#sorry but jesper and wylan would not act like that
munadyke · 10 months
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reve-writes · 2 years
—of antidotes; kaz brekker.
ʚ kaz brekker x reader | grishaverse | 1,5k words. ʚ you and kaz were separated from the rest of the crows after a job went wrong. ʚ physical injuries. ʚ a/n i just love the little things, especially with kaz brekker. he's definitely the type to go out of his way and do the little things. this is a repost!
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“There are worse things that could have happened,” you said, trailing after the disheveled Kaz Brekker as he limped ahead with his cane. An acquisition gone wrong in so many different ways, you were starting to think your luck had run out.
He didn't reply for a moment, but the silence seemed to bother him more than your statement did. He indulged in your attempt at finding a silver lining, “Like?”
“Like—” Honestly, this was as bad as it could've gone. “Like all of us dying.”
Inej was taken to Saints-knows-where, but you were quite certain she slipped away. Matthias might be well on his way back to Hellgate by now. Wylan was smart enough to stay in hiding. Neither of you had any idea on Nina or Jesper's whereabouts. You were forced by Kaz to retreat after being hit by a slow-acting poison. There was a growing swell on your thigh where the dart hit.
“Isn't it great that you're the only one dying then?” he sneered.
“I'm fine,” you mumbled, although the tips of your fingers were starting to feel numb and tingly. It took more effort to clench your hands into fists. “You do have an antidote, though?”
“Yes,” he replied. “The poison was commonly used a few years back and I'd kept a few just in case.”
He could be lying and you wouldn't know, anyway. Kaz Brekker was always one step ahead of you in that way. You could never read what went on in his mind. The few times he had let you take a peek were all on his terms.
“Thank the Saints you're paranoid,” you joked. Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in your left leg. As quickly as it came, it was gone, along with any feeling you had on said leg. You stumbled forward with a yelp, barely catching yourself in time with your hands.
Kaz turned around, his eyes widening with worry, before he limped briskly towards you. “Are you hurt anywhere else?”
He searched you for any kind of injury. You shook your head.
“Poison.” You were struggling to speak now. Each breath was a chore.
He clicked his tongue. “The safehouse isn't far from here. Can you hold for five minutes?”
You nodded. Kaz weighed his options. He could go by himself, pick up the antidote and bring it back to you. However, he didn't think he would be physically able to leave you here. Not knowing if you were still okay, having no idea whether the poison had reached your lungs or your heart. Orpheus' decision to look back and check if Eurydice was there suddenly made some sense to him.
“Lean on me,” he said, gritting his teeth as he pulled you up. The two of you hobbled forward down the dirt path through the field. “Tell me if anything else starts to feel numb, okay?”
You were sweating bullets, way too much for the current weather. Your head was starting to pound painfully as well. You gulped. “I'm sorry.”
He continued to hobble you forward. “It's not your fault.”
“I'm sorry anyway.”
Your head started to droop. You could feel yourself slipping further into unconsciousness.
“Hey. Hey, ___. Don't pass out on me now,” Kaz frantically warned. He called your name repeatedly, occasionally shaking you as he quickened his pace.
“I'm trying, Brekker.”
“Try harder,” he hissed. “Do you remember the one time you told me that?”
Your focus was drawn to the event, clearing some of the clouds that were hanging over your head. “You got yourself locked up with me.”
“I was trying to get you out,” he retorted. “I had a plan.”
“The whole plan hinged on you picking the locks of the jail they kept me in,” you argued. “You couldn't pick the locks.”
“I was trying.”
“I told you to try harder.”
“I continued trying—a moderate amount of trying,” he said, spotting the small barnhouse that he had turned into a just-in-case safehouse. “I got us out.”
You hummed in response.
“I got us out of there. I got us out of Pekka Rollins' meticulous plan. I'm getting us out of this, too,” he said, more to himself. “Come on, we're close.”
“You've always had my back, Kaz,” you slurred. “But who has yours?”
“We're here,” Kaz announced, barely letting a second to let your words ring. He set you down against the wall of the barnhouse, unlocking the doors. You lost consciousness sometime around when he got the door open.
When you woke up, you had a splitting headache, but you could feel your left leg again. Your eyes found Kaz, his coat and vest thrown aside. His shirt was unbuttoned, revealing a cut on his shoulder blade. He was struggling, twisting his body around to assess the damage.
You cleared your throat.
“You're awake,” he stated, straightening up on his chair. He must've moved too fast because he winced ever so slightly. “Have some water.”
He nodded towards a cup of water by your bedside. The bed was unsurprisingly hard and it smelled like old laundry, like if you'd kept your clothes in the dresser for too long. You thanked him and downed the whole glass in one go.
"Where are the others?"
"Hopefully somewhere safe."
The silence that followed was anxiety-inducing.
“Are you okay?” You asked, wiping your lips on your sleeves. His eyes followed the movement and settled on your lips for a second longer.
He shrugged, which was a bad idea because he immediately hissed. His hair fell over his forehead as he hunched over.
"I'll take that as a no."
You slid off the cot, intending to walk over to him. He seemed to have decided to place himself as far away as you did in the tiny hut. His chair was placed by the window in the opposite corner of the cot. While your legs were fully mobile, dizziness washed over you when you stood. You stumbled, catching yourself on the small table by the cot before you fell.
Kaz abruptly stood up. "You should be resting."
"As should you. I wasn't the only one hurt."
He sighed, running a gloved hand through his hair. "Go back on the bed."
You were about to sound your protest when you heard the screech of his chair dragging against the floor. He brought it and a tin of medical supplies over to you. He set the chair down and straddled it. His back was angled towards you, while he leaned his chin on the back of the wooden chair.
"How bad is it?" he asked, barely tilting his head back to look at you.
"How did this happen?" you asked back.
"Someone thought plunging a knife to my back was a good idea," he grunted. "I wasn't fast enough."
You didn't quite know what to do with your hands. "It looks bad."
"It feels like it looks bad," he scoffed. He looked at you and saw your hand tremble. He added, "The other guy had it worse."
You huffed out a laugh. "No one can best Dirtyhands, it seems."
The thing about Kaz Brekker was that he was notoriously bad at lightening up situations. That was your role. You didn't quite want to think about the implication of yet.
"Do you have gloves around?" you asked. "Because, you know—"
He threw his gloves at you. "Don't get too much blood on it."
It felt strangely intimate, but you pulled them on wordlessly before he changed your mind and decided to avoid you like you were a plague. Aside from occasional curses under Kaz's breath, the two of you were silent as you dressed his wound and put a bandage over it. It was two times harder than it needed to be with the gloves, but you managed it anyway.
"It's done. We should find a healer, though. To be safe," you said. He shrugged his shirt back on before turning around. You stared at his hands—they were pale with a lot of visible veins running through them. His eyes were fixated on your hands as well, clad in his gloves which were a loose fit. He wanted to hold his hand up to yours to see the sizes of your hands.
He coughed. The ridiculousness of his thought dawned on him. Impulsive thoughts that stemmed from somewhere deep within him—the place where he kept Kaz Rietvield.
He held his hand out. "Gloves."
You pulled them off and gave it to him. "I quite like them. Perhaps I should invest in a pair or two."
He hummed. "Get some rest. I'll try to gather news about the others."
"I can help—"
He was already buttoning up his vest. "I don't want to have to drag you back here again."
You frowned. "I am sorry."
He sighed, pulling his coat on. "Get some rest, ___. I'll pick up food on the way back."
You nodded. It wasn't until hours later that you woke up again, feeling more refreshed. Kaz Brekker was nowhere to be found, but you suspected that he had been back at least once because by your cot, there was a pair of gloves—new ones in the colour that matched your outfit.
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modelbus · 1 year
This might be more on the angst side… oops? Also, this is like 3k words… There are POV switches!! And this was inspired by an ao3 story with a similar premise but that was with Kaz and Wylan so there’s that.
There is alcohol and suggestiveness in this! Be warned, it’s a bit different than my usual!
Pairing: Kaz Brekker x gn!Reader
Flufftober 4 - It’s All An Act (Spies)
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"Sorry, what?" You stare at Kaz, and he stares back evenly.
"It's a simple mission. You don't have to do anything."
"Then why do you need me?"
He sighs, gloved hand tightening and loosening on his crow cane. Without a doubt, he was upset at you for not getting it, but forgive you for being a little startled when he asks you to pretend to date him!
"It'll be too suspicious if I show up alone. All I need you for is pretending to date me. But carry some weapons in case things go... awry."
"You want me to go with you to a party, pretend to date you, and... that's it?"
"That's it."
You stare at him for a few more moments, trying to figure out if he had any other angle. Most times, Kaz Brekker kept his crows in the loop. But there were times when he didn't, and you knew him too well to not try and figure out if it was or wasn't.
Although you were the second newest crow (thanks to Wylan for taking the newest title) you and Kaz actually somewhat got along. You’re certain it's because he values you ability to kill without hesitation. That's what you are to him: his assassin. Your role, your one job, was to kill and to kill efficiently. 
He didn't question why you were able to kill so easy, and you didn't question his aversion to touch and water. You got along, and things were fine.
Or, they were, until you had to go and start noticing stupid things about him. Like the way he looked mid-fight, slamming his cane into someone. Or the way his lips would barely twitch when one of them said something particularly funny. It took you a bit to realize, but when you did you knew you were royally fucked.
Because, of course, you started to develop feelings for Kaz Brekker. Feelings that, as long as you were sane, would stay quite hidden. Which only made this whole job harder.
He wanted you to pretend to date him. It might just be the hardest thing he's asked of you yet, and he doesn't even know it.
"Take the job. Wish I could go to a party." Jesper grumbles, and you glance at the sharp shooter sitting next to you.
"Unfortunately, no one in their sound mind would believe we were dating." Kaz says cooly. "That, and everyone knows your face around here."
You grimace. Your own insurance, coming to bite you in the ass. Most people only saw you face before you killed them. It was easier to sneak around in plain sight that way. Obviously the crows were the exceptions, and maybe a few others out there.
"You're sure nobody else wants to do this?" You try.
"Wylan and Jesper are far too in love for me to take Wylan, Inej is out hunting slavers, and Nina..." He shakes his head. 
"Fine. Whatever. I'll do the stupid job."
You sigh, knowing this job very well might be the death of you. Emotional death, that is. But then again, it was Kaz. Surely he wasn't the type to be a touchy fake date, not with his touch aversion.
"Good. Meet me down here at nine sharp tomorrow night. Dress nice, have concealed weapons."
Kaz walks off, not waiting for you to confirm you understood his directions. You scowl at his back before sighing. 
"This will be a disaster."
"I'm sure it'll be fun!" Jesper exclaims. "It's a party, how bad can it be?"
"I have to fake date Kaz Brekker." You deadpan.
"Yeah, but he wants you for arm candy. To draw the attention away from him. That's the closest to a compliment you'll ever get out of him."
You can't help but sigh again. "We take what we can get with him, don't we?"
Kaz is waiting for you outside the Crow Club when you arrive. He isn't dressed any different from his normal, except a pocket watch with a fancier chain than you’re used to. His gaze is level as he gazes at you as you walk towards him.
And you knows you looks good, but that isn't why he's looking at you. You’re in a nice outfit for once, flowing sleeves down to your wrists, and black gloves up to your elbows nearly. The gloves and long sleeves were carefully planned, knowing exactly what role you’d be playing tonight.
"How many knives do you have?" Kaz asks, looking behind you, almost like he's checking to see if you were followed by anyone. 
"Seven." You grin. You may be a pretty distraction tonight, but you’re just as dangerous as you are pretty.
"Good." He nods. Not approval, but close enough. "Let's go."
You walk next to him as they go through the streets of Ketterdam, slowly heading to the more expensive places. The streets widen, becoming more and more lit as they go, and you realize that maybe you should've asked whose party this was.
"So, Brekker. Lovely night, isn't it?" You ask conversationally. From the very start You’ve always used his last name, and haven’t even thought of changing that despite how he always ground his teeth at it.
"What do you want?" He snaps.
"Come on, be nicer to your date." You can't help yourself. Kaz might not react much, but it's funny when he does react.
"This was a bad idea."
"But we're too far into it now."
Kaz's jaw clenches, and you can't help but laugh quietly. "So, the plan?"
He sighs, and you wait a moment. Although he's sometimes an asshole, and mostly keeps things to himself, he's always told you everything you needed to know in a plan.
"Just look pretty and act stupid. Do what I tell you, for once." He finally says.
