#spent my time studying like my life depended on it lol
yeyayeya · 4 months
Finally finished my exams and I am so mentally exhausted ugh
Yeah that’s why I’ve been inactive I tried to do my best to study
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csmiclxtte · 6 months
Solar Return Observation (Mars Edition)
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Early Degree Mars (0°~1°) can show that you strive for independence. You may have difficulty in directing your energy, which may lead to feeling of frustration, anger, and restlessness. Pay attention to the sign and placement. See if any people close to you have natal Mars in the same sign, because they may be the subject of your frustration too. They might do nothing wrong and being their usual self and yet it still irks you. House placement also cues to what you seek independence from e.g. home (4H), daily life, work, coworker (6H), friendship (11H).
Mars in Aries you want to get moving, channeling your inner energy through physical activity. You may feel pumped and eager to take opportunities. Exercises could help you to ease your mind. Staying active. You may pay attention more to your physique. You may be more confrontative, even if you are naturally not like that. I personally love this placement lol. This is the time when you stop giving a f to anyone and just go with your guts, what makes you feel good, what feels right to you. It's just an easier energy to move with, because Mars is in domicile.
Mars in Taurus is slow-progressing. Whichever house it's sitting in, you may feel like you're not making significant progress on that specific area e.g. slow progress in work (6H), dreams feel like it's faraway or impossible (11H). Achievement does not come instantly. Overall very slow, taking progress step by step. It may feel exhausting especially for mutable dominants.
Mars in 4H during this time, I spent most of my time at home. However, there is a restlessness of wanting to do more. Family may be your main motivation of taking actions. The closer Mars is to IC, it may pushes you more to move and progress away from your roots/house/home. All because you want to be more independent. Fights and arguments in family are possible, but understand that you can react differently from what you used to do in the past.
Mars conjunct Neptune can be times when one pour their energy to achieve their dreams. House placement often gives the theme (e.g. college/study for 9H, career or job for 10H). You can almost create everything in your dream to come true. From what I notice however, this aspect has a possibility to be short-lived. One moment you can "achieve" what you want, or there is a sense of achievement, but without careful planning such situation may not thrive. There may be a lot of confusions and crossroads. Your action may be taken differently by others, prone to be misunderstood.
Mars conjunct Chiron is actually not as bad as I originally thought. Maybe it also depends on the sign, but I found this aspect to quickly progress your healing era forward. You will face the wounds you had, whether you want to or not. Mars doesn't wait until you're ready. It would push you to take action and do something about your wound situation. It can be a messy aspect, of course. Not as enjoyable. Emotional outbursts is very possible. However, looking back to that time, I feel grateful because it kickstarted the journey in consciously managing wounds, and dealing with unpleasant things. Also signifies a lesson in handling your anger more efficiently.
Mars coniunct Mercury your mind is sharp, quick to process and to store information. You are decisive, assertive, even confident. Your mind is very capable, can solve problems easily. However be careful not to hurt people because of your words. You may feel lack of control/filter with your words, saying stuff you dont mean, or the word you want to say came off more aggressive than you originally intended. I'd say this is a good indication of good grades as well, because of heightened focus and mental capability.
Thank you for reading
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strongheartneteyam · 5 months
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I wet you like water but she stained you like blood.
Pairing: widowed!dilf!jake sully x younger!female!human!reader
CW: slight sexual language, can be triggering to some, heartbreak, age gap kink, hurt/no comfort, age gap relationship problems, angst, reader reminiscing (pls tell me if I missed anything) 
So, yeah... I never know when I'm gonna come back with another writing. My hiatus n working periods are all a bit unpredictable lol sorry. Anyways... I literally spent the whole night awake n I was struck by a sudden lightning of creativity early in the morning and I edited this chapter n wrote a bit more, but I still haven't slept at all, so, I apologize if some parts of this make no sense at all. I'll fix it when I can. Hope you guys like it <3 ily guys a whole lot :)) obs: this chapter is a shorter one.
Slightly proofread.
Chapter 4 𓆩♡𓆪
They say all's well that ends well
But I'm in a new hell every time you double-cross my mind
You said if we had been closer in age maybe it would've been fine
And that made me want to die
The idea you had of me, who was she?
A never-needy, ever-lovely jewel whose shine reflects on you
All Too Well - 10 minutes Version (Taylor Swift)
It had been 1 year since the last time you saw Jacob Sully. Or Jakey, like you used to call him. The wound never healed. It still throbbed and bled every time you remembered the words he told you that dreadful day. "I think we should stop seeing each other." It felt like you would never get over him. How can one get over such an overpowering, raw feeling? He marked you forever, like a bruise that seemed to never disappear from your skin.
The flashback came like thunder in a storm, haunting your thoughts with a loud pain that echoed through your mind. What you told Jake that night.
“The truth is I love you. The truth is I can't take this anymore. I'm giving you my everything but you don't seem to be doing the same. You're still guarded.” There was a tense period of silence “Jake… I love you. But I don't think you feel the same.”
Maybe you shouldn't have said anything. Maybe if you had kept your mouth shut, he would still be with you.
Ugh!! Stop that, now, (y/n)! Some self love, please? You're better than this. You deserve better.
You tried to convince yourself of that, at least.
The pain was unbearable at times and almost easy to conceal at other times. It depended on how distracted with work or your studies you were. These days you ran to any distraction that could ease the perpetual angst that squeezed your heart inside its hands all the fucking time. It had been like that ever since Jake left you. What were you expecting anyway? You should have known you were never truly loved by Jake. The love of his life was Neytiri and it would always be, alive and walking through Pandora or dead and with Eywa.
It felt beyond weird to have to hear people talking about Jake and have to pretend he was a stranger to you, someone you barely knew, when he had actually left a mark so strong on you, a memory ingrained in your brain, a feeling, a pain buried inside your heart that made you want to scream and hit your head against a wall. That's how much it hurt.
You would never have his body against yours again, warming you up when it was cold, after you spent the whole day in that damn lab, studying Pandoran plants but all you could really concentrate on was how much you missed his reassuring, protective presence. He made you feel safe for the first time in your life. But now he is gone. Just like every single good thing you ever had in your life. But you know what? Maybe your mother was right, maybe love wasn't really something that could ever last forever.
Did Jake ever really make a real effort to be with you? Thinking back, it was extremely easy for him to just come to you and fuck you anytime he felt sad and lonely. What if you had just been a naive, dumb girl all this time? Were you mourning a love that never actually existed? It was always so hard to talk to him about his feelings for you, he never actually let you in, to be honest. All the time you two spent together, you were never able to know if he ever saw you as a partner or just a fuck buddy. 
Oh, but the high… it was worth all the lows. The butterflies in your stomach every time you guys were almost caught fucking in the back of your work room by Norm. Eventually you guys had to tell him about your situationship because, oh well… he already knew what was going on, really. Norm is not a fool or a child. He could add 2 plus 2.
The adrenaline was worth all the tears. And, fuck… you would do it all over again in a heartbeat.
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carefulfears · 4 months
As someone fascinated by David Duchovny’s movie filmography from a distance, I have to ask what it’s like for you in the trenches. What’s been your favorite and least favorite movies he’s been in? Did you watch the secret? Were there any movies you thought were bad that he was inexplicably good in? You’re gods bravest soldier.
