#soukoku love child
i-eat-mold · 3 months
Obsessed with dazai chatacter analyses that view him as a constant cry for help especially in his mafia years. His first few years in the mafia or in general after being taken in by mori are just a constant chain of actions taken as a desperate cry for help, to be seen and helped and at the same time he’s pushing everyone away. Then later on when he’s reaching the end of his time in the mafia during his mid-late teens he seems to have taken in the fact that no one’s just gonna go and help him, so his actions are less dramatic in that way. And then Oda. And chuuya. God I have Thoughts on all of this. But general takeaway about dazai in his early teens is that he was just a kid alone in a cold container and alienated by every adult in his life who probably needs a hug.
This said I stand my ground that he is an absolute piece of shit and I hate him more than anything else in the world
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sad-emo-dip-dye · 2 years
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Look him. Look at that precious baby. A terrorist? No. He could do no wrong ever. He’s just a cute little guy.
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Ok but Akutagawa carrying his and Atsushi's child around by using rashomon to make a baby carrier is one of the most wholesome of all the future family headcanons.
(You can't argue with me on this one)
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shiny-chan2 · 5 months
Dazai: Dammit, Chuuya!
Chuuya: What?! It wasn’t me!
Dazai: Sorry, force of habit. Dammit, Molly !
Molly : Not me either.
Dazai: Oh...Then who set the house on fire?
Peter: *whistles*
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lnkedmyheart · 2 years
Basically the condition of skk rn,
Fyo to Dazai- lololol fake chuuya stan.
Dazai- le gasp!
Chuuya- If I pretend to be a vampire I will not have to acknowledge anything.
Sigma- questioning every life decision that led him here.
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kyouka-supremacy · 2 years
I know I'm just being delusional but I really think sskk would be good parents
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BSD college!AU - Bramcraft drabble - Aquarium date
TWs: None. This is genuinely only tooth-rotting fluff
Soukoku is there too for a short time
While Bram isn't super interested into the world underwater, Lovecraft is absolutely fascinated by it
He's majoring in marine biology too so yeah. He adores everything related to life underwater
Due to this, he also loves going to the large aquarium in the city
Normally he despises going anywhere but this is the only exception besides going to the library and most of the time, Bram will let himself get convinced to go to the aquarium with the other
Both find the aquarium extremely calming and soothing in some way and could watch thier favorite tanks forever
Usually they both enjoy thier stay there a whole damn lot, aside from getting annyoyed by screaming kids which run around without watching where they go and aside from the fact that Bram can't get close to some of the tanks since there is a little step in front of some tanks on which he can't get with his wheelchair
It always pisses him off
While he can walk or stand for extremely short periods of time with crutches, without being in unbearable pain and without his legs giving in, he genuinely doesn't accept that he needs to go through the whole process of getting out his crutches,slowly getting out of the wheelchair and having to get up on that step (which is pretty difficult), only to see the tanks clearly for a very short while before he has to sit back down anyways.
It makes him wanna strangle people
But luckily the most tanks are accessible and on top of that, he can fit perfectly in the kids tunnel which he thinks is quite nice
Bram's favorite tanks there are the jellyfish tanks, the tank with the axolotls, and the tanks with the rays while Lovecraft's favorite tanks are the ones with the squits and the octopuses aswell as the the large and deep ones with multiple species in it
But since he knows that Bram finds the latter a bit unnerving, they never stay too long in front of this tank
They also both love the shark tunnel
They could spend hours in that tunnel, watching the sharks
They often sit together in front of the jellyfish tank and hold hands while watching the jellyfish for nearly an hour
Often, Bram lies his head against Lovecraft's shoulder and both start to doze off
Lovecraft also likes the interactive tanks were visitors can touch starfish, tiny crabs, sponges, non poisonous sea anemones and shells
Bram isn't that fond of those interactive tanks and refused to touch anything in them at first but eventually Lovecraft convinced him to touch at least one of the shells
If he was completely honest, he kind of liked the feeling of the shells and the pleasant cold of the water
He also dared to touch one of the star fish after carefully but also cautiously caressing some of the shells but he quickly pulled his hand out of the water, the moment he touched one of the star fish
He complained for plenty of minutes about the horrible squishy feeling and then he complained for a while about how Lovecraft could touch those things so fondly
Lovecraft just stifled a laugh and shrugged at that question
They don't talk a lot when they are there. They watch the fish, the sharks, the jellyfish and all the other species quietly. They don't need any words then. They are both quiet people and being in each other's presence while watching the fish seemingly floating gracefully through the water is more than enough for them
They also don't just hurry through the aquarium but rather spend a long while watching all the tanks, observing every detail, basking in the graceful yet silent beauty of the underwater life and showing each other things they find beautiful, cute, funny, fascinating or endearing
Lovecraft randomly infodumping in a calm, storytelling kinda way while they stand in front of a tank is a thing.
Bram loves it. He will always listen to him and he also always asks a bunch of questions about whatever topic his partner is talking about, genuinely wanting to learn more about it
If they are in a exam phase during thier visit, they both are able to forget thier exam stress for at least a little while and can finally relax
They also saw Dazai and Chuuya strolling through the aquarium once or twice already and once was during an exam phase which is why Bram guessed that they also wanted to escape from all the exam stress for a little while (judging by Chuuya's workaholic tendinces, it was probably Dazai's idea to go to the aquarium during that time)
Chuuya was quietly admiring the fish, rays and all the other animals while Dazai was running from tank to tank in sheer excitement like a little child, calling Chuuya to show him things and being extremely giddy the whole time
The redhead watched his boyfriend with amusement and with a soft smile on his lips
Chuuya also often called Dazai to a tank or tugged at his shirt or hand, showing him things and cracking jokes here and there
When Dazai wasn't running around, they were mostly holding hands, both silently admiring all the different animals on the different tanks, occasionally showing the other something while Dazai was still super excited nearly the whole time
One time, the two couples walked past each other, greeting each other in a friendly way, Dazai waving happily as soon as he spotted Bram and Lovecraft
While Bram and Lovecraft show affection usually through conversations, hugs, holding hands or sitting together in a comfortable silence, either doing nothing or doing something like reading and while they don't kiss often, they would be lying if they would say that they didn't share a couple of kisses in the shark tunnel
Another thing which makes them love being at the aquarium aside from the obvious reasons (the sea life and spending time together in mostly peaceful surroundings) are the low lights
Both are pretty sensitive to light, Bram more than Lovecraft, and due to that the low lights in most of the areas are truly a blessing, even though it makes both a bit sleepy after a while
They also always visit the shop before they leave
Bram making Lovecraft wear silly hats with cartoon fish on it and not being able to hold back a genuine laugh when his old friend really puts on the hat in question is a thing
Bram's absolute favorite find is a shaker Keychain with little, nearly transparent but colorful miniature jellyfish in it
He always keeps it on his Bunch of keys/key ring
They both also often buy plushies there. Lovecraft once bought a huge octopus plush while Bram bought a shark plush
Lovecraft also once brought him a blanket set, one with jellyfish and one with sharks on it when they visited during winter. Bram had forgotten his blanket at home and he was genuinely freezing so Lovecraft bought him the blankets. Besides this, he knew that Bram had been wanting them.
The also both once bought those shark sleeping bags which look like a shark is eating you for shits and giggles
They had a "I only buy one if you buy one too" discussion about it and ended up buying two of those shark sleeping bags
They love them unironically since they are super comfortable to sleep in and surprisingly keep them warm despite looking like bring made out of thin fabric
They never eat in the restaurant of the aquarium though since they both think it's kind of macabre to eat fish sticks, sea fruit, fish in general or crab while sitting next to a tank with colorful fish in it
Besides this, they are mostly both pretty worn out when they arrive at the restaurant so they probably wouldn't even want to eat something there if they would serve different food since they are simply both too tired and since they absolutely can't put up with the screaming children in the children corner then
Due to all of this, they usually drive back to the college dorms and order some take out which they can eat while cuddling on one of the beds in thier dorm, listening to music, showing each other videos they made while they were at the aquarium and chatting a bit about thier day as well as about the aquarium/the different species which they were able to see today
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Soukoku Angst, ow, angst, ow
If there are any BSD fanfiction writers with no shortage of writing desire, but a shortage of ideas, don’t worry I gotchu, cuz I have the opposite.  
The thing with brain rot is everything becomes a fic idea and I can’t stop hurting my feelings with this one. 
