#sorry these glasses reminds me too much of Smash Mouth and so all I have in my mind is All Stars
shinakazami1 · 11 months
Been busy lately so I don’t have much time to review and edit, but here I am! (this was supposed to be sent on the anniversary.) (edit 1: It’s already (edit 2: halfway through) november.)
(edit 3: i gave up. words be damned, i’m sending this. there should have been more. curse you writing)
(edit 4: reminder. write a long ask anywhere else except the actual tumblr ask window. sending again just to make sure i didn’t hallucinate all this- it would be so, very embarassing...)
hehehehehe love your art. Crunchy. Pringles. Crushing it in my mouth. yummy colors and perspective (That bucket sexyman design looking kinda fine though.,..i mean who said that) (->absolutely normal behavior)
I love how you interact with others’ art, leaving your comments and compliments. Really appreciate that little motivation boost and positivity you spread :)
As seen from Paratober, you seem to take the prompts beyond their face value and messed around with the concepts of those prompts (gonna put Jester in a carton box hehe. Can we have Jester loafing? Loafing in a box?)
Personally I’m not a writer, so I don’t know how you guys’ brains work but I love how you come up with interesting ideas stemming from the game’s original material, expanding, digging deeper into them. I look up at you all in wonder hehe
Also, I read unheard wishes.
You see, I rarely ever seek out angst. I came in there with “this is gonna hurt but I can totally bring myself through this”
Boy was I wrong. Now, because I didn’t read it properly enough to leave a comment that would do it justice (time restraints get you like that), I won’t give a lengthy review. But just so you know, my general feelings were “who do you think you are. did you really think you had the right to hurt me like this. *inhales* aaaaaaaaaAA *cars crashing glass breaking sound effects idk* *lays motionless on the ground* (affectionate)”
Maybe i’ll read your filk wip next. Biology is fun :]
It’s your way with the images you make for your stories and art. Candlecurator? Whatever’s up with fernarrator? I’m not listing the ones in your writings. A lazy, lazy anon I am, I know. [insert another keyboard smash]
I haven’t been here for a while so i don’t really remember much, sorry ;; (-> fake fan detected?!? *vine boom*)
Your theories definitely left the strongest impressions on me. How do you all think like that?? (this goes to the rest of you, tsp theorists/analysts/meta. what are you all on??? damn. give me some.). Perhaps it’s a writer’s thing, maybe I’m just incompetent in this deep thinking kind of stuff.
My favourite was the nature connection theory. Absolutely ate that up. (definitely not because of my bias for plants and nature-related stuff, noooo-). You somehow connected the plants in the parable, creating these wonderful strings of text about what you saw in these plants, the implications, and then sharing those ideas to us. Give me your braincells, shina. Give me-
[Close your eyes.]
Anyway- I think you’re pretty neat :]
Have a nice day!
✨✨✨!!!!!307 ANON!!!✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
ᴬᵍᵃᶦⁿ since I was already writing a draft to respond to your previous ask. The fact you have this copy makes me hope you are saving these asks somewhere because I lost a lot of posts thanks to the great Tumblr editing system....
Happy (belated and too early at the same time hehe) anniversary 307 :] To your edits - PLEASE start writing drafts somewhere else oshsaoifas I don't want you to lose your versions again. You might say you are not a writer but you decide to write such beautiful comments and asks - value your words more :]
Anon. I have an exam this week so it will take my energy but DO KNOW YOU WILL GET BUCKET SEXYMEN SKETCH. I imagine you will see it in a few months but,,, I hope you will like it, just like you like my art in general.
I feel now in retrospect so silly I hadn't done this sooner!! While I sometimes don't have the energy to comment on other people's stuff in my own comments, I know how much joy being told your words could make someone happy :] And I love interacting like that!! Shared appreciation!!! That's why I adore Tumblr in general - it feels most organic in that ability to engage with others as a social media.
I'm glad you like the Paratober prompts! I am happy I mixed the prompts to try to get even more creative with them!! And feel free to put him in every box!! Some old art of Jester in a box:
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(I gotta finally start uploading my old art I do have. There is so much...
FEEL FREE PLEASE TO LEAVE MORE COMMENTS EVEN A SILLY ONE BUT OUGHHH I am so proud of Unheard WIshes so thank you so much <333333 Glad you could enjoy
Just remember anon that I do not know your age and the rating for Filk is Mature so please respect the ratings :]]] Ao3 tagging system is there for a reason!! However I still keep on getting opinions that Filk seems to target 16+ demographic since it's more South Park style...But still, please respect it :]
Oh sure, you are so lazy *looks at your very detailed an amazing asks* so lazy. But WAH THIS IS LIKE??? A VERY RARE CANDLECURATOR APPRECIATION??? Like I know folks see Fernator and like him but to hear you like her means so much to me ;;;;;;
And hey - life gets busy :] The fact you wanted to come again, read my story and wrote this, rewrote even god knows how many times... I will always think fondly of you.
DUDE OUGH I need to return to theories, I have so many yet to share,,, you wanting one means a lot to me :} I worked hard on the Fernator theory post so I am glad to hear you could enjoy it! I might do a pool on what people could want hehe
[Closes my eyes and tries to close yours]
I think you are very neat, 307 anon. Thank you, for being you and I hope I will see you one day again. Every ask, I worry it's also a farewell. And then - you come back. I hope you are okay out there - I hope your life, even if so busy, gives you moments of happiness and calmness.
Have a lovely day, 307 :]
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ahoge-fish · 2 years
Here you go Jotaro with dad sunglasses
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Someone asked for it? No?
Well Imma share it anyway NYEHEHEHE
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Deeper Blues | Yandere Merman x Reader
Yandere Merman x Reader
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⚠️[Warning: Yandere behavior and mindsets, general discard for civilian employees, violence, and death ]⚠️
You had been working at the Marine Magestics Company for a while now. Of course never really advancing past your position as an errand (girl/boy) you just kind of did whatever was asked. Because of that you happened to know how exactly to do everyone’s jobs so when someone got sick or oddly put out of commission you were summoned. You were almost certain some less than legal stuff went done here on an everyday basis. But what exactly were you supposed to do? If you left you’d not only lose the great pay for minimal effort but you’d also lose the ability to live without this company breathing down your neck. Plus where else are you going to get free trips to an aquarium like this.
“(Y/n)! Hey glad you could make it! I was sorried for a second that you would turn me down.”
“You're my boss, it wouldn't exactly be wise to do so.”
“Right. Anyway, here are the contracts you have to sign for this new position.”
“And paycheck?”
“Yes, yes the new paycheck. “
You bent down to a nearby crate to finish your reading and signing.
“Hey, this says a whole team ended up dying...What is the job again?”
“Ew you actually read that? Well fine just come with me, it’ll be easier to explain.”
Your boss led you past a multitude of safes and security measures before arriving at a tank big enough for an Orca surrounded by computers and testing equipment. For a moment as you neared the thick glass you saw nothing until you caught the blur of something swimming. Looking longer you eventually are able to make out what looks like a merman with teeth sharper than blades and eyes black and soulless-looking.
“This is what needs monitoring. This thing has killed off some of our best scientists with some kind of poison.”
“So you want me to take all their places.”
“Not exactly. We’re not willing to have to send another stack of millions to your family. You’ll just have to watch it. Monitor it. Feed it. Or don’t I honestly don’t care, just don’t die.”
At the same time you were given so much responsibility and yet none at all. You opted to use a shirt-gun to deliver this thing’s food. Looking over the now deceased scientist’s notes described how it was most likely a male, understood them to some degree, and had a strong dislike for the shocker. As expected they were conditioning him with electric shocks; no wonder he retaliated. You told yourself this would be your last result. In the hours of boredom where you weren’t allowed to have your phone books and random games were your entertainment. Sometimes you sat and watched him round his tank indefinitely.
“Hey, do you ever get bored of that?”
He stopped his speedy swim to turn and look at you. You perked up from your resting place. “Would you like that if I brought something?”
He continued to stare at you as if frustrated you broke the monotony of his routine. From there he slowly started back his circles around the tank.
True to your word the next day you brought a sinker, chucking it in the water. When he started trying to eat it though you realized he probably didn’t know what this was. So for a while you would try to use the devices inside to show videos of people using this toy. Sometimes he acknowledged it but usually he was too focused on whatever uses he wanted.One day though he did leave it on the only platform connected with his tank. Against your better judgement you scaled the stairs armed with only a fish. When you reached your foot to slide the toy to you, he appeared. Splashing and flashing those crazy teeth as he seemed to aim for your face. Anticipating this you smash the fish into his mouth carrying it through to push him back into the water, running back down when you had the sinker. It spooked you for a week, you couldn’t look at his curious gaze from the tank without being reminded of the sheer terror. But from time came growth and you went back up to the platform staying the furthest away and dropped the sinker once more. You turn to walk away but the splash of water on your back makes you stop. Looking at the settling water the sinker was returned. From there things got alot better.
Playing this game with varying toys and energy you found that this put you on better terms with the merman, who didn’t mind coming to the surface when you would drop a sinker or two. It became like muscle memory doing this even as you sat on the platform reading a book casually throwing the sinker. It was bliss, like having a new dog.
“I’m gonna kill it!”
The entrance of your sanctuary was brushed through by a disheveled man that had a knife. How he got past the safe you had no idea. All you knew was that this man was charging up the steps where you were sitting and the merman was hanging off of. You tried to speak to the man but all that happened was that you were lifted by the back of your shirt by this crazy man who was getting closer to the tank.
“Please! Mathew don’t!” Your boss had arrived with backup but you knew they wouldn’t make it before you got thrown in. Before you did, the man held you to his chest with one hand as he made a cut on your cheek.
“You’ll make a great sacrifice.” The force at which you were launched into the water burned the side of your face but the pain pailed in comparison as the water unpreparedly entered your lungs. Thanks to your swimming lessons you were able to cling to one of the sides of the tank. Inching along the sides you tried to ignore the splash of red that seemed to be spreading in the tank. It was a lot harder to ignore the bits of tattered clothes floating around the bloodied waters on your arms and hands; you began to panic. If those were in tatters than his flesh... You had begun to hyperventilate and let out a scream as it felt like something floating by nudged your back. Frantically you swam to the platform letting armed guards pull you out and to the hospital.
Thankfully they weren’t entirely heartless. Paid leave, paid medical bills, you were even offered to meet with the company therapists. Your boss had worriedly expressed how you’d never have to come back in again but you were both proved wrong. Apparently they had resumed testing on the merman and you were a key piece. Somehow they had gotten footage of you two playing and they figured you were their best way to go.
Seeing him again nearly made you faint he on the otherhand put his hands to the glass and the black of his eyes shrinked to the pupil of a yellow iris. He was what looked to be smiling, wagging his tail excitedly. They shoved you in a wet suit and pushed you into the water immediately triggering an even worse panic attack. Floundering helplessly the merman swims to your sinking body seeing that you can’t breath wraps his arms around you swimming to the surface, you were unconcious. When you awake you are floating in the tank with a warm hand on the small of your back. When you turn around the guards sit relentlessly calling out to you.
“They can’t reach us on this side of the tank. They can’t shock me either.”
The smooth sultry unfamiliar voice made you stop the back floating to shred water for yourself.
“You-you can talk?”
“Up until recently. Yes. My turn. What do they call you?”
“(Y/n). Yours?”
“You can call me Vain.”
He’ll admit as soon as he saw you walk in and press your face to the glass he planned to eat you. You were just so much smaller than him and just out of reach doing whatever baseless things you were doing. When you continued to feed him with the gun that shot the fish he was getting irritated. He needed to eat a human and soon. It was becoming too hard to maintain his sentience, his intelligence. A trade secret of his people: the eating of a human for at least six month will result in losing the features. The only reason he lasted this long was because of his status but that wouldn’t matter if he didn’t get his hands on a human soon.
When you began your game he didn’t understand and he tried to figure it out. A sign that he wasn’t completely lost. This was great. Your human game had staved off the reversion only for a little while. When you first went to retrieve the toy and he nearly got you; he cursed himself he meant to speak but in an animal instinct opportunity to strike had appeared. From there he only meant to silently indulge in your presence so that you wouldn’t be hurt. IT almost felt if he somehow got closer to you his sanity wouldn’t escape him but with the only human left he figured he’d rather not try it. This was the best he’d felt in awhile. That is until that human came.
The entry of the insane human destroyed that peace. Hurting his new human and then trying to attack him. It was wonderfully convenient that this human was practically offering himself to be eaten. Now he’ll admit he was a little crass in devouring the corpse leaving hardly anything but he just totally deserved it. What he didn’t like was after filling his belly with the intruder he wanted to speak to you but your heart was going crazy. He wanted to hold you and show that he could talk, but the scream you let out when he went to support you. You were overwhelmed, he had read about this. So he let himself only monitor from a distance while you made your way back to the platform where the violent humans scooped you up.
He was purposefully letting his instincts run wild. You were gone and he was being poked and prodded at. He knows how the scientific method works. If he acts out enough they’ll bring you back no matter how hard you scream, they were just like that. When it finally worked you were in his arms and sleeping so peacefully. This felt right. He intended to make sure this would happen often. At least up until the Summer Solstice.
“We are relieving you of your work in this field.”
“Wait, what?”
“We’ll be moving you to work with the porpoise section. Speak a word and you know what happens.”
They shoved a box of all your things into your chest and pushed you away. They wanted to keep it subtle, escorting you out when they were authorizing a tarp to cover the tank. You went quietly, that's all you could do. Nodding at your apologetic boss who had been forced to take a back seat on intervention from the government.
Living out your days as though you’d never met Vain was kind of sad but it wasn’t awful. You could finally go to work without being triggered into another emotional breakdown.
You were paged like the rest of your coworkers, albeit last, but you figured this was some evaluation of some kind. But when you got on the call pleas of a guard asking for you to come. You were hesitant. Something wasn’t right but curiosity was an itch you just had to scratch.
When you arrived at the now opened safe and undone security doors you were almost ready to see blood pooled everywhere in some massacre-like way but you didn’t. Instead there was a man wearing a really exotic sparkling see-through suit with flowing white hair with red tips. They seemed to be packing a bag, you went up to them tapping them on the shoulder they turned around revealing glowing yellow eyed and a toothy smile.
“Hello (Y/n)! I’m so glad you could make it! We have to go soon.”
The stranger grabbed onto your wrist pulling you out the door.
“Wh-what!? Who are you?”
For a moment the man seemed to falter but recovered pulling you into their chest holding you close.
“It’s me, Vain! I know I look a little different now but-”
“Vain!? Your-you have legs! How?!”
His grip seemed to get tighter and his smile seemed forced.
“Something I didn’t tell you about me is that we have to eat humans to keep sane and sentient in general. Lucky for me I’m part of the royal family which grants me the power to switch from a tail with whatever I want. Only as long as I eat enough so-”
“Y-you ate them!?”
Suddenly there was a prick of pain in your arm and you could no longer stand up straight. Falling into the waiting arms of the merman you tried to get out your question “A-re yo-gon eat me?”
Laughing heartily he hoists you into his arm, bridal style. He kissed you on your forehead, your nose, and then your lips. You really shouldn’t have taught him what that was.
“No darling. Not you. I’ve chosen you to be my mate. I can’t wait until we get home.”
Part 2 | Maybe?
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Stuck With Me ~ KNJ [M] [Request]
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PAIRING: Namjoon x Fem!Reader
GENRE: Smut, elevator smut, fluffy, silent treatment, public sex,
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Sometimes Namjoon and you fought and when you did it would end up the silent treatment coming from one of you. Today it was Namjoon's turn to give you the silent treatment only you had no idea why. You couldn't even remember what had started the fight, to begin with. All you could remember was showing up to your lunch date and Namjoon being moody with you. Snapping randomly about you dropping your plate on the floor and it spiralled out of control from there.
"Please, Joonie what did I do? Why are you ignoring me?" You questioned as you both stepped into an elevator together. Staff members deciding to leave you both to it as they waited for the next one.
"Did I forget an anniversary? Birthday?" You quizzed, pushing the button that leads to his floor but he folded his arms over his chest in complete silence.
"Namjoon you're acting like a-" There was a huge sound of thunder before the lights began to flicker and the elevator trembled. Your hands were gripping onto the railing that lined the boxed elevator and Namjoon began frantically pressing the alarm but it wasn't doing anything. 
"Must be a power outage," You whispered as he continued to desperately push it over and over again until your phone rang.
"Yes, Hobi?" Namjoon glanced at you out of the corner of his eye when he heard you talking. Hoseok sounded relieved that you answered the phone, 
"Where are you guys? Jimin said he saw you heading for the elevators," You hummed looking around at the frozen elevator.
"Yeah, we're stuck in the second building's elevator..." Hoseok sighed as he looked over at manager Sejin who had been on the phone with the power company. A huge thunderstorm had taken out a bunch of buildings power,
"You're going to be stuck for a while, looks like a power outage in the city. There's a thunderstorm too." Whining you put your hand on your head wondering why this was all happening in the middle of silent treatment from Namjoon.
"Seriously? How long until we get out?" You needed answers but Hoseok didn't have them all, no one did. 
"Technicians can't get to us for two hours."
"Two hours?!" You yelled out as you stared at the wall in front of you, there wasn't much else to stare at.
"You have Joonie to keep you company," Scoffing as you watched your boyfriend you did your best not to laugh. Namjoon was too busy giving you the silent treatment to even think about speaking to you. Namjoon could hold a grudge when he wanted to.
"He's not much company when he's ignoring me," Hoseok chuckled remembering the bickering he had heard while he was in the canteen with you both.
"You'll have time to make up with one another then," You didn't need to see him for you to know he was smirking down the phone. The boys hated it when you fought about stupid things.
"Hobi." You begged, wanting him to stay on the phone with you but you heard him and the rest of the boys laughing. 
"Bye." The dial tone sounded and you stared down at your phone before looking to Namjoon. 
"There's a power outage...We probably won't get out for two hours." No change in Namjoon, all he did was sit down on the floor and lean his head back against the metal wall. 
"Did you even hear me?" You asked sinking down in front of him as you waited for a response but all he did was close his eyes. 
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"You have to speak to me eventually," You told him as you stared at him once again. An hour had passed and the power supply to the building was still cut off. Namjoon barely moved as he sat there, he had been on his phone but that died around half an hour ago and now you were sitting in silence.
"I mean it's a shame you're not going to speak to me," You mumbled as you began pulling out your bag and glancing at your boyfriend who glanced back at you. He knew what was inside of that bag, everything in case of an emergency. Literally everything, snacks, first-aid kit, spare clothes, and water. Normally he would be the one to playfully mock you for carrying so much around with you but this was exactly why you did it.
"Namjoon," You giggled pulling out his favourite brand of snack bars, waving it in front of his face as he looked at you. 
"Speak to me and it's yours," You breathed out as you moved to sit by his side, laying your head on his shoulder. 
"Baby." You whispered as he reached for the bar but you inched it away from him, giggling as he stared at you. 
"Talk to me-" No talking happened, Namjoon simply smashed against yours as you whimpered. Feeling your heart racing as you were suddenly pulled onto his lap, his hands holding your hips as he whined. 
"That's a lot better than the silent treatment," You giggled as you rested your forehead onto his as you panted a little, 
"What's up with you, anyway?" You questioned as you ran your hand over his cheek and smiled weakly. Normally Namjoon would tell you anything that was bothering him but lately he hadn't. 
"It's stupid and nothing. I'm sorry," You sighed as he looked at you, you'd missed hearing his voice so much so you were glad he was finally speaking to you. 
"It's not stupid if it's bothering you that much," You told him as he began blushing. The truth was he had missed you, sure you had been around but the two of you hadn't been together in a long time and he missed it. He missed feeling you clamped around him, the two of you used to be inseparable.
"We haven't...We haven't you know...Done it in so long."
"Done it? What are you? 12?" You giggled as he grumbled something at you under his breath.
"Joonie...We stopped because we got caught," You reminded him of the last time you had been caught having sex in the building. Poor Jungkook was scared of life when he walked into the studio to find you pressed against the glass screen of the recording booth.
