#sometimes a title simply comes to me like a fairy in the night
razzle-zazzle · 7 months
How do you come up with the titles for your fics? They're very creative!
This is a very funny question for me to receive, because the answer... varies. Prior to getting an AO3 account, I only really titled my fics if I had a good idea for a title; AO3 requires every piece to be titled, though, and a lot of them... did not come easily.
I have the easiest time with Whumptobers, as I just title those based on the prompt. Otherwise, I have to come up with the titles myself, and it's usually the first thing I think of that sounds good enough. I have two pieces titled "i don't even know" and "dormmates (idk what to call this)" respectively purely bc I couldn't think of a title for them, and then I have pieces where the title is some low-meaning jargon that vibed like "it's snow problem!" "tiny steps in the night" "eggs for one" and so on. So more often than not I'm scrambling to figure out some kind of title to satisfy AO3 and then leaving the piece untitled on tumblr bc it doesn't need one.
When it comes to naming AUs... yeah, that varies too. I had a lot of trouble coming up with a name for the Between AU because a lot of what I was coming up with (Bergen Branch, Bergen Brothers, etc) either felt misleading, incomplete, or didn't fit the tone quite right. So even though "Between AU" makes no reference to the fact that Branch gets to be Bergen royalty, it still works with Branch's character arcs in that AU as being caught between different worlds. Some of my AU titles end up being more literal or descriptive (Undead Acrobat, PN Rapids AU), and some get to be a little more poetic (Pearl & Seaglass, The River Runs Deep).
There is one series where I spent a lot of time figuring out titles; in fact, just a few weeks ago I had a category two brainrot event that witnessed me going through all the ice and ice-related Wikipedia articles + a thesaurus shifting some of the titles in If We're All for One World (the title of which is literally just a lyric from the show's theme song, lmao). And the names from that series don't all fit a cohesive theme! I just put them together based on the other pieces they could be themed with, and based on what served the story best! I do have a series where all the names follow a theme (Buried Beneath), but it's a loose theme of "earth-related" lmao.
tl;dr I pick names based on what works for the fic itself, but sometimes I just throw words together until I get something that sounds vaguely fitting, and sometimes the fic is part of a series where the titles have some kind of theme, but even then it tends to be loosey-goosey.
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Pillow Talk
Satoru Gojo x FReader
18+ Minors don't interact
"Hey I have a question," you asked your boyfriend as you plopped yourself sideways on the bed facing him, while he mirrored you & mumbled a lazy, "Hmm."
"If you're given a choice, what would you do for a living?"
He titled his head sideways as he thought of an answer. Nobody has ever asked him this question. He's Gojo Satoru, the strongest sorcerer of his age, of course he is expected to use his powers for greater good.
"I never really considered that. Probably a streamer? Or a sports coach? Or maybe I'd still be teaching... You know, college, probably, " he answered, "What about you?"
"I'd like to be a musician or a kindergarten teacher. Either way, I think I'd be nice to live a normal life," you said a bit too whimsical, as if it's a fairy tale, "Normal clock in & out, normal dates without worrying of curses or being called to subdue curses, sleeping soundly at night... Must be really nice."
"True," he agreed, "I can relate to that."
"Sucks to be you sometimes, you know? Even if you rarely tell me about it, I van only imagine the pressure of being called as The Strongest," you spoke softly, as you played with his slender fingers, "I wish the higher ups would also see you as a human being, not as a weapon."
He smiled at your genuine words. That's what he love about you - your sincerity, kindness, grit & loyalty. It is true that he usually keeps it all to himself, not being a burden to others, but you just bulldozed your way in & snatched some of the load from his shoulders. Yes, a normal life sounds nice, but he thought it's not worth it if you're not by his side. You eased up his loneliness, stress & pressure simply by being there.
"Hey!" You threw a pillow at him, interrupting his thoughts, "You've been quiet for some time, come on, it's just a question. You know it's far from our reality."
He tackled you & caged you in his strong arms, making you laugh hysterically as he peppered you with kisses on your face, neck, cheeks.
"You & your million dollar questions," he poked your nose, "Baby, you know that I'd do anything for you."
"I know," you smiled against his lips, "I know. And I don't want to lose you for that normal life shit. It's just a thought because Kento left the jujutsu realm to be a salary man, so it got me thinking."
"Hey, no thoughts about another man while with me on bed," he pouted.
You held his face his your hands, kissing the tip of his nose, "Nobody is good for me, except you, Satoru."
"Yea I'll see to it that I'll ruin every man because I'm the only one who makes your toes curl," he dived for a hot, passionate kiss, as you wrapped your legs around his waist.
"Maybe I can be one of your college students," you teased, making him even more turned on.
"Fuck I can only imagine," he groaned, his member turning into a rock solid state, "You & me, in a classroom, with your small skirt hiked on your waist as I fuck you on my desk, damn."
"I can still fit in my highschool uniform..." You said suggestively.
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yandere-wishes · 3 years
A Story Told In Maybes  {Part #1}
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🗡️Yandere! Enma Yuuken x reader
🗡️Summary: Enma Yuuken lives on the fine line between "Hero" and "Villain" but his story will never end in a "happily ever after" or a "tragically ever after" it will only end in Maybe...
🗡 Edited by the amazing @tealyjade-libran
🗡️ Alternative title: How many times can Genie use "Damn" in a story...
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Maybe in some other world, they could have been lovers
Imagine that...
picture it as vividly as a fresh stab wound to your heart. Sketch the vision of a red waterfall carrying away your life. 
Now picture two people. A young man and woman, sitting on a park bench, holding hands and laughing, inching closer and closer. 
Imagine love, happiness, tranquility...
But those things only exist in fairy tales. And his life was most certainly not a fairy tale. 
They were foreigners, outsiders, aliens. Banished into a strange land were twisted fairy tales, roamed the earth. Where magic and mischief came as naturally to the inhabitants as breathing. Where nothing mattered, because nothing was. Everything is and thus it isn't. Nothing made sense, and sometimes, in some rare moments of stolen repose, Enma Yuuken was scared that nothing would ever make sense again. 
All of it, every microscopic thing about this 'new world' was wrong, abnormal, twisted. 
Everything except his traveling companion. Another lost soul as disjointed and out of place as he was. Another ghost trying to survive in this matrix of a so-called reality. 
There was no shock initially, no surprise in not being the only normal creature to be transported to this bizarre world. Enma knew full well that he wasn't special in any way. Another foreigner being here was one of the few things that actually made sense. 
But as the old expression goes, everything comes at a price. 
Someone else just like him being here, being stuck in this nightmare, made sense. Yet the price of logic was a thread of hysteria that had woven itself deep within his battered heart. A maddening sense that gripped his lungs, robbing them of breath. That picked off pieces from his tattered mind, replacing them with clear cutout thoughts of her. It was always only her.
His companion in this broken world just had to be you. A frail, naïve little girl with no sense about her. Some pretty-girl protagonist straight out of the pages of Shojo Beats. The kind of girl who finds her happily ever after no matter where the hell she is. 
Yet he did not have that luxury, his life was dictated by a series of maybes and could bes. He was a secondary character at best, a background shadow at worst. With no purpose other than smiling and waving. And listening to the protagonist weep about their love-driven woes.
Some days, when the dreary bell chimed for the last time, when the students marched back to the solitude of their dorms, Enma would wander around the halls, squirming in his own misery. Pondering why, oh why of all the people, in all the towns, in all the worlds, did you have to be the one to wind up in this grim land along with him. 
Why fate always had to be so cruel, so domineering, thinking it knew better than the people whose miserable lives it toyed with. He wanted to be your lover, your prince, yours. But what would a guy, who doesn’t even belong in this backward world, have to offer some heroine-type sweetheart? 
The Ramshackle’s flickering porch light glows in the distance. Like a dying star beckoning him to a destroyed paradise. He knows what's waiting for him behind the worn door. He knows you'll be there standing by the cracked dinner table, laying out days-old sandwiches for dinner, while Grimm rangles with an expired can of tuna. He knows you'll smile with tears in your doe-like eyes as you retell the fables of your endeavors. Telling him in great detail how the so-called king of beasts overpowered you in the school garden. How the King of poisons stole yet another kiss. The tales go on and on. Never-ending, never stopping, never giving him the chance to scavenge the fragments of his shattered heart.
You play your role so damn well. You know how to be the damsel in distress, the poor thing in need of saving. It's repulsive, disgusting...but only because he doesn't know how to be the hero that you need. 
If he was being honest -something he rarely did nowadays- Those "prefects" were the root of all his problems. They were the evil that made this dark world an endless horror. They'd been the ones to drive him into the "caring older brother" role. They had twisted his hand, leading him to the role of the "side-hero" like a lamb to the slaughter. Made him into a prince charming in a world that ate princes alive and spat them out once more. 
They had sealed his fate with a few insults and loaded threats. With just a few longing stares overflowing with lust and envy. They were villains, in a world that celebrated sinners. A world that cheered when the dragon steals the princess and rejoices when the evil king sits upon his skeleton throne. They were villains in every dreadful sense of the damn word. 
It's hard to be in love when all odds are against you. 
When your fate binds you into one role with no way out.
Like a rabbit hole made of quicksand. It dragged him deeper and deeper into intimate madness.
Maybe in some fair world, those leeching villains could keep their greedy blood-drenched hands off of you.
Maybe in a world where the sun never dies, you could bring yourself to love him.
Maybe he could have been the love interest, maybe, maybe, maybe.
It's always only MAYBE!
"Welcome home Nii-san," 
It's a sweet greeting that ties his guts into ribbons. His hands grow damp as his heavy eyes stare into yours. His lips curl into a painted smile, shielding you from the pain that's clawing in his stomach.
His voice cracks and croaks like a dying frog. His lips feel abnormally dry and his eyes sting as if they've been pierced by diamond daggers. His steps are heavy as he plops down in his seat. The weight of his worries pulled him down harder than gravity ever could. He watches you through tried, restless orbs. Watches as you waltz over to your seat and sit down with the half grace of some future queen to be. It's bitter, dreadful, leaving a sickly toxin-like taste in his mouth. The mere thought that someday one of those, sinners, will take your hand and drag you to some kingdom far far away makes Enma want to claw his brain out with his bare nails. 
Enma's focus shifts over from his traveling companion to the silver-coated fireball licking his paws. Grimm's teal eyes scan him nervously before he offers a nervous smile, a rarity for the narcissistic cat. He's usually so talkative, so boasting, there was never a moment of tranquility with that cat around...
It takes a moment. A steel coated moment before the gears in Enma's head begin to turn. Before he can place his finger on the heavy abnormality weighing down the atmosphere. His nerves jolt to life, leaving a freezing sweat behind their trail. The room is spinning like a ballroom floor. Something's off, something big and obvious and hidden and...
It's your sweet voice that breaks the tension creeping into the air. Melodic and luscious just like the sensation of a blissful dream. The room freezes in its tracks. The heavy atmosphere melts away like a cube of ice. Normality has one foot through the door. Behind it, hope and tranquility peek their heads through the tiny gap.
 Maybe just maybe everything is alright. Maybe it's just him, his stress and anxiety are starting to play cruel jokes on his wonder mind. Maybe he's just going mad. Yeah, that's the sanest conclusion to draw from all this. 
Enma cranes his neck to the side to get a better view of your face. Distress is scribbled all over your skin, like pristine razor cuts. You shift around in your seat, clawing at your uniform skirt as if the midnight black fabric is cutting off your circulation. Your fingers nudge the entrance to your pocket fiddling with something he can't quite make out. 
His voice is low, shaky, as he replies. The unusualness of the situation has him on edge. Nervous to the bitter bone. Maybe he was wrong, maybe his nerves were right to be wary of whatever this was. This uncertainty permeated the air-tight room. 
"What is it?" 
Slowly you drag out a white envelope flooded seven times over from your pocket. You stretch out your hand placing it in between his fingers. Enma throws a passive look at the note, his nose wrinkled up at the familiar scent that pervaded from the paper. 
"What's this?" 
It was rhetorical, asked out of dull, morbid courtesy. This time he didn't bother looking at you, in fear of seeing you look -lord forbids- gleeful. 
"A love letter, Grimm found it in our locker after class." 
There was a pause, lengthy, nerve-wracking, heart wrenching. Yuuken could hear the way your breath hitched in your throat, he could almost feel the excitement radiate off your body. 
"Can you believe it Nii-san? Someone actually left me a love letter!"
It hurt it really did, this time his heart didn't shatter. It simply broke, in two or three or maybe four. Who knows, who cares.  They had escalated from simple harassment and unsightly displays of public affection to leaving you love letters. How ungodly, how absurd, how brave...
He laments, eyes tracing over the fog of his breath as it wafts through the musty room. He wants to rip that damned piece of paper, shred it into millions so the words become ineligible, so you'll never read those horrible words again. So you'll forget that some damn fool other than him can actually love you. But he doesn't, he has too much self restraint and too much respect for his dear "little sister" to actually do it. 
His arm stretches over the table, skin illuminated by the dying candle on the center. He places the letter back safely in between your fingers. His eyes meet yours for only the second time that night. He takes in your face, Committing every piece of it to his miserable memory. The heartily glow in your crystal eyes, the faint schoolgirl smile dancing across your lips, the rose blush kissing your cheeks, the way the candle illuminates your skin, wrapping in a sparkling glow like the princess from those tales of old. You're mesmerizing in every way, it would be reasonable for other men to notice your elegance. No wonder those "prefects" were drawn to you so naturally like moths to a golden flame. 
"Who sent it?" 
His voice comes out like a block of ice, shielding away any and all his stray emotions. He doesn't want to know how doleful he is, he just can't have you taking pity on him. 
Your smile fades ever so slightly, your brows draw closer. Confusion is etched on your face. You haven't got a clue. 
"Well...I'm not sure, but they did say to meet them at the school gates when the clock chimes twelve."
Oh, joy, another fairy tale reference. It's comedic how fairy tales have begun to dictate his life. Everywhere he turns there's a grim tale awaiting him. Yuuken spares a quick glance at the crooked clock hanging by a loose thread. It’s a minute to midnight. 
"I should come with you" 
It's not a request but you take it as so. 
"No need to bother, I'll take Grimm, he could use the walk. He's starting to bulk up a bit"
"HEY! The great Grimm-Sama doesn't "Bulk up" He only gets more powerful!" 
Before the older male can protest, you're already halfway out the door. Grimm scurrying to follow you on all fours like a pesky rat. The door slams on your way out, leaving Yuuken alone with his morbid screeching thoughts. 
There goes the only good thing in his life. Into the arms of another. 
For a second he contemplates leaving you to fate, after all, who's he to disobey fate, go against whoever orchestrates this universe. But it's only a second, short lived and quickly died. 
Maybe he's a hero.
Maybe he's a Prince Charming.
Maybe he's a villain.
Maybe he's just some honorary older brother looking out for his kid sister.
Maybe, just maybe, he's your future lover;
and he'll be damned if he lets you slip out of hands. 
Enma's quick to grab his old practice blade from the overstuffed closet. It's not much, but it's all he has from the normal world, from his world. 
The door grates for the last time that night as he steps out into the cold midnight air. The stars blink in some sort of secret tongue, either warning him or encouraging him, he doesn't know. Nor does he truly care, for Enma Yuuken is done letting life and fate and villains decree his meaningless life. Here and now that's where he'll make his stand, he'll save you. Kiss you. Love you. Marry you. You, You, YOU
But there's still one nagging thought that screams inside his head as he dashes for the school gates. This world worships villains, prays at their feet, and hands them death and destruction on golden plates. And he's no villains, he's some sort of upside-down, in-between. Rotting alone in the border between Hero and Villain. By law of society, he's a reject, a useless foreigner, an alien, an outsider. 
and MAYBE he's already too late...
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Who wrote the love letter? Was it the head of the savanaclaw dorm or maybe the head of the heartslabyul dorm ? Maybe it’s the ever mysterious  Tsunotarou... 
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blossom-hwa · 3 years
hi hi hi!! for the drabble game, could I request a continuation of Stay (Changbin mermaid!au)?? I'm really curious about what happens next after the reader wakes up! Thank you!!
two mermaid aus in a row! I'm really happy you enjoyed that first changbin mermaid drabble anon, so I hope you like this continuation at least that much <3
4 year anniversary drabble game: send me a Stray Kids/The Boyz/Golden Child/Ateez member + a prompt (check out the post for ideas) and I’ll write a drabble for you!
Read the original drabble, Stay, here!
Title: Silver Song
Pairing: Changbin x gender neutral!reader
Word count: 1.3k
Triggers: cursing, mentions of almost drowning (nothing graphic)
When you wake up in the hospital the night after the storm, no one believes you when you say that something saved you from the crashing waves and the thrashing wind. Which, to be fair, is valid. If someone you knew started trying to say a guy with a fish tail saved you from drowning after the storm caught your boat, you'd probably write them off as hallucinating, too. You're not even sure you saw it correctly. It really could have been a hallucination.
But it felt real. Too real. There was nothing fuzzy about that flash of silver when your eyes opened just a crack as you hacked water from your lungs. The song you remember as you woke was clear, perfect, like nothing you've ever heard before, and you know you couldn't have come up with such a melody by yourself. It had to have come from someone else. The person who saved you.
At least, that's what you tell yourself when you step onto the empty beach, feet digging into the cool sand as you make your way to the spot where they found you. No one's here. Technically, you shouldn't even be here - only the fact that you're a marine bio student who's supposedly doing research got you in past hours. If your professor gets wind that you're abusing your lab privileges...
You swallow. That won't happen. You won't get caught. You're just going to be here for a few moments to look around and try to see if you can find anything that indicates what actually happened the night of the storm. You definitely won't be here for long, because there probably isn't even anything to find - you already feel kind of stupid, walking around the same damn spot looking for nothing -
Something flashes in the corner of your eye and you whip around just in time to see a spot of silver disappear beneath the waves.
That -!
Sand flies beneath your feet as you stumble forward. That was the same silver you saw when you woke up that night. You're sure of it.
It's gone by the time you reach the water's edge, but you stay there, staring at the craggy rocks jutting out a short distance away. You saw it. You swear you saw it - you weren't hallucinating -
"You aren't going to leave, are you?"
Something between a strangled scream and gasp leaves your throat and you almost fall flat on your back at the sound of the voice that isn't yours. It takes a moment for you to realize where it came from, but finally you see the eyes glittering above the dark waves, almost sparkling in the moonlight.
"Oh my God." You try to breathe, placing a hand on your pounding chest. "Oh my God, I -" One breath at a time. In, out. In, out... "You - I -"
Pale shoulders rise out of the water too, then a full torso. Your breath sticks in your throat as the person - creature - whatever - drags itself out of the water to sit on one of the rocks you were watching just minutes ago. Something long and silvery curls around the rock, shining under the stars and the moon.
A tail.
A fucking tail.
Too late, you realize how weak your knees have gotten. You almost fall into the sand. "What the -"
The glittering eyes only stare at you intently, the lips not moving to say a word. It's fine. You're fine with the silence, totally. One hundred percent. If anyone were speaking, you wouldn't even be able to process it because you're still trying to figure out what this person is -
A merman. A fucking merman. Torso of a human, tail of a very long fish. Like the ones you read about in fairy tales and stories as a kid and sometimes as an adult.
This isn't it. You take a deep breath and squeeze your eyes shut hard before opening them once more. The tail is still shimmering in the moonlight. Not a hallucination.
You decide to focus on the reason you came here before your mind actually explodes. "Did you -" your voice cracks embarrassingly, and you cough before you continue. "Were you the one who saved me? The night of the storm?"
The eyes blink slowly once, twice before the merman speaks. "Yes."
Oh, God, you really weren't hallucinating. That's the same voice as the one who sang the song, the melody still looping through your head like no tomorrow. "Why?" you manage to ask.
His eyes narrow and he stays silent for a lot longer than before, almost as though wondering whether or not to answer. You don't speak though, just wait, and eventually he opens his mouth again. "The winds told me to."
You blink. "The winds?"
"They speak to me."
Feeling almost foolish, you try to listen to the wind. You hear nothing but air rushing past your face. "I don't hear anything."
At that, the merman snorts. "Of course you don't. You're human."
Embarrassment floods your body. "So you hear it? As a..."
"Mer." His eyes bore into yours like he's staring into your soul. He very well might be. "Yes, I hear it. It told me to come here tonight."
Words come a little more easily now that you have questions to ask. "Why did you listen to them?"
"The voices of those claimed by the sea have never been wrong." The merman shrugs. "I don't make it a habit to question them."
That sounds a little weird, but you can't question it. You're here talking to a merman, after all. "Why did they tell you to come here?"
"Well, I gather it has something to do with you." The silvery tail flicks once, splashing water into the air. "Though I'm not entirely sure why the winds chose you, if that's what you mean."
Your head is spinning. Mer are real, one is speaking to you, the winds can speak, and they talked about you... "Oh," is all you finally manage to say.
Silence falls once again, with the two of you simply staring at each other for several minutes more. It's starting to feel a little awkward when the merman's tail splashes softly and he blinks. "Well, if there's nothing more to say, I'll be going," he says as his tail begins to uncurl from around the rock.
The words register just as he's begun uncurling his tail from around the rock and you realize he's about to leave. Something in you panics for no reason and instinctively, you open your mouth -
The tail stops uncurling. The merman cocks his head, dark eyes boring into yours. "Yes?"
You stammer, trying to come up with a reason for why you asked him to wait. Come on, brain, come up with something -
"What's your name?"
You feel very small under the eyes that narrow, scrutinizing you closely as though debating whether or not you're worthy of such information. You're about to give up hope when he finally speaks.
"Changbin." He says the name so softly you almost don't hear. "My name is Changbin." The guarded eyes turn cautiously curious. "What is yours?"
"Y/N," you say, thankful you didn't stutter.
"Y/N," he repeats, like he's testing the way it sounds on his tongue. It sounds surprisingly soothing, coming from his voice. "Well, Y/N, I have a feeling we may be seeing each other more often if the winds have anything to do with it."
Your eyebrows furrow. "What do you -"
Too late. The tail slips beneath the waves with barely a splash, leaving you with only a flash of silver and the memory of two glittering eyes to remember Changbin by.
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cacoetheswriting · 3 years
champagne problems, epilogue
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Epilogue: Nothing’s Gonna Hurt You Baby: The beginning of the end. A/N: chapter is titled after this song if you want to listen while reading. Word Count: 1.3k Warnings: brief mentions of alcohol consumptions, other than that just a big ball of FLUFF !
series masterlist
A/N: holy shit, this is the end!!! i had so much fun writing this little series, but it wouldn't have been the same without all of you reading, so seriously thank you! now, if anyone on the story taglist would like to be moved to my general spencer reid taglist just let me know, other than that i hope you enjoy this very last chapter!
Ever since you were little, you dreamt of your wedding day.
The elegant white dress you would wear, the way you’d style your hair, how your dream venue would look, the perfect guest list, the flowers, the track list, and of course, your husband to be.
You imagined he’d be handsome, a prince to accompany your dream of becoming a princess. You imagined he’d be smart, trustworthy, courageous, and caring. You imagined he’d be funny, make you laugh even when you didn’t want to smile. You imagined he’d be a great listener and have a heart of gold. And you imagined he would always put you first, no matter what.
