#someone catch those duckies
rainytumble · 5 months
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Based on the "Why can't I hold all these limes?" meme.
This has been floating around in my head for weeks and today I finally drew it to get it out of my system. 
I'm so glad Viv took the 4-finger route with the character designs, the hands still took me a while, but not noticeably longer than the other part which is such a blessing. I think I would have spent at least 1/2 to 1 hour longer if that hadn't been the case.
Alternate, even more depressing duckless version:
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selineram3421 · 10 months
*those sleepy thoughts* What if?
The Red Mist
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Alastor X Sleepy Reader
Warning! ⚠
⚠ italics = thoughts, implied/suggestive comment, murder, all caps for screeching ⚠
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Everything was red.
You were confused when you first opened your eyes. None of it felt real, everything felt out of place and fuzzy.
What is going on? Where am I? You thought as you walked down the street.
At some point you ended up in a bar. Not wanting to stay standing in a corner, you went over to a booth and sat down. With a sigh, you rest your head on the table, trying to gather your thoughts.
Why is everything so weird? I feel lightheaded..
You didn't notice the eyes on you from the creatures across the room.
Alastor was on a stroll through Hell.
For some reason today was energizing! There a strange shift in the air and he wanted to find what caused it.
Of course he had to go out!
Walking down one of the many alley ways, he finds an average sized demon surrounded by..wolves.
"Just leave me alone, I have to find-", they try to push through but get shoved back into the brick wall behind them.
"We'll help you cutie~ Just let us get a taste first.", one of the drooling beasts says.
"I said leave me alone!", they shout, shoving one of the demons away as they try to leave.
"Oh no you don't-!", one growls, reaching over to grab their arm.
Obviously before that could happen Alastor stepped in, with a snap of his fingers there were tendrils and shadows shredding the group of dogs.
He appears before the demon trying to run and holds them in place, turning them to face the glorious scene of bloodshed.
"Now, now! No need to run anymore, enjoy the show!", the deer demon's grin widens as he feels them stiffen in his grasp.
It didn't take long to tear apart the demons, so all that was left of the group of beasts was on the ground. A pile of red meat.
"The show has ended, what a shame.", the Radio Demon sighs and focuses his attention to the demon in his hold. "And who might you be?"
"Introduce yourself first.", they reply looking up at him with a glare.
How cute. Alastor grinned, releasing the demon before taking a step back and giving a proper show man bow.
"Apologies! I am Alastor, the Radio Demon.", he smiles politely as he stands straight. "Now you."
"A dreamer.", they respond, catching him by surprise.
A dreamer? What do the mean?
Before he could ask what they meant, the demon stumbled and fell forward. On instinct, he went to catch them.
Holding them close, he watched as parts of them started to fade away like mist.
"What in the-?"
They stared at him before giving a smile.
"This was a better dream.", they said, closing their eyes.
In an instant their body turned into red mist, leaving him completely confused. Moving his arms back, he stood in the alley way to think.
"GET UP!", you heard before feeling something smack you in the face.
Sitting up with a groan, you see your little sister dash out of the room, hearing her mischievous giggles.
"I guess someone isn't getting pancakes!", you say.
You laugh when hearing her gasp.
"I want pancakes!", she runs back in and belly flops on the bed. "I won't do it again!"
Patting her on the head, you smile and do what any older sibling would.
Mess up her hair.
"Ah! Hey!", she yells and smacks your hand.
"Now we're even!", you say and get up to stretch. "Let's make chocolate chip pancakes.", you say before heading out of your room.
"Yay!", she cheers and runs to the kitchen. "I want strawberry milk!"
While you were getting the ingredients and cooking tools, you remembered a piece of your dream.
Red eyes? You thought while placing the mixing bowl on the counter.
Trying to put your dream together, you remember seeing a handsome face before being woken up.
Did I dream of a hot guy with red eyes?
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*avoiding eye contact* 👀 May or may not have had a dream about a hot guy with red eyes.
~Seline, the person.
Part 1
@willowaudreykeyes @kiraisastay @naelys-the-aster @scary-noodlesblog @ducky-died-inside @c4rved-pumpk1n @stolas-thebirb @biromanticboba @lbcreations-blog @+?
ML for Alastor🎙
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slasherstories123 · 4 months
Hii!! I Hope this isn’t asking too much but do you know if you could write about the reader giving rz Michael a bubble bath in like those claw foot baths where his knees would be sticking out, and he would have a pile of soap suds on top of his head and he would be entertained by a little rubber ducky as we wash him with those big yellow sponges? If you can’t that’s completely ok and don’t worry about it!! It would just be a cute fluffy moment between the 2!
Bath time
RZ!Michael Myers x reader
Word count: 1.4k
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Tags list: @dootys @callmemeelah @mehidktbh @beanbagbitch @mrs-heelshire @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @oneofvincentscandles @sleepypersonblog @alexxavicry @vexeliers-breakroom @l0sercat @naxxsstuff @beel-mcburger @charliedawn @emychan @slasherscrybaby
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You slowly blinked while staring ahead at the alarm clock. It was close to midnight and your killer boyfriend haven’t came back yet and it’s nearly been three hours. It wasn’t like you could do anything, you wouldn’t know where to look if you wanted to do a search to find him. The more time he was gone, the more your mind started to wander and think the worst case scenarios. You shook your head to make them stop but they kept coming, making you sit up straight to walk around.
What if he finally got caught…or worse…did someone finally manage to kill him? Is he gone for good..?
“Don’t be ridiculous.” you said to yourself while trying to get something to drink. “This is Michael we’re talking about, he’s strong enough to handle himself.”
Yet the thought still lingered, he’d always come home badly injured and each time it made you worry that one day he won’t come back for good. People can put up a good fight when it comes to him and it shows from him having scratch marks to literally stab wounds and glass shards in his skin. You poured water in your cup, the thoughts still consuming your brain. A low creak of the wooden floor made you flinch, realizing you overfilled your cup of water and it spilled on the counter. Cursing to yourself as you quickly tried to clean it up and looked where the creak came from.
Michael stood by the couch and you had a hand over your pounding heart at the sight of him, turning on the kitchen light to get a better look at him. Luckily there wasn’t any blood..at least that was his…
His outfit was mainly covered in dirt, you sighed in relief which made him tilt his head at you. “You gave me quite the scare Mike.. but you gotta get out of those close if you want me to wash them. I don’t know about you but I don’t want to sleep with a mud stain on my bed. I can start a bath while you change.” You didn’t care about the glass of water and ran upstairs to get the bath ready, making sure it was warm but was still a little hot, making sure it had lots of soap for him to try and relax in. When you turned around Michael stood at the bathroom doorway. You really didn’t want to tell him to take off his mask but you had to in order for you to wash his hair as well.
“Okay another thing… you’re gonna have to take off your mask,” you saw him let out a deep breath. “Wait wait, you can still wear your paper mache one, I just want to wash your hair as well.” You held your hands up in defense, slowly sliding beside him before leaving the bathroom to go and get one of the old one he made that nearly resembled a pumpkin face with black scribbles. Giving it to him and giving him the privacy he needed. “If you need anything, or need help just knock okay?” Michael nodded, you went back downstairs to try and drink the glass of water now knowing that he’s okay.
I wonder if he got hurt, there wasn’t any blood seeping through his clothes it was only the blood of his victims, even if that was the case it’s not like he’s gonna go out of his way to show me I’d have to catch him or pay close attention, he didn’t look injured though.
You heard three knocks, chugging the rest of your water before sprinting upstairs, skipping every two steps to reach to the top faster, hoping he had on the paper mache mask, opening the cracked door to see Michael in the tub. He had his hands on his knees while his knees stuck out of the tub, a yellow rubber ducky floated through the water each time he moved. You forgot that was there.
“Is everything alright?” You asked pointing at him.
He nodded. Pointing at his body and hair.
“You..want me to wash you up?”
He nodded again.
With a tap of your fingers against the wall it took you a moment to remover where you put those large sponges, rushing back downstairs for the third time and grabbing a random cup and large sponge. Coming back up with a small huff from the constant back and forth, still standing and let the sponge absorb some water before pressing down on the bottle of foam soap. Washing up his upper body gently to make sure the soap spread everywhere. Sometimes he’d poke the duck or would squeeze it to make the water come out. You smiled at him being entertained by it. “Alright you gotta wash your lower body, let me know when you’re done I’m gonna put your clothes in the washer.”
He took the sponge silently, you gathered the muddy and dirty clothes and put them in the washer, nearly slamming the washer shut. You then went to your small closet and grabbed a large towel to put in the dryer so it can be warm for him when he comes out. You rubbed your tired yes before going to your room closer,looking for a certain pair of pajamas you bought for him to sleep in, it was hard to find the right size since you couldn’t take him shopping, your best guess was to estimate by the way his clothes looked on him, hoping they weren’t that big on him once he tried them on.
You grabbed the light blue two piece pajamas for him and stood by the bathroom until he knocked again. The three knocks came back and you came in. Wondering how you were going to wash his hair with the paper mache mask in his face. You put down the pajamas.
“Okay.. I’m gonna need you to tilt your head back so the mask won’t get wet.” His hair got dirtier every time you saw it, he desperately needed it washed. You were surprised it was still growing since he didn’t take care of it. Pouring a cup of water over his hair until it was wet and squeezed some shampoo in your hands, massaging his scalp and made sure every last strand of his hair was lathered in shampoo.
You payed attention to his body language since talking was something he never did, his tense form relaxed the more you massaged his scalp with gentle scratches of your fingers the hold on his leg loosened and you cosine sworn you heard him let out a deep sigh. After a few pours, he didn’t have anymore shampoo in his hair. You patted his shoulder to signal you were done, gently gathering his hair to ring out the access water in his hair. “Alright.. I did my part, you can rinse off or stay for as long as you’d like as long as you don’t get my floors wet. Your clothes are on the slink along with a towel. You rushed to get his towel out the dryer, placing it next to his clothing before finally laying down in your bed.
Plopping down on your back, your eyes began to droop needlessly, all that running back and forth made you exhausted along with you staying up waiting for Michael to come home. You didn’t regret it, but now that he was safe in your home, you can relax in peace. You didn’t know how long you managed to sleep before feeling a dip on the other side of the bed.
You sleepily turned your head to Michael who was staring at you through the mask. Having in the pajamas you provided for him. His hair was damp, seeing that he dried it with the towel instead of leaving it a dripping mess to make your sheets wet. You held your hand out with another tired yawn. Eyes not being able to stay open and sleep wanted to overtake you, but you’d like to see him before you go back to sleep. You turned your body so your face him as well. Michaels large hand took yours in a tight squeeze, you didn’t have the energy to tell him to be more gentle, instead, the tight hold made you feel at ease knowing he was there with you . Closing your eyes with a soft, “Good night, Michael.”
A rough grunt was your response, it was the last thing you heard before falling back asleep.
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abibliophobiaa · 1 year
hello lunieee
I would like to request some dad!Steve-
just kidding.
I would love some dad!Eddie in the summer playing with his tween kid - maybe running through the sprinkler or someone gets sprayed with the hose, maybe eating ice pops, but most important of all is Eddie being a nerdy, kinda lame adorkable dad that his kid both loves and cringes at. Bonus points if we are watching him and really feelin' a surge of attraction or affection based on his antics.
thank you love youuu 💕
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Gone Fishing: Just Go With It…
warnings: r is pregnant, minor injury & barely edited — i needed something soft, sweet and fluffy today. (2.6k words)
dad!eddie munson x afab!mom!reader.
It’s meant to be a joke.
A little Russian Roulette game, if you will. A precursor to the barbecue plans with your friends for the summer festivities to determine if the pitcher of sangria Robin put her heart and soul into will end up going to waste.
Once you’ve all taken your tests, Max and El have you all turn around and scramble the order. When ready, you all turn around to find the three tests face up on the countertop.
