#sorry i took a little bit to answer this
15 and 21 for music ask!!!!!!
15: A song that is a cover by another artist
i am eternally biased towards clem turner's cover of "i can't handle change" (originally by roar). i heard it first and when i listened to the original it's obviously still really good, but it didn't go as hard for me. especially the part where he goes "i can't help but repeat myself/ i know it's not your fault/ still lately i begin to shake/ for no reason at all" it's just OOH MAN SO GOOD HDJVVFBDBGJDNXND!!!!
21: A favorite song with a person’s name in the title
hmm. i have to say iris by the googoo dolls bc have you HEARD that song
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bolithesenate · 24 days
I have. So many questions about your version of Tarre but I will try to keep it short
How did the Mando's react when they found out that he was a Jedi?
How did his first Jedi Master die?
Did Tarre manage to finish the tapestry (the one he was trying to finish before the meeting) before the due date or?
Did Tarre one day look up and ask his close circle of Mandos if he was the Mando'alor and said circle had to awkwardly tell him he had been the Mando'alor for a while and they were technically his advisors?
HOW was your Tarre adopted by the Jedi - assuming he has always been a Mando even if he did practice much of the culture? Did he accidentally run away as a toddler and end up in a cargo ship across the galaxy in enemy zone? Did he accidentally set fire at 3 separate houses in the Vizsla Clan and they decided to set him against the Jedi (and did it work even if only for a temple)? Tell me pleaseeee
Also sorry if this is stupid I assume that Tarre has always been a Mando or is he a convert (and if so was it via the god haunting him or was it after he went on the self-imposed exile while everyone thought he was dead)? I'm asking this to make sure I understood everything correctly
okay okay okay. well, let me preface this with saying that I am 1) INCREDIBLY stoked to see someone as invested in cringefail jedi Tarre as I am and 2) I have an incredibly detailed account of Tarre's life in my mind (that I might one day write down in fic form) so you don't know the beast you just unleashed
how did the Mandos react when they found out he was a Jedi?
well, it depends a bit on which Mando. the guy that for a while was his Alor and then became his second in command figured it out on his own after Tarre was a bit too weird about certain things for a bit too long. He mainly was put out that Tarre never trusted him enough to tell him (even tho Tarre himself probably assumed he'd just left the jedi order at that point). Also, it explained just a lot of the general weirdness of the guy, so if anything it cleared things up.
The rest of their inner circle figured it out some time afterward when Fay just appeared in the middle of their dining room, calling him out on his bullshit. I think they were too mortified to see her immediately do a 180° and start a custody war with a literal force-deity to react, really. And again, Tarre being a Jedi explained more questions than it raised (at that point he'd had probably a literal decade of raking up a history of being That Weird Guy TM)
And the rest of Mandalore's populace... I genuinely think many of them might never have known? At least not during their or Tarre's lifetime?
There might have been rumors, sure, but again, Tarre had already collected a lot of weird ass rumors about him by that time, so it kinda was just another one of those? At least this version of Tarre never went out and proclaimed he was a Jedi in some grand sort way. He was way too busy for that. Which I think would explain quite nicely how all subsequent generations of Mandalorians seem to put all emphasis on Tarre being Mand'alor and never really seem to mention his ties to the Order.
2. How did his first Master die?
His first Master, a rodian crèchemaster named Yuumba Doksa, died on a mission where they were supposed to investigate a sudden epidemic amongst settlers on a newly colonized planet. It turned out to be a bioengineered virus commissioned by the Sith, and despite the Force, Tarre had to watch his Master die before an effective treatment could be found. He himself also got infected with it, but because his genetic material was such a wild blend of things, his immune system was a lot more resistent to the virus.
3. Did Tarre finish the tapestry before the meeting?
In retaliation, he just took his loom to all subsequent ones. That was the first in a long list of Weird Things He Just Does I Guess.
4. Did they have to tell him that?
Of course they did.
Actually, and this is getting down into the nitty gritty of my personal headcanons and worldbuilding around Tarre Vizsla, "Tarre Vizsla" started off as two people: Tarre on one side and Marek Vizsla (his alor-turned-second-in-command) on the other. Through a bit of a miscommunication at some point, the spokesperson persona the both were operating under got the name Tarre Vizsla, even though Tarre at that point wasn't a member of aliit Vizsla. House Vizsla yes, but not the Clan. That came later.
So for way too long Tarre just assumed that all these things they were doing, he was doing under a shared name, sure, but they still were two people and Marek was the higher ranking one of them, so naturally he was the one the Mand'alor title actually belonged to.
Until they all had to tell him that 'no, you idiot, you are the one doing all the work here, it's your position. Marek is just here to yell at people and, if necessary, shoot them.'
5. & 6. I'll have to answer together because they share a lot of commonalities
I'm firmly in camp 'Tarre was a convert' (in the end) (kinda).
It's quite possible that one of his parents was a Mando, simply because of the smoothie blend that his genetic are, but they were not around to make decisions when he first exhibited Force powers. So he went through a normal(ish) jedi childhood (minus the truly being bad at jedi-ing) until he went to ilum and came back with an old god as his saber.
But since this was the old republic and things generally were a lot stranger back then, no one - Tarre included (plus, he still was a child back then u know) - really questioned it. Tarre just was one of those Jedi with a weird colored lightsaber. Happens from time to time, right?
(as for why Kad Ha'rangir chose Tarre... who knows what the gods think, right? especially a god that literally is change. The Force works in mysterious ways)
Him properly becoming a Mandalorian was.... well, who can say when exactly it happened. Maybe he was one from birth, just 'temporarily misplaced' due to external circumstances, maybe he became one when a mandalorian god called dibs on him, maybe it happened when an old weaver lady whose backyard he crashed his shuttle in also called dibs of her own, or it's possible it happened when he got his first set of beskar'gam, or when he officially became mand'alor, or when he properly got adopted into Clan Vizsla or perhaps even at some other, small junction of his truly strange life.
Or maybe it never really happened at all? Who knows. I don't think anyone ever made him swear to the resol'nare (if that even existed in that form back then), they just looked at him and said 'yes, this is what peak mandalorian-ness looks like' o( ̄▽ ̄)👍
(half of them were looking at Marek when they said that. that's why the statues look nothing like Tarre)
And I think if you had asked Tarre at the end of his life what he was, he genuinely might have answered with "a Jedi"? Because that's still the thing he grew up with and he only (temporarily) fled from it due to of his own anxieties. Like. All the work he did on Mandalore was because of the things he learned as a Jedi - to help where he can and strive to make a better galaxy for the people around him.
