#source: Encanto
stephreynaart · 1 month
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Vi: A little sisterly advice; if you weren’t always trying so hard, you wouldn’t be in the way.
Powder: Actually Vi, this is called helping! And I’m not in the way, you are-
Powder: *slams her face into a wall*
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starlightshadowsworld · 2 months
Kunikida: Give it to your successor and never wonder if the same pressure would've pull you under.
Ranpo: Who am I if I don't have what it takes? No cracks, no breaks, no mistakes.
Both: No pressure.
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fansiesmemes · 5 months
Jack: We’ll be okay
Crutchie: Not if we don’t have a house
Jack: *Mock offense*
Crutchie: What? We don’t have a house. I can’t say we don’t have a house? *Gestures to the fire escape* What is that? Not a house
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Polygon Man: Astro, stop pretending you're one of the all stars just to be on the roster!
Astro: *takes off his Sackboy disguise and shrugs*
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Raph: A little brotherly advice; if you weren’t always trying so hard, you wouldn’t be in the way.
Mikey: Actually Raph, this is called helping! And I’m not in the way, you are-
Mikey: *slams his face into a wall*
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incorrecttlg · 1 month
Kion: Some of us have bigger problems, you selfish entitled princess!
Kiara: SELFISH?!
Kiara: I've been STUCK being PERFECT my whole entire life and literally, the only thing you have ever done for me is MESS THINGS UP!
Kion: It's not your fault! You can still be the queen of the pridelands.
Kiara: I never wanted to be queen! I was doing it FOR THE FAMILY!
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incorrect-xena-quotes · 8 months
Xena: A little friendly advice; if you weren’t always trying so hard, you wouldn’t be in the way.
Joxer: Actually Xena, this is called helping! And I’m not in the way, you are-
Joxer: *slams his face into a wall*
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Frank: *walking alongside Wally* What’s going on? What are you hiding?
Wally: *calmly* Nothing, neighbour. Just got a lot of things to do today, so maybe you should just go... watch butterflies.
Frank: Barnaby said your eye was twitching, and it never twitches. Something’s making you nervous.
Wally: *walking away as fast as he can without actually running* Perhaps we can talk another time. You’re going make me late, neighbour.
Frank: Wallace, will you just… *scoffs as he easily catches up with him*Just tell me what it is.
Wally: *refusing to look at him* There’s nothing to tell.
Frank: You’re obviously worried about something. *sighs and tries to guilt him* Wallace Darling, if you know what’s happening to the neighbourhood and it gets worse, because you won’t tell me what’s wrong…
Wally: *snaps and glares viciously at Frank* NOTHING IS WRONG!
Frank: *recoils in shock* ….!
Wally: *realises what he just did and tries to regain his composure, combing his fingers through his frazzled hair* Wow, uh, I’m sorry, neighbour. That… That snuck out there. What I meant was, um… *smiles extra wide* Why would anything be wrong? Everything is fine. Home is fine. Wally is fine. *his right eye twitches* Wally is not nervous.
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torchwood-99 · 9 months
Aragorn: Hey Eowyn, why so blue?
Eowyn: I just have so much love inside.
Aragorn: You know I have this Steward too. Have you met Faramir?
(Faramir pops up)
Faramir: Alright, I'll take it from here, goodbye.
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tf2incorrectquotes · 1 month
This song with Heavy!
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Someone please just let me know Where do I go I am waiting on a miracle A miracle
Jack Frost wanting to know his purpose
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Rei: we don't talk about volo no no no
Volo: I hate you
Rei: feelings mutual bitch
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proudsilkies · 1 year
Wanda's Vision ft Kate and Yelena.
*Wanda with Yelena, currently seeing a vision of Yelena's future*: There's someone with you!
Yelena: Okay.
Wanda: And you'll fight her!
Yelena: Oh good. That I can deal with-
Wanda: -Wait! No, no, no, no. Is that a hug?
Yelena: Am I hugging or fighting?!
Wanda: An embrace? An embrace!
Yelena: Embrace who??
Wanda: I don't know! Wait! Wait! Almost there! *The vision shows Yelena and Kate hugging*
*Yelena incredulously*: Kate Bishop?!?!
*The vision has ended*
*Wanda knowingly*: Your crush. That's great!
*Yelena growling in embarrassment*
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fansiesmemes · 5 months
Les: A little brotherly advice; if you weren’t always trying so hard, you wouldn’t be in the way
Davey: Actually Les, it’s called helping! And I’m not in the way, you are-
Davey: *Walks into a wall*
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sweetpeaches666 · 1 year
We don't talk about Starscream, no, no, no!
We don't talk about Starscream... but
It was on a random day
Skywarp: It was on a random day
Thundercracker: We were in a war, and there was so many clouds in the sky
Skywarp: Too many clouds in the sky
Megatron walks in, with an insane grin-
Skywarp: MURDER!
Thundercracker: You telling this story, or am I?
Skywarp: I'm sorry, Thunder, go on
Megatron said, "He was done!"
Skywarp: What has he done?
Thundercracker: He killed Starscream, with his gun
Skywarp: Life was less fun
Thundercracker: Then he made YOU his son!
Skywarp: What a depressing day... but anyway
Skywarp + Thundercracker:
We don't talk about Starscream, no, no, no! We don't talk about Starscream! 🎵 
(Thank you, Anonymous.)
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