“Mine’s negative,” Robin says, dramatically wiping the back of her hand over her brow. “What a relief!”
But she’s met only with silence.
Until. “Holy shit,” Max breathes out, trying to not break out into incredulous laughter.
“That one is definitely positive,” El points out, hooking her chin over Nancy’s shoulder.
Two lines.
Two very dark lines.
So you…or Nancy.
Baby number four for her, or number three for you.
Nancy bites her lip. Turns to you, smile a little hopeful despite the fact your nerves are buzzing to life at the prospect of another baby when you and Eddie hadn’t intended for another baby.
“Guess we have to take another,” she says, reaching for more test strips.
“Hey man, can you watch Quinnie?” Eddie asks, passing off the giggly two year old to her honorary uncle. “I’m just going to run to the bathroom.”
And they prove to be famous last words.
Words that change a lot.
Because as he’s washing his hands, humming a song that had been playing on the radio before he’d run inside, he spots the tests.
Multiple tests.
He’s seen a few since becoming a dad to know what two lines or a smiley face means.
He also knows that you, Nancy, Robin, El and Max had all gone to the bathroom at the same time to ‘take care of something.’
So despite it being his bathroom, in his home, he’s not sure if it’s your test.
But, he does know someone is pregnant.
Someone standing outside in his backyard just a few feet away.
The sudden realization hits him then. Either he’s becoming an uncle again to four, or a father of three.
“And you’re sure?” Steve asks, carding his fingers through his hair. Eddie pulls the strips out of his pocket and Steve whisper-yells, “There’s pee on those!”
“Grow up, Harrington, they’ve got the caps on. We have bigger things to worry about.” Eddie holds the tests in the space between the two of them, bent low near the grill, far away from the rest of the guests.
In the distance he can see you and Nancy watching the youngest Harringtons and Munsons in the pool while the older “kids” watch on. James’ laughter echoes as Dustin and Lucas toss him up into the air and catch him, his little rubber ducky floaties keeping him from slipping too far beneath the water’s surface.
You’re glowing, Quinn bouncing on your hip, wearing the same brightly colored summer dress you’re wearing that flutters around your thighs in the cool summer breeze. And he wonders briefly whether or not you carry a little secret beneath your heart.
“So one of us is pregnant?” Steve exhales deeply as Eddie nods, running a palm down his face. “Look—I know I said I wanted six, but I’m overrun by girls at the moment, Ed. Do you know how terrifying throwing a fourth girl into the mix is?”
Steve’s gaze travels over to Nancy and his three little girls. One reaches out to grab at her little ‘cousin’ Quinn, while the other two try to quite literally become mermaids in the pool, little legs kicking behind them, spraying Mike Wheeler in the face until he’s redder than a damn tomato.
“What do you think we should do?” Eddie asks, flipping over the burgers on the grill, waving as you look over your shoulder and give him one of your wonderful smiles he loves so much.
“Should we ask them?” Steve wonders, tossing some cheese on top, both men watching with increasing nervousness over their present (potential) situations.
“No—no, you absolutely cannot ask them if they’re pregnant.” Eddie shoves the bag of burger buns into his best friend’s chest. “Start laying the buns in that container right there. Yeah, that one. But as I was saying…asking a woman if she’s pregnant is enough to get you as number one on their to-kill list. Do you not fear death?”
Steve seems to consider this, swallowing thickly as he lays out the buns in the tin container so Eddie can begin loading burgers on top. “Nancy will murder me in my sleep.”
“Exactly.” Once the burgers are loaded up, he calls out into the open yard that dinner is ready and then claps Steve on the shoulder. “Best plan of action is to be supportive, remain calm, and act natural.”
“Are the guys being a little weird?” You ask, running your fingers through Quinn’s little curls, the two year old dozing against your chest.
“You two married the weirdest guys in Hawkins,” Robin says, sipping her cup of sangria. “I’d say this is within normal limits for them.”
“Steve knocked my drink out of my hand,” Nancy points out, pulling at a piece of cookie and popping it into her mouth.
“And Eddie kept demanding I eat more,” you add, laughing at the memory of your overly eager husband adding more macaroni salad to your plate as soon as you’d finished your first spoonful. “He also kept asking me if I should be holding Quinn.”
The men in question are presently standing in the yard bare chested in their swimsuits, with the sprinkler running. The kids rush through the stream all taking turns, still donning their little pool floaties, little shrieks of joy and peals of infectious laughter warming your heart.
Because you and Eddie finally saved up enough to buy this home, and are now sharing it with your friends who are more likely family now, and seeing the happiness on all their faces has made all the endless hours of work, hardships and obstacles so worth it.
So no, you can’t help the fear that wedges into your heart if you disrupt all of that.
“J! NO!”
Quinn whines from Eddie’s lap as James leans over and snatches a marshmallow from the bag his daughter is insistent upon keeping clutched in her tiny palms.
“Quinnie, give me!”
Quinn’s newest favorite word in the dictionary other than Momma and Dadda?
She uses it so often, Eddie sometimes forgets she’s picked up others throughout the past few months.
This time, her little fingers curl in her brother’s hair and give a harsh tug. Hard enough he winces and scrambles onto Eddie’s lap, knocking the wind from him when his knobby knee jabs him in the stomach, to try and alleviate the stress on his hair.
Catching his bearings once more, Eddie grips his daughter’s hand and unfurls her angry little knuckles, finger by finger until she reluctantly releases James.
“Quinnie, let’s be nice to your brother,” Eddie coos, bouncing her on his thigh as you start to rise from your chair, conversation with Nancy and Robin pausing to see the commotion. Wanting to show you he can, in fact, handle three kids, he shakes his head, reassuring, “I’ve got this.”
Steve glances over from beside him, braiding both his little girl’s hair into braids at the backs of their heads. Eddie frowns, and Steve gives him a sympathetic smile as his own littlest one trips over the leg of his chair and takes a tumble onto the patio below, scraping her knee and bursting into ear piercing wails, crying out for Mama.
“Chloe, do you want vanilla or chocolate ice cream for being such a good girl?” You ask, leaning your back against the kitchen counter as Nancy finishes putting a pink bandaid on her youngest daughter’s knee.
Hazel eyes that resemble her father’s peer up at you, fingers pointing to the vanilla container held up in your hands. “‘Bow sprinkle, pease!”
“She wants rainbow sprinkles,” Nancy clarifies as you get to work on her daughter’s ice cream, shoulders slouching, tears burning on your lower lash line. “Hey. Hey. What’s going on? You’ve been quiet tonight.”
Forearm pressing to your sweat-slick forehead, you sigh. “Eddie and I never talked about having another baby. We’ve been trying to save up for the house, we got the house, and now we’re really only just settling into the house. And I don’t even know how this happened, or how he’s going to react, or if he even wants another baby. We always said two and I-I—”
“Momma cry,” Quinn huffs beside Chloe, lifting at the edge of her frilly little summer dress.
You let out a weak laugh at that, sniffling noisily. “Momma is crying, yes sweetie.”
Nancy tugs you close as you join her and the girls on the counter, handing each of the greediest little ones a tiny spoon to likely smear vanilla ice cream on their faces with.
“We planned for James and planned for Quinnie.” With a groan, you grab your own spoon and shovel a spoonful of rainbow sprinkles into your mouth, needing a little sweetness to quell the nervousness bubbling in your belly.
“Well, it seems like that little one had other plans. I know it’s not ideal. But if you take away the house, if you take away all the other things stressing you out right about now, what do you feel?”
And that’s the thing. If you think about it. If you really think about it, you love your husband. Have for so many years now. You married him for all of the reasons you’d said in your vows. Wanted to take on life together, build a family, build a home.
Now here you are, still as deeply in love with him as you were that day, in the house of your dreams you never thought you’d own, with your sweet little boy who has love in his heart and joy in his laugh, and your little girl with her father’s tenacity and your features, and this unexpected little one, faceless and nameless and yet loved.
So so loved already.
“I’m happy. Just…really happy.”
“Then you’ll figure everything else out as you go.”
Outside, Eddie’s sitting near the bonfire with his acoustic guitar on his lap, strumming along to a silly song meant for the children. Made up, naturally. A tale of beautiful princes and princesses who wield swords and fight impressive dragons, of harrowing tales and defeating evil.
James sits on his lap, beaming bright, with chocolate smeared across his cheeks, heading into what is surely to be a lovely night of sleep induced by a food coma. Steve’s got his two older daughters, Olivia and Violet, draped over each of his thighs, their heads swaying back and forth and feet kicking as Eddie slips in and out of singing and speaking his stories.
The older kids in “The Party” have started cleaning up, weaving in and out of the house as you and Nancy make your way back outside the sliding glass door with Chloe and Quinn on your hips.
And later, as Steve and Robin show the kids how to safely play with sparklers, tips of their little fireworks exploding into colorful light, Eddie pulls you into his side and presses a kiss to your temple, murmuring he loves you against your skin.
You reply the same, turning your head enough so you can peck him once. Then again, humming into his smile. “Our first party in our new home.”
“The Munson home,” he says, kissing you once more.
And as his arms loop around your waist and James calls out “Mommy and Daddy look!” his little face illuminated in the dark, excitement blooming across his features, and your little girl dancing with Max and El off in the grass, you know you’re exactly where you’re meant to be.
In this home, with your family, and these people.
Quinn is already down for the night when Eddie starts getting James ready for bed. The boy in question yawns and protests very little as his father lifts him once he’s done dressing for bed and lays him down in his bed shaped like a little race car that Steve had helped put together for him on his sixth birth.
“Can we read The Hobbit?” James asks, clambering over his father’s chest as he settles down beside him on the mattress.
“Yes, but only one chapter, okay?”
James nods his agreement and Eddie begins where they left off, using all the silly fake voices that James always laughs at. Those belly laughs that shake the boy, and warm Eddie from head to toe. Those same laughs that remind him he’s not his father. That reminds him that he’s been made for this; to be your husband, James’ dad and Quinn’s dad. He’s got his support system. His uncle who is more a father to him now than anything else and the strength of his friendships. All he needs, really.
As he finishes reading, and James’ eyes grow heavier, his head curling into Eddie’s neck, James whispers, “I love you, daddy.” Eddie replies the same. Lifts his head and finds you there in the doorway.
Sees the worry lining your brow, remembers the way Nancy had warned him you’d been a little upset as her, Steve and the kids had left, and he has an inkling why. But he doesn’t know for certain.
All he knows is no matter what, as long as you have each other, it’ll all be okay.
You’ll figure out the rest as you go.
“Hey, baby? Can you come here for a second?” Eddie calls, just as you finish brushing your teeth and pat your face dry.
Exhaling deeply, you slip out of the bathroom and find him already propped up against the mountain of pillows on your bed, bare chest on display. He’s added tattoos as time has gone by, meant to cover the tapestry of scars across his skin, the same ones that you’ve traced countless times over the years, forever thankful that he’s still here.
His hands reach out to curl around the fullest part of your hips as you lower yourself down onto his lap, a thigh bracketing each of his hips, your own hands resting against the heat of his chest.
He rubs gentle patterns there. Callus scarred fingers dance across your thighs, along the curve of your hips, over your ribcage, the smallest point of your back, the softness of your stomach. Eddie pauses there, dark eyes meeting your own, tongue dragging a slow line across his lips.
“Eddie…” you begin, but Eddie jumps in before you can say any more.
“I want you to know I saw the pregnancy tests in the bathroom. I don’t know if they’re yours, but I wouldn’t be upset if they are. We have this home, we have each other. I got that promotion to manager at the shop, we’ve been saving. We might not have planned for another one, but I think we did a pretty damn good job with the first two, and I would love this baby so much and I—”
“It was my test. Both of them. I’m pregnant.”
His fingers spread further across your stomach, before reaching up to grip at both your cheeks and pull you close for a lingering kiss that has your toes curling. Before you can say anything else, he’s rolling you over onto your back and shoving at the flimsy sleep shirt you’re wearing, pressing kiss after kiss to your midsection.
