#sorry if this sounded harsh
silver-heller · 6 months
Tumblr newbies, I love you but I'm also losing my goddamned patience lol. The amount of times I see new users complaining when they get caught with their pants down because people, on the sharing site, interacted with or reblogged their seemingly normal posts is an annoying amount. And don't get me started on newbies then coming into people's inbox or messages about it.
On your post, go to the dots or the cog. See that "who can reblog? anyone" thing? Yeah, set that to no one. If you really do not want people reblogging your post, please set it that way rather than just expecting people to magically know not to use one of the site's features. It won't stop people from being able to like it though or leave comments.
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And if you want less people seeing your post, use personalized tags, not popular ones tons of people will browse like the art or writing tag, and put things like dashes in the names of fandoms or characters. (Ex: Mord/ecai or lack-a-daisy).
All that said, this does not change the main issue. For the love of all that is holy STOP USING TUMBLR, THE SITE THAT RUNS ON INTERACTION, FOR NO INTERACTION BLOGS! That's like trying to use a strainer to try to keep the water in, it probably won't work as well as just getting a private website or Discord server or something. Especially if you do not know how to use Tumblr yet. I can't stop anyone from doing anything, of course, but a social media site is just not a good place for "I only want offsite people to see this, and I'd hate if anyone so much as interacted with it".
Clicking the arrow next to post now and selecting post privately makes it so only you can see your posts but, again, that won't work if you want just one specific person to see it:
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sm-baby · 9 months
Ive only been vaguely following your swap (?) AU and I have to say you're stronger than any US Marine. Not only the amount of content you put oout but the detail and story and quality- AND you somehow manage to put up with people who don't seem to care about the story you want to tell, or otherwise only read look at the art and none of what you've been saying for awhile. Like if I were you I would have turned off asks because of the crazy flood of Jax lovers, coming from someome who also likes Jax. So I jusy wanted to pop in and say I am in awe of your patience and energy to put up with some of the less fun aspects of fan content
Yeahh ... Ill leave the discussion on this ask for the day U_U Thank you, I didn't know I needed to hear that!
I honestly don't mind that some people only come over for the art, thats still flattering to me! As long as theyre having fun, Im happy!
I just have s o me bounderies I wanna put front and center cuz its hard to spread word to a lot of people with out explicitly and repetitively doing so.
This is exactly why I hessitate to write Jax. Ive had my fair share of people grossly infantilizing my characters and it got so uncomfortable; I do NOT want a repeat of it. I don't want jax to be the mascot of the au, I don't want him to be seen as a pretty face rather than a character I also put a lot of writing into!
Ive had suggestions saying to just ignore those people, and yes! I mostly will! But I wanna flat out say in the beginning that I don't like that before it grows in the background!
Its not fun, and I wanna snip it out. I don't want Jax ruined for me. I want to write him the way I want, and I want others to see him as he is. People are allowed to have their interpretations of the guy, by all means go ahead! I love the interpretations that hes a little more chill, or goofy, or soft-- People are allowed to empathize, find him attractive, and all that! I love that for you!
just not complete... Uh... Whatever that "baby boy", "cinnamon roll" thing is...
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wolveria · 1 year
Tough Love Writing Advice
I’m seeing this a lot on AO3 lately, so time for a friendly PSA.
In your notes/tags/summary, STOP saying your fic sucks. Even if it’s self-deprecation, it’s not doing you any favors. Think of it this way. If you tell me your story is terrible, why should I keep reading?
STOP saying you suck at summaries, especially in your summary. I want to know what your story is about. I would rather have a "bad" summary than no summary at all. No one cares if you “suck” at summaries. They just want to read.
STOP saying your fic is garbage and you didn’t bother to proofread it. Again, related to above, I have limited time and energy to read. I’m going to choose stories that appeal to me. If you’re telling me right out the gate your fic is garbage and you don’t care enough to even give it a glance over, then why should I stick around? Why should anyone?
