#sorry it's so sketchy and kind of a mess i saw a picture of this silly sweater this morning and at about 11:30 this evening was possessed
apocalypticdemon · 7 months
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this is how that scene went, right
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roomeight · 10 months
Hi! First of all I really appreciate your blog cause it’s important to talk about such important topics 💙
I don’t know if you’re informed about Damon’s life but for days on twitter there’s a talk about his last pic in Guatemala with one of his Gorillaz backup singer: Rebecca Freckleton.
From what I understand there are these rumors about them toghether since years. The point is that we don’t know for sure Rebecca’s age but a lot of fans are saying that she’s between 25-30 and they work together since 2017.
If they have an official relationship now it’s kinda strange. it’s a very strange dynamic because they’ve known each other since she’s really young.
Like I said before I don’t know if it’s true I just want to know if you something more.
I always thought Damon was with Suzi, finally a man with a woman his same age, but instead he’s probably just another disappointing man.
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Thank you for messaging 💙 adding this second ask to my response since it is similar topic. No, I don't know any thing about this rumor. I'm (generally) not on social media anymore so I don't see a lot of blur news. That's kind of on purpose.
I think I saw the picture with Damon you're referring to. I'm not familiar with Rebecca at all, so no idea about her age. I think...generally I've decided I want to know less about any celebrity's personal stuff. Especially Damon. That's not to say I feel blaise about the age gap if true, more just like the area of brain associated with Blur and dopamine is permanently wrecked. Fwiw, I'm not a fan of big age gaps despite what people seem to think from my fic.
If they are over 30 they have an adult brain and life experience, it's nuanced. It's a bit different if they knew each other when she was super young. G and Rose are a good example where the connection happened when she was young. There's probably some parasocial shit to unpack there I don't have the spoons to analyze. Sorry I don't know how to respond to this well except to say that. :/ The rumor is upsetting. The last year of Blur touring drove home how disappointing they all are to me for consciously suppressing Graham's sketchy bullshit. Like, they knew about it, and just decided suppressing fan accounts of alleged abuse by blocking and ignoring was the right path to take. Dave, Alex, Graham and Damon. Now D is saying Blur is not something he wants to do after touring, as if he's remembered how bad it is. If it's a consensual, adult relationship though, cool, I hope he's happy. D seems kind of like a mess these days, maybe it's what he needs and we will get some art out of it. 💙
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weird, m | ksj
pairing(s): seokjin x reader
summary: Your roommate and best friend, Kim Seokjin, forgot to double-check the autofill information and shipped his package from the online sex shop with your name on it. Naturally, this ends with you tying him up and sucking his dick, and him tying you up with you riding him like a wild animal. Wait, what?
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; friends with benefits; crack (sorry, I can't be serious for more than two seconds when writing Seokjin); yes, reader usually fucks younger dudes XD; smut (fem reader, D/s dynamics (both switches), bondage, m-receiving oral, thigh riding, cowgirl, spanking); non-idol!BTS - just two best friends fucking for sexual exploration, don't mind them
technically a prequel to love roulette, m | myg yes, this is the explanation to that mysterious package, but is it really an explanation or rather an excuse to fuck WWH, you decide
“Seokjin, can I ask you something?”
When Kim Seokjin looked at you, it was a bit like looking into the eyes someone much younger than you even though he wasn’t. He had that youth about him, the ‘here’s-to-never-growing-up’ sparkle in his large brown eyes, complete with parted lips in a small ‘o’ and, alright, yes, his Nintendo Switch in his hands.
“A long time ago, I asked you which way you think you lean, more dominant or more submissive, no?”
His handsome face flushed pink, slowly scooting away from you.
“Er… yeah, I remember…”
You poked him and he squeaked, slapping a hand over his side even though he was wearing a brown sweatshirt. Seokjin was always cold, even during the summer.
Your best friend was an odd character.
You chuckled. “Why are you being so awkward? I thought we were over this phase.”
Well, he should be. You had known Seokjin since elementary school and seen him, er, date was a strong word for what you both were doing in middle and high school, more like being bumbling messes and walking in on each other bonking classmates, but, hey, what mattered is that you both got better at it over the years.
It being sex.
Not romance.
You both still had only sketchy ideas about what romance was supposed to be.
“We are,” your best friend coughed, clearing his throat for absolutely no reason. “We are, I just…”
“Used my name for purchasing goods from an online sex shop?”
He choked and nearly flung his Switch. You caught it, swiftly placing it on the coffee table as you procured the cardboard box from behind your back, already open, address and name circled in thick black permanent marker on the rather inconspicuous package.
“W-What, that’s absurd, why would I ever–?”
You hummed pleasantly, sweeping the box away from his lanky limbs and his flailing hands. For someone who didn’t purchase goods from an online sex shop, he sure was interested in getting the box. He tumbled into your lap, and quickly scrambled back, black hair suddenly fluffed and wild from the movement.
“Something tells me you didn’t check the autocomplete form before clicking submit.”
You saw Seokjin choke on air.
He jerked away from you and fumbled with his phone beside him. You peeked over his broad shoulder and saw that he was scrolling through his emails like a madman, except Seokjin had a bad habit of never deleting any. He had maybe fifteen thousand unread emails to sort though.
“You don’t have to check. I am sure I didn’t order red cotton bondage rope and a leather flogger.”
Seokjin whipped his head around, face redder than a tomato, looking halfway between fainting and screaming.
You raised an eyebrow. “Is it for you or a mysterious imaginary girl that you’re dating?”
Now your best friend seemed to be contemplating holding his own breath until he passed out to avoid your questioning.
“I-It’s not for me!”
“Oooh, then who? You’re not an internet hookup kind of guy though… unless she was dumb enough to put her full name as her username, then she’s too airheaded to be a catfish–”
Seokjin flapped his hands, smacking you in your pajama-covered chest, sputtering. “No one! There’s no one! I just…!”
You caught one of his wrists, raising an eyebrow.
He froze.
“… Seokjin?”
You left go of his hand. It stayed there, frozen in the air.
Ah, it seemed as if his soul left his body.
Rest in peace Kim Seokjin. You were the handsomest best friend one could ask for.
You prodded him in the side again and Seokjin doubled over, trying to cover his face with the large sleeves of his sweatshirt, long legs in black sweatpants curling up as if he could cocoon himself away from the conversation.
“Seokjin, you can be interested in whatever you want,” you snickered, placing the package next to his fetal positioned body. “I simply thought it was funny that you accidentally used my name. Although I wouldn’t use that flogger on a real person, only for posing in pictures. In any case, have fun being freaky by yourself and not for some mysterious woman you refuse to tell me about.”
You stood up, about to leave and give your best friend some space. You shouldn’t go too far teasing him after all.
“What do you mean?”
You stopped, looking back. Seokjin’s large brown eyes were peeking out of his splayed fingers, shifting awkwardly when you made eye contact. He cleared his throat. He was doing that a lot for someone who seemed perfectly healthy ten minutes ago, shrieking at himself for missing the ledge in his game and dying.
It had seemed like a good time to interrupt and embarrass him so you could save your eardrums.
He coughed and pointed to the box. “About the… um… whip… thingmabob…”
You cocked an eyebrow. “Isn’t it obvious?”
You marched over and opened the box, making Seokjin jolt and cover his red ears instinctively, but you ignored him, pulling out the black pleather flogger you had already unwrapped from the plastic – purely from thinking it was your own package, by the way, no other reason, surely not because you were mildly curious about what your best friend was into, nope – and you slapped the short three tails into your hand, wincing.
“This kind of cheap material is too plastic-like. If you use this on bare skin and hit too hard, you’re going to cut someone and I know you’re squeamish around blood, unless you secretly have a blood fetish too and have been a really good actor all this time–”
“How do you know that?”
You blinked at his question.
Seokjin sat up, giving you a confused pout. “Why do you know something like that?”
Now it was your turn to shift your eyes around.
Er… how to tell your best friend that the younger guy you were casually fucking for the past couple of weeks was, ah, rather knowledgeable about certain things, was, um, interested in teaching, uh, yeah, teaching…
Seokjin squinted at you suspiciously. “Is it that idol trainee that was here two nights ago when I was out drinking with Hose–”
You waved your hands very quickly, tossing the flog aside carelessly and slapping your thigh to silence Seokjin and his far too invasive questions. “Look. I just don’t want you to hurt anybody on accident, okay? Your rope choice was good though. You should always use an organic material for shibari, cotton, hemp, linen if you’re rich, but you’re a cheapskate, so–”
Your best friend narrowed his eyes into slits. “How much younger is that guy compared to you again? Hm? And what was his name? Ye–”
You slapped a hand over Seokjin’s mouth, smiling sweetly and dangerously, reaching into the box and pulling out the red cotton rope.
“I know a lot of knots now and I can tie a noose just for you, Seokjinnie.”
Your best friend, rightfully so, looked terrified.
“Now. Let’s talk about you, okay? Okay.”
You removed your hand and held onto the rope.
Seokjin gulped, but then shook his head vigorously, frowning. “What did you call it?” He was already moving past your death threat. Smart man.
“Call what?”
“Shibari? Japanese rope tying?” You lifted the cotton cord in your hand. “Is that not what this is for?”
Seokjin blinked very rapidly.
You blinked back at him. Then it dawned onto you. “The diamond-y rope patterns where they’re all tied up and stuff.”
“Ah! Yeah! That!”
“You want that done to you?”
Seokjin jerked to one side. “What? No! To someone else. Maybe. No. What?”
You slowly placed the rope on his lap and scooted away.
“Uh… huh. Okay. Enjoy.”
“Wait,” he blurted.
“Can you WHAT?” you echoed shrilly.
“Right, yeah, okay, never mind–”
Your best friend choked on his own toothbrush and threw himself into the bathroom wall, colliding into the towel bar and howling in pain while simultaneously hacking up a lung.
“I’ve decided I am going to teach you some simple knots to prevent me from having to pick your naked ass up from the police station or hospital,” you said calmly as Seokjin half-died on the floor tangled in your mint green and his navy-blue bath towels. “And because I don’t want to have to cut some poor girl off your bedframe because you’ve blacked out running onto your door trying to find me.”
“I’ve never–” he wheezed.
“But you will if I don’t take precautions,” you cut in, grabbing your purple toothbrush and putting toothpaste on it as Seokjin attempted to collect himself off the ground. “Like that one time you ran into the window when that wasp was in the apartment.”
“That was a fucking wasp, you freaked out too!”
You started brushing your teeth. “Yeah, but I didn’t knock myself out and wake up with a fat bump on my forehead. That was you,” you gargled.
“Anyway, I know a few things and I figured I would do a good deed and enlighten you.”
“Who taught you? Was it Ye–”
You jabbed Seokjin forcefully in the ribs and he immediately shut up because he choked on his toothbrush again.
“Why do you have scissors?”
“For cutting the rope.”
“Yeah, but why are they so big?”
“That’s what she said.”
Seokjin narrowed his eyes. “I hate you.”
“Cool, now I’m gonna tie you up. Give me your hands.”
You unwound the end from the bolt and frowned, nudging his knee with yours. You were both sitting on his bed, him cross legged and you on your knees because he was wearing black sweatpants and you were wearing no pants, just your usual large lavender pajama shirt with a pattern of yellow stars.
“Take off your sweatshirt. It’ll get in the way.”
“But I’m cold.”
“You won’t be because apparently this shit turns you on,” you snickered.
“Shut up, it does not. It’s the other way around,” Seokjin grumbled, yanking his chocolate brown sweatshirt over his head.
You paused.
“I thought you were more sub.”
Seokjin froze, head half-out of his sweatshirt. You waited. He didn’t move. You waited some more. He coughed and chucked the article of clothing aside, yanking his white t-shirt down and smoothing his hair, not looking at you.
You waited.
He smoothed his hair for a full two minutes.
“Um, anyway–”
You planted a hand on his knee and Seokjin tried to chop your hand away, only for you to snatch his wrist, so his other hand came up to stop you, but you wound the end of the rope around his wrist and bounced off his mattress, pinning your knees on top of his knees and making him squeak as he tumbled back into his pillows, bringing you with him. You had to jerk your head out of the way to avoid collision.
“My nuts!”
“I didn’t hit your precious nuts, you numbsku–”
Hang on.
You locked eyes with Seokjin under you, who gawked back at you, absolutely terrified.
“… You are still a sub.”
Seokjin winced. “Ugh, it’s just… I’m getting older, alright? I can change my mind…”
You could get off him. You could let it be. You totally could.
But were you going to?
You straddled his abdomen and brought his hands to his chest with a big grin. Seokjin’s eyes turned into giant brown saucers. He looked ready to pass out and not from your weight because you weren’t putting much weight on him.
“W-W-What are y-you d-doing?!” he shrieked.
You rapped him in the forehead. “Teaching. Pay attention. Hands up.”
“You aren’t taking your rings off?”
He was referring to the three silver rings you wore on a daily basis – an onyx stone on your left middle finger, a goat-head shaped ring on your right thumb, and a skull with a jester hat on your right ring finger.
You raised an eyebrow. “Why do I need to take them off?”
He lifted his hands and gave you an exaggerated shrug in between your thighs. Come to think of it, Seokjin had a rather broad chest so you had to spread your legs pretty wide to accommodate and hover over him.
“Ah, perfect.”
Your best friend yelped as you wrapped the rope around his wrists, leaving the end sticking out between them, first focusing on loosely binding. He tried to break away, but you harshly squeezed his sides with your thighs, narrowing your eyes.
“Stop squirming.”
He froze at your cold tone, shifting his eyes awkwardly.
“Watch. Now.”
His eyes immediately snapped to your hands.
“Wrists together.” You nudged them so the inner parts of the wrists were touching. “A little space in the center,” you added, looping out the end of the rope. “I’m just teaching you how I learned it, there are a few ways, but the details are important so you don’t prevent loss of circulation,” you added seriously, waiting for him to nod before continuing. “So, wind it around a couple times, but don’t overlap. Four or five?”
“But I can still get out.”
You glared at him. Seokjin shut up and jammed his plush pink lips together, shaking his head rapidly as if to say, who me? I wasn’t talking!
“Turn it ninety degrees like this,” you demonstrated. “And start going perpendicular to and in between the wrists to create the binding. Line up each coil side by side. Mind the starting end here. Then…” You reached for the scissors and snipped the excess away, dropping the rope and scissors beside you on the bed. “You tie it off on the outside. I use a square knot, so this end over this end, and then retie it the opposite way. Try to break free.”
Seokjin frowned at the red rope around his wrists, twisting it this way and that, squirming underneath your legs. You put your hands on your waist triumphantly, nodding to yourself in pride. You did a good job! It looked neat and it was inescapable without tightening on any blood vessels to cause any dangerous loss of circulation.
Hang on.
Seokjin froze.
You froze.
You both looked down.
You smacked him in the cheek.
“What are you looking there for?!”
“Why did you hit me? Why do you always resort to violence?!” Seokjin accused, jabbing you underneath your breasts with his bound hands. “What is going on down there?”
“Nothing! Stop moving!”
You closed your thighs around Seokjin’s waist and sat down on him, causing him to gasp, wind knocked out of him as his diaphragm was pushed up into his lungs, struggling with the rope between his wrists and resorting to slamming them down on the bed above his head. You growled as you towered over him. He started yelling, as he always did.
You slapped your free hand over his mouth.
He glared at you behind your palm, breathing hard. You sat on top of him, breathing just as hard. He was bigger, strong, yes, but not in the position of power and – being honest, after all – your best friend was never really out to fight you and win. He was more of a ‘I’m-going-to-be-stupidly-annoying-until-you-do-what-I-want’ type, which made him rather childish in some ways. You were more of the ‘I’m-gonna-beat-your-ass’ type.
In conclusion, it was a healthy friendship.
Seokjin started licking your palm and making crazy eyes at you.
Your eye twitched.
“Stop it.”
Unsurprisingly, he did not, in fact, stop it.
“I said, stop it.”
And you slid down, past the wet spot now on his t-shirt, planting your soaked panties on top of his crotch, grinding down, and, yup, Seokjin bucked and yelped, immediately stopping and seizing up as if he could hide the massive erection that you had been willing to ignore but he was being a little – nah, actually, an extra-large, supersized – shit and it was getting on your last nerve, so what better way to resolve a wordless argument (on his part, heh) then humping his hard-on?
You removed your hand and Seokjin had a brief moment to gasp your name before you slid the pads of your fingers onto his tongue, rubbing it roughly and making his eyes nearly bulge out of his head.
“I told you to stop, but you aren’t listening,” you snarled.
Seokjin whimpered, brown orbs glassy, pupils blown out.
You stilled.
Hold on a second.
You had a brief epiphany where you realized you were grinding on your best friend’s dick with him tied up and you were wetter than the Yellow Sea. This wasn’t some guy you picked up at the night market that won you that sleeping Pikachu at the claw machines, only to chat him up and end up with bed with a guy who was – ack, never mind his age – anyway, this was your best friend.
Kim Seokjin.
Oh shit, I’ve gone too far.
You let go, backing up. “S… Sorry, I–”
But then Seokjin’s plush lips closed around your fingers, sucking hard and you choked slightly, feeling his hips roll and the tip of his clothed erection hit your covered clit. He was glaring at you. You gasped as his teeth gently but firmly caught your two fingers. It did hurt, but only a little. Mostly it sent a rush of rather uncomfortable and mind-boggling arousal racing from your knuckles to your core, drenching your panties further.
“Don’t stop,” he mumbled around your fingers.
Don’t stop?
His teeth let go, panting, staring into your eyes.
“Don’t make this weird,” Seokjin muttered, shifting his gaze. “Don’t make this weird, okay?”
His brown eyes flickered back to you. His bound hands were still over his head, black hair flaring out of his pillows, white t-shirt messed up, still trapped between your thighs. You paused, fingers slipping out of his lips, the pads trailing on his lower lip, turning it glossy with his saliva.
Your heart was racing fast.
He furrowed his dark brows and, for the first time, his serious expression made you think that perhaps, maybe, there was a side of him down there, the other side to the coin.
“I just…” Seokjin exhaled slowly, not looking away from you. “I trust you to do this. You’re capable and knowledgeable. I know you are. Word gets around with your, er, habits with younger guys…”
You felt your cheeks heat and you scratched your head awkwardly.
“Anyway, it’s fine if you wanna… er… get off. With me. Because I’m so handsome and all.”
You were thiiiiiiis close to leaving out of sheer embarrassment that instantly dissipated at Seokjin’s sudden unexpected self-compliment. Instead, your eye twitched and you squinted in annoyance.
Seokjin coughed, ears singeing bright red. “Unless you can’t, of course. Because it’s easy to fall in love with me, and that would be very bad considering I don’t want to marry you–”
“I don’t want to marry you either,” you snapped. “You’re ugly.”
Seokjin gasped dramatically, highly offended. “How dare you–!”
He abruptly sat up and you twisted back, only for his arms to swing over your head and sandwich you between his tied wrists and his chest, ramming you back onto his lap and his hard dick. You hissed and bit down your moan, not willing to admit it was mildly turning you on, because of course neither you or Seokjin hated each other – only in that classic way best friends hate and love each other at the same time – and, yeah, sure, you could admit Seokjin was handsome and cute and fun to be around, but he wasn’t the one, not that you knew what the one was supposed to feel like or knew if you would ever feel such an intense, romantic love, but you had this strange idea that the one for you would be someone who could understand you on a different level, and you didn’t have that with Seokjin even if you did talk all the time. You were quite sure the feeling was mutual and now, looking into his brown eyes with a scowl, you saw that the feeling was indeed mutual.
Also, Seokjin was an immature shithead.
A loveable, worldwide handsome, immature shithead. Redeemable.
You were horny.
And Seokjin was horny.
You weren’t going to date Seokjin ever, but your best friend was hot as hell and you could definitely bang him without any regrets.
“Let’s fuck,” he breathed into your face.
You raised an eyebrow.
“Don’t make it weird.”
Don’t make it weird, yeah, okaaay dude–
Your thoughts were suddenly cut off when Seokjin kissed you.
His forearms closed in behind your back and he pressed his bound wrists into your shoulder blades, pushing you into his solid chest and his embrace, taking your breath away. He always had good hugs, even if they were just to comfort you when your favorite flavor of ice lollys stopped being stocked at your local grocery store – still tragic to this day – and even when he was clinging onto you like a howling monkey because a cockroach was in the bathroom and he was screaming at you to kill it and nearly blowing out your eardrums, even then…
You closed your legs in around his hips and rolled your crotch into him, suddenly kissing him back.
He gasped into your mouth, your eyes half-opening, him gazing back at you, long lashes and dark eyebrows and glowing tan skin, holy shit, your best friend was handsome as fuck, why did other men even try when Kim Seokjin existed?
“Are you falling in love with me because I’m so handsome?” Seokjin teased, nipping at your lower lip.
Your eye twitched. Oh, yes, that’s right, because you’re annoying.
You shoved him and he yelped, clutching your back as you both fell onto the bed with a flump! You slid out from under his arms, skin prickling at Seokjin’s involuntary whine at your departure. Don’t make this weird, yeah, okay, don’t turn me on this much, dumbass, you are reminding me of… You pushed the thought away.
You didn’t want to think about other people when the person you were touching was right in front of you.
“What are you – yah!”
You gripped the waistband of his sweatpants and yanked down, exposing his underwear – bright blue, nice, nice – and his clothed erection, leaning in, hot breath ghosting over it, Seokjin jerking his arms about because he seemed undecided on either if he wanted to see or not see, but you let him deal with that in his own time, lowering your mouth, tongue extended, fingers splayed over his hips, silver rings glinting in his bedroom lights.
“You look like a demon,” you heard from above you.
You planted your tongue on the spot where the head of his cock would be and soaked it with saliva.
That shut him up real quick.
Your eyes drifted up, lapping slowly, barely stimulating the sensitive head through his underwear, closing your lips around it so the fabric clung wetly to the taut skin underneath. His cock swelled and twitched under your mouth; the action was mirrored by Seokjin’s jaw. He was clenching it along with his hands balled into fists, gasping for breath.
“O-Oh, f-fuck…!”
You were beginning to get the hint with each passing second of working your tongue around his rapidly hardening cock. Seokjin had put himself in the sub category when you asked back then because he liked to things being done for him. It was less about the mental aspect and more of the physical acts of service in his case. However, he wasn’t very good at articulating what he wanted and thus the natural pattern of someone just doing it led to, ah, exhibit A.
You currently parting your lips and letting your tongue snake out, coating the length with saliva.
You could see it in his eyes, that burning intensity.
Maybe part of it was because it was you. He probably didn’t have those butterfly jitters of trying to woo a stranger or the nervousness of looking bad in the honeymoon phase of a relationship. There was already a level of comfort – and the ability to readily shit-talk each other at any moment – and so Seokjin was free to relax, even if it was a bizarre situation of sexual discovery.
“Take it off,” he growled.
Your fingers creeped up his sides, hooking over his boxer briefs. Slow, deliberate, kissing up his length, on the tightrope, dominant in your control, submissive in the action, raising your head so Seokjin could lift his hips, feathering kisses on the exposed skin and making him hiss and shudder, eyelids fluttering, slipping into subservience a little.
At the end of the day, who killed the unwanted bugs in your shared apartment?
Yeah, you.
“Oh, f… fucking shit…”
You tilted your head and ran your tongue up and down the length, licking up the sides and circling around the thick head, bordering on frustratingly soft, switching to wet, sloppy kisses when his hands raised, making him pause, gazing down at you curiously and attentively, entranced by the action. You ducked down, tongue slurping around his balls, lifting his cock, kissing, sucking, eyes closing, tip of your wet muscle drawing zig-zag patterns that soft skin.
Seokjin moaned your name.
A shiver of electricity went up your spine.
Alright, fine, you were getting turned on.
You wrapped your lips around his balls and enveloped them both with your mouth.
You opened your eyes to see Seokjin staring wide-eyed at you, hands straight up to stare at you between his upper arms. You almost laughed at the hilarious triangular-looking pose, but your mouth was currently full, so you restrained yourself.
“That’s possible?! You can put both nuts in your mouth at the same time?!”
Where you supposed to respond with your cheeks stuffed with his nutties?
You hummed casually in response.
Seokjin gasped at the vibrations and the movement of your tongue slapping all over them, short, rapid licks all over his skin, watching him with a cocked eyebrow, but he didn’t even notice, hands dropping and moaning to the ceiling, his eyes closing and savoring the hot wet warmth and the power of your mouth, shivering as your hand slowly stroked his length in time with your tongue.
You let him bask in it before detaching and swallowing his cock.
Seokjiinie, you thought wryly, we gotta work on your repertoire of sex sounds.
You spied him looking down at you, so you paused around the swollen head and slid your tongue out, circling and wrapping around his length while sucking on the tip and rubbing the back of your tongue along the underside.
Seokjin made a bunch of weird croaking noises that were, strangely, rather attractive. Okay, you could admit it. You were kind of a sucker for your best friend in the most platonic way possible… while in the middle of sucking his dick.
He was handsome!
You began to bob your head up and down, tongue and lips descending, taking him deep so you kissed the base of his cock, head buried in your throat, waiting for him to glance down at you, hazy brown orbs under lush lashes, and you would peek your tongue out and lap at his balls, interrupting the tightness, causing him to swear and jerk his hips up, urging you to keep consistent speed and pace, all the while watching every single movement of your tongue. You kept this irregular pace, slow, then fast, then slow again when he looked at you, then fast when the ecstasy was too much and he closed his eyes, over and over. You could see that a battle was being waged Seokjin’s pretty head, between wanting to observe the lewdness of you licking his balls with his hard cock buried in your throat while also desperately needing to get to the fuck off.
“You… bitch… suck me off properly, fuck…”
You raised all the way so only the head was in your mouth and sucked, rubbing up and around it, swirling all over, teasing the slit and soaking the sensitive skin, rutting it against the roof of your mouth and Seokjin groaned, pressing his head back into the pillows, black hair covering his eyes, fists pressed to his chest.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, please, let me cum!”
