#sorry but I’m still on my lock them in a closet until they make out clownery
wraithee · 6 months
The likelihood of a locked room episode where it’s only Aziraphale and Crowley just went up exponentially.
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How about the farmer and bachelor hiding in a small place. Like they are hips and chest pressed against each other. The farmer doesn't noticed but the bachelor is going wild over the limit space between them. You can make it nsfw I don't mind! :)
This took me forever to get to I’m so sorry! Also these are mostly just lewd as opposed to like whole nsfw but Sebastian and Alex’s got full nsfw 😂
Content warnings: mostly gender neutral reader except Sebastian’s is afab reader, reader calls Sebastian daddy once, Theyer long as hell, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT PLEASE
Small spaces but big opportunities with the bachelors
He wanted to come to the mines with you, mostly out of curiosity but also because he wanted to make sure you weren’t doing anything to dangerous
Thankfully the level that you had gone to didn’t have to many monsters on it and while he still thought that maybe it wasn’t the best place, he could see the appeal
At least until you both fell into a kinda deep very narrow pit
He landed flat on his ass and you landed unceremoniously on his lap, very much straddling him
After making sure neither of you were seriously injured you began to look around
“How on earth are we gonna get out of this? Does this happen to you often in the mines?”
Shane’s very concerned and trying very hard to ignore your chest being almost in his face
“Well no, I mean the tv said I’d have bad luck today but I didn’t think anything of it!”
Shane stares at you blankly for a moment “the tv said…okay we can unpack that later, for now we should figure this out”
He tried to shift around a bit but quickly stopped as the friction of your body rubbing against the crotch of his pants caught him off guard, thank god it’s a little dark and you can’t see the red now painting his face
He’s got his hands resting on your thighs, you try shifting around to see if you can maybe stand up but his grip tightens and you could almost swear he moaned a little bit
“You okay? You said you weren’t hurt! What hurts? Do you need a health elixir? I have extra in my bag”
“No, no sweetheart that’s not it, I’m not hurt just, fuck”
You just noticed the bulge straining against his shorts and pressing against your inner thigh
“Oh” you hadn’t noticed until now that he had gotten hard
“Fuck I’m so sorry I-“ he got cut off as you ground down against him
“Shit sweetheart, you sure you wanna start this right now?” He’s practically growling out his words with how gravely and husky his voice is currently
“Never been more sure, sir”
He has a sir kink, fight me on it
He tightens his grip on your hips to help you grind against him while he smashes his lips against yours in a very heated kiss
You were in the tiny medical closet at his clinic looking for some gauze he had asked you to grab for him so he could restock the drawer
It was taking a moment though so he came to check on you and ultimately the door accidentally shut behind him
It locks from the outside automatically
Harvey is now chest pressed to your back due to the confined space in the closet, hardly enough room for you to try and turn around
“Well hey there doc, whatcha need?”
“The doors locked and maru doesn’t get here for another hour, this wasn’t supposed to happen”
He’s trying not to focus on how warm you feel pressed against him, how perfectly your body fits against his, and how the sudden proximity has his dick stirring in his pants
You’re squinting to see in the dark closet and all but have to stand on your tippy toes to read if the label in front of you reads gauze
“Just as well because this feels like a lost cause, how do you find anything in here?”
Your ass brushes against the growing bulge in his pants and he has to stifle a groan at the contact
“We can find it later, just stay still please”
He’s sounds strained, and then you can feel it pressing into your back
“Harvey, are you hard right now?”
This mans spilling apologies from his lips so quickly
“I’m so sorry this was never meant to happen your just very pretty and being stuck in the little closet with you isn’t helping and-“
You cut him off by bringing a hand around your back and gently grabbing his bulge
“I don’t mind, gives us something to do in the meantime” you would wink at him but you arnt facing him and the rooms dark
“I- are you sure? I want this but I need to know you want this as well”
You’ve been pining after the doctor for like a year and a bit at this point so of-course you want this
“Yes I want this Harvey, touch me, please”
How could he say no when you ask so politely
Not so much trapped in a closet together as it is playing seven minutes in heaven at a party Abigale was throwing
You picked his name out of a hat and then got promptly shoved into a very small closet with him
Chest to chest, Harley enough space to breath without feeling his heart beat against you
“We uh, we don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to”
He’s always considerate of your comfort
“Time starts now! Have fun~” you could hear Abigail’s voice fading away as she walked back down the hallway
“Sooooooooooo, think there’s a light in here orrrrr we just gonna make out in the dark?”
You meant to ease the tension with a little joke but god do you wanna kiss him
He’s taking the dive, hands on either side of your face as he presses his lips to yours
With only a little struggle in the confined space you managed to wrap your arms around his neck
Soon he’s trailing kisses down your neck, leaving little bites here and there just so he can hear the way you try not to whine
Your hands down the front of his jeans slowly stroking him
“Fuck sweetheart, wish we had more time. Wanna take this to your place?”
Yes you do in-fact want to take this to your place
Which is just as well because Abigale is knocking on the closet door to tell you your times up and that you both better have pants on
Had he meant to be stuck in a small crevice in the forest with the farmer directly underneath him? No
But his little outings don’t seem to want to go to plan these days
He does however, appreciate the view of you, underneath him red faced as he tries to find a way to get up that doesn’t involve accidentally standing on you
“Must be exhausting holding yourself up like that, you can lay down I don’t mind a human weighted blanket”
God your adorable
Only lets some of his weight rest on you
“Well, this isn’t the best circumstances but even so you still look absolutely ravishing”
Meant that to be an inside thought but alas, it became an outward thought. He wishes lightning would strike him if that didn’t mean you would also be in harms way
“Well your not half bad yourself handsome, lemme just”
You gently pull his hair back into a ponytail with a hair elastic you keep on your wrist for him
That’s all he needs to lose composure, soon enough y’all are making out in the crevice
Wondering hands and gentle nips across your neck are enough to get small gasps out of you
God you sound amazing he thinks
But he’s not about to bed you in a hole in the ground, he’s more romantic then that
But the moment y’all get out and head back to his beach shack?
Soft gasps turn to moans, hushed whispers turn to loving praises, wondering hands stray further beyond the elastic of your underwear as he shows you just how good he can be with his hands
You and him went swimming, despite his dislike of the activity he was always willing to go with you
You had wanted to explore a little cave like opening in the stone of the mountains near the lake and he came with you to make sure your good
And that’s how you end up here, stuck pressed against each other in your swimsuits, stuck between two particularly close stone walls
Sebastian’s trying to look anywhere but at you to avoid popping the most awkward boner in existence
“Well this is less then ideal, sorry Sebastian I didn’t think we would get stuck”
You feel a bit bad since you know he’s probably pretty uncomfortable right now
“Th-that’s okay, not your fault”
He has one hand behind your head so you don’t accidentally smack it on the hard rocks, his other hand is on your waist because it felt right to place it there
“Well, atleast the suns setting so you won’t get burnt”
“And we’re basically skin to skin so we probably won’t freeze”
He tried to lighten the mood a bit, it worked since you let out an airy laugh
“Could be worse, atleast I get the hot emo boy to keep me company”
Now he’s blushing, from chest to forehead just red
“You think I’m hot?”
Definitely had a voice crack in that statement but you ignore it much to his prides pleasure
“Absolutely, hottest guy in town”
Your trying to kill him he’s convinced but atleast he’ll die happy
“Fuck baby you can’t just say shit like that while pressed against me”
You can feel his erection pressing into your stomach
“Hmmmmmm maybe I’m prepared for the consequences”
The hand that was on your waist gently wraps around your neck as he pulls you into a heated kiss, tongue exploring the inside of your mouth while you gasp against him
You manage to bring your legs up enough to sort of trap his hips against yours as you grind against him
He moans against your lips before pulling back to trail kisses down your neck, leaving a few hickeys on whatever spots seem particularly sensitive
Meanwhile you’ve pulled his cock out of his swim shorts and lined him up with your cunt, gently rubbing the head through your folds for a moment before grinding your hips down just enough to sheath him inside
“Fuck, so fucking tight around me baby”
You whine into his skin as you hide your face into his neck, he’s gently thrusting into you as much as the little space will allow him to do
One of his hands travels between your body’s to start rubbing little circles on your clit while you fist your hands into his hair
“Shit seb, feels so fucking good”
He whines quietly at your praise as he can feel the knot forming in his stomach, he’s close to cumming but thankfully so are you
“Not gonna last much longer baby, cum with me, yeah? Think you can be a good girl and cum with daddy?”
Your nodding frantically as you start to spasm around him, milking his cock for all its worth
He slams his hips into you once more as deep as he can before filling your warm walls with his cum
Somehow all the movement you guys have done has wedged you free, no longer stuck in a tight spot your heading back to his place for round two
You and Alex were exploring the deep woods together because he wanted to know what types of things you do in your day to day
He was not expecting the woods to be full of slimes trying to kill you but ya know, it’s always an adventure with the farmer
That’s how you end up in a small cave pressed against each other while you patch up a small wound on his thigh
“You okay? Your being pretty quiet up there”
He’s trying not to focus on how close to his dick your hands are so he doesn’t get hard
It’s not working very well
“I’m fine, just a little scrape I’m sure it’s okay”
“Yeah but it’s better to take care of it now, don’t want it to get infected”
He knows your right but also your hands brushed by his cock and now he’s got a semi
And it’s hard not to notice especially when it twitches as your hands brush over it again
“Baby, sweetheart, love please, you gotta know what your doing to me”
Your feigning innocence because it’s a little entertaining watching him be so flustered
“Hmmmm i should make sure your not injured anywhere else”
Your hands are on the buttons to his jeans looking at him for permission to pull them down
He knows the game your playing, so he lets you
You’ve got his cock out and your gently stroking your hands up and down his shaft, adjusting the pressure to what gets the best reaction out of him
“Oh fuck sweetheart that’s so good”
He’s putty in your hands
You decide to go for double kill and gently lower your mouth on the tip, sucking lightly while you stroke his shaft
He’s moaning loudly now, one hand in your hair to start bobbing you up and down on his cock
“Shiittt baby gonna lemme cum down your throat yeah? Please”
How could you say no to such a nice request
You relax your throat as best you can and take his whole cock into your mouth at once, he’s cumming in seconds
You pull back and swallow as you smile up at him
He needs like ten minutes to recover but he’s returning the favour twice over
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tkaulitzlvr · 8 months
Im the type of person that wouldn’t do the silent treatment if Tom got me mad. I would stay out all night and not answer the phone just to make him mad. How would Tom react 👀?
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synopsis: after a fight with tom, you decide to go out clubbing, much to his annoyance. no matter how many times he calls, you ignore him, bringing him to his own breaking point. and once you come home, he doesn’t plan on going easy on you.
content: angst + mentions of smut, i’ll do a part 2 if u guys want lol
a/n: tom being rough and possessive is so hot like i would purposely piss him off just to see him mad… ANYWAYSS thank u for the req anon!! i’m so sorry if i haven’t done ur request i have like 50 in my inbox so it’s taking me a while but i don’t have an order of how i do them so it’s pretty random what i’ll choose to write but yea pls bare with me!!🙏🙏
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“come on, i said i was sorry. you’re being so fucking dramatic.” tom says, standing on the other side of the room as my eyes are fixed on my phone screen, not paying any attention to what he is saying, still liking how the idea of punching his face sounds. he knows that he has fucked up, deciding to forget to show up to my family dinner yesterday, instead rehearsing with the band all day and crashing at bill’s place, not showing up until right now - 8:30pm the next day. and, he had dug himself an even bigger hole, telling me to ‘calm down’ when i expressed my anger towards his incompetence.
“am i?” i mutter sarcastically, refusing to make eye contact. unbeknownst to him, i was texting my friends, making sure that nobody had plans, organising the final details of which bar we would go to, deciding that if tom can stand me up without telling me, then i can go out partying as i please, whether he is aware or not.
he tuts beside me, his slow and tired steps trudging towards me as his figure falls onto the bed, the mattress dipping next to me. he places one hand on my ass, massaging the flesh lightly, his lips meeting my neck as he plants rough, open-mouthed kisses over the skin. i take no notice, continuing to tap the keys of my small smartphone, not at all tempted by his lazy advances.
“please baby…” he mutters against my neck, kissing the skin harshly between his words. “i’m sorry, let me make it up to you, hm? i’ll make you feel so good. just let me touch you princess, you’re so beautiful.”
his shitty attempts to win me over are almost pitiful, my body still as i try to stifle a laugh, a smile spreading across my face as the text that confirms that everyone can make it comes through. i say nothing, detaching tom’s arms from my lower back, getting up from the bed and walking towards the closet, picking out the sluttiest dress that i own, knowing how much tom hates me wearing it.
he watches me from the bed, his eyebrows furrowed, staying silent for a few seconds, yet the second he sees my hands grab hold of that dress, he sits up, his confused voice sounding through the bedroom.
“woah woah woah, what are you doing?” he asks, standing up and moving in front of me, attempting to block my way.
i simply roll my eyes, moving past him and placing the dress on the bed. “going out.” i shrug, my fingers reaching to the hem of my t-shirt, lifting the soft material upwards and over my head, tom watching me do so.
“wearing that? no you’re not.” he scoffs, quickly snatching the dress from the bed and holding it against his chest. i turn around, my upper half now completely bare besides from my bra, tom’s eyes focused on my cleavage, his expression still angry.
“stop playing and give me the fucking dress.” i sigh, holding my hand outwards and trying to snatch it from him.
“you’re not going out. not without me.” he reiterates, his grip on the material staying tight as he looks into my eyes, his tongue poking the inside of his lips.
“yes, i am.” i state, quickly snatching the dress from his hands and running to the bathroom, frantically locking the door before he can get to me, his fists colliding with it as he groans in frustration, a string of curses leaving his lips.
“you’re such a fucking brat, you know that? open the door and quit messing around. this shit isn’t funny.” he yells, repeatedly banging on the door.
however i am too busy slipping the dress onto my figure, adjusting the small straps and brushing my hair into a slick ponytail, applying some extremely rushed makeup, all whilst he continues to shout at me from the other side of the door, pointless apologies and pleads to let him in sounding throughout the bathroom. i hurriedly grab my heels, placing them on my feet and taking one last look at myself in the mirror. i had looked better on nights out, but tonight was about revenge, and whilst i didn’t look my best, i still looked hot. hot enough to drive tom absolutely insane - especially considering that he would have no idea where i was, looking like this all alone his biggest fear, partly out of concern for my safety, but it was mainly because of his jealous tendencies. and whenever i dressed like this, even if he stayed by my side at all times, he became more possessive than ever.
yet right now, i want to make him mad, desperate to get him to the point of utter insanity, seeking some form of payback for what he had done - not caring about the consequences.
i emerge from the bathroom, tom stood inches away from me. he raises his eyebrows, his gaze moving downwards as he studies every inch of my body.
“no fucking way are you leaving looking like this.” he starts, shaking his head as a sarcastic chuckle leaves his lips. “you must be insane if you think i’d let you. do you have any idea of the kind of people out there? fuck that.”
“since when can you tell me what to do?” i laugh, taken aback by his sudden attitude, pissed off at the way he tries to control me, especially after what he has already done.
“since i’m your fucking boyfriend, incase you had forgotten! only i get to see you looking like this, i’m not gonna let you leave the house alone, letting everyone see basically everything. don’t be ridiculous.” he tuts, narrowing his eyes as i can sense the irritation in his tone. “i said i was sorry. if that’s what this is about, then you’ve proven your point, great job. but i’m not letting you leave, not wearing that.”
“you don’t own me, i can do whatever the fuck i want.” i shrug, pulling my dress up a little higher just to frustrate him more, before rushing out of our bedroom and through the house, quickly slipping out of the front door before he can stop me. he frustratedly calls my name from behind, a chorus of curse words and irritated demands all along the lines of telling me to ‘come back’ spilling from his lips until i close the door, running to my friends car and hopping in.
i look at my phone, already seeing five missed calls and a few texts, some apologising again, others telling me to come back inside. i roll my eyes, putting my phone on silent and engaging in conversation until we arrive to the club, spilling out of the car.
the place is completely packed, excitement oozing through my veins as we rush towards the bar, ordering far more shots than necessary, but in the moment i didn’t care - my mind focuses on one thing: pissing tom off. and i know that the more drunk i get, the more angry he will become, the idea satisfying to me as i pick up the small glass. i hold it to my lips, some lipgloss smudging onto it, my head tilting backwards as i allow the liquid to slip downwards, burning the back of my throat. i wince slightly, the taste strong and bitter, yet that doesn’t stop me as i pick up another glass, swallowing the liquid inside of it as fast as i can, eager to feel its effects right now, tired of feeling sober.
my friend takes my hand as i quickly swallow the last of my drink, following her shaky footsteps, all of us beyond tipsy. we find our way to the dance floor, slotting between a couple too focused on swallowing each other’s faces to realise we had pushed them aside. the alcohol finally sinking into my system, bringing along with it a sense of freedom that i had missed so much. i sway my hips to the music, getting lost in the rhythm, a wide grin on my face.
i have no idea how long i have been dancing for, or how long i have been at the club for. i probably can’t even count the amount of drinks i have had on my fingers, now completely wasted as i sloppily dance to the music, my arms in the air.
“come on, we’ve got more drinks!” i hear my friend call over from the couch area, her words slurred and almost inaudible.
i smile widely, awkwardly shuffling through the crowd and over to the table, my movements all over the place as i stumble towards the couch, flopping onto it. my eyes turn to the large tray of drinks, filled with an array of shots and cocktails, my hands reaching for whatever drink i can touch first - not exactly picky at this point, i’ve probably consumed every cocktail to exist in the past hour. the sweet taste washes over my tastebuds, it’s bitter aftertaste now normal to me as i swallow it with no reaction, drinking the liquid like it is water, feeling happier with each sip. i place the drink down, glancing momentarily to my phone for the first time since i had left, seeing that tom is calling me again, at least twenty unseen messages filling my inbox.
baby i said i was sorry, come on. - 9:52pm
seriously, this isn’t funny anymore. - 9:52pm
come home now, i’m worried about u. - 9:53pm
where the fuck are you?? - 9:54pm
i swear to god if you don’t pick up the fucking phone. - 9:56pm
do u think this is funny? do u know how worried i am?? answer the damn phone. - 9:58pm
answer the fucking phone. i swear to god once i find out where you are. - 10:01pm
i’m coming to find you. - 10:04pm
i roll my eyes, placing my phone back in my purse and picking up my drink, finishing the last of it and putting the empty glass on the table. the place starts to feel increasingly warm as i decide to get some fresh air, standing up slowly from my seat, almost toppling over from the amount of alcohol i had consumed.
“anyone coming for a smoke?” i ask, turning to my friends.
they all decline apart from one, resuming their conversation over the loud music as the two of us head outside, pushing the doors open, the cold air hitting my face and cooling me down immediately. i open my purse, taking a cig out and lighting it, bringing it to my lips as i inhale, closing my eyes. the smoke fills my lungs, bringing a small moment of calm despite the low buzz still in my body. i exhale slowly, watching the smoke pour from my lips, disappearing into the night as i lean backwards against the cold wall, it’s harshness causing me to shiver a little.
i take a few more drags, holding the cig in between my fingers, enjoying the small moment of peace. the streets are practically empty, apart from the large queue of people waiting to be let into the club beside me, the diluted thumping of music drowned out slightly. the roar of a car engine, one that sounds strangely familiar, pulls me out of my hazy moment, my eyes turning to the source of the sound. i can recognise that car from anywhere - it’s headlights getting closer and closer as i roll my eyes, turning around and attempting to blend in with the small crowd of people outside.
i sigh in relief as my plan is successful - or so i thought. the car drives past me for a few seconds, it’s tyres screeching to a stop as the door opens, tom stepping out of it. his eyes frantically scan the crowd, his entire expression disjointed, chest heaving up and down as he tries to spot me. apparently my attempt at cover doesn’t suffice as his eyes lock with mine, his face softening as he lets out a sigh of relief, rushing towards me.
i groan, knowing that there is no point in running - he will always catch me, wasting my energy trying to escape would be useless. he comes closer, pushing the drunken bodies aside until he is standing in front of me, his face angry.
“jesus fucking christ do you know how scared i was?” he shouts, roughly grabbing me by my waist and smashing his lips to mine. though i can tell that this isn’t to show his affection, rather it is a way for him to release a small amount of his frustration, this not even the beginning of it.
“no way, really?” i question sarcastically, gasping as i pretend to be shocked, still furious for the shit he pulled lastnight, not interested in his feeling right now.
“lose the fucking attitude. don’t think that you’re gonna get away with this. we’re leaving, get in the fucking car.” he says, clenching his jaw and grabbing my hand. though he is clearly furious, he takes it gently, maintaining a steady grip, still careful not to hurt me.
“what if i don’t want to leave?” i challenge, a satisfied smile on my face as i know exactly how to further his anger.
“you don’t have a choice.” he states, rolling his eyes as he begins to pull me towards his car, his breathing heavy, face stern. i know that i have pissed him off, and perhaps gone too far.
he opens the passenger door, and i step in sulkily, knowing that i have pushed my boundaries. i fold my arms, rolling my eyes as he slams the door shut, quickly walking around to the driver’s side, angrily getting in.
“never fucking good enough for you is it?” he mutters, swiping his tongue across his bottom lip as he sighs, roughly clicking his seatbelt on. “i told you i was sorry, but you had to be a brat about it.”
i stay silent, sinking further into my seat as he places his hand firmly on the gearstick, beginning to drive away.
“where’s your fucking attitude now, hm? pathetic.” he scoffs, turning to face me for a second as i refuse to make eye contact, embarrassed at my change in persona, slightly scared by his tone, knowing that i have fucked up.
his foot presses harshly against the accelerator, speeding up, letting out his anger as his hand clenches the gearstick, tugging it roughly, his veins flexing with each motion.
