#spoiler alert he lies saying he gets it (he really doesn’t)
chewwypepsicola · 1 year
TALK ABOUT YELLOWBLUE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
UHM UHHH UHHHH yellowblue after ep 30 are very much inseparable from each other, the gang has just been made aware of how fucked up Blue was left after The Lava Incident and yellow has become slightly more protective of him, they move in together as in they now properly share a room and it’s all so domestic and sweet yellow decides he’s might be too young in stickman standards but he doesn’t care he’s going to marry blue cause something something celebration of love also he is deadly afraid of losing her so he wants to make their relationship as meaningful as possible and so he proposes, he tells Blue to meet him at the portal wearing his best clothes cause it’s a date a whole day just for them, they go to a new different place which is a minecraft flower field/forest and as they hang out and are being their usual lovey dovey selves yellow proposes and blue has to take a moment to process it all, he definitely cries a lot and for a minute cause of how happy it makes her and aauuughhhhhhhHhhH,,, they are engaged now,,,, they lay on a nice clearing and watch the sunset before going back home, they’ve decided the rest can know about it when they notice the promise rings,
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thebirdsandthebats · 8 months
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Okay @s-p-r-i-n-g-t-i-m-e I’m sure you know plenty BUT I’m going to use your wonderful and hilarious comment on this as an excuse to talk about Bernard, bc I realized recently that there are plenty of ppl who haven’t read most of the comics he’s been in. So get ready for my long overdue:
UNPACKING BERNARD DOWD + HIS TRAUMA (for those who cannot keep up with comics but want to get to know him)
So to start, Tim met Bernard years ago ofc, when they were in high school. It’s established pretty quick that Bernard is an extremely Unserious guy LMAO, the first thing he does is literally circle Tim and try to feel him out socially, see what kind of guy he is. He’s the kind of guy who gets himself in trouble with his big mouth, and seems to enjoy poking at Tim and testing his patience. By the time we meet Bernard again in the recent years, he’s grown a lot, but at his core he’s still the light-hearted, fun, goofy guy with very strong opinions. Just less stand-offish, maybe
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Throughout the time Tim spends at this school though, Bernard does experience some wild shit. He lost Darla (somebody he really cared about), he experienced a shooting at his school, and then Darla came back from the dead, kind of scared the hell out of him, and used him to contact Tim again. It was kind of played for laughs, but like. That’s gotta fuck you up. (Robin #140)
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Obviously this is the kind of thing that maybeee has a lasting effect on you. And BECAUSE Tim Drake: Robin got cut so short and the writer had to rush to wrap up the series, we’re left to fill in a lot of gaps and draw conclusions about the years we didn’t see Bernard ourselves. But we absolutely get some insight as to his life after Tim left that school and we stopped seeing him in the comics. Spoiler alert: it was hard.
In TDR, Bernard discusses the the cult that he’d been in that Tim saved him from in Urban Legends. He says that “he’d accepted himself”, but others hadn’t. Obviously there’s the natural reading that he means his queerness (which has me chewing through drywall), but I think that he’s speaking very broadly too. Bernard is a very odd example of a civilian, because he’s always getting dragged into things much bigger than him. And even before that, he had his big ideas, his conspiracies, his loud personality. He tended to rub people the wrong way in high school. Then in issue #7 of TDR (the Bernard pov issue my most beloved, weird pacing aside) Bernard refers to this “oozy, sticky feeling” that he ALWAYS feels when Tim isn’t around. He says when he’s alone it’s harder to put one foot in front of the other. To keep GOING. To wake up every day.
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I think that Bernard has always felt like an outcast. (Robin #121, he doesn’t fit into any clique). He wasn’t as okay with it as he acted. And I think he wasn’t getting any attention from his parents. (Batman: Urban Legends #5, Bernard’s parents nonchalance to the days leading up to his kidnapping)
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So just like Bernard explained to Tim, that feeling got bad. and he wanted to let go. The chaos monsters, the cult, all of it was a means to an end. But then Tim agreed to see him again, and I think that sparked something in him. Because he started learning to fight. When he was tied down to that alter and Tim was saving him, I think it fully sank in to Bernard that he didn’t want to die. Reconnecting with Tim gave him hope and made him really feel something good for the first time in ages.
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So now that they’re dating after the cult fiasco, we get to know this current Bernard. A less goading, maybe calmer Bernard. But he’s still himself, of course, rambling about his ideas and making bad jokes and sticking to his guns (he has NEVER been a pushover, no idea where people get that idea?). I think a lot of people complained that Bernard mellowed out too much in terms of attitude, but I think if he seems “nicer” it’s because 1) he’s grown now. It’s been a while since we last saw him, and he’s clearly changed a lot. And 2) because he’s dating Tim now. He likes him a lot, and he’s an affectionate partner. He wants to lift Tim up.
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But the fact that he was pulled into a cult still remains. And as lighthearted as Bernard tries to be, that traumatic experience still happened. It said in Urban Legends #5 while Tim was searching for him that Bernard had welts on his arms and legs and had been acting different, so it’s not like he was just snatched up on a whim. He’d spent significant time there. For those who haven’t read much abt the ways cult trauma specifically can fuck you up, I recommend doing a search if you’re in a good headspace for that and want to understand him more. because it’s pretty bad.
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And then! yeah. you guessed it. Bernard gets kidnapped again. Chained up next to a BOMB that’s counting down. RIGHT WHEN HE’S WORKING ON HEALING FROM ALMOST BEING SACRIFICED BY A CULT.
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And surely this can’t get crazier. He’s almost died twice in the past 6 months. except, remember his parents? In TD:R #7, we really see a little more of his relationship with his parents. He doesn’t live up to their standards, and his dad specifically seems to just want to argue with him. The restaurant they’re at is attacked, and everything goes to shit, and. you know, I think these panels really speak for themselves.
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And for the record, when it’s revealed that everyone is seeing their worst fears, Bernard’s parents fears are not about him.
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So now Bernard has to deal with that. And we start to see that Bernard is really not as okay as he’s tried to be. He keeps a baseball bat by his door because he’s been kidnapped twice now. And just when he’d likely thought things couldn’t get worse, he heard the Chaos Monsters were back. I can’t imagine he feels safe. He lashes out for the first time since all this has happened and yells at Kate and Tim, because while they’re doing what they feel is necessary to save more people (AND I DONT BLAME THEM AT ALL), Bernard can’t talk about it.
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And I will forever be sad and insist that TD:R got cancelled too soon, just before we could get into the really juicy stuff, because things had to be wrapped up pretty quick and this was the only comic Bernard was consistently appearing in. But when Tim is giving himself up to the chaos monsters, Bernard goes out and rallies anyone he knows can help. Things were rushed because there was no more time to flesh out the story the way it could have been, but I’m including these panels just because I love Bernard Audacity Dowd using a fucking flashlight and shadow puppet to call Batman. geeking out for a minute. And then leading the battalion to save Tim with a SLEDGEHAMMER. gay people rule.
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So yeah! While I see the vision of how a lot of Bernard’s trauma was meant to be semi-resolved and let him come to peace after saving Tim back, we just didn’t have the time for him to heal properly. I’d give anything to get inside his brain again. UHH IF YOU READ THIS I HOPE YOU LOVE BERNARD NOW and don’t come at me if I left something out, some of my comics aren’t with me rn. Bonus TimBer for the road:
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forellasket · 9 days
hi!! what about like a body swap w the jjk guys wouldnt that be fun. like a curse with a weird technique got to us and blah blah (you can wrote whoeverr but megumi would be nice <3)
JJK Boys React to:
Body Swap CT!!
ok first off i just wanna say that he would need a factory reset after realizing what happened
megumi would look at you, then down at himself, then back at you about a thousand times
it feels weird being in someone else’s skin, he would try not to let it show how uncomfortable he would feel
he really doesn’t know what to do with himself. it’s not even a matter of trying to respect your body since it’s his for the time being
he just loathes the feeling of invading it
that is…
until he notices that his— no, your body gets all hot and fluttery when he’s around you
it’s strange. why is he getting flustered by his own face? it’ll eventually click that it’s just your body’s instinct to get nervous around him
now he can only stand there and wonder what his body is doing to you
oh boy.
my only words of wisdom in this situation are good luck.
right off the bat when he realizes he’s not in his own body anymore, he loses his shit
if you’re a woman, he 100% feels the need to touch his chest. having boobs is crazy
he’s known for being a reckless dude so when he’s running around in your body, expect to have several unknown bruises
i feel like he’d try to do shit he normally does and forget that he doesn’t have his usual heightened abilities and then whine when he hurts himself, or technically you
he’ll apologize profusely for the damage done, and start going on and on about how you can beat him up when you guys switch back
he’ll just flirt with you/himself the whole time. that’s it. he’ll compliment your beautiful new blue eyes or how tall you’ve become over night.
he’s makes those “looking in a mirror” jokes and thinks he’s the funniest person alive.
spoiler alert; he isn’t.
this time it’s your turn to fuck up
he literally speaks in ingredients, and you don’t.
straight off the bat you start freaking out and talking like you usually do and the poor people around you suffer for it
also inumaki, his throat is gonna hurt REAL bad
but now he’s embracing his inner american with the freedom of speech!! 🦅🇺🇸🔥
he abuses the fact that he can talk normally for once without drawbacks and he YAPS
all day
to anyone willing to listen
that’s not to say he isn’t still quiet though, you’ll strain yourself trying to hear him
he gets real sad when you guys swap back
oh he’s so respectful about it.
keeps reassuring you all day that everything will be fine— although it’s a little awkward trying to comfort himself…
he’s definitely stiff as hell with everything he does, similar to megumi
bro goes into robot mode, and is so uncomfortable
literally doesn’t know how to take care of your body because anything and everything feels illegal
he can’t eat or drink because then he’ll have to go to the bathroom, and that’s an invasion of privacy
but he can’t let your body starve so then what
the man is stressed
he spends a lot of time silently panicking and trying to swap yall back
here lies nanami kento R.I.P 🪦
this one is solely for shits and giggles.
if you’re not a tall woman with a big ass, he spends the whole time complaining. that’s it pt. 2
i’m so deadass he whines the whole time about how he misses his body and that this sucks and he’d much prefer he’d gotten to swap with takada
and blah blah blah
he’s so nervous
it feels wrong
he’s not worried about his body, just yours
he’s not worried about how he feels, just how you feel
he’s trying to make sure you’re okay, but it’s weird talking to you when you’re wearing his face
and vice versa
you can’t really feel comforted when you’re looking down at yourself having a panic attack
you two feed on each other’s nervous energies and eventually descend into madness
i feel bad for everyone who has to take care of you during this
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themoon-saturn · 1 year
The Great War
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Xiao x Adepi gn reader
(angst/fluff cause I can’t do just angst for my well-being. TW: de@th but not super graphic, bl00d mentioned, Spoilers for Xiao’s backstory and the Chasm quest. Also Xiao’s other name)
an: Welcome back for another long one! I will do anything for this dude as I am a Xiao main and he was my first 5 star. This another midnights x genshin fic. Really these are more just me trying to get a very intense daydream down in writing so if you like this I really appreciate it! Was not proofread so probably will have grammar issues.