"No one is around now," He whispered as he ran his hand up your skirt, hiking up the ends as you whimpered. Looking around for cameras but there weren't any inside of the elevator and even if they were. It was a power outage, no one was going to see what would happen. 
"Joonie," You moaned out as soon as you felt his lips on your neck, biting and sucking on your skin as his hands rubbed your thighs. The boy knew just how to get you in the mood, he had you under his thumb. 
"Tell me you don't want this and I'll stop," He whispered in your ear as you shook your head, not wanting this to stop as you ground your hips down into his jeans. Moaning out at the contact, Namjoon chuckled softly. 
His lips moved to that one spot on your neck that made your legs clench together and he chuckled. 
"You love it," He whispered as he continued to suck on that one spot that turned you into a puddle. 
"Namjoon," You whispered tugging at his shirt as he shook his head at you, running his hand up between your skirt and rubbing you through your panties. Your head rolled back as your hips ground down against his hand. His free hand pulling at the thin fabric of your panties and snapping them off, 
"Joonie!" You yelled as you watched him tucking your panties into his pocket. Licking his lips he said nothing as he ground you down against his crotch whimpering a little. 
"Are you that needy?" You giggled as you raised yourself from his lap and undid the button of his jeans. Pulling him free from his boxers and giggling as you saw how red his cock was. 
"Joonie, how long have you been wanting this?" You ran the head of his cock through your folds, enjoying the sounds that left his mouth. Letting out small grunts of annoyance as you continued to tease him at your center, whimpering a little as you rubbed the head of his cock at your entrance. 
"You know I could just thrust up into you," He growled as you smirked down at him, watching as his hands reached up to grip the railing behind him. Moaning as you slowly eased down onto him. Instantly feeling filled as you moaned out his name and gripped his shirt. 
"Oh fuck," He grunted as his hands fell down to your hips, rocking you slowly as he began to moan out loudly. 
"You feel so good, tighter than I remember." He chuckled darkly as he began to buck into you faster, smirking as the lights flickered. 
"Lights are coming on princess...Four floors to get you to cum," He smirked as he got up from the floor, pushing your back against the wall of the elevator. 
"Think you can do it?" You teased as he smirked again, biting your neck harshly as his hips began to move at an erratic pace. Your hands gripped tightly into his shoulders, hard enough to leave a mark as you screamed his name out. 
"Look at that princess, we're moving." He chuckled as the elevator began to move up the floors, making you whimper. 
"Someone could walk in and see me fucking you." He chuckled reaching down to rub your clit with his thumb, grunting when he felt you clenching down tightly. 
"Namjoon...S-Stop we won't be able to-" You could barely finish your sentence as you shut your eyes, flickers of white spots filling your sight as you contracted around him. 
"Hmm? What was that baby?" You could hear the smirk leaking from his tone of voice as he continued to ram into you. Barely giving you time to think as your mind went blank. His fingers strumming against your clit until you exploded around him.
"I-I'm cumming!" You screamed gripping his shirt, ripping it just a little as you kissed him desperately. Riding out your high as Namjoon fucked into you until you were done. 
"What-" Namjoon couldn't finish his sentence as you suddenly dropped down in front of him and took him into your mouth. Wasting no time in moving your head almost as quickly as his thrusts had been, 
"Shit, your mouth feels so warm." He whispered as he pushed his hips against your face, helping you as he grunted loudly. 
Slipping him out of your mouth you pumped his length and smirked evilly, 
"One-floor left baby, you sure you can cum in time?" You smirked as you continued to pump, running your tongue along the slit of his cock when he suddenly thrust into your mouth. Gagging around him you smirked as you began to move your head, taking his sac into your hand and massaging softly just the way he liked.
"Ugh fuck...F-Fuck!" He grunted as his hand slammed against the mirror inside of the elevator and he came undone in your mouth.
Looking up at him you parted your lips to show him that you had taken the full load of him. Swallowing it slowly as you got up from the floor. A small ding from the elevator to signal you had arrived and Namjoon was rushing to chance himself.
"I told you that you would makeup," Hoseok said as you suddenly stepped out of the elevator and smiled, noticing Namjoon storming towards his studio sweating a little. 
"I have to go and sit with him," Excusing yourself you chased after Namjoon, preparing yourself for a second round with one another.
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Tag list: @lyoongx @rms-moonchild @mitzwinchester @rjsmochii @taestannie @sw33tnight @sweeneyblue1 @jin-from-the-block @acciocriativity @mwitsmejk @taeechwitaa​ @justbangtanthingz​ @stillwithlix​
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muffindaddystyles · 3 years
Summary: Y/N's feeling icky about her body, but Harry loves her to bits and pieces, through thick and thin, in health and sick — and he always waits for her to come back to him.
TW: Body dysmorphia.
Y/N's healthy.
All she sucks in is having a sane sleeping schedule due to her UNI otherwise she eats natural goodies, cook and bake home because it comforts her more that way and she works out every evening to stay fit.
Sometimes though, she’s lazy and lacks behind which’s proper humane but deep down it effects her and her mental health more than she admits and she isn’t able to start over again – it mostly happens after her periods.
Harry loves her the way she’s.
Even if she’s clumsy, bumbling, procrastinating, overly enthusiastic to mend her life at 3 am, snotty and sloth-y in her periods, confident and positive around people, kind and loving whenever she comes to meet him, whiny and cuddly when she’s sick, jealous and grumpy with his attention not on her —- he loves her in every way possible, to rivers and to sea his love could never stutter for her ever.
He loves how she’s not overly toned, having soft squishy spots which Harry undeniably wants to admire and kiss shamelessly amount of times -- like -- her plummy pretty thighs that Harry likes to nestle his head in-between making her wriggle and squirm under his grasp, her overly cute tummy that Harry dies to pepper sweet adoring kisses and petal his lips round her belly button, everytime they’re cuddled up his bicep’s always looped her around her tummy to feel it rising up and down in calm rhythm, and oh! her tender titties, they’re actually his favourite babies and he loves to fondle them in his big calloused palms brushing his thumb over the sensitive perky nub and basks in the glittery whimpery mewls of hers.
He loves that she’s curvy and gives zero fucks if she’s skinny or not.
He thinks his baby’s perfect.
So perfect he actually feels the bubbling of devotion and affection filling to the brim of his heart’s chambers and leaking out and upon his ribs tickling him.
Y/N's his person and he worships her with his whole heart.
From some days though, she’s feeling devastatingly insecure about all her things Harry’s in love with and she has no-control over it how much she tries.
Harry’s observing that all with optimism (one of his great quality's that like a lion sly about his prey, he keeps an eye on everything but pretends otherwise). He has his intense gaze fixed on her when she’s taking a look of herself in the mirror for rather too long, running her hands down her body and practically shuddering.
He glances from over his laptop and drops everything he's doing watching her go monkies, sweating buckets and over exercising than her usual time.
He brings her closer and infront of him, pressing her to his chest and coiling his forearm around her shoulders whining a, “Baby..!” when they were brushing their teeth and despite of standing beside him and teasing him occasionally like she usually does she stuffs her face into the crest of his back and hides herself there to have minimal contact with her reflection in the mirror.
Her body dysmorphia spiking dangerously high.
“Deprived me of your cuddles. woke me up so early, granny.” She huffs lying through her teeth and how much his embrace was strong enough to keep her in place she still managed to wiggle out taking her previous cosy position, but he could feel her muscles tensing and an awkward silence falling over them.
He didn’t pry much. He wants to give her as much space as she requires to come back to him hale and hearty, as she always does and whatever happens he never forgets to remind her how much he loves her every night.
They were watching rom-coms on Netflix back to back with her curled up into his side with a spongy white wool knitted blanket thrown over them and his cheek was smashed atop her head popping in peanuts every now and then when out of certain she spoke pointing at the actress, “You know she got her ribs removed to get that shrinky waist.” Harry frowned at that. His face itching into disbelief and concern under the bouncing glow of telly.
He affixes his gaze down at her trying to read what’s cooking up in that genius brain of her's which isn’t being very rational and genius right now, they immediately turns soft and caring when she blinks up at him purely.
She squeaks, nose crashing against his collarbones when he scooches her up in his lap grabbing onto her knees to make her straddle his torso and he grumbles cutely when she tries not put all of her weight on him and doesn’t melts into him as his sweet lovie would used to do receiving a smack on her bum on his end.
He’s afraid that an evil version of her chomped onto his dear baby alive.
“Nothing else matters if all ye’ organs are packed safely and healthily inside you,” He tells her brushing loose frays of her hair behind her earlobe and rubs his thumb in gentle strokes over her treacly pulsing point, “Was just telling you ...” She mumbles, dotting touches on his knuckles and playing with his bare cold fingers.
It’s true, she was rambling out facts about the movie and cast out of habit because no-way she’d ever go through any surgeries to change herself to become someone she isn’t.
“Swear!” She yawps out in convincing high pitch when Harry squints down at her with his lips scrunched, one eye twitching in doing so.
“Alrighty. I believe you.” He cradles her cheeks in his palms and brings her mighty close to him to peck her cupid bow, then her bottom lip and the corners of her smiling mouth to suckle generous amount of whines from her and then kisses her lovingly – hands streaming down her spine and then resting atop her dip.
He thought she was ready to come back to him, to share her problem with him and Harry really wanted to bug in, to not let her fight her battle alone and take half of her hardships from her fretting self but guess not.
They were about to have sex when panic seeped in Y/N's eyes and her cheeks blazed up in that of embarrassment as she rushed to switch off the lamps that were the only source of light in their room.
“Moppet.” Harry sighed, knowing exactly what’s happening and she isn’t as foxy in covering it up as she’s thinking herself to be.
“Why wouldn’t y'want me t'see gorgeous self of yours?” His tone punctured and hurt, feeling useless for not knowing how to cheer her up and break her worries down. He smoothens his hands behind her to lock his arm around her waist, fingertips making grape sized indents into the flesh of her hip-bone as she streaks the tip of her nose up and down the crook of his neck, murmuring meekly against his salty skin while he hugs her warmly.
“’M just feelin’ shy.” He giggles at her response puckering his lips against her hairline to pet tiny, tiny kisses there as she fists her hands against his taught chest.
“Not somethin’ I haven’t seen before, love bug.” He blows raspberries against the underside of her jaw and their mouths meet into a messy, giggling, teeth clanking kiss when she sinks into pillows allowing him to cocoon her in his heat.
“I love you, Y/N. No matter what.”
The last dam breaker for them was this little get together at Sarah and Mitch's baby shower.
She matched her outfit with Harry. Cute lavender coloured little sweater blouse that was familiar to the baggy baby yarn cardigan Harry was wearing, it accentuated her curves and her bosom so prettily -- her midriff peeking from where the buttons weren’t closed and their jeans were painted (they did it themselves one Sunday when it was extra boring and inactive).
Y/N felt uncomfortable in her own clothes. A bitterness spreading inside her for herself and all she wanted was to escape away from her own skin.
She knows she’s loved and welcomed and cherished by her friends and family and the love of her life, most importantly. Then why was she feeling so icky about herself? Why everything's draining her and exhausting her?
Harry obviously could see through the gloomy tenebrous energy overshadowing her as he stood in the corner of the room grabbing the sorbet he poured in two glasses for them.
A sour guzzle of tears choking his throat and his limbs weakening letting the painful heartbreak seep into him when he watches her being fidgety and fiddling with the loops of her jeans, tugging her blouse every passing second and he’s sniffling a hiccup deep in his lungs when she shrinks into herself in dejection staring out of the window without any purpose.
Harry feels awful to startle her when he plops down beside her, coodling her closer to himself and tucks her head beneath his chin subtly and cups his palm under her jaw to make her look in eyes his eyes.
“Hi beautiful,” His tone had a saddening waver in it and his irises mossed bleak when Y/N remains unresponsive, zoning in and out of her own head feeling herself prisoned into her own invasive thoughts.
“You w'na go home darling?” He gives her a wet smile clearing his throat and blinking the stubborn moisture in his eyes away when Y/N nodded without any vivid expression.
All the way back home he denounced himself of not making her feel loved enough, to not to pest her soon about what she’s feeling and letting her slide deeper into the dark hole.
He thinks he’s a piece of shit.
Y/N wanted to dig the earth with her own nails and hide into it and never show her face again, she was overly ashamed of herself.
His hand was holding onto hers tightly, never letting it go as he led them through the hallway and his head perked up in confusion when she stopped them abruptly and lunged to wrap herself around him like he’s the last silver of her hope and the reason to live.
“I’m so sorry, so sorry.” There comes the first sob after ages of suffering and bottling it all in, not shocked at all he was expecting it to happen. Gently he picks her up and wraps her legs around him, keeping his support firm under her bum as she cried into his soft white t-shirt.
Carefully he sits them on the edge of the bed and tries to pry her soaky flushed face in his cradle but she refuses to show him, clutching onto his cardigan and whimpering brokenly.
“I just feel so disgusting,” Her sob scratches out of her throat and for a second he thought he heard her wrong, that her feeble crying’s playing some kind of a sick game with his heart.
“Harry do something I don’t want to feel disgusting.” But, when she pleaded helplessly a cold shiver settled in his bone marrow spreading an agonising burn in his stomach.
Gently he stirs her away from his chest to look at her, meeting their foreheads together while his thumb wiped her tears away and smoothed over her wabbly lips in profound tenderness.
“My beloved,” He whispers fondling his nose against hers and her eyes flutters into realm of calms, shaky breath falling over his lips as he brings her trembling fingertips towards them and pecks them feverishly.
“The love of me life, me heart.” He continues, “Shhh. Shh baby ‘s okay to cry but don’t tire y'self.” He hushes her when she whimpers loudly at his coy affirmation.
“I’m here with you, waiting f'you, watching y’goin’ through a stony path so I could be there to hold you whenever you trip –-,” He pets her hair, cupping the back of her neck to plant his lips bitten red from worry to her puffy damp eyelids and Y/N becomes a gooey lax of candle that’s been burning for tiring amount and finally her lover came to blew the agonising flame away putting her to peace as he coos snuggling her in his cordial embrace, “You’ve been so strong to yourself and ‘m so proud of me baby.”
“I’m always here. Never away from you, always right by y'side.” His palms bending around her ribs to smush her as intimately close as possible.
“How d'ya want your huggies babylove?” He simpers down at her darlingly, huffing out in relief seeing her relaxing -- her shoulders sinking from him massaging the knots in them.
“Tight.” She mumbles timidly. The gleam in her glossy eyes returning when Harry hugs her as she wished, squishing her in right places and not suffocating her at all – their breaths in sync chests flushed against eachother.
“I love you cuddly, and care f’you.” He kisses her on lips then goes to hug her right back.
“I love you too, Har. Thank you.” She sniffs in his woodsy scent grazing her touch up and down his back, smooching a soft kiss at his cheek.
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4joonkookie · 3 years
24 Candles
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Words: 2.6K
A smutty, 24-hour diary of Jungkook's 24th birthday.
Also, Jungkook has feelings.
You play with JK’s butt in this one. Find butt-free fics:
Here Here Here or Here
SMUT, BUTT STUFF, Happy Birthday to the LOML, 50 shades of JK, dom!JK, sub!JK, oral sex, quickie sex, desperate sex, unprotected sex, creampie, spitting, spit kink, conversational sex, butt plugs, toys, JK is deep and complex, JK has feelings, y/n is very in touch with JK’s emotions, strength kink, body worship, JK loves ARMY, JK loves you, fluff, angst, painstakingly canon compliant, not beta-read, trying to tame my shame but, WOW, also I am deviant trash.
03:57 AM
You awaken to moonlight blinking through the living room curtains. The sound of a bag dropping and feet shuffling wake you where you lay on the couch.
He comes around to you right away. He kneels down to the floor beside you and pushes his forehead against yours. He leans up to kiss you as you take in his familiar scent.
“I told you not to wait up,” he scolds, gently. Seeing where you’d set up camp to wait for him to come home in the living room.
“I didn’t wait. I fell asleep,” you reply, coaxing yourself into awakeness. You look at the clock, almost 4 am.
“Happy Birthday,” you whisper and kiss his forehead.
He doesn’t say anything. He just leans into your neck for a greedy inhale.
“You smell good,” he says, hovering above you and squeezing your waist at his words.
You giggle at the tickling sensation on your neck. “Aren’t you tired?”
Still kneeling by the couch, his hands glide up under your loose sweater. He grips hard, pulling at your nipples with both hands. He latches his mouth to one of them and pulls his lips away until it pops.
“I was,” he says, dark and low. On his knees and pressing you to the couch, he sinks teeth to your neck, promising a mark.
You’re taken a bit aback at his rough nature but remember it’s been a few weeks, he’s probably pent up. His pace reminds you that you are too.
Soon, your gestures escalate from clumsy and quick to activated muscle memory, moving in fast forward.
You urge him to remove his shirt and toss it across the room. You can hardly see his face but the moonlight reflects off of him. You feel him angle your hips at the edge of the couch, pull off your panties and watch his silhouette lean down between your legs. The sensation of his warm spit spills down your folds, caught only by his fingers sloppily pushing into your opening.
You shudder at the intrusion. He spits again, this time audibly and more, your body not quite caught up to where his mind is.
“Missed you, baby,” he mewls.
He sucks and licks and laps at you, reacquainting himself with your pussy after a long time away. He uses 2 fingers to rub a path over your clit before they sink inside you. He repeats this, over and over, satisfied little groans fall from his lips before he removes his fingers and leans up to kiss you, desperately. Tongues and teeth bang together while hurriedly you tug at his belt and free his cock.
You use the lowered fabric to pull him to the couch, mounting him. He slides you onto his length and you both groan.
You grimace being stretched open by him after so long. Strong arms smash your laps together, Jungkook pushing up and grinding into you.
“Did you miss me?” he pants, between thrusts.
You keep your rhythm, circling hips around his cock.
“I missed you, Jungkook,” you say, tugging back at his hair with both hands.
He chuckles, enjoying the sound of his own name. Your bodies continue to move tantrically, shaking and panting, skin slippery with sweat. Feeling your orgasm coming, you start bouncing on his lap, trying to take in more of him.
He leans back to watch you, hands on your hips. He watches as you envelop his cock with every thrust.
When he feels you pulse around him, he grunts and groans and spills inside. When you catch your breath, you stand on wobbly legs.
He’s exhausted. You can see the sleep taking over his body. You urge him to follow you to the bedroom to clean up and sleep.
1:48 PM
It’s nearly 2 and Jungkook is still fast asleep.
They always do this to him. They work him to the bone until he’s so spent, they can’t get another day out of him. By the time he gets home, he sleeps for days.
You mindlessly scroll on your phone, occupying yourself next to him. You’re just happy to be with him. His side of the bed is so often empty.
He finally stirs.
“Hey you,” you say, dropping your phone to the bed.
He lets out a groggy groan and looks at his watch. “Ugh. I’m sorry,” he says, regretful about how long he’s been asleep.
“Don’t be,” you say before kissing his lips and brushing hair behind his ear.
He’s tired but it’s more than that. He looks rough and truly worn out, his typical brightness is dulled.
“What’s on your mind?” you ask. Although, you already know.
He says nothing.
He was devastated when they cancelled the tour. He told you over the phone and you could tell he was upset when it happened but the toll it’s taken on him now, is apparent.
“I’m sorry,” you offer.
“It’s just…,” he starts and sits up, wringing his hands, emotions bubbling. “I’ve always been tired.”
You sit up and face him, setting your undivided attention. “Yeah?” you encourage.
“I’ve always slaved away on choreo. We’ve always been busy.” He looks off, wrapping his arms around his knees that are still tucked under the bed sheet. That compromise is… for them. But, now, I can’t even see them. I don’t know when I'll see them again. I miss them.”
It’s heartbreaking. All you can do is continue to listen, allow him an outlet for these feelings. He continues.
“It's like I don’t know what it's all for when it’s like this. I knew before, when we were performing, it was very clear.”
He shakes the emotions from his head. “Sorry, I'm in such a sour mood.”