“I’ll take it that you’re happy?” you giggle, threading your fingers in the soft curls at the back of his head.
Another kiss, this time to your belly button. “So happy,” he says, a grin growing against your skin. “Hi Maisie, it’s your daddy. I already love you so, so much.”
“Maisie, huh?”
“We always liked the name, and I have a gut feeling.”
Several months later, Eddie’s right.
Maisie Munson enters the world.
Seven pounds, six ounces, and pure love.
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cosmic-corporation · 1 month
AFJAGAJJHA I LOVE THE YAPPING OK (<- avid tag reader) IM EATING THIS LORE UP LIKE A DELICIOUS GOURMET MEAL /ref YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND🔥🔥 ITS SO FUN TO READ!!! CREATIVITY CREATIVITY!!!! (also reading lore just motivates me to do stuff idk why) (ough… platonic marriage /silly)
what about cassian? hehehehe (laying on my bed, on my stomach, reading lore and kicking my feet like a little girl)
- ducky anon
ooh when I catch you ducky, ducky when I catch you-/j
Cassian is... One of the BIGGEST characters I have they live in my brain all the time as we as their partner in crime, Archie ( @gl0wsticko 's character I lob archie am <3)
suicide mention after the 'read more'
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That's the newest rendition of Cassian that I've got :]]
and since they're the character I have built the most, I'm gonna section things up a bit!!!
Cassian is currently trying to avoid their own family due to their mission. Cecil pursues Cassian, trying to convince them to come back home. Ione has no memories of Cassian, only the stories Cecil and Atticus tell her.
At a fairly young age, Cassian was taken to a cult and some sort of curse was put upon them. idk how to really explain it, BUT, their mission is to take out any humanoid creature that *isn't* human. (themself INCLUDED!!!) they're a hypocrite SHIT. But, due to this mission they left their family to keep them safe. They moved around constantly trying to avoid enemies they've made and to avoid being found by Cecil. Along this, they found Archie who became their partner in crime. archie uses xe/xim for whoever is wondering. Once Cassian is no longer able to go on with their mission, they are supposed to end their own life due to the hypocricy mostly. They don't remember being cursed, they only know they get strong, painful headaches at the thought of purposfully sparing someone they shouldn't or at the thought of keeping themself alive in the end.
Despite having left, their relationship with their family is still decently intact!!! They love and miss their family every day, having a framed family photo always hidden wherever they're staying. Cassian and Cecil were also quite close, with Cassian still sending Cecil letters and voice mails some days. The lanterns and candles on their antlers are from Cecil. see here's where it all goes so fucking KABAMBAM
they're gay for eachother. 100%. no denying it. in so many AUs if things went right they'd be together. The two pine for eachother in secret, but neither confesses. Archie fears rejection and Cassian is scared to love someone, worried about the enemies they've made and mostly worried about xir safety. If Archie were to confess, Cassian would reject xim and initially be cold and harsh, but later come around to apologize to xim for being mean. (THEY ARE THE DEFENITION OF 'Somethin' Stupid' BY FRANK SINATRA KILL ME) But regardless, Cassian would do anything and everything to keep xim safe from harm. their love languages if ur curious; feels loved with acts of service and physical touch, but expresses love with words of affirmation for the most part they're also a cuddly and koala kinda guy.
They don't have a lot of fears, honestly. They mostly just fear killing their family and Archie, seeing as those are the only people they have left that still care about them. They're also violently insecure about their deer traits (antlers, ears, nose, and tail) :]
They're a BIIIIIIIIIG reader. and word man, so many fancy word,,,, They also enjoy cooking a lot :]
THEY'RE FUCKING BRITISH !!! They/them but prefers masculine terms like "boyfriend" and stuff like that They have a weighted spider plushie they cuddle with silk pjs, skincare routine, very hygiene oriented. you would not expect them to be a murderer/hj
also here's their playlist :] helps explain personality or wants and stuff.
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the family excluding cassian ^
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AND THE SPECIAL XE, ARCHIE !!!!!!! <3333 i love archie sm archie cassian all day all night all that's in my brain GET THE TWO OF THEM OUT/j
anyways there's your extra large lore session i love cassian sm <3
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Ducky anon is back! I'd like some Specimen 8 (Deer Lord) and Unknown Specimen 4 (Tirsiak) with a pacifist animal lover Reader that just befriended Violent Deer and Ghost Animals. I guess they just like being around animals
-duck🦆 anon
Specimen 8 (Deer Lord)
He senses a visitor in his domain and waits for the right moment to catch them by surprise.
He assumed it was just another hunter trying to make minced meat of the deer.
Little did they know..he'll swiftly claim their soul and leave their flesh behind to sustain his children's appetite.
However, when Deer Lord sees you in one of the "outdoor" rooms, he doesn't sense a single ounce of hatred or violence in your heart as he observes you interacting with the deer.
Despite being violent creatures, they're somehow calm as they allowed you to pet them, lightly brushing their fur with your fingers.
One even trusted you enough to lead you to some leafy foliage, where his mate, a sweet doe, has recently fostered a fawn. Even its sharp teeth were nearly fully grown.
You just coo in happiness, but the sound of Deer Lord's voice made your blood run cold.
"Are you pure of heart, child?"
Seeing this tall deer-skull monster shrouded in darkness has you terrified, but you calmed yourself down and nervously smiled up at him.
"Y-Yes, erm..my lord.." You weren't sure if that's the proper way to address him, considering all you've ever been doing was running from specimen. You never actually stopped to talk to one.
But clearly, this one had some morals left and didn't mindlessly kill like all the others.
"They lashed out at you." He pointed out the small bite marks on your hand. "Why didn't you retaliate?"
"Well..I can't blame them. You guys are probably used to seeing violent people," you tell him. "But all your children needed was a little compassion, right?"
True to your words, another deer calmly walked up beside you, sniffing your hand for nonhuman food.
It's safe to say you earned Deer Lord's respect, as he allowed you to rest in one of the cabin rooms for some time, calling a truce.
You wonder if Spooky's gonna get mad at him for this, but he assures you he doesn't answer to her for the most part...only someone named "Bayagototh".
Unknown Specimen 4 (Tirsiak)
Ruthless as she is, Tirsiak was also curious about you, watching you closely upon your arrival into her snowy forest domain.
Although she gave chase almost immediately, she stopped when you encountered your first shadow wolf blocking your path.
She wondered what you'll do...but is certain you'll strike it down with that sword/axe of yours and move along.
That's okay, though.
Soon enough you'll be brutally maimed out in the snow, just as you have maimed her precious creatures.
Yet you lower your weapon and instead..
Pet the wolf? Or at least attempt to as your hand phases right through its ear.
Yet it reacted as though you did, indeed, pet its fur, wagging its tail.
Tirsiak didn't know what to think, at first. She's never known a human who acted kind towards animals...only those who slaughtered them with blades, arrows, guns, etc.
So your strange actions have her too intrigued to kill you at the moment.
"You there. Why are you doing that....thing?"
"...uh..petting an animal..?" You look at her confused.
Honestly it's hard for you to take her seriously when she's cute and confused af about what you're doing. It makes you forget she's a dangerous specimen.
You explain the concept of petting animals to her, showing that her companions do love the affection and proving that you're not gonna harm any of them.
After giving it some thought, she floats to the ground and...asks for pets herself, bowing her head slightly.
Rather awkwardly, you pet her wolf ears, but you grin upon seeing her tail wagging, too.
"Aww that's adorable-"
"Call me "adorable" again and it'll be the last thing you'll ever say." She snarls.
'Jeez, guess someone's been around Spooky for too long..'
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stuiie · 3 months
hi! *Waves a bit shyly* I just wanted to say I've really been enjoying your fic, the color of you!! I found it while scrolling yesterday and started it at some point and was barely able to put it down, only pausing for things I had to do XD I ended up staying up late after some events and reading it and before I knew it it was 5 am, I could hear the birds chirping and I could barely keep my eyes open hehe. Made it through chapter fourteen though, huzzah!
You're writing is truly a joy to read and I really love how you've crafted the story! I honestly have ended up seeing myself reflected in Ducky in ways I wasn't expecting and it's made me ponder on some things heh (/positive). I appreciate the patience and effort you put into the slow burn!! I truly enjoy build up to relationships and the wait has been truly worth the reward as I'm arriving to the part where Ducky is actually entering into the relationship! I really appreciate the thought and kindness and heart you've put into some pretty hefty topics as the story progresses, and really enjoyed how you portrayed it narrative wise (my main thoughts especially being on her working through her lack of attraction towards the guy/men and her frustration over it, something I've also been dealing with lately ahah, so it was actually really nice to read someone uh. Also upset over a lack of 'normal' feelings so to speak, and over similar things (though thankfully a much kinder situation in my case). And the other being how you handled Nat confessing! It made a lot of sense for her to be morally distraught over her attraction to her, and I love the grace in which you wrote those emotions and experience!)
I've also enjoyed the ability to project a little neurodiversity onto y/n, whether or not that was intended! Its always quite nice to feel kindred in that way in regards to y/n's and honestly some of my favorite fics have that element to them. Anyways uh! Wonderful story so far! Can't wait to read more but also dreading catching up bc then I'll have to wait and be patient tehe (/silly). Thank you so much for sharing it!!
~ @anactualwolverine
Hi there sweet anactualwolverine,
Aaah, my teeth hurt from how incredibly sweet you are. Your words hit me right where I needed it the most, and knowing you enjoy the story so much fills me with such warmth. All I wanted was to create a healing fic, one for all of us who just want to feel that comfort and kindness. But I do hope you got some well-deserved rest after reading so many chapters; I'm impressed you powered through to chapter 14 😍.
It really does something to me when I get messages where you and others can see yourselves in Ducky, and I hope it brings you some comfort to know you aren't alone. Ducky is special to me, and I have to admit I wish she were real so I could hug her. I love writing Natasha and Wanda caring for her.
And yes, Ducky's journey to self-discovery and attraction was a delicate process and something I struggled with a lot when I was younger. I wanted to shed light on the inner thoughts and feelings that can go through your head during that journey. Again, it makes me so happy that you share your thoughts on this, how you've experienced it, and can relate. It warms my heart.
Oh, and it pleases me so much that you highlight Natasha's confession and the struggles she had with her feelings for Ducky. It's something I had hoped would come through in a good way. So thank you truly for sharing your thoughts on it.
I wish you the best week, and thank you again for taking the time to send me this absolutely lovely message.
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tf2yall · 2 years
Mercs hygiene habits?
Sorry this took so long 💔 here u go!!!
Ok based on general vibes, im pretty sure scout would think deodorant was a fancy roll up kind of candy. But on the other hand i think his ma raised him right and he cleans himself regularly
Always takes very quick showers as he hates standing still for too long. (And he's just used to having to be fast as he grew up in a house full of too many people for one bathroom) Would probably use regular body wash as shampoo.
Brushes his teeth once a day before bed.
All in all, most of the time he just smells like a teenage boy. It's not incredibly intense, but it is definitely there
His hygiene routine is very military-like
Ice cold showers that are precisely two minutes long. Beard and hair always cropped down to the skin. Unscented bar soaps.
That being said, once he starts dating Zhanna, she occasionally throws perfume or something at him to get him to stop smelling quite so much like sweat and blood
Soldier discovers that he quite likes perfume. And if anyone says anything about it, he's kicking their ass straight to the moon. (Which he doesn't actually believe exists, but thats a different matter entirely. He has a whole conspiracy theory about it)
Nobody really knows what Pyro's hygiene care is like. They always kick everyone else out of the bathroom whenever they want to use it
Prefers baths over showers and got Engineer to install a tub for them. The water is always ridiculously hot and if anyone were to come in they wouldn't even be able to see Pyro behind all that steam
Pyro smells nice. Not that anyone else would ever be able to tell beneath their suit, but they know and they're happy :3
Is definitely the reason why Spy's fancy soaps keep going missing
Y'know those like scrubby brushes on sticks you see people using in cartoons? For some reason I see him having one of those.