“just wait until we get home. i’m gonna fuck that attitude out of you, maybe it’ll teach you to stop being so stubborn all the damn time.”
i sense the sincerity in his tone, recognising that he is completely serious, deciding to stay quiet to avoid pissing him off further. yet i cannot ignore the aching between my thighs, slightly excited at his threat, secretly desperate to get home so that he can execute his promise.
time seems to work against me, each second feeling like hours as the silence between us only fuels the tension. i have never been so relieved to see our house come into view, waiting patiently as tom pulls in, turning the engine off and staying in his seat. he takes a deep breath, his tongue messing with the metal of his lip piercing before he opens his mouth to speak, refusing to make eye contact.
“upstairs. and do as i say this time, if you want to be walking tomorrow.”
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requests are open! as i said veryyy full atm but if i like ur req i’ll do it straight away so keep sending them in!!
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oracle-of-dream · 7 months
The Palm of His Hands
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Minors DNI
Summary: Soobin’s hands are a work of art—finely crafted pieces by the heavens and placed on your boyfriend’s angelic body. You didn’t think you could be attracted to someone’s hands until you’d really looked at them for the first time. His long and slender fingers bend slightly away at the ends, his palms are wide with long traceable lines on them, and the veins… oh the veins you see when he’s working out, almost popping out of his arms, are thick and aren’t shy. Even the way his knuckles are almost perfectly round orbs that make the joints smooth when relaxed and sharp when flexed. The one extra bit that made things even better is that Soobin knew how much you were into his hands. He’d make sure to hold onto things a little tighter than necessary, send you pictures of his veiny hands holding something, or moisturize them as slowly and sensually as possible. One finger at a time, focusing expertly on every single portion of his hand. Even when fucking you, he’d find some way to tease you with his hands first.
Warnings: !DomSoobin, !BottomReader, unprotected sex, blowjob, facefucking, Big dick soobin, stomach bulge, breeding, slight degradation, hand fetish, !malereader
Wordcount: 1.7k
Requested from: @mooncarvers-world
The front door opened and closed, and the automatic lock chimed to signal the door was locked after it shut. 
“Where’s a baby?” Soobin called.
You poked your head out of the bedroom, your towel still around your waist as you’d just finished your shower. “Here he is!”
Soobin was dressed in one of these fancy suits, his tie slightly loosened around his neck. When he saw you, he held his arms out for you to come into him for a tight hug. You rushed into him. His tall frame almost engulfs you as you have to reach up a little to hold him properly. “How was your day?” He cooed while stroking your hair. 
You nuzzled into his touch. “It was fine. I didn’t do anything, just resting.” 
“Sounds about right, my little house husband.” He slid his index finger on your neck and behind your ear. Your body shook in response and you held in the urge to moan at his sudden carasses. His finger continued to your collarbone and moved to your throat, where he held and pulled your bodies together. “Is this meant for me?” He looked down at your half-naked body.
You felt warm at his words. “N-No! I was just coming out of the shower when you got home, it was just a coincidence.”
He softly tugged on your towel. “Is there anything on under there?”
You shyly shook your head. Soobin had already seen you naked, but you couldn’t help but feel submissive to him when he looked like that… His hair was partially slicked back, his suit jacket open, and one of his hands was in a black leather glove. 
Soobin caught you eyeing his other hand. “Oh? Does baby want me to use this hand too?” He lifted it to your face, and you instinctively started using your teeth to remove the glove. “How greedy, baby.” Soobin’s voice sounded a little bitter.
You looked up at him to see his less-than-happy expression. “I’m sorry…”
“Not asking.”
Soobin sighed. “It’s okay, but do remember some of my clothes are from the company. Not my closet.” 
You nodded, handing your head in shame. 
Soobin lifted your chin, looking at your disappointed face. “Oh, I can’t stay mad at you…” Soobin took off his glove and stuck out his middle and ring fingers, placing them on your lips and slowly pushing past them. 
You let your tongue take over as it worked over, under, and in between the two fingers. You cherished every second you could with them, covering them in your saliva. Soobin started softly lowering his hand, making you follow it until you were kneeling on the ground in front of him. His fingers never dropped out your mouth once, and you held eye contact. Soobin used his other hand you hold your head as he pushed his fingers deeper into your mouth, pumping them in and out your mouth. The sensation of his joints pushing over your tongue always felt the best to you… 
“Now what will I do with you? You have my fingers and you’ve already fallen to your knees like a slut. Is that what you are?” Soobin’s voice was deep and he spoke slowly.
You nodded, moaning with the fingers pushed down your throat. 
“Should I just call you that tonight? Slut.” Soobin took his fingers out of your mouth for you to respond.
“Please, I’ll be whatever you want me to be. I love you, Soobin!” You almost begged.
“You only love my body. But, that’s alright, I need a fucktoy too.” Soobin’s hand on your head pulled you into him, your mouth attaching to his bulge in his slacks.
You were slow, not trying to make a mess of his clothes, but it was getting more difficult to hold back…
Soobin shoved your head away. He unbuckled his belt and placed it on the back of your neck with each end in one hand. He pulled the belt in and your head was forced closer. “Take it out.” He ordered. 
You started to unbutton his pants, but he stepped away. You looked up in confusion.
“I said take it out. I’ve decided that I’m fucking you in these clothes.”
You instead unzip his pants and reach into his pants to pull his cock out. His full 10 inches was enough to shock you every time. It was just long, but the girth of it would always make your jaw hurt. Not that you minded it anyway… You opened your mouth, placed the tip on your tongue, and looked up at Soobin. 
He looked you in your eyes, silently telling you he’d start and that you needed to remember your limits. 
After confirming you were ready, he pulled on the ends of the belt to push himself into your mouth. He held the belt in place and took his time slowly fucking your mouth. Feeling his cock slide over your tongue and into your mouth as it overflowed with spit. Then he started picking up the face, really putting in a bit of effort to fuck your mouth. 
You tried to relax as much as you could but every few strokes you felt it get a little deeper and you caught yourself flinching, the pain spiking for just a moment before dying down. It just hurt good enough that your cock was straining again the bathroom towel around your waist. You squirmed to get friction as your hands were busy trying to hold your balance. Soobin knew you could never handle all of his meat in your mouth but it didn’t stop him from pushing you to try every time. To the point he could even count how many inches were left.
“5… 4… 3… 2 and a half… you’re right there.” He moaned. “I’m gonna go for it.”
You tried to brace yourself for the push, but it was more than you expected. You felt fuller than ever as you felt that left 2 and a half inches slide in. Your eyes squeezed shut, Soobin’s mouth hung open as he let out a guttural moan and held you there. But just as quickly as he slid it, you gagged and started pulling away.
“W-Wait, you were there. Just a little more!” Soobin pulled on the belt to stop you from escaping, waiting to feel you taking him all again. Even for a second. But as soon as you tapped his thigh three times, Soobin snapped out of his lust-driven trance. He dropped the belt and stepped back for you to collect yourself and breathe. “You okay?”
You coughed a few times but nodded your head. “I don’t think I’m there yet…” 
Soobin scooped you up in his arms. “I’m sorry baby, I pushed you a little hard. Do you wanna keep going?”
You nodded. “I still need you in me… Daddy?”
Soobin looked at you, surprised. “I didn’t realize you were ready for that kind of treatment.” 
He kissed you as he took you to the bedroom and gently placed you on the bed. “Now, I’m going to go crazy. You’ll be mine forever, and I’ll cum in you so much.” He kissed you, “God, I’m going to fill you so bad you’ll think you’re pregnant.”
You shivered at his words. Soobin always was a heavy provider in the cum department, but… pregnant was a new tone. 
“Are you ready done there, or do I need to do it?”
You looked at him shyly. “You can put it in now.”
He smirked. “So you were expecting this. I knew that towel was for me,” he gripped the towel and threw it off to expose you fully. Soobin flipped you onto your stomach and let your ass hang off the bed. You could hear shuffling behind you before moist sounds. Then, you felt Soobin slap his dick on your ass a few times. The sound is loud and heavy…
Soobin lets you suck on his fingers to distract you.
“It’s okay, I’ve got you now,” he murmurs, as his other hand holds your waist to gently rub your side. He slowly angles himself, towering over you, and pushes into you. He feels you suck more desperately as you push deeper. “You’re doing so well, don’t be scared. Just keep sucking.” 
He hit your spot and you moaned loudly as your whole body reacted.
“Holy s-shit,” Soobin groaned, “Baby, you’re so tight.” 
You feel the veins, his tip, his length as it plunges deeper into you. Tears threatening to run down your face.
“You’re doing great, already over halfway,” Soobin moaned. “I’m gonna stretch you so head, your ass will remember my shape forever. And you’ll be ruined for anyone else but me to have you.” He continued deeper, your back arches and ass gets higher as he gets further into you. Past your second hole. 
You cried softly at the sensation, overloading your senses completely. You could feel it. His body fully pressed against yours… He was in, completely.
“That’s it. You did it, and feel so good. I’m so deep in you, I’m sure none of the toys can do it like me, right?” 
You opened your mouth but nothing came out but ragged breaths and moans. 
Soobin reached under you and pressed his fingers to your stomach, feeling himself bulge you. “Oh yeah, you’re getting pregnant tonight… We’re gonna start now, okay?”
You nod your head as you relax and shake your hips, ready for him.
He makes sure to kiss your neck and check in with you as he starts. Letting you have whatever you want. He holds your smaller hands in his massive ones, the size difference making him see white as he starts getting stronger in his thrusts. After a few more pumps, he’s getting more into it. Pulling further out before slamming back in, knocking the breath out of you, and leaving you only a moment before doing it all over again.
You can’t count how many times you’ve cum since he started, but you knew his orgasm was coming. Soobin whispered how much he loved you, wanting his favorite fucktoy forever, before pushing as deep as he could–somehow deeper than before. He cries out in pleasure as he feels your stomach bulge as he cums. You feel every pulse of his cock, every extra pump of cum that shoots out of him and deep into you. Soobin fucks through his orgasm, making you cum one more time before he’s all done.
Soobin pulls out, listening to the sound of your breathing and seeing the cum drip out of you.
“Let’s get you another shower now baby…”
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inlovewithgreta · 4 months
Hey!! If you’re taking requests, I’d love to request an Addison Montgomery x reader fic, where Addison gets home after a long day and reader lets Addison ‘use her’ for stress relief
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Heyy anon!! I absolutely am taking requests so thank you so so much for stopping by to request this! I am so sorry for the long wait, I’m always busy at work plus haven’t had the motivation to write. I hope you enjoy what I’ve written! Have a nice day!! 🩷
Use Me — Addison Montgomery x Fem!Reader
Summary: Read request above!
Warnings: degradation, praise, mommy kink, spanking, spreader bar
Word Count: 1.6k
Taglist: @shslbunnylover @bellatrixsbrat @aemilia19 @wandsmxmff @maybe-a-humanbean
© Do not copy, repost, or modify any of my works.
"What's your safe word?" You were asked by the older woman straddling your hips.
"Pineapple," you shakily responded, slightly squirming your body in anticipation.
"Good. Remember that. Now bend over mommy's lap." She patted her tanned and toned thighs.
You bowed your head in submission before hurling yourself over the redheads lap with your ass lifted ever so slightly.
"What are you going to do to me?"
"You're my little plaything tonight. My little stress reliever. You're going to be my own personal fucktoy until I feel better." Her cold hand found the cheek of your ass, and it took everything in you to deny the shiver that attempted to take over your body.
A hiss escaped your throat when the spanking first started, the sharp sting hitting you every few seconds that was followed by a small soothing rub to ease a bit of the tension.
Addison let out a loud sigh, allowing herself to let all of her stress out on you. Not that you cared, you would do anything for her. Anything for the woman who stole your heart.
You took spank after spank, allowing your body to be in complete submission to the older woman. You knew how much she needed this today. How stressed she was all day at work with little to no time to let herself relax.
That was, until the two of you got home and you told her to take her stress out on you. After all, you would rather it be on you and your body over her sharp words cutting into the brand new interns.
"You can be rougher with me, mommy." You whispered out to her with a small wiggle of your ass that had the redhead squeeze it tighter.
Even though you had a safe word, Addison still made sure to not get too carried away. After all, this wasn't just for her.. she still wanted to make sure it felt good for you. And it definitely did.
"Is that so?" She raised a brow that you couldn't see. "Is my sweet girl ready for me to let it all out on this pretty little body?"
"Yes, mommy. Please.." you tried to urge the woman on, "Use me. Do whatever you want with me. I'm yours.. all yours."
Fingers wrapped in your hair, pulling you up from her lap so you could face her. She admired the way your cheeks were already covered in a blush and she had barely even started with you.
"Then be my good little girl and lay down on the bed. Mommy knows exactly what she's going to do with you." She scrunched her nose with a sadistic smile and gave you a wink before letting you go, watching admirably as you scrambled onto the bed without hesitation.
Your head fell against the plush pillow while your eyes followed the fiery locks of your lover as she made her way to the walk-in closet. The dimly lit room was where the redhead left her special toys.
Toys she loved to use on you. Only you.
And the specific toy she brought out tonight was new. She figured now would be the best time to try it out and test your limits.
Your eyes widened when you realized what she had brought out with her. A spreader bar. A bar that would not only help hold your legs open, but to also keep them from closing. Something you often did when the woman made you come.
"That's right, mommy's got a brand new toy." She ran a hand down the long metal rod in a seductive manner before stopping at the edge of the bed.
You gasped when she pulled you towards the end of the bed by your ankle. She slid one into position, locking it into place on the bar before doing the same to the other.
"Safe word?" She asked once again.
"Pineapple," you answered.
She smiled deviously before pulling on the bar to spread your legs just a notch farther apart. "That's my good girl.. always my good girl." She cooed as she slid the bar again, spreading your legs as far as she knew you could go.
The redhead licked her lips slowly as her eyes scanned the glistening mess between your legs before bringing her lips to place wet kisses in a firm line up your leg.
"So perfect.." she mumbled between kisses, wasting no more time before swirling her tongue around your aching clit.
"Yesss," you whispered out.
Your body was tense as she started, your body unfamiliar with the restricted amount of movement you could make. You were pinned. Spread out. Completely exposed to your lover who lavished your cunt with meticulous strokes.
"Mmm, Addison." Green eyes glanced up at you, completely hooded and glazed over, and you had to force yourself not to buck your hips at the look.
Your fingers found her fiery locks, twisting and curling into her tight waves to keep her close to you. Her speed only increased with your movements, using her lips and tongue to play with your bundle of nerves.
"Close. So close." The redhead chuckled, sending vibrations to your clit that had your free hand clutching desperately at the soft sheets beneath you.
Addison's nails dug into your thighs, leaving crescent shaped indents into your flesh for her to enjoy looking at later.
Your head fell back, eyes nearly rolling to the back of your head as your orgasm ripped through your body. Addison loved hearing every little sound you made, knowing she was the only one who could make those sinful noises come from you.
Once your legs shook and spasmed around her, she knew you were at your most sensitive, and took it upon herself to truly test just how much you could truly take.
"Such a good little toy you're being for mommy, letting me devour this sweet little pussy to make me feel better." She licked her bottom lip that glistened from your wetness.
"But it's not enough, I don't think mommy has had her fill yet," she smirked.
A surprised gasp escaped your throat when her hands returned to the bar and forcefully flipped you over and onto your stomach. Your body wasn't flat for long, as a moment later, your ass lifted high into the air when she bent your knees for you.
Your cheek was warm against the sheet, completely contrasting the colder air your lifted ass felt. But, chills ran through your body when a finger made contact with your upper back, tracing your spine down your body that forced your back to arch at the subtle touch.
"My gorgeous girl," the older woman cooed.
Her hand reached your ass once more, admiring the slightly crimson tint that was left from her previous spanking endeavors.
"Addison!" you whined out when a sharp slap hit the sensitive cheek of your ass.
It wasn't long before each cheek grew a shade darker as she spanked you roughly, each sharp slap burying your face deeper into the mattress and your body to jolt forward.
She was relentless with her movements, eagerly shoving two fingers into your tight cunt and forcing a hearty moan to reverberate off the walls around you.
"Oh, god!"
"You like that, babygirl?"
"Yes, mommy!" Your pussy fluttered around her slender digits that were thrusting dominantly inside of you.
She pressed her thumb against your button, rubbing your sensitive bud that had you screaming out the fiery redhead's name over and over again.
"Don't stop! Please don't stop!"
"Don't worry, little one, mommy didn't plan on it. I need this just as much as you do," she said.
Addison brought her lips to your ass, biting the tender skin that sent a jolt of electricity throughout your body as her teeth pinched into your skin. Your pleas for her to do it again wouldn't dare be denied by your lover as she found a fresh spot on your cheek to leave another mark that was sure to bruise later.
The curve of her fingers and her relentless pounding had you spewing the most obscene phrases as you came around her fingers. Your body quivered, Addison holding you firmly by your hip to keep you from falling over.
"That's it, babygirl. You did so good for me." She cooed as her fingers slowed, your pussy tightening around her fingers making it harder for her to continue moving. "Took my fingers like the good girl I know you are."
You whined when you suddenly felt empty, while Addison sucked her fingers clean and admired the way your ass was covered in the most prettiest shade of crimson she had ever seen.
Your legs nearly buckled when the redhead released you from the spreader bar, the soreness from the longevity of your endeavors becoming prominent as you fell against the mattress.
"Aww, you poor thing." The metal bar clanked as Addison dropped it to the floor to focus solely on you. "Would my sweet girl like a bath?" she asked, pushing your hair away from your face to examine your flushed state.
"Mhm," you mumbled quietly with tired hooded eyes and a blissed out state of mind.
Addison smiled softly in response, her demeanor completely changing from stressed to loving at your tired state. Did she really fuck you that hard? She had never imagined you would take what she gave like a champ.
Of course she worried she would take it too far to cause your safe word to be used, but the adoration on your face as she took care of you in the bath afterwards gave her the comfort she was looking for.
And to her surprise, you would let her do it again, whenever she needed a bit of stress relief and you wanted a good fucking. It was truly a win-win for both of you.
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r6s6r · 3 months
the walter brothers x jackie howard x reader
warning : swearing, 18+ DNI, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it always!), cursing, underage drinking, shower sex, public sex, loss of virginities, oral (f & m receiving), cussing, rough sex, soft sex, degrading, creampies and realism of how fast first times are.
in which y/n is a virginity snatcher in the walter household. y/n is friends with jackie and she makes her way through the house.
listen i have been non stop thinking about y/n taking all of the brothers and jackie’s virginities (other than danny (him and erin are together), lee, nathan and obvi the young babies)
tags : @sagittariusmoonlover @hvreticz @thefrontbottomsmademesad @phantompoguefangirl @wolflover384
y/n had become friends with jackie when she first moved here. jackie had no idea y/n knew the inside of the house already after sneaking out multiple times from the one and only cole walters bedroom.
it started about two years prior to jackie coming along, y/n had met the blonde haired boy at school and that’s when the secret meet ups began.
they started in the janitors closet, y/n would end up on her knees for the brother or his hand in her pants and the other over her mouth to keep her quiet. until he finally invited her over.
she had snuck in that night in the side door, as she went through the kitchen she got to peer into the living room, where her eyes met alex walters. she waved her fingers at him and winked, his face going flush. she smirked as she made her way up the stairs with cole.
as we made it into his room, danny lay on his twin size mattress across the room “danny, can you step out for a little while?” cole asked throwing a glance back at y/n and then to danny again
danny sighed as he grabbed his pillow and gave me a look “hi y/n” “hi danny sorry to kick you out”
he offered a warm smile “it’s okay as long as it doesn’t happen all the time”
“of course not, i’ll see you later” she smiled and patted his shoulder as he walked out. coke locked the door and got straight to business
he had y/n bent over the bed, her dress riding up over her ass. he landed a smack over her right cheek, a hand print beginning to form. he smirked at it. “cole please”
“shhh im taking my time with this, sweets. been to rushed in that closet at school” he leaned down and left kissed in the nape of her neck, hands roaming over her body until the met her clothed core.
she let out a soft moan as he began to move her panties to the side, one singular digit running through her folds and into her sopping core.
she let out another moan as he added another digit and pumping into her.
“god sweetheart you’re gonna be the death of me”
“cole before we do this, i need to know that this is okay,” she said standing up and turning to him as his hand found her pussy again. “i mean i’m taking your virginity, coley.”
he sighed looking down at her “i’m aware, y/n/n. yes this okay. i promise” she searched his eyes for any doubt and she found none. her lips crashed into his and he pushed her back onto the bed, landing on top of her. he pulled her panties down as she unblocked her pants and sliding the down along with his boxers, he reached to the side to grab a condom but y/n stopped him.
“i’m on birth control baby boy. no need for that plus it feels better without” she rubbed his face and he smiled flipping them over so she was on top of him.
“you ready coley?” she looked down at him, giving him the chance to back out now. “yes y/n. please. i need to feel you” he looked at her, his eyes dark and pupils blown with ecstasy.
“okay coley.” she kissed him softly on the lips and aligned his thick cock to her opening and slid down slowly, not being used to such a thick size.
she let out a gasp as he filled her to the brim, still more to go down onto. she could believe he was touching her in spots no one ever had before.
that’s when she heard it, something she knew she would only hear from someone who has never had such a velvet feeling around their cock before.
the gasp and head tilt made her inside explode. she felt prideful knowing her pussy was making THE cole walter feel good. she took a second to balance herself and looked down at him
his eyes screwed shut and mouth hung open “i’m gonna move now coley” she whispered to him and he nodded. she lifted herself up along his shaft and slowly brought herself back down. she wanted him to enjoy this and not feel bad if he came too fast, which was likely going to happen.