“Shhh... “ you kiss his forehead. just wishing there was something you could do.
“Thank you for telling me. I wish I could help.”
“I know.” He grabs your hand and laces his fingers with yours.
You change the subject. “What do you want to do today?”
He positions himself so you’re face-to-face, sitting on the bed. He takes a deep breath. “First, I think I'll go to the gym. Clear my head. I'll make it quick”.
You shrug. “Take all the time you need.” You know it helps him.
The both of you stand up by the same side of the bed.
“And then...I’d really like to lounge around here with you if that’s ok?”
“I like that idea,” you reply.
“Maybe we can order in and…”
He kisses your neck.
“mmm...What do you have in mind?”
He presses his open mouth to yours, pressing his tongue inside.
“Some of that,” he teases.
You stand to your tiptoes and wrap arms around his neck, not wanting to let him leave again.
“And what else, birthday boy?”
This question, he opts to simply hold you tight. He hugs your body tight against his, inhaling at your neck again, planting a kiss on your lips.
“Maybe some toys?” He aims his gaze at the bedside table.
Your stomach flutters. “If you’re up for it,” you reply with a raised eyebrow.
He kisses you once more and heads out the door.
When you hear the door close, you collapse, flat on the bed and stare at the ceiling. You always look forward to when he gets home. But then you have to catch up with weeks of emotion, wishing you could’ve been there for the duration.
You can really feel the awfulness now. He was devastated when they postponed it 2 years ago. Now, after 2 years of holding on to hope just to have it cancelled and all other performances postponed indefinitely? He’s heartbroken.
When it was canceled you silently celebrated, knowing you’d have more of him to yourself. It’s not worth it if he feels this way.
On the other hand… concerts haven’t been happening for 2 years but the boys stay busy with packed schedules.
He always says it’s not the same without them. Jungkook has always been a bit more attached to fans than any other member, leaving his family at such a young age. Without ARMY, he seems very lost.
4:00 PM
Jungkook returns home in better spirits, wiping sweat with a towel from his forehead. He pecks your lips, walking through the kitchen.
“I'll take a shower and be right back,” he says, sweaty hair, clinging to his forehead.
“Can I join you?” you offer, as he walks by.
“I'll be quick.” he says, continuing to the bedroom.
You try not to think too much of it and shower in the other bathroom.
By the time you get out, his shower has stopped running.
You dress for your introverts-night- in in one of his t-shirts and perfume, nothing else.
The delivery food comes, you set it up at the kitchen counter and pour drinks.
4:30 pm
When he hasn’t come out in over 20 minutes, you lean your ear to the bathroom door and knock, concerned.
“Are you ok?” No noise is coming from the bathroom except his voice.
“Yes,” he replies, calmly.
“Do you need help?” you ask.
“No!” he exclaims, immediately. “I’ll be out soon.”
You return to where you sit at the kitchen counter wondering what he's doing? Is he hurting himself?
He follows behind a few moments later, casually kissing your lips before he sits at a nearby barstool.
“This is a ton of food,” he comments.
You say nothing and he gestures to clink your drink glasses before he starts eating.
You watch as he silently ravages. It always went this way too. He’s starved when he comes home. Most of the time when he’s working, he avoids eating altogether or can’t find the time.
He relaxes. You eat, drink and have conversation. He’s in better spirits, having taken some time for himself and away from work.
He seems comfortable, but squirms slightly in his seat.
He’s TOO comfortable.
You have a sneaking suspicion, now. One that’s not tied to his tough feelings about a cancelled tour.
“What’s up with you?” You query.
“What do you mean?” he asks genuinely. “Like, what we talked about this morning?”
“No.” You scan him. “You look like you’re up to something. Like you’re hiding something.”
Your tone is more serious but you try no to be accusatory.
“It’s nothing,” he insists.
You nod. “Ok,” settling. You continue eating though, conversation is lulled.
Out of curiosity, you open the app on your phone. It shows the plug is powered on and the vibrations are off.
You turn the vibe on, Jungkook nearly stumbling on his barstool. You approach him and he grabs the phone from you.
“I knew it!” You kiss him, standing between his seated legs, then, pulling back with sudden realization.
“That’s what you were doing in the bathroom?”
“Yeah. What did you think I was doing?”
You shake the thought from your head. “You got yourself ready without me?” you whine, disappointed.
“I wanted to surprise you.”
“That’s so hot,” you begin to kiss his neck, no longer thinking about food.
“Well, can we finish dinner?” he says, with a mouthful of food.
You’re embarrassed by your own haste. “Of course.” You sit down calmly, patiently, and allow him to finish.
“What?” He questions as you eyeball him.
“Nothing. Just letting you finish,” you reply, sincerely.
He laughs and drops his utensils. “What, you can’t wait? You’re such a horndog!”
You scoff. “And who’s wearing a butt plug at the dinner table?” you tease, approaching to get your hands on him again.
“It hasn’t even been in for_”
“_So I’ll finish getting you readyyyyyy,” you interrupt, nearly pouting.
You slide your hands up his thighs, standing between them.
He hides a smile, you know he’s already caved in. Then, he lifts you up and you wrap legs around his waist.
He carries you to the bedroom, dropping you to the mattress. He undresses.
“Let me see?” you whisper, sitting up.
He slides face down on the mattress, burying his face. Your gaze follows his body. You straddle his legs from behind, caressing his back and groping at his muscled ass cheeks.
You pull his shy legs apart to expose the toy. You let your fingers drag over it, tugging lightly.
“You did this for me?” you ask. Ideas of what he was doing to himself in the bathroom flood your horny mind.
He nods, still mostly into the mattress.
“So pretty, baby.” You tug at the plug, sitting tight inside. You use the manual switch to set the vibe on. The low setting, like he likes.
You move the toy slowly at first until it glides in with ease.
“Is this what you did?
“Yes,” he moans.
“When you had yourself bent over the bathroom counter?” you assume.
“Mm-hmm,” he verbalizes and You push faster. He bucks back against the toy and your hand, his hole finally sliding open.
You settle him to his back, pillow propped underneath his hips and continue sliding the toy in and out of him.
He’s sufficiently opened, looking perfect.
He lays with legs spread, knees bent, eyes fluttering closed with every pump of the toy.
He fumbles your hands and pushes it all the way in to hold it in place and shudders, taking exactly what he needs.
You work the toy a little harder now., twisting and turning it along his walls, pressing against his prostate. Sweat drips over his body. Cum drips down his shaft and onto his abs. You lap at the cum on his body, cock and balls bouncing with each pump of the toy.
You make attempts to stroke him with your free hand and use your mouth on him but he shudders away each time, too close.
You’re not even thinking about coming, entranced in how beautiful he is.
He rolls you to your side, bracing a hand on your hip and slides inside from behind. He sets a pace and squeezes his own cheeks together on every thrust, clenching around his toy.
He buries his face in your neck and whines, his arms wrapped around your torso, tight.
He rolls you over and fumbles on top of you to pull another toy from the side drawer, powers it on, and holds the bullet to your clit while he pumps into you.
Precious ‘ah’s’ fill the air when he comes, pushing into you deep, feeling vibrations through his prostate and lower body. You buck against him when you come, too, shoving the toy away when it’s too much, but letting the waves flow through you.
Your bodies slow and Jungkook pulls the overstimulating toy out of himself. You drape your legs over each other, bodies tangled, and doze again.
03:52 am
He’s already gazing at you when you wake up.
You yawn and stretch, taking a hand and running fingers through his hair.
“Were you happy when you found out?” he asks, plainly, about the MOTS tour.
“What?” you stutter, suddenly awake. Guilt surges through your body. You hadn’t properly considered how it would make him feel the first time you heard the news. It’s different now.
He must understand that. It’s different now.
“I don’t want you to feel this way,” you start. “ I would do anything if you didn’t feel this way.”
He nods. “I know.” He grabs your hands in his. “Were you happy?”
You hang your head. “Yes. At first.”
“Good.” he caresses your cheek, lifting your chin. “I’m glad you were happy.”
The both of you doze again.
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
💕 reader turns into a baby and obsessed with Bucky. Awww 🥺
Infant Issues
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bucky barnes x reader / masterlist
warnings; fluff, morgan definitely being tony’s kid, biting, swearing, spoilers for IW and Endgame, mention of the blip, childish behaviour from adults, terrible humour (I really am sorry), spoiler for WV, mention of age gap, kinda a crossover, an absolute mess 😂
“Morgan?” Bucky frowned, as the girl tried to speed past him. It was not wise for anyone to allow the mischievous child run around the compound alone, she always got up to nothing but trouble, and there was such a glazing in her brown eyes.
She didn’t spare him a glance, instead, she bolted, causing the super soldier to sigh. He would have went after her if there weren’t already footsteps recurring from the path that she had just came from; it was his father. It so happened that there was a bundle of joy in his arms, crying like the sudden crack of dawn.
“What were you going to do, wait another five years to tell everyone about this one, Stark?” Bucky asked with a chuckle, though the cries from the infant muted at the sound of his voice. The child wiggled in Tony’s grasp, trying her utmost to reach out for the vibranium armed hero.
“She’s not my daughter, if she was, I think me and you would be having conversations.” Tony’s words spurred a frown to combust out onto Barnes’ face, and the billionaire sighed, shifting the baby so that the baby was in Bucky’s arms.
The child cooed up at him, her eyes were a baby blue, sure to avert possibly into a different colour once she grew elder. “Look, I didn’t ask if I could hold her, she’s cute, but why do you-“
“Morgan did it.” Tony willingly blamed his own daughter. With her various experimentations, she was definitely taking after him. He’d be sure to keep this one quiet from Pepper, otherwise he was almost certain that he’d be banned from bringing Morgan on expeditions to the compound.
“I though y/n was supposed to be watching her.” Stated the enhanced soldier, cocking his head at the information that he recalled. He promptly remembered you abandoning him half way through training the newbie recruits, because Happy was dropping Morgan off, and you had offered watch over her, despite the associate being there.
“She was, and now you’re going to have to watch over her.” Tony pointed specifically to the child in his arms, and that was when realisation hit Bucky. He gulped, breathing through his nose to calm himself, as all the pieces clicked perfectly together.
This was not just a child - it was you. As he gazed down at you, he could finally see the pouted expression that would fixate upon your face when you paid attention to him when you were drunk, there was a glazing over your eyes as you raised your small and innocent hands, scraping down the stubble of his chin, as you curled further into his arms.
“I am going to kill you.” He steadily spoke, huffing as Sam went to walk past, but stopped himself when he saw the bundle of joy that was content in the brooding soldier’s arms. 
“What the hell! Did you and y/n have a baby or something without telling anyone?” Oh, how he wished those were the circumstances, and if the pair of you were to ever have a child together, then he would be impartial to the idea of doing so.
"This is not my child, it's y/n, thanks to Stark over there." He bounced you in his arms, he even felt a small dribble of spit seep through his shirt, but he didn't mind, not as his icy glare was intently prized upon the philanthropist.
"Hey, it was my daughter's fault, not mine!" Tony excused himself from the blame, holding his palm against his chest, as he received as such. Sam ogled at him for a second, before returning his attention back into Bucky, and little you.
He came forwards, reaching his hand towards you, keening as you went to grasp his. As you did so, a smile broke out upon the man’s face, until it contorted into a sharp frown, the noise of a yelp escaping from his lips. “That little bitch bit me.”
“Language.” Steve rounded the corner, his golden brows raising when he saw the infant contently resting in his best friend’s arms. “Did you and y/n have a baby without telling us?”
“That’s what I said!” Sam beckoned to the blonde, as he averted a strong gaze to you and your normal sized partner. "Until she bit me, it reminds me of that time that I tried to steal her fries."
"I don't see why your complaining." Bucky rolled his eyes, bracing you up straighter so that your forehead was pressed lightly against his shoulder. "I'm the one whose partner is an actual child."
"Yeah, tell me about it." Sam rolled his eyes in reference to how you were beforehand, before Steve cut in, directing his leading tone towards the men that were stood idly by.
"What actually happened?" Tony found his enquiry to be an opportunity to avert the fault from himself; how lucky indeed was it that Steve asked such a thing.
"Technically it's your fault capsicle. Morgan found your prototype of your unsuccessful time machine. As you can see, she turned into a baby, much like Lang. And if you want to push the blame off of yourself, blame these two for their asses disappearing."
"Hey, if I wanted to disappear, I wouldn't have made such a dramatic exit. I'd have just left for my sister's." Crossing his arms, Sam shook his head at the man that was not wearing his iron suit. He was unable to take any responsibility, unless it was for his genius brain wave of creating the true transportation for the time heist.
"Well I'm going to keep that noted for any future repercussions." Oh, how Wilson regretting mentioning that now.
"You left it out, within your daughter's reach." Bucky quirked his brow, as he prepared to head towards the storage of the private laboratory that was shared between the two science bros.
"Technically, that was the big green guy." Bucky vouched not to listen to Stark, instead, he continued to walk, leaving the three other men in his rear view, though for the most part, he could still hear them bickering.
"Maybe we should turn you into a baby, I doubt much would change."
"Maybe we should turn you into a baby, I doubt much would change." Tony mimicked Steve, thus only proving his point. He was certainly a man that enjoyed pressing people's buttons, it was a shining attribute of the once playboy, and god, did it annoy the hell out of Barnes.
As he entered the laboratory, he found the lab to be in a state of havoc. "Hey, it wasn't me this time." Scott laughed, as he used an extinguisher against the frayed machine, that was blubbering sparks from its ruined exterior.
"Smash!" A small green child, wearing glasses that were far too big for him, ran across the room, followed shortly by a child with long blonde hair wrapped up in a red cape, as though it were some kind of makeshift diaper.
"Explain." Bucky bluntly stated, clenching his jaw, as he cooed lightly at your cries that pierced the air. He bounced you in his arms, not quite certain of what he was supposed to do.
In his time, there wasn't exactly an education system to teach the men going to war how to parent, or even care for a child. A part of him panicked; it was you, he hated seeing you cry in general, but now he couldn't attempt to find out the cause for your falling tears.
"Aw is that y/n?" The man half dressed in his ant man suit asked, a bright smile on his face, as he reached out to hold you. To say Bucky was hesitant to pass you to him was an understatement. "I have a daughter, I've looked after a baby before."
"From jail?" The white wolf asked, as he heard a crash exhibit from the connecting room, obviously being the fault of the two most destructive avengers, or at least, their little versions. Being aged down was definitely certification for trouble, everyone knew that.
"Okay I wasn't in there for that long." Scott reassured him, he picked up a bottle of milk from the table, handing it to the metal armed man, whom had never fed a child before. He found himself, cautiously, keeping a watchful eye, passing you over to the former criminal, intently watching every movement that the man made.
Lange simply fed you. "Always thought you and y/n would have a cute baby, imagine its- oh yeah, well after all that stuff that happened with vision and SWORD, we thought it best to destroy any technology that was recovered from the old base. This part survived, and well, I went into its- okay, you don't want to hear the science, but basically Thor insisted he could break it with his hammer, albeit whilst I was inside of it, and it sent energy around the room that turned them into pubescent children."
"I can see that it did nothing to you. And I thought Morgan did it.”
"I was so relieved, lucky I- wait, was that an insult?" Bucky remained primitively silent, and that answered Scott's question. The hero sighed, as you finished nursing, and your arms reached for Bucky, to whom he passed you to. “And I lied...”
He literally blamed a five year old for the screw up of grown men. Tony was going to thrive off this information, whence he knew that his daughter was in fact not the culprit.
"What do we do now?" He was eager to find a cure for this betrothed science. Those whom were responsible for your decrease in age, well, one was running around the compound, and the other, well, he was even younger than Morgan currently.
"You could wait twenty years, I mean you two already have quite a big age gap, and please don't kill me. I'm not sure that Cap would approve, I am a vital source to the team!"
"I'm not going to kill you tic tac. Or at least not at least until we fix these three."
"Phew." Scott wiped his brow, blowing air from his mouth. "Wait thre- oh yeah, the little guy carrying the hammer that is bigger than himself, and the
"Okay, we need someone smarter." Bucky sighed heavily, as he hugged you in thought. "You tried hitting it again with the hammer?"
"Oh my god, I could be worthy!" Gasped Scott, running off to the next room, only to come back limping, a pained expression on his face. "Little Asguardian bastard hit me!"
Bucky contained his smirk, and instead passed you to Lang, venturing into the other part of the lab, finding that Bruce was asleep, a blob of snot hanging from his nose, he could see the hammer in the middle of the room, almost as though it were waiting for him to attempt grabbing the handle, and Thor was-
The minuscule god jumped from one of the shelves, wrapping his arms around the front of Bucky’s neck, as he put all his weight on the super soldier’s back. In all practicality, Thor was strangling him, and Bucky tapped his arm, trying to convince him to let go.
“I know who Noobmaster69 is.” Thor quirked his head, lessening his hold, as he promptly awaited his now older friend to continue. “It’s, its- his name is Wade Wilson.”
“Wilson!” No, gosh no. Bucky stood completely, making sure to keep Thor in the vicinity, he needed him to be so so that he could reverse the affects on the son of Odin.
“Not Sam. Wade.” He had never met the man before, but god did he seem like a dick. When the pair of you were getting a taxi, the driver Dopinder just could not shut up about his friend, who liked to wear red, and had a kink for unicorns.
Wade certainly sounded like a weird one, but right now, his pass time was getting Thor to pick up that hammer. “Where can I find this Wade?” It practically left his mouth as a hiss, if the imagery and proven death supposed otherwise, he’d possibly think it was Loki instead.
“I will tell you, if you pick up that hammer, and hit it against that old machine. Got it buddy?”
“It’s name is Stormbreaker!” Bellowed the norseman, who tried to slide off his back, but Bucky kept a hold of his legs, refraining him from going anywhere. “Get peter to do it, I don’t want to play that game anymore!”
“Uuh, hi Mr Barnes...” That voice, oh he knew it, and the majority of the time it irritated him, he was Tony's little pet. “And, baby avengers?”
“Don’t ask kid.” Peter nodded, as he went to reach for a spanner. “Can you pick the hammer up, are you worthy?”
“Am I worthy?” He wondered aloud, his eyes fixated on the hammer, as he stepped towards it, holding his hand out, and clasping his palm around the handle, it feeling weightless in his grip, as he picked it up without effort. “Oh my god (it’s Robert Downey Junior)!”
“Great, now take it out there, I’ll deal with these two. And don’t do anything yet.” He was certainly feeling like a sergeant, throwing all the orders to the others, Peter complied, carrying the hammer as though it were an empty duffel.
“Can I try?” Instantly, after Peter passing it to him, Scott had such hope, until the force of gravity hit, and it fell on his foot, causing a light scream to ripple through his throat. “Get it off, get it off!”
Peter did so, as Bucky kept Thor on his shoulders, and grabbed a hold of Bruce’s chubby little ankle, dragging him into the other room. “Shit he’s heavy.” He saw that you were sat in the grand spinny chair, making Bucky relived that you weren’t in Lang’s arms as he attempted to have a moment of worthiness.
“What’d you do, go all Winter soldier on his ass and knock him out?!” Half screamed the prodigy of Hank Pym.
“Of course not, I think Thor did it.”
“Oh yeah, blame the kid because I did the same.”
“Put your suit from Stark on kid, unless you want to become a fetus.” Bucky ignored Scott for the moment,
“I got Hope to send her outfit, it will stretch to accommodate you, but I also think it would hug your shape nicely.”
“That was fast.” Muttered Peter, and Bucky shook his head, eyeing the outfit with weird eyes.
“I’m crazy, but not crazy enough to wear that.” Sighing, he grasped it in his hands, walking to the other room to squeeze into it. He noticed you watching, and thus he turned the chair around so that you couldn’t see anything. Little did he realise until he came out, that you had spun it around again, and was giggling. “Don’t laugh at me, or you won’t be allowed to see it when you’re returned to normal.”
A pout settled on your small lips, and it appeared as though you were getting ready to cry again, but before you could do so, a distraction intervened. An uninvited, and confusing one.
