's okay," Spencer assured her.
He picked up the phone and placed it in her hands. "Hi Mommy!"
"Jimmy!" She sat up straighter. "Jimmy, baby, are you okay?" She asked desperately.
There was a beat of silence, one that had her heartbeat erratic. "I'm okay, Mommy. I've lost Anky, though."
She swallowed. "Well, when you're home, we can go to the museum again and get you another."
"Can Spencer come with us?"
Spencer nodded at her. Of course they could go back to the museum. The moment they got Jimmy home, Spencer would take the both of them.
"Yeah, Jimmy. We can take Spencer."
Suddenly the call was ended. "Jimmy?!" She cried, desperately. But he was gone.
"Garcia, have you got it?" Spencer called down his phone as he stood.
Garcia listed off the address. Immediately Spencer was using his long legs to stride to her front door. "Wait!" She cried, rushing after him. Spencer turned, his eyes soft as he looked at her. "Bring him home."
Hotch didn't want Spencer going with them. He was too close to the case, and they all knew it wouldn't end well. But Jimmy knew him, and he was more likely to actually go with Spencer.
The team entered the house, guns drawn. With noises from the living room and the upstairs, the team split up.
Spencer and JJ headed into the living room. Cartoons played on the television, and Spencer had to hope it was Jimmy.
And Jimmy it was. "Hi Spencer!" He called the moment the FBI agent came into view.
Immediately Spencer felt his heart stop. He put his gun away and crouched down in front of Jimmy. "Hey, Buddy," he said as Jimmy hugged him. "We're gonna get you home to your mom, okay?"
"Okay," Jimmy said as Spencer picked him up.
The rest of the team arrested the unsub, a woman who had lost her child years ago. She fought to get to Jimmy when she was walked towards the police car, cuffs around her wrists.
Spencer held Jimmy's hand in the police station. Jimmy told Spencer more dinosaur facts. "I wanna go back to the museum," he said. "And I want you to come."
"Your mom is gonna be happy to take you," Jimmy," he said and handed him a pen. Jimmy began drawing as he waited for his mom to show up.
When she did, she ran through the police station. She ran straight over to her son and pressed kisses all over his face. She pulled away to look at him, to check him over. "Oh baby," she said and hugged him tight. "I missed you."
"Missed you too, Momma," he said and showed her his dinosaur drawings. "Can we go to the museum with Spencer, momma?"
With Spencer standing behind Jimmy, he wore a matching pout. "Can I?" He asked.
"Please Momma!"
How could she say no?
(It wasn't meant to be a first date, but the treated it as such)
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thisoneblackjacket · 6 months
Another example of Eddie's potential role in Welcome home
First of all: SUPER excited for the Barn Makeship plush!! I gotta save up for it really soon
But second of all: I can't help but point out that even in the advertisement, the theme of Eddie being "unwanted" or only there as the butt of the joke is still present
Now there have been instances (especially after the new update) of Eddie being snubbed/dismissed/isolated, here are a few good posts getting into some specific instances (and what it can mean) and we can see that in the new Makeship video too:
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When Howdy is trying to explain how the plush can help "Keep your home safe from even the PESKIEST of UNWANTED guests!", who is the example that he uses here? Eddie.
Pretty harsh words to direct towards somebody just trying to do his job, right? Might even make a fella feel less like a welcomed neighbor than ever...
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And as Barnaby is getting into his stand up routine, he mentions how he hadn't seen that many lemons (talking about the Wallys, very cute actually) ever since he had "chased Eddie up the lemon tree!"
Which seems a bit more of a rude thing to do to someone rather than funny. Poor Eddie was probably trying to not get hurt again
Not that the audience is really concerned though- they still readily laugh at it
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The only person really tried to somewhat stand up for Eddie was Frank, (which might hint at them being more involved with each other than the others know (heck ye protect ur man)).
But the problem with that is that he's literally being labelled as a "Comedy Sourpuss™️", both here, and probably other instances. So while Frank might be giving a legitimate criticism of it not being funny (likely because it was at Eddie's expense), that itself can be easily be dismissed as him being only that. A Sourpuss that doesn't get Comedy and is just trying to ruin the fun for everyone else
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It's certainly tough to say at this stage, but I have a hunch that as the story continues on, we might run into an instance of Frank trying to protect Eddie from this treatment in some way (here's a post I saw that gets into that a lil bit via the gelatin and pea dish symbolism).
However, I think he won't be successful in doing so, as the other neighbors (and on a greater scale - the show and its producers themselves) are just as easily ready to dismiss his arguments as him being "too uptight" rather than that of a legitimate concern, leading them to continue on
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And while in usual circumstances it would be relatively fine for a show to have a character purely dedicated to being the butt of the joke, it might not so fun when that character has possibly become AWARE of being just a character for a tv show, because they might soon realize that they were only written/designed/wanted as the butt of the joke for that tv show, and nothing more.
This all to say - Eddie is really going through it right now, and there might not really be a way for anyone to help him out, even if they wanted to.
Who knows how and if he can continue to handle all that?
(tl:dr - The new Makeship video shows more instances of Eddie being labeled as unwanted/only useful as the butt of the joke, which might be a running theme/future conflict for him as a character in the WH story. If so, it will be difficult for him to escape that predetermined role in the show, which would put him in even more turmoil)
But anyways, thank you for reading yet another unwarranted, overanalyzing ramble based on like three new lines✨
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makuyi13 · 3 months
"The Least They Could Do" (Morpherine / Morph x Wolverine)
by @makuyi13
"The ways they could make him happy if they were Jean. But they weren’t. Logan was the man, the myth, the legend, and Morph was just Morph. And they were just friends.
And they hoped to God that was enough."
Author's Note: Alright guys I've gotten over an adequate amount of my fears and written a little one-shot after years and years of not being able to write fan-fiction! So anyways this is a really big step for me and I'm obviously very nervous, so please be nice. If I messed up on Morph's pronouns or grammar or spelling somehow, though, please do tell me so kindly. Anyways fellas enjoy I hope it's good :)
Oh I added some more edits, too. The ending is better now.
Edit: The hell have I been doing not posting this on AO3. Here you go fellas https://archiveofourown.org/works/57571678
Logan was upset. Again.
It was like the guy was sentenced to be upset for life. There was always something for him to be frustrated about. There would be a few days, weeks if he was lucky, when there wasn’t, and all was well. But then something would go wrong again.
This time it was about Jean.
She was to have a baby with Scott.
And of course Logan was upset about it.
Morph felt bad about it, being such good friends with Logan and all, and caring about him and his happiness so much, but there was a part of them that was glad that Jean was with Scott. They didn’t know why, and there was always a bit of them that didn’t want to find out. And even worse (Morph felt horrid about this), there was always that part of them that hoped Logan would never have Jean.
It made them feel evil, wishing that kind of misfortune upon somebody, especially their best friend. And being evil was a wretched thing, they knew, but they couldn’t help it. They couldn’t help it at all.
Smart people knew better than to bother Logan when he was upset. But the good thing was that Morph didn’t necessarily consider themself smart. So that was how they found themself opening the front door and stepping outside the mansion to go find Logan.
It happened to be cloudy. All murky skies and chill, although there wasn’t excess moisture or cold. Morph walked down the slight slope, hands behind their back, looking around. Logan was slumped in the distance, staring off. Morph jumped and started, almost running, but caught themselves just in time. As they stepped nearer, they suddenly became painfully aware that they had hands. They tried to drop them by their sides, but they seemed too stiff. Crossing their arms seemed weird and hostile. Keeping them behind their back just seemed awkward and unnatural.
They shook their head forcefully. What was wrong with them? That coffee Jubilee made them must have had something in it. Morph shoved their hands in the pockets of their sweater after whatever fumble just went on. Ignoring it all, Morph opened their mouth to say “hello”.
“What’s cookin’, good lookin’?”
Morph cringed. Of course what came out instead had to be something dumb. They felt their face burn and suddenly felt a strong desire to dig a hole and die. God Almighty, why would they say that? Just why? Why did they always have to try and fail to be funny?
Logan didn’t look their way, but grumbled something under his breath instead. He didn’t say anything else, and Morph took that as an invitation to sit down next to him. They brushed their long skirt, gathering it as they settled. They began to have second thoughts about this. Maybe Logan didn’t want to see them. Maybe they couldn’t really make Logan feel better. Maybe Logan didn’t care if they were there or not. After all, who were they? They were just a friend. They weren’t even Jean.
But… that didn’t really matter, did it? They didn’t need to be Jean to have the kind of time that they wanted to have with Logan. Did they?
Morph realised they were staring and studying Logan a little too closely. Running their eyes along his brow, down his temple, his mouth… Ugh, they thought to themself. That was really pathetic of them. Ripping their eyes away and trying to shift a little to seem a bit more animated, Morph heard Logan sigh next to them. As if he had been tensing his muscles the entire time he was out here and had relaxed them just now.
“You know you don’t have to follow me around when I ain’t feelin’ well, right, bub?” Logan finally spoke, his voice gruff yet slightly defeated.
“It’s the least I can do,” Morph shrugged.
And yet it kind of was the truth. There wasn’t really anything Morph could do to make Logan feel better but this. They thought all the time about all the things they could be. Thought about the sweet songs they would play for him if they were some kind of musician. The long, heart-warming letters they would write if they were some kind of writer. The ways they could make him happy if they were Jean. But they weren’t. Logan was everything; he was the man, the myth, the legend; and Morph was just Morph. And they were just friends.
And they hoped to God that was enough.
They blinked a few times. Keep it together. Clear the mind. But now they’ve realised that Logan’s shifted his body so that they’re sitting across from each other, facing each other, and now their mind’s a little too clear. Blank, even. And then Logan’s reaching for their leg and their heartbeat’s getting loud and fast, fast and loud, and then that thick, rough hand of his is touching the fabric that’s swimming around Morph’s legs, and all they can think of is damn, all they can hear is the heavy, rapid thump of their heart. 
But all Logan does is touch the hem of the skirt and softly say in his tough, gravelly voice, “This looks good on you.”
And it suddenly means the world to Morph. Their heart squeezes tight and releases. He likes my skirt, he likes my skirt. They dare to look at his face. It's saddened, defeated, creased with age and worry and hardened with pain, and yet they can't find ugliness in it, because there's a sixteenth of a smile lingering on his chapped lips and an unbearably sincere look buried deep in his brown eyes, no matter how much Logan tries to hide it all and shove it under. And that's when Morph knows they would wear that skirt over and over just to see that kind of look in Logan's face again and again. A confusingly, maddeningly good kind of feeling is rushing through their veins, and Morph wants to push it away, tell it to leave them alone, but they can't. Because they do love that feeling, even if they don't know what it is.
"Thank you," Morph breathes, wishing they had more to say.
And then Logan avoids their eyes, turns his body away and it’s over. Morph could kick themself. But instead they silently swear not to say or do anything stupid while they’re with Logan. So they just sit. And so does Logan. Neither says a single word. Neither moves. It’s just Logan and the grey sky and the still air and the lawn and Logan and the silence and the sweater weather and Morph hoping with all their heart that Logan was feeling a little bit better at least. But then again, they didn’t really do much for him. They couldn’t really. All they could do was just come and be there and try their best not to fumble like an idiot (again). Even if Logan said they didn’t have to.
It was the least they could do.
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neverniko101 · 4 months
Lost in the Deep- The Crew
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Hi!! In celebration of Mermay, I’m taking a (short!) break from Horror Dreamtale and Phantasmverse to doodle some of the fellas from my pirates & mermaids AU, Lost in the Deep!
Summary of story:
Dream has the unflinching goal to sail to Thornebreak Island in The Southern Seas to battle the monster that lives there and the pirates it has bent to its will. One problem: he has no idea how to sail. And can’t swim. And is scared of water. He hires retired pirate Geno and rowdy young harpooner Maroon to help him on his journey. Just as they are about to leave, Geno convinces the group to go visit an old friend of his, Blueberry, for some last advice and extra supplies. While Blue was out helping them gather supplies, though, his brother is kidnapped by some of the monster’s pirates, presumably to be dragged back to the lair. A little guilty for unwittingly distracting Blue during the attack, the crew agrees to let him accompany them and help save his brother. Along the way, they bribe convince a member of the Royal Guard’s Navy (Ink) to join them as well.
Oh, and Dream may have forgotten to mention that the monster is his brother, a siren corrupted by a strange parasite. And that he’s a siren, too.
I’m sure everything will go perfectly well.
- Ex-pirate
- Lost right eye and left leg
- Pathetic old man /aff
- Could probably still kick your ass
- So tired, somebody get this man some coffee
- Based off a koi fish (inspired by @cas-spirit :3)
- He’s trying. So hard. But nothing ever goes right
- Likes to bask in the sun like a lizard
- Insists that the orange scales on his body are just tattoos
- Expending too much energy/coming in too much contact with water could cause him to revert to his siren form (looking like a normal bipedal being is hard work), so he tries to order others around him to do work instead of doing it himself since it’s his boat and he’s the one paying everybody (it does not work he is too nice)
- big
- Can probably pick you up and throw you 30 ft
- Retired Royal Guard Navy member, fought Geno’s pirate gang and they became friends in between fights
- Started a bakery when he retired- Blue’s Baked Bites
- Sure would be a shame if he bonded with the younger members of the group. In a fatherly way. Almost like becoming a father figure-
- Don’t let his size and appearance fool you, he is a lovable idiot
- Just a Little Guy™️
- Easily distracted by shiny objects and hoards them in hidden corners
- His vials don’t help him feel things, but are rather medicine for a magical condition
- Likes to sit in the crow’s nest, obviously
- om nom nom eat all the fish
- Some variety of Fell variant
- Likes playing with sharp objects
- Very high energy, but not necessarily mean
- Insomnia
- Tries to be tough and scary but is secretly precious boy
Okay that’s it maybe I’ll do the pirates next
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desswright29 · 1 year
Soldier Girl
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Warnings: (Smut 18+), Mentions of blood, Inexperience
Pairing: Mo WashingtonX Black Fem reader
word count: Baby ion know. Let it ride
A/N: Enjoy!!