OMG this is like my favorite question i've ever gotten, thank you so much for asking me this. i was just saying privately that i feel kinda bad coming back on tumblr rn when i've spent so so much time and energy studying duchovny's work (i could write a literal dissertation. might.) that it's really the lens i see everything through right now and all i wanna talk about lol...so y'all please feel free if there's anything you're ever curious about or want me to expand on, to ask.
i started this little project after receiving a difficult medical diagnosis, when i really needed a project in the midst of doctor appointments and painful, traumatizing life changes. i didn't tell anyone what i was going through for 4 months, so i couldn't really talk about what my days were like, and really just needed something else...i started watching californication 3 days after finding out, and just really loved it. that show means so much to me, in so many ways, and i didn't expect it to.
and it just kind of went from there, i loved seeing him work in cali. it was something so crazy and brilliant and almost electrifying to see this performer really in it, and plugged in, and interested, and invested, in a way that you can see on the x-files but not at the same consistency and intensity. everywhere that he was sometimes indifferent or bored or inexperienced as mulder, he's doubly hitting every mark as hank moody. it's more than a series-defining performance and it's just great to watch someone excel at what they do like that.
and as i kept watching his work i became really fascinated with this dynamic i was seeing where he could either be hitting it that hard, one of the best you've ever seen, transcending the material....or he could just kind of be there....and it seemed to depend on very little more than his mood. or whether he was interested. or whether he was well-cast? i ran into this phenomenon eventually where it seemed like directors/producers were casting him for the name without really utilizing or playing to his strengths, or even understanding what those were.
i have rankings of his films on my letterboxd: you can check my lists for my ultra specific ones, but this is my general ranking. my favorite is still and forever the rapture, which i wrote an essay about last summer. as far as the worst...full frontal and new years day suck ass. phantom is just boring, and odd in a dull way. you people is netflix's most unfunny and uncomfortable original. and house of d...is what it is.
i adore the secret. i've seen it 3 times and have it on DVD. i don't expect any person alive other than me to like it, but i'm just obsessed with it. i've tried to write about it so many times and never make it past the obvious discomfort, i just feel like i've lost every reader before i even say anything. but i find it to be a really interesting look into family and self and marriage and actualization and, yes, sex, and i love it.
movies that are bad but he's good in them.....probably louder than words. that movie is insufferable to watch, i'm sorry. i did write about it once for a newsletter that i never published. it's like this pseudo-hallmark feel-good philanthropic dead kid movie (based on a real dead kid and family which is why i'm sorry for trashing it) but it's so cheaply made and flat. duchovny plays the grieving dad, the character that the story revolves around, because he's the person that the family revolves around. including the three older children that his wife (played beautifully by hope davis, this movie really should be better than it is) had before they were married.
after the loss of his only biological child to a rare case of rabies, "dad" goes from strong and silent to "a zombie." and the family really struggles without both their "glue" of a baby sister, and dad.
he's great in it!! hope davis is great in it!! and it has a lot of really interesting roots about grief and blended families and fatherhood. one letterboxd review pointed out that "duchovny has always been great at playing fathers," and the movie really plays on that. it just isn't a good movie, the editing and the script aren't there.
otherwise, some of my favorite performances, in films that i love:
/ julia has two lovers
i love this movie so much but i'll keep it to the point and say that if they'd made 5, 10, or 20 movies like this- david duchovny would have been a movie star. i have this joke, that i've seen a lot of david duchovny movies and never once been like "you know who was great in that movie? david duchovny."
julia has two lovers is my "you know who was great in that movie?" movie.
he is so delicious in that film and it isn't just sexuality, it's vulnerability and gentleness and suavity.
the entire first hour, that's just the 2 characters on the phone, feels so special to me and is one of my favorite moments in film ever...but the scene that i always go back to in terms of his performance is when daphna kastner's julia has been assaulted by her fiancé and she's in the bath crying- still on the phone with duchovny's daniel. and he wants to cheer her up, and he looks like a nervous little boy trying to (as he describes) make his mother feel better. but he tells her this story from his childhood until she starts laughing and the tension breaks, and i just love this quiet hesitation in both that scene and that character. there is a vulnerability to it, with them both in various states of undress, both sharing pieces of themselves with a wrong number phone call stranger, and it plays out beautifully.
the film was sexual in a way that was extreme at the time, and very focused on women's sexuality. it was so low-budget (cost less to make than a tv commercial), and it was never released on DVD or digital. and it plays to his strengths, in a way that's rare to see in a lot of these films. i see a lot in julia has two lovers of what would go on to sky-rocket the x-files, and ground californication.
/ connie and carla
this movie is a riottttt it is literally never not fun and entertaining but there is one ultra quick and specific moment that stands out to me.
connie and carla revolves largely around a gay community in los angeles (specifically the drag community), and peripherally a performer named robert's struggles to reconnect with his brother, david duchovny's jeff, after the estrangement and homophobia in their family.
duchovny is great in this movie, it's the kind of comedic work that he excels in, and it literally has me howling every time. i have videos somewhere from the first time i watched it of me just falling apart hysterically laughing at some of his scenes.
but the emotional peak is when jeff goes to robert's apartment to tell his brother that he's sorry. that he should have stood up for him, he should have accepted him, he should have just loved him. and they discuss their parents, and the truth of what happened in their family.
there's this moment afterwards where he goes to leave and robert thinks that he's walking out, but he kind of doubles back and leans down to hug him quickly, very awkwardly.
i just loved that and i think it's dd at some of his best, this kind of uncomfortable effort.
it also always reminds me of californication's slow happy boys, the episode where hank moody's high school best friend comes to visit and he's a total fucking nightmare. there's a similar moment in the end where hank drops his friend off at the airport and hugs him clumsily while stammering "i love you. i love you."
again, connie and carla plays to his strengths!! i've written about before how duchovny is at his best playing men with good intentions. with their heart in the right place, and a lot complicating that. and i think that movie is a great wacky comedy that lends to it.
/ the tv set
this movie is like cocomelon to me i love it. and i honestly won't talk about it much because there isn't a lot to discuss, you kind of just have to see it. it's very funny, with a great cast (justine bateman!! judy greer!! two californication guest stars that i would've loved to see him work with a million times) and i always just enjoy watching it.
duchovny really grounds this movie in a way that i find to be so subtle and compelling, he carries the comedy as far as it can go but also holds 100% of the dramatic burden. everything serious or weighted in it you have to get just from watching his face and body language, and you can.
the look on his face in the last scene, with television set by joel plaskett playing over him, is exceptional!! one of those moments where i feel that he's just on the top of his game, understanding a character and what is happening to him, and following through. that final moment changes the tone of the film and it's all in the look on his face.