wc- 3.2k (oops)
✨more under the cut ✨
/Flashes of the battle come back to me in a blur/
Xiao knew he was far from a saint. He has done things that would make any normal human lose their sanity, though he knows he is barely clinging to his. He watched as his brothers and sisters descended into madness and at this point, he was waiting for his turn. He was growing tired of the war in his mind, his body was sore from fighting demons and monsters for hundreds of years without break, and he could feel his karmic binds grow tighter as each day passed. He refuses to sleep because his dreams are plagued with the screams and cries of the souls he has taken, doomed to bare this burden for as long as he is alive. The more he sits with these thoughts, the more he is swallowed by the darkness. Another monster can be seen in the distance, snapping him back to reality. He has a job to do, he dawns his mask for another fight that he wins with ease, looking at the blood on his hands he feels his mind start to break. It hurts. It hurts so bad. He screamed as his karmic debt began eating him alive but just as fast as the pain came, it left. The sound of a flute was carried by the wind, soothing his mind and body. He fell to his knees, his mask disappearing from his face as the tears he had held back for so long poured out of his eyes. “Alatus? Archons what happened to you?!” He hears. Xiao turns to see you dropping your polearm to the ground and running to his side. He can feel himself growing dizzier by the second and reaches out in your direction before collapsing to the ground. “I- I heard your screams… I didn’t know what I was running into…” you stammered, guiding him to a seated position while you start examining his body for any injuries. You were another Adeptus like him, gifted with a Hydro vision and very skilled with a polearm even sparing with him from time to time. All other Adepti keep their distance from him but you… he doesn’t want to call you a friend but would gladly put his life on the line for you and knows you would do the same, much to his dismay. You were always there for him, ready to fight for him, tend to any wounds, and give him any support he needed. Any person could see how close you were and how Xiao’s face lit up when talking to you. Maybe you have something together that neither of you wants to work out right now but what you do have is a bond that can’t easily be broken. “I just need a moment…” Xiao replied, the dizziness catching up to him once again. “I’m taking you to my domain and will alert Morax,” you say throwing your arm around him to help him to his feet. He was far too mentally exhausted to protest. You teleport into your realm and start tending to his injuries as he lies on the ground in silence. “You don’t need to tell me what happened okay? Just rest for a moment.” You use your vision to heal his wounds and clean the blood from his clothes, “I can take care of myself you know?” He says trying to hide his embarrassment from you seeing him at his weakest. “There is the Conqueror of Demons I know… I’ll be back soon. Please stay here.” You say as you disappear to inform Morax of Xiao’s current state. He doesn’t understand why someone as bright as you could be so kind to someone as dirty as him. He knows from what you have told him your hands aren’t clean but you are better than he ever could be. He is a monster. People look at you with admiration and they look at him in fear. He closes his eyes in an attempt to rest his tired body and even the soothing sound of a flute can be heard here. He will try to understand what transpired today later but for now, he will treasure this small bit of peace… even if he doesn’t deserve it. 
/I drew curtains closed, drank my poison all alone/
Times of peace had come and you could finally rest. You watched as some children lit incense in honor of Morax and the Adepti who had fought in the Archon war. You smiled to yourself trying to push those memories far into your mind, you really do enjoy being around humans while the yaksha chose to stay out of sight. You couldn’t help but think of how much he’s suffering alone, clinging to the past. You turned to walk away from the shrines and teleported to the roof of Wangshu Inn, hoping that he would be there. “Conqueror of Demons? My dearest Alatus?” you sing out in a sickeningly sweet voice. “I told you to call me Xiao..” He appeared with his arms crossed over his chest. “Yes but Atatus rolls off the tongue better for me” you tease. “I have matters to attend to. What is it that you need?” Xiao asked in his normal sharp tone. “I can’t just visit you? My apologies then my dear yaksha.” you jokingly huff and cross your arms “I didn’t- uh I didn’t mean it like that I-“ Xiao starts before noticing the traveler walking on the balcony calling for him. “I’ll take my leave. I will see you soon don’t worry,” you say before disappearing. Xiao sighs rubbing his temples, even for a fellow Adeptus you are difficult to comprehend. Expecting the traveler to need his assistance, he was caught off guard when he was asked to go to the lantern rite, “I don’t like crowds and demons do not stop for a celebration.” He has his duty to fulfill regardless of the changes the nation has taken. He feels no need to watch the everyday lives of humans, he knows he doesn’t deserve something so peaceful. The sun was setting over the harbor as you watched from Mt. Tianheng as people gather to watch the lanterns take flight. Softly you call for him, “Alatus…” he arrived standing behind you, mask on, polearm in hand. “What do you need?” He is caught off guard when you extend your hand to him, “sit with me.” He takes your hand as his mask and weapon disappear from sight, “Why did you call me for this. We have seen the lanterns for years now.” He sits next to you and hopes you can’t hear how loud his heart is beating as the lights of the city cast a beautiful glow on your skin. “But have you truly watched them? They are beautiful!” you say looking to the sky. His golden eyes widen as he sees the lights fly into the sky, their glow shining so beautifully against the water. You sat in silence for a while slowly inching closer to him, touching his hand. “ Not everything in this life is bad Alatus. Shutting yourself off from the world isn’t good for you. We must trust that the people of Liyue can handle themselves and will ask if they need our help.” you say offering him a small smile,” I can tell you are enjoying this Alatus. You know you can’t hide anything from me.” You can’t help but be mesmerized by the way the lanterns have captured his attention. “I have to go,” he says quickly standing to his feet and disappearing in a teal smoke. You sigh, “One day… you will trust more freely and then you will see the beauty in this new time we are living in.” Xiao appears on the roof of the inn, his hand covering his blush. He had been alive for well over a thousand years and had seen horrors that no normal person could stomach and yet here you are… someone who has seen those same bloody scenes and can still find beauty in this world. He knows his karmic debt would taint that beautiful soul of yours and yet you continue to pull him closer. He doesn’t get it and yet why did he feel the ache of his debt weaken when you took his hand?
/It turned into something bigger. Somewhere in the haze, got a sense I'd been betrayed/
Months passed as you tried to get closer to Xiao while he tried to maintain some distance. Regardless of if he liked it or not, the two of you worked well together. He couldn’t help but enjoy the time you spent with him and how mesmerizing you looked while you fought together. The way you two worked the battlefield like a dance floor, just like old times. After clearing out a Hilichurl camp together you were making your way back to the Inn, “You have been quieter than usual Conquer of Demons. Is something on your mind?” Xiao stops in his tracks, “ Why are you always so concerned for me y/n? I’m fine so why must you pester me?” He looks over his shoulder in your direction. Judging by your expression, he realizes he said it more sharply than intended. “Look… I learned some information on the disappearance of Bosacius and it's... just a lot to take in.” Your eyes widen, “Bosacius…” one of Xiao’s yaksha brothers who had gone missing during the Archon war… You couldn’t believe it. “Alatus what are you planning?” You can sense his hesitation to tell you, “Nothing you need to worry yourself with. This is my fight to fight alone.”, “But Alatus this could be dangerous… at least let me help and we can do this together! Just like we always do!” you reach out to hold his hand only for him to push you away, “This is a matter for a yaksha. I don’t need your help! You are just annoying me at this point. I don’t want or need you around me all the time.” You get a pang in your heart, “ I care for you Alatus and you know what I’m capable of. My hands are just as dirty as yours by now. I have seen the horrors as well and know how to hold my own. You don’t mean what you say…” Xiao doesn’t look at you for he knows he will break if he does. He hates the effect you have on him but knows the consequences of what might happen if you join him. “I have to go.” He disappears leaving you with tears in your eyes. Xiao doesn’t understand you at all. Of all the bloodshed you have seen him do… and you still want to be near him? You… care about him? That same feeling he got at the lantern rite comes back. This can’t be what humans call… ‘love’ could it? No. He doesn’t deserve that from you and yet why is that the only word that explains those feelings? “I’m sorry y/n..” Xiao looked to the moonlit sky, knowing that the last time he might see you… he left you in tears. Little did he know you were not going to give up on him after a single disagreement. You give him the space but after a few weeks of not even catching a glimpse of him, you go to Wangshu Inn and call out his name. “Alatus… Alatus? I’m sorry for being too protective but please talk to me.” You call out with no response. “Alatus? Come on you can't be ignoring me right now. Alatus?” You wait some more with still nothing. “Xiao? Xiao, please. Xiao?!” You start to panic. This isn’t like him to just not respond. Even if he shuts himself from the world, he will always respond to you. The sun began to set. You were holding back tears and trying to ignore the pit in your stomach. Something was wrong… incredibly wrong.
 /That was the night I nearly lost you. I really thought I lost you/
Xiao could handle himself but something tells you he needs help and time was running out. You knew the one person who would know of his whereabouts was Zhongli, Morax himself. After consulting him you learn Xiao went to the Chasm to investigate the disappearance of Bosacius and even after Zhongli informed him of the dangers, he still left. “I assure you… The Conqueror of Demons will return safely.” Zhongli said placing a hand on your shoulder. You nod your head before disappearing. Once you arrive at the chasm you start calling for him again and still no response, all you could do is wait. “Alatus…? Xiao? Please come back to me…” You then saw a bright light coming from the chasm entrance. Your heart felt like it was going to jump out of your chest. He was back and safe… but when you saw the traveler and 4 others you didn’t know, you felt sick to your stomach all over again. You teleport to them, “Adeptus Y/n? What are you doing here?” the traveler asked. “Alat- I mean… Xiao… where is he?” You asked with tears brimming your eyes. No one wanted to look at you. “He- He sacrificed himself to get us out…” The traveler said looking to the ground. “No… you are mistaken. Alatus is the strongest person I know-“ you start before falling to your knees. Everyone looks at you in pity. After everything you have been through together… he’s gone just like that? You quietly whisper a prayer to the gods, “Xiao, please… Xiao come back to me…” Everything goes quiet and there is a golden light in front of you and once it dissipates, he is there. “Xiao…?” He is on his knees heavy breathing and looks up at you, “You said my name right this time…” You jump into his arms, catching him off guard. “You idiot! You absolute idiot!” You cried in his chest. “Come let’s give them space.” The traveler said ushering everyone away. “How did you-?” Xiao starts before seeing the silhouette of Zhongli watching over them before turning away. He had been saved by the Geo Archon himself… he didn’t believe he was worthy of that treatment. He was ready to die down there but judging by your face you were not going to let that happen. “I thought I lost you…” You sobbed clinging to him as if he were to disappear at any moment, “I really thought I lost you.” He cautiously wrapped his arms around you, he didn’t think someone could care for him this much. He began to cry as he tightened his grip on you. “I- I’m sorry.. for everything y/n. I didn’t want you to feel like this.” You look up at him and smile, “Archons Alatus... Just never do this again. I love you and we do things as a team.” You say without thinking. “You- You what?” he stammers, his face growing redder by the second. You realize what you had just admitted try and laugh off the embarrassment. Even Adepti can feel human emotions and this one is the only one that conveys how you feel about the man in front of you. “My apologies Alatus… I didn’t mean for now to- “ you start but are swiftly cut off by Xiao grabbing your face and kissing you. It was short and when he pulled away, his eyes were glued to the ground, “I have seen human couples do that all the time… I thought it was the right response.” You pecked his cheek and smiled, “It was my beloved yaksha… now I feel like I have kept you for long enough. It seems the traveler needs to speak with you. I will meet you at Wangshu Inn later.” You both stand to your feet but before you disappear you kiss him once more. He touched his lips trying to control his breathing and heartbeat. “I’ll see you soon…” he whispered in the wind before catching up to the traveler and friends who gave him very smug smiles once he arrived, “Shut it.” he snapped crossing his arms.