It just so happened that the people around him technically were the Order's mortal enemies.
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maelfe · 4 months
hii! what skinblend + details are you using on this sim? /post/752119407131672576
hii :D
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skinblend (jodie skinblend by sammi-xox) eyebags (earlybird eyebags by miiko) philtrum & lip corners (misc face details by okruee) acne (acne scars #3 by xrattrap) moles (moles N2 by helgatisha)
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sleepanonymous · 10 months
Heya! I just got into Sleep Token and I'm enamored! Do you know of any links to posts or anything that talk about the characters and their personalities onstage? I'm having trouble differentiating between III and IV (I know II is the drummer) and I want to learn more about them!
Also, is it pronounced Two, Three, and Four, or Second, Third, and Fourth?
Hi and welcome! 😊 Glad to see a new fan of the band. For the sake of clarity, I'll answer your second question first. The Sleep Token lore technically dubs them all Vessel 1, Vessel 2, etc. so it's my understanding that fans started calling the other band members Two, Three, and Four, and used Roman numerals for their monikers.
TLDR: This Weblink has almost all of Sleep Token's lore, and This Video also has almost all of Sleep Token's lore. The easiest way to tell III and IV apart from each other is by their instruments and height. III plays bass and is taller than the rest of the band. IV plays guitar and is shorter than the rest of the band (except for II, he is the shortest of the four).
I'll be honest, I also had trouble differentiating between III and IV when I first got into the band. Up until very recently, they wore similar outfits, too, which made pictures difficult to tell them apart. You can always tell via the instrument they're holding (if it's visible). III is the bassist and IV is the guitarist. Another way to tell depends on which side of the stage they are standing on. 85% of the time III is stage right, in front of the choir (Vesselettes) and IV is stage left, in front of II's drum set. My favorite way to tell them apart (before it just became secondhand nature to know which was which) was if the musician had a bun under his mask or not. IV's hair is relatively concealed beneath his mask, but III has longer hair and puts it up into a bun to keep it all in place under his mask during rituals.
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The neck of III's bass is kind of in the way of the back of IV's head in the second photo, but here are two examples of the bun shape that III has. This is also a good way to tell them apart if they're standing next to each other, or, in this case, kissing. III is extremely tall and will always be taller than any other band member unless he's crouching or leaning over. If the two aren't standing near each other, you can always use Vessel as a measuring stick.
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The photo on the left probably isn't the best reference, but trust me, III is about 5 centimeters taller than Vessel, he's just leaning back. The photo on the right also probably isn't the best since Vessel and IV are both just dark shapes lol, but at least it's obvious that Vessel is taller than IV.
The band as a whole is anonymous so you might not find much in the way of personalities, even of their stage personas. If you're willing to read up on the Sleep lore itself, you can do that here (this is a link to boolintunes.com). Or, if you'd prefer to watch a friendly, lecture-style video, there is this one here on YouTube. Persona-wise the most concise I can give you is this:
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Vessel is very emotional. That is evident by the lyrics he writes, but doubly so when he is in front of an audience. He will cry, he will laugh, he will do silly dances, and he will hype up his bandmates. It's evident that he loves what he does, but he is also extremely humble about it. All of the love his fans give him he makes sure to give back 110% (the fact that he manages to do it without speaking is impressive in itself).
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II is a beast, like no joke. This man has got to have started playing drums before he could walk, I swear. He, like Vessel, obviously loves what he does, has a blast, and also gives zero fucks while doing it. He will sit at his drum set and kick out beats while drinking Red Bull and Diet Coke through his mask 🤣🤣 During moments in songs where there is little to no percussion he'll often stand up and react to the lyrics Vessel sings. He also comes to the front of the stage at the very end of rituals to hype up the crowd and hand out his used drumsticks and sometimes even a drum head.
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III is the most animated of the guys. I will often refer to him as the "main character" of Sleep Token because he is always front and center. This has also earned him the fandom nickname of Bassy Boi. I've seen him do everything from windmill headbang, to run in place, to high kick, to jumping up and down for 30+ seconds straight. He also has a knack for yelling at fans. There is a compilation video on YouTube here for reference. Also! Something I forgot to mention earlier in telling III and IV apart: III almost always has on his iconic checkered socks in the most recent shows.
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IV (at least the current IV) is probably the most reserved and collected on stage (fun fact, there were two other IVs in Sleep Token before our current IV, I wrote about that here), In earlier shows he played with the band, around 2021/2022, he used to be fairly shy. Sometimes IV would stand off to the very side of the stage and let Vessel and III have all the attention. Luckily he's seemed to get past his shyness and has become much more of a crowd pleaser. He'll often do things like serenade the crowd (a bit like II does, only a lot closer since there's no drum set in the way), get roped into Vessel's or III's chaotic stage antics, or, you know, tease pulling his mask off in front of an entire music festival crowd.
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afewproblems · 1 year
agree with steve not forgiving eddie! how do you think it would go when they see each other for the first time after everything? like.. I feel like steve would just tell him it’s over for good but :O
Part one, part two, part three
The record label releases a statement, something to the effect of privacy concerns, not to misconstrue or blow things out of proportion because photos can be manipulated. There is no firm denial, but no confirmation either. It's all wishy washy bullshit.
It's like Steve's heart breaks all over again.
He doesn't speak to the press, despite redoubling their efforts to talk to him, Steve unplugs their home phone permanently, wraps it up in the cord and puts it in the back of the bedroom closet.
Eddie does try calling Steve's cell, but he never leaves a message, as though he knows they would go unheard.
After the initial visit from Wayne he ends up calling his de facto father in-law once a week. It's nice, it's the one good thing that has come out of this whole situation.
And Wayne doesn't seem to mind being their go between, especially since he's a lot less subtle than he thinks, asking pointed questions about how Steve is feeling, how he's handling the LOA.
It's a relief to say the least, talking to Eddie without talking to him, it allows him to breath.
It's quiet for about two weeks, the coverage of the photo and the story has dwindled significantly and the media seem to have moved on from talking about them, finally.
Steve's LOA is almost over, he's confirmed with Liz that he can return to the classroom next week as planned which leaves him in the highest spirits he's been in all month.
But of course it can't last.
The first time Steve sees Eddie is on Conan.
It's a Thursday night, Steve channel surfs absently. He's left the living room dim, the only lights from the television and the Chicago cityscape glowing through the living room window.
He lands on NBC for just a moment and freezes when he hears Gareths familiar voice speaking.