"Oh, yikes, that'll be really hard. I mean, listening to you?" You joke.
Kaz pulls up short, slamming his cane out in front of you. "I mean it, assassin." 
And just as you called him Brekker, he called you by your job. Assassin. 
"You can't call me that tonight." You respond calmly. "It'll give us away."
"Say it." 
You groan. "Fine. I'll listen to you."
He nods sharply, continuing on. "Good."
"You're a little paranoid, don't you think?"
Kaz doesn't even justify you with an answer at that one, leaving you to walk alongside him quietly. 
"This is it." He announces suddenly, and draws up short.
You let your eyes flicker over the building—tons of windows—then return to him. "...are you sure?"
"Yes. Inside. Now."
The second you take a step in, you shrink yourself. Shoulders curling in, angling yourself towards Kaz. You can feel his eyes on you as you do so, raking over you.
"Loosen up." He instructs you in a low voice.
"Easy for you to say." You murmur back. "You're not the one pretending to be the crow's whore."
"Someone's said that to you before."
It's not a question. Of course it isn't. Kaz's eyes sharpen, hardening into something mean in front of you.
"Not now." You say dismissively.
He glares at you but gives you a curt nod, and together you walk into the party. You, just for tonight, let yourself revel in the eyes being drawn to you. You give a taunting grin to someone they walk by, playing up your role a little.
Look pretty? Yeah, you can do that.
"Mr. Brekker." A merchant says, his eyes sliding from Kaz to you. "And..."
"Alex." you purr, tilting your head.
Like hell you’re giving your real name out to anyone here. Instead, Alex, a random name, will have to do.
"My date." Kaz cuts in smoothly. "Don't mind them."
"Pretty." The merchant says appraisingly. You should be flattered, but you’re more disgusted.
Kaz tilts his head, studying you. "Yes." He agrees coldly. "Get a drink, we're going to talk business. Loosen up."
You pause, but this certainly isn't the time to mention that youve never drank before. Instead you give him a graceful nod, floating off through the crowds. 
The bar is an open bar, you can tell that from the lazy way the bartender is flashing his watch. Nobody here is expected to get drunk, or to steal it. Unfortunately for them, you and Kaz are here, so no watch is safe.
"I'll have a drink." You say lightly, leaning on the counter.
"Of?" The bartender asks, snorting.
"Make me what you're best at." You answer, looking at him through your eyelashes. It should be a safe answer.
By the way the bartender smiles and starts to make something, it is. A second later a glass of something is slid your way. Here's to hoping this won't fuck with you too much.
Kaz Brekker
He's starting to get a little worried. Not too much, he knows you can handle yourself perfectly fine, but it has been a while since he sent you off. You weren’t at the bar: he's been checking it every few moments.
It's starting to piss him off. One job, one easy job, and you can't even follow that. There was no point in bringing you if you was just going to vanish. 
"Come on, Assassin." He murmurs, still scanning the crowd.
Truthfully, he shouldn't be calling you that here. Alex was the name you gave the merchant earlier, and Alex was the name he should be calling you by. He isn't sure where Alex came from, actually.
It doesn't matter. What does matter is what he came here for, and finding you. 
Of course, right as he's about to turn back to the real reason he's here, there's a clatter of decidedly sour guitar strings. Most don't turn towards the noise, but Kaz does. And when he sees, his entire body freezes.
Because where else would you be except talking to the guitar player. And, from the looks of it, flirting with him.
"There you are." Kaz says, striding to you, feeling like yelling. "I've been looking for you."
"Sorry." You chirp, grinning brightly at him.
At that, he falters. When was the last time he saw a smile that bright, that genuine? Actually, scratch that, when had you ever apologized to him?
He leans closer, whispering in your ear, words coming out more as a snarl than anything else. "What are you doing, Assassin?"
"Me?" You ask, looking genuinely surprised. "I'm talking to the guitar player! I used to play guitar, you know, before my father broke it."
He flicks his eyes over you. Not once have you ever divulged information about your personal life, and not once did Kaz ever ask.
"You're drunk?" He asks, incredulously.
"Me? Drunk?" You gasp, stumbling.
With a lurch, he grabs your arms to stop you from hitting the floor. Even through his gloves, it sends a jolt up his spine.
"Three layers." You slur, and he realizes you’re comforting him while drunk. "Don't panic."
"How much did you drink?" He demands lowly, dragging you to a darker corner.
"Three. Maybe four."
"Three what?"
Only three drinks shouldn't have messed you up this much, not unless they were straight vodka or something ridiculous.
"I don't know." 
He stares at you. It isn't like you to be so... careless.
"What do you mean you don't know?" He snaps.
"I've never drank before." Kaz's jaw goes slack. You’ve never drank before? This is your first time drinking? Ever? "Hey, anyone ever tell you your eyes are nice?"
"Shut up, I need to think." Kaz growls, drawing a hand down his face.
His eyes dart around, landing on a nearby door. Without a second thought, he shoves you in, closing the door behind you and locking it. It's a bathroom, and for that he's incredibly thankful.
"Splash yourself with water." Kaz orders, leaning against the wall and crossing his arms.
"To sober you up."
"Will it really?"
Kaz is starting to like you a lot more when she's sober.
An explosion rockets through the building, shaking the walls a little. "Woah." You laugh. It’s funny for some reason. "One of ours? Wylan's?"
"Yes." Kaz says, eyes flicking between you and the door. "Water, now."
"Why are we bombing the party?"
"Near the party." He corrects you impatiently.
There's a sudden pounding on the door, and Kaz swears under his breath violently.
"Anyone in there?! Open up!" 
You lift yourself onto the bathroom counter, sitting next to the sink. You watch Kaz, his scheming face on.
"What are you doing?" He asks, still glaring at you.
"Get over here."
"What are you doing?"
"Kaz." You raise your eyebrows. "Get caught or get over here."
Kaz clenches his jaw, striding up to you. "Now what? You're drunk, we're in a bathroom."
You run your hands through your hair, messing it up. You move back further to lean against the mirror, spreading your legs.
"Hands on either side of my head."
Immediately, Kaz stiffens. "Pardon?"
"We either make it look like you're about to fuck me or we get caught." 
His eyes go cold, but he leans in, placing a hand to right of your head. His left hand, though, goes to your waist.
"Three layers." He murmurs, almost to himself. "You're drunk, which means I'm yelling at you later for this."
"Please don't-" You cut yourself off with a gasp when the door slams open. You’re close. Not enough to touch Kaz, your mind isn't that foggy, but enough to certainly imply some things.
"Oh." A strange voice says. "Oh. My- my apologies, I didn't-"
"Get out." Kaz growls, turning his head away from you to glare at whoever is at the door.
The door shuts quickly with a loud "thud" noise. Both Kaz and you stay there for a moment, waiting to see if the intruder was actually gone.
"Wasn't that fun?" You say weakly.
"No." Kaz snaps, turning his head back to glare at you.
"Don't be pissed at me. I just saved our asses." You complain, meeting his eyes.
"Who said I'm pissed at you? Frustrated, certainly. I can't fault you too much for being drunk when I asked you to get a drink." 
"You have a nice voice." You say honestly.
"Close your mouth before you say something you'll regret."
you stare at him for a moment, mind swirling with thoughts you can't truly sort out.
You’re suspended for another second, neither of you having moved from the quite intimate position. You wasn't a short person, but you were smaller than Kaz, meaning he's practically covering your body with his right now.
"Could you get off me?" You say quietly.
"You're the one who put us in this position." He responds, raising his eyebrows. "If you were uncomfortable with it, you shouldn't have done it."
Either way, he removes his hands, but doesn't step back. Your head swims, having entirely forgotten his hand was on your waist in the first place.
"No, it's because I liked it too much." 
Kaz closes his eyes, rubbing his temples with gloved hands. "This is why I don't deal with drunk people."
"What, drunk people are too honest or something?"
"No. Secrets get spilled that nobody wants to hear."
"You don't want to hear my secrets?" You pout, a little upset. You must truly be nothing to him if he didn't even want your secrets to use against you.
"Why are you sad at that?" Kaz asks, and if you didn't know better you’d think he sounds incredulous.
"Because that means I mean nothing to you, which is depressing."
"Where did you get that idea?" His eyebrows furrow.
"You want everyone's secrets." You point out, still leaning against the mirror while sat on the counter. "Why not mine?"
"Trust me, I want them. I just want them out of your own free will."
Hell if you know what that means, but... "Nobody is holding a gun to my head."
"You're drunk. You have no filter."
"Correct. And? When did you care about morals?"
"I don't." He levels his cool gaze at you. "But when it comes to you... I know I wouldn't want my secrets getting out because I'm drunk." 
"When it comes to me?" You echo, jumping on the lose thread in his words.
"Get off the counter."
An unstoppable force meets an unmovable object, what happens? A collision so grand, so huge, that everything else pales in comparison.
But they aren't unstoppable or unmovable. You are drunk, Kaz has his own problems.
So he steps back, and you slide off the counter, fixing your clothes.
"Let's go." Kaz says gruffly.
But even now, even in the dim lighting of a bathroom, even with a foggy mind that is slowly clearing, you know. Hell, you both know.
Something has changed.
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lady-ashfade · 1 year
Could you please do poly! Crows x Male reader who’s tall and selective mute?(family trauma) He’s kinda like a mix of Kaz and Inej: doesn’t show emotion and his footsteps are silent. On the rare occasion, the crew will see him turn his head to hide a smile. I imagine they all just got back from an intense heist, reader was near passing out injured, and he mumbles about how much he loves them and he thanks them for dealing with him while tears slowly drip down his bruised face. Whole time Nina and Inej are tending his wounds trying not to cry, Wylan is curled up near him and Jespers is holding his hand while Matthias and Kaz are kinda just standing around. (I tried to give detail to make it easier, I’m sorry if that was a lot)
Tall Idiot
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Poly!Crows x male reader.
Notes: Not as long as I wanted it to but I had to get it out, so hopefully you’ll enjoy still.
Warnings: Wounds, kinda angsty but comforting. Nothing much I can say.
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“Keep your eyes open.”
Matthias told you while he held your body in his arms, he was only one who could carry you. The others followed behind him, Wylan by his side and smiling at you. Nina on the other side make sure to keep focus on your heart beat. As if the wound was fatal and they couldn’t save you. But this wasn’t that kinda of wound or at least not at that point yet.
Each of their minds worried about you in this moment and thought about what would happen if you drew your last breath. They wouldn’t get to see you try and hind your smile or how kind you could be dispute acting cold. On late nights you would join Jesper to keep watch and pull him off of the gambling table or just kept him company, Wylan tagging along most times.
Then when you helped Nina with whatever she needed around the bar, or walked with her to the market. Inej was glad to have you along on a job because you were just as good at being quiet, or when you two would hang out on the rooftops. Kaz would miss the way you curled up with a book in his office while he did his paperwork or plans. Matthias would miss you laying on his shoulders while he read a book or spend your legs across his lap to lay down.
They all had things to miss.
“Just a bit longer.” Wylan said trying to comfort you. The door to the shared house only a few steps away. You could see how panicked they were over you, how they tried so hard not to loss it. You didn’t speak much and maybe it was the sleep taking ahold of you, or them showing you again just how much they loved you, you started to talk.
“M’Fine,” you slurred a bit and your eyelids started to get heavy. “Thank you.” You look up at them, kaz and Inej now coming into view from behind. All pairs of eyes are on you, “No need to thank us, dear.” Inej came close and pushed the hair off your face. A small curled up as you sighed, “No thank you for putting up with me.,” your hands feel from your side and eyes finally closing shut, “I love you…” then you were out cold.
Kaz watched and his body began to feel the water surrounding him, “Upstairs now.” He shouted and they all moved fast. They rush upstairs and lay you onto the bed, Nina trying to heal you as best she can as Inej goes to get the supplies.
After everything, Inej is wrapping you up and Nina helping her. Wylan is sitting on the bed pressing a wet cloth onto your forehead while Jesper sits beside the bed and holds your hand. Kaz watches from the chair in the corner as if his body is frozen in place. Matthias along side him as he leans on the wall staring at you, as if he were to look away you’d disappear.
“You big tall idoit,” Nina leans closer with tears in her eyes. “I can’t believe he said “Put up with him.” When we are the ones to annoy him.” Jesper jokes while he is in the same state as Nina and he gives your hand a squeeze. “He’s a handsome idiot.”
