#sorry for rambling here 🤣
sunflowersinheaven · 4 months
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another wip, that i wont be able to finish for a while
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frau-wilhelm-klink · 14 days
I mean this in the most affectionate way possible, of course.
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But hey, that's okay! Somebody has to keep the people in Geneva busy😂
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Just realised I have over 700 followers somehow and all I've been doing is shit for 3 months is shit posting 😃
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drabsyo · 2 years
Big fan, dig your fleurmione art!!
Thank you anon!! 💙
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Hi guys. Been trying to post more- not seen the acolyte yet but it looks promising? (shows by women who Get it usually are, no?)
Meanwhile work has been stalled for us again while our union negotiated, and it just passed a couple weeks ago so hopefully shit picks up because I have been gnawing at the bars of my cage trying not to go crazy. I am still horribly depressed at the loss of Atsushi Sakurai last october, and then Reita in April. I have wasted so much of my year not being able to work and just wallowing in grief...in two months despite so little work I'll be heading back to Japan in time for Atsushi's one year of his passing, I can't be away anymore.
I don't know, this year has felt like yet another waste in a string of wasted years, but this time topped off with inconceivable loss. I just....I don't know.
Anyway, thanks for sticking with this blog even though it's kinda weird around here these days. May the last half of summer treat you all kindly and gently. 💜
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awphooeey · 1 month
Mickey’s veeery complicated opinion on Jose Carioca
I talked about this headcanon on twitter but I wanted to talk about it on tumblr too bc u guys are goated 🙏🤣❤️ ANYYWAYYSSS (Sorry I’m very bad at explaining things and my grammar is awful this is more of a ramble, AND IM SORRY IF THIS IS OOC)
I feel like Mickey, despite not wanting to not like him, does NOTTTT LIKE Jose because of how similar they are. I mean when you think about it, Jose is basically everything Mickey is and more ? (Maybe that’s a stretch, I dunno) He’s more humble, probably a lot more charming, and I feel like Mickey would feel threatened by that. Here’s a rlly crappy drawing to visualize 😎
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I don’t think Mickey would ever admit to feeling that way about him because he doesn’t WANT to, he feels really really guilty about it, and he thinks it’s silly, but I guess he has some deep rooted issues with being replaced to be reacting in such a way.
AND ALSO because Jose is completely oblivious to how Mickey feels about him and thinks they’re very good friends!! So mickey wouldn’t wanna mess that up either and make himself look bad
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AND DONALD!!! Donald is Mickeys bestest friend!! Iconic Disney Duo!! But I always found it funny that despite Jose and Mickey being similar, to me Donald seems to fuck with Jose a LOT more than Mickey 😭 I think Mickey would be incredibly insecure about that especially, i mean if ur best friend likes this guy more than he likes you he’s definitely better than you!!! I think Mickey would end up believing that because Donald seems calmer and happier around Jose, than that means Donald’s temper wasn’t the problem, Mickey not being a good enough friend for him was. :( LIKE HES A BIRD TOO!! THEYRE BOTH BIRDS AND MICKEYS JUST A STUPIF MOUSE!!!💔💔💔 yeah
(I like to imagine a montage of mickey from the shorts trying to “win back” donald from jose lololol maybe ill make a little comic)
BUT ANYWAYS yeah that’s it . thx for reading. please…lemme know what u think….goofbye
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pairing: dad!bucky barnes x au pair!reader
warnings: age gap (reader is 10 years younger than bucky), mentions of smut (18+, dni if under 18)
author’s note:  last time i posted was december 31. i am very sorry is all i have to say 🤣
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i keep these longings lost in lowercase inside a vault ...
      - But I wanna go! - Sadie whined as Y/N was preparing her to go spend some time with her grandmother.
Sadie wasn't one to really enjoy being away from her father and Y/N had made the grave mistake of telling her she and her dad were going out for a meal which in Sadie's mind roughly translated to they're going out to eat without her.
      - I know, munchkin but you won't like the restaurant me and daddy are going to. They don't sell any chicken nuggets.
      - But daddy always makes them have it.
      - That's sweet, baby, but I don't think daddy can change menus. I think.
The red head pouted as Y/N finished sorting her out. She wondered if Bucky had a nugget empire of restaurants he could choose or if he was that well respected a chef would just prepare it for him just because his daughter wanted it. Whatever way it was, she stood there realising she'd never gone on a date with someone that high up. Sure she had her little affairs with men that had a trust fund but they were just that, the sons of powerful men. Bucky was both - the son of a powerful man and a powerful man himself. Did she even know how to dress for a man like that?
She sighed, entering her bedroom and opening her closet, crossing her arms at the sight in front of her. "Downtown at 7", what kind of information was that? It could mean a myriad of things which required a different dressing code. Damn you Bucky and your vague instructions. Y/N eventually decided on a black dress, hoping that would work for everything.
Y/N looked at herself in the mirror and put her lipstick on. The same mantra was going over and over in her mind "it's just a date", yet every time she did she rationalised that it wasn't just a date. It was a date with Bucky, her Bucky, her boss Bucky, father of Sadie Bucky. Just do it, she told herself as she went to grab her purse to meet Bucky at his office, just do it.
      - Has anyone ever told you you take as long as my daughter to get ready? - she jumped a bit as she heard Bucky's voice.
      - What are you doing here?
      - We have a date, have you forgotten? - he got up, his hands inside the pockets of the neatly tailored suit as he approached her. - Or are you chickening out?
      - I'm not chickening out. I thought I was meeting you at your office. I mean, you usually finish at 6:30 and since you said 7, I thought ...
      - I forgot that you're the boss of my company. - he interrupted with his characteristic smirk. - I got off early. Got a new suit, fresh shave.
      - Shame. I do like the stubble. - she said as she caressed his face. His cheeks warmed up at her touch. - Maybe now I do need to cancel my date with you.
      - You like Italian? - he said as he helped her put her coat on. It was almost like a scene from an old movie. - There's this restaurant downtown a friend of mine opened, really quiet and private.
      - Wanna hide me, huh? - she smirked.
      - No, no ... shit, that's not what I meant. I thought you'd like something more private? I don't wanna hide you I mean look at you, you're so gorgeous and ...
      - I'm just joking, Sergeant. - she interrupted him as she saw him get into a state of rambling. Bucky always knew what to say so to see him so tied up and awkward was rather enjoyable for her as she was the one to usually end up in that situation. - I think it sounds good. You really didn't need to go through all of this.
      - Why? Did you prefer I skip right over to sex? - he smirked, making her cheeks flush with warmth as she recalled the last night. - See? I can joke too.
      - Yeah sex with you is kind of a joke. - she retorted which made Bucky smile at her wit. - I dropped Sadie off at your mother's but she may call you at some point.
      - Yeah, I called my mum to speak to her but apparently she is upset because there's no chicken nuggets? Care to explain?
      - Long story. - Y/N shrugged. - Is she okay?
      - My dad's probably boring her to death with model trains and my mum is feeding her every sweet treat they can find, so I'd say she's fine.
      - She's going to be impossible tomorrow, isn't she?
      - I was hoping she stayed at my parents tomorrow as well.
      - Why? I'm bored, I have nothing to do until I hear back from my VIVA and Sadie keeps my mind away from it.
      - I have plans for you tomorrow.
      - What kind of plans?
      - Y/N, doll, do you ever stop asking questions?
      - I'm a scholar, my job is to ask questions. It's almost like I asked you to stop being bossy and impossible.
      - I am not bossy and impossible.
Y/N snorted a bit at that statement. She adored Bucky and he had been nothing but a great boss - to her at least. He was a perfectionist and liked everything done with the best results in mind which sometimes led to him being quite impossible, specially if her was in a sour mood. Heck, sometimes she'd even been on the other end of it yet it usually ended up with him apologising.
      - Let's just go before you decide you don't wanna go out with a bossy and impossible man.
      - Jokes on you, maybe I do prefer my men bossy and impossible.
      - And still you dated ... what's his name?
      - Oh c'mon.
      - Bet he didn't take you to a nice restaurant.
      - It's not a competition and right now you haven't taken me anywhere.
      - The driver is waiting downstairs, I was just waiting for you.
      - You got the driver? Bucky, I could've driven us there.
      - In the yellow monstrosity? I think not.
      - HEY! Ducky is a great car.
      - The fact you named your car makes it worse. It's a Fiat 500 cosplaying as a Tweety Bird.
      - You know the word cosplay? Wow, you're a very advanced old man in your pop culture.
Bucky rolled his eyes, wrapping his arm around her waist and bringing her downstairs. He didn't exactly knew how to act on a date with her, she was not the type of woman he usually dated - he actually hadn't even dated in a while, he was one to just go to dinner for one night stands only. His last date, Sadie was 5 months old and he went out with a woman named Elizabeth who worked in Wall Street - a date which had been cut short by his constant wondering about Sadie.
This was different, first Y/N didn't work in an area which matched his and, at least in his head, was a lot more educated than him and probably worried about his daughter as much or sometimes even more. It was just different and he didn't exactly knew how to handle it in a suave manner and she seemed to notice as they sat. She gave him a knowing look before opening the restaurant menu.
      - How many people here do you think are convinced I'm your sugar baby? - she attempted to break the ice, her little mischievous smile as she looked at him over the menu. Bucky laughed at this, looking around before looking back at her.
      - Probably no one. If you were my sugar baby, your dress would fit you properly.
      - Hey! - she playfully kicked him under the table. - This is Marc Jacobs.
      - You wore that dress for your interview to be Sadie's au pair.
      - That was ... a while ago. I had just started at graduate school.
      - You had these really funny bangs and you used to carry around all of these really colourful notebooks.
      - Yeah the breakup bangs. - she giggled. - You know, I had just cut them the night before and I cried so much when I woke up because I thought they would ruin the interview.
      - Maybe your true calling is being a hairstylist.
      - If I don't pass, then it may be an avenue.
      - You really think you're not gonna pass your VIVA? C'mon, you're the smartest person I know.
      - You're just saying that so I'll end up in your bed tonight.
      - Uh, no, if I wanted you to end up in your bed tonight, I wouldn't need flattery. Just fifteen minutes alone with you in the restaurant bathroom and my hands.
She opened her mouth to respond back but immediately closed it, not sure of how to exactly answer to that. She'd heard stories, she knew he was right ... heck, she had experienced it just last night and she had to admit the idea of it was not entirely off putting.
      - Don't change the subject.
      - You changed the subject first, doll. - he shrugged. - You're the only person I know that doesn't believe you.
      - I don't wanna talk about it, Sergeant.
      - Bucky.
      - What if I prefer Sergeant?
      - Darling, you can call me whatever the hell you like, as long as you're calling me.
taglist: @talesofadragon @winters1917 @vladsgirlxx @stinkerbelle007 @maybefoxysouls @blackwood-bodecker-housewife @chipilerendi @kandis-mom @belennasif @abitofblues @floralwsloki @montyrokz @sealxfredweasley @legendarytrashcopeclipse @sydariah @purple-vegan @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @slowdownbeforeyouregretit
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lazzarella · 8 months
So, I'm super new to Thai BLs (as in, just started watching them a week ago, because I'm dumb and didn't realise how easy to access they were lmao) but I've watched a lot of romance (movies/shows) over the years, both queer and het. And I've seen a lot of onscreen couples with great chemistry!
Couples who look at each other in a way that makes you feel like you're intruding, or whose kisses (or more) are fire, or who do those longing looks that make you ache, or who are just so damn sweet together you get a toothache, etc. and so on. But I feel like it's rare to find two people who can do ALL of that really well?
But MileApo do (does?? IDK how to grammar with ship names lol) all of that extraordinarily well on top of being so. Fucking. Funny! Seriously. Finding comedic partners like that is a pretty rare thing too, I think
And then to balance all of that and have none of it feel forced??? To have two actors who have that comedic and dramatic range, who can be that vulnerable with each other, can play off each other like that, (and I think they're both really early in their careers? Like I said, I'm new here!), IDK... It's definitely special! All the praise I read beforehand was not undue
I know I'm so late to the party here but I'm just so blown away that I'm embarrassing myself by rambling on Tumblr but I needed to get my feelings out somewhere and where better than this hellsite haha (and sorry to my three followers who were here for Saltburn 🤣)
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silentglassbreak · 2 months
delulu fan fantasy, not even my delulu.. just looking over bad omens photos and home country thoughts lol
Any name, any description lol but the boys never guy koala shots when they were in Australia last time.. soo so a scenario where they return an it involves some sort of trip to an animal rescue of some kind? OR some thing... and Noah having to lean down so the handler can help him DE-CLING the koala from his arms and shoulder, their claws can get you, the guys all joking about his new girlfriend maybe... but he'd rather the handler... -- up to you if you go on to make it smutty after the cute meet, maybe invite for drinks.. OR just an intense flirt... but...
Yep... koala flirting delulu lol, sorry, for, the ramble.
Fully understand if this is a no can do, I know specific place requests can be difficult, but I thought there was no harm in asking, thank you for reading just the same.
The amount of research I just did on Koalas is wild 🤣 I’m hoping this does your ask some justice!
After Writing Notes: This was cute, and fun to write. It's shorter than some of my others, and truly just fluffy, early stages, flirtations. I enjoyed this! I hope you do too!
Rating: Mature (language)
Warnings: Nuffin but good ol' fashioned fluff.
Please Please Please
“Now, let’s see if the little man likes you or not, shall we?”
Mira, our veteran Koala, who was used to our regular visitation schedule was lazily clung to my shirt, as she was most days. Her jaws crunched on a Eucalyptus leaf, not minding all of the sweet attention she was getting. The bright-eyed boy standing in front of me beamed at her, but I could tell he was nervous.
“Alright, now we’re going to just gently place her on your chest, and if she likes you, she’ll cling!” I carefully handed Mira over to the boy, no older than twelve, who shakily held her up. Mira’s claws grabbed onto his shirt, and she tucked her head into his neck lovingly.
She truly was a great performer.
“Oh my God, she’s holding me!” He exclaimed, excited, but still hushed as not to startle her.
“Look at that, mate! She’s very loving, isn’t she?” I held up another leaf in front of her, one of her small hands latching on and holding it up to her mouth.
The mother of the young boy looked absolutely horrified. “How long does he hold her for?”
“Ah, just a minute or two. I’ve got a few other folks waiting to get to say hello.” I stuffed my hands in my pants pockets, smiling while watching Mira tickle the young man’s neck with her ear hairs.
“Are all Koalas this friendly?” He asked as his hand gently stroked the plush hair on her back.
“Actually, no. Koalas can be quite territorial, especially around their young. They bite and scratch just like any other beast you’d come across.” I could see his mom beginning to sweat. “Mira here is very accustomed to human beings. She’s one of our rehabilitated patients who was not eligible for release.”
“Why not?” The worrisome woman eyed me.
“Poor thing got caught in the wildfires a few years ago, and she’s almost completely blind now due to the smoke. She’d never survive in the wild.” I placed a hand on her head, smiling sweetly at her. “So, instead, she’s our designated education Koala!”
The boy smiled, and moved toward me to begin removing her from his chest. “I think she’s amazing.”
“That, she is.” I graciously took my girl, and turned to place her back on her tree. I could tell she was in need of a bit of a break.
Noticing more patrons had not arrived quite yet for their experiences, I closed the door behind my guests of the enclosure, and set up a ‘Be Back in 30’ sign.
Once in the break room, I sat at the table, running fingers through my hair that was tangled where it ended on the back of my neck. Kylie, who had been working the python exhibit all morning, came bounding in, sitting next to me heavily.
“Eh, Charlie. You alright?”
I was chewing the end of a peanut butter sandwich and zoning out, trying not to let my mind wander too far.
“Good here. You?”
She smiled empathetically. “That’s not convincing, babe. Still thinking about him?”
Shrugging hard, I set my sandwich back down and put my face in my palms. “Why would he ghost me?” I sighed, feeling defeated. “I really thought we were getting on, ya know?”
Placing a hand on my back, she smiled sweetly at me. “I’m sure you were! Some guys are just fucking useless! He probably did you a favor, really.”
I laid my chin down on my hands on the table. “Maybe. It still blows. I feel like dating is just pointless these days.”
Kylie laughed at that. “Nah, not true.” Sitting back in her chair, she reached to interlock her hands behind her head. “Remember that Roy guy I went out with a few weeks back?” I just nodded. “Best lay I’ve had, hands down.”
My eyes blew out wide before my stomach began rolling with laughter. She joined me, clapping a hand on my shoulder.
“Don’t give up on dating, babe. There’s a guy out there for you.”
I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, not likely.”
The day was passing so slow, it almost made my eyes roll back. By the time my watch told me it was close to the end, only half hour till, I was exhausted. So was Mira. My eyes scanned the passers by, wondering how many I’d be able to fit in before the end of the day, as I saw a group of guys reading the information plaque on the glass just outside.
One of the guys, a lanky boy with tattoos shadowing the length of his arms, was the only one of them looking into the exhibit, instead of at the description. If I hadn’t known better, I’d say he was looking at me.
That couldn’t be right, though. I was holding Mira, so he was probably looking at her.
“Excuse me?” One of them had broken off from the pack and stepped inside the door. “It says on there to come in to see the Koalas?”
He was a shorter gentleman with long, black hair tied back in a bun on the back of his head. I noticed his accent, and internally groaned. Americans.
“Yeah!” I smiled at him brightly. “Come on in!”
He motioned for his friends, the other three trailing behind. The last one to come in was the tall guy with hair only slightly shorter than mine. His eyes wandered around the trees and the pond behind me.
“Oh my gosh!” The shortest one was grinning ear to ear, staring directly at Mira. “They’re so cute!”
I looked down at the gray baby on my chest, and pet her lovingly. “They are. They’re my favorite creatures here at the preserve.”
��Do they bite?” A taller man, who had a slightly different accent that I couldn’t place, asked.
“They sure can.” I nodded, and waved a hand. “But Mira here never has. She’s an absolute gem.”
Looking between them all, I noticed they were all wearing various band t-shirts, with the exception of our large friend, who only wore a black beater. He stood the most reserved, hands in his pockets.
“Anyone want to hold her?”
“Serious?!” The shortest bloke perked up first, stepping toward me cautiously. “Can I, please?”
I chuckled. “Of course! I’ll hand her to you,” I began peeling Mira from me. “and if she latches, she likes you!”
Almost vibrating with excitement, the man took her gently, and Mira wrapped her short arms around his neck, seeming to take to him exceptionally.
“Excellent!” I clapped. “You’re a natural!”
He smiled brightly at his friends. “Check it out, guys!” They all took turns looking at Mira up close, a couple reaching out to touch her head.
“You want a photo?” I asked and the tallest one nodded, slipping a cell out of his pocket and handing it to me.
The four boys posed, all smiling and wrapping arms around each other.
“Alright, one…two…three.” I snapped a picture, but noticed a couple of them blinking. I pursed my lips. “Let me get a few, alright?”
They nodded and held their spots. As I was preparing to snap another, I saw a look of panic flash over the boy holding Mira.
“She’s letting go! I don’t want to drop her!”
“Oh!” Instinctively, I slipped the mobile into my vest pocket and reached out to grab Mira.
For whatever reason, she had become startled, and wanted out of the grip. It had been a long day, and she was likely over all of the attention. When I pulled her from the guy’s arms, her nails scratched across the side of his neck.
“Ouch!” He exclaimed, holding a hand up. All of his friends were looking at him.
“I’m so sorry about that, mate! It’s been quite the day for our girl here.” He moved his hand and was bleeding ever so slightly.
Seemingly rebounded, he shook his head and grinned at me. “No, I totally get it. I appreciate her letting me hold her at all.”
I set Mira on her tree, plucking her a leaf and handing it to her before turning back to the bunch. “There’s a med room on your way out the exit. They can give you a swab to clean that with.” I smiled apologetically at them.
“Thanks again…Charlie?” The boy checked my name tag. I nodded. He stuck his hand out for me to shake. “I’m Nick.”
I nodded. “Pleasure to meet you guys.”
They filed out one by one, giving small waves. The tall boy’s eyes carried mine just a little longer than the rest, and it gave me a warm feeling in my stomach.
What a cutie.
“So how’d the rest of the day go, Char?”
Unpinning my tag and putting it in my locker, I nodded before sitting down to slip my runners off.
“Not terrible. Mira scratched someone, though.”
She frowned. “Oh no. Are they alright?”
Sighing, I began unbuttoning my vest. “Yeah, he was just happy to get to see her. Group of American guys.”
When I shrugged off my best, I noticed it felt heavy, which was odd. Slipping my fingers in the pockets, I felt the flat, cool screen, and let my head fall back.
“What’s that?” Kylie had turned her head to look at me.
“I snatched one of their phones on accident. Shit.”
She giggled. “Well, damn. Did you catch his name?”
I shook my head. “No. Just his friend who got hurt, and not even a last name.”
“Mm, better put it in lost and found then.”
I stood, reaching to set down the phone. Before I could, it began vibrating in my hand, and I turned it over. The face of the boy I had interacted with earlier popped on the screen with the name ‘Folio’ on it.
I bit my lip, and Kylie noticed. “Going to answer it?”
“Should I?”
She just gestured toward me in a ‘duh’ fashion.
I swiped open the call, and put it up to my ear.
“So, you have my phone.” A smooth, baritone voice came through the speaker.
I smiled, sitting on the bench behind me. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t even think about it.”
There was a soft chuckle on the other end. “No problem. Can I come get it?”
I looked up at Kylie, who was watching me expectedly. “Well, the preserve is closed for the night. I can leave it at the lost and found and you can grab it in the morning?”
“Hmm,” I heard him thinking. “I kind of can’t wait that long to get it back. Plus, I fly out in the morning.”
“Ah,” I sighed. “well, are you staying nearby? I can probably drop it off on my way home.”
“Well, the guys and I are going to Faldry’s for dinner. Could you meet me there?”
“Sure, that’s on my way.”
I heard a sigh of relief. “I really appreciate it, uh,” There was a beat of silence. “what was your name, again?”
I smiled. “Charlie.”
“That’s right.” I swore I could hear a smile in his voice. “I’m Noah.”
“Alright Noah, I can be there in half?”
“Sure, I’ll be there.”
The drive to the restaurant was quick, and for some reason, I felt nervous? I guess that made sense, given it was embarrassing that I managed to take this random stranger’s phone without even trying. I had a great gift for being an absolute moron. The parking lot was relatively full, so I pulled into a space toward the back. Unsure of how to let him know how I was here, I walked into the building, taking a breath and glancing around the room for the person I was trying to find.
The host approached the stand, flashing his teeth at me. "Evening. Do you have a reservation?"
Gripping the strap of my bag, I let my face fall. "Uh, no," My head whipped around more, still no luck in finding the party. "I'm here to see someone?"
He nodded tapping his computer screen. "Name?"
I closed my eyes, realizing I didn't know his surname. "Noah..." My stare pleaded with him. "He's uh, tall? Dark hair? Tattooed?"
He stared at me, clearly not following.
"He's American? With a group?"
This seemed to spark his memory, a flash of recognition crossing his features.
"Ah, I know who you mean. They're toward the back, table sixteen."
Smiling apologetically, I moved around the booth toward the other side of the dining room. Once I rounded the corner around the bar, I could see the table, more people than I recognized sitting around it.
Noah was sat, ball cap on his head, laughing at something with everyone else at the table. My chest stuttered for a moment. Now, instead of a casual tank top, he wore a plain white t-shirt. His hair peaked out from under his hat. Most noticeable was his smile, so bright and stunning. I hadn't had the chance to catch that earlier...
I gripped the phone in my hand, and swallowed before making my way over to the table. The boy I had spoken with earlier in the day - Nick - noticed me first.
"Hey!" All eyes lifted to me, and I felt more nervous than I had previously.
I gave a small wave, tucking some of my hair behind my ear. "Hello, everyone."
Noah stood, walking around the table. I handed him the phone, and he smirked at me. "Thank you so much for bringing this. I can't tell you how screwed I would've been if you hadn't."
I nodded, feeling so small stood next to him. "Of course. It was my fault, anyway."
His hand dismissed me. "It happens."
A strange, awkward silence fell over us, so I turned to the rest of the group, giving a timid grin. "Well, I'll be off, then."
"Wait," I felt fingers grab my forearm, gently pulling my attention. I looked up at Noah again, his face soft. "can I maybe," He glanced back at his friends for...something? Approval, maybe? "buy you a drink or something?"
I was caught off guard, and my face must've shown it, because his hand fell from my arm.
"Oh, uh," My eyes bounced off of the other faces at the table, who were still mostly looking right at me. "I shouldn't. I don't want to intrude."
He shook his head. "You're not! I want to do something to thank you for this." He held his phone up for reference.
I smiled, finding it exceptionally difficult to turn him down. "I mean, I suppose I could go for a cold one."
Something pulled the corners of his lips up at me.
"Great!" He turned back to his mates. "I'll be back?"
They all nodded, Nick giving him a brotherly slap on the arm. He lead me over to the bar, and pulled a stool out for me before taking the one to my right.
The bartender took our order, both of us settling on some ale before he turned his face to look at me.
"So," The drinks were placed in front of us, and I took a pull from my pint. "you like animals, huh?"
This made me laugh. What a generic conversation starter. He didn't have a lot to go on, and it was funny.
"I do. Always have."
He took a drink, and set his glass down hard on the bar. "That's really cool."
He was trying, but that topic could only get us so far.
"Do you?" I decided to venture.
"As much as the next person, I guess? I have a dog at home."
I smiled, wiping my upper lip on the napkin under my glass. "Back in the States?"
He nodded. "In California."
"Ah, what's that like?"
"You've never been over there?"
