#sorry can I just gush about how much I love this particular drawing?
spineless-lobster · 5 months
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I will never get over how well a spiked collar fits his design so here’s this, anyways it’s 4am I should probably sleep
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markantonys · 6 months
I’ve never watched wheel of time but I will say that I think something to be said for the debate about costuming is that the game of thrones costumes were INSANE when it came to quality and detail. At least in the first few seasons they were hand-sewn, hand-embroidered, etc. There was a big coffee table type book about them that broke down a lot of the choices the costume designers and department made and the quality of that department still blows me away!!! They were gorgeous and complex and took so much of the worldbuilding and politics into account!
And from what I’ve seen, it seems like the Wheel of Time costumes do the same, it’s just that they draw from very different references and eras!! Maybe there will be some kind of bts/special feature breakdown of what they referenced and the different ideas they drew from for the costuming for WOT. That seems like it would be a good time. It’s really annoying and really unfortunate that a lot of people refuse to see past their own preconceptions of what fantasy means. I’m sorry that so many people are making assumptions about fantasy costuming in your notes, especially. It’s a genre that spans much wider than lotr and game of thrones! Perhaps more people should. Idk. Engage with it more and find that out. Maybe that would fix them.
yeah!! haha it really was just 2 complaints in my notes on a gifset that otherwise had universal gushing about how much people loved the costumes, so thankfully most people are enjoying the WOT costumes (and not being annoying in my notes) and i was definitely being dramatic in my complaints about the complaints! still, there's something to be said about how ingrained ideas of "this is what fantasy costumes are Supposed to look like" are in us, when fantasy as a genre MEANS there's no set definition of what ANYTHING is "supposed" to be.
i didn't watch GOT but i've seen plenty of gifs etc over the years, of course, and the costumes are absolutely beautiful and very detailed! and from what i understand, the books were going for a medieval europe type of vibe for the main kingdoms and so in that respect the show's costumes definitely understood the assignment (tho ofc with their own added Fantasy Flavor). the downside is that they were so influential that it's made a lot of people subconsciously think that that is THE fantasy aesthetic (along with LOTR), and thus anything too different looks out of place to them.
there have been a couple WOT costume bts features that i've seen, and the designers did indeed do similar things where they showed how much stuff was handmade and how detailed everything is, and they talked about taking inspiration from many different real-world cultures & time periods as well! a lot of which is based on the way the author described clothes in the books and the real-world fashion influences he was using. i remember in a season 1 bts the costume designer had a map of WOT's world color-coded according to which real-world cultures are the primary inspirations for the dress of each region of WOTworld (although i think it's a different costume designer for season 2 so i don't know if they adhered 100% to the s1 designer's notes).
to conclude, here are some caps from a scene in s1 that features a large international gathering (same color=same wizard faction, but within each faction are women of many different cultures, so you can see for example that our 4 blue ladies are wearing 4 very different styles). i wouldn't say these are the best costumes in the show because season 2 really took it up a notch (hello, higher budget!), but this particular scene is a great quick illustration of the wide variety of styles going on in the vast continent of WOTworld and of how much detail goes into costumes even for nameless background characters. and most of them do feature the sort of clean lines/angularity that makes our brains go "modern", and most of them do look quite different from the GOT & LOTR aesthetics!
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desultory-novice · 2 years
BUT JUST IN CASE I'LL ASK AGAIN !! -- GUSH ABOUT THE CONCERT MAN YOU GOTTA DROP THOSE THOUGHTS !! From one Marxolor fan to another I CANNOT HELP BUT THINK that the man switching out between guitar and bass was JUST MARX AND MAGOLOR PLAYING TOGETHER AND THEY WENT HARD !!! ---ON A more serious note, what was something worthy to point out / translate in the concert ?
Good thing you sent this again, Anon, because the first ask definitely did not go through!
So, oh, gosh. I think the biggest compliment I can give it is that I was having a really tough day until like, 20 minutes before it started (well, I'm in the 5 am streaming camp, so I slept for a few hours in between) and by the time it was over, I felt like I had a new lease on life?!? Silly, I know. (Also, new lease on life aside, work is breathing down my back, so if I'm a little late getting to other asks, just know I'm still here for you all and I'll be trying to chip away at them, starting from the oldest, over the next few weeks!)
Anyway, a warning that this post is full of all-caps shouting, only semi-coherent praise, and completely disorganized thoughts. (I normally would go back and organize a post more, but I didn't find this until 2 hours ago and it's almost queue time!!)
I don't know why it's so meaningful to me every time they pair medley/remix music with footage from the games, but it just gives me the chills in a GOOD way! (And starting out with the classic Kirby Drawing Song, "~First you draw a circle~" I just ahhhhhhhhhhhhh)
Also, not music related, but the stage was really lovely?! Did anyone else think so? I mean, the decorations were low-key, but it really felt like Dream Land to me! (We even had the THINGS. You know, the TALL THINGS. A type of snack known as "Bourbons" someone said?) It's the kind of stage I would just love to run around and play on like a goofy kid in the hours before the band sets up!
I love how they tied Green Greens into the New World. It really links the two generations (well, we're only one game in, haha) together! And both conductors, Ohara-san and Ogasawara-san were amazing and so much fun to watch! (I heard someone talk about, despite them being veteran composers - and Kirby composers - this was their first concert conducting experience? I watched in private and browsed through some streams after the fact, so apologies if I mis-quote anything.) Also, Sakurano-san hanging her concert Kirby plush off her jeans (skirt) is a fashion you had better believe I am going to STEAL.
Super Star and Triple Deluxe, well, Queen Sectonia in particular got so much love this time around! But it was nice seeing Air Ride and the mini games get recognition too! In a way, I was sad we didn't get a lot of redos of the songs from the 25th concert, but the spread of songs through the games just shows that everyone loves ALL of Kirby! Nothing is forgotten history (w-well :cough: very little is) and you can just feel how much everyone cares! I mean, did you see the almost constant smiles on the band members faces?!
One of my favorite medleys, funny enough,  was The Knight's Revenge Medley. When you open up with the sting from Meta Knight's Revenge, you've already got me hooked! But they did wonders with Dark Meta Knight's theme! I've always thought Amazing Mirror had some good tracks held back by the GBA's sound capabilities! (I was kind of hoping Dark Mind might get the same treatment in the Last Boss medley, but I can't be sour about my favorites getting priority either!) I've never been really into Galacta Knight's theme myself (I keep quietly dunking on Galacta, and I am so sorry about that!) but I liked it here. And Kirby jamming along in the Morpho gear? Adorable!
Taking a break from music to talk about translation...
One thing I was thinking about through the whole concert is "Why isn't Kirby talking? Like, TALK talking, like they did in the 25th anniversary concert?" (~Cake-y~) and then I was instantly impressed when I learned why!
It’s because this was being streamed internationally, and they didn't want everyone's beloved Kirby to speak too much in a language that only a portion of the audience could understand! And so Kirby speaks almost entirely in "Kirby-ese" (originally invented for the anime) for the concert, so everyone could be on the same page. Because you can understand them even without understanding the words! 
And all the sudden, something that bugged me before made perfect sense and just...it was so thoughtful! Because while teenage and adult fans probably get the "Yeah, it's made in Japan, of course they're going to speak Japanese" aspect right away, now even very little kids can see Kirby and still recognize them as THEIR Kirby and UGH MY HEART!!!
(Speaking of Kirby, our puff getting really excited playing with the penlights until Sakurano-san warns them not to over-exert themselves AND wear out everyone's batteries! And oh my gosh, and during the "vote who you like the best with your colors" segment, where Kirby gets jealous and changes everyone's color to pink!?! Totally adorable!  .....That said, there were NOT enough votes for King Dedede in that audience. Tsk task.)
Also, I laughed and laughed when Kirby was told to answer a complicated question about which of the knights was the most difficult to fight and just goes total BSOD! Although...the other funny interpretation of Kirby spacing out there is that Kirby didn't think of any of them as tough fights, and thus, didn't know how to answer the question!! 
:Meta, DMK, Galacta, and Morpho secretly crying in the corner:
(Meta might be proud!crying though)
What was very interesting/curious was that Sakurano-san says Kirby is tired from "...all that fighting." I went back to double check and she sure seems to say "...tatakai tsukarete..." Is the implication that Kirby was excitedly replaying all that excitement in their mind during the show...?
Back to music!
Personally, I absolutely loved the remix of VS the Lor Starcutter. That's a song I've really come around on the past few months too! (My SO is only familiar with two or three games, including Forgotten Land, and cheered when Winter Horns came up. "I love that song!" they said!)
Not only was the Kirby Cafe a surprisingly amazing venue for a music video (like, what the heck, I would have never imagined it would make for such a perfect background, but it did?!) but it was so hype! And Kumazaki himself sliding onto the scene with a golden mic to give us a rockstar Dedede shout!!
I was very happy Outlaw Driver made it into the race section, as I was about to riot about Robobot being skipped in the later game medley, and I love Outlaw Driver! I don't have strong memories of Air Ride, but I'm always impressed when I hear Air Ride's songs. The only thing I thought was a shame? If Gourmet Fest had come out a few weeks earlier, maybe we could have had any potentially new songs from it in here! Oh well. Next time!
More translation bits!
I'm a little too exhausted to go into much detail about the Kumazaki + Ohmoto interview, but I loved Kumazaki-shi talking about his working relationship with Ishikawa-shi (how Ishikawa always surprises him by providing unexpected and new Kirby sounds) and Ando-san (how Ando-san will accept any request, now matter how challenging with a "...Got it.") was such a fun annecdote! HAL Labs really is special!  Oh, and you could just tell Kumazaki was SO excited about having come up with the language for the new world. I wonder if knowing what every word means won't eat him up inside so much he finally just spills the whole dictionary somewhere! You can tell he's proud. He deserves to be!
It was hilarious watching Kumazaki and Ohmoto's back and forth about Ohmoto ignoring Kumazaki's pronunciation notes for the script! (There was a corollary here explaining the situation that I couldn't quite hear though.)
Also, not concert related, but the CHEERS when the anime re-release got announced! I haven't seen it myself, but this may be what gets me to watch. If only because I think there's an honest chance that if this gets enough support, it could lead to a brand-new Kirby anime down the line! I mean, the fans brought Pupupu Hero back, and we might even see a continuation if sales remain high! So in a way, this concert felt like an early step in the path to Kirby growing into even more of a major franchise!
I glanced at the program list when it was leaked on line, but I missed that one was happening, so it was a happy surprise to me! You can't put Marx and Magolor on the poster and then not have them anywhere in the show!) Also....does anyone remember when I said I would be on the lookout for anything tying Nightmare and Marx together for my favorite pet theory? Well, Nightmare's theme did lead RIGHT into Marx's!! /hj)
But I LOVED the energy of the new “Meddlesome Marx” remix! Doing the slow, haunting creepy thing is fine, but that's almost old-hat for Marx remixes by this point! They really brought his last boss feeling back here! 
(You can make fun of me when I say that I wish they were able to connect Marx and Magolor together without the Zero 2 bridge - EVEN THOUGH IT WAS A GREAT BRIDGE! I'm glad our biblically accurate angel gets a chance to shine! Especially with 64's recent re-release! Still...biases will be biases.)
And Magolor's big-band remix was so STYLISH! I'll never cease to be impressed with all the ways you can alter the feeling of CROWNED! :is so proud of my favorite Kirby boss fight BGM living up to its reputation:
Edit: Huh. Speaking of CROWNED being able to be altered to suit a variety of moods, I was just asked to explain my Elfilis and Void as the originator of the two powers in the Kirby universe to a friend and I ended up describing the Master Crown as being similar to Kirby’s copy ability, in that it morphs depending upon the user. New theory?! In a music post?!
Ah, but yes! Good eye (ear?) on the bass/guitar switch between Marx and Magolor! Even I didn't catch that! Man, even after the concert is over, I'll be thinking about Marx and Magolor playing bass and guitar. (I really ought to draw something for them along those lines, even though the fest is over!)
....But, bias aside, I have to give the show MVP to the lounge jazz remix of Moonlit Blossom! It's a match made in remix heaven! If they released that as a single, it would be on my playlist 6 hours ago.
Okay, I just said Moonlit Blossom was the MVP but, they did the entire Star-Conquering Traveler Suite...!! :starts to tear up: And it was beautiful! (How many times have I used that word this post? Haha...) 
And did everyone notice the footage they played along with the song?!? Starting out with the classic enemy team of Poppy, Leo, and Chilly and then introducing the Dream Friends by wave for each section of the fight?! 
PLS someone give me a mod of Star Allies where you can actually fight Void Termina that way! THAT was the moment that probably brought me closest to crying, when I realized what they were doing! It's so representative of my feelings on Star Allies and why it's my favorite Kirby game experience! (I'm going to show that section to anyone that ever suggests this group of tight-knit, battle-forged friends AREN'T a group of tight-knit of battle-forged friends.)
Translation talk again!
Oh yes! I giggled at the part after that where Sakurano and Kumazaki talk about the song names. I spotted a Japanese quiz a while ago called "Is this song title from a Touhou game or a Kirby game" (I got 80%) but that just goes to show how fun the naming sense has gotten on these! They also told the entire audience to check out the pause screens if they haven't till now and it reminds you that the music is another way to understand the story’s depths!
(But WOW why were there so few lights lit up when they asked people if they checked the pause screens! People, you're missing out on SO MUCH!)
And if it needs to be said again, Director Kumazaki makes it clear here that the Kirby games are aimed at ALL ages/all players and that he doesn't want Kirby games to be only aimed toward young children.「ですが、 低年齢にむけたゲームにしたくない」and that's one of the reasons he includes elements that are going to spook little kids - or come close to it.
(If we could only get that across to all the dismissive voices out there...)
But also, Kumazaki knows you can't pull the same "scare" again and again, so each last boss is made to convey a different experience, building on the ones of the past (that players might've built up a “tolerance” to) in order to create a brand new last boss experience! This plays into how the songs are composed, and there's also a note here that this is the reason Void Termina's song is a suite and not just one song, because it can't just be a pure happy ending. It’s got to be a little sad, but also end on a semi-positive note.
...Talking about the names of the songs, I think I'm officially going to start calling “VS Marx” by its official/unofficial/official title of "Meddlesome Marx" knowing how much song name titles matter to this series XD
Also, if my sketch earlier didn't give it away, I was blown away when they actually got Neichel ('s voice provider) on stage to sing! I love that they kept up the fact that her identity is supposed to be unknown to we the players. Just that she's a diva from the new world. Her duet with Ohmoto-san though....! That was a real life Macross Frontier moment if I've ever seen one!
Phew. There’s probably more I could talk about, but I hope that’s good for now! I hope everyone enjoyed their time with it! It really feels like the fandom has grown so much too, and the fact that we were all here together to share such a cool and special event (even if you had to catch the show later due to work/school/responsiblities) is just a miracle, I think!
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hyuneluvbot · 2 years
y/n's habits skz adore
pairing: stray kids x reader
genre: fluff
warnings: mentions of food [minho], i haven't found any other warnings, but if you feel like something needs to be mentioned here please don't hesitate to tell me about it!
word count: 1414
💌 author's note: i am on a roll these days hahaha. on a serious note though, i'm enjoying being able to write as much as i am. i think i'm going to upload a request i'm currently working on next! i hope you enjoy reading as always <3
take care of yourselves my darlings <3
💌 you can check out my other works here! enjoy your stay!
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chan adores everything you do, but if he had to choose a habit of yours he loves the most? definitely when you play with his hands. it sounds so simple, but to this day, its one of those things that send his heart flying out of his chest, doing somersaults. he's noticed its something you do out of habit, like when you're watching a movie and his hand's on your thigh, you'll slowly start to toy with his fingers and draw little patterns on his palm. or how when you're both sleeping and somehow end up at a distance from each other, you're always holding onto his hand. sometimes when you're both working, you take a hold of his hand and make doodles on it, writing little 'y/n loves chrispy' notes. he probably even has a separate folder in his gallery solely dedicated to the little doodles you make on his hands, he loves them all so much.
minho loves it so much when you offer to cook with him or cook for him. grabbing things off the shelves and handing him utensils whenever you're cooking together. always listening with all your undivided attention, making him feel very special and heard. and when you cook for him? he could marry you right then and there. sure, he loves cooking, especially for people around him, but sometimes he just wishes to be on the receiving end of it too. so when you showed up to practice one day with his favourite meal, he swore he fell in love with you all over again. you were saying something along the lines of 'i'm sorry if it doesn't taste the best, but i just wanted to do this for you so i hope you still like it,' but how was he gonna tell you nothing mattered to him in slightest other than the fact that you went out of your way to do this for him? its become a weekly thing since that very day.
changbin loves when you smile in your sleep at his touch. he usually always tries to get back home to you as early as possible, but there are of course somedays his schedule is too busy and eats up all his time. on days like those, when he comes home, slips into bed next to you; the first touch of his against your skin always has you instantly snuggling into his chest, and he feels your lips stretch out into a beautiful smile against him. it has warmth blooming in the pit of his stomach every time, seeing you recognise him by his touch. some nights if he's lucky, he feels you whisper his name, pulling at his heartstrings. now whenever he sees you smile at him, his mind flashes back to how you smile at him in your sleep, and he's blushing, wanting to coo at you and pinch your cheeks. but he refuses to let you know of this, he only wants to keep it to himself; he falls in love a little more every time it happens.
hyunjin loves it when you literally do anything to his hair in anyway, shape or form. you've always been very vocal about your love for his hair, constantly running your fingers through it whenever possible, recommending him new colours and styles, even tying it up for him and braiding some strands whenever you could. one particular little habit he gushes over every time though, is when your hand subconsciously travels upto his hair, pushing it behind his ears for him. every single time you do it he falls in love a little more, and you do it often. when he's painting and he's got paint all over his hands, you watch him struggle for a moment before he turns to you for help with his lower lip jutted out and you make quick work of fixing his hair; when you wake him up in the morning you stroke his hair and get it out of his face to plant kisses; or when he pulls away from kissing you and your hand rests on that one spot where his jaw meets his neck after you push his hair back.
jisung loves it when you sleep talk. he first noticed it when you came over to his studio and ended up falling asleep while waiting for him to finish up. you'd started mumbling incoherent words at first, so he'd turned towards you, asking if you were okay. the moment you'd heard his voice you'd called out his name and told him you loved him. even to this day, he smiles thinking about the way you'd said his name that evening. you used to talk pretty often before, but these days you just do it once in a while. and if jisung's there to witness it happening? he will indulge in a conversation with you every time, almost forgetting that you're actually sleeping. every time you hear his voice, your reaction sends his heart whirring. you smile at his voice whenever he speaks, and tell him you love him. this habit of yours is something he swears he'll only keep to himself, never even once mentioning it to you, and he really doesn't plan to either.
felix loves it when you plant kisses on his face. more specifically his freckles. when the two of you had began dating, he'd noticed your fascination with the little dots, when you'd touch his cheeks and gaze at him with adoration. he still remembers the day you'd pointed at each of them, smiling and giggling as you named them after stars and constellations. 'lix there's stars on your face, so pretty,' he remembers you saying one night. there's never a day where you forget to mention just how beautiful you find his bare face. every single night, before bed, you kiss your favourite 'stars' goodnight, then turn to him and whisper a 'goodnight lix, i love you and all your stars,' with a kiss to his lips and he feels like he's over the moon. you've been doing this same thing for almost as long as he's been dating you, and every night he lays there, next to you, a swarm of butterflies in his stomach and nothing but love for you in his heart.
seungmin is so fond of the little notes you leave for him all around the house. usually you wake up & get out of the house earlier than he does, so it gives practically no time for you both to communicate, the only time being at night, after work. it sucks not being able to wake up with you, but your 'morning seungmo, i hope you have an amazing day, remember i love you the most :3' always makes up for it. sometimes you make him an iced coffee, & leave it in the fridge with a note. you slip in notes into his work bag, and he especially loves the notes you hand him when you visit him at work. he's probably never going to tell you this, but he has a box under the bed, where he keeps all the notes you give him. reading those notes makes him feel so special, and now they're such a crucial part of his day, he feels really empty without them if they're not there. he even writes about them in his journal, at the end of each entry he writes about your notes for the day. he adores it so much, he probably cannot describe it in words.
jeongin loves it when you help him choose an outfit every morning. clothing is something he puts effort into, & his fashion sense is something he takes pride in, so for you to join in on this activity he adores? skimming through his closet to find clothing articles you like, asking him to try on an outfit you'd been planning in your head since the previous night, sometimes purposely picking out sleeveless shirts just so you get to ogle at his arms, also sneaking clothes from his side of the closet to yours, then clapping your hands and cheering for him after you guys manage to find 'the outfit', proceeding to help him style his hair, choose accessories and pick out shoes; he really doesn't think he could possibly love you anymore than he does in those little moments when you're so engaged in an activity he loves, for him, just to make him happy; in return it also makes him the happiest.
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💌reminder: requests are open! feel free to lmk if you wish for me to write anything! have a good day/ night! <3
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blinddogfanfic · 2 years
Tsundoku Analysis Essay - Written by JFlicker and EC
[Sorry this took me so long, but you invited me to gush and…Well, I raved to my friend about it being so long it might end up as an essay, and she said something that (for her) translates to “do it, you coward”. Then she got dragged into co-writing it with me so who’s the loser now?! >8D SO HERE IS AN ESSAY! >8DDD Warning, it definitely references Iktsuarpok a lot lol.]
  Someone in the fandoms once said that “plot holes are the pockets the canon keeps fanfiction in”. For us, a major draw of fanfiction is worldbuilding/expanding on canon. And we absolutely loved the logistical shinobi ranking system you drew out. The canonical shinobi ranking system has always been vague, especially for a military organization that’s been in and out of major wars throughout the last 50 to 60 years. It’s open enough that the dozens of ways people have tried to flesh it out are all viable. Your system is especially well done and makes TOO MUCH SENSE. It establishes a more legitimate step-wise approach for being promoted within and across ranks (something we know has to be there) as well as expanding on and standardizing specialties (ex: combat specialist for Asuka). Having different levels of Chunin and Jonin also adds an entire (realistic) dimension to the shinobi world that we have deeply appreciated. This is really driven home by the way you described Gai. His reputation among the ‘lower ranks’ as being scary strong and not knowing his own strength is an interesting perspective and highlights the practical power difference. Not just between chunin and jonin, but also between the five jonin levels that you described. As the type of people that REALLY APPRECIATE ESTABLISHING LOGISTICS, you would not believe how much time we spent crowing in reader-victory and gushing in reader-fulfillment about this. And this isn’t even going into the practical implications of being in a military state, which is a bit more present here in this story. From the weight of confidentiality in a military state (on everybody and everything they do) to the matter of rank having actual authoritative weight to the court-martialing being a very present threat, it makes it so that the rank isn’t just a matter of achievement and level. It carries weight because those of higher rank isn't just stronger than you, they are your military superior. Court martialing for insubordination is a very present threat.
  Secondly, we both have trained or still train in the Germanic and Italian styles of longsword as well as kenjutsu. You can imagine how delighted we were with reading about a sword fighter as well as, with elements like Sakura being taken on as an apprentice, a concentration on an actual, legitimate sword art that comes with its own legacy. After all, martial arts is a collaboration of many people over many decades carefully learning, adding, teaching, and passing down this one particular school/style. The portrayal of Asuka’s tactical thinking, her logging her own resources, and calculating how much she can still do all work together successfully to create the impression that she’s working for her victories while creating a stark contrast to how smoothly and efficiently her fights are. It’s wonderful writing-wise, but also accurate in what we’ve seen with our teachers and senior students in terms of how sword fights are heavily strategic in many aspects. For example, one of the things we’re taught is the concept of “conscious competence”, which includes actively reading our opponent’s body language and then using that knowledge by choosing positions, attacks, and defenses that would manipulate their body movements as well as influence their choices. Our main teacher, the owner of the school, can set up his attacks two to four steps beforehand.
  Additionally, the two of us also did taekwondo for a couple of years, and so the early scene where Asuka started the genin off by practicing stances was a combination of nostalgia and delight. Asuka being dismayed at Naruto’s stance was something we felt on a visceral level because it’s so important in taekwondo to have a solid grasp on a balanced, ready stance and sensible footwork. That she was able to analyze each of them, pick these issues apart, and verbalize the problems was also a great wall to illustrate how Asuka’s experienced and a legit veteran as the story was starting. She also served as a great and sensible foil for Kakashi through this. Canon simultaneously shows how Kakashi being a once-in-a-lifetime genius causes him a lot of social issues but doesn’t really overtly go into the more subtle issues Kakashi would have had dealing with people (children) on a completely different level than he and his generation had been. There should be a hiccup somewhere there, but most of it is brushed off as comedy. You did illustrate it, and you did it very well. Specifically, Asuka interjected and helped in a manner where it’s obvious she’s at a lot higher level than the genin but much lower than Kakashi. That she isn’t an overwhelming genius helps her not just pinpoint and verbalize the issues, but know how to verbalize advice and instructions. Basically, thanks to having worked hard and gone through a more regular development, she has a bit more of an idea of where they would get stuck or what they wouldn’t just know (though even she’s taken aback by the Academy’s dropped standards lol). It’s such a small thing to just explain a concept, demonstrate, and then supervise, but then you realize that Kakashi’s first time really doing so in canon was in the Wave Arc for tree climbing. 
  Next, we loved the relaxed, easygoing relationship dynamics. It really made for such a relaxing read, weirdly enough. In your writing, you managed to capture Asuka’s satisfaction in just being with Kakashi. He’s so worried about misstepping as they advance their relationship to the point he’s a little flail-y and the emotional constipation REALLY shows (it’s hilarious). Go realistic, in-character reaction portrayal! Meanwhile, Asuka is laughingly relaxed in comparison and it’s wonderful how genuinely okay, satisfied, and happy she is at each step of the relationship. There’s no agenda, no demands, and her going along at Kakashi’s pace isn’t a compromise. There is a very upfront feeling that, if this relationship never advanced or even went back to being more platonic, she would have been perfectly happy with that too. It is so rare to have that platonic build-up without romantic pressure or severe overthinking from one or both of the characters, which makes their gradual relationship even more satisfying. This kind of simple comfort and meshing and advancement from mutual understanding is just…absolutely lovely. That this gradual progression is part of them developing a found family makes it even better! And it’s so relaxing in knowing that, even if their relationship settles back into platonic, this family they made would be fine, and their non-romantic relationship would remain deeply satisfying and comforting for all involved. This kind of security has been wonderful for Sasuke and we actually get to see him work through his grief and learn to open up again. Both Sakura and Naruto are also learning to do so to a lesser degree, but this slow progression and development that’s drawing all of them together really help Sasuke with his own traumas. His multi-faceted trauma involves looking for approval from, being overlooked by and for, being abandoned by, and being hurt by family. That he’s finding something completely different (but more along the lines of what he wants and needs) with his genin team is heartwarming. And this route where it’s is all very slow, very subtle development with all of them in the process of learning as he is makes it believable that Sasuke could accept this.
  Okay, and this needs to be said. We. Absolutely. LOVE. The Nagisa! XD
  A lot of people have been expanding on the experiences of the bijuu, who are major parts of the story while also having the least screen time outside of Tenten. What you did with the Nagisa and subsequently the bijuu is another beautiful expansion of the canon. While many have definitely expanded on Kurama, many then based the other bijuus’ experiences on what they thought happened with him. Your version has it so that the bijuu are all more individuals, with their individual experiences and histories (absolutely lovely mythological narrative, by the way). In many aspects, Isobu’s tragic story is a foil (or at least the other side of the spectrum) to Kurama’s tragic story.
  The whole idea of a family line, community, or country being tied to or descended from a god, deity, mystical creature, spirit, etcetera, and then how that shapes the very fabric of their culture is something you see throughout the world. Isobu created the Nagisa and shaped them into who they became in more ways than he probably realized. After all, up until recently, he played and raised and taught and accompanied and protected his Nagisa. From the few Nagisa we got to read about, they were a very practical, down-to-earth (lol) people who understood and were at peace with the cycle of life (“the sea gives and the sea takes away”). Though I can’t help but think that the fact that, no matter who they lose, the surviving Nagisa would always have family in their “Isobu-nii-san” may have played into their cultural mindset of acceptance in the face of loss. This constant presence in the face of rough times seems similar to the way religions comfort people, but more tangible. The story read as the Nagisa loving and dedicating little parts of themselves to him all their lives in the same way you would your family, resulting in the feeling that the assertion that the Nagisa were his people read as being pretty mutual.
At some point, the Nagisa moved their entire culture out onto the water (from a fishing village to sea nomads?) and evolved it to suit in order to be closer to Isobu. Whatever else they ended up doing (raiding, pillaging, etc.),  it doesn’t change that they’re an entire culture started from and based on genuine love. Love of the sea and freedom and their Isobu-nii-san, who they try to spend as much time with as possible before they pass away and leave him alone. Expanding on that, the idea of there being a dedicated nautical force for the Uzushio is another element that’s simultaneously too simple and makes too much sense. It takes into consideration that, unlike Konoha, it is not just a shinobi village on an island, but groups of people who lived on islands and coasts who came together to form a shinobi village. And that means there has to have been an island culture. And that kind of development has to have shaped many integral societal/structural facets, including their military. The reaction Karin’s mom had when she heard “Nagisa” was something we ended up discussing at length. Talk about cultural consciousness. The absolute faith in the Nagisa that must have been built up over the generations is clearly evident at that moment. A name carrying cultural weight, legacy, and associations is such a little thing, but it makes Uzushio so much more real.
  Incidentally, another thing we liked was the delving into the fates of the Uzushio refugees. Generally, the obliteration of anything (much less something like a military city), is messy. People get away, people weren’t there, there are refugees, etc. Canon kind of oversimplified this part of the Uzumaki background. We have Karin, and you going into her parentage and the mentions of kidnapping gangs (and Kumo’s history) also made us wonder about people like Karui (the redhead woman who marries Chouji). 
  Another thing to note: people have been adding flavors of realism to Hashirama’s character and how specifically the “God of Shinobi” isn’t necessarily/probably isn’t a hero. Especially when you look at similar figures in history. There have been other fics about how he’s wiped-out entire groups before; something that more than likely canonically happened. But this succeeded in being PERSONAL. Your fic has succeeded in demonstrating what we’ve seen “great men” and rulers do throughout history when they pursue their goals to fulfill their visions. Hashirama’s apathy to what sounds like a genocide-massacre and betrayal-sabotage on his own allies was too real. It sounds like…a lot of dead civilians and noncombatants along with children in that. And he’s just stone-faced or that self-absorbed to have no reaction in the face of Isobu telling his Nagisa to run and Akane desperately trying to rescue him. At this point, people are more familiar with the concept of “transgenerational trauma”. He destroyed an entire culture without a second thought and, what’s even more horrifying to realize, was that this was a culture of transgenerational love—passed down from generation to generation—that he casually destroyed and he didn’t even care. You picture that great procession of ships and parade of happy, free, rough, seabound people that Tobirama describes and you can’t help but grieve because it’s all gone. They’re nearly all gone and the culture is permanently warped into something the few survivors have to make into something new from the remaining pieces. And it was for an equalizing system they were never even asked to be part of. The shattering of Gin’s sword is a perfect symbol of this and I haven’t felt so breathlessly grieved for a sword in such a short time since Ice got melted in the 1st season of Game of Thrones! This story was a real face-on address and then overturning of the propaganda surrounding Hashirama. That it was a story told to Tsunade (Hashirama’s granddaughter and the Senju) and Kurama (Isobu’s eldest sibling and the bijuu) made a long exposition work. The two are fascinating foils of each other with both of them having their worldviews shattered but in opposite directions. The hero was the villain in many aspects. Humans are not only villains, and the divide between bijuu and humans wasn’t as great as initially perceived. This mini-story within your fic just hits multiple emotional points. 
  The portrayal of Isobu himself was also interesting. You managed to portray how distinctly inhuman and immortal he is with how simultaneously emotional and childishly simple yet distant he is. Too young and too old at the same time. As a result, his moments of happiness, delight, comfort, love, protectiveness, grief, fear, and horror hit harder. Even his crueler acts are simple and childish, as shown with his casual extermination of the Hamaguchi. Ironically, his attitude about that mirrors how Hashirama went about wiping out the Nagisa to get to him. Though Hashirama’s act manages to be worse with its traces of betrayal and he doesn’t have the excuse of being distinct “not human”. Also, my friend spent a solid two minutes ranting about how Hashirama canonically not giving the Uzumaki a bijuu was just generally a dick move. Historical allies, our collective asses. 
  Kurama similarly ends up being a tragic figure in that he specifically seems to have inherited and absorbed all human hatred and negativity. In your fic, he’s specifically the bijuu foil to Isobu, starting from their legendary reputations. The Kyuubi is canonically seen as a natural disaster while your Sanbi is considered an auspicious sight omen of good tidings. Kurama’s greatest nemesis, his personal monster, is Madara. Madara, who lost himself to hatred and obsession, and so enslaved the fox to use as an attack dog to fight Hashirama. From then on, Kurama is passed from prison and warden to be used as a weapon and even blamed for his warden’s suffering. Meanwhile, Isobu has a much more positive introduction to humans when he finally became truly involved. Up until the fall of the Nagisa, his interactions with humans generally leaned more on the friendlier side, if only because negative actions were so inconsequential that he didn’t care. He became more involved, invested, and knowledgeable about humans and the world through his Nagisa. And in many ways, they were his support system when his siblings were more or less gone. So the only times he got proactively involved was because of his Nagisa. TLDR; the Hamaguchi thing was hilarious.
  “It had been a long time since he’d had anyone call him nii-san, and he wouldn’t let pesky cannibals take that away from him.”
  “Umiko’s mind could take her into dangerous territory if she weren’t careful. And he wasn’t quite sure if he’d eaten all the Hamaguchi yet.”
  “She liked to dance on the shore with baby turtles as well, safe in the cradle of Isobu’s tails. He was pretty sure he’d eaten all the Hamaguchi a few years passed, but better safe than sorry, really.”
  “It would be dangerous, a lively girl like her on the water, wielding a sword and the curiosity of youth. Best to nip any lingering worries about the potentially remaining Hamaguchi in the bud.”
  Even the Uzumaki trying to buy him from the Nagisa was more like an amusing moment he shared with his family of the time with them. When Isobu did fight for humans, he did so willingly and with at least a bit of pride and satisfaction. He protected his Nagisa and the island and had a genuinely good relationship with these humans who loved and respected him. The Nagisa in turn inherited their love for their guardian turtle from generation to generation and were devotedly consistent. His tragedy was that the whole of the Nagisa sided with him when the God of Shinobi came for him. They all ran away with him because he was family and more important than pride or strength. This to led to Isobu watching Hashirama wipe out most of his Nagisa in front of him while being helpless to stop it, being imprisoned to be used as a weapon, and given to an establishment that tries to use him to wipe out the land he formerly protected where any of his surviving Nagisa would have been. And there is rage for his wardens destroying the island that he willingly devoted time to protect, and grief because that would have been where any of his surviving Nagisa would have been. One last crushing of his hopes.
  Unlike Kurama who suffered from his own and others’ hatred stemming from humanity as a whole, Isobu suffered because humans died for the love of him. He has felt the difference between people literally dying to possess him and people dying for him. His looking at Hashirama and thinking monster and being afraid and you ruined my life hits hard. Most specifically in that, unlike Kurama, Isobu knows what it’s like to have had and lost. As summarized by Tsunade’s reflection, “[Jiraiya] hadn’t grown up in a Clan, and despite the tragedy of growing up without a family at all…he didn’t know what it felt like to have one, and then lose it.” This is a parallel between Gin, Tsunade, Sasuke, Haku, Asuka, and Kakashi versus those like Naruto, Kurama, Sakura, and Tenzo. Overall, I’m just very excited to see where things go with Isobu. He’s made so interesting here, and he is singularly significant in that he may be the last one alive who still has personal experiences with and exact memories of Nagisa tradition, events, culture, etc. We can’t wait for the reunion! With the Mist Revolution happenings, the possibility that Asuka and Isobu there is exciting! 
  On a side note, if I was Isobu with everything he’s suffered, I’d take Asuka and run. Fuck staying on this side of the world. While “I” will always love the Sage, we’re going through the Divide and never coming back. That was just so much love that disappeared. Another thing that’s hilarious to consider is that Isobu probably has the most childcare experience among the bijuu. The whole growing up in the protection of his tails, Nagisa children to teach, and exploring his back to see what kind of sea life he picked up is so cute. And now we have the image of a giant turtle mother hen whose worries and advice are specifically skewed towards sea-faring issues. (Ex. “Finish your citrus fruits, you’ll get scurvy” because having enough Vitamin C is a genuine seafaring concern.)
  Your endeavor into the nature of chakra itself is also intensively interesting. Chakra interactions aren’t a truly new thing in the fandom, but the way you do it is definitely going more in-depth. We especially liked how humans themselves have basically adapted/evolved to have chakra natures reflecting their environments or place of origin. Additionally, the way you managed to tie everything in, including connecting the logistics of rank to chakra, the breakdown and use of Positive and Negative Chakra (and their difference but tie to Killing Intent), and even how it affects the use of Summoning is so cohesive! The additional layer of chakra interaction (and never manners) as a form of communication is another element that really adds to the Naruto world. That there are even unique, distinct ways of chakra interacting with each other makes this new story element more of a very real thing in itself. On a logistical level, this includes things like how exactly the Curse Mark leeches off the individual, how the Positive Intent interacts with the Curse Mark, and the way Tsunade was able to identify Asuka and Tenzo (the imagery of it as a musical resonance was fun). On a cultural level, which includes elements like the “smelling” as well as Kakashi and Asuka’s chakra communication and resonance, it’s even more fascinating as you managed to encompass manners, societal standards, and boundaries with it. It also does a great job of emphasizing just how thoroughly how different clan shinobi and clan shinobi cultures are from the wider breadth of general shinobi. The small details of how it is harder to form a second chakra nature when a shinobi is older, or how shinobi can gain ‘sympathetic’ chakra signatures after interacting with teammates for an extended period sounds so logical and yet seems unique to your fic. It also successfully help ties it in as something that leans towards it being a biological function. Having Kakashi being so fascinated with Asuka’s water nature is also very cute since Kakashi’s intellectual side isn’t often triggered. 
  There are many in-village elements we also really loved! For one, the practicalities of all the Uchiha disappearing are addressed more directly here, specifically in how a lot of people in the older generation would have the experience working with Uchiha. There’s definitely more of that feeling of their absence being unspoken of, but not forgotten. Secondly, the Uchiha culture being expanded upon is also appreciated, including the Uchiha-unique taijutsu styles created to be easily adapted as the Sharingan develops, the strict disciplinary measures, and the “Chosen” element that's a feature of the actual eyes. Similar to the aforementioned Nagisa, this builds up carefully to the growing sense of loss for the Uchiha as a whole culture. Ironically, it’s also Asuka helping to pass on the Uchiha heritage to Sasuke on top of passing Nagisa teachings onto Sakura and non-big-clan shinobi culture/going-on to Kakashi. Even the problems she runs into work to teach them something if only through quiet observation that something’s wrong or off. Like how Sakura learned there are big differences between civilian and shinobi culture through how civilians gossiped about Asuka (leading to Sakura’s later questions), Sasuke gains perspective because he remembers old clan gossip surrounding her and her twins. It’s all still experience.
  Also, you did great in illustrating just how messy the ROOT situation is. It definitely succeeds in the feeling that Danzo’s reach is all-encompassing and creates mounting tension as the sheer breadth of the organization is fleshed out. You can practically feel Tsunade’s anxiety and how legitimately and thoroughly comprised the whole system is. Frankly speaking, forget Naruto accompanying Jiraiya around for two years, take all five members of Team 7, and get the hell out of dodge for those two years instead. XD 
  Additionally, in terms of logistics, Asuka having to budget things was fantastic. It’s a great aspect of worldbuilding that she has to worry about food and weapons and we regularly see her grocery shopping and pondering what she is getting. It’s not addressed much in other fics how shinobi are running missions as a source of income, but it is completely true that their mission rank and length determines their pay, and that should be considered more. Her worrying about buying ‘expensive’ food and thinking about how Kakashi could pay for food WAY easier is extremely realistic. It was also satisfyingly complex to see her thinking about if she could afford new armor and how that would dip into her budget. Shinobi rely on armor and weapons to save their lives, and yet it really makes sense that shinobi might have trouble resupplying and that it could impact future missions. Little details about how she needs to renew seals for them to remain functional help retain the feeling that this is her life.  I’m glad upkeep is a thing here! (“The Seals were updated every year around the same time, making sure to keep the entire structure safe from the pressure.”). Having Asuka repair her armor was a smart way of not only adding tension (constant vigilance, no auto-regeneration of anything) and making it feel like she works for every victory, but it also is a chance to demonstrate Jiraiya’s more academic competence. Her armor and the seal-use for it are so starkly practical that it’s easy to overlook that it’s actually pretty unique. That she needs to and can pull in multiple shinobi with different specialties for both upkeep and creation also works to highlight the advantage of a village and specifically Konoha’s wealth of resources.
  All that aside, Tsundoku is hilarious and adorable with a strong female role model who remains feminine. Asuka is a well-written female character who could eat cute panda-shaped snacks and love petting dogs, while still being a competent combat specialist. She could tie little things into her hair and dress nicely and it didn’t affect her job as a kunoichi. It was simply part of who she was and made her a well-rounded character with the capacity to have unique traits. The Zabuza/Iruka rarepair appearance along with the Kakashi/Asuka/Iruka and Kakashi/Asuka/Zabuza hinted at are deeply appreciated. (Though we also curse you for that. Where else are we going to find fics to feed us?) Kakashi kind of absentmindedly and casually adding people to his collection is hilarious and great. Once the floodgates were opened, the river rushed and Hatake instincts for the win. XD Also, if no one else has said it yet, your version’s Naruto and Kurama is a bit similar to Lilo and Stitch. XD 
  We look forward to any and everything about Tsundoku. There are still so many things we’re curious about! Is that underwater coral structure they built based on the Coral Castle of Tori-gumi still around if it’s a canonical thing? (Lol, did it grow?) Asuka has said something about a Sanctum Key? Will we see more of a revival of the Nagisa, starting with Sakura? After all, Asuka seems to have various friends outside the village like Juli and Maki (medics and merchants). Not to mention, Asuka’s interactions with Itachi and Shisui are a whole barrel of drama on their own while not even mentioning the twins’ eyes and her not knowing she seems to have a storage seal on her back! We’re excited for the epic backstory to be unearthed there! 
[Thank you for coming to our TedTalk lol.]
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ushidoux · 3 years
Good Teacher - Sugawara x Reader
Summary: You meet Sugawara on an online dating app expecting something tame, but get more than you expected. (~3.1k words)
Warnings: fem pronouns, fem!reader, some features are described ***, dom/sub dynamics, collaring, daddy kink, breathplay, dacryphilia, spanking, edging, toy use, restraint use, sub drop
A/N: Again, this was a commission so some features are described!! Otherwise, please enjoy my first longer BDSM fic.
Being alone in your bedroom at 9pm on a Friday night may have felt like a loss on any other day, but today, with your phone buzzing non-stop and every neuron in the sexy parts of your brain firing, you could not think of anything else you would rather do.
Well, actually you could think of a few, and most of them involved slipping out of your pajamas and slipping under your new flame.
Sugawara Koushi.
A name like that sounded sweet. Maybe even bland. Safe.
When you’d swiped right on his profile on the tamer of your social media apps, you’d expected someone mild-mannered and easy to speak to. He was an elementary school teacher with soft features, white hair and a cute mole under his left eye. He couldn’t possibly be as forward as the other guys you’d dealt with over the years. A tame, responsible choice.
You’d started texting back and forth quickly, with polite, formal introductions which progressed to cute messages and long phone calls, and you’d even managed a very chaste first date where he’d picked you up at 8pm on the dot and taken you to a fine restaurant on the water.
You normally would have expected to be dicked down that night, and had paired sexy lingerie under your silky mauve dress for exactly that, but you weren’t too surprised when he left you at your doorstep with a peck on the forehead.
The only unsettling thing about the kiss was the way his eyes had lingered on your lips, just as his fingers trailed the curve of your jaw as he tucked your hair behind your ear. It was too practiced, too… dominant.
You suspected he was holding something back.
And he was, because once you’d ventured to call in the middle of the night, a little bit tipsy and yearning for a little bit more than a smile and a gentle touch from him, you’d broken some sort of dam.
He’d called you a needy, desperate, pretty little slut, desperate for Daddy’s cock but needing to prove herself that she was willing to ride with Daddy’s very, very strict set of rules first, and you’d practically cum at the sudden turn of his voice.
Now anything was fair game.
I have… particular taste. Are you sure you can keep up, princess?
The warmth between your legs and the image of full balls and a weighty, rigid cock told you, you would absolutely be ready for anything he had in store for you. 
Yes, daddy. I’m up for anything you want.
You, of course, couldn’t see the wide smile spreading across his face on the other end, as he palmed his cock slowly while reading your texts and admiring your nudes, and texted back:
We’ll need a shit ton of rope.
Sugawara’s hands are much larger than you’d anticipate, and rougher, and you wonder how much of it is due to high school athletics or from the fact that he’s quick to slap or spank you at any chance he gets. Your skin is sometimes red, sometimes bruised, and always marked, and it’s exactly the way you like it.
The first time you have sex, he starts you off as though you are the most shy of virgins even though you claim that you’re not exactly inexperienced.
“I wouldn’t want to break you, pretty girl,” he teases, as his hands worship your body, tracking down your waist to the center of your legs, and patting your cunt softly. Today, he’s promised to focus on your pleasure only because he wants to “break you in.” You wonder how many he’s “broken in,” then you realize you don’t really care. You’re his one and only princess right now, and you intend to be for quite a while. 
The pleasure of being a good dom is that he can choose to serve - he can choose to be doting and he can choose to be harsh with punishment. Since it’s your first day since you’ve entered this contract with him, he’s decided to focus on the catering part of his personality, and familiarize you with his desires.
The rose-gold Turian collar on your neck compliments your skin well, he takes note, as he takes one of your nipples in his mouth and leans you against him while you are seated on the edge of the bed and he’s kneeling just so before you, fingers deep in your cunt.
“You’re gonna keep that pretty little thing around your neck, aren’t you, pretty baby?”
His fingers move so fast that it’s hard for you to speak, and the arm that’s wrapped around your waist and keeping you flush against him is tightening the longer he continues. He’s a lot stronger than he looks, you know from every heavy spank he’s given you.
“I-I will, daddy, every day and every night,” you pant out, your tongue lolling as his fingers curve upwards and his lips leave your nipple with a soft pop and make their way to your quivering mouth.
“Good,” he whispers as he bites your lower lip. “You’re so obedient… I like that in a little one,” he affirms.
He’s kind when he teaches, patient even. 
He’s also generous; he gifts you with your first corset, a dark, lacy and tight thing that almost takes your breath away initially, especially when he tightens it onto you himself. Even if it’s constraining, you feel empowered from the very moment you look in the mirror. Your breasts sit high, and you spin once in a gesture of delight; he kisses down your neck as you admire yourself.
“This is only to get you used to a little bit of restriction,” he reassures, as he pulls you into his lap. “But I can’t deny that you look breathtaking.”
Since you’ve been so bold as to take his breath away, it isn’t too long until he decides he wants to see what you look like when you’re truly struggling for air. After all, the little shiny thing around your neck catches his eye way too often for his comfort, and his pants suddenly feel too tight for a casual grocery store run.
Your safeword is red, like the blood that courses through your veins as his fingers tighten around your throat.
He thumbs your pink, puffy lips, and it would be loving if he wasn’t calling you a stupid little cocktease.
“Pretty little bambi, prancing around like you’re free to be with anyone other than me.”
The breath that tickles your face is a taunt, because you’re slowly getting lightheaded, barely able to focus on the long index finger he’s commanding you to suck. 
The pressure he puts on your neck is varying; for moments you can draw a single staccato breath, which encourages him to press his lips to yours and absorb you in a kiss before he reapplies pressure; his naked body presses against yours, rolling painstakingly slow. He hasn’t even entered you yet.
Breathplay, he calls it.
You gasp as his cock slips into your wet entrance just as fast as his hand leaves your throat, and he too draws a deep breath as he fills you to the hilt. 
He lets out a soft laugh as he caresses the hair that is sticking to your face, and readjusts himself yet again - of course, he’s also better endowed than you’d expect him to be - before he picks up speed and chokes you again.
“I… Kou-”
“Daddy,” he stresses, unphased as he continues to press a small clitoral stimulator to your tender, overworked bud.
“D-Daddy~” you cry out in a soft, drawn out whine, and you shift a little bit because the ties that keep your ankles attached to the legs of the chair, your pussy exposed and vulnerable with your crotch wide open, are starting to dig into your skin. But you can’t move all that much, there’s additional rope around your waist that keeps you against the back of the chair and you think the soft satin that keeps your wrists behind you is probably overkill, even if you have to admit you like the color.
“Yes, sweetheart~” he whispers in a voice accented with assertive sweetness, his eyes still lowered and focused on the heave of your chest as he watches you drip before him.
You scream.
He’d angled the toy upwards, and somehow within the small bundle of nerves he’s targeted an even more precise cluster of endings - there’s a flash of white you see before you cum practically violently, lurching forward so rapidly that he has to keep the chair steady so that you won’t fall over on the pretty little face he adores.
It’s possibly the fourth time he’s had to ground you in the past hour, and it’s an act of mercy because he had been edging you repeatedly, forcing your pussy to clench desperately around nothing but air.
The way you gush and spray so lewdly onto the chair, onto the floor, onto the hand he plays on your sopping wet pussy reminds him he chose very, very well.
It’s nearly silent and it’s dark now, far too dark for you to see. 
Your Koushi has prepared you for this next step lovingly, sometimes not so lovingly over the past couple of weeks to build up to this.
The blindfold that obscures your vision is soft and slightly sweet smelling, as though spritzed with a floral scent about a day ago prior to this. Again your hands are bound, but he’s used lined handcuffs instead of ties, and your wrists are before you, not behind you. 
But you’re lying on your belly, a spreader forcing your thighs apart. He must really love the way your pussy looks staring him in the face.
“You seem to be a glutton for punishment, princess,” he says, accenting his words with a hard slap on your inner thigh. You gasp, but his hands linger tighten, and are then followed by what can only be the press of his tongue against the stinging portion.
“Daddy, I’ll behave, I’m so sorry,” you moan as his hand grips a generous portion of your asscheek.
But you won’t behave, because you’ve learned that Suga likes just a touch of bratty behavior and that gets him quite physical with you. He knows this just as much as you.
He slaps your ass fervently, the slight jiggle drawing a pleased sigh from his lips.
“You’re a silly little slut, though…” he starts, rubbing a hand along the length of your thigh, “how can I trust any of your promises?”
His finger travels to your open center, and when he sees you tense up, he stops.
“You need a firm hand to guide you always…”
His right hand curves again around your cunt and his middle and ring finger finds its way into your slippery hole, while his index taps your clit and his little finger (he’s dexterous like this), taps ever so lightly around your asshole. 
You shudder.
“Arch your back, you little cumslut. Make it easy for daddy.”
As you inch backwards slowly using your elbows and knees to rise up, his right hand continues to move with you, but then his other hand lands heavily on your other asscheek.
It breaks your concentration and you almost fall because it takes quite a lot more energy than you would expect to move this way with your hands bound and your legs spread, but you persevere. 
For him.
Before you can whine once you’ve gotten into position, he withdraws his hand from your cunt.
“No!” You find yourself shrieking before you realize. You can’t have him edge you again, he’s absolutely cruel, you can’t…
“Oh, I thought I called the shots here, princess,” Sugawara reminds you, voice honeyed and cruel. You can feel his fingers weave into your hair and the warm tip of what must be his cock prod at your entrance.
“Sir, please~”
He spreads you open with a hand massaging your ass, again tapping teasingly all around your vagina, but he won’t push in to give you the pleasure of having his cock inside you.
Your heart is pounding with desire.
“Please what?”
“Please fill me up, daddy!”
That statement of desire earns you an inch, an inch that makes you swallow saliva hard and your muscles tense with need and want.
“M-more, more please!”
“You’re so demanding. I would say your eyes are bigger than your pretty little pussy, but you can’t see, can you?”
He laughs, but he pushes in further another inch, than another, moving painstakingly slow, slow enough that you’re biting your lower lip until blood is drawn. The stretch is achingly delicious but it leaves you starved for more.
You’re begging and whining, and soon you’re trying your best to sink onto him further but he’s got you restrained for a reason.
“Greedy little bitch,” he murmurs, but he kisses your neck lovingly as he fills you to the hilt.
The unmistakable noise of flesh hitting flesh and minimal friction fills the room but you care less about sound, only about the slap of his balls against your cunt as he thrusts into you from behind.
More. Deeper. Faster. Harder.
He’s a master at drawing desire out of you, you wonder if you even needed these toys and ties and other accoutrements. You’re already so utterly wrapped for him. 
There’s a movie playing on your screen that you had both been pretending to watch, cuddled together on the couch, your legs resting across his lap. You had barely gotten through the opening credits before he pulled you onto him fully and had you straddle him.
“You want a snack, pretty baby?” He whispers, as though it weren’t just the two of you staring in each other’s eyes.
Your eyelashes bat and you nod.
He doesn’t break eye contact while he reaches for a strawberry, fresh from the farmer’s market you’d strolled through this morning, from a bowl set on the table. 
This one is drizzled in chocolate, and he runs it along the length of your collarbone, eye contact still heavy and unflinching before he dips down to catch it in his mouth.
It hangs out halfway from his teeth and he cues you to take it from him mouth to mouth. You split half of it, letting the sweet tartness permeate your senses.
His arm hooks around your waist and pulls you in close as he presses his lips against yours. You weren’t aware of the glob of strawberry-flavored saliva he’d collected until he draws away, tilts your head back and tells you to open up wide so he can spit directly into your mouth.
Suga’s relentlessly pounding an erect, frustrated and thick cock into your mouth, past your teeth and down your poor throat, and he’s close to his release now, you can tell by the way he’s now pressed your face so far against him that his carefully cropped pubes prick your face.
He’s warning you beforehand, and you’re thankful for the warning because when he cums with a soft, almost angelic moan, his penis jerks inside your mouth ever so slightly, and there’s a gush of hot, slippery liquid that slides down your throat.
You breathe through your nose. He tastes sweet, maybe it’s because of the strawberries from just earlier today, but nevertheless it’s a pleasant liquid you gulp down around his cock.
He loves the way your throat feels when it clamps around him, especially when you initially gag once accepting his cock.
You’re perfect.
“Come up, darling,” he bids you, pulling you up from your position on your knees.
“Are you gonna fill me up, daddy?” You mewl softly as he lifts up and carries you before laying you on your back.
“Yes, pretty baby, but let me taste your juicy little cunt first,” he says before he dives in between your legs.
“You’re so good for me, you know that, don’t you?”
He kisses your neck softly as he holds you close to him while you lay in bed together. It’s close to 1am and he’s focused on aftercare, caressing your arms and waist and the curve of your hip gently. You’re facing away from him, not because you’re upset, but because you’re exhausted.
He’s worried you’re having a sub-drop; after all, he’s spent the last two hours slapping your face and calling you disgusting. He wonders if you forgot to use your safe word.
You’re new to this and he’s put you through a lot in the past few weeks.
“Sweetness,” he whispers, directly into your ear. “Look at me?”
You turn, cheeks still flushed from particularly hard slaps. His heart aches a bit for you, because those sweet lips are pulled downwards into a frown and he’s not sure if those are fresh tears that wet your eyelashes. 
He kisses your eyelids then rests his chin on the top of your head.
“Are you doing okay, my princess?”
You nod and reach for his face with your fingertips. Your dom softens under your touch because you are so precious to him. His fingers close around yours and he kisses your forehead.
“The most important thing is your comfort,” he asserts. He taps the collar around your neck that suggests in some way that you are his and he is yours. “You can take this off at any time.”
You wrap your arms around his waist and bury your face into his chest. It’s been fun and it’s also been freeing to have him take care of you. There’s a soft haze that wafts around your brain lately as you surrender to him. You are in love with him, deeply, in such a short amount of time.
“I would never,” you say, finally. 
His heart skips a beat.
“Unless you want to buy me a nicer one, of course.”
He chuckles. 
“You’re a feisty little one, aren’t you?” He remarks. He’s glad to look down at you and see you smiling again, eyes bright and brown. He reaches for your ass cheek, then raises your leg so that it lies across his hip. 
Your eyes twinkle with mischief.
“Well, that’s why you picked me to teach, isn’t it?” You raise an eyebrow, and the cheeky grin on your face is enough to make him get absolutely hard again.
Of course, only if you’re up to the task.
Suga bites gently on your lip again, his hand on your thigh. 
“I didn’t expect you to learn so quickly.”
“Maybe you really do have the gift of teaching,” you reply, as you stick your tongue into his mouth.
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shihalyfie · 2 years
As much as this has been something weighing on my mind for a while, I've tried not to complain too much about it because I don't really like to rant or complain about personal problems in public. I’m also aware that this really is a small problem in the larger scheme of things, that a lot of people have it much worse than me, and that this has all been going on for years anyway and ranting or getting worked up about it won’t help anything. But after seeing two people get harassment recently over the apparent sin of drawing Ken/Miyako fanart (one of which was done somewhat as a present for me), I’m going to have to ask that you guys forgive me for needing to rant this once.
It’s not a secret among people who know me that I write fanfic for Ken/Miyako and naturally enjoy the ship. I’m aware it’s canon, but whether it’s canon or not would have had no bearing on whether I shipped it (case in point, my other go-to is Takeru/Daisuke, which I’m well aware never had a chance in terms of being official at all); it came more from my preferences in ship dynamics I like. I’m a multishipper who likes many things, but naturally, it being my go-to for writing means I happen to have a particular attachment to it. But the problem is that even so much as talking about it basically makes you a walking target for people -- especially Daisuke/Ken fans -- to come harass you.
Ken/Miyako is canon, and that alone will probably make a lot of people tell me “you spoiled brat, you know how many people would kill for their ship to be canon? You don’t get to complain.” I suppose I should feel lucky for that, but as a trade-off for getting what amounts to table scraps that barely mean much in terms of official content, I constantly have to worry that even so much bringing up the ship within the fanbase will result in people wanting me dead. Considering I don’t even really care for the idea of the series itself becoming thick on romance anyway, I’d much rather ask for people to please stop harassing or even threatening me or people I care about than I care about romantic canon or whatnot.
Of course, I have to add the usual disclaimer that I'm aware not all Daisuke/Ken fans are like this. In fact, I'd say most of the ones I’ve met have been really very gracious to me, and I like the ship myself too, so I’m happy to discuss it with them, and if you’re a Daisuke/Ken fan who hasn’t been doing this to people, I really apologize if you’re reading this post and feel like you’re being thrown under the bus. But unfortunately, the few who aren’t willing to be forgiving of me are enough to make me and any friends who want to post it constantly afraid of getting people mocking and insulting us for the sheer act of posting it. It’s basically the same thing that happens with Takeru/Hikari (and I’m also sorry to the other lovely fans of that ship who might be reading this); it’s a popular ship that quite a few people in its fanbase is convinced would have been canon if not for that damn epilogue, and therefore is infamous for harassing any ship that “conflicts” with it. In this case, because Ken/Miyako is canon, it’s basically the Public Enemy #1 ship for that crowd, and even though I consciously know in fact most Daisuke/Ken fans are very kind, meeting one encountering my posts unfortunately leads to that reflexive reaction of “please don’t kill me please don’t kill me please don’t kill me I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I can’t do anything about the epilogue I just want to write fanfic”. I won’t ask you to like my ship, I won’t even ask you to not hate it, but I’m begging you, please, I can live another day without a “reminder” of why my ship is trash and yours is superior.
Not helping this is the fact there’s also the section of the fanbase that will accuse you of being heteronormative for not portraying Miyako as a lesbian, which is baffling considering she's gushed about boys more than she's gushed about girls in the canon narrative. I don’t want to fight, so I don’t want to get into a whole argument about how that could actually conversely be bi erasure, and I certainly don’t feel like anyone like that will be convinced if I start unpacking the intricacies of my own personal life story, relationship with orientation, and preferences in my ships and ship writing, but that’s how it is. It’s just never been a fun experience liking a ship that happens to be het and having to hold your breath hoping that someone doesn’t want you dead for being heteronormative trash this time for once. You'd think this really shouldn't be a big deal, but after I and other friends have gotten things ranging from anonymous harassment (a big reason I don't have anon asks on right now) to public shaming to violent friend cutoffs, I'm just really tired.
I don’t know. I don’t know what’s the purpose of this post, since like I said, I doubt this will change anything, but I just needed this off my chest. 
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leonicscorpio · 3 years
Batboy Headcanons because I made this for me but you all can enjoy this too if want. (May contain mild NSFW)
Has a weird relationship with unwanted gaze and the attention he receives because of his physique. He genuinely likes the attention but he draws the line when people start getting touchy. Just because he's shirtless working out doesn't mean he gave you consent to touch him.
Has good dieting skills but he's in his mid-late 20's and his metabolism has 0 signs of slowing down. He once ate a whole xl bag of M&M's in front of Steph and Babs and both said they wanted to murder him because he won't gain a pound.
Dick has ADHD and I'm sorry if you don't think otherwise. He has hyperactive type ADHD and while he's gotten better at controlling his symptoms he still stims stretching and flexing his arms and shaking his arms.
While not so much in Gotham, Dick is very politically active and volunteers at voter registration and working with organizations with the mission of police demilitarization in Blüdhaven.
Dick is a very sexually driven individual. However, I don't think it's entirely healthy. His ADHD also comes into play with this but Dick just needs to have a release at least twice a day or he'll feel physically sick.
I don't know if you all have seen male gymnasts. But Dick, like the rest of them, has FREAKSISHLY large biceps. Everyone talks about Dick has the best ass in the bat family and while Jason may be larger and stronger, Dick has the best physique.
Dick's apartment is littered with sticky notes in places such as the fridge/in front of his computer. If it's not written down and in a place where he can't ignore it, it's not going to get done.
I'm sorry I know everyone says his birthday is in March but I have to go to the older Nightwing comics and say his Birthday is December 1st. I want you to look me in the eyes and tell me this man doesn't give off Sagittarius energy. You can't. I respect you but you can't look at that and tell me that man isn't a Sagittarius or has super heavy Sag in his birth chart.
Dick's at home doing nothing but chilling? You best believe he's gonna be shirts off, tits out, and rocking some blue flannel PJ's.
Dick is currently the only member of the family asides from Barbara who is regularly attending therapy. And he actively encourages each of his brothers and sisters to go every time.
After his Agent 37 days. He sits down with Jason and talks about having to use a gun and how hard it was. And how having to kill people has affected him. When he had to kill the KGBeast (Agent 37 days he snapped his neck) I headcanon Dick just trauma v*mit*d. Jason hugged him and just consoled him.
It's canon that Dick has anger issues but to me, it's not explored or talked about enough and not a lot of people like to talk about it. Dick is very much the 'if I ignore it it'll go away' type when it comes to his anger and he can brush most insults or harassment off fine enough. But when he breaks, he makes Jason look like a saint. I'm talking slamming you into a wall and screaming in your face angry. He'll be profusely apologetic afterward but still.
Despite popular belief, I don't think he's that bad of a cook. He's just not very experimentative. He can follow a recipe and does look at some guides. But to me, Dick Grayson just is that guy who is like Chicken veggies and rice are a meal that I can cook 4-6 times a week.
Dick has a slight fear of dentists. He doesn't have bad teeth and has good dental health. He just doesn't like the idea of a drill going in his mouth and the few times Bruce has to take him to a dentist he had a panic attack every time.
Everyone lives for the fics where Jason beats the shit out of Tim and everyone is just like lol well Bruce and Dick just forgives him. No. When Dick found out it was Jason who beat Tim to the ground, Dick was literally seething and told Jason "Pick on someone your own size or else I'll make you wish you back in that f'ing coffin."
Dick's favorite foods (some based in Canon*): Milk Chocolate*, Cereal*, Asparagus, Bananas, Banana flavored candy, Hawaiian Pizza* (suffer its canon) Rum, thanksgiving Turkey.
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He may be the self-diagnosed black sheep (rightfully so) of the family, but Jason does genuinely love spending time with his siblings. Whether it be sharing memes with them on social media or just randomly showing up where they are and abducting them to go get ice cream/coffee/snacks.
He'd probably attempt to harm you if you told him this to his face. But he is the closest acting to Bruce out of all of the family. In terms of mannerisms and inherent warmth and kindness behind a dark façade.
Has two moods: either exceptionally, almost neat-freak levels of clean, or his life is completely falling apart and Jason can't tell you for sure what color his floors are because there's so much stuff scattered about.
Despite their initial hatred of each other, Jason truly feels closest to Tim and Tim is the only person asides from maybe Barbra who he can just talk to without feeling any judgment.
Jason only smokes when he's extremely nervous about an operation or a hit. For those who don't know criminal justice cigarettes are the fastest way to get genetic material on someone. That being said he does still like to smoke occasionally.
Me, plus a lot of people give him this sort of 'Lazarus Rage' as I like to call it. When he's in the heat of a mission or if he's getting upset/angry his vision will get blurred with green, and it feeds on his anger and just gets perpetually harder to contain until he releases it. Jason has gotten much better at controlling it. But as he will tell Tim or Babs, he's "seeing green" which means they need to be careful because Jason could kill.
Everyone says Dick is the mother hen. I see you, I accept you, but let me raise you. Jason came to realize that he died because of his rash decision to go after The Joker alone. If Jason finds any of his siblings out acting alone, or even at the very least without Oracle. Jason WILL forcefully interject himself and ask them what the fuck they think their doing.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Trying to get close to Jason is hard. He will degrade you can attempt to try to get you to hate him before he lets you in (that cheeky Tsun of him)
He genuinely cares for and supports all of his siblings but has been rough on them needlessly. But if Bruce is being the distant or absent parent he is, you better believe if any of the siblings drops him a text or a call, Jason will be there in a heartbeat.
He's the most physically powerful of the whole Bat Family. You don't understand because of his time in the League, his time with the All-Caste, and having abused Venom for a time, he can snap an arm bone like it's a carrot with little effort.
Everyone in the family likes dogs and goes out of their way to gush over a dog, but Jason takes it to a whole new level. And even when he's masked up dogs just gravitate to Jason.
Can and has grown a beard in a matter of a few days. He usually likes to be clean shaven but some days he likes to wear a beard just to throw everyone off.
One time him, Steph, Tim, and Duke all went to a restaurant (Red Robin lol) and the waitress got his order wrong and his burger had raw tomatoes on it, Jason took the tomatoes off and ate it while looking absolutely miserable. Tim: Jay why did you eat that you didn't have to you know you could have asked the server to fix your burger. Jason, almost in tears: "She works really hard and she tried and I'm a scary dude I don't want to make her upset.." Duke: "... Jason you literally shot at a cop for looking at you funny the other day. But you're afraid of upsetting a waitress?!? I mean ACAB but dude.. "
Jason's happiest big brother moment™ was taking Tim and Damian to the shooting range and watching them both get their first bullseye.
You can't tell me Jason Todd was into the Emo/Screamo/Warped-Tour Scene. His favorite bands/Albums in no particular order, That's the Spirit (Literally the whole album is Jason Themed and I'm gonna die on this hill) & Sempiternal by Bring me the Horizon, Digital Renegade & Everyone's Safe in the Treehouse by I See Stars, The Resistance: Rise of the Runaways by Crown the Empire,
Jason Todd's favorite foods: (Also some based in Canon*) Burgers, Chili Dogs*, Lager-style beers, Freshly baked bread*, Neopolitan ice cream, grilled corn, and Chinese Chicken noodle soup with Duck.
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This boy *slaps car roof* gives off so much asexual energy. I know New 52 exists but I just feel like Tim is the person who really, REALLY has to trust you and like you before he's sexually active with you.
HYPERFIXATES. You also can't tell me Tim isn't on the spectrum/or has ADHD.
Is the only member of the family who regularly checks up on Jason and talks to him every day via text message. The two are memelords together and love to play pranks on the other members.
While Dick may give the most frequent hugs and Jason gives the tightest, most secure hugs, Tim's hugs are always the warmest and make you just feel good.
Tim's birthday is July 19th. Meaning he's a Cancer. Let that sink in.. no, really let that information just soak. (Note I have nothing against Cancer women, cancer men however....)
All of the bat boys really struggle with talking about their feelings. Dick will manipulate you into changing the subject via twisting it to be about you, Jason will just cut you off or will ignore you, Damian will deflect everything and harass you until you stop, Tim however, Tim is very emotional and while he's very calculated about who he's emotional with, he's not afraid to break down and cry if he trusts you.
Everyone who says he's the level headed Robin haha how's it feel to be WRONG. Tim is at best the least functional college student and at worst a lemming. 'No Tim, coffee isn't a meal I'm going to make you some food or I'm going to stick you in a room with Damian for an hour.' Richard (Dick) John Grayson.
People overblow how addicted to caffeine Tim is. But it's true. Just overblown. You can talk to him before he's had his caffeine just don't expect him to be anything but curt and blunt.
Everyone says Jason would be the worst at texting but it's Tim. He's the master of leaving you on read. While Jason may do it on purpose, Tim is just really bad at texting people and while he always will read your messages he forgets to respond unless it's really funny or really pressing.
Everyone sees Tim as this bean pole super skinny boy Robin. Tim may not be stacked like Dick or a freaking tank like Jason, but Tim is NOT super skinny. He's just as muscular and likes to work out as anyone, but he just is super lean, so he looks a lot bigger and his muscles are more defined because of how thin his skin is. He has those almost disgusting spider veins on his arm. Kind of gross to look at, but he's the dream of any nurse. This means Tim is also the king of accidentally sending/posting thirst traps.
He really is the glue of the Bat Family. Everyone kidnaps Tim for 'Tim Time'.
Dick likes to spar with and in general just hang out with Tim. Tim tried to teach Dick how to skateboard and you'd think the boy who mastered the trapeze would know how to skateboard but you'd be wrong.
Babs and Tim always hang out and talk about computer stuff and Babs knows she can vent to Tim about anything and he won't say a word.
Tim and Steph were a thing for a while and even though they're just friends now, they still are very close and the two have a very deep bond, liking to shop with each other and watch movies,
Cass just loves to be around Tim because of how calming he is but also she knows she can spar with him AND Cass can also skateboard with Tim too.
Even though him and Damian are always fighting, the two still end up being together and have this unspoken bond. They work great together on a team but other than that they still hate each other.
And while everyone still is hesitant around Jason, and despite the fact that Jason literally beat Tim to within an inch of his life, AND would still trigger Tim and taunt him about it. The two have this odd closeness that rivals even him and Steph. Tim will always be the first to bat for Jason. Jason was Tim's Robin. And despite the fact Jason literally beat it into Tim's head to "never meet your heroes." Tim will always be there for Jason should he ask. The two are just close. And it's hard to describe. Bruce has caught Tim and Jason just platonically sleeping next to each other or just doing their own things shoulder to shoulder silently, just enjoying each other's company.
Tim and Duke also have a really positive relationship with one another and the two can stay up all night just talking about anything. Their minds just mesh well together. The two also love to team up and prank the other members of the Batman Family.
Tim's favorite ASMR/Stim? Watching those Tik Toks of people cleaning computers or cleaning phones. The sound of an air duster is like music to his ears and if any of the Bats need their technology cleaned it secretly makes Tim so happy to help them.
Wear his hair up or wear his hair down? It depends! While Tim likes his long hair he also has gotten plenty of compliments for his short hair and likes to style it to suit any occasion.
My one pet-peeve with Tim is that he probably is that person who lets his privilege show from time to time. While he was essentially raised to just sit down, shut up, and be a perfect trophy son to the Drake's. The Drake's were in the same tax bracket as Bruce and Tim definitely was a rich kid. He never means to come across as spoiled, but sometimes Jason will give him harsh looks if Tim just throws away food he doesn't like or says things like Chipotle is 'poor people food'
Tim Drake's favorite foods (you know by now*) Donuts*, Shallot and Artichoke Pizza with Canadian Bacon* (odd choice but it could work) Artichokes in general are his favorite vegetable, Strawberries, and Beef Pho.
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I headcanon that he has the worst teeth of all of the Bat Boys and he actually has to use lingual braces. (Hence why you can't see his braces)
Canonically is a very good artist and while him and Tim don't get along, Tim introduced Damian to digital art and gave him a photoshop pack and a nice tablet for his birthday one year and Damian loved it so much.
Damian is a capricorn and I will die on this hill. A January capricorn too.
Now you want a good chef? You've got Damian. Having converted to veganism Damian has had to get creative whenever he goes out to eat so he tends to like to eat more home cooked foods. Damian loves all matters of mushrooms, eggplant, and bell peppers.
Damian really struggles the most with his wanting to just be a normal kid. Despite the fact he will dismiss you for it, anytime he gets to spend at Gotham Academy with Jon and the rest of the kids he's naturally the happiest.
Damian LOVES to give gifts. He loves the look on people's faces when they are shocked when they actually get something from Damian.
Despite the fact that he's been traumatized from both his times with Ra's and Talia as well as with Bruce. He just wants Bruce and Talia to be together because he loves them both equally.
While he's the least flexible and least gymnastic of the Robins do let your guard down around him. He is the fastest runner and the guy is rivaled only by Jason in terms of lethality.
So someone (Jason Todd & Duke Thomas) introduced Damian to trap music and ever since anytime his phone gets stolen people will be shocked to find he's listening to some combination of Lil' Yachty, X, Kendrick Lamar, Wiz, and Kodak.
If any random person tries to hug Damian he'll immediately push them away, he'll bitch and moan about just about anyone hugging him other than Bruce & Dick.
Damian loves to go to the beach/the ocean. He just thinks it's so vast and he loves the brineness of the air. Also being half white, quarter middle-eastern and quarter Chinese (Yes everyone forgets Talia is half Chinese) Damian gets DARK. And although he's just okay as a swimmer he still likes bogeyboarding and eventually wants to learn how to surf.
I'm genuinely afraid once Puberty is done with this kid and everyone in the family is. He has Bruce Wayne AND Talia Al-Ghouls genes and those are two SEXY human beings. Damian's gonna grow a beard one day and people aren't going to know how to act.
Damian secretly plays Fortnight and not even Jon knows. He doesn't want to get shamed. He'd rather lose a match and ruin his streaks than deal with the shame of anyone in that family finding out he plays Fortnight.
Damian Wayne's favorite foods (canon*) Cereal*, Avocados, Grilled Tempeh, his mom's Tabbouleh, Mushroom Tacos, and Vegan Sushi rolls, and grape juice.
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Duke Thomas
Duke is like, freakishly good with a piano, and he picked it up naturally!
Also everyone says Tim brews the best pot of coffee in the Bat Family, cue to everyone's surprise when Tim was sick one day and couldn't make a pot. Only to find the coffee was freaking amazing. Duke didn't take any credit at first until Alfred let it slip that Duke was the one who brewed the pot.
Duke being the only Meta of the family originally thought he was the double-token because he was a Meta and a black boy. Needless to say his fears were seriously unfounded the moment he got to know everyone.
Although he somewhat fears Jason and his temper initially, he and Jason have one of the closest relationships in the family. If Tim isn't around to bat for Jason, Duke will happily take his spot. The two work on each other's bikes and grew to share the same taste in music.
Duke uses his Photokenetic powers as a force for good and for shenanigans. Jason wants to play a prank on Dick and Damian while Dick is reading Damian a story? Duke will hide Jason in the shadows and will cover up his shadow. Alfred dropped something in the dark? You better believe Duke will find it in 3 seconds or less.
Duke makes it a point to visit his parents every weekend to talk to them. Although they are making some progress in their recoveries, it's still slow going. Eventually, he starts bringing members of the family to see his parents. It started with Cass, then Jason, and the rest followed suit.
Duke loves playing video games with Damian and even helps Damian beat some tougher levels when Damian is about to rage and destroy the console.
Duke is into Magic the Gathering and you cannot tell me otherwise. Duke also is the DM for the Bat Kids annual D&D games. I can and will make a D&D Batfam Headcanons if asked.
Loves Pho just as much as Cass and Tim and they all call it a date night every now and then where they can go to a hole in the wall pho place. It's really a secret between the three of them.
Finding out his birth father is a supervillain was really tough for him. He went into a shell for a little bit afterwards. Cass and Steph were there to help talk him out of his funk.
Duke Thomas's favorite foods (lol what canon DC hasn't acknowleged our boy in a while..) Chicken Pho, Thai Iced Tea, Papaya, Crab Cakes, Italian Hoagies, his mom's Lemon Poundcake, mint chocolate chip ice cream.
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I hope y'all enjoyed! Up next (eventually) will be the Bat Girls!
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chibiwritesstuff · 3 years
Hey! I'm the one that asked for the Lilia and Malleus ask. I love what you wrote so much man! (My poor heart died 😂) I am a big sucker for happy endings tho. So when you get the time can I ask for a happy ending ?
Ha, my laptop thought they won against me but I came out victorious (even though I took literal months to publish this.) In my defense, all the versions I’ve written for this didn't suit my tastes (not that this is any good either.) Hope this makes justice for such a long wait. Here’s the sequel/good ending for the angst fic.
Now, let’s enter this twisted wonderland~
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Walking past the now dying garden that used to flourish in Ramshackle dorm, he sighed as he reminisces about the times you two stroll and spends time together. It's been years since you’ve left NRC, He and Lilia are about to graduate tomorrow, Silver will be a fourth-year student and the new vice-dorm leader while Sebek will be in his third year and the dorm leader much to the said fae’s surprise. He chuckled at the memory of how honored and tearful the young fae is upon being selected as its prefect.
“I have so much to tell you, (y/n).” He whispered at the wind.
“Hey, Tsunotarou!” The familiar voice of the tanuki cat being called that long-forgotten name.
“Hey, Tsunotarou! Are we going on a walk again tonight?” You smiled at him, your hand extended as an invitation.
“Grimm, wasn’t it?” He crouched down to pet the said creature.
“Hey! I’m not a pet!” The flames on his ears flared, responding to his emotions. “What are you doing here, anyway? The roses are all dead.”
A wave of sadness flashed in his eyes as another memory resurfaced. Returning his gaze towards the dead flowerbed, he let the memory linger.
“Thanks for the seeds, Tsunotarou!” You excitedly began digging and planting said seeds. “To commemorate our friendship, these roses will be our friendship roses!”
“Yes, they are…” His hand ceased from moving before sitting down the ground. “It’s all gone…”
“By the way, I never managed to get the courage to ask you but why did (y/n) went back home crying that time?”
“I was but a foolish man…” The young heir steered his gaze towards the night sky before closing his eyes. “Had I just enjoyed the present than worry about the future, perhaps they would still be here and smile brightly like they always had.”
“I’m sure if you say sorry, they’ll forgive you.” Grimm responded nonchalantly. “They said saying sorry is the first step to forgiveness… or something like that.”
He chuckled and stood up heading towards his dorm. “If things were only that easy…”
That night, he slept and dreamt about you two walking in the bed of roses you’ve grown at Ramshackle. Loving every single moment that you two get to spend subconsciously knowing that once he wakes up, he’ll return to the harsh reality of you not being by his side.
“Tsunotaro, I think I have fallen for you.” You quietly said warmth spreading across your cheeks. “Will you let me stay by your side till the last breath I take?”
This is all but a dream… so I can keep dreaming, right?
“Yes, only if you’ll let me do the same.”
“Really?!” Joy showed throughout your being which made him smile back. “Then I’ll see you tomorrow! Happy graduation!”
He woke up gasping for air. That dream sounded too good to be true and yet… he can’t help but be hopeful. Putting on a happy face, he got dressed on what Lilia laid out for him and this time, everybody remembered to tell him the time of the celebration. He can’t help but laugh just thinking what your reaction would have been about the changes of the students' behavior towards him after he tried to socialize better. Heading towards the stage getting his diploma as odd as it is, he acted formally as he mingled with the rest of the dorm leaders until a voice echoed throughout the area.
“Tsunotarou!” Receiving a hug from the back as the voice caught him off guard, he turned still not believing what he’s seeing. “Congrats on graduating!”
“(y/n)?” His voice faltered, overwhelmed with so many emotions. “How? Why? I –”
“Uh-oh… Lilia! Your king here is having an information overload!” You called which made the said fae laugh out loud.
“How are you here?” He finally managed to ask. “The mirror –”
“Ah, that would be my doing…” Idia whispered but managed to catch everyone’s attention. “It was an accident! I was messing around to make a teleporter so I can just teleport to the store than having to leave the dorm but it ended up making people travel through dreams then I managed to talk to (y/n). Then we both decided we might as well try to make travel here and back to their world possible.”
“Looks like you did meet me once upon a dream, yeah?” You grinned at the joke about his ancestor’s song.
He merely hugged you, savoring each second of being around your arms. “I don’t have anything ready but if you’ll give me a second chance…”
He lets go and kneeled on one knee before looking up to you once more. “Will you be my spouse till the day you draw your last breath?”
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Time is but a blink of an eye for fae and before he knew it, the Star Sending is happening once again. He was happy when Silver and Sebek were chosen to be Star Gazers albeit the mentioned students aren’t. He strummed his electric guitar with no particular music in mind as he lets his mind wander until his gaze dropped on a familiar mug.
“Happy Birthday, Lilia!” You grinned as you handed him a mug that said “No. 1 Gamer Dad” on it. “Hope you like it!”
His lips curled into a faint smile as he remembered that day. It's been a year since you left and yet it felt like it was just yesterday. Letting go of the instrument, he walked towards the mug and lifted it intending to fill it with tomato juice.
“How have you been, little one?” He spoke towards the image of you in his head. “I hope life is treating you better in your world.”
Without me in it… he sighed as sadness filled his chest. If I could change the past, or at least be given another chance… will you give your love to me once more?
“Old m –” Silver cleared his throat before entering. “I mean, Lilia. I’m here to take your wish.”
He took a deep breath before putting a huge smile to face his son. “Ah, yes of course! You know my wish. I wish for both –”
This surprised the old fae as his son never raised his voice on him. “We both know that that’s not your true wish.”
“Silver, do humor me and just let me finish my wish.” He pouted, swirling the tomato juice in the mug before drinking it.
“Father, we all know how much you love them.” The young knight sighed before taking a seat on a nearby chair. “You always gush about them whenever we eat or do anything.”
“Oh Silver, I appreciate the concern but sometimes you got to let go.” A forlorn smile graced his lips.
“And sometimes you have to be selfish!” Both of them looked surprised at his outburst yet Silver regained his composure and continued. “You love them, right?! Then why not be with them? You took me in out of love, right?”
“There’s a big difference here, Silver.” Lilia rubbed his temple as stress starts to build up.
“What’s the difference? We’re both humans with a short lifespan so you can't use that as an excuse!” His silver eyes narrowing as he gazed upon his father before widening. “You’re afraid, aren’t you?”
He let out a defeated chuckle before nodding. “You’ve grown so much, Silver. I’m so proud of you, you know?”
“Why? You could have been happily living with them.”
“Because I’m afraid to witness her death if we ever do start a family together.” At last, the older fae began letting his tears fall in front of his son. “I don’t think I’ll be able to survive seeing her pass while I still live on. I want it to last for all eternity but to remove her mortality is too inhumane.”
“I-I’m sorry…” Silver lowered his head, having a little understanding of what he meant. “I didn’t mean to –”
“So, for my wish this Star Sending…” After a pathetic attempt to control his tears, he gulped and continued. “I want to be given another chance to be with them… and this time, I’ll bear the pain of losing them when the time comes.”
A shine of light filled the wishing star confirmed his wish inside the item. Silver walked towards him and let the man cry his heart out in his arms. He both felt sad and honored that Lilia is willing to cry in front of him. He truly hopes that his father’s wish is granted. Bringing out the wishing star, he proclaimed his wish.
“I wish (y/n) can return in twisted wonderland once more.”
“Silver, you didn’t have to waste your wish for this…”
“I don’t mind having a parent like them.” He smiled before heading towards the door with both wishing stars at hand. “They’re a much better cook than you anyway.”
The day of Star Sending has arrived and everybody is once again by the huge tree behind NRC. It went well without a hitch and Lilia’s phone filled with recordings of Sebek and Silver dancing in perfect sync towards the taiko being played by Jack of Savanaclaw. As all students began returning to their dorms, the bat fae decided to stay a little longer and was given privacy by the rest of the Diasomnia students.
“Catch me, Lilia!” A voice screamed from above.
Turning his attention to the voice’s origin. His eyes widened before extending his arms ready to catch the person. A huge smile on his face as you landed safely into his arms. You let out a sigh of relief as you steadied yourself in his hold.
“Do not question why I was up in the air.” You huffed, glaring at the sky. “Safe landing my ass! I was dropped off 50ft up in the air!”
“My oh my, did you fall in love with me all over again?” He teased as he covertly wiped his tears.
“I saw that and maybe but I would still prefer a much safer landing.” You huffed before smiling at him. “What happened to the ‘I wish for world peace between all creatures’ wish, huh?”
“How did you know?”
“My coworker and I were trying to make a portal to get me back here because I forgot some stuff here to grab and funnily enough those wishing stars became our fuel source to open that portal.” You pulled out your phone and confirmed your arrival with a whole long spiel on how the landing would have killed you if you weren’t caught by Lilia. “But by your wish I assume there’s no need for me to get packing away from here?”
“Yes, if you’ll give me another chance.” He held out his hand, a makeshift flower ring on his palm. “Will you give me the honor of being your significant other?”
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shreddedparchment · 4 years
A Wife for Thor Pt.05
Pairing: King!Thor x Reader          Word Count: 6,652
Warnings: angst, slight smut?, language, fluff
A/N: Thank you everyone, for putting up with my emotional ass. After some thought, and when I was feeling better and not so sad (?), I really didn’t wanna make those of you keeping up with the story wait for the next chapter. I hope you all enjoy this one and if you happen to reblog, thank you so much for helping me spread my work! xoxo
Please DO NOT repost my stories on any other blogs or sites.
REBLOGS are always welcome!
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The city is lively with beautiful Asgardians rushing about their daily lives. In the time since it’s completion, New Asgard and its inhabitants have settled into a routine. New lives on a planet now once again full of growth, community interaction, and celebration when the time is right.
“We’ll give you a proper tour tomorrow.” Brunnhilde says, reaching forward to tap the shoulder of the man driving you both. “Stop here.”
“Wait, aren’t you coming with me?” You ask, startled as she throws open the back door of the sleek black sedan.
“No. I have other things to prepare for the wedding and then I have to check in on my Valkyrie. Your escorts will meet you at the shop.” Brunnhilde assures you.
“Bye!” She smiles at you and slams the door in your face.
You sit there, confused and at a loss. Your anxiety begins to mount when the driver, a handsome young Asgardian man with long braided black hair, clears his throat and draws your attention to the front.
“Shall I drive on Your Highness?” He asks, glancing in his rearview mirror at you.
“Um…” You’ll never get used to that stupid your highness stuff. “Yes.”
“Very good, Your Highness.”
“Can’t you just call me, Y/N?” You ask, feeling awkward.
“No.” He says, a smile on his face. “I cannot. I can see why his Majesty has chosen you.”
You’re surprised by this statement, and you’re pretty sure it’s insolent maybe? You don’t know because this is all new to you, but you don’t really care either way.
“You don’t remember me?” He asks, as he drives down the street.
As they pass, the Asgardians stop in their walking or talking or errand running to watch you drive by. Some of them smile with excitement, even moving with the car a few steps before stopping.
They’re all dressed normal. Asgardian garb abandoned to fit in on Earth. Not all of them. Some still wear their own clothes. Some of them wear a mixture of both. It’s a mish-mash of two cultures and you understand the need for a human Queen a little more.
“No.” You shake your head, giving the driver your full attention.
“I didn’t think you would.” He admits, smiling still. “You were very nervous when I first drove you up to the palace. Quite literally shaking in your pretty shoes.”
Was he your driver then too?!
“Alas, I understand his Majesty’s choice because you were the only woman that sat in my car and spoke to me. You may not have been aware enough to remember me, but you were very kind. Very concerned about me despite the stress you were in.” He looks in his rearview mirror again, meeting your eyes. “My wife gave birth, by the way.”
“Oh!” Your mind is struck with an unfocused conversation, hazy but you remember the pregnant wife. “I remember!”
You’re way too excited about remembering and the driver chuckles.
“Was it a boy or a girl?” You ask eagerly.
“A girl.” He smiles. “We’ve named her Luta.”
“Congratulations!” You exclaim gently, so happy for him.
“Thank you, Your Highness. I’ll tell my wife you said so.” He promises.
“I’d love to meet her.” You hope, leaning forward to get a better look at the side of his face.
“I’m not sure that will be possible. You’ll be terribly busy, and my wife is also with our little girl.”
“What if I came to pay her a special visit?” You really want to meet her.
“If you could find the time, Your Highness, my wife and I would be happy to receive you.” He smiles.
“I’m sorry if you told me last time we met, but what is your name?”
“Armod, Your Highness.” He tells you, turning down a second and smaller street.
The people are still dense, gathered around stalls and smaller shops as Armod drives a little slower to keep a careful eye on the families attending what must be an early morning market.
You take it in as quickly as you can, devouring the sight of these beautiful people and in return they turn to watch you go by.
They turn to each other, have quick and silent—to you—exchanges before a few of them begin to turn and wave.
Nervous, you wave timidly, smiling because you can’t help it. It isn’t a conscious decision.
The side street is so packed with stalls that it makes it impossible for people to follow the car at the speed it’s going, even reduced.
You’re a little grateful. You don’t want to get mobbed without someone else here to dilute the excitement.
“The people are very excited to see their future Queen.” Armod explains, “Forgive them their exuberance.”
“I hope I don’t disappoint them.”
As the crowd thins out, and Armod pulls the car into a gentle stop, he shakes his head, “Trust me, Your Highness, you won’t.”
Your car door opens. Into your view slides a pale white hand, luxurious suit jacket sleeve barely hiding the equally expensive white button-up underneath.
“Your Highness,” greets a familiar voice.
Taking his hand, Loki pulls you from the car, helping you stand and even reaching down to adjust the long train of your right sleeve.
The dress is sparkling blue, a body-hugging gold silk dress underneath the top sheer voile blue layer on top. The right sleeve is long, ends at your wrist, with a train that flows down at an equal length to that of your skirt. The left side is sleeveless.
You’re nervous about the deep V of your bodice, the scrunched-up shoulders of your dress carefully balanced there but too precarious for your liking.
With he sun out, the chill in the air isn’t so bad, but here in the shade of what must be the bridal shop, you shiver.
“You look lovely.” Loki smiles.
“I look stupid.” You counter, feeling very exposed and not at all pretty with how tight the dress feels.
“Allow me to politely disagree.” Loki takes your hand and leads it around his elbow as become aware of the people gathering around to catch a look at you. “I think the crowd would agree with me.”
“Can we go inside, please?” You beg, waving at the small group as other begin to flock from their spots at distant stalls to join the crowd.
“Of course.” Loki taps your hand then escorts you into the shop.
You relax a little once you’re inside and warm.
A middle-aged looking woman moves towards the two of you, her hand subtly stroking a large fold of crimson fabric on the low center shelf before she reaches you and then dips into a low curtsy before rising and grabbing her hands to hold at chest level.
“Good morning, your Highnesses!” She exclaims, gushing to an embarrassing degree.
“Good morning, Gorm. How are you?” Loki asks politely.
He doesn’t seem truly interested in her answer, but he waits kindly while she flusters with the honor of his polite concern.
“I am much better now that you and our King Thor’s lovely intended have arrived. Such an honor to meet you, Your Highness.” She says, addressing you directly.
“Thank you.” You reply, startled by her a bit. “It’s so great to meet you.”
“Tell me, Gorm, have you received His Majesty’s instructions on the dress we’d like?” Loki checks.
“Oh, yes, Your Highness! I’ve been working non-stop on several options since I received them.” She assures him, gesturing back towards a doorway past a long wooden counter with a modern cash register and signature pad for credit cards.
“Excellent.” Loki smiles. “Now, while I hate to do this to you, love—do you think you can handle a few hours alone with Gorm to do your fitting?”
“You’re leaving?” You ask, once again shocked, just like with Brunnhilde.
“I’m afraid I have several other things to do for the wedding and with the Earth and Asgardian ambassadors eager to have the wedding as soon as possible, I have to take every chance I can get to run these errands. Not like I have anything better to do…” Loki’s voice is slightly bitter, but only for a moment before he taps your hand again. “Don’t worry, I’ll be back long before you’re finished. Gorm doesn’t leave anything to chance with her gowns and this one is the most important one you will wear in your life. We have to get it right, don’t we Gorm?”
Gorm is already nodding, her blonde graying hair flowing like waves across her shoulders as she does. “Oh, yes, Your Highness. I will make sure that not only will the dress fit His Majesty’s expectations, but you too shall feel beautiful and like the dress was made just for you, Your Highness.”
“There you are.” Loki smiles. “I’ll be back.”
He pulls your hand up to his lips to kiss your knuckles before letting it go and moving towards the door, leaving you and Gorm to stand awkwardly for a few moments after the door shuts behind him.
“Shall we?” She gestures back towards the doorway and since there’s no way to get out of this, you fix her with a nervous smile and nod.
“Yes.” You sigh, and follow her, making sure to hold onto the counter as your round it so that you don’t trip on your train.
Stomach absolutely growling, you slip your arms through the sleeves of the dress you’ve pretty much settled on.
The past five hours have had you step in and out of two other dresses three times, and this one a total of eight times. Each time so that Gorm can make alterations to length and cut and detail.
It’s surprising to you that this particular dress should need so much maintenance when it’s the simplest of the bunch.
You’d fallen for it almost at first sight but had tried the other two more frilly dresses to appease Gorm since Thor had requested something feminine to counteract the armor you’d be wearing on the day.
Armor you had no idea would be required in your wedding until Gorm explained the necessity for bodices without much flair.
“Alright, Your Highness,” Gorm smiles at you, holding the dress low and open for you to step through. “Once more, and then I think we are done.”
You let her slip the dress over you, layer after layer of smooth satin with one final crepe layer on top. The dress is eggshell white, soft, and easy on the eye.
Some white fabrics nearly burn your retinas, but this one is pleasant to look at.
It stops just around your shoulders, leaving them exposed. The neckline curves down with your bust just a little making the top look like a heart, the point of which is followed all the way down with a line of stitched white buttons.
They’re purely decorative because behind you is where Gorm stands to zip the dress closed.
She closes a small clasp and then folds out the layers of skirt around you.
It’s not as long as the blue dress you wore here today. Simpler and easier to walk in. The sleeves themselves are long, which you appreciate very much in this weather. Every bit of the dress now settles along your curves just right.
“Oh, this was the right choice, I think.” Gorm smiles wide. “You look beautiful, Your Highness. His Majesty is a very lucky man.”
You smile in return, flattered by her words for a moment because you forget that Thor has been with Jane all morning. As you remember, your smile falters then fades as the worries you had this morning come rushing back.
“You don’t like it?” Gorm asks, reaching down to stroke the long and beautiful skirt.
“Oh, no. I love the dress, Gorm. I’m just…worried about His Majesty liking it.” You smile at her, to reassure her. She’s done such amazing work. You might have her make all of your gowns from now on. Unless…?
“Gorm? Were you the one that made the dress I came in wearing today?” You wonder.
“No.” She shakes her head. “I’m afraid I did not have that pleasure.”
“How much of an imposition would it be if I made you my sole dressmaker? His Majesty has bought me some gowns to wear when appropriate, but I don’t feel like they’re my style.”
“Oh, Your Highness! It would be an honor to be your personal dressmaker!” She’s so flustered that she excuses herself and vanishes into the front of the shop to get her water.
You turn your gaze onto yourself in the mirror, all three angles looking back at you.
The dress really is unbelievably beautiful. You would never have thought that this dress and its style would have looked good on you, but it fits around your curves so seamlessly. This dress was literally made for you and it’s very noticeable.
As you turn around one final time, a small chuckle from the doorway pulls your eyes away from your reflection.
“I’m glad to see you haven’t put up such a fight over this.” Loki moves towards you, stopping a few feet away with his arms crossed over his chest.
“You should have seen me wrestle with the other two.” You sigh. “Can we go? I’m so hungry.”
Almost as if on cue, your stomach growls.
“Yes.” Loki nods. “We can go. I’ve got lunch waiting for you back in the palace.”
“Is Thor back?” You hop off the box you’d been standing on, grabbing your skirts and then dropping them to cascade around your legs like a milky waterfall.
Loki’s smile falter. “I’m afraid not. But don’t worry, he’ll be back soon, I’m sure.”
You’re so disappointed you wander away from him into the dressing room to change back into your blue dress without giving him any sort of answer.
He’s got you in the car, your forehead resting against the glass of the window, lost in thoughts of Thor and Jane when he speaks to you again.
“Might I ask you a favor, sister?” He probes gently.
Him calling you his sister makes your stomach tumble.
You have a brother! How can you ever explain this happiness?
“I hope you don’t find me insolent, but-” He hesitates, thinking about the words he’s about to say hard before he meets your eyes and that seems to strengthen his resolve. “Don’t fall in love with Thor. Not yet. Don’t let him pull you in right away.”
“You think he’ll leave me for Jane?” You wait, watching as Loki thinks through your accusation.
“Not exactly, but yes. I suppose that’s a possibility I hope you can avoid.”
For a few minutes while Armod drives you back to the palace, you say nothing. You consider his request and the honest concern that he seems to have for you.
As Armod pulls into the large multi-car garage at the back of the palace, you turn to Loki and stare sadly.
“I can’t make that promise, Loki.” You shrug. “It’s already too late for that.”
“You love him?” Loki realizes.
“No!” You deny, “Not exactly. I don’t love him yet, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t very fond of him already. He-he kissed me last night.”
Loki’s brow furrows.
“A lot actually. He begged me to try and love him just as he would try to love me. I promised him I would try.” As if you’ll need to try.
You’re already hopelessly possessive over him. Maybe not him as a person, but rather those kisses he gave you. Those are your kisses now. Those thick arms he held you in, those are your arms—your hugs!
And now he might be in the United States giving those very things that are now yours alone to Jane who wouldn’t even marry him?
“It’s too late.” You reiterate, feeling absolutely lost.
“Come on, Your Highness. Let’s get you a late lunch.”
If there isn’t a trail across your floor after all of the pacing you’ve done today, you’d be surprised.
“This won’t make him come back any faster.” Brunnhilde points out.
“Do I really have to model the wedding dress for him?” You ask, twisting your fingers nervously as you move up and down your room.
“I think it would be good for him.” Brunnhilde explains. “And yes. He won’t see your armor until the day of the wedding, but the dress will help make it more real for him. He needs that. So do you.”
“It’s already real for me Brunnhilde.” You lift your thumb nail to your teeth and nip, like a nervous pup, stopping at the heavy doors of the balcony.
They’ve been thrown open and the chilly air filtering in makes you shiver.
“Hilde.” Brunnhilde corrects, then moves to take a long wine-colored woolen shawl and drapes it over your shoulders as you stare out at the bustling city.
You can hear laughter, lots of merrymaking. The Asgardian people know how to enjoy their free time, but you’ve seen how hard they work too. As a whole. Loki assured you on the way home that there are just as many lazy time wasters among them as there are humans.
“Why are you fretting?” She sits at the desk, staring up at you with curious dark eyes.
“Because he’s been with Jane all day.” You lash out.
It’s not a scream, just pure exasperation. And immediately, you feel sorry.
“I’m sorry.” You sigh, dropping your hand but pulling the shawl around you tighter.
You notice it finally.
“Oh, thank you.” You really feel bad now.
“You’re acting like you’re already in love with him.” She teases, not caring one bit about your little tantrum.
Through the corners of your eyes you look at her, avoiding her piercing look.
“Y/N…?” She wonders, leaning forward to get a better look at you.
“I don’t love him, alright? I just…” You sigh. “No one’s ever kissed me before.”
Your feel your neck and ears burn, scorching with embarrassment as you admit just how much of a maiden she’d found for him.
“So, you really are a virgin?” She gasps, leaning almost her entire body along the desk to look at your face.
You frown at her. “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
“No.” She hakes her head. “No, not at all. You’re just so…well, you’re beautiful.”
The laugh that slips through your lips is sudden and honest.
You stare at her, shaking your head because you don’t believe her one bit.
“I’m serious!” Hilde assures you, smiling and amused by your reaction. “It’s a little bit of a shame that you haven’t been fawned on before.”
The sprinkle of sadness in her voice exposes her real meaning and it wipes away all traces of flattery.
“You mean, it’s a shame that I haven’t been with someone who will really love me because they choose to? And not like Thor because he has to?” With a bit more desperation, you look for Armod’s car, needing to see Thor.
Everything that happened last night feels like a dream. Made up in your mind to make it easier to marry Thor. Was it a dream?
You don’t remember him telling you goodnight. You have the vague memory of falling asleep with your head on his shoulder but you’re not sure how real that is with how hazy it feels.
What if his kisses had been a hopeful wish?
You bite your bottom lip, the heat and weight of his lips still fresh in your memory.
It can’t have been a dream. It felt so amazing. You could never have imagined the way it felt for him to invade you the way he did, pulling your body against his.
“He doesn’t come by car, y’know?” Hilde says, sitting back in her seat.
“What?” You turn to her, eager for explanation.
“Thor?” She gestures at the sky outside, drawing your eyes away from the city in the distance and up to the stars. “He flies here on Earth. It’s faster than flying by plane, but not by much. He’ll be going straight to his room as soon as he gets back.”
“Oh.” Your disappointment is suffocating and because you have no reason to keep freezing to death, you close the balcony doors.
With the cold shut out the heat from the hidden vents in your room saturates your shawl and envelopes you in a cocoon of heat.
“He might not want to see me tonight.” You accept, knowing that even if things went as best as they could have, Thor will still be heartbroken.
Having to give up on a relationship he had been so invested in? Even if he’s been unhappy with it lately, it must be difficult.
“No. He might not. But he has no choice. The wedding is in three days, so we have no time to wait for him to be ready to see you. We need approval on the dress.” She explains, leaving no room for argument.
Which is a shame because you would rather not see him all torn up about Jane. Not that you wouldn’t like to give him comfort. But you doubt that seeing you is something Thor would want. Not when it’s your fault that he has to break up with Jane to begin with.
“You know what? I’ll go check to see if he’s back. Gorm already sent us the dress. I’ll have Estrid help you put it on.” Hilde rises, moving out of the room without waiting for you to agree.
Five minutes later, Estrid moves into the room, her arms cradling your beautifully crafted wedding dress.
“Shall I do your hair too, Your Highness?” She asks, and lays the dress on your bed, the color such a beautiful contrast to the deep plum colored sheets.
“My hair?” You look in the mirror and the fancy thing they’d done with it this morning is falling apart. “No. I’m okay, Estrid. Thank you.”
“Very well, Your Highness.” She smiles kindly then moves towards you and takes your shawl.
You turn for her and she begins to unzip your blue dress, your mind on Thor and the mood he might be in when you see him again.
The hesitation is in more than just your fist, hovering over the dark wooden of Thor’s bedroom door. It’s tall. Taller than it probably needs, sitting within a stone arch decorated with stunning golden engravings.
You’re not sure why Brunnhilde left you to do this alone. Loki is busy with something secret that he doesn’t want to share with you yet.
Not wedding related. He says it’s important and it involves you to some degree, but it’s not necessary for you to know until it’s necessary for you to know. Which is a circle-jerk kind of logic that you’re kind of annoyed by.
He’s nicer than previous opinions of him have made him seem. You suppose that has to do with the growth he’s made since he was last on Earth.
New York hadn’t been a great time for Loki, and he could only go up from there.
Brunnhilde had also neglected to tell you how Thor was feeling. Or looking? Either would have been great before you committed to coming up here on your own.
Thor’s bedroom is at the highest point of the palace. That is, highest save for the last floor which is mostly a defense tower full of weapons and a constant guard to keep Thor and his future wife safe. Which is now gonna be you.
Unless you go into his room and he tells you that he can’t stand being without Jane and rejects you and this pretty dress and you have to go back home to live just as you had before you met him. Only now with his kisses in your mind, his massive body pressed to yours, you won’t be able to get over the future you’d been promised.
How had you gone from refusing to marry him to wanting nothing more than to be his wife and even if all he was able to give you was one of those stupid kisses from last night, you’d be satisfied?
You drop your hand, almost with your mind made up to give up and just go back to your room because you don’t think you have the nerve to go through with seeing him today.
The part of you that disagrees, that remembers last night and wants more lifts your hand and knocks on his door.
In shock, you wait until his voice comes through and finally take a breath.
“Estrid? Is that you?” Thor’s voice sounds tired, not broken, but you can hear the weight in his heart by the sound of him.
You open the door and peek in, just one eye and the room is astoundingly beautiful.
If you weren’t so scared of what you’ll find in Thor, your jaw would drop ant the stunning image. To the left are two doorways, one is open, and you can see a large bathroom within. At the center of the room is what looks like a small kiddie pool, recessed into the floor, but probably deep enough for Thor to stand in?
There’s a part on this floor that’s shaped strangely from the outside and wonder if that’s what it is. The floor is dark stone tile, smooth and probably treated for waterproofing. Along the far wall of the bathroom, you can see a long wooden bench, dark oak like all of the other woods in the room from what you can see.
The toilet must be somewhere to the left where you can’t see from where you stand.
The other door is shut but since there is only an ornate set of drawers to the right of it, you assume that inside must be a large closet.
To the right of the room is a large bed. Large bed. You’ve never seen one so big.
It must be a California King? Which you’d stumbled upon in your search for mattresses when you’d first moved into your home. An accidental find and completely unnecessary.
That is, until now, when the thought of Thor laying in your very normal sized bed flits across your mind and suddenly the large King makes much more sense.
The bed is covered in soft looking gray flannel sheets. The comforter is gorgeous too, luxurious in its cotton ball soft appearance. Black with golden swirls and lines stitched across the top and bottom. The number of pillows is silly. All sizes too. Large ones at the very back and then several smaller ones until the ones at the very front are for mere decoration only.
Despite the more rustic look of the walls in the dark oak and stone base, the bed and furniture is slightly more modern in design. The headrest is cream white, ridged, and padded, as is the foot of the bed, but flatter than the headrest.
Two bedside tables hold various books on one and a lamp on the other. Behind the bed is a wall with a great big tree carved, flowing the length from top to bottom.
You swear you’ve seen that somewhere before.
The entirety of the wall opposite the doors to the room is made up of windows. Each window has been thrown open and the floor to ceiling curtains flow in the cool breeze.
They avoid the small breakfast table, laden with an untouched plate of the chicken you’d had for supper. On the other side is a large heavy looking desk. It’s sturdy. Big like Thor with papers and scrolls and folders. A laptop sits shut at the center and in the chair turned to face the left side of the room sits Thor with his shoulders hunched, elbows on his knees, hands supporting his face as he keeps it covered.
His body tells you everything you need to know about how he’s feeling and though you hate it, after so much worrying about what you’d find in here, you’re grateful to finally set eyes on him.
“It’s not Estrid.” You say gently, afraid to speak any louder and disturb him more than he already is.
His head whips towards you, faster than you expected.
Your hands go numb with nervous energy as he stares at you, his electric blue eyes scanning you very slowly from head to toe, then back up again. He takes his hand as he does so, covering his mouth with it, stroking his beard slowly as if fixing it.
Taking the opportunity, you note the plain jeans he’s wearing, the white t-shirt that stretches across his wide chest and strains to keep him covered. The hem of his sleeves struggle to keep his biceps contained. His golden hair is windswept, short as it is, it sticks in all directions.
He looks so good, so perfect, except for that sadness on his face.
You can’t bear to ask him anything about her.
“Gorm is lovely.” You tell him, forcing a smile and a quick nod.
He meets your eyes with his own, dropping the hand he’d used to shield his mouth and allows both his hands to dangle between his knees.
“She’s the best in the city.” Thor nods, devouring your dress again.
He suddenly rises and you teeter backwards with the sudden rise.
He steps towards you, his feet falling heavy on the floor.
You really like the way he struts towards you. There’s a slight sway to his hips.
Lips feeling dry and cracked, you freeze as he moves past you at the last moment.
The sound of him sitting on his bed pulls you around to look at him and he sighs, reaching his right arm up towards you.
With a swallow, you move towards him. The luscious short train of your skirt follows in your wake, flowing like water.
When you’re within reach, his places his hand on your waist, pulling you closer until you’re standing before him. He takes his other hand and places that on your waist too, making your breath shallow.
He looks up to meet your gaze.
Hands balled into fists; you wait. You’re not sure what he needs. What you need from this moment. You’re only sure that you’re glad you don’t seem to have dreamed up last night.
“You look beautiful.” He says, voice penetrating into your chest to restart your heart at double the speed.
“It’s a little simple.” You observe, remembering the other much frillier options.
“It suits you.” He lets his hand trace down along the side of your hip, stealing your breath before sliding his hand back up to your waist.
He gives you a little shake and you reach out to place your hands on his shoulders to keep from losing your already fragile balance.
“Brunnhilde told me that you were very anxious today.” He sounds worried, his brow puckered, eyes crinkled at the corners from concern.
You shrug for him, intending to play off the exact amount of worrying you’d done today because you don’t want him to know how invested you already are.
“I ended it with Jane.”
“You don’t have to-” You begin, but Thor makes a dismissive noise in his throat and cuts you off.
“I owe you an explanation.” He nods. “When I gave you that ring on your finger, I became your intended. Officially ending things with Jane was only out of respect for who we were when we were together.”
“Thor you really don’t have to tell me about your breakup with Jane. It’s private. It’s before me. Whatever happened between the two of you today is now in the past.” You sigh, trying not to think about what kisses might have been shared.
Maybe more?
You make a mental note to never hold it against him if he ever tells you that he slept with her today.
He was hers long before you agreed to marry him.
“I want to be honest with you.” He sighs. “I want us to be open with each other. I want us to talk about anything that may be troubling us.”
“We will.” You nod, giving his shoulders a small squeeze. “I promise.”
“Then tell me what you were worried about today.”
You already regret your promise.
“I thought about what you must be feeling. Wondered if you might change your mind.” Answering honestly is actually cathartic. Though you usually do it on reflex, choosing to do it feels nice.
Thor only watches you, waiting for you to get it all out, his large hands caressing the sides of your waist and making you tingle.
“Keep going.” He urges you gently.
“I’m embarrassed.” You admit, and Thor’s face relaxes a moment, the beginnings of a smile curling his lips.
He doesn’t prompt you again, just waits.
There’s a peace in this silence of his. An acceptance. A sense of time to just be.
“I was afraid that I’d imagined last night. I don’t remember falling asleep. I just woke up and it was this morning. And last night was so…” You stop, realizing that as much as you’ve thought about last night today, for Thor if there are any kisses that he wants to hold onto today, they’re probably from Jane.
This fact suddenly hardens your heart and resolve. You reach to grab his wrists to pull his hands off of you, but he doesn’t budge. You couldn’t move him if you pushed as hard as you can.
“It doesn’t matter.” You brush it off. “You probably want to just be alone and I was told that you need to approve the dress? So, tell me what you think, and I’ll get out of your hair.”
“Have I upset you?” He asks, face shifted back into that slight pout he’d been wearing before.
“N-No.” You shake your head.
“Then why do you want to leave so quickly?” He demands, voice rising in pitch at the end.
“I just…after today, I just thought that maybe you’d want some space?”
“Then you aren’t angry with me?” He checks.
He leans forward and presses his head against your stomach, eyes shutting as his arms wrap themselves around you and pull you closer.
You don’t quite know what to do with your hands, so you stand there, holding them over his shoulders, fighting the desire to hold him back.
“I’m so tired.” He admits to you, and it settles in your heart.
You drop your arms, resting them against him before you embrace him, hands splayed along his wide back.
He exhales, relaxing against you. “Thank you.”
“For what, Thor?” You whisper, too overcome with all this hugging to speak any louder.
“For hugging me.”
Your heart breaks for him, and you hold him tighter.
“May I be honest with you about something?”
“Yes.” Here it is, the truth about Jane and him today.
“These moments with you have been the most enjoyable and special moments I’ve spent with anyone in a long time.”
Does it really matter if he slept with Jane today? Kissed her? Hugged her?
Was he this sweet with her too?
“I love you in this dress.”
You sigh, the first three words of that declaration sending your heart into a frenzy.
“You do?”
“I do.”
You smile, liking that very much.
Thor’s blue eye shifts with electricity, literally, and he pulls you down onto his lap with a demanding grip on your waist.
Your arm is still around his shoulder, the other moving down to rest over his hand which he brings around to rest on your lower belly.
“Are you happy?” He wonders, catching your fingers within his.
“Relatively.” You nod. “I’m still worried.”
Honestly, right?
“Why?” He laments, caressing your waist.
“I’m liking you more and more too quickly.” You sigh. “I don’t want to disappoint you or the people. I want to do well. Both in our marriage and with the kingdom.”
Thor caresses your side, then slides his hand down further, large hand sliding along the fabric of your dress down over your thigh.
There’s a subtle tickle between your legs. It startles you and you have to physically force yourself to relax.
“You’re already better than anyone else I might have chosen.” Thor whispers, leaning in closer until his lips are pressed to your ear.
You remind yourself that you made him promise not to do anything he doesn’t want to do. No forcing himself to be affectionate if he doesn’t feel it.
“Thor…” You gasp, just a flurry of the air left in your lungs.
“I’ve been thinking…” He admits. “Since I left you last night, about how we might be able to prepare for our wedding night.”
How do you breathe again? Where does the air go?
“Do you trust me, cherub?”
That pet name hits you just as fiercely as it did the first time and all you can do is nod.
Thor suddenly throws you back over his arm onto the bed. Landing with your head on the pillow, you gasp, chest rising and falling dramatically as you struggle to catch your breath again.
He leans down and hovers over you, waiting as you do, staring into your eyes.
“I’ll make certain you know this is not a dream.” He promises, then leans down to press his lips against yours.
You sigh, grateful for his taste as if it were a drug, removing an ache you’ve been feeling all day. Your arms come up on their own, trapping his torso down on yours as his hands trace your sides slowly.
This time you’re the one seeking more, pressing the tip of your tongue against his lips until he opens them and kisses you back.
He inhales your kiss, breathing in until you hear the vibration of a moan rip through him into you and you have never felt your body burn this way before.
You want him to make more sounds like that. Over and over if possible.
He pulls away too quickly, making you lift your head to follow him, but you fall back onto the bed, gasping for breath.
“Do you really trust me?” Thor checks again, his hands moving down along your sides until they stop at your hips, hands flexing and squeezing.
You’re shifting on his sheets, body squirming from energy you don’t recognize.
You know that he probably needs to be close to someone like this after today. After whatever he lost with Jane, even if he won’t let you see just how much it really hurt him, he probably needs this closeness.
“Yes.” You breathe.
With one hand he reaches down, staring into your eyes as he does. He finds the bottom hem of your dress and flips his hand underneath, then takes hold of your ankle.
He turns to face your feet, sliding down to the end of the bed then removes the flats you’d switched into, along with the thick socks you’d found to fight the cold.
It’s so chilly in here you shiver.
“You won’t be cold for long, cherub.” He promises.
After dropping your shoes on the floor, he rises then crawls onto the bed to where your feet are, grabbing hold of your ankles to pull your legs open a little.
“Easy.” He tells you gently. “You’ll still be a maid on our wedding night. This will be just a taste.”
He flips your skirt over his head, disappearing from view.
You push yourself up onto your elbows, curious and just as nervous until you feel the pressure of something wet slide up along your slit and you throw your head back, an uncontrollable moan ripping through your lips.
You hadn’t realized the taste would be for him.
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aeonghaseyo · 3 years
Your Trace, My Treasure
Summary: Marc and Nathaniel write and draw, respectively, on each others' notebooks because it's DEFINITELY a couple thing to do.
Word Count: 2105 AO3 link
Relationship/s: Nathaniel Kurtzberg/Marc Anciel Category: M/M Characters: Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Marc Anciel, Alix Kubdel (mentioned), Marinette Dupain-Cheng (mentioned), Juleka Couffaine (mentioned), Rose Lavillant (mentioned), Alya Cesaire (mentioned) Language used: English Author's Note: The creators of MLB really need to give the side characters screen time. The love square isn't the only romantic set of ships in the show and there are much more cute ships to write about. And so in my first time of writing a Miraculous Ladybug fanfic, it's about a ship that's entirely not part of the love square. This is my final workshop output from a creative writing class I enrolled in during the summer to get units in advance. Special thanks to my professor and two of my classmates for their feedback; I couldn't have made this work even more wonderful without their help. For the non-love-square ship and this being a successful workshop output thus far, I think I'm gonna give myself a pat on the back and more fanfic ideas to write. :)
Compared to the courtyard at Françoise Dupont High School where the lively chattering of students can be heard and the scrambling of footsteps were a staple, the art room was its own entire world of silence.
It was supposed to be a calming silence in that same art room where Marc and Nathaniel were to work on art-related endeavors of their own, but the former found this unwelcoming and rather deafening. It weighed down on his being that the atmosphere was unbearably awkward, much like he was most of the time even before he met Nathaniel and became his partner in creating comic books about Ladybug, Chat Noir, and their akumatized alter-egos who turned good and served as part of the superhero duo’s akuma-fighting team. Despite a remarkable development from being acquaintances, to newfound partners, and now to a bloomed romantic couple, Marc Anciel, as awkward as ever and still testing the waters on this newfound relationship, couldn’t shake this nagging feeling of inadequacy as someone’s significant other.
It just goes to show him that even though his romantic feelings for Nathaniel had been reciprocated at Day 0, it does not remove the remaining unease that Marc currently feels at Day 1. It was his first time in a relationship, and it was with the boy whose drawings he admired so much from the school paper. Simply put, it was too good to be true.
Unfortunately, the awkwardness Marc felt wasn’t masked enough, and Nathaniel immediately noticed from his place by the table beside his raven-haired beau. How could he not? It was very obvious, from the way Marc’s hand shakily distorted his usually refined, elegant script while writing the next chapter of their comic to the way his expression was contorted as if he was constipated. Nathaniel thought to himself that it was still an adorable sight, but clearly, something was up, and it wouldn’t do well to just ignore whatever troubled his beloved partner. Attempting to break the ice, the redhead cleared his throat, then spoke to call Marc’s attention.
The novelist jolted in surprise at the utterance of his name. “Y-yes, Nathaniel?”
Leaning in for a better view of the page Marc was writing on, Nathaniel replied, “Your handwriting’s different.”
“W-wait, really?” blurted out Marc, quickly covering the page with his gloved hand. “I d-didn’t know you were p-particular with handwriting.”
Nathaniel placed a gentle, caring hand on his boyfriend’s with a smile aimed directly at him as he clarified himself, “It’s not that, Marc. I’ve seen it and it’s great. Right now, it just looks… wobbly. You’re nervous, aren’t you?”
Even if Nathaniel was a recluse in his own class, he could very well read into the emotions of people, but he doesn’t show it that often. As endearing as it was as a show of concern towards shy Marc, it was also overwhelming for the raven-haired novelist to have been the subject of such deep perception, even from the boy his heart palpitates for.
It was then that Marc’s fight or flight response reminded him in a split-second that he needed some sort of diversion for Nathaniel not to remind him of his own awkwardness.
“Isn’t it weird that our art teacher didn’t come here?” Marc rapidly questioned as he struggled not to look at the red-haired boy beside him. Despite this attempt to keep Nathaniel’s focus off of his disposition, glancing towards the door and not at Nathaniel did not help stop the blood from rushing to the novelist’s fair cheeks. His partner might be tired of this, of him, already, but that light chuckle of pure amusement coming from Nathaniel disproved that thought.
“Hey, hey, settle down Marc,” chided Nathaniel, “he might be running late. It’s okay for us to use the art room so long as it’s reserved around this time. Good thing that he reserved it at an earlier time than usual.”
With innocent green eyes, the raven-haired boy looked his boyfriend in the eye and asked, “H-he can do that?”
“Of course, he can. Let’s just wait for him, okay?” reassured Nathaniel, his left hand making its way on Marc’s right shoulder discreetly. “I’m sure my other classmates will arrive here shortly too.”
A shy smile emerged from Marc’s face as he replied, “Okay, Nath.”
Suddenly, a ringtone from the phone which was in Nathaniel’s pocket sounded audibly enough to catch both the boys’ attention. The redhead immediately fished out the device from his pocket and unlocked it, revealing three unread text messages from his close friend Alix.
Hey Nath! Something came up and I couldn’t swing by the art room. Love troubles again with Marinette. Juleka and Rose are also helping out with me so they can’t come.
I can’t believe that Marinette got invited personally by Adrien to his photoshoot but she can’t even give him her handmade gift or ask him out. Because she’s such a wuss, I got dragged here in the park by Rose because Mari needs all of her girl friends to push her towards Golden Boy Agreste YET AGAIN.
And apparently Alya alone couldn’t do it. Sorry! You’ll have Marc to keep you company anyway. Have fun! ;)
So much for those girls coming over to the art room. Nathaniel let out a sigh as he muttered, just enough for Marc to hear, “I stand corrected. The others aren’t coming.”
Catching on his partner’s crest-fallen demeanor and gazing at his face with sympathetic green orbs, Marc replied, “Guess it’s just the two of us for now.”
The next minutes were spent in silence again, with Marc continuing to finish a paragraph while Nathaniel sketched a bird’s eye view of the Eiffel tower as the background in one panel of the comic storyboard in his notebook. After several minutes elapsed, however, curiosity got the best of Marc, and so, with the tip of his pen lingering on the period of his last sentence, he kept on glancing at Nathaniel and the storyboarding he was working on. Besides the sheer focus that was evident in Nathaniel’s turquoise orbs, the shy novelist couldn’t help but notice the fine, steady strokes his beau’s hand were making with his fine-pointed mechanical pencil. So neat, so pristine. It’s amazing how he didn’t need an eraser to erase certain portions of his drawings over and over.
Marc had seen artist sketches himself of both people and objects, mostly done by his friend Marinette. As someone aspiring to become a fashion designer, she would be engrossed in sketching designs day by day, passion ignited by the sparks of inspiration she draws from around her. However, since Marinette’s sketches had obvious hints of disorder, as it normally is with crude artist sketches, it clearly contrasted with the otherwise structured sketches Nathaniel makes for his comic books. Marc, fully in awe, couldn’t help but take a break from his writing and stare at the red-haired illustrator’s creative process right next to him.
Meanwhile, Nathaniel, thanks to the strong, overbearing feeling of being watched, was getting overly conscious of his work. Keeping his composure to the best of his ability, he quickly turned to Marc and asked, “Do you need something Marc?”
Snapped out of his trance wide-eyed, Marc inwardly panicked. ‘Oh no, I must be staring at him too long! I hope I didn’t spook him too much.’
Scrambling for a sensible response, the novelist stuttered out, “I-i want to write something in your notebook.”
Setting down his pencil while his turquoise eyes were still on Marc, Nathaniel blinked inquisitively. “Oh, why would you want to do that?”
“B-because,” the shy writer reasoned, “I want to write something to remind you of me. T-that is, if y-you don’t mind.”
The red-haired teen averted his gaze from his partner as he remarked, “You know I don’t let anyone write on my notebook, Marc.”
This response triggered the disappointment that Marc had anticipated from the moment that they started continuing to develop the rest of the comic book they were working on together. It was even more daunting for the timid writer that their art teacher and the rest of Nathaniel’s classmates who were usually in the art room with them did not show up at that moment, or even at all. Marinette would tell Nathaniel that it’s a great idea for his newfound love to leave special traces on his personal notebook while Rose, somehow finding this romantic, would gush at this gesture with Juleka mumbling to herself in response. But what would have been the cherry on top for Marc at the moment is that if Alix was there to egg on Nathaniel, pressuring him to give in and let his boyfriend write something in his notebook. At least the comic relief from Alix’s teasing would help alleviate the collective awkwardness the couple felt at that moment. God, if only it wasn’t just the two of them in the art room at that moment.
But alas, he was alone, helpless and daunted, and he was facing the dragon which was Nathaniel, or whatever Nathaniel thought of him at that moment.
However, all of the fears and doubts that plagued Marc left him when Nathaniel continued with a small, endearing smile on his face, “But for you, I’ll make an exception.”
The novelist beamed at his boyfriend, green eyes sparkling with delight. “R-really?”
“In one condition.”
Marc took and held in a quick breath. “Anything, Nath.”
The illustrator picked up his pencil once again and uttered, with an outstretched hand right by Marc’s notebook, “Let me draw in your notebook.”
It was at that moment when Marc could feel his heart flutter, accompanied by the butterflies in his stomach as he opened his own notebook to the very last page and laid it out right by his beau’s workspace.
“It would be my pleasure.”
In a span of 2 minutes while Nathaniel was drawing on the last page of his boyfriend’s notebook, Marc, fidgeting and tapping his pen softly on his chin, racked his brain for a simple yet memorable piece to write on the first page of the illustrator’s notebook, which was left empty out of personal preference by its owner. Hoping to obtain bit by bit of inspiration, he glanced at Nathaniel, then at the empty page, then at Nathaniel, and so on and so forth. This went on, albeit unnoticed by the redhead, until mere seconds after, he scribbled away on the page once he had gotten attuned with his creative writing flow.
After both of them finished leaving their traces on each other’s notebook pages, Nathaniel and Marc gave each other back their notebooks and instantly opened them to where they each left their special mark. Struck with awe, the novelist softly traced the outline of the drawing and his emerald eyes were drawn to Nathaniel’s signature which he left underneath the recently drawn portrait. A tinge of pink formed on Marc’s cheeks as he admired every stroke that constituted this drawing of him done by none other than the boy he once looked up to, now loved, and who loved him back.
“No one’s written me a poem before,” Nathaniel uttered as he perused every line written by Marc on that now extra special page in his notebook, eyes taking in every word written in that distinct elegant script that served as an epitome of beauty that the redhead beheld. One particular line at the end of the writing, however, caught him by surprise: the words ‘Je t’aime’ accompanied by Marc’s signature in that same fancy handwriting the illustrator adored dearly.
Having regained his composure, Marc turned to Nathaniel and asked, “Do you like the poem? I-i thought of it on the spot so it might not exactly be to your liking, but-”
“I love it,” interrupted the red-haired teen breathlessly, wrapping an arm around his significant other and squeezing his shoulder. “Really Marc, you make the most wonderful written pieces.”
An expression as bright as day graced Marc’s features as he replied, albeit with a bit of shyness in his voice, “Y-you really think so?”
Nathaniel threw any single hint of hesitation in his being out the window as he placed a tender, loving kiss on Marc’s forehead. “I do. We’re meant to be partnered together, after all.”
And just like that, the uncomfortable awkwardness that haunted Marc was instantly warded off, and in a flash, he enveloped Nathaniel in a tight, warm, loving embrace and leaned into him in newfound solace. The silence in the art room has never been this comforting as the couple relished in this seemingly endless embrace together.
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taetaespeaches · 3 years
“Want me to kiss it better?”
taehyung x reader (oc) genre: fluff word count: 2.8K
a/n: In honor of Tae’s birthday, let’s find out how our two little soulmates met, shall we? Back in March of 2013, Tae and Peaches/reader met randomly on the street, and well, look at them now. I hope you all enjoy, and thanks so much for reading! :))
p.s. and happiest of birthdays to the absolute love of my life, sir Kim Taehyung. Here’s hoping that the dearest boy has a happy year because he is so deserving of it <3 
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“I just got you a coffee,” you teased into the phone, Taehyung groaning on the other end, vocalizing his distaste for the stuff. Giggling at his reaction, you pushed through the café doors, the cold air hitting you with a gush of wind. “I thought you were outside,” you noted, looking down the sidewalk, peering through the crowds of people making their way to work.
“Huh?” He said, trying to pretend he didn’t hear you to cover up the fact that he was late.
“Tae,” you groaned, a passerby looking your way at the mild annoyance in your tone, you immediately shooting them a small smile and a bow. “How far are you?”
“Not far, just wait for me outside,” he told you, his breath becoming a bit bated as he must have started running to make it to you. “Don’t move,” he yelled into the phone, a smile overtaking your face.
“Stop running, you dork,” you giggled. “I’ll be here.”
“Good. Stay put,” he added.
“I just said I’d stay put,” you defended, looking at the two cups in your left hand, trying to figure out how you could take a sip of yours while holding the phone to your ear with your opposite hand. “I wouldn’t have to stay put if my boyfriend would show up on time,” you jokingly complained just before using your hand holding the phone to lower your face mask below your chin.
The man huffed through the phone before letting out a breathless yell. “I’m coming, Peaches,” he shouted. You giggled both at the sound of him but also the image you conjured up in your head of the man zipping through crowds of people, his dark locks flowing as he yelled into a phone.
Leaning down, you tentatively took a sip of your drink, immediately wincing at the hot temperature that startled your tongue, as well as the shockingly sweet taste. Inspecting the drink, you realized it was Tae’s hot chocolate. “I told you to stop running,” you commented into the phone, Taehyung’s breathing being his only response. “Do you want me to hang up so you can have a proper go of it, Usain Bolt?”
“No,” he breathed out. “Stay on the line, I miss you,” he said cutely, you scoffing at the affection.
“You wouldn’t have to miss me if you were on time, my Dearest,” you teased him.
“I’m sorry,” he whined, dragging the word out. “Let me live,” he added in complaint, you smirking.
Watching as people walked by, the sound of your boyfriend’s struggled breathing in your ear, your focus was suddenly pulled down the street when a loud, “Peaches,” rang out in both the phone speaker and the cold winter air.
Several people looked toward the man as he waved at you, slowing to a walk, but he didn’t acknowledge any of them, his adorable gaze set on you. The mask was covering the bottom half of his face but it did little to hide the rectangular smile he was hiding underneath, his happiness showing in his eyes.
Appearing in front of you, you couldn’t help but chuckle at his winded state. “Hi,” he greeted you happily, despite his current breathing troubles, leaning in to kiss your cheek but forgetting about the mask on his face.
“Hi, Dearest,” you giggled, holding out his drink for him. “Be careful,” you pouted as he took the hot chocolate out of your hands. “That burned my tongue.”
Pulling the mask under his chin, he gave you a wide-eyed look. “Want me to kiss it better?” He asked, leaning in to press his lips to yours, you giggling into the affectionate action as you kissed him back.
“You’re ridiculous,” you told him, setting your hand on his abdomen as you held him at a distance. “You’re gonna be photographed kissing me and then we’ll be the couple of the new year,” you pointed out, the man pouting at you.
Taking a sip of your coffee, you held his gaze until he relented and took a drink of his hot chocolate, humming in satisfaction. Swallowing the drink with a gasp of content, he grinned. “You know, this is where we first met.”
“I remember,” you giggled, sliding your hand from the front of his stomach to the side of his abdomen, holding onto his coat.
Looking down to your feet, he nodded. “Your shoes are clean this time,” he commented, you rolling your eyes as you thought back to your first meeting with Taehyung, the hectic morning forever changing your life in the best way you could have ever imagined.
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Missing the bus was really just the cherry on top of your shitty morning. Not to mention the iced coffee you bought just minutes prior was knocked out of your hand by a power-walking passerby, the drink falling to the sidewalk and splashing all over your combat boots.
Reaching down to pick up the near empty cup, the busy morning work crowd kicked it all about, causing you to chase it around in a hunched-over position, your gaze darting to trail the object, trying to follow it as it absolutely should be recycled. Finally tracking it down, you grabbed it quickly and stood up, your face immediately heating as you became very aware of all the people who just witnessed you chase down a to-go cup like a fucking dork.
Staring down at your coffee stained shoes, you made your way down the sidewalk, setting the cup in the recycling bin gently, your heart racing at the possibility that you were still being watched by someone. Judged.
All you wanted to do was catch your bus and go to class. It was only the second week of university and there you were, already missing lectures. After a restless night, you thought coffee was necessary for a much-needed caffeine buzz, but the line was so long and you felt awkward leaving the middle of it as your bus quickly approached on its route.
So, you missed it. And now if you went to campus, you would have to walk into that lecture hall and draw all those eyes on you, and that was just something you weren’t too thrilled about that particular morning. Being shy was one thing. You had been reserved your whole life; you knew how to manage your introverted nature. But there were days when you just felt more insecure than most, and it was definitely one of those days.
As you pondered over what to do, whether you should brave the staring eyes and go to class or just call it a day and head back to your apartment, you made eye contact with a young man, seemingly around your age, beaming brightly at you through the flow of people.
Quickly averting your gaze, you grabbed your phone out of your pocket, checking the time but mostly avoiding the man’s stare. He was cute and looked sweet, but he put you on edge. Not in a threatening way, but rather, it felt as though he saw through you. And that was intimidating. You didn’t want to be seen.
Trying to put him out of your mind but failing, you quickly realized that despite the way he looked at you as if he knew all about you, you would probably be seeing the kind face of the stranger in your dreams, forever imprinted in your memory. He was intriguing, which was saying a lot for you as people rarely made an impact on you, especially with just one glance.
But his smile was one of if not the best smiles you’d ever laid eyes on and suddenly, you found yourself sneaking a glance at the man to get one more look. However, when you peered up, he was nowhere to be seen, and weirdly, your heart dropped a bit. You just wanted one last look to ensure the image in your head was an accurate depiction.
Frowning, you scanned the crowd. On the verge of giving up and accepting that he was just a one-glance stranger, or maybe even a figment of your imagination, a voice suddenly greeted you from beside your form, your head darting in the direction, falling upon the adorable man. All he said was “hello,” but the tone of his voice took you by surprise, the timbre much lower than you would have expected from the youthfulness of his features.
“Hi,” you said tentatively, suddenly feeling shy by his presence.
“I like your backpack,” he randomly complimented, your hands instinctively gripping the shoulder straps and tugging it closer to your back. “It’s cute.”
A light, single breathy chuckle left your lips as you craned your neck to look back at the bag. What a strange compliment. “Thank you,” you spoke softly.
The man stayed silent for a moment, his smile wide and pretty as he stared at you. However, his eyes were scanning your features. Curiously. Appreciatively. Almost as if he was taking everything down in his mind so he could remember you for years to come.
“I’m Taehyung,” he told you, reaching his hand out for you to shake. Staring at the limb, feeling too shy to take it, he giggled boyishly. The sound was adorable and you were extremely fond of it instantly. Putting his hand down, he cocked his head at you. “Can I replace your drink?” He asked you, your entire body heating in embarrassment as you realized he witnessed you not only drop the coffee, but watched as you chased it around the sidewalk. “Are you embarrassed?” He asked you with wide innocent eyes, a small bashful smile forming on your lips.
“You could say that,” you said. Or you could say you wanted the sidewalk to open up and swallow you whole.
“Don’t be,” he smiled brightly. “It was cute,” he added. The compliment wasn’t spoken as a man trying to flatter you into bed or even on a date, but was rather a genuine thought that popped into his head, so he simply spoke it. His directness, and how unaware he was of it, was intriguing, and you quite liked it.
“It needed to be recycled,” you said softly, your voice quiet, due to the mortification.
Nodding enthusiastically, he beamed. “I know all about recycling, I’ve been doing it since I was born,” he spoke proudly, and though you knew he was joking, he said the comment so seriously it had you nearly bursting out in laughter. Holding it back however, you only gave him the satisfaction of your breathy chuckle.
“I’m sure it was amusing to watch me chase the cup down,” you commented with a smirk.
“I only laughed a little,” he said, lifting his hands up in mock surrender.
“A gentleman,” you teased, surprised by how quickly you were warming up to the stranger. Well, a sort of stranger. You did know his name.
Another youthful giggle left his lips as he nodded in playful confirmation to your statement. “Chivalry is my middle name. Stick by me if you want to be treated like a lady,” he joked.
“And if I don’t want to be treated like a lady?” You playfully retorted, you body heating in embarrassment at your own comment though Taehyung’s eyes sparkling in amusement, his smile only widening even more.
“Too bad,” he replied with a grin. “Now, can I replace your drink?”
“If you insist,” you nodded with a small shy smile, just before holding your hand out and telling him your name. “So you know what to tell them when you order my drink.”
“Right,” he nodded, taking your hand, his palm warm and soft against yours. As cliché as it was to believe it, it felt like his hand was meant to fit with yours. But no, that’s too cheesy. Dropping your hand suddenly, he started toward the café, leaving you standing there watching him. Turning around to face you, he gestured to the establishment. “Coming?”
And strangely, you were. Without a word, you simply walked toward him, and made your way into the café with him, shoulder to shoulder. Little did you know, you would be going with him anywhere and everywhere from that day on. Quite happily.
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“And this time I’m buying you a drink,” you smirked. “Oh, how the times have changed.”
“Only because you insisted,” he frowned, the expression making your smile widen.
Bringing your hand toward his face, you booped his nose. “It’s your birthday,” you pointed out with a smile. “And I enjoy treating you,” you informed him. “Plus, I’m not a poor college student anymore, I’m a slightly less poor professional now,” you pretended to gloat, Taehyung giggling as he leaned toward you, pressing a couple quick kisses to your cheek.
“Damn straight you are,” he said proudly. Staring at each other, he watched as your smile gradually fell from your face, his eyebrows pulling together in question and slight concern. “What’s wrong?” He asked.
“Nothing,” you shook your head, “I just-”
Taking a moment to gather your thoughts, you sighed. Taehyung watched you carefully but patiently, his tongue poking between his lips to wet them.
“About being a professional,” you cocked your head to the side. “What if I told you I’m not happy with my job and it’s not getting better?”
Taehyung’s expression morphed into one of consideration as he peered into your eyes. “I would say you’re young and if you want to try something else, what better time than now?”
“You think?” You asked, appreciating the way his hand found the side of your face, as his thumb gently soothed over your cheek.
“You should enjoy your work,” he told you. “You have too much passion in here,” he tapped against your temple to indicate your mind, “and in here,” he used his other hand that held the drink to poke a finger against your heart, “to not enjoy what you’re doing for a living.”
Giving him a small smile, you nodded slightly. “I’m scared though,” you whispered.
“I know, Peaches,” he told you understandingly. “But that’s ok. It’s ok to be scared.” You nodded quickly in agreement, Tae’s lips quirking up. “What’s not ok is for the most vibrant person I know to be stuck in a job that doesn’t fulfill her,” he added, locking his gaze with yours to ensure you felt how much he meant the words he spoke.
“You’re sweet,” you complimented quietly.
“I just believe in you,” he countered. “And I’ll be here through every step of the way as you’re finding what you truly want to do,” he assured you.
“I know, Dearest,” you nodded.
“You better,” he smirked, just before bringing his lips to yours and kissing you a little too passionately for the public setting. But as your fingers threaded into hair at the back of his head, you lost yourself in the affection, not giving a damn about where you were or who was watching. “I’m going everywhere with you,” he whispered against your mouth when he finally got ahold of himself and pulled back slightly.
“And me you,” you told pressing a quick kiss to his chin. Nuzzling your face against his neck, Taehyung smiled at the small pecks you left to his skin. “Happy birthday, by the way,” you giggled, lifting your head to look at him. “Sorry to be all doom and gloom on your day,” you rolled your eyes at yourself.
“You could never be doom and gloom, Peaches,” he assured you. “And thank you,” he beamed, kissing your forehead quickly. “This will be the only gift I accept today,” he held up his hot chocolate, “So don’t even think about surprising me with anything else.”
“Oh, that’s cute,” you teased. “You think you have a say in how I spoil you?” Glaring at you playfully, you scrunched your nose in response. “You’re really gonna like one of the surprises,” you noted, Taehyung’s eyebrows raising to show his piqued interest. “Want a hint?” You asked, your boyfriend nodding slowly as he wet his lips again. “It’s at my apartment and it involves lace and silk,” you whispered near his ear with a smirk, just before pulling your mask up.
“Well those kinds of surprises are ok,” he teased making you giggle at him.
“Of course they are you horndog,” you joked, Taehyung pulling his mask up as well before wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
“Only for you,” he continued teasing as you both started walking toward a nearby park to continue your simple date.
As you walked away from the very place you first met Taehyung, who was draped over you affectionately, you mentally thanked the asshat who knocked your coffee out of your hands back in March of 2013. For he changed the entire course of your life. And now you had Taehyung, right beside you everywhere you went. You would always have Taehyung.
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kaeyas-beloved · 3 years
Could I please ask for IkeRev HCs for Ray, Fenrir and Luka. What are they like as Older brothers to a younger sister who’s still a teenager, 16/17 ish?
Thank you!
Ray Blackwell, Fenrir Godspeed, Luka Clemence || Ikemen Revolution
Warning(s): Slight spoilers for Fenrir's & Luka’s route (nothing major tho), maybe some OOCness since I haven't picked up IkeRev in some time - but other than that none (do tell me if I’m wrong though ^^)
Note: Hello! I’m really sorry for taking such a long time to write this (honestly I wrote and re-wrote this a handful of times and I still don't even know if they're that great...)
Still, I hope they’re good enough and that you enjoy them - thank you for requesting!
She/Her pronouns are used to address the reader/younger sister
Older Brother to Younger, Teen Sister HCs 
Ray Blackwell
Ray’s such a calm older brother in the sense that he’s both never intruding in on your personal space & gives you your freedom while still being able to know when he has to step up and protect you (even though he wants to protect you all the time)
Growing up the both of you were close (Fenrir was thrown in that mix too with how often the two boys hung out) But after Ray joined the army, steadily climbing the ranks and you stuck focusing on your studies you guys kind of drifted apart for sometime
You aren’t sure who started it but soon you found yourselves sending each other letters as a way to stay in touch (your letter more often than not having a picture of Belle tucked inside)
The little kitty loves you by the way - you’re his second favourite hooman (it’s cause you spoil him with cuddles), Ray’ll sometimes get jealous when the feline snuggles up to you because he thinks that his own cat loves you more than him
One day though you were walking home from school and passed an alleyway, faintly hearing someone baby talk to something. Curiosity got the better of you and that’s how you found your older brother, cross legged on the dirty street coddling one too many street cats
Though you do travel to that particular spot a lot now (usually as a way to procrastinate destress from school (or simply because you love cats like Ray does)) You’ll also keep them company when Ray can’t
Ray hates it when you go out late at night since anything could happen to you. It nags at the back of his mind a lot, that one day something might happen to his precious little sister and that he might not be there to save you. Old wounds and feelings resurface at the list of possibilities that come to mind.
He doesn’t want history to repeat itself, he doesn’t want to be unable to protect you from danger. So anytime that you visit headquarters and you stay late you either simply stay the night or have an escort take you home. You can choose which option you’d like but Ray’s not taking a ‘no’ as any form of an answer
Calls you dufus just because he can (but affectionately). Might also ruffle your hair and/or pat you on the shoulder
You call him an old man because he can’t stay up past 10PM (Ray’ll then make some kind of comment regarding Sirius and how he’s more of an old man, to which you both laugh until the man himself makes his presence behind you known)
Absolutely the kind of brother to move things you need off a shelf out of your reach before proceeding to walk away with a satisfied smile on his face
Also the kind of brother to tease you about any cute boys/girls/people that he catches you staring at or gushing about (but he’ll stop if you tell him seriously to stop)
Do you like books? Ray likes books. He has a lot of books. Take a book, please he has too many--
If you enjoy reading, Ray is constantly recommending you novels, letting you read them before casually asking you your opinion on certain characters or events when you’re returning it. But even if you're not an avid reader he may still hand you a book or two that he knows you'll enjoy
Like mentioned earlier, Ray is very busy with Army work and such but honestly, out of everyone in the Black Army, he’s the second best person to come to with homework (second only to Sirius). Especially with history. Like, you need the entire history of the Black Army or Cradle? He’s got you, he had to read up on it when he was on the road to becoming the King of Spades.
Really, you could just pop right into his office at anytime, ask your question and Ray will be able to answer without missing a beat before going back to whatever he was doing
You can always come to Ray for anything. Questions, complaints you name it he’ll listen to your woes/answer however he can.
You guys bond over your teacher(s) giving too much homework; Ray reminiscing when he was your age and in high school - he completely understands the struggle (it was excruciating. All the work prolonged the sweet embrace of a good night’s sleep T~T)
There’s someone who’s picking on you? Don’t worry he’ll deal with them >:)
He might not always know how he can help or comfort you since he’s not the best with words when it comes to certain things, but that won’t stop him from at least helping where he can
Will never let anything happen to you -- Ray protects you with his life and he'll use any power he has if it means that you can walk out unharmed, that’s how much he cares for you
Fenrir Godspeed
Fenrir doubles as both your older brother and your best friend
110% flaunts how you’re the coolest little sister a brother could have to anyone that will listen (most of the time it’s the Black Army tho)
Flips between calling you by name, ‘sis’ and any other ridiculous nickname he can come up with (but don’t worry - you have an equally stupid name for him)
Considers you his best buddy (aside from Ray that is)
Fenrir’s also the kind of brother to pat his sister’s head, ruffle her hair, give gentle noogies and shake her around by the shoulders/poke her playfully then go ‘wasn’t me’. Just like these wholesome little things that mean no harm or anything
I also like the idea of Fenrir giving his sister piggyback rides - it's just a nice thought, please don't take this away from me I beg of you T-T
Best bro Fenrir picks you up from school every day, no ifs, ands or buts! Usually, he’ll buy you your favourite sweet/snack and give it to you when he gets there.
Brings Shu Shu along as well and the three of you will talk about what happened at school or anything exciting that may have happened as he walks you either home or to the barracks
You’re both very chaotic + Ray joins in too most of the time. Quite a few pranks happen when you’re at Black HQ (RIP the Black Army when you come over and you three triple team them).
Harmless pranks I promise!
Fenrir may take one of your belongings (a brush, your favourite book or an accessory) and run around the place with the only way of you getting it back is to catch him
There was this one time you snuck tomatoes into his food to see if he’d notice.
Spoiler alert: he most certainly did
After that he kinda ignored you for the rest of the day as payback, pouting and pretending like you weren’t there, saying stuff like ‘huh? Did you hear that?” At the end of the day though he wasn't mad and was able to laugh it off (it doesn’t erase the betrayal he felt tho)
Once in a while you’ll also poke fun at his fear of ghosts, saying off hand that there’s one at the end of the hall, down in the cellar or behind him. You never go too far though - not after the time that a prank of yours left him really shaken. You’ve never seen him so scared in your life and don’t plan to again.
Oliver’s soul nearly left his body when he first met you and learned that you took after your troublesome brother
Fenrir loves helping you with any school work you have cause he likes being a dependable brother for you! …The only problem is that sometimes he doesn’t know how to. Like, he grasps the basic concepts of what you’re talking about, but if you ask him how to calculate acceleration or a parabola he draws a blank - you’ve lost him.
Pls cut him some slack tho he’s trying his best and just the thought alone is sweet 🥺
Compared to his best buddy Ray, the Ace of Spades has quite a bit of free time, which he spends by dropping by the family home where you still live for surprise visits.
Most greetings start with “There’s my favourite sister!” with you adding on “I’m your only sister Fenrir…”
You still welcome him with a smile, open arms and a hug :)
Swears up, down and on his life to keep you and army affairs separate, he’s NOT going to expose his little sister to the violence that comes with his occupation. He stands firm on this decision. This topic is one of the only times you’ll see him actually serious
You’re not stupid though, you know what goes on, and, because of this, every time you hear in passing that the gun crazed Ace of Spades was at it again - launching himself straight into battle - there’s this pang of anxiety that rattles you to your core. You’re sure that there always will be no matter how much times passes
As a sum up - very loving and goofy brother/best friend with the addition of lots of pranks and battle scares 😎✌️
Luka Clemence
You know how in game Luka starts off as kinda cold to MC/Alice? Yeah there's none of that with his little sister
Usually when hanging around her he's most of the time adorning a small smile cause he finds joy in being around her
The relationship you have is a VERY close one considering that, while growing up in the prestigious Clemence household, it was basically you and Luka against the world
Sometimes Luka fears that you’re really lonely back at home because he’s not around as much as he used to be ever since joining the Black Army. Therefore, every week he’s set aside at the bare minimum a whole day (or at least an afternoon/evening) to go visit you - or for you to visit him!
Y’all cooking buddies and I’ll die on this hill
Luka teaches you any and everything he knows about cooking all the way to baking. He’ll even write down recipes for your favourite dishes so you can make them when he’s not there.
Whenever you’re visiting the Black Army and it’s Luka’s turn to make dinner you pitch in and help. He’ll make some of the dishes while you make the others.
The Black Army adores your cooking since you have such a great teacher/brother
Luka lets you hold/pet/feed/take care of Stone. You’re the only exception he makes when it comes to his furry companion
Don’t swear around him he’ll die (that is, after getting told by the other Black Army officers why it's such a bad thing and a big deal)
Lets you hold his sword once but you ended up nearly toppling over because it was heavier than you first anticipated.
Would play the violin for you while you study if you asked him, especially if you bring up that it helps you concentrate better
Sibling fights are non-existent. The only time that there’s a chance of you butting heads is when Luka starts pushing himself too much with training or the conversion involves Jonah
Speaking of the Queen of Hearts--
It’s a constant tug of war between the two brothers on who gets to spend the day with you. Luka’s scowling, Jonah’s pouting and you’re wondering what you have to do to get your brothers to get along (or at least have it where you’re not in the middle of it all)
Very supportive of whatever you want to do with your life. Luka also tells you every once in a while that you can always come live in Black territory or even the barracks when you’re a little older if you want to
All the more should Jonah/your parents ever try to enforce something on you (like some kind of lesson/social norms for Red Territory that you don’t like etc.). Luka will 100% whisk you away into Black Territory to get away from it all, just say the word.
All in all each of the boys are wrapped around their little sister's finger and would do anything to keep her safe and happy :)
Thank you again for requesting!
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steepgan · 4 years
someone dear (iii) - d. ragnvindr x f!reader
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FINAL PART!!!! also i hate this part the most because i definitely rushed it and i could feel myself losing steam for writing so i wanted to finish it asap LMFAO ALSO DILUC IS HELLA OOC IM SO SORRY I STARTED PLAYING GENSHIN LIKE SIX DAYS AGO IM RELLY REALLY SORRY LAFAHFOA#@*$@)*$
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Today was payday.
“You look…” Charles made a face. “Vibrant.”
“I get paid!” you squealed.
“Oh, boy,” Charles said. “You know there’s more to life than money, [Name]. There’s knowledge. You could always learn more. There’s love. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you with a significant other, honestly. There’s—”
You waved a dismissive hand. “I know all that already! I’m satisfied, Charles. It’s just not so bad to be financially secure while I’m at it. Money is the best thing ever!”
“Money is the root of all evil.”
“The root of all evil is buried deep within that chest of yours,” you accused. You picked up a clean rag and soaked it in a water basin. “You never let me have any fun on payday. Anyway, today there’s a new book being released, and I’ve been waiting for the sequel since forever.”
Charles nodded. “I think I know which book you’re talking about. Give it time and your librarian friend will have it in the library in no time.”
“That very librarian friend is coming today to hand-deliver the book to me.”
“Of course. Never once would you abandon your shift for books. Though, I think I’ve once seen you leave midway through the day because you saw a cat on the balcony while standing outside.”
“It was a cute cat,” you defended. 
“You shouldn’t make friends with cats. They’re very picky and particular with whom they associate with.”
“Ah,” you said absentmindedly, “like Master Diluc.”
“[Name], that’s your boss.”
You deserved the reprimand. “Sorry. It’s not anything bad. I actually took your advice the other day and chatted with him a bit. He’s not as… cold as I thought, but he’s certainly as chilly as Snezhnaya at times.”
Diluc had been somewhat stubborn when you insisted on helping him. You didn’t understand. It was only natural to be there for other people; however, Diluc believed differently. He was right in some ways. Too much dependency would lead one to no good, but that was not your concern.
“Before comparing your employer to one of the coldest nations in Teyvat,” Charles said, “I nominate you to call for Patton a bit today. He’s coming in late ‘cause he’s wrapped up with something today.”
“Do you think me standing out there would do the tavern some good?”
“Try wearing a costume. Draws attention.”
“Right on. Let me see if there’s any maid uniforms in the back.”
As much as you worshipped your own looks on a daily basis, standing outside where Patton typically was took a toll on your body. But your mental health persevered. After all, you were getting paid today. Nothing could deter your smile.
You stood outside, calling out passing people with hopes of luring them in with Dandelion Wine. Diona, who worked at Cat’s Tail, stopped by to convince you to join her tavern. She was ultimately dedicated to sabotaging the traditional and rich wine industry of Mondstadt yet was doing rather poorly at it. You declined politely, as your job was the wine industry of Mondstadt.
Nimrod, one of the usuals, entered the tavern. He dodged his wife who condemned his drinking habits. He typically hung around Angel’s Share for the addicting wine. It was not strange to see him coming in and out of alleyways.
Not even the approaching Master Diluc could taint your spirits.
The approaching Master Diluc.
You’d recognize his hair and determined face anywhere. You were accustomed to seeing it, as you saw him often. You smiled and greeted him accordingly just before he entered the tavern. “Hello, Master Diluc. Have a good day today.”
“I will,” he said. “I assume today’s a good day for you, too.”
“Of course.”
Donna was giving him puppy-dog eyes around the corner, you saw, but she gave him puppy-dog eyes every day, so what was new? Diluc, the brooding bachelor bastard of Mondstadt, was the center of many ladies’ attention.
He was the center of yours because your paycheck was in his hands. 
Days and weeks went by.
Because you knew Diluc’s secret and nighttime hobby, it wasn’t strange for you and he to grow closer. When he’d come back to the tavern, you arranged a nice meal for him to eat. Heroes needed plenty of food, you figured. 
Sometimes, you’d eat with him in agonizing silence.
He made for mediocre company, but when it was late at night and you had nothing to do, he was a fine person to talk to. He kept his distance, preferring to sit a seat away from you at the bar, idly standing when you were sitting at a table. But you never felt alone on those nights. 
Diluc came back injured sometimes, and as each night passed, he let you tend to his wounds pathetically before he went to see a doctor. You didn’t know if he was humoring your concern or if he seriously needed your help.
Even without you, he was doing just fine, but little by little, akin to a trickling stream, he began to rely on you. Another person’s trust was a heavy thing to carry, and Diluc’s trust was the weight of the entire world upon your shoulders. You feared that if you ever messed up, Diluc’s trust would be gone in a snap. 
Diluc and you shared meals, which was nothing out of the ordinary now, but there was small conversation. Diluc, to your knowledge, never really participated in idle chatter, but he talked with you about the sights he’d seen around Liyue, the hub of business in Teyvat, and you retold jokes your friends had said and rumors about a certain person that were made just to pass time. 
You could pull vicarious wonder when Diluc told you of the other nations. You’d venture there yourself, but your skills in the adventuring department were lacking.
You admitted that you were wrong about Diluc; where you had thought him cold and stoic, he was protective and brave. He treasured his work above nearly everything—to the point he overworked. In a way he was somewhat like you. A little different, though. A little stranger. A little better.
Diluc had grand aspirations and was bold personified. You, too, had something to live for, but it wasn’t as great as his. You liked the little things; you liked the dog who wagged his tail whenever you passed in hopes of you giving it a treat; you liked shopping with your friends; you liked reading new books and joking around with Lisa.
You and Master Diluc seem to complement each other, that’s all, Charles had said then.
“Charles, you’re insane,” you said, pushing Charles’ shoulder. “It’s never going to work. Patton would never agree to putting on the maid dress.”
“And if we bribe him?” Charles asked.
Diluc was standing on the other side of the bar, a brow quirked and a smile lapping at his lips. His arms were crossed, and as much as he tried to seem intimidating, he looked like a friend to you. Before, you would have seen him as judgmental and indifferent, but the Diluc before you was someone who you knew better.
“How much do you think we should give Patton? Maybe we need to sort into bigger pockets.” You peered at Diluc.
Charles said, “What—do you think Master Diluc is willing to put on such a uniform?”
You laughed, and Diluc was looking at you. He didn’t look upset at all. His face was calm, and his pretty cupid’s bow lips were drawn in an amused smile. Oh, he was gorgeous—and upon that thought intruding your headspace, you nearly stopped laughing.
Sometimes Diluc would bring you small trinkets from the winery. You once brought up you wanted an owl statue to put on your balcony to attract other owls (though you were sure that wasn’t how nature worked), and Diluc, sure enough, gave you an owl statue around the size of your torso. 
“Master Diluc,” you said. “What is this?”
“An owl statue.”
“Gee, wow! I thought it was a penguin.” You tentatively patted the top of its head. “What’s it for?”
“You,” he said. “I had it laying around the winery.”
It provoked thought in you. What sort of person had an owl statue laying around? You felt the need to give Diluc something back, but what did you have to give him? So that very night, you took him outside of Mondstadt so you could capture a Mist Flower Corolla for your friend. 
Typically, you wouldn’t take your employer out on an errand, but you were done with work, so it wasn’t Master Diluc. It was just Diluc. Diluc looked like he wanted to say no to you because he didn’t really devote his time into something so trivial, but you insisted.
“If you needed it that badly,” Diluc said, “you could have asked me. We have plenty near the winery, and I can take care of them easily.”
“It’s not that,” you said, watching an Ice Flower bloom and freeze the water around it. “It’s about the adventure. The message.”
“And what’s this message you speak of?”
“It’s the message of ‘hey, I nearly froze my ass off to get this flower for you, but I care about you enough to risk frostbite.’”
“How… kind of you, [Name].”
You and Diluc spent all night catching enough Mist Flower Corollas for your liking. You wanted a bouquet, and you had a bouquet at the end of the night, at the expense of Diluc’s time and your sleep. You carried the bundle in your hands happily.
Diluc’s fire skills came handy, and it wouldn’t be a lie if you said you brought him along just for it. You liked his personality and his friendship, of course, but his fire skills were a… plus!
On the nights where it was just you and he, Diluc sat nearer to you now. Diluc picked up Charles’ shifts more often and sat across from you whenever you were seated at tables. He sat next to you at the bar, entertaining you out of your boredom. 
It wasn’t until one day, Donna of the flower shop was gushing about Diluc, and you felt uneasy. You’d known that Donna was incredibly fond of Diluc, but it never bothered you until now. 
Of course, you brought it up to Charles, one of your closest confidants, only third to your bank account and Lisa.
“He likes you back, you know,” Charles said, playing with the tip jar. The coins clinked and clanked in there. “I can tell you that much, [Name].”
“Ewwwwww,” you moaned. “Talking to you about my problems is gross. Where’s Lisa? She’ll tell me the truth for sure. You only want me happy so I can clean the entire tavern for free again. You want me to cover your shift again?”
“Sure I do,” Charles said, “but what I’m saying is true, [Name]. He looks at you all funky.”
“Yeah, because I’m a funky gal.”
“Stop it.”
“Funky, funky, funky.”
“Please.” Charles sighed and set down the tip jar. “It’s like… you and he are weirdly connected. He looks at you a lot. He always looks at you whenever there’s a joke, just to see if you’re laughing, I guess. He must like your laugh. I think it sounds like a horse, personally.”
You chewed the inside of your cheek. You loved talking to Charles. You loved money. You loved your friends, and you loved your happiness. You loved—no, you liked Diluc. You didn’t know what to do when it came to him. Maybe if you kept away, your affections would find someone else to torment.
Like, for example, that newly hired boy next door that nearly killed his shop’s plants. He was a clumsy sort of cute. 
But Diluc was not clumsy. He was meticulous and always got the job done. He took care of himself well, and on days he overworked, you made sure he took some time to rest. 
You shook your head. You should stop thinking about Diluc for now and focus.
Yet it was always you and Diluc, and Diluc began to invade your thoughts. You brought up weaving flowers into his long hair, and Diluc always turned you down, saying that there wasn’t enough time for that. 
You wished to brush Diluc’s bangs back and lightly kiss his forehead, if he was okay with that. Instead, you said to Diluc, you have a big forehead. No wonder you’re so smart.
Can we go back to the part where you said I had a big forehead? he’d retorted.
It wasn’t until nearly a month later did Diluc come to his shift with Mist Flower Corollas in hand and shyly handed them to you. There was a red hue on his cheeks, and his voice was small, afraid of rejection. His hair was tied back in a neater fashion, and his eyes were cast downward.
Become someone dear to me, he had said.
He wore fine clothes and a nervous expression. It was so out of character for Diluc. You felt as if you were watching a high school boy struggle to express his feelings. However, had Diluc walked into the tavern with a more open chest and chin up, he wouldn’t have been Diluc at all. 
You liked Diluc as he was—somewhat closed off but kind enough. Mondstadt’s hero. A knight who donned glimmering red hair and a steel exterior. You wondered if Diluc had to prep himself before coming to you. 
“Sorry,” he said although there was nothing to be sorry for, really. “I mean, if you don’t like the flowers—”
Hey, I nearly froze my ass off to get this flower for you, but I care about you enough to risk frostbite.
You took the flowers. “Oh, no, I love it. I really, really do, Master Diluc!”
“Just Diluc.”
“Diluc,” you corrected. “Do I get financial compensation if I become someone dear to you?”
“For starters, I could give you a Mist Flower Corolla every day,” Diluc said, “if that’s enough to satiate you.”
“And then?”
“In the evenings, I’d take you to Cider Lake to watch the starry night while you read those magazines of yours. We don’t need to talk. Just bask in each other’s company, really.”
You tried to fight the smile that was growing on your face. You set down the flowers on the bar counter before saying, “that’s it?”
“I’d let you weave flowers into my hair. I’d take you all over Teyvat, if that’s what you wished as well. I’d take care of you as much as you had taken care of me whenever I’m injured. I’d learn your jokes and get along well with your friends because they seem pleasant.”
You didn’t know Diluc was such a romantic. You dusted Diluc’s shoulder. “I would hold your hand.”
Diluc frowned. “This doesn’t feel very equal to me.”
“You want more?” you quipped. “I’d kiss your forehead. And then I’d read to you. That is, if you like fairy tales… Oh! And then I’d take you up to the mountains where we could see the constellations the best! I love constellations; they’re so pretty.”
“Truthfully,” Diluc admitted, “you don’t have to do anything. I think… I think I’d be satisfied if I just had your company.”
“Would you now? And what about Donna from the flower shop?”
“What about her?”
“Oh, nothing.” You pretended to think about Diluc’s proposal. “I have to say, I think I’m enchanted by your offer, Diluc. I’m going to have to say yes. I will become someone dear to you.”
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emsartwork · 4 years
i forgot to add: how do design ????!?!??????
So I’m not expert but this is how I think of character design! (also sry if you were asking about clothing/outfit design thats a little different)
under the cut because this is long im so sorry
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So in my opinion there are three really important aspects for character design!
AESTHETIC: obviously everybody’s aesthetic is different, but this is more about what vibe the character has, what makes them THEM design wise. 
INTENTION: who is the character supposed to be? this can range from their personality, their back story, their occupation, or their role in the story, but the design need to fit that intention.
COHESION: does the design go well together? or do certain aspects clash too much? obviously you can have disjointed parts of a character design, and if those serve a purpose then thats fine, but if its so disjointed its distracting from the character as a whole you might need to tweak things. 
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AESTHETIC: the contrasting part of the design (white flowers in dark hair, dark trim on dress, and dark shoes) provide interest to the eye. The mixing of round and sharp shapes also keeps the design from feeling “boring” even though its relatively simple. 
INTENTION: so what role would this little doodle character have? according to her design elements, shes cute and friendly with her round shapes (bouncy balls, babies, etc), but could have a sharp/fast/active or even dangerous edge to her with the triangles (arrows, knives etc). of course the design doesn’t limit her possible roles. She could be a bubbly younger sister who teases the older protagonist, or maybe she’s the villain hiding in plain sight. the shape this character design doesn’t really have is squares(think bricks and rocks), which communicates that she might not be really strong, steady, or reliable. 
COHESION: repeating the curves across her whole design builds cohesion, it communicates that “yes, these are all part of the same character”, it also allows the eye to “rest” on a familiar shape or line. 
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(Boku no Hero Academia) so both of these characters are super heroes, but have vastly different design elements. so lets analyze them.
OCHAKO(the pink one) is all rounds, with a few pointed shapes in hair mostly, but a little on her costume as well. Her personality is cute, bubbly, and friendly which perfectly suits her soft and bouncy design. Howevre she also has a very slight edge to her, which is seen her determination and drive to improve herself over the course of the anime. 
KIRISHIMA(the red one) at first glance, seems to be super pointy!! shapes that are usually seen on villains or really dangerous characters, but while he IS sharp(literally sometimes) and sometimes aggressive, he is also made of squares, which perfectly suits his loyal “i gotchu bro” attitude towards most of the other characters in the anime.  
ISSUE AREAS: so the only problems i have with Ochako and Kirishima’s designs is that their costumes each have one area that clashes a little too much for my taste. With Ochako, the belt over the color blocking stripes down her crotch are......questionable taste wise. I think the design would be better if the pink chest ended above the belt in a shallow v. not only would this mirror the triangle aspects of her hair, it would fit the belt outline, and continue the trend her costume has of being “grounded” or “heavy”. Kirishima has those.... gears??? around his shoulders??? and while the gear teeth are technically squares, the gear shape itself is a circle, which is a shape that isn’t present anywhere else in his design. I think changing the gears to something similar to his boots or his mask/headgear would create a more cohesive design(also the gears just look hard to move in)
These two characters are presented as individuals so their costumes don’t have to match at all even though they are still seen as “connected” because of the art style for the face, hair, and body. 
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In a group giving the outfits cohesive motifs is an easy way to present a strong team image! In Yuki Yuna is a Hero, the girls all have colored lines(usually princess seam placement), armor or fabric hip accents, covered arms, and similar flower shapes in their hair. The Aesthetic of each girl is strong in a monochrome signature color, but not over whelming as the black+white connects them even in color so they aren’t out of place. 
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Speaking of color! if your characters are all similar looking (like same body for all of them) you can communicate their personality and aesthetic just with color! (only gonna talk about a few of the ponies) Pinkie Pie (the really pink one) is energetic and playful, so her color scheme is a variation of the primary colors(happy, child like), and have one of the more saturated colors(high energy, intense) of these characters in a large quantity. Apple Jack (the orange one) is a down to earth farm girl, and her color palette is accordingly, mostly earth tones, its also warm analogous colors, which makes her appear un-complicated and warm personality wise. the pop of red is a nice touch to add interest, but notice that its uses sparingly in her cutie mark and tail accessory. Rarity on the other hand is elegant and fussy, her high contrast scheme of white and dark blue/purples gives her more visual interest and is something that makes her appear more “complex” in addition to the gradient thats included in her hair. the colors are also all cool colors, bringing to mind cool glass or water which both have connotations of grace and beauty.
however all the characters here are unified by their colors being on the pastel side, which is also important for a cohesive cast.
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another, short, note on color; making the color/line/shading of your figure different from the background can help them stand out, this is used ESPECIALLY in children’s media, but can be applied to any illustration or animation as needed.
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Color can also help your characters “read” quickly on screen, the powerpuff girls are a prime example, of having a distinct color blocking and silhouette. even the color blobs at the top and my crappy hand silhouettes STILL read as the characters despite being broken down into abstract elements. I also really enjoy the thick outline in the powerpuff girls, it really makes the characters pop to the foreground even though they have pretty simple designs and are often in a colorful setting.
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Also, for a lot of animation, silhouette is INCREDIBLY important for your characters, some designers sketch silhouettes and then design the particulars its so important to nail the shape. These examples from Coraline are some of my favorites (though Laika wins in my heart every time no matter what lmao) because the simple shapes are SO CLEAR and indicative of the character, you literally don’t need to have watched the movie to know these are each different characters with different personalities and roles. 
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silhouette can also help tell the story. In Kubo and the two strings (another Laika film) the above three characters are sisters. One has chosen to leave her home in the heavens to live on earth, and the other two stay in their roles as “heavenly” warriors. This is even shown through their designs, the two sisters are weighted on top and their cloaks don’t even touch the ground, while the first woman has trailing, heavy sleeves, hair, and robes all grounding her and emphasizing her connection with the earth.
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another example of shape/silhouette reflecting the story, In The Croods, the family of cavemen are for the most part very top heavy, with large torsos and arms, usually in a more hunched over position, while the newcomer, Guy, is bottom heavy with thin arms and stands more upright. In the plot, the family represents the old ways, the strength and rules that have helped them survive, they look like very stereotypical “cavemen”, while Guy resembles the modern man, and appropriately is associated with new ideas and forward thinking.
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MORE SHAPES, in DC super hero girls each girl has a distinct personality emulated by her shape language. Zatana is dramatic curves and edges, Super girl is hard, straight edges against curves, giving her a solid muscular shape. Wonder Woman, though also strong, is taller and leaner, lending to a confident leader type. Green Lantern is slim, her lines all flow into each other giving her a go with the flow look. Bumble Bee is, of course, tiny, but her boots and gauntlets add weight and strength to her otherwise small frame. Batgirl is lanky and has a lot of pointed style lines, reminding the viewer of a skinny cat (ironic what with cat woman i know) or weasel which mirrors her preferred “sneaky” crime fighting style.  (also yes this was just an excuse for me to gush abt how much i love the dcshg designs shut up)
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so in my opinion, Cartoon Saloon’s The Secret of Kells is PERFECT in aesthetic, intention, and cohesion. Kells focuses very strongly on creating silhouette WITHIN the larger figure shape via color and line, most of the characters pictured here have no neck, the one who does, Brendan, is the main character and the use of negative space that cuts into his shape is used to draw attention to him. Kells is also very strongly inspired by Medieval Illuminated manuscripts (namely, the book of kells lmao). The characters still manage to stand out against outrageously detailed backgrounds via their simple shapes and strong color blocking. 
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Aisling, a secondary but very important character, is not human, and has a totally different shape language from the rest of the characters. She is thin and pointy, while most of the others are round or square. Aisling also has the most negative space making up her silhouette, compare the triangles made by her arms and legs in the above picture to the figures in the first image where everybody’s body is self contained with no negative space. She is also very different color wise, very pale and cool colored, as opposed to the warm saturated colors of the human characters. (yes this was another excuse to gush abt one of my fave pieces of media deal with it)
hopefully that wasn’t too rambley and actually helps? if yall have more specific design questions lemma know lol
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kaminobiwan · 4 years
pairing: obi-wan kenobi x jedi!reader
summary: Existential musings under the stars. Real Disney Princess moment here, folks. (Obi is the princess obviously)
a/n: The prompt demanded it be given to Padawan!Obi. I simply complied. Also, I sprinkled some of my astronomy knowledge in there, bc uni. Thank you AST 104.
This was part of my 175 follower celebration (still open), requested by the ever lovely @highcouncil! Please, for the love of all that is holy, do your Obi-Wan Kenobi-loving hearts a favor and read her amazing work. You’ll thank yourselves for it.
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“That one’s the Burning Snake.”
Obi-Wan points to an ambiguous spot in the sky, his too-big robes flapping across his face. He shakes his arm, readjusting the folds, and gestures again.
“Sorry — that one.”
He hears you toss a snort over your shoulder, your back to his as you lean on each other to stay upright. Both of your necks are craned towards the constellations that dapple the ink-black backdrop blanketing Coruscant, and the night is soundless with the exception of your voices.
“Are you sure you’re remembering these right? I’m pretty sure you were reading that starmap upside-down earlier.”
“Was not,” he exclaims, though there is some truth to each of your statements. He’d quickly corrected the map before too long, and he was sure of his memorization after spending so much time in the archives. Positive.
You shift against him, seemingly placated, and he relaxes too, careful not to tug on the Padawan braid behind your ear. It’s predictably still sore after Quinlan had tangled your braids together in a practical joke only three hours ago, the two of you too engrossed in your readings to notice that the Force was being manipulated against you. It had taken fourteen minutes and half a jar of flounut butter to unravel the knots that had formed in the fray.
You gesture towards a star in the distance, and Obi-Wan follows your lead. “What’s that one, then?”
His answer comes immediately. “The Eye of the Pirate. At least make it a challenge for me.”
Your noise of lofty glee jolts him from his position, and he nearly falls flat on his back as you maneuver your body above him so that you’re face to face. Though from his point of view, you’re upside-down. “It was a trick question. The Eye of the Pirate is only visible from Corellia.”
He frowns, his hands moving to cushion his head. “No, it’s not. We can see it from here, too.”
You make an unpleasant face at him, but he thinks it’s rather cute from this angle. As soon as the thought passes through his brain, though, it’s gone. He shuffles away to hide his face from you, but you’re too close to escape.
“You’re wrong. Not every red star is the Eye of the Pirate, Obi!”
Truthfully — and it’s not just because he doesn’t want to admit he might be incorrect — he’s not sure if the star is in fact the one he claims it to be, or whether he’d mixed up Coruscant with Corellia in his studying. But he’s desperate to get out of your line of sight — even though it’s late into the evening, the moonlight pouring into the Temple garden illuminates the entirety of the landscape, and no doubt his embarrassment along with it.
Ever since you’d started to call him Obi, it was hard to handle being in close proximity to you. The physical reaction his blushing upper body always displayed was definitely not something Qui-Gon would be pleased by.
“Okay, maybe it’s not!” He retorts, and you tumble down next to him with a laugh. He blinks some of your hair out of his eyes, but doesn’t ask you to move away from the spot you’ve placed your head, snug into the juncture between his shoulder and neck. Much better.
“Enough with the quizzing, anyway.” Your murmur brings him back to the stars, and he has to remind himself not to turn his head to look at you. “Let’s just take it all in.”
“But you love quizzes.”
“Yes, when the real thing isn’t right there in front of us,” you tease, and Obi-Wan clamps his mouth shut once more. “It’s called stargazing. Not star-analyzing.”
“There is such a thing as — ”
He fidgets in the grass, unsure of what to do in the silence next to you. As he connects the dots between the clusters of stars across the dark expanse, his memory supplies endless cascades of information and astronomic facts, filling his mental capacity to the point that —
Your voice is hushed, as if you’ve just woken up from slumber, but he hears the slight command in your words. “Yes?”
“I can hear your thoughts from here.”
“Oh. Sorry.”
You lean up on your outside elbow, tilting towards him and tucking your hair behind your neck before it can prick the skin of his forehead. “Aren’t you the prodigy of meditation among your crèchemates? What’s wrong?”
Instead of meeting your eyes, Obi-Wan shrugs, and feigns a stretch. “Just having trouble, I guess.”
“You guess.” You echo, unconvinced, but lay back down regardless. “You’re worried about something.”
“I’m not worried, I’m restless. It doesn’t seem right to be stargazing if we’re not going to at least study them. We both have upcoming assignments, might I remind you.”
As if you could have forgotten. Your mission to Halcyon was all you’d been talking about the past week. Still, you’d gushed more over your excitement at hearing his stories than chronicling your own. Obi-Wan had promised to tell you all about the planet of Naboo upon his return to the Temple.
“You’re fretting over the trade dispute? I’m sure you’ll be able to handle the Federation representatives. Though I’ve read that Neimoidian workers regularly compete amongst themselves, and the winning team gets to eat the other — !” You catch the look he sends you out of the corner of your eye, and he allows himself a half-smile as you bashfully fall silent. “Sorry. Probably not what you want to hear right now.”
The apology wasn’t necessary. You both know it. But sometimes, he appreciates that you’d rather it still be said.
“I’m just…feeling unprepared. Luminara and Shaak Ti both faced the trials at my age, and I thought I’d be ready. But I can’t even tell if Qui-Gon thinks I am or not.” You’ve stilled beside him, but he feels you latching on to every word. “I don’t know.”
“You are ready,” you say simply.
“Yes, and if I am, then what?” He asks, to no one in particular. He knows the stars have as much a probability of knowing the future as you do. Maybe more, judging by how often Qui-Gon called to them in exasperation. “Everything changes. I can’t help but feel as though nothing will be the same, soon.”
You’re quiet for a moment, but then he hears what sounds like a chuckle from you. He raises a confused eyebrow, but doesn’t shift his body.
“Obi, of course everything will change. Nothing can stop that,” you say, reaching your fingers out and upwards. “Even the stars can’t prevent themselves from growing and dissipating. Eventually, they’ll all turn into nebulas, or supernovas, or black holes in violent implosions.” You trace an imaginary line across the air, drawing your own constellation, joining together specks that Obi-Wan imagines must be hundreds of parsecs apart. His eyes follow the pattern as you go. “You’re not a star.”
He blinks. “I’m not?”
Immediately, he wants to palm his face, because obviously he’s not a star, no matter how luminous Master Yoda professes him to be, but he just hadn’t known what you meant and now he’s gone and made himself sound like an idiot. But you continue, unfazed, as if you’d predicted he’d respond in kind.
“You’re not,” you repeat, and lower your hand down to your stomach. “You can choose what you become. You’re not born with a predestined fate. You have control.” Obi-Wan feels his body sink further into the ground, and some voice in the back of his head has the agency to surmise that you sound much wiser beyond your years right now. “What matters most is whether you take that control, or give it back to the universe.”
And now, he’s silent, because how in the name of the Force is he supposed to respond to that?
But you bound up again, high-spirited and bubbly and not nearly as prophetic as you had been a second earlier, and conclude, “At least, that’s what Master Koon says.”
He groans as you release a peal of laughter, and slumps further into the dirt. “Did you seriously just recite one of his lessons to me?”
“No! I made it much more interesting,” you clutch a hand to your chest in mock displeasure, and Obi-Wan crosses his arms. “I mean, I ad-libbed along the way, but I still meant what I said. I don’t think it’ll do you any good to worry.” As you speak, he lets his eyes unfocus towards the stars, white and yellow and blue diamonds alike blurring together in a disjointed mosaic. The tip of your nose rims the edge of his vision, and he exhales slowly with what feels like relief, though he isn’t completely sure. But you seem to be more at peace, too, and your voice even drops to a solemn resonance. “What you ask for tends to come and find you. Serenity, wisdom, trouble…”
“I’ve definitely heard him say that,” Obi-Wan muses, and he knows you’re hiding a grin next to him.
“It’s true,” you reply.
You both lay in the garden for several long moments more, until the voices of your masters can be heard calling your names.
Neither of you get up, despite it. A smile of his own creeps up his cheeks, and Obi-Wan knows you’re thinking exactly the same thing he is.
“Pretend we’re asleep so they’ll have to carry us back to the dorms?”
“Master Koon might break another arm, but yep. Worth it.”
“Worth it,” he agrees, and closes his eyes.
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