Inej bows to her knees beside Nina and says her soft prays to wish you a healthily recovery, and to thank them for not taking you away.
Kaz raises from his chair and makes his way over, “He’s not gone yet.” His tone doesn’t sound comforting but he’s trying. He just needed to state facts “He’s stubborn.” Inej looked up at him and offers a smile. Matthias sighs and moved over to the group and stands behind Nina and puts his hands on her shoulders, sending his own prayers out.
They would all watch over you and kept you safe. All six of them loved you to ends of the earth and back.
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writingriver001 · 3 months
I write and I'm taking requests 💙
Hello! This post is just fandoms/characters I'll write for, It's summer and I need to do more writing <3
I'll also be adding boundaries for what I will and won't write, with a little about me at the end.
💙 Fandoms and Characters 💙
Obey me! Shall we date? ❤ (Not Nightbringer, sorry)
I haven't gotten past lesson 17 and had to restart the game~ I am okay with spoilers, and writing the other characters if you can just give me some information on how they act! (Don't wanna write them badly)
The Arcana 💜
Lucio (May not be the best)
Morga (Lucio's mother)
Nazali (Nadia's sibling, doctor)
Nadia's parents
Last Legacy (Fictif) 💙
Sage (If I have advice on how he acts?)
Six of Crows 🧡 (I am not too confident on this, sorry)
Kaz Brekker
Nina Zenik
Please ignore me forgetting their last names I can't be bothered to google
Stardew Valley 💚
All the other datable characters (I will have to research, but stardew is brilliant and I absolutely will)
Doctor who 🖤
11th Doctor
15th Doctoe
River Song (My wife guys)
Dream Daddy 💛
I might be planning a series fic with this an my ocs
🤍 What I'll write (Limits) 🤍
Yes ~
One shots
Character x Oc
Character x Reader
Character x Character
Lgbt+ (Including Polyamory (Is that right?))
No ~
Anything illegal
Just have common sense pls 🙏
I can try ~
NSFW (I'm asexual and have never done that shit, but I can try guys <3)
Characters in fandoms listed that I am unfamiliar with (For this I need you to tell me about how the character would act in your opinion, just a sentence or two)
💜 About Me 💜
Agender, Asexual, Lesbian I suppose. Autistic as well, I have a wide range of interests (Professor Layton, Moriarty the patriot, Sherlock, etc...)
I like sharks.
I am willing to write anything (within reason) please don't hesitate to request~! If I feel uncomfortable, or don't want to write it, it's simple. I just won't, I won't be angry, or upset for you requesting something, and I will always try my best to do it 💙
I struggle writing speech, and things may be out of character but I promise I'm trying my best.
I am always okay with people giving me advice! Just be polite about it I'm fragile I will cry <3
They kinda work in any fandom. Are they kinda main character vibes? Yes. Leave me be, I'm not harming anyone and I never originally planned to share them 😭
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at1nys-blog · 1 year
Freedom pt.2
Pairing: Crows x fem!reader
Summary: New life, new name, new family. This is what your life was going to be.
tag: @queenofshinigamis
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Faking your death wasn't as easy nor painless as Kaz Brekker made it to seem, but you trusted him, and you just went along with the plan.
The plan was easy: they would drench you in water; put some make up on you and Nina would make your heart stop for enought time for the doctors to conclude you were dead and that nothing was to be done to bring you back and least but not last the Crows where to exhume you.
It took them longer than anticipated but at the end you were out and surrended by the Crows.
"Now the only think that I need is to become unrecognizable. A Tailor I need one." you were about to walk out the graveyard when Kaz stopped you.
"Where are you going like this? Here." he said trowing a hoodded cape at you. "follow me." you walked opposite to the Katterdam, Wylan started rambling about the pox and some other historical facts you, and maybe no one else, cared to know about. At least not in that moment.
Kaz made Jesper open up an entrance to some sort of chapel, you didn't care much, the only thing that matter was living your life feeling free and doing what you liked the most.
Sleep was not coming to you, but at least you weren't alone. The same went for Kaz. The man was in his little bubble thinking only the Saints knew what. You pondered if it was a good idea to strike a conversation with him. No, let the man alone, he is going through so much just for you, it was what your thoughts kept telling you.
"Can't sleep?" you nodded your head.
"I'm just not used to..." you looked at the ground. "sleeping on concrete. I never had to before." Kaz smiled, for just a brief second but you noticed. "Yes, yes I know what I told you, but just because I'm not used it doesn't mean I'm never going to get used to it."
"whatever makes you sleep at night, your highness" he joked, making you roll your eyes. "Jesper and Inej will miss you" he added, tone once again stoic as his usual. "I know is been just a month but they grew fond of you." a pause. "and so did I." he said not looking at you.
"Same goes for me, but we all knew today was coming. I can't stay in Katterdam any longer. If my father's..." he stopped you, asking you to not even think about it. You were dead now and he saw it, there was no reason for him to search for you.
"You can always say you are not her, if asked." you never thought Kaz Brekker would go an extra mile for someone he had meet just a month ago, but here he was, trying to figure out a way for you to stay.
"Kaz, I'm very sorry for everything that happened in this past month because of me, but you were my only hope to escape the hell that was home." you didn't mean to out your abusive father, but there you were. Telling him the secrets you were too scared to share with anyone, feeling finally free from all the horrors you had to endure for the simple facts that you were born a girl. "he is going to pay."
"Is not worth it. I think you saw him acting like a caring father, sad about his little girl that is now with the Saints." you kissed your thumb and bringing it to your forehead, eyes closed a pray wishpered in the dark. "he always hated the sight of me. I made him and myslef a favour, now I'm in debt with you Kaz Brekker, for saving me." another small smile adorned his features, this time it was on display much longer.
"Now try to sleep. You need it."
It was after a couple of days that Nina came back, followed by a girl. She was a Grisha, one that could help you escape Katterdam without drawing too much attention to you.
"A tailor. I found her at the market. Kaz I promised she is to be payed good for her services and her silence." Nina left the girl inside the little chapel and went back out.
"You are Pekka's daughter? I thought you were dead. The news is all over the walls of Katterdam." she said looking at you up and down. You gave her a little smile, hoping she wasn't to out you to the Stadwatch or your father directly. "Don't worry, I won't say a world to him" she said rolling up the sleeve of her shirt showing you a bunch of bruises all over her arm.
"Oh he likes to hit on ladies now? New hobby of his?" said Jesper noticing the condition of her arms, imagining the rest of her body was filled with purple and green signs. You apologized for your father's wrong doings but is not like he meant those words you spoke and you knew it. You and him were two completely different people.
The Grisha in front of you started to move her hands like if they were dancing with each other, rays of color moved in the air between the two of you, sparks adding a sense of magic and mystic to the experience. You started to feel your flesh morphing under her spell and you imagined your face changing shape onto her magic. Some seconds were needded before Jesper handed you a tiny mirror and you noticed how different you looked now.
"is temporary rember this. I suggest you to leave now, and for my payment... Just for the service, I would not out you." she said and turned to Kaz, hands in a cup form waiting to receive her kruge. The man rolled his eyes but payed her non the less.
The port was calm and not as busy as in the morning. The fishermen were getting ready to leave in the early morning, but Kaz did not stop there. He walked until he stopped infront of a boat of a privateer. At its front two people, siblings you noticed.
"Where is Sturmhond?"
"Inside." said the woman and she walked in, you thought to call whoever that Sturmhond was.
"Is she the girl Nina talked us about?" was the man turn to speak. Kaz nodded. "Great. We are leaving anytime soon so say goodbye to your friend and on we go." he added, he too walking back on the boat.
"Take care of yourself." was the only think Kaz said to you
"I'll pray the Saints to keep you safe at all times and remeber, no mourners..."
"No funerals" you ended the phrase with her. "Take care of Kaz for me too, and tell him before is too late, promise me Inej you would tell him" you said.
"Oh come on now, is my turn to say bye" said joyfully Jesper hugging you and spooning you around. You giggled and when your feet touched land you asked Jesper to keep being like this, no matter what.
"One more think Jesper, do not hide your true self. Not anymore." he gave you a shy smile and then moved closer to Inej. You thanked Nina for the big help and wished for her to be reunited with her man, then it was time to say goodbye to Wylan.
"You left me for last" he joked.
"The best is always left for last. Take care of yourself and keep Jesper in his place from time to time" you hugged him as strong as you were able to. Before you could add something Kaz was talking to someone behinde you.
"keep her safe, if something has to happen to her you know I'll find out Sturmhond."
"Geez man, I haven't even spoke a world and you attack me like this. Do not fear I'll protect her, well actually Tolyan and Tamar will."
"WHEN DID I AGREE ON THAT?" he said surprised to hear his captain's words. His reaction made you laugh a little getting the man's attention. "why are you laughing uh?" You turned to Kaz and the rest of your new friends, that you were already leaving behind.
"I will write to you as much as possible so keep an eye to the mails. Now go, you guys need some good rest." to this Sturmhond accompanied on his boat and you gave a last wave before sailing to Saints knew where.
"Inej, would you pray the Saints to protect her for me too?" the Wraith didn't say a world, just prayed for him too with a little smile. Maybe she had a change at the end, maybe she had to wait for him to break out his shell but a change whatsover.
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barbarianbookhoe · 1 year
Chapter 5
Taglist: @vainillasmil157
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After Nina made sure to check on Y/N's wound (and constantly tease her about Kaz), she went to bring Inej some water. The shapeshifter asked Nina about her, and made her promise to tell her when she was awake. Y/N thought of Inej as part of her family, and she didn't feel like going to a funeral in the near future.
Kaz checked on her as she asked, and she soon fell asleep not long after he left. When she woke, her limbs were sore from the uncomfortable position she sat in the chair. She noticed Kaz's coat draped over her and she smiled at the familiar scent.
Y/N slowly stood up from the chair and began putting on the change shirt Kaz smuggled into her bag. She also put on the leather vest, because feeling the fabric around her body made her feel secure, though she didn't put the knives back on. Y/N took a deep breath and opened the door, only to be met with Jesper's surprised gaze.
"You're awake?" He asked but then quickly corrected himself. "Well, of course you are since you're standing here. Saints, was I worried about you," He went to hug her but was stopped by when he heard Y/N wince from his touch. "Shit, did I hurt your wound?"
"Yeah, you kinda grabbed the wrong shoulder," Y/N answered and put a hand over her left shoulder.
"Sorry, I'll try to be careful next time," Jesper replied and then carefully put his arm around her, while leading her on board to the others. He began talking about what happened after Kaz brought her to the cabin, and she slept.
"I swear on all of Inej's Saints, that he was extremely brutal, like, I've never seen him act like this before," He said, "And I've seen lots of things in the Barrel," Jesper added.
"What did he do?" Y/N asked somewhat curiously, because the way Jesper talked, it sounded like he held some fear against Kaz. "For starters, he beated the shit out of Oomen, the man who wanted to drown you, then cut out his eye for Inej, and after learning he was sent by Pekka, he killed him and threw him into the water," He answered and his words made Y/N halt in her steps. "I'm sorry. Did I hear you say Pekka? As in Pekka Rollins, the one man Kaz hates more than anything?"
"Yes," she heard Kaz answer from next to her. She then realized Jesper not only lead her on board, but directly in front of the three boys and Nina. "He sent those men to the harbor to stop us from getting to Fjerda and the Ice Court. I have a suspicion that he took on the job as well, and intends to be the only one finishing it." Kaz told her and Y/N furrowed her brows.
"There's also a chance he might kill us once we step inside the Ice Court," Wylan added which made Kaz roll his eyes. "Don't be ridiculous. If he's half as smart as he thinks, he won't kill us in the prison, because that would alert the guards. He's going to wait until we do the hard work, and then catch us," He said nonchalantly, like it wasn't their deaths he was talking about.
"Fine!" Jesper sighed. "But if Pekka Rollins kills us all, I'm going to get Wylan's ghost to teach my ghost how to play the flute, just so I can annoy the hell out of your ghost," He told Kaz and Y/N grinned at his words.
Kaz smugly looked back at him. "I'll just hire Matthias' ghost to kick your ghost's ass," Matthias grumbled. "My ghost won't associate with your ghost,"
Y/N straightened her back under Jesper's arm. "My ghost will be having a wager with Nina and Inej's ghost on which one of you is the biggest idiot,"
"That would be me," Jesper smiled at her and she sent a quick glance to Kaz as she spoke. "I wouldn't be so sure, but you're close," The boy laughed at her and let go of her shoulders to take a look at Wylan's drawing. It was complete now, and Y/N needed to admit that the boy had talent.