“y-y/n. please. faster, i need it” she nodded at him and began to bounce on his cock. she felt so full and satisfied. “oh god, cole. you feel so fucking good” “yeah baby?” he asked as his eyes opened he saw her for the first time since her cunt started hugging his cock so fierce. he was about to cum just looking at her face. he flipped them over and put her on her hands and knees and began drilling into her pussy. he watched as his dick glistening when pulling out of her, he watched as she gripped his cock and he swore he saw stars.
before he knew it, he was slumped over top of her pumping out his seed deep into her warm velvet walls. he rubbed her back as they both gained back their breath.
“that was… great.” he sighed
“yes it was coley but i do need to get going. we should do it again. maybe.” she said she grabbed her panties and gave cole a kiss to the temple. she shoved her panties into his hand and said “that’s just for the memory of tonight baby boy. see you later”
she made her way down the stairs trying her best not to leak out coles cum, she would wait till she got home to shower and decompress from the night
that’s when she signaled danny to go back uostairs and she caught a glimpse of alex and isaac sitting on the couch, staring at her. she walked into the room and saw they were playing a game
“we’ll i hope you both have a good night. i’ll see you two very, very soon” she winked at them and turned on her heels and out of the walter household
she made up her mind that night that eventually she would take isaacs and alex’s virginity too. she enjoyed it, the way it filled her with pride. it was better than an orgasm.
———— 2 years later ——————
y/n had been staying a few nights with jackie to go to school and they planned a girls weekend together, it was friday night and y/n had brought so many snacks and movies from her place to watch with jackie.
she also brought a bottle of bacardi zombie just incase she decided she wanted to play a drinking game with jackie and maybe some of the boys.
it was around 11:45 when y/n became bored with the rom coms and asked jackie to turn on a comedy movie, jackie picked Benchwarmers which y/n was okay with.
“i have an idea jacks” y/n smirked mischievously at her
“oh god. what?” jackie sighed and turned from her stomach to face y/n
“let’s play a drinking game” y/n said rather loud, hoping some of the boys would hear. which made jackie jump up and cover y/ns mouth “shhh mr. and mrs. walter might hear you!” she whispered at y/n but she shrugged and removed jackie’s hand from her mouth “come on, jacks. live a little”
that’s when cole, alex, isaac and nathan appeared in the doorway all at once. like they had been waiting to hear something come up between the girls.
“you guys wanna play a drinking game?” y/n asked pulling out the alcohol from her bag, still chilled from being in the freezer at her house.
everyone nodded but nathan just shook his head but then smiled at y/n “i’m good but i would love to sit and watch” he laughed. cole sat on the floor in between y/n and jackie, then alex on the right of y/n and issac next to alex and jackie, making a circle for them to drink.
“the game is, never have i ever..” y/n smiled looking at everyone
“the rules are simple. you say ‘never have i ever’ to something you’ve never done before and whoever has, has to drink. i’ll go first”
y/n unscrewed the top of the bottle and pulled out the stopper. “never have i ever had surgery”
cole stared hard at y/n and grabbed the bottle then passed it to issac and y/n looked at him surprised.
“i got my tonsils out when i was little.” he blushed at her
“okay my turn” jackie said and she thought hard for a second
“never have i ever uh… kissed anyone” she blushed hard. y/n couldn’t believe her own two ears, jackie had never kissed anyone ever?
y/n grabbed the bottle from the middle and took a big gulp, so did cole, alex and isaac. jackie flushed even more “how is that even possible” she shook her head.
“i’ll be your first kiss, jacks” y/n nudged her and she blushed even deeper. “don’t threaten me with a good time” jackie smiled back, snorting while she laughed but y/n wasn’t joking and she made that evident in the way she looked at jackie, jackie knew it too.
it was then coles turn and he looked at y/n with a giant smirk. “never have i ever given a blowjob in a public place” y/n literally choked on her own spit and glared at him hard knowing she has gone down on him in almost every space of their town
she took another big gulp while staring at cole.
alex sat up a little straighter and began “never have i ever been with the same gender” and her mouth gaped at him “i feel so personally attacked right now” y/n scoffed playfully and took another swig, she was feeling warm now.
“never have i ever had sex” isaac said softly
y/n and cole made slight eye contact as she reached for the bottle, their hands meeting “ladies first” he smiled and pushed her arm playfully
they both took their shots and everyone looked at them with wide eyes “what?” they said at the same time and everyone just shook theirs heads.
the game went on for a little while longer before jackie leaned back and fell asleep so cole said he’d take her upstairs to bed “hey be nice. don’t hit her head on anything” y/n giggled as he scooped jackie up off the ground and started up the stairs “y/n/n i would never. yk how many times i’ve done this with you? do you have any bumps or bruises?” which made her shake her head “goodnight cole” he nodded at her
y/n was a little tipsy, seeing as she was more experienced than most of the people playing the game.
“i’m gonna sleep down here if that’s cool with you guys” y/n yawned as she stood up and stretched her arms above her head
alex and isaac both watched as her tank top rode up her stomach, revealing a belly button piercing and tattoos on both hips. a moon on one and the sun on the other
they both felt like they were lightheaded, blood rushing to their cocks “g-goodnight, y/n” alex smiled at her “oh goodnight sweet, sweet alex.” y/n smiled and made her way to him and gave him a tight hug, wrapping her arms around his neck. his hands wrapped around her waist and he pulled away quickly before heading to his room “let me get some of that love” isaac smiled at her
“yes sir.” and she gave him a hug too but he held on just a little longer. praying it would never end, her hand found his hair and his found the round of her ass. he just had to feel it, he had to.
she didn’t stop him, this is exactly where she wanted him.
she wanted him to want her so bad he couldn’t help himself but to touch her. she pulled her head back and stared into his eyes “you know, issac. i could take-“ and before she could even finish isaac just nodded frantically “please. yes yes” she smiled at him, pulling his into her and onto the couch. their lips finally met and isaac became so excited. she felt his growing member against her thigh as their kisses got heavier.
she palmed isaac through his pants and he threw his head back and moaned “shhh we don’t wanna get caught, do we?” “no no no” issac shook his head and began to rut his hips against y/ns hand.
she flipped on top of him and pulled him out of his sweats and boxers. she began to pump his member. she then moved her shorts and panties to the side and slid his red and leaking member through her folds, he hissed at the feeling
that feeling started bubbling up in her again. pride. confidence. triumph. her ego swelled in her chest, her head spinning.
she finally sank down on him and she watched as he threw his head back and gasped, his hands flying to her hips like a lifeline. as if he would float away if he didn’t grab ahold of her. she leaned down and kissed his cheek and whispered “tell me when you’re ready for me to move” and biting his earlobe. his whole body shook at just that feeling alone
“o-okay..” he whimpered as she began to lift off of him and back down. his eyes stayed shut and he sighed as she felt her walls wrapped around him.
she only got about 6 bounces in before he was a complete mess underneath her. he was whimpering and her name leaving his lips in such a hushed town made her chest tighten, in a wonderful way. “i’m gonna cum, y/n”
“then do it sweet boy. be a good boy and cum in me” and those words alone sent him over the edge. moans slipped from his mouth like gods prayer.
finally she slipped off of him, gently putting him away in his sweats. she kissed his forehead and offered some snacks to him which he gladly took. she rubbed his arms as he snacked on some chips
“goodnight y/n” he smiled at her and she nodded back at him as he got up to go upstairs.
y/n grabbed her wash bag and went to the downstairs bathroom to shower.
her original plan was to skip with cole and jackie, she never thought she’d be in a game of truth or dare, having cole kiss her infront of everyone and y/n kissing jackie due to not telling anyone who she lost her virginity to, dylan giving her a warning look before she refused and kissed jackie.
but she actually liked jackie, a lot. jackie and y/n grew very close, so close that night when cole had brought y/n and jackie back from the party, jackie made a move on y/n. y/n would’ve never expected it but being under the influence, she had the liquid courage to return the kiss. it got heated fairly fast
jackie crawled on top of y/n as she gripped her hips, jackie was straddled across y/ns thigh which only fueled y/n to move her hips against it. jackie gasped and y/n took the chance to kiss down jackie’s neck “is this okay?” y/n asked
“yes. oh god yes” jackie’s sounded so desperate to be touched, like she had never been before. which she hadn’t, not by anyone else atleast. only herself
so when y/ns hands tore off jackie shirt and her lips made her way down jackie’s chest she moaned, loud. she covered jackie’s mouth and laid her down “shhh babygirl. we can’t be too loud or the boys will hear us. we don’t want cole to try and join” “why would cole try and join?”
“you didn’t know we have been fucking?” y/n sat up and jackie shook her head
“what if i want him to join?” jackie whispered
“oh baby girl i can make that happen. just gotta let me get a taste of you before he ruins you” she smirked as she pulled jackie’s panties off
jackie gasped at the cool air making contact with her most intimate parts
y/n couldn’t have put collect the wetness in her folds and getting a taste. she immediately knew she needed a taste, as her tongue made contact with jackie’s swollen bundle of nerves she gasped loudly. “fuck y/n” she moaned out
“shhh babygirl let me take good care of you”
“hey! how are you feel- oh wow” it was no other than cole himself. i looked at him and so did jackie. “jesus christ. that’s so sexy” he stepped in and shut the door, turning the lock.
“jackie it’s fate. still want him here to join or do you wanna make him watch?”
“i don’t care but if you don’t put your mouth back on me y/n i might lose it”
“okay baby girl. okay.” she smiled at her
“cole, i want you to fuck me while i eat her pretty pussy” i said looking at him and he wasted no time
i went back to devouring her sweetness as coke slid into my dripping cunt and began rocking into me like he never had before. my fingers met jackie entrance, sliding in with ease. she was a moaning mess and it turned me on even more.
soon jackie came and cole not long after.
“goodnight princess.” y/n said to her as her eyes began to get heavy “goodnight coley” she winked at him and he lets himself out.
‘man i need a shower’ y/n thought to herself as she grabbed her night gown and wash bag.
y/n went downstairs to shower so she didn’t wake anyone upstairs.
as she crept past alex and nathan’s room she saw alex was still up and nathan was passed out on his bed.
“alex” she whispered
his hand found his headset and he looked at y/n like he had been caught doing something he wasn’t supposed to “oh hey, y/n” he looked at her
“just wanted to say hi. i’m going to shower” he nodded and stared at the back of her as she walked away
he heard y/ns name leave jackie’s mouth, only in the way he saw in porn. he couldn’t believe she had sex with almost everyone except him.
‘when was it his turn, when did he get to experience y/ns moans? when was it his turn to feel so good?’ he thought
he decided he would need to make the first move, he didn’t know when but he would.
unfortunately the more he thought about it, the harder he got. he couldn’t do it anymore.
before he knew it, his feet were taking him to where he knew she was.
he stood there, hand on the doorknob. he hoped it wasn’t locked. he prayed it wasn’t.
he turned the knob and thankfully it wasn’t.
he opened the door and heard y/n humming but as soon as the door creaked, it stopped. “hello?” she said in a scared voice.
he cleared his throat “it’s alex”
that was the first time y/n had ever heard his voice sound that way, deep and needy.
she pulled the shower curtain and looked at him
“are you.. are you okay?” she asked, concerned
his eyes traveled over her face and wet hair. he felt his mouth dry and his cock jump in his sweats. the words began to just fall out of his mouth
“how is it you’ve fucked almost everyone in this house and you still haven’t made a move on me. i’ve wanted you longer than anyone in this house. longer than anyone in school. longer than anyone in this fucking town, y/n/n… it’s not fair.”
“oh alex..” she sighed but before she could continue he stepped closer
his eyes held so much lust and need in them, her knees felt weak.
no one has ever made her feel so small yet so good at the same time
“hearing jackie moan your name, cole, and isaac. they all get to praise your name but it would never mean as much as it leaving my mouth. i would praise it, i would use it like a prayer. my vise. my lifeline. plus i know. i just know i can make you feel so much better” he was face to face with her name, feet just at the edge of the shower. he contemplated on just getting in, fully clothed he didn’t care. he wanted her so unbelievably bad.
she wanted him too. she could feel herself becoming wet at his words. her pussy clenching around nothing, which killed her.
“al-alex” she whispered
“i’ve been hearing cole fuck you into his mattress and against these walls for two years. now you fuck isaac and jackie? two years i’ve dreamt of getting to feel you, to kiss you, to taste you, to fuck you and take care of you. yet you fuck everyone who only is in it for themselves? pathetic” he spat
y/ns legs almost failed her.
“no. you don’t get to say anything, y/n/n. i’ve wanted you for so long. i remember the first time i watched you walk into this house, you were wearing that sundress with a jacket over your arm. you waved at us and i watched you go up those stairs and i prayed you’d come back down. i prayed and begged the universe to let you come back down but you didn’t for a while. i knew it was too late, i could only ask myself one question and it was ‘why not me?’ because i wanted it to be me so bad and then i had to wait. i’m done waiting. it’s too much, y/n. i keep myself up at night wondering when it’ll be MY turn.” he sighed rubbing his temples and dragging his hands down his face
“it’s just not fair” he whispered to her, putting his forehead against her wet one
so she did the only thing she could think to do and pulled him into the shower with her.
he held onto her hips tight and kept his forehead on hers, the warm water soaking his clothing.
“tell me this is okay, y/n. or i’ll get out right now and we can pretend this never happened. i’ll walk away and pretend i’m not dying to fuck you.”
y/n almost lost it
somehow no one had ever truly asked her if SHE was okay with it, if SHE felt good.
and it truly made a world of difference.
y/n felt something she hadn’t before, it was hunger. desire. a need penetrating so deep inside of her she thought she’d starve.
alex stared into her eyes waiting for something, anything.
“please, alex. this is okay, completely okay” she sighed brushing her lips against the shell of his ear.
he groaned and wasted no time dropping to his knees and wrapped her legs around his head and dove into her
he licked a strip through her cunt, tasting so much better than he could have ever dreamed
“a-alex” she moaned out
he thanked her music being on a speaker in the bathroom because he needed to hear her pretty moans.
he was devouring her like a man starved.
she could barely hold back her orgasm before she let out a shrill gasp
Alex felt such a pride in his chest knowing that in minutes he had her cumming on his face
he quickly stood up and discarded his clothes, throwing them to the back wall.
he wrapped his hand around y/ns throat and crashing his lips into hers.
the kiss was so needy and passionate. nothing y/n had ever felt before.
soon enough he turned her around, chest agains the wall of the shower. he let a hand glide over the curve of her ass before bringing his hand down onto it, leaving a perfect mark against it.
he did it again and again, y/n couldn’t help but squeal at the last one as it was the hardest one.
“and that’s for saving me for last, angel.” he smirked, kissing the back of her shoulder.
soon enough, he slid into y/ns velvet warmth
his groan couldn’t be contained no matter how hard he tried, he had never felt such a feeling against himself before
she moaned as she felt him slide in, inch by inch.
as soon as he bottomed out, she let out a loud moan “oh alex” she sighed, her head falling against the cold shower wall
her skin felt like it was on fire
alex felt the exact same
his hands found her hair, wrapping a makeshift ponytail around his fist and pulling back hard.
her head met his shoulder and he gave her a simple and sweet kiss to the cheek before pounding into her relentlessly
he held himself back from cumming right then and there as her mason slipped out with his name in between a few of them.
he didn’t let up as her moans became more high pitched
knowing she was close he kept his thrusts the same, soon enough he felt her clenching around him.
her whole body felt like it was being electrocuted, her legs began to shake and tremble.
y/n thought they would give out from underneath her, alex took notice of this and put his arms around her hips, holding her up.
his hand found her clit and her moans somehow grew louder
his relentless attack inside of her was beginning to slow and get sloppy
she knew he would cum soon, she wanted him to cum soon. she didn’t know if she could handle another orgasm but sure enough he brought it upon her
he went to pull out but y/n stopped him “cum in me, alex. come on baby boy, cum in me”
that itself sent alex in a tumble, y/n felt his hot ropes painting her walls.
she moaned at the feeling itself and before she knew it, she was cumming again.
how could just him cumming in her, make her orgasm? this orgasm was different too, it was heavy, it was stronger than anyone’s she’s ever had.
“you just squirted” alex laughed
“what? no i didn’t” she stood up and sure enough, beads of water sat on his thickness and pelvic bone (it wasn’t from the water of the shower either)
she gasped
“that’s never, uh, happened before”
“what did i tell you? hmm?” alex grabbed her hips and pulled her into a sweet kiss, which she just melted into.
“you’re right. you’re right” she smiled pushing her forehead against his
“come on let’s actually clean up” he replied grabbing the body wash for them.
they showered together, washing eachothers bodies and hair.
something so intimate that y/n had never experienced before, it was nice.
y/n ended up falling asleep in alex’s room that night with no consequences from the walter parents
to say the least, nights like those lasted for years.
and years.
and years.
until y/n and alex had their own little babies running around on farm land
just the way y/n imagined it would be.
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rogerswifesblog · 1 year
this is my first time asking for something, sorry if it’s wrong😭 can i please ask for “well this is awkward” drabble with bucky? from the bingo! with some smut and angst maybe? maybe on a mission and they get stuck somewhere together 😏
Pls i love this, thank you for this request! I hope you’ll like it!😋 let me know!
Sorry for not positing a lot, I’m incredibly busy😩
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All drabbles will be posted with the tag “1 k followers special” just look for it on my blog:)
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Getting close
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Warnings: grinding, handjob (over clothes), ruined orgasm, implied sex
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
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It was a chaotic mission from the beginning. Nothing went according to plan-first your gun, the the too many agents what weren’t supposed to be at the hydra base and in the end the whole builiging being in a lock down making you unable to leave.
You had to hide, which wasn’t as simple as you expected but I’m the end you two did the most cliché thing that you could think off.
You hid in a closet.
A small one to that.
Bucky was pressed right against your back, so close not even a piece of paper would fit between you two.
The worst part about it all was your crush on Bucky. Since he came into the compound you had already started liking him, he was shy and didn’t talk at first, but you had noticed the little things he did for others-for example whenever he was the first to wake, which considering his nightmares was very often, he prepared Clint’s and Tony’s pots of coffee, because they both often woke very early or in Tony’s case he didn’t sleep much at nights.
For Natasha he always left the first slice of bread since she loved the crispy slice. Sometimes he even took out the peanut butter and jam before she even could walk into the kitchen.
For Bruce he often left the loveseat for him to sit in, since he rather liked sitting alone instead on the couch with others-which Bucky also hated, but he rather sat with the others than make Bruce squish between Thor and and Steve.
For Steve he did so much you couldn’t begin to count it. He made smoothies for them both, prepared movies or other stuff they had to catch up on, he even cooked some meals they hadn’t in their time.
Bucky was a sweetheart.
Everyone knew it, but nobody said it out loud. He rather showed his grumpy face even though everyone knew he wasn’t actually that grumpy.
That’s why you liked him so much. You hoped he- “do you think they’re gone now?”, Buckys voice interrupted your train of thoughts and you looked back at him over your shoulder. He was so close you could feel his breath on your skin.
“Yeah-maybe, we should check, let me-oh…”, you tried to push the door open but it didn’t move a bit. You tried again, the same happened.
You moved a bit more, pushing and pulling at the door, making yourself press a bit closer to bucky. He gasped quietly, his hands immediately grabbing onto your hips, brushing up to your waist. “Could you stop moving so much?” He mumbled, his face blushing which you couldn’t see.
“It’s just-the door doesn’t open. I have to get it open somehow”, you mumbled, trying to pull the door open, making yourself lean into his chest, you ass grinding against Bucky's gun attached to his belt. He gasped quietly, trying to push you away from it. At least that’s that you thought.
“Bucky just take the gun out and nothing will happen”, you mumbled, leaning yourself a bit forceful into the door before once again pulling and leaning back into Bucky, his gun still poking you in your behind.
A gasp escaped his lips and he pressed himself further into the wall, even though he couldn’t get away from you.
“Well….this is awkward…but it’s not a gun”, he stuttered, his hand moving from your waist to his crotch, covering his hardness-which until now you thought was a gun.
Your face heated up at the realization and you didn’t know what to say, slowly looking over your shoulder at Bucky. He was red as a tomato, his gaze glued to the ceiling, his hands still covering his hard cock that was tenting his pants.
“You’re-?-“ “yep.” “And it’s because I gr-“ “yep.” “And-” “can we maybe stop the questioning and just, you know, get out of here?? Not make it even more awkward than it already is?”
You chuckled at Buckys words, nodding slowly. “It’s only awkward if you make it awkward”, you mumbled, feeling a weird tension slowly growing between you. Only a moment later you felt Buckys hand on your hips, his breath on your neck.
“Stop me if i'm misunderstanding it…”, he mumbled before his lips pressed to the side of your neck, kissing gently yet passionately. A quiet moan escaped your lips as he suckled at your skin, pushing his clothes cock into your behind, grinding slowly, soft moans leaving his lips at the movement.
You gasped quietly, slowly leaning back into Buckys embrace as his kisses become more passionate, your skin covered in small rosy marks.
“Kiss me…” you whispered, lifting your head. Bucky didn’t need to hear it twice before immediately pressing his lips to your, his arms wrapping tightly around you. For a second you pulled away, only to turn around as quick as possible and pressing your lips one more time onto his.
You both gasped loudly into the kiss as Bucky pulled you closer, rubbing his hardness against you. Your hands slowly brushed down to Bucky's pants, rubbing over his hardness.
The man moaned quietly against your lips, moving himself against your palm, grinding his palm harder in your hand. “Oh fuck-“, he whispered quietly, kissing your neck again and up to your ear, gently suckling at your earlobe.
His heartbeat was racing at his point, the feeling of you this close made him dizzy, the smell of your shampoo so intoxicating, the taste of your skin and lips addicting. He couldn’t get enough of you.
