#sorry to vent but if i don’t here then I’m gonna be even more bitchy irl than i already am being
I’m TIRED and i HURT and I STILL HAVE an 1 1/2 hour drive to do as well as ALL KINDS OF SHIT when I’m actually HOME and now i can’t leave when scheduled (which would put me home at 7pm) (i left the house this morning at 8am) so im gonna get home even fucking later and because im HERE i have to help w moving more bc otherwise im an asshole for sitting out.
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arrowflier · 3 years
Prompt: Mickey apologizes to one of their neighbours for something that clearly wasn't his fault just to make Ian(who's in his people pleaser mode) happy. Later, Ian realises how Mickey was right all along and feels bad about the whole thing and they talk. Basically them having a mature convo at the end
Ian heard the shouting as soon as he stepped out into the courtyard. Mickey had come down earlier to take a quick dip, and Ian was hoping to join him and relax together for a while.
But based on the way his husband and one of their neighbors were yelling right then, that clearly wasn't in the cards.
Ian sighed, and closed his eyes briefly. Was it really too much to ask that Mickey get along with the people in their building? He didn't even have to make friends, he just had to not be an asshole to everyone he met.
A particularly loud shout--something about children, and language, and have some common decency--forced Ian out of his reflections and toward the apparent catastrophe that was Mickey in public.
“Dammit, Mickey,” he muttered under his breath as he rounded the last corner and brought the pool into view.
Sure enough, Mickey was there.  He stood at the edge of the shallow end of the pool, like he had just hoisted himself out, water droplets still lingering on his sculpted arms and chest.  His arms were raised and held out to the side in challenge as he blustered on about public space, and freedom of speech, and I’ll do you one worse lady, just you watch just inches away from a middle-aged woman that looked like she had stepped out of a lululemon ad.
Ian was pretty sure it was the same woman who had stopped him at the elevators last week to ask him to “keep it down up there”.  They really didn’t need to cause more trouble with her; Mickey had them on thin ice already when his response to Ian relaying that request was to play loud, bass-thumping music while riding Ian into the floor for effect.
She hadn't met his eyes since.
"What's going on here?" Ian interrupted, coming up behind Mickey and settling a hand on the back of his husband's neck.
"This lady was tryin to--" Mickey cut off when Ian squeezed and released that hand in warning. Mickey glowered at him, but shut his mouth.
"Your husband," the woman said with a glare at Mickey, "was setting a bad example for my nephew."
Looking around for the aforementioned child, Ian sighed when he saw a little boy staring at them all from a pool lounger with wide eyes.
"We're sorry, Mrs...," he trailed off, but she didn't bother to fill in the blank for him, instead just raising her eyebrows and tapping her sandaled foot expectantly.
"Uh, anyway, it won't happen again," Ian finished awkwardly. "Right, Mick?"
"Are you kidding me, Gallagher?" Mickey asked, incredulous.
"I expect a direct apology from your husband," the woman demanded at the same time.
Ian raised his free hand to pinch the bridge of his nose, and gave Mickey a little shake when the other man didn't speak up.
"Come on, Mick, just do it," Ian muttered.
After a tense moment, Mickey did.
"Fucking fine," he hissed at Ian, ignoring their neighbor's sharp intake of breath at the curse. "I'm fucking sorry, alright?," he directed at her, before pulling out of Ian's hold to face him.
"You happy now?" he asked, before turning and stomping off to go inside.
The effect was dampened by the soft slapping sound of his bare feet hitting the pavement, leaving behind wet marks on the concrete. Ian and the woman watched him go with drastically different expressions: one with disgust, and one with concern.
"I do hope you'll keep your man in line better in the future," the woman groused at Ian, but he wasn't really listening.
"Yeah, sure," he answered absently. "Excuse me, I just gotta..."
And then he was scooping up the towel and shoes Mickey had left behind, and hurrying after his husband.
"Mickey?" Ian called out hesitantly as he entered their apartment. Other than a couple of damp patches on the floor, there was no sign of Mickey anywhere.
Then Ian heard the shower start, and set Mickey's things down next the door to follow the sound.
Mickey's wet trunks were pooled on the cold tile floor, the shower curtain pulled tight from wall to wall. The splash of water bouncing from flesh to the acrylic tub echoed through the room.
"Mickey?" Ian asked softly, taking a step past the open door. "Mick, you in here?"
He heard a snort over the sound of the water, the curtain moving as Mickey's arm jostled it from inside.
"No, it's your other husband, Sherlock," Mickey answered, an odd tone in his voice. "You know, the one you listen to before you take some random bitch's side."
Ian winced. Okay, Mickey was mad, then.
Moving further into the room, Ian closed the lid of the toilet and turned to sit on it, elbows on knees.
"Sorry," he offered briefly. "But she had a point Mick, there are kids here--"
The water stopped abruptly, and the curtain pulled back to reveal Mickey’s face.  His hair flopped wetly over his forehead, water still sluicing down the middle of his face, and he scowled as he brushed it away with the back of a dripping hand.
“Kid, huh?” he questioned  “So I need to go get my fucking tattoos removed because some random kid might see ‘em?”
Ian blinked.
“Wait,” he said slowly, mind trying to figure out what he was missing.  “What?” then scoffed when Ian just watched him.
Mickey just scoffed.  
“You don’t even know what she was yellin’ about, do you?” he asked rhetorically. “I didn’t say a damn word to her or that sniveling brat she brought with her,” he revealed.  “They took one fucking look at me, saw the words on my knuckles, and off she went on her little fucking tirade.”
“Shit, Mickey,” Ian started, but Mickey wasn’t done.
“Don’t you act like it matters,” he growled.  “You care more about playing nice than payin’ attention, and don’t pretend that after all these years you don’t still assume I’m always the fuckin’ problem.”
Fuck.  Ian had really screwed this one up.
“Mickey,” he repeated, more firmly, standing and stepping closer to the shower.  Ian took the shower curtain in one hand and tugged it further to the side.  Mickey shivered in the influx of cool air, looking more like a disgruntled cat mid-bath than an angry man.
“Mickey,” Ian said again, softer, and stepped over the lip of the tub so that nothing was between them.  He took Mickey into his arms, his husband putting up a token resistance before settling against him with a sigh.
“I’m sorry,” Ian whispered into his wet hair, ignoring the patches of water soaking through his clothes.  “You know I didn’t mean it like that.”
Mickey hummed into his chest, not looking up.  “You kind of did, though,” he mutters.  “Every time somebody’s got a problem with me, you act like it’s my fault.”
Silence, for just a moment.
“Yeah,” Ian finally agreed, stroking a hand down Mickey’s bare back.  “Yeah, I need to work on that.”
He pulled back, made Mickey meet his eyes.  Mickey was no longer glaring, and his eyes were dry, but there was still something off about the way he met Ian’s gaze.
“You know I don’t really think that, though, right?” Ian asked, disheartened when Mickey didn’t offer a response.
“I don’t, Mickey,” he said earnestly.  “I love you, and you’ve been trying so hard--”
“Shouldn’t fuckin’ have to try,” Mickey murmured, and oh.
“No, you shouldn’t,” Ian rephrased.  “And I’m sorry I’m always making you feel like you do, too.”
Mickey moved back farther, and Ian’s arms dropped loosely back to his sides.  His fingers itched to reach out again, but he got the feeling Mickey needed some space.
“Okay,” Mickey said.  “Get outa here so I can finish.”
Ina obeyed, stepping out of the tub and moving toward the door, but he turned back before he left the room.
“When you’re done, come into the bedroom, alright?” he asked quietly.  “I’ve got an idea to get back at that asshole woman.”
“Apology or not,” Mickey said wryly, “I don’t think I’m on the mood to fuck you right now, Ian.”
Ian just smirked. 
“Not what I had in mind,” he said.  “Now hurry it up, I think you’re gonna like my plan.”
About twenty minutes later, after the shower had started and stopped again and Mickey had had a moment to gather himself and get dressed, Mickey walked into the bedroom and stopped still.
Ian was sitting on their bed, fully dressed, but that wasn’t what had Mickey startled.  No, it was the fact that right in front of him was a huge stereo with old school speakers, the ones that used to be downstairs in the communal lounge area, with Ian’s phone sitting right on top.
“What’s all this?” Mickey asked, and Ian grinned.
“So she doesn’t like profanity, huh?” he said.  “Well I found a favorite new song.”
Mickey started to grin himself as he caught on to the plan.  Ian stood and pushed one of the speakers a little closer to the vents in their floor, angling it so the sound would bounce right down into the apartment below.  Then he tapped a few things on his phone, cranked the volume, and let harsh base and more expletives than Mickey had ever heard in a piece of music fill the room.
Mickey laughed.  Ian held out a hand, like he was asking for a dance, and turned the music up even louder.
Shaking his head at his husband’s antics, Mickey took the proffered hand, and let Ian spin him to the sound of their bitchy neighbor losing her mind below them.
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choolbeans · 3 years
𝙁𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙬𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙪𝙢𝙗𝙡𝙚𝙧 𝙡𝙢𝙖𝙤. 𝙎𝙤 𝙄 𝙜𝙤𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙖 𝙧𝙚𝙬𝙖𝙩𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙟𝙪𝙟𝙪𝙩𝙨𝙪 𝙆𝙖𝙞𝙨𝙚𝙣 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙞 𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙬𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙞𝙩 𝙗𝙚 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙞𝙛 𝙎𝙪𝙠𝙪𝙣𝙖 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙞𝙣 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙙𝙞𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙢𝙚’𝙨. 𝙨𝙤 𝙄 𝙢𝙖𝙙𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨, 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙞𝙨 𝙎𝙪𝙠𝙪𝙣𝙖’𝙨 𝙫𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙡 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 (𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩 3) 𝙟𝙤𝙟𝙤 𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨.
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“So why are we here jiji?” Asked the young male. “Our new member is gonna meet us here, and before you go asking questions, she’s not a stand user.” Said Joseph.
“Hm? Not a stand user? Then way do we need…you said she right. Why do we need this girl if she’s not a stand user?” Said Jotaro. “You know that old Japanese myth, Ryomen Sukuna?” Asked the old man.
“Oh I do, you mean the sorcerer. He was the most talented and the strongest jujutsu sorcerer ever, but that’s just myth some people say that if you have the any cursed energy you can see curses, but there are only a few people that can actually see them.” Kakyoin explained. “But why are we talking out Sukuna?”
“We’re talking about him because his real and his vessel is our new group member and if you don’t believe me then just think back to the reason why we started this trip. By now I could believe anything.” Said Joseph.
“I’m right here!” Said a female voice. All the men looked her way. She had h/c, stern e/c eyes she also had to markings on her face. The girl wore a black jacket (like maki’s) and black shorts with black thigh high stockings and combat boots. With what looked like a long red pack on her back.
“So you guys are the losers I’m here to help huh? I was expecting a little more, but you guys are ok I guess.” Said the female walking over to them.
She looked at Jotaro and said. “You look like a hunk a junk big boy.” Jotaro growled. “I don’t like your attitude, bitch.” He said to the h/c female.
“Hm, what are you gonna do punch me? I’d like to see you try.” She said with a smirk on her face. Jotaro was just about to say some nasty come back but Kakyoin separated them from each other.
“Come on don’t fight we just met, how bout we introduce our selves. My name is Noriaki Kakyoin, I’m sorry for Jotaro over there were all glad that your here.” Said Kakyoin in a nice voice smiling.
“My name is Noriaki Kakyoin, I’m sorry for Jotaro over there were all glad that your here.” Said the red haired boy.
‘Hm! He doesn’t seem bad. He’s pretty cute, like really cut…buuuut I bet he had no friends as a kid. Smart in the brain, but in social situations.’
“Jotaro Kujo.” Said the sexy but bitchy dude.
‘Ugh, I’ve never liked high and mighty guys. Only his name? He probably sets sea gulls on fire and watches them burn for fun.’
“Call me Polnareff! It’s a pleasure to meet you!!” Said the man with sliver.
‘He has a nice jaw line. His voice is sexy, and to top it off he has a great rack. I think we’ll get along well.’
“Hello miss, I’m Joseph Joestar! I’m pretty sure you new that already.” Said the old man.
‘No comment, no comment at all.’
“Nice to meet you, my name is Muhammad Avdol. I hope we can get along well.” The man in the red robe said.
‘He seems like he’s a good guy. Like a father figure. I like him!’
“Alright bitch, if you don’t have a stand what’s so special about you huh?” Asked Jotaro getting closer to me about to say he’s next sentence but I stopped him by moving my hand in front of his face and said. “Talk to the hand.”
“Oh your gonna be like that? I’ll beat you to a pulp-”
“𝑾𝒉𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖?” Said a deep voice. Jotaro stoped in his tracks to see and eye and mouth with a weird symbol on its tongue appear on her hand.
“W-what the hell?!” Said Jotaro. “Aren’t you the people were spots to help.…KILL A GUY THAT YOUR FAMILY FAILED TO KILL AGES AGO AND THATS ALSO THE REASON THAT YOUR MOMMY’S ON DEATH’S BED! HAHAHAHA!!” Sukuna laughed.
Jotaro growled and was about to punch me in the face. “How about I introduce myself before we start fighting. My name is Y/n L/n pleaser to meet you boys.” I said putting my hand on my hip.
“And this is Sukuna.” I said now pointing to my face, an eye appeared were one of the markings were on my face and a mouth appearing under the eye.
“Now I guess we can continue this fight now.” I said to the tale male. “I’ll send you too the hospital.” He said.
“HEY! HEY! Lets not fight we just met the young lady! Show her some respect!” Said Joseph. “Hmf!” I smirked at Jotaro, he was just glaring at me.
‘The stand user were fighting uses illusion as it’s attacks and it’s fast…really fast even for Star platinum…what the hell am I gonna do. I hate being stuck with the chick, all she’s done is swing around that freakin’ Speer..’
We’re currently hiding behind a large vent on top of a billing, one of the illusions that the stand user made on the other side of it. The illusion has to be at least 5-6 meters tall and the with of about 4-5 meters. It’s pretty ugly, it has many mouths and eyes
“Damn it! What the hell are we gonna do now?!” I whisper yelled at her. “I don’t have the energy to hit it right now so…Sukuna, your up.” She said walking around the vent.
The illusion saw her immediately and began charging at her. “WHA-WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?! ARE YOU CRAZY!!” I yelled at the female.
Suddenly the illusion was completely destroyed by one blow coming from her.
‘What…how did…not even Star platinum could hit it, so how the hell could she? Is that even y/n, she doesn’t have a stand, could this be…the power of sukuna?’
“GAHAHAHA! It’s been a while since the brat’s let me out fully!” I way deeper voice said. Then she aggressively ripped her jacket and shirt exposing her muscled body and black bra, also showing the many different markings on her body.
I blushed and looked away from her. ‘That’s definitely not y/n. That’s…sukuna.’ I thought to myself. “HAHA! THAT WAS EASY GIVE ME MORE OPPONENTS!” Yelled Sukuna.
All of a sudden more illusions appeared and ran after Sukuna and were all killed in seconds. “I SEE YOU KUJO! GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE!” Sukuna yelled at me.
“Yare Yare daze.…”
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arcwhore · 4 years
{rafe cameron} x {reader}
Request: Rafe cheating at a party. 
description: rafe has a soft spot for his little sisters best friend, and is there when she leaves. who’s gonna be there when he leaves?
warnings: angst, yelling, hitting
word count: 3163
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Your heels clicked as you walked up the steps of the Cresswell family manor, tightly holding your clutch in your left hand. Your right hand was clasped around your boyfriend's arm, and you could feel his biceps flex in anticipation.
                                    ≿————-   ❈   ————-≾
Every year at the end of the summer, all the Kooks went out with a bang. You were to wear the most formal attire you could find, and come with the intentions of getting fucked up.
 You had always gone with your best friend, Sarah, but just about a month ago, she started dating a Pogue; who was undeniably handsome, so you were happy for her. 
“As long as you’re happy, Sarah. I will always stand by you,” you had told her. 
She slipped away after that, barely making any time for you, ditching you at Midsummers. She was always with John B, and it hurt, but you knew that she deserved a good relationship, and so did she. You had took that as your que to venture out to new places; find new people. By new people, I mean Sarah’s brother. 
The first night she ditched you, you showed up at her house, clothes soaking wet. Despite the time, you rang the doorbell. When no one answered, you held your finger to the button, hoping there would be some kind of rapid alarm. It was all high tech, so you were just hoping, but really, you were probably just standing there like an idiot. 
After knocking, banging, and ringing the doorbell multiple times, muscly legs descended down the stairs. A tired--and very grumpy--Rafe appeared, walking towards the door all while rubbing his eyes. He saw you through the glass and debated on turning off the light and going back upstairs, but he didn’t want to have to deal with your constant pounding on the door. When he opened the door, you immediately stepped inside. 
“Woah, hey, what the fuck are you doing here?” Rafe complained. He was surprised by your entrance, your clothes clinging to your body and showing off your perfect curves. The light pink shirt you wore was now see through, prompting his eyes to attach themselves to your visible cleavage. 
“Where is Sarah?” You asked him. You figured he probably wouldn’t tell you. That, or he actually didn’t know. 
“How the fuck should I know? Little miss princess is probably hanging out with her pathetic pogue of a boyfriend.” He grumbled, taking a seat on the stairs and staring at you. 
“She ditched me! Left me at home, all by mys fucking self, while she goes out fucking her boyfriend! They’re probably having sex on his shitty bed right now, and shes not even thinking about me!”
“Well, to be fair, if she was thinking about you in the middle of sex that would be a little awkward…” Rafe interrupted. You glared at him, taking in a deep breath in an attempt to calm down. “Did you really run all the way over here just to rant to me about my sister?”
“Fuck me gently with a chainsaw,” you quoted. “Rafe, do I look like I have fucking teleportation skills? Of course I ran here! My car’s in the shop and Sarah was supposed to come over, but she didn’t and now 2 hours later, here I am, losing my shit because I’m not going to get a project done!” You vented. Rafe gave you a bitchy look, one eyebrow raised and his mouth in a straight line.
 “Come on, Rafe. Help me out here,” you begged. 
“Go home, Y/N,” he got up from his seat on the stairs, stammering towards you. He tried to usher you out the door, but you pushed his hands off. “Y/N…”
“Goddammit, Rafe!” you groaned, stomping out the door. You went out, sitting on the porch. You waited for the rain to die down, waited for some sign that it was going to slow; but it didn’t. 
Rafe watched you from inside, waiting on you to stomp your ass right back through the door, but you didn’t. You sat and stared into the night, watching the water droplets splash as they hit the stone pavement. His chest started to shrink as he watched you, his mind wandering. 
In an abrupt motion, he unlocked the door, pulling you inside. He motioned for you to follow him upstairs, and you crossed your arms reluctantly. You were starting to shiver from the AC, your cold clothes suddenly feeling like an ice bath. 
“Come on, I’ll get you some warm clothes.” you padded up the stairs after him, wondering why he was being so nice to you. You wanted to say something, to ask what the sudden change of heart was, but you knew it would ruin the moment. Your feet left prints on the floor, leading all the way to his bedroom. You watched him as he grabbed a pair of sweatpants and an oversized shirt-- well, Rafe sized-- and handed it over to you. 
“Bathrooms’ through there,” he nodded. You muttered a thanks before going to get changed. You stripped out of your sopping wet clothes, dropping them onto the floor like a wet mop. Rafe’s clothes were a bit big, but they were so comfortable. You walked back in holding your wet clothes in hand, holding them out to him.
“I didn’t know what you wanted me to do with them,” you said softly. He grabbed them from your hands, walking out of the room. He left you alone again, but this time you didn’t feel lonely. You sprawled out on his bed, taking in a deep breath of the leftover cologne on his sheets. You would have never admitted it, but he smelled amazing; like clean linens and lemon shampoo. The sound of footsteps approached you, but you were already falling into the darkness of sleep. Rafe rustled through his closet, trying to find something to put on the floor as a palette. He laid down, taking a pillow off the bed and shoving it under his head. He had a scowl on his face, upset that you took his bed, but when his eyes drifted to your peaceful figure, the frustration faded. A faint smile took its place, and he closed his eyes, drifting off. 
                                  ≿————- ❈ ————-≾
You walked in together, greeted by your friends who, not to your surprise, were already hammered. They giggled at your reaction, as you were trying to mediate their state until you got a little into your system. You let go of Rafe’s arm and headed to the kitchen. He watched you walk away, turning towards one of your mutual friends and starting a conversation. 
                                    ≿————-   ❈   ————-≾
The second time was Midsummers. You came to her house early, getting ready with her. She had told you that you two would dance and drink that night. She said she was sorry and wanted to make up for what she did. You were starting to doubt her more and more with every sentence she told you, but you agreed nonetheless. 
You had a light blue dress with leg slits while she had the same, but in red. You did each others makeup while she blasted music in her bedroom. 
“I’m sorry that I ditched you that night, Y/N. It was stupid... I don’t know what I was thinking skipping out on an opportunity to hang out with you,” Sarah apologized. She powdered your face, looking into your eyes sincerely. All you did was nod and smile, hoping that would suffice. 
“I missed you, Sarah,” you muttered. 
“I know, I miss you too. So damn much,” she put her brush down and gave you a tight hug. You sank into her embrace, allowing yourself a few minutes of peace before chaos. You sighed into her shoulder. 
“Let’s get this party started!” you suddenly screamed, changing the vibe in the room. 
“You bet!” Sarah replied. She walked over to her mirror, and you stood up to look at yourself. “You look beautiful.”
“You look gorgeous,” you smiled with reassurance, stepping into your shoes and heading downstairs. Rafe met you at the bottom wearing a light blue tux. Your eyes locked, and a spark of electricity ran down from your head to your toes. You felt all warm and tingly inside just from looking at him.
“Well look at us! Did you plan this Cameron?” You teased, stepping down to the 2nd bottom step to get to his height. A smile peaked through his lips, and he tried his best to conceal it. 
“Yeah, I definitely snuck into your closet just to see what color dress you were wearing just so I could match with your lazy ass,” he snickered. 
“Oh come on, you don’t gotta be mean, Rafe. We’ve known each other for 8 years, I think it’s time to start warming up.”
“I think we’re pretty warm, considering you slept in my bed the night my sister ditched you,” he struck. You rolled your eyes at his comment, simply just brushing past him. “We were talking, Y/N!”
“We were. Now were not,” you replied briskly, swinging the door to the Cameron household open and strutting out. He stared as you walked out, entangled in your sassy personality. He loved the way you fought with him; so playful, so harmless; but somehow, it always seem to hurt him the most when you walked away. 
You had been searching for Sarah for half an hour, and you were already frustrated. The party had started and people were drinking all around you, and it made it a lot harder to see through whiskey glasses. You grabbed an unattended drink from the bar, downing it in seconds as you walked inside. 
The music muffled inside the corridor, your heels clacking on the granite floors. You began to walk up the stairs, but you heard a deep voice rumble behind you. 
“Can’t find your precious friend?” Rafe asked. You spun around, your face turning red from embarrassment. You shook your head shyly. 
“It’s fine, I knew she would leave me anyway,” you shrugged your shoulders. He scoffed, looking at you with his pupils blown. “Don’t look at me like that, dumbass.” 
You averted your gaze, but it felt as if your eyes had magnets in them, and Rafe’s were the only other ones that could lock them in place. You felt your body start to heat up as he stared at you, and your sure that your eyes were starting to get wider. You felt his hand trace up your arm, the other grabbing your waist. You let out a small gasp, trying not to show him that you were too vulnerable. His hand reached your neck, reaching around the back of it and slowly pulling you in. He stopped right when your lips were centimeters apart, waiting for you to close the gap. 