Gareth, Eddie, Jeff, and Grant are all seated on the set couch with Andy Richter. Conan asks a few questions about their tour, their recent resurgence in popularity from the movie, their favorite Marvel characters from the franchise that skyrocketed them back into the public scene.
Its a standard interview, Conan keeps it light, easy-going, not a single mention of the infamous photo.
Logically Steve knows this is most likely a mandate from the band's manager but it doesn't feel that way, it feels like a slap to the face if he's being honest with himself.
Did he imagine it? Had he blown this whole thing out of proportion? Maybe he was overreacting.
His phone buzzes on the coffee table he's left his feet on, Robin's face and 'Thing One', brightens up the room.
Steve moves his feet to sit up properly and he mutes the television with the remote before answering.
"Are you seeing this shit?" she growls on the line.
Steve laughs, "Hello to you too," he leans into the worn cushions of the couch and tries not to think of the second empty divot in the middle next to him, "yeah I'm seeing it".
"And they're not going to talk about it at all? Like what about journalistic integrity and all that shit?"
Steve rolls his eyes and snorts into the receiver, "I don't think Late Night counts as journalism Bobs--"
"Still," she huffs out.
Robin is quiet for a second before she says softly, "you okay?"
"No," he whispers, "but I think I'm the closest I'll be for awhile," he draws a heavy hand through his hair and ignores the cameras which have now panned to Eddie who looks pensive on screen.
He's not speaking, in fact Eddie hasn't said a word the entire interview. He looks tired, his normally pale face has turned sallow and drawn with deep purple bags under his eyes that even the show makeup has not covered.
Steve looks away from the screen and ignores the dull ache in his chest.
"I'm glad that it's not all over the news anymore," he admits after a moment, "but, its almost like it never happened".
Robin hums sympathetically on the line, "Twenty-four hour news cycle, they've probably found some new scandle to follow," she's quiet for another second, "he looks like shit".
Steve barks out a surprised laugh that trails off sharply, he chews his lip for a second, "is it crazy that I'm worried about him? He looks likes he's not sleeping--"
"I know, I know, I'm am angry with him and I don't think that will go away any time soon, but look at him".
The camera angle switches to a wide shot of the whole group and Eddie stands out so starkly amongst the other band members that are put together, smiling, engaged in the conversation.
Verses the silent, pale ghost that Steve doesn't even recognize.
"Do not let that kicked puppy thing let him off the hook Steve," Robin says, the words are sharp but the tone is still gentle, "he hurt you just because you had a fight--"
"Maybe it wasn't that simple!"
"I miss my husband Robin, I can't, I fucking hate that he did this but I miss him so much," he says, his voice wobbles slightly as Conan holds up a large version of Corroded Coffin's latest album on the desk before gesturing to the stage area to reveal their setup to start playing.
"I feel like there's something wrong with me," Steve says, giving voice to the smallest parts of himself that have been festering inside of him the last couple of days.
The longer they're apart, the longer he refuses to speak to Eddie to more these thoughts have been creeping in. Maybe he should just let it go, maybe he can eventually forgive him and they can move forward again.
It's countered again and again by the image, the kiss.
Imagining the two of them together, Eddie with this stranger. Did he call them Honeybee, the way he did Steve? Did he hold them after and whisper other sweet nothings, promises into their ears?
It's enough to turn his stomach.
"I don't know what to do, I can't exist like this much longer, the tour is going to be over soon and then what?"
"I don't know Steve, you're the only one that can make that decision, but," he can hear the small reassuring smile on her face as she speaks, "we'll be here for you no matter what you decide, I promise".
"Thank you".
"Anytime Dingus".
The second time Steve sees Eddie is a month after the Conan interview.
Steve's back at work and the kids seem happy to see him, though they are sad that the 'easy' sub days are done. He's glad for the routine once more, especially with the end of the tour looming on the horizon.
Steve has spent the last week fretting over what to do, he's talked to Robin and Dustin about it, weighing the pros and cons. He's talked to Wayne about contingency plans for the apartment, if he has space for one of them to go there.
Steve is fairly certain Eddie would go stay with Wayne willingly if he asked him to, but both of their names are on the mortgage and he'd rather be prepared for anything.
It's Gareth that calls him, his name lights up the darkened bedroom while the picture of Gareth and Chrissy and Steve and Eddie at their place for Thanksgiving two years ago flashes on the tiny screen.
It's late, almost two in the morning, but Steve is awake. He hesitates before snatching the device with shaking hands and swipes a hesitant thumb across the screen to answer the call.
"Hey Gar," Steve says quietly.
He sits up, letting the covers pool around his waist and stifles a small yawn with his hand.
"Oh, Steve, I...fuck is it good to hear your voice man," Gareth breathes out, he sounds surprised, nervous, "I wasn't expecting you to actually answer this," he trails off and clears his throat.
"I wasn't asleep," Steve shrugs.
There's a pause on the line, Steve can hear Gareth take a deep breath and the hushed words of someone in the background.
"I, God, Steve, I'm so sorry, I hate that we weren't there for you," he continues, and Steve can't help but agree with that sentiment.
It's certainly felt like the only one of his friends from Eddie's circle in his corner was Wayne, he hasn't heard from any of the band members or Chrissy since this happened and he can't say it hasn't stung.
"And I know you must hate us for this--"
"Gareth, I dont--" Steve tries with a small tired voice but Gareth barrels onward, the words getting faster as he speaks.
"I won't make any excuses, we should have done better by you and the fucking label knew exactly what they were doing," he breathes out again and this time its infinitely more pained, "and I hate to do this Steve, I know you already told him that you needed more time--"
"You're coming back?"
"Yeah, we fly in tomorrow actually," Gareth says softly, "and we just, well we wanted you to know".
Steve feels his heartrate quicken, he swallows harshly against the sudden lump in his throat.
Tomorrow? Tomorrow, with no warning, no notice, and suddenly Eddie would be back. He'd be coming home...
"I want to see him," Steve hears himself say before he can clamp his mouth shut, "I...can you tell him that, I need to talk to him?"
"Oh, uh, yeah, uh," Gareth stammers out, then the sound is muffled for a moment as though a hand has been placed over the receiver, lowered voices murmur in the background and Steve feels himself drag in a sudden breath, as though he had forgotten to breath at some point.
"Okay, Steve?"
"Yeah," he whispers into the darkness of his bedroom.
"He'll be there".
The clock ticks slowly by, interrupting the quiet of the apartment and every time Steve looks at the clock face it's still only been forty minutes since Gareth texted to tell him they've landed at O'Hare.
It's like the clock is mocking him, the minute hand holding court over the kitchen where Steve has planted himself with a full cup of, now undrinkable, tepid tea.
