#son's thoughts
sonofrose · 2 months
I'd rather be disappointed a thousand times than to stop believing in people.
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frownyalfred · 6 months
Thinking about the JL finding out that Bruce has contingency plans for all of his kids and being horrified. But when the League asks them about it, all the kids are like “yeah! we actually all have them for each other just in case” and move on like it’s perfectly normal to have three different ways to take out your brother on hand (for emergencies).
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ylceon · 6 months
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someone's knocking at the door but i dare not answer
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theartlockerlocked · 1 month
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pumpkinhead666 · 6 months
1st time
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2nd time
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3rd time
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4th time
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5th time
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last time
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screaming, crying, fucking throwing up
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Polites died believing that the world is kind, and yet his death contributes to Odysseus deciding to become a monster. Absolutely devastating
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thefrsers · 6 months
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#when you know your kids so well
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lilislegacy · 5 months
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percy has been called smart by hazel, reyna, and annabeth (twice).
to say he’s actually dumb is to disagree with those three women. and if you are disagreeing with 3 of the most knowledgeable, capable, and badass characters in the series… what are you even doing?
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sonofrose · 1 year
Ok look.
Yes I'm as frustrated with the winning streak as everyone else, but we need to move past just getting angry.
Vote for the team you like, not because "it'll win". Find time to gather shells in the prefest, and time to play as much as you can on the actual fest. Don't disconnect if you're losing, and treat the matches and your opponents with respect.
The problem is not the game, its us, and I say that on all fronts.
Be better, stop worrying about winning and just enjoy the fest.
Also stop complaining about themes and updates, it's only been ONE YEAR, the game still has much room to grow, as do we.
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to start saving for the Deep Cut Amiibo's
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asteroidtroglodyte · 1 year
Look; if you don’t support LandBack, you probably don’t understand what is actually being proposed. Everything I have read and heard has been very reasonable and fair. The only folks talking about revenge campaigns are White Supremacists trying to drum up fears. The movement is co-axial with a lot of the ideas in the Ecological and Green movements. It’s a decolonizing measure. It has the potential to benefit lots of people, including non-Natives, given that many of the proposals would dramatically improve air and water quality and increase access to food across economic class lines. These folks have good ideas. I am asking you, politely, to just take a look.
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frownyalfred · 1 month
Bruce is relatively levelheaded and normal about his kids (as much as he can be, at least) but he 100% turns into one of those moms who thinks their kids are going to get kidnapped in the Target parking lot whenever Ra’s Al Ghul shows up. All of a sudden they ALL need to be behind him, they need to hold hands, and Bruce is .03 seconds away from decking Ra’s just on principle. That’s how keyed up he gets.
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miramelo · 2 months
New rogue in Gotham
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farshootergotme · 29 days
Wait, how tf did I miss this.
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Batman: Wayne Family Adventures #7
You're telling me Forever Evil happened in this universe? You're telling me SPYRAL happened in this universe? I'll have to hope that everything went down very differently because otherwise there's a lot to unpack there that clearly this comic isn't ready for.
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drenched-in-sunlight · 3 months
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i will raise hell to the bitter end.
I don’t think Messmer visits the jar clinic in his Keep often… they remind him too much of his Mother.
Btw, he wears a golden ring on the middle finger of his left hand…
in Palmistry, that indicates responsibility, balance, justice. usually it’s sth the head of the family wear, but no other characters wear sth like that. he’s truly the sole heir to all of Marika’s happiness & all of her pain.
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willowser · 11 months
your little angel of a son inherits katsuki's bad temper, and it manifests in his terrible fours.
there's an awful little shriek that echoes throughout the house and katsuki is on his feet and halfway to the living room before his eyes are even open—but the only danger awaiting him there is a pouty little brat.
his son is sitting amidst a swarm of toys that have been strewn about haphazardly, and his arms are crossed and big fat tears are in his eyes and he looks mad as all hell. you do, too, sitting across from him with a deep frown, holding the ripped page of a book from his little shelf.
"no sir," you warn, "we do not treat our things this way."
you incite a meltdown.
katsuki feels his own temper flaring—half from shock and awe at his little mini-me and also from the exhaustion wearing him thin—when your son kicks his legs out in a burst of rage, letting out another little shriek of anger. your cheeks puff up, wearing the same furious expression, and at the hiss of his name, the little brat jumps to his feet and snatches a toy truck nearby and launches it across the room.
your son's attention snaps to katsuki, startled, losing a hint of anger as he pouts at the floor.
"what'd she just tell you?" and when he gets no response, katsuki prods with a, "hah? answer me."
but the little boy only stamps his little feet and grunts out a furious, wordless sound that has katsuki's lip curling. you let out a heavy sigh, shaking your head at him before frowning down at the torn page in your hands, and then katsuki is planting a hand on the back of his son's head and steering him towards the front door.
"time to take a walk."
the boy goes, even though his arms are crossed and his eyes are downcast. he only resists once, as katsuki tries to shove his little feet into his shoes.
"i don't wanna." he mumbles, face scrunched and wet before promptly looking away.
"i didn't ask."
katsuki has to resist the urge to pinch his own son.
they get out the door eventually, and the little boy stomps along for the most part, no longer needing a guiding hand on the back of his head once they get around the block a time or two. neither of them say anything.
fatherhood has taught katsuki a lot of things, which was expected, but the one thing that's surprised him is—he's learned all the things he doesn't want his son to be.
the first of them being angry. not the way katsuki was, mean and selfish, throughout his childhood; hateful and careless, in his teens; shut off and simmering, even now.
he waits until the tension has melted off his little shoulders, until his little face has dried and evened out. his arms swing at his sides, occasionally coming up to wipe his snot with the back of his hand, and he eyes the few wildflowers they pass with a little hum and a small smile.
katsuki tugs once on his ear, frowning down at the little brat when he peeks up at him. "that how you're supposed to treat your mama?"
he doesn't answer at first, leaning his head all the way back and clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth, until katsuki stops walking. "no, sir."
"how you s'posed to treat her?"
"with love."
"how you s'posed to treat your toys?"
"with care."
"uh-huh," katsuki squishes his son's cheeks in his hand, shaking his head lightly from side to side until he starts giggling. "that how you acted today?"
"no, sir."
"that how y'r gonna act again?"
"no, sir."
"okay," katsuki murmurs, nodding once before letting him free. the little boy bounces on his feet and sucks on his lip, grinning when his tummy is pinched. "now pick those for your mama."
and he does, carefully plucking a small handful of flowers from the grass as they make their way back home, and just before he runs up the steps to the house, katsuki's little angel of a son hands him the biggest one.
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thedgeofsleep · 11 months
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Matthew Lillard as Steve Raglan / William Afton in FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY'S (2023)
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