I stepped out onto my porch couple hours ‘fo sundown. Going out to collect a bit mo’ wood for my oven and fire pit. I grab my axe throwing it over my shoulder, hiked up my dress and set out on my usual path, intendin’ to make quick work of me one of them dead tree’s in them woods near by. Don’t much happen ‘round these parts for me. No neighbors for miles and I grow all I need right chea on my land, only gotta make a trip to town ‘bout once a month. Built me a good size house and barn fo’ my animals, got a few chickens as well. I do damn well on my own and that’s how I likes it. 
  As I walk, gettin’ further down on my trail I noticed a horse tied to a tree a lil up yonder. As I got a bit closer, I found a man laying ‘gainst that same tree, hat covering his face, restin’ I reckon. But, I don’t take to kindly to folk trespassing on my land. So, I silently make my way cross the brush up to the restin’ fella. Fast as lightenin’ I brought my axe down to meet the side of his neck stopping short from cutting’ ‘em. Just as fast, I was met with the barrel of his Remington six-shooter. 
 “Who’s you and why is you in my woods.” I say real calm like. His other hand come up grabbing his hat placing it back on his head directly. He slowly turned his head toward me careful not to meet his neck with my blade. That’s when I got a view of his sharp jawline, perfect lips (not too full, not too thin), and the tip of his nose. Hm, look like he a handsome fella.
“I ain’t know’d nobody owned these here woods Ma’am I’s just passing through. Needed a rest thas all. I can be on my way.” That’s when he looked all the way up, I got a peak under that there hat, and I’ll be damned….
“You’s a lady!” I say. I wasn’t asking. I know a woman when I see one, and this one here  was one of the handsomest women I’d ever laid eyes on, it could take ya’ breath away. She looked at me, expression not changing. 
“Ma’am, I promise ion’t want no trouble. If you would lower ya blade, I could be on my way.”
“How ‘bout you lower dat gun first.”
“How ‘bout we do it together.”
“Fine by me.”
“A’right on three.” She say, gettin’ up real turtle like from her spot on the ground. “One.. two.. three”
We both put down our weapons and then fast brought ‘em back up. She looked at me and smirked. My stomach felt all fluttery. She put her gun down and I followed along wit my axe.
“What’chu doin’ out chea lookin’ like this gal” I say. Curious to know why she was out here masqueradin’ in men’s clothes.
“Just passin’ through ma’am. I’ll be on my way now.” I looked her up and down as she gathered her things to head out. Her clothes was covered in blood, she looked like she hadn’t rested in days. 
“Naw nie, you look like ya’ need some rest. That yo’ blood?”
“That ain’t yo’ bidness”
“Gon’ be my business if you want me to let ya’ rest here. It’s almost sundown and all this here my land. Where else ya gon’ go gal.”
She turned her head left and that’s when I saw the gash in her neck. I gasped.
“Somebody hurt you!”
“Don’t matter. They gone now” She say, mystery lying’ in her tone. Dat’ll be a story fo’ another time.
“Let me help ya.” I offer. “The sun gon go down in a few. I’s just gathering some wood so I can cook some dinner and light a fire to keep warm. My house just up yonder. You know these nights get freezing, and you look like you could use a hot meal. I got some water, apples, and some shelter for your horse too.”
She looked up into the sky and then back down at me with those eyes that was as deep as pools. Filled with stories. She nodded. 
“Well, lady I reckon I should know your name if you gon’ be my guest” I say.
“Mo. Mo Washington.” She say, with a tilt of her hat.
“Mo. I’m Y/n” I say with a nod.
“Nice to meet you Miss Y/n” She looked at me, sizing me up cautiously. 
“You ain’t gotta worry bout me lest you here to cause harm. You safe round here. Why don’t you help me gather up me some of this here wood and we can head on back.”
“Dat sound just fine Miss Y/n” Mo’ took off her jacket and threw it over her horses back, she rolls up her bloodied sleeves and takes the axe from my hands. 
“I’ll cut. You can load it on ol’ Blondie over there.” She pointed at her horse, and went to work. 
I watched her work. The veins protruding from her forearms as she gripped the axe and swung hitting the the stump she found with 
precision, easily breakin’ it down. She was strong, and I was intrigued. 
“What’s yo’ story? If you don’t mind me asking. How you end up here?” She brought the axe up and back down with a grunt, breaking the stump into another halve. I bit into my lip. My God.
“Once, I was set free, I decided to join the war. I watched them boys for awhile, and then I cut my hair bought a suit, walked on the base and picked up a uniform.” Grunt, slam. “Made enough money to get out and buy me a gold claim, so I can buy me and my people some land out this way. Ran into Tommy Walsh and his boys on the way to cash the claim, the coach crashed, ruined the claim.” Grunt, slam. “Long story short everybody dead and the good Lord saw fit to get me out alive, nie I’m tryna get far way from that place as possible.”
“You killed Tommy Walsh and his boys!?” My eyes wide as saucers. As a walked over gathering the wood she cut to stack on her horse back. She glanced over her shoulder at me. 
“Only cause I had to.” There them damn flutters again. 
“ Hm, So you’s a soldier. I ain’t never met no soldier gal befo’ “
“ We’ll I’m the only one I know of” she say walking up to me hand reachin’ out for a shake axe thrown over her shoulder. I reach and grab it, admiring how veiny and strong her hands are “So nice to meet ya.” She say, with a small smile. Our eyes met as we shook hands. The touch sent ‘lectricity through my body. Was it possible that I fancied this woman? The touch lingered a bit longer than normal. 
“Uh I-I reckon we got enough here. We should head back fo’ dark catch us.” I said letting go of her hand. She stepped back eyes still on me, she smirked a little before tying the wood to the horse and guiding Blondie towards my home as I led the way. 
The walk was silent as I walked beside her. I couldn’t help but to keep glancing’ her way. Lookin at the stride of her walk. All them cuts ‘n bruises and she still walked real smooth. This Mo smoother than any man I ever met. “You smell real pretty” I hear her soft voice break our silence. I smile. 
“I make my own soaps and butters out of some of the stuff I grow in my garden. I’ll let you choose some to wash with tonight. I know you’re dying for a good soak.”
Mo’ smiled and nodded, as we walk up to my home. I led her round back to the stables and gardens and got Blondie some apples, then led her over to the trough to tie her up so she could drink. Filling my witches pot with water to boil, I couldn’t help but feel a pair of eyes borin’ a hole into my back.
“How a lil lady like you get all dis here? You got a husband?” Mo’ say walking up on my porch with me. I scoff a bit. 
“I’m surprised a strong woman like yo’self would aks a question like that. Another woman can’t be jus’ as strong as you?”
Mo’ smiled using one side of her mouth. Tilting her head to the side a bit, her hat adding that mystery to her. It was almost seductive. 
“I ain’t said all that gal, I’m sure you plenty strong. You sho’ll stacked up to be.” A hint of what I believed to be flirtatiousness in her voice. Couldn’t be. 
Thank the Lord fo’ my chocolate skin though, cause I’d be red as a tomato from blushin’. I turn ‘round and head in the house with her following behind me. I can hear her chuckle. 
“To answer yo’ question Soldier gal, I built all this here m’self. I sell my soaps and things, milk from my cow, vegetables from my garden, and I do a bit of sewin’, to pay for supplies, and I do pretty damn good.”
“You out here all by yo’ lonesome?” Her eyebrow raised. 
“Yup, I do a good job handlin’ m’self too” 
Mo laughed, I knew then I’d do anything to hear that sound come from her again. 
“Yea, I got a piece of that when you had yo’ axe up ‘gainst my neck.”
I raised a confident brow and headed to the kitchen. 
“Got yo’self a nice place here Miss”
“Thank ya’ very much.” I smile big with pride. We should get you cleaned up fo’ dinner. Come on here, I’ll show you to the Wash room. First let me let you pick something to wash with. And get you some clean clothes.” I take her to my room pullin’ out my collection of soaps, oils, and butters.
“Whatever you wanna use just take it”
“You say you sell these?”
“How much?”
“Don’t worry about that I’m giving it to ya’”
“I can’t take from yo’ livelihood” 
“ Chile! It’s only a few lil thangs I got plenty just take it!”
“Awright, awright gal, Shucks!”She went through smelling the soap, until she got to one I could see she took a liken’ to. “That one right there I make out of bergamot and lemon, it would suit you well.”
There goes that smile again. I could just die. 
“I’m sure your waters done. I’ll go get it.” I say.
“Naw, I’ll take care of it. You can gon’ get started on that dinner.” 
“All right. I’ll leave you be. I layed out something comfortable for you to wear for dinner.” 
I decided to change into my thin white house dress to be a bit mo’ comfortable. I head back to the kitchen. And put on my apron, and pull out my chicken from the icebox, I’d  got it all seasoned and let it marinade through out the day. Figured I’d make chicken, peas, and cornbread. I got my oven all started up and got the food going. Once I got my cornbread in the oven, I decided to go and check on my guest. I walked to the wash room and knocked. 
“You doin’ aight in there?”
“I’m fine.. actually I was wondering if you had shampoo.”
“It’s in there in that lil cabinet. I could get it for you if you don’t mind me bein’ in there.”
“It’s fine.”
Slowly opening the door and making my way in, I see her in all her glor, soakin’ in the tub eyes shut head lying back relaxed. I walk to the cabinet and grab the shampoo. 
“ You know uh, I-I could wash it fa’ ya. You been through a lot gettin’ this far. I’m sure you could use a lil pamperin’. ” 
Mo opened her eyes, turning’ towards me lookin’ me directly in the eyes, she nods slowly. I move toward her, nealing at the side of the tub, grabbing my water cup to dip into the water and pour into her hair. I add the shampoo and began to massage it into her scalp. A deep groan come from Mo’s throat, she closed her eyes and sank deeper into the water. I smile and continue to lather rinse and repeat as I hum her a song. 
“Ain’t nobody handled me this gently since I’s a baby I reckon”
I smiled. And reached out a hand in front of her as I finished washing her hair. 
“ Here, let me get that sponge imma get ya back fa’ ya’”
Mo handed me the sponge and sat up. Surprisingly, she had a beautifully smooth back. I started washin’ her and she moaned meltin’ into my touch. The more sounds of approval I got the more it felt like an honor to cater to this here soldier gal. And I knew then, I did indeed fancy her. I wanted her more than I wanted to breathe right now.  
  I brought the sponge up from her back round her shoulders allowing her to sit back in the tub again. She leaned back and our heads were so close that I know she could feel my breath ticklin’ her ear. I held the sponge ‘gainst her upper chest and began to scrub. She brought her hand up to stop me and we locked eyes. Her eyes were filled with a confused type of desire, as our faces grew closer. I had to admit I was feeling the same. My head was confused but the throbbin at my core felt very sure. Our lips grew closer touching in the most gentle of kisses. Sendin my head swirling. I pulled back breakin’ away from those lips that were slightly rough, but in the most beautiful way.
“I’m sorry… I should go f-finish cookin” I say rushin out the do’.  What in the world was that?  I think as I start to fry my chicken.
A little later she come in the kitchen, dressed in  a fresh button up and some more twead slacks that I’d sewn to sell, smelling like fresh bergamot and her Afro damp and picked out, parted in the right side. My heart stuttered, as she sat down at the table, chair turned to face me. I pulled the cornbread from the oven. And feeling eyes on my backside I had to break the tension. 
“You like what you see soldier gal?” 
I turned to look at her, and she looked caught. Sitting man spread, leaned back in the chair hands restin cooly on her stomach, bottom lip trapped inbetween her teeth. Her eyes shot up to meet mine. 
“I I I’m uh sorry.”
“That’s not what I asked” I say, wiping my hands on my apron and walking towards her. A sudden burst of bravery hit me, I stopped right in front of her, her knees touching my shins. 
She shook her head to both sides absentmindedly. 
“I-it ain’t natural.” She says
“That ain’t what I asked neither. It ain’t nobody but me and you here, and I’m askin you, Do you. Like. What you see?” I ask bending over the chair holdin on to the seat of chair next to her thighs so I could be face to face with her. Her eyes locked on mine, and she nodded.
“Y-yea yea I reckon I do.”
“Is it comin’ natural to ya’? To like lookin’ at me?”
“I reckon so” she say breathin’ pickin’ up.
“Well that right there sound natural to me” I stood, leaving’ her breathless wantin’ mo’. I turned to go fix her plate. Putting a little extra somethin’ in my walk to give her a show. I could hear her let out a long sigh behind me. I fixed our plates and sat them down at the table, sitting next to her. 
“Eat up” 
“Look good” She say’s, but when I look up I see she’s looking at me. I bit my lip and  turned toward her. Reckoning’ she wasn’t hungry fo’ no food at the moment.
“When you lookin’ at me like that. What you thinkin?”
“I ain’t thinkin’ as much as I’m feelin’. “
“Well what you feelin’?” Her eyes lower in an undeniable lust, and her voice is lower than i remember when she speaks next. 
“Like I wanna kiss you, and I wanna feel you pretty lady. You gon’ let me do that?” She ask, leanin’ forward elbow on the table. 
I stand again. This time making my way over to her, I push her back in her seat, hiking up my dress I make myself comfortable with both legs on either side of her lap. 
“Do it please, kiss me, touch me. You can do whatever you want with me soldier gal”
She hungrily leaned in and connected our lips. Her hands gripped my waist as my arms snaked around her neck and I started to roll my body into her lap. Her hands lowered from my waist down to my backside givin’ it rough squeeze. She pulled away from the kiss, shocked. 
“You ain’t got on no drawers!?” She whisper yelled. I laughed heartily.
“I’on like wearing’ em round the house.” 
She growled low in her throat, and next thing I know I was being picked up and placed onto the table. Plates pushed to the side. Mo’ crawled on top of the table between my legs wrestlin’ with her shirt. I reached down helpin her untuck her shirt and I clumsily unbuttoned her pants as she got her shirt unbuttoned, and tossed to the side. Our lips connected again with her pressing her body into mine slowly grinding into me. I moan into her mouth reaching under her form fitting tank she still had on, touching the smooth skin of her firm stomach. 
“I ain’t never done this befo’” she manages to say between kisses. I pulled away and looked into her eyes. 
“Me neither, but it’s natural right. So we’ll just listen to our bodies. Do what they tell us to right?”
