#sorry for not posting! family emergency these past few days
capydoodle · 1 year
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your fruit delivery has arrived
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plussizefantasia · 8 months
Unsure Hearts
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Read Part One Here: Fluttering Hearts
Warnings: Reader gets grabbed, alcohol, I think that's it tbh
an: heyyyy... sorry I was MIA, lots of stuff going on I'll post an update about it soon. In the meantime enjoy part two of the Kili x reader fic from Flufftober. I think this will be a five-part fic including an epilogue and the next two parts are already underway. I've also got some requests ready to be edited and posted soon. Thank you for bearing with me, much love <3
Kili Durin x Human!Soulmate!reader
Word Count: 1.8K
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Thorin was getting worried, Kili had become somewhat of a ghost story over the past month. He had assumed that his nephew was simply doing his duty. Kili had volunteered to be the envoy between Dale and Erebor for the discussions of armament and training. However, that treaty was signed a week ago, and said envoy position was no longer needed. So why in all of Arda was Kili still going to Dale every day? The young prince left as soon as he was finished with his daily tasks and didn’t return to the mountain until well after the sun had set. Thorin was not worried for his nephew's safety, after all, Kili was an excellent warrior and could take care of himself, no, Thorin was worried for Kili’s heart. 
Fili had also noticed his brother’s absence but the blonde prince had always been a bit more perceptive than his surly uncle. Fili had noticed that Kili was missing, but he also noticed that every time he returned to the mountain it was with the most dopey grin that he had ever seen. A grin that he recognized, for it had also graced his face a few months ago when he met his beloved Alma. Fili would bet his beard on it, Kili was in love.
You on the other hand were getting more and more annoyed each time the brown-haired dwarf walked through the front door. He was charming sure, and polite. But he stared. At you. The whole time he was there. And he was there a lot. His attempts to engage you in conversation were far and few between, the few times he was able to grab your attention away from the bustling building he became tongue-tied the moment your eyes landed on his.
Kili didn’t understand why he couldn’t say more than a few words to you without choking on his words. Your eyes had to hold some kind of spell within them. They enchanted him and left him bewitched every time he caught their gaze. It left him frustrated, he had never had this much trouble with women before, why were you so different? Deep down he knew though, you weren’t just any woman. He was afraid though, afraid that naming what you were to him out loud would make it real. And when it is real, it can hurt you. 
There weren’t very many stories on One’s where the love didn’t end up requited, either because it just simply never happened. Dwarves were incredibly stubborn creatures after all, and it was entirely possible that they just wore down their other half until some sort of connection formed. It was also possible that those unfortunate few who weren’t able to woo their other half died of broken hearts. The former was unlikely as Kili kept having to remind himself, he couldn’t die of a broken heart. Right?
He was determined tonight though, to find out definitively if the sparks he felt for you were just interest in the handsome woman from Bree, or if you truly were the other half of his soul. To do that though he would need to say more than a few words to you. The problem with that was that you seemed exceptionally busy tonight.
Busy you were, Brant had told you last night that he was going to be leaving today to go to visit family for some type of emergency. 
“If the place is still standing when I get back, we’ll talk more about it becoming yours someday.” He had said. You were hoping that that ‘someday’ was sooner rather than later. Brant was getting up there in years. Just last week he had hurt himself trying to lift one of the barrels of ale that had been shipped in from the Iron Hills. You had been taking on more and more of his old tasks and to be completely honest, it felt like you did the job of an owner anyway, just without all the benefits.
You weren’t going to let the man down though, even if it did mean rushing back and forth all night trying to keep up with demand all by yourself.
“Another! Y/N,” was yelled in front the back of the room. Roland was a boisterous man who got along with everyone, he was only a year or two older than you and was currently on his eighth pint of the night. He had a large countenance and seemed to fill up whatever space he occupied, he was handsome but the more and more he drank the less his looks mattered. Usually, this is the point in the night where he starts bordering more on unruly rather than fun-loving. Nevertheless, he was a paying customer and as long as he could still walk on his own out the doors, you weren’t going to say no to his money.
You grabbed another pint glass and poured one for him, balancing it and several other drinks on a tray. You steeled yourself with a deep breath before running back out into the fray. 
Walking close to the stool he was sat on you leaned slightly over him and placed his pint down on the counter beside him. He was engrossed in the conversation between the large group of men, something about the best way to skin a buck, you weren’t really listening. As you grabbed his empty glass to take back to the kitchen to be washed, his large hand encircled your wrist none too gently.
“A pint is a wonderful thing, but it is even more delicious when served by a beautiful lady,” He whispered into your ear. You grit your teeth and roughly pull your hand back. 
“Now, Roland, what have we said about touching things that don’t belong to you? Huh? Touch the wrong thing and you might just lose your hand.” You spit back at him. Cutting your eyes up at the mounted swords that rest above the fireplace only a few steps from where the two of you are. “I’d hate to have to clean those swords, they are sharp.” You look back into his eyes, satisfied with the fear that you see within them. You stand back up and place your tray back upon your shoulder. 
“Anything else I can get you gents?” You question the other men scattered about the space. Silence reigned over the air for a few moments. 
“Alrighty then.” 
A pint here, a glass of wine there, and two hot meals delivered later, your tray was empty and everyone in the place seemed momentarily satisfied. 
 Letting out a breath you lean up against the counter.
“What did you say to him?” A somewhat familiar voice pipes up beside you. You turn your head towards the voice. It's the dwarf prince, and you are once again struck with just how handsome he is. You are also struck with the familiar feeling of annoyance, of course, he picked now to talk to you. Just when you had finally afforded yourself a break.
“Hmm?” You raise a singular eyebrow at him. “Who?”
“That large and very drunk man in the back, I couldn’t hear what you said but I could see the look on his face. It was similar to my brother’s when our mother would scold him for forgetting his manners.”
“That’s not too far off actually, Roland over there got a little too comfortable and touched something that didn’t belong to him, I had to remind him of the rules.”
“And what exactly did he touch that was so forbidden?” The prince smirks and laughs.
You smirk back and lift a glass to your lips before uttering one single word, “Me.”
All of the laughter drained from Kili’s face, “He touched you?” His voice had gotten much lower, his eyes darkened right before you.
 You rolled your eyes. “I’m going to stop you right there Your Highness, I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself. I’ve been doing it for years. I don’t need some man, no matter how handsome he is coming to defend my honor every time I’m even remotely slighted. The trail of bodies will get far too long.” You stare into his eyes as you speak, putting all the righteous fury you’ve got stored inside into each word. 
Seconds tick by before he opens his mouth to speak again.
“You think I’m handsome?”
“I think that we have bigger problems if that is the only thing you got from that.” You took another sip.
“No, no, no I got the point, you don’t need a big strong man to come to your rescue. Lucky for you, I am not big.”
The laugh that sprung from the back of your throat caught you off guard, you slap a hand over your mouth in an impossible effort to catch it and shove it back inside. He was funny, he had never been funny before.
Kili liked your laugh even though it was closer to a snort than an actual laugh, and he would be foolish to ignore the way his heart picked up at the thought that he was the one who made you laugh.
“You- I- I have never heard of a dwarf who makes fun of themselves, in my limited experience your lot are very prideful.”
“Not as prideful as some other races, I should think.”
“No, you’re not nearly as prideful as the pointy-eared bastards who hole themselves up in that accursed forest.” Your words held a healthy amount of rage as well as teasing.
“I sense that there is a story there somewhere.” Kili raised an eyebrow, mimicking your face from earlier. He was desperately trying not to think about the fact that this was the longest conversation the two of you had had up to date.
“One that I’m going to need a lot more liquid courage before divulging, I’m afraid.”
“We can make that happen.” Kili wiggled his eyebrows and pointed at the bottles of liquor behind the bar that separated the two of you.
At that very moment, a shout from the rowdy bunch of men in the back rang out, calling for another round.
“Duty calls your highness, but perhaps I will tell you that story… another time.” You winked at him and grabbed for your tray again, beginning to load it up once more. If that is how conversations with the dwarf prince went all the time, you wouldn’t mind having them more often.  
You walked away before Kili could come up with a response, but he was more certain than he ever had been that your heart called to his. Why else would the very sight of you walking away feel like his heart was leaving too?
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Read Part 3 here: Troubled Hearts
tags: @bunnybabe-babydoll @kokochanel111 @shiinata-library @oneiratxxia10
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penvisions · 5 months
of beskar and kyber {chapter 19}
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Pairing: Din Djarin x Force Sensitive! Reader (the Mandalorian x Force Sensitive! Reader) ; brief Force Sensitive! Reader and M!OC
Summary: As the wedding to Prince Cala looms closer, you find yourself feeling more and more out of place within the palace walls. You find an unexpected friend in your new bodyguard and handmaiden.
Word Count: 9.5k
Warnings: canon typical violence, canon typical language, we meet readers betrothed and he needs his own warning, reader's mother also gets her own warning, kidnapping, reader is being kept against her will, hostage situation, use of narcotics, use of drugs, sedatives, self-depreciating thoughts, ptsd symptoms, medical trauma, past medical trauma, feelings of inadequacy, sexual themes, sexual content (not detailed), non con touching, unwanted advances, emotional manipulation, unnecessary display of possession, memory loss, controlling family dynamics, marriage set up, sold into marriage, there are a few more but they will spoil the chapter!
A/N: whew okay, sorry y'all. a looooot has been going on in my personal life, detailed in this post and this one. my only source of internet is the local library at the moment, which will make posting actual fic a little tricky for a moment. but i'm so excited to dwell further into this original arc with y'all ♡♡
ao3 link || series masterlist || main masterlist || ko-fi
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Ringing. Ringing, ringing. It completely consumed you, from the very center of your ears, muffling every other sound that tried to get through.
It didn’t hurt, but it did make it hard to concentrate, it felt like an immense pressure behind your eyes as well. Making your forehead and temples sensitive to touch, making it hard to take in the bright light from the desert landscape beyond your windows.
There was a soft knock at your door, signaling the start of the day. But you didn’t rise, feeling too lethargic even as the form of your mother and two handmaidens entered the room in a flurry of motions and quick words. But everything ceased when you called out from beneath your covers as the curtains were drawn back.
“Oh honey, what’s wrong?” Her words were sweet, cloyingly so, setting off an unease deep in your gut, nausea roiling at the combination.
“I-I don’t feel too good. My head, it hurts.” You roll over to your side, unable to move much beyond that as the throbbing in your head intensifies. She goes to sit beside your covered form on the edge of the bed, but you protest before she does. You didn’t want her anywhere near you, the very thought of her touching you making your body tense up and ready to fight her off. Frowning, she retracts her hands from where she had begun to reach out, something glinting in her eyes.
“I’ll go see if the med droid is available.” And then she was off, allowing you to see her exchange a few words with the guards outside your door. You catch a glimpse of brown eyes, making contact with the man who possessed them for a breath, and you feel like the air catches in your chest. That simple, momentary contact with a man you don’t know eases the ailments that have you still in bed despite the late morning of the hour. But the door is shut tightly behind everyone as they exit the room. Leaving you in isolation, the curtains fastened shut once again.  
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Hours later, as the sun begins its descent from the highest point in the sky, you slowly open your bedroom door. There’s only one guard at your door, posted there to ensure your safety as you keep to your quarters for the day. He’s dressed in flowing black layers, brown leather harness and belt allowing for his sheathed rapier style sword to dangle from his hips. His head snaps to attention as you emerge slightly, and you feel your heart skip a beat as his eyes bore into yours.
Any thoughts of what you were about to ask are pushed from your aching head when you connect the man standing before you with the polite one from the market a few days ago. The one who had held you so tenderly and made sure you were okay when your body had convulsed as a weird energy had suddenly flooded your senses. The ones whose eyes you had glimpsed through the door earlier.
“Excuse me, but-oh Maker, I’m so sorry, this is so inappropriate to ask- but you look so familiar,” A breathy laugh gave away your nervousness. “Your eyes are just so beautiful, and I think we met in the market the other day, if I’m not mistaken?”
“We did.” His voice was like velvet rich, a caressing softness in your ringing ears. Easing the ache still lingering in your head even if his words were short, his tone almost emotionless.
“Oh, goodness, okay. I don’t feel so out of line. I just…I thought it was you but I didn’t want to risk offending you or making you uncomfortable since you’re new to the palace.” The hallway was silent, as if he was thinking over his next words, as if he was unsure of how to speak with you. But you didn’t mind, sensing he was a man of few words.
“What made you feel like it was okay to ask?” He’s watching you closely, and you feel as if you’re being dissected. Being read in a way you weren’t quite comfortable with but…it also stirred warmth low in your middle. It was so different a look to those you encountered from the rest of the staff, from your mother, from Prince Cala and his family.
“Oh, um. Did I-I speak too intimately with you, I apologize. I really didn’t mean anything by it-“ You flustered, unsure why the man was pinning you with such focus. As if he was reading things in your body language and inflections differently than those you dealt with on a daily basis around the palace, as if he was privy to what they meant. You took a deep breath, trying to ignore the ringing still pressing down on your ears. Closing your eyes in a focusing blink before bowing to the man in front of you, stood dutifully at his post outside your bedroom door. Opening them back up, you avoided his eyes, not wanting to see the disdain he was surely pinning you with. “My apologies, sir, I meant no disrespect. I’ll leave you to your post.”
“No, don’t go. It’s okay, I promise. You can ask me anything you want.” He inclined his head toward you, one hand moving to grasp the hilt of his weapon. But it didn’t feel like a threat, it felt more like he was trying to ground himself. “I will do my best to answer. Though there are some things I may not be able to.”
“Why, because I’m the princess and you have to answer to me?” You tried not to scoff, the notion so ridiculous even if all signs pointed to this being your life. The title is something you had earned by falling in the good graces of the prince, of being promised to the prince of this planet. You never recalled wanting to be of such a standing and yet it had happened, it was your life. The insistence of so being repeated to you nearly daily over breakfast with your mother and at night over tea, almost as if it was a false truth being pushed on you until you believed it to be so. It was the reality in which you were roused from your accident, the one so bad you couldn’t recall any specifics.
“Because I don’t mind, you were kind to me and my…child in the market. He really enjoyed those berries.”
“Is he here with you?” You felt a swoop of admiration in your middle, the image of the small green boy lifting up the edges of your lips. You didn’t have the best experience with children, or any really, but you enjoyed the small sounds of happiness he had made as he munched and interacted with you. It filled a void you hadn’t realized, interacting with him, with his son. You never recalled wanting children either, though you mother and the parents of Prince Cala often cited two would be an appropriate number once the marriage was carried out. The discussion something you hadn’t even been a part of, making you feel some type of way about the whole ordeal that concerned your body and your livelihood.
“Yes, he’s back in the guards’ quarters, Asleep in my room.”
“He isn’t with your wife…his mother?”
“No, she’s…she’s, something happened to her.” His eyes averted, staring at the toes of his boots. They were worn, so unlike the rest of his pristine ensemble. It piqued your interest, but you didn’t want to push the friendly boundary barely established with the man.
“Is she okay?” It was quiet, your inquiry. Worry unsettling your stomach for the phantom woman who belonged to the man beside you.
“I hope she will be. It’s a…sensitive thing, that ails her.” His eyes don’t leave yours, gaze strong and glinting with emotion.
“I wish her a full recovery, I’m sure she misses you two by her side.” Breathing out the words, you suspected the man had been about to tell you she had perished. Unsure of why the prospect of him having a person, a partner… a wife seemed to settle heavy in your stomach. But it made sense, he was a handsome man as far as you could tell, his eyes beautiful enough to capture anyone’s attention. His obvious admiration for his son and the care with which he spoke…of course he had someone by his side.
The flare of jealously at the thought made you feel a little foolish as it unnerved you, you only just met this man. You didn’t even know his name. Frowning slightly, you bowed your head, hoping to convey your true condolences for his ailing wife.
“I…can only hope for the same thing.” Something in his forlorn tone didn’t sit well, sticking to the inside of your stomach. It was heavy, his feelings for the woman he spoke of, there was no doubt about it. And while it was endearing, it also felt…wrong. Like he shouldn’t be talking about someone else that way, that it was an odd thing for his focus to be on someone else.
Heat overtook your chest as you tried to push down the ill feelings toward this ailing, phantom woman Because this man was a stranger. A stranger with a cute, little, green child. He was nothing to you, new to the planet perhaps, definitely new to the palace and this line of work. You were sure you would remember such a sparkling set of eyes, accident or not.
Glancing back into your room, you wished they hadn’t brought you so much for lunch. Wanting to share in the abundance of it with someone who could use a little help. Being a guard couldn’t pay well and the man had a child and a sick wife to take care of. The fruit and skewers of marinated meat far too plentiful for just yourself. You didn’t want it to go to waste but you also didn’t want to force any more appetite than you had. Offering it to him would be a good attempt to make sure it didn’t go to waste.
“They brought me a lot of food, would-would you like me to make you a plate?”
“I can’t leave my post.”
“What if you came inside and we sat on the balcony? Furthest place from the door and you would be close enough to me should any threats arise.”
“That sounds very tempting. But it would be a violation for me to leave my post.”
“Oh, okay. That’s okay, I know it’s a lot to ask of you. It’s just…” You couldn’t look up at his face, his eyes that were no doubt still watching you closely. You felt embarrassed for being so forward, for asking this stranger for his time when he was working. Of course he didn’t want to come into your room and share a meal. “No, I understand. Thank you for your service.”
Turning to go back into the room, the door was stopped from closing by a large hand, thick fingers curling around the edge of it.
“I want to, mesh’la. Please don’t mistake that.”
“Can- can I ask for your name?” He paused, eyes looking you up and down as he thought over the positives and negatives of providing you with such information.
“It’s Aliit.”
“Oh, ad’ika.”
Aliit, Ad’ika, and…”
“Cyar’ika.” Your heartbeat hard in in your chest, so much so that you brought a hand to rest over your chest. The foreign language rolling off your tongue with ease despite never encountering it before meeting this man. They were not in Basic, nor any other language you were aware of knowing or being able to speak.
“Aliit, Ad’ika, and Cyar’ika.” You nodded your head at him, small smile gracing your lips despite the ringing still plaguing you. He bids you a good day, the sound of another guard’s footsteps coming down the hall.
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The ringing lasts well into the night.
When it doesn’t abate by the next morning, your mother orders the handmaidens to prepare you for a trip to the medical wing, across the palace grounds. Your door was being guarded by a different guard and you worried you made the man from the market uncomfortable. Your heart sunk as you walked alongside a new woman who was in your services.
She was pretty, her hair dark and long, pulled back away from her face by a thin headscarf of dark blue. Her dress was a light sky blue, accents of the darker shade allowing for her to look beautiful in the ensemble of fabric. Though it didn’t seem like her normal attire, her arms toned and muscled from what had to be years of training and work. Her thighs stocky and thick as they moved underneath the fabric and guided you down the halls and out of the main building. You wondered what turned her to this line of work, if she had been a slave and sold to the palace to work off or cover her debt. You made sure to file the thought away and treat her to lunch each day should she have not much in the other aspects of her life.
The sun shone on her pale skin, and you wondered if she had on some kind of gloss over her plush lips for the glint to them.  
She was pretty and you wanted to let her know. Though after yesterday, you were afraid of being seen as some frivolous princess who didn’t have any friends and needed to turn her attention to those in her service for conversation. Because it was true, you realized with a particularly painful throb of your head, that you didn’t have any friends who had called on you since your accident. Unable to recall if you were a social person before, you resigned yourself to the solitary routine of your life, only meals shared with others in your life.
She was kind, stopping every so often around the grounds as you stopped when the ringing made it hard to concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other.
“I apologize – oh Maker, I don’t even know your name.” You leaned heavily against a stone pillar, head pounding with the incessant ringing. It sounded- at brief moments – like you were surrounding by strong wind, the hush of sand all around so intense or as if you were aboard a ship and flying through the air.
“My name is Cynth, princess.” She was close, close enough to catch you should your balance falter. “It’s okay, though, I’m new, no need to apologize.”
“She doesn’t care what your name is, she’s depending on you to get her to the medical wing, not make small talk.” The other handmaiden interrupted.
“Janae, you know I make a point to know everyone’s names. There’s no need to be so curt.” You lightly reprimanded, wanting everyone to know that you see them as they truly are. Your mother was so short and demanding with the help around the palace, stirring distaste and unease in you that you didn’t want to imitate her. “Please be kind to each other, sometimes that all we have in this universe, is the kindness of those around us. It can be lifesaving, so let’s try a little better, okay?”
“Yes, princess.” Janae bows to you, the fabric of her dress catching the breeze coming through the open corridor.
Moments later, all three of you were entering the medical wing. There was a droid who had to record the time and date of your visit before guiding you to the room you had been in far too much for your liking. Your mother’s perfume was faint, giving away her presence in the examination room. She was vigilant over your recovery, present at any small visit or worry. And you wanted to feel loved and grateful for her worry but it didn’t feel quite so…genuine even if she preached about getting you back to your old self on the daily.
“I-They tell me I had a bad fall, that’s why I don’t really remember anything from before.” You say as the two women helps moves to help you disrobe. But you startle, not liking the sensation of them pulling on your clothing.
“Please, both of you go and enjoy an early dinner. I can manage here by myself.” Cynth quietly ordered, hoping that less people in the room would help to calm you. It was a good judgement call, because as soon as the two nurses left you felt the anxiety skittering over your skin abate. You felt comfortable with her, and she helped you remove the layers of your flowing dress to change into the smock they needed you in to perform their exam and testing.
She was tense, uncomfortable in this setting, nestled in the medical wing alongside you. You could sense it in the cracking of her knuckles as she helped you to shrug on a robe over your undergarments. In the way she watched as a droid came out of the exam room alongside your mother and a man draped in a dark red tunic. Her jaw was clenched as she watched the way you let them guide you into the room they had just come from. The prick of a needle injecting something into your arm already taking effect.
“Cynth, please stay with me? We can get lunch after.”
“Of course, Princess San.”
“Servants are to only use last names when addressing the royal line. Show’s the respect they have for the rulers of the city.” You mothers voice was sharp, a warning simmering low in her words.
“It’s okay.” You slurred as your vision began to fade, edges of everything fuzzy, colors bleeding into each other. “We’re friends, mother.”
“Hush now, darling. You have to keep up the line between servants and your friends are not true if they haven’t come to visit you. We’ve talked about this.”
“Yes, mother. My…friend,” At an encouraging smile at the edge of her lips you turned back to your mother. “Cynth is my friend, and I would like for her to remain with me during the day.”
Pursing her lips, she looked like she wanted to contest the request. Refraining from doing so, her lips turned up in a saccharine smile before she ushered you through the doorway into the exam room.
It was expansive, a giant machine taking up one half of the room, a set of three beds lining the other. Cabinets of supplies and a small desk with an electronic bank set up before it.
But the machine, was a blur, the contents of whatever she had administered taking hold fast.  The last thing you recall is glancing over your shoulder over at Cynth and seeing her features morph into a stone caste, eyes hard.
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“It’s worse than we thought.” Cara announced as she entered the servants’ quarters. There was an entire wing for them on the second floor of the palace. Dining room, kitchen, ballrooms and throne room all on the first floor. Library and green house rooms, the seamstress and many other “service” rooms set up on the third. The fourth was the bath house and other rooms they had been forbade from approaching. The family bedrooms on the fifth floor, balconies in each one. The medical wing was across the courtyard, outdoor hallways lined with covers supported by thick stone pillars.
Her and Din being assigned to one room with twin cots on opposite walls. Hired at the same time and kept on close tabs during the ‘review process’ to determine where they were to be stationed for their contracts. It had been easy enough, the palace needing to fill holes in security at the behest of your mother. Din had offered his services as a close guard for you, citing that he had experience with protecting high standing individuals. Cara had been automatically assigned to be a handmaiden, you dismissing one earlier that week for some reason that went unexplained.
Din looked up from where he was tending to ad’ika, the small being agitated beyond comforting. As if he could sense you were close by but too far for him to see and interact with. He missed you, he craved your calming presence and easy going care for him, Din suspected. He knows he did, the you before the manipulation, before the kidnapping, before he had gone and fucked it all up and allowed for this to happen to you.
“Her mother’s found and employed an ex-Empire director, they’ve constructed a mind flayer in the medical wing.  San undergoes ‘exams’ twice a month under the close supervision of two nurse droids and the director.” Cara took in the way Din stiffened, his mind going over everything he knew of such machines only rumored to be still in operation. Of the atrocities committed in the name of getting back to a peaceful time of before the Empire’s rule by using the very same technology they had invented.
“Did her mother stay in the room?” His distaste bordering on hatred marring his words, giving away his feelings of the woman who dared to call herself your guardian and caretaker these days. He never thought himself capable of unaltered hate, but here he was. He could only go far as to guess it had to do with the same feelings he never expected to feel towards another, of falling for someone as completely as he had done with you. But of course, he had gone and messed everything up. Tainted the happy memories he had allowed himself to create with you after suck a rocky and tentative start after finding you shackled in that compound.
It was only every supposed to be another job, another quarry to collect and deliver. Instead he had found the child, found you. Managing through lack of cognitive thinking and examination of his feelings causing him to return the child only to decimate his professional career and standing in order to right his wrongs. He thought he had learned his lesson, only to repeat it with you.
“No, she left. But she does administer the sedative. I’m sure we can somehow take over those ‘exams’.”
“We have to.” His voice was firm, emotions in check as he moved to sit atop his cot. “We have to stop the sessions, it’s the only way her mind can heal itself and she can remember.”
“I think she’s already beginning to, something about her abilities wearing down the effects of the flayer quicker than her mother can keep up with. She’s complained of a headache since we got here, since she interacted with the kid in the marketplace.”
“Then we need to find a way to have her interact with him more, shift her memory back into place.”
“…she’s so quiet, constantly on alert. Taking stock of everything going on around her. I swear her mind is working more than she’s letting on. She was watching me this morning, almost as if she was trying to figure out if she recognized me from somewhere.” Cara theorizes as she recalls the way you were when she had first met you, back on K’ath.
“She…she said I feel familiar to her.” Din admitted quietly, his heart skipping a beat as he recalled the way you had looked at him. The worry of offending him with your honesty, with your relief of realizing you knew him from the marketplace, of feeling like you were able to ask him things you couldn’t of others.
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Stealing glances down each hallway, you make your way through the palace on quiet feet. The only sound to give you away is the hush of your dress layers brushing against your legs. In your hand is lighting agent you had snatched from Prince Cala’s office. The low thrumming of a headache still present after your visit to the medical wing and subsequent night of unconsciousness, though it wasn’t nearly as debilitating as it had been yesterday. With bated breath, you turn into the expansive and lush nursery.
Hiding in a corner, you push on the glass panel of the large windows and breath in the hot, humid air to calm yourself. Reaching into the pouch hidden beneath your layers, you retrieve one of the tabac rolls you had requested from a handmaiden. She had frowned at the way you had asked her to keep it from your mother, but the second you lit the end of it and inhaled, all of your colliding thoughts vanished. It was a guilty pleasure you were sure wouldn’t look good to the public eye. But one you weren’t willing to give up. One you were sure was something from the time before your accident.
Steps that were nearly silent caught your attention and you looked toward the arching doorway, the clear glass paneling of it nearly visible from your hidden spot. A figure was pushing them open, hinges squealing slightly as a familiar voice called out your name.
Sighing, you shifted slightly, giving away your spot hidden among the lush greenery. You dress allowing you to blend in. It was made of a transparent layer of tulle over smooth silk, lighter green than the leaves around you. But the flowers sewn into the fabric allowed you to blend in with those that were blooming among so many of the plants too sensitive to be out in the courtyard, out in the direct heat and sunlight of the unforgiving desert sun.
Allit came into view, his eyes taking in the sight of you looking slightly nervous as you were found out smoking in a room that you definitely should not be. But it was the only one your mother wouldn’t follow you into, the perfumes of the flowers too much for her sensitive nose.
 “Apologies, I thought I heard someone in here but it’s an odd hour for me to be up an about. Instincts took over.” He motions to the sleeping form in his arms before setting ad’ika down atop a bench. You feel for him, how tired he must be from watching the child during the day and then standing guard all night.
“I could, I mean, if you don’t-“ You cut yourself off, knowing it was a breech of the already muddled professional line between you both. Instead, you take another drag of the tabac before putting out the inch remaining from the roll and depositing it into an empty planter under the window sill.
“What is it, mesh’la?” His eyes find yours, genuine curiosity swirling in them as he approached you.
“I could watch him for you, if you’re okay with that. I know how tiring the night shift must be. Gives you a chance to rest in the mornings and gives me a little company.” Embarrassment at the care your exhibiting prickles the hairs on the back of your neck on along your arms swathed in sheer fabric. If you were being completely honest, you needed a distraction from the routine of your life. Wanting to feel like you were doing something, helping someone. The company of the child something you had been thinking about after a few passing interactions.
“I think…he would like that.”
“Make sure he has a balanced breakfast and enough entertainment to sleep soundly in the evenings.”
“He’d like that too.”
“And you?”
His eyes bore into yours, something in them that trapped the breath in your throat and your fingers itch to reach out.
“I’d like that very much.”
You feel the urge to reach out and pull him to you, he’s already so close. His broad body angled towards you, his eyes locked on your form, as if he’s seeing the skin hidden beneath the layers. Anticipation titters through you as you see the faint movement of his jaw twitching beneath the fabric draped over his face. Without realizing it, you had reached out, fingers skimming the outline of his cheek hidden from view. His eyes fluttered shut, his own hand coming up to gently clasp over your wrist. Though he made no move to step away or remove your hand.
“Apologies,” You jerk your fingers away, aware that he was not yours to touch, his skin not yours to caress your fingers over, his lips not yours to kiss. He belonged to another and so did you.
“You don’t have to apologize, mesh’la.”
“I-I feel like I know you, but I…I don’t and you belong to another.” You step back from him, the leaves of the leaves all around hushing as you did so. But he follows, step for step until your back is against the wall. But you don’t feel caged in or uncomfortable. You feel desire swirl in your middle, heat thrum just under your skin. He’s closer than he had been before, his chest flush with yours and his hands holding yours down by your waist, fingers tangled together. His eyes are sparkling when they meet yours, the brown of them lit up from the sun shining in through the large windows.
Your breath catches in your throat, nerves alight and you feel like you were floating.
“I do and I do not.” He says cryptically. But you have no chance to decipher the meaning behind his words as the bright jingle of your handmaiden’s bracelets float into the room from the hall.
“Princess? Your bath has been drawn if you wish to get ready for bed.” Her voice calls into the room, unable to see you hidden among the plants. With a lingering look, you separate from Aliit and make your way towards the door.
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“Princess Cala, your mother and fiancé have made it very clear that you are not to be left alone. Especially in a place as vulnerable as the bath house.” Janea was trying not to overstep her place, but she was doing her best to uphold the orders she had been given.
“I’ll be fine, I just need a moment to myself. Please understand.”
“I would feel better if there was a guard just inside the door, the tapestries will keep you hidden.” The visceral urge to demand she leave and drop the subject was strong and you choked down the harsh words before they burst from your lips. The thought of someone being in the same room with you as you disrobe and bathe not settling well with you at all. Instincts flaring and the urge to fight making your muscles tense.
“I can call on Sir Aliit? I know you feel comfortable with him, he would never hurt you or put you in harm’s way.” Something flared in your chest- nervousness, excitement, at the thought of Aliit being close by. Of the man keeping an eye out for you while you were at your most vulnerable.
“He’s the night guard, it’s still too early for his shift.”
“I’m sure he wouldn’t mind, Princess. He is dutiful and committed to keeping you safe.” Cynth spoke up, having been waiting at the entrance of the room for you.
“O-okay, call on him then. Please.”
Moments later, the quiet steps of the man can be heard in the hallway accompanied by the soft, incoherent babbling of his child.
“I’m sorry, he wasn’t quite ready for bed.”
“Oh, that’s okay,” You lilt, reaching for the wiggling figure in his grip. Cooing softly, the child began to giggle at the tresses of your loose hair, reaching to wrap his fingers in them. Small face buried in your neck his muffled sounds still lift into the air. “He’s just a lil fussy, nothing a warm bath won’t fix. Isn’t that right?”
“Oh, that’s not nece-“
“I don’t mind, I said I’d offer to help with him. It must be hard caring for him all on your own.” You smile at Aliit, taking note of the hands he had been stretching to collect his child back. Off to the side, Cynth is taking in the scene with a quirk of her lips. Having taken over watching you while Janae had gone to fetch the guard you were beginning to think of more than was appropriate.
Steam fills the expansive room, ornate stone walls covered in glittering and shimmering tapestries. The rich neutral tones highlighted by sapphire blues, bright turquoise, and deep oranges of tiles set in mesmerizing designs along the lips and edges of the large bath. It could easily fit four to five people, more of a sauna than a typical refresher. But it was peaceful in the room, even if you were hyper aware of the stoic form of Aliit on the other side of the cloth wall where a few tapestries had been drawn closed.
Ad’ika is gurgling away happily as you lower his small body into the water. It was a little too deep for him, but you had found a small floating cushion for him that was working as a makeshift raft for him to sit atop and be submerged up to his belly button. One of his little three fingered claws was wrapped around your arm and you felt the same energy from the marketplace flow into you. But instead of overwhelming you, it made you feel calm and collected. Centered.
You feel…comfortable around him despite not being too fond of children. And then there was his father.
Allit made you feel so much more like yourself, even despite being a little unaware of who that might be exactly. More so than anyone else in your constructed life, more so than Prince Cala. Something that sits in the forefront of your mind as the days drag on and your memory remains foggy. You were glad for him, even if he was a new addition to the routine and frankly, boring agenda your life was structured around. The man was tall, silent. Easy strength and skill obvious in his every move, in the velvet of his deep voice, the warmth of his eyes. But it didn’t unnerve you like the other guards, who seemed to be watching your every move. The hint of hidden directives underlying their attention and postings.
But Aliit…he was willing to converse with you. To allow you to speak with him as an equal without pointing out that it was unbecoming of royalty to do so. He answered your questions, and you could sense he had some of his own, sometimes letting them slip from the lips you wish you could see beneath the fabric covering his mouth. Masks weren’t part of the uniform, but he constantly had one in place. It was both comforting to know he was confident enough to feel like he could continue to bear it, and if you were honest…it was a little thrilling to find that he was willing to open up to you despite it.
The front of the room had cushioned benches, even a table filled with sweets and dips partnered with flat breads. Almost as if it were a living room or lounge room to idle in. But you had ignored it to delve further into the room. The bath was set up along the back wall, the right lined with shower heads resembling ferocious animal heads, mouths open in roars to allow for the water to flow from them.
Busing yourself with lathering up a loofa, you smiled down at the giggling child. He was so happy, so easy to please. Unbridled joy easy to draw from him as you had offered him to smell each of the bathing oil and soap options until he had liked one. He picked a lightly floral scent, one that reminded you of blooming trees from the time of before your accident. A rich, woodsy scent with the underlying current of it.
Once you were sure he was scrubbed clean, his laughter at the tickling sensation making warmth bloom in your chest, you wished for this to be your life. To spend your days with the child and his father, as if this was a normal occurrence for the trio you made. Taking pleasure in the small things, in the calm of a daily routine.
Rinsing him off in the bath, you wrapped him in a towel. Sending him to sit atop a stone bench a few feet from the baths edge, you began to lather up a second loofa with the same soap. Once you were covered in suds, you stood from the water. Stepping over the edge, a jolt of pain made you lose your balance, and you knocked over the bottle of soap as you tried to catch yourself.
“San?” Allit was suddenly pulling back the colorful tapestries that divided the room. You stilled as you were hunched over and reaching for the bottle where it had sunk to the bottom of the bath. His eyes widened just a fraction at the sight of your skin on display, bubbles covering very little from view. Arousal throbbed deep in your middle, tingling across your heated skin at the brief feeling of his eyes roving over your skin.
Your stomach jolted at the idea of him seeing you, his eyes taking in the scene before him.
“Apologies!” He choked out before receding back a little and facing away from you, though he didn’t disappear from view. “I thought, I was just checking to make sure you were okay.”
“I’m-yes, of course. Just- yes.” You stuttered, unsure where the sudden feeling of arousal had come from, of why him seeing you in nothing hadn’t ignited the same sense of fear and instinct to fight as the mere intention of your handmaiden’s helping you to disrobe. “We’re both okay, just knocked something over.”
“Copy that, yeah.” His voice so smooth as it washed over you. “I’ll…leave you to it, then.”
And he was gone, leaving you in that same hunched over position. Your heart was beating quickly, blood rushing in your ears, body alight with tingling arousal. With a sigh, you berated yourself for the sudden feelings as your hand wrapped around the bottle and put it back in the little basket with the rest of the soaps and oils.
“I demand to see my fiancé!” A booming voice could be heard in the back of the bath. The hush of conversation following the shout drowned out by the running of water as you washed off in one of the stalls. Ad’ika was wrapped in a towel, sitting half asleep and waiting for you to redress him. Wrapping your own towel around your damp body, you drew back the fabric enclosing the stall only to come face to face with both Aliit and Prince Cala. Both had crossed the threshold into the marbled portion of the bath.
“My dear princess, your guard needs to be informed he is to break your requests in favor of mine. If I wish to see you, I am able to despite you saying you wish to not be disturbed.” He didn’t offer apologies for intruding on your privacy, bouldering his way further into the room despite the glare being aimed at him from beneath thick brows.
“Y-yes, my heart. I-I apologize.” Tightening the hold of the towel around your body, you were hyperaware of this being the most exposed you had been in front of the man who was to be your husband. It didn’t stir any feelings of excitement or arousal in you, instead you felt nausea rise to prickle your skin in an uncomfortable chill.
“You are not to be left alone under any circumstances, do you hear me?” The man stepped forward, his hand reaching for your bare shoulder. You ignored the urge to back away from him, aware of Aliit watching the scene unfold just a few steps behind him, of the energy flowing from him as he obviouslt disagreed with the way things were unfolding. Cala didn’t seem to mind the gaze of the other man as he stepped up to you, hand snaking around your shoulders while his other slipped underneath your towel to grasp at your bare waist. Eyes downcast, you let him touch you. He hadn’t raised a hand to you or given you reason to think he would harm you.
“Even if you are bathing, a guard or handmaiden is to be within viewing range. I don’t care if he’s to see you, you are far too fragile to be left to your own devices.” Humiliation floods you, heating you too much to bear as the steam of the room and the hot water of the bath begins to stifle you. You choke on a response, eyes downcast as you can’t bring yourself to look up from the stone floor. But he didn’t like that, the way you were stuck and unresponsive. “You look at me when I speak to you.”
“Y-yes, sir.” You brought your gaze up to his face, glancing behind his shoulder at the other man before focusing on your intended’s eyes. “I apologize for-“
“You are to dress and go to my quarters.” His hand slid down your damp skin, fingers brushing against the thatch of hair over your most intimate area. You gasped out, he had never even so much as kissed you unprompted. And even then, it was always chaste. But this side of him…it was bound to come to light, he was a man after all and you were to be his. His eyes dilated at the feel of your silken folds as his fingers skimmed over your skin.
“Yes, s-sir.”
“Ensure she dresses appropriately, guard. Maker, I don’t care if you have to force the clothing onto her, she should look fitting for the night ahead of her.” He cocked his head to the side at the resounding silence of the room, tension so thick it was only adding to the overwhelming heat. Dark eyes narrowing, Cala’s grip tightened, bordering on almost painful as he demanded an answer. “Guard, do you understand?”
“Yes.” Came the quick reply from the man behind him. Voice devoid of all emotion, velvet given way to gravel.
Smirking in satisfaction, Cala moved in a rather harsh swipe of his fingers up through your folds, catching on the hood of your cunt. You couldn’t tamp down the startled cry as the tips of them brushed over your clit, more painful than scintillating. Before you could even register the move, he was turning away from you and stomping out the door.
He delivered one last command over his shoulder.
“There are wrapped presents that have been delivered to your closet. Dress her from one of those, I expect to see you in less than an hour.”
The second the door shut at the front of the room, your knees gave out and you found yourself crumbling to the ground. Strong arms softened the blow, cradling you close to a sturdy body, keeping your towel wrapped around your trembling body. Humiliation overwhelmed you, anxiety rising something awful in you as you sunk into the warmth of the body holding you close. He didn’t stir anything in you, his touch comforting and tight around you.
“I’ve got you, mesh’la.” Allit’s deep voice soothed as he pulled you to him, body so close and encasing you. But you didn’t feel trapped or caged, you felt comforted by his closeness. You opened your mouth to assure him you were okay, but a wet hiccup was what fell from your lips.
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Time passes and your memory still does not return. You’ve resigned yourself to this choreographed dance of your life. Breakfast with your mother, who tends to watch you so closely you feel like a creature on display. She bids you a good day before going about her business, something she claims is left over from your lives before you got entangled with the prince of the planet’s sole city. She had yet to allow you to share in her work, her craftmanship of forging armor pieces of chainmail. You often felt restless, thinking the act of participating would help to sooth you, help you to focus.
You dream of making pieces of armor, of donning others. The smooth metal cool underneath your fingertips eliciting both mundane things and…rather debauched thoughts of a large body pulling pleasure from you as easy as breathing.
You occupy yourself with walks through the gardens, of watching over Aliit’s child during the day before handing off the tiny creature who could barely keep his eyes open to the man before joining your intended for dinner. A nightcap with your mother, often tea since she insisted caf before sleeping was bad for your condition. But it was the stolen moments with Cynth and Aliit that you looked forward to the most.
The handmaiden often accompanying you during your walks, soft conversations of her time before being employed by the palace. Of the things she’s lived and endured. You feel very close with her, almost friendly with her as you often share lunch.
Aliit often gave in to your requests for him to sit in the lounge area of your room or out on the balcony in the late hours of the night. Sleep evading you as surreal and vivid dreams plagued you, making it hard to lay back down once you were waking from them with gasping breath and confusing thoughts.
You don’t dwell on the happenings of the night Cala demanded of you. He hadn’t touched you, not beyond his harsh and brash show of possession in the bath house. But the things he had said to you and the way he demanded you touch him had been something you hadn’t wanted. His once chaste kisses turning into his tongue breaking the seal of your lips as he bid you goodnight at the end of each dinner as he dropped you off at your bedroom door. It all felt like a show, a way to display his possession of you to the man who was your night guard. But despite his now harsh kisses that stole your breath in the worst way, you worried for Aliit having to witness the behavior. It had been…something you didn’t like to think about.
It was definitely something you didn’t talk about. With anyone.
The only consolation was that your headaches seemed to abate, the ringing in your ears no longer springing up at random moments. Despite being your night guard, Aliit was now a prominent figure that accompanied you to each visit to the medical wing. They were still as foggy as the memories of your time before the accident, but you felt something shift inside. Mind no longer seeming to work in overdrive to recall things, errant memories of traveling to unknown places alongside faintly familiar figures becoming something you felt throughout the days. 
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You were consumed by the mere thought of Aliit on the other side of your bedroom door. He often started the night off inside the room, heeding the orders of Prince Cala. Though he often stepped outside once you fell asleep, the door right behind him should he need to retreat at the sound of footsteps to keep up appearances. He was always so serious, so still. Never moving at the errant sounds of the palace. Of the other guards doing their rounds within the many halls. Always on alert, though his eyes hardly moved to give it away.
“I know it’s late,” You started to say as you opened the bedroom door. Aliit was immediately turning to face you, his hands clasped behind his back. “But do you want to come in for some tea?”
“Of course, mesh’la.”
He busied himself readying the tea in the small nook that housed a hotplate and a kettle, giving you a moment of peace to gather yourself from your most recent almost waking dream. You had been in a different desert, at a different time. Alone. It hadn’t been anything spectacular, you had simply been living out a day with a routine that felt like it had once been your reality.
“Can I be honest with you, since we’ve…bonded over our shared time?”
“You can share anything with me and I’ll listen, mesh’la.” His voice, his words always so sincere with you, it caused warmth to flare in your chest. You chewed on your bottom lip, contemplating voicing the thoughts that had been consuming you lately. The twice a month check ups having been unsupervised by your mother, Aliit and Cynth taking over those duties. Ever since they had entered the palace you felt…like something was off kilter. But you also felt like… some things were beginning to shift into focus.
You recalled the feeling of heat from a different desert, from a different time in your life. The same from so many of your dreams. Countered by the plush landscape ripe with trees and temperate air. Dreams that felt all too real consumed your sleeping hours, a blurry figure swathed in shining metal beginning to appear beside you in each one.
And while you didn’t know why or how, you began to associate the same sense of calm and comfortability the figure stirred in you with that of Aliit beside you more and more. You let your eyes wander over his seated form now, beside you in the small longue area across from your bed. The room was still far too expansive, making you feel like a bird trapped in a gilded cage as your mother prohibited you from leaving the palace grounds more and more as the wedding loomed near.
“I…I don’t feel like this is my life. I feel like I belong somewhere else, with someone else.”
His eyes soften, the brown of them comforting as they watch you struggle to find the right words. You don’t feel as if he is waiting for something, like so many others you interact with. He seems to hold genuine interest in what you have to say, never glossing over anything even if it seems childish or meaningless.
“I can’t explain it, it just feels like…there’s something more for me. And I know I should be happy here, it’s a beautiful planet, the stars are so bright at night, the ocean is so clear. Anything I need is just a request away, my intended is very attentive and wants for me to have nothing. Even if he’s…altered the way we spend some of our time together. My mother, she cares for me despite my memory of her being foggy. But…Maker, I feel like this is all wrong. Like I belong somewhere else that I can’t recall. That the person meant to be beside me…is someone else. And I feel homesick for the things I can’t remember. For the lands and planets I see in my dreams. For the figure beside me in each and every one.”  
You can sense that he has something to say, but he remains quiet. His eyes the only thing speaking in the comfortable silence of your bedroom. Too many words and thoughts swirling behind the chocolate depths as they regard you. He only offers them and a hand for you to reach out to, sliding your fingers between his and reveling in the warmth of his skin against yours. After a long while, his soothing voice comforts you in a way that takes your breath away.
“We’ll get you back to feeling like yourself, where you belong. I swear it to you, mesh’la.” He shifted from his own chair to sit atop the low table, heights almost matched now. He leaned forward, but you didn’t shy away from him, giving into the moment when he pressed his clothed forehead to yours. Breath hitching, your eyes fluttered shut, unable to take in the emotions swirling behind his beautiful eyes as they caught the lanterns light. He felt…he felt familiar. More like the shape of the man you had been feeling when you first woke up, though you knew it to be a trick of your imagination. How could you possible feel such a connection with a stranger you had only met after your accident when your memory was something hidden deep inside of you or gone altogether?
“Th-thank you, ner kar’ta.” The foreign words falling from your lips surprise you as much as they seem to do him. You repeat them in a questioning tone, his hand tightening around yours. Your eyes flew open, gentle sentiment behind the words not lost on you in that moment. Hope was shining in the man’s eyes, so close…even as he leans back to look you over.
“Do you know what that means?” You could tell that he holds back other questions, other concerns as he regards you with a hardness behind his eyes. But it isn’t aimed at you, the ire you see flare up in their depths. It’s never for you, the things you see flicker in them. He only ever offers you the softest version of himself. Enough so that Cynth has begun to tease you of it during your time together during the day.
“I-I think it means ‘my heart’.” You hesitate, feeling like it’s far too intimate a sentiment for someone who is not your intended. But you feel it, in the very depths of your soul, that it is okay to call the man sitting beside you so.
“It does.” He almost sounds proud and you rather like the tone coming from him. It stirs something low in your stomach, almost as strong as that once occurrence of arousal before everything shifted between you Prince Cala.
“I don’t know why I said that, I don’t…even know what language that is. How-“
“Ner kar’ta, ni kar'tayl gar darasuum.” His eyes don’t leave yours, filling you up with something you don’t think you’ve ever felt, fragmented memory seeming to stitch together at the flash of emotion. Suddenly, you feel the gentle breeze and cresting sunlight and you’re standing in the midst of an open field. A figure is standing before you, decked head to toe in beautiful, shining armor with their hands held out in front of them in a placating manner. The silver swathed figure from your dreams in full focus now as you hold Aliit’s hand in yours. Fingers feeling the warmth of him as they caress his skin, the energy from him that is so soothing. Behind him is the shadow of a large ship and you long to be back there in that moment even as it feels both hauntingly foreign and familiar to you.
“What is going on here? You’re supposed to be at your post protecting my daughter.” The harsh voice of your mother surges into the room from the now open doorway. You spring from the man beside you, heart beating harshly in your chest, a barrage of emotions flaring in you. The rattling of the fine porcelain on the low table separating you startling you. Your eyes move from the vibrating cups and plates to the man beside you, and then to the glaring and obviously upset form of your mother.
“He’s following the orders of Prince Cala, who explicitly stated that I am to be supervised at all times, mother.”
“I highly doubt the prince instructed this man to dote such attention on you to the point of holding your hand in the middle of the night!”
Anger and distaste for the woman across from you flares hot over your entire body, energy igniting inside of you that feels both far too familiar and far too foreign. The very same energy you had been feeling more and more in the things and people around you, almost as if it was a secondary thing to breathing, to existing. The glare marring her features twists in your mind and you feel the weight of heavy metal around your wrists, your ankles, your neck. You feel the phantom dredge of something chemical buzzing in your veins and you know- you know that she’s the cause for such sensations.
“I want to know exact details of my accident.” You demand, aware of Aliit standing at attention behind you, his muscles tense just as yours are. Though you do not fear him, you fear the woman who calls herself your mother. Pushing through, you meet her eyes with your own and something in your own expression surprises her. Feeding off of that genuine reaction, not something that seems so calculated, you demand of her, “I want to know what happened to me.”
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fandsart · 1 year
Sickening Disparity
Sick-fic based on the comment @stevesbipanic made on this post
Steve was supposed to be here like a half an hour ago. He told Eddie he’d help him prepare some stuff for Wayne’s birthday tomorrow. Mostly the cake, since Eddie’s admittedly terrible in the kitchen. Especially baking. So when Steve offered to help it was a huge relief. He knew he could save some money on a store-bought cake for other activities for the day.
He really wants to be frustrated, but getting to know Steve over the past eight months, well, he wouldn’t just bail. He’s had people abandon him before to get other people—bullies—off of their backs, so it’s always something he’s paranoid about. It’s why he was so willing to drop Lucas from Hellfire, so sure that Lucas was down a path of the inevitable anyway, leaving the ‘light side’ behind. But he knows Steve has already been on the other end of the social curve. He already knows what he’s giving up and he’s talked about how glad he is to have dropped his social status. Giving him the benefit of the doubt he heads to the phone and calls Family Video, hoping he just got held up at work.
Only to hear from Kieth that Steve called off work that day.
The speed at which his thought process instantly goes straight from trying to talk himself out of judging Steve and being upset about being stood up– from telling himself that he knows Steve wouldn’t do that, to concern gave him mental whiplash. Something’s wrong. He calls Steve’s house three times before resorting to the walkie talkie.
“Has anyone seen Steve?”
“Have you checked his job?” Dustin voices back slowly like he’s talking to a child.
“I’m not an idiot. Kieth said he called in sick, but he’s not answering his home phone.”
“Yeah…” Lucas says, “it’s been getting colder out. If I were sick I wouldn’t want to wander away from his bed either.”
“Yeah, he’s probably just at home,” Dustin says. “You can check on him if you’re really worried, but if he called in sick he’s probably safe. If there was a serious emergency he’d let us know about any kind of code red at the same time.”
“I think he should check on him,” Lucas says. “He can’t be getting much better there.”
“That’s a good point. Eddie, can you bring him to your place maybe? At least pop by his place?”
When Lucas said that, Eddie had assumed he meant that Steve couldn’t be getting better all alone, especially if he didn’t want to leave his bed for whatever reason- well… Eddie thinks he knows why Steve might not want to leave his bed now. Especially if he was sick.
Because when Steve doesn’t answer the door, as expected really, and Eddie finds the door unlocked, upon entering he expects to feel the relief of heat flooding around him, only to find no temperature change at all. Which is just so unexpected. It’s not even 35 degrees out! Why would someone have their heat off right now? Even Wayne’s turned their heat on by now!
He still lives at his parents’ house doesn’t he?
“Steve!” he calls uncertainly. “Are you here?” At the lack of response he peaks out the door again to double check that he had seen Steve’s car on the way in. With the confirmation that it still sits in the driveway, he knows the chances of him not being here are slim.
Still, he rushes up to where he knows Steve’s room is from the few times he came over a few months ago. On that minuscule chance he’s not here, that would be a major cause for concern. He knocks on the bedroom door, not receiving an answer, but opens the door slowly at the subtle sound of shifting sheets. “Stevie? You doing ok?” His visible breath crosses the barrier to the room before he does.
“Eddie?” Steve croaks, poking his head out from the layers of covers where he was fully buried. He looks between Eddie and his clock. “Oh, shit… I swear I didn’t expect to sleep that long.”
“Jesus, Stevie, it’s freezing in here.”
“Yeah, sorry about that.”
“‘Sorry about that?’”
“Well I didn’t exactly expect you to be here.”
“Ok, let me rephrase. Why is it so cold in here?”
Steve sighs. “This hasn’t really been an issue since high school, but I’ve been saving up for a deposit to get my own place.”
“What hasn’t been an issue since high school?”
“Heating and cooling expenses.”
“I don’t think I’m following. Why would you have issues with that in high school?”
Steve shrugs jerkily through the feverous shivers that wrack his body, burying deeper into his blankets. “My allowances were only so high. Things got easier once I got a job, but since I want to get my own place I’ll be at square one for a while.”
“I feel like… I’m lagging… You made more money at Scoops Ahoy than you got from your parents.”
“To be fair, most of my meals were provided by the school at the time. It only got really hard during the summer.”
“They didn’t-” he cuts himself off seeing Steve pull the comforters further up his face, covering his lips, which Eddie now realizes are purple. “Ok, we will continue this conversation later, but for now we’re taking you to my place. Now come on. The engine’s still running, so it should be nice and warm in the van.” Steve looks tempted, but hesitant, before sitting fully up with a large shudder.
The transfer from carpet to hardwood, then later concrete are hard to watch, but it’s definitely worth it when Steve sinks in the passenger seat of the van and relaxes. Not fully, but a hell of a lot better than what was going on before.
“I’m gonna lock up your place, alright?”
Steve gives a little hum and a nod. “Keys’re on my dresser.”
On his way out, Eddie heads to the kitchen with the intent on grabbing a vegetable or something. He knows those are good for when you’re sick and he figures anything Steve has will be better than whatever canned shit he and Wayne have at the trailer. Especially knowing what a cook Steve is, he makes the assumption that Steve keeps a large stock of things.The only things in the fridge are milk, butter, and eggs; all frozen.
Eddie swears under his breath as he shuts the fridge a tad harshly. All he finds in the freezer is ice. It gets the same treatment as the fridge. When he checks the cabinets he finds the stock of ingredients he’d initially assumed Steve would have but it’s all more baseline stuff. Flour, oats, salt, spices. He practically growls in frustration at the lack of resources on his way out the door.
He’s about ready to start questioning Steve again about this entire situation, only to find him asleep in the van.
“Fuck’s sake,” he grumbles as he puts the van into gear.
The drive back gives him plenty of time to think about it. Usually he turns his music up loud enough to not have to think at all. That’s how he prefers it. But he doesn’t want to wake Steve up. So it plays at a low volume while Eddie goes over the facts in his head.
It’s Eddie’s second senior year, and Steve’s first, well, only senior year. Steve’s been less of a jerk the past few years, but Eddie can’t help but be annoyed when he hears Steve complain about needing new shoes. Because the thing is, Eddie just knows he’ll be getting a new pair by the next day. He must be setting up the idea in people’s minds so he doesn’t look so self centered when he goes around showing them off. Eddie rolls his eyes at the audacity and he’s standing on the table before he can stop himself
He looks at Steve, still wrapped up in the comforter, just his head and feet poking out. He didn’t bother grabbing his shoes on the way out. His socks are visibly wet now from the now melted snow that fell last night.
“Oh, have you owned those name brand running shoes for a day too long? Get a grass stain on them? You know not all of us get credit cards at the age of 12 because our parents are willing and able to provide anything their precious little child could want. Some of us can’t even afford long showers. Only getting so long before the faucets start spitting out ice.”
Eddie still doesn’t know why the house was left so cold. He’d like to try to convince himself that Steve thought it would be a way to combat the fever, but, no, Steve’s already confirmed it had to do with saving. It sounded like he was meant to pay for heating and cooling with his allowance back in high school, but why? The scenario is so bizarre. His parents would give him money to put into heating anyway? It comes out of their pocket anyway! What’s the point of that? Maybe if they wanted to teach him some kind of lesson about priorities?
“My uncle doesn’t even turn his heat on until mid-september,” Eddie goes on. “Have you ever skipped a meal to afford a new coat? Or any clothes for that matter? Huh, Mr. Polo and Nikes? Never had to cultivate a style on a budget?”
Glancing over he sees Steve’s hair sweat-plastered to his forehead. He might be getting a little bit too hot now in the heated vehicle and under all three blankets. They’re almost to Eddie’s trailer now, so he can situate Steve to a better condition while he asks him to elaborate on the situation.
It’s a little weird. He’s never really conversed with Steve, and yeah he’s annoyed that Steve gets to take his silver spoon for granted, but something seems off. Steve’s usually a pretty good sport whenever he goes on his little rants. Usually he goes after how people adhere to the stereotypes of their cliques, and he’ll often spot Steve laughing along or making a ‘fair enough’ face, even when his statements definitely apply to him too. But he doesn’t react at all this time. Doesn’t even seem annoyed at all; just stares back blankly at Eddie. He’s used to getting some read out on him. He knows it’s irrational, but it really does serve to piss him off even more.
Waking Steve up made Eddie feel so guilty. He’d fallen back asleep so fast, and he’d already been sleeping all day. He must truly be exhausted. Steve hobbling to the front door is a miserable sight. His socks are now browning with mud from the squishy ground he’s walking on. Eddie holds the door for him, and he nods in thanks, but never complaining about the cold, despite shivering so hard he physically could not have openned the door on his own.
“Priveleged, spoiled bitch,” Eddie grumbles as he hops down from the table.
He gets Steve new clothes first. His warmest pajamas and some of his uncle's thick work socks. Then he pulls out some of the canned soup they have stored for just such an occasion. The soup doesn’t take long, and by the time he finishes Steve is sitting on the couch, outfit changed. He’s not asleep now, but he’s still visibly tired. He’s shed two of the three comforters, but he still shivers slightly under the layers.
“Your clothes are soft. I put my stuff in your washer by the way. I don’t know how yours works so they’re just sitting in there, but it was empty.”
“Don’t worry about that,” Eddie says, passing the bowl over to Steve. “I’ll take care of it later. For now… I guess I’m a little confused about why your house was an ice block.”
Steve huffs out a small laugh. “My parents pay for the heating and cooling, but they aren’t always home, so it doesn’t always get paid for.” He shrugs. “When I was in high school I could go to Tommy’s because his parents were also away most of the time, but then we had our falling out. When I got a job I could start heating for the power myself, but I’m saving up now.”
Eddie can’t think of a follow up to that before Steve fully drains the bowl of soup.
“I, uh, haven’t eaten since this morning and it was just toast,” he explains shyly.
Eddie takes the bowl to the sink and finds a sleeve of crackers to bring back to Steve, along with a glass of water.
“Sorry about, uh…” Steve starts when Eddie enters the room again. “I mean, I know we had plans today. I was hoping I’d be able to sleep it off before I had to be here, but then I just slept through it I guess.”
“Dude it’s fine. You can’t help your shitty immune system.” He gets flipped off for that comment. “Just next time let people know you’re sick when you have plans with them. Also, next time leave your freezing house! No wonder you weren’t getting any better!”
Steve laughs a bit, which devolves into a coughing fit. “I’d hope to have my own place by the time I’m sick again,” he says once his coughs subside. That’s when Eddie changes his priorities from getting more answers to getting Steve to finish eating what he has before giving him medicine and moving him to Eddie’s bed to sleep the rest off.
As they make a last minute cake the next day, he learns about how Steve’s parents used to give him 10 dollars to survive on per week since he was 8. About how they limited his budget to keep him from buying things that contradicts their image; so that he would only wear the clothes that they provided. About how they didn’t want to waste money heating the whole house if Steve would be the only one home, only really using 3 rooms.
He feels like he should maybe be more shocked, but everything he’s learned about Steve suddenly makes so much more sense. The way he’s behaved over the past months; not having a single moment of culture shock when exposed to Eddie or Robin’s means of living.
He remembers a time when Dustin asked Steve for ‘a loan’ and Steve told him that if he needed money to ‘mow the neighbor’s lawn like all the other kid his age.’ Eddie remembered thinking it was kind of hypocritical, but was largely dismissive of it. But he gets it now. It was an expression of his own experiences.
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imtrashraccoon · 9 months
This one was slightly tricky to write and I spent several days just writing dialogue whenever I was able to lol. Oh well, it's still something I'm proud of.
By the way, I think I'm going to call this "Have Some Empathy, Dear" and I have already started posting it on AO3. Some of you have already found it lol! There's additional lore bits that I'll probably post over there if you're curious.
CW: Not sure if this is needed, but there is some mentions of toxic family dynamics in this chapter. Classic family favorites one child over the other and makes negative comments about them as well.
First Day & Next Day.
Bad Sansuary: Horror - Romance
Word Count: 2,087
You'd seen Axe a few times ever since the day you met him in the forest. Somehow, he'd figured out where you lived but had completely dodged the question when you asked how. You kind of just let it go after that as it was nice hanging out with someone after a long day of work.
Yeah, a smart person would've avoided the obvious red flags... Not that you weren't smart, maybe just selectively blind.
He seemed to be a genuinely nice guy, despite the mildly unsettling habits he had, like the fact that he tended to stare at you for long periods of time. It was like he had scary dog energy but without all of the bite, at least towards you anyways.
Today was a you day. No errands that needed to be run, no one requiring you to be at work, and no chores to do around the house. It was just you and the latest episode of your favorite historical romance show. The last episode had ended on a cliffhanger and you were dying to see if Madam Fratchurine accepted Duke Von Gossimer's proposal or not.
You were only halfway through the episode, without a clear answer to the 'Will they, won't they?' question, when a sharp knocking sounded on your front door. Pausing the episode with a frown, you emerged from your blanket cocoon to see who was outside.
Taking a peek through the peephole, your mild annoyance quickly evaporated when you recognized the person on the other side. Barely sparing a thought on how presentable you were, you unlocked and swung open the door to greet them.
"Axe! Um, hi! I, uh, didn't expect to see you today..."
He quirked a bonebrow when you nearly stumbled over your words and his smile morphed into one of mild amusement. You could feel how warm your cheeks had grown all of the sudden and glanced down at your socks.
Clearing your throat, you tried to start over. "Sorry, why don't you come in? Although I should warn you that I've been relaxing all day so the apartment might be a bit messy." You moved to the side so he could step over the threshold rather than remain standing awkwardly outside your door.
Axe chuckled and his eyelight briefly flicked past you into the hallway. " 's no problem, i didn't let you know beforehand. sorry about that..." he responded. He nearly had to duck his skull in order to come inside but thankfully the doorframe was still a few inches taller than he was.
You gathered up the fuzzy blanket you'd been snuggling in and quickly folded it up to make the room slightly less messy. While you were at it, you straightened the sofa cushions and deposited your blanket on the coffee table for now.
"heh, i didn't think you'd be the type to watch sappy stuff like this," Axe commented.
"Huh?" You glanced over and realized he'd noticed the still paused episode. "Ah, well... It's a bit of a...guilty pleasure of mine."
He glanced at you out of the corner of his left eye socket with a look that seemed to suggest amusement. You flushed and quickly looked away from him.
"I suppose you could say I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic..." you muttered. "The idea of finding your one and only? It was just a thing I fixated on when I was younger I guess."
"nothin' wrong with that," Axe said quietly. "a lot of folks look forward to meetin' someone special like that. soulmates or somethin'... i don't really care, but i suppose it would be nice. i'm sure it would all work out though."
You nodded slowly, "I guess so... Honestly, I kind of envy how carefree you are about it."
"well, i'm not in a hurry to settle down right now," he responded with a shrug.
He was right in a way. There was no hurry to find someone and you could always focus on your career in the meantime. Although growing up, there was always the pressure to find someone quickly so you could be taken care of and give your parents a couple of grandchildren. It was "The least you could do," your mother had said.
Of course, you'd then struggled with a string of bad relationships ever since getting out of high school. Not only had you gotten attached really fast whenever a guy ever showed you any modicum of attention, but you also weren't great at standing up for yourself. Your relationships never lasted longer than a few months and while you'd since learned what mistakes not to make, you were starting to wonder if you should swear off dating altogether.
"so, uh, other than shows like this," Axe motioned to the tv, bringing you out of your thoughts again. "what else do ya like to do?"
"Well, I read occasionally and have a small collection of fantasy type books. I used to be part of my school's chess club but I haven't actually had anyone to play against in a while."
You glanced around the living room before your gaze focused on two of your plants on the window sill. "Oh, I try to keep a few plants alive but I don't think I have much of a green thumb. I also like to press flowers or colourful leaves in the fall. They make some pretty collages but I have to make time to actually put them all together."
He nodded approvingly and studied the plants for a moment. "What kind are they?" he asked.
You pursed your lips in thought while you tried to remember. "The one on the left is a yellow Cala Lilly and I think the other is called a Christmas Cactus although it hasn't bloomed since last year. I'm not sure why as it has sun and I haven't forgotten to water it." You shrugged and added, "It's otherwise thriving so I guess I'm doing something right."
"can't say i'm familiar with either of those types so i can't give ya any advice," Axe hummed softly. "i'm more familiar with the kinds of plants ya can cook with, like vegetables or herbs."
"Do you like to cook then?" you asked.
"i do," he answered with a slight nod. "it's somethin' i just really enjoy doin' i guess..." His singular eyelight was still focused on the plants by your window as he trailed off.
When he didn't elaborate further, you couldn't help but feel a bit awkward. His tone of voice seemed to hint at a deeper meaning to what he'd said and you didn't know if you should ask or not.
So, rather than potentially making things more awkward, you decided not to ask and instead to talk about something else. "You know, I like cooking as well. Although, I really only cook for myself so I have limited experience."
Well that certainly seemed to make him perk up. Axe turned to actually look at you and his eyelight flicked over you in a way that you thought was him sizing you up.
"limited experience or not, it's still an important skill to know. did ya teach yourself or...?"
You shook your head, "No, at least not completely... I learned the basics from my mother but everything else I had to learn through good ol' trial and error." You rubbed the back of your neck and quietly added, "Granted, it was mostly by error..."
Axe let out a short chuckle at that. There was clear amusement written across his skull once again, yet it didn't feel like he was making fun of you.
"that's good, sometimes the best way to learn is to actually try your hand at somethin'. or at least it's the best way i know to figure things out." He lightly scratched the right side of his skull, although you noticed how his phalanges nearly hooked into the empty socket as he did so.
"Maybe we could cook something together sometime then...?" you asked.
To your surprise, he nodded vigorously and his permanent grin quirked wider at the idea. "sure, that could be fun. 's not every day i have the chance to cook with others."
"Awesome!" you exclaimed and gave a bit of a victory fist pump. Axe chuckled again although it was more natural sounding this time, like he hadn't expected you to react with this much enthusiasm.
This conversation made you remember something all of the sudden that you had to share. "You know what's funny? One of the things my mother used to always tell me was, and I quote, 'You gotta find a man who can at least cook because you certainly can't!'" With an awkward chuckle, you added, "In hindsight though, I realize she wasn't actually joking..."
That had been a bad thing to say apparently. His expression flickered between discomfort and concern before settling on a slight frown. You could feel a familiar pit form in your stomach as you realized that you'd basically stuck your foot in your mouth.
Axe let out a heavy sigh through his nasal bone and couldn't seem to meet your gaze all of the sudden. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other before finally muttering a response.
"your mother probably didn't have a guy who could pass for a slasher villian in mind..."
You felt bad for saying something so forward in the first place as it had clearly made him uncomfortable. So you resorted to damage control in an effort to ease tensions once again.
"Well, uh... I guess you're right... She also told me that drinking coffee stunts your growth, which I know isn't true now, but it still frustrated me when I was younger."
Well that got him to chuckle at least. He patted your shoulder in a way that was probably supposed to be reassuring, although it did feel slightly patronising seeing as how tall he was.
"are ya sure that isn't true?" he asked in a tone that sounded like it was supposed to be sassy, although his deep voice did just the opposite.
You crossed your arms and huffed in annoyance. "It isn't! I don't even drink that much coffee compared to other people..."
"what other things did she tell you? any other gems?"
You frowned and shook your head. "Nothing very helpful... She used to be obsessed with my weight growing up and never kept any snacks in the house. If I ever mentioned I was hungry, she'd just tell me to go eat a handful of almonds or something."
You sighed and dropped onto the couch. Steepling your chin with your hands, you tried to take deep breaths to avoid getting all worked up over what had happened in the past. You felt bad that you'd nearly just dumped a bunch of your own trauma on Axe when he was basically a complete stranger.
The cushions shifted as he sat down next to you. You glanced over at him and rather than annoyance like you'd expected, he looked slightly concerned. You very rarely talked to anyone about your childhood as they never understood and brushed off your mother's rules as well-meaning. He didn't seem to be like any of the others though and you started to wonder if he actually understood you.
"I'm...not on good terms with my family...in general," you muttered.
He seemed surprised if the way his left eye socket widened was any indication. "how come?" he asked quietly. "family's pretty important, at least to me anyways..."
You shook your head slowly. "I really don't want to get into all of it right now... But, the short of it is my mother was basically what some people call an almond mom and my older sister was seen as the golden child. I was basically dirt in comparison to her and my entire family favorited her."
"i don't really understand..." Your heart sank but Axe continued speaking before you could try to explain. "but i can tell this is a sore spot for ya, so i won't push ya to explain anythin' else, okay?"
You gave him a stiff smile out of sheer relief. "I appreciate it..." you responded with a sigh.
In an attempt to talk about something lighter, you tried to change to subject. "Do you have any family?" you asked.
His skull visibly brightened, somehow, at your question and he grinned warmly. "yep, i got a younger brother and he's the coolest dude i know..."
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silent-sanctum · 5 months
I hope you're doing fine mijin🤩💗....
Can I request a fic where the stone ocean group survives and jotaro meets his wife(the reader) or ex wife that's upto you
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Aha! A 2-for-1 special! Also, hiya @jotarosimpforever and to you too anon 👋 I'm doing fine thank you! Sorry it took this long to answer your requests, I'm currently on vacation so I was busy doing stuff 🫡 But here it is! A post-Stone Ocean fic featuring domestic times with our favorite DILF 6taro 😘 Hope you enjoy ♡
Way Home - Part 6! Jotaro x Reader
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word count: 3.3k
“Breaking news: The recent events people termed as the “Shifting Skies Phenomenon” comes to an abrupt halt, resulting in mass casualty midst the confusion of countless civilians worldwide”
The scene was in complete chaos just the way it was for the past few hours. Where it was due to destruction as the heavens changed hues, from burning autumn to midnight void and back in a blink of the eye, now everything and everyone were in complete loss of control, emergency respondents dispatched to numerous vehicular accidents and spontaneous locations with crowds sporting spontaneous injuries.
Where others wouldn’t know what else to brand this phenomenon but “otherworldly”, you knew it as a catastrophic Stand attack.
And you’d come to know these information because of none other than your own husband- A solitary individual who opted to keep his responsibilities a secret from the people he loved, to sacrifice his happiness and suffer a life of “kill-or-be-killed” if it meant giving his family the normal life he could never have.
If it weren’t for circumstances that got yourself involved in one of these Stand encounters, you wouldn’t find yourself falling into the rabbit hole that was learning the nature of Stands, and eventually taking up a managerial role in an exclusive private organization as one of their agents. If it weren’t for that eventful day, you wouldn’t be able to meet Jotaro.
That stoic, abrasive, yet loving man…
Images of him smiling at you with fondness glazing his sharp blue eyes flashed in your mind as you imagined the same man charging head first into the battlefield to save and protect his and your only daughter from this grand scale threat.
And with the sky and the Earth’s gravity returning back to its usual state, you should be relieved knowing the enemy was defeated.
But without being there to witness how it ended, you gave into overthinking, imagining the repercussions that were dealt to achieve the cost of such victory.
As if snapping back to reality, you found yourself running through a plethora of bustling Speedwagon Foundation employees, almost crazed and frantic. The organization was just as rushed and busy as the rest of the world was with one half of the Foundation attempting to get shit under control by getting in-contact with non-government networks for aid and support, and the other half accommodating injured civilians to help reduce the local hospitals from overcrowding.
And just as what’s written in paper, you’ve received information that a chopper had just arrived with 2 members of the Joestar family onboard, injured from a fatal fight. You wasted not even a split second to bolt from the safety of your room and here in the private foundation’s building.
You rounded a corner, pushing past a couple more of people until you were met with a signage that read “Medical Wing”. You’ve studied the place’s layout enough times since Jotaro first brought you here during your orientation. While the place crowded with panicked and wounded civilians, you knew that the Foundation had exclusive areas and services reserved for the convenience of the Joestar bloodline.
Frustrated, you were desperate enough to seek the first nurse you could see and ask where her family was, but you’d find out that wouldn’t happen. Your hurried steps led you to the emergency room and instead of a random nurse, your attention landed on a teenage girl with messy space buns and torn clothing sitting on one of the benches lining the hallway leading to the operating room.
With one arm in a cast and her waist bandaged, the young girl had her free hand curled into a fist, head bowed as she struggled to hold back her sobs.
At the sight of her, your eyes welled up with tears. “Jolyne…”
In an instant, she jerked her head upright at the sound of her name. It took her a couple of seconds before she saw you standing a few feet away from her. Like mother and daughter, Jolyne’s face crumpled into one of sadness, the tears that she held back now rolling down her cheeks. “Eomma-”
You crossed whatever distance was between you and your child and brought her into a tight hug. “I’m sorry,” she started. “I’m really sorry mom.”
With ease, you withdrew enough for you to do another quick scan over her body. “Are you hurt bad?” You grasped her shoulders with a hand, the other reaching up to cup her wet cheeks. “Does it hurt anywhere?”
Your questions only sent Jolyne into another sob, breaking into tears the second you showed your extreme concerns. “I-I’m fine, but appa-”
You paused. “What… What happened to him?”
“He protected me, my friends, b-but…” She furiously swiped at her eyes despite her sobs. “He’s injured the most. He was bleeding everywhere and now-”
You kept yourself as calm as possible, even if you were on the brink of collapsing yourself. “Where is he?” Jolyne pointed to the double doors leading to the operating room.
Your heart caved in at the thought of your husband laying unconscious being worked on by surgeons and nurses to preserve his life. With a heavy and shaky sigh, you nodded as you willed yourself to not cry in front of your daughter.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t do better,” Jolyne cried. “I’m sorry for letting that stupid accident with that asshole happen that led to dad going through all this bullshit for me-”
You quieted her as you pulled her into another hug, softly caressing her head. “It’s not your fault, pearl,” you said with a whisper. She continued to sob as she buried her face on your shoulder. “Your father knows that too.”
Gently, you led your daughter to one of the benches and sat her down with you beside her. Considering you’d thought the worst before arriving at the Foundation, you looked at the closed double doors with a newfound sense of reassurance. Another sigh.
“Let’s just wait and hope for the best.”
The consistent beeping of his vitals echoed throughout the dimmed room and you were left alone with Jotaro, still unconscious with half of his face heavily bandaged together with his throat, an oxygen mask fit on his nose and mouth.
Jolyne visited minutes earlier and told you that she’d be checking with how her other friends were doing.
An hour ago, you and Jolyne stood up immediately as soon as the surgeon stepped through the swinging doors. To everyone’s relief, they managed to stabilize him from his critical state.
According to him, your husband had a pre-existing heart condition that caused his pulse rate to beat at irregular, rapid intervals. Combined with the knowledge of him having to exert excessive strength despite waking up from a comatose state and the heavy amount of stress piling up the past few months, his body had chosen to shut down the second his adrenaline depleted.
Thinking about that again made you scoff through your tears. “You were always an impulsive idiot…” Saying those words caused your eyes to swell again and sniffle.
But what’s done was done. The doctors did what they could and all you can do was to sit beside him, holding his hand with both of yours, praying that he’d recover faster, enough for him to wake up and calm your worrying heart.
Without realizing, you ended up falling asleep still sat on your chair by his bed. You didn’t know how long time has passed in your slumber and you couldn’t be bothered to find out. All that mattered right now was staying by your husband’s side, letting him know, in spirit perhaps, that he wasn’t alone and that you were with him now.
In a way you couldn’t perceive, you somehow felt like he was comforting you as well. A comforting chill would brush against your cheeks, hair, shoulders, or hands and you welcomed the sensation like an old friend.
Eventually, time would pass from mere hours to days and throughout it all, you continued to stay where you were- always making sure to watch over him with persisting hope.
Today marked the 15th day since his admission in the Foundation’s infirmary ward. His fresh bandages still wrapped around the half of his face and throat. His assistive oxygenation was removed the week prior once his vitals stabilized within normal range.
By now, you stayed so much in the medical room that your responsibilities started to catch up as evident with the numerous phone calls and text messages alerting you from your pocket. You figured you’d answer a few and explain the circumstances surrounding you and your family.
That time, you stood by the window hoping to receive better signal. You were in the middle of arguing with a non-compliant employee that worked under your supervision, and through their whining in the speaker, you picked up the sheets shifting behind you.
On that cue, you turned around with supposed foolish hope but in clear daylight, there he was- stirring into consciousness, brows furrowing and scrunching as his eye slowly opened.
You never hung up on someone this fast before but you dropped whatever conversation you had and rushed over to Jotaro’s side, immediately reaching to grasp his hand. It took him a bit to adjust to the natural light, but he lolled his head to you and locked eye contact with you.
You exhaled a shaky breath. “Jotaro-ssi?” With a weak baritone voice, he croaked back your name with instant familiarity. Your eyes welled with new tears. Right then and there, he grunted as he struggled to prop himself upright. “W-What are you doing? You just woke up. You’re supposed to rest!”
At this point, you didn’t realize you started crying when you light-heartedly scolded him. You gripped his hand tight with frustration and relief, teardrops spilling onto your skin. He’s awake. Thank god he’s awake. “Do you know how much of an idiot you are?! I told you you shouldn’t jump into dangerous situations so recklessly! And now look at you! You should be taking your time and recover lying down and here you are forcing yourself to sit! You really are an idiot-”
“I missed you.”
Your heart skipped a beat and whatever ramble you had left trailed off into the thin air. Jotaro sat there patiently, watching you wistfully with hooded eyes. In your hand, he turned his palm upwards and interlocked his fingers with yours. He had that usual air of stoicism in his expression, but there was no mistaking the wet sheen glossing over his aquamarine eyes.
That was all it took for you to break into a sob as you gently wrapped your arms around him in a soft embrace. You felt him tuck his face against the crook of your neck, his tears pooling on your skin in silence. “Next time, tell me at least. Alright?”
“Don’t scare me like that again, you hear?”
“I’m sorry…”
“You ass.”
It’s been 6 months since then and after the chaos had settled across the nation, the Kujos returned to their seaside villa, settling in for the time being to adjust to the new life after the time phenomenon.
Slowly but surely, every member of the family began to live their lives the way they wanted to- Jolyne would often leave the house to hang out with her best friend Ermes and potential boyfriend Anasui, one day bringing home a kid in baseball uniform named Emporio waiting to be adopted into the family, you returned to work to help the other agents in the Foundation, and Jotaro begun to resume teaching in university, choosing to take a break from field research to give him time to rest.
And considering the stress of the whole Stand ordeal they had dealt with since they were 17, you could get used to a mundane life like this.
The early morning sun beamed a warm orange, filtered through the curtains before it could touch both you and your husband. You opened your eyes to find yourself side-lying on his arm to face a still-sleeping Jotaro, tucked bare-chested underneath the sheets with his face mushed against the pillows
You huffed and snuggled closer, nuzzling to bury your nose on the crook of his neck. With a feather-light touch, you raised an index finger to gingerly trace the faded scar across his throat, the shallow dents across his collarbone, the scar on his left shoulder, and the one on his abdomen. One-by-one, you took the time to feel the skin of each in contrast to the rest. “You’ve been through so much…”
He stirred possibly from your tiny motions and soon enough, the arm you lied on curled in to pull you into his hold.
You couldn’t help but giggle as you looked up to see your husband glance at you with sleep-ridden eyes. You propped yourself on his chest and with your chin planted on your overlapped hands flat on his pecs, you whispered out a simple, intentionally-cute “Good morning~”
Jotaro smiled back. “Morning.”
“Break day?”
He nodded.
Life never felt so ordinary after what had happened but you could get used to this. Where every moment in this new era, they could live out the rest of their lives as a normal couple with a normal family.
And what’s a better way to start their new lives but with the domesticity of a newlywed pair.
Both you and Jotaro started the day accomplishing your morning routines- you in the bathroom washing up, he on the balcony to simply soak in the early morning sun. You made your way to the dining area where he stood by waiting for you with two steaming mugs of coffee in his hands. You took one, returned the favor with a chaste peck on his cheek, and went over to cook breakfast for the family.
On cue with the smell of bacon and eggs permeating throughout the house, two pairs of footsteps bounded down the stairs and barged into the area.
“Well good morning to you too Jolyne,” you glanced at her companion with a smile. “Emporio.”
“Going out again?” Jotaro said, glancing at the duo. “This early?”
“Ermes is gonna go shopping for the new line of clothes that got released yesterday. She invited me and Emporio over saying it’s going to be ‘her treat’, but I know she’s lying,” Jolyne said, picking up a toast from her plate and another to offer her adopted brother.
“Is that pink-haired guy going?”
“His name’s Anasui dad and no, he’s not going,” she puffed her chest. “It’s girl’s day out today.” You and Jotaro looked at the blond boy beside her. “He’s not tagging along. I’m just dropping off Emporio at the nearby bookstore on the way out.”
“And I can find my way back no problem,” Emporio said as the teenager slowly pulled him with her to the door. “I won’t take too long.”
Jotaro still had his doubts from where he was on his seat, but knowing your little girl was able to survive a life of imprisonment and was able to get around the harsh facility, you smiled at her. “Alright. Be back by 9!”
“I will!”
Once the duo were out of sight, you and Jotaro were left alone to themselves. “Nothing like seeing your kids all grown up, huh?” You said as you took a bite of your eggs. He hummed a sound of acknowledgment. “But that just means we have the day to ourselves.”
At that, your husband couldn’t help but smile.
And just as you said, the rest of today consisted of simply staying indoors and “hanging-out” with each other in a life of old-couple domesticity. You cooked the meals and he washed the dishes. You did the laundry and he helped in folding them. You dusted the shelves and he vacuumed the floors. You picked today’s playlist to listen while doing chores and he chose what movie to watch.
Then there were instances in-between chores where either of you can’t help but hover close to one another, seeking each other’s touch and affections. May it be when you’re cooking and Jotaro passes by stealing a piece of sliced vegetable, you sneaking behind to pat his ass when he’s drying the plates, him momentarily resting his chin on your head as you wait for the washing machine to finish, him offering you a glass of water in the middle of dusting, or ending up in a never-ending banter over genres of media.
By the time they finished everything, including the short time freshening up, the afternoon began its transition to night as the skies changed its hue from blue to orange.
You shared one look with your husband and with one wistful stare, he rose a hand to you and you held it. With no worries plaguing your mind, you and Jotaro slowly walked down the stairs to the coast, hand-in-hand. A gentle breeze blew a strand of hair across your face and before you could, he tucked it behind your ear.
Both of you walked across the sand until you stopped a few meters away from the gentle waves.
Jotaro took the initiative to break apart from you, only to step behind and engulf your body with his long coat with his hands still in its pockets. You smiled and leaned back against his chest, closing your eyes as you do so.
For a few minutes, the couple simply stood by, basking in the ambiance- the refreshing sea breeze against your skin, the soothing crash of waves, the birds chirping above. The sea was your comfort place after all, and it was his too. Despite it being months later, you cherished every calm walk such as this as if it was the last.
You’ve never felt at peace this much. It was so nice.
“23 years…” You glanced up at Jotaro when he spoke. “For 23 years of us knowing each other, finally… Finally we can just live like this.”
You chuckled. “Makes it seem like we’ve just been married and this is our honeymoon even though it’s been years.”
“We’ve been fighting the world for most of our lives. Is it strange that until now, I’m still not used to this kind of ‘quiet’? As if I’m cautious that someone could appear at any moment?”
You shook your head, your gaze drifting to the horizon as you thought of your next words. “It’s not. It’ll take some time for us to adjust to this new normal. For all our habitual anxiety to disappear. Hell, it might not go away entirely.”
“But I can assure you this-”
You stepped out of his coat and turned to face him. From this angle, you looked at Jotaro with a smile bearing all the gooey fondness you had in your heart. Gingerly, you rose a hand to his face and with tender care, traced the vertical scar lining the right side of his face. From the top of his brow, down to his blind eye, until your fingers stopped at the bold line of his jaw.
Only then, your hand returned to cup his cheek with your thumb stroking the smooth line of his scar. “Whatever may happens next, I’ll be there with you. Work, people, lingering Stand users… I’ll stay by your side, hm?”
With hooded eyes, Jotaro leaned against your palm and laid his hand over yours. “I can’t say much to change your mind anyways.” He huffed. “You were always so stubborn.”
You chuckled. “You’re not wrong.”
Getting on to your tiptoes, you planted a soft kiss over his cheek, nose, and his lips last, to which you lingered on for a second longer. Pulling away, you wrapped your arms around him and buried your face on his chest.
“Our lives are finally ours, starlight.”
You closed your eyes as you felt him tuck his chin on top of you, an arm wrapping around your waist, and a hand caressing the back of your head.
“Then let’s live them together, sunshine.”
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wangxianficfinder · 5 months
Fics Still Missing part 5
These fics are still missing suggestions!
1. Hello~ For the next fic finder I’m looking for this wangxian modern au fic. Established relationship and there’s also background xuanli. I don’t remember exactly how but a-yuan dies and the fic deals with what happens after (a-yuan is a toddler in the fic). Wwx takes it very badly but they slowly start to heal. I would be really really glad if you could find it for me! Thank you and have a nice day ♡ @/vntaebun #6 of post
2. Looking for a fic where Wangxian starts dating because LWJ sent an anonymous ask to a Tumblr blog, which WWX saw. I think the blog was the xxx-culture-is type blog? #11 of post
3. Hello! I was wondering if any of you know a fic where during the Cloud Recesses Arc, WWX was working on some arrays? And I think QHJ has been the one to help WWX with them since he himself specialised in arrays but I don’t remember if it might have been a time travel fix-it or not, sorry that I don’t have much details :( in the event of not knowing which fic this is, do you happen to know any fics where QHJ emerges from seclusion to be more proactive in the story without him being portrayed negatively? Thank you for all your help, have a good day, mods! #16 of post
FOUND? the time traveling letter series by MichelleFeather (G, 26k, WangXian, LSZ & LWJ & WWX, LWJ & QHJ, Time Travel Fix-It, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, Sad LWJ, Genius WWX, QHJ Lives, Parents WangXian, Not Jiāng Family Friendly, First Meetings, Love Confessions, Love Letters, Wangxian say 'fuck it' and leave the cultivation world, Requited Love, Not LXC Friendly, Not LQR Friendly, kind of, Good Father QHJ, Angry LWJ, Married WangXian, Established WangXian, LWJ & WWX Are LSZ's Parents, QHJ Lives, Good Father QHJ, WangXian Wedding, Sunshot Campaign, Abusive Jiang Family, Jiang Family Dynamics, Not JFM & YZY Friendly, WWX Creates a Sect | Yiling Wei Sect, Kinda) in it QHJ emerges from seclusion to be more proactive and in the second story he uses arrays
FOUND? The Tamed by Escheria (T, 459k, WangXian, LWJ/XZ, WYB/WWX, YiZhan, WIP, YLLZ WWX, The Untamed (TV) References, Overpowered WWX,XZ is WWX, Canon Divergence, Transmigration, Isekai, Demonic Cultivation, Genius WWX, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Fluff, Soulmates) the search for QHJ and him being a master of the CR Arrays, i am 99% sure, its The Tamed, the huge story that is at 460,000 words and ongoing its this story, from chapter 56 ff on, he appears at the end, WWX and QHJ, they both bond over the arrays, that they created to protect CR.
4. hello! for the next fic finder, can you guys help me find this fic where wwx is in lan sect after sunshot with lan qiren researching about something (i forgot if lqr knew about his core, i think they’re’re searching scrolls abt cores, idk) then there’s a specific scene where they accused wwx on putting the hundred holes curse, then i think someone demanded that wwx should open his robes. lan qiren defended him that wwx is with him that past few days and that he’s not the one who put the curse. #17 of post
5. Modern au too I think? I only remember Lwj saw wwx burying a dead body (i think it was wen chao) and assist him on it. #7B of post
NOT FOUND! release me from the present by merlinnn
FOUND? 🔒 The inherent romanticism of hiding a body together by Aki_no_hikari (T, 4k, WangXian, First Meetings, Love at First Sight, Modern, Corpse Desecration, Corpse Disposal, Pigs, dark Wangxian)
6. Hello! Good day! I hope you can help me find this fic. I don’t know if it is a time-travel fic or not. All I can remember is that Madam Yu got pregnant and the sect leader, jiang yanli, jiang cheng, and wwx were happy. But eventually they learned that madam yu cheated (i forgot if its a wen or not) so the baby is actually not sect leader jiang’s child. I think they learned this after the masscre of lotus pier when madam yu ranaway. #19 of post
FOUND? 💖 A Chance by CorkaHadesa (M, 86k, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, Sunshot Campaign, Pre-Sunshot Campaign, BAMF WWX, BAMF LWJ, Canon Divergence, Established WangXian, Married WangXian, Secret Marriage, OOC, Second Chances, YLLZ WWX, Homophobic Language, but only from YZY so it's not that important because she's a bad person, i don't agree with her words, Minor Character Death, Happy Ending, Mpreg, Not Everyone Dies AU, the dead ones are the bad ones)
7. Hi!! There is this fic I want to reread, it’s post canon 5+1 ish (???) fic but I remember only one scene, which is in some female lan disciple’s pov where she joined wangxian with other lan disciples on a nighthunt (and she was very happy to join cuz nighthunt with wangxian = good learning experience), it goes well but wwx gets some scraps on his hands (I think) and when it was all done and they were going to rest she sees how lwj kisses wwx’s fingers, wwx swoons, the female lan disciples gets flustered over how sweetly in love wx are and wishes she would get a partner that would care for her the same way (or just wishes to find a love like that idk) #4 of post
8. Hello! For fic finder, can you help me find a fic where WWX time travel to the past before massacare of lotus pier. It’s a short fic that i only remember the part that close to ending. After the war, the jiang fight other sect to let WWX live in LP. He is depressed and only start smiling when a-yuan who just a newborn crying non stop and WWX volunter himself to try calm down a-Yuan. Since then he start healing. I think it has 4 chapters and YZY dan JFM lived (i'am not sure about this). Thank you!!! @/idontknowwhattowriteforusername #7 of post
9. Hi hello, can you please help me find a wangxian fanfic wherein lan zhan was forced be remarried to a girl? (I’m not sure) after their marriage lan zhan rarely comes back to gusu because of that his relationship with his new wife is cold he don’t acknowledge her and he doesn’t talk to her, then wei ying comebacks lan zhan knows that this is his wei ying because he played wang xian, lan zhan brings back wei ying to gusu and wei ying finds out that he is married and was devastated #14 of post
10. Hello, I can’t find a fic that is a retelling of svsss with mdzs characters that I’ve read last year. As far as I remember the fic was from wwx’s pov, and there were a lot of interactions with ‘the system’. The 'novel’ is not the same one from svsss, but is mdzs itself; and wwx has to try to not die as the yllz(?) I think. @freetospreadwywings #15 of post
FOUND? Achievement Unlocked 🔓 by UseMyMuse (E, 85k, WangXian, A/B/O, Transmigration, Crack, Sassy System, Canonical Character Death, Reincarnation/Transmigration, Bamf WWX, From twitter to AO3, mild to major violence briefly mentioned, Mild/brief mentions of torture, Kidnapping, Accidental Child Acquisition)
11. I remember this fic where Yu Ziyuan left Jiang Fengmian and took Wei Wuxian with her, and I think it was Madam Yu/Madam Jin and JFM/ two others I think?? I could be remembering the pairings wrong, anyway I was hoping to find it again and maybe even other fics where Yu Ziyuan leaves and takes Wei Wuxian with her if there are any 😺 #20 of post
FOUND? @/ireallydontknow made a new post by sadlybeans (M, 50k, WangXian, JC/NHS, LXC/NMJ, LQR/WRH/JFM, WQ/MM, YZY/Madam Jin/Madam Lan, SL/XXC, MXY/XY, JYL/OFC(s), JZX/SS, Crack, Fluff and Humor, Modern Cultivation, Social Media, NHS is an influencer now (or trying to be), NMJ wants to trade brothers with LXC, Mutual Pining, Light Angst, Trans Male Character)
FOUND? 🔒 go forward slowly by LadyKG (Not Rated, 47k, YZY/Madam Jin, WangXian, WIP, YZY and madam jin run away together, and take all the kids, like ALL the kids, and become better mothers, they find themselves again, and their happiness, Happy Ending, lots of night hunts, Lots of mysteries)
12. Hi, I was wondering if you could help me find a ff. It’s one where Wei comes back to the past with his memories and saves his parents from the night hunt and he works w/ his parents to prevent the war and prevent Lan Zhan’s mom and dad from dying. from what i can remember wei ying doesn’t become close to the jiang fam this time around and they make the burial grounds into like a sect or something similar because his father owns the land. And they meet his father’s family. Thank you!! @/thepaththatleadsyouhome #3 of post
FOUND? Time Charm by Jenrose  (E, 141k, wangxian, later queerplatonic LWJ/WWX/WQ, LXC/JGY/2nd Madam Mo, time travel fix-it, post-canon, everyone lives au, genius inventor WWX, BAMF wangxian, first time, pregnancy, childbirth, asexual character, aftermath of time travel, telepathic bond, slice of life)
13. Hey, can you help me find this fic? I think it’s called “Breathing Underwater” and it was a rare pair ship b/w Black Water Sinking Ships and Yilling Louzu. He Xuan used to call the later his LianHua. @utxqia #4 of post
FOUND? 🔒 Breathing Underwater by Suzoomie (G, 7k, HX/WWX, WangXian, TGCF Crossover, Canon Divergence, most mdzs characters appear or are mentioned, Possessive Behavior, Canon-Typical Violence, Multiple Pov, Rarepair)
14. Hi! I don’t know if I have the right to ask it here since its a comic fic. But I’m really desperate to find it. (A fic is a fic 😊 ~Mod L)
The comic fic is about Alpha LXC and Alpha JWY. I remember the two have a thing and they have a proposition that once they met their fated mate, they will end what they have. I remember in the end it turns dark since LXC actually killed his fated mate and JWY fated mate (secretly) to be with JWY. #9 of post
15. Hi! I’m sorry for the bother. I would like to ask if you this fic. I only remember briefly about it. Wei Wuxian and Jin Ling are in Lotus Pier. I remember Jiang Wanyin gave lotus pork soup to both of then and wei wuxian commented that the soup taste like Jiang Yanli. Jin Ling was shocked because he didn’t know that the soup his jiujiu makes for him was actually his mom’s recipe. I also remember (not uste if it right) jiang wanyin saying to them that he tried to perfect them for his own comfort and for Jin Ling. Thank you very much #15 of post
FOUND? two million naturally occurring sweet things by theheartofthekoko (T, 3k, JC & WWX, JC & JL, JL & WWX, Hurt/Comfort, Grief/Mourning, love and grief in the form of making soup)
16. Hi! I’ve been looking for a fanfiction where wwx time traveled in the past but he didn’t know and he just woke up in lotus pier and he roamed around for a bit and noticed a crack or something on the floor which wasn’t there before because lotus pier was renovated and then jiang cheng called him and the he hugged him cause apparently he died in a night hunt and i can’t remember the next. Can you help me find it? Thank you #4 of post
17. Fic Finder: The story has WWX wheelchair-bound (because his legs are weak from his days being a street orphan) he eventually makes himself some cool mech legs (inspiration from past Jiang elders, in this story the Jiangs have a lot of disabled leaders. I remember there’s a blind elder using war fans and another using something similar like an assassination chord, another also lost their fingers/limbs thus made themselves mechparts). I know i said mech a lot but it’s not mech, i remember the story said it’s made of wood or something else.
Xue Yang is also in the family as WWX’s brother/guide/bodyguard and they went to CR for the teachings, the Biling Lake still happens and WWX (like a true diver he is) went for a swim and his mech legs kinda absorbs the resentful energy? The details were that his mech legs has glowing yellow runes, and it turned red after that incident. #10 of post
FOUND? Injuries Won't Hold Him Back by Cinder46231 (T, 32k, WangXian, WIP, Wheelchairs, WWX is in a wheelchair, XY is WWX's brother too, Paternal YZY, We have genius children)
18. WWX was married(?) to WRH but it was from NMJ’s pov. WWX helped the SSC secretly, but still thought he would be killed. #16A of post
FOUND? burning camellias by AvoOwO (M, 284k, JC & WWX, WangXian, WWX & WQ, WWX & WN, JC & JYL & WWX, JGY & WWX, WWX & WRH, WWX & WC, Canon Divergence, Sunshot Campaign, Prisoner of War, WWX is a Mess, Genius WWX, Revenge, Torture, Aftermath of Torture, Blood and Violence, Blood and Injury, BAMF WQ, BAMF WWX, BAMF WN, POV WWX, Hurt WWX, Crying, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Non-Consensual Body Modification, Tired JGY, Tired WWX, Resentful Energy, Sentient Burial Mounds, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Attempted Sexual Assault, No Golden Core Transfer, WWX Has No Golden Core, Golden Core Destruction | Golden Core Melting, WWX is a Little Shit, Poisoning, Smart WWX, Protective WQ, WWX & WQ Friendship, WWX is Not Okay, WWX is a Tease, WWX Loves LWJ, Medical Torture, JGY is a Mess, WC Being an Asshole, Cannibalism, WWX & WN Friendship, PTSD, Dubious Consent, Consent Issues, Heavy Angst)
19. hiiii i’ve been looking for a fic i believe it was omegaverse but im not completely sure
all i remember was that wei ying was betrothed to JC but then their engagement was dissolved and eventually wangxian got engaged
i remember there was a scene in which wei ying was staying at lotus pier and jiang cheng and madame yu try to burn wei ying alive because they don’t like that he got engaged to someone else.
thank u for all ur help🫶🏼 #18 of post
20. Hello there, sorry to bother all of you again, but I’m searching for this one fic
It’s set in modern time. So it tells the story of like WY was in a abusive relationship with someone who’s older than him and he got out of it.
The story begins like how he was jn the hospital because of it. Lan xichen was his doctor. And i remember that he was admitted because he was hit with a wine bottle i think.
In the story WY was like not allowed to go outside of his abusive boyfriend apartment and there’s a little bit grooming.
And this boyfriend was JYL friend, he’s an original character i think.
And the story continues with the recovery and there’s this scene where Su She grab his hand at a supermarket? and it reminded him of his ex and i think he panicked.
If you can help me I’ll be really happy. Thank you @lil-dusty-rose #20 of post
FOUND! daffodils to ambrosia by AvoOwO (M, 83k, WangXian, JC & WWX & JYL, WQ & WWX, NHS & WWX, WWX/OC, LXC & WWX, LXC & JC, WIP, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Modern, Florist WWX, Flowers, Language of Flowers, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Manipulation, Emotional Manipulation, Abuse, Past Abuse, Past Child Abuse, Grooming, Past Sexual Assault, Past Sexual Abuse, Domestic Violence, Tenderness, Blood, Violence, Crushes, Blushing, PTSD, Trauma, Hurt WWX, Soft WangXian, Gentleness, Recovery, Healing, Dissociation, Chronic Pain, Headaches & Migraines, WWX Has PTSD, WWX Has a Crush, LWJ Has a Crush, LWJ Has Feelings, Good Sibling JC, Protective JC, Good Sibling JYL, Forehead Kisses, Panic Attacks, Neck Kissing, Dubious Consent, Memories, Abusive Relationships, Kissing, the love of flowers, and healing with time)
21. Looking for a vampire WWX/Hunter LWJ fic, that started with LWJ kneeling for the marriage ceremony and being bit, then the rest after that involved LWJ trying to keep away from WWX for his own good before they both get together. LWJ stays human. I think I found it on AO3? @/bcaugust
It’s not the right one(though it is one of my favorites and really close to the same vibe.) I also remember that the vampire bite would scar to indicate a spouse, if that helps anyone. #9 of post
Not FOUND! I Think Sunshine Would Treat Me Kind by vassal101
22. Hi!
So I’m looking for a fic that I can’t find where I can’t remember what exactly happened, but it goes something like this;
Lwj and Wwx are sleeping, Lwj gets a nightmare, and he doesn’t tell Wwx about it, but he figures it out anyway and then Wwx waits to see whether Lwj will go back to sleep or have sex. They have rough sex in which Wwx specifically requests that he doesn’t want to come. And then they talk (I think it was just outside on a porch or something?) And then Lwj fingers him and gets him off.
I’m sorry I don’t remember more, I think it was one chapter and I’m really desperately trying to find this fic. If you could find it it would be much appreciated!!
Thank you! #10 of post
23. I think wwx was a ghost, & found himself at the Cloud Recesses in the aftermath of lwj’s punishment. Lwj was in bad condition and almost died (a couple of times?) Eventually there was some sort of ritual to bring wwx back into a physical body, & he was in the adjoining room bc he was also very weak. (NB: this is not the fic where wwx is actually astral projecting from Baoshan Sanren’s mountain, it’s a different one). #17A of post
Looking for a fic where the focus iirc was more on LWJ teaching/raising lan juniors to express their emotions healthily.
Sorry, I don’t think it’s To be of use, I remember it being something shorter. Also WWX came back towards the later part of it. #20 of post
not FOUND! To be of use by Erisette
FOUND? Gathered Herbs & Sweet Grasses by hansbekhart (Not Rated, 19k, LSZ & LWJ, WangXian, dad wangji, LWJ’s Questionable Parenting Skills, Grief/Mourning, Recovery, Injury Recovery, Hopeful Ending, Canon-Typical Violence)
25. Hiiiiii thanks for everything you do ✨✨ I’m looking for a fic where LWJ is an angel and WWX was his partner but he is believed to be dead (after a mission??) but he is actually in the burial mounds with (WN and WQ??) and A-Yuan and he give him his « light » to save him??? Also something is trying to kill him or the wen. It’s a bit confusing I’m sorry can you help ??? 🥺✨ @/ihaveasoftspotfora-yuan #2 of post
26. Hi! I am looking for a WangXian fic on AO3 that (honestly I don’t remember much because I read it a long time ago) but it was a gathering of some sort and wei wuxian wasn’t feeling that well ( u know when his magic is on edge), and something triggered it to go haywire so he started to run but like it had already gotten out of control n everyone was watching him in pain, trying to control, n how Lan zhan helped him. @/nisooom #4 of post
27. Hi! Thank you for all your hard work!! I’ve been searching for MONTHS for a fic that follows the general first scenes of WWX’s resurrection, except because LWJ is so quick to bring him back to Gusu, he assumes LWJ and MXY were secret lovers? Or assumes that LWJ likes him, and has to wrestle with what that means to him? If anyone knows this story, I am BEGGING for the link :’D #6 of post
FOUND? Love Song In Reverse by timetoboldlygo (T, 237k, WangXian, Amnesia, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Falling In Love, Slow Burn, agressively mixing and matching novel and cql canon, No Homophobia, Mentions of Starvation, Parental WWX)
28. Hello! I dont know if I should label this as fic finder or ITMF or maybe both. its a fic where lwj and lxc compete for wwx’s heart. i know that ive read one like this but i cant find it anymore [its a series where wwx died right, then when he came back, lxc said to lwj that if wwx chose him before, lxc will stand beside him (talking about the siege)] #8 of post
29. Hello again. I’m hoping to find a fic of someone transmigrating into Yu Ziyuan. WWX calls her “Spirit Auntie” and she works to help him overcome his fear of dogs by getting him a bunny named “Dog” and a puppy named “Bunny”. If it was deleted then, oh well. Thank you for helping anyway. @/gwencaer #15 of post
30. For the next fic finder - I’m looking for a fic where LZ (unintentionally) was harming wwx (I think mostly by reputation - maybe for seemingly being promiscuous or disparaging his demonic cultivation?) and NHS yelled at him. I wish I remember more but at this time I think i’ve mixed it up with like 4 wildly different fics. I mostly just remember writing the review that I was pleased someone had finally clued LZ to the harm he was doing and that I was excited to see him try to fix it. Thanks! @/math-is-magic​ #17 of post
NOT FOUND! Story-Shaped by lingering_song
31. hello! I’m looking for a WIP, abo, royalty au fic where the main pairing was lsz/jl with background emperor!lwj/empress!wwx. the summary was that o!jin ling had been warned away by jc from the royal fam his entire life bc of empress!wwx’s supposed role in jyl’s death, but, when he goes to the capital, meets and starts falling in love with a!prince!lan sizhui (to his own displeasure). in one scene, jl is going through his heat, lsz smells him and drops his sword running away. wwx and lwj had three kids, and one of the later chapters revealed that wwx was pregnant again. i’m pretty sure it’s been deleted/hidden bc it doesn’t come up in any of the relevant tags, but I’d be deeply grateful if someone has a link to it on the way back machine or something similar. thank you for your help! #18 of post
32. Hi, looking for the fic where LZ and WY are in college. Lan Zhan is engaged to Jin Zixuan, Wei Ying valets at a party at the Jins. He helps a drunk LZ who was attending it drive home and things develop from there. They don’t know each other personally but do after that night. I read this fic once couple of yrs ago, can’t seem to find it again. Pls help, thanks! #19 of post
33. For fic finder: It was set in canon era, WangXian. Golden cores were literal orb-like jewels that could be cut out of a cultivator’s chest, thus creating the opportunity for an illegal poaching trade. There was a scene where Wen Chao gleefully cut out Jiang Cheng’s, and I think he also took Wuxian’s. During the Sunshot Campaign when JC and LWJ get their swords back they also find the room of stolen cores, and are shocked to find WWX’s. Anyone know this one? Please! #20 of post
34. Hey, I’m looking for a fanfic in which LWJ assuming that he somehow impregnated WWX in his dreams when WWX says that he birthed Wen Yuan, I remember reading this fanfic on ao3, but I can’t find it. There’s a fanfic that looks like the one I want. called Taking Responsibility, but it’s not what I’m looking for. please if anyone knows, help me 😭😭😭😭😭 @/narablackpotter #1 of post
35. Hello again!!!
I need help finding a fic please!
I don’t remember much but I know that wwx and the juniors were on a night hunt or something when they came across some type of dog-like yao. Wwx fought it by himself even though he was scared shitless and I think he did something to restrain or protect the juniors so they couldn’t help him. I think he got injured and all the juniors were worrying over him. Sorry if this isn’t descriptive enough. It’s all I can remember 🥲 thanks in advance!!! @jikcf​ #11 of post
FOUND? heroic aftermath by Last_for_Hell (T, 5K, LSZ & WWX, JL & WWX, LJY & WWX, OYZZ & WWX, JL & LSZ & LJY & OYZZ, WangXian, Aftermath of Violence, Hurt/Comfort, Hurt WWX, the juniors love wwx and he loves them too, Guilt, References to WWX’s Cynophobia, Implied Sexual Content)
36. hi hi! Im trying to look for a wangxian fic but i barely remember anything of it.
the only thing i remember was the near ending where wwx is in a hospital bed and mutters “fuck me” and lwj “maybe later”
that’s all i remember i’m so sorry 😔 #12 of post
37. Hii! For the next fic finder can you help me with this fic where after WY resurrection lWJ is happy but at the same time has moments where he’s annoyed by WY but then he also feels guilty about it cause he should just be happy WY is back after all. It follows the canon, mostly, it just has more LZ POV #14 of post
38. I’m looking for a fic where the night after Wei Ying tries to run away and is brought back by the Jiang children, someone (either Madam Yu or the Head Disciple) mentions they’ll need to talk to the night watch, because 'three children shouldn’t be able to slip away at separate times without being noticed’ (Not quite a direct quote but alpng those lines.) #17 of post
39. Hi, I’m looking for a fic where Wei Ying has amnesia and thinks hes a ghost who haunts lotus pier and is really out of it and convinced hes dead. Good ending, just cant find it. @quxxnrandonmness27 #18 of post
FOUND? can't find a way home by KouriArashi (M, 109k, WangXian, JC & JYL, JC & JYL & LWJ, LXC/JGY, WWX & WQ, JYL/JZX, JC/WQ, Canon Divergence, Angst, Family, Grief/Mourning, Hurt/Comfort, Politics, Family Feels, Post-Sunshot Campaign, Developing Relationship, Canon-Typical Violence, canon-typical political bullshit, Mental Health Issues, Eventual Happy Ending, Descriptions of suicide,(caused by dark magic))
40. I am looking for a fic for a while. It would be really great if you are able to find it. There was a scene where a a baby Lan sect disciple challenges LWJ for a duel to marry WWX. It was an adorable scene where the lan child confuses WWX platonic cheek kiss and concludes that he has to fight for his Wei-qianbei’s honour (even though he is intimidated by Hanguang-jun). Thank you in advance!!
Hello it’s the requester for no. 19 from the recent fic finder. Thank you so much for the quick response. The fic you found was really similar to the one I was looking for and I enjoyed it. Although it was not the fic I had in mind(I guess it is a scene from a larger work or it may be deleted). But, nevertheless I really a thankful for the mods and others who are so enthusiastic and helpful!!! I hope you have a great day!! #19 of post
not FOUND A Small Love by JTHM_Michi
NOT FOUND could be a scene in 🧡 Stunted, Starving Juvenility by TomatenMark (E, 803k, WangXian, WIP, Fix-it of sorts, Talisman master WWX, Not JFM Friendly, Study Arc, Getting together, Fluff and Angst, Engagement)
FOUND! A marriage duel. by satans_dolly_boy666 (G, 2k, WWX & OC(s), LSZ & LJY, WangXian, WWX-centric, Shameless WWX, Duelling, Marriage Proposal, Marriage, Same-Sex Marriage, Married Couple, Married Life, Married Characters, So Married, Gusu Lan Sect, Gūsū Lán Disciples, Cute Kids, Teaching, Senior WWX, Gusu Lan juniors, Gusu Lan dialect, Misunderstandings, LQR is done, Cloud Recesses, Post-Canon, Husbands, Innocence, Gusu Lan is needed of sex education ASAP, Teacher-Student Relationship, Students, WWX living in the Cloud RecessesH, e is loved by everyoneee, Protectiveness, Protective Husband, LQR will die someday because of Wwx, Domestic Fluff, Fluff, Romantic Comedy, Love Triangles, but not really, WWX is a Lan)
41. hello! for fic finder, may i ask for a great tumblr meta that i cant find anywhere? (i feel like i should disclaim that ppl should read what they find hot. i just saw a recent mxtx interview that said like the exact same thing as the meta and thought it was cool)
the meta talks about how mxtx specifically choosing to write lwj as a top WAS the gnc option. i think op was just frustrated about some people insisting that switching/top wwx was ‘less heteronormative’ (as a justification for liking it??). i think op mentioned that this seems like a western take on mdzs?
basically, in the meta, they expand on how lwj is gnc-coded. like how touching lwj’s headband equals staining his honor like how a cdrama man kissing an unmarried woman would be (this is what mxtx also said herself in the interview), and a bunch of other things (handling money, etiquette, lwj keeping track of wwx’s tastes as opposed to wwx buying him spicy food, the incense burner domesticity, and idk more stuff i cant remember)
i *think* they wrote something like “all mxtx couples come with the gnc already built in” which was a cool point imo (one example is hc flipping the gege kink), but i tried searching for that and i couldn’t find it for the life of me. thank you! (Huh, I feel like I remember this one faintly 🤔 ~Mod L) #2 of post
42. This fic is a modern au, I think that both LZ and WY are cultivators, WY specifically is kind of a witch (?), he messes with dark magic and lives in a haunted town or something like this. There’s a reencounter between the two (I don’t know if by chance or if LZ tracks WY) and at some point LZ gets worried that WY is sorrounded by ghosts/resentful energy, but he is aware of the situation. I think WY even has a pet crow/cat, but I’m not sure. And the plot may envolve him being isolated, running away or being expelled because of his methods of cultivation. Also, I’m pretty sure there’s a fanart featured in the story that has Wangxian and the haunted place WY lives/takes care. #4A of post
43. hiii it’s me again I’m sorry I can’t seem to find anything rn and you guys are literal lives savers I’m looking for a fit where lwj was raisin A-Yuan and I just remember that they were talking about wwx and lwj compared him to a butterfly going in a dark forest to bring back treasures for other but each time he made the trip he lost some of his light until one day he couldn’t come back. that all I have can you help ???🙇🏼‍♀️ thank youuuuuu✨✨ @/ihaveasoftspotfora-yuan #8 of post
44. Hiya, im hoping you guys can help me find this fic? The only things I remember is it was canon setting, lwj pov, where he kept hiding/fidgeting with his hands in his sleeves and the author kept bringing attention to it to show him being nervous. It was also complete and definitely longer than 10k at least. Thank you! #12 of post
45. Hi! It’s me again. It’s for fic finder. On this fic, Qin Su dies and Jin Rusong lives. Before QS dies, she told JRS to never trust JGY and a few days after she said that, she dies because of drowning (i think). That happen in the flashback. And JRS indirectly help NHS in his revenge. Thats all i can remember. Thank you!!! @/idontknowwhattowriteforusername #15 of post
46. This is a modern au fic again a oneshot ig? The only thing i remember is that lwj was a fashion icon here and very sassy . Oblivious Wwx as usual ! i think wwx implied lwj like mianmian and later lwj talks to his brother and says “ brother do i not look gay enough?” .I do not remember anything else . Also it had good friendship dynamics with almost everyone.No angst but again i can be remembering wrong . Also !!!!! Lwj wore heels ( it wasn’t a genderbend fic ) #4B of post
FOUND? Turn the Other Cheek by Minyoongiisacatuwu (E, 19k, WangXian, Unreliable Narrator, Modern, Oblivious WWX, Panties, LWJ flirting very hard, Rabbits, Rimming, Mutual Pining, LWJ is a top in a Thong, LWJ in heels, Fashionista LWJ, Friends to Lovers, Aftercare, Porn with Feelings, College/University)
47. I was wondering if you can help me find a fic. It was so long ago I’m ngl. I remember it was stormy and the cultivators had to seek shelter or they saved someone. In return that someone a ‘fortune teller’ could show the future. I remember I think Qiren was wary. She showed the future to the previous generation like cangse sanren and lan qiren. I think she also showed the future to Wei wuxian generation. It might have been in Portuguese or spanish maybe. It could have been in english. @/whitewoodwalker #7 of post
48. Hello mods!! I’ve been looking for a very specific fic for a while now but I can’t find it with the usual tags. It’s wangxian, post canon and mpreg, where LSZ, studying the gold cores, tries to help WWX form a new one by dual cultivatition (with LWJ) but instead accidentally gets him pregnant. I hope you can help me and thanks in advance! @/jenaerith #11 of post
49. This is a bit of an obscure one but I’m trying to find a fic: I don’t remember if it was time travel or something else but something happened that led to Lan Zhan having to immobilize Wei Ying like Wen Qing did to him after Qiongqi Path, despite Wei Ying telling him he wouldn’t survive it if it happened to him (again?) and then when they meet again they have to deal with the fact that Lan Zhan did it anyway. I can’t remember the context so hopefully someone recognizes it anyway @vulpestars #14 of post
FOUND? If You Forget Me by DivideTheSorrow (Not Rated, 189k, WangXian, JYL/JZX, YZY/JFM, WIP, Time Travel, Fix-It of Sorts, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Build, Relationship(s), Canon Divergence, Eventual Happy Ending, Canon-Typical Violence, POV Alternating, Original Character(s), Angst)
50. For FF, I can’t recall if it was time travel or not, but the scene I recall: CR arc, WWX refusing to copy his punishment texts in the library. He confessed to LWJ that he wasn’t planning to complete the copying because the punishment was unfair. He said something like: it takes more than 1 to cheat (I think it was the cheating bit) but I’m the only one being punished. And that opened LWJ’s eyes for the punching JZX scene. Can’t remember where it went after but I really want to read LWJ’s realization again. @/mreisse #20 of post
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from-izzy · 11 months
[02:04] | tbz lee jaehyun | hyunjae
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» ​PAIRING: tbz lee jaehyun (hyunjae) x fem reader​ » TROPE/AU​: friends 2 lovers (mentioned from backstory!), non-idol au! established relationship au! marriage au! » GENRE​: fluffy fluff, slight angst (?), ​husband hyunjae, he's super patient and understanding, hurt/comfort, wedding vows (it's so cute, i love it) » WORD COUNT: ​3743 » ESTIMATED READING TIME: ~14 mins » WARNINGS (lmk if i missed anything!): mentions of pregnancy, insecurities, mentions of a broken family/childhood (reader's side), proofread once
my second timestamp story! thank you for all the love on the first one! (pst! it's sunwoo! 🦝) hopefully, this one lives up to your expectations! (if there are any uwu). sorry for my weird, unscheduled, random posting times > <
shoutout to my mum who (i bet) went through a lot to make sure i would grow up well. thank you for always reminding me that you don't regret having me and loving me with all your being. love you mumma! 💗
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You remembered when you tucked yourself into bed alone after reminding Jaehyun to come to bed soon. He was so close to finishing his work that you didn’t want to force him out of his zone, understanding that he would feel more peaceful if he finished it sooner even if it meant ruining his internal body clock a little bit for it.
Opening your eyes and taking a deep breath in the calming darkness, you smiled at the arm that rested across your now flat stomach. During your whole pregnancy stages, especially when that wicked pregnancy pillow put a physical barrier between you and your loving husband, he would at least reach out and hold your hand (or particularly your stomach bump), a huge downgrade from how his chest would completely be on your back and he hushes you asleep with his soft snores. 
You knew as soon as you turned your head to the right that Jaehyun managed to finish his work, a neutral smile on his face as compared to the slight pout and the subtle crease between his eyebrows as he sometimes grunts in his sleep from the past few days. An affectionate gaze falls upon your eyes when Jaehyun grunts and scoots over to your side of the bed, his unconscious mind telling him to move closer to his wife after he throws the pillow away to the other side of the room in excitement as soon as your new family arrived home three days ago. You chuckle at the way his right hand past the top of your stomach to hook your waist and pull you closer to him. Now half awake, Jaehyun made himself comfortable by burrowing his nose and lips into the crook of your neck and you immediately looked up towards the ceiling to let him do so.
A satisfied hum comes out from the man beside you, “This is nice.” He brushes the warm skin of your neck with his colder nose and his soft lips press multiple kisses from your jawline to your right shoulder.
“Jae.” You chuckle at his playful nature, “Go back to sleep, hm? You have work tomorrow.”
Jaehyun groans at the grim reminder. He’s been at home ever since you came back home, using up some of his leave days to take care of you and your newborn child. He was about to use it all but you stopped him, convincing him that you’re able to take care of yourself and your child, moreover to save those days in case a ‘real’ emergency does occur. Every day and every moment, you look at your husband who you treasure so much and you can’t help but think about how much you love this man with all your heart, mind and soul.
“Don’t remind me of that, bubs.” Finally opening his eyes, he relied on the subtle moonlight that seeped through your curtains and looked at your side view with ‘that’ gaze. 
‘That’ gaze that reminds you every day that you’re worth it for you. ‘That’ gaze that he kept even after ten years of meeting each other. ‘That’ gaze that was plastered on his face when he went down on one knee to propose to you. ‘That’ gaze that was present when he read his wedding vows and wiped the tears on your face when you read yours. ‘That’ gaze (mixed with immense happiness and excitement) when you told him you were pregnant. 
It holds many meanings and you were sure that the list would continue, building from all the blessed experiences so far.
Only chuckling at the way that he pouts cutely at you, you turn your body to face him, creating a small gap between you both as you press a peck on his lips, “Thank you for using your leave days to take care of us.”
“Of course, I would.” Jaehyun shook his head slightly to validate his point, “You both are my whole world. I can’t afford to lose you or baby.” It was the way that your eyes slightly pooled with tears that he replaced the pout and shushing the soft whimpers that left your now shaky lips, “Hey…what’s wrong?”
Your once small cries amplified drastically and Jaehyun’s eyes widened in shock, quickly pulling you into his embrace. He slips his left hand under your neck, bringing your tear-stricken face into his chest as you sob in his arms. Jaehyun comfortingly whispers sweet nothings into your ear, patting your head and pressing occasional kisses on your forehead. You stayed wordless for a while, enjoying the company and how close your entire body could be now after you gave birth.
“Catch your breath. I’ll be right here.” Jaehyun reminds you between your tired gasps for air, “I’ll always be here next to you, waiting for you, loving you more and more with each passing day.”
You couldn’t do anything but just nod, your heart melting at the sincere words, “I’m scared.”
“Of what, bubs?”
“Like,” You started, audibly voicing out the thoughts that have been swarming and eating you alive inside and out, “what happens if I mess up?”
It isn’t the first time that you had this kind of conversation. The very first time was when the adrenaline from your system was drained after announcing that positive pregnancy test to Jaehyun. You voiced out your worries as an upcoming parent, worried that you would accidentally pass down your problems, anxiety and worries to your child. Out of everything you want the most in the world, all you want is for your children to grow up without your traumas and problems affecting them because that’s not the kind of life that they deserve. Of course, that’s unrealistic. Children are indeed a slight depiction of their parents and how they would act around other people outside the family says a lot about how their parents raised them.
You can just imagine a situation where your anxiety takes over, you crouch down to be eye level with your extremely young child, giving them a lecture about what they should or shouldn’t do, extending that talks to both extreme sides of ‘what if’s and how they should just be more careful, less daring and---
“Jae, promise me that you’ll make sure she doesn’t grow up like me.” It was a desperate plea, almost as if you would walk out of their lives in the next second. The anxiety completely took over your body as you clenched Jaehyun’s shirt in your fist as a physical response, looking up at him desperately and Jaehyun’s eyebrows crashed together, “She doesn’t deserve that, Jae. Those silent cries, hating everyone around me, feeling like no one loved me and wanting to just end---”
“Don’t.” It was stern yet it still held a lot of patience and love. Jaehyun smiles sadly at the words that he has heard multiple times but even so, he would never stop reminding you of all the things he loves about you. He would never stop hugging you, holding your body and pulling you towards him, giving you all his love and company, “Don’t say that about yourself when you’re the reason why I wake up happy every day, bubs.”
“But Jae---”
“You know,” He whispers into the silent yet wavering night. Jaehyun takes a deep inhale of the air, tilting his head to rest his chin on the top of your head, “I was so scared of losing you as time went on.”
You calmed down, shutting your eyes as you focused on his heartbeat to pull you back to the present time. Jaehyun just smiles at the slightly open door of your room and he reminds himself of his newborn child on the other side of their bedroom door. When you hummed confusingly at his words, your husband just nodded, “Why were you scared?”
“Well,” If it wasn’t for the fact that your face was hidden into his collarbone, you would be able to see the blushing mess that Jaehyun was. A deep red blush was on his face, spreading to his ears; but you did feel the warmth on his neck as you kissed his skin delicately and it made Jaehyun more of a mess, “of course if it didn’t work out and you didn’t feel the same way, it would become awkward and even though we were such close friends, I knew that if I was rejected, I wouldn’t be able to spend as much time with you anymore. I really could’ve lost you.”
You never really knew this about Jaehyun. Whenever you asked about the day that he confessed to you to be his girlfriend, he only talked about his plans and how your mutual friends all pushed him to confess to you. You also told him about how the same mutual friends pushed you to confess back to him, yet you were a coward that you became used to telling yourself that if you ever ended up with Jaehyun, it would only hinder him in life; because who would love a broken girl when they could love a perfect one instead?
And so when he confessed, asked for a chance and promised to love you dearly after two years of mutual pining, you didn’t realise that time flew by so quickly that on the sixth year when Jaehyun kneeled and asked for your hand in marriage two years ago, a sudden hit of ‘reality’ (or so you called it) crashed into you. 
You really did find love when you thought for the longest, most tiring and hardest times when you didn’t think anyone would love you as you are. Seriously, how could anyone love you when you were still so stuck between believing and convincing yourself that you are enough? 
“I knew I had to take a chance,” Jaehyun continues his thoughts, “because when I closed my eyes and realised that if I didn’t at least try to make you mine, you might just completely slip from my life. Selfishly as well, I didn’t want to see you smiling in another person’s arms and kissing that person every time you wake up and go to sleep.”
The thought of you two doing just that ever since you moved in together five years ago suddenly made you blush and you couldn’t help but let out a string of complaints. Jaehyun just laughs (and quietly lets out a sigh of relief) when you finally release his shirt, wrapping your small hands around his bigger build instead, “I’m sorry that I didn’t realise that you went through all that.”
“No, it’s alright.” He reassures you again for the nth time in the last hour, “I have you now. You are all I ever wanted.” Pulling away and reaching to cup your wet cheeks, his thumbs swipe your almost dry cheek, offering you that familiar warmth that only he could give, “It’s all worth it in the end.”
“Really?” Another tear managed to slip out of your eyes and you couldn’t help but stare at him apprehensively as the devil inside your mind managed to manipulate your thinking, “I’m such a high-maintenance person, Jae…I really wouldn’t blame you if you wake up one day and decide to just…” He shakes his head throughout your small speech, knowing the similar words that you would say to him once in a while, “leave…” It came out quieter than you thought, maybe because he already knew anyway, hence saying it again and again, the red-horned creature in your mind rejoices as your childhood traumas reminded you of how worthless you are to the world.
Usually at this time, Jaehyun would rebut your words immediately but the silence had your heart dropping and for a while, you thought that you had taken the words out of his mouth. Jaehyun kept his tired stare and suddenly you were aware of your dry mouth as you waited for any sort of words from your husband. He removes the hand that was on your cheek, reaching behind to grab his device from the bedside table, “Hold on, okay?”
For a second, you really thought this was it for the both of you. During these moments of much-needed comfort, Jaehyun has always given you his undivided attention but now as the blue light reflects on his squinting eyes, you couldn’t help but let the tears flow down your eyes once again. Did he finally give up on me? Were the only thoughts that swarmed your mind as you watched how his thumb scrolled and colours reflected on the smooth surface of his dewy skin, “Jae?” Time made you desperate for a response and you were about to clench on his shirt again when he let out a small ‘aha’ and played the video on his phone.
You recognised the scene on his phone immediately without looking. The familiar scene, cheers, whooping and excitement radiating off the background noises had you sobbing again. Jaehyun sets the volume, puts his phone back on the bedside table and gives you his attention again, “My mum was sorting videos on her phone when she came across this and sent it to me.” He presses a comforting kiss on your lips and calms your shaking body, “I’m sure you remember this right?”
You just nod and Jaehyun pulls your face into his chest once again, letting the sound from the video consume you both into your worlds.
“As soon as you stepped into those classroom doors, all eyes were on you and undoubtedly mine too.” You were already starting to tear up just from the first few sentences, “Ah…I only just started…” You scanned your next words, just sniffling from the longer sentences that you didn't know how to not cry to while the audience let out words of encouragement and small laughs. 
Your soon-to-be husband steps towards you, kissing the side of your head, “Should I go first?”
“Do you mind?” You laugh, feeling embarrassed. 
“Not at all.” Jaehyun takes out his paper from his suit, taking the microphone from you, “I already knew this would happen guys.” He announced to the audience and you rolled your eyes jokingly, “Ok…I’ll start.”
You knew very well that your eye makeup was most probably ruined and you looked some sort of a mess at the moment so you couldn’t help but stare down at the floor. Jaehyun gives you a quick kiss on the crown of your head, swooning the audience with his romantic gesture making him chuckle before clearing his throat and starting his vows.
“I remember the day I walked into that classroom on my first day of school. No doubt, I didn’t want to be there. Not just at that school or at that classroom: I just didn’t want to be in Seoul. The sudden move because of my dad’s work made me leave all the memories I had in Incheon in a month and as an innocent young child who was already happy with everything, I didn’t want to leave.
Alas, even my mother told me we had to go and that’s when I knew that moving was inevitable. School work was already hard as it was and I had to move to a big city where I knew no one, having to start all over again from the ‘Hi. My name is Lee Jaehyun. I hope we’ll get along well.’ really made me reach the peak of my mood swings during puberty.”
Jaehyun alternates his eye contact between you and the audience who reacts to the groom with happiness, and laughter as some of his closest friends give him encouraging, funny body language. He points them out and the said friends complain whilst the audience just laughs at the group of boys on the side of the stage. However, it was how you finally raised your head and laughed along that made Jaehyun join in as well.
“For the first few weeks, I didn’t make an obvious effort to fit in. As you know, I joined clubs and did after-school activities. Studying was still my priority at this point but even that became so mundane and boring that I crashed and burnt out after a while. But maybe, the burnout was just what I needed because that was how I first met you. Had I not cried in the corner of the library in the ironically ‘health and wellbeing’ section, would you have even spoken to me? Would you have crouched down and tapped on my shoulder to ask if I was okay? Would you have sat down next to me silently as you read your book, waiting for me to answer your question?
The answer is: yes. Or at least I would like to believe so.
Why? Because no one will fully ever understand how much I love you. Maybe if it wasn’t that day in the library, I would’ve met you later. How much later, nobody knows and nobody will ever know because I’m about to marry that girl who made my day so much better in the library. But what I do know is that no matter when, where, why or how we would’ve met, I would have still fallen in love with your smile, your pout, your laugh, and the way you cutely complain about how I mess up your bubble tea order,” Jaehyun gives you a cheeky smile and you just scoff with a smile on your face, “the way you would cry in my arms when you had a bad day, the way you would drop everything when I have a bad day, the way you would try your best to stay awake until I’m done with my other priorities. 
But bubs, I hope you’ll always know that you’ll forever be my first, most top priority.
Even as we fight, cry and shout at each other words that we don’t mean, I hope you’ll always be able to go to sleep thinking that I’ll still love you. I’ll still be right by your side when your insecurities come by and pass. I’ll always remind you that you’ll always be enough no matter what you do. Your best will always be enough and I hope I’ll always be that person who can be your safe, happy place.”
No doubt now that you’re sobbing and when you look at your parents sitting down not far from the stage, your heart does clench a bit as you’re reminded of your childhood. Seeing them cry over Jaehyun’s words does seem a little bit strange to you as they never really minded your words whenever you were struggling with life. But then you remind yourself of what Jaehyun said to you a few seconds ago.
“I know for sure that you’ll always be enough for me.” Jaehyun continues, taking your mind off your parents as he looks at you understandingly, “I love you and I know I’ll continue to love you until the day I take my last breath. I’ll take care of you even when you’re not sick or feeling well, cherish all of you and be there for you even after death because I love you so much, sweetheart.”
The recording ended there and Jaehyun relished in the way that your body stopped shaking, your arms around his waist securely and your breathing back to normal. He knows instantly that you feel better just from those small actions. He also didn’t miss the smile that grew on your face even though you were literally cuddled up against his body, “So,” the deep whisper from your husband only made you push your face even further up his body, now burying your face into his collarbone, “I just want to tell you that she will grow up beautifully just like her mother. Also, we’ll get through this together. Parenting isn’t supposed to be a one-person job after all.”
Nodding and burrowing yourself into the crook of his neck, you appreciate the way his words reminded the devil in the back of your head as it stomps off in defeat. The words supported the angel that finally won and it replaced the red creature, kicking the red light away to replace your body with a calming, soothing feeling that soon takes over your whole body, “I love you, Jae.”
“I love you too.” The warmth of the night overpowered the chilly night and the two of you held each other so lovingly that the weight of your eyelids eventually became too heavy for you to hold. Jaehyun waits patiently until sleep fully takes over you, fighting his yawn from escaping his mouth. Quietly, he just continued to stroke your exposed waist delicately, kissing your lips one last time before reminding you once more, “Always.”
It’s all very fortunate that your mind is now at ease and that you both were able to sleep after. But parenting duties call about half an hour later when cries are heard from the other side of the house and both your eyes open instantly. You were the first one to untangle your body from Jaehyun and you looked over to your husband who was still stirring himself awake again for the second time of the night as you both sat up on the bed, “I’m sorry.” You kiss him on the lips, cradling the back of his head and pushing his chest back down on the bed, “I’ll get her. Get back to sleep, Jae.”
“No no, I’ll go.” You disapprovingly groan at your husband who managed to push his sleepiness aside and sit up once again, his head hanging down in exhaustion, “Wha---bubs.” Instantly, you pushed him back down on the bed, pulling the blanket over up until his chin.
You adamantly tell your husband to try and go back to sleep. Jaehyun fakes his nod and closes his eyes, an idea popping up in his head as he plots to joke around with his wife. When you swing your legs over to the side of the bed, ready to stand up once more, Jaehyun quickly hugs you from behind, pressing a kiss on the back of your ear where you’re the most ticklish and sensitive. 
You froze at his actions and even though his sleepy voice was still evident, you could also hear all the love that he could offer you in this world with his playful tone, “Race you there, bubs.”
Jaehyun called in sick the next day.
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tags (send a dm/ask if you would like to be here!): @deoboyznet 📢❤️ @k-labels 💙🤍 @k-films 🤎🎞️
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skymaiden32 · 3 months
Secret Keepers
Can be read on AO3 here
Fandom: Thunderbirds
Tagging: @dragonoffantasyandreality @thundergeek59 @janetm74 @katblu42 @liseylou @amistrio @uniwolfcorn @idontknowreallywhy (Please ask if you would like to get alerts when I update or post new stories.)
Continuity: TOS
Synopsis: Jeff’s family are keeping something from him.
Happy Father's Day to all who celebrate! ^^
Jeff yawned as he sat up in bed, sparing a quick glance at the barely illuminated clock on the wall. He grimaced. It was seven in the morning, and he hadn’t gotten to bed until three. When would he learn? He huffed; no use laying in bed grumbling, and disappeared into his bathroom to have a shower. Jeff breathed a sigh of relief when he felt the warm water running down his back. Already, he felt a lot more awake, and he was ready to start his day. 
He emerged from his room, ducking out of the way just in time as Gordon barrelled past him, carrying something in his arms that Jeff couldn’t identify. “Sorry, Dad!” His second youngest yelled as he disappeared round the corner. Jeff shook his head. That boy of his was going to get someone killed one of these days, and it was probably gonna be a household member. Luckily for his son, Jeff still felt too tired to deal with it and resolved to just have breakfast instead.
“Oh, Jeff! You’re awake!”
Jeff nodded in acknowledgement at the voice. “Good morning, Mother.”
Ruth Tracy frowned. “We all thought you’d be staying in bed for a bit longer, dear.”
“No point.” Jeff shrugged. “I wouldn’t get back to sleep anyway…”
His mother hummed. “Perhaps you would’ve if you tried.”
He frowned. “Pardon my asking, but why do you want me to get more sleep?” Maybe it was risky to ask the question, but it was one he had to ask. “You’ve always been insistent on all of us waking up early.”
Ruth glared at him immediately, and Jeff realised the risk he’d taken was not worth it. “I heard you get to bed at three this morning, young man. You need sleep.” She took a step towards him, clearly with the aim of herding him back towards his room.
Jeff frowned, trying his best to argue as she grabbed a hold of his arm. “I don’t have time to go to bed, Mother.” She ignored him, now on a mission to get at least one of her family to sleep in. Jeff almost spluttered as he tried, and failed, to resist. “I-I’ve got work to do!”
“Work you can easily do later, son.” Ruth stated matter-of-factly. She opened the door to Jeff’s room, and guided him over to the bed in the middle. “At least try to get some more sleep, Jefferson. Please. You need it.”
Jeff sighed, relenting when he saw that pleading look in his mother’s eyes. “Okay, Mother. I promise I’ll try…”
She nodded with a small smile, closing the door behind her, leaving Jeff to his thoughts. She’d never done that before. And just why was Gordon rushing past his door earlier? What was his son carrying? He huffed, closing his eyes and trying to sleep some more, just as he’d promised his mother. He was tired now, but the mystery was doing it’s best to keep him awake.
It took a few minutes of tossing and turning before Jeff threw the sheets off again, silently grumbling as he opened the door a crack, just in case someone was on the other side, watching and waiting. Looking around, he caught sight of Scott in the hallway, with his back to the door. He was holding his wrist up to his mouth, looking and talking down at an image on his watch. John. Jeff hummed inwardly, listening into what little he could hear of his sons’ conversation. 
“You sure that’ll work, John?” His eldest’s voice was in a hushed whisper. “You know what he’s like…”
“Positive.” John’s voice came back staticky, and Jeff frowned. The signal should be clear as day. He’d have to schedule maintenance for Thunderbird 5. Inwardly, he wondered what the problem might be. Were the antennae crooked? Was it a problem with the solar panels or the on-board nuclear reactor? Was it Tracy Island’s antennae that was the issue? He supposed the answers to that problem could only really be answered by Brains. He came back to the conversation in front of him, only to realise he’d missed a big chunk of it while musing on the comms issue. “...it should be easy enough.”
“Good.” The grin in Scott’s voice was audible. “I’ll let you know how it goes.”
“FAB!” The tiny John gave a thumbs up, and the device shut off, reverting back to a simple watch face. Scott hummed, looking around, before turning towards the lounge.
Jeff watched as he went. Just what was going on here? He didn’t think he’d ever seen his eldest and middle sons acting so secretively before. Well, he made up his mind. He was going to find out. As quietly as he could, he opened up his bedroom door, and sneaked his way down the hall into the lounge. And what he found was…
…His sons setting up some decorations. His mother making some finishing touches to a cake. Brains and Tin-Tin huddled in the corner, fiddling about with some new-fangled gadget of theirs. None of them seemed to have noticed him yet. The banner in the centre of the room caught his eye. 
‘Happy Father’s Day!’ 
Between the increase in rescues and a bunch of yellow tape at Tracy Industries, there’d been so much going on lately. He’d completely forgotten. But clearly, they hadn’t. He could’ve cried. 
“So is John really sure that will work?” Jeff was ripped from his thoughts by Virgil’s voice. The artist was heavily scrutinising a particular decor that was clearly the spacebound astronaut’s suggestion. 
Alan stood next to him, squinting his eyes. “You know what Virg? It will work. It’s space themed!” The youngest Tracy grinned, turning to his brother. “And we all know space is Dad’s favourite place…” He rhymed, a sing-song tone in his voice.
Virgil smiled back. “Yeah, we do know.” They stepped back from the table, revealing a spread of dishes and treats, each one creatively moulded to look like stars, nebulae and the occasional comet. 
“Alright everyone! Looks like we’re all set!” Scott’s voice broke through the organised chaos.
Gordon smirked, almost devilish. “Want me to go wake them up?”
“First of all, Gordon Tracy,” Grandma interrupted, “we all know you, so absolutely not.” Gordon shrugged, unbothered by the accusation. “Secondly,” she turned her head in the direction of the hall. Jeff froze like a deer in headlights. “I think one of them may already know what’s going on…” Everyone mirrored her movements, simply looking at Jeff in disbelief.
All Jeff could do was play it cool. “I’m guessing you wanted it to be a surprise.”
“Oh, come on…” Alan lamented. “What gave us away…?”
Jeff looked between them, eyes landing on Gordon and Scott in particular. “You weren’t exactly discreet.” He grinned. “Although, it is a nice surprise. I assume we’re waiting on Kyrano?”
“But of course, Mr Tracy. It’s his day as well!” Tin-Tin beamed. “Brains and I have prepared a little gift for him.”
“W-We hope it’ll help with those f-fits of his, M-Mr Tracy.” Brains explained. “Or at the v-very least let us know w-what’s going on. I-It’ll a-analyse his brain waves a-and interpret them i-into definitive data.”
If at all possible, Jeff’s smile widened. “That’s great! He’ll want to know just as much as the rest of us. Should I go get him and act surprised with him?”
Virgil gave a thumbs up. “Sounds like a plan. See you in a minute!”
“Don’t lay it on too thick!” Gordon advised as his father left, now on a mission.
It didn’t take long for Jeff to reach Kyrano’s door, giving it a knock. He was kind of shocked at how quickly his friend answered. “Yes, Mr Tracy? Can I help you with anything?”
“Meeting in the lounge. It’s urgent.” He thought it up on the spot. Not ideal, but it would do.
Kyrano looked a little perplexed, and a bit worried, at the adamant tone in Jeff’s voice. “...Very well.” He exited the room, closing the door to follow his employer. “May I ask what this meeting is about?”
“I don’t really know, I’m afraid. My mother’s called it.” Jeff continued to lead the way, hiding his smile. “I’ve never seen her so sure about something.”
No sooner had they stepped foot in the lounge, a cacophony of voices yelled out, “Surprise! Happy Father’s Day!” Kyrano jumped, startled at first. But once Tin-Tin started clinging to him, giving him the biggest hug, he was grinning from ear to ear.
“My daughter. My friends. What a pleasant surprise.” He shared a look with Jeff. “This is for both of us?” A series of nodding heads answered his question. “Thank you. For thinking of me also…”
“Kyrano, how could we not?” Alan stood next to Tin-Tin, squeezing her hand. She squeezed back, eyes gentle as she looked at him. 
Gordon got in the middle of the group, a very serious look on his face. “So, we’re gonna get this party started, right?”
“Yes, of course we are.” Jeff gave his son a look. “Be patient. It’ll be worth it.” He looked around the room, noticing each set piece and decoration that reflected either him or his dear friend. “You all have done an amazing job.”
If you were to ask either Jeff or Kyrano, way into the future, what days stood out to them in their long lives, chances were they would say one particular Father’s Day on Tracy Island. It was definitely worth the suspense. And the secrets…
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Cemetery Sweethearts - Kazuya Hikizuri/GN!Reader
A/N: This is my first time posting on tumblr, so sorry if the format is off a bit
Contains: Macabre Fluff, Mentions of Dying (cemetery duh), Implied Sexual Content (but no smut srry)
Also on AO3 if you prefer that for reading fanfics :)
The heavy clouds shrouded the darkening sky, casting a dark blanket over the mansion as the lanterns illuminated sections of the graveyard. The mansion's windows glowed yellow and the muted sounds of shouting and crying rang across the graveyard towards an isolated figure walking towards the furthest corner of the unkept 'garden'. They passed copious graves as they followed a gravel path that had lonely blades of grass growing between the small stones as it weaved throughout the labyrinth of the dead. The path faded into the dense grass the further away from the house it stretched until eventually it was swallowed into the tangle of green. 
You crouched by a few of the graves that claustrophobically decorated the backyard, muttering lowly to them about what was on the news that day, and about what you did. The spirits wailed and whined in response as they soared overhead and dipped under the ground. You giggled wryly as they tickled you with a cool breeze when they flew too close. Sometimes the spirits asked you in echoing voices about something specific, whether it be their family, politics or if the convenience store on near their childhood home still had their favourite snack. You would answer to the best of your ability, however, some of them were stubborn and refused to accept that times were changing although they were dead. 
"Always the stalker, never the stalked." You tittered as some gravel crunched behind you, not bothering to turn around. "Right, Kazuya?"
"Nothing gets past you, my observant little raven." Said man chuckled, emerging from behind a tall headstone, running a hand through his hair to brush off stray leaves as he sauntered towards you.
"You've stalked me since we first met, I know how you work." You rolled your eyes and turned to face him. His eyes softened when you stood up to brush some imaginary dust off his shoulders and straighten the collar of his shirt. "Why'd you follow me? You said you were going to take a bath."
"I heard the coo of a lovely mourning dove and wanted to catch a glimpse of them." He brought your left hand up to his face and pressed a gentle kiss on your knuckles. "It's a sign of good fortune after all."
"You flatter me." You smiled as he continued to kiss your hand.
"You bewitch me, my darling." Kazuya purred, turning your hand to press kisses into your palm. "It was this very hand that picked up my pen and gave it back to me. I almost proposed right then."
"I would have said yes even back then." You giggled as Kazuya trailed kisses up your arm.
"I know."
"I remember at graduation; you gave me the second button of your uniform because you didn't know if you'd see me again." You reminisced as he softly kissed your neck, tilting your head to accommodate him but still feeling the frame of his glasses prod your skin. "I wore it as a necklace ever since that day, it was like a wedding ring."
"And you still wear it, alongside your wedding ring." Kazuya mused, holding your necklace and inspected the button that used to be on his uniform. "Do you love me that much, darling?"
"Of course I do," You retorted. "I doubt anyone else could put up with you and your family."
"That's true." He chuckled and pressed a kiss to the button. "I love you." He sighed and kissed his way up your face to your lips.
His lips brushed against yours shyly at first until you grabbed his face and pulled him closer. He smiled against your lips slightly and held your shoulders. When you pulled away, you both were breathing heavily and Kazuya whined quietly, pressing his forehead against yours desperately. You smiled and stroked his face which he leaned into. 
"You're so cute." You smiled. "I'm going to stay out here for a bit, do you want to stay with me, sweetheart?"
"Sure, let's go on a walk though. Afterwards, could I persuade you to join me in the bath?" Kazuya inquired, linking his arm through yours. You nodded at him and squeezed your arm around his.
The two of you strolled around the cemetery, reminiscing about the individuals whose names were inscribed on the headstones. Kazuya eventually halted at a grave that was fore fronted by a barren patch of uneven dirt and the faded edges of a pentagram, there was also some candle wicks laying in the surrounding grass, swallowed by the erratic blades.
"I wish Uncle Diginosuke could have met you, darling, he would've loved you." Kazuya murmured, gazing sadly at the headstone. "Shame his grave is empty now." You remained silent but nodded. Years ago, the grave used to emit woeful groans and cries alongside the occasional mutter of "karma", but you never saw a spirit. Now it was cold and empty, only a distant memory kept alive by a still-mourning nephew.
Diginosuke had always been a sensitive topic for Kazuya, especially after the siblings resurrected him and his zombie was consumed by their father's ghost. Kazuya would talk about his uncle with fondness as he showed you photographs of his infant self playing with Diginosuke. Your favourite was one of Diginosuke sitting on a swing set with a four-year-old Kazuya laughing in his lap, however, that was the last photo of the two before Diginosuke was forced to leave the mansion after an affair and killed himself. Kazuya admitted he cried for a long time after his uncle left and didn't understand what had truly happened as his father told him that Diginosuke insulted the family and to get over him because 'a man shouldn't cry'. Kazuya found out that Diginosuke was dead a few days before he turned five years old.
"I also know mom would have adored you, maybe even more than she adored me." Kazuya's woeful gaze turned to you. "She knew about you, despite me trying to hide my feelings. She wanted me to marry you, and she was the one who encouraged me to give you my button when I graduated; 'It's a subtle yet meaningful way of telling them how you feel.' is what she said." He smiled briefly at the memory.
Masue Hikizuri was a beautiful and kind woman who loved all her children very much and tried to make time for all of them. You had only met her in passing and she always smiled at you which made Kazuya get embarrassed and usher her and his siblings away. Kazuya constantly mentioned how his mom wanted to formally meet you, and have you around for a meal but you never got the chance before her and his dad died. After that, Kazuya would constantly tell you stories about his mom, and what she would have thought about you two being together and being married. 
Even though Kazuya had told you these stories hundreds of times, you never got tired of hearing them, because you knew it made him happy to tell you them. He only talked about his mom and uncle though, he rarely mentioned his father because his father didn't support the relationship and would criticize Kazuya for thinking of courting you. His mom, on the other hand, was fully supportive and was elated her son had found someone he loved to spend time with since he was always gloomy and isolated himself from other people. While you never met his uncle, Kazuya told you about some advice his uncle gave his younger self offhandedly about striving for happiness throughout life, and you made him happy, so he had adhered to his uncle's words.
Eventually, Kazuya rolled his shoulders and smiled at you, gently guiding you away from his uncle's abandoned grave and along another dirt path. You continued to talk about the names on the graves and Kazuya would indulge you in stories about them, since they were his deceased ancestors. However, as you walked further into the cemetery, the headstones became blank; they didn't need names though, you both remembered who each one was and how they died.
"Darling, it's your good friend, Tabata. Remember him?" Kazuya mused, gesturing to a patch of dirt that was nestled between two broken headstones. You could see Tabata's ghost floating above his grave with a woeful expression painted on his disfigured face as his vacant eyes bore into your soul. You stared back, apathetic, and leaned into Kazuya's side more. "I sure remember what you did to him."
"I always knew you were a bit of a freak, but I would never have thought murder turned you on so much. You couldn't keep your hands off me, not that I'm complaining." You teased, making him smirk.
"Like you were any better than I was."
"Yeah, I had you arching your back and biting the pillows then, and I always do it again easily." You smirked triumphantly as he flushed and pulled your linked arm to continue walking.
"Ah, it's poor Kotani and his mannequin." Kazuya giggled at some grass under a tree. "I remember the fun we had with him."
"How many of Narumi's boyfriends have you guys killed overall again? I've been present for seven, and Kotani makes eight of them dead."
"Twenty." Kazuya stated apathetically. "Well we've only physically killed them a few times, most of them got scared to death like poor Kotani. My favourite was one extremely rude boy who thought he could attack Misako," Kazuya laughed. "The look on his face when she scratched his arms to shreds was a pretty picture. It was even better when we got a hold of him, but the clean-up was a pain." He sighed dramatically.
Eventually, the two of you stopped walking around and sat on the lone bench in the graveyard with Kazuya's head resting in your lap as you caressed his face and played with his hair. The dark grey clouds framed the moon, allowing the natural light to illuminate the world for the first time that night. The moonlight shone down on you and Kazuya, creating a soft silver glow on the grass and the granite and marble headstones.
It was a typical weekend evening, with you and Kazuya enjoying each other's company away from his overbearing siblings, even if it was in the graveyard at the back of the mansion. It reminded you of when the two of you would sneak away from your friends and family as teenagers to see each other, however, his siblings would usually stalk you two to check that their big brother wasn't abandoning them. Fortunately, they grew out of the habit after knowing you were not threat, but also because Kazuya and Kinako would scold the younger ones. 
"I want to share a grave with you, darling." Kazuya whispered, breaking the silence. "'Deep in the earth, my love is lying, and I must weep alone.' Doesn't that sound awful? Being apart from you is a nightmare I refuse to experience, there's no point to life if my mourning dove isn't singing."
"Poetic." You smiled sadly, twirling a strand of his fringe around your finger. "You could be the next Poe with the depressingly macabre stuff you spout. Or maybe even Keats? Do you want me to cut off your head and keep it in a plant pot?" You laughed glumly.
"I mean it, (Y/N), if you died before me, I would end my life to be laid next to your body." Kazuya's insistence on dying together was unnerving to say the least, and his sincere expression made you shiver. He sat up abruptly and moved to sit in your lap, bringing your hands to his chest. "Our bodies would grow cold and rot together until we become one with the earth." He smiled dreamily and nuzzled his head against yours.
"Or until Hitoshi performs some necromancy." You muttered, causing him to pull his head away and scowl. "Bright side is, we would be undead together, and I know you would be a handsome zombie."
"So would you, my dear." He smiled and kissed you softly. "Maybe I'll ask Hitoshi to do that in the future; just to wake up with you in my arms and see your face again."
You both lapsed into a comfortable silence, with Kazuya sitting in your lap, leaning against you, a serene expression on his face. You wrapped your arms around him and brought him closer to you and rested your head against the crook of his neck to which he sighed contentedly.
"'Neither the angels in heaven above, nor the demons down under the sea, can ever dissever my soul from the soul, of the beautiful (Y/N) Hikizuri.'" Kazuya said, holding you closer. "We're fated to be together for all of eternity, and in every life. I'll never let you go again." His voice lowered to a more possessive tone and he wrapped his arms around your shoulders.
"You said that when you proposed to me, and on our wedding day." You sighed, nuzzling into his neck. "If you weren't worshiping the ground I walk on, I would think you were in love with Poe, the amount of times you quote his poems and change the words."
"His poems are macabre, emotional, passionate." Kazuya's voice shifted to a sultry tone with every word. "Just like us." He purred into your ear.
"You're so sappy!" You laughed and pushed him off your lap.
"You love it, (Y/N), don't deny it!" He insisted, wrestling you down on the bench. He tickled your sides and pressed a wet kiss on your face as you yelped and tried to squirm out from under him. He laughed loudly and pressed his weight down on you, trapping you underneath him as he continued to tickle you.
"Okay! Okay! Let me go!" You cried, cheeks hurting from laughter. Kazuya stopped his attack and smirked down at you. He sat back and pulled you up so you were sitting side by side on the bench. "You're right, I do love it." A bashful smile spread across your face as you leaned against him and he did the same while pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
"Have I told you that you look so melancholy tonight?" Kazuya asked, cupping your chin in his hand, running his thumb across your bottom lip. "The moon highlights the pessimism in your eyes."
"The shadows around your eyes and cheekbones make you look dead, my dear." You whispered, leaning closer to him, gazing at him as his eyes lit up. "But your eyes are alive and conniving. I almost feel like I'm in danger."
"Does that excite you?" He purred as he kissed your neck, smirking into your skin as you moaned and shuddered.
"We will disturb the dead, beloved." You gasped as he nipped your neck and heatedly ran his tongue over the marks. Low groans and wails echoed in the distance but you tuned them out as Kazuya's hot tongue trailed up your throat and jaw.
"Let them be disturbed." Kazuya moaned breathlessly, cupping your face. He crashed his lips onto yours, kissing you feverishly and pulled you down on top of him. 
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grandeoatmilklatte · 1 year
Undying Love 💍 (Part 4 - Escape)
A/N: Once again, I am insanely sorry this took so long to post. I'm starting to think I'm not cut out for long fics with how distracted I get and how much I end up delaying them. Anyways thanks for sticking around, there is one more part to this that I am writing as we speak (and it'll be smutty) and that I swear will be posted tomorrow!
Undying Love - Part 4: Escape - Ominis Gaunt x Female MC
Summary: The trio enact their grand finale, but there's still tension present from past events. 2.4k words
Warnings: no smut in this one, but parts 1 & 3 do contain smut. This one is mostly angst.
Tagging list!: @myrachondria, @lesbolordo, @froggyinaspen, @lora-erwood enjoy! 💕
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 5!!
It had been twelve hours. 
Twelve hours since Ominis was pronounced “dead”. Twelve hours since MC and Sebastian had to play the grieving friends, MC doing an exceptionally good job at it, her tears completely real, the stress of the night bringing those tears out of her. As if she hadn’t cried enough tonight. Her mind was cluttered with fear. Her brain screamed at her, “What if it doesn’t work?” repeating over and over in her head. Sebastian tried to comfort her, which worked in their favor, as he just looked like a good boyfriend to Ominis’s family. 
Twelve hours had passed, and his funeral was already underway. MC wasn’t surprised that his family didn’t seem too upset by his “passing”, they never truly cared for him. It angered MC how little they cared when he meant the world to her. Her heart ached for him and for all the pain he had been through, some of the pain having been caused by her own actions, her tears starting up once again. Sebastian wrapped his arm around MC, rubbing her back and comforting her as Ominis’s coffin was placed in the family mausoleum. Sebastian had conjured up some holes in the coffin to allow airflow, which went unnoticed by his family, even Marvolo, who up until 12 hours ago seemed to always be suspicious of the three of them. He remained silent and unreadable. He didn’t seem as apathetic as his family, but he didn’t seem distraught either. 
Once everything was said and done, Sebastian announced that he was going to take MC upstairs so she could have a minute to cool down, having been so distraught by the whole ordeal. Once they were alone with the door shut and a silencing charm in place, Sebastian immediately jumped into action. 
“Alright, so, it was around  eleven o’clock when Ominis took that potion, it’s almost noon now, so we’ve got less than…” Sebastian whipped out his pocket watch,  “twelve hours to do this. We’ll pack our things, let them know that we’re leaving, wait until dark and once the coast is clear we’ll get Ominis out and leave. As long as we’re out well before he’s supposed to wake up, this plan should be fool proof!”
MC wiped her nose on the sleeve of her jumper, one of Ominis’s jumpers that she had claimed for herself, and sniffled. Her voice was small and nervous. “Alright, I’m just so nervous. Is he alright in there? What if he doesn’t wake up? What if we get caught?” Her mind was spinning. She felt like she might pass out. 
Sebastian brought his hands to MC’s shoulders, his hold on her felt comforting. “MC…I know things have been weird between us. We haven’t gotten to speak much since the library incident. I’d be an idiot to deny that I still love you. I always will. But your friendship and Ominis’s friendship mean everything to me. You two have stuck by me through my worst days, even when I didn’t deserve it. And right now I’ll do anything to get you both out of here safely. You have my word.” Sebastian picked up MC’s hand and kissed it.
It was a few minutes after noon when Sebastian and MC emerged from Ominis’s room, their belongings packed and ready to go - with a little less than eleven hours to spare. They attempted to sneak out the door unnoticed, but were stopped by Marvolo, his streak of not being suspicious having ended.
“Are you leaving?” he asked with a small smirk on his face, not as obnoxious as he normally looked.
“This whole thing has been really rough on me. The last place I want to be is Ominis’s room, or his home for that matter.” MC tried to sound as somber as she could. 
“Aw, shame.” Marvolo shot her what was most definitely a fake smile. “Why don’t you at least stay for dinner? Mother and father would be incredibly disappointed if you both left now! Everyone’s been up all night, you two must be so tired. You can leave after dinner.”
“Of course we’ll stay!” Sebastian jumped in with a chipper tone to his voice, no doubt trying to come off as least suspicious as possible. 
A whole six hours had passed by the time dinner was served and eaten. They only had five hours left, which may have seemed like a lot, but MC grew more and more nervous as the hours passed. Eager to leave, but trying not to seem too eager, Sebastian spoke up, trying to remain casual. 
“Well, I believe we ought to be leaving. It’s been a rough day for all of us. I imagine some alone time would do us all well.” 
Mrs. Gaunt’s voice was soft when she spoke, almost as if she felt a little sadness. “Oh, you two are welcome to stay an extra night. It is late. We’re all grieving. It might do you both good to rest here for the night.”
MC couldn’t take it anymore. She had gotten no sleep during the night, the last time she had truly eaten was 24 hours ago, as she had barely eaten her dinner tonight, and the stress of the day left her feeling light headed. She stood up from the table far too suddenly with the intention of protesting and insisting that it would be in their best interest to head home. But as she stood, the room began to violently spin. She blinked, momentarily seeing black before she opened her eyes, finding herself face to face with the floor before she saw black once again. 
She woke to find herself in bed, her hand seeking out the warmth of Ominis before her memories flooded back to her. Sebastian rose from the chair he was in as he noticed her stir. “MC! Holy shit you gave me a scare back there. You fainted as soon as you stood up.” Panic began to spread through her whole body. “What time is it?! How long was I out?!” She shouted at Sebastian before throwing her hand over her mouth, realizing she was far louder than she should have been. 
Sebastian sighed. “It’s after 9 o’clock. You were out for three hours, so we’re down to less than two hours now.” MC practically jumped from the bed. “We need to go. Now!” 
“We’ll have to sneak our way out. The Gaunts insisted we stay another night after you fainted. It seems like the Gaunts are asleep, but we may have Marvolo to worry about. I already took our stuff outside, and I have a note ready saying that we left once you woke up. So we just need to get out of here.” Sebastian seemed determined, and it warmed your heart to hear how willing he was to help you pull this off, even if his feelings were conflicted. The two of you cast disillusionment charms on yourselves, and quietly crept out the door. 
Sebastian’s assumption was correct, as they found Marvolo up, sitting in the library reading. With how observant he had been thus far with the duo, they exchanged panicked looks, pausing for a second to think through their options. The door was open, and they needed to pass the room. Marvolo was facing perpendicular to the entryway, but facing them where he would most likely see them if they ran past. 
MC thought back to a time Sebastian and her shared together, before things got complicated between them. It was their time sneaking into the restricted section of the library. They were in a similar scenario, trying to get past the prefects, also covered by disillusionment charms. MC’s heart fluttered for a moment, remembering how Sebastian protected her when he got caught, refusing to give her up. It was the exact moment she fell in love with him. She pushed that specific thought out of her mind, instead remembering how they got past the prefects anyway. MC hesitantly lifted her shaky arm, terrified that Marvolo would sense the action. She aimed her wand at a glass vase behind him on a bookshelf and cast a nonverbal spell at it, causing it to shatter behind him. Marvolo looked up in their direction for half a second before turning around to figure out what just happened, MC grabbing Sebastian’s hand and running past the entryway and into the foyer, where they took a second to hide behind a wall, making sure Marvolo wasn’t following them. The front door being feet away from them. They were almost in the clear. Almost.
They heard Marvolo exit the room and heard his footsteps creeping towards the foyer. Sebastian, inspired by MC’s actions, peaked out from behind the wall and shot his own spell into the kitchen off to the right of the foyer area. Marvolo headed that way. They dashed forward and made it to the door, but their footsteps were a little loud, Marvolo immediately coming back into the foyer. The pair were grateful it was dark in the foyer, meaning they weren’t caught right away, but they were certainly about to be caught, Marvolo looking around with his wand drawn. Both MC and Sebastian had their wands drawn as well, neither of them having an actual plan as to what they were going to do now. Marvolo looked in their direction, as if sensing them, and began to slowly approach them, his typical smirk on his face. He raised his wand, ready to shoot who knows what in their direction, but MC acted quicker, shouting the first spell that came to mind to help them in this situation. 
Sebastian removed the disillusionment charm from himself, a look of shock on MC’s face. MC’s charm had come off as well. Guilt painted on her face. MC let out a sigh. “You didn’t see or hear anything. Go back to your reading.” Marvolo obeyed immediately, a green glow in his eyes, walking away from them. They walked out the front door unbothered, but not before Sebastian left his note on the kitchen table explaining to the Gaunts that they had gone home. 
The duo ran as soon as they made it outside towards the small family cemetery. Once they crossed the threshold into it, MC collapsed onto the soft ground and began to cry. On her wedding day, one of the many promises she had made to Ominis was that she would never cast an unforgivable curse ever again, knowing the pain those curses caused Ominis. Not only had she broken her promise and cast one, but it was on a family member no less. They were awful people, but that didn’t stop her from feeling guilty. The whole time they had been here all she had done was broken promises she made to him. She felt awful, like she didn’t deserve to be Ominis’s wife. Sebastian wrapped his arms around her, letting her cry into his shoulder. 
“MC, we should go. There’s not much time left. We need to get Ominis out of here before he wakes up and before anyone gets suspicious.”
Wiping her tears, they made their way into the mausoleum, quickly opening up the crypt with some spellwork. There he was, her husband, still fast asleep, she hoped. MC looked him over, her tears starting up once again. “Is he still okay?” MC asked, her voice small and hoarse. “I think so. Afterall he is supposed to look dead!” Sebastian chuckled trying to lighten the mood, but his attempt was a failure. Sebastian picked Ominis up, throwing him over his shoulder as MC repaired the crypt back to its original state, sealing it in the hopes that it would never be opened by his family. She then peaked outside, listening to ensure the coast was clear. They placed disillusionment charms on themselves once again, and quietly and quickly exited the mausoleum and took off running into the forest before apparating. 
They landed in a small wooded area near MC and Ominis’s home, having enchanted the home so one could not apparate onto the property. They collapsed onto the ground, panting, trying to catch their breath. Sebastian placed Ominis’s body softly onto the ground. MC leaning over him, staring at him and running her fingers through his hair. “How much time?” she asked Sebastian, beginning to cry once again. “Should be any minute now.” he said as he watched her.
MC continued to run her fingers through Ominis’s hair, her other hand coming to his face, stroking his cheek. “Darling, please wake up. We did it. We’re safe now. Please?” She sat there for several minutes, fearing the worst. “Ominis, I love you. Please wake up. I need you. You’re my entire world and I can’t live without you. You’re my best friend, my favorite person, the one who makes me forget about every bad thing I’ve ever been through. Marrying you was the greatest thing I ever did. I’m sorry for the hurt I’ve caused you. I’m sorry I kissed Sebastian, I’m sorry I cast an unforgivable curse on Marvolo, I’m sorry for hurting you but I only did it for you. Please…I love you.” MC’s soft cries had turned to sobs at this point as she held his hand and rested her head on his chest. Her tears immediately stopped when she felt the gentle rise and fall of his chest. She sat up. “He’s breathing normally. He’s awake!” 
Ominis opened his eyes and sat up. “How unfortunate, I was actually enjoying hearing you tell me how much you loved me!” He smirked, but his smirk immediately switched to a look of anger “Did you say you cast an unforgivable curse on my brother?!” 
Sebastian jumped in “She had to, mate, we almost got caught trying to escape that hellhole.” 
“Shut it! Don’t think for a second that I’m not still angry with you. Both of you.” Ominis ripped his hand out of MC’s grasp, which made MC gasp. Ominis fished for his wand, holding it out to determine where he was. The tip of the wand pulsed red for several minutes before Ominis got up, wand held out, and began walking his way back towards their home, leaving Sebastian and MC still sitting on the ground. 
Their plan worked, but at what cost?
----------end of part 4---------
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topaz-carbuncle · 6 months
OC in 15: Valerie Michaelis
rules: share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
Thank you for the tag @crownleys! <3
I have been missing Val and Nate a lot recently, so it's been fun to go through my older stuff for this, especially as she's the OC who got the most love so far in terms of written dialogue!
Dialogue from posted works will be marked with " <x>"!
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1: "Nate...I'm sorry, but I couldn't just sit and hide while you got hurt, especially not because of me. I might not be anything special, like you four are, but do you think I could bear to stand by and watch you get hurt either? I know that you are trying to protect me and I appreciate that so much…But you need to let me work with you, as a team. You need to trust that I can do this, that I can be a part of your world." <x>
2: “I promise. I’m sorry for worrying you, I just couldn’t bear the thought of losing you,” she gives him a watery giggle, a giggle that transforms into a shy smile as he raises a neat eyebrow at her- urging her to continue, “we really make quite the pair, don’t we? Constantly worried for the other, to the point of ignoring our own safety and how it would affect those around us.” <x>
3: As if on cue, Val’s melodic voice cuts through Adam’s rant before Nate could even raise a hand to interrupt him. “Aww, you do care about me!” <x>
4: With her hands still on his chest, she looks up at him bashfully, biting her lip as she considers her words. “Is this a bad time to admit that, despite being the one to suggest that we come to the beach, I don’t actually know how to swim…?” <x>
5: “Well, most children who have parents to take them on holiday probably do.” She struggles to keep the bitterness out of her voice, wincing slightly as she sees the sadness in Nate’s eyes, the same sadness that plagues him whenever she brought up her childhood...Or lack thereof. “But this is my first holiday! My first family holiday, so it would be nice if one of you could teach me…?” <x>
6: “Punishment… what punishment?” Before she can fully register the situation, a cold gust of wind brushes past her as she stares up at Mason in confusion, slowly realising that her vampiric defence had vanished from in front of her. “Wait… Et tu, Nate?” <x>
7: “I’m not exactly sure where to start,” Val runs her hands through her hair as she paces, the action doing very little to bring her comfort as she tries to pull at the stitches holding her heart and mind together, “or how to start actually… This might take a while. It might take a few days.” <x>
8: “No, she didn’t know. I had changed my emergency contact for the hospital to Tina a few years before that. If Mum knew…she certainly never visited, so there's a good chance she doesn’t know at all. She can’t know, Nate. I’m sorry to throw all this onto you like that.” <x>
9: She cocks an eyebrow up at him before giving him her best dramatic gasp, her hand planted on her chest, "Agent Sewell, do you mean to tell me that you've been snooping through my possessions? What would the others say?"
10: "Yeah well...It's about to sound a lot more like begging in roughly 2 minutes if that disgusting spider isn't dealt with. Are you all here to watch, or can one of you do something since Adam is more content to be a pain in the arse?"
11: "Are you proposing to me, Agent Sewell?" She peers up at him through her eyelashes, the humour in her voice falters as hope takes over.
12: "Am I doing this right?" She breathes out a small laugh at the adorably confused look he sends her way. "I'm not doing a very good job at coherently starting my sentence. It's just… I'm worried that I don't know how to love properly, it's not like I had an example to follow while growing up."
13: “A lot of people prefer putting their thoughts out for the public to read. This can work out well for me when the station finds evidence out in the virtual open like this, you have no idea how many people incriminate themselves through this. Books can be burnt, but this? This stuff is forever, so uh…be careful if you plan on committing any crimes and then posting about it online.”
14: "And you are a powerful man, Agent Sewell."
15: "...Yes Nathaniel ?" <x>
Tagging: @serenpedac @lucysarah-c, @humanitys-strongest-bamf, @youre-ackermine, @l3visthighs! (i'm not sure if some of you have oc's that you write for, but it could be fun to show some "reader" dialogues as well / instead of! <3)
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alpydk · 7 days
I had another one of the worst visits to the doctor today 😑
For one second I really had in my head "Where is Chase?" 😭
I was on the verge of making a House like fuss 😆😣
To my ask:
Do you have fluffy Chase headcanons in mind, where he is treating a patient good and comforting?
(Yeah I know who am I asking 😆🤣😋 But with Dr. Puppy eyes there has to be some comfort about him😁Just imagine I am a penitent nun, than he is extra nice 🤭😉 Sorry Daddy, punish me for I have sinned 😏 Wrong topic! Wrong topic! 😆🙈
But I am also always up for some angst...like having things in my head of Wilson seeing Amber in his final moments, greeting him, waiting for him...yeah...)
I'm sorry you had a rough appointment. I hope this brings you the smiles it brought me. I'm not the best at a headcanon, but I can do a short comfort fic 🫂 - My one thing is, Chase totally gets his hair back post divorce/s8. He still however pines from time to time.
Chase x You - Pure Fluff (like fucking candyfloss)
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You’ve sat for some time in that small clinic room, your eyes strained from the florescent lighting, your head pounding from the many complaints outside the door. You knew the place would be busy, but you didn’t know to what extent when you sat down to see someone.
Now you waited for the doctor to come, the paper on the bed riding up under your jeans, your legs hanging off the edge as if you were some child. Doctors were never who you wanted to see, especially when they were like the last few. In their fifties, men whose education came from other men in their fifties. No understanding of what it was like to actually have struggles in either life or health. You sigh, expectantly.
The door is pushed open; you sit up straight ready to have your concerns ignored when he enters. Nowhere near the age you figured. Early thirties, you suspect, blonde, very good looking. Now your tension has become a furious blush in your cheeks as you explain your symptoms.
Robert Chase pulls up a chair and nestles himself in between your legs, placing warm hands under your chin and lifting your head slightly. He’s gentle, his hands soft. You notice he has no aftershave on, but the subtle aroma of saltwater drifts from his hair. His shampoo, or maybe a long-forgotten hobby, soaked into his pores? You don’t dare to ask, but the question doesn’t linger for long as you catch his gaze and realise the answer. The deep blue of his eyes glance into yours, endless seas you would happily swim out into. He gives the faintest smile, his hands brushing the skin of your neck as he pulls away. You suddenly feel cold.
He writes you a prescription, tells you to take it easy for a few days and call if you have any problems. His accent reminds of the old Steve Irwin videos you used to watch with your friends. It’s soothing in a way you don’t understand. You struggle to find your words to reply to him, but manage a whispered thank you.
Outside, the rain is coming down. You wait for your taxi, slowly becoming more and more drenched as the heavens open. You would stand under the portico, but it’s left clear for the emergency services. A gurney is rushed past, a young woman. You wonder what is wrong with her as the paramedics shield her from the rain.
“So, you come here often?”
The Australian accent draws you to your senses, a worthless pickup line that you’ve joked about but never had used on you before. You smirk. “Does that ever work?”
“First time for everything.”
He’s wrapped in a thin coat, his blonde hair becoming darker and sticking to his forehead with each raindrop that hits. You’re not sure when you agree to go to his apartment. It seems to happen so naturally as you find yourself walking to his car with him. He asks about you, what you do for a living, how long you’ve lived in New Jersey. Do you have any friends, family, a partner?
His apartment is what you expected of a young single doctor, more time spent at work than at home. There’s the odd creature comfort: a violin case stood against the wall, some aged video games in a stack by the TV. It’s not until you look closely that you see the hidden details: the photo frame face down on the cabinet, the medical journal under the leg of the coffee table keeping it stable. Rowan Chase? Any relation? You wonder.
“Got you a towel.” Robert brings it around your shoulders. Gone is his coat, leaving nothing but the wet shirt underneath. You know this is no longer professional care, but you don’t mind, swept up in whatever God’s plan is for the two of you.
“You have a nice apartment.”
“You should see the bedroom.”
He’s so quick to lure. How many of these lines have been used on others before you? How many others have there been? You’re drowning in those seas, but you don’t seem to care. Let the tide pull you away. Let him drag you down.
Suddenly he apologises, and you’re not sure why. Was it your silence at his remark? He offers you a drink, but you decline. The medication, you remind him. He nods, understanding, and places himself on the sofa, leaning his head back over the cushion. You sit next to him, seeing the façade of the strong doctor fade momentarily. You hesitate a moment, but place your hand on his knee, a warmth and comfort that you’ve both been seeking for so long.
He glances up, confused, a brief flash over his face where he considers rejecting the sensation, but then his arm comes around your shoulder, pulling you close. You lean into his body, taking in the seawater, letting it fill your lungs. You feel the warmth of his breath in your damp hair, the press of his lips on your forehead, on your nose, on your mouth, each softer and more meaningful than the last.
He doesn’t take it further. There is all the time in the world for that. Instead, he switches on a movie, holds you close in a way you’ve only ever dreamt of. You don’t realise you’ve fallen asleep until the next morning when you wake up, a cushion under your head, a blanket covering your shoulders. The scent of coffee fills the air, and you glance around, trying to catch your bearings.
Chase emerges from the kitchen, sweatpants shielding toned legs from your view, but a firm chest on display, skin you’ll run your fingers up, a scar you’ll learn about during lazy days in bed.
“Morning, sleepyhead.”
He glows under the curious dawn that lazily comes through the window, his hair as golden as the coast you’ll surf with him one day, his eyes brighter than they ever were under chemical lighting. “Made you coffee.”
“These trials only test your faith to see whether or not it is strong and pure. Your faith is being tested, as fire tests gold and purifies it. ... And your faith is far more precious to the Lord than mere gold. So if your faith remains strong after being tested, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day of his return.” – Chase S1 E5
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abbzworld · 2 months
AN – Hello everyone and happy Zelink Week 2024! I shall be posting seven separate works every day for the next week and you can find them on AO3, FFN, and here on Tumblr in celebration of Zelink and its many forms.
Anyways, let’s get started! :)
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“Gonzo, hurry up with that food! We’re starving over here!”
“R-Right away, Miss Tetra!”
It took a couple more minutes, but the hungry crew was finally satisfied when the curry was finished.
In all honesty, it didn’t look that appealing, looking like it was made with sludge rather than ingredients. But the pirates were used to this kind of food and so there weren’t any complaints as the curry was handed out. Soon enough, all of them were seated and began to eat, talking jovially amongst themselves.
All except for Link, who was tucked away in the corner.
He wasn’t upset or anything. He just wanted some privacy to finish his own meal first before joining the others.
He smiled as he brought out his favorite soup, which his grandmother had filled all four of his bottles to the brim with. He’d been trying to spread out how often he ate it, but it was difficult sometimes since he loved it so much.
As such, he only had one full bottle left.
He felt a bit sad at this realization as he poured out half of the soup into a bowl and began to eat, smiling at the taste.
As he neared the end of his meal, a bittersweet lump formed in his throat. It made it a bit difficult to swallow at times, but this little taste of home was well worth it.
After he was done, he sighed, feeling full and mostly content.
The only thing that was bothering him was that he only had one serving of soup left. He frowned slightly at that, knowing that it would be a long while before he could have this soup again. And then he would have to eat what the pirates ate, which he knew wouldn’t taste as good.
It wasn’t necessarily because of them and their cooking skills. It just wouldn’t taste the same as his grandmother’s cooking…
He looked up, seeing Tetra in front of him. “Hey Tetra. What’s up?”
“I just wanted to know what you were doing. I mean, you’re in this corner all by yourself. Don’t you want to come hang out with us?”
Link smiled at her concern. “Yeah. Sorry, I was just taking a moment to myself first. I’ll come over now.”
She nodded before they both got up and went over to where the rest of the crew was.
He spent the rest of the night talking and joking around with the others. However, Tetra could tell that something was bothering him. None of the other pirates really seemed to notice, but she did.
That night, Link tossed and turned, trying to get comfortable, but being unable to. All he could think about were his family and friends that he’d left behind on Outset. He could still hear his grandmother’s farewell to him and see Aryll’s tear filled eyes as she waved goodbye to him.
An uncomfortable pit formed in his stomach at these bittersweet memories. He had no idea how long he’d be away from home in this search for a new land to call their own. And yet, more often than not, Link felt insecure about whether or not they would be able to. He knew it was ridiculous since he’d proven himself to the Gods, became the Hero of the Winds and defeated Ganondorf – all of which happened after he saved his sister which had initially been his only goal – but Link still couldn’t help but be unsure of himself and their journey.
Groaning, he sat up and rubbed at his eyes, deciding to try to get up and see what he could do to make himself relax.
He carefully crept out of his cabin and went upstairs to the deck, past the snoring pirates in the belly of the ship and past Tetra’s cabin, emerging onto the deck.
He glanced up and noticed the thousands of stars in the clear night sky as well as the beautiful half moon.
Sighing, he settled down on the deck and crossed his arms behind his head, gazing up at them.
He could make out a few of the constellations, but he wasn’t the most well-versed in reading the heavens. He just liked the view.
Stargazing worked for him and he could feel himself calming down at the magnificent view after the bittersweet memories had kept him from falling asleep.
Then he suddenly heard the door leading below deck open.
Startled, he looked and was surprised to see Tetra approaching him.
“Link? What are you doing up?”
It took him a moment to answer. “Um, I couldn’t get comfortable enough to sleep and so I thought doing some stargazing might help.”
He then asked her, “But what are you doing awake? I hope it wasn’t because of me…”
“Not really.” She shrugged. “I was still awake and noticed you heading up the stairs.”
“Couldn’t sleep either?”
She sighed and shook her head. “No and it’s really annoying…”
He smiled a bit. “Yeah, I get that.”
Then, he was surprised to see her lying down beside him.
“Um… What are you doing?”
“I told you already that I can’t sleep. And since you can’t either, we may as well keep each other company until we can finally relax.”
“I see. Sorry, I guess that I just wasn’t sure what you would do or say. I mean, you prefer your crew to be well-rested and in good health to keep bumps on the road to a minimum.”
She smiled. “Yeah, I get what you’re saying. But my point still stands about our respective sleeplessness.”
He smiled back. “Yeah.”
After that, they both went silent and admired the stars.
After a few moments of this, Tetra asked him, “What constellations are you familiar with?”
“Hm? Oh, mainly Orion, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. I’m… not too well-versed in the stars beyond that.”
Tetra made a thoughtful sound before smiling at him while doing her signature wink. “Would you be interested in learning at all?”
He smiled. “Yes, I am interested!”
She chuckled before standing up. “Alright. Let me go fetch something.”
It took a few minutes until she returned and when she did, she was carrying a chart in her hands.
“What is that? Is it a star chart?”
“Awesome!” He grinned, sitting up.
After that, they spent some time studying the chart and figuring out where things were in the sky. Tetra wasn’t an expert either but she still knew more than Link did and the two of them had a lot of fun reading the chart and helping each other out.
“…and that constellation is Taurus.”
“Oh, so he’s the bull?”
“Yeah. And the archer, Sagittarius is right… there.”
She smiled at him. “I’m glad you’re enjoying this.”
“Well, the stars and constellations have always interested me. I just didn’t have the time nor the resources to properly learn how to read them.”
She nodded before smiling mischievously. “Something tells me that you snuck out of bed in order to stargaze though, right?”
At this, Link blushed. “W-Well… it wasn’t often… And, uh…”
Tetra laughed. “Don’t worry. No judgement from me. I often stayed up late, too.”
He smiled sheepishly. “Heh… yeah.”
He went quiet, worrying Tetra. “Are you alright? I hope my joke didn’t upset you.”
“No, it’s not that.” He quickly reassured her. “It’s just…”
It took a few seconds for Tetra to realize why Link was upset. “Oooh… You’re homesick, aren’t you?”
He sighed and nodded. “I know it seems ridiculous but… I really, really miss my family and friends back on Outset. I miss Aryll being at her lookout, I miss the seagulls and I miss my bed… And to make matters worse, I only have one serving of my grandma’s soup left to eat!”
He sighed again. “I feel like such a little kid sometimes for wanting to be back home despite everything I’ve done and still have to do, you know?”
She made a thoughtful sound before telling him, “You know, I actually kind of envy you for that.”
Surprised, he looked at her which prompted her to explain with, “I’ve never really had a home. Sure, you could argue that this ship is my home but… It’s not an island or a house. The only family I’ve ever had was my crew and my mother…”
Link stayed silent, listening intently.
“I guess what I’m trying to say is that you shouldn’t be too hard on yourself. And even though we’ve both done some incredible things for our age, we are still kids. So it’s only natural that we’d mess up or act our age on occasion. I’m sure the Goddesses would understand.”
Link stared at her before smiling. “Thanks… I really needed to hear that.”
Tetra smiled back before yawning. “Wow, I think I’m finally tired. Are you?”
Link nodded. “A bit.”
“So, do you want to go to bed now?”
“Yeah. We don’t want to be up all night, after all.”
They both softly chuckled before venturing over to the door and walking down the stairs.
“Um… good night, Tetra. And thanks again.”
“Good night, Link. Let’s stargaze another night, okay?”
He smiled and nodded before they both went their separate ways.
As Link lied in bed, he felt calmer than before. He couldn’t help but smile as he thought about Tetra and her words to him. And even though he still felt homesick, at least he knew that he wasn’t in this alone.
With those thoughts, he finally drifted off to sleep.
AN – I hope you enjoyed! I’ll be posting the other six stories in the days to come.
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elliesbelle · 9 months
belle what the fuck happened??? are you okay???
long story short (prob won’t be short, knowing me oops):
tw: drug overdose, suicide, hospitalization mentions
work has been one of the biggest stressors in my life lately. i’ve been getting relentlessly harassed and bullied by a coworker (and my boss has done very little in regards to it), and something happened the other day with an extremely cruel parent of one of my kids, and it triggered something in me.
i was already having a difficult time the night before in regards to my ex (had a late night arguing with him and there were many countless unkind words said about me and the kind of person i am), and i was already in an incredibly bad place, so the work thing just pushed me to the edge. so i left work early, purchased a lot of cold medicine, went home, and took it all on top of sleeping pills and other stuff i can’t remember. said goodbye to my loved ones before i eventually went to sleep.
after that, a lot of it was a blur, so what i’m relaying right now is either from the few times i was lucid or from what other people have recalled to me.
live-in ex had been driving around trying to find me after my friends at work alerted her that i’d left suddenly, but she eventually made her way back to our apartment where she found me cold in our bed, and so she called 911. she tried rousing me but she was unsuccessful. paramedics eventually came and they kept trying to wake me up and eventually brought me to the emergency room.
i’m not sure what they tried to do to me in there, but obviously they tried to flush all the drugs out or whatever. i remember very little during this time, just that they had to cut my clothes off of me and i couldn’t stay awake for long. live-in ex was there the whole time, but they didn’t let her in the room until my mom got there and declared her as family (they wouldn’t let her past the waiting area bc we’re not related, so my mom had them list her as my spouse so she could be with me).
eventually, they placed me in the ICU where i was placed on bed rest (literally was not allowed to get off my bed because there were at least like, five or six wires attached to me) the whole time. a nurse has to be in the same room as me at all times, so they rotate these different nurses in 12 hour shifts, apart from the regular lead nurse who does hourly rounds to check on me. thankfully, they allowed visitors, so live-in ex stayed with me for most of it (so did my mom and my dad briefly, but they’re not as important). when they deemed me “healthy” enough (basically they wanted to make sure i didn’t lose my liver or something), they moved me into a regular hospital room.
been in here for the past day or so now. i can still have visitors, so live-in ex, both my parents, and my baby sister have all visited me. one of my coworkers who i’m close to also surprised me with a visit (which was so sweet, i was trying not to cry). they’re thankfully allowing me to have my phone and all (i’d be going insane if not), but i’ve been mostly sleeping honestly.
i tried asking them to not admit me into the psych ward cause i hate being in the looney bin, but i don’t have much of a choice because of the “severity” of my attempt. tried to opt for outpatient, but gonna be put in inpatient whether i like it or not, so i’ll be spending christmas here in the hospital alone unfortunately. oh well.
oops, yeah, not long story short lmao. anyway, sorry for worrying y’all. i really was not as lucid as i believed i was at the time that i’d made all those cryptic posts. i wanted to spend some time writing while i’m in here, but my emotional state has been so raw recently and the past few days being in here has caused me to be a lot more blocked in regards to that. my writing is tied to my emotions, so i won’t be able to write for y’all until i can process my emotions better again.
i don’t necessarily plan to abandon y’all, but if i’m slightly less active on here than usual, please understand why.
love you all.
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lieslab · 3 months
CUTEEEEEEEIE (am I allowed to ask about the siren fic? sorry I'm excited. can't wait for it!)
Thank you!! 😊 YES!! I haven't forgotten. I've been writing it over the past few days and uh...it's kind of turned into a longer series. I keep getting ideas and adding onto it. I have about nine chapters from the beginning and I'm in the process of wrapping it up. After that, I have to create banners for every chapter because I love adding banners to shit and then I'll post it!! I'm hoping to have it all up here by Friday and then I'll move onto working on requests.
I'm sorry that I've been keeping you waiting for longer than expected. There was a bit of a family emergency and a family member ended up in the hospital. I know how annoying it is when the stories you like don't get updated. When things like that happen, I get so anxious that I don't have the energy to write as much. Family emergencies, work, and next month I start a few college courses. Isn't it fun living in the real world?
I truly do love writing though and I consider this to be my happy and safe space. The next time, if I end up writing a mini series, I'm going to write it all before I post it, so this doesn't happen again. So please stay tuned and thank you for sticking around <3
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