“Stop. Can I just say, that is some cruel declaration for the both of you, you’re my fave ship, after me and Hugh Jackman of course, but he doesn’t even know that this version of me exists.” A newfound imposter called out, his arms raised in the air. Leather gloves crinkled as he twitched his fingers, his white eyes freaking Scott the fuck out. “May I join you on this journey? I read about you guys in comics. And can I just say, I want to see these hunks and that hottie all grown up.”
“You want to see me go Winter Soldier on someone Lang?” Bucky gritted his teeth, prepared to murder this man for ever posing such words about you into the open air. Him speaking obviously drew some attention to him though, but it was not his rage that was mentioned, instead, it was his attire- or well, Hope’s.
“Nice suit Buck Buck. Can you do a twirl for me, I wanna see if it competes with America’s ass. Damn, does that man have some buns on him.”
“I know right!” Scott eagerly agreed, earning a smack in the nuts, to which had made him close to crumbling.“You had to use the metal hand, didn’t you.” Whimpered the Ant to the false Wasp, clamping his hands over his goods as he half hunched over. “I thought you often forgot to use it coz your right handed.”
“You’re on my left.” Gross, he sounded like Sam.
“Who the hell are you?” Thor spoke, and it felt familiar on his tongue. It was as though he had asked an enemy the same thing before...
“I, am Noobmaster69.”
“Hi, I’m Peter. Oh, we’re using our made up names, I thought Sam said it was that guy from that tech place.” Peter scratched his head through the mask, providing a small verbal distraction, as Thor willingly set himself free, launching at the intruder, whilst snatching the hammer from a suited up Peter.
“Aaasrrrghh.” He screamed like a true deity of the vikings.
“Thor, no!” Lang screamed, knowing that he’d have to come up with another excuse. The cameras had been fused whence Thor had first struck the hammer in the room, and it abused the guy in the red suit as he went for his legs, attacking the friend of Dopinder.
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An Angel and A Demon ~ Pyramid Head x Reader
Update 2: My laptop restarted when I was in the middle of writing this, and trust me when I say it, I am positively pissed off, and I want to end my days, that's how bad of a day this was.
And I didn't leave the house.
That says a lot about today...
Update 1: But, without further ado, I was half-way writing this story, and I received this ask, and let me tell you...
helloooo, i absolutely adored the fanfics you wrote about kazan and danny🥺 could i request one where pyramid head is just really whipped for and in love with the survivor! reader but he doesnt know how to announce it to them so he brings her random ,,gifts" in and outside the trials and protecting her bc well, im pretty sure he cant speak so he doesnt really have any other options on how to express his feelings??
I live for it.
Bless you for sending me this, it's the reason I'm still sane right now.
I love you, baby-cakes.
Update 3: I want to kill myself so bad. Just smash my head on a wall until it explodes or sth. I was so happy with how this imagine turned out, only fuck fucking tumblr to just fucking delete EVERYTHING just as I was about to put the last gif and hit POST NOW.
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For the 5th time writing this :
Hell - What was that place, anyway?
Some would describe it as an infinite ocean of flames and lava, where it's eternally melting-hot, and a bunch of hooved, horned, tailed red demons torture you with acid, with their red pitch forks, or boil you alive in their cauldron for soup. Or maybe you just get tortured by Stalin, who knows?
But never would have anyone thought that 'Hell' could look so...Normal. Well, normal in a very demolished, desolate, ravished way, but still...Normal, by human standards. Albeit, the never-ending loop of madness, anguish, agony and desperation of getting killed in different gruesome ways or fleeing for their lives and feeling a myriad of emotions pumping adrenaline through their veins so badly that their anxiety-meter skyrocketed to abnormal levels.
All this darkness, this hatred, this...Everything...It changed all the survivors. They became selfish, stubborn, rude, some even went as far as to sacrifice their fellow survivors in trials, just so they could survive. It was a complete mayhem that defied all kinds of reason, normality, morality or even ethics. Everyone became devoid of any laws that used to bind them to their humane sides, and now, you weren't sure if the killers were saner than the survivors or not.
But even in this abyss where you couldn't even see your hand in front of your very eyes, there was a little star - A beautiful angel radiating brightness and warmth, someone who was somehow able to guide everyone's straying souls with her benevolence.
In reality, she was merely a survivor, not the little lantern from an angler fish's head, but she treated everyone with such an untainted kindness...It was beautiful, and yet, unrequited for most parts. Everyone was still putting their own lives above all - And who could condemn them? - Perhaps their cowardice, for the girl preferred to save her fellow survivors as much as possible, even if that oftentimes assured her place on the hook, to be a sacrificial lamb for the Entity.
On the other hand, she rarely ended up on the hook - Most killers prefer to kill her themselves, instead of letting her become pray for the horrible Entity who tortured so many of them for refusing to cooperate - The Trapper, Evan MacMillan - He knew the best, with those hooks digging into his flesh, impossible to extract. He was the first to protect this girl. It wasn't much, but if he had to, he'd rather give her a swift, painless death, than seeing her without that serene, angelic smile on her face, as the Entity feeds on the last bits of her soul's beauty, the last parts of her humanity.
The other Killers were confused at the Trapper's actions, but little by little, they began to understand why this girl was so precious and special - And this domino effect hit Rin Yamaoka next, with Y/N stopping in the middle of a chase and taking off her jacket, just as Rin was about to butcher her with her katana, and she smiled, extending it to her. 'You must be cold' she said, realising that the Spirit was merely wearing a few bandages, not even her school uniform, or her kimono.
The ghost girl was shaken up by this, and told the others at the killer camp, but they just shrugged it off - Rin was a little girl who faced close to no kindness, they weren't surprised she was so taken aback by such a feat. That is, until Adiris, in a particularly terrible day, when everyone at the camp was staying away from her, as her profane censer wasn't able to cover the stench of rotting flesh - Y/N came over, taking out a small yet elegant glass bottle with pink liquid on it, spraying some on her - And now, The Plague smelled of roses and vanilla - 'You can come to me for perfume whenever you want, I always carry some with me!' she grinned at the Babylonian High Priestess, before leaving back to the survivor's camp site, leaving the ancient God symbol to stare with her mouth agape at the girl.
These words began to spread, and it was no surprise when the killers saw Susie clinging and begging her Legion friends to spare Y/N, for she was there to hug away her worries more than once, to tell her sweet words, to play with her hair and play the guitar whatever songs she wanted to hear, to get reminded of her home - She was so home sick that she freaked out, but now she was better, thanks to Y/N - 'I know you miss home, but sometimes, home is where your best friends are, and all three of them are here!' she tried to encourage the cute pink-haired girl who could only squeal and hug her new friend.
Even Ghostface wasn't exempt from falling to her charms, and they would often take silly selfies and mess around, making fun of the old horror movie tropes and doing lots of puns and pranks - So much that she even got his trust to be told about the Danny/Jed thing, and how he began his killer profession - 'You're a very talented photographer, Danny! You deserved all that recognition you got, both as a journalist, and as a killer!'
And very soon, Y/N found herself in the crushing arms of an overprotective Anna, humming her mother's lullaby together with walking through the forest, Y/N making flower crows for all the female killers at the camp site, and little by little, she somehow managed to worm her way under everyone's skins.
Y/N was the survivor with the highest survivability percentage, and maybe the Entity sometimes got pissed off, but at least she still got killed sometimes, so who cares? Well, that was soon to change as soon as a new Killer was added to this sick game - Pyramid Head, the terror of Silent Hill, as Cheryl, the new Survivor, called him - or The Executioner, as he was known now. He was ruthless, merciless, grotesque - He had his own criteria of killing, his own moral compass, ethics, conscience and understanding of the concept of life and death. Nothing that could compare to the visions of humans, clearly - Everything was gravitating around Divine Retribution and Justice, but the from the outside, he was nothing but a killing machine.
He would kill everyone and anyone that crosses his path, without fail.
Y/N felt like her fortune ended completely the second she found herself in the new, overly cramped map, with Pyramid Head as the killer - She couldn't help but run around like a spazzic meerkat, trying to find and fix as many generators as possible, without having to get face to face with the walking hazard...
Only to run past a stuck Pyramid Head.
Slowly backtracing her steps, she saw the mountain of a man with his metal pyramid stuck in the frames a low window which he tried to walk over. He was trashing like a raged bull trying to attack a matador, but it was clear he was getting nowhere with this.
"H-Hey, u-uhm...Need some help?" she asked in a soft, careful voice, almost like a meek cat trying to test the waters, but in return, he started groaning even louder from the wrath he wanted to unleash upon the whole world. "Okay, uhm...I think I saw a can of vaseline in one of the chests around. I'll go fetch it and I'll come back for you. Don't move." she said, only to then realise how horrible that sounded, considering the situation, and it only seemed to anger the killer. "...I'm sorry, ignore me, I'm an idiot." she slapped herself pretty harshly before bolting out of there trying to find the chest.
However, Y/N cursed herself for not having perfectly memorised the whole map by heart already, since she found the vaseline can after the 3rd chest, and then, it took quite a while to find the bloody window that got the killer stuck - And by the time she got there, she was dead tired. "Okay, I'm here, I found the vaseline! Let's try to get you out of here." Y/N muttered as she put her feet on the low window pane to get to his level. "If it's not too much trouble, could you please hold onto me? I can't balance myself with both hands occupied, and I'd rather not fall." she explained as she opened the vaseline can, only to shiver as she felt two big, strong hands getting a firm grip on her hips. It was almost...Endearing, were she not too busy trying to get the killer unstuck. She kept massaging the metal edge, trying to push and pull, also praying to whatever deity that existed in her human world that she had her tetanus shot done on time - Until finally, she was able to get hear a loud screech, like a pop, and the killer got unstuck, and in the process, he stumbled backwards, while Y/N fell down on her butt.
"Ouchie..." she muttered, rubbing her back and sides to take away the pain surging through her body. "Are you okay?" she asked, almost intuitively, without realising it at first, until she heart a low grunt that brought her back to reality. "O-Oh...! You have glass shards stuck in your side! And you're bleeding too! Hold up, let me help." she hurried to his side, while the killer merely stiffened, feeling her delicate, slender fingers tracing his body, while he heaved and slouched his shoulders from the repressed wrath. "It may sting a bit, and I'm really sorry, but I promise it will be better soon." her voice was so motherly and warm, which also resonated in her actions, as she gingerly took a water bottle and imbued some tissues with it, to wipe away the blood smearing down his skin as she extracted the glass shards, and then..."This is grandma's marigold ointment. It's really good, and it smells nice." she explained as she carefully smeared a thick layer of the yellow ointment on the biggest wounds, while the little ones were covered by smiley-flower patterned plasters. They were cute, and colourful, and they never failed to make her smile. "Okay, there we go, all better! I hope you'll feel better very soon!" her voice got a tiny bit more cheerful and upbeat.
It made the Killer think about a trillion things, as he stepped in front of her, towering over her like the Empire states building next to a smiling pomeranian. What was with this girl? Why did she help a killer? And why did he feel so...Warm inside? He could sense a foreign kind of luminosity, a naivite and innocence that he only witnessed in children and animals. This woman in front of him was untainted by the darkness and evil of the world.
It didn't matter how many hardships she's been through, or how much sadness she had to endure - Her soul remained as pure as any snowdrop, as the first snow of winter, as the fleece of a baby lamb who let out its first 'meeeeh' to its mamma sheep.
He couldn't allow this human to be maimed in any way - Not by the world, not by the Entity, and certainly not by him. - Screw the Entity, Pyramind Head kills by his own rules, and now, he was blessed to be faced with a human who bore no real hatred for her peers, or for the world, despite the horrible situation she was thrown into.
He didn't understand, obviously, especially as he remembered the myriad of abominations that lurked through Silent Hill, all of them created by the torment of humans - The very torment that distorted their own reality, which resulted in him needing to solve the purpose as The Executioner - Eradicating the world of all evil.
"Th-This sword is so heavy...H-How can you carry this around like that...?! Your muscles must be so strained and sore...Y-You really need a massage, I'm sure." she stuttered as she tried to lift the much taller and heavier sword from the ground, only for the brute to simply bend and pick it up with extreme ease, putting the girl to shame with her complete lack of strength. "Hehe...You're really strong. I'm embarrassed now." she chuckled softly, scratching the back of her neck.
Before she could leave or do anything else, Pyramid Head picked her up by the throat, careful not to hurt her or restrict her air intake - I mean, how else was he supposed to carry her so he wouldn't hurt her with his metal head or sword? - and it was pretty clear she didn't feel any malevolence from him, as she clinged on his forearm, trying to keep herself up, only to be dumped on top of the hatch, as the killer pointed towards it, so she would leave.
"O-Oh...! Thank you so much! You're really kind! I really appreciate this...I-I know it probably doesn't matter much to you, since you'll be doing this over and over again with all the survivors...But I really appreciate you for your kind gesture, and I appreciate you for being so nice with me. Thank you. Take care!" her dazzling smile lit the whole place up, but he couldn't talk, nor could he tell her how he should be the one thanking her for showing him that, despite the hundreds and thousands of years he had to roam the 'Earth' and execute the injust, miracles still existed.
As soon as she reached the survivor's camp, everyone cheered for her, asking how in the world could she have escaped the wrath of the butcher. "Oh, but he wasn't that bad. In fact, he's much more humane than I anticipated! I think he has a beautiful, blooming heart!" okay, she's lost it - the other survivors thought - but even so, she's always been a bit...Out of it, so who cares?
It took quite a while for the other three survivors to reach the camp, all bloody, in fact, like the new killer, who dragged himself with the same menace to the Killers' camp. "How the hell did you manage to survive?!" they yelled at her in utter shock, seeing that she got out of there unscratched. "Oh, you see...I found the hatch." she shrugged simply, not wanting to give away that the person who massacred those three was a soft one and he basically threw her down the hatch to her safety.
As she took a twig to roast a marshmallows, she noticed how Pyramid Head was standing much farther away from the rest of the killers - She knew that silent killers were bound to stay away from the more obnoxious one, remembering how Michael Myers almost killed Ghostface and The Legion at least a dozen times - But this time...He seemed kinda...Lonely? So Y/N took the matters into her own hands, roasted another marshmallow in another twig, and when it was done, she went to the killer's camp, calling out the lonely one's name - She has no idea why, but he actually followed her, pushing her further deep into the forest, until he was sure nobody was going to hear, see or interrupt them...
"Hey. You seemed pretty lonely out there...I thought you could use a friend. Thank you again for what you did at the trial...Here, this is a marshmallow. I don't think you've had many before...Cheryl told me of that horrible place you had to live in...So I hope this will make your day a bit better!" Y/N extended one of her hands towards him, so he could take the marshmallow - And a long, black tongue erupted from underneath the pyramid, snatching away the fluffy marshmallow and gulping it in one go.
What the hell was he turning into?
A towering man built of pure muscle, wrath and divine justice, with a pyramid representing the evil of humanity burdening his body, and a sword taller and heavier than the average human being constantly dragged in one of his hand...He now was a slave to a cute, innocent girl who was putting flower plasters on his minuscule wounds that would heal in a heartbeat regardless - He saved this girl who was now offering his these soft, squishy things that tasted overly sugarly, just like her upbeat and cheerful personality - If he could eat her, he was sure she would taste even sweeter than this - A sickish kind of sweet, that is.
She was indeed a beautiful angel in this tragic hell. But he didn't wait to snatch the second marshmallow either.
"Ah...! You liked it, didn't you? Well...Next time, I promise I'll give you more!" she grinned at him the same way a princess would to her chivalrous knight who saved her. The since he couldn't talk, silence took over them - It wasn't an uncomfortable one, per se, but it made it feel as if the conversation was over. "W-Well...I'll guess I'll see you around! Take care and I hope to see you again soon!" she waved cutely, trying to turn around back to her camp, only to feel a rough hand on her shoulder, turning her around and urging her to stop and wait for him and he went deep into the forest, leaving her alone and undefended by the potential malevolent forces of the forest.
When he returned, however, he stepped right in front of her, creating the perfect shade as he towered over her - Then he kneeled in front of her, so he would reach her eye sight, then he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and put a beautiful pink flower - As pink as the blush that started creeping on her face - He wanted to see her luminous face better, to highlight her dazzling smile and her glimmering eyes as the warm, silver light of the mother moon caressed her face.
Y/N felt her heart picking up the pace - It was beating so much faster than ever before - But this time, it wasn't out of fear or anything negative...It was something good. Something she never felt in her life, especially with her human acquaintances from back home. None was as chivalrous and gentle with her as this butcher of tormented souls - The bringer of justice, the merciless Executioner who was supposed to end the life of every living being that would cross his path.
It was insane how every Yin finds its Yang, even if that comes in the form of a little lamb of a small, frail girl, and a huge abomination of a brute man who knows nothing but death, bloodshed and carnage. It was truly crazy how opposites attract, and here she was, holding the killers large hands and gingerly putting them on her face, leaning into his touch - She felt safer now than ever in her life - Now, in the arms of an ancient killer.
An Angel and A Demon brought together in a perfect union.
As she leaned down, she touched the metal of the pyramid where she anticipated his forehead would be with her own forehead, and closing her eyes, she finally felt herself calming down. There was no need for words, actions spoke louder than anything, and she appreciated it...She appreciated him.
"Thank you." she whispered to him, knowing that yes, even though nobody else would hear it anyway, it was much more intimate than anything she ever experienced.
She was hooked.
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Hope you liked my completely shameless pun, I couldn't stop it, especially after the pain I went through trying to write this...3 freaking times.
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Blame it on the Alcohol
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Pairing: Jay Halstead/Reader
Warnings: Alcohol, Vomiting
Words: ~1500
Description: Just shameless drunk flirting with the best-looking cop in Chicago.
“You’re drunk.”
“And you’re sexy.” You slur, swigging back the last of your vodka cranberry.
“Hey Herrmann, I’ll t-take anotha!” You slide your glass across the counter of the bar, relieved to see the firefighter catch it before smashing into a hundred pieces on the floor.
“Nope. No more. I’m officially cutting you off.” Jay grabs the crumpled $5 bill from your hand.
“Ey, that better be half my tip there!” Herrmann interrupts, slamming down a cup of water in front of you. “Drink that, kiddo.”
You pout your lip realizing that the two were in cahoots to restore your sobriety, but still took the cool glass to press against your parched lips.
“You’re such a party pooper.” You kick Jay playfully under the bar. “I was just celebrating my best friend’s birthday!”
You peer past Jay to look at Sylvie, your ambo partner, who was swallowing back another Jell-O shot given to her by Dawson.
“I don’t understand how someone that small can take so much alcohol.” Jay laughs, having turned around to see what you were so intrigued with.
Your eyes glare at Jay as he takes in Sylvie’s skimpy red dress. You quickly stop staring as he turns back around, his gaze glancing to the still-full cup of water beside you.
“Drink that. All of it.”
“You can’t tell me what to do.” You tease, pushing the glass further away.
“I mean it Y/N. Don’t really feel like taking care of the case of alcohol poisoning you’re about to get.”
“And what if I don’t? Are ya gonna arrest me?”
Jay smiles. “I just might.”
“Better whip out your handcuffs then.” You regret it the moment the words leave your mouth, your face burning hot in embarrassment.
You reach for your water, averting your eyes far from the detective, chugging down the drink. “I uh- I have to use the bathroom.”
Standing up from the stool a little too fast, your feet crossing awkwardly as you try to stand. You would have nosedived to the floor if it wasn’t for Jay’s strong arms and fast reflexes quickly shooting out of his seat to catch you.
“You good?” He asks.
Staring into his eyes causes a bubbling feeling to rise in your chest, that you first mistake as butterflies, but quickly realize is nausea working its way up your throat. Clasping your hand over your mouth you make a beeline to the bathroom, wriggling free from Jay’s protective hold on you. You dash past several concerned glances, ignoring your surroundings as you fall hard to your knees in front of the toilet, surely bruising them in the process.
What comes up from your stomach is a mixture of fruity cocktails and greasy food and you note that you’ll never again be eating a cheese blintz prepared by Brian Zvonecek’s baba again.