/ the joneses
another movie that i love that i also find to be a prime example of smart casting...i've intended for a long time to write at length about this one (and i still might) but in simple terms, the joneses wants to sell you something. the family that it's about, the joneses, want to sell you something. and it's the only film that i feel took advantage of one thing i mentioned earlier: casting for the name. while also playing to the strengths of each performer.
the joneses positions demi moore, david duchovny, amber heard, and benjamin hollingsworth as walking and talking advertisements. influencers before a truly digital age. i won't go too far into it, because there are several twists that you just have to see for yourself, but it positions itself on the premise that everyone wants what these 4 people have.
and it wants to sell you david duchovny, just as much as every movie poster does. as demi moore's character says: "when you want to, you can be quite handsome. and extremely charming."
the movie depends on that, just as much as the characters do. the movie is relying on the fact that you will go see a david duchovny picture, just as much as the characters rely on those around them buying david duchovny's life.
i think it's perfectly cast, well acted, and extremely meta in a way that's wildly culturally relevant. but it also exploits a factor that i feel had previously held him back: the idea that you will just want whatever this person has.
there is so much that could be said on this topic because i find it to be so rich, and have loved exploring it, but there's a bit of what i've learned!! thanks again for the question, love u!!
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communistkenobi · 1 year
this is maybe silly to tell you about but i'm very envious of how smart you seem and the level of grasp you have on theory that feels incredibly scary to me. i was in uni for sociology, and save for one text that i understood from start to finish, the rest of it always felt like it was deleting my brain cells slowly and made me feel stupid, even as smn who had grown up being a "literature" person. i think it's just a matter of getting started, but it all feels embarrassing >>
what I’m about to say is going to sound very masturbatory and self-aggrandising, but that can’t really helped on account of the fact that the topic is what a smart little boy I am
one, thank you! I’m always very flattered when people give me this compliment. I don’t think it’s silly at all. two, I’m pursuing a PhD in the social sciences with the intent to stay in the academy after I get my doctorate, and my particular field of study skews towards critical theory. on average only 1% of people in canada have a PhD, and a fraction of that percentile have my particular academic trajectory - all of which to say, I am an outlier amongst a peer group of outliers, so I’m an extremely bad measuring stick to use when judging your own critical capabilities. I’ve been in post-secondary school for roughly 7 years now and will be in it for at least four more, and for the past 4ish of those years my main source of employment has been teaching and research, so I am both paying for and being paid to read theory and teach it to undergraduate students in small classroom settings. By the standards of academia I’m very junior, but I have a lot of specialised training in talking and reading, which is to say, it’s taken me a very long time to be where I am now. My academic career depends on my ability to produce original thoughts and write them down in a way that both speaks to existing scholarship while contributing new things to said scholarship, so I’m in an environment that enforces a very particular kind of discipline that is not remotely common or normal. Being a graduate student isn’t a rich profession by any means, but you are paid to learn information and write it down - something I would not be able to do if I was working a full time job.
I also frequently don’t understand the shit I’m reading! It’s extremely difficult to read academic texts because they’re meant to be read in classroom settings where you’re forced to voice your confusion, speak with other people about what you’re reading, defend your positions, connect it to other work, synthesise it in essay format, and so on. My live-blogging of books I’m reading is an attempt to simulate that, because I tend to learn best when writing out why I have the opinions I hold. Being confused isn’t a sign of stupidity but rather a simple fact that you’re brushing up against concepts and theories that take people their whole careers to develop and publish.
My own background in academia is also very eclectic, so I know a little bit about many topics, but there are very little topics can I speak authoritatively on - I can’t speak about the state of knowledge on, say, international relations, or critical race legal scholarship, or employment disability policy, but I know vaguely of those things. I’m not even a well-read marxist lol
All of which is to say - I am a horrible metric to compare yourself to. I am one of the few sickos who genuinely wants to remain in the academy for the rest of my life because I sincerely believe in the pursuit and production of knowledge, and my chance to do so is largely dependant on my ability to explain myself to other people. Put another way, I have spent my entire adult life training to be a marginally popular communist tumblrina on a website primarily known for producing supernatural actor porn. So either way don’t feel bad about it
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feral-rat · 4 months
Rating TMA fears based on how likely I am to be recruited by them in no particular order
Is this some coping mechanism because I figured out I was in a cult for most of my childhood?
No comment.
The Buried= 0/10 Absolutely Not. I have autism I would be so overstimulated that sounds like fucking hell.
The Corruption= 5/10 Honestly I would do a lot if worms sang to me, doesn't even need to be worms any bug could probably win me over. I am completely love starved and love is their whole thing. It's only downfall is the actual filth part I can not do that kind of grime and disease.
The Dark= 3/10 Honestly it's just a bit boring also my intrusive thoughts get worse in the dark. Honestly I just don't give a fuck about it.
The Desolation= 7/10 I've always loved destruction I think it has a kind of poetic beauty to it. For alot of my life I've been angry at the people who hurt me. it definitely consumed me during my early teenage years. I feel like it would have fit me better a few years ago but I still see the appeal.
The End= 8/10 I take great comfort in the fact that one day we will all die. I've had to face death alot throughout my life. I definitely feel a connection to this power
The Eye= 18/10 FUCK YESSSS!!!!!! As I have mentioned before I have the autism. I have an intense need to know all. I spent years of my life learning about the human brain and psychology because I didn't understand how neurotypical people communicated. I just would like to know everything. I'm also trans idk why that's relevant but it just is.
The Flesh= 8/10 Again I am trans. like it wouldn't be my first choice to be a Flesh avatar but that's not what I'm rating this is strictly on if I think they could recruit me. Though idk about the body horror part of it, like I've seen enough of it irl I'm just kinda over it. I think I would prefer to be released from this prison of flesh and bone but it's the second best option.
The Hunt= 2/10 I do understand the animalistic need to just Run but I think I would get bored chasing after something else. I also hate the police, I could not knowingly want to be apart of something with that many ties to the police.
The Lonely= 15/10 This one is a bit sader to think about. It's very likely that I would be a lonely avatar. In the past 2 weeks I have spoken to approximately 3 people.
The Slaughter= 1/10 I just don't care that much about it. I've seen enough needless violence in my life. I would be more interested studying why people do violence than participating in it myself.
The Spiral= 18/10 OBVIOUSLY do I even need to explain this. I frequently get hallucinations, I once spent 2 days looking at fractals and I dress in the clothing version of eyestrain.
The Stranger= 10/10 Ok so this one is difficult because on one hand YESSSS but this is strictly on if I would be recruited by them. It fully depends on how they recruit me. If it's a talking manikin I would be running for the hills, but I already have a few probably haunted dolls so if it was dolls theres a good chance I would be recruited.
The Vast= 18/10 FUCK YEAH I WANT TO SEE SKY BLUE!!! I LOVE the fact compared to space and time I am insignificant, it feels like being hugged by the universe. When my legs get better I'm going to do sky diving, my dream would just be falling forever. Ironically my legs don't work because the last time I fell I actually landed. It also just feels like the lonely without the commitment.