You’re doing yourself a great disservice by knocking yourself down before a reader even gets to your story. Even if writing is a hobby for you, it’s a bad habit to start off with the self-deprecation. It builds zero confidence and gives you an escape to not commit to anything.
Not to sound like a hard ass, but I did this for years. Decades even. And it set me back for so long, and it makes me sad to see so many writers doing it.
It doesn’t matter if your fic is actual garbage (I disagree any art is garbage), or that you suck at summaries. You don’t need to announce it! You just keep practicing to get better. And it's hard to get better when you constantly tell yourself what you create isn't good enough to enjoy.
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bonesandthebees · 7 months
tommy's just said on his twt he will talk about it when he's ready! pack it up everyone That Man Is So Done For 🖤
I understand getting caught up in the "tear the bitch apart" energy going on with all the cc's dogpiling him on twitter but seriously, come on, we're talking about domestic abuse here. this is a crime. this isn't the type of thing to go "hehe wilbur is so done for" over. read the room.
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castielsprostate · 18 days
like. it’s lovely that you’re enjoying the deadpool/wolverine shipping. but it’s still a marvel movie. i thought we were supposed to be boycotting marvel bc they have an israeli character?
hm. i already spoke about this but im just gonna be honest. you cannot deprive yourself of every. single. fucking. thing. and i am so fucking tired of policing people that are already doing shit for enjoying a single thing that isn't even involved with it.
i dont really talk a lot about what i do, because i dont think i have to justify how i live my life (something about good people dont have to brag about how good they are), but im already boycotting mcdonalds, im already boycotting starbucks, sodastream, burger king, phillips, airb&b, as much of nestle as possible, and every other company i can reasonably boycott. im donating to fundraisers and pleas for help. i donate to the pcrf. i donate to demining ukraine. i donate to greenpeace and a national cancer fund. i go to protests and demonstrations, i participate in community efforts, i share resources and fundraisers and verified information. im rallying for voters, i'm involved in my local community's green party. you dont see what i, or my friends, or other random internet users, are doing behind the scenes.
i am stretched fucking thin, my bank account is dwindling to keep up with everything. im going through insane health scares right now, chronic pain, anxiety so severe i want to fucking die, and a major chronic depressive episode to top it all off, i. am. exhausted.
you cannot deprive yourself of everything because when you do, there'll be nothing left of you. and who the fuck are you going to help then? the world is still happening, it's still turning despite the wars and genocides, despite the rising death toll of climate change, despite the threats to democracy. all we can do is put our effort where our mouth is, and take care of ourselves.
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itwoodbeprefect · 7 months
all gmmtv shows are actually set in a subtle alternate universe where everyone is continuously fascinated & delighted by their printers
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paranorahjones · 10 months
im probably poking the bear but whatever, but i just wanna say that i'm kind of glad that i stopped participating in the Lockwood & Co. fandom very much at the time that i did. seeing folks attack the people who are feeling burnt out from the campaign to save the show is so discouraging. y'all do realize that's a real thing, right? fandom is meant to be a community of people brought together by one thing: their shared love of art. it is NOT a contractual agreement or an obligation to do a single thing.
y'all need to chill. just because people are experiencing burn out does not mean that they love the series any less than you do and your behavior is actively pushing people further away from wanting anything to do with you and your campaign.
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krokusplays · 3 months
People portraying Boothill with a literal power button will be my villain origin story.
He's a cyborg, not a machine.
How do you think this is supposed to work? He gets in a fight, accidentally bumps into the button when things get messy and just shuts down???
The guy is a wanted man in the universe, he purposefully seeks out dangerous missions, he lives on the edge because he can. Do you have any idea how absolutely lethal a power button would be for him??
It's also canon that he's fully awake and conscious when he's charging, which would be like the one thing you would logically even considering turning him off for. And it's canon that this is not the case.
Headcanons are all fine and dandy, but calling it in character for him or even canon is not accurate.