His hips rammed up and you dug your nails into them, wincing as the head hit the top of your throat and slid down, cutting off your air, and then he began to thrust erratically, the position, inability to use his hands as leverage, and your resistance not letting him set up a good rhythm. You had to force him back down, popping your mouth off, snarling.
“I’m gonna gag if you do that! You want me to vomit on your dick or what?”
But all of a sudden Seokjin sat up again, grabbing your pajama shirt and yanking you to him, saliva dripping down your chin and then it was on his chin, a messy, savage kiss, ravenous need in his actions, pulling you to him, close, closer, you twisting and then gasping as he pushed one of your thighs down, planting your soaked panties on the exposed part of his thigh.
“Ah, Seok–”
He attacked your lips again with a light growl, sparks shooting across your skin, his thigh rising and bouncing you both on the bed, his legs still tangled in his pants and underwear but the effect was undeniable.
Seokjin was making you ride his thigh.
He bit your lower lip and sucked hard, your eyes fluttering closed, hips rocking, heat turning hotter, wet turning wetter, your sticky, sweet juices clinging to his upper thigh, your own pressed against his saliva-covered cock, wrapping your arms around him, close, closer, you thrusting your tongue in his mouth and him moaning before he did the same to you, starting a tug of war, rubbing harder against his skin, his muscle tensing against your covered clit, friction and wetness everywhere, too many clothes and no eye contact, one of your hands slipping into his black locks and tilting his head, deepening the kiss and inhaling his exhale, shuddering at the erotic nature of the moment.
He mumbled your name against your lips, still clutching your pajamas, stars bunched in his hands, fingertips pressed into the curve of your breasts.
“Can I try the rope tying now?” Seokjin whispered, voice gravelly and low.
“Excuse me?”
There was a ripped-open condom wrapper sitting on the bed.
Your pajama shirt, bra, and panties were on the floor, along with Seokjin’s shirt, sweatpants, and underwear.
“Why are you – gah!”
You sucked in a breath as you sank down on his cock. Fuck, it was tight, tight as you lowered yourself onto his hips, Seokjin gasping and clutching the long length of red cotton rope that you had carefully untied from his wrists. You had even taken the extra step to massage them afterward, not that he needed it because of your careful work – good job, past you – but he appreciated it all the same, because deep down Kim Seokjin was a prince.
“Oh my God, you’re so tight, shit, shit, shit…”
You neglected to tell your best friend that you were both low-key proud of and turned on by your own ability to take dick without much foreplay. That little edge of tightness added just the right amount of spice of pain that amplified to the pleasure.
And yes, you felt a special kind of glee as you witnessed Seokjin’s stunned shock and near passed-out expression from being inside you.
You held out your wrists and grinned. “Go ahead. Tie me up.”
Seokjin gawked at you like you had three heads.
You squeezed your breasts together with your upper arms, tilting your head with a devilish grin.
“God, you’re so hot, but you look crazy,” he wheezed.
Your grin dropped and your eye twitched. “Is that supposed to be a compliment or…?”
Seokjin shrugged, and moved your hands so they were in the better position for him. Much to your annoyance, he didn’t elaborate.
“Um, let’s see, you left a bit out to use as a tie and…”
You began to rock your hips.
The side of your lips curved upward. “What? We’re multitasking.”
“We–?” Seokjin choked, gritting his teeth as you pulsed around his hard length, rolling your hips gently, adjusting until you found a comfortable spot so the head hit you in just the right spot, ah, yes, right there, spreading your fingers out over his chest, leaning your forehead against his, not quite going full force but a slow, deliberate rhythm that wasn’t going to make either of you cum, but, damn, did it feel good.
Seokjin shuddered, gasping your name.
“Tie me up, Seokjin,” you murmured back, caressing his skin.
His eyes darted up, saturated with lust, searching your eyes, and you gazed back.
You could be a real jerk right now.
His hot exhale washed over your lips, a shudder of nervousness.
But this was your best friend, and he was trusting you.
You tilted your head and kissed him softly, flush against his plush lips.
“Come on,” you nudged his nose lightly. “Do it.”
You viewed him from under your lashes. He shivered. Almost.
He needed only one more little push.
“Want you, Seokjinnie,” you breathed against his skin, hints of need and desperation in your voice.
A small smile danced on his lips, staring into your eyes.
You might have fallen for him a little bit in that moment.
He kissed the side of your mouth, a teasing little peck, and you smirked, turning your head so you wouldn’t break the image you had created for him, but he was already looking down, busily occupied with your wrists, so you drew back, focusing instead on riding him, closing your eyes. You built a leisurely, pleasurable pace, leaning forward a bit to rub your clit against the base of his cock, sighing contentedly at the way he filled you, a wonderful, thick, satisfying girth that you could get used to, other than the fact that most of the time Seokjin drove you up the wall, but, hey, maybe if both of you reached a certain age and you were still single, maybe you could marry your best friend solely for having accessible dick…
“Ah! Perfect.”
You cracked open one eye.
And tried not to burst out laughing.
“Erm… well…” you coughed, tugging at the rope a little. It looked messy and rather hideous, parts overlapping and twisting awkwardly, but he had the… basic idea? It wasn’t like you were going to do anything dumb anyway, so it was pretty good for a first time.
Seokjin frowned. “I don’t know how you did it so neatly…”
“You line up the coils next to each other – ah!”
He seemed to think that was good enough and grabbed handfuls of your ass, causing you to tip forward and brace your hands against his chest, gasping as his hips thrust up into you, abrupt pleasure blooming up your core, sudden squelch of wetness between your joined hips.
“Come on,” he grunted, clenching his jaw, tone getting deeper and more dangerous with each word. “I have to get off, and now.”
He smacked his hands down on your ass and you almost whimpered.
Seokjin drew back a little, giving you a strange look.
“W… What?” you managed to get out.
He tilted his head. “Do you like that?”
You almost said, no, of course not, but you stopped yourself, looking down at the red rope tied around your wrists, heat flaring in your cheeks, ass stinging slightly from his slap.
His cock twitched inside you.
Your eyes flickered up to him. A sly smirk danced on your lips.
“Yeah. I like the things you do to me.”
You saw Seokjin pause, brown eyes widening a little, black hair over his forehead.
You pushed him down on the bed. He gasped, but he was used to it now, gripping your ass and tipping his head back as you began to really ride him, waving your hips to ram his cock into your pussy, not even noticing the moan seeping from your lips, fuck, it was good, fulfilling and deep, your bound hands on his chest, fingers spread out and nails digging into his skin a little, but Seokjin seemed to be into it, his own nails sinking into your ass, pushing you down with every descent, hitting you harder, rougher, intensifying the pleasure, building onto it. Hot breath, warm skin, joined hips, loud slaps, rocking bedframe, your breasts bouncing with each thrust, gazing at each other through half-lidded eyes, not quite seeing each other but drowning in the gratification, the roughness, gasping sharply as his open palm smacked down on your ass again, making it bounce and jiggle in his hands, your core and thighs squeezing tighter, witnessing his tight hiss of desire, mesmerized by your sound so he did it again, spanking the other cheek, and you did it again, whimper creeping out, arousal consuming his handsome features, intoxicated by your reaction to his action so he did it again and again, hard, stinging slaps as you rode his stiff, quivering cock harder and faster, fuck, Seokjin must be incredibly turned on because he was so fucking hard, just so incredibly sexy how hard he was right now, even the pain was nothing but an injection of added carnal pleasure, throwing your head back and sinking your nails into his skin, fucking him recklessly, forgetting about hiding your moans, who the fuck cared, not you and not him because Seokjin too was crying out, the sinful sound of sex echoing off his bedroom walls, except instead of you in your bedroom putting headphones on to drown him out, you were in his bedroom, doing it, fucking the daylights out of him.
You could see why girls wanted to date your best friend now.
Seokjin was a loud dork, but he had a great dick.
“F-Fuck, Seokjin, fuck!”
He had a similar response, although it was more a choked garble of your name mixed with, “Oh fuck, I’m gonna cum, fuck!”
You must really be drunk on his dick because even that turned you on and tipped you over the edge.
Your thighs tensed and you moaned deeply, tucking your chin down and spreading your palms onto his pecs, wrists straining against the cotton rope, a rapid torrent of adrenaline soaring through you and then you smacked your ass down onto Seokjin’s crotch, whining as you came in vicious pulses of pleasure, clenching around his jerking length and you realized Seokjin was clutching your ass, pinning it down so you couldn’t move, shooting his release into the condom, so much that you felt his cock shudder and throb inside you, head buried in your deepest, most pleasurable spot, you feeling all of him and him feeling all of you.
Holy shit.
You almost saw stars.
“Hah… wow… I guess I can’t blame younger dudes for wanting this pussy…”
Your eyes weren’t open but your eyebrow twitched in annoyance.
“Shut up, Seokjin.”
“Come on, man! Look what you did!” Seokjin barked accusingly, pointing to his chest with red indents of your rings.
“Excuse me? I’m the one who has scratches and a bruised ass!”
“You’ve marred my beautiful skin! I should fine you!”
“Where’s that fuckin’ whip – get your naked ass back here, Kim Seokjin!”
Hm, well, maybe you would find your true love some other time. Maybe try gambling?
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kimistorm · 4 years
Hello Stranger (Stray Kids x Reader)
Fly Away my Love: Chapter 2
The streets were eerily quiet as you carefully made your way through the town. The sky was overcast and submerged the entire city in a gray glow. A cool wind blew through the streets, bringing with it discarded wrappers and leaves. But there wasn’t a person in sight. It didn’t look abandoned. Cars that looked to be in perfect working condition were parked on the side of the road.
There was a creak and you saw a brightly colored playground and one of the toys swaying back and forth in the wind. You couldn’t help but shiver. Something about this town felt weird. It was almost like it was abandoned overnight. Where were all the inhabitants? Everything looked as if it was used yesterday, so why did it feel like a ghost town?
“What are you doing out here?” there was a panicked whisper as if the person was afraid of disturbing the silence, and a hand clamped onto your arm. You tried to wrench yourself out of his grasp, but you were still exhausted from your earlier escape and he was too strong. “You’re going to get caught!” he quickly led the two of you away from the main road and down several alleys. You looked at the black-haired man who was currently leading you away. His face was set in a serious, guarded look, and his dark eyes continuously darted around looking for any signs of life.
Where was he taking you? Why was he taking you? His dark outfit reminded you of the soldiers that were chasing after you before, but his clothes were looser, and he didn’t seem to have any kind of weapon on him. He seemed kind of...normal, but you didn’t want to jump to any conclusions. However, you didn’t feel any threatening aura coming from him, so you let him lead you away.
What was this? First, there was the stranger with glowing red eyes who hid you from the soldiers who were in hot pursuit, and now there was this stranger warning you about being caught. It put you on edge, there was clearly some bigger piece of the puzzle that you were missing. Of course, after being held in that building for who knows how long, you didn’t expect to know anything about the outside world, but you didn’t expect it to be this...caring. Or maybe that was just you. Or maybe, as you feared, there was some bigger picture that you happened to be in the center of, and everyone but you knew the bigger picture.
You looked at him again, questions seemed to dance on the tip of your tongue. Questions that you wanted this man to answer. First, of which being, where are you taking me? But something about the atmosphere kept your mouth shut. Maybe it was the silence of the city. The only sounds being your footsteps and the occasional rattling of debris caught up by the wind. Or maybe it was the serious look on his face (or the eyebrow split). Or maybe it was the fear of what you would have to do once you had your answers.
As the two of you continued walking at a brisk pace, you noticed the buildings starting to look more decrepit. The outsides didn’t look as new, and you could see paint peeling off from the houses and sagging wood. Perhaps this was the oldest part of town, and by the looks of the gates rusted shut, the dead grass in people’s front yards, the potholes that you had to make sure to avoid, and the lack of any vehicles, nobody lived here anymore.
There was a crackle followed by the blaring sound of a siren and you jumped, but the stranger continued walking as if it was a normal occurrence. You did notice his grip on you tighten and his pace increase. Was that a bad sound? “The curfew is still in place,” a metallic voice announced, “the threat is still in the area. Please stay inside for your safety.” The alarm howled again and repeated its message a couple of times before giving one last howl and falling silent.
You heard a faint roaring sound and it seemed like the stranger heard it as well as he broke into a sprint, dragging you with him as the two of you ran to take cover by the nearest house. There was a covered front porch and the two of you curled up into the corner. He pulled his hood over his black hair and unzipped his jacket to better cover the two of you. Hopefully making the two of you pass as a shadow or a trash bag, instead of two people breaking the curfew.
The roar got louder and you tried to press yourself into a tighter ball. It sounded like a helicopter had flown over, probably scanning the area for the threat. Man, you felt bad for whatever this threat was. They just put the entire city into lockdown and had choppers-
Then it hit you, and you looked up at the man who was currently protecting you. Did he know? Did he know you’re the threat? If so, why is he protecting you? What if he didn’t know? What if he was just a kind-hearted citizen and you were getting an innocent person mixed up in the mess that you made? “Hey-”
He placed a hand over your mouth, “we’ll talk later,” he responded in a hushed voice. The sound of the helicopter had faded away and he stood up, “we’re almost there.” You didn’t know if you felt reassured or frightened by that. His hand found its way to your wrist again, and the two of you were off again. Not yet a run, but his pace definitely picked up.
He led the way into a building that looked like a strong wind would cause it to collapse. It seemed to be an abandoned office of sorts, judging by the open first floor and what looked to be a front desk. His grip on your wrist didn’t slacken as the two of you climbed the stairs past a couple of floors. The quick peek you were able to sneak showed that they were stripped bare of items. At the next floor though, he took the path out of the stairwell and onto the floor. Unlike the others, this one had items lying around and looked like it was actually lived in.
“I’m back,” he called out as he led you farther through the floor and away from the stairwell. You took a glance behind you to make sure you knew how to escape, you didn’t want to take your chances jumping out of a third-floor window.
“Did you find them?” someone shouted from somewhere on the floor.
The man who was holding onto you gave you a glance and what was probably meant as a reassuring smile (though that was the opposite of how you were feeling), “yep!” You emerged in what you assumed was the living room, due to the assortment of mismatched couches, and he let himself fall onto one of them, bringing you with him.
You saw someone was already laying on one of the couches and the two of you made eye contact, he gave you a lazy wave and a sweet smile as six more people piled into the room. “Jeongin!” someone yelled before practically leaping onto the person who was laying on the couch and crushing him.
There was a loud ‘oof’ from the person who got squished, “get off,” he cried out as he tried to push off the man who had unceremoniously jumped onto him, “you’re crushing me!”
The man let go of your wrist and you immediately snatched it back and moved away from the black haired male, this didn’t go unnoticed as he gave you a sheepish smile, “sorry about that. Since you slipped past Seungmin we didn’t want to lose you again.”
“Lose me?” you couldn’t help but look at him incredulously and crossed your arms defensively, “what do you mean? I don’t know you, and you don’t know me!”
“District 9.” You froze and turned your gaze wildly onto the blond who spoke up. He almost defiantly stared back at you, as if daring you to argue and say that you didn’t recognize the name. “That was the first time those sirens went off since we got here,” as if on cue there was the howl of the siren and the warning of the threat.
“I don’t recognize you.” You responded curtly as you looked at the eight men who were gathered in the room.
“We broke out of District 9,” he had a nonchalant cool atmosphere around him as if he wasn’t talking about a sketchy facility nobody should know of, “just like you.”
You opened your mouth to retort something along the lines of, ‘how did they know you broke out of District 9’, but the one who jumped on to Jeongin spoke up, “I know you have magic,” your eyes widened in recognition, it was Seungmin, “my ability allows me to recognize people who have magic.” You snapped your mouth shut. You saw his glowing eyes earlier, that was definitely a sign of magic, and it’s not like you could try and deny it. They already seemed to have figured everything out without ever meeting you.
“Okay,” you crossed your arms, still feeling on edge around them, “so what do you want from me?”
“Want?” the black-haired man who brought you here stumbled over his words as he looked at you in shock, “I just thought we could stick together, like, have each other’s back, support each other, and stuff.” His words faded into an uncertain mumble as if he hadn’t thought about you being so wary about the group.
You couldn’t help but look at him in disbelief, “do you assume everyone who has an ability to be a friend?” your scornful voice matched the slight curl of disgust on your lips. This entire crew was too trusting.
There was a shout and everyone looked to the new voice in surprise, “it’s not like you had a plan right?” the brown-haired man demanded as he glared at you. You averted your eyes from his stare. You did have a plan...kind of, but admittedly the black-haired man had a point. It would be easier to survive if you were with a group.
“Wait, you’re bleeding!” the conversation was suddenly interrupted by the exclamation of the black-haired man who dragged you here.
Startled by his shout, you jumped and looked down at your blood-soaked sleeve, “I wouldn’t say currently bleeding.” You slowly responded as you took note of how it felt. You didn’t feel streams of blood running down your arm, so you took that as the wound had clotted up. It obviously already had, since with all the moving you were doing, if it hadn’t, you probably would’ve bled to death. You tried wiggling your fingers, but there was a sore flare of pain, and you decided you probably shouldn’t do that.
“Oi Felix!” his loud voice caused you to jump again. He was so quiet and serious when you first met, seeing this was quite a surprise. “Come ‘ere bro!” you couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at the loud australian accent, but that seemed to have broken the tense atmosphere.
A blond sporting a mullet rushed to your side, “I’m Felix.” He told you with a smile before turning his attention to your arm and pushing up the sleeve. You were surprised by his low-voice, given his cute face and freckles you thought he’d have a sweeter voice. “This might feel a little weird, but don’t worry.” Feel weird? You tensed and raised your eyebrows at him as he closed his eyes and started to glow a faint yellow. You bit your lip as the skin on your arm started to squirm and morph, it wasn’t painful, but like Felix said, it was definitely unsettling. The dried blood didn’t go away, but your fingers started to feel normal and it seemed like his ability was working everywhere as the fatigue and exhaustion seemed to evaporate from your bones.
He let out a heavy sigh before falling back and leaning against the couch in between you and the australian, “feel better?” he asked with another smile though his eyes looked a lot more tired than before and you could’ve sworn bags formed under his eyes.
“Yes, thank you so much Felix.” You muttered back.
“I’m Chan,” you looked at the man who dragged you into the group, “sorry for not introducing myself earlier. It was a little hard with the...silence.” He finished lamely while Felix and a couple others snickered.
“Han,” one of the people who snickered introduced with a wave and a wide grin.
The person next to him was the one who shouted earlier, “I’m Lee Know.”
On the other side of Han was a dusky haired man, “Changbin, it’s nice to meet you!”
There was a grunt followed by a thump and you looked over to see Seungmin dumped on the floor, there were muffled snickers as the one who was crushed by Seungmin looked at you sweetly, “I’m IN.”
“Best for last,” he was met with a bunch of boos and he glared at the rest of the group who merely laughed back, “I’m Hyunjin.”
They all looked at you expectantly, waiting for your name. Seungmin already knew the fake name you had made up on the spot, but this was a chance to get closer and trusting. A chance to let someone else in. Would you? “(s/n).”
"It's nice to meet you (s/n)!" Changbin’s eager smile made you feel guilty.
“Welcome to Stray Kids!” you couldn’t help but give a confused look at Chan, They did not look like kids, so why would they dub themselves that? He didn’t seem affected by your confused look, and the rest of the group seemed chill with it, so you just shrugged and followed along with it.
“Sorry if this is prying,” Seungmin was sitting on the floor on the couch in front of IN, “but I’m really curious as to how did you escape District 9.” You noticed that when his eyes weren’t glowing red, they were a warm brown. You guessed he wasn’t using his ability, but abilities didn’t always manifest with a sign.
“Yeah!” Han’s eyes were wide with excitement and he even bounced around to make his point, “you must’ve had a really epic escape plan if it was just you!”
“It took all eight of us to escape,” Lee Know groaned as he rubbed his eyes with a hand, “and all eight abilities.”
“Mostly Felix,” Hyunjin pointed to said person who looked like he was moments away from falling asleep on Chan’s leg.
“Mostly Felix,” Chan agreed.
“And you got out with just a bullet wound! How’d you do it?”
You could see it happening again, as if you were back in District 9. Whether your eyes were closed or open, you saw her body falling to the ground, getting shot down. Her dark eyes filled with tears as she begged you to run.
“(s/n)? (s/n)!”
You felt someone shake your shoulder and you slapped them off, screaming, “I didn’t kill her!”
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yikesimonfire · 3 years
Howdy Neighbor || Alfie & Bex
Timing: Before the events of Promise to Bind. Location: Hallway of Alfie’s apartment complex. Parties: @inbextween�� & @yikesimonfire​ Summary: Bex drops by Eddie’s apartment with a gift; Alfie isn’t sure what he thinks of her. Content: internalized homophobia tw
It wasn’t necessary, but Bex liked doing nice things for her friends, and so she’d made Eddie a bone crown while she’d hyperfocused on making things yesterday. She’d had so much energy the past few days, due mostly in part to Mina, and well-- the stuff that had happened between them. Sometimes, she couldn’t stop smiling about it. Sometimes, it made her face hurt. The crown was littered with dried, pressed flowers that were sealed with preserve to keep them from crumbling apart, and she’d dusted off some of the small antlers Morgan had in the workshop-- way too small to even be baby deer antlers, so Bex really had to wonder what they might be from. They looked almost rabbit size-- and arranged them in a fashion she thought might suit Eddie. The coyote jaw bones really brought the piece together, as well. She hoped he’d appreciate the celebration of death in it. She figured he might, considering he saw ghosts and lived his life with them. But when she knocked, no one answered. Hmm, maybe she should’ve messaged him first. That probably would’ve been the smart idea, but she’d sort of wanted to surprise him. She wondered where he might be, as she peered into the front window. All the lights were off, which meant no one was home, probably. She pulled out her phone to text him when she noticed someone outside the apartment next to Eddie’s. “Oh, um hello!” she called out, waving. She didn’t recognize them, but then again, Bex didn’t know a lot of people around town. “I was just dropping something off! Do you know Eddie?”
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It wasn’t uncommon that Alfie saw people he didn’t know lingering around the apartment complex. In fact, he didn’t know many people that lived there — even fewer by name. So when he got upstairs, mail in hand, he didn’t think anything of the young woman standing outside of Eddie’s door. As he reached for his keys, he ducked his head to avoid any unnecessary eye-contact. Soon enough, he’d have the door unlocked and he’d be safe. But then, in an unusually friendly voice, she called out to him. The sound of her voice made him involuntarily jerk (and almost drop his keys), but he managed a glance in her direction with a polite, but thin-lipped smile. “Hi,” he curtly replied. The question that followed, however, caused his brow to raise. 
“Eddie? Uh — yeah. Yeah, I know Eddie.” Knew him better than most, or at least that’s what Alfie liked to believe. But that was neither here nor there. “I think he’s out, actually. Can’t exactly say when he’ll be back.” Obviously he was out, it probably didn’t take Alfie’s saying so for the stranger to figure that out. She wouldn’t have been standing outside if Eddie were home. Still, while Alfie fiddled with his key, edging it closer to the lock, he figured his friend would probably appreciate him being courteous. “Didyouneedanything?” The words sputtered out in an incoherent mess. “Or, uh… Is there anything I can do to help? He — he’ll probably be back soon.” He figured the polite thing to do was at least offer to wait with her (Eddie would like that, right?) but thought it inappropriate to mention.
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Bex didn’t really notice the anxious behavior as she fussed with the phone and the crown in her hands, trying not to drop either one of them. At least her clumsiness had never extended to her hands. She managed to type out a text before the other boy mumbled something so quickly she didn’t quite understand it. “Oh! Oh, that’s-- kind of you to offer,” she said, looking down at her phone as it buzzed. An immediate answer, of course. He wasn’t going to be home for a bit, and she had stuff to do. Mina was expecting her back in a bit, as well. “Um, actually, yeah,” she said, pocketing her phone and looking back over at the other boy. He was quite a bit taller than her, even in her heels, and it wasn’t often she met someone who achieved that. She glanced back at Eddie’s door, before turning back to the other boy. “Would you mind giving this to him when he gets back? I would stay, but I have to be somewhere, and, well, I don’t really trust just leaving it on the doorstep, you know? I made it for him myself and I’d really like it if he actually, you know, got it.” She paused. “Not that I think anyone would steal it or anything! Or, well, I guess I sort of do, otherwise I’d be okay leaving it, but I’m more worried about it getting broken.” As nervous as Bex could be, she was used to talking to strangers and asking things of them. At least her parents had taught her one useful thing. 
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She made it for him herself? Alfie stood there, dumbfounded for a moment before giving her a small nod. “Yeah, yeah. ‘Course I can!” The hand holding his keys dropped to his side as he shifted towards her, his arm prematurely extended for a swift transfer. In the process, he noticed his shoulders were slouched and straightened up his back a bit — careful not to stand too tall and risk intimidating her. “Trust me, I get it. It’s a sketchy place. There’s no telling what might happen to it before Ed — Eddie gets back. ‘Sides, we wouldn’t want it falling into the wrong hands.” A forced chuckle followed which Alfie immediately regretted. “That… sounds like I’m saying it’s dangerous or something. I just mean, y’know… Things happen around here and, who knows — it’d probably be fine, but better safe than sorry.” His lips pursed together as he studied her face, trying to remember if he’d seen her anywhere; in any pictures Eddie had shown him, or even just from around town. Nothing. Was this just a thing now? Eddie having people over to bring him handmade gifts? “Will he be expecting it, or should I mention who it’s from?” he wondered. He figured that Eddie would be expecting it if she considered leaving it, but he also hoped that putting a name to her face might jog his memory.
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“Oh, thank-- I appreciate that!” Bex said, catching herself quickly. It was still such an easy habit to fall into, saying thank you, without knowing what someone was. She thought of all the times she’d said thank you to Professor Campbell and hoped he wasn’t a fae. “Oh, yeah, yes! Better safe than sorry! I mean, this place doesn’t look too sketchy, and when I was over helping him edit some videos the other day, it seemed like a nice place! I think there’s definitely much sketchier places in White Crest,” she rambled. Oh, she was rambling again. She always did that when she was nervous. She smiled to cut herself off and held out the crown for him. “Do you know Eddie well?” she asked, when she noticed the slip in name. If he called him Ed, they were probably good friends, right? Usually people who were close gave each other nicknames. “Uh, no, I don’t think he’s expecting it. I just-- decided to make one and thought of him while I was doing it, so,” the sentence cut short as she shrugged. She wasn’t really sure why she’d made it for him, only that she wanted to do something nice for him, after everything he’d done for her. “You can tell him it’s from Bex,” she tacked on finally, looking back at the other boy with a half smile.
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Helping him edit videos? Alfie never helped Eddie edit videos. Granted, that was probably because he never showed any interest in helping him. “Oh, yeah,” Alfie forced another laugh. “He keeps it surprisingly free of dog hair, considering.” He wasn’t sure what to say to that. Hell, he wasn’t even sure how he felt about that. Eddie was allowed to have other friends; it shouldn’t have bothered him. So why did it? “We’re pretty close, yeah.” At this point, Alfie didn’t even know if that was true. No — that was ridiculous. Of course they were close. Eddie was his best friend, after all. 
As soon as the stranger introduced herself, things started making a little more sense. “Oh, Bex! From the — the exorcismyay,” Alfie’s voice dropped to a near whisper when he said “exorcism”. He remembered Eddie mentioning her now; how a filming adventure went awry. As it seemed, these excursions of his were just as dangerous as ever. “I realize now that’s still the same word in Pig Latin,” he tittered, a genuine smile crinkling at the corners of his eyes. The nagging in the pit of his stomach was quickly dissipating. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Bex, and it’s sweet that you wanted Eddie to have this. I’m sure he’ll love it. I’m Alfie, by the way. Alfie Ramirez.” Why did he just tell her his full name? Should he shake her hand now? Was that the right thing to do? Without thinking, Alfie dropped his keys to offer Bex his other hand. “I’d hate to keep you,” he added as an afterthought. “I know you’ve got somewhere to be.”
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“Hey, well, Bucket is a queen and she deserves the world. I wouldn’t mind dog hair all over me if it was hers,” Bex chuckled, giving Alfie a better smile this time. He was a nice guy, and, so far, Bex really liked him. Especially if he was friends with Eddie. She didn’t think Eddie would be friends with anyone that wasn’t at least a little like him. “Oh, have you known him long, then? He said he grew up here, and he’s one of those people who seems to love this town. I think it’s cute, don’t you? How much he seems to like this place. It’s...refreshing.” She wasn’t sure why she’d said all that, but she supposed it was the truth, so what did it matter? And if this was Eddie’s friend, then, maybe she wanted to connect with him, too. Maybe she wanted to show Eddie that she had a genuine interest in his life. He made her feel welcome, after all. And safe. She had broken down in front of him and made him see her horrific nightmare and he’d still offered to drive her home and then also be her friend. He deserved a lot more than a bone crown and a date rejection. 
“Oh! Yes! That! That was fun! I was so excited he asked me to come with him. I’ve never seen a ghost before. Or, well, I still technically haven’t, but I’ve seen what they can do! And stuff like that! And it was-- kind of amazing? Did you know there’s different kinds?” She straightened up, laughing a little. “Sorry, I um-- kind of get carried away when i get excited. It’s nice to meet you, Alfie!” she stuck out her hand and took his, watching his keys drop to the ground. “Oh! You’re not keeping me! I mean, I do have someplace to be in a bit, but not right away! Eddie just said he wouldn’t be home for a while--” she shook her phone at him in a gesture of ‘he texted me’ before dropping it, “--so I just don’t have time to wait for him to come back.”
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There was a dull throb in Alfie’s chest the moment Bex referred to Eddie as “cute”. For years now, he’d been telling himself not to think like that — and for years, he’d failed. His friend and neighbor would forever be unattainable. It was fine; Alfie accepted that Eddie would only ever be his friend. But that didn’t mean that it wasn’t difficult every now and then. How could he pretend that his feelings were strictly platonic when Eddie’s laugh made his heat soar? Or when he stood there, one hand on his hip, and the other forcing his mess of hair in every which way? Eddie was cute — painfully so — but hearing that someone else thought it too seemed… unfair? Almost. With any luck, Bex said that sort of thing about all of her friends; it couldn’t be exclusive to Eddie, could it? 
“Uh, kind of, yeah,” Alfie croaked. “I’ve known him since high school, but we didn’t talk much.” That was a lie. Sure, they went to school together, but implying that they interacted at all was inaccurate. “That changed when Eddie moved in nextdoor, though. We’ve been friends ever since… The rest is ancient history, and all that jazz.” Alfie knew he needed to stop embellishing the truth. One quick chat with Eddie and Bex would know the truth. Hell, he apparently didn’t make it a point to mention him to her yet. The ache in Alfie’s chest permeated his entire body. His cheeks flushed and his heart raced. He was being ridiculous, he told himself. It shouldn’t matter that Bex didn’t know about him. It shouldn’t matter that Eddie was making new friends. And having them over to his house. Introducing them to Bucket. Watching movies and cuddling on the couch. 
Stop it! His mind screamed at him over the sound of Bex’s voice. What was the last thing she said? “Different kinds?” Alfie parroted, trying to remember the words that came before it. Ghosts, right. His ears were still ringing. She shook his hand and he laughed, returning the gesture long enough to be socially acceptable before withdrawing, completely disregarding his keys on the ground. “No, no — you’re fine! I know a bit about ghosts, but I’ve definitely never had an encounter like that before. It sounds—” terrifying, “— fun!”  For what it was worth, Alfie didn’t exactly want to shoo Bex away, not even when his heart was drumming in his chest. Maybe if he changed the subject? “Ah, that’s understandable,” he agreed. “Have you been here long? In White Crest, I mean — not here, here. I can’t say I’ve ever seen you around.” 
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If the other boy was distracted by thoughts, Bex didn’t notice. She was caught up in her own, thinking about Eddie, and how much fun she’d had with him, and what was wrong with her? She had Mina, she had slept with Mina, more than once, and maybe she wanted more than to just be friends with Mina, so why did she keep thinking about what Eddie had said? Why had he asked her out? Why hadn’t she just told him the truth? Everything was so confusing yet so clear right now. She blinked, and readjusted, because Alfie was talking again and she needed to pay attention. Pay attention. “OH, you went to highschool together? That’s cool! I assume you went to the school here? Yeah, I mean, that’s fair. I always feel like people are very different in highschool than after.”
She looked down at his keys on the floor and wondered if he knew. Should she point them out? “Um, you dropped your keys, by the way.” He was being oddly quiet between bouts of words, and she wondered if he was somehow off put by her. She was being awfully nosy, after all. She couldn’t help it. Eddie was still kind of a mystery to her, aside from his ghost stuff. She wanted to know more about him. She’d have to ask him. Maybe bothering his neighbor was a bad idea. “Oh, me? I mean, technically, yes? I was born here. I live-- lived-- out on Harmony Island. I’m in East End now, but I didn’t go to school in town. I went to a private school up in Augusta, so that’s probably why you haven’t seen me around.” Lately, a lot of locals had been saying that to her. Did everyone just know everyone here? She supposed the whole six degrees of separation was more like two degrees in a tiny town like this. “What about you? Did you grow up here? I mean, obviously you went to school here, but, you know, did you move here or were you always here?”
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“Yeah, kinda,” Alfie absentmindedly agreed, not bothering to get into the smaller details. In high school, the boys didn’t have much to do with each other. He saw Eddie around campus and onstage in theater productions, but that was about it. Whoever Eddie was in high school, he doubted they would have gotten along back then. 
When Bex mentioned that he’d dropped his keys, Alfie looked almost startled. His eyes shot to his feet where, lo and behold, his keychain limply lied. “Oh, huh, I— yeah, I guess I did,” he grumbled before crouching down and plucking them up. How was he managing to make this much of a fool out of himself? He worried what Bex must have thought of him; more importantly, what Eddie would think if he knew. Would she tell him? ‘Hey, I met your neighbor, Alfie. You know, the one you never mentioned? What a weirdo!’ His thoughts swarmed with what they’d potentially say about him. No doubt laughing as they huddled around Eddie’s computer and bonded over a shared interest. 
“Harmony Island, huh? Sounds fancy.” Alfie chewed nervously on the inside of his cheek as he tried to purge the negative thoughts from his mind. Honestly, he didn’t know much about the island. His reaction was purely based on the fact that it was, well, an island. There were probably a lot of fancy houses there, right? As per the natural progression of conversation, the question was now turned on him. “Yeah, I grew up here,” he answered as he shifted his weight, standing somewhat smaller than he had before. “I’ve never left the greater White Crest area, actually. My family— they, uh… own the library. Or, run it, I guess? It’s probably a lot less cool than it sounds unless you really love books.” Bex probably didn’t care about what his family did for a living, but it was better than hearing how great friends she was with Eddie. “I haven’t worked there in a while, though. I’m actually a software developer. Freelance. I could never work a nine-to-five.”
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Bex took a small step back as Alfie bent to pick up his keys. He didn’t seem very talkative, and she wondered if it was because of her. Was she making him uncomfortable? Was it weird that she’d come to Eddie’s place without asking before hand? Was he wary of her? Did he not like her? She shook the thoughts from her head and tried to focus back in on what Alfie was saying. “Oh, uh, yeah! My family is actually kind of uh, well known around town,” she said, rubbing the back of her head before hands came together to wring each other out. She looked back over her shoulder, as if maybe she would turn and see Eddie coming down the hallway, but there was nothing. “My parents are pretty well off.” But I don’t speak to them much anymore. Or at all. She shivered at the thought. 
“You’re-- family owns the library? The public one? Do-- do you have a sister? I think I might’ve talked to her online! Is her name Leah?” She was somehow grateful for the change of subject, perking back up for a moment. IF she could make friends with Eddie’s friends, then that was only a good thing, right? That had to be a good thing. “Software developer? Woah, that’s so cool! How’d you learn to do that? Did you teach yourself or did you go to school for it? Either way, that’s, like, super impressive.”
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Alfie gave a series of small nods as Bex talked about her own family. He wondered if he should know who they were, but thought better of it. He was still a stranger, after all. They knew each other's names and that they shared a mutual friend. That was it. Alfie was never any good at making friends. Sure, there was also Nell, but their friendship started out of sheer luck — and family ties. Small talk was also not within Alfie’s usual realm of comfort. He hated it, in fact. That’s probably why he didn’t have many friends. That and the fact that that he never felt he needed any. Maybe, with any luck, he’d manage to befriend Bex too. “That makes sense; with private school and everything,” he agreed. 
A light laugh surfaced from the depths of his chest. “Yeah, that’s the one,” Alfie confirmed after clearing his throat. “Leah, yeah. She’s, uh— she’s great, really.” He never knew what to say when it came to his family. His parents were strict when he was growing up. They still were, actually. Not that he had much to do with them these days. Leah was — beyond a shadow of a doubt — the golden child. Compared to her and their other siblings, Alfie was the black sheep. That wasn’t the sort of information people usually offered to someone they just met. Instead, Alfie kept quiet; at least until Bex showed an interest in his job. All of a sudden, his face lit up. It was cool! “I’m mostly self-taught, actually! I mean, I took some classes for it in high school, but that’s about it. It’s just always been something I’ve enjoyed doing — fiddling around with computers and whatnot.” Alfie grinned sheepishly at Bex. As much as he enjoyed talking about it, he didn’t want to bore her. “What about you, though? Do you work, or…?” 
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“She is! She was super nice and agreed to let me borrow some books! Which...it’s a library so of course she did, but I mean, like--” Bex lowered her voice a bit and leaned in, “--special books, if you catch my drift.” Supernatural books. Magic books. She smiled again as she leaned back and gave a short chuckle. “Sorry. I just get really excited about books, and when I actually happen to know people. I don't know too many people around town, so it’s nice knowing this place is actually smaller than it seems, you know? Like, who woulda thought that Eddie’s neighbor, who I met coincidentally, was related to the nice librarian lady I talked to online, who also knows my mo-- er, my current guardian, and is friends with her! Isn’t that wild?” She tried to recuperate fast enough to hope Alfie hadn’t caught her stumble. Not that he knew about her situation, but the slip had even her surprised. Morgan wasn’t her mom. Morgan probably didn’t want the responsibility of that, either. Plus, Bex was an adult, mostly. She didn’t need someone to be that for her. She was doing fine, really.
“But, oh, wow! That’s so cool! And so impressive that you learned most of it all on your own! Do you make a lot of money doing it? What kinds of things do you design? I mean, software, obviously, but is it like, firewalls, programs, mods? There’s so much. Me? Oh, well-- I used to intern at my parents’ law firm, but I, uh-- have recently had a change of heart for what I wanna major in. So, currently jobless, just uh, focusing on school! And, well-- I guess ghost hunting, now. Does that count as a job if I’m not getting paid? It feels like more than a hobby, though, you know?”
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“Special books — right, totally getcha. Like, say… her personal copy of ‘Interview with the Vampire’,” Alfie nodded. It wasn’t surprising that someone jumping into the ghost hunting scene would be interested in perusing the restricted section of the library. On the contrary, Leah wasn’t known to lend out books (as far as Alfie was aware) and he couldn’t help but wonder if there was more to it than just Bex’s excursions with Eddie. “Sorry, that was lame. But, yes, I caught your drift.” As Bex apologized, Alfie shook his head with a gentle smile. He was no stranger to talking a bit more than he should about things that made him excited. The library might not have been one of his go-to hangouts these days, but if Bex wanted to gush over it, he’d be happy to listen. “No need to apologize! And actually — now that you mention it — White Crest may be a relatively small town, but you’d be surprised how many people I don’t know. I guess it is pretty cool to realize who knows who and whatnot.”
The broad grin never wavered from Alfie’s face. It was easy to push aside his reservations towards Bex when his craft was in question. He was very quickly warming up to this new acquaintance. “A handful of different things, actually! I’ve cast a pretty wide net. I’ve recently been really into programming a personal database. It’s, uh… a work in progress.” Maybe he shouldn’t have said that. In the event that it got back to Leah, his sister might start asking questions that Alfie wasn’t prepared to answer. “But, yeah. You pretty much hit the nail on the head with all of those. The pay’s decent enough, though I haven’t had any big projects lately — takes care of the bills at least.” Did it matter that some of these projects were morally questionable? Alfie was merely the brains behind them; what the clients used them for were out of his control. He objected not to voice this, considering her parents were in law. “Hey, take it from someone who didn’t go to college: you’re allowed to change your mind about that sort of thing. ‘Specially since you’re the one earning the degree. Have you picked a new major, or…? If you don’t mind me asking, that is.”
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“Yeah, but less Interview With A Vampire and more--” Bex started, then stopped. She’d been reminded time and time again that telling people she didn’t know that she was a spellcaster was a bad idea. But Alfie was friends with Eddie and he was Leah’s little brother, so he could be trusted, right? She wanted to trust him. “More, Practical Magic.” Oh, that was a blatant reference, wasn’t it? Well, no hiding it now, she supposed. She gave him a sheepish smile and waved it off. “Not lame! Definitely not lame. If it was lame then so was mine.” She chuckled lightly, hoping to move past the notion quickly, nodding eagerly when he amended his statement about White Crest. “Yeah, totally! I’ve definitely noticed that. I mean, I grew up kinda closed off, so I never really knew people around town, but once I started actually meeting people, it was like everyone knew everyone! Or knew of them, at least. Wild, huh? Six degrees of separation who?” Oh, now she was just embarrassing herself. She cleared her throat. “It’s just interesting to see. When I moved away to Penn State briefly, it was so different. Everything was so impersonal.” She’d sort of liked that, though, blending in easily. The dream of that life was so long gone,though.
“Woah, you’re making a whole database all from scratch?? That’s incredible!” Bex exclaimed, perhaps a little too loudly, but she couldn’t help it-- people being excited made her excited and her cheeks bubbled with it. She needed to find every reason to be excited, anyway. Every reason to be happy. “But, you know, pays the bills is good! Especially if it’s something you enjoy! Isn’t that what they say? Find something you love and you’ll never work a day in your life?” She remembered one of her professors telling her that. She didn’t know if it was true. “Oh! Uh, yeah, I have. Um-- Anthropology. I’ll probably focus on uh, Archaeology. It’s what interests me the most. But, really, anything about history interests me. I could probably go to school for the rest of my life getting different history degrees. I won’t, though! But I could.” She rubbed the back of her head. “I’m what they call a History nerd. Or buff. History buff. Anything you wanna know about history, I probably know something about!”
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Practical magic? That came as a surprise. The only spellcasters Alfie knew in White Crest were the Vurals. He always figured there were more, but never bothered to find out for himself. A wave of anxiety crashed over him at the thought of Bex having something to do with his curse; a worry that quickly subsided at the realization that no beginner magic-user could be involved in a plot spanning across what was likely centuries. Unless… 
“Not lame,” Alfie reiterated with a meek smile. “Although, I can’t exactly say I’ve read it myself.” He wondered if it would be appropriate to ask her more about it — if only to subdue his concern. Maybe it was best to leave it be for the time being. 
It was interesting to hear about Bex’s fondness for White Crest. The reasons she seemed to adore the small town were on Alfie’s list of why he wanted to leave it. “That sounds ideal to me,” he said playfully, electing not to elaborate. Explaining that he longed for a bigger city where he could easily hide away would only dampen the mood. Not to mention that it could potentially get back to Eddie who would undoubtedly be upset by it. If anyone could make Alfie stay, it would be him — another thing on his ever-growing list that Alfie wasn’t prepared to get into with Bex. 
“More or less,” he chuckled. “The original code is pretty much public domain, but I’ve made my own enhancements.” These ‘enhancements’ being private journals that he so eagerly nicked from the family’s secret collection, though that was neither here nor there. He’d return them… eventually. “I mean, that’s awesome, though! There’s still so much to discover through artifacts from the past.” In a sense, Alfie was doing the same; unearthing his own past through vague remnants of it. “Good on you for chasing your dreams.”
Alfie thoughtfully pursed his lips. He wondered if Bex had anything in her bank of knowledge pertaining to his own circumstances. “Actually, now that you mention it… You don’t happen to have any recommendations on, say, the history of White Crest, do you? More specifically pre-dating European colonization?” It was a long shot, but he couldn’t exactly ask Leah. 
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“Oh!” Bex perked a bit, “it’s actually a really good book! If you like reading about that kinda stuff, I’d totally suggest it.” She beamed for a moment. She loved talking about books and sharing other people’s interests and, well, it was always nice when people shared hers, too, wasn’t it? She wondered if Alfie knew about all the things that went on in the shadows of White Crest, all the things the world tried to hide from people-- probably, considering he was friends with Eddie, and Eddie didn’t seem like the kinda guy to hoard that type of information. In fact, he was the opposite. She shook the thoughts away.
“What? Oh! Yeah,” she blinked back to the present moment and away from her thoughts and nodded. “I don’t mind living in a small town. I know it’s not everyone’s thing, but I dunno-- it’s not so bad, for me.” It was harder to disappear, but maybe that wasn’t what she wanted anymore. Maybe she did want to be known, after being hidden for so long.
“Enhancements? Well, I mean, still! That’s amazing. I’m sure you made it infinitely better. And, well, yeah, thanks! I just kinda figured, what’s the point of life if you’re just living someone else’s, you know?” She gave pause at his last question. She did, in fact, have recommendations on all that. But they were Morgan’s family notebooks and the ones she’d dug up at the record hall and “borrowed” permanently. No one knew they were missing, not when she’d replaced them with fakes. She chewed her lip. “Uh, I mean, you could check town hall, if you wanted to. They might have some old newspapers or records that could tell you about that stuff. Does your family not have any books on that stuff in the library?” And little did she know, her own parents had records of that time. They’d been in White Crest longer than the town had a name, after all. She shrugged. “Sorry I can’t be more help there.” Her phone buzzed and she glanced down at it. “Oh, uh-- I-- I should probably get going, actually. I-- thanks again, you know, for talking to me and for holding onto that for Eddie for me.”
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“I’m not exactly, uh — how do I put this? — affluent in that sort of thing, if I’m being honest,” Alfie chuckled. The hand holding his keys darted behind him to rub the back of his neck. Growing up, Nell tried her best to explain it to him, but the only thing Alfie could relate it to was his lessons on temperature control — and his innate ability to burst into flame. Aside from that, magic simply didn’t make sense to him. He always assumed it was something some were simply born with. These new-age witches and wiccans most likely accomplished nothing more than what any ordinary human was already capable of. Then again, what did he know? He figured it would be impolite to ask Bex whether or not she had any real powers. It wasn’t his business. 
Alfie nodded along as Bex spoke, failing to come up with anything valuable to add. Living in White Crest was a curse (at least for him), but he didn’t expect others to share that opinion. He wasn’t sure how far back his history with premature death went. All Alfie knew for certain was that the records he did have access to were set in the unusual town; none of which explained the source for his self-proclaimed “curse”. What he needed to find was something with the answer in bold print — a pissed off spellcaster rebuking one phoenix in particular. Or perhaps an astrological phenomenon occurring around the time of his birth or death. Not that Alfie knew the precise dates. 
“Yeah, I mean, the library definitely has some stuff,” he said sheepishly. “But, uh, thanks. I’ll have to give town hall a shot.” At that moment, Bex’s phone buzzed. Alfie hadn’t noticed the tension in his shoulders until then. “Oh, of course! Sorry, I didn’t mean to keep you.” He felt a little guilty for being relieved that Bex was leaving. He hated small talk. “It was great to finally meet you, Bex. I’ll make sure Eddie gets it as soon as he’s home. And, uh… be safe out there.”
8 notes · View notes
ivory-sunflower · 4 years
Arty Art Things ✨
I've decided to post some of the arty things I've done either recently or in the last few years, well the pieces I'm somewhat proud of at least. All my posts tend to be a lot more wordy than they need to be but hey it's what I do here!
Conchúr White
Anyone one who's been on this blog for a bit will have probably have seen me talk about this lovely Irish fella. The pencil drawing is actually a year old as of yesterday, I only know that because screenshots of me flipping out about Conchúr following me on twitter popped up in my memories yesterday. I think I'd sent it to him at about 3 in the morning (I was not in a good head space at that point in time), so probably not what he was expecting to see when he opened his phone in the morning aha
The biro version is much more recent: I got bored while sat at my desk and doing research about university courses, saw a biro, saw my old drawing of Conchúr, had an idea. I revisited my GCSE art techniques and here we are. Again, I put this up on Twitter and now (at the the time I'm writing this) when you google "Conchúr White" it's the third top image of him which is a bit mad really. I think I spent all of about 20 minutes on Conchúr but another 45 minutes on the words behind him. The words are the names of the songs on his EP 'Bikini Crops', he doesn't just really love the idea of Channing Tatum driving him around at night in a daisy print bikini... Well maybe he does but what he does in his spare time is none of my business...
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So I mentioned that the pencil drawing of Conchúr came from a rough patch in my mental health and this one is no different! In fact this one came from an even worse circumstance so we love to see it. I had a bad, bad time in July and this started as a way of distracting myself from what was going on in my head. Without it, I can't honestly say I'd still be here so even if the final product of this had been a terrible mess I would still love it for keeping me alive. However, it did not turn out to be a terrible mess!
Now that the origin of this is out the way, where do I start with TechDif? Unlike Conchúr, I haven't really talked about them on here (unless you count one brief post about Citation Needed) before so I guess I'll do it here. The Technical Difficulties are a wonderful group of 4 British fellas who have had their fair share of fun online and even before. They did a radio show at university together, which went on to become their Reverse Trivia Podcast, later moving on to a panel show called 'Citation Needed': and a game called 'Two of These People Are Lying'. All of which I would thoroughly reccomend, they're one of my go to things when I'm having a rough time. All 4 of them are excellent! Tom Scott (red top, blue jeans on the picture) has his own YouTube channel which does content aside from TechDif. If you're quite nerdy and like science, linguistics, computers, or any number of other things you may enjoy Tom's channel. He is probably best described as "The Moderator" of the group, much like a tired teacher he tries desperately to keep everyone on track with what they're meant to be doing, but usually it does not end well for him. Then we have Matt Gray (space top, holding an ice cream) who also has a channel away from TechDif stuff, he does techy electronic things and has a series called 'Will it Soft Serve?' where he puts all kinds of strange things through a soft serve machine. Matt brings a very specific energy to TechDif and I can't fully describe what that vibe is but I love it. Matt and Tom also share a YouTube channel where TOTPAL is posted and they had a series called 'The Park Bench'. Moving on to everybody's favourite Gary Brannan: Gary Brannan (SATIRE hoodie, glasses) and can I just say, what a fella he is! He's just excellent! He is the one that will argue and rip into Tom the most (not in a malicious way) and hilarity ensues. There are some episodes where he is absolutely on it, getting all the points and others where he very clearly has no idea and that's where some of his funniest quotes come from. Given how badly I was doing at the time I made this, his response to it on Twitter was so so lovely. I specifically remember one tweet where he said I'd made him happy and although it was probably a flippant comment, it just made feel alright for a bit. Yeah I might be feeling awful right now, but I've made someone else happy so that's a nice feeling. Then last but certainly not least, we have Chris Joel (buffalo check shirt, beard)! I would be lying if I said he isn’t my favourite... His sense of humor is the one I vibe with most, he can get rather dramatic in parts and can chat bollocks like a champion. He has absolutely no online presence away from TechDif and, like Rens from Temples, I fully believe he’s a cryptid and lives off in a tree somewhere. 