After some more talking about the plan, Kaz dismissed everyone and Y/N decided to go with Nina to check on Inej. She felt guilty for not doing it sooner, but the heartrender reassured her that it was better for her to rest, if only for a few hours.
They went inside the room and when Y/N saw how lifeless Inej's body looked on the table, her stomach turned. She sat down on the chair next to her and glanced at the bandage around her torso.
"How bad is it?" She asked as she turned around, and the look on Nina's face turned into worry in an instant. "It's a pretty deep wound. Lucky for her the blade wasn't poisoned, so her chances are better,"
"So there's a chance she won't wake up," Y/N whispered and took a glance at Inej's peaceful face. "But she's going to, isn't she?" She looked up to see Nina standing next to her with a sad face. "I really hope so," She said and gently grabbed Inej's face to pour some water into her mouth, to keep her hydrated.
"You mind if I stay here with you? I don't want to sit alone in that cabin," Y/N said to Nina and she tried to hide a smile. "Really? I thought after your encounter with Kaz, you'd like that cabin," Y/N let out a gasp at her words.
"Nina Zenik, what are you implying?" She asked dramatically to which the girl playfully put her hands on her hip. "I'm just curious why the two of you lolked so flushed," She replied and her voice changed to a teasing tone. Y/N tried to hide the embarassment from her face as she answered.
"I had a bullet wound, we were both freezing from the water. That's it," Nina looked at Y/N with raised eyebrows. "And I'm the Queen of Ravka. You do know that I'm a Heartrender? I can hear everything," She smiled knowingly at Y/N, but she refused to look back at her. Then Nina sighed and put a hand on her shoulder and spoke softly.
"Look, whatever is happening between the two of you, it's clear that you don't want anyone to know. I can't promise that I won't interrupt you again, because I'm a naturally curious person, but I swear, that I won't tell anyone about it,"
Y/N finnaly looked at her and smiled in relief. "Thanks a lot, Nina"
For the next three days, they took shifts in looking after Inej and her wound. They would try and feed her, keep her hydrated and talk to her, tell stories and old ravkan tales, as if she could hear them.
The two girls got to know each other better, now that they had the time for it. Y/N loved how confident and humorous Nina was, and sometimes the way she talked it reminded her of her mother. It made her chest feel warm. She also told some things about her childhood when she still lived in Os Kervo, and noticed the surprised glances she got from Nina after a few of her stories.
"Sometimes I'm really surprised by you," Nina told her on their third night, when they were both in the room with Inej. "Yeah? Why?" Y/N asked with a slight smile. "You're a gunsmith and a shapeshifter thought to be extinct, yet, the stories you tell, they're so...stupid, and childish and happy, I mean-"
"How did I end up in the Barrel, is what you're asking?" Y/N questioned and Nina nodded her head. The shapeshifter sighed and leaned back in her chair, as she thought about her answer. She trusted Nina, but not yet enough to tell her all the details. "Let's just say that I was using my powers when I shouldn't have, and a powerful person's men saw it, and we had to escape,"
"We?" Nina asked and Y/N lightly chuckled at her question. "Yeah, me and my brother, Raffiel. Ghezen, was he a pain in the ass. But I'd do anything for him and his family," She told her honestly and Nina smiled widely at her words.
"Ooh, does he have a wife? Or a husband maybe? Kids?" She asked quickly and Y/N laughed at her. "I see. Now that you can't pry into my private life, you want to pry into my brothers?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm a cruel Grisha woman, clearly seducing you for imformation about your brother. I'm so evil," Nina sighed dramatically and then looked at Y/N, waiting for her answer.
"Well, he has a wife and a son. The kid's so full of energy I swear if they let him outisde he'd run to Fjerda and back in one day. But he's the sweetest kid you could ever meet. And those green eyes? It's like staring into a pair of emeralds," She shook her head with a smile. She hoped it wasn't the last time she saw her nephew.
Every day they got closer to Fjerda, a knot appeared in her stomach, and each day it got tighter and tighter. She knew Kaz had a solid plan and she believed in him with every inch of herself, yet, there was also a small voice in the back of her head telling her that it won't work out, that they'll get caught and stay in prison till their death. She ignored the voice, but soon enough it was going to cause trouble for her.
And when Inej woke up, Y/N never saw someone cry as much as Nina did in the next few minutes. After they got her drinking and eating a few bites, they told her everything that happened at the harbor, including the few details of Kaz's plan. Y/N left out the fact that she almost drowned, and Nina left out what she assumed between the two. When they began talking about the Crow and the Cup tattoo, Inej lightly turned her head towards Y/N, who was standing beside Nina, next to the table.
"When did you get it? I know that it was already on you when we first met," Inej asked quietly, still somewhat week from her wound. Y/N's brows raised in surprise as she looked at the girl.
"And you're asking me this now ?" She asked and Inej let out a small smile. "I almost died, and there's lots of things I needed to ask, so...least you can do is give me an answer," The girl paused before whispering, "Before I bleed out again," Nina alet out a half chuckle hald yelp, but Y/N just stared at Inej.
"I hate you right now," She said, but seeing that the Suli-girl won't back down, she sighed.
She gave her a short answer, that she was certain she was going to regret later, not to mention the lecture she was going to get from Kaz when he hears about it.
"I got it along with Kaz, when we were fifteen,"
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writing-havoc · 2 years
A Moments Pain
♡ Summary: Kaz thinks you get shot with him while running from the Stadwatch. Imagine his surprise when you're fine
♡ Pairing: Kaz Brekker x Reader
♡ Fandom: Six of Crows, Grishaverse
♡ Warning(s): Blood, Guns, Drugs, Alcohol, Gunshot wound, Self-harming behaviour (only mentioned)
♡ WC: 4.7k
Soulmate au time! Pain sharing <3
This is a pain sharing soulmate au where your soulmate can feel your pain and they can feel yours.
Reader is a Squaller in this and as usual, gender neutral
Hope you enjoy <3
Please excuse any grammar and spelling errors
Soulmates have a very particular place in Kerch conversation.
There's those that believe soulmates are a concept and reality directly bestowed upon humans by Ghezen himself as an ultimate act of trade. That there is nothing more holy than finding your soulmate and sharing your life together, because the pain you trade daily is a piece of Ghezen permanently part of your being and can be offered back as a sign of your faith.
These people share pain every day, purposefully pricking their fingers and smiling when their other feels it too, thanking their Saint for their life and the opportunity they got to trade this pain directly and receive it in full.
Then there are others that see it as a slight against him, that it's an easy way out and that soulmates were fabricated long ago before the time of Ghezen. That in order to be seen and heard by him you must put in the work to do so, to volunteer and offer your time till you're covered in sweat, tears, and even blood, and only then will you be worthy of the pay and recognition you're earned and deserved.
These people see using your soulmate as an offering as cowardly and lazy, and not as a true sign of faith, but more like a mockery.
It's a conversation you can't escape if you live in Kerch, especially Ketterdam.
Kaz can count on two hands the amount of times soulmates have come up in conversation under a different light than that. And it's almost always brought up by Jesper trying to poke fun at Kaz for not finding his, or Nina who talks about how Ravkan culture handles it much differently (Matthias tags along on said discussion to butt in about Fjerdan soulmate rituals but its only ever on the tail end of the conversation).
It doesn't concern him, not finding his soulmate. He doesn't think he even wants to meet them, to see the face he's caused to have suffered so much pain over the last decade and will continue to cause them for as long as he resides in the Barrel.
Their anger would be understandable, but he hates that he feels any guilt about it at all.
He had to do it to survive. The pain he's been through and the scars left behind are reminders that he's still alive and breathing, that he still has fight left in him. He will not be made to feel sorry for that.
So, perhaps its not that he feels guilty, but that he hates the concept of being forced to feel guilty for something that he's proud of, for something that's necessary.
Now matter how many times he has this conversation with himself, he always comes to the same conclusion and never feels any less guilty than he did before.
"Eat my arse, Jesper!"
"I will!"
He sighed, opening the door to the Crow Club and allowing it to shut behind him. A cacophony of sound assaulted his ears, people talking amongst themselves and dice and cards slapping against velvet covered tables. A bar towards the back brandished in dark wood and brightly glowing lights was at the focal point of his attention. It was like his ears had some horrible ability for picking up his crows voices. It was both a blessing and a curse.
Jesper, Wylan, and you were huddled together, chairs pulled away from their evenly distributed spots in front of the bar. You were talking animatedly, your hands flying in directions that he's not sure made the story clearer or more confusing the more you went on, but the two men in front of you seemed to be following just fine.
"... coming out the building, smoke blows in my face and I swear I met Ghezen himself." You leaned into the dark wood, resting your head on your hand.
"As if he'd want to meet you personally." Jesper snickered at the way your jaw fell open, Wylan laughing when you lunged out and swatted at Jesper.
"Not the point!" You hollered, giving a good shove to his arm before pulling back.
Kaz clicked his cane against the ground, standing not three steps to the left of your chair. "If Jesper has to take sick leave its coming out of your paycheck."
You turned to face him, a wide grin adorning your face. "Ill make sure to only beat him to the brink of qualifying for sick leave."
"Bold move discussing your plans in front of the boss like that." Wylan chimed, hooking his pinky to Jespers.
"Kaz doesn't care so long as the job gets done." You turned to the man behind the bar and held up a finger, ordering your regular.
He clenched his jaw, giving you a hard glare. Yet he felt his heart twist. "I would still prefer to have Jesper in optimal working order, Y/n."
"Fine, I won't touch him anymore." You said as your drink was handed to you. You inclined your head at the bar man, giving a silent thanks as you downed half of it in one go.
There was another thing about soulmates that's more unknown. Not really unheard of, but it's not discussed.
Fatal attacks don't have the same physical affects on your soulmates, neither do life altering diseases, bone breaks, or limb losses. But they aren't unfelt. It'll be a long lasting piercing pain in some cases or nerve damage depending on the placement, but nothing ever as extreme as what your partner experiences.
In cases of poison, the effects are similar but not a direct match.
If the poison makes you tired, your soulmate will also tire. If the poison chokes you alive on your own spit, your soulmates mouth will salivate uncontrollably. If the poison makes you bleed from every orifice and your skin melt off your body, your partner will ache all over, maybe even bleed from scabs, cuts, and scars that should have no reason to be bleeding.
Alcohol is technically a poison of sorts. Toxic. Once your partner drinks, you'll feel it too. But it's entirely dependent on your own tolerance.
Kaz's tolerance isn't excellent, but he's certainly not a lightweight. You, however? Huge lightweight. With the portion of the drink you just downed you'll be inebriated within fifteen minutes tops, stumbling on your own feet and apologizing to light posts upon running into them. He only hopes your soulmate has a higher tolerance than you do.
He has seen you become such a way at the hands of your soulmate twice. Both times you had thought you were dying.
"Tomorrow we've got a job." Kaz pipes up. "Be ready at seven bells. Pack very light."
You groaned. "I wish you had told me that before I downed half of this."
"Im telling you now before the whole of it is gone."
You put the glass to your lips, staring at him as you drank the rest.
There's no way you'll be up in time tomorrow.
He was kind of right.
After very faintly stumbling back to the Slat because of his soulmate feeling the need to get inebriated, he sat at his desk and finished whatever paperwork he could before preparing for the next day's mission.
Somewhere while doing so he fell asleep, and when he awoke the next morning at six bells he immediately went about making sure everyone was ready.
Inej had her knives and was actively packing any other essentials on her person, Nina and Matthias were still sleeping, but the latter was stirring as Kaz cracked the door open, Wylan was in the process of waking himself up while Jesper snored under a pile of blankets, and you were... kind of awake.
When he checked on you, you were sitting on the edge of your bed, sleeping pants rolled down to just above your knees while you stared with glassy eyes at the wall opposite of you. The window was open, streetlights barely making their way through the glass, your face glowing in the soft light.
He stepped fully into your room, walking closer to inspect your figure. He's not sure you're even blinking until you do so, eyes moving separately from eachother in a way that's oddly frog-like.
"Y/n." He called firm and gentle, waving a gloved hand in front of your face.
You hummed, moving your head slow like syrup to look up at him, eyes syncing up. "Morn'n, Kaz."
He ignored the way his name sounded on your sleepy tongue, afraid of the palpitations punching his heart. "Just making sure you're getting ready."