He initially debated offering to pick them up from the airport, but the thought of their first meeting being so public, the thought of camera flashes and more people asking questions was enough to turn his stomach.
Even now Steve isn't sure how he'll react when Eddie walks through that door, his hands shake slightly and a flicker of anxiety runs through his chest because what if he's not alone? If he brought Gareth with him, or Jeff as some kind of backup or shield from Steve's anger.
Steve scoffs to himself at the thought, they'd seen a lot of Steve over the years, he's sure this wouldn't phase them. Maybe they'd even stand aside and let Eddie take his verbal lumps.
Steve sighs and grabs the mug from the counter before walking it over to the microwave. He sets it for thirty seconds and waits with his fingers drumming against the door handle. He opens the microwave before it beeps and presses the cancel button to reset the time before he walks back to the counter and stool he had been perched on.
Steve steals another glance at the clock and curses, make that forty-five minutes since Gareths message.
The sudden sound of a key sliding into a lock snatches Steve's attention towards the entryway.
Eddie steps through, wheeling his suitcase in behind him, he lets his backpack fall onto the doormat and softly closes the front door behind him. Eddie looks even more tired than he had during the interview, thinner as well and Steve feels that familiar pang in his chest at the sight.
Neither says anything for a moment. They stare at each other unmoving, and then...
"Hi Honeybee".
That's all it takes for Steve to jump off the stool and stride through the kitchen to the foyer, he stops just in front of Eddie, takes in his shining eyes and the sharp downturn of his normally smiley mouth and Steve's last resolve snaps into pieces.
He launches himself into Eddies arms and tucks his face into his neck, it's the first time he's felt remotely normal in the last two months.
"I'm so fucking angry with you," Steve hisses but the words sound more like a sob than anything else.
"I know, I'm angry with me too," Eddie whispers into his ear, he holds Steve even tighter as he speaks.
"I just, you're the person I talk to, about everything and," Steve bites his lip and curls his fingers into the fabric of Eddie's t-shirt, "I couldn't do that, I didn't have you, you’re my person Eddie and you took that from me, and so much shit happened here, you dont even--".
He's fully crying now, so much that it's harder to speak, but Eddie is holding him so tightly he can't catch his breath.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," Eddie says, his voice wobbles and wanes as the words tangle in Steves hair, "if I could take it back I would, I wish I could take it back Stevie believe me".
"It didn't mean anything, it didn't," he continues, raising one hand to card through Steve's hair as he does, "I don't know how to fix this," he admits so quietly its nearly lost in Steve's sniffles and hitching breaths.
"I don't want to lose you," Steve whispers into Eddies shoulder, the material of his shirt is soaked with tears and snot but he raises his face anyway to meet Eddie's own red rimmed eyes.
"Then you won't," Eddie whispers again, he sniffs and moves his hand to cup Steve's cheek, "we'll fight, we'll fight for it and I won't give up, I won't run this time".
"I promise".
There is so much more to talk about now, so much to apologize for, but for now, they hold each other in the foyer, letting the golden Chicago light morph into the bronze orange of sunset wash over them from the kitchen window.
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soaptaculart · 1 year
Does Karmic conviction follow the law of Sprite Inheritance™️ if so, can we have some examples of shared sprites?
Also sorry if you already answered this question, I do not mean to be a foolish fool 🥺
Omg, what a fun question!! Of COURSE it does, Klaus and Constanze are both heavily influenced by the von Karma family so it's really fun thinking about how that would show :,) Constanze is a model von Karma of course, so she gets her equivalents of the already shared von Karma family sprites. I like the idea of her having a bow that's kinda halfway between Edgeworth's and Franziska's curtsy hehe
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And of course, Klaus and Constanze are siblings, so there's a lot of parallels between the two of them as well! I think I mentioned this somewhere before, but the most obvious thing they share is that both of them will appear around crime scenes in silly places looking for clues, and afterwards, they both have a patting-themselves-down-and-adjusting-their-cravat sprite :)
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I imagine Klaus flipping through his sketchbook looks similar to how Constanze flips through her ring binder too! I also definitely would want Klaus to pick up something from Athena after spending a bit of time with her, since he looks up to her so much. This is my top choice for that
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roboticnebula · 6 months
Fake Fic asks: 🐝 Refraction
🐝 send me a fake fic title, and I’ll make up a summary for it!
Cisco doesn't know why he keeps dreaming of Barry - their patient in Star labs. Sure, it could be the guilt for what happened to him, and he's been spending a lot of his waking hours looking him up and talking to the man's family.
Barry sounds exactly like the sort of person Cisco would love to hang out with, but it doesn't explain why Cisco has such specific dreams of the two of them watching Star Trek and placing bets on who can eat the most Belly Burger nuggets (spoiler alert for himself: Barry always wins, the man is a bottomless pit).
It gets very worrying when the dreams slowly grow into strange, waking visions of Barry moving at superspeed, fighting a man in yellow, and into very creepy flashes of Doctor Wells standing over Barry's comatose body.
Cisco can't explain it, but he knows Barry is in very grave danger at Star labs and he's determined to save his future best-friend-maybe-something-else. He also really hopes Barry wakes up soon, because this will all be a lot to explain.
(In which Cisco gets his vibe powers before Barry wakes up from his coma. Set in the CW Flash show.)
(Fake fic ask game!)
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fiona-fififi · 3 months
Make me write game 💕💕💕
💕 Post vow renewal
Okay, so technically this is well over 9 sentences, but I do believe I only actually added about 12 (maybe a little more). Several parts of this section were already written, but I added in multiple spots to link pieces together and flesh out the scene, so I figured I'd offer the whole thing. I have not proofread it, though, so please forgive any awkwardness or typos because I'm sure there are plenty.
And then Buck's reaching, but Eddie's pulling away, shifting himself up and off of Buck's body, off of the bed, and Buck feels himself panic, a quiet plea of Eddie's name pulled from his lungs before he can stop it. But Eddie's there, still so close as his careful fingers strip away the last of Buck's own clothes, discarding them in some haphazard pile beside the bed as he murmurs gentle reassurances that have Buck sinking back into the mattress beneath him as Eddie works. 