Smells neutrally nice. Like, he smells nice but he also doesn't smell like anything?? Occasionally has a tendency to smell almost medicinal because of all the time he spends with Medic.
Brushes his teeth but doesn’t floss. He also won't start because Medic annoyed him too much about it and now it's a principle thing.
He can grow hair, but he likes it shaved because it's easier to look after.
Pretty good at taking care of himself. He washes his hands a lot so he doesn't accidentally end up mixing chemicals or getting them on food or something
Has a rubber ducky. Someone (Scout) scribbled a little eye patch on it and Demo is careful to touch it up every time it starts to wash off
Even though he takes a shower after work every day, he pretty much always smells like alcohol and gunpowder. It's not entirely pleasant but I also don't think he knows so don't tell him. You'll hurt his feelings :(
Takes very good care of his teeth because he didn’t when he was younger and now is utterly terrified of losing them.
Okay, I don't know if you've ever smelled a mechanic, but he smells like a mechanic. Basically engine oil and dirt and grease and steel. But like. In a good way.
His hygiene habits are shit. Everyone thinks he's got it together, but in reality he's just the best of the mercs at acting normal. Sometimes he'll get too involved in projects and stay up all night and then you'll catch him hurridly washing up in the sink ten minutes before he's due on the battlefield.
He can't grow hair on his head and he's actually really self-conscious about it. He keeps trying out new methods of encouraging hair growth and trying to invent some himself. Spy knows about all of these attempts and is waiting for the perfect opportunity to blackmail him with it.
For some reason I see him as an ice cold shower kind of guy.
Obsessively clean in some ways and very nonchalant in others. Won't bat an eye if there's blood all over his shirt but will scream at someone for twenty minutes if they track mud inside.
Like Pyro, he prefers baths to showers, although he doesn't have them quite so hot. Usually bathes with Archimedes in the room because he throws a fit if Medic doesn't let him in. He also occasionally has long drawn out conversations with Demo's rubber ducky.
Has no qualms about nudity and if he has a good idea in the middle of a shower he can and will run off to act on it without even bothering to grab a pair of pants.
Smells like a hospital except when he's JUST come out of the bath. His body wash smells of roses and his shampoo smells generically nice.
Smells like urine
Gonna be honest here, Sniper the feral beast man rarely showers. He'll do it if he wants to make a good impression or something, but mostly he just rinses himself off with a rag and a bucket.
His hair is greasy as all shit because he doesn't wash it. He just rinses it and calls it a day.
I have nothing nice to say about Sniper's hygiene habits. I love him, but he very stinky
A fucking diva. Has a daily skin care routine, uses bath salts, has special conditioner so that his hair doesn't get all weird because it's under his mask all the time.
Has a private bathroom. What, you think he's going to use the same bathroom as those lunatics? Absolutely not and he's disgusted that you'd think so.
Has fancy plush towels that he bought somewhere in Europe and he will stab you if you try and take them.
Smells of expensive cologne.
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sleepy-aletheas · 5 months
Tipsy rambling about Ratio
For someone who tried to catch Nous’ gaze, he really thinks less about the Genius Society. He seems like the person who thinks their smarts are wasted by being so selfish and self-absorbed about their ambitions that cost other people their well-being when they could achieve so much and help so many more people.
It’s interesting that his character stories are told through outsider perspectives. We don’t know what he truly thinks in those moments, in those moments in his life that seem to be so important that we are told about them. Sometimes I think about the story how he created the anti-planetary-weapon-thingy and how it’s told through the perspective of his assistant. He got a letter and let out a weary sigh. I wonder if that is where everyone got the idea that he wants to get into the genius society so badly, even till this day. Cause it could have been a sigh of someone disappointed in another’s disinterest. He is a doctor and someone who tries to help people (in his own ways, but ultimately not to seriously harm), so him building such a weapon could have been him testing the morality of others and be disappointed that even geniuses can be so fucking stupid like any other person. (Disillusionment of grandeur of someone you idolize can leave you questioning yourself for a long time)
I love his delivery of sentiments. It’s so harsh and sarcastic and demeaning, he sounds exactly like me when I try to get on others’ nerves to rise a reaction that they would usually avoid, so I could map them out better, except he does it earnestly. Which is so much funnier to me. Like yes, step over other’s feelings like a tipsy elephant, Veritas. This is a great character flaw to learn to navigate (not necessary fix, because there is a certain charm to it, and also I think, if monitored properly, it can be handled in a delicate manner; maybe I’m just projecting my own lack of societal takt, I don’t really care)
Him being caring with the sandpaper treatment is the funniest thing to me. Like, yes. Insult everyone and yet (im)patiently wait until they use their brains to think about something deeper than the surface. There is something about rough intelligent characters with a genuine hope for the better that make me go feral. Maybe it’s the juxtaposition, or maybe a projection on my part (again, I don’t care which one it is)
His love for rubber duckies is something I feel on a spiritual level. All hardass characters need to have a cute quirk. And a weird eating habit. And a “are you serious” type of sleeping position. And a silly side that makes them do ridiculous poses of statues with their own selves. (But that is once again a purely me thing)
I love how he insults Aventurine and yet it’s a thinly veiled compliment at moments. Best example is when you brute force the nightingale puzzle and along the lines he says Aventurine should join the Intelligentsia Guild. Which can be read as a joke (which probably was meant to be portrayed in-game for Sunday), but it’s not an insult all things considered. Veritas is in the Intelligentsia Guild. They would work for the same part of the IPC. If it was meant as an insult, then it would insult Veritas too, cause the sarcasm on the Genius Society was that if Veritas can’t get into the ranks, Aventurine absolutely couldn’t. And there was no specification on it being sarcasm either like the Genius Society bit.
Also I love him texting the Trailblazer, it’s so fun. Him asking if they want to pursue any schooling and in what major. Recommending them getting to learn more about debate. Wanting to unwind, so asking the Trailblazer to give him anything to think about and then be fascinated in the cutest way. He can be soft, but in the roughest way possible, and I respect that.
Even the whole playing-chess-with-himself bit is so goofy, why is he like this?? And him basically testing everyone to see what they would do, mainly the geniuses. He probably wanted to feel out the Trailblazer and in a sense also Asta (who is more of the keeper of the space station that Herta, imo), but it was a bigger test to see what Screwllum and Herta would do, and his disappointment just made me think maybe he doesn’t wanna even be in the Genius Society anymore, cause if being callous and selfish and self-absorbent is the genius quality that Nous is seeking, then he will rather be in the Intelligentsia Guild and call himself a Mundanite, cause he wants the whole universe to step up and move forward, not just a select few that leave others in the dust to die.
Simply put, he is the most infuriating character I wanna toss into the ocean whenever he opens his mouth, and I love him so dearly, my teeth itch to chew on him. The cute aggression is real with him around, and hoyo knows what they're doing. And I thank them for it.
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
"you're cute when you're jealous." + the duckie couple?
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Heather Dunbar x Jackie Sharp.
Jackie didn't know how Heather did it, the other woman was always so eloquent and well put together, seamlessly weaving through the crowd, group by group while she made conversation. She was so confident that she could slip into any circle mid conversation and everyone would notice, and in the best way possible, she always knew what to say and it was always the right thing. She truly had been born for a career in politics and it showed on nights like tonight.
Nights like tonight were some of Jackie's least favorite. The galas, the schmoozing, the pretending to be friends and on the same page as everyone in the room just to make sure you got what you wanted and didn't end up with a figurative knife in your back. The main thing she did like about them was that Heather always took her shopping before them, letting her pick out the fanciest gowns, most luxurious jewels and usually even treated her to a spa day. Not to mention the lacy lingerie that would be laid out on their bed the day of, hinting that Jackie must be wearing it under whatever dress she'd ended up choosing. Jackie also knew as long as she behaved and kept a polite smile on her face and did her job, Heather would absolute ravish her when they got home.
Which is exactly why she was doing her best to uphold conversation with a senator from Georgia, pretending she agreed with anything he was saying. He eventually dove into a topic about military, finally something she could actually have a voice in, experience in and maybe there was something they saw eye to eye on. He commended her, thanking her for her service but was still condescending about it, teasing that someone as small and delicate as she was must've been a lot of help in the kitchen for those boys.
Her lips formed a pout around the rim of her glass and her gaze drifted across the room, catching a wide smile on Heather's face as she greeted Cathy Durant. Her eyes narrowed at the way she kissed her cheek, her lips lingering a little too long on the other woman's cheek as they embrace. Jackie crossed her arms over her chest and if you'd asked Heather, she would have said the brunette went as far as to stomp her foot. Heather could feel her love's eyes on her from across the room and glanced up, a laugh fading into a smirk as she winked at the other woman, nudging at Cathy who glanced over and gave Jackie a cheery wave. Jackie promptly put on a fake smile and raised her glass in a cheers before turning back to the senator. He was deep into a rant about the public school system so she rolled her eyes and managed to slip away undetected to make her way back up to the bar.
She drained her glass, passing it off to a bartender once it was empty and thanked them with a warm smile when they passed her a full one. She let out a small sigh, playing with her drink for a moment before she felt a hand on her waist and rolled her eyes, thinking it was someone trying t get handsy until Heather's lips hit her bare shoulder and she could smell her perfume.
"You're cute when you're jealous." She murmured and Jackie huffed, turning to face her while Heather grabbed a fresh drink.
"I'm not jealous."
"Yeah right." Heather laughed, "you're pouting like a toddler right now."
"I'm bored." She insisted.
"Well, Remy and Seth just went out for cigars, go shoot the shit with them for a bit while I do one last round and then we can go home."
"Yes." Heather left a feather light kiss on the tip of her nose, "I know you hate nights like tonight." Her voice lowered, husking so only Jackie could hear her, "but you've been a very good girl for mommy and you'll be getting rewarded wonderfully once we get home." Jackie's eyes lit up as she glanced up to Heather, who chuckled darkly, fingers pinching at the other woman's chin as she leant in for a gentle kiss, "forty minutes top. I promise."
"Thank you." Jackie muttered back, a bright smile on her face as Heather disappeared into the crowd and she made her way outside to drop the political show and actually enjoy some time with Remy before leaving.
Yes, nights like tonight were dreadful, but as long as she had Heather, they would always finish in the greatest possible way.
@svulife-rl @naturalxselection @clarawatson @yesterdaysgone @hbkpop @momlifebehard @alexusonfire @nobody-important1212 @dead-of-niight @daddy-heather-dunbar @swimmingstudentchaos891
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callmemana · 1 year
Duckie & Cricket’s Midwestern Dumbassery: #25
[At a mission brief]
Leo: hey, I’ve got an idea-
Viper: no.
The Aviators:
Viper: oh, sorry, it’s a natural reaction. Please carry on LTJG. Wolfe.
Leo: so first we get some fuel in our jets-
Viper: Absolutely fucking not. Demerit. 
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Crick: *bursting into the room and slams door shut clearly panicked*
Duckie: oh god what did you do?!
Crick: nobody died!
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Tee: I have a question.
Duckie: yeah?
Tee: can a person breathe in a washing machine while it’s on?
Tee: obviously this is all hypothetical-
Duckie: WHERE is Cricket?
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Leo: books are for nerds.
Duckie: *smacks Leo on the head with a book*
Leo: *sobs loudly* I LOOK LIKE TEE!!
Tee: HEY!
Leo: *sobs in corner*
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Crick: *tries to slap Leo’s ass as he walks past by*
Crick: *misses, trips and falls*
Leo: *tries to catch Crick but overbalances*
Leo: *tries to hold a chair for support*
Chair: *breaks*
Leo: *falls on top of Crick*
Duckie: *watching* it’s like watching two animals do an out-of-sync and very destructive mating dance.