She leaned in, kissing my forehead, the tip of my nose, my lips, my chin, down to my neck. She took her time there. Sliding the straps of my gown down my arms revealing my breast. She looked down at them licking her lips. She went down further attaching her lips to my left breast while palming the other. 
“Ah! Mo” her name comes out as a sigh on my lips. She moans at my taste, bringing her tounge out flicking it over my nipple before reattachin herself suckin a bit harder. She moves on from that one showin the other some attention too. Then she squeezes them together burying her face into my breast. Kissing, licking, sucking, moaning like it’s the best thing she’s ever tasted. I could feel my core leaking, waiting for her touch as she gave my body some much needed attention. She made her way down my body until she pulled my dress up making it bunch up at my center. 
She opened my legs groaning at the sight of my flower. She began to kiss her way down my thighs. I threw my head back eyes clenched shut in anticipation. Then I felt her hand touch where I craved her most. My breath hitched.
“ My God… it’s so wet” she placed her thumb on my pearl, Stroking up, down, circle, circle. Up, down, circle, circle. She repeated the pattern. 
“Ooooh Mo Babyyy! Y-you makin my body feel so goood!
“You smell so good Miss Y/n, I wanna taste you, can I put my mouth on you?”
“YES! Oh God please yes!” My breathing picked up, as she lowered herself down on me. I moaned softly as she placed a gentle kiss on my lady parts. Then another, and another. Slowly she stuck out her tongue and began licking long slow strips through my folds. It felt like my soul had left my body and was somewhere in another universe. I thought that was as good as it could get until Mo’ wrapped her lips around my pearl and began to suck. My eyes snapped open, my body lurched forward, mouth droppin open into the shape of in O, and my arms came down behind me to hold my body steady. 
I watched her work. Strong hands gripping my thighs, face buried between them, eating me like I’s the best meal she ever had. “Mo’ I-I Oooooo”. Words betrayed me as my body shook from the pleasure I was recieving. I began to roll my hips into her face, head dropping back as I brought my hand up to grip her freshly washed hair. Apparently, this drove her crazy, because both of her arms wrapped themselves tightly around my thighs and before I knew it I was being lifted into the air and carried to the nearest wall. She pressed me up against the wall as I sat on her shoulders as she devoured me from what felt like the inside out. I was going crazy. She brought a finger to my entrance and started to thrust it inside me. 
“Gyat Damnit Soldier Gal! I-I f-feel like I’m gonna explode! I can’t take nomore! Please!”
She took her mouth off only for a moment.
“ Yes you can. You can do it You strong pretty lady. Take it. I’m not done tasting you.”
“ AHHHH! Mo somethings happenin’ Don’t Stop!!! ” I scream as a warmth radiated throughout my entire body. I felt something snap inside my belly and then I was gripping the back of her head with one hand and the other shot to the ceiling. My hips bucked into her face and my back arched. My body was trembling overwhelmed by this new sensation, tears began to stream down my face. I had never felt anything like that befo’. 
Mo, stayed down there and licked up every drop, then gently lowered me down, wrapping my legs around her waist.
“You alright pretty lady?” I looked at Mo with stars in my eyes, speechless. Still slightly jerking coming down from my high, causing Mo  to chuckle a bit. “Talk to me little lady”. 
I grabbed both sides of her face kissing her passionately. “I wanna make you feel good too, you been doing all that fightin’ and killin’, you deserve to somethin’ pleasurable.”
“You gon’ do that for me?” She bit her lip and raised a brow.
“Take me to the room and I’ll show you.”
Mo’ smiled and ran to the room with me in her arms. Once we reached the room, I wiggle out of her arms and push her backward until we reached the bed. I push her back onto the bed and pull off her tank, allowin her to pull down her pants and underwear. She now lay underneath me completely naked and all I wanted to do was take care of her. 
I hover over her looking her deep in the eyes. Takin in all her scars. They somehow made her more beautiful. Knowin all she had been through and here she was trustin’ me with her body, Layin bare. I couldn’t possibly let her down. I kissed her neck right above the healin scar, and the other side against the one already healed. I moved down to her breast takin my time there. Her back arched as she brought her hands up to the back of my neck holding me up against her breast as though she was feeding me, and I sucked her slight but pretty breast like I’d been starving’ for years. 
I left a trail of kisses down her belly making my way to her pretty little womanhood. In between strong toned chocalate thighs that glistened with her need for me. I placed two fingers against her folds. Swiping up, seeing her wetness coat my fingers. I hummed, looking up I met the eyes of the Soldier Gal, and proceeded to press a kiss against her bud. She let out a hissing sound, the arch in her back getting deeper as she threw her head back. I followed her lead doing what I’d felt her do to me. 
“My my pretty lady” She moaned with that enchanting voice of hers, as I stuck my tongue inside her entrance moving it in and out. I brought my hand to her pearl and rubbed circles as I continued to bask in her taste. 
“Oh right there! Please make me feel good!” She screamed grounding her heat into my face , that’s when something came to me. I pulled away suddenly earning a disappointed huff from Mo.
“It was feeling so good! Why’d you stop?”
“I w-want to try something. Uh, I want to feel you up against me”
“Huh? I ain’t no man I don’t think we gon feel nothing.”
“Let’s just try it hm?” She nods her head. I began to position myself over top of her. Throwing a leg over hers, then reaching down to spread open her lips, I lowered myself down onto her and both of us moaned out. Our eyes connected and we both smiled as I began to move my hips ‘gainst her. Her hands shot up to my hips holding me as she moved under me. We let out a simultaneous “Ooohhh!”. 
“Oh goodness, Pretty lady t-this here feel too good!”
“Mhm!” Is all I could manage in response as I speed up the pace reaching down to pinch and play with her nipples. She groaned as her eyes closed and her breathing picked up and her head began to thrash side to side. 
“Uuuhhhnnn!! I think I’m bout to explode!”
“Yes soldier gal that’s it! Let it take over you! We gon’ explode together! “
“Y-you feel s-so good ‘gainst me p-pretty lady!”
She say in a blissed out whimper. I bend down, our bodies still moving together, and took hold of her lips again. 
“ Let it go fo’ me Mo, I’m goin’ with ya’” I moan before grabbing’ her breast and placing my lips against hers again. That’s when I felt the damn break. Mo’ started to tremble underneath me her mouth opened against mine, as she let out the most beautiful sound I’d ever heard, followed by “Shhiiitt! shit, shit, shit!” 
I felt her liquid gushing from her womanhood and that quickly brought me over the edge as well. My hips stuttered against hers. She wrapped her arms around my waist and held me real tight. Our mouths sitting open against eachothers swallowing the moans, my hands tangled in her Afro. Our bodies still moved against eachothers, in a trembling slow whine as we road out our highs together until we came down.
We both lay tangled together, quietly collectin’ our breath. She broke the silence.
“Miss y/n,… I wanna do that again.”
I looked up at her and couldn’t help but giggle at the smirk against her face. I kissed her lips. 
“That was a hell of a welcome home huh Soldier Gal.”
A/N: Y’all saw Mo dragging them big ass men y’all know she can scoop you up. Lol I hope y’all enjoyed, and don’t worry Shame pt. 5 is coming!
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IM SORRY DID U SAY YOURE WORKING ON A FIC ABOUT “COP BIG DADDY ELVIS”?!?- please tell us more because this sounds like the greatest thing ever 😭
I did, Mon ami, I did indeed…welcome to the demented 2009, sweaty and non famous cop AU that @eliseinmemphis and myself cooked up in our feral yearnings one night.
Edit: it’s here
Allow me to lay a bit of the setting for us all, and maybe even throw in a few lines from the draft below.
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Life is insular when you’ve been born and raised in a trailer park. A little El Paso suburb was never a thriving metropolis, what with its gas stations and dollar stores on the way to nothingness in the desert, but the recession didn’t help none. Your dreams of buying a car that might actually make it above 120 mph and not guzzle your wages in gas is a far off dream when you learn from officer Presley that your entrepreneuring father has been incarnated for racketeering across in Juarez. It’s a shame, a damn shame but it hardly throws a wrench in your life, you were already used to making it however you could. When workin’ at the trucker’s club turns into something a lil more illegal and Elvis has his morning waffle ruined by Joe Esposito yacking about the powers of your pink tongue…he feels a little responsible for leaving you without a father figure. He’s got top notch swamp coolers in his trailer, plenty of food and tiger figurines out front -and he’s got an interest in fast things, just like you.
You could do worse than shack up with such a fella; not that he’s offerin’ but you can tell by the flicker in his eye and the smirk of his lips that he’s as susceptible as the next guy watching you on the pole. Except this sweet, world weary cynic just might screw your gooey insides up worse than any threat or ogle from another man.
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“Well, well officer Presley, finally got persnickety about laws, have ya?” you observed to yourself with a grin as you watched the handsome man swagger towards you along the white line in your side mirror, tugging at his pants as he neared, trying to shimmy the article of clothing a little higher but is impeded by his belt, stopped by his sizable belly, his holster and buckle sitting under the bulge of it.
Your mouth watered. It had been a year or two since you saw him last. He was always built, intimidating to all the stupid rascals he keeps in line along the border, but now he had become outright fat and his khaki shirt pulled apart between each button. Yet when he came up to your window, that little boy grin was still gracing one of the most exquisite faces known to man, and his voice was tender and playful when he greeted you, just as you once recalled. You could see his sweaty hair, matted on his chest and belly between the gaps, his underarms had massive pit stains, doubly apparent thanks to the light color of his police uniform.
Your smile had something of the she-wolf in it as you greeted him, sniffing the air in hopes of catching a whiff as he leaned on your window frame, nearly crowding you from outside. “Hey Miss Sweet Cheeks,” he greets, “you know why ya been pulled over?”
“Haven't got a clue, officer.” You stated the truth and enjoyed the way his title rolled off your tongue in a bantering way. It was easy.
Officer, officer. Somebody important and authoritative. No sir, yes sir, Officer.
His left eyebrow quirked and you wondered what he looked like at twenty five, how devastating that expression would have been before his wound and his meds and the water retention. Whatever power it may have once held, it holds nothing to this slightly bemused, slightly cynical world weariness that shows in his every expression now, that had a twitch of an eyebrow making you feel a fool. “You’re goin’ seventy in a forty five, Miss.” his tone was patient even as his face suggested he’d like to tan your hide for being so reckless. “Reckless endangerment of others, and yourself,” he quoted sternly, “it ain’t no small matter and I don’t countenance it on my highway.”
Gosh, you just loved it when he laid claim to government property like highways and interstates. It helped you smile meekly at him and nod.
“Sorry officer, I got lax.” You purred, batting your eyes and you could see the heavy flap of their coal coated weight in your periphery. “I’ve seen you lettin’ me flyby on the interstate. I guess I thought…”
170 notes · View notes
dylanblakesgal · 3 months
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Cooper Howard qotues
Why, is this an Amish production of The Count of Monte Cristo or... just the weirdest circle jerk I've ever been invited to?" – The Ghoul after being awoken
"Well, what makes you think I'd give a good goddamn about that?" – The Ghoul to Honcho about a bounty
"Well, I tell you what, boys, whenever somebody says... ...they're doing one last job, that usually means their heart's not in it. Probably never was. But for me, well... I do this shit for the love of the game." – The Ghoul to the bounty hunters
"You right, friend, about one thing. This right here was your last job. My paycheck wasn't quite what you expected, but... well, you know what they say. Us cowpokes... ...we take it as it comes." – The Ghoul while murdering Honcho
"Now, last night a bounty came in through all six agencies. A hefty price on the head of a man that fits the description of that fella right there. Now, I may not know much, but I do know a bidding war when I see one." – The Ghoul about the bounty for Dr. Wilzig
"Well, now, that is a very small drop in a very, very large bucket of drugs." – The Ghoul after being shot at by Lucy
"You got to be fucking kidding me." – The Ghoul after seeing Maximus' arrival
"Well, I'd say come up here and get me, but... it's hard to walk upstairs when you're wearing a 12-piece cast-iron skillet set." – The Ghoul to Maximus.
"Well, I guess basic training ain't what it used to be. 'Cause you drive that thing like a fucking shopping cart. Rule number one: read the manual." – The Ghoul taunting Maximus
"Yeah, well, the Wasteland's got its own golden rule. [...] Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time."
"Well, Lucy MacLean, it ain't all canned peaches and marmalade left up here, sweetheart. Sometimes a fella's got to eat a fella." – The Ghoul while harvesting Roger's remains
"I'll bet that outfit makes y'all fell like a big man, don't it? Well, I know 'cause, well I used to wear one back in the day. There was only one problem with it. There was a flaw in the welding just below the chest plate. I wonder if they fixed that in this new model? I guess not." – The Ghoul confronting the Brotherhood.
"Oh, you want another autograph, young Henry? Feo, fuerte y formal." – The Ghoul to Hank MacLean.
"When your daughter said her last name was MacLean, well, I just couldn't believe it was the MacLean. Hell, this kid used to pick up my wife's dry cleaning. Now, I've waited over 200 years to ask somebody one question. Where's my fucking family?" – The Ghoul confronting Hank MacLean.
"War never changes. You look out at this Wasteland, looks like chaos. But there's always somebody behind the wheel. And that's who I want to talk to. That's where your daddy is headed." – The Ghoul to Lucy Maclean.
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John Hancock quotes
Of the people, for the people."
"Plenty of folks wanna make life hard for people just tryin' to survive. I'm not willing to stand for that kinda shit."
"What kind of settlement requires a test for entry?" – Referring to Covenant.
"Whoa, the Downs. Hope we're not going anywhere for a while." – Referring to Easy City Downs.
"That kinda bull is the reason I became mayor in the first place." – Referring to The Big Dig
"Damn. Hey, look, if you wanna get outta here..." – If taken to Nate/Nora's corpse in Vault 111.
"If someone needs help, we help 'em. If someone needs hurting, we hurt 'em. It's not hard."
"Like it? I think it gives me a sexy, king of the zombies kinda look. Big hit with the ladies."