When Eddie finally, finally manages to strip them both down, Buck is lost, all thought swept away at the sight of Eddie bare before him. Before Eddie can find his way back, Buck is reaching for him, gentle fingers tracing soft skin that stretches over hard muscle, dipping into the divots of Eddie's abs before tickling back over his hips as Eddie crawls back up over him. Buck sighs into the feel of Eddie's lips trailing kisses back up to his mouth, whines softly at the feel of Eddie's skin against his own as Eddie blankets him once more, not a breath of space left between them once Eddie settles back in above him, petting gently through Buck's hair as he presses delicate kisses over the sensitive skin of Buck's face. For long moments, Buck lets Eddie play, gives him all the access he needs to explore, but when Eddie's mouth tickles over a particularly sensitive spot beneath Buck's eyelids, he can't help the way a quiet giggle bubbles out of him. It should be embarrassing—should leave him shying away—but he's not, can only smile bright and content, as Eddie shifts back just the tiniest bit, just enough to let his eyes trail over Buck's happy features, and then Eddie's smiling, too, and chuckling just a little, those eyes full of all that soft, hazy brightness Buck had never quite learned to read until this moment, and Buck is absolutely giddy with it when Eddie finally whispers "you're beautiful, sweetheart.”
There's so much behind it—Eddie's words so full of the delicate devotion he's shown Buck from their very beginning, and Buck can't quite help the way his smile turned to a quiet gasp that escapes him at the awe in Eddie's voice. Finds himself reaching up, tracing careful fingers over the frame of Eddie's face, letting his touch come to rest at the cut of his jaw. And then Buck's urging him closer with those gentle fingers, guiding Eddie in for a soft press of a kiss that doesn't go further, but lingers, the both of them breathing the same air for long moments after they part, and Buck lets his gaze wander over every delicate feature his eyes can reach.
When he meets Eddie's eyes, he feels flayed open—like Eddie can see every complicated part of him he tries his best to hide. “Make love to me,” Buck pleads, whisper quiet, and for a moment he feels silly and cliché. But Eddie's eyes only soften, a sweet adoration Buck knows well suddenly settling into a whole new context he'd once expected he could never have.
Eddie doesn't answer, really, not in words, but his eyes study Buck's features like he’s something precious, and he presses his body closer than Buck think should be possible, leaving every inch of Buck singing with a sweet pleasure unlike anything he's ever felt before because it's Eddie, and he thinks maybe Eddie's touch is everything he's been searching for.
Eddie dips in to kiss him, then. A sweet, searing kiss that's over too soon and has Buck whimpering as Eddie shifts to mouth at the curve of his neck. Buck hopes he might leave traces there, marks Buck might get to keep even after he leaves Eddie's bed.
“I'll give you anything you want, Buck,” Eddie promises, then. Whispered words he hides in the crook of Buck's neck that leave Buck gasping and clinging tighter. “Anything at all.”
"Eddie," Buck whines, and it's desperate. A sweet, delicate, broken sound that trips over his tongue and catches in his throat that has Eddie smiling against the curve of Buck's neck, and Buck whines again as his breath hitches. "Eddie, I want you. Please. Tell me-tell me you want me, too."
"Sweetheart," Eddie presses into Buck's skin, lets his lips form gentle, reassuring kisses that linger as he pulls back, just far enough to catch Buck's eye, lets the fingers of one hand stroke through Buck's hair and then trace delicately over the birthmark at his brow, as he studies Buck's face, "of course I want you. I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you.”
For a moment, Buck's quiet, trying his best to blink away the overwhelming emotion that settles over him at Eddie's words. But then he's reaching, sinking his own fingers back into Eddie's hair, hand cradling his neck. Then, near breathless, “How do you want me?”
Make Me Write
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what if, one match while jamie's being a prick, winding up the opposing team like only he can, one of the guys on the opposite team takes their frustrations with him too far and takes a swing at him, making contact with his face before anyone can stop him. jamie goes down, and some of the richmond boys are pulling the other guy away while some stay behind to check on him. I'd imagine jamie would get taken off the pitch to get checked out, since it's a hit to the head. what do you think roy's and keeley's reactions would be?
When it happens, it happens quickly.
It's the third game of the season, and Jamie’s in rare form. Has been ever since training resumed after the summer break, really, somehow bringing his very best great teammate game and his prince prick of all pricks game to every match. Once he’d needed a signal; these days he just knows when it’s time to pass the ball and when it’s time to bear down on the goal like fucking Nemesis.
Like something’s settled in him, slid into place.
It’s fucking gorgerous to watch, Roy thinks, nodding approvingly as Jamie slides the ball back to Sam with a deft twist of his ankle.
Unsurprisingly, today’s opponents do not agree. It’s an even game, 2-2 with only ten minutes left to go, and when United takes the ball off of Bumbercatch and initiates their own attack (fortunately ending in the ball going over the sidelines and a thrown-in for Richmond) that’s when Jamie decides it’s time to kick things up a notch and go full prick. Roy watches him jog up to United’s Westerly (whom he has been more or less been running circles around the entire match) and mutter something to him, grinning in that way that used to drive Roy up the fucking wall (still does on occasion), and Westerly—
—fucking swings at him, and before Roy can fully process what is happening Jamie’s down on the grass and players from all over the pitch is running over to hold Westerly back and hold Isaac back as he charges at Westerly and the sound of the whistle is shrill over the roars from the stands and there’s the red card and Sam and Dani are both kneeling by Jamie’s side as the rest of the two teams are either getting all up in each others faces or trying to pull each other away and Jamie is not getting up and—
Roy doesn’t realize that he’s moving before a firm hand on his arm holds him back. “Can’t go on the pitch, Coach,” Beard cautions. “Medic will check on him.”
Truthfully, Roy isn’t fully sure if he was moving to check on Jamie or to punch Westerly in the balls, but Beard’s calm voice cut through the red mist somewhat. He takes a deep breath, calling on the exercises Dr. Fieldstone has had him practising for the better part of the summer. They don’t help much, perhaps, but they do help.
The medical staff is already making their way over to Jamie and thank fucking God he’s rolling over on his back and seems to try to sit up only Sam’s holding him down. Looks like there’s blood on his face but if he’s moving then he’s not fucking dead, is he, or paralyzed and Roy doesn’t need to throw his career away to run over there and break Westerly’s fucking neck even though he can already imagine how fucking satisfying the sound of it snapping would be and—
Roy closes his eyes. Breathe in. Hold. Breathe out. Hold.
Football is a contact sport. Getting knocked down is all part of the game. Emotions run high during a match, all that adrenaline, and fuck knows Roy’s been fouled more times than he can count. He knows, too, that Jamie can take a hit as well as anyone – but that wasn’t just rough play gone a little too far, that was a deliberate fucking punch to the face and this isn’t fucking ice hockey, is it, that shit is not fucking on.
Even so, Roy’s surprised to realize how angry he is. After all, he’s punched Jamie in the face himself, and that wasn’t even half a year ago.
