#someone tell me im being dramatic and that this isn’t a heart attack
capyclub · 8 months
this week has been so fucking awful I literally cannot catch a break
0 notes
hansolmates · 4 years
here comes the bride, all dressed in pride
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summary; You and your cousin Doyeon have had beef with each other since the sandbox. When she plucks the last straw, you decide to end your long-simmering fight by claiming that you and her ex—Jeon Jungkook, are now boyfriend and girlfriend pairing; jungkook x reader (f) genre/warnings; fake dating!au, fluff, crack, mentions of cheating, lang, alcohol, mc eats meat, tw sexual harassment, toxic family, dick talk, making out, if u have that one family member that pulls bs on you constantly this is it, this fic is for all the people who have a huge ass family who wont leave them alone w.c; 17.3k  a/n: my second fic for gcn’s 23 birthday project! the fact that wedding szn zoomed by us like that... and so bc im sad that so many weddings had to be postponed this fic was born! a huge thank u to vivi @eerieedits​ / @chillingtae​​ for creating this BEAUTIFUL fic banner and separator pls check vivi out to make your fics all purty
prompts used: “You’ve always been beautiful to me, don’t you know that?” and “I never knew love could be like this, feel like this.”
if you enjoyed this pls consider giving a like and a share💕💕
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Doyeon likes to call Jungkook, “the one who got away.” 
You like to call Doyeon, “the one who drove him away.” 
In secret, of course. In fact, the only person who knows how much you loathe Doyeon and her behavior is your father. And all your co-workers. And your boss. And your boss’ ex-husband. 
And Jeon Jungkook, but of course you haven’t seen the man in two years and back then he was far too polite to address his concerns of your hatred of his then-girlfriend. 
Okay, so everyone and their mother knows how much you don’t like your cousin. Kim Doyeon and you have had beef since the sandbox, and for whatever reason is always out to one-up you. A strange competitive nature in everything, academics, family, and even boys. The sick, twisted part of you has come to enjoy it. While you’re not a fighter as devout as Doyeon is, you have your own callous tendencies farmed from the seeds Doyeon has planted in your brain. She gives you a comment? You can’t help but throw one back. Since you’re a painfully mature soul you don’t have any mortal enemies as far as you know, Doyeon is the perfect amount of hot water to keep you on your toes. 
“I’m really sorry that you couldn’t be a bridesmaid,” Doyeon cooes next to you, swirling her champagne glass with a too-jutted pout, “but if I did there’d be an odd number of pairings and you’re a little too old to be walking as a bridesmaid, am I right?” 
Your nails. Are digging. Through your dress. Alas, you’re in public and you have class. Doyeon smiles at you with all teeth, reminding you of the Beldam from Coraline. Aside from that she looks absolutely stunning in that Lirika Matoshi strawberry dress that has her Instagram aching with likes and love from her baseless followers. 
“I don’t know,” you reply lightly, leaning back in your seat, “I mean, if Yoojung and Rena can be bridesmaids and they’re three years older than me, wouldn’t I make the cut? It’s okay to be honest and say you just didn’t want me in the bridal party.” 
Doyeon laughs, slaps your thigh like you told her the most hilarious joke in the world. Anyone passing by would think you’re best friends. You laugh too, incredulous at the amount of power she thinks she holds. 
“Nice party,” you tack on, surveying the room. It’s filled with pastels and beiges, bright and airy.  It’s Parisian themed, and while you’re not a fan of theming cultures, you can’t deny that you’re loving the infinite supply of macarons. 
“Oh, yes. This is just a taste of the real wedding,” she laces her fingers together, as if she thinks she’s living an Elizibethean love story, “speaking of, you put on your RSVP that you’re bringing a plus one. Am I allowed to know who’s the unlucky date?” 
“As if you care.” 
“I care if you’re bringing Jimin. That tiny thing nearly gave Aunt Lillian a heart attack when he gave a striptease at Yoongi’s graduation party.” 
You smirk softly at the bold memory. That was the plan. 
Doyeon sighs dramatically, crossing her legs and popping out a cherry red heel. She plays with the back on the balls of her feet, letting the little pearly rhinestones glisten in the candlelight, “I should really commend you, cousin,” she drawls, “I mean, how kind of you to be so charitable and give your dopey friends a chance to have fun. After all, I’m sure it is difficult for someone like you to find a date.” 
It’s no surprise as to how you end up with a date at any family formal gathering. You say you bring a plus one, and then between Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok. The three of them draw straws as to who gets to gorge on free alcohol and food for that night. 
“Difficult?” you arch a brow, “I get plenty of dates.” 
Doyeon giggles. She must be feeling extra vindictive today, high on her impending marriage and the taste of bubbly champagne. “By taking turns with those three? You gotta be kidding me,” she snorts, tipping back her crystal, “please y/n. Don’t get so defensive because I’m getting married first. Your time will come. That is, if you stop dicking around with your friends.” 
Normally you’d smother any attempt at Doyeon to call out your friends, but now she’s just done that and insulted your ability to get some, and you are livid. 
“Actually,” you quip sharply, “I’ve been dating someone. It’s been a couple months, actually.” 
“Oh?” Doyeon’s genuinely interested, face falling slightly, “you’ve never mentioned anyone, I don’t see anyone on your social media.” 
“Yeah well,” you feign sympathy, pressing your lips together and tilting your head accordingly, “I’ve had to keep it private for a couple of reasons.” 
“What, is he ugly or something?” she chuckles, “but really, who’s the person who has the misfortune of being in a committed relationship with you?” 
Maybe it’s because Doyeon’s right, the both of you are too old. The two of you have been running around each other for years, with no end in sight. Maybe, the words that linger on the tip of your tongue will be the final nail in the coffin. 
“Jeon Jungkook,” you state proudly, clear as day. “Jungkook and I have been dating for three months.” 
And you pick up the vanilla macaron that sits innocently on your plate, ravishing it up like it contained all the tension in your table. Between you and Doyeon’s bubble, you could hear a pin drop. 
“Jungkook?” her smile is concrete-solid, “my Jungkook?” 
“My Jungkook,” you correct, giving her a puppy-eyed look, “I’m really sorry I never told you. I mean, is there ever a right time to tell your cousin they’re dating their ex-boyfriend?” you laugh, either to lighten the mood or because you love the way Doyeon pinches her face, you don’t know.
“How did you two even meet?” 
“We reconnected through Seokjin. You know how the two of them play Starcraft together, I just ended up joining the call and he was so funny and nice. We just sorta… felt it.” Doyeon nods like a slow bobblehead, still comprehending in her pea-sized brain, “I just hope it isn’t too awkward. I know it’s been awhile but, if you really don’t want Jungkook to come I can always take Hoseok or something.” 
“No, it’s fine,” Doyeon says a little too quickly, masking on her picture-perfect smile. “I’m with Namjoon now, and I’m totally happy. Water under the bridge, it’ll be totally fine.” 
“Really?” your eyes practically sparkle, thankful for the amount of glitter and highlighter you’ve dumped on your face today, “I really appreciate it, Yeonie.” 
And she quickly downs her champagne glass, and gets up from her seat. It’s haunting, the way she gets up, pink tulle billowing around her ankles. “I have to attend to the other guests,” she says. 
“Of course,” you raise your glass.
“But, be careful,” she gives you a little smile, one filled with a last-ditch attempt at a jab, “Jungkook, he’s a little hard to deal with.” 
“Oh don’t worry. I know how to deal with Jungkook’s hardness,” you wink, and Doyeon’s face falls like a ton of bricks. 
“That’s not what I meant.” 
“I know,” you shrug loftily, “that’s what I meant, though.” 
And you don’t bother watching Doyeon stomp off the metaphorical stage, double fisting two new glasses of champagne from an awaiting butler as she finds some other poor guest to pick on. Now, the matter of securing your date. Conveniently so, the most important man in the room is walking your way, and you manage to snag his tie just as he passes your table. 
“Ow—ow! I’m choking!” Seokjin grabs, nearly throwing his tall body onto your lap, hands grappling to release the tension on his neck. “Leave me alone, woman! I just wanted to get some chicken tenders!” 
“Jin,” you say sweetly, opening his blazer to retrieve his phone, “I need Jeon’s number, now.” 
“Jungkook?” your favorite cousin pales, eyes widening as you take out your phone of your own, copying down the digits, “what did you do?” 
“Don’t ask questions.” 
Seokjin says your name again, firmer. “You’re playing with fire.” 
“It’ll be fine, it’s the last time,” you quell, already knowing how much Seokjin hates being in the middle of your fights. Once you’ve secured the phone number, you place Seokjin’s phone back into his pocket, patting his breast. “Thank you. You know you’re my favorite cousin, you know that?” 
He grumbles a “damn right I am” before stomping away, resuming his race for his chicken tenders. 
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You: hey jeon it’s y/n. I see you’re doing great, i saw on instagram that you released your first app w/yoongi! Totally amazing, been playing for weeks, really upset that i can’t get past the flaming frog boss :((
You: Feel free to ignore this, i won’t blame you if you do. Im at doyeon’s rehearsal dinner, and she basically snubbed my friends and said i couldn’t get some prime dick even though im?? Me??? Anyway, im tired of her shit so im gonna throw it back at her, one last time before she ties the knot. I told her you and i have been dating, and im bringing you as my date to her wedding. Really sorry, the demons took over my brain and made the worst and best comeback of my life. So… if you’re up for being the hottest couple on the floor in three weeks and showing how madly in love we are, please text me back? Or not. You might think this family is crazy and i accept partial responsibility. 
You: I’ll buy u every meal for every practice date we have if u agree.💕💕💕
Jeon Jung-boo-thang: thanks, i appreciate that. To defeat the frog boss, go back to the coconut cave and find the garnet garter. It absorbs his fire and u can easily defeat froggo w any level 15 weapon
Jeon Jung-boo-thang: and as for the real reason u texted me. Im in. let’s get pork belly tomorrow. 
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Two years ago, you were surprised that Doyeon could manage to snag a man as fine as Jeon Jungkook. Also unsurprised, because Doyeon is gorgeous and could snag any man she wanted, and has snagged every man she wanted. 
Jungkook was different though. He had an air of innocence to him. He loved her, a little too much to be safe. Your heart would betray you every time you would find him at a family gathering, making her plate and counting the calories she so meticulously measured. How can someone so sweet be with someone like Doyeon? 
Your heart ached for Jungkook when they broke up a year later. From what you heard, Doyeon was Jungkook’s first serious girlfriend. And then you wanted to rip your heart out a week later when you caught Doyeon smooching with her favorite graduate professor Kim Namjoon, wanting to erase any possibility you’d have at love. At that time, you never wanted to feel the pain you imagined Jungkook was going through. 
“Y/n! Over here!” you’re a little taken aback at how much has not changed in Jungkook. His eyes still sparkle like fresh dew, his smile is still pearly white and infectious. He’s even early, snagging a table at his favorite barbeque place and waiting for you as if he is the one organizing your first date. 
At the same time, there’s so much that’s changed about him. He’s confident, even going so far as to walk over to you and slip your jacket and purse in his grasp like a gentleman. He leads you by putting a hand lightly at the small of your back, making you feel impossibly small in comparison to his Dorito-shaped body, broad shoulders and a deliciously trim waist. 
“How was the walk over?” 
“Not too bad,” the conversation is casual, easy. You wipe the sweat off your forehead with a napkin. “Could use a little exercise now and again. I did eat a whole tray of macarons at that rehearsal dinner.” 
Jungkook laughs from his belly, causing you to smile. “Nonsense. You look great, by the way,” you don’t mind it, actually, you enjoy it when his eyes rake over your body. After all, he’s now your boyfriend and he needs to get familiar with all the important bits. He leans his arms forward, bracing him against the wooden table so his face is closer to yours. 
“You’re not doing too bad yourself,” your eyes gloss over the veins and intricate tattoos that paint his muscled upper half. Your smile morphs into a smirk, letting him know you’re enjoying the view just as well as he is. 
And as soon as the tension sparks, it ends just as fast when your waiter comes up to light your grill. 
“So,” Jungkook wastes no time in decorating your stove, making sure to add all the appropriate aromatics and infusions to season your lunch, “do you know why Doyeon and I broke up?” 
“Cheated on you with Namjoon, I assume,” you keep your eyes trained on the darkening meat. 
Jungkook slips a piece of meat in his mouth. Any expression of pain (whether it be from Doyeon or the barely cooked meat) doesn’t reveal itself as he stops to take a sip of water. “Who else knows?” 
“Just me and Seokjin. The family loved you too much and Doyeon made up some sob story about how you two were going different life paths.” 
He chuckles to himself, taking great care in flipping the meat. “I really was a fool in love, wasn’t I?” 
“It… was mildly cute.” 
“Tell me the truth, you have no reason not to.” 
“Okay, you made me want to vomit rainbows and glitter every time I saw you.”
The two of you laugh, faces crinkling shamelessly as the two of you busy yourselves with setting up the table. Most of the food is done and the aroma of fresh onions wafts around your grill. As you place chopsticks on his side of the table, you think about all the times Jungkook made it abundantly clear how much he loved Doyeon: the love letters tucked into her purse, 100 day anniversaries, even just a simple Americano for her in the morning. 
“Is that why you never hung out with us?” 
“No,” you reply lightly, “Doyeon made it clear that I shouldn’t talk to you.” 
Jungkook frowns, “You really don’t like each other, do you.” 
You shrug, “Just always been like that,” you quirk a smile when Jungkook places the freshly cooked meat on top of your rice before serving himself. 
“So what’s the plan?” 
“We go to the wedding, make out a little, get Doyeon boiling. Even if she’s not interested in you, she’d still be upset knowing we are together.” 
“And why is that?” 
“Because it’s me,” you grin into your glass, staring at a water-stained Jungkook through the blue tinted glass. “And all you have to do, is enjoy your night and look pretty.” 
His eyes crinkle, chopsticks pressing between his lips. “You think I look pretty?” 
With a roll of eyes you don’t respond, preferring to dig your chopsticks in your rice. No need to inflate Jungkook’s ego too soon. 
Pinning the main theme of your hangout to the side, the both of you dig into your meal. You throw conversation back and forth like pebbles, grains of sand that build and build until you’re caught up with each other’s lives. It feels so strange to admit it’s been two years since you’ve spoken to the man, and all of a sudden the once luscious meat feels dry in your mouth. 
“Jeon,” you put your chopsticks down, “are you sure you want to do this with me? I mean, I know it’s all my fault and I dragged you into it. Don’t feel obligated to agree to this.” 
“I’m a hundred-percent sure,” he doesn’t stop eating, shoving two spoonfuls of rice in his mouth. His cheeks puff up considerably, and your eyes trail down to his neck as he swallows, “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t wanna.” 
“Right,” you don’t need a big explanation or a personal confession from Jungkook, just his consent. “Partners, Jeon?” you hold up your glass. 
“Partners,” he agrees easily. The smile on his face disarms you, a full-fledged grin decked with pearly whites. Clicking his glass to yours he adds, “And it’s Jungkook, babe.” 
Oh, this is going to be interesting. 
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Seokjin thinks the two of you are the most boring fake-couple. 
His eyes dart back and forth between your spot on the couch and his desk, where Jungkook is currently seated. Seokjin is hovered over Jungkook, who’s typing and clicking furiously over his PC game. You’re on your phone, feet pulled up to the coffee table while some old Netflix movie plays in the background. To top it all off both of you didn’t even try to dress like it’s daytime, nearly matching in sweatpants and an oversized hoodie. It doesn’t look like a couple coming to visit Seokin, it looks like Jungkook is playing video games with Seokjin while his cousin hangs around like she owns the place. 
“Shouldn’t you guys like, I don’t know, go on dates or something?” Seokjin feels like he’s talking to the air. “Maybe get to know each other before the big day?” 
Pulling your phone down to your lap and Jungkook taking off his headphones, the two of you shrug at each other, “No, we’re good.” Jungkook says. 
“We know enough,” you agree cooly, “Jungkook likes Valorant.” 
“I do like Valorant.” 
“He likes pork belly.”
“I do like pork belly.” 
“He’s ripped as hell.” 
“I am ripped as hell.” 
“Okay but have you guys kissed yet?” Seokjin interjects, probably compensating for the nonchalance in the room with his own brand of freaking out. You two only see each other when you’re hanging out at Seokjin’s apartment, and while he’s happy that you two aren’t doing the whole 9-yards and creating an elaborate scheme, the both of you are almost too relaxed. His anxiety is spiking.
“Yes,” Jungkook answers, “at the barbeque place we went to.” 
“It was nice," you tack on, "Jin, we got this. Don't worry." 
"How can I not worry when you're trying to upset our cousin on her wedding day?" he's sweating in his fully air-conditioned apartment. “I get that she’s the devil’s spawn and everything, but she’s still a human being.” 
“In second grade she pushed me on the treadmill because I was going too slow. I got caught on the roller and got a bald spot for two months.” 
“Okay yes one bad example—” 
“And in senior year she accused me of plagiarizing her essay just because we chose the same topic. I almost didn’t get into college!” Seokjin sighs, crossing his arms. All valid points, and arguing with you isn’t a route he wants to take. “Jin, the point is that she’s constantly pushing my buttons. I’ve always been the bigger person and now that I’m old and confident I just want one jab.”
“That’s valid,” Jungkook pipes up, pressing the spacebar a few times, “I want a jab too, she cheated on me.” 
“See? It’s a mutual decision.” 
Seokjin asks, “Why aren’t you more worried about this?”
"Because Doyeon isn't going to chew me out on her wedding day," you checked your aunt's seating chart last week and you are far, far away from the bridal table. "We're just going to show off a little bit. Get drunk, eat some bomb steak. Break up in three months or less.”
"You don't have to just convince Doyeon, it's your entire family! Not to mention you also have to go to the bachelor party!" 
"Oh I almost forgot," you reach under the couch for your laptop, "Jungkook, in two weekends from now we're flying to Las Vegas for the bachelor party and wedding. I'll buy your ticket now." 
"Thanks, babe!” Jungkook sends a cheeky grin to Seokjin, who is unimpressed. “See? I remember to call her babe.” 
“Alright, get out of my house,” Seokjin tugs Jungkook away from his computer, causing the younger man to swivel around in his plush gaming chair. 
Jungkook frowns at the monitor, “But I’m still bronze one. I’m aiming for silver one by this weekend.” 
“Don’t care. As much as I don’t like this plan, I’m not letting you two slip-up.” Seokjin pulls out his phone, revealing Doyeon’s Instagram story, “Doyeon and Namjoon are at the mall buying swimsuits for Vegas. Go to the mall and ‘accidentally’ run into them.”
You sit up straight, tilting your head to the side. “That’s not a bad idea, actually,” you bound over to grab your jacket, giving Seokjin a big fat kiss on his cheek, “Thanks Jinnie, do you know you’re—”
“I’m your favorite cousin. Yeah whatever, bye.” He waves you off, plopping in his own chair so he can enjoy his games in peace. 
“I’m driving,” Jungkook declares, swiping your keys from Seokjin’s opal dish. 
“Oh, hell no,” you jump on your tippy toes to reach Jungkook’s grasp on your keys, but he’s so freakishly tall there’s no way you can reach. “I drive my car!” 
“I’ve always wanted to drive your car back then,” Jungkook cooes, leaning in so your noses touch. “C’mon, you can trust me.” 
“You two are gross already,” Seokjin admonishes from the other side of the room, “see, it’s working!” 
Poking his cheek so he gives you some space, you whip your head to hide the flush that burns on your cheeks. “Fine, but if you crash you’re buying me a new one.” 
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“They’re over there,” you hiss between the racks, shuffling between the plastic hangers to point to Doyeon and Namjoon at the women’s section of the store. They look disgustingly adorable together, with Doyeon pointedly telling Namjoon which swimsuit suits his stature better while Namjoon nods along and goes with whatever she says. You crouch down lower, fearing Namjoon’s tall frame would catch you. “Now we just gotta act all couple-y and they’ll notice us. Or maybe we can walk over to them? What do you wanna do?” 
“Do you think we should get matching swimsuits?” Jungkook pays no mind to your sleuthing, holding up a red pair of swim trunks to his thighs, “we could pretend to be sexy lifeguards.” 
You tilt your head away from the pair, only because Jungkook has been genuinely interested in this store since you’ve arrived. Putting a hand under your chin, you scrutinize the dark red cutoff shorts. “They’re cute,” you nod appreciatively, “It’ll make your thighs look thick.” 
Jungkook’s grip on his hanger lowers, and he regards you with dark eyes. “You think my thighs look thick?” he asks, leaning in and putting one hand on the curve of your waist. His fingers dance on the surface of bare skin between your top and jeans, and while you’ve agreed beforehand that you two could touch each other wherever in public, it still surprises you when gooseflesh rises to the surface.
“Easy there, tiger,” you chuckle, putting a hand on his chest to stop his sudden bout of flirting. “I’m just stating the facts, we get it. You lift.” 
“You’re so cute when you try to put your guard up,” he’s brushing noses with you now, and you feel the plastic of the hanger crumple pathetically between you two as the gap closes further. “But you can’t hide from me.”
And just as his lips move to press against yours, a shrill “Jungkook!” echoes throughout the large store.
You nearly flop over the boardshorts rack if not for Jungkook’s arms secured around your waist. Oh right, you think dumbly, this is all for show. Doyeon and Namjoon are right in front of you, purchases already made and looking at you two in curiosity. Well, Namjoon is definitely curious, because you know for a fact that Doyeon speaks very little of you to him and you’ve only conversed with him a handful of times. Doyeon on the other hand, looks a little stiff in the grin. 
“Hello to you too,” you remark to Doyeon, who’s barely acknowledged you. You reach over to squeeze Namjoon’s arm, “Hi Joonie,” you crinkle your eyes, and you fight back a squeal when he smiles back with dimples. Doyeon has such a cute fiancé, and if you’re keeping score he’s way too good for her. 
Doyeon’s eyes glaze over to where you’ve touched Namjoon, and she links her arms with his. “What a coincidence, you two are buying swimsuits where we’re buying swimsuits.” 
“Well, there’s only one mall in this town and we’re going on the same trip in two weeks,” you reply blandly, and you feel Jungkook pinch your side. “Oh, Namjoon. Have you met my boyfriend Jungkook?”
“Can’t say that I have,” Namjoon reaches over to clasp Jungkook’s hand, “nice to meet you, man.” 
While Namjoon and Jungkook exchange small talk, you pointedly ignore the waves of negativity Doyeon sends your way in favor of observing the two large men. Namjoon just said it was nice to meet him, therefore he has no clue who Jungkook is. Interesting, considering Doyeon two-timed in favor of Namjoon. It gets you a little antsy, and you wonder if Namjoon is faking this whole interaction or if Doyeon is hiding something. 
“Baby,” Jungkook rests a hand on your shoulder, regarding you with concern, “you spaced out there, are you okay?” 
“She’s like that, Jungkookie,” Jungkook gently presses your shoulders down, blocking your view of Doyeon as she regards your not-boyfriend as Jungkookie. “My cousin’s a bit of an airhead,” her tone is sweet and jesting, the backhanded jab going right above Namjoon’s head. 
“I’m just hungry,” you say, forcing a tight-lipped smile. 
“Well, that’s perfect,” Namjoon clasps his hands together, “Yeonie and I were just about to go grab some dinner. Why don’t you join us?”
Doyeon and you both reply immediately, “That really isn’t necessary—” 
“Nonsense,” you don’t even have the heart to be upset at Namjoon because he looks so damn genuine, “It’s been two years and I haven’t even bought you a meal, y/n. After all, we’re going to be family at the end of the month.” 
“Right,” you answer reluctantly. 
“We’re gonna make reservations at the Cheesecake Factory,” he pulls out his phone, ready to make a call, “but you and Jungkook can finish shopping, okay? The wait will be a little long but by the time you’re done our table should be ready.” 
You and Jungkook wave off Doyeon and Namjoon as they make their way to the restaurant. Your hand is caught in the air by Jungkook, who regards you with worry in his eyes. “I wasn’t kidding when I said you looked spaced out,” he says, “tell me what you were really thinking.” 
Subconsciously, you squeeze his palm for comfort. “I don’t know, it just feels weird knowing Namjoon doesn’t seem to know you at all. Normally Doyeon loves to talk shit about her exes.” 
Jungkook scoffs easily, “I mean, if she’s marrying the guy I’m sure she doesn’t want to let him know the details of how they ended up together.” 
“True,” you decide to let it go, and follow Jungkook to the register to pay for his swim trunks. 
“So,” the little ‘ding’ of the register opens up the money box, and Jungkook quickly hands the clerk his cash, “we’re having dinner with them after this?” 
“Only if you want to.”
“We need to, right?” Jungkook thanks the clerk, holding the bag in one hand and threading his fingers through yours as you head out the store. 
“Well, do you want to?” you ask again. Jungkook stops the two of you on the sidewalk. It isn’t a fast stop, but a slow down that makes his walk a little more thicker, more deliberate as he trudges you down the lane. You move in front of him, clutching your hands between his. “Are you okay? You barely even acknowledged Doyeon.” 
“I’m fine,” you flinch at his harsh tone, and he immediately moves to remedy it by squeezing your hand back. “I’m sorry. It’s just been awhile and I’m definitely over her but,” he bows his head, feeling embarrassed, “she hurt me, you know?” 
Going into this is definitely one of the more selfish plans you’ve put your mind to. Your heart pangs thinking about what must be going through everytime he sees her. If he’s reminded about all the good times they shared, or how much he’s over thought every single conversation he’s had with her up until this point.
“Of course,” you completely understand, knowing from the beginning that this whole mess would end up with some dicey feelings someway or another. “I’m just thankful you chose to stick by me. And we can talk about it if you’re comfortable,” both of you being victims of Doyeon’s brand of torture, you hope the two of you can at least be friends after all of this is over, “we don’t have to go have dinner with them.” 
“But, Namjoon got us a table—” 
“Namjoon will be fine. We can always have dinner with him another time,” you smile softly, “what matters is that you’re okay.” 
His gaze melts, and you feel his grip loosen in your hold. He regards you with weak eyes, betraying the confidence he held himself to moments before. “Thanks, y/n,” he says, “I really appreciate that.” 
“Anytime,” you reply honestly. “We can go to Cheesecake and order to-go. I can make some excuse about how my stomach hurts and that we should do a raincheck.” 
“Sounds good.” 
“Do you wanna eat at one of our places or eat at the park or something?” you’re already pulling up your phone, checking out the menu. “We could invite Jin too.” 
“The park sounds nice,” neither of you acknowledge the fact that you’re not inviting Seokjin, and for some reason that’s okay.
“Yeah,” you agree simply, “the weather’s beautiful.” 
Under any normal circumstances, you would’ve been friends with someone like Jeon Jungkook, easily. A little part of you wishes that you could’ve met Jungkook first, but Doyeon has better connections than you and always had a good crowd around despite her inner motivations. No awkward exchange happens when you suggest to Jungkook to eat together. Even though you’re not technically dating, the two of you know that eating together is better than eating alone.
And you have to admit Jungkook’s great company. The two of you drive to a reserve nearby, overlooking a tiny lake. Instead of a fancy Italian tablecloth the two of you move your car seats down and set a spare picnic blanket in the trunk. Instead of a candlelit dinner the two of you find some emergency electric tealights in the glove compartment, lighting it up between you two as you dig into your to-go boxes. 
You’re a little envious that so much time has passed by. You could’ve been a little sneakier and made a better effort to communicate with Jungkook when you saw him regularly at family parties, and maybe you two would have a better friendship today. Nevertheless, the two of you mesh like peanut butter and jelly, exchanging conversation that has your cheeks sore from smiling too hard. 
By the time you get to dessert, the moon is out and the stars are floating above your heads. The two of you are at war, fighting with your forks over the last strawberry in your cheesecake slice. After some careful stabbing Jungkook manages to nab it with his fork. 
He almost puts it in his mouth, but instead swipes up some whipped cream to press the last strawberry to your lips. 
“I think it’s working,” Jungkook says randomly as you chew the sweet fruit, “you could see it on Doyeon’s face today. She’s unsettled.” 
“Yeah,” you agree, lying down on the lavender gingham picnic blanket. 
“Do you know why she fights with you all the time?” 
“That’s a question I’ve been asking myself since the dawn of time.”
“I think I know why.” Jungkook looks down at you with his large doe eyes, licking innocently on a spoon of whipped cream. 
“Pray tell.” 
“She’s jealous of you.” 
“No,” you disagree easily, “she’s jealous that I have you.” 
“Bzzt! Wrong,” Jungkook puts his empty container in your makeshift trash can, falling beside you and knitting his hands under his head. You have a little window on the roof of your car, so both of you are able to stare at the navy sky, “she’s always been jealous of you. Think about it. The two of you have similar lifestyles: same career path, confidence, taste, education. But even after all of that? People still like you more.” 
You scoff, hands immediately reaching to fiddle with the frayed corner of fabric next to your fingers. “I don’t think so.” 
“I’ve met all of Doyeon’s friends,” he informs you, “they’re weird. Like yeah, they care about each other on the surface level. But they’re nothing of substance. They’re not like your friends.” 
“Please, Doyeon has everything she could ever want,” you don’t know what kind of complex you have supporting Doyeon’s life, but something deep and insecure wants to separate you two as far away from each other as possible. “Like… she’s Malibu Barbie and I’m Polly Pocket.” 
Jungkook turns to face you, resting his head between his palm and leaning on his elbow. “Do you not think you’re beautiful?” 
“Yeah, but compared to Doyeon—” 
“You’ve always been beautiful to me, don’t you know that?”
You choke on your saliva, feeling small and skittish at the implication behind his words. It’s been two years. You’ve only been friends for two weeks. How can he possibly say that? 
“I uh, saw you once,” Jungkook coughs, and you watch the way his pale cheeks unmatch the moon and instead flit to a crimson hue, “we were at some party and you were wearing this really cute black dress with a white bow in the middle. Doesn’t even matter what party because it was random, y’know? I was gonna go talk to you but Doyeon got to me first and well, the rest is history.” He breaks eye contact with you, unable to handle it. 
You remember that party, vaguely. It was random, some sort of poetry slam in a shady part of town. Doyeon and you didn’t even go with each other, you were with Taehyung and she just happened to stumble in there from another nearby party. You didn’t even know Jungkook was there that night, or how you were a hair's breadth away from meeting him before Doyeon. 
“Don’t ever think you’re lesser than her just because out of all the people she chose to pick on, she chose you. It’s why she never lets you get to know her boyfriends. She’s threatened by you because you’re just as special,” something low sparks in your chest at his words,  “and now that you’ve finally decided to stoop to her level and fight back with a taste of her own medicine, she doesn’t know what to do.” 
Feeling like your body is on a beach and you’re sinking in sand, you soften over your picnic blanket, mulling it over. “Did I make the right choice? Stooping down to her level.” Your voice is quiet, comparable to the chirping birds and buzzing gnats outside. 
“We won’t know until after the wedding,” Jungkook answers honestly, “but I do know I’m sticking with you until the end. We’re friends now, got that? You have no excuse to ignore me anymore.” 
You don’t want to ignore Jungkook, never in a million years. Now you know that you are envious of Doyeon, for having an opportunity to love and care for an amazing person like him. So in a sudden bout of emotion, you roll over to straddle Jungkook’s waist. 
He’s shocked, hands flying to your waist to make sure you don’t wobble off. But you’re determined, and lean down to press your lips against his. He tastes like cheesecake and strawberries, the taste melding with your own as you relish in the feeling of his soft lips against yours. You melt a little when he squeaks, breaking into a soft moan as he reciprocates the gesture. He’s warm and large and he makes you feel safe. Once your brain returns to your body, you break for air. You only pull back a few centimeters, and there’s no way for you to get off because Jungkook has locked you in place. 
“What was that for?” he asks breathlessly. 
“Don’t know,” you’re whispering against his lips, unable to pull away, “just felt like we needed a little more practice.” 
He blinks, before relaxing in a silly smile. “I agree,” he says simply, dipping you on your back so he can be on top the second time around. 
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“We’re in Vegas, baby!” 
Every single terrible comedy movie set in Las Vegas has brought you to this very moment. You’ve always wanted to say that line. Dumping your luggage next to Jungkook’s, you flop on the nearest mattress. Thank goodness you only wore leggings and a t-shirt on the flight, it’s the optimal sleeping outfit after a long day. Feeling something hard and plastic dig into your brain, you hold up the culprit and squeal excitedly. “Look, Kook!” you wave the crinkly confection in your hands, “they put mints on the pillows!” 
Despite your room being a square with two queen beds, the hotel does not skimp on quality. The decor is ornate, the white and gold trim on the doorknobs and metal appliances shimmering beautifully. The beds feel like clouds, as you try to imagine what a cloud could possibly feel like, this is it. 
Jungkook immediately follows suit, ripping off his outer clothes until he’s left in his undershirt and boxers, flopping next to you on the mattress. He immediately opens his mouth when you shoot a mint, catching it easily. “I feel like we’re in a deleted scene of Crazy Rich Asians,” he says, letting the hard mint clink around his teeth, “is this the part where you tell me your family comes from old money and I’m gonna be your sugar baby?” 
“Don’t be so hopeful,” you narrow your eyes, booping his button nose with your finger. 