You connected your lips with his, throwing your arms around his neck to pull him closer to you. His arm snuck around your waist and pulled your hips until they bumped into his. His lips glided on top of yours so gently, not at all like what you were expecting from him. Both of your minds were wandering, but someone clearing their throat ruined the mood. You pulled away from each other, checking in the direction of the noise. Ward stood there with a smirk on his face.
“If you’re gonna kiss, go do it in private,” he winked, passing by and heading to the bathroom. He turned to look at you, giving you the ‘I’m watching you’ motion, and you giggled. You turned back to Rafe.
“What do you say we take this somewhere more private, good sir?” You joked.
“Of course M’Lady,” he smiled. 
                                   ≿————- ❈ ————-≾
The smell of alcohol and weed was smothering, but you were trying to do anything to take the edge off. You had been looking forward to this party all day, and the fight with your parents early this morning didn’t help but fuel you more. You grabbed the closest bottle and took it straight, bringing it to your lips and feeling your body warm up. You kicked around the balloons that floated on the ground as you drank, swallowing swig after swig. You set down the bottle and took off your shoes, putting them on the pile in the corner before you saw Rafe headed towards you. You reached out your hands for him and screamed, “Let’s dance!” 
You dragged him out on the floor, backing up against him and grinding. He had his hands on your hips, swaying you, but he wasn’t holding you like he usually did. You spun around, trying to meet his gaze. When you turned, his eyes were preoccupied, but they snapped back to you before you could see what he was looking at. 
“What’s wrong?” Your head titled to the side in confusion, eyebrows furrowing. He shook his head.
“Nothing, sorry.”
“You sure? Cause I can get out way for you,” you retorted, rolling your eyes. You threw up your hands, exasperated, and walked to the kitchen again. He didn’t even try to follow you. You grabbed a pre-roll off the counter, pulling out the lighter in your bra. You inhaled, letting the smoke fill your lungs. Exhaling through your nose, your eyes closed and you allowed the beat of the music to flow through you. You started to sway your hips again, bringing your arms up in response. You moved towards the party again, joint still in hand. You moved through the overcrowded living room of sweaty teenagers, searching for your tree of a boyfriend. You took another drag, blowing the smoke in some strangers’ face. You couldn’t help but laugh when she made a disgusting face at you. 
The anger in your bones started to shake you when you couldn’t find Rafe. “I know damn well...”
Your thought process kicked in when you stepped out of the crowd. You stomped up the stairs, opening every door that was unlocked. You walked in on a few couples but left too quick to say sorry. You opened one door, and it was pitch black. You heard the bed stop squeaking when you entered. You flipped on the light, trying your best to make out the figures on the bed. It was a good idea, fucking a girl behind your back, but doing it in the dark so you would never suspect a thing, right? Wrong. 
“Rafe?” You shrieked, eyes settling on the half naked figure staring at you with wide eyes. You could hear the girl under him whisper to him. You smirked and advanced towards them. 
“Who is it, Rafe?” The girl asked. He stuttered, trying to find his words. He fully stood, trying to stop you from getting any closer.
“Yeah, who is it, Rafe? Who-” you pushed him back, “fucking is it?”
“Y/N, chill out,” he mediated. You laughed, looking over at the bed. 
“This bitch? Come on, if you’re gonna cheat on me, cheat on me with someone who’s prettier than me. It’s the least you can do!”
“I-I didn’t realize he had-” you interrupted the ginger.
“You, shut the fuck up and get out,” you yelled. She scrambled for her clothes, running out into the hallway with only her underwear on. You glared at him, waiting for a response. “Come on, say it big boy.”
“Y/N...” you raised your eyebrows, tilting your head in inquisitively. “I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, that’s all you got to say, huh?” He stayed silent. “You’re un-fucking-believable. I mean, who thought; Rafe Cameron actually being struck speechless? Bullshit!”
“Y/N, it was a mistake, I don’t know what came over me,” he apologized. His eyes were pleading, trying desperately for you to listen to him. You gestured for him to continue. “I love you, but I don’t...”
“You don’t what Rafe?” you asked. 
“I don’t know if I’m ready for a relationship, Y/N!” You looked at him for a minute, trying to see if he was serious or not. His face never faltered, and you broke out into a smile. You were laughing so hard, trying not to break out crying in the process. He kept his gaze on you, his face full of confusion from your reaction. 
“You’re full of shit, Cameron! Just like the rest of your family!”
“Y/N, do we have to do this here?” Rafe pointed of the gatherings of people outside the door. 
“Do we have to- you dumb fuck!” you punched his bare chest. “Did you have to,” hit, “fuck,” hit, “that girl,” slap to the face, “here?”
“You’re a piece of shit, Rafe Cameron,” you turned and started walking out the door, the tears finally spilling from your eyes. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” he whimpered.
“Fuck you.”
                                  ≿————- ❈ ————-≾
Cuddled up in your bed reading a book, you were interrupted by a knock on your door. “Y/N, baby, you have a visitor.”
“Who is it?” you heard feet scurrying at the door.
“It’s Sarah,” the sweet voice spoke. 
“Go away, Sarah,” you grumbled, stuffing your face in a pillow. You heard the door open and close and you rolled over on your back. 
“What do you want?” You asked harshly. She sat on the edge of the bed slowly, trying not to overstep her boundaries. 
“Look, I just wanted to say that Rafe’s been a total wreck without you the past few days-”
“Let me stop you right there; if you came over here to try to convince me to get back together with that douchebag, then you can go ahead and leave.” You sighed, throwing your head back. “I don’t wanna hear anything else about him.”
“No, God, no. I think he needed to feel some pain, kick his ass into line. I just wanted you to know how miserable you made him.”
“He made himself miserable,” you sat up, looking at her eyes for the first time in weeks. You missed the delicate features that you used to see every day. 
“I know, sorry. I’m just sorry that he did that to you, and I just feel like it’s my fault.”
“Honestly, it mostly is. You ditched me and he gave me comfort. It was just my stupid decision that led me to fall for him.”
“Well, didn’t expect the guilt trip today, but I guess I deserve that,” she chuckled. “Can we please start over? I’m so sorry for all the shit I did to you, and I’m sorry about how it all ended up. I miss my best friend.”
She gave you the pouty face which she knew you could resist. You thought about it for a few seconds before agreeing. 
“Fine, but don’t expect me to get along with your brother.” She squealed and clapped her hands together, giving you a caste kiss on the cheek. 
You looked at her and smiled.
“I fucking missed you.”
my masterlist
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arhvste · 4 years
Your writing? *chefs kiss* I wanted to know if you do head canons and if so could u possibly do Kageyama and Akaashi reacting to their girlfriend coming home from school crying 🥺 💕 If not don't worry thank you 💗
stop flirting with me my heart can’t handle 😼🙈✨
and yes i do headcanons i’m so glad u asked!!
so homeboy comes home for volleyball practice sweaty asf
he’s got a good 30 mins before he knows you’ll be done with your study group so he has a shower to cleanse himself from the gross ass sweat
i just KNOW kageyama smells manly like idk how to explain it like a comforting manly smell
but anyways once he’s washed himself and is back to smelling gorgeous he puts a plain white t shirt and grey sweatpants on as he patiently awaits his pretty girlfriends return
kags is shook at the sudden slam of the front door
nobody slams kageyama’s door and gets away with it 😠
he’s ready to call you a boke when he hears u trudge up the stairs
3... 2... 1... “Y/N you bo-“
low and behold there stands a sniffling Y/N with tears dripping down her cheeks
“i-i’m sorry t-tobio -i didn’t m-mean to -“
kags cuts u off when he makes his way over to u and pulls u into his chest
kageyama gives good hugs i don’t make the rules
he was defo stiff at first but after months of dating he’s used to having you within arms reach and now gives u such warm and secure hugs
“don’t worry about it just tell me what’s wrong”
he’s stroking your hair as you silently cry into his chest making his fresh t shirt damp
he guides you to his warm bed and y’all get cosy in it
y’all are NOT doing the nasty 👺
at least not yet 😼
your crying calms down as your pretty boyfriend plays with your hair as you’re cuddled up to his strong chest
kags is such a softie for you
only has a soft spot for you in fact
simp for Y/N only
when you stop crying and you’re reduced to a few sniffles and dried tears kageyama will ask you what’s wrong again
since you’re in a much clearer state of mind you tell kags you’ve just had a bad day
forgot your homework and your bitchy teacher gave you a hard time
you didn’t have time to eat lunch because you had an essay due for the next class and you didn’t have time to write it last night because your club had overrun
you had got a below average mark on your history test which frustrated you because you knew you put revision into it
and you had a headache by the end of the day and your study group talking over each other was the last straw
kageyama is listening intently playing with your soft hair and stroking your cheek delicately
when you’re done venting he pulls you back into his chest and pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head
“don’t worry you’re here now with me and i’ll help you with any work if you want”
LMAO he is the LAST person who should be helping with work when his brain only functions when it comes to volleyball
but you find him cute for offering anyway as you shake your head and explain you were back on track after your stroke of bad luck today
soft night in with milk man
you take a shower and put on some of his clothes before joining him back in bed
lots of cuddles and movie watching
he’s giving you soft butterfly kisses throughout the evening
“i love you Y/N and i’m always here when you need me”
finally 5pm akaashi is free from bokuto
not to say he doesn’t like bokuto but akaashi can’t catch a break from the loud ace between the hours of 7am - 5pm on most days
some days they would spend time together outside of school which would lead the setter to be even more drained not that he minded
bokuto likes to call akaashi in the mornings to keep him focused on getting ready for the day
n e ways
your stunning mans enters your house because he has a spare key
your parents gave it to him because they’re in love with him??
first dinner meeting the parents and they were already insisting you marry the boy asap
“Y/N you home?”
he knows ur at home because ur shoes are there
it’s still polite to check he thinks
he makes his way to your bedroom and enters expecting to see his loving girlfriend on her phone or on her bed watching something
but what he’s met with is a teary eyed Y/N curled up into a ball
“oh darling!”
listen akaashi calls you darling i’m taking no criticism on this
darling and princess are a favourite of his
especially in the bedroom
he’s right by your side
you look up and immediately the water works are off
“shhh shhh it’s okay i’m here my love”
you’re crying into his shoulder as he’s crouched next to your bed
he stands up as you move up on your bed so there’s room for him
akaashi has a toned chest but it’s also comfortable to lay on and you’re doing just that
honestly i’m jealous of u getting to lay on his god sculpted chest 😔✊🏽
you don’t say anything yet just small hiccups coming from you as you calm back down
akaashi is drawing small circles on your back and pressing kisses to the top of your head
he loves doing this because he loves the way your hair smells
the vanilla scent calms him tf down
you begin to muffle into his shirt
“what’s that darling i can’t hear you properly?”
“i don’t even know why i’m upset. just one of those days.”
akaashi doesn’t care he’s a simp for you and will do anything to make his precious girlfriend smile
he’s giving you soft kisses and drying your eyes
mutters small professions of love to you making you giggle
“there’s that radiant smile my princess.”
you’re smiling properly at him now
the rest of the night is peaceful
he cooks you dinner and the two of you are watching conspiracy documentaries
bokuto even facetimes y’all to check you’re okay after he noticed you looking a little down earlier
we stan a considerate friend 😼
you fall asleep limbs entangled with akaashi’s feeling so much better and waking up with a clearer head
honestly 36/10 boyfriend would recommend
this turned out a lot longer than i thought it was gonna be im sorry 😳
hope this was still okay tho <3
requests are still open!
369 notes · View notes
Word Count: 1,798
Characters: Damon Salvatore, Stefan Salvatore (brief), Bonnie Bennett (brief), Caroline Forbes (mentioned), Alaric Saltzman (mentioned), Reader
Pairings: Damon Salvatore x Platonic!Reader (sort of and not rly at the same time)
Warnings: some angst, some fluff
A/N: I’m a very bad writer, period oof
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“Stefan, he’s your brother, who by the way hasn’t left your house in two weeks. Everything reeks of alcohol and he’s thrown up at least four times. Get your ass home and take care of him,” you scolded Stefan as you walked to the Salvatore house, carrying your purse and the groceries. 
Ever since Damon killed Zach, you had a hard time trusting him, or even trusting Stefan, but that didn’t stop you from staying with them. Partially because you had nowhere else to go. You felt like you were their babysitter, always scolding them and having to take care of them, knowing they would screw up taking care of themselves. 
“Okay, but he likes you,” Stefan retorted.
You rolled your eyes, holding back your words at him. 
“So? I don’t like him. He threw up in my room, by the way. And also, he’s your brother. Whatever happened can be made up by a few words and hugs,” you groaned.
“I’m taking care of Caroline, and we agreed that it would be better if he wasn’t around her, seeing as he almost killed her and Ric’s children,” you could imagine the look on Stefan’s face.
Your face dropped as you saw the front door open.
“I gotta go…” you hung up the call with Stefan, placing your bags down, as you held your knife, walking in cautiously.
Your eyes watered as you held in your gags, smelling the powerful stench of liquor. 
“Damon?” you called, keeping your eyes alert as you walked in the room. 
“Oh, (Y/N), you’re back!” Damon exclaimed, approaching behind you.
“You left the front door open, you idiot!” you hissed, putting your knife down.
“Oopa. Did you get anymore whiskey?” he asked you, handing you his glass as he stumbled past you. 
“Uhm, no. I didn’t? You guys have a cellar downstairs,” you said, slightly irritated.
“There’s nothing good left,” he shrugged.
“Are you-” you scrunched your eyes, glaring at him.
“I know! We should go out! Yeah, let’s go out to the grill, right now. We’ll go together,” he grabbed your arm, wrapping it around his as he tugged you.
“No, Damon. Sober up and clean this place up. Now. It smells worse than wolf in here,” you made a face of disgust.
“It doesn’t smell that bad,” he replied.
“You smell bad too. When was the last time you showered?” you asked, sounding more worried than upset.
“(Y/N), if I kept track of stupid things like that, I wouldn’t be awesome. I’d be like you.”
He’s drunk, he’s drunk you tried your hardest not to snap at him.
Your heart nearly stopped as you screamed, a body falling in front of you.
“Damon!” you yelled.
“Oh? Now how did that get there?!” he gasped, pretending to be shocked.
“Okay, that’s it,” you grabbed a small vial of vervain, throwing it at him as he yelled, his skin burning.
“(Y/N)!” he yelled.
“Snap out of it!” you yelled.
“Shut up and stop telling me what to do all the time! You’re not my mother!” he yelled.
“Damon…” you started.
He glared at you, speeding out of the house, leaving you with the body.
You sighed, getting to work as you began cleaning everything up.
“I don’t know what to do, here,” you groaned, laying down on the couch. The sun had set hours ago, and Damon still wasn’t back. You decided to call Bonnie to vent.
“Maybe do nothing,” she suggested.
“Funny. I’m being serious. I don’t know what’s wrong,” you said, laying on the couch.
“I know, but maybe it’s not your job. Ever since Elena… died, you’ve been doing everything for him. You’ve basically become his girlfriend. You gotta stop with that,” Bonnie said.
“I haven’t done everything.  And I’m definitely not acting like his girlfriend. You know how helpless both of them are.” you scoffed.
“Yeah, and they need to grow up and learn how to deal with it.”
“Okay, did I miss something? Why is everyone avoiding him?” you asked.
“We’re not avoiding him. Look, he tried to kill us all,” she started.
“Yeah, when he thought he was trapped in that stupid necklace. You guys can’t be avoiding him for that,” you said.
“We’re not. We’re just… keeping our distance,” Bonnie paused, you could tell she was lying.
“Yeah, sure. I should go out and find him. It’s getting late,” you yawned, hanging up the call as you got up from the couch.
You made your way through the woods, looking for Damon and Bonnie’s words preoccupied your mind. Were you really acting like his girlfriend? You knew that you felt something, deep, deep down for Damon, but you always pretended like it didn’t exist. He didn’t feel the same way back, and he would never see you as anything more than Zach’s daughter who hates him.
“Damon,” you stood in the woods, seeing Damon standing across from you, holding a bottle of whiskey, as expected.
“(Y/N),” he replied.
“Okay, what’s going on, Damon?” you sighed.
“Nothing’s going on,” he replied, not looking at you.
“You don’t sleep at night, you spend literally all of the past two weeks drinking. You killed someone,” you started listing his actions.
“This isn’t like you,”
“You don’t know me, princess. Go run off to your little castle as stay away from me,” he rolled his eyes.
“Unfortunately for me, my castle is your home too. And I’m not leaving without you. You know, I hate you. So much. You’re annoying, you’re rude, you’re loud. Whenever I want to be alone, you consistently bother me. So, I’m doing the same. Don’t tell me you’re okay. Your mother is back from the dead, your brother and your best friends are avoiding you, and your girlfriend is in a coma till your best friend dies. It’s okay to let out your emotions. You don’t have to bottle them all up and shove them down with large quantities of alcohol. It’s okay to be human,” part of you had absolutely no idea where those words came from, but you were glad they came from somewhere, seeing them affect Damon as he looked at you.
“That’s where you’re wrong. I’m not human, (Y/N),” he started.
“That doesn’t mean you can’t feel human. Now tell me what’s wrong,” you crossed your arms, staring at him. 
“What the hell do you want me to say?” he exclaimed.
“Say what you’re feeling.”
“Well, what do you mean?! Do you want me to say that I’m sad that my mother is alive?! ‘Cuz I’m not! I’m pissed! She pretended to be dead, she abandoned me! She left me with my stupid, abrasive, and abusive sone of a bitch father, and didn’t look back?! Do you want me to roll up into a little ball and cry? Cry like a little bitchy baby because my girlfriend is dead? Because my brother and my friends won’t talk to me?! Well then, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but you’re not getting it,” he yelled, taking a big gulp of the whiskey bottle.
“Well at least I know you didn’t turn off your humanity,” you said under your breath.
“Why are you still here? Stefan left, Caroline left, Bonnie left, everyone left,” you said.
“Because I care about you. I care about what you do, and what happens to you,” you replied softly.
“That’s cheap. You always talk about how much you hate me. How much you despise me,” he spat.
“You killed my dad, Damon. Of course, I hated you. But things change,” you sighed.
He clenched his jaw, walking towards you as your heart rate quickened. 
He wrapped his arms around you tightly, as you jumped slightly in shock.
You smiled softly, hugging him back.
“Thank you for not leaving me,” he said softly.
“I never will. How about we get home, yeah?” 
“Damon, no not here,” you tried pulling him up, as he laid in your bed.
“Damon, get up, this isn’t your room,” you sighed.
He ignored you, closing his eyes, as he almost instantly passed out.
You scoffed, rolling your eyes as you tucked him into your bed.
You stroked his face softly, smiling down at him.
“You know, last time you passed out in my bed, I had to sleep with Stefan, cuz Elena was in your room. That stupid blanket hogger,” you laughed softly at the memory.
“Even then, I wasn’t mad at you for it. I don’t know why, I guess deep down....” you drifted away from your thought, looking at his sleeping figure.
“For whatever crazy reason, I like you, Damon. I don’t know why, I might never know why. But I do. I know you like Elena anyway, it doesn’t matter. You’re passed out anyway, I know you can’t hear me. I don’t even know what I’m doing now. This is borderline stalkerish,” you let out a breath.
You stroked his hair softly, kissing his forehead.
“Goodnight, Damon,” you said softly, leaving your room.
“(Y/N)?” Damon walked into his room, looking for you, seeing you passed out on the bed, your feet on the headboard, as your head fell off the edge of the bed. He laughed softly to himself.
He took a chair, sitting next to the bed as you slept.
“You know, you’re a great friend, (Y/N),” he started.
“I’ve been… weirdly okay with Elena gone. That’s part of what was bothering me. I’ve been wondering why for a while. But now, I know. Or at least realized last night. It’s because of you. I like you, I have feelings for you. You’ve always been there. I know you don’t like me, but I had to say it. Whether or not you can hear me. I think I love you, (Y/N/N). Your annoying, stubborn ass. I love you and I don’t know why I didn’t realize before,” he held your hand, kissing it softly.
“Hmm, why are you holding my hand?” you groaned, sitting up in the bed.
“You’re awake! How long have you been awake for?” he immediately asked.
“Uhm, about 10 seconds. Do you always hold my hand and kiss it when I’m sleeping?” you replied, raising an eyebrow.
“That depends. Do you always sleep with your head hanging off the bed? He retorted.
“Whatever. How are you feeling?” you rolled your eyes.
“Good. Want breakfast?” he asked.
“Are you gonna poison it?” you asked.
“Yes. Yes, I am,” he said sarcastically.
“Great,” you smiled.
He ran downstairs, as you heard some music playing.
You walked downstairs, leaning against the doorway as you watched him make some pancakes, dancing with his spatula.
You smiled softly to yourself, realizing you were falling more in love with him. 
But how couldn’t you? 
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getitinbusan · 4 years
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Jinnuendo Submitted by @befriendswithj​ is the first fic for our Campfire writing game. Jungkook, Jimin And Yoongi coming soon. Taehyung, Namjoon and J Hope are still open!
Camping with your friends was supposed to be fun- you could only agree, now that Jin had made camping even funner. 
 Jin x Reader
8806 Words
Genre: Fluff, Friends to lovers, Smut, Crack,
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, dirty talk, fingering, outdoor sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before u tap it, kids), Jimin’s cakes, The title… Well, there’s no excuse for that, sorry
I think that’s it?
“Yikes, I wouldn’t wanna be her right now”
Said the bus boy standing next to you, crossing his arms as he watched the restaurant manager approach the newest addition to the waiter team, who was currently involved in a rather heated discussion with a guest,
“It’s a shame she’s gonna have to leave, she was nice…”
You added and both of you sighed heavily and returned to your duties while the poor girl was being fired for standing her ground. She was the third one this month alone. To be fair, your manager was not an easy man to please, so it only made sense that new additions to the tea would be examined even more closely than you and the others, who had worked here for longer. The only thing keeping you safe from the manager’s wrath was your natural ability to fake-smile for hours on end. It was a gift as much as it was a curse but it had secured your job in the customer service sector so far.
And soon you will have survived another painful day of serving bitchy, rude and entitled Karen’s and Chad’s for the sake of financing your studies. At least they tipped well if you smiled hard enough.
This was your last day of work before you could look forward to two weeks of uninterrupted relaxation time. You handed in your last paper for this semester last week, so all of the work for university was also
done and nothing would interfere with your plans to sleep for three days straight and then spend the rest of the time at the beach, cooking in the sun.
“See you guys in a few weeks”
You yelled into the kitchen after you gathered your things and clocked out for the night. A few hurried goodbyes reached your ears before you exited through the back door of the restaurant and finally breathed in the fresh air, smelling of freedom and definitely not the burger grease stench coming from the kitchen AC vent.
No, it was definitely freedom and it was glorious.
After a hot shower and big glass of wine you were slumped on your couch, ready to pass out any second now, when your phone went off and almost gave you a heart-attack.
You took a deep breath and checked the caller ID to see your friend Seokjin calling,
“What is it?”
Normally, Jin calling was a thing you were happy about, however, being interrupted while passing out after a 10-hour shift at your job, was not a happy occasion and you couldn’t mask the annoyance in your voice,
“Whoa, what’s got your panties in a twist? Did that guy at work steal your tips again?”
He asked and you breathed a heavy sigh,
“No, I think he learnt his lesson after I cut out the butt on all his work pants…
You answered, slowly sitting up and reaching for your wine glass to empty it with a last few sips before continuing the conversation
“Why are you calling so late? I was about to fall asleep…”,
“I just wanted to remind you to pack if you haven’t done it already. Which you probably haven’t. Case in point”
Pack? You creased your brows. Pack for what?