The Web=15/10 It's probably more likely I would get manipulated by the web instead for becoming an avatar but if she wants me who am I to deny her. Like most web avatars I have an intense fear of being trapped so when I was young I learnt how to mentally manipulate others just in case. I love spiders even when I was young I would pick them up from the garden and let them crawl up and down my arms. Also coincidentally I used to live super close to a place called 105 hilltop road lol
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saintshigaraki · 4 months
SAINT! you are so cool! if I may ask, please share some study tips on how you do so well on hard stem classes! atomic theories are killing rn 🥲
anon beloved thank u <3 im not cool though im a bit of a loser fhdoad i spend a LOT of time studying. like. a lot. and i think that's my biggest tip for doing well in classes. you need to carve out suitable time for studying outside of the week (or for some people the day or two) before an exam. studying is a constant and neverending process throughout the semester. it really does suck sometimes....very sisyphus pushing a bolder up a hill type shit...but it makes it so worth it come exam season.
on average i spent about 3 hours a day on schoolwork outside of class. sometimes that's homework and sometimes thats going over lectures i didn't feel great about in class. on Saturdays and Sundays i usually spent about 4 hours each day on school. i would get breakfast with my friends and then head down to the library immediately after so that i could get it over with and have the rest of the afternoon and night for like. actual, socializing, lol.
all those hours go up the week (as in starting the full seven days) before any exam.
i always ALWAYS go to office hours when im struggling even a teensy bit. and i also go to office hours the week before an exam whether i feel good about the material or not. i think I've mentioned this tip before but depending on how chill a professor is you can often get major hints on what the exam will focus on and/or include.
actual study tips i dont really have much to say beyond repetition is your friend. things like metabolic biochem that involve memorizing pathways....you have to bite the bullet and memorize one step at a time. and then do it over and over and over and over and over again. do it until you can get it done perfectly without any help and then do it one more time after that so it sticks. same goes with any worksheets you get in class, practice problems, etc. do them all until they are forever burned in your mind.
memorizing sucks, it really does, but it does often help with understanding the material as well. and like i said, whatever you dont understand, head STRAIGHT to office hours with. office hours are often a life saver. i promise. i PROMISE!
also im a huge fan of studying groups!!! other people will often understand things you dont and you will often understand things others dont. and teaching others will really cement the concept in your brain, i think this is like? proven by actual studies.
manifesting a great end of quarter/semester for you anon!!! and a good rest of your academic career!!
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espresso-ships · 4 months
Can you tell us more abt Laura pretty please
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- @laloverboyy
So basically!!
Her full name is Laura Bernardi.
She kinda started out as an OC and I wanted to have her as a character in my book - but who knows? She might still be in my stories one day HEHEH >:3 So therefore I've made her a background story already, but she's very based on me - with personality, dreams and goals, and family/friends dynamics etc.
When I started watching Better Call Saul I got this though of "LAURA AND NACHO WOULD BE PERFECT TOGETHER-" ...But I was also like: "ME AND NACHO SHOULD BE TOGETHER 👹" So I combined the two and turned Laura into a self-insert LMAO
Now for the story I have for Laura:
She's from Europe and spent her first years in Italy, before she moved to the US together with her dad and big brother Sergio.
They moved in with her grandparents, and she was very close with her grandpa - Valentino. He taught her to read and write and eventually she developed a passion for writing, just like Valentino had. He was basically her best friend, since she hated school and got bullied.
She is very close to her brother Sergio - who's three years older. He is very overprotective of his little sister and is the stereotypical "annoying brother" LOL He is currently living in Denver, where he's opened his own restaurant.
Laura is an artistic person. She enjoys poetry, music and art. It has been so since her childhood. Her interest in writing developed and eventually she started working as a journalist, after studying at university.
In her spare time, she hangs out with friends and family - they're all very important to her. And she makes her own books and poems too. She also likes reading and being outdoors, for example taking photos, going shopping or jogging/hiking.
She sometimes enjoy going to parties too.
Her fasion style is classy and simple. She also likes dark academia and grunge clothings (...but also adores pastel colors LOL)
As for her personality: She's both extroverted and introverted, it depends on who she's talking to! She is kind and caring, and good at reading people. Although she's a good person, she's very impulsive and sometimes says/does things without thinking twice. She was diagnosed with ADHD as a teen and also struggles with mental health.
She also loved animals! She has a cat and knows alot about cats and other animals. A bit of a nerd when it comes to cat facts :')
Relationship with Nacho 👀
Nacho and Sergio was best friends in school, so Nacho spent a lot of time in the Bernardi house. He got to know Laura's family, and Sergio got to know Nacho's family. The two families became friends and even had dinners together.
But Sergio and Nacho grew apart during the years. One main reason was Nacho joining the cartelm which he did not approve off. They stopped hanging out around the time Sergio moved to Denver.
After this, Nacho and Laura grew close. They had known each other for quite some years and knew each other well. They supported each other during difficult times and shared happy moments etc.
Laura even worked at A-Z Fine Upholstery (Nacho's dads store) before becoming an journalist! She was a troubled teen and Manuel Varga fixed her a job, and then she became colleagues.
They liked each other, but both were too scared to admit it. So they let each other go, and dated other people, breaking each others hearts over and over without knowing so...
After a bad breakup, Laura realized she still liked Nacho, and he developed feelings for her. They finally confessed to each other, and since then their love has bloomed.
Now, they live together in a house in Albuquerque, but plan on moving to Italy and start over, and live a life away from dangers and drama.
Laura is also planning on proposing to Nacho soon... 🤭
Random pictures
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Laura S/I aestethic 💅
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First drawing: The first drawing I made of Laura! Her design has changed a lot since LOL Second drawing: Latest drawing of her (and my fav art hahah) Third drawing: Sims 4 version of Laura :3
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ALSOOO - This is what Sergio Bernardi looks like!! Had to make one for him too ahshshs (yep, he's an OC now and he's iconic)
That sums it up, I think ahhshss
THANK YOU SM FOR ASKING! <33 And sorry for making this reply so long LOL 😭
My English broke now and it's very late - so I hope this all made sense ahshshhs
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lliinnkk · 1 year
On the 1st read of Misery, when I found that King wrote the book as a metaphor for addiction, I thought he just meant the pills that Paul needs to stave off the pain of his legs. On the 2nd read tho, it becomes more apparent how Annie herself along with just the narrative as a whole is a rly good metaphor for addiction.
(The rest of this post contains spoilers for Stephen King's book Misery)
I especially love how Paul relates the pain to a piling slowly becoming visible as the tide goes in or out over it: the pain being the piling, the pills being the tide, and Annie being the moon that pulls the tides in and out.
Paul originally starts needing the pills for his pain after the physical trauma of the car accident but soon realises he is addicted to them and also depends on them for the emotional trauma of the accident.
Annie, like addiction, is irrational and controlling, trapping Paul in a house in which he is forced to give up on autonomy, freedom, time and his most recent work that he spent 2 passionate years on. He gives up dignity and will to live and he even murders Annie at the end, finally conquering her.
Annie forces Paul to destroy the only copy of his manuscript and make a new Misery book for her. She is a nurse, described as being maternal and loving, supposedly giving Paul the pills for his own good, to make him feel better, even tho the real, more effective solution for his own good would be to take him to a hospital, which would be a permanent solution to his problem. However, she never intended to let him go after his legs healed. After he heals up enough to just wheel himself around in a wheelchair, she chops off his foot, setting him back even further than he was before, making him need her yet again to stay alive.
She is irrational and neurotic, accusing him of things he would never physically be capable of doing and insisting that she is right no matter how much he tries to defend himself
I fucking love this book, it is now my favourite.