“I’m just saying, the first class flight threw me off.” 
You giggle, slapping his chest, “No. If that was true, we wouldn’t be sharing a room with my cousin. Sorry you have to share the bed with me, I got the hotel with Jin and he doesn’t want to sleep with you.”
“S’okay,” Jungkook replies softly, leaning closer to make grabby hands at you, “you’re softer.” 
Tentatively, you scooch over so you can lean on Jungkook’s chest. You two have a little time before Doyeon and Namjoon’s combined bachelor and bachelorette party. The past two weeks have been nice—scratch that, the past two weeks with Jungkook have been wonderful. You never cared to measure how much time passed before meeting him, but now that you’ve begun fake-dating, time is the only thing you regard. You’re already beginning to miss him, knowing that in a week, this whole arrangement will be over.
Well, not exactly over. Jungkook says you’ll remain friends after this, but you don’t really want that. You want more, and it scares you to think he may not feel the same. 
But right now you’re snuggling like an old couple, sleeping comfortably between pillow-like sheets and minty breath. Your pretend boyfriend, now your pretend boyfriend with benefits, looks soft and huggable and you want to bottle up this moment forever. You say benefits because, well, the cuddling is an added bonus. Practice practice practice, Jungkook sing songs the words you used that one night under the stars, excuses to seal his lips to your lips. You’ll never argue with that. So when Jungkook’s hand tightens around your waist and pulls you closer, you relent. 
One second, you’re closing your eyes and the next, you’re waking up to Seokin’s wide eyes staring back at you. 
“Eep, you creepo!” you shriek, scrambling away from him. That’s when you realize Jungkook’s missing from bed, the scent of his laundry detergent lingering between the eggshell Egyptian cotton. 
“Jungkook’s in the shower,” Seokjin immediately reads your mind, pulling away so he can unpack his luggage. “My flight just got in two hours ago, you both were out like a light when I arrived.”
“Ugh, I’m really not ready to party.” 
“Doyeon just texted the family group chat. She reserved the rooftop, the party starts in an hour,” he talks mindlessly, rifling through his stuff. Seokjin is fiddling with his clothes, despite the fact that you know Seokjin prepares his outfits days in advance so he doesn’t have to choose. He looks concerned, pulling out a flamingo pink boardshort and setting it down on his mattress. Finally he says, “I’m worried about you.” 
“Because. It’s clear that you’re starting to fall for Jungkook.” 
The words strike you straight in the place you’re trying to avoid. You’ve been living in a fantasy these past two weeks, thinly veiled by the whole reason you two are together in the first place. Doyeon’s wedding is just around the corner, and what then? 
“I’m not saying that he doesn’t feel anything for you either,” that gets your heart skipping a beat, and you secretly hold a hand to your chest under the blankets, “but do you really want to start off a relationship like this? A relationship all messy and morally objective because it’s built on revenge?” 
“Don’t worry about me,” the words easily fall from your lips, “I can take care of this.” 
“I hate it when you say that,” the words are curt and harsh against Seokjin’s plush lips, “I’m allowed to worry about you, y/n. You know why? Because, because you’re my favorite cousin too,” he bites his lip, walking over so he sits on your side of the bed. “So don’t tell me what I can and can’t worry about. I want you to be happy, I want you to stop holding in this anger you have for Doyeon and move on.” 
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, leaning over to press your cheek against Seokjin’s shoulder. “You’re right.” 
“For the first time in a long time, you’ve finally decided to lean on someone,” and both of you know who that someone is. “I don’t want you to lose him over some petty family issue. You should tell him how you feel.” 
“I will,” you wrap your arms around your cousin’s slim waist in a silent thanks. 
“Am I interrupting a tender family moment?” 
The two of you pull away to stare at Jungkook, leaning against the doorframe that leads to the bathroom. He’s in a plain white t-shirt and the red board shorts that you bought at the mall, cutting off mid-thigh and revealing the bulky muscle underneath. You were right, the shorts do make his thighs look thick. 
Seokjin groans exaggeratedly. “Yes, yes you did.” 
Jungkook immediately goes to replace Seokjin’s spot, and some stray droplets fall fresh from the shower due to his slicked-back hair. “Do you wanna get ready? First party’s soon.” 
“Not really,” you admit, “you’re gonna meet the family all over again.” 
“Second time’s the charm,” he winked, “I’ve already met your parents and everything. Not feeling nervous at all.” 
“Oh, really?” 
“Really,” and the facade cools down a little, “well, maybe a little nervous for your Aunt Lillian. Her stares give me the heebie-jeebies.” 
“Don’t worry, I’ll protect you from Aunt Lillian.” 
“God the two of you get worse every day,” Seokjin has magically changed into his shorts, tucking himself into the bed, “don’t wake me up until we pre-game.” 
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Doyeon and Namjoon don’t skimp on the festivities, although in taste the ideas are Doyeon’s in its entirety. It’s lavish and colorful, with a beautiful infinity pool in the middle decorated with lavender and pink headlights. There’s a buffet table overflowing with tasty food. There’s petal pink champagne overflowing from fountains, decorated with fresh strawberries bobbing around the fizzy drink. 
“I don’t know,” Namjoon and Jungkook have been talking for well over an hour, and it’s clear how well they mesh together. Heck, you’ve accepted that Jungkook may like Namjoon more than he likes you. Jungkook’s eyes sparkle as Namjoon discusses the various genres of rap and hip-hop music, explaining the potency of mature themes in a young community, “but I will say music is like another language, knows no boundaries when it comes to sending their messages to others.” 
You fight the urge to chuckle when Jungkook sighs dreamily at the music theory professor. “Wow, that’s so deep.” 
Getting up from your cabana, you nudge Seokjin, who’s currently flirting it up with one of Doyeon’s bridesmaids. “Hey, wanna get a drink?” you ask, throwing your wrap on the cushions to reveal your strappy red bikini. 
“And chicken tenders,” Seokjin presses a kiss to the bridesmaid’s cheek, bidding her goodbye as he follows you out of the shaded area. 
“Do you two lovebirds want anything?” you stare pointedly at Namjoon and Jungkook. While Namjoon’s eyes stay in contact with you, you can’t help but smile a little more when Jungkook has a hard time keeping his gaze in one place. 
“I think we’re fine,” Namjoon answers for both of them, swirling his beer bottle. “I’ll meet you two at the bar once I’m done.” 
“Sure thing,” Seokjin puts a hand on your back to lead you to one of the open bars. As much as you like being in a handsome hotel with money to burn, nothing beats the fact that your entire family is here to celebrate. The elders have corroborated two cabanas for poker and other games, while your younger cousins are playing ping pong and air hockey on the other side. 
“Namjoon sure is a dreamboat,” Seokjin bemoans, handing you an electric orange drink. You take a sip of it, and bug out when you realize it tastes nothing like alcohol. You’re definitely in for a night. “Like I can hear him wax music thingamajib any day.” 
“I thought you were into that bridesmaid.” 
“A mere diversion,” he sighs, leaning his tanned arms against the bar, “can’t ignore the deep voice Namjoon has, it’s intoxicating.” 
“I’m sure Jungkook would agree,” you egg on. 
“What are you two talking about?” you straighten up when the man of the hour shows up at the bar, absolutely glowing under the sunset. He orders a round for the three of you, and you immediately chug your own drink to get to the next one. 
“Talking about how you’re stealing Jungkook away from me,” you joke, accepting another fruity drink from Namjoon. Damn, this stuff tastes like candy. 
“Oh, never,” Namjoon replies brightly, waving the thought away, “do you see the way he looks at you? Hopelessly in love.” 
Maybe it’s the copious amounts of alcohol, but you feel your stomach flip-flop at the thought of love. You’ve always known what love felt like, the warmth of Namjoon’s cheeks whenever he sees Doyeon, when your mom takes care of you when you’re sick, when Seokjin makes sure you’re not emotionally constipated 24/7. But the thought of Jungkook and you in love? It’s a feeling you secretly yearn for. 
“Right? It’s disgusting,” Seokjin groans with an eye roll, “like, Jungkook wasn’t like that with Doyeon at all when they were together.” 
The slip up has the three of you choking on your own thoughts, staring at each other like the three have just been told you’re on a prank show. But it is no prank, and you look at Seokjin who’s absolutely horrified. 
“Oh shit,” he squeaks, looking at Namjoon guiltily, “did I say something I shouldn’t have said?” 
“I don’t know,” Namjoon replies coolly, “did you?” 
The ominous response gets you going, and you quickly place a hand on Namjoon’s arm, placating him. “They dated, yes. But it was only for a short time and we’ve sorted everything out. Nothing for you to worry about.” 
“Oh,” Namjoon quirks his head, and regards you two with pursed lips. “I’m not one of those guys who freak out over other people’s exes. I’m just surprised that I’ve only heard this now,” Namjoon takes a slow sip of his drink, and despite your drink also being cold and refreshing, you’re absolutely sweating. 
“Well, I’m sure Doyeon didn’t want to worry you.”
At the mention of his future wife, he beams. “You’re right, she’s considerate like that,” and the conversation ends just like that. He holds up his drink to the two of you, and you and Seokjin do the same. With a sharp clink he leaves you two to mull, happily conversing with the next round of guests he needs to entertain for the week. 
“That guy is too nice for his own good,” you shake your head, asking the bartender for your third drink within ten minutes. 
Seokjin leans over you and warbles, “So you’re telling me that Namjoon has no idea that Doyeon cheated on Jungkook in order to date him?” he’s sweating just like you are, following suit to your actions and asking to make his drink a double. 
“I don’t know,” you bite your lip, your teeth worrying the dark skin, “I’ve been thinking about it for a while though. I just don’t want to get involved, you know?” 
“But this is different!” 
“But Doyeon’s family!” 
“And all of a sudden you care about Doyeon’s feelings?” Seokjin gripes back, “it’s not about Doyeon, it’s about the both of them. And if we know something that Namjoon doesn’t, wouldn’t it be in our best interests to warn him before he seals a marriage deal that costs him over a zillion dollars?” he gestures to the extravagant wedding party. 
“But we don’t even have any proof that’s the case,” you frown, “Doyeon could have changed—a little, not a lot—since meeting Namjoon, maybe she thinks it’s best to reveal as little as possible.” 
Seokjin wonders what kind of family he has. One as chaotic as his takes a lot to stomach, and Seokjin likes to pride himself in his strong appetite. “Fine, let’s just keep a close eye on both of them this week. And if anything remotely fishy happens, we strike.” 
You return to the cabana alone, with a plate of fries for both you and Jungkook. Jungkook is also alone, laying on the lounge chair with his eyes closed. It gives you a chance to ogle your fake-boyfriend a little bit, reveling in the sight of his toned body. 
Setting down your plate with a sharp rap of the glass, Jungkook opens one eye. “Hey,” he smiles, drinking in your muted expression, “you okay?”
Damn Jungkook for being able to read you so well. “I think so. It’s nothing, really.” 
“Well, will you tell me if it’s something?” 
“Yeah, I will.” 
“So, I do have something to tell you though.” Jungkook sits up, regarding you wearily. “Can you… stand in front of me?” Confused, you shove a fry in your mouth and walk up to him as directed, your back blocking the entrance as you stand in front of him. “Okay, come closer. Now bend down,” you bend your back 90 degrees, and he presses a hand to your shoulder to stop you, “no, no. With your breasts out, just a little—there! Arch your back. Like you’re doing the Sorority Squat.” 
“Excuse me—” 
“The music isn’t even that loud,” he mutters to himself, “no one would need to push their boobs in my face to hear me.” 
“Jungkook, is someone pressing boobs to your face?” 
“Why,” he breaks into a playful grin, “jealous?”
“Not if it’s Aunt Lillian.” 
“Unfortunately it wasn’t,” he twiddles with the drawstrings of his shorts. “It was Doyeon.” 
Doyeon? She didn’t walk by your cabana all day. Heck, she barely greeted you when you arrived with Jungkook. But when Jungkook’s alone is when she decides to pounce? And with what motive? 
“I don’t know,” he’s rambling to himself, “maybe I’m overthinking it. It was only half a second.” 
“Jungkook, I have something to tell you,” you say instead, panic in your features. 
“Is it something urgent?” 
“Well, no but—” 
“Then tell me when we get back to the room,” Jungkook easily pulls you onto his lap, and you instantly heat up when you feel your bare butt press against Jungkook’s golden thighs. “Like you said, we’re in Vegas. Let’s have fun while we can.” 
“Okay,” you tuck your head between his neck and collarbone, reaching to press a kiss to his smooth jawline. 
Relaxing against the plush lounge chair Jungkook feeds you fries while talking about the things he wants to do this week. It’s his first time in Vegas and he wants to make the most of it. He wants to visit all the buffets he sees on Buzzfeed compilations, relax at the pool, maybe catch a show. The thought of spending all week with him and your family is nice, and suddenly you don’t feel so awkward sitting on his lap, and eventually he pulls you between his thighs so you can lay on his chest. 
“And between you and me,” he fake whispers against the shell of your ear, as if he’s telling you the biggest secret, “we’re the hottest couple here.” 
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The next three days leading up to the wedding are relatively uninteresting. 
Uninteresting in the best way possible. On Monday you and Jungkook spend time with your little cousins, taking them to The Adventuredome, one of the resort's indoor theme parks. On Tuesday you and Jungkook go shopping at the outlet malls with your parents, blowing hundreds of dollars on cheap Levis that have your luggage bursting with a new wardrobe. In between all of that Seokjin and occasionally Namjoon joins you two in your buffet journey, hitting up the top spots and filling your tummies to the brim with delicious food. 
On Wednesday, Jungkook brandishes two gold-foiled tickets in front of you, waving them around like a fan. With one finger, he pushes away your Pokémon battle, “I got us tickets to Cirque du Soleil,” he announces proudly, “waited in line for an hour.”
You gape, scrambling off of your bed and throwing your Nintendo Switch to the side. “Jungkook,” you marvel, “these are so expensive. How’d you manage to get a show for tonight?” 
He shrugs, “Looked around.” 
“You’ve been impulse buying a lot this week,” you tease, “like really, you don’t need three pairs of the same ripped jeans.”
“This wasn’t an impulse buy,” he says, “I’ve been looking around for shows. Just managed to pick them up today, so go get dressed for our date.”
Did Jungkook just call it a date? Giddy with excitement you throw the covers off, running into the bathroom to get ready. What a surprise, you didn’t think Jungkook would be into spontaneous things like this. 
Seokjin left the bathroom open, so when you walk in the room it is steamy and warm. Your dear cousin is still in the shower, probably waiting for his conditioner to pass three minutes of set-in time. 
“What are you getting ready for?” Seokjin asks over the rain shower.
“Kook got us tickets to Cirque du Soleil,” you chirp happily, looking through your skin care products. 
“I wanna come!” 
“Nope! Jungkook called it a date.” 
“Oh, a date,” Seokjin drawls, putting his head under the water to rinse his hair clean. “Well then, should I vacate the room for tonight?” 
“What, no!” you’ve closed the door, so thankfully Jungkook can’t hear you talking about him. “We’re not doing anything. We’re just two friends who are fake-dating going on a date.” 
“Sounds like a real date, though,” Seokjin wraps a towel around himself to cover all his important bits before getting out of the shower, bumping elbows with you so he can brush his teeth. “Either way, I’ll be gone tonight. It’s my turn to watch the baby cousins. Don’t have too much fun while I'm in their room watching Despicable Me for the millionth time.” 
“We’ll be sure to stop by with some pizza or something,” you tease, a little wiggle in your hips when you vacate the bathroom. 
By the time you and Jungkook are ready, you two are dressed impeccably. Jungkook is wearing one of the ripped black jeans he bought on Tuesday, combined with a white button up and black blazer. A classic outfit with a little bit of Jungkook-themed flair. And to Jungkook’s surprise, you’re wearing the dress that he first saw you in, all those years ago. You’ve gained a little weight since college, but you still fill out the little black dress beautifully, the little white bow in the middle adding a simple yet adorable touch. It took a little sleuthing and searching through your old college clothes, but you were determined to find it when Jungkook reminded you how much you love the design. 
Clearly from the way Jungkook is currently gaping at you like a bloated fish, he loves it too. 
The show is beautiful and colorful, leaving you speechless and in tears by the end of it. Jungkook lets you hold his hand the entire time, feeling a bout of anxiety anytime the acrobats fall gracefully despite the large height. 
Overall, it was a wonderful show, paired with your equally enamouring date. It’s getting harder and harder to distinguish what’s fake and what’s real in your heart, and throughout the night you’re sorely reminded that you should tell Jungkook how you feel. 
But by the time you get to the room your parents are calling you, asking to get their suit and dresses out of the car so hotel service can do a last minute press and dry clean. 
“I’ll be back,” you say to Jungkook, “I need to go get their clothes out of the car. They’re always so forgetful.” 
“Want me to come?” he offers, hand shying away from inserting the keycard in. 
“No, I’ll only be fifteen minutes, tops.”
“So I guess this is this the part where I get a goodnight kiss?” he asks cheekily, leaning on his heels so his tall frame reaches yours. You don’t hesitate to give a short peck to his pretty pink lips. He pouts at the brevity, “that was too quick.” 
“Go inside,” you insist, “the sooner you get ready for bed the sooner I can get ready for bed.” 
“Then more kisses?” 
“Then more kisses.” 
Jungkook breaks into an all-teeth smile, unable to control himself when he dips down and steals a longer, more lingering kiss to your lips. “I had a great time tonight,” he says, mimicking every single teenage rom-com protagonist who’s deeply in love with the popular jock. “Don’t take too long, okay?” 
You nod, pushing him inside, “C’mon, if you stopped talking I’d be back by now!” 
Once the door closes shut, you let yourself do a little dance in the hallway, wiggling your butt and giving yourself a mini-celebration. You quickly text your group chat that you just came back from the Cirque show.
Jimin: what, a date with your fake date?
Hobi: jeon jungcock? 👀👀
Jimin: whaaaaaattttt. U’ve gotta have sat in his lap at least. 3 times since you’ve started this ting
Hobi: i’ve heard things in college… 
Taehyung: u are all gross and i hate u 
Taehyung: but so am i bc im very curious 
Just as you’re about to send a heated reply, the elevator dings, revealing a pissed off Doyeon. She’s bare-faced, in a fluffy lilac bath robe and matching puff ball slippers. You slip in right beside her, making sure there’s a comfortable amount of space between you two. 
“You’re going to the parking garage too?” you ask, eyes lingering on the lit button. 
“Yeah,” she’s looking at her phone, a few stray hairs from her mahogany bun falling onto her forehead, “Aunt Lillian left her medication in the car. I don’t know why she has to send me, I’m busy getting married.” 
“My parents left their formal clothes in the car,” you shrug, “you know, my parents and Aunt Lillian share the same brain cell. Gotta help them out once in a while.”  
The icy silence in the elevator is probably the calmest you and Doyeon have been since you’ve announced your relationship status with Jungkook. You fight the sigh, opting to take out your phone and open some unread messages. 
Jeon Jung-boo-thang: hurry up, the bed’s cold without u 
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You: lool, why do u look constipated 
Jeon Jung-boo-thang: because i am, hurry up. Im bringing ur switch to the toilet and playing on your profile 
You tilt your head a centimeter, feeling Doyeon breathing down your neck like Puff the Magic Dragon. You look at her with wide eyes. Her long, slender neck manages to snake its way next to your head, “Can I help you?” you ask amusedly, clutching your phone to your chest. 
“Are you two really together?” she asks, batting her lashes. All this week she’s left you alone, and you’ve been wondering when she’s going to make herself known. It’s a little self-absorbed you have to admit, but ever since Namjoon’s ignorance to Doyeon’s previous relationship, you’ve been on edge. 
“Of course we are,” you spit back, “I love him.” 
And you must be very convincing, because Doyeon’s gaze falters just a fraction. You glare at her, staking your claim. Ever since Jungkook told you the reason Doyeon hates you is because she’s jealous, you’ve started to feel a bit of sympathy for her. Doyeon is beautiful and smart, she has no reason to feel this way. But the brain holds fickle thoughts sometimes, bringing darkness to the mind. 
“He loved me first,” she bites back, lifting her chin. 
“And why do you care?” you laugh tonelessly. The elevator dings open, and you’re met with the open air and concrete of the parking garage. “He may have loved you first, but he’ll love me last.” 
You leave the elevator first, a little pep in your step as you make your way to the rental car to gather your parent’s things. While the words you uttered are white in nature and may not hold any sort of weight to them, it manages to bring Doyeon to her knees, absolutely quaking in the elevator. 
You’re tasting revenge, and it’s sweet. 
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“Okay, you need to leave,” Seokjin pulls away the shot glass from your lips, “I didn’t spend days planning the itinerary for you to mess it up. Bridal party in Doyeon’s suite and the groom’s party in Namjoon’s parents suite.” 
“That’s dumb,” you chastise, crossing your arms, “we’re all meeting at the same club at 10. Why can’t we pre-party together?” 
“Because it’s tradition!” 
“Screw tradition,” you stumble on your heels as you purse your lips at Jungkook, “Kook, when we get married I don’t wanna do a whole boy-and-girl party. We’re equals, right?” 
“Of course, baby,” he cooes, being careful not to smudge your makeup when he presses his lips to the crown of your head. “But for the sake of Seokjin’s sanity, you should probably go to Doyeon’s. It’ll only be an hour or two.” 
You gasp exaggeratedly at the blatant betrayal. He only grins cheekily in response, dipping down to press a wet kiss to your cheek. “Fine,” you cross your arms, snatching back your drink from Seokjin’s grasp to knock it down. 
Leaving the bachelor pre-party pains you considerably. They’re having such a good time joking around the suite, telling each other fun stories and relaxing in chairs as they watch TV. This is your kind of crowd, not to mention that you can peacefully check out Jungkook’s ass in those tight dress pants without any crazy club lights distorting your vision.
From past family party experience you already have a feeling what’s coming for you in the ladies’ suite. 
Loud music pours from Doyeon’s suite, and it’s completely unlocked. The bridal party is raving, ten seconds away from being completely drunk and immobile. The lights are being manually shut on and off like some sort of cheap rager, and you have to tell Yoojung to tone it down before you get a seizure. 
The stench of acidic drinks and the tang of alcoholic air is palpable, and instead of a shot you opt for a glass of peach champagne to slow you down. 
As you walk deeper into the suite, you notice a crowd forming by the balcony. Tapping your cousin Nari on the shoulder, you regard her with a hug and kiss. “What’s going on over there?” you ask, heels not helping you see any better. 
Nari’s all blushy and pink, hiccuping as she gestures to the balcony. “Her maid of honor got Doyeon a very special gift!” 
Managing to weave through the women blocking your view, you fight the urge to gag when you have a clear view of the scene in front of you.
You really don’t understand the purpose of bachelor and bachelorette parties. “One night to be single all over again!” they all say, even though they’re not actually single? Like why does the couple suddenly get one night of forgiveness when you’ve already spent years being in a committed relationship? 
Why is it okay that Doyeon’s dry humping a stripper on the balcony? Her white silk dress is ruched dangerously high, soon close to flashing her family. Aunties and friends and the like are cheering her on, and she flips her head perfectly to all the phones shoved in their faces, making sure to get the perfect angle. 
Fighting the urge to roll your eyes, you turn back in the hopes that your other family members would be willing to have a good old-fashioned tip back with you. 
You squeal when your hands accidentally land on a bare, oiled chest. You look up, mortified at the large man covered in black harnesses. “Hey babe, I’m Wonho,” he says, faking a sultry gaze as he looks at you up and down, “you’re part of the bridal party too? Wanna dance?” 
Feeling naked, you push past him, careful not to get anything on your dress. Wonho? Wonno.
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Jungkook loves your family. 
(Except Doyeon.)
As much as he told you not to worry about him, and he’ll be completely fine when he meets your family, he couldn’t help be a little wary on the flight over. After all, it’s been two years and he didn’t know how things would be different. 
Chaoticism and all, your family is a thing to be cherished. Even though Yoongi has been on mood swings that make Jungkook question his sanity from time to time, and Seokjin is secretly breathing down Jungkook’s back every time he so glances at you, he thinks things are right where they should be.  
But despite all that they regarded him with familiarity, hugged and kissed him like old friends, something is different. They’ve turned over a new page for him. They don’t bring up Doyeon. They ask about his family, his job, his life in the city. They ask about how you and Jungkook met, and how happy they are for you. How happy they are for him.
Oh, how he wishes everything could be different. In another world, you two would already be together. 
He wasn’t lying back at the cabana when he said you two are the hottest couple at the resort, including the bridal party (but don’t tell Namjoon). You look absolutely stunning in your sparkly red dress, accentuating all the right parts and lighting up the whole room. 
When he finds you in the club you’re sitting down with your Aunties, keeping the elders company while the younger ones are flagging down the bartenders. He thinks it’s cute, how well you fit in between them, coddling you like you’re still a child in their eyes. 
“Dear, your boyfriend is here!” your one Aunt yells over the loud EDM.
You lift your head up quickly, giving him the prettiest smile. Your teeth glow purple under the neon lights, and he fights the urge to laugh when he holds out a hand. “Mind if I steal her from you?” 
“Of course, she’s gotta live a little!” 
You pout, a little wobbly but nevertheless still in the right mind as you shuffle out of the booth to meet his awaiting arms. “Hey handsome,” your voice is thick and sweet-smelling, “come here often?” 
“Only when my girlfriend does,” he replies cheekily, hands immediately coming to your butt to smooth out your dress. He shys a bit when your Aunties hoot and holler at his public display of affection, but all he wants to do was pull the hem down a little bit. No way is he going to let anyone get a flash of your goods. 
“Let’s dance!” you take your hand in his, leading him to a comfortable corner of the dance floor. 
Clubs aren’t really your scene, aligning with Jungkook’s sentiments towards the loud generic music and terrible smell. But you’re in Vegas, and he feels that it’s all part of the package to experience the nightlife at least once. He puts his hands on your waist and you giggle like you’re in prom, hands coming to rest on the collar of his button down. 
“Hey,” he says with a lopsided smirk, “wanna make out?” 
 “Sure,” he notices that you don’t even check if anyone’s seeing, and it makes his heart flutter when you don’t hesitate to get on your tiptoes to meet him halfway. 
He’s always hoped for a moment like this, a moment where the room stops spinning and both your minds click into place. It’s almost comical, how he distinctly notes that the music fades once his lips touch yours. The kiss is hot, yet intimate. Even though he makes excuses to kiss you all the time because of practice, it goes to show that you two definitely never needed it. Your tiny hands grip the collar of his button down, bringing you two impossibly close despite the hot air. His larger hands grip at the strings that hold your measly dress together, grappling at any excuse to get to your soft skin. The two of you are a natural when it comes to each other’s intimacy. 
The two of you pull away, mesmerized. You haven’t kissed like that before. He melts under your stare, his thumb reaching to nick off any lip gloss that’s moved in the process. 
Seokjin comes down the floor to haul you both by the shoulders, “C’mon lovebirds, they’re taking wedding shots!” 
The two of you follow your cousin to the crowd of people that is your family, already with their own drinks in hand. Doyeon and Namjoon are sitting atop the bar, making a very loud toast that consisted of a quick “thank you!” and “we love you!” before downing their drinks with their arms linked together. The room is thrumming with excitement for tomorrow’s festivities, and surprisingly, you and Jungkook included. He tucks himself in your body like a puzzle piece, hugging you from behind while he watches Namjoon’s eyes sparkle with love under the neons. 
The nightclub gets a little blurry after that, with the copious amounts of alcohol and shameless actions from your family and friends. By the time it’s twelve Jungkook notices you swaying at a rate that you can’t handle. He knows your limits and knows when you have to urge to pee every five minutes, it’s time to go. With a chaste kiss you leave him at the bar, deciding to make a pitstop to the bathroom before telling Jungkook you want to head up.
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You’re locked in a stall when you hear Yoojung’s voice. 
“Ugh,” she groans, voice echoing through the tiny room. “Jungkook is so sexy. Do you see the way he’s dancing out there? He’s a literal babe magnet, I can’t believe he ended up with someone like y/n.” 
You don’t move a muscle, pressing your ear against the door that hides you. The silly slander isn’t news to you, Doyeon has been feeding her friends all sorts of bullcrap so they wouldn’t bother talking to you. 
“Yeah, Jungkook’s a real treat but he dated Doyeon first. Sounds like she’s into sloppy seconds,” Elly replies, another bridesmaid you’ve met in passing. “But I don’t know, they do look happy together.”
“Please, I’m sure Jungkook’s just using her so he can get one more chance at Doyeon before she ties the knot,” you bristle, the thought of Jungkook still having feelings for Doyeon makes your heart thud painfully against your chest, “like, what a downgrade. Namjoon and Doyeon do not deserve this drama. If Jungkook ever liked Doyeon at all, he wouldn’t have come. Period.” 
You slam the door open, causing Elly to squeal and Yoojung’s YSL lipstick to fall onto the sink. You’re the epitome of relaxation, walking towards the sink to wash your hands. The bridesmaids simply stare at you, unable to formulate a comeback. When you finally dry your hands, you say your next words. 
“Jungkook is here because he loves me,” an act act act. This is all an act. You shouldn’t be this offended because you know it’s all false. “And you’re wrong. It’s not Jungkook that doesn’t deserve Doyeon. Jungkook was too good for Doyeon.” 
And you slam your heels against the tile, stilettos pounding to the beat of the music. Your exit is full of anger and frustration as you ignore the burn in your step and the ache in your heart, flagging the first bartender you see to get you a double. 
Shot for shot, that anger soon melts into guilt as Yoojung’s words sink in. The thought of Jungkook using you to get to Doyeon is terrible, you can barely stomach the thought. But that’s exactly what you’re doing, right? You’re using Jungkook to get back at Doyeon. 
Why did you even want to get back at Doyeon anymore? Why do you have to prove anything to her? If she just continues to push you around, isn’t that more on her than it is on you? 
Jungkook soon finds you after you’ve nursed a few drinks, leaning unceremoniously against a barstool. His eyes widen at your state, and he immediately sheds his jacket to wrap it around your waist. 
“Why did you drink so much?” he chastises, “it’s the night before the wedding.” 
“Jungkookie,” you warble, clutching your stomach, “I don’t feel so good.” 
He sighs, bending down. “Get on my back. Make sure the jacket covers you up, okay?” 
He doesn’t even grunt when you put all your weight on him, feeling like a ragdoll as he hoists you up. You wrap your arms around his shoulders, letting him carry you to your room. Most of the older family already went upstairs to sleep, so none of your cousins could care less when they see you get hauled away by Jungkook. 
You inhale, he smells like sweat and cologne. “I like putting my head between your neck,” you babble, and you feel Jungkook chuckle through his chest, “you smell so nice there. It’s the bestset! Comfiest place ever, ‘specially when m’sleepy.” 
“Are you sleepy now, baby?” You love how smooth the petname falls from his lips. 
“I will be when we get upstairs,” you reply, happy to see the elevator is empty. “I’m just all up in my head.” 
“Is that why you were drinking so much? You said you were gonna stop earlier.” 
“Yeah, but,” you shamefully tuck your head in his shoulder, “I was frustrated.” 
“Frustrated? At who?” concern laces his tone as he struggles to hold you with one hand and fumble for his key in the other. You tighten your legs around his slim waist until the door clicks open, and he immediately walks over to your bed to plop you down. “Babe, are you crying?” he finally has a good look at your face, horrified to see the streaks of tears mixed with mascara running down your face. 
“I wa-was jealous,” you confess tearily, clutching your face in your hands,  “some girls in the bathroom were calling you sexy and that you were only here so you could try to win over Doyeon. I know it sounds ridiculous and you would never do that but. The thought of you getting back with her makes me so jealous and I hate it! I’m starting to feel so guilty about this, all of this. I put all of this on ourselves and I’m ruining it.” 
“Ruining what? You’re not making any sense.” Jungkook places a hand on your knee, crouching down so he can look up at you. 
“I’m ruining us,” you gush despondently, “I’m ruining any potential of us before we even start.” 
Jungkook freezes, hand clutching your knee like a lifeline. The potential of you two together? You’ve thought of that? Jungkook didn’t drink much tonight, so his mind is definitely running on all cogs. 
Coming to a conclusion, he rubs slow, soothing circles on your knee, his other hand reaching up to wipe the tears from your face. “You’re not ruining anything,” he declares firmly, “that’s impossible. I may have agreed to fake-date you because of Doyeon, but I stayed because of you.” 
His heart aches seeing you so upset, and he decides to take initiative to get you out of your clothing and ready for bed. You don’t have any words, opting to let Jungkook take care of you as you try to calm yourself down. He finds a spare t-shirt,  a long one so you’ll be comfortable. He doesn’t bat an eye when he unzips your dress, in favor of balling up the shirt and getting you clothed as fast as possible. He rifles through the bathroom to find your makeup wipes, and he’s gentle when he scrubs up the once pretty makeup you spent half an hour doing. Barefaced and fresh, you look sleepy and ready to crash. 
But before Jungkook can tuck you in, you clutch his arm.