"Hey, does that play "Red Menace?" Love that damn game." – Accessing a terminal
"Looks like you can use a little pick me up." – Said when initiating dialogue with him as a companion (and him giving the player character a random chem)
"Whoa ho ho, I like you already! Walk into a new place, make a show of dominance. Nice." – referring to the Sole Survivor killing Finn
"Listen close. It's the last thing you're ever gonna hear." – When Sinjin tells the player character to stop speaking as The Silver Shroud
"Christ, it's bright in here. Clearly they didn't consider some folks might be nursing hangovers. " – Possible comment when entering Vault 81.
If completing The Big Dig with Bobbi No-Nose:
"How you doin' killer? Arms tired from all that digging? You know, my strongroom is surprisingly empty now..."
"Now if it was just the money, I'd rough you up, break a few bones, and then we'd be square once you paid me back. But you killed Fahrenheit. That means blood for blood."
When traveling naked:
"Hey Emperor, love the outfit."
"Let them stare."
"Don't mind me, just enjoying the view"
When committing Cannibalism:
"Suppose they're...beyond caring at this point"
"You...you do what you gotta"
"That one...all yours"
"At least you have the politeness to wait til they're dead"
When using chems:
"Two a day, keep reality at bay."
"Lean back and enjoy the ride."
"That's a good one, take it all in."
"Never trip alone."
When getting Addiction:
"You feel as bad as you look?"
"Wow, how much did you take?"
"'ay, you should slow down, and that's ME saying that"
When not responding while talking with him:
"Did I say something wrong?"
"You wanna talk? Make me a little nervous over here."
"What gives? I thought we were talking."
"Did your chems just kick in or something?"
"Like talking to a brick wall."
"Hmm, lights are on but no one's home."
"What? Mole rat got your tongue?"
"Uhm... You alright?"
"You check out on me?"
"Anybody in there?"
"That's right. Take it all in
After committing to a close relationship
"Words don't begin to do it justice. You, you're the best thing I got."
"Guess you're the piece I'd always missing...that and that toe I still can't find..."
"It's like I found a part of myself I never realized was missing... which happens sometimes when you're a ghoul."
"Nothing to lose but each other."
"Moments like this, I know all that karma stuff is bull. Because no one like me should be this lucky."
"You sure you wanna be stuck with this ugly mug?"
When Lover's Embrace is activated:
"Morning, sunshine."
"Well look at you. I must still be dreamin'..."
"Don't mind me... just enjoying the view."
Upon picking up junk:
"Careful! You don't know where that's been."
"That actually worth something?"
"If anybody could find a use for that."
Upon looting a corpse:
"Time to collect."
"To the living, go the spoils."
When the Brotherhood of Steel arrives in the Commonwealth:
"Holy shit." – When witnessing the Prydwen's arrival.
"Brotherhood knows how to make an entrance. I'll give 'em that." – When commenting on the Brotherhood
Cooper Howard VS John Hancock quotes these two has some good quotes it's hard to pick one for me I say both anyways you can use these for Headcannons, Edits, Memes, and so on I just put these here so it's easier for some people to use them I also tag people if your interested talk in the messages there open I have so many things I want to make but the next one is going to get Cooper Howard and John Hancock with Serena I was thinking doing a Picture Edit with some quotes and yes I do requests too.
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Once upon a time there was a lovely princess. But she had an enchantment upon her of a fearful sort which could only be broken by love's first kiss. She was locked away in a castle guarded by a terrible fire-breathing dragon. Many brave knigts had attempted to free her from this dreadful prison, but non prevailed. She waited in the dragon's keep in the highest room of the tallest tower for her true love and true love's first kiss. {Laughing} Like that's ever gonna happen. {Paper Rusting, Toilet Flushes} What a load of - Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed She was lookin' kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb In the shape of an "L" on her forehead The years start comin' and they don't stop comin' Fed to the rules and hit the ground runnin' Didn't make sense not to live for fun Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb So much to do so much to see So what's wrong with takin' the backstreets You'll never know if you don't go You'll never shine if you don't glow Hey, now You're an all-star Get your game on, go play Hey, now You're a rock star Get the show on, get paid And all that glitters is gold Only shootin' stars break the mold It's a cool place and they say it gets colder You're bundled up now but wait till you get older But the meteor men beg to differ Judging by the hole in the satellite picture The ice we skate is gettin' pretty thin The water's getting warm so you might as well swim My world's on fire How 'bout yours That's the way I like it and I'll never get bored Hey, now, you're an all-star {Shouting} Get your game on, go play Hey, now You're a rock star Get the show on, get paid And all that glitters is gold Only shootin' stars break the mold {Belches} Go! Go! {Record Scratching} Go. Go.Go. Hey, now, you're an all-star Get your game on, go play Hey, now You're a rock star Get the show on, get paid And all that glitters is gold Only shootin' stars break the mold -Think it's in there? -All right. Let's get it! -Whoa.
Hold on. Do you know what that thing can do to you? -Yeah, it'll grind your bones for it's bread. {Laughs} -Yes, well, actually, that would be a gaint. Now, ogres - - They're much worse. They'll make a suit from your freshly peeled skin. -No! -They'll shave your liver. Squeeze the jelly from your eyes! Actually, it's quite good on toast. -Back! Back, beast! Back! I warn ya! {Gasping} -Right. {Roaring} {Shouting} {Roaring} {Whispers} This is the part where you run away. {Gasping} {Laughs} {Laughing} And stay out! "Wanted. Fairy tale creatures." {Sighs} {Man's voice} All right. This one's full. -Take it away! {Gasps} -Move it along. Come on! Get up! -Next! -Give me that! Your fiying days are over. That's 20 pieces of silver for the witch. Next! -Get up! Come on! -Twenty pieces. {Thudding} -Sit down there! -Keep quiet! {Crying} -This cage is too small. -Please, don't turn me in. I'll never be stubborn again. I can change. Please! Give me another chance! -Oh, shut up. -Oh! -Next! -What have you got? -This little wooden puppet. -I'm not a puppet. I'm a real boy. -Five shillings for the possessed toy. Take it away. -Father, please! Don't let them do this! -Help me! -Next! What have you got? -Well, I've got a talking donkey. {Grunts} -Right. Well, that's good for ten shillings, if you can prove it. -Oh, go ahead, little fella. -Well? -Oh, oh, he's just - - He's just a little nervous. He's really quite a chatterbox. Talk, you boneheaded dolt - - -That's it. I've heard enough. Guards! -No, no, he talks! He does.
I can talk. I love to talk. I'm the talkingest damn thing you ever saw. -Get her out of my sight. -No, no! I swear! Oh! He can talk! {Gasps} -Hey! I can fly! -He can fly! -He can fly! -He can talk! -Ha, ha! That's right, fool! Now I'm a flying, talking donkey. You might have seen a housefly, maybe even a superfly but I bet you ain't never seen a donkey fly. Ha, ha! Oh-oh. {Grunts} -Seize him! -After him! He's getting away! {Grunts, Gasps} {Man} -Get him! This way! Turn! -You there. Orge! -Aye? -By the order of Lord Farquaad I am authorized to place you both under arrest and transport you to a designated..... resettlement facility. -Oh, really? You and what army? {Gasps, Whimpering} {Chuckles} -Can I say something to you? -Listen, you was really, really, really somethin' back here. Incredible! Are you talkin' to - - me? Whoa! -Yes. I was talkin' to you. Can I tell you that you that you was great back here? Those guards! They thought they was all of that. Then you showed up, and bam! They was trippin' over themselves like babes in the woods. That really made me feel good to see that. -Oh, that's great. Really. -Man, it's good to be free. -Now, why don't you go celebrate your freedom with your own friends? Hmm? -But, uh, I don't have any friends. And I'm not goin' out there by myself. Hey, wait a minute! I got a great idea! I'll stick with you. You're mean, green, fightin' machine. Together we'll scare the spit out of anybody that crosses us. {Roaring} -Oh, wow! That was really scary. If you don't mind me sayin', if that don't work, your breath certainly will get the job done, 'cause you definitely need some Tic Tacs or something, 'cause you breath stinks! You almost burned the hair outta my nose, just like the time - - {Mumbling} Than I ate some rotten berries. I had strong gases eking out of my butt that day. -Why are you following me? -I'll tell you why. 'Cause I'm all alone There's no one here beside me My promlems have all gone There's no one to deride me But you gotta heve friends - - -Stop singing! It's no wonder you don't have any friends. -Wow. Only a true friend would be that cruelly honest. -Listen, little donkey. Take a look at me. What am I? -Uh - - Really tall? -No! I'm an orge! You know.
"Grab your torch and pitchforks." Doesn't that bother you? -Nope. -Really? -Really, really. -Oh. -Man, I like you. What's you name? -Uh, Shrek. -Shrek? Well, you know what I like about you, Shrek? You got that kind of I-don't-care-what-nobody-thinks-of-me thing. I like that. I respect that, Shrek. You all right. Whoo! Look at that. Who'd want to live in place like that? -That would be my home. -Oh! And it is lovely! Just beautiful. You know you are quite a decorator. It's amazing what you've done with such a modest budget. I like that boulder. That is a nice boulder. -I guess you don't entertain much, do you? -I like my privacy. -You know, I do too. That's another thing we have in common. Like I hate it when you got somebody in your face. You've trying to give them a hint, and they won't leave. There's that awkward silence. -Can I stay with you? -Uh, what? -Can I stay with you, please? -Of course! -Really? -No. -Please! I don't wanna go back there! You don't know what it's like to be considered a freak. Well, maybe you do. But that's why we gotta stick together. You gotta let me stay! Please! Please! -Okay! Okay! But one night only.
-Ah! Thank you! -What are you - - No! No! -This is gonna be fun! We can stay up late, swappin' manly stories, and in the mornin' I'm makin' waffles. -Oh! -Where do, uh, I sleep? -Outside! -Oh, well. I guess that's cool. I mean, I don't know you, and you don't know me, so I guess outside is best, you know. {Sniffles} -Here I go. -Good night. {Sighs} -I mean, I do like the outdoors. I'm a donkey. I was born outside. I'll just be sitting by myself outside, I guess, you know. By myself, outside. I'm all alone There's no one here beside me {Bubbling} {Sighs} {Creaking} {Sighs} -I thought I told you to stay outside. -I'm outside. {Clattering} -Well, gents, it's a far cry from the farm, but what choice do we have? -It's not home, but it'll do just fune. -What a lovely bed. -Got ya. {Sniffs} I found some cheese. -Ow! {Grunts} -Blah! Awful stuff. -Is that you, Gorder? -How did you know? -Enough! What are you doing in my house? {Grunts} -Hey! {Snickers} -Oh, no, no, no. Dead broad off the table. -Where are we supposed to put her? The bed's taken. -Huh? {Gusps} {Male voice} What? -I live in a swamp. I put up signs. I'm a terrifying orge! What do I have to do get a little privacy? -Aah! -Oh, no. No! No! {Cackling} -What? -Quit it. -Don't push. {Squeaking} {Lows} - What are you doing in my swamp? {Echoing} Swamp! Swamp! Swamp! {Gasping} -Oh, dear! -Whoa! -All right, get out of here. All of you, move it! Come on! Let's go! Hapaya! Hapaya! Hey! -Quickly. Come on! -No, no! No, no. Not there. Not there. -Oh! {Sighs} -Hey, don't look at me. I didn't invite them. -Oh, gosh, no one invited us. -What? -We were forced to come here. -By who? -Lord Farquaad. -He huffed und he puffed und he...... signed an eviction notice. {Sighs} -All right. Who knows where this Farquaad guy is? {Murmuring} -Oh, I do. I know where he is.
-Does anyone else know where to find him? Anyone at all? -Me! Me! -Anyone? -Oh! Oh, pick me! Oh, I know! I know! Me, me! {Sighs} -Okay, fine. Attention, all fairy tale things. Do not get comfortable. Your welcome is officially worn out. In fact, I'm gonna see this guy Farquaad right now and get you all off my land and back where you came from! {Cheering} {Twittering} -Oh! You! You're comin' with me. - All right, that's what I like to hear, man. Shrek and Donkey, two stalwart friends, off on a whirlwind big-city adventure. I love it! -On the road again. Sing it with me, Shrek. -Hey. Oh, oh! -I can't wait to get on the road again. -What did I say about singing? -Can I whistle? -No. -Can I hum it? -All right, hum it. {Humming} {Grunts} {Whimpering} -That's enough. He's ready to talk. {Coughing} {Laughing} {Clears throat} -Run, run, run, as fust as you can. You can't catch me. I'm the gingerbread man! -You are a monster. -I'm not the monster here. You are. You and the rest of that fairy tale trash, poisoning my perfect world. Now, tell me! Where are the others? -Eat me!{Grunts} -I've tried to be fair to you creatures. Now my patience has reached its end! Tell me or I'll - -
-No, no, not the buttons. Not my gumdrop buttons. -All right then. Who's hiding them? -Okay, I'll tell you. Do you know the muffin man? -The muffin man? -The muffin man. -Yes, I know the muffin man, who lives on Drury Lane? -Well, she's married to the muffin man. -The muffin man? -The muffin man! -She's married to the muffin man. {Door opens} -My lord! We found it. -Then what are you waiting for? Bring it in. {Man grunting} {Gasping} -Oh! -Magic mirror - - -Don't tell him anything! -No! {Ginerbread man whispers} -Evening. Mirror, mirror on the wall. Is this not the most perfect kingdom of them all? -Well, technically you're not a king. -Uh, Thelonius. -You were saying? -What I mean is, you're not a king yet. But you can become one. All you have to do is marry a princess. -Go on. {Chuckles} -So, just sit back and relax, my lord, because it's time for you to meet today's eligible bachelorettes. And here they are! Bachelorette number one is a mentally abused shut-in from a kingdom far, far away. She likes sushi and hot tubbing anytime. Her hobbies include cooking and cleaning for her two evil sisters. Please welcome Cinderella. -Bachelorette number two is a cape-wearing girl from the land of fancy. Although she lives with seven other men, she's not easy.