Dr. Spencer Reid, your husband, was everything you imagined and so much more.
“I believe it was Paulo Coelho who once said, Love is just a word. Until someone comes along and gives it meaning.” All eyes were on Rossi, who with a glass of champagne in the air was delivering a speech he swore he hadn't prepared prior to this moment, “Now, when Y/N and Spencer broke the news and told the team they were finally tying the knot, I personally couldn't have been more thrilled.”
Everyone nodded along to his words as he continued, “And I think I speak for everyone gathered here today when I say these two are made for each other.”
Rossi glanced between the tables until his gaze finally landed on you and the brunette doctor beside you. “To the bride and groom. Cheers!”
“Cheers!” The gathered crowd erupted simultaneously, and what followed was the loud clinking of glasses.
You turned to face Spencer. The hazel-eyed man was already looking at you, a warm smile circling his lips.
“Cheers, my husband.” You lifted your champagne flute a little higher, as he chuckled lightly before following suit, “Cheers, my wife.” Without breaking eye contact, the two of you chinked your glasses together and took a sip of the bubbling liquid.
The evening slowly turned into night. Dozens of tiny fairy lights illuminated the venue, accompanied by the shimmering hue of the disco ball in the middle of the dance floor. Not a single body was sitting down. Everyone swayed to the music, rejoicing in the love which was so clearly floating in the air.
Spencer had his arms wrapped around you, the palms of his hands resting on your lower back. Your arms were around his neck, tips of your fingers tangling in the ends of his soft curls.
The song currently playing was quite fast, but neither of you were particularly keen on the comforting embrace ending - even though you had the rest of your lives to hold each other.
Next to the two of you, on your left, Emily and Tara were jumping around to the beat of the music, while JJ filmed them. Rossi and Will observed the spectacle with drinks in hand and loudly cheered the ladies on. On your right, Penelope was engaged in a dance battle with Derek - one she was undoubtedly winning. Matt, Kristy, and Savannah watched the pair in fits of laughter. And all of the kids ran circles around the gathered group, playing a game of tag with Luke.
“What’s on your mind?” Spencer questioned quietly, after noticing the look of contemplation gracing your features.
“Hmm... I’m just trying to remember the last time we were all together, and this... carefree.” You replied, meeting the ever so welcoming hazel gaze of your husband.
Spencer smiled softly at your response. “Well, we’re here now.” He simply stated, and you couldn't help but playfully roll your eyes.
“You know what doctor, for an extremely outspoken man, and one who seemingly possesses more knowledge than all of us here tonight, you can be very cryptic sometimes.”
“I have to keep a few things to myself, otherwise you'd loose interest in me.” He joked with a chuckle.
The comment earned him another eye roll. You moved one hand from behind his neck and lifted it in between you, curling all fingers inwards apart from the ring finger. His gaze travelled to the notion and the grin on his face widened, because he knew what you were about to say.
“I’m stuck with you now, forever and ever and ever, whether I loose interest or not.” You teased. Spencer’s hand found yours and he brought the finger to his mouth, before pressing a soft kiss to the ring.
“I wouldn't dream of being stuck with anyone else.” Spencer proclaimed, and proceeded to attach his lips to yours in a blissful exchange of breaths. The kiss was short and sweet. Similar to many you’ve shared before, yet different at the same time. Better almost, because he was no longer just Dr. Spencer Reid, he was your Dr. Spencer Reid, and you were now Mrs. Reid.
“I love you, my husband.” You muttered against his lips after pulling away. He smiled, “And I love you, my wife.”
Spencer spun you around once, causing a light giggle to escape you, before he pecked your lips again.
“May I steal her for a moment?” It was Luke who asked, appearing beside the two of you almost out of breath.
“The kids really wore you out, huh?” You teased as Luke smirked, “Oh definitely! Which is why I’d like a dance with the lovely bride so I can compose myself.” He extended his arm and you linked yours with ease.
Shooting Spencer a smile, you disappeared into the crowd with Luke. The doctor watched you for a moment, once again wondering how the hell he got so lucky, when his thoughts were interrupted by a clearing of the throat. He turned his head to find your dad also looking in your direction.
“She’s beautiful, isn't she?” Your dad asked.
“Extremely.” Spencer whispered back, loud enough for Anthony to hear.
The older gentleman shifted in his position, facing Spencer completely. “Thank you.” Anthony stated and extended his arms to wrap them tightly around Spencer. “Thank you for keeping an eye on her, son.”
“I’ll continue to do so for the rest of my life. Nothing’s gonna hurt her ever again, sir” Spencer replied, before quickly correcting himself, “Anthony.”
The older man chuckled lightly as he pulled away. He straightened his tie and proceeded to place his hands on Spencer’s shoulders. “I’ve wanted to say this for quite some time now.” He paused briefly. “Call me dad, son.”
The unexpected request caused the smile on Spencer's face to widen ever so slightly. He didn’t waste time to nod his head in agreement and with one last hand shake, he observed Anthony make his way through the bodies and steal you from Luke for a dance of his own.
Spencer’s heart soared as he watched you sway to the music. In this moment, he was glad he had an eidetic memory that would allow him to remember this sight forever. How filled with joy you seemed, and how ethereal you looked in your white wedding dress under thousands of fairy lights.
Your eyes locked with his amid the celebrating crowd. Amid the off-key singing and crazy dancing. Amid the drinking and loud cheering. Amid every single person that was currently partying between you and Spencer. When his hazel gaze found yours, it felt as if there was no-one else present.
And you were suddenly filled with immense gratitude for everything that has happened since you met the handsome doctor. Grateful for every single step which lead to this very this very moment. Grateful for him, for Spencer.
Your husband.
Today was like any other day.
You woke up at your usual time to the sound of your alarm. You had coffee, and a quick bite to eat while aimlessly scrolling through the social media apps on your phone. You showered, brushed your teeth, got dressed, did your makeup. And when it was time to leave, you walked out the front door locking it behind you, hopped in your car, and drove to work.
Today was like any other day. Except that it wasn’t.
Today wasn’t like any other day because while you carried out all of your menial morning tasks, you felt a great deal happier. Because you weren't doing them alone, and with Spencer by your side, you won't ever have to again.
You finally found your happily ever after.
A/N: from the bottom of my heart thank you for your continuous support and going on this journey with me. with love, mal. x
masterlist | series masterlist | series playlist
story taglist: @girloncorneliastreet, @haylaansmi, @rexorangecouny, @l0ve-0f-my-life, @obsssedwithjustaboutanything, @aperrywilliams, @sassy-hades, @rainsong01, @reverdevivre, @dracomikaelson, @softieekayy, @lunaofcrows, @andrewhoezierbyrne​, @blameitonthenight21, @lyl-26, @do-yr-research, @nazifa94, @stepsofthefbi, @chatterbug2-0, @calm-and-doctor, @halseysunset, @ellesgreenaway, @chipot-lol, 
tags not working: @radtwinkie
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tlou-1 · 4 years
Joel Miller x Reader (Home) - Chapter 18
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6| Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13| Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 TBA
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Chapter 18 - Joel pulls out all the stops for your second wedding anniversary (warning for smut and cuss words. There is also a bit of fluff) 
Songs mentioned from The Dance 1997 Fleetwood Mac Album 
The house felt quiet when you walked through the front door, you had just gotten back from an afternoon patrol and normally Bruce or Patrick would be at the door to meet you but nothing. 
“Hello… anyone home?” You call out hanging up your jacket and kicking off your boots.
“Don’t move, just stay where you are” you heard Joel’s voice call from upstairs. His loud footsteps soon follow, a smile on his face. He places his hands over your eyes and leads you from behind into the living room. When he removes his hands you can see the room was lit with candles, fairy lights strewed across the ceiling, a blanket placed on the floor and the film projector usually used in the church hall was set up in place of the tv. 
“Happy second anniversary” smiles Joel when you turn around to face him, you also have the largest smile on your face. You hadn’t been able to celebrate your first wedding anniversary together, you were pretty preoccupied with a four month old baby, but this completely and utterly made up for it. 
You press a quick kiss on Joel’s cheek before saying, “I should really go get cleaned up from patrol first”. Joel had already thought about this and leads you upstairs to where he had drawn a bath, he added some more hot water whilst you removed your clothes. He turns to leave you once you have climbed into the tub but you reach out for his hand, the water dripping onto his. “And where do you think you’re going?” You chirp. Joel smirks, “Scoot” he begins removing his clothes and climbs in behind you, your head resting on his chest. His hands alternate between running through the end of your damp hair and running up and down your chest, grazing your breasts as he did, you shivered as he did it which made him chuckle. “How is anyone supposed to relax with you doing that” you sigh, you actually felt completely relaxed but you couldn’t stop thinking about the feeling of Joel’s hand.
“I can’t help it” he whispers in your ear, “You know how much I love your breasts and every time I look down, they are staring me in the face”.
To toy with him you turn around to face him so as that he has a complete eye full, he rolls his head back and groans “Jesus woman” before pulling you in for a deep kiss. He trails him mouth and turns his attention to your exposed wet breasts, slowly licking and flicking your nipple with his tongue before wrapping his mouth completely around them. “We shouldn’t stay in here too long, you left the candles burning downstairs”. You can hear him huff, knowing you were right but there was the entire rest of the evening alone together. 
You dried off and changed into a one of Joel’s flannels before meeting him in the living room where he had everything set up. 
“So husband, what are we watching this evening?” You ask sitting down next to him on the blanket and picking up the wine he had poured for you both.
“Well it took a bit of searching but” he simply hit play and the film began. There was a roar of a crowd as the titles appeared, the bass of a kick drum started and a title appeared on screen, ‘The Dance, Fleetwood Mac, 1997’. Your head shoots from the screen to Joel who is smiling at you, “Is this real?” you ask and he responds with a nod. You had mentioned a few time that had only been to one concert in your life before the outbreak and it was a regret you had never seen more, you always wanted to Joel to sit and tell you about any music he had ever seen. You didn’t know a lot of Fleetwood Mac songs but that didn’t matter. You could see Joel tapping his foot to the beat of the song he called, “The Chain”. 
One of the women began singing this song, “time cast a spell on you but you won’t forget me. I know I could have loved you but you wouldn’t let me”. You turn to Joel, “She looks in actual pain singing those words”. He goes on to explain the man across from her playing the guitar was who it was about, that they had been together but split up and continued to write and sing about each other in the band. “The sounds of my voice will haunt you. You will never get away from the sound of the woman who loved you” the women sang the words directly across to the man. “Jesus” was all you could say, “right?” Joel agreed. You had heard music but to see someone sing like that on stage, well it was incredible, it was an incredible gift that Joel had given to you. 
The band start playing another song, this one you recognise. You get up on your feet, Joel Asks “What are you doing?” To which you respond by placing your hand out. He shakes his head and says “I ain’t dancing” before putting his hand in yours with a defeated sigh . He never could refuse you these rare requests. You both slowly sway to the sound of Dream playing in the background, you feel Joels slightly damp hair on the side of your face and inhale the clean smell. “God I get so scared sometimes” you whisper.
“What about?” He asks as you continue to dance, you hold him a little tighter as you answer “How much I love you, it can be terrifying. I literally feel tied to you, like there is a little string between us that is knotted to us both, tying us together”. 
Joel shifts back slightly so he can place his hand under your chin to look up at him, he leans down and kisses you gently.
“I never in my life thought I would meet someone like you. I thank god every day for bringing me here and letting me love a woman who is so strong, kind and” he trails off “I have something for you”. Joel had already given you so much, even this evening had been beautiful, what more could he give you. 
He opens a drawer and hands you a wooden sculpture. There is a large hand, it looked a like Joel’s and it was holding a woman figure, she held one child a her breast and another older child sat at her knees holding her hand. It was beautiful and so detailed. 
“Joel this is” you cant even find the words, he puts his hand up to your face and smiles. He knew what you wanted to say, you kiss the palm of his hand. 
Joel slowly takes the sculpture from your hand sitting it down and replaces it with his own hand to pull you in closer. His lips gently find yours, “I love you” he whispers against your lips which sends this wave of gentle peace over you. You take your time with each other, removing each piece of clothing one by one. Joel scoops you up and walks back to the sofa where he sits down with you hovering over the top of him. You can feel his cock stiff beneath you, grazing between your folds as you relaxed onto him. It made you wet and you couldn’t help but grind against it, both of you moaned in response. 
Joel positioned himself and bucked his hips so he was inside you, “Oh Fuck” he cried out and his head fell forward resting against your breasts. You could feel him hitting the right spot as he got into a rhythm and when he used his hand to tend to you clit, well you were crying out for him at that point. He asked you to cum for him, “I want to come for me baby” and when you did he responded “yes that’s it. Do I make you feel good?”, all you could do was nod and pant. When Joel was close to edge your instinct was to pull him closer and deeper inside you, you collapsed on top of his shoulder when you felt him tense. You stayed like that with each other for a few minutes, just breathing against each other and him still inside you. “You better keep fucking me like that when we get to our 20 year anniversary” you murmur against his shoulder and you both laugh for a long time about the joke but he also promised he would. 
You both are lying in bed a few hours later, you’re facing each other and Joel Asks what you are thinking about, “Nothing” you lie and ask what he is thinking about. “You” he smiles “and what’s going on inside that pretty head of yours”.
“I just - I just wonder how long it will take for her to forgive us. I miss her” you say trying to avoid Joel’s stare. 
“I don’t know Y/N but at least she is here in Jackson and she is safe” he brushes his rough fingers up and down your arm.
You don’t know why but you ask “You won’t ever leave here?”.
“Never” he says seriously and follows with “I promised I am planning on making love to you and sleeping next to you in this bed until I am an old man”.
You don’t say anything for a moment and then whisper “But Joel darling… you already are an old man”. 
“Why you cheeky -“ he laughs and begins to tickle at your sensitive spot above your hip, he makes good on his promise again that night. 
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xsugarysweetsx · 4 years
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 7
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A/N; stated in previous chapter(s) reader is 21 and Iwa is 22!
Warnings; SMUT AHEAD!; fluff; proceed with cation; I will mark where it starts & ends(❗️)!  long!
Contains; first time for reader, gentle intimacy, slight dirty talk, oral (f reviving), consensual, detail, some cursing, fluff!,
Rating; 18+ (bc. Smut)
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Minor time skip
It’s now been 5 months since your marriage. Making it 4 1/2 months since you had actually established your relationship. Hajime had confessed to you his true feelings and things have been better. He was more vulnerable around you, but kept his attitude toward his kingdom. In other words he was only a soft husband for you and you alone.
Only you saw him smile in the early morning, only you heard his sweet laughter. It was you who was wrapped in his arms at night and who helped him dress in the morning. You could say you were starting to like your married life with Hajime. You could say it was starting really feel like a fairy tale.
Especially when he made you feel as though only you existed. His once cold and sharp glare now turned soft and affectionate for you. Don’t be fooled this was something only you saw, and Oikawa on some occasions. The way he would look at you always made your heart flutter.
Like you were a mythical being who he had the luck of seeing everyday. When he touched you, it was as if you were made from the most delicate glass. In all honesty he was who every girl dreamed of meeting one day. Despite still being cold towards others, his heart had now belonged to you.
There are many perks that came with being married to Hajime but, there was one thing that had come to mind recently....
One day while doing some paperwork it had hit you. Of course you knew he was handsome but the more you gazed at him the more it stood out. He just may have been a walking sin. Despite being busy running a kingdom he always had time to care for himself. His body was beautifully sculpted with a toned and muscular build.
You would sometimes get a feeling whenever he would change or lay next to you. It was almost like an urge. An urge to explore his body to your hearts content. Even at night as he held you close, his body made you feel hot with shivers coursing through you. You were never sure exactly what to do since, you had no experience...
You had very tense moments where thing seemed to get heated. Like in the mornings when you freshen up. He would usually place a kiss on your shoulder before you got dressed. Or how he’d strip to nothing right in front of you for his bath. There were even times he invited you to share a bath as well.
You both had intense session of nothing but passionate kissing and touching. Just kissing alone made you dizzy, his soft lips caressing yours to the point that they swell. How his large hand would roam and hold your body against his, but this was as far as you would go. He even told you
“I will only go as far as you tell me. I will only touch and kiss what you want me to”
You appreciated him greatly for respecting your boundaries. Most men would just pounce on a woman but he was a gentleman and wanted you to feel ready first. After what you have both gone through, you felt ready.
In such a short time, you’ve learned so much about it him and how your relationship functions. You knew what triggered him, and how to calm him. Same for you, at this point he made it his job to know you for you. You were husband and wife after all. You knew he loved, he got that point across but....you also wanted to explore the unspoken apart of marriage. 
You didn’t know the first thing to it. Not even how to bring it up to him. If anything you became flustered just by the mere thought of it. So you did the only thing you knew what to do in this situation, read. Walking into the large library you tart your  sear for books. Anything at this point would help, stories, explanation, anything to help you understand.
You come across a book with the title ‘With Heart and Soul’ with the silhouette of a couple in the background. Your cheeks heat up just gazing at the shadow of the couple wrapped in each others embrace. You waste no time and start to read.
The start was a simple story of a newly wed couple, but it had gotten heated very quickly. The erotic writing about how the man had made love to his wife almost each night had you feeling hot. You place the book back and walk out of the library.
You kept our gaze down trying to cool your heated face only to run into someone. Looking up it was Hajime with a questioning look on his face
“Hey you alright there dove?“ ugh that nickname, it always made your heart race
“I-I um y-yeah I’m alright you startled me is all“ you giggle
“You sure? You’re all red and sweaty? Did something happen?“ he asked leaning in
“I-I uhh...“ you were never this intimidated before which only raised his suspicion. He leans back up and takes your hand and leads you down a hall with only you two. He has you against the wall with one hand on each side of your head blocking an escape
“My wife isn’t one to stutter around me because she’s a tough little queen“ he smirks “Come on, talk to your king~“ he teased coming closer to nudge your cheek with his nose, a little habit he picked up whenever you were upset with him.
“Hajime..I...“ he could feel you were nervous, his hands cup your jaw and his lips kiss your forehead 
“You can tell me anything..“ he comforted you as he eyes come down to yours. Out of no where you blurt out 
“I want to make love!“
“Huh?“ he was completely caught off guard by what you said and stood there with the straightest face. It was a bit taboo to talk about this outside of the privacy of your bedroom. He chuckled a bit and said
“Y/N, dear, we should speak about this in private and..are you...really sure about this? I mean I can only assume you haven’t-“
“You’re my husband and...I love you, this is the next step I want to take“ you said with a determined face. If anything that was his favorite face, always so tough, so fierce. He loved it
“Alright how about this? After we get done with the day after dinner we can talk more about it and decide. I’ll even finish early so we have time.“ he proposed and you nod in agreement “Alright, come on you’re helping with paperwork.”
He takes your hand and leads you off to do your duties. He leads you into his office, which you both now shared. He replaced his desk with a longer one so you each can have an end to use. At times you can catch him off in thought, or simply gazing at you. You would giggle and tell him to get back to his duties. 
Or he’d pass by you and graze a hand over your arm or lay a kiss to your lips. At one point Oikawa came in to get the finished work and Hajime pulled him down to his level. He whispered something in his ear and Oikawa gave a firm nod.
Just what was he up to. Eventually the sun had come down a bit and it was time for dinner. It was a little earlier than usual, but you knew it was his doing. With a sigh you set down your work and stretch upwards. Hajime came to you, took your hand and off to the dinning room you went.
On the way there you hand simple banter talking over your day and such, but once you had your dinner in front of you it was quiet. Hajime had asked everyone to leave and shut the door. 
“Y/N, I always say I would never go past what you tell me is alright, and I want to go over this with you before things...happen“ he always did this. Talking over things before they even came but, you liked it. He always made you feel secure about what would happen
“Right, I want to go all the way with you“ you take his hand in your own “and I know you’ll take care of me so I’m not worried about it“ you smile.
It was true, after that day you let your trust sink into your relationship. He had your trust and always proved to be true to his word. He was honest and clear with you which you liked as well, but you had one question...
“Yes love?“
“Have you....done it...before?“ you ask as you hands become just a bit sweaty, nervous about the question 
“W-well yes I have...I think I was 18 or 19. During my battles we would set for the night near a brothel. Of course it wasn’t my choice but I thought, to hell with war and enjoyed a night. I think my men convinced me after getting me drunk enough“ he explained trying to remember how the story went. 
“Hey, that didn’t matter you’re my wife aren’t you?“ he asks with a smile “But I will say, it may hurt the first time. But I’ll make sure you only feel good tonight. Come on, I’ve got something planned “
Pain? You heard that it can hurt but would it? How bad would it be? Will I really like it?
Damn it, where were you getting nervous? This was your husband, the man you came to love, if he says he’ll make you feel good...you should trust him, and you did. He takes your hand and thanks the cook for the meal. The closer you got to your room the more your heart raced. Coming inside your room, a pleasant soft smell filled your nose. 
Hajime closes the door with a click and wraps his arms around you from behind. He’s done this more often, but it still gave you butterflies. Staying behind you he walks to the bathroom connected to your room. Inside was a bath full of warm water, flower petals and a lovely scent.
“Do you like it?“ he whispered into your ear “I thought we can relax first with a bath...together”
“Really?...Can we?“ You ask turning your head to look at him. He smiles and kissed your forehead 
“If you want to do so, yes“
“Can you...help me please?“ you asked him referring to your dress.
He nods and strips from his shirt first as you let down your hair from all the pins and accessories. His hands gently came to your corset and loosens the strings from around your frame.The fabric falling from your shoulders and hanging on your elbows. You let out a sigh as you gaze up into the mirror to only see Hajime completely bare naked. 
You can practically feel your cheeks go red as you look down once again. Hajime had planed to say something and tease you but, not now, not in this moment. He wanted this to be special for you. He gets into the water and settles into the warm water leaned on the back of the tub.
“Come on, before the water gets cold,“ he coxed you “I’ll even close me eyes until you’re in“ he said closing his eyes and turned the other way. You bite your lip and do things quickly. You let your dress drop to the floor and get into the warm water, escaping from the cool air. You hesitantly let you body rest against his. 
“How’s the bath?“ he asked opening his eyes looking down at the top of your head
“It’s warm and smells good.....Hajime I have a request” you turn slightly to look him in the eyes
“What is it?” His arms come around you to pull you closer
“I want you to take the lead. You’re the experienced one here”
“But I-“
“I know. You always ask me but, I trust you and I trust whatever you do.” You peck his lips “Please.”
“Whatever my queen wants but you tell me whenever you want to stop” you nod sharply and let him lead you into the night.
The first thing you felt was a tender kiss laid on to your shoulder. Only it lingered much longer than his usual ones. Now his lips travel from the edge of your shoulder up to the junction of your neck. He abandons the spot and goes to the other side just below your ear. The light sensation making gasp and shiver, his calloused hands roam your body, caressing and gently squeezing. He’d be a liar if he said he didn’t think of this.
Your skin was soft to the touch and he wanted to explore every inch of it. His large hands come up to cup your breasts in a gentle squeeze. Damn, you were like a goddess in his hands
“Is this-“
“Yes.“ you cut him off. 
