#sorry anon ....
detectiveforfree · 1 year
Bart, but he has a sword now 😎
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Bart with-a sword, what's he gonna do, what's he gonna do to you~
but also like, sword would be counterproductive for a speedster in my opinion, unless....
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cookiescribble · 3 months
New In Town
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A/N: hey there, to the anon that requested this, I lost your actual submission but I hope this lived up to expectation! I started writing this, forgot I started it, and then got sick but I tried my best haha, enjoy! Happy pride month! - mod ghost
p.s. sorry to mod angel, I definitely called her out in this fic lol 
You had only been at the BAU for about a week, but something about Spencer made you feel like a moth drawn to a flame, as cliche as that might be. Sometimes, you’d catch yourself staring at him during briefings or even just sitting at your respective desks. Watching the way his hands would move over pages as he tore his way through books. His reading speed always amazed you, and you wondered how he actually retained any of the information he was taking in. Yesterday, he’d caught your gaze, making eye contact with you and giving you a polite grin before returning back to whatever it was he’d been doing. Your heart nearly pounded itself out of your chest, which is about when it dawned on you that you definitely had feelings for him. Shit, you thought to yourself briefly. It was probably best to keep this to yourself for now, you’d heard a lot about everything he had been through from the other members of the team and figured it’d be best to leave him alone. Even if you thought this while in private, it didn’t seem to actually stop you from flirting with him. What could possibly go wrong? He’d say no, but that wasn’t terrible. A few days later, you found him at his desk before the team was about to fly off to investigate a new case. You, however, weren’t cleared for field work yet, so you had to work in something before he went,
Gently putting a hand on his shoulder to get his attention, you leaned in closer to him as you said, “Have a safe flight, pretty boy, I’ll see you when you get back,” then walked off toward Garcia while practically being able to feel his eyes on you. Whether that was a good thing or not, you couldn’t tell, and the idea of having to wait until the team came back stirred up some nervousness that seized in the pit of your stomach but you pushed it aside for now to focus on helping Penelope here in Quantico. “I’m sorry, why is Reid making that face?” She laughed as she all but chased you further down the hall and away from the bullpen.
“I’m fairly certain I just called him pretty boy or something, I don’t know. I might’ve blacked out.” You sighed, averting her gaze as much as possible as you pushed through the door leading to all of her equipment.
“I knew it! You have a crush on Spencer!” Garcia cried in excitement, seconds away from jumping up and down. “Could you yell it any louder?? He might hear you! China might hear you–” You grab her arm as you whisper hurriedly, pulling her through the door and closing it behind her, “--wait, am I really that obvious about it?? Who else knows other than you?” “Mainly us girls, don’t worry. But I might be able to help you, see if he likes you back?” “What, have my own spy crew just for a crush? No way, I’ll get over it.” You brush a hand through your hair in embarrassment and frustration as you and her sit next to each other at her desk. All you could think about was Spencer, though. Nothing that happened throughout the day could fix that. Especially when he called a few hours later to ask for information. Garcia picked up the phone before you could react or steel yourself to the idea of talking to him again. “Hey, tall dark and nerdy, talk to me” She spoke quickly, leaning back in her chair. It made you blush, which you silently cursed her for. “Uh, hey, Garcia,” he paused to chuckle, “I need your help–” “Obviously” You started to get up to escape the room and compose yourself, but, much to your chagrin, he’d heard the background noise over the phone, “Is someone else in there with you?” His voice crackled over the phone line again, which made Penelope stop you from moving, 
“Yes, actually,” She nudged you as she spoke,
“H-uh, Hi, Spence.” You spoke up, trying to sound lighthearted. The idea of speaking to him again this soon seized your heart and made it hard to breathe. 
“Hey…as you can probably hear, I made it here safe. No need to worry.” There was a bit of a teasing tone to his voice. You’d never quite heard him use that tone with you before. Or anyone for that matter. 
Before you had time to process that, they were on to talking about the case again and you were able to escape the situation pretty much unscathed. 