Show him some respect please T_T
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showmey0urfangs · 3 months
I'm sorry for ranting here but you seem to be one of few people in the fandom who criticises Claudia's writing this season without being awful about Claudia as a character. I have to say that I'm so deeply disappointed in Claudia's writing in ep7 that I momentarily forgot that it's just a tv show lol. I just...where is she? This is her last episode presumably. This is a trial where she dies. And nothing. The writers even dare to address the audience to tell us that we have gathered here not for her. Shut the hell up, come oooooooon. Like, they have decided to drop her character! I'm fully here for her, and they decided to not deliver! Sorry, I'm screaming in your asks😭. I need someone to get my level of wtf.
Feel free to scream all you want Anon, I'm right with you! Claudia was done dirty to the very end.
She said it herself; it was never about her and the writing and framing of this episode confirm it once again. She was just a plot device, sacrificed to further the story arcs of her toxic fathers and their stormy romance. She has to die for her egregious crimes while Louis, and Lestat once again, get off scot-free. Louis is so sad and he's just too gosh darn pretty and so HE gets saved, and he's absolved of all wrongdoing because he was manipulated and deceived. Lestat gets to shed a few tears and apologize and all should be forgiven. The narrative not only redeems him but also paints him as the 'real' victim in all this. The narrative demands that we empathize with him as he stands silently and watches his daughter die.
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And even in death, Claudia is still treated as an afterthought, completely ignored as all the focus seems to be on the men who failed and betrayed her, as the fandom spirals into a pointless dick measuring contest about which of them is least culpable. The absence of metaphor is striking indeed.
But hey, at least she went out like a boss, and hopefully she'll come back as a vengeful ghost and kill all these mofos in their sleep. 😤
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The way Bryce is so dismissive and rude to Hunt here
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minggukieology · 2 years
oh someone said jungkook was talking like he hadn't seen jimin in a long time(when jungkook said take care of jimin etc.). He said that the way he said the sentence and his attitudes were like that. is this true?
Hello, I would appreciate if you could refrain from sending me messages that are inspired by vicious individuals who only want to spread ill-intended narratives about Jimin and Jungkook. I am not here to entertain any of that.
As you could clearly see today, Jimin and Jungkook are doing fine, still as close and lovely as ever. As I've said before, if you are chronically online and desperately need proof for something that has been a constant for over 10 years, there is not much that can be said to you and I am honestly tired of debating something that shouldn't even warrant a discussion.
Jungkook reacted to Jimin's message about having to work, he wished him well and to be healthy while working hard and being busy.
+ (Once again) As I mentioned before Jimin and Jungkook intentionally create a "distance" between them by using high politeness as a way to joke and poke at each other in front of the audience (greeting each other politely as if mere co-workers meanwhile both of them are laughing and blushing- both are on the joke and find it funny)
(And even if: I wouldn't find it weird at all if they haven't seen each other for a few days as Jimin mentioned multiple times today he finishes his schedules late at night a lot of the days, does that automatically mean to you they hate each other now or what???)
Their exchange today was adorable, Jungkook didn't hesitate and invite Jimin over for chicken right away as if eating chicken and watching TV was a very normal occurance for them. Jimin was full on melting in the comments from Jungkook's cuteness and ended it with a full on aegyo message in Busan dialect, again showing familiarity and closeness with which they communicate.
There is nothing to misinterpret here, stop picking apart every little movement thinking you know them better from what you see on the screen as opposed to what they are living in real life.
The end.
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skullsemi · 11 months
I’m probably not the first one that asked this but, are ya excited for the “Once Upon a Studio” special (particularly seeing a cameo or appearance of a certain rabbit)?
I'll be very honest with you, I have lots of mixed feelings about it
• On one side, I'm freaking out with so many fav characters (even our lucky rabbit is there!) and FINALLY SOME 2D ANIMATION like really, if anything that's exactly what I want to see more and more! I couldn't even believe it when I saw the trailer, I literally jumped off my seat
• On the other side, I'm kinda mad and disappointed? It's hard to say. The whole thing shows that Disney is very much capable of doing these things again, this whole time, crossovers and fantastic 2d animation (even mixing with 3d), giving characters the attention that they deserve–But they don't do it, and it bums me out.