/I swear I will always be yours since we survived the great war/
The sunset of Liyue was still beautiful no matter how many times you have seen it, just something about how the sun hits the mountain tops just right makes the sight breathtaking. “Sorry to keep you waiting.” You hear behind you. “It was no trouble. I can watch this view for hours.” Xiao takes a seat next to you as you enjoy the views, sitting in comfortable silence for a while. “Y/n can I show you something?” He asks, extending his hand to you. You nod as he pulls you close to him, vanishing into the air. You appear overlooking the memorial site for Pervases, a place you have been before with Xiao but this time feels different. “You have met them many times in the past. But I wasn’t sure if you truly understood the torment that raged in our minds and souls doing what we did.” Xiao states, his grip on your hand tightening. “The war affected us all in ways that we can’t explain. We honor the memory of the fallen and look toward the future… We survived and the legacy of those who’s lives were lost shall live on in us. You and your fellow yakshas are heroes to this nation.” You say looking at Xiao. “Heroes huh? I… like that word. You know… my karmic debt is something I struggle with every day but when I’m with you… it’s easier to manage. I didn’t want to taint your soul with a burden I must carry.” He looks into your eyes. He was just trying to protect you… “Xiao you know that people with visions can withstand your karmic debt to an extent and not to mention I am an Adeptus. I can assure you I plan on sticking by your side.” You kiss him on the cheek and watch as his face grows red again. He bends down to pick a qingxin flower, “I just didn’t want to ruin something so beautiful.” he says placing it behind your ear. Now it was your turn to grow red, “Conquerer of Demons when did you turn into a romantic?” you laugh and see that he is smiling. A genuine smile just for you. “I swear to you Xiao I will always be yours.” He lifts your chin, just inches away from his face, “I swear to you as well. I am yours. Let me be by your side till the end of time.” You smile, “What a wonderful way to spend our eternity.” He leans in and you share another kiss. A longer, sweeter one. The pain and hell you both have endured doesn’t matter anymore. You will fight together, win together, take care of each other, and be there to reach out when the other falters. Once you pulled away from each other you take a few steps forward, the moonlight making you look ethereal. You turn to him, extending your hand and he reaches to you. He will always reach for you. 
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dokidokitsuna · 2 years
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Team STRQ//Neverfell Edition
It’s been a while since I had an idea for some fun RWBY art~ (warning: loooong post ahead)
For the longest time I never really cared about Team STRQ-- I think that’s the gamble you take when you keep bringing up a group of characters as if they’re relevant, but never saying anything of substance about them. Some of your audience will latch onto them anyway, but others will simply lose interest after a while. I was in the latter group. :/
Until the other day, when I started thinking about what their history would be like in the context of NeverFell. Considering how little information we have to work with, it’s certainly an interesting puzzle…and as you know, I love to solve character puzzles. ^^
What made these ideas fun for me was how cliche’d most of them were: for some reason, the first things that came to mind when I considered what a young Team STRQ would be like were the absolute most basic romantic-dramedy junk. ^^ And figuring out how I would use each ‘icky’ idea in an interesting way solidified my interest, at least enough to get me to write all this.
Idea #1: A Raven-Tai-Summer love triangle~ As in, Taiyang is in love with Raven, and Summer is in (currently unrequited…) love with Tai. And it’d be like, in every ‘episode’ of this hypothetical series, you’d see Summer staring at him from behind a corner like “if only he’d notice me” or “why doesn’t he look at me that way…” XD Even though she’s the team leader… This one is so corny I have to keep it~
Idea #2: Qrow is the socially awkward somewhat-comedic 4th wheel EXCEPT, I don’t like Qrow being ‘left out’-- that’s just lazy writing. Focusing only on ‘romantic antics’ and ignoring any character interactions that don’t contribute to them…we get enough of that in the show proper, tbh. Like, I’m definitely getting the feeling that the writers think platonic relationships write themselves (spoiler alert: they don’t). I do like the idea of him being awkward and moody as a teen, though, especially considering his semblance. It’d be fun to write him adjusting to city life and coming out of his shell, to become the cynical-cool personality we know and love today.
Idea #3: Qrow is secretly in love with Summer REEEEJECTED! …I don’t have anything against this idea, I just don’t wanna do it. :T Instead, I prefer for them to form a really deep friendship that would probably be at the center of the series. For one thing, so much of Ruby, Summer’s daughter, is derived from Qrow. She fights like him, she idolizes him; she even wears matching cross accessories. And I think it would be cool to preface that present-day relationship with a past relationship that ‘lays the foundation’ for it, so to speak. To show that maybe Qrow is so close with Ruby because he was close with Summer in a lot of the same ways. Secondly, I think Summer could be a huge force for change in Qrow’s character. There’s so much a heroic idealist like herself could bring into the life of someone who was literally sent to school to learn how to murder people better. I don’t know what’s considered the canon driving force behind Qrow’s character development (probably Ozpin’s manipulation…) but I choose That Girl™!
Idea #4: Speaking of Ozpin…he’s 1000x worse now Let’s take a break from STRQ to address my favorite “morally gray” wizard, who at this point in the AU is well into the darker shades of moral grayness. ^^
So I don’t know if I explained this, but in NeverFell Ozpin/Ozma himself is a shapeshifter. He doesn’t reincarnate; whenever he needs to start a new life he just runs away, puts on a new face, and works his way back up the food chain until he’s powerful enough to start a new Inner Circle. During Team STRQ’s time at Beacon, he’s only very recently gotten back to that point by becoming the headmaster, and he’s just DYING to try out some new schemes and start stringing up his next set of puppets. ^^ Which makes him tend less towards ‘quiet lies of omission’ and more towards ‘full-scale gaslighting’.
In a hypothetical story, I would like to show this version of Oz being a sort of ‘dark mentor’ to Team STRQ, giving them guidance and encouraging them to bond as a team, but also preying on their insecurities to keep them loyal, and molding the group dynamic to suit his purposes. For example: rather than Raven singlehandedly forcing STRQ to split up because she’s just so evil and irredeemable, I think it’s more believable that Ozpin, sensing that she was losing faith in the cause and might influence the others, manipulated the other three into distrusting her, until she felt isolated enough to just give up, save herself, and leave.
Idea #5: Tsundere Raven Rather than rejecting this idea, I decided to reinterpret it. ^^ I think it’s okay for teen Raven to be a little unstable and mood-swingy, not because ‘she’s hiding her feewings’, but because she doesn’t understand her feelings and no one is teaching her how to handle them. So she relies on the only outlet she’s ever known: violence and cruelty.
Tai likes her, but she’s never really been ‘liked’ before and isn’t sure how to respond? Mock him, push him back, threaten him for being ‘mushy’. Maybe when they become closer, she’ll use more subtle methods like changing the subject or being sarcastic.
Qrow is thinking seriously about becoming a huntsman, increasingly filling her with doubts about the path that led them to Beacon? Shame him, accuse him of being disloyal, tell him he’d never succeed anyway. This would probably start the rift between the twins that continues to the present day.
Summer calls her out on her behavior, making her fear that her strongest beliefs might actually be wrong? Scoff at her, ridicule her ideas, call her naive and unrealistic. These two would probably get into a lot of arguments. ^^;
I don’t mean to paint Raven as a monstrous brat who drags down the team; I think in order for STRQ to function she would have to find a more stable place in it at some point (and she’s smart enough to understand that). But even after that point, when she occasionally does act out, ^this would be the rationale.
Idea #6: Summer and Tai were ‘always meant to be’! Now, this idea I think would be fun to subvert. We could start by dropping the usual hints all over the series, like: occasionally Summer and Tai have a special moment between just the two of them, to put some doubts in Tai’s head before he inevitably goes back to Raven. And it’d be like, ‘oooh yeah; these two are the real OTP, and eventually fate will bring them together, just you wait’! …And then when they finally do get together, it’ll turn out that reality isn’t that simple. ^^;
I’m no expert on romantic relationships, but I can’t help feeling something’s fishy about how fast Tai just switches over to Summer after Raven leaves. Apparently her leaving was supposed to be a huge deal that devastates the friend group, shaking everyone up, and yet in just two years a new baby is born to Tai and his new wife?? I mean, two years (more like one year, if we subtract the necessary 9 months) isn’t exactly a short time…but it’s not a long time either. :/ Given what we know of Raven’s personality, I can’t see a romance with her being anything but a slow-burn, uphill climb to gain her trust…and yet, he apparently gets over her relatively quickly.
We could assume Raven was just that awful, having a baby made a strained relationship even worse, and by the time Yang was born they were both sick of each other…but I wouldn’t recommend jumping into a new relationship immediately after that, either. Sounds like an easy way to saddle a new partner with old pain that you haven’t completely worked through yet…or for said new partner to unrealistically see themselves as the ‘answer’ to a difficult situation.
With all that said, I think Summer might feel a little…disillusioned, in the end. Like, maybe she spent so long dreaming of being with her crush she didn’t consider how many years have passed since they first met, and how different they are now. Maybe she tries so hard to be ‘Super-Mom’ to help herself feel like she belongs with Tai and his daughter, and maybe she goes on more and more dangerous missions to distract herself from her doubts. If she can be the big hero that her family reveres and loves, then that’ll be enough, won’t it? If she can fill the space that Raven left behind, make her daughters proud, save the world from the forces of evil, heal all the pain and fix all the problems…then maybe she’ll finally convince herself that this really is the ‘happy ending’ she always wanted.
Unfortunately, I think she will die still searching for that closure.
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
This isn’t really an ask, but I have to get these thoughts off my chest…I keep thinking about how much sense it makes that they were going to take this break in 2020.
It would have been their 7th year, and we know what that number means for them. Not to mention “We Are Bulletproof: The Eternal” literally sounds like a goodbye song — or if not goodbye, at least a career-culminating song of immense gratitude. I mean they literally say “we got to heaven.”
And then the world changed, and no wonder they were so sad that they missed that tour — it was going to be it for them, at least in some ways. And they knew we needed them in that moment, and so they picked themselves up and pivoted, and they brought joy and wisdom and heart and fucking content for the next year and a half straight, worked their absolute asses off, made it to way more people (and got subsequently judged and hated on by more people) than ever. And now, the break isn’t just convenient or good timing or well-deserved — it’s something some of them seem to desperately need on a visceral level.