"'m good. Changin' righ' now." You put a hand on your bare thigh, looking to your left at the clothes you laid out for yourself.
Dark, natural, and earthy colors made up your shirt and pants aside from a bright white pouch which held stimulant capsules. You would need one later. A pair of lace up boots was at the foot of your bed, along with a jacket and belt that sheathed a knife Kaz had gifted you a few weeks into your time with the Dregs.
"It's half past six bells," he said, voice softer than he was intending. "Hurry it up."
You hummed, pushing your thumb under the waistline and pushing them down, pooling them around your ankles. Kaz took that as his cue to leave, closing your door softly behind him.
For a moment he allowed himself to pause, thinking with his hand gripping the creaky knob. Your morning voice, bed hair, soft eyes- it made his head /spin/. If you weren't hungover and running on four hours of sleep you would have cared more and that knowledge was sobering enough that he could let go of the handle, cane clicking on the ground as he walked back towards his office.
While the Kerch had plenty of different opinions about how to utilize your destined partner, there is a long standing opinion that most natives held above all else: you do not deviate from your soulmate.
Because while there are those who believe using your soulmate as a way to trade is simply lazy, they're also the ones that tend to believe that deviating from them is a form of cheating and you'd be robbing someone else from a happiness they deserve to achieve.
The only exception to this would be if you found out your soulmate is dead. But who's to say your soulmate isn't already dead and you're searching for someone that no longer exists? It's a trap. No matter what you'll either be shunned or disappointed.
He's never heard your opinion about soulmates. He knows you have one, as you're often complaining about how much they get hurt, but you never participate in the talk. You either excuse yourself or sit back in your chair, promptly passing out before a question can be thrown at you about it.
The only one that's ever been able to get you to answer a question about it was Inej. And your answer was incredibly vague- or rather, simple.
She had asked your thoughts on the Kerch interpretation of soulmates and their usage. Your answer was, "I guess it makes sense" and following a shrug, that was the end of it.
Kaz never thinks about it. Except for when he does, which seems to be a lot recently.
He stepped forward, and cursed his leg when a flash of pain soared up his shin and into his thigh. He stepped down the stairs wrong perusing his thoughts.
The sound of a door opening and slamming shut caught his ears. "Fuck my soulmate." You came storming out of your room, fully dressed and considerably less tired than before. He wasn't that distracted, was he? "Doesn't know when to stop fucking around." You stormed past him, making extra careful to keep a distance as you walked down the stairs.
There was something a little off about your gait, but you were faster correcting it than he was at putting the pieces together for once, so there's not much he could infer.
Walking down the stairs, everyone emerged from their respective rooms and gathered at the center of the Slat. Like magic, the bell clock chimed seven bells.
Kaz looked at his team, scanning them over with a faint nod. "Right on time."
"Don't want to be at the receiving end of that cane of yours this early in the morning." Jesper commented. You snickered, Nina and Inej smirking at him while Wylan and Matthias took it upon themselves to school their expressions into fond smiles.
Kaz checked his watch. "We have half a bell to get to the Zelver District, let's move."
"I cannot believe that you thought seventy-seven and thirty-three made a hundred." Wylan states incredulously. "It's appalling, actually."
You snort. "Easy there with the fancy words, Mister Dictionary. In my little fourteen year old mind it made sense."
Jesper barks out a laugh. "Who taught you to do math? Even I know it's a hundred and ten."
"Bugger off why don't you!" You give him a lighthearted slap with the back of your hand to his arm, to which he hardly flinches and ruffles your hair.
His own head itches. He takes off his hat and fixes his hair, ignoring it.
The job had gone off without a hitch, which was good for everyone's spirit considering the last few weren't as lucky. Spirits were lower than he would have liked, so the twenty thousand kruge in his pocket and diamond necklace in your pouch were perfect for raising everyone's morals.
You did, in fact, end up needing to take a stimulant capsule soon after they left. Even with the added aggravation from your soulmate, you just couldn't stay awake.
He makes a mental note to watch you more closely. He's seen what those stimulant capsules can do to your impulse control, and he would like for you to cut down on how much you're taking them if you could help it.
He has every bit of confidence in you that you wouldn't take more than necessary, but the tired mind is an enemy that which he never likes to take chances with. The last thing he needs is for you to accidentally grab two instead of one and be so jittery that you end up getting them all caught.
Actually, the more likely scenario would probably be you realizing your mistake soon after you've made it, and taking yourself out of the mission, leaving your spot empty as Kaz tries to reconfigure everything on the spot to accommodate for a lost asset. And, on top of that, worry to Fjerda and back about if you'll make it to the Slat safe and with minimal damage.
It's exhausting. He doesn't want to take them away, because today goes to show that they're incredibly helpful if taken properly.
But everytime you do his skin feels like it's on fire and his heart pounds just a little bit harder. It feels like something is trying to claw its way out of his skin, right between his shoulder blades.
A little something clicks in his mind, then.
A gunshot rings out into the night. The group flinches for a moment, and then they're all taking off in a sprint.
"Who's shooting at us?!" Jesper calls out.
"No idea and I don't want to find out!" You yell, overtaking nearly everyone just behind Jesper.
The both of you split into separate alleys, everyone else scattering as well given Kaz's signal. He follows behind you, intending on splitting up even further up the passageway, but doesn't get to when it comes to his attention the route he was going to take has since been blocked up.
He needs to get newer intel, very, very quick when he gets back to the Slat.
"Do not shoot to kill!" A member of the Stadwatch comes into sight on the opposite end of the alley. "We need information!"
Apparently they needed intel as well.
"Up!" Kaz hooks his cane to your pants, yanking you back and around the back of a house with a very thin walk space between its walls and the canal.
Steel bars jut out of the back, leading up to a balcony. You climb first, nearly slipping a few times in your haste to get up. Dirt falls into his eyes, but he blinks them away as he climbs just behind you, his cane now clipped to his belt.
You waste no time picking a direction and run, leaping over wobbly shingles and skating around metal smoke shafts in a movement that Kaz can only call dancing.
Kaz damn near falls in love all over again, and actually does so when he hears your delighted giggles under the shine of the moonlight. He's right behind you, just barely keeping up with his bad leg, and the sound makes his chest... /bubble/.
Several other gunshots ring out, the sound of bullets hitting metal like notes on a piano.
Kaz moves to the far side of the house, away from the sight of the Stadwatch and leaps to another building, his good leg coming in contact with the slick roof. His boot squeaks as it slips off, his leather gloves grabbing desperately at the shingles.
"Let go!" He heard from below.
Without a second thought, he went limp.
A gust of wind hit his back, knocking the air out of his lungs for a moment. And just as quickly he was on the ground, your face staring over him.
You chuckled. "Rather fucked up trust fall, I'd say."
"I trust no one." He spits without venom, hauling himself up. He unclips his cane, leaning on it.
"Okay Kaz." He can hear the sarcasm in your voice, but he diverts his attention in favor to the gunshot wound that splits through the meat of his arm.
You jolt too, yelling in pain. In a fit of anger, you slam the Stadwatch into the wall with your wind, the air pressure shifting and making his ears pop.
He doesn't bother to check if they're still moving, running unevenly to the nearest crow owned business and slipping inside and through to the backdoor.
He has to get you back. Who knows what kind of bullets they were using or what kind of damage it did. Healing isn't Nina's strong suit, so the least amount of damage and less time wasted the better.
The moment Kaz is in the Slat he's ushering you into the medical room, cursing you for your stunned state. He only had so much ability to maneuver you lacking an arm and using a glorified stick.
"We need to wait until Nina gets here." He hissed as he closed the door behind him, shucking off his coat and placing it on the chair next to the table.
"Kaz." You say, voice small.
He quickly whipped his head around, mind going through every possibility.
Too much blood has drained from your body. You're too weak to hold yourself up. Your body functions were shutting down one by one in favor of your heart and brain.
Before his mind could launch into a plan of how to keep you alive, tourniquet above the wound perhaps, he saw you weren't in any pain at all.
Not even a speck of blood on your shoulder.
He limped over to you, wondering if he was beginning to hallucinate an oddly terrifying yet comforting fantasy where you were fine. Maybe he was the one dying. But the throbbing pain in his shoulder and the pounding of his heart told him that he probably wasn't.
"You're fine." It was meant as a question but came out as a statement.
"I'm fine." You whispered in the same stunned silence. "Although I am a bit sore."
It's you. It's you it's you it's /you/.
The door bursts open, making you jump back. Nina begins to rustle around the room, instructing Kaz onto the table, but he just cannot look anywhere but you.
How fucking insane is that?
Out of the potentially millions of people that exist just within the distance between the southern colonies and Fjerda, you're here.
He didn't stop looking at you, because you're fucking /here/, even as you left out the door, tripping on your way out.
He needed to talk to you.
The moment Nina began to give him the go ahead he was hopping off the table and into the crowd of the Slat, doorknob hitting the wall.
Where were you?
He brought his hand up to his mouth, pinching his skin between his teeth just below his glove. A stunned yelp sounded over the crowd, heads turning up the stairs. Kaz felt his entire stomach tumble.
The steps groaned beneath his steps as he walked up them, doing his best to keep them even with some semblance of normal despite normal being thrown out minutes ago.
He was trudging through the Slat without his coat or cane, shirt torn at the shoulder, and a throbbing wrist that he just bit with little to no care about who seen or felt it besides you, and everyone found it weird.
But this entire situation was weird.
His arm ached as he pulled himself up the last few stairs by the railing, limping to the next set of stairs to his attic office.
And there you were, rubbing the inside of your wrist with your eyebrows knit, looking every bit as stunned as you were when you came face to face with reality.
"You bit me." You whined.
He took a moment to get his breath back into his weeping lungs. "I didnt bite you. I bit myself."
"But you may as well have bit me." You stood up, moving to the side.
And there really wasn't any arguing with that logic was there? You felt it just the same as he did.
His heart continued to pound and pound on his chest as he, much slower this time, walked up the stairs, keeping tabs on his leg as he did so. There was no complaint from you as you followed close behind.
The door was unlocked when he got to it.
He turned to you, raising a brow.
The floorboards creaked as you rocked on your heels, looking away from his prying eyes. "I thought better of it only after I unlocked it."
"Usually makes no difference to you whether it's locked or not." He swung the door open, heading for his desk chair. "You walk in and sleep in my chair as much as you please."
It took you a moment to respond, the door clicking quietly. "It didn't feel right this time."
Ironic, considering you're literally destined to be with him if the universe has any say.
He stood beside his chair, remembering the last time he caught you fast asleep in it, legs dangling off the arm. Did you not want that ease with him?
It isn't unheard of for a person to reject their soulmate. Usually it's done when they have found a chosen partner rather than a destined one, or when they simply don't believe in that way of life.
Maybe that's why you don't say anything when the topic comes up.
His body feels heavy, utterly exhausted at the thought. The thought to beg comes to mind briefly before he puts it back on its leash and ties it to a pole.
Perhaps you don't want him, even if the universe or whatever it is dictates that you do.
"I can see that mind of yours working," you say, "and it's not what you think."
He grinds his teeth for a moment. "It would help rule some stuff out if you'd have been more open about the topic in the past."
Fuck the universe, he's allowed to be petty.
Your voice is tired and almost disappointed when you say his name next, and it makes him completely regret his words.
You sit on his desk, body angled towards the open window he loves and hates so much.
It's too drafty. Reflects too much light. Opens awkwardly. But it's warm and coats your skin like honey in the evening and tickles your face with your baby hairs in the early morning. It let's you slip in at the most awkward times when he's changing but also let's you in when he needs you most, even if you don't know it.
The window is always locked.
He taught you how to pick it.
"My parents are soulmates." You begin, Kaz lowering himself into his chair. "But they don't like eachother."
That does well to get his attention.
"Everytime the tie between them was activated, it was always on purpose to hurt the other." Your temple moved, teeth grinding. "When one would threaten to leave, the other would beat themself senseless. And when they really got angry at eachother, they'd almost kill themselves and then turn on eachother with knives and bottles.
I've heard stories of how it is to lose your soulmate back where I grew up. It's described as a nothingness. What was once there when the connection was really, really made disappears like it was never there, and leaves a dark, heavy feeling in its place."
You sighed, hand rubbing your chest. "I think that's the only reason they never actually killed eachother. They didn't want whatever they had, no matter how fucked up it was, to disappear."
He thought for a moment.