That was different, somehow. For one, Jamie didn’t need to be led of the pitch and sat down on the grass just a couple of meters away from Roy as Nate tells Roberts to get warm and is it really déjà vu if you know for a fact just what the situation reminds you off?
His phone buzzes. He pulls it out, mostly for a distraction while the medical staff try to stop the nosebleed and check Jamie for concussion.
A text from Keeley. Is he okay???
Before he has time to even begin typing an answer, she’s calling him, and he can’t not answer, can he? Not when he understands how worried she must be, stuck far above it all in the VIP box.
“Is he all right?” She sounds breathless, tense.
He wonders if that ought to make him jealous. It doesn’t; if anything, it feels good that they’re in this together, just like it had back in Manchester when they conspired (badly) to bring Jamie out of his funk.
“I don’t know. I mean, he’s not fucking dead.” It comes out harsh, but he trusts that Keeley knows him well enough to know why.
“Are they not telling you what’s going on? You’re the fucking coach!” Harsh, but he knows Keeley well enough to know why.
“Have to let the medical staff do their job first. They’re still checking him out, can’t fucking crowd them.”
Jamie’s still sitting up, at least, and while he looks a little dazed he seems responsive enough to the medics’ questions. One of them glances over their shoulder at Roy, which Roy takes as an invitation to move over.
“Hang on,” he mutters into the phone before turning to the medic. “Well?”
“The nose isn’t broken,” she tells him. “We can’t rule out concussion yet, though, so he’s not going back out there. Besides, he’s still bleeding.”
Jamie looks like he maybe wants to argue but thinks better of it. Roy doesn’t know if that has anything to do with the quelling look he gives the younger man. I’m fine with him playing hurt, he’d told Ted not long ago, but Beard had had a point then, hadn’t he? And Dr. Fieldstone, too, when she’s gently but persistenly questioned how well pushing himself to just keep going through any and all pain had actually worked out for him.
“Yeah, okay,” Roy says, acknowledging the medic’s verdict with a jerk of his head. He glances over at Nate, who nods and motions for Roberts to go on.
Then Roy turns back to Jamie, only to find Jamie looking up at him, his face and shirt a mess of blood and dirty smudges.
“How are you feeling?” Roy asks. “Keeley wants to know too,” he adds, holding up his phone to demonstrate.
Jamie smiles a little at that, and Roy feels something in his chest loosen. “I’ll be fine, Coach, Keeley,” Jamie assures him – them. His voice is almost completely steady.
Roy nods sharply. “Yeah, you will.” He reaches down to squeeze Jamie’s shoulder, once. “Great playing out there today. It’s no wonder that fucking arsehole punched you, because there’s no other way he could ever have put a fucking stop to you, yeah?”
He’s rewarded with another smile, slightly bigger this time, and then the medical staff move to take Jamie away and Roy is walking back to the other coaches, speaking into his phone: “He’ll be all right. Might have a concussion, though.”
Keeley lets out a long sigh, almost like a sob. Roy can hear her tell Rebecca that Jamie’s going to be fine, and then she’s back in his ear, fear giving way to both fury and relief: “I’m still taking my stiletto heel to that fucking wanker Westerly if I ever get the chance. Do you think we should go to his place after the game, or should we bring him to mine? Jamie, I mean, not the wanker.” When Roy doesn’t immediately answer, she adds, “We have to watch over him, right? Make sure he doesn’t fall asleep or play video games or something?”
“Don’t think you actually have to do that,” Roy says, but before she can protest, he adds: “But yeah, of course we’ll fucking watch over him.”
Of course they fucking would.
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good-to-drive · 14 days
Hi! I swear I don't mean to be annoying but genuinely curious what's the difference between Paul fans praising Paul in a post vs say, fans of any other beatle. Is it the overt defensiveness? Also, isn't reiterating Paul's sins every time kind of being like the 'John beet wif' meme everytime there's positive discussion re the band/John ?
Don't worry, you're not annoying, but I was planning on deleting this (frankly I delete most of the asks I get from Paul girls) until I realized you're (perhaps unintentionally) coming very close to a legitimate point. Also, I get the feeling that you're genuinely interested in an answer, which is always nice.
That being said, I do want to point out that I never said I have a problem with people praising Paul. If you follow this blog, I praise him a lot. I very specifically said I have a problem with people being "delusional and defensive about celebrities," and the fact that you translated this to "praising Paul" honestly raises an interesting point, but also imho seems like a very harsh perspective on him. There are so many wonderful things to say about Paul that are not remotely unreasonable, because there are many wonderful things about him as a human being.
Also, "bringing up Paul's sins" was actually a comment from a reblog, and while I think they also make a good point it's separate from what I originally said. What I said is that it's frustrating that delusional and defensive behavior from stans brings out negativity towards the celebrity when the celebrity themselves did nothing wrong, and that this is really prevalent in discussion around Paul because in the mainstream Beatles narrative he's usually the hero to John's villain.
All that aside, where I think you're very nearly making a good point is where you compare this to discussing John's history of violence.
The tendency to black-and-white people is present in every conversation, it's just part of how we speak as a culture (or possibly as a species). I like to call it the AITA mentality – the tendency to approach situations from the perspective of “who's the bad guy?” rather than actually trying to draw insight and understand the motivations, emotions, schemas, and experiences involved. (Not that r/AITA invented this mentality, but they did crystallize it into an acronym.) In this fandom that's usually Paul as a kind of heroic victim and John as pitifully evil, which is itself arguably (partly) a delayed reaction to unfair criticism of Paul in the past. It does both men a terrible disservice, converting them into one-dimensional caricatures rather than real, fascinating people.
Reversing this mentality to “Paul was the real villain actually” would very much be unreasonable, which is ironically the exact point of my original post, but the larger point is that the way stan culture poisons any meaningful discussion of a major historical figure by calling it “bashing” to acknowledge actions/beliefs/experiences that conflict with a black-and-white narrative is genuinely sad and frustrating. It makes it hard for people who are legitimately interested in them to have a conversation, and is in my experience a much more prevalent issue than people pushing back by bringing up things that shatter the one-dimensional image.
In regards to John specifically, it would indeed be impossible to understand him without taking into account the predilection to violence that defined so much of his early life and helped develop his belief system, and that's a point that he himself made multiple times. I don't really care for the condescending "John beet wif" characterization of people who acknowledge this, or even people who are disturbed by it. I've said many times that there are valid reasons to condemn everyone in this story. When I say there's a lack of nuance, I don't mean we need to ignore the real harm that John, Paul, George, and Ringo all caused. That's not nuance. Nuance is acknowledging how and why they came to that point, that it was one facet of a larger and more complex character, and trying to develop insight into their social roles and perspectives without trying to snap them into preset hero or villain roles.
