#sorcerer's cafe
autumncozy · 1 year
I just posted a brand new 'Sorcerer's Cafe' ambience with rain + piano music for anyone needing some background sounds for studying, relaxing, reading, etc.! Hope you enjoy, and please subscribe to the Autumn Cozy YouTube channel for more!
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aiai-cafe · 3 months
gojo and sukuna respectively being "the strongest sorcerers in history" is so funny because like, gojo was born with super myth freak eyes and his super power is ultimate control of the entire fucking universe, and sukuna's super power is be very good at cutting things. and somehow these two are equals. somehow sukuna is making it work
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thevelria · 1 year
Pumpkin guy (canon!Gojo x barista!fem!reader) (SFW)
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Author's note: This was a request from a lovely reader on Wattpad. I really enjoyed this cafe <3 Thank you for my lovely @ladycheesington for proofreading it <3
warnings: no warnings, pure fluff
Autumn finally sneaked in and kicked Summer out. This part of the year was your thing. You were excited to bring all the decorations up from the basement. After all, it was going to be Halloween soon. (It wasn’t but you were too excited to wait any longer.)
This Sunday evening seemed to be perfect for a little organization in your lovely home. Because even if you lived alone it didn’t mean you were sad or lonely. With a smile on your face you precisely placed all the spooky figures at their usual spots. 
“It looks nice, doesn’t it?” you giggled as you asked your kitty cat, Sir Sunflower. The little black furball purred and rubbed his head against your ankle, so you took it as a yes. 
Even if Monday morning arrived sooner than you expected, you felt happy. The second your feet touched the wooden floor in your bedroom you remembered that it is THAT day. The day when you change the menu in the cafe and replace all the Summer offers with Autumn ones. The light morning breeze danced on your skin as you were walking down the street to your workplace.
Humming a cute song you started to clean the tables and the counter, thinking about how perfect that morning was. So far. 
The tiny bell above the entrance sang its song, warning you of the arrival of the first customer of this beautiful day. It seemed your customers were just as excited about this day as you were. 
People kept arriving, ordering different kinds of Autumn themed drinks and sweets. Soon enough almost all the tiny tables and cozy couches were taken. Chit-chatting echoed through the place as people kept being excited. 
You were almost at the end of your shift when the tiny bell rang once again and a crystal white haired man with a pair of sunglasses walked in lazily. The second he flashed his mesmerizing blue eyes you froze in your action. You had no idea when, if ever, you'd seen such beautiful eyes for the last time. 
“Good evening, sir. What can I get for you?” you greeted him with a lovely tone.
“Good evening, beautiful.” he smiled. “I would like a pumpkin latte, please.”
“Sure. Anything else?” 
“Your phone number.” he flashed a smirk.
Your eyes widened and a tint of light pink rushed upon your cheeks. Okay, it would have been a lie to tell that no one ever tried to flirt with you but this felt somehow different. It felt different, because you found him extremely attractive. Even if you screamed inside you acted out cool and simply pretended you didn’t hear anything. As you spun on your heels and started to prepare his order, Gojo lifted his weight from one of his legs to another. 
A strange feeling caught your attention, as if someone was staring at you. And oh, you were right. He couldn’t resist fixating his angelic eyes on your back and followed your whole presence, checked your beautiful silky hair and even smiled at the cute hair clip you wore. It was a tiny brown-orange owl that perfectly fit the whole Autumn environment. He also let his eyes fall on your curves, your perfect waist and wonderful hips. Your uniform suited you well enough, giving a perfect sight of your round bum. The man took a desperate breath. His intentions weren’t only sexual, he felt as he walked in and spotted you that he had to make you his girl, no matter what. 
This feeling terrified him just as much as it made him excited. Gojo Satoru wasn’t a dating type of guy. He rather focused on his job, on his duty. Saving people from curses wasn’t the easiest work to do after all. 
The lively sound of the coffee machine made you zone out. You were hesitating. It was a dilemma you never really felt before. Should you? Shouldn’t you? Is it against the policy at all? You had no idea. The hot liquid pouring into the cup and the light beeping sound snapped you back to reality. Before you could have changed your mind you grabbed the black marker and hurryingly wrote your number on the paper cup. 
“Thank you.” he smiled at you. He was about to leave a cheeky comment when your coworker stepped next to you behind the counter. 
“I got this, Y/N.” they put their hand on your shoulder. “Your shift is over, go enjoy your afternoon.” 
Gojo thanked you for the lovely service once again, before he walked to the door and let a gush of wind caress his face as he stepped outside. “Y/N…” he hummed. “Such a beautiful name.” 
He got back to the facility and aimed for his room. The coffee was gone a long ago but he carefully placed the cup onto his desk until he saved your number.
Before getting home you stopped at the grocery store. A half full cart you pushed around as you kept picking the items you needed. Actually you just tried to distract your mind from the fact you gave your number to a stranger and for some inexplicable reason you wanted him to reach out. Finally you left the store with four or five huge bags which were heavier than you expected. A loud huff left your mouth when you finally got home. Being busy with packing out from the bags you didn’t hear the buzzing noise of your phone. It was buried deep in your bag. 
“C’mon. At least read my messages, sweetheart.” Gojo frowned, tapping his fingers eagerly on his desk. It wasn’t like him at all. The sorcerer was always confident, no doubt ever was able to sneak into his mind until today. You were different. You were unique. You were special. 
A loud gasp rolled from your throat when you realized the amount of new messages. Of course you knew exactly who the other side of the unknown number was but you wanted to tease him just a little bit. 
“Hey. Who’s this?” you sent the text, giggling. 
“Oh, so I wasn’t the only one who got your number today?” your phone buzzed almost immediately.
“Pumpkin guy? Is it you?” you kept teasing. 
“My name is Gojo Satoru.” 
You clicked your tongue before reacting. “I like Pumpkin guy better.” You even added an emoji with its tongue out. You found yourself chuckling and kicking your feet like you were a teenage girl once again. This feeling was decent, made you happy and free. It was easy to get addicted to this euphoria. 
As the night went on you both kept texting each other, chatting and flirting until you fell asleep. 
In the morning you woke up before your alarm went off. It was strange but as soon as your eyes shot open you felt excited and grabbed your phone, smiling immediately when you saw the unread messages from Satoru. He kept texting you way after you fell asleep, and wishing you a good night in the end. 
You bit your lower lip before you sent the message “Good morning, handsome.” The three little dots appeared almost in an instant which made you feel nervous. But it was the sweet kind of nervousness, the one when you are so excited you can’t really handle it. 
“So, I’m not the Pumpkin guy, anymore? Will you call me my real name as well?”
“Well, you have to earn it.” you smiled as the game of texting started once again.  
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kairoseas · 6 months
Yuuji, who sits every morning watching Megumi as Megumi creates his own personalized cup of coffee for the morning. He observes his methods, notices how much sugar or milk he puts in it, even if its incredibly minimal (to Yuuji's personal disgust). Yuuji who actually drags himself out of bed at a reasonably early hour to pull up tutorial videos on his phone on how to create different whipped cream animals. The first few times Megumi finds his coffee is waiting for him... he doesn't think much of it, especially when Yuuji takes responsibility for the creation and manufacturing of the cup. The first few whipped-cream-animals are... less than ideal. Essentially created and shaped as shapeless globs of whipped cream that Megumi quirks a brow over and glances to Yuuji for explanation, of which there is a complicated and unreasonable response. Megumi's ultimately too tired to try to decipher what Yuuji's trying to get across to him anyway. He takes their rambling at face value. His first successful creature? A small cat, hanging off the rim of the mug with two little eyes. Again, Megumi picks it up without looking at it directly as he holds it up to his lips... before he pauses, looking down at the white void in his vision, blotting out the dark liquid in the cup. It stares up at him expectantly and Megumi... feels a pang of guilt for the creature who he's going to destroy when he takes a drink from the cup. The same kind of guilt he feels when the divine dogs are looking at him and expecting scraps. They don't necessarily need food to live, no, but... he liked to give them some, from time to time. Mostly because they give him the biggest eyes... and it makes his heart melt on the spot. "... Itadori, did you make... something in my coffee?" Megumi asks, turning around to look at his classmate, who's already heading to hide in the bathroom, beginning his shower with a lighthearted grin at the doorframe, just as he's about to close the door with a towel hanging over his arm. " I don't know what you're talking about, Umi~! " he sings from the other room.
Megumi looks down at the cat in his coffee. ... It was pretty cute. Admittedly, he doesn't drink his coffee with milk or creamer or anything usually but... he could accept it. Especially if Itadori was putting all this effort into such cute things... it was kind of nice to see him getting expressive with himself rather than bottling up everything they've experienced.
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Worldbuilding: Worked on a post on the geography, flora & fauna of The Sorcerer's Apprentice universe which I meant to publish last week, but was unable to finish due to life circumstances (my favourite aunt went to intensive care, and I caught a nasty stomach bug while visiting her). At any rate, it's almost done, so it should go up sometime next week.
Continued Researching Colonialism, Neocolonialism, Coloniality as a Concept and Decolonial Practices: I've been reading Edward W. Said's Culture and Imperialism for the last few weeks and I'm making slow but steady progress. My plan is to pick up Said's Orientalism next, which I've heard is also a go-to text on colonialism. In addition, I also read A Decolonial Feminism by Francoise Verges, which I found quite eye-opening and will be incorporating into Altaluna's storyline (namely, I'll be showcasing how some forms of feminism are used to further colonial aims through interactions between Altaluna and her supposedly 'transgressive' peers); The Good Die Young: The Verdict on Henry Kissinger, a compilation of essays on how Kissinger (who I met in his declining years) used and abused human rights discourse to further US economic control (capitalism with US supremacy incorporated) over so-called 'third-world' regions, and how this is the standard practice for US foreign policy to this day (I'm borrowing this two-pronged approach for interactions between the Empire and it's subordinate 'independent' states); and Toussaint L'Ouverture: The Haitian Revolution, a compilation of Toussaint's (and a couple others, including Napoleon's) correspondence during Toussaint's fight for independence. The book features an outstanding introduction by Jean-Bertrand Aristide and offers a stark contrast to Kissinger's views on Human Rights; in Toussaint's letters and speeches, these rights come with no strings attached and are pursued on principle, out of the genuine belief that they are inalienable to all (at one point the British offered to 'make him' King of Haiti and he refused, which I have to admit, I was pretty impressed by). I also did quite a lot of follow-up reading on Haiti, as an example of the colonialism-to-neocolonialism pipeline. Given that The Sorcerer's Apprentice is set in a neo-colonial world, reading up on Haiti's history helps me better portray the continuity between these two systems and indirectly criticize the idea that today both my readers and I live in a post-colonial world. BTW, if you're unfamiliar with the horrors visited upon the Haitian people (did you know that up until 2015, when France 'forgave' them their debt, the government of Haiti had been paying the French compensation for their loss of slave labour?), check out this article. Likewise, if you're unfamiliar with the difference between colonialism and neo-colonialism (as I was for 99.9% of my life lol), take a look at the iconographic below.
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Researched Fiction Genres in 'Post-colonial' Literature: The various iterations of The Sorcerer's Apprentice I've written so far have experimented with two main genres, fantasy and horror. The first iterations were straight-up typical high fantasies with Kings and Queens and dragons in a UK-style setting; the second were more realistic but much more eerie psychological horror stories set in modern-day New York City (if you scroll back far enough on this blog, you'll find evidence of both). Although I like some elements/scenes from both genre adaptations of The Sorcerer's Apprentice and, indeed, although I intend to incorporate some of these in the current draft, ultimately I abandoned the aforementioned versions because, at their core, they failed. Why? Because, while they nailed the interpersonal struggle between Valeriano and Altaluna, they did so without addressing the reason that struggle even exists in the first place. Namely, they failed to go beyond the personal relationship, to its systemic causes. The truth is that a person like Valeriano doesn't exist in a vacuum. He's a product and embodiment of a world with certain values. Yes, Altaluna may have defeated him in a high-fantasy royal skirmish for power or its modern-day equivalent inheritance drama, but engaging (even embracing) the system that produced him (royalty, birthright, etc.), undermines her victory. What was she in these earlier versions of The Sorcerer's Apprentice, but another shade of Valeriano? What did she represent, in her victory if not the desire to be the oppressor? The deep self-depreciation of the oppressed? Even the aesthetics of these earlier versions glorified Valeriano's world, with little mention of Altaluna's. This was my fault. I did not understand that these things were in me. I am beginning to. In any case, I don't intend to make the same mistake twice, so I'm doing a little research into how different literary genres have been used to tell stories about colonialism/neocolonialism/post-colonialism. I read a pretty good article from Globalization, Utopia, and Postcolonial Science Fiction: New Maps of Hope by E. Smith entitled "Third-World Punks, or, Watch out for the Worlds Behind You," and I'm trying to look into Afrofuturism and Latinfuturism.
Answer pending asks. Yes, I am bad. I admit it, I am very bad. (why am I so bad *sobs*)
Publish that promised worldbuilding post on the geography, flora & fauna of The Sorcerer's Apprentice universe.
Survive this stomach bug.
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usagimen · 2 months
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           𝐓𝐬𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐂𝐚𝐟𝐞: Nestled in the backstreets of Gion, Kyoto there are rumors of a small building with a singular neon sign reading fresh coffee. Visitors are often portrayed as locals, artisans, apprentices, maiko with a few minutes to spare all collectively joining the comforting walls. Seven years ago the proprietress that opened the quaint space was known to be a withdrawn woman with jade eyes; monochromatic in speech, sharp in every aspect, some often wondered, would her face change shapes? Never the same, always maneuvering differently. Sayuri built Tsubaki Cafe on the doing of her own hands, the portion of her soul that was frayed && torn asunder, only wanting to regain a sense of clarity.
 Day by day, she would pour another cup, in time the rich flavor && complex blends started to blossom, it was not the notoriety that drove her, or even the financial gain, merely the knowledge someone would smile at the simple act. Grief that overwhelmed her at the passing of a dear friend, the ascension into the moniker the God Hand Sorcerer, none of it mattered. There was pride in becoming manager, promoting the cafe, knowing that there was an inkling of hope when the horrors of girlhood had sunk into her skin. The grasp she knew only to be that of destruction softened; giving precedent into a kinder && gentler life. Nowadays, the enigmatic owner is known for her rather ominous air, the timid yet kind smile, ushering in all that wander to a place where they may rest. Some joke her illusive beauty still shifts depending on mood but the coffee is delicious, the company is even better, one will always find home within Tsubaki Cafe.   
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kodanshamanga · 5 months
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NEW Kodansha Digital:
The Iceblade Sorcerer Shall Rule the World, Vol 9 By Nana Mikoshiba, Norihito Sasaki and Riko Korie
As more belligerents crawl out of the woodwork, can the Iceblade Sorcerer come to the rescue as the knight in shining armor?
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gabbyp09 · 11 months
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philosophika · 7 months
Hi there friend, sorry it’s been a while, life has been busy. A question about AUs, since this is something I’m currently exploring:
If you were to create an Alternate Universe of your setting, what kind of setting would it be? What changes would you make for you characters to fit?
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Hi Aqua (@aquadestinyswriting), thank you for this thought-provoking ask! And no worries <3 Life is life, and it gets us all! I'm always psyched to see you on my blog. To the moots, if you aren't familiar with the fantastic Aqua yet and/or you love the Titan Fighting Fantasy universe, go check out her Writeblr Masterpost for a complete overview of all her projects!
This is the question of the moment for The Sorcerer's Apprentice as I'm currently redesigning the universe. You couldn't have hit the nail more squarely on the head!! Previously, the story had been set in (1) a heavily UK-inspired high-fantasy macrocosm (á la Game of Thrones) and (2) a modern-day psychological horror version of a NYC Fifth Avenue apartment (á la Rosemary's Baby). In these previous universes, Valeriano and Altaluna were, respectively, a King and his heir, and an elderly socialite and his heir. However, since both these settings and their associated character roles eventually chafed against what I was looking to achieve with the story (aka. an exploration of the link between capitalism, colonialism, racism, and environmental disaster), I decided that this time I'd abandon all familiar formulas and rebuild the world from the ground up to highlight the broader social tensions that underlie Valeriano and Altaluna's relationship and, on a meta-narrative level, ensure that the aesthetics of the novel do not in any way reinforce or glorify the issues I'm attempting to criticize.
One of the biggest changes I've made in service of this goal is that I've taken the story completely out of the northern hemisphere. The geography, fauna & flora, religion and culture of the newly minted universe are all based on Colombia and Latin America more generally. In this way, I'm hoping that the novel itself will push back against the idea that our culture and environment are appealing, but only as the setting of a romantic weekend getaway or as the backdrop to a drug and/or human trafficking drama. I want to show that fantasy is possible here, too. That we can dream in our own terms. Furthermore, I want to undermine this general feeling that we (Colombians & Latin Americans more generally) have nothing to be proud of when compared to the US or countries in Europe. By highlighting and praising our architecture, food, natural diversity, and customs my aim is to chip away at that self-deprecating streak and all its associated myths (that we're poor because we're stupid, and lazy because we get too much sun) as much as I can. I would be really happy if my novel could help people see themselves and the world they live in, in a new more positive light...
Of course, this change in the setting/universe means changes for Valeriano and Altaluna as well. It would be tone-deaf to keep Valeriano as a King in a novel that is inspired by a region so heavily marked by the fight for independence from a monarchical society. For this reason, I'm leaning toward keeping the 'socialite' role he played in the Rosemary's Baby edition of The Sorcerer's Apprentice, with a few modifications. I'm actually thinking of using him to show how art can work to perpetuate colonial power (but more on that later! I still need to hash out some details). Similarly, Altaluna will be conserving her 'heir' role from the Rosemary's Baby edition, but with some of the more large-scale social movement/impact she had in the Game of Thrones rendition. If I can successfully adapt both Altaluna and Valeriano to this new universe, then their conflict should expand beyond a family drama into a commentary on the horrors colonialism enacts both on the oppressor and the oppressed (thank you, Discourse on Colonialism by Aime Cesaire for opening my eyes). If I'm really lucky, then maybe I'll be able to test possible solutions, like Babel by R.F. Kuang does (the solution there is violence, which is very Fanon adjacent).
Anyway, who knows. We'll see how it goes!
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bananami · 9 months
A little couple's trivia with Nanami proves that he knows you all too well.
I did use the term wife and she/her pronouns just as a brief cw. The whole thing is just fluff. Nanami is in love with you. That's the whole things.
(I am delulu and in love with this man. Hope this helps us all heal. He is alive and well and no one can convince me otherwise. Also I love including Gojo's dumbass in everything. Also Yuji is a sweetheart and Nanami's son basically.)
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"Please?" You're practically begging your husband, who doesn't seem to be budging.
"Why not?"
"Yeah Nanamin-"
"Don't call me that." Nanami cuts Gojo off immediately.
"But Yuji calls you that!"
"That's different." He glares at the white haired man like he's trying to eviscerate him with just his eyes. "And I'm not playing some stupid game just to prove how well I know my wife." He tries to pay attention to the paperwork in front of him again, wanting to finish it before 5pm. Because there was no way he was working overtime again today.
"Scared?" Gojo baited him. "Afraid I'm gonna ask you a question that's just too hard?"
"Gojo, there is nothing you could ask me about my wife that I wouldn't be able to answer."
A few of the students sat around watching the two go back and forth, inevitably waiting for Nanami to either get so annoyed that he walked away, or to take the bait. They hoped for the latter.
"Prove it! Or you forfeit your marriage."
"That's not how that works."
"C'mon Nanamin, it's just a game." Yuji gives the blonde sorcerer a sincere smile, hoping to lighten the mood and sway his decision just a bit.
"Don't call him Nanamin, Yuji- OW." Gojo is cut off as Nanami reaches over and smacks him in the head with the papers in his hand.
"Don't tell him what to do." Nanami sighs and rubs at his temple. He looks at the clock, then at you. It's the look in your eyes that gives way to his final decision. "Fine. You have until that clock reads 5, and then I'm taking my wife and we're going home."
Gojo wastes no time. "Who is your wife's favorite person? And think before you say yourself because-"
"Itadori. Next question."
"I'm your favorite person?!" Yuji jumps from his seat, latching his arms around you for a hug. It's obvious from the way that you smile and hug him back that Nanami is probably definitely right. You had a soft spot for the kid since you met him, playfully telling everyone that you and Nanami had basically adopted him since he arrived at Jujutsu High. Nanami would probably never verbalize it, but you could tell he felt the same about the boy.
"Ok, ok. Next question." Gojo thought hard before coming up with it. "How does your wife take her coffee?"
"She doesn't drink coffee."
"Yes she does, I bring her some like every morning."
"And she gives that coffee to me because she doesn't like it."
"You're telling me I've been buying you coffee this entire time?"
"I make her tea every morning when we get to work. You hand her the coffee, we trade cups. I don't understand how you've stared right at us when we do it and you somehow haven't noticed."
"Ok, then what tea does she drink?"
"Earl Grey, three sugars, a little bit of milk at the top. She'll say she's ok with English Breakfast or Lady Earl Grey if they're out of the regular. She's not, she's just being polite. She'll drink half and throw it away when she thinks no one is looking."
Gojo groans, not having as much fun as he thought he was going to at the beginning of all of this. "And I just bet you have a contingency plan for when your wife doesn't get her tea, don't you?"
"Of course I do," he ignores the even louder groan from Gojo, "I walk across the street to the cafe that sells her favorite pastries and I buy her five because I know that she'll want to share with her students and she'll try to split one with me even if I refuse. They have teabags they leave out so long as you're ordering something. Earl Grey, always in stock."
"Adorable." Gojo rolls his eyes.
"You're so smart, Nanamin!" Yuji jumps in. "Let me ask one! What's her favorite color?"
"Yuji, that's too easy."
"Ohhhh, mine too," Yuji says, "why yellow?"
"Because it's-" Nanami stops mid-sentence and looks at the clock, like it will give him an excuse. Almost. "We don't need to worry about the why, that wasn't the original question."
Gojo perks up, clearly realizing he'd struck a nerve. And he was ready to work it. The red dusting across Nanami's cheeks told him everything he needed to know. "Are you embarrassed, Nanami?"
"Shut up, Gojo."
"Or do you just not know the answer? It's ok if you don't, I guess you just don't know your wife as well as you thought you did."
"If you don't stop talking, I'm going to tell everyone about the one time in high school when you and Geto got caught in the-"
"OK!" Gojo turns back to the students and motions them toward the door. "Time to go! Don't you all have something better to do? Go be little trouble makers somewhere. Go TP Yaga's lawn or something. Get out of here."
He'd ushered everyone out except Yuji, who stayed behind to wait for you and Nanami. The boy shyly looked away as you kissed Nanami's cheek before standing up, stating you just needed to grab your bag before you could leave.
Yuji waited for you to exit the room before he asked. "Is it because of your hair?"
Nanami sighs. "What makes you think that?"
Yuji just shrugs. "She loves you. Answers don't always need a complex reason."
Nanami can't help the smile that graces his face. "You're a smart kid sometimes, you know that?"
"That's why I'm her favorite!" His goofy nature is back in an instant. "Can I come over for dinner again tonight?"
"Of course you can."
"Can I stay over?"
"If you'd like to."
"Can I pick the movie we watch?"
"Don't push your luck."
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cats-lolmao · 3 months
Yandere Gojo Hc's
Gojo x Gn! Sorcerer Reader
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Yandere Gojo who couldn't handle your rejection since he has never been rejected or told no before
Yandere Gojo who went home that day and cried himself thinking of ways to win you over
Yandere Gojo that comes into your house uninvited while singing daddys home
Yandere Gojo that gets jealous you were on a mission with yuta and just spawns in as you're about to get your arm blown off holding. He has a bouquet of flowers that are held together by a rose gold rolex. He's wearing the most crips tux you've ever seen looking freshly groomed and destroys the curse within milliseconds
Yandere Gojo forces you to go to a cafe with him, then tries to woo you "hm what's that right there?" He frowns, pointing behind you. "Where?" you fall for it turning your head. He light grabs your chin to look back and be met with his blue eyes just for you to speed walk out
Yandere Gojo that sneaks into your house and replaces your alarm with one that wakes you up to his voice instead
Yandere Gojo who can't focus on a thing but you when he notices that your arms are wrapped around another
Yandere Gojo got them suspended cause your only supposed to have eyes for him
Yandere Gojo yells "Dont let the door hit you on the way out" giggling and cheering like a highschool girl now that he can finally have what was rightfully his
Yandere Gojo who decided to take matters into his own hands when you were almost killed by a special grade curse.
Yandere Gojo who threatens to kill your whole family if you don't give up your place as a sorcerer and become his pretty little doll
Yandere Gojo that goes beserks and storms out when you call him delusional and tell him he doesn't have a chance
Yandere Gojo that remembers he's stronger than you and just kidnaps you
HIIII my requests are open btw byee🫶‼️
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emoreemadden · 2 months
hii! it’s been a while <3 anyways here’s a request from a friend.
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Outline: Gojo doesn’t want to be your friend anymore and tells you straight to your face. Unfortunately, you take it the wrong way.
Content Warnings: fluff kinda?, angst ish???, miscommunication trope 😭 idk not many tags or warnings for this one. lmk if i missed anything
Featuring: Gojo Satoru, fem!reader
A/N: i was supposed to finish this WAYYYYYY sooner 😭 my bad… word count: 1815
Gojo Satoru. An enigma for sure.
You both have been best friends for longer than you remember. Well, maybe best friends is the wrong term. You said you were best friends, but it didn’t feel that way. At least not to you.
Every time you saw Gojo, your heart would flutter. Perhaps it was normal, you didn’t know. All you knew was that you had some kind of feelings for him.
You just wished he felt the same.
“What’s wrong?” Gojo had noticed you’d been acting different recently. He puts a hand on your shoulder. “You’re being weird.”
You shrug at him, trying to act normal. Even though you’ve always felt this way about him, you’ve only just now stopped bothering to hide it.
“I don’t know.” Your eyes flit to the ground. “Just tired, I guess.”
And Gojo, being the nice guy that he is, pulls you into a hug. It shouldn’t make you feel this way, like there’s butterflies in your stomach. But it does.
You’re conflicted between wanting to cry and wanting to hug him until you two became one.
“You should get some rest.” He suggests, pulling away and flashing you one of his cheery grins.
“I’ll try my best.” You smile back, though it’s not very passionate.
Gojo pats your head. There’s a pitiful look on his face. “Are you still down for lunch tomorrow?” He asks. Always so considerate, yet he’s never realized how you feel about him.
“Yeah, sure.” You try to up the dosage of your weary smile. “You still working on that surprise?” You ask. Gojo’s been planning this for weeks, teasing you about his “lunch date surprise.”
He grins cheekily. “‘Course I am.” His slender fingers fidget with his sleeves. “What kind of friend would I be to go back on my word?”
The word taunts you like a bully, but you push the thought away. It’s all you’ll ever be, anyways. Friends.
You chuckle when you snap back to reality. “A pretty shitty one, I’d say.”
“Language, young lady.” He teases. You open your mouth to say something, but his phone rings.
“Sorry, I gotta go.” He gives you an apologetic look. “I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah? Be prepared!” He looks giddy.
“Yep.” You reply tightly. “Bye, ‘Toru.” You wave as he walks away.
“Do I buy her flowers or something?” Gojo says to Suguru over the phone.
“You’ve been thinking about this for weeks. Why has it only occured to you now to get her flowers?” Suguru replies, and Gojo can practically hear him rolling his eyes.
“Well I don’t normally confess to my best friend-” Geto tuts before he can continue.
Gojo sighs. “Okay, girl best friend. Better?” He asks.
“No, but continue anyways.” There’s an awkward pause on Gojo’s part.
“I’m nervous.” Gojo finally admits. “I’m like, really nervous.”
Suguru chuckles. “Gojo Satoru, the strongest Sorcerer there is, is nervous to confess to a girl.” He says, his laugh getting louder. “You can’t be serious.”
“Oh shut up, would you?” And Geto only laughs harder, his chuckle turning into full blown howling.
“Fuck off!” And with that, the call clicks off. Gojo sighs, shoving his phone in his pocket and falling back onto his bed.
“I’m screwed.”
You sit at the cafe Gojo had invited you too weeks prior, sighing as you stare at the clock.
“Where is he..?” You mutter to yourself.
Suddenly, as if on cue, he strides in as giddy as ever, looking around for a minute before spotting you and grinning.
“There you are!” He says as he sits down at the table with you. He’s sweating slightly, like he’s anxious.
You smile back at him, and immediately it feels like there’s a thorny rose in your belly, poking you from the inside. “Hey ‘Toru.”
He beams at you. “Did I keep you waiting long?” He asks, giving you an apologetic look for being a few minutes late.
You shake your head. “It’s alright. Now would you please tell me what your little surprise is?”
“Well I can’t give it away so easily!” He pouts playfully. “You haven’t even ordered.” He notes the empty table.
You sigh, before flagging down a waitress. “Can I please get two iced coffees?”
The waiter notes down your order and runs off, leaving you to stare at Satoru expectantly. “Yes I have.”
He tuts, rolling his eyes. “We’ll get to the surprise later. For now, tell me how your day is going.”
So you do. You two talk for a few minutes, and you practically forget about the surprise, until he reminds you.
“Alright, I’ll tell you your surprise now.” He says after the waitress leaves with Gojo’s order of a tiramisu cake and two spoons.
You perk up, curious to find out what he’s been alluding to for so long.
He takes a deep breath. “I don’t think we should be friends anymore.”
You can almost hear the sound of your heart crunching as he steps on it with his words.
“What?” You squeak, tears forming in your eyes.
Gojo stares at you, confused. “Didn’t you hear me?”
You swallow thickly, feeling bile rise in your throat. “But… why?” You feel your tears rolling down your cheeks.
Gojo is alarmed, staring at your crying face. “Why are you crying? Do you… not feel the same?”
You shake your head feverishly, about to open your mouth, but the waitress places down your cake before you can speak.
Gojo looks down at the cake and then back up at you, his expression dimming.
“So you want to be friends?” He asks, sounding heartbroken himself.
You nod, confused. “I thought you did too!” Your chest swells with hurt.
Gojo seems completely distraught. He tries to speak, but nothing comes out. “…No.” He finally says, looking down at the ground.
You stand up from the table with your purse, placing down a few bills before sniffling, trying to wipe your eyes. “I’m going home.” You mumble, turning to leave.
Gojo just stares at you walk away, feeling his spirit burn. “Oh.” He whispers, looking down at the cake on the table.
You hop in your car, tears streaming down your face rapidly as you grip the steering wheel tightly. Your head collapses against the wheel and your body convulses as you sob, shaking like crazy.
You knew Gojo would never feel the same way about you as you did with him, but you thought you’d at least always be friends.
You whimper as you curl up into a ball in the driver's seat, too upset to drive.
Meanwhile, Gojo is inside the cafe, eating the cake silently while he stares at the second spoon.
He’s so confused. He had a sneaking suspicion that you’d reject his love for you, but he didn’t expect you to do it so heartlessly. You cried, for god’s sake! He hadn’t predicted for you to be so opposed to the idea of being more than friends with him.
He feels his heart clench when he remembers your face after he confessed. He sighs, finishing his desert before leaving the cafe defeatedly, his hands in his pockets as he walks home.
The second he opens his door, he collapses against it, sliding to his knees and curling into a ball. He thinks for a moment, before calling up Suguru.
“Have you done it yet? What did she say?” Is the first thing that comes out of Geto’s mouth when he picks up. The reminder of the whole debacle just makes Gojo even more sorrowful than he already was.
“She rejected me.” Gojo says solemnly. The air falls silent for a few moments.
Geto is the first to break the silence. “What did you say?” He finally asks.
Gojo sighs. “I said I didn’t want to be friends anymore.” He replies.
A beat of silence passes.
“And?” Geto urges.
Gojo, confused, replies. “And what?”
“And then what did you say?” He asks.
Still extremely confused, Gojo pauses. “…Nothing.” He says, a hint of uncertainty in his answer.
Geto, with a loud sigh, rolls his eyes. “Are you dumb?” He asks.
“Huh? What’d I do?!” Gojo frowns.
“You goddamn idiot, she probably thought you meant you didn’t want to be friends at all!” Suguru slaps his forehead, which is heard from Gojo’s end of the line.
“Because I don’t!” Gojo protests, now even more confused.
Suguru heaves with annoyance. “She thought you didn’t like her anymore, dumbass.”
Another beat of silence.
A wave of realization hits Gojo. “Oh, fuck.” Is all he says before hanging up and hopping to his feet, running out the door to go find you.
Luckily, on his run to your house, Satoru sees your car still parked outside of the cafe. Panting like a madman, he walks up to it and knocks on your passenger door window, startling you back into your surroundings.
Your eyes widen when you see Satoru awkwardly waving at you through your window. Your eyes are puffy and red from crying, which he notices.
He taps your window, as if to say ‘open up!”
You sniffle as you roll it down, rubbing your eyes.
“Hey, I think you misinterpreted what I said back there.” He gestures to the cafe, his sentence broken up by loud, heavy breaths.
“Why are you so tired?” You ask in return.
“I ran here.” He replies, giving you a lazy grin before he continues with his explanation.
“When I said I didn’t want to be friends anymore, I meant because I want to be more than friends.” He begins, poking his head through your open window to get a little closer to you.
“I really, really like you.” He confesses, a light blush tinting his cheeks. “And I don’t want to be friends. I want to be your boyfriend.”
You stare at him for a few seconds, before letting out a breathy laugh. “Of course you screwed up like that.” You mutter, pinching the bridge of your nose as you smile.
He ignored your little jab. “So? What do you say?” He asks. “Please don’t reject me, I ran all the way here.” He begs.
You laugh again, rubbing your red eyes and unlocking your car door. “I don’t want to be friends either, Satoru.”
His eyes light up at your statement and he immediately throws the door open, fitting himself into the passenger seat before he turns to face you.
“Really, you mean it?” He asks excitedly, looking at you with hopeful eyes. “You don’t?”
You smile. “Not at all.”
And with your confirmation, he grabs your face and pulls you in for a kiss, gently wiping your past tears as he does so.
He pulls back for a second to grin at you. “Thank god, because I was not ready to run all the way back home.” He jokes before going back to kissing you.
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gojonanami · 10 months
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✴︎ summary: on a rare day off, you decide to take care of the strongest sorcerer -- with something very sweet. ✴︎ contents: pure domestic fluff, based on that clip of gojo freaking out over pancakes in the phantom parade game, taking care of gojo the way he deserves - with sweets and yourself :), implied smut, some food play, mostly implied, ✴︎ wc: 754
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It was a rare day off for Satoru Gojo. 
No missions — overseas or otherwise. No training to deal with for his students. No annoying higher ups to deal with. 
Just the two of you in bed. Satoru was sound asleep, curled up beside you, pretty long white eyelashes and pink lips parted. How was it possible to look perfect while sleeping? Everything about your husband was truly unfair. 
But considering everything he did — you ran your fingers through his snowy locks — he deserved it. He worked so hard, always with a smile, barely with a complaint — you had to badger out of him half of the time, except about the higher ups — and always did his best for everyone around him. 
And the opportunity to spoil him became rare, especially with how busy everything had been with Itadori, the special grades, and everything else he had on his plate. So why not today? 
You sneak out of bed, being as quiet as possible as you head to the kitchen. You had found a recipe for soufflé pancakes with a chocolate and butter pecan sauce. Satoru had been complaining that he hadn’t had time to try the new trend recently — finding the perfect cafe for the two of you in Kyoto, but hadn’t had the time to get out there. But you thought why not beat him to the punch? 
Anything to make him happy. 
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Satoru’s eyes fluttered open, the sunlight falling across his eyelids as he stirred, reaching for you, only to find an empty bed. He sighed, eyes opening and he could sense you in the kitchen, and you were — cooking?
He sits up. 
What was that scent? It’s so sweet. 
He’s wandering into the kitchen, yawning, as he wraps his arms around you, pulling you flush against him as he buries his head in the nape of your neck sleepily. 
“What are you doing?” It’s half a question, half a whine, “why’re you up so early—“ and then he spots the two plates in front of you, and he gasp, “what—“ 
“Surprise,” you giggle at his wide eyed gaze, “your six eyes are gonna pop out if you look any harder, baby,” 
“Where did you—“ 
“I made them. I found a recipe and I had most of the ingredients on hand anyway,” you turn to face him, cupping his cheeks, “I know how hard you’ve been working, Toru, and I just wanted you to know I see it — and I’m here to take care of you sometimes,” you lean up and kiss his cheek. 
And his lips curl into a wide grin, and he’s greedy, as he’s tugging you back, “you missed, sweetheart,” and he’s kissing your lips, and somehow you’re the best and the sweetest thing he’s ever tasted, “I love you,” he murmurs, “how’d I get so lucky?” 
“Keep asking yourself that,” and he’s picking you up and spinning you, as you gasp and giggle, holding onto him, “Toru—“ 
“Yes, my lovely wife?” You lean down and kiss his goofy grin off his lips. 
“Let’s have some pancakes, ok?” And he only smiled wider, a mischievous glint in his eyes. 
“Only if I can have you afterwards,” and you laugh. 
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“Satoru, that is your third plate of—“ 
“These pancakes are so good! They’re so fluffy and warm and perfect—I’ve never had such a fluffy pancake!“ and he’s taking another large bite, “and the sauce? What the hell is in that sauce?” 
“Toru—“ and he’s pressing his lips to yours, and you can taste the sweet syrup sauce on his lips, “what—“ 
“I think this sauce tastes sweeter on your lips,” he’s licking his lips clean, pressing a kiss to your neck, his cerulean eyes colored with lust, “do you have more?” And his eyes drift to the bowl of sauce on the counter, his fingers dipping in the sauce, before dragging it along your lips and then your jaw. 
And your breath catches, as he leans over, his lips and tongue dragging along the same path he left, sucking at the sauce and your skin, before he reaches your lips. And his tongue darts out and tastes the sauce, before kissing you, sweet tongue slipping into your mouth, drawing a moan from your lips. 
He draws back, spit clinging to the corner of his mouth, a grin on his lips, as you pant, eyes drifting to the sauce and back to him. 
“…let’s go back to bed.” 
And Satoru Gojo certainly had a very sweet day off with you. 
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✴︎ a/n: what is this? i have no idea. i actually really wanna try those fluffy pancakes they sound really good. but also gojo's too cute.
✴︎ taglist: @capitana18girl, @1cadence, @madam-milf, @ceceher, @forest-fruits-jam, @black-nirvanna, @naanamikentoo
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choccorin · 2 months
high school ft. megumi
contents: fluff, high school life with gumi, non-sorcerer au
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in class, megumi would always glance at you, he just loves how pretty you look when you're focused, or how cute you are with your eyebrows furrowed when answering a hard quiz question. if you ever catch him staring, he'd look away immediately with his cheeks and ears red from getting caught by you.
whenever there's an upcoming quiz or test on a subject you struggle in, he's always offering to go on a study date in a library, in a cafe, yours or his place. he might be known as a troublemaker but his grades are still impressive. he's always be happy to teach you, and only you. he'll rarely teach yuuji and nobara since they can be quite a pain (according to him), but if you tell him to, then he'll do it. who is he to deny his lover anyway.
during lunch breaks, both of you mostly go with your circles or hang-out with the other person's group of friends. you're mostly the one going with megumi and his friends (yuuji, nobara), since he's not that comfortable hanging out with people he doesn't know well. but from time to time, he'd want the both of you to spend some time alone together. the two of you have a special place where it's comfortable and quiet, somewhere in the school.
since megumi gets into a lot of fights, he often gets detention. he tells you not to wait for him, but you never listen to him because you're stubborn. you'd wait for him somewhere inside the school, by the gate, or in a near cafe. he always feels guilty for making you wait so he makes up for it everytime, whether it's buying your favorite lunch at the cafe, giving you a drink that you like, or helping you study for an upcoming exam.
walking home from school is your favorite part of the day. sure, you're tired from the lessons and quizzes or exams if you have any that day, but all that exhaustion fades away. you don't have a specific route when going home since the two of you always want to make detours, whether it's to see a new shop or just for the sake of it. you'd take any route as long as it means that you can spend more time with him.
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note: high school life with gumi seems like a dream (ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣﹏ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣) wrote smth for him since school is starting soon ! ꒰๑*´ᗜ`*꒱
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missmeinyourbones · 7 months
cw: non sorcerer au, college au, enemies to lovers (?) neighbors to lovers, miscommunication trope if you squint (I AM SORRY), reader e to as she/her once, reader wears heels, some light sexual content (dry humping nation rise)
wc: 10k+
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There's something wrong with your upstairs neighbors. 
You've never met them, not face to face at least, but between the times you've hit your ceiling with the end of your broom and the audacity they have to continue to be as rowdy as they are, something isn't right with them. You're sure of it. 
And you're not naive to the fact that your apartment building is filled with young people, either currently in college or just freshly graduated. You're no prude to the dulled sound of late-night party playlists or squeaky bed frames muffled by plaster. 
But your neighbors aren't guilty of these typical noise complaints. No, they're borderline much worse.
The majority of their crimes take place in the day, believe it or not, which makes it all the more frustrating when you actually have shit to do. When it's not boyish yells of victory and frustration, it's footsteps that sound like a herd of elephants (how many people can live in an apartment floor plan for two?). They're relentless upstairs neighbors to have, and though you couldn't pick their faces out of a crowd if you tried, you're sure their lack of etiquette spans across other areas of their lives. 
The tiny clock at the top of your computer blinks a mocking 11:38 AM as you try to study through the sounds of excited stomping and rowdy gibberish. 
You don't know what makes today so different, whether it's the burnt coffee beans you can taste lingering in your usual order from the cafe across the street or the organic chemistry study guide practically laughing at you as you review your hieroglyphic notes for tomorrow's test.
Whatever is in the water has you feeling braver than usual, and instead of reaching for the conveniently placed broom in the corner of your kitchen, you find yourself stomping your way down the hall and up the staircase.
The sixth floor is identical to the fifth — you don't know why it wouldn't be, but you've never put much thought into it — so it's no surprise that your feet find no trouble in naturally bringing you to a door equivalent to yours just a floor below. 
Your knuckles wrap against the wood with three unfriendly knocks, and the joyous buzzing from inside the apartment instantly comes to a lull. You think you hear panicked whispers from the other side, almost as if the culprits are debating on answering or not. You take their choice away when you knock three more times. 
After a moment, you hear the clicking of the lock and the fiddling of the doorknob. You take a deep breath to ground yourself, put on your best customer service voice, and prepare to calmly tell these entitled frat boys to shut the fuck up when—
You're ironically met with the prettiest green eyes you think you've ever seen.
A tall brunette stands before you, about your age, and wearing a look that's both confused and embarrassed. Your eyes quickly flicker across his face in the span of mere seconds, logical thoughts going out the window and now replaced with amazement at how stupidly attractive he is. 
Though you knocked on his door, he speaks first.
"Hi...?" He clears his throat, looking behind you in the hallway, almost as if you have the wrong room. 
His confusion annoys you, and you suddenly remember why you're here in the first place. 
"Look, I really don't wanna be a bitch," you sigh, rubbing the bridge of your nose, "but what could you possibly be doing in this apartment that sounds like an actual full-out brawl on a Wednesday morning?"
Obliviously handsome neighbor's face goes a bit pink and his jaw slacks as he stutters, looking for either a shitty excuse or a polite explanation of the truth.
He opens the door a bit more, gesturing to the living room behind him. You spare a glance to where another guilty suspect stares back at you with big brown eyes and a smirk. There's some video game paused on the screen, ridden with animated blood and a scoped weapon's perspective.
Your attention is brought back to the one holding the door when he mumbles, "I think it's our game."
A bit dumbfounded at his lame answer, you blankly stare at him.
"Your... game?"
Brown Eyes yells from the couch, "Call of Duty!"
As if on instinct, Green Eyes closes the door a bit, shielding you from his roommate and shaking his head in exasperation. He clears his throat awkwardly, "Sorry, are you—?"
You're suddenly hyperaware of the fact that you've been staring at how long his fucking eyelashes are. He's anything but sore on the eyes, but again, you try to remind yourself that he and his roommate make your life difficult at least five out of seven days of the week.
"I live below you," you huff behind a swallow, "and you really don't make it easy." 
He nods dumbly, finally realizing the connection behind your visit. "Oh, right."
You scoff and nod your head. For someone as pretty as him, he's a bit thick in the head. 
Biting your cheek, you begin to walk away from the door without completely ending the conversation. As you're turning to leave, he hears you call out from down the corridor. 
"If you could just — not play video games like eleven-year-old boys," your tone is filled with annoyance, "that'd be great." 
You don't need to turn around to know that the stranger at the door is apologetic and nodding in compliance. Before he can fully shut the door, you hear a quip from his counterpart on the couch.
"She told you, bro."
As the door shuts, you hear the muffled hiss from the other. "You're the one making noise, dipshi—"
Your threatening conversation must have worked to some degree, because it's been almost two days without any sort of annoyance from your upstairs neighbors. You think you almost take it for granted, the way you can study without headphones and enjoy a movie in the living room rather than in your bed with the speaker on high.
The walk back from your class is usually about twenty minutes, but it's closer to fifteen today as you're quicker when it comes to getting out of the cold.
Your chemistry test went alright — maybe not your best work but okay enough that you passed. And that's all you care about as you make your way back to your apartment, intending to crash in your bed and not move for the next few hours.
The winter air leaves a chill up your spine as you swipe into your building and press the elevator button. Your nose runs a bit from the cold as it sits against your knit scarf. Bag on your arm and half-consumed coffee, you can't wait to enjoy a day or two without thinking about covalent bonds and isomers.
You close your eyes and release a sigh as the elevator door begins to close, but before it gets the chance to do so successfully, quick footsteps and a hand jammed between the closing space prompt the doors to reopen.
Not really paying attention to the stranger joining your 30-second elevator ride, you simply step to the side to make more room for them.
It's not until they make eye contact with you that you realize it's your neighbor, the same one you'd borderline terrorized a few days ago for being irritating.
He's out of breath from catching the lift last minute, lungs still adjusting from the crisp air from outside. His jacket is zipped all the way up to his collar and his hair pokes out in spiky tuffs from beneath his hat.
He mumbles out a weak "sorry" before his eyes find the floor and the rickety door shuts, leaving the two of you alone in the suddenly very small space.
You'd cuss beneath your breath if you weren't close enough for him to hear it.
What's the acceptable thing to do in this scenario? You mentally weigh out your options. Sit in an awkward silence? Introduce yourself as if your encounter never even happened? Address the fact that you banged on his door a few days ago and insulted him as a first impression?
You choose the silence. If anything, you silently pray that behind your winter apparel and the lack of eye contact, he doesn't even recognize you.
But that thought goes to shit when you see that he's already pressed the fifth-floor button for you.
You swear the ride to your floor has never been this slow. Seconds feel like hours as you watch the digital number rise like paint drying on a wall. The elevator almost laughs at you as it stops on the third floor and opens itself to find no one there; you curse whoever decided to press the button before changing their mind and taking the stairs.
After what seems like forever, your floor finally flashes on the pixelated screen, and as you feel the elevator come to a stop—
The doors don't open.
You think it's just your dramatic prolonged sense of time until it's been about ten seconds and still, nothing. Just the two of you in a stopped elevator with doors that won't unlock.
You've never been one to believe in karma, but you can't help but think this is the universe punishing you for standing up for yourself. You are quite literally on your floor, a mere sliding door away from the embarrassing situation you got yourself in, but still, nothing happens.
He presses the button meant to prompt open the doors a few times with slight force.
"It does this, sometimes," he weakly coughs out in an attempt to make conversation. "It's uh—a shitty building."
You try pressing the button for yourself, "It's never done this for me."
Green Eyes sighs, slouching against his side of the wall and letting his head fall to rest on his shoulder, "Consider yourself lucky."
You huff, giving up on the button and turning to face him.
Your eyes didn't deceive you the first time you saw him — he is just as pretty as you'd initially thought. Not a great conversationalist, but nice to look at. He avoids eye contact until you speak up.
"It's happened to you before?" you gesture to the doors that won't open.
He catches your eye before nodding defeatedly, "This is the fourth time."
You can't help but bitterly laugh at the situation you're in.
"Maybe it's just you, then," you joke, looking up at the digital five mocking you in the corner.
Though you don't catch it, his eyes soften a bit as they fall on you. The corner of his mouth slightly quirks up when he chimes, "Could be."
You let yourself count another ten seconds before tossing your hands by your sides in aggravation and sighing, "So, what now? Hit the help button or—"
And like a blessing, or maybe a curse, you can't decide, the elevator chimes, signaling its arrival. The doors open swiftly as if there was nothing wrong with them in the first place, revealing your destination floor to you.
You whip your head to your upstairs neighbor, confused and almost asking for his permission to exit the elevator. You don't know why you do so, and you don't know why you only depart after he nods his head and waves his hand for you to continue.
Next time you leave your apartment, you find yourself taking the stairs to be safe.
Your peaceful living is unsurprisingly short-lived. After a few enjoyable days, you'd given your neighbors too much credit as they now return to their usual noisiness. You find yourself rapping on their door once again.
This time, Brown Eyes answers.
Even before opening his mouth, he's instantly friendlier than his counterpart based on body language alone, completely opening the door all the way wide and leaning against the frame in his palm.
He's taller than you, but not as tall as the former who greeted you last time. With light rose-colored hair, he's all smiles and giggles. You'd think he were high if you could smell anything on him.
Oh, he's also shirtless.
"Hey, it's our friend again," he smiles at you before craning his neck backward, and you can make an educated guess on who exactly he's talking to.
You're quick to steer clear, "We aren't friends."
He laughs at your words, completely unfazed by the unwelcoming attitude. He casually sips on an energy drink that looks borderline lethal when he asks, "Were we being loud? You comin' to yell at us again?"
His lack of care for the situation surprisingly doesn't rub you the wrong way. Inconvenient? Yes, but not necessarily malicious, from what you can tell.
"I wouldn't be here for any other reason."
"Sorry," he sheepishly rubs the back of his neck. "We don't really have inside voices around here."
You can't help but roll your eyes at the childish excuse. "You should find some."
"Will do," he nods like a child being reprimanded in class, "sorry again."
He salutes you with a metal can in his left hand. Before you can turn your back to him and towards the elevator, you hear the same voice call out to you.
You stop midstride, slowly turning around to face the door again. He stands in the same position, leaning against the door frame as he points out the obvious.
"We didn't get your name last time."
You blink at him a few times, not caring enough to connect the dots and extend the nicety, but the friendly one persists. He places a palm on his (bare) chest as he gestures to himself, "I'm Itadori."
You nod with raised brows, "And I'm calling our landlord if you piss me off again."
You hear a soft chuckle from the inside of the apartment. The two of you turn at the sound of the noise, where Green Eyes hides his smile behind the strings of his sweatshirt and quickly returns his attention to his phone.
Itadori, apparently, looks back at you and nods to his friend, "That's Fushiguro."
You breathe out your own name and quickly make your way back towards your apartment. On the ride down to your floor, you find yourself repeating the name — Fushiguro. It tastes weird on your lips, and you hate the way you don't hate it.
His name is Megumi. 
You learn this when a letter shows up at your door addressed to a Fushiguro Megumi. Mail mix-ups are common in the apartment complex, but you can't help but laugh at the coincidence - his name but your apartment number clearly displayed in black ink.
You examine the piece of paper closely. The cream-colored envelope covered in poorly drawn hearts and tacky puppy stickers placed randomly across its front found itself wedged into your door's mailbox. Flipping it over, the return address is a mere surname of Gojo underlined with a smiley face. 
A love letter, you realize. You're not sure why the shift in narrative suddenly fills your stomach with an uneasy weight of disappointment.
You're going out anyways, you tell yourself as you slip on your scarf and shimmy into your shoes. Between stopping at the grocery store for a few small things and dropping off overdue assignments at your professor's office, it's not like you're going out of your way to return the letter to its intended recipient. You're doing the right thing, being a good samaritan, your mind repeats. 
The single flight up the stairs is easy enough and a good excuse for exercise. Approaching the door that mimics your own floor below, the same one you've already visited two times too many, you feel weirdly nervous. Just slide it beneath his door and call it a day.  
As you bend to slip the paper beneath the door, it swings open. 
You quickly stand up straight and back away from the opening, as the shadow in your peripheral startles from your presence and does the same. 
"Shit, sorry—"
Looking up, you lock eyes with the one and only whose letter lies in your hand. Fuck. 
He hesitates a bit when he realizes it's you, doing a double take and immediately assuming he's in trouble again. 
"We—" Megumi, you now know him to be, turns his back to you, quickly surveying his empty apartment to show you, "aren't playing? Yuuji's not even home, so—”
You're not sure why you're the slightest bit hurt by his more than reasonable accusation. The only two times you've been at his door were to reprimand him, so of course he's not wrong to assume this time was no different. Still, it has you feeling guilty as you dryly swallow and raise your arm.   
"I was sticking this under your door," you sigh, handing him the ridiculous-looking envelope. "Got sent to my place accidentally."
His eyes flicker to your extended hand, and when he sees the writing on the envelope between your fingers, his body instantly goes hot with embarrassment.
"Of course it did," he groans beneath his breath, almost annoyed. 
A bit abruptly, he grabs the letter from you and places his hand behind his back, telling himself that if it's out of sight, you'll forget it ever happened entirely.
His uneasiness and slight frustration have you taking a small step back as he snatches the envelope. He senses your hesitation and immediately mourns how he acted out of instinct, sighing and slowly moving the letter from behind him to rest by his side.
He softens and clears his scratchy throat, something you've come to notice he does a lot. "Thanks."
Feeling a bit brave, you raise your eyebrows, amused at his odd behavior. Your words are taunting yet friendly when you nod to the note at his arm.
"You should probably tell your girlfriend that you're in #603, not #503."
Megumi's face is often stoic and downturned, aside from a slight pull of a smile that can rarely be seen on occasion. But at these words, you watch in regret as Megumi's expression mimics one of disgust mixed with pure mortification. 
"Oh, this—" his eyes fall to the envelope he thinks might be the cause of his death, "this isn't from a girlfriend. It's actually a lot worse than that." 
"Worse?" you push.
"It's... from a family friend," he weakly reveals. "Kinda like a dad, I guess." 
You find yourself smiling at the meek yet sweet confession, nodding along and biting back a good-hearted laugh at his timidness. 
"Right, I just assumed with the hearts and the cute stickers that—" you trail off, gesturing to the letter that clearly presents itself as something else. 
He laughs a bit humorlessly and itches the back of his neck shyly.
"That would make a lot more sense and be a lot less humiliating, yeah."
You take a moment to take in his shyness. He's harmless, you decide at that very moment. You make a mental note to remind yourself to weigh the sides of the subject at hand. 
Cons: awkward, obvlvious, bad neighbor, a tad unfriendly at times
Pros: annoyingly attractive, nice enough in actual conversation, respectful in passing, girlfriend-less 
You shake those points from your head, taking a breath and slowly moving towards the elevator. "It could've been worse. The stickers could've been puppies and kittens," you tease. 
You expect that to be all, because that's all it should be, right? An awkward yet friendly coincidence between two strangers who got off on the wrong foot. You're locked in on entering the elevator when you hear his voice from behind you. 
"Sorry—" he shortly blurts out. 
You turn, expecting him to elaborate on the outburst. The look on his face almost reads as if he wasn't planning to until seeing your reaction, where he explains, "That we're loud sometimes. I really do try to tell Yuuji to shut up, but he's just... a lot."
You don't know why your heart swells at the apology. 
"It's fine," you nod softly. Turning your back, you call out to him as you enter the elevator. "You've actually been pretty tolerable this week, but don't let that go to your head."
As the elevator closes, you see Megumi smile before returning inside and closing his door. This time, you don't stop the thoughts that flow through your head.
Pro: cute
You suppose it was only a matter of time before the tables you'd set managed to turn on you, but you just didn't expect it so soon. Because the next time you run into your neighbors, it's them knocking on your door for a change.
The sharp winter wind shakes the sides of your building with rage — the kind that results in creaky panels and systems outages in certain sectors of your building.
After waking to take a shower early this morning and being greeted with piercing cold water that refused to warm up, no matter how long you ran the faucet, you knew today would be a long one.
Clad in layers of fuzzy socks and bulky hoodies, you rise from the couch to answer the banging outside. After opening the door to see who's on the other side, it takes less than a second for the visitor to make himself at home.
"You out of hot water, too?" Yuuji casually brushes past you, walking into your home and stopping in the center of the living room. He looks around the space in awe — as if his own place just a singular level above doesn't mimic the exact same floor plan.
Still in the hallway but keeping an eye on his friend's questionable behavior, Megumi waits in the hallway. He's on the phone with someone, his cell wedged between his elbow and ear. When he begins asking about the building's backup generator, you mentally thank him for being the only proactive one here.
You sigh and turn to Yuuji, who's admiring your wall art and the fact that you have an actual television stand, "I'm out of heat in general."
"Damn," he blurts out without a thought, "that sucks."
You overhear Megumi wrapping up his conversation in the background when your lips are pulled downward in confusion.
"Are you guys not?"
"Oh no, we are," Yuuji continues admiring your apartment with a child-like curiosity, "but we have a space heater that's doing the job for now. How are you so good at decorating?"
You ignore his question, turning to Megumi who now stands on the threshold of your doorway. He makes a face, one of tight lips and sympathy, almost as if he's wordlessly apologizing for both the unfortunate scenario and his roommate's lack of social etiquette.
You further wrap yourself in your own little warmth, crossing your arms inwards. "That's actually really smart of you guys," you manage to croak out.
"You can come up and chill if you want," Yuuji mindlessly offers, eyes scanning over the magnets on your fridge. He can't stop himself from fiddling with a cherry-shaped one that holds up a baby picture of you from kindergarten.
The shock on your face must be obvious because you swear you hear Megumi swallow a chuckle at your reaction.
"You came down here… to ask me to chill?" Your voice octaves up towards the end, almost as if repeating the offer will reveal itself to be a track or joke.
While Yuuji nods eagerly, you can hear Megumi muttering from behind the neckline of his sweatshirt.
"Sue us for extending a neighborly olive branch."
As Yuuji continues to outwardly snoop around your kitchen, his eyes land on your oven-top clock and he whines.
"I actually have class in twenty and need to catch the shuttle to campus, but you're welcome to not freeze to death with Fushiguro, if you want."
You check your phone, confirming the time when you question, "Didn't the last shuttle of the hour leave already?"
You watch the gears turn in Itadori's mind for a second before he smacks a palm to his head, quickly brushing past you and out the door.
"Fuck me, see you guys later then—" he hurries, the only sound following him being the swishing of his winter coat and clunky booted footsteps jostling down the stairs.
And with Megumi still standing in your doorway and the sound of the main staircase gate slamming behind Yuuji's path, you could hear a pin drop between the two of you if it weren't for the howling wind outside (which you find yourself suddenly grateful for rather than loathing it).
Megumi shifts his weight on the balls of his feet as he stands. He clears his throat in a way he hopes is subtle.
"You can still come up," he gestures to the hallway with a nod of his head, before cautiously adding, "if you want."
Instinctively, you feel your body curl further in on itself. Megumi must notice it too, as his eyes quickly flicker to your raw hands tucked beneath your arms.
"It's not that bad in here," you weakly dismiss.
He deadpans, "I can almost see your breath."
A sigh leaves your chilled body and you look up at Megumi. Now it's your turn to silently communicate with him — eyebrows raising and wavering between your options, you chew on your cheek in thought.
"You don't have to," he softly adds, hands burrowing themselves in the pocket of his hoodie. "Just wanted to see if you needed anything, I guess."
"What did the landlord say?" your words are muffled from your teeth in your cheek.
Megumi's eyes light up a bit before they find his scuffed Converse again.
"He's sending his guys over, but it's gonna take an hour, at least."
After another minute that feels like twenty, you softly speak up.
"…Do you really have a space heater?"
As he fights off a smile, Megumi gently nods.
You'll admit, the apartment looks better than you'd imagined. Not that your standards weren't too high to begin with, but you're pleasantly surprised.
Megumi unlocks the front door, gesturing for you to enter as he slowly closes it behind him, shivering a bit from the draft weaving through the hallway.
It's clean, relatively. The design of the rooms and open areas are identical to your layout below, but between the decor (or lack thereof) and the overhanging presence of the space, it feels so different.
Their television, the one you know to be responsible for their rowdiness, balances on what looks to be a bedside table. Far too small for the proportions of the TV but just enough to carry the width of the screen's base, it looks silly but does the job.
"You can just…" Megumi waves his hand to the living room, awkwardly trailing off as he insists. "Sit. Wherever you want."
Your seating choices include a felt futon in scrappy condition, two lopsided beanbags, and a busted recliner. You take your chances with the futon.
Surveying the apartment, it's not terrible — truthfully, you'd been expecting worse from college guys. You give them props; aside from a few half-drank plastic water bottles and withering plants on their window sill, there's nothing that outwardly goes against any health violations or suitable living standards. No empty beer cans or pizza boxes, no trashy flags or posters hung on the walls. It's decent.
And the space heater working overtime in the corner outlet is a major plus. Feeling the angle of its warmth blasting on your legs, you exhale at the heat and rub your fuzzy slippers together on instinct.
"Do you want anything?" Megumi stands a few feet away, nervous for someone in the comfort of his own home, "Water or a drink, or something?"
It's sweet how respectful he's being — you think back to whoever sent him that letter, imagining they raised him right.
You shake your head curtly, "I don't take drinks from strange men."
His face drops instantly.
"Oh—right," he swallows harshly, fumbling with his sparse words. "I didn't mean it like that or anything, but that makes sense. I just meant—”
The stoic expression you were attempting to upkeep fails and you can't fight off the smile that pulls at your cheeks. Exhaling a laugh and looking over at him, you apologize, "I'm just kidding, Megumi."
He feels his stomach instantly solidify like cement at your words — Megumi. He doesn't recall you ever referring to him by any name, let alone his first. He feels a wandering heat itching up his neck when he coughs up a chuckle.
He shakes his head, sitting on the opposite end of the futon and leaving the middle cushion between the two of you unoccupied.
"Fuck off," he scratches his jaw to busy his shaky hands. In doing so, you catch a glimpse of a few silver rings wrapping around his knuckles.
As the warmth of the space heater (solely the space heater, you remind yourself) gradually dissolves the chill that's been stuck up your spine for the last few hours, you slightly settle further into your seat.
"So this is the scene of the crime, huh?" you motion to the gaming console propped up on the floor beside the makeshift television stand.
Megumi amuses an exhale through his nose and nods along, "Yeah. I mean, you've kinda seen it from the hallway before."
"Yeah, but this is the real thing, first-person point of view. It's just missing me downstairs hitting the ceiling with my broom twenty times."
The next few minutes are stolen by a whole lot of small talk that holds no weight. Beginning to panic at how the hell you're gonna make it through this entire hour with little to talk about, your eyes fall on the television once more.
"So," you curl into the futon. "Show me something worth screaming over."
Without warning, Megumi chokes on his own saliva as he swallows.
"A game," you quickly correct, not realizing how your words sounded and nodding to the television before you. "I meant, show me a game that justifies how loud you two get."
The game is fine, nothing revolutionary but admit that you could see how it could be entertaining for some. A standard battle royal concept, Megumi hands you his second controller and walks you through the instructions on how to play.
You mimic the way his fingers hold the controller, how they flex and bend to hit certain buttons for special uses. Throughout the tutorial of trial and error, the two of you naturally close the gap of the middle cushion, now much closer as you copy his movements and use his hands for reference. He even goes as far as reaching over to point out certain buttons to you, skimming your fingers hesitantly as he pulls away.
It's safe to say you don't win, don't even come close, but he's a good sport all the same. He laughs when you're hit by enemies and revives you with little to no mocking. He whispers an encouraging "there you go" whenever you manage to land a hit on someone, followed by an "I got you" when he's covering for your character. It's fun — you freeze a bit when you realize that you like spending time with him, even doing the very thing that caused this entire debacle in the first place.
You don't realize how much time has passed until Megumi's phone vibrates from the coffee table. His eyes quickly glance over the unsaved number, almost as if recognizes the contact and is debating on answering or not.
Your eyes narrow teasingly when you taunt, "You gonna take that?"
Snapped out of his thoughts, Megumi nods, swipes his screen, and holds his phone to his ear.
The conversation is short, maybe thirty seconds in total. Though you can't make out any specific words, you can hear the rumbling of another deep voice on the other end of the call. Megumi listens half-heartedly, nodding along and chiming in here and there to acknowledge the caller.
"Hey, yeah. That was me. Right, okay. Okay, nice. Thanks, appreciate it."
The call ends and Megumi puts his phone down on the coffee table once more. You swear you can hear a small sense of disappointment in his voice when he breathes.
"That was the maintenance guy," he breathes softly. "Heat's back on."
You feel your own body getting sour with misfortune. Why are you so bitter about the thought of going back downstairs to your own apartment?
Nodding at his words, you slowly stand and do your best to sound relieved. "Thank god," you joke, "I was beginning to think I might have to sleep on this gross futon."
Megumi sneers, rolling his eyes and rising to walk you to the door. Before you step into the hallway, you turn to face him.
"Thanks," your tone is spineless, one he's unable to recognize from you before you elaborate, "for letting me leech off of your heat."
"No problem," he shoots you a genuine look. "Consider it reparations for all of the times we've annoyed you."
"All of the times?" you shoot him a harmless glare.
Unlike most who cower and scowl at your sarcastic quips, Megumi seems to bloom beneath your daggered attempts at pushing him away.
"Fine," he exaggerates a groan, "maybe not all. But it's a start, right?"
A start. The insinuation tickles all air out of your lungs like a feather. Though you pretend to be annoyed and kiss your teeth at his words, you nod all the same.
Leaving his door, Megumi seems lighter than he did when you first entered.
"Sorry you just kinda watched me play video games for almost two hours," he calls out to you as you depart, hands returning to his pockets.
"Don't be," you honestly tell him as your head cranes back to look at him. "It was nice to be up here for reasons other than wanting to strangle you."
A day and a half later when the universe has realigned itself and it's you knocking on their door again, they half expect you to be followed by your stuffy landlord holding an eviction notice.
Much to their surprise, you're alone, rather skittish — and holding a tupperware container of… cookies?
It's Megumi who opens the door initially, but Yuuji is quick to squeeze his way into the opening at the sight of your familiar face and mysterious delivery in hand.
"Ooooooh, what are these?" he inquires, unashamed as he pokes his nose into your space in an attempt to get a better look at the baked goods.
Pulling a bit away from his antics, you swallow back any potential wisecracks.
"Thank you for being neighborly and not letting me die of hypothermia cookies," you keep your voice neutral.
"Are they poisoned?" Megumi pipes in.
You shoot him a scowl, one he's learned is innocent enough, and his eyes crinkle in amusement.
"Shit, can't remember if I added vanilla or vitriol?" your head cocks to the side in faux thought.
Your eyes flicker to him as he chews on his cheek in a half-assed attempt to cover up his entertainment at your quickness.
Yuuji, focused on nothing but having a minimum of five cookies for good measure, snatches the container from your hands and carries it to the kitchen counter.
He's already opening the dish and helping himself as he chews, "I don't even know what that is, so I'm gonna take my chances."
Megumi gives a quick thank you for the cookies, and Yuuji chimes in behind a satiated mouth and crumby lips. You brush off their graces, reminding them it's just you returning the favor for the heating situation.
Just as you're about to see yourself out of their entryway, you hear an authentic offer from the kitchen.
"Hey," Yuuji wipes his lips with the back of his hand, and something about it feels oddly youthful to you, "wanna come over this weekend?"
You look at the two of them for a moment, waiting to see if there's a punchline to come, before carefully treading, "Why?"
"We're havin' some friends over," Yuuji reveals casually before going to take another large bite, "and I guess you're funny enough to hang out with us."
The hesitation in your response must be more apparent than you think because he's quick to chuckle and elaborate on the offer.
"It's not an orgy," he teases at your stiffness before grabbing at another cookie and shrugging. "We get take out, chill, drink a little, kick ass in Mario Kart."
You nod as you listen to his words. He's kind, they both are, and you know the offer to be a genuine one. Still, the situation makes your stomach ache with uncertainty at the thought of mingling with strangers for the sake of your mere — acquaintances? Neighbors? Friends?
"As fun as that sounds," you breathe, clearly trying but failing to convince them of your apologetic tone, "I don't really wanna intrude on you and your friends.
"It's not intruding if you're invited," Megumi interjects for the first time in the conversation.
Looking at where he stands against the counter, his eyes are on you. They're careful, but hopeful in a gentle kind of way. He wants you to say yes — but he'd rather swallow a knife than his own pride and admit it himself.
Your words are unconvincing when you sigh, "Not really in the hangout mood. Next time, okay?"
The two men deflate a bit, one more dramatic and obvious than the other, but they nod at your rejection. Wiping his hands off on his shorts, Yuuji walks you to the door, thanking you again for the sweets and joking about you getting home safe on your long journey back downstairs.
You can't help but giggle at his theatrics, insisting that, "If you need me this weekend, I'll be rotting away on my couch with a bottle of wine and a week's worth of Love Island to catch up on."
Yuuji laughs wholeheartedly, "Your loss, see ya."
Megumi weakly waves as his best friend swings the door shut. Once closed, Yuuji turns to him with a cheeky smile he knows can mean nothing good.
Megumi grimaces at his enthusiasm, "What?"
Yuuji nods to the door, a toothy grin spreading across his face. "Think I'm gonna ask her out."
Megumi's quick to react poorly.
"What?" he borderline knocks over the water bottle next to him on the counter. He catches it, embarrassed by his obvious care for the situation as he tries to cover it up with a nonchalant scoff, "Why?"
Yuuji stares at him for a minute in disbelief before stating what he believes to be the obvious.
"'Cause she's hot and yells at us all the time?"
Megumi scoffs in distaste again. He fiddles with the rings on his right hand, pretending to be careless about a situation he's anything but careful about.
Sensing his roommate's off response, Itadori's quick to add. "Unless you wanna call dibs before I do?"
"Dibs?" Megumi groans.
"Yeah, like claiming—"
"I know what dibs means," he interrupts before Yuuji can dig his own grave any further. He slumps into the palm of his hand as his elbow rests atop the kitchen counter, "I just think that's shitty."
Yuuji, knowing Megumi well enough to sense that he's hit a sour spot, nods and backs off. He joins him at the counter again, oblivious as he grabs another cookie to chomp on. With cautious eyes and a mouth filled with chocolate, he speaks up.
"…So you don't wanna call dibs?"
It's Saturday, almost Sunday, according to the cat clock on your wall.
You'd kept your word. Beneath a few blankets and practically one with your couch cushions, you're spending your weekend doing exactly what you'd anticipated.