If we’re being honest, we knew that Dynamite and Butter and PTD sounded… different. Good, but different. We knew they were losing a bit of their direction, and I think that’s worse for some of them than others, based on what they value most (ex: Joon and Yoongi, as lyricists, are heartbroken by not being able to be as authentic as they want, Jimin on the other hand is made for the stage, so most likely, anything that puts him there is enough for him). So instead of burning themselves out, flaming out spectacularly on the world stage, they consciously and carefully planned out this beautiful stepping away, complete with a crap ton of extra content, and new music, and all this shit they really didn’t have to do but they’re them, so of course they did.
If we’re really fans, we HAVE to let them have this. We have to loosen our iron grip and step the fuck back, and say thank you by letting them LIVE. People are going back and forth — debating whether this is the end, or whether we should take their word for it that they’ll be back (sidenote: when have they ever lied?). But it doesn’t matter whether this is permanent or not — they gave their whole youth up for BTS. They sacrificed like nobody’s fucking business, even two years after they thought they would.
Let’s be grateful for once? Maybe? Grieving is cool, but let’s not be angry, or paranoid, or panicky. If all that they’ve been is all they’ll ever be, it was more than enough. And we know them — it won’t be.
Namjoon said that he’s living in the best possible reality, out of all the realities in the multiverse. Let’s take this opportunity to work on ourselves and make sure that’s true for our own lives as well? Make them proud? Idk. What are your thoughts on the whole thing, Stormblessed, now that I’ve written a novel? Lol.
Thank you for being a steady and calm (mostly when ppl aren’t trying your patience at least 😂) voice of reason and being an OT7 true fan. You’re the best of us, for sure.
Ahh hi, thank you for the kind words! They are so appreciated! And I do try to be calm for the most part lol! If you see my post about car sharing later today and I'm possibly slightly cranky, well I tried my best. But I'm low on sleep. Lmfao my kids don't sleep on vacation apparently 😂 I shared my thoughts over the news of their break and focus on solo work yesterday as well. And I feel even more firm in my belief that this is good for them and I'm excited to see where they go from here after Joons letter and JKs vlive. Spoiler alert, I basically fully agree with you.
Thank you so much for sharing. I'm glad you feel comfortable doing so here 😊
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I've also had a few people DM to ask if I'm going to keep going with the blog, so in case anyone else is wondering. The answer is yes. I am not going anywhere. I'll be here supporting all 7 members solo albums and projects. As well as continuing my post series here. Including my Jikook timelines, my Duo Dynamics posts, my DVD commentaries, my run bts posts, etc etc. Lol I've got a lot of "in progress" stuff here. So no worries, I'm here to stay for a while.
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ask-the-latibule · 1 year
Alright you little shits open your ears it’s time for the pope
A couple things for clarification: 
This is about the 2007 Sweeney Todd movie. There are enough differences that I am going to be largely disregarding the musical. Also I have not seen the musical, only the film.
Under no circumstances is any of this reasonable. Get used to it. There are no gods here, only wikipedia pages and a probably neurodivergent teenager.
I cannot read roman numerals. Unfortunately, those are kind of essential for the pope. Spare me some patience here, I am but a fucking idiot.
I understand that Pirelli lied about literally everything. I do not care.
Okay get a warm drink and a cat because this is long
So in Sweeney Todd there is a scene where Mrs. Lovett takes her local emo(one Sweeney Todd) out for a nice walk. They run into a cart where a small child(Toby) starts yelling at the crowd about a magical elixir that made his hair grow and how he’s selling it with this dude named Pirelli(remember that name) now. He tosses a few bottles out into the crowd to check out and a bottle makes its way to our coveted cannibalistic couple. Sweeney smells it and realizes that it’s not, in fact, magical and is instead made out of piss and ink. He kindly lets the crowd know and then this fuckin man bursts through the curtain and starts screaming. 
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Look at him. Look at him and tell me that god exists. 
Anyway his name is Adolfo Pirelli and he brags a bunch about being a really good barber(see the sign behind him that I didn’t actually realize existed before taking that screenshot for this). Sweeney calls him out and says that he could shave a face better than Pirelli could and you can’t really back down from a challenge like that (actually Sweeney put him in a really tough spot there where he couldn’t say yes or no without destroying his reputation, it’s neat) so Pirelli flips his cape because his hair has so much gel in it that it’s basically made of stone at this point and agrees. Thus, the Pirelli Shaving Contest. They get two random dudes to be shaved and this dude named Beadle agrees to be the judge. 
Pirelli does a shit job and loses but we don’t care about that right now because while he is singing about how good at shaving he is he says, and I quote(without writing out the horrible italian accent because I hold myself to a higher standard than that) 
“Signorini, signori, you look at a man who have had the glory to shave the Pope! ‘Mister Sweeney-Whoever’, I beg your pardon, you’ll probably say it was only a cardinal no nope! It was the pope!”
Now this was a mistake on Pirelli’s part because he didn’t know that I have had a long-time obsession with learning about popes. I don’t even know how this started but I decided I would find out if he did(spoiler alert: he didn’t but this rant devolves into time travel so hear me out)
Luckily for me, Pirelli shows a picture of the Pope that he supposedly shaved.
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Now this further cements that no. his ass did not shave the Pope. Infuriatingly, the pope only signed his name as “The Pope” and did not disclose which pope he actually was, so I was not told exactly which pope this could have been. I started my research.
First step in my descent into madness: Find out when Sweeney Todd takes place. Sounds simple right? Wrong, nothing is ever simple. I will spare you the anguish of trying to figure out when the movie takes place and tell you that it takes place in 1846. The Pope at the time was Pope Pius IX. He looked like this.
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This could reasonably be the dude that Pirelli shaved. But in 1846, a fascinating event happened. The Pope changed. Now this doesn’t happen a lot because it is custom that when somebody becomes pope, they’re pope until they die. Technically, popes can retire but only two ever did: Pope Benedict XVI who retired back in 2013, and Pope Celestine V(one of my personal favorite popes, which is a totally normal thing to have), who retired in 1294. 
Back to the topic at hand, the previous pope was Pope Gregory XVI. He looked like this:
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Now, along with having all of the characteristics of one of God's least favorite creatures, he does not look like the pope that Pirelli claimed to have shaved. He died on June 1st, 1846 and Pope Pius IX promptly became pope afterward.
So Pope Pius IX became pope in June. Neat. That raises the horrible question: When in the year does Sweeney Todd take place?
Throughout the movie, it’s seems to be getting warmer, though true to london weather, it’s never actually sunny unless you’re in Mrs. Lovett's weird beach-dream-thing. As far as I know, it’s never stated what month(s) it is, though feel free to fact check me on that. I’m guessing it’s somewhere in March-May.
Now, time to put all of this together.
Pirelli claims to have shaved the Pope, showing a picture of future Pope Pius IX when the pope at the time would have been Pope Gregory XVI. Even if the Pirelli Shaving Contest happened after Pius became pope, he would not have had the credibility yet that shaving him would have meant much of anything. 
The conclusion I have reached? Pirelli is a time traveler from a future time, possibly even being an older version of Toby himself, who, when he looked up who the pope was in 1846, found a technically correct answer and was lazy enough to run with it. 
Alright I’m done. Technically there are a few more details to this that I found and a whole other story with the dates, but they aren’t actually as relevant as I would like and were removed for the sake of my sanity as I am writing this when I should be sleeping.
If anybody does want to hear my explanation of the plot of Sweeney Todd I would be happy to give it, it’s genuinely one of my favorite musicals. I’m sure my friends/boyfriend are getting sick of it at this point.
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paintdriesfaster · 2 years
I’m gonna make this quick cause I don’t usually post about stuff like this but I’ve been seeing something floating around that I can’t ignore.
Ever since Goncharov (1973) was brought back into the limelight, people are saying that Goncharov is “fake” and it’s really starting to bother me.
I thought we were past the trend of invalidating other people’s film faves but I guess not.
This movie is what got me into fashion in the first place. My dad would always hype it up for the “macho mafia stuff,” but once I was old enough to watch with him, I was blown away by the fur coats and the lapels and the sweater vests.
Cause they told a story.
A story of people ‘putting on airs’ — even through their clothes. Goncharov trying to look bigger with a slightly oversized coat (and failing). Andrey’s eyepatch as a representation of queer shame and the need to avert his gaze from the very man he craves. Katya, always donning something white because she wants to be seen as an Angel but doesn’t realize that angels have always been tools that God uses to exact his wrath and they take righteous pleasure in that wrath.
It’s like no one has ever heard of an unreliable narrator. Spoiler alert: we’re ALL unreliable narrators. The movie itself is only “fake” because it’s filled with unrealizable narrators.
Like…that’s whole the point. It’s a character study. Not just of Goncharov himself or the rest of the characters. It’s a character study of Goncharov the Movie. And Goncharov the Movie is a representation of Our Own World (as are all the best films).
And that’s why it’s So. Damn. Good.
Goncharov the Man is lying to us, just like Goncharov the Movie is lying to us.
He’s fake! The film is fake! Everyone in the world is fake blah blah blah
It’s about lying to others and lying to ourselves and the violence that will inevitably come from those lies.
Anyways I’m gonna shut up now cause idk where I wanted this to go but tldr; Goncharov is a film about being “fake” and that’s the whole damn point so please stop trying to insult the film itself by calling it “fake”. If you don’t like it get the hell out of Naples.
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ssreeder · 2 years
Aaaaaaaaah a new chapter!!! I binge-read it as soon as I saw your post omggg
Sokka finally gave Hakoda the war plans!! And more war information is being exchanged! I’m very excited to see what plan they all come up with once the Gaang gets at the SWT camp or should I say if, since the Dai Li are stealing everyone’s letters like the sneaky mfs they are
I love how Jet is trying to teach Reho how to fight despite Jet’s wanting to get more info out of him. Baby really needs to learn how to defend himself ;-; Speaking of Jet, he really needs to calm tf down, I s2g this guy is spontaneously gonna combust fire at some point if he doesn’t. Him writing the letter to Bitchboi Fong cannot turn out well, I’m calling it now. SWT camp better prepare for trouble-
And Zukka is finally (sort of) trying to talk about their emotions and dig through their trauma!! Zuko better stick around tho, Sokka’s gonna go feral if he disappears again. I’m so gonna draw Sokka laying on too of Zuko with all his might, I loved that moment shehdhsja-
And I hope the water tribe siblings are gonna be reunited soon! It’s good that Katara is slowly able to give her anger and sorrow a place, but she needs to see her big bro 🥺
You did an amazing job as usual Sreedy! I’ll definitely be looking forward to the next chapter 💙✨
Hehe everyone’s confidence in the Gaangs arrival deflated last chapter… but they still have Appa so the possibility of them getting to the SWT camp is still there!!!
Spoiler alert: Jet becomes fire bender, spontaneous combustion
Hahaha if you draw Sokka dead-weighting Zuko I will cry and scream and throw myself on the ground and roll around. It was fun to write and Sokka is running out of ideas on how to get Zuko to open up so human carpeting him seemed like a good next option :)
Oh Zuko please don’t do anything stupid and reckless….. ha.
