#space dogo
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I finally redrew my persona star fox. Look at that lol space puppy :3
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(Most) QSMP Characters As Dog Breeds
Etoiles – Great Pyrenees
Literally the reason I made this whole goddamn monster of a post. Sometimes a man is just So dogboy. Specifically, livestock guardian dogboy. Pyrs are massive, immensely strong dogs that are bred to protect flocks of sheep from wolves and bears and they are very, very good at it. They are fiercely loyal, but also independent and comfortable spending time off on their own and making their own decisions as they wander the borders of their flock's territory. While they're phenomenal at guarding the sheep, they don't have any business herding the sheep or trying to get the sheep to go anywhere in particular.
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Philza – Border Collie
Herding the flock is the job of a dog like the collie. The whole point of them is to keep a whole massive flock all in one place and all moving the same direction. Keeping them together, keeping stragglers in line, making sure everyone is accounted for. Border collies in particular are considered the smartest breed of dog on the planet, making them highly adaptable to a wide range of new situations. On the other hand, a collie that doesn't have the space to roam freely and keep itself occupied can easily turn bored, anxious, and destructive.
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Roier – Calupoh
Also known as the Mexican wolfdog as it was made by hybridizing with wolves, the calupoh is used for both herding and guarding livestock. While it's not hyperspecialized for either role like the pyrenees or collie are, it can more than hold its own in both. They tend to get along well with both children and other dogs, making them excellent family dogs.
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Quackity – Chihuahua
He's short, he's loud, and he likes to start fights he can't possibly win. What more do you want from me? Chihuahuas also happen to be one of the oldest native Mexican breeds alongside the Xoloitzcuintli.
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Tubbo – Cairn Terrier
Stubborn, clever, and prone to excessive barking, Cairn terriers are nonetheless loyal and protective of their family. They're playful with family and get along great with children. Bred to chase down vermin, they love digging holes and chasing after whatever catches their eye. They are also known to enjoy chasing things and digging holes. Some of their hobbies include digging holes and chasing after things. They are much less fond of being told to stop chasing or digging.
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Tina – Lhasa Apso
The lhasa apso is decidedly not a working dog. Their job is to sit around looking pretty and being brushed and doted on until they hear any suspicious noise that might disturb their peace, at which point they start barking to alert the actual muscle to get to work. That being said, they're more than willing to do the biting themselves if they decide the muscle is too slow to react.
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BadBoyHalo – Pit Bull
The pit bull is a breed surrounded by rumors, misinformation, and flat out lies. For one thing, it's not even a breed. It's at least eight breeds that people lump together because they assume they're scarier or more aggressive or dangerous than average, including weird made up lies about locking jaws and nonsense like that. On the other hand, other people will argue that every pit bull is completely 100% harmless and neither would nor could hurt a fly. The truth of the matter is that a dog can be sweet and loving and playful and affectionate and also muscular and toothy and capable of lashing out when hurt or scared or simply because it has a prey drive that it hasn't been properly trained and socialized to restrain.
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Jaiden – Beagle
Everyone loves a beagle! They're chill, sweet, eager to please, and down for anything. This makes them a preferred breed for animal testing.
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Missa – Siberian Husky
Incredibly dramatic creature. Everything that is going on in the husky's life is the most important and portentous thing that has ever occurred and it will tell all you about it. Loudly.
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Carre – Dogo Argentino
Although they sometimes get folded into the "pit bull" label, the dogo is a mastiff bred to hunt pumas and wild boars. They have strong prey drives and love to chase, but are very affectionate with their families. They can also have problem with dog aggression if not properly socialized, but do well with human strangers.
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Bagi – Bloodhound
If there's one thing bloodhounds are good at – better than any other dog at, in fact – it's following a scent. They have the best sense of smell of any dog and can follow trails long after they would have gone cold for anyone else. The problem is this leads to an obsessive tendency. They find an interesting smell to follow and they follow it no matter where it's going or who is trying to get them to stop.
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Pierre – Pyrenean Shepherd
Another sheepdog, this time bred specifically to work with the Great Pyrenees. Highly intelligent, highly motivated, if they cannot find any problems to solve, they will create them.
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Fit – German Shepherd
A trustworthy, versatile breed, German shepherds have the power and strength for aggressive guard and attack dog roles as well as the intelligence to work as service or search and rescue and dogs. In fact, these are some of the most likely dogs to get themselves a job.
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Mariana – English Greyhound
Large, long, lean. Little loony.
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Wilbur – Borzoi
Large, long, lean. Little loony. (Floppy hair version)
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Spreen – Ovcharka
Type of dog to make you go "holy shit is that a bear!" and type of dog to make a bear wish you saw right.
