#special educations
neuroticboyfriend · 8 months
once again thinking about how fucked up it is that special ed used me and other disabled children as unpaid, coerced labor. i worked enough to be making $100 a week. i was "paid" in fake money redeemable only at the school cafeteria, which i worked at, and was forced to do things that distressed me. they gave us $1 a week, if they remembered to give it to us at all.
this was while i would sometimes go the entire day without eating because i didn't have the money to buy food and the free food was not sensory safe. we also worked outside the community - grocery stores, warehouses, shoe stores security tagging items. all under the guise of job skill development, we did $100 of labor a week without ever getting paid. and we were demeaned while we did it. and we were just teens.
so no, i don't want to hear about how special education is good. not with the way me and my peers were treated and taken advantage of. death to institutionalization, in all forms.
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spectralsnoot · 3 months
Y’all self diagnosing as low support autistic, you are valid. But let’s not pretend like high support need individuals don’t exist. Autism isn’t trendy, it isn’t “quirky”, it’s not a brag to be put on your profile to say “I think I might be autistic” for clout on the internet. Autism comes in many forms, and high support individuals probably don’t see their autism as a brag. Being nonspeaking, having a lack of control over your own motor function, needing assistance in most every aspect of your life, being stripped of your independence because otherwise you may be unsafe to yourself or others, being looked down upon by a society who views you as “retarded”….low support autism is valid and deserving of the same supports as high support autism, but to those of you that romanticize autism, whether you are autistic or not, please stop. Autistic individuals are beautiful, amazing, and so worthy of love no matter where they fall on the spectrum. But autistic individuals will always face challenges because of their neurodivergence by a society that as a majority is uneducated and lacking empathy. If you suspect you may be autistic, please pursue your truth. Maybe you became good at masking without knowing you were doing it, maybe you are “quirky”, etc. Be true to yourself.
Romanticizing autism ignores the reality of the many many high support individuals who do not have that luxury. Love yourself but do not trivialize or erase the reality of our high support brothers and sisters.
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linkerbell · 17 days
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My Commissions are ✨OPEN✨
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I just made a Ko-fi ✨👉 https://ko-fi.com/linkerbee
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lastwave · 1 year
yall love autistic kids until they're autistic. fuckin. "homeschool kids are so weird" "the neighbors kid:" "wolf girls" "horse girls" "sword boys" its all just rebranded making fun of autistic traits. "well i was autistic and wasn't like that" ok good for you. a lot of us were. there are kids that are. that see those jokes . once it became unacceptable to just outright say you were making fun of SpEd kids yall invented new ways to say the same shit.
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defectivegembrain · 1 year
Actually while I'm remembering to say this, happy disability pride month to all special ed kids and former special ed kids! It can be such an alienating experience, and involve a lot of infantilisation and denial of freedom, and society stereotypes special ed to hell and back. We deserve to be taken seriously and not stigmatised for needing different things from most people within the education system.
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autism-polls · 6 months
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vivianseda · 1 year
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Thank you to Our Sensory Life
“I spent to many years thinking it was normal to be trapped like this and I was just 'lazy'.
If you relate to this, please hear me, you're not lazy. I know how bad it feels.”
Photo credit: Dani Donovan
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apollos-olives · 9 months
"go to palestine and see how they treat you" okay. i did. they treated me like normal. i'm palestinian and queer and they treated me just fine. but you know where i was treated like shit for being queer??? the u.s. of fucking a.
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 7 months
Completely normal out of context and out of character clips
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simplydannie · 3 months
Things my kiddos said watching Trolls 3 at the end of the school year:
(PS: I work in a special education classroom 🫶)
Sees Velvet and Veneer: “Who are those guys with the long legs?”
“They’re bad guys?!”
Remebers my shirt I wore to school a couple of times: “Wait, those are the guys from your shirt!”
“They look like dolls.”
“Maybe they’ll turn into nice dolls.”
Velvet uses Floyd: “What are they doing to him!”
Sweet Dreams plays: “Teacher it’s your song!”
Velvet after using Floyd: “Oh no her eyes are pink!”
“Why do they look the same?”
“They’re twins?”
Velvet and Veneer drive car into the big piggy bank: “They exploded!?”
Velvet and Veneer on yacht: “Now they’re on a cruise!”
Rhonda falls into the water: “No! The Dog!”
They sing along and dance to Better Place
Veneer admits the truth: “See, now he’s a nice doll.”