Just kiss her dead, frozen lips and find out what a live wire she is. Come on. Give it up for Snow White! -And last, but certainly not last, bachelorette number three is a fiery redhead from a dragon-guarded castle surrounded by hot boiling lava! But don't let that cool you off. She's a loaded pistol who likes pina colads and getting caught in the rain. Yours for the rescuing, Princess Fiona! -So will it be bachelorette number one, bachelorette number two or bachelorette number three? -Two! Two! -Three! Three! -Two! Two! -Three! -Three? One? {Shudders} Three? --Three! Pick number three, my lord! -Okay, okay, uh, number three! -Lord Farquaad, you've chosen Princess Fiona. If you like pina coladas And getting caught in the rain -Princess Fiona. If you're not into yoga -She's perfect. All I have to do is just find someone who can go - - -But I probably should mention the little thing that happens at night. -I'll do it. -Yes, but after sunset - - -Silence! I will make this Princess Fiona my queen, and DuLoc will finally have the perfect king! Captain, assemble your finest men. We're going to have a tournament. -But that's it. That's it right there. That's DuLoc. I told ya I'd find it. -So, that must be Lord Farquaad's castle. -Uh-huh. That's the place. -Do you think maybe he's compensating for something? {Laughs} {Groans} -Hey, wait. Wait up, Shrek. -Hurry, darling. We're late. Hurry. -Hey, you! {Screams} -Wait a second. Look, I'm not gonna eat you. I just - - I just - - {Whimpering} {Sighs} {Whimpering, Groans} {Turnstile clatters} {Chuckles} {Sighs} -It's quiet. Too quiet. {Creaking} -Where is everybody? -Hey, look at this! {Clattering, whirring, clicking} Welcome to DuLoc such a perfect town Here we have some rules Let us lay them down Don't make waves, stay in line And we'll get along fine DuLoc is perfect place
Please keep off of the grass Shine your shoes, wipe your... face DuLoc is, DuLoc is DuLoc is perfect ...... place {Camera shutter clicks {Whirring} -Wow! Let's do that again! -No. No. No, no, no! No. {Trumpet fanfare} {Crowd cheering} -Brave knights. -You are the best and brightest in all the land. -Today one of you shall prove himself - - -All right. You're going the right way for a smacked bottom. -Sorry about that. {Cheering} -That champion shall have the honor - - no, no - - the privilege to go forth and rescue the lovely Princess Fiona from the fiery keep of the dragon. If for any reason the winner is unsuccessful, the first runner-up will take his place and so on and so forth. Some of you mae die, but it's a sacrifice I am willing to make. {Cheering} -Let the tournament begin! {Gasps} -Oh! -What is that? {Gasping} -It's hideous! -Ah, that's not very nice. It's just a donkey. -Indeed. Knights, new plan! The one who kills the orge will be named champion! Have it him! -Get him! -Oh, hey! Now come on! Hang on now. -Go ahead! Get him! -Can't we just settle this over a pint? -Kill the beast! -No? All right then. Come on! I don't give a damn about my reputation You're living in the past It's a new generation -Damn! {Whinnying} A girl can do what she wants to do And that's what I'm gonna do And I don't give a damn about my bad reputation Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Not me Me, me, me -Hey, Shrek, tag me! Tag me! And I don't give a damn about my bad reputation
just so everyone knows, there are like 5 other asks with the rest of the Shrek script in my inbox…..
but i’m only posting this one, so you’re all so very welcome!!!
(also thank you so very much @genlossicle, your commitment is astounding and very much appreciated lol)
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violetmuses · 1 month
Shattered - A. Aretas 🖤❤️‍🩹
Title: Shattered - A. Aretas 🖤❤️‍🩹
Fandom: “Bad Boys” Film Universe 
Character: Armando Aretas 
Pairing: Armando Aretas + Female Reader
Main Storyline: When Isabel Aretas seeks revenge, you cross paths with her son, Armando. @nelo0wesker @yassbishimvintage @peaxhygirl
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Three shadows moved past burning flames as this outdoor space crackled from every direction. Nightfall casted right over this pitch-black skyline. 
Standing in one bloodied prison uniform, Isabel Aretas leads the dark moment without ever speaking. 
You've met Isabel's son, Armando, and watch as this separate vehicle pulls up to help everyone depart the large and horrific scene. 
Still lurking in Mexico, Isabel would plot vengeance all around.
Several members of the Miami Police Department jailed her late husband, cartel leader Benito Aretas.
No matter what happens next in South Beach, loyalty stood as this main rule. Wavering from that mission reeled Isabel's plan near wrong spaces. 
Even before reaching Miami with Armando, neither of you have spoken to each other. 
An invisible air rendered your voices silent in the otherwise gorgeous compound. Though Isabel hasn't expressed herself, you've known better. 
As of late, your communication with Armando lies between cell phones: 
Armando: Ready? ✈️ 
It's time to go. You thought. 
The Miami Harbor reeked of brackish yet putrid air during one summer night. Gangsters nearly huddled around this dock in search of veiled cash. 
“I knew treasure stayed in the ocean, but somebody lied to us. Coño!” Zway Rodriguez shook his capped head while facing Armando. 
“Should cover the cost of materials we've discussed. And then some.” Armando revealed slightly accented English while holding money. 
“Who's this? Hola Mami.” Zway Rodriguez ignored Armando and pointed near you, stepping closer to flirt.
“None of your business.” Armando defended you here. 
“My bad. Thought you could share, man.” Zway lifts his hands. 
Weirdo. Armando thinks. 
“Let's renegotiate, especially when you have her with you. I know plenty of ballers who'd like to see that pretty face.” Another idiot wearing terrible sunglasses moved  forward and noticed Armando, but propped you up in this disgusting manner. 
 “ What you say? We had a deal.” Stepping even closer, Armando slowly reaches his breaking point. 
“Oops.” This idiot draws his firearm and points the weapon directly toward Armando. Other goons surrounded the men, lurking. 
Smirking in the dark, you cornered yourself once Armando finally reveals this Karambit knife to stab the idiot wearing shades. 
Aretas even shoots various bullets from his own gun. Both weapons quietly tucked sleeves found near leather pants. 
“C'mere, look at me. Last warning: I don't renegotiate.” Countless body drops later, Armando defended everything and lifted the choking man's face, taking this final bullet to kill him. 
Silently gesturing for you to come back, Armando takes charge.  Zway and other survivors watch this dangerous man speak once more.
As you've learned, the Aretas Cartel drifted through shadows like ghosts, horrific in many ways. 
“My family's taking back management of this town and we'll need some loyal employees. Who wants a job?” Armando grounded leadership. 
“Dental?” Zway then dared to be stupid all over again. 
“Say that again?” Armando pointed the barrel of his gun toward Zway's chin and you only lifted your brow, just waiting for that trigger to go off. 
“Easy, Papi.” Zway just kept taunting this moment, but Armando set the firearm down and tapped Zway's gold jewelry. 
“You'll work for me now.” Armando offered Zway rules without even yelling. “If you get people to fall in line and stay out of my fucking way, I won't kill you.” 
No longer talking, Armando stepped back, leaving Zway quietly anxious and scared. 
“All right, fellas. Listen up. Listen up. Let's get this money now. Vamos!” Zway shouted toward the others and people scrambled to gather remaining cash, alive. 
Standing on the dock, you watch as Armando dialed this number to contact his mother Isabel. 
When the phone call ended, Armando turned around and looked at you. 
“Yeah?” You whispered and leaned in to hear Aretas possibly speak. 
“May I?” His accented English pulled through when Armando glanced down, politely reaching for your hand. 
“Yes.” You gently take his palm in return and exit the dock, gaining actual trust. 
“I'll be back. This one is on me.”  Armando stands in his motorcycle gear and interrupts you. 
“Who's the target?” You ask. 
“Mike Lowrey. I'm tired of waiting. Tag me.” Aretas gathered essentials and left this hotel room. You would still trace the operation. 
Here we go. You thought. 
Not long after Armando pulled his trigger, Detective Mike Lowrey stood down. 
“Got ‘em. Are you still waiting?” Aretas questioned your location by phone. 
“Yeah, why?” You glanced around while sitting near your laptop just in case. 
“Mind if we order room service or something?” His slightly accented English returned. 
“Celebrating?” You almost laughed in response to Armando. 
“Technically. The boogeyman is gone.” Aretas grounded this phone call. 
“All right. Let's do it.” You hung up and nearly smiled.  
Once you offered space for Armando's privacy, both meals and dessert lined up for enjoyment. 
“What's your name again?” Sitting across this table, Aretas dares to flirt, but you don't feel uncomfortable. 
“Very funny.” You clipped back. 
“All jokes aside, I'm serious.” Armando locked eye contact. “My mother hardly introduced us after the prison break.
Realization slammed thoughts down. Isabel's escape hit the ground running with vengeance and you couldn't process time altogether. 
You barely knew the man who stayed in this hotel room, her son. 
“Where should I start?” You offered the question, genuinely puzzled. 
“Doesn't matter.” Armando shrugged for a moment and still watched you. 
Even while music played from this Bluetooth speaker, Armando couldn't glance elsewhere. 
You're beautiful. And despite sharing this mutual understanding for violence, Aretas would still take bullets for you. 
“Want my file?” You would definitely send highlights of your own battles. 
“No.” Aretas understands how lethal you are when given signals. “My mother doesn't choose amateurs.” 
“What's on your mind?” You gestured near your temple. 
You. Armando thinks. 
Within months of the large-scale assassination taking place, news changes everything: 
By some unexpected chance, Detective Mike Lowrey survived! 
“How'd it go?” Briefly staying in Mexico this time, you whispered to Armando once Isabel chided this situation. Her son didn't follow the hit list in order. 
“Heading right back to Miami.” Armando wouldn't make eye contact with you as this team left the compound once more. 
Dammit! Square one. 
Returning to the Miami Harbor, you set out this propped laptop while scrolling names from law enforcement databases and Armando watches. 
“Do it right. No more chances.” You warned him, reasonably irritable now. 
“Be careful…” Armando walked behind you and his sleeved arms over your space. 
“Am I wrong?” Even as you speak, his calloused palms gently smooth your knuckles. 
“Never.” Armando whispered through ongoing trust and welcomed distance to let you work. 
The second time around, every single pierced bullet moved  closer and closer toward gaining true revenge. 
Even Miami Police Department Captain Conrad Howard stood responsible for locking down Armando's late father, Benito Aretas years back. 
When Captain fell this time, Armando really showed out. 
“Cheers.” Aretas clinked glasses with you, still fair enough to dodge taking out Mike Lowrey near innocent civilians. 
“Now what?” You've set your own drink down tonight. 
“Home stretch.” Armando clipped that response once more. 
“All right.” You lifted the glass of champagne and handed this beverage to Armando before walking away, turning off music. 
Your faint lipstick smudged this glass, catching Armando's interest. 
Updating one private list set on his phone, Aretas counted another trait of yours: 
You've rarely worn makeup, unlike his mother Isabel. 
The following day, you woke to see text messages lighting up your phone: 
Armando: Meet me in ten minutes! ⏰️ 🛩 
Given no other choice right now, you scrambled out of bed without hesitation and didn't even try fixing covers, hopping the shower. 
Something went wrong. 
“What the hell happened?!” You run back into the Mexico City compound and find Armando pacing by this mirror. 
“Would you lie to me?” Furrowing his brow, Aretas rasped the important question to you. 
“No.” Vowing once more, you would pull every trigger at the first chance. “What's going on?” 
Vulnerable for the first time, Armando reached out and you nodded as his dangerous fingers somehow warmed your arms. 
“He's out for blood.” Armando revealed Detective Lowrey's plan to kill him. “If anything happens to me, run.” 
“I'll never step without you. What about our loyalty?” You recalled the earlier promise. 
By that very moment, Armando nearly turned speechless. 
“C'mon.” Taking your hand in private, Aretas led you out of this room, ready for war. 
As you battle near Armando through your own defense, this big-time compound standoff erupted with the Miami Police Department AMMO squad. 
“Armando, you're my son.” Detective Mike Lowrey stood among fire and rubble as his words revealed near embers. 
What?! Absolutely not. Your own thoughts panicked. There's no way in hell that Lowrey is telling the truth. 
Isabel would've lied about everything. 
“Shut up.” You offer venom too, staying just as enraged with Armando in bewilderment. 
“I didn't know about him. If I had known…” Lowrey still makes an attempt while looking at you.
Armando then uses force to kick Mike backwards and destroys even more of this space. 
Every other second, his fists pulled more and more strength, but the main question lingered. 
“Who are you?” Aretas still injured Lowrey without fail and brought out the detective's weakness. 
“Ask your mother…” Mike continued responding even when Armando pulled his collar. 
Isabel Aretas emerged while dampened from outdoor rain. 
“¿Es cierto lo que dice?” Speaking his native language of Spanish, Armando asked Isabel if Mike really told the truth. 
"No importa. Él no significa nada para ti.” Isabel refused to answer clearly and this response doesn't even matter. 
“Hey, do ya'll see this fuego? Can we take this shit outside?” Detective Marcus Burnett is scared of the fire and damage engulfing all corners. 
“Cállate!” Armando shuts Burnett down once more, yet faces Isabel with sadness. “¿Quién es, mamá?”
“Tell ‘em!” Mike nearly shouts to Isabel despite everything. 
“Es mi papá?” Armando's heart continues to break. 
“Is he my father?!” Reaching this final resort about Mike Lowrey, Armando Aretas yelled to his mother in English. 
“Yes.” Isabel confirms the truth to Armando at last. No doubt whatsoever. “Kill him…”
Just when Mike and Armando stand while facing each other, Isabel clicks the barrel of her own gun directly behind your head. 
“No…”Armando realizes what is happening with you and more grief snatches air right from his lungs. “You took so much away from me. Don't pull the trigger.”
Ignoring her son, Isabel wanted to kill you here, but Lieutenant Rita Secada stepped up and locked immediate bullets to end Aretas.  
When you grab Armando's hand once more, the AMMO  squad hurries to escape tragedy and this outright mansion collapses forever. 
“How you doing?” Following the death of Isabel Aretas, Detective Mike Lowrey stepped forward to check on his estranged son, Armando, in prison. 
“I've paid my debt. It's a big one.” Armando tells the truth, sighing in this orange uniform. 
“An opportunity might help cut down some of your debt.” Mike continued. “Interested?” 
“Yeah, man.” Armando nodded toward his biological father, prepared. 