"You never spoke about it because you don't want to end up like them."
Your eyes squinted, lips pursing. "Yes and no." A rhythm came to life from your boot, legs swaying and hitting his desk. "You're right, but I also don't want to feel that feeling, that nothing. I don't know if it's true, if the grief takes that much of a hold on you, but I don't want to find out. Not now. Not ever." You looked at him then, eyes like glass and tears barely pooling on your lower lashes. "Not if it's you."
It hits him all at once.
The obvious realization that is that you /want/ him.
And the even more breathtaking realization that you really, really love him, and have loved him long before you knew.
Isn't that perfect?
You looked back to the window, and everywhere else, hand swiping underneath your eyes.
He tapped the table next to you, gathering your attention.
"I don't..." He licked his lips. "I don't want that either... if it's you."
He fucking hopes you get it. That he has loved you too. Before now. Before the lockpicking. Before the chair. Before the window. Before the bullet. Before the biting. Before. And has for a long time since.
Your mouth hangs open, lips shuttering just a little before you close it, biting the pink skin. "Okay." You whisper, head bobbing up and down. "Okay."
"One question, though."
"Um..." You clear your throat. "Shoot."
"How did you manage to go this long without knowing it was me considering my one true constant of pain?" He props his bad leg out, wiggling his foot a bit.
You laugh, a stark contrast from the pervious mood. "If you want me to be honest, I... completely forgot what leg is your bad leg?"
It's the truth, he can tell, yet the fact that it sounds more like a question gets a half chuckle out of him. "I assume you don't know how a cane works?"
"Well I wouldn't say /that/." You try to defend yourself. "I know it helps you walk I just... never knew what side it was supposed to go on."
He can't stop himself from smiling, then. Small and private. "Cane goes on the stronger side to aid the injured side when you step with it. It becomes a third leg."
You snort immediately, and he sighs. "Childish."
"Oh come on! You did that to yourself!"
"Y/n." He said.
"You're insufferable."
You hopped off the desk, slipping the diamond necklace from your pouch and around his neck. "At yet you're stuck with me."
He touched one of the diamonds, watching you fall into the chair in front of his desk. "Not as much of a problem as you hope it is."
All tears gone, you get settled into the chair, perfectly warm and content in his company.
He loves that he feels the same.
@b3kk3r-by-br3kk3r @a-candle-maker
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liliumsabyss · 2 months
In The Small Moments
Pt1, Part 2, Pt 3, Pt 4, Pt 5…
Kaz Brekker x Gn Reader
Summary: Moulin Rouge/Satine Inspired!Reader and Kaz go undercover at a ball only for things to go terribly wrong.
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48845809/chapters/123220936
Word Count: 856 (I think)
Tw: Angst and Fluff, Swearing, Mentions of Sex, Mentions of Sex Work, No Smut, Mentions of Death, Forced Marriage, Manipulation, PTSD, reader called handsome but could be interrupted as in the old timey gender neutral way, maybe OOC Kaz Brekker, also potentially could be interpreted as suicidal ideation, mentions of suicide, Characters are like 25-ish and Pekka Rollins
A/n: sorry y’all I’ve had this for awhile and posted
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The heist had gone successfully. The crows had gotten what they needed as they waited back at the base for Kaz and (Y/n) who were to take a carriage back to meet them. It was silent as they only sat around the flat boredly. Jesper leaned back in his chair throwing a pouch that was full of kruge into the air catching it repeatedly huffing impatiently.
“ So…” Jesper finally started “ What do ya think about the boss and (Y/n).”
“ Think about what?” Wylan asked, confused looking up from his book on thermodynamics, titling his head towards his boyfriend scrunching his eyebrows.
“ Y’a know the whole mutual pining thing.” Jesper responded waving his arms around acting like it was the most obvious thing, the bag of kruge rattling as he did so. The rest had just stopped what they were doing, staring at Jesper in various ways from confusion to annoyance  to shock at his bluntness of the situation that none of them dared speak of. Nina clicked her tongue shaking her head.
“ What?! You know I'm right!” The sharpshooter exclaimed when Nina gave him a sharp glare at his 
“ Hell I’d even bet that (Y/n) will confess any day now” He continued as the healer just scoffed and Jesper rolled his eyes.
“ You want to put money on that?” Nina quipped, shocking everyone else in the room, Jesper quickly recovered smirking as he nodded his head confidently.
“ 20 kruge that (Y/n) confesses first,” The sharpshooter spoke confidently.
“ And 50 Kruge that Kaz confesses first, if you're right I will even add in an extra 50 kruge.” Nina replies back, shrugging her shoulders, picking at her fingernails.
“ Damn 70 Kruge, you got yourself a deal” Jesper says, winking only to be interrupted by the sound of the door slamming open, he staggers in his seat nearly falling backwards. Kaz walks through the door, his expression more bitter and hostile than usual. He leans against the doorway grasping slightly at his leg before pushing against the door and limping inside. Nina quickly got up, shutting the door to prevent the cold night air from wafting in. The leader of the crows settled in his seat taking a shaky breath out.
“ Where is (Y/n)?” Inej questioned cautiously from where she sat in the darkest corner of the room. The others all stared cautiously but expectantly at Kaz.
“ I do not know. I asked one of the guards on the way out and they were seen with Pekka.” Kaz spoke darkly as he stared daggers into the floor, clenching his fists so tightly he could feel his fingernails pressing through his gloves.
“ Jesper,” Kaz barked “ I want everything on them you can find.”
Jesper stood up quickly loading his revolver and stuffing it into his belt as he hurried off out of the slat barely saying goodbye to Wylan by giving him a swift kiss on the cheek. The door of the slat shut creaking as the rest set in silence.
“Inej-” Kaz started his voice just as harsh to Jesper but aimed toward Inej, a tone that almost never would be used towards her. Inej who already had her daggers stored in their sheethes on her belt and her hood up, interrupted the currently infuriated male.
“ Already on it.” She gave a firm nod to accompany her response as she left swiftly and quietly like always.
Wylan and Nina quietly observed Kaz as he stood unmoving, his jaw clenched, his fists angrily snapped closed, his breath increased in its heaving. The three remained in near silence as the pair cautiously backed out of the room giving the man his space. 
The only question that crossed Kaz Brekker’s mind was Why had he trusted you, why had he let his inhibitions down for you out of all people. Just look where that got him. His mind spiralled and he let it because more times or not betrayal had been the result of someone or something he trusted. But of course his bad luck had run its course again with you. And of course Kaz Brekker being Kaz Brekker assumed the worst of you, only briefly did the notion that you may have been taken against your will flash across his thoughts. But even then he still wouldn't fully believe you hadn’t betrayed him until he saw full evidence. He sat like that until the moonlight slowly floated away and the rays of early dawn illuminated the foggy streets. The door to the slat creaked open figure slipped in his coat flowing behind him as he entered the room at the same time Kaz stood up his eyebags much more prominent making large dark circles under his eyes, his hair dishevelled from running his hands through it, and his skin a sickly shade of pale. Jesper slid past him sitting in one of the wooden chairs creaking alongside the floorboards which creaked when Wylan and Nina came in at the same time as neither looked well rested. In fact none of the people in that room looked rested.
“Well I found out about our little friend…”
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voidinmexx · 5 months
(even tho technically they'd all be in highschool following cannon age)
shut up.
oh lord
i love imagining my traumatized little characters in happy worlds,
background knowledge:
grisha arent a thing in this au and there is no current wars
Dorm Arrangements:
Inej and Nina requested rooms together the same day they could, Kaz managed to get a room alone and so did Wylan. Matthias doesn't go to college nor does Jesper.
i will write more lore about this collige au esp jesper and wylan because we need more gay men in healthy loving relationships
(its me im the gay men)😭
"Hey, Kaz!"
The boy, who was previously watching a particularly ugly bird, looked up to see Inej and Nina. Both of the girls wore matching sundresses.
The five were going swimming today. Although Ketterdam was known for it's dreary and bleak weather, it was summer which meant they got three whole days out of the month of August to enjoy a sunny day.
"Where's Jesper and Matthias?" Inej asked Kaz, as if he could telepathically communicate with the two idiots.
"I think Matthias is meeting us at the watering hole," Nina chimed in. She was typing away furiously on her phone and every so often a curl would fall in front of her eyes and she would angrily push it away, only for gravity to drag the curl right back where it fell before.
Suddenly, a loud chime startled the group, well, not really. Kaz did not only jump but also let out a little yelp as his phone went off. Inej and Nina laughed until they were both a wheezing mess.
"Oh. My. God." Kaz could barely make out the girl's out of breath words. Before she could elaborate, Nina began to have another laughing
"It startled me, that was all." Kaz grumbled, crossing his arms and pulling out his phone angrily. He had been gifted the device from Inej, it was a Christmas gift. Kaz, ever the old man in a young adult's body, had no clue on how to work the damn thing. Currently, it was the ringer that was giving him hell but last week iMessage was kicking his ass.
"Jesper texted me," he said, "He's asking if we mind if he brings an extra person."
"Jesper?" Nina asked, "With a date?"
Inej, the ever loving and gracious friend, smacked Nina's arm. The latter gasped dramatically and pretended to cradled her arm.
"Don't be rude. It's probably just some poor person Jesper wanted to drag along on an adventure," she shuddered and Kaz shook his head, "He does that too much."
"I agree, we should say no."
"What?" Inej interjected, even Nina raised an eyebrow at Kaz's suggestion, "Let them come it'll be fun. Maybe we can make a new friend!"
Kaz, however, did not see Inej's point.
Nevertheless, he texted Jesper and told him the stranger could come. The things he did for that girl.
Originally, Kaz met Nina junior year of highschool.
She had just moved from Ravka and they were paired together for a science project. The project was complex, it was meant to show an overall understanding of what they learned that year. The two extensively worked on it for two months and proudly presented it. Although they never became "friends" in highschool, both kept contact and Kaz even showed up at Nina's 18th birthday.
"Sorry I missed your sweet sixteen," he said as he handed Nina his gift, "I didn't realize those were an important thing to you." Kaz shrugged, Nina noticed, as he said the last part. I didn't realize those were an important thing to you. He cared, Nina realized that day, he acted like he didn't but he definitely did. Before she was sent to Ketterdam she was not the most popular kid on the playground. Friends were hard to make when you get singled out by someone many people look up to.
For Nina, Kaz was a breath of fresh air. Not that she would ever let him know that. He might get violent.
Behind them, the three could hear a car pulling up. Jesper's light blue Honda Civic parked poorly in a spot nearby. His face peeked over the roof of his car and he began wavely excitedly when he saw his friends. The passenger side door opened "Uhm, where are my keys?"
Kaz, who had been watching this for a second stepped up. In his fingers, the keys swung lazily.
"I'm driving."
Jesper groaned as Kaz forced him out of the truck. There was no arguing with a brick wall.
After Jesper almost ran into a dear, Kaz would not let Jesper drive in a car that he also was in. The group laughed and gossiped on the way to the watering hole, when they arrived Kaz was voted as designated Spot Finder. He was not swimming so he was tasked with finding a place for all their stuff and making sure it's not stolen.
ok im gonna edit this later and add im so sornee rn and CAN NOT breathe😭
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aoibhinnslater04 · 8 months
Chapter 5: The devil doesn't bargain
Just a quick disclaimer before starting, when CC3 comes out, I will 100% be reading it. While I'm currently happy with just ACOTAR (there might be characters from TOG and CC1&2 appearing at some point, but I haven't thought that far ahead lol), depending on dynamics and how I feel about them when reading CC3, they might feature. BUT I will add a spoiler warning if they feature, so you can look later :)
Enjoy chapter 5!
Word count: 1295
Warnings: scheming face, more kind of kidnapping, embarrassment and bombings
Kaz stood, fuming, as Jesper and Inej explained what they had learnt, both from Vassa’s notes and from being prisoners to Rhysand himself. All six of the crows were finally reunited, with Wylan leaning against a still damp Jesper, and Nina gripping Inej’s hand, as she had been since they came ashore. Matthias stood behind them, his arms crossed, his bulking figure looking like an angel that promised death, should anyone threaten the people he cared so deeply about. 
Kaz didn’t care about any of that.
Not Wylan’s eyes fluttering closed as he breathed deeply, as if to remind himself Jesper was alive.
Not Nina making Inej feel safer, with her silent promise of never letting go.
Not the way Inej and Jesper kept gently touching the people around them, to remind themselves that their minds were their own again.