The picture took me about 4 days to complete, well 4 nights because I did most of it between the hours of 12 a.m. and 7a.m. - I remember watching the sun come through my window each morning. It’s made up of lots of little pieces, all cut out and stuck on; even the sky and hills are made of separate pieces of paper. Nothing was actually drawn on the piece of paper it’s all stuck on, it’s not how I usually do things but if I messed up one little but I could just redraw it rather than ruining the whole thing. The most tedious parts to make were Chris’ shirt because I had to draw each square individually and then join the as well, and cutting out the ban-hammer in the bottom right was surprisingly hard. Every single detail of the picture is a reference to the podcast/shows, I still have the plan sketch and reference list knocking about somewhere. I listened to a lot of true crime videos while making it to the point that certain parts remind me of different cases: the brandy now reminds me of Peter Tobin, and the big spiral thing reminds me of Tim McLean (very harrowing case) - sorry that fact is a bit morbid but interesting nonetheless. 
I did post this for a little bit back in July, but I received some rather awful messages so I took it down. Generally, Tom Scott/TechDif fans are lovely but there’s been a few that have taken a disliking to me for some reason so I’m hoping they don’t resurface again. I’m in a better head space now though, so even if they do I’m more equipped to deal with it this time.
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This was a quick sketch I did in April, I was getting bored with lockdown and decided to summon the bog man himself. There’s not really much more backstory than that, no poor mental health story, no fun twitter story - he’s just here. He’s vibing. I will say I’m particularly proud of his nose, I just think it’s one of the best noses I’ve ever drawn. His hand is okay, but I think that the hands on my Conchúr drawings are better. So there is the Hozi-Boi...
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The Corpse Bry
I’ve talked about Bry on here before as well, I love him, he’s excellent, top lad. He is a living Tim Burton character, he’s 6′6, very skinny, and his legs are longer than my will to live. I was watching ‘The Corpse Bride’ a few weeks ago and suddenly had an idea and so ‘The Corpse Bry’ came to be. I gave him a little panda friend because the panda has always been his animal - he used to wear a panda beanie all the time and his album had a panda on the cover. Again, there’s not really a fun story behind this one, I guess it’s somewhat fun because it’s the first art I made after finishing my psychology exams in October so it was nice to actually have the time to draw.
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James Bagshaw
Ginger talking about Temples for the third post in a row? it’s more likely than you think! I did this one last week, I’d had a bit of a wobbly day and had group therapy on Teams in the evening and I just couldn’t concentrate on what was going on and I ended up doodling Mr James E. Bagshaw, the glitter crying fraggle man himself. It’s a bare-bones drawing that I could definitely work into more but I’m happy with it as it is to be honest. I’ll be damned if I’m going to sit and add the individual bits of fringe to his jacket, just thinking about doing that makes me tired. Maybe I’ll get around to drawing the whole band at some point...
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Alice in “Wonderland”
This one is from about 5(?) years ago, it’s not my typical style and was a “study” based on another artists work (basically i just had to copy this fellas work). I’ll be honest, this one has a sketchy backstory that I won’t go in to because it’s not exactly a nice one, and because of that I also won’t say who the artist is that it’s based on. Despite this, I’m still really proud of this one and I’m so sad that I never got this piece back after I got taken out the class. I’ve considered trying this style again, I’ve even joked about doing another Conchúr drawing in this style as a nod to my progression through GCSE art, eventually leading to Conchúr drawn in ink on music manuscript and stained with neon paint and dyes - it would be quite the project!
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So this has been quite a lengthy post so apologies about that but life goes on. Similar to the vinyl post, I’ll probably add to this as and when I make more art. Even if no one is reading these posts, I’m enjoying making them so that’s the main thing. It’s just nice to document things and the feelings that go with them. 💕
~ Love Ginger xx 
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ikilledamoth · 3 years
'How I thought my boyfriend was dead for three years straight.'
So this post might be incoherent, a mess and also also might not be of interest to anyone but I want to write it down and let it out.
I am not a good writer so the timeline might be a mess especially since its been years after some events and my memory tends to fail me.
I'll try to document as much information as I can here but there might be gaps. The post might also be quite long.
Before I start, trigger warnings for:
depression, suicide mention, drug and alcohol abuse mention, abusive family mention.
1: Introduction to Past.
I used to be here on a different account however, I've lost access to it. (old email, no longer remember it, it's been years after all and I never thought I'll use this app again.)
My boyfriend's name on here was @slightly-depressed-niko-boy. Do excuse the content there as it's rather depressive, having been written in a quite bad period of time for him.
Niko is neurodivergent and at the time of using this app (2017) pretty mentally ill, and been in a rather abusive household for his whole life. His parents are physically and mentally abusive. They have always been extremely manipulative and controlled his life to the point where... Well... He had basically no autonomy. They were in control of his social media at many points, controlled his devices, forced him to stay at home at most times and cherrypicked who he was and was not allowed to speak to and hang out with. Whilst doing all that, they still managed to trick most people into thinking that they were a rather picture perfect family. Pretty nasty people.
As you may notice, I'm writing in a present tense.
2: Last Events.
In 2017, I was lead to believe that Niko died.
It was all almost too masterfully planned, really. I had no reason to believe that it was fake. I was at the scene when things happened, as well and had no reason to deny the claims made by Niko's family, combined with what I saw.
To anyone that I lead astray and made believe that Niko was gone: I am truly, truly and genuinely sorry.
I would never try to lie to anyone about something like this. I knew how much he meant to his friends and I would never try to hurt them by confirming he was gone. I believed that it was true and I was devastated at the time myself. I felt my whole world falling apart, I did. I had no reason to think that it might not be true.
I have never had any malicious intentions.
Niko had to go inpatient due to what I was informed was an OD. And what I was told was a su¡c¡d€ attempt. Later, I was informed by his parents it was a successful one.
At the time, I felt devastated. I was not thinking clearly, being too hurt to be rational. I did not notice all the red flags and the sketchy manner in which Niko's parents behaved. I did not realise that they might have had ulterior motives. I was dealing with grief, having lost a friend of many years and someone that I truly loved.
Given that it all happened about four years ago, I do not remember much details. I tried recalling things but due to the traumatic nature of those events, I was left grasping at the little bits that I can still remember. I can't remember many details, or who I spoke to at the time. In fact, couple of years ago I managed to forget about all of that, somewhat. To a degree.
I could never forget my boyfriend and years I've spent with him, of course, but with all happening in life, I managed to move on enough that details of those traumatic days turned into a blur.
However, that changed in September 2020. Three years after the events.
3: Introduction to Present.
At that point, I have moved out of my old house and no longer associated myself with the area where Niko and I used to live.
As I would like to keep some privacy, I'm not going to mention details of locations and institutions where I went, etc, however I will mention that I went to a university in a completely new town.
I did not know many people here, besides those that I met online during freshers events and whatnot. It was a fresh start, in a way.
In many ways, I am no longer the same person I was in 2017, and I'd like to ask people that knew me back then to try not to fully associate me with whoever I was back then. I'd like to also apologise if I've ever done anything that could have been of harm to anyone for I was just a kid, thinking that the world's a bit of a playground. I'd like to ask people to give me a chance to introduce myself properly as me, and not that person from the past, who functioned as nothing else but a romantic partner of someone online.
But I digress.
4: First Encounter.
Weeks past, and I began to meet new people, explore new areas, visit new places. One of friends from my course added me to a groupchat where we could get to know each other all a bit better. The group consisted of way too many people, so I wasn't the most active there, however it was a bit of a mix of different people. Not limited to my course, or even, as I'd soon find out uni.
And that's when I saw a familiar name that caught my attention.
You know, there are plenty of people sharing names and surnames. The world is so big after all. I didn't think much of it at first, because well... After all, Niko I knew was long gone.
Curiosity spiked, I started talking, wanting to double check if that person I saw in the groupchat was really a stranger.
I did a bit of digging and given it's almost five in the morning as I'm writing it, I'm not going to go into much detail, just yet. (might edit this post later, I just want to post it as soon as I can)
It's not that difficult in the digital age, really. Everything is kind of... Out here for you to take in.
That's when I found out, my boyfriend never died.
5: The Lies.
I know all of this sounds crazy, but I need you to listen. In a span of few weeks, I realised that past years of my life were a lie. That my grief was unnecessary. That my pain was created because someone tried to intimidate and scare me and anyone that Niko was ever close to.
At first, I felt cheated. I felt like my best friend faked his own death, but he did not. He did not, and I need people to know that he did nothing wrong, and in fact, after all these years needs more help than ever.
I want to reach out to people that were friends with him, ever spoke to him briefly. And also reach out to those who knew nothing about him and tell you : Niko is alive, but he is not safe and sound. And I am all alone in this mess, and I need some help. I need support from people that knew him. I need support from people that might care. Because I can't do it alone.
That's what the current situation looks like:
Niko's parents forcibly put him inpatient for longer than necessary to make his friends believe he was dead. They took his electronics and made him lose access to his old accounts by getting rid of his old phone number. They cut him off from the outside world. They threatened to hurt him and used intimidation tactics to make him cooperate and turn him into a doll in all of this.
I was told they put down his cat as a punishment for unknown reasons and after months of his hospitalisation, moved towns for again, unknown reasons. Niko was then homeschooled due to his, apparently, unwell mental state. He had no access to the outside world. No more social media, school friends, nothing. He was cut off in the world that made everyone else think he was dead. And they succeeded. Even I firmly believed that Niko was gone. And I feel deeply ashamed to admit it. I feel like I failed him and many of his friends by not investigating further, however I was still a kid at the time and there wasn't much I could do. I didn't think the situation was as messed up as it was.
After years of being under almost a complete supervision and a suicide watch even, Niko continues to be controlled by his parents, despite being an adult that deserves autonomy. I can explain the situation further in messages.
Even though I managed to speak to him again, after all these years of thinking he was gone, every time he seemed like there was someone listening, watching over his shoulder.
6: The Present.
I am currently formulating a plan to free Niko from the abuse that he is experiencing with his family. I need to get money to do so, therefore it's nothing I can do instantly, however I've been reaching out to various foundations to see what can be done. My current plan is to find a way to transport Niko out of his house into a temporary accommodation where he can stay away from his parents, ideally with someone who can help him stay safe. I need money for that, though, as accommodations, even emergency ones can be quite pricy if you're not on benefits.
As its very late right now, I'm ending this post right here. However I will edit and update it when I can and I just want to let it out into the world. Sorry for keeping it so long. If you read so far-thank you.
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dyde21 · 4 years
Shady Percabeth
So the awesome @flyingdonuuts .made a super cool picture about Percy and Annabeth in suits, then said I could write a story for it so I did! Have a brief Mob/Shady business!AU for Percabeth. I had plenty of ideas for this, but wanted to get at least something out!
Pulling at the tie around his neck, Percy sighed. He didn’t usually get nervous anymore, he had experienced enough shit in his life that he was over that. But something about this situation had him on edge. Taking a deep breath, he had to keep his composure. If he wasn’t careful, he probably wouldn’t make it home tonight. 
“So you’re Percy?” 
A voice cut off his internal monologue as he opened his eyes. A woman was standing in front of him, her wavy brown hair and striking eyes caught him off guard. He had a playful smirk on her face as she rested a hand on her hip. 
“Yes Ma’am.” 
“Ma’am? I like that.” She said with a slight laugh. She blatantly looked him up and down once, before nodding. “Well then, let’s get started shall we? Follow me.”
The woman walked away, pulling out her phone to send a message and Percy wordlessly followed behind her.
She led him back behind the bar, down a long hallway. The walk was quiet, but she was humming some sort of tune to herself. The woman stopped suddenly, and Percy almost ran into her. “What?”
She was staring at her phone. “Business. Wait here for a moment, I need to take this call.” She said, before walking towards a door in the hallway. “Just in case you are stupid, I really don’t reccommend doing anything stupid while you wait.” Her cheerful disposition dropped for just the slightest moment, and instantly Percy’s survival instincts kicked in. This woman was dangerous, far more than her cheerful smile would lead you to believe.
He nodded, and she flashed him another playful grin before she brought the phone up to her ear and stepped in the room with a quick “Jason?”
Standing there, Percy leaned against the wall and crossed his arms in front of him. He had no idea who was watching, but he figured playing it safe was the smartest move. 
A door at the end of the hallway opened up and someone else started walking down it. Percy tensed up slightly, ready for anything. Would she get on his case for being there? Most people didn't take well to strangers. He really hoped that lady would come back so he wouldn’t have to talk. He found his job usually went better when he didn’t have to talk. Especially cause he tended to piss people off.
The woman, a blonde he could tell better now, just walked towards him at a brisk pace. As she approached, Percy braced himself for anything. The woman passed by him, for the briefest moment he could have sworn time had slowed down.
The woman was striking, there was no other way Percy could think of to describe her. Her curly blond hair had been pulled back into a tight ponytail, and her hands were in her pockets. Her gray eyes were intense, but they had only flicked to him for a moment as she walked past. Her head was held high, and she didn’t falter a step as she walked past. The air of confidence around her intimidated Percy, she seemed to radiate a sort of power. He had no idea who she was but he knew messing with her was one of the worst things someone could do.
As swiftly as they came, her footsteps echoed through the hallways as she left out the other end, leaving Percy staring after her as the door across from him opened up. 
“See something?” The voice was teasing and playful, even if Percy could detect a layer of concern underneath. 
He shook his head, instantly forming his composure again. “No Ma’am. Just… a blonde. She was… intimidating.”
The brunette was grinning now. “An intimidating blonde? I see. She has that effect on people, don’t worry. She’s not as scary as she seems.” She paused, tapping a finger to chin. “Well she is, but she’s not a bad person. Just don’t piss her off.”
“Noted.” Percy replied quickly, it was generally a good idea to figure out who to be extra careful around. 
“Sorry for the delay. I had to deal with something. Now let’s go.” The woman offered before continuing to walk down the hallway. Percy followed behind her, a few steps slower. Eventually she slowed to a stop and motioned towards a door. “After you. We’ll talk in here.”
Percy glanced at her for a moment, trying to read her a bit. Well, it was too late to back out now probably. Walking through the door, he wasn’t quite sure what he expected, but the room was nice. It looked like a conference room. A large table with comfy chairs around it, a plate of pastries on one end. He raised an eyebrow, this was a lot classier than he expected. 
Without missing a beat the woman grabbed a donut, before walking over to the side of the table and hopping on it, crossing her legs. “Feel free to help yourself! Take a seat.” She said, gesturing towards one of the office chairs that she pushed away from the table with her foot.
Giving her a strange look, Percy was suddenly concerned he may have actually seriously made a mistake and ended up in an interview for a bartender or something. 
Taking the seat, and taking a donut, Percy settled in. If they were offering, it’d be rude to decline. 
“So what’s your story?”
She asked between bites, raising an eyebrow as she continued to munch on the snack like she was chatting with a long time friend. 
“I have 4 years in the milit-”
Shaking her head, she sighed. “Not your resume. We know that. Why are you trying to work for us? Surely you know that’s not a smart choice.”
Squaring his shoulders, Percy’s head started to race. How much did he say? What answer were they looking for?
“Money.” He said after a moment. This seemed to genuinely catch the girl off guard. “You don’t gie off the greedy type. Surely you can make more money eventually being a banker or something. This job is dangerous.”
“So am I.” Percy replied instinctually, making her roll her eyes. She opened her mouth to say something but he took a risk and cut her off. “Not like that. I just… don’t do well in normal jobs. Offices don’t work for me, but I’m good at protection. Fighting is something I can do well. I’ve heard this job pays well. I need the money.”
The woman regarded him for a moment, letting his words sink in. “Gambling debt?”
Shaking his head, Percy crossed his arms. “Not my vice.” He paused, wondering how much was too much to say. “Medical bills.” He finally confessed.
This seemed to be the answer the brunette was looking for because she started grinning. “There we go.”
“Excuse me?”
“We already know everything about you, and your family. At least I do. It’s my job to look into these things, and if you think you could have made it through the door without us knowing you inside and out, you’re crazy. The real question was what kind of person you were. You can only learn so much without talking to someone yourself.”
Percy was caught off guard by her candor. He figured they knew most of this about him, but they really had him dancing in their palm already. 
“So what’s my character?” He asked.
The woman brushed her hands together, letting some crumbs fall on the table. “Honest. Straightforward. Simple.” She offered, a smirk daring him to challenge her. It seemed to falter for a moment. “Honestly, you’re probably too good of a person for this job. You know our work isn’t exactly clean. You really could do better for yourself.” She said, almost reluctantly. 
Shaking his head, Percy shrugged. “I have a habit of finding trouble for myself anyway. I’ve heard this place pays well, and that it treats its members well. I’ll do whatever it takes.” He said, fist clenching. He had too much riding on this.
He paused as a thought occurred to him. “Though obviously the details on what exactly I would be doing were… vague at best. I only found out about this place from Frank.”
The woman nodded again. “He mentioned you were interested. That’s what got you in the door. We’re very selective about who we work with.”
Hopping off the table, she motioned for him to follow her again. “As for your job. It’s simple. You need to keep someone alive, no matter the cost.”
Percy followed her down the hall quietly. Protection detail wasn’t new to him. He had even done some protection gigs after he got out of the military that never stuck.
Knocking twice on a set of double doors, she paused, until she heard a voice and pushed one open, ushering him inside.
Walking into the large office, Percy was surprised. The blonde he had seen before was sitting behind the desk, leaning back in a chair with a folder open on her lap. She closed the folder, setting it on the desk as she looked between them. 
“Who’s he, Piper?”
So Piper was her name, he thought as he looked at the brunette. 
“Your new bodyguard.”
“Are you kidding me?” The blonde said, leaning forward, resting her elbows on the table as she laced her hands together, glaring at Percy with enough force to unnerve him a little. 
Shaking her head, Piper crossed her arms and returned the glare. Percy wasn’t sure he’d even have the courage to glare at a woman like that. Piper must either be really brave, or have some real credit with the woman. 
“You know you need someone. Things are getting sketchy recently. I don’t care how tough you are.”
The woman glared at her, before shifting her gaze back to Percy. “I don’t know you, so I don’t trust you.”
Piper shrugged. “I know him perfectly. Leo did plenty of research and I interviewed him. I think you’ll like him if you get to know him.”
“Can he even do the job?”
Percy nodded. “I believe I can. I have plenty of exp-”
Next to him Piper had reached behind her, into her jacket. Almost out of reflex, Percy’s attention snapped to her as he saw something metal start to leave her jacket.
Side stepping around her, his hand shot out to grab her wrist as he grabbed it, slamming it against the wall as he ripped the gun free with his other hand. Kicking the back of her knee he wrenched her arm behind her as he forced her down to a knee, the gun against the back of her head though he made sure to keep his finger no where near the trigger.
“Ow! Son of a bitch, careful!” She complained as Percy instantly released her. 
Percy stared at her wide eyed for a moment, before handing her back her gun.He noticed it was too light as well. “It wasn’t loaded.”
Rubbing her wrist, she stowed her gun again. “Of course not. I wasn’t actually trying to kill you and I didn’t want you accidentally shooting someone.” She glanced at him over. “That was pretty smooth though.” 
The blonde regarded him carefully for a moment. “It seems you aren’t useless at least.” 
“Thank you Ma’am.”
“Call me Annabeth.”
Piper’s eyes widened. “Awesome! I’ll go finish up the paper work.”
“What?” Percy asked confused. 
“That means you’re hired. For now. Take a seat.” She said, gesturing to the chair across the desk from her.
Piper patted him on the shoulder. “Good luck! Try not to die.” She offered as she bounced out the room, seemingly pleased with herself.
Sitting down across from Annabeth, he fiddled with his tie for a moment. 
“So you’re Percy. It seems you’re my new babysitter.” She replied drily. 
“Yes… Annabeth.” He said after a pause.
Quirking an eyebrow, she looked at him. “Something wrong with my name?”
Percy shook his head quickly. “Not at all, Ma’am. It just sounds… real. Not many fake names use Annabeth.”
She shrugged. “That’s because it’s my real name. At this… company. We trust each other. That’s how we survive, and that’s how we get our work done. We don’t know each other, but if you really have a future here we’ll have to learn to trust each other.” She offered, catching Percy off guard. He knew for a fact this company didn’t deal completely above the table, and was even warned that often it was better not to ask questions. But she seemed genuine, which caught him off guard.
“Plus, if you made it this far that means Piper has enough information on you to absolutely ruin you if you so much as think about turning against us.” She said with a devilish smirk. “Trust, but always have a plan B.”
“Noted.” He said simply, ignoring the fresh wave of danger he felt from her. 
Leaning back in her seat, she cross her arms as she smirked at him. 
“So Percy. What’s your story?”
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itsdappleagain · 4 years
CS Season 3 Thoughts...
Okay, overall?? Kinda disappointed, like a lot of people. Only five episodes, its been covered. Its disappointing. But lets go over them, shall we...
The Luchadora Tango Caper
Overall thoughts? Well, this season seems so....separated? Kind of out of character and disconnected. I’ll go over why at the end.
Haha, do the Cleaners do everything?? They can cook, rig explosives, kidnap people, play bagpipes, fly a helicopter...is technology really their weakness? Oops. That’s not for another few episodes.
Poor Cleo. She seems rather out of character in this season too. All she wants is to be warm. Throughout, she seems so...almost inexperienced? Where’s the sharp-tongued, sarcastic, delicate in taste and style Cleo we know? She’s there in places.....just...
They faked us out. I thought we were going to see Carmen tangoing. Also, is it just me, or is there a lot of...leg wrapping...this season..?
Ah yes, thank you, musical cues, I was worried Shadow-san had torn Carmen to pieces since Season 3. That’s her triumph score; maybe its like a “welcome back to cs” or something. Honestly, the whole “she’s been missing all summer” seems weird and unexplained, and unnecessary.
Does Veracruz exist? Yes, it does, how did that fly under our radars?
“I have his eyes” tore me to bits. Oh my gosh what a line. She’s seeing her father for the first time.
Thank you for showing us the 10 passports and giving us some pictures, we will never hear anything about Dexter or Vera after this episode again
She was an adorable baby and Carmen acknowledging this is hilarious
“Who may I have the pleasure of declining?” is another really funny line to me
This fight between Carmen and Spinkick has no suspense and its really a bad one to be honest, but holy crap Spinkick can dent stone lol
It makes a lot of sense that Catching Carmen Sandiego 101 is a class now, lol. I really want to see it. That- those fights were horrible by the way. Does Shadowsan know how to use the bolas? Because we know Carmen sure can’t.
Coach sure does like making messes and ruining tables
Ivy is so supportive this season and I am here for it. Kinda unlike Zack who is just “Hi, I hate fish and I misunderstand names” guy.
Yeah Maelstrom, what the hell did you let her walk for? Brunt easily captured her and you want to enforce sketchy psychological doubts in her mind? What?
Don’t show your face, Maelstrom says to Brunt. You know. After kidnapping a law enforcer with apparently perfect face memory recall who now has your face plastered all over wanted posters. Oh, and that Lutedor you knocked out didn’t see your face either
There is so much indirect calling Carmen good looking this season? What? I mean she is but it is so weird
Zack saying juicy steaks is so so uncomfortable
Carmen is so disengaged this season???? *Finds a link to her mother and pictures of her father* oh its another *sad sigh* link to my past. *Wow, you look like your mother, and I knew her, and her name!* Oh. Can you tell me about her.. Family is Carmen’s main trigger and source of steam in s1 and, mostly, s2. Now we get actual parts about it and she seems like she doesn’t care.
HAHA! Julia even gets her own little entrance with music and “camera” angles. And she is SO dismissively sassy sometimes in this season, I love what little we do get of her. I mean it is REALLY out of character, she hardly ever gets sassy/angry. But everyone is out of character so what the hell might as well enjoy it
“We have a fresh Carmen sighting!” Devineaux: “Haha!” Julia: *sigggggghhh* Julia girl, whats up? Please don’t leave forever. I know you said your head was in the game but your heart wasn’t, but? What? Why? Your heart seems to have been in it in season 2! Did you have a really bad summer??
Player has a space alien and a sock on his dresser and why am I not surprised
Okay, Carmen, because sitting down against a door you’re waiting to open (and you have waited for three seconds) is a great thing to do
Hahhaha Player. “I’m sorry, did you not attend a school for thieves?” Carmen is so sad though “Hey, just broke into your house, I’m your long lost daughter” and she should be sadder about the long lost daughter thing!??! It is so out of character!?!?
And so, Uncatchable Master Super Thief Carmen Sandiego breaks into an unknown house without checking it for people or weapons, after waiting three seconds to be let in. What? What?
The casual use of “mommy” and “daddy” is so, so very strange and I hate it a lot
*Snort* Zack and Ivy are doing their best but it is sot hard to see how they got caught by VILE in TSONTS
jgkjjdf Ivy just slings Zack to the floor and he can not move her an inch
I love Lupe a lot and I hope she returns
Carmen is more wholesome in this season too, it seems, probably because of this whole disengaged character shift but its cute
Devineaux *s t r u t s*
I would be concerned if Chief hadn’t made him take the driving course but I was still terrified for Julia’s life ALSO JULIA JUST. ROLLS HER EYES SASSY QUEEN
How is it that Zack and Ivy haven’t been arrested or killed yet, they have been seen so many times with her
Ah, yes. The famed roses scene. Okay, fine, fine....ugh
Julia is looking for Carmen behind because she learned her lesson with Devineaux! yes
Julia knows what is up but Devineaux gesturing at the trophies is pretty funny
Carmen just gets yoinked off her feet by Brunt and it is the most concerned she has been all season and will be all season because getting lifted off your feet in a crowded public place with strong friends and lawmen all around is much scarier than being electrocuted, kidnapped, and gagged on a plane going to an unknown location
Coach Brunt was the Imposter
“This isn’t your fight,” Carmen says, instead of accepting help from the woman who she has seen easily lift probably 300 pounds or more to help her get rid of the lady who’s tried to murder her like twice and nearly succeeded
Oh my gosh Devineaux actually spots her peeking out and recognizes her instead of blindly following Zack/Ivy and Carmen is PEEKING OUT WHY
Carmen is handcuffed and its really funny She just drags him along like later would be a much better time for her fhdgfkhdhsf Also she is much funnier when she threatens people with a bumbling idiot cuffed to her wrist, although he is much less of a bumbling idiot this season, I must say
Of. Course. Carmen has a device which just unlocks handcuffs why wouldn’t she?!