How could this feel so good already? Your breathing was uneven and your heart was pulsing. You can feel a slight throb between your legs, following a slick feeling. You slept against him but now he was bare against you and it made your heart flutter. You could feel something warm and stiff on your ass, while you leaned against him. Feelings and lust overcome you as you quickly turn in the water to straddle him. He was surprised but his eyes had no idea where to look first.
“You’re so beautiful” he huffed as you crash your lips on his. In a heated flurry of kisses he wraps your legs around his waist and stands from the tub. He carefully steps out from the tub and pins you against the wall. The cold wall in contrast to your warm skin made you arch against him. You subconsciously grind against him and he grinds back 
“You feel good?“ you nod with your eyes closed as he moved you to the bed. He gently lies you down and kisses down your body. From you collarbone, to the valley of your breasts to your hip bone, finally to your waiting core. You could feel his breath on your slickness and you let out a shaky breath 
“I’m going to get you ready now“ he announced. He dove his tongue into you making your eyes shoot open. You’ve never felt anything like this before, it was warm and soft and it felt so good. Almost as if you had to pee but you didn’t. He then gently pushes your legs apart and over top his shoulders and eats like a hungry man. His lips wide open as his tongue works up and down your slit 
“Oh Hajime~“ you moan out. Gods above this was more than you expected. It was so erotic, but it felt so good, it was one of those things that shouldn’t be done but couldn’t be helped.
“You taste like paradise“ he said dropping lower and giving a long lick from your entrance, dipping in and coming out, up to your bundle of nerves. He latches on gently and sucks in a pattern, not wanting to overwhelm you too much. Hard, soft, hard, soft
“Shit!“ to hear you curse he knows you’re really getting there. You could feel something forming, building up, strong and stronger! Until you felt relief and euphoria.
“Oooh!~” you moan out loudly arching off the bed and fall back down. You legs shook and your body jerked from the feeling. Hajime comes back up wiping his mouth with a smirk. He was very satisfied to get that reaction from you.
“That is what you call an orgasm, dove” he chuckled slightly kissing your nose “how was it?”
“S-so...good” you said catching your breath. His lips crash on to yours and you can just faintly taste yourself on his lips. Then you realized this was it. The part where you give yourself completely to him. He sat in front of you and that was the first time you had seen it.
Without realizing your gaze fell down to his stiff manhood. You’d never even seen one and wow...it was big. He was gifted in length and width, just enough of both to look appealing.
“You can touch it it you like“ he offered, your cheeks heat from him catching you looking. You nervously reach and wrap your hand around him, he sucked in some air making you panic but from the look on his face, it must have felt good. You remember from the book you read the woman had made the man feel pleasure by stroking it. So you gave it a try, pumping him slowly and gently. His head fell back with a light moan but then he stopped you
“No, no. We can do that later, tonight is about you. Are you ready? We can still just go to bed“ he asked you searching for a trace of doubt but found none. 
“I’m a little nervous but...I’m ready.” You assure him. He takes both of your hands and kisses your fingers. Gently he lays you down on to the soft pillows behind you. He sat between your legs and gazed down at you, you were so surreal. He couldn’t believe you were real and his. Your hands come up and cover your chest feeling a bit shy. He moved your arms laying a kiss to each breast, one being right where your heart was. 
“You’re beautiful, don’t hide,“ he brings your legs to each of his hips and scoots a bit closer. “This might hurt, so tell me if it’s too much and I’ll stop”
“O-okay..” he lines himself up and slowly pushes into you. You thought there would be pain but found pressure instead. At first it wasn’t too bad but then a sting came making you wince
“Do you want me to stop?“ he asked frantically 
“N-no just...give me a second“ he wasn’t even fully in and it was hurting, damn. A small tear fell from your eye, his hand came up and wiped it from your cheek laying a kiss to lips. He whispered sweet words to you waiting for a minute to pass. After a few seconds pass he then continues to push into you slowly. Finally he had bottomed out making you both sigh
“How are you doing dove?“ damn you were tight, he was keeping himself under control for your sake. 
“I-I’m okay..“ this feeling was so foreign but you felt okay...you felt different, good different. He was making you feel this way and you wanted no one but him in this moment. “You can move.“ he gives a firm nod.
He pulls out all the way and goes back in. He begins to thrust in and out, slowly. You start to feel good in a way, not so much pleasure but good. Yet something about his strong form over you made butterflies flutter all through out your body. 
“Damn.. you’re tight..can I go faster?“ you nod and let him lift one of your legs above his shoulder. He give a specific thrust that makes an uncontrolled moan escape
“Oh is it there?“ he smirked “There’s a special spot inside this little pussy of yours dove, and if I-“ he thrusts into the spot again “You feel good.“ he chuckled.
The words he spoke may have been taboo but it made you want him more. And that spot he just hit made you feel like never before 
“Hajime..“ you open your arms for him to come into “make me feel your love...“ you said in a whisper. At that moment he kept his gaze on yours and thrusts in a steady rhythm. You pant as he fills you making love to your body. His lips kiss sloppy kisses across your collarbone to your lips. He then began to thrust harder and faster into you  “Oh...H-hajime..right there“ now you were really feeling it. This was nothing but bliss colliding with euphoria. You nails claw at the skin of his back as he began to pound into you. He went fast and hard, then gentle and smooth, mixing the two made you see stars 
“Are you...feeling good..my queen“ he groans huskily into your ear and you swore shivers ran through your whole being. The sound of your skin slapping against each other only made you more slick 
Your back arches from the bed against him. Feeling him so close sent your nerves into shock. The way your breasts press against him chest
“Oh gods you feel glorious...that’s right, take me...just like that.“
”Ha-hajime I-I..“ you could feel the same knot building only more intense. This one felt like heat pent up inside about to burst. He then picked you up completely staying kneeling on the bed with you in his lap. He bounced and thrusted up and into you. This position only made him go deeper within you and your eyes rolled upwards
“Cum...cum over your kings cock my queen“ almost on command you come undone and feel yourself release over him and he into you. You head lays son his shoulder and his on yours. He spilled himself into you, your orgasms combining in a lustful manner. You felt so warm, and tired, yet happy. Your pants fill the room as you ride and come down from your highs.
“Y/N...how was it?“ he asked kissing the skin his head laid on
“It was...“
“Good? Amazing? Godly“ he suggested and you chuckled lifting your head from his shoulder 
“All of that and more“ you kissed his lips. His gaze was so filled with love and adoration. Were you really the one to alter such cruel, broken soul into the man you loved? He carefully pulls out of you, it left you feeling empty and a bit sore. He laid you down and pulled you close, the warmth of his body encasing you from the cool air in the room.
“Thank you“ he said 
“For what?“ you asked looking up at him 
“For trusting me with the most precious thing you could give to me.“ he kisses your forehead “When I said that I would change I meant it....well for you.“
“I know you did, and thank you“ you kiss his chin (a place he loved) “for making tonight so special, I loved it.“ you truly did. Everything only happened when you were ready and when he got an okay from you. You snuggle into his side and breath in his scent. It was a musky, clean smell that had a hint of pine.
His arm held you close, his heart full from what he had experienced. He made love to his wife for the first time and it was like nothing he’s felt before. Laying with other women felt like nothing compared to being intimate with someone he loved. He loved the way he made you feel, the way you cried out from the pleasure he gave you. It was perfect.
“Good night, my king“ you yawn 
“Good night, my love...sweet dreams“ this was the life he had never wished for, but the one he would never give away.
and let’s just say, Oikawa will like to moved his room down the hall after today...
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Taglist; @vanilla-beanzz @hp-hogwartsexpress @sugarysweets-appreciation-blog @sophie-duck @mysteriousmagicx @toutorii @mystic-starlove @leviiiiiiiii @heavenly-warlord @birdiewolf @bakarinnie @postsfromthe6 @yatoatyourservice @lola2001 @kameko-ko @chewymoustachio
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imma-potatoo · 4 years
Hello Hello friends!
This is going to be my first full fanfic which is written for k.c.cosplays_13 on tiktok. If you don't follow them you should. They have amazing sanders sides cosplays and are a really nice person.
*Logan is a dark side in this fic*
A Typical Movie Night
Ships: Loceit
Janus was running back and forth between the couch and the kitchen, stepping over the occasional blood spatter and thrown about crayons.
It was the dark side movie night; aka, the night where they watched horror and documentaries until it's three am or they pass out. After getting into a huge argument with the light sides, Logan refuses to watch anything disney or animated. Not that the others minded, they weren't a huge fan.
Humming a show tune that he could barely remember the name of, Janus slowly cut up a vegetable tray. Making sure that the pieces were even and arranged perfectly on the plate. He picked it up to put it with the rest of the food on their coffee table, only to slip on a crayon.
A huge bang sounded throughout the dark household, veggies were everywhere, a plate was broken and Janus layed on his back. Face mixed between anger, slight pain and annoyance. He groaned and went to stand up only to have a blue side leaning above him with a spreading smile.
"The vegetables are meant to go on the plate Darling, not on the floor," a slight smirk rised on his cheeks -slightly showing off a dimple- as he helped the yellow side up, brushing off a few peas.
Janus let out a massive sigh, twisting his neck so it let out a crack. "I'm not going to kill the other two if they keep making a mess like this," fixing his hat slightly, "I didn't just clean this morning!" Janus couldn't stay irritated, not when he saw Logan with a ear to ear grin and soft chuckles leaving his lips.
Logan was so much happier as a dark side. He still played the role of logic but he was free to be himself. He opened the buttons on his shirt, he left the tie hanging around his neck -instead of having it suffocate him- and he even wore ice blue makeup sometimes. Logan could use little nicknames and still be taken seriously. He didn't even have to worry about his Crofters being taken! Right now though. Logan just had his dress shirt with a few buttons undone and a little bit of blue eyeshadow.
Logan towered over his boyfriend. Grabbing Janus' hand and pulling his body to his chest. Wrapping the right arm around his back and using the left to remove his gloves. Logan raised Janus' hand to his lips and gave them a soft - almost like it wasn't there- kiss. Letting out a soft squeak as Logan dusted his lips across his hand, face flushing beet red. Logan's smirk grew as he saw the flustered side. Lifting up Janus' head, he leaned in towards his lips. Only to swerve and whisper in his ear instead.
"As much as I love staring into your beautiful eyes, you are still covered in broccoli. Go get changed, I'll clean up here." Logan pecked his nose with a kiss before stealing his hat.
"Logan don't give that back!" Janus wanted to keep down that grin but he couldn't keep the smile off.
"Nah, I think I'll keep it. It reminds me of you." winking to the already flustered side "now do get changed"
Huffing slightly Janus left his boyfriend to clean up.
Heading up the stairs and passing a orange door and a green door. Janus headed into the black door with a snake and a brain etched on to the wood.
Walking inside the room, ever changing constellations danced upon the ceiling with twisting galaxies with legions of colours lighting the sky. Blue and yellow roses sat on both sides of a elegant four poster bed. A whole wall was just full of bookshelves and two plush chairs were placed in front of a floor to ceiling window, a small tea set off to the side.
Pulling out a yellow T-Shirt (reading: 'What do you call a snake thats 3.14 Metres long? A PI-THON!') Logan would hate it.....It was perfect. He also pulled a pair of black jeans.
Changing quickly, Janus walked back out of the room, only stopping to adjust the roses in the vase. He walked up to the green door and knocked.
"Remus! The movie isn't almost set up, you don't have five minutes! Remember it isn't your movie first."
He continued to walk down the corridor. Stopping to knock on a bright orange door.
"Augustus, the movie isn't starting in five!"
Janus continued his journey to rejoin his boyfriend, walking down the steps and looking up to see the taller side playing on his phone.
The room was all set up. Fairy lights hung above the couch twinkling as the title screen for "Murder Beach Party" played on the television. The coffee table was covered in food. Nachos sat in the middle with chips and candy by its side. Chocolate covered pretzels (Janus' favourite) was the closest to his seat and a new veggie platter was next to it for Logan. Pillows and blankets were piled high and nearby was a multitude of different electronics and chargers in case Remus got bored.
Janus smiled as he looked at how his boyfriend could now freely wear his smile. Pulling a silly smile of his own he flopped next to Logan and put his chin on top of his phone. Logan looked up and beamed at the yellow side... Before he saw the yellow T-Shirt.
"Bee, you know how much I hate the shirt."
"And honey, you know how much I don't love it."
"Well, who am I to get in the way of your smile?" a smirk was growing on the blue sides face as he tugged Janus closer to him.
"A pretty rude one, considering how you don't cause it most of the time." Janus leaned forward and let out a purr like hiss. Forked tongue peeking through his lips.
This time, it was Logan who turned bright red. Fumbling over his words until he simply gave up and pulled Janus closer to him. Burying his nose in the deceitful sides blond locks. Janus in response, curling up in his lap.
They stayed like that for about half an hour. Then the concern for the two missing sides grew. They were about to leave the comfort of the blanket fort when Janus' phone rung.
Logan passed the ringing phone to his partner and looked in curiosity as he answered the call.
"Remus, what don't you mean you got arrested again? And Augustus isn't with you too..."
"Remus! This isn't the third time this week you two have gotten arrested."
"Don't you 'JanJan' me"
"I totally care if the body didn't fit in the trash can."
"No, you and Augustus can stay in there for a few days to see if you two can't learn how to properly dispose of a body."
"Well maybe you two shouldn't pay attention when we are teaching you how to do those things."
"No Remus, Logan and I won't come get you tomorrow or the day after."
Pulling the phone away from his ear, the shorter side looked up at the blue side. "He didn't hang up on me..."
The two sides stared into each others eyes before they both started cackling. Tears leaking by the time they could stop.
Logan wrapped his arms around the smaller side, drawing him close before picking up the remote; wiggling the remote back and forth. He smiled and gazed into Janus' eyes
"Want to watch Remus' gore filled movie or find something else, my love?"
Janus tapped his chin in thought, "well, If we do change the film we get to spoil it for Remus, but if don't we might enjoy our date night."
Logan hummed in response, "So, different movie?" chuckling at the excessive nodding of the head. Logan switched it to a different movie.
Logan liked the rapping and clever word play. While Janus liked the songs and the story.
Snuggling in further Janus grabbed his chocolate covered pretzels before leaning up to kiss Logans jaw. "I love you Logan."
Logan ran his fingers through Janus' curls, stroking his fingers over his scales. "I love you too Janus."
Well, thats a thing.
@mother-snake I did a thing! It has a lot of fluff...
@girl-with-many-fandoms you seem to really like my writing... Have some Loceit fluff!
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iwrestlenow · 4 years
Many More To Die
TITLE: Many More To Die
FANDOM: Sanders Sides (Necromancer AU)
SUMMARY: For over a thousand years, necromancy has been forbidden in the Kingdoms, the Necromata--its practitioners--feared, reviled, and punished for a power they never asked to wield. Those Necromata who are not killed in the cradle are taken from their families, stripped of their Name--the core of identity and memory--and imprisoned for the rest of their lives.
Logan was twelve when he entered the palace dungeons. Prince Roman was fourteen when he witnessed the young necromancer being brutalized, imprisoned, and left to suffer.
Roman only wanted to offer the other boy comfort, and perhaps a scrap of dignity. He didn't realize his kindness would follow both of them into adulthood--or that Logan would one day become the only person in all the realms that Roman would be able to trust with his life, his heart, and his very soul.
SHIPS: Logince (Logan/Roman), future Moceit (Patton/Janus) and Dukexiety (Remus/Virgil)
WARNINGS: lots of death because necromancy, slash, and more to come as I figure it out ‘cause it’s late and I’m tired. Also, no betas, we die like men.
NOTES: This is based on the gorgeous piece of art by @gretacticdraws that can be found here. I ended up writing a ficlet for it, and then my brain got swallowed up. Breathe at me wrong, and I’ll write more...hell, who am I kidding? I’ll write more anyway because this? Is self indulgent drivel. XD
Also located at AO3 over here.
1023, A.A.
Sitting in the middle of his cell, twelve year old Logan...Logan choked on tears as his shoulder screamed, his bones ached, and the flickering lights of his cell let his imagination run wild with all manner of monsters and omens of doom lurking within every shadow.
He knew he was lucky—many necromancers were caught in the cradle and killed. Very few survived as long as he had. He could be grateful to his family for that much, that he'd lived long enough to escape a death sentence.
He did have a family. He knew that much—remembered that much. Everything else, they had taken before throwing him into his cell. The prison mage's hand was still a ghost of cold fire against his forehead, worms of icy coal burning through his brain to wipe out every trace of the things that would make him what he was, allow him to be more safely contained.
The name spoken with fear and loathing was all that he had left.
Necromata. The legions of the Animator...the necromancers.
The hiss echoed off the stone in the corridor, made his heart leap into his chest as he looked around for the source of it.
“Psst! Over here!”
Logan tried to scramble back from the door of his cell, and screamed when he forgot about his dislocated shoulder, collapsing as it gave way under his weight.
“No, don't—please, it's okay. I don't want to hurt you.”
Blinking, Logan squinted into the low light beyond the torches that barely lit his new home. Something bright green flickered there, an outline visible that was vaguely person-shaped.
“Who...who are you?” he asked, curling his injured arm as close to his body as he could so he wouldn't forget again as he got to his feet.
“I...I'm not supposed to say.”
Logan shuffled a little closer to the bars of his cell. “Then how do I know you don't want to hurt me?”
“The prison mage took your Name—you won't understand if I tell you. Just...”
The person-shape on the other side of the bars moved forward, an arm protruding through to set a bowl on the dirt floor of Logan's cell. Inside there was water, and sitting across the rim was a heavy piece of leather.
“I saw what the guard did when you came in. Your shoulder...it happened to me once when I snuck out to hunt for the Lazari.”
“The Lazari don't exist.” Logan replied, reaching up with his good hand to try and wipe some of the tears and snot off his face. “They're a fairy tale, like the Animata.”
“How do you know?”
Logan opened his mouth...then closed it after long moments.
“I...I don't know.” he admitted. “I must have lost it when the prison mage took my Name.”
“Then you could be wrong.” the person-shape insisted, those emerald flecks in the near shadow sparkling with determination. “I'll find a Lazari one day. Just you wait.”
“What does that have to do with my dislocated shoulder?”
“Oh! Sorry—uhm, I did it once. When I snuck out, I fell from a tree and mine popped out. My brother showed me how to use the bars on our window to pop it back in! I threw up, though—and he made me bite a belt so I wouldn't scream.”
The hand appeared between the bars again, nudging the bowl and the leather strap forward a little further.
“I can tell you how to do it.”
Logan shuffled forward a couple more steps, then shifted to kneel in front of the bowl of water.
“I...might know.” He replied, staring at the bowl for a long moment before he peered back into the dark, into the green spark that was his benefactor's eyes. “Thank you.”
The person-shape said nothing for a long moment...
“Berry! The guards called you Logan, right? They took your Name—maybe Berry can be your new one.”
Before Logan could comment, the person-shape grew less distinct, and the flicker of green was gone with the clatter of footsteps scurrying away into the dark.
It was a silly idea—a Name taken could not be restored so easily. Still, the word rattled around in his head along with the one that made his bones ache again.
Necromata. Berry. Necromata. Berry. Berry.
Logan Berry.
Something stirred in the middle of Logan's mind, in his marrow—in the place that magic had scoured out and rubbed raw within the pathways of his brain. Something stirred, settled...
Something slid into place, and all of a sudden the shadows were far less frightening.
Popping his shoulder back into the socket hurt far more than dislocating it had—and yet while he'd sobbed his soul out after being injured, after being robbed of all that made him a person, he shed not a single tear as he put the leather between his teeth, wrenched his joint back into place, and used the fresh water to clean up after he'd emptied his stomach into the corner of his cell.
He even managed to sleep on his pallet of straw, and dreamed of green embers in the dark, drifting into the shadows in his cell and transforming every monster into a friend.
1033, A.A.
“I had the dream again.”
“A kinky one?”
“Sweet leaping gods, Remus!”
The high, strident cackle of his twin brother echoed through Prince Roman's bedchamber, making him wonder yet again why he thought he could talk to the crazy idiot about anything remotely meaningful. Yes, Remus was trustworthy—he gave Roman all manner of hell for the secrets he shared, but had suffered his fair share of indignities to keep his mouth shut—but sometimes he wondered if it was worth the teasing and the laughter to have such a steadfast confidant.
Remus had secrets of his own, after all—the numerous Anima that shared his bed, for one. Like Roman, Remus was fascinated by the Necromata, the true necromancers that all citizens of the Kingdoms were taught to hate and fear. The Anima were little more than pretenders, mages of other disciplines that toyed with the death magic that had been outlawed for over a thousand years.
Still, they had a lot to teach—and made good company, from the way Remus spoke of his dalliances.
“Oh, I'm just yanking your chain, big brother!” Remus assured him, crossing over to drape himself over Roman's back, chin settling on Roman's shoulder to read what his twin was writing as he hunched over his desk. “C'mon now—tell me about the dream, and I'll tell you about the Necromata I fucked last night.”
Roman straightened abruptly at that, unceremoniously sending Remus sprawling to the floor. Turning his chair, he gaped down at his brother and pointed an accusing finger at him.
“You did not sleep with a real necromancer, you lying sack of horse dung!” he hissed. “Why would you even say that in the palace of all places?!?”
“Because the sex was unbelievably good?” Remus offered, shrugging from his place on the floor, flat on his back. “Believe me, Ro Bro, a guy that can't actually feel human contact can keep it up for a nice, long, slow roll in the hay. It's pretty remarkable!”
Roman just huffed, standing from his seat—and promptly sinking to the floor to sprawl out right beside Remus.
“You're lying.” he said simply.
Remus was quiet a long time...then sighed.
“Of course I am. He was just another Animata.”
“Anima. The Animata are a myth, like the Lazari.”
“Since when did you turn into such a brainiac, Roro? We both know I've always been the smart one.”
Roman rolled his eyes with a grin, stretching his leg to kick Remus's ankle—but the truth of the matter was, Remus was right. Between the pair of them, Remus was smarter by leaps and bounds. He was studying the collegiate sciences when he was seventeen, and began his magic training before he'd even reached puberty. The fact that the only part of the sciences he enjoyed were anatomy and mortuary study were entirely besides the point, as was the fact that Remus wasn't actually capable of using magic at all.
He was, as their father lovingly put it, a rogue genius: in possession of an intellect so massive that the rules couldn't restrain him. He either knew too well how to circumnavigate them, or he simply didn't care enough to bother and did what he wanted—what he thought was right, no matter the consequence.
Roman might have been the elder of the twins—by one hour, eleven o'clock of one night where Remus came at midnight the next morning—but he aspired, every single day, to be the maverick that Remus was. He simply lacked the brains...and the courage.
Which was why today, it was Roman their father would be naming as his successor, and not Remus. Roman would be king, would rule by the law and the will of the gods, and Remus would...get to be Remus for the rest of his life, a crown prince without a care in the world.
“Tell me about the dream, Roro.”
Remus's voice was gentle this time, his fingers walking their way along Roman's arm until he could find his hand and weave it into his own.
Roman sighed, staring up at the mural on the ceiling of his bedchamber—a beautifully wrought depiction of the Fall of Death, the final battle between the Animator, the first of the Necromata, and their ancestor, King Thomas Andres, that had saved the Kingdoms over a thousand years ago.