And definitely not Matthias acting as a huge safety bubble, allowing Inej and Jesper to relax in his shadow.
All he cared about was getting even, despite the strange ache in his chest at each of these sights.
He turned to the window, staring out, plotting.
“Scheming face?” he heard Wylan whispering.
He didn’t need to turn around to know that the other crows were nodding, silently, but he whirled around anyway, meeting each of their eyes before announcing…
“I have a plan.”
Matthias hated the plan.
He didn’t know what the agonised scream Jesper and Inej heard before their leap to freedom, but it didn’t sound like these newcomers scared easily. And whatever had made them react like that… Well, it wasn’t likely to end well for any of them. Especially with a third of them not at their best. He didn’t know the full extent of what Inej and Jesper had been through, only brief explanations, but though there wasn’t a mark on either of them, neither seemed fully recovered from their ordeal. They seemed to have started sleeping in the same room, although he doubted in the same bed. Jesper was fully committed to Wylan, and Inej… Although she never spoke about anyone, every brief glance towards Kaz when she thought he wasn’t looking gave her away. 
He didn’t care, she was entitled to love whoever her heart led her towards, but he was half inclined to give the little Suli girl a few words of warning. He didn’t want to see her heartbroken, and Kaz always only seemed to have eyes for the kruge that he was hoarding like a jealous dragon. Matthias was sure he wouldn’t mind having to give out one less paycheck to his crew, if it suited him. That being said, he did seem to have a certain fondness for the Wraith, although whether it was true feelings or needing her for her abilities, Matthias hadn’t decided yet. 
Either way, neither of them seemed ready to face their captors once again. But Kaz had never been good at letting sleeping dogs lie. Matthias knew that he would want to enact his plan as soon as possible, and leave as much devastation as possible on his way. It almost made him feel bad for the Court of Dreams. Once Kaz got an idea, it was almost impossible to stop him. Nothing would stand in his way.
Azriel was fuming as he flew through the night, quiet as a whisper. Not only was Nyx taken, but to add insult to injury, they had taken Truth-Teller too! Any shred of sympathy he had had for the teenage gang had long since vanished. They would get no mercy, not until they gave Nyx back (and hopefully Truth-Teller too- he did NOT share it with anyone outside of Elain, even with his brothers). He figured they would give Nyx back quickly enough, Jesper and Inej knew of the Inner Circle’s powers so he doubted they would want the hellfire he knew would rain down on them. Neither Mor or Amren had met them though, so they still had a few tricks up their sleeves even if the Crows wanted to do this the hard way. He was so deep in thought, he didn’t see the dark figures step out from the shadows below him, or the one in the middle raise her hands as though she was casting a spell… no, the first time he realised they were there was when he was falling from the sky, clutching his chest as though his heart was failing him.
He had no idea what was going on, but as his vision was blurring and darkening at the edges, he realised that he, for the first time in a long time, had been outsmarted. If he survived this, he would never live this humiliation down.
Rhys stared at the pole on the stage in the middle of Ketterdam, where large crowds had gathered. Of all the things he expected Brekker to do, this wasn’t on his list. A flushed, angry Azriel glared out at him, his mouth gagged, his legs tied tightly to the bottom of the pole, and his wrists tied with a pretty bow above his head, giving Az an almost angelic crown. His dark wings had a large amount of boating tarp and duct tape wrapped around them, probably feeling like cement with the weight, and there were many stage lights directed up at him. Some of the jeering crowd likely thought this was just a prank, an embarrassment for the winged male, but Rhys knew it was far more than that. They had taken away Azriel’s anonymity, what made him such a great spy. This was what Rhys got, for kidnapping Inej and Jesper and searching their minds. Something equally as violating and cruel. Azriel looked near tears as people had started climbing onto the stage, touching his wings and taking selfies in front of him. 
He almost couldn’t stop the shadows that spread from him, scaring the crowd who ran from Azriel like they had been burned. Wings spread from his own back, wide as with one flap they lifted him onto the stage, where his shadows protected them from the public view although he knew Az could still see them, as well as the rest of the Inner Circle, who had come with him. Feyre’s eyes were wide, and her hand covered her mouth in shock. Mor looked devastated, one hand reaching out as though she could comfort him. Amren looked like she was ready to kill someone. Cassian was holding Nesta back, although both of their eyes almost glowed with anger. And Elain… the tears that left her eyes vanished from view as she turned her back and walked back to their house. 
Rhysand would have murdered the whole gang for the devastation on Az’s face alone.
But Az was shaking his head violently as Rhys moved to unbind the gag around his face, and a second later, he found out why. 
Loud explosions started going off around them, sending any curious stragglers away with a scream, and leaving his family to duck and cover themselves as best they could. Rhys got a blast of pink glitter in his face, and while he attempted to wipe his eyes, he heard fireworks going off around him. He gave up on the glitter, and cut Azriel free, leaving his wings to fix more delicately at home. As they both turned to look at their family, they started to cough, as black clouds threatened to choke them. The fireworks that had been set off each formed a crow.
Azriel tapped Rhys on the shoulder, and silently handed him an envelope, before walking back to their house, his wings dropped low. Rhys opened the envelope, and read out loud;
“Game on assholes.
XOXO The Dregs”
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thebadgerclan · 2 years
Pairing: Jesper Fahey x Wylan Van Eck
Summary: Jesper leaves out one crucial detail...
A/N: This happened, this 100% happened 😂
Jesper was always loose lipped when he was drunk.  When the beer and ale started flowing, so did the Zemini’s words, and most times, it was highly amusing to hear Jesper ramble on about Saints know what.  But tonight, all Wylan wanted to do was throttle someone.  Jesper was well into his cups while his fiance had cut himself off at three, leaving him pleasantly buzzed but sober enough to recall the evening tomorrow.
The story Jesper was telling had started as the one of his, Kaz, and Inej’s botched job to kidnap the Sun Summoner, but had quickly turned to his apparent lost love.  “Oh, it was love at first sight!” Jesper lamented.  “As soon as I set eyes on my sweet Milo, I knew there would never be anyone like him!”  Wylan had his hands in his lap, clenching his pants in his first, his knuckles whiter than a ghost.
Kaz was smirking, and Inej was howling with laughter.  “Do you remember when we crossed the Fold?” she asked, and Jesper barked out laughter.  “I do!  Ghezen, he’s the only reason I was able to do it!  I was so fucking scared, but with him in my arms, I felt like I could do anything.”  “How poetic, Jesper,” Kaz said, taking a sip of his drink.”  “But then we came home,” Jesper continued.  “And I haven’t seen him since.”
The mood had shifted drastically, and Wylan couldn’t help but take his fiance’s hand.  Jesper leaned into Wylan’s side, letting his eyes slide closed.  “What if we could find him?” Inej asked, and Jesper was sitting upright again.  “What?”  “My parents are still in Ravka, I’m sure they could try to track him down.”
“Would you really?”  “Of course!” Inej said, and Jesper’s face lit up like East Stave.  “Inej, have I ever told you how much I adore you?”  “On occasion.”  And the subject dropped.  Jesper, after being practically carried home by Wylan and waking up with a pounding headache, remembered none of the conversation, but Wylan did, and it left a bad taste in his mouth and a pit in his stomach.
Who was Milo, and how much had Jesper loved?  Judging by last night’s lament, a lot, and it also appeared that his fiance wasn’t quite over his old flame.  But Jesper wasn’t any less loving toward his fiance, he wasn’t acting any differently or as if he had anything to hide, and Wylan tried his best to let it go.  Just when Milo was the farthest thing from his mind, Kaz arrived at his and Jesper’s home.
“Inej has a surprise for you,” he said, and Jesper and Wylan followed him to the docks.  When they arrived, the Suli was bouncing on the balls of her feet, a giddy smile on her face.  “Jesper!  Do you remember the other night when you were talking about Milo?”  Jesper cocked his head.  “No?”  Inej chuckled.  “You were pretty drunk.  But you were talking about Milo and how you wished you could see him again.  So, I wrote to my parents, and…..”
Inej’s mother disembarked from The Wraith, and Wylan mentally braced himself.  Braced himself to meet the man that still occupied a part of his fiance's heart.  He expected a tall man, brown hair and green eyes, teeth whiter than snow, a confident swagger in his step.  But the man who stepped off the gangway was…..a goat?
Jesper squealed with delight and flew from Wylan’s embrace, nearly toppling off of the dock as he gathered the goat in his arms.  “Milo!” Jesper cried.  “Oh, my love, I never thought I’d see you again!”  Wylan felt like he could throw up or laugh hysterically, probably both.  Milo bleated happily, and after a moment, Wylan took a few steps forward.  “Jes?”  “Yeah, baby?”  He hadn’t looked away from the goat, and Wylan crossed his arms.  “When you were lamenting about the love you left behind in Ravka, did it ever occur to you to mention that he’s a goat?!”
The Zemini sensed his fiance’s irritation, and gently set Milo on the dock and stood.  “Oh Wylan, baby, I’m sorry.  I…I never thought about that.  Kaz and ‘Nej, they knew about Milo, and I guess it slipped my mind that you didn’t.”  Wylan only nodded, and Jesper smirked.  “Wait, baby, were you jealous?”  Wylan felt himself flush, and Jesper laughed.  
“Saints, you were!  Wylan, baby, I love you, I love you more than I could ever love Milo.”  He turned over his shoulder to look at the goat, and whispered, “Sorry, love,” which made Wylan giggle.  “There’s the smile I love.”  Jesper bent to kiss him, and all fears of Jesper’s attention wandering were gone.  After a few minutes, Inej cleared her throat, and Jesper pulled back.  
“There’s something else,” she said.  “Mama talked to the owners of the farm, and they were willing to part with him.”  Jesper’s jaw went slack, and Wylan could feel the excitement bubbling up in him.  “Are you saying…?”  “He’s yours, Jes.”  Jesper leapt into the amr and launched towards Inej, scooping her up in a hug.  “I love you!” he cried, once more picking Milo up.  “I love you!”  Jesper shifted the goat into one arm and pulled Wylan into the other.  “But I love you most, baby.”
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archiveofourcrows · 1 year
I was wondering if you had any thoughts on how the Kuwie kiss would go now that Jesper and wylan are already in a relationship (and oh yeah, LIVE TOGETHER). I want to see the hilarious hatred Wylan has for Kuwie on screen
oh my god anon do I have THOUGHTS about this.
obviously these are my own thoughts on what I think/want to happen (as an angst fueled individual as well) and is also just a fic concept I'll never write and tbh if I had the ability to write a whole fic about this I so would. 
this is ending up being a whole mess of thoughts of the lead up and all that and I'm almost sorry about it but I want to talk about this so bad.
Okay, one thing about this scene that I don’t see mentioned a lot is that Jesper is not doing well in the lead up to it. He’s just fought with Kaz—when Kaz calls him Jordie no less—and then immediately fought with his father about the farm and him being Grisha and all Jesper has been keeping from him. When he finds Kuwei at the piano he isn’t exactly processing literally anything. And that is why he mistakes him for Wylan, not because he can’t tell them apart. Yes, Kuwei does realize this and keeps up the act to deceive him, but initially, Kuwei is sitting at the piano. Jesper is in distress. He’s looking for Wylan, and he thinks he’s found him. And what does Jesper do in emotion heavy moments? He jokes, he flirts, so he flirts with Wylan. When Kuwei responds differently than Wylan to these advances he’s actually confused for a second, he even says ‘really?’, but again he isn’t exactly thinking clearly and decides to go for it. As soon as the real Wylan interrupts, as soon as his mind is clear again he instantly sees even their minute differences down to the narrowness of their faces. ‘I was paying attention’ comes to mind, because when he is he can tell them apart instantly.
My point is it’s a specific set of circumstances that lead up to this moment, and I think they can all continue to exist in show canon. I think the argument with Colm could potentially be even worse, considering Jesper has been away for longer and has been actively using and practicing his Grisha powers. I also think this is partially why they cut the deleted wesper scene, because it in a sense displays Jesper at least beginning to give up gambling, and I don’t think they can get rid of that storyline just yet because of the things it causes in SoC when they’ve closed out some of the other storylines that are also catalysts in that plot. Am I happy with that is another conversation….
Anyways I bring all of this up to say that while the circumstances have every possibility of staying the same the Jesper going into the room and the Wylan discovering them are very different. And their relationship as a whole is very different. There’s no confirmation them living together will be carried from the deleted scene so I’m gonna leave that out, but they’ve been together for at least a significant amount of time. And they’ve just gone through this whole patch of uncertainty.