“Jungkook,” you murmur sleepily, “I think I lo—” 
“I know, baby,” he doesn’t want a confession like this, and he’s sure you wouldn’t want it either. You still look a little green and you’re not sober, so he makes the executive decision to pin these feelings for later. “I’m not trying to invalidate you, I promise. I want you to tell me this, all of this in the morning. We’ll talk then.”
“Okay,” you melt in the sheets, pulling the blankets up to your chest. When you see Jungkook move away from the bed, you jolt, “Where are you going?” 
Jungkook smiles, reaching over to tuck you back in, “I left my blazer in Namjoon’s room. I’ll be right back, okay?” 
He walks out of your room as quietly as he can, making sure to close the door slowly. Once it’s sealed shut, he leaps up, giving himself a silent cheer as he bounds down the hall. You like him back! 
The smile on his face is tired but full of fervor as he makes his way to Namjoon and Doyeon’s suite. He doesn’t even care that he probably has to talk to Doyeon to get his jacket back, thoughts filled with the excitement of his requited feelings and going back to his room to cuddle up with you. 
He doesn’t even have to knock when the large double doors swing open. Dumbfounded, he looks down at Doyeon, wearing a tiny black nightie and dangling his jacket with one finger. It’s an outfit that leaves nothing to the imagination, and he feels his neck heat up at the feeling he’s encroaching on an intimate moment. 
“You left this,” she says slowly, a tiny smirk on her lips. 
“Uh, thanks,” he says, making sure not to touch her when he grabs his blazer. 
In her other hand she holds up her room’s designated ice bucket. “Could you also get me some ice, please? Namjoon’s fast asleep and I really don’t want to walk out all… exposed.” 
He swallows his sigh, knowing it’s going to take significantly longer to get back to you when Doyeon drawls like this. “Of course,” he replies tersely, “after all, you are the bride.” 
“Thanks, Jungkookie.” 
He makes quick work of getting Doyeon the ice, pumping his long legs down the hall. The ice room is cold and cramped, barely enough for his tall frame to fit in. He jabs the container in the holder, pressing the button ten times per second to get as much ice out as possible. 
As soon as he turns around with the ice, he drops the whole bucket. 
Like glass, it shatters onto the ground, hundreds of little clear pebbles skimming across the floor like marbles. Doyeon’s pushing Jungkook against the ice machine, freshly manicured hands splayed across his chest. Her body is flush against his, making sure that he feels all of her with her thin silk gown. 
“What the fuck, Doyeon get off of me!” a little part of him hopes she’ll come to her senses on her own so he doesn’t have to put his hands on her. 
“C’mon, Kookie,” her voice is a sickly candy sweet, her eyes wide with hunger as she takes in his form, “just one more night, you and me. Like old times. One more night before I tie the knot.” 
“You’re crazy,” he balks, running his hand through his hair, “this is sexual harassment, do you know that?” 
“You don’t mean that, Kookie,” Doyeon dips a red-tipped nail down his chest, “why settle for someone like y/n when I’m right here?” 
He grabs her wrists, firm. She winces at the contact, but doesn’t say anything when Jungkook delivers her a scary glare. It gets her quiet, fearful of this version of Jungkook. Doyeon’s never seen Jungkook like this before, so unwilling to bend at her whim and emanating all his power against her. 
“Why settle for your cousin?” he whispers like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, “because, I love her.” 
Her lip curls in disgust, nails digging into the palm of his hand. “But you loved me first.”
“And I’ll love her last,” he spits pack, letting go of her. His anger splits for a brief second, regarding Doyeon with sorrow, “this is low, even for you.”
Jungkook pushes past the ice, wobbling out of the ice room. He doesn’t look back, he just knows that he needs you right now. He needs to tell you everything, figure out a plan to cancel the wedding or something. 
But when he crashes inside the room, you’re dead asleep. He can’t find the courage to wake up Seokjin as well, who returned and is sleeping in his club outfit. He groans, feeling useless as he stares at the two of you, ignorant of what just conspired ten minutes ago. 
And Namjoon, what is he going to tell Namjoon? Poor guy doesn’t deserve any of this. 
Walking up to your side of the bed, he tucks your loose hair behind your ear. You look so peaceful now, so beautiful. 
It’s just going to have to wait until the morning. 
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The morning of the wedding, you wake up alone. 
The first thought that runs through your head is that Jungkook has rejected you. The little, insecure bug that will never go away in your brain fills you with rash thoughts. He’s on a flight half way back home and he regrets this whole week. 
But after that exaggeration, you notice two aspirin and a bottle of water on your nightstand, along with your phone that’s fully charged. 
You pull up the screen to check the dozens of messages that flood your app. 
Jeon Jung-boo-thang: morning babe, im sorry i had to leave early. Namjoon showed up at our door freaking out that his suit is the wrong fit and shade. Now im running around vegas trying to find a replacement that doesn’t look like an elvis presley extra
Jeon Jung-boo-thang: but i didn’t forget what you said last night, i promise! Just go get ready and i’ll meet u at the chapel outside the resort. 
Jeon Jung-boo-thang: i also have something to say to you
Jeon Jung-boo-thang: wow i didn’t realize how ominous that sounds. Dw, everything will be fine
When someone tells you something will be fine, it’s a universal agreement that no, things will not be fine. 
So you get dressed, and put on your makeup mindlessly. You don’t really know what to make of Jungkook’s cryptic message, but you decide to leave those thoughts in the back of your mind as you go to the other rooms to help your family get ready. 
Seokjin is busy tying the ring bearer’s tie, looking handsome with his slicked back hair and polished grey suit. “Morning, cousin,” he sing-songs, “you look beautiful today!”
You smooth out your dress, a cascading silver number with starry sparkles. You feel like you’re living out your magical girl fantasies, wrapped up in layers of tulle and a sparkly sweetheart bodice.
“Right back at you. Say, you didn’t see Jungkook this morning, did you?” 
“No, but I heard he’s with Namjoon hunting for a new suit. Why?” 
“Nothing,” you lean against the guest table, “he just said something really ominous over text.” 
“I will never get a peaceful day so long as I’m in this family,” he says this directly to the ring bearer, a toddler who’s obviously confused at his uncle’s weird sayings. 
Your phone beeps conveniently, displaying Jungkook’s name. 
Jeon Jung-boo-thang: just got his suit. We’ll be there in fifteen. Meet me at the garden behind the chapel, please. It’s urgent 
Now you’re just worried. So you tell Seokjin your sentiments, and that he should have his phone on hand in case you needed him. With a confused nod, you leave him to go down to the garden.  
The groomsmen and bridesmaids are already at the chapel taking pictures. Only the wedding party is really allowed at this time, but you manage your way through the gardens virtually undetected. Jungkook’s already waiting for you, hiding under a white gazebo overlooking the hotel’s fountain. 
He looks gorgeous in his all black pinstripe suit, hair pushed back and pants fitted perfectly around his waist and thighs. When he sees you he gets up, full of skittish energy. You note that his hair isn’t even styled, only washed and curling slightly at the ends, as if he’s in a rush.
“W-wow,” he marvels when you rush up to him, “you look gorgeous.” 
You drop the handful of silver tulle, letting it fall to the floor. “Jungkook,” you clasp his hand in both of his, guilt flooding your eyes. You’ve been thinking about this all morning, and you need to cut to the chase. Jungkook tries to open his mouth but you silence him with a finger on his lips. “I can’t—I can’t do this. I know this sounds really stupid and you probably don’t want anything to do with me after this, but I shouldn’t have made this elaborate scheme,” you bite your lip, feeling even more antsy as Jungkook squirms in his grip. He however, is trying very hard to focus with his eyes, confused at your sudden confession. “I like you, Jungkook. I don’t want to parade you around like a revenge plot anymore, it isn’t fair and it’s wrong in so many ways—” 
“That’s great,” he says simply, brown eyes swirling with thoughts, “um, ditto. But—”
“Wow,” you frown, “I pour my heart out to you and this is what I get?” 
“It’s great that you want to be selfless right now,” Jungkook takes your hand, firm and tight, “but without this elaborate scheme, we wouldn’t be saving asses like we are right now.”
“What are you talking about?” You thought Jungkook rushed you down here so you could talk about each other’s feelings before the wedding. 
“Doyeon just threw herself on me last night. I got her ice and she took that as an invitation to seduce me like an episode of Sex and the City. Namjoon needs to divorce her, like yesterday.” 
Your face then morphs into something dark and ugly, and you fling your whole confession out the window. The thought of Doyeon going as far as throwing herself on Jungkook as a last ditch attempt to get back at you, has you seeing blood red. “What? Why didn’t you tell me this sooner!”
“You were asleep!” he shoots back, putting his hands on your shoulders. He rubs warm strokes up and down your bare arms, “please relax. You’re shaking.” 
“And why didn’t you tell Namjoon when you were driving around all morning?”
“I tried to!” he retorts, hands swinging in the air. You huff when his hands land back on your shoulders, preventing you from running to the chapel to extract Doyeon out yourself, “but he just kept talking shit about how much he loves Doyeon and he can’t imagine being together with anyone but her and I felt so bad! I’m sorry I chickened out. I really don’t wanna be the one to break Namjoon’s heart. I’m just the plus one!” 
You pinch your brows, mulling it over. “Fuck it, let’s crash a wedding,” you declare, “where’s Namjoon and how can we get him alone?” 
Jungkook exhales, a hand carding up to loosen his thin silver tie. “He’s taking pictures with the groomsmen right now. It’s gonna be awhile before we get a chance to talk.” 
“Fuck,” you curse, sitting down on the white bench. Jungkook presses soothing circles on your back. “We have no choice, we have to get to him before the ceremony starts.” 
“You’ll have to get through me, first.” 
Doyeon’s not even in her wedding dress when she strides up to the two of you. She’s in ballet flats with her hair and makeup done, but the only thing she’s wearing is the thin underdress of her actual ball gown, a simple silk negligee that reaches her ankles. You don’t even know how she’s managed to escape the bridal party, especially without her dress. 
Feeling protective, you step in front of Jungkook. “Before you say anything,” you murmur, “I’m not ruining your wedding, and I never wanted to. You’re ruining it because of your mistakes.” 
“Oh, boo-hoo,” Doyeon rolls her eyes, playing with her nails, “I didn’t even do anything wrong, everyone knows that on the bachelorette’s night she can do whatever she wants. Namjoon could’ve fucked whoever too if he wasn’t so faithful.” 
“Namjoon is ten times the partner you are and would never do that,” You’re seeing red, unable to comprehend the complete garbage spilling from Doyeon’s lips. “You touched my boyfriend without his consent, and I will never forgive you for that,” your voice is scarlet, angry and thin. 
“It’s not like he isn’t used to it, I—”
“NO!” the sound that comes out of your mouth has all three of you flinching, and you’re thankful the gazebo is far enough so that the rest of the wedding party is oblivious to your actions. “You’re not allowed to justify yourself anymore, Doyeon. What you did was fucked up, what you’ve done to all of us is fucked up!” You realize now that you didn’t need to get back at Doyeon with a fake date, what you needed was this. You needed a reprieve, a chance to lay down your law. “Jungkook was right all along. You are jealous. You’re jealous and selfish and have no shame. You think you own whatever you set your eyes on, but you’re wrong. We’re not objects, we’re people.” 
You walk up to Doyeon, eye to eye. You jab a hand at her chest, pushing her back slightly. You soak up your cousin’s expression, and you watch as Doyeon’s eyes pop out in surprise at your act of boldness. “So you have a choice here. You can either swallow your pride and leave Namjoon at the aisle quietly and save whatever dignity you have left. Take your pathetic ass on the next flight back home and pack up your apartment. Or, we can start a big scene at your ceremony,” you probably look manic, filled with freshly injected power, “I know Seokin’s always wanted to yell ‘I object!’ at a wedding.” 
“You have no proof,” Doyeon glares right back, taking a step closer to you. Your noses are practically touching, but you dig your heels in the white-stained wood, puffing up your chest and standing your ground. 
“Doesn’t matter,” you bite back, “what matters is that Namjoon will doubt you. Namjoon knows we’d never do anything to sabotage a wedding without a valid reason. Even if you do get married tonight, we have Jungkook’s word and proof of a relationship that overlaps with his. I find this option to be far worse because it’s prolonging the inevitable,” you shrug, “I hope you two didn’t sign a prenup.”  
Hot, angry tears mess up her meticulously done makeup. Black rivers carve through her porcelain skin, showing the feelings that have been dormant since been hidden under a facade. Doyeon’s eyes dart back and forth between the two of you. She’s practically vibrating in combined fear and rage, seeing blurry images and memories and regrets of what could’ve been if not for her self-absorption. And finally, your cousin comes to a decision. 
“I hate you,” she emphasizes each word with the most concentrated of venoms in her tone. WIth one last look at the two of you, she stomps away. Instead of going to the direction of the chapel however, she takes the shortcut back to the hotel. 
Her grave words are unsurprising, but nevertheless disappointing. A thinly veiled smile grazes your lips, sadder than ever as you watch your cousin go. “And I pity you.” 
As soon as she’s gone Jungkook doesn’t hesitate to scoop you up, hugging you tightly as you fight the urge to cry again. “Oh babe, that was really hot. The way you stood your ground? That was amazing!” Jungkook takes out his silver pocket square to wipe the stray tears that threaten to ruin your makeup. “You’re so strong, don’t you know that? You did it and I’m so proud of you.” 
As much as you want to revel in the affection, go back and bed and fall asleep until noon, you can’t.  Grasping Jungkook by the hand, you tug him to the chapel. “C’mon,” you say, “we have to corner Namjoon.”
The groomsmen photos are done by the time you get there. Thankfully, the to-be-groom doesn’t look too occupied. His eyes widen upon seeing you two stumble from the garden of all places.
“Oh, y/n. Jungkook,” Namjoon tilts his head curiously at how winded you two look, equally flushed and out of breath. From your state, Namjoon muses that it must've taken a lot of effort to finally get to the groom unattended, save for a few random family members he’s making small talk with, “The wedding isn’t for another hour but I must say, you two look radiant together. Doyeon always thought you’d end up an old spinster-catlady, but I always told her that you’re too beautiful to be single for long,” he pauses to send the aforementioned man a wink, “Jungkook’s a lucky guy. What were you two doing back there?”
“Uh, things?” Jungkook scratches the back of his head, not wanting to reiterate the fiasco between Doyeon moments before.
Namjoon smirks at the ebony-haired man, “Couple things?”  
You can’t take this needless small talk anymore. With a teary groan, you throw yourself at Namjoon. You hug him tight, and you don’t even care when you feel a slosh of his water bottle sprinkle your hairstyle. 
“Joonie,” you bemoan, “please, please don’t leave me. You’re the best not-cousin ever. I know it’ll be a pain to face Doyeon after today but you’re a strong independent man and when you’re ready Jin is single and ready to mingle—ow! Jungkook! Did you just pinch my ass?” 
“Do you really think setting him up with the next cousin is the best idea right now?”
“I figured a little humor would lighten the blow,” you sulk.
“I’m sorry what—what blow?” Namjoon frowns, pushing you away from him. “Y/n, have you been crying?” 
The tears resurface at that moment, like a kettle on overboil. Namjoon’s face is knitted together, unable to grasp at any conclusion. Namjoon feels something grave is upon the sky as he tenderly brushes away your tears with his thumbs before releasing you. Instantly Jungkook pulls you to his chest, patting you soothingly. As much as you two do not want to be the bearer of bad news, the time is now. 
“Namjoon,” Jungkook says, finding the strength that was previously stuck in his throat, “we have to tell you something.” 
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Needless to say, Las Vegas is very forgiving when it comes to last minute wedding cancellations. 
The whole wedding party, both Namjoon and yours, collectively feels like a whole ice bucket has been dumped upon your families. You would like to say that the whole issue was handled mess free, but that would be a bald-faced lie. 
There was screaming, crying, hysterical laughter from all sides. Doyeon’s parents were of course furious, embarrassed, unable to calm down a hysterical Doyeon as they haul her on the next flight home. You have a feeling they won’t be showing up to family events anytime soon. 
Namjoon’s family leaves quietly, frustrated, but classy. After all, they know at the back of their heads they dodged a bullet. Everyone leaves except Namjoon however, who isn’t quite ready to go back to his and Doyeon’s apartment. Namjoon invites Seokjin and some other close cousins to stay in his suite until their flight tomorrow afternoon, wanting to be surrounded by close friends and (almost) family. 
As for your family, they decide to find the silver lining. While the chapel was able to cancel the wedding, the reception wasn’t as easy to sway. At the very last second, your grandparents decided to make use of the reception and renew their Golden Anniversary vows instead. The ceremony will be a quick, sweet affair. At this very moment, your cousin Yoongi is getting officiated online. 
And for you? You’re in the place where you’ve wanted to remain all week. A fluffy hotel bed wrapped up with your not-boyfriend. 
Would a not-boyfriend be snuggling against your chest like you’re the softest teddy bear in the toy shop? Would a not-boyfriend be hooking your leg atop his lap, forcing you to latch onto him so his hands can roam freely against your soft thighs? 
“We have to get ready for the wedding,” you whine against his hold, to no avail when he only holds you tighter. 
“But your grandparents are already married,” Jungkook whines right back, nuzzling his nose in your head. “This is like an afterparty fifty years later.” 
“I wanna get dressed,” you insist, pushing yourself up, “and we still need to talk.” 
Without Seokjin staying with you, the hotel room feels much bigger and freer for the two of you. Your clothes are scattered on the floor, uncaring of any wrinkles or smears that would get on the delicate fabric. 
All that matters is that Jungkook is still here with you. Doyeon’s wedding is called off, but he’s still lying in bed with you. You want to burn this image to memory, and keep it forever. Jungkook laying in only his white undershirt and boxers, looking at you dreamily as if he’s still in nap-mode. Hair that was previously windswept and exposing his forehead is now out of place, fluffy and sticking out in all directions. His cheeks are flushed with coral-colored warmth, and a little puffy because you two have been sleeping most of the afternoon. 
“Right, talk,” he repeats, letting you hand him his black button up so he can clothe himself. 
You throw off your shirt somewhere behind you, not wanting to face him as you walk to the full-length mirror. “So, I think my feelings for you are pretty clear and out in the open…” 
“Same, I think I made it pretty clear as well.” 
“What? You turn around, looking at where he’s still half-covered in bed. “You did not. I distinctly remember almost confessing my love to you last night. And then this morning, only for you to cut me off and say ‘that’s great’.” 
“Oh,” he stares at the white sheets that cover his lower half. “I guess I didn’t then.” 
You smile wryly, turning back to face the mirror so you can slip into your dress that’s been pooled around your ankles like a silver halo. “Maybe you thought it in your mind and forgot to tell me.” 
That seems about right. Jungkook has a tendency to be a little too passionate for his own good, windswept in thoughts and feelings until they consume him. He hops out of bed, walking only in his dress shirt and socks as he makes his way to the mirror. “Then let me do all the talking,” he says softly against your neck, hands on your hips. 
You shiver when you feel the cold silver of the zipper whirr up your body, Jungkook’s large hands splaying across your back to smooth out the waistline. 
“You of all people would know that being with Doyeon is a trip,” he chuckles into the crook of your neck, “I thought that was what love felt like. Being codependent, jumping through hurdles, trying so hard to please someone who can’t be pleased.” 
Jungkook’s hands wrap around your waist, hugging you tightly. He squeezes you and holds you like the most precious thing in the entire world. Through the mirror, you two are quite a pair. 
“But with you, I never knew love could be like this, feel like this.” 
“So… are you saying you love me?” you fight the urge to bounce around in his grip, the biggest smile on your face.  
“You really just want me to say ‘I love you’ and be done with it, huh?” 
Within seconds he’s pulling you from behind, whirling you around to the edge of the bed. He manages to flouce up your skirts to billow around his lap, sitting you down on his bare thighs. 
“You look like a cupcake, all sprawled up like this,” Jungkook says cutely, peppering kisses in a trail from your chest all the way to your lips. “You look like a huge, silvery cupcake and I love you. It’s so easy to love you.” 
Maybe it was kismet that Jungkook didn’t get to you first all those years ago. Maybe the right time is right here, right now. 
“I love you, too,” you say happily, dipping down to press a long, passionate kiss to his lips. He tastes like love and a happy future. When you pull away, you encapsulate his face in both your palms, regarding him like the sun and stars. “But you know, if we date you’ll never get away from my crazy family.” 
Jungkook snorts, pressing his forehead to yours, “And miss Yoongi re-marrying off your grandparents tonight, the next year of Seokjin and Namjoon running circles around each other, and a lifetime of happiness?” his hands snake under your dress, finding purchase in your soft skin, “not a chance.” 
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dracowars · 4 years
can i request an imagine im so sorry if it’s too long for your liking but could it be a pureblood slytherin reader x draco imagine where the reader and draco are dating but after some bad news from home (maybe she doesn’t have the kindest parents like draco) she distances herself from everyone and keeps zoning out and finds herself astronomy tower thinking really dark thoughts but draco has constantly been watching over her and is super worried and maybe they have an argument at the tower and draco gets stupid and says something mean or even is dumb to think to accuse her of cheating at the end in which the reader maybe either slaps him (for dramatic effect) or if that’s too much she just says it’s over between the two and she walks off and draco is shocked and tries to stop the reader but she’s already gone and she doesn’t show up to breakfast or lunch and maybe in their class they learn about the boggart again and since they’re older their fears have changed and maybe the reader isn’t paying attention and she’s brought up to test her boggart and it’s draco saying those same things and maybe her parents come out as well and it’s essentially that draco’s unkind words are her fear because it’s the last straw for her until everything breaks because she was holding onto him and she runs out of class and class is dismissed because no one wants to go after that and the reader skips dinner and can be found in moaning myrtles bathroom having a panic attack and she gets really frustrated and hits the the sink really hard to feel something and you can hear myrtle begging the reader to stop and maybe someone sees her and runs to draco to get help but draco runs to the bathroom she’s not there anymore and he finds her at the astronomy tower feeling numb and he overhears her talking to herself and it ends in fluff because he can’t lose her and he figures out it’s probably her parents pressuring her too much again and he can relate because of his and they get back together and it’s just really fluffy at the end maybe they sneak in the kitchen for a quick minute dinner since the reader didn’t eat and draco has to be really kind to the elves heheh
darkness | draco malfoy
pairing: draco x slytherin!reader
word count: 3,1k
summary: where y/n's parents make her life a living hell and draco doesn't really help
a/n: normally i do not write about things like this but i actually really liked the request so i wrote it anyway. i don't mean to offend anyone with this if i misrepresented something, i did my best to get familiar with the topic <3
warnings: angst, major mental health issues including dark thoughts and self-doubt, hints of su*c*de, mentions of blood, cursing, very sensitive topics in general
universe: harry potter
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The cold wind blows through your hair and makes it swirl around the air and into your face, goosebumps spreading all over your body at the sudden coldness. To prevent your hair from flying around, you tame your hair with a hair tie, your gaze fixed straight ahead while your face is illuminated by the setting sun.
You really missed this place during the holidays. The astronomy tower.
Whenever you are stressed from doing a lot of homework or studying in general, this is the place you can hust go to and are somehow always able to relax. The view is breathtaking and you love to watch the sun - or the moon, depening on what time of the day you find yourself up here - shine.
And this special place also gives you the security that you so urgently needed.
The winter holidays were a living hell for you. You have extremely strict parents who see a great importance in your education, but that is basically the only thing that interests them about you. That you bring honor to your pureblood family. That they can proudly show you off to other pureblood families even though they know nothing about you and who you really are.
Until recently they did not even know that you are in a relationship. Unfortunately, one thing led to another and they found it out by an unlucky coincidence which consisted of them picking you up at platform 9¾ for the very first time since you have been at Hogwarts. There they saw you with a platinum haired boy, kissing.
This boy turned out to be Draco Malfoy, the son of the pureblood Malfoy family, who you parents cannot stand at all. To put it in other words, they loathe each other to death and that for probably no reason, at least you have not been able to figure it out yet.
So of course they were not very thrilled that you are in a relationship with a Malfoy, which they showed you straight away. They locked you inside of your room at home because you had to 'think about your actions and their consequences'.
However, when they realized that their behavior would not change anything, they began to put you down. They threw the worst swear words at you, wanted to force you to break up with him and told you what a terrible shame you are for your family. That Draco could never love you and that you are ugly, cheap and overall useless. That is how it went on for your whole vacation.
Your parents always treated you this way, it was not new to you. Nevertheless it hurts every time, even if you try to hide it. You would rather keep all the pain inside of you than to tell others about it, because they are not able to help you anyway. Unfortunately, you did the math without your boyfriend.
This morning at the Central Station of London, Draco immediately saw that you were not feeling well. Any attempts to get you to tell him what is going on with you had been useless though so he left you alone at some point, but you still noticed how he kept staring at you for the whole train ride to Hogwarts.
You would love to tell him, tell him about everything, but something inside of you is stopping you from doing so. An invisible barrier inside of your head, probably fear, that you simply cannot overcome. You know that Draco's parents are pretty similar to yours, but still you just cannot manage to talk to him and you notice how it slowly but surely destroys your deep bond with one another.
Continuing to look into the distance and watch the clouds encircle the beautiful setting sun, which colors the sky in reddish colors, your thoughts suddenly wander to gloomy places. Dark places where you usually only go to when you are locked inside of your own room at home.
But now they are even attacking you at your safest place.
You perfectly know yourself that you are not good enough for Draco. You do not deserve this incredibly great person as your boyfriend. You do not even deserve him as a best friend, no, you do not deserve him at all. You are worthless and for him you are nothing more than one girl out of many.
And still you keep on being selfish and do not end it.
Completely lost in your own dark thoughts, you do not even notice at first how the tears are already streaming down your cheeks like waterfalls. Sniffling, you rub your eyes, smeer your discreetly applied mascara, and wipe the tears from your face.
"Why am I still doing this to myself?", you sob and lower your head, looking deep down at the grounds of Hogwarts. The tears that are enriched with pain flow out of your eyes and fall into the dark depths, causing you to slowly close your eyes.
The sudden mention of your name from behind you makes you abruptly breathe out in shock and your head jumps up as you turn around. Your eyes lock with the gray, sparkling eyes of your boyfriend, who is currently looking at you with pity.
"W-What are you doing here, Draco?", you sniff and wrap your arms around your body in an attempt to hide from him so he does not have to look at you.
"Why are you crying?", he asks, ignoring your question, and before you can realize, he is already standing right in front of you and gently places his hands on your tear stained, puffy cheeks. Gently wiping away your tears with his thumb, he searches your eyes for answers that can explain your current terrible condition. He cannot bear to see you like this, so fragile and deeply hurt.
Whatever happened, he will make sure you know that he is and always will be here for you. And he will not let, whatever it is, continue to hurt you so badly.
"If you do not tell me, then I cannot help you", he softly whispers and brushes the strands of hair behind your ear that have escaped from your ponytail in the wind and then carefully lifts your head so you have to look him in the eyes.
"It's nothing", are the only words you get out, your throat thightening, but all you would like to do is to just finally tell him about everything.
"Do you even realize how worried I am about you, Y/N?! It is killing me!", Draco suddenly raises his voice at you, causing you to flinch and take a step back, your back now touching the railing. Noticing the power of his words, he sighs and looks to the ground in shame.
Your head processes his facial expression and his gestures and again makes you believe that his sadness is your fault. By not being able to control your stupid feelings, you hurt him.
"I-I really have to go", you stutter out and quickly run past him, pressing your coat around your body.
"Have fun with Blaise then", you hear him say and you abruptly stop in your motion. Not fully understanding the words he just said, you turn to him.
"What?", you ask with not more than a breath coming out, hurt evident in your expression as he suddenly stomps in your direction furiously, a disgusted look on his face while he looks into your eyes.
"Don't act stupid now, Y/N! You hardly speak a word to me anymore, you avoid body contact, you are totally dismissive in general and you can't even look at me anymore! Why do you not just admit that you are cheating on me?!", Draco accuses you out of nowhere, not knowing what he is even saying himself, and you could swear that at this very moment your heart has finally burst into a thousand splinters and your last hold has now completely disappeared.
Losing the control over your body for a second, your hand lands on his cheek with full force. There is a dead silence before you just turn and leave, leaving him behind on the astronomy tower. You can hear him say your name after you, but you block it out and run down the stairs, crying, your vision blurred.
Missing one of the last stairs in your hurry, you fall down onto the cold floor. You get up again as quickly as possible when you hear steps behind you and you run. You run for your life while you disappear into the endless corridors of Hogwarts, making your way to your dorm.
The next morning your eyelids stick together from all the crying and you have a aching headache. You did not close one eye that night and just laid there crying in your bed silently until at some point there were no more tears.
In front of the door of your prefect dorm room, you can hear how the other students are leaving your house on their way to breakfast, but your stomach makes a flip when you only think about food. That is the reason why you decide to stay in your warm, safe and comfortable bed a little longer and to skip breakfast, which is unnecessary anyway. Avoiding other people seems like the best idea for you right now.
Just in time for the beginning of your first lesson of the long day, you made it out of your bed and are now sitting in Defence Against the Dark Arts with Professor Snape.
Your thoughts are whirling around in your head and you do not understand a single word Snape is saying in front of the class, even if you are really trying your best to understand him. Furthermore does it not help your concentration that you see how Draco keeps staring at you from across the room out of the corner of your eye. However, you do not have enough strength for this anymore after a while and therefore focus your gaze out the window at the rising sun.
At least you are distracted until all of the students get up from their seats all of a sudden and you only watch them confused until you notice that they are only waiting for you to join them and you quickly walk, almost stumbling, to them. Ignoring the looks and laughter of everyone, you play around with the hem of your grey Slytherin sweater and ignore them while doing so.
"Well then, let us begin. Ms. Y/L/N, would you please do us the honor and start", Snape clears his throat as you look at him in shock, noticing by the expression on his face that he definetely knows that you did not listen to him at all and have not been present with your mind.
Since you do not have a chance to defy yourself anyway, you nod and go to the position he points at in front of an old, dusty closet. With confusion all over your face, you switch between looking at Professor Snape and the cabinet as he suddenly opens the door and you take a big step back, startled to death.
"Have fun with Blaise then", Draco spits in your face disparagingly and is now slowly walking towards you after stepping out of the cupboard, increasing your pulse. The tears find their way back into your eyes right away while you just keep looking at him petrified, frozen in your spot.
"Why do you not just admit that you are cheating on me?!", he yells at you again and your vision becomes more and more blurred, your ears start to beep while he shouts at you, bringing back the painful memories of yesterday.
"No! Please don't leave me, Draco!"
It is like you are back on the astronomy tower again, your hair blowing in the wind as he steps towards you. In the next moment he is gone all of a sudden and instead of him, two other people are now in front of you.
"You are a shame for our whole family, you stupid brat", your father insults you and you fall onto your knees, holding your hands against your head in pain.
"Stop it! Please!", you beg them, but of course they do not stop, they only make their words worse.
"Draco can never seriously love someone like you. I mean, look at you! You are less worthy than dirt", your father tells you and your entire body is now trembling when you finally see a black cloak in front of your eyes and your parents vanish into thin air.
"Please stay with me", you choke through your tears, words addressed to Draco who had to watch the scene in front of him with pure horror in his eyes.
Breathing heavily, you look up at Professor Snape, who looks at you in disbelief, but as your eyes wander around the room to see everyone staring at you, your legs automatically carry you out of the classroom in the next moment, unable to bear their burning glances.
You run down the empty corridor with a faint vision in search of a safe place to hide until you arrive at one of the girls' bathrooms and rush in, not thinking about someone possibly being in there.
Slamming the door shut behind you, you stumble to the sinks with trembling knees and support all of your weight with your hands on either side of one sink as your legs fail beneath you. Clinging to the edge of the sink, you cry bitterly. The cold walls of the bathroom echo your crying several times, allowing you to hear your own pain.
"What is wrong, Y/N?", you hear a soft voice next to your ear and when you look up it is none other than Myrtle. Apparently of all places you ended up in her bathroom and are not as alone as you wished for.
"I am fine", you say with a monotonous voice, forcing yourself into an upright position, but literally everyone would see that you are definetely not fine, even a ghost.
"Y/N. You look anything but okay. Can I somehow help you-"
"Just leave me alone!", you angrily yell at her and lose control of your body, only seeing a thick, red substance running over your hand when it is already too late. Broken pieces of glass lie around you on the floor, which flew through the air when your fist hit them and inflicted small wounds on your face.
"You need to stop, Y/N!", Myrtle commands, but you do not listen and let yourself fall onto the floor, kicking your foot against the sink and thereby unintentionally loosen one of the old pipes. The sound of flowing water fills the room, surrounding your body on the floor.
On the edge of passing out, you lie in the cold water and stare at the ceiling while Myrtle has disappeared without a trace.
What you do not know, however, is that Myrtle is already on her way to find help and comes across Draco, who is running back and forth through the hallways while searching for you.
It takes Draco a moment to understand Myrtle's fast explanation, but when he does he runs into the direction of the girls' bathroom without hesitation. He rushes through the door into the flooded bathroom and all he sees is the broken mirror and the slightly reddish puddles in the water.
But he does not find you in there and realizes that there can only be one place where you could be.
Walking through the corridors of Hogwarts at lightning speed, he finally reaches the staircase leading to the astronomy tower and goes them up in no time. Once he arrives at the top, he abruptly stops when you come into his field of vision.
There you are, completely broken, leaning your head against the railing, your knees closely drawn to your body while your painful crys echo through his ears.
"Why did you not listen to your parents, you disgusting piece of daughter", you talk to yourself, not noticing that you are not alone any longer. With your already injured hand you hit the pole of the railing once, immediately regretting it as the pain spreads through your body.
However, your gaze lands on a person standing directly ahead and your eyes widen, but unfortunately you lack the strength to stand up, to yell at him, or to resist as he slowly sits down next to you.
Neither of you say a word, but it does not take long before he gently takes you into his strong arms, providing you with the support you needed so badly, so you can cry while he strokes over your hair. He whispers repentances in your ear over and over again. That he regrets his words, that he takes them back and that he was such an idiot.
"You are so wonderful", he confirms and gives you a kiss on the forhead, careful not to scare you away, continuing to stroke your upper arm with his hand.
"Do not believe in what your parents told you, angel. I will stay with you", he shakily breathes and has to pull himself together to not let a tear slip out of his eyes at any moment. "I am sorry that I let you down."
His last few words pull a trigger inside of your head and suddenly everything pours out of your mouth at once. Your fears, your worries. Everything your parents ever said or did to you. You finally tell him about all of it now, even though you should have done it much earlier.
"I love you more than anything, Y/N. You are my world and the reason I live. Never let anyone make you think that I do not love or deserve you, especially not your parents", Draco explains to you sincerely as you stare at him, exhausted but happy.
You slowly put your head on his shoulder and close your eyes, letting the good and bright drown out all of your dark and bad thoughts. Meanwhile, Draco carefully examines your injured hand before scooping you up into his arms while standing up.
"No matter how much you hate me right now, you have to eat something", he tells you, but you do not answer and just enjoy his close presence while you wrap your arms tightly around his neck, letting him carry you away.
If he had known how terrible you were feeling earlier, he would have done something much sooner. He should have been more pushy and not let you get away with a simple 'i am fine'. But now that he knows, he definetely learned from it.
And Draco would have never forgiven himself if he had let you just go like that.
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sugakuns · 4 years
[hc] “do you still love me?” ❤︎ kageyama, sugawara, kenma & hinata
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thank you 🥺🥺 also we all know it’s kenma gaming lol
→ sugawara kōshi
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Since every match was important to the third years, Kōshi has been staying behind after school every single day.
It started to take a toll on the time you spend with him
Over the past week you had only seen him in the hallways since he started to participate in early morning practice with the younger ones
So to say the least, you felt like your relationship was deteriorating
But you felt awful feeling this way because you knew that he didn’t mean to make you feel this way, but you simply can’t help it
How would anyone else feel after a week and a half of barely speaking to their s/o?
So after a while you decided to suck it up and face him in person and ask the question still causing havoc in your brain
So you found yourself outside the club room, fist raised in the air as you contemplated knocking on the door
Faintly, you could hear the shuffling behind the door which caused your heart to speed up
How had you managed to call for him when you couldn’t even knock on the door?
The door swings open and Kōshi is sure enough there, peeking his head around the corner. His eyes light up as he sees you but it goes unnoticed by your sad eyes
“What’s up babe? Is something wrong?” As observant as ever 😭
he watches as you fiddle with your fingers, seemingly struggling to find the words
“Do you still love me?”
Kōshi splutters with his words, shocked by the question
“Of course I do! What made you think I wouldn’t?”
Even with his arms wrapped around you and his reassuring words, you can’t help but still hear that nagging voice in the back of your head
“..I know that volleyball is your number one priority right now but..you haven’t paid attention to me in like weeks! You never text me anymore and even in school you don’t talk to me..”
Kōshi frowns “You’re my number one priority, y/n”
After the little spill sesh that allowed you to tell Kōshi the way you were feeling, the sweetheart was about to cry 🥺
“Well, there’s no practice today..so let’s go out and I can show you that you really are my number one priority!”
And with that, a big grin on your face and a happy Kōshi! You knew your answer
You had to stop him going on a rant about being a shitty boyfriend before that though
→ kageyama tobio
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You knew this was coming
he’s volleyball oriented!!!
between studying and extra practice, he totally forgot about you..which typing it out is bad
he’s reply to your messages late and when he did they were short
the amount of times you seen the ‘read’ at the bottom of your texts was honestly saddening
you decided to pull him at lunch, when you knew he would be at the vending machines
oh yeah, i have a s/o - tobio kageyama
“Hi (y/n)-chan”
you know he’s awkward with his words but the way he said it so..monotonely was upsetting.
“Tobio..do you still love me?” Cue kags choking on his milk
“W-what do you mean?!” Give him a few moments there’s currently milk in his lungs
“You never talk to me anymore and I don’t know..you just seem so disinterested in me now-a-days” the pout on your face paired with your big, glossy eyes was heartbreaking
Tobio’s obviously very awkward with words so verbal communication isn’t his forté, but he always tries his best to articulate his feelings
“I do love you (y/n)..I’m sorry if it seems like I don’t” he’s nervously scratching the back of his neck as he tries to find the right words “I’ll try my best from now on to be a better boyfriend..”
It’s kinda shit but it’s Tobio, that’s like a literature masterpiece coming from his mouth lmao
babes offers you the rest of his milk as an apology 🥺
→ kozume kenma
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he’s most likely more focused on his games but let’s just say Kuroo’s busting his ass abt nationals so practice goes on longer and there’s less off days for him
usually every other day the team gets off but now the only day they get off is Friday
Even then Kuroo manages to get him to practice
There was a time you came over and Kuroo came in behind you and stole Kenma time from you 😡
anywhos, baby is booked and tired
he’s almost always falling asleep in class and during breaks he takes naps
so you never have time to talk to him
“Kenma, can I ask you something before you take a nap?” You ask bravely during lunch break
he nods sleepily
“Do you still love me?” Lemme tell you this boy WAKES tf up
“of course I do” he states so boldly
Kenma has a thing like Kageyama where he finds it little hard to communicate, but when he can find the right words to say he always uses a matter-of-face tone
he doesn’t even realise he’s using such a bold tone
tbh he kinda leaves it there until the end of the school day
“Kenma? Don’t you have practice?”
Boy has his gaming device TUCKED away just for you
“Let’s go to that cafe you like, then we can do something you want to do”
It doesn’t sound like much but if you know Kenma, he just stepped out of his comfort zone
“Kenma, are you sure? I’d be fine watching you play your games..”
He shakes his head with the cute small smile on his face “Today is your day”
→ hinata shōyō
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hinata as we know is very volleyball oriented, just like his buddy
but i feel hinata would be more aware (?) that he hadn’t spoke to you for a while
so it would be a big shock if he hadn’t spoke to you
like he makes his best effort to try to talk to you but everyone time he tried to someone would take him away
“Shōyō! I need to talk to you”
“Can it be quick (y/n)? I only have ten minutes to get changed and go to practice!” Shōyō is doing his usual jumping and usually you would find it cute
if it weren’t for the pain in your heart (emo hours 😔)
“Shōyō.. do you still love me?”
poor baby looks like a kicked puppy when you ask that :(
but we all know he’s gonna have some dramatic speech lol
all you can make out of the fast ranting is “im sorry” , “I love you so much” and you’re pretty sure you heard Kageyama’s name in there somewhere
Shōyō is attacking you with such a big bear hug and honestly..I’d kill for one of them because I just know it has so much love in it
“i really can’t skip practice..but i can meet you after your club ends and we can go to my house! natsu misses you..”
you BET you agree because the NATSU Hinata misses you (best girl 🥺)
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Perceptive Blindness
Prompt: hi can i have some hurt/comfort lamp where virgil gets the others together and pines maybe? im feeling down and need to see virgil pining. ps i love all your fics (especially Is It Enough?)
Thanks to the nonny for this prompt! I hope it's what you wanted, I had fin with it. I love writing in Virgil's voice so much because I don't have to try and rein in my natural snark as much. 
Read on Ao3
Pairings: LAMP babeyy
Warnings: our buddy V has a panic attack but it’s not super explicit
Word Count: 4814
It should’ve been easy, right? To see it coming?
 Listen, Virgil’s job is to be observant, to pay attention to shit. Just because he’s notoriously, um, overreactive doesn’t mean he’s bad at paying attention. He sees a whole lot of shit and hey if you saw as much shit as Virgil did you’d be freaking out too, yeah? Okay, great, got that sorted.
 So. Here’s the thing.
When Roman starts sitting a little closer to Patton that he used to on the couch or offering to help him cook and clean when they all know Roman would rather do anything else, Virgil notices. When Roman starts getting up earlier and earlier so he can beat Patton down to the kitchen so they can do it together, Virgil notices. (It’s not like he sleeps, he notices this shit when there’s not supposed to be people up and at ‘em for another half-hour.)
 So yeah, maybe he sinks into Princey’s room one day and smirks when Roman startles terribly coming out of the bathroom.
 “Hey there, Princey.”
 “Don’t—goodness, Stormcloud,” Roman huffs, getting his balance back, “don’t do that. Haven’t you ever heard of knocking?”
 “You were in the bathroom, you wouldn’t have answered.”
 “How did you know I was—you know what, it doesn’t matter.” Roman shakes his head. “What do you want?”
“What, I can’t just pop my head in and say hi?”
 “I’ve never in my life heard you say ‘pop my head in’ and I never want to hear it again.”
 “That’s where you draw the line?”
 “Everyone has a line, Dark and Stormy.”
 Virgil shrugs, smiling when Roman glares at him for curling up on his bed. Which, alright fair.
 “You’ve yet to explain why you’re in my room,” Roman reminds, sounding less upset than confused.
 “Just thought I’d say hi.”
 “Yes, sure, that’s it.”
 “What, you don’t believe me?” Roman just stares at him. “Okay, okay, I...may have an ulterior motive.”
 “Aha!” Roman points at him victoriously. “I knew it! Now tell me, you fiend.”
 It’s only the slight uptick of Roman’s mouth that lets him know that’s probably supposed to be a term of endearment.
 “Oh, nothing much,” Virgil sighs, “just wondering about your sleeping habits.”
 “Considering you’re the only one in the Mindscape who gets less sleep than me, you’re in no position to—“
 “I’m not here to yell at you, Roman,” Virgil says quickly, relaxing a bit when Roman’s shoulders slump, “I just…you know, I hear you when you get up.”
 “That’s…kind of creepy.”
 “It’s my thing, Roman,” he sighs, “I pay attention to shit and it’s not like I’m asleep.”
 “I know, I know, I didn’t mean it like that.” Roman sighs, scrubbing a hand over his face. “Are you asking why I’ve been getting up earlier?”
 “It’s nothing bad, Virgil.”
 “Never said it was.”
 Roman sighs again, more dramatically this time, flouncing over to his desk, definitely not pouting. “Virgil…”
 “What? If it’s not bad, why don’t you wanna tell me?” Virgil’s eyes widen. “Ooh, is it a secret? Are you keeping secrets, Roman?”
 “Shut up!”
 “No!” Virgil lobs a pillow at him. “Tell me!”
 He ducks quickly when another one flies back at him.
 “You threw it first!”
 “Yeah, and!”
 “Gah!” Roman throws himself up out of his chair, trying to hide how red his face is. It’s not working. “What do you want?”
 “I told you, Princey,” Virgil grins, “I want to know why you’re getting up earlier and why you don’t want to tell me.”
 “Because I want to!”
 “And why do you want to?”
 “No,” Roman insists, pointing his finger at Virgil, “I told you, that’s what you wanted.”
 “Giving me the vaguest answer that doesn’t actually answer the question is not an answer.”
 Roman stares at him for a second. “We’ve said the word ‘answer’ too many times. It’s not a word anymore.”
 “Pity.” Virgil shrugs. “Guess you’re gonna have to just tell me.”
 “That’s not—how does—“ Roman pinches the bridge of his nose. “That is not how this words. Works.”
 Virgil snickers.
 “Shut up.”
 “You’re so flustered, Princey. I haven’t seen you like this in ages.”
 “Leave me alone, Virgil.”
 The note of genuine irritation in Roman’s voice is enough to give Virgil pause. He slides off the bed and walks over to Roman, shoving his hands in his pockets and rocking back and forth on his heels.
 “You mean that, Roman?”
 Roman looks at him from between his fingers, then looks away. “…no.”
 “Okay.” He bumps Roman with his elbow. “Sit down, Princey.”
 He winces when Roman lets his knees buckle and just collapses onto the floor.
 “I didn’t—okay fine.” Listen, Virgil has no respect for ‘normal’ sitting places at the best of times. He sits next to Roman and watches the prince worry at the cuffs of his sleeves. “Roman, you gotta—you’re gonna fuck them up.”
 “It’s fine,” Roman mutters absentmindedly, “I’ve done this before.”
 “…not exactly reassuring me here, dude.”
 “No, not—not this, I just meant the—my sleeves, they’re…they’re not…it’s fine.”
 Virgil nods, frowning as Roman starts to fidget a little more.
 “It’s Patton,” Roman blurts, his face flushing even brighter, “I—that’s why I’m waking up earlier.”
 Something in Virgil’s chest twists.
 “I figured,” he says instead, bumping Roman’s shoulder again, “you, uh, you had that look about you.”
 “What look?”
 Virgil tilts his head a bit. “You…you do know what you look like when you’re in love, don’t you Princey?”
 If Roman’s eyes could go wider than when Virgil said he knew what was going on, well, they do.
“I—I’m—wait, what?”
 “You’re romance, aren’t you?” The corner of Virgil’s mouth tugs upward. “Passion, desire, romance, all of that, right?”
 “I am, but—“
 “You—alright, I gotta figure out a way to say this without being sappy as shit,” Virgil grumbles, looking away for a moment. “Okay, uh—you’re—there’s no way to say this and not sound absolutely ridiculous, but um…your color’s red, right?”
 Roman nods, still staring at him.
 “You…your eyes turn red, Roman,” Virgil mumbles, “like…you know how cartoon people get like…hearts in their eyes?”
 “I get literal heart-eyes?”
 “Kind of?” Virgil waves his hand. “You just—you’re—your irises go red and like…sparkly.”
 “They do?”
 “Have you seriously never noticed?”
 “No!” Roman looks like someone just told him Thomas got another Disney job or something. “I—oh my goodness, this is incredible! How can I see this!”
 “Here’s a tip,” Virgil snickers as Roman’s cheeks start to color again, “next time you’re in the kitchen with Patton or something, look at yourself in the mirror or something reflective right after you look at him.”
 “O-okay,” Roman mumbles, “okay, okay, I can do this, I can do this, I can do this—“
 “Hey—“ Virgil prods him— “you’re supposed to be downstairs in ten minutes anyway, just go now.”
 “And…he’s gone,” Virgil sighs, getting up and sinking back to his own room. He pulls on his headphones and turns up the music.
 Had Roman…really never noticed his eyes did that? The dude’s had eyes for—well, as long as you have eyes for. Has he never looked at himself when he’s working before? Jeez, and here Virgil thought Roman was looking in a mirror every two seconds.
 Well, it wouldn’t be the first time he’s noticed something that none of the others did. But still, what with how…obvious Roman can be sometimes, had the others really never noticed this either?
 As it turns out, the answer is yes, but also no.
 They’re in the living room a few days later and Roman’s bouncing off the walls, as per usual, as Logan looks up every so often from his book, and Patton giggles. Virgil is decidedly not paying attention because of course he isn’t, curled up on the floor out of the way of Roman’s bouncing.
 “Watch where you’re going,” Logan scolds when Roman almost brains himself on the banister, “you’ll hurt yourself.”
 “Pfft,” Roman blusters, “I haven’t paid attention to a single thing in my entire life and I’ll be damned if I start now.”
 Virgil snorts. Patton makes a vague noise of concern. Logan just sighs.
 “Roman, you are clearly intelligent enough to demonstrate that you do pay attention to things.”
 “I dunno,” Virgil says, “he didn’t notice his heart-eyes when he’s in love until I told him about them.”
 Roman sticks his tongue out. Virgil sticks his out back. Then they notice that Logan and Patton are quiet.
 “Roman has what?” Logan closes his book. “I…I was also not aware of this.”
 “Hah!” Roman points at Virgil. “See, it’s not just me!”
 “Yeah, yeah, whatever.”
 “Patton? Did you also know this?”
 “Y-yeah,” Patton manages, his voice strangely quiet, “I mean, I knew about Roman’s eyes, but…doesn’t he have that all the time? Not just when he’s in love?”
 Oh, shit.
 Roman freezes, his mouth opening and closing without making sounds. Logan looks quizzically back and forth between the two of them until Virgil clambers to his feet and knocks his elbow.
 “C’mon, L, let’s go somewhere else.”
 “You’ll see.”
 Sure enough, after a few minutes of them walking away to give Roman and Patton some privacy, Logan makes a small ‘ah’ sound.
 “Yeah,” Virgil sighs, “took them long enough.”
 “I am pleased to say that this I did notice.”
 “I mean it’s not like it isn’t obvious.”
 “That’s what I said.”
 “Honestly, did they believe we couldn’t see?”
 “I don’t think they knew until like, ten seconds ago.”
 “They truly are a bit oblivious, aren’t they?”
 “Oh, hell yeah.”
 Hey, you know how sickeningly adorable Patton and Roman are normally? You know how much more sickeningly adorable they got after this happened?
 Now double that.
 Now you have like, some idea of what Virgil’s going through.
 Dates. Kisses. Flowers. Baking together. Sitting on top of each other. Whispers in the corner. Curled around a phone so tight they can’t tell whose legs are whose.
 Is Virgil happy for them? Yes. Absolutely. Great for them. Is he also about to down a bottle of soy sauce to even out the amount of pure sugar he’s being forced to consume? Pass that salt factory over here, please, pronto. That’s probably why the feeling that twisted in his chest hasn’t gone away any.
 “Seriously,” Virgil huffs to Logan after the two of them vanish from the kitchen, “Thomas is gonna have so many cavities.”
 “That’s not how it works, Virgil.”
 “But it fucking could be.”
 “I must say I think this has had a…positive impact on Thomas,” Logan says instead, “that his heart and his ego are so…compatible.”
 Virgil snorts. “That’s one way to put it.”
 “I suppose it makes sense.”
 “Yeah, yeah, it makes sense. Right brain boys, we get it. Doesn’t mean I don’t feel like I’m drowning in a gallon of vanilla syrup every time I walk into a fucking room.”
 “Alright, enough,” Logan says, giving Virgil a reprimanding look that’s just this side of too smiley to be effective, “I need more coffee.”
 “Ooh, get me some too?”
 “I have a better idea: why don’t you come with me?”
 Virgil groans. “But that requires moving. And effort.”
 “You have legs.”
 “But—“ Virgil wriggles down into the nice little divot in the couch cushions— “comfy.”
 Logan sighs, shaking his head in what might be fond exasperation. “Very well. Hold this.”
 “Okay,” Virgil mutters, taking Logan’s empty coffee mug, “what are you—hey!”
 Logan, because apparently none of them have noticed that he can apparently do this, simply tucks Virgil under his arm like a sack of potatoes, conveniently ignoring the fact that Virgil is, you know, a fucking heavy-ass person, and walks off toward the kitchen like this is absolutely fucking normal.
 “Do I even weigh anything to you?”
 “Your weight is not insubstantial.”
 Well, judging by the way Logan’s just walking, like a normal person, uh, it doesn’t seem like it.
 “How—since when—what?”
 “Articulate as always, Virgil,” Logan remarks, stride never faltering, “I do seek to maintain some level of physical fitness.”
 “Some level of—Logan, you’re carrying me like it’s nothing!”
 Logan glances down and raises an eyebrow. “Is there a problem?”
 Nope. Absolutely not. Not from this angle. Holy shit.
 “No,” Virgil squeaks, “no, nope. I’m good. No problems.”
 Logan hums and looks away, easily setting Virgil back on his feet once they get to the kitchen.
 Yeah, yeah. Everything’s fine right now. Everything’s so fine. Everything’s so fine and good right now in the way that it’s happening. It’s never not been fine. Virgil’s never been more fine in his fucking life.
 Holy fuck.
 Okay, so Virgil was not observant enough to pick that up the first time around—get it? No? Fuck you, that was funny—but he does start noticing it more often. How Logan can just sigh and pick up the couch to grab his pencil, or how he never balks at having to put away the really heavy dishes that Patton struggles with. It’s—okay. Yep, he can deal with this. Totally.
 Virgil just sees a lot, okay?
 Which means that he can see how Roman and Patton react when they first realize how strong Logan is.
 Patton’s looking for something in the top of the cupboard, straining on his tiptoes. He sighs and starts to try and climb the counter.
 “Patton!” Logan rushes into the kitchen past Virgil who sits back to watch the show. “Don’t do that, you know how dangerous it is.”
 “I know, I know, but I can’t find the brown sugar, I think I pushed it back too far!”
 “Just get the step stool, you know where it is.”
 “But it takes so long to reorganize the closet to get it out,” Patton protests, “and I know where it is, it won’t take long.”
 “We do need to fix that, don’t we?” Logan sighs. “Alright. You say you know where it is?”
 “Yes! I can see it, I just can’t reach it.”
 “Alright. Ready?”
 “Ready for—oof!”
 Patton squeals when Logan just…picks him up and holds him by the cupboard, clutching Logan’s arms like he’s going to fall.
 “Can you reach it?”
 “Y-yeah, I can probably—oh my goodness, Lo, you’re strong!”
 “I’m not going to drop you, Patton, just grab the sugar.”
 “Okay, okay, I, um…” Patton fidgets, still clutching Logan’s hands. “Gosh!”
 “Patton? The sugar?”
 “R-right!” Patton pulls the bag of sugar out of the cupboard as Logan lowers him gently to the ground. “Wow, thanks, Logan!”
 “Of course. Though we really must get the closet reorganized, the step stool does not good if we can’t easily access it…”
 Virgil snickers as Logan goes off about the closet. He knows damn well Patton is not paying any attention to what he’s saying. He catches Virgil’s eyes and just mouths ‘wow!’
 Virgil responds with a shrug of ‘what can you do?’
 “What’s up, L?” He cranes his neck back to peer up at Logan.
 “Patton has requested that we all come to stay in the kitchen,” Logan says, offering a hand to pull Virgil to his feet. Virgil briefly entertains the idea of making Logan pick him up again when he decides against it.
 “Do you happen to know where Roman is,” Logan asks as he pulls Virgil up, “or no?”
 “I think he’s in the Imagination?”
 Logan rolls his eyes. “Then you may as well come with me. We’ll have a better chance of finding him.”
 Virgil tips Patton a lazy two-fingered salute as they make their way up the stairs. Sure enough, the bright red door to the Imagination is ajar, and as Logan steps through, Virgil spots a castle, a briar garden, and many many cloud fortresses above.
 “Well,” Logan huffs as Virgil closes the door, “he’s not running out of energy any time soon.”
 “Quite.” Logan glances around. “Well, we’d better start looking.”
 Virgil’s about to agree when he hears something whistling above him. He looks up and squints.
 He takes two steps to the left.
 “Virgil?” Logan turns around. “What’re you doing?”
 In response, Virgil just points up.
 Logan follows his finger, his expression changing from one of confusion to that familiar fond exasperation again. Virgil expects him to glance around for something soft, or squishy, or at the very least move out of the way.
 Instead, Logan simply sighs, takes two steps closer, and holds out his arms…
 …and catches Roman effortlessly in a princess carry.
 “Hello, Roman,” Logan says like he didn’t just fucking do that, “Patton wants everyone downstairs.”
 “I don’t think Roman’s got speech right now, L,” Virgil snickers.
 Indeed, Roman—which, hang on, let’s preface this by saying this is a reasonable reaction, okay? Logan just fucking caught him after falling from god knows how high like he weighs less than a fucking pillow, this is not something that just happens—is staring open-mouthed at Logan, panting heavily, frozen in Logan’s arms. Logan tilts his head.
 “Roman? Are you okay?”
 Virgil snorts when Roman suddenly flails and tries to struggle out of Logan’s arms.
 “Roman,” Logan says sternly and holy fuck, “if you want me to put you down I will, but if you do that you’re going to hurt yourself.”
 “Yep,” Roman squeaks, “you can—you can put me down, I can walk, you can put me down.”
 “There we go.” Logan puts him down only for Roman to quickly brush himself off and dart toward the door. “Where are you going?”
 “Patton! Downstairs! Forgot! Bye!”
 “Well, he seems to be in a hurry,” Logan sighs, adjusting his glasses, only to frown at Virgil when Virgil just bursts out laughing. “What?”
 “No, no, you gotta—holy shit!” Virgil doubles over, still cackling. “Oh my god, his face.”
 “I don’t understand what’s so funny,” Logan says a moment later when Virgil’s wiping tears from his eyes, “did I do something wrong?”
 The concerned question sobers Virgil, at least enough to stop dying. “No, no, L, you’re fine. Roman’s just…having a moment.”
 “Because he forgot about Patton’s request,” Logan nods, “and does not wish to offend him.”
 “…yeah, that’s it.”
 “Well,” Logan says, dusting himself off, “let’s not be late too, hmm?”
 “Sure, L.”
 Logan might not know why Roman and Patton are muttering furiously to each other and spring apart the second they appear around the end of the stairs, but Virgil does. He just chuckles and winks and settles in to watch a dinner of the three of them being absolutely idiots.
 It’s fine.
 It’s so fine.
 It’s probably because he was laughing so hard that his chest still hurts.
 This lasts for like a week, and Virgil’s fucking face hurts from laughing at their fucking faces and trying to hide how hard he’s fucking laughing. And yeah okay Virgil’s in no position to judge, he’s got no idea how ridiculous he looked when he got jump scared by Logan’s freaky strength.
 And it’s just not fucking fair because if it was Roman, they’d all expect it. He’d be sweeping them off their feet every two seconds and they’d be used to it by now. If it were Patton, he’d just pick them up and hug them and be the best dad ever and that would be great. But no, it’s Logan.
 Logan who’s…Logan. Who can calm them all down better than anyone else but also has that sharp-as-hell tongue and quick wit that runs circles around them. Fuck. He’s just—gah.
 Okay, at least Virgil’s not alone here. He’s seen Patton fumble through his words around a surprisingly patient Logan for ages now, and watched Roman stand way too close to Logan too. And yeah, okay, he’s seen the way Logan looks at them too.
 So much so that he bites the bullet one day and sighs, tugging Logan out of the living room and to his room.
 “Virgil? What’s going on?”
 “What’s going on,” Virgil sighs, “is that if I have to look at you pining over them for one more second I am going to scream.”
 Logan, to his credit, doesn’t try and deny it. Instead, he simply adjusts his tie and glasses, studiously avoiding Virgil’s gaze. “I suppose it really is that obvious.”
 “To me, yeah, to those two, not so much.”
 “I will get over this, I’m working on it.”
 “God, no, L, that’s not what I—“ Virgil pinches the bridge of his nose. “Just talk to them, okay?”
 “Are you certain? But you’d be…okay with this?”
 Virgil levels a stare at him. “Dude, have you not seen how they look at you?”
 “What is it like for you guys? It must be so boring.”
 “I can assure you,” Logan says wryly, “I can see perfectly well.”
 “Sure, Specs.”
 “Alright, that’s enough.”
 “Yeah, uh-huh. Sure.”
 “No, no, I’m just saying it’s interesting that—“
 “That’s enough.”
 Virgil gulps. “Mhmm. Okay. Yep. Got it.”
 He wisely does not go into the living room for the rest of the day.
 There’s a lot Virgil sees. He sees the way Logan makes two extra mugs of coffee, sits just so on the couch, touches the small of Roman’s back or the crook of Patton’s shoulder. He sees the way Roman smiles when he looks at Patton the way he doesn’t smile any other time, wraps his arms tightly around Logan’s waist and hooks his chin over his shoulder, keeps his door cracked a little more than usual. He sees the way Patton fusses over the cookies, making sure they’ve always got Roman’s chips and Logan’s pretzels stocked, walks in the middle of the two of them with their hands swinging.
 He sees a lot.
 And, uh…he realizes something.
 Remember that, uh, funny feeling in his chest that he totally thought was from somewhere else?
 Listen, just because he sees a lot of stuff doesn’t mean he’s the best at recognizing it.
 So yeah. He’s, uh…
 You know.
 Don’t make him say it.
 As it turns out, that can make you blind to certain things. When he’s hyper-focusing on the things he knows he’s going to see, he doesn’t really have the space to realize there’s a whole host of things he doesn’t see.
 He doesn’t see the way Patton’s smile drops when Virgil declines his invitation to movie night, saying he doesn’t wanna crash or invade. He doesn’t notice the way Roman makes a point to ask permission to hug Virgil too, cradling him with a tenderness he doesn’t notice that he’s only seen for the others. He doesn’t realize how much Logan’s behavior toward him is how Logan treats Roman and Patton now.
 He doesn’t notice much past the ache in his chest.
 Then he has a panic attack on their date night and the pain sharpens to an unbearable whine.
 They’re not coming. They’re not coming. There’s no one here to help him, he’s alone, he’s always going to be alone, in the dark, in the shadows, away from the light. They’re not worrying about him, why would they? They’ve got each other, they don’t need him, they’ve never needed him, not like he needs them, he’s—he’s all alone, he doesn’t have anyone, no one wants him, he’s going to die like this. He’s alone. It’s cold. The cold is painful. His chest burns from how cold it is. He can’t breathe, it’s so cold.
 No one is here, no one is coming.
 “Roman, can you—?”
 Something bangs in the distance.
 Strong arms wrap around him and pull him into something warm. More strong arms cover his hands and gently pry them away from his face. Something soft rubs his face and strokes over his back.
 “I need you to breathe with me, kiddo, come on…”
 “We’re right here, Stormcloud, you just calm down now.”
 “It’s okay, Virgil, everything is okay.”
 No, no, no, they’re not supposed to be here, it’s their date night, they—oh, god they’re missing their date night for him and he’s ruining it and they’re going to hate him now and—and—
 “Shh, shh,” comes Logan’s voice from somewhere above him, “hush now, Virgil, it’s alright. We’ve got you.”
 “You’re safe, sweetheart,” Patton coos, “I promise. You just sit with Logan for a minute, okay?”
 “I’m—I’m so—sor—sorr—“
 “None of that, shadowling,” Roman murmurs, brushing—wait, what?—brushing his lips over the back of Virgil’s shaking hand, “it’s not your fault.”
 The ache in Virgil’s chest expands and collapses in on itself again.
 Logan makes a comforting noise, tugging Virgil gently this way and that until he’s square in Logan’s arms, his head pillowed in the crook of Logan’s neck. Roman’s hand cards through his hair. Patton taps the 4-7-8 rhythm gently on his arm.
 “Virgil, honey?” Patton reaches up to dab at his damp cheek when he mumbles a full apology. “Are you okay, sweetheart?”
 “Yeah,” Virgil manages, “y-you can go now, ‘m sorry.”
 Roman chuckles. “If you think we’re leaving you, little demon, you’ve got another thing coming.”
 “B-but you—“
 “Shh, shh,” Roman says quickly when Virgil’s breathing starts to pick up again, “take it easy, V, it’s okay, we’re not in a hurry.”
 “It’s your date night,” Virgil blurts, the words clumsy and too loud in his mouth, “you—you shouldn’t have to be here. W-with—“
 “…with,” Patton prompts gently, “with what, kiddo?”
 “…with me.”
 “Oh, kiddo…”
 “If you think,” Roman says quietly, “that we’d rather be anywhere else than right here, with you, at any time, you’re sorely mistaken, V.”
 “B-but we’re—you’re—I’m not—“
 “Not what, kiddo?”
 Saying it out loud punctures his chest again. Tears well up in his eyes as he buries his face shamefully in Logan’s neck.
 “…oh my god,” he hears Roman say faintly, “it happened!”
 “But I thought we—we were being more obvious!”
 “I know! I thought we were too! But this happened! It’s just like the stories, oh my goodness—“
 “Oh, kiddo…”
 Virgil can’t process any of that right now, thank you very much, because he’s currently hiding in Logan’s embrace and would rather never emerge again.
 If he had, well, he may have been a little more prepared for Logan to cup his face with one hand and pull back enough to look him in the eyes.
 “Virgil,” Logan whispers, “we thought you already were.”
 Go back.
 “Surely you’ve noticed, kiddo, haven’t you?” Patton squeezes his arm. “We love you, Virgil.”
 “Stormcloud,” Roman whispers, brushing his lips over Virgil’s cheek, “we do, and you’re ours as much as you’d like to be.”
 “Patton’s right,” Logan says, still cupping Virgil’s face as he wipes away stray tears, “to be honest, I….well, I thought you and I were in a relationship long before Patton and Roman.”
 “You what?”
 In response, Logan leans forward and kisses Virgil’s forehead.
 “You don’t think I’d do that for just anyone,” he whispers, too quiet for the others to hear, “do you?”
 Hello, yes, hi, Virgil has precisely zero idea what’s going on right now, so uh, if everyone could just hold the fuck on for two seconds it would be greatly appreciated.
 “Aww, Left Brain boys!”
 Virgil isn’t interrupting date night.
 The others care about him.
 The others love him.