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Niki – Hovawart
Native German breed known as a guard for the home and the farm. They are very protective of children and loyal to their families, but take a while to warm up to strangers.
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Mouse – Papillon
The smallest of the spaniels, the papillon is not a lapdog. They are highly intelligent and highly energetic and require plenty of daily exercise to meet their activity needs. They're friendly and outgoing and great fun to be around.
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Rivers – Boxer
You know, because she boxes...
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Pol – Basset Hound
These days, the basset is a companion dog that's perfectly content to lounge around the house all day and not get into too much trouble. And it's these days that we're worried about, right?
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Felps – Brazilian Terrier
He's just a little guy who loves to dig.
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Antoine – Dogue de Bordeux
An ancient French breed with a weird looking face. The dogue is calm and friendly with children, but aloof with strangers and serves well as a guard dog.
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Baghera – Poodle
Look at that silly dog with that funny haircut! Surely that can't be a highly intelligent and effective hunting dog. Nope, none of that here. Just the funny haircut dog. Hey, did you hear the joke about the goldfish?
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Cellbit – Fila Brasileiro
Bred from mastiffs and bloodhounds, filas are massive dogs with incredibly powerful tracking instincts and prey drives. They are loyal and protective of their family and especially children but can be aggressive with strangers if not properly trained.
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Maxo – Portuguese Water Dog
Please stop trying to keep him on land. Please. He just wants to get off the island. You know, to swim.
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Vegetta – Burgos Pointer
Native Spanish breed of gundog. About as close to purple as a dog can get. Generally mild mannered and even tempered, but a hunting dog to the core, they need space to run and roam and make some trouble for small animals.
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Foolish – Golden Retriever
A gorgeous specimen of classical doghood. Bred for a similar role to pointers. Known as goofy, charming housepets, but also extremely intelligent, diligent, and hardworking. And gorgeous.
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Pac - Irish Wolfhound
Introverted, intelligent, and easygoing, but prone to becoming destructive and morose if left alone for too long. Unreliable watchdogs due to their friendliness towards strangers.
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Mike – Campeiro Bulldog
Powerful, strong, and active, with a real fighting spirit and a temper that's slow to activate but powerful when it's there.
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Slime – Pug
I'm out of pictures. You know what these look like. Specifically with the most smushed face possible. Why would you breed this dog? Try again.
Cucurucho – Rat
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Literally canon.
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spinnysocks · 10 months
random lion guard outlanders hc's! :3
under the cut because Long Post time :D
after the defeat of scar and jasiri becoming queen, she reformed and reconstructed the volcano. her clan (but mostly her) remade it into a more positive space where the outlanders could meet. jasiri makes everyone go to a mandatory summit there lmao
while she's working on it she tells all of the outlanders they can go there anytime to talk to her, but everyone's either too full of pride or don't know her well enough at that point to do so lol. eventually some of them suck it up. no matter the past, jasiri strives to become friends with all of them, not just their queen. she's sweet
i feel like after janja's clan joins jasiri's, janja might still want an important role, but boy does everyone know it's not gonna be lead hunter or anything lmao. i actually feel like he'd be a real good caretaker/pupsitter while most of the clan is out hunting, but he does enjoy patrolling around their territory and the outlands every now and then despite basically being banned from hunting lmao
i saw from a hc from a post once (can't find it atm) that mzingo joins jasiri and janja in hunting! i think that's cute because it's like a 'raven helping wolf for the benefit of both' dynamic. i love jasiri and mzingo's alliance/friendship so much. i'd even go as far to say what mzingo is to jasiri is a bit like what zazu is to simba, except mzingo still has his parliament to care for so he's not always around. but still
this one may be a tiny bit ooc... but i think it'd be so funny if jasiri forced the henchmen & goigoi to make a 'Sorry For Plotting To Eat You' party for thurston. it's funny bc he's still completely oblivious like, "but you DIDN'T eat me, right?" and they just choose not to remind him that the guard had to save him from them 💀 even funnier that it's barely a party and more of a formal apology yet he still has a good time
the skinks, ushari, sumu and kenge are their own friend group. they all say they hate one another, but they care about each other more than anyone :)
each of them used to live in different spots all over the outlands but then they all ended up living the cave(?) equivalent of Right Next Door, likely after scar was destroyed and the outlands reformed. njano is the sorta guy to walk into any of their homes uninvited in the middle of the night and ask if they're awake bc shupavu ain't gonna put up with her roommate's late night questions/antics lmao
since the crocs are... not the best at showing their true feelings, every month or so kiburi and his float bring a big catch to the other outlanders as a sign of their alliance... and also to show off a bit. for the hyenas, jackals and vultures who live primarily off of small things, it's like the equivalent of a massive turkey dinner. the crocs used to just Straight Up Leave as soon as they gave the food, but they're learning to stick around
in fact staying for those 'dinners' was how tamka came up with the idea to get something out of his passion for acting. he notices madoa, reirei and goigoi struggling with wema, tunu, dogo and kijana. he's like, "hey, wait... if we're bringin' them food for bein' nice... maybe i can get somethin' in return for entertaining the little ones!" and thus, from that day on, he became a pup sitter!