And your bringing up John's history of violence was (ironically) a very illustrative example, because he himself was so insistent on it being acknowledged. He did not want to be spoken about in black-and-white terms, not even if it meant being heroized, so it's unnecessary and counterproductive to demand that he should be. Positivity about the band can -- and indeed must -- coexist with knowledge of who they were as full, complete human beings. It's sometimes hard and disillusioning, I get that, but it's just so fucking essential.
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imflyingfish · 6 months
Hi fish hi fish!! :] hope you're doing swell- wanted to ask for some advice
I've been trying to learn how to draw wheelchairs for a while now, hardest part has been finding refs with people in em, do you know what terms to search up to find stuff like that? All good if not, just know you're pretty well acquainted with drawing em so figured I'd ask
First off I'm going to state that I'm not a wheelchair user. I have researched them in the past and have asked a family member who uses one for advice, but still don't take my word as absoultely reliable. The majority of my knowlege/observations comes from watching family members with chairs so it may be biased. I'm going to be mostly talking about manual chairs but the same suggestions should apply to powered.
Searching up "wheelchair drawing reference" can help, but I discourage using google images. Often the images will be unrealistic due to them being stock images, or of the wrong type of wheelchair for what youre drawing. (One that comes up a lot are foldable wheelchairs which are more associated with hospitals than practical life).
Instead, try to use reference collections made by wheelchair users. This is a really good collection by Criptid Cosplayer in both manual and powered wheelchairs. They also have a small guide to designing fantasy wheelchairs which was interesting.
I also reccomend learning what the different parts of a wheelchair are and do. This will make it easier to understand how the user uses the chair, the shape of the chair and make it easier to remember the different parts while drawing. I don't have a specific source for this using photo reference since I looked at real wheelchairs for this. However @/calvin-arium has a good guide to drawing chracters with wheelchairs with drawn diagrams here.
Also ensure you observe how real people use wheelchairs. I find that tutorials for using wheelchairs are a good source for this since they break down how each movement works. This will make it easier to draw Wheelchairs in montion/natural posing. Wheels2walking has a good video explaining rolling and one here for wheelies.
Other tips:
Give your characters wheelchair gloves, especially if they're going to be going longer distances than just being inside. Not all users use gloves but they do help protect the hands.
Consider if the character needs additional support/what type of chair they're needing. E.G. Seatbelts, cushions, cupholders, additional storage space, hight of handles/if they have handles, back height ect.
Check what type of wheelchair your character needs. One of my OC's needed to always hold a megaphone as her main weapon, so I gave her a powered wheelchair with a headrest to ensure that I could still have her move around the battlefield without taking away her disability. Other times you will need to consider the type of chair around their disability rather than design/character function. Make sure you research the type of chair for the disability and adjust if needed.
Wheelchairs have different functions. Sports wheelchairs and off-road wheelchairs look very different to regular wheelchairs so keep that in mind. Always research the right wheelchair
Also consider if your character can move their legs or not while posing.
To draw the wheelchair start with a circle with the figure to get an idea of the pose. Treat the chair as an extension of the character while drawing. Don't worry about the anatomical accuracy of the chair before you have a good idea of the pose/a basic sketch or thumbnail
Remember to draw the wheelchair using perspective. or dont.
Wheelchairs are even cooler decorated. Some people use stickers, covers, lights, fabrics, spikes.
It's okay to draw wheelchairs badly. I see a lot of people avoid drawing them for fear of getting them wrong but thats just. counterintuative. Make sure you research (even further than this post links to) and stop avoiding them.
Okay yeah, thats all I can think of for now. Keep in mind that I'm not disabled and so not everything I say is guarenteed to be accurate. But this should be enough to help you out I think.
If anybody else wants to add on to this feel free
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masquenoire · 5 months
Slaps a bat sticker right across his mask and dips out.
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Oh, Batman just not just do what he thought he did. Roman had braced himself for a punch, to wake up in custody and await the arrival of his lawyer as per usual but this time, Batman had done... something else. He'd touched him, Roman had felt that, but whether it was to fake him out or get him to stop yelling for all of two seconds had worked and Roman was steaming mad about it. "You wanna fight? You wanna fight some more, Bats!? Come back and take these cuffs off, you f-" He descends into an unintelligible rant of English, Italian and curse words in every language he knew of as the GCPD guards assigned to him struggle to keep him from flying off after the now out-of-sight vigilante despite already being in handcuffs, and none the wiser as to the bat-shaped sticker now plastered proudly on his face.
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theghoulboysblog · 4 months
hi aly!! happy pride month!
i’ve seen you post about butterflies a few times and i was wondering- which species/type is your favorite?
(also i was totally inspired by your pfp frame so i did one for mine lol)
HI RAINE! :D happy pride month! your pfp looks great!!! :)
AND THANK YOU FOR ASKING ABOUT MY FAVORITE BUTTERFLY!!! i know you probably wanted a singular answer as to which one is my favorite, but i am insane af when it comes to these beautiful lil creatures so i fear i cannot choose 😭 i love them all too much! 🫶 but here is an quick summary of my top ten favorites:
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here is a spicebush swallowtail, or Papilio troilus! it is commonly found in north america, it loves deciduous woods and swamps, and i’ll bet you can guess what this pretty lil butterfly’s most common host plant is! (if you guessed a spicebush, you would be correct! 🫶)
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this small guy is a chalkhill blue, or a Lysandra coridon! they are found in the palearctic, they love chalky grasslands, and the female chalkhill blues are actually brown rather than blue! :)
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this is a red-spotted purple, or Limenitis arthemis! they are spread all throughout north america, they like birches and willow trees, and their scientific name translates to “harbor goddess” in greek! <3
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here is a mourning cloak, or the Nymphalis antiopa. this butterfly is native to eurasia and north america. it is montana’s state butterfly, it has one of the longest lifespans of any butterfly (it can live up to a year!), and it is called the camberwell beauty in england!
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this is a polyura jupiter! it is found in indonesia and other islands that surround it! the larvae supposedly feed on albizia stipulata! :D
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this is a Morpho aurora! it is neotropical, it is found often in the rainforests of peru and bolivia, and it is named after the roman goddess of dawn, aurora!