I think that after the Van Eck reveal there will be a bit of a split between them like we saw this season. I don't think they'll break up but it'll get a bit rocky through the journey to Fjerda and the beginnings of the ice court heist. and with Wylan's trauma/his father in general being their client I don't think he would really fault Jesper for being upset? Especially with the 'I don't want to hide anymore' scene between them this season. This would all naturally come to head towards the middle/end of the heist after they climb the incinerator shaft and are working to trigger the alarm. Specifically when Wylan pretends to be a drunk to save Jesper and then the Grisha attacks them and Jesper has to kill her to save Wylan. This scene with Jesper already coming to accept and develop his powers will be SO interesting to see, because even in the books when he has only just been revealed as Grisha to the crows he is remorseful and upset to kill one of his kind (another Fabrikator at that) even though he knows he had no choice in that moment. Exploring that in a universe where he is 1) older, and more importantly 2) accepting or at least beginning to accept his powers and his place in the world as a Grisha is something I really hope they explore. It’d even be cool to see it mirror the scene in season 1 when Inej kills Pavel to save Kaz. This would lead to a kind of ‘we’ll talk when we aren’t actively looking death in the face’ situation.
Except now Wylan is faced with Kaz thinking he’s actual leverage against Van Eck, and I don’t think his decision to let Nina tailor him would change in this new canon. In fact it would probably make him even more willing, because he is that much more attached to the Crows and to Jesper. He’d probably fight against lying to Jesper but conceded to Kaz in the end because Kaz. I think too that there is more room for a heartfelt scene outside of ‘maybe I liked your stupid face’ and that’s possibly why they used it this season. Because now that they're together it would make more sense for Jesper to express genuine emotions about Wylan being tailored—into someone who is actively wanted by multiple nations no less—and lying to him about it. Of course, Kaz asked him too and I think that would also be such an interesting conversation between Kaz and Jesper but I’ve already gone so off track.
Wylan will also probably be either more or less jealous of Kuwei because he and Jesper are already together, though I think more considering his self esteem issues. I would expect only in body language/action alone unless Jesper or someone explicitly asks him because again, it’s Wylan. I do legally require them to include the ‘how about I push you in the canal and we see if you know how to swim line’ because it is so iconic and they already took just girls from us. 
I’m going way to in depth with this. 
I wonder too what direction they will go with Wylan being tailored in the sense that he doesn’t just look like anyone, he looks like Kuwei. In the original scene Jesper says he misses Wylan’s actual features but would take any version of Wylan, but in this new canon does that stay the same when he ‘had’ un-tailored Wylan? And how would Wylan feel being with Jesper as ‘Kuwei’ knowing Kuwei has a crush on him and makes advances on him later on? I think it’s a very interesting topic and I really look forward to seeing if they delve into that at all. Personally I think they’d agree on waiting for Wylan to have his features back so that’s what I’m going with.
So considering all that, and the circumstances surrounding the scene, with the idea that his argument with Colm could also be worse, this scene gets very interesting.
Obviously now he is going to be actively seeking Wylan out, I feel like I don’t need to explain why. When he finds Kuwei he’s probably incredibly relieved, and I think he would actually confide in ‘Wylan’ about his argument with Colm. In the book, he just kind of paces the room and flirts with him, but him and Wylan are together. They already went through all of season 2, and now all of the Ice Court situation. And Kuwei not responding would probably confuse him a bit, but much like the first scene he really isn’t in his right mind. And being upset, I think he’d default back emotional avoidance and this is where we’d see that flirting from the original scene, maybe less of a ‘wanna get out of here’ and more of a ‘let’s blow off some steam’ in this situation considering. And he would know, the second Kuwei kisses him, that this isn’t Wylan. Even in the book he knows something is off, but now he already knows exactly how this kiss should go. The thing is we don’t know how long Wylan was standing there. I think Jesper would be so upset at himself for not realising and at Kuwei for tricking him, but if Wylan still sees? There’d be no doubt who is standing in the doorway, and I think the scene after this will really be so different. Maybe they’ll still have the sitting room scene before they can talk, or maybe Jesper will actually rush after him in this version. And so much changes in that conversation, because he can’t just ‘kiss whoever he wants’ in this canon. The entire rest of his POV really, Wylan being tailored back and their original first kiss would be very different. And those scenes are just, 80 million more thoughts.
What’s interesting about this too is it moves Kuwei from just having a crush on Jesper and shooting his shot (through deceiving him but still, they’re teenagers in the books) to being a bit of a villain. Not in a big SoC villain sense obviously, but knowing Jesper and Wylan are together and still deceiving Jesper and letting him talk about his dad thinking it’s a conversation with his boyfriend is a lot different than the circumstances in the books, especially aged up. I do actually like Kuwei, I think his character was interesting and would be cool to explore away from the SoC plot where he served a specific purpose (disclaimer I haven't read KoS), and I know I’m not the only one so that will be a very interesting deviation to take that really separates him from book canon and how he’s perceived by fans. But I need to shut tf up now because this is way longer than I think anyone wanted. Though feel free to ask me more questions that I can elaborate forever on.
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emilywaters · 11 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks....
Thank you for the question!
That's such a hard question to answer because there are so many characters I love. But right now my top 10 would be (in no permanent order bcs I'm indecisive like that, this is literally just in the order that I thought of them)
1. Nakahara Chuuya (Bungo Stray Dogs) - I have never loved a character the way I love this man. I'm not sure how exactly I started liking him or why but he's been my number one favourite for a long time.
2. Jesper Fayhey (Six of Crows/Shadow and Bone) - I recently read the duology and then watched the show. After the books I liked him but after the show, I was obsessed. I really like his vibe and just his whole flirtatious act. I love watching him start to understand himself better through his character arc.
3. Wylan Van Eck (Six of Crows/Shadow and Bone) - I absolutely loved his POVs in the second book. I really related to him and just loved the depth of his backstory and just love him as a character.
4. Beidou (Genshin Impact ) - Pirate mommy. That's all I have. I just love her.
5. Shinya Hiragi (Owari no Seraph) - This is another one of those I got fixated and never got over it type of faves. I don't even remember why I love him. All I know is I do.
6. Madeline Hatter (Ever After High) - This show was my childhood and I still have an unhealthy attachment to her. I think I just really liked the randomness of her character and just the wonderland vibes.
7. Cherry Blossom (SK8 the Infinity) - I love his hair first and foremost. And I love his role as a mentor to reki and langa.
8. Chigiri Hyoma (Bluelock) - Again, my first obsession was his hair. But I really related to the feeling of being scared of failing at your passion.
9. Mikage Reo (Bluelock) - I love his dynamic with Nagi and his fear of abandonment. I love him so much.
10. Mereoleona Vermillion (Black Clover) - Hot strong woman who can beat my ass <3
Honarable mentions - Rindou Haitani (Tokyo Revengers
Will Solace (Riordanverse)
Shota Aizawa (BNHA)
Haruki Nakayama (Given)
Illumi Zoldyck (Hunter X Hunter ) - I had a thing for his hair and his hair alone
I tried really hard to give reasons but honestly 99 percent of the time I just like their vibe and/or their hair ✌️
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lady-ashfade · 2 years
Inside job
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Kaz Brekker x Fem!reader x Inej Ghafa
This is a drabble? I think, but it’s really freaking short. And there is hint of romance but nothing actually said, but it’s hinted.
Warnings: Shit writing.
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There was only one option, and they knew.
“We can’t get in without some sort of key, or something. Even I know it’s useless to even try to break in without a opening.” Jesper spoke leaning against the table behind him, wylan beside him fiddling with his own shirt buttons.
Kaz knew this job was going to need somone from the inside, The Honeyedpass was not easy to get into. No, he knew the place was well guarded. But still, there was always someway in and luckily he knew exactly what to do.
“That’s why we need someone from the inside, no one gets in or out without someone knowing.” Kaz spoke as the others looked at him puzzled, all excited one. “And who would that be?” Jesper ask with a hint of excitement in his tone.
Inej watched as his gaze feel on her, she knew exactly who he was talking about. A job only she would do because she was no better then the rest of them. But still, this would put her in more danger if anyone were to find out.
“No.” Inej leaned on the table making everyone’s attention snap to her. “There is no one else.” His tone low and stern. “She would be killed without a thought if anyone found out.” The girl stepped closer and glares at him.
“She can handle herself, and we need her to complete this.” They stare into each others eyes to fight for who was right. It was a fight without words or fists, but the others could admit they would be scared if they received the looks.
“I’m sorry but who is “she”?” Jesper interrupted them both to ask the important question. 
The smell of the sea water mixed with dead fish and guts. That was the telling of the docks. The smell she found comforting, when she was off duty she wanted to feel like someone normal. So she helps the fisherman unload the boats, or guts the fish, sell them- Anything really. But she was respected. Her first day she put a man in his place for thinking he could touch her. There were more incidence after but now the people there respected her.
A woman never afraid to spill blood.
The woman grunted as she slammed the heavy box into the rest and took a minute to catch her breath. Then the boards beneath her vibrated with footsteps, the sound of a cane, then the last sign is reflections on the water from the corner of her eye. Her lips curled up into a smirk because there was only one group this could be.
“What a pleasant surprise,” she turned around to faces them, “all the crows coming to see me? Oh, how special I am.” Her voice teasing and fake. She looked at the tall man she knew, his face the same as when she last saw, hardened. “What do I  owe the pleasure?”
“I’ve got a job for you.” She let out a huffed chuckle and crossed her arms. Her gaze leaving him and then finding the beautiful soft ones she remembered, oh how tempting they were. “Wouldn’t be here if you didn’t.” She looked around at each member standing before her.
“We need a way into The Honeyedpass, and there’s only one way in. Despite your little acted of playing fisherman, you work with the wealthy. Get us in, then secure a way out and your actions will be paid for.” Everyone could see the look he was giving her, the one she was giving back.
There was something more.
The way his even hardened expression was softer, his eyes showing a hint of emotion, or the way his lips moved up with a smirk each time he spoke. Then there was inej, her eyes soft and pleading for you. It was clear she cared for you, so much that she didn’t want you to take the job. Her expression could be called “A kicked puppy” look if Jesper had his say.
“What’s the pay?” You stepped closer to the group with a mischievous glint in your eyes and a tone honeyed. Kaz looked at you and titled his head because he knew how you were. No matter the job, no matter who it’s for, friend or strangers, you never did anything for free. And he loved that about you.
“Name your price.”
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hughesquinn · 4 months
☕ six of crows x hockey players. in any capacity. fancasts, aus, crossovers... whatever you wish!
omg ok SO Sorry i was distracted going in rain and dyeing my hair but im free now!!!!!
ok so first off. im putting players with the characters <3 and also this sint really matching how thye look (except for matthias LOL) i just tried to match things???
so kaz - i honestly, in my heart, want it to be nico hsichier. like just. oh my god IMAGINE THAT!!! however i think for a closer personality match (not really since we dont rlly know what he acts like) but i would put connot mcdavid towards that !!
inej - u know i gotta likely go with either jeremy swayman or marc andrew fleury. i feel like they Both could go with her character however specifically im thinking swaymna cause of ballet shit but also.. fluery is just fleury yknow??
nina - hmmm. okay so this Is tougher because ill be honest. i do not remember a ton about her which SUCKS but i think !! this could possibly be quinn hughes ? like because he is Not as extroverted as her but i think he could possibly work??? and i also think it would just be a mf vibe lowkey (also height is close <3)
matthias - u know. if i got quinn as nina i got brock boeser as matthias!!! i feel as if this goes together bc. obv the blonde hair like. thye r TWINS !!! and i do Not have more for him unf :[ because its been a while since readinf the books but <3333
jesper - OMG. okay so. wife first off!!! uhhh i honestly think???? this could be jack hughes purely bc of his AIM. like i was going to push him towards wylan but i think his aim helps this totally. there Are other players i could put but lowkey,,, tryna get thus team to mostly work together LOL
wylan - NOW WYLAN!!!!!!! okay so. i feel like this needs to be a rookie to mostly fit with the worry and everything!!! and ngl. i gotta go with luke hughes (to also compleye thhe hughes bros being here) because while connor bedard could fit with this + other rookies, i feel like luke fits bc of his family? like they could be considered like the rich family of van eck LOL!!
send me a ☕️ and a topic and i’ll talk about how i feel about it
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