The rest of the team didn’t return until later that week, on a Friday, so Garcia got pizza for everyone to celebrate. 
She came to grab you from your desk and the two of you arrived just in time to see something that stirred up something in you, so deep you think you were possessed by one of your distant descendants.
“You’re cutting pizza with a butter knife?!” You ask incredulously, not meaning to come off so viciously. 
Spencer froze, plastic butter knife still in hand as he stabbed into the pizza. 
“We…We don’t have a pizza cutter here, and some of the slices were kinda stuck together with cheese…” he explained, almost frozen in place as he awkwardly chuckled at the ridiculous nature of the conversation while Garcia couldn’t help but laugh. 
“Sorry, I honestly have no idea what came over me. Let’s uh, let’s dig into this pizza, huh? Now that I’m done getting possessed by my grandma?” You joke, going closer to the table with Penelope and grabbing one of the slices that were…cut. Definitely not sawed apart poorly. He’d tried his best. At this current moment, Spencer Reid was honestly just lucky he was cute. Despite that, you smiled politely and spent time with your found family that is the BAU.
That night, after all the fun was over and it was time to go home for a much needed crash, it had been just you and Spencer. You both volunteered to clean up after everything so that everyone else could go home for some much needed rest and to get a start on their weekend. They tried to insist that they’d help, too, but everyone was tired and it wasn’t that big of a mess so there was no need for everyone to stay. 
You thought it’d be fine, because surely you could be at least somewhat normal around him, right? 
The two of you easily talked and joked the whole time, the energy in the room fairly normal until you both reached for the same pizza box. Your hands brushed together and you instinctively looked up at each other, a similar electric feeling running down both your spines. 
“Oh, I can um…I can grab that.” you speak softly, almost afraid to speak in the sudden intense silence. 
“It’s okay, I got it. It’s the least I could do after you almost stabbed me earlier for my inferior method of cutting pizza.” Spence replied with a soft smile.
“Hey, you were the one with the plastic knife, mister.” 
“I’m never gonna live that down, am I?” 
“Not as long as I’m here,”
You both broke out into laughter then there were a few moments of just eye contact before you’d started to lean in closer slowly. Like too fast of a movement would scare him away. It seemed like he would, too, but before either of you could touch the other, he quickly stood up and away from you.
“Sorry—um, it’s been a long day. I can take care of taking out the rest of the trash, you don’t have to stick around. Thanks for the help, though.” He says hastily, grabbing one of the two bags of garbage bags that sat by the door and quickly rushing off. 
You sighed to yourself and grabbed your bag, heading out for the night and silently cursing at yourself. If it wasn’t awkward before, it would be now. 
But you just couldn’t help yourself around Spencer, everything about him screamed out to you like some sort of siren call. Every time you weren’t around him, basically anything would remind you of him. 
You just needed to bite the bullet and ask him out, so that’s exactly what you were going to do. The worst he could do was say no, right? 
So the week after that, you had finally worked up some courage. The whole team was at a bar together, Spencer being the only one not drinking as per usual. You, being about two drinks in at this point, had enough of tiptoeing around him. 
It’s now or never, you thought. 
You went over to him while everyone else was doing their own thing in different spots in the bar, so it was just the two of you, and you sat yourself next to him. 
Spencer looked over and smiled kindly at you, his brown doe eyes shining in the dim lighting. Your chest flooded with warm affection as soon as you made eye contact with him, and it made you that much more sure about this. 
“Hey, having fun?” he asked cheerfully, the happiest you’d heard him in a while. Since you’d started working at the BAU, you’d realize when you thought about this moment later. 
“Yeah, but um…I really need to ask you something, Spence.” 
“Oh? By all means, go ahead,” he gestures for you to continue, turning his body toward yours to give you his full attention. 
“Okay so…um…I…I like you. Like, I really like you—“ you started to say, before he interjected. 
“This isn’t sounding like a question”
“Spencer, please”
“Sorry, go on” he sheepishly smiled, apparently having fun teasing you a little. 