The television continues to play the stream of episodes you're catching up on. With your second glass of red in hand, you tune in and out of the segments when the good parts catch your attention. It feels good to relax, to do nothing and to be nothing behind tipsy and fatigued eyes.
A sudden knock on your door puts a minor wedge in your plans. Sitting up with a groan, you whimper beneath your breath but move to answer it regardless.
Maybe you forgot to tip your delivery driver when he dropped off your takeout a few hours ago and he's back for revenge. Maybe it's your drunk friends, showing up to ruin your night and attempting to persuade you to join them on their foolish escapades. Maybe it's someone with the wrong address.
Locking eyes with the visitor at your door, it's Megumi. Maybe you're drunker than you thought.
His delicate eyes match yours when he scarcely smiles, "Hi."
Your eyes go to the items in his hands — a few beer bottles, a bag of chocolate-covered pretzels, and a deck of cards.
Giggling to yourself, you stare at him, "I think you got off a floor too early."
Megumi laughs, and when you're able to get a good look at him, you can tell he's a bit tipsy, too. His shoulders aren't as tense as they usually are, he's still broad, but a lot looser now. His eyes are glossed over with a haze you're sure yours mimic. He scratches his nose awkwardly before opening his mouth.
"I—" he cuts himself off, eyes darting to the items in his arms before returning to you, "wanted to see you."
"Me?" you're unable to stop yourself from nearly gawking.
He laughs again, not obnoxiously but easy and natural. "Yes, you. Does someone else live here?"
"Don't you have plans with your friends?" you question, still not letting him inside.
"They're upstairs," he nods, "and no, I'm not here to force you to come up."
At his words, he can see your visible relief. Opening the door fully and letting him come inside, you relish in reassurance, "Good, I really didn't wanna be fake nice right now."
A smile pulls at the corners of his mouth as he sets his belongings on your coffee table. "Fake nice?" he prompts.
"I mean, not that it's fake, it's just like—customer servicey. Y'know? Being kind to people in a way that's not ingenuine but—"
"Exhausting?" he finishes for you, and he's weirdly more talkative with a bit of alcohol in his veins. "Yeah, I feel that."
You sprawl onto your couch and he takes the seat next to you but refrains from leaning back as far. He watches you graze on your glass of wine, your legs crossed childishly as you gaze up at him.
"Are you like that with me?" he puts on a brave face. "Fake nice?"
He releases a breath he didn't even know he was holding when you shake your head. After a hearty sip from your drink, you talk dramatically with your hands.
"Am I even real nice to you? I've kinda been a bitch since the day I banged on your door."
Megumi shakes his head as he laughs, which in return allows you to do the same. He relaxes a bit further into the warmth of your cushions, lolling his head to look at you as he opens himself a beer.
"I don't think so," he shrugs. "You're not wrong for complaining about us being understandably annoying."
Things lighten up as time passes. The night gets a bit blurry but it's fun, carefree. The two of you sit on your tiny couch, passing a bag of pretzels back and forth, and playing stupid card games that bring out your competitive sides and don't have real rules.
Minutes bleed into hours and you're not sure what time it is when it's late enough for Megumi to start yawning. Enjoying a comfortable silence between the two of you, his voice is temperate when he asks.
"Why didn't you want to hang out with us?"
He almost seems mournful, and a part of you feels guilty as his eyes blink heavily down on you. You exhale, readjusting your legs and throwing your head back.
"Seemed like a friend group thing," is what eventually crawls up from your throat. "Felt weird being the only one who didn't know everyone, y'know?"
He considers before nodding in agreement. "Yeah, I guess. But I would've been with you."
His stare feels sharp, like he can see right through your facade and into parts of you you've buried deep a long time ago. You hate it and love it, want to drown yourself in it and voluntarily inhale until your own demise.
Unable to hold his stare, you look into your almost empty glass, swishing around the bleeding wine and ice that remains at the bottom.
"Well, you're here with me now, anyway."
Megumi continues to admire you without words. Pointing an accusatory finger back at him, you nudge his leg with your foot. "So, why aren't you up there?"
"Cause you didn't show up," he doesn't hesitate to respond. Almost as if he regrets his eagerness but still stands by the sentiment, he clears his throat before adding, "Was weirdly hoping you would, but—"
He doesn't finish his sentence, trailing off with a lame shrug.
His eyes look greener when they're a bit more watery. Fuck it.
Slowly, maintaining eye contact with him the entire time to assess his reactions, you move to crawl into his lap. You sense a difference in his breathing pattern, but other than that, he makes no move to pull away from you. He lets you carefully straddle his legs before getting comfortable atop him, when he places his hands on the plush between your hips and thighs.
Leaning in, giving him any chance to reject you, stop you, hate you, you continue to keep his eye as your lips just barely brush against his. He does the same, refusing to look away from you as if he'll never get this opportunity again. As if he wants to take a picture and relish it forever.
"Stop me," you bite through a hushed whisper, daring him to put an end to this before it begins.
His breath is lulled against your own when he whispers, "No."
You kiss him, and he kisses you back. It starts simple, like you're learning all about one another's creases and folds. Between shaky inhales and nervous hands, you lean into one another's touch, savoring every taste and sound you can manage.
Megumi feels brave, and on one particular gasp from you, he prudently skims his tongue across your lower lip before slipping it inside. Rubbing against your own with a fervent need, you open your jaw further for him to have whatever he wants. Between your increased breathing, soft moans, and greedy hands, the two of you slowly become messy and desperate for one another.
Hips wantonly moving against his thighs, he flexes instinctually as you begin to grind yourself down on him. He meets your movements, half hard as he presses into you, both of you whimpering at the new-found friction. The two of you reduce to whiney teenagers, practically swallowing one another whole and dry-humping fully clothed before you open your eyes to look at him.
Megumi, eyes shut and whimpering into your neck, is too good for this — deserves more than this. He's kind, respectful, funny (though you'd never tell him that to his face), and you're both drunk. It feels so fucking good, but it isn't right. It's not supposed to happen like this.
Slowing your movements, you pull back to see his face. Dazed, he opens his pretty green eyes to look up at you like you hold the stars and sun in your hands.
"We shouldn't," you pant, brushing your bangs back and catching your breath. "We should stop."
Megumi, confused and hurt, but instantly moving you off of his lap with a gentle hold, nods in agreement. "Right, right, we're — we're drunk," he whispers, almost ashamed of everything that just happened.
Before you can say anything, he's readjusting himself and standing up. A bit more sober than he was a few minutes ago, he's straightening himself out and making his way to your door.
"Sorry—" he keeps repeating himself, "I'm… I'm so sorry."
He's gone before you can reassure him that there's nothing to apologize for.
You don't hear from him the next morning — or afternoon. 
When night falls, you've given up that there's any hope of saving whatever it was the two of you had going. 
Wanting to drown yourself in your own sorrows, you stare at the text from your friend before you and weigh your options. 
Stay in, cry yourself to a babbling mess, and finish your show
Answer their text and agree to go to this party with them
Thinking back to last night and how badly you fucked that one up, you decide the first choice is off-limits. Hoping you don't regret your decision, it's not long before you're looking decent enough to lock your door behind you and start the commute to your friends. 
The walk isn't terrible, being ten minutes to your friend's place and an additional fifteen to whoever's party you're attending. On the west side of campus, you can hear the muffled music and drunken squeals of the attendees from down the street. 
The party itself is fine, nothing special. The lime seltzer in your hand is still half full when you stray away from your friends in search of the bathroom. 
There's a line formed down the hallway of drunk girls laughing, couples swallowing one another's faces, and a single guy slumped against the wall in his own world. Taking a second glance at the end of the line, you recognize the lone drunk as Yuuji. 
Gently tapping his shoulder, his eyes blink open and he's nearly crushing you to death when wrapping his arms around you in excitement. He lets his animation get the best of him, lifting you in the air and spinning you once before he realizes he can't handle another. Leaning on the wall to steady both you and him, you're smiling at his sloppy yet endearing enthusiasm. 
"What are you doing here!?" he beams, swaying back and forth and reeking of cheap booze. 
"My friends dragged me out of the house," you tease before noticing truly how incoherent he is. Your nose crinkles with worry, "You fucked up?"
He can barely stand up straight, eyes unable to focus in one spot for too long as he blearily looks at you before skimming his body against the wall again. He's talking in slow gibberish, something about having one too many and wanting to talk to this pretty girl from his linguistics lecture before she leaves.
"Hey," you gently grab his jaw to steady his gaze. "Did you come here alone?"
Yuuji doesn't answer, or rather he does but it's nonsensical and impossible to go off of. You sigh, quickly scanning the suddenly overwhelming crowd around you before grabbing his arm and speaking kindly, yet reflective of a mother. 
"Let me take you back to our building, okay?" you prompt him to stand up straight and follow your lead. "I'm going back anyways, I'll walk with you."
Yuuji's eyes light up with excitement at the thought of a journey with his neighbor friend, and it's not long before he's dragging his feet over one another and using your hand as a guide to the door. 
On your walk home, you ache for the comfort of your warm bed, the feeling of taking these god-forsaken heels off, and Megumi's forgiveness. You wonder if you'll see him when dropping off Yuuji at his door — you pathetically hope so. 
However, Yuuji didn't show up to this party alone.
Megumi, who had been grabbing him a drink and caught a glimpse of you two, saw the entire thing without context — Yuuji's hands around your waist, you caressing his jaw, the two of you leaving abruptly together. 
He downs both his and Yuuji's drinks with ease. 
Megumi wasn't home.
Disappointed but relieved to see Yuuji safe in the comfort of his apartment, you help him collapse on his couch.
Turning him on his side and making him drink at least two cups of water before throwing a blanket over him and leaving a note, you close the door behind you with a heavy heart.
A few minutes later, you're a bit more at ease. Feet now ridden of silly high heels and skin against the soft cotton of your bed, you find yourself flooded with thoughts of Megumi.
You wake up to a constant thud on your front door. Picking up your phone, it's almost two in the morning and you're not even sure you're not dreaming when you're feet carry you to the blistering noise of a fist on your door.
Swinging it open with half-closed eyes, you're more than prepared to fight a murder charge to get whoever the hell this is to leave you alone. But before you can curse them with everything in you, you realize it's Megumi.
"Hi," he whispers. It's a start contrast from the violent banging on your door he was responsible for two seconds ago, but you can't find it in yourself to care.
"Hi," you respond, suddenly more than awake and just as breathless. "You okay?"
"Are you sleeping with Yuuji?"
Your heart skips exactly two beats before you can accurately comprehend his question. It's then when you notice that he's drunk, disgustingly so. You're not sure how it wasn't the first thing you noticed - but looking at his green eyes again, you give yourself some grace.
"… What?" is all you can pathetically muster.
"Itadori," he slurs. His face is pale with hurt and the collar of his shirt is all wrinkled.
You can't help but roll your eyes, "Yeah, I know who Yuuji is, but why the hell are you asking me that?"
"Because you shouldn't be," he declares through a heavy tongue and spinning head. You think you hear his voice crack with emotion when he continues, "I don't want you to sleep with him."
You're sure you're still dreaming as you take in his words. Since the moment you knocked on the door one floor above you, sleeping with Yuuji has never crossed your mind. You've been far too busy focusing on thinking about the man in front of you, who's wasted beyond belief and accusing you of something that not only doesn't make sense but hurts a bit.
He fumbles on his words, swallowing dryly and spiraling.
"You shouldn't sleep with him just because he walks around shirtless and invites you to hang out with us."
Your eyebrows pull downwards with what Megumi knows is hurt. He can't stop himself from talking or spewing nonsensical things just because he can.
Your voice is shaky when you plea, "Megumi, what?"
"I mean—he's my best friend, he's great," he throws his hands up to surrender the truth. "But we played video games and—and we kissed. And you're always looking at me with those eyes and—"
"Megumi," your voice comes tired now, cold. "You're drunk."