Addiction will trap you and convince you that you need it to live, as you rely on it at least at first in good faith, a coping mechanism for the parts of life that you don't want to think about. But it's not a realistic solution for problems, only hurting you more in the end
Something that also kind of stood out to me about Misery, despite it not being mentioned in the book I don't think, is about how Annie never gave Paul anything to do in all that time he spent alone there when she wasn't there. As far as I can remember, Annie never gives him a book to read, a colouring book, a novel, or playing cards, nothing. Absolutely nothing to do, to keep himself entertained. The only things she gave him were a typewriter and her own presence. I think I remember that they would occasionally watch TV together when their relationship was ok ish but other than that, nothing. He was left alone in the house with only Annie and only things that were related to Annie, not even a radio.
I recall a study which was done on I think rats and I think cocaine. Rats in cages were given cocaine and they took it and became addicted to it. However, rats in cages who were given cocaine and other sources of entertainment and activity did not become addicted. They did take the cocaine occasionally but did not rely on it because they had other ways of enjoying themselves.
That makes me think about how it would've been so much easier for Paul to have become addicted on the pills as a relief for his pain when the only source of entertainment or relief he has was his own mind. At least he had "such a vivid imagination" that he "did not get from (his mother's) side of the family" lol
Anyway I love this book so much, I highly recommend it and I relate to it so much
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geode-crystal · 23 days
Random Headcanon Generator Tag Game!
Thanks again to @tildeathiwillwrite for the tag! I LOVE generators like these (my friends and I use the Incorrect Quote one for character study all the time lol) so was super excited for this one!
Rules: use this headcanon generator to make headcanons for your OCs! Then talk about how accurate they are.
Using, of course, my boys Darius and Mianu :D
Darius is not allowed to drink energy drinks.
lol I actually don't want to know WHAT would happen if he tried an energy drink. He would probably talk a LOT. No one would be able to make sense of him.
Darius cries while watching Disney movies.
It depends on the movie but yeah, absolutely. The Fox and the Hound gets him every time.
Darius knows FNAF lore.
I mean... maybe? He is the type to get way too into it once he discovers it's a Thing, but I doubt he would be into gaming enough to even know the game exists. Maybe Mianu told him about it lol.
Mianu can't make the voices go away.
I love how this was the first one I got because it is absolutely accurate. My boy spent most of his life under a curse and now has a lot of shadow magic stuff going on. Voices are the least of his worries sometimes.
Mianu desperately needs a hug but doesn't know it and refuses to ask for one.
1000% accurate. See above lol.
Mianu likes board games, but no one else wants to play with them.
Oh he would absolutely love board games. Don't worry, Mianu, Darius will play with you! And probably a few of Darius' friends will, too! (headcanon generator why are you being so mean to him lol)
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shinikamo · 10 months
Good eve to my 4 mutuals I have decided to start babbling about my funny silly little twisted wonderland ocs on this webbed site just look at em
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I'm trying to draw em in something similar enough to twst's style so they are much much leggier than my normal style lol, when I finish drawing each one properly they'll each get their own personal ramble this is just an overview of my Guys
Right so I'm going to start with Janus, the tired looking boy in the blue jumpsuit!
Janus is originally from the Isle of Woe, he's quite the germaphobe and lost one of his legs in a car accident as a child so he uses a prosthetic leg he made himself.
He's lived most of his life in a hospital, his father used to own it before he passed and Janus's stepmother took over but as she was neglectful he ended up not having anywhere else to live. He decided to become a doctor both to follow his father's footsteps and to gain his stepmother's attention and became recognised as a genius child doctor, but because he spent far far more time holed up studying than interacting with people he's very inexperienced.
Due to his lack of life experience he decided to go out and see the world a bit but he got swindled by Crowley into becoming a janitor for NRC when he was visiting to see a school event, though he was actually accepted by the mirror as a student Crowley didn't allow him to quit his job as a janitor.
He's pretty well liked by the students as he's helpful in any sort of messy situation, though he isn't great at interacting with them and is very blunt.
Next up is Avikki, the brawny bird boy! He's a vulture beastman, a legendary indestructible delinquent and also the childhood friend of Janus.
He's a complete and utter adrenaline junkie who very regularly puts himself in life threatening situations for fun, because of this he often went to the hospital in which Janus was living, as they ended up seeing each other a lot they became good friends (they have some of the most concerning conversations in existence)
Avi regularly challenges the strongest people in the school to fight with him so he's ended up with a fair few followers hoping to make him top of the school, though he doesn't care about being the strongest at all, he just wants fun fights.
Oh also the bandages on his arms are to bind his wings to make it easier to do things without thwapping everything around him with his feathers. How do wings fit within those bandages? Who knows it's probably magic
Third boy is Typhon! He's the one with the snake and the droopy eyes. Typh is the dependable and surprisingly social Ignihyde vice dorm leader.
The snake is called Gorgon and is Typh's familiar! He has a popular animal insta page where he posts about her.
He's an all around capable person with particularly strong magic abilities. Despite being in Ignihyde he has a friend list to rival Cater's, though he's ever friendly and helpful there are a fair few people who are suspicious of his behaviour as this is Night Raven College and he might be plotting any number of things. However there's no evidence that he's actually doing anything other than some people getting the feeling that something is off about him.
Though he's the vice prefect the students in his dorm aren't particularly close with him as the normie aura is too strong, though he's very helpful with anything school related.
Finally we have the little rat boy Colby! His thing is that he's always been able to see and interact with ghosts, even in areas that aren't high in magic like NRC.
As he can interact with ghosts he's very susceptible to things like possession from malevolent ones. However if he adds a bit of his blood to foods it means the ghosts can eat it easily so he has a few malevolent ghosts guarding him and occasionally stealing things for him in exchange for this food like a pack of crows.
However because of this he's super turbo haunted and though others may not be able to see ghosts they will feel this feeling of unease around him.
Colby is dressed the way he is because he was unable to afford the uniform so Lilia took him to see if any uniforms that were left in Diasomnia would fit him, the only ones that would fit however were old ass versions of the uniform. Though he doesn't care that the uniform he wears is ancient it fuels rumours that a student died 100 years ago and its ghost is back to haunt the school.
So anyways those r some funky little intros to my twst ocs and you will absolutely be seeing more of them soon muahahaha
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lyraeon · 2 years
at 20 I thought I was faking my depression and was "bad at life" and lazy like my family said. I still earnestly believed I was entirely straight and everyone knew girls are just nicer to look at. I still had a ton of ingrained racism and other bigotry from my Bush-worshipping family. My main dream of being an astronaut had been smashed by my anxiety and health problems, so I was trying to study Japanese because like every other weeb I thought I'd fit in better over there (lol), but I'd already flunked out of one college and been forced to quit another to get a second job. I was overdrawn constantly and often buying gas station gift cards at the grocery store so I'd only take one overdraft fee. I was dating someone horribly controlling who eventually earned the title "evil ex", dialed up my eating disorder, and traumatized me out of writing for 2+ years. I had several roommates because we all considered having the funds to go to anime conventions more important than personal space (and because back then we already thought $600/month was expensive). I spent any other free time half asleep at a friend's house cuz there I could play games and watch Intent videos. Half my meals came free from work, the rest were hacked together from stuff that worked out to $1/serving or so. The power or internet got turned off at least twice a year from non-payment.