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lenyul · 1 year
To Sir, With Love Episode 9: Please don’t cry, I love you.
… the box is empty.
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And the investigation continues. Chan gets told to stay out of it for the n+1st time, surely this time’s the charm.
Once again confronted with reality, Tian goes on a contemplative evening walk in the gardens. Jiu finds him, and tells him he’s great. Everyone loves Tian. Jiu loves Tian. Wait, not like that. Unless…
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Honestly, most of the time they just talk an arm’s length away from each other, but the second Jiu starts to make a move, one of Tian’s parents shows up. Li wants Tian to stop acting gay, and Tian wants her to stop killing people. Right now it looks like no one’s getting what they want.
It’s never easy to tell your wife that you’re not gonna drink the medicine she brings you. Li really shouldn’t take it personally, it's just hard for Song to trust anyone right now (also she’s been killing people lately (but that’s probably not at all related to this)).
Yingpin arrives with news about her “Get Rich Quick By Selling Property You Own” scheme, so Tian has to chaperone while she speaks with Yang. This is the first time someone doesn’t eavesdrop, so instead of hearing them talk about how Yang and Yingpin are great for each other, Jiu just sees Tian and Yingpin together. He gets so jealous that he gets a headache and cancels the class for the afternoon (infinitely relatable).
Li saw the couple unchaperoned, and gave Yang a speech about it, so Tian’s back to third wheeling, but this time he uses the opportunity to whine about how Jiu is mad at him. This makes Yang realise that he was so caught up in his relationship that he forgot to be suspicious. Well no time like the present to look through Jiu’s room! 
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Tian arrives before anyone kills anyone, and he makes sure it stays that way. Jiu goes to burn the paper in the garden, and it turns out it was just him writing Tian’s name for two whole pages. This is very cute first crush behaviour, basically all that’s missing is comparing hand sizes. It makes sense he was so protective of it, it would be really embarrassing if someone saw that, especially one of Tian’s relatives! Like imagine if his dad saw it, and then asked you why you have it, and you would have to lie about it being writing practice.
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Song and Bao agree that that was weird.
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Some might say that one problem with Jia and Li’s plan is too much murder with mushroom glitter. Well fear not, this time they’re putting the orchid dust in cicadas, which will just create sex pollen. “Give a gay man aphrodisiacs so he’ll have sex with and hopefully impregnate a woman, and then we can get the inheritance” is a really bad plan. Like it’s so bad, it happened in Tootsies & the Fake. It  obviously didn’t work there. But at least this time they’re not planning to do it in a sauna, so maybe no one gets sent to a hospital. Fingers crossed.
Other people might say the problem with their plan is the cicadas which wake everyone up in the middle of the night. And those people would be right.
That’s all for this episode, next time we’ll find out if anyone has any thoughts about any weird bugs they’ve seen or heard recently (spoiler alert: everyone has a lot of thoughts about bugs, and how they’re being weird).
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littlespoonevan · 2 years
Hey do you have any buddie fic recs?
i sure do!!! there have been so many incredible fics posted recently that i'm still trying to work my way through them but here are a few that i've read in the past two weeks that i've absolutely adored:
cause i'm tired of sleeping alone by rarakiplin (gmontys) (@hoediaz)
Buck goes on dates now.
Not often, and never with the same girl twice in a row, but he goes on dates.
And the thing is — the thing is, Eddie can’t be mad about that, because he goes on dates too.
or, five (ish) times eddie and buck go on dates with other people, and one time they go on a date with each other
never want for more when you're near by @hattalove
And Buck had, honestly, just about kept it together through the drive and the wait before Chim opened the door and this particular bout of nausea. He doesn’t have it in him to hold it in anymore, has to tell someone, so he takes a painful breath and says:
“I slept with Eddie.”
Chimney brightens. “Oh, con—“ he stops himself when Buck whines. “Not congrats?”
in which buck gets drunk and sleeps with eddie. except does he?
as easy as defusing a bomb by iriswests  (@evanbucxley)
His Google search history leading up to Hen and Karen’s vow renewal looks like this:
How to stop being attracted to your best friend Why am I attracted to my best friend Why am I attracted to my best friend + man Why are arms so attractive on men How to make my house carry-proof How do I tell my best friend to keep his shirt on Why does my best friend keep yawning Yawning remedies Dry lip remedies Slip-resistant dish gloves Slip-resistant dish gloves floral pattern
And then he just spent the next hour finding and ordering stupid dish gloves for Buck, because Google, it turns out, does not always have the answer, and leaves Eddie with more questions than before (like: does Buck have sleep apnea, actually, and if so, should he be seeing someone for it?).
or; buck moves in with eddie while taylor finds a new place, and prompts what feels like puberty 2.0 for eddie diaz.
Blame It On the Alcohol/Halloween Candy/Mistletoe/Etc. by @hmslusitania
Eddie doesn’t consider the repercussions of his actions until two weeks later. It’s Sunday, and Christopher had spent the previous day working on a school project at Ava’s house, and now over their pancakes, Christopher is just…staring at him. “What?” Eddie asks, reaching over to ruffle Christopher’s curls. “Not enough blueberries?” “Did you kiss Buck?” Christopher asks. Eddie freezes and he’s pretty sure he sounds like he’s being strangled when he asks, “Did I what?”
Five times Buck and Eddie kiss for perfectly platonic reasons and One time it's none of those things (Spoiler alert: It is never any of those things)
All Tomorrows Come From Yesterdays by allisonRW96 (@homerforsure)
“I want that,” he says quietly. “I want that so bad it hurts sometimes. And I don’t think I’m ever gonna have it.”
In the aftermath of a breakup, Buck attends a wedding.
Patch by @wilddragonflying
Change a few things, and what if it wasn't Hen and Chim Jonah captured?
What if it was Buck and Eddie?
said i couldn't stay, but it's different now by @hattalove
“I think,” he says, watching Karen pull Hen out onto the dance floor, their eyes never leaving each other’s, “I think I’m just—sad.”
Maybe. That feels like a close enough word to describe this gaping maw right in the center of his chest. It’s only really there sometimes, taking little bites out of him, easy enough to ignore, but today is worse.
“About being single at a wedding,” Eddie says, not a question.
Buck shrugs. “Sounds stupid when you put it that way.”
or, the one with the four weddings (feat. a drunk karen wilson, shania twain, a single cheerio, and some confessions over cubed fruit).
baby, we can make it (if we're heart to heart) by lecornergirl (@clusterbuck)
“I lied,” he says, the words coming out ragged. “Earlier.”
“What did you lie about?” Buck asks. His tone is mild, edged with curiosity. He doesn’t know what’s coming.
For the space of a heartbeat, Eddie considers changing course. Considers backing out. Considers making up something inconsequential. But the lump in his throat has a mind of its own, and the words come out anyway.
“When I said I’m not in love with you.”
with my heart pounding (down that broken path) by farfromthstars (@buckactuallys)
And it’s been less than an hour since they arrived, and over a year since he last saw his son and grandson in person, but already Ramon feels like he keeps saying the wrong things around Eddie. He doesn’t mean to, but Eddie already seems angry at him, seems angry at him most of the time, and he’s just not sure why. It’s in the way he looks at him sometimes, his snippy comments, and painfully obvious in the way he’s so different with other people, especially Christopher, his abuela and his aunt. Ramon knows that the four of them have spent a lot of time together since Eddie moved Chris and himself to LA, but it still hurts a little that his own son is this close with his mother and sister when it feels like he can’t even talk to Ramon past superficial small talk.
Eddie's visit through his father's eyes.
we've got tonight (who needs tomorrow) by rarakiplin (gmontys) (@hoediaz)
Buck nods, rolling his glass gently between his palms. “Do you think you’ll ever have that? What Hen and Karen have?”
“You asked me that once before, you know,” Eddie says, and maybe he hasn’t fully grown out of deflection. Buck’s head turns toward him, a small little smile that means he remembers. “I said I hope so.”
“Has your answer changed?”
“Has yours?”
A scoff, Buck’s gaze tearing away from Eddie’s to return to his glass, where his fingers tap uselessly against the side. “I guess I’m not sure I’m built for this kind of love. The epic, all-consuming kind, I mean. Maybe I just have to be okay with — something I can live with, you know?”
or, eddie and buck sleep together at a wedding, but it's a little more than that
when i die alone (i'll be on time) by catching_paper_moons
“You good?” Lucy asks. Buck swallows, scrubbing his hands over his face.
“Yeah.” His voice cracks on the word. “Yeah, I’m off shift in 30, so.” He sends her a smile. “I’m good.”
Lucy frowns and takes a seat next to him. “You seem a little…” She trails off, waving her hands in front of his face. “You know.”
He raises an eyebrow at her, blinking. “Uh-huh.”
“Down.” She turns to face him. “You gonna go see your boys after this?”
(or 5 times buck has a talk about life with everyone but the person he should talk about life with, and one time he finally does)
you can also find all of my bookmarks here! i only ever bookmark fics if i want to reread them or recommend them so there are plenty of other gems here 💖
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testudoaubrei-blog · 3 years
Well, it’s not quite a master’s thesis, but this is (the first of) a series of posts on why Catra and Adora are the best love story in the history of kids TV animation and maybe the greatest love story in the history of TV. This may in some ways be faint praise - romance on TV is generally not very good compared with books or movies. Often it’s just some will they/won’t they sexual tension that is defused by getting characters together and re-heightened by breaking them up. TV is full of nearly shark jumping pointless dramas like Sam and Diane (Cheers, holy fuck am I dating myself, though that was technically before my time), Ross and Rachel (Friends, which was no Cheers) etc, but also some less annoying couples like Ben and Leslie (Parks and Rec) or Amy and Jake (Bk99) who are mostly just kind of cute and fun. Other shows, like the X-Files, teased viewers for years with unresolved sexual tension. In kids shows most romances are, appropriate for their target viewers, mild, sweet relationships based more on self-conscious flirting and blushing than on complex and conflicted feelings or deep passions - which is pretty realistic when the characters are young teens or even mid-teens. Some of these relationships are really well done - Finn and Flame Princess, Dipper and Pacifica (yeah I ship them), the early stages of Katara and Aang (before the showrunners imbued this childhood crush with cosmic significance), Steven and Connie, etc. Catra and Adora, though, are different. Their love story is not a side plot or a sub plot, it’s the heart of the show. It isn’t a childhood crush, it’s a very messy and passionate relationship between two young adults. She-Ra is an emotionally complex lesbian romance just as much as it is a thrilling action/adventure show. Everything about their relationship is baked into the show’s plot, its themes, hell even its musical score. The dramatic tension between Catra and Adora is not the result of stretching out a flirtation for ratings, but a coherent dramatic arc that runs through the entire show. As Noelle said, he made Catradora so central that execs couldn’t take it out without ruining the show. And the show is better for it. In this series of posts I’m going to try to show why, as well as showing why She-Ra is such a fantastic love story.