I'll still be very excited about it, it's just that these things keep myself from fully enjoying it, but that's on me
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lunarsolar1 · 2 months
This isn’t what my blog is about and I usually try to avoid making post about things not related to the tv show fandom I’m in but someone needed to call this people out because going to this tag and seeing war everywhere is so tiring and exhausting so imma make this post and HOPEFULLY PEOPLE WILL READ AND LISTEN!!!!!!!!
Buddie shippers needs to seriously CALM DOWN:) and back off!!!! (This also applies to BUCKTOMMY shippers)
Going to the others tag just to HARASS and bully people over FICTIONAL characters is so ridiculous and stupid and people need to stop. It’s a TV SHOW!!!! YOU aren’t the ones writing this, the writes are and they’ll know how they want to finish THEIR story because that’s THEIR characters!!!! Not yours!!!!! People (both sides) need to stop harassing one another and just stay in your tag and enjoy the ship and the characters. There’s no need for hatred or war, especially since in the tv show all 3 are FRIENDS (so fighting about it is so???!!!) just stop. Y’all acting like babies, get some manners and learn how to respect each other preferences and continue enjoying yall ships in PEACE!
And please leave the actors alone as well, they’re just actors they cannot decide what they’ll do next seasons. There’s literally no reason to harass and bully people over people that doesn’t exist. Just enjoy the SHOW and enjoy the SHIP and LEAVE PEOPLE ALONE!!!!!!! And stop using the incorrect tag please, I know some yall are doing it on purpose but please stop that is so annoying. (And I know yall KNOW how that feels like so stop!)
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infernothechaosgod · 1 month
I think sylvester is a really intresting villian because unlike pete,blot, trudy or even terrible tom he's not really a good fighter, i think if he and mickey were to get into a fight he would fumble like a chair i could be wrong but I think theres even a panel where that happend
BUT he is a real threat because of his legal knowlage and position as a lawyer/landlord that really could be as if not more dangerous than psyhical fight bc okay let's say you lost a fight with someone your probably a bit beat up but youre gonna eventualy heal, You lose a legal fight agains a lawyer? So many diffrent bad things could happen You could get absolutley cooked for far longer than a fight would get ya, litellary endless horizonts of diffrent bad scenarios one worse than the other
Also I think the aspect that should be explored a bit more is how most people fear the law so much is because most of us don't know it that well, like a landlord could just absolutley make laws up and if he were to play the cards right the person he's lying to could end up asking for his help against something they didn't even do or was completly legal
having whoever he's going for be a bit more isolated be it because they argued with their friends or because the friends are unavaiable at the time And having him play up his friendly facade Could lead to a real intresting take where I think he would be at his strongest, especialy if the narrative didn't frame him as shady at the start but slowly shifted over time
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sashaisnotokay · 8 months
I still haven’t reread or rewatched Death Note, but I’m left speechless by some posts lately that claim Misa is a “poorly written” character.
For me, Misa is one of the deepest and most complex characters in the whole Death Note.
I don’t like her, but through the story I think I see her.
I see a lost girl who desperately avoids taking responsibility. She wants someone strong and safe to lead her. She craves love and connection, but doesn’t know how to get it in a healthy way - or maybe she knows, but is terrified of rejection, to the point that she lies to herself (remember her coming out of that meeting with Kyomi, telling Mogi that she “won”).
Really, a genuine question, is Misa really “badly written”?
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thenightfolknetwork · 6 months
[OOC] Hello friends, a small but important point about sending in questions to this blog:
I'm not a stickler for grammar and spelling, but if you don't break up your sentences with full stops, I will not use your submission.
I've got a few in the inbox right now from different people that have no full stops or commas. It makes them very difficult to read - not just for me, but for other followers.
There are some great ideas in these letters, but I can't use them because they're inaccessible.
I don't expect or demand perfect grammar, but punctuation makes your writing more legible and more accessible. If you don't use any at all, I have to delete your ask.
I've updated the pinned post and our About page to reflect this. Thank you for understanding xx
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