“YN? You still there?”,
“Uhh, yeah I am I just… can you remind me what I’m supposed to be packing for?”
If you weren’t so tired, you’d probably be a little more embarrassed,
“Seriously? It’s that time of the year, YN! It’s blackout week! Joon send everyone reminders months ago! And then weeks ago! And then again 2 days ago! How could you forget the most magical event of the year?”
You needed to hold the phone at a slight distance as to not go deaf at the sound of Seokjin’s friendly reminder. He was right, though, how could you forget? Blackout Week was the one week that you and your group of friends all looked forward to collectively every year. A whole week of camping in the mountains near a beautiful lake and no one was allowed to bring any kind of electronic devices, unless it was absolutely necessary for survival. A flashlight would be an exception but other than that you guys were pretty adapt at reverting your way of life back to the good old dark ages.
You were lucky that Jungkook and Hoseok had been part of a group of boy scouts or else blackout week would have ended in a disaster each time. Yeah well, maybe you had exaggerated when you said that all of you were pretty adapt at this stuff… But nevertheless, you were all very determined, which was just as important,
“Shit, you’re right, I completely forgot…”
You ran your hand across your face and sighed,
“Of course, you forgot, why am I even surprised…”
Jin sounded more upset that he actually was, you knew him by now. You just needed to work him a little bit,
“How early are we leaving tomorrow? Can I do it in the morning? I’m so tired…”
You probably sounded a little whiney but that usually did the trick with Jin,
“I told you to be ready at 5, you know how long the drive is. Ah YN, I still can’t believe it, you’re so careless sometimes…”
He already sounded a little softer,
“I’m sorry, I’ll start packing right now, ok?”,
You made sure to sound like the helpless damsel in distress you wanted Jin to believe you were and you were sure you had cracked him. You heard him sigh heavily on the other end of the line,
“Do you need help packing? I’ll come over and help you, it’ll be quicker and you can get more sleep”,
“Are you sure? It’s late already…”,
“Just stay awake for the next fifteen minutes and open the door when I knock, ok? I’ll be right there”,
He hung up and you smiled to yourself. There were a few advantages to knowing how Jin’s mind worked. And knowing Jin, he would never not come and help you out and you were grateful to have such a selfless friend. He knew you were an absolute mess and he didn’t mind picking up your slack once in a while because you took care of him in turn. It wasn’t like you turned up whenever he called, like he usually did for you but you were the type of friend to think of things he forgot to do for himself. You had been friends for so long, that he had given you a key to his apartment a while back and you used it to make sure his fridge was always stocked, and his plants were taken care of. He worked a lot. Way more than you and the little things like self-care and chores sometimes got put on the back burner. Since you had a little more time on your hands you would take care of these things once in a while.
Before you got up off the couch to put on some comfy pants, you stretched your tired limbs and pressed play again to let Netflix run in the background.
Jin knocked right as you finished pouring two mugs of coffee, which both of you would probably need to undertake the monumental task of packing your camping bag. You opened the door and let him inside, handing him the mug right away and watching a smile creep onto his face,
“Coffee was a good idea”
He said and slurped loudly after he closed the door,
“Thought it would make me feel less dead. I have yet to see that theory proven”
You sipped on your coffee, too,
“Thank you for helping me, though, I completely forgot about the trip”
Jin waved you off,
“At this point I’d be surprised if you actually had remembered it. I know I’m usually the busy one but this semester you’ve had so much stuff to do, that I can’t even be mad you forgot everything not related to uni”
You smiled at him. Even though Jin loved to get his Dad mode on and get all red-faced and out of breath from all the scolding, he was a softie at heart and everyone knew, no matter how hard he puffed up his chest, he never really meant any harm. He was all bark and no bite and none of your friends took anything he said seriously,
“Let’s get started then”
He said and put down the mug in your sink before waltzing off towards your bedroom and digging around in your closet until he emerged with your suitcase. You watched him zoom around the place for a second until you joined him, sitting down on the bedroom floor and grabbing some clothes to roll up and place in the case,
“You want some snacks?”
You asked Jin in case he wanted some food in addition to the great entertainment you provided with Netflix in the background, your loud combined breathing and the rustling of useless stuff around you as you moved it around to find viable things to pack,
“I’m good, thanks, though”
He said and dived head first into a pile of clothes to look for your warmer sweatshirts. The end of summer was in sight and you would be staying pretty high up the mountains, so better be prepared,
“Although… do you still have some of those mini pretzels?”,
“Yeah, sure”
You got up and got him the bag of his beloved snack and then it was time to get some real work done.
“Thank GOD we finally made it!”
Jin jumped out of the car and went to kneel down to kiss the ground but you stopped him before things could get ugly. What a baby, you thought to yourself… so what if you sang along to Cotton Eyed Joe for three hours straight? It’s a timeless masterpiece,
“So what if I sang along to Cotton Eyed Joe for three hours straight, it’s a timeless masterpiece!”
You argued and Jin’s eyes almost bulged out of his head,
“A timeless- can you even comprehend the unspeakable agony I was in? It felt like my soul left my mortal body and only the haunting of Cotton Eyed Joe remained…”
He could be such a drama queen sometimes. You rolled your eyes and sighed; deciding to be the bigger person really should be considered a virtue,
“Anyway, we made it here on time, didn’t we? You sure know how to burn some rubber when you don’t like the music I play…”
Jin pulled himself off the ground, holding onto the car door. His joints weakly cracked while he got up,
“I aged like 30 years during this trip and it’s only just starting…”
He mumbled to himself, shaking his head and making his neck crack in addition to everything else,
“What was that?”
You asked and Jin quickly went to unload the trunk,
“Nothing, nothing”
He answered, avoiding an even longer discussion about Cotton Eyed Joe.
You quickly joined him and had your bags unloaded in no time.
It seemed like you were the first ones to arrive at the camping site and when you informed Jin of that, his mood immediately shifted,
“We get to choose our spot?”
He looked at you in disbelief,
“Seems like it…”,
“Finally, we don’t have to sleep next to the dumpster!”
You never got to choose your spot because you had never been the first ones to arrive,
“Jin, there isn’t even a dumpster here, were in the middle of literal nowhere, nothing but lake, mountains and forest for miles”,
“True but somehow, the garbage always ended up being next to our tent because it was the only space left”
Ok, well, you guessed that was kinda true. You didn’t mind it though, you were a heavy sleeper,
“Ok, so let’s pick a good spot this time, hm?”
You said, clapped your hands together and looked around to assess the available spots,
“How about over there?”
You pointed to the edge of the clearing, where the trees began to grow thicker and taller. Jin squinted and pursed his lips,
He hummed and you guessed you wouldn’t be setting up there,
“What do you think about setting up here?”
You walked into the middle of the clearing, near the stump where the campfire would be set up later and Jin immediately pursed his lips even harder and hummed louder and you quickly suggested more,
“Ok, so near the lake then? Work with me here, Jin”
You walked down to the soft grass near the shore and presented it as appealingly as possible and Jin lips formed a smile. He nodded, finally. He walked towards you with the rolled-up tent under his arm and you planted it firmly in the ground. Not a second to soon, too because right after you set it down, another car approached and parked right beside Jin’s,
“Ah, the cavalry arrives”
You commented and just as you and Jin had planted the last fixture and the tent was stable, the car doors opened and the three Musketeers exited the vehicle in style.
Yoongi, sporting his usual urban-grandpa-couture, adjusted his tinted glasses and ran a hand through the hair that stuck out from his
headband, before he casually nodded at you and Jin in greeting. Hoseok and his brother Taehyung waved at you enthusiastically in their brightly coloured jackets and each held up a bag filled with goodies that looked extremely promising,
“Woooow! You’re here early!”
Hoseok could barely believe it,
“And you even grabbed the best spot, well done guys!”
He congratulated you, genuinely surprised that you made it here before anyone else for the first time,
“be honest, did you ever expect this to happen?”
You asked him as he came over to hug you and Jin simultaneously,
“Not in a million years”,
“But we’ve been rooting for you guys ever since we started this tradition”
Tae said as he leisurely strolled over and hugged you tightly,
“Thanks, it only took us almost 10 years to get here, so we’re gonna make sure to rub it in your faces whenever possible”
Jin piped up and you chuckled to yourself,
“If you got here so early you could have prepared the fire already instead of being lazy”
Yoongi grumbled and trudged over, as well,
“Missed you too, boo bear”
You cooed at him and went to pinch his cheeks,
“Goochie goo, look at you, you put on weight”
You loved treating him like a baby. He also loved it when you did it but he would sooner die than ever admit to that,
“Ugh, don’t touch me”
He weakly tried to wiggle out of your grip on his pinchable cheeks and after they presented all the goodies, they brought with them, you helped the guys set up their tent. Then you actually did prepare the fire.
The last of your friends to arrive were Namjoon, his baby cousin Jungkook and Jimin. Even more pinchable cheeks for you to victimize, you thought, rubbing your hands together evilly.
When they arrived, the rest of you were sitting around the fire and you only noticed their arrival when you heard their voices approach through the trees. Apparently, they had chosen to hike here,
“I’m never listening to you again… hiking here, I can’t believe I thought this was a good idea”
Joon said, sounding somewhat out of breath as he and Jungkook stepped into the clearing. He dropped his bags and drew in a long breath,
“Come on, it wasn’t that bad! And it’s not like you couldn’t use a little more exercise…”
Jungkook said, mumbling the last part of the sentence,
“What was that?”,
“Nothing, nothing…”
Jungkook picked up Joon’s bags in addition to his and marched on towards you guys, sitting by the fire. Jimin stepped out of the woods last and looked just as ethereal as everyone remembered. As he ran a hand through his hair, the sun immediately took a step back to let him take the place in the spotlight.
A collective sigh ran through your group and a couple of awkward glances and coughs were exchanged before you all got your bearings back. He smiled when he saw you and gave a little wave that made you giggle like a little girl when you waved back. Jin could only shake his head in disbelief. Sure, Jimin was hot. Even he could admit to that; but surely you thought Jin was handsome, too, right?
“Sorry we’re late, guys!”
Jungkook said as he reached you and set the bags down,
“Don’t worry about it”
Hoseok got up first and hugged the younger boy tightly before the rest of you got up and said hi. Joon and Jimin walked over, too and the hugging continued for a little longer than usual hugging because everyone took a little more time to get an extended hug with Jimin. It was honestly ridiculous how thirsty all of you were for him. And the poor guy had no idea.
After all the tents had been set up, everything was prepared and all of you had settled back around the fire, you watched Yoongi and Jimin prepare dinner, while Hoseok and Taehyung played UNO and Jungkook was scribbling something in a notebook. Jin was sitting next to you and reading through the gas grill’s user manual, Jimin and Yoongi were currently trying t get to work,
“Are you sure, you’re not holding it upside down?”
You asked him and reached out to grab it from him but he held it out of your reach and sighed,
“YN, I know how to read a damn…- hold on, it’s actually upside down”,
“Wait, really?
You were only joking about the upside-down thing,
“NO, of course not! How incapable do you think I am?”
Jin slapped your shoulder with the papers and you laughed as you tried to lean away far enough,
“Very, and I’m not even sorry for it”
you said and Jin’s mouth dropped open and he coughed out a laugh,
“With a friend like you, I really don’t need any enemies”
He said and you leaned back in to look up at him and channel your cutest pout,
“This is why you love me, though”
You were right, he thought, no one could make him feel so dumb, yet so happy at the same time. Especially with an annoyingly cute pouty face like yours,
“You’re lucky, that’s true”
He continued flipping through the manual and soon, the grill was working and he saved Yoongi and Jimin from their misery. Just in time, too because Tae was getting hungry and no one wanted to deal with that.
“Aw man, that was so good!”
Jungkook said, stuffing the last food from his bowl into his mouth, chewing loudly,
“You want the rest of mine?”
You asked him, holding your bowl in his direction and he nodded eagerly, big eyes getting even bigger,
“There you go, big boy”
You smiled to yourself and handed him your bowl,
“God, where is all that food even going?”
Yoongi said, as he watched Jungkook devour the additional food he had just received,
“Shhh, let him eat”
You shushed Yoongi with a pat to his leg and watched Jungkook munch happily,
“Anyone want some rice cakes?”
Jimin piped up and opened up a Tupperware filled with the juicy looking sweet treats,
“Oooooh, Jimin, they look amazing!”
You couldn’t believe your eyes; they were your favourite,
“I knew you’d like them”
Jimin said as he watched your eyes and smile grow bigger,
“Have some”
He added and held the box your way,
“Oh yes! Thank you”
You got up and tiptoed around the fire to kneel in front of him to munch on his cakes.
You looked at him with glossy eyes, happy that he remembered your favourite treat. And they were good, too. So good, that you had to close your eyes as you had the first bite,
You mumbled with a full mouth,
You said and Jimin smiled proudly. Jin watched the interaction quietly from his seat.
Damn, he thought, he should have remembered to bring some rice cakes for you. He wasn’t really jealous of Jimin and his cakes. Really, he wasn’t. He was convinced that little crush of yours was completely food related, so he didn’t really think there was anything more to it. All he wanted was for that interaction to have taken place with him and also, for you to give all your attention to him and not Jimin. That seems like a reasonable mindset, right? So, in conclusion, he wasn’t jealous, at all.
However, when Jimin took a second rice cake out of the box and held it to your lips, time seemed to slow down for Jin and not in the good, romantic way he would have preferred it. Jimin gently placed the cake in your mouth and your lips closed around his finger for a second before he slowly pulled away. You moaned in pleasure as you started chewing and Jin had to bite down on his tongue to not lose his mind. To the others this was a completely normal and innocent thing to witness; just two friends sharing some food, what’s wrong with that? Everything, according to the way Jin was currently staring Jimin down and tried to telepathically communicate his disdain for the way he fed you food in the most erotic way possible. Ok, maybe he was a little jealous, after all.
Why was this suddenly getting to him? He knows that the relationship you have with him isn’t purely based on friendship, since the both of you had had some ambiguous moments of will they, won’t they before but it was never really anything you acted upon or even talked about. Nothing to take seriously.
Maybe, by watching you and Jimin flirt so innocently, he had just realized now, how precious you really were to him and that he wanted to try and incorporate a romantic aspect into your relationship.
Or maybe, he just never felt threatened before. Never felt like his place in your life was about to be taken away from him by a guy with sweet, juicy and delicious cakes.
Damn Jimin’s cakes! Jin got up and started collecting everyone’s dishes. He didn’t want to continue watching you basically crawling in Jimin’s lap and sucking the cakes off his fingers.
Maybe he went a little too hard with the whole dish collecting thing because as he ripped Jungkook’s bowl from his hands, the younger hadn’t completely finished I and yelled after Jin, as he went down to the lake and started vigorously scrubbing everything.
However, Jin didn’t know that he had absolutely nothing to be jealous of because as soon as he had left the circle, Tae, who was sat next to Jimin, made him feed him cakes, as well.
Let’s just say that even someone as oblivious as you knew when some actual sexual tension was developing. You decided it was time to awkwardly retreat to your seat now, before you were sandwiched in between the two boys. Only now did you notice that Jin had left the comfort of his camping chair,
“Hey, were did he go?”
You asked Joon, who was wrapped in a thick jacket with his hands around a warm cup of tea. While someone outside of your circle might be a little confused at the sight of someone with such a warm jacket on in this warm weather, you had stopped wondering about his weird habits a while ago. He slurped his tea and pointed down to the shore where, if you squinted heavily, you could faintly recognise the outline of Jin’s body in the dark. You excused yourself from the others and walked the short distance to join Jin in washing the dishes. He was slumped over, kneeling at the shore and, apparently, hadn’t noticed you approaching. So you yelled and gripped his shoulders from behind:
The high-pitched scream he let out almost burst your eardrums but it was definitely worth it to see him almost jump into the water in shock,
“What the hell, YN? Why would you do that?”
He was clearly very upset about the whole thing but you only snickered like a mean little kid and kneeled down next to him,
“I’m sorry, I just couldn’t resist”
You said and took the knife he was scrubbing out of his hands. Safer this way. Even in the dark you could see his eyes, big as saucers and it only made you laugh more. You took his hand in yours in apology and Jin didn’t resist, he just yelled louder like he usually did,
“You’re such a brat! I volunteer to do the dishes and what do you do? Wow, the disrespect is off the charts!”
His yelling was like an affectionate pat on the back by now because you knew he would never actually yell at you in anger. He knew you loved it because you always laughed even harder when he started ranting. And when you squeezed his hand a little tighter, he was sure there was nothing he enjoyed more than making you laugh by making an ass of himself,
“I’ll stop, I promise!”
You bowed your head and clutched his hand to your chest, still smiling,
“Tsk, empty promises”
He shook his head and you looked up at him,
“I’ll make it up to you, I’ll help you with the dishes”
You said eagerly,
“And also, I snagged one of the rice cakes for you”
Jin listened up,
“I know you love these things even more than I do”
He heard some shuffling and then you held your hand up in front of his face, a tiny cake sitting in your palm,
“Open up”
You said, taking the cake between two fingers and holding it up for Jin,
“For me?”
He asked, just to make sure he wasn’t imagining this,
“Of course, for you, you genius”
Jin slowly opened his mouth and you gently placed the treat in it, like Jimin did with you. However, Jin didn’t think of Jimin in this moment, he only thought about the way your thumb lingered on his lower lip for a few seconds before you pulled your hand back. He felt his affection for you stir in his heart again.
He also felt something else stir in a different bodily region at the feeling of your fingers on his lips.
He quickly turned away and swallowed the sweet cake before clearing his throat,
He managed to mumble and went right back to washing dishing and willing away the growing problem you were responsible for,
“Move over, I’ll help”
You said and crowded his space again to help him with the dishes and then a comfortable silence set in, only interrupted by the occasional loud laughter from the rest of the guys.
The last night approached quicker than all of you would have liked. After all of the days spent on the lakeshore, basking in the sun and eating smores at night around the campfire, it was finally time to return to your normal life. You and Jin had gotten used to the tent situation quickly, even though it wasn’t the most comfortable or convenient.
Well, for Jin at least. After the you had gone to sleep on the first night, Jin lay awake for a while longer, not being able to get your small fingers and your gentle touch out of his mind and it didn’t help that you were right here next to him, bodies only separated by a thin sheet you used as blanket.
And it had only gotten worse.
Tonight, the silhouette of your body, illuminated by the dying light of the fire outside, made Jin especially weak. He, like you and the others, had a few drinks to celebrate your trip and commemorate your friendship and, surprisingly, alcohol didn’t do a lot to enhance his self -control. More like the opposite,
“You good? Are you comfortable?”,
You and Jin had finally arranged yourselves into the bed rolls and were about to go to sleep. You were turned away from him with not a lot of distance between your bodies. It had been an especially hot day and even though it was already dark, the air and the ground hadn’t begun to cool down, yet. Jin was uncomfortable in the heat and he had already stripped down to his briefs; just being in the tent, next to you, not even a sheet over your bodies, to avoid even more heat, he felt like his body was heating up even more. He heard you shuffle around a little and then your thin top was flying over his face and you wore nothing but your underwear,
“I’m sorry if this makes you uncomfortable but I feel like I’m melting”
You said and fanned your face to feel even the slightest relief from the heat. Jin didn’t say anything for a few seconds, too caught up in the realisation that you were in nothing but your underwear, right next to him,
“It’s fine”
His voice betrayed him, sounding breathy and thin. He cleared his throat,
“Don’t worry about it”
There, he sounded super manly again,
“I’m dying over here… it was nice when we were in the water but now? I’m not made for this weather”
You lamented and turned to Jin, tucking your hands under your head to be comfortable. He was glad that it was so dark because if there were even a little bit more light coming in from the outside you would have seen him staring shamelessly at your tits, pushed together between your arms,
“Yeah it’s uh… really bad”
Very smooth, Jin, managing to answer even though his briefs were getting uncomfortably tight, he thought to himself. The fire outside finally went out completely and the clinking of glasses and the sound of another tent zipper let you know that the last of your friends were about to hit the hay, as well,
“Do you mind if I open the zipper? Let some more air in?”
You asked and sat up already,
“No, go ahead, can’t be worse than this, anyway”
You felt around for the zipper and dragged it down until the flaps of the tent opened and a slight breeze greeted you from outside,
“Well, it’s not much but I can breathe a little better”,
You fell back into the bed roll with a sigh and Jin suddenly had an idea,
“Hey, YN”,
“How about we just go down to the lake? Put our feet in the water, cool down a little, you know?”,
“Mhmh, I guess”,
“It’s probably more effective than just opening the zipper”,
“Yeah, you’re right”
You sighed again and sat up in the tent,
“Ok then, let’s go. We gotta be quiet though, I think everyone’s sleeping already”
You said and Jin sat up, too, to crawl out of the tent and help you stand up after you crawled out, too. He grabbed your hand and slowly you navigated the dark clearing in the full moon light down to the soft grass around the lake shore until you felt the water gently lap on your feet.
Both of you sat down on the grass and let the waves envelope your feet on their way up,
“Ugh, I already feel so much better”
You relaxed and lay back on the grass, stretching your overheated and tired limbs,
Jin stretched his legs, tapping and tickling your smaller feet with his and making you giggle,
“Jin, that tickles”
You tried to wiggle away, and escape his big gorilla feet,
“Is this an unexplored fetish of yours?”
you asked, making Jin laugh and trying to not be too loud,
“The tickling or the feet?”,
“Oh my god is it both?”,
“Are you kink-shaming me?”
“Definitely! Feet are gross”
You smiled and pushed yourself off the grass back into a sitting position,
“I don’t have a weird kink, calm down”
Jin loved riling you up, just as much as you did it to him,
“Anyway, I’m gonna go in, I think.”
He announced after he was done teasing you and slowly waded into the shallow water,
“you coming?”
You looked up at him, shaking your head,
“I don’t think so, I don’t have my bathing suit. Don’t wanna sleep in wet undies”
“Suit yourself. But don’t complain about the heat”
He simply said and turned around, walking until water reached up to his ribs.
It probably wouldn’t be so bad to get your underwear wet; in this heat they would be dry in no time anyway. But another thought crossed your mind and you contemplated just going commando. Even though yours and Jin’s relationship had never been anything more that friendly, except for a little flirting here and there, you felt like it could be more. There could be more to the flirting and the innocent hand touching. And times like these made you want to just cross the line. Despite Jin thinking he was pretty subtle about everything, you had noticed how, during the trip, he eyed you and Jimin curiously whenever you were talking. You had also noticed how he tried to put as much distance between you as possible in the tent as to not push his very obvious hard on anywhere near you. By now you just wanted to see if he would cross the line first.
Watching him, you unclipped your bra and slipped your panties down your legs, before you also let the cool waves roll against your body. He had already made his way a little farther out and you stopped where your feet could still feel the ground and the water just reached around your clavicle,
“Guess the heat finally got to you, hm?”
Jin said, as he noticed you approaching,
“Right, the heat”
You mumbled and he swam closer, back to your,
“Not worried about the clothes anymore?”
You shook your head and smiled,
“What clothes?”,
“Your under- Oh”
Jin stopped in the middle of the sentence after he had realised what you meant. His mouth fell open as his eyes took in the naked line of your shoulders, no straps in sight,
“I didn’t wanna get them wet”
You said and Jin has to swallow hard. You’re naked under the blurry sheen of the water and he doesn’t know how to handle the situation,
“Yeah, no, I get it, convenience and all that, right?”