 The others want him to be a part of their family.
 Logan thought they were in a relationship already.
 “Shh, shh,” Logan shushes, his thumb stroking Virgil’s shaking cheek, “you don’t have to say anything right now, darling. This is a lot, I’m sure.”
 “Logan’s right.” Roman ruffles Virgil’s hair. “We’ll be here for you, Stormcloud.”
 “And that’s a promise.”
 Yeah, Virgil’s brain is way too fried by all of this to process any of it. But he does know that Roman’s hand in his hair is warm and soft and perfect. He knows that Patton’s murmuring something quietly that’s lulling him right to sleep. He knows that Logan is still holding him tightly, his lips pressed to his forehead, whispering how much they love him.
 “Go to sleep, darling,” Logan whispers, “we’ll be here when you wake up.”
 “You’re not being rude, kiddo, promise.”
 “Close your eyes,” Roman calls softly, his fingers scratching around Virgil’s head, “and you’ll see, Stormcloud.”
 As Virgil’s eyes drift closed, maybe…maybe they’re right.
 Maybe it’ll be a little easier to see that way.
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If you want to be added/taken off the taglist please let me know! ^_^
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
me, nodding of to sleep: IM HERE IM HERE
did my head just loll to the side? you will never know. first of all this chapter was the most beautiful thing i have ever read. Mavid have my HEART. It's also 4 16 am so im sorry if the reactions are a little bland but this was PERFECT.
me, throughout the whole thing: mavid mavid mavid
They had kissed for the first time almost a week ago. And they had kissed again. A couple of times.
Okay fine, they had kissed a lot since then.
Not a lot a lot. But a lot.
Wait a minute. How much kissing was a lot of kissing?
this is adorable
“I heard he cried when he found out Lexi and Liv were dating,” David chuckled.
yup that's jace
“We have to pay to talk on the phone?” Max asked incredulously. “I thought it was free.”
“Of course it isn’t free, Max!” David chuckled. “We have to pay for WiFi too.”
“This is ridiculous!” Max said. “Next you will say we have to pay for electricity.”
“Um, we do have to pay for electricity,” David chuckled again.
we pay for water too
but max you didnt know-
“Don’t let them guilt trip you!” Max had chastised. “They like doing chores. Let them do it. They fight demons all day and then come home and do chores. I feel like it’s their form of therapy. They need this.”
cant relate nope
“I don’t know,” Max groaned. “My family is so dramatic.”
the lightwood-banes in one sentence
“Well, too late!” Max announced. “This date is going to be the best first date in the history of first of dates.”
In retrospect, he really shouldn’t have said that.
nah its gonna be great
“Perhaps you should just take him to the New York Library. They have, uh, books.”
yes that is what they keep in libraries
His parents would not be pleased if they knew Max was summoning demons for relationship advice.
But they had also encouraged Max to make friends with everyone regardless of their identity. So, technically this was their fault. They gave him very mixed messages.
you know i really shouldnt have laughed at the demon attack news but for some reason i did
i blame my sleep deprivation
shit i feel sick
you know maybe i shouldve just waited till the morning...
ok but the demon attack is NOT coincidental
there is something going on
“I thought dragon demons were extinct!” Max yelled over the commotion.
“Man, fuck the orders!” Max said in frustration.
if you get hurt ill kill you
oh it's not her
well fuck
“That was an Armani, you piece of shit!” Rafael yelled at the demon. Max almost laughed.
It really did. Dragon demons smelled like they lived inside a boys locker room.
well that's nice to know
ok what is going on
“Say the thing!!!”
“I’m not saying the damn thing, you maniac!”
“Say the thing!”
Rafael groaned and raised his hands, the alliance rune lighting up.
“I’m not just a shadowhunter,” Rafael said through gritted teeth. “I’m Magnus Bane’s son.”
“Well, demons are stupid,” Max pointed out.
“Yeah, that makes sense,” Rafael said with a mouthful of food. “You are half demon after all.”
Im so sleepy i cant even react to this
Max wanted to laugh. Only David would worry about another person while being injured in the infirmary.
Max nodded; his throat still dry. He couldn’t stop staring at David. At the wound. At the blood.
Also, maybe the naked chest.
we're getting lightwood-bane fluff LET ME CRY
on one hand alec smoking is fucking hot BUT WITH THE MUNDANE DISEASES OH HELL NAH
“But it tastes so good when it’s from your plate!” Max said with a mouth full of food.
“Oh, you want my food? Here!” Rafael grinned and threw a piece of chicken at his face.
Max caught it with his mouth cause wasting food was a crime. “Thanks, bro!”
“You little s-”
“And no fighting over chicken!” Bapak pointed out. “We can always summon some more.”
“Order,” dad corrected. “We don’t summon. We order. And then we pay.”
“How do we destroy capitalism if we have to pay for everything?” Max asked.
Max has a point y'know
“That’s rich coming from someone who is wearing an Armani jacket,” Max stuck out his tongue.
“It was a gift!” Rafael said, furiously chewing on his chicken.
“Does that mean Bapak is a capitalist?” Max asked.
Max: What even-
Max: Can shadowhunters get high on iratzes lol
David: Mr Herondale yelled “Yes! Two out of three!”
“David is what you get if Dad and Uncle Jace and Uncle Jem had a baby.”
“Oh,” Max said. “Uh, David and I…We are dating.”
Dad choked on his coffee. “Excuse me?”
Bapak chuckled next to him. “Of course you didn’t know.”
“You two are dating?” dad demanded. “Since when? Who else knows about this? Why didn’t you tell us before? Were you dating when you were in London? Magnus, did you know about this?”
“There you go!” Max yelled triumphantly. “That’s the dramatic reaction I was looking for. Thanks, dad!”
There's alec. Yup
good thing i had wattpad I MEAN-
“Kissing?” dad gaped. “On the mouth???”
“Um, where else would we kiss?” Max asked incredulously.
“Well, actually,” Bapa cleared his throat. “There are many ways you can enjoy-”
And that’s how the next hour turned out to be the most painful and most embarrassing hour of his life.
Max decided he would rather get attacked by a hoard of dragon demons than sit through it any longer
“You guys know we have something called the internet, right?” Max demanded.
“Well, the internet can have mixed messages,” Bapak sniffed. “We on the other hand have real life experien-”
“Magnus!” dad looked red in the face.
“Fine,” Bapak sighed. “Now moving on to the importance of lubrication and-”
“I’m begging you to stop,” Max groaned.
“I’ll have you know this conversation utterly traumatized me. I demand financial compensation.”
“Well,” dad said carefully. “David is…”
“French?” Max asked.
i blame my sleep deprived ass for laughing at this
next thing i know someone's being tortured and im laughing because i dont have sleep in my system
Max honey...
listen to him
i for one, dont want a repeat of pg 511 cols
oh he's finding out about the incident
that's what i call it
Max thought of all the stories he had heard then. The one of the warlock who killed people who he could bring back his dead girlfriend. The one about a nephilim mother who paired up with prince of hell to bring back her dead son.
oh yeah...
They called it The Jem effect.
It was true. In fact, he used to have a crush on both Tessa and Jem. It’s how he had found he was bisexual.
very very valid. have a good day sir
you know it's a sign ive been watching b99 too much that i was imagining mina talking like gina...
pls send help
“Can we not talk about my boyfriend’s sperm, please?”
im surprised my parents havent woken up by the sound i let out
“I’m hearing an inflated sense of self-importance,” he heard Ragnor call from the bathroom. “Is Magnus here?”
“Just the spawn,” Max called back.
“He is married to the Consul!” Tessa chuckled. “And one of his sons is a shadowhunter.”
“It’s still very bad for our reputation,” Ragnor grumbled. “He is too close with shadowhunters.”
“You are the headmaster of Scholomance!” Catarina said incredulously. “You teach nephilim! Even though you don’t need a job!”
“I was coerced!” Ragnor huffed. “Manipulated by the children of the angel.”
really ragnor?
The grin disappeared and Ragnor buried his face on Catarina’s shoulder. “I can’t go through this again, Cat! Not again!”
“So much for not taking up after his father, huh?” Catarina chuckled and looked at him. “That’s nice, Max. We are happy for you.”
“We are not!” Ragnor said in a muffled voice.
a kind of endless love...
dont make me cry
“I know you are worried, love,” Tessa’s voice was a whisper. “You are worried about surviving after David. You are worried about your own heart. But you should never let that fear stop you from finding love. Because love is what sustains us immortals. It keeps us alive. When you love a mortal, you love them forever. You might not remember all the memories. The colour of their eyes or the sound of their voice. But you will remember the love. You will carry that love inside you forever. It does not make you weak or fragile. It makes you stronger. And you will forever be grateful for it.”
my eyeballs are too tired to cry
stop it
bitch you hate children wtf-
Max laughed. “I’m going to kill dad for making us do this. God, this is so weird!”
better get it done now
dont do this to me at 4 am
“You should two should some spend time together. Get to know each other and all of that,” Max suggested with a smile. “Maybe you can bond over archery or something.”
“I’m pretty sure he would use me for target practice,” David mumbled.
“Don’t be ridiculous, David!” Max said incredulously. “My father doesn’t need target practice!”
At this point, a David and alec scene isn't a want its a NEED
“I got it all planned,” Max said – for someone who had no idea what he was going to do.
me throughout life
max Rafael isn't the one smoking-
“Also tell him to stop smoking!” Max pointed out seriously. “It’s not good for his health! Especially with all the mundane illnesses going on.”
“I know, Max,” dad sighed heavily and blinked. “I mean, I’ll talk to him. For sure.”
Alec if anything happens to you...just know ill raise hell
“I don’t want easy,” David smiled. “I want you.”
“Dad? The Consul? That dad?” David looked surprised and relieved all at once. “Oh my god, he doesn’t hate me!”
“Of course he doesn’t hate you!” Max chuckled. “But he did say he will put your nerd ass in the silent city if you don’t bring me home by 11.”
of course, he did
oh my god SLEEP. there is so much to do tomorrow dying...my grammar was really bad and I don't have what it takes to use Grammarly's corrections except for the ones it's already doing as type.
this chapter had my heart BURSTING!! AHHHHHHH
the talk was so important I'm so glad they took care of that. ok imma head to bed now BYEE
Eeeeeee this was a lot sfkjdfkd I hope you are okay. Get some sleep next time or I will call the police.
Thank you as always for reading, reacting and supporting 💚
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emilycollins00 · 4 years
Hey! In honor or spooky season and my recent haunted world trip, may I have the A3! Boys (any assortment up to you) reactions to a s/o whos terrified before going into the haunted house like completely horrified but then once they go in the S/O isn't afraid of anything? I found out recently that anticipation absolutely kills me, but like a actual good spooks from a quality haunted house does little to nothing to scare me lol.
Thank you for the request, dear! 💕  I wanted to do something since the begining of october but couldn’t think of anything. Fortunately this came up! 
Happy pre-halloween everyone, enjoy! 💕 
Troupes with not scared! Reader in a haunted house
All righty! Here we are going to divide the whole dorm into three big groups:
The ‘I was kind of worried about you some more than others, but if you say you’re okay...’ group: Yuki, Misumi, Tsuzuru, Omi, Tasuku Juza, Sakyo, Tsumugi, Hisoka
He would never understand how you can go from being terrified to okay
Just a few moments ago you were almost stopping the circulation in his hand? Now you are looking around humming, geez 
After glancing at you, seeing you really are fine, he focuses his attention on the next thing he loves most: clothes
He’s SO disappointed though
“Those are some low-quality clothes, is this their way to scare us?”
“They won’t fool me even if everything is dark”
“Yuki, please just… act scared”
“Why should I, it’s only their mix of red and pink what makes me shudder”
Smiling and swinging his arms the whole time
Misumi’s so happy you are not looking so horrified anymore!
Grabs you by your hand
He’s so excited to be with you because??
“Look! That man has a big triangle in his chest, let’s ask him if we can take it!”
This ball of sunshine knows no fear
You both get scolded by the actors on your way out
Tsuzuru is good with haunted houses but doesn’t want you to force yourself
You assure him you are okay and so, when he sees you are calm after entering, looking around even slightly excited, he smiles
Is he really going to keep smiling though
Everything is cool until someone in a clown costume jumps at his face??
Just like the next one, and the next…
“Why do they keep jumping only on me?!”
“Tsuzuru, calm-”
Another shriek comes from behind him
He ends up exhausted as you pat him in the back on the way out
Yes, you are not scared at all now, but this one still goes full mom-mode, taking your hand through the haunted house.
“Look Y/N, that’s an awesome decoration, right?”
“Omi, I’m fine, don’t try to distract me”
He slightly scolds the actors with a smile when they shout and holds you close to him
“Omi, we are dating, you are not my caretaker”
“Haha, you are right”
“Would you like to go to eat after this? It’s been-”
Omi protection squad 24/7, whether it’s necessary or not
Thinks the whole concept of entering even if you are scared is stupid, but agrees to enter 
Surprised to see you better the moment it starts but doesn’t comment on it
A monster appears. You tilt your head. Tasuku hums
“I see… but I still think coming from behind and surrounding us would have come across better”
"Tasuku, stop focusing on the acting for once”
There’s an awkard silence between you three
Tasuku stares at you, and then at the confused monster
“...I’m just saying the reaction would have been better if-“
He was worried about you as you both waited in line
You really looked horrified
Now… you are fine? You are not making it up are you
He tenses at the shrieks though, trying to remain composed to save face
“Juza, are you breathing?”
You almost can’t walk with your boyfriend so close
End up laughing as he holds you so he doesn’t beat up anyone that randomly appears by instinct
He dragged entering inside because you looked too scared
Why would you even do that to yourself, are you an idiot? You pressed you just needed to do it
“I won’t be waiting for you to caught up, understood?”
“A-all right!”
After seeing you are okay though, he’s low-key glad you are enjoying it
Plus, he doesn’t have to deal with any shouting
You discover nothing phases him??
“As expected from my lovely yakuza”
“Care to repeat yourself”
After one glare from him, the actors are also quick to back off
Tsumugi kept telling you to leave the queue, you didn’t have to do it
But after entering you look fine? 
“Are you sure you are okay, Y/N? We can still...”
You laugh, “I’m fine, Tsumugi”
You convince him to relax and enjoy the attraction. Maybe he follows your comment too much
“That murdering scene was really well done!”
“Y/N, look the way they try to fight the killer in such a tiny space”
“I need to remember how great they...”
You are not sure if you are in a haunted house with your boyfriend or watching streets acts in a closed place
You both just walk like it’s a walk across the park until one monster appears
He looks so deadpan you are glad you were not scared
Who knows what would have happened if you had had to drag him around the place scared
“Hisoka, you okay?”
“Mhm, this place just… makes me sleepy”
“Makes you what now”
Hisoka just leans on you every chance he gets
You both unconciously damaged the ego of the actors
Not a single scream from any of you
The ‘Aw, weren’t you supposed to be scared?’ group just what’s wrong with them: Kazunari, Itaru, Chikage, Masumi, Azuma, Homare, Banri
Makes an instablam live out of it to record you. 
What? He thought it would be cute, you holding onto him scared!
Instead, he realizes you are so damn cool??
“Sup y’all~ we are in a haunty house, say sike! And with me is…” he shows your face, you glance at the phone
“Brutal. How are you doing, mysterious hunter?”
“Uh…Good now”
“SO BRUTAL. Hear that everyone?? My partner is just too epic to get scared!”
He’s so focused on you that barely takes notice of the scariness of the place
Itaru keeps asking you if you are okay after you both enter
“I told you I am! You don’t have to worry”
He sighs “Ah... was hoping to see a scared Y/N, guess that’s still unlocked”
“...You had the chance to follow what I said with a smile, you know”
He laughs under your deadpan stare
After a while you notice he’s not near you anymore?? “Itaru? If you try to do something weird...”
“Y/N, this looks just like the zombie armor of my last gameplay…GG”
You have to actually DRAG him out I swear this man
He’s curious to see how you would react because before entering it looked like you were on your way to death
Glancing at you now, everything looks fine? He’s sad he can’t tease you
Becomes somewhat of a tour to entertain you
“See, Y/N? That’s wrong. The whole blood bath is better to do it in the shower because…”
“Chokers like those really do nothing to…”
“Maybe I should tell them how to make murder scenes more accurate?”
He chuckles under your stare
The haunted house isn’t the one who’s scary
He’s sad you aren’t as terrified as you looked at first???
“Why the hell do you look betrayed”
Masumi just really wanted to protect you
He decides he can still do that
Doesn’t stop dragging you and holding you close every chance he gets
“Masumi let that death grip go, I told you I’m fine”
“I’m taking precautions”
“But I’m-“
He looks at you, smiling in silence for a while “You look better than before, I’m glad”
“Yeah! I don’t know, guess it was the whole anticipation thing”
He stares at you blinking. You narrow your eyes, what-
“Y/N, Is that a real cocroach on your back?”
You turn around horrified, what the...?!
There’s nothing there
He laughs
“Azuma what the heck!”
Also, Azuma calling cute at every single monster that appears
Homare is intrigued about how you would react inside
He was hoping to do a poem about the beauty of fear 
Glancing at you, he sees you are not afraid, to which he ‘hums’ 
Well, it’s fine, you did look georgous smiling 
“It doesn’t matter if you are not afraid dear Y/N, let us enjoy this ghostly and dramatical affair before us!”
“Homare? This is not the time to-“
There’s nothing that would stop him now, you had given him enough material as you waited anxiously on the line anyway
You swear, you can’t take HIM ANYWHERE
He thought you would be scared so somehow gets bored when you don’t jump what the hell Banri
His solution? entertain himself with the place
Pretends to get a panic attack and flips off the actors  
You both are banned from the haunted house for misbehavior
“Y/N, come on, I said I was sorry”
“No, you are not”
“… pfff, yeah you’re right”
Finally, the ‘I was supposed to protect you or enjoy our qualitity time but ended up screaming too loud and/or ragging you around’ group: Citron, Sakuya, Muku, Tenma, Taichi
Forget about being horrified, excited or whatnot, the second-hand embarrassment is real with this man
You try to speed up the pace
Citron is blindly hitting and kicking thin air as he screams ‘who is it’
He didn’t even notice you weren’t scared honestly
“I protected you well, yes, love?”
“Uh… yeah”
He jumps a lot, admiring how well you end up managing now
“Y-you sure you are okay, Y/N?”
“Yup! How about you, Sakuya?”
“Oh, I’m… UGH!!”
He doesn’t try to run because it looks like you are enjoying the attraction.
Also, still wants to protect you if something happens to you? my heart
Sakuya holds on to your hands for dear life. He makes you promise you that you won’t leave each other’s side.
Poor boy has gained a few years but he’s so proud of how cool you looked
Insert big shriek anytime something moves, poor boy had never experienced something so scary at this big scale
Well neither had you, but you looked fine now??
He keeps trembling, doesn’t let go of your shirt
You said you both were going to face your fears, why is he the only one horrified now?? 
“I’m sorry Muku”
You both end up having a break afterward to calm his nerves. He’s so embarrased 
“W-was I brave…?
And this. This is were you lie and say yes
Man, he is SO excited because??? He can hold you if you are afraid!
It’s. His. Chance
Or not
Why is he the one who hides behind you it wasn’t supposed to be like this
“You okay, Tai?”
You become his knight in shiny armor, he’s so awestruck
For nothing really?
Taichi is too loud, no one is even bothering you anymore 
He still clings desperately on to you
Fakes being fine to keep appearances although he’s not fine and absolutely all of us know this
Sweats so much as you both wait in line and just why are you going to do this to yourself and to him
“I-I guess if you are THAT afraid we can leave, Y/N”
“No, I want to try it at least once!”
Containing his breath until a gross spirit appears murdering people
Tenma doesn’t scream, the boy IS DESTROYING HIS THROAT 
He doesn’t care if you are now okay with this. If he goes down, you are going down with him
“S-stop. Tenma stop grabbing me!”
Never again
Tag yourself because I would SO be Tenma if this was real life. 
Have a wonderful day! 💕
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wsgeon · 3 years
hey everyone! ummm this is peyton (also the mun of lee hyeon) taking a second shot at a second character — i have a lot of muse for this one, so i swear he’ll be around for a while… 🥵 this is ryu geon, yes his name rhymes with hyeon’s & no i do not care ♥️ he’s the lead guitarist/vocalist of meta and also the son of a former nobody rockstar, but i’ll get into all that below! like this post if you’d like for me to come into your ims to plot, click the read more for more info on geon, and/or click here to be taken to his pages: CAREER, DOSSIER, PINTEREST.
born in autumn ‘97 to a “budding rockstar” (translation: “no yeah i swear our band’s really starting to take off, we sold twenty-three tickets to our last show!”) & a woman with commitment issues ♥️ geon’s dad always told him that his mom left because she had some dire matters that needed to be taken care of and SWORE that she cried the last time she held her dear baby boy, but all of his dad’s bandmates say that she was just some groupie and had to be persuaded into carrying her child to term… who can say for sure?
naturally, there are no pictures of this mystery woman. there was one (1) of her holding infant geon, but then he found out that that was actually a sound tech who worked for his dad’s band… and he just never corrected geon’s assumptions LOLLLL
anyway! he was always really close to his dad, considering they were a two-person family. he has a set of grandparents, an aunt and a couple cousins but they were never involved with geon’s life because his dad is the #blacksheep of the family. geon and his dad against the world, am i right?
uhhh geon was also kind of a black sheep growing up, but he didn’t really notice? he was a happy kid, very energetic and enthusiastic. a lot of adults in the area looked down on him & his dad, but he was SOOOO blind to it because his dad’s a god in his eyes and HE’S always been nice to everyone, so why would they not like him??? because his clothes smelled a little like dad’s cigarette smoke??? big deal
wasn’t troublesome (beyond talking too much), but a lot of people still expected bad things from him :/ “his father’s a dirtbag, i’ll be surprised if that boy doesn’t end up in jail by 20”, “he won’t amount to anything without a proper role model in his life”, “his dad is teaching him how to slack off”, “he won’t contribute anything to society”, etc. he kindaaa picked up on this as he got older but pretended not to because it was more rewarding to play dumb and keep being a good kid(tm) to prove them wrong
was basically a mini version of his dad. same style, similar features, birthmarks in the same places, same “live today, die tomorrow” approach in life, same affinity for singing & playing rock music. ummm he loved his dad a lot. a lot. a lot. wanted to make him proud SO BAD, started his first band when he was 15 and they sucked so bad but his dad was their biggest fan… you know how it is. a lot of people misunderstood him, but he was a very good guy and such a great parent
TW DEATH unfortunately he passed away just shy of geon’s 18th birthday and your boy still hasn’t forgiven the world for taking his dad when he was in the middle of his angsty teen phase — had he known that their time together was dwindling, he would’ve been so so so much better to him END TW
his dad’s band actually rocketed into the charts after he passed & suddenly they were getting loads of publicity, lots of “what a shame that he went under-appreciated” which pissed geon off SOOOO bad because why couldn’t they have had that energy when he was still alive? he’s still mad about it five/six years later
this is getting kinda long, so uhhh tl;dr, he ended up staying with the drummer of his dad’s band until he was old enough to live alone/READY to live alone, but he changed quite a bit. was really going through it, quit his band, stopped putting effort into school. barely graduated. went from being a social butterfly spending every weekend at a gig or with friends to spending all of his time on a pc or in front of a tv, playing console games. the internet comforted him when nobody else would/could and then he met the future members of meta <33333333 #newbeginnings
present day geon is still struggling, has to go to counseling bi-weekly but he’s coming back out of his shell! he wants to fall in love with life again, just wants to tread carefully... outgoing & will talk to absolutely anyone, but he still spends most of his time alone. hard to reach by text, so if you wanna talk to him, you better call/facetime LMAO. talks a mile a minute, especially if you get him going abt something he really likes. laughs a lot, smiles a lot, more habitual than actual signs of happiness but yk. ummm he has a really loud voice, mostly controlled nowadays but he still gets carried away sometimes. an absolute menace during long drives/flights, sorry meta.
funny but only when he’s in large groups. feeds off of other peoples’ energy, really good at reading a room and breaking the ice/making everyone comfortable, but if you meet him 1-on-1, none of his jokes land quite the same.
i envision him as being the kind of guy who carries himself in such a way that you’d assume he’s really popular/out of reach/maybe even full of himself, but he’s... not like that... at all... in fact, he’s kinda irritating when you get to know him. the personification of a flood followed by a drought and vice versa, always either too much or not enough. gets used/ghosted/dropped/dumped/whatever a lot because he’s soooo fun in the moment (if he isn’t in his feelings), but draining long-term.
really emotionally intelligent, in touch with his feelings in a way that a lot of people never thought he would be (probably thanks to counseling tbh). he’s very very rarely the type of person who will make you wonder what your place in his life is — he’s communicative, kind, honest. ummm he thinks that intimacy between friends needs to be more common, so he’s really affectionate with the people in his life. type of guy to tell you he loves you every chance he gets (calling you when he’s drunk, sounding like a clingy ex type beat) & greet you/depart with a hug. losing his dad kinda fucked him up in the way that he won’t leave/hang up until his friends say “i love you” back, gets kinda (re: very) upset if he’s denied that and/or a hug.
has been playing the guitar “longer than he’s been walking” (not really, but he swears it’s true).
uhhh he really likes nail art, but he’s kinda hesitant in what he tries? mainly sticks to black polish (or other plain colors), but sometimes he’ll get little designs added in as well. mainly does it himself because he still doesn’t feel comfortable in salons... if his work looks bad, leave him alone <3 he’s trying
inspired by people like kurt cobain, nicky wire, yungblud, billie joe armstrong & damiano david in the fact that he’s not against wearing dresses or skirts on stage. doesn’t do it ALL the time, but often enough that it doesn’t go unnoticed. some people say that he does it for attention because he doesn’t dress like that elsewhere and tbh they’re probably kinda right
interested in history (only SOME... dinosaurs, ancient civilizations, specialized areas like the history of circuses/clowns/skateboarding/punk, stuff like that yk), stand-up comedy & documentaries. could spend a whole day watching documentaries and would say he had fun, has a lot of useless knowledge that nobody gives a fuck about and is kinda dumb when it comes to things that matter
when it comes to music, he prefers playing really fast and heavy rock or punk over anything else, but he actually listens to a lot more soft indie on his own time... he’s too tense these days to be listening to anything else RIPPP
the vibe: homemade tie-dye, ripped slipknot t-shirts, frosted tips, neon crocs with alien & peace-sign charms, chipped black nail polish, calloused hands, cheesy pick-up lines used NOT to land a date but to pull a smile, driving until he’s lost, stupid socks paired with pressed suits, dramatic poetry in an iphone note, etc. 
people he met through online support groups about coping with grief
uhhh an on & off relationship that’s been going for who-knows-how-long. the reason for this is up for discussion, but i imagine that he hasn’t given up yet because the constant highs and lows are a good source of inspo 🤪 artists must suffer for their art!
opposite side of the coin — someone he’s interested in, but he’s NOT disloyal so it’s a pattern of persistent courting when he’s single vs intense friend-zoning when he’s not and they’re getting tired of trying to figure out what he wants from them
someone else who likes nail art & can convince him that NOBODY cares if he goes to a salon
someone (probably female but doesn’t really matter tbh) who feels like his feminism is entirely performative… maybe they attack him directly for it or maybe they just REALLY don’t like him and they’re super vague about it idk. either way, please tell him that activism is much more than recommending one female artist a year and saying “clothes have no gender 🤪” so he can be praised for the bare minimum (his heart is in the right place but his skull is empty)
someone super introverted who comes out of their shell with geon! uhhh maybe they think that he’s the one doing them a favor, but in reality spending time with them has been doing wonders for his mental health
other people who like to skate. let’s congregate at the local skatepark and scare the middle schoolers away
someone who inspires him musically, for whatever reason. lots of late nights in studios, idly strumming his guitar and writing lyrics that definitely aren’t about how their eyes look in these dim lights… umm maybe he thinks he has a crush on them but really doesn’t and ends up hurting them eventually, maybe he really DOES have a crush but will (probably) never do anything abt it or maybe it’s entirely platonic and he just admires them a ridiculous amount
someone who likes to make music as a hobby, prob won’t publish/release any of it but it’s fun to imagine. spontaneous meetings with geon in the middle of the night, recording songs together and keeping the WORST takes for the laughs. there’s probably a diss-track of them going in on each other floating around somewhere even though geon can’t rap for shit
night owls who keep him company on the phone, even if they can’t be there physically. them talking really quietly vs geon shouting at them while he plays games LMAO
gaming buddies. come over, maybe you can carry geon through his game of the week or you can both fail but have fun while you’re at it… or you can scream while he fends off that hoard of zombies behind you
i’m typing this at the last minute (literally) so i’m gonna stop here, but i will get a proper plots page put up asap with a wider variety of connections!!! but as always, please do let me know if you have any other ideas. i’m always happy to plot and write with you all 🌚
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coweggomelet · 3 years
volume 6 lads
from what i remember this one is similar to 4 in that it gives us a bit of an emotional break
don’t get me wrong i know there’s some stuff but i think overall it’s a little less intense
- ahhhh they’re all fighting together againnn it feels so right
- hey. hey yang and blake. i’m gonna need you to stop. cause my little heart can’t take it
- this dude really was challenged once and had a full blown murder tantrum. that’s fragility my guy
- ruby is SO CUTE look at her little happy face
- oh yeah. take a train. you guys have a great track record with trains
- i also keep getting like three versions of the same ad about getting vaccinated and it’s got all these workers from tv & movie sets and it’s so awkward this one guy looks so annoyed during his whole part
- it’s not just the turrets y’all oz is withholding shit once again
- don’t fuckin shove my boy!!
- i love that qrow immediately steps back when ruby comes forward. like he 100% respects not only her authority as a team leader but also her ability to solve situations and talk to people. he knows man. he knows his niece is something else
- uh oh the train crashed. who could’ve seen that coming
- cinder really is just too angry and spite filled to die isn’t she
- hehe maria you’re funny
- it’s so funny that oz is still refusing to tell them everything knowing that everything is revealed in the next episode
- oh oz. i know he was your friend. but all these kids saw was the insane amount of harm and death he caused. trying to defend him to them is not gonna go well
- oscaarrr i love you!! you’re so good!!
- oooo chills
- uuugghh i love jinn she’s so cool
- oz. my dude. the ship has sailed. you can’t stop this anymore
- this, my friends, is what we call a lore episode
- this whole sequence gives me chills it’s so gooood
- eurgh i hate how the god of darkness moves like i get it it’s part of the aesthetic but you really don’t need to do that it’s creepy
- salem was so smart to use a super powerful sibling rivalry to get what she wanted
- she really didn’t deserve to watch the love of her live just get revived and killed over and over again
- jeez the gods are assholes. they’re all oooohh maintain balance and then they torture a woman who just wanted her husband back by making her live forever. for what??? for daring to be smart?? ugh
- c’mon gods you gotta respect the hustle
- you think that making someone immortal will make them realize the importance of life and death?? idiots
- god her face
- she’s so smart what the FUCK
- “the hearts of men are easily swayed” really reminds me of galadriel’s “the hearts of men are easily corrupted” in lotr
- a couple hundred humans attack them and the god of darkness decides “you know what? i’m gonna eliminate all of humanity. that feels like the right choice. yeah. i feel good about this.”
- the fact that salem wasn’t even like… a real villain until she tried to kill herself in order to escape her torture and suffering and the grimm juice made her Big Mad
- like it wasn’t even her, it was the grimm juice. i really do believe that without that she wouldn’t have become salem the Villain
- i’m sorry i don’t know a ‘deathly hallows’ i only know the relics
- ohhh fuck i forgot about this!!! oh rwby’s totally gonna end with the gods judging humanity when the relics are brought together. maybe not end end but it’s definitely gonna be close to the end and it’ll be a Big Thing where they strategize about how to convince the gods that humanity is good
- obviously the first maidens weren’t their kids but boy is there a theme going on here. and maybe even something plot relevant cause their kids could do magic
- all the main characters being able to witness this and us seeing their reactions is such a good touch like god, the impact of this reality is so much heavier because we get to see the characters actually affected by it react to watching it unfold before them
- ohhh my boy. you didn’t deserve this burden before but now that you know fully what it means you really don’t deserve it. i mean look at him!!!
- oh qrow!!! you are doing good! i mean i get it, your whole world’s been shattered and the man you gave your life to lied to you about a lot of important shit but you are doing good i promise!!
- fuck yeah maria use your sassy wise old lady authority
- oh god emerald you poor thing you’re just a babey— oh god i felt salem’s hand on emerald’s shoulder fuck dude this show is so effective
- truly, this is a master class in manipulation
- uh oh salem your ex is back
- i like that weiss is wearing what looks like very thin tights, a strapless dress, a lil jacket thing, and the animators said “here she’s got a scarf she’s warm now”
- ruby didn’t kill torchwood y’all, he got chomped. like a lil bitch
- oh god this episode
- yaaaayyy
- before this episode my friend went “you ready for some horror?” and was grinning
- oh yeeeaaah the corpses. lovely
- god as soon as they opened the door to where the cellar entrance is it immediately started affecting weiss
- oh the DOOR nope no thank you get the fuck OUT
- watching this show with my friend was also the origin of me being sad cause this shit is sad and her going “oh i’m having a great time” and this episode in particular she was enjoying herself WAY TOO MUCH if you ask me
- little jump scares kept getting me and she LAUGHED and said “that got you?!?” YES it DID i’m a WUSS
- oh the journals!!! the way they incorporated that was so interesting and added SUCH good creepiness and suspense without giving it all away or ramping it up too fast
- ruby’s so good i love her!!