"You left with him. And you were whispering in his ear and touching his arm." He frowns, feeling sick just thinking about it again. He shakes the nightmare from his head when repeating his prior question.
"Are you sleeping with him?" he asks again, more accusatory this time around.
He watches your eyes fill with water, but it's not long-lived before you're blinking away any sign of weakness and cementing your walls up again.
"If you didn't notice," you spit with venom, "your friend is drunk off of his ass. I walked him home since he could barely stand on his own."
As if you're speaking another language, Megumi dumbly gapes at your confession.
You press with ice in your words, "Walked him home. He's passed out on your couch right now."
"Oh." Megumi hadn't returned to his apartment before coming to yours. He'd walked home from the shitty party with one destination in mind, immediately talking the elevator to the fifth floor and finding your familiar floor.
He feels stupid, nauseous with guilt, and god, does his head hurt. His heart hurts too when you scoff and cross your arms in defense.
"Wanna go back to the part where you were practically calling me a slut?"
He cringes, "No, no god no, that's not what I was trying to—"
You don't give him the luxury of explaining himself. Turning your back and slamming the door, you take away his chance of redemption.
You sound unrecognizable when you tell him, "Go to fucking bed, Fushiguro."
The birds outside of your window remind you that it's Sunday, and the open book on your desk reminds you that not only do you have class tomorrow, but you have an assignment due before midnight.
Memories of last night's conversation — if you could even call it that — with Megumi make you feel queazy. Nothing happened in the way you'd wanted. It all just spiraled out of control, like water slipping through a cracked ceiling, you'd just watched it leak without remorse.
The continued chirping outside reminds you that it's quiet, something you should use to your advantage. A light in this mess of a pathetic story.
You'll study, you decide. You'll grab a quick coffee from the cafe across the street and get some actual work done. Something you should've done a long time ago, something you’d ignored that ended up with this this heartbreak.
Not even ten minutes later, you're decent enough to slide your shoes on and grab your house keys. Opening the door into the hallway, you're met with familiar eyes.
Megumi looks disheveled, sitting with his knees up against the wall of your hallway. At your abrupt opening of the front door, he's quick to stand up and dust his pants off from the grime of the hallway carpet. You notice he has a paper bouquet of pinks and blues in his hand and an exhausted frown on his face.
When he looks at you, he can almost feel the air leaving your lungs as your stomach drops.
The first words you say to him are softer than he expects, than he thinks he deserves, but still carried by a look of disapproval.
"Were you here all night?" your lip turns with disgust.
"No—" he spews too quickly. Seeing your expression that clearly reads disbelief, he slows himself down. Taking a deep breath, he repeats himself with a bit more certainty. "No, I've been here since like, seven maybe?"
His hand trembles in a way he hopes you have the respect to ignore as he moves to give you the bouquet. "Because I'm sorry," his voice is steady, like he's been practicing in the mirror.
Choosing to make him work for it, your eyes flicker to the flowers unimpressed before finding his face again.
"For?" you cruelly push him further.
But Megumi's determined to meet your forces just as equally. His voice gains confidence as he speaks clearly, "For panicking and assuming the worst last night. I was drunk, but that's not an excuse. It was a douchebag thing to do."
Admiring how your face softens at his apology but still carries creased lines of worry, Megumi half expects your response.
This is the part he's a bit unprepared for.
"And for leaving that night," his volume dips with the confession, eyes wanting to find comfort in the floor so badly but refusing to leave your own as he tries and tries and tries to fix this, "I..."
His lips move before he can think twice about his words, "I thought it was what you wanted."
His confession cracks something inside of you, like nails digging crescents into raw skin. Slowly, you gesture for him to come inside. He hesitates but follows when you move towards the couch, the same couch you'd straddled him on two nights prior. It looks different in the daylight.
Megumi's careful with each step, as if he's walking on eggshells, when he slowly sits beside you on the couch. Placing the bouquet on your table, he moves as if you're a predator, as if he'll make one wrong move and you'll snap, lurching at him and sinking your talons into his neck. You hate how it makes you feel.
Your words surprise the both of you when they eventually come. "I'm sorry I reacted the way I did. I wanted you to stay I just—felt bad."
Felt bad? Megumi's mind goes numb at the realization. Felt bad for him? Like when you do a good deed to cancel out a bad one? Did you kiss him that night because you pitied him?
Before his mind runs itself further into the worst-case scenario, he's brought back to reality as you continue.
"We were drunk, and I didn't want that to be how it happened y'know?"
He starts at you blankly, "It?" He lamely asks.
This time, it's your voice that weakens with shame. He watches you fiddle with your fingers, the same ones he remembers feeling in his hair and on his skin. The ones he wants to feel again.
"Felt like I was coming onto you, and you deserved better than that," you eventually reveal softly, correcting yourself with certainty. "Deserve better than that."
And he feels stupid. God, does Megumi feel stupid. All this time, he'd been thinking you regretted the why of the situation, kissing him like you did. He'd never stopped to think about the fact of how you did it. Never thought you'd be so inclined to consider his wishes.
You think he regrets it, and that is the last thing he wants you to believe.
Taking a risk, Megumi lays a gentle palm on your thigh. He does so slowly, giving you a chance to revolt and bite his hand clean off the bone. You don't so he relaxes his hand.
It's not sexual, not desperate and needy like how it was the other night. It's calm. comforting. Another way for him to say I'm still here, aren't I?
"I'm not great with words," he starts, "but I was very much into it. I need you to know that. You didn't—do anything I didn't want."
Softly and ignoring the criticism from the voice in your head for once, you nod.
You recognize the familiar pull of his lips when he softly grins. "Think it's pretty obvious now, but in case it's not," he leans into this whole communicating thing, "I really like being around you."
He thinks his heart grows a size when you weakly smile back at him, "You like being around me?"
He shrugs, laughing at your sarcasm. "Around you, with you. I guess I just like you, really."
You raise your eyebrows, challenging his statement, "Are you still drunk?"
"Fuck no."
You hum shortly. "Hungover?"
"Disgustingly so," he grimaces at the reminder of how nauseous he is.
"Thinking clearly?"
"Never really around you, but clear as I can be."
It's soft and sweet, and this is how you wanted it to be. Naturally, as if you're both magnets being pulled to one another, Megumi is carefully guiding you into his lap as you're naturally making yourself at home in his hold.
The position almost exactly mimics the one you'd found yourself in on Friday night, but this time, it's different. It feels different — golden instead of red and light with a newfound meaning.
With gentle eyes and slight nods from each of you, you kiss once more. His mouth moves the same, eager yet graceful as he leans into you. No wandering hands or drunken hiccups, you feel one another smile into the kiss until it is all giggles and teeth.
"Y'know, if you wanted to ask me out," you pull away from him, accusatory with an underlying teasing, "you should've just asked like a normal person instead of accusing me of sleeping with your friend."
Megumi groans in embarrassment, hiding his face in your neck. You feel the heat of his cheeks when he sighs.
"Yeah, that wasn't my finest moment."
Kisses are stolen and silence is shared until he yawns you remember how awful he must still feel from drinking so much. Crawling off of his lap, you ignore the butterflies in your stomach whines he whines at the loss of your weight.
"Want anything?" you call out as you walk towards the kitchenette. "I have Advil and a bagel with your name on it."
Megumi hums at the thought, not confirming or denying the offer, as his eyes remain locked in on you in a blissful comfort.
Your voice becomes more distant as you turn the corner, "I'll even give you those eyes I know you like so much."
A muffled sound of humiliation can be heard from the couch, "God, please forget I said that."
Putting the bagel in the toaster and reaching up to the medicine cabinet, you laugh carelessly.
Yuuji wakes up with a throbbing headache and an acidic burning in the back of his throat.
He groans, turning on his side before realizing that — he's not in his bed. With blurry vision and sweaty hands fumbling to survey the environment around him, he feels for his phone. The screen is far too bright and completely overridden of missed calls and texts, reading a mocking 2:14 PM when he groans.
When yelling Megumi's name a handful of times doesn't work (it usually does), he opens his Find My Friends app and tracks his roommate. Seeing his icon appear right next to his own while ironically hearing your echoing laughter ring from upstairs, he laughs.
Before he closes his eyes again and deals with a hangover from hell, he sends Megumi a text before tossing his phone across the room.
Ur welcome for not actually calling dibs.
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sagaduwyrm · 10 months
DCxDP Idea - Tucker x Tim Soulmate AU:
Now on AO3
So the Justice League believes the Fentons and the GIW. Not completely, but enough. That’s the bad news. The worse news is that they have Danny, and are apparently planning to use him in some kind of spell to banish all the ghosts from the living plane. Which, okay, sure, not the worst idea, except that trying to banish a Liminal is a great way to kill them instead, and guess what everyone in Amity Park is? Not to mention what powering such a ritual could do to Danny.
Tucker is not having a panic attack. He might have one later, but right now he has a job to do.
So the thing about the Justice League is that they’re powerful and together they cover each other’s weaknesses, but individually they are, if not manageable, then at least survivable. They can’t take on the entire league, but Ghosts and their ilk have fangs for a reason, and every predator knows how to divide and conquer.
Technus and Skulker are using Lex Luthor’s tech to deal with the Supers. Jazz has got emotional manipulation and FrightKnight’s sword to take down the Flashes. Desiree agreed to start a mage’s duel with the Justice League Dark. Sam, Ember, Johnny, and Kitty hopefully have the watchtower in hand, with Walker playing backup to get Danny free.
Tucker has two jobs. One, work with Technus to take down the Justice League communications without making it look like anything is up. Two, for the love of the Ancients, do not let the Bats realize something is wrong.
And you know what? He’s got this. Duul Aman was the most feared sorcerer of his time. Tucker isn’t him, not really, but he’s no slouch in the magic department. Egyptian magic, the way Duul Aman knew it, was almost like code. Relearning it was as easy as breathing, but the real reason Tucker’s job is to deal with the bats is because he took it further than his last life ever could. Sure, he’s a dab hand at illusions, his curses are almost as nasty as Sam’s, and instant sandstorms are never not useful, but where he really thrives is with tech. Afterall, if ectoplasm can be combined with computers, why can’t magic?
Tucker is the world's first technomage and he’s goddamn proud of it.
It’s his saving grace now. Infiltrating Oracle’s system took weeks, and he still wasn’t able to look at or do anything important, but it was enough of an opening for his magic. He wormed his illusion through every single piece of bat-tech he could reach, whispering in their ear, Gotham needs you. The Justice League is fine. Gotham is where the problems are. 
Weeks of work and sleepless nights, and he still doubts he’ll be able to keep them from noticing anything for more than a few hours. Luckily, by that time Danny will be free and Tucker will be long gone from Gotham.
This confidence lasts until he brushes hands with another guy in the cafe. He can feel the bond snap into place, a soulmark crawling across his body. Tim Drake stares at him, eyes wide but sharp. 
Tim Drake.
Red Robin.
Time to see whether fighting ghosts extends to fighting humans, because he is not letting this asshole mess up Danny’s rescue.
The first thing Tim notices when he meets his soulmate is the rage in the man’s eyes.
They’re really pretty eyes. A bright, glowing gold, lined in kohl. Almost certainly a sign of magic. 
They look at him like the man wants to turn him inside out and burn the remains. Tim’s a little offended, beneath the shock and awe.
“Fuck,” the man hisses. Tim’s offense is starting to supersede his surprise. He’s a catch, thank you very much.
He says as much. The man laughs, and it’s almost friendly.  The cafe is empty. The people of Gotham have good instincts, and there’s something in the air around this man that puts Tim’s hackles up.
“You know, I think that’d be more believable if you hadn’t started this.”
Tim’s brow wrinkled. He felt like he’d remember starting something with his soulmate though? What was he supposed to have started, anyway? Saying ‘this’ wasn’t very specific. 
He rolled and dodged to avoid the sudden lash of golden sand. Ah. A fight. He could do that. Figure out why his soulmate was angry later, defeat him now.
He reached up to call for backup and only got static.
He was on his own. Time to show this bastard why underestimating a bat was a bad idea.
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