I shook my head, swallowing my beer. "Never been across the pond. Only time I left Straya was when my family would go to New Zealand on vacation. It's been a long time, though."
"New Zealand? Wow, that sounds amazing."
"It really is. It's beautiful there. And safe."
He took a big gulp of his beer, and began folding his own napkin over itself. "Well, California isn't." He said with a laugh.
I quirked an eyebrow. "I've heard." I turned my body to look at him better, studying the tattoos on his skin. "So what brings you here?"
He smiled to himself then, chewing on his thumbnail. "We had a concert."
"A concert? You flew all this way to see a band?"
He finished his drink, and signaled to the barkeep for another. "We are the band."
This made me pause. That made sense, now didn't it?
"Oh. Very nice!" The bartender brought us two fresh drinks. "What kind of music?"
"Rock music. Metal-ish?"
"What do you call yourselves?"
He smirked, staring at me from his peripherals. "Bad Omens."
"Hmm," I took a drink of my fresh beer. "that's interesting."
He snickered. "Interesting? How do you mean?"
"Sounds kind of dark."
"That's the point, honestly."
I traced the rim of the glass with my index finger, looking at him as he spoke. His lips were so pretty. And his eyes were so dark that they were almost enticing.
"I see." I finally looked away from him, down at the bubbles in my drink. "So, how do you like it here?"
He leaned forward, pressing his elbows onto the bar. "It's not my first time. It's been a while, though. I like it."
"But...?" I could tell he wasn't sold.
His cheeks tinted. "It's really hot. And the spiders are fucking crazy."
This caused a deep belly laugh to pull out of me. "That's too funny."
"Why is that funny?" He cackled with me, and I wiped a tear from my eyes.
"Ah, I don't know. A big tough guy like you being afraid of spiders? It's just funny."
He looked at me curiously. "Hey, I'm not afraid of them. I just prefer not to find giant ones in my hotel bathroom."
This only made me laugh harder, and his elbow bumped my arm playfully.
"You've got a good laugh."
This brought me back to Earth for a second, now feeling self-conscious. I contained my giggles and looked back at him.
His smirk was silly when he brought his glass to his lips. "I like your laugh."
I shook my head. "Thank you?"
He giggled into his cup. "You're welcome."
We sat this way for a while. He continued to drink beer, but I ordered a soda after my second drink. Continuing to laugh about various different subjects, and telling stories, we then noticed the restaurant beginning to thin.
"Well then, we've been here a while, haven't we?" I mentioned as I glanced around.
"Yeah, I guess so." His eyes were sparkling when they looked at me, which made something in my stomach flip. "I've had a good time talking to you."
Returning the sentiment, I leaned against his arm. "Me too."
His mouth pouted for a second. "I'm pretty bummed I'm leaving tomorrow, or I'd offer to take you on an actual date."
This made me nearly choke on the Cola I was sucking through my straw.
"Oh yeah?" Was all I could manage.
"Well, sure. Why not?"
I raised a brow at him. "Rockstar like yourself? You've got to have a lady at home waiting, don't you?"
He huffed out a sigh, staring down at his hands. "Nah, not lately."
Chewing on my lip, I shrugged. "Then I guess," I leaned in so he could hear me clearly. "it is a shame you have to leave tomorrow."
I could feel his breath on my face, and his brow furrowed, studying me.
"I'll just have to come back soon, huh?"
Smiling, I let my stare fall on his lips. "I guess you will."
His face came closer to mine, the proximity making the air thick. I could smell the alcohol on his breath, and his nose brushed against mine. Letting my eyes fall closed, I waited for him to close the gap.
"Can I walk you to your car?"
My eyes snapped open, noticing he hadn't moved, but also hadn't moved.
A shred of disappointment filled me, but I pulled back, gathering my thoughts.
"Uh," I shouldered my purse, a bewildered look on my face. "sure."
I slipped off of the barstool, and walked past him, noticing his palm finding the small of my back to guide me toward the door.
Once outside, the crisp summer evening bit at my skin. I pulled the sleeves of my sweatshirt over my hands as we walked to my car, far in the back of the, now mostly empty, parking lot.
I turned around once I had reached the driver's door, intending to bid him a good night and a safe flight home, but - for the second time - was caught off guard.
His chest pressed against mine, pinning me against the side of my car, and his lips crashed into mine. He was gentle, but still forceful enough to make my knees goes weak.
His hands held the roof of my car on either side of my head, and my eyes rolled back as I molded into him, my hands reaching up to grasp the sides of his neck. He breathed into me, sparking something hot in my chest, and made me press my body closer against his.
One of his arms circled around my waist, lifting me up on my tip-toes to reach his face easier. Our lips fought for leverage, tongues swiping over each other. My brain was buzzing with the intensity of it.
When he finally pulled away from me, bringing me back down on the ground, I was breathing heavily, and staring up at him hungrily. He smiled, a sheen of moisture on his swollen bottom lip.
"Thank you, Charlie, for a great evening."
My pupils were dilated wide, and my hands were gripping his shirt, still.
"Thank you for the drinks, Noah."
Letting him go, my hands falling loose at my sides, he took a step back, looking down at the ground where he kicked at the asphalt.
"Could I, maybe..." He was hesitating, which was funny, given he was so confident not a moment before. "Can we exchange numbers?"
My eyebrows shot up at the absurdity of it. He lived thousands of miles away.
"You're serious?"
He just looked at me, pleading. "I am."
I scoffed, holding a hand out. "Let me see your cell."
This brought a grin to his face, his hand slipping his phone out of his pocket. "You're going to give it back this time?"
I rolled my eyes playfully. "Maybe."
He unlocked the screen, and I opened a new contact. Quickly adding myself, I handed it back to him. He looked over the screen, and nodded, satisfied.
He huffed out a sigh, and then held his arms open. I pulled into them, the abnormally long limbs wrapping around me easily.
"Be safe getting home?"
He nodded when he pulled away. "Of course."
I could see his regard, trying to decide if he should. Deciding for him, I careened up as tall as I could, and placed one last soft kiss on his lips.
"Goodnight, Noah."
I opened my door, and sat down in the driver's seat.
"Goodnight, Charlie."
The entire drive home, all I could see in my mind's eye was deep brown eyes and tattoos. Long fingers and even longer arms. Short, straight black hair. An annoyingly adorable smile.
What were the odds? I finally meet a guy, and I will likely will never see him again...
I pulled into my drive, leaning my head against the steering wheel. I'm just so lucky.
My phone lit up in my console, and I grabbed it hastily. The unknown number flashed on my screen.
Noah: Hey beautiful. ;)
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lyssala · 5 months
I was trying to figure out They are stuck in my mind at all times and when I was thinking, I realized oh OH they're the same picture. So really I apparently just have a trope hierarchy to which if you resemble Roy/Riza in anyway you skyrocket to the top of my list.
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Some ramblings about Clorinde/Wriothesley under the cut because I have no where else to do it. I'm sorry to all the people who've been my followers for years and I literally just come here once a year to drop a ship fixation LOL Here's my big dose of copium I guess 🤣
(For the record, I have nothing against the popular pairings for either of them; I multiship just fine. There isn't an ounce of ship bashing in this because 1. that's rude lol 2. discrediting canonical relationships because they threaten the chances of my pair being on top defeats the purpose of analyzing characters)
(Updated: 8/25 just to acknowledge a few other various things before the end of the Fontaine era)
Roy & Wriothesley: fight using their hands (in different ways but still; fire and ice though); masks their true goals behind a facade (whether staged like Roy or Wriothesley just letting people believe what they want about him); most people don't know their true personality/history; hold a position of power in what most people assume is ambition but really they just want to do good to those who need it.
Riza & Clorinde: observant/quiet personality; the world's best shot; the best poker face; straight faced humor; tough as nails; sass and teasing is a love language; recognized as the top of their respective fields and respected by many.
It's uncanny right??
1. Familiar With One Another
It's so clear they have history together. This is not their first mission, first interaction. They can read the lines between what is being said to understand something more, that is the definition of knowing and understanding how someone operates. It means some kind of history.
Between her greeting upon walking in the room (Clorinde: What's that look on your face? I thought I made good time on the way back.) and her knowing how he is about tea (Wriothesley: Want some tea? Clorinde: Not particularly. If you want to drink some that badly, just say so.) Those are not things you would know/say if you don't know a person. She knows he's giving her a weird look, or a look she wasn't expecting. He offers tea, and instead of saying no thank you, she's just no, but I know you do and you don't need me as an excuse 🤣
Even when he clarifies for her that he does want tea, he asks her again, maybe knowing she does actually like it but only if he's already making it - which I do all the time to Ren LOL (Wriothesley: Fine, I'd like to get some tea. Want me to get you a cup too, since I've already made it?) and that time she agrees (Clorinde: Eh, might as well then, I suppose.)
Idk like these are people who know each other. They know their quirks and their mannerisms. They talk to each other as equals (he doesn't question when she's telling the Duke wtf are you looking at me like that I'm right on time, and he's just like I know you're right on time you always are) I just think that's a big deal??
During the wrap-up of the main story quest, when talking to Charlotte when Clorinde is dodging interview attempts and Charlotte guesses how Clorinde knew Charlotte had an interview at Meropide (Clorinde: In truth, all Monsieur Neuvillette asked me was "When did the Fortress become so friendly towards the media?" I told him that it was best not to speak too soon — there's no guarantee that Wriothesley will make a personal appearance). It's likely that Clorinde was in the room when Neuvillette spoke the question aloud, but I also like him going up to her just to ask her like she'd know the answer to what Wriothesley was doing. I mean, she did still know the answer: that just because Charlotte had an interview, Wriothesley probably wouldn't show up. She knows he hates publicity as much as Clorinde does - I do have to imagine its because they've talked about it, they're friends.
In that same scene, Clorinde says to Navia that she seems interested in the Fortress, and Navia says duh, but that man gave me a headache (Navia: Of course! Ugh, that Wriothesley... I still remember going down to the Fortress to grill him for information on my father's case. Boy, did he take me for a ride... without telling me anything, of course). Clorinde then is like, yeah, but he invited you to tea, and it was good, right? (Clorinde: But he did invite you to tea, didn't he? Navia: Two large pots of it, in fact — it was good tea, though. Clorinde: I have to agree. The tea there is very good). My girl, how much time do you spend down there to know he'll habitually ask and that it's always good. Also, lol, the fact that she gave him such a hard time saying no, I don't want any tea, but if you want it, I'll have it, but then to Navia, Clorinde is much more straightforward about how good his tea is because she isn't teasing Navia.
Then of course their bets. (Wriothesley: I win this bet. You owe me a present. Clorinde: Very well, it was indeed just as you said.) This is a thing they do and apparently have done before. She literally talks about how much he gets into it, implying she's learned to go along with it because she knows he enjoys it.
My girl MY GIRL how do you know what kind of gifts he likes, or that he enjoys it all if you haven't done this a million times (Clorinde: Wriothesley gets really invested in that sort of thing. But he couldn't care less about what he wins in the end. Clorinde: You could give him mint plants that you plucked from the side of the road, and he wouldn't even mind). I also have to wonder if the reason he doesn't set a stipulation on what he wants, is because he likes to see what she comes up with, what reminds her of him and that's why he's so happy with anything - that's a little too me with the ship colored glasses on but still (the only other time we see him given a gift he's appreciative, but poor sweet Neuvillette has to explain it first so I can't judge Wriothesley's reaction in comparison).
A smaller thing is Navia always complaining about how hard it is to talk to Wriothesley while Clorinde just bubbles about calling the Duke by his first name and how he likes making bet and loves gifts 🤣 (Navia: If only he was that easygoing when it came to talking business...) I know it's because Wriothesley intentionally avoids Navia due to whatever promise he made with her father. Still, the image of Navia's best friend being super chill with the Duke of Meropide while Navia is exhausted by the thought of talking to him is so superb. Chefs kiss on that dynamic, Hoyo (also can we talk about how the trio of Wrio, Clorinde, and Navia doesn't get nearly enough love and I'm genuinely saddened over that).
I guess one last thing for this section because I don't know where else to fit it, with Wriothesley, to everyone else Clorinde is Miss Clorinde, including to her when they're in public but when Wriothesley is talking to Neuvillette when he's delivering all the gifts, she's just Clorinde (Wriothesley: I have to hand it to Clorinde. Just a simple gift delivery, and she has the great and mighty Iudex at her beck and call.) possibly because Neuvillette would be one of the few people to know they have a relationship outside of work? Though Clorinde is just like oh yeah Wriothesley is just like that in front of a whole slew of people LOL so maybe it's an on work time/off work time thing 🤣 I don't necessarily have a clear analysis but I 💯 noticed it still.
2. Familiar With The Fortress
Moreso for Clorinde since obviously Wriothesley is familiar with it. I think the most clear indication there is for Clorinde spending time down there is through Sigewinne. The official livestream announcement image being a lovely example.
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Okay, I know it's because her and Sigewinne were the two new characters and like I said Sigewinne doesn't leave Meropide all too often. Still there were plenty ways to promote them: in the infirmary, in Neuvillette's office (like they did later for her demo/trailer), at the dining hall in Meropide, streets of Fontaine, even no place at all. A choice was made to have them sitting in Wriothesley's office.
I mean Clorinde has to spend a decent amount of time down there??Sigewinne has her drink meaning either Clorinde was comfortable enough to brew Wriothesley's tea or he brewed it for her/them. It's his teas set that sits in his office in game. Again these were choices that were made LOL Clorinde is reading so she's clearly not there for business, just hanging out in his office with Sigewinne.
Also, Clorinde's little smile 🥹 Another is the dolphin (whale? looks dolphin to me) sticker on her book, meaning that Sigewinne made a sticker of Clorinde (like she did with Wriothesley and Neuvillette). Most of all implying that Clorinde is close enough to Sigewinne to get that honor and the fact it's on Clorinde's book, that she spends enough time in Meropide that Sigewinne also likes to stick stickers on Clorinde's things like Sigewinne does to Wriothesley.
Another small thing, was Clorinde in Sigewinne's character trailer. Navia was about to guzzle that tea when Clorinde stopped her like, no, girl, wait. She's 100% had Sigewinne's drink creations before there would be no reason for Clorinde to otherwise stop Navia. And even Clorinde's little cough compare to Navia's big wide eyes of shock lol Clorinde has been through it.
One last thing with Sigewinne is her voiceline about Clorinde and that she's been around Clorinde enough to try to learn how to read her (Sigewinne: Miss Clorinde doesn't make a lot of facial expressions when she talks. It's pretty difficult to tell what mood she's in from what her face is doing...She used the lipstick I gave her? Really? Hee-hee, I'm so glad she likes it! I knew that color would go great on her!). But, Sigewinne also knows her enough to give her gifts - and vice versa (Clorinde: And some tea-flavored hard candies. They're for Sigewinne) - because they're also friends. That can literally only happen if Clorinde has spent time there longer than what we've seen/were told.
Another thing I found so cute about Clorinde's connection to Meropide, was in Clorinde's story quest, when they went to the Meropide set (Clorinde: I admire the work put into the set. Still, it's obvious the script writer has never paid a visit to the Fortress of Meropide). Yes, yes, we know, you're apparently so familiar with it you can tell when details are missing, okay, girl.
A little more of a stretch with some ship goggles on but I can't help but laugh at the image of Clorinde smiling at the prospect of getting to throw her players in Meropide and as GM getting to play Wriothesley's job (Furina: So this set... is going to be a part of the script? Clorinde: Unfortunately, that is something I can neither confirm nor deny. Paimon: Um, anyone think Clorinde's smile is starting to look kinda scary...?). Still sort of unrelated but also Paimon's line in that scene was adorable too - if only there were snacks in prison...oh, there are if the Duke likes you LOL (Paimon: If only there were desserts and tea in real prison... Oh, wait, guess that's kind of how the Fortress of Meropide works if you're lucky.)
3. Same Sense of Humor
Their humor too omg they have like the same brand of humor and it's fantastic and because it's so dry; poor Neuvillette is always just like and you what now? LOL (Clorinde: He already has tons of tea in his office. I'm thinking about a set of legal codices. Wriothesley: That wouldn't happen to be a dig at my lack of legal awareness, would it... Clorinde: I'm sure His Grace doesn't consider the Fortress to be outside the law.)
Which she brings up again in her voiceline (Clorinde: I highly suspect that he keeps quiet about some of the methods he uses, but there's no way we can know) teasing again that he operates outside the law. The other thing about this line (though I don't put it very high, it could be a translation thing) but that she switches from I highly suspect to no way we can know. Why she didn't just say no way I can know, is probably because she does know or she knows she could know if she asked LOL
One of my favorite examples is from his character stories because omg I feel like it's the definition of their humor and it makes me laugh so much ("Why does it feel like you have even more free time than me? Your title wasn’t bought, was it?"
"One moment, please."
So saying, Wriothesley rifled through three drawers before producing several thick documents with a flourish. "Now, let me see... 'excellent management'... 'leading tax contributor'... 'specially granted this title...' Well, what do you know? Good guess, that's pretty much what happened after all.") I just feel like she's not afraid to challenge him with jabs as jokes and he's perfectly fine to take it. But I also think that's saying something because who else knows that they can poke fun at him like that, she knows because she knows him.
4. Work Life Together
I just wish Hoyo would tell us more about it 😩 like is it just because he hires her to do stuff for him? How did that start? Why? Even in the character story above, it's said it was over a business transaction what does that meaaaan? There's no way he, woke up one way and went, you know what time to hire this one Champion Duelist (she's the best but she's still not the only one) to do some secret missions.
When asked, he said it's because she's an independent party (Wriothesley: As a Champion Duelist, Miss Clorinde can be considered to be an independent party. I needed to find an exceptionally capable person to help me get through the impending crisis) but I mean she works for the court idk how that makes her independent? He does say "crisis" so it's likely she knew about a lot of the things going on ahead of time but I don't think he would have ever just hired someone just because of their station. Mainly because in doing so, he trusted her to be in his inner circle of the plan with Sigewinne - who Clorinde also has a relationship with as I went through already - and Neuvillette, two people we know Wriothesley does have canonical history with.
I saw someone say that Clorinde was already staying down there at the time already working with Wriothesley on the mission, so it was easy for her to get Freminet, but I couldn't ever find what in canon pointed to that. She was staying after at least, she was eating dinner there but they weren't expecting the gate to blow that night. You'd assume she'd leave after she told him everything he needed to know. But no it's like middle of the night/early morning and she's right down there with him. So part of the crisis he referred to is letting her in on one of the biggest secrets of Meropide because she knew exactly what to do and was ready and willing to do it.
I also really love Navia's voice line about him because it says that Clorinde knows what the arraignment he had with Callas was otherwise she wouldn't have told Navia it was okay (Navia: Trying to discuss anything with that guy is an exhausting process. Clorinde says I needn't have any reservations about collaborating with him in the scope of our preexisting agreement, but I still shouldn't trust everything that comes out of his mouth.) I imagine Clorinde bullying it out of him to make sure if was a safe arraignment for Navia (and maybe upon learning what it was and how it came about could've been the early steps in how Clorinde learned to trust him too because it's mutual - she's not a mercenary, she takes jobs with him because she also trusts him and what he does). But I also imagine that bit about not trusting a word that comes from his mouth (since Wriothesley hasn't ever lied that I recall, he hides things very well and doesn't clarify to make things appear certain ways, but I don't recall him flat out being deceitful) is either 1. Clorinde teasing him to Navia without her even knowing but it gives Clorinde a little amusement 2. She knows that man is gonna run his mouth one day to tease her and she's laying the foundations now so Navia won't listen to him 🤣
Or Clorinde is helping him keep his mysterious and bad boy persona because she knows he's actually a big softie - all wins to me lol because I genuinely can't see her believing he's untrustworthy; she literally risked her life to stay with him while they waited for Neuvillette, that doesn't sound like a person you didn't trust. Because again as far as I know a Champion Duelist is still not a mercenary.
5. Battle Couple
Which leads me back into my original Roy and Riza comparison, the way they fight together (Wriothesley: Clorinde is the best Champion Duelist you can find. Her combat prowess is already the stuff of legend. I've never fought her myself, but that's because there's never been a need for it.) I saw someone point out how does he know this when he'd likely have to make a special trip just to see her fight. I imagine some is word of mouth considering the phrasing of stuff of legend. Regardless of how he knew initially, he knows now because they've fought together before. He's never fought her, like he said, but they're fought side by side.
They had to. I'm sorry, this is not the delulu brain worms, you cannot tell me they didn't.
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They likely had some sort of plan otherwise idk how she would know to shoot the door controls, but she's watching him from a distance, sees his signal of a simple nod and proceeds (she nods back to him but I couldn't find a gif that included it). I say because they didn't know what was going to happen; the plan was probably if it looks bad, shoot the controls I don't care where I am. I don't think it was as specific as I'll just give you a nod it's fine. He could've shouted, made a bigger motion, lots of things really - he didn't because he was literally running for his life and he knew she was watching, she'd see him and know what to do that's why I bring it up. That's why I refuse to believe they've never fought/worked side by side before, you don't just read people like that; you don't just trust people like that, especially two people who it's in their job description to be sus and careful with who you trust. You read faces, eyes, subtle signals from people you know and trust.
It reminded me so much of Roy and Riza in this scene when she can't speak from her injury and he is about to lose his mind and all she needs to do is move her eyes and he gets it.
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(I mean, Roy and Riza have literally a lifetime of history, experience, and love for one another, I don't think Wriothesley and Clorinde have known each other as long or have that rich a history, but all I'm saying is I keep seeing them in each other, okay? Okay).
6. Similarities in Story and Interests
I threw this one down at the bottom because I’m not sure if they’re aware of their own similarities. It’s more meta in the sense I see the similarities without having canon to tell me that they know how similar they are. The first being the most obvious in that they were both orphaned as babies, and then were raised with foster parents/guardians until Clorinde was 10 and Wriothesley was a teen (Clorinde at least getting the better deal in that her Master who took her in was unconventional but seemingly cared for Clorinde unlike Wriothesley who had the rug ripped out from under him to see the truth of his family). Clorinde then presumably was looked after by Callas and Wriothesley grew up in Meropide. Both don’t talk about their personal lives often, but in both they’re story quests, they talk about their past pretty openly. So its possible they know, but because Hoyo is too afraid to put them in the same room again, I can’t say.
They also both hate newspapers and paparazzi. Clorinde talks about why she likes Charlotte by alluding to what other journalists put Clorinde through (Clorinde: Unlike some, [Charlotte] doesn't ambush me with her Kamera on my way to work, or follow me to the coffee shop to report on what I'm drinking today... And most commendably of all, she is well aware that I do not do interviews and doesn't nag me about it continuously). Wriothesley we know also turns down interviews frequently (Charlotte: And that's exactly why I'd like you to come conduct interviews with me. You're the best incubators of news, if you haven't noticed — and also, with you around, I'm sure I'll get to see that Duke. Paimon: Are you sure? Hasn't he turned you down several times already?). I imagine its because both have been victims of the journalists turning on them for a front page story (I’m sure everything with Callas was sensationalized, same with Wriothesley when he was a teen and also probably just how criminals are depicted in journalism to begin with).
The last bit comes from the Fontaine Tour Group video since so far the only two playable characters who have displayed knowledge on Remuria. Wriothesley both in the Archon Quests and his Friendship stories (Wriothesley: Then maybe you haven't heard of the story of ancient Remuria. To give you a quick rundown, Fontaine used to be ruled by the Remurian Dynasty) and Clorinde in the Fontaine Tour Group video (Clorinde: …oh, they have a Conch Harp here? Navia: Something wrong? Clorinde: It’s nothing. Probably dates back to the days of Remuria, that’s all). In the video, Navia clearly had listened to Clorinde talk about it because she remembered the connection but she also couldn’t even remember the name after Clorinde just said it, so it’s clearly not common knowledge. I imagine Clorinde was taught about it with her Master due to the ties to the Marechaussee Hunters and Clorinde’s clear love of history. But I also can’t imagine that Clorinde and Wriothesley never discussed both having interests/knowledge in the same niche era of Fontaine’s history. We know that she knew about the splice gate, so I also imagine she knew about the Winglet and therefore they absolutely would’ve talked about Fontaine history and folklore together.
And So
One thing I've seen a lot in this fandom, when others are trying to discredit a ship they try to give proof of pairs that are "more canon" and I didn't do this to try and say they have more canon standing. They aren't seen together all that often, and sometimes we just have to pull the crumbs out of our own analysis and that's okay. I don't like the phrase "more canon" because its canon or its not lol Being in more scenes together doesn't make a pairing more canon unless they're in the scene confessing their love verbally or physically. It just means they have a relationship, whether that's friendship, familial or romantic. How you see a relationship is up to you and you aren't wrong (because there is no right answer - n o s h i p i s c a n o n).
When it comes to Clorinde and Wriothesley, I don't know if Hoyo will ever put them in the same room together again (though they gave me enough crumbs that I need to now clarify pictured/interacting in the same room lol). They're just gonna give us a Character like Wriothesley and just leave him down there to never interact with people 😭 Clorinde's story quest didn't even touch on her being a Champion Duelist. I still have so many questions.
I’m a little peeved with Hoyo to be honest which is a whole other conversation I’ll have on how we went from some of the best storytelling and some of the best characters into some of the blandest storytelling and complete wasted potential. Nothing will make me stop loving what I loved about Fontaine, but it’s incredibly frustrating also feeling like I was lied to my face only because Hoyo caved to fanservice (which is how it looks), completely erasing character stories and relationships they established in the first place.
ALAS, with the new region on the horizon, maybe we’ll finally see some peace as the fandom moves on to a new region. We’ll just have to speculate and answer the questions for ourselves <3
In any regard, I wrote up all this to (cope because I adore them and I run out of content to satisfy my intake on a daily basis) hopefully make someone else also feel better that no, no one was crazy for thinking these two had that good fucking chemistry, because it radiated off the goddamn screen. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise 💙 Also, oh my fucking god I thought that after being in with Genshin since version 1.3 I already had my hyperfixation period back in Liyue nope the fucking prison warden and trial by combat champion decided to ruin my life.
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crystallizsch · 4 months
Okay obviously Yuusha is shipped with Jamil because baby idiots /aff
But I can’t remember… is Yuuna shipped with anyone?
Does our favorite floofy-haired silly have a ship or are they just focused on their platonic soulmates Tweedle Dee, Tweedle Dum, and Tweedle Dumber (Ace, Deuce, and Grim - who is who? You decide! 🤣)?
HI HI YES yuusha and jamil, my baby idiots, i cant separate them ever 😔💖
also,,, i finally have an excuse to share this silly shitpost i had from a while ago that i didn't know when to post ---
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(this is a joke) (and im pretty sure this joke has been said and done before LMAO)
okay so to actually answer your question: as of now, the main "ship" yuuna has is with tweedle dee (ace), tweedle dum (deuce), and tweedle dumber (grim) as their platonic soulmates 😤💖
when yuuna was my only yuu oc, i used to ship them with riddle (unrequited -> platonic) and leona (platonic)
and jamil (romantic) but shhhh that's some old and forbidden lore (lowkey i was insane for all that)
although i'm kinda thinking about bringing back that unrequited-crush-from-riddle plotline ---
(im going to have a short-ish ramble about it below if anyone is interested hfjdsajfklds)
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i'm so mean to riddle aaagh bc i thought it’d be interesting if i had riddle have an unrequited crush on yuuna :,D
bc i like the idea of riddle being like "hey i insulted you and was Not A Good Person and Almost Killed You, but for some reason you're still willing to be kind to me and be friends with me" to yuuna
cue attempts at "courting" yuuna -- with riddle reading books, looking up stuff, asking for advice, etc.
he invites yuuna on a "date" without it being explicitly stated that it's a date; yuuna just thinks they're hanging out
come the confession and yuuna is just like "oh :D?" "i'm sorry i only see you as a friend"
but it’s okay they both get over it and they see each other as genuine friends now :]
anyways have some old art of them :3
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also also i’m still debating on whether or not i want ace be another unfortunate unrequited crush
bc there's like a scenario i imagined where riddle sees ace making the same look he was making towards yuuna when he had a crush on them and then ace denying it
(this thought process is all inspired by the ghost bride event bc ACE IN THAT EVENT OMGGG)
i dont talk about ace much either but honestly i have a soft spot for him too 🥺
like the way he cares So Much (in his own being-a-little-shit way) and is just overall really genuine and protective of his friends
alright i'll end it here --
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fisheito · 2 months
here's your accursed tier ranking
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sex yakumos that i had to meticulously screenshot and edit into slottable little squares
times i redid this list (over the course of several days)
The tiers (in words):
😔👌: Unfortunately, I Am Into That Shit (☆•̀‿•́): i quite enjoy these 🤔( ͡ಠ_ಠ)🔎: some parts i like, some parts i don't ¯\_(ツ)_/¯: ehh i'd rather watch something else
i COULD rearrange these rooms over and over and over (especially the middle tiers)
but we are nOt GOing to because if i spend ANY MORE TIME sliding yaku's horny squares around i'm goign to fmkkin lose it (it being my peanuts) I could end up rambling about specific rooms at a later date..... but not today. Today we will Restrain Ourselves.
So for now, here's 1 thing about each room that i like (same order as above)!!
Crimson Phantom R5: i can be uyuor devil
Ocean Breeze R2: the way he tries to keep his voice down thru his pathetic little whimpers
Story H scene: ok.,, but he actually stopped. when eiden said slow down. tha't's unheard of in typical yaois
Cocoa Liqueuer R5: eiden purposely chooses the wrong dialogue option at every prompt and i'm laughing so sahgrd
Cocoa Liqueuer R2: yaku's stupid blissed out face *grips my glass so hard it shatters*
Shadow Lineage R5: *adds Snake Bondage [Quantity: 999] to cart*
SR R5: something about those big doe eyes staring up at eiden while pounding into him
Shadow Lineage R2: yeah sure crush me against a wall
Ocean Breeze R5: the ECHO 🤣
Fateful Aegis R5: eiden predicting yaku's AssPoundXXXL initiation sequence with the foreboding "i'm sorry"
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Crimson Phantom R2: b. bite.
OG SSR R5: eiden worrying about getting yaku's ceremonial robes dirty and yaku's response is an instant I Don't Care 😳 (tbhypothetical if i were wearing an intricate cosplay that i spent foREVER on, all handstitched and made of expensive silks and crafted by my own labour,, and i was about to fuck someone against a wall? I am DEFINITELY taking that thing off. NO ONE is getting cum on that. you will sit there in horny silence while i safely store this garment out of range of the Splash Zone. so for yakumo to have no regard for his FANCY CEREMONIAL OUTFIT? to IMMEDIATELY focus on sloppy makeouts with eiden? that either speaks to his textiles skill or all-consuming horny.)
~~~ and if, for some reason, u want to know why the lowest 3 are , well, the lowest 3:
OG SSR R2: the room itself is aight, but it is unfortunately a near copy of the story H scene. Ahhh, death by comparison. This one gets shrugged to the side simply because i like more things about its twin.
Crimson Phantom R2: yaku is not having a good time, y'all. he is not in the right headspace and his evident suffering is a boner killer. if i were ranking based on character development and lore, this one would rank higher (thank you, surprise tragic stories about yakumo's childhood), but. he's kinda fighting a losing battle against his self-hatred so can eiden give him that hug pls
OH!! and no lie-- his voice unsettled me here. i know he's playing big into the roleplay thing but that Uncharacteristic Vocal Behaviour mixed with Big Sad spiralling is uhhhhhhh . so where's that Eiden hug??????
OG SSR R5: i unlocked this waaay late so it had to (unfairly) compete against newer rooms that I unlocked before it.
it's similar to when I played FF/X-2 before trying FF/VII (original PS version)?! i wish i had played the older one when it first released. that way, i would have appreciated it properly? BUT!! because i played out of order, i was spoilt with modern graphics and improvements that made the old game impossible to finish. I was too warped by then...
and that's what happened with this room. although i liked the concept + their dialogue, the art was too off-model for me to fully engage. i kept fixating on the anatomy or eiden's face. sigh... it was one of the earliest rooms so of course the art's improved since then!! but i was unlucky and watched it too late :( i could not enjoy its full splendour :(
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sugar-omi · 1 year
Imagine mc giving birth to their baby. You know, Cove is probably panicking, Baxter pretending he's okay but at some point faints and our brave Derek letting mc crush his hand with theirs lol
And also I've seen a clip of a dude who just witnessed his wife deliver their baby and, with a face full of horror, he told her, "I am SO sorry, I won't do that again. " 🤣😭
I'm just imagining one of the boys saying something like that, in my head it's so funny
omg i almost missed this!!! im so glad you brought this up bc i love thinking abt how the boys are during delivery, especially cove omg (im sorry this is such a ramble... but also not sorry bc my brain worms are dancing in happiness at these thoughts)
even though you've had months to prepare for this and cliff n kyra has given cove lots of advice, paired with a lot of "don't freak out!" (sometimes followed by something freaky that happens during pregnancy or labor...)
he's prepared for this though. as prepared as an anxious first time dad can be. i mightta said this before, but whether you have him in the room the whole time or just to come cut the cord and hold the baby, is up to you.
if you have him in the room he'll let you hold his hand and he'll be holding yours back (he doesn't notice the pain of your grip for the longest...)