First off, let’s talk about how Catra and Adora’s character arcs are foils for each other, and how they come together and apart through the series. This is actually a post that I’ve been working on for a while but I keep summarizing the show rather than cutting to the chase, so I’m not going to recite many plot points so much as sketch out what’s going on with the dramatic structure at the time. But also, let’s talk about what each character’s arc is saying, and how they are commenting on each other. Spoiler alert: Catra’s arc is a subversion and critique of stories of empowerment through ruthless self-assertion and revenge, while Adora’s arc is a subversion and critique of chosen one narratives and stories of self-denial and self-transcendence.
When the show starts, Adora and Catra are shown as rivals and friends - their first scene starts the recurring motif of them reaching out for each other as one of them dangles above an abyss, as well as establishing their flirtatious banter and easy camaraderie. We quickly learn that these two young women plan to conquer the world together. These scenes and later flashbacks show Catra and Adora as deeply enmeshed in each others lives, to the point where neither of them (but especially Catra) have clear identities outside of one another. There is so much genuine love on both sides before Adora leaves, but also resentment, envy and fear, especially on Catra’s side, as well as a protectiveness on Adora’s side that deprives Catra of her autonomy. They are both being abused by Shadow Weaver - Catra physically  and emotionally, Adora emotionally. It wouldn’t be too much to say that Shadow Weaver holds Catra hostage to control Adora (this is why critiques that Adora abandoned Catra to be abused are actually kind of messed up, since they accept Shadow Weaver’s premise that Adora is responsible for what Shadow Weaver does to Catra). In addition, Catra and Adora actually see the world incredibly differently. Adora already sees the world in terms of right, wrong and her destiny to right wrongs - this is why it’s important for her  to accept the Horde’s obvious lies - she couldn’t keep living if she didn’t. Catra, on the other hand, sees the world solely in terms of survival and personal loyalty - everything for her is about preserving herself and the person she cares about - Adora.
Then, when Adora finds the sword, she leaves because it’s the right thing to do. Catra doesn’t even have a concept of ‘the right thing to do’ being something she should care about, or perhaps, something she can care about as an irredeemably evil, awful fuck-up. So at Thaymor neither one understands where the other is coming from, and Catra and Adora begin to part. This is the first turning point in their relationship. Adora chooses duty over what she desires, Catra chooses to protect herself (such as she sees it) and nurse her sense of betrayal and abandonment.
Their relationship until Promise is a kind of weird Frenemy thing that is fascinating to watch and sold me on the show. Neither one wants to fully admit to themselves that the other is now their enemy, neither one has given up on changing the other’s mind. Each is furious at the other, and desperate to see her again at the same time. There’s a lot of heartache and just as much sexual tension, especially at Princess Prom. Both of them come alive when they fight each other (more about that in a later post). But they’re already growing apart - Adora embracing her destiny as She-Ra, Catra rising in the ranks for the Horde. Adora now has the purpose she always wanted, plus other friends and a sense of being chosen to do something great, while Catra now has power - the means to protect herself from people like Shadow Weaver as well as the vindication she had always been denied, and even the opportunity to beat Shadow Weaver at her own game.
The next turning point is Promise. Holy fuck, this episode. It’s an episode that is even more heartbreaking after you’ve watched the show because you know just how much worse things are going to get, and yet, it’s a necessary part of both of their character arcs. Even through season 1 Catra and Adora had remained very much enmeshed in each others lives in an increasingly fucked up way as they grew apart but refused to turn away from each other. Even though they aren’t -exactly- a romantic couple (Adora doesn’t recognize and acknowledge her feelings until the last episode of Season 5), Season 1 of She-Ra is one of the worst breakups I have seen on TV. As I said in a couple of previous posts, this is the kind of shit that the Mountain Goats write songs about. Everything that was poisoning their love for each other even before episode 1 bubbles to the surface and combines with them fighting on opposite sides of the war to make a truly fucked up situation. In the end, it’s Catra that makes the choice to turn away from Adora. This isn’t a -good- decision. It’s spiteful, and destructive, and based on an outright deluded understanding of their relationship (inspired by Light Hope’s manipulations and her own issues), but it’s in some ways a necessary decision. Catra has been so wrapped up in Adora for so long that she isn’t going to be able to figure out who -she- is without cutting Adora out of her life. And the same is true of Adora.
But each of them do this in about the worst way possible. Catra embraces destruction, ambition, manipulation and outright cruelty, turning the tactics of her abusers against them and against everyone around her. She first triumphs over Shadow Weaver and manipulates Entrapta into trying to corrupt Etheria itself. Meanwhile Adora ‘lets go’ and commits herself to the self-denying mantle of She-Ra. Over the next several seasons, their respective paths will nearly lead both Catra and Adora to their deaths (in the Season 4 finale).
For the next season (counting season 2 and 3 as one) Catra and Adora are still closely linked, but as enemies. Still, there’s more than enough flirtation between them (that ‘Hey Catra’ in the first episode of Season 2 is something else), and especially on Adora’s side we see her hold back with Catra, and often take responsibility for the harm Catra inflicts, just like she had when they were kids. Yet they still drift apart - after facing off every other episode in Season 1, they spend less and less time on screen together through season 2 and 3. Catra continues her ascent to power and descent into villainy while Adora becomes more of a stressed out mess as she takes the fate of the world and the wellbeing of everyone she cares about on her admittedly broad shoulders. Catra’s one moment of vulnerability is rewarded by Shadow Weaver’s betrayal and her exile, then Catra triumphs in ruthless badass fashion through sheer desperation and aggression. In the Crimson Wastes, we see Catra at her most independent, and she almost seems happy. But once Adora shows up and Catra hears about Shadow Weaver, she’s sucked back into the worst of her resentments, and she makes very clear that being happy is less important to her than making sure Adora is miserable.
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This changes everything. Catra completely breaks with reality and tries to kill Adora, herself and the world rather than lose to Adora and Shadow Weaver (I do think it’s important to remember that she does that after Shadow Weaver nearly kills her). Catra betrays everyone around her when she exiles Entrapta, threatens Scopria and lies to Hordak. Then she flips the switch. When Adora tries to fix things, Catra fights to her own death to make sure that the world disintegrates with her. For her part, Adora fights first to understand what is wrong with the world and then to fix it. Finally she tells Catra that destroying the world is her choice and she has to live with it, decks her, and then sees her off with a death glare once the portal is closed. With this, Adora writes Catra off even if, as she says later, she never never hated her. By doing that, Adora casts off the guilt that had dogged her and takes responsibility for her own life rather than someone else’s - this is actually a huge step for her, and one that will become more important in Season 4.
Season 4 is in many ways the nadir of their relationship. They only see each other once during the entire season, in Fluterrina, when Adora tries to blast Catra, much to the latter’s shock. There’s a sense in that scene that Catra is trying to have the same flirtatious enmity she used to have with Adora, and Adora is having none of it. Catra almost seems hurt by this, which is an early hint at how isolated Catra is beginning to feel. Catra spends the rest of the season at her highest and lowest. On the one hand she spends most of 12 episodes winning by every standard she has ever claimed to care about, besting Hordak himself in single combat and making herself co-ruler of the Horde and coming within a day’s march of ending the Rebellion. In many ways it is the ultimate empowerment fantasy - the abused young woman has defeated her abusers, showed up everyone who doubted her and forced everyone to respect her. But I think it’s striking that the show starts with her and Adora dreaming of conquering the world together and in Season 4 Catra nearly succeeds in conquering it alone, almost like she was trying to live out her old shared fantasy while proving she didn’t need her former best friend. 
At the same time, Catra is clearly miserable. She’s always been unhappy, but in Season 4 we see her completely isolated and lying to herself and everyone who will listen in a desperate attempt to justify her actions. Turning the tactics of Hordak and Shadow Weaver against them to gain power and then against Scorpia and Entrapta to maintain it haven’t vindicated Catra, they’ve made her more and more alone as Entrapta is exiled and Scorpia drifts away. Meanwhile Catra reaches out to Double Trouble, and her interactions with them reek of a kind of desperate desire to have someone in her life (the feeling of their interaction is of an unhealthy casual relationship where one partner becomes emotionally invested and the other takes advantage of that while denying the other the closeness they desire). As people leave her, one after the other, it becomes clearer and clearer that Catra doesn’t want power at all - she wants connection, friendship, love, and power is a very poor replacement. As I said in my long Catra rant, Season 4 is both her ‘Walter White as a Catgirl’ season and the beginning of her redemption. Everything comes to head when Sparkles destroys everything Catra has tried to achieve, Double Trouble delivers those harsh truths and Horde Prime shows up and makes it all irrelevant, just highlighting how futile all her struggles and sacrifices and crimes have been.
Meanwhile Adora spends Season 4 becoming her own her and her own woman. After telling off Catra, she grows more and more disillusioned with Light Hope and critical of Glimmer (though the latter has more than a shade of her old habit of taking responsibility for others - Adora’s development is not linear). She’s gained the courage and confidence to strike out her own path, not just follow a destiny. At the season’s end she once again breaks with her best friend to do what is right, and discards the destiny that she was being prepared for. But in this case she isn’t chasing one packaged destiny for another, instead she’s making her own choice and literally shattering the thing that she thought gave her life purpose. It’s badass, and heartbreaking, and along with decking Catra and jumping after Catra into the abyss (see below) it’s the perfect Adora moment.
In many ways Season 5 starts with Catra and Adora farther apart than they have ever been. They aren’t even enemies anymore, they’re completely out of each other’s lives. And both Catra and Adora are lost at the beginning of Season 5 - Catra is useless and alone on Prime’s ship, completely defeated despite ostensibly being on the winning side, and she goes through the motions of her normal plotting without any particular conviction and none of her normal flair. Meanwhile Adora is even more miserable and self-destructive than usual, throwing herself at Horde Bots and working herself until she drops of exhaustion. In a very real way they both stay lost until they have a chance to help the other. Catra takes responsibility for what she’s done and what she can do, saves Glimmer (at least partly for Adora’s sake), apologizes to Adora, and sacrifices herself. Adora only seems to come alive when she decides to turn around, face Prime, and save the cat. And when she does, Catra and Adora’s arcs, which had separated so completely in season 4, come crashing back together to end the series.
Adora during Save the Cat is such a contrast with the uncertain, hesitant and self-destructive wreck we’ve seen so far in Season 5. This is possibly her craziest plan in 3 years of mostly cazy plans, but she never wavers or questions herself. Even when Chipped Catra appears and we see Adora’s heart break while we watch, Adora doesn’t back down or relent. She keeps at it even as the tears stream down her face. She fights better trying to save Catra without She-Ra’s powers than she fought at the Battle of Bright Moon with them. Catra’s just about as desperate - we see her cry and plead, and now is probably as good a time to any to point out how amazing a job both VAs did throughout the show, but especially in this episode, and how good a job the board artists did. 