How is Devineaux not dead
HAHA SHE JUST EXAPSERATEDLY DRAGS HIM AWAY “COME ON DEVINEAUX” that is quiet honestly hilarious to me like “My god why do I have to keep dragging you out of stupidly dangerous situations involving Brunt where you get injured”
Oh? Did they rehearse Lupe jumping off Carmen’s back? Lupe had no way to know Carmen was strong or steady enough to handle that
Saira cackling at Brunt getting beat up is the best thing I’ve ever witnessed and she is drawing a thief cat oh my god
Did Lupe still win if that wasn’t her opponent and she had help from Carmen and a debatably helpful policeman
Julia my child what happened to you? Why are you like Zari now?
Devineaux just can’t keep a car in good condition ever can he? I love how Julia just stands there covering her mouth with her hands
My god Carmen are you going to tell your story and motives to every person you meet this season? Oh? Yes? Oh, okay
No, Brunt, not a single soul saw your face. Nope. 
VILE is so, so very unsinister during most of these episodes. They went from murder and trauma to pumpkin carving and nougat
Well, anyway. I’ll do more episodes coming soon.
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diamondcamefromhell · 5 years
Timeless love
Jaskier x Female Reader series  part 1
[again a reupload because the first time, tags decided to not work, fun times ~] [ reuplaod x2 POOPDIE DOOBTIE tags just dont want to work these days, do they]
Summary: This is an AU, where Y/N is a young woman, trying to make ends meet with her freelancing writing job. She lives in her small Nottingham studio apartment along with her cat Apollo. Things change when one evening as she is waiting for her taxi, she meets what she thinks is Joey Batey, but the man in front of her is convinced he’s Jaskier, a character from her current favorite show. Y/N now has to figure out what to do.
Warnings: Swearing
Word count: 1,413
This is just an intro kind of thing, setting the setting (wow, great wording me) and Y/N first meets Jaskier. I had this idea at work, and I really want to write it, I know it may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but if you find it interesting, you can ask to be added to a tag list! Other parts will be longer, posted every two days. I will continue doing other random imagines as requests are still open, but this will be a multi-part thing going on.
ALL feedback is appreciated. You can leave it anonymously on my ask page.
ENJOY! xxx
I click off Netflix, with a warmth filling my heart. I just finished rewatching The Witcher for a second time already. I get up to clean my room, gently humming Toss a Coin to Your Witcher to myself. I live a small studio apartment, a struggling artist is what I should call myself.
I specialize is writing, and as a freelance worker, I get to do works on anything, from how to grow your peas to why foot fetish is good for your health. A weird bunch of people come to me, influencers preaching nonsense. What I truly enjoy, however, is poetry. Writing art, not whatever people bark at me.
But I have to make a living. I made a promise to the stars I would make it on my own.
I glance back at my laptop. I enjoy my days off, treating myself to fine shows like The Witcher. I go play the song I was humming, and it fills my apartment, as I clean the kitchen counters and do the dishes. I decide that I might go out tonight, I need a break from this small room. I need to breathe.
I have this sense of adventure, wanting to do something - anything. Watching people go on adventures for eight hours straight makes my life seem so boring and bland. Much like Jaskier, I wanted to be heard. I wanted someone I could write about, and the world would be forced to listen. The world couldn’t help but fall in love, too.
Hours pass by, as I begin to get ready, applying gentle makeup on my face. I throw on a flowy skater style dress, that’s pale blue. I smirk remembering Jaskier wore pale blue, and then cuss myself out for getting so enticed in fictional character. I can fall for someone who isn’t real, not again. I’ve been the girl with a helpless crush on many characters.
Won’t happen again. I am content with being single. Plus, I have my cat. I glance around my apartment, looking for Apollo, my ginger boy I named after my favourite Greek God. I see him on a windowsill, staring out into the world. My beautiful boy. Roach to my Geralt.
“Be good tonight, Apollo.” I say, but the cat pays little to no attention to me. “Mommy will head out.”
I let out a sigh when Apollo doesn’t even look at me. Being a cat mom, you get used to it, but I prefer it when he’s in his happy mood. Then, I can’t get him off me. I whistle, making him look at me. His green eyes scan me, as if asking why I dared to disturb him.
“Keep our home safe, okay?” To my surprise, he meows in response, before looking out the window again.
This cat never ceases to amaze me.
I make sure to leave enough food and water for him, before I leave the apartment. The smell in the corridor makes my nose physically hurt, and I wonder if Dave, my neighbour, is passed out drunk somewhere again. I sigh, rushing from my third floor, to get relief of fresh air.
The streets are dim, but not too dark. I clutch my purse tighter, knowing there still are some sketchy people, even if it’s still light outside. I call a taxi, glancing around the empty streets. Until I hear someone grunt behind me. I turn on my feet, reaching for pepper spray in my purse, but get struck by a surprise.
Before me stands a man I just spend hours watching. Or the guy who plays him. Joey Batey. Dressed in full Jaskier attire, though. The red matching set he wore in episode six. He has his lute in his hands. Our eyes meet, and he looks scared out of his mind.
“Joey?” I ask, trying not to attack the actor with fangirling, who looks around, to see if there is someone else behind him. When he realizes it’s just us, he raises his eyebrows.
“I’m sorry?” He asks, looking around some more. Confusion paints his face as he looks at me once more. “Where am I?”
“Nottingham.” I say, but it doesn’t seem to clarify anything for him, as he raises his eyebrows even more.
“What is this Nottingham?” He takes a step back. “Who are you, exactly?”
“My name’s Y/N.” I raise my arms in the air, showing I mean no harm. “Joey, are you okay?”
“Who’s Joey?” His voice shakes. “I’m Jaskier.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Now I’m the one, raising my eyebrows. My phone beeps, informing me the taxi will be here in 5 minutes. Joeys, Jaskiers, eyes drop to the gadget, as he looks mortified.
“What is that?” He scoffs, taking a step back again. “You’re a sorceress. This is an illusion. Bloody witches keep ruining my days.”
“I am not a witch, Jo… Jaskier.” I correct myself but I can tell he’s not convinced. He grips on his lute tighter, eyeing me down.
“Where’s Geralt?” His voice is quiet. I feel dizzy, wondering if someone was smoking something funny up in my apartment building.
“Not here, as far as I know.” I squint, looking around, trying to see if I see Henry, dressed as Geralt just wondering the streets of Nottingham. My phone beeps again. Taxi is three minutes away. I see Jaskier stare at it again, so I slide it in my purse. “We can go to my place, you could rest, see if you feel better tomorrow?”
“I am not going anywhere with you, witch!” He puts on a brave face. I watch him turn left, as his face drops. He has no idea where he is. What exactly did he smoke?
“Jaskier. Please.” I plead, not sure what to do. I can’t pull out my phone and google ‘how to help people who are high off their mind’. That would probably give him a heart attack. “Trust me.”
“How can I trust someone who put me in this mirage?” Shit. I guess I will have to play along.
“I don’t know where I am either. I woke up in here, and I tried to find a way out. Until I just settled.” I say whatever comes to my mind as I see Jaskier slowly relax. How naïve of him, “If you are here too, maybe we both can figure something out. Maybe Geralt and Yennefer can help.”
“You know Yennefer.” His voice grows cold and I realize I messed up. I stare at him, not sure how to get him on my side again. The taxi is probably a minute away, and I cant leave Joey alone, not when he is this much out of his mind. But I cant take him clubbing either.
“I know the Continent. I heard your songs, Jaskier.” I plead, looking around. I don’t hear a car just yet. “Toss a coin to your Witcher, o valley of plenty.”
“You know my songs?” He seems to relax again, and I become anxious to get him off the street.
“Please come with me.” I plead, rushing to him.
Before he can respond, I grab his hand, dragging him inside. I hear him grunt, at what I can only assume, is the smell. My phone begins ringing, alerting that the taxi is here. I don’t stop, dragging him to the third floor. I struggle at the door, as my hands shake. When I eventually get the key in, I practically push him inside, locking the door behind us.
I take my phone out, answering.
“I am so sorry, sir. I changed my mind, my um, cat, started throwing up.” I blabber as Jaskier is fearfully looking around. “I might need to take him to the vet, I can’t go out. Please charge my card for your time to come here and have a nice evening.”
I hang up, my heart beating slower. If any sane person saw us, especially saw Jaskier, they might have called ambulance or police. Imagine the news.
“The hit show’s “The Witcher” star was found high out of his mind in the streets of Nottingham. Joey Batey, reportedly, kept saying he is Jaskier, calling everyone sorceresses.”
Wonderful. I look at him now, not sure how to refer to him. My phone dings again, and I look at it, swearing. But it’s a notification. From Instagram.
Joey Batey just updated his story. I open it, to see it’s a picture of him and Henry, with a caption ‘catching up before season 2’. I lift my head, swallowing hard. Jaskier turns around to face me, and my heart drops.
What is going on?
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mxsinistir · 5 years
May I request a Good Omens Gabriel x Human! Reader please?
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Pairing: Gabriel x [y/n]
Warnings: n/a besides the fact that the bad writing ™ becomes worse writing ™ towards the end bc it’s 2 am while I’m writing this. 
Summary: Freelance London Photographer [y/n] is friends with the bookshop owner Aziraphale, and happens to be sitting in one day when a mysterious stranger enters to have a meeting with her friend. Suspicious, this artist is ready to find out as much as she can about the man. 
Word Count: 2390
(tried to keep this gender-neutral but tell me if I screwed this up anywhere bc I probably did)
Hope you enjoy!
The first time you met him was whenever you were inside A.Z. Fell & Co., discussing a book you’d just read and returned (since you were aware he despised the permanent purchasing of his collection) over two cups of hot chocolate.
The moment he entered, you were intrigued. You turned your head to watch him saunter in, and some part of you screamed deafeningly that whatever he was, he did not belong here. That was saying something since unusual people were not uncommon in the little London bookshop. You’d known Aziraphale’s eccentric friend Crowley for quite some time now. 
“Aziraphale,” His voice was hearty, one you should have taken comfort in hearing. But in addition to his picture-perfect, incredibly fake smile, it set your nerves on end. “May I have a word?” Part of you decided this was your chance to run from the off-setting visitor, but that would leave your friend alone with him.
“Hi, I’m [Y/n],” You shoved a hand into space between you, “I don’t believe we’ve met before.” He looked you up and down, your eyes unwavering until he met your stare. His eyes - your stomach flipped, oh god his eyes - bore into yours, and you nearly recoiled when you noticed the color. A glassy purple with no signs of contacts. Just unexplainably rich violet that made the hair stand up on the back of your neck. 
“Gabriel,” He said, shaking your hand with a grip that was just a little too strong. You were too proud to coddle your sore hand, though. “I need a moment with Aziraphale.”
“Sorry, can’t,” You couldn’t leave Aziraphale with him! What if something happened? You’d picked up that Aziraphale had been involved with some sketchy people before, and what if this guy happened to be a well-dressed gang member? Well . . . well dressed wasn’t exactly the way to put it. You didn’t know what look Gabriel was going for, but it just added to his overall wrongness. 
Besides, Aziraphale and Crowley had always remarked on your excellent intuition. Warning Aziraphale about bad customers, giving Crowley advice on problems he hadn’t explicitly explained, knowing that both your friends were thinking at a given time - and at this time, Aziraphale felt very, very anxious about Gabriel waltzing into his shop.
“What do you mean, you can’t?” He half-snarled, his fake smile faltering. 
“My bike got stolen earlier,” You explained, casually turning to drink the rest of your cocoa before it went cold. You also needed something to hide your growing smile. “I told the police to drop it off here when they found it.”“Are you sure you didn’t miss them during your chat?” He said, “I swore I saw a bike parked in the front.” You stepped past him, putting your nose against Aziraphale’s window. Sure enough, a blue bike was leaned against the glass pane. 
“Well, silly me - Guess they just left it and had better things to do.” You laughed, turning back to smile at Aziraphale and Gabriel. “See you later, Zira!”
You walked outside, planning on walking home. You weren’t going to take some random bike from in front of the bookshop just because some guy had snapped and made it appear for you.
You didn’t own a bike. 
The next morning, before you even had the chance to ask questions about the purple-eyed man, Crowley had come into your studio, mentioning that he was bored, due to Aziraphale’s sudden occupation with work. Aziraphale had never been truly busy since you’d known him. 
“Crowley, do you know a Gabriel?” You asked, not looking up from the photo you were currently editing the lighting of, trying to decide if you could amend the conflict between the clashing color palettes. If anything, Crowley just hoped that you were too occupied with your work to even notice that you opened your mouth to ask the question. A few seconds ticked by, and then you stared up at the redhead. 
“Yeah, I know him.” He said under his breath, “He’s a friend of Aziraphale’s. Definitely not a friend fo mine. I’d keep your distance.” 
“What does he do?” Even without being able to see his eyes through the glasses, you sensed the panic in them as he proceeded to mumble out an answer. 
“Paperwork,” He steadied himself, easing into the lie now. “Some company Aziraphale used to work for. I think he’s kind of a jerk, but he and Zira go way back, so I don’t intrude.” 
“Funny, I thought the bookshop had been family owned for a hundred years?” 
“Part-time job, maybe?” Crowley stammered out. You just rolled your eyes.
“Is Aziraphale in . . . is he in any danger with this guy?”“What? No, no, [Y/n], you’re just being paranoid.” You weren’t so sure. You’d never heard Crowley so nervous about the subject of someone, and you’d certainly never heard of him willing staying out of Aziraphale’s affairs. It was common knowledge that he was the nosiest man in London, especially when it came to his friends. “Seriously, Just stay out of his way and it should be fine.” He had a certain voice he used when he wanted you to believe things were fine, even if they weren’t.
“I’ll just ask Aziraphale since apparently, you won’t explain.” That little taunt was usually enough to make Crowley spill everything. Not for this, apparently. “He listens to you, Crowley. Just make sure he doesn’t get hurt.” 
Just because he didn’t say the promise doesn’t mean she didn’t see him make it.
The second time you saw Gabriel wasn’t at the bookshop, but on a bench in St. James’ Park. You were currently looking over some pictures you’d taken of the vibrant area, the photographs dotted with jogging passersby and fluffy ducks that reminded you of Aziraphale. You stood up to walk by, snapping a few more when your camera focused in on a not-quite-familiar face.
“Gabriel,” You said, curiously approaching the benched man. “Fancy seeing you here,”
“[Y/n], is it? Aziraphale’s . . . acquaintance.” Who the hell used the word acquaintance anymore? You thought. “Is there something you need?”
“Just came to clear my eyes - I’ve been staring at this one picture I took for Aziraphale last week.” You briefly explained how one of the customers had split their coffee on one of Aziraphale’s old wall paintings, which he had sat on the table to clean the walls behind it. He had been furious, and though you knew you couldn’t possibly replace the expertly preserved painting - ruined by only human clumsiness - you’d offered to gift a photograph to him. Though he was obviously still disgruntled over the lost air, he did say that even something modern would eventually become history. You’d gotten to work. “I’m supposed to bring it to him this evening.”
“I was planning to speak with him this evening as well, actually.” The man remarked.
“Well, if you wanted, you could com toe hang out at my studio for a while.” You had a feeling that no matter what, this man would try to keep up appearances. Meaning he would accept your offer, even if only not to appear rude. Thanks to some information you’d gotten out of Crowley, you now knew that you wouldn’t be in any real danger as a human inviting him to your studio. He, on the other hand, wouldn’t be expecting the onslaught of questions you had for him. 
“That sounds great,” He said with clenched teeth, and so you just smiled and packed up your laptop and camera equipment, making sure to walk beside him all the way back to your flat. 
The square footage wasn’t much - you were honestly surprised you could manage to fit two people inside at once. Beyond that, every inch of the place was stacked high with frames and camera equipment and printed portraits. Your bed was usually just the couch by the window, and even then, you more often than not just fell asleep at your work desk, head draped over crossed arms. 
“I’m gonna be a little bit - I’ve gotta play with some finishing touches, and then I’ve got to print it.” You explained - Aziraphale had given you a faux-gold 18 x 21 frame, nearly identical to the one bordering the ruined painting. “You can sit on the couch if you still want to hang out. You okay with music?” You asked casually, bringing him a glass of water. You may be suspicious of him, but your mother had always stressed the importance of hospitality. 
“Do you like music?” He thought for a moment, staring blankly before nodding as if he’d been assessing whether or not it was the correct response to say so. “Queen?” He looked even more confused but nodded again. You synced your Spotify to a small speaker and set it to shuffle, sliding into your chair as We Are the Champions began to play. You snuck a glance over at Gabriel while mouthing the words and concluded he was possibly the only person in the world who didn’t know the lyrics. If anything, that just confirmed your suspicions of the man. 
Gabriel, on the other hand, was just as confused by you as you were by him. When you’d first met, he hadn’t known how to react to you. You’d stood up to him with no background knowledge, purely because you thought he had ill intentions towards your friend. Humans were always willing to throw themselves at things for no reason, but you were different - you had a reason, and that reason was nothing more than intuition to protect those you care about. 
And now, you’d carelessly brought him into your apartment - if he could even call it that. It was a glorified storage closet, filled to the brim with art and junk and beauty. He’d never been exposed to such a mess; heaven would have never tolerated it. He couldn’t even imagine that Hell was this chaotically organized. 
He could barely focus on that. How could he anymore, when there was you to look at? Smiling truly and losing yourself in the music blaring, snapping your fingers with bad timing, singing the guitar riffs, and constantly standing up just to pace around while mouthing the lyrics. 
You walked around him more than a few times, asking him random questions while leaning far back to see what your photo looked like from afar. He eventually saw that it was of an eggshell white duck in St. James, curiously floating alongside a dark goose that had landed in the waters. He could have scoffed at the symbolism, wondering if you understood the irony of it all yourself. 
Gabriel had never seen so much life in one plac.e It radiated from you, from your camera, from your fingers. It felt raw and unexplainably human, and not in the way that disgusted him with its mediocrity. There was nothing mediocre about you. You oozed with some sort of high that no angel could ever dream of finding themselves on. Angels were too flawless for something as uncontained as the day-to-day life you lead.
During the middle of one of your lyrical outbursts, you glanced over at Gabriel. He was drinking tea now, staring out into London from your window, sunbeams casting over his dusty hair and stunning eyes. Without a word, you pulled your camera in front of you and stepped towards him, snapping photos of him a quick succession. He whipped around at the sound, just quick enough to see you smiling. 
“Stay where you are - the lighting’s amazing.” You said, steadily walking closer to the man. He truly was a vision in an element like this. You leaned back to observe the picture he’d found himself in. “Do you think you could give me one with your wings?” 
And just like that, you watched the Archangel Gabriel freeze to the core as you shuttered a few more photographs. 
“Come on, everyone knows Aziraphale isn’t human.” And of course, there was no way Crowley could keep a secret like that once he was sufficiently drunk. “And besides, humans don’t usually make this pretty of muses.” 
He unfurled his wings gently, being careful not to knock over anything. All three pairs appeared in pristine, white condition, though when the window light scattered them, they reflected a spectrum of glistening violet. 
He nearly asked to confirm that you were human, though he knew the answer. No one but a human could accomplish this - a demon nor an angel could live in such harmonious chaos with their own little world, dancing to the raw beauty of it all and flourishing in the flaws you did not perceive as such. 
Gabriel had never felt love - a sort of ‘love for all humanity’, of course, but not the thrumming in his heart he felt now, looking at you in your element, high on the artistry of what you saw in him. On what no one else had ever seen in him. 
“I could have a photoshoot with you, you know.” You said, looking at your camera screen. “You look great on camera.” 
“There’s still a few hours before I need to meet with Aziraphale,” He lied - he was two hours behind schedule, not that that mattered. “He’d told me about this bakery beside his bookshop that he apparently adores.” He didn’t even like food. It didn’t matter - he figured you would. 
“Am I being asked out by the Archangel Gabriel?”“That’s strong wording-”“I’m famished,” You smiled, and as you walked over to your computer, he expected you to print and frame your imperfect perfection. Instead, you just saved the photo and eased your computer shut. “I can make something here, though. I don’t want to leave. Does the Archangel Gabriel want to watch a movie?”
He was about to make a snarky comment about your sarcastically calling him that, but he paused as you did the unexpected. You settled down on your couch right next to him and smiled. That was enough for him to decide that his meeting with Aziraphale could wait till morning. To hell with Heaven questioning him - him of all people - being off schedule. He would deal with that in time.
Right now, all that mattered was that he was sharing in on an artist’s high, and he wasn’t ever coming off.
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softbiker · 5 years
Born to Run - Chapter 6
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Warnings: some language, breaking and entering, panic attacks, also sloppy editing and bad writing
Word count: 2.7k
A/N: Oof this chapter. I’m not sure how I feel. But anyway! Here we go. As always, let me know what you think! Thanks for supporting this series!
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“You are coming up for the shower next month, aren’t you? I don’t think Sarah sent you an invitation but she told me to ask you.”
Y/N tilted the receiver of her phone away from her mouth and sighed.
“I’ll try to make it, Mom. It’s just a really long drive for a weekend.”
“Well, sure. I understand, honey.” Her mother wouldn’t say she was disappointed, but Y/N could practically feel it through the phone. “Just...let me know okay?”
“Sure, I will.”
“Everything at the clinic still going okay? Have you met any friends?”
She thought about that for a second - slow days at the clinic, the new group of not-technically-criminals that had somehow adopted her.
“Yeah, yeah. Everything’s fine.”
Having never been a medic for a biker gang, she was a little unsure what to expect. How often would they need her? What would the hours be like? Were they trying to induct her into the gang? For several days after she accepted the Avengers offer, Y/N bit her nails and paced and worried over it, agonizing over her decision. She waited for them to show up on a daily basis with life-threatening injuries and half-baked explanations. She took to hovering near the reception desk at the clinic, watching for them to come through the door.
But, to her surprise, everything stayed quiet.
Bucky was helped from her couch and back to his own by Steve and Sam, and she checked on him for a week or so, monitoring how his wound healed. But beyond that, the Avengers made themselves scarce. They had made such a fuss about needing her, recruiting her, that she anticipated they would practically want her moving into the clubhouse. The fact that they were mostly leaving her alone felt...suspicious. She waited for the calm to break, for a storm to hit.
By the time Natasha Romanoff walked into her clinic, Y/N was starting to wonder if this mysterious club needed her at all.
You couldn’t help but notice when a woman like Natasha entered a room - all full lips and hourglass figure and studded leather jacket. She breathed confidence into that tiny waiting room with every step of her motorcycle boots, pushing her sunglasses up to hold back that sweep of fiery hair. Much to her frustration, Y/N noted she felt slightly intimidated as the redhead strutted her way up to the reception desk.
Natasha’s eyes slid past Charlotte, whose mouth was hanging open, and directly to Y/N, standing slightly further back as she put away a set of files. Her smile was picture perfect.
“Good afternoon, doctor.” She tilted her head to the side and raised a brow. “Any plans for the night?”
And that was the story of how Y/N found herself on the back of a motorcycle for the first time.
Heart in her throat, hands around Natasha’s waist, they sped down the highway taking turns at a speed that made her close her eyes. They had stopped off at her house first, letting her take her car home and change. Natasha tossed a spare helmet her way and they were off.
“The clubhouse” they called it, and she had no idea what to expect, what it would look like. Her brain could conjure up plenty of ideas, and none of them were particularly pleasant. In her head, she saw a ramshackle dive bar overflowing with men who could only be described as sketchy, complete with too much booze and loud rock music.
But you signed up for this, she reminded herself. Couldn’t turn down the money.
“Almost there!” Natasha’s muffled voice shouted over the wind. The road ahead of them took a long, banking curve around a newly-cut cornfield, and then she saw it.
The motorcycles parked around the building were a dead giveaway. For the most part, it wasn’t as seedy-looking as she expected - the clubhouse looked like a dated community center with its painted brick and metal roof. A sign by the door proclaimed it as the “Avengers M.C.”, and a few neon beer signs hung nearby. Scattered near the door were a handful of smokers, all in leather jackets, who looked up as Natasha pulled into the parking lot. She parked the bike close to the entrance and leaned up, prompting Y/N to pull her arms away.
“Don’t be nervous in there, okay?” Natasha said, smoothing her hair after she removed her helmet. “They’re a pretty chill bunch, and they know not to bother you.”
“They do?” Y/N handed her helmet to Natasha and swung her leg off the bike.
“Sure. Steve and Bucky gave ‘em this whole speech - basically, if they mess with you they’ll get their asses kicked.”
She didn’t know what to say to that. Why should they care? It put her back up a little bit, that these strange men felt they needed to protect her for some reason. She’d been taking care of herself long enough, she’d be just fine.
When Y/N walked into the club behind Natasha, though, she changed her mind. Eyes were on her from every corner of the place, turning from pool games and poker and TV to watch her as they crossed the room to find a bar at the back. The back of her neck prickled at the feeling of every gaze on her, and she subconsciously took a step closer to Natasha.
They leaned up against the bar, club members moving aside to make a space for them, and Natasha gave a winning smile and wave to the man wiping down glasses on the other side.
“Hey, Nat - whiskey?” he asked, already grabbing a bottle from the shelf.
“Make it two, Clint.” Nat turned slightly to Y/N. “You do like whiskey, right?”
The bartender, Clint, looked more like a dad than a biker in her opinion, but Y/N said nothing as he poured their drinks and slid them across the bar, giving her a kind smile.
“So, you’re the new medic, right?”
“That’s me.”
“Heard you saved Barnes’ ass a couple weeks ago.”
“She sure did.”