“Thank you, but I uhh…shit—“ you cursed. 
“You were saying you really like me?” 
“Right—so, I was wondering…if…if you’d want to…maybe…go out sometime? With me?”
“We…are out,” he gestured to the bar around the two of you, “right now.” 
“That’s not what I mean—“
“I know what you mean, and I…I’m not sure.”
“I’ve had a lot happen to me recently, between going to jail and everything that happened with Cat, as well as everything else and our jobs themselves…I’m not sure I have room to have someone else in my life. No matter how much I like you, too.” 
You nearly gasped when he said he liked you, too, but you held it back. This was the most emotionally vulnerable he’d ever been around you. You weren’t going to take advantage of that. 
“Well…” you take his hand in both of yours, holding it close to your chest. “We could take things slow…ride things out, y’know? But that’s only if you want to. I’m here to make sure you’re happy. Whether it’s with me or not.”
He stared at you silently for a moment, considering everything you’d just told him. He kept glancing from your eyes to your lips, as if he was contemplating at a speed your slightly buzzed mind wasn’t quite up to keeping up with. 
Before you could speak or even think further on it, he was leaning forward and speaking low enough that only you would be hearing it. 
“Let’s go, let’s go back to my place. We’ll talk about this more, I just can barely hear myself think with the music in here.” 
You nodded and stood up from the booth, both of you waving goodbye to the rest of the team with gentle smiles before walking off. 
Back at his apartment, he barely had the door closed 5 minutes before he was kissing you. 
So much for talking things through. 
The way his lips pressed to yours felt passionate, desperate even. Like he’d been waiting to do this for a long time. You let yourself relax into it, your hand drifting up to tangle your fingers in his hair. Everything about kissing him just made you want to lose yourself in him until you weren’t sure where each of you ended and began. 
Then, just as suddenly as he started, he pulled away, taking in deep breaths and pushing his hair back away from his face but still close enough that you could feel his breath ghosting over your face. 
“Sorry, that…I shouldn’t have—“
Before he could finish, you were pulling him back in for more. He wasn’t about to get away with a kiss like that with just a simple ‘sorry’. Not if you had anything to say about it. 
The two of you ended up tangled together in his bed for the rest of the night, the blanket gently wrapped around you both in a comfortable silence. 
Talking could wait, for now you were just…together, and that was more than enough.
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The actual angle of the two of them answering that person's question after the mystics game! You could literally do a side by side
Love you anon !!!
Can they both calm down with the heart-eyes 😍? Azzi stares at Paige every 2s as if she wasn't being interviewed on camera.
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newwavesylviaplath · 6 months
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spot the difference
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disformer · 1 year
If its not too much of a bother could you show us how you draw or study faces?
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This is such a dense subject and you could fill a book on each tiny feature of the face but if you're talking about like, facial composition and thought process then yeah sure!
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scooterscoob · 10 months
Eiffel and Minkowski hugging/being cute?
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,,, you meant one or the other, right?
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ecstarry · 4 months
what are your thoughts and opinions on regulus just lying there and taking it, being nothing but a good little fuck toy for whoever it is thats fucking him, his own plessure not being a guarantee or the priority
anon i love your enthusiasm ahshdjdh but i fear u chose the wrong acc for this ask ): but okay @fromagony can probably do smth good with this <33
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letternotekisses · 6 days
Bro I cant even think of specifics would you be able to write a Cassidy drabble i need him incredibly bad
save a horse...yk the drill <3 nsfw below da cut
Cassidy grunts softly, chewing on the end of his cigar as you make your way over with a disapproving look on your face, you're shaking your head and grumbling at the sight of his injuries. He could care less about his scuffed up state - not when it was you tending to him. Cole is quick to flick the ash away, chucking the cigar and stomping it out once you reach his side.
Cassidy proudly presents himself to you as if his injuries were a badge of honour, grinning to himself when you fail to keep your stern expression, a small smile gracing your perfect lips. You're quick to cut through the fabric of his shirt to get to the nasty gash beneath, and he exhales through his teeth once your warm palms ghost his skin.