Seeing each other for the first time in a year, and only the second time since Catra blew everything up, Catra and Adora are probably the rawest and least restrained we’ve ever seen them. There’s barely any banter, no bravado, and no pretense that they are anything other than two women who desperately need each other (Prime doesn’t help with ‘You broke my heart’.) Then Catra is flung to her death, Adora jumps after her, breaks both her legs in the fall (we see her crawl to Catra, as though she couldn’t walk) and becomes the real She-Ra. It’s such a triumphant and deeply queer moment seeing a woman transformed into a warrior goddess to protect the woman she loves, and it’s the reason that, as dark as it is, Save the Cat is my Comfort Food episode.
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Let’s not sleep on Taking Control, though. This episode is like a microcosm of what this show does best, especially the A plot with Catra and Adora. Catra’s reversion to lashing out at everyone and her refusal to be open to Adora shows just how much of a struggle this whole ‘being good and trying to connect to people’ thing is. Catra’s outburst gives Adora a chance to stand up for herself and refuse to be Catra’s punching bag, while also not trying to control her. Adora’s ultimatum gives Catra a chance to reach out to Adora (quite literally), and allow herself to be vulnerable. In this episode, we see just how far Catra and Adora have come since the messed up stew of their relationship in Season 1. Adora lets Catra be responsible for her own actions; Catra lets herself be vulnerable to Adora and takes responsibility for her actions. They’re both better people and better friends and better partners than they were, and the show has shown this in a strikingly nuanced and realistic way. 
The important thing to note in the next few episodes of Season 5 isn’t just how much closer Catra and Adora get to each other and how much they flirt (So much. So much, y’all) but just how -happy- they are. We see both of them transformed in the other’s presence. Basically, since they’ve parted, both Catra and Adora have been defined in no small part by how miserable they often are. They have both had their triumphs and their lighter moments, but there’s been a sense of melancholy dogging both Catra and Adora since episode 1. And now that they’re together again, that lifts, somewhat. Catra’s verbal barbs have lost their venom, and she can openly show how much she cares for Adora and even Bow and Glimmer. She’s still herself - snarky, cynical, somewhat devious - but she’s not engaged in a self-destructive zero-sum struggle with everyone around her. Meanwhile Adora has spent 4 seasons being a neurotic and sometimes nearly joyless mess who takes responsibility for everything and often doesn’t let herself enjoy anything other than the odd BFS group hug (exceptions include trying to uh...impress Huntara and reveling with the butterfly ladies of Elberron in Flutterina).  Around Catra, though, she’s a cocky, swaggering jock who gives as good as she gets. It’s a side of Adora we’ve only seen hints of before, and one that’s so much more confident and joyful even as the world is ending around her. Apart, Catra had tried to protect and vindicate herself with power and conquest, while Adora had tried to forget herself in duty and sacrifice. Together, they can be themselves again. This dynamic is crucial to the show’s portrayal of Catra and Adora’s romance because it doesn’t just show how much they love each other, but how they’re -good- for each other now that they’ve grown as people, and that they are so much better than they were when they were apart.
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Until Shadow Weaver shows up. Their old abuser reintroduces tensions but even then things are different than they were. Now Catra isn’t just resentful of how Shadow Weaver prefers Adora - she’s  protective of Adora, which is clearest in Failsafe when she calls Shadow Weaver out for being willing to sacrifice Adora. And while Adora takes the Failsafe, it isn’t to follow her destiny or because she has a death wish - it’s because she loves her friends, and she is the only one who has any hope of doing this and living (though Catra’s suggestion that Shadow Weaver take it is a good one). And finally, when Catra leaves Adora, it isn’t because she hates Adora, nor, despite what she says, is it because she really thinks that Adora chose Shadow Weaver. At least, not exactly. It’s because Catra loves Adora, and can admit that to herself, and can’t stay around and watch the woman she loves sacrifice herself rather than choosing Catra. Before Catra leaves, she asks Adora ‘What do you want?” It’s a question that echoes Shadow Weaver’s speech in Episode 1: ‘isn’t this what you always wanted since you could want anything?’ As much as Adora has grown as a person, and defined herself and stood up for what she thinks is right, she still has never answered that question - it’s never been ‘what do I want’ but ‘what do I have to do?’ and that’s how Adora answers Catra’s question. This is Adora’s last gasp as a self-transcending hero, letting go of what she wants (not that she ever dared articulate what that was) in order to do what must be done. And it nearly kills her and dooms the universe, because Adora can’t be the hero that she needs to be by being anyone less than herself.
But it’s losing Catra that inspires Adora to tell off Shadow Weaver for good (not that she’d ever really warmed to her after season 1). And it’s love for Adora that inspires Catra to stand up to Shadow Weaver and demand that she do the right thing. In both cases, Catra and Adora aren’t just standing up to their abuser, but holding her to account for the harm she’s caused, and it’s the love that they have for each other that inspires them to do this. In Catra’s case in particular her refusal to let Shadow Weaver weasel out of finding Adora is a much greater triumph over Shadow Weaver than beating her up and breaking her mask in Season 1 - it’s proof not so much to Shadow Weaver but to Catra herself that Catra really is better than this and that she deserves better than this. It’s not turning her abuser’s tactics against her, but truly holding her to a moral standard and demanding that she do the right thing.
And then there’s Catra and Adora together at the heart. Catra has already come back for Adora and stayed to the end, choosing to die with her even if she can’t share a life together (not out of some death wish, but because Adora needs her). And Adora, who’s been avoiding answering the question for three fucking years, finally let’s herself want Catra when Catra finally confesses her love (breaking the last of her self-protective shields) and asks Adora to stay -for her-. And by admitting what she wants, Adora can truly be at peace with herself and be the hero she needs to be, lesbianism saves the universe, The End.
So anyway, that’s how Catra and Adora’s stories are woven together and how they compliment and comment on each other. Narrativiely, Adora and Catra start together, come apart, find something of themselves, and truly find themselves and each other when they are reunited. Thematically, they are critiquing seemingly opposing narrative tropes - empowerment narratives and narratives of self sacrifice. But by showing the flaws in both types of story and showing how neither self-seeking empowerment nor self-negating self sacrifice can actually make us happy, She-Ra asks and answers more profound questions than most prestige dramas for adults do. I’ll get into how the show sells the idea that the power of love can bring us happiness (and save the world) in a future post. But next up, I’m going to celebrate just how much Catra and Adora’s relationship revels in ambiguity, complexity and contradiction and so tells a grown up love story in a kid’s show.
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thefanficmonster · 2 years
Keepin’ Secrets
Lexi Howard x Fezco [Euphoria Season 2]
Warnings: SPOILERS for episodes 1 and 2 of season 2 of Euphoria, Swearing, Vague suggestions of sexual encounters (consensual), Secret Relationships
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Minor Hurt/Comfort
Summary/Prompt: Lexi and Fez are hanging out and they run into Nate and Cassie
Requested by Anon. Here’s a fic based on your prompt, dear! Hope you enjoy! Love, Vy ❤
It comes as no surprise that Lexi and Fez have been keeping their relationship a secret and always only hang out either in the shop or at Fez’s place. Fortunately, they don’t care where they spend their time, all that matters is they’re together and enjoying each other’s company.
This night has been no different. The two, joined by Ash and Faye enjoyed dinner together despite having a minor accident of burning the food they were trying to cook. The incident wasn’t so bad since it allowed them to order a pizza instead which Ash secretly preferred from the start. 
Faye and Lexi took the time to bond more since the only time they had seen each other prior was when Cal so rudely interrupted them but as it would seem the two, although completely different and with nothing binding them other than their relation to Fez, ended up striking up a nice conversation they only dropped when they sat down to watch a movie with the drug dealer siblings. Fez was happy to see the blond who’s become sort of a sister to him over the period she’s been staying with him be herself: bubbly, happy and talkative. His heart as well as Lexi’s ached at the thought of how much she could’ve achieved if she hadn’t started doing drugs.
All in all, it was a wonderful night but alas it isn’t one Lexi can spend at Fez’s place till morning. 
Her mother and sister have been getting suspicious about her whereabouts since her excuses were running out and she was starting to worry that they’d actually ask Rue if she was staying with her or with Jules for the night which would only rise more questions among her entire friend group. To avoid getting caught in her web of lies and made-up stories and to suppress the suspicion of her family, she’s decided home for the night, much to her boyfriend’s dismay.
Not wanting to let her go already, he asked to walk take her home. And no, not drive her home, but walk her home for the obvious reason to spend more time with her. The car trip would be far to quick to each of their likings.  After Lexi hugged Ash and Faye goodbye they were out in the cold breeze of the night, walking hand in hand.
“So, you ever gonna tell your mom or sister ‘bout...“ He trails off for a second, “..well, bout us?“
It’s a question that has been bothering him for quite some time especially when he once overheard Cassie was trying to set her up on a date with some guy. That, of course, bothered him but he never brought it up to avoid sounding like a stalker which he really wasn’t - Rue had accidentally blabbered it out once when she was over at his place.  The last thing he wanted was for Lexi to actually go on a date with some guy to keep up the charade, acting like she doesn’t have a boyfriend.
Lexi, on the other hand, has been on cloud nine since their relationship was made official and has been dying to share it with someone but still hasn’t done so. She’s wanted to hint it at Cassie but after she ratted Fez out to Cal, she seemed like the last person Lexi would want to tell. She’s thought about telling Rue but hasn’t yet for whatever reason. To put it bluntly: she’s wanted to tell someone but she hasn’t been able to think of anyone she trusts enough to tell. “If I told my mom, chances are she’ll forget by the time morning comes so yeah, I wouldn’t mind telling her. If I tell Cassie....no, I won’t tell Cassie.“ She sighs, exasperated at the thought of how rocky relationship with her sister has gotten. “And if I tell mom she’ll tell Cassie...“
“Cassie.“ Fez says out of nowhere, squeezing Lexi’s hand as an alert which she fails to notice due to how deep she’s fallen in her own thoughts.
“Yeah Cassie.“ She replies absentmindedly.
“No, Cassie.“ This time the squeeze of her hand doesn’t go by unnoticed and she also takes note of how he’s said Cassie’s name.
She know something ain’t right.
She diverts her gaze back to the road ahead since it had trailed of as she spoke and what she saw made her blood run cold with both fear and anger.
A jeep was heading towards them - the unmistakable vehicle of the one and only Nate Jacobs. In the passenger seat sat a girl whose presence made Lexi’s stomach drop.
The car comes to a stop and the blond jumps out, running to what she thinks is her sister’s rescue.
“Lexi, what are you doing here? Are you ok?“ She asks, grabbing her sister by her forearms, her gaze scanning Lexi’s body for any bruises which angered Fez immediately. He couldn’t believe anyone could ever think he’d do anything to hurt his girlfriend. His anger subsides quickly though as it’s replaced by melancholy caused by the fact that he knows that she’s right to think that way. In Cassie’s and pretty much the entire town’s eyes he was this untrustworthy gangster who posed a danger to everyone and everything.
“I’m fine, I should be asking you that.“ Lexi snaps at her, shaking her sister’s hands off herself, “What are you doing in Nate Jacob’s car?!“
There’s a moment of silence between the two girls as they gaze into each other’s eyes, both of them infuriated by the other while the two man are glaring at one another, the intensity of their gazes threatening to break the windshield that’s separating them.