and you know what? he's actually really good at it! the pups can't tell/don't really care whether he's "acting" or not, cause tamka is the best climbing frame they've ever had in their LIFE. credit to @devilsrecreation once again for inspiring this, especially of tamka giving piggyback rides! i imagine nduli kinda gets in on the fun of entertaining the kiddos too while kiburi and neema glance at each other from the sidelines wondering how they got to this point of their float playing with pups 😭
i imagine at some point a river that runs the small amount of water that goes into the outlands suddenly stops, and jasiri brings like everyone with her to go find out what happened. most of them are pretty reluctant to leave the outlands at all, but they can't survive without the water for long, especially the crocs. so they're all forced on this big trip for their survival. i guess this would be the outlanders version of 'the journey to the tree of life'
in reference to this au, nduli leads the way as shenzi is guiding him! i like the idea that because the outlands are all kinds of animals- especially with a hyena in reign- he has the ability to see and talk to other species that are ghosts, or whatever mufasa is lol. ghost shenzi just shows up whenever she wants instead of nduli 'summoning' her and gives the most vague directions ever before she peaces out again. it drives nduli and jasiri into complete confusion and frustration about where the heck they're going lmao
also they're like halfway through the journey before janja even realises nduli is literally talking to his mom. it's probably a pretty bittersweet moment when nduli successfully summons shenzi so that she can talk to janja and the hyenas. banzai and ed greet them too :)
despite everyone's grumbles they get the water back, with many of them having to save one another from various perilous things, cuz bonding lol. i imagine they all get to put their skills to use too. also we all know the skinks would have to be saved the most cuz they're tiny little instigators
expect more of these. every time i think i'm done with all my ideas another one pops into my head lol
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the-concrete-sage · 6 months
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Predominantly, I'm a creative soul. My main go-to is writing but I've always enjoyed drawing, especially digitally. The problem with drawing, being neurosparkly, is that it's hard to sit down and focus on something for very long. I start shit, get distracted, leave it and move on to something different. I dogo through periods where I'll be on a high creative boon but thats rare. I've recently been getting into art generationand tbh, I really enjoy it. I'm doing one of the things Ilove to do and that's write (in this case detailed prompts) and the not exactly knowing what's gonna be spat out gives me a huge dopamine surge. Then there's the fine tuning which I also enjoy. I've been sharing images I've created as compainions to my mind dumps (excuse for trying to write) but I create a lot more stuff that I'd really like to share on here as well. So please, let me know if you think its cool to sometimes just share images with maybe a little background thoughts that I had in creating them. Or don't. Tell me you'd rather not is this kinda shit on here. [side note: I'm kinda ne to Tumblr so I apperciate all and any feedback]
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dogttpurmament · 1 year
Prelims group 12
Wishbone: PBS. Every story you want for you but now it's just Wishbone the dog. Absolutely stunning concept I am all for it
Dog: Good Omens. Hellhound that could have become the most horrible stuff of nightmares to destroy humanity but just became dog. He's just dog now :)
Underdog: The underdog show. Superhero dog with superpowers. He flies and punches thugs in the face. A classic doggie
Bec Homestuck: Homestuck (shocking) A dog that can wrap space to his will. Really loyal doggie that ascended to godhood? Good for him
Dogmeat: Fallout. Adorable German shepherd that will accompany you even in the roughest of circumstances. Good dog
Rudy: Comes from Tumblr! It's Rudy time
Buster: Transformers idw. Best friend to his robot owner! By just the fact of being dog this friend makes everything around him better!
Togo: Historical dogo. Apparently there's some historical beef between him and Balto over who gets the recognition form the same Alaska trail! But I'd say both did a great job and deserve a spot here!!
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npcemi · 1 year
I’m back from the hospital so lets start with an update for my KP fic
So this the link for the latest chapter: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38375071/chapters/120852103
Link to the beginning of the fic as a just in case since I haven’t posted this fic in a while:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/38375071/chapters/95894818
“Betty, I got an Idea,” Shego said as the leader of Global Justice motioned for her to continue.
“We’re in Middleton, right in Cupcake’s backyard. They’re expecting her to show up and nine times out of ten she comes through the vents.” Kim picked up right where Shego left off.