And you wanted more of him. You wanted to feel him, kiss him, devour him. “Buck-”, you gasped quietly when one of his hands found your butt and pressed you closer against his chest. His clothed cock feels huge against your body. God, you needed to feel him. You needed to feel him stretch your cunt so nicely. And if that’s not possible-you just wanted to have him in your palm. His warm skin, his release in your hand when he orgasms. You need it like a fish needs water.
“Fuck-feels so good-I’m gonna-I’m so close”, he moaned into your ear, making you want to touch him even more. You immediately started opening his belt.
But before you could open his pants Bucky pulled away, looking over your shoulder at the door, his face blank and in thought. “I hear steps-four people. Voices…men…Hydra”, he mumbled close to your ear, the movements of your hand immediately stilling. “What? Fuck-do you think they’ll find us-“ “shhh, shhh” Bucky shushed you, pressing his hand to your lips. His breath was still as quick and hard as yours, but he tried to calm himself down.
Which felt like torture.
He was so close to coming. So, so close.
His cock was throbbing painfully. Still hard as a rock, if not more than before. For a second his hips still moved against you, before he forced himself to stop, even if it was the hardest thing he had to do.
Just then a shadow fell onto the door and you could hear voices outside. It didn’t end there, only a second later someone pulled at the door, once, twice. “It’s locked, besides, who’d be this stupid to hide in a closed. It’s the first place people would look into. Come on, let’s get going, we have to find them”, said a man’s voice.
“Especially him. We don’t need the girl”, said the same voice again, stepping away again. You sighed out, a bit louder than intended, the steps stopping.
“You heard that too? It sounded like-” You felt your whole body tense as the shadow reappeared, once again pulling at the door. To get away from the door as far as possible you tried to push yourself closer to Bucky, with him wrapping his arms tightly around you. Just then you heard the lock slowly open- “We need to move, stop opposing over a closet or do you have something to share with us?” “Come on, I told you to stop-“ the voices got quieter as the steps slowly faded once again. This time you didn’t dare breathe.
“Maybe we should get outta here and finish at home what we started”, Bucky breathed into your ear, his half hard cock pressing once again against you. “I’d rather have my time with you…” His lips moving over your earlobe. “I have planned a few things for us…”
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Thank you for reading!
I hope you liked it! Leave some feedback and don’t forget to reblog!
Flood my inbox!:)
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happy-beeeps · 9 months
Hello there! My request is this: the reader wants to learn hand-to-hand combat but has a crush on Hunter and doesn’t know how to ask him. Omega helps the reader and the reader gets what she wants. On the first day of training she trips and lands on top of Hunter and fluff or smut happens. Up to you :)
hahahahaha heyyyyyy I'm so sorry this is so late. In good news, it got away from me and turned into 4k words of the softest smut I've written!!! I am in love with this man!!!!
(also if you're asking yourself if I was inspired by the top gun volleyball scene the answer is yes I was and no I won't apologize for it.)
Take My Breath Away
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pairing: Hunter x f!reader
WC: 4k
Warnings: p in v sex, fingering, first time, feelings confession, awkward reader
Summary: When Omega convinces Hunter to finally train you in combat, things don't go to plan... or do they?
You’re leering, you know it. You really can’t help it, your spot inside the Marauder has left you with a perfectly obscured view to watch the training exercises happening outside. There’s a box of medical supplies in your lap while you stare through the front viewport, watching Hunter and Tech team up against Echo and Wrecker as they practice hand-to-hand perfectly in your view. 
Hunter has long forgone his long sleeve black shirt, his tattoos on full display as his skin bakes in the sun. It is hot, you supposed, but you assumed nearly every midday on Jakku got this warm. They’re all in various states of undress, grappling with each other with the kind of joyful fighting that reminds you of the village boys and their games back home. 
Sweat beads roll off his chest in a slight pattern, and you can see through the viewport that he’s used his bandana as a makeshift tie, pulling his hair up into some kind of knot on the top of his head. Echo has gotten Tech into some kind of hold, and the latter is thrashing against him trying to wiggle his way out. Hunter, however, is practically glistening as he shoots Wrecker a grin while they circle one another, until his legs push against the coarse sand outside and he lunges for his younger brother’s legs. He must’ve gotten Wreck with an element of surprise because the larger clone actually tumbles a bit, his center of gravity thrown off. You can’t hear them from inside the ship, but from the looks on their faces you can tell they’re laughing. Echo seems to have succeeded in locking Tech down, and the four of them exchange shakes and smirks–and move to repeat the game. 
Happiness looks good on him.
“Why are you watching Hunter again?” Omega’s small, but chipper, voice startles you from your daydream (something involving Hunter and his back that you’ll never tell.)
“Nothing! I’m not, not even watching him,” you stumble, trying desperately to make yourself look busy with the box in front of you. “I’ve gotta keep an eye on his injuries Meg, that's all.”
“But I thought you said he’d be better three rotations ago?”
She’s caught you now, and your face grows hot with the realization. “Well, yeah, of course. But still, as a medic, it’s my job to keep an eye on you all.”
You move to stand and ruffle her hair, toting the box on your hip as you move to go back to the med closet. You suppose you’ve done enough gawking for today.
“Are you red because you’re embarrassed about something?”
Now this makes you stop in your tracks. You whip your head to turn and face the young girl, who’s mouth smiles innocently at you while her eyes smirk knowingly. Kriff. You knew you shouldn't have let her start watching romcoms. 
“I’m not embarrassed,” you start, still making your way to the closet while Omega follows closely behind. “I just don’t know any combat, so I’m watching to learn, it’s just embarrassing not to know.”
Nice. Good save. You’ll pat yourself on the back for that one later. 
“Oh, that makes sense.” Is all you get from Omega, before you’re met with the sound of her feet moving down the walkway. You’re left alone with your thoughts, idylly shuffling supplies around the closet, delving back to your daydream. Minutes pass like this, in quiet peace, before a rough, masculine voice snaps you back to reality.
“Hey,” Hunter starts, leaning against the doorframe that separates the main cabin from the armory and med closet. He’s not shirtless anymore, instead wearing a mockingly thin white tank top that’s becoming less and less opaque the more his chest is pressed against it. “Omega said you wanted to learn some moves?”
Sure enough, Omega stands behind Hunter, arms crossed proudly as she looks between the two of you. “She’s important Hunter, she has to learn!” The younger girl shouts, and Hunter smiles down at her.
“Sure she is. That’s why I’m gonna teach her,” he looks up at you now with questioning eyes, “that is, if you’re interested? Tech is gonna bring Echo and Wrecker on a supply run for a few hours, so you don’t have to worry about them?”
“Y-yeah, that sounds great.” Maker, is that stumbling voice yours? This is getting worse by the minute.
“Hunter, can I go with? Tech said the market is no worse than Mos Eisley, and you let me go there, Wrecker already said he’d watch me!” Omega pleads with her big brother, pulling at his fingers in a subtle gesture to lead the two of you outdoors. 
“Sure, Meg. If it’s fine with them, it’s fine with me.”
* * *
Your body aches, your joints cracking with each move. You’ve barely even begun the training, merely the warmups Hunter has put you through in this scorching heat has gotten you coated in your own layer of sweat. He moved through each warm up with ease, and finished his last stretch lazily, leaning his weight on his back leg and placing his hands firmly on his hips. It took nearly everything in you not to stare at him, his shirt back on but replaced by a mockingly thin white tank top that grew less opaque with every passing moment.
“Thought you said you wanted to learn?” His voice brought you back out of your daydream, reminding you exactly why you were standing here. You had gone this long without him really knowing your feelings, aside from the simple flirtation the two of you shared to pass the time. One afternoon wouldn’t kill you.
“Thought you said we’d start slow,” you grumble in reply, moving to face him with an agitated determination.
He doesn’t give you a verbal response, merely moving to stand behind you, placing his hands and your shoulders before reaching them across to grab your wrists. “I’m gonna put you in the first stance,” he says, moving his hands, and your wrists, up to a blocking motion before kicking one of his feet between your legs. With gentle, albeit rough, taps to each foot, your legs slowly shuffled wider apart, granting you more stability on the sandy terrain. The motion of him slowly spreading your legs open, however, had the complete opposite effect, and your stomach dropped nearly to your toes as your chest flutters with warmth. This was exactly why you hadn’t asked for help in the first place.
“Looks good,” he started, moving back to face you. “Now, when you punch, you’re not just pushing your fist out, right? You’re punching with your whole arm, try hitting my hand.”
“But, I don’t want to hurt you!” You sputtered, and his lazy, easy smile returned.
“Trust me, you won’t.”
You pass nearly an hour like this, moving to punch Hunter with as much force as you could muster, and him blocking you with ease. It’s not that you were weak by any means, you wouldn’t have lasted as the Batch’s medic if you were, but this kind of strength was foreign to you. You were slipping, growing more tired by the moment. Your punches slowly falter. Finally, as the heat and the exertion caught up to you, your legs followed the swing of your arm, sending you toppling your whole weight onto Hunter.
He too must’ve begun feeling the heat, as his normally subvert reflexes failed him. Your weight and his surprise sent the two of you toppling onto the sand, his arms reaching to cup your elbows, carefully guiding you to land on his chest. The sweat on both of your skin made the two of you sticky, and your thin shirt did little to hide the flush of your chest as you pressed against his toned body. Hunter also seemed to be responding to the moment, his eyes opening and closing rapidly, his chest rising and falling with increasing speed.
Maker. You hadn’t thought about how awful you must’ve smelled.
“I’m sorry Hunter, I’m sure I smell-“
“Great,” he gritted out, you assumed his tone was dripping in sarcasm. Your wince must not have garnered the response he was hoping for, and his eyes widened in panic. “No, no, I mean it. Kriff, that’s not what I meant.”
“No, it’s fine, it’s warm out here, don’t mention it,” you shook awkwardly, moving to push off of him. Instead, Hunter’s grip on the backs of your arms tightened to hold you in place.
“I mean it,” he murmurs, “you’ve been driving me crazy all day.”
You blink in surprise as that warm feeling from before returns, and you resist the urge to press yourself against him even further. 
“What, just because I’m a slow learner?” you blush and shake your head, trying to hide your face from the intensity of his stare, and the overbearing Jakku sun.
“Why do you always do that?”
“Do what?”
“That,” he removes one hand from its spot on your arm to tug your chin back at him, his eyes falling to your lips for the briefest moment before coming back to yours, “hide from me.”
Your response is quiet, timid. “Because you don’t mean it.”
“Why would you think that? We’ve kind of been toeing around it for weeks now.”
You’re sputtering now, “I thought you were joking.”
“I don’t joke when it comes to you,” something akin to hurt flashes across his eyes, and his grip on your arms loosens slightly. Kriff. You’re losing him now, and the panic that settles in your chest takes over before your brain can properly think its way out of it.
You’re fully pressing your breasts against him now, relenting the rest of your weight onto him as your arms snake their way to his face and you pull him towards you before he has a chance to feel any more hurt at your expense. Your lips crash to his in a kiss that’s equal parts full of reassurance and want, and he molds against you quickly. Whatever doubt and hurt he might’ve felt a moment ago is replaced by something darker, something needier.
Hunter adjusts you on top of him easily, pulling you up and wrapping your legs around his waist. When you pull away from the kiss you watch as he brings your legs tighter around his waist and, with little struggle, manages to stand up against the sand, never dropping you from your perch.
You try not to go faint at the way his leg muscles tense beneath the rolled up cuffs of his pants as he lifts the two of you from the ground with ease. Hunter has always been scrappy, never as much bulk as Wrecker but easily the second largest of his brothers. Echo used to joke that what he lacked in height he made up for in muscle mass.
You can’t stop yourself from leaning in to him, placing needy open mouth kisses along the curve of his neck, the sharp edges of his jaw. He groaned at your touch, his steps quickening towards the Marauder. There’s a break as he fidgets with the controls to lower the ramp and it starts its painstakingly slow descent. In a fit of impatience, Hunter has your back pressed against the side of the ship and moves to kiss you again, this time it’s bruising and impatient. He’s been wanting this just as long as you, you realize. Whatever the door the two of you just opened isn’t going to be easily shut.
He’s methodical with the way he kisses you, but his hands are anything but. He pulls teasing tugs at your lower lip, slowly parts your mouth with his tongue–like he’s testing something. 
“Hunter,” you beg, turning your head from him in a feeble gesture to get him to notice that the ramp has lowered.
“I’ve just wanted to kiss you for so long,” he admits, a tenderness in his eyes that your stomach doing backflips, “I don’t think I can ever stop.”
He walks to the two of you up the ramp of the ship before setting you down gently in the hull. You’re staring up at him now, his hands resting on the small of your back, keeping you close.
“You tell me what’s too much cyar’ika. I’ll take whatever part of you you’ll give me.”
“All, all of me. I’m not afraid.” You murmur, pressing yourself against him before leaning to loop your arms around his neck.
He meets you halfway to kiss you, albeit gentler than before, before turning you and moving you backwards with small steps. You know this ship like the back of your hand, even backwards and with your eyes closed, and you can tell from the way he’s moving you that you’re moving towards his quarters.
“We can go to my room?” You ask, breathless. They had graciously turned the small medbay into a space for your quarters, of sorts. You had a larger bed than any member of the batch, with the caveat that your roommates were small surgical machines and overflow boxes of bacta. 
“No, want you in my bed, if that’s ok?” 
You nodded while he continued to guide you towards the rest of the batch’s quarters, your vision becoming shaded from the darkness of the room. You were grateful now that Hunter’s bunk was on the bottom, as the backs of your legs bumped into the mattress.
He laid you down on the mattress and quickly stretched across you, giving you full freedom to remove your arms from his neck and let them roam against the broad expanse of his back. His kisses met your neck almost as soon as he settled on the mattress, and from the way his teeth nipped at the soft skin, you knew you’d be littered with marks.
Whatever. You’re sure they’d pick up on it eventually. 
Your thoughts were interrupted as Hunter pulled you up towards him, using the space to pull your shirt off and discard it on the floor, leaving you in the thin cottony breastband you’d picked specifically because it was too hot to even think about something better. You, in turn, pulled at the hem of the thin white tank top, and he smirked at you as he moved back, pulling it up over his head. There was enough space between the bunks for him to sit comfortably upright, and you moved forward to meet him, bringing his hands to your waist.
“It’s too hot for all these layers.”
If he was surprised he barely showed it, raising an eyebrow before moving to unfasten your breastband, leaving the two of you bare from the waist up.
“Mesh’la, I can’t… I can’t stop.”
“Then don’t.” You smiled, leaning back on his mattress, watching his form cage you in.
His response was immediate, falling closer to you and moving his kisses farther down your neck before moving to bring his mouth to your breast, now bare to him. His lips dragged over your newly exposed flesh, before his tongue flattened over the stiff peak of your nipple.
He wasted no time in palming your other breast, and the briefest glance you got of your skin beneath his inked fingers was enough to elicit the smallest of whimpers from your mouth. He paused from his work on your nipple to glance up at you, before sending a devilish grin as his hand removed itself from your chest and made small movements towards your thighs. With a quick and decisive movement he placed his hand just on the squishy flesh of your inner thigh, before hooking a finger around the seam of your panties and shifting them down.
You jostled a bit to help them come off and Hunter surged to kiss you again, his breath warm and inviting on your mouth. In an instant you let out a soft gasp as his fingers began to move towards your folds, before he slowly pushed two fingers into your heat. 
The feeling of being filled in any capacity by him immediately sent warmth flooding to every corner of your body, and you bucked your hips against him as he moved his fingers in a delicious hooking motion, pulling you closer and closer to oblivion with each movement.
“So warm for me, so wet.” He grumbled against your neck, and your hands threaded through his hair, desperate to keep his body against yours.
“Hunter, need you, now.”
“Shh,” he murmured, moving faster, and a twisting in your feeling in your gut suddenly struck, along with the realization that you were quickly approaching an orgasm. “Come for me first, princess. Need to make you feel good first.”
His words and motions combined sent that first orgasm crashing over you fast, the tips of your fingers and the lower half of your body shaking in pleasure while he took his sweet time, coaxing every bit of your oblivion out of you in slow, melodic motions. When you had come back down to earth, he pulled his hand from you before bringing it to his mouth, bringing his fingers to his mouth and tasting you finally.
“Next time you’re finishing on my tongue,” he groaned, head thrown back. You took his momentary distraction to pull at the band of his boxers, already eyeing the deliciously thick silhouette of his hard length pressing against the fabric.
“Hunterrr,” you whined, leaning up and pressing kisses from his collarbone down his chest, before deciding you couldn’t take it anymore and plunging your hand into his boxers, running your hand up and down the velvety skin of his shaft. You paused at the tip, running your fingers over it and collecting the precum already leaking out.
“Need to learn some patience,” he groaned, before shifting to pull the last offending article of clothing off, and pressing you firmly, and softly to the mattress. With his boxers gone you could see him now. He was big, bigger than any man you’d been with before, and prettier too. The inky black markings of his tattoos led down his whole torso, pausing just at the start of his shaft. It was one of the few spots on his body where you could admire every inch of tanned, warm skin.
Hunter moved down to kiss you, this one sweet and short, running a hand down your core to collect some of the mess he’d already made of you, before running it along his length. He leaned back and looked at you, his eyes warming with a fondness that suddenly had you feeling more naked now than you had this entire time. 
“You take my breath away,” he murmured in a voice dripping with an emotion you weren’t bold enough to try and name, before picking up one of your legs and easily tossing it over your shoulder. “You’ve been my dream this whole time. Wanna make sure you’re ready.”
“Hunter,” you paused, reaching a hand up to his cheek, “if you don’t fuck me now, I’m going to go catatonic.”
His laugh had your leg shaking, and he rolled his eyes, “remind me to fuck some manners into you next time.”
Without any more pretense you felt his tip surge past your walls, stretching you out deliciously and giving a sense of satisfaction greater than anything you’d felt before. He pushed farther before bottoming out and nudging just right against that spot you’d always struggled to reach. The same one that had you tossing one arm over your eyes and another grasping at nothing out of pure bliss. His name breathed past your lips like a prayer, and you felt him shiver a bit at it.
“Fuck, that’s my girl.” He moaned, starting his thrusts at a slow, manageable pace. You felt one of his hands slide up the sheets on his mattress before sliding and weaving his fingers between yours. “Don’t hide from me.” He whispered, and you brought your arm down, placing it firmly on the bicep he was using to support himself against you.
He felt fucking amazing. You had met a guy in an alley on Coruscant who tried to sell you deathsticks once, and you felt like you had to go back and tell him he was wrong. There had to be a better high. Being fucked into your pillows by Hunter while he held your hand and whispered to you had to be better. You weren’t a scientist (ok, maybe you were) but this had to be the best feeling a human being could feel.
Hunter’s pace quickened, and soon the cabin was filled with the sickeningly sweet sound of skin slapping against skin, his hips snapping against you. His senses must’ve made him perfectly attuned to how you were feeling, any shift in pleasure, any barely audible moan. His hand had removed itself from yours, instead holding your wrist and pressing you firmly into the bed in a move that felt more possessive and dominant than threatening.
“You’re mine.” You had moaned without realizing it, and his pace picked up again. A twisting, numbing feeling began to blossom in your core and Hunter brought your leg down, surging forward to kiss you as he fucked you farther into oblivion.
“You’re my girl, you’ve always been my girl.” He groaned into your neck before pulling back. “Just been waiting for you to realize it. I wanna hear you say it.”
“You’re mine, I’m yours.” You groaned, his hips bucking up and nudging again and again into that spot. His hand removed itself from your wrist and you used the newfound freedom to rake your hands down your back, sending moans of pleasure out of Hunter.
“I’m all yours princess,” he groaned, “so sweet, so soft for me. Fuck, so tight.”
His praise and words and breakneck speed had you hitting your orgasm like a brick wall, turning you from head to toe in a shivering, gasping mess as your walls clenched around him. You gripped his hair in a desperate attempt to tether yourself to something corporeal as he fucked you through it, his own pace becoming quick and sloppy.
“‘M close, where,” was all he was able to rasp out.
“In, ‘s okay.” Was the closest thing you had to a response. You’d tell him about your implant later.
In an instant, he was groaning into your neck, his hips slapping against yours sending you nearly into sensory overload, before you felt his warmth against you. For a moment after he barely moved, just breathed against you as if he couldn’t imagine this had actually happened. The two of you stayed like that for a moment, you running a hand along his back and through his hair as he pressed sweet kisses along your neck, likely trying to soften the purple marks you were certain he had left.
“Lemme get you cleaned up,” he whispered, as if careful not to scare the moment away. He pulled back from you slowly, before reaching to tug his pants back on and heading to the fresher. He was only gone for a few moments, returning with a warm, wet rag that he lovingly dashed between your legs and a pair of clean shorts from your quarters and one of his shirts.
“Thought you might want something comfortable.” He said as he passed it to you, and you quickly changed into it, relishing into how the shirt smelled so distinctly of him.
You moved to sit up but he toppled in bed next to you before you could. His bunk was small, barely enough space for the two of you, so he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his chest.
“Don’t go. Meant what I said.”
You blushed as you shimmied to turn your face to him. “Which part?”
“All of it. I’ve always wanted you. Not just for, you know,” he stumbled, seeming suddenly embarrassed.
“Yeah, but I’m not gonna complain about that part,” he winked, before pulling you into him again, resting his head on top of yours. “I want to… care for you. In every way. You really take my breath away, always have.” He pressed a kiss against your hair, and you pressed closer to him in return.
“Then you’ll have me. For as long as I’m here and then some.” 
The two of you stayed like this into the night, wrapped up in each other’s arms, tangled limb to limb. Soon enough the lull of his heart had drifted you into sleep, and he did his best to shield you from the prying eyes and loud noises of the rest of the Batchers as they returned from the market, just as he swore to himself that he’d shield you from anything that threatened to take you from them, from him.
His girl he had said. And he had meant it.
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wildandsmile · 8 months
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Summary : Despite your ongoing conflicts with your boyfriend, you found the strength to call it quits when you discovered him with another girl or so you thought.
Tw : Toxic Gojo, Self Conscious Reader, Possessive Gojo, Gaslighting, Manipulation, Bullying and Belittling
Kink : Growling,Fingering, Bite ,Breeding, Cream-pie, Dirty talk, Hate sex,Unprotected sex, Penetrative sex (p in v) and Rough sex
Wc : 2.3k
An : Happy Day 6 of Kinktober, Once sorry if the smut bad I’m tried man give me a break please. 🧍🏾‍♀️
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You and Gojo had yet another fight this time it was about his problem with flirting with everything that could walk, talk and think on its own but it seemed like every time he would convince you that it was all in your head that it's perfectly normal for people to do things like that. It wasn’t until you walked in on him kissing another girl in your own apartment that you realized it had all just been him.
"Pack your things, Gojo! I want you out of my place!" you shouted, frustration boiling over as you witnessed the girl hastily collecting her belongings scattered around your apartment. Yet, even as she left, leaving tears in the corners of your eyes, Gojo remained unmoved. He had the audacity to sigh as though you had disrupted his good time, and in that moment, you painfully realized just how much he had shattered you.
You wouldn't leave the house unless your outfit met his approval. If he hinted at you looking a bit bloated or gaining weight, you'd work out until you couldn't breathe.
Overwhelmed by your thoughts, you decided to take matters into your own hands. Grabbing a suitcase from your closet, you stormed into your room and began tossing all of Gojo's belongings into it. He stood in the living room, motionless, as you spent hours stuffing and cramming his things inside. It was a challenging task, but you managed to do it.
With all his stuff packed, you returned to the living room, where he still sat with his feet up on your coffee table, engrossed in one of his latest school dramas. Just looking at him filled you with anger. While wiping away your tears, you made your way to the front door, flung it open, and threw his belongings outside.
Approaching him, you boldly reached for the remote, turning off the TV. Then, you pivoted to face the door and declared, "I've packed all your belongings, Satoru, and tossed them outside. Now, I want you out of my house immediately." In that moment, you felt a sense of empowerment, as if this was something you truly desired and not just an action you took for Gojo's sake.
However, your triumphant thoughts were shattered when Gojo stepped closer, his eyes locking onto yours intensely. His breath grew heavy, and before you knew it, he had you pinned against the wall. His legs were positioned between yours, forcing you to spread them for balance and space.
"Listen carefully," Gojo hissed in a viper-like tone, his words laced with an unsettling intensity, his piercing blue eyes seemingly peering deep into your soul. But you remained steadfast, your desire for freedom burning brighter. You turned your face away from Gojo and replied, "I don't give a damn what you say. I want you out of my house, and that's final."
At that moment, just as you finished speaking, Gojo wrapped his arms around your throat, not to the point of suffocation, but enough to make it a struggle to breathe. He continued, "I hate to break it to you, but you're nothing without me. Do you honestly believe anyone would care about you if you broke up with me? Your girlfriends only hang out with you because they want a piece of me, and guys only flirt with you to prove they're better than me. There's not a single person who truly wants you except for me. Do you understand that?"
Hearing those words escape Gojo's lips cut deep, not because he said them, but because you couldn't deny their truth. Before dating Satoru, no one had paid much attention to you or tried to get to know you. It hit you like a ton of bricks that if you were to break up with him, you'd be left with nothing. You'd become just another ordinary person trapped in an unending cycle. That was the thing about Gojo—you liked that he had the power to either free you from that cycle or keep you in it, and it was all his choice.
Yet, as you stood there, torn between your own desires and the reality of the situation, you couldn't help but wonder why it was so difficult to push him aside. Why were you gazing at him as if he hadn't just shattered your heart, and why did he still manage to look so alluring to you?
Your mind felt like a chaotic mess, torn between what it wanted and what it couldn't let go of. Gojo had you tiptoeing on eggshells every day, and you were fed up with it. But at the same time, you couldn't deny your lingering feelings for him. Little did you know that this was precisely what Gojo wanted.
He hadn't started dating you because of your intelligence or wealth; it was your willingness to do anything for him with just a word that had drawn him in. Whenever you resisted, he enjoyed breaking down your bratty attitude, knowing you'd eventually come crawling back to him as if nothing had happened. And that was something he appreciated about you.
So when you seized him by the collar, pulled him into a passionate kiss, and slowly led him into your shared bedroom, he wasn't the least bit surprised.
┈━═☆ Smut Time ☆═━┈
"You know I'm still-" you try to murmur, but your words are silenced by Gojo's tantalizing touch, his finger tracing a path of desire along your lips. In an instant, his lips descend upon yours, igniting a fiery collision that leaves you breathless and craving for more. His hands assertively clasp onto your delicate jaw, his tongue sensually swirling within your mouth, engaging in a passionate battle for dominance alongside yours. You were completely caught off guard as he forcefully pressed you onto the bed, his lips never breaking contact with yours.
"Gojo ," you moan, desperately attempting to hold on, but your breath grows heavier and your mind becomes clouded with desire. Gojo then lets out a low cut groan and pulls his pants down, revealing his firm cock, which was already leaking with per-cum. With that, he sensually pulled you closer, his lips meeting yours in a passionate embrace. The intensity of the kiss heightened, lingering for a tantalizing moment longer than before. You could fill his tongue and how it probed every inch of his lips, and you could even taste the sweet taste of Gojo lip balm, which he would be caught dead without.
You pull back from the passionate kiss, feeling your breath hitch as your lungs involuntarily tighten, even though the tantalizing exchange of lips had only just begun. "Mmm, you're such a cruel tease," you purr, your teeth sinking into your luscious bottom lip as you coyly avert your gaze. Even as you passionately express your frustration towards him, he remains undeterred, his desire evident as he sensually grasps the edge of your enticing lingerie, teasingly pulling them down, revealing your throbbing cunt. With a tantalizing touch, he caresses your wet cunt, skillfully gliding his fingers along your sensitive lips, while tenderly applying pressure to your throbbing clit.
"You've certainly trained your sweet little pussy to accommodate me so perfectly, despite any difficulties you may have had in the past," he whispers, gently caressing your luscious lips. Can't believe you're already dripping with desire from just a few tantalizing kisses, you're such an insatiable little vixen, aren't you? He smirks as his fingertips glide along the softness of your mouth, ascending until they reach the hem of your hip . With a deliberate motion, he gently parts your legs, unveiling every intimate detail, a sight reserved solely for his eyes.
"Don't just stare at me like that," you purr, your voice dripping with desire, as you tilt your head seductively to the side, deliberately avoiding Gojo's intense gaze. You couldn't resist the intoxicating allure of how he made you feel in this very moment, even if it was a sinful pleasure that consumed your every desire.Come closer, you yearn to gaze into those captivating eyes of his. Gojo whispers seductively as he trails a trail of soft kisses along your neck, sending shivers down your spine. The gentle touch of his lips against yours brings a fleeting sense of tranquility, but as he descends back down to your neck, his desire intensifies. With a primal hunger, he sinks his teeth into the tender flesh of your nape, marking you with a beautifully shaped bite that leaves a deliciously sweet ache. "Did you just bite -" your words were silenced as he forcefully plunged his fingers inside you, his touch so intense it felt like he was take over you.
His skilled fingers delved deeper into the depths of your throbbing cunt, your velvety walls eagerly embracing his every movement, causing a moan to escape your lips, muffled by the intensity of the moment. The tantalizing sound of your wetness mingling with his touch only heightened the intoxicating atmosphere. "Cat caught your tongue, slut?" he snaps, sucking bruising down your neck and shoulder as he pumps his thick fingers in your pussy, pleased as he sounds the squelching begin to drip down his fingers.
As the heat spreads across your flushed cheeks, you sink your teeth into your delicate hand, stifling the sweet sounds of pleasure that threaten to escape your lips. You were consumed with a delicious sense of desire, your body yearning for more as this tantalizing encounter unfolded. Helpless to resist, you found yourself unable to deny the intoxicating pleasure he was giving you.
"Yeah, oh baby, don't you dare hide that sinful voice of yours ," he purrs, his voice dripping with desire, as he firmly secures your delicate wrist above your head. “Come on you enjoy talk my head off just a few minutes ago what stoping now”
"Fuck no ah they'll hear me" You're desperately trying to retain your dignity, but it all goes away the instant your body lifts into the air.
"You're nothing but a dirty whore," he laughs, his eyes black and his lips twisting, because this was not your Gojo, no, this was the Gojo who handed you a single handle and ruined your life with only a few words and a sweet grin that went cold in an instant.
"You're nothing but a naughty whore," he chuckles, his eyes smoldering and his lips curling, because this was not your Gojo, no, this was the Gojo who handed you a seductive proposition and ignited your desires with only a few words and a tantalizing smirk that turned wicked in an instant.
"I wish you would drop
"Is that everything you've got? I thought you didn't like me," he wondered, your intense words making him feel a rush of warmth coursing through him, sending energy through his body and dick.
"You're so annoying" You groan as he aligns his pulsing cock with your dripping wet folds and pumps his huge cock to your words, still able to hold you up.
"If that's how you really felt then why are you so wet right ?" He's almost panting.
"Fuck you," you exclaim in a venomous tone, but Gojo didn't care about your tone, your feelings, or your attitude; all he cared about right now was fucking you senseless. So he threw you down on his cock, forcing you to take his full dick inside till your eyes welled up with tears.
You gasped as he stretched you out on his cock, and he snarled as your slick walls gobbled him up greedily. "Fuck your such a needy whore and I like." He pushed deeply into your cunt until he was entirely submerged, then delicately pulled his cock out, leaving only the tip within.
“Ohh! S’ so deep, fuck feels so goood..”
“Such a slut, you know that? Fuck yourself on my cock.” He demanded before pulling almost all the way out and stopping. You whimpered and pushed him back inside your cunt with your hips. It felt fantastic. You moaned in delight and repeated it, and it continued getting better and better. You started fucking yourself on his cock swiftly, his groans and moans encouraging you. He let you exhaust yourself for a few moments before grabbing your hips and slamming into you, the force of his pelvis against your ass generating filthy sounds.
“Gonna fuck you so good.”
He repeated himself. His forward thrust would be met with a hip-yank that would impale you on his thick cock.
He persisted till you felt your cunt fluttering and twitching around him. His pelvis rutted into your ass cheeks, and your screams were almost as loud. He let out a deep sigh and smacked your behind, leaving a beautiful hand print behind. "Are you going to cum for me?" Are you going to smother my cock with your cum? Do you want to use me? "I'm sure you want my cum on the inside, dirty fucking whore." He hauled you up against him, grabbed another mouthful of your hair, and said something sarcastic into your ear.
“Yes fuck, fuck I’m cuming I’m cuming”
You mumbled like a chant as your eyes rolled back in your head and he continued to pound your screaming cunt, gasping into your ear and nipping at your neck. As the saying goes, "That settles it. Do it cum for me. "Cum on my cock, whore."
With only a few more hard thrusts, you were able to gain the upper hand and almost slow him down with your cunt. Even though you spilled part of the milk on the sheets, it made a beautiful ring at the base of his cock.
"Fuckkk... I'm going to stuff this slutty cunt of yours with my cum." I'm going to put a fucking baby in there. Do you want it? Huh? "Would you like me to fuck a baby into you?"
You nodded brainlessly and madly when he asked. He gasped and grabbed your hips with a power he'd never used before. He fucked you a few more times on his cock before his hips stuttered and you felt a warm material fill you. You felt absolutely full, as if you were entirely packed with no place to spare.
He didn't pull out; instead, he stayed motionless and made sure that when he did draw out, he wasted as little of his cum as possible. You lay there, desperately trying to regain your breath as he pushed his cum deeper inside of you with small, delicate thrusts.
"I love you, Gojo," you murmur in hushed tones, but he does nothing but nod and kiss you on the forehead.
With he that he got out of bed without looking at you or even asking if you were okay; all he did was grab his phone and stroll over to the bathroom, closing the door so he could hear the shower running. And as he opened the curtains and let himself in, you started crying because you knew this was going to be your life for the rest of your life, and it was all your fault.
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onlymingyus · 2 years
Your Mess
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header edited by me (@chogiwapadada) do not remove the watermark and do not repost
pairing; jeon wonwoo x afab reader
genre; smut (minors dni), angst, fluff
warnings; mentions a fight, crying, reader and wonwoo are sad, comfort, unprotected sex, fingering (for a moment), aftercare
word count; 2.2k and some change
request; yes
a/n; another case of this was going to be a drabble and it got out of hand.
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You had your back to Wonwoo as he entered the room. The tension was still so thick, he felt like he could cut it with a knife. He could see you were wearing one of his hoodies and that you were holding your pillow to your chest. What he could also see was the used tissues on the bed from where you had been crying, the sleeves pulled over your hands that were also still discolored and damp from wiping under your eyes. 
The two of you so rarely fought, so when you did it got ugly. Things were said that neither one of you meant but he knew he had gone too far. He had said things he would never say again. He had made that promise to himself and he would make that promise to you if you would accept it. He didn’t even blame you for kicking him out of the room when you had. Hell he would have too. 
That’s why when he tried the door later that same day and found it unlocked he was timid but still moved into the room. You didn’t look back even though you knew Wonwoo was in the room. The door had been locked for hours, you hadn’t wanted to see his face or hear his voice after the things the two of you had said. But then around 30 minutes ago you began to miss him more than you were mad at him and this was your olive branch, the unlocked door and he had taken it. 
The bed sank at Wonwoo’s weight as he sat behind you. His fingers rubbing together under the sleeves of his sweater as he sighed and tried to think of what to say. He wanted to touch you so bad. You never really realize how much you miss someone until you are forced to be away from them, even for a few hours. “Baby? I am so sorry. I…” 
You sniff back tears hearing his voice and Wonwoo’s heart breaks as his eyes widen. “No, oh my god. Please don’t cry, fuck. I am so fucking stupid. I don’t even remember why we started fighting. It got so out of hand. I just want to hold you and make this better. Please, god…please let me make this better?” 
Wonwoo moves closer and tests the waters by placing a hand against the middle of your back. When you don’t pull away but instead cry seemingly harder he can’t help himself as he pulls you into his arms and rests his head on your shoulder from behind as you lean back against him. “Baby please, I’m so sorry.” 
You feel his lips press to your cheek lightly as you lift your hand to press it against his cheek. His eyes close to the feeling of your touch but also your damp sleeve making him furrow his brows. “You need a new hoodie or a shirt. Something…that’s not wet.” You laugh catching Wonwoo off guard as he moves from you looking at you as you sniff back tears looking up at him finally. 
“What’s funny? I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.” You shake your head as Wonwoo goes to the closet, taking down another of his hoodies before returning to you to toss it on the bed beside you. “I don’t want another hoodie right now Wonwoo.” He sighs and moves to squat on his heels in front of you looking up at you as he pushes your hair out of your face under your hood. 
“Then just tell me what you want, baby, and it’s yours. Because all I want is for you to not look at me like this. So sad, I don’t want you to cry anymore. I’m so sorry. I’m an idiot. Have I said that?” You laugh into a choked cry as you nod. “Yeah you said that.” Wonwoo smiles and wipes his thumb under your eye wiping away more tears before he leans up to kiss your cheek then leans to press his lips gently to yours once. 
As he starts to pull away you grab his wrist as he cups your face and hold him closer with a small whine before you speak on his lips. “I want you to touch me, kiss me, hold me. Is that wrong? Is it stupid?” Wonwoo’s brows furrow as his chest tightens because it was all he had been wanting the entire day. The moment the door slammed in his face he wanted back in the room and for his lips to be on yours so he could apologize. 
“God, no baby. It’s not wrong or stupid. I love you so much.” You mutter on his lips that you love him too as he moves more to a standing position and leans you back on the bed before pulling from you. His eyes travel off you as you move back on the bed making more room for him before he watches you lift his hoodie from your body and lay it to the side leaving your upper body bare to him. 
A soft groan leaves Wonwoo’s mouth as he nods and tugs his own sweater from his body, discarding it on the floor before he crawls between your legs and presses his lips to your stomach before working the kisses upwards. Your fingers run through Wonwoo’s hair as his mouth gently presses to one of your breasts before his eyes meet yours as he kisses over your nipple making you smile as you lift your hips towards him. 
“Fuck…Wonwoo. I missed you.” He nods in agreement before moving to your other breast running his tongue along your skin making you arch your back towards him as you close your eyes. “Please Wonwoo.” He hums in question before kissing up your neck to your jaw and finally your mouth. “Tell me what you need from me baby. I said, ``Anything you want, it’s yours.” 
When you run your thigh between his legs to press against his erection that was already starting to become painful, Wonwoo groans on your lips and closes his eyes tightly. “You want my cock?” You nod and scratch your fingers along his sides as you whine into a kiss and rub your thigh along his shorts again making him hiss. “Baby...hang on. Shit, you have me so wound up.” 
You smile on Wonwoo’s lips making him laugh as he nips at your bottom lip pulling it out slightly before letting go. “Minx.” You laugh softly and watch him lean back from you as he pulls on your shorts and panties pulling them down your legs in one swift motion as you lift your hips and legs making it easier for him. 
Wonwoo shakes his head as he watches you move your legs to either side of him. His eyes falling between your legs making his mouth water at how wet you are for him. “God baby, you are killing me.” You watch as he manages to unceremoniously kick his shorts and boxers from his legs before he runs his hands along your legs up to your knees and into your inner thighs. When you shiver, Wonwoo smiles and lets one hand reach to run between your dripping folds making you whine. “Wonwoo…I want you.” 
“You have me baby.” You shake your head no and reach down to take his hand causing him to stop moving. “I want you in me.” Wonwoo’s brows furrow before he nods. “Are you sure you are ready?” You tilt your head incregiously at him before using your hand to slip his finger into your entrance so he can feel how wet you are making him groan. “Yeah okay…I just, fuck, I don’t want to hurt you.” 
You watch him take his hand back and suck his fingers clean of you with a groan as he looks at you before moving from between your legs. “Come here babe.” You nod and take his hand as he sits against the headboard and sits you over his thighs. Looking down, Wonwoo groans as he pushes his cock towards your slit teasing your clit with his head making you jump and lift your hips. “Gotta sit on it if you want it in you, beautiful.” 
Wonwoo smirks a bit, more of his cocky bed demeanor coming back as you both get more comfortable. You shake your head with a sigh as you let him help you line up your body and sink your pussy over him slowly. Wonwoo watches your face as you take him in deep and completely as you sit fully on to his lap. Your head falling forward as your hands grip his shoulders, he tilts his head and reaches up taking a breath as he pushes your hair out of your eyes. “You okay?” 
When you nod and moan out a yes, Wonwoo bites his lip and moves his hands over your legs before gripping your hips helping you to start moving as you already start to see stars at how he feels inside you in his position. Your toes curl as you choke back a cry of his name when he starts to lift his hips to meet yours, making your entire body vibrate. “Oh shit, Wonwoo!” 
He leans forward to claim your lips with a loud groan as he feels himself getting closer to his own climax knowing you are getting close with how you are clenching around him. He knew your body almost as well as he knew his own. One of his hands stays steady on your hip helping you move as the other moves to cup your head keeping your mouth on his as Wonwoo groans loudly when he feels you tighten around him like a vice as your orgasm takes hold of you. 
You moan on his lips, your forehead resting against his as your fingers dig into his flesh leaving half moon imprints that he doesn’t even seem to notice. As you ride out your high, rolling your hips over him, Wonwoo groans your name, having to throw his head back as he can’t hold on any longer. You feel warmth spread through you as he cums into you and hisses out a groan through clenched teeth. “Fuck…” 
His hands move to stop your hips as his high starts to fade. Wonwoo licks his lips, catching his breath, when he feels your forehead rest against his shoulder. He can’t help but to smile to the feeling as he moves to wrap his arms around you, keeping you close for just a moment longer in this intimate position. ‘I love you y/n.” 
Smiling against Wonwoo’s skin, you press a kiss to his neck before leaning back in his arms. You run your fingers over his jaw before telling him that you love him too. He hums in appreciation as his eyes travel over your face. “Time for a bath.” You shake your head and whine making him laugh. “Don’t complain. We are stinky. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.” 
You whine as he helps you move off him before he groans sliding off the bed moving towards the bathroom. You hear the bath start to run before he comes back and takes your hand leading you towards the tub helping you in. When you reach for him he leans down to kiss you. “I’ll join you in just a few minutes. I’m going to get you some water and get some sheets so I can change the bed before we lay back down.” 
Shaking your head as you lean back in the warm water, you watch Wonwoo scratch the back of his neck as he leaves the room to do his tasks, making you smile, your comfort was always on the forefront of his mind. You open your eyes to the sound of feet on tile as Wonwoo comes back in the room with a glass of ice water in his hand before he smiles at you. “Where is your water?” He laughs and shrugs, “Figured we’d share.” 
Wonwoo slips in the bath behind you with a content sigh before reaching for the glass making you take a sip before he does the same. His free hand cupping the warm water pouring it over your skin as you lean your head back on his shoulder. Wonwoo can’t help but to smile to himself as he sits the water to the side and wraps his arms around you just holding you in the bath. “I was going to tell you something.” 
You open one eye and glance at him, making Wonwoo laugh as he leans his head to look at you. “I was going to tell you that during the fight…I would have kicked me out of the room too. Also i promise, to me and you I will never say something so stupid again.” You look at Wonwoo fully frowning slightly before reaching up to run your hand along his cheek as you nod. “I believe you. I’m sorry too, you know.” 