She jumped at the sound of a voice over her shoulder, having not noticed a presence that close. Bucky smiled when she turned and met his eyes, tucking a strand of his hair back where it had fallen from its low bun. He looked more handsome than the last time she’d seen him - not that she was looking - but not having a life-threatening stab wound will do that to a guy. He had a hoodie on under his same old leather jacket, making him somehow softer around the edges. As he shuffled onto a stool, he made a quick gesture to Clint, who grabbed another glass and the whiskey.
“Hi,” he said softly, eyes flicking between hers. “Long time no see.”
“Yeah, well. You’ve managed to go nearly two weeks without getting stabbed.”
He grinned as Clint slid him his own whiskey across the bar.
“I have to get stabbed for you to visit your neighbor?”
“Afraid so.”
“Pretty high price, doll.”
She blinked at the pet name, wondering if she had heard him correctly. Who even says stuff like that anymore?
“Did you - did you just call me ‘doll’?”
An embarrassed smile curled Bucky’s mouth as he shifted in his seat.
“Sorry, it sort of slipped out,” he laughed. “Is that okay?”
She tried not to look too terribly pleased when she said “yes”.
Behind them, Nat and Clint shared a smile across the bar.
Standing outside the little house, he saw that a light had been left on in the living room. Her car was parked in the driveway, but he knew that no one was home. His lieutenant had seen her leaving on the back of Romanoff’s bike. Probably on her way to that clubhouse.
It was just like he thought. Took all of 5 minutes for her to get involved with Rogers and his crew. Shame, he thought, popping his bubblegum. She seemed like a smart girl. Pretty, too.
But, oh well. She made her choice.
“What do you mean you’ve never seen Star Wars? How can a person not see Star Wars? It’s a classic!!”
She could barely respond to him, nearly doubled over in laughter.
“I don’t know, okay! My mom hates sci-fi so that stuff was practically banned from my house.”
“Wow. Wow.” Bucky shook his head. “We’ve gotta fix this. I can’t let you go through life not knowing Star Wars, I feel like this is my responsibility now.”
They fell into conversation so easily, she wondered why he had barely spoken to her before. In minutes he had her in stitches and smiles, always asking her about herself and listening with that intent look in his eyes. Bucky had made her laugh more in the last couple of hours than she had in...months, maybe longer. It was just so easy to talk to him. Like they’d known each other for years.
“Fine then, Barnes - my sci-fi education is in your hands.”
The clubhouse had slowly emptied over the course of the evening, until only a handful of them were left. Bucky and Y/N had moved from the bar to a couple of couches where Steve and Sam dropped down next to them. Clint was in an armchair with Nat perched in his lap, and a girl named Wanda sat in the floor, leaning against Steve’s legs. They had been discussing movies, a hobby of Clint’s, when Y/N had revealed her lack of Star Wars knowledge. As it turned out, Bucky was quite the nerd, wrapped up in tattoos and leather. The others watched them banter with secret smiles, eyes bouncing between the two.
Clint yawned loudly, head falling back in the chair.
“What time is it?” he whined. “I had to get up early this morning.”
“About 11:30,” Sam said, checking his phone. Y/N’s eyebrows went up.
She had spent the entire night with these people, some of whom she had never met before. And all of them seemed so...normal? Granted, a different standard of normal, but still. They passed around beers and shared inside jokes, and made her feel welcome. Made her feel...at home. Glancing between the members of the little circle, she could see how close they were, like a family. And they wanted her here, wanted to bring her in.
She wasn’t sure how to feel about that.
“Alright, I think I need to be heading home,” she sighed, standing from the couch and stretching.
“Aw, you’re leaving us?” Wanda pouted from her place on the floor.
“Yeah, you could just stay over at the clubhouse,” Nat suggested.
“Well,” Y/N shifted, uncomfortable. “I...just really like sleeping in my own bed, you know? And I didn’t bring any extra clothes or anything, so.”
There were a few more protests from the group, but she shot them all down as gently as she could - she couldn’t help it. She just wasn’t ready for a biker sleepover. The only person who didn’t try to convince her was Bucky, who hopped up from the couch and started pulling his jacket on.
“You leaving too, Buck?” Steve raised an eyebrow.
“I mean, yeah, I -” his cheeks flushed a little. “I thought I’d drive you home.”
“Nat did bring you on her bike right? So you don’t have your car?” He continued.
Y/N had forgotten that, but yes. She did need a ride. And he was the most convenient, considering he lived across the street. She watched as he adjusted the sleeves of his hoodie underneath the jacket, pulled the hood out from under the collar. The way he was looking at her, that hopeful little light in his eyes…
“Sure, I guess I do need a ride,” she shrugged, trying to ignore the way his face lit up.
“Then let’s roll, doc.”
Being on the back of Bucky’s bike felt...different from Nat’s. His was more of a classic body style, a cruiser, with much more room for a second passenger. But more than that, the way she fit perfectly with her legs and arms wrapped around him, it felt - well. It was just different. She wouldn’t let herself choose a word other than that.
The drive back home was quiet along those stretches of country highway, and she found herself relaxing further, laying her head against Bucky’s back. He reached up and squeezed one of her hands twice, before putting his own back on the handlebar. It should have felt strange - too much, but it didn’t.
When he pulled up to her driveway, she almost didn’t want to get off the bike. The engine and the night air and Bucky had lulled her into a sort of trance. She felt like she was sleepwalking as she slowly shifted back and loosed her hold on him. He held out a hand and helped her get off, his eyes tracking her face.
“Did you -” he stopped to clear his throat. “Did you have a good time tonight? Hanging out with us, I mean?”
“I did, actually. They’re not what I expected,” she spoke softly, not wanting to move. “You’re not what I expected.”
“Is that so?” His smile was lazy, sweet. He ducked his head a little, an effort to hide the slight flush in his cheeks.
“Mhm.” She was lingering, waiting in her own driveway for something she wouldn’t name.
“Well, good night Bucky.” With enormous self-control, she backed away, fishing for her house keys.
“‘Night, doll.��� He never looked away from her as she crept away, up the porch, and to her door.
The second she was inside, she knew something was wrong.
She couldn’t put her finger on it, not there in the doorway, but her gut was surging with anxiety. Something - that smell, what was that smell? Not her own, not her house - something here didn’t belong. She shuffled forward in the dark, creeping along the wall until her hand found the lightswitch and-
“Oh my god.”
Her house, her lovely little house was destroyed. Furniture overturned, photos and paintings on the floor, vases broken. There were marks on the walls as though someone had left streaks of paint. Broken glass littered the carpet, turning the room into a minefield. And, oh god, oh god - black spray paint across the far wall-
A skull and crossbones underneath.
She wasn’t proud of the way she started to cry.
Bucky could tell something was wrong when Y/N left the door hanging open - a young woman going into her home at midnight doesn’t leave doors open, not one as smart as her. He waited a minute, then two, in her driveway - he told himself it was just a precaution, just in case…
Then he tiptoed up the porch, calling her name; he pushed on her open door, one hand reached for where his gun was tucked into the waistband of his jeans.
She was in the floor, the epicenter, the eye of this hurricane of her furniture and her home and her life. Curled in on herself, Y/N sat with her arms around her knees, breath coming in stutters and tears running down her face. Bucky dropped to his knees in front of her, hand leaving his gun and reaching for her instead.
“Hey, hey you’re okay,” he soothed, hands rubbing up and down her arms. “You’re alright.”
“Oh my god, oh my god,” she kept whispering to herself, lips trembling. It was so hot and her chest was so tight, and she couldn’t - couldn’t breathe.
Bucky scrambled around on the floor, crawling behind her and wrapping her tight in his arms, locking his legs around her own. He crossed her arms over her chest and pressed her in, in, in - folded her up so he could surround her. With her head tucked under his chin, he rocked her back and forth on the floor.
“Everything’s okay, I’ve got you,” he repeated again and again. He closed his eyes. “I’ve got you, you’re safe.”
You’re safe you’re safe you’re safe.
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mysticthot · 6 years
RFA With a Crush
happy late valentines day i spent my night writing this and eating chocolate
Yandere boi comin at u
He gets like lowkey obsessive, not anything creepy but like
He’ll hang out in places you hang out so hopefully you’ll talk to him or at least see him and think he’s cool
Tends to day dream in classes you have together cause he just gets so distracted by you
Has definitely been called out on it by his teacher and he almost dies of embarrassment when you and the rest of the class all turn and look at him
Talks about you all the time
To everyone
His mom gets weekly updates
The rfa all know you, they on a first man basis
He’ll see you walking across campus and he just dies and immediately messages the chatroom to tell them how cute you looked in your sweater
He would be too shy to actually talk to you tho
He’d try multiple times, walking up to you, taking a deep breath, then just dying and turning around and walking away before you saw him
Once you turned around and he was walking towards you, you smiled at him and he freaked out and just kept walking and left you there
legend says he’s still walking to this day
One day he was meeting Zen and Seven for lunch and they’re all sitting down and the waitress comes walking over and holy shit it’s you!
You walk up to their table and smile, getting ready to take their order, when you see Yoosung
He dies when you look at him
Immediately just covered in sweat
“Hey, we have class together don’t we? You’re Yoosung right?”
You said his name and his soul leaves his body
Didn’t think you knew his name
He nods and mumbles something out that not even he understands and Zen and Seven are looking at him like he’s insane until they see you’re name tag
“ShuT Up SEvEn!”
You’re laughing awkwardly now, not exactly understanding what is going on cause Yoosung is bright red, his friend called Seven is laughing loud enough to catch the attention of multiple other tables and the one with the red eyes is typing furiously on his phone into some kind of chatroom
“Ok...I’ll give you guys a couple minutes to decide.”
Yoosung has never been so embarssed in his life
He wants to leave, but Seven and Zen are refusing to go and he doesn’t want to leave them alone with you
(he’s lowkey triggered by the fact that Zen agreed that you were hella cute he doesn’t need that kind of competition)
You come by their table frequently and Seven keeps making little comments about Yoosungs crush and you’re blushing cause Zens calling you cute and Yoosungs finna be over that table fighting if he dont stop
By the end of lunch, he’s pretty sure it’s the most embarrassed he’s ever been
But also he finally got to talk to you and you didn’t get (too) weirded out by him
You smile and wave at the boys as they leave the restaurant, and Yoosung almost misses the moment when you wink and blow a kiss at him
He almost passes out
Chatroom better get ready that’s all he gonna be talking about for the rest of his life
He is such a hopeless romantic, I lowkey feel like he would be the type to make eye contact with someone on the street then spend the rest of the week wondering it that person could have been the love of his life
He just really wants to be in love
(boi same)
When he has a crush he’s not shy about it
He’s a confident boi so he’ll go right up to them and start talking and trying to get to know them
Next thing you know he has your number and you’re going out friday night
Then he meets you, and you dont fall so easily for his looks charms 
And he’s pretty sure he fell in love at first sight 
You’re his new neighbor, and he saw you out there moving boxes and immediately thought you were the cutest thing ever
He wanted to go help you, but he had to leave for a rehearsal, so instead, he waved and tried to look good while he walked out to his car
You smiled at him then just continued on your way
He was shook, people are usually more stunned by his looks
Thats ok he’ll just impress you another time
From then on he tries his hardest to meet you
But it seems like every time he’s home you’re not, and every time your home, he has to leave
He never gets the chance to talk to you, but he see’s you around all the time
You know how when you see someone and you dont know them you basically build a whole world around them and then suddenly you’re in love?
Ya he did that
Always going on in the chatrooms that you guys are star crossed lovers
“You haven’t spoken a single word to her.”
“Shut up trust fund kid you don’t understand!”
He goes out of his way to try and impress you in those small moments he does see you
He just wants so badly to know you, so of course when he finally gets the chance, he would screw it up
You were outside walking your dog around the neighborhood when he was getting ready to go for a run
This is his chance!
He’s now running towards you, trying to catch up so he can introduce himself
Its like things are moving in slow motion, picture it:
He’s jogging, hair flowing
You’re walking, back facing him, totally unaware, looking like a model
Your dog it turning towards him teeth bared and barking
“oH SHIT-”
Next thing he knows he’s running the other direction from your dog, with you chasing both of them
You finally get close enough to grab the leash that had been pulled out of your hand, stopping your dog from chewing on Zen’s leg
“I am so sorry, I dont know what got into him, he usually doesn't get aggressive like that unless he thinks I’m in danger...” You apologize, calming your dog
Zen is bent over, panting and now realizing it was a little sketchy of him to be basically chasing you down the street
“That’s ok, how about you make it up to me by telling me your name. I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced yet, I’m Zen.” Boi immediately turns up the charm of course
You’re shocked for a second, but you don’t really expect any thing else from your hot neighbor who seems to always be trying to impress you
Maybe now you’ll stop messing with him and admit he has caught your eye
Girl is so busy with work she doesn't really have time to be crushin on anyone
So of course she would meet her crush at work
You were new in the office, and Jaehee was given the task of showing you around
She starts off thinking you’re just a nice person, you would make a good office friend for her to talk with or possibly eat with (when she has time to eat rip)
Then she starts to think of you more and more
She looks forward to the moments when you would walk past her office to use the copier, and you would smile and wave at her through the window
It would make her heart jump
And she would smile back, a little bit awkwardly, and wave before ducking her head back down
It took her quite a while to realize it was a crush 
Its normal to think of your friend all the time
Its normal to want to talk to her, but also being nervous every time she looks at you
Its normal to blush just at the thought of her, right??
Just gals being pals nothing to see here
Sweet girl is probably the one that would look up those ‘do u have a crush quiz’ then she would get to embarrassed to do it and delete the website from her browser history lol
She lowkey starts coming out of her office more just so you will stop and talk to her
Definitely the highlight of her day
One day shes talking with you while you’re getting a soda from the vending machine, when you mention how you’ve started watching some musicals she recommended 
Girls just
She invites you over to watch some of Zen’s videos before she can even realize what she’s doing
You say sure and that you would see her after work before skipping off to your desk
She’s left there shook
Did she actually just invite you to hang out with her??
At her house???
God she hoped this was a date
She returns to her office to find Jumin waiting for her, he does not look amused
“Assistant Kang, I’ve been waiting.”
“Oh sorry Sir, I was just-”
“Flirting with Ms. MC?”
She shook
Boi just gonna call her out like that??
How does he even know what flirting is this boi supposed to be a robot how he know what a gay is????
(oh ya does jumin han is gay thats how)
“She’s been distracting you long enough, just ask her out and get it over with.”
The last thing she expected coming into work today was getting a date and advice on her love life from none other than Jumin Han
But, at least she has that date
Jumin Han does not get crushes.
Or, at least he hasn’t had one yet
He’s so out of touch with his emotions, he would prolly think he was dying or something if he had a crush
Lmao Jumin would take of one those do you have a crush quizzes but unlike jeahee he has no shame so he would send her the results and have her type up a report rip
He met you in the absolute last place he would have ever expected to meet someone
Knocking on Assistant Kang’s door, Elizabeth in hand, he was shocked to find not Assistant Kang at the other side 
He’s immediately sizing you up, you look like a normal girl in your pajamas, but you don’t look like you could be a relative of Jaehee, so why are you here
He doesn’t have the chance to ask before you’re gushing over his cat
He’s pleasantly surprised at how you call her beautiful and ask for her name and gently pet her head
He was hesitant to let your touch her, but you had asked first and Elizabeth was purring so he allowed it
You were talking about her breed when Jaehee came walking into the living room
Immedietly triggered by the way Jumin is not only smiling at you, but the fact that he’s letting you touch Elizabeth
“Oh, hello Mr Han, I see you’ve met my friend MC.”
Jaehee has friends?
He kinda wants to stay and talk about cats with you, but he had a plane to catch, so he leaves Elizabeth in Jaehee’s care and turns to leave
“Bye Jumin, have a good flight, nice to meet you!” You called after him, waving.
He awkwardly waved back before turning and walking away
This was a strange feeling
He spent his entire trip thinking about you
It was honestly an inconvenience for him, and he did not appreciate the fact that thoughts of you made a weird feeling happen in his stomach
Not having it
When he got back, he had the driver stop by Jaehee’s to pick up Elizabeth
He refused to admit to himself it was because he wanted to see you, but he was a bit disappointed when you weren't there
He didn’t see you for quite a while, and he had almost managed to get you out of his head, when he heard a familiar voice in the office
For a moment he thought he imagined it, until he looked up and saw you standing near his office looking lost
He was out of his chair before he really knew what he was doing, then he stopped and composed himself before walking out to you
You were asking one of his workers for directions to Jaehee’s office when you saw him
You immediately smiled and walked over, happily greeting him
He could see the surprised looks on the employees as he greeted you and offered to walk you to Jaehee’s office
You chatted with him asking about his day and his cat, and he was pleasantly surprised at how he actually enjoyed talking to you
You didn’t talk to him like he was some big CEO, or a trust fund kid, or your boss, you just talk to him and smiled
He liked your smile
The talk was cut short then Jaehee found the two of you, giving a strange look between her boss and best friend
She’d never seen him look at someone like that, other than Elizabeth
“Ok...come on MC, time to go!”
She skirting you the fuck out of there
Jumin is strugglin
If he thought his little crush was bad before, it was excruciating now
But he didn’t seem to mind it as much
He just wanted to talk to you
But he only knew you through Jaehee
So suddenly he became even more present in his assistants life
Randomly stopping by her desk
Calling her for seemingly no reason
She drew the line when he started showing up at her house for vague business related things 
“Mr Han. Why do you keep coming here.” She sighed, it was 10 at night and he had interrupted one of Zens videos
“I need you to sign this.”
“And that cant wait till tomorrow in the office?”
“I suppose it could, I figured you would just want to get some work done.”
“...Mr Han why do you keep coming here?”
He admits he wants to talk to you
Jaehee dies a little inside
Why is this happening
But she cant hide from him the fact that you have been talking about him as well
She agrees to give him your phone number if he will leave her alone
She cant believe she just set up her boss with her best friend
What has life come to?
707/ Saeyoung-
God he’s such a spaz (the ideal boi tbh)
If he had a crush the whole world and his crush would know it
He met you at a coffee shop, him and Saeran were waiting for drinks when you came walking out of the back room, in a little apron with the coffee shops logo on it
He falls out of his chair
“ohmygodsearan look at her! She’s like a star princess and I’m the star prince and were gonna fly off into the stars and-”
“Get off the ground what’s wrong with you? And lower your voice the whole god damn place can hear you!”
He can see you biting back a smile as you call out his and his brothers names
They go get their coffees and, but he’s pulled off by his brother before anything can be said to you
He’s about to complain, before he sees on his cup you had crossed out his name and written star prince in it’s place with a little heart
Literally screams
From then on he goes to your coffee shop all the time
Boi becomes a regular and he’s known for relentlessly flirting with you every time he comes in
He always has a new pick up line and you always have a new name for his cup
He tired to collect the cups but Vanderwood nearly tased him for the mess it made
Speaking of Vanderwood, that boi knows all about you
Him and Saeran never escape his ramblings about you
Unlike the rfa who can just leave the chatroom, his voice is inescapable
He cant help it tho
At first he was just thinking you were cute, but the more he actually talked to you, the more he liked you
You laugh at his jokes and make puns back at him and he just thinks you’re so sweet
You like him too, but he’s never actually asked for your number or anything, so you’re not sure if he’s ever gonna go past just playful flirting
It actually takes the help of Saeran to get you two together
It was one of the rare moments when Saeran wasn’t out with his brother, but he still ended up in your coffee shop, mostly out of habit
You smiled when you saw him, greeting him and getting started on his normal drink 
He watched you work, and you made pleasant conversation with him despite his short answers
Saeyoung had been kinda down lately, he had fallen back into one of his depressive states, so he hadn’t been in for a while, but he simply told you he was sick when you asked
He really did want his brother to be happy, and even though he acted like an idiot, he really did like you
So he decided to help his brother out
“Here,” he handed you a slip of paper, “Saeyoung has been feeling...under the weather, he would love to hear from you. I know he’s a fucking dork, but he really does like you so...be nice.”
He grabbed his drink and immediately left you with the phone number, a small smile on your lips
You would never have been able to guess the volume of the scream that came from Saeyoungs room when he got that text
Vanderwood looked at Saeran
“What have you done...”
V/ Jihyun-
He’s so soft
Thinks you’re so sweet and cute and wants to hold your hand
Blushes so hard whenever you’re around
You work at an art gallery that frequently shows his paintings and he just loves how you’re so passionate about your work
You complement him on his art, and he’s out for the rest of the day, boi cant handle it
Jumin’s the only one who knows about his crush 
He had gone with V to unveil some of his art, and immediately noticed how his friend was acting off
He was kinda spacey
Looking around, fidgeting with his hair and clothes
Then you walked in, and Jumin watched as his friend was instantly drawn to you
He was almost inching his way towards you, trying to make it look causal
But he just looked very nervous
Then you noticed him and came over to say hi and introduce yourself to Jumin
V is smiling at you looking all love sick
And Jumin just has this shit eating grin on his face cause he knows what’s goin on
He excuses himself to let you and V be alone but it doesn’t last long cause boi quickly gets shy being alone with you and goes back to join Jumin
You just make him nervous
He’s not used to feeling this way, its been a while and he just doesn’t know how to act
“That was quite a display.” Jumin smirked
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Oh please, everyone in that art museum can see how much you like that girl.”
That just makes him more nervous around you
Can you tell??
Do you know how much he likes you???
He starts associating you with painting, and he ends up painting you
Quite a few times actually
Then he feels like a creep
So he paints over them
Then the whole thing just starts again
It would take him so long to confess to you if you didn’t make the first move
Cause my boi is just so insecure
Some one just give him a hug pls he needs it
You know how when little boys get a crush they pick on them and tease them?
Well this boi is always pulling on your pigtails
Because of his brother, he hangs around the rfa a lot, so he sees you a lot
And he does not appreciate how you make him nervous
Or how you can talk to him so easily while he gets chocked up and can barely say hi
And he really doesn’t like how you make him blush
So he’s so grumpy around you
But you’re still nice to him and it just makes him more grumpy cause he ends up feeling bad for being so grumpy
Seven notices right away
“Awww does my little brother have a little crush on MC? That’s so cute!”
“Shut the fuck up.”
He slowly gets over the whole angry crush thing when he realizes he cant keep being mean to you
His therapist keeps telling him to let people in, and that if he likes you he should show his feelings rather than push them away
So he makes an effort to be nicer to you
He hangs around you when the rfa gets together
And he participates in the conversations that you always try to have with him
And you guys become actual friends
And you hang out with him and his brother outside of the rfa get togethers
And he’s regretting his life choices because now it’s so much harder for him to ignore his little crush on you
And Seven is always teasing him
He’s triggered
He’ll basically just go through periods of pushing you away then letting you back in then pushing you away again
But you know how hard things are for him, and you continue to be so nice
And he just wants to be with you all the time 
Life is hard
He tried to show his feelings for you, but it always come out wrong
Boi tried to make you dinner, sets a fire in the bunker
Tried to buy you a present, got angry while trying to wrap it and broke it
Tries to ask you out on a date but gets embarrassed and accidentally ends up kicking you out of his house
It be like that sometimes
And Seven is just so over watching his brother be an idiot, even if it does make for good teasin material
So he takes things into his own hands
He invited you over to watch a movie with him and his brother, picked out a film with a pretty long sex scene, then mysteriously disappears
Saeran is mortified
His face is as red as his brothers hair and your sitting next to him with the same wide eyed panicked look while some actress moans excessively on the screen
He doesn’t know what to do so he just gets up and leaves
So you there just watching porn in their living room alone
Of course thats when Vanderwood makes his appearance
Saeran didn’t see you for a while after that incident
Until Seven dragged him to an rfa lunch and you were there and you looked so cute and you still smiled and talked to him even after what had happened
So finally, he just gathers up the courage and blurts out
“Do you want to go get ice cream with me!”
It was more of a loud statement than a question and his face is so red and his hands are shaking
But you’re smiling at him and holding his hand and you’re so soft and warm
“I’d love to Saeran.”
EDIT- i did Vanderwoods too so here it is!!
God im so in love with these boi’s
thanks for reading!!
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btswishes · 5 years
Are you for real?
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Kihyun  (Vampire Au)
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A/N:  I wanted this to be a one shot, but my dumbass just had to start another series.Well good luck to me then, sorry for any mistakes made.
Requested by: Anonymous
Request: “ Hi! I was wondering if you could do a Kihyun vampire au? It can honestly be about anything! I love your work btw!  “
Word count:   2,921
Warnings: Swear words, blood, organs mention of death.
   Still holding onto the small lock, you took a few steps towards the wide open window. You clearly remember closing it and pulling the curtains as far as they could go, but here you were staring at the garden. Gently placing the metal object onto your desk, you ran your hand over the window edge trying to find the bar that locks it usually. Yet you couldn’t feel anything more than 4 indents and a rough surface over them. Leaning towards it you could clearly see that something was pressed into it.The shape was irregular, but while you were inspecting it, your fingers laid comfortably in the shapes. 
  Your room was the same, nothing had changed and nothing was moved. Quickly you made your way to the bathroom to brush your teeth, in means to escape from this crazy scene, but not before pushing the window a bit closed. You were leaning on the sink, hand gripping the toothbrush and mind wandering around this mess. As you were thinking, your eyes landed on the way you were holding the plastic. A sudden picture of the broken lock appeared in your head, when you gargled the water and dashed to your room. Placing your hand on the indents you figured out that it was the perfect shape of a hand. Whatever broke the window lock used it’s hands and didn’t even make a sound as it was doing this whole thing.
  During the first few hours of your morning you left the door of your room open and staid in the living-room.It felt unsettling sitting in that place after what could have possibly happened there last night.
“Hey?” your brother’s hand waved in front of your face 
“Yeah?” you shook your head focusing on him “Did you say something?”
  He pulled the chair in front of you and placed his cereal bowl, before sitting himself. Picking up his spoon, Hae pointed at you.
“You look out of it.Wasup?” the crunching sounds mixed with his words
“Nothing, I am just still tired.” you sighed, getting up to fetch some food for yourself too.Even with your back facing him ,you knew that Hae crooked his head to the side ,since you clearly heard the crystal clear ringing sound of the bell he wore as an earring. It was followed by a short and sharp laugh from him.