“So if we flush the vents beforehand, make them think I’m coming through the vents then when GJ breaks the front door we can pull their attention in multiple spots!” Dr. Director sighed saying it was a good plan in theory, but what about the fact that they’d be sending Joker gas into the open air.
“Betty, we were able to get a sample off of Dr. Possible's clothing. It’s variant 14. Made primarily for driving animals rabid, it affects humans the way traditional gas does but only in ultra-high concentrations. Meaning it’s safe in the open air. We just can’t use the dogos.” Harley said more seriously before relaxing back into her persona.
“Then we’ll make it happen, Oracle will link all of your coms. Let's get this done people!” Dr. Director said as everyone got into position, ready to strike, Oracle gave the signal and Nightwing, Red Hood, and Global Justice blew through the main entrance to the Space Center. The lobby was smoke covered and in the rubble of destroyed sculptures, desks, and similar fixtures.
“Duck!” One of the agents screams as a hail of throwing stars are sent the group’s way.
“What the hell Damian!? Why are your guys attacking us with fucking ninja stars!?”
“Todd, you know my assassins use Kunai and would never use something as low-skill as a shuriken. Besides we haven’t made an entry, we’re running into…difficulties.”
Back down on the ground floor of where the building where the main attack happened Kim and Shego get ready to break in.
“Okay, how are we doing this?” Kim asks.
“Grapple to the roof, I have a special charge that will give us a good hole for entry.” As the green villain completed her sentence she used her jacket's inner grapple to pull herself to the roof and left Kim to roll her eyes and follow suit. When she gets to the roof Shego has already placed the charge. It looks like a five-by-five rug with a round silver object the size of a one-gallon paint can in the middle. Shego directs kim over to where the green woman is standing, which is a good thirty feet away.
Shego clicks the detonator and there is a soft thump. “Wait for it, princess.” She says holding Kim back. A few moments later a large explosion rings their ears as the ceiling gives way leaving a perfect five-by-five crater. The two women jumped down and were immediately attacked by a horde of monkey ninjas.
“Why the hell are monkeys dressed like ninjas attacking us?” a rough male voice came over the coms.
“It’s Monkey Fist, What is he doing here?” Kim said through her coms fighting off three monkey ninjas.
“Don’t know who this monkey Fist is, but we’re coming in, it should help even the odds,” Damian says over coms as the League of Assassins finally breaches and makes contact with the monkey ninjas.
“You know I’m actually glad outside right now,” Ron said not realizing he is on coms.
“Seriously you haven’t gotten over your fear of monkeys yet?” Kim said in an exasperated voice kicking a Monkey ninja.
“Are you telling me that the supposed Mystical Monkey Master, the future leader of the Yamanouchi clan of Ninjas specializing in Monkey Kung Fu, is afraid of monkeys?” Damian said with disbelief as he and the League were cutting their way through hordes of monkey ninjas. The only response heard was Ron’s nervous laughter. “And to think my opinion couldn’t fall any lower.” Before anyone could respond to Damian's jab at Ron, Dr. Director gave them a reminder to focus.
Kim was having trouble fighting off the monkey ninjas, her shurikens weren’t stopping them, and her combat knives only got so far. “What the hell, these guys aren’t normally this tough!” After stabbing another monkey and flipping backward to gain some distance before drawing her pistol and opening fire.
“Welcome to Jokerized enemies princess!” Shego said as she was fighting the ninjas her plasma was lit hot enough to melt steel on contact. The primates didn’t stand a chance.
Their fight continued until both girls were breathing heavily surrounded by the remains of the Monkey ninja army. Any celebration would have to wait as they heard the howling mad laughter of Monkey Fist. his eyes wide and mouth large with an unnatural grin as he stood about to make some kind of grand speech. Shego didn’t wait, attacking him with the full power at her disposal only for her plasma not to work. Her eyes went wide, and she jumped back and screamed. “Kim attack”
Kim fired a few shots before holstering her pistol and launching a series of taekwondo fast kicks and tornado kicks before being thrown off by the mad hybrid. Shego decided she wasn’t going to take any more chances and told Kim to stay back. Kim looked on as she saw Shego’s eyes begin to glow. The villainess ignored the taunts being thrown at her by Monkey Fist. Shego took in a breath as Kim swore a ring of plasma traveled up the woman's body from her waist. There was a bright flash and a massive beam of concentrated plasma hit Monkey Fist in the gut leaving a gaping hole that nearly cut the man in half. Behind him, there was a hole in the building going through until daylight.
Kim saw another bright flash of green surround Shego before her new partner collapsed. Kim barely managed to catch the woman. Both women, tired and exhausted, shared a weak smile before hearing something come from Monkey Fist’s direction. Both girls looked up to see the man advancing, stumbling slowly, but somehow he was advancing on them despite the massive hole in his gut. There was a sound from the vents that caused the man to stop. Harley comes crashing out and lands on the Monkey hybrid and pins him to the ground under her feet. Harley swings her bat up over her head and swings it down like she was playing Suikawari.