Loss of children
As always, feel free to steal my idea, but tag me so I can cry with you <3
Relationship: Soukoku, cis Chuuya, trans Dazai (can also be A/B/O if that’s the universe instead)
The two of them start seeing each other romantically about a year after they join the mafia (though to be clear this is Soukoku, so nothing is ever romantic per say, and that can lend it’s own layer of angst and miscommunication above everything else)
One night Dazai discovers he’s pregnant, and it is a shitshow.  His feelings go from completely numb, to furious rage and back again more times than he can count.  It’s not just that he doesn’t want this baby -- has never wanted a baby, will never want a baby in this life he’s barely interested in keeping for himself.  It’s not just that he’s young, it’s not even just that he’s cursed with a womb that shouldn’t have to bear the responsibility of his sex that his gender should never know... it’s that even if he did want this baby, he felt he didn’t have a choice. He knows he doesn’t have a choice.  That in itself is traumatic in its own way, even regardless of his feelings on the matter.  He doesn’t have a choice.
He decides to tell Chuuya anyway -- and while a part of him tells him as a last-ditch effort to feel not so fucking alone, a part of him does it out of pure vengeful spite for getting him into this mess in the first place.  Sadly, Chuuya reacts exactly how Dazai expected him to.  He’s happy.  He’s fucking happy.  He's already making plans for defecting from the mafia together and running away to hide somewhere Dazai knows can never, ever truly be safe. Dazai cuts him off and tells him he’s not keeping it and watches with a sick sense of justice as visible heartbreak leaves Chuuya broken all over -- even for just a moment -- before he’s yelling, arguing, angry right alongside Dazai but also at Dazai himself.  What does he mean he can’t keep it?  He doesn’t even want to try?  It becomes abundantly clear that Chuuya -- hurt, for many of the same reasons as Dazai -- is fighting just to fight.  That’s fine.  Dazai can fight.  He calls him stupid.  Tells him the only reason he wants to keep it is because he doesn't have to carry it.  He accuses Chuuya of only wanting to keep this baby in the hopes that it will be the one thing to finally make him feel human for once in his loveless life.  He accuses him of martyrdom, of thinking he’s better than Dazai for always taking in the strays.  Chuuya accuses Dazai of not having a heart.  They scream and yell and sob and plead until Dazai’s cold indifference and spite has grown tired and warm, and Chuuya’s red-hot rage has dulled to ice with helplessness.
“Chuuya,” Dazai begins, realizing there was nothing left to do once they had both screamed and cried themselves sick for three lifetimes, “do you really want to be responsible for when the mafia finds the three of us alive?”  Chuuya nearly throws up. 
So Dazai goes to the doctor, and the two of them carry on as if nothing ever happened.  Only now there’s hatred slowly seeping beneath their skin.  They continue to see each other as they had been, only now any love (in however many words) there once may have been just beginning to bloom between them in the midst of brand new feelings has been crushed to dust, and there is almost a repulsion alongside the attraction now -- the two of them hate-fucking whenever one got on the others nerves enough, any semblance of true care for one another long gone  alongside the trauma they both simply pushed out of sight, never to resolve. 
And it happens again.  And again.  And it keeps on happening, never any less clinical and cold than that very first time.  He tells Chuuya every time -- sometimes beforehand, sometimes after, just to let him know he’d been too late.  Sometimes he wants someone to share in his grief with, mostly he just to be cruel.  He resents Chuuya for doing this to him.  (He knows it’s not all Chuuya’s fault).   He wonders if he’s doing it on purpose -- waiting for that fateful day he puts a baby in him his cold heart is willing to keep.  (He knows he only wishes that were true, so it meant Chuuya would care about what was happening to him, over and over again).  Chuuya stops trying to convince him to run away with him after the third time, simply nodding numbly and grabbing him by the throat for a kiss they both pretended wasn’t salty with tears.  
Once day, upon hearing the news “it happened again”, Chuuya nods numbly -- but instead of paying Dazai any mind in return, eventually, he just... goes back to work.   
They’re too young for all of it.  
Dazai never stops threatening suicide, and even attempts are starting to be met with indifference, like nothing is shocking anymore.  Dazai absently wonders if Chuuya would care if he were gone completely. 
One day, he is, but not because he’s died.  The day Dazai leaves the port mafia, he sets a bomb under Chuuya’s car and leaves.  He doesn’t say a word.  He doesn’t reach out.  He does nothing.  He doesn’t doubt Chuuya has tried to find him.  He wonders if Chuuya thinks Dazai has finally done it -- decided to escape for a parasite that was supposed to grow up and love him.  He wonders if that would break Chuuya’s heart like he hopes it would.  He misses him.  He hopes the not knowing hurts worse for Chuuya than it does for him. 
Chuuya has never stopped grieving.  As much as he’s kept it to himself, every loss hurt him more than the last.  He knows it didn’t seem that way -- years of watching Dazai had lent him all of the examples he needed to create a perfectly crafted mask that hid his humanity the same way that demon seemed to always hide his.  Chuuya wonders if maybe he never had any to begin with.  Dazai leaving him nearly kills him, and he hoped Dazai rotted away wherever he was, no doubt waiting for Chuuya to look all over the city to find him.  He would never look.  He decided not to miss him. 
Years later Chuuya gets word that Dazai is alive, and in Yokohama.  He’s a part of a rival organization, no doubt, and to be brought in for execution.  Chuuya feels like he’s seeing a ghost as the executive waltzes down the stairs to meet face-to-face with the ex-executive.  He’s filled with such rage and betrayal he doesn’t even have the decency to pretend he hadn’t choked down his bile in favor of spitting in his face.  
As the two of them become partners again, they reconnect in more ways than one.  They talk, they process, they spend hours up for several hours into the early morning over glasses of wine and whiskey finally processing their trauma, together.  It’s not nearly enough, but it’s a start.
One night, in the familiarity of Chuuya’s apartment, resentment melts away enough to give way to the guarded heart of love underneath.  The two of them do just that: make love, in a way neither of them had ever experienced in their entire lives.  It’s beautiful, and confusing, and there is more left unsaid than there is said, but this time neither can resent the other for that. 
They do, though, when it happens again.  This time -- years older, with a safe, stable job, far enough from the mafia to never be used as a pawn in their games again, yet close enough to remain protected by both them and the ADA... Dazai decides his choice has changed.  He is living in the light, where it can be safe to make a different choice: fighting for the good guys, saving the orphans, and doing everything he’d promised Odasaku he would to be on the side that saves people.  But he also realizes that no matter what, this baby his half Chuuya, which means it’s still half mafia.  As much as things have changed since he was a teen, that still has not. 
He does tell Chuuya though.  It’s a different conversation than it used to be.  Chuuya still offers to run away together, but it’s softer now, like he knows what the answer will be.  Even amidst his shock that Dazai is finally keeping this one, he is not surprised to hear he is not allowed to.  This time, he cries.  Dazai cries with him.  They barely even realize what they’re really saying is goodbye.  Even if Chuuya stays far away from them, there is no denying that any mafia knowledge about this at all will result in tragedy once a hard card needs to be dealt.  
So, Dazai leaves once more.  He leaves Yokohama completely.  Only his closest friends know he hasn’t gone very far, but Chuuya is not among them.  For all Chuuya knows, Dazai has left for another country, once again leaving Chuuya with only the parade of little ghosts that have followed him around mafia halls ever since he was sixteen. 
Edit: optional happy ending borderline crack ending below the cut
This literally sounds like a totally separate fic (maybe a fluff sequel to the angst prequel) but I decided the second half of the fic could be Chuuya defects from the mafia and  goes on a mission to find Osamu.  
But this would be years later -- he and Akutagawa planned a coup, and successfully had Aku *almost* kill Mori, instead giving him the choice to be killed or step down.  Turns out Mori is a coward, who tf knew.  
Aku is the new Mafia boss, and he didn’t even have to kill to do it, keeping his promise to Atsushi even all these years later xx
Anyway, Chuuya spends months looking everywhere for Dazai, and it’s only when he and Aku are able to convince Atsushi that it is completely safe, that the weretiger helps him out.  He convinces Dazai to let Atsushi tell Chuuya where he is.  Chuuya is too happy to be embarrassed that he couldn’t find the mastermind on his own. 
Cue chapters and chapters of fluff of trying to win back not only Dazai’s affection, but that of a little toddler who was taught to never trust a stranger.  Adorable.  
Cue healing talks and Dazai apologizing for being so cruel, admitting he purposefully hurt Chuuya with the way he spoke to him back then, and how if he’s honest with himself he never even regretted it.  But he does now. 
Cue Chuuya telling Dazai he knew.  He knew it was all a cover for how hurt Dazai was feeling.  And he never let it cut him too deeply for too long because of that.  How he understands, how he understood, even then.  How it’s not right, and it’s not okay, but it is fine, now.    
Eventual happy family neither of them ever dreamed they would grow up to want, but now can’t imagine being without.  Cue hilarious comedy antics babysitting with Uncles Atsushi and Ryuu, or Ranpo and Ed, or the way more capable Kunikida, Gin, Higuchi, Yosano, or Kyouyou -- basically a big happy family in a world where the alliance between port mafia and ADA is unshakable, all because of a little child with red hair and their father’s eyes.