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Pregnant Chloe: you think we have enough responsibility to bring a child into this bunch of people and raise it?
Tee: Chloe, your problem is, is that you still see us as those idiots we were at school, when we were young, stupid and mostly high. But look at us now!
Duckie: Leo’s hair is shorter.
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Teacher: Mr. Wolfe, Ms Pruitts, I know it seems worthless to even ask but, Did you spike the Snowball Dance punch?
Duckie: something goes wrong, you blame us…
Cricket: after all these years, where’s the trust?
The Trio: yes, we did.
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Crick: Duckie. Prince Charming loves you.
Duckie: yeah, I’ve heard.
Crick: so will you go out with him?
Duckie: of course not.
Duckie: I’m not sorry.
Crick: you don’t understand what you’re doing!
Duckie: I’m saying no to going out with the most arrogant guy in town.
Crick: no, he’s holding my chocolates hostage until I get you to agree to date him. Duckie PLEASE!!
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Whiskey: well, honestly my favorite chocolate is-
Leo: *puts a hand over her mouth* Whiskey no
[distant rumbling]
Daisy: you can’t just go around saying that word!
Chatter: she didn’t know Daze!
Daisy: but still!
[house shakes]
[Duckie & Tee walks in]
Duckie: ..she said it didn’t she?
Dragon: said what-
[door bursts open]
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Leo: why did Wood search ‘pretty names for a baby girl’ ARE YOU PLANNING TO HAVE A BABY?
Duckie: not that I’m aware of no. Maybe I should ask him?
Duckie: *after a few minutes* no, but he said ‘we’re planning to have a niece’, so maybe you should ask yourself, are you having a baby?
Leo: am I having a baby?
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Birdie’s Basket: @dragon-kazansky @mrsjaderogers @bayisdying @starlit-epiphany @tngrace
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2 @interstellarloneliness
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arxchnoverturea · 2 years
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+ @is-itself-a-deviant​​ asked: Rolling one of the white berries between the pads of his fingers, Howard seemed almost entranced with the plants oddly sharpen leaves and how closely the shade of the fruit seemed to match his feathers. "You are aware mistletoe is poisonous right?" [Howard to Beverly]
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+ Looking up with a SMILE , Beverly honestly finds it ENDEARING that there’s still so much about EARTH that she has to explain now and again . Things that others in her life wouldn’t THINK twice about often made for FUN conversations . Some might have honestly gotten ANNOYED or at the very least WEARY of having to explain things that were otherwise COMMONPLACE , but she was FAR from the most run of the mill when it came to your typical girl from CLEVELAND . 
“ It’s just for DECORATION , Duckie . Besides, most of the mistletoe people hang up isn’t REAL . “ She elaborated with a playful GIGGLE following soon after . “ It’s just one of those CHRISTMAS things that people do . It’s supposed to be for FUN . You hang it up somewhere , like this .“ Taking another batch of MISTLETOE , she hung it above the two of them , as if it were hanging in place . 
“ And when you catch someone underneath it , you give them a KISS. “  She punctuated her words with giving him a kiss on the top of his head . 
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sleepy-achilles · 1 year
None Wrestling Au 2- Saving Skelly
The sunshines bright over the valley. Kids laughter echos throughout it.
Leon looks away from his siblings towards the tree were his parents are sat. He rushes too them.
"How do I look Lee?" Shawn asks adjusting his cowboy hat. "So beautiful, papa" Leon smiles. Shawn smiles softly and puts takers hat on Leon's head. "How do I look?" Leon asks. "Perfect" Shawn whispers cupping Leon's face gently.
The soft touch suddenly turns to a rough grab. The sunlight changes to a overhead lamp and the laughter turns to cries.
The soft blue eyes shift too dark, cold eyes.
"You will tell me what you know Michaels!"
"Its confirmed. The bodies belong to the young soldiers serving with Leon" cassie sighs. "And the leg? Its definitely Leon's?" Tony asks. Rhea looks at cassie tenses. "Yes" she whispers glancing over at the prosthetic limb. "And it came from that building?" Gibbs asks looking at the footage. "Yessir" abby nods.
The team look at a soldier rushes in. "Jethro gibbs?" He asks trying to catch his breathe. "Yes, you?" Gibbs asks moving closer. "Drew Mcintyre sir, I worked closely with Leon Michaels." Drew states. Cassie perks up and looks at the man. "I received this" Drew states handing over a box. Gibbs opens it. Dog tags.
"Did you see someone leaving with this box?" Gibbs asks. Abby stares at it. "Yes..we've got something" abby smiles. "Why weren't you with him?" Cassie suddenly asks. "We were both incharge of two groups. The new generations. I was on my own mission with my men when he went missing. They keep shipping me out since. I want to help, I took my yearly leave." Drew states.
Gibbs hands cassie the box. "Mcgee, Kate I want you in mtac for my eyes. Tony, rhea and drew, your with me. Cassie, abby? Find out everything about those men on duckys table." Gibbs orders before leaving. Cassie looks at the dog tags. "We're coming Lee."
Leon's arms ache, his body is tired, he's hurt and yet he has fire in his eyes as he stares at the man.
'This man will not take me from my family'
"You're perfect" His papas voice echos in his head.
His vision is blurred but his eyes catch the glint of the guys knife as he moves closer. "We have to get rid of him now! You deal with the rest!" The guy yells.
Leon's ears pick up the faint gunshots as he lowers his nub to the floor. He needs to be steady. He's weak, he's tired and he's damn hungry and thirsty. He needs to win.
Gibbs kicks the gun away from the guard before moving to the ajar door. He slowly opens it and pauses at the sight.
The blonde is hovering over a body, bloody knife in hand. "Leon michaels?" Gibbs calls. The knife falls from the mans hand and his body follows. "I've got him!" Gibbs yells over comns before rushing in. He gets faint replies of coming as he reaches Leon.
He turns the man onto his side to see his eyes closed. "Weak pulse, we need to get him to the hospital quick" gibbs states. Before gibbs can even register what's happening, Leon's pulling the pistol from his hip and shooting someone behind him. Gibbs turns to see a final guard falling, a bullet perfectly between his eyes. "Got him" Leon croaks handing the gun over before going limp.
"Jesus lee" drew whispers as he walks in. "You got him?" Gibbs asks. "Yeah" drew nods kneeling next to Leon. "Tony-" "Already on it boss" Tony calls. "We have a truck waiting but we've gotta go now" Rhea states. Gibbs stands as drew picks Leon up and hoists him over his shoulders. "Drew?" Leon mumbles. "Yeah it's me. You alright Lee? Need anything?" Drew asks. "Yeah...my damn leg" Leon coughs. Gibbs smirks as drew chuckles. "Yeah, well get your leg" drew promises.
"Wheres my boy?" Taker demands. "Dad please, he's safe now I promise" cassie pleads. "Cassie, where is he?" John asks softly. "They had to take him to hosptial before they could fly him. Gibbs promised me they'll fly him here as soon as he's cleared to fly" cassie answers. "And that I did" gibbs grunts as him, rhea and Tony walk in. "So?" Shawn asks standing. "Hes just down with our doctor, we think he pulled a stitch. He's coming up as soon as he's done to collect this" Tony states holding the leg up. Cassie tuts and snatches it off him. "Why do you have that?" Kate asks. "I forgot to grab it on my way out. Was gonna bring it and give it to him straight away" Tony shrugs. "Its a nice thought, does help to bring the leg though" Rhea huffs, sitting on kates desk behind cassie.
Nobody speaks as drew calls Leon's name. "I want to find that bastard and now!" Leon barks as he..hops closer. "Wow, lee-" John begins but Leon just shoves past him and towards gibbs. Gibbs stands and watches as the man rests his good hand on his desk to support himself. "Would you li-" "no. I want that bastards head on a plate" Leon growls. "Whos?" Gibbs asks. "The bastard who took me. He left the first day, here to Washington" Leon states. "Leon you need to get to a hospital!" Drew barks moving over. Leon pulls the sling off his arm and throws it at drew. "You goto the damn hosptial! I'm getting one back!" Leon growls.
Drew instantly throws it onto the floor. "These men and women put their life on the line to save your ass! And all you've done so far is shove it in their face!" Drew barks standing closer to him. Leon stares at him, his eyes examining his face. "You need to stop...you've lost a l-" "I lost nothing" Leon hisses facing him. A rookie mistake as he loses his balance.
Drew catches him and steadies him up. Leon lowers his head as shame fills him. "Im sorry. I'm sorry, thank you all for what you did." Leon whispers resting his hand against the desk. "Look, you saved my life in that room kid. I'll help you hunt this bastard down but you need to seek actual medical help" gibbs tells him. Leon just nods as cassie moves over. "You look like you need this" cassie whispers. That's when it hits Leon his family is here.
"Shit" he whispers accepting the leg. He glances at drew. "Ill grab my bag. It's got your stuff in." Drew mutters before moving away. Leon turns to see his teary eyed pa. "Papa" he whispers. "My baby" Shawn whispers moving towards him. Leon closes his eyes as shawn cups his face. "Im sorry" Leon whispers. "No. No don't be." Shawn sighs. "Were just glad your back safe" Taker sighs. Leon looks at John. "You idiot" John whispers before pulling him into a hug. Leon chuckles as his leg gives out. "Asshole" Leon whispers.
"Ari" gibbs mutters. Leon looks at the big screen to see it flashing with the words 'matched'
"Thats him"
Everything falls silent as gibbs and Leon's eyes meet.
"How did you.."
"He held my people hostage..."
"Then let's get this son of a bitch"
"Lets get him"
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Three Teams Of [X] Has Two Hands
So we’ll start off the Team Posts with a group of teams I like to call ‘[X] has Two Hands’. Specifically, it’s the three teams where I paired them up specifically because they each had a specific character in both ships.
And funny enough, two out of three of them feature a Pines twin. Good for them, good for them.
Those teams are basically just ‘X character and their two significant others’ and I love the imagine them running back and forth to both sides of the bracket for each of their rounds on both sides. I also like to assume polyamory on their end, because cheating’s no good. So I feel like everyone’s in the know-how, everyone’s cool with it, and it’s all very sweet. 
Yes, I realize it will break some previously-established lore in the case of the first team, and yes, the phrase ‘[X] has two hands’ is pretty hit or miss for me personally (sometimes people like one ship and not the other, they’re allowed to do that). But it’s just for the sake of the tournament, nothing lore-breaking will be considered canon outside of it.
Is it a little unfair to have multiple ships with the same character, leaving less room for other ships with different characters to have made the cut? ...Maybe, but it’s my contest so I make the rules.
With all that being said, we have:
Team Dewey Has Two Hands:
Dewey Duck and Whitley Schnee Dewey Duck and Silver the Hedgehog
The first but certainly not last team to have a character from Ducktales 2017 (we love Ducktales 2017 here), both teams involve Dewey Duck and were automatic-ins, based on roleplays involving either myself or one of my buddies.
One of which involves him being still new to romance and also grey-aro, with a side of being caught in a ‘Protagonist Is Crushing On His Best Friend and Vice-Versa’ plot. Which would be so cool if it wasn’t happening to him specifically, but I’m sure things will work out.
If it’s not blatantly clear, this one’s one of mine and @crossovernonshipstournament‘s from our big Ducktales/RWBY crossover, which we’ve been working on for several years now. I’ll go more into that AU as I cover more teams but for now, we’ll just leave it there. Wait until Team Science gets here~!
I’m not entirely knowledged about the second one, but I’m sure with both Dewey and Silver having canon plots that involved time-travelling, there’s bound to be a lot of angst involved. Also knowing the submitter of the ship personally, I’m almost POSITIVE that there’s a lot of angst involved. ( @decanard Would you like to confirm~? 😉)
Team Dipper Has Two Hands:
Dipper Pines and Wirt Dipper Pines and Dib Membrane
Feels like the ships are pretty self-explanatory. Dipper deals with a lot of paranormal and supernatural things, so it’d make sense for him to be interested in other boys who are similar. Whether it’s dabbling in aliens and not being believed by anyone else outside of his sibling, or dealing with an ever-approaching threat that always seems to be watching from the darkness, it’s always nice to have someone there alongside you when dealing with the unknown.