“You are 250 years too early to think you can lie to me.No one can.” you sat in front of him again with the same cereal as him “What is going on in that pretty head of yours little fox?”
“Ughh, how do I say this.” you were contemplating if you should tell him what happened, but knowing he will always find out the truth, there was no option. “How many....umm....creatures can leave their hand-print in metal?”
“What?” Hae leaned closer to you and scrunched his eyebrows “In metal?”
“Yeah. Like you can clearly see the finger indentations.”
“Where did you see this?” leaning into his chair, your brother couldn’t peel his eyes off of you “Out side?”
“No.” you scratched the side of your lip with your finger and looked in the direction of your room.In a matter of seconds you saw Hae jump up and pull you back to your open bedroom door. He stepped in fearlessly and started looking around, when his eye got caught by the shiny metal object on your desk. He picked it up in his big hand and followed the carpet to the window. He took one glance at the broken lock and the finger prints you were talking about.
“I asked what creature could do this, since I don’t think any human can...you know, do that.” you were rubbing your hands uneasily as your brother’s back faced you.
“If you actually want a serious answer from me...I don’t know to be honest. It could be too many to count. People these days can travel freely from one place to the other.You don’t know who or what can be living next to you.” he said
“What are we going to do now? Tell mom or dad?” you said
“We have no proof to just walk up to them saying strange things like this.Plus you know what mom would do.” you nodded knowing very well where your brother was going with this talk. “Let’s think this through later. We have plans for today.” he grabbed your folded clothes and passed them over to you “Go get changed in my room.” 
“Ok.” you simply did as he said. Hae was looking around your desk and the objects in the room. There wasn’t much presence to begin with and nothing different.If the lock was broken than the intruder whatever he/she may be didn’t enter the room. Hae’s body was standing in the middle and moving his head from side to side, scanning everything he could.The only irregular thing was the small sprinkle of dirt that stopped under the window sill.
 Walking back in your bedroom you found your brother kneeling at the end of your room looking at something. You placed your pjs on the bed and walked up to him seeing the small dirt partials on the carpet.
“Did you find something?” you asked
“Whatever it was it didn’t get in farther than the sill. Strange thing is that this is kind of wet. It didn’t rain last night and even if it did, it would have dried up by now.”
“Oh that!” you laughed out “Yeah, I was applying hand cream last night and the bottle kind of squirted all over my carpet, I didn’t know it reached that far.” 
“That makes sense actually.” pushing up from his knee, he asked if you were done getting ready and you nodded “I will go put a shirt on, you wait downstairs with dad.” you always kept your skincare in one place and he saw the cream you were talking about. Hae left the door open before leaving. 
  In a matter of minutes you went out of the house and jumped in the car. Your had mutual friends with your brother and since it was Christmas vacation, you had some plans with them. Hae parked the car near the cafe you were going to meet at and went in. It was very nice small shop in town that had a nice ambiance. It was warm and cozy, contrasting the winter snow and cold ,outside the walls. You two found a nice place with enough chairs for when everyone arrives and took your seats. In  seconds the waiter came up to you two.
“Welcome. would you like to order?” the man was standing next to your brother 
“Yes, I would like a coffee.What do you want Y/N?” he looked at you as you were searching for your phone in your bag
“Ah, yes.” popping your head out you caught the waiter off guard since you looked a bit funny with the messy hair “I would like a hot cocoa.” no matter how you may look most men were infatuated with your looks. That was the main reason you would always sit in a corner ,when you were out with your brother.
“That will be all.” Hae cut off the staring man with his deep voice. In fact both of you were pulling attention. Your brother was tall, well build and had a muscular physique. He was handsome and his hair fit his face perfectly. He had a similar if not bigger body frame than the guy behind the counter with the orange hair.
  The waiter didn’t take too long before he walked back out and placed your orders in front of you two. He flashed you a dimple smile and left fast. As you were waiting for your friends, you saw a group of handsome boys walk into the cafe. They seemed well acquainted with the store owner, waiter and the boy behind the counter. You didn't pay them much attention, until someone walked out of the kitchen area. You remembered the sketchy boy from last night. Apparently he worked here as the chef. 
  Your brother noticed you staring at the boys but didn’t say anything because your group of friends marched in. Hae stood up and greeted the guys and you your female friends.Everyone sat down and a small chat began.
“How have you been guys, I haven’t see you in so long!” Anny said out loud, gesturing a lot
“It feels like I won’t see you all till next year again!” Jack made the all time hated joke and your brother didn’t hesitate to punch him in the stomach, coaxing a strange sound from the poor boy
“I swear Jack makes the weirdest sounds in the world.”Anny commented 
“Low key he sounds like a cross between an almost dead stabbed duck and a stepped on elephant.”added May 
“Ok, how about we stop roasting the poor boy.” Mark clapped his hands pulling everyone’s attention towards himself “How have you all been?”
“I am almost dead from studying.”Anny sighed loud enough that the whole cafe heard her “I swear if I don’t a B at least, I am giving up on education.”
“Oh yeah we have exams after winter break.” 
“Mark, you never study anyways. The only people here with good grades are Y/N, Hae and May.” Anny was right since you and your brother were perfect graders 
“You are making me feel like some kind of genius.” you laughed out a bit uneasy, when the breath stopped in your throat. You felt that familiar chill run down your spine. Trying your best not to be obvious, you looked around and saw in the reflection of the glass, the table filled with boys. That guy, the one you met in the supermarket was staring at you. Could it have been him, causing the chilling feeling you had on your way home? He didn’t look like someone extraordinary, nor did his friends. The only interesting thing about him was the pale skin he was sporting. Now in day light it was very obvious how pale he was.Back in the old days a lot of Asian women would have envied him for that effortless dead look.
  You were in the cafe for some time now and you caught yourself looking in his reflection quite often.Under all your suspicions he was actually very handsome and good looking. The way his hair framed his face, the choice of clothes and that comfortable position he was sitting in. For a moment you could have sworn he smirked at you, but you weren’t sure.
  During this whole time, your brother was throwing you glances too, he had his suspicions but didn’t ask anything. 
“Hey, isn’t anyone going to order some cake or pie?” May cut off the main conversation “I feel fat if it is only me gobbling down candy and sweet stuff.” she laughed out 
“I actually want to get some cake too.” you jumped on the idea and May didn’t waste a second, calling the waiter over and placing the order. 
“Will that be all?” he asked and you nodded.The man turned to the side and said with a louder voice “Sorry Kihyun, but your break is gonna get cut off a bit. You mind?” 
  The man you kept staring at, lowered his head and stood up”I don’t mind.Pass me the order.” he scanned through everything and looked up at his friend “We don’t have this cake right now.”
“It’s ok, I can get the same as her.” you jumped in to informed the change of plans. The man looked at you and licked his lips, almost like he was looking at glistening melted chocolate 
“If you can wait a bit I can make it for you.” he suggested and you ended up agreeing to it. Your friends were talking to you, but you were too focused on Kihyun, now knowing his name. Everything he did was elegant, the movements weren’t too sharp. The way his fingers tied the apron behind his back, even the small hopping steps he took were in a way adorable. Your first impression began disappearing and being replaced by this new imagine of him. He looked more of the talkative guy with his friends ,but not when it came to people he didn’t know.
  Hae was very attentive, he noticed the way you talked with the boy, he noticed the looks he was throwing you and on top of that he felt in a way that the boy was standing a bit far.Even when you two talked he didn’t come closer.It felt like he was keeping a distance, but not a wanted one. Not to mention the way he keeps making small movements when your brother's earring bell rings.
“I will go wash my hands guys, be right back.” you stood up and walked up to the counter asking the boy where the washroom was.He kindly pointed at it and you went in. 
  Washing your hands ,you pulled a small tissue and dried them up as well as you could. You fixed your hair and walked out of the area, but not without bumping onto someone again.
“You are a bit clumsy, aren’t you?” a hand let go of your back and you took a few steps back.
“Ah,I got you in this situation again.” you looked down at the tiles, a bit uneasy 
“It’s ok, I would say it’s luck that it was me.” he placed his hand onto your head and patted it gently, flashing you a smile that caught you off guard “Don’t fall back or you might hit that pretty head of yours.” he turned around about to walk away, when your heart started beating fast and pretty loud to your ears.His foot steps synchronized with your heart and he stopped in his tracks.
“By the way, my name is Kihyun. I guess Jooheon yelled it out pretty loud, so you probably know it already. Just in case you forgot tho.” Kihyun turned back towards you
“Nice to meet you. My name is Y/N.” you said and stretched your arm out to shake his.
“Oh I know.” he mumbled as he grabbed your hand
“What?” you didn’t hear him well, or so it seemed 
“I said the pleasure is mine.” his hands were pretty cold and firm 
“Sorry about that.” he noticed, judging from your expression ,what was going through your mind “I was beating some egg-whites awhile ago and the icy bowl almost froze my hands off. It will take me some time to warm up.” he rubbed the back of his head a bit
“It’s ok.” you pulled back your hand a bit fast and your long nail cut his skin slightly  “I am really really sorry! I am such a mess some times.I didn’t mean to scratch you.Are you ok?”
“Don’t worry about it.” he laughed out, seeing your panicked face.But he was about to leave just like that, when you grabbed his hand, pulling his sleeve up to check the wound.After the story Kihyun told you from the kitchen, you didn’t comment on his cold arm.The cut looked shallow, even if it felt deep.
“It doesn’t seem to be bleeding which is good.” 
“Yeah...I will be fine.Don’t worry about me.Your friends are probably waiting for you.” he pulled his hand away fast, but you stopped him
“Um, I know this sounds strange, but I caused you a bit of trouble the past day.I want to make it up to you if possible.” you started talking fast when he pulled out a small piece of paper from his pocket.
“Tomorrow here at 6?” Kihyun’s words shot out of his mouth fast
“Ugh, yeah ok.” your answer was as quick as the question
“Ok, then it’s a date.” he disappeared fast and you were left a bit confused 
“A-a date?” placing his number in your bag, you went back to your table.Not long after Kihyun came up and place the cake in front of you.
“Hope you enjoy it.” he flashed you a smile and you thanked him.The talk was going on between you and your group of friends more than your brother. He was leaning into the chair and sipping on his drink, when a thought came up in his head. Focused on the wall in front of him, Hae started analyzing the whole mess.
  The potential creature didn’t get in past your window sill and it seemed to be more of an active night lurker since he didn’t notice anything during the day.It was unnaturally strong and had an interest in you. Hae quickly remembered the scratch on your neck and added it without asking to his list of evidence. 
 “Took you long enough in that bathroom.” May said 
“I couldn’t wash the cream off my hands and everything was slippery.Sorry.” you laughed out
  Washed off? Hae thought to himself, when his eyes flew in the window reflection of the group of boys.  The guy talking to you was pretty pale looking, the other noticeable thing was the small hop in his step and the stretches he did from time to time.None the less he didn’t seem to like looking at himself much as well. Wait. Hae almost jumped out of his chair.
“You good bro?” Mark’s hand rubbed his shoulder, when your brother laughed out and said he burned his mouth of the drink.Everyone continued their talk as Hae noticed something. He came up to her after she washed her hands.What was the cream Y/N uses always.He tried his best to remember the white packaging of your bottle. Jujube seed...
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Spider-Man: An Hour From Home
Summary: Peter Parker stops for gas on his way to a comic shop and after a quick Red Bull run at the station, the worst happens. He turns his key and his car is completely dead. 
Tony Stark gets a call from his son, who is completely stranded and has no idea where he is. (Modern - No powers, Peter is Tony’s son AU)
Ships: Tony/Steve 
Word Count:  4,769
(I just had to get this out there ;)
Tony Stark never once saw future for himself that didn’t include some source of misery. Go back in time and ask any version of himself. It was a complete given. It was the one thing that never failed on him. If there was one thing in this world that he could count on, it was the feeling of steady depression. He hadn’t even noticed it was gone until, funny enough, he started to miss it. Maybe miss was the wrong word?-Until he realized he finally had the ability to count on something else. 
The house was quiet. Well, as quiet as it could be lately. The distant hum of machines were running-including Dum-E who was probably making a mess downstairs-and computers were sorting themselves out of one of his never-ending updates. This all provided a comforting static noise. If this had been a couple of years ago, there’d be nothing out of the ordinary. Tony was no stranger to being alone with his thoughts. 
But that was a different time. “I don’t like this.” He looked up suddenly from the phone he barely realized he’d been tinkering with. It flew from his hand and landed safely on the cushion next to him as he stood. He had never truly liked the silence but he used to be able to deal with it. But these days, it was just too 
“What’s got you in a twist, Tony?” 
His eyes landed on Steve who was stirring his coffee so painfully slow that it actually pained Tony to watch. Steve’s love for all things so home-y showed the strongest in small domestic moments of this nature and that was one of the many reasons Tony used to avoid them. “Who’s in a twist? I’m not in a twist.” He shrugged. However Steve just looked at him with that damn expression of his. The one that he made whenever he was about to meddle. He had to say, it was one of his least favorite Steve expressions. He wagged his finger as Steve carefully crossed the room to sit on the couch. 
“I’m really not. Wanna feel for yourself?” He let his arms extend into the chilly, air-conditioned atmosphere and wiggled his fingers. 
Instead of responding, Steve helped himself to one of Tony’s hands and tried to pull him back down on the cushion next to him. The landing wasn’t perfect but he did end up with a lap-full of Tony and that was the best way things could go wrong. 
“Well, if that was what you wanted...” Tony wiggled his eyebrows in that suggestive way that got Steve all hot under his skin like nothing else. “You could’ve just used your words, Steve.” With a final wink, Tony went in for a kiss. 
Steve was old fashioned. That was nothing new. But he swore just kissing Tony was an experience. The man never stopped putting on a show and when the venue was Steve’s mouth....Damn. He was always overcome with a tidal wave of feelings. Ever since their first, that feeling of utter relief and comfort never left him. It had been quite the journey to get where they were. Fighting with Tony felt like taking on the entire world but kissing Tony felt like coming home. 
“J.A.R.V.I.S. dim the lights-” 
“There’s an incoming call from Peter, Sir.” 
From over Steve’s shoulder, they could hear the sound of Tony’s phone ringing and echoing about the room. They moved perfectly in sync (as this had happened thousands of times). Tony hopped off of the taller man and went strolling on over to the phone. 
For a man usually so reserved (Which was the word Steve used to correct Tony whenever he called it being a prude), Steve looked obviously bummed out by this interruption. 
Tony let that go to his head right away. “You sit tight. Because you know what?” He puckered his lips with a thoughtful expression, walking backwards towards his phone while Steve looked at him with impatient eyes. “I just remembered something about Peter’s chemistry project that I’d like to talk to him about. Might take a while though so I hope your comfortable over there....all alone.” He wiggled his brow but turned before Steve could threaten to whip a pillow at his head. 
“Hey Pete-What is all that noise?” 
“What noise?-Oh sorry, I’m eating chips!” Peter swallowed just seconds after realizing his crunching was not just loud in his head. 
Tony rubbed the pads of his fingers against the bridge of his nose but felt no trace of actual annoyance. Just that strange feeling of fondness that always overwhelmed him when it came to his son. “Thank you for sharing your chewing with me and please take your time.” He wiped his hand across his chin as his smile grew. 
After some shuffling on the other end, his son spoke up once more. “So I was driving around-”
“Oh, you’re starting with an explanation. That can’t be good.” Tony leaned against the counter and threw a cautious look to his partner who was starting to walk over but he gently faced him with the palm of his hand to pause his worry. 
“I stopped for gas and went in to get a Red Bull but when I went to leave...” Peter trailed off and Tony could hear the sounds of him attempting to start his car but it wouldn’t catch. “It won’t start.” He chuckled awkwardly and then there was some more shuffling. “Oh-no.” 
“Oh-no? What Oh-no?” Tony waved his hand out in question, feeling a stronger flicker of the worry that was slowly coming over him. He could feel Steve hovering closer and closer to hear the voice of their son better. It was budging Tony closer to being claustrophobic with each inch. He was usually a very touchy-feely person but in times of stress or conflict, he could be a little too irritated by closeness. He scooted over despite his husbands obvious annoyance. 
“MJ and I have chemistry together-” Peter muttered sadly though Tony couldn’t figure the correlation there. 
“Well...I do hope you’re using protection for that chemistry.” He interrupted quickly. It was a joke firstly but...it was also something he and Steve were thinking of bringing up with their son anyway. He’d been spending a lot of time with that MJ. 
“Dad!” Peter’s voice went so high that it squeaked. Tony chuckled lightly. 
“Sorry bud, I was just makin’ sure. You’re hitting that age soon-”
“I don’t wanna talk about that right now!” Peter interrupted and he could nearly see his sons embarrassed face. He laughed a little more. 
“Anyway, what I was going to say was that MJ wasn’t in school today so I grabbed her chemistry homework for her. I gotta get it to her before it’s too late.” Peter’s voice was rushed and a little...anxious. Tony glanced at the clock. 6:00.  
“Where are you exactly?” He scratched behind his ear. 
The line went quiet for a few seconds. “Um...I don’t-um.” Peter’s voice was farther and much softer. “I’m not sure.” 
Tony was feeling a mixture of amusement and worry...and maybe a little guilty for the amused part. He could almost picture his son sitting in the lot of a gas station looking to find any street sign, squinted eyes because he neglected to wear his glasses. They were still sitting on the counter that he was currently leaning against but not for much longer. He picked them up and handed them over to Steve with a ‘What are ya gonna do?’ expression. 
Steve was always on Peter about the glasses and usually their son listened. But lately he’d been purposefully leaving the pair behind. “Send Pop your location through Google Maps.” He lightly smacked his partner and gestured for him to fetch his phone. 
“On it.” Peter muttered. 
As the time passed, he could hear the sounds of Peter talking to himself and Steve’s phone buzz. Tony resisted the urge to help Steve figure out how to work his phone because he had to learn himself. He took a quick peek at the man’s phone to confirm that they received it but didn’t look at it in full just yet. “Alright. Got it, bud. We should be there-Oh hold on...an hour away? Where were you going?” Tony interrupted himself when his partner held up his phone, pointing at the location. 
Peter went quiet before the storm. “I was trying to find this really cool comic book store because Ned’s Birthday is coming up. And he always gets the best stuff for mine, you know? Remember that year he got me the Lego Millennium Falcon? Anyway, I need to find the perfect thing for him and I heard this place was cool so I wanted to come check it out. I planned to get his gift but also scope it out to see if it was worth driving Ned there to make a day of it-” 
“Ok, ok. I got my answer.” Tony had to stop his kid before he talked himself to death but there was always the large part of himself that could listen to him for hours. And that was a big deal for him. 
‘The only person you listen to is yourself, Tony.’ 
He glanced over to where his partner was staring with confusion at his phone but as his eyes found him, Steve looked up. The man visibly...lit up when their gazes met. Steve’s expressions were always so vivid and telling. His eyes became much softer each time they connected with Tony’s. It warmed Tony like nothing else. And he found it extremely hard to believe that was the same man who once made that kind of comment about him. 
“I could just ask somebody to see if they have jumper cables...?” Peter suggested and Tony shook his head. 
“I’d rather you didn’t talk to strangers in that sketchy area, hang tight, Pete. We’ll be there as quick as we can.” He hung up the phone and found himself laughing. 
“He’s gonna be the death of me.” Tony swiped the pad of his thumb under his chin and swiftly took Steve’s phone. “He did kill the mood, after all.” He winked before turning to focus on the Map on his screen. The gas station was dumpy and small. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t dying to get their kid away from it as fast as possible. 
“We’re gonna have a heck of a time at that funeral though.” Steve attempted to join in on the ‘joking about sex’ only a handful of times in their relationship, it seemed. So Tony let that moment of laughter pass without teasing him for the use of the word ‘heck’. He’d save that for later. 
“And I can’t wait for that but first...” He waved the cell-phone about. Steve gladly stood and both men rushed for the front door. 
-”I know you haven’t met my Uncle Bucky yet but I promise you, that impression was spot on.” Peter had leaned his seat back and carelessly threw his feet atop the dashboard of his car. He stretched his arm out further to get a better angle for his phone while he spoke. 
The gas station that he was stuck at was actually pretty chill. The sun was low enough in the sky that the golden rays were showering him with warmth and it was a gift when it came to FaceTime lighting. 
“So are you just sitting in the gas station parking lot or...?” Ned squinted his eyes as if trying to look past Peter at the scenery. 
“Yeah, stuck next to the pump! Do me and favor and tell MJ that I picked up her homework but...” Peter looked at his backseat where the pile of work was sitting. He got a glimpse of a man glaring into his completely still car before parking at a pump that just opened. He then looked back to his friend. “Don’t tell her about this. I give her enough teasing material as it is.” He grinned, a slight blush creeping up his neck. Part of him almost wanted to tell her though. Teasing each other was kind of their thing, even if she was kind of a pro at it and he still struggled. But man did he love it. 
“It is your talent.” Ned chuckled. “Where were you going that’s an hour away, anyway? And why wasn’t I invited?” Ned popped a snack into his mouth and leaned back in his desk chair. Peter bit his lip while trying to think of an excuse. He was not very good at lying to his best friend. 
“Oh-uh...y’know. I was just going...to um...” Peter scratched behind his ear and tried to ignore Ned’s suspicious face.
Peter started on something but couldn’t find his footing during the sentence at all and Ned wanted to laugh. He knew his friend like the back of his hand. Peter...well he couldn’t lie to save the day. “Ok, You don’t have to tell me. I know it’s something for my Birthday.” Ned smugly smiled. 
“It is not!” Peter sat up straighter and tried to keep a hold on what little surprise he had left for his friend. “In fact, I forgot that was coming up.” He tried to piece together something to cover up his lying. He leaned back, trying to look cool and passive. 
“Anyone ever tell you that you’re a horrible actor, Peter?” Ned giggled and shook his head. He figured he might as well give up on prying the truth from Peter and wait for his surprise like a good friend. “Anyway, you wanna come over and watch ‘Return of the Jedi’ with me after school tomorrow?” They’d been re-watching the Star Wars movies over the last week for like the sixth time.
“Yeah! But don’t forget-” 
Just as Peter started to reply, his phone went completely black and died on him. He frowned and was forced to look at his own reflection. 
Man, his dads were gonna kill him for wasting his battery. They had no way to contact him now. 
And now he was all alone and bored. 
He missed Ned. 
Maybe he shouldn’t have spent the first twenty minutes of being stuck in the car trying to work up the courage to order a pizza. He wasted so much battery scrolling through Twitter while he had tried to decide. But he was starving and the gas station didn’t have anything that called to him besides the Red Bull. He wanted real food. But do they deliver to cars parked at gas stations? Probably not. He should’ve asked for Ned’s opinion. 
“Should I FaceTime him?” Steve asked, nose pointed down at his phone while Tony drove. 
Usually he’d opt to be the passenger, liking any chance to relax. But he was a little anxious and driving would give him a little bit of control. He tried to peek at his partner and chuckled. “Yeah, why don’t you FaceTime him?” 
The car went quiet for a few seconds while Steve mumbled to himself. “I don’t know how. It’s this phone...It never works.” 
Tony’s eyes rolled so far back that he was surprised they didn’t fall to the back of his head. “Steve, sweetheart, darling, light of my life...-” He began with a wave of his hand “It’s never the phone. It’s always you.” He grinned madly. 
Steve furrowed his brows. “That’s not true. It just...” He looked down at the screen and sighed. “Ok, maybe that’s true but can you help me?” He held it out for his partner who tried to glance at it before his eyes returned to the road.
“At the next light, babe.” He rolled his lips together as Steve set his phone in the cup-holder and started tapping on his legs. He took this moment to be thankful it was just the beginning of Summer and the sun would be out for a while longer. Shining over their son for at least another hour or two. “He’s just an hour away, he’s fine.” He mumbled, knowing full well they were both a little worried. 
Peter was just fifteen-sixteen actually (He really needed to accept that he was growing up, huh?) and though the kid thought that was enough authority to act like an adult sometimes, that was far from the truth. 
“I mean, he is our kid. That’s how you know he’s fine. He’s smart, self-sufficient...he gets that from me.” Tony shrugged, reasoning more to himself rather than Steve. “But his endearing, puppy-dog kindness and naivety, that’s all you.” He snapped his fingers as the car rolled to a stop. The red-light reflecting in his eyes as he picked up Steve’s phone. 
“Oh, gee thanks.” Steve chuckled with a roll of his eyes. “He’s got the best of both of us.” He looked pensively out the window and folded his hands together. 
As the light flourished green, Tony had a thought he wouldn’t share. ‘Inside and out, the kid was better then both of them.’ And it wasn’t a purposefully self-deprecating thought or a knock towards Steve, not at all. It was just something he believed with his full-heart. Peter was the best of them. And that made him better. Steve knew it to be true just the same as he did. They were immensely proud of the kid. 
Steve slowly reached over and threaded their hands together as they rest on the cup-holders between them. 
“This is a driving hazard, Steve. I need both hands on the wheel.” He teased and gently tapped his fingers against the wheel. “I know I’m tough to stay away from but-” 
Tony had set the phone down on his lap as he started to drive again but it was in the process of calling their son. Only, he just noticed the call failed. 
“His phone must have died.” Tony mumbled with a frown and Steve reached over to grab it again. “I told him to put a charger in his car for emergencies.” He clicked his tongue. 
“That kid, I tell ya...” Steve was half-amused and half-worried. “He’s so smart, a little ditzy though.” Steve giggled, having fond memories of the boy sliding his phone down the stair railings or tripping over his own feet yet the next minute landing a back-flip perfectly. 
“Tell me, I’m the smartest guy you know, correct?” Tony leaned his hand over and gently thumped his palm against Steve’s thigh with a teasing smile. 
“I don’t know how your head fits in this car....” He tilted his head back and laughed “But, I’d say so. Yeah.” He crossed his arms and waited for Tony to finish. 
“Peter had his little friends over the other day-”
“Ned and MJ?” Steve asked.
“Yeah!” He gestured with his hands. They were good pals of their son. Tony actually liked them very much. They were both bright kids, he could see them having amazing futures ahead. “I couldn’t understand a damn thing they were saying.” He snapped with an expression that fully enhanced his point of astonishment. 
“That’s very humbling of you to admit.” Steve teased him and lightly pinched his arm. Tony rolled his eyes and turned the car. “But you’re spot on. It’s like they’re speaking another language.” He tried to recall some of his latest encounter with Peter’s friends. 
“It was all half-sentences and...” Tony trailed off and tried to think of some things he could actually pick out of the conversations. “Lots of laughing. So much laughing-” 
“-A lot of what I assume are references that go right over my head.” Steve added with a shrug and Tony reached over to grab his hand that somehow drifted from his grip. He thought about their boy having the time of his life, sitting in their home with his friends. He loved nothing more than seeing a smile on that kid’s face. That’s what he was working, living and breathing for. 
“This...” Tony’s eyes glazed over with deep-thought which could sometimes worry Steve. “This is not where I saw my life going. Not even close.” He shrugged. They were both very familiar with this conversation but Steve hoped to run further with it this time. He craved to know the full extent of his husbands thoughts on the subject. “But here it is.” He squinted in the rear-view mirror. 
“I think I always saw this kind of life-style for myself.” Steve spoke with earnest love in his voice that comforted yet annoyed Tony. “It’s you that’s the weird part for me.” He reached over and pinched him again. 
“Oh, That’s real nice, Steve. You been practicing your sweet talk just for me?” 
“I just mean...I never imagined...” Steve searched for words out on the road in front of them. 
“I got it.” Tony interrupted, his face genuinely understanding. 
Tony and Steve were very different people sometimes. It was hard to believe that they could become so much more. It was shocking to both of them when it inevitably happened. 
Tony wanted his little family to live in a world that he designed. A world where everyone was happy. And sometimes his dedication to the idea and the methods he used to get there drove them all crazy. Sometimes it felt like a dream that would have to go unfulfilled. And he couldn’t deny that it was a crazy idea. But Steve was just as crazy. He didn’t just want to go along with Tony’s dreams, no, he also wanted to help him with 100% dedication...even if it required challenging him. 
That was how Tony knew he was the one. 
Sure they could butt heads but...that was their thing. 
“I love you, you know.” Steve picked up their hands and lightly kissed the back of Tony’s hand with such and tender and loving energy that Tony nearly blushed.
“Yeah, I think when we got married, that was a big clue.” Tony smiled and squeezed his hand lightly while Steve rolled his eyes for what felt like the 80th time that day and maybe over the millionth time just since marrying Tony. 
They went silent again, just enjoying the tiny bit of calm driving. Lately they had been far too busy to enjoy the little things so it was a nice break from the usual life chaos. 
Tony and Steve each breathed a sigh of relief when they pulled into the Gas Station lot and saw their sons little car parked next to a pump. Peter’d done his fair share of hard work and earned the money for that car himself just like his parents had taught him (Although Tony had been insisting they spoil him ‘just this once’ & buy it for him because they clearly had the money and it’s what Peter deserved-but Steve kept him on track there) (And maybe they did secretly pitch in a little bit). 
Tony hopped out of the car quickly, ready to lecture Peter while Steve strolled over a little more relaxed. 
But not five seconds after getting out, Tony turned with an expression that made Steve’s stomach drop. “He’s not in the car.” 
“He’s not in the car-? What do you mean...” Steve’s heart started pounding in his chest as he tried to look into the vehicle himself like he didn’t believe Tony. “Where did he go-?” He didn’t mean to sound angry but it jumped out in his tone. 
“I don’t know!” Tony frantically answered with his own irritation and worry coming through clearly. The two of them stood there in bit of a shock before Tony pushed past to go ask around. Steve was about to follow but-
His husband turned and literal fire could be seen in his stare when his eyes fell upon their carefree son, strolling over to them from a ways down the street with a light grin and a shopping bag. Happy to see his parents. 
“Peter-” Steve began but Tony interrupted him (almost like it was a talent of his) and sped over to the boy. 
“What the hell were you thinking?” He narrowed his eyes and Peter frowned, stepping back a little like a kicked puppy. Peter opened his mouth but Tony wagged his finger in his face. “I’ll answer for you. You weren’t thinking. Clearly.” he gestured to the empty car. Steve took this as his opportunity to step in before Peter either commented on that over-used dad line or burst into a rant of an apology/excuse. 
“Pete. You nearly gave us both a heart-attack just now.”
“I was only gone for a few minutes and besides, I saw you guys pull up from across the street so it wasn’t like you were here very long-” 
Tony rubbed his hands against his forehead and groaned. Steve threw him a look to say ‘hold on a minute’. 
“You got stuck at some sketchy gas station for some time over an hour and we come to take you home and find you gone. We know your phones dead, so we had no way to contact you. How do you think that feels, son?” Steve crossed his arms and Peter rolled his lips together. 
“I just wanted to get something cool for Ned and the shop wasn’t too far, I thought I could walk over.” He shrugged and took defeat before digging in his bag. “Finally got that car charger though.” He could see his son hoping that might fix the situation a little. 
He could hear Tony start to pull out the jumper cables and get to work on starting that process. So Steve gave his son a little pat on the shoulder and a cross look before urging him to hop into his vehicle to get outta there. 
After a few minutes and some false starts, they got the car to start. Peter looked delighted at the idea of finally being able to leave. Steve got out from his passengers side (with some of Peter’s car garbage to toss) and made his way back to his husband. 
He leaned into the window, arms stationary on the ledge while he stood above him. Tony seemed particularity thrilled with this position. He grinned with a little tease. 
“I’m riding with the kid. You got a long lonely hour.” He took a few seconds longer to pat Steve’s thick arm and pushed him aside to get out. 
“Hey, it’s better than the lecture Peter’s gonna get. I’ll take it.” He shrugged and hoped inside. 
“Miss me.” Tony winked and threw up a peace sign before jogging over, opening Peter’s door and gently shoving him over to the passengers side. The boy knocked over an empty Red Bull can but managed to get into his seat safely. 
“Dad. I’m really sorry I made you drive all the way here and you’re right. I wasn’t thinking-” 
“Save it. I’m tired. I’m gonna turn the radio on and let that ride for the first twenty minutes or so of this drive...” He slid his hand smoothly in the air "And then we’ll talk. Gotta build up a good lecture anyway, y’know?” He gave Peter’s arm a quick pat, waved for Steve to go on and started to pull out. 
Only, the car made it just to the edge of the lot before it let out a few choice sounds and stopped once more. 
Peter’s eyes widened and his cheeks turned red with utter embarrassment. “Oh my god. I forgot to get the gas.” 
Tony sat up straighter and tried to hold in his laughter because he was still angry. But the boy could just be so...pure sometimes. “Tell me how, bud?” 
“I just-I went in to get the Red-Bull and I-” He shrugged and was wondering if it was appropriate to laugh as well. “I forgot.” 
As Steve circle the building to pull back in to see what the hell happened now, Tony pulled his son in for quick hug and ruffled his hair. “You’re something kid.” 
“I’m sorry.” 
“Oh I know you are.” He nodded. 
Peter went straight to bed when they got home. The long lecture and the embarrassment of showing up to MJ’s house with his parents was fresh on his mind. 
Steve & Tony, however, finally got some time to get back to their activities. 
And the activities, as it turned out, somehow became drinking wine in the kitchen with some dumb, old sit-com on to make fun of.
Because that was life with a teenager. 
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darks-ink · 5 years
Prompt: Jack was just trying to plan a surprise for his good ol' friend Vladdy. He...did not expect to discover a secret lab in Vlad's mansion--or a second portal or weaponry to rival theirs or-- Was that a hologram of his wife? Prompt by: @ladylynse Word count: 3,836
[AO3][FFnet][more Phic Phight fics]
The door creaked as Jack opened it, arms full with birthday decorations. He kicked it closed behind him, the key already put into a pocket in his jumpsuit. Sure, Vlad might not have handed it to him, but the man hadn’t changed in the years since they had met. He still hid it exactly where Jack would’ve expected him to.
Which was useful, because now Jack could decorate the mansion for the surprise birthday party he was going to throw for his best friend! He knew for a fact that Vlad would be out for several hours – mayoral duties and all that. And while he normally did his best to attend… This was a golden opportunity. He was sure that Vlad would forgive his absence once he saw the party.
He dumped his armful of decorations (carefully) in the entry hall. It would be the most convenient place to access it – he could return to this spot and decorate the separate wings of the mansion. Pleased with this plan, Jack picked up some of his goods and set off.
A few hours of decorating later, Jack had reached a cozy-looking study. He was just hanging up some flags when he accidentally knocked over a small statue. Worried that he had broken one of Vlad’s precious items, he approached to inspect it.
And then, with a grinding noise, the wall behind the statue started to open. Jack paused, watching how the wall opened into… a staircase?
Curiosity peaked, Jack crept closer. Why would Vlad have a hidden staircase like this? But just imagine what kind of cool things could be hidden down there?
He eagerly bustled down the stairs, and ended up in an enormous lab. It was much more neatly organized than theirs – a clear sign that Vlad was in control of this one.
Jack had to admit that he was a little confused by the fact that it was hidden. As exciting as this discovery was – his best friend was still into (ghost) science! – he didn’t understand why Vlad had kept it a secret. Why hadn’t he mentioned it to his friends? To him or Maddie?
Were mayors not allowed to have interests like these? Or was it something to do with his image, as mayor or as billionaire? Jack knew that the town tended to look askew to him and his wife because of their interest. Did Vlad hide it because of that? Was he afraid of being scorned like that?
He walked further into the lab, curious to see what Vlad worked on. What kind of inventions had he stowed down here? Could they work together, perhaps? Secretly, so he didn’t have to worry about his reputation?
Now that Jack was away from the staircase, he could see the entire lab. It was far larger than the one underneath FentonWorks. Not entirely surprising, that was.
What was surprising was the invention set in the back wall. It was a familiar sight. A giant metal arch, the insides filled with swirling green; a Ghost Portal. Set in the steel beside it was an Ecto-Filtrator. It… was the exact same as their Ecto-Filtrator.
And, sure. Maybe Vlad had based it on the old design for the Proto-Portal they had made back in college. But the one he and his wife had built for the new Portal was entirely different in design. And somehow, Vlad had made his exactly like theirs. How? He shouldn’t have had access to the blueprints. Right?
All along the walls, carefully stored and labeled, was ecto-weaponry. Jack would’ve been excited about that, except that these seemed to be very much like the FentonWorks weaponry as well. The designs seemed eerily similar. Most guns could’ve been theirs, except that they were detailed with red instead of green. Seemed to be powered by pink ectoplasm instead of the green they used.
Was this why Vlad had hidden his lab? Because he borrowed their designs – Jack didn’t want to think of it as stealing, because surely his best friend didn’t so such things – and didn’t want them to know? Didn’t Vlad realize that they would’ve forgiven him for such a thing? If he had asked, Jack would’ve gladly shared the blueprints, even!
Everything in the lab seemed to be directly inspired from the FentonWorks lab, except bigger and more expensive. Everything, except for the giant machines in the back.
They resembled enormous pods – and Jack had no idea what they could’ve been for. They weren’t connected to anything, and were littered with shattered glass and broken machinery and snapped cables. They were clearly salvaged from somewhere, but from where and why, he didn’t know. Was Vlad researching the machines for something? And if so, for what?
In his curiosity, his feet had been carrying him ever closer without him noticing. Apparently he passed too close by the main computer, because it turned on. Startled by the sudden activation, Jack backed away a step or two.
And in the empty space he had just cleared, a hologram appeared. See-through and glitchy along the edges, but still clearly recognizable. The auburn hair and violet eyes were a clear giveaway – as was the teal jumpsuit.
Vlad had a hologram made to resemble Maddie. Jack’s wife. What the hell?
“Hello darling,” the fake Maddie said, her voice so staticky that it was barely recognizable as Maddie’s. “How can I help you today?”
“Go away,” he commanded, disgusted and confused and so many other emotions that he couldn’t discern. “Leave me alone.”
“Of course sweetcheeks,” the hologram replied, before flickering out of sight. Jack sighed, relieved, and sank down into the chair sitting in front of the computer. Maybe… maybe he should take a look. Something was going on here.
The cool hidden underground lab suddenly wasn’t as exciting anymore.
On the computer, the files were neatly organized. Another sign that good old Vladdie hadn’t changed as much as one might think. Unfortunately, this didn’t make the information presented to Jack make any more sense.
A bunch of files were dedicated to Maddie. And another few specifically to the AI version of Maddie he had seen just now – which implied that most of the files were about the real Maddie. Jack briefly wondered what on Earth his friend could’ve hidden in these – but he skipped past them, nonetheless.
Disgust curled in his stomach. Maybe Vlad wasn’t the friend Jack thought he was. To him, or to Maddie.
There are also a lot of files about Phantom. These, at least, should be safe for Jack to explore. The ghost was an interesting one, after all. And had no link to him or his family, besides the fact that they hunted it.
Initially, the files make perfect sense. They were studies – far more in-depth than anything Jack and his wife had ever managed. Phantom was notoriously elusive, and he wondered how Vlad might’ve acquired the more advanced data.
Phantom’s power levels, its abilities and skills, weaknesses and strengths. These were all perfectly normal – they kept the same things logged. The ghost was a powerful one, and knowing one’s prey was important for hunters. And while Vlad wasn’t a hunter, he might’ve been compiling the information for other hunters to use.
More curious were the anatomical pointers. Some of the notes were fine – location and strength of the core, ectoplasm density, such things – but others… were not. Skeletal structure, which ghosts shouldn’t have, and even organs? Was Vlad somehow ahead of them in research?
Jack did seriously wonder how Vlad had acquired all this information, then. He wasn’t a hunter – and he certainly couldn’t have caught Phantom. Right?
More curiously, however, was that he kept referring to the ghost as ‘Daniel’ instead of Phantom. This, Jack definitely didn’t get.
Until he reached the part of the file dedicated to Phantom’s origin.
From the start, it was a confusing mess of data. It listed all kinds of information about Phantom which Jack couldn’t fathom Vlad accessing – and which he highly doubted were true. Additionally, it was all presented in a way which made it seem all the more sketchy.
Even the first note, cause of death, was highly dubious. “Electrocution via Ghost Portal,” it stated, which was clear enough – if a little worrying, because it meant that not only was someone trying to mimic their grand invention, they had gotten a kid killed in the process. More confusingly, however, the sentence didn’t end there. No, instead, “much like myself” was tacked on. Like Vlad himself had died – or like the files had come from a ghost.
Jack wasn’t sure which was better. He ignored it in favor of reading on, hoping to find less confusing information.
Apparently Phantom had only become a ghost a year or two ago. By the time they first encountered him, he would’ve been barely formed. Supposedly, he had formed immediately upon death – he had died early August that year.
Instead of getting hung up on this, Jack’s eye caught on the details on the ghost’s identity. Because there, in plain text, it read, “Daniel Fenton”. Like his son had died two years ago, and had somehow become Phantom. As if he wouldn’t have noticed if his own son had died!
But the file provided picture proof as well. A lot of picture proof. Comparative photos between Danny and Phantom, taken at regular intervals. They did look like perfect mirror images – identical copies, if one ignored the difference in hair and eye color. In the pictures, one could even see them growing up in perfect sync.
And the file continued on. It listed Phantom (Danny?) as a halfa – a half-ghost. A special type of ghost caught in the split between life and death. Not entirely a ghost, but not quite human either.
It was… It was all too much. None of this could be true. Jack refused to believe it.
Something… Something must be wrong with Vlad – clearly had been for a while. He was sorry that he hadn’t noticed it before, but for now the best would be to help. He didn’t know what had caused it, or how to fix it, but he owed it to his friend. All these files were a clear sign of some mental problem – Jazz’s constant rants about psychology had taught him that much, at least.
Because, as convincing as all this was… As much as all of it held up to Vlad’s old standards, rigorously collected and sorted information…
Danny could not be Phantom. It was impossible. No matter how similar their appearances were, it simply wasn’t physically possible for one to be both ghost and human at the same time.
Still, morbid curiosity drove him to scroll just that little bit further down.
Logs. So many logs. Detailed breakdowns of Danny’s DNA – or parts of it, at least. Some clearly human. Other bits seemed otherworldly – tainted by ectoplasm, or so the file said.
More concerning, however, were the carefully kept notes on the various clones that Vlad had made. Of Danny – or Phantom, that wasn’t entirely clear. Maybe a mixture of both, which would’ve explained his faulty belief that the two were one and the same.
Jack would’ve considered that the reason why they were all listed as destabilized. All had broken down over their contrary existence – an existence not physically possible.
Except that, apparently, a single clone had survived. Slightly younger than Danny, and female. There was no name listed for her – just like there had been no names for the others. And somehow, she had survived.
Jack would’ve scoffed, laughed it off… but there were, once again, photos. Of a girl who looked so much like Danny that it was scary. And of a girl who looked just like Phantom, but younger. Different in the same way she was different from Danny.
And a video, which showed her shifting from one into the other in a sharp burst of light. Bright rings which swept away one girl and replaced her with the other.
So maybe there was some sort of truth to Danny being Phantom. Or Vlad had become incredibly competent with video editing – which Jack highly doubted. If he had gone this crazy, surely he couldn’t fake such convincing footage?
More concerning, however, was what Vlad apparently thought of this clone. She was the only survivor of an act he shouldn’t have tried – creating new life was morally wrong, and he highly doubted that either his son or Phantom (or were they one and the same?) had consented to it.
But Vlad seemed intent on figuring out why this one clone had survived. And to do so, he wanted to catch her.
He wanted to kill her, just to find out why she hadn’t died sooner.
It was… It was disgusting. No matter what had gone wrong with Vlad, no matter how much of this was real or fake or imagined – the intent was still there. Even if the girl– ghost– halfa wasn’t real, Vlad still wanted to kill her. Wanted to kill a living being he had created, because of what? Because she wasn’t a perfect copy of Danny? Because she had somehow survived when his ���good’ clones hadn’t?
Why did he even want to clone Danny? Phantom or not, what could Vlad possibly achieve from having a clone of Jack’s son?
He didn’t know what to think. He didn’t know what the truth was – behind Phantom, behind Vlad, behind the lab and all its contents and–
Pushing himself away from the desk, Jack stood up. He wanted to get away from it all. Wanted to deny it – but at the same time, he wanted to help. Wanted to figure it out.
He didn’t know how long he stood there, intending to leave, trying to decide what to do–
A sound like shattering glass snapped him out of his reverie. He whipped around to see Phantom – the ghost was hovering next to one of the tables in the lab. Its – his – eyes were wide with shock. At his feet laid broken glass, like he had accidentally knocked a beaker over.
“D– Jack,” he said. Now that Jack was listening for it, he could clearly hear the hesitation, the correction. Phantom had been about to call him Dad.
God, this really was his son. Or derived from him somehow, but… that didn’t seem right. His gut said that the first was correct – and Vlad’s files seemed to imply the same.
“Danny,” he greeted back. Phantom – Danny – seemed confused by the words. And, perhaps, also by his non-violent approach. And how sad was that, that his own son looked at him with genuine fear?
He took his eyes off of the ghost of his son. Or half-ghost, if Vlad’s notes were to be believed. He doesn’t know anymore. Some of them seemed to be right, but others… they were too disgusting and scary to imagine.
“What are you doing here?” Danny asked him, cautiously. Jack continued to look around the lab, eyes roving over the entire room. Scanning it for any signs of the horrible things Vlad might’ve done. The ways he might’ve hurt Jack’s son.
“I could ask you the same thing,” he countered, shooting Danny a glance over his shoulder. The half-ghost fidgeted, unsure.
Then Jack’s eyes land on the broken down pods. Knowing what he did now, he could figure out what they were for. Cloning pods. One used to grow the clones – there had surely been more, but only one had been brought here by Vlad.
The other had been used to torture Danny, to somehow obtain the missing DNA samples.
And now that he had started thinking about it, he couldn’t help but worry… What had happened to the female clone? Because if Vlad was right about Danny being Phantom, and the pods were real enough… did that mean that the girl was also real?
Did Jack have a daughter out there, illegally cloned from his son? A baby girl, who had grown up in a lab without a name, watching her siblings melt and die?
“Is she safe?” he burst out, startling Danny – and himself, a little.
The sudden question seemed to confuse the half-ghost, since he frowned at Jack. “Who?”
“The female clone.” He turned to face his son properly. “The notes said that Vlad tried to hurt her, melt her down. What happened to her? Is she safe?”
“Oh, uh. I stabilized her fully, and then she left to travel the world.” Then the ghost fidgeted even more, slowly approaching him. “What, um. What else did the notes say?”
“A lot.” Jack scratched his cheek, offering a hopefully soothing smile. “Most of them bad things. Terrible things that Vlad has done, or wanted to do. He has a hologram of Maddie, can you believe that? Your mother!”
Danny stiffened, eyes widening even further. The glow from his green eyes cast flickering lights on the shiny surfaces of the lab. For once, Phantom’s eyes seemed kind and lively – Jack wondered how he had never noticed it before.
“You know?” he stuttered, looking at Jack. “And you… don’t mind?”
“Of course not,” he soothed, stepping closer to his son. He went slow, careful not to startle the boy. “You’re my son, Danny. Ghost, boy, or something in-between.”
Then suddenly Danny launched himself at Jack. Chilly cold arms wrapped around him, and in turn his big arms folded around his son. His son, who fit into his arms like he had always done.
A scoff interrupted the moment before they could truly cherish it. They broke apart to see the villainous Wisconsin Ghost hovering in the lab, in front of the Portal. Its arms were crossed, red eyes empty yet somehow still conveying a glare.
“Vlad,” Danny snapped at the ghost, and suddenly all the dots connected for Jack. This was his best friend?
But it made perfect sense. If Vlad’s files were to be believed, Danny had become a halfa thanks to his accident with the Ghost Portal. Vlad, too, had had an accident with a Portal – even if his had been the Proto-Portal. The larger amount of ectoplasm must account for the sickness, for the more… ghostly appearance.
And it explained Vlad’s behavior. The ectoplasm made him more volatile, more ghostly. It must’ve brought down hell upon his mind – and that was without the outside influence of people hating ghosts. It didn’t excuse his behavior, but, well. If they knew the problem, they could help Vlad. Could fix this – could fix him.
He realized that he had missed part of the conversation between Vlad and Danny. But it was impossible to miss the impending fight between the two, so he stepped forward to break it up.
“Wait,” Jack said, holding up his hands. And miraculously, both half-ghosts halted. He turned to face Vlad – his best friend, whom he had hurt beyond words.
“Vlad. I’m… I’m so sorry for what I’ve done to you.” He saw Vlad’s eyes widen, but he wasn’t sure with what emotion. His face was surprisingly hard to read like this. “I’m sorry for the accident with the Portal, and I’m sorry for unintentionally threatening you with my hatred of ghosts. I’m sorry for all the time we – I – made you feel unsafe, or unwelcome, or hated because of something you can’t control.”
Then his eyes hardened, and he made sure to keep his eyes locked with his best friend – or the man that once was his best friend. “But that doesn’t excuse anything you have done. It doesn’t excuse what you’ve done to me, or to my family. It doesn’t excuse what you continue to do.”
Vlad snarled in response, baring his pointed fangs. “What makes you think that I care at all about what you think of me!” Pink ectoplasm sparked around his hands, forming into coiling clouds of active ectoplasm. “What makes you think that I care about your opinion?!”
The ghost shot off, launching himself at Jack with startling speeds. He flinched back a step, throwing up his arms in a feeble attempt to defend himself–
But Danny collided with Vlad before the man reached him, and he was thrown into a wall instead. A fight broke out between the two half-ghosts, Vlad immediately ignoring Jack in favor of the bigger threat.
It made feel Jack feel sick, but he didn’t focus on it. He might not have brought any weaponry, but he didn't need to – the lab was well-stocked with ecto-weaponry. And as much as he hated their similarity with the FentonWorks weapons, it was a boon for the moment. They all seemed to work exactly like the guns he was used to.
His eye caught on Vlad as he charged another ball of volatile ectoplasm. Below him, Danny was picking himself off of the floor. He was unable to defend himself.
Jack blindly reached for a weapon, aimed, and shot.
The explosion blew Vlad back, and his attack dissipated. He hit the wall with a dull thud, head banging against it. Then he collapsed on the floor, his head bent down. A black ring formed around his waist, then split in two and swept over him.
Vlad Masters remained where the Wisconsin Ghost had sat, moments before. A perfect mimicry of the transformation Jack had seen on the screen, an eternity ago.
He stepped closer, bending down over his former best friend. Danny, who had finally picked himself off of the ground, hovered close to him.
“Don’t hurt my son,” he hissed, inches away from Vlad’s face.
“Stay away from my family,” he warned. “From me, from my wife. From my beautiful daughter Jazz and my wonderful son Danny. And from my newest daughter,” he paused, scrambling for a name.
Quietly, Danny added, “Danielle.” Jack didn’t question the name – he trusted his son’s judgment.
“And from my newest daughter, Danielle, whom I haven’t met yet but who I will protect anyway.”
His enormous hands curled around Vlad’s shoulders as he shook the man, driving the point home. “And if you even dare to hurt any of them, I will make the remainder of your life hell. Remember that, Vlad Masters.”
Then he straightened up, nodding once at Danny. The boys eyes flitted between him and Vlad, uncertain.
Jack strode towards the staircase. After a short moment of hesitation, Danny followed him.
“So,” Jack said as they climbed the stairs. Or as he climbed the stairs while Danny floated over them. “Do you have any way of contacting this Danielle?”
Danny remained silent for a moment longer. Then, quietly, he asked, “Why?”
Shooting him a grin, Jack offered, “Well, she’s a Fenton. And us Fentons, we stick together. No matter what.”
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