He should feel guilty - really, fantasising about the sweet little apprentice medic just doing her job. But he just can't help himself, shifting a hand over his belt uneasily when his mind starts to wander to deeper territories.
Cassidy wonders if you'd scream for him when he speared you open on his meaty cock, crying out his name as he pins you down with his bulk, grinding into you as you grasp at the cotton of his bedsheets below. He wonders if you'd claw at his back, marking him up and scratching gently at the weathered skin as he bullies the fat tip of his cock into your needy hole.
He'd cup your jaw, holding your chin gently as if to guide you whilst you parted those pretty lips around his shaft. Would you look up at him with watery eyes, fluttering your lashes like the sweet thing you were? Or would you take him to the hilt, gagging messily around his cock like a little slut?
Would you beg for more? Would you drool into his sheets as he holds your thighs apart, watching the way his cock disappears into your hot, wet cunt?
Cole shudders, just the thought of your pretty little pussy enough to have him hardening in his trousers. You're too focused on mending the wound on his side - your touches soft and fleeting. He wants nothing more than to bury his face between your thighs, he wants to eat you out until you're whiny and overstimulated, he wants to hear you complain about the beard burn between your legs the morning after. He wants you--
You suddenly clear your throat, and his honey brown eyes snap to you with the same sleazy gleam you'd grown accustomed to. You gesture towards his side, all immaculately cleaned up and covered with protective dressing.
Cassidy grins, tipping a hat to you with the intent of asking you for a drink later. "Thanks, doc."
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Jhkglfsksoejeekelke that lastest doodle was so cuteeee
May I ask for more Elizabeth & William
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yeag ok 👍
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frownyalfred · 11 months
Who is the more embarrassing Dad: Clark or Bruce? And why?
they're fine on their own (occasional mediocre dad jokes and dad-typical grumpiness) but once they start sleeping together, it's a million times more embarrassing. like not only are your dads sleeping together, but their dates are displayed across every tabloid cover in HD. and the JL meetings just get even more unbearable. you can't escape the combined power of two super dads. no one can...
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Yandere!DG + Reader: His hold on you
TW: as above, nothing too bad tho. Platonic. Could be read as x reader if you want. For non-anon anon request.
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Friends tell you you're lucky to know someone like DG, to have him look out for you. Introduce me, they would ask and when you shake your head, their eyes cloud with resentment and jealousy.
DG had warned you not to share anything about him, no matter how much your friends begged. A little part of you preens at the special connection between the two of you. It's private, intimate. A secret little club just for you and him.
You hold onto this connection and thought when your friends distance themselves.
Even your own parents are blinded by the pop-idol persona; the fame and fortune and perks of being associated with the country's favourite singer. All too happy to let you and DG spend time together. They dismiss any concerns with a wave of their hand while surrounded by lavish gifts.
So who can you actually tell, who will listen when you mention how uncomfortable you are. How you can't exactly put your finger on why your skin crawls, your stomach drops, and the discomfort continues to grow each time DG contacts you.
(Truly, the hold he has on you scares you, you admit to yourself that one time. The last time you can recall DG leaving you just about long enough so you can form your own thoughts. Moments of clarity before he sinks his claws in again. He has only made that mistake once.)
He used to be sweet, and you would respond to him giddy with excitement. DG! A K-pop idol! Paying attention to me!
But now he feeds you far too much bitterness. It's unbalanced. You never know which side of him you get.
When he pushes just a little bit too much, when you want to scream at him to leave you alone through tears, he's all sunshine and sugar again. Like how it used to be. Like he knows what words are on the tip on your tongue.
And when you're all buttered up, then he would chide you for being silly and young and you should just listen to him, his voice light and full of laughter. Hasn't he been good to you? Hasn't he been good to your parents?
Yeah he has, you concede. He's older, more experienced, seen the world. He's right. What do you know in comparison? Barely anything.