Also I think if they all teamed up, they could so easily beat Zim, the Beast and Bill together. Or maybe they’d just avoid the last two, and go on to catch proof of Zim’s existence alongside Dib. Probably safer and less anxiety-inducing. And the last thing any of these boys need is to deal with more things that will spike their anxiety further.
Also just a special shout-out to @justadoll aka Doll, who asked me to include Wirt and Dipper. They have several ships they’re rooting for in the tournament (and I will absolutely give them a shoutout at that point too) but I know this is one of your super special ones and how much you love your boys 🥺
Team Mabel Has Two Hands:
Mabel Pines and Webby Vanderquack Mabel Pines and Gaz Membrane
Mabel Pines is full of love, whether it’s for boys or girls. But for this contest, it’s for girls~! Specifically one ducky girl and yet another Membrane kid. 
Honestly, I added Mabel and Gaz in because Dib and Dipper was one of the highest submitted ships, and I thought it’d be adorable to include the other side as well, but Gaz and Mabel really fall into the adorable ‘sunshine and gloom’ tropes pretty well (along with a few other pairings later on down the line, but we’ll get there when we get there). The person who submitted them said, and I quote, ‘it’s the dynamic of all time’ and I agree.
As for Mabel and Webby, it’s yet another ship that got in automatically, based on suggestions from my friends. Adorable autistic girls with grappling hooks, special interests, and just a love of their family? It’s just SO cute and fits both of them well.
Also another thanks to Lexi for suggesting the latter ship <3 We love the autistic girl rep over here!
That’ll be the three ships I cover for now; we’ll see which ships I cover next! Hopefully the other posts will not be this long, but who’s to say for sure because we all know I love to talk a lot.
Also if anyone has any other lore/propaganda for the ships mentioned in these posts, please feel free to add it in an ask/reblog/etc. Taking any and all if you got it, don’t be shy~!
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queers-gambit · 2 years
Angel is the Centerfold
prompt: insecurity runs deep when Eddie's secret lady-love finds the worn pages of a centerfold - marked on a woman who looks nothing like her.
pairing: Eddie Munson x female!cheerleader!reader
fandom masterlist: Stranger Things
note: you ever just get overwhelmed and wanna dip off for a week because you need to recharge your battery? reader's actually able to do that here - lucky ducky.
word count: 2.7k
warnings: cursing (when isn't there), insecurity, small angst, comfort ending i guess.
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Let's be honest, high school wasn't easy on anyone. Sure, some people could slip through the cracks while remaining unnoticed, unseen, unheard, and never bothered. Others weren't as lucky but it wasn't as bad or pressured as some other lives in high school.
I wasn't gonna make excuses for the other jocks but I found life just flowed a little simpler if I nestled myself securely on the outskirts of social circles.
I was once lead in the spring musical last year and liked to keep up with my drama friends; I was voted in as class president in October; pitcher on the softball team; might've even found myself on the cheerleading squad.
Did it make sense? Probably not to others.
But for the way my mind liked to race, keeping extra busy with a plethora of friends was easier. I was never in one 'crowd' and could hop around freely to my choosing; occasionally even hopping over to the Hellfire Club on a few random days.
Those were the conversations I was most animated in.
These guys never gave a fuck and liked pushing creative envelopes. So, they wouldn't push me about my home life but sure as shit pushed me into whether or not I thought Luke Skywalker was hot or not. Gareth was running a very important poll and it was vital I give them my honest opinion on the Jedi.
If I wanted, I usually had a seat at Hellfire, too. I couldn't make every game and usually my character was someone fleeting due to my busy schedule... But it was how I came to really get to know Eddie Munson better. He was the Dungeon Master and was always willing to hang for an extra hour to go over some details about the campaign or game.
If I didn't understand something, he was breaking it down for me. He teased me, sure, but never made me feel lesser-than for not grasping a concept completely.
It could've been the reason we started hanging out at his trailer.
Maybe it was also because life was finally catching up to me and overwhelming me in a tsunami wave of stress, and I needed an escape.
Either way, one moment, I'm content being a busy little bee, and the next, I'm crying my eyes out at Eddie Munson's trailer as a roach smoldered in a glass ashtray between us.
It became something of a regular occurrence for us. Sometimes, I ran into his Uncle Wayne on his way out to work and other times, it was nearly pitch black when I arrived. But Eddie was always welcoming; never complaining when I'd burrow into one of his hoodies for comfort; content to roll a joint and let the pair of us rant about our weekly worries.
I guess he got sick of hearing me complain so much because one evening, perhaps while rambling, Eddie leaned forward and seared his lips on mine. He made some comment about shutting me up like this from now on before pressing his tongue into my mouth and commandeering every known thought I had.
It worked... For the first couple months.
It was nice to feel like I had something private, 100% for myself. Nobody knew that Eddie Munson was the guy I spent my free time with; they didn't need to know I started blowing them off in favor of him. They didn't know how we would lay in his bed, fucking, talking, laughing, smoking; they never needed to know how he whispered sweet nothings in my ear, and like a fool, how I ate it up.
It was private. Eddie was private.
Stolen glances in the hallway, a few kisses in empty classrooms.
But then... It turned a little repetitive.
Once, I'd met him in the woods (per his request) and when I arrived 'early', he was in the midst of another deal. Waving me off as "another customer that can wait", he turned to the boy in front of him and all but basically ignored me.
I knew we weren't public, but damn, right?
And there was the time when my Mom's car tire blew and she couldn't pick me up from softball practice... But Hellfire had just let out and when I asked Eddie for a ride home, he chuckled, "I would, princess, but I don't think I could fit your reputation in my van."
I get there were some other people around when I asked, but shit.
Oh! And there was that other time when he and I went to the corner store for a few snacks and his arm was securely around my shoulders. It was about 12:30 in the morning on a Saturday, and sure, not many people were out but a few had come in after us... And Eddie had dropped his arm so quick, you would've thought he was burned.
He had waited until they were gone before letting us pay together and leave...
It was starting to feel more and more like Eddie was ashamed of me. Like he didn't want to be seen with me... Like he couldn't stomach the idea of people knowing he was into me - or I was into him.
None the less, the idea started to gnaw at my mind because I couldn't begin to understand what was so wrong about... Well, me.
Eddie had called that night and asked if I was down for a movie and joint, claiming he had picked up my favorite candy at the store today and needed my company to break into it. I had agreed with the thought that maybe I'd just gently broach the subject; just ask in earnest if there was something about me he was ashamed of or not.
"Hey, sweetheart," Eddie panted when he opened the door for me, instantly leading me through his trailer, "I'm so sorry, I lost track of time. You mind hanging tight so I can hop a quick shower?"
"Oh, yeah, no problem," I assured, nodding with a small smile.
"Thanks, doll," he whispered, kissing my cheek, "be just a minute."
I nodded absently and watched him go, looking around his room and finding it only mildly messy today. I sat on his bed and rubbed my hands together, trying to think of the best way to ask him what was up, when suddenly, my eyes caught sight of a dog-eared magazine peaking out from under a pair of boxers in front of Eddie's bedside stand. Curiosity burned my stomach and I let the tip of my show gingerly toe the boxers to the side and cocked my head to get a better look.
Only... I almost wish I hadn't.
The woman in the worn-centerfold was outstandingly gorgeous and her curves were natural. You could say I was staring but there's a way you can tell - and that woman, staring up at me, was 100% natural. She was something lethally beautiful with sculptured thighs and a taunt stomach; defining outlines running along her curves.
Picture perfect.
An angel in the centerfold.
Her hair was even perfectly cascading around her, maybe akin to a halo that draped off her thin, highlighted shoulders. Reaching up to feel my own, I couldn’t help but scoff and drop my hand instantly as even our fucking hair was stark opposite one another.
I felt my mouth dry as I took note of her breasts and how they spilled from her lace bra before darting my eyes down to skim her body and land on the smooth, hairless cunt peaking out from a pair of pure white crotchless panties. Taking a sobering breath, I realized everything about her was in some way, shape, or form the exact opposite of me.
Insecurity reared its ugly head and made me question if this was the reason Eddie didn't want to be seen with me. If this was why he didn't want to commit; to date me; to let others know... Because I was wrong. I was all wrong in his mind - this woman with the perfect natural body was a reflection of what he thought was ideal.
His idea of what he wanted.
And it was the literal opposite of me.
Feeling sick, I let my foot jerk to push the boxers back over and stood nervously from his bed. The room was about to collapse on me and a ringing started in my ears, forcing my feet to move or else I'd break down in sobs right there.
Pausing at the cracked bathroom door, I knocked and called, "Hey, Eddie, I forgot my aunt's coming to town and I have to help my mom. I'll just call you later, okay?"
Praying to God my voice remained steady, I waited as Eddie mulled over my words. "A-Are you sure, sweetheart? I didn't get to see you much this week. We can always just watch a movie, or something?"
"I'm sure, I'll just call you later. Bye," I called, not leaving room for argument.
"O-Okay, call me when you get home! Bye! Drive safe!" Eddie called over the sounds of his shower; my feet surging to get me as far from the trailer park as possible.
Call it childish but I didn't call Eddie. I just didn't really have it in me to entertain a conversation where I wasn't okay. In fact, I didn't really have it in me to do anything that week. So, I took mercy on myself and canceled all of my obligations - only going to classes, and then straight home, where I remained alone in my room as my mother worked nightshifts at the hospital this week.
And at lunch, I just hung out in the SGA room where I made up for the work I'd miss from all my canceled after-school meetings.
So, it was easy to avoid everyone. Easy peasy.
Nobody seemed to notice because of how thin I constantly stretched myself, but my self esteem took a major blow that I wasn't really looking to actively heal and wanted a little peace to myself. So I made myself extra scarce by faking a really bad period so nobody would question me too much.
Turns out, maybe Eddie noticed my flighty behavior. I didn't know it, but after school on Wednesday, he caught Chrissy's elbow and ducked into an empty classroom to ask her what was up with me.
The head cheerleader assured him I was just feeling a little under the weather, not putting too much thought into why he seemed so worried. She knew you two were friends and figured he thought I was sick, not realizing he was actually trying to understand why I had blown everything (and one) off this week.
After school Friday, Eddie had enough and loaded into his van after clocking my absence at practice again. Not that he was paying attention (he totally was), but I'd missed the whole week, and he knew that wasn't normal.
So, when he showed up at my door, imagine his shock to see me answer it in my pajamas.
"Eddie," I felt my eyes widen, trying to subtly close the thick cardigan I was wearing around my leggings and tank top. "Uh, did I forget something in History?"
"Funny enough, you did."
"Yeah," he breathed, "see, by my observations, you've been blowing everyone off this week, and can mean you've forgotten your friends."
I scoffed, "No, not entirely."
"Yes, entirely," he repeated. "What's going on with you?"
"Bullshit," he shook his head. "You've not been in the cafeteria all week, you haven't been doing the morning announcements, you haven't shown up at Hellfire, or SGA, or cheer, or any of your other orgs - the hell's up with you?"
"Oh, I uh... Didn't think anyone really realized," I admitted quietly.
"When you move as quick as you do and then come to a screeching halt, yeah," he chuckled, "a few people notice. So, again, what's wrong?"
"It's literally nothing."
"So, why're you blowing me off too?"
"I'm not."
"You're standing pretty defensively in your doorway," he pointed out softly. "Am I... Like, am I not welcome anymore?" His question caught me off guard because I wasn’t sure how to answer it. My silence was enough of an answer as he whimpered, "Oh, shit, wait, what'd I do, sweetheart?"
"You didn't do anything."
"Well, obviously I did if - "
"No," I sniffled, cutting him off, "that's what's wrong, you just... You never did anything."