You hear the large wooden door to the bathroom open, expecting it to be Sylvie, or perhaps Gabby, but seeing Jay walk in caught you by surprise and you scramble to grab a piece of toilet paper to wipe any spew that may have landed on your chin, instead of the bowl.
“This is the woman’s room.” You really don’t want to be seen by anyone in your current state, especially not Detective Jay Halstead.
“It’s okay, I have a warrant.”
“Very funny.” You try to stand, but a wave of alcohol-induced dizziness takes over you.
“You okay?” Jay asks.
“Never better.” You reach up to flush away the toilet-full of skinny margaritas.
“Why did you let me drink so much?”
“Excuse me?” Jay cocks an eyebrow.
“You’re a cop. You should have made me stop after the third drink.”
Jay smirks, walking across the floor and gently grabbing your arm, helping you stand. You fall into him as the dizziness washes over you again, smiling as he hugs you closer. “I took your keys after the first drink.” He announces, pulling them from his pocket and dangling them in front of you. “Figured I’d let you have some fun.”
“You went into my purse? Getting a little comfortable there, aren’t you officer?”
“I’m off duty. Don’t want to have to write you up for drinking and driving.”
“You know I wouldn’t do that.”
“I know. Just being cautious. I think it’s time we get you home.”
You roll your eyes. “It’s only midnight! The party just started!”
“Don’t make me carry you out of here.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
Jay smiles as he puts both arms around your waist, ready to lift you over his shoulders. You panic as you feel the nausea floating around in your stomach at the sudden change of motion. “No! Jay don’t please! I will throw up on you.”
He lets go, keeping one hand on your shoulder, afraid of you falling over.
“I need to grab my coat. I have a long walk home.”
“Ha. Walking. Funny.” Jay states, grabbing his own set of keys. “I’m driving you.”
“You don’t need to-“
“It’s not a discussion.”
“I’ll take a cab!” You exclaim, though your brain reminds you of the last $80 in your bank account that you did not want to blow on a taxi.
“You have a free cab right here.” Jay says motioning to himself before waving goodnight to Sylvie and the many emergency responders jampacked into Molly’s. He guides you outside, carefully leading you down the steps making sure you don’t slip, smashing your head onto the icy concrete below.
After ensuring your seatbelt is secured, after you had struggled with it for several minutes, he takes his place in the driver’s seat, pulling out of the small lot.
“You were supposed to make a left there.” You point out, realizing Jay had driven the wrong direction towards your apartment.
“Uh, Nope.”
“I know I’m drunk, but I still know where I live.”
“Oh, we’re not going to your place.”
“You’re crashing at my house.”
“Don’t need you choking on your own vomit alone.”
“So nice of you to care, but I don’t really want to sleep on your tiny sofa. I can imagine the pain in my neck already…”
“Who said you have to sleep on the couch?”
“Well, considering you live in a 1-bedroom.”
“You can take my bed. As long as you don’t puke in it.”
You chuckle, butterflies rising in your stomach as you stare at your knight-in-shining-armor. “I don’t think I can guarantee that I won’t.”
“Well, I’m prepared to burn my sheets then.”
“If you weren’t driving, I’d punch you.”
“Assaulting an officer and public intoxication. Real nice, Y/N.”
“Ooooh better punish me then, tough guy.”
Jay’s face blushes as he grins at you, side-eyeing your nervous expression.
“I mean, I could spank you, but I think that would be considered police brutality.”
You choke on nothing but air, thinking you misheard the handsome red head.
“I beg your pardon?”
“So, are you only going to flirt with me when you’re drunk? Am I too ugly for you sober? Don’t think I didn’t hear that handcuff comment earlier.”
“I-“ You can barely speak, embarrassment flooding your thoughts from working correctly.
Jay chuckles. “I’ll stop teasing till you sleep it off.”
“I- Um. Thanks? How kind of you?”
You throw your head back against the seat and close your eyes, trying to block out the streetlights flickering past your eyes as you drive down the snowy Chicago streets.
“I’m going to have such a headache in the morning.”
“Good thing my brother’s a doctor. He can get you the strong stuff.”
“Sometimes I don’t know when you’re joking.”
You smile at Jay as he finally pulls up to his apartment. He goes to open the car door before you pull him towards you by his jacket, thrusting your lips against his own, perhaps a little too hard. He’s taken aback, but quickly grabs the back of your head, pulling you in closer. Several seconds pass before you pull away, unsure of what drove you to do that.
“I’m sorry.”
“Nah, don’t be.” Jay shakes his head, blushing. “I’ve been waiting for you to do that.”
Jay exits the car, rounding the vehicle and opening the door for you on your side. You stay seated for a moment as he looks at you questioningly. “C’mon Y/N, it’s freezing.”
“I just… I was thinking.”
“Huh? About what?”
“You don’t have to sleep on the couch tonight, either.”
“Oh?” Jay grabs your hand, pulling you out of the car and pulling you into his chest.
“What do you have a Queen? I think there’s plenty of room for two people.”
“King, actually.”
“Okay well, we are not making it 3.”
“We’ll leave that up for debate.” Jay winks, helping you inside to the warm building, still clutching you close against the winter air.
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helloalycia · 3 years
my patient’s neighbour [two] // wanda maximoff
summary: as you spend more time with your patient's neighbour, you come to realise that your crush may be getting too much
warning/s: none, just fluff tbh
author's note: i’m so glad you guys enjoyed the first part! here’s the next bit :)
part one | part three | part four | part five | part six | part seven | masterlist | wattpad
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When Sunday rolled around, I did everything in my power to make it the perfect day for Anna. We went out for breakfast at a café around the corner, a stroll around the park, then I made her lunch before she conked out afterwards, napping in her bedroom. I took that as my chance to decorate the living-area with birthday decorations. Nothing too much as I knew she'd kill me if I went overboard, but little things like a banner, some balloons and streamers.
I told Wanda to come at this time, too, and she showed up with a bag of groceries and a pretty smile on her face.
"Here, let me help," I said, already moving to take the bag off her. "How are you?"
"I'm good," she said, closing the door behind her and following me into the kitchen. Her smile widened when she saw the decorations. "Y/N, this is lovely! Anna is going to love it!"
"You think?" I asked, spinning around and doing a once over of the living-area. "It's not too much? I know she'll hate if I do too much."
"It's just the right amount," Wanda reassured, glancing at me. "How has she been today?"
We both began to unpack the groceries as we talked.
"Really good actually," I said with a nod. "I treated her to breakfast at that café she likes. We went to the park, fed the ducks, had a nice stroll. Then I made her some lunch and she's napping which leaves us the perfect time to crack on with dinner."
Wanda chuckled. "Great." She paused, making me look to her to see her smile fading. Nervously, she asked, "Did her granddaughter call?"
I sighed quietly and Wanda seemed to know what that meant without me saying anything further. 
"It's okay, we'll just have to make this the best meal ever," she said, not letting it get to her.
"We will," I agreed, before looking to the food on the table. "So, chef. Where do we start?"
Wanda and I spent the next hour prepping dinner, a beef stew called Solyanka, as it would require two hours to cook on the stove so we were starting early to make sure it would be ready in time.
I was chopping some onions as she prepared the beef, but I couldn't help myself from glancing at her every two seconds, still filled with concern because of her cast and minor injuries.
"You should take a picture, it'll last longer," she said teasingly, making me look up to see her watching me with a stifled smile.
"Sorry," I mumbled, shaking my head and looking back to my chopping board.
"What's wrong?" she asked gently.
I chewed on my lip as I glanced at her wrist again, before meeting her gaze. "How did it happen?"
"I already told you," she reminded me playfully, trying to lighten the mood, but I was still fretful. "It happened on a mission."
"Yeah, but how?" I asked again, hoping she understood what I meant.
She seemed reluctant to share, face scrunching up with thought, before looking down to her own chopping board. I thought she wouldn't tell me, but then she spoke.
"I can't tell you too much," she started, shrugging, "since it was a confidential mission. But basically, I was undercover when my target recognised me and we got into a fight."
Watching her with the utmost attention, I nodded, imagining it in my head.
"It wasn't difficult or anything, but it surprised me, y'know?" She looked to me with a smile, as if trying to make it sound less scarier than it was. "The guy, the target, he managed to get in few good hits. And he sprained my wrist. But it's alright."
I wasn't as amused as she was, wincing at the thought of her being in a fight. "Are you sure you're alright?"
She tilted her head knowingly. "I'm sure, Y/N. It's my job."
Shaking my head, I looked back down to my chopping board and continued chopping the onion. "I don't know how you can do that as a job..."
"Well, it's rewarding," she said like it was obvious. "Why do you spend most of your week caring for the elderly?"
"It's rewarding," I said without hesitation, before realising what she'd done and looking her way.
She was smiling cockily, making me roll my eyes and laugh.
"Okay, I see your point," I gave in. "But still. It's a dangerous job what you do. Just be careful, yeah?"
"Always am," she promised. And I wanted to believe her, but the cast on her wrist said otherwise.
"It smells like home, devochki, spasibo (girls, thank you)," Anna said from her place at the table. "Are you sure you don't want me to help?"
"We're sure, Anna," Wanda called back to her. "I'm just putting the food into a serving bowl and Y/N is grabbing some glasses. You sit and wait like the patient woman I know you are."
Anna mumbled something in Russian which I didn't understand, but it seemed to make Wanda chuckle as she rolled her eyes.
It was finally time for dinner and the stew had turned out beautifully, not that I had doubts since Wanda didn't seem like one to kid around with cooking.
As she was readying it for the table, I was setting everything up and all that was left were the glasses. But, of course (and oddly enough, since Anna was shorter than I), they were stored on the top shelf of the kitchen cupboard and just out of my reach.
In hindsight, I probably could have grabbed a stool and stood on it, but I was too lazy, so I went on my tip-toes and stretched with all my might. The tips of my fingers brushed against a glass and I attempted to move it towards me, unable to see if I was actually doing anything since it was too high. After a couple of tries, I managed to bring it forward, but my stupid self flicked it too hard and it came tumbling off the shelf and towards the counter.
I braced myself for the sound of glass smashing, but instead, a wondrous red energy wrapped itself around the glass and kept it suspended mid-fall.
"Very clever," Wanda said sarcastically, appearing directly beside me. Her accent was daringly teasing.
I looked up and saw her smirking at me with amusement, right hand raised and aimed at the glass. Red tendrils of energy glowed around her hand and the glass; I widened my eyes a little, amazed at how easy she made it look. Though I knew she had powers, I'd never actually seen her use them up close and personal. It was stunning.
"I totally knew you were going to do that," I played it cool, cheeks flushing as she set the glass on the counter.
"Mhm, sure you did," she played along with a melodious laugh, before pressing her front to my back without warning and reaching to grab two more glasses. "Here, I got it."
My body tensed at the feeling of her unexpectedly so close to me. My mouth went dry, her warmth emanating from her and washing over me with the scent of her perfume. Did she always smell so good?
When she grabbed all three glasses, she didn't seem to notice the effect she had on me (unless she did and kept quiet for her own amusement).
"Think you can grab the food without dropping it?" she asked, quirking an entertained brow.
Still distracted by her perfume, I nodded and cleared my throat. "Food. Right. Yeah."
As I stirred the stew to mix everything thoroughly, I felt my heart rate return to its normal pace and told myself to chill out. Wanda just happened to be an extremely pretty individual who was kind and thoughtful and funny. It wasn't a big deal.
When I was sure I wouldn't make a fool of myself, I returned to the dining table with a pot of stew and set it down on the placemat.
"Priyatnogo appetita (enjoy your meal)," I said, trying not to stumble over my pronunciation. 
Both Anna and Wanda raised their brows with matching surprised smiles on their faces.
"You said that perfectly, Y/N!" Wanda said encouragingly, as I took a seat to the right of Anna at the head of the table.
"I see you've been practicing," Anna added, looking to me with an endearing gaze. "A present in itself. Thank you, milaya (sweetie)."
I smiled bashfully. "I have to keep up with you both somehow, right?"
Anna chuckled as Wanda gave me a brilliant smile. Something in my chest stirred as she did, and I was forced to look away, though my own smile didn't fade.
"So, Y/N and I put this together for you and I'm sure you'll know what it is," Wanda said, before serving up a bowl for Anna.
"Solyanka," Anna exclaimed with delight. "Devushki (girls), this looks and smells amazing." She paused, glancing between us both with a grateful smile. "Since you've both been here, this place... it's beginning to feel alive again."
To my surprise, she teared up and began to laugh, using her napkin to pat the corner of her eyes. I rested my hand on hers, squeezing it gently and giving her a small smile.
"I appreciate this very much," she continued, before squeezing my hand and letting go to grab her spoon. "I can't wait to try it."
The three of us dug into our stew and Anna loved it, talking about the first time she ever had it as a kid and how it was one of her favourite dishes. The rest of the meal went by wonderfully, with Anna looking as happy as ever and Wanda listening to her intently. I was listening, too, but my gaze did end up wandering to Wanda as she sat there animatedly, nodding along and smiling to Anna.
For some reason, she was ethereal tonight, though she looked like she always did. Her long brown hair was tied up in a ponytail and she wore a loose tee shirt over some jeans. Nothing fancy, but she pulled it off so well. Rings adorned her fingers as she played with them thoughtlessly, and it caught my eye before I got distracted by her cast on her left wrist.
She'd said she was okay, but it still worried me. It wasn't my right to worry, but she was my friend. I was concerned. She could take care of herself, but that wouldn't put the ache in my heart at ease.
As if she could hear my concerns, her eyes flickered to mine, a kaleidoscope of blue, green and gold. She sent me a reassuring glance before looking back to Anna with focus. I chewed on my lower lip, trying not to let my worry get the best of me, before looking back to Anna.
Towards the end of the meal, after we'd eaten and were merely conversing, Anna's landline rang in the apartment.
"I'll get it," Wanda said, already standing up to grab the phone from its cradle.
Anna and I watched as she answered the phone with a friendly 'hello', before a surprised expression appeared on her face.
"Sure, I'll pass it on now," Wanda was saying before approaching the table and stopping by Anna. Her expression softened as she said to Anna, "It's Sasha."
Anna's expression fell at the mention of her granddaughter. She nodded slightly, before standing up and grabbing her cane to balance. Accepting the phone, she began to walk away into her bedroom. Wanda and I heard her say a faint 'hello' before she closed the door behind her.
"Her granddaughter rang?" I asked with mild disbelief.
"It is her birthday," Wanda pointed out, returning to her seat.
"Bit late into the day though, isn't it?" I retorted, pulling a face. "Almost like the day is over, in fact."
"Sounding a little judgemental there, Y/N," Wanda teased, leaning forward into the palm of her hands and watching me.
"I'm not," I said with an eye roll. "I just think she should show her grandmother some respect. Who does she think she is?"
I paused as Wanda gave me a knowing look, then winced.
"Okay, I heard it that time," I admitted, making her laugh.
"I get it," she said, nodding slightly. "Maybe she's finally starting to realise though."
I sighed, leaning back in my seat. "I guess... For Anna's sake, I hope so."
Wanda and I talked amongst ourselves until Anna returned silently, hushing our conversation. She returned the phone to its cradle before taking a seat at the head of the table. Wanda and I exchanged looks before I decided to speak, noticing Anna wouldn't.
"Is Sasha doing okay?" I asked gently.
Anna was staring ahead, barely listening, before she glanced at me then looked down to her empty bowl. Sentences left her lips in Russian, mumbled and incoherent, at least to me. Wanda leaned forward, holding her hand and frowning with sympathy as she listened to her words. I felt horrible, sensing something was wrong, but unable to do anything to help.
"I'm sorry, Anna, I didn't mean to upset you," I said, shaking my head.
Wanda met my gaze. "It's not your fault... Anna just misses Sasha."
I frowned. "Oh."
"But I'm glad I have you both," Anna finally spoke, accent thick with emotion, as she looked between us before settling her eyes to me. "Even if you're paid to be here."
She cracked a smile, making my shoulders relax. I returned her expression, glad she still had a sense of humour.
Anna didn't mention Sasha's name for the rest of the evening. We cleaned up, had some tea, played a quick board game before I made sure she was okay for the night.
"She alright?" Wanda asked when I closed Anna's bedroom door and stepped into the hall.
"Yeah, she's tired from all of today's excitement," I said with a smile.
"So are you by the sounds of it," she joked, but stepped forward to rest a hand on my arm. "I think we should call it a night."
"I think we should," I said in agreement.
After grabbing my stuff, Wanda and I left the flat before walking to her apartment and stopping outside.
"Thanks for helping me out today," I told her with a tired smile. "I really appreciated it."
"Well, you asked so nicely... how could I resist?" she said, staring up at me through her eyelashes. I rolled my eyes playfully, making her smile. "I had fun. Thanks for inviting me."
I was going to respond, but a yawn escaped my lips, prompting me to cover my mouth as I did.
"Sorry," I said, trying to blink the fatigue away momentarily.
She chuckled, tilting her head and watching me carefully. "You're cute."
I breathed out through my nose, unsure what to say to her words, but I definitely felt my heart rate speed up a little.
"I'll let you go," she said, clearly entertained by my silence. "Get home safe, yeah?"
"And you look after yourself when saving the world, yeah?" I replied with a quirked brow, eyes glancing at her wrist.
"I promise." She grinned before moving forward to hug me.
I returned the hug, the smell of her perfume permanent in my nose by now, before pulling away with a final smile. Of course, I probably shouldn't have stared at her lips so intensely, wanting nothing more than to kiss them.
"See you tomorrow," I said, snapping back into reality and taking a step back. "Goodnight, Wanda."
"Goodnight," she said sweetly.
I turned to leave and was suddenly wide awake. Did I just think about kissing Wanda?
It was a few visits later when I was caring for Anna and she decided to have a dance around the living room. One minute we were flicking through different radio stations, and the next she was putting on some old records on her record player. She settled on an upbeat, 50s dance song, the music filling the apartment with joy.
"Egor and I danced to this very song when we first met," she told me, talking about her late husband with a twinkling passion in her eyes. "It was a party and he had been staring at me all night, and I him. Then finally, when this song came on, he approached me and said, 'dorogaya, okazyvayesh' mne chest' tantsevat' so mnoy?'"
I suppressed a smile as I watched her reminisce. "And that means...?"
"'Darling, would you do me the honour of dancing with me'?" she repeated in English for my benefit.
My heart melted. "Anna, that's adorable. He sounds like such a gentlemen."
"He was," she said with a sigh of agreement, smiling to herself.
Whenever she talked about her husband, I'd never seen her look more content. The mere mention of his name was enough to put a smile on her face. I could only hope to have a love like theirs some day.
I stepped forward, putting out my hand. "I'm no Egor, but I'd love to dance with you if you'd let me."
"Oh, I can't do that," she said, waving my hand away. "I can barely walk, milaya (sweetie)."
"Hey, as your carer, I am insisting that you dance with me," I said, feigning sternness.
She hesitated, before resting her hand in mine and smiling with gratitude. The two of us danced together, myself being careful to keep her upright and make sure she didn't overexert herself. She was smiling and laughing as I spun her around, dancing her all around the living room, and it warmed my heart to see her so cheery.
A knock on the door caused me to excuse myself from Anna, only to find Wanda on the other end.
"Someone's in a good mood," she said instantly, taking note of my smile.
I stepped to the side to let her in. "Yeah, well, Anna is doing good today. It's contagious, what can I say?"
Before Wanda could respond, Anna called from the living-area with excitement.
"Wanda, idi syuda i potantsuy so mnoy!" she exclaimed, already grabbing Wanda's hand and pulling her in.
It didn't take a genius to know that Anna had basically asked Wanda to dance with her. I chuckled as I followed after them, enjoying the sight of Anna and Wanda dancing together.
"What's the occasion?" Wanda asked, glancing over the short woman and to me with a helpless smile.
"No occasion," I quipped, crossing my arms and trying to hold in my laughter at Anna's speed and perseverance with a reluctant Wanda. "Just having a good time."
Wanda looked like she wanted to retort with a comment, but Anna spun her around before she could, making me laugh aloud.