So it's fine. Everything is fine. You're just spiralling for nothing.
On top of that, the last few months have been better.
He's been nothing but nice to you. You can't bring yourself to ruin such a good thing.
Yet something unsettles you. And you know you sound insane. Crazy. Because why would DG do this? Why would he even break in?
Things are misplaced in your own room, or something you swear was right there disappears for a few days and miraculously turns up.
Little harmless things. Things you should hardly notice it but the insidiousness builds and builds and builds.
A book missing on your bookshelf, photos switched around.
You stop being able to relax or rest in your own home, only catching moments of fitful sleep as your mind races and your sanity hangs by a thread thinking someone has been in your space and messed with your things.
Even your ID disappeared. You turned your room inside out, was shouted at by your parents for losing such an important thing before it appeared on your bed.
Lying right in the middle, on top of the covers. So obvious. You can't have missed it.
Could you?
"Why would I do that? How? You must be seeing things." DG denies when you ask, body looming over yours and eyes flashing.
Maybe he's right. This is DG after all. He's busy. He's been nice lately. You don't want to rock the boat.
You think about your missing items, the misplaced things. Yeah. It is ridiculous to think DG would have any involvement.
Must all be in your own head.
"Y/N," he says, lips quirking and eyes a little unhinged, "It's funny though. Isn't it? If someone messed with you like this."
Is it? You think it's not, but you don't know what to think anymore.
"Seeing you go a little crazy," DG prods.
"It's ok to laugh." Somehow that feels like a threat.
So you laugh and laugh and laugh yourself sick, until your eyes are streaming and you convince yourself it's tears of laughter and DG is right.
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linusbenjamin · 1 year
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Jack. This place is crazy. It's just... I can't... It's driving me nuts.
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carpedzem · 6 months
I cannot begin to understand what the hell he thought he was doing. He's (supposed to be) a LAW student. He's spent countless hours learning the exact things he miserably failed to do in qsmp, not only did he fail, HIS company actively BROKE laws. Giving ppl a bogus NDA, hiring ppl and then not paying them (and the salary of the paid ones was laughable), being complicit in the isolation, intimidation and defamation of his own employees..Stalking and controlling the personal lives of his employees. Also hiring minors and disguising work as "volunteering"? No way that didn't cross some kind of child labor law. Fuck. Did he genuinely believe his "passion project" wouldn't catch fire and burn down spectacularly?
How fucking embarrassing. He does not deserve that law degree. Genuinely.
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mxtxfanatic · 5 months
... Warning, rant in coming. Sorry.
Hot take, the only morally gray character in mess, that fits the exact definition of it, is Nie Huaisang.
I've seen more and more people trying to tone down Jiang Cheng's terribleness by saying that he's morally gray. I'very also seen those same people say that Wei Wuxian is morally gray because he did terrible things for good (and, no, lmao, he didn't. Most of those come from people not understanding how his cultivation works.) and that that was why he is so interesting. (Again, lmao. Lol even. Just say you don't appreciate depths and confuse "kind" with "boring", so you gotta give every character that you don't find boring a label to justify why you like them.)
I think the term "morally gray" has become a buzz word thrown around for any kind of character that isn't one dimensionally good or evil.
Jiang Cheng isn't morally gray. He is a bad person. Again, a PERSON. Not a monster, not some sort of creatures that has no concept of humanity, just. A bad person.
Society's habit of separating people that do bad things from themselves, that "us vs them" mantality, that dehumanization of bad people, it just leave a bad taste in my mouth. Even fucking serial killers have qualities, can be smart or charismatic or empathetic. Even pedophiles have hobbies and people that love them. Even rapists have people that they love and respect.
Being a terrible person doesn't mean that they're not human. There is no one in the world that has absolutely no redeeming qualities to them. But because of that separation that so many people take for the truth, because of that "they did this because they're a monster, but I'm not so I would never do this", people just cannot accept when a bad person isn't bad all the time.