- uuugghh it’s getting them already how haven’t they noticed???
- the eyes got me good the first time
- their weird fuckin attitudes were the creepiest part of this episode
- ruby said not my friends you bitches
- mariaaaa i love you you’re so smart
- god when they’re reading from the journal at the very end…
- neo’s so tiny!!
- talk about some girlbosses 
- MARIAAAAA YOURE SUCH A BADASS i love her backstory
- love her outfit too
- OOOO THE FUCKIN CROCODILE CLOCK LADY ooooo this is so cooooool
- the ticking!!!!
- oh maria you poor thing. but also you’re so smart like that was such a good move
- aww haha qrow’s a fan. awww he based his weapon off hers!! we love a fanboy
- “i wanted to be as good as the grimm reaper.” “well, im nothing but a disappointment, so you’re well on your way” DAMN MARIA SAVAGE
- oh nice they made to argus! NOW SHOW ME THE BABY
- “CUTE BOY OZ” me too nora
- and jaune’s sister and her wife!! I LOVE THEIR GAY LIL FAMILY
- yang is good with kids. marry me
- HUN!! god i love saph and terra
- “shut up there’s food!” heh me too ruby
- aahhh cordo
- she and maria are totally exes who had a bad breakup and now they hate each other. a tenzin/lin situation if you will
- jaune… my boy… i know you’re angry but oscar is really trying his best
- “i don’t know anything” me neither ruby
- wait cinder didn’t have her grimm arm yet so how did ruby’s ability trigger?
- uh oh my boy’s missing
- remember when you were having fun being the bad guy emerald. remember that. it’s almost like… it was only fun for you cause cinder was there
- it makes me so sad that not only did emerald actually believe that cinder cared about her, but she actually considered cinder family and her emotional health was so connected to cinder being there
- “all you ever learned was pain and violence and now you’re too afraid to leave it” tyrian excuse me i’m the one with the commentary and analysis that’s rude stay in your lane
- oh god oh fuck. the pyrrha statue is comin up isn’t it
- oh there she is. my love
- i still wanna know who this lady is. like she’s even the same voice actor as pyrrha. and she’s got red hair. i don’t think pyrrha ever talked about family members, but my money’s on her mom
- this moment fuckin got me dude. i was doing the full tearing up, lil sniffles, choked up thing. uuuuggghh
- god they love each other so much
- i am NOT gonna cry again
- oh qrow. you poor thing
- young man!! you scared us half to death! do you know what time it is??
- his lil outfit i i looovveee hiiimm
- oscarrr!! you’re so sweet!!
- qrow’s like… damn. ruby’s right
- here we goooo infiltration time
- oh FUCK yeah they kill adam soon
- adrian what a smart babyyyy i love youu
- hehehehehe maria is luggage
- honestly this is such a good plan it just goes to shit cause these kids can’t catch a fuckin break
- y’all need. to stop. looking. at each other. like that.
- qrow stop being emo
- mariaaaa i love youuuu you’re such a great old lady
- uh ohhhh problems with blake
- i would love it if they used qrow’s semblance strategically. like in some sort of heist/infiltration situation, sending him behind enemy lines to fuck up their luck
- ruby’s so good at speeches
- depressed? feeling bad about yourself? feeling emo and riddled with guilt? just get a Ruby Speech(TM) and you'll be cured!
- qrow’s face
- oh yeaaaahhh big metal guy
- cordo
- hey cordo
- are you uh
- maybe takin it a lil too far
- why are so many atlas military people so fuckin intense with maintaining order and big shows of power and controlling other people???
- yeah you’re a source of trauma for her but GUESS WHAT SHE HAS A SUPPORT SYSTEM
- at this point dude it’s real pathetic how obsessed with blake you are
- thank god for auras or falling damage would be a much bigger problem
- cordo can you maybe chill
- weiss earthbended!!
- jaune you’re so smart
- ren said things may be complicated but boy oh boy do i care about that strong lightning lady
- “rightfully in charge??” shut up cordo and go be gay with maria
- noooo her fun coat!!
- oooo Dramatic waterfalls
- adam i’ll kill you
- aaaaggghh the music holy shit
- i love how the fight scenes progress through the volumes it’s so cool
- the parallels between yang and adam are also really interesting. like their semblances, their tendency to lead with strong emotions. interesting
- ooooo he doesn’t like when they look at each other hehehehehe SHE HAS A GIRLFRIEND NOW BITCH HAHA
- he’s so basic too. like he looks like a frat boy.
- y’all do your jobs. there’s a big water boy coming but you don’t know cause you’re too busy being goddamn bootlickers
- oscar is so smart and ruby is so brave i love themmm
- uh oh cordo it’s a ruby speech watch out
- ya she is nuts
- ya but you’re a bitch adam and yang is fuckin amazing
- yeet the blake
- i fucking love that they killl him with the pieces of blake’s weapon. like there’s something to that. they kill him with the pieces of a thing he destroyed
- if he wasn’t dead enough he got crunched too
- hahahahaaaaa cordo they got you
- yeah cordo!!! argus is danger cause you were more worried about fucking “proving the might of atlas” or whatever against some teenagers you fool
- ohhhh shiiiittt cinder’s atlas outfit!! they’re going to a super cold snowy place and cinder said you know what i should wear short shorts and a sleeveless top with super tall boots and a lil cape. that’ll work. and she’s right. it does. have i mentioned i love cinder?
- uh oh big boy swims watch out
- cordo shut up this your own fuckin hubris
- god cordo’s desperation is so heartbreaking
- when are people gonna learn to trust ruby and her friends man
- their willingness to keep fighting and risk their lives and also a Ruby Speech(TM) made cordo believe in them which i love
- i love jinn she likes lil ruby and her friends
- hi summerrrr
- cordoooo i’m so proud of you. she gave up part of this insane symbol of atlas’s power to help ruby and her friends. like she put aside her own ego and i’m so proud of her
- fuck yeah!!!
- awww such a good uncle
- damnnn atlas is gorgeous
- even mercury is terrified by salem’s weird grimm shit
- the fuckin wicked witch with her flying gorillas
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yoichichi · 4 years
Bunny’s 200 follower event
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request: Congrats on 200. If it's not to much trouble may i have a (male) aot matchup please. Im a Capricorn, my mbti type is infj-a/infj-a. I tend to be shy around new people but I can be somewhat loud around people who Im close to. My pronouns are she/her.I have medium length brown hair, green eyes, wear round glasses and have pale skin. I have a lot of freckles. I like to read books and also cook and bake food. Im not very athletic and im not a big fan if sports but I love to go roller/ice skating. I also have been playing the violin for 6 years. And I like to garden. I also like to watch nature/animal documentaries. I love animals and in planning on becoming a wildlife veterinarian. Some things I dislike are people who bend/ruin my books and people who talk over me when I try to speak. Something I look for in a partner is someone who can be quite but can also be energetic at times. I hope this is ok, sorry if I spelt anything wrong. I hope im not bothering you :)
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a/n: omg this isn’t trouble at all and you didn’t bother me one bit! I hope you’re happy with your matchups and I’d love to hear your thoughts :) please enjoy!!
Reading your request, you have been matched with...
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Zeke Jaeger
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Ok you definitely caught his eye cause I think he’d love how shy you are
Like he just wants to get to know you and get you to talk to him more, he’s so interested with you
And then when he does and you’re so loud and talkative he’s just 🤠 yes talk my ear off please I’m listening 🥰
Ok but why do I feel like he’s good at ice skating???
Like ok he’d be lowkey hoping you’re not that great at it when you guys first go together so he can be all behind you and grabbing onto your hand and teaching you how to move your legs right, yeah he thinks he’s slick
But then you’re doing perfectly and he’s just 👁👄👁💧
But he likes it better cause now he can hold your hand and go at the same pace and it’s so cliche he loves it
Please cook for him please
I fully believe he can cook fine but he MUCH prefers just being in the kitchen with you and helping you a little bit while he’s listening to you talk about your current fav book and then taste testing everything, makes him go 🙂☺️🥰
He’s likes to sit in the room and read while you play/practice on your violin
Sometimes he likes to just watch you and you don’t realize until you ask him about what he’s reading and he’s still on the same page from the last time you asked him
Ok listen, this mf definitely watches documentaries in his spare time cmon now
His fav is when you put one on before bed and you fall asleep on him
He won’t pause it though he WILL finish it and then take you to bed, sorry 😶
He’s definitely dropped a book of yours once and had a mini panic attack you were gonna murder him and then while he tried to put it away all flustered like, 3 others fell out of the bookshelf and he just ~knew some of the pages were gonna be bent and he was standing there like 😨😰
And then you walked in and he just 📚🧍🏼‍♂️
He stared at you for so long and then you came over and put them away and he just went
“I’ll go pack my bags” DRAMATIC ASS PLS
You had to reassure him you weren’t going to hold a grudge abjskskwks
You guys share book recs with each other
Ew 🤢 y’all are cute 🤢
Your vibe reminds me of...
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Another suitable match for you would be...
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Armin Arlert
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Ok would absolutely adore your transition from shyness to loudness
Not only cause he’d be so good with both, but seeing you become more comfortable with him and be more yourself would just, warm his heart?
Totally the type to be looking at you with total heart eyes while you’re excitedly ranting about something and he’s just laughing along and nodding his head and he’d just have this stupid dopey smile on his face and if you asked him what was up he’d just
“☺️ nothin’”
Stupid fools in love that’s what
Will always kiss your freckles any chance he gets idc idc you can’t get out of this one
If you’re even the slightest bit insecure about them he’ll be genuinely appalled LMAO
Like he just couldn’t believe it, it’d make him a little sad but then he’d just give even MORE attention to them if thats even possible
Omg would LOVE to garden with you
Like he’d get you guys little sun hats? And matching gardening gloves???
Y’all’s garden would ACTUALLY be exquisite frfr
If you cut yourself or prick your finger or get a splinter or ANYTHING armin is taking care of you LMAO
He’s getting you a bandaid and kissing it better like you’re four and he is teasing you about it as if he didn’t want to do this 🙄
Ok but sweaty armin with his shirt sticking to his back coming over to help you pull a particularly tough weed out of the ground and his arms are flexing as he’s pulling up and he’s grunting and once he gets it out he tosses it to the side and sighs and shoots you a smile and a sweet little kiss on the cheek ???
Yes ma’am I think so ‼️
Another documentary watcher for sure
Except he WOULD pause it if you fell asleep
He has a separate list on Netflix of just cool animal related things to watch whenever you’re bored or wanna relax or anything
Baby can’t roller skate or ice skate I’m sorry but he’d LOVE if you taught him
You’re skating backwards and holding his hands and sloooowly pulling him forward and he’s cheering so hard like 😁😁 look I’m doing it!! 😁😁
He’s adorable you make him so happy pls
Your vibe reminds me of...
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hehehehehehe I hope you like it! Please tell me your thoughts cutie I love to hear em!
Requests will be open until February 26th 8:00 pm PST
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Dee Little Snake
Series Summary:  Janus uses age regression as a way to destress but has little control over it whenever he grows upset. Trying to keep a secret like that can be hard when you’re only four years old, and thus family bonding ensues in a way nobody expected, least of all Deceit.
Chapter 4: Deserving of Comfort
Chapter summary: Janus has been avoiding the others for a couple of days. When he finally emerges for a simple lunch and gets caught by Patton the results are better than he was expecting.
Warnings: mild angst, if there’s more please let me know.
Taglist (ask to be added or removed): @a-different-s1de @emo–nightmare
General taglist (ask to be added or removed): @janus-is-an-adorable-snek-boi  @im-an-anxious-wreck
WC: 1,708
For Janus, a simple cheese sandwich with yellow mustard would always be the superior lunch. It was easy and quick to make, it was all yellow- which definitely wasn’t a bias on his part- and it was a thing that made very little noise when putting it together or eating it. It was definitely something he liked more when the need to be stealthy arose but he still wanted to eat. Not to say he wanted to avoid anyone, he just would rather not see and/or speak to a certain side at the moment so that certain topics could remain unspoken about for the time being. Certainly the opposite of avoidance if one was desperate to put a label to it.
Still, the reptilian side couldn’t help but sneak glances over his shoulder now and then as he spread the mustard quickly but carefully over the bread and reached in the thin plastic bag for the cheese. Two slices slapped in the middle in the bread would do; then close it, close the bag, put everything back in the fridge and he was home- or rather room free. Just as he was opening the fridge he heard the whooshing of someone sinking in nearby, causing him to panic and slam the door shut accidentally. Cursing he turned just as Patton walked into the room, making him groan internally as one of the last sides he wished to see at the moment blinked at him in surprise before grinning wide and giving a small wave.
“Hey kiddo, I was wondering when I’d see you! It’s been a couple of days, I was starting to worry.”
Pressing his lips together, Janus took the time to properly close the drawer before he thought better of it and turned back around. “Sandwich Patton?”
“Oh sure! Thank you.” Patton settled down at the table with his hands tucked underneath his thighs looking like he wanted to talk but not really knowing how to start. Ignoring this Janus took the ingredients out again with the addition of ham since he knew the other liked it, bringing down another plate as the silence stretched between them.
“I’m not a kiddo Patton, I’m older than you.” As harsh as he meant it to sound there was no bite in his words as he finished the second sandwich, putting all the ingredients back into the fridge.
Patton chuckled. “I know. Just habit I guess. I didn’t mean anything by it.”
From his expression Janus could tell he actually hadn’t but he was still weary. There was a reason he kept his stress relief to himself- even Virgil was never meant to know about it. Yet here he was, two other people knowing without him saying anything and so far he really had no clue where he stood with either of them about it- and he certainly wasn’t about to suggest they all sit down to talk about it, hypocrite as it was. He could push Thomas to talk until he was hoarse, make sure the other sides knew the importance of communication until he was blue in the face, but when it came to himself and especially when it came to something like this he was the last one to want to open up about anything. It was the simple fact that the outcome of someone knowing was unknown and saying his name had been bad enough. Certain things were with keeping close to one’s chest- and something that made him- the embodiment of self preservation itself- feel vulnerable and small both literally and metaphorically was definitely something worth keeping to himself
Taking a deep breath he decided to cut the awkward air preemptively and bring it up himself, since he was sure that was why Patton was trying and failing to remain still as he ate his lunch.
“I wanted to thank you for not...for not saying anything to anyone else. Logan knowing was unexpected but I appreciate you- both of you- keeping my private affairs...private.”
Patton scrunched his face. “You’re talking about it like it’s a bad thing.”
“I am fully aware that it isn’t and I’m not saying that how either of you reacted to it would have influenced me in any way. I was just-” Janus swallowed his last bite thoughtfully as he considered how honest he wanted to be with the fatherly side. “...nervous, I suppose. For me, this kind of thing is akin to saying my true name and well, we both know how that turned out.”
Wincing, Patton nodded as he finished his own sandwich, getting up and taking Janus’ plate to the sink. “I know you told us your name as a last ditch effort for us to listen, and I know it was by complete accident that I saw you small at all, so for what it’s worth I’m sorry you’re being forced to put trust somewhere it isn’t really owed.”
Janus opened his mouth to disagree with Patton, to say that it was fine and that he had wanted to tell them his name, that it had been his choice. He wanted to say that Patton seeing him as a four year old crying because he didn’t want to eat carrots was okay actually, that he didn’t mind and it wasn't a big deal but for once he hesitated before lying. This wasn’t something to lie about- to brush aside as if it didn’t matter because it did. Two of his most closely guarded secrets were out because of circumstances he could only partly control and it hurt more than he would ever care to say. It wasn’t okay, it really truly wasn’t, and to have Patton acknowledge that was making him feel things he didn’t have the energy to process just yet. He knew he should have just asked Virgil to bring him something., but then he would’ve asked why and Janus would have had to tell him that Logan knew now and that he was up way past the time he should have been just to play with his dolls.
Shuddering at the thought his head snapped up as Patton turned around, offering a small hesitant smile as he leaned against the counter. “You have no reason to, but you can trust me. I might be loud and obnoxious at times, but I know my morals- at least more universal ones. Your secret will always be safe with me for as long as you want it to be.”
“Thank you Patton, truly.”
Janus hesitated. A hug would be nice but he didn’t want Patton giving him one out of pity or obligation; the other was notorious for putting others first at his own expense and for Thomas’ sake he didn’t want to enforce the behavior. Plus, even though he knew it was silly and untrue, he couldn’t let go of the notion that adults didn’t need hugs. Everybody needed physical reassurance at some point but it was just- weird to ask for it he supposed.
“I don’t- as much as I would love one I don’t think that’s necessary Patton thank you.”
“My offer still stands.” Patton squinted at him. “Big or little, everybody deserves hugs.”
“A little what?”
Both of them stiffened and turned to see Roman in the doorway looking between the two of them with suspicion. Janus' heart hammered in his chest even as he calmly folded his hands in front of him. How long had he been standing there? How much had he heard? Could he get away with a lie or would Patton open his mouth? Full offense to him but Janus figured he would forgive him for not fully trusting him to actually keep his mouth shut while under stress. Deciding to speak first in case the other did crack under pressure he lifted his chin and smirked.
“My tone had come across wrong and he simply told me to lighten up a little.” Raising his eyebrows at the Prince he decided to jab just a little- he had nearly given him a heart attack after all. “Very astute advice for all of us.”
Roman scowled at him and moved towards the fridge as Janus shot Patton a pointed look that made the other quickly snap his mouth shut, thankfully foregoing whatever it was that he felt he needed to add. Now was not the time and Janus was not in the mood for a half-hearted scolding to be nicer; he doubted Roman would appreciate it either. The kitchen was quiet as Roman grabbed out a plate of leftover pizza and let the fridge slam shut after him as he sunk out, making Janus roll his eyes at his antics. He had honestly thought Virgil was the most dramatic when it came to pouting over fights that had long since ended, and even if it was both parties that were in the wrong it didn’t make the others temper tantrums any less infuriating.
“You shouldn’t antagonize him.” Paton’s voice was a bit small, his shoulders drooped in a way that almost made Janus feel guilty before he brushed it aside. Everything would sort itself out eventually it would just take time. Even so-
“I know, but by god if he doesn’t make it hard not to.”
Snorting, Patton only shook his head. “I’m serious though. If you need comfort, regressed or not, you can come to me or Logan and I’m sure you know Virgil would be there for you if you needed it.”
Janus looked away quickly at that, biting his lip before he could say anything. In lieu of answering he simply opened his arms and hoped it would get him out of whatever conversation Patton was hinting at having. Huffing out a breath as he was embraced and squeezed he wrapped his arms around the other and sank gratefully into the warmth. Sitting in the embrace he allowed himself to think that maybe things wouldn’t be as bad as he thought they would be- barring Roman- the “light” side of the mindscape was a pleasant place to be. He could see why Virgil had moved over.
Squeezing his eyes shut, Janus gripped Patton’s shoulders a little bit tighter. “Thank you.”
“No problem kiddo.”
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eventidedaydreamer · 4 years
What is everybody's strengths and weaknesses in your Bendy Au?
:) oh >:) okay
Joey Drew: 
he knows a lot of things, 
he can be very charming and can win people over easily, 
he’s the kind of person that you immediately like when you meet him, 
he knows how to leave a good impression.
If you actually get to know him he can be very bubbly and excitable.
he can’t read people, 
he’s brain smart but he isn’t emotionally smart, 
he doesn’t get it when someone shows emotions in a way he isn’t familiar with. 
He lashes out when he’s reminded of unpleasant things.
He knows how to turn everyone into ink creatures through sacrifice but he doesn’t stop to think if he should.
His coping mechanisms are not very healthy
Jealousy, clingy, its hard for him to consider that people can have more than one friend
Henry Stein:
He’s very tough (have you seen how much he falls?? and he’s OLD) 
Probably broke some bones when he was a kid so now he has stronger bones. 
He can handle a LOT of pain, 
he’s cool under stress and pressure, 
he’s a hard worker and a very talented artist.
He has a good memory
He has trouble expressing himself 
He’s a people pleaser and has a hard time saying no (something he’s worked on and is better about after he met his wife), 
He underreacts to things and overthinks a lot (overthinking is another thing he got better with after he met Linda)
Wally Franks:
One of the FRIENDLIEST people you will ever meet, 
and hes really really funny
He somehow knows everyone’s name even if he only met them once three years ago, 
It’s like he’s living life at a different speed because it seems like he spent the whole day with you but he also had time to see ten other people the same day?? 
He seems innocent and as if his perfect bubble of the world would pop if you mentioned something upsetting but the reality is he’ll listen to anything you need to get out and then give really good advice followed up with his usual humor.
He trusts that there is good in everyone and gives people second chances
He does really stupid things a lot
He’ll connect pipes wrong, resulting in later damage and messes
He’s always getting himself hurt, jumping too many stairs at once, making someone really angry and running for his life (Sammy’s the main one that’ll actually chase him down)
It’s like he has no sense of self-preservation 
He is really trusting and some people take advantage of that
He opens himself up to everyone and forgives a little too easily
Sammy Lawrence:
He knows how to stick up for himself and others
He is damn good at his job and won’t let you forget it
He can hear the music as he’s writing it, feel it in his head when he sees sheet music
Very independent 
If he considers you a friend, he will go to extremes to get back at anyone that hurts you (Just ask Jack, he’s been friends with him the longest!)
It is unknown how many instruments Sammy can play, the band make guesses all the time and Jack is asked on a weekly basis but refuses to comment
its an ongoing discussion 
Determination, he’s the only one that will actually chase Wally til he catches him
He’s angry almost constantly
The glass is half empty
Doesn’t hold back snide remarks (but if the remark is about music in some way you better listen there’s advice hidden somewhere)
Yelling, but it’s mostly just a very loud “WALLY FRANKS!” followed by running footsteps and Wally’s giddy laughter
constantly has bags under his eyes
A Perfectionist, Only the best can come from the office of Sammy Lawrence even if he forgets to eat while doing so
yeah thats another thing, he forgets about things like eating, sleeping, ya know, human things
He’s intimidating, the string of constant negativity doesn’t make many friends
He’s become dependent on the few friends he has to break him out of his  work until its done mode and remind him to eat and sleep (Jack, Wally, Norman and Susie a little.)
because :) it would be a shame :) if one of them :)  went missing :) huh?
Susie Campbell:
Hopeful and optimistic
She has a really pretty face, shes really pretty in general
she gets a lot of attention because of it
shes tougher than she looks and uses it to her advantage
she is really clever
Flirty and a romantic 
an exciting storyteller, she can make a trip to the refrigerator sound interesting
she wants to hear all the gossip until its about her
is really jealous of the smallest things
she may seem like a little innocent flower but she’s the thorniest rose in the garden and you are growing a little too close to her
Alice Angel means everything to her, its the best way to distract her from anything else :)
the second best way is to mention her star-shaped birthmark/freckle
Norman Polk:
He’s very good at guessing things correctly
He seems to know something about everything and everyone
A really great listener
He also just has good hearing in general, easily eavesdrops 
Physically strong, he can lift anyone with ease
Wise and careful
he has some pretty sound advice in him if you ask for any
has a very good control on his temper and is calm and cool even in heated arguments or dangerous situations
a good people reader
is very understanding
He’s scary, just how he likes it
People get the wrong ideas about him (He’s just sitting there! Is he watching me?)
to be fair, he might be
He doesn’t attempt to get to know people unless he sees a reason to
gets into other peoples business 
He’s always lookin’ for trouble
too curious for his own good
doesn’t talk about his feelings
Jack Fain:
He’s so good at rhyming that he does it subconsciously on a regular basis
He’s not afraid to show emotion
Gentle and soft
He can be really emotional a lot of the time
He spaces out a lot
he can seem like a crybaby
Doesn’t take credit for things he should
Lies about how he really feels to make other people comfortable, he doesn’t want to be a bother
puts himself down to make other people look better
Really shy
doesn’t stick up for himself
too passive
worries a lot
He really loves his job
He’s a romantic at heart
very sweet and considerate
Loyal and devoted
Sees the best in people
He falls in love way too easily
ignores flaws even when they’re concerning
can easily become an emotional mess
fears being rejected more than anything else (bro just love him he’s too sweet)
Shawn Flynn:
He’ll tell someone off when they’ve done something wrong
believes in karma and justice
likes sewing while he’s talking/doing something else
really good at multitasking
Luck of the Irish
like he misses getting injured by mere inches
this makes him the perfect Go and Do Something Stupid companion with Wally
He’s really proud of his heritage and his work
Shouts a lot
He can be too prideful and overconfident
isn’t into mercy or forgiveness 
can and will turn anything into a rivalry if its the last thing he does!!
the downside to being his friend is that its dangerous to hug him because he puts needles through his clothes so he can find them later
he says its built in protection
and Wally says ow
Thomas Connor:
He’s been good with anything technical since he was little and only got better at it with age 
He believes in a one strike and you’re out ideal, leaving him to not trust some genuinely nice people (but he also doesn’t trust some questionable people so he sees it as justifiable)
Reserved, doesn’t attempt to get to know anyone
he can work too hard
Allison Pendle:
Boy can she give an inspirational speech
She’s very generous
She’s a lot stronger than she looks
you should hear her belt out a song
prefers to fix other peoples problems rather than deal with her own
she’s really competitive 
she gets herself hurt a lot
can be a little too fierce
Grant Cohen:
Math, he’s good at math
he was like yeah i can do numbers I’ll be an accountant! (bro im sorry u got Joey as a boss)
He’s a good singer (which seems random unless you know)
really cannot talk to anyone
his words get all jumbled up
if he had the internet he’d constantly be searching things like, how to explain to your boss that his decisions are putting the company in dept? how do you stand up to your boss?
has bad panic attacks
Bertrum Piedmont:
He’s super confidant
Not afraid to get his hands dirty
Even though he almost always is dressed up nice
He makes sure he looks presentable
He acts like a dad to people he likes
Very determined 
He can and will do anything out of spite and you can’t stop him because that will only give him more reason to
Really prideful, gets offended over little things
is pretty arrogant as well
it’s really hard for him to change his mind after he’s made a decision 
refuses to lose, even if it’s really obvious that he has
he can be condescending 
doesn’t like or participate in humor, he’s always deadly serious
He can be over dramatic a lot
Lacie Benton:
nothing seems to surprise her
calm and chill
a really good listener, the kind that you know can keep a secret
doesn’t take herself too seriously or anyone, (Bertrum finds her company to be one of his favorites after he figures that out)
stays quiet about important things, she ain’t no snitch, who cares if she witnessed someone stealing something
Super apathetic about life
kinda isolated (Norman says hi)
Lazy but only because she can do it really fast and well so you can wait for her
Linda Stein:
It’s a good thing she’s so confidant else Henry would have just looked at this pretty lady and never introduced himself
shes like really good at gardening, talk about a green thumb!
knows when to be gentle and when someone needs tough love
and shes good at distributing both
shes so brave
Eager and excited easily
super patient 
she can come off as too forward and a little too fast
can get a little frazzled
Forgetful (Henry helps with that)
she doesn’t want to invade anyone’s boundaries but doesn’t ask what they are so its a tug of war within her
Sorry this took so long, I wanted to really think about it and do it justice! :D
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vangoghmusings · 4 years
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a/n: hello! i’ve been wanting to do this for a while now since im a huge astrology nerd (so i know what im talking about teehee)  so this is male match-ups according to sign and compatibility. this isn’t my usual kind of writing so i hope you guys like it!! <3 if you don’t know your sign check here  
this took me so long oh my god i hope you guys like it 
taglist: @mixfi @lilacskyura @katsuhoee ​ @moonlightinsanity​ @anime-waifuuu @iiminibattlehero @leeeah-loooser​ @bby-chloe1999​ @verymuchbabey @h0wab0utw3d0ntd0that@unknownweeabo @cookednoodlez @helloshoutohere @star-mum​ @izuku-sakura​ @thegalxe
Katsuki Bakugou- April 20; Taurus
the absolute SHOCK in my face to learn he wasn’t an aries
it would be expected that katsuki is a fire sign, like cmon look at his quirk
but taurus is actually an earth sign 
taurus are typically seen as quite calm, but,, 
katsuki does seem like a true taurus in many ways
they can be stubborn and unwilling to compromise 
they are very realistic 
they are often great at cooking and love to shop 
i feel like katsuki isn’t a self indulgent shopper but would buy anything for his s/o 
taurus are really good at working with their hands ;) 
theyre soft romantic bbs and as much as katsuki hates being vulnerable he’d definetly be a softie with his s/o 
id match katsuki with a calm pisces
Izuku Midoria- July 15; Cancer
i am not shocked at ALL to see that the lil broccoli boy is a cancer
like cmon he’s so sensitive 
he is a cancer to the T
he’s loyal, emotional, imaginative 
he also carries the negative traits of many cancers
such as feeling insecure and having difficulty taking criticism 
i mean the kid breaks his bones to prove others wrong 
cancers love being with their friends and family 
and they love helping others
the career of a hero would be natural for cancers
cancers are such sweet babies and izuku fits right into that category 
i would match izuku with a chill taurus 
Tenya Iida- August 22; Leo 
i didn’t expect tenya to be a leo but im also not surprised 
leos are often seen as flashy and arrogant 
but they’re more than their stereotype
leos are passionate and natural born leaders
like cmon class rep! 
tenya being a leo makes a lot of sense 
he’s generous and kind and always strives for the best 
they tend to be a bit dramatic, and tenya can be too 
being that leos are a fire sign they gravitate to self growth
this can be seen in tenya wanting to improve and challenging himself 
leos struggle facing harsh realities, similarly to tenya when he learned about what happened to tensei 
leos are known for their bravery and tenya fits right in
i would match tenya with a kind aquarius 
Shoto Todoroki- January 11; Capricorn 
i practically screamed when i realized shoto was a capricorn 
it just makes way too much sense 
they’re responsible, well-mannered, respectful !!!!
capricorns i just,, i love them, truly 
shoto is no exception 
they love family, things of quality, traditions 
and their dislikes vary from day to day
cause they’re iconic thats why 
however, capricorns aren’t always the nicest 
they tend to be condescending and can often come off as rude 
they’re incredibly unforgiving *ahem endeavor ahem* 
but, its because they just have naturally high standards 
it makes sense that he is an earth sign because he’s super grounded 
because saturn rules capricorn, the tend to seem cold and distant at times
but they are incredibly loyal friends and always strive for the best 
i would match shoto with a down to earth cancer
Mashiro Ojiro- May 28; Gemini 
i must admit, i was surprised to learn ojiro is a gemini
but if you really look at his character it makes a lot of sense 
gemini’s have a bad rep of being too faced
they’re actually one of my favorite signs!!
gemini’s are are gentle and affectionate 
and sweet bb ojiro is exactly that 
however they also tend to be quite anxious, another thing ojiro happens to be at times as well 
they’re very adaptable people
this can be seen throughout ojiro’s training and how much he learns and is willing to continue striving for 
gemini’s are very sociable and will talk to almost anyone 
like, he doesn’t see hagakure but they’re still good friends 
this is why i think ojiro would do great with a fire sign 
i would match ojiro with a cheerful sagittarius 
Denki Kaminari- June 29; Cancer 
alright cancer number two!! 
to be honest, denki doesn’t really give cancer vibes 
but, his personality traits align to much of what a cancer is 
tenacious and loyal 
and denki is definitely that 
however, cancers can be suspicious of others and their actions
and denki feels like the kind of guy to snoop on somebody 
but we gotta give denki some credit 
cancers strive to be there for their friends no matter what
denki shows this in the usj attack when he protects momo and jiro 
cancers tend to avoid conflict but even so, they search for conflict in those who pose bigger threats to them
similarly to when denki makes fun of bakugou even though he could totally blow him up 
denki is a chatty and flirty baby 
and cancers tend to be most compatible with earth signs 
buuut i think denki would be better suited with a fire sign 
i’d match denki with an outgoing aries 
Hanta Sero- July 28; Leo 
at first i was like hmmm no 
but then i used my brain and i was like actually yes 
leos are prideful and while sero doesn’t seem like the boastful kind, he does have a lot of pride in himself 
leos are very committed to their goals and sero’s actions show his dedication to becoming a hero 
leos are also so funny?? and sero is literally one of the funniest guys of 1A 
sero is one of the most sociable in the class and a total class clown 
leos are almost always seen with their friends and sero is no different 
sero’s vibes are just immaculate in my opinions 
so his s/o needs to match the energy 
i would match sero with a funny gemini 
Eijiro Kirishima- October 16; Libra
ok ok but seriously, of course kiri is a libra 
libras are diplomatic, fair, and strive for justice 
aka being MANLY is in the stars for bb kiri 
however, libras aren’t the most confident people 
they’re quite insecure and pity themselves a’lot 
which makes sense that its canon that it took kiri so long to accept his quirk 
have you ever wondered why kiri is so hot and cute and perfect?