at 25 I thought I was too depressed to deserve burdening others with my presence or existence. that I was a burden and purposeful downer and nothing would ever get better. I was still dealing with a ton of internalized transphobia, racism, and other bigotry that I had been taught was Just The Truth and still occasionally fall into. I was massively straight edge against weed and anything else (threatened to call cops on close friends) while also being a half bottle of vodka a day alcoholic just to get my brain to shut up enough to let me write or sleep. I didn't know how to have fun without alcohol, if at all. I had lost my ability to draw when I severely injured my wrist while i had no insurance. I tried going back to school, first for architecture then teaching, and flunked/dropped out of both. I was losing jobs every 6~8 months from being chronically late and being sick constantly. I manged to lose one on my birthday and wound up having to make some other tough choices because of it. I had only just reached the point where being overdrawn was a rare thing and I wasn't buying single gallons of gas with tip money. food was still often just ramen but I no longer had days where I didn't know if I'd get to eat, though I was often dependent on my then-bf. I had multiple teeth rotting and couldn't afford any treatment besides getting them pulled, and often not until they'd become infected.
by 30 I was finally on antidepressants and in therapy. I was on the road to physical therapy for shoulder and wrist injuries that had happened years earlier. I was pretty happy in my relationship. I held down one job for almost 3 years straight after getting medicated, then turned around and flunked/dropped out of college for the 5th time (Physics this time) because I was too anxious to take public transit reliably and STILL couldn't do homework anywhere but in class, so most projects never got done. I'd stopped being able to write (and am still running from the possibility my meds Took That from me because it doesn't come back if I stop them). Food had become a different struggle - I no longer had time, physical health, or executive function to cook reliably so I was spending too much on take out and causing wild fluctuations in my weight. I was hiding my eating disorder from my partner and my friends. I had begrudgingly un-estranged myself from my family to support younger cousins as they came out as queer. I had developed a healthier relationship with alcohol. I had accepted that, outside of addiction, drugs are a bodily autonomy thing and stopped being an ass to people about them. I had finally learned some damn etiquette around things like not accidentally outing people. I started streaming and making videos - stuff I had dreamed of since first watching Dead Fantasy and Red vs Blue and Weeblstuff in high school but had thought impossible after I lost the ability to draw.
I'm currently 35. This year I am living on my own for the first time (aside from 5 failed months at 18). I got divorced - a complicated, regretful process that was ultimately for the best but I could and should have handled better (and sooner). I've been in physical therapy long enough that I'm able to use chopsticks properly again and am thinking of trying to relearn drawing. It's also meant I can do the dishes and wash my hair on my own again, most days, so I'm relearning how to cook consistently. I'm reading (listening to) books again. I'm on year 8 of antidepressants and currently working with my doctor to fine tune what I'm on (and finally have a system to take them consistently). I've been diagnosed with ADHD and figured out I might also be autistic, and a lot of things in my life make way more sense when viewed through that context. I have appointments to get evaluated for ADHD meds, autism, shoulder surgery/other "PT isn't enough" treatments, teeth implants, and new glasses. my clothes have been put away 3 of the last 5 times I did laundry and I've learned that if I only own one dishwasher worth of dishes, the sink can't pile up. I've fully embraced that I'm polyamorous, pansexual, and demiromantic, and that I can be cis while also being "gender agnostic" - none of it really matters or processes to me, but I get that it does to others so I respect it. I'm seeing someone who makes me feel like I can do anything, is inspiringly ambitious themself, and is equally polyam, meaning I might also be asking out a cute girl soon and don't know where board game nights with the nice throuple I met might go. I'm having to do odd jobs and accept help from my dad to make ends meet, but I'm arguably a full time content creator now - something I literally didn't even let myself dream about when I was younger because it felt impossible, but which is fully worth the complications and budget crunching because it's so accommodating to my disabilities and uses so many of my talents. I'm still depressed, but I have hope that ADHD treatment will help cut through the remainder. Most days I just have hope, period. And more days than not, I'm genuinely happy for at least a while.
You'll find yourself.
It might take a while. There will be detours, mistakes, pain, tough choices, and a lot of hard work. But there will also be unexpected joys and more possibilities than you ever imagined.
Someday, you'll find yourself.
And when you do, it will be worth the wait, I promise.
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Could I request a matchup? For male and female companions?
I’m a young(Er) adult whose more of an introvert. I’m quite pale (not due to vampirism) but genetics. This and a condition called POTS makes me dislike extreme heat. (And extremely cold.) Things in the middle temperature wise is when I thrive. So I live for Fall and Spring. I have dark hair and lots of freckles and moles. Some of them are kind of big and embarrassing but most are in areas that are usually covered (stomach, upper thighs).
I enjoy reading books and writing stories. I also love baking, and I especially enjoy singing while I bake. I don’t sound super good but it’s more of a happy place thing than a performance thing.
I’m not very open, especially to strangers. I mean I’m really nice and try to be polite and friendly but I don’t really trust anyone. I’m always on the lookout for something bad to happen. I don’t know why I just am.
I enjoy being outside in nature but not with other people or large groups. Like concerts are NOT my thing lol. For me being outside is a reflection time for grounding myself away from the noise of the world.
However I am not an outdoorsy person. I do not enjoy camping. Or extreme hiking. I greatly enjoy my indoor plumbing and air conditioning m/heater.
Alignment wise I think I’m neutral good. Or chaotic good. Honestly it depends. Like if it’s an asshole boss or misogynistic government making the rules I say fuck em because they’re unjust. But at the same time I feel guilty jaywalking because it’s technically illegal and could potentially be dangerous/cause accidents.
I’m not very romantic but I do long for romance. I just think it has to be the right person at the right time for me to really open up. I move super slow even in friendships. And sex to me isn’t just a bodily function it’s way more meaningful. I can’t do one night stands. And for me to even consider having sex I would need to trust and respect the person and know they respect me in return.
I’ve been through ALOT of trauma in my life. Like way more than the average person which is probably why I’m so closed off and internally judgy of other ppl. I would really like a s/o who’s been through a few challenges of their own, so they’d “get” it in a way. I don’t really relate to people who’ve had easy happy lives. It just doesn’t compute to me lol.
So who do you think I’d be a good fit for??? (Both male and female companions please!! And thank you!!)
-🔴 Red circle nonnie
Okay, for you 🔴 Red Circle Anon, I’m thinking your companion matchups would be Gale (Male) and Karlach (Female)! 
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☸ Gale is a perfect companion for you! More of an introvert himself, Gale doesn’t always “get” social interaction, so he greatly appreciates your preference to mingle in smaller parties on occasion. He’s spent quite a lot of time in Waterdeep with just Tara his Tresym and his Mother, Mrs. Dekarios, so he is used to doing things on his own: reading and practicing spells and the like. He loves that you are into reading as well. Despite teasing from Tara, he thinks it’s a perfectly lovely date idea to sit near each other, reading your respective texts. 
And he greatly enjoys reading all the things you write, if you’re willing to share them. He finds it incredible how you can weave (ha, get it, weave?) such fantastical plots and emotions together. I mean he is a wizard, but he thinks his ability to influence the physical and astral world around him has nothing on the power behind your mighty quill. He also enjoys listening to your singing from the kitchen as he works on various potions and spells. He needs to hear it every so often, almost like how he needs to consume magical artifacts: it brings him peace and grounds him in a reality he vows he won’t let slip away. 
Gale adores your freckles, I mean adores. He probably has them all mapped out somewhere in his study. He loves trailing his finger from one to the other, especially when it makes you blush. Gale also has no issue using his magic to accommodate your need for milder temperatures due to your condition. Whether you need it cooler or warmer, he can use his hands to help you regulate your body temperature. And if that isn’t enough, he can conjure large amounts of ice or fire. Whatever you need, your wizard will get it for you! He makes a mental note to read every piece of literature on the subject he finds in his travels. He finds every part of you stunning, illness or moles be damned, and has no problems reminding you of that, as many times as it takes. 
He himself isn’t the most fond of roughing it so to speak, but he does love feeling the sun on his cheeks and the wind on his face. He especially enjoys taking walks with you, holding your hand as he over-explains the history of magic and its role in The Weave. 
He is very pleased that you’re a kind and courteous person like he is. His Mother raised him to be a respectful man and the idea of being with a partner who takes joy in unnecessary violence or revels in others' suffering makes him physically ill. He cares so much about others, as evidenced by his fear of hurting a large population should the orb in his chest explode. He cares that you care too. 
Contrary to you, however, Gale thinks himself a huge romantic. He perceives love often, even when it may not be there. It’s not that he’s desperate, it’s just that the “boring” parts people often think mean nothing, are the parts of a relationship that mean the most to him. The quiet. The parallel play. The kind words here and there. The interest in the other’s hobbies. That is love to him. That’s not to say he isn’t interested in sex, oh no. He quite enjoys the feeling of your bare skin on his, the sweaty tangle of your limbs, and the euphoria that comes with it. But, similar to you, he sees it as a joining of souls. (Quite literally if you agree to make love in the astral plane with him.) He worships you and you alone and wants to be worshiped in return. Please give him your undivided romantic attention- he thinks you’re such a wonder, he doubts whether he’s deserving of it at times. 
Gale may not show it often, at least not in ways people might think, but he’s endured a lot in his life as well. Despite holding up Mystra as this wonderful goddess, it becomes clearer how unstable their relationship (if you’d call it that) was. He was so wounded, he tried so hard to mend it and ended up planting a bomb in his chest trying to fix it. And then there’s the thing with the Mindflayers, sheesh. Talk about a tough break. It’s rough, but Gale is determined to keep going to fix it. He has to. For himself, and more importantly for you. 
Once both issues are addressed, and the current evils vanquished, he’d want more than nothing to settle down with you back home in Waterdeep. He’d love to introduce you to his Mother, and Tara (if you haven’t already met her). You are the love of his life. And he can’t wait to share the rest of it- the good and the bad- with you. 
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♨ You might think Karlach isn’t your best match, her being quite loud and outgoing, but you’d be wrong. The two of you are like this perfect balance of Yin and Yang- where she wants to dive in headfirst, you advise caution. Where she wants to swing first and ask questions later, you’d rather work out an agreement. The two of you often end up compromising on each of your extremes to find a happy middle that works well for the two of you. 
She does find it a bit frustrating that you don’t tolerate extreme heat very well, as it can make sleeping in the same bed difficult if the weather is already warm out. But she understands. When her internal engine is fixed, she’s certain her temperature will be much more tolerable to you. On the other hand, she’s incredibly proud that she can save you from freezing temperatures, should night ever be particularly cold or you two find yourselves deep in the Underdark. 
And she loves your moles. No, really, she thinks they’re the cutest little things! She’s a red tiefling who spent years watching every kind of soul and creature imaginable enter hell, but none compare to you and your many beauty marks. 
She’s not the most fond of sitting and reading for extended periods, but she loves it when you read aloud to her. She can sharpen and polish her weapons as you regal her with all the many stories you’ve written down over the years. She loves the imagined ones just as much as the real recorded ones. (She especially loves it when you include her in your stories, she finds it so flattering!) 
And she lives for your baking. As a Barbarian she’s almost always hungry. (Hey, a girl has gotta keep up that strength somehow!) She’s so glad you’re gifted in that department. Her attempts almost always end up resembling charcoal more than any sort of food. 
Despite having been forced to fight in hell, Karlach has the personality of a golden retriever. She loves most people and is pretty polite to those she meets. Of course, that doesn’t mean she’s not gonna challenge them to a fight, but she has the decency of mind to say a greeting first. So it’s safe to say she appreciates your good-naturedness as well. You are two peas in a pod that way. 
However, unlike you, Karlach loves a good loud and large gathering; she fits right in! She’s loud and large herself! But she knows you have a limit for those sorts of things, so she won’t drag you to too many of them. 
Alignment-wise, Karlach is the embodiment of chaotic good lol. She’s a Zariel Tiefling Barbarian with a heart of gold. 
She too can’t rush into physical romance, not because she doesn't want to, but due to her engine. When sex is potentially dangerous, you’re forced to rethink what romance and love mean to you. Karlach gets coming at it from a different point of view. And she has no problem waiting until you’re both safe and ready to be with each other in that way. She’s had her fair share of trauma as well. But whereas you claim to be closed off and judgy, it seemingly made her happy and wise. The two of you both underwent difficult times and developed your own unique trauma responses that just so happen to complement one another. Karlach may be saddened that happiness and joy don't come as easily to you as they do to her, but she’ll be damned if she didn’t try her hardest every day to bring those things to you. You’re the love of her life, after all.
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mantisgodiveblog · 4 months
Good to hear that you are okay! I was wondering it you were doing better, and it’s good to see hear that you are at least somewhat! Take your time to recover- being sick sucks!!! (((I debated whether or not I should speak on Mira- didn’t want confirm or deny but decided to: Honestly, just seeing rep is so rare. And from my small vantage point of being the the vanilla flavor of aroace (I tried to word that in a different way, failed, and landed on a joke lol), I think she’s a pretty good one.)))
Currently, mostly Doing Tired. Fairly standard state of being for us, admittedly. We will persist regardless. Unclear on what you mean by "vanilla flavor of aroace", here - perhaps a sign of the fact that an incredibly disproportionate percentage of our friend circle is on the spectrum, but we cannot for the life of us figure out what would be treated as "default" here. In our books, any representation is good - what someone might like varies enough by person that it's a bit hard to gauge "good" versus "bad" compared to just... what appeals more or less to any given person.
Our personal preferences when it comes to most media, for example, are in an area where something like 90% of what we really want to see is stuff where we have to "make our own food", so to speak - though, admittedly, the way that our own personal preference tends to complicate things a bit. Our love for picking things apart is a double-edged sword, in that being capable of picking apart things to the extent that we do often offers them far more opportunity to wear thin.
We are very capable of identifying trends, both in stories and people, and this has been both a great source of fun and a great source of frustration, because at the point we're at, we're often very well capable of picking apart underlying patterns of behavior to a degree that we're not necessarily "supposed" to. Because we are who we are, this means that a lot of stories can draw... dull, after we've seen enough of it. Because we know the motions, and we've most likely analyzed the underlying structures to death and back, if the story itself falters or does not succeed at offering enough new to interest us, we tend to have our interest rapidly drop off.