“He was in it.”
“The boy from the dungeons?”
Roman nodded. He could feel Remus watching him...
Just like he could feel the boy from the dungeons watching him every time he had the dream... ********** “He was here again.”
“Jumpin' Jiminy, Lo—are you sure?”
Logan nodded, mostly to himself. Patton couldn't see him, not from the bathtub behind the partition that separated it from the rest of the room, but it hardly mattered—after eight years as cell mates, the two of them had become as close as brothers, as close as twins according to some of the guards that had met the king's identical twin sons.
They had grown so naturally into the relationship, it made Logan wonder sometimes if he'd had a brother before his Name had been taken.
Well...it made him wonder in the early days, at any rate. Logan had stopped wondering many years ago.
Suffice to say, Patton didn't need to see him nod to know that Logan had.
“Well? What'd he do?”
Logan let his mind wander back to the night before—the dream space that he so often occupied, the boy that had come to him in the dark ten years before with a bowl of water, a leather strap, and a name.
The boy he'd come to think of as the Green Man, with those eyes that the dark couldn't fully hide.
“The same thing he always does.” Logan managed to reply, setting down the pen he'd been using in favor of resting his elbows on his desk and steepling his fingers to press against his lips. Among those Necromata imprisoned in the palace dungeons, Logan was quite fortunate: he was allowed a cell mate, access to books and writing implements, even a small window sill garden consisting of plants that couldn't be used for magical purposes.
He was very lucky. Ten years of good behavior had given him an incredible amount of leeway and granted him creature comforts like access to regular bathing privileges. The guards even referred to him by his chosen name.
He was, for all intents and purposes, treated like he was truly human. A prisoner, always, but one the guards and prison mages shared a basic blood connection to, unlike the other Necromata.
Shaking himself, Logan cleared his throat and tried to beat back the heat he could feel rising in his cheeks, having been caught wool gathering.
“Apologies, I didn't catch that.” he called over his shoulder.
“I said, did he say anything this time?”
Logan shook his head, knowing once again that his actions would be understood rather than seen. Patton asked the same thing every time Logan mentioned the visits, and every time it was the same.
If Patton really knew the content of the Green Man's visitations...
Pressing his fingertips to his mouth again, Logan shut his eyes and let himself remember.
The visits were always in a dream space—for years, before the visitations became more regular, Logan had assumed the Green Man was a guard's son, or the child of some member of the palace staff. Later, when the Green Man came to Logan in his sleep, he figured he was the son of a prison or court mage—who else could manage to dream walk in the mind of even a crippled necromancer like him?
Then again...Logan was different from many prisoners like himself.
In the dream, Logan still cannot see his face. Like those ephemeral dreams from his first few nights in the dungeons, he's little more than shadows with burning points of light the color of fresh shoots just springing from the soil. Over the years, he's become more distinct, but still nothing Logan can give any real definition.
He is a man made of darkness, his eyes reflecting what spark of magic lives within him. They never speak to each other—Logan never dares, secretly apprehensive that disturbing the quiet will somehow end this irregular communion they share.
All the Green Man does is extend a hand, the only part of him Logan can truly see. What was once small and slim fingered has changed over the years into a large hand, broad but lean, tendons standing out below each knuckle and tanned by exposure to the sun. Every time, he reaches out, and every time, Logan takes his hand and just...holds on.
In the dream space, Logan can feel his touch. It's likely a projection, something imagined, but there's strength and warmth in that hand—the pressure of fingers meshing with his own, the heat of palm sealed to palm. There's something under the skin, itchy and trembling, and it makes Logan want to pull away because it's just too much...
The Green Man never lets him. Gradually, the feeling passes, and Logan clings until the feeling returns, crashing over him and sliding back in waves beating the shore of his nervous system.
Logan is always the first to let go. The Green Man makes sure of it—and then he leaves.
“Are you okay, kiddo?”
Logan looked up sharply, twisting to see Patton over his shoulder. His mop of tawny curls is swept back from his face, still dark and wet from his bath, the chill of the cell raising gooseflesh on his bare torso.
He has one hand holding the towel around his waist, and the other resting on Logan's shoulder.
The pressure is barely there, that buzzing awareness of contact easily missed if not expected.
Patton hastily lifts his hand, face screwed up in silent apology. Logan dislikes physical contact, even if he cannot feel it—just like any of the Necromata, so divorced from the living, human populous that they cannot even connect to them through touch.
“Didn't mean to spook you, Lo. Just...you're real quiet. Usually, you got more to say after a visit from You Know Who.”
Logan nodded, then made a point of reaching out to squeeze Patton's hand briefly before letting it go just as quickly.
“Apologies. I suppose I'm just...distracted by today.”
“Yeah—hey, you think the prince'll come down here?” Patton asked hopefully, drawing back to go and find some clothes. “I mean, if he's gonna learn to be king after the ceremony...”
Logan let Patton continue to chatter about the potential for this new ruler to somehow see their plight, somehow be their salvation. He let the words, the hope, wash over him without making contact.
Patton could have hope, because he had no Name. No history, no memory, no past and therefore no future. He was a blank slate, for all intents and purposes, unable to access the power of the Necromata with no life of his own to bind it to.
Unlike Logan. Logan, who no longer wondered if he'd had a brother in his family.
Logan, who could share a dream space, something only mages were capable of.
Logan, who had been given a new name by his benefactor so many years ago, a name that others used daily.
Logan Berry, who even now could feel the essence of every rat behind the dungeon walls, every guard on patrol, every prisoner languishing beneath the lowest floors of the palace...and every noble, every royal, every peasant up above.
Logan Berry, who could not remember his family, but could remember that he once had a brother.
Because, despite the fact that a Name taken could not be restored so easily, Logan had taken a name freely given and made it his own.
A Name, freely given. A life, restored.
Logan could not have hope, because he had the power of the Necromata at his fingertips—and it was only a matter of time before good behavior would no longer be enough to earn him the leeway to stay alive.
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hecohansen31 · 4 years
Of Faes and Goblins
Fae! Aethelred+Changeling! Reader+Goblin! Ivar
(A/N): Happy birthday, Sophie, @maggiescarborough​!
So to celebrate your beautiful day and to show how much we support you and apprecciate all you do for this beautiful comunity, we thought of sharing with you a few creations to celebrate properly your lovely day!
My idea is basically an interactive story, as in: you’ll be faced with a few choices and you’ll decide the turn of events of the stories, so be sure to let me know what you prefer to happen and I’ll try my best to follow your choices.
For the rest, do enjoy the surprise and the idea!
Have a lovely birthday, beautiful! (with not too much heathen and your beloved sickly looking Saxons!).
SUMMARY: After your life turned out to be a complete lie, you find yourself faced with many choices and even more importantly with two annoying males.
WORDS: 9,8 K
WARNINGS: Mention of Violence, Kidnapping, Fighting (yeah this is very much taken from ‘The Dark Faerie Tales’ by Holly Black), Everybody is A Faerie.
Tumblr media
Changeling were extraordinary creatures.
And you had been lucky enough to be one of them.
You had discovered it once you had moved back to Ireland, having transferred to North America for a scholarship after high school, feeling like Ireland was too tight for your dreams.
A sensation only worsened by your mother’s horrible mental health…
… although with time you had discovered that she knew the truth, all along.
Since you had had memory, your mother had said you weren’t his child, gaining quite the judging of everyone around her, and right after she had started making such claims, doctors had dosed her with medical drugs to keep her tame.
Even more after she had even tried to leave you in the wood nearby your family’s manor, the one you stayed at with your grandma.
Your grandma was the only person that had constantly supported you and she was the woman who had raised you as your own mother laid in bed, either passed out for the drugs or trying to ignore you, since only seeing you would make her faint.
Eventually your grandma had been the one to push you away from Ireland, suggesting that you pursued your dream outside of the beautiful land that had been your sole home.
She had given you the strength to believe in yourself, although the first years in America had been passed adapting yourself at its big cities and its enormous crowd.
But now that you were back from them, you felt almost uneasy in the small village you had grown up with, everybody looking too changed and yet the same, looking at you with distrust and envy, although you hadn’t become a famous star or an important businesswoman.
But the fact that you had escaped that strict mentality was enough.
You had come back for the same person who didn’t want you there.
As of lately your mother’s heart had been thoroughly weakened by the drugs (medical and not) and she had already had an heartattack.
Your grandma had explained it to you in one last call that sadly your mother’s life was becoming thin, pleading with you to come back, although you weren’t sure that your mother wanted you back.
You weren’t her child, after all.
At first, as a child, the way she uttered those words had hurt you in ways that pierced your tiny skin, making you completely detached from the affection of that woman, soon starting to call her simply by her name and nothing else.
And even sooner you had erased her figure, pushing your grandma in her place.
But now even she was tired, and you could hear her ache in the tone of her voice.
Although your mother might not want her title, your grandma still remained her mother and she suffered for both of you her mistakes.
Eventually you had been convinced by your mother, herself, a secret call, at 3 a.m. in the morning telling you to come back, because the faeries had told her that if she gave you back, they’d make her see one last time her true child.
‘… my inion’ the way the name had sounded on the tip of her tongue made you uneasy, because you had never heard it, but you had reasoned with yourself that maybe in your mother’s delusional words there might be some kind of truth.
And there was.
Almost too much.
Back then you had simply thought that she had finally come to the conclusion that you were her daughter.
So, seeing you again would have allowed her to rationalize and finally accept you as her daughter, something for which you strived for, although you had for long years tried to convince yourself that her approval didn’t matter, in the slightest.
But any hope had disappeared when after a flight of twelve hours, your mother had refused to face you, much to your grandmother’s and your annoyance, although the older woman welcomed you in again as a warm mother, having cooked your favorite meal, something that brightened your mood.
You spent a nice few days back in Ireland, although your mother didn’t seem interested into acknowledging your presence and whenever you were together, she’d stare at you with mighty intensity in her eyes and once you had heard her mutter ‘when will they come for you, silly girl? I want my real child back’.
And in that moment, you had dreaded the thought that had come to your mind.
You had wished that she would have just died.
It was less embarrassing, and it would have been a trauma she could deal with, instead of being stuck in the eternal limbo of ‘will she ever love me? Or will I be for ever the faeries’ daughter?’.
But then that fateful night had happened, and you had been the one thinking that you had grown as crazy as her, as you heard a melodic song being sprung from nowhere.
Something ancient that couldn’t be found on Spotify for sure, although you loved it.
But it just wouldn’t let you sleep, and eventually you peaked outside of your house to check what was going on, although you wouldn’t be surprised to find your neighbor having a concert.
They were quite the musical people.
But it was none of that.
And once you had moved a step outside of your house, the music seemed to slowly lead your step.
And although you weren’t aware of it, soon your body was led through the wood around your manor.
The moon was the only source of light and as you looked up, the music interrupted itself suddenly.
And you were in the middle of nowhere, in simply your skimpy pajama of an awful color from too many washings, and a big print of a teddy bear on it, the writing next to it completely scraped off, nothing as luxurious as the dresses of the people around you.
You almost thought that your neighbor were having a Renaissance fair in the middle of woods, some kind of ‘Shakespeare in the park’ movie, although the dresses belonged to every period in history and not a peculiar one.
Women were dressed in round gowns, puff and big, and tight corsets, meanwhile men looked like they had come from the nearest BDSM club, all dressed in leather and open shirts.
And the jewels they wore, both males and females: silver and gold that shone so bright, absorbing almost the brightness of the moon, intensifying it with their colors and the gems shone of every color in the rainbow, sometime even all together.
And for a moment you were so lost in your rapture that you forgot to wonder what was truly happening here.
The only thing that could come up to your mind was the Hamelin’s flautist, driving the mice to their demise, something that made a sudden shiver fall down your spine, even more when you noticed that they were all somehow armed.
And that wherever the moon didn’t touch, their skin seemed anything but human, having some present slight deformation and animalistic traits, enough that you thought to have wandered in a fairy tale.
A dark one, such as the ones that the Grimm’s brothers wrote.
‘Lady (Y/N)’ somebody called out to you, but you couldn’t identify anyone speaking, almost as if the voice had its original place in your mind, calling out to you loudly, in a way that gripped tight your skull, keeping your eyes on the fable-like cortege ‘… we hoped to meet you again’.
‘… I don’t…’ your voice sounded silly and echoed in your empty head, suddenly cleared of anything else other than that voice and the images of that magic in front of you.
This must be a crazy nightmare.
Or a horrible joke.
‘…  she doesn’t know when to shut up’ this time it was a feminine voice, harsh and tight ‘… are you sure, my son, that she is the one you want to choose?’.
Her voice concealed an obvious disgust, almost as if it was painfully obvious that you were beneath her.
Then why had they come for you.
‘I don’t understand what is going on’ you breathed out, finally able to push the words out, although the woman’s words still echoing in your head ‘… I should be in bed… is this… is this a dream?’.
You almost wanted to mutter that ‘it must have been “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” ‘.
‘… no, it isn’t’ the male voice was low, almost comforting and the tightness in your skull was lightly relieved allowing you to feel more comfortable.
Suddenly you felt your breath quickening up, enough that you feared a panic attack.
‘… then if this is a joke, it isn’t funny!’ your voice spoke loudly ‘… you take the newcomer in city and give her the scare of her life! That’s what you fuckers do! If this is it, I won’t tell the cops, but you have to let me go!’.
‘It isn’t either a joke’ the male voice was different, evidently deeper, almost as if who spoke was more grown up ‘… and whatever human forces you want to conjure they won’t help you’.
This brought dread to your stomach and your breath quickened, enough that you felt choking yourself up deeply, and soon all the air in your lungs finished, and it didn’t take you much to see black.
You woke up in an unknown place, smelling heavenly, something that eased your senses, meanwhile whatever you wore was as delicate as a petal, comfortable enough that it brought you to shift in bed, till you realized that your pajama would have been quite less comfortable.
Hence somebody had had to change you in whatever you were now wearing.
For a few minutes you hoped unrealistically that it had been your grandmother, although you were aware of not owning such luxurious garments.
It would have been a nice dream, before you woke up to the reality.
That seemed more like the dream itself.
You were inside what seemed like a flower, the light barely flicking through the rosy walls of utter silk, meanwhile they closed and opened around you almost as a flower, and the smell was also delicious, lulling and clean.
But then your reason finally came back.
And you realized that you weren’t at home, no matter how reassuring the atmosphere was.
You had been kidnapped.
By some kind of weirdos in tight robes.
Gosh, could it have sounded more like a drugged-out dream?
Had you accidentally taken some medicine from your mother’s cabinet?
But then as you turned lightly your skin was scratched by something and you saw a rose being laid on the pillow next to you, its thorns lightly gracing your face, making you realize that if you were feeling pain… this wasn’t a dream.
And you had seriously fallen asleep inside a flower, like Thumbellina.
But what truly got a scream out of your throat as your senses came back was the purple-skinned girl next to your bed, checking on you, as she folded a ridiculously puffy dress, unlike the simple one she wore, matching her golden feline eyes.
Her legs were also animal-like, almost as the one of a tiger, slender and hairy, colored of a bright orange that clashed with much strength against her skin color, effectively taking your mind away from the thought of being in danger.
Till she screamed back at you.
And you jumped out of bed, grabbing the first thing that you could see in your line of sight, which was a lamp, made of wood, with a small spirit inside of it, shielded by glass, the small being protesting loudly, with its fists, something that almost made you lose your grip onto the delicate object, saved by the purple girl, half-tiger and half-human.
If she was human.
Although you hadn’t seen many blue humans.
But if she wasn’t human… this opened so much possibilities that tricked with your mind.
“… my lady…” she didn’t seem to be in slightest much more informed or calmer than you “… you should calm down”.
But you didn’t and moved to collect something else, to shield and protect yourself, eventually settling on a pillow full of daisy, the same one where you had laid your head till a few minutes before.
“… where the fuck am I?” your voice was low, but it broke lightly in the end with hysteria.
“My lady, you are safe” the purple being spoke, as she settled down the lamp on its rightful place, lightly brushing against you, as you pushed the pillow in front of your chest, accidentally making a few daisies fall down onto your feet “… nobody will hurt you”.
“… I was kidnapped! You have already hurt me!” you replied tightly, choking on the words, as you felt another attack coming onto you, and the woman gently held you up “… I should go back home! I need to go back home!”.
“You are home, my lady” you were honestly annoyed by the way she pronounced your title, almost as if it was the most normal thing ever.
As if you belonged there.
“… this isn’t my home! My grandma isn’t here brushing away my hair and there isn’t even that bitch of my mother… Gosh I am fucking missing her right now!” your outburst strangely excited the small fire being in the lamp and as you looked at it too closely, shielded from it by your pillow, meanwhile the tiger-lady moved away, clearly thinking you needed your space.
The small creature was male-like, naked and with flaming hair, changing colors as the intensity of the flame became stronger.
And it talked, although it whispered lowly, almost child-like, chanting what seemed a bawdy dirge and you cursed again, being mimicked by the small being.
“… perfect! Kidnapped and pushed to meet a fucking perv of a fire spirit” you commented, gently caressing your forehead “… this can’t be true! Magic doesn’t exist!”.
“It does” the voice was different from the one of the blue-skinned being and it was much louder than the fire spirit’s one, although it seemed quite young, and you remembered you had heard it in the clearing.
And when you raised your eyes from the pillow you found a charming young man, barely younger than you, with long flowy hair, coming to his shoulder in light waves at its end, of a dark color that highlighted his enchanting blue eyes.
He wore a complex robe, although it seemed much more relaxed than the one you had seen in the clearing, having shed any elegant and expensive detail, except for a few earrings that caught your attention, pushing itself onto the peculiar shape of his ears.
They were pointy.
Like faeries.
You knew that people sometimes would undergo surgery to obtain such a shape, and you had been blessed with slightly pointy ears, something that had made many Halloween costumes easy for you.
But the way his ears looked…
… it seemed natural.
Because it was.
“Niahm, can you please leave us alone?” he spoke, although again his lips didn’t open, and you wondered whether it was again only in your head or you were starting to go mad.
But also the tiger-lady seemed to have heard it, bowing her head to the beautiful man, as she  moved outside, leaving you alone with him and you quickly managed to grab again the lamp, moving into a defensive position.
“Don’t think of hurting me, bastard” you muttered between gritted teeth “… I’ll destroy this and set you on fire”.
A sad smile appeared on his face, almost as if he was amused, but understood your reasonings and something in you relaxed strangely, as the man moved to push himself onto the bed, putting a lengthy distance between you and him.
And then you ran.
Ran outside, but before you could do much more, as soon as you shifted the curtains that were the walls of the chamber you found yourself almost falling to your demise, since outside of the whatever you had waken up in, there was nothing.
And underneath it, the ground… many many meters under you.
“… what the hell” your voice was low, and you quickly turned behind, closing the curtain behind yourself, as the young man looked at you with a knowing smirk.
“Smart move” he commented “… you don’t have wings sadly. Pixie sometimes are lucky enough to have them, but you don’t seem to be the type”.
“… pixie?” you asked, as slowly you felt everything you knew crumbling to the ground, your own knees buckling up underneath you “… this can’t be true”.
“It is true” replied the young man, adjusting on the bed, although he seemed rather elegant, also with his legs crossed in a relaxed position, making you notice that although his legs were lithe, he certainly had the posture of a royal person.
Head straight and clear eyes.
“… faeries exist, exactly like magic, and deep down you know, (Y/N)” again that voice in your head and you stupidly went to close your ears to prevent yourself from listening onto him “… you know because you are one of us, truly”.
And slowly, almost as if a cover had been opened from one of the trunks of your memory, slow images appeared in your mind, of you seeing faeries everywhere.
Meanwhile you were lost in the woods, after your mother had left you, small dwarves leading you back home, as they gifted you a wreath of roses and thorns that didn’t bite your skin.
Meanwhile you collected flowers for your grandmother, a few small faeries helping you, as they played with your hair, taunting you with soft whispers.
Meanwhile you left Ireland, a small cohort of little magical creatures accompanying you as you left your home.
And all of this had been hidden in your mind since you had left Ireland.
You had known magic, indeed, because you were one of them.
You were a changeling.
As your mother had told you.
“… my life…” you felt yourself choking up on your own tears, as the man quickly moved closer to you, dropping on the floor in front of you, as you shifted your face away, not wanting to show weakness, although again your eyes were beginning to be quite clouded “… my life is a lie”.
“And my mother knew it all about it” blame shifted in your body, as you remembered how easily you had called her ‘crazy’ all this time, when she had known all the truth about it “… this isn’t right, still… aren’t… aren’t changelings supposed to live with the humans?”.
The young man retreated from you, almost as if your lips had mumbled a tight accusation against him.
“… you are to marry my brother”.
Hadn’t all of this been quite crazy already, you would have started crying.
But instead you giggled hysterically, before you realized that he wasn’t joking.
“I don’t even know you!” you screeched, and before he knew it, your hands had clawed at his shirt, but as your hands came in your full view, you noticed that if you had thought that the crazy tiger-lady looked weird in blue and orange, you were now a shade of mauve that almost made you think you weren’t in your body anymore.
But you were a faery, after all, now.
It shouldn’t have shocked you that much.
Although it was utter crazy.
“… well then I can solve that quickly!” replied the boy, almost as if you hadn’t broken down two times already “… I am Alfred, and you are marrying my brother, Aethelred!”.
“That doesn’t solve much” your voice was grim, but you were too tired to fight, already thinking about the fact that you had discovered that you were a faery for a minute and you already were in a crazy amount of troubles.
“I can’t marry him”.
“Not with that attitude!” commented another voice, deeper and definitely much more mainly and you turned to take a small peak at whoever had joined you, discovering that the man was quite the picture of Alfred.
Same light eyes and dark hair, but he had a more mainly appearance, with a fresh unshaven beard and tight muscles, definitely much more robust than Alfred, who lightly ducked his head low, at that appearance, some sense of uneasiness shining in his eyes.
Meanwhile the other man’s showed arrogance as they took you in.
And it didn’t take you a genius that you were looking at your future husband.
“… I don’t think that I am even remotely ready to marry someone” you spoke loudly, spurred on by that amused annoyance you saw in his eyes, meanwhile his lips moved in a smirk and you pushed yourself up, although it didn’t solve much since you were still much smaller than him.
“Who is every ready?”.
“Don’t you have something smarter to say than idiotic answers” you replied, hissing through his teeth, as you pushed him away lightly, feeling like you were trying to push away a wall of muscles.
“… I don’t want a stupid changeling as my bride” he uttered wickedly, his humor certainly reminding you more of the faeries you had read about, accompanied but the dangerously darkness that characterized them, although they might dress in pink tulle and ride white unicorns.
“… I don’t want whatever the fuck you are as my husband” you mimicked him, crossing your head over your chest, solely now noticing that you weren’t wearing anything more than a nightgown that was the same color of your skin, making you seem naked.
“Aethelred, don’t taunt her” Alfred’s voice suddenly seemed deeper, laced with a troubled annoyance, and he set himself between you both, almost thinking that there might have been some kind of fight from you two, and you just watched the haughty faerie in front of you with your best glare.
“Mother wouldn’t like it to see you talk like that to your future bride” continued on reprimanding him loudly Alfred, and this time the arrogant annoyance became a truly hateful feeling and you couldn’t deny that you wouldn’t have liked it either, if your younger brother treated you like that.