im not even kidding
libras are known for being physically attractive 
i mean libra is literally ruled by venus
who else is venus?
long story short, kiri is the god of love 
libras hate being alone
why do you think he puts up with bakugou constantly calling him shitty hair and pushing him around? 
i considered putting kiri with a water sign but they’re kinda babies (no offense i love my water signs) 
but i don’t think he could handle a person who is constantly emotional like many water signs are 
i would match kiri with a kind-hearted sagittarius 
Hitoshi Shinso- July 1; Cancer 
jesus christ ANOTHER CANCER?? 
i cant even be upset cause it makes sense 
while i would’ve thought shinso was a calm scorpio or a relaxde picses 
he fits much better as a cancer 
as mentioned previously with deku and denki, cancers really do have a heart of gold and just want to help people 
cancers are also very manipulative people 
i mean, look at this mans quirk 
cancers are also moody and pessimistic 
characteristics that shinsou has but are seen more as stoic and quiet
but cancers are also sympathetic 
and bb shinsou is a softie i just know it 
cancers are guided by emotion
like deku, he is seen as passionate for his desire to be a hero, even though his quirk is seen to be one of evil 
shinsou needs to be with someone who’s willing to listen when he opens up (which cancers hate doing)
i would match shinsou with an understanding taurus
Tamaki Amajiki- March 1; Aries
youre telling me this man is an aries and bakugou isnt?? 
i need to collect my thoughts 
OK so tamaki is an aries 
and honestly its pretty accurate
most times aries are seen as passionate in a reckless and angry manner
but tamaki’s passion is displayed in his dedication to being a hero 
i mean he’s literally in the big 3 
aries tend to be moody, which is seen in tamaki’s shy actions 
but they’re also enthusiastic and courageous 
tamaki’s courage is shown in the mission to rescue eri 
aries are seen as intimidating and tamaki’s dark features are exactly that 
and while he is very shy, he needs someone to help bring him out of his shell delicately 
id match tamaki with a gentle libra 
Mirio Togata- July 15; Cancer 
whats up with mirio and deku sharing the same bday doe 
this is way too many cancers 
BUT mirio is such a cancer lets be real 
we’ve covered the basics of cancers
will do anything for others 
and most importantly brave
the sign of a cancer is a crab 
the crab symbolizes someone who doesn’t realize their great strength  
mirio is the personification of the strength of the crab 
and poor baby has gone through so much and deserves the world 
he’s so cheerful but he needs someone to be there for him when he’s at his most emotional moments 
i would match mirio with a tender capricorn 
Shota Aizawa- November 8; Scorpio 
i mean cmon 
ofc dadzawa is a scorpio 
he’s the image of a stereotypical scorpio 
dark features, dark clothing, serious and kinda rude 
but scorpios get a bad rep for being meanies (we should be watching out for virgos tho) (jk jk i love my virgos <3) 
but scorpios have some of the best characteristics 
their loyalty is beyond words 
they would literally lay down their life for a friend or the good of others 
scorpios are passionate and assertive, and this side of aizawa definitely comes out 
aizawa is so stoic he needs somebody to soften him up 
i would match aizawa with a cheery cancer 
Hizashi Yamada- July 7; Cancer
another f*cking cancer
not just because aizawa and him are married and he’s a cancer and it totally makes sense 
but hizashi is such a cancer oh my god 
he’s sensitive, and caring, and brave, and a literal pro hero 
which is a cancer living the dream 
cancers often have difficult childhoods and struggle immensely to find outlets 
this fits with the theory that as a child, hizashi was put up for adoption and/or muzzled as a child because of his powerful quirk 
cancers are ruled by the moon, which would make sense to why they are so emotional 
because the moon goes through phases, so do they
hizashi needs someone that would help him be strong outside of his hero work and for his own mentality 
i would match hizashi with (aizawa or) a charismatic virgo 
Toshinori Yagi- June 10; Gemini 
ofc all might is a gemini 
he literally has 2 forms
and geminis are literally two faced
it makes so much sense that the symbol of peace is a gemini 
he’s adaptable and a quick learner 
geminis are affectionate and you cant tell me toshi isn’t the biggest cuddler and softie in the world 
geminis are people pleasers and just want to make others happy 
and all might’s literal thing is smiling to comfort those in fear
toshi needs someone who is understanding of what he had gone through as a retired hero and the bearer of one for all 
i would match toshi with an inquisitive aquarius 
Keigo Takami- December 28; Capricorn 
ok but he is such a capricorn its not even funny 
he’s a cocky know-it-all kind of capricorn 
but he’s also a responsible and well mannered capricorn
capricorns are people who are willing to take on immense responsibilities 
and hawks is literally the no. 2 hero so of course he’s got a lot of responsibilities 
because he’s an earth sign, we wants to get the most out of what the world has to offer him 
including fame and money 
but hawk’s head strong and professional attitude is what comforts people and makes him such a great hero 
he needs someone who would match his energy well 
i would match keigo with a level-headed scorpio
Dabi- January 18; Aquarius 
i have a deep love for this sign 
dabi is an aquarius and it is so accurate 
aquarius love to fight for a cause
in dabi’s eyes, the league of villains is the best cause he can support
and he’s at the front lines
they’re considered humanitarians,,and dabi is in his own “special way” 
aquarius love a good conspiracy and mystery 
and dabi is a total mystery 
aquarius constantly have to be stimulated and doing something
otherwise their boredom can lead to reckless actions 
they are also anti all emotions 
this is why they seem so aloof, they don’t know how to confront their own feelings 
i’d pair dabi up with someone who is willing to listen to him and hopefully allow him to open up 
i would match dabi with a charming sagittarius 
Tomura Shigaraki- April 4; Aries
now this is a stereotypical aries 
aries is ruled by mars, which was named after aries 
like his literal goal is to destroy society,, 
aries love to be in leadership roles
they’re also short-tempered 
and aggressive 
how ever, his more “positive” traits such as determination and passion are also evident in his characteristics 
they’re competitive people and tomura definitely is one 
tomura would need to be with someone who is calm  
i would match tomura with a patient leo 
Kai Chisaki- Birthdate Unknown;NA 
so kai’s sign is unknown 
he still deserves a match up 
besides his stance in villainy
kai as actually very well mannered and polite 
but he doesn’t value human life and sees his as more important and pure than those who are “sick” 
a lot of his characteristics would lead me to believe he is an unevolved sociopathic capricorn 
outside of being a villain i would match kai with someone who was understanding and a good listener 
i would match kai with a sympathetic pisces 
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In This Hell Daryl Dixon X Reader Part 7/??
Hey guys! So chapter seven is here! Im not the best at writing, but like many other writers, I did try my best and I hope you like it! Also most of the streets I have written into this chapter I made up on the spot, so if there is an actual street by that name it was purely coincidental.
Warnings- Light smut?, General Walking Dead stuff, Blood, Gore, Swearing.
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It had felt like forever, sitting outside of the door that separated Daryl and myself. Lori was still sitting beside me, which feels more constricting than not, not that I had the heart to tell her.
At this point, I have memorised each and every detail etched into the door. I looked over to where Lori sat next to me, one hand resting against her forehead, the other resting against my shoulder. I reached my hand over and placed it over her own and smiled softly as she turned her head. “Thank you.” I whispered. “Dont be stupid.” She responded, a small chuckle escaping her lips. The click of the latch received both of our attention, I looked back towards the door to see Rick emerge.
“Here.” Lori extended her hand to me. “Thanks.” I took her hand and nodded as she helped me up. I look at Rick, and he smiled softly. “He’ll be alright.” “Oh thank god.” I hugged him “Now god ain’t had nothing to do with it.” Shane walked out behind Rick.
Rick walked over to Lori and hugged his wife. “I’ll tell you what.” Shane paused, walking over to me. “That is one tough son of a bitch in there.” He pointed towards the door, bringing me into a hug. I rolled my eyes as I hugged him back. “Hershel is just giving him another look over.” I look up to my brother. “Its just to ensure that he doesn’t have any other injuries.” Rick added. I slowly nodded my head, and sat down in the single seat next to the door. Rick kissed his wife before leaving Lori, Shane and myself in the hallway as we waited for Hershel.
After waiting another ten or so minutes, Hershel exiting the room. “The bullet only grazed his head.” He paused. I stood up from the seat and nodded. “The arrow in his side went straight through, missed his important organs.” “He is okay other than that?” “That and a few bruised ribs, he will be fine, however I would recommend a resting period of a few days, But.” He paused, glancing at the door. “I don’t think that he would take that advice.” He continued.  “He is a stubborn bastard.” I muttered, looking at the door nodding. “He is asleep, but you can go in and see him.” “Thank you so much Hershel.” I smiled and pulled him into a hug. I pulled back and smiled softly at him, before turning to the door, quietly entering the room.
The first thing I noticed when I entered the room was the small dresser by the window, and the cross hanging next to the door above the bed. Daryl was on the bed, peacefully sleeping on his side, mouth slightly parted as soft snores broke the silence of the room. I stood at the edge of the bed, unsure if I should sit on the side of the bed or bring in the seat from the hall. “Are ‘Ya just gonna stand there?” A rough mumble came from the bed, startling me from my thoughts. “You’re meant to be sleeping.” I sighed.
“How am I meant to sleep when ya always staring at me.” I sat down on the bed next to him, softly pushing his hair back. “Go back to sleep, you need to rest.” He only grumbled in response as he shook his head. “Nah, I can sleep when im dead.” “If you dont rest that could be sooner than you think.” “I’m fine.” He scoffed. I rolled my eyes. We spent a few moments just staring at one another, the small breaths from us both the only thing we could hear.
“What happened out there Daryl?” I sighed. He winced lightly as he propped himself up on his elbow, “Took one of them horses, damn thing near killed me.” He paused. “Got spooked by something, kicked me off.” He continued.
“Thats where the bruising came from Im guessing.” I spoke softly tracing the bruises that littered his torso. “Fell down the ridge, landed in the creek with my own arrow in me.” He motioned to his side, pausing as my eyes landed on the gauze.
“Took down a few walkers.”
“Daryl!” “I know what ya ‘bout to say. Im fine.” He stated.
I sighed softly shaking my head.
“What if you couldn’t get back? What then Daryl?” I asked. “Y’all woulda been fine, I don’t belong ‘ere anyway.” He shrugged. “How can you say that?” I asked pushing myself off of the bed.
I could feel his eyes boring into me as I paced back and forth.
“You say that you don’t belong here, but you do. You can even feed me more bullshit about how you don’t, I dare you.” I challenged. “if you did not come back, every single fibre of my being would be out there searching for you.” I paused.
I took a deep breath, turning to look at him.
“Look, wether you like it or not Daryl, I care about you, I care for you and nothing in this world will ever change that Dixon.” He kept his eyes on me, watching my every move.
“Call me selfish, call me crazy, hell you can even call me dramatic! But a part of me would've died if you didn't come back.”  
I paused for a brief moment as i tried to fight the tears.
Stupid, damn hormones.
“Stop working ya self up.” “Believe it or not, that isn’t an easy thing to do.” I sighed “why?” “Because im scared… im scared of losing you.” I paused.
I took a small step back.
“Im so damn scared, because for the first time in my life I have something to lose, someone.”
He continued to stare at me, staying silent as he listened to my rambling, as I started to pace once more.
“Im not trying to fight you Daryl. I just want you safe.” “I love ya..”
“I need you around, our baby needs you around. I-“
I paused, looking at him.
“What did you just say?”
“I love ya.” He shrugged.
“This isn’t something to joke about right now.” I sigh placing my hand against my forehead, rubbing my temple.
“I aint joking.”
“Daryl-“ I ran my hand over my face, before dropping it to my side. “Ya’ gonna say it back? Or do I need to go back ou-“ “Don’t even think about finishing that sentence Dixon.” I warned as he grabbed my hand and pulled me softly back to the bed.
I sat on the mattress and started to lay down.
My hands found his stubbled cheeks, our eyes connected and I drowned out the world for those crystal blue eyes. “I love you Daryl Dixon.”
I could feel his hands pull my face closer to his as we let reality fade away, the two of us escaping in the kiss.
Daryl rolled over to his back, gently pulling me with him.
We pulled apart as he grabbed the hem of my shirt, lifting it over my head and flinging it across the room, attacking my lips once again with his own.
He moved his hands down, across my body slowly, snaking them around my hips, lifting my body over his, leaving me to straddle him.
His hands gripped to my hips, not letting go, his nails leaving soft red crescent shaped indentations against my skin.
The skin on skin contact, his chest pressed against my own igniting a whirlwind of lust between us both.
I leant down and captured his lips in a deep kiss.
Daryls hands moved down to my ass, his fingers kneading the soft flesh as our tongues fought for dominance. 
I could feel him hardening against my inner thigh, drawing a soft mewl from my lips.
He pulled me closer, one of his hands slipping in between our bodies, moving to cup my breast.
Daryl softly pushed me back, starting to unbutton my jeans, working quickly to remove them.
Each soft touch of his fingers against my bare skin, caused shivers to run down my spine. 
I leant down and peppered kisses all over Daryls neck, from his Adam’s apple, to behind his left ear where even though he won’t admit it, Is his sweet spot.
Daryls hands harshly grabbed my ass, before softly growling into my ear, rolling his hips into my own.
I reached behind me and unclasped my bra, Daryl pulling it off of me and throwing it to the floor, kissing down my chest, one hand cupping one of my breasts, the other resting behind me.
He pulled my body closer to his, before groaning out in pain.
My eyes shot open and I softly move off of Daryl.
“Shit, Daryl. Are you alright?” I asked moving to examine his abdomen.
“I’m fine.” He responds, grumbling as he ran his hands over his face in frustration.
I bend down pick up my bra from the floor and put it on, I take another look around the room for the rest of my clothes.
I see my jeans and jump slightly, shimmying them on.
My eyes search the room once again, spotting my shirt hanging off of the dresser, I walked over and snatched it off.
“What are ya’ doing?” He asked as I slipped the shirt over my head.
“You’re hurt, we aren’t doing that.” I scoffed.
Daryl let a groan of frustration out and laid back, annoyance clear on his features.
I crawled onto the bed, kissing under his navel.
“(Y/N)?” he asked, brow raised.
I look up at him through my lashes, smirking as he started to breathe heavy.
I kissed down his stomach, my hands softly moving down his chest and into his waistband.
He moaned softly as my hand slipped further down his pants.
A knock on the door made us both sigh.
“Ya’ gotta be shitting me.” Daryl muttered, turing his back to the door, pulling the blanket up to cover himself.
I stood up, making my way to the door, opening it to be met with Carol.
“Hey honey.” She smiled softly.
“Hey Carol, Whats up?” “I was just dropping in to let you know dinner is ready, I brung some up for Daryl.” She smiled as she lifted a plate.
“Oh, thank you, I’ll come down and get some.” I smiled nodding softly.
I moved aside as she walked in and set the plate down.
“Ill see you soon.” I kissed Daryls cheek.
He nodded.
I left the room as Carol asked if he was okay, getting few words from the man in response.
It was a quiet walk to the dining area, but it was even more quiet there, the only sound audible being the knives and forks hitting the plates.
I took the seat in-between Andrea and Lori.
The silence had lasted about five minutes, although it felt like 5 years, and was broken by Glenn’s voice.
“Does anybody know how to play Guitar?” He paused.
“Dale found a cool one… Somebody’s gotta know how to play.” He smiled.
My head turned to Patricia as she cleared her throat.
“Otis did.” She spoke.
“Yes, and he was very good too.” Hershel confirmed.
We all continued to eat in what was now an awkward silence.
I looked around the table, to notice Shane staring longingly at Lori, I scoffed under my breath and shook my head.
The guy doesn’t know what is good for him.
Slowly but surely, everyone started finishing up their meals.
After Hershel has finished eating, he stood.
“Rick, There are matters for us to discuss.” The man mentioned stood and followed Hershel out.
Carol stood and started to clear the table.
The rest of us following, picking up plates, cutlery and glassware, taking them to the kitchen.
“Dinner was great.” Beth smiled.
“It was lovely, thank you.” Patricia added.
I started to wipe over the clean dishes after Patricia had washed them, Maggie putting them away as both Carol and Lori collected more dishes.
The six of us had the place cleaned up in half an hour.
Lori had left to be with Carl, Carol was with Dale and T-dog in the RV, Beth had gone with Jimmy, Patricia had gone to her room.
A rush of wind passed me and almost knocked me down.
“Im sorry!” Maggie called out as she ran out of the door.
I chuckled as she profusely apologised as she continued running.
I turned and started to make my way back to Daryl’s room.
I turned to see Hershel walking toward me.
“Good evening Hershel… What can I do for you?” “I understand that you and Daryl are in a relationship?’ He asked.
“Yes sir.” “I’d appreciate it, if the two of you were separated for the night.” “Pardon?” I asked. “You’re both adults, you can survive a night in a different bed.” He stated, brows raised.
“Oh… Right.” I nodded.
“Do I make myself clear?” 
“Of course Hershel.” “Thank you.” He nodded, turning on his heel and leaving.
I continued my walk to Daryl’s room and peeked my head through the crack in the door, being met with his soft snores.
I softly closed the door and started the walk to my tent.
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I was startled awake by a foreign presence in the tent, soft breaths hitting the back of my neck.
I looked down, to see an arm draped over my body, a hand resting over my stomach.
“Relax. S’me.”
I let go of my breath, that I didn’t even realise I was holding.
“What the hell are you doing out here?” I asked, turning to face him.
“I woke up. Ya weren’t there.”
“You were asleep… you even looked peaceful.” “Ya could’a stayed, slept in a bed.” “I just wanted you to rest.” “I can’t sleep now anyway.” He muttered, pulling me closer to him under the cover, pressing a small kiss to my lips, before settling back down.
The door slightly blew against the breeze.
I looked outside and watched as the soft glow of the early morning sun reflected on the dewy grass.
I felt my consciousness slip away.
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My eyes opened, I looked around to be met with an empty tent.
I stretch and get changed, poking my head out of the small door.
The sun, not as harsh as the day prior.
A smile is on my face in an instant as soon as I noticed Carl by the chicken coop with Lori.
I rushed out of my tent and walked over to the pair, waving at Dale as I passed him.
Carl had bent down, reaching his hand into the bucket of feed for the chickens, slightly pausing, causing Lori to move forward.
“Dont look so worried.” “It’s my job.” “No it’s not. You’re a housewife.”
I held in my laughter.
Lori threw the remaining seed in her hand at the boy.
“Yeah, punk? You see my house around here?” She paused.
“A housewife.” She scoffed.
“Im pretty sure your house is just over there.” I laughed, pointing at the Grimes’ tent.
Carl laughed more as Lori picked up more seed, throwing it directly into my face, before she laughed too.
“Think you’re funny huh? The pair of you.” She chuckled, rolling her eyes. “I do actually, Carl, how about you?” I asked smirking
Lori shook her head as we waited for Carls response, after a moment we still hadn’t heard a response.
I turned my head to see him staring at a small group of baby chicks.
“They don't have a mother.” 
“She might be somewhere else.” Lori tried to ensure he didn’t worry. “Yeah, she might still be inside the coop.” I agreed.
“Maybe she got eaten.” Carl paused.
I turned to face Lori, who sat in shock, watching her sons every move.
Carl looked between the both of us, before continuing. “Everything is food for something else.” I tried to respond but was cut off by the door inside of the coop slamming shut, spooking some of the hens at our feet.
A twig snapped to the right of me, looking over I see Rick waking over to see his wife and son. 
“Morning (Y/n).” “Morning Rick, have you seen Shane?“ “He was out fixing a boundary fence, should be back soon.” He smiled, hugging Lori from the side. I nodded my head in thanks, before leaving the small family to greet one another.
The walk to the tent, was a short, boring one, looking around at my surroundings, my foot snagging on a branch that I could’ve sworn wasn’t there moments before.
“(Y/n)! Are you alright?” Andrea asked, rushing over.
“Im fine, thank you.” I nodded.
“I saw you trip.” “I’m okay, I didn’t even hit the ground, im a pretty good catch.” I softly joked. “I don’t think you should be joking around this is serious.” “So is shooting Daryl.” I shot back.
Andrea looked down, clearly upset.
“Andrea, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that… That wasn’t fair on you.”
“No, its okay. I mean I get it. I shot Daryl, and you’re pissed.” “It was an accident. Im not mad at you, thats was a defensive mechanism.” “So, are we good?” She asked.
I nodded, earning a smile from her, before she pulled me into a hug. “id be lying if I said I haven’t ever wanted to shoot him myself.” I laughed letting go from the hug, causing her to laugh along with me.
“Apparently we all have.” She chuckled.
“I was actually on my way to see Daryl, to apologise to him, give him this book.” She held up ‘The case of the missing man’.
“Thats a great idea. Does it have pictures?” “What do pictures have to do with it?”
“Don’t let him give you a hard time. He will complain, just tell him to suck it up.” I smiled.
“Are you coming to see him?” “I was on my way to see him, but I think it’s best if I let you go in alone.” “I can come back later.” “Andrea, it snow or never.” I smiled.
She sighed, before looking at me and smiling.
“Im going.” 
She turned on her heel and headed in the same direction I was before hand.
I walked further down and seated myself on one of the protruding tree trunks.
I leant my head back and let the warm breeze dance across my skin, softly moving my hair.
The peace and quiet was short lived however as two voices kept moving closer.
“Shh. Just trust me on this, okay?” I heard Maggie plead.
“But I suck at lying. I can't even play poker. It's too much like lying.” Glenn whispered.
“You have to keep this to yourself. You have to. Please.” She desperately begged.
I shifted my head, now watching Maggie leave a conflicted Glenn.
After a moment, Glenn looked around and hastily made his way to the RV with a basket.
A bribe maybe….
I waited for five minutes before moving, not wanting to alarm either party if they had returned or forgotten something.
Walking to my tent, I thought about the whispers between Glenn and Maggie, wondering if it was about the two of them sneaking around together, or if there was something more serious happening.
As I got to my tent I found it empty.
One of Daryl’s arrows sitting on the small mattress that we shared, next to the mesh which now had holes littering the bottom from the arrow.
I shook my head and smiled, he obviously would’ve been bored.
I left the tent, and started to search for Daryl or Shane.
Both of which can apparently turn the Greene farm into a game of ‘Where’s Waldo’.
I grabbed the keys for Shane’s Hyundai and made my way over to it, pretty quickly reaching the car, I sat in the drivers seat and started the engine.
I sat in the car and noticed Glenn and Lori at the camp fire visibly disagreeing over something, Lori, acting discrete as Glenn was pushing the subject, whatever it was.
“What is going on in this group?” I muttered under my breath.
I jumped as a loud bang sounded from the passenger seat window, which I wound down for him.
I held my chest as I looked at the culprit, Shane with a dirty smirk.
“What are you doing?”
“I was going to go for a run.” “And not tell anyone?”
“I was originally going to ask If you wanted to join me.” “I ain’t going with you.” He shook his head.
“Fine. Then don’t.” I smiled, putting the car in drive.
“Hey!” Shane exclaimed noticing my movement.
“Im going on this run Shane, with you or with out you, make a decision.” “Fine! I’ll come!”
“That’s what I thought. Now. Get in.”
The car moved when Shane opened the door, making sure to noticeably throw himself angrily into the seat, and slam the door, finally letting me start the journey.
“What is with the attitude?”
“Believe me, if you had a pain in the ass like you for a sister you have one too.” “I have you for a brother. I know the pain.” “Where are we even going?” He asked as we neared the gate.
“I overheard Beth and Jimmy talking last night after dinner, Jimmy had told Beth that there is a house on maple street that looked pretty, from what I could see on the map it looks like it’s ten minutes out.”
I stopped the car at the gate.
Shane, opening the his door and running to the gate to open it, letting me drive through to the other side, before he shut it again, getting back in the passenger seat.
“A house that looked pretty? That is a stupid lead.” He shook his head, turning to look at me.
“Shane, if it looks pretty, im assuming that there’s no walkers around, it could be an easy supply raid.” “What if its over-run?” “Then we deal with it like we would any other time.” “We.” He pointed between us both. “Aren’t dealing with it. I am dealing with it.” He pointed at himself.
I rolled my eyes at his antics.
“You do realise that I have a heart, internal organs, a brain and skin right? Im not made from porcelain.” “You’re my sister, who is carrying a foetus.” “Dont call it that.” “What do I call it then?”
“Tadpole, Bean, Nugget. I don’t care, just don’t call it a foetus.” “Nugget? What kind of name is nugget?” Shane laughed.
“Im not naming it nugget. Jesus Shane. Im not naming it Bean or Tadpole either. It’s just a base name we are going to call it until it’s born.”
“Have you thought of names yet?” “Are you really asking me that?” “Is Spartacus still on the list of names?” He laughed. “Oh shut up!” “Wait, wait, wait, my favourite was always Fabio.” He laughed harder than before. “Then name your kid that.” I hit his arm, laughing with him.
“I ain’t having kids. Especially not after you have your kid. Having that one around is enough.” He laughed.
“Come on, Spartacus needs a cousin, and it looks like you and Andrea are getting close.” I teased.
“Shut up.” He sulked.
“Oh, have I hit a nerve? Does Shane Walsh have a crush on Andrea?” “Seriously, shut up, focus on the road, or you’ll get us lost.”
I smirked and shook my head as we turned onto Bellman Parade.
“Keep an eye out for Maple.”
“Im not dumb.” “Clearly you are, Andrea is great.” I smiled looking at him, to get a death glare in response.
“Maple is the next left.” He stated.
I turned left onto what could only be described as a rich area.
“I doubt these houses would have supplies.” “Can you not be a negative Nancy, who knows what’s hoarded in these houses.” “Exactly! There could be a horde.”
I pulled over on the curb infant of one of the houses, all of which are deserted and look untouched.
“We will start at house 23 and search all of them, see if we can get anything useful.”
“We aren’t separating.” “Clearly.”
We both walked onto the front porch of house number 23.
Shane opened the door, holding out his handgun infant of him, whistling into the house, waiting for any sign of movement or danger.
We waited a moment before he lowered the gun, handing it to me.
“Try not to use it. The last thing we need is every walker within a mile to come.” “I know Shane, save bullets, im not stupid.”
“I know, im just telling you to be careful.” “I appreciate it, now you search the ground floor and I’ll search upstairs.” 
He nodded.
I started to sweep through the rooms, finding small bandages, weak pain killers and a few protein bars that I found in a lunchbox.
I looked over the railing to see Shane searching the cabinet in the living room.
“Any luck?” “Not much, a few bullets, handgun and a few cans of food. What about you?”
“A few bandages, some pain killers, weak ass ones and three protein bars.”
“Alright, let’s check the next house.”
“Okay, im coming down.” 
I noticed the draw string for the attic Hanging softly.
“Shane! Come up here for a second!” “Why” “Just hurry up!” “Okay, im coming.” He muttered coming up.
“Pull the drawstring down.” “Why do you want to go up into a creepy attic?” “What if they have a weapons box up there?” “It’d be extremely lucky to just guess there’s one.” He laughed grabbing it and pulling it down, the ladder slowly emerging from the ceiling.
Before the ladder had a chance to hit the ground, dust was crumbling from the opening.
I swatted the dust from my face and sneezed.
“Looks like you’re still a geek.” Shane snickered.
“Ow!” He pulled his arm back, rubbing where my fist connected with his arm.
I climbed the ladder and looked around the attic.
Boxes labelled from numerous festive seasons, to ‘dad’s trophies 1988’, to ‘home videos’ and ‘1967-2009 family photos’.
I stepped into the attic and ventured further into the dim space.
I began moving the boxes out of the way, searching in various ones to see what we could utilise.
“Any luck?” Shane called out from the ladder.
“Not yet.” I called out searching another unlabelled box.
I discarded the box to the side, the box hitting one of the chairs. 
A domino affect had spilt a few of the boxes, one of which had gardening equipment that had spread over the floor boards.
“(Y/n)! Hey! Are you okay?” I heard Shane and his heavy steps running in my direction. 
“Yeah. I’m good.” I breathed out
“I found these shears, hatchets, multi-tools.”
“If there’s any rope, grab it.”
“I know Shane.”
I look to my right noticing the extra pair of hands searching through the contents of the box.
“Let’s take what we have so far to the car.”
 I nodded in agreement, moving back towards the ladder.
We searched the next three houses and found various food cans, more medicine, even a first aid box that was filled to the brim.
The fifth house we entered, both the front door and the back door had been wide open.
“Might have a few neighbours.” Shane said as he walked onto the porch.
“Wait out here, I’ll go in and see what we’re dealing with.”
“What if-“ “I will handle it.”
I nodded and waited while Shane did a run through, entering the house when he gave the signal.
This house was empty, compared to the others.
“We will start on this floor, work our way up.” Shane nodded, entering one of the bathrooms.
On then entire ground floor we couldn’t find anything.
“We might have better luck upstairs..” I suggested, making my way up to the next floor.
“Maybe.” He agreed.
My hand reached out to the door in front of me and I lightly pushed it open, pastel pink and blue wallpaper came into view.
I walked into the room, finding dual cribs in opposite corners of the room, a few scattered plush toys on the ground, the walls were ruined with blood splattering along the wall nearest the crib at the window.
 A few photos discarded from a photo album that had been thrown around.
I picked up one of the photos and examined it.
A gorgeous blonde woman sat next to a handsome man, each holding a baby in their arms.
“(Y/n)?” I felt Shane tap my shoulder.
“Huh? Yeah?”
“Ive been calling out for 10 minutes. Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine. Sorry.” “What do you have?” “I just found this.” I paused and showed him the picture.
“I hope they got out safely.” I continued. “Im sure they did.” He took the picture and placed it on the shelf.
“I think it’s time to go.” Shane held my arm and guided me from the room.
We walked back to the car and stopped before getting in.
“Do you want me to drive?” “I got it.” I shook my head with a soft smile.
Series Masterlist Next Part 
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years
I used to write on tumblr since 2012, I used to write for Big Time Rush, One Direction, The Wanted, 5SOS, Austin Mahone, Cameron Dallas .. I’m pretty much old lol, then this miserable little pill appeared and kept on messing with my self esteem and confidence as writer (if I may call myself that) idk if it was one person or more but they kept coming harshly at me and my happy safe place pretty much became just like my reality that I’ve been escaping by being here *im dramatic af* but I just kept on going on hiatuses just so they can forget about me and let me be but that just never happened and I decided to stop writing at all, no one knows how it feels to hold back your imagination and lose all self confidence that I you can’t even trust yourself anymore to write something as simple as college essay!! It’s really hard to find another hoppy and it’s really hard to stop yourself from doing what you love fearing your own mind will let you and other reader down cause I’ll never be good enough so PLEASE never listen to anyone saying dumb shit just to get to you for whatever lame reason.
I’ve been writing fanfic since 2005-2006 though only came to tumblr in 2018. Whilst I have loved my time here, and it still is my preferred place to write fiction, it is the most dramatic place to post on. I’ve never faced so much criticism, ridicule or hate before on a public platform such as this. But even more so, I’ve never received such beautiful and kind support as I have here either. Anon hate is the worst, and comes with a lot of backlash if I respond to it. I’m often told I’m problematic because now and then I do respond to it and that I should just ignore it every time.
In the case of today’s message, it was totally harmless - to me - and I could have easily just pushed delete. I chose to reply because whilst I might have laughed, to someone else, that could have been the start of them giving up writing which NO PERSON ASIDE FROM YOURSELF has the right to pressure you into doing. However, sometimes I get really awful messages to the point that I’ve considered deleting this blog numerous times just to avoid the bullshit. Of course, I never do... because at the end of the day, it’s their problem, not mine. I know what my actions are, and if I make a mistake, I’m the first to stand up, apologise, educate myself on my mistake and move on. So for those who choose to be entitled or take their own hurt out on others, I know it’s not my poor actions that have led them to do it.
But I am human, and I don’t have a thick skin. I do let things get to me too easily, and I know many writers who have also had attacks and felt uncomfortable from them. Whilst I might have laughed at today’s message, I have cried over some in the past. And yes, I’ll admit, I choose to have anon on. So therefore, I leave the door open enough for those nasty comments to come in. But for every anon hate I get, I can count many more kind and generous ones that make it worth it. 
Anon, reading of your journey broke my heart. How dare anyone target you like that so much that they take away your joy and love for something as creative and passionate as writing. Last year, I faced some of the worst feelings of my adult life from this website and I actually brought them up in therapy. I felt so stupid when I said them out loud to my counsellor, but she actually validated my fear, and pointed out my need for acceptance as a human was allowing me to treat myself really badly, because I was carrying around evidence that didn’t belong to me. Anon, it sounds like you too, after becoming hopeless from your situation - and rightfully so, that sounds so soul-destroying - are carrying around evidence that isn’t right. These people aren’t the ones holding your imagination hostage now though. Their treatment of you in the past has made you so reluctant to try again and I really hope you can break free from this! It’s taken me several months now to even feel comfortable with the idea of starting to let things go, and further, to allow myself to believe I’m a good person again. Cyber bullying is a real thing and can be very cruel... and I get so upset when people tell me to just not let it get to me. Sure, I’d love to! But when you hear the same thing over and over... or if someone believes in something that isn’t true about you and carries that around as fact, it does become harder to navigate. Anon, I hope you have a really good supportive network that you can turn to and I also hope you can try and stop suppressing your natural love for writing. If you ever need someone to talk to and feel comfortable doing so, please don’t hesitate to message me. Thank you so much for feeling brave enough to share your story with me. That takes a lot of courage, and I’m so honoured you trust in me enough to share it. 
