#sorry for the potato phone screenshot AGAIN
hotasfahrenheit · 3 months
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how does this show even exist, how is it so perfectly hilarious and absurd and every kind of colourful and wonderful at the same time
what a gift
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lulublack90 · 2 months
Prompt 18 - Sock
@jegulus-microfic April 18, Word count 971
Previous part First part
“Well, darling, he sounds lovely.” Effie beamed at her son as they tucked into their meal. Monty had his mouth full. So he nodded in agreement. 
“You’ll have to see if he wants to join us for dinner before we leave. Invite his brother as well. We don’t want to leave him out.” Monty told James between mouthfuls. James couldn’t keep the happy grin off his face. 
“Okay, I’ll invite them.” He said as he stabbed a roast potato and popped it into his mouth.
They sat quietly as they finished off their meals. Effie ordered coffee for everyone, and they chatted about their day. 
“Mum, Dad. Would it be alright if I went back up to see Regulus for a bit before bed?” James asked, hoping his parents wouldn’t be annoyed with him for not spending enough time with them. 
“James, dear. You’re a grown man. You don’t need to ask us permission. If you want to go see him, go.” Effie chuckled and leaned over to muss up his hair. He felt himself reddening. 
“I know that, Mum. I just wanted to check.”
“I’m sure your mother and I can entertain ourselves.” Monty winked at him. 
“Eww, gross, Dad.” James pulled a face, jumped up from his chair, and kissed his parents on their cheeks before darting out of the restaurant and heading towards the lifts. 
The lift doors pinged open, and James was shocked by what he saw. 
Sirius was sitting on a man, pinning his arms behind his back. The man screamed bloody murder at Sirius as he tried to buck him off.
“Ah, James, just the person I wanted to see. Could you help me with this sack of rubbish, please? He’s outstayed his welcome.” Sirius said nonchalantly as if what he was doing was perfectly normal.
“Er, yeah, sure. Who is he?” James asked, still trying to get his head around the situation. 
“This delightful cockroach is Bartemius Crouch Junior. Reggie’s ex.” Sirius clarified. James’s eyes widened as everything clicked together. 
James helped haul Barty to his feet and dragged him to the front desk. He watched as Sirius put on an extremely dazzling smile and charmed the front desk clerk. “This man got into mine and my brother’s room just now. We didn’t invite him.” The clerk gasped in horror and picked up her phone.
“I am incredibly sorry, Mr Black. Please accept my apologies on behalf of the hotel.” She paused to speak into the phone. “Yes, security to the front desk, please.” She turned her attention back to Sirius and James. “I will personally ensure this man never sets foot in our hotel again. Can I send a gift basket to your room as an apology?” 
“I’ve never said no to a gift basket,” Sirius leaned his elbow on the desk and rested his head in his hand, still grinning at the blushing clerk. 
Two identical burly red-haired men appeared out of a side door. 
“Ah, Fabian, Gideon. Please would you escort this young man off the premises and spread it around that he is banned and not to let him in. 
“Our pleasure, Molly.” One of the twins affirmed and grabbed James by the arm. “Come on, sunshine, time to go.”
“Gid, Gid! Not that one, that one!” She pointed at Barty. 
“Oops, sorry,” Gideon immediately let go of James’s arm and took ahold of Barty. He and his brother disappeared out of the lobby. 
“You coming up?” Sirius asked James, completely unaffected by everything that had just happened. 
“Yeah, sure.” James nodded. He waved goodbye to Molly and followed Sirius back to the lifts. 
When they got back to their room, Sirius clapped his hands together.
“Well, that’s that taken care of. He won’t be back.” He proclaimed. James noticed Dr Lupin sitting beside Regulus with a glass of whisky in his hand but thought nothing of it. It had been a weird day. 
“Sirius, come look at this on Reg’s phone,” Remus said, making room for Sirius to sit down. 
“That dirty, rotten little,” Sirius glared at the device. He took a few screenshots and started tapping the screen. 
“What is it?” James asked Regulus. Regulus jumped. He hadn’t realised James had come in with Sirius. 
“Erm, Barty was tracking my phone. That’s how he knew where we were.” Regulus explained, coming over to where James stood. 
“Shit,” James exclaimed and wrapped Regulus protectively into his arms. “I’m glad you’re safe.” 
“Thanks,” Regulus replied, his voice a bit thick. “James? Why are you only wearing one sock?” James pulled away from Regulus and looked down at his feet, confused. He’d slipped his shoes off when he walked through the door and had one bare foot. 
“I swear I put both on.” He checked his shoes, but there was no sock. 
“Check under the other sock,” Sirius called from the sofa, where he was still going through Regulus’s phone. He now had Remus’s arm around his shoulders. James blinked, bent down and pulled his sock away from his leg. Underneath it was another sock. 
“Oh my god!�� He shook his head, pulled the extra sock off his foot and put it on the correct one. “How did you know it was there?” He asked Sirius. 
“Been there, done that,” Sirius snorted. “Nearly finished with your phone, Reggie. Then you two can go canoodle to your heart’s content.”
“Sirius, why?!” Regulus groaned at his brother’s words. 
“What? I like this one. He’s 100% better than the last one. There, I’m done. I’ve gone through everything I can think of, and he shouldn’t be able to get in again. You might want to change your password, though, just in case.” Sirius tossed the phone at Regulus. Regulus caught it and pulled James into his bedroom to the sounds of his brother’s guffaws.   
Next part
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kriimhild · 4 months
I know this is probably a dumb question but I've been struggling with motivation and wanted to ask you this, what motivates you to continue working on the lore of your aus and universes and even draw them as well?
*thinking* I don't know how useful would be for you what I want to say... I can only explain how I, Kriim work. But I'll try, kk? :) Sorry for the wall of text... :')
So, for me, two things drive me. One -to the lore part of your question,- is my partner, and role-playing with him, because from this will be most of the work I share. It helps a lot that we have common interests and can give each other ideas, like from a book we've recently read. I'm currently reading Asimov's books and I love Lovecraft, so I often try to find connections or just imagine. (For example, the Blob completely resembles a shoggoth appearance for me. That's good! Okay, and if I treat the Blob as a shoggoth, how can I give it an even more absurd personality? How can I create a new perspective?)
I often make characters in a crossover-like manner, trying not to violate their basic principles. It remains the same, but I try to make not only the character but also the atmosphere they carry more interesting. Many times, I sit or stand in silence at home for hours, thinking about how to incorporate these into the story. I never write it down because it's mentally exhausting for me. Instead, I mentally play an animation over and over again until it makes emotions for me. When I've planned out a longer section, we sit down to discuss what would be realistic, what needs to be discarded, and I write down the guidelines for where the role-play needs to go. So, let's say I have four months of screenshots on my phone. What comes next? The whole Daily Daycare is from screenshots on my phone, I'm not kidding.
I draw faster than I write fanfic. I am more instinctive about what colors, shapes, perspectives, and angles I want to use for the scene than to describe the same thing in a few lines. And that's why I have the second motivation, which I'm not so proud of, but it's often useful. My ego. I'm Roxanne Wolf lol
I motivate myself when drawing, rarely leave any work unfinished because I compete with myself. If I'm unhappy with any artpiece, then I work on it until it's acceptable. Simply because if it's not perfect for me, it hurts my pride and I feel ashamed. I look at it and say, well, this is shit… pull yourself together, start over because the idea is good, you're just not in rhythm. To get in rhythm, I use references from previous works of mine, or other creators' details.
like color schemes, shapes, a certain angle that I don't understand but I know they do, and I keep doing it until "theirs" becomes "mine." These are needed to make the soup come together more easily and to have a little sense of accomplishment to move on to the next phase. I'm 90% satisfied at the end.
This is it, I think :)) I hope it helps, and sorry for the wall of text again! Have a nice day/evening! and a potato
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blueskrugs · 4 years
5 Times You Posted about Him, and One Time He Posted about You | Chris Kreider
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I sent an anon to @kreiderrider​ way back at the end of April for Chris’ birthday and still haven’t stopped thinking about it, so apparently I’m writing it now. also for @bobohtuzzo​ for our never-ending loop of being mean to each other with Chris gifs.
TL;DR: this is Taylor’s fault for making me a Kreider girl, and and both hers Bayan’s fault for encouraging and enabling me.
length: 2.8k words
You knew when you started dating Chris that he was not social media’s biggest fan. And that was fine. You were hardly an influencer yourself, and you were pretty sure you followed more dogs than people on Instagram. So the pictures you took of Chris– Chris being cute, Chris doing mundane things, Chris with his bitchface on– stayed firmly in a locked album on your phone.
Until one day when you were sitting on the couch, leaning against Chris while he read a book, flipping through Instagram stories on your phone. One of your friends from high school had posted a cute picture with her boyfriend, and you paused to look at it. Chris rested his chin on your shoulder to peer at your phone. 
“They’re cute,” he murmured, pressing a quick kiss to your shoulder. You hummed in agreement. “How come you never post about me?”
You twisted around to look at him. “First of all, how do you even know that I don’t? Second of all, you want nothing to do with any sort of social media.” 
Chris flicked your nose. “Mika tells me things. And I don’t hate social media, I just don’t really get the point of it. Who the fuck cares what I’m doing every second of the day, who I got lunch with, where I got lunch? Anyway, I don’t really mind if you post about me every once in a while. I don’t want you to feel like you have to hide our relationship just because I avoid Instagram like the plague.” Chris pressed a kiss to your forehead to punctuate his sentence. 
You settled back in against Chris, resuming your mindless scrolling, and looking forward to the first opportunity to show off your boyfriend. 
Chef Chris Chris loved to cook. Part of it came from his absolutely ridiculous diet, you knew, but he also enjoyed the quiet time that cooking gave him, a way to be productive without requiring a ton of energy. The kitchens in either of your apartments were often filled with the smell of something good, for lunches, for dinners on nights off, for a quick meal after a game. Chris rarely let you help him with anything, which was fine because you preferred to bake, and it let you watch him. 
There was something about watching Chris cook that you just adored. He would always end up so focused, a strange intensity in his eyes that resembled the look he sometimes got on the ice. But then you would say something– a stupid joke that you’d seen on the internet, a funny story from work, or a something ridiculous your dog had done that morning– and he would laugh, his eyes lighting up again, and his dimples showing. 
Tonight, Chris was standing over the stove making a risotto. You had begged him for it during a rare full weekend off at home for the Rangers, and he had finally conceded. One of your playlists was playing softly in the living room, and you were perched on a barstool at the island, your dog curled beneath your feet. You weren’t sure if he wanted to be close to you, or if he was just waiting for Chris to give him a piece of chicken. 
Chris was stirring the risotto intently, his tongue poking out the corner of his mouth a little bit. You were already scrolling through your phone, so you couldn’t resist snapping a quick picture for your Instagram story, simply throwing an emoji of a chef in the corner.
You were checking the views on your story later that night and responding to the few people that had replied to it, when Chris saw your phone screen. 
“Hang on, gimme that,” he said, pausing the hockey game he was watching. “How did I not notice you take this?” He looked closer at your phone. “And how many fucking followers do you have, holy shit.”
You took your phone back, seeing that Brett Howden had asked why he didn’t get any dinner. “I got a bunch more after I started dating you,” you said. Chris looked concerned. “Don’t make that face, you dork. I don’t really care, and if I did, I could just make my account private.” 
Chris still looked a little alarmed at the number of people who had seen him cook dinner, but he turned back to the hockey game, anyway. 
Sing Us a Song There was a piano in Chris’ apartment. It was tucked away in the spare bedroom, and he avoided playing it when people were over, even when it was just the two of you. You had lamented that fact once, and Chris had said something about just wanting to spend all his time focused on you. You let it go, but that didn’t mean you weren’t dying to hear him play, especially since everyone who had could only compliment him.
It was nearly Christmas when you let yourself into Chris’ apartment with your spare key. The two of you had spent an entire weekend decorating, and the space was absolutely filled with Christmas spirit. You had been baking cookies, and you were dropping some off for Chris to bring home to Massachusetts and his family. You smiled as you heard the familiar chords of “Celebrate Me Home” echoing through the apartment. Your penchant for listening to Christmas music at all hours was beginning to rub off on Chris finally. You paused, though, when you realized that the voice drifting through the apartment was not Kenny Loggins, but Chris. 
You set the cookies and your purse down gently on a counter, kicking off your snow boots and quietly making your way through the apartment. You peered around the doorway of the spare bedroom. Chris’ back was to you, since the piano faced the windows looking out over the city, as he continued singing. You slipped your phone out of your coat pocket and began recording. You made sure to keep quiet as Chris began playing “The Christmas Song.” You stayed there for a minute longer before putting your phone away and walking into the room.
Chris jumped a little as you put your hand on his shoulder. “Your hands are freezing, Christ, Y/N. How long have you been here?”
You kissed his temple. “Sorry. Just came to drop off cookies and couldn’t resist listening to you for a while. I wish you’d sing for me more often.” Chris blushed all the way up to his ears. 
Later that night, back home and with a pie in the oven this time, you edited the videos you took a little bit and put them up on your Instagram story. You left it captionless.
Your DMs were soon filled with people commenting on how talented Chris was and begging for more videos of him. You screenshotted them all– maybe a little smugly– and sent them to Chris. All you got back was an emoji sticking its tongue out at you. 
Somewhere on a Beach There was absolutely nothing that you loved more than a good vacation. As the Rangers’ bye week approached, Chris was getting desperate to get out of the city, and you were looking forward to a week on a beach.
The Rangers won their last game before the break, and then the two of you were on a plane to Hawaii for some valuable time in the sun. Chris had found a rental with a private stretch of beach, and you both had bags full of books to read.
“Chris, you need to put on sunscreen!” you yelled as he walked across the sand, sunglasses perched on his nose and book in hand, on the first day. He had complained but let you cover him in sunscreen; he got burnt anyway. 
Mika made a crispy potato joke later that night in response to Chris’ whiny text. 
You got a couple good Instagram posts out of the vacation. One was simply pictures of you that you had made Chris take– “like a good Instagram boyfriend, babe” – plus a couple well-executed timer shots of both of you on the beach: sandy toes, sunburnt nose. The other was a small collection of photos you took of Chris throughout the week, in various positions in various chairs, all with a different book. Your favorite was the time you had caught him asleep on the beach, book still clutched precariously in his hand, mouth hanging open as he burned in the sun. I will never understand how he can read a book a day and still never run out of books, you had typed as a caption. 
Dog Lover Chris was sick. You were sure he had been fighting through shit for nearly two weeks but had been too stubborn to admit it, and he had finally hit a wall. You had caught him leaning heavily against the bathroom sink that morning, dizzy and nauseous, as he attempted to get ready for practice; it still took both you and Mika yelling at him, with more than one threat to call Quinn and/or his mother, before he agreed to stay home. 
You had forced him to at least eat a piece of toast before you let him collapse on the couch under most of the blankets you had in your apartment. You sent Mika a picture of Chris in his fever haze, zoned out while watching the morning news. 
You luckily had the day off, so you were able to stay close to your idiot boyfriend with a penchant for ignoring injury and illness. It started storming after you ate lunch, rain lashing against the windows and lightning lighting up the dark New York sky, shrouded with clouds. Chris was still slouched on one end of the couch, barely having moved all morning. You were sitting at the other end with a book, his feet in your lap and thumb idly rubbing circles on his ankle, having ignored Chris’ protests that you were going to get sick, too. 
Later, when you were making dinner, you peeked into your living room to check on Chris. He had thrown most of his blankets onto the floor, and he was sprawled out on his stomach, solidly asleep. Your dog had crawled up onto the couch with him and was laying protectively over Chris’ legs. You smiled at them before reaching for your phone to take a picture. 
First you sent it to Mika: “Sometimes I think he’s only dating me for my dog.” with an eye roll emoji. Mika laughed at that one. 
Then you posted it on your Instagram, this time with the caption everyone knows dog cuddles are the best medicine. Your replies were flooded with get-well wishes for Chris. 
Best Friends Everyone knew that Mika and Chris were pretty much inseparable, both on the ice and off of it. You and Irma had bonded over it one night, when what was supposed to be a nice double date devolved into Chris and Mika discussing the chances of various teams winning the Cup. It had only been November. 
You teased the two about their codependency, but honestly it was endearing. Mika ended up over for dinner more nights than not, and you texted him more than you texted your mom. Mika sometimes crashed movie nights at Chris’ apartment, and all three of you ended up in a tangled mess of limbs and blankets before the end of the night without fail. It was completely undeniable that Chris loved Mika, so it was inevitable that you loved Mika, too. 
The Rangers were having another outdoor practice in Central Park. You loved going to any practice, but the outdoor ones were especially fun to watch. It always seemed like half of New York showed up to watch, and the boys were always more energetic and idiotic than usual.
You hung around close to the boards behind one of the goals during practice. You got some good pictures of the boys warming up, including one particularly cute one of Artemi sticking his tongue out at you. As practice went on, you took more pictures as various Rangers sped past you. The best opportunity was when Chris scored a – frankly ridiculous, honestly – goal over Hank’s shoulder, set up perfectly by Mika. They slammed into the boards next to you in celebration, and you managed to snap a great angle of that smile Mika seemed to reserve specifically for Chris.
All of the WAGs and families were allowed onto the ice after practice ended. You carefully made your way over towards where Chris and Mika were lazily leaning against the boards near one of the benches, nearly running over tripping over Igor’s dog in the process when he ran in front of you, gleefully dragging a leash behind him. 
Chris was facing you, but he didn’t see you approach. You, however, could see the dorky grin he had aimed at Mika from where he was slouching against the wall. As you got closer, you took out your phone and snuck one more picture of the two of them.
You couldn’t resist posting those pictures of your boys. You made sure to tag Mika, adding on the caption someone tell me how I can get a boy to look at me the way Chris and Mika look at each other. 
Mika replied with an eye roll emoji and a blue heart. Irma replied with about five cry-laughing emojis. Chris just looked offended. 
His Turn Chris had managed to convince you to join him for a week in Connecticut, and you had managed to convince him to let you drive up. He grumbled about it all the way out of the city. 
You had your sunglasses on and your hair was loose around your shoulders. Chris’ phone was plugged into your aux, but he had turned on your own road trip playlist. (He complained about your taste in music most of the drive, too.) As you got closer to Connecticut, Chris rolled the windows down. Every once in a while, you glanced over at him, only to already find him watching you with a smile on his face, eyes crinkly and dimple showing. 
You were singing the words to a Taylor Swift song at the top of your lungs, laughing as the wind ripped the words from your throat and out the window, when Chris reached over and picked up your phone. You turned to look at him.
“Eyes on the road,” he scolded, still holding your now-unlocked phone. You raised an eyebrow but turned back to the highway in front of you. 
The song changed again, this time to a Queen song, and you laughed again. Chris started singing along with you, and you forgot that he had been taking a picture of you. 
Later that night, long after the sun set, you got a notification that you had been tagged in a new Instagram post, by @2kreids0. You squinted at your phone screen, confused. You were sitting out on the porch under the stars, and Chris had gone in for dessert (something still stupidly healthy– “It’s the offseason, Kreider!” you had protested) only a couple minutes before.
Still frowning a little, you tapped on the notification. A picture of yourself, with the sun in your face and hair blowing out the window, laughing, eyes bright underneath your sunglasses, filled your screen. It could only have been taken by Chris in your car earlier. You looked at the Instagram handle again.
“Hey, babe?” you called as Chris stepped back outside, trying to balance two bowls and two glasses of wine. He looked up at you. “Did you make an Instagram?” Chris blushed. You looked back at the picture, this time reading the caption below it: I’ll drive anywhere with you, just to hear you sing your favorite songs. 
Chris had moved to stand next to you, still blushing to the tips of his ears. “I might have.” You laughed, taking your glass of wine from Chris’ hand and pulling him down for a kiss. 
“I thought you didn’t see the point?” you asked.
Chris shrugged. “I didn’t. Then you started posting pictures of me all the time, and I started to understand why people share the things they love for everyone to see.” 
“You’re a sap, Kreider,” you said, all fondness. You smiled at him from behind the rim of your wine glass as he took another picture of you. “Is this what I’m like?” you asked. Chris let out a surprised laugh. 