“Mother doesn’t fucking care. She just wants to continue on screwing her pathetic humab lover…” the comment scandalized Alfred, but before he could say anything, Aethelred’s attention turned to you “… you aren’t one of us, you’ll only taint my bloodline, with your dried up blood”.
“Don’t worry, I don’t have any intention to even come near your prick” you retorted loudly “… I do think that you probably find much more pleasure from whatever is showed up your fucking ass”.
This seemed to take him by surprised, as a strange mixture of admiration appeared in his eyes before turning in a devious smirk, his eyes shifting onto your body, as you shielded it, eventually turning around, wanting to grab your pillow and smother the arrogant asshole.
“… you shouldn’t have sent away the maid” now he talked with his brother like you didn’t exist anymore, but you were thankful they weren’t using the mind trick anymore “… you know that mother won’t appreciate it if she is either late or in a nightgown for the Promise”.
“What Promise?” you intervened, but the brothers now kept on talking between themselves, an embarrassed look on Alfred’s face “… somebody will fucking tell me what is going on? Or will I be also kidnapped for this fucking Promise?!”.
“Preferably not” sarcasm and sass was much better than nothing “… it is a ceremony before our marriage, where we promise that we won’t stab each other in the back”.
“… romantic” you muttered “… but believe me, even a swear won’t hold me back from stabbing you”.
“Faerie swears mean much more, although I do have to admit that you have the amazing ability to lie, having lived with humans for so long…” he commented “… that’s why you are here, our secret weapon”.
“What do you mean?”.
Why had these people all made this without even asking for your opinion.
“…call her maid” Aethelred simply sent you one last look before turning around.
And you never wanted to feel like that.
Alfred seemed almost halfway through doing that when your voice became a tight whisper.
‘… can you give me a minute?’.
A minute of privacy.
A minute with the only person who didn’t seem to know everything that had been going on.
A minute to understand what you’d truly have to do to escape all of this.
Because there was no way you’d get married to that prick.
In the end you had tried not to question too much your faerie origins.
You had a much more urgent problem in your hands.
A marriage you didn’t want to attend.
A marriage in which you were a bride.
It was still difficult for you to understand what they truly wanted from you, but you wouldn’t have stayed for the real ceremony, although you hadn’t yet figured out a way to run away and go back to civilization, since you were closed off in some kind of ancient tower that looked like a flower.
Stranded away in the middle of nowhere.
So, you would have played the nice girl, till you found out how to run away.
You might not have had wings, but faeries usually had some kind of magic, so maybe you would have been lucky enough to have the power to teleport you away from all of this shit, something that you had childishly tried when the faerie maid, Niahm, had left you in bath alone.
You hadn’t found any kind of sharp objects you could use as a weapon.
You had tried breaking some kind of smelly bottles, probably filled with perfume, but they had just bounced off the wall even when you had thrown them across the bathroom, making you feel even more at unease.
Because not only you felt at danger.
But you felt damnably useless.
And pitiful.
Almost a child being dressed up in elegant gown and long dresses.
A child who had been stolen away and brought up in the human world.
You almost expected some fairy to take your hand and push you by their side as they brought you down the wedding hall.
Which should be what had happened, had they thought that they could marry you off, easily.
You would have thrown a worse tantrum than a spoiled brat in front of an entire faerie court, for sure.
Because if there was one thing that you knew in your bones about the people that you had seen around you, those two brothers were royals, truly with the way they acted and how expensive their dresses seemed.
And you wouldn’t have been married off easily.
Because you were wanted for some talent of yours.
Your had something they wanted.
And that made you valuable cargo.
No matter how annoyed Aethelred was with you.
And if there was one thing you were looking forward more than simply running the hell away from here, it was pissing off that asshole.
You were soon ready and when you stepped out of the bathroom Niahm checked you further, adjusting your dress and pushing your washed hair up, meanwhile she smudged lightly some make-up on your eyes.
‘It’s the trend of the season in the court’ she spoke as she took you in ‘… you’ll be the prettiest’.
“I better” you mumbled, annoyedly “… I might be kidnapped but I refuse not to look anything but the bestest”.
She didn’t seem to understand what you truly meant, but she simply smiled and you almost felt pity for the horrible way you had treater her.
She obviously wanted to be there as much as you did, and you couldn’t put much blame on her, although she certainly wouldn’t have helped you.
“… sorry” you simply mumbled, as she turned to you with a small smile, her voice telling you ‘not to worry about’, purring out the ‘r’s, but her eyes shone of acceptance, and then she told you to wait a bit more.
And then suddenly the sun, seeping through the petals of your new home, became more orange, hitting low the petal that opened almost on his own and then lowered itself on the ground on some kind of slide
‘This isn’t even the weirdest thing I have seen today’ you thought as Niahm moved to you.
“Would you prefer that I go first, my lady?” she probably noticed your uneasiness, since you had never been one to do this kind of things “… it is safe as life, as you humans say”.
“That isn’t reassuring” you commented, but insisted that she went first, seeing her disappear quickly over the silky slide of the pinkish petal, onto which you moved, in your pinkish dress, a shade clearer that your skin right now.
You didn’t even have to push yourself, you moved down calmly, although the fastness of it made you ditzy and you weren’t comfortable till you were again on the ground, seeing that everyone you had seen last night was now looking at you, and at your disheveled state.
And you were glad to have Niahm come and collect you, almost as a doll in embellished clothes and thick blush over its cheeks, meanwhile Aethelred, you recognized him by the elegant clothes and the piercingly blue eyes, whispered something to a creature that looked like the elves you had read about when you were younger.
Slender and so light that she blinded you.
They spoke with an intimacy that showed that your soon-to-be-husband had much more experience than you thought in womanly business.
You wouldn’t have for sure stayed around enough to see if that was true or not.
Alfred came onto you, once Niahm was done with your set-up, guiding you through a court of creature that even in your wildest fantasies you wouldn’t have been able to conceive, although you recognized a few, asking yourself whether there were humans, since some seemed almost ‘normal’, but then a twinkle of their eyes would reveal much more.
And you felt a stranger.
A powerless stranger.
“Dear sister!” welcomed you Alfred, and although you weren’t sure to trust him or even like him, you were grateful for his help, since he had been the sole source of information you had met “… let me show you around! We have all been so eager to meet you!”.
And the court did seem eager.
But in a wicked away.
As if they expected nothing more than some kind of mistake from you.
One that would have sent you away from them, since they all looked positively plotting and you could only guess what they were thinking of you, although your shade of skin wasn’t human-like, but the way you moved… was clumsy.
Horridly clumsy, if confronted with theirs.
Alfred named ladies after lords as he guided you through them, and soon you were in front of two thrones, both pushed upward to distance them from the crowd below, as if they were stronger and you could only guess this meant they were the royal-est of the royals.
One seat, still, was left empty beside them, halfway through earth and sky.
But soon you had a bigger surprise waiting for you, as Alfred informed you that the older man and the younger woman sitting on the thrones were his relatives, making him the prince of the faeries.
Exactly like his brother.
The one you’d have to marry.
As if your situation hadn’t been already bad.
“My grandfather Ecberth, he is the one who organized your wedding” and he bowed lightly his head, making you a small sign to do the same, as the annoyed old man turned his attention on you suddenly.
The whispers all around you being immediately silenced.
And you felt judged.
“… lady (Y/N)” it was the woman who spoke, and had you been intimidated by the older man, the woman’s voice spoke of pure poison, something that made you extremely uneasy “… we are blessed to see your face and not hear your horrendous screams, this time”.
You honestly thought of a few comebacks but held back your tongue.
For now, you had to play the docile card.
You couldn’t make them worry when you were in their territory, if not for your own personal safety, to make your escape easier.
“… and this is my mother, queen Judith” exhaled softly Alfred and you had to push your eyes back onto your feet, because surprise shone in them.
Alfred hadn’t seriously inherited a single drop of that poisonous woman.
And now you did understand why Aethelred didn’t like her.
“… Judith!” reprimanded her quickly Ecberth, although something similar to amusement shone in his eyes as he said that name, before turning his full attention on you, something that made you almost feel like an ant being looked up by an enormous human foot “… excuse my lovely daughter-in-law, she knows nothing of our hospitality”.
“I am grateful for your hospitality” you spoke lowly, trying to keep your sarcasm contained, although you heard Aethelred laugh at your clumsy response, his snicker catching also Ecberth’s eye, who smirked back, but with harshness in the twinkle of his eye.
“… my eldest grandchild seems to have taken after his mother” and his eyes became harsh and heavy, and you almost felt bad for the public humiliation that befell on Aethelred “…do come forward, my foul boy”.
And Aethelred almost pushed by the same enchantment that had brought you in the woods, moved himself forward and marched with a harsh expression to you, till he was by your side.
“… isn’t your wife lovely?” he asked him, a tone of mockery in his words and soon purple coated Aethelred’s cheeks in a show of embarrassment that made you almost think that this wasn’t simply an advantageous wedding, although they had told you so.
This was a punishment for him.
“I don’t have to find my wife lovely” Aethelred shot back, hissing roughly through his teeth “… I just have to find her a liar”.
Again, that accent on your lying abilities.
What did it mean?
These people could enchant others, they could fly on their own wings and sprout fire, but they were suddenly interested in a girl that could lie.
“And can she lie?” the fact that he spoke like you weren’t there got on your nerve.
But you clutched your fists harder, raising your head immediately with a smile.
“I am very pleased to have this marriage with the lovely Aethelred” each word sounded fake, but the lie smeared itself on your mouth, making the man look at you as if you were some kind of strange animal.
One that pleased him greatly.
But could bite.
“… oh Gosh isn’t it marvelous?” he commented, laughing loudly as the entire court mirrored him as if they were one with him “… a blessing upon our house”.
Everybody agreed, even the scorned queen, although her eyes marveled with something that seemed almost envy, you held your head tighter, taking in your small victory, but it didn’t last much, because soon king Ecberth looked at you again and ordered to move onto the royal dinner.
‘… we’ll get something in our stomach and then raise our cups to the promise”.
And that would have made everything painfully real.
No matter the fact that you didn’t understand what this promise fully entailed, but the thought of food might have been helpful, since you honestly just started feeling the pain in your stomach due to the hunger.
Although you weren’t sure you should have eaten everything.
You had read too much Christina Rossetti to trust any fairy food.
And in a blink of an eye, tables appeared, almost blooming from the ground, and solely now you realized you weren’t in some magical land, but you were beneath the grass, as small as an ant, enough for to inhabit the small flower you had woken up into.
You wondered how the hell had it happened, even more when your captors had been your same height the previous night.
Had you become too small?
Or had the world grown too big around you?
They didn’t call them ‘Little People’ for anything, after all.
You almost shrieked as one chair came right behind your huge dress, the layers of fabric shielding you from unwanted attention, but you couldn’t hide your embarrassment at that sudden apparition, unused to such ordinary magic, as Alfred giggled innocently, meanwhile Aethelred smirked dangerously, but still sat next to you.
The food made you nervous so you simply played around with it, wondering whether you should have tasted the purplish substance in your glass, since your throat was suddenly aching for water, but you didn’t want to die or either worse be enchanted and driven mad.
You might have had their blood, but you weren’t used to their magic and their tricks.
“… it is safe to eat” commented Aethelred as he saw your hesitation “… people will be annoyed if they find out that I intend to starve my bride”.
“Will this make me dance like crazy around the table?” you muttered holding out the purplish liquid in the elegant glass.
“No” and he noticed that you didn’t look in the slightest convinced “… I can’t lie”.
“Is it true?” you retorted, but slightly dipped your lips in the liquid, your throat begging for a bit of relief.
“… I lo…” and his mouth pushed itself in various shapes till he renounced saying whatever he wanted and instead muttered darkly “… I hate all of this”.
“Don’t even start” you shot back, as you then moved to dip your mouth further in the glass, discovering that what you had thought was an horridly powerful potion turned out to be simple grape juice, not even alcoholic “… you weren’t kidnapped for this”.
“You know why my grandfather agreed to this?” he commented loudly, as if you were seriously interested in his own problems, not having already enough of your own “… because although you might be so special for your lying abilities, you are nothing more than a human girl”.
“My skin color would suggest otherwise” you muttered, showing off a naked arm, since your arms were exposed, through light sleets “… what the hell do I have to do to turn back to my original complexion?”.
“… get away from here” it was almost a suggestion “… changeling show their true nature only in Fae reigns. Run away and you’ll be a simple human again”.
“Oh, believe me, I’d love to do just that” a sugary sweet smile appeared on your face, matched by Aethelred, showing you that although he might not lie, he was completely able to fake “… just let me know which one is the emergency exit door and I’ll be far swiftly out of your hair”.
“You have such a way with words” he spoke loudly, a bright laugh escaping from his mouth, as he raised his cup towards his mother and grandfather “… keep your tongue tame or you won’t survive in here”.
“I have every intention of not even living in here” you replied, although the threat had gotten the hair on your skin to raise, as the goosebumps went all over your body, and you weren’t sure if it was for the veiled threat or the way Aethelred was so close to you.
He was as handsome as an amazing statue, a strong facial structure and a tight smile, and eyes that shone of much more interest than he led on.
“… what is this ‘promise’ thing? Seriously” you muttered, your voice a bit lower than it should have been, but Aethelred spared you any harsh remark, instead choosing to focus onto your question, although his eyes shifted onto what had been left in his plate.
He had eaten voraciously, almost as if he expected everything to be brought away from him.
“It is the first bonding ritual to link two faeries together” he explained with a dark and ancient voice, definitely tired “… we don’t swear upon chastity or faith since it is quite common to have lovers and such, in Fae realms…”.
“… that is reassuring” you commented darkly, unsure of why you’d be jealous of Aethelred, when the sole thought of sharing a bed with him, as handsome as he might be. put you at unease.
“… I am a prince” he replied, as if that was a justification enough “… sex is simply a mean to gain power, and you should know it as well”.
“That’s what men always say and then stone women as whores”.
Aethelred seemed surprised at your affirmation and something of almost reflective shone in his face.
“We wouldn’t stone you for cheating on me” he said, and then his voice had a tougher intonation, returning to the silk-veiled threats he had been launching at you since the start of it all “… we would kill you for betraying our family”.
“… that surely reassure me”.
“The promise will prove that and ensure it” he continued on explaining “… we swear of being loyal to our families, joining us under one, in order for us to forge an alliance that will never be broken if not in Death”.
“That shit seems serious” you muttered, as you also started eating the meal in your plate, knowing that if you truly wanted to escape, you’d have to be strong.
“… it is” he confirmed “… but the promise is the least show-like of our ceremonies, then there is ‘The Dressing’, ‘The Ceremony’, ‘The Undressing’…”.
“They all explain pretty well what they entail” you commented loudly, embarrassment written all over your cheeks in a show of uneasiness that made you a weak target for Aethelred’s laugh, although he kept the conversation between you two, as he promised.
“I’ll be gentle with you, little virgin”.
Your cheeks became even redder, and you dropped half the glass onto his expensive pants for revealing your embarrassing secret, as he smirked almost playfully.
He was like a big feline waiting for his prey to lower her guard.
The stain didn’t last even a sole minute on the pants, before it vanished in thin air.
“… don’t worry, I’ll wait” he grinned at you, before he leaned in, and you found yourself stuck on the chair “… there is no intention in me to take a fruit that isn’t offered, but either way I always seem to wait for the more mature ones, falling right in my hands”.
You were too hot.
And you almost thought about drenching yourself with grape juice, to relieve that.
But Aethelred quickly moved away from him, his entire playful attire disappearing as his eyes focused on the sight of Judith hand-feeding Alfred, although he shouldn’t have the need of it, but you didn’t miss Aethelred’s longing gaze, desperate for affection.
“… my mother, too, didn’t like me” you didn’t know why you blurted it out, but it just did.
“Mothers can feel when their children isn’t theirs, so I don’t blame her” he commented, and you were surprised he hadn’t said anything truly cruel “… my situation is worse, believe me. My mother hates me for the sake of my brother’s love”.
It was an heartfelt confession and you wondered whether you should have said something but you just stared at him, unable to stop yourself from doing literally anything, as your hand held out for his, but he just shifted it away, facing forward.
And although you had no intention or interest in comforting your captors, not wanting to develop Stockholm Syndrome, you couldn’t help but feel bitter at his rejection and when you were turning around to collect yourself in a private moment, you saw something, a thick creature, dark green and horridly scaly, almost like a snake.
But before you could scream more wretched creatures appeared, and from the scream that erupted, you knew that they weren’t invited.
Aethelred was quick, noticing the creature near you, as he pushed you back, almost getting you to bump into the ground and he exited the sword and pushed it right into the creature’s chest, horridly killing him as some kind of acidic blood was emitted by the horrifying nightmare, and you shielded yourself with the fabric of your dress.
“… grab my knife, soon-to-be wife” he commented loudly, as another creature screeched appearing onto the table with a warrior scream that made you immediately cover your ears, as Aethelred shook you to your feet “… the knife! Idiotic human girl!”.
And you did grab the knife he had stitched onto his thigh, getting it out of his sheath, as he sent you a little look to where a running mob was forming, before the creatures completely circled you, leaving you no escape.
“… run forward and never stop” he explained to you, as he easily fought off another attack and you shamelessly used him as a human shield “… there’ll be an arch… it’ll make you human again just by stepping over it”.
That was your way out, although chaos erupted around you and you screeched loudly making you heavy, but you nodded at what Aethelred had said and quickly moved towards where he had pointed, trampling over a furious crowd, as guards appeared shielding the royals, Alfred disappearing under the tight arm of an armed man.
And you ducked down, sure that nobody would notice you.
But hands came for you, both scaly and both faerie, and the knife in your hold moved on its own, pushing itself through flesh and coming out marred in blood, although you never wanted to hurt anyone.
But had you stopped they would have hurt you.
You tried not to do too much damage, simply stabbing at the hands, hoping that whatever happened they’d have some kind of healing magic you had never known, and just pushed forward, eventually leaving behind the small war, and for a bit you thought it was a trap.
Some kind of dangerous ploy to prove your loyalty.
No arch was in sight.
And you were losing hope, thinking that maybe it was all a game.
A game of chase that would have belonged to those savage people, but then your eyes caught a beautiful sight: an arch, right in front of your eyes.
And you were just moving to pass it, when something blunt hit the back of your head and you went down again, cursing yourself for having thought this would have ended up well.
You were getting annoyed at waking up like this.
Not in your room and with a burning headache.
This time you knew from the start that you hadn’t woken up for sure in your childhood home, since everywhere around you was cold and wet, almost as if you were being held under earth and when you opened your eyes, you saw that you hadn’t been wrong.
Around you everything was brown, barely lighted up by the dying flame of a candle.
You couldn’t help but feel buried inside a good amount of mud, all around you in a strange structure that was reinforced with metals and rocks, such as the things that blocked you from moving out.
No soft petals, but metal bars.
You were in prison.
Had they imprisoned you for having run away?
But at the same time, you couldn’t help but feel like you had shifted away completely by the cheery light of the faerie world and you were now closed off in mud and something that smelled much worse.
You moved closer to the small candle, as you cradled it closer to you, moving towards the bars to look outside to try to understand what was going on as you realized that your color of your skin hadn’t gone back to normal, showing you that you hadn’t passed the arc.
That you were still in faerieland.
Or whatever they called it.
But you weren’t anymore in any royal court, something that you dreaded to admit but you almost missed.
Even more when you noticed what was outside for you.
Or better in the bars in front of you.
Frightened creatures that you identified as similar faeries, backed up and scared, a few of them wounded and you couldn’t help but think that although the faeries seemed true savages, they wouldn’t have done this to their same people.
Had it been the creatures that had attacked you at the royal banquet?
But soon your thoughts were answered, as you heard heavy steps starting to sound, as the creatures shrieked away from the bars and towards the darkness of their cells and your heart started speeding up, as you finally realized that you were in deep shit.
You definitely missed your small private flower chamber.
But it wasn’t the creatures you had seen at the wedding that came face to face with you, although they resembled them in the color of their skin, a deep unhealthy yellowish green.
And it didn’t take you much to understand they were goblins.
Although they were quite more handsome than you thought.
But they had an almost aggressive beauty to them, something that made you uneasy as they inched closer to your bars, snickers coming from them, as they noticed your surprised face, and you took in how many they truly were.
Four men, all with long hair, braided elegantly, almost in warrior-like fashion, but two were bigger, although at least four of them were relatives for sure, meanwhile one stood out with his tattooed face and hair falling onto his face.
But they all shared their hungry smiles, and you almost crawled back in the back of the cell when they walked in the bar, opening it up to you.
“… don’t you smell the lovely perfume of a scared faerie?” commented the smaller one, his tongue wetting his lips, in a suggestive way that made you tremble “… they always taste sweeter when they cry”.
“Hvitserk!” called him back who looked like his brother, an elegant braid of brownish blond hair and pure blue eyes “… you aren’t allowed to touch her, don’t you remember?”.
… oh, that certainly put your mind at ease.
“… yeah yeah, I know… Ivar wants her alive” commented harshly the man backing up from you, as instead the tattooed man walked forward you, grabbing harshly your arm to push you to move alongside him, meanwhile the only man that had been silent, the older of the brothers, also blonde hair and damned blue eyes, looked at you.
You kept your back straight and pushed yourself to stand taller towards him, because showing that you feared them made you uneasy.
And it would have just brought you deeper.
You might play the compliant princess.
But you wouldn’t have played the scared one.
From what you had heard you weren’t to be touched, hence you were safe.
For now.
Although Hvitserk, or whatever that troll was called, kept his eyes for the entire time on your ass.
You tried to take in the road for where you were lead, up to a pair of stairs, although you couldn’t see any windows in sight, probably because if you remembered correctly the light of the sun turned goblins into stone.
But still you weren’t able to catch the passing of time, whether you had moved away from the bloody tint of the dawn you had experienced or if it was already the rosy-fingered dawn, coming for you.
The walls still became much more sturdy and stable, made of rocks than instead mud, almost as if you were slowly walking towards the true castle, meanwhile the prisoners were simply returned to the earth where they had all come from.
You hadn’t been wrong at thinking that you had been buried alive.
And then you walked in what looked like a dark hall, straight from your darkest fairytales, with black rocks everywhere and barely a fireplace shining through the darkness of the room, as you took in the elegant and cruel assemble.
And the man who sat on a chair in the middle of it.
He looked young, probably a few years younger than you, the color of the fire making his face shine with a more normal color, almost human.
But you were sure he was a goblin.
Hadn’t it been for his horrifying teeth, sharp and pushed forward, you would have thought he might have been quite the handsome lad.
But villains always looked wonderful in fairytales.
And from what you had seen and heard, he was one of them.
“… lady (Y/N)” he welcomed you, raising himself up, although you noticed that he was in a croaked position, making you wonder whether he had been wounded or was simply tired.
Or wanted to mock you.
“… welcome in my humble home” he commented with a devious light in his eyes, again  predator taunting his prey and you honestly couldn’t help but hate that behavior, rolling lightly your eyes as you were laid onto a chair that was propped in front of him “… I take it that your staying was well”.