"Okay, darlin', I'm confused," he paused. "What didn't I do?"
"You... You were always ashamed of me, never wanted to be seen with me, or let people know we were hanging out. I get we weren't dating, but you never asked me to be your girlfriend, either. So, yeah, you didn't do anything... And then I just... I found something that confirmed I'm nothing like what you want. So, maybe you're not welcome here anymore because I don't think I was ever welcome in your life."
"Sweetheart, how can you say that?" Eddie asked in confusion. "I'm ashamed of you? No, that's the farthest from the truth! Where is this - I don’t understand.”
"C’mon, Eddie. You literally run the other way when it comes to even seeing me in public," I pointed out. "If you're ashamed, that's one thing. If you just don't want to be in a relationship, that's another. But I don't think you really want to be with me, so, let's just cut our losses."
"What the hell could you have seen that made you think I don't want you?" he scoffed. "Darlin', I just - I'm not very good at this shit, okay? And I'm the Freak, remember? You're gonna take more of a social hit dating me than I will - I just wanted to try and protect you from the ridicule coming your way for even being seen with me."
"Then that's my decision to make," I shrugged.
"You're right," he agreed. "And I'll let you make that decision on your own, but that's if you even want to be with me. 'Cause apparently you've found something that's so Earth-shattering, it's making you think I don't want you. Darlin', I worship you, okay? So whatever it is, I promise it’s not what you think.”
"Then why... Why don't I look like them?"
"What?" He asked. "Like who, doll?"
"I know it’s stupid but… The women you look at in magazines, okay? The women you fantasize about - those women. Why don't they and I look alike?"
Eddie looked gobsmacked for a moment but recovered quickly, speaking softly but strongly, “Because they're exactly that, pretty girl, a fantasy. Nothing like the real thing," he smiled at me. "And for whatever it's worth, I look at a variety of things, so, the odds of you lookin' like one of the women I look at... Are actually pretty high."
"Eddie - "
"No, I'm serious," he smirked, "'cause I just think about you most of the time. Those women might get me started but it's the thought of you that takes me out, hmm?"
"Oh, my God," I couldn't help but laugh, "okay, okay, you've made your point.”
"Yeah. I guess I just got a little in my head.”
"So, why're you home instead of at practice? You’re always over thinkin’ something, why’s your head all in a twist?”
"Well, you, Munson, put my head in a twist pretty consistently. And for the record, it started as an insecure week that required a lot of self-care."
"Well, what's on the agenda for tonight?"
"Um, gonna paint my nails and watch a few movies?"
"Got room for one more?" He pouted dramatically. "Missed you this whole week, and I barely got to see you last week, too."
"I think I could squeeze you in somewhere," I smiled with a nod, opening my arms to let him step over the threshold and into my embrace. Against his chest, I spoke, "If I didn't want to be with you, Munson, I wouldn't be. So, don't go worrying about protecting my reputation, because I'm only concerned with my happiness - and you make me pretty damn happy.”
I felt Eddie's arms tighten and his lips press to the top of my head, "Good plan, baby. And I'm only concerned with your happiness, as well."
"All right, kiss-ass, you’re already invited in. Don’t gotta lay it on too thick.”
“Oh, so, I don’t have to offer to paint your toes?”
I paused, letting my chin press to his chest as he smirked down at me. “Well now, wait a minute…”
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jangmi-latte · 3 years
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࿐ “If Malleus had given you anything in the form of gold or diamond. You must prepare yourself. That’s a sign. You may not bear his kids just yet, but once his heat comes, it will be inevitable to stop him.”
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➻ warnings: nsfw w/ a mix of fluff, breeding kink intensifies, vaginal penetration, clingy mal mal, rough sex, cunnilingus, just malleus going all out 
➻ comments: it’s going to go back and forth between fluff and smut so be aware. minors, do not interact! this is The Dragon’s Temptation part two so enjoy! 4.4k words and fem reader <3
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"Lilia…" you called, concerned, "...why are you laughing so much?" With no signs of stopping, the old fae continued to holler in laughter. His whole body shook as he continued to take in deep breaths in between chortles. You were growing even more concerned. It wasn't maniacal laughter, neither was it sadistic, it was just Lilia laughing in… joy if you would put it.
Silver— who was staring at Lilia and is currently half-awake—nudged his father to catch his attention; it didn’t work. Scratching his head with the same concerned expression on his face, he said, “Father. You know how laughing out of nowhere makes me nervous.”
The old fae shimmered down into small chuckles, wiping a tear or two as he laid back on the couch. Out of breath is he, he looked at you and chuckled again. His shoulders mockingly shaking before letting out a loud sigh. “It’s happening again.”
“What’s happening again?” both you and Silver asked simultaneously. Lilia looked over at the second-floor balcony of the castle they resided in. In silence, he caught Malleus, who stood and was staring at nothing; or at you. He was deep in thought, and neither you nor Silver noticed. Lilia asked Silver to give you and him some privacy, and the young man respectfully obeyed. He left you with the older fae and your husband, who now descended down the stairs, yet hid behind the wall. He avoided you, much to his dismay, and you have yet to notice the distance he has been placing.
“y/n, dear.” He sat upright and gestured for you to sit down beside him. You obliged and listened attentively. Lilia’s tone was soft, fatherly— or grandfatherly— like. Your thumb caressed the small black diamond that adorned your wedding ring whilst you glanced around in hopes of looking for Malleus. With half your attention situated in your surroundings, you looked back at Lilia, who held a knowing smile.
“Has Malleus given you anything yet?”
You pondered; it wasn’t your anniversary or was the day anything special. You replied, “Uhh... “ you bit the joint of your index finger in thought, “Give me anything like what? Be specific, please…” In the back of your head, you knew the answer. You have been married to and living with Malleus for five years now, it’s not unusual for Lilia to act like something was going to happen.
“Oh, you know what I’m talking about, dear.” There go the shaking shoulders and the suppressed laughter again.
Knew it.
You took a deep breath of air and leaned back on the couch. Your hands covered your face in embarrassment as you remembered the night before. Malleus gave you a pair of 24-carat gold earrings last night. Additionally, he was very lustful and clingy. He would sniff your neck while you’re in the kitchen, he would kiss your knuckles while you’re at the garden, he would hold and grip your thighs while he handled royal duties, and he would kiss and lick your breasts while you slept.
“Those earrings surely are beautiful.” Lilia grinned and stretched, before continuing, “Looks like I have to tell the gnomes to be ready in nine months again.”
“No, wait, Lilia! I’m not even pregnant—”
“Yet.” He cut you off with a wink.
“How would you even know I would get pregnant again this time?!” you whisper-yelled, face flushed in red. Unbeknownst to you, Malleus has been itching to touch you again as he stayed behind the wall. As each day passes by, he keeps on touching you, making sure to stay close to you at all times. It was only today that he kept his distance. He knew he would break any second and just fuck you on the spot.
“Is Faye enough of an answer for you?”
Speaking of the devil, a little girl, no older than four, ran inside the castle’s lounge and wore a big grin on her face. She stopped just as your legs caught her from toppling to the ground. In a fit of giggles, she climbed onto your lap and kissed your cheek. “Hi, baby,” you cooed and rubbed your nose against your daughter’s cheek.
“Mama, mama. I found...i-i found—” she spoke, too hyper and giddy to finish her sentences as you tried to calm her down while rubbing her back.
“Deep breaths, sweetie.”
Obeying, she took a deep breath and exhaled. She then continued with her statement, “I found a mama duck with her…” she stopped and looked at her fingers, mumbling the numbers as she lifted each finger, “...four—” she showed you four fingers, “—baby duckies, and they were going for a swim! I want to touch one, but Silver told me not to.” Faye pouted.
You grinned, giggling as you kissed her cheek. “That’s great! And Silver is right. Don’t touch mama duck and her babies because she might get angry and hurt you. It’s just like how papa and I would get angry if someone else touches you.”
“She looks so much like Malleus. I feel nostalgic,” Lilia spoke and squished Faye’s cheeks. He wasn’t lying; Faye had green eyes and your hair. What made her look a lot like her father was her having his horns. She has developed into a part dragon, and her horns looked like two small bumps on her head.
“Grandpapaaaa…” Faye complained with a giggle as Lilia stopped his pinching. “Where’s papa, where’s papa?!” She looked around and even stood on your lap to look for her father.
“Ah, Faye. Come with grandpapa for a second. Playtime is over. It's time for your reading sessions. Your mother will look for your father while we read.” Lilia nodded his head towards the wall near the stairs, indicating Malleus' whereabouts. He carried the princess away from you and into another room. She even waved at you and sent you a flying kiss before Lilia closed the door. You sighed.
Malleus is in heat and Faye needs not to know about that.
“Mal?” you called and stood. You hear shifting from behind the wall and as you glance over, you see your husband. He was a bit bigger than his usual height and he had his long tail gently swishing behind him. The formal (it was casual in a way) attire he was wearing had the top buttons unbuttoned, giving you the best breast window you would ever see. As you took in a sharp inhale, he approached you.
You couldn’t speak as he eyed you; you eyed him back. Your brain absorbed this work of art of a husband in front of you. Handsome would be an understatement. “Dearest,” he sighed.
“Why...Why are you like this?” you asked, now concerned as you held his arms.
“You already know the answer.”
“I know but...why…” You moved your hands around, gesturing his whole physique while he looked down at himself. “Has Faye seen you like this?”
“She has,” Malleus said, making you surprised. “She likes playing with my tail. It gave me enough of a distraction from wanting to touch you,” he admitted. His tail wrapped around your waist and pulled you flushed against his chest. The closer you are to Malleus, the more you look at his features.
Your hand caressed his jaw as you smiled, "When did this happen?"
"This morning while you were in Faye's room. It was a sign for me to avoid you at all cost." Malleus' voice was strained and gruff. It held the hesitance of him needing to speak those words. He wants to do the exact opposite of course.
"And why would you do that? Mal. I'm your wife. It's my duty to make sure you're alright and sustained with all your needs. Do you really think you could avoid me?"
"I don't want to hurt you."
"I survived during your first heat," you confidently spoke. You felt the king's possessive and needy hands rub against your clothed hips. Itching their way under your dress and towards your thighs while he kept eye contact with you. "And you wouldn't hurt me."
"y/n, you don't understand," came his strict and authoritative tone. "With me in this form, I am already warning you, it's dangerous—"
"That's not stopping me from staying away from you."
"You're so stubborn." Malleus knew who he married as he exhaled through his nose and looked away in sexual frustration. Blabber here, blabber there, that's what you two are doing. What he wants is to mark you, kiss you, lick you, and make you scream already. Unbelievably horny.
You stood your ground, arms crossed over your chest as you stared up at your man. "I am."
His tail tightened around your waist, teeth gritting in frustration, "I held back on my first heat because you weren't my mate yet," he emphasized, "and now that you are my queen—" His used your chin to bring your face closer to his, lips grazing yours sensually as his slitted pupils glared at you, "—I am not going to hold back."
"I will fuck you. Breed you. And make sure you're pregnant by the end of the week. I can not and will not be able to hold myself back if that were to happen. Even if you tell me to stop, I will not. Do you understand, y/n?"
Air got stuck in your throat as your lips quivered. Either you were sexually turned on by Malleus' demeanor or you could really sense how intense his heat was at the moment. He was right. The moment you said 'I do' was the same moment you were claimed as his mate, his queen. How that sentence made your legs weak if it wasn’t for his tail holding you firm.
"Then so be it."
"y/n—…" Malleus searched your eyes for any signs of hesitance, maybe even fear. There was none. Must he be scared if he were to hurt you. You wanted to be there for him during one of his intense moments. Well, you were the one who gave him an heir; it’s not anything new that you would give him another. He only fears that with his strength and power as a fae, with him going out of control, he might just harm you.
And Malleus never wanted that to happen, not to you, not to Faye, not to anyone.