“Remember Carms, when it comes to jokerized enemies. Especially the human-animal hybrids, it’s zombie rules.” Harley wiped the blood off her face and then announced they were all clear on their end over coms. It was only a few more spare minutes before the other teams reciprocated. Kim helped Shego back out to the medical tents.
Days after the battle at the Middleton space station, Kim sat alone in her room. She knew Shego was coming over soon to discuss their partnership more. Kim was trying to clear her head of her conversation a few days ago after her short-lived coma. Apparently, she was in hell living through some of the worst memories of her life. It was parts of those memories that were nagging in the back of her mind. Parts of the conversation between her, Shego, and Tom, no Lucifer. Kim let out a tired laugh, right Lucifer, the actual devil. It was parts of that conversation and her time in hell that had led her to this moment. Kim didn’t go to church often, a handful of times when her mom gave in to the wishes of Grandma Smart. What she was about to do spat in the face of everything she learned those few times at church.
She knelt at the foot of her bed and put her hands together and prayed.
“Well, well, well It’s not often someone prays to me, with good intentions at least.” There he was, her former therapist sitting on the edge of her bed. “Although, I am still deciding on whether or not I’m surprised that it’s you doing the praying miss Possible.” Kim was still speechless. She expected her little prayer to go off into the void like all the other times she’d seen people pray. She didn’t think he would show up in her bedroom.
“Well, consider your prayer heard, how may I help Ms. Possible?” The devil looked at her with a wide, yet comforting smile. The one she was used to seeing in her therapy sessions.
She cautiously asks, "So, if I were to have these... potential feelings, is that why I went to hell?"
Lucifer’s face knits together with a soft sympathetic expression, with a calm and reassuring tone, he responds, "My dear Kim, it is not the mere existence of these feelings that determines one's fate. It is guilt that often drives people towards their own personal hells."
He continues, his voice carrying a genuine sense of compassion, "As long as you do not allow guilt to consume you, as long as you embrace and accept yourself without shame or self-loathing, your feelings, whatever they may be, should not be a reason for you to go to hell."
Kim was frustrated that Lucifer didn’t give her a straight answer. He had to be vague and not just tell her what she wanted to know. She was about to speak up when she heard a voice from behind her.
"Well, well, Kimmie," Shego begins, her voice dripping with a little too much mirth. "It seems there's more to you than meets the eye. Cupcake, have you been hiding something from me? Perhaps some secrets simmering beneath your goody-two-shoes exterior?" Kim goes red, wondering how much Shego heard and how much she understood.
Shego’s voice dances with amusement as she continues, "Oh, Pumpkin, don't you worry. Your secret's safe with me. But Princess, I can't help but wonder what other surprises you're hiding. But more on that later, come downstairs we have much to discuss." Kim watches Shego saunter her way back downstairs.
Kim turns to look back where Lucifer was only to find him gone. She starts to wonder if the whole interaction with Lucifer was just a hallucination. She decided to go downstairs and as she went to close her door she saw a red sticky note.
‘Be honest with yourself, be kind to yourself, be brave, and remember you can do anything!’~ LM
Kim shoved the note in her pocket and made her way downstairs. When she got downstairs Shego informed her a man named Jason was coming over to discuss what will happen and the process Kim will go through as she makes her transition away from a hero. Honestly, this was all a lot more bureaucratic than she was expecting. They all decided to relax as Anne turned on the TV.
“This just in we have a couple of special reports.” Summer Gale turned to her co-anchor Lance Thunder.
“That’s right, first during the attack on the Middleton space center. Global justice moved quickly to mitigate any damage, however, a local citizen managed to film part of the attack. It shows what appears to be Kim Possible and an individual that resembles international super thief Carmen Sandiego who seems to have changed from her signature red color to a green color scheme. This begs the question why was one of the world's best thieves at the attack, was the attack just a distraction and why did it seem that Kim Possible was helping her and not stopping her?” As Lance finished his statement Shego muttered something about never letting global justice do the coverup ever again.
Summer Gale continued the report, “And in related news, Carmen Sandiego’s signature red outfit was found at the Gotham Natural History Museum replacing the now missing Joker exhibit. Investigators found a cryptic note left on the glass of the exhibit. It reads: ‘Now that the real Carmen Sandiego has come back into the public eye. I have no use to imitate the world’s greatest thief. I leave this gift here as a sign of honor and respect. I will still be doing my best to counter the villain’s international league of evil. It was my honor to hold the mantle for as long as I have, I leave it now to you Carmen as it always should have been, signed Black Sheep’ Does this mean there’s been more than one Carmen Sandiego? Does that mean this new green Carmen is the real one and the one that popped up in the last few years was a fake?” Shego angrily turns the tv off almost destroying the remote
“That little shit, she planned this” Shego screams, making everyone in the room except Kim jump.