They'll look at Jiang Cheng that, ultimately, loves his family and is arguably hard working, and they'll think that that means he's "morally gray", because he possesses good qualities, completely ignoring the fact that he's just a trash human being in general.
Low key, it pisses me off. Especially the people that relate so hard to him, and ask me if I wouldn't do the same in his shoes. Because no. I fucking wouldn't cause genocide. I wouldn't torture and kill complete strangers because they dared to have a surname I don't like or because they make me think of someone I resent from my past.
Like, I took can see myself in him, totally. He IS well written, and between the cartoonishly bad Xue Yang and the paragons of moral virtue that is Wangxian, he's definitely the one that feels closest to an everyday man, in personality if you ignore all the murders. I am petty, I hold grudges, I can be entitled and selfish, I am overall a massive rude cunt, but I do not want to hurt people and everyday I strive to be better than the last, even in infinitesimal ways. As should anyone. But that is something that Jiang Cheng doesn't even acknowledge, stuck as he is in his victim mentality and inferiority complex.
But Jiang Cheng is morally bankrupt. He is not morally gray. Not even dark gray. As an adult, he is painstakingly human and in general, a bad person.
And that is OK.
To make him a better person, you don't have to change his entire character with half assed head canons, just make him acknowledge his flaws and let him (finally) grow as a person, past that stubborn mentality he has had for decades.
He IS a bad person, but even bad people have a capacity for growth and change, of the moment they allow themselves to. If he ever gets forgiven for his past actions, that's on the people he has hurt, not that it should even be considered in his journey towards growth.
(Frankly, I don't think he would be. I think he shouldn't be, but that's not for me to decide. However, I can definitely JC finally making some tiny progresses but for all the wrong reasons, and get insulted when, if he ever even get to that point, his apologies don't end up fixing everything. He is totally the kind of person that would see you being mad at them and feel like he's the one being victimized because you didn't accept his half assed apologies. The emotional maturity on this man is below -100.)
(Also, Wei Wuxian isn't morally gray in the total opposite, in that he is such a good person, be it morally or emotionally, just. God, I envy his mental fortitude and his capacity for forgiveness and love.)
Sorry again for the ask, just had to rant somewhere about this and I am kind of curious about how you consider the "morally gray" argument. I think it's total bullshit, if the entire post didn't tell you, but yeah, I'm curious.
I hope I was coherent enough, I did not plan this ask at all, it was all streams of consciousness.
So before I get to the actual material of your rant—of which I agree with—I want to go on a tangent. Bad people as a category are not “dehumanized.” Dehumanization is the act of stripping someone or a group of people of their humanity as a tool of oppression, and it must come with material consequences. Saying that a continent of people are only capable of non-human animal intelligence to justify centuries of enslavement is dehumanization. Saying that a country of people are born terrorists to justify flattening their homeland and claiming it by a different name is dehumanization. Claiming that the man who called you out on your desires to be the new oppressors is a literal demon wanting to destroy your heritage in order to justify leading an army to kill him and his charges while attempting to remove their ability to reincarnate is dehumanization. Calling a child abuser a monster is not dehumanization. It is just an insult.
In fact, the “human traits” of terrible human beings do not need to be defended, because more often than not the absolute worst human beings are materially protected from the consequences of their actions by people who want to defend their “humanity.” In mdzs, I don’t give two fucks about Jiang Cheng’s one “human” trait of loving his nephew, because his “inhumane” traits of abusing said nephew and everyone else in his life intentionally overshadow that by his own design. Jiang Yanli loved her son just as much and lost much more than Jiang Cheng ever did, but she didn’t become an unrepentant monster. Humans are not “monsters-in-waiting” whereby we must act as if every individual is always one step away from committing unspeakable acts of depravity. If that was the case, we would not have survived as a community-dependent social species. Therefore, I do not find Jiang Cheng as the most relatable character ever because I do not find the way that he gives into anti-human behaviors to be relatable to me on a personal level or to be representative of most people’s actions throughout the course of their lives. To feel pain is human, and to have outbursts about it is understandable. To abuse about it? To murder about it? To mass murder about it??? Absolutely anti-human, anti-community, and the type of behavior that can only survive and thrive in an environment that privileges people with those specific “inhumane” traits above everyone else. (One might even call it the environment of a corrupt hierarchy of power that mdzs critiques.) The exact opposite of dehumanization. So if I choose to call Jiang Cheng a monster, it is to intentionally point out the ways that his conscious actions as a character in this story are a negation of human life and community.