The next morning you were tagged again by Chris. You rolled your eyes. When you opened the notification, you saw the picture from the night before, but there was also a second one, one you didn’t know Chris had taken. It was of you, of course, but you were glaring at something on your phone over your coffee mug, glasses on and hair a mess. This time he had captioned it get you a girl who can do both. 
“Christopher!” You were already beginning to regret showing him exactly how to work Instagram the night before. As you heard Chris laughing his way down the stairs, though, you thought that you could really get used to it, even if Chris probably had some revenge posts in store for you. 
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writingdispenser · 3 years
Upcoming Chapter Excerpt
HELLO EVERYONE, SORRY FOR THE DELAYS! I'm currently working on the illustration segments for the chapter as we speak. To tide you over as promised, here's a segment of the chapter, which starts from the Engineer's POV before it later transitions to Spy's. I hope you all look forward to reading the rest soon! Going to use a screenshot from an item in my inventory as a break between the intro text and the actual excerpt after the readmore is opened, how bout that
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Time was slowly starting to inch closer to that hour of late evening Engineer had agreed to meet up with Spy again. The break-in at the supposed “shack” would require them both, after all. Still, there would be more than a few hours of surveillance outside of their target location ahead to look forward to. That was what Engineer surmised, as he hefted an insulated storage container to his base’s kitchen in much the same way he would one of his toolboxes. He set it down on one of the counters, before opening it carefully in preparation as he turned back now to the freezer behind. He’d be missing dinner for sure out there if he didn’t bring food with him otherwise – or well. They would.
He couldn’t exactly forget his newfound companion in crime.
Engie gave a small snort at that, surveying his possible options as far as food went for the night. Somehow, he doubted this Spy would think in regards to staying fed and alert on the job – spies in general rarely did. There was just something about that profession that caused so many within its field to forget that they had actual human bodily needs outside of smoking. He shook his head with some humor at that; well, that sort of area was where he’d pick up the slack.
Right, anything he could eat with his hands that was portable would be ideal…ah. He grinned at that, pulling out a covered pan of what looked like some kind ovular shaped savory pastries, with holes showing something involving meat in the middle. He squinted at the label helpfully stuck on top, fixing his goggles as he read.
“…Peremech,” he murmured, reading it out loud as he did in a low voice. “…has meat and potato filling. Reheat for…yeah, this’ll work.”
He gave a grunt in satisfaction as he set the tray down too now, before fixing to get the oven preheated. Perfect; he made his way over to the coffee machine now, getting it set up as well. Might as well bring a thermos or two of that while he was at it. Spy said he would alert him over mic upon his arrival to the BLU base – that’s what he had promised anyway. Whether he’d keep to it without being caught snooping around was a whole other matter.
Engineer gave a bit of a frustrated grunt at that; there were still some details of the plan they needed to go over before they drove off, after all. It had taken some haggling to begin with just to agree on who’s vehicle to use, but the minute Engineer saw the cramped space in the one Spy drove, he stuck firm to using his own truck instead. Sitting in the bed of it during the lookout hours would be more convenient anyway as far as he was concerned. Engineer idly checked the time, before walking towards the pantry to pull out a roll of foil, taking it back with him towards the oven. He wasn’t going to warm ALL of those pastries for tonight after all, so he wasn’t exactly fixing to pop in the whole tray.
Were there risks involved in letting an enemy spy even breath near his truck? Well…yeah, obviously. Not like they could use a company van or car instead though; those darn things were location chipped, as far as both teams went. More of an insurance thing after the fact, if one of them or the mercs using went missing, but still. Alright then – soon food for the night would be good to go, and the coffee was already on the pot. Engineer placed a healthy piece of foil on one of the oven racks, before carefully adding as many of the savory pies as he thought they would need on top. He scrunched his nose, unable to get the thought that he was forgetting something out from the back of his head though.
Let’s see…he already had a few pieces of surveillance equipment packed into the truck at the request of the Spy ahead of time. He had already equipped himself with his usual tunneling gear and buildable equipment too – and as far as the rudimentary buildable device Engineer had given Spy, that was well and good in that man’s possession too. Engineer couldn’t help but give a small chuckle at that, as he double checked the time he had input into the oven’s clock.
It was the kind of fisher price thing you’d give to an absolute beginner – just enough to be able to deploy a single building under a hundred metal in the simplest means possible, and that’s about it. This was all Spy would need though, so it worked out fine. While Engineer could still build teleporters himself with the gear he was using, having similar insurance on Spy given what they were planning, was absolutely going to be a necessity. Things could get dicey out there after all…right, but what else was there?
His earpiece was fixed, so it wasn’t that, Engie thought, his hand ghosting up absentmindedly to it as he continued filing his mind through everything. He had gone through all the changes around the base that Miss Pauling had requested of him, he had logged in his contract, he had –
Engineer’s face blanched as he closed the oven door again suddenly, before quickly shooting up to walk as fast as he could to the main phone line in the base, fixing his watch with the time as he quickly went. He sighed, shaking his head in more than a little frustration with himself. Yes, a lot had gone down today, and yes, he had a lot more on his plate in terms of work than usual, but Christ – that was no excuse for forgettin’ to call his own damn Ma. Thankfully, he remembered at a good time at least. He wouldn’t be calling too late in the evening than he normally would…at least he hoped.
He punched in the numbers as quick as he could, before leaning against the wall with the phone to his ear, still tensed in mild agitation with himself. What was wrong with him today? Getting caught on his ass by the enemy was one thing, losing a melee duel was another, but how could forget the same damn call he’s made every week on the damn job since…
There was the sound of a click just then on the other end of the line.
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wovenstarlight · 3 years
YWBK update: chapter 26 + liner notes
yesterday will be kinder has updated! you can read chapter 26 here, or start from the beginning here
as always, commentary below the cut
watch this space....
In preparation for it, Han Hyunjae temporarily requisitions Yoojin’s laptop and combs through the internet looking for photos of the Hunters that he thinks his family should know about in advance. He goes down one too many internet rabbit-holes, takes way too many screenshots, transcribes a summary of the notes in his future diary, then painstakingly puts everything together into a neat little presentation for them.
picture HHJ reading his fifth article wondering where the sung family heir has disappeared to and being like 👁️👁️👁️👁️
had a little giggle to myself about “future diary” that phrasing was definitely on purpose. will exclusively be referring to it as this now
“Right,” he starts, clapping his hands together, after Yerim’s been sent off to play with Hohyoung.
LHH is so much of a background figure.... i want to see more of himself but he likes his privacy.... he’s got his girlfriend and his baby sister and yoojin who’s wormed his way into his good graces by way of Living In Same House but that’s kinda it....... he’s always lurking in the background instead of showing up on screen. come here hohyoung oppa i just wanna talk
Even if Yoojin’s right, Han Hyunjae still has to protest. [...] But he can’t keep it up when Jiyeon looks at him like that.
KJY has the world’s best Stern Mom Voice and Disappointed Mom Glare and to her great delight they work even on fellow adult HHJ. she will use this power For Evil
The other S-ranks are Moon Hyuna, leader of Breaker Guild, and Bak Mingyu of Hanshin Guild.
OK FOR THIS PART I STRAIGHT FORGOT ABOUT HANSHIN GUILD AND I WAS COUNTING UP ON MY FINGERS LIKE WAIT... IF YERIM WAS THE EIGHTH KOREAN S-RANK WHO WERE THE SEVEN BEFORE HER.... (for those curious they were 1. sung hyunjae, 2. han yoohyun, 3. moon hyuna, 4. song taewon, 5. bak mingyu of hanshin, 6. choi sukwon of MKC, and 7. yoon kyeongsoo of soodam. but. i forgot about the last three altogether.)
“Oh, blond guy,” Yoojin says, unimpressed. “Yeah, I’ve seen him on the news and stuff.”
Han Hyunjae takes a moment to double-check that he really doesn’t have Noise Resistance (L), and looks back in time to see Yoojin rubbing at his eyes and glaring at the screen. 
“Hyunjae-yah,” Jiyeon says, looking at the photo of Sung Hyunjae on screen, “this man looks—” “LIKE A PIECE OF WHITE BREAD,” Yoojin bellows. [...] “HYUNG THINKS HE LOOKS GOOD? [...] Oh, god, he kinda does, [...] but like, in a trashy romance novel cover way.” [... Jiyeon] gives the computer screen an assessing once-over. “He looks like the models in cologne advertisements.”
this part of the chapter was planned waaaay back in august 2020 and i actually crowdfunded these descriptions from the s-class server dshblksjdfkblsdfb. the original suggestions (thanks to server members for these):
“bland whitie potato with a slap-on seme personality”
“tacky valentine’s day/mom’s cologne advertisement”
“the face of the dude on the cover of all my mom’s trashy romance novels”
and tbh HYJ does think he genuinely looks good but like, disgustingly good, you know... also Hyung Likes Him so [19 gun emojis]
also me handwaving moment of mild homophobia because like. jiyeon doesn’t know yet AND homophobia is a thing in this world BUT i don’t really wanna do, All That (we already did it with HYJ once), so.
“Do S-ranks get rich?” Yerim asks as she enters, because apparently everyone’s coming for his life today. Han Hyunjae closes his eyes and lies down on the bed while Yoohyun calls out an affirmation over his head. “Then I think— oh! He looks nice!” He cracks open an eye just in time to see her nod. “I think ahjussi should marry him for the eye candy and the money.” She beams very wide. Han Hyunjae closes his eyes again and tunes out the loud conversation going on around him. And wishes, not for the first time, that he’d picked literally any other name when he first got here.
yerim says gay rights cuz she’s like 12 rn and she straight up does not really care. but says it in, like, the most frustrating way possible.
sometimes you just need to lie down even as the world keeps throwing shit at you. just lie down and nap for a little bit. especially when the shit in question is the alias regret you had literally back in chapter one of your 25+ chapter story. this is gonna come back to bite you in the ass Very Fucking Soon babe!!!!
You Oh this is like the 17th one I got wrong I swear this course is trying to kill me
me, flicking on that EPSON brand projector,
(i have. been having a Time of it.)
[Yoojin🐉😊 called you (21:35)]
that’s minutes and seconds babey... you can pretty much guess the content of call from context :(
well, uh. most of call. some internal plot and Realizations happening right at the end of those 21 minutes, 35 seconds. namely:
or i dunno you can be my roommate and we can both leech off my rich and prosperous baby brother!
[extremely sad voice] heehoo... they... care each other....
YMW’s parents are kinda shit ngl. they care about him, but unfortunately, that does not show through in their care for him, ykwim? if they just paid attention to what he was actually talented at and encouraged him in his efforts.................
well, he wouldn’t have met HYJ in canon. but he would also have been a lot happier!! and YMW deserves to be happy!!!!!!!! YMW fucking rights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You When you came with me to drop off Jihui’s standee. 
they finally remembered her name sjfbklsjdfbl
Yoojin🐉❤️ OH right i was talking to one of my new commissioners about their piece realized they were an old friend of hyung’s
HEEHOO.... HONKS MY LITTLE CLOWN NOSE yoojin forgot to ask about pronouns but that’s okay they’re figuring that stuff out still
Yoojin🐉❤️ it’s getting late the kids are going to bed i have to turn off the lights 
you can take the caregiver out the role of caregiving but he will still think of his baby siblings as his kids
Part of that is changing his behaviour. Hyunjae and Yoojin sit side by side and watch as Suk Simyeong gently coaches Yoohyun on how to interact with others and present a neutral, if not friendly, exterior.
[same voice as ingredience] neurodivergence.....
try and look them in the eye, or at least look somewhere on or near their face, if eye contact is too much
yoohyun, who’s the type to look people in the eye without blinking until they inevitably look away because then they don’t try that eye contact shit again later:
tbh i kinda made up shit for the Training In Formality section i don’t know shit about being Formal and Polite. hope i got it right :pensive:
“He’s not good with touch,” Hyunjae cuts in. [...] “Sorry,” [Yoojin] says apologetically to Suk Simyeong, crossing the room and gently pressing a hand against Yoohyun’s back. The kid slowly stops rocking and leans into the touch as he talks.
he’s not good with touch, Usually..... there are exceptions :-) every time i think about this being canon i go insane. wow. love and trust and faith.
Suk Simyeong nods understandingly, giving the closed door a considering look. “If that’s the case, perhaps he can take over part of the preparations,” he offers.
SSM who’s frothing at the mouth wanting to know more about this dude who apparently did some killer business deal with the head of Dungeon Task Force who all the dungeon people are gossiping about on their phone calls while they cart around unassuming A-rank businessmen: PLEEAAASEE fucking involve him PLEEEEASE make him involve himself in business with me
Still, Yoojin’s work is fairly repetitive and boring, so Hyunjae and the women pull out a pack of UNO cards from somewhere and start playing while he works, not paying much attention to either of the boys.
plugging my Han/Bak family playing UNO art here, please reblog like and subscribe,
He stares down at Yoohyun’s hair. Yoohyun’s wavy hair sits there judgmentally. Yoojin bemoans his budding career as a stylist and admits, “This… isn’t working.”
i’m sorry sweetie... hair isn’t your forte :( you can still do fashion if you try really hard
(fun fact about this whole scene, yoohyun not being able to straighten his hair until he could control flame resistance is Certified Canon!)
“No, shit, don’t get up.” Yoojin flaps his free hand at him distractedly. Hyunjae and his need to do everything himself, jeez. “I mean, like. The iron is not. Straightening.”
“hyunjae and his need to do everything” says the man who a few paragraphs ago wanted to be hair makeup clothing and management all in one
“Okay, but why is it not working, though? Is the iron not turned on?” Wow. Wow! Yoojin wonders suddenly if Yoohyun ever felt as homicidal towards him as Yoojin’s currently feeling towards his big brother. If he ever had, then it’s frankly stunning Yoojin’s survived as long as he did. “Do you think I’m stupid,” he snaps. “It’s plugged in.” “Yeah, but did you turn it on.” “You know what, why don’t you touch it and see?” Yoojin unplugs the straightening iron for a minute so that he can take it over to Hyunjae, presenting it to him with a flourish. The heat will hold on for the few seconds this takes. “Come on, touch it right now. I dare you.”
zmur put this into words better than i can, she described this part as “the feeling when elder siblings doubt your intelligence”--
“What if you used a regular iron. Like for clothes,” Hyunjae says, completely ignoring Yoohyun. Yoojin hums thoughtfully.
--and this part as “THEY ARE RIGHT TO DOUBT IT !”
“Killjoy,” Hyunjae mutters so only he and Yoojin can hear.
(should doubt your elder sibling’s intelligence too, once in a while. keep them on their toes.)
“HAN YOOHYUN YOU TAKE YOUR HAND OFF THAT RIGHT NOW,” Yoojin and Hyunjae and Jiyeon holler in perfect unison.
parental instinct for particular phrasings of commands
“Flame Resistance,” Yoohyun reads out. “S-rank.” It’s not heat resistance, but it’s pretty close, so it probably still applies.
hum hum the flame skill works on heat as well, huh
Yoojin’s watching Hyunjae idly when the flickers start up at the edge of his vision again. He blinks, rubbing his eyes idly, and looks back up in time to see, just for a split second— 
“Eh? It didn’t? I’ll… I’ll try it again, one second.” Nothing, for a second— but no, there is, pale flashes here and there. Yoojin shakes his head and blinks. They die down, then start up again. Fainter, this time. Why? 
gonna say this here because i accidentally set it up as a Thing there’s. there’s no reason. whether the message shows up or not is pretty much random error.
“Ahjussi has an L-rank skill?” Yerim demands. “That’s so cool!” Jiyeon and Yoohyun and Yoojin stare at Hyunjae in silence as he returns Yerim’s eager high-five. He cowers when he notices them.
these three are already so mad and they don’t know that between S and L there’s SS and SSS. they’re gonna be SOOOOO mad. anyway yerim remains the chillest in the room
“So, say you needed to cauterize a wound in an emergency, and you didn’t have access to healing items or Hunters. You could drop the Resistance there, set it on fire, and just… sear it shut.” Yoohyun blinks, an intrigued look coming into his eyes, and looks down at his own forearm. “That’s true, I could probably…” “Yeah, food for thought, I suppose.” “What the hell?!” Yerim yelps. “Though it’s up to you if you want to try it. I still think your hair is fine as is, we don’t have to—” “That’s horrifying,” Yoojin blurts. “No, I should know how. In case something happens like you said. How do I do it?” “Now hold on a second,” Jiyeon says, voice rapidly rising in pitch.
sometimes i think about how dungeon stuff made yoojin significantly more chill with violence and murder and self mutilation in some cases. and how he comments specifically (i think this might be in a slightly later chapter, possibly unreleased) that people like myeongwoo who don’t have those extra years of immersion in the dungeon culture still reject and avoid violence and killing whenever possible. really makes you think
anyway! i saved some extra commentary for those okay with spoilers. continue reading at your own risk. extra large warning in case you’re skilling
“How many of these people did you personally know?” “Not many!” “So one, then,” Yoojin concludes. “You don’t know that!”
“Why did you pick his name out of everyone’s! I thought you weren’t in touch with S-ranks. I thought you picked a friend’s name!”
they wanted some kind of bedroom decoration for a family member, counting sheep or something, i forget 
a sheep, for a family member of one of han hyunjae’s old acquaintances, is it
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One-shot. Erik discovers his teenager is dating and older man.
"Uniqua," Erik yelled from the kitchen.
He was peeling boiled potatoes, getting them ready to mash as mac and cheese baked in the oven over pan-seared steaks next to potatoes. The greens were already boiling with a hambone. The fried chicken was done. The tea was made and the sweet potatoe pie was on the counter for dessert. He listened for the footsteps of his little helper, but they didn't come.
Erik sighed. Uniqua knew he was cooking for Christmas. It had been their tradition since her mother ran away. Eight years later, they still liked to cook and spend time together as a family, just the two of them on special holidays. She'd already missed her favorite parts, putting the cheese in the macaroni and sweetening the tea. She was about to miss the potato salad.
Dropping the hot potato back into the bowl in the sink, Erik walked to the bottom of the stairs. "Uniqua," he called up the staircase. Her room was over the kitchen, he knew that she could hear. He was starting to get irritated. Even if she didn't want to come down, she could at least answer.
Thudding up the stairs, he gently knocked on her door, the 'KEEP OUT' road sign swaying from the movement. He didn't hear her moving inside and her music wasn't on, so why couldn't she hear him? Was she asleep? Was she feeling okay? Concerned, he opened the door and his heart sank.
There in the John Brown nude was his only child dancing in front of her iphone's camera. Erik was frozen. In the second before he lunged at the camera, he saw what looked like a grown man on her screen. He had full facial hair and was definitely out of high school. Late twenties at least.
"DAD!" Uniqua shrieked snatching her blanket from the bed to wrap her naked body in as she dropped down to the floor. Her air pod fell from her ear onto her pink rug.
The call ended and Erik was left with his daughter's unlocked phone. Until now, he never felt a need to go through it. He opened her gallery and was mortified. She had nudes that she'd undoubtedly been sending. There were some saved images of a man too. They were all the same man, he could tell. The dick pics were all of the same dick.
Uniqua looked terrified. Her face was ghastly and rightfully so. He wanted to whoop her ass until the white meat showed. She KNEW better than to do something like this.
He held the dick pick in her face before grabbing it back to flip through the images again. He found a face in a mirror's reflection. It was that nigga she was facetiming.
Uniqua's eyes were huge as if she may have a heart attack.
"H-he's m-my boyfriend," she whispered with uncertainty, clutching the blanket around herself.
"YOUR WHAT?!" Erik's eyes got huge. She had to be out of her rabbit ass mind. His head was beginning to hurt.
"Oh hell nah," he mumbled pulling up her text messages. She'd been texting a number saved as 'Daddy😜' but it wasn't him. Hell nah it wasn't him. He wanted to vomit as he scrolled through their conversation. This was a grown ass man talking to his sixteen year old daughter. She was sending him images and videos of her body like she was grown.
"OH! So you think you grown now," he nodded, fuming inside.
"N-no," she whispered.
He dialed the number and waited on the man to pick up, but he didn't. Erik heard his voicemail, but his name wasn't recorded.
"What's his name? Where he live? What you know about this nigga? I wanna know everything you fucking know. Matter fact, I'm reading all these texts and you can get dressed and sit ya ass right there because you ain't leaving the fuckin house until you 18. KEEP FUCKIN UP. YOU SIXTEEN! YOU CAN'T EVEN KEEP YOUR FUCKIN ROOM CLEAN!"
She sat closed in on herself, afraid to move as she cried, silently hiccuping. Erik was furious. She KNEW better.
"Get the fuck outta my sight," his lip twitched. He watched as she stood with her blanket and snatched her clothes from the floor, scrambling from the room. Standing, he watched to make sure she went into the hall bathroom.
"What the fuck," he groaned holding his head. Uniqua had never given him problems of this nature. This was illegal and her so-called boyfriend was a pedophile.
As Erik read through all of the messages, his heart beat faster. He felt fear, actual fear. He saw that the conversation went back to February. How had he missed it? How had she hidden him that long? Was he a bad parent for not noticing? He felt like a horrible parent, like somehow he'd failed. What else had he missed? What if he hadn't walked in. He'd have never known and his only daughter could've gone missing. His pride and joy, she could've been trafficked or dead somewhere. He exited from the messages and his foot tapped the floor anxiously. He could hear his daughter out in the hall as the bathroom door creaked.
She shuffled down the hall and back into the room with her head down in shame, not knowing what else to say or do as her father stared, his expression stern.
"Dad, I'm sorry," she whined, fresh tears in her eyes. It looked like she genuinely meant it.
"Did you meet up with him," Erik asked.
"No!" She leaned forward with strong conviction. "I was going to but I didn't. "
"So you didn't have sex with him."
"I swear I did not!" Her hand raised in a solemn vow as her tears continued. She sniffled. Erik wasn't sure whether to believe her, but she'd NEVER done anything like this before.
Erik frowned, trying to read her. This only made her cry more.
"I-I d-don't.. want you.. to be m-mad.. at me," she sniffled, her eyes now red. "I d-don't want.. want y-you to," she sniffed, "to be disappointed!"
"Tell me EVERYTHING you know about this guy," Erik stressed again.
His daughter began to break down, coming clean about everything that had been hidden. Erik thought his head would spin. He sat and listened as she spoke, saving his comments. He wanted her to continue with the honesty even if he hated what was coming out.
Erik waited outside of the apartment building where his daughter had directed him. She was currently on lockdown at the house with no phone, laptop, or mp3. The wifi password had been changed and he made it very clear that if she left the house, he would definitely beat her ass and then she'd never see her phone, mp3, laptop, or room door again. He wasn't one to bluff and she knew that.
Erik's eyes followed the tall, skinny brown skinned male from the building to the lot. Before he could get to his car, Erik hopped out of his black truck approaching the man.
"Aye nigga.." Erik swung as soon as the man turned around, hitting him square in the nose before gripping his collar to hit him again in the same spot.
The man grabbed at his face, gingerly touching his bloody nose. It was definitely broken.
"FUUH-SHIT!!" The man howled in pained surprise. He didn't know who Erik was.
Erik held up his daughter's school picture. She had a blown out ponytail and sat smiling angelically, blue and pink braces on display, with an electric blue and white hoodie which said 'Billie Eilish', large silver hoops, glittery lipgloss, and her hands crossed over each other. It was obvious that she was young.
"She's sixteen," Erik emphasized. "She's my CHILD and she's SIXTEEN. LOOK AT THE PICTURE."
He pushed it in the guy's face, looking out the corner of his eye at the couple of onlookers, an older black couple.
"He's a grown ass man talking to my teenage daughter," Erik explained showing them the picture. Their judgmental gazes turned to the man who held his hands up as if innocent.
"Whoa! Wait now.. Nah, she told me she was 19!" His head shook as he tried to defend himself.
Before the man could lie again, Erik pulled up the screenshot he took on his daughter's phone.
Daddy😜: I'm 31 is that okay with you?
Uniqua: that's fine I look 19 anyway 😜👌
Daddy😜: You're very mature for a teen 😚
The man looked at the message as if it were brand new and he'd never seen it before.
"OH HELL NO," a loud voice came from the left. A young man early 20s drinking a Red Bull with his phone in his other hand. "HE'S A KIDDIE DIDDLER?!?!"
Erik held up the picture of his daughter as the guy came nearer, squinting at the photo.
Without warning, Red Bull lunged ahead jumping on the man in question as Erik stood shocked.
Red Bull beat the breaks off the nigga, spitting on him before stumbling back.
"All yours cuz," he mumbled.
Erik didn't hesitate. He couldn't forgive any man who would prey on his one and only child. A man who would do it once would do it again, only next time it would be someone else's child.
He kicked the man in the ribs six times before he came to himself. Stepping back, he glanced at the couple. The woman waved him on.
"Beat his ass!"
"I'm a grandfather. You do what you gotta do for your family," her husband shrugged watching on. The neighborhood was out today.
Erik circled the man on the ground. He started to pull his gun and in his mind.. he saw himself pulling the trigger. However, he took a step back. He was a father who needed to be there for his daughter. Especially now more than ever. She was more important. She was his first priority.
Still, Erik needed to make a point.
Snatching his gun from the concealed holster on his waist, he racked it fast and put it to the man's head as he laid busted up on the concrete. No one made a move to stop him, walking around him instead.
"If you so much as breathe in my child or ANY child's direction.. I'll kill you AND your entire family. Do you FUCKIN hear me."
Erik leaned down further as the man groaned in agony.
"YES, YES, I hear you," the man winced as Erik stood, staring down at him before stepping over him and heading back to his car.
He nodded to the couple and Red Bull before pulling off.
"Alright," Red Bull nodded back. The couple waved as Erik drove away.
"I'm sorry," Uniqua whined when Erik walked in the door. She was sitting in the living room, watching Christmas movies and waiting. When he entered, she stood walking toward him slowly, the way she always did when something was heavy on her mind. She walked up until she collided with him, tucking her head into his chest and he sighed. He couldn't stay mad at his own child. She was only a kid afterall.
He swallowed her up in an embrace and walked her back to the kitchen. There was a pan of cornbread sitting on the counter.
"Ah, you made cornbread," he smiled.
She beamed, her eyes still red. He could tell she'd been crying the entire time. His heart broke, but at the same time he knew he had to be tough for her own safety.
"You understand why I got so angry, don't you? I just want you to be safe. Grown men, especially men that age don't need to be messing with little girls your age. They only to that because they're predators and grown women don't put up with that shit. Promise me you'll never talk to anyone like that without telling me."
"I promise!" She looked like she might cry again.
"Aight," he said letting it go. "Come here." He raised his arms beckoning her to collect her hug.
She came quickly, hugging her father tightly as he sighed.
"Stick to boys your own age, just let me meet em first," he said putting a heavy hand atop her head.
"I promise... No one over 19," she said.
"Sixteen," Erik corrected.
"Oh! That's what I meant," she nodded quickly getting the message. "Sixteen."
@muse-of-mbaku @imaginewhoever @goddessofthundathighs @panthergoddessbast @thadelightfulone @misspooh @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove @marvelmaree @youreadthatright @forbeautyandlife @theunsweetenedtruth @bidibidibombaclaat @myboyfriendgiriboy @dameshaemonique @blackpantherimagines   @vikkidc @hidden-treasures21 @mysidefanting @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @syndrlla97 @winteroflife @thotyana-in-this-hoe   @texasbama @gingerylimonte @princessstevens   @magic-madness-heavensin @wawakanda-btch @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @wakanda-inspired @blackgirloneshots @thegucciwaffle @thiccdaddy-mbaku   @drsunshine97 @purplehairgawdess @indigoxsummers @cccccx1   @dynastylnoire @iamrheaspeaks @blowmymbackout @fonville-designs @they-call-me-le @theblulife @raysunshine78 @sheisexcellent
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Every Lie That You Told Prt.2-Tyler Seguin
Note: You guy asked for it, So here it is. Part 2. Sorry it took so long, but alas! Let me know if you guys want a part 3. Any feedback is appreciated! 
Part 1
Part 3
Warnings: Cussing, a bit of light smut.
“Please remain seated until the captain has turned off the seat belt sign. Thank you for your cooperation one of Us will  Be around to pick up Your trash and prepare you for Landing.” You hung up the phone and sat back down, pulling out your phone, which was on airplane mode. 
You unlocked your phone and went to your messages, immediately pressing Tyler and aimlessly scrolling through the thread. You hadn’t responded to any of his
Messages after the whole mess. You were a lot of things, a cheater and a home wrecker were not one of them. You read back The texts that he had sent, after The fourth day he had stopped and Resulted into calling you,
“Please let me explain.”
“It’s not what you think.”
“Come on y/n were friends we can talk about this.” That one hurt no matter how true it
“Babe...please.” You closed your eyes and laid your head back against the headrest. Flashbacks of that argument flashing through your head. 
“I’m a uh friend. I didn’t
Know anyone was supposed to be coming over.”
You stuttered. It wasn’t a lie at all. You waited for
Her to respond, you could cut through the silence.
“I’m Chelsea. the girl he’s seeing.” You knew this looked bad considering what you were wearing but the only thing you can think of is ‘he lied.’
“Look I’ll just-“ 
“Hey y/n I thought we could eat and…” you shut your
 Of Course now would be the moment Tyler decided to walk in. You opened your eyes to see him Staring in shock at you and Chelsea, more so at the blonde.
“Chels what are you-“ 
“Don’t you dare ask what I’m doing here Tyler Seguin.” She was screeching by now which wasn’t helping your hang over. Tyler stayed quiet
Not really sure what to Say about the whole thing. You cleared your throat and did the only Thing you could think of.
“I’m just going to go get my clothes and go.” Tyler stared at you and then back at the blonde. You really hoped he’d stop
You, or he’d tell you no. But instead he stayed in the kitchen rooted to
His spot as you walked back to His room to change back into the dress you came in, all three dogs following behind you. 
That  was the last time you had seen or Talked to him. Now you were on a flight Home from California, back to Dallas where you could enjoy your three days off and hopefully catch up on sleep and block out the world. At Least that was the plan. 
As the plane landed, you let the passengers exit, got Your stuff, clocked out and headed out to the parking lot. You were exhausted and just wanted to sleep. Getting into Your car you plugged your phone in to charge when your phone lit up from a message from one of your friends.
You opened your messages and frowned when you saw what she had sent you. There in front of you was a screenshot of Tyler’s Instagram story, of the cute blonde...Chelsea was it? In his lap, hanging onto him, while he talked to
His friends around him. He wasn’t really holding her but he wasn’t pushing her off either.
Today was the barbecue that you were supposed to go to but you had to work. Even if you didn’t, at this point you wouldn’t have gone. 
Underneath the picture you’re friend responded with a wtf?! You sighed locking Your phone and driving Out of the parking lot not Really wanting to deal with any of it. 
You had done well to push away the sinking feeling in your stomach every time you thought of the two. You did well to ignore the feeling of jealousy when you saw that screen shot, and you’ve done really well as to not Cry anymore over Tyler Seguin. 
You drove home not really knowing what to say or think. He was either seeing her or sleeping with her and either way you weren’t too thrilled about either. You were well aware that you guys weren’t together but you two were always honest, you just wanted to know what made this one so special, special enough to not tell you. 
You were both two single adults and you were through feeling sad over the fact that he had lied and made you seem like a homewrecker, you were done with playing it safe. You were done following the rules Tyler had managed to lay out without actually saying them. Maybe you did have feelings for him that you didn’t realize till now but that didn’t mean you couldn’t change it, that didn’t mean you couldn’t get over him. You had the space you needed to distance yourself from him and you had more than enough time, it wasn’t like you worked for him. 
Walking up to your apartment your body felt slightly lighter as you opened the door and took your shoes off. You knew what you had to do, but after a long two days of work you were ready for the nap of your life. Turning your phone off you threw it on the kitchen table and made your way to your room, reality and emotions could wait.
You laughed at your best friend as her and her date spoon fed each other ice cream, nearly missing each other’s mouths. You had agreed to go on a double date with her and her new boy, who also had a friend, Josh. He was cute, tall, blonde wavy hair, no tattoos. He was a swimmer apparently, who had also just gotten out of a
8 month relationship. You agreed because that meant no commitment at the end of this, you were just here to have fun and so was he. 
You guys had decided to go to the Dallas zoo, which you were low key excited about because you had always loved animals and honestly it just seemed like an easy and relaxing date. Josh had bought you a cute stuffed seal which you  held onto the rest of the day making you smile a bit and feel some butterflies. 
“You want some fries?” You looked over at him and nodded, taking one from his plate the four of you made small talk. It was when the sun was setting and the four of you made your way to the exit passing screaming children and parents trying to control them did Josh break the ice.
“So I know you know about my ex, and I know this isn’t supposed to be anything serious… but you’re cute and I did have a good time today so do you want to hang out again?” You could feel the small smile get wider as you nodded your head, which in return made him smile.
Your smile didn’t disappear the whole ride home or when they dropped you off at your apartment. You made your way upstairs, purse in one hand and seal stuffed animal in the other. Digging for your keys, you let out a scream as your apartment door swung up and there in your doorway was none other than Tyler. His tattooed arms crossed and his eyebrow raised. His mouth was set in a thin line and he had no shoes on which meant he had been here for awhile.
“What the hell are you doing here?” You pushed his shoulder and walked past him and slammed the door behind you. You really didn’t want to deal with this today, you had worked hard to push him out of your mind.
“Really? You wore that outfit? The same outfit you wore when we went to the beach for the first time?” You placed your stuff down on the kitchen table and froze. How the hell did he remember the outfit you wore let alone the first time you guys went to the beach? 
“Don’t look so surprised. I remember things about you.” You shook your head and looked down at your outfit. All you had on was a black crop top and Jean shorts with little
Black booties. He was right though you guys had went to the pier together in that outfit but nothing stood out to make it memorable so maybe Tyler did remember small things. 
He didn’t say anything, just looked at you waiting for an answer which you didn’t have.
“What do you want Tyler?” He didn’t say anything, instead he looked down at the table at the stuffed animal. 
“You went out on a date.” You sighed and walked to the fridge to get a bottle of water, knowing it wasn’t really a question.
“I did, just like you slept with me when you had a girlfriend.” You heard him let out a huff.
“He bought you this?”
Your silence was enough of an answer for him. 
You watched as he picked it up and looked at it, examining the stuffed animal. You never wanted to toss an in animate object across the room until now. 
“You’re surprised I know things about you, but you’ve been in my life for quite some time even before we slept together.” He shook his head and placed it back down. 
“Did you know that I actually know what your favorite food is? It’s your mom's enchiladas, but if we’re going out to eat you prefer pasta. However you have a thing for lobster mashed potatoes. I know you hate the gym but you’ll go because you don’t want to go home every year to your family and head your sister talk about weight you’ve gained even though I think you look gorgeous no matter what.” You looked at him but he didn’t meet your eyes.
“I know you want a dog, but you’re not home enough to get any animal which is why you like the boys so much. You hate the heat in Dallas but you love how cold it gets, which is why you stay. You love target runs but late at night only, especially the one that’s like 20 minutes away because it’s open till 2 am compared to the one literally right down the street from you because it’s only open till 10. I also know that you’re favorite zoo animal is a Jaguar, not a fucking seal.” He finally looked up at you, meeting your gaze. You’ve never seen him look more serious.
“And I know you think I have or had a girlfriend but I don’t. She’s not my girlfriend. I slept with her...twice. But we’re not dating. I took her to the wedding because you weren’t available and she’s friends with my friends. Believe me baby, I don’t have a girlfriend, because if I did it would be you.” You didn’t want to trust him, you didn’t know how to. 
“How do you expect me to believe you? Your past doesn’t help and her screeching in your kitchen and the Instagram stories?”
“I already talked to her about that morning, she wasn’t supposed to be there. And the Instagram stories meant nothing she was just there and I was drunk, nothing happened.” You didn’t know how to take this, you could feel your heart beating out of your chest, you didn’t want to do this anymore. You couldn’t help the doubt rising up inside you, there was no way he was going to stand in your kitchen and claim all of a sudden he wanted a relationship with you.
“You don’t want a relationship though do you? That’s why you keep me close, because you aren’t ready to settle down.” He didn’t say anything, you knew you were right.
“What if I’m ready for a relationship, Tyler? What if I want to go out on dates with someone whose going to buy me stupid stuffed animals, and feed each other fries, and I don’t know hold my hand, take me to dinners with their mom or-” You were cut off by his ringtone blaring from the kitchen table. You took a glance at it and laughed sadly when you saw the name ‘ariel’ pop up. Tyler immediately sent the call to voicemail and mumbled out a sorry.
“See, you constantly have girls hitting you up. You’re still sleeping with other people. I can’t do this back and forth with you.” He looked up at you, you could see the unsureness on his face. Tyler was never unsure, he always knew what he wanted and for the most part he got what he wanted. This time around you didn’t think it was going to happen. You didn’t want to be just another notch in his bed post, but you didn’t even know if you could handle just being his friend. 
The silence was deafening and you knew this conversation was quickly coming to an end. 
“If I was ready, you would be the one you realize that right?” His voice was soft, unsure and you could practically feel how much he was trying to get you to not let go.
“But you’re not ready, Tyler. Not even close and that’s okay but I can’t do this anymore. I deserve...I deserve what I want.” Tyler’s hand slammed down on the table making you jump a bit. 
“So what? You want that guy who took you out today? Some poor schmuck your best friend set you up with. Tell me, did he make you laugh hard enough to snort, did he compliment you? Tell you how pretty you are?” You were glaring at him now as he paced around your kitchen. You could tell he was losing this battle and he was getting desperate. 
“Yeah, Tyler. He did, he did all of that and more.” Tyler stopped and look straight at you, his eyes dark and full of...something you couldn’t recognize. He walked closer to you and put his hand on your waist making you hide the shudder that ran through you. He was looking down at you, searching your face for anything.
He was so close you could smell his cologne which wasn’t helping with your judgement. You tried to lean back, to get him out of your space a bit but all he did was bring you closer by your waist, rooting you to the spot. Your breath was coming out harsher than you wanted it to but then again that was the effect he tended to have on you, which was actually a huge problem at the moment.
You jumped a bit when you felt his fingertips graze the bare skin of your waist, and his breathe hit your neck making you close your eyes and sigh. 
“If he did all of that and more then why isn’t he here?” His words were hitting right against your skin making you shiver and grip onto his shoulder.
“Because maybe he wants to get to know me before he tries to sleep with me?” Tyler let out a sarcastic laugh.
“Are you saying I didn’t want to get to know you?” He was now peppering kisses against your neck and down your shoulder. 
“You only ever had one goal and it was to get between my legs, Tyler.” You felt him shake his head a bit.
“You were gorgeous, you still are. Plus you didn’t care who I was.” You went to step away again, already knowing where this was going as he brought you closer to him and you could feel the hard on through his pants. 
“Tyler, we’re not doing this.” He groaned and placed a kiss to the exposed part of your chest right where your bra was. 
“Did he make you feel this way, y/n?” You groaned and tried to push him away again. You were weak but you knew you needed to say no.
“Tyler, I told you-” Before you could say anything else he was on his knees, already kissing your exposed skin and undoing the button of your shorts. You tried to kick him away but all he did was grab your ankle and put it over his shoulder as he kissed and nipped at your thighs.
You could feel the fire in your lower tummy and your panties becoming significantly wetter. You let out a hushed ‘fuck’ as he took off your shorts in one swift motion along with your panties. You looked down at him and nearly came at the sight of tyler's head between your thighs.
“If this is the last time, then I’m going to make you remember it.” You groaned as he licked a strip from your clit down to your entrance making you throw your head back.
This was the last time, you promised yourself. This wasn’t going to happen again, you needed to move on from him, but as he dipped his tongue into you making your thighs shake you decided to enjoy it one last time. 
As Tyler continued to lap at your core, making you arch your back off the kitchen table and moan out loudly, his phone laid not even a couple inches away from your head, and if you weren’t busy having hands down one of the most intense orgasms of your life you would’ve seen a text from chelsea come in.
‘Thanks for dinner the other night, it was fun. Next time I cook, come over to my place tonight so I can thank you.’
But as Tyler slid into you, your thighs wrapping around his waist, you didn’t pay a second thought to the iphone sitting inches away. 
@futbolwithahintoftaurus @im-a-motherfuckin-mermaid @meishaabae @marsbleach @ruefulposts @fandom-before-blood66
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bts-fantasy · 5 years
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part twelve
Genre: Thriller AU
Characters: Yoongi, Hoseok x Reader
Previous — Next
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Being able to talk to Yoongi openly about the stalker was a big help for you. You almost felt bad when he rushed over to you in the middle of the night when you‘d told him about the message you’d received only a few hours ago. Now you were lying in bed next to your boyfriend who had his arms tightly wrapped around you.
„I don‘t understand...“
You whispered after a while trying to form your storm of thoughts into comprehensible words. Looking up at Yoongi you could see his furrowed eyebrows as he seemed to be thinking hard about the issue as well. But neither you or him had an answer.
His fingers picked up a strand of your hair as he mindlessly played with it chewing on his bottom lip.
„We have to inform the police.“
You scoffed telling how Hoseok and you‘ve already tried that but to no avail. Yoongi‘s frown deepened as he thought about your words but quickly relaxed pulling you closer to his chest.
„Hey, no matter what happens I‘ll be here to protect you.“
You smiled up at him when he slowly moved closer to connect your lips. His arms made you feel so warm and safe that you forgot everything else for a moment.
Waking up for school the next morning was unusual. You turned to your right to see Yoongi curled up like a tiny cat sleeping soundly next to you. His hair was messier than the night before and the strands were sticking out in all directions but you thought it was adorable. He looked so peaceful while quiet snores filled your ears like a beautiful melody.
Looking down at your phone you saw a message from Hoseok inviting you over for dinner tonight. You immediately agreed already thinking about bringing something with you as a gift for all the things he‘d helped you with in the past few weeks.
Not wanting to wake Yoongi up you snuck out of bed to get ready for the day. After a quick shower, you walked back into your room only to see your boyfriend looking like a total mess. His eyes were fixed on the empty spot next to him and his hands clutched at the sheets.
„Is everything okay?“, you asked quietly as he jumped up in surprise.
Without a word he rushed over to you and pulled you into a tight hug. You stood there perplexed to even react but quietly enjoying the warmth of his embrace.
„I just had a bad dream. And you weren‘t there when I woke up...“
Your heart skipped a beat while he whispered near the ear and you pulled back to look him in the eyes.
„Sorry, I didn‘t want to wake you up.“
Once Yoongi had calmed down again you both ate breakfast with your mom.
„Y/N, I‘ll be out of town for tonight. I got invited to an art exhibition.“
Your mom‘s face lit up when she told you the news and you could see how happy she was to attend the exhibition and you were happy for her too.
„I‘ll drive you to college“, Yoongi said when you were ready to head out. You knew he wouldn’t accept a „no“ and you didn‘t mind to spend some extra time with him so you both walked out and got into his car.
Everything was normal that day. The drive to college was filled with lighthearted conversations and you were able to focus in your classes more than the previous day. Hoseok and you decided to study a little bit before both of you decided to go to Hoseok‘s for dinner.
Ji Woo had already prepared everything when you and Hoseok arrived. It smelled like freshly baked potatoes and you instantly got hungry as you walked into the kitchen.
„Wow, Ji Woo... this looks incredible!“
You exclaimed happily as you sat down on the table. Her eyes followed you calmly before she smiled at you widely for appreciating her work. Hoseok did the same and now all of you were sitting around the delicious-looking food ready to dig in.
During the dinner, you tried to compliment her for her good food. It was really delicious and you wanted to let her know but something was different.
You couldn‘t point it out but the way Ji Woo‘s eyes were always on you gave you an eerie feeling. She didn‘t say much and only talked when you directly spoke to her. The awkwardness surrounded you as if you‘d just met her.
Sometime during the dinner, Ji Woo excused herself to use the bathroom. You gave Hoseok a questioning look but he only shrugged his shoulders.
„She‘s like that sometimes, don‘t worry.“
Suddenly, your phone blew up with several text messages and you opened the messages only to choke when you looked down at your screen.
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You quickly showed the messages to Hoseok but you also sent a screenshot to Yoongi because you promised to inform him as soon as something happened.
Hoseok turned pale when he looked at your screen and just when he was about to say something Ji Woo walked in stopping in her tracks when she looked between you and Hoseok.
„What happened?“
Her eyes were switching between you and Hoseok. When none of you answered she just shrugged and sat down again continuing the dinner.
The weird feeling in your chest kept spreading even more as time passed by and you tried not to think of the messages you‘d just received. The air around you had suddenly turned into an uncomfortable silence and you just wanted to leave.
You excused yourself to use the restroom and left Hoseok and Ji Woo behind who were still quietly eating their food. You walked down the long hallway to the restroom but before you could put your hand on the doorknob you felt a sharp pain on the back of your head and soon everything around you had turned black.
Something in the distance was echoing through your mind as you tried to find your orientation again. The voices came closer and closer until they were loud enough for you to understand what they were saying.
„I swear to god, if something happens to her, I‘ll kill you.“
Was that Hoseok‘s voice?
„Relax, she‘s not dead. Just knocked out.“
Ji Woo?
„You didn‘t have to do that, you know?“
Hoseok‘s deep voice surrounded you now clear enough but you didn‘t want to open your eyes just yet. First, you had to find out what the hell was going on. You could feel that you were sitting on a chair and your hands were tied behind the back of it.
„And just let her run away with him? Is that what you want?“
Ji Woo raised her voice and a long moment of silence followed where nothing could be heard and you almost felt like you were completely alone.
„No, but this is not-“
Hoseok didn‘t get to finish the sentence as his older sister just scoffed and cut him off rudely.
„How many times do I have to tell you that if you want something, you have to do something for it. No matter the consequences.“
Again, complete silence.
„Hoseokie, you have to listen to your older sister, okay? I‘m all that you have now that mommy and daddy are gone.“
Her voice had turned soft so suddenly that it seemed surreal and completely insane sending shivers down your spine. You were slowly trying to piece the puzzle together but the more you dug into it the more you didn‘t want to believe your own mind.
This can‘t be real...
Slowly you opened your eyes to see that you were in their basement now with only a petroleum lamp illuminating the cold room. You stared up at Ji Woo and Hoseok who were standing only two feet away from you while Ji Woo carried a baseball bat in her hands.
You then realized the continuous sharp pain at the back of your head and winced squeezing your eyes shut. The memories came back again and now you knew what had knocked you out a few moments ago.
How long had you been unconscious? You had no idea.
„Oh look, our princess is finally awake“, Ji Woo‘s dismissive voice was nothing like her at all. The nice and joyful behavior was nowhere to be found and you asked yourself if you’d ever really known her at all.
„What.. What is going on? Why did you hit me? Why... Why am I tied-“
You got cut off by a loud mocking laugh as she just stared down at you. Her scornful grin suddenly distorted with rage and before you could react you felt a sharp stinging pain on your left cheek. Hoseok yelled at his sister for slapping you but again, she showed no remorse.
With tears in your eyes, you looked at your friend standing behind Ji Woo avoiding to look at you directly. The betrayal you felt inside was unlike anything you‘d ever felt in your life. Not even when your dad had done you wrong had you ever felt something so deeply saddening.
Unlike your own father, you had trusted Hoseok completely.
This was a different kind of pain and you were slowly but surely falling apart under the weight of it.
„You want to know why you‘re here? Ask your damn boyfriend!“
Confusion spread across your face and made her sigh dramatically in front of you.
„How dare he leave me behind in that hellhole? How dare he start a new life without me? Do you think I had a great time without him in the psychiatric ward?! Go ask him that!“
She was now screaming at the top of her lungs and you weren‘t even able to cover your ears from all the noise.
„Psychiatric ward? I thought you were in a boarding school!“
Hoseok had taken a step back from his sister as he looked at her with eyes wide open. It was clearly written all over his face that he didn‘t know the whole truth about his older sister. His eyes were glued on Ji Woo looking at her as if she was a complete stranger but she didn‘t seem to care. Instead, her voice had turned into that soft angelic mask she put on every time he told her off. Ji Woo approached him with her hand reaching out to touch his cheek.
„Hoseokie, don‘t worry I won‘t go back there anymore. I came here to stay with you forever.“
But Hoseok pushed her away before she could lay her finger on him and he looked at her disgustedly. His eyes finally landed on you and that was the exact moment when the realization hit him so hard it knocked the wind out his lungs. You could see it in his eyes as he looked at you regretting everything he‘d done. But he knew just like you, that it was too late.
Ji Woo, on the other hand, tried her luck one more time as she approached her little brother again to manipulate him.
„Stay away from me!“, he shouted loud enough for her to flinch. She stared at him saucer-eyed not believing the way he was talking to her. The power she had over him was slowly fading into thin air and she was not happy about it.
You were watching the whole scene in front of you with a racing heart thinking of ways to escape but nothing seemed possible with your hands tied behind your back. The ropes were cutting into your flesh and you could tell that your wrists were bleeding from the bruises.
„You think you can talk to me like that, Hoseokie? Well, think again.“
And with that, suddenly her hand was at your neck and you could see the shiny metal object she held close to your throat.
Your breath hitched as Hoseok let out a loud yell looking at the knife in his sister‘s hands in panic. Ji Woo just laughed at the frightened face of her younger sibling clearly enjoying the moment as her hand slowly inched closer to your throat.
You closed your eyes preparing yourself for the worst trying to think about all the good things that had happened to you in your life. You didn‘t want to die in complete fear and so many negative feelings so you focused on the first happy memory that came to your mind.
The kiss you and Yoongi shared on the rooftop.
Tears were streaming down your face by now and somehow it felt like hours to you as you remained in that position.
„Please, don‘t hurt her, Ji Woo. I‘m begging you. Whatever it is you‘re going through, we‘ll get through it together. Just please... put the knife down.“
You could hear Hoseok‘s desperate attempts to calm her down again and you dared to open your eyes slowly but the knife was still dangerously close to your throat. You couldn‘t even breathe properly because of the fear of coming too close to the weapon in front of you.
„You have no idea what I had to go through, Hoseokie. And I won‘t let this bitch take it all away from me, you hear me?!“
Ji Woo pulled you by your hair roughly and placed the knife on your throat ready to end it all while Hoseok stood there frozen in his place not knowing how to stop her.
You whimpered in her hands giving up all hope you‘d left inside of you saying goodbye to your mom and Yoongi in your mind in hopes that it would reach them somehow.
Then everything around you turned dark as you closed your eyes one last time.
A/N: There‘s only one more chapter left and maybe I‘ll write an epilogue too.👀
I hope you liked this part, it was honestly so difficult to write😖
Happy reading and goodnight🙈💜
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nhcimaginesgbr · 5 years
Baby? | rb
You were scrolling through Instagram when you saw a post that said “text your bf saying you want a baby and screenshot the response.” It had gone viral and you wanted to give it a try.
Y/n: Hey Reecey xxx
Reece: hi love I’m at the studio right now I can’t talk xxx
Y/n: I want a baby
~~Reece’s pov~~
I felt my phone buzz again and sighed but had to do a double take when I saw the message.
Y/n: I want a baby
“Oh my god you can’t be serious.” I rolled my eyes and decided to leave it until I got home.
We finished the recording session and Blake pulled me aside on our way out. “Mate are you okay?”
“Y-Yeah.” I stuttered. He looked at me in disapproval. “Okay. Y/n just texted me out of the blue saying she wants a baby and I don’t know how to tell her no without making her upset.”
“Oof. That sounds like a you problem, Reece. Good luck.” He patted my back before walking away.
~~your pov~~
You waited for a response for Reece. You were starting to get worried. He left you on read hours ago. You heard the door open and he came in, not looking amused. “Y/n, what was that all about?”
“I dunno. I just thought it’d be fun I guess...”
“Fun?” He exclaimed. “Do you have any idea how busy I am? I’m about to go on tour!”
“Why did you even... we’ve only been together for a year!” He furrowed his eyebrows. “You know I don’t want a baby with you rig-“ he cut himself off by slapping his hand over his mouth. “Y/n,” he said guiltily.
“Reece...” you backed away, hurt by his outburst.
“No, y/n,” he tried to grab your arm to stop you from leaving. He succeeded and pulled you to face him. “I’m sorry. I completely over reacted. You know I love you so much.” He stroked your cheek with his thumb. “And I do really want to have kids with you in the future but now isn’t a good time. I have so much work to do and tours coming up and it wouldn’t be fair for you to go through it alone without me here.”
“You know that was a viral meme where you’re supposed to text your boyfriend ‘I want a baby’ and screenshot their reaction and submit it because most of the responses are cute or funny.” You told him, sniffling. “I was kind of looking forward to having a laugh with your reaction but...”
“No...” he sighed. “Now I feel even worse. Come here.” He pulled you into a hug. “If you want I can fake a funny one that you can post.” He offered. You nodded. “Please don’t be upset, love. I’m so sorry.” He presses a kiss onto your forehead, then your nose, then his lips landed on yours.
You later tweeted a screenshot:
Y/n: I want a baby
Reece: uh
Reece: how much is the shipping? Maybe I’ll buy you one for Christmas??
A week later you posted a photo of a baby doll from a local toy store.
@Y/n ‘my boy delivered’
Reece responded with @newhopereece ‘her name is agitha potato bibby’
@y/n ‘okay when we actually have kids please remind me to not let you name them’
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c-letkowski-not · 2 years
What’s going on ? Why deleting posts ? all of a sudden....???
This is getting really suspicious. He’s on a mission for deleting posts, comments, photos, etc...What’s going on ??!! This may be related to cleaning his image ? or what ? 
I already commented the fact that he unfollowed several accounts on Ig, only in 1 day.
Also, there are some photos that are no longer available on his Ig account. 
Today I found out that almost 90% of the posts from the “Band_von_eden “  account ( Instagram) were also deleted. But why ???!! That is the least one expected to be “erased” from the Internet. I’m sure Mr. Letkowski manages that account. But again WHY ? I’ve not seen anything inappropiate or weird. It had photos of fans, the band, behind the scenes, reposts from fans, acoustic versions, etc All related to their music.
I did search on google, and luckily I found the link of the account. For some reason Google “saves” the data, even though it is not updated with the actual numbers as of today  April 26, 2022.
Mr. Letkowski deleted 214 posts !!! 214 ! and I thought they were like 20 or 30. I was SO wrong. And also he unfollowed accounts. From 2,691 to 2,134.
-Unfollowed accounts: 556 !!
He must have been at least one hour deleting all that. Why would someone delete all those posts, unfollow all those accounts that fast ? This must have happened like 1 or 2 days ago. What are you hiding, Mr Letkowski? Apart from your granny girlfriend obviously... more p*rn ? That’s already public. More mys*gin1stic comments ? Tagging men to comment on women’s appearances ? You already did that.
Now I’m more than sure that this blog is seen by him or someone he knows. There are too many coincidences.
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This screenshot was saved on my phone weeks before the purge. Ps: it is no longer available on the band account. Why ?
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Deleted posts from his Instagram  are (@Christoph_Letkowski):
1.A video where he was standing next to a blonde woman, in the dark. I remember she had a beanie, and she was laughing. The video had no sound. 
2.A photo of a kid holding  a heart shaped potato chip, and the caption said something like “friends”, or a “new friend”.
3 A pile of boxes arranged in a way that looked like a sw*st1c4 (sorry, I cannot write down the exact word) And the caption said “These indians..” Yeap. Very...innapropiate. That one I understand why he deleted it.
4.A photo of a grey cat. He was sitting on his lap. I remember a sofa..mabe red .??
5.3 or 4 photos of a boy sitting next to the window of a train.
Those are the ones I remember. Probably, there are more deleted photos.
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I remember a post from 2010, where he shared a link from a website, I think it was a critic/review about the film Parkour. Also there were links promoting a short film, it was something with 99 films, or something like that. 
Maybe on his Facebook account there was something about his ex that he didn’t want to be seen ?
This is so fishy...
0 notes
jungkookienoona · 7 years
The Meme and His Tutor
Part 5: The Time Namjoon Gave Up
Recommended Song: Fingertip by GFRIEND
|All Chapters|
Two weeks after you agreed to be Jungkook’s friend, Namjoon has had enough of Jungkook’s abuse and leaves him in charge of teaching you. Things don’t stay on track for long.
Genre: Fluff, comedy
Pairing: Jungkook X Reader (Y/N)
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count: 3782
Length: 5/?
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It had been two weeks since you and Jungkook had become friends. It was time for his weekly lesson again, though you felt kind of bad because the during the previous week’s lesson both you and Jungkook had managed to talk over Namjoon. You weren't shocked to find Jungkook sitting alone. He grinned at you, waving with one hand while the other brushed his hood off.
"Hi Y/N!"
Reflexively, you smiled back. "Hi Kookie!"
"Namjoon-hyung not be here. He said..." Jungkook paused to pick up a piece of paper, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration, "Sorry Y/N... I won't be... a part of the lessons anymore. I think it would be best if.... Jungkook tries to teach you... so he has no... reason to abuse me. Best wishes, Namjoon."
Jungkook looked back at you, brows furrowed, teeth worrying his bottom lip.
"You did good Kookie."
He released his lip and shifted in his seat as he got comfortable. "So, what teach today?"
"Um... I was thinking you could learn foods"
You picked up a pack of flashcards from your desk and explained to him the activity. He nodded eagerly, scooting his chair closer to the laptop. You shuffled the cards to find something easy first.
You held up the first card.
You laughed at his excitement, already knowing that pizza was one of his favourite foods.
"Correct Kookie. Right, next one."
You held up another card. "
Um... potato?"
"Not quite. It’s a suede"
"Too hard!" He pouted.
You rolled your eyes.
"Okay, fine." You shuffled through the cards again, finding an easier one and holding it up.
He squinted at his laptop, lips pursed. "Mushroom?"
The activity carried on for a few more minutes with Jungkook making a few mistakes here and there. By the time it was over he was pouting like a child.
"Too hard. Noona should chose easy."
"Did you revise the list I gave you last week? Because all those foods were on there."
He looked sheepish as he diverted his attention to his lap. "No..."
You sighed; conflicted between frustration and guilt. BTS' schedule was a nightmare. The sleepy voice that greeted you most sessions evidence towards Jungkook's constant hard work. He looked deeply apologetic, regret clear in the way he couldn't meet your eye.
"Kookie, it's okay. I'm not mad."
"Yeah, I know you're busy. Tell me next time though so I can prepare."
“Yes Noona!"
"Promise! Your turn Noona. I teach."
"Are you sure you want to try teaching?"
"Namjoon-hyung not here. Have to. Want to. For my friend."
You had to hold back your urge to go 'aw' as he fiddled with his fingers and shyly raised his eyes to meet yours through the WebCam. A second stretched for what felt like a minute as you held your breath. Then, he was smiling, front teeth peaking from beneath his thin lip. You released a sigh, gaining some sense of composure while he glanced away to, you assumed, find something on his desk. He looked back at you and held up a piece of paper. It was a message from Namjoon saying that he had uploaded all the materials he had planned for you to the shared folder.
Jungkook peeked out frim behind the paper, "What it say Noona?"
"The things to help teach me are in the shared folder."
"Oh. That good. I hadn't known what do if not for that."
You opened up a browser window and navigated to the shared folder. There were two sub-folders: 'Korean lessons' and 'English Lessons'. You clicked the Korean Lessons folder and told Jungkook to do the same. A moment later, you were both staring at the same worksheet except his had the answers and yours did not.
"You write, I check."
He gave you a thumbs up and took a sip of his water as you scrolled down the sheet. Your brows furrowed while you looked through the worksheet. It was a bit more difficult than you were prepared for. The worksheet was a list of Korean words that you had to read, write the pronunciation of, identify what speech level was being used and what type of the verb ending indicated how it was said. Then you were to translate the word into English. With a deep breath you approached the first question...And failed. You snuck a look at the Skype window, covering the other half of your screen, and noticed Jungkook was watching you, chin resting on his fist, lips pressed into a firm line.
"Noona, is it hard?"
You nodded.
"Need help?"
"That would ve cheating. Ireul machibsida (Let's finish the work)"
"No need to speak formally Noona. You older, I'm younger."
You blushed, realising you had spoken to him as if he was your superior, like a CEO or doctor. Then you remembered he had taken up the role of being your tutor so it wasn't wrong for you to use the formal speech level.
"Nae neoruel seonsaeng-nim, Kookie (You're my teacher, Kookie). I can talk formally to you."
"Don't want you to."
You pouted. "Why?"
"You're my friend." He gestured to himself and then to you. "We friends."
The statement was posed a little like a question and you couldn't help but smile which seemed to reassure him.
"Okay, informal language it is."
"Joa." He said with a small smile that quickly turned devious, "Y/N-chingu~"
"Yah! Neoui naneun Noona! Naneun Noona (I am your Noona! I am Noona). Show some respect." Your tone went from scolding to playful as you spoke.
"You said in-"
He flinched slightly and stared at you with wide eyes.
You could feel the blush rising to your cheeks and cleared your throat before continuing in a lighter tone, "We need to work. Can you show me what to do?"
Jungkook relaxed into the chair.
"I do one, you do next."
You nodded to show you understood but couldn't help feeling awkward as you and Jungkook worked together to complete the worksheet in silence. You felt like it was your fault for the silence for not letting Jungkook call you 'chingu' even though you were older than him. He must've thought you didn't want him to call you friend. You stopped working and cleared your throat to get his attention.
"Jungkook-chingu gwenchanha?"
He beamed at you in return.
"Ye!" He glanced aside momentarily. "You done?"
You checked your own worksheet- a few blank spaces staring back at you but otherwise filled out confidently. "Ye."
"Shall we take a break and just chat... as friends?"
His smile grew as he nodded happily. You felt the need to reassure him that you did consider him your friend. Though you were still adjusting to the fact THE Jeon Jungkook was your tutee and friend. Never in your wildest dreams had you imagined such a thing happening. But it is happening, and you wanted nothing more than to shout it at the top of your voice or post it all over your tumblr. But you feared a law suit might be on the horizon if you were to do such a thing. It was okay though...If not better than okay. You, technically, had Jungkook to yourself. A little satisfied smirk slipped onto your lips. A call, however, from Jungkook pulled you out of your thoughts.
"Ye, Kookie?"
"You drifted off"
"Sorry I was just thinking"
He cocked his head to the side in interest.
You sighed, "A part of me wants the whole world to know you're my friend or at least let my followers in tumblr know."
"It okay Noona. I already let people know you my friend. See."
Ding! He had sent you a link to a tumblr page.
You clicked the link, fixing the glasses that had slipped down the bridge of your nose, and gasped. Did Jeon Jungkook run a tumblr blog. You stared at the url, letting it all sink in; 'GDNo1Fan97'...The same as his Skype name. Wait...What? You scrolled down the page and his icon, a selfie you actually had saved to your phone, disappeared off the screen only to reveal- No...He didn't.
He had posted screenshots of you, all varying. Some were of you blushing, you holding up flashcards, you concentrating as you focused on a task Namjoon had given you. There was even a screenshot from when he had asked you to be his friend. Underneath was a caption: ‘Noona is chingu now, chingu means friend.’ If it weren't for the hand against your lips, you would have been certain your jaw had detached itself.
"Kookie, is this...?"
You trailed off and Jungkook happily finished your sentence, "Y/n-chingu? Ye!"
You tore your gaze away from a screenshot of you, eyes crinkled and lips parted obviously in the middle of a giggle, to Jungkook who was smiling at his screen.
"Y-you post about me? On your personal tumblr?"
"You have tumblr about me. It wrong for me to post you on mine?"
"...You use same email..."
"Oh god."
"So you can say you my friend on there. And picture for proof. Oh take picture now. I pose!"
You clutched your head in your hands. Did he not understand how big of a deal this is? You checked his follower count and instantly let out a deep breath. Ok, it wasn't too bad. Only a couple thousand, notably less than the 4.98 million the BTS twitter account had.
With words failing you, Jungkook took a turn to speak, "Y/n?"
His voice was quiet, "D-did I do bad?"
Your eyes widened and you instantly sat up, "W-what? No! No, it's fine!"
"Then why look unhappy?"
"It just... what if fans react badly? Or if the media finds out?"
"Fans will be happy about tutor. Finally learn English like they want. Media won't care about tutor."
"What if they react badly to me being your friend?"
You groaned and pushed your hair out of your face.
"Are you sure it's okay? BigHit won't mind?"
"They know."
"They do?"
Jungkook ran a hand through his hair leaving it sticking up in odd directions. You wished you could reach through the screen and smooth it down.
"Ye, uh...Namjoon-hyung tell Bang PD-nim."
He made a gesture and understood that he couldn't quite find the words to express in English.
"They are okay with it?"
He looked back to you, "Ye! You tutor me, I tutor you. Fans watch me learn."
You scratched the back if your neck, a habit you had picked up for watching him do it so often.
"I can't believe I can let people know."
"I pose now?"
You let out an amused huff.
"Sure Kookie, you can pose."
He immediately cupped his own face with his hands and smiled cutely. You captured the screenshot and giggled as he switched poses for you, raising a peace sign to frame his left eye. You took another as your laughing spurred him on to pose some more. You took a few more screenshots, knowing that you wouldn't upload them all. It wouldn't hurt to be a tad selfish.
"Noona! Upload them!"
"What should I say?"
He appeared to think for a minute.
"Aha! Now tutor and friend of daebak Golden Maknae Jeon Jeonggukie! #blessed"
You couldn't help but burst out laughing.
"I'm not putting that!"
He relaxed into his chair as he joined you in laughter. Your lips twisted into a pout in though. Ah!
"Okay, got it."
You sat forward, flexing your fingers and opened a new photo post, adding two screenshots. You typed up a caption and tags, all the while smirking to yourself, and hit post.
"What you say?"
"Have a look."
The caption you wrote read: 'Meet my new Korean tutor, the meme himself'. You had even tagged it: 'he's such a little shit, how does his hyungs deal with him' followed by all the necessary tags. You watched his reaction as he read out what you had written, his face scrunched in concentration.
He then looked at you, "How am I a 'little shit'?"
You felt your jaw drop at his correct grammar.
"Uh..." You stuttered, face flushed with embarrassment.
He was grinning. You were right. Little shit.
"Uh, you posted screenshots of me- bad screenshots!"
His brows furrowed, "Bad?"
"Ye, ugly."
He gasped.  
"Noona not ugly!"
Could your face get any redder? "I'm talking in some. I look like an idiot!"
"Which ones?"
"You posted the screenshot from the first skype call. The one when I'm in a panda onesie!"
"Noona not ugly there. Noona cute. It stays."
You groaned in frustration then heard the familiar notification sound from your phone and checked it. Someone had sent you an ask. 'Is that really Jungkook?' You attempted to suppress a grin. Jungkook took notice and asked what's the matter.
"People are asking about you; if I'm really your friend."
"Y/n-chingu! Say yes!"
"Okay, okay." You muttered, typing out a reply when another notification sounded.
This message was not so kindly phrased: 'If you're going to lie at least make it believable. Do you really expect people to think you're telling the truth? Bitch.' You frowned and Jungkook leant forward in his seat.
"What's wrong?"
"I just got called a lying bitch."
"You put screenshots yes?"
"Ye. But they probably think its photoshopped"
Jungkook mirrored your frown, "Link them to mine."
"They'll probably think its fake."
Jungkook shifted so he was sitting up straight and tried to stare you down through the WebCam, his voice taking on a commanding edge, "Do it Noona."
You nodded and edited the post to link back to Jungkook's own blog. Not a moment later another notification dinged. You opened it hesitantly, not in the mood to subject yourself to more accusations which would only dampen your mood. 'Is it true Jungkook is tutoring you Korean? And is that really his blog? I've done research and it says he doesn't have any personal social media...' You looked back at Jungkook who was waiting with a raised eyebrow.
"They want proof it’s your blog."
Jungkook appeared to think before speaking, "Wait there Noona. I'll be back."
You nodded, once again surprised by his grammar. He quickly got up out of his seat, phone in hand. He must’ve muted his audio because you could see him recording himself on his phone but couldn't hear him. When he was finished, he took a second or two to do something on his phone. He came back to you with a satisfied grin.
"Look now."
You refreshed the page and saw that he had not only reblogged your post but had attached a video. Excitement combined with something like nervousness bubbled away in your stomach. This was it. This would make people believe you. You pressed play.
"Annyeonghaseyo~! Jungkook-imnida! I have tumblr but had to keep shhh about it. I have tutor now. She a nice Noona hajiman... nan Y/N-i hangukeoreul gareuchyeoyo (but... I teach Y/N Korean). Namjoon-hyung did but no more. I hurt him lots so now he won't." He didn't even look guilty about that. "Noona no liar. This is real Nochu. Jeon Sigul. Annyeong!"
You couldn't help but burst into laughter at the cute little growl he did before waving goodbye. You reblogged the post again captioning it 'I'm no liar.' And minimised the window, turning back to Jungkook.
"You like video? They call Jungkook's Noona a bitch again..." He trailed off, shaking his head.
He paused when he met your eye. You were frozen. He'd used a possessive noun and whether accidental or intentional you were finding it difficult to breathe. Though you had referred to yourself as 'Jungkook's Noona' when talking to your friends, it was a completely different experience to hear him call you that. You were sat in a daze, replaying what he had said in your head over and over.
"Noona? Earth to Noona."
You shook your head to bring yourself back to the conversation.
"Sorry, you referred to yourself in the third person. It was cute." You muttered the last part more to yourself but it didn't mean he didn't hear it.
"Cute, huh?"
Your hands came to your face involuntarily, masking the blush rising to your cheeks.
"Stop~" You couldn't help but whine at the smirk he had plastered. God, he was smug. "I didn't mean it like that!"
His face fell. "You don't think I'm cute?"
"There's just no winning with you is there?" You said as you rubbed your hands over your face.
Jungkook pouted, "You don't think I'm cute."
"Such a child," you saw him frown, "Your grammar has improved a lot though. It'll improve if you try and find the time to revise."
You offered him a small encouraging smile. He nodded, tongue-in-cheek as he noticed you changing subject matter. Gratefully, he went along.
"I'll try find time."
You hummed in agreement, "Have you been practising?"
"Ye, at night with hyung."
"It's working. Keep it up."
You offered him a thumbs up which made him chuckle slightly.
"Want to talk to Noona better. So I'll practice more."
It was your turn to chuckle.
"You’re meant to be learning to communicate better with international fans."
"You are international fan."
"I can't get special treatment."
"Too late to say that. You're my friend now. Chingu~"
"Lord save me. What have I gotten myself into?"
His laugh was cut off by a yawn, accompanied by a stretch. You diverted your eyes at the sight of his t-shirt creeping up his abdomen as he leant backwards and tried not to blush. Instead, you checked the time and noticed it was nearing eleven o'clock. A cut-off point had never been arranged, but it was starting to seem as though two hours was enough. And you were starting to get a bit peckish having forgotten to grab a snack before you sat down.
"I think its bed time for you Kookie."
"But want to talk more."
"It’s late."
"How about I give you my Kakao ID?"  
He clapped then pointed dramatically which turned into a thumbs up, "Daebak!"
You typed your ID and sent the message. Jungkook laughed when he read it.
"My name. Your ID has my name."
"Ohmygod." You sighed and rubbed at your eyes beneath your glasses just so you wouldn't have to look at his cocky grin. "It's the same as my tumblr."
Jungkook leant his elbows on the desk and propped his chin on a fist.
"You like me." He stated.
"You're my bias. Of course I like you."
What you wanted to do was scream, but settled for a soft smile that wasn't at all hiding your embarrassment.
"I see posters. They me too. Noona really like me."
Your hands flew up to your face to try and hide the blush that formed. You turned to look behind you and noticed the A2 landscape poster you had of him smirking that was directly behind you. Oh god. That's been there each and every time. And he was only just teasing you about it then, in that moment.
"You’re my ultimate bias."
He gasped, hands mimicking your actions. "Really?"
"You're mocking me." You said, folding your arms.
You would say you were attempting to appear standoffish, not embarrassed at all, but really you were resisting the urge to claw your eyes out. Thank god a lot of your other merch was just out of frame.
"You like my smirk Noona?"
"Oh my god Kookie, go to bed."
As if on queue he yawned loudly but somehow still managed to look adorable. What the fuck? He ruffled his hair and yawned again.
"Go to sleep Kookie. You have my Kakao now, we can talk tomorrow if you want."
He nodded sleepily, "Goodnight Noona. Don't worry about what people say."
"Okay Kookie. Goodnight."
He gave you a little wave which you mirrored then watched as he disconnected the call. You turned your attention to your phone, the amount of notifications was ridiculous. You scrolled through your tumblr messages as you went to find something to eat. The sheer amount of hate was, frankly, disgusting. People asking who you were, what made you special, what you had possibly done to make him consider being your friend. You were hurt. There were, however, curious questions put politely which somewhat managed to put a smile on your face. Your follower count had spiked too, so not all bad news.
You decided to follow Jungkook's blog. If he was going to post about you, you wanted to see it. Not long after you had pressed the follow button Jungkook uploaded a selca of himself pouting and covered up to his chin by a duvet. It was captioned 'Noona made me go to bed.' You reblogged with your own caption of 'SLEEP CHILD' He responded almost immediately, 'YES Y/N-CHINGU'. You chuckled to yourself and backed out of the post to scroll through his blog. Besides the screenshots of your Skype calls, he had also uploaded little summaries of your lessons; nothing too descriptive, just brief and to the point in a mix of korean and English. His effort was clear, he'd been keeping up a diary of sorts to track his progress. Cute.
You found the post that must have been from after the first videochat. It was nearly all in Korean, you could only understand bits and pieces. From what you could understand you could tell he had been excited at the time, so excited he had rushed into calling you and forgot to contact you before hand because of that. You laughed to yourself when you continued to scroll and saw memes and G-Dragon. It was typical Jungkook. Even further down were some clips and compilation vids of overwatch youtubers. You couldn't believe Jungkook had a tumblr and it was just so...him. It made you think about how you could know that, how even before you two began skyping you could have guessed the contents of his blog. Was that weird? And what did that make yours? Was it accurate? Did it hit the nail on the head or did he think of you as weird? You felt embarrassment flood you which was made worse when you remembered that one smut you had written about him. But there was no way he would looked that far back on your blog, right? And even if he did he probably didn’t know enough English to understand it. You covered your face with your hands and groaned, you'd probably end up thinking about it all day.
Jeon Jungkook had found your Jungkook blog.
Story co-written with @tragicshadows
181 notes · View notes
buckleysims · 7 years
Prom & Hospital Replies
Replies to my most recent comments. I’m going to write a Pixel Rust update now, but if I have time once I finish and post that then I will try to do some more. But in case I don’t get around to it, I just want to say thank you to everyone who has commented on (and liked!) my stuff, and I apologize for not being more consistent about responding. Your feedback means the world to me, and I sincerely feel so blessed by your support. <3
@belasims​ @plumb-barb​ @willky12​ @mspoodle1​ @ice-creamforbreakfast​ @goatkibble​ @gaiahypothesims​ @msmidnightblonde​ @soloriya​ @ninjaofthepurplethings​ @bubble-sims​ @doka-chan​ @simmingwiththetide​ @sims3hasstoppedworking​ @hyperkaos​ @desiree-uk​ @theothersim​ @heysimbutt​ @sims3medieval​
belasims replied to your photoset “Madeleine’s prom night, complete with awkward smiles and ugly...”
Awww, so cute! Maddie is adorable!
Thank you! :D Also, I know I owe you a message, and it’s incoming shortly. I’ve just been trying to decide the best fit. Because I was (and am!) so excited, and I don’t want to waste this opportunity. <333
belasims replied to your photoset “I think I’m finally getting the hang of it!” Madeleine exclaims,...”
Tremors?? Oh no...with all the sweet baby things I blissfully forgot about Kit and Claudia's evil plan :O
Hehe! >:)
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plumb-barb replied to your photoset “Madeleine’s prom night, complete with awkward smiles and ugly...”
omg so cuuteeee waaahhhh ;----;
Nuuuu, you are so cute. Thank you!
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willky12 replied to your photoset “Madeleine’s prom night, complete with awkward smiles and ugly...”
Maddie is always gorgeous, I'm sorry I can't say the same about Kit haha! ;)
Haha, no worries! I have ALWAYS hated his face, but people keep talking me out of changing it. XD Thank you so much about Maddie, though. ♥
willky12 replied to your photoset “I finished retexturing the Midnight Hollow hospital rabbit hole this...”
The windows are the most obvious difference but the brick work also makes it look more tidy for sure, good work!
I’m so glad you think so! Tidier is exactly what I was going for, but I’m not very sure of myself (especially when it comes to anything texture related) so I really appreciate your feedback. :)
willky12 replied to your photoset “I think I’m finally getting the hang of it!” Madeleine exclaims,...”
Two words, blood and work! I'm worried already :'( I had to also have a laugh at West, not like he's never seen them before hehe!
I swear, you must be one of my most perceptive readers! You always pick up on the little things that I try to add without anyone noticing, haha! But I do appreciate how much attention you pay. Even when I make mistakes or am trying to be sneaky. XD <333
mspoodle1 replied to your photoset “Madeleine’s prom night, complete with awkward smiles and ugly...”
Nah girl! They look awesome!
:D :D :D Thank you! *happy dances*
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mspoodle1 replied to your photoset “I finished retexturing the Midnight Hollow hospital rabbit hole this...”
Cool! ♥
Thank you again! You are such a great modder, not to mention terrific sims architect, that I can’t stop smiling right now thinking that you like my dumb rabbit hole retexture, lol. ♥
ice-creamforbreakfast replied to your photoset “Madeleine’s prom night, complete with awkward smiles and ugly...”
D'aaaww Madeleine looks adorable! I don't think Kit looks bad, but I'm so guilty of tweaking my sims haha!
Thanks, Alexandra! :D I am guilty of it too, haha. I try not to do it as much with my story sims, but I have tweaked all of them at some point. It’s just so hard to resist, especially when I look at them and see potato faces (i.e. Kit, haha).
goatkibble replied to your photoset “I think I’m finally getting the hang of it!” Madeleine exclaims,...”
And give the poor nurse a break guys, the lady is just doing her job and West IS both tall, dark and sinister as well as there out of hours, lurking around a new mother's room bahahahaha.
Yeah, I agree with you about the nurse. She didn’t have to be so grumpy about it, but at the same time I’m sure she knows what Maddie’s husband looks like and realizes that Westley is not him. And he IS a criminal after all. XD
goatkibble replied to your photoset “I think I’m finally getting the hang of it!” Madeleine exclaims,...”
Breastfeeding is a beautiful & natural act but unfortunately there are some people who have sexualised boobs so much that's all they think of when they see breasts instead of what they were intended for. And since you had no idea who may walk past and see this while someone is reading it at work or whatever the safest action was to tag is not safe for work just in case :3
Thank you. I sincerely appreciate it, gk. I know we discussed it earlier, but the idea that I might get someone in trouble (at work or school or wherever) is what really tipped the scales for me. Because even though I completely agree with you about breastfeeding, I'd just rather be on the safe side.
goatkibble replied to your photoset “I finished retexturing the Midnight Hollow hospital rabbit hole this...”
It looks great. Like everything you create :)
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goatkibble replied to your photoset “Madeleine’s prom night, complete with awkward smiles and ugly...”
NO TWEAKING! Stay consistent with your main sims :P
*grumbles and glares at you* :P
gaiahypothesims replied to your photoset “Madeleine’s prom night, complete with awkward smiles and ugly...”
No tweaking!!! I agree! Leave them alone!
Hahaha, but it’s so hard! I will try to resist, however. For now. XD Thank you (and goatkibble) for talking some sense into me. ♥
msmidnightblonde replied to your photoset “Madeleine’s prom night, complete with awkward smiles and ugly...”
she's so cute!!
Thanks so much! :D
msmidnightblonde replied to your photoset “I finished retexturing the Midnight Hollow hospital rabbit hole this...”
hey, subtle can make a big difference. It looks great.
You are too nice to me. ;-; Thank you. It means a lot to me that you like it. ♥
msmidnightblonde replied to your photoset “I think I’m finally getting the hang of it!” Madeleine exclaims,...”
breastfeeding is breastfeeding. If people are offended that's their problem. :) But I know what you mean. Also, that little nurse seemed so nice and now I'm not so sure. hah
Haha, yeah, I intended for the nurse to come across nice but protective? If that makes sense. XD And grumpy too, ahahaha. Thanks for commenting! :)
soloriya replied to your photoset “Madeleine’s prom night, complete with awkward smiles and ugly...”
sooo sweet! ♥
Aw, yay! :D I’m glad you think so, thank you!
ninjaofthepurplethings replied to your photoset “Madeleine’s prom night, complete with awkward smiles and ugly...”
Awwwww teen Maddie is soooo cute! XD
It took some tweaking to get her to look decent as a teenager, but I’m really happy that you think she’s cute. Thank you! ♥
bubble-sims replied to your photoset “Madeleine’s prom night, complete with awkward smiles and ugly...”
what an adorable princess
She is definitely a spoiled princess, especially at that age (as a teenager), but I’m flattered that you find her adorable. Thank you! :)
doka-chan replied to your photoset “Madeleine’s prom night, complete with awkward smiles and ugly...”
She is always so pretty and cute. :D
<333 That’s so sweet of you to say! Thank you very much!
simmingwiththetide replied to your photoset “I finished retexturing the Midnight Hollow hospital rabbit hole this...”
i love it ♡
Wow, I’m totally flattered. :) I adore your screenshots and I’m always admiring the detail in them (especially your landscapes and decorating pictures), so your feedback on this really means a lot to me. Thank you so much!
sims3hasstoppedworking replied to your photoset “I finished retexturing the Midnight Hollow hospital rabbit hole this...”
I'm in my phone so I can't see every small detail but I like windows and brick (at least I think it's brick haha) texture in your version!
You have a good eye! It is brick. :D And thank you! I really appreciate it. I am a perfectionist and never entirely happy with my creations, so hearing positive feedback never fails to make my day. ♥
sims3hasstoppedworking replied to your photoset “I think I’m finally getting the hang of it!” Madeleine exclaims,...”
I can't with West being all shy
Haha! Yeah, he is being unnecessarily bashful and awkward in that scene. XD However, my thoughts behind using that pose for him was that West would want to try to be respectful and not interfere, but of course him hiding his eyes was a teeny bit melodramatic. :P
hyperkaos replied to your photoset “I finished retexturing the Midnight Hollow hospital rabbit hole this...”
I like the uniformity of yours better. It looks like all the shades are pulled down. It brightens it up some. :)
*happy dances* Yes, I thought so too, but I wasn’t sure if it was too uniform. So YAY! I’m super excited that you noticed AND liked that aspect of it. Thank you!
hyperkaos replied to your photoset “I think I’m finally getting the hang of it!” Madeleine exclaims,...”
MPO is breastfeeding is a natural thing, no nsfw needed. That second pic is priceless. lol
I absolutely agree with you about breastfeeding being a natural thing, but I decided I’d rather be safe about it than risk it. I’m a wimp, lol. But anyway, yesssss, the second picture is one of my all time favorites. :D Westley is awkward sometimes, lol!
desiree-uk replied to your photoset “I finished retexturing the Midnight Hollow hospital rabbit hole this...”
Very nice :)+
Thanks so much! I’ve really been enjoying seeing your progress in Omara, by the way. :) You’re a fantastic sims builder! I’m jealous. ♥
theothersim replied to your photoset “I think I’m finally getting the hang of it!” Madeleine exclaims,...”
new mommy ;-;
theothersim replied to your photoset “I think I’m finally getting the hang of it!” Madeleine exclaims,...”
also this is so cute
*ugly cries* Thank you so much! I wish I had your skill with screenshots and storytelling, but I am so flattered that you think this is cute. I just... no words. ;-;
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theothersim replied to your photoset “I think I’m finally getting the hang of it!” Madeleine exclaims,...”
theothersim replied to your photoset “I think I’m finally getting the hang of it!” Madeleine exclaims,...”
theothersim replied to your photoset “I think I’m finally getting the hang of it!” Madeleine exclaims,...”
LOL! The nurse is definitely being extraordinarily judgmental in this scene, but in all fairness it’s late at night, well after visiting hours are over, and Westley is hanging around a new mother’s hospital room. The woman is wrong about what’s going on in this case, but I don’t think it’s unreasonable that she’d jump to conclusions here. Anyway, thank you for reading and commenting! <333
theothersim replied to your photoset “Carmen’s housewarming party proceeds in the most predictable fashion....”
;-; for Genia but also OH WELL THO
This comment sums up my own feelings about Eugenia and her relationship with Westley pretty damn perfectly. I couldn’t agree more! :D
heysimbutt replied to your photoset “I think I’m finally getting the hang of it!” Madeleine exclaims,...”
the tag is intended for people scrolling through tumblr in publci or at work, so I say it's fine to have it. not that there's anything wrong with breast feeding, but it would be difficult to explain your way out of that situation if a coworker happens to look over your shoulder lol
Thank you! That was precisely my concern about not tagging it. People at work or school. I know it probably doesn’t need it, but I hated the idea of getting someone in trouble. Anyway, I’m glad you agree with my decision, and thanks for reading! <3
sims3medieval replied to your photoset “I think I’m finally getting the hang of it!” Madeleine exclaims,...”
Oh West! What are you up to now?! I think she is doing wonderfully as well!
Hehe, you’ll see soon about West. :D And thank you very much regarding Maddie!
35 notes · View notes
fearofaherobrine · 7 years
Roleplay Server Log #183
“Offender Encounter and Valentine's Day Shopping”
-Time skip of a few days-
[Yaunfen] Is trying to get Doc to play as xe is harvesting the garden-
[Doc] Keeps pausing to play with them. Then shakes a potato at them in mock annoyance - I'm never gonna get this done at this rate.
[Yaunfen] Jumps up to bite the potato-
[Doc] Lets hir hand fall with the potato and the dragons snout clamped around the end. - Do you really want that?
[Yaunfen] Makes a face and spits it out-
[Doc] I didn't think so. How about this instead? - Xe offers one of the candycane cat tails-
[Yaunfen] Chirps in curiousity-
[Doc] You are way too cute. Have a taste, it's okay.
[Yaunfen] Starts gumming the candy plant-
[Doc] There you go. - Xe kneels down to hug hir baby-
[Yaunfen] Trills-
[Deer] Comes outside- Love, is everything okay?  You're taking some time...
[Doc] Ah! You caught me slacking! Darn it. Too busy playing with our baby to concentrate.
[Deer] Giggles- Perhaps I can help.  Come here Yaunfen
[Yaunfen] Runs over to Deer-
[Doc] Is watching with the most peaceful gaze, xe's so happy and seeing them both smiling warms all of hir hearts.
[CP] Lands on an outcropping on the side of the castle- OI!
[Doc] Looks up from the grass. -Hey Cp! It's a lovely day for a bit of flying huh?
[CP] - Actually, I'm heading out, do you wanna give a try at entering the real world or not
[Doc] Well yes. I need to know at some point. Do you think I'm ready to do that on my own?
[CP] - We'll find out, do you want to go to where ever your....  Friend, is?
[Doc] Maybe? But if you need to go out for something, won't that be far from your destination?
[CP] - I can just teleport us to the destination
[Doc] Ah. The beach is the usual spot, will that work? Then I won't be bugging them when we don't have time to visit.
[CP] - Is there an electronic on the beach?  Because that's kinda necessary
[Doc] I can arrange for something if you give me a minute. - pulls out hir phone-
[CP] Rolls his eyes-
[Yaunfen] Is running around trying to get a better look at CP-
[Doc] Is un unplugged Tv good enough?
[CP] - Yeah...
[Doc] Dawn says we can have it. She never watches it anyway. She'll have Mort haul it to the beach, give him like ten minutes to do it. Okay?
[CP] - Whatever
[Doc] Why the sudden itch to go out?
[CP] - There's a few things I need to get
[Doc] Really? Are we going... shopping? That's right, isn't it?
[CP] - Well...  Yes...
[Doc] Is American currency okay? I've got a paypal card....
[CP] - Yeah, it will
[Doc] Looks at Deerheart - someday my love... I'm sorry to jet off. I'll hurry back.
[Deer] - Don't worry, I'll have Yaunfen to keep me company
[Doc] And all our other cute critters. You should have seen the cuddle pile I woke up too, flopped Galvantula with Exeggcutes all snuggled on them.
[Deer] Laughs a little- And you took no screenshots?
[Doc] I was saving them for the dinner table. So everyone could see - passes her a picture-
[Deer] Laughs again-
[CP] Comes down- Are they ready yet?
[Doc] Holds up the carrot - Yeeeeee..... yes. Ready now.
[CP] Creates an opening to the digital realm- I'll help you find the screen
[Doc] Kisses hir mate and baby before following him out-
[CP] Closes the opening and concentrates before taking a determined stride towards the screen-
-The beach is as they remembered it, bright and sunny. Mort is sitting a few yards away with a fishing pole and waves cheerfully-
[Mort] Hey Cp!
[CP] Scowls before turning back towards the screen which he had closed behind him to watch and see if Doc can make it through-
-Behind Cp a rather large CRT tv is sitting with it's back against the base of a tree and the cord trailing off into some weeds.
[Mort] Nice trick-
[Doc] Is trying to make a hole but having some difficulty keeping it open.
[CP] - Well?  Are you coming?
[Doc] Jams up against the resistance and pushes with all hir might.
[CP] - Come on you fucker
[Doc] Takes a few steps back and huffs before running at the ragged slashes that are already closing. There's an unpleasant sound of space time ripping between the two realms and the doctor shoots out of the screen as a full sized dragon and barrels into Cp, sending them both skidding down the sand and into the cold shallows.
[Doc] Spitting water and sand Xe's soaked and coughing from the salt-
[Doc] Wiggles around and gets up on the beach before changing back- I did it!
[CP] - Yeah...  But turning into a dragon to get out generally won't work asshole!
[Doc] I just used my head, that's all. Ha.
[CP] Is not amused-
[Doc] Sorry I got you wet.
[CP] Erupts into a cloud of steam and is dry within a minute or so-
[Mort] Also a handy trick...
[CP] - Change your clothes fucker, you'll stand out and we don't want that
[Doc] Aw.... dammit. - Xe morosely takes off hir coat and gloves and puts them away. Underneath hir tank top is black and tight and xe has a little bit of cleavage showing from a pair of small boobs.
[Mort] Doc..?
[Doc] What?
[Mort] Uh.. nothing.
[CP] - You ready?
[Doc] Yeah... - pouts a bit
[CP] Puts a hand on hir shoulder and teleports them to behind a large shopping center, he's donned his usual sunglasses and jacket-
[Doc] Turns down hir glitch so the faint glow of hir eyes isn't visible in the sunshine.
[CP] - Come on- CP leads them around to the front of the store and inside
[Doc] There's an instant change of mood as the digital entity is overwhelmed by the fully 3-d colors and textures of everything around hir. Xe stumbles a little from the assault of unfamiliar smells and sounds-
[CP] Glances back at them- You okay?
[Doc] Holds the tail of his jacket to steady hirself- Just a little dizzy from everything...
[CP] - Grab a cart and lean against it
[Doc] Does so and walks along slowly beside him.
[CP] - What I need is in hardware, so feel free to wander
[Doc] Look at all the little toys! I smell catnip.
[CP] - No
[Doc] But I could get something for Grinny- Is picking up mouse toys and rattle balls. - And a big rawhide bone for Smiledog!
[CP] Groans-
[Doc] Shakes a soft spring happily. - LH would love this. I've never seen anything shaped like this before. Oh, they're cheap too.  I can get lots!
[CP] - Whatever...  You done looking here?  Or should I expect you to get stuff for all the pokemon to?
[Doc] I'm not sure what I could get for them... better to do that in one of their games probably. Good thinking though.
[CP] -  Come on, we also need to stop by the food section.  I did tell you I'd get you a pepper if you made it out on your own
[Doc] Are we hurrying? There's so much here. - Is drawn to a very pink and gaudy display - what's... Valentines Day?
[CP] Stiffens- It's nothing...
[Doc] It sure looks like something. So many hearts.... and they look like our kind, not the complex ones with the valves and such.
[CP] - It's a holiday that some humans celebrate
[Doc] Is it health-related?
[CP] - No
[Doc] Starts reading the cards- My dearest.... Lover, beloved.... best girlfriend ever.. oh! It's all so sweet!
[CP] Makes a gagging expression-
[Doc] Meanie. - Xe's poking around on the stuffed animals and gets to the chocolate boxes - What's in... chocolates? With fruit and stuff in them?
[CP] - Are you done yet?
[Doc] No. I'm gonna get a big one and make lots for everyone from it! This looks neat!
[CP] - It's sickening
[Doc] I think you just don't know anything about it at all and that's why you won't tell me.
[CP] - Once, I've participated in it once
[Doc] Sure you have...
[CP] - It's when I gave Lie Rosebud
[Doc] AWWWW, so you give people pink things on a special day?
[CP] - No!  It's basically a holiday to show your significant other how much you care about them
[Doc] Is quiet for a moment, and then -I love it! I'm gonna tell everyone. What a great idea!
[CP] - How about no
[Doc] Puts the huge box firmly in the cart and starts walking away- Coming Cp?
[CP] Groans but follows-
[Doc] Pulls up a partially clear object from a stand near some clothes and fusses with it. There's a hook on one end like a cane and the plastic has white scallops at the top, the while thing is wrinkled in long pleats- What IS this?
[Doc] hits a button and jumps as the object whooshes open - Ah!
[CP] - That's an umbrella idiot
[Doc] Is looking at the top, it has a cute smiling cloud at the apex of the dome and the rest is clear or white. - what's it for? It's adorable.
[CP] - To protect humans from the rain
[Doc] Puts it in the cart as well - I'll give it to Deerheart. She'll appreciate both the cuteness and the irony.
[CP] - Doc...  You have to close it
[Doc] Show me?
[CP] Sighs and reaches down, pressing in on the latch at the top and sliding the bit of plastic back towards the handle- There
[Doc] Tidy. I like it! - Xe looks a little farther afield- Must be baby stuff over there, everything is pastel.
[CP] - Could probably use some locks to keep baby dragons out of stuff
[Doc] Then lead on-
[CP] - Must I?
[Doc] You know what you want. Keep an eye out for some antiacids. I'm not sure where that would be.
[CP] - With the other medicines
[Doc] Shrugs helplessly-
[CP] Points in the direction of the medicines- I'll meet you over there
[Doc] Goes wandering a bit sullenly. Xe's still slightly afraid of Cp ditching hir again. Xe cuts through the toys and stops to stare at all the teeny Lego things before gravitating inexoribly to a mostly black display. A pack of cards is put in the basket and the Doctor moves on.
[CP] Is quick to grab some baby proof locks before looking for Doc-
[Doc] Finds the mirrors and freezes in front of a large one. Xe can't take hir eyes off hir reflection, there's just too much. And xe can feel the edges of a panic attack trying to begin.
[CP] Spots them and silently walks closer- This isn't the medicine aisle
[Doc] Mumbles - Mirror... for Splender... just a little one...
[CP] Pushes Doc away from the large one- Then you don't need this one
[Doc] Shivers- Thank you...
[CP] Grabs a small one and pushes them completely out of the aisle-
[Doc] I smell something....- Xe comes around and turns toward the garden supplies-
[CP] - Yes, garden supplies
[Doc] No...it's not just dirt. - Xe heads for a small display of plants and runs hir hands across them before taking a huge sniff. - It's this... I want this- the plant has tiny purple flowers and the smell of lavender coming off of it is nearly overwhelming.
[CP] - Really?  Lavender?
[Doc] It makes me feel... calmer somehow... Doesn't it smell good to you? You like your wife's flowers at least. I could make another and you could give it to Lie.
[CP] - It's one of the flowers she based her calming off of
[Doc] But stronger smelling... the whole plant smells, not just the flower.
[CP] - Get it if you want
[Doc] I intend too. Did you find what you were looking for?
[CP] - Not yet, but it should be in the next section over- He grabs the front of the cart and starts dragging it along
[Doc] Just puts hir feet up on the rungs and lets the cart go with Cp.
[CP] Enters the hardware section and browses the selection.  There are several things he could buy to tease Lie with, but he's looking for one thing in particular.  He smirks as he spots the small padlocks at the end of the aisle and he grabs a couple of them- Alright, that's all I need
[Doc] Is looking at a scrap of paper - where's the baking aisle?
[CP] - With the rest of the food on the other side of the store
[Doc] Wanders over to a display of garden tools - at least most of this stuff I recognize...
[CP] - Yes it's it's mostly stuff we don't need
[Doc] I didn't say I wanted it, just that I knew what it was. This may be old hat to you, but quite a bit of it is new to me.
[CP] - You do realize that Lie could probably make any of this for you, for free, right?
[Doc] What? You mean the tools?
[Doc] Don't get so mad, I'm just getting the one. Why do you care anyway? It's my money.
[CP] - Because it's more time being spent here
[Doc] Then let's get the medicine and the food and leave.
[CP] - Good- Starts turning away to head towards the other side of the store
[Doc] Just follows, quietly gawking
[CP] Walks past the body products aisle-
[Doc] Sniffs- more smelly stuff...
[CP] - For baths and such
[Doc] Nothing we need then, I deliberately keep soaps and detergents off the server. Nobody really needs them and they pollute the water and dirt.
[CP] - Even if it can make your mate and the room smell better?
[CP] Is seriously considering buying a crap ton of them just to piss Doc off-
[Doc] That would be stupid Cp. Deerheart always smells nice. I don't think she's even capable of sweating. And if I want the room to smell good I'll just pot some of Lie's oily flowers that she made for Sweet Alex. This stuff is gross and unessesary.
[CP] - Yeah but there are scents in there that we don't have in game
[Doc] Don't care. - Xe gives Cp a steady look- If I said I wanted to poison your mate for the sake of something smelling better you'd tear my head off. Let it go.
[CP] - But it wouldn't be poisoning!  You could literally just open the bottle and never actually use it
[Doc] No. And I really don't want any of this nasty plastic packaging either. I'm going to have to gather it up and figure out a way to destroy it later.
[CP] Rolls his eyes- Whatever, let's get what we need
[Doc] Quietly- You live there too you know....
[CP] - Uh, I have an entire other server to retreat to
[Doc] I don't feel like arguing with you about where your true home is. But I think Lie would say it's where her friends are. And your home is where she is.
[CP] Grumbles a little-
[Doc] Finds a display of stomach remedies and picks out a jar of antacids. - Let's get the food and go. I need a box of rennet. It should be with the yeast and flour and junk.
[CP] - Rennet?
[Doc] It's for making cheese. Some kind of enzyme. I think TLOT could do some magick with it.
[CP] - Oh joy- They reach the food and CP is looking at the signs just above to see what's on each aisle
[Doc] Spots the sugar and cake mixes and scoots ahead. Xe runs a finger along the shelf and snatches the tiny box. And a carton of salt.  - Perfect. You said something about peppers?
[CP] - Yeah, so you can learn what spicyness is
[Doc] Okay? - Xe follows him-
[CP] Walks into the produce section and starts looking for a small container of peppers.  He grins when he finds it, it has warning on it, but he hides those with his hands- Here we go, ghost peppers.  They're not the spiciest so you should be okay
[Doc] Well I'm not going to eat them now. I want to wheel click everything first so it's not lost. And grab one of those orange things too. It looks interesting.
[CP] - You mean an orange?
[Doc] Yeah. That's why I said one of those orange things. I swear Cp...
[CP] - No, that thing is literally called an orange
[Doc] Decides to just let that go as well. - Are we done?
[CP] - Well unless you want to look around and see if there's anything else you want...  There's a bakery over there
[Doc] I'll look at whatever you want to show me.
[CP] - Then go that way
[Doc] Just pushes the cart along, looking at things and people, there's only a few other shoppers right now since it's still a bit early in the day.
[CP] Notices some cream horns and scowls-
[Doc] Cheese...cake? It looks like pudding.
[CP] It's a cream cheese filling...  It can be a multitude of flavors
[Doc] Is it good?
[CP] - Depends on the flavor and if you like rich flavors
[Doc] Eh, This one has chocolate and yellow parts, I'll give it a shot. - Takes a small one with a mix of slices.
[CP] Sneaks a strawberry one into the cart as well for Lie-
[Doc] Notices- Those little red things look interesting. Good eye Cp. And it's pink! So you can give it to Lie for Valentines day.
[CP] - No, I'll think of something else,...
[Doc] Oooh. - Grins knowingly- Is there anything else?
[CP] - What do you mean?
[Doc] Anything naughty to purchase?
[CP] - Not here there's not...  Except probably lube
[Doc] We'd have to go to that black place in the mall again. They had some really fun things... Deerheart reaaaallllly liked what I bought her.
[CP] Do you really want to go to a sex store?
[Doc] Why? I thought you were in a hurry? I mean, I can put the cold stuff in my inventory and it'll keep just fine.
[CP] - Because I don't feel like making a second trip
[Doc] Shrugs- Okay. I think I have almost enough slots. If you carry three or four things we should be good
[CP] - We could put things in an end chest
[Doc] It's not nessesary.
[CP] - Fine, are we done here then?
[Doc] Yep. I'll go through the line if you're ready.
[CP] - Go ahead, I'll look up where the closest sex store is
[Doc] Resists smiling at the clerk with hir teeth showing as to not freak them out. They're also trying to disguise their fascination with the little belt that's moving the things along up to the register.
[CP] Quickly finds a store and then waits to grab the stuff as the cashier puts it down-
[Clerk] Paper or plastic or reusable bags?
[Doc] Makes a pained face - Um... none. just put them back in the cart.
[Clerk] Stares - uh..
[Doc] Left my resusables out in the car!
[Clerk] Okay....
[CP] - Told ya you were forgetting something
[Doc] Grumbles - I always forget things when you rush me, dear.
[CP] - Don't call me that, you know my wife hates it when you do that
[Doc] Smirks- I guess she should continue to not know about it then, darling.
[Clerk] Is moving faster just in case-
[CP] Looks ready to throttle Doc-
[Doc] Fusses with the machine a little bit and sucessfully gets through the menus with only one mistake-
[Clerk] Hands hir the recipt and the cash xe accidently requested. It's a ten dollar bill-
[Doc] Thanks.
[CP] Starts pushing the cart out of the store-
[Doc] No hard feelings okay? Just having a bit of fun. I am kind of a hot chick today. - struts a bit.
[CP] - Shut up, let's get this stuff in our inventory and then I'll get us to the other store
[Doc] Glances around and loads up the stuff discretely so no one notices.
[CP] Does the same before putting his hand on Doc's shoulder before teleporting them into an alley near the next store-  Alright, it's in the middle of this shopping center
[Doc] I'm all excited now. Lead the way.
[CP] Leads them into a discreet looking store amidst a few specialty shops, it is however the biggest shop in the grouping-
[Doc] Ooohhhh. So what are you going to get her? Some boots to match her corset maybe?
[CP] - The fuck should I know?
[Doc] I thought you had a plan, my bad. - Xe's looking at panties with zero shame.
[CP] Scowls an looks around, avoiding the actual toys-
[Doc] Is perusing the restraints and snags a set of wrist and ankle cuffs lined with soft fur.
[Offender] - Good choice~
[Doc] Jumps a little - You!
[Offender] Chuckles- When your done here Trender wants to talk to you
[Doc] Me? - squeaks- What did I fuck up now?
[Offender] - You wanted him to get you some stuff?
[Doc] OH! Oh yes! I thought he'd forgotten but I didn't want to be a pest about it. Thank goodness....
[Offender] - It was mostly the mouse that he was fussy about, and he didn't want the perishables to go bad
[Doc] I see. I thought that would be the easy one. I was under the impression that humans had some kind of weird stores where you can just buy live animals.
[Offender] - Oh, they do, but he doesn't like them at all
[Doc] I don't either. I think it's weird. But the mouse is to make a new mob. And one of it's copies will be a present for Grinny.
[Offender] - Oh, so that's where he went- He looks over at CP- So what's he doing?
[Doc] Looking for a gift for his wife. She's not as comfortable with her sexuality as I am with my mate. So it's difficult.
[Offender] - Then why isn't he looking at the toys?
[Doc] I don't know. I hope he isn't insecure. I've seen him naked and he isn't poorly endowed or anything.
[Offender] Grins- Lets go find out
[Doc] Nervously follows him - Just don't make a scene please...
[Offender] Sneaks up behind CP- So whatcha buying~
[Doc] -facepalm-
[Offender] - Need help finding a toy for your little mate?
[CP] - Fuck off Offender
[Offender] - With what?
[Doc] Ugh.... Offender... Cp already has some deep-seated issues because of you. Could you just...not?
[Offender] - But that's no fun, besides, you can't deny that I am a near inexhaustible source of information when it comes to anything sex related
[Doc] Yeah but you made him homophobic. That's not right. I have so many gay friends.
[Offender] - Eh, I can't help it sometimes
[CP] - Why are you even here Offender?
[Offender] - Because Trender refuses to come in here
[Doc] They do have clothes. You'd think he wouldn't mind that much.
[CP] - Trender gets very annoyed at what Offender does...
[Offender] - I just poke him with dildo's over and over
[Doc] Geeze Offender, no wonder he's mad; never go in dry.
[Offender] Chuckle- Only if they don't want me to not use lube
[CP] - Can you both just stop
[Doc] I'm going to go buy these, and this, and one of these. You two catch up. - makes a break for the register.
[Offender] - Alright, serious talk, what does your mate like?
[CP] - None of your fucking business!
[Doc] Is sort of listening in while paying, -
[Offender] - Look, I know you pretty much have no experience when it comes to actually buying things, I'm just trying to help you.  Especially since I get the feeling this is for valentines day
[Doc] Sort of calls over- So it has to be pink right?
[Offender] Looks confused- Not at all
[Doc] Dammit Cp...
[CP] - Hey, I didn't actually lie to you
[Doc] Makes a pouty face. - I'll remember that....
[Offender] - Now then, head over to the toy section CP, you'll probably have better luck over there.  Find something similar to you
[CP] - She doesn't need anything other than me
[Doc] Slinks back over with a black paper bag in tow. - What about an egg?
[CP] - A what?
[Offender] - It's a small toy that vibrates and can be used on pretty much any sensitive spot on your mates little body
[Doc] Plus you can pop it in and leave it there. Some of them come with a little remote to turn it up and down.
[CP] Is hesitating-
[Offender] - Oh for fucks sake, really?  This is what can get to you?  I've rarely seen you balk at anything unless it's major...  This is nothing!
[Doc] Has a rather loud thought- I hope he isn't afraid of competition....
[CP] - I AM NOT!
[Offender] - You re not what?
[Doc] Looks very embarassed now-
[CP] - It's nothing, go away already!
[Offender] - Nah, my proxy is looking at art supplies a few stores over, I told her I wouldn't bug her until she was done
[Doc] You could just get her some soft restraints...
[Offender] - Ooooh, she's into that huh?  Wouldn't have thought from what I saw of her...  Seemed to flighty and nervous
[Doc] Can't help hirself- That's why she likes them, she's squiggly-
[Offender] - Well, I can certainly give many recommendations on that.  Do you have any carabineers?
[Doc] Why does that sound like something that involves pinching?
[Offender] - It's a clip that you can buy at any hardware store.  Makes it real easy to release someone from a situation if they don't like it, plus they're really strong and difficult to break
[Doc] Is thinking now - That sounds handy....
[Offender] - Lots of color options too
[Doc] Goes back to the clerk and starts asking questions. - She says the gas station next door carries them with the keychains.
[Offender] - They may be a bit small, but useable...
[CP] - Can we go now?
[Offender] - No, you haven't even bought anything for your mate yet.  Even Bloody Painter knows to buy things for Judge every once in awhile!
[Doc] Offender? Do you think I'll be called upon to meet those two anytime soon? I heard they were having trouble concieving.
[Offender] - I don't think brother has told them yet, I think he's waiting to make certain that everything goes okay with BEN's child so he doesn't get their hopes up
[Doc] I'm about 98% sure the reason they can't have a child is because of the Insanity posession.
[Offender] Shrugs- Hey, I'm just the messenger in this case
[CP] Is trying to subtly make his way to the door-
[Doc] Snags Cp by his shirt and holds on- I know you are. But they should know it may be a matter of trading one thing for the other. And BENs kiddo is doing quite well so far. He's happy and healthy and ever declaimed his first word.
[Offender] And what is that first word?
[Doc] Smiles- Wa-er He's gonna be a swimmer. I can feel it.
[Offender] Bursts out laughing-
[Doc] He gets all excited whenever a bath is in the offing.
[Offender] - Even better!
[CP] - Doc, let me go
[Doc] No. Pick something. This was your idea.
[CP] - No it wasn't!  You were the one who brought it up!
[Doc] But, but... just do it anyway dammit.
[Offender] Pushes CP towards the toys- Come on, it's not fair if she doesn't have something to play with herself.  Can't you just imagine her waiting for you, already wet and wanting as a toy buzzes away inside of her?  Perhaps already bound as well?
[Doc] I know I love it when mine is like that...
[Doc] We're actually trying to though! You should be happy, I'm cooperating with one of your old housemates instead of fighting!
[Offender] - Should we just pick something out for him?
[Doc] Yes! Fuck, we'll be here all night at this rate.
[Offender] Motions towards the wall of toys- Maybe something for him as well?
[Doc] Scoffs - He'd never use it voluntarily. Trust me on this one.
[Offender] - Pity
[Doc] I told you! You're the reason he won't!
[Offender] Shrugs- He just doesn't know what he's missing
[Doc] Agreed. I like it every which ways. How about this? It's got the little clit thingie that sticks out the side.
[Offender] - God choice, but we should add a bullet just to be safe- He sneaks a tendril out to cover CP's mouth so the brine can't protest
[Doc] Wicked smile- and a plug. With a little fuzzy tail.
[CP] Growls-
[Offender] - Hmmm, CP?  How often have you played with her butt?  That will determine how large of a toy we should get her
[Doc] Did I say the plug was for you to wear Cp? No I did not.
[Offender] - Now then, how many times have you played with her butt?
[CP] Mentally- Never
[Offender] - You have never played with your mates butt?
[Doc] Just get the medium, that's safe. And lube. He can't use the slime, he's too hot.
[Offender] - Which lube?  We've got edible of various flavors, scented, oil based, water based, all sorts of types
[Doc] Something that won't harden if it gets hot.
[Offender] - Don't know, lets see what we have here
[CP] Gets his mouth free- I already have some asshole
[Doc] Oh YES, you do. The ones you took from my house that I drove myself bonkers looking for. - scowls at Cp
[CP] - It was funny from my end
[Doc] Asshole....
[Offender] - Alright, think she might enjoy edible panties?
[Doc] Why would someone want to eat underwear?
[Offender] - For fun
[Doc] Humans are weird....
[Offender] - But creative
[Doc] Not gonna fight you there. How about this? - It's an under the bed restraint with cuffs and cords.
[Offender] - Nice
[Doc] And a fuzzy collar. - It has a nice fat ring on the front, and a simple silver buckle on scarlet leather with black fluff inside.
[Offender] - What about a gag?
[CP] - Will you two stop already?
[Doc] Eh.... hard to use a safe word with a gag.... and I personally love hearing my lovers sweet moans.
[Offender] - There are some gags that are more visual than actually effective, like a bit gag.  You can still understand your lover around those
[Doc] I'm on the fence. It's Cp's money anyway.
[Offender] - Actually it's brother's money, but we have so much of it he doesn't really care
[Doc] Then I guess get it. It's up to Lie if she wants to use it anyway.
[Offender] Snags a few different types- Okay...  Anything else we can think of?
[Doc] Turns away and puts a package into Offenders hands so Cp can't see. It's a latex posing pouch and a X-shaped configuration of leather straps and buckles for a males chest.
[Offender] His grin widens-
[Doc] He won't use it without some convincing but if it turns Lie on he will.
[Offender] Takes everything up to the counter to pay for it-
[CP] Is grumbling and growling-
[Doc] Don't be like that. You like sex.
[CP] Flips Doc off-
[Offender] Returns with a couple of bags for CP-  Here we go
[Doc] Okay, lets go see what Trender has to say. We've kept him waiting long enough....
[Offender] Leads them outside after passing the bags to CP- Trender!
[Trender] Is standing by the wall watching the humans pass, but he does turn to look at them.  He has a rather large bag with him-
[Doc] Waves cheerfully. -
[Trender] - There you are, I have the rest of what you asked for here
[Doc] Excellent! Thank you! And if you need more of the fireproof stuff just send me an email, or ask Cp to go yell at me. He loves doing that anyway.
[Trender] - Duly noted- He holds the bag out to Doc
[Doc] Takes it gratefully and looks inside. - Aww... what a cute mouse.
[Trender] - I had to send Scarfy to get it
[Offender] Snickers at his brother-
[Doc] Well I appreciate it. And the copies will be appreciated too, however briefly. Grinny's getting at least one.
[Trender] - Oh, so you have Grinny, we were wondering where he had went
[Doc] He's recuperating. We're taking good care of him. Poor thing.
[Trender] - Recuperating?
[Offender] - What?
[Doc] Well... Lj purged him for us, and the sickness that was lying dormant came back with a fury. But he's clean of radiation now.
[Trender] - It took him months to regrow that fur the first time...
[Doc] He's getting fuzzier. And our friend Steve made him a nice black and green sweater to keep him warm in the meantime. Liu and Smiledog are keeping him nicely entertained.
[CP] - Can we go now?
[Trender]- That's good...  And Liu?  Wasn't that Jeff's brother's name?
[Doc] Oh yes. That's the one. He's been staying at my house.
[Trender] - I wont ask how you managed that
[Offender] Perks as a blonde haired woman leaves a store a few doors down-
[Doc] Grins- I have a friend who deals in the darker arts. All I need is a soul to dump into a minecraft skin, and I can bring back the dead.
[Offender] As the woman approaches Offender drapes himself over her- Arc! Entertain me!
[Arc] - No
[Doc] at Cp- please tell me that's his assistant or something...
[CP] - His proxy
[Doc] Ah... Does she get any weird powers to balance out the aggravation?
[CP] - Well, his roses have no affect on her, otherwise she wouldn't be able to clean her place, but other than that I'm not sure...
[Doc] Sticks out hir hand - Hi Arc, I'm Doc. Fixer of anything. Pleased to meet you. - Theirs a fair amount of pity in hir eyes.
[Arc] - Arc, this assholes proxy
[Doc] You have my condolences, if there's anything a mere Herobrine can do to ease your hearts, let me know.
[Offender] - Arc, you wound me!
[Arc] - Nah, I've gotten pretty used to him being around. He does have his uses to
[Doc] Can't resist - Like what? Just protection?
[Arc] - Well there's that, plus during the summer it gets really hot in my apartment and his skin is pretty cool so that's a bonus. Downside is unless he wants up, he won't let me out of the bed
[Doc] You can see the wheels turning-
[Doc] Xe pulls up the creative, it's not visible to anyone else and makes a saddlebag trunk before pulling it out. It looks like a squared off backpack.
[Doc] Xe spawns a few blocks of packed ice and drops them in. Before holding it out to her- Here. Just drop one of these. They never melt. Better then an AC unit and no electricity.
[Arc] - Oh! Um... Okay?- She takes the bag and throws it over her shoulder [Offender] - Aaaaaaaaarc [Arc] - What? [Offender] - I'm hungry! [Arc] - You just ate!
[Doc] Is having some uncomfortable thoughts around how it must be to babysit someone with more powers then you. -It'll hold way more then it looks like too, and keep anything you put in at the temp it was when you stored it.
[Arc] - Cool, that'll be useful- Is ignoring Offender as he pokes away at her with his tendrils
[Doc] Basically whispers at Arc- If you ever need a vacation my door is always open.
[Arc] - It's fine, like I said, I'm used to it by now, and it's not like I have to fuck him or anything
[Doc] Is trying to think of a way to express hir relief without sounding rude. - Ah, okay...
[Offender] - She's my virgin proxy
[Trender] - Speaking of proxies, Solaces seems to have started to settle in
[Doc] Why virgin? Oh! Are you an asexual? Several of our friends are. Oh... did someone wander into the woods and get marked?
[Trender] - I'm referring to the girl you convinced them to spare doctor
[Arc] - No, I'm just currently not interested
[Doc] Makes the most sincely relieved face. - Thank goodness. I was worried for her. I know you couldn't just let her go but, I'm glad all the same.
[Doc] So how are Ej's cooking lessons going?
[Offender] Starts laughing- He's almost as bad as LJ!
[Trender] - There have been a few incidents
[Doc] Awww. Well it just takes practice. And everyone should know how to cook. It's no good to be too dependant on other people for basic things. Granted it's a bit easier in our game, but he hates my guts, so it is what it is.
[Offender] - He'd rather eat them
[Doc] Shivers rather hard - I think I gave him enough of my innards already...
[CP] - Are we done here yet?
[Offender] - Awww, do you want to get home to test the new toys?
[CP] - I will stab you
[Doc] There are people around, let's not make a scene...
[Offender] - So? I can just erase their memories
[Doc] Please don't... and he's right, Cp and I have gifts to distribute. We should be going. Unless you guys need anything from me?
[Trender] - Not that I'm aware of
[Doc] Is Slender all healed up? You said something about his tentacles? My head was a bit fuzzy at the time.
[Offender] - Some of his tendrils had been cut off during that fight, they are healed now though
[Doc] Ah good. I can rebuild body parts, but it's rare that anyone ever asks for more then the usual arms and legs. It's usually a treat when they do.
[Trender] - I see
[Offender] - Arc! Let's go get cake!
[Doc] Reaches into hir inventory and copies the cheesecake- Here you go!
[Offender] - Awesome! Arc, have some with me!
[Arc] - Not right now Smexy
[Doc] Giggles at 'Smexy'-
[Offender] Continues to whine-
[Doc] Offender, you should give Arc something nice for Valentine's day.
[Offender] - I try! But she won't let me!
[Solace] -Sidles up alongside them, sipping from a cup- To be fair, most of your gifts aren't that friendly...
[Doc] I think I know you..? Do I?
[Solace] You were drunk, but yes. Solace.
[Luna] Peeks out from behind Solace-
[Offender] - What's that supposed to mean!?
[Doc] Then I'm sorry if I said anything stupid at the time.  Oh! It's you! Are you okay?
[Luna] - Oh, yes, thank you
[Doc] Sorry I couldn't take you with me. But it looks like you gained a more powerful guardian.
[Luna] - Yes, I like being with Solace
[Doc] What's you specialty Solace? The others all seem to have powers geared in specific directions.
[Solace]-cracks a smile- I'm comfort based. Sort of intersect with Splendor here and there..
[Doc] I'm glad Splender isn't the only one who gets a charge from positive things. He's going to get fat hanging around my friends and I. Haha.
[Offender] - That could be very bad...
[Solace] Huh?
[Offender] - You probably haven't overfed before so you wouldn't know this, but if our kind overfeeds we lose control of our bodies, we grow to big, sprout way to many tendrils, and we have to physically remove tendrils in order to correct the issue
[Trender] - We also have great difficulty moving or even speaking if it's bad enough
[Solace] Oh, yikes...
[Offender] - Exactly, it's pretty bad
[Doc] That's unfortunate. But then, I can make an amputation pretty damn quick and painless too. I'm here if he needs me.
[CP] - I wouldn't have called that painless...