Wonwoo nods and kisses your wrist as he leans his head before sighing. “We don’t have to talk about it anymore. I just wanted you to know that. Now, I just want to hold this beautiful woman in my arms and enjoy a warm bath after having some of the best sex in my life.” You laugh and shake your head and close your eyes again. “You are a mess Jeon Wonwoo.” He laughs and nods, “Your mess.” 
tag list; @bangchanbabygirlx @just-here-to-read-01 @hoshistar96 @niktwazny303 @strawberri-uyu @yeritheloml @tis-niki @noraehey @hoohoohope @otterpopchan @xuxibelle @foxdaisy @smileysuh @vern0nsworld @synthetickitsune@enhacolor @pandorashbox @yeosayang @httpswonwoosglasses @rubyscoups @onlywonus @gyuhanniescarat @yoonguurt @jwnghyuns
please note that I am doing my best to tag all of you who have filled out the tag list form but tumblr won’t let me tag some of you. I think that is because either you have tags turned off or possibly a blank tumblr page. consider reblogging some of the fics you like from me or other writers. ♥
© onlymingyus - all rights reserved. Reposting/modifying of any fic, or pieces of original writings posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations not allowed.  
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shwazzberryswriting · 4 months
Cramped Spaces 4
Pairing: Jisung x Femme Reader | [Y/N]
Genre: Alternate Universe - Non-Idol NCT, One Shot, Smut, Sequel Fic, Tight Spaces, Stuck In The Closet Together
Summary: It doesn't matter how they got locked in Jaemin's coat closet. Jisung has to keep her warm because Jaemin's house is freezing! Cramped Spaces 1 | Cramped Spaces 2 | Cramped Spaces 3 | AO3 *Cramped Spaces 5*
Word count: 1.2k
Rating/Warnings: Not Beta Read, Mature Sexual Themes and Explicit Sexual Material: Heavy Petting, Grinding, Thigh Riding, Just the Tip, Unprotected Sex, Cum Play, Multiple Orgasms, **Spoiler Warning*: Getting Caught in the Act**
If any mature/sexual themes involving Jisung makes you uncomfortable please do not read or interact.
Minors DNI! 18+ ONLY
Author’s Note: This fic was written to get me through some cold days. 💚Stay warm CZennies in cold places! I can't recall if anyone made a request for a sequel to the Cramped Spaces series but this is dedicated to the Jisung readers💚
Apologies in advance for any mistakes and I hope I did justice to the fantasy to everyone who's checked this series out!
Please let me know of any technical errors or if you have feedback/questions
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She was trapped inside Jaemin’s coat closet. Fingers grasping around the wall, hoping to find a light switch. Left elbow hitting something firm with a dull thunk. Pain shot up to her shoulder.
“Ow! That’s my back,” Jisung hissed. Low baritone grumbling right behind her as she rubbed her tender elbow. “Not my fault we’re locked in here.”
“Um yeah it is. You said it doesn’t lock from the inside so you left the key on the handle.”
“I don’t know how Jaemin’s labyrinth of a house works! He said to use the key to unlock it. Why did you want to come in here in the first place?”
“So it’s my fault we’re stuck in here?”
“Geez - what the fuck!” His long arm covered his eyes when she finally found the light switch. “He has a light in his closet?”
“Jaemin’s fancy.” She pulled down at the hem of her dress, covering her shivering knees. “Will Jaemin be home soon?”
Jaemin had to be old money. She pulled her white faux fur coat over her pastel pink knit sweater dress. His entire house was freezing cold. Even her thermal leggings could feel the chill seeping in. At least her triple layered socks kept her toes warm.
“He’s not replying to my texts.”
“Call him.”
Jisung sighed, resting his back against the door. What little space they had in the closet wasn’t much, but shoving the coats and jackets aside gave them some room to move. She readjusted to stand between his legs.
Bowing his head, pocketing his phone, he sighed.
“He’s not picking up. Guess we’ll have to wait in here until he comes home.” His eyes followed her, lifting his head, as she pulled her coat tight around her body, buttoning up.
“I’m shorter so I can stand against the back wall.” Her words sounded muffled, having been absorbed by Jaemin’s collection of wool jackets and cardigan sweaters. His forehead shone as he stood directly under the bright light bulb. “I’m in the shadows and you stand in the light.”
He guffawed, hands reaching out to grab her hips. Standing up straight, he pulled her up against him, hands slipping down her back. Cupping her ass under her dress.
“Let me warm you up,” he said, grin widening at the left side of his mouth. His long veiny fingers pinching her fleshy cheeks. Pushing her up against him. Right knee tucked between her thighs. “I’m sorry I got us stuck in here babe.”
“I’m still a little cold.” His hands roamed up to rest at the small of her back, and she muffled a moan as his thigh lifted up and flexed against her cunt. Back of her hand covering her mouth. “Jisung.”
“Trying to keep you warm,” he insisted, leaning down to kiss her neck. “Cold and shivering, let me take care of you.”
Hands cupping his face into her palms, she pulled him in for a kiss. Tongues pushing back and forth, her fingers raked through his hair as his hands roamed up and down her ass, under her dress.
Releasing his lips, she moaned as he bounced her up and down, heat growing between her legs. It was enough to encourage him to unbuckle his belt, unzip his jeans.
They kissed, his moans sucked up into her lips, as she wrapped her hand around his cock, under his boxers. He moaned again into her mouth as she stroked him. Hot cock writhing in her fist.
His fingers tugged her leggings down, past her thighs and down to her knees, forcing her back to the door. Pushing up against her folds, thumb flicking her growing clit.
“Fuck, you’re wet.”
“Just the tip, no condom.”
They moaned together as he rubbed his tip up against her clit. Her whole body shook - heat rushing deep into her core. Her vision turned red, eyes rolling to the back of her head as he flicked his tip against her clit. Wet hot cock sending pleasure coursing through her body.
“Ji-jisung!” Her hips thrust against his cock’s motions. Her juices pouring out, covering his cock, soaking up into his pants and her stockings. “I’m s-so sorry!”
“Fuck.” His lips warmed hers. Chuckle against the crook of her neck. His fingers unfastened her coat’s buttons, pulling her coat off her shoulders. “What are you sorry for?”
“Coming all over you. I made a mess.”
She mewled, fingers fisting the fabric of his hoodie as he stroked his cock’s tip against her clit again. Eyes shut as her neck and chest flared up like the sun beaming down on her on a hot summer day.
“Just the tip, babe.” His kisses on her cheeks warmed her. “You’re so hot.”
His breaths were shallow as his tip slipped into her wet hole. Giving her heat that tingled deep into her belly. But lacking the weight and stretch of his cock invading her insides. Pleasure and torture intertwined as a couple of whiny moans came out of him.
“Fuck-you’re so hard.” She moaned, hand slipping down to massage his balls. Wet and smooth, they warmed up in her hand. “I wanna help you too.”
He groaned, thumbs meeting at the hood of her clit. Soft pads massaging her swollen nub. Sending heat deep into her core. Her whole body shook as she fell against Jisung. Cunt squeezing down on his tip. Orgasm washing over her as her face flared up.
His lips were over hers. Tongue parting her lips with one hand on her neck. Humming a soft groan into her mouth.
His hot cum dribbled over her panties and stockings. Landing onto his bare skin and pants. Shy grin appearing as they pulled apart. Her whole body shook. Knees and ankles feeling ready to fall apart as she stood on her feet. Hands grasping onto the front of Jisung’s unzipped hoodie.
Cold air rushed into their hot box as the door swung open behind Jisung.
Jaemin’s eyes were wide open as he made eye contact with her before looking at Jisung - his head whipping around to see his hyung staring at the young couple caught up in their post-coital glow. His mouth was closed. Jaws clenched.
Wordlessly, Jaemin shut the door. She pulled her panties and stockings up, making sure her dress was down covering her ass and thighs. He fumbled to buckle his belt back on before zipping up his pants.
“I’ll book you a hotel room, Jisung.” Jaemin’s voice was muffled from the outside. “I’m sorry you got locked in the closet. Please throw anything you got dirty into the hamper before you pack up your luggage.”
They listened to Jaemin’s creaking footsteps against the hardwood floor dissipate before breaking out into guffaws. Her cheeks were hot as she threw her hands over her mouth. Meeting his eyes as he ran his fingers through his shiny black hair. His perfect teeth appearing as he laughed, chest shaking.
“Guess we’re not going to be invited back here anytime soon,” he said, finally pushing the door open. Her cheeks prickled as cold air hit her face.
“Thank you for keeping me warm, Jisung.”
Their mixed cum staining her clothes clung to her skin. As uncomfortable as it was between her legs, she was turned on all over again. Covered in their sex under her dress. Honored that Jisung was so enamored with her that he’d fuck her in Jaemin’s closet.
--- Thank you for reading! Let me know what you think! 📮 Go to Cramped Spaces 5
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echo-goes-mmm · 5 months
Ambrose and Elliot #24
Warnings: threats of non-con, threats of recapture
Elliot’s breath hitched and his heart stuttered. Fear buzzed under his skin like a swarm of bees.
He waited in the kitchen until he was absolutely certain Mr. Horneswood was upstairs and asleep.
He crept up the stairs and slipped into his room. He closed the door and locked it.
There was no way he was going to sleep in his bed. Too much of an invitation. He could hide in the closet, but then he wouldn’t be able to see him coming.
Sleeping at all was too much of a risk.
Elliot sat on the floor, back to the bed. He stared at the doorknob, waiting for it to rattle, waiting for Mr. Horneswood to burst through and take what had always been on offer before.
Two nights. One day.
He could stay awake. He must stay awake.
The bedroom was dangerous. It wasn’t clear to him before, but as he sat and waited, his eyes darted around in the shadows.
His beloved items and furniture provided hiding places, but they made it easier for him to be cornered.
He could be bent over his nightstand, pinned against the wardrobe, even the chest could be emptied and he could be shoved in and locked inside.
Elliot couldn’t stay in here, but it was the only place with a lock-
Maybe Master Ambrose would let him upstairs? Mr. Horneswood wouldn’t dare hunt him down if he stayed up there.
But Ambrose would ask about it. What if he didn’t believe him?
Dawn approached as he thought in circles. By the time the light shined through the window, his bedroom had become as suffocating as a coffin.
He got up, and his vision went dark and blurry for a moment before clearing.
He unlocked the door, and slipped downstairs. There were chores to be done, no matter what he was feeling.
He bit his lip and glanced at the door across from his. It was still closed.
He breathed in and out. 
It might be fine. Elliot had a new master, and maybe, just maybe, Mr. Horneswood would realize there were different rules now. 
He went into the kitchen, and began to wash last night’s dishes.
“Good morning.”
He jumped, and turned to see Master on the steps. “Good morning, sir.”
Master Ambrose helped him gather up the decorations, winding the strung flowers into a nice loop before putting them away.
“I’m going to bring some more wood in, alright? We’re a little low. I’d appreciate it if you could sweep the floor. We’ll move the tables and chairs back after. And I think there’s some bacon in the larder if you haven’t had breakfast yet.”
“Yes, sir, thank you.” He watched Ambrose leave, the pit of dread in his stomach growing. He was too nauseated for rich bacon; and instead opted for a day-old biscuit and a bit of butter.
He grabbed the broom and moved to the far corner. There were lots of crumbs from last night that needed to be taken care of.
Elliot was lost in the work, making the floor clean and shiny, when somebody pressed up against him. He froze. Hands settled on his shoulders, squeezing.
“Hello,” purred Mr. Horneswood into his ear. “Isn’t this a pleasant surprise?”
Elliot whimpered, and Mr. Horneswood shifted to murmur into his other ear. “He looked for you, you know. For quite a while. I figured you’d died.”
Elliot twitched, but he couldn't bring himself to move away.
Mr. Horneswood traced a finger over his chest before suddenly gabbing his chin. “I’m going to drag your sorry ass back home.”
He mouthed at his ear, and Elliot shuddered. Tears pooled at the corners of his eyes.
“Maybe I’ll make you my little bitch tonight,” he mused. “Just us, before I have to share my favorite slut again.”
Oh gods, no-
“What reward do you think he’ll give me for bringing you home? I know, how about I get to-”
The back door slammed open, and Mr. Horneswood jumped away from him.
Elliot couldn’t look up from the floor, couldn’t bring himself to move. But Mr. Horneswood brushed past him, probably to get his own breakfast.
Ambrose didn’t come into the room, no matter how desperately he wished for him. 
Elliot kept sweeping.
When the kitchen half of the inn was opened for the day, Mr. Horneswood took great pleasure in ordering him around. 
He was nicer when Ambrose was in earshot, but his smug, satisfied face sent chills up his spine when Master was gone. 
“You look better now that you’re fed,” said Mr. Horneswood, as Elliot fetched him coffee. “At least your new master understands the importance of actually having an ass to grab. Too bad for you; that’ll change.”
Elliot looked away. “He- he doesn’t touch me,” he whispered. “It's not allowed.”
“No? All the better then. I look forward to how tight you’ll be.”
“Elliot? Could you help me with this?” Ambrose called from across the room.
Elliot grabbed the topmost box from him, and helped set the delivery on the counter. He could feel Horneswood’s eyes watching.
Ambrose disappeared down into the cellar.
“Look at you,” mocked Horneswood. “Even got yourself a new name. Do you want me to call you Elliot when I fuck you, or is ‘whore’ still on the table?”
Elliot said nothing. What did he mean by new name? He couldn’t remember having one before. His old master hadn’t given him one.
He bit his lip.
“At least get me some more water while you’re over there,” Horneswood ordered, snapping him out of his thoughts.
Finally, Ambrose went upstairs to pray, and Elliot made the excuse of cleaning the upstairs windows in order to follow him.
The door clicked behind him, and he locked it just to be sure. Ambrose looked up from the altar. 
“Is everything alright?”
“He’s going to hurt me,” he blurted, “He- I-” his breath came quick and shallow, and he struggled to catch it.
“Slow down love.” Ambrose crossed the room, hands on his shoulders. Elliot flinched away.
“I- I know him. From before.” Ambrose’s eyes went wide. 
“Are you certain?” Elliot nodded, desperate for him to understand.
“He- He said I was a- a slut and- and he was going to take me back, and-” his voice cracked. He gulped in air.
“He said he was going to make me his bitch. And so many other horrible things!” Please believe me, please believe me, please please please.
“Hush. Come with me.” Ambrose’s voice was tight and firm, and angry. Master turned on his heel and stalked into the bedroom.
Elliot followed him inside. Was he going to be punished?
Ambrose pulled the doors shut behind them, and the more layers of walls and doors between him and Horneswood the better. Even if Ambrose was going to beat him.
But instead, Ambrose pulled down a dagger and sheath from a hook on the wall. The hilt was a shiny thing, with gold and encrusted gems. 
Master pulled the dagger out of its leather, and he could see how sharp it was.
Ambrose put it on the bed. Elliot didn’t take his eyes off the shiny steel.
“Do you want to watch?”
“I don’t understand, sir.” He looked up at Master Ambrose. 
Master Ambrose looked at him, a cold glint in his eyes.
“I’m going to kill him. Do you want to watch?”
Elliot considered the knife. He thought about yesterday, how he somehow already knew how to fold the flowers even though he couldn’t remember ever doing it before.
He thought about Mr. Horneswood’s taunt about having a new name, despite being unable to recall an old name.
“Elliot? Do you want to watch?”
“Yes.” He looked back at Ambrose. “I have questions for him.”
taglist: @cupcakes-and-pain @secretwhumplair @paintedpigeon1 @whump-blog @whump-em @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @starfields08000 @littlespacecastle @mylovelyme @whump-cravings @zeewbee @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @keepingwhumpwiththekardashians @fanastyfinder @roblingoblin285 @whumpzone @snakebites-and-ink @astrokea @magdalena-writes @latenightcupsofcoffee @tobiaslut
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Excuses, Excuses - Part 2
Pairings: Phantom X Dewdrop X Mountain X Swiss Type: Smut Summary: Phantom gets taught his lesson for spying. Warnings: Voyeur!Phantom, getting caught, anal sex, blowjob, spit, manipulation, mention of safeword (not used), coming dry Word Count: 3,375 Notes: Find part 1 here. Read here on ao3. 
Phantom groaned as he sat up. He was still incredibly hard, and there was a damp spot on his boxers, and he had not gotten off once since he was caught, even though Mountain had made him plug himself while Dew slept to keep him stretched for the upcoming events. That and Mountain’s hand would occasionally wander, all a happy little accident if you asked the earth ghoul.
Then Swiss had come in, and his demeanor had Phantom cowering.  He sat across the room in Mountain’s arm chair — a necessity for his reading nook — and remained quiet. The silence only doubled Phantom’s shame.
He wouldn’t make eye contact with anyone, but he could feel eyes on him. He couldn’t deny that he was slightly excited for what was about to happen, but he knew he would be in the wrong if he tried to argue his side of things.
Dewdrop shifted in his spot on Mountain, and Phantom’s nerves increased. Once Dewdrop was awake was when things would actually get started.
Dewdrop turned his head, and for the first time in thirty minutes, Phantom made eye contact. Dewdrop gave a sleepy smile and chuffed. “You’re in for it now, Bat Boy,” he muttered, turning back to bury himself in Mountain’s neck.
Mountain carded his fingers through the fire ghoul’s hair, and Swiss stood up, making his way towards Phantom. Phantom made an attempt to scoot back, but Swiss had him by the ankles, and pulled him to lay down flat.
“I hope you know I’m disappointed in you, Phantom,” he said, tone stern.
“I’m sorry,” the quintessence ghoul squeaked out, tail curling around his ankle.
“I was really looking forward to our walk. I can’t say I’m complaining about this, but I was excited to spend a nice simple evening with you.”
“I really didn’t mean to, I just wanted to get one of Mountain’s sweater’s.”
“You didn’t even ask to do that,” Mountain pointed out. “And you easily could have walked out of my closet and left, but no, you couldn’t help yourself.”
“I’m sor-“
Swiss held up a hand and Phantom cut himself off. “I get you’re sorry, and your apology is accepted. However, I really think everyone agrees when I say a punishment is in order.”
Phantom nods, nerves radiating off him worse than heat radiates off a fire ghoul, and finally, Dewdrop sits up, crawling off of Mountain to sit next to the quintessence ghoul. “You’re so pretty when you’re nervous,” he purrs, pulling Phantom into a kiss.
Phantom let out a surprised noise as fingers hooked into his boxers, pulling them down, his cock springing free. Dewdrop chuckled against his lips and pulled away, electing to settle between his knees.
There was a misleading sweetness in the air as Mountain ran a hand down his chest, rubbing over his nipples, but never pinching them. Swiss sat behind him, lifting Phantom’s head so he could rest it in his lap, softly running his fingers through his messy hair. Dewdrop laid down between Phantom’s leg, resting his head on his thigh as he took Phantom’s cock in his hand.
“I think we should drain this dry,” he murmured. Phantom sucked in a gasp as Dew licked a stripe from the base to the head not entirely prepared for the sudden contact.
“That sounds like a good idea,” Mountain chuckled, bringing his hand to Phantom’s chin, locking eyes with him. “Can’t wait for you to start crying. You look so handsome when you’re begging for us to stop.”
“How about this? Dew gets to suck you off. Then we all take a turn filling that pretty little hole. You get to cum as much as you want, but we don’t stop until we’re satisfied.”
Phantom thought about it for a moment, then nodded as Dew cupped his balls and took his cock into his mouth. He let out a sharp moan, moving his hands to grasp at Swiss’s legs. Swiss and Mountain chuckled, giving each other a knowing look.
Mountain’s hand pinched his nipple as Dew took him in his mouth fully, causing him to buck his hips and make Dewdrop gag. He really tried not to, but Mountain’s calloused hand felt so nice, and Dew’s mouth was so warm and wet, and he really couldn’t help himself.
Dewdrop pulled off to catch his breath. “Can someone hold him down? I swear, we give him one nice thing and he tries to take advantage of it.”
“No, please,” Phantom whined, squirming as Mountain wrapped an arm around his waist, holding him down. “I’m sorry. I can be good. I promise.”
Swiss brought one hand to his chin, stroking his cheek. “Oh, sweet boy…you’re going to get what you want. You just have to play by our rules. Do you understand me?” Swiss asked, looking down at the smaller ghoul. Phantom swore his eyes were burning holes into his head.
Phantom nodded, and Swiss hummed in response, sneaking two of his fingers into his mouth. His eyes shut and he began to suck on Swiss’s fingers just as he felt Dewdrop’s lips wrap around his cock.
Tears pricked his eyes as Swiss forced his fingers back further, causing him to choke. “Look at you…such a pretty little thing,” he murmured as he brought the tips of his fingers to hook against his lower jaw, pulling his mouth open.
Phantom let his tongue loll out as Swiss bent over him, letting a string of saliva land in the quintessence ghouls mouth. Swiss pushed his fingers back in to pet at his tongue.
Phantom moaned around his fingers as Dewdrop glued his tongue to the vein at the underside of his cock. Swiss pulled his fingers from his mouth, wiping the spit on his cheek.
“Lucifer,” Phantom cursed, trying to buck his hips, yet being forced back down by Mountain’s grip on his waist.
“Feeling good, sweetheart?” Mountain purred, moving to mouth at Phantom’s neck.
“Uh huh.” Dewdrop looked up as Phantom’s eyes rolled back and chuckled. Phantom’s grip on Swiss’s thigh tightened as the vibrations ran through him. “Fuck, ‘m gonna cum.”
“Already?” Mountain teased, pulling away to look at Phantom, moving one of his hands to rub up and down his arms.
“Yes, fuck, please. I need to…” he moaned.
“Go ahead,” Mountain smiled.