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this is the blue mormon, or Papilio polymnestor. it is found in south india and sri lanka, it is the fourth largest butterfly in india, and it loves areas with heavy rainfall! :D
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this is the eastern tiger swallowtail, or Papilio glaucus! it is native to eastern north america, the first known drawing of a north american butterfly was a drawing of this butterfly in 1587, and it gets its name from its distinctive black “tiger” stripes! :)
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this is a malachite, or a Siproeta stelenes. it is a neotropical butterfly found all throughout central and northern south america, it is one of the most commonly found butterflies in south america, and it is named after the mineral malachite because of its similar bright green coloring.
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and last but not least, here is a marbled white, or Melanargia galathea. this species can be found in forests clearings and meadows across most of iran, southern russia, asia minor, and europe, they are most often seen out and about during june through september, and the butterfly larva love eating grass! :)
(also, i looked for a raine butterfly cause it sounded like it could possibly exist, but there sadly isn’t one :( don’t feel too bad tho, there are some cute little mites and beetles called rain bugs and rain beetles respectively, which is semi-close to your name! :) oh and the mites are a beautiful bright red! they’re pretty cute! :])
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 5 months
Sorry I tried leaving this as comments on your reply to my ask but there was just too much waffle and it was all jumbled so I’m putting it here😂😂
Sorry it took me a MARATHON of time to reply to, I can’t explain how pleased it makes me that this comment made your day bc honestly every time you update it always seems to be during a v tough week and it’s just this ultimate stress relief and enjoyment that I so so love🥹
Just to quickly waffle about what you said, I’m so appreciative of how you fret over the characters sounding real bc it pays off SO MUCH and though I’m still of the mind that you’ve been given this unique ability to read their minds, I can recognise it must take so much studying of their characters and the words you choose and to have such a phenomenal skill <3333
And honestly I LOVE watching him have all these realisations through Suzy bc it’s so real and so satisfying and I’m so excited (but also terrified bc poor woman how do you compete with soul mates) to see how everything unfolds between them all.
And the LITTLE DETAILS that you should honestly trademark bc you do them so well 😭 but I literally have this growing list in my mind that I need to write down cause they make my heart flutter they’re so intimate and careful :’) I could literally waffle about them all day.
You’re so right, they have SUCH a special dynamic, and often I find it frustrating with real life ships bc it’s not like with films where though characters can be deep they have a specific kind of basis to them which fits a role. Real people are so complex and so it’s not 24/7 that someone gets them so right that you feel like you’re watching a segment of their lives (milex writers in general do tend to have an uncanny ability to write them brilliantly) but with you it feels like everything you write can just be added on to their actual interactions and it’s perfection.
I’m so so pleased that my ramblings had an impact on getting your confidence back to heights it should be at because I rlly can’t explain how brilliant you and your writing are so thank you thank you for all the work you put into it. I’m SO EXCITED for the next chapter 🥰🥰🥰🥰 and one day I’m gonna go into the absolute insane perfection that is the sex scene in chapter 8 bc the realism, build up, and EMOTIONS as well as pure sexyism (almost put sexism there which wasn’t quite right 😂) is just one of the best and sauciest things I’ve ever read.
Also trying to add a cute lil milex hug gif to this is impossible bc they’re all far too sexually charged or emotionally unstable 😂
hiii lovely!! 💝 oh my goddddddd i swear your asks just leave me a blushing, giddy mess every single time 😭😭
i'm so glad to hear that my updates always seem to manage to coincide with a time where they're able to provide you with a little bit of comfort and escapism 🥺
honestly i've always just found other people fascinating, and have found myself imagining what the world might be like through their eyes for as long as i can remember! it's been so much fun to get to really delve deep into that in this fic, so i really love that you notice and appreciate that side of it 🥰🥰 aghhhhhh. it truly just means so much to hear that you feel i capture something real about alex and miles and their dynamic in this fic, thank you 🥺
also STOP your flailing about the smut scene is too sweet 😭 i am SO glad you felt all the build up and emotions worked, and honestly any time you feel like going into it, please don't hold back - i am more than happy to hear your thoughts! it was hands down one of my favourite bits of the whole fic to write, actually 🥰
once again your utterly lovely words have lifted my spirits so much, thank you for your kindness and generosity in taking the time to share your experience of reading four walls with me 💖 you're an absolute gem and i cannot WAIT for your to read chapter nine! (which will be posted tomorrow... 😉)
(god you were not wrong about the milex hug gifs, were you?! aghhh they're both so ridiculous 😭😭 anyway here, have them being their silly, playful selves having the best time together! sending you all the best vibes for your weekend 💜🌟)
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supermarine-silvally · 4 months
Yara, let Ace draw you XD
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Yara: "...This is really good, Ace."
Ace: *laughs* "What, you expected me to be as bad at drawing as Luffy?"
Ask Yara (or any of my OCs) anything!
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bestbuybathroom · 5 months
002, Katrina x Ryder
Conceptually, I'm intrigued.
oh man. ohhhhhhh mannnnn i have SHIT to say about their relationship ougigjgh ive been WAITITNG FOR AN OPPORTUNITY forgive me if this isn't canonical at all i need to rewatch the cutscenes again
when or if I started shipping it:
i feel like saying i ship them means that i think they're good for each other which is Incorrect
my thoughts:
ok hear me out on this one but I think it's a mutually toxic/abusive relationship. like there's the obvious stuff with like katrina literally creating a whole bunch of robots to keep him out but also
it was implied ryder has nightmares abt katrina (like maybe he was joking but Come On)
he was like, really nervous about going to katrina's home??? which always confused me because like, i feel like if he was still actively pursuing her he wouldn't gaf. like it could be argued that he moved on but when you look at the rest of the cutscenes he really didn't lol
im like 80% sure ryder flinches when he hears katrina's voice one time
tldr: katrina heavily dislikes ryder and ryder is both simultaneously afraid and desperate for her??????? what is his DEAL (bpd)
What makes me happy about them:
idk how to answer this one tbh there is nothing happy about them
What makes me sad about them:
ig the fact that their "attraction" to one another was more like, them playing their parts (action hero, attractive villain chick) and at the end of the day they're absolutely awful together and they never liked each other at all (or atleast katrina didn't like ryder). like once the performance stops they realize they liked the character not the actor (??? does this make any sense) like maybe ryder loves what katrina represents and not for who she actually is idk
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
literally i don't think ive seen a single fic about them but i don't see katrina's abuse acknowledged as much as ryder's lol/lh
Things I look for in fanfic:
My kinks:
????? genuinely what does this one meannnn
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
i do think katrina genuinely loved viktor. ryder is getting put in the Bitchless Cube
My happily ever after for them:
they separate 4ever and ryder stops being obsessive lol (or they never meet in the first place)
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