“Did you like my gifts?” Isabella comes waltzing her way into Kim’s living room, she got by GJ’s best security system that Wade also had a hand in making, and yet. Kim instantly tensed going on red alert, Anne took a cue from her daughter and sent the twins upstairs.
Isabella wore an all-form-fitting black blazer, a red vest with dark crimson buttons, a black dress shirt, and a red tie. Her slacks are skintight, and hold her utility belt which also holds a Drop Leg Bag on her left calf. her combat boots are all black with a steel-toe cap. She wears two black gloves. She has a black fedora with a red band.
“Black Sheep,” Shego says curtly.
“Well, did you enjoy them?”
“What gifts?”Kim asked.
“Well, first I have given Carmen back her birthright,” Isabella said.
“One I never wanted in the first place!” Shego nearly shouted.
“Well too late now or are you really going to let the carmen sandiego fade away into the history books.” Isabella gave a smirk and Shego’s only reply was an aggressive “Fuck you!”
“And the second?” Kim asked desperately, trying to defuse the tension.
“And take away from your learning opportunity? Seems like the waste of a good gift.” Isabella chuckled.
“Or you just tell us and not be a bitch.” Shego chided as Isabella sighed.
“Funny thing is that the Gotham History Museum, first built in the early 1900s with funds from the Wayne Foundation, didn’t actually create its Joker exhibit until after the battle of Metropolis City.” Shego looked at Isabella, her eyes narrowed before going as wide as dinner plates. The green woman took a breath and her expression hardened.
“You’re helping when this all comes to a head.”
“Naturally,” Isabella said cooly, Shego turned to Kim and told her to get her Kimunicator and to contact Betty. When Shego turned around, Isabella was missing.
“I really hate that trick.”
1. That wasn't Ron bashing I swear, it was just Damian being Damian. 2. I had Isabella/Carmen Sandiego (2019) give a little paragraph-long history of the Gotham Natural History Museum because that totally tracks for her character, but it ended up ruining the flow a bit so I compromised with her giving an extra factoid. 3. I am going to be getting a bit more upfront with Kim's feelings and struggles about her queerness. My original plan was to make that plot line happen slower over more chapters, however with me slightly increasing the pacing speed I've needed to cut down on a chunk of "downtime" where those plot points would have more focus.
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wildfireowo · 2 years
space dogo!
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jj-lynn21 · 2 years
I had sergery to remove fiboids from my uterus last tuesday Jan 24. All went well. I got results online that none of them were cancerous. In fakes they were not bothering me at all but they were in the way. I am currently on diaysys three days a week for 3 hours. To get on the kidney transplant list I had to get the fibroids removes because they were as big as my hand. They took up the space the transpland team would need to put a new kidney in or manybe even a new artificial one. That would be great.
This is the first day I have no pain, I was sure I would never take oxy but even with my heigh paib tolerance I did for first three days.. The pain is not from the acual inscisicion but from the carbon dioxide they use, they pump it into your adomen to see better. Then it tries to rip its way through shoulders to get out. It ripped some heavy tears from me. But it only lasted 4 days. 
No driving for four weeks. Mom has no problem taking me to dialysis. No playing with dogo for a month(maybe). But hopefully all this pain was worth it and I can get on the kidney transplant list and get a new kidney in the next few years. wish me luck.. I have high antibodies since I have had four kidney transplants, 
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sargassos · 2 years
I've been avoiding doing this, cause I'm not the best at sharing, and cause its the suckiest life update ever. Obviously, this is not an art post.
I'm gonna make a short thread of photos out of this, so, hope im doing this part right, but CW: animal death, pet death ahead, in case you dont block those tags already.
Just under 8 years ago, I adopted the best dogo I have ever known. We had ranch dogs when I was a kid, so I've had a LOT of dogs; Tsavo was something super special. I mean, kid leash trained himself an hour after I adopted him. He had zero trouble learning new things, from go.
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He was great with our other animals, tho he ate my favorite feather pillow and carried my not yet planted flowers around like a trophy.
And he was tiny tiny when he first came home; I was told he wouldn't get very big (i did not believe them one bit.)
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Apparently neither did he. In fact he took it as a challenge. He capped out at 102 pounds at his peak, and healthy. He was a hiker, a camper, and a lake dog (tho he didn't swim well. Imagine, a lab who can't swim??)