Freak out over Broppy kiss
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not know how share instagram post on tumblr n not feel great about repost someone else work (a Black autistic woman at that) while get notes for self so please check out n interact with @/ nigh.functioning.autism & original post if can (linked)
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[id: screenshot from nigh.functioning.autism on instagram. their image is screenshot of her facebook post. read “Creating this video is making me physically sick. There are so many Autistic kids going to jail straight from school.
Look up Marquis Baccus, Jadon Ringland, John Benjamin Haygood and others. All of these kids were experiencing dysregulation or scripting. All in the Southern United States. All felonies. All ages, from elementary school through high school. WTF” end id.]
their caption to this post:
My next video has been pushed up by a current event: special education to prison pipeline. A Florida 17 yr old will now be serving a full ass 5 years of hard time for a meltdown in school. He will then have a whopping 15 years probation. So basically 20 years because probation provides a high likelihood of getting sent back.
This irks me so much for two reasons: I am taught, as a paraeducator, to never do what his did and that was threaten to or snatch away an electronic device from a kid. These are seen by ALL people, including kids, that our devices are felt like extensions of ourselves. I was specifically taught in our mandatory training that this is provoking the very thing that happened. So, in my view, it's the paras fault. She didn't deserve the injuries but this is definitely the school not meeting the needs of the student.
Second, I had another Black Autistic Nonspeaking friend who also went to jail from having a meltdown in high school. He was put there for a year without his AAC device and no communication accommodations at all. He had to be in a system with murderers and other violent people. His crime was considered a violent assault so that's why. But, a meltdown is NOT the same as a violent offender or murderer.
Then, police don't have to follow an IEP or restraint laws and educators can't save a kid after they get the cops involved. And nobody can save them once they're in the criminal system.
So, I am not going to wait as long as I planned to do this video. I don't see enough people talking about students of all races being Disabled and dysregulated forced into the criminal system. It's not a rarity whatsoever. And parents of Disabled kids aren't taking it seriously enough, especially if they are not Black. Y'all kids can have a bad day that ruins their lives too. Maybe all of y'all should be fighting against police violence along with the rest of us instead of pretending it's just a BLM thing.
again. if you can please check out their instagram & interact with original post if you interact with this (tumblr) post
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reality-detective · 1 month
Listening to this DNC Convention in Chicago makes me wanna stick my head in a hornet's nest and I was stung many times at once by hornets. So bad I spent 3 days in the hospital and was off work for 14 days, but I think it would be better than listening to this shit show of moronic treasonous actors.
I have a strong feeling after the fake Joe Biden speaks tonight we won't see him anymore. It's just a feeling I have, if you do see him it will be a video from the past.
August is going to heat up... Something BIG is coming. Please Standby! 🤔
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gayaest · 2 days
what does (msn) mean for autism?
“Level 1 - Level 2 - Level 3” in the DSM.
(LSN) Low-Support needs, (MSN) Middle-Support needs, (HSN) High-support needs.
I was in special ed my entire life, as well as discovering (others) I was autistic was very early on (Kindergarten). I’ve always needed extra support specific to my autism, more than LSN autistics need (which is not to say they do not need support — all autistics need some type of support, this is just to help others know how much).
MSN, means that I need substantial help in my day-to-day life to be able to stay alive and functioning. I need a daily caregiver, someone to help me bathe, clothe, food, clean, etc. I wasn’t able to work, go to school myself without some type of accommodations and help from an “aid” or caregiver. I would never have been able to live alone even if I wasn’t physically disabled, because I was always mentally disabled (Autistic).
I just happen to have become physically disabled as well. My old therapist said that Autistic individuals have a higher chance of developing auto-immune disorders and disabilities due to the way the brain and body are connected and work. Especially if that coincides with severe and ongoing trauma, which causes the nervous system to “break down” and immune system to become, well… less immune.
I hope this makes sense, I spent like, 45 minutes writing this to make sure it sounded right.
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inhumanliquid · 28 days
As someone who has been both "gifted" and "special ed" I need you all to understand that both programs are partly just excuses to separate neurodivergent people from the "normal" kids. They hate us all. Stop fighting over whose trauma is "more valid" or "worse" for the love of God.
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clownrecess · 2 years
My AAC device is not a toy, it isnt here for you "try out".
It is my voice. Do not touch it without asking. Do not search through it's folders without asking.
It is not here for you to make it say weird things. It is not here for you to spam my message window with random words. It is not here for you to play with. It is not here for you to "try out".
It is my voice. It is not funny, or a toy.
Please stop treating it like one.
You have no right to grab it, to pull my hands away from it so you can make it say things I don't want it to say, or to slam your hands down onto buttons without warning.
Please stop.
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hilacopter · 4 months
look through the blog of a token jew and see how much they cared for the whole being jewish thing before october 7th
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