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lokabrenna-writes · 1 year
Soukoku headcannons because they have taken over my life
(Remember how I said I don’t write romance? Guess there’s a first time of everything •v•)
Port Mafia
Dazai fell first and harder
They have matching rings they got from the arcade and wore them all the time until they eventually broke. The rings were bound to break eventually considering how many battles they had been through, but they didn’t break during a battle. The duo were arguing about who knows what for the millionth time and the rings just snapped. They looked down at the pieces of plastic that had hit the floor in silence for a few minutes. (“If Chuuya wanted a divorce he could’ve just said so.” “Shut up and go win us new ones.”)
They both have specific items they steal from each other whenever they’re going to be separated for some time (separate missions, hospital stays, etc.). Chuuya will steal Dazai’s black hoodie that has what looks like lightning strike decals on the sides of the sleeves. Dazai will steal Chuuya’s white blanket that has what is supposed to be a slug and a mackerel messily stitched in one of the corners from when Chuuya was first learning how to embroider. They always make sure to return it without the other noticing when they get back from wherever they were so the item will smell like the other when it’s time for the duo to be separated again. Of course, both know the other takes said items, but neither say anything.
They paint each other’s nails every now and then. Black is they’re default color but they’ve also tried various nude/pink shades, blues, reds, and some glitters.
They’ve both attempted eyeliner (liquid and pencil) and failed. Both ended up with the liner all over their eyelids, but that didn’t stop either of them from laughing at the other.
They were each other’s first kiss. It was 2 in the morning and they were watching a movie. Since they can never agree on what to watch, they have a bowl with random numbers in it and whichever number is pulled is what they type in on the tv. Tonight some romance movie had been selected. Neither were particularly interested but they watched anyways (mainly to see whose movie plot prediction was right). Chuuya was growing sleepy towards the end. Sleep never came easy to Dazai so he let his mind wonder why the kiss scene at the end was always made out to be this grand moment. He turned to Chuuya who had laid his head to rest on his shoulder. He tucked his finger under Chuuya’s chin to tilt his head up and connected their lips. It was quick, not nearly as drawn out as the one playing on the screen. Yes, they both liked dramatics but it’s important to not over do it. They both hummed as they broke apart. It was pleasant, but it was not firework worthy as the movies had made it seem. Chuuya rested his head again, this time in the crook of Dazai’s neck rather than the edge of his shoulder before saying “Next time put some chapstick on. Get the strawberry one.”
Dazai finds children to be annoying, but he doesn’t exactly like or dislike them. Chuuya adores children and finds them to be endearing. To Dazai, there is very little in this world that can make him laugh as children falling. He's not necessarily laughing because the child may or may not be hurt, but more so at the face they make when they're processing what happened and then start crying. Chuuya yells at him despite this explanation.
The first and last time they said "I love you" was the night Dazai left. Before placing the bomb under Chuuya's car, Dazai had used his spare key to enter Chuuya's apartment to take his car keys. An extra precaution to ensure Chuuya wasn't caught in the explosion. He was supposed to be in and out, but he couldn't resist checking on Chuuya one last time. He peeked into the bedroom to find Chuuya already fast asleep. He walked over and watched him for a bit, knowing it would be a long time before he would be able to do so again in peace. He reached in his pocket and applied the strawberry chapstick to his lips before leaning down to connect their lips. Chuuya stirred at the contact and even though he cracked his eyes open, it was clear his mind was still very much asleep. Dazai pulled back after a few seconds and placed the chapstick along with his spare apartment key on Chuuya's bedside table. He briefly debated on leave a note before deciding he had already been in the apartment for too long. The last thing he wanted was to make it seem like Chuuya knew of his departure beforehand. "I love you," Dazai said in a quiet voice. It took more in him to actually get the words out then he cares to admit. "I love you so much. Forgive me for what I'm about to do, especially to your car, but this is for the best." These words came out more broken then he intended, but he hopes he got his point across. "I love you too," Chuuya mumbled out, eyes shut and snuggling deeper into his pillow. Dazai would come to cherish the moment the second he stepped out of the apartment. Chuuya does not remember it, but believed those three words to have been merely apart of his dream.
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night-dazai · 8 months
hi ✨️ I had a sudden urge to want to send you a request I really want to read a soukoku x reader I really like your work so here's the idea it's a Dazai and Chuuya in a bar drunk and who meets the readers, the readers seduce them and take them to a hotel and then it's up to you to see what happens next 👀👀 I hope my request will be taken into account 🙏
Beautifully Destroyed 
Dazai X Reader X Chuuya 
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When I read this prompt I had too many ideas and eventually went with this one, this is nothing but smut, and this is such a lovely idea. Thanks love for this request.
Tags: degradation, nipple play, slapping,  collar, rough sex, mind break , mostly porn and filth , 100% sex , blowjobs , female reader mentions of breasts , pussy 
This is the nth consecutive night Dazai and Chuuya notice the black-haired girl always in the corner of the bar counter saying no to anyone who comes her way, yet she keeps staring at the brunette and redhead. “Wanna try and find out ?” Dazai asked with his signature “This will piss off Chuuya “ smirk on his face. Smirking back “Well then what kind of finding are we doing here ?” he asked and looked at you, they felt like they had to wait for a while before they could make a move on you and they felt now was good. You were staring right at the 2 while they looked at you. Biting your lip, you returned to that one drink you had held for the past hour. 
“ I like any kind of finding “ Dazai said dusting his coat while Chuuya adjusted his hat “--------------------------------” Both of them smirked and walked your way “Finally” you thought smiling and sliding the phone back in “They fell for it. “
It has been how many hours, no idea, how long ? no idea. All that you knew was dick dick and you wanted it. splayed on the bed for the two “Look at this whore “Chuuya chuckled looking down at you pathetically. “She is such a fucking tease chu” Dazai said holding your neck and pulling you up “ suck it love ~” his voice sounded chirpy but had a tint of dominance that went straight to your core as you sucked his dick. 
Chuuya spread your folds “Now now look at this wetland “ he said licking on it before pinching your clit making you yelp but Dazai had a firm grip on your neck cutting a little bit of oxygen and making you stand still “ suck it bitch “ he ordered moving his hips.
Your jaw hurt, and your hands hurt from being tied, pushed, squeezed and stepped on yet they kept going, fucking you like you were the first female they have seen in years “Move the ass “ the redhead said smacking your ass, you were sure it was gonna leave a red hand print “ please…slow” you whimpered as Dazai got his dick out and let his cum on your face. 
You looked so pretty, cum dripping from your face mixed with your sweat and drool, your hair sticking to the wetness making it feel a little weird but your cunt felt even weird. 
Chuuya who was relentlessly pumping into your cunt at his fullest ball slapping your clit with each thrust and a brutal pace with you moaning “Now look at these beads “ Dazai said like a child who found a new toy. 
Going below your body as you were on all fours dazai painfully twisted your nipples yet managed to get a porn-worthy moan from you “No…hurts…” you cried pratcially sobbing your hands could not keep your body weight it was half chuuya holding you by your hips and dazai who was below you pulling your nipples down like he was gravity. 
It hurt, your body hurt yet it felt so good, you had never felt so good ever in your life, the painful squeezing, bruising grip the slaps all felt so good. Having been on numerous missions you have slept with people whom you needed to but these two were something else. 
Just as your already hazy brain was beginning to lose focus a harder slap fell on your clit making you jolt awake “No dozing off “ Dazai said still pulling your nipples and twisting them like a mop and licking it, he had changed positions so you were in 69 with him now “ suck it hoe, you seem bored enough to sleep “ he spat and slapped your breast again now all the pain gone pleasure was all you felt. 
You started sucking his dick while Chuuya had cum thrice in your whole which was painted white and was dripping which it could not take anymore. “Oi bastard your turn “ he said getting his cock out. 
Your hole twitching at the empty feeling hoping for some kind of friction or anything you wiggled your ass gaining a chuckle from the man below you “Well bitch be patient we are kind enough to serve you “ he said and pushed you up like you were some toy on top of him. 
As you landed on the bed on your back he grabbed your legs spread the open and cracked his knuckles “Tch “ he said smirking “My dog was nice enough to fuck you and you are wasting it “ he said and shoved his whole fist in without any warning. 
“Oi oi you are gonna break her “ Chuuya said laughing, his hands on his hips with a satisfied face “I think I can use the rest of you right ?” he mumbled and sat above your face dragging your chin up “ suck “ he ordered. 
Your mind has lost it, pleasure and dick were all you wanted “Yes master “ you spoke like a true slave “Good slut “ Dazai said pushing his hand deeper, you never knew someone can go so deep. 
At some point all kinds of pain turned to pleasure the slapping your clit or nipples, putting you down on the floor and stepping on your chest demanding you to bark, the tight leather collar on your neck all your mind could think about getting to cum by them and taking their cum. 
You lay on the bed unconscious as Dazai kept fucking your cunt “You were right, this phone itself has a few documents “ Chuuya said smiling “Well I was…ahh “he cut himself like cumming.
Your unconscious body twitched with the release of hot sperm into your already overfull leaking pussy “Well she was a nice thing to break don't you agree ? See i asked you first itself she was a lovely thing .” he said cleaning his dick and smiling brightly at his friend with his chocolate-soft hair sticking onto his forehead.
“You are a weirdo, and about that you just asked me so no bets“ Chuuya said annoyed at the fact that again his partner was right well at this point “Everyone knows that he got it right, “ he thought rolling his eyes and looking at your passed out bruised white cum covered body “ why not keep her ?” his smile wicked. The chocolate orbs shined sweetly “Yeah..how about a gift to our opponents ?” he asked smiling devilishly taking pictures of your beautifully destroyed body. "Oh I never thought about a bet but next time can we have a bet on how fast we can break one ?" Annoyed Chuuya tossed the phone to Dazai "As if I will agree ".
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iridescentdove · 9 months
can you do a continuation of full power Lumine with Fyodor, Sigma, and Ranpo. I feel like Fyodor would interested because of how complicated she is and how he would have a hard time understanding something for the for the first time I’m assuming. Same goes for Ranpo. I think he would be exiting too because the traveler is always willing to help and his type is someone that spoils him. For Sigma I feel like he would understand her in a way because he is a supernatural being that came into existence under interesting circumstances. And he would have someone to help him because we all know how the Decay Of Angels is I would also feel unsafe 24/7 😭
feel free to take your time if you have a lot of requests! (this was longer than I anticipated)
Fyodor, Sigma & Ranpo x Lumine! Reader
Hi! ♡ I'm quickly zooming through requests to make up for the time lost in my absence lol. Lumine is skeptical but shares the same curiosity her twin has for everything, she's rational and courageous, along with being generous and helpful towards others that need assistance. And most especially, rather beautiful and somewhat quiet, yet considered rather expressive.
As if a primordial being – Lumine holds power able to destroy worlds and travel through them with ease, and yet, most of it having been sealed away by the Unknown God's own bidding. What happens when she regains her full power and travels through the world of BSD?
Soukoku, Jouno & Atsushi Ver.
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You're a strange new specimen, and he actually finds interest in you. Plus – Fyodor actually likes pretty people, so seeing you for the first time is actually surprising.
Who knew someone so beautiful in this world existed 🗿
But honestly, although this man can read you like book if he wanted to, that's not happening.
You're rather complicated. Like no fr. You're pretty and small as hell, but you're so fucking strong hello? And you're not very talkative yet so expressionable it's alluring
He has no idea what to think, but all he knows is that he wants to keep you around.
The fact you're helpful draws him to you more. He learns to trust you overtime, and you have no ulterior motives when you go warm him up and make him feel comfortable.
Whenever he needs help or basically just you spoiling him and comforting from his anemia, that's cloud 9 ok idfc
He's starting to really ... really like you and I don't
You're basically everything he'd want tbh. Since you're from a different world, his ability probably don't work on you.
And just be glad it doesn't honestly. You're like God level strong and rather smart yourself, so he isn't bored and actually finds you worthy of being with him.
Well even if you weren't, you'd be an interesting playtoy on it's own. Please let me punch him already.
He'll have you run errands and do different things to go according to his plans, but he doesn't tire you out or anything because he still pretty much cares.
BRO this guy reminds me of the Fatui idk 💀
Dude is fuckin unhinged, commits warcrimes, hot and is very strong. You can't tell me he's literally the emobidiment of the harbingers in an alternate world lmfao
Even though he's a red flag you don't really care 'cause you can kill him whenever you want. Slayyy girlboss.
One of the rare times he'd take his ushanka off, and put it on your head because you're just too adorable to resist. The innocent, curious look on your face afterwards sends him.
You're a cute, complicated being he's just addicted to.
He's rather amused himself – so whenever you're like beating up Dazai or something (much to his satisfaction), he's watching in the back with his popcorn or sumn.
Probably smirking the entire time. He loves you more now
Imagine Dazai being Childe and that weekly boss you always fucking destroy every week? Peak comedy.
He probably won't even bother trying to fight against you, man knows his place so he gets humbled. But that probably won't stop him from testing you a few times.
He'll purposely get you in a tricky situation so he can observe more of you, and you'll never fail to surpass his expectations every time.
P.S. expect yourself to beat up Nikolai often. His orders lol
Rat king's actually found his match <3 fuck you
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You probably crash landed in the agency or smth. How would I know that?
I'm the writer, bitch /hjq
Now let's say both of you were just acquaintances at first, you'd help around the agency a lot though. And that also includes him.
So here we are! At this point, you're basically just spoiling him from all the help that you give.
He doesn't even mind he fucking loves it I bet
Other than Atsushi, he now drags you with him to go and buy candy, or just makes you go out and do it yourself. Either way the candy is bought so 🤷🏻
Dw babe he shares it with you <3
Must I say you're pretty once more? It's not even annoying bro I am SPEAKING FACTS stan lumine
Ranpo is very interested in you and your specie, if he ever got bored he'd probably take breaks away from doing some cases and listens to your talking.
Will get extremely invested in the world of Teyvat, learning more about it.
"Hehe! Number one detective you say? Even more so than I am~? After all, I am the greatest detective in the world!"
We get it babe.
Like if you ever honestly tried to put them both together in Poe's book it is very obvious who will come out first. Bro will legit rub it in your face too, not even cap
Oh, speaking of which – he'd probably invite you into one of them too. It would be a fun hangout ... maybe.
You're the bodyguard that fucks up any murderer tryna get to him while he deals with the shit and puts his glasses on then DAMN BITCH we boutta go usain bolt on this shit.
It doesn't even take that long. You guys did it in a heartbeat.
Ranpo honestly adores you, that much you can tell. He likes mostly everything about you and finds you so entertaining.
Especially your expressions which are peak comedy.
Definitely the type to do something real smart and show off his skills so he could see your reaction.
And maybe even get a bit of praise. You know this guy loves it when you compliment him and agree with things that he says. That's already fulfilling his heart.
I'd say you'd help him out a lot honestly, the ADA is basically the adventurers guild 💀
You'd be relaxing and having a chill time until Ranpo or some other member comes up and tells you to fucking beat up Mori or something
Yeah. They entrust it all to your capable hands.
But of course, Ranpo wouldn't leave you alone with that. You both make great teamwork in all cases.
Right after each remotely easy to borderline difficult case, Ranpo will be a sweetheart and take you out somewhere nice to relax. His treat.
kisses in the ferris wheel pls
It's already easy enough to tell, but you can see all the affection in his eyes as the night comes to an end once more. More than that, even.
It's such a cute sight. But honestly, who could even say no to this guy? It's literally Ranpo.
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So here you've already been in the world of bsd for a while and you're just doing random bullshit the agency adventurers guild gives you.
Mersault arc timeskip. Dazai off sucking and teaming up with some Nakahara toes, Nikolai being a material gworl
Fyodor is mimicking Odasaku's ashes
And obviously you're here in the back forced to do everything yourself because shit goes down 🔥
You have a pretty good knowledge on yourself in this world you're stuck in again, and it's necessary to use that info to your disposal because wow, the situation is complicated.
Especially during this arc now, but it's less difficult when you're only focusing on the DOA.
We'll say you only be familiar with the different organizations because you often go around a lot and travel.
Then meet various people and ... fight over half of them 😐
By this time, you and Sigma have been well acquainted. Due to his ability, he managed to get info about you easily. And boy does he use that to advantage.
Asked begged you to help him out in the DOA.
Look man he's suffering, don't leave babygworl all alone with all these gay men who're too broke to afford proper therapy sessions
Don't worry Sigma, we're here for you <3
By now you had no idea what was happening, just getting random info from everyone around you
Moving place to place (teleport waypoints are real handy right about now), collecting random shit and beating up enemies along the way
Classic genshin ripoff moment :/
Although you don't actually do a lot of stuff for the DOA, it's mostly personal mishaps coming from Sigma. Because no we don't want to be a wanted terrorist tf
So you soon arrived at mersault and saw poor Sigma either dead or unconscious.
Bro is in need of tevyat fried eggs
Anyways, you of course could not LEAVE him out of your sight after that. The one time you thought it was okay to stay out of business ... that happened 🤡
Sigma was indeed alive, but at the same time it wasn't okay to leave him since he was barely clinging on.
By the time he awoke, he thought he saw heaven. He frantically sits up from bed.
Oh wait, it was just you <3
You brought him back to the sky casino, as he was resting at a safe distance away from the three psychopaths in jail
You guys do end up having to go back much to his dismay, although this time it felt more safer because you were around. He's down deep and he can't return.
Sigma really likes you. Not because you're helpful and quite beautiful, but strong and empathetic in a sense both of you relate to various things.
He's seriously lucky to have you, his little shooting star ❤️
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cutie4me · 1 year
Best Soukoku Fanfics That Bring Immense Nostalgia!
Someone on YouTube asked for recommendations for Soukoku fics so how could I give up such an opportunity to share some of my all time favourites?! Some of them will make you cry. Some of them will make you smile. But most importantly, the immense wave of nostalgia you’ll feel after reading some of these fics are surreal! I swear, sometimes I wish I’d forget about these fics just so I could rediscover and read them all over again! All these amazing works are on AO3 so please check them out and support the authors! I’ll continue to update this each time I find a new SKK fanfic!
“Overturn even the heavens and the earth” by sssoukoku
Chuuya uses corruption but Dazai’s too late to save him, or is he?
“My skull crown” by YunaYamiMouto
Mori is dead so Dazai has to go back to PM and take the throne as the new PM boss.
“Baby Executive” by BlowingYourMind
Chuuya gets turned into a child and goes through the life stages growing older under Dazai’s care, Dazai manages to develop empathy and a widespread of new emotions around each new stage of Chuuya. (Cross posted on Wattpad!)
“I Was Screaming Your Name Through The Radio” by ElectricSplatter
I’ve not read this yet but it’s really popular and has a lot of positive reviews from what I’ve heard. It’s a rockstar/band AU but it’s super long, probably the longest one here.
“The God and his Vessel” by Churroburrito
Arahabaki lives in Chuuya and they can interact and sometime Arahabaki can come out to talk to people. Arahabaki is surprisingly sweet and overprotective of Chuuya, quite like an older brother. (I absolutely adore Arahabaki and Chuuya’s dynamic in this fic!)
“Silly delusions” by Grinch1234
Arahabaki and Chuuya are one person and Arahabaki is a God stuck in a human’s body confused with how humanity works. He tries on many occasions to convince Dazai that he is a god to only one time in which Dazai actually believes him.
“I’ll always come for Chuuya” by toucheslikethesun
Dazai and Chuuya back in PM and Dazai tries to distance himself with Chuuya cuz of his feelings to the point Chuuya loses trust in him and thinks Dazai’s grown bored of him because of his new friend, Odasaku.
“We Are Never Ever, Ever Getting Back Together (Right?)” by sabiEMr
ADA and PM do an exchange thing where Chuuya works at ADA for a while and Atsushi works at PM. Chuuya tried to get over his relationship with his ex Dazai but it’s not really ideal when you’re now stuck with your ex at his workplace.
“Unexpected” by lemoncandy751
Soukoku get paired together for a project and they hate each other… except when they start to fall for each other. Well that was unexpected!
“It takes two, to create a whole” by X_DRAMA_QUEEN_X
Roommates/College AU. Dazai’s a player and Chuuya gets stuck being his roommate and they absolutely despise each other with a burning passion. Chuuya gets a little too close to Fyodor and doesn’t know who to trust anymore. Is it Dazai playing the mind games to make Chuuya fall for him or is it Fyodor? (It’s over on Wattpad as well!)
“If we can’t run together, why did we from the start?” by amythecinnabunny
Immortal Dazai x multiple reincarnation of Chuuya. Dazai loves each of them differently and learns to find and fall for each Chuuya reincarnation again and again! (I cried too much with the angsty ending of this. Lots of character deaths).
“Inseparable” by milwritescausewhynot
Highschool AU where Chuuya and Dazai have known each other for 12 years and are practically inseparable! They love to pull pranks on each other but when a certain prank of Dazai’s is taken too far that it puts Chuuya’s life at risk they must face the consequences of being apart for each other’s safety (due to Dazai’s guilt) yet still yearning for each other.
“Pretty Little Thing” by wallows_4
Chuuya, an assassin, is assigned a job to kill the Prince of a very wealthy and successful kingdom. Chuuya walks in thinking this will be easy when no threats are present, but the next thing he knows everything is dark. When he wakes up again, he is "interrogated" by three idiots. And the stupid prince is insistent on him being his personal pet!
“Of Libraries and Liberties” by Grinch1234
Chuuya Nakahara is the escaped government experiment known as A5158 seeking refuge as the librarian of his own little library sanctuary. Osamu Dazai is the notorious boss of the Port Mafia and by some illogical miracle, they manage to cross paths.
“Still, Still, Still” by icedlightroast
Actor/popstar Dazai x Rockstar Chuuya idustrial rivals AU! After a public drunken tweet confession professing his true feelings for his rival, Chuuya has no choice but to play the ploy of fake dating his rival, Dazai, to help this mess he’s made in his career. Except Dazai is a completely incompetent asshole who Chuuya can’t help but hate himself for falling for. Besides, there’s more to Dazai that meets the eye.
“Untainted Memories” by serenathea
BEAST! Chuuya shares his memories and emotions with the original Chuuya, and Dazai has to fix the mess and pain he has created.
“I can’t dare to dream about you anymore” by kiroiimye
High school AU where Dazai and Chuuya have been best friends and next-door neighbors since childhood, never seen apart despite their differing, respective lifestyles as the genius class president and the school’s beloved soccer star. Everything is perfect, except for the fact that Chuuya’s been in love with Dazai since forever and Dazai has a girlfriend.
“Always Yours” by Wellthathappened (Cataclysmic_Calamity)
Kingdom + Omegaverse AU where Dazai has been betrothed to Chuuya since they were both children—an arrangement that never particularly interested him—until their wedding night, when he sees the omega’s face for the first time. (EXPLICIT Rating for NSFW scenes but you can skip those if you wish)
“The Shepard and His Shadow” by LynyrdLionheart
Everyone knows the monster in the woods is why the village suffers a lack of resources. It's been that way for centuries. Then Dazai meets the monster, and everything he knew turns out to be a lie.
“The Life We Could've Lived” by Xena_Lemon
A very confused Dazai wakes up in a Highschool AU instead of his usual Agency dorm room. And strangely enough, Chuuya’s the only one who seems to be from his world (him and the mysterious girl who keeps watching them).
“Four Years Ago, Four Years Later” by Nightingale231
Chuuya knows before Dazai, does, really, that the younger man will run. Before anything - even before Mori and the home he has carved for himself in the Port Mafia - he will take Dazai's side where it matters. He hates the mackerel, he does; yet he wants Dazai to follow the goals that Odasaku set for him, because he… (loves him).
“Silver Claws, Silver Tongue” by CandiWolfe
In which Chuuya gets turned into a cat whilst on a mission and (unwillingly) seeks the misfortune of Dazai’s help to not only temporarily nullify the ability but to track down the bastard who dared turn him into a wretched feline. Except doing so is easier said than done. Especially when they’re from a whole new foreign organisation.
“How To Woo Your Husband in Seven Days” by moonlitsorrows
When Dazai accidentally performs a grave accident that angers his precious chibi husband and forces him out of their shared apartment and out onto the streets, he tries his hand at his backup operation of “How to Woo your husband in seven days” with seven articulate plans in hopes that it would finally convince Chuuya to invite him back home. Except each plan just seems to fail and give the redhead an even bigger blooming headache. Plan 7 was the last straw. Maybe Chuuya should finally invest in some long awaited (and deserved) divorce papers after such a hellish week of putting up with that stupid mackerel of a husband’s BS.
“Another Love” by infernaa
Dazai desperately wanted to get rid of everything dark and ugly in his life. Even if it meant leaving his love for Chuuya behind. (Slight Sigma x Dazai).
“When Will You Confess?” by Chuchu_hua
Dazai and Chuuya have been best friends since childhood. One day, Dazai gets himself a girlfriend and Chuuya feels jealous. He then realises he has feelings for his best friend, but doesn’t want to confess. One night under the stars plus the influence of wine becomes one heated make out session. The two continue to have random make out sessions, but don’t think to put a label on their relationship. One school dance is what it took for Dazai to grow a pair and finally admit his feelings out loud.
“Empire of Dirt” by arkastadt
Artist Dazai's bored and lives in a mansion, Mechanic Chuuya's the mysterious garden boy working for his family, and fate brings them together over and over again only to rip them apart. (Super angsty major character death! You have been warned! EXPLICIT Rated for NSFW).
“They said the eyes are the windows to the soul.” by Aprusalve
5+1 fic of Kyouka as she observed Soukoku and tried to guess their relationship and one time she finally decided to ask.
“catch me once, catch me twice” by seedus
Chuuya gets stuck in an ability loop where he’s basically wiped out of existence and Dazai decides to become the Demon Prodigy once more to hunt down the ability user responsible for daring to target his dog and bring him back.