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He would sit with me when I was gardening, hang out in the garage when we were working, would lay around and watch the chickens...his second name was "In-The-Way", but in a good way.
He even helped fetch tools when we were working (nothing sharp or too heavy, he knew his limits)
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He was always patient with us taking photos (of which there were so. Very. Many.)
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In spite of my best attempts to socialize him, he never did quite get the whole, personal space & canine body language thing. But luckily he made friends pretty easily.
Which was helpful when we brought home a kitten who decided "slow introduction" was too slow for him.
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He was an all season idiot, and made everyone happy with his persistence in fetching items when requested; bags, tools, shoes (matching pairs!)...And if he didn't know the item you were requesting by name, he would bring you every single sock he could find to make up for it.
He helped me come down when I came home in tears from work, when I was stressed from a nightmare, or if i woke up in a panic after an episode if sleep paralysis.
He was, inequivically, the absolute best dogs I've ever known, and could have asked for.
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Now the sad part. I posted recently on Twitter that Tsavo hasn't been doing great. He developed a limp in late October. I took him to work for a checkup.
We thought it was a torn mcl, that would heal. It might not even need surgery, since his xrays weren't showing much.
We were wrong. It was cancer. And by the time we realized it, it had already spread from his leg into his chest.
I was not mentally prepared for how fast everything went downhill from there, but given the tone of this post, and the censor, I suppose its obvious where this goes.
He stopped eating. He couldn't get comfortable, even with pain meds. His leg seemed dead and cold below the knee, and he started coughing only days after we got the results back.
We opted to euthanize Tsavo last Thursday, the 1st of the month.
I am very very not ok right now.
I'll get another dog. I know I will, I've proven in the past I dont like not having one around. I love dogs. I'm going to meet one this weekend. I feel selfish being excited when I'm still this broken, but this last month has been a nightmare in itself, so I want to be happy too.
But I firmly believe getting a new pet is never a replacement for an old one. And it couldn't be anyways. There will never be another Tsavo like my great, amazing boy was.
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I can never be grateful enough for what this big, stupid, idiot goofball brought to my life.
And im just as grateful for my friends, who have been helping me deal with this for over a month now.
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I love this dog, with my whole heart and everything I have, and I will miss him forever.
He really was the bestest best boy ❤
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tennstudio · 3 months
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Title: "Serenity in Dogo Onsen"
Artist: Tenn
Medium: Digital Art
Dimensions: 4096 X 4096 px
Year: 2024
Inspired by a memorable family trip to Dōgo Onsen hot spring in the city of Matsuyama, Ehime Prefecture on the island of Shikoku, Japan. Immerse yourself in the serenity of Mungo enjoying an outdoor hot spring, a place renowned for its healing properties. The vibrant oranges, a symbol of this town, add a touch of local flavor to the piece. Let this artwork bring a sense of peace and joy to your space, reminding you to cherish the present moment. Perfect for art lovers and travel enthusiasts alike, this piece is a celebration of culture, tradition, and the simple pleasures of life
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ghostsmiky · 6 months
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space dogo needs the star.
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For Ichiro Dogo:
He's very naive, protect him. Also very cheerful, but he often says things without thinking (which hurt his cousin's feelings when they were children and is why Maasa hates him so much). Although he's not really much of a fighter, he'll try his best to protect his friends (and his cousin when he needs to). His transformation matches his hair colour! Which is a heck of a coincidence or some very good magical tailoring. He transforms into the Magic Knight, Spazio Kiss, which means he gets the power of Space. The entirety of space, I guess, but I don't think any of them ever use the full scope of their powers.
The propaganda has been pasted into my spreadsheet! Thank you very much!
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spinnysocks · 7 months
hi there! you've found my old pinned post ^^
welcome to my den! 🌠
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by: @feathers-fins-and-fangs, @batsbolts-andboards, @phantompawz, @timberbark, @mollytoons, @sweetpeauserboxes, @lookineedsleep
hi there, i'm spinny! :3
i'm a genderqueer xenofluid aroace guy! :) i go by quite a few pronouns, and my favoured shift, in bold are my favourite atm! i prefer interchangeable use but otherwise he/it & any of my neopronouns <3
he/him 🌿 it/its 🌿 they/them 🌿 xe/xim 🌿 ze/zim 🌿 zy/zym 🌿 sol/sols 🌿 star/stars 🌿 void/voids 🌿 myth/myths 🌿 myst/mysts 🌿 coy/coyote 🌿 fox/foxs 🌿
i am also: neurodivergent, a maladaptive daydreamer, and alterhuman! although i am cursed with near-constant sensory issues and chronic eepy, it's made up for by my millions of hyperfixations and special interests >:))
i am a gemini, my birthday is june 6th and i am pagan! :D i am just a little guy who loves movies and is going into animal conservation
my pronouns page if you don't know how to refer to me!!