he definitely does what you mentioned and apologizes for putting you thru this LOL
after you give birth, he will do everything... he'll change diapers, put them down for naps, burp, wash, everything... because after that he needs to even the balance (if it was up to him, you'd never lift a finger after that, especially if you have multiple kids via birth)
delivery bag? more like BAGS. mans has double of everything, he's PETRIFIED
also he runs to any place you want and buys you food while you're in labor if it's really long
and he stays with you up until its go time, then if you want him to wait outside he will
also he faints... or at least gets weak
if you have a c-section he's alrdy freaked out bc... omg they're taking a knife to you thats scary shit
but just natural birth? he's doubly freaked out because your body can do THAT??? you're literally pushing out a whole baby and he is awed but losing his shit honestly
would be babbling praises and encouragements (both for you and himself) n you can tell him to shut up its okay bc he's gonna laugh in the end anyway, but he'll probably end up going quiet bc he's trying not to be distracting and he probably saw something he wasn't prepared for 😬
probably starts crying the closer your baby gets to being out the womb, n after they're fully out and here he's bawling and just realized it but also he's trying to comfort n check on you first so you end up laughing bc he's fretting over you as if he isnt flooding the room
mans is NOT CALM
tries to look calm, but he just looks constipated and he looks tired honestly
he's been losing sleep this whole pregnancy bc he's afraid of being a bad father, but he's so excited and ends up staying up at night talking to your belly so he just can't win
surprisingly dropped the collared shirts and slacks
mans is stuck in t-shirts and sweatpants or jeans
his hair is a mess too
omg he's napping when you go into labor
he jumps up, mismatched socks (either he's wearing an ankle cat print sock and a knee high sock, or he's wearing one sock. its bad n i think him wearing one sock is better (worse for him but hes fineeee))
the nurses love him bc he's running in and out bringing you food and runs back to get anything he or you forgot or might need
another over packer
honestly they're all over packers who are we kidding
this is where is wedding planner job comes in handy
has backups and plan b's for everything
and even though everything is right he brings extra just to feel better
won't be in the room if you want that ofc, but he psychs himself up to be in there
he's really scared n nervous, more-so than cove actually. but he wants to support you and if you want him in there, he's there. even if you reassure him he doesn't have to be there, he wants to be
he has to sit down while he's there, his leg is shaking and he's torn between watching whatevers going on over there and watching your face for any signs which.. doesnt really make sense since labor isnt like going to the waterpark but he has a kind heart <33
spends so much time looking at the baby... cove does too but baxter spends double that time
watches the nurses and doctors like a hawk whenever they mess w the baby
will curl up next to your bed and thanks you so much for giving him such a beautiful life, this is all stuff he never thought he'd have and he's so happy
he's actually the calmest one
he has 2 siblings and even though he was young when they were born, he has lots of experience with babies and he prepared
isn't that bad of an over packer actually, just extra baby stuff and some of the best snacks
but he'll still surprise you with your favorite food or takeout
he will do anything for you during labor, remind him to just sit down and hold your hand n stfu, thats what nurses n doctors are for n he really can't help much atp, its all up to you and the nurses+doc
holds your hand even though you might be hurting him. will just wince thru it or convince you to switch hands
will keep giving encouragement and either times it perfectly so he doesn't get on your nerves or you have to kindly ask him to shut up bc you're not playing ball, it isnt helping!!!!
also pulls a cove and does a lot of the work around the house and with the baby bc that was tough work, labor and carrying the baby? you deserve it!!!
ends up talking n holding the baby a lot, is probably a little scared since theyre so little and just holds their hand or looks at them
you sometimes wake up to him mumbling stuff to the baby, abt how happy he is, how he's going to take care of you both, how much he loves them...
carries everything outta the hospital by himself (by everything he means your hand and the baby, his family is probably dragging your stuff to the car bc they're here to help n make your life a million times easier and its literally a sleepover with nico around)
anyway. i need more dad!derek hc's now, specifically uncle nico and jorge, bc that is such a big brain thought
now this applies to all the boys honestly, i didnt even think abt it until now
but he helps you walk to the bathroom and put on all the pads n underwear n stuff if you need it
i remember seeing a youtube short where the woman said her fiance or husband helped her walk to the bathroom, spray her coochie w the water spray bottle, and with the underwear stuff
so don't worry about how you look or if it's icky because you're all sore and/or stitched up or anything like that because he's not paying attention, he just wants to help you in any way possible
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journen · 5 months
Okay @chaos-vulpix asked me for Simon & 141 encountering Koroks thoughts and so here is my little ramble
Was discussing this with some others too, so also some brainstorm credit / idea credit is owed to Govan, Kells and Goblin!! xD I'm not sure if you guys have tumblrs but I appreciate you all in also indulging in this fun silly idea with me. XD
So this is all inspired by this recent art I did of Simon with a korok lol.
I think he'd hate these little fuckers. They are small and supposed to be cute, and he is confused. Simon would encounter it and be like what the actual fuck is this thing and call Johnny for backup. Johnny thinks they're cute, and tries to convince his LT they are harmless but Ghost doesn't trust them. "These fuckers aren't in the field manual Johnny".
We also joked that Ghost, not knowing what the hell these koroks are at first, would just unload a whole mag in one but little does he know they're immune to bullets and tank the whole mag and are just like YA HA HA 😭😭😂
But maybe Ghost is actually a korok magnet lol. These little fuckers like him for some reason, against his will, and follow him everywhere. They are like lost puppies who follow Ghost around and show up when he least expects it. Disney princess Ghost with koroks. He hates it and wants them to leave him alone. One grabs his leg to give him a hug and he trips and injures himself trying to fucking kick it off and Soap just stands there laughing his ass off at him xD Simon is having a day.
I think Price would be confused by these little guys too and would tell Simon to get rid of them and Simon, exhausted, eye twitching, "I CAN'T!!" One would definitely spook the shit out of Gaz too, Gaz doesn't know what to think of the little guys xD
The koroks also leave little seeds and berries out for Ghost to find and he is so annoyed. He also thinks he has gotten rid of them all at some point only to make up in the middle of the night with one staring at him and he literally screams and it wakes up Soap.
Soap likes the little koroks but they just don't give him as much attention as they do Ghost. But he is very amused by his LT's frustration with these little beings and gets a ton of joy out of it 🤣
I have a few more drawing ideas from this too haha like Simon being cornered and scared by a bunch of koroks. Him walking and just a line of them following behind him. Soap holding a korok going "they're not so bad, LT!". Price smoking a cigar and having an intense stare down with a korok. A korok with a bunch of bullet holes 😭 just going YA HA HA and Simon having a mental breakdown.
And the thing that inspired all this was this fic I wrote that's an AU if Simon left the military to raise his young nephew Joseph, and Soap Is visiting them when he is sent on medical leave. Soap gets really into playing Zelda and when he's away Simon takes the controller to try out the game, he goes on a whole tirade of why he hates koroks xD I had totally forgotten i'd written all that and so it also inspired that artwork I linked earlier ahaha.
I definitely also think he and Soap could be a force to be reckoned with if they team up to play totk because they would absolutely engineer the most elaborate creative korok torture devices xD
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Okay sorry for the long ramble ahaha. I hope some of this is kind of funny! Hope to maybe do a couple other sketches for this idea too.
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hvghes · 1 year
can u write sum ab luke having a kid but u were the babysitter and luke falls for u😮 (the mom isn’t really in the picture cuz we won’t be that messy🤣)
how you get the girl - l.hughes
set later in the future warnings: none i think
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luke hughes, never did he expect to have a baby. that was until one day someone left a child at his doorsteps. that was almost a year ago, things were easier in the off season but once season hit he needed to find a babysitter. much to his luck he found someone who was able to watch his baby while he had games and practices. hockey surroundings were not most suitable for a young baby.
“and everything is still in the same places they should be. thank you again i know it was last minute you’re a life savior.” luke said before grabbing his hockey bag heading off to practice.
you loved babysitting for luke, his baby girl was such a delight, never gave you a hard time spending most of your time cuddled up on the couch. today was no different, you and ellie, lukes baby were cuddled up on his couch sleeping when luke got back from practice. he placed his bag down quietly before placing a blanket on you and the baby smiling to himself.
he tried to deny his feelings but seeing you care so much for his kid and how much his kid adores you, he couldn’t help but to think to himself his feelings for you.
another hour passed before you and ellie woke up and luke was sitting right next to you guys watching tv quietly.
“sorry did i wake you?” luke said turning the tv down more. “no dont worry, sorry i fell asleep ill head out now.” you said before sitting up gently handing ellie to him standing up, before he pulled you down. “its fine stay, dinner is almost done and she likes it better when you feed her and i was hoping we could talk after.” he said and you were nervous for the talk but nodded and sat back down. what if he didnt need you anymore, what was going on.
after feeding ellie and putting her to bed luke was putting away the dishes before you hopped up on the counter next to him.
“what’d you need to talk about?” you said looking down at him, voice clearly nervous. he stood between your legs looking up at you before letting out a shaky breath “this might be a lot but, i really like you. i haven’t liked anyone in this long. i know you’re a babysitter and its your job but you care so much for ellie and always respect my schedule, always dropping anything to be here, and ellie loves you. you’re super sweet and i stay up late at night thinking about what itd be like if you were mine, its okay if you dont-“ you cut off his rambles with a kiss. his hands cupped your cheek while yours held onto the collar of his shirt pulling him closer.
after pulling away you whispered to him “i like you too.” he let out a sigh of relief before kissing you again. glad he finally got the courage to get his girl.
tags: nini my fav @ghostfacd !!
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