"Prikhodi odin, milaya (come on, sweetie)!" Anna said, holding out a hand. "Dance!"
Unable to resist, I joined in with the two Sokovian women, appreciating how happy Anna looked and how awkward Wanda felt in the situation. She wasn't much of a dancer, but she was trying and God was that adorable.
We danced for a little while longer until Anna's back began to hurt and she took a seat. Though, she insisted that Wanda and I resume with our dancing.
Just on time, like a sign from the universe or a higher being or whatever you wanted to believe in, a slow song came on next, filling the apartment soothingly.
To my surprise, the awkward dancer that was Wanda was oddly confident as she held out her hand to me.
"Would you do me the honour of dancing with me?" she asked softly, a small smile playing on her lips.
At the familiarity of her words, I glanced to Anna, who seemed to pick up on it, too. She said nothing as she watched us with a smile of her own.
"I'd love to," I said, looking back to Wanda's eyes.
They looked blue in the light, a beautiful sky blue that put me at ease as soon as I stared into them. I slipped my hand into hers, letting her pull us closer together as she rested her other hand on my waist, the touch sending shivers up my spine. I put mine on her shoulder, allowing her to take the lead.
It was the most intimate we'd been, and as she maintained eye contact, I wondered if she could feel my hands trembling slightly, or my heart hammering loudly, or my palms turning a little sweaty. She made me nervous in the best way possible, her smile dazzling without realising and her eyes piercing without meaning to be.
She must have felt it, too, that tug in the pit of her stomach that I was feeling now. Otherwise there was something seriously wrong and I was already too deep into a crush on my patient's neighbour.
When the song ended, it feeling like mere seconds in total, she let go of me and I missed the contact and the smell of her perfume and the way she was looking at me.
"Couldn't have done it better myself," Anna spoke, forcing me to tear my gaze from Wanda's lips. She smiled at me knowingly. "You ladies definitely know how to dance."
I felt a heat creeping up my neck as I smiled to myself, distracting myself with the laces on my shoes. When I finally brought myself to look up, I saw Wanda already looking my way, a calm expression on her face.
As she did most times she visited, Wanda stayed with me and Anna until I tucked Anna into bed and bid her a goodnight. We left the apartment and Wanda decided to walk me to the lift that evening, a distracted look on her face.
It was silent between us, a comfortable one, until the doors slid open and I looked to her with kind eyes.
"I guess I'll see you tomorrow," I told her, making her look to me. "Have a nice evening, Wanda."
She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. I watched with amusement, wondering what was going on in that pretty head of hers. The lift doors began to shut, so I put my foot between them to keep them open.
"I should go," I said with an awkward laugh, before grabbing her hand and squeezing it gently since she wouldn't speak. "Goodnight."
When I turned to leave, I got, maybe, a step into the lift before I felt her fingers wrap around my wrist and tug me backwards, spinning me around. I didn't get chance to ask what was up as she stepped forward, pressing her lips to mine in an instant.
Startled, I froze at the contact, but then her hand rested on the back of my neck as her thumb caressed my jaw, and I found myself melting into her, closing my eyes at the blissful feeling.
Her other hand fell to my waist as she deepened the kiss, sending me into the lift and the wall hitting my back. I moved my lips in time with hers, revelling at how soft and delicate and gentle she was being. Kissing Wanda Maximoff wasn't something I had realised would be this good, but now that I was, I never wanted to stop.
Unfortunately, the sound of the lift doors shutting pulled us apart. I was breathless, my heart racing and my lips swollen from her spectacular kiss.
"I've wanted to do that for such a long time," she revealed, stepping back a little. Her eyes were bright and her cheeks were flushed as she watched me with mild concern. "I completely should have asked though. I'm sorry that I overstepped."
She pursed her lips, forefinger and thumb pinching her bottom lip regretfully and gaze falling to the floor.
"You didn't overstep," I said, already missing the sensation of her lips against mine. "You stepped just the right amount."
She looked back up, eyes softening as her lips curved into a radiant smile.
"You wanna, maybe, do that again?" I asked without thinking, my mind a haze as Wanda still remained so close to me.
She laughed melodiously before raising her hand and cupping my cheek. Her eyes looked between mine before falling to my lips affectionately.
"I'd love to, dorogoy (darling)."
I smiled toothlessly before closing the gap between us, secretly wishing this lift ride would go on forever if it meant I could kiss Wanda like this.
After making out with Wanda in the lift, she asked me out on a date and it was the best date I'd ever been on. Nothing over the top but very thoughtful as she took me for a picnic in the park before getting ice cream for dessert.
We went on a few more dates after that, taking turns to take the lead with them, and she ended up asking me to be her girlfriend which of course I said yes to.
All whilst this was going on, I still cared for Anna and Wanda paid her visits when she could, though we tried to remain as normal as possible. We didn't think it was best to tell Anna that we were together since we didn't want to startle her or make her feel uncomfortable in our presence. Of course, keeping a secret from Anna is as good as nothing when she had eyes like a hawk.
Wanda and I were putting a plate of tea and biscuits together for Anna one day, myself lining up the biscuits neatly as Wanda lingered beside me. She was about to grab a biscuit from the plate when I smacked her hand away.
"Just one," she pleaded, but I shook my head before nodding to the packet on the side.
"Help yourself to those," I told her condescendingly. "These are for Anna."
"Just get her another," she said simply, before reaching over again.
I smacked her hand away again, giving her a knowing look.
"Wanda!" I mirrored her childish smile.
She narrowed her eyes petulantly. "Are you seriously doing this right now?"
"Are you?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.
She pouted and I so badly wanted to lean forward and kiss it away, but Anna was sat on her recliner behind us. Wanda seemed to know this as a mischievous smile fell on her lips, eyes watching me carefully.
"You're not cute," I mumbled, before grabbing the tray and turning to leave. As I was walking to Anna, a biscuit began to float off the plate, red wisps of energy wrapped around it and bringing it to– "Wanda!"
She laughed, eyes glowing red with magic, before grabbing the biscuit from mid-air and taking a bite.
"Such a child," I said under my breath before setting the tray on the coffee table before Anna. Smiling at her, I said, "Here you go, Anna. Do you want anything else?"
As I straightened up, flipping Wanda off behind my back and encouraging her laughter further, I noticed the way Anna looked between us both curiously.
"Everything okay?" I asked, eyebrows knitting together as she continued to study us both.
"Something happened," she decided. "Between you both."
"What do you mean?" I asked, taking a seat on the couch. "Nothing happened."
"Something definitely did," she said knowingly. "I may be old, milaya (sweetie), but I have very good eyes."
"Anna, what are you talking about?" Wanda played dumb, taking a seat beside me, biscuit in hand.
"Don't think I haven't seen the way you two steal glances when you think I'm not looking," she said, pointing between us. "Or the way you," her finger settled on Wanda, "have been helping Y/N out more often than usual."
Wanda and I flushed, embarrassed that we'd been caught out. I was so certain that we'd successfully hid it from her, but clearly we were mistaken.
"We wanted to tell you," Wanda began, cheeks still pink as she leaned forward.
Anna silenced her with a wave of her hand. "Save it. I knew I was right. You two are together."
Pursing my lips, I waited for her to say something because I wasn't really sure what to say myself. Suddenly, a smile appeared on her lips.
"I'm very happy for you both," she said to us. "Wanda here always needed somebody in her life who wasn't me. And you, Y/N, are the perfect match for her."
I chuckled, looking to the girl in question, whose face was as red as her powers that she used to torment me with. I grabbed her hand, squeezing it gently, and nudged her in the shoulder.
"You hear that? Perfect match," I teased, making her roll her eyes to distract from her flustered self.
Anna said something to her in Russian, way too fast and incomprehensible for me to understand, even with the extra effort I was making to learn it. Whatever it was, it made Wanda get even more embarrassed, her green eyes darting around the room in an effort to overcome it.
"What did you say?" I asked Anna with amusement.
"Oh, nothing Wanda hasn't heard before," she said dismissively. "It's all okay. Isn't it, Wanda?"
"Yeah," Wanda mumbled.
"I don't know what's happening here, but I'm all for someone putting Wanda in her place," I said, looking between them both with an entertained smile.
Anna chuckled as Wanda shoved me in the arm gently before pulling me close again. I smiled at how cute she looked, pink blush creeping up her neck and teeth chewing on her lower lip to contain her smile.
I'd never get sick of the sight.
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wroetospotterwp · 3 years
death eater x harry???? oR SOMEONE ELSE IDK AH
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Dark Red
Pairing ✨: Harry Potter x Death Eater!Reader (Fem!) (also implies that reader isn’t in gryffindor n also set during OOTP)
Summary 💓: Y/N has been forced by her parents to follow in their footsteps and join the death eaters, it doesn’t help that her boyfriend is Harry Potter.
Word Count 🖊: 2,613
A/N 🗣: FIRST REQUEST FROM THE LEGEND HERSELF 🤌🤌 she first sent me an edit on tiktok and she was like idea, so we’ve went for it, also first song imagine! all the lyrics i’ll be using will be in italics but i’ve had to change pronouns to fit harry :)
Warnings ⚠️: swearing and made my heart ache a little, manipulation
Requested? 📮: yes! :)
The rain was pelting hard against the window in Y/N’s dorm, the loudness of the rain drops smashing against the glass had awoken the girl from her slumber. She sat up from bed and leaned against her headboard.
Rubbing her eyes, Y/N adjusted to the dim lighting in the room. Everything in her life was just perfect, her grades were good, she had lots of friends, and last but most definitely not least there was Harry.
They had been dating for over a year now and Y/N could see it lasting, what she felt with Harry was something so indescribable, but it made her so happy. The two of them distracted each other from their lives. Y/N helped him take his mind off He Who Must Not Be Named, and he distracted her from her parents.
Her parents did not approve of their relationship, and Y/N knew it probably had something to do with the fact they secretly supported Voldemort. But she hadn’t ever told him that, for the matter she hadn’t told many peoples.
Y/N was staring at the top of her bed, her stomach beginning to turn. This usually happened when she got a bad feeling. Y/N focused on trying to figure out what might happen, fail a test? Have an argument with someone?
Y/N thoughts were going fifty miles an hour that she didn’t hear her friend wake up next to her. “You look deep in thought.” She joked, Y/N turning to face her. “What’s the matter?” Her friend questioned.
Y/N let out a sigh. “Something bad is about to happen to me.” She mumbled, knowing how ridiculous it might have sounded.
“You’ve been listening to Trelawney too much.” Her friend brushed off with a smile, but it slowly dropped when she saw Y/N’s expression. “Come on Y/N, what could possible happen?”
“I don’t know what, but I feel it coming.” Y/N voiced her thoughts to her friend.
“Let’s do something to take your mind off this.” Her friend suggested. Y/N thought that be the best. Normally when she didn’t feel great, if she did something else to busy herself, the thought usually disappeared.
“Where are you planning to take me?” Y/N questioned, she got out of bed and collected her clothes that she would put on.
“I need to go down to Owlery, I promised to send my sister something from Zonko’s.” Her friend informed her, going into the toilet to get dressed.
Y/N decided to just get dressed in the dorm, the other three girls were fast asleep so she felt comfortable changing. The two girls them left the dormitory once they were ready and headed out their common room.
There wasn’t many students around the castle yet, but this was around the time many of them would be waking up. Many would wake up so thankful it was finally the weekend and they could have some sort of freedom.
Umbridge’s rule over the school was making many reach breaking point, there were new rules almost every day and it was completely turning Hogwarts into a prison. They weren’t allowed to do anything, couldn’t act like normal teenagers, she was determined to make everyone prim, proper and to not challenge the Ministry.
There only hope was Dumbledore’s Army, the only freedom they had. But Marietta Edgecombe had ratted them out, and they were all severely punished. Y/N felt sorry for Harry, it was all going so well and once they were caught, he blamed himself. Y/N tried to reassure her boyfriend that it wasn’t his fault, but she couldn’t get through to him.
In fact, the two of them hadn’t really spoken since Umbridge began giving them punishments, Harry was isolating himself and kept his distance. Y/N was missing him but sometimes he did this, so she decided to let him have a moment to himself and then he would be back to normal.
The girls eventually reached the Owlery, Y/N’s friend immediately heading to find her owl so she could send the products from Zonko to her sister. Y/N looked around at the different owls, but one caught her eye.
It was her parent’s owl. And it had a letter tied around their talon. Y/N untied the letter, about to read it until her friend appeared behind her.
“Has Y/N got a love note from Potter?” Her friend teased her.
“Parents owl.” Y/N informed her friend, who raised both brows. Y/N’s parents hadn’t really kept in contact with her much when she was at Hogwarts, so receiving a letter was unusual.
“What did they say?” Her friend questioned.
“I’m not sure, I haven’t read it yet.” Y/N replied, laughing slightly as she thought of something. “Might be so sad, might leave my nose running.”
“If it’s just to bring you down, ignore them.” Her friend reminded her, her arm wrapping around Y/N’s shoulder. “Let’s head back up, I’m starving.”
Y/N agreed, the two girls heading up the castle for breakfast. They entered the Great Hall and were about to sit at their own house table before Hermione waved them over.
“What’s that?” Hermione questioned immediately as they sat down in front of her, the girl’s two best friends were nowhere to be seen, but not unusual for them to be late for breakfast.
“Nosy are we, Hermione?” Y/N’s friend joked, Hermione playfully shrugged it off.
“It’s a letter from my parents.” Y/N told her, placing the unread letter onto the table.
“Oh.” Hermione mumbled, most people knew what Y/N’s parents were like, she had either told them or heard Harry’s complaints about they didn’t approve of him and the relationship. “Is everything alright?”
“I haven’t read it yet. I will after I have something to eat.” Y/N replied, scanning the table to try and find something to eat. “Where’s the toast?” Her friend reaching and grabbing a piece of toast for Y/N.
The three girls just quietly ate breakfast for a while and enjoyed each other’s company, Ron tiredly stumbled towards them. “Nice of you to finally join us Ronald.” Hermione greeted as he sat down beside her.
“Hermione, I was exhausted.” Ron huffed, grabbing as much food as he could onto his plate, he always acted like he barely eats.
“You always are.” Hermione mumbled under her breath, going back to eating some porridge.
“Where’s Harry?” Y/N blurted out, poor Ron had been harassed by her since Harry started to isolate himself. Ron most definitely knew more than she did.
“Still getting ready, mate.” Ron spoke with his mouth full, Hermione pulling a face and scoffing. “I think he’s alright today, you know, I’d have a chat with him today.” He suggested.
“Thanks Ron.” Y/N smiled, finishing what she was having. Her eyes caught the letter again, she really didn’t want to open it but she was also desperate to find out what they want. With a quiet sigh, she picked up the letter and began to read it.
Dear Y/N,
We hope you are well at Hogwarts, Umbridge seems to finally be turning that school around for the better, I’m sure you’d agree.
Well you would have when you were younger.
We miss our old Y/N, always following the rules and in our footsteps. But every since you started to attend Hogwarts with that daft old man as your head teacher, you changed.
And of course that boyfriend of yours didn’t help either, just like his father, always in trouble. Poor Lily should’ve saved herself.
As you know, the Dark Lord is back. You know how we always felt towards him, but we fear he will target us because of your choices. Many have heard he won’t accept us, because of your closeness to Potter.
He may come after us Y/N, we need you back on our side. Otherwise we’re all dead, you don’t want Potter finding out you’ve been killed by him? He can’t lose another loved one to the Dark Lord.
Write back to us as soon as you can, we can guide you along the way.
All the best,
Mum and Dad.
Y/N eyes began to well up, she knew that feeling from this morning meant something, but for it to be this bad? How on earth she was meant to tell Harry this? “Everything alright?” Her friend put a hand Y/N’s shoulder, the latter had completely forgot where she was at the moment.
“I need to go.” Y/N informed them, quickly jumping up from the bench.
“What did they say to you?” Hermione questioned, but Y/N didn’t answer her. The girl made her way from the hall, eyes trained on the floor to avoid any eye contact from her friends. But that made it difficult to watch where she was going.
Y/N crashed right into someone. “I’m sorry.” She quickly apologised as she refused to look up, she just wanted to go back into her dorm room.
“Y/N?” A voice she could instantly recognise.
“I can’t talk right now, Harry.” Y/N rushed past him, she needed to think what she was going to tell him, if she was going to tell him.
“I just hope he don’t want to leave me.” She mumbled to herself.
It had been a few weeks and Y/N hadn’t said a word to anybody, her and Harry had completely switched places. She was the one isolating herself, trying to decide what to do. Ignore what her parents said, stay with her boyfriend and friends and hope to God nothing happens to them. Or risk listening to her parents, and possibly lose her relationships at Hogwarts?
She had been exchanging letters between her parents in the meantime to see what she needed to do, and it seemed to be to just join them at the Ministry, which didn’t seem so bad. Her parents worked high up for the Ministry anyway, so as long as they gave her permission to leave, Umbridge would let her.
Y/N had pretended to stay asleep until the rest of her dorm mates left, including her friend, before eventually getting up. The feeling in her chest was back from before, the one she got before her parents letter. “Something bad is about to happen to me.” She sadly mumbled, even the weather had mirrored her emotions, it was a dreary day, grey skies and gloom surrounded the castle.
Y/N fidgeted with her hands as she thought what would happen, anxiety fuelling her veins. “Why I feel this way? I don’t know…” She took a deep breath. “Maybe-“
The dorm door opened and revealed Y/N’s friend. “What the fuck is going with you?” She demanded. “What did they say to you to make you like this?”
“It’s complicated.” Y/N brushed off, should she tell her? She did tell her friend everything and maybe it would be good to have some advice.
After some deep breaths and forcing tears to stop falling, Y/N confessed to her friend everything. By the end of it, her friend was in complete shock, face contorting from confusing, to anger, to annoyance.
“And I just don’t know what to do about Harry.” Y/N sadly mumbled. “I think of him so much it drives me crazy.”
“Y/N, this is bad.” Her friend managed to stammer out.
“I just don’t want him to leave me.” Y/N cried, finally allowing the tears to fall.
“Don’t be ridiculous, Y/N.” Her friend snapped. “Of course he will. Joining the people who support the being who killed his parents?” She raised a brow. “I’d definitely forgive you.” Sarcastically she finished.
“But he knows what my parents are like.” Y/N countered.
“I don’t think he’ll care.” Her friend pointed out, deep down Y/N knew the same, Harry would be extremely hurt by this. “How the fuck are you gonna get out this?”
“I don’t know.” Y/N shrugged. “You Know Who will kill them if I don’t help them.”
“Are you forgetting who your boyfriend is?” Her friend raised a brow.
Oh yeah, it would be completely fair on Harry to force him to protect her family. “Like he’s gonna show mercy.” Y/N huffed. “Harry was with Cedric and look what happened, he wants Harry and to just kill who gets in his way.”
It was silent for a moment, neither of them knew what to say. “What are you gonna tell him?” Her friend quietly spoke up, Y/N didn’t say anything. Her friend’s mouth fell open and eyes widened at Y/N’s lack of an answer. “You need to tell him.”
“And say what?! Sorry, I need to go help my Death Eater parents and probably do something for You Know Who.” Y/N snapped.
“I don’t know how to help you.” Her friend awkwardly mumbled.
Y/N knew she couldn’t. She was now trapped with no escape.
Y/N was at the Ministry with her parents, she still had no idea what they were doing or why they needed her, but it wasn’t as bad as she thought. The family got into an elevator and started to head down a few floors.
“Now, whatever you do, don’t talk.” Her mum warned her before the elevator stopped, the girl nodded and they walked out as the doors opened. Y/N could see Draco Malfoy’s father and another woman with curly black hair.
“Did it work?” Y/N’s father asked Lucius.
“I believe so.” Lucius replied, nobody really taking notice to Y/N.
“I can’t wait to meet him.” The black haired woman cackled.
“Now, now, Bellatrix. We have to leave him for the Dark Lord.” Lucius reminded her, the woman huffing dramatically. Y/N’s eyes widened, oh how she was praying they weren’t taking about Harry.
Please don’t be talking about Harry.
“What if he’s fine?” Y/N thought to herself. “It’s my mind that’s wrong. And I just let bad thoughts linger for far too long.”
“We’re going in. Have your wand ready.” Her dad whispered to her. They walked through a door with a handle in the middle into a huge room filled with crystal balls. She couldn’t study them for long before being dragged into the darkness.
The door had opened again a few minutes later, but Y/N couldn’t see who had walked in, only dragged by her parents deeper into the room.
“They should be here!” Harry’s voice was heard, Y/N’s heart dropping to her stomach. Why did he have to come here?
“Harry? It’s got your name on it.” Neville informed him.
“Follow Lucius.” Her mum whispered in her ear, Y/N reluctantly following him, who was now wearing a Death Eater mask.
“Harry!” Here it goes, Y/N kept back from Lucius as the group’s wands lit up the path, she desperately wanted to stay hidden and they would never know she was here.
“Where’s Sirius and Y/N?” Harry demanded as Lucius approached him.
“How fortunate we are to have Y/N right with us.” You could hear the smirk in Lucius’ voice, Y/N wanted to run and escape, but how could one girl manage to escape four Death Eaters?
“What are you talking about?” Harry angrily asked.
“Come on Y/N, don’t be shy.” Lucius gestures for her to come forward. Slowly and painfully, the girl got closer to Harry and the words kept repeating in her head.
“Don’t you give me up. Please don’t give up.”
thank you so much to @drearyxo for being my first request!! i hope this was class enough for you, no hate comments from you 🙄🙄
I HAVE TO SAY I LOVED WRITING THIS SO MUCHHHHH DEFO A FAVE i think you all know by now i’m definitely better at the dialogue part then anything else, but i’m quite proud of it all today :)
there could be a part two to this??? maybe, depends if people want it
hope you enjoyed!!
Taglist: @malfoysstilinski @drearyxo @just-a-bittersweet-tragedy @fizzleberries
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the-iceni-bitch · 4 years
For smutty prompts: 97) “I think you forgot to lock the door, that means anyone could walk right in and see you like this.”
With Andy or Ransom? Anyone really 😂
Oooookkkkk, this is gonna be Ransom, cause I’ve had a similar idea to this for him for a while now.
What, the OTP again, you say? You guys just keep lining them up for me 😉
Tagging the OTP babes @stargazingfangirl18 @chrissquares @subtlebucky @egcdeath
Send me smutty prompts!!!
Again, 18+ only guys, this is straight up porn!
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You had never been more bored in your life.
It was Linda and Richards’ 40th anniversary, and they were throwing a giant party at a fancy hotel in downtown Boston. Of course you had to go, you and Ransom were pretty established now, as much as Linda hated it.
It was literally just a bunch of old money families that Linda was trying to ingrain herself to, bunch of stuffed suits that had nothing better to talk about than summering in the Hamptons or their brand new yachts or whatever the fuck the obscenely rich and out of touch loved to drone on about.
You’d lost track of the number of gin and tonics you consumed an hour ago, keeping yourself glued to Ransom’s side purely because you needed someone to roll your eyes at and he was your only option.
“How you feeling there, sweetheart?” He asked as some ancient man with a name like Chauncey or something finally walked away from you after chatting at you about his damn hunting lodge for what felt like an hour.
“Please kill me.” You whined, running your hand over your face before taking another sip of your drink as he chuckled at you. “Just break your glass and shove the shards into my throat.”
“I thought you were used to talking to rich people?” He said. “Isn’t that all you do at that charity of yours?”
“Those are rich liberals.” You said as you chugged the rest of your drink. “Who also aren’t the best, but at least I don’t have to listen to them complain about environmental regulations the whole time.”
“Well, why don’t we give my parents those super thoughtful gifts you got them then get the fuck out of here?” He said, taking your glass from you.
“Yes, please.” You said grabbing the presents you’d spent way too long on and following him through the crowd.
It didn’t take you long to find Richard and Linda, at the center of a flurry of activity. You waited patiently for them to be free before stepping in front of them, Ransom wrapping a protective hand around your waist.
“Mom, Dad, Y/N and I are gonna head out but we wanted to make sure to wish you a happy anniversary and give you your gifts.” He said, his fingers drumming against your side with nervous energy.
“Yes, happy anniversary you two.” You said, giving them a forced grin as you handed them their presents.
“Oh you can’t leave yet, Ransom.” Linda said, completely ignoring you. “There’s someone here I want you to meet. Muffy!”
Ransom let out a groan as Linda wandered off to grab some uptight looking woman who was about your age but who looked about as bored as you felt. Richard just gave his son a clap on the shoulder and gave you a lecherous grin, before turning to head to the bar.
“Gross.” You muttered before turning back to you boyfriend. “You wanna tell me what’s going on, babe?”
“Yeah, my mom’s been trying to get me to go out with this Muffy chick for months.” He said nervously, loosening his tie around his throat. “I think her parents own a textile conglomerate or something. I thought she would’ve let up once we made it official but I guess not.”
You didn’t get a chance to respond before Linda was shoving the poor girl at Ransom and trying to get the two of them to chat, still pointedly ignoring you.
“Yeah, it’s nice to meet you. This is my girlfriend, Y/N.” He said as he pulled you even closer.
“Hi Muffy, it’s my pleasure.” You said, offering her your hand as you beamed at Linda, who was looking very unhappy. “So sorry to cut this short, but we really do need to get going. Always great to see you, Linda.”
You dragged Ransom away from the crowd by his tie. He made a small sound of surprise when you turned away from the exit and started to head towards the bathroom.
“Babe, the exit’s that way.” He muttered, grinning at you.
You turned around and brought his face to meet yours, smashing your lips against his in a searing kiss, running your tongue over his teeth before breaking away and leaving him breathless.
“I know where the exit is, but there’s something I want to take care of first.” You murmured as he rested his forehead against yours. “Now go make sure there’s no one in the bathroom, and I’ll make you come so good baby.”
“Fuck, don’t gotta tell me twice.” He muttered before striding inside.
He was only gone for a few seconds before popping back out and dragging you in after him, picking you up and wrapping your legs around him.
“So...” you murmured as he set you on the counter, his lips moving all over your neck and shoulders. “Why didn’t you tell me your mom was trying to set you up with a socialite?”
“Didn’t really seem important.” He muttered against your chest as he slotted himself between your thighs. “It’s not like I was actually gonna do anything with her.”
“Right.” You said as you started to undo his belt.
You removed his belt and started to work on undoing his fly, sighing as he sucked a bruise against your throat. You tugged his slacks and boxer briefs down his legs and wrapped your hand around his cock, making him groan.
“Whose cock is this baby?” You purred as he straightened up to rest his forehead against yours, your grip on his length tightening as he hissed between his teeth.
“Shit, you’re mad.” He mumbled as you squeezed him harder, biting your lip as you watched precum leak from his angry tip.
“Not mad, baby.” You murmured, running your thumb over his slit and making him groan. “Just feel like maybe your need a little reminder. Now tell me whose cock this is.”
“Fuck, it’s your cock.” He moaned as you smeared his precum over your fingers and dragged your hand over his length.
“That’s right baby.” You whispered as you brought your hand up to cup his cheek. “All mine. Just like this pretty mouth.”
He hummed as you slipped your fingers into his mouth and continued to draw your hand over his dick. His tongue swirled around your fingers as you pushed them further into his mouth, nudging the back of his throat as you slid off the counter.
“Look at you taking my fingers so good baby.” You cooed at him as you moved to stand behind him, sliding your fingers out of his mouth. “You know what else is mine?”
His breath hitched as you ran your hand over the curve of his ass, teasing your finger around the rim of his puckered hole, your other hand still drawing over his length as you bent him over the counter.
“Fuck, oh my god.” He groaned as you slid your finger inside him, arching his back into your hand.
“Ooh, baby, you are so fucking ready for me aren’t you?” You purred at him as you stretched him open, his cock twitching in your grip. “I own you, Hugh. This is my body, sweetheart, I can play you like a damn fiddle.”
He cried out as you slipped another finger inside him, scissoring them in his pretty hole as you curled over his back and pressed soft kisses against his neck. You shoved them even further inside him until they were nudging his prostate, and he swallowed a scream as your hand moved even faster over his cock.
“Mmm, sing for me pretty boy.” You murmured into his hair. “I think you forgot to lock the door, that means anyone could walk right in and see you like this. Now cum for me sweetheart.”
You sank your teeth into his neck as you shoved a third finger inside him, your other hand squeezing his cock. Ransom screamed as he came violently, his body rolling underneath you as his cum spurted all over the counter and his pretty hole fluttered around your fingers as he sobbed against the countertop.
“Oh my god!” You heard a sound of disgusted surprise from your left and turned to see Walt and Richard standing there with shock written all over their faces.
You stood up and grinned at the two of them as you pulled your fingers out of Ransom and unwrapped your other hand from his cock, smacking his ass hard and making him yelp as he panted against the counter.
“Hey there boys!” You beamed at them, Ransom finally coming back to himself and straightening up, avoiding making eye contact with his father and uncle as he pulled his slacks back up and tucked himself in. “Richard, please tell your wife to stop shoving WASP bitches at my boyfriend.”
A/N: This ended up being super long, whoops! But hey, sub!Ransom guys!
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7fckingidiots · 4 years
hi, i love your writing! can i request for kissing hcs with the demon brothers? thanks!!
ah! thank you for the request!! hope you enjoy!!
Kissing Headcanons with The Demon Brothers
he prefers to kiss you in private to avoid his brothers teasing him or losing his composure in front of anyone
he’s unsure of how to kiss you at first but his pride would never let him admit that so your first couple of kisses are a tad messy
he takes his time with you, long nights in his study with you on his lap, just figuring out what you like
his kisses are usually very soft, he likes to hold your face gently as if you’re made of glass
good morning kisses!!!! good bye kisses!!!! good night kisses!!!! they are guaranteed with him
his favorite type of kisses are hand kisses for both him and you. he usually never removes his gloves so it’s a very intimate act for him. he likes kissing your hands because it’s still very formal and an easy way to communicate his affection to you
he prefers to kiss you in public to show everyone that your his and he’s yours! none of these lesser demons can have you, nope! you’re taken!
mammon genuinely thinks like that he’s such a dork oh my GOD
but he loves you and loves showing you to the whole world bc you’re incredible!!! and if he can do that with a kiss then it’s something he’ll do all the time
he’s really clingy so if you guys have to part to go to separate classes he’ll make sure to give you kisses you before you go. half the time you end up being late for your classes because of it
he definitely is more bold with his actions in public but when you to are alone he’s much more shy. the kisses are softer and he’s slower, almost unsure of himself and completely following your lead
likes kissing your lips the best and likes when you kiss his head the most. it’s the most direct way of showing he loves you for him and it occupies all your attention so he’ll kiss your lips whenever but when you kiss the top of his head he just melts, it’s so innocent and sweet 
kiss him outside his room and he just. shuts down. he’s proud but also key smashing inside his soul to fast for his brain to work
kissing him in his room....honestly isn’t much better Levi is very easy to fluster!! He can still kiss you he just can’t make direct eye contact with you after, he’s too NERVOUS
that being said he does like kissing you and he’ll do it absent mindedly if your sitting on his lap when he’s gaming!! he likes the way it feels and also he doesn’t have to be as verbal
he gets jealous of all the time you spend with his brothers at RAD so pls just hold him in his bath tub and kiss his face, he absolutely loves it but can’t say it out loud
your first kiss with him was so AWKWARD, he completely missed your mouth and it was out of no where. he didn’t look at you in eyes for three days
like kissing your forehead the best because he can then tuck your face into his chest so that you can’t see his face. likes when you kiss his hands especially after he’s been gaming all day! it’s a sweet gesture that will make him pass out
isn’t one for PDA but he’ll still kiss you out in public! the only times he’ll make out with you in a public place is if he knows you two are alone or if he knows lucifer will find you two bc satan is a Bastard
he likes kissing your fingertips when you two are reading together, it gives him a way to occupy his hands and enjoys how his brothers groan at him for being a sap
definitely rewards you with kisses when you two study together, it’s a very good motivator for u and him!
he gets overwhelmed very easily and doesn’t really like to be touched during these time but having place feather light kisses on his face helps him calm down immensely
he doesn’t like kissing you when he’s angry because he’s terrified of hurting you
likes kissing your cheek because it’s something he can get away with in public and he finds it cute. he likes his shoulders being kissed the best it makes him feel vulnerable but he knows he’s safe with you
king is the definition of “is for me?” when he sees you and this applies to kisses 100%
acts like he’s dying of you don’t kiss him when he asks he’s so DRAMATIC but YOU chose this ok?? kiss him he’ll cheer up immediately
his devilgram account probably has a weekly post of you two kissing because you two are just so pretty and he likes to flex that he’s with you whenever he gets the chance
whenever he sees you he greets you with a kiss and whenever he leaves you he gives you kiss! he’ll say something like “so you can remember me” and then when he sees you again and kisses you he goes “you remembered me!” my Heart.....
self love is important to him and he makes it a point to kiss any part of you you find yourself having trouble with accepting. he loves every part of you and makes sure to remind you of this every day
he likes kissing your lips the best! it’s very intimate and he loves feeling you smile into his kiss. he loves when you hold him and kiss the crown of his head
kisses the top of your head ALL THE TIME! he just leans down and bop, kissy. he will get so flustered if you ask him to lean down and give the top of his head a kiss
his kisses start out very soft, he wants to make sure you feel safe, but the longer you kiss him the more hungry for you he becomes and the rougher he gets
likes to give you light hickeys on your neck whenever you let him and he’lol always remark on how you taste
absolutely LOVES it when you kiss his up and down his arms! he doesn’t have much of an ego but whenever you do this he just gets really proud of himself, this also works for cheering him up
likes having you sit in his lap so he can just kiss the back of your neck while you continue doing whatever you were doing
likes you kissing his chest! it makes him feel nice and warm and he can easily wrap you up in his arms! he loves kissing your stomach the most it’s just so soft and he can bury his face into it and just rest there
so MANY sleepy kisses dear GOD he’s basically the CEO of them but he can’t help it!! he’s very clingy when he’s tired and just wants to feel you
making out is so much energy but he’s also a little bastard and will definitely make sure to initiate it if he knows lucifer will walk in on you
when you kiss him when he’s sleeping he smiles, wether that’s because he’s still awake or just knows it’s you is a secret he only knows
when you two go out he’s practically wrapped around you and kissing whatever part of you he can while ignoring whatever is going on
will tease you by never actually kissing your lips and always just kissing right next to him but acts clueless as to why you’re so frustrated, like “MC? I’m confused is there something you want?”
love kissing the nape of your neck so he can just litter it with kisses as he drifts off to sleep. he loves it when you kiss his eyelids as he’s going to sleep, it makes him feel sure that he’ll have good dreams
sorry i disappeared for a bit! classes got switched around so i had to adjust for a bit! i hope you enjoy these!!
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rere-the-writer · 3 years
Title- 'The Salvatore and The Mikaelson
Pairing- Elijah Mikaelson x Salvatore!Reader
Summary: You are the older sister of Damon and Stefan Salvatore and had came from England with your husband to visit. You meet Elijah Mikaelson the night you learned Katherine's dark secret.
A/N: An idea popped in my head and I ran with it.
You sighed looking at your husband who shrunk away from your cold stare you got from your father. You and your husband had to go stay with your father and brothers while your husband's family had to fix things in England when word got out he was having an affair with a lady of the night.
"My beloved, please stop staring at me."
"Don't James. We wouldn't be in this mess if you kept it in your pants." You said as the carriage stopped in front of the Salvatore home. Damon stood outside with Stefan both dressed in nice suits with a woman standing between them.
"I wasn't aware you both had an older sister."
"Careful Katherine, Y/N is a cold woman so try to make a good impression because she is every critical of any woman near me and Stef." Damon said as Stefan glared at Damon as Katherine watched the driver helped you out. You dressed in a beautiful navy blue dress your dark hair in a low bun two curls framing your face.
"Your sister is every beautiful." Katherine said watching you open your fan as James came out of the carriage. James was a small round man as Katherine thought you should have married a much more good looking man.
"Welcome Y/N, James."
"Stefan, Damon. Who is this?" You asked staring at Katherine with a cold calculated stared that reminded the boys of your father. You were protective of your brothers which was why Giuseppe had married you off believing you were too soft with your brothers.
"This is Katherine Pierce, she is staying with us for awhile. She has no where else to go." Stefan said knowing you were judging Katherine but noticed the soft glit in your eyes.
"Lovely. James and I are only stay until next summer."
"Well me and Stef missed you sis." Damon said with a smile as you all went inside. That evening Katherine noticed how you seemly stayed near your brothers and them doing the same.
"Lady Salvatore, Stefan says you are a novelist." Katherine says sipping her tea as your eyes settled on her while your brothers were playing ball with your husband.
"Yes I am. Have you read them?"
"Why yes. But I must say I'm surprised a woman like yourself would write such scandalous things." Katherine said as you smirked sipping your own tea.
"We women do have fantasies of a handsome tall dark stranger to steal us away at night. To ravish us like no other can."
"Yes but your husband."
"My husband wouldn't know how to please a woman unless he pays for it." You said watching James fall face first and Damon burst out laughing while Stefan helped him.
"But vampires?"
"We all crave the darkness Miss Katherine." You tell her standing up to go help James while Katherine stared at you. A week into your stay you learned Katherine's secret. It was a late night as you woke feeling the bed was cold and noticed your husband was gone.
"I swear to God." You groaned getting out of bed putting on a dressing robe and went looking for James. You lit a candle walking out to the quiet hallway when you heard James moaning and realized it was coming from Katherine's room.
"James you piece of......." You stopped seeing Katherine on top of James with a bloody mouth. Katherine looked at you seeing you drop the candle before running.
You knew you couldn't tell Damon and Stefan, they were in town with your father for the night. You decided to run for it not before grabbing your vervain as Katherine caught you and was going to bite you. You smashed the bottle of vervain against her face making her let you as you got up running out into the cold night.
You were panting as you ran having grabbed a wooden stake on your way out. It was freezing as you could see your breath crying out when Katherine grabbed you by your hair throwing you down.
"I was going to let you live Y/N. But you ran and going to tell them about me." Katherine said tilting your head getting ready to bite you.
"Don't worry I'll make it pa......" You cut Katherine off when you stabbed her in the abdomen. You pushed her off when the vampire fell over and you got up running once again. Katherine growled pulling out the stake pissed off but impressed with how much you were fighting.
You screamed when an arm came around your waist and pulled back against a strong chest.
"Careful there." You heard a smooth voice say as you looked up your breathing hitched seeing a every handsome man staring down at you with warm mocha eyes.
"You're hurt." The man said as you realized that Katherine had hurt you as your side was bleeding. The man bit his wrist holding it up to you and you were confused. You ylep when he pressed his wrist to your mouth forcing you to drink his blood healing you.
"Elijah?!" You heard Katherine and you tensed in Elijah's hold as he calmly looked up pulling his wrist from your mouth.
"Katerina, I've been looking for you."
"I'm aware but I would like Lady Salvatore back." Katherine said as you gripped Elijah's arm and he picked up on your racing heart.
"You're going to kill her."
"She caught me. She knows too much I can't risk it."
"Why not compel her?" Elijah asked as you realized he was a vampire and tried to get away from him but Elijah held you tighter.
"Drinks vervain. Death is my only option." Katherine said as you managed to break away from Elijah falling to the ground. Katherine grabbed you making you cry out.
"Katerina, don't hurt her. What if I took her? Help cover your tracks." Elijah says watching Katherine hold your neck as you teared up scared.
"Sorry Elijah I can't risk it." Katherine said snapping your neck and dropped your body leaving. Elijah frowned walking over picking up your body taking you back to the inn he was staying in.
You woke up with gasp noticing you were in a man's shirt and in a warm bed. Elijah walked in carrying a tray with a glass of red liquid.
"Good morning Lady Salvatore."
"You're the man from last night....but Katherine killed me."