“And don't think I forgot…” Mike lifted his brow and stepped back to reveal your presence. 
“Hi.” You smiled toward Armando while standing in this darkened space. 
“Hey.” Armando greets you with his slightly accented English once more
“Uh-oh! Are you blushing over her?” Mike chuckled near Aretas. 
“No.” Aretas fibs and pulls himself together  knowing that visitation will run out. 
“Yeah, right. You're sprung as hell, but I'll see you soon.” Mike started to walk away, but still noticed when Armando winked toward you from his spot. 
He's just like me. Lowrey confirmed one final time. 
Who knows what the future brings? 
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mothxart · 4 months
Behold~ 𖦹 ☼ ⋆。˚⋆ฺ
The new reference for Willow that took me way too long to do good lord I’m not doing a reference that detailed for my other ocs ever again
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If you have any questions or you want to ask something about this fella, go ahead!! TELL MEEE :D
I will respond to them the best I can, I still need to develop some lore about Willow :3
More infos ────⋆⋅☆⋅⋆──
Willow joined this team recently. Bryan, his mentor, took the responsibility of taking this newcomer under his wing. He still have a lot to learn about his job and this new environment. He’s quite timid but his presence is gladly appreciated by the others on his team.
— Since Willow is a novice on his team, he’s always accompanied by Bryan.
— Willow hates pretty much everything that has many legs such as spiders and snare fleas,
— That fear developed itself on his first day when a face hugger directly fell on his face. Luckily, Bryan was there to help.
— He once had a dog named Angello.
— He studies in meteorological phenomenon 𖤓
— He doesn’t fully know how he ended up working for the company,,,
Masked Willow
— Shefford is the most affected out of everyone (by the death of Willow). He saw what happened to Willow from a far distance and he was unable to do anything to help him get out of this bloody situation. He cannot stand to talk about Willow after what has happened. He fears to lost somebody else on their team.
— Willow is pretty much afraid of everything. This poor fella shakes in terrors if he happens to either see or hear a thumper or the masked who converted him. The masked who converted Willow in question looks after him so he doesn’t rot in a corner or die by something.
— Willow’s memory shortens everyday as the mask takes possession of its host. He will remember the most important things that he hold dear to his heart. Day after day, he will progressively loose them.
— Willow keeps his walkie since it briefly reminds him of his lost friends. It makes him feel calm and secured. He doesn’t fully know why he feels that way as his memory shortens everyday.
— Willow’s memories are still pretty fresh in his mind. However, he tempts to forget easily as the mask is slowly possessing him. He’d try to remember his friends, but sometimes he would just forget their face, their names…little details like that.
— He ran into a Thumper who bit him to his right ankle and got dragged far away into the mansion.
— Willow’s ankle would heal as time goes by…but any sudden or rough movements would tear the muscle tissues apart from his wounds, causing its ankle to bleed out again…
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live-love-be-unique · 3 months
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Man vs Bear
Summary: Poor König is broken-hearted, luckily he has some new friends to help take his mind off things aka drunk König vs a bear.
My submission for @ghouljams King Killer challenge. And when Ghoul asks us to bump off the Austrian in stupid ways, I just had to answer the call!
The prompt I used was 10. Tried to pet a bear with a little bit of 42. “Trust me, I know what I’m doing” thrown in.
Parings: none
Warnings: spicy margaritas to the eyeballs, bear attacks, bad drunken flirting attempted by the large Austrian.
“Would anybody like to tell me why half of Colonel König’s body was found mauled by a bear in a tree outside of a local Hooters?” Laswell said as she stormed into Price’s office at two in the morning.
Price was seated at his desk running a weary hand over his tired face, lit cigar dangling from his mouth, while the rest of the 141 were sitting in a row in front of him, like naughty little boys who had been summoned to the principal’s office. Gaz and Ghost at least had the common sense to look repentant for their actions while Soap was still feeling the effects of the alcohol he’d consumed.
“I guess the bear couldn’t finish such a big meal?” Soap muttered, Ghost smacked the back of his head and Gaz groaned as Price pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. “What? He’s huge!”
“One of you is going to explain exactly what happened and maybe I’ll think of shortening the time you’re on latrine duty” Price said through gritted teeth.
“You’re giving us the recruit’s job just because he couldn’t handle his bloody liquor?” Gaz whined.
“Start talking or I’ll make sure the only government job you three can get is as assistant cleaners in a local councilman’s office” Laswell chimed in.
“He said he broke up with his…frau? Isn’t that what he called her?” Soap looked between Ghost and Gaz for assistance.
“We thought a night on the town would take his mind off her” Gaz interrupted.
“I only went along with it because I couldn’t take anymore of his moping” Ghost shrugged, causing everyone to glance his way.
“Well somebody had better start from the beginning, I have a call with Kortac in 20 to explain this…situation” Laswell demanded, glancing at her watch.
…Earlier that night…
“Cheer up lad, plenty of fish in the sea” Soap said happily, pushing a large glass of beer towards König as he stared at the chest of a passing Hooters waitress.
“Drink up mate” Gaz smirked, gesturing towards the larger man with his own glass.
“Perhaps you are right my friends” König lifted his mask and took a large sip of his beer.
“Cause we are lad! Nothing like drowning your sorrows surrounded by such pretty lasses” Soap smirked up the pretty waitress who brought a plate of wings to their table.
As their night progressed, the four men found themselves crowded around a pool table, Gaz and Soap against Ghost and König; the Austrian proving himself to be an apt player “we have a pool table in our break room” he admitted as he sunk another billiard ball.
Raucous laughter flowed around the table “Oi, where’d did the big fella go?” Soap glanced around the room before spotting the larger man, towering over a pretty, curvy little redhead “well would you look at that, old mate’s getting back out there”
“Oh no” Ghost muttered as the very drunken late man fumbled in his efforts at flirting.
“You are very beautiful for a bigger woman” König stumbled out as the woman and her friends looked horrified “tell me, are you a redhead all over?” König asked as he he leaned towards the clearly uncomfortable woman.
The woman angrily threw the contents of her glass into König’s eyes and stormed off.
…“You should have heard the scream he let out! Didn’t realize she was drinking one of those spicy margaritas until it hit him in the face” Gaz interjected.
“What happened to the girl he insulted?” Price questioned.
“Who, Jennifer? Old Gaz here made sure she was well taken care of” Soap smirked and patted Gaz’s shoulder…
“König! König mate! Wait” Soap and Ghost followed after the larger masked man as he stumbled his way through the crowded restaurant, pushing past other patrons of the restaurant until he made his way outside. Gaz lingered behind, apologizing to the pretty redhead, pocketing her number before following his friends chasing the Austrian.
Gaz found them, frozen stiff watching as König stumbled towards the forest line “where’s he off to?”
His answer came soon enough as they watched as König made his way towards a large clump of shrubbery…and towards a large black bear.
“Mate I don’t think you want to be doing that” Ghost warned as König began stumbling towards the bear.
“It is fine, my friend, I know what I am doing, I have seen many bear before” König slurred happily as he reached his hand toward the bear, ready to pat it, like an overgrown puppy.
“In a zoo he means” Soap muttered to his colleagues as the bear raised its large paw and brought it down, scraping a large gash across König’ broad chest “Shit!”
The three men, along with a crowd that had spilled into the parking lot at the sound of screaming, could only watch in horror as the large bear reared up on its hind legs and latched its snarling mouth onto König’s neck.
…“The damn thing started flinging him around like a little girls dolly” Soap interrupted.
“Soap, shut it” Ghost snapped…
They couldn’t say how long it took before someone in the crowd had the idea to fire a rife in the direction of the carnage. At the sound or the gunshot, the bear raised its head from where it had been gnawing on König’s intestines, it gave a snarl as it took hold of the mangled remains and dragged it deeper into the forest.
“Bloody hell, how are we going to explain this to Price?” Gaz finally spoke.
Ghost sighed and pulled out his phone as both Soap and Gaz shouted “not it!” Hoping it would go to voicemail and allow the three of them to at least sober themselves up enough.
Price answered on the second ring.
…Back to the present…
“You’re telling me me he got drunk, insulted a woman he was trying to flirt with, had a…” Laswell looked down at the notebook in her hand “a spicy margarita thrown in his face and then decided to play a game of ‘fuck around and find out’ with a bear?”
“Yeah” Ghost grunted.
“Pretty much” Soap shrugged.
“Yeah, that’s what happened” Gaz nodded.
Laswell reached across the desk, snatching the glass of whiskey from Price’s hand “I need this more than you at the moment” she muttered at Price’s protest before downing the amber liquid in one gulp.
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curlygirlybitchachos · 11 months
Clone Reader
*Fives, Echo and Y/n at '79s*
Fives: I dare you!
Y/n: for what? *drinks his cocktail*
Echo: Fives please don't. The last time you do that we went to jail..
Fives: I dare you to kiss one of the Commandos!
Echo: oh fierfek....
*Y/n looks at the Omegas, then stands up*
Echo: Y/n...Y/n stop!
* Y/n looks at Fi, kisses the life out of him, winks, then leaves *
Darman: the fuck was that?
Niner: F'ika are you alright?
Fi, already up: where did the pretty boy go??
Echo: I can't believe you did it... I thought he would kill you.
Y/n: I'm a handsome fella. And a rich one too. *looks at Fives*
Fives: I thought he would smack you. It was supposed to be fun...
*somebody tackles Y/n to the floor*
Echo: what the...
Atin, to his comm: I got the man! *picks Y/n up* I hope Fi finally shut his goddam mouth. * goes away *
Echo: we should help.... *Fives puts his hand on his shoulder*
Fives: my money was worth it...
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lemonmatronicsart · 3 months
Spark the Honeybee
After over a month of on and off again work she’s ready to be posted! Really excited to do even more with her in the future ^^
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Spark The HoneyBee Age: 20 Gender: Fluid Pronouns: She/He Orientation: Bi , somewhere on the acearo spectrum
*This bio was started and finished before any of the Scrapniks return within the main series. If events become too conflicting later on, or inspire ideas, some things may change, but don’t expect everything to 100% line up with canon because of this factor. Think of all this as an AU, it’s fan work, who really cares all that much if it’s perfect
FULL BIO BELOW CUT, it’s a long one fellas
Keeping her nose in her business and eyes on her work, most of the time, Spark is a person that vibes best with others that give her mutual respect. You’re nice to her, she’s nice to you…usually. Just because she can make herself get along with people doesn’t mean she likes them all. But as long as they’re nice she’s not gonna make that their problem.
Maybe somebody else’s, but not theirs.
When it comes to people being rude to her though, she doesn’t hide her disdain. Either matching their energy or masking to a neutral tone depending on the day. It’s rare for her to outright confront someone first hand, but any time she does it’s usually for understandable reasons as she usually has to be pushed.
One issue with that though is that since she does need to be pushed, it’s possible for her to snap on someone for something seemingly small at first. Even if in reality it was just a final straw, it usually tends to make her the asshole in that specific situation. 
Spark enjoys a simple life, despite working at the restoration, she doesn’t yearn for a grand adventure of a story. She feels independent and self accomplished as she is now, and that’s all she’s been wanting for years. How could she complain? 
While she enjoys things being tame, that doesn’t mean she can’t have fun. From having a whole night out to a simple brunch, Spark loves going out and spending time with her friends. Even if it can sometimes drain his social battery to nothing once it’s all over.
Her outfits tend to reflect this trait of hers, being cute while still being comfortable. As much as she likes to look pretty, she’s not gonna jeopardize any sense of mobility or comfort just for a cute outfit. Nearly every outfit she has includes a low cut back for her wings because of this.
Plus, she rocks it, so win win!
As much as Spark enjoys her newer life and loves the people around her, it is admittedly not too difficult to upset her if you push the right buttons.
Bringing up her family or the metal virus, blaming her for things she didn’t do, and any harm against animals, chao, or wisps are all things that can easily set her off. Whether it makes her upset or angry, the reaction typically isn’t rational or positive.
If her upset state becomes too frenzied, Spark can sometimes be inconsolable. As much as she tries to be calm and not copy her mothers shouting habit, the effort dwindles the more her patience is tested. In a state of anger the best thing to do for her is to get her out of the scene, and take her somewhere secluded to calm down. Even if she protests in favor of continuing the shouting match.
Unlike with her anger though, any time Spark is deeply saddened by something it’s incredibly hard to tell what can help her. Giving her time alone? A hug? Letting her vent? Just being there as quiet company? Who knows, it’s inconsistent with her, to the point she can’t tell sometimes either. Which of course doesn’t help the person trying to console her. It takes someone with a lot of patience to help Spark in an irrational state, at least patience for her in particular. 
On the whole, and to most people, Spark is simply a nice girl working a nice quant job. To those that know her better, she’s that and more. For better or for worse. She’s an incredibly emotional person with issues and habits she’s desperately trying to break.
The Restoration is the first place she’s ever lived at alone.
The cafe is the first job she’s ever had.
Niko is the first true friend she made outside of her family and hometown.
And the world outside of The Restoration has become terrifying to her.
But, thankfully, she likes her life inside the base. As new as it’s been for her, it’s the most fulfilled she’s ever felt in her life.
And that’s all she’s ever wanted.
Current Life
One of the somewhat newer workers in The Restoration, Spark works at a small cafe within the facilities. While her job is making coffee, her actual passion is art and creatives. Often pulling a sketchbook out on break or during dead hours. Outside of drawing though, she does enjoy collecting random fun finds and eventually picks up gardening.
His time at The Restoration would allow him to meet many new people, including his now best friend Niko. Niko with their wisp, Skullz, would end up being very protective of Spark. She certainly wouldn’t mind though, they sure kept customers from being rude. Awesome bonus, she really liked their company too :D! The scary dog privileges was more so the bonus actually. She really did care about them as much as they did for her..even if it was in a less violent way. Anything for the Queen Bee!…Spark isn’t royalty, Niko is just very committed to the bit.
(Niko belongs to @zip-toonz)
Spark would also end up meeting many other people working for or visiting the residence. It was easy to do as a cafe worker after all. She’s even interacted with Sonic a few times, while he never bought coffee for himself he didn’t seem to mind picking some up for others.