His back arched as much as he could with Mountain’s arm holding him down as his muscles tensed. Dewdrop groaned at the feeling of Phantom’s cum pooling in his mouth. He worked Phantom through his orgasm, then sat up, pulling Phantom into an instantly filthy kiss.
Phantom whined as Dewdrop slipped his tongue into Phantom’s mouth, his own cum flooding his taste buds. As he pulled away, Dewdrop sat atop his thighs, wiping his mouth. Phantom looked up at him and swallowed.
“I’m thinking Dewdrop gets him first, then me, then save Mountain for last? Get him all nice and stretched,” Swiss says, sitting Phantom up so that he can strip out of his own clothes.
“I could work with that,” Mountain shrugs.
“As long as I get to fuck him silly,” Dew grins, sitting up to coax Phantom onto his stomach, pulling his hips up to put him on his hands and knees.
He gasped as Dewdrop began to fidget with the plug nestled between his cheeks. He already felt out of it, and the slightest shift against his prostate made him whine.
“Sensitive already? We just began, Baby Bat,” Swiss says, standing fully nude in front of him. Phantom expectedly opened his mouth and Swiss tutted. “Do you really think you’re going to get what you want? After all of us have had our evenings screwed up because of you? Absolutely not.” Swiss grabbed his chin and angled his head to look into his eyes.  “You’re going to wait for my cock, and you’re not going to whine and cry about it.”
Phantom screwed his mouth shut, but groaned as Dewdrop slid the plug out. He felt two lubed fingers slip into his hole, and automatically clenched.
“Jeez, Mounty. You think of everything. Even got him stretched out for us.”
“Actually, I made him do it himself. Figured if he wanted to join in on our fun, he’d have to put some effort in and not just lay there like a pillow princess.”
Dewdrop chuckled as he pulled his fingers out. “Makes sense. Can’t have him thinking that he can get away with whatever he wants just because he’s the newbie.”
The way they would talk about him as if Dewdrop weren’t actively spearing him on his cock made his head spin. It was even worse when Swiss would look down on him and speak to him as if he were too dumb to process anything, and when the head of Dewdrop’s cock began to press against his prostate, he might as well have been.
Swiss gently pushed between his shoulder blades, forcing him to lay with his head in a pillow and his ass in the air with his arms sprawled out on either side of him.
“Lucifer, he is tight,” Dewdrop cursed as he began to thrust at a steady pace, his hands resting on Phantom’s waist.
“Must not have done a good enough job of stretching yourself if Dewdrop thinks you're tight,” Mountain mutters as he grabs Phantom’s tail to wrap around his wrist.
He tried to speak, hoping to defend himself, but Swiss’s hand stroking through his hair made it impossible to lift his head, causing everything to be muffled.
“Be nice,” Swiss chides, though there’s mockery in his tone. “He was probably just excited about getting attention that he just rushed through it. You know how the newbies get.”
Dew lets out a grunt and Phantom feels claws dig into his hips. He winces, but doesn’t say anything since the feeling isn’t overwhelmingly painful.
What is overwhelming is the slow drag of Dewdrop’s dick sliding in and out of him. “Mount, give me the lube,” he grumbles. Phantom hears the cap pop open, and feels a cold liquid getting poured on his hole, right where Dew’s cock sits. He feels Dewdrop smear it before pushing a finger in along with his cock.
Phantom lets out a downright whorish moan at the stretch, and Swiss tugs on his hair, lifting his head. His eyes are glassy, his cheeks are flushed, and his mouth hangs open as little “ah, ah, ah’s” escape him.
“If you think this is a lot, wait until Mountain and I get our hands on you,” Swiss sneers, looking dissatisfied, though Phantom knows he isn’t. Not with the way he’s stroking himself, and not with the way his cock is hard and leaking. 
Dewdrop removes his finger from Phantom, smearing it on his back. Phantom grips the bed sheets as Dew slams his hips against his ass. He tries dropping his head, but Swiss’s grip in his hair keeps his head up.
Mountain tugs on his tail and his hips raise the slightest bit more. Mountain snakes a hand under his waist and starts stroking his cock.
“F-fuck, not gonna last,” he groans.
“Then cum. No one is stopping you,” Mountain says simply, twisting his hand.
Swiss lets go of his hair, his head falls, and he’s cumming, making a mess of Mountain’s hand.
Dewdrop groans, tossing his head back as Phantom clenches around him, his thrusts getting sloppy. “Shit, gonna make me cum.”
Phantom, at this point, is squirming from overstimulation. Mountain’s hand hasn’t stopped moving along his dick, and he thinks he might go insane.
He lifts himself onto his hands, and tries to move away from Dewdrop, but Dewdrop’s claws dig into his hips, and Swiss grabs his shoulder, not allowing him to move.
“You asked for this,” Swiss reminded him. Phantom’s only response was a strangled whine. “I know you can take it, but you know what to say if you can’t.”
Phantom hangs his head, knowing he could call ‘yellow’ for a break or ‘red’ if he just wanted this to end. Even through the overstimulation, he wanted this. “‘m fine,” he muttered, though Swiss didn’t let go of his shoulders, and Dew’s grip was still bruising.
“Fuck,” was Dewdrop’s only warning before he came. Phantom groaned at the feeling of hot cum painted his insides.
Dewdrop pulled out slowly, reveling in the way cum dripped down Phantom’s balls, then moved to switch spots with Swiss. Phantom attempted to catch his breath, but was quickly flipped onto his back, and his wrists were trapped by two bony hands. He made an attempt to yank them away, but Dewdrop simply chuckled.
“Aw, poor little thing…he thinks this is for him,” Dew grins down at him, flashing his fangs.
Phantom stared up at him with wide, tear-filled eyes, cringing when a calloused hand began to stroke his cock. He looked down to see Swiss trying to coax him back to life. He whined, and managed to move his hips and make Swiss’s hand slip.
Swiss glared down at him, slapping his hip, and Phantom cowered. “None of that, baby. You should be glad we’re letting you cum at all. Thought about locking this pretty little cock of yours up. Maybe it would keep you out of trouble.”
“I’m sorry,” he whined, squirming as Swiss took hold of him again.
“Don’t be sorry. Are they being too rough with you, Spider Lily?” Mountain asks, voice too sweet for comfort. Phantom looks over at him, a slight tinge of fear in his eyes. “Swiss, wait for a moment,” Mountain says, grabbing Swiss’s wrist to pull him away from Phantom’s abused cock, concerned that they were pushing too far. The all know how much Phantom likes to please – even when it risks his own physical and mental comfort. “Phantom, do you need a break or for us to stop?” He asks, his eyes searching Phantom’s face for any sign that this is too much for the little ghoul.
Phantom looks at the three ghouls whose eyes are all on him, filled with concern and ready to jump into action if need be. “I’m okay,” he pants out. “Hurts a bit, but I’m okay.”
“Do you want us to stop or to take a break?” He’s asked again, this time by Dewdrop, his tone dead serious.
Phantom shakes his head. “I can take it,” he assures.
Mountain smiles, his hand roaming Phantom’s soft stomach. Phantom’s eyes drift closed with a soft smile at the gentle touches. His eyes shoot open when Mountain quickly grabs his cock and starts stroking again. “Then take it.”
Swiss takes Phantom’s legs, tossing them over his shoulder as he grabs his hips and pulls. Phantom gasps as he feels Swiss’s cock fill him, and he is definitely bigger than Dewdrop.
Swiss sets a merciless pace from the get go, and Phantom feels his breath being punched out of him with each breath. “I-I can’t,” he whines, squirming.
“Come on, Buggy. Don’t you want to be good for us? After all, we’ve been so nice to you,” Swiss says, tone mocking. He looked down at Phantom with a grin. “We’ve haven’t stopped pleasuring you,” he states, nodding at Mountain’s hand that is still stroking Phantom’s cock. “We’re letting you cum as much as you want…what more do you want from us?”
Phantom mewled and tried to squirm, but due to Dewdrop still holding him down, it was no use. Dewdrop rolled his eyes, letting go of Phantom’s hands, electing to grab the back of his knees, pulling them off Swiss’s shoulders.
Phantom let out a cry as the new angle allowed Swiss to hit his prostate with every thrust.
“Cumming,” he groaned, giving only a few seconds of warning. He struggled against Dewdrop’s hold, and Mountain only chuckled when barely anything came out. Hardly any of his cum spilling from his red and sticky cock. Tears began to spill down his cheeks when Mountain and Swiss kept going.
“You still haven’t made Swiss cum yet, and you’ve still got to get Mountain off,” Dewdrop reminded him. Phantom whined as he looked up at Dew with wet eyes. Dewdrop smiled back down. “There’s no thoughts in that pretty head of yours now…this is all you wanted. You just wanted to be fucked stupid.”
Phantom nodded. His mouth hung open, moaning with every rough slam of Swiss’s hips. He could tell Swiss was getting close with how his pace began to falter.
“Come on, Ant. Make me cum, baby. Milk my cock,” he huffed, bending forward to press a kiss to Phantom’s lips. Phantom clenched and that was enough to send him over the edge. He swallowed every noise Phantom made and buried himself to the hilt as he came inside Phantom.
Gently, Swiss took his legs and set them down on the bed. He pulled out, causing Phantom to wince. Swiss sat him up and cradled him to his chest. 
Mountain moved to lay against the headboard, which Phantom didn’t notice. He was too busy shaking and catching his breath in Swiss’s arms.
Dewdrop got up, pulled on a pair of boxers, and left the room to grab a few essential items for when everything was over. He came back a moment later and gave Phantom some water before Swiss tapped his shoulder.
“Look at Mountain. He’s still so hard, but he looks so comfortable in that position. How about you go climb that Mountain and give us a good show,” he said, yet another soft, misleading smile on his face.
Phantom chuffed and buried his face in Swiss’s chest. “Can’t.”
“Oh really? Why not?”
“Legs hurt. Feels like jelly.”
Swiss tutted, and lifted Phantom off of the bed, placing him chest to chest on Mountain. He maneuvered Phantom so that it was easy for Mountain to slide right in. Phantom groaned as Mountain stretched him out. Mountain, ever so patient, brought him into a gentle kiss as he waited for Phantom to start moving on his own before he did anything.
Once he felt Phantom grinding against him, he bucked his hips, causing Phantom to fall forward on his chest. Phantom had his eyes closed tight, his face twisted in pain and pleasure. Every slide of Mountain’s cock in and out of his hole was both excruciating and intoxicating.
He twisted his neck, opening one eye to see Swiss and Dewdrop already cleaning each other off while cuddling and watching the two of them.
Every thrust hit against his prostate, having him whine as he dug his claws into Mountain’s chest. Mountain had a grip on his hips that was most likely going to leave bruises, but he couldn’t care less in this moment.
“I needa cum,” he slurred out. The feel of Mountain inside of him and the friction from his cock sliding between their bellies with each thrust was threatening to send him over.
“Cum for me, baby,” Mountain grunted in his ear, knowing he was close as well.
Phantom moved his hands, electing to bite Mountain’s chest as he came dry, body tensing. Mountain followed suit, hot ropes of cum flooding Phantom and spilling out as he worked himself through his orgasm.
Mountain felt warm tears spill onto his chest, and he gently pulled himself from Phantom’s body, shushing him and showering him with praise. “Shh, you did so good, Phantom. It’s okay,” he muttered, holding the little ghoul close and kissing the top of his head.
Once Phantom had settled down enough, Swiss pulled him off of Mountain to clean him off. Dewdrop wrapped himself around Phantom, kicking up his temperature to soothe any aches in his muscles. They all praised him and coddled him, causing Phantom to purr from the gentleness of it all.
They all rearranged so that Phantom was laying on Mountain’s chest, Dewdrop pressed against his back, and Swiss on the opposite side of Mountain, raking his fingers through Phantom’s hair.
“Do you want to take a bath?” Dewdrop asked, nuzzling into his neck.
“Sleepy,” was the only response he got from the quintessence ghoul other than the soothing rumbles of his purr.
Dewdrop chuckled and pulled him in closer, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Sleep well, baby bat.”
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imagines-by-cleo · 1 year
I’m not sure if you are taking requests at the moment, but if you are can you please write Raiden (MGRR) going down on his s/o for the first time? 🛐
Of course friend! Once again I am sorry if Raiden is ooc, I'm doing my best lol. Sorry it took so long for this to come out, I hope it's worth the wait!
CW: oral sex (fem receiving), semi public, more wireplay cause I had 3 good Raiden headcannons and that was 2 of them,
Every part of Raiden's body was a weapon, from the sharp claws to the titanium jaw you had your lips pressed against now. You were nervous enough to touch him in his regular body but now even just lightly resting your hands on his chest made your heart race like you were holding a loaded gun, anticipating something to trigger if your hands wandered to freely over the ridged metal plates. It didn't help that he had just gotten back from a mission, you could hear his machine heart whirring while pumping coolant through his overheated body, you could even still smell the metalic traces of blood and cybernetic viscera that hadn't been completely cleaned from his body.
Breaking the kiss he exhaled, letting out hot steam in the other direction and increasing the temperature of the confined space the two of you had stolen away in. He checked one more time that the closet door was locked then made sure his radio was off while you did the same.
"No one can hear us in here right?" You asked, keeping your voice down to a low whisper.
"That depends on how loud you're gonna be" He purred, his hands running us your sides threatening to make you gasp.
You answered with a quiet laugh, his carefree attitude putting you at ease though there was still the matter of his body. Again you felt tense at the foreign pieces of metal digging into your skin as he pressed against you, not only wondering about the safety but the possibility of what he was doing to you. Thoughts of danger and pleasure stirred in your mind when you felt his mouth touch your neck, you sighed at soft feeling of his lips while shuddering at the hard feeling of his metal lower jaw paired with the touch of his sharp claws sneaking under your shirt and threatening your skin with the light touch of sharp edges.
Finding the opportunity to blurt out while he explored you. "Are you sure you don't want to wait until you're back in your civilian body?"
"Why? You don't want to?" He asked, teasing with fake puppy dog eyes knowing that wasn't the truth.
"I do but... I don't know how you can make it work, you don't even have the right equipment right now." You answered, honestly.
"Don't worry about that. Just let me touch you." He reassured, continuing his conquest of your body.
You tilted your neck up, allowing him to return tasting you once again. He lifted your shirt exposing your skin to the air and making your nipples harden as he made a decending path with his lips between your breasts. His breath was hot and his metal parts were foreign, you wondered if he could feel how your heart was pounding while he kissed your heaving chest. As he moved even lower you could feel one of his hands gripping your thighs, lifting gently while you were firmly pressed against the wall until he was the only thing supporting your entire weight.
When he set your legs on his broad shoulders you knew exactly what he wanted to do, you carelessly moaned out loud when his lips touched your waistband while he lifted your skirt above your hips. The only thing between you and him being a thin layer of fabric that in spite of your doubts about the situation was growing a small yet noticeable wet spot, his proximity to your most intimate parts made a blush rise to your cheeks and the position of your legs on his shoulders made it impossible for you to follow your urge to turn away.
With one swipe of the titanium nails the fabric was torn and there was nothing at all to stop him, your legs shook as his hot breath warmed your already burning skin. Afraid of making any noise you put a hand over your mouth, muffling the sounds you would have made when his lips gently touched your folds into a shaking exhale through your nose.
That first long lick running from top to bottom of your slit had you gripping your mouth tighter, trying and failing to catch the whine that shot out.
"You taste sweeter than I thought you would." He commented, only pausing for a moment to pant out before hungrily diving back in. "So much sweeter."
As warm as his body was, the touch of his metal jaw still felt cold and took some getting used to. You had never imagined he could eat you out like this but the moving of his tongue and the feeling of his steel hands on your thighs was starting to feel more and more natural as time went on.
Raiden growled low as his tongue plunged even deeper, sending vibrations straight through your core. The bridge of his nose rubbed on your clit making you want to roll your hips forward just to get a little more friction on it.
The grunts and groans he made while devouring you were almost as loud as your own, you wondered how he hadn't drowned yet without stopping to breathe for even a second. It was possible he was enjoying this even more than you were, you wanted to look down and see but instead kept a hand over your mouth hoping to hide the embarrassing faces you might make in the heat of pleasure.
The second his thumb touched your clit you jumped, it moved slow at first while finding the right rhythm that wouldn't scratch you but before long he rubbed fast enough to have your legs jerking in every direction. You could feel it creeping up faster than you could handle, every rapid circle his thumb drew over your clit and every firm pump of his tongue forced you to the edge.
"Raiden slow down, I'm gonna..." you gasped out though you could hardly breathe.
Without responding or complying he kept going at his electric pace, making your body go stiff as you twitched around him. Your mind went blank, your vision blurred while you lost what little control of your body that you had left. Putting your hands on both sides of the closet walls, trying to ground yourself while washed over and took you completely.
Even after you came that wasn't enough to stop him, your exhausted body still spasmed while he drank up every drop that dribbled out of your overstimulated pussy. When you found that you could breathe again all that would come out of your mouth was shameless moans, as you tried to suck in the hot stuffy air in that confined space.
Running a hand through his already tossed blond hair as he cleaned the mess he made out of you, finding the boldness to look down you found his unfocused eyes glowing with just a hint of that feral red while he shamelessly slurped you up. He could be such a little monster sometimes, but he was all yours right now.
For a good long while you were convinced Raiden was never even going to stop for air, almost sparking up a second orgasm before you had to interrupt him.
"Raiden... Raiden, breathe." You called, almost laughing.
Eventually having to pull him back by his hair to get his attention, even then he continued to lick the traces of you of his lips while flashing his wicked smile.
"You're gonna drown." You teased.
"Don't worry, I could do this all day." He reassured, placing kissed on your thighs before setting your legs back on the floor.
He placed firm feverish kisses all the way back up your torso to your face, letting his hands roam wildly like touching you was going to charge his batteries somehow. Not even caring about the little scratches he'd leave when you roughly grabbed at your body, just perfectly content in letting him use you to sate his appetite.
He guided your hand to a small gap in the armor on his back where you felt around until you found a single exposed wire. When your fingertips met it and his hips twitched forward there was no more explanation needed, immediately you started to play with it while savoring the various reactions you would get from Raiden. His body would twist and writhe while his eyes crossed and his hips snapped forward in a distorted muscle memory.
It was scary in a way to have him acting so unpredictably, when you had no idea what happened if you played with the mystery wire too much. A horrifying thought crept into your head that it could make him malfunction and you would have to explain to everyone how you broke Raiden.
"Don't stop, don't stop." He begged over and over, gritting his teeth and whining through them.
His arms caged your body, claws digging into the wall behind you while his chest heaved. Again he firmly pressed his lips against yours, this time sharing the lingering taste of your own sticky sweetness. With a series of wet breathy open mouthed kisses you felt his panting even out and his overheated body begin to cool while he came down from his peak.
What should have been an intimate moment of basking in your collective afterglow was rudely interrupted by your phone ringing from down on the floor where you must have dropped it earlier. Naturally you hung up, thinking that would be the end of it until Raiden also got a buzz from his radio.
"Shit, how long have we been gone?" He asked.
Taking a look at your phone and seeing the long list of notifications from everyone at Maverick asking where you were, you groaned not even having the right to be annoyed at them.
"A little too long." You answered. "Everyone thinks we just went home."
"If they already think that, we could just..." Raiden suggested.
"No way." You replied.
"Why not? We're already in trouble." He pressed.
"Because we'd get caught on the way out." You answered.
"You're talking to someone who sneaks around for a living." That was a good point, one you couldn't exactly argue with.
"Okay fine." Rolling your eyes as you finally agreed. "But I bet you twenty bucks we get caught before we even get to the lobby."
"What do I get if we don't get caught?" He asked his voice taking a comically suggestive tone.
You teasingly answered while trying not to snicker. "Wouldn't you like to know, Mr lightning bolt."
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squoxle · 1 year
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ℜ𝔦𝔠𝔥𝔢𝔰 𝔞𝔫𝔡 ℜ𝔬𝔶𝔞𝔩𝔱𝔶 💍 {𝐈}
𝓦𝓱𝓮𝓷 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓬𝓪𝓷’𝓽 𝓭𝓮𝓬𝓲𝓭𝓮 𝓫𝓮𝓽𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓰.
✩✩𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘴 𝘴𝘦𝘹𝘶𝘢𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘴:ⓌⒶⓇⓃⒾⓃⒼ
<<𝐚𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐡𝐨𝐥 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐛𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭--𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠
✩𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨:𝖩𝖺𝗒 𝗑 𝖱𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 + 𝖲𝗎𝗇𝗀𝗁𝗈𝗈𝗇 𝗑 𝖱𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 (𝖿𝖾𝗆𝖺𝗅𝖾)
✩𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦: 𝖫𝗈𝗏𝖾 𝖳𝗋𝗂𝖺𝗇𝗀𝗅𝖾/𝖣𝗈𝗎𝖻𝗅𝖾 𝖫𝗂𝖿𝖾/𝖲𝖾𝖼𝗋𝖾𝗍 𝖠𝖿𝖿𝖺𝗂𝗋
✩𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺:𝐁𝐨𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲’𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐡 𝐝𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐬. 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐚𝐬 𝐢𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐬𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝𝐬, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐨𝐫 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐤?
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You met Jay at a bar a 6 months ago. You had came there after a long day of work to debrief. Being that this was a bar where people usually socialize, Jay came over to sit next to you. The two of you enjoyed a conversation full of smiles and laughter. He paid for your drinks and even offered to call you a taxi. Even though you two aren’t official yet, he’s been treating you so well. Last month he took you with him on a trip to Vegas and last Friday he surprised you with dinner at his villa. You thought he looked so hot with that black apron tied around his waist. But what was even more impressive was his culinary skills. This man can cook! Jay also likes to spoil you with gifts in all shapes and sizes. He has practically earned a closet for himself at your house. You really like Jay and you want to be his girlfriend, but there’s also another guy.
Sunghoon. He is the epitome of a Prince. You met him at a cafe around the same time you met Jay. You were having the worst day ever and as you were sitting down you were handed an order that wasn’t yours. “I’m sorry, but I didn’t order this.” You said to the waiter. The waiter pointed across the room. “He purchased it for you ma’am.” You looked in the direction he pointed and locked eyes with Sunghoon. The two of you shared a conversation filled with blushing and giggles. He’s constantly taking you on dates, giving you lots of bonding time. You see him almost every week and he texts/calls you every day. The way he treats you is different from Jay, but both men make you feel special. Still none of them were officially committed to you.
You couldn’t choose for yourself, so you opted to leave the question alone until it was ABSOLUTELY necessary.
This weekend Jay has planned another fancy dinner with you at his villa. Since you enjoyed it so much last time, he wanted to do it again. The only difference is that he wants you to stay with him the whole weekend. He offered you a bed in a separate room if you weren’t comfortable with sharing a bed, but the choice was all yours.
Jay picked you up Friday night in his black INFINITI. He then drove you to his villa where he carried your bags inside. “Jay, I could’ve carried my own bags.” You said as he placed them on the ground. “I really don’t mind.” Jay said taking wrapping your hands in his. “I sure hope you’re hungry because I made a lot of food.” He walked you into his kitchen where you saw the countertops dressed like a banquet. “You baked a cake?!” You said widening your eyes. “Yeah.” He giggled back. He pulled out a chair for you to sit at his table. “Okay, tell me what you want and I’ll prepare it for you. Oh and I got us some of our favorite whiskey to share.” “Jay, I can do it myself.” “That’s alright I want to do it for you. I don’t want you to move from that table at all.” Not wanting to go back and forth, you obliged and gave him your request. “Yes ma’am.” He said as he happily clapped his hands and started working on you order. He plated it so beautifully and served you whiskey just the way you liked it. His plate was prepared ahead of time, so he just heated it up and sat down with you. The food was amazing, just like last time.
After the two of you finished eating dinner he cut you both a slice of the cake he made. It was perfectly balanced in sweetness and the texture was surprisingly moist. He brought all of the dishes to the sink. You really didn’t have to get up for anything.
“I have one more surprise for you Y/N.” Jay said before walking off into his study. He came out shortly after with a gift bag in his hand. “You can open it now if you want.” “Aww. Jay, you didn’t have to get me anything. This dinner was a gift all on its own.” You said holding the bag in you hand. “You know I love to spoil you Y/N. And besides, this is a very special surprise.” He said staring into your eyes. You removed the wrapping paper to reveal a small gift box and a card. “Open the card first—no the gift box. No wait—actually you choose.” Jay was so being so cute right now you couldn’t help but giggle a bit.
“I’ll open the card first.” You said carefully tearing open the hot pink envelope and pulling out the card. You noticed a guitar pick taped to the other side of the card. “What’s this for?” “I’m gonna play a song for you after we finish with you gifts.” He said smiling. “Hehe, okay. Well I guess I better hurry.” You opened the card and read aloud, “Since the day we first met at that bar, I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind. You make me happy in ways I could never imagine. I really really really hope you liked that dinner…especially the cake. That was my first time baking one. Anyways, I love you very much, Y/N. ♡︎ To the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. From her soon to be husband, but hopefully boyfriend for now.” This was the sweetest thing you’d ever read from a guy. You looked up a Jay who had a pleased grin on his face after seeing the satisfied look you gave him. “Now you can open the box.”
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Inside of the box was a diamond accented, sterling silver, amethyst bracelet. The stones were cut into the shape of a heart. “Wow…It’s beautiful. Thank you so much.” You said holding the delicate item in your hands. “You don’t have to say yes right now, but I want to make things official between us. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Y/N.” Jay said as he fastened the bracelet around your wrist.
As promised, after opening your gifts, Jay sang you a beautiful song while playing the guitar. That night you decided to sleep in bed with him since he was being so sweet. Maybe it was the whiskey, or the song he played, or the way he looked at you when you were laying next to him. One thing led to another and the two of you shared a long and blissful kiss. It was very romantic the way he caressed your face and hands. He kissed you deep and slow. You didn’t want that kiss to end and neither did he.
The next morning you woke up to the smell of breakfast. You walked over to the kitchen to see Jay flipping pancakes and frying bacon. “Good morning.” He said with a smile. “I have some coffee brewing if you want some while you wait. I’m almost finished.” Jay pointed in the direction of a dripping coffee pot and returned back to cooking. The rest of the weekend was wonderful. You had a chance to spend lots of time with Jay, cuddling and cooking together was a perfect way to debrief from your long week. He even played you a song every night. Jay was making this a tough decision for you. Even though you wanted to say yes to Jay you didn’t want to say no to Sunghoon.
After Jay dropped you off at your house, your life resumed as normal. However, that Sunday evening, Sunghoon texted you. For a second you thought he may have been reading your mind as you were already thinking about him. “Hey Princess. I miss you. Just wondering if you’d like to join me tomorrow night…I have something special planned for us.” You read his text, but hesitated to respond. Jay just proposed a relationship to you and you spent the weekend with him. “Aww. I missed you too. And of course I’ll join. Sounds fun.” You turned off your phone and went to bed. You were gonna need your rest to deal with all of this.
You woke up to the sound of your doorbell. You quickly cleaned yourself up before opening the door to see a big beautiful gift box at your door step. It was wrapped in shiny black paper with a huge silver bow on top, there was also a tag hanging off of the corner.
“To: My Princess. From: Your Prince.”
You carried the surprisingly light box inside and closed the door behind you. For a moment you looked at the box wondering what could be inside. Then you pulled the ribbon off and removed the top. Almost immediately, red and pink heart balloons floated out of the box. “Wow.” You thought to yourself. Then you looked at the bottom of the box to see another gift box. This one was bigger than a shoe box but smaller than the box it was in. You picked up the box and placed it on the living room table. When you opened the box you saw gold paper with a letter on top. “This is for you to wear tonight. Can’t wait to see you. —Love Sunghoon.💙 P.S. I also made you a spa reservation for 2 o’clock.” After you removed the gold paper you pulled out the most elegant sapphire blue gown you had ever seen. It was adorned with crystals that traced the lining of the bust and the waist. Underneath the dress was a shoe box. They were a pair of lovely silver heels with crystal wrapped around the ankle.
Sunghoon texted you soon after you thanked him for the gift. “I’ll be over to pick you up at 7😊”
*Time Skip*
Sunghoon arrived precisely at 7:00pm. He was most often a very punctual person. “You look beautiful.” He said as he scanned your body, admiring the way the dress complimented your figure. When he did this it always gave you butterflies in your stomach. For the whole ride Sunghoon held you hand in his, he even played with your fingers time to time.
This was your first time EVER going to his home and when you arrived it was exactly what you would expect a perfect prince like Sunghoon to have. He parked his car in front of his house before coming to open the door for you. “I’m not the best chef, but I used some recipes from my Grandmother and cooked us dinner.” He chuckled nervously. You had never met any of Sunghoon’s family, but you were confident that he could make a delicious meal. “I’m sure it taste fine Sunghoon. I’m confident in your skills.” You reassured him. Hearing this made Sunghoon smile. “You know…this is why I decided to have this special dinner with you tonight.” “What did I do?” You chuckled. “You make me feel so special. When I’m around you, nothing else matters. I’d do anything to reciprocate that feeling to you. I love you Y/N.” Sunghoon said before gently kissing your lips. “Do you want to dance with me?” Sunghoon asked with a bright smile on his face. “But Sunghoon, I’m not very good at dancing.” “Don’t worry. I’ll teach you.” Sunghoon walked you outside to a large gazebo that was well lit and covered in vines and flowers. He held one hand in yours and the other around your waist, pulling your body close to his. “Are you ready?” “Not really…” “It’s actually very easy once you get moving.” After laughing and stepping on his toes a few times, you and Sunghoon started to dance harmoniously. “Feels like your flying doesn’t it?” “Yes, it does.” It really did feel like you were floating as the two of you spun across the smooth polished floor. “This was fun, but how about we go and eat that dinner. It probably has ice sickles by now.” He laughed before walking you back inside.
The two of you sat down to eat dinner, which was actually pretty good—not as good as Jay’s, but still good. After that he brought out dessert, which were some sweets he picked up from a French bakery. You and Sunghoon fed each other some of the treats and fruits dipped in fondue. When you were done Sunghoon stood up and walked you in front of a mirror, “Wait right here. I have one more surprise for you. Close your eyes…” he said before walking out of the room. You could hear the sound of his footsteps walking back into the room. “Every Princess needs a crown.” He said as you slowly opened your eyes to see him carefully placing the crown on your head. He moved behind you so you could see how the crown looked on your head. It was beautiful. Covered in diamonds, wrapped in silver, forming a perfect shape that complimented your face. “Do you like it?” Sunghoon asked looking into your eyes through the mirror. “Sunghoon…I love it. It’s beautiful.” You replied. He chuckled softly, “I’m glad you like it. I couldn’t wait to see this on your head.” He kissed you cheek and handed you a gift bag. “I bought this in case you didn’t like the crown hehe.” You opened the bag and pulled out a royal blue velvet covered jewelry box. Inside of the box was a heart shaped sapphire and diamond pendant, looped through a 14 carat white gold chain. “I can help you put it on.” Sunghoon said as he hooked the chain around your neck.
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“Thank you so much, Sunghoon. Everything is beautiful.” “Anything for my beautiful princess.” He said hugging you from behind. “Well it’s getting late. You can stay here for the night if you like.” “That’s alright. I don’t have a change of clothes anyways.” “I have clothes here for you.” Sunghoon said whilst rubbing your shoulders. “I have a whole room for you.” He walked you up the staircase and showed you the room he had for you. As he said, there were plenty of clothes there for you. A color and style for every occasion. “Why did you make a room for me?” “For when you’re ready to move in with me.” You looked at him in shock after hearing this. “Why would I want to move in with you?” “Well, as my girlfriend, I would expect you to come over sometimes and eventually move in with me.” “Your girlfriend?!” “Oh right, hehe I’m moving ahead of myself.” Sunghoon flicked his hair out of his face and faced you. “Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?” “Sunghoon…I-I don’t know what to say.” “It’s alright. I don’t need an answer now. Just think about and tell me when you’re ready.”
After taking a bath, you slipped into a silk dress and climbed into bed with him. The next morning you woke up to the sound of Sunghoon’s voice. “It’s time to wake up. I don’t want you to be late for work on my account.” He caressed your face as you slowly opened your eyes. “Good morning, Princess. I’m making breakfast downstairs. You can come down and eat whenever you’re ready. Oh, and they’re clothes in the wardrobe for you to wear.” He said as he walked out of the room. You made your way downstairs after freshening up. The two of you ate breakfast before getting dressed for work.
Sunghoon drove you home after work, but later that night you received a text from both of them. “I’m having dinner with my parents this weekend and they want to meet you. Will you be there with me?” You now only had 4 days to choose between the two.
𝘈𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳’𝘴 𝘕𝘰𝘵𝘦:
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙮 𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙨 𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙣𝙤𝙬…
𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙚𝙞𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙬𝙖𝙞𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙣𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩(𝙨) 𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙠 𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 𝙜𝙤 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚.
𝙍𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙣𝙤𝙬, 𝙮𝙤𝙪'𝙧𝙚 𝙛𝙖𝙘𝙚𝙙 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙖 𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣, 𝙒𝙃𝙊 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙗𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙗𝙤𝙮𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙? 𝙅𝙖𝙮 𝙤𝙧 𝙎𝙪𝙣𝙜𝙝𝙤𝙤𝙣?
𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 :𝟹
💖 (𝒯𝒽𝒶𝓃𝓀 𝓎ℴ𝓊 𝒻ℴ𝓇 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝒸𝓇ℯ𝒶𝓉𝒾𝓋ℯ 𝒾𝒹ℯ𝒶)💖
🧚‍♀️@hoonfaery ❤️‍🔥@jaysluvs
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nnnyxie · 8 months
BAE I’M COMING THROUGH W THESE I SWEARRR, can’t remember if I already sent one but I got one I think is cuteee idkkk (I despise anything I write at all)
Izuku x Fan!reader, BUTTTT🤭 Reader is from our world, definitely possesses a bunch of merch of specifically Izu and one faithfull day they decide to listen to maybe a shifting meditation, more as a joke than seriously but the hope still gnaws at their heart. You can imagine the disappointment as they wake up in their own room☹️ but as soon as they open the door…boom ✨Ua dorms✨ they slam the door shut before opening it and slamming it shut again and again staring in disbelief before squealing, and rummaging through their closet to find a uniform :DD then being introduced to the class and realizing they don’t speak a word Japanese and panicking slightly, we just need a tiny bit of struggle🤞
And ofcourse trying (and failing miserably) to keep the fangirling at bay
It should have to be in the early days of class 1A so that they seem just a little more creepy for loving them so much, but also so they can predict a few things and then just say that that is their quirk :) like random visions
They don’t actually have a quirk but using their knowledge of the manga to their advantage :3 idk does that make sense??? And IMAGINE meeting Izu for the first time…reader just being a mess and Mina quickly picking up on it…reader being bi dosen’t help as Mina comes close to tease them and they grow Almost as pink as her…GJEKDKSKSK (I’m soo gay for Mina and jirou it‘s insane) okay I think I should stop I’m just writing whtv at this point but alsoo HIM SEIENG YOUR DORM or catching a glimpse of his pro merch??? The figurines??? He’s actually be SO weirded out but also curious??
Bonus: reader actually is the mc of a very very unpopular secret underground exclusive manga that Izu happens to be a huge fan of and he goes crazy when he sees them and first thinks they only look super similar and just can’t be around them because he‘s do flustered…one day either he or you is sick and Aizawa asks who could bring the sick one the notes and Izu/reader volunteer a little too fast🤭 so when they then see the room…littered with merch of them…wjdiwnykdnkxks I’m insane
Sincerely, Izu anon<3
#𖢥 izuku anon
okay so this roughly takes place before the stain incident BUT they’re in the dorms bc canon divergent is my thing /j
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the day was slow and boring and you were curious!!
so you turned up that music and focused on shifting to the mha universe!! which failed the first time— but you weren’t gonna give up!! no no no. you tried again!!
and you succeeded. very successfully.
you didn’t realize you had— because your room was still the same! but that was until someone knocked on your door! you thought maybe it was your parent/guardian or sibling! but nope! it was aizawa and nezu!
you had no clue what your story was as to how you got here— did they somehow already get a random explanation? or what?
you were honestly so nervous— shaking from it all.
“come with us!” nezu smiled and motioned you to follow the two.
after a silent five minute walk, you reached a private room.
“you can’t go back for a while. you know that, correct?” nezu asked. you looked at him nervously, what did he mean? “i’m sorry? i don’t understand.” you tried feigning innocence but it didn’t work. they both gave you a ‘we aren’t dumb’ look.
“how did you know?” “we aren’t stupid kid, we know who belongs where. who is from here and who isn’t.” aizawa’s voice was firm and tired. “look— i didn’t think this wouldn’t actually work. i mean— it failed the first time i tried. how was i supposed to know it’d be successful the second time?” you were quick to defend yourself, afraid that maybe they’d lock you up in a cell until you were able to go back ‘home’.
“don’t fret, child! we’d just like to propose a deal,” nezu was snuggled up in aizawa’s scarf, it was kind of adorable. “what— what would that entail?” you were wary— you knew he was a good…. person? animal? whatever— you knew that he was good but, you were still afraid. who wouldn’t be?
“you know what happens here, yes?” you nod your head. “then, you’ll act as our help. your quirk is vision. you will tell us what happens before it happens” aizawa waves his hands in explanation.
“and for my side..?” “we’ll get you home.” “okay.”
the next day— you’re introduced to the class “before we go in, you need to understand that you cannot fangirl or whatever they call it. you need to pretend you only know them because of the sports festival and your visions.” aizawa had you at his desk while students piled in. good lord did it take everything in you to not scream.
“we have a new student, introduce yourself then take that seat behind midoriya.” aizawa pointed to the pretty green haired boy that you loved.
after a quick introduction, you were very quick and eager to take the seat behind him. “welcome to UA!” he gave you that smile— the one you loved so much.
after class, everyone was quick to come up to you— excited to know about your quirk since you hadn’t said what it was during your introduction.
“what’s your quirk? how does it work? what’s your hero name? do you have any special moves?” izuku was close in front of you— you could die right then and there. you were incredibly flustered—
“well— uhm… my quirk is vision and uh— well it’s what it sounds like… i have visions so i can see what happens before it happens…”
“how’s that even useful to us!?” bakugo, the asshole, yelled. while you did like his character— he was annoying sometimes. so, you just rolled your eyes and ignored him. opting to answer everyone else’s questions. he, of course, got angry at this. “don’t ignore me, brat!” he grabbed your collar and lifted his hand. “can you stop?” you asked in a rather annoyed tone.
honestly— this baffled everyone. but, izuku— izuku was thoroughly impressed— he even had a little crush on you now. ;)
as more time passed, work studies came. aizawa paired you with iida— after you let him know of the stain incident he had all heroes on guard and wanted you to make sure iida didn’t run into him.
now. the incident. you did EVERYTHING in your power to make sure iida stayed away— you kept him from the alleyways, watch his moves, etc. but still, he found stain.
then— izuku showed up. you knew he would at some point, of course. “midoriya, you need to go!” iida yelled, you were tending to native’s wounds. since your ‘quirk’ was just vision. you carried first aid equipment with you. he wouldn’t leave— you knew that. but, you wanted to at least try. maybe this time it could be different? maybe this time he’d leave and get help?
“please— izuku you’ll hurt yourself! i’ve seen it!” he ignored you, of course he did. he was a stubborn hero in training after all. “i have to help you both!” and with that— he attacked.
you saw as the hero killer paralyzed izuku, you felt so— powerless. you wanted to do more. you needed to do more. as stain was about to take another stab at iida— you moved to protect him but, todoroki showed up just in time.
the fight was long. and hard to watch— it was always difficult to see. all three characters you loved were getting hurt and you couldn’t do anything. but, you saw iida do everything in his power to force himself up— it was admirable, he was learning to do what was right and you loved that scene. then you remembered— stain would throw his knife to hit todoroki and iida would take it. iida doesn’t need more injuries.
“move!” you yelled as you shoved the two of them, the knife went through you. just above the heart, though it seemed like it struck directly into it. “you idiot!” todoroki yelled at you, and izuku looked horrified. he felt sick. he was angry. that gave him all the fuel he needed to activate his quirk.
the pros arrived as soon as the two took him out, izuku rushed to you, ignoring the yells of the heroes. did they not see you bleeding out? how could they just ignore you like that? it only angered him more but, he knew he needed to calm himself. it’d only make the situation worse.
you were put in a different wing— you needed surgery for your wound. it was deep and there were specs of his blade in you.
the surgery ended up having you on bed rest, so you weren’t able to attend classes. it sucked but at least you had your sweatshirts for comfort— your deku sweatshirts for comfort.
there was a knock at your door, then it opened. you forgot to lock it. though— you didn’t think much of it anyways, it was probably aizawa bringing you your work. which, you wish you didn’t have any.
oh. now you wished it was aizawa bringing you your work.
izuku walked in with a few papers in hand— the light from your opened window displayed all of your merchandise. oh no.
he looked— well, his expression was… mixed? he looked, confused, unsettled, happy???
“uhm— izuku— i can uhm— i can explain!” you sat up quickly, forgetting you were injured, your mortification overpowered the pain. “that’s— that’s me…” he pointed at a figurine. he turned around in a circle, taking in all of your items. then, he faced you. you, who was wearing a deku sweatshirt with a small plush of him on your pillow. “i—” his eyes were wide and his brows were scrunched, you were embarrassed— no— that’s an understatement.
“so… i was right…” he mumbled to himself. “what do you mean? you were… right?”
he rushed to the door— closing and locking it, then threw your papers onto your desk.
“you aren’t supposed to be here! i was right!” he exclaimed in joy. “i can’t believe it— you— oh my god i was—” he threw his hands up in the air then planted them on his head, he was being confusing— i mean, shouldn’t he be freaked out?? “what do you mean you were right!?” you asked louder— while you loved that he was happy, you wanted to know how the hell he knew!
he sat next to you, “you’re not— you’re not us. you’re supposed to be— you’re not supposed to be here!” he pulled out his phone, showing you a picture of… you? “this is amazing! i just— i can’t believe it. i mean, i knew you looked familiar, you sounded familiar, you acted familiar. but, i didn’t want to be wrong.” he was mumbling again, it was cute.
“am i…?” “you’re my favorite character!” he exclaimed. he was beyond happy— he was beyond thrilled.
“how did you get here? did you build some kind of machine? no that would’ve happened in the manga… what did you do? is this why the manga suddenly stopped?” he held your hands, wanting answers. you swear he was trying to kill you, his sweetness was almost suffocating.
“well uhm— there’s this thing called shifting where i’m from and uh… i did it and succeeded, i guess. i didn’t think it’d work but uhm… yeah. it did.” you felt a bit shy, was that weird? wanting to shift into this world? “so why did you want to do it?” he squeezed your hands, he was excited. should you tell him why? should you tell him it’s because you wanted to see him? would that be weird? that’d be weird, wouldn’t it? well— nothing could be as weird as… this.
“i uhm… i wanted to uhm uh see you.” god you wanted to die right then and there. “me? like— me me?” “uhm yeah… there’s no one else here…” he blushed— oh no he was weirded out— he must be. this was the end for you. “that makes me happy.” he whispered as his blush deepened
oh. oh. OH.
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i hope this was what you were looking for!!
i had fun writing it!! i wanted to incorporate the stain fight bc it’s one of my favorites!!
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