To you, this man is still your husband. This is still Malleus Draconia. Just different but it’s still him. You are his weakness; no matter how stubborn you get, even now that he YEARNS to be around you, you still have that impact on him. “Mal. I promise I’ll be okay. I’m here to help you.”
He sighed, letting you wrap your arms around his chest. “I’ll tell Lilia to keep Faye away from the castle for a week. I can’t expose her to this,” he mumbled against your hair. “By tomorrow, you should be ready.” You felt him inhale your scent as his grip around you tightened. Smiling, you kissed his neck, “As you wish.”
❥❥ ❥❥ ❥❥
“Faye, don’t give grandpa and your two big brothers a headache, okay?”
Tomorrow came sooner than you expected. Your husband is going to be one horny dragon for a week and it was hard to find an excuse to tell Silver, Sebek, and Faye since they’re going to be living in a cottage in the meantime. While you prepared yourself the previous night for Malleus—he was already impatient while you spoke to Lilia—you were also preparing Faye’s stuff. Not only did you have to prepare yourself for a rough week, but you also need to prepare to conceive another child. Faye is already old enough and you’re most likely going to give her a little sibling.
The first time Malleus was in heat already caught you off guard, but this time, you were ready. Besides knowing his sex patterns already, this new season was going to bring something new. Malleus’ draconic features showed no signs of disappearing and if his heat wasn’t sustained, he’s going to be very grumpy. You trust Lilia enough to look after your daughter. You could even see Malleus stare at his daughter while she got ready to leave. He’ll miss her, even if it was just a week.
“Yes, mama. I promise!” Faye hooked her small pinky around yours and she pecked your cheek. Sebek was already holding her bag while they waited by the door. Malleus looked at Lilia, eyes squinted as if to tell him something. The older fae just chuckled and nodded, “I got her, I got her.”
“Young Master, are you sure you’ll be alright on your own with the young mistress?” Sebek asked worriedly while he gripped the doorknob. It was a surprise to see his king in such a state, more reason for the knight to get worried. Malleus nodded, watching you approach him with Faye in your arms.
“Kiss papa bye-bye,” you said.
Faye pouted and hooked her arms around Malleus’ neck. Her father held her gently as she kissed his cheek. “I’ll have fun with Silver and Bebek but I’ll miss papa,” she admitted. Malleus smiled and placed his daughter down by using his tail, “I will be alright. After one week, you’re sleeping with your mother and I. Be obedient, am I understood?”
An overprotective father is scarier than a dragon if Silver and Sebek would ever compare.
“Yes, papa!” giggled Faye as she held Silver’s hand.
“We’ll be going now. See you in a week.” Lilia grinned while he ushered the two boys outside. You and Malleus stayed by the door, watching your daughter skip away while she held Silver and Sebek’s hands. “Call us if anything goes wrong okay? Don’t hesitate!” you called out. Lilia simply waved his hand at you while hearing Faye say, “Bebek, I want to pick fruit up trees again!” as their figures slowly disappeared from your view.
You sighed, already missing your daughter. And while you moved away from the door, it slammed shut loudly. Malleus’ hand on the door indicated that it was him who slammed it shut. Without you taking notice, you are now trapped between his body and the door. Your back faced him as his nose tickled your neck; his tongue slithered across your nape, the warmth of his tongue and the cold air sent shivers down your spine.
“Mal…” you inhaled, your hand holding onto his thigh while you arch your neck, “We just sent them off. They might come back…” came your quivering breath.
“Oh, they won’t come back.”
Before you could even blink, you were thrown on the bed, dazed by the sudden shift of environment. From the living room, you’re now laying submissively on the bed. He towered over you, eyes narrowed, and glared at you so lustfully. “Wait—”
“I warned you, y/n.” The king crawled on top of you. His long tongue slithered across his lips, breath hitting your face as you started to pant in anticipation. The room grew hot. Your body felt like it was burning. Your legs rubbed against the sheets in dire need to be touched and fucked until you could no longer walk. Only he could make you feel this way. Your man.
“I will no longer hold back.”
And holding back he did not, indeed.
Gripping your neck, Malleus captured your lips in a hot, searing kiss. His tongue, with no hesitance, slithered inside your mouth and in desperation and temptation. Incapable of resisting your own muffled moans, and to keep yourself sane, you weakly gripped on his bicep and his wrist. He held you by your neck to keep you in place. It was his way of showing you dominance.
Breath was knocked out of your lungs almost immediately. To keep up with his addicting, electrifying, pace was enough to make you light-headed. With his knees being his support, his other hand roamed on your body. With just a tug of his finger, your clothes were discarded, ripped, on the floor. He was devouring you, really making you feel that you are his mate, his fucktoy for the day.
Moving from your lips to your neck — without even letting you have a moment’s breath — he sensed your pulsating veins. You could feel your heart beating everywhere; from your neck to your chest, and down to your cunt. You laid bare under him and you don’t even know. You felt lightheaded.
“M..Mal…” you panted.
He sucked and bit on every sensitive spot he knew would make you weak. As the rapid beast he is, he left marks, dark and bruising, at his wake. Littering your neck and your chest as his tongue flicked against your nipples. Roughly did he suck and tug with his teeth. He made them look swollen, indescribably sensitive. The hotter your body went, the more you wanted him to touch your throbbing clit already. You don’t know if the marks have satisfied him; it felt like he wanted to add more. To litter your body with hickeys that showed that you're His Highness, Draconia’s only. Waves of arousal hit you strongly as he descended to your navel.
“Shit,” he panted against your skin.
He finally stood upright, kneeling against your whorish spread legs. Your wet, glistening pussy is clear in his sight. He is hungry.
You were left under his gaze feeling so sensitive and aroused, any touch that lingered on your skin would leave goosebumps and shivers. “Mal—!” Just as you were calling out, he dove down to your cunt and latched on your clit. His lips did the work as he greedily sucked and nipped on your hardened clitoris. Your back involuntarily arched as you gripped on his horns. His hands kept your legs open. Choking out loud moans while he slithered his tongue inside your walls.
“M-Mal—..please..please! T-Too much—!” you gasped out.
It was too much, alright. Your cunt so red and wet, your hips shivering as he pushed his tongue in and out. Eating out your wetness with strings sticking and stretching from his lips to your cunt. He groaned with every tug you did on his horns. He was so good, too good, with his ability to pleasure you with his tongue alone. He was right. It was so rough. It was nothing like his first heat.
It was animalistic.
Your overly sensitive nub hardened the more he sucked. Malleus’ thumbs even spread your labia open for more access. You are vulnerable, stimulated, and submissive to him. It was all coming swiftly. You could’ve drenched the sheets with just your wetness alone. Cries of pleasure alone bounced around the bedroom walls along with the audible wet sounds that Malleus’ mouth made on your pussy. He thrusted his tongue, wiggled it inside you, hitting your spots more than you could handle. At this point, you’re shaking with your toes curling.
“I’m close! I’m close— I can’t b-breathe…!” you cried out with your body spasming. Subconsciously, you squirted just as he pulled away from your nub. Now, you’re too overstimulated for you to think straight. You panted at the intense orgasm you had. Your hazy vision looked at Malleus. He was licking your cum from his lips. “You’re ready.”
You couldn’t see his thick cock from your position. All you could do was watch; up until he flipped you onto your stomach with a pillow under your stomach to lift your hips. Your weight leaned on your knees while your arms — as weak as they are — lifted you enough to keep your head from the bed. “Malleus...wait, I’m not—”
He did not listen. Malleus rubbed his cock against your slit and without warning, he slammed into you, deeply. In one sharp thrust, he was balls deep inside you as you cried and gasped loudly. He hovered over you, pushing his hips further into yours. Your cunt was quivering from accommodating his thick cock. You have never felt so full.
You’re just where he wanted you to be. Under him, screaming in ecstasy, ready to take his seed. Letting him breed you until your pussy couldn’t hold his cum. And he wouldn’t stop even though it’s already spilling on the bed. Your walls devoured his cock greedily. It sucked him. You're still so tight even after giving birth years ago. To fuck you senseless would drive him mad.
That he did.
Pulling all the way out, Malleus pounded back into you. There was no mercy in his thrusts as he snapped his hips against your ass. He grunted at how you make him feel good. Breathy moans left his lips while you moaned under him. Each thrust was harder and rougher than the last. He was speeding up. One objective in his mind was to make you pregnant. It was just day one. His tail wrapped around your waist, lifting your ass higher for him to fuck you more relentlessly.
“You...take me so well,” he panted as he leaned his lips against your back. “Just hang in there. You’re doing so good…”
His cock grazed and hit just the right spots inside you; he was going to bruise your pussy with his roughness. You were growing addicted to the pleasure building up inside you. As you kept on moaning his name, his relentless thrust fueled you into absolute bliss. Fuck, you wouldn’t even know if you came again. The pleasure just never seems to seize.
His fingers crawled down to your hardened clit, rubbing them in circular motions which sent you twitching and biting down on the sheets. “Mal that’s too much!” you screamed in stimulation. Tears were already dripping down your cheeks. “Aah…! Fuck—!”
“I’m not stopping,” he growled, pounding repeatedly.
Skin slapping against skin was very evident now, the bed rocked under the both of you. You couldn’t even scream anymore, you shimmered down to whimpers and gasped. His deep groans seem to be more audible as you feel him coming closer to his orgasm. You’re trembling as he manhandles you. He really used you like his fleshlight. With a sharp thrust, you moaned loudly. Leaving your mouth hanging open as you squirted for the second, third, or was it the fourth, time.
Watching you erotically cum and stain the sheets just drove Malleus wild. It was beautiful. Seeing you filled up with his seed just urged him more. The tightness of your pussy just made him moan louder, pushing further into you as his pace grew erratic. “Take it, my queen.”
He panted, “Take all of my cum…!”
Malleus’ hips halted, ejaculating deep inside you while you’re left whimpering at his warm cum filling you up. You convulsed and continuously quivered. His thick semen already spilled out of you before he even pulled out. It felt amazing. It was so...fucking addicting. You tried to collect your breathing, left staring at the sheets as sweat ran down both your bodies. He finally pulled out, leaving you empty as you sighed in relief. Malleus watched as cum dripped down your thighs; he grew hard again.
Just as you were lifting yourself up, your husband flipped you onto your back, “You’re not going anywhere,” he smirked as he watched your eyes widen, “You won’t get pregnant in just one round.”
“Wait..wait.. Malleus let me breathe—!”
He ignored you again and sheathed himself back inside your vagina. “Mngh!”
“I’m s-still...sensitive!” You felt your clit pulsate, feeling like you want to cum again.
He moved again, just as relentless as the first round. With this position, he bit you, squeezed your breasts, kissed you, anything he could do to send you into overdrive, he did. Malleus did not let you rest. Hours and hours he bred you. At times where he’s calm, he would bring you a glass of water. Then it would proceed to another set of sex. Again, it was just and still day one. You have four more days before he’s completely satisfied.
When you started, the sun was up high, but now it was the moon that peeked through your window. It was finally the sign that Malleus was content for the night as he laid in bed in a heap of breath and sweat. You felt like passing out as you stared up at the ceiling. Your cunt was really full of his semen. “Are…” you whined, “...you done?”
“For now,” he smiled and pulled you into his arms. “We still have four more days.”
He kissed your nape as he kept you tight in his arms. You whined more, shifting your legs to make you comfortable. “I already feel pregnant…”
“Just think of Faye’s happiness once we give her a little sibling. I’m sure she’ll be delighted.”
You tiredly smiled, intertwining your fingers against Malleus’ larger hand on your stomach. Two little kids will be running around the castle soon. A happy Lilia Vanrouge would be spoiling the younger one. Sebek and Silver would have one of each Draconia child to look after. And… probably another one to come after that if Malleus would ever come to heat again in the future years.
That is what welcomed you as Mrs. Draconia.
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© jangmi-latte, all rights reserved. Happy to Serve!
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