One of the more notable people she’s met though, has actually been Mecha Sonic. Meeting the barista not long after visiting the resistance base, and eventually going from strangers to friends, to friends to partners.
(More on that relationship later.)
Her time at the restoration and newfound relationships with people has given Spark a newfound sense of self worth. Finding fulfillment in not having to rely on family for living means, and being productive in her own job. No place is ever perfect, but for Spark, things right now are damn near close.
Familial Past
Spark can fully acknowledge the fact she doesn’t have the worst family life. They care, they try, they love her and she doesn’t doubt it. Not anymore at least.
But man is the relationship still rocky.
Her mothers side of the family was never too afraid to speak up about their thoughts and feelings. They also weren’t afraid to be loud about it too. While this was usually fine within that side of the family itself, it often caused a clash amongst others.
Her father’s side of the family is much more accomplished and self absorbed, unlike her father himself. Having an attitude of smelling their own farts and high standards for how they should be treated.
Each family alone would be different to deal with, but the combination under one house simply led to chaos.
Constant bickering and verbal berating, three kids would be stuck hearing shouting for years of a couple that just refused to split no matter what. 
Eventually it would go to two kids, and then one as they slowly moved out. Spark left the chaos after the metal virus, unable to carry much in her bags, and hasn’t kept well in touch since.
Any contact she does have with them is very limited, and is only there at all because they make the effort to reach out to her. She feels guilt for leaving her little brother home, but he was still a kid and couldn’t be taken from his life like that.
Despite efforts to make her reveal it, Spark hasn’t actually told any of her family where she moved. Planning to eventually tell them after getting some time away.
She kept telling herself all she needed was a break, but as time passed on, it really seemed like it may have been more than that.
One of the few family members Spark became close with outside of her immediate family was Ladie, her cousin. Ladie the Bug came from the father’s side of the family, and as a result always took lead of the relationship between the two.
Ladie’s the one that suggests when they hang out.
Ladie’s the one who initiates conversation.
Ladie’s the one who talks while Spark listens.
Ladie’s the one who asks Spark about her life to show she wants her to talk.
Ladie’s the one who tries to figure out what Spark likes but just can’t get enough out of her.
While there’s no denying the imperfect dynamic, Ladie has always tried to care for and listen to Spark, because Spark was the only one who would listen to her. As much as she tried to get Spark to open up more, it never felt like enough.
Ladie would eventually be the first to figure out where Spark moved to, and would fly in with her wisp Gentleman for a surprise visit. One that catches Spark completely off guard, and would eventually make their relationship go from distant to rocky.
After the shock, it was actually nice to have some family back, but Spark had to spill the beans eventually. How exactly do you tell your cousin that you’re dating a giant rusty robot?
Yeah she…didn’t really approve much. Not even because of Mecha though..okay well maybe slightly, but after the events of the Metal Virus, Ladie worried her cousin was only doing this as a weird way of coping. Managing to even get in Spark’s head about it and make her worry maybe Ladie was right.
While her worries were genuine, she would eventually realize it didn’t matter what she thought of the relationship. If Spark really liked Mecha this much, even after what happened to her during the Metal Virus, the guy must’ve been doing something right.
     And maybe that’s what she needs more than anything.
After stopping the berating against her relationship, the cousins would begin to become close again. Hanging out more often and, finally, getting Spark to tell Ladie more about herself. During visits Ladie would meet more of Spark’s friends, show Spark some of her own new hobbies, and learn more about her favorite cousin than she ever knew.
While things start off rocky, they eventually become closer than they ever have been before, and finally have a balanced and healthy friendship with no leader. And for a long time, Ladie is the only family member Spark has regular contact with.
But of course you can’t just ghost a whole family forever, can you? And as much as their relationship has grown...Ladie is still a bit of a gossip.
What can you do? It runs in the family.
Relationship with Mecha
Not long after escaping Scrapnik Island, Mecha and his fellow scrapniks would be taken to the restoration to be fixed up, and given refuge until they decide what they want to do. Mecha himself would end up being one of the first to be given a voice, in turn being one of the first to go and meet new people. Even if he had some help doing so from Sonic, but hey he didn’t reject the support.
The whole idea was to just get him, and the other scrapniks, more comfortable interacting with other people. Along with getting people comfortable with them, this was a strange addition to their base after all. What would be an easy errand for people practice? A coffee run of course! Oh yeah you know where this is going.
Sonic accompanied him on the first trip there, it only made sense to. Sonic got along with nearly everyone, and at this point they still had a mind link. He had done coffee runs for his friend’s before too, so showing Mecha the ropes wouldn’t be hard, right? Well, yes, but it was still odd.
Initially it was just another slow day at the cafe, Spark trying to doodle to pass time. It was a real dead hour, but despite the effort she just couldn’t think of what to put on the page. In the middle of her thinking though, the front bell would ring.
Looking up and seeing Sonic walk in wasn’t really a surprise at this point, but the giant rusty robot beside him sure was. The sight absolutely throwing her off guard and leaving her staggering as she tried, and failed, to make the order like nothing was odd. She could swear Sonic said what the robot’s name was, but it was in one ear out the other. Despite how odd it all was, she couldn’t stop sneaking looks at him.
It was easily the most awkward customer interaction she ever had, the silence of the cafe afterwards not helping at all. It wasn’t like she was scared or anything..okay maybe slightly, but it was mainly the surprise of it. Could you blame her too much? The guy was huge and had a saw for a leg! That’d shock just about anybody.
But what could she do about it now? She just shook it off and went back to her sketchbook. Finally getting a couple lines down on the page even, look at that! Maybe she needed a little shock in her day to inspire— Wait what was she drawing? The more she added the more it kinda looked like-…oh.
Oh no.
Mecha would leave the interaction thinking he scared the poor bee outta her wits. Sonic though, got a bit of a different impression after seeing those glances. Of course with the mind link, both knew what the other thought, and neither would really agree on that interaction going okay or bad.
At least they both agreed it wasn’t great, but hey it could’ve been much worse.
Thankfully though, as more visits passed, the barista there seemed to calm down. She didn’t even drop a cup on the second coffee run, that was already good!
For a while Sonic and others accompanied him for the first few visits, along with trips to other stops, but after a bit all of them agreed he needed to do these things on his own.
He actually wanted to make trips on his own for a fair bit by that point, so like, finally lmao.
These errands and such would, of course, sometimes involve the cafe as usual. Giving him and Spark more chance to actually talk, which thankfully by that point should be easy. The sight of a super tall rusty robot didn’t seem to spook her at all anymore. Though sometimes she did slam her sketchbook shut when he came in during less active hours.
Damn, his friends sure drank a lot of coffee.
She felt like such a creep. A weirdo even. What kind of freak had this many doodles of a guy she’s only ever known as a customer? Damnit, why did he have to be fun to draw!?
It’s not like Mecha was the only thing in her sketchbook now, but any time she needed a page filler he sure was easy to default to. And he didn’t even know, that’s the part that made her feel like some stalker the most, the guy had no idea!
She couldn’t have liked the guy, she barely thought about him in all truth. Maybe at first she wondered what his deal was a bit, but he was kinda just a regular at this point.
It’d been a whole month of this, she needed to end this “drawing a stranger” crap soon. So what if he has a unique face and tall stature and funky body that was fun to sketch? Well describing it like that just makes it sound more creepy, but how could she clear her conscious?
By doing something humiliating of course. She’s not always the most rational, why would she be so here?
Nothing had really happened at all that day. Nobody needed Mecha’s help with anything, yet they were all so busy anyways. The garden didn’t need any tending, nobody needed an errand, and finally he had a day all for himself for the first time in awhile- Oh the barista bee was stomping over holding a horde of papers in her arms, that’s fine.
Oh she shoved all the papers into his hands while talking so fast he could barely process what she was saying.
Oh she walked away…weird, but what was on the papers-?
…Yeah he’d need advice on how to respond to a gift like that. Was Amy busy? Surely she’d know best for a situation like this.
Oh she could’ve died right then and there, Spark had done some embarrassing things in her life, but oh my god. That was horrid!
If she was lucky he’d think she’s insane and never come back to the cafe. Then awkward conversation wouldn’t have to happen, that WOULD kill Spark.
Well ready the funeral because guess who came in the next day? You already know.
Her stomach absolutely sank as she saw him walk in, she didn’t even properly hear what he said when he saw her. Almost immediately her words ran a mile a minute until he set something on the counter.
A small pot with a pretty pink flower inside.
Finally she hushed up as he explained he was told the gesture of a gift being returned with another gift was a kind way to say thank you.
Gift? Thank you? Hang on a moment—
By the time she tried to question him he was already leaving, not even on a coffee run that day. Damnit.
A gift. A gift!? She wasn’t giving him some mushy gift, she was clearing her conscious! In a stupid way, but it was still the goal. He had to be messing with her, no way he was for real.
Alright big man, you wanna play games? Spark can play.
Oh boy Spark regretted making an actual gift in return. At least for awhile, the exchange went back and forth and back and forth for like half a  month!! She was running out of space for these plants, it NEEDED to stop. She had to end this, even if she kinda instigated it.
To her surprise though, when she actually went to talk to him about it he was…very sweet and understanding about it. Huh, okay that was easy…now what?
Well a whole new topic that’s what, soon enough they ended up changing conversation completely. Damn, she didn’t ever assume he was bad or anything but actually talking to him, he was kinda cool and chill. To the surprise of both of them, they actually hit it off pretty good after having an actual talk like normal people.
Neither of these losers were normal at all though, albeit for very different reasons.
Okay, maybe she could actually be friends with this guy. She was digging his vibe, but she’d be surprised if he returned that sentiment to her.
Holy $&!+ he just made a new legit friend completely on his own, Sigma was gonna be so happy! At least happy to hear Spark is officially a friend now, he was kinda waiting for it during the whole gift exchange phase. A lot of Mecha’s friends and family were.
It’s not like he was friendless, far from it. He still had all the Scrapniks, he met plenty of people through Sonic and errands for people. He was on pretty good terms with a lot of people there now, but this happened to be the first person he befriended on his own. Geez, how little time did he really get to himself? He hadn’t noticed until now, he’d have to talk about that.
The friendship kept on for about three and a half months, going from casual friends to practically besties shockingly fast. They met each others friends, Spark met Mecha’s family, oh what could go wrong.
Feelings that’s what, or, well it went right because of feelings. Oh what to do when you catch feelings for a cute bee girl or a giant rusty robot clone of Sonic the Hedgehog.
Why not give it a shot? The feeling was mutual, what was there to lose?
Despite starting to date, their overall dynamic didn’t change much for a bit. They both agreed at the start they weren’t official official yet, but going out on dates and testing the waters. And hey, it was still fun! You don’t stop enjoying someone’s company just cause it’s a date. Soon enough it would be official though, and people sighed out a “finally” as they,, well finally acknowledged each other as such.
They were so slow but fast at the same time, confused a lot of people around them, but overall they were rooted for. At least by the current people currently surrounding them.
Over the course of the relationship their status as boyfriend and girlfriend would become a lot more blatant, as each grew more and more comfortable with the other. Both bringing in some heavy changes of routine to each other's lives, learning more about themselves and each other as time went on.
It was good, imperfect at times like any pair, but neither expected constant paradise. In a way they were imperfect in mere concept, but isn’t that just perfect to be?
(I was so embarrassed writing this whole section the entire time but god damnit that robot deserves somebody who will kiss him)
Interests, Talents, and Hobbies
Spark’s primary interest is art, getting into drawing at a young age and keeping the hobby up into adult years. She doesn’t know if she wants to pursue a career with it or not, most likely not, but isn’t against doing some drawings for the right payment. While she appreciates all kinds of arts, simple sketching is her favorite thing to default too. On occasion she’s down to paint or color pieces, but on the regular it’s just some nice pencil work. 
One of Spark’s hobbies she hasn’t been able to indulge in much since moving is figure collecting. She loves the sight of little characters on her shelves and desks, but when she moved she only had the space to bring a select few. Maybe if she made another trip back, but she doesn’t feel ready for that. While The Restoration has plenty of amenities and decent entertainment, figure collecting isn’t something you can easily indulge in. Your best bet would be to take a trip out of the base, but again, Spark doesn’t feel ready for it.
While it is, quite literally, her Job; Spark has found a knack for making a mean cup of coffee. With good training and being at this station for a while, she’s developed good measuring and order tactics to make a grand coffee. She’s even taken habit to make her own coffee at home instead of buying it, being able to make it exactly like she likes it. Which has been much easier on her wallet that’s for sure.
Back at home and during her bed rot, Spark consumed all kinds of media. Shows, movies, games; you name it, she had the time to consume it. She never did anything, what else was she supposed to do? Nowadays though, working a job and having a more active life, she’s found less time to watch shows or dig into video game lore. As much as she still enjoys getting into other people’s stories, it’s something she’s more selective with now due to limited time and energy. Sometimes it’s annoying not having the time to get into a show she thinks she’d like, but at the same time, she feels alright with the change.
There’s many reasons Spark never got into gardening: having no energy, it costing money, the bad soil in her family’s yard. Despite some interest, those factors always made it hard. But there was one reason that topped them all. A bee, growing a flower garden? How stereotypical! Imagine feeding into that stereotype, her family would mock her nonstop. She didn’t quickly start gardening after moving, it actually took quite awhile. But after meeting Mecha and eventually learning of his interest, he got her roped into a hobby she no longer had excuses to avoid. This development actually happened about a week into their romantic relationship, about three months of them actually knowing each other, and four months since they first met. After some time Spark started growing flowers in her own windowsill, enjoying the site that reminds her of so many good things.  Who cares if it was tropey? She liked it, that was enough.
Author’s Notes I Guess
Told y’all this was gonna be a long bio. I know I’m usually slow with writing but I’m sure you see why this took me awhile now.
Big mix of motivation highs and lows along with general embarrassment at points, but come on let a guy have some fun projecting onto an oc that kisses a rusty robot.
Real talk though over the course of developing Spark and drawing her more and establishing things not even mentioned in this post, she’s easily become one of my favorite characters I’ve ever made. I’m not gonna suddenly hide the fact she’s a major self insert, I’ve been pretty open about that since day one, but she really has developed beyond that now.