Whilst I get frustrated, hurt, cry, angry, and dramatic at times, I write because it helps me as a person. I value that writing has a huge impact on my anxiety and my personality as a whole and could never let anyone take that from me. If I ever stopped posting here, you best bet, I’d be still writing somewhere in this world. I really hope you can write even just for yourself again soon <3
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freddiesaysalright · 4 years
The Most Dramatic Season Ever - Week 8 - The Finale
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Summary: It’s your time now! You are ABC’s new Bachelorette and this is your journey! All these men (including our fav BoRhap boys and then some) are competing for your heart! Will you find love? Will you get engaged at the end? Or will you end up heartbroken? Find out, on the most dramatic season ever!
Word Count: 6.7K
Tag List:  @psychosupernatural, @someone-get-a-medic​, @bensrhapsody​, @deakyclicks​, @crazylittlethingcalledobsession​, @minigranger​, @crazyweirdocalledfriday​, @the-moving-finger-writes​, @assembledherethevolunteers​, @rose-writes-prose​, @queenlover05​, @moon-stars-soul​, @danadeacon​, @deacyblues​, @thesundrop​, @cupidben​, @lostlittlenerd​, @delilahmay39​, @timmvrphy​, @queenmylovely​, @loveandbeloved29​, @free-pool-trash​, @fairestkillerqueenofall​, @local-troubled-writer​, @babyalienfairy​, @littlecarowrites​, @allthethingsicant​, @im-an-adult-ish​, @mirkwoodshewolf​, @squishy-gay-astronaut​, @sherlollydramoine​, @butlegendsneverdie​, @dogmom2014​, @rocketrhap917​, @26-7-49​, @lelifesaver​, @frozenhuntress67​, @drowsebaby​, @mrhoemazzello​, @lookuptotheskiesandsee​, @seasidecrowbar​ If you’d like to be added, let me know!
A/N: Alright, Y/N finally chooses! The fic isn’t quite over because there’s still the After the Final Rose! Find out if Y/N is still happy since filming ended AND find out who the next Bachelor is!
Warning(s): This chapter features an anxiety attack. As well a bunch of mushy love stuff.
Night 1  Week 1  Week 2  Week 3  Week 4  Week 5  Week 6  Week 7  The Men Tell All
Week 8/Finale here we go!!!
The next part of the journey took you to the South Island, in Queenstown. It was a smaller city, but breathtakingly beautiful. Imagining yourself getting engaged here was easy. The hard part was who you imagined getting down on one knee. You felt like your heart was being torn clear in half between Ben and Joe. 
“I am in love with two men,” you said to the camera. “I had a feeling this is how the journey would go, but I didn’t think it was going to be this hard. I have really clear pictures of what my future would be like with each of these men, and I’m struggling...I don’t know what’s going to happen right now, and it’s really scary.”
Your accommodations in your hotel were stunning. You had a great view of the skyline. But it was difficult to appreciate knowing that the end was near and you were going to break someone’s heart. Maybe even your own. As you looked out over Queenstown, your stomach dropped at the thought.
After a day to recover from travel, you had your first date. It was with Ben. You were meeting him at a marina for a cruise around Lake Wakatipu. He beamed at you when he caught sight of you, and your heart soared. For a little while, you could just focus on him and not worry about this process.
“Hi!” you called as he reached you.
He picked you up into his arms and spun you around as you laughed.
“Hello, love,” he returned after setting you down.
Then he planted a kiss on your lips that told you just how much he had missed you.
“So today, we’re taking a relaxing cruise around Lake Wakatipu,” you told him. “It’s a beautiful day to be on the water.”
“It is,” he agreed.
The sun shone brightly, making the lake look like glass in motion. Ben took your hand and helped you onto the boat that was at the dock. The captain took you all slowly out of the marina before hitting the open water. Still, his pace was even and steady, since you and Ben were toward the bow, sitting on pillows, drinks in hand. 
“Cheers to a lovely day,” he said. “With the loveliest woman in the world.”
“Cheers,” you replied with a grin.
You kissed before taking your sips.
The lake was stunning. The water was a perfect, crystal shade of blue. The surrounding mountains were lush with foliage, still blooming from the summer warmth. The sun beat down, but there was a soft breeze to keep you cool. 
“So, tell me how you’re feeling going into this week,” you said after swallowing the crisp champagne.
“I’m feeling great,” he told you. “I think we’ve come such a long way, and...well, I love you, Y/N. That’s all I really can say. I’m not great with words.”
You giggled. “Ben, you’re fine. I love you too. I’m really happy with where we are.”
“You sure there’s nothing else you need from me?” he asked.
“Not a thing,” you said. “Just keep being honest and loving me, and I’ll do the same for you, okay?”
“You’ve got a deal,” he said.
You kissed on it. 
The rest of the cruise was beautiful. The New Zealand scenery never ceased to amaze you. And the fact that you were experiencing it with Ben made the vision all the sweeter. You had a little Titanic moment on the ship. His arms around you made you feel like you could remain in them always. Your future with him seemed as bright and limitless as the horizon. 
The afternoon came to a close and it was time to prepare for the evening portion of the date. As you put your makeup on, you found yourself thinking about Joe. Would your time with him be as pleasant and productive as Ben’s? If so, what would you do? If not, could you really let him go? You needed more clarity. 
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Ben: I’m in love with Y/N. I’m ready to propose to her. I know she’s the person I’m meant to love forever. I can’t put my finger on how I know it, I just...know it. 
You met Ben at his hotel room. His adoring smile greeted you before his arms did. You inhaled his scent for a moment as you whispered intimate hellos. Then he stepped back and allowed you inside. 
The room was decorated nicely. Candles lit across the surfaces. Champagne chilled and ready. It was all so perfect. You toasted to each other before sipping the champagne. 
“It looks nice in here, Ben,” you praised. “Is it always this clean?”
“I’m actually quite a tidy person, so yeah,” he chuckled. “Come on, let’s sit down and relax.”
You followed him to the couch, where he poured you each a glass of wine. You took sips and then set the glass aside to take his hand in yours. You tried to smile.
“So, tell me what you’re feeling,” you said. “Other than loving me.”
“I mean, I am nervous about later this week,” he said. “The thought of proposing to you doesn’t really scare me, but the fact that there’s someone else here who also wants that….that’s terrifying to think about.”
You sighed. “I know it’s scary, Ben, but this is all part of the process.”
“I know,” he said. “I know what I signed up for. But that doesn’t make it any easier. My heart’s on the line, Y/N. You’re the first woman I’ve ever really loved. You’re the only woman I ever want to love. You must understand why it makes me so uneasy.”
“I know, and I do,” you told him, interlocking your fingers with his. “I love you too. I’m struggling with this too. I want you to understand that you’re not alone in being scared and nervous. This isn’t any easier for me.”
“We are both struggling, but in different ways,” he said. “I know you don’t want to hurt me or Joe. You’re an incredibly kind person - it’s one of the things I admire most about you - but you were right when you said it’s part of the process.”
You nodded. “I’m sorry you’re hurting.”
“I’m sorry you are,” he returned.
“At least we have each other,” you tried to joke.
He let out a small laugh, but then looked seriously at you.
“Look, Y/N, this process is not something either of us really thought would be this difficult,” he said. “But no matter what happens - good or bad - I will always be grateful to have met you.”
You held his eyes as your own began to shine with emotion.
“You’ve shown me what it is to really fall in love,” he said. “And I know you understand how special that is.”
A tear slid down your cheek and then he gathered you up in his arms, pulling you onto his lap. He held you there for a long moment. Neither of you spoke, weighing the gravity of the situation. Because the next time you saw each other, you would either be getting engaged or breaking up. 
“I know you can’t promise me anything,” he said. “But I wanted to share what was on my heart. I love you very much.”
“I love you too, Ben,” you replied softly.
The rest of the evening was spent on lighter subjects. You were glad both your feelings were out in the open, and that you each understood how hard this was on both sides of it. Ben made sharing so easy, and you ached for a longer week. More time to explore what was there. But you also considered that would make things harder. You stood to leave, Ben’s hand still in yours as he walked you to the door.
“Good night, love,” he said.
“Good night,” you returned.
He placed a gentle kiss on your lips. His hand fell slowly away from yours. Your skin felt cold without the contact of his. Your eyes lingered on each other. 
Without another word, you turned and walked down the hallway. You heard his door click shut. As difficult as that conversation was, you were relieved you had it. Your heart was now looking forward to your date with Joe. There was a twinge of fear that Joe’s date would make your decision all the more difficult.
The next day,  you had your date with Joe. You were meeting him at Gibbston Valley Winery. It was a bright, sunny day, so the fields looked bright green and lovely. You grinned at Joe as he approached you, taking you into his arms and kissing you deeply. You hummed into it, feeling content and happy.
“Hi there,” you said brightly.
“I’ve missed you so much,” he returned.
“I’ve missed you too,” you assured him. “I’m glad we have this day together.”
“What are we getting up to?” he wondered.
“We are at Gibbston Valley Winery,” you told him. “We are going to take a tour and taste some wine.”
“Sounds like a classy day for me and my classy lady,” he joked.
You laughed. “Come on, you goof.”
Joe never failed to make you smile. Today, as he took your hand and led you inside, was no different. You found it easy to let go of your apprehensions and just enjoy your time with him.
Your guide first took you out to the field and showed you how they grew the grapes. They showed you how they collected them and juiced them before taking them to be fermented. They took you next to the wine cave, where there were barrels and bottles all over the place. It looked like something out of another world. Like the cellar of an old castle or something.
Your guide led you all through the “cave,” explaining how the wine was organized and how they chose which barrels were ready for bottling. When you got to the bottles, he had you stop, and he picked one up. It was a deep red wine and the label was blank.
“This bottle was finished today,” he said. “Remind me your names, and we’ll put it on the bottle to commemorate your special day.”
“Joe and Y/N,” you said.
The guide wrote it out in a surprisingly beautiful script across the label. 
“Before we cork it, would you like to try it?” he offered.
“Absolutely,” said Joe.
The guide grabbed two glasses, and poured about a gulp into each. You and Joe made a small “cheers” and then took the sip. It was smooth, fruity, and rich in flavor. It warmed you from the inside out, which made you think it was the perfect wine to be made for you and Joe.
“What d’you think?” the guide asked.
“It’s amazing,” you said upon swallowing. 
“I agree,” Joe added. “This is the best red I’ve had in a while.”
“Tell you what,” the guide said. “I’m gonna cork this bottle and save it for you. We’ll keep it until your next special occasion.”
“How sweet,” you said. “We’ll save it for our wedding.”
You looked at Joe and beamed. An expression he shared. 
“We’re looking forward to it,” the guide said. “I’ll go take care of this, you two head to the bar, get something to drink, have a chat, and good luck to you.”
“Thank you,” Joe replied.
The guide took your glasses with him to be washed, and you and Joe headed over to the bar. You ordered two glasses of wine and then went back outside to enjoy the sunshine and the view. Joe pulled out a chair for you at one of the tables and you sat across from each other. He offered his hand, which you took.
“I like learning stuff like this,” he said. “It gives me so many ideas for the restaurant.”
“I bet,” you said. “You guys sell beer and wine there, right?”
“Oh yeah,” he said. “Although, our wine is always Italian given the nature of the place.”
You giggled. “That’s right.”
“Never tell my mother this, but I think New Zealand wine is just as good,” he joked.
“Your secret is safe with me,” you returned. “I’ll never tell Virginia what a traitor her son is.”
He feigned offense before sipping his wine with a soft smile.
“Are you really into wine?” you wondered.
“I love wine,” he said. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I also love sharing a cold one with the boys or whatever, but there’s a sort of romance to wine that I really like. My dad once took the whole family to Rioja to see the wineries out there, and I gotta say, it was amazing.”
“Rioja?” you questioned. “That’s in Spain.”
“I know, we were making an exception,” he said with a shrug. “We’d already seen a few in Italy.”
“Your mom told me about some of the trips you all used to take,” you said. “I thought it was amazing that your parents shared experiencing the world with you and your siblings.”
“It’s definitely something I want to do with my kids,” Joe said.
“I gotta tell you, Joe, a future with you is so clear to me,” you blurted out. “I see it. The marriage, the kids, the house, life at the restaurant. God, it’s as clear to me as your face right now.”
“How does it make you feel?” he asked.
“Happier than I even knew I was capable of feeling,” you said.
“If you let me,” he said, holding your gaze. “I’d like to make you feel that way every day for the rest of your life.”
You sucked in a sharp breath, but didn’t look away. There, in his eyes, you saw the promise he was making to you. Joe was telling you that you could expect a proposal from him. You struggled to form a response. You could not yet promise him acceptance of a proposal. Happy as you were here, there was still Ben, who mattered a great deal to you.
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Joe: What Y/N and I have is so amazing. I love her so much. I just want to get down on one knee and propose already! Right here at the winery, I don’t even care!
“Joe,” you said through a sigh. “I love you.”
It felt like a meek response considering the implications of his statement. Even so, he smiled.
“I love you too,” he said. “I didn’t mean to put you on the spot or anything. I just want you to know where I’m at.”
God, he read you so well.
“I’m glad to know that,” you said. “I wish I could tell you where I’m at. I feel really confused right now…”
“I know that you are facing an impossible decision,” he said. “Just do whatever it is you need to do to figure out what is going to make you happiest. I’ll support you one hundred percent.”
“Thank you,” you said.
“Now, let’s relax, enjoy the wine, the sun, and each other,” he said.
You smiled and agreed. As you looked at Joe in the low afternoon glow, you saw everything you had ever wanted. Passion, fun, kindness, family. Joe was all of these things and more. As if sensing your desire to be closer, he leaned over the table and kissed you. Everything about Joe, from his words to his deeds, promised you the life you had always dreamed of.
When the time came for the evening portion, you met Joe - like you had with Ben - at his hotel room. His suite was similar to Ben’s but with a different layout. There were fewer candles and more items a bit askew, but it was still neat.
As you snuggled up together on his couch, your mind felt uneasy. You needed to know more about how he was feeling about the following day. The big day.
“Joe,” you said. “Aren’t you a little nervous about tomorrow?”
“Of course I am,” he said. “It could either be the best or the worst day of my life. But I don’t want to complain to you, when it’s you who has the big decision to make.”
“You can complain, I wanna know what’s going on in your heart,” you said. 
“Okay,” he said simply. “I’m scared sh*tless that I’m going to find out tomorrow that as great a relationship as we have, things are better with him. That as much as you see our future, you prefer the one he can give you. That as much as you love me, you love him more.”
You opened your mouth to dispute each statement, but closed it again.
“I know that this is what it is,” he said. “Of course I’m afraid. But those fears are the same as any other relationship. You take a risk when you fall in love. I’m fully willing to put my heart on the line if it means even the chance of having you forever, Y/N.”
Tears stung your eyes. Your heart was beginning to break because suddenly the choice before you was so obvious. You wanted Joe with every part of your being. But that meant you were going to have to break Ben’s heart. And just the thought of it was about to crumble you.
“I love you,” you told him again.
You took his face between your hands, sat up on your knees, and rested your forehead against his. You both closed your eyes as you breathed in this moment.
“I love you,” you said again, this time in a low whisper.
“I love you,” he breathed back.
You could not tell him that you were choosing him, and this was a very serious rule, so you tried to convey to him some assurance through your touch. You just hoped he felt it.
You did not remain with Joe much longer. You needed to get some rest before the big day coming in the morning. He walked you to the door and hugged you for a long moment. He thought he felt you reassure him, but a small part of him still feared you would not choose him. So he held you a little longer. In case it was the last time.
“Good night,” you said.
“Good night,” he returned, pressing his lips to your forehead.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” you said.
“Tomorrow,” he said.
You kissed once more, Joe’s lips lingering just slightly. Then it really was goodnight. How you ached to tell him not to worry. But you couldn’t. 
You started down the hall, and your mind went to Ben. You couldn’t imagine the look on his face if he showed up tomorrow with a ring and tried to propose. It would be too hard for Joe to follow up and for you to enjoy that moment. To protect Ben and yourself, you looked at your producer, Laurie.
“I need to speak to Ben,” you said. “Tonight.”
She blinked. “You’ve made your decision?”
“I have,” you said. “I can’t put him through a proposal. Not when he’s already given everything.”
“Okay, let’s go to his room,” she said. 
Heart pounding, you led the way down the hall to the elevator. Ben’s room was two floors below Joe’s. But upon reaching the elevator, you found you couldn’t be still. So, you headed to the stairwell instead. You began to rush down the stairs, desperate to reach him and get the hard part over with. Light as your legs felt, your heart felt like lead. It was crying out already with the wound it knew was coming. 
Two flights down. You hardly noticed the crew around you as you swept down toward that dreaded doorway. You reached it and came to a dead stop. For some reason, you stood there frozen. All you had to do was knock, but you couldn’t even lift your fist to do it. 
“Y/N?” said Laurie gently. “Are you sure this is what you want to do?”
You nodded slowly. “It’s going to be hard.”
“Yes,” she said. 
“It’s going to be painful,” you said. 
“Yes,” she repeated. “If you want to wait until tomorr-”
“No,” you said firmly. “I’ve already taken his first time being in love. I will not also rob him of his first proposal.”
Resolute, you finally rapped your knuckles against the door. You heard his footsteps approaching and you swallowed hard. It was difficult since your mouth was rapidly going dry. 
“Y/N!” Ben gasped with a smile when the door disappeared and was replaced with his form. “What are you doing here?”
“Can we talk?” you asked.
You met his gaze, and he saw the trouble in your eyes. His brow furrowed. 
“What’s the matter?” he questioned. 
Tears were threatening to overwhelm you. 
“Can we talk?”
“Sure, come in.”
He stepped aside and allowed you through the door. He followed you into the living area, but neither of you sat down. Ben braced himself, but he still was completely unprepared for the words that came out of your mouth. 
“It’s not you,” you sobbed. 
His whole body stiffened with the shock. Tears streamed steadily from your eyes, smearing your makeup, but you couldn’t think about that now. He opened his mouth as if to speak, but closed it again. You watched him through watery eyes. 
“I’m so sorry,” you went on, unable to bear his silence. “But I couldn’t let you go through tomorrow and start to propose when I could spare you some hurt by telling you now. I just - oh God, Ben, please say something!”
“I…” he trailed off. It was as if you’d punched him and he was still dizzy from the impact. “I dunno...I don’t...I am completely blindsided right now, Y/N.”
“I understand,” you said. “But I know where my heart is, and I didn’t want you to have to go through all this stuff to get ready to propose when I...I wouldn’t be able to say yes to you.”
“You told me that you’re in love with me,” he said, voice shaking. “Is that still true?”
“Of course it is,” you said. “Feelings don’t just vanish. But I just -” You paused to take a breath. “You told me that I’m the first woman you’ve ever loved. I am taking away the hope you had of only loving one person forever, and I hate that I’m doing that. But I couldn’t live with myself if I took away a  proposal from you. Words that are meant for the person you are really supposed to spend the rest of your life with.”
“Up until now, I was sure that was you,” he said. 
“I’m so sorry,” you said again, voice faltering below a whisper. “But I just can’t let you propose to me. I can’t. Not when I’ve already hurt you enough.”
He sniffled and a single tear escaped to slide down his cheek. 
“You’re sure?” he croaked out. 
“Yeah,” you replied. 
He sat down, leaning on his knees and buried his face in his hands. His shoulders shook as he wept, but he quickly rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands to stop it. It broke your heart. You had never seen Ben this emotional. 
“F*ck,” he choked.
“I hope you know that what we shared was truly...extraordinary,” you said. “I have cherished getting to know you and falling in love with you. I-”
“Stop,” he said, swallowing. “Stop. Just...don’t.”
Your bottom lip began to quiver again. “Don’t you want to talk about this?”
“Not if it’s just going to be that,” he said. He blinked and more tears spilled down his face. 
You took a deep breath to steady yourself.
“Is there anything I can say?” you wondered.
“No,” he replied shortly. “There’s nothing that will make this hurt any less.”
You sat down beside him.
“I never wanted to hurt you,” you told him. “Saying goodbye to you will be one of the hardest things I’ve ever done.”
“What changed?” he asked. “What made you suddenly so sure?”
“I just realized that...I could picture my life with both of you,” you said. “But he’s the one I can’t picture my life without.”
Fresh tears rolled over his cheeks.
“I see,” he said. “So, it really is….goodbye.”
You nodded. Your heart was sinking. It was beginning to pick up speed again as it resisted letting him go.
“I’m so sorry.”
There was nothing else you could say, but the words still felt pathetic. You remembered how it felt to be rejected like this, and nothing - nothing you said could make it okay. 
Suddenly, he pulled you into a tight hug. His large hands clutched your shirt as he held you impossibly close. He buried his face in your neck. You slowly coiled your arms around him too, your fingers finding his hair and combing through it. This was the last embrace.
As he began to pull away, he kissed your cheek. Your eyes fell closed to the feeling of his lips once more. Out of loyalty to Joe, neither of you went for a proper kiss. You looked into his eyes - those lovely green eyes, even red and puffy - one last time.
“Goodbye, Ben.”
On unsteady feet, you rose. Slowly, your hands slipped out of his. Each step toward the door had your chest tightening with this hurt. You were going to miss him terribly. But you didn’t stop. You barely remembered opening the door and the trek down to the lobby. Awareness hit you all at once when you stepped onto the sidewalk and into the cool night air.
Your heart was beating wildly, as if trying to escape the tight confines of your chest. Your fingers began to feel numb. Your brain felt hazy and your lungs were constricting. Hot tears spilled some more down your face, and you felt them intensely. You let out a wail.
“That was so hard!” you cried. “Oh my…”
You tried to take a breath but couldn’t. Your body screamed in protest at the idea of stepping any further onto that pavement and away from Ben. You clutched at your chest, begging it to open up again.
“I can’t do this,” you wheezed. “I can’t breathe…” Your vision was beginning to blur.
“Y/N?” Laurie said, eyeing you with concern.
“I can’t breathe,” you struggled to say again. “I can’t…”
Laurie’s face disappeared behind your eyelids as you dropped to the ground.
“Y/N!” Laurie cried. “Oh, God, someone call an ambulance!”
There was a medical team that ABC had on hand, and they were the first to arrive. You were swimming in and out of consciousness, but they couldn’t manage to get you fully aware. They called for an ambulance from one of the local hospitals and just as they arrived, your eyes were fluttering open.
“Joe,” you muttered, because that was all you could think of that you wanted.
“Just relax, Y/N,” said one of the medics. “You’re still out of it, we’re going to take you to hospital.”
“Joe,” you said again, noticing how dry your throat felt.
“Who’s Joe?” he asked Laurie.
“One of the guys,” she said. 
“Is he allowed to come with her?” he wondered.
Laurie shook her head. “Afraid not.”
“Okay,” he sighed, and you thought you saw him roll his eyes. “Sorry, Y/N, but he can’t come. You’re gonna see him again soon, okay? Once we help you.”
You nodded, trying to relax as they loaded you into the back of the vehicle. 
Joe couldn’t sleep. He was too nervous about what was coming. His conversation had been good with you, and he’d felt your connection so strongly before you left. He hoped that meant you would choose him. But he couldn’t be sure and that was what scared him. Finding no rest, he got out of bed. He went into the little kitchenette of the suite and fetched some water. Outside, he saw the flashing lights of an emergency vehicle. He peeked out, but couldn’t see what was going on. He watched it speed away and he hoped whoever was inside would be okay.
Just as he set the glass in the sink and headed back toward the bedroom, there was a knock on the door. Brow furrowing with concern, he went to open it. He was shocked when he saw Chris Harrison standing there.
“Hey, Chris,” he said. “Everything okay?”
“I’ve gotta catch you up on some things, man,” Chris said. “Can I come in?”
“Yeah, sure,” Joe agreed, and he stepped aside.
As they went to the living area, Joe turned some lights on. Then he and Chris sat on the couch.
“So, what’s up?” Joe wondered.
“Y/N is at the hospital,” Chris said.
“Woah, what?!” Joe cried. “Is she okay?! What happened?!”
“She passed out,” Chris explained calmly. “From what the medics said when they looked at her, it was a severe anxiety attack paired with dehydration that caused her to faint. But she was just coming around when they took her.”
“An anxiety attack…” Joe said. “Because of tomorrow?”
“I imagine so,” Chris replied. “It looks like she’s gonna be fine. I’m sure the weight of this decision just overwhelmed her.”
“I get it,” Joe said. “It’s a big decision. Will she be staying in the hospital overnight?”
“We’re not sure yet,” Chris said. “We’ll let you know as much as we can, as soon as we can, okay?”
“Okay,” Joe said. “Thanks for telling me.”
“Of course,” Chris returned. “Try to get some sleep. And I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon for the big day.”
“Night, Chris,” Joe said.
“G’night, Joe.”
Chris showed himself out. Joe was rooted to the spot where he sat. The crew got set up around him to do an interview.
“How are you feeling, Joe?” asked his producer, Lucy.
“After hearing all that,” Joe said, voice cracking with emotion. He looked up into the camera to reveal tears in his eyes. “I’m beginning to wonder if Y/N is really ready for this.”
He took a long, shuddering breath, and he blinked back the tears.
“Excuse me, I can’t do this right now,” he said shakily.
He got to his feet and walked straight to the bedroom, closing the door on the cameras. No one was certain what the morning would bring.
You woke to the sun shining brightly in your room. Only, it wasn’t  your hotel room. You were in the hospital.
The previous night’s events began to return to you. Your marvelous date with Joe, the heartbreaking goodbye with Ben, and then the feeling of suffocating before everything went black. You vaguely remembered asking someone for Joe, but you couldn’t remember their face or who it was. You looked to your right and saw Chris Harrison asleep in the chair next to you. As much as you adored Chris, you had kind of hoped to see Joe. Then you remembered you couldn’t see Joe because you were getting engaged to him later today. You smiled.
“Chris,” you said, voice a little hoarse.
He stirred and opened his eyes. He smiled gently at you.
“Hey, Y/N,” he said. “How are you feeling?”
“Fine,” you said. “What happened?”
“After they ran some tests, the doctors confirmed it was an anxiety attack and dehydration,” he said. “They kept you overnight to hydrate you, but you should be okay to leave this morning.”
You nodded. 
“I told Joe about what happened to you,” Chris said. “But I didn’t tell him you had ended things with Ben, that didn’t feel like it was my place.”
“I appreciate it,” you said. “How’d Joe take it?”
“He was worried, of course, but I assured him you’d be fine,” Chris said. “He’ll be meeting with Neil Lane pretty soon.”
You beamed. Neil Lane was the ring designer. Your heart went out to Joe and you hoped that soon you would be getting ready to get that ring and the man of your dreams.
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Joe: I only slept about an hour and a half last night. But, waking up this morning, I feel better about things. I realized that Y/N is ready for this. The reason she was affected like that was because it matters so much to her. She wants this to work so badly. If I were in her shoes, I’d probably pass out too from the pressure. All I can say is that I’m ready too. I’m ready to propose and spend my life with her if she’ll have me.
Feeling lighter, Joe went down to the patio of the hotel. Waiting for him was an older gentleman with a briefcase. Joe grinned. He knew what was in there.
“Joe?” said the man.
“Yep,” said Joe.
“Hi, I’m Neil Lane,” the man said, and they shook hands. “I’m here to help you pick a ring.”
“Thank you so much,” Joe said.
They sat down at a table where the sunlight was good so Joe could really see the rings in all their glory. Inside the briefcase were three ring boxes. Neil opened each one and let Joe look at them. They sparkled and glittered.
“Which one catches your eye?” Neil asked.
“Honestly, they’re all kind of blinding me,” Joe joked. 
Neil chuckled.
“The one on the right is a classic oval shape,” he explained. “It’s three carats. The middle is a cushion cut with a twisted band for a unique shape. It’s three and a half carats. The one on the left is a pear shape, three carats. All rings are set in platinum, and have a halo for extra sparkle.”
Joe reached for the middle one. It had his attention throughout Neil’s explanation. The cut was classic, but he really liked the shape of the band. It was special, and unlike any ring he had ever seen before. The same as you. He pulled it out of the box and examined it closer. It was clear and beautiful. Also like you. He could imagine it on your hand from this day forward.
“I like this one,” he said.
“Good eye,” Neil praised. “That was my favorite too. I know she’ll love it.”
“It’s perfect,” Joe said. “Like her.”
He returned the ring to the box, plucked it out of the briefcase, and shook Neil’s hand again. Then he returned to his room to get ready.
You left the hospital and returned to your hotel about an hour after you woke up. Your team was rushing to get you ready. You had a stunning ivory colored gown they zipped you into while the stylists put the last touches on your hair and makeup. Then, you were going to Milford Sound for the proposal.
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You arrived first. Production had put together a stunning walkway out into the water where a platform sat just above the shallow water. There was a small stool there and on it was the final rose. You took a deep breath, appreciating the warm breeze and the smell of the beautiful nature around you. This was the place you would promise yourself to Joe, the love of your life, for all of your life. With that in mind, you took the first step forward.
Walking to the platform felt like it took years. You were so eager to see Joe and tell him the good news. It was just you and him from here on out. Eventually, you reached the end. You picked up the final rose and looked out over the water. The wind tossed your hair as you waited.
Joe arrived second. He stepped out of the car to make his way to where you were, but first, he met Chris Harrison.
“Chris,” he said with a smile.
“How are you, Joe?” Chris asked as they shook hands.
“Doing well, I’m excited,” Joe said. “How is Y/N?”
“She’s doing great,” Chris assured him. “In perfect health today.”
“Perfect,” Joe said.
“Have you thought about what you’re gonna say?” Chris asked.
“I have,” Joe replied. “I know what’s on my heart, and I’ll convey it to her the best I can. If I can remember it all when I see her,” he finished with a chuckle.
“Well, good luck to you, friend,” Chris said. “Go on ahead. Y/N is waiting for you.”
Joe’s feet felt like bricks as he started down the walkway. He came around the first curve and got a glimpse of you. You looked like something out of a movie. The way the breeze tossed your hair perfectly about your face. Your dress fluttered like a flower. The way you smiled when you spotted him almost made him crumple.
“Hi,” you said sweetly as he approached.
“God, you’re beautiful,” he replied, voice catching in his throat. “You’re so beautiful, Y/N.”
Your smile widened as you fell in love with him all over again. He took your hands in both of his. You gazed adoringly into his eyes.
“Y/N, I knew going into this journey that I was taking a risk,” he began. “A big one. But I never imagined how great the reward would be. I wanted to find love, but what I’ve found in you is beyond that. You have become not only my love, but my best friend. You are the first person I want to see when I wake up in the morning, and the last person I want to talk to before bed each night. A day without you is impossible to imagine. I love you more than I ever thought I could love a person. And I promise you, Y/N, if you let me, I will show you that love every day for the rest of my life.”
You blinked back tears as you smiled at him.
“Joe,” you said. “All my life, I’ve wanted one thing, and that’s a family. A partner who is as devoted to me as I am to him. A man who I respect, admire, and adore. And who makes me laugh.” You both giggled a bit at that. “You have shown me all of that and more. You make me feel so safe and secure, but also excited. You make me feel loved and desired. But you also make me feel like I’m a part of you. And we can be our own little family. I love you, Joe. And I only want to love you from now on.”
He laughed with relief and squeezed your hand.
“I guess there’s only one more thing left to do,” he said.
With that, he released your hand and sank down to one knee. You let out a delighted squeal as he reached into his coat pocket and retrieved a ring box. Then he opened it and presented you with the most gorgeous ring you had ever seen in your life. It was like something right out of your dreams. You gasped and clapped your hand over your mouth.
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“Y/N Y/L/N, will you marry me?” 
“Yes, Joe Mazzello, I will marry you!”
Both you and Joe were a mix of laughing and crying. Happy tears were leaking out, but neither of you cared. Joe took the ring out and slipped it onto your awaiting finger. 
“Oh my God!” you cried as you watched.
It fit perfectly. You grabbed Joe and tugged him to his feet so you could kiss him. His lips felt different because they were your fiance’s lips. His arms held you different because they were your fiance’s arms. All of him was different because he was your fiance. Just as you were his.
“I love you!” you cried when you parted.
“I love you!” he returned with equal enthusiasm.
“Oh, wait, there’s one more thing!” you gasped.
His brow furrowed with confusion as he watched you walk back over to the little table. He bit back a laugh when you picked up the rose. You returned to him.
“Joe,” you said, cheeks aching from how hard you were smiling. “Will you accept this rose?”
“Forever,” he assured you.
You giggled and pinned it to his jacket. Your ring caught the light as you did, and you could have squirmed with the thrill.
“Forever,” you repeated.
He took your face in his hands and started toward you for another kiss.
As you kissed him, you thanked the universe for this journey. As dramatic and tumultuous as it was, as often as you felt heartbroken and helpless, it led you here. To forever with Joe. The life of your dreams awaited you.
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