"I'm Elijah Mikaelson, you had my blood in your system. You are in transition if you don't drink this blood you'll die." Elijah tells you as you stared and took the glass drinking it taking the first step in forever.
Elijah had became your friend, Sire and now husband as you were now 181 years old and it felt weird being back in Mystic Falls. You walked down the street as you hadn't really changed as you were still bit of a cold woman.
"Stefan?" Elena asked as seeing the vampire stopping and followed his line of sight seeing you standing in front of a floral shop.
"That is my sister."
"I thought Katherine killed her like you said?" Elena said following after Stefan when he headed for you.
"So did I."
"Hello Stefan." You say when you looked up seeing your baby brother then your eyes landed on Elena. Elijah had told you about the doppelganger as you both got to town.
"How are you?"
"Alive? I was turned like you by my husband."
"James was a vampire?" Stefan asked confused as you laughed lightly.
"No, my Sire is my husband. Katherine killed James the night she thought she killed me."
"Wait who is....."
"Hello Stefan, Elena. I hope you both aren't bothering my wife." Elijah says walking up standing by you kissing your hand as you blushed still not used to Elijah being affectionate with you.
"You turned my sister!" Stefan growled angry as you stepped between them eyes narrowed at Stefan.
"If he hadn't I would be dead. Elijah tried saving me from Katherine." You tell your brother as Stefan looked between you and Elijah.
"Let's go Elena. I need to tell Damon." Stefan said leaving with Elena as You frowned. Elijah placed a hand on your waist.
"Don't worry dear. We should get going, mother is planning a ball."
"Alright. It has been awhile since I went to a ball." You tell Elijah hoping that it will go well with Damon.
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tinisprout · 3 years
A Kiss to Remember
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Pairing: Hyunjae x gn!Reader
Genre: Fluff, mutual pinning
Warnings: profanities like a lot, alcohol consumption, jokes of killing
Word count: 2.4k
Summary: After a kiss you spend a month of trying to figure out your own feeling you come to the conclusion that you like Hyunjae. You wonder how to deal with these feelings, especially when he doesn't feel that way about you, at least that's what you think.
a/n: Happy birthday Hyunjae Im a little late y'all don't mind that.
When you have been friends for so long is it better to just stay as such? Should I just bury these budding feelings before, it becomes something I can’t handle? I look at my hand, the one that casually reached out to him and had been reached out to by him many times before. It was only recently that holding him like that made my heart tickle. After today there is no denying my feelings, I like Hyunjae.
“So do I just cut them off or…,” I bite my lip struggling with a decision. How would I even go about stopping these feelings?! “Ugh, why does he suddenly have to be so appealing.” around a month ago after one of our nights out drinking, we somehow ended up making out. Sure we always lightly flirted with each other, but that’s just how we are, nothing was ever taken seriously like there was a line we knew that shouldn’t be crossed.
That night it was crossed, but I’m the only one that has any recollection of it happening. Hyunjae remembers nothing of that night and I’m left to deal with these complicated feelings. I didn’t tell him cause, whatever, it’s not like we have feelings for each other anyways. It’s just something that happened, I don’t have to make a big deal of it. That’s what I thought at first, then I noticed how my eyes started to linger on him.
For this past month, I’ve been trying to gauge these feelings for him, to say I like him after one measly kiss is too much. Now I know for sure, but what do I do now? How he acts towards me now is no different from how he’s always treated me, so it’s not like he looks at me in that way.
“No, this is not what I should be thinking about right now! I have to get ready, gotta go soon.”
Hyunjae’s birthday party is tonight, I can’t make today about me. I’ll just act like normal today, he’ll never know the difference.
Walking into the designated lounge room for Hyunjae’s party I was greeted by a few familiar faces and some unfamiliar. I was given a wave and nod by some of my friends before almost being knocked off my feet.
“Y/N! You’re finally here, I’ve been waiting for you!” Hyunjae throws himself into my arms giving me a tight squeeze. I freeze up and then remind myself that I should act naturally.
“And a hello to you too. Drunk already I see birthday boy,” I say tapping his back with one hand trying to not get too close. Jacob comes up offering a smile in greeting and I smile back.
“You need to control yourself,” Jacob says then pulling Hyunjae off me falling into his arms, and I thank him with a nod. Hyunjae struggles in Jacob’s hold wanting to break free, then Jacob whispers something in Hyunjae’s ears and he stops struggling, instead, slumping in his arms letting himself be dragged away back to his seat. Looking back to the rest of the table I see my best friend Sunwoo waving me over the free spot next to him. I take a seat and Sunwoo pulls me in giving me a side hug and I reciprocate, doing the same.
“So you want to tell me what that was all about?” He leans in whispering to me.
“What are you talking about?”
“Seriously? I saw the way you blushed like a schoolgirl that was told they are cute by their crush when Hyunjae hugged you.”
“No way!” In shock, I pull away from Sunwoo rubbing at my forehead. I pretend I don’t see the eyes of everyone else go to me at my outburst, and get closer to Sunwoo, whispering again. “Was I that obvious?”
“So you’re admitting that there was something going on there?” He gives a sly smirk and I realize I’ve been had.
“You’re the worst.”
“Yeah yeah, but why am I only hearing about this today?”
“Because I’ve only acknowledged it myself today.”
“Acknowledged it? Just how long have I been out of the loop and does that mean that the two of you are…?” He trailed off letting me fill in the blank.
“Nothing. This is all just one-sided, he should have no idea.”
“You’re fucking kidding me right?”
“What?” Sunwoo sighs at my words and wraps his arms around my shoulder again.
“I’m your bestie, right? I’m also Hyunjae’s friend, correct?”
“Yes, and?”
“Exactly. Now, look at Hyunjae. If anyone else was in my position with you, he would not be looking at us, like a sad frog, but glaring at the person in my place. You get it?” Hyunjae did have his stupid-looking frog face on display, but no, that probably cause he was reprimanded by Jacob.
“No, Hyunjae doesn’t see me like that.”
“Sure maybe at the start of your friendship he didn’t, but the way I see it is, there is a -2% chance that he doesn’t see you that way.”
“And the way I see it is that I shouldn’t even be thinking about this tonight. I just want to get through tonight without a problem, have some fun. I can figure out everything else later.”
"Okay, whatever. My friends are a bunch of oblivious morons." He mumbles the last part knowing damn well I can still hear him.
"Say that again mother fucker. I'll kill you.” I playfully shove Sunwoo and he pretends to be hurt.
“Yo chill!” The both of us laugh out loud and then there is the slamming of shot glasses by the two of us. I turn to see it was Hyunjae, he looks at me with a pout but doesn’t say anything.
“There is a drinking rule. Every time someone joins the party we gotta take a shot,” Jacob explains in Hyunjae’s place.
“Oh, so that’s why he is already smashed.” There was still a deal more empty seats left… is Hyunjae going to survive tonight? Everyone pours themselves a drink, the ones that got here were first looking a little sick while the rest of us were fine, we all down the drinks. The night continues with good vibes, till the last guest arrives with a plus one. Both are unfamiliar faces to me.
“Sorry I’m late, Hyunjae. Also thanks for letting me bring my sister, she really wanted to meet my friends.” The man and his sister wish Hyunjae a happy birthday and take the only seats left available which just so happened to be next to the birthday man himself. With the arrival of two new guests, everyone takes the mandatory shot. I could feel a little more than a buzz, but overall still fine.
The conversation was flowing as normal as everyone was having a good time. A few more drinks in when everyone was a little drunker, open, and comfortable things got a little more handsy. Whatever that’s what people do when they’re drunk, but I couldn’t notice just how handsy that new girl was getting with Hyunjae.
“Good lord, Y/N. Are you trying to kill her with your eyes?” Snapping out of it, I look to sunwoo how was laughing his ass off.
“I might be,” getting mad at myself for the silly words, I rub roughly at my forehead. “So stupid. I don’t have any right to be mad. He isn’t my boyfriend or anything.” The girl tries to casually grab for Hyunjae’s hand and I quickly look up groaning, “That should be me.”
“Damn, you’re down bad.”
“You’re right!” I pour myself another drink, downing it as fast as I can. “I hope I get so shwasted that I forget everything!”
“I take no responsibility for whatever happens tonight, but hell yeah!” Sunwoo takes another shot. The night continues smoothly and everything is jovial except for every time I see her take an advance toward Hyunjae. The party started to slow down and eventually, everyone came to the decision that they could handle no more, so that party came to an end after a few good hours of drinking. After everyone except Hyunjae split the bill, one by one the people started leaving the lounge.
“Jacob I require your assistance home!” Sunwoo shouts to his friend and neighbor. Jacob nods, ready to leave, getting drunk was never his favorite thing. Sunwoo gets up slinging his arm around Jacob for support, and the two boys say goodbye to their friends. “Get home safe loser and get some dick while you’re at it.”
“Fuck off!” Sunwoo laughs as he walks away with Jacob. Only me, the brother-sister pair, and Hyunjae were left. I sure as hell wasn’t about to leave while they were still here, I want to hang out more. The brother as if hearing my wish says it’s time they head home.
The two get up to leave and the girl looks visibly sad while I do a little dance in my head. I walk up to Hyunjae and he looks at me then stands up like he was waiting for me. When I hear them walk out the door I can feel a smile grow on my face. Finally, no more people.
“Ready to go back home?” I ask him.
“You’re going to walk me back? How romantic.”
“We live one apartment building away from each other, stop being dramatic.”
“But still I’m ha-” my eye dart towards the sound of the lounge room door opening and see the familiar girl closing the door behind her. I cover Hyunjae’s mouth with my hand while I use my other one, taking the back of his neck and pulling him closer to me. Our lips only separated by my hand. Surely it looked like we were kissing right now, Hyunjae’s body should cover up the fact that we aren’t. Just let your mind fill in the blanks girl.
A few seconds after I can hear the sound of the door opening and closing again and a high-pitched, “I’m sorry.” from the girl. I’m sorry too… actually no I’m not. I pull away from Hyunjae and he looks stunned.
“Did we just kiss?”
“No, we didn’t. You kiss my hand.”
“Oh.” My eyes were certainly deceiving me cause it looked like he was a little disappointed by my answer.
“Well, let go.” He hums in response and we walk out of the establishment. Suddenly he wraps his arm around me. This isn’t much of a surprise since he was a clingy drunk. The walk was quiet, which was unusual for Hyunjae, maybe he is tired
“Where is my present?”
“You realize that your present was the party bill, right? Do you know just how much you drank compared to everyone else? That shit wasn’t cheap.”
“Hehe, yeah that’s why I drank so much. You know as a broke college student free drinks taste a lot better than anything you pay for!”
“As a broke college student, you would know after that I wouldn’t be able to afford a normal present, so don’t complain.”
“Who said you had to buy the present? Even something small, as long as it’s from you.”
“Why are you like this?” This is really the man I’ve come to like. “Fine, I will do any one thing for you.” He is quiet for a while.
“Okay, fine two!” he is silent again.
“Really anything?”
“Anything within reason. If you have a body hidden in your closet right now, I would go help you bury it.”
“Then… can I be your boyfriend for a day. If not then just for the rest of the day or just an hour...” I’m so dumbfounded by his words that I stop walking.
“Do you even know what you’re saying?” He pulls away from me.
“Is that a no then?”
“I… Hyunjae, do you… like me?” He nods. “As a friend?”
“Yes, but more than that. I want to hold you all the time, kiss, and more.” He brings his hand up to his face trying to hide his embarrassment. It did nothing to hide how red his ears became.
“I like you too.” Hyunjae perked up at my words. Now I was feeling embarrassed.
“Yeah. I’ll accept your request.” He hugs me again as he did back at the party.
“Then my other request, can we go back to my place?”
“Are we going to do the “and more” stuff you were talking about?” He thinks for a moment and then goes red in the face.
“No! It’s too soon and I’m way too shit-faced right now anyway. I just want to hold you.”
“Good answer.”
In the apartment I was oh so familiar with, I lay in Hyunjae’s bed with his arms wrapped around me. My heart was pounding at first but I soon calmed, getting used to the new situation. The lights were off and we were ready to sleep. It was peaceful, but I had this one lingering question and worry in my head.
“Will you remember this in the morning?”
“Of course why would I forget?”
“Because you forgot that we kissed already.” Shocked by my words he shot up in his spot.
“We what?!”
“It was like a month ago. It’s whatever since you don’t remember.”
“...I’m sorry… was I good?”
“Shut up.” I pinch his side and he yelps.
“Okay jeez, I’m just joking. But is that when you started to like me?”
“Not exactly, but it did all develop from then. Why?”
“I’ve liked you for a long time and have been trying for almost a year to get you to notice me in that way. I didn’t expect you to say you liked me back, so I wanted to know when it changed. Ah, I’m glad I never gave up.” He laid back down, hugging me close again.
“Alright don’t kill me now,” he loosens his grip on me in response.
“Can I kiss you again? I promise I won’t forget this time.”
“Hmm, I think you’re fresh out of requests.” He pouts, which is just the look I wanted to see from him.
“I’m messing with you, but just a little bit. If you really remember when you wake up them I’ll let you kiss me more, as my real boyfriend.”
“I’m going to remember and then I’m going to kiss you so much you’ll get sick of my affection!”
“Uh-huh, let’s just see if you can keep your word.” We both lean into each other and kiss, soft and passionate.
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halsteadsfave · 4 years
Only Mine (j.h.)
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Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Word Count: 1414
Warnings: jealousy, yelling, possible spelling errors
A/N: #9 & #10 as a request - I’m still working on requests (:
'No way! This can’t be true!' You burst out into laughter. Matt Casey was a pretty funny person.
You were currently sitting in Molly’s with your friends and colleagues from 51 and the 21st district. Today was Hermann’s birthday party. You were sitting with Casey, Severide, and Kim outside drinking some beers. The last shift was pretty exhausting, so you were enjoying having some fun.
The four of you were talking about different calls from the past. But of course not about the serious ones. The unexpected funny ones with the most hilarious people.
Seeing Jay, Kevin, Adam, and Hailey entering Molly’s, your mood dropped immediately. You and Jay had a fight two days ago and you weren’t ready to talk to him. You were pretty mad and so was he.
You were fighting about a waitress, who was constantly flirting with Jay when you two were out on a date. Not that you wouldn’t be used to constantly dealing with women flirting with your man, but this time was different. You had the feeling, that he was enjoying it. And of course, he was denying it. But you could see it.
'(Y/N)?' You glanced at Kim. 'Sorry, what?'
‚I asked you if you would come over with me‘ she was pointing at the table where the rest of the intelligence members were now sitting. 'I don’t want to leave you here alone' she added.
Looking around, you were the only ones left at the current table. While Kelly was flirting with Stella at the bar, Matt was joining Gianna, Gallo, Cruz, and of course Sylvie at the other table. You looked back and noticed Jay watching you two. Ignoring him, you were looking into Kim's eyes again.
'I’ll get myself another drink first. I’ll join you in some minutes.'
Kim was nodding before leaving you behind. Of course, you would not join Jay and his colleagues. Normally you would, but not under the current circumstances.
Going back to the bar, you were getting another beer from Stella. She was watching you with a raised brow. 'You two definitely should talk' she said while drying the glass in her hands.
'No' you simply answered sitting down at a barstool. 'I won’t talk with you about it now. Let me enjoy my beer' you quickly added before taking a sip. Stella shrugged it off and turned to one of the other guests.
While you were drowning in your own thoughts, somebody sat down on the barstool next to you.
'What’s going on in the pretty mind of yours?' A male voice was asking next to you.
Taking a look at the man next to you, you had to smirk. He was pretty attractive and was grinning at you too.
'Nothing much. Can’t wait for the weekend to start' you said before taking another sip from your drink.
'Is a beautiful girl like you spending the weekend alone?' He asked again while scanning your body. Of course, he had to do it.
You had to hide a laugh. 'We’ll see' you answered him and looked at him again. In the corner of your eye, you saw Jay watching you and shifting in his seat. You smirked again. Maybe this would open his eyes.
'I’m Darren by the way' he said, getting your attention again.
'(Y/N)' you noted smiling at him.
20 minutes later, you were chatting casually with him. Sure he was nice, but not for you. You only had eyes for the stubborn detective who was watching every single move of yours.
Darren was tiring you because he was just talking about himself. You were just nodding, fake laughing from time to time, and agreeing with him.
'I’ll call it a day' you interrupted another beginning monologue from him. He raised an eyebrow. 'It was a hard day.'
'Shall I bring you to your car?' Darren asked while standing up with you. Of course, you wouldn’t drive anymore, but you wanted to test how far Jay would let you go.
'That would be nice' you simply said before turning to Stella. She was shaking her head with an amused look on her face before waving.
Saying your goodbyes to the other ones around you. You were ignoring Jay’s stares and were leaving with Darren on your heels.
Outside you were walking a little bit slower down the street. 'Do you think we could meet again anytime soon?' The man next to you was breaking the silence while walking at the same slow pace.
'I don’t think so' Jay’s voice had an unbelievable angry undertone. You were expecting that he would basically run after you left Molly’s. You had to hide the big smirk, which was growing. You knew him too well.
'Uhm... Sorry?' Darren turned around and looked at Jay.
'You won’t meet her anytime soon again.'
'And who are you?' Darren asked again and Jay scoffed.
'It’s ok, Darren. It was nice meeting you, but I have to go now' you spoke up while turning to both men.
Jay looked like he was going to explode any second. Darren stood next to him with a confused face.
'Good night, Darren' you added and hoped that he would take the hint.
He was shrugging before he turned around and disappeared in the darkness of the night. Looking back into Jay’s face he was still looking like he was about to explode.
'God, I’m so angry I could just hit someone' he growled.
Frowning, you were turning on your heels to keep on walking. You had what you wanted and you were already really tired some minutes ago.
Walking exactly two steps, Jay grabbed your arm to get you to the dark alley next to Molly’s. Stumbling after him, you were leaning against the cold brick wall some seconds later.
'Are you happy now?' Jay asked still angry.
'I don’t know what you are talking about' you answered uninterested and he was pinching the bridge of his nose while closing his eyes.
'Stop acting all innocent.' He said with gritted teeth.
'Stop being a dick!' You snapped and his eyes went wide.
'Me being a dick? What were you doing back at Molly’s? Flirting in front of all our friends like an idiot? To demonstrate what?' He asked with a cold voice.
'I won’t argue about this nonsense with you anymore' you simply answered and he went quite asap.
Looking into his eyes, you still saw the jealousy behind them.
'If you really would think I would’ve gone home with Darren-' 'I did not' he interrupted you quickly.
'You know exactly how to turn me into a jealous monster in 2 seconds and you did it fully aware. We both know exactly which game you were playing. I still don’t think that I flirted with the waitress two days ago-'
He was stopping in his tracks because you shot him an angry glare.
'Ok, ok, I’m sorry‘ he apologized. ‚I actually wanted to flirt with her to heat it up between us. But not in a bad way. Not how it turned out.' His voice went quieter at the end.
'Did you tried to make me jealous so we can have sex to make it up?' You blurted out and had to hide a laugh. This man was hilarious.
'Well… Maybe?' Jay was scratching the back of his head and was now wearing a pretty uncomfortable look on his face. ‚I think I failed miserably‘ he added.
You laughed and replayed the situation. Of course, you could’ve acted differently, but you had a pretty bad day two days ago.
'I’m really sorry...' Jay apologized again while chewing on his lips.
'You could’ve told me sooner' you reminded him in a lower voice while placing a hand at his chest, while the other one found his way to his neck.
'I nearly killed an innocent man because of you' he noted placing his hands on your waist. You both chuckled.
'Oops.' You smirked before finally kissing him.
The kiss heated up pretty fast, his tongue sliding into your mouth seconds after your lips were touching.
'I missed this' he mumbled between your kisses and you grinned into the kiss. Breaking the kiss, he was looking into your eyes. Both of you catching your breath.
'Don’t do this to me again. You’re mine. Only mine' he told you in a low voice’
'I’m yours, in every way possible.' You assured him before smashing your lips back onto his.
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