[Doc] If you're talking about your hand, that one had complications. If you just wanted something cut off I could literally melt the pixels off and it would cauterize the stump too.
[CP] Flips Doc off-
[Doc] shrugs- Hey, if I did it you now, you could regrow it.
[Trender] - Regrow it?
[Doc] Oh yes, I can too. I gave Cp an upgrade. He's more like me now. All the parts contain the whole and then some. My digital existence is nearly fractal in nature.
[Offender] - Dude, that is weird and awesome
[Doc] That's what I meant when we were talking about genitals Offender- I've made myself in the image of my home. Anything I don't want can't be snapped off or added on to. Block by block, every pixel is moveable.
[Offender] - Cool...
[Doc] And I wanted to make up for what little Cp lost with Insanity. He's pretty much indestructable now.
[Trender] - She's still very upset about that
[Doc] Consider it revenge for screwing him over in the first place. The knife she so kindly pulled from his back might as well have been put there by her to begin with..
[CP] - Can we fucking go now!?
[Offender] - Just be careful Doctor...
[Trender] - She has her eyes on you, but we've been keeping her at bay for you
[Offender] - At least whenever your near us that is
[Trender] - But what do you mean she screwed him over?  We know some of her methods are unconventional, but not so horrible
[Doc] I thank you for the protection then. But Insanity may have had a hand in Cp's attempted deletion in the first place. His NOTCH seems unbalanced to me anyway. But Cp had and has a very powerful defender that wanted to come to his aid when the NOTCH attacked him, but Insanity kept her away and then hid him from her afterwards when Flux probably could have healed him herself.
[Offender] - Flux?
[Doc] The spirit of the server where he was made. A being of pure magick. Not quite a mother, but certainly a guardian and a healer.
[Offender] - Can I fuck her?
[Arc] Face twitches as a red mist forms in her hand and forms a battle axe which she promptly uses to lob off a tendril- NOT APPROPRIATE!
[Offender] Purrs-
[Doc] No. She already has two hopeful suiters already. Besides, she's a server. She has no experience with these kinds of things. I... I think you're missing the point.
[Trender] - He's not, it's just his nature
[Doc] I was pretty damn angry when I found out. Especially since she split up his family and we only found his real father moments before his coding fell apart.
[Arc] - Then you have my condolences
[CP] - I don't need them!
[Doc] Touches Cp's arm. - It's okay. There's nothing wrong with someone expressing sorrow for your loss. Stop trying to not feel anything. It's counterproductive.
[CP] - Shut up
[Arc] - And this is why I'm glad Smexy never took me to the manor unless he absolutely had to
[Doc] It is a bit.... gloomy. No offense. -Just trying to be diplomatic-
[Trender] - It's brother's style and his home...  Plus most things end up destroyed within a week anyways
[Solace] That's why I don't stay around for often either. It's tiring. -Sip-
[Doc] Offender, I don't think you'd like my rules much, but either of you are welcome to visit. Our server won't bend under a Slenderbeing.
[Trender] Glances at a watch- That is very generous, but currently I need to pick up Scarfy from his university
[Doc] Another time then, Cp and I need to head back. Enjoy the cake.
[Offender] - Will do
[CP] Quickly grabs Doc and teleports them back to the beach-
[Doc] Breathes a huge sigh - This diplomacy thing is exhausing. But I do feel more at ease dealing with them in daylight in a public place.
[CP] - Eh, you eventually get used to it
[Doc] Can we go home now?
[CP] - Yeah- He creates an opening with the tv and steps through
[Doc] Dashes through behind him with the bags.
[CP] Opens the way to the server and steps into Doc's garden-
[Doc] Calls out over the chat - Honey! I'm home!
[Deer] - In the kitchen!
[CP] - Let's just get this fucking over with
[Doc] Don't be such a sourpuss. We come bearing gifts!
[CP] Glares-
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wonderofwander-blog · 6 years
Two Whole Years Later...
Two whole years later. I’m sharing my story because...well the chances of anyone reading it are slim...
I am currently two years apart from my best friend. I know he’s by my side everyday but it’s not the same as being in his physical presence. Calling when I need him. Texting just because. Talking shit all day long and bullshitting because we could. It’s not the same. I miss him. My whole family misses him. 
Two years ago, this week was the WORST week of my life. I hated living in this world knowing Jessie was no longer around. I didn’t seem right, it didn’t feel right and I was just plain ol’ lost. I can remember exactly how I felt because I still feel it to this day. Trav & I loved Jessie with every beat of our hearts. It wasn’t enough for him. Everything quickly turned to slow motion. I suddenly stopped caring if people saw me crying. I didn’t feel the need or the motivation to be my best. I just existed. While everything moved around me, I was not. I was still, watching and waiting for this to be a joke. Spoiler alert: It wasn’t a joke. He was, in fact, gone gone. For good. I was crushed. 
Imagine sitting in a room full of glass windows... You can see and hear everything around you. Nothing stopped. Nothing waited for you to heal. I couldn’t come to terms and I couldn’t get a grip. I was an empty shell of a person. A big part of me died when Jessie died. A big part of me left... for good. There is nothing in this world that could prepare me for this moment. I’m sitting here trying to gather words to explain how I felt but there aren’t any words big enough or great enough to describe my loss. 
But I’m just here writing to express the flashbacks of this week -- two years ago. I found out Jessie had passed away in a weird way. His mom posted a status on Facebook but I was at work. I tried to call Jessie the day he passed away but his phone was off. Uncommon, but not uncommon at the same time. I didn’t think anything of it because I knew he was out the night before so I just shot him a text. Probably a stupid text because we were always bickering at each other to stop being potatoes and get up for the day. So I went to work. Around 2:30 my friend Lanie texted me & was like Jessie died?!?!??! & I was like yeah, girl! Like a week ago. It was horrible. Jenny is out of work for some time. You didn’t hear?? (Someone who used to work with us, named Jessie, had passed away about a week or two prior) and this is where she kicked me right in the gut... She said “No, Jessie Jessie... like your Jessie...” & I was like “...Nooo????? What are you talking about!! He is fine???” *Cue bone chilling screenshot* Yes, she sends me a screenshot of the post his mom made. Mind you, I am a service manager at the time and I’m about 30 minutes into my shift. I literally stopped breathing. I was shaking and I was scared but I had to see it for myself. So I went to Facebook and there it was. My worst nightmare. So I ran. Don’t know why, but I ran. For a long time, I ran. I was running up Fairbanks like a lost dog. I knew I couldn’t run away from work without explanation so I ran back. I crumbled behind a dumpster and just cried. I called my mom and I told her what I saw. She didn’t believe me either so she had to look for herself, too. There was silence on the phone for a minute or so. I knew she was reading. She just said “Melani, you need to leave work now. Do not get in your car, do not leave. I am sending your brother to get you.” I said okay and got off the phone. I just sat there behind that dumpster like a pile of bones. Other managers came to check on me. At that point, I was in shock. I could barely speak. The GM came out and told me to grab my belongings and take the day for myself. I took his advice. I sat back there until my brother got there. I went inside and grabbed my stuff and left without speaking a word. I got in the truck, which was a quiet ride. My brother could only utter the words “I’m sorry, Mel. Are you okay?” All I could say is “Why?” Why me, why him, why this? WHY? 
I made it home. All my friends, hearing the news started calling and texting. I got a lot of those “I’m sorry for your loss” texts and “When I heard the news you were the first person that came to mind and I wanted to check on you” texts. All of them were meaningful, but empty at the same time because I knew they didn’t get it. 
So I dragged myself around for a few days. The tears never stopped. Everything made me cry. Nothing made me cry. It was all I could do to express myself. Eventually, the CEO and his business partner came into work and sat down with me. They expressed their condolences. They knew Jessie pretty well and they knew how close we were. Jeff sat with me for almost 30 minutes just looking at me while I stared at the floor. A puddle of tears beneath me and he finally spoke up. With tears in his eyes he talked to me about how he also lost someone. And a lot of times he did this same thing. He just cried. There are no words or thoughts that can get you through it. Nothing is enough. His conversation was sort of empowering because he never cried. He was the tough guy. He was the one to kick you in the ass when you needed it and kinda maybe sort of tell you that you were doing a good job when you were. I respected him. I still do. He let me cry. He didn’t ask if I was okay. He didn’t hug me and tell me he was there for me. He just let me be and I really needed that. It got me through my day. He hugged me before he left and told me to call him if I needed him but it wasn’t and I’m sorry hug. It was a “I’m genuinely here for you when you need it” hug. He stayed out of my way after that and let me grieve. He was exactly what I needed at that moment. 
I eventually gathered myself enough to reach out to Jessie’s mom. Jessie was her only child. He was her everything. She was HIS everything. He told us that everyday. I met her a few times before this and she was an awesome person. The kind of mom I want to be. She loved and she loved well but she had rules. Easy to abide by rules. Her door was always open and she never had a problem with us overtaking her couches and blankets to watch Rick and Morty in her living room. She was just such a gentle and caring human being and it was easy to be comfortable around her. She even met Rohan once when he was a tiny tiny little baby. She told me what happened to Jessie when he passed away and URGED me not to watch the news or read the articles. She was having nightmares. I did it anyways. Sorry. The reports were horrible. Headlines read “Possible Overdose At WaWa With One Alive In The Car”. News broadcasting videos of them shooting the one living person passed out on the sidewalk, and his car... covered in plastic. Police and Ambulance everywhere. Not something you’d ever dream of seeing. And the comments. Oh my god, the comments people were making. As if this wasn’t someone’s child or family. It was sick. But I couldn’t stop. I had to know this was real. I talked to his mom about services and such because I had to say goodbye. He was not leaving this earth without me, selfishly, saying goodbye. She respectfully opted out of services. I thought that was a good call and I think it was Jessie’s style. His family wasn’t here and he didn’t have many people around him. He didn’t live here for very long. I asked her if I could do a memorial for him and his friends. She said that Jessie would love that. And he did. I expected maybe 15 people to show up... over 50 people showed up in Jessie’s honor and we listened to the stupid music we listened to in the car everyday. I was so taken away by the fact that Jessie touched this many people. We had drinks, we played games, and we laughed.... and we cried. A lot. At the end, we all released balloons and lanterns for Jessie. His mom made a HUGE bouquet of balloons and even tied his name, letter by letter, to the strings. It was perfect. I can remember exactly how that bouquet of balloons drifted off into the sky. It was slow to rise but once it did, it flew away in the most perfect way. I loved it. 
After that day of saying goodbye to my best friend, it wasn’t over for me. I worked late nights as a manager. Often, I would come home to Travis and Jessie on the couch hanging out. Every time, he would say “Hey Mel, how was work?”.  When I started coming home and the house was empty, I started hearing his voice like he was right there. It almost haunted me, in a way, but I would reply anyways. I started calling my mom every night when I got close to home just so I couldn’t hear it. I still did but I didn’t answer because I didn’t want my mom to think I was crazy. I probably was crazy at that time. Eventually, she said “Mel, why do you call me at the same time every night? Are you scared to go home alone?” So I told her the truth. I told her I was hearing Jessie every day and it wasn’t in my head. It was audible. So audible, I could respond. So yes, I was scared. She told me to tell him to stop for a while so I could grieve. I took her advice and never heard his voice again. There are times I regret that so much and there are times I don’t. Now he is invading my dreams. I like that because it’s refreshing to know he’s still around after all this time. I need him sometimes to just be in my dreams. The only thing is, I can never hear his voice. I see him clearly. I see he is talking and I kind of know what he is trying to say, but I can’t hear his voice. I am grateful he is there either way. 
I got pregnant again shortly after he passed away. I named my daughter after her Uncle Jessie because he will ALWAYS be a part of me and my kids will ALWAYS know who their Uncle Jessie is to their Mom and Dad. Rohan had the pleasure of meeting him, but will never remember. It’s okay, though, because they will know him so well as they grow. I will always keep his memory alive and when I get to a place where I just really need a friend, I just call out to him. And he meets me in my dreams. Call me crazy, I don’t care. I will ALWAYS have a friend in Jessie. Present or not. And he will always have a friend in me. 
0 notes
ebiyoru · 6 years
second of january, 0102
woke up empty.
met tine and nives @ rob around 2 pm (saw lester on the way to rob) 
ate at bonchon with them.
forgot to give the red ribbon i bought for nives.
> decided to go back home.
drove ate bot jai nash back home.
stopped by starbucks on the way home.
met coach ichan.
the happy tomato i was.
i know, i’m really bad at maintaining this. maintaining anything. but hey, here i am, 7 days after, trying to relive the best moments i had for this blog’s day, with my oh-so-reliable short term memory.
i’ll try to remember. i swear i will.
so this is the day after the grand moving, right? well, the last day i was so drained and can barely even think so i plopped on the cushion right away. i woke up hours later to eat and watch a movie (Split; tldr it was a nice movie and p.s i watched it while looking at my phone for subs). my mom wasn’t with us that night. she stayed with my dad as they knew more about each others’ real feelings. i knew she was contemplating everything at that point. in the early morning, around sunrise, i can hear my mom and elder sister talking in the adjacent room. i was not in my right senses to listen intently in whatever topic they have, so i just unconsciously listened to their voices and slept some more.
so when i woke up the next morning, maybe around 9:00 a.m??, i stayed for a bit on the cushion, checking twitter updates on my phone because what else can a depressed and drained young adult do in these kinds of situation? later on, i found out my sister’s boyfriend is still with us. then i remember he didn’t have any work that day since it is a government holiday. and my younger sister is still beside me, sleeping.
i finally had the motivation to get up and wash myself when i remembered my plan in the afternoon with my close friend whom i haven’t seen for so long. i stayed inside the bathroom for an hour and so while scrolling through my twitter feed because again, i’m depressed and drained.
i....strangely found comfort in the groups i stan. it’s like they’re in a world free of all the drama, free of all these problems. with all the happy moments they’re showing on screen, it seems like they have a carefree life. it’s strangely comforting to think that such a world exists, although i know what they have off-screen might be the total opposite.
later on, my mom arrived at the apartment the moment i stepped out of the bathroom (apparently, they went to the market; “they” implying my mom went with my dad). i get dressed and prepped myself for my meeting. later on, i can hear ate bot, my mom and kuya adrian talking in the living room about my dad.
my mom feels sympathy towards my father who needs help. even after all the horrible things my dad has done, there’s no denying he’s still our family. we are the ones who can help him through this. through everything. ate bot and kuya adrian understands this as well, and they genuinely comfort my mom. 
for me, i’ve always seen my dad as someone who wants to be seen as a tough man, even though he really wanted to be a fun and reachable dad. he basically is someone who is bad at expressing himself. i myself believes he almost has no control on how he handles his emotions, and i’ve been patient with him as much as i can. but i know i’m also guilty of not properly conveying my thoughts to him. of not talking to him most of the time. and how much i thought i hated him when the worst of these past few days showed his worst sides.
but hearing their conversation brought back my beliefs on how my dad probably thinks. i’ve been in those tough times too, and it sucks. when a demon resides in your brain, sometimes all you can do is surrender. 
but in this case, we can be that helping hand to him. we can be someone who can shoo away the demon, who can keep our hold tight on his arm and get him away of that darkness.
so after that, i walked to the station with kuya adrian. he’s off to fetch my sister because apparently, she had an ulcer attack at work and needed to go home earlier. when i got off the jeepney and was walking to the overpass, i saw a familiar figure walking towards my direction. his tallness, physique, and face is something that i can never forget, i guess. 
i saw L, and he’s carrying bags in both his hands.
i walked past him and looked at him as i continued walking. he wasn’t looking. though maybe he noticed. 
some time later, i went on to meet tine. i brought my gifts for her and her son. i saw her with nives sitting beside a waffle stall in our local mall. when i saw her, i laughed as much as i can and eventually felt like not a single bad thing is happening to me that day. tine and nives were an instant mood booster that day.
when nives saw me, she immediately showed affection to me, as if he’d known me for so long. i grew attached to him that fast too.
we ate at bonchon and catched up with each other. we were supposed to meet with wayne a few days before but our plan didn’t see the light of day. so we were kinda disappointed. but the whole time, she told me all her worries at that time and i didn’t get a chance to tell mine. or maybe i really just didn’t want to. maybe this is something i can dwell inside of me alone.
i enjoyed my time with the both of them. i have this level of comfort with these close bestfriends of mine that i can’t quite explain. it’s as if we only met yesterday. it’s as if all those years were nothing and we just saw each other again like usual. i love that. i will treasure that.
i also love how nives was comfortable to play with me that day. i’ve only seen him maybe 3 times but that little boy is just really charming and lovable. i kinda thought that maybe i can work in a daycare someday. lol that’s a passing thought that i let pass by the way. 
i want to remember what i noticed are things nives like and dislike: he likes potato fries, cookies, yakult (yogurt drink), sweet drinks, balloon and toys and the color red. he dislikes sauces, any green stuff, meat (because of his still growing teeth), and her mommy going anywhere far from his sight.
he’s also a boy who’s great at making people laugh, he wants to sit on people’s laps and lean, and he likes feeding other people. i can vouch for the last one lol.
moments later, we parted ways and my stupid self forgot to give my other gift to them (the pasalubong bundle i bought from red ribbon so nives can eat them at home).
going back to the apartment, i received messages from my sister asking me if we wanted to go back home. for me, i’m okay with it. i mean, not to come clean or anything, i didn’t even propose anything about this whole moving agenda. i legit didn’t know about this plan not until they started sending screenshots of available apartments on the gc. not until we went there with ate leth and family. so of course, i’m okay with going back home. because i believe to resolve all this, we need to face it with all of our hearts.
after my mom’s long, unfiltered talk with ate bot and kuya a., and the humble approach of my elder sister, we all decided to come back home. if i can call it home after all these. when kuya a. came home with ate jmr that afternoon, and after i came back from my meeting with tine, we drove ate bot and her sons home. lj was also with us.
the long ride was hushed but joyful, with occasional laughter here and there. wonders of how the heck any of these happened. i can feel there’s something that changed, but it’s for a slowly changing and growing family. 
on the way home, we stopped by petron stopover to freshen up a bit. it was an early evening but we still opted to go to starbucks. remembering tine’s pasalubong for me, i took the box of chocolates with me to the cafe. (which later on was almost forgotten on a distant table near the queue, yikes). 
upon entering, and a few strides, i saw a familiar figure in my left peripheral vision. i can sense it. i turned my head and there i saw coach ichan. i was hesitant at first to check if it’s him when he immediately stood up from his seat when he saw me looking at him. remembering it now, i’m quite sure he’s the one who noticed first, and that fluttered my heart.
i was beaming with joy. i can’t believe someone from my childhood, from my early teenage, passionate years, still remembers me and my mom and my sister. i immediately called my mom to show her and he immediately hugged her. he asked me a few questions before returning back to his seat. we then proceeded looking for empty tables and waiting in queue. i was still smiling oh, so loudly. 
later my sister suggested i go take a picture with him. i was shy at first but he’s someone i adored when i was 10/11 so it would be a waste not to have a proof of this day, which at first was the worst to ever wake up to but really refreshing to end. i walked up to their table (he’s with friends) and asked for a picture which he gladly obliged. (we used my sister’s phone). again he asked me some questions, and one of those was “what’s your facebook again?” in which i answered, “oh, don’t worry. we’re already friends, [coach]”. 
“oh, avhi anganangan, right?” 
 last nn
i was overwhelmed to know he REALLY remembered me after, what, 10 or so years and even so MY FORKING LAST NAME. that’s a big deal to me. and for it to come from someone in one of the most important parts of my pre-teenage years. 
i...kinda want to ask a few questions to him too. maybe catch up a bit. but he’s with his friends so i hesitated.
after we finished our drinks, we drove to the apartment again. we picked up the things we needed for the night. 
kuya a. asked to be dropped off the first gate. we drove back home after.
dad was waiting. he accepted us. we did too. i guess. though my elder sister was still quite stiff. 
a lot of sorry’s were exchanged. he ruffled my hair.
and it was a rough day. and a rather tiring night.
i just want to remember this as the day i get to see three of the people who made me extremely happy whenever i see them.
[see below for my photo with tine and baby nives also my photo with coach ichan hhhhhhh ]
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