He laughs awkwardly and tries and fails to cover up his sudden insecurity about your naked boobs just a few inches away from his face,
“Yeah, I just thought I’d let the girls breathe, you know?”
You looked down and Jin could see your hands covering your boobs right under the surface,
“Yeah, yeah, no big deal, just let the… the girls out”
He took a deep breath and tried to look anywhere but your hands encasing your tits. The trees were pretty in the dark, so out there. And their crowns looked so big and full and round in the moonlight. They were probably very soft if he were to submerge his face between them.
Yeah, trees really were something; He had always been a tree guy.
And he probably should take a step back so he wouldn’t accidentally poke you in the stomach,
“Are you ok? Am I making you uncomfortable?”
You asked, your voice sounding all soft an innocent,
“Do you want me to put it all back on?”
Jin whipped his head around at that and held his hands up,
“No! No, I mean…”
More awkward coughing,
“Don’t bother, you’re comfortable. I’m completely fine”
You giggled cutely and Jin felt his self-control pack its bags and jump out of the window,
“Are you sure? You seem kinda bothered…”
You took a step forward and Jin escaped immediately,
“I think I’m gonna go back out, it’s freezing in here, don’t you think?”
He stuttered and rushed through the water so fast that I splashed you in the face. You smiled to yourself, fully aware that Jin was definitely not unbothered by your boobs. A fact, that you would use to your advantage.
And Entertainment.
You also swam back to the shore, where Jin was already standing on the grass again, his back turned to the water. When the water wasn’t high enough to cover up your nakedness anymore you wanted to get Jin’s attention again. You slowly exited the water and walked towards Jin, who was currently picking up your underwear carefully. You noticed him stalling a moment and feeling the soft fabric of your panties between his fingers before he spoke up,
“YN, I’ll leave your stuff closer to the water, ok?”
He said, thinking you were still swimming around without a care in the world,
“No need”
You said from behind him and he jumped, dropping your things, then tripped and landed on his ass, as he tried to put some more distance between you again,
“Ah… you scared me again”
He said, sitting on the floor and covering his eyes with his fingers immediately. He was only able to see your face through the gaps between his fingers. You didn’t say anything; you just stood there for a few seconds, making Jin suffer even more,
“I uh, do you wanna go back by any chance? I’m kinda tired”
He tried to find an excuse to flee again but you weren’t having it. You knelt down and placed your self firmly in his lap, straddling him,
“I don’t wanna go back, yet”
You mumbled and gently wrapped your small fingers around the wrist of Jin’s hand, trying to get him to uncover his eyes and look at you. He resisted. Not at all cost but it was enough to give you pause and make you doubt your intentions,
“Jin, it’s ok, you can look”
You tried to soothe him a little but he didn’t relent,
“YN, please, I’m trying so hard”
He whispered, hoping you would get the message.
It wasn’t like he didn’t want to look, he definitely wanted to. He was sure, the hard dick poking you in the thighs told you so very clearly. It was just that he wasn’t sure what would happen, if he gave in. Your friendship was something he treasured and was thankful for every day, no matter how annoying you could be at times,
“Would it be so bad? We’ve been friends for so long, have you never thought about it?”
Your soft voice slowly but surely worked on dismantling his determination,
“Of course, I thought about it. Multiple times, actually. Especially this week”
Jin answered and he felt you shift slightly above him,
“So, if you thought about it, does that mean… you don’t want to?”
He thought he heard something like disappointment in your voice and he was never good at ignoring when you felt down,
“Are you kidding? You think I’d be this hard if I didn’t want to?”
He tried to lighten the mood and let his free hand move up and down your thigh,
“I’ve been wanting to do this for ever, YN, I just don’t know if this is a good idea”,
“Jin, please…”
He swallowed as he felt you move again, this time you were pushing down on him, grinding against him and he had a hard time to keep his eyes covered,
He cursed at the feeling of you grinding on him and you moved his hand higher from your thigh while you tried again to remove his hand from his face. He slowly let you but he kept his eyes closed,
“Jin, look at me”
You now held both of his hands in yours and you slowly moved the up your body until they cupped your breasts. You sighed and squeezed Jin’s hands around them making him moan and his head fell forward, against your shoulder,
“YN, fuck, you need to stop… I’m a weak man and your tits feel amazing”
He started squeezing on his own and slowly rubbed his thumbs on your nipples,
“Touch me, baby, please”
Your pleas were making him so weak and he knew there was no way he would stop now, that he felt your soft skin under his hands. He turned his head just a little, placing his lips against your neck and kissing you gently. He listened to your moans and let you move against him, rub yourself against his dick in his briefs and it made him so hard; shit, you just felt so good against him, warm and soft and your tits were so fucking nice he couldn’t form a coherent thought anymore. He wanted more, needed more, needed to touch more and taste more of you, so he quickly spun you around and pushed your body back into the soft grass and hovered above you,
“Kiss me”
You whine and he wants nothing more than to kiss every inch of your skin. Starting with your pretty lips; you pretty lips which were always pouting smiling, making him crazy and making him wish he knew what the felt like around his dick. He leans down and they’re so soft. So damn soft like your beautiful tits, which he went right back to squeezing and massaging, making you moan into his mouth. Then it’s wet; tongues finding each other, wet bodies grinding together and your wet pussy rubbing against him. God, you’re so wet. He even feels it through his boxer briefs. He never thought he’d be able to get you this wet. When you lift your legs and wrap them around his hips, he can’t hold back any longer,
“Shit, you feel so good, YN, so fucking soft”
He starts kissing your neck again, moving along the smooth skin down to your collarbone and then further down to suck one of your nipples into his mouth. You moaned and ran your hands through his hair, tugging slightly and running your nails along his scalp,
“Feel good, baby?”
He asked, voice rough as he switched sides,
“So good…”
You managed to answer through your bliss-clouded mind,
“Want more”
You added and weakly grabbed one of Jin’s hands to move it lower, between your legs,
“More? Want me here? Want me to touch your pussy?”
You never would have guessed Jin would be so vocal during sex, you always thought he’d be the sweet and vanilla type of guy but you weren’t about to complain when his fingers felt so good rubbing your lower lips,
“Yes, touch me, please, want you so much”
you pulled his face back down to yours to kiss him as he let his fingers slide through your wetness and moaned into the kiss at how fucking good it felt,
“Shit, you’re so wet… so fucking warm, fuck”
He started rubbing your clit lightly and you broke the kiss to bury your face in his neck and muffle your moans,
“Ah, Jin…”,
“Like this?”,
“Fuck, yes”
He made you feel so good, you wanted to do the same. You worked your hand between your bodies, too and started rubbing Jin through the fabric of his briefs. The feeling of his hard dick in your hands made you want more and you slipped your hand inside, wrapping it around him for real and gently moving it until you felt his fingers lose their rhythm on your clit and all you could hear were the pleasured moans he failed to hold in,
“Am I doing it right?”
You knew you were doing it right but you also knew Jin loved it when you acted helpless and cute. Could only apply even more in this situation,
“Yeah, you are… So right, so good, shit”
He sucked on the skin of your neck and slid his finger from your clit down and slowly, gently slipped it inside of you, moaning at the warm wet feeling that greeted him. You couldn’t find any words that would accurately express your thoughts at this moment; you could just tighten your legs around him and try not to be so loud you’d wake the others,
“You like that, hm? Feel so tight, baby, can’t wait to fuck you”
Jin moaned in your ear and you felt a heatwave run through your body,
“Jin, fuck me, plea- Ah…”
right as you begged him, he slid in a second finger,
“That what you want? Want me to fuck you?”
He pushed his fingers in deeper and you tried to not lose the rhythm you had going on with your hand around his dick,
You couldn’t form a decent answer at this point,
“You sure, baby? I could make you come like this and then fuck you; make you come again”
He kissed you slow and deep this time, moving his fingers in tandem with his tongue. You shook your head, tightening your legs again, pushing his fingers even deeper,
“No? You want it now? Want me to fuck that tight little pussy?”
Jesus, you thought, you never knew words could turn you on so much,
“Then you’ll get it, baby”
He pulled his fingers out slowly and you watched as he stuck them in his mouth to suck them clean,
“Mhm, fuck, I’ll eat you next time, don’t even try to stop me”
You spread your legs as he sat back on his haunches and pushed his briefs down, finally. You couldn’t make out his size in the dark but you had already felt that it was a little bigger than what you were used to.
Jin gripped himself, moving his hand along his dick and sighing,
“Can’t believe this is happening…”
He said and leaning back down, hovering over your body,
“Wanted this for so long”
He continued and you let your hand travel over his naked chest as he guided his dick to slide through your wetness. You watched him shudder and a breath hitched in his throat as his dick made contact with your wet, warm centre,
“God, feels so good already, Jin, don’t tease me”
He bent down and kissed you,
“I won’t, I just…”
He hesitated for a second and took a deep breath,
“I don’t have any condoms with me, I wasn’t really planning on this to happen”
You smiled at the sudden insecurity in his voice and gently ran a hand through his dishevelled hair,
“It’s fine, I have an IUD, you don’t have to worry”,
“I can come inside you? You sure?”,
“I want you to”,
Jin went right back to kissing and sucking on your neck,
“Please, Jin, fuck me, come inside me… want you so bad”
The way you sounded so fucking whiney and sweet; he moaned into your skin and rubbed his dick along your pussy before he slowly pushed the head inside. Unprepared for the incredible feeling of your wet, tight pussy around his dick, he pushed in even more, swallowing all your moans and pleas. Never had he felt this good before, literally never. Your pussy felt so damn good around him, he wasn’t even completely sure this was real,
“Ah, Jin!”
He could tell you tried to be quiet,
“Shit, it’s so big…”,
“You ok? Want me to go slow?”
He asked for your comfort, yet he wasn’t sure he could do anything about it because his dick was definitely pushing itself deeper inside you of its own accord. He probably couldn’t stop, even if he wanted to,
“No, I’m fine, it feels amazing”
You threw your head back into the grass and Jin bent a little to suck your nipple back into his mouth, adding to your pleasure even more.
He pushed in deeper and deeper, moving his hips until they wouldn’t go any further and he was balls deep inside you. Even if you didn’t, he needed a moment to come back to reality and not finish before he had even started. You held him so tightly and he squeezed every bit of skin he could reach as your hips moved against his, stealing his breath and making him feel so fucking good,
“You feel so good, YN, so fucking good”
He closed his eyes and let himself get lost in the feeling of your body against his,
“So wet, so tight- this pussy’s made for me”
He mumbled against your skin and kissed and sucked what his lips could find. He wanted to be more in control, wanted to be more focused on your pleasure but it just felt so good. He could only hope he was making you feel as good as he possibly could,
“Jin, touch me…”
He heard you sigh and he placed one last kiss to your lips before he pushed himself up to sit back, so he could bring his fingers back to your clit,
“Like this?”
He asked as he rubbed you and immediately felt you clench around him,
“Yes, ah… like that”,
He lifted your leg onto his shoulder with his other hand, spreading you even more for him. This new angle had him hitting you deeper and Jin did his very best to hit all the right places. He already felt his end approaching and he knew he couldn’t hold it off for long,
“Jin, fuck, I’m close, don’t stop”
Your words were music to his ears. He held your leg tightly to his chest, fucking you deeper and harder, working his fingers as close to the rhythm his hips were setting as possible,
“That’s it, baby, come for me”
He ben forward slightly, wanting to be closer to you, wanting to see your face when you came,
“Come all over my dick”
His words made you feel hot all over and you felt your muscles contracting, bringing you closer to your end,
“Ahh, I’m gonna come”
Your voice was strained and you put both of your hands over your mouth, knowing this was gonna be a loud one. Jin was captivated by the pure look of pleasure on your face and devoted all of his movements to making you come, desperate to see your face and feel you clench around his dick,
“Gonna come for me? I can feel it, baby, tell me what to do”,
“Just like that, don’t stop”,
“You’re so beautiful… look so good like this; I want you so much”
He told you all the things he always wanted you to know and more until he felt your pussy tighten around him and your leg spasm in his grip while you moaned through your hands in a desperate attempt to deafen the noise as you came around him. He pushed in so deep, revelling in the feeling of your orgasm and letting his own take over.
He bent down, pushing your hands out of your face and capturing your lips in a slow, deep kiss that made your toes curl like that orgasm just did. He came so deep inside you, filling you up so good and holding you so tight and close, you never wanted him to let you go.
As your muscles relaxed and your breathing evened out again, just like Jin’s, he took your hands in his and kissed them before intertwining your fingers and pressing another long, deep kiss to your lips,
“Jeesus, Jin, I never would have thought you’d talk so dirty to me”
Was the first thing that came to your mind as he slipped out of you and lay down next to you. He let out a hearty laugh and ran a hand over his face,
“I don’t know what came over me”
He said and you smiled,
“I just bring out the best in you, don’t I?”
He squeezed your hand lovingly,
“My best is definitely in you, yes”
He snickered and you slapped his shoulder,
“You’re so nasty, Jin!”
You both giggled as suddenly a loud voice rang through your post-orgasmic bliss,
“You’re both nasty! Fucking like horny teenagers while all your friends are trying to sleep? What are you, 16? Get a damn room next time, fuck!”
Both of you recognized Yoongi’s voice. You probably woke him up or kept him from sleeping,
You said, hiding your face in Jin’s neck,
“You should be happy it’s only happened now! Otherwise you wouldn’t have gotten any sleep at all!”
Jin yelled back and you laughed even harder.
He had exactly zero shame and that was probably why you worked so well together. And you continued to work well together two more times that  night. And then you continued to work even better together for a lot more years to come.
Submitted by @befriendswithj​
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philocake · 5 years
Yep, you guessed it, more HTTYD Homecoming salt
I am feeling extra salty today after rewatching the thing and reading the comment sections of the clips shown on Youtube. Today, I’m going to complain about worldbuilding. And some other stuff, cause every second of this short is wrong.
Alright, let me remind myself how rushed this thing is before I get into tearing it apart. It’s not even funny. All the dialogue feels forced and out of character like half of the time, and the pacing is just really strange. Yes, yes, it’s a short, it has lower budget, blah, blah, blah... Not a valid excuse. One, they made the same mistake they made in HTTYD3: too much plot for too little screentime. Two, Gift of the Night Fury had several things to say and yet the pacing was not awkward at all. It really felt like part of the first movie instead of something with less budget thrown into it.
Gift of the Night Fury was nice and heartwarming, and every single character and all they said and did stayed true to the film’s canon. They actually show us how the characters have been doing and give us a little bit of development, and every funny and cute moment is perfectly balanced. Homecoming has none of that. It tries to be charming and its attempts come across as desperate and weird, and man, don’t get me started on how much they clung to comedy - yet again, same mistake with HTTYD3. The jokes and funny comments are just so out of character, so unnecessary, so sudden, so repetitive and so half-hearted that I can’t even force a smile and give the writers any pity for trying.
I’m sorry, but the “and then it hit me” joke was only funny the first time. When a 20 minute short starts milking jokes, you know they have no idea what they’re doing and just want to make you laugh so you can ignore their fatal flaws.
Anyway, let me talk about character development and worldbuilding, because man Homecoming completely smashed these two very important concepts that Gift of the Night Fury treated with impeccable respect.
The characters have been destroyed. The whole play thing was a mess and no one should’ve acted they way they did. Why is Hiccup okay with that disaster? He’s the chief, he should have a little more saying in what they do and don’t do. Yes, he’s Hiccup, he’s gonna be goofy and all... but being goofy does not equal to being a helpless idiot. Actually, HTTYD3 and Homecoming both seem to have deemed it a good idea to turn perfectly good, stable characters into idiots for the sake of comedy. Take Tuffnut, for example. Yes, we all know the twins. We all know how they are. We also know that Tuffnut is not that big of a moron. And omfg, don’t even get me started on Gobber. I’ve always liked his character, but in Homecoming... I don’t even have the words. He’s awful. He’s annoying. He’s stupid. He’s not Gobber. I didn’t think you could destroy a character this badly after HTTYD3, but here we are. I don’t even want to talk more about what he does in detail because it pisses me off so much. That person is just not Gobber. Nothing else to say.
Speaking of characters... Where the absolute hell is Valka. They destroyed her enough in HTTYD3 (physically, too) and now they just throw her out of the picture and offer no explanations? Not a single mention? The yak-nog got a cameo and she didn’t? Fantastic! I want to think she did the most sensible thing and ran off to live with the dragons, somehow. Would be better than the freakshow Berk is. I would do the same if I lived surrounded by 1-dimensional morons, Val.
More problems on Berk, let’s see... Why don’t the kids know about Stoick and are allowed to trash his statue without being called out? Shouldn’t he be talked about like he’s the stuff of legends (which he is) to every kid? Hiccup was told countless stories about him when he was little. Yes, he’s his son, but that shouldn’t give only him the privilege of listening to stories. And speaking of telling kids things, why have Hiccup and Astrid not told their kids about the dragons sooner? You’d think these two, of all people, would be so excited to educate their little ones about the marvels of those creatures. They look like they’re at least 6+ both, they should have already known about Berk’s history with dragons. But of course, Homecoming couldn’t afford that. Gotta have some sort of plot going on!
Now, to the Hidden World... I’ll be honest with you, I found that scene with Toothless drawing Hiccup to be absolutely depressing. Not because he’s longing his best friend (which he shouldn’t, because the damn director stated he forgot about him), but because he should feel miserable trapped in that place. He and his kids should feel miserable. For one, the Light Fury is literally a controlling ass. Did you see how offended she looked when Toothless dared to remember his past life with the human that changed his life? Oh, how dare he! His life must only be centered around her and her numb skull! After all, she’s this random dragon he fell in love with in 3 seconds! Gotta love how she acted all bitchy until he was forced to comfort her. My headcanon is that she’s literally controlling him with pheromones. The real Toothless is too smart to stay with such a plain, useless, unaccepting dragon for the rest of his life.
As for his kids, yes I did say they should be unhappy. The only thing they can do is wrestle each other and play with whatever those floating orb thingies are supposed to be. Wow, how fun... They’re little baby dragons, trying to enjoy their early years of life! In the outside world, they would have been able to see the sky, interact with the environment, discover all the animals that surround them, travel back and forth with their parents... but they’re stuck on that pretty cage, bored out of their lives. The Hidden World is literally captivity.
Look at it, this poor thing is so miserable... No wonder it was so desperate to look for adventures, so much that even a drawing of a creature it has never seen gave it the magical abilities to find New Berk.
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Which brings me to another point, how did the Night Lights find New Berk? How did they know they were supposeed to find something outside the Hidden World only via a drawing? And how were they able to fly for so long? And how did Toothless and the Light Fury know exactly where to find them? Also, earlier on, why did the Light Fury even light up that glowing rock thingie when they were in the Hidden World? She’s that awful, controlling of a dragon that she can’t even let her kids sleep in peace. And she huffed out green fire? What is happening?
The plot of Homecoming is just forced, and it’s really stinkin’ obvious this thing was done for money and nothing more. You’ve got cute little Toothless babies (I find the Night Lights to be rather hideous, but that’s just me) and you’ve got cute little Hiccstrid kids. Obviously you want to make money off of that, because more than half the fandom won’t give a shit if they make sense or not.
These people just went right ahead and trashed the third movie’s canon to make this cashgrab. Let’s ignore the fact that the director explicitly stated that Toothless had forgotten about Hiccup for a second and focus on what happens on the short. Toothless immediately recognizes Hiccup while he’s in a suit just by his scent and voice, but in the third movie he just has to wait till the hand trick comes up to recgonize him. Toothless was also totally cool with people, and that smug look he gave his family after letting Gobber touch him just proves he was there to make them see how great humans are. And yet he acts like he will murder a few unarmed humans that came slightly close to his home, with no way in? Suuuure.
Actually, let me vent a little here about what I said earlier - HTTYD3 and Homecoming both just destroyed the hand touch thing and I will never forgive them for that. It was supposed to be a unique moment, a special and unforgettable action that started it all, but now they’ve gotta milk it for the feels. The reverse hand touch in HTTYD3 was so forced I actually sighed, and then they just kept forcing it throughout. Shame on y’all.
I could go on for days tearing this thing apart... but I don’t want to give this thing more of my time than it deserves.
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smuttyassholes · 6 years
Rated M :
“Nah, you couldn’t top me, and you know it.” You laughed to Jungkook through your phone screen.
“Well, sweetheart, how would you know?” He came back, arrogance coating his tone.
“One, you just don’t strike me as a domineering person.” You shrugged. “Two, I’m a little too much to handle.” You smirked.
He laughed, “I bet I can tame you.” He smirked himself.
“In one night.”
It had been a week since that conversation, the last part of it lingering in your mind. How dare he think that he can just waltz in, and assume shit. Had he not been using a friends phone to call, you wouldn’t have even answered the call.
Scoffing to yourself, you called your friend, Minnie, to vent while you settled on a walk to the convenience store in need of a couple drinks.
“He really said that? All of that? Does he really think his dick is that great?”  She laughed after hearing your story.
“Honestly.” You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose in frustration. “Wasn’t he fucking around with whats-her-face? What happened to them? Why did he move onto me?” You grumbled, finally reaching the store, and grabbing a hand basket as you walked in.
“Who the fuck knows. And why couldn’t he use his own phone? Why’d he have to use Moonbin’s?” She quirked.
“Maybe cause he was too much of a little bitch to use his own.” You laughed, grabbing two packs of your favorite beer, and putting them in the cart.
“Probably. I bet he knew you wouldn’t answer if it was hi-”
“I can assure you both, I’m not a little bitch.” A familiar voice coughed from behind you, causing you and Minnie to pause.
“Imma have to call you back,” Minnie spoke before hanging up quickly, leaving you to handle the situation on your own.
“Fucking hell.” You whispered, closing your eyes to take a breath before turning around, and putting your phone in your hoodie pocket.
“So you go around telling everyone about our conversations? How cute.” Jungkook smiled at you.
“How do you even know it was about you?” You raised a brow.
“Oh please. Is anyone else in that little phone of yours trying to sleep with you?” He laughed. “You said it yourself. You’re too much to handle. I doubt anyone else wants to attempt this.”
You narrowed your eyes.
“For your information, I have a pretty good amount of guys who want to sleep with me.” You smiled as Jungkook’s demeanor changed, and his back stiffened slightly.
“Then why don’t you go and sleep with them? You walk around like little miss innocent when you have a whole waiting list. That’s a little rude, don’t you think.”
“Well, Jungkook. Unlike someone here.” You took a step closer. “I don’t just sleep around with whoever asks.” You took another step. “I actually have some self-control.” You spat, and walked past him, to the register.
“You’re cute when you’re mad.” He semi-shouted at you, watching as you paid for your packs of beer, before leaving.
“Makes me wanna tame you even more.” He chuckled.
“I can’t believe he was at the store.” Minnie facepalmed. She had rushed to your place after hanging up, utterly embarrassed at the events of the past thirty minutes. “Do you think he knows it was me?” She gasped, shoving a peanut in her mouth.
“I doubt it.” You shrugged. “It’s not like it matters, anyway. You don’t see him.”
“You’re right.” She nodded, before frowning again. “But what if I do see him and he knows it’s me?”
“Minnie. Chill.” You laughed. “I doubt he cares that mu-” You were cut off by your phone ringing, an unknown number showing on the screen.
“If this is another scam call I’m gonn-”
“Relax, sweetheart. I’m just trying to prove a point.” Jungkook spoke. “I didn’t call you on my phone because I didn’t have your number. Thanks to Moonbin falling asleep, I do.” You could hear the smirk in his voice. “Don’t drink too much, princess.” He paused. “Oh, and even if you did sleep with all those little options in your phone, I’d still be the best out of them all.” He said before hanging up.