The degree of this, of course, varies. Body horror, transformation, gore, and a great deal of similar topics are very unlikely to wear thin for us. Good character studies tend to be the sort of thing where we can reread the same words over and over again without it getting dull. On the opposite side of the spectrum, pure fluff is the sort of thing that we struggle to get through more than maybe once every few months, and we're of the personal opinion that fandom as a whole has worn the idea of "found family" thin enough that you could stick its cloth in front of your face without noticing any difference in visibility.
This is, of course, thoroughly in the realm of "tangent" by now. A trope, like any other narrative tool, is a building block - how well it works out will depend almost entirely on execution, and if executed well, pretty much any building block can be used to spin a damn good story.
We are, however, ourself, and knowing ourself, we're going to have to start taking breaks just to make sure that the game remains enjoyable if we stray too. We're banking on things getting worse, we're banking on the warnings on the site paying off, we're hoping that the narrative we're walking into won't dull its teeth, and we're... admittedly, mostly hoping that whatever they do with Mirabelle is interesting, because we generally prefer "interesting" to "something that would be considered good representation", and we've spent enough time being aro by now that explaining things to us will feel thoroughly... plastic.
#asks#we speak#not liveblog#thatdoganon#interludes#this may come off as... hmm. pricklier than usual? we've been primarily spending our Sick Time reading#and we're currently in the phase of our reading life cycle where the spectre of amatonormativity is kicking our ass personally#and thus we are chronically dissatisfied with 99.9% of all potential reading material because it's fucking everywhere#and we're starting to seriously consider swapping to reading nothing but textbooks for a few weeks#because attempting to use the internet to find any information whatsoever is worse than useless at the moment with the AI Situation#and if we have to read anything further written by people so deep in their own biased discomfort that they confuse it for objective truth#then we will be driven to start making some deeply inadvisable comments#summer occasionally makes us feel like physically attacking people. unfortunately this is not a great social move in many cases#it sucks that for change to stick people have to come to conclusions and do all the work on their own#there is a long list of people we wish we could physically knock some common fucking sense into. it just won't do anything useful#the world if it was socially acceptable to say “you have some weirdass fucking hangups so deep rooted i struggle to untangle them”#“do some serious self examination or i'll do it for you” and other similar phrases#tourism is our least favorite season and it doesn't even have the common decency to not smelt us in our chitin like clay in a kiln
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imjustabeanie · 7 months
Matchup for @ithseem/ @courtofmatchups
Your obey me match is....Simeon!
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There was some competition with barbatos but finally I decided on Simeon! Only a gentle yet funny person could suit Parvana.
Simeon asked Parvana out after inviting her to dinner. Well it was a pic nic to be precise and he invited her to admire the amazing sunset and observe the sky together. He (and Luke pitched in with the deserts) slaved away the whole day to prepare a wide assortissement of foods. He wanted the date to be perfect after all, that’s why everything was made to your taste and Solomon was banned from the house. During the date, you two engaged in little talks until sunset came and he confessed. The confession was long as he listed every reason why he loved you but it was very nice. After that, you two spent the night stargazing while he narrated every constellation related folklore he knew. He was glowing when he went back to his house. Solomon and Luke pestered him for details and he eventually caved lol.
Simeon is a very attentive and caring lover. He notices your struggles and helps you confront them in a more healthy way. He tries to make your life less stressful by introducing you to new relaxation methods and always makes it a point to tell you how proud he is and how much he loves you. He is also hardworking but always finds time to have fun and let loose. He knows you mean well and care more than you show, he doesn’t judge a book by its cover, that’s why he always has your back. He wants to be someone you can depend on and vent to. He encourages you to speak up more about your true feelings so you can also be happier with yourself. Hey at least you recognize you’re awesome.
You’re a romantic and he’s also a romantic. He likes surprising you with poems and your favorite foods. He takes care of the chores too (well you split but he doesn’t mind doing the majority most of the time). He’s a writer, he knows how to make you swoon. He likes giving you flowers and pressed flowers. And he chooses them meticulously to convey his feelings. I believe that this angel surprises you from time to time and on special occasions with breakfast in bed. You also do the same for him and it becomes a fun competition. He likes teasing you and cuddling with you. He gives you lots of forehead kisses and lovey dovey nicknames like My one and only. Simeon also asks Barbatos for tea advices to surprise you each month.
There is quite a large library in your house. It even has a space for him to write and for you to draw. Each of you have a type of office desk there for your work/studies. You also have a gaming/cinema spot in another room but he’s not very good with technology…be patient with him lol. The two of you have your best moments in the kitchens because you cook together often. You both share recipes and he likes to dance to your music. Yes it means he drags you along. While waiting for that cake/food it is important to have fun!
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marshmallowprotection · 5 months
hi! id love a romantic matchup!!^_^
starting with personality, id say im probably an ambivert. it really depends on who im with though! i like my alone time a lot, but at the same time i love to hang out and do fun stuff with my friends!! my parents have told me that i can be witty a lot of the time, and i do agree that i like to tease people from time to time. my friends always describe me as nice and righteous?? i guess?? they always call me smart, too, which makes sense since im in a couple ap and honors classes.. i love learning when i have a good teacher lolol ! id like to say im organized and all that stuff, but im the biggest procrastinator lol . i try to get stuff donr as soon as i can but like,, i dont want to :P my personality type is infp !
onto hobbies and interests, i love to draw, mostly sketch, both digitally and traditionally. i like to write as well, with books and essays and poetry ^_^ i loove poetry, and id say that ties with philosophy and (idk the right word) but like. just overall deep talks(i love those, especially late at night). i like to read, and im so curious about space and the universe, ive been meaning to research it! i like both cats and dogs.. honestly i dont know who i would pick if i had to choose. more fandoms wise... i like a lot of things! obviously what im most interested in rn is mm, but undertale and ohshc will always hold special places in my heart! I ALMOST FORGOT, but i love to make stuff!! charms and cards and anything i can make at home, i love to see peoples reactions when they get them:)
id say my love language is physical touch from both sides, i love to be next to the people i love, even if its just simple touches. i also love quality time, and thinking that my partner will love me no matter what
physical appearance, i just have brown hair and blue eyes, pretty typical lol ! i love to create patterns on my nails myself, and i do put on makeup very often, just simple eyeliner and slight eyeshadow, nothing major. i always get compliments on how pretty my hair is, its just long and straight and i try to brush it the best i can before it gets tangled lol . people also tell me i have a nice nose, so!
(i feel like ive written too much lolol) i dont know exactly what i want to do with the rest of my life yet, i know im knterested in the study of the human mind, so ive been considering psychology the most. still not sure though!
thank you!!! >_<
I match you with...
Spending quality time and sharing intimate words with another person is your love language. You're looking for somebody who understands you for you. Somebody who knows what it feels like to want to be seen, and who better to be your partner than Jumin Han? He has spent his entire life looking for somebody who wants to spend time with him just because they think he's an interesting person to be around, not because they want to be around him for his money.
You're looking for a connection with another person who makes you feel comfortable and passionate at the same time. The best thing you can do with him is work on your art while you share time together in the living quarters. Imagine that, you’ve strewn your legs across his lap and you’re drawing Elizabeth, chuckling at the remark he made about the novel he’s reading. What more could you want? 
He's the kind of partner you want if you value communication more than anything. He gets it, and you don't have to worry about anything getting lost in the middle. 
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