🌟 i struggle to communicate :( if i do not respond i promise i am NOT ignoring you! i either didn't see the message, am currently busy, or pondering how to respond. please be patient with me! ^^
🌟 please tag me if responding to a comment/some other mention, otherwise i don't see it! :c
🌟 i repost stimboards which may have auto-playing gifs! i repost art that may contain minor blood or animal death (warrior cats or other art)! i tag this under #tw blood, #tw death, #tw cat death and #tw implied death. i do not tag auto-playing gifs.
🌟 my blog is sfw but containz swearing!
my current hyperfixations are warrior cats, clangen and the lion guard! :D
my other fandoms include- the madagascar movies, watership down, guardians of the galaxy, night at the museum, space jam/the looney tunes, kung fu panda, sonic and finding dory! although i'm not fixated on them at the moment i'm still very much interested in them!! madagascar is actually my oldest fandom i'm still a part of c:
games i enjoy include: rdr2, wolfquest, endling, stray, shelter generations, the isle, path of titans, planet zoo, minecraft and rain world :)
basically, i love animals, fantasy and animated movies! <3 please talk to me about any of the above interests if you'd like to !!
my asks are always open! ask me anything at all! :p i love getting asks/mentions and i don't bite!! send me or tag me as much as you want <3<3
my character opinion bingo asks are always open too! so far i have been asked about: kiburi, tamka, nduli, neema, makuu, pua, janja, dogo, kinyonga and dovewing! feel free to ask about more characters and fandoms :)
i'm also completely happy to participate in tag games of any kind! they're so fun!!
here are my side blogs! ~
• moodboard and poetry blog (with requests!): @poetryforcoyotes
• coining hoard blog: @foxsocksvoid
• watership down rb blog: @dandelionsdomain
• REBLOGGING FOR PALESTINE: @iftheresanythingleft
and my socials! ~
• ricoofdoom on ao3
• spinnysocks on cohost & pillowfort**
if you plan to dm me on those through finding me on this blog, please let me know! just so i get a heads up ^^
** these are backups if something happens to tumblr (which i hope not!)
i made a favourite character bingo but it didn't nearly cover all my favourites (i have a lot)!! so here's some more :) they may be updated as i have a bad memory and forget all of the characters i like lol
in the lion guard!: kiburi, nduli, janja, tamka, reirei, goigoi, mzingo, ushari, sumu, dogo, all of the crocs, all of the outlanders, beshte, makucha, timon & pumbaa, kovu, azaad, yun mibu!
in warrior cats! (buckle up): whitestorm, dovewing, blackstar, hollyleaf, mothwing, tigerclaw, squirrelstar, leafpool, shrewclaw, sorreltail, sootfur, rainwhisker, bluestar, crookedstar, goosefeather, ferncloud, frostfur, willowpelt, flowerpaw, sweetpaw, lionheart, darkstripe, tallstar, dawnstripe, barkface, scourge, bone, lightning tail, shrewpaw, swiftpaw, pinestar, nightstar!
some of my projects and things i've done!!
the lion guard:
Royal Mjuzi! Nduli au
Young crocs hcs
Christmastime Outlanders hcs
RDR2/Wild West Outlanders au (Part 1)
Part 2 coming eventually! ^^
Jumanji Outlanders au
Scar's Guard au fanfic & the Scar's Guard au idea post
Warrior Cats TLG au
Outlanders Heathers au (hopefully coming soon... here to remind me to work on it lol)
Help With A Warrior Cats Mass Animations Playlist (will remake)
What Species Would You Choose To Be Reincarnated As (poll)
Watership Down 2018 Character Uquiz
for my blog in general, here is my tagging system!
you should be able to find stuff organised by fandom or character! but my fixations might be harder to navigate, so if you're looking for something specific, i'll list some tags below! :D
#warrior cats au or #spinny au
#tlg outlanders or #tlg outlanders memes
#the lion guard thoughts
#my art or #spinnysocks for art i've made!
mostly just for me but there's some stuff under #spinny stuff, #spinny rambles and #spinny rant as well :)
this layout was heavily inspired by @fallenrain40! go check em out! :D
🐾 last updated: 30/05
that's all! thank you very much for reading <3 🌟🧡🌠💫
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The goodest boy in space.
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dogttpurmament · 1 year
Laika is a historical dog. We all know her and although her story is sad we will never forget her. Laika the space dog!!!
Togo. He's a historical dogo. Apparently there's some historical beef between him and Balto over who gets the recognition form the same Alaska trail! But I'd say both did a great job and deserve a spot here!!
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mirudraws · 4 years
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A Space cat and dog!
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