“My hair got a bit dirtied due to the humidity” you commented, taking on the persona of the spoiled brat “… if I get split ends, I’ll forward you my hairdresser’s bill”.
You knew that you were toeing a thin line, but the beautiful goblin simply looked at you with a smirk, as his eyes shone of interest, probably not expecting of you reacting that way.
But he didn’t let it impress him.
“… we’ll pay, goblins certainly don’t miss riches” he said, as he then moved to turn around, showing you that on the wall in the barely-lighted up a trophy shown: a golden armor, encrusted with gems all over it, definitely expensive “… my uncle Floki, made it for me”.
“… seems heavy” you commented unimpressed.
And this time his eyes showed that he had taken offense at your comment.
“You aren’t one for pretty words, are you?” he questioned you, and you felt the aggressiveness that told you this wasn’t a curtesy call.
“I might look like a cupcake in this dress, but believe me, I am not” you shot back, and although he seemed quite confused by what you said, he seemed to get the gist of the discourse, for which you were thankful.
Since it meant he might have stopped treating you like an idiot.
“… I am Ivar, the king of goblins”.
Again, you were unimpressed, pushing your face to rest itself.
“… and I am (Y/N), princess of being kidnapped, it seems”.
“This is serious” he commented, and you felt the surprised being met with annoyance, something that got you to assume a more serious expression, as you straightened your position “… and it’ll be advantageous to both of us, if you accept my deal”.
“… will you allow me to go outside to poo? Because believe me… the faeries also offered me that”.
“I can offer you your freedom”.
And that got you to finally shut up.
And stop with the sass.
Because Ivar’s eyes seemed honest.
So, it was impossible.
“… I don’t believe you”.
“I belong to the Little People, I can’t lie” but something told you that he would run around the truth, and hence you couldn’t believe him and wouldn’t have.
Till you had proofs.
“Why would you offer me freedom?” you asked, knowing that this wouldn’t be free “…what do you want for yourself?”.
“A spy” that left you surprised truly “… not many faeries can be good spies, but somebody like you, linked to the royal family and able to lie at command, might come quite handy to me… and all you’d have to do is to be my little bird, chirping information on my shoulders”.
Which wasn’t what you wanted in the slightest.
“… if I accept… how will you give me my freedom?” you asked, as your eyes danced around the room, not wanting to let him see how much you were considering his proposal.
Some part of you told you that goblins had their own agenda and you would have been caught in something in between and any way to escape would have been ruined.
But still… you didn’t see many ways to escape this prison.
Goblins weren’t certainly as gentle as faerie, and certainly although Ivar had ordered not to touch you, it certainly wouldn’t have lasted much.
So, you should have accepted, but…
… but you just wanted a normal life.
“… easily, I’ll turn you back in the human you always believed yourself to be” it seemed easy said by his mouth and although you knew that he couldn’t lie, for a minute you felt like this had a second meaning and you should be careful for that.
Everytime the villain offered the easy solution out, it meant that the main characters had sold their soul out.
“… you make it seem easy, but I don’t trust easy things” you commented, as you readjusted on the chair, lightly focusing your attention on the dress, noticing how utterly tattered it look, completely ruined.
It represented perfectly how you felt inside.
“It isn’t an easy thing, but… it is possible” he replied “… many of our species ditch our skin to enchant elegant wives, a few of my brothers can confirm it”.
A choir of snickers made you aware that it was indeed true.
“… it’s an enchantment” he explained “… it’ll make you human again”.
“I am not telling you till you decide whether you accept my deal or not” his mouth turned in a devious smirk.
“You might trick me”.
“… I could force you into this” he commented loudly, and suddenly you were aware that although he hadn’t shown you that he was powerful, he was much stronger than he let on “… I could have you spying for me with worse methods”.
And he meant it from the bloodthirsty expression which appeared on his face.
“But I am feeling generous, and I know that satisfied employees are the best ones” he reached out to you, as he lightly staggered down from the throne, making you notice that he wore braces, metal braces onto his body, although you assumed they couldn’t be iron, but he looked quite strong, holding his body straight.
But your eyes shifted as he moved his hand forward to you and his hand lightly moved itself in your hair, before settling on your face and strangely his touch seemed ice-cold and wet, but it didn’t startle as his eyes shifted onto you.
“… will you be my spy, little one?”.
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Chapter 2: Unimpressive Apprentice
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“Tell me, apprentice, what kind of magic are you looking to study under Scar?”
Before you even get the chance to respond, Mr. Goodtimes speaks up in response to Virgam’s question. “Well, I’m going to teach them everything I know, of course! I can’t have my apprentice simply focusing on one track. They have too much magic in them to simply keep all of that bottled up.”
Virgam looked unimpressed, rolling her eyes at your enthusiastic teacher. “Scar, you only know one track yourself.”
“I- Well, that might be true, but I have plenty of tomes that I study every day.”
“I’m sure you do.” She picks up a glass set on a side table, a dark liquid barely visible over the rim as she takes a sip. “But wouldn’t it be easier for you to start your apprentice off on something they already know? Work from there?”
You looked over at Mr. Goodtimes, whose eyes were narrowed in thought as he processed this line of logic. You were starting to get the feeling that your self-appointed mentor may have embellished his title a little bit. He seems to come to a decision though as he nods, his ears perking up. 
“You have a point, Virgam. Yes, apprentice!” He turns to you and you stand straighter. “Now then, what do you know how to do?”
You think about what it is you know how to do with your magic. Sure, you’ve tried to do plenty of simply, small tricks. Lighting candles without a source or creating little illusions to watch when you couldn’t sleep. You glance over at Virgam, her hand gently swirling the glass as she inspects your every move. Right, you used to work in a bar and there is one thing you managed to become an expert at.
You walk up to her, taking the glass from her hand with nothing but a confused look from Virgam. You then walk over to Mr. Goodtimes, grabbing the bottom of his robe and pouring the dark drink onto the pristine purple fabric, instantly creating a dark spot that quickly begins spreading.
“Apprentice!” He cried, his ears flattened on his head as he gave you a betrayed look. Virgam’s laughter echoed off the walls. “Why did you do that?”
You hold up a hand, telling him to wait. You look down at the stain, moving your hand to hover over it. Light envelops the stain for a few seconds before it fades, leaving the purple in the same state it had been a few seconds ago. You gesture to it with a flourish.
Mr. Goodtimes’ look of betrayal quickly shifted into a blank expression. “Oh. Yeah, that makes sense.” He giggled, running his thumb over the clean spot and rubbing the back of his neck. “Is, uh, that all you know how to do?”
You drop the robe, shoulders slumping. You raise your hands, palms up, and conjure up a small illusion of a sheep that runs around across your hands. You look back up at Mr. Goodtimes, his expression clearly telling you that he had expected something a little more.
“Do you… know anything else?” 
You drop your hands and the illusion, thinking if your other small tricks are worth showing. You ultimately decide they aren’t and shrug, shaking your head. 
 “Alright, so you know basic spells, that’s good, I guess. Plenty of room for improvement though!” He squints at you, like he had before when he was deep in thought. “Alright,” he says, “how about we focus on more chore-based spells to begin with?”
“You’re supposed to make them your apprentice, Scar, not your maid.”
Mr. Goodtimes sputtered in offense. “Excuse me, I will not make them my maid! I just think it’ll be easier for them to learn some simple utility spells before we move into, say, shooting giant fireballs or raising the dead.”
“Because you can do that?”
“That’s not important.” Mr. Goodtimes grabs you by the shoulders, beginning to push you out of the shop. “So, how soon can you get a staff made, Virgam?”
You are able to spot Virgam rolling her eyes before Jellie rubs against your legs and past you out the door, causing you to almost trip over your feet. “I’ll have one made in a few hours, don’t you worry. Just be careful out there.”
Mr. Goodtimes pushes you out into the bustling village once again, and you bring your hand up to block the sunlight that reflects off the blue crystal in front of you. Once you’re out the door Mr. Goodtimes lets you go, and you watch as Jellie runs off further into the village. You look at Mr. Goodtimes, wondering if he is worried about that at all but he is just looking out over the village with a wide smile. He looks at you.
“Well, my apprentice, since that is taken care of, why don’t I show you around?” Before you have a chance to respond you are being dragged off once again by your arm. “I was born and raised here in this village, you know. Magic runs deep and strong here, aided by the wonderful crystals you see all around you.”
He guides you up a small hill and gestures downwards at the blue crystal in the middle of the village. You can now see two farms, tabaxis like Mr. Goodtimes and Virgam are working in them as well as moving sparkles that you can only assume are some kind of fairies that zips back and forth across the fields. 
“That crystal there helps irrigate our crops. Rain is rare on this part of the island, and hauling water in from the lake isn’t always safe. So the founders of the village found a way to draw this crystal from the ground! It keeps all the dirt nice and moist. The only downside is that it can get pretty muddy sometimes, but that’s why we have stone paths everywhere, so no big deal.”
He leads you to the edge of the village, and gestures to a large green crystal that is suspended by some sort of structure in the middle of the lake. Light reflects off it, sending brilliant green rays over the already green jungle. The structure around it looks old, and you honestly don’t know how it hasn’t toppled over into the water yet.
"That crystal is really special! It can detect the intent behind magic, and deactivate it if there is any ill will.” He smiles at the shining rock. “It’s kept this village safe for many years now. I don’t want to think about what may have happened without it.”
After a few more moments of staring out over the lake, Mr. Goodtimes turns on his heels and back through the village, leaving you to follow behind. You spend an extra second looking at the crystal, a nagging feeling itching the back of your mind as you do. You manage to shake it away and follow your mentor as he walks up a small hill, between a farm bustling with activity and a small shop packed full of customers. You can faintly smell freshly baked bread, and your stomach growls. You haven’t eaten in a while, with you skipping out on dinner last night and no chance for breakfast this morning, and you’re just now remembering. You almost want to stop and grab some of the delicious smelling bread but you almost lose sight of Mr. Goodtimes while you are distracted and have to rush up the rest of the hill to catch up with him, far past the bakery.
Ahead of you stands a tall tower, it’s shape winding above you in a precarious way that makes you worried it will tip over with a slight breeze. Your mentor is standing in the doorway, beckoning you in. As soon as you do you are caught off guard by the beautiful and intricate decor, the wood carvings in the floor and on the walls absolutely breathtaking. A small round table sits in the middle of the room, with a stove off to the side and a cozy fireplace tucked in the corner. You don’t have time to dawdle, though, as Mr. Goodtimes leads you upstairs.
Lining the walls are tall bookshelves, multicolored spines creating a mesmerizing effect as you try and take in just how many there are. Nestled in between the shelves is a small window and cushion for sitting. You walk over to it, taking in the view. You can see a magnificent tree towering over the rest of the jungle a ways away. You didn’t know trees could even grow that big.
“That’s been there for centuries.” Mr. Goodtimes’ voice pipes up as he looks over your shoulder. “No one really knows how it grew, but it’s the oldest thing on the island. People think it’s the source of all the magic but I don’t think that’s true.” 
He backs up, tracing a finger along the spines of a few books before grabbing one and flipping through some pages. He stops on one with an “aha!” before his face falls in annoyance and he closes the book with a pout and puts it back. He turns back to the shelf and grabs another book. This time he flips to the first few pages before flipping further, tapping to a page victoriously.
“Here we are,” he says, “I’ll be right back.” He follows the spiral staircase back down, coming back up a few minutes later, a yellow crystal in hand that he shows off to you. “This is for you, my dear apprentice! It should help amplify your magic until you get better control over it.”
You hold the rock up to your eye, looking through the crystalline substance and at a now distorted Mr. Goodtimes. You smile at him, gesturing a thanks and grasping the crystal tight in your hand.
He opens his mouth again to speak, but is cut off by a loud boom that sends a shockwave through the tower. The sheer wave of energy that has just passed over you leaves you woozy, grasping onto one of the shelves so you don’t topple over. When you’re steady you look up at Scar who is staring out the window with wide eyes. After a few moments he looks back at you.
“That was big.” You give him an unimpressed look. “That was a massive surge of magical energy.” He grabs your arm, pulling you down the stairs, your dizziness momentarily returning at the sudden movement. “Come on, we have to go check it out!”
Something in your gut is telling you that this is a bad idea, but you figure you don’t really have a choice in the matter. As you go through the village now alive with questions of what that was, Mr. Goodtimes leads you back towards the large green crystal. Right before the outskirts of the village, a voice stops you both in your tracks.
“Hey! Scar! Scar’s apprentice!” Virgam’s voice cuts through the murmuring crowd and you both look back to see the woodworker holding a staff in her hands. She walks up to you, holding it out. “This is one of my rejects. Since Scar is pretty insistent on dragging you into danger at the first opportunity he was presented with, I figured you’ll need something to defend yourself with.”
You give her a look to be sure, but at her certain stare alongside the knowing glint in her eyes, you grip the staff firmly in your hands. The wood is unsanded and clearly unfinished; it grates against your palms that haven’t gripped anything much rougher than a mug full of beer in the past few years. You can feel the splinters already digging into your hands, but the way the end curls to a messy ball at the top fills the pit of your stomach with excited anticipation. You nod in gratitude to Virgam with a smile. She looks past you to your impatient mentor. 
“And you, be careful. It’s not just yourself you have to worry about now, you know. Their life could very well be in your hands.”
Mr. Goodtimes stands up straighter, hand landing on your shoulder in a firm grip. “Don’t worry, Virgam. I’m sure everything will be fine. We’ll be back before you know it, okay?”
You both wave to the village, and you follow him up a spiral staircase hidden within the trunk of a tree. The smell of sap and damp wood is almost overwhelming, but luckily you’re able to breathe fresh air before long. Mr. Goodtimes leads you out onto suspended bridges above the lake and thicker parts of the jungle, connected by the sturdier looking trees. You look down at the green crystal, blinking away some light that gets reflected into your eye. You stumble forward a bit on the rickety bridge, but Mr. Goodtimes is quick to catch you before you can fall, keeping a steady hand on you until you can confidently wave him off. Silence looms over you both, a thick blanket of something you can’t quite place making your steps feel even heavier than they should be. By the way Mr. Goodtimes’ demeanor has completely changed, you have a feeling that he feels it too.
You grip your staff tighter, ignoring any pinches of pain, and look out under the bridge. You catch a glimpse of purple and black, a stark contrast to the rest of the island around you, but before you get a chance to ask, Mr. Goodtimes has gotten ahead of you and you once again need to hurry to catch up. Soon enough, you exit the bridges as you entered, though a little passageway in the trees and are met with a green pathway in the jungle.
“This way.” Mr. Goodtimes’ voice is certain. “We’ve had these tremors come from this place for a while now, but this one was way bigger than any of the others.”
He pulls away some leaves, revealing a massive trench, the bottom fading behind a fog. In front of you lies a stone bridge that leads to an absolutely monstrous tower. Shining metal towers surround it, and it tapers to a point at the top that you can’t see on the upper levels. It’s overgrown and crumbling and you wonder how much it would take for it to fully cave in, and you have a sneaking suspicion it wouldn’t take much. Despite this, you can’t help but be in awe.
Mr. Goodtimes walks forward and over the bridge, you hesitate but soon enough follow behind, under the gigantic archways into the halls of the tower. It’s dark, only a few remnants of what you assume are lanterns hung from broken and rusted chains from the far up ceiling. The only light is from the other three open arches and some fading torches that had been placed in what you can only assume to be a few hours ago. 
Mr. Goodtimes lifts his own staff, creating a small ball of light that floats above it and illuminates the area more. He looks at you silently, glancing at the ball with an inquiring look. You catch on, fumbling, glancing at your staff before quickly disregarding the thought that popped up in your mind. You grab one of the smoldering torches and, with a flick of your wrist, relight it. You can see your mentor’s smile clearer in the added light.
You can also see the tall centerpiece, stained glass that looks as if it swirls when you move your light stretched up into the ceiling, framed by more of the same crumbling stone as the main structure. Past the glass into what you assume to be a hollow center is pitch black, and it leaves you with an unsettling feeling and you shift your feet on the uneven wooden planks beneath you.
“Alright,” Mr. Goodtimes starts, “let’s split up. I’ll go left, you go right, okay?”
Without waiting for an answer he heads up the left stairwell.
Here is this chapter’s decision! https://forms.gle/bVnvg68RHxPTpuap9
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grlsgen · 4 years
my favorite 2020 kpop songs
there were some bangers this year... this includes title tracks & bsides and everything else under the sun.
i always got shit to say and i always see youtube videos like this but i simply can’t edit so here we are
you never know - blackpink
okay yeah i didn’t really fw hylt or lovesick girls when i first heard them but when i listened to the album you never know really stuck with me... i never get sick of it. definitely the best track off the album imo. rosé’s prechorus has made me cry a few times ngl
alien - lee suhyun
alright miss thing... i was obsessed with this song when i first heard it... the pre chorus with the ooo ooo ooo and the switch to the chorus is so good it gets me every time. she’s cute i like her... while we’re here i’ll also mention i really liked her ost in your time for it’s okay to not be okay.. i loved that drama and that’s my fav ost from it.. but anyway
lalalilala - april
They Served. Big time. the music video is so pretty and the song was stuck in my head for 6 months straight... they really did the damn thing with this. kinda sounds like an apink song but that’s a compliment... overall this whole comeback was really good and deserved better. honorable mention : the bside on this ep you.zip is so good too
open your eyes - iz*one
this is all i listened to for months after bloomiz dropped... izone’s music is really a hit or miss for me and i didn’t really vibe with fiesta but i’m so glad i gave the album a chance because open your eyes is definitely in my top 5 releases of this year. their other bside dreamlike is really good too
the book of us : the demon - day6 album
now where do i start with this... to this day i am still obsessed with 1 to 10... like that’s gotta be the best off this album imo. zombie was so good and i really liked the lyrics. the album as a whole was really really good. i sound like a broken record
children - bvndit
oh boy... another one of my top 5 releases from this year. not only is the overall sound of this amazing but i love the lyrics too. these girls deserve so much better
d-2 - agust d/yoongi/suga mixtape
my king. i shit myself when this dropped ngl... i don’t even know how to elaborate on how much i love this. daechwita was stuck in my head for the longest time.. i think the highlights off this for me have to be people, honsool & dear my friend. this mixtape was really a moment.. i love yoongi y’all
love again - baekhyun / underwater - baekhyun
alright alright .. i put these two together since they’re from the same album idk but it took a while for candy to grow on me but i’ve loved these since i first heard them... i was Obsessed. the final bridge/chorus whatever the hell thing he does in love again put me into shock for 3 months straight and the beat in underwater is heavenly
the dream chapter : eternity - txt ep
this serve. has to be my favorite from txt yet... rookies with the best discography fr. i love dark concepts and really like that they did something different with this. can’t you see me was Amazinggg. fairy of shampoo has to be one of the best songs i’ve ever heard it’s insane. i also really liked eternally, who else has that range... Nobody. top to bottom this ep is really good, i hope they do another dark concept like this again soon bc this hit big time
eight - iu & suga
it took a while for this to grow on me but whew...when it did... kinda makes me feel like i’m in a coming of age movie and i like that, makes me nostalgic for that. eight soty, they both did great on this
# - loona ep
Now... Cmon. so what was either a hit or miss for a lot of people but something i think everyone can agree on is that the bridge is godsent. like that shit makes me cry sometimes. the music video was really good, i always come back to the subway/train scene. number 1 is also so damn good. overall i really loved this ep. they really ate with this one
eyes wide open - twice album
when i first heard this album i didn’t like it That much but it’s really grown on me lately. the whole retro trend was fun and then it got a little overdone so i was tired of it by the time this dropped but actually.. some of the bsides are insanely good. behind the mask is definitely a highlight for me, mina’s bridge is heavenly. i love mina so bad. but anyway, i can’t stop me took some time to grow on me as well but it always gets stuck in my head. i also really like up no more & depend on you, they’re cute
maybe - gidle
Y’all... i love this song. it’s short and simple but it was so addicting to me. i really like that one part in the last two choruses if you know what i’m talking about (i’m not sure who sings it ? some people say soyeon some say shuhua idk, shuhua my queen btw) and soojin’s verse in the bridge hits. to this day i’m still obsessed with this song
a song written easily - oneus
this is so underappreciated, this is easily one of my favorite title tracks released all year. i’m not a huge fan of beat drops but this one was really nice imo, i also liked the lead in before the drop and the final chorus. this was really good and i never get sick of it
wannabe - itzy
CUT THE DAMN CAMERAS.... no fr this is my #1 favorite song released this year. talented brilliant incredible amazing... itzy seriously ate up everyone with this. i keep going back to this song it’s insane. iconic choreo good mv good styling amazing song.. like everything here lined up. i don’t know how they’ll ever top this for me. definitely my soty (next to psycho)
black swan - bts
this is excellent idk what else to say. i thought it was just okay when i first heard it but it’s seriously so good, me being yoongi biased i loved that he got multiple verses but i love the do your thing with me now breakdown part too. the choreo is one of my favorite from them and the mv was really pretty. black swan is one of my favorite movies so the comparisons with it made me love this song more. overall, probably my favorite off mots7
my time - jungkook of bts
jungkook always has the best album solos fr. i loved this the second i heard it, kinda justin bieber esque but it’s so good. i love the lyrics and transition it takes thru the song. the chorus hits man.. this song always makes me a little sad but he really did amazing on this
monster - red velvet irene & seulgi ep
my queens what can i say. i was so excited for this unit and they did not disappoint. monster still hits, aged like wine. the best track is fr feel good, i still have it on repeat.. insanely good. seulgi really delivered with uncover, it’s so beautiful. i think sm’s intention was always to have a subunit this year but i thought it was smart to do while wendy was recovering, hoping for ot5 soon y’all..
never gonna dance again : act 2 - taemin album
taemin my king wtf!!! i loved criminal so i was really excited for this and of course... he always delivers. top to bottom i loved this album, he really did amazing on it. identity might be the best song i’ve ever heard... and of course i loved the collab with wendy 🙏 overall such a good album, taemin always serves the best
pporappippam - sunmi
what can i say i love a little retro tune. even though i just said earlier i was sick of it idc i loved this. sunmi always shows up, i don’t know what else to say. this song never gets old
dystopia : the tree of language - dreamcatcher album
i didn’t expect to love this album as much as i did... i don’t listen to it as often anymore but i can’t deny that scream was a major serve. every time i hear it it’s like the first time... their bside jazz bar was so good. dreamcatcher’s bsides always hit what can i say
12:00 - loona ep
Yes. why not is not necessarily my favorite title from them ever (it’s butterfly, btw) but it’s always stuck in my head... obviously i loved voice/star, was obsessed for weeks and i was happy they decided to promote it a little. styling on those stages were so cute btw. i also loved fall again from this ep, chuu sounds angelic on it. loona had some amazing cbs this year
la di da - everglow
Obsessed. i watched every stage as they dropped and listened to this every 5 seconds, Amazing. sihyeon really owned this era for me and shes my bias so of course i ate this whole thing up. this was definitely one for the books, what more can i say
literally everything gfriend released this year
this might be their best year yet for releases imo, i really liked how they tried out different concepts and sounds this year, i’ve always loved their music but the switch was refreshing yknow. crossroads was so good, i loved that mv. here we are is still on repeat almost a year later... and now APPLE. apple was so mf good. i love that they decided to do a dark concept, this song really fit them well, still obsessed w it. mago might be my least fave out of the 3 but it’s still so good. don’t even get me started on yuju in the mv.. Queen. i liked the subunits on walpurgis night, especially better me. gfriend had a really good year imo, they deserved more for it.