Yes, she’s a self insert of myself, but she’s also just Spark. She’s just a bee doing her best trying to live her life and kiss her mouthless boyfriend. She’s given me hope that I can do things she’s doing, and allowed me to process many emotions and thoughts through her. She had her own drama and issues going on that have little to nothing to do with me. And I really think that’s perfect for her as a character.
I’m so so flattered that so many friends have already found themselves attached to her and her dynamics before I even finished her first bio. And I hope that if you took the time to read all this you like her too.
Thank you also if you did read all this, I appreciate it :33 Any questions or such are of course welcome if you have any, and sharing is always appreciated, but of course neither are demanded and I hope you have a good day ^^
Anyways, I’ll go ahead and let you go. Here’s some other art (mainly doodles) I’ve done of Spark and others! As a treat
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(Yes I have been learning to draw Mecha too but I ain’t sharing that just yet)
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cultofdixon · 1 year
Taking Time
Daryl Dixon • They/Them Pronouns | AFAB • The fall of the prison brought these two together, and it meant so much more • ANGST/SFW/NSFW • TW: Canon Violence / Insecurities / Night Terrors / Burn Scars / PTSD / Abuse
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The familiar voice rang through Daryl’s ears thinking he was dreaming until he looked up spotting Y/N standing amongst a strange group. Looks like a biker gang. Without the bikes of course.
“Well shit boys. They modified the rules once again, but I’m kind of likin’ it” the man circled Daryl as he brought himself to his feet stepping close to Y/N about to embrace them when they retracted into themselves. “Aww. No hug for the newbie, anyway, you’ll learn about how we run things as we go along. But for obvious “what the fuck we doing” reasons. We’re tracking somebody”
“And helping this sweet piece of ass find that weird sanctuary place thinking the rest of their friends are there” and to the one’s mistake, he wrapped his arm around Y/N’s shoulder as Daryl watches their whole body tense and suddenly swing back one of their fists to meet his nose. The guy falls back with a thud and before he could get up Daryl aims his crossbow at his head resulting in a gun aimed at Y/N’s.
“Now now. Len here clearly never learns from his mistakes when dealin’ with the feral animal like times before.” The man from before, became obvious that he’s their leader. “He won’t do it again Y/N. But since you claimed this fella here, until he proves himself. Anything he does out of turn…will result in punishment on you” he whispers his threat up close and personal to Y/N making Daryl surrender to make him step away, but the defensive body language from his…Y/N. Started to stress him out, thinking they’ll snap a bone if touched.
Once the group got themselves settled into a building for the night, Y/N quickly claimed the truck and shoved one of the guys of the way for it. They gestured for Daryl to join them as the others fought for the other places. The two sat in the bed of the truck watching the others get settled as Daryl brought his attention back to Y/N seeing the exhaustion in their face along with the stress that he doesn’t know entirely about.
Until he had woken to the sound of fighting that was quickly muffled by one covering the other’s mouth. In this case being Len covering Y/N’s mouth as he drags their struggling form outside the garage. Daryl didn’t wait another second but did his best to keep quiet going to save them when—
“Where you going?”
“You let this shit just happen?”
“Y/N has always been a piece of work with us. Not only is the helping one another find whatever either of us is looking for being a reason to stay, but because they’ve caused us trouble. And instead of putting a bullet between their eyes, they agreed to work with us. In any. way. shape. or form” The leader by the name of Joe, that was earlier told to Daryl while the group migrated, stated watching a bit of the horror his words intended write itself on his face. “Nothing sexual if that makes yea feel better. You should just let’em fight”
“Nah. Fuck off” Daryl hissed and before he could even get to the door, Tony knocked him onto his ass. “Piss off—-“ and he stopped when he heard the click of Joe’s gun.
“Just let’em fight”
Daryl was willing to take a bullet for Y/N in that moment, but there’s so much more to it. He felt like a monster letting it happen…but he didn’t want them to die in a quick way either. He needs to find a way for this to stop.
The next morning came and Daryl stayed up all night with Y/N. After they came back in, they stopped speaking. Part of it was the injuries to their throat, another was the rage brewing inside them. But one thing they did do was take Daryl’s hand at some time during the night to reassure him not to blame himself, even if he does that regardless.
“Explain your shitty rules”
Joe chuckles to the tone but was going to comply anyway. “You see somethin’ you want. Claim it. Before another does. Y/N picks fights—-“
“Shut it. Am I still claimed?”
“Nah. I think that fine ass did it so we wouldn’t have killed yea the second we saw you. Cuz we really didn’t trust how you just sat in the middle of the road and didn’t get bothered by any walkers. Force of nature in your own strange way” Joe took out a pack of cigarettes that he managed to find, offering one to Daryl as he shook his head. “So do whatever. But don’t pick a fight. Imma still keep that rule in play. You do shit. They pay for it” he gestured to Y/N walking in the center of the group.
Daryl had gotten an idea.
Resulting in Y/N freezing to the hand wrapped around their throat and being pinned against the wall. They had just gotten into a fight with Len again and Daryl was sick of this shit. Putting them in their place which got brownie points from the rest of the group. Joe especially.
“You do what you’re told from now on” Daryl threats watching Y/N tense up a bit more as they nod, feeling a tear roll off their cheek.
“Well done. The feral beast is now tamed.” Joe suddenly grabs Len by the collar and shoved him against one of the cars they found. “Len, we’ll put a bullet through your head if you mess with them. Let Daryl discipline them when they’re out of line” he smirks releasing the poor dude before finding their group another spot to hold up in.
As the others followed Joe leaving Daryl and Y/N to be the stragglers, Y/N wiped away the tear relaxing their body once Daryl removed his hand.
“Sorry” He whispers to them, Y/N still deciding not to speak but they patted his shoulder to give him some sense that it was all part of the plan and okay…it was just going to set them back a bit.
Another few days went by, resulting in one where Len died after trying to plant something of Daryl’s in Y/N’s pack. Joe was sick of the kid’s shit and ended his dumbass. As night fell, Y/N offered to keep watch after setting up another barrier of cans. But Daryl of course refused to let them be alone and the remaining few of the Claimers, something the two decided to call them, turned in for the night.
“I really did get stuck by hurting a few of them” Y/N blurts out to avoid the silence between the two. Thankful that they started the conversation making Daryl internally sigh. “Already didn’t come out of the prison unscathed. Had to fight a few Governor fucks on my way out…they found me bleeding and full of rage. Didn’t kill Lou but he was the one that knocked me down back to square one…” they rub their throat gently not enjoying the bruises, but Daryl noticed how hesitant they were to touch parts of their arm. “I was already found broken…then got thrown back down to that stage again”
While on a run by himself to mainly get something for Maggie, Glenn came back in a hurry startling everybody when he came in running with a body in his arms. Beth and Carl quickly took everything off the table letting Glenn set the person down as Hershel approached with Caleb, both assessing the situation.
“We bringing in walker-like strays now?” Daryl states watching Carol move to block Beth who’s carrying Judith and Carl in case the mysterious person turned.
“They saved me. They weren’t bit or nothing”
“But we know very well that even a bullet wound can turn a man. Carol take’em out of the cellblock” Rick gestures for his friend to take the kids out before turning to the two docs. “Y’all can do what you can. But the second things go south, you’re taking them out” he pointed to Glenn making it his responsibility given he brought them in.
But instead of a walker waking out of the person, woke was a terrified human being cornering themselves while the group mistakenly surrounded him.
“We ain’t gonna hurt yea.” Hershel reassures taking a step back as the person who looked as if they were mummified because of the bandages pressed themselves against the wall.
Glenn stepped into view seeing their eyes lock on him and a sense of relief washed over them but when he stepped close they retracted.
“You were severely burned when you saved me. Clearly you were in something else before saving me…So I had to return the favor when you passed out from I assume exhaustion” Glenn says with a frown watching as his words did nothing to calm them.
Daryl finally arrived back with Rick and Maggie seeing the situation for himself. He watches for a bit seeing the few trying to approach the stranger that was giving clear signs that they didn’t want them near’em.
“Ight. Everybody out.” Daryl states receiving confused looks. “I’ve got it. Now get the fuck out” he watches his family go from confused to he’s serious and did what was…demanded more than asked of them.
The second the few surrounding the stranger was no longer around them and Daryl was left to be with them. He watches them slide against the wall reaching the ground and curling up on themselves.
“Nobody here is gonna hurt yea.” He kept his distance kneeling to the floor to be their level. “What we heard was you saved one of our own. We don’t meet those who help with violence.”
“…He didn’t see the walkers following him, and the foundation was weak enough to knock over to take the crowd out” They sounded weak given their state. “I…Had Uhm…just…”
“You don’t gotta tell me what happened to yea” Daryl starts seeing the relief flood them instantly. “I’ll stop anybody that bothers yea for an answer. You don’t gotta share if you don’t wanna”
Later that day, Daryl helped them get settled into one of the office rooms. Since the cells weren’t giving them any comfort, hell he understands that feeling.
“Holler if yea need anything…uhm”
“It’s Y/N. Y/N…” Y/N gave him an appreciative look as he made his leave to let them settle in.
“You’ve said I never had to bring it up…But this, still doesn’t top being burned alive” Y/N scoffs feeling the tears coming. “Your family made me feel safe again, be able to trust again…then the second I extend my hand in asking for help. I’m shoved back into that place feeling the heat rise and the footsteps fade…”
“Let’s leave then” Daryl whispers to Y/N seeing the pleading look in their eyes mixed with the fear and anxious body language. “I’ve lost and I ain’t gonna keep losin’. I’m not losin’ you to these fucks” he continues to keep his voice low turning back to the group before quietly getting up and extending his hand to them. “I’m not losing you” and with that, Y/N took the chance and they left.
But when the next night came and Joe had found who he was looking for this entire time. Daryl couldn’t let anything more happen and revealed himself from the shadows. Given the two had gotten back onto the road by following it within the tree line, but when they heard the commotion of the Claimers, they knew something was up.
“What the hell you doing?”
“Well lookie here fellas” Joe smirks keeping his gun directed at Rick. “Where’s your partner huh? Len might not be around but I still got a thing or two to pick with Y/N”
“What. Are. You. Doing.”
“Paying respects to Lou. By killing his killer”
“These people…are good people.” Daryl states watching Y/N in the darkness start to pull up without being spotted.
“Yeah? He killed our friend, saying he’s good people…is a lie” and that triggered two of the guys to bring Daryl down. Taking his crossbow off of him and starting to lay a few punches. While the one keeping Carl in the truck, Dan, pulled the kid out so that Rick could watch what he’s going to do with him. “First. We’re gonna beat your friend Daryl to death, then we’re gonna take the girl…and the boy, and finally end you”
Without a second thought, Rick suddenly head butted Joe causing him to release a shot but topple back a bit. As Rick formulated a quick plan, another shot rang through. Seeing the man on Carl drop and the one who fired coming out from the dark being Y/N. Oh how the two tuned out the rest of the world in that moment…
Rick took care of Joe giving him a piece of his mind while Y/N tackled down one of the two on Daryl, giving him a window to take care of the other. As Michonne took down her attacker before checking on Carl.
As the sun started to rise, Rick sat in silence thinking of what had just happened and turned to the two beside him seeing the damage done on Y/N that has aged.
“Why did you stay with’em? Did you know—-“
“We were trackin’ somebody. Didn’t know it was you. I just wanted to find you guys. Got stuck in a predicament” Y/N wipes the blood from their lip after being punched a few times during their recent altercation. “Then found Daryl, and got roped into another problem”
“It was a lot, Rick. Couldn’t step out until there was a window. A bit of an obvious one but still” Daryl kept his attention to the ground below before turning to Y/N when they rest their head on his shoulder. They all were exhausted. Y/N’s body was starting to give in.
“…Need to find the others. Find out if they’re alright”
Following the directions on the signs that passed by to this sanctuary called Terminus the closer they got. Y/N’s anxiety started to eat at them realizing it’s a gated community and remembering they didn’t know much of it. It could be a trap was all they thought as Rick cautiously placed his hand upon their shoulder watching them retract.
“You stay out here in case shit happens and we need rescuing”
“I don’t trust it Rick.”
“I know, I don’t either. But we’ll need someone like you to help us out of there when given the signal”
But the signal never came in the form of the retired sheriff or even the archer or the swordsman.
It was Carol. She had startled them unexpectedly as she had a suspicion on the place when she noticed the signs for herself. But seeing Y/N had been watching the community from the outside and hearing that they received no sign from their group…she knew that the two of them would have to break them out.
With the help of an explosion.
After getting their group out of the hell with cannibals, real fucking cannibals. Everyone reunited with Carol and eventually we’re led to where Judith and Tyreese were.
Y/N watches the Grimes reunite with one another and couldn’t help but grip onto their chest.
Y/N cornered themselves in a cell in the quarantine block as they felt their chest tighten at every breath. They couldn’t remember the last time they were sick but it definitely didn’t feel like this. They were waiting like the rest still standing, for Daryl and the others to return with the medicine and it felt like it was taking forever with how incredibly slow everything was happening.
Then Daryl came through the cell block with those that accompanied him and immediately went to Hershel who made the cocktail for those still alive.
Leading the archer to instantly make his way toward Y/N’s cell as he didn’t wait a second to give them the medicine. And within that moment even if it didn’t go into full effect, he wrapped his arms around them holding them in his embrace.
Something he’s been wanting to do since they reunited
Ever since the prison collapsed, everything seemed to went down hill. Now the group walked aimlessly through the streets after losing a few of their own.
Both happened so suddenly that it will ache for a while.
As the group stopped in the middle of the road investigating the water that was left out there. Ultimately refusing it. The weather changed and it felt like a sign when the rain fell…that some good will come again with time.
The archer didn’t budge from his place letting the rain hit him and ultimately drench him like it did others. He only moved slightly when he felt their hand place itself on his arm. As Y/N looks up at Daryl with that concern look in their eyes, the same one he bore during their time with the claimers. He knew he could do what he wanted right then and there…
Carefully engulfing Y/N in his embrace feeling them wrap their arms tightly around him holding on for fear life. As no one could tell that they had started to cry silently in each other’s arms due to the rain.
It’ll take time to heal from it all.
But he was thankful for them in this moment.
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