Suddenly, Cassie’s head snaps in Fez’s direction, forcing his attention away from Nate.
“If you lay a hand on her...” She’s stopped from finishing her sentence, cut off by Lexi.
“You can lecture him when you stop fucking with your best friend’s ex.“ Now, Lexi knew this may or may not be a bluff since that was only a gut feeling she had gotten from Cassie’s erratic behavior but when she sees the glint of fear in her eyes, she knows she hit the mark.
With another silent glare sent Fez’s way she goes back into Nate’s car and the two drive off, the driver’s eyes never leaving the blue orbs of the drug dealer.
“I’m sorry about her.“ Lexi says, after the jeep is out of their line of sight. She takes Fez’s other hand in hers too, alerting them both to the fact neither had let go of their earlier hand holding during the whole confrontation. There’s no way Cassie hadn’t noticed that but that’s exactly what makes Lexi smile - the fact that she didn’t let go of her boyfriend to keep up an act in front of her sister who clearly doesn’t have any sort of moral high-ground here. “She’s so fucking full of herself thinking she’s the better sister just cause she’s prettier or more popular...“
Fez cuts her off though, “I dunno ‘bout anyone else, but you’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen and popularity can’t measure how shitty a person actually is so fuck that noise.” He tells her as he frees one hand from her grasp to bring it up to cup her face, a thumb running over her cheekbone and lips. He feels her skin get warmer under his touch, “And you got nothin’ to apologize fo’, you didn’t do nothin’. You stood up for me and...that gotta be the hottest thing I’ve seen.”
Lexi knows she will have a lot of negotiating to do when she gets home and a fight to stand when her sister inevitably blows up at her for hanging out and even holding hands with the town’s most famous drug dealer. However, she will not stay silent this time. She will not let herself freeze up and sit there getting yelled at. No, she’s got leverage and she’ll use it against Cassie cause they both know what’ll happen if Maddy finds out about her late night rendezvous with her ex. Now, Cassie could say Lexi’s bluffing but she would never take that risk with the situation she’s currently in, therefore they’ll both be left to their own cases without any of the information spilling out further so more people would find out. As for Nate, Lexi can’t guarantee he won’t talk but she’ll do all in her power to get Cassie to shut him up.
Until then, however, she’s got more important matters at hand - making out with Fez in the middle of the dark street, marking their first kiss outside the walls of his home or shop.
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monocaelia · 3 years
inazuma bound headcanons
their last goodbyes before you depart to the land of eternity.
feat. childe, diluc, kaeya, kazuha, xiao
warnings : inazuma spoilers, slight angst but mainly fluff
❀ childe
despite inazuma being a place not many have ventured to and from, childe isn't the slightest worried for your safety. he knows the dangers of the storming seas surrounding inazuma and of the situation the people of inazuma are in due to the vision hunt decree.
but he prides in the fact that you're strong enough to handle what inazuma has to offer to you. abyss, you've defeated him in battle, there's no way you can't handle a little thunderstorm.
the cheerful chirp of your name alerts your attention to the ginger haired harbinger as he approaches you on the streets of liyue harbor. you raise an eyebrow at him, knowing full well that he shouldn't be here and should be stationed at dragonspine.
before you can scold him about his responsibilities, he scoops you into his arms and spins you around. his laughter rings in your ears and you can't help but smile. any and all thoughts of being mad at him are washed away as soon as his eyes meet yours.
the rest of your day is spent with him, as he won't be able to see you off before your trip to inazuma. he buys you trinkets, food, slings an arm around your shoulders all so you could be reminded of him and how fun it is to spend time with him.
"you know, it's a shame i wasn't stationed in inazuma next. i would have loved to explore it with you and fight at your side for a while longer," childe muses to you as the streets of liyue begin to light up for the evening. his hand is in yours and you squeeze it in reassurance.
"i'll miss you, a lot." your heart swells at his words, pulling him into a comforting embrace. your lips curve into a smile when his arms tighten themselves around you and you can't help but think that you'll miss him too.
"don't forget to send me letters about your visit to inazuma! or else i'll go over there and hunt you down myself, [name]!"
❀ diluc
diluc is not too thrilled to hear that you're departing to inazuma. not that he has anything against the nation, but he knows how hard it is to enter and leave and he knows of the situation the people under the shogunate are in.
but he isn't going to harp you on making sure you can protect yourself. he has faith in you that you'll have a safe voyage over and stay alive while on your journey in the land of eternity. he's seen you singlehandedly defeat and restore dvalin; there's no need to worry about your wellbeing.
his hand brushes against your cheek, moving the hair that curtained your slumbering face. you look so peaceful, so at ease resting against his lap as if you aren't about to set off overseas with no guarantee of your safe return.
you stir from your short slumber, leaning into his touch and diluc cannot help the small smile forming on his lips. "did you sleep well?" he asks, watching you as you slowly get up from his lap. you hum in response and stretch your limbs.
"have you finished packing for your trip?" diluc's question earns a slight frown from you and he raises an eyebrow. "you didn't finish preparing for inazuma, even though you're leaving soon?" diluc's assumption is proven correct when you begin twiddling your fingers and struggling to find a good excuse.
a sigh leaves his lips, getting up and offering you a hand. you bashfully take it. diluc hoists you up and you let out a little laugh when he sends an unamused frown your way. "i'm sorry! i was supposed to finish my preparations today, but i wanted to see you before i had to go."
it's a good thing that diluc has a soft spot for you, otherwise he would have given you the scolding of a lifetime. instead, he gently grasps your hand and flicks your forehead with his free hand before leading you inside the dawn winery so you could properly prepare for your journey overseas.
"i can't accompany you to inazuma, unfortunately, but i'll wish you a safe journey. take care, [name], i'll see you when you return."
❀ kaeya
kaeya is intrigued when you tell him that you'd be leaving for inazuma anytime soon. it's not often that people willingly want to enter storming seas and a land that isn't fond of people traveling to and from.
if anything, kaeya wants to tag along and fight by your side in inazuma. there's not much to do in mondstadt anyways. with jean and diluc keeping everyone in check kaeya didn't really have anything to do besides stir up some drama between the people of mondstadt or provoke enemies of mondstadt.
but he knows that shirking from his duties as captain of the calvary just to accompany you to inazuma wouldn't fare well with jean.
"i'm sad to see that our journey together ends here," kaeya tells you during your final visit to angel's share, for a while anyways. you roll your eyes and gently shove him with your shoulder. you know he's trying to pull at your strings from the way his sapphire eye glimmers in mischief.
"it's not going to be forever, you know. i'll be back before you know it," you reply, taking a sip of your drink. "you're acting like i'm going to inazuma and dying there." you bite back a smile when kaeya sighs dramatically and leans his entire bodyweight on you. a groan leaves your lips from the pressure.
"it's like i can still hear their voice." you snort and shove kaeya off of you, earning a snicker from the taller male. "say, [name], why don't we leave the bar and have a night of our own? just the two of us before you leave."
you pretend to ponder at his question for a moment, but say yes. you don't miss the way his lips curl into a feline smile, or the way his hand encases your own as he leads you out of the tavern and into the chilly evening of mondstadt.
but the chill doesn't bother you. not with kaeya's warm hand intertwined with yours as the two of you laugh and chatter in the warm glow of the street lamps lining the streets.
"are you sure you don't want me to tag along? wouldn't want you to miss me, haha. come back soon. don't keep me waiting."
❀ kazuha
knowing you're about to take off to the nation he escaped from puts him on edge, if he's being honest here. he knows of how brutal raiden shogun can be, stealing the visions of the innocent so she can remain eternal.
yet, seeing the reassuring smile adorning your face calms his nerves. he knows of your strength, of the rumors and tales of you fighting a dragon and a fatui harbinger, but he can't help but worry nonetheless.
his hand gently grasps your own, his fingers drawing shapes along the curves of your knuckles and brushing over the callouses that have formed on your fingertips. your head rests atop his shoulders as the two of you sit on the deck of the crux underneath the stars.
"is something on your mind?" you ask when he pauses in his ministrations. kazuha sighs, pausing briefly before replying to you.
"will you be okay? alone in inazuma, i mean. my homeland is a beautiful and wonderful place, but there is a corrupt and unjust leader ruling over it. i fear you'll be harmed and-"
"and you won't see me again?" you smile and pull away to meet your companion's gaze. there is a storm of worry in kazuha's ruby eyes and you hold his jaw in your hand, thumb rubbing calming circles on his cheek when he leans into your touch and holds your wrist.
"i'm stronger than you think, you've seen that firsthand. i'll be okay, kazuha." your reassuring words seemingly relax the inazuman traveller, but you can still sense the uncertainty surrounding him.
kazuha presses a gentle kiss against your inner palm before sliding his hand up to interlock your hands together.
"should anything happen to you, the wind will guide us together and i shall protect you. stay safe, dear [name]."
❀ xiao
xiao is a bit... unsettled when you give him the news that you're leaving for inazuma in a few days. it isn't often that you get to see him due to his job as one of liyue's yakshas and your travels across teyvat's lands.
he knows you'll be okay in inazuma, but he has no jurisdiction nor power in inazuma. his responsibility lies in liyue and he cannot leave until his duty to protect the nation of contracts has been fulfilled. yet, he wants to accompany you so he can assure your safety and survival against the stormy seas of inazuma.
"oh, there you are," your voice calms the worrying adeptus, even more so when your presence is beside him. he doesn't respond to you verbally, but he spares you a glance before fixing his gaze back to guili plains.
there's a comfortable silence between the two of you, neither of you feeling the need to speak up. but xiao's gentle voice breaks it with a statement you've been anticipating. "it's not too late to stay in liyue so i can dispose of those who harm you."
you turn to face him, not surprised at all to see his piercing eyes already staring at you. "i have to, i need to find my sibling and meeting the shogunate is the only way forward." his lips form a thin line at your answer.
your fingers inch forward to touch xiao's hand; he flinches when your fingers graze his out of instinct. but he grasps your hand before it can retreat, squeezing it as if it would make you stay beside him.
but he knows you have to go, have to find answers on the whereabouts of your sibling even if it meant risking your life.
"if i can't protect you, promise me you'll protect yourself. if you were to get hurt... forget it. just make sure you stay alive."
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huge-enthusiast · 3 years
You can find part 1 here.
The first one was really popular! So I decided to make a second part.
The rules are the same:
All of the fics will be rated Teen and up audiences or lower. Also if I don’t put the author’s tumblr is because they didn’t put it in the fic or/and I couldn’t find it.
The only thing that changes is that I would be putting the pairing in the description of the fic.
Without further ado...
Written in the Stars by Boogum (@botherkupo here on tumblr!)
Pairing: Marichat and Adrienette.
He was the god of destruction. She was a princess whose kingdom had been prophesied to fall. To save her people, she became his wife. To save him, she would have to do the impossible. The castle has secrets, the gods are watching, and time is running out.
Chapters: 37/37
TW for mild violence.
Arrange marriage, God AU. While I'm making this list, I still haven't finished the fic, but I had to recommend it because is THAT good. The way I gasped out loud while reading some of the plot twists. The worldbuilