#sound cleanse
moonmoire · 2 years
Dec 9, 22
did a ritualistic cleansing shower
sound bath playlist on Spotify
ocean candle
shower with hot and cold water
purple lights
charcoal soap
body/face moisturizer
toothbrush + toothpaste
shower cap to protect my hair
intents: "this negativity and suffering is washing away" "i am being filled with love" "i am covering myself with love"
first turned on the sound bath playlist, lit the candle, turned the lights to purple (for spiritual energy) and closed the bathroom door to capture the vibes, then i sat on my shower chair in cold water and raised my arms under the shower and imagined all the negative energy as gooey mess running down my handsand arms and body, eventually draining out the bottoms of my feet until my whole body was cleaned
then i bathed myself with the charcoal soap, similarly, i had the intention i am washing away any negative energy and ill will or intent and its going down the drain with the cold water
then i brushed my teeth to wash out any ill words or words put in my mouth that i did not speak
then i turned the water to hot and did a similar ritual to the first one with my arms raised, except this time i imagined that the hot water was love filling me up from my toes to the tips of my fingers, repeating affirmations like 'i am loved. i am a good person. i did the right thing."
then i faced my back to the water and imagined the warmth radiating all over my body with love and meditated, repeating the affirmations to replenish the cleansing with positive energy
then i got out of the shower, thanked my candle and the playlist, and went to my room where i moisturized my entire body while calling on venus, with the intent that i am covering myself in love, once again repeating the affirmations, this time out loud
and thats the end! im going to do stretches now
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somequicknewmusic · 9 months
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I'd lower the world in a flood / Or better yet I'd cause a drought.
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favroitecrime · 5 months
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She is talking about Nasser Hospital, which is one of the only fully functioning hospitals in Gaza right now. It was bombarded with bombs and surrounded by tanks last night, as she discusses on her instagram (for some reason it won’t let me link it?). @/palestinianyouthmovement on instagram (who, again won’t let me link it) also has a post explaining some of the circumstances from last night. All of this is the tip of the iceberg, as Gaza is now in Day 6 of the telecommunications cut off, only able to communicate via horribly slow internet and e-sims. There are millions of people there who STILL rely on us to scream and stand up for them. Don’t silence yourself.
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little-pondhead · 8 months
Question: how does one safely use boiling water to wash their hair?
I have no hot water at the moment and aside from dunking my head in ice and hoping for the best, I don’t really have a good way to properly wash my extremely thick hair.
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idliketobeatree · 2 months
just once. i'd like to scream out like the women in alternative songs do
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elegyofthemoon · 4 months
I'm getting the feeling that I'll be seeing a lot of Zionists' comments on my posts unfortunately, but I'll inform everyone about them if you want to block and move on
This was off my strike posts earlier
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If you missed the last one I had posted
Let's not forget that Israel refused HAMAS's deal to release hostages, by the way.
And just the other day, I found out that Israel's always had a plan for ethnic cleansing and recommend everyone to look into what's known as Plan Dalet created back in 1948.
Peace was never in Israel's plans -- genocide was.
Reminder: Bisan has called for marches for Ceasefire between today to the 20th, and there is an ongoing strike that started today extending to the 25th.
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inabigworld · 8 months
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— days like this.
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sopranoentravesti · 1 month
Man it’s really fun when goyim just cannot cannot resist letting rightful criticism of Israel descend into the whole “Jews control the media.”
Take it from someone who has bitched about Hasbara for longer than you’ve known what it was. Please stop saying shit about “Israel’s PR Army.”
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news4dzhozhar · 2 months
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sarroora · 5 months
B-b-ut...the Romans have the right to defend themselves!
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the-witchs-den · 2 years
Sound Cleansing
As we know, smudging (closed practice) and smoke cleansing aren’t the only types of cleansing. But what exactly is sound cleansing?
Sound cleansing, for all intents and purposes, is cleansing an area using sound. Sound is made up of vibrations, right? Different sounds have different vibrational frequencies. Energy is vibrations too, right? With that knowledge, the sounds that you use to cleanse an area will break up the energy that you’re trying to get rid of.
But how do you use sounds to cleanse an area?
I mentioned different frequencies, but I didn’t mention intent. You can use anything that makes sound to cleanse, but you also have to match your intent. Here are some different ways to cleanse with sound:
Bang pots and pans (a little chaotic, but also my personal favorite)
Use a bell
Tell the energy to f*** off (another of my personal favorites)
A singing bowl
Banging your staff on the ground/floor (I’ve used this one a lot with my old staff)
Play music that resonates with your intent
Crystals that correspond with banishment in a jar/cup/bowl and shake them around!
Clap your hands
These are just a few examples. Try out different methods to see what works for you!
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robotpussy · 2 months
I love having a resting bitch face actually
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devoted-to-the-gods · 2 years
Dorm Witchcraft: Cleansing
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A hard part about being in a dorm is that dorms don't allow the burning of candles, herbs, or incense. As an incense fanboy, that's especially difficult for me. Cleansing can be especially useful in college/uni because school is a lot of pressure, especially with the workload. Cleansing the space you sleep and study in will make you feel a little bit more at ease, and positively reflect on aspects of your life (even if it only feels like a little). Thankfully there are other forms of cleansing that are acceptable and doable in a dorm! When cleansing you should have a door or window open so that the negativity can leave.
Cleansing Sprays
Cleansing sprays are a method of cleansing which make use of spray bottle filled with water and other various herbs soaked into that water. You can also put crystals in it, but I would look into if that crystal can be in water. When you use a cleansing spray, just spray in counter-clockwise motions around your room/dorm. Make sure you spray entrances such as doors, windows, and mirrors. Here is some directions on how to make one: Cleansing Spray.
Sound Cleansing
I am assuming that while living in a dorm there are sound rules, but you can still sing your heart out without it being a sound violation as long as you are aware of yourself.
Play songs which have a happy/positive energy that you can sing along to. Visualize the energy from your voice and the music cleansing the room.
Use bells, ring them in the corners of the room
Wind chimes at the door, can dispel negative energy
Clapping has also been believed to dispel negative energy
More information on sound cleansing
Salt Bowl
Put a bowl of salt near where the most traffic in your room is to absorb negative energy
Ensure that no one who also resides in the dorm/room or yourself aren't allergic. Most dorms allow for oil diffusers, using essential oils in a diffuser can cleanse a room similar to the way smoke cleansing can. Some oils that can be used for cleansing in the diffuser include:
Dragon's Blood
Physical Cleaning
Physical cleaning a space, sweeping the negative energy out, vaccuuming, wiping down surfaces, putting things in the right place, etc. is a form of cleansing. Listen to some happy music while you do it and boom double whammy.
Posted: July 25, 2022
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raquel-lopez · 1 year
༺ Elegancia, pulcritud y perfección ༻
©Mackenzie William
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dove-da-birb · 8 months
What I Use in My Practice
I don't really classify my practice under a specific kind, it's pretty eclectic but I do focus more on divination and the home.
As a note, please do your research before practicing anything, since some practices are closed to outsiders, and you don't want to be messing with stuff that can backfire royally (mainly baneful and love magic; also applies to practicing closed practices).
I personally say baneful magic and not 'dark' or 'black' magic, as that equates darkness with bad, and lightness with good, which tends to go hand-in-hand with certain societal beliefs.
The Green Witch (Arin Murphy-Hiscock)
The House Witch (Arin Murphy-Hiscock)
The Witch's Guide to Self-Care (Arin Murphy-Hiscock)
1001 Spells (Cassandra Easton)
Witchcraft (Greywolf & West) <- I personally don't use this book, but it was gifted to me)
The Herbal Apothecary (JJ Pursell)
Home Remedies (Bruton-Seal)
4 versions of the Rider-Waite Deck
2 oracle decks
5 pendulums
Pendulum mat (I typically don't use it though)
Clear quartz runes
Palmistry guide
Silver cup
So many jars & candles
Mortar & pestle
Bell (for cleansing)
Himalayan singing bowl (cleansing)
(as a disclaimer, I primarily use universal ingredients and just use different intent, since I am not buying a certain herb that I won't use again) -> the grocery store is your best friend
Black salt (just sea salt, charcoal, and ashes)
Bay leaves
Egg shells (crushed)
Himalayan pink salt
Pine cones
Rose petals
Rose pistols
Sea salt
Crystals (I also have fossils, but those are just because I like fossils)
Black moonstone
Cat's eye
Clear quartz
Green aventurine
Green calcite
Green witch's finger
Howlite tower
Labradorite (earrings & stone)
Purple agate
Rainbow moonstone tower
Rainbow moonstone worry stone
Red jasper tower
Red aventurine
Rose quartz
Rose quartz tower
Selenite (10 cm & 30 cm)
Smokey quartz
Yeah, that's what I have!
@krenenbaker @wordycheeseblob
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fumifooms · 4 months
shut up, straight
I dared to say "hey let’s not shit on m/f couples it alienates queer people in the community too" on my blog and didn’t even put it in any tags and here we are ✌️ You are a tar pit.
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