“That was him, right?” Minnie whined.
“Minnie. We need more alcohol.” You declared, grabbing your purse and walking out of your apartment.
“I wonder what he sees in you.” Minnie pipped. “But not in a bad way.” She shook her head. “But more like a ‘he’s never noticed you before, so why now.’”
“And you think I’m not curious?” You came back. “I’d like to know why the fuck he popped in too.”
You woke up the next morning with a headache to end all headaches.
“Fuuuuck.” You sighed, shielding your eyes from the sunlight creeping through your blinds, rolling over so you could get up and close them completely, and turning back around to grab your phone and head to the kitchen to make soup, nearly tripping over the stray beer cans left on the floor.
“Double fuck.” You whispered as you opened your phone to messages from Jungkook.
“Such a feisty little thing, aren’t you, y/n? That voicemail was pretty threatening.” - 2:27 AM
“So, you’re not gonna answer? Too scared to talk back, now?” - 2: 28 AM
“Why don’t you just come over? I’d rather we discuss this in person.” - 2:30 AM
“I promise I’ll make it worth your time.” - 2:31 AM
You couldn’t practically see the smirk on his face as he sent the last messages and you facepalmed. What the fuck did you do?
“Minnie.” You said, shaking her slightly. “Minnie, wake up.”
She hummed in response.
“Do you remember anything from last night?”
She hummed again. “I think you called Jungkook. Or was that in my dream?” She questioned, her brow raised.
“Shit. And you just let me?”
“In my defense, you seemed pretty mad, I didn’t wanna get hit.” She rolled over. “Now that I’ve pleaded my case, I’m going back to sleep.”
“Goddammit, Minnie.” You sighed, moving to go to your room and shower, hoping that freshening up would in some way help you.
However, your shower did the exact opposite. You spent the whole time thinking about what the fuck you could’ve said to Jungkook. Feisty? You? Sure you were upset, but the thought of leaving a “threatening” voicemail left you confused. You had nothing else to say to him other than what you already said at the convenience store. Then, of course, he could’ve been lying. It’s not like Jungkook was innocent in the first place.
You decided to drop it. What happened, happened. There’s no changing that. What could you do anyway? Apologize? You didn’t even know what you did. Even then, you knew Jungkook wouldn’t easily tell you. But you couldn’t just let it go completely. You knew it would get to you.
That being said, you got out of the shower, and got dressed, before leaving a note for Minnie, and heading out the door, texting Jungkook to send you his address.
You didn’t know how you let it get this far, how you had miraculously ended up underneath Jungkook. It’s not like you complaining though, the view was great, but you just couldn’t comprehend how this all happened.
One minute, you’re talking, the next, you’re upstairs in his bed. Naked.
Sure, he invited you, but did that mean you had to show up? Why was he somehow an exception to your normally bitchy “I’m on top” attitude? How was he able to get you under him so quickly?
“You’re thinking too much, baby girl.” He whispered, his lips trailing down your neck, nibbling here and there. “Don’t act like you didn’t know I would get you where I wanted to.” He breathed out. “You really think I care that much about a drunk voicemail? It just made things easier.” He smiled. “You got here. I offered. You took. Don’t think I’ll let you back down now. Isn’t this what you wanted?” You could feel the smirk he had as he bit down just a bit harder on the junction between your shoulder and your neck, causing a small whimper to fall from your lips.
Though the sound was music to his ears, he wanted to hear you.
“I asked a question, baby girl.” He pulled away to look down at you. “Isn’t this what you wanted?” He smirked, his tone more authoritative, as his hand ran down your body to stop above your clit, nearly chuckling at how your hips instinctively bucked up. “So sensitive” He whispered.
“If I answer your question, will you finally fuck me?” You cocked your head to the side, only for Jungkook to move his hand back up to grab your throat and dropping his face so his eyes were right above yours.
“If you play your cards right, and drop the attitude, I might just give you what you want.” He growled, accentuating his words with a roll of his hips. “When I said, I’d tame you and your little attitude, did you think I was playing?” He growled again.
You swallowed (to the best you could), and grabbed his wrist. “Y-yes, fuck. This is what I want.” You whined. “Just please, fuck me already.”
His grip loosened, and he smiled. “Good girl. Now let daddy take care of you.”
If you could, you would’ve responded with something, but the pressure his hands were putting was something you wanted to enjoy. Something that wasn’t being taken away from you so quickly. Given that it was something so simple, so small. Being edged for the past twenty minutes was something that you couldn’t handle anymore. You were ready to take anything he gave you.
His hand left your throat, and he sat up on his knees, to pull his last bit of clothing down. But instead of resuming his place on top of you, he pulled you to the edge of the bed and flipped you over.
“Raise your hips for me.” He said, admiring how your naked form looked.
“You said you were gonna take care of me already.” You whined, wiggling your hips.
Jungkook got back onto the bed, his hands going to caress to curves of your ass before he brought one up to hit your right cheek. The surprise sting causing you to yelp.
“And I said play your cards right.”
Another hit.
“And drop the attitude.”
You pushed back onto him, the feeling of his cock so close to you making you needier.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry.” You were almost in tears. How could he have so much self-control?
You felt him place a hand on your hip and you almost sighed in relief.
He ran his length up and down your slit before finally pushing into you. The burn of the stretch feeling so good that you almost did cry.
Once he bottomed out, you both groaned, your hips pushing back to press against his, which caused another smack.
“Nu-uh, princess. I’m in charge. I give, you take. So just lay there and enjoy yourself.” He said, pulling his hips back, and ramming back into you, the pace starting off brutal.
“Fuck, you’re so tight.” He groaned as he placed his other hand on your hip so he had a better bruise-inducing grip as he slammed himself into you.
Your moans left you uncontrollably, and this was shocking. How long had it been since someone fucked you this good? Or was it the fact that you always called the shots and now you were face down into someone else’s mattress?
Whatever the reason, it didn’t stop you from increasing said volume when he snuck his hand around to run harsh circles on your clit.
“How does it feel to be on the receiving end for once, y/n? Being completely under someone else’s control?” His fingers didn’t let up and you felt yourself push back onto him, not caring enough to stop yourself.
“Do you like it that much? Being dependent on someone else for pleasure? Is that why you can’t keep pushing yourself back on my dick?” He asked his cocky tone back.
“Yes- oh fuck” You moaned “Yes, I like being controlled.” Your voice nearly breaking as you felt yourself coming closer.
“Good, because this is how it’s going to be from now on.”
- asshole 4
Happy New Year!
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cruecifymesixx · 5 years
Love and Leather /part seventeen/
Word Count: 2k
A/N: This seems stale to me, but I have a few tricks up my sleeve that will be coming
Warnings: language, angst
Taglist: @oskea93, @brideofdraculana, @xstarryeyes, @aryssav, @miserablecunt, @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol , @inthebackofmycarlaytheirbodies, @fandomshit6000, @anntheboneless, @tiranni, @electradestiny, @venus-calum, @justjodeye, @supernaturalvikingwhore, @are-we-real, @hi-my-name-is-riley, @extremesadnerding, @thatbandchick39, @awkwrdcait, @countrygirlswonderland, @dillightfulpickle, @baiabouk, @awesomealmostdopestudent, @madsthegroupie, @martabastic, @hoop-diddy-doo, @romanticvengeance, @tashy-bear, @krazykatkay456, @terror-triplet, @shouttatthedevill, @gees-jacket-slut, @rodriguez025, @kickstart-myheart-sixx, @s-outhie, @anxious-diabetic, @awkwardblackgirls, @motlycrue, @moonlightxcal, @brooklyn-antiques, @shamelessobsessions, @jerseytaint, @lilytalebi, @broke-n-bitchy
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I was currently sitting on my back patio, enjoying a cup of coffee while smoking a cigarette,
“Van you got a phone call.” I turned my head and Lucia was holding the phone, “If it’s Nikki, I don’t want to to talk to him.” I said, while going back to reading my magazine,
“No it’s not him, but he did call a few minutes ago.” I rolled my eyes, reaching my hand back as she placed the phone on my palm,
“Hello?” I asked annoyed,
“You have a collect call from the Los Angeles County Jail, to accept this call please press one.”
I almost choked on my coffee,
“Vince!!” I shouted his name, “Vanity Blackwood, it’s so nice to hear your voice.”
“How are you doing? Are you okay?”
“Yes darling I’m okay, how are you doing? Tommy mentioned you have been successfully ignoring Nikki, points for you girl.”
I smiled at myself,
“He’s such an asshole, I can’t stand him right now.” I said with a sigh, “I know, I know he’s difficult at times...but look I don’t have a whole lot of time to talk, I have a few questions for you.” I put down the cup of coffee, trying to pay attention to him.
“Look, I don’t know if you’ve heard but the lawyer I have is a complete slime ball, he’s trying to get me to do the maximum sentence of five years, I can’t do that. I have a baby on the way.”
I continued to listen to him, “I feel like absolute shit, I’m having to sober up cold turkey and it fucking sucks, I can’t sleep cause all I see is Razzle, I miss the guy so much.” I heard him sigh,
“And I need help, you’re help to be exact.” I was confused,
“My help? With what? I’m not following you Vince.” I asked him, while looking down at my nails.
“I know you’re family has a lot of money, and I know with that you probably have really good fucking lawyers. Do you think you can help me out? I’ll pay all their fees obviously...I just need some fucking help Van...Doc and Tom aren’t doing me justice.” I chewed on my lip as I thought about it,
“Let me make some calls, I’ll have someone contact the district attorney and they will get in touch with you that way alright, just give me a day or two.” I explained, hearing him sigh in relief,
“God damnit, if I wasn’t married I’d give you the world Vanity.” I laughed at his response,
“You’re too pretty to be in there. I’ll help get you home okay? Call me soon.” I told jokingly, which made him laugh, “Alright, bye Vanity and thank you.” “Bye Vince.” I said, hanging up and putting the phone on the table.
“So you’re gonna call your lawyers?” I turned my head slightly, noticing Lucia, “I have too.” I sighed, realizing what I’ve just done.
“Two of them I already know won’t take this case, it has bad news written all over and that means no money...but I know He would..” I closed my eyes, rubbing my temples at the same time.
“He as in....” Lucia trailed off, and I stared her, “Julian...” I cringed when I said his name out loud. Just sounding it out made my stomach flip.
“He’ll expect something from me...maybe if I just have a middle man, Maybe Doc or Tom, so I don’t physically have to do it.” I tried brainstorming,
“Nikki?” I laughed when Lucia brought him up, “That’s a horrible fucking idea.” I sighed and got up going back inside. I walked over to my desk that was over flowing with papers Mom wanted me to look over.
“Are you sure you want too? I mean I know he wasn’t-“ I glared at Lucia, she instantly stopped talking, “Vanity, are you absolutely sure?” She asked, a concerned look on her face. My hands were shaking as my nerves started to sky rocket.
“I need to help Vince, that’s all I’m worried about...if I have to talk to see or speak to him, I just can’t be alone in the same vicinity as him. I don’t trust him for one minute, but he’s a damn good lawyer, and I know he can help Vince out.” I groaned, pushing my hair out of my face as I flipped open my address book.
The phone started ringing again, “If it’s Nikki, tell him to stop calling.” I said as Lucia brought the phone up to her ear,
“Hi Tommy......uh yeah Vanitys home......oh yeah she knows he’s been calling.”
I rolled my eyes, it’s only been a few days since Nikki basically told me I was just a piece of ass to him, and I haven’t said a single word to him. So as stubborn as he is, he hasn’t stopped calling, his calls ringing through the house about ten times a day.
“uh why doesn’t she answer? Uh Van?” Lucia questioned, looking at me, “Cause Nikki is a fucking prick.”
“Because Nikki is a fucking prick...those are her words not mine.....Nikki says he’s sorry.” Lucia told me, I sent a glare her way, shaking my head.
“Oh you want to come over?” My eyes widened when she said that, “Yeah we’ll be home all day.”
“Lucia no! Give me the phone!” I tried grabbing it from her, but she kept her arm out, blocking me from snatching it out of her hands,
“Bye Tommy! See you guys later!” Lucia said, a laugh coming out of her as she hung up the phone. “Nikki and Tommy will be over later.” She said innocently, “Yeah, no shit!” I shouted, ripping off a piece of paper and taking the phone from her.
“I mean, I highly doubt he meant what he said.” Lucia said, following me outside to the patio, “I don’t care if he meant it or not, that’s not the point.” I explained, “Then what is the point?” She curiously asked,
“I don’t know! He just...I don’t know.” I told her while lighting another cigarette, “You do too know.” She said, taking the cigarette away from my lips and putting it out.
I breathed deeply through my nose and exhaled, “He just....he just made me feel special, the way he did everything, he was so..I don’t know...so gentle, but yet he wasn’t at the same time. I can’t explain it.” I told her, a bitter laugh escaping my mouth,
“And then! He wants to fucking tell me I was nothing to him? That I was just added to his body count! And then tells me I should just open up my fucking legs for T-bone too! He doesn’t get to fucking treat me like the skanks he’s used to hooking up with! I know I mean more to him then that!” I shouted, venting my frustrations,
“How do you know that, Van? How are you so sure about that...I know you’re close with him...but we’ve seen it with our own eyes how he treats chicks.” She questioned as I furrowed my eyebrows.
“Because he’s told me things. He’s told me about his mom, and his dad leaving him, and how he gets depressed sometimes, and how he knows he’s an alcoholic, but he doesn’t want to do anything about it....I highly doubt he shares that with the stupid bitches he fucks daily.” I listed the examples, Lucia nodding, her eyes wide as she was taking in what I was telling her.
“So I’m fucking sorry if my feelings are a little hurt.” I finished my tirade while grabbing the cigarette, and re-lighting it.
I rubbed my face, remembering I had to make the most dreaded phone call I would probably make in my whole life. Unfolding the paper, I punched in the numbers, bringing the phone up to my ear, “God, now I’m already pissed off, thanks Lucia.” I told her, making her chuckle.
“Taylor Law Office, how may I direct your call?”
“Uh yeah...can I speak to Julian Baker, if he is available.” I cleared my throat,
“May I ask whose calling?”
“Uh, right...this is Vanity Blackwood-“
“Oh Miss Blackwood! You’re mother was just here speaking with Jack, let me transfer you to Julian, he just got out of a meeting.”
“Great, thanks.”
I listened as the recorder played a repetitive song,
“This is Julian.” I closed my eyes as I heard his voice. Pain and memories rushing through me,
“Hello? This is Julian Baker.”
“Hi, Julian...it’s um...it’s Vanity..” I trailed off. He huffed on the other line,
“Vanity Blackwood, how’ve ya been sweet thing?” His voice was condescending, making my skin crawl as he called me that.
“I’ve been fine...I’m calling cause I need your expertise....I have a friend that’s in trouble.” He laughed, even though I wasn’t in front of him, I could hear that smirk form on his lips.
“Oh? You need me? What can I do for you, what kind of trouble is this...friend in?”
I took a drag of the cigarette, “Do you listen to Motley Crue?” I asked him, “Uh...yeah of course, what does that have to do with anything?”
“The friend is Vince Neil, he’s sitting in jail currently and the lawyer his manager and record label gave him is not doing a good job, and quite frankly, you owe me.” He was quiet.
“I don’t owe you a damn thing, you ruined my life. My career was almost over because of you.” I bit my lip, closing my eyes as he yelled over the phone.
“You put me through hell Julian, literal fucking hell...the least you can do is help my friend.” He laughed menacingly, “Friend? Or boyfriend?” I rolled my eyes, gripping the cigarette so hard between my fingers, it broke in half.
“He’s a friend, if he was my boyfriend it wouldn’t be any of your concern. Are you gonna help or not? I’m handing you a high profile case and you aren’t taking the bait.” He was quiet again, pondering his thoughts probably.
“I need a number or an email to get ahold of whoever is in charge over the band...ready when you are.” I got inside and tried looking for Docs number.
“Alright, His name is Doc McGhee...he’s Mötley Crüe’s manager, he takes care of everything for them, his number is 4248067980, he usually always answers.” I told him, clutching the paper in my hand.
“Okay I’ll give him a call and see what I can do. It was nice talking to you, sweet thing.” He said, as I tried choking down my vomit.
“Thanks, Bye.” I said and quickly hung up. “Fuck!!!” I screamed out, doubling over, putting my hands on my knees as my crying fit finally came.
“What’s going on?” Tonya said, walking in with groceries in her hands. I looked up at her, “Van, what did that asshole say now?” Tonya asked, “It’s not Nikki.” Lucia explained.
I couldn’t control my breathing, it’s like I was choking on air, “Van, Van...relax...calm down.” Tonya said, holding my shoulders, backing me up to the couch. I stared up at her, through blurry teared up eyes, “She talked to Julian.” Lucia whispered, making Tonya turn her head to her, and then to me.
“Why would you do that!!” She yelled, “Vince called from jail, and he needed help..” I paused while I coughed, “Julian is the only lawyer we have that would be willing to help.” I whispered, her eyes full of sorrow.
“And look at how you are right now! What’s it gonna be like when he’s across the room from you!” I looked up at her, “I don’t know.” I said, putting my head in my hands.
“I’m going to lay down.” I told them, standing up off the couch. “Alright, let’s go to the diner later after you get up.” I nodded, it saying anything as I walked up the stairs.
I laid down in bed, pulling the covers over my head. I was physically and emotionally drained after talking to him. I felt numb, nothing felt right.
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starting-now · 5 years
Try (Sally Reed x Reader)
A/N: Sally deserves more content and I am in love with her that is all. Let me know what you guys think!
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Warnings: none really? crying i guess??
Word Count: 1799
“Life is but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more. It is a tale told by an idiot. Full of sound and fury. Signifying nothing.” Sally read as she walked dramatically across the stage. The footlights illuminated her beautifully, reflecting off her green eyes which were wet with fake tears. You leaned forward in your seat, mouth curving into a small smile as you watched her rehearse. She dropped her act and turned towards you, wiping the tears from her eyes and shooting you a concerned glance.
“How was that?” she asked, pulling you from your daze.
“Oh, amazing! I feel like you’ve really unlocked another level in the piece.” you responded, offering a smile. Sally wrung her hands nervously.
“Are you sure? It wasn’t too much?” she questioned.
“Absolutely not, you nailed it Sally, I mean that. The class is gonna absolutely lose it when they see you perform.” you said as Sally walked down the stairs and off the stage towards you. She picked up her bag from the seat next to you and tucked a piece of golden hair behind her ear.
“Listen, I really appreciate you staying late to help me...I uh, I owe you one.” she said, gesturing with her hands and smiling. She took a step to walk away but hesitated, turning on her heel back towards you.
“...Are you hungry?” she asked, brows slightly furrowed.
You smiled, “Yeah I could eat.”
Sally had taken an uber to class that day so you both got into your car and drove to a nearby bar and grill that Sally suggested. On the way, you asked her about her latest audition, and she was happy to share each and every detail.
“...And of course I want the part, but it’s honestly insulting that my agents don’t think I’m ready for something bigger, right?” she finished and you nodded, eyes focused on the road.
“I mean I think-” you started but Sally interrupted.
“That I should just be happy that I’m booking work, I know.” she said but you shook your head.
“Well no, I was going to say that I think your agents should work for you. What’s the point of having them if they’re holding you back? I mean, I’ve seen you act, Sally, you’re more than just ‘girl #3’ or ‘secretary’.” you said, and Sally opened her mouth but didn’t say anything. She sat back in her seat and smiled thoughtfully as you pulled into a parking spot outside the bar.
You walked in and got a table, a corner booth away from the bar where it was a bit quieter. You both ordered drinks and food and got back to talking. Sally was telling stories about people from class. She had a funny anecdote about basically everyone, and she was a great storyteller. Her eyes lit up as she moved through each story, her expressions changing and following the mood, treating each story like it was a play of its own. This time her main character was Nick.
“And I swear to you, he was completely covered, head to toe, in chocolate syrup. I have no idea how that happened in the span of 5 minutes, or where he even got that much chocolate syrup in the first place, but that is why me and Sasha call him Hershey.” she finished with a smile, taking a sip of her beer. You giggled loudly.
“No joke, for the first MONTH of class I thought that was his actual last name.” you responded and Sally threw her head back in laughter.
“No way!” she exclaimed and you nodded, chuckling.
Sally looked down at her plate, which was still practically full. She hadn’t even had the chance to eat yet between talking, but you had finished your meal. Her smile turned into a small frown.
“I’m sorry.” she said and you gave her a confused look.
“For what?” you asked.
“Just, I talk a lot, and I guess I don’t listen a lot.” she said quietly.
“No, don’t be sorry. I-uh, I like listening to you.” you said, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks. Sally looked up at you. She was gorgeous. Her wavy blonde hair fell perfectly to frame her face, which lit up with a beautiful smile. Her green eyes glimmered from the neon lights of the bar signs, her eyes and nose crinkling softly in a way that made your heart skip a beat. Sally was the first to break eye contact, looking around nervously.
“So,” she started, picking up a fry and finally digging into her food. “Why did you move to LA?” she asked.
You told her your story. You wanted to pursue an acting career. Being a woman in an acting was difficult as you both knew, especially when neither of you had much experience prior to moving to LA. You talked about how hard it was, how people doubted you at every turn, including your friends and family. Sally listened attentively as you spoke, nodding and responding with small comments or questions as she ate her meal. You two split the bill and sat in the booth with your last drinks as you continued.
Sally liked listening to you just as much as she liked talking to you. You were always so passionate and well-spoken when serious, and quick witted and animated when joking around.
“I guess I would just rather try, and fall on my face, than never try at all.” you finished, taking a sip from your drink and Sally nodded. She opened her mouth to speak, but her phone screen lit up and the caller ID said ‘Gersh’. Sally looked up at you with wide eyes, you smiled and gestured for her to go take the call.
You waited for a bit, finishing your drink and sitting idly on your phone. It had been about 5 minutes, so you decided to meet Sally outside and make sure she was okay. You grabbed your bag and headed for the door. Stepping out into the humid night air you looked around for her. You slowly started for your car, rounding the corner of the building. When it came into view you saw Sally leaning against the car. It was dark, but the dim street lights above her allowed you to see that there were tears streaming down her face. Your smile fell and you rushed towards her, placing a hand on her arm.
“Hey, hey, what’s going on, are you okay?” you asked with concern.
Sally turned red with embarrassment, anxiously wiping her tears away with the sleeves of her gray sweater. She smiled weakly.
“Oh, it’s really nothing, I’m sorry.” she said, waving her hands in front of her face. You furrowed your brow.
“Seriously, what’s going on?” you asked again.
Sally sighed deeply and avoided eye contact with you.
“I didn’t get the part. Here I am going on about how I deserve something bigger but I guess I’m not even good enough to land these ‘nobody’ parts.” she said, tears welling in her eyes again. She pressed her palm to her forehead, moving it back to smooth her hair.
“Are you kidding me, Sally?” you asked incredulously. “That’s ridiculous. Just because one casting director made a bad call doesn’t mean you aren’t ridiculously talented. I’ve seen what you can do.” you said. Sally scoffed sadly.
“You mean that stupid stuff from class? (Y/N), no one really cares about what I do in there.” she said.
“...I do.” you admitted, looking down at your feet. You looked back up to see Sally staring at you with tears in her eyes, but also a small glimmer of hope.
She opened her mouth, then closed it again, not sure if she wanted to ask, but the question came out anyways.
“...Do you think I’m gonna be a star?” Sally asked hesitantly and you paused for a moment, carefully choosing your words.
“When you get on that stage, you shine, Sally. Like, like it’s where you’re meant to be. And if that asshole casting director could see what I do, they wouldn’t have passed you up. You’re amazing and anyone with a brain can see that.” you said, your voice growing softer towards the end, not wanting to cross a line.
Sally looked conflicted. She wanted to believe you. Her whole life, people told her that her dreams were stupid or impossible. Her family, her friends, and especially her now ex-husband. And she had listened for years, blindly putting everyone’s beliefs about her above her own dreams. And now that she was finally putting herself first, people turned away from her. Called her selfish, bitchy, egotistical. But you hadn’t run away. Since you first joined Gene’s class you had been supportive of her. Offering your time and advice, or just lending your ear when she needed to vent.
She leaned on you, and you leaned on her. Sally was there for you. Not always physically, but she was always guaranteed to be a phone call away. She was the first person to invite you out after class when you first joined, including you in the group and making sure you were having a good time. She had happily helped you with countless scenes for class, getting just as excited as you did when you finally nailed your line, or fixed your inflection.
You had both been staring at each other as a million thoughts raced through your minds. Sally’s face inched closer to yours. Her emerald eyes locked onto you. You followed suit until your faces were mere inches apart.
“I think we’re just drunk.” you whispered.
“I’m not drunk. Are you drunk?” she responded, getting closer still.
You shook your head no, and Sally closed the space between you, pressing her soft lips to yours. The kiss was slow and smooth, and Sally snaked her arms around your waist, pulling you closer to her. You ran your fingers through her golden hair, relishing the feeling of her skin on yours. Her hair was soft, just like her skin and her lips. Like the sweater she wore or the touch of her fingers on your hips. Sally was the one to break the kiss. A smile spread across her face and she bit her lip to keep from breaking out into a wide grin. You returned the smile, neither of you letting go of each other yet.
“You were right.” she said softly.
“About what?” you asked.
“I would rather try, and fall on my face, than never try at all.” she said with a smile, her hand moving up to cup your cheek and pulling you in for another kiss.
Taglist: @moon-390
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neshabeingchildish · 5 years
Poly Wanna? Ch.5
Doing confession in bold to see how this goes. I may not set chapters up in "reality TV format" but I had a couple of things that I wanted to do in that style just to see. I be trying out stuff sometimes. Forgive me for being a whole trash can.
Lemme know if I need to take you off the tag. Idk who’s actually reading because I’ve only heard from a couple of people, so idk if y’all still interested (or if y’all’ll be after this MESSY shiz in this chapter. 
@adorkable-blackgirl  @chenoahchantel @ciara-knightly @cactus-con @up-the-tube @riebellion  @itsyaapollochild@oof–musicals @lesbian-so-what @woahjusttakeiteasy-man @meadowstryingtobepretty @imma-sensitive-btch @okaygal21 @midernacht @divinereign4ever @xoxoemille
Here is the song from the bar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iibMNsSRCE
And, the Drama Begins
Jasper wanted to have one more Girls Day with the Hartbroken Club before filming started, but the production team felt like that was actually a perfect place to begin recording him. Of course, he couldn't see it in progress. The thought of doing things for six months then having to wait another six months before even seeing it and probably being a completely different person in another year… that was a little terrifying.
But, the team had made a filming schedule and decided to start out with Jasper for the beginning of the show for a few reasons: 1. He was the longest friendship that Henry Hart has ever had. 2. He was the most likable person that they currently had on the cast. And 3. They weren't convinced that he and Henry were over each other and felt like establishing that on camera, early on would be a wonderful bang to begin with.
Henry hadn't been in a serious relationship since he and Jasper broke up a few years prior and there must've been a reason that it also took Jasper a long time to move on and when he did, it was with Henry's ex. They were pretty much convinced that either the relationship was a ruse to get to Henry, or one or both of them were lying to themselves about how one another felt.
Also, unknown to Jasper, they had reasons that they wanted to see Charlotte face to face with Bianca and Chloe. If the cast members weren't telling each other certain things, that was fine for the production team. They had a feeling that they knew how to start with a hefty dosage of mess from something that Charlotte had admitted in her interview when asked how she felt about being on screen with Henry's other exes. They had a feeling that Jasper didn't know this little piece of information. It would bring in good ratings at the start of the program...
Jasper's confession/testimony room was in his bedroom, where he interviewed, but with a much better camera set up. They gave Jasper a list of things that they wanted him to share with the confession camera: Why do you go to these outings with Chloe and Bianca? Is all of this because of your connection to Henry? How does Charlotte feel about it?
He sighed and set the paper down. "Those don't have to be recorded right now," Grumpy Cat said. "But, I'd say maybe do a short introduction for your first voiceover."
"Can it not be the stuff from the interview? Because I can guarantee you that whatever I said then is all that I'll come up with if I sit in that chair."
"Sure. I don't care." He rolled his eyes and walked off.
Jasper waited until he was gone to start his confession. "My name is Jasper Dunlop. I'm 28, he/him/his pronouns, cis, but not het. Ummm… Bisexual, not entirely sure of what it means to be pan, so I don't absorb that title. I have a beautiful girlfriend of about 7 months now. We live together and decided to take this weird journey with our ex-best friend and mutual ex boyfriend.." That probably sounds like we dated him at the same time, which technically… I mean, depending on how you look at it… Henry was definitely still in love with Charlotte when he and Jasper… Jasper looked at the paper then at the camera again.
"I go to these outings with Chloe and Bianca, who also dated Henry because when we broke up, it was my chance to vent, but now I just love having spa days. That's good stuff. This time, we're bringing Charlotte along. She wants to go for spa stuff. She couldn't really care about the whole Henry angle. She got over him better than any of us did, I think, especially considering that theirs was a much more serious relationship… Honestly, Char just deserves a good relaxing day. She hasn't had a great year."
Charlotte and Jasper came to the spa and Chloe and Bianca were waiting inside. "Hi!" Both girls cheered. Charlotte smiled, but didn't rush to hug them like Jasper had. They came to hug her, though. She smiled a little. "My God, you look amazing! What do you do for your skin? Your hair is divine! Omg, this dress is so cute! You smell great…" Her smile tensed up with all the overdoing going on here.
But, she had given a confession that would surely be used when this was aired…
"I don't know if Bianca and Chloe know that I know that they're two of the women who Henry was paying attention to behind my back. I don't know if they know that I know that pix were sent and that a threesome was discussed. But I know that I know, and both those girls better watch how they handle me."
In the spa, Charlotte said, "Okay! I'm not a collectible doll and neither of you are at a petting zoo." She bumped past them and asked for a price list, which she took to studying as Jasper confusedly resumed speaking to the girls about their usual plan.
She wondered, to the woman at the counter, "Just wondering about this Henry Hartbreak Plan… I think I want it, but is there a way to take off certain services for a discounted price? For instance… I don't do tanning beds…"
"Are you Charlotte?" The woman asked. Now, the whole group was paying attention. Charlotte raised an eyebrow, reluctant to answer, "I've got whatever your services are covered."
"What? Why?" Charlotte asked suspiciously. She had been broke for a few years and nobody ever gave her anything for free in her life.
"We have card information and instructions to let you whatever you need, if you are."
"What card information?"
"Dr. Henry Hart." Charlotte almost refused, but you know what? Eff it. He owed her at least one spa day, and the looks on both Bianca and Chloe's faces were worth it as the girl behind the counter read, "Charlotte Page. Special instructions. Whatever she orders, charge it to this card." The woman looked worried, like she'd said something wrong.
"Okay then, but can I still skip the tanning bed? I like to tan like nature intended, basking in the sun…"
Jasper spoke to the confession camera about this, "It was troubling to me that Henry was paying for Charlotte's way, but a little more troubling that she accepted. Because, I'd offered her and she declined. But he offered and..." he shrugged his shoulders, but his eyes were stressed.
Charlotte had a wonderful time, but avoided the girls and by association, Jasper most of the time. It wasn't really his fault, but she just preferred to focus on her experience there. "Honestly, I didn't go there to bond with Chloe or Bianca and I didn't go there to confront them about old stuff. I went for a spa day. They had their little girl's day. Charlotte had her spa day, AND it was free." On the way home, she reclined the seat and said, "I'm probably gonna sleep."
"Are you tired from all the energy it must've taken you to ignore everybody all day?" He said, jokingly.
"Nope. It took none. It was as natural as breathing. That's an awesome spa! My skin feels glorious." She said. "I loved those lavender lemonade spritzers."
"Too rich for my blood," he muttered.
"Should've told me. I'd have gotten you some on Henry's dime." Jasper took a deep breath. "You okay, Jasper?" She poked him a little in the side, playfully, trying to get him to look at her.
"I don't feel comfortable with what happened today."
"Why? I got a free spa day and you got your day with your little friends. Everybody won."
"For one, they were trying to be nice and you were kind of rude to them, then you refused to interact with any of us. Why did you come when we did and not some other time if you didn't want to be there with us?"
"Next time I won't. Sorry for how it affected you," she said and rubbed his shoulder.
He sighed. He wanted to say it was no big deal and move on, but that was the kind of stuff that got his heart in trouble with Henry. "Now, I feel like you're dismissing it."
"I am, because you're wrong, but if it's how you feel, who are me to judge?" She laughed to herself about her silly reference. He didn't get it. He looked stressed and she didn't want that at all. She honestly didn't think it would matter to him that she stayed to herself, because they were both pretty independent in this relationship. He seemed like he was upset, so she added, "I wasn't trying to ignore you. I thought that was better than me being bitchy towards those girls. I won't mess up your next date with them, as long as you aren't talking playfully or otherwise about having a threesome with them."
"Why would I be?"
She shrugged her shoulders, "Henry did." Jasper squinted and looked at her sideways.
"This story never got back to you?" He shook his head. "Okay. Wow. Well, whenever Henry and I had our last little blow up, one of the contention sources was his group chat with Bianca and Chloe and very inappropriate things being said and done there, one of which quote unquote just joking about having a threesome with them."
"I… did not know that. Henry didn't really ever want to say much about what happened between you and him. Just that it was his fault and that you left him."
"And in the past year or so you've been hanging with them they never mentioned it?"
"They mentioned that something happened after you two broke up, but nothing about causing it."
"Wait, something happened, like what? Like the threesome?"
"I mean… would it matter at this point? Are you still hurt?"
"To be honest, I didn't really deal with my heartbreaking. I just moved along, focused on school until I was ready to see other people socially, and I guess in the anger and blocking and stuff… maybe I am still hurt…"
"I don't know. But whether or not I am, I didn't like how they approached me either, so I still wouldn't have been interested, even if I didn't have those being my last memories of them."
"Why didn't you tell me this before? Like.. why come to this and then tell me afterwards?"
"I thought it would be petty to bring it up to you, at all. But, just now, you looked upset and I hate seeing you upset. I wanted to explain myself. I didn't think I'd be as dismissive of them when I got there as I was. I'm sorry."
He pulled over and gave her a hug. "I'm sorry. That's really messed up that you went through that. That would never happen with me."
"I'm Charlotte. Part science whiz, part art hoe, part witchy bitch, sarcastic, realistic, and just passionate about the things that I'm into. I came here for no other reason than for people to be able to see sides of me that I don't necessarily talk about. I know that this is about Henry, but that's not why I'm here." Charlotte was doing yoga in the living room, then made some juice and went outside to watch the sunrise.
Whenever Jasper saw her do it for the first time, he waited for her to come back in and asked, "Is that a you and Henry thing?"
"Nothing is a me and Henry thing," she said, laughing. Jasper had stepped out onto the balcony with Henry before and Henry asked him not to interrupt that time. It was his special alone time with the sun. Jasper thought it was weird, but gave him the space. So, seeing Charlotte do the very same thing had been deja vu. But, instead of being hard on him, she'd asked, "You ever wanna join me? I know you're not usually up so early…"
"I'd love to!" He said, then never woke up for it. Sometimes, if he left the bar super late, he'd still be awake when she got up. To be perfectly honest, watching her do yoga was more interesting to him than watching the sunrise, but there was something in how she watched it, something in how Henry had watched it that made Jasper feel like he understood them both better now. He didn't. He couldn't put his finger on it. But, he was just… kinda really fond of them in some of the same ways.
"You know, Henry does this every morning, too. That was why I'd asked if it was a you and him thing."
"It's a me thing that rubbed off on him."
"There was a lot, I think. I didn't realize that was your influence, but living with you after living with him…"
She smiled a little, "Well, he and I have to have both changed enough to where I don't remind you too much of him?"
"Yeah, there's a lot of very clear differences. Like, the bathroom! He keeps all his bathroom stuff in a bag and puts it out when he's in there and puts it away when he leaves."
"Yeah, because if he has to get out and go, he needs those things to go with him. He and Ray went on a… business trip suddenly and we're there for over a week. He came back and kept insisting his skin was in shambles." She laughed. "He was so ashy! I didn't even know that could happen to him, but he's got a kinda dark white complexion, so I guess." Jasper laughed too, recalling that. THAT was why he did that?
"Of course, you don't even care. You just spread your things all over my bathroom before you ever even moved in! I'd go in to find my toothpaste and there's women's stuff, beauty stuff, all those oils and stuff.."
"You're welcome. Don't think I don't notice you using my stuff."
"It's high quality stuff!"
"I have something for you!" She rushed to get a pretty bottle, that looked sort of like a genie bottle and handed it to him. "I blended this juice especially for you."
He tried some and shrugged. "Pretty good."
"It will help with some things…" she smiled and kissed him on the cheek.
"Don't leave me in suspense. What things?"
"Jasper has bruh… I don't know how else to say it… very off-putting semen. It's super bitter - WAY more tart than it should be. I know that his diet is part of the problem, but I can't really, you know… change his diet for him. This is one of the things that I do, though. Juices, herbs, soaks, whatever… we can get him tasting right. I'm not gonna keep trying to figure out what to do with that swamp gunk!"
Charlotte answered, "Your output. This will help with it."
"I have no idea what that means."
"I'll LOVE it, okay?"
"Good enough for me." She gave him a peck on the lips, then went to go get cleaned up for the rest of her day. *Shows off the bottle "Look at how gorgeous this thing is. I don't even know what it's made out of, but it's beautiful and the juice tastes magical."
Jasper showed up while Henry was watering plants. He'd left the door open. "Heyyy!" Henry cheered. "Jasper's here, ladies," he said to a group of flowers.
"Yo. Oh! Is it still watering time?" He backed away, getting ready to leave the place, in peace.
"Yeah, it's all good." Jasper raised an eyebrow. "Things have changed, Jasp. I'm not as mean as before… or as abusive." His eyes fell and he shook his head. He was honestly horrible to Jasper.
"I wouldn't call it abusive. You just were snappy about your boundaries."
"Yeah, but when you have so many boundaries…"
"Speaking of, sometimes I watch the sunrise with Char. She told me that you got that from her."
Henry smiled sadly, "Keep living. She'll put things on you too."
"Yeah! She makes me special juice and puts it in this beautiful bottle for me!" He held out the bottle to Henry.
"What's in it?"
Jasper took a swig, "Like.. bananas, something tropical, citrusy.." he took another, "Different flavors. My palate is getting a lot."
"May I?" Jasper reluctantly handed it over and Henry beautifully took a sip. How was he so damn hot, just drinking from a bottle? He swished it in his mouth, swallowed, smacked his lips and said, "I've got papaya, cinnamon, peppermint… celery…" He snapped his fingers, "This is for your semen." He handed the bottle back. "To help it taste better for her."
"What?" Jasper hugged the bottle close to himself, scandalized.
"I mean, sure those things have other properties, so it could be anything, but my vote is on semen, because yours was always super strong tasting and she doesn't like flavors like that. Knowing her, she'd give you something to help without straight up saying, this is for this problem that I've noticed… Because, she feels like we ignore her when she does that."
"My output!" Jasper said, embarrassed.
Henry laughed, then apologized. "I remember her telling me, I got you something! Then showing me my very first konjac sponge. Apparently, I needed to exfoliate, especially my lips, which got really dry and licking them only wet them, not moisturized them." Henry laughed. "I do a routine flush to keep that down below good to go, though, especially if I'm expecting to engage. You let her down there with...just whatever? DId you not notice her wince or anything?"
"I don't wanna talk sex with Charlotte with you, Henry. You understand."
"Sure. Well, you ready to run?"
"No! But I agreed to it, so…""Charlotte is super healthy. Henry is super healthy. Henry is gonna be around because we're doing this show, so… I want to look better than I've been looking. I look great! Don't think I'm self conscious. I just know that I could stand to try to be in better shape, especially with the weirdness of Charlotte and Henry and me. Henry said that I could come with him on his morning runs. I hate running, but I've gotta start somewhere, I guess." The two of them were lightly jogging. Jasper fell behind a few times and told Henry not to worry, but he'd slow down every time.
"Jasper running is kinda comical, kinda adorable. He seems like he might die and that's sad, but his facial expressions and the stuff he yells out just make it hard not to smile."
"Running is what they get you to do when you wake up in Hell!" Jasper toppled over. Jasper poured a jug of water down his shirt. Jasper nearly collapsed. "Why would people choose to do this any time after like, age 6?" Jasper rested his hands on his knees, then fell forward, then lied down in the grass. "You should go on without me. I've been out here too long." Henry jogged next to him as he caught his breath. Henry checked his watch. "Okay, Buddy. It's been like 8 minutes…"
"PERIOD?" "Jasper is not a runner."
Henry made a mental note to simply work out later. After 20 minutes, Jasper was ready to die. "Come on. I'll get you something to eat and we can sit down for a while." Henry placed Jasper on his shoulder and said, "Maybe a gym. A treadmill? You could better control the volume and speed. We'll look into that."
"Henry and I used to work out all the time. I started going to the gym with him when he and Charlotte broke up. He would go more frequently, trying to blow off stress I think and I went along because he was mentally in a bad spot and I didn't want him to be alone. I got a membership back then and we went and talked and worked out and I was in my best shape at that time. I was hot. Ouch!"
Charlotte wasn't home whenever Jasper got back, but he texted her about spending the afternoon with Henry. Once they were out and about again, they just flowed well. And, they'd spent time together before he and Charlotte, so they would likely do so again. He looked at the countertop in the kitchen and Charlotte had left him this cute jumbo organza bag with a drawstring and a note, "Put together a blend of oatmeal, epsom salts, fragrances, flowers, herbs and essential oils for the soreness that you'll surely have when you get home. Love you!" Jasper held his heart over his chest, "She's honestly so thoughtful. Like… She talks to you mean, but literally nobody in my life has ever anticipated that I might be sore and made me a bath soak for it." He was blushing, uncontrollably.
Henry pulled out all the 'Steal Yo Girl' stops for his visit to the lounge that Jasper and Charlotte were working at. Neither of them were expecting him, but he knew where they worked and decided that he would go to socialize and smize at them. He had on a button down shirt, with the buttons open at the top, a floral jacket, silk to be exact, his eyebrows, hairdo, skin and teeth groomed to perfection. Jasper had spent a lot of time with him earlier. They had brunch and found a gym to join together and Henry was able to finish up his run on the treadmill, while Jasper preferred a comfortable walk on the one next to it. They had a good time. Henry felt good about them, but Charlotte was still out of his reach.
He came in and saw a little flier that said that Charlotte was singing tonight. He didn't even know that she sung here. He thought she said she was a waitress. He headed for the bar to order a drink and this music started and a sweet singing voice that made him turn around and stare. She was just in a silhouette, but he knew her form, even holding a guitar. "When we first collided -The timing wasn't right. I showed you the signs. You disappeared into the shadows. Now you're back again, Telling me you do. You do…" She came from the darkness into the dim light of the room, continuing. He was transfixed, but everyone was.
Charlotte wore a figure hugging shimmering gold dress that showcased her gorgeous legs, strap up shoes, and her hair pulled up, adorned with gold accents and some extensions that made her kinda look like that suitoress in Coming to America. She kicked her leg up when she got to the chorus, "I've been to the moon. Don't tempt me. I've been where you are. God help me…" Jasper and Charlotte seemed to both notice Henry at the same time, or maybe Jasper noticed him after she focused in on someone in the audience… "I've been to the moon and stars for you, and now it's your turn to go for me too…" Henry was drawing closer to the stage when he felt a hand squeeze his shoulder and broke his trance. Jasper.
"Hey.. you didn't tell me that Char was singing tonight!"
"I didn't expect to see you here, so I'm not sure why I would've. She has good vocals and can play guitar, so sometimes she does this for extra cash when they can't book anybody." Jasper smiled and folded his arms, trying not to look Henry over and failing. "What are you doing here?"
"Wanted to have a few drinks." They headed for the bar and Jasper was ready to serve. "What's this song she's singing?"
"Ummm.. it's Corinne Bailey Rae, I think. She's doing some of that tonight and some Esperanza Spalding, Marsha Ambrosious… You know…"
"Charshit," they both said at the same time. Henry ordered his drink then stared at her some more before Jasper interrupted, "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you still wanted her." Henry blinked out of it and turned in his seat towards Jasper with a soft smile. "I want her not to hate me. We never got a chance to get to that point. She crossed me off and didn't look back. I spent years trying to get over that."
"Over the fact that someone was strong enough to leave you?" Jasper teased
Henry studied his glass for a while, before admitting, "Over the fact that the one person I always thought would never, had."
"The one person…" Jasper reeled in his sympathy to say, "Well when you're planning threesomes with your exes while you're dating, executing aforementioned threesome when you break up, and then inviting all of them to your shit show, I'm not sure how you expect her to forgive you any time soon."
Henry rubbed the temples of his head, shot the rest of his drink, and gestured for another. Jasper rolled his eyes at the fact that he went silent when called on his BS. Earlier today, he thought he'd changed. When he set down Henry's drink, Henry said, "I want everything out of the way. All the dirt dealt with… everything drudged up and maybe we can put all the shit behind us."
"Says the shit starter," Jasper said. He leaned on the bar, kinda close to Henry's face, "If that's what you want, just say it. Stop playing games."
Henry smiled and said, "I feel like that's going to be used completely out of context when this airs." He booped his nose, laughed, and turned away from Jasper to watch Charlotte finish her set and nurse his drink. "Charlotte said everything that she needed to say to me whenever she left me. She had some valid reasons. She was well within her right and it was the best thing for her to do for her. I always thought that whenever somebody messes up, you work on it, forgive, maybe even forget. My parents have been together for like 30 years and I know that there's been infidelity and other troubles, but they never leave each other and they've never even considered a divorce, and I guess that I thought that when you love someone, there's a lot of room to make mistakes. That… wasn't what I believed after that break up and I felt like I had an epiphany that I was never going to have any great love, because I had one and I messed up."
Charlotte came off of the stage and looked Henry up and down then said, very firmly, cutting off whatever cheery compliments that he was about to give her, "Listen. If you're gonna go after my man, all up in my face, I should tell you that you're not the only one with some fight training."
Henry scoffed and Jasper handed her a drink, "He's not, Babe."
"Don't come up in here trying to look like a meal and getting all up on Jasper, smiling and booping his nose and shit!" She snapped at Henry.
"Wow. You misread all of that," Henry said.
"You misread!" She snapped. "Jasper is a nice person and he has a hard time telling people to shove off. I don't. He doesn't want you anymore, Hen, You messed that up."
"I know that," Henry said, shot the rest of his current drink and threw some money on the counter, "Sorry for the misunderstanding. We still on for the gym?"
"Uhh... " Jasper looked at Charlotte, tapping her foot angrily and clenching her glass in her fingers. "I don't know. I'll call you in the morning." He rubbed Charlotte's shoulder and said, "He wasn't flirting with me."
"I know. You were flirting with him," She said and drank her drink.
"No, I wasn't. I was confronting him about the way that he was looking at you!"
"You had to be nose to nose with him to do so?" She slammed her glass down and said, "Jasper… I'm not going to be any man's fool."
"I would never. I'm tired of you not trusting me."
"Should we take a break? You're certainly not tired of Henry. You were with him all day and now he's here tonight?"
"He just showed up!"
"And you decided to fawn all over him right in my goddamn face, Jasper!"
"I noticed that he looked nice, but I wasn't… I don't want Henry, and hell no I don't want to take a break!"
Henry bit his lip and looked at the camera. "I think that I started a fight between them.." He left the bar, stifling a chuckle. It wasn't funny, but he couldn't help it. He actually had not meant to do that, at all. He didn't know how he was gonna fix it, but probably invite them both over for dinner to clarify what he was doing there.
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maximumkillshot · 6 years
For You- Part 2
Warnings: depressing memories, some provoking Demon!Dean, metions of sexy times,  it’s really a prepper for part 3.... if you want it.
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Reader
A/N: If you want part 3 tell me so!!
“All I Could Do” Masterlist- CLICK HERE
Overall Masterlist- Click Here
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“Be honest with yourself Sammy, if this little cure of yours doesn’t work… Are you gonna be able to off me? ‘Cause just looking it my wife over there, I already know she doesn’t have the guts.” Said, Dean, as he cackled at me. “This is what you wanted, right baby?”
“Y/N, get out of here, I got this,” said Sam as he glared at his brother.
Dean chuckled, “No….you don’t Sammy, remember you’re the whole reason mom died. I’ll never forgive you for that, or for anything else… You ruined my life. At least Y/N’s a good lay, Sammy. You? You’re just a thorn in my side, always have been. I can’t believe I sold my soul for your sorry ass.”
I stood there... Looking at the man that I love, ripping his brother apart, I squeezed my fists as I heard that last part. I had begged him not to do it. I knew Sammy wouldn’t live with himself if he did, but Dean was so adamant.
“I mean if I really think about it… The last time I was truly happy was before you were born. Dad used to play t-ball with me while Mom made apple pie. Then you happened, ruined everything. After that night I had to be your dad, mom, and babysitter. Not to mention babysit Dad. Had to learn how to drive when I was 10. Y’know why, Sammy?” when Sam didn’t respond Dean continued, “Because Dad would wake me up at midnight and leave me in the car while he drank himself to near death, then come back out with the keys and told me to drive. Should have let him tear you apart like he did to me. Maybe then you wouldn’t be this spineless soft sad piece of shit. You don’t know anything, Sammy…. Y/N on the other hand. I’ve vented to her more times than I can count.”
“You don’t mean that that stuff never happened.” Said Sam, near tears.
Dean spat out, “Really? Think about it, Sammy. Why did I always fall asleep in classes? Why did I always suck at school? I couldn’t study, I couldn’t sleep. While you were sleeping, I was hunting with dad. Patching him up after bad hunts, driving him to a bar because he said he needed to blow off some steam. Then when we got back to the motel, I had to help him shower, make sure he didn’t break his neck in the tub, then I needed to patch myself up and hide all of the bloody clothes from you. All of that in between making sure Dad didn’t choke on his own puke. Then I had to wake you up, get you breakfast, and walk us to school. Don’t believe me? Ask Y/N.”
“Y/N?” Asked Sam.
“Dean never wanted you to know,” I looked to Sam, his face falling. Sam turned to walk away.
“See Y/N? Soft, can’t handle the truth even if it bit him in the ass. Going so soon, Sammy?” he asked with black eyes.
I turned to Sammy and said, “Don’t worry, I got this.”
Sammy walked out and left my husband and I alone.
I just stared at him.
“You going to keep on staring at me or?”
“Shut up” I stated plainly.
“Excuse me?”
“Shut…. the fuck up.”
“Someone’s a little bitchy, after the fucking I gave you, I would’ve bet you’d be in a better mood.”
“I would say thank you… but your performance was sub-par, so…. Nice try?” I glared. I’m lying, of course. I never came harder than I did in that motel room, but I couldn’t give him that satisfaction.
“That’s a lie and you know it. But I’ll play along. Untie me and I’ll show you what else I’ve been wanting to do to you.”
“Not a chance in Hell,” I said as the timer on my watch went off.  I grabbed the syringe and approached him.
“You could kill me, you know? Y/N… you really wanna lose me again?” He asked as he looked up at me, the obsidian draining from his eyes, replaced with his emerald eyes.
“You’re still gone if you stay like this, Baby. Trust me.” It was with then that I gave him the last injection. The scream that he let out is haunting, almost like a wounded animal. With that he passed out. A few minutes later Sam walked in.
“How is he?” He asked.
It was then that his head came up, the obsidian draining from his eyes, “Heya Sammy” he breathed. I immediately splashed him with holy water and he had no reaction.
After that things were going pretty smoothly, although he had the Mark of Cain still on his forearm. Then one day, after a hunt I got a terrifying call from Sam…
“Yeah Sammy, how'd the hunt go?”
“He killed everyone”
“What?” My hair stood on end at his statement. “What do you mean he killed everyone, there was only supposed to be two or three vamps, easy.”
“ they targeted a family, and we got there in time. But when i came into the house… Dean killed everyone. Said the mark told him to. Said he couldn't stop. That it felt good.”
“Where is he now?” I asked Sam. I knew that the mark was taking a toll, but I didn’t know that it was causing this.
“He’s showering now.” Said Sam.
“His phone with him?”
“Ok, I’ll call you back.”
I immediately hung up and called my husband. Almost immediately he picked up.
“Dean?” I asked
“Yeah?” I heard Dean ask, I heard scrubbing near the phone.
“Baby, what happened?” I asked gently.
“I blacked out… So much blood Y/N/N. I can’t get it off of my hands.” I heard him grunt out the last word.
Baby put me on a video call.
Immediately his face appeared on screen, his phone propped up behind the faucet. I could see the flying particles of water.
His face looked so lost, so full of pain and confusion.
“One minute I was killing a vamp, the next the mark started burning and I had to… I couldn’t stop, Baby…” I heard him near tears as he continued to scrub…
“Baby how far away are you, I’m coming to you,” I said as I started to pack a go bag.
“NO, no… I don’t know when I’m gonna snap,” said Dean.
“Dean, you’re not gonna hurt me.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Yeah I do, if you didn’t hurt me when you were a Knight of Hell, ain’t no way you’re hurting me now.”
“Baby, I’m…. I’m scared…” He said as he looked at me in the eye.
“Text me where you are, I’m coming,” I stated.
In 5 hours I was right outside of his hotel room.
As soon as I knocked Sam opened the door and pulled me in.
“What happened?” I asked.
“He locked himself in the bathroom as soon as he found out you were almost here.”
“Okay, Sammy, take some time off, go to a bar or something,” I stated as I plopped my bag on Dean’s bed.
“Okay, if you need anything, let me know,” he replied with a knowing smirk.
As soon as I knocked on the door Dean immediately said, “Go away Y/N.”
“You know that ain’t happening, Winchester.”
“Y/N, I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“You aren’t gonna hurt me.”
Slowly he cracked the door open, his face covered with the signs of crying.
When I looked around him, he had blood-stained clothing and towels everywhere. He still had blood all over him, making me think that he probably just turned on the shower and tried not to lose his mind. I tried not to look shocked. In my mind, all I saw was my husband, and he needed me more than anything.
“Okay Baby, let’s get you cleaned up,” I stated simply as I walked by him and turned on the shower. I started to strip myself and he looked confused…
“Just go with it,” I said as I extended my hand to him.
After taking off his underwear he stepped under the spray with me, letting it hit all over his form. I started to massage his shoulders as his breathing steadied.
“Shhhh, I’m taking care of you and that’s it. Okay, Winchester. Just relax.”
He turned to me as he said, “I can’t…” He looked down to the mark solemnly, as if it was chaining him down. I grazed my fingertips over the raised skin and I brought it up to my lips, gently kissing it.
He pulled me into his chest, lightly kissing the crown of my head as I said “we’re going to figure it out, Dean… We always do…”
@mamaredd123 , @impala-dreamer , @impalaimagining , @jotink78 , @nichelle-my-belle , , @scorpiongirl1 , @ilostmyshoe-79 , @teamfreewillimagines , @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid , @chelsea072498 , @brickwall035 , @maui137 , @mogaruke , @jayankles , @butiaintgonnaloveem , @kawaiilivkitty , @naviwhite , @emoryhemsworth ,              
@cole-winchester , @nanie5 , @emoryhemsworth , @carribear31 , @death-unbecomes-you, @clarinette07, @curlyhairedblueeyedangel, @deansbabygirl01, @anathewierdo , @atc74 , @kickasscas67, @mannls, @adoptdontshoppets, @meganywinchester, @xalgaliareptx , @healojane, @wolfiebucky, @rayvenrider, @screechingartisancashbailiff , @goodgodimaweirdperson, @beltzboys2015-blog, @animegirlgeeky, @paintballkid711, @dolphincliffs
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the-hopeless-haze · 5 years
Okay so I’m writing this for anyone who has those days where they just feel so miserable and frustrated and pissed off at the world! Cause I just had one of those days and here’s how you get by with minimal damage, from years of experience of causing damage while in this mood. Also this can be indicative of a depressive phase starting... it sometimes is for me... really hoping that it’s not the case now... but here’s some steps to get out of your funk.
Recognize WHY you are pissed off and upset and feel like crying. Figure it out. Like actually sit there and think or write or something. That helps a lot because usually there’s an underlying reason, and you can’t fix it until you realize it. Maybe there isn’t and it’s just your chronic depression or SAD but there’s probably something you could improve on in your life anyway.
Okay now you’ve got your issue. Make plans to fix what you are upset about... but don’t start today. That saying “never put off tomorrow what you can do today” is good advice, but not in this situation. Odds are you will still feel like shit and any progress you try to make will turn to hell if it doesn’t work out. You are not equipped to deal with failure today, but you might be tomorrow after you sleep.
But you can and SHOULD do stuff today. Nothing makes you feel worse than an unproductive day where all you did was sit around and feel miserable because you were sorry for yourself. So get up out of your bed and make it. Clean something. Do some homework. Practice an instrument. Even if it takes you hours to get through just push. Take breaks if you need to... but push. Do something you know you will finish at the end of the day so you feel accomplished. Don’t beat yourself up if you didn’t get as far as you wanted, focus on the fact that you forced yourself to get at least something done, which is more than you would’ve if you slacked and cried all day.
Try and move. Exercise. Go for a walk. Do some yoga. That improves my mood SO much and I should’ve done it today because I bet I’d feel even better.
Eat something! Maybe part of why you’re miserable is because you didn’t eat enough because that’s often what I do. Try and eat something healthy but even if it’s some burnt dinasour chicken nuggets, that’s something! Also drink water!
Do not try and talk to anyone today. You are miserable and you will bite their heads off. Stay home, or stay isolated. Today is not a day to work on relationships and today is not a day to ruin them. Maybe the reason why you’re like this is because your upset with someone... but wait until you’ve cooled down to confront them. The situation will become more clear in a day. People suck sometimes but they suck a lot more when they are provoked let me tell you. You don’t want to be screamed at today or get into arguments and feel even worse. Wait until you are in an improved mood to speak with them. And even if you just want to “vent”... don’t. You’re just gonna be bitchy. Just shhhh keep it to yourself. No one wants your negative headspace. Leave the people you care about alone. They want to be there for you but if you care about them you will not try and make them miserable too.
For the love of god sleep enough for the next day. Just go to bed early and you’ll feel a lot better in that regard to, ya know? Nothing’s worse than being tired and cranky.
Put things into perspective. It could be a lot worse and I’m sure you’ve probably had worse days than this in retrospect. Also though... it could be a lot better. So make a vow you’ll try and change but also recognize at least something you feel grateful for.
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queerlyglittering · 5 years
ok! This is long overdue lmao. but until the other day I was feeling a bit mopey and sad and also just generally tired and didn’t wanna talk about it BUT THEN  E X T R E M E L Y  LONG POST AHEAD
so lemme see where I last left off re: Letter Boy.... ok so like, to recap: there for a while we’d barely been talking. He didn’t have time to write to me most of the time, and then half the time when we did write to each other our letters kept getting lost in the mail, etc etc. I know I’d been like pretty obsessive over the whole letter-writing thing for a while so I thought I’d been pushing him away and like at one point I wrote him a goodbye letter? Like I was really out here like “I’m so sorry for bothering you so much, I’ll leave you alone now” like what sort of passive-aggressive bitchy monster lmao. And then eventually I was like nah fuck that, that’s not ok and I’m not leaving things like that, so I wrote him an apology and we kinda got back to talking a bit. And then he finally wrote me back! And his letter was deeply personal and emotional and I cried! He came out as ace! He told me he loved me! The absolute drama of it all! (Which it turns out, at that point he didn’t mean it in terms of like, romantic love, just like... he really cared about me as a person and was glad that he felt comfortable to write about his experiences re: being ace to me and it was sort of cathartic. BUT THEN!) So I wrote back almost immediately, telling him that I loved him too and that he was valid and shit lmao. That was all back in late May/early June I think... tbh I don’t remember what happened over the summer, lemme go back and reread our messages? b/c I know neither of us has physically written to the other since then.  Ok so we messaged a bit about potentially meeting up at a Pride festival, either there in Houston or up in Dallas, but the timing just generally didn’t work out in our favor for either event, so we wound up not going. And then we kinda sporadically messaged each other here and there, usually when he was stressed with school or I was stressed with work, etc, but we barely talked off and on for a couple months. Then I started my current job, and my sleep cycle got outta whack for a few weeks, and that’s when things started to get interesting again lmao
ok so sometime near the end of August, he had like a minor depressive episode or something in the middle of the night and messaged me at like 4 am saying he felt “gross and sad” and I slept through that because it was Saturday but I wound up waking up at like 6:30 out of habit from getting up for work, and I ended up calling him and we talked for a while and I vented about some stuff in my life too and then we both went back to sleep lmao. And after that things got a little more active in terms of communication; like y’all know me, I’m a Needy Bitch, so of course I wound up messaging him like once every couple days or so whenever I started to miss him and needed Attention. Like it kinda started with a tarot reading I got, just a standard past/present/future 3-card reading, but she pulled the Lovers for my present, so I mean.... and basically she said something about there being a person in my life whom I had feelings for, and who reciprocated those feelings, but there was a communications disconnect, and the relationship was getting to a point where it could begin to go stale, and that we shouldn’t block ourselves off from progress. After that reading I reached out and messaged him again, and we ended up literally speaking every day for a week. Like I think I’d made a post about that on here about not messaging him for the 8th day in a row and thought I was exaggerating but then I went back and counted and IT ACTUALLY WAS THE 8TH DAY, WOW AUDREY, YOU’RE OFFICIALLY ANNOYING. So I tried to get better about leaving him alone lmao but I started messaging him a bunch of stuff about my singing, because my old community had a brief resurgence in September. and he said he wanted to sing something with me someday and I’m 🥰🥰
So then at one point I had mentioned coming down to Houston for the weekend of the SFA/Sam Houston State game (which was last weekend, 10/5-6) with my friend, and ditching the game to hang out with him instead. I kinda let the subject drop for a couple weeks because at that point it was almost a month out and I wasn’t 100% sure I was gonna be able to go so I didn’t want to get both our hopes up. But then work started being really shitty and dicking me around about my schedule change that was supposed to have happened once I got out of training, and my home life wasn’t gr8 either, so I kinda latched onto that weekend trip as like a bright spot, or something to hope for. Something to keep me going. And he’d basically forgotten about it, which is fine, except I wound up springing it back on him at the last minute lmao. But then my friend who I was supposed to go with (because I can’t drive so she was gonna drive us down there) was like ‘nah I’m not going to the game, I have no money for tickets.’ So I was like well shit, there goes my happy thing. And I talked to her about it and basically begged her to just go down to Houston for the weekend anyway, I’d get us a hotel and everything, because I needed this. So she was like ‘alright, look at hotels.’ But then HER friend got very sick, like in-the-hospital having-mysterious-seizures sick, and she went to go stay with her in the hospital for a few days because the girl’s husband was being a dick about it (it turned out to just be an infection from a contact lens that got stuck in her eye and like melted??? idk. but it was BAD AND SCARY). But that was like Wednesday-Friday of the week we were supposed to go to Houston on that weekend and I wasn’t sure she’d be up to going. So I asked last minute if she still wanted to go or if I should cancel the hotel (not realizing that it was too late to cancel it anyway lmao RIP) and she said ‘ok sure but I wanna bring my kid, since I’ve been away from her for 3 whole days.’ I was like that’s fine, I already thought you were gonna bring her lol. So we wound up going down there on Saturday but we left a bit later than we’d meant to, and by the time we got to town, Letter Boy was already at work. So I missed him that day. The three of us (me, friend & kiddo) wound up swimming in the hotel pool and then ordering Chinese takeout for dinner so that was pretty fun. 
Then the next day, Sunday! Letter Boy called as we were checking out of the hotel to try and figure out what the plan was, where we could meet up, etc. We decided to meet at the mall nearby, since it was an easy landmark for all parties, and we could find each other pretty easily there. He took me (and my friend and her kid, though apparently that wasn’t the plan, and he would’ve preferred to spend time with just me; she even gave me the option to not have the two of them meet us at the restaurant and I decided not to take it because i was a nervous anxious coward lmao) out to lunch at this Korean place in town, where he loves to eat. We played a few rounds of a card game and talked and ate and it was great fun. Then he had to bail and go to work, and we had an interesting goodbye because I’d been out here trying to respect his personal space and all because from what he’d said in his coming-out letter, it sounded very much like he was touch-averse - but then he hugged me goodbye? and kept coming back for more hugs?! like “one more? ok just one more? and one more?” like nonstop for a good five minutes lmao. I was a bit confused but I loved it (my primary love language is physical touch; hugs are my kryptonite. And he gives AMAZING hugs. like I may have even actually dreamed about his hugs before I ever got to experience one, but that’s whole other post lol). Anyway so after that my friend and I went to hang out at her brother’s in-laws’ place because they lived in the area lol. Letter Boy had asked me to message him once I got there, so I did. I told him I wished I could’ve spent more time with him one-on-one, and he said “well if you’re still in town maybe you can sneak away when I get my break later” So I basically said hell yes, just tell me where to meet you, lol. We wound up meeting up at Starbucks and getting coffee and continuing to talk and hang out for the half hour of his break, and he really didn’t want to leave when it was time for him to go. Like he actually contemplated kidnapping me and bringing me to work with him lmao. If my ride hadn’t already been on her way, I would’ve gone with him in a heartbeat. I didn’t want to leave either. And he told me he loved me again!  🥰🥰🥰 It was sappy and sweet and just aghhhh <3
So that was a week ago today! And there’s been some interesting developments since then too. Starting off with that Sunday night when I got home, I’d had too much coffee (starbucks messed up my order and had to remake it so I ended up drinking both lmao, big mistake). So I was over-caffeinated and v emotional and couldn’t sleep so I started writing out all my anxious confused feelings in letter form, and wound up just linking Letter Boy to the Google Doc I’d been writing in. This was at almost 2 AM. Apparently I woke him up and he read it and replied to me over messenger and basically we talked about how like. when he first said he loved me in the letter, he didn’t necessarily mean it in a romantic context but it was definitely more than just platonic and he wasn’t sure how to quantify that. But now that we’d met in person, and got to spend some actual time together, he felt a little differently and that he was “not 100% sure but WAAAY more than 50% sure” that he loved me romantically, because partially because he’s ace, he’s just kinda unsure about romantic relationships in general and he’s reluctant to commit to them because the sex thing always becomes an issue. I reassured him that I completely understand and respect his orientation and would never ask him to change that aspect of himself or do anything that would make him uncomfortable, and he seemed immensely relieved. At this point I’m honestly not even sure how much of his feelings are genuinely for/about me, and how much of them are just some sort of general euphoria at having someone basically validate his orientation and his existence, because he’d spent so long being mocked and tormented by friends and lovers alike, and basically just feeling broken and worthless. And I completely understand that reaction. I’m not even sure I care if that’s all this is, if it comes down to it; I’m happy to be here to love and support him and make sure he never feels less than whole and valid again, no matter my context in his life. I just want him to be happy. I’d love to be the one who makes him happy, but if ultimately that is not my part in his life, then so be it. I’m at peace with it.
Anyway so that was Sunday night, we talked a little bit on Monday and Tuesday and then like,, nothing at all for a few days? And so of course my immediate instinct is that I came on too strong and pushed him away, just because he doesn’t want to talk to me every day?? so I got all mopey and sad and weird, because I thought I’d scared him off and lost him and idk. Also I was in a funk b/c my hormones are being wacky this week; I don’t really get periods per se with my IUD, but sometimes I’ll get phantom cramps and/or mood swings, etc. but this past week i’ve been spotting and cramping AND moody af, so that’s been fun. So I’d been all weird and sad and shit, and thinking he didn’t want to talk to me = he didn’t want me, and I was so paranoid and afraid because I still think this whole thing is too good to be true and I can’t trust it. I know it’s silly and far too early to be serious and it’ll never last and probably won’t end well. I know that it’s fun and easy and idealistic and won’t stand up to reality or practicality, when it eventually has to face them. So I’ve been bracing myself for that ending ever since it began. And I know three days isn’t very long, but after having a whole conversation about how we love each other, and how we love each other, it felt like an eternity. BUT THEN!!!!!!!!!
So ok, we did talk briefly on Friday, in passing. but it was a very short little conversation; the only major thing to come out of it was a further confirmation that yes, he’s serious about coming up here to see me. BUT THEN Saturday night (10/12), he got home from seeing Eric Andre perform live, and he was hanging out with his sister and drinking and generally being a goof, and he messaged me! UPDATE: It’s now sunday 10/20 and I’m still writing this. idk it’s been a lot, everything else in my life has been rough lately, idk. im not feeling as positively about this as i was before, but i’ll keep writing the update. I’ve written too much
SO! Anyway. he came home from the comedy show thing, and he was hanging out with his sister watching some Japanese reality show and drinking, and he messaged me out of the blue. Funny thing I’ve noticed is that he doesn’t generally reach out to me first and he’s not too expressive generally but whenever he’s intoxicated in some way, be it alcohol or pot or even benadryl, he gets really effusively, gushily mushy and sweet. So on this occasion he was drunk, or at least tipsy, and that means he was being extra affectionate and dumb lmao. He started out telling me about his night and then hit me with the “I wish you were heeeerrrrreeeeeeee” lol. And he said something about how one day when he graduates, we should get a place together, where we can “be non-binary and own our dreams” (the second time he’s mentioned possibly being nonbinary to me - or possibly third time, he said something in passing about being confused about gender roles, in a context that implied ‘in relation to himself.’ meanwhile I haven’t actually said anything at all to him about me being nonbinary, he just kinda assumed b/c i have a rly butch-y looking haircut rn lmao. but like.. he ain’t wrong tho 😂 so that’s a conversation that we need to actually have sometime.) He was like “it’s sorta romantic that you live up there and I live down here and we’re so far apart and we have to just kinda pine after each other basically” and i was like oh good, I’m not the only one pining lmao. But then he asked me to come with him when he moves to Japan to teach English there, sometime after he finishes his degree. Which like, I wish I could go with him, and I know that if we’re still talking at that point/especially if we actually get together, it’s gonna be hard to be that far away from him and I’m gonna miss him. But it’s just eminently not practical. I don’t have any college degree and I don’t speak a lick of Japanese, there’s no way I can teach English with him; and there aren’t many other jobs there for Americans. And he won’t be making enough to support both of us on a teacher’s salary, i know that much. So that’s where I start to get a bit disillusioned. Like I know it was just a drunk suggestion out of a desperation to not be apart anymore, and despite the fact that a drunk mouth often speaks sober thoughts, I know better than to assume that either of those offers to live together were any kind of a promise, and I have no intention to hold him to either of them. But in the moment I very much got my hopes up and I let myself get really excited and I regret that now lmao because like I knew even then that it wasn’t real. and now i’m just sorta disappointed because I’ve had to confront the fact that he’s very much a daydreamer and I, for all my delusional fantasizing, am at heart more practical than that. I don’t like to hope for things that I know can’t happen, because it’s just setting myself up for future devastation. And he just wants to hope and wish for everything, and maybe some of it will come true and maybe some of it won’t, and he just sort of seems unbothered by either outcome. For all my hopeless romanticism and my overemotional nature, I can’t bring myself to do that, to hope without expectation. I don’t know how. it’s so antithetical to my understanding of the world. And it just serves to highlight another of the many ways in which we are almost complete opposites - which isn’t a bad thing! but it can make some things harder. like handling distance, or hoping for the future, or just communication in general.
but anyway! back to drunken happiness lmao. he started saying really sappy shit like how he wants to be there for me when I’m feeling down, and he wants to have big dumb fights with me just so he can make it up to me with a big grand gesture like flowers or edible arrangements or something. and then he wrote me a drunken limerick and it was actually surprisingly good and really cute lmao. and he said he wanted to cuddle me. and then we got into a mini-fight over which one of us was cuter lmao. and he called me queen and said that he just wants to like. make me food and take care of me and stuff lol. and that he doesn’t even HAVE a type but somehow I am exactly his type? which is still fucking me up, that’s the sweetest shit i’ve ever heard. (because i know what he means, he’s dated around quite a bit with different types and genders of people and stuff because he didn’t really know how to handle his asexuality and of course the myth is that you just haven’t found the right person yet, so he just kept trying and feeling broken and then here I am, the first person he’s found to be accepting and understanding of that part of him, and still want him and care for him and be all lovey-dovey and shit with him, and he just wants me to be happy in return.) meanwhile I of course have several types, including different types for girls and guys etc, but he’s hitting all my boxes - tall, handsome in a kind of adorkable way, smart, funny, sarcastic, sweet, patient, sensitive, similar tastes in media and similar political alignments, queer. plus he’s just cute as fuck. like out of my league cute lmao but again, that’s exactly my type OTL so like I told him that, and that I just wanna like. hold him and be with him and help him be successful in whatever he wants in life. and he freaked out and was like ugh you should just come here rn i’ll hide you under my bed if i have to and i was like i wish i could :( and he was like THAT’S NOT GOOD ENOUGH AUDREY COME HERE and i was like OK IM LEAVING ON FOOT SEE U IN 3 DAYS and it was funny. and we flung a bunch of heart emojis at each other. and then he made a passing reference to his mood swings and i kinda ended up ignoring it because i sent a message at the same time but in my head i was like boy have you even MET me, 1. the swings have always been my favorite piece of playground equipment, 2. i’ve got mood swings down to a fine art, and 3. i’m more worried about whether you can handle mine. i’m pretty sure i can take yours in stride lmao. and then there was more talk of cuddling, and HE STARTED HEART REACTING ALL MY MESSAGES and i’m just like WTF STOP IT THAT IS THE CUTEST SHIT <3333 and then he sent me a dollar by accident? and I sent him the “i love you bitch, i ain’t never gonna stop loving you bitch” vine lmao
and apparently this whole time he was still sitting around with his sister? lmao because he said she told him she approved of me after i sent that vine 😂 and she apparently likes my hair! which is good lol (reminder I need to post some pics of it on here, I posted selfies to fb but i don’t think i’ve posted on here yet). his sister is also bi lmao and seems cool in general (and also from what i’ve seen creeping her fb, she’s REALLY GORGEOUS, like it runs in the family, these fuckers should be models, it’s ridiculous really) so having her approval is v nice. like at least one member of his family approves of me! now to work on the rest 😂😂 and then he was talking about he was gonna get high also (despite being already drunk) and i was joking with him about bogarting the weed and he was like “when we live together I’ll share my weed with you” lmao but he said it with such certainty, like it was just a given. not an if, but a when. which threw me for enough of a loop. But then he started in on this fantasy scenario where like it’s late at night and we can’t sleep so he makes me sushi by hand, and we feed each other with our chopsticks (he was impressed that I already knew how to use them lmao) and we sit on the couch arm in arm watching reruns of cheers and laughing way too loudly and fall asleep in each other’s arms as the sun comes up outside but we don’t have anything to do the next day so it’s ok. and it was the sweetest most romantic shit I’ve literally ever heard in my LIFE, like it sounds like actual heaven and i was crying happy tears at this point lmao. just 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 like in that moment i felt so fucking loved i couldn’t even speak and y’all know i’m never speechless, i literally can’t fucking shut up most of the time lmao. and like at that point his phone was dying so he went to plug it in and go to bed and I did the same because it was like 2:30 in the morning but i was just giddy with affection and couldn’t sleep. 
anyway so the next day (sunday) i had a party thing to go to that was really fun but i’m socially awkward so i texted him a lot as a crutch. and then the next day (monday) he had given me “permission to bug the crap out of him” so i messaged him a lot throughout my work day because it was an unusually crappy day anyway. and the day after that (tuesday) we messaged about the democratic debates and stuff. and then i kinda tried to give him some space, because i felt like i was smothering him, and i made it all the way to friday evening before i caved in and messaged him again. like i don’t wanna bother him by messaging him every day, i know he’s busy. whenever he doesn’t actively have class, he’s got homework or he’s working (which usually means he’s driving and can’t talk). but i’m like so addicted to the affection i get from him, it’s bad. my anxiety just keeps building and getting worse if i try to avoid messaging him and I don’t make it very far before i end up giving in and messaging him for a hit of that good ol’ dopamine. so we ended up catching each other up on the events of the latter part of our week, and talking about sushi preferences. and he apparently has never had eel?? like that was probably the 2nd or 3rd thing i tried lmao 😂 but then to be fair I had a boyfriend at the time who was very interested in making sure i tried new things, and who had been stationed briefly in japan so he knew a lot about sushi and wanted to show off. anyway Letter Boy is like me, he prefers salmon by a wide margin. and we talked about how he’d tried squid and did not enjoy it, and that turned into a mini battle to see who could post the weirdest squid-themed gif lmao. and then i sent him the playlist but he still hasn’t listened to it yet I don’t think. but he also wants me to write him a poem lmao so that’s something i should start working on i guess. but idk i’m not feeling it rn but that’s not his fault. 
and then today happened and i had another incident with my mother and her narcissistic bullshit and i was feeling like shit so i reached out to my best friend to kinda get some validation that i’m not actually the narcissistic one (which felt shitty and manipulative, like if i have to ask i’m probably at least a LITTLE narcissistic. but then again if i actually was narcissistic i guess i wouldn’t even have that doubt? like i would just be certain that i wasn’t and not second-guess it because i wouldn’t care? and like making their victims believe that THEY are the narcissistic ones and the abuser isn’t, is a classic hallmark of gaslighting and narcissistic abuse? but i still felt like shit about it idk). And I also reached out to Letter Boy because while I love my best friend more than words can say, like she’s my sister-from-another-mother, Letter Boy has kind of become my comfort person. like i always used to write letters to him whenever I was going through a rough spot, as a distraction. and usually I’ll message him whenever I’m starting to feel anxious or sad, but lately it’s gotten to where I’ll start to feel anxious and sad whenever I don’t message him regularly. like i’ve said, it’s getting bad and i’m worried about it. like that’s not a good sign of a healthy relationship. and it��s nice to have some positivity in my life, especially given all the negative shit i’m constantly surrounded by. but that doesn’t mean this relationship is healthy or good for either of us. so that’s yet another thing on my list of shit that’s making me anxious lol. but anyway he tried to be supportive when i told him about what i’m dealing with in re: my mother, and encouraged me to get out, but he just seemed kinda generally lost. like he didn’t know how to deal with it. and if that’s because he’s been fortunate enough that in his life, that kind of behaviour is not something he’s experienced, then I’m happy for him. but he said some stuff about not really believing in labels, but specifically in regards to mental health issues? which like. that’s all fine and good in terms of gender and sexuality, but with mental health, that’s a medical issue. you kind of have to have names for things in that context so that you can treat them. and i get that he was kinda trying to be encouraging to me, to not let my mother make me think of myself as a narcissist, and to not feel so shitty about myself in terms of like my depression and anxiety and stuff. but it just felt like it was sort of coming from a place of very neurotypical privilege and misunderstanding, and it was sort of unintentionally invalidating. and then he brought up the idea of us living together again, once he graduates, but he said it in a slightly more realistic way which i should have been happier with but that only wound up disappointing me. he said “maybe when i graduate we can get a place...” instead of like his certainty from earlier. and i said i wish, and he said that he wishes too and we should both hope for it and maybe it’ll happen. and i’m just like... hope is a dangerous thing for my emotional health, i don’t want to hope for something that isn’t going to happen. and he basically said that i need to learn to hope without expectation, and set small goals as baby steps toward that bigger dream, and i’m just like. i don’t understand but thank you lmao. and that’s where we left off this evening. and i’ve been crying, about shit with my mom and my life in general and worrying about all this bullshit with letter boy and how like a week ago we were blissfully happy with each other and now things are feeling increasingly less certain and i have this burning feeling in the back of my mind that he’s not gonna actually show up for the Syrup Festival in 3 weeks - which again, i’ve pinned all my hopes to, it’s the light at the end of my newest tunnel. and i’m so nervous because i want to show him everything and let him get a feel for where i live (and why i feel trapped here lmao) and yet at the same time i don’t know how to handle it because i don’t think he’ll feel the same way about it as i do. and i’m still not sure he’ll even come. because despite him telling me repeatedly that he wants to come, i can’t help but feel that either something will come between us within that time, or he’ll just end up having to work, or something, and he won’t actually come. i’m so terrified he won’t want to come. I’m terrified i’m pushing him away. because this whole thing, ever since we started writing letters, has felt mostly one-sided, like i’m out here sharing everything with him and flinging my love and attention at him, and getting scraps in return, just enough to keep me coming back for more. and i don’t know if he’s stringing me along or if he’s serious. he is a bit flighty. I don’t want him to fly away. but i don’t want to hold him down, either.
i don’t know.
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thinkyoureholy · 6 years
Caught In Between [4]
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Pairing : Oh Sehun x Reader/  Kim Jongin x Reader
Genre : Angst / Fluff
Words : 2.9k
Pt 1. Pt 2. Pt 3. Pt 4. Pt 5.
November 19th, 2016
I cursed under my breath, dropping the tray that was in my hands. I held my right hand to my chest and ran over to the sink. I bit my bottom lip to the point where I was able to taste blood on my tongue. I stuck my hand under the running water, wincing at the pain that didn’t seem like it was going to go away any time soon. I cursed and did all I could to make the pain go away but it seems like the burn was worse than I thought.
“What the hell did you do this time?” Jongin asked, taking my wrist in his hand and inspecting the burn on my palm.
I pulled my wrist out of his grip and stuck my hand back under the water, “Don’t worry about it, it's nothing.”
Months later and we were still in that awkward bickering phase. I was sure that he would fire me after my little outburst but it seems like Jongin has no problem in separating his private and business life. I was surprised that he was able to act more or less like nothing happened. Sure he was a little more closed off and more direct with his words and he didn’t joke around with me as he used to. I mean it was understandable, after I thought back to it I regretted the words I said to him. Just because I was feeling hurt over what I heard at Sehun’s place didn’t mean I had any right to blow up in his face.
“It doesn’t look like its nothing Y/N, let me see.”
“I said-”
“I heard you now listen to me for once and stop being so bitchy all the time.” Jongin cut me off, rendering me speechless.
He took this as his chance to grab my wrist and lead me to the back room. He sat me down on one of the chairs while he grabbed the first aid kit. Before he could even get the ointment out of the kit I was already starting to shy away from him. My hand still felt like it was on fire and I wasn’t too keen on inflicting more pain by adding the ointment. The ointment is supposed to help but before it could do any good I knew it was going to hurt like a motherfucker.
“The longer you put this off the worse the scar will be when it heals.” Jongin said softly.
My eyes shifted from one of his to the other, Jongin capturing me in some sort of trance. While I was stuck in this trance Jongin took the chance to spread the ointment on my hand. I hissed and pulled my hand out of his grip, holding it to my chest. I glared over at him only to see a smile threatening to spread across his face.
“Stop being such a baby…” He trailed off, a small chuckle leaving his lips.
“You try burning your hand with a tray that was heated up at 325°.” I grumbled, a small smile playing at my lips.
“I think you forget that I’ve been making those pastries since I was fifteen.”
I watched as he wrapped the bandage around my hand, the conversation dying down. I could tell he still felt a little bit bitter over what I had said to him. I wasn’t the best at apologizing but when I’m wrong I’m wrong and I have to admit to that.
“Jongin...I’m sorry…”
“For what?”
I let out a combination of a scoff and a chuckle, “You’re really gonna make me say it aren’t you?”
He only gave me a smirk, a sigh leaving my lips, “Okay...I’m sorry for snapping at you that day, I was out of line. I know you were just worried but instead of letting you help I yelled at you.”
I let out a small ‘umph’ when he brought me into a quick hug. I couldn’t help but let out a chuckle, a smile on my face when he pulled away.
“Now was that so hard?” He asked, a smug look on his face.
I scoffed and rolled my eyes, punching his arm lightly. He grinned but that grin soon fell from his face, a serious look in his eyes.
“You know you can always talk to me right? I know we haven’t known each other that long...but I’m always here to listen. You may not need advice but if you need to vent...you know where to find me.”
-November 27th, 2016-
“You know I hate parties.” I told him, not even looking at him as my eyes stayed glued on my phone.
“Stop being so anti social, Jongin invited us both.” Sehun basically whined out, grabbing my phone out of my hands.
“And I told Jongin I don’t like big crowds and he was perfectly fine with it.”
“Yeah well I’m not so get your lazy ass up and get ready, we’re leaving in thirty minutes.” He said, taking my phone with him and made his way downstairs.
-Sehun’s P.O.V-
I had half a mind to drag her to the party in the clothes she was already wearing. She had gone over the thirty minutes I had given her and just as I was about to march up to her room she came down the stairs. My breath caught in my throat at seeing her. She wasn’t wearing anything too flashy just simple black jeans and a casual shirt but dammit I swear I heard angels singing, as cheesy as that sounds. I was so caught up in this trance that I didn’t even notice that she was already standing right in front of me.
I cleared my throat and shook my head, taking a step back as she was a little too close, “Nothing...let’s go.”
She looked confused for a second before giving a shrug of her shoulders and heading towards the door. I stayed behind for a bit, collecting my thoughts.
Get it together, Oh Sehun.
I shook my head and with a heavy sigh I followed after her.
As soon as we walked into Jongin’s house I immediately knew this party had already taken a turn for the worse. Jongin wasn’t one to have an overly crazy house party but it seems like his guests had taken it too far. There were people passed out or close to passing out on his front yard and from the commotion I heard coming from the back I knew that a few of them had gotten to the pool.
Y/N stuck close to me as we made our way into the house, immediately running into Jongin. I grabbed his arm  before I lost him in the crowd.
“Dude...I thought you said it was only going to be a few people.”
Jongin sighed heavily, running his fingers through his hair in frustration, “Yeah and so did I but a few of my college friends heard I was having a get together and they decided to turn it into a full blown party.”
“Have you, oh I don’t know, thought of just kicking them out? This is your house after all.” Y/N said, a small grunt leaving her lips afterwards as someone bump into her from behind.
She stumbled forward Jongin reaching out to steady her before I could even process what had happened. I watched on as the two interacted, Jongin asking if she was okay. I couldn't help but clench my jaw at the way his hands lingered on her forearms, the look in his eyes bothering me twice as much. I tilted my head to the side to try and rid myself of the bubbling anger I was starting to feel, questioning why my temper was getting the best of me.
“Are you sure you’re okay to be here? You’ve told me how much you don’t really like crowds, I won’t take it the wrong way if you decide to leave early…” Jongin said, the way his tone of voice changed when talking to Y/N really rubbed me the wrong way.
I forced a smile onto my face, grabbing her wrist and pulling her closer to me, “She’ll be fine...she’s got me around after all.”
With that I dragged Y/N towards the kitchen and away from Jongin. I kept my back to her as I looked over the types of drink that were laid out on the counter, trying to reign in my temper in the few seconds it took me to pour the two of us a drink. By the time I turned around to hand her a cup I managed to remove the deep frown from my face and replaced it with a small smile. I didn’t know if she bought the smile but by the way she was just looking around aimlessly I’m sure she didn’t even notice it. She grabbed the cup out of my hand without even sparing me a glance, a genuine smile gracing my lips at seeing her cough slightly at the contents of the cup.
“Sehun!” She yelled, a grimace still on her face.
I couldn’t help but let out a laugh, Y/N punching my arm but not hard enough for it to actually hurt, “I’m just trying to bring your alcohol tolerance a little bit higher. You’re such a lightweight.”
“So you decide to dump a whole bottle of vodka into my cup?!” She asked incredulously, trying to fight the smile that was threatening to break out onto her face.
I shrugged, and draped an arm around her shoulders, dragging her onto the dance floor...or more accurately...the living room.
-2 Hours Later ; Y/N’s P.O.V-
I choked on my drink at the words that came out of Sehun’s mouth, a weird combination of a laugh and cough falling from my lips. Sehun just stood there with a smirk on his face as he watched me practically die at his corny but admittedly funny joke. After another few seconds my laughter started to die down some, my smile immediately vanishing when I laid eyes on her. I felt my blood boil at just the sight of her, her eyes having no problem finding mine. I ground my jaw back and forth at seeing the smug smirk on her face. Sehun seemed to notice how my mood completely changed, following my gaze until his eyes met Sujin’s.
“Jongin I didn’t know you kept such bad company.” I mumbled under my breath, annoyed at the glare Sehun directed my way as soon as those words left my mouth.
“I don’t even have her number so I didn’t invite her. I don’t think I even invited half the people here.” Jongin replied in slight exasperation.
I cringed at the sound of her voice, not even sparing her a glance. Sehun’s mouth immediately ran dry, Jongin looking as uninterested as I was. Guessing by his body language I’m sure Jongin knew what went down between Sehun and Sujin. Sehun seemed to take a few seconds to compose himself giving Sujin the opportunity to turn her attention to me.
“I didn’t know you were back…?” She asked, faking the smile that was on her face.
“I didn’t know I had to tell you that I was.” I retorted, seeing Jongin try to hide his smile behind his cup.
Sehun turned to me, ready to scold me but Sujin beat him to it, saying something that shocked the three of us, “I actually came over here to talk to you. Do you think we can go somewhere private?”
I looked at her dumbfounded, sharing a glance with Jongin and Sehun. The two of them weren’t of much help so in my stunned state I stupidly said okay. I handed my drink over to Sehun and followed her to the backyard which had emptied out some as it had gotten colder. As soon as we were outside Sujin dropped her facade, an annoyed expression on her face.
“I see you’re still clinging onto Sehun like a disease.”
I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest, “I see you’re still the same two faced bitch. I guess nothing ever really changes, huh?”
“Look I’m gonna get straight to the point-”
“Good, saves me from having to look at you for too long.”
“-I’m gonna get back together with Sehun.”
I looked at her shocked for a seconds before bursting out laughing. I leant forward as I was thrown into hysterics, but I soon noticed she was completely serious. I straightened up, clenching my jaw tightly, “You can’t be serious…”
“I’ve never been more serious about anything in my life.”
“After all the shit you’ve put him through you think I’m going to let you just waltz back into his life? You got lucky over the years that I was away but now that I’m here I’m not going to let you break his heart again.” I snapped out, taking a step closer to her.
She had the audacity to smirk, “Sehun’s a man...he can make decisions on his own.”
“Not with this he can’t. You’ve cheated on him so many times while I was away and I know for a fact that you’ll keep doing it. Once a cheater always a cheater.”
“Why don’t you just let Sehun make that decision for himself? You scared Sehun will pick me over you...again?”
I clenched my fist, fighting the urge to slap that smug look off her face, “Look here you manipulative little snake, while I’m around you will never dig your little claws into Sehun again.”
“I mean I wouldn’t blame you for being scared of Sehun leaving you...especially after your own parents abandoned you…” She said, completely ignoring what I said.
My face dropped at her words, stunned by what she just said. The subject of my parents was a touchy one and I know for a fact I never shared anything that deep with her. My shock soon turned into anger as I took a step towards her, “What the fuck did you just say?”
“Did that hit too close to home? I guess saying they abandoned you is the wrong term I mean, I’m sure they never meant to di-”
Before she could even finish her sentence I swung at her, hitting her right in the nose. I heard a sickening crunching noise after I hit her, telling me that I broke her nose. She immediately sank to the floor, crying out in agony as she curled up into a ball. I went to hit her again but I was stopped by a hand grabbing my wrist tightly. I looked over to see it was Sehun that had stopped me, an unbelievably angry expression on his face. He moved me aside none too gently and knelt down in front of Sujin.
“Y/N what the fuck is wrong with you?!”
“Why don’t you ask the bitch on the floor?! She started talking shit about my-”
“I don’t give a fuck what she said to you! You can’t just go around hitting people because they pissed you off!” He shouted, cutting me off and standing up to look me in the eye.
I let out a mix of a scoff and a chuckle, “I see you’re already taking her side without even knowing the whole story.”
At that his face softened, a sigh leaving his lips, “Y/N-”
“Forget it, fuck you and your little whore.”
With that I turned on my heel, walking away from them. I heard footsteps running after me and I hoped those footsteps belonged to Sehun but I guess you can’t always get what you want right?
“Y/N...where are you going?” Jongin asked worriedly, stopping me from taking another step.
I sighed heavily, looking up to try and stop the oncoming tears from falling down my face. I wasn’t too fond of letting Jongin see this side of me, the part of me that was weak and constantly going through heartbreak. I know I could easily get myself out of this situation but the last time I did that I cracked within a few years. No matter how badly I wanted to get away from him and just forget about these stupid feelings of mine I couldn’t help but come back to him.
I let out a dry laugh, combing my fingers through my hair, “To the moon.”
Jongin stood there perplexed, “Huh?”
I looked down at my feet briefly before meeting his gaze, “Home Jongin, it’s been a long day…”
“I’ll take you, it's too late for you to be out on your own.”
“I’d rather be alone, I need some time to think.”
“Jongin...please…” I cut him off, my voice cracking the slightest bit.
Jongin looked conflicted. I could tell he wanted to argue the subject of taking me home some more but the look in my eyes stopped him. He sighed heavily before nodding.
“Do you want the day off tomorrow?”
I smiled softly, shaking my head, reaching forward and squeezing his bicep reassuringly. Without another word I turned on my heel and made my way back home. The smile I had on my face immediately fell as soon as I turned around, the tears gathering in my eyes. The tears were a combination of heartbreak and built up frustration. The night was going well until she decided to show up and just completely ruin everything. With Sujin back in the picture I knew I couldn’t stay at Sehun’s for any longer.
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