Anyways. that was my 2 cents.
wannabe & psycho soty
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
Where have you been all my life? I’ve always been right here.
Can you recite the Greek alphabet backwards? Nope. Or at all.
What social networks are you a part of? Like every main one.
Which of your fields of interest are you a total expert on? I’m not a total expert on anything.
What is one thing you will never understand? Why I’m like this.
Do you blog? This is it.
What was the last movie you watched? Godzilla vs Kong.
^Would you recommend it? Yeah, I enjoyed it. Admittedly, I was mainly interesting for Alexander Skarsgard, but I did think the movie was good.
With whom did you share your last awkward moment? My life is an awkward moment.
When was the last time you got all dolled up? It’s been yearsss.
Gimme yer best shot and insult me. Go ahead. Uh, no.
What do you think makes a person attractive? Physical attributes, certainly, but personality traits and who they are as a person makes a person attractive to me as well. Even more so.
Out of everyone you know, who has the worst taste in music? I don’t think anyone I know has bad taste in music, I share a lot of the same music taste.
^How about the best? ^^^
Can guys REALLY pull off skinny jeans? They can wear whatever they want.
What is one thing you missed out on that you wish you hadn't? I missed out on a lot of my 20s I feel like, it feels like a complete blur. I don’t know what happened to them. And now I’m in my 30s and I feel like I’m missing out on those, too. Just life, in general for the past several years. Everyone around is me is doing things and living life and I’m just wasting away.
What was the last thing/place you decorated? My room for Christmas.
Have you just recently started listening to any new bands? No. It’s been a long time since I’ve discovered any new bands.
How many windows/tabs are open on your computer right now? Two windows, 7 tabs.
Would you rather date someone really skinny or really overweight? I want to date someone based on other things. 
Let me in on a little secret of yours. Nah.
What is one habit you had as a child? Nail biting/picking. 
^Do you still have that habit today? Sigh, yes.
Is there someone you wish you were closer with? Yes.
^What's stopping you from being closer with them? I’ve been so distant and withdrawn from everyone.
Besides air, what was the last thing you inhaled? The scent of my ramen earlier.
Which point in life do you think is hardest? (i.e. childhood, adulthood...) For me it’s been the past few years.
How was life going for you, say, six months ago? Not well.
^Is that the same as today, or have things changed? Things have changed, but not in a good way.
Who was the last person to make you frown? It’s been things I’m struggling with doing that, not a person.
^Was anyone able to turn that frown upside-down? No.
What was the last non-papery substance you drew on? I have no idea.
What is one thing you wish you had the courage to do? Get certain things checked out and taken care of that I’ve put off for too long.
Which is bigger: Your iTunes library or your CD collection? My iTunes collection was definitely better. I haven’t used iTunes since like 2012, though, and I don’t have any CDs anymore.
What is your one true weakness? I’m just weak.
When is the last time you had hot chocolate? It’s been a couple years.
Composition notebooks or spiral notebooks? Why? Spiral. I just like them better.
What is the most bizarre compliment you've ever received? That I looked pretty for someone with polio. I don’t have polio, but they assumed I did just because I’m in a wheelchair. Also, what does that even mean? “For someone with polio.” Wtf?
Do you identify more with guys or girls? I think I relate more to girls.
When someone you know is sad, how do you go about cheering them up? I kinda suck at that and don’t know what to do or say.
Has someone ever accused you of not being creative enough? I say that about myself. I lack creativity or any artistic ability. 
Starbucks coffee or Dunkin Donuts coffee? I’ve only had Dunkin’s coffee a few times, but I’ve had Starbucks countless times and I do like it, so I’ll go with that. I do wish I had a Dunkin where I live cause apart from the donuts, I’ve heard they do have good brewed coffee.
Do you crack under peer pressure? Yepppp. And it doesn’t take much.
What do you think deserves more attention than it already gets? Hmm.
What song never fails to get stuck in your head? Songs I hear in commercials.
Who is your favorite vocalist? Why? Chester Bennington is one. His voice was incredible.
What is your most overused emoticon? This one: 😬 Do you ever name objects? (i.e. mp3 players, guitars, cars, etc.) Nah.
When was the last time you had a bagel? Hm. It’s been awhile, actually. I don’t even remember. Can you lick your own elbow? No.
What time during the day/night is your mind most active? At night when I’m up alone.
What color ink does your favorite pen have? I have a nice set of colorful pens that I really like.
What was the last thing you licked? My lips.
Who was the last person in your bed besides yourself? Just me. Can you touch your tongue to your nose? No.
What flavor mouthwash do you use? I don’t. Mouthwash irritates my mouth.
What tends to distract you most? I just find myself zoning out a lot. Like, someone will be talking to me and I feel myself getting overwhelmed quite easily and drift out and it doesn’t mean they’re boring or talking about heavy things (sometimes they are). I get like sensory overload. Or I’ll just be sitting in bed and zone out.
Is the perfect man or woman a myth? Yes. No one is perfect.
How do you feel about Bob Marley? I like a couple songs.
What's your favorite fairy tale? I liked reading or listening to all of them when I was growing up. <<<
Do you know who Tom Jones is? Yes.
Tell me one fact you know about horses (without using Google). They have manes.
When was the last time you had to walk up or down stairs? Well, never since I’m in a wheelchair.
Tell me one unique quality about your own handwriting. My handwriting is shit.
What daily chore do you secretly enjoy? I don’t enjoy any type of cleaning.
Has a child ever asked you a question you found difficult to answer? Definitely. Kids ask a lot of questions about everything and anything.
Name five books you've read in the past year. I’ve read a ton more than that, but I’ll give you the latest 5: Cold Highway, Cold Threat, Cold Hunt, Cold Truth, and To Die For.  You can probably tell the first 4 are by the same author, Mary Stone. The last one is by Willow Rose.
^Are any of those books your favorite? I’ve enjoyed ‘em all. I’ve read a lot of books from both authors.
Are you a person that enjoys re-reading books? I don’t re-read books, actually. 
Which hobby is the lamest: stamp collecting or spoon collecting? I wouldn’t call either of them lame just cause it might not be something I’m personally interested in. Those bring some people joy.
What do you daydream about most often? My mind wanders off to random stuff, stuff I’m dealing with, stuff I’m anxious and stressed out about, etc.
Why is your favorite band your favorite band? I’ve listened to them since middle school, so we have a lot of history. I really just connect and relate to their lyrics and I love their music.
Do you have a favorite talk show host? Nah.
What do you wish you could afford at the moment? A beach home with my own private beach area. 
What is the most unusual color you've ever painted your nails? I can’t think of any “unusual” colors that I’ve painted them. 
Which sounds the most refreshing: a hot shower or a cold one? I always take hot showers.
Have you ever made your own soap? No.
What's your favorite popsicle flavor? Not a popsicle fan.
Can you sleep with socks on? Yeah, I always have socks on.
When was the last time you were pissed beyond belief and why? I’ve been frustrated and pissed with some things I’ve been dealing with lately. 
Name a band with the word 'red' in their title. Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Do you have a favorite candle brand? I’m not a candle person. I just go for the room sprays.
How many years until you turn 38? 6. D:
What is your opinion on taxidermy? I find it super creepy and weird.
Would you ever want to own a body part in a jar? Uh, no.
What is the worst thing you have ever done to your own hair? Let it get really knotted up. :/
What do you think makes you a good girlfriend or boyfriend? Nothing.
What qualities of yours do you think could potentially harm a relationship? I’m a total mess, I wouldn’t make a good girlfriend. 
How often do you indulge in a favorite food from your childhood? I eat ramen regularly.
Have any of your childhood habits carried over into adolescence/adulthood? My damn nail picking habit. 
What is the nicest thing you've done for someone else in the past 24 hours? Nothing.
What sort of conditions do you require in order for you to fall asleep? It needs to be cool and I have to have the TV on.
What is the first band that comes to mind when I say 'dark'? Uhhh.
Do you have a favorite punk band? Green Day.
As far as relationships go, what are your biggest deal-breakers? Abuse and cheating. <<<
Be honest: do looks really matter to you? They’re like a bonus to me. <<<
Congratulations! Someone sent you flowers! What kind do you hope they are? I’m not picky, just a pretty assortment perhaps would be nice.
What type of underwear do you personally prefer to wear? Hipsters.
What is the grossest chore you've ever been assigned? Nothing gross.
What band (BESIDES IRON MAIDEN) comes to mind when I say 'iron'? I got nothin. 
Have you ever done something simply because you were of age? I had to go out and buy alcohol the day I turned 21.
Do you think it's worth it to tell someone you had feelings for them when you don't have them anymore? Wait, tell them I used to have feelings for them but don’t anymore? If I don’t anymore then why tell them about when I used to? Unless of course we were in a relationship and I no longer felt that way.
What color shirts do you tend to buy most often? Black.
Have you ever done something you once thought you'd be too chicken to do? Yeah.
Where would you rather go: Portland, Oregon or Portland, Maine? Portland, Oregon.
Name a band that begins with the letter Y. Yeah Yeah Yeahs.
Tell me about someone who has made a huge impact in your life. My mom most definitely has.
What can I usually find you doing at 4pm on a weekday? At that time any day I’m likely still sleeping.
What's a food you love but don't get to eat very often? I only eat the same few foods, so I eat them quite often. Like, I eat Wingstop 3-4 times a week...
Do you dot your lowercase i's? Yes.
What's the first song on your iPod/mp3 player that comes up under P? I use Spotify on my phone for music, but anyway nah I don’t feel like doing that. 
Do the words 'Amon' and 'Amarth' mean anything to you? No.
What's your favorite mythical being? I don’t really have a favorite.
Don't you hate surveys that end abruptly? As long as the question itself isn’t cut off, which I’ve seen, or it’s a numbered one and a question is completely missing then I don’t care.
Let's end this survey with a smile; tell me something funny. I’m not in a good mood to think of something funny right now.
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The Little Prince: A Sanders Sides Little Red Riding Hood AU
Taglist from @the-taglist-repository at the bottom - Sanders Sides, Fantasy, Human, Roman-centric - this is a fairy tale au with some vague depictions of magic with human sides except for Janus and Remus
Warnings are at the bottom and in the tags if you want to check before you read. Please be safe, but I didn’t put them at the top because they do give away part of the ending.
This story contains unsympathetic Deceit and morally gray Remus
Once upon a time there was a boy who lived in a cottage in the woods. Some might have called him a man, but they were the ones who would call a girl a woman because they found her beautiful and a boy a man because they thought him weak and in need of change. So for the sake of this story, we will call him what he was: a boy. This boy was bright and imaginative and playful. He liked to go into town and entertain the younger children(some of the older ones as well, and the adults who were willing to admit that they had not yet outgrown stories) with his fanciful tales of knights and dragons and princes who never failed. The people in town called him Little Prince and he took to the title with pride. Every so often he would talk with an older man who also enjoyed visiting the village to talk to the children. (Well, the boy thought he was an older man, but he was young and knew little of age. The man had only just lived more than thirty years.) 
Now the little prince had grown up mostly alone, with very little guidance and so when he met this man who seemed so kind and willing to listen to even the most trivial problems, he had been enthralled. He’d gone up to the man one day, a little before the sun set which was when they both usually left the town.
“Excuse me, sir?”
The man looked at the boy with a kindly face that the little prince had only ever seen directed at others before. 
“What can I do for you, kiddo?” 
The little prince blushed, suddenly embarrassed by his boldness as he never had been before. “I was wondering how far into the woods you lived, sir? It’s getting cold and dark rather quickly and I wouldn’t want you to walk alone in the cold.”
The man laughed. “Would you know that in all the years I’ve come to this town and carried groceries for these people and kept their children out of trouble, you’re the first to ever worry that I was going home in the cold?”
The little prince frowned. “Why do you keep coming then?”
“Because I believe that no matter how much good we receive, it is our job to put more good out into the world.”
The little prince smiled. “That’s a very nice sentiment, sir, but it is dark and cold out and my home is only a five-minute walk away. My brother will have a fire going and it should be quite warm if you’d like to stay the night.”
The man nodded. “I would appreciate that,” he said, turning to follow the boy. “What would your name be, kiddo? I only hear the kids call you the prince.”
The boy paused, startled. “My name is Roman,” he said after a moment. “And you?”
“I’m Patton.”
The little prince’s home was large for the two boys who lived in it and it was close to the town and it was always warm. The little prince liked to go to town and spend time out of the house, but his brother-in-all-but-blood, whose name was Virgil and who had no other moniker that he took pride in, preferred to stay home, so he would keep a fire going and the house warm for when the little prince returned. It was close and warm and too empty for the boys and so Patton and his common-law husband, Logan became rather permanent fixtures, spending as much time there as they did in their own home further out into the woods. Like Virgil, Logan preferred the solitude of a house separate from the town, but they both seemed to enjoy being alone together while Patton and Roman spent their days in town, entertaining the children.
Logan and Patton didn’t spend every night with the little prince and his brother who they had adopted as their own in all but law and they did sometimes return to their own home further out in the woods.
It was during one of these times that our story truly begins.
It was well past noon when our little prince overheard a conversation that if he had missed, he might have been saved a lot of trouble. Patton and Logan had headed home a few days before and had not been seen by either of the boys since. The little prince had gone into town less, staying home and keeping his brother company. They had both believed that the men had simply gone into town on the days that the boys didn’t. It wasn’t until the little prince heard talk in town that he realized that the men who had become like parents to him had not been seen in days.
There was talk of sending someone out to be sure the men were alright, but no movement to action. The little prince thought for a moment about what a hero in one of the stories he told the children would do. He thought and then he acted.
“I’ll go find him!” he cried, throwing his hands in the air. The adults laughed to see him so ready for adventure, but none of them thought the woods particularly dangerous and decided not to stop him.
The baker gave him some bread and pastries in a basket. The smith gave him a small knife in case he encountered any trouble. A blushing woman gave him a bouquet of flowers to give to Patton when he found him and the little prince had to fight down his distaste as he slipped the flowers into his basket. A seamstress gave him a bright red cloak that he wrapped around his shoulders like a hero from a storybook. He bid them farewell and started off into the woods to Patton and Logan’s house.
Now, on his journey, the little red prince encountered a great many things that were not of importance. We will not discuss them because there were two things, or shall we say, two people who were of much greater importance that he stumbled across on his journey into the woods. Patton and Logan both had warned the boys never to travel through the woods as deep as their home alone, but in his excitement to be a hero, the little prince had forgotten all the warnings.
“Well, hello there, little boy,” a voice purred from just off the path. It wasn’t much of a path, more of a trail that had been worn down by Patton and Logan’s constant walking. 
“Hello,” the little prince said brightly, for he had forgotten the warnings if you remember. He looked around in confusion because he could see no one there. “Where are you?” he asked.
The voice laughed longer than it should have, the laugh sounding practiced and fake. “If you saw my face, you would run away in fear and not listen to a word I have to say.”
The prince(for in his mind he was not so little anymore) scoffed. “I’m far braver than you give me credit for! Show yourself!”
The voice only laughed again. “Perhaps I am the frightened one then, if you are so brave. May I have your name, O Brave One?”
“My name is Roman,” he declared, for princes never shy away from a challenge or taunt. “In the town, they call me the little prince.”
“I am in the presence of royalty!” the voice cried with a mocking air. “Well, Prince Roman, if you are so brave, why do you stick to the path? You are going to save the poor dears at the end of it from whatever ails them, are you not?”
The prince was starting to get upset now at how the voice mocked him. “Not that its any business of yours, but I am.”
“That’s very chivalrous of you, Prince Roman,” the voice said, sounding a tad more genuine. “If you just follow the sound of my voice, I can lead you to a much quicker path to your grand adventure.”
“I think I’ll stay.” Say what you will about the little prince, he was stubborn to a fault.
“Surely a prince as brave as you isn’t afraid to take a shorter route off of the path?” With every sentence, the voice sounded more and more genuine and more and more tempting. “You’d see so many wonderful things that you wouldn’t on the boring path. Won’t you join me?”
The prince didn’t answer. He wanted to follow and see the world and prove himself so badly. This could be his one chance to be a real hero instead of just a scared little boy who pretended to be a prince.
“No,” he said firmly. “I’m going to follow the path and find Patton and Logan. Thank you for the offer, but I have to decline.”
“Very well,” the voice replied. “But don’t think I’m the worst threat in these woods. There are things in these trees far more terrifying than me.”
Roman took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Thank you for the warning.”
Roman made his way down the path a little less steadily than he had before. He was no hero and he was certainly no prince. He kept his eyes on the path in front of him, ignoring the whispers in the trees and the shadows that crossed behind him. He just had to reach the house at the end of the path and it would all be over. Patton and Logan would be there and they could take him home. He wouldn’t have to be alone in the woods anymore. 
“Was it Prince Roman?” A voice called from directly behind him. “Or is it just Roman now?”
Roman’s breath caught and he walked faster, not turning around. Dead leaves crunched under his feet, but while he could hear whoever the voice belonged to getting closer by the sound of their heavy breathing, their footsteps were perfectly silent.
“Come on,” the voice needled. It was different from the last voice. The last one had been sickeningly sweet and tempting, but this one was taunting and mocking and sounded almost like his own. “You gave the snake your name, won’t you talk to me too?”
Roman walked faster.
“I can walk beside you if you want.”
A glint of green caught the corner of Roman’s eye but he kept his gaze stubbornly forward and kept walking.
“Or I can step in front.”
Roman stopped dead as the figure stepped in front of him. The figure wore a bright green cloak and had a black shirt where Roman’s was white, but other than the wrong color clothes, it was like looking in a mirror.
“So should I call you Prince Roman or just Roman?” the figure asked sharply with a wide toothy grin.
Roman swallowed. “Just Roman,” he choked out.
The way the figure smiled looked more like a predator than another person and yet looked exactly like Roman’s own smile. “Then you can call me just Remus.”
“What do you want?”
“Nothing!” the figure Remus chirped. “I just want to show you something! It’s much more interesting and creative than the boring stuff you come up with.”
Roman scowled, side-stepping and walking past Remus, who kept pace by his side. “I’m not interested in anything you have to show me.”
“But it’s so cool!” Remus whined. “All you have to do is step a little bit off of the path.”
Roman declined. Remus insisted. Roman declined. Remus insisted. They went back and forth for a while. 
“What more do you have to lose?” Remus finally said. “Your brother will be fine without you. Your real parents and the ones you thought would take care of you both abandoned you and the only reason you’re here is because you just can’t accept it. You aren’t a hero; you aren’t a prince and you know it. Let me show you something better, Roman. Just step off the path.”
Remus’s words rang in Roman’s head, echoing and repeating until they were all he could think. What did he have left to lose? What if he got to the end of the path and Patton and Logan didn’t want him anymore? What if they really did leave on purpose? 
“No,” the little prince said firmly. “I am not going to step off of the path.”
Remus’s form shimmered and slowly faded away, back into Roman’s shadow. “Good.”
The little prince breathed easier as the path in front of him cleared again. The sun had set, but he could see a flickering light in the distance. The little prince broke into a run and the flickering image became clearer and clearer until he could see a little cottage. It looked like it had been built carefully and according to written specifications, but it was also covered in ivy and practically overrun by flowers. Logan and Patton.
The little prince’s face was split in a wide grin as he knocked on the door. The door drifted open with the force of his knock.
“Patton, Logan?” the little prince called. “Are you here?”
“Back here, Prince Roman,” called a rough voice that sounded vaguely familiar. The little prince didn’t think much of it. Maybe Patton had a cold and that was why they had disappeared.
The little prince dashed in, practically slamming the door behind him, following the sound of the voice. 
He reached what must have been Logan and Patton’s bedroom and paused, a sense of relief rushing over him. There was a lump under the blankets on the bed that must have been Logan because standing by him with his back to the door was a very familiar figure. In that moment, a soft grey sweater draped over a sky blue shirt was the most perfect image that the little prince had ever seen.
“Patton!” he cried out in relief.
Patton turned around slowly and the little prince’s relief turned to ice in his veins and throat. Patton’s eyes were yellow and his face was twisted into a sickening grin. “Yes, Roman, dear?” he purred.
And the little prince knew where he recognized the voice from. It wasn’t Patton.
“You’re the voice from the woods. Remus called you a snake.”
The thing that looked like Patton let out a soft breath that was almost a laugh. “Did he now? I’ll admit, it is one of his more flattering descriptions of me.”
“What did you do with Patton and Logan?”
The figure smirked. “Nothing at all and I resent the question.”
“What do you mean ‘nothing’?” the prince snarled.
“My dear boy,” the figure looked at the prince with mock concern. “I tried to warn you. I tried to keep you from coming here where you would learn my secret. My darling little prince, I am and have always been Patton.”
“You have no one who loves you. You have nothing and no one. You have always been a scared little boy, alone and unloved, desperate for any scraps of affection I threw to you. It was like playing with a puppy.”
“No!” the prince shouted. “What about Logan? What did you do to him?” He pointed at Logan’s prone form under the blankets.
“Nothing at all and I resent the question,” the voice from the woods hissed again. 
“Do you mean me?” The prone form under the blankets sat up suddenly. A flash of green was the first thing the prince saw. Then he saw a very familiar face. His own.
“Remus?” he hissed.
“Roman!” Remus crowed. “Did you miss me?”
“Not in the slightest,” the prince growled.
“Aww, I missed you, bro!”
With a sharp intake of breath, the prince was struck speechless. “Monster,” he hissed after he regained his voice.
“Maybe we are,” Remus responded with a smile. “What are you going to do about it?” 
The little prince turned tail and ran.
He didn’t run far. He dashed into the kitchen and looked around frantically for something, anything he could use to defend himself.
“Come now, little prince,” the voice from the woods called. (Not Patton, not Patton, not Patton) “We aren’t that scary.”
The little prince threw open cupboards and drawers but only found spices and cups.
“You came all this way to find us. Why don’t you stay?” Remus had fallen silent and the one who looked like Patton was calling after the little prince now.
A glint of light caught his eye. There was a block of knives on the counter. The little prince only had a moment to be afraid, to think ‘I’ve never hurt someone on purpose before.’ before the two frighteningly familiar figures darkened the doorway of the kitchen.
The little prince lunged, throwing himself across the counter and grabbing the largest knife he could. He brandished it in front of him, his hands shaking and looking far smaller than they ever had before. 
“Put down the knife, little prince,” the one who looked like Patton cooed. “You can stay here and we can love you. We can tell you how wonderful and brave you are. We can make you feel wanted. Just put down the knife.”
Roman climbed off of the counter, every part of him shaking. His grip on the knife tight.
“Come on, princey,” Remus needled. “Just stay with us. You can play with all the knives you want if you just say you’ll stay.”
“All I have to do is say I’ll stay with you?” Roman whispered, stepping closer.
“That’s all you have to do,” the voice from the forest promised.
“Come on, say it!” Remus cheered. “It’s so lonely with only the snake, I want to have a brother! We can be twins!”
“Twins,” Roman mused, now only a foot away from Remus.