On that note, I’ve discussed how this fandom uses “morally gray” in this ask (excuse the fact that I switch between “grey” and “gray” lmao). To bring back a point from my rant from above, Jiang Cheng has his one (1) good trait leveraged by fandom to whitewash his crimes under the guise of “morally gray,” while Wei Wuxian is the one actually being dehumanized by that same label as people use it to justify his literal murder (and those of the Wen remnants) in the story, so that’s my feelings on that. Whether Jiang Cheng can be redeemed or not, I frankly do not care to speculate because the story concludes his character arc at him regressing back into Jiang “hunter of Wen” Cheng, still rich, still single, and still only loved by his nephew. At the end of the day, he is not a real person and I’m only here for wangxian.
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luhafraser · 2 months
"Out of sight, out of mind!" - Actually, less is more. Don't miss someone who is in my face 24/7. "Losing charm on their own?" - Not what I saw of C at Highlander7. She charmed & warmed every fan's heart who interacted with her. She's deeply grounded, has an aura and energy about her that transcends and captivates. She's interesting, witty & fun. Makes people comfortable, is interested in them & truly connects, not because she has something to sell. Because she's super nice and unpretentious.
I would agree with you Anon IF Cait was a dear friend or a member of your family 😉... Which she is not! Or am I talking to a Balfe and I don't know?! 🤔
Sorry Anon, but usually celebrities and sub-celebrities make a living by "appearing"... Mainly, when they have something to promote/sell...
I think that, especially after the pandemic, Cait prioritizes her peace by not interacting with her fans (not even her Onlys), and only doing so when it is really necessary.
I agree that she's many of the things you mentioned, BUT that doesn't change the fact that she only interacts when she's interested in it... Where was Cait "really connecting" with her fans when there was no prediction about FMN Gin's return, when there was no release date for The Cut, when it wasn't a good time to remember the "Outlander universe"? 😜
But if you prefer to deceive yourself, feel free😉
When OL ends and IF Cait prefers not to act and/or work in the industry anymore, not even as a director, who will remember her in 5 or more years? 🤔
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scrollonso · 11 days
sargecchi ❛ keep the noise down, baby. you're too loud. ❜
A hand roughly tugged at his hair. Logan's head yanked back, his eyes rolling back with it with a cry.
“You have no idea what you’re doing to me.”
Hands bound behind his back, he writhed with the urge to reach around and pump himself as Marco went faster, rougher. He straddled Marco's waist, letting himself be bucked up into, whines and choked moans tumbling out. Against his stomach, he dribbled pre-come as it slapped against his stomach every time Marco went in and out. Marco's other hand squeezed his waist tightly to keep Logan down, as without it he writhed too much.
“Logan,” Marco groaned. He moved both hands to his waist, pulling Logan down as he fucked roughly into him. Logan let out a loud cry, back arching desperately. “ That’s it , just like that.”
“Bez-! Marco, Marco, please…!” Logan repeated the words, tears welling in his eyes as he began to reach his…
“Marco,” Logan panted, blinking awake in the darkness. The first thing he noticed, besides the sleeping form of Marco beside him, was how hard he was. That the inside of his boxers was sticky. Then he remembered the dream, emitting a small groan as he shifted slightly against the sheets. He must have been humping the bed. He watched Marco with wide eyes, hoping he was still asleep; he was always a heavy sleeper.
Thankfully, his prayers were answered, as Marco snored obnoxiously. Normally, he hated the sound, but in the moment he was more grateful for it than ever.
Logan snaked one of his hands down into his boxers, hissing as he wrapped his hand around himself. He was sensitive — he knew it wouldn’t take long for him to finish. The problem was, he could never keep his mouth shut when he got to this stage, always emitting some sound despite his efforts. He buried his head into the pillow, arching upwards for better leverage as he slowly began to work his hand. He let out an involuntary moan, stilling to listen for any noise from Marco. Another snore.
Logan continued, more muffled noises spilling out. He worked his hand faster, the covers ruffling. At that moment, he let out a louder groan, breath shallowing. Images of the dream crossed his mind, Marco's incessant pace and the way he looked up at him with half lidded eyes. The praise. He panted against the pillow, feeling his climax incoming. He clamped his lower lip between his teeth, whining-
“Logan?” A groggy voice interrupted.
Logan immediately stilled, on the edge of an orgasm but too mortified to continue now. His mouth hung open, blinking in the dark as he lowered his hips back on the bed and slipped his hand out. Marco rolled over, facing Logan.
“You okay?” Concern laced his voice. Logan was glad it was so dark, or else Marco would’ve seen how red he was.
“Mhm,” was all Logan could manage, his try at a convincing answer coming out as more of a whimper.
“…Nightmare?” Marco shifted closer to Logan, wrapping an arm around him to pull him closer. Logan made a startled noise, aware that Marco would feel his arousal if they started cuddling. He put a hand on Marco's chest to stop him.
“I, uh. No, not that. Just go back to sleep, okay?”
“No, what is it?” Marco insisted, wiping a hand over his face. So much for him going back to sleep. Logan paused, weighing his options. Marco wasn’t going back to sleep until he told him what it was. Cuddling up to him with a full boner was out of the picture. He could excuse himself to the bathroom…or just tell him the truth.
“Logan,“ Marco interrupted his train of thought.
“…I had a wet dream.”
There was a pause, and Logan felt embarrassed, unsure what Marco's reaction was in the dark.
“I’ll just… go to the restroom.” Marco didn’t let go of Logan.
“Let me help you.” Logan didn’t expect Marco to offer, but he sure wouldn’t say no.
Marco moved his hand from Logan's back down to his boxers, pulling them down. His arousal was still hard, less so than before but still close. Marco slid his hand over it, fingers feeling the stickiness. Logan arched involuntarily into the feeling.
“You close?” Logan hummed affirmatively, bumping his forehead into Marco's.
Marco wrapped his hand around him, slowly working his hand. Logan's response was quick, letting out a small, needy noise. Marco squeezed his hand, causing him to dribble with pre-cum and make a choked moan. Logan rut against his hand, making incoherent noises that gradually got louder as he nestled into Marco's neck.
"Keep the noise down baby, you're too loud." Marco continued to work his hand faster, Logan trying everything he could think of to stop the noises from coming now that Marco had asked him to be quiet.
“Good,” Marco praised as Logan gripped the front of his shirt, grinding harder into his hand. “Come for me, Logan.”
Logan trembled slightly with the force of his arousal, his whines becoming more high pitched as he lost himself to the pleasure. With one deliberate squeeze from Marco, he cried out and spurted thick ropes of come over Marco's hand and shirt.
“There you go,” Marco drawled, lazily but still pumping Logan until he stopped leaking. Logan panted, loosening his grip on Marco's shirt and moving his head back onto the pillow.
“Yeah… thank you.” Marco reached behind him to the nightstand, pulling out a cloth to wipe his hand and shirt off with.
“Of course… You have those dreams often?”
“No,” Logan groaned.
“Was it about me?” Logan could hear the amusement in his voice, the way his words lilted. Marco handed him a clean pair of boxers.
“You know it was,” he replied, shucking off his old boxers for the clean pair. “Don’t let it get to your head, Bez…”
Marco snickered, wrapping an arm around Logan and pulling him close. “G’night.” Marco pressed a light kiss to Logan's cheek, falling asleep quickly once he shut his eyes.
His snoring in his ear kept Logan awake longer, but he didn’t seem to mind as much in his arms.
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