“Something More Than A One Night Stand” by ShireHorses
It was supposed to be a one night stand and nothing more. The last thing Dazai expected was to catch feelings for Chuuya. Much less hurt him so badly by saying the night they spent had meant nothing. It hadn’t mattered when Dazai had said that to all the previous women he’d slept with so why did it pain him so much to see Chuuya cry and act so cold? (EXPLICIT Rated for NSFW scenes).
“build a temple in me” by oursorrows
Dazai wants to surprise his husband, Chuuya, on their one year anniversary, and he can't help falling in love all over again. (EXPLICIT Rated for NSFW scene).
“Tempus Fugit” by Imabukuhoe
Teenage Soukoku time travel to a their future are in for the shock of their life as they witness many (good) things they never expected to happen in their lives- and that they’re gay for each other but we don’t talk about that just yet. (EXPLICIT Rated for NSFW scene! Cross posted on Wattpad as well! It’s angsty midway through but with a happy ending!).
“No Longer Human” by Wolf___Spirit
When a stranger starts stealing people's abilities, the ADA and the Port Mafia team up to figure it out. However, something goes wrong and Dazai loses his ability in the process. The big problem? His ability not only nullified the abilities of others, but also his own emotions. And now, for the first time in his life, Dazai has emotions, chaotic and in turmoil. In the midst of this identity crisis, Dazai sets out to explore the world with Chuuya as his grumpy bodyguard, only to discover that he has never felt so...alive. And then they find out that if they don't find a way to give him back his ability, Dazai will die within two weeks. In a race against time, chaos ensues.
“Twisted Ties” by Cutie_4Me
Serial Killer Chuuya tries to hunt down his stalker who's been stalking him by breaking into his apartment only to be met with an unexpected and (un)pleasant surprise. (Yes- I’m shamelessly promoting my own fic)
"Backstage Pass" by the_most_unhappy
When world-famous violinist Dazai Osamu announces his early retirement, a part of him is sure he will never love music again. He’s in his twenties, but he’s already tired of everything. Meanwhile, up-and-coming frontman Nakahara Chuuya is everything Dazai is not: reckless, smug, and a rockstar. They’re total opposites. They could never fall in love, right? (Implied Sexual Content But Nothing Explicit)
"More like a crash" by Jickas
Chuuya loses his memory and Dazai decides this will be a great opportunity to mess with him. But what happens when he goes a little too far and old feelings begin to resurface?
"Everything or Nothing" by Wellthathappened (Cataclysmic_Calamity)
College AU where Chuuya finds out that the boy he drunkenly made out with the night of orientation is his new roommate. His arrogant, smug, very straight roommate. And the boys are each convinced the other is trying to ruin their life by making them go absolutely insane. But of course, things don't go as planned and they somehow ended up with the typical fuck buddies arrangement. Feelings become more complex and they both soon find that the other is hiding something, a secret that could very much rupture everything in their relationship. (EXPLICIT Rated for multiple NSFW scenes and sexual exploration).
^Based off the song 'Everything or Nothing' by Picture This.
"Lost in Translation (Found in Love)" by archerwrites
Dazai is convinced (forced) to join his friends for a year spent in Paris, and he doesn't know a word of French. Chuuya is just hoping to get through school without any strange encounters, and he doesn't know a word of Japanese. They collide (literally) and the situation devolves from there. They figure it out. Falling in love in Paris is a very romantic cliche, after all. Even if there's a language barrier between them.
“Teenage Dream” by Badwolf36
Dazai sees Chuuya looking at a high school, unsure how he feels that he never got the chance to go since the Port Mafia hired tutors. Dazai, despite mocking him, sort of feels the same. Which is how they end up on a high school rooftop in stolen uniforms, eating melon bread during class hours, and it’s the happiest either of them has been in a long time, even if neither of them will admit it.
“Music To My Ears” by bluemango0406
Dazai is having a hard time coming up with a new piece that has a strict deadline. Lucky for Dazai, his husband, Chuuya, knows exactly what to do to help Dazai out- by getting himself fucked on a piano. (EXPLICIT Rated for NSFW scene!).
“at the sight of you” by taintedlight
Dazai Osamu swears that Nakahara Chuuya is only his friend-with-benefits, until he accidentally stays the night and wakes up to the breathtaking sight of Chuuya in the morning, and all of a sudden Chuuya is more than just his fuck buddy. (IMPLIED SEXUAL CONTENT).
“Our little fantasy worlds” by Izu (soaringivy)
14 year old Soukoku find out they both like writing stories. They also find out they both like reading each other's stories (and that they have feelings for each other too).
“Pay For It” by SevenSnowflakes
Dazai comes up with an ingenious plan to pay for Chuuya's extravagant birthday dinner involving an unsuspecting Atsushi. Will Chuuya find out the truth of how Dazai just so manages to sneak himself out of this one? (EXPLICIT Rated for NSFW scene!).
“We Met Again” by Redd (Blurryface1304)
In which, following the events of BEAST, Chūya finds the book and, with the help of Odasaku, writes an alternate universe where he meets Dazai under more 'normal' circumstances.
“Just Know I loved You All Along” by Kryptonian_in_Winterfell
In which Dazai has anterograde amnesia after an accident and wakes up in a stranger’s bed, with no recollection of almost 6 years of his past but apparently this stranger is his husband. At least he finds his stranger husband cute.
“The art of deceiving you” by Alheenaa
What if Dazai accidentally kissed Chuuya during their first encounter, nullifying his gravity control? And since then, he has always lied to him, claiming that his ability only activates through a kiss and not simply by touching him. Chuuya never doubted it because Dazai always went to kiss him whenever he wanted to deactivate his ability.
“More like a crash” by Jickas
Where Chuuya loses his memory and Dazai decides this will be a great opportunity to mess with him. But what happens when he goes a little too far?
“(take me back to) the night we met” by morbidly_dazed & straysolace
Dazai and Chuuya decided to celebrate their anniversary in a different way this year to spice things up a bit but they end up getting way too emotional.
“Lost All Judgement” by todxrxki
After a momentary lapse in judgment, high school student Chuuya ends up having to pretend to date his enemy Dazai to get Tachihara off of his back - and quickly finds it's nowhere as bad as he'd imagined.
“sleepless nights” by huahuapain
Chuuya can't sleep so he thinks about his existence as a result but luckily Dazai is there to help him fall asleep.
“We bloomed in darkness, we'll flourish in the light” by chxxrychuu
After the death of the Flags, Chuuya leaves the Mafia. Soon, Dazai follows behind after Odasaku's death. What happens when the two meet at the Armed Detective Agency?
“Shadows at the Corner of our Eyes” by ayyartee
Role reversal AU where Dazai never left the Mafia and taken over as boss and Chuuya left instead and ended up in the agency.
“so if I survive, then I'll see you tomorrow” by prettysicknasty
This was far from the first time Dazai had to spend time in a mental institution. The inpatient facility was more like a second home at this point. He wasn't expecting anything different from usual when he was admitted, but when a fiery redheaded roommate is thrown into his usually dull and monochrome life, suddenly it doesn't seem so boring anymore. (Mental Institution AU).
“A Lesson In Thorns” by arkastadt
AU in which king of the sheep Chuuya has to marry port mafia boss Dazai to get one of his people out of the mafia’s clutches, only many things don’t go as planned and Chuuya ends up falling for Dazai hard whilst getting destroyed in the process. (Super angsty temporary major character death! EXPLICIT Rated for NSFW).
“Between The Lines” by localoser
After years of no contact, Fashion designer Chuuya Nakahara finds himself on the doorstep of his greatest enemy and, foremost, first love, new arising bestselling author Dazai, with a rather interesting book in his hands about their past.
“open secret” by sunbaemint
All the times when Chuuya tries to bribe everyone in the ADA or PM who accidentally finds out about his relationship with Dazai, and the one time when he doesn't have to.
“The (not so) perfect pair” by Silaswastaken
In another universe where soulmates exist and are identified by marks in the form of whatever injury your partner has- Chuuya Nakahara is about to turn 16, and his best friend Dazai has been endlessly teasing him over the prospect of a mark. However, when he wakes up on his birthday covered in light blue lines he is unsure what to do, or how to approach identifying his soulmate, and his best friend has been acting in increasingly concerning ways since being told about the marks. OR: What do you do when your covered in the evidence of your soulmates self harm, and your bandaged best friend (who you are definitely NOT in love with) seems to be breaking at the seams?
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gildeddlily · 1 year
I need more content about Chuuya. like, Soukoku is the bsd couple with more works on Ao3, the most loved of the whole fandom, there are over 20 thousand fanfictions. there are tons of edits and AMV about him on tiktok and youtube, tons of x reader and fanarts. but it's (almost) always the sweet and a little dumb Chuuya.
Chuuya who's in love with Dazai and is begging him not to leave, who's mad at him for leaving the fricking mafia and "abandoning him", who's crying about being the second choice for everyone (fuck that, especially the "kouyou chose kyouka over chuuya"- you're telling me she chose to protect a 14ys girl over a 22ys man who's a mafia executive? oh sorry she should have left the child alone my bad), who is constantly manipulated by Dazai and betrayed (and content like this is made by people who love Dazai but don't understand him one bit- like yeah he manipulated the Sheep into betraying Chuuya but the Sheep were fucking assholes who didn't deserve Chuuya, and Dazai treated him fucking better than them- don't let me get started ab them or I'll never stop), feminized Chuuya, short and skinny Chuuya who likes to be the little spoon cause Dazai is the big strong man, lonely Chuuya who doesn't have anyone and basically dumb Chuuya who doesn't understand Dazai and cries to his sleep ab him.
fuck no, and I've been reposting every post that talks ab this. we want more Stormbringer Chuuya, and we don't have him 'cause not everyone has access to the novel or wants to read it. but Stormbringer is my Bible and should be everyone's.
We want more 15 years old Chuuya who carried on his shoulder a whole organization, the same organization that treated him like a damned dog, who got betrayed by the people he was sacrificing himself for the moment he tried to do something for himself, who was tricked into joining the Port Mafia (an organization he hated), who's easily read and manipulated and is aware of it, who never gave up on his humanity and worked hard and became important and strong for his new organization in a year as a teenager, who was able to made Dazai survive, giving him some sort of will to live, after like days of knowing him.
We want constantly dehumanized 16 Chuuya that got tortured for hours, that found out about his terrible origins and past, who sacrificed fondamental information about himself to save Yokohama, that almost got himself killed protecting the same person who betrayed him and fought his "brother" in order to do so, that lose the friends he called family and the only chance he had to have a life outside the mafia. Desperate because of his family's death Chuuya, in his painful corrupted form Chuuya, putting his life in Dazai's hands Chuuya, the one who beated the King of Assassins Chuuya, the one who was able to destroy an entire organization with his partner Chuuya. Port Mafia Executive Chuuya, who became who he was because of himself and with Dazai's help, who was able to become stronger even without him. Chuuya who suffered because of Dazai's deflection but understood it.
22 Chuuya who met his ex-partner after four years, stronger than how Dazai remembered him and still able to surprise (Dazai's "how fast!" when Chuuya punched him was hilarious and empowering, especially after his "I know all your moves" talk- and no, we "heard" his thoughts, so it wasn't an act stop saying that he had predicted that too when chuuya's like one of the only ppl able to surprise him) one of the smartest people in their country, who made sure things didn't change between them and made said smart and manipulative man cry from laughing over his damned rich girl impression. Chuuya who is the best martial artist and probably strongest ability user (Q is a child, and his "fight" with Steinbeck said a lot about his strength- crazy yes, but Chuuya could still beat almost everyone even without his ability) in the mafia, who could probably smash a wall with and without For The Tainted Sorrow. The Chuuya who's able to survive in a world surrounded by geniuses who constantly try to manipulate him (Dazai's manipulation is different than Fyodor's shut up), and able to be one of the most influential man in Yokohama without being a freaking genius.
Chuuya who has one of the best character developments I've ever read. Chuuya who has about him a lot of information (more than anyone else, we know you love him Asagiri) (please don't love him the way you loved Odasaku) and still gets mischaracterized again and again. this is an infodump ab what Chuuya means to me.
send ao3 links ty
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hannigramislife · 3 months
Question: What's your opinion on all Dazai ships? I personally think that literally everyone could do better <3
Omgg anon, I love this ask so goddamn much!! Okay, let's get into it-this is gonna be long.
Two things before I continue. One, I'm a Hannigram fan, make of that what you will. Secondly, shipping does not mean "oh, these two are definitely canon, they have feelings for each other," shipping has always meant "I love their dynamic and can see a world where it could be romantic." That's why we have more than one.
Soukoku (Dazai/Chuuya) - Obviously this was gonna be my first choice to start this conversation. I think that soukoku is textually supported. I'm sorry, but there's just some things you don't write if you don't want people to ship two characters. These two are written for each other, therefore a perfectly valid ship. I myself do not ship skk, don't care about them as a ship at all, but I can certainly see the appeal. They have a history, and they're now on opposite sides, but still every bit the lethal team-up. I don't get the emotional side of it though – they inspire no such feeling in me, and I do believe Chuuya could definitely do better XD
Kunizai (Kunikida/Dazai) - This one I actually like quite a lot. I don't necessarily ship them in canon, but I believe they're good for each other. Kunikida with his rigidness and morals and Dazai with his carelessness and disaster that seems to follow him. I also like how Kunikida has a book where he jots down the best way to live, and Dazai has a book he carries around on how to die. I believe they're very different, but the sincere trust and care they have for each other, as well as the easiness of their partnership is something they both rely on and need. 10/10 ship.
Dazatsu (Dazai/Atsushi) - The age gap here is the biggest problem for people from what I've seen, but I don't think this is a proship or a bad ship that should be discouraged. Again, I don't ship it, but I feel it's perfectly fine if you do? "Oh, there's a power imbalance-" bitch, what power imbalance?? Like, you do know they're coworkers, right? Yes, Dazai saved him and Atsushi is grateful, but Atsushi is not stupid or blindly devoted or whatever. What he is, is mentally ill, but then again, so is Dazai, and if you think Dazai would take advantage of him, then that says more about Dazai as a character than it does the ship itself. Atsushi could definitely do better, and to me, that better is Akutagawa XD
Morizai (Mori/Dazai) - Well, I don't think I have any thoughts on this, other than the obvious ones. Dazai was a child in the Mafia, and they do seem to have a more guardian/ward relationship, fucked up as it is. Mori was definitely at least mentally and emotionally abusive to Dazai, from what we've seen. I don't think anyone would actually ship this? Unless you're talking purely fanfic scenarios. In this case, Dazai could do better. So yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and "nope" this.
Odazai (Oda/Dazai) - Now listen. Again, I don't ship this (I don't know if I ship anything that has Dazai, I hate the man), but if you think Oda and Dazai had a father/son relationship, you're delusional. Dazai cared so much for Oda, and upon reading Beast, I refuse to believe there was no universe where Dazai developed feelings for him. I think of them every time I listen to any Adele songs. "Them" being their Beast version. I'm so serious. This is a valid ship far as I'm concerned.
Dazaku (Dazai/Akutagawa) - This one is a ship that I get so riled up about. Because of the fandom. I honestly never gave this ship a second thought until I saw how hated it was. Then, I realized it's hated for all the wrong goddamn reasons. I don't ship it, because I hate Dazai on principle, but sometimes, I feel like I'm shipping it out of spite. It's like people can't make up their minds about the dynamic of these two. When you want to say Dazai abused Akutagawa, they'll be like "Oh, Dazai was a child, too!" Then you say they both grew and are healing – and maybe Dazai cared after all? – and it's all "You can't ship him with his abuser!" Well, which is it now? Is Dazai a bad guy still? Is it so wrong to want Dazai to care? To imagine Dazai pulling Akutagawa into the light with him? When people vehemently hate on this ship, I take that to mean "Yeah, Dazai is the worst, how could you ship Akutagawa with him?" Which, great take, I'm all for that. This ship is overhated in my opinion. Both Dazai and Akutagawa are two important pillars of what makes Bsd what it is. Their relationship is complicated and messy and important – so yeah, I'm not surprised people would ship this. Sometimes, toxic yaoi is where it's at, and you just wanna fix them. Akutagawa can DEFINITELY do better.
Souheki (Dazai/Ranpo) - I think they're besties. Absolutely nothing romantic here for me. I cannot see it, but I love them both, so I'd read fics at least. They're both geniuses who hold deep respect for each other. They may be able to understand each other much quicker and on a deeper level than other people, but I think they'd be a disaster if they were to date. Absolutely not. Plus, I'm a huge Ranpoe fan, so I'm biased.
Fyozai (Fyodor/Dazai) - They have a lot of tension, I'll give them that. They're two pretty, genius bitches playing 3 dimensional chess while everyone else plays checkers. Plus, being on opposite sides?? I can appreciate some enemies to lovers when I see it. I think if I were Fyodor, I'd definitely be interested in this young man who can match my intellect even as I've been alive since Jesus Christ was born. Also, don't ask me why, but they feel so gay when they're together – just, not for each other? I think in a no powers au, they'd definitely experiment together lmao. So, valid ship in-universe? I'm going to allow it. They could both do better.
Sigzai (Sigma/Dazai) - I don't know how this ship got popular?? I mean, sure?? Great ship?? Genuinely don't know what to say. I mean, they're there and they're both pretty?? I guess? Honestly, Sigma reminded me of Akutagawa, it was kinda funny to see. But go off XD??
I think that was it, lemme know if I forgot any major ships!
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pinkisthenewangst · 5 months
hii <3 i saw your latest post about soukoku betraying the reader so, may I request a part 2 where they endlessly apologize to the reader explaining that it's to protect her from the port mafia's execution or whatever, thank you!!
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°`🍨: Bungo Stray Dogs x GN! Reader
°`🍨: Soukoku betraying you pt.1 | pt. 2
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A light knock against the wooden door disturbed the peace in your house. Naked feet ran over the cold but smooth floor in direction of the sounds. You looked up in confusion, turning off the water tap and drying your hands on your apron. Quickly you followed the young boy that is trying to open the door. Silently you giggled behind one of your hands as you lifted him up in your arms, rubbing your nose against his when he started to pout. With a quick motion, you're opening the door with a small gap that gave you enough view to look at the person behind it. Your heart stopped to beat for a short moment. Your breath was stuck in your lung. Your eyes widened in shook. In front of you was the same brunette, that betrayed you six years ago. The once young man, you trusted with all your heart and mind but also backstabbed you without blinking. He was smiling while holding a bandaged hand up. Your mind was racing, slightly pressing the child against your body in hope to protect him from your past that is slowly coming back to you. In a hushed tone you asked: "Why are you here ?". Tears start to collect in your eyes, but you bit your lip to not let them slide. Not in front of your most treasured person and not in front of the man you despise. But that was a lie, you were never able to despise Dazai Osamu. Not after he gave you the love of a brother. He looked down, able to see the innocent eyes of your child. "I wanted to talk to you after finding out you are still kicking ... but answer me one question, who is that curious child ~ ?", he reached with his hand through the gap to give the young boy a pat on his head. Before his hand could reach him, you took a few steps back, hiding the face of your child against your collarbone. Starting to shake, you also shook your head: "I will not give you an answer to that, please just leave me like you once did. It will be as easy as last time !". Memories float back to your mind. Laughing with him after he made Chuuya angry. Running away from some angry mafia members. Him reaching for your cheek after you came to his room crying in the middle of the night. But this was the past. You didn't need him anymore. Only your treasure in your arms that you will protect with your life. Dazai's smile grumbled for a short moment, slowly letting his hand fall back to his side. He knew there will never be the same connection as before the betrayal. Regret starts to take over his face. "Look", he starts to explain himself, "I know i betrayed you and the trust you had in me but i changed. I want to make it up to you so please, give me another chance". He knew begging will probably not help, but he is missing the child he saw as his little sister. A little sister, that tried to understand him while taking a small part of his pain away with her tiny hands and bride grin. But you shook your head and slammed the door shut in front of his face. Never will you ever trust this man and his charming words.
You knew your past came back to you in from of Dazai Osamu and where he was, will be the ginger of your former little "family" group. Locking eyes with the shorter man was not on your planned agender. Holding the tiny hand of your treasure tightly while biting your lip. It somehow became a habit since the meeting with the brunette. Both of you were silent, trying to read the others mind. You both changed, you both also saw it clearly. But his face didn't stay neutral, it changed from annoyance to guilt. "Y/N ... you grew a lot huh ?", he starts after clearing his throat. You nodded slowly: "As good as i could with a monster as father". Anger build up in your body but you were not alone with him. Looking down, the young boy started to cling to your leg, looking up in confusion. Your stiff shoulders started to drop, silently stroking his hair in a comforting way. "Is it yours ?". You looked up, locking eyes with him again before you nodded again. Your throat was dry, not letting you speak up your mind. You had so much to say but it would probably end in a lot of cursing and crying so you stay quiet. Hoping he would take a turn and leave but he opened his mouth again: "Y/N, listen to me-". "No ! Stop, i don't need to hear your excuse ...". Now you both stood there in silent. Looking down once again, you see worry in those big eyes you treasure very much. You pick his small body up, slightly pressing him against you and you turned around. Not saying a word when you started to walk away. If you don't need the brunette, you also don't need Chuuya. Not anymore. You grew up in a strong woman, that can stand alone on both of their feet. You don't need to hold his hands anymore, when you feel scared meeting Mori. You didn't need him to guide you through a big building because you forgot how to find your room. You also don't need the brother he once was for you. Only your treasure, that made you chest feel warm. You will live without them like you did after the death of your father. Staying away from all of their problems their bring with them.
One week after meeting both men, that backstabbed you, you were sitting on your couch. Listening to your child's slow breathing after falling asleep in your arms. Your mind thrift away to both of them and how your future with them might look like now. Would you still be a part of the port mafia ? Would there be even more blood on your hands ? You shook your head, trying to stop your mind from spiralling. It is no used to think about something that will never be. You look over couch when you hear the wooden door suddenly open up. A key jingles before you hear light food steps in your direction. Your face starts to soften and your shoulders to drop.
"Welcome home, Fedya"
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°`🍨: Coming back with a plot twist hehe :> It took me a long time to come back, i'm so sorry ;;
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tulipe-rose · 4 months
Day 2 of me backing up my platonic skk agenda: (long post ahead)
It would be pretty hard to convince people with my point of view on this one, I almost gave up lmao, but I'm relentless when it comes to proving myself as right so I'm putting this out there ✊🏼 I'm not expecting many to agree lol
We all know, and love/hate/have complicated/no feelings for Beast!Dazai, right? I won't be focusing on him either way since he's too unstable/not really focused or have the time for love atm, so any romantic emotions would've been dispelled way too early on due to his unique situation. (Honestly it's less 'dispellled' and more suppressed until supposedly numb)
At least I'm sure we all love Beast!Chūya. What separates between him, and his canon self is how outwardly protective Chūya is of Dazai, but it isn't exactly out of nowhere. A lot of people in the fandom just think of it being the result of Soukoku spending more time together, which isn't far removed from what I believe, but not exactly it either.
I believe that the key reason why Chūya is like this is because of Oda's absence.
Oda was such an important part of Dazai's life, he treated him like the child he was, while upholding the appropriate boundaries due to the drastic difference in their positions, and eventually gave him a purpose to keep going. Oda was arguably the older brother Dazai could've had if it weren't for the circumstances, Oda's untimely death, and the Port Mafia's tight hierarchy system.
In this lifetime, Oda wasn't present, or more precisely, Dazai didn't give him the chance to be present, which ultimately led to Dazai being much more withdrawn, outwardly sadistic, yet inwardly vacant, his self proclaimed apathetic self ever present. Chūya witnessed his steady decline in both health, and mentality since Dazai returned from that mission; the day I picked up Dazai never happened as in canon, and Oda never knew Dazai beyond his facial features until their reunion.
Oda isn't there, so Chūya had to make sure that Dazai's self destructive behaviour didn't destroy him, subconsciously looking out for him more, and paying more attention to him by the day, but disguising it behind threats, and insults; It's rightful with how Dazai acts to be honest.
He was there during the time where Dazai rose to the Boss position, and it must've been paranoia inducing for Chūya, not because Dazai can't protect himself from the assassins, (that man will not die unless he allows you to kill him) but because he could very much allow them to kill him if they were trying a painless approach such as poison; this is what probably made Chūya stand so closely to Dazai, he needed to be close by to deflect any incoming attacks, yet far enough for his ability to not be nullified, and even then I think he only resorted to such close proximity because of an incident that threatened Dazai's life too much. The following panel is what somewhat backs up what I've been blabbering about for the past sentence.
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Chūya did it out of care, and worry for his partner, but was it ever romantic? Well, no opinion is ever right in such situations, but I'll humbly say that it feels somewhat familial-ish/closest+only friend-ish from Chūya's side. HEAR ME OUT ON THIS OKAY–
I feel like the way Chūya is reprimanding, and absolutely forbidding Dazai from this despite their positions could be interpreted as a concerned brother/friend yelling at his ignorant younger sibling/best friend. Chūya went on a rampage after Dazai's suicide, and wouldn't a brother or a friend do that too? Yes, a brother or a friend would, the proof being Chūya's course of action after finding out about the flags' death, and Verlaine's talk about them being brothers in inhumanity. (ik how different both situations are, but they both have people that Chūya cared for die, the former being more painful because of how long they knew each other, and because he tried so hard to prevent this from happening, yet it happened either way. This isn't the first time Chūya lost someone important to him, so it's bound to hurt a lot more.)
We didn't see enough of their current dynamic to rule out any familial/platonic relations, so I don't see why this wouldn't be valid. There could be hundreds of interpretations, but all of them sum up to Chūya caring about Dazai; it's up to you, and how you choose to view it.
Exasperated exhale I rest my case, and god the hate I might get for this simple opinion is on sight lmao-
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