“You can both be my children,” the snake said, kneeling down so Roman could look Patton’s face in the eyes. Roman softened under the gaze of those kind eyes that had comforted so many times before. He softened.
And slammed the butcher knife into the side of the snake’s neck.
Remus screamed as the snake’s eyes went blank and his hands made an aborted motion to grab his neck. Roman ripped the knife out of the snake’s neck, holding back his flinch at the spurt of blood that doused the knife and his hand. He advanced on Remus, who was reaching out to the snake while also trying to back away from Roman and the knife. Roman kept walking forward, not saying a word. 
Remus whimpered softly, still backing away but not taking his eyes off of the snake.
Roman lunged, tackling Remus and stabbing down as hard as he could. Remus squirmed under him and the knife sank into his shoulder. He let out another blood-curdling scream.
Roman saw movement out of the corner of his eye and turned to look as he reached for the knife again to end this nightmare once and for all. It was a mirror. There was a floor to ceiling mirror on the wall. Roman’s eye had been drawn to his own movement. 
He looked in the mirror and what he saw was more frightening than anything else that had happened that day. He was covered in blood and there was a manic grin on his face. Remus’s eyes were streaming with tears and his nose was starting to drip.
“Please, please, please,” Remus was whispering. “Roman, please, I’m sorry, I don’t want to die. Please don’t kill me. Oh god, please don’t kill me. I’m sorry.”
Roman froze, his grip on the knife pushing it further through Remus’s shoulder. Remus screamed again, but Roman didn’t hear it. He was too entranced by the image in the mirror.
He looked like the monster.
Remus, his mirror image, his demonic reflection, his shadow was bleeding red and human, begging for his life and the little prince sat atop him, comfortable as he would be on a throne, and pressed a knife into his arm.
He looked back down at the wound, drawn in by the sight of the blood. He jerked the knife down Remus’s arm, relishing in the sound the knife made as it ripped through muscle and skin and scraped against the bone, and relishing in the sound of Remus’s screams. His screams weren’t clear anymore. They were almost melodic as his sobs cut and interrupted them.
Roman looked back at the mirror.
He was the monster.
“I’ll tell you where they are, just please don’t kill me! Stop, Roman, please!”
“Where who are?” Roman asked in a monotone voice.
“Patton and Logan! Roman, please!”
Roman sat back onto Remus’s legs. “How about this,” he offered. “You tell me where they are and we let them decide if I kill you.”
“They’re in the bedroom closet. We drugged their dinner, but it was really weak. They probably woke up when they heard me scream.” the words tumbled out of Remus’s mouth as if his life depended on it. Roman allowed himself a small laugh. It did.
Roman pushed the knife through Remus’s arm as hard as he could until he felt it wedge in the floor. “I’ll be back.”
Roman made his way to the bedroom where, sure enough, there was pounding coming from inside the closet. Roman jerked open the door and Patton and Logan tumbled out.
“Oh my god, Roman!” one of them cried. “You’re covered in blood, are you okay?”
Roman felt like he was in a trance. “It’s not mine,” he mumbled.
“What do you mean it’s not yours?” That was Patton who had his hands on Roman’s shoulders and was clutching him for dear life.
“Patton,” Logan called. (When had he left the room?) “Our little hero managed to kill the snake.”
Patton’s face was a mess of emotion that Roman couldn’t read. “You killed the snake? Oh, Roman…”
“He looked like you.”
“Oh my god.” Was that Patton or Logan from the other room? “Oh my god.” Logan must have found Remus. 
Patton was gone. Roman was standing alone in the room.
He walked out and saw Patton and Logan kneeling over Remus’s prone form. It seemed the villain had passed out.
“Stay back,” Logan snapped as Roman tried to walk over.
“We know you’re pretending to be Roman, shadow,” Patton snarled.
“I’m Roman,” the boy insisted. He wasn’t sure that it was true any longer. “He’s the shadow. I fought him to save you.”
Remus coughed. “He’s right,” he admitted. “I’m the snake’s boy. He’s yours.”
“I don’t want to kill him anymore,” the boy said softly. “I think he’s been hurt enough.”
“With the snake dead, he’ll die soon enough anyway,” Logan remarked. “With the snake dead, there’s no reason for us to stay here to keep him away from the town anymore. We can leave the shadow in the house.”
Patton nodded almost sadly. “We can stay with Virgil and Roman now.”
“What if we bring him home with us?” the boy with the blood on his hands said. “I think he’s been hurt as much as anyone.”
“Hey, Ro?” Remus choked out. “You don’t need to be my hero to be the little prince.”
“No,” the little prince agreed. “I can never be your hero. But I think you don’t need to be my villain.”
They went home. The monster lived. Both of them. The shadow survived and the little prince was no more. The boy who had once been the little prince never did manage to wash all the blood off of his hands. He could never look at the shadow without remembering his screams. He could never look in a mirror without seeing his own face twisted up in sadistic glee and his shadow’s face crying in pain and terror. The shadow’s arm never did recover and the shadow had nightmares too. He dreamt of the snake’s death and cried, for the snake had been a monster but he had loved his little shadow. He dreamt of knives in his arms and his twin’s face splattered with blood and alight with a grin. He dreamed and screamed and cried and every night, without fail, his reflection, his twin, would climb into his bed and run his fingers through his hair. He would whisper sweet and soft reassurances until the shadow fell asleep.
“No one’s ever going to hurt you again.”
“Hey, Ro?” the shadow whispered one night. “Remember how I said you didn’t have to be my hero?”
“You’re something better.”
The shadow lived and the little prince died. The shadow lived and his reflection survived. The shadow lived and so did the hero. They were at peace. The shadow and the hero, two monsters, content in their depravity.
Warnings - slight gore, blood, murder, stabbing, knives, non-consensual drug use
Let me know if any warnings need to be added
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@aquatedia @meowthefluffy
Sanders Sides
@katelynn-a-fan @dwbh888 @brain-deadx0 @the-grounded-raven @grouptalekindnesssoul @the-hoely-bleach @anvil527up @fanficloverinthesun
Fantasy - it’s a fairy tale au with some vague magic, let me know if you think stories like this don’t apply to fantasy 
@arya-skywalker @callboxkat @rainbowbowtie @enby-phoenix @10moonymhrivertam @supernovainthenightsky
Humans - Janus and Remus aren’t but the rest are
@somehow-i-got-an-account  @starlight-era  @potatsanderssides
Roman-Centric @smileyzs  @robinwritesshitposts @thatgaydemigodnerd @averykedavra @callboxkat @k1ngtok1 @potatsanderssides
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lunavadash-creates · 4 years
A Nightmare
I have never written a short story like this but I love Shay and he deserves some love, alright? Also, I tried to avoid putting a name for s/o so you can, I don’t know, identify? I’m just not sure about putting y/n here.
Words: 2177
           The night was unusually calm and silent, very different from the ones she used to spend at the sea. For the past few weeks, she was lulled to sleep by the gentle rocking of the Morrigan, surrounded by loud sounds of waves crashing against the ship, laying under the deck with fellow crew members. She has been a Templar for a few years now, with a title inherited from her father, respected scientist, who devoted his whole life searching for the artefacts of ancient civilization, who ruled the world before humans. She followed his footsteps, focusing on research but in a little bit more practical way – she never wanted to end up locked in a laboratory or any other place, the sea was calling her like a siren’s song and there, surrounded by endless blue, she finally felt free and able to uncover the secrets of the world.
This was probably the reason why she couldn’t focus on her book now, it was too calm in that little inn they all stayed at. Haytham went somewhere, she had no idea where. He only announced that he will be back in two days so the crew could rest. Shay was sleeping in a room next to hers and the crew was probably having fun with brawls, women and alcohol. They deserved that fun after that few weeks of constant sailing and fighting.
           Finally, she let out a deep sigh and put the book down, determined to catch at least few hours of sleep, but just when she was about to give up in the arms of Morpheus, she heard some strange noise. She immediately sat up, reaching for a dagger and listened, trying to find out what was going on. She heard that sound again, like a muffled moan, that was coming from Shay’s room. Straightaway she dashed out from her room and went straight to his. She was no fighter, but there was no time to make a solid plan when her captain was in danger! She opened his door, ready to attack intruder, but the only thing she saw was Shay, sitting on his bed, panting heavily, his upper body was naked and covered in sweat like he just had the most exhausting fight in his life, but he was alone, there was no danger. He looked at her confused when she barged in and for a second, they were looking into each other eyes, trying to understand the situation. Shay soon moved his gaze at her dagger and rose an eyebrow. A little bit ashamed she hid it behind her back. She realised how stupid she was, with that little dagger she could have done nothing.
           “I thought you were in danger,” she said silently, trying to explain herself.
She came closer to the man and put her weapon on his nightstand before she decided to sit down next to him. “You had a nightmare, hadn’t you?”
She had no idea what was driving her, she probably should just turn around and leave but something kept her in the room… he remained her of all those times when she had to deal with nightmares on her own. She had no idea that he was going through something similar and felt she should be there for him
           “Don’t worry, lass. Go back to sleep, it’s nothing,” he said, moving a little bit back. She was the last person he wanted to be seen in such a vulnerable, pathetic state.
The woman didn’t move a bit, instead, she just sighed again. Shay never told her the story about what had happened in Lisbon, she only knew that the city collapsed due to the earthquake and that Shay somehow was blaming himself, was it possible that it was the source of his state?
           “I had terrible nightmares when I was little. My brother used to scare me with stories about monsters from the closet or under the bed, that were going to catch me by my ankles and kill me or take me directly to hell. When my mom was still alive, I rushed to her room almost every night but after she passed, I had to deal with it on my own...”
           “I’m not afraid of monsters,” he said harsher than he wanted, interrupting her “I still hear that sounds. Crashing building, screaming people who were dying under the rubble of the city, people burning alive, trapped, children looking for parents! That is not a stupid story, that’s my reality!” he looked away from her. He never intended to burst out on her and soon he felt ashamed by his behaviour. He ran fingers through his hair and took a deep breath to calm his nerves. All those things were still hunting him in dreams, the whole Lisbon, the artefact, assassin’s and their stupid, useless creed that caused death of thousands of people. It was too much for one person and yet, he was forced to carry a burden of that tragic event.
He used to believe in the creed. When Liam saved his life and gave him a chance to do better, purpose in life, Shay was so devoted to their cause. He wanted to change the world, make it a better place for everyone and the thought that he could do it with the artefact was like his dream coming true. But now he knew that it was just pure arrogance and foolishness and the assassins were just seeking for power and vengeance, there was no nobleness in their actions, just a pure greed. Yet as much as he understood it now he still felt terrible at the thought that he had to kill every person he used to consider them as family.
           “Shay, it’s alright” she assured him, not offended by his outburst, she saw his nervousness and never expected that the amazing Captain Cormac, ex-assassin will be just a broken man. It was a strange discovery, but it didn’t change anything for her, she still was intrigued by him. But his memories… she couldn’t even imagine things he went through. She looked in his eyes only to find endless pain, sorrow and regret in them.  She couldn’t blame him, he was betrayed by his brothers and forced to do something terrible, at least that what she thought.
           “Let’s just deal with your nightmares. Come here!” she said with a warm smile and before he could react, she simply wrapped her arms around him. If he needed a distraction, she was ready to provide it for him. Shay was nice and warm, and it was great to feel his naked skin. What could she do? She was just a simple woman, taking pleasure from looking at a handsome, half-naked men. Shay hesitated and, in the end, didn’t hug her back. He was just so surprised by her actions. They weren’t too close, they respect each other, talk sometimes but it was all connected to their job. Even if he was curious and found her attractive he was well aware that there was no place for romance during their mission. At the same time he felt that something was changing slowly, maybe because they were finally alone, Haytham was far away and crew was having some fun in the city. They had the opportunity to get to know each other better.
           “Lay down, I will stay with you. Haytham will be angry if you’re tired after he graciously allowed us to rest for those two days. And I cannot focus on my study when you are so loud here”
           “Wait, you were awake the whole time?” he was visibly surprised, he thought that she was just sleeping soundly. He frowned at her shrug and shook his head; it was past midnight for sure. ‘I will be fine. You should go to sleep, Haytham needs your work and he will kill me if I keep you from it”
           “Mr Cormac lay down and do not disobey me,” she said suddenly very serious, imitating Haytham’s voice and his British accent, she even clasped her hand behind her back, making Shay laugh a bit. Honestly, he never expected something like this from her, she seemed to be so devoted to the order and Haytham. And yet, here she was, making fun of the Grand Master. But it worked and for a while, Shay managed to forget about all things that bugged him. His smile, a little shy but honest was worth making fun of Haytham. The woman smiled back at him, feeling like ice between them began to break.
           “You have to practise that British accent of his,” he said, still grinning while looking at her serious expression. She was a terrible Haytham, but still, it was quite adorable that she made an effort to raise his mood.
           “Honestly, Shay. Lay down” this time he listened to her and lay down on his bed, quite curious what she was planning to do. Did he hope that maybe she will stay with him for the night? That would be nice, especially that she was wearing nothing but a nightgown.
           “Oh no, no, no. I’m lying next to the wall. If you are not afraid of monsters you will gladly take care of them for me if they appear, right?”
           Again, Shay laughed, this time louder, hearing this demand and submissively moved, making her place on the bed next to the wall. She lied there and move a bit, to make herself comfortable, only then she brought him closer and closed him in her warm embrace. She used the fact that for the first time she saw him with his hair loose and immediately buried her hand in his dark locks, scratching his scalp gently. She wanted to touch them for so long, but she couldn’t ask before, it would be too awkward! But now she felt no shame in doing so, his hair was soft and nice, and Shay looked just so different without his ponytail with red ribbon.
           “You never told me how you dealt with your nightmares…”
           “Oh… I just imagined that I’m lying in bed with someone, handsome, dark-haired prince,­­­­ for example, who will slay monsters with his sword and keep me safe. But now, close your eyes” she cleared her throat before she spoke again “Once upon a time, long time ago there was a big, beautiful castle that hid a very dark secret…”
           “Wait, are you going to tell me a fairy-tale?” he asked surprised, looking at her with disbelief like she was some kind of madwoman. He frowned, not sure if he should be angry that she was treating him like a baby or happy…? That she cared?
           “After a nightmare, I couldn’t sleep, because when I closed my eyes saw all those scary things…I had to distract myself. Besides, it’s a nice story…”
           “Eh… fine” he sighed deeply, pretending that he was indifferent, but honestly, he felt happy.  He moved a little, to find the perfect spot for himself, then put one shoulder around her waist, not sure if it was right, but she was hugging him so tightly, that it was the most comfortable position.  She made him bury his face into her neck and Shay knew that if he wanted, he probably could bury himself in her chest, he was just so close to her breasts but didn’t want to destroy that moment of theirs. That was a thin line he didn’t want to cross, at least for now.
           He closed his eyes and let himself relax. He felt her heartbeat, a little bit faster than it should be, her scent was just so nice and sweet. The same scent she was leaving all around Morrigan, when she was walking around, he had no idea what perfumes she was using but they fit her perfectly. Surprised he found out that she also perfectly fitted his arms like she was made for hugging.
           “Once upon a time, a long time ago there was a beautiful castle that hid a terrible secret. A young prince lost his father due to war, his mother abandoned him to carry on with the fight at the battlefield, so the prince had been risen by an evil fairy, who tried to seduce him. She failed and decided to punish him, by turning him into a beast…”
           In no time she heard gentle snoring and smiled to herself. Shay was fast asleep; his hug became much tighter like he really was ready to protect her from everything. A little smile and his peaceful expression were enough for her to know that she managed to help him. So, she just hugged him tightly, and put a gentle kiss on his temple, she couldn’t resist his charm, even when he was asleep.
“Sleep well my prince,” she whispered before hiding her face in his hair. In no time she fell asleep. they both had no nightmares, they just crossed a strange border, something that was holding them back. And it was just the beginning of their very own fairy-tale.
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kayliemusing · 3 years
flower crown: when did you last sing to yourself? - I think a few hours ago lol
fairy lights: if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about anything, what would you want to know? - how does it everything work out in the end
daisies: what is the greatest accomplishment of your life? - i don't really have one yet
1975: what is the first happy memory that comes to mind, recent or otherwise? - When I was 8, my family and I were driving home from the christmas eve service. It was snowing big fluffy snowflakes and i was in a sparkly dress in the backseat. rascal flatts was playing 'god bless the broken road' on the radio and we were all sitting in this really nice content silence.
matte: if you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living? - I think I'd try to do more, go out more, experience more, write more.
black nail polish: do you have a bucket list? if so, what are the top three things? - Write a novel(s) / write successful novels - Fall in love - finally go to a taylor swift concert lol
pantone: describe a person close to your life in detail. - My mom is someone I super close to. She has these vibrant blue eyes that literally carry an ocean of good things. She has a warm soul and she always uses her energy to lift other people up or just to hold their hand when life is rocky.
moodboard: do you feel you had a happy childhood? - Yes
stars: when did you last cry in front of another person? - I don't remember. A while ago I think. Maybe like last september-ish and I only remember that because my job did a really not cool thing to me and I cried when I told my mom and then cried when I told my best friend lol
plants: pick a person to stargaze with you and explain why you picked them. - My mom because we could talk about life while stargazing.
converse: would you ever have a deep conversation with a stranger and open up to them? - maybe. if i felt super comfortable with them and it was the right time for it, then probably.
lace: when was your last 3am conversation with someone, and who were they to you? - I don't know, actually. Probably not since high school or roughly around then bc i'm always asleep by 10 pm lol. it was probably with one of my friends.
handwriting: if you were about to die, and you could only say one more sentence to one person, what would you say and to whom? - I'd probably tell my mom thank you for everything she's done and had to sacrifice for me/our family, and i'd tell her i loved her.
cactus: what is your opinion on brown eyes? - Beautiful! Bright! Lovely! God tier! Wow!
sunrise: pick a quote and describe what it means to you personally. - "I couldn't get the boy to kill me but I wore his jacket for the longest time" by Richard Siken. First of all, this quote makes me like !!!!! just exclamation marks!!!! I think I just love the poetry and the subtext in this quote, because it's kind of like being haunted by this boy was in itself its own kind of death. So like yeah you didn't kill me, but you haunt me instead.
oil paints: what would you title the autobiography of your life so far? - What The Hell Is This: a memoir by me
overalls: what would you do with one billion dollars? - Buy a house and move to a different city, invest a lot of it, buy a car, buy another cat, send money to charity, quit my job.
combat boots: are you a very forgiving person? do you like being this way? - I'm a forgiving person when I feel like someone is worth forgiving, which I kind of don't like about myself because I don't know if that's necessarily the right thing. I don't like that I feel like people have to earn forgiveness, but if I'm hurt by someone or someone has hurt someone I love, I tend to hold grudges and I will especially hold grudges if the hurt or offense is never addressed. But if someone were to apologize and I felt like they were sincere and they gave me a good explanation for the actions, I'm definitely forgiving then.
winged eyeliner: write a hundred word letter to your twelve year old self. - n/a
pastel: would you describe yourself as more punk or pastel? - pastel
tattoos: how do you feel about tattoos and piercings? explain. - I don't mind some tattoos and piercings, but I don't like tons of piercings and I definitely don't like tattoo sleeves or anything like that lol. You do you, but I could never lol.
piercings: do you wear a lot of makeup? why/why not? - Generally, yeah. It depends on my mood that day. Sometimes I'll wear a full face, other times I'll do bare minimum or nothing at all. Makeup makes me feel nice and it can really make your features pop.
bands: talk about a song/band/lyric that has affected your life in some way. - Taylor Swift baby. Taylor has been such an inspiration to me as a writer and a human being. I think she sees the world very vividly and very romantically, and I love that about her. I love that she's kind-natured, even when the world tries to put a masochistic spin on her, she's simply just good. I love her honestly and vulnerability in her story-telling, and I love the work-ethic and careful creativity that's in her work. On a more personal note, her music feels like contentment and joy, and sometimes nostalgia. I started listening to her music in the fifth/sixth grade but I remember when Speak Now came out and at that time I was starting to get into writing and I could really see that she was a writer too so I clung to her, and then Red was released while my dad was fighting cancer and that album was just something I really pressed into as a means of comfort and escape and I'm so glad that I had her music lean on.
messy bun: the world is listening. pick one sentence you would tell them. - *mind goes blank*
cry baby: list the concerts you have been to and talk about how they make you feel. - I haven't actually been to a concert that's really impacted me meaningfully because I've never gone to anyone I legitimately wanted to see lol. When I was 10, I went to a Jonas Brothers concert with my sister who was a bigger fan of them than I was and I do remember it being a good time. Then when I was 15, my best friend took me to marianas trench because our other friend baled so she had a spare ticket. It was a really good show and it actually made me get into their music more than I had been before which was awesome.
grunge: who in the world would you most like to receive a letter from and what would you want it to say? - I would love it if taylor swift wrote me a letter and I honestly wouldn't care what she wrote in it as long as it was something nice lol
space: do you have a desk/workspace and how is it organised/not organised? - I used to have a work space in my room but I moved the desk upstairs to our office. Now I just write in my room and that for me looks like a made up bed, a nightstand with a candle, and a vanilla-scented lamp to create a warm cozy atmosphere.
white bed sheets: what is your night time routine? - I usually write in the evening and then maybe I'll watch youtube or I'll listen to music or scroll through tiktok lol. Then I put on my pj's, skincare routine, brush teeth, and I go to bed (where I end up reading for half the night but whatevs)
old books: what’s one thing you don’t want your parents to know? - I'm pretty open with my mom so I don't think there's anything she doesn't know about me lol.
beaches: if you had to dye your hair how would you dye/style it and why? - I wouldn't mind dying my tips pink or blue just because I think that's a universally cute look. As for styling it, probably what I do now, maybe curl it a little more.
eyes: pick five people to go on an excursion with you. who would you pick and where would you go/what would you do? - I don't think I even know five people (that i'm close to) yikes
11:11: name three wishes and why you wish for them. - I wish for success, because I always feel like a failure or inadequate in someway - I wish to fall in love, because I'd like to know it at least once - I wish to be able to write again in a way that makes me happy, because I feel like I keep disappointing myself and I just want that creative freedom again
painting: what is the best halloween costume you have ever put together? if none, make one up. - I've never done anything super creative lol but one year I dressed like a bumble bee and I loved that costume because it was a little frilly dress with wings.
lightning: what’s the worst thing you’ve ever done while drunk or high? - fun fact I've never been drunk or high
thunder: what’s one thing you would never do for one million dollars? - Anything that involves killing or spiders
storms: you can only listen to one song for the rest of your life, or only see one person for the rest of your life. which and why? - All too well by taylor swift baby
love: have you ever fallen in love? describe what it feels like to realise you’re in love. - I have not fallen in love before but I imagine it feels like contentment and coming home.
clouds: if you’re a boy, would you ever rock black nail polish? if you’re a girl, would you ever rock really really short hair? - I wouldn't do really short hair, but my favourite hair cuts on me was a short bob.
coffee: what’s your starbucks order, and who would you trust to order for you, if anyone? - Just your standard white hot chocolate, and i'd trust anyone to order it for me bc it's not that difficult lol
marble: what is the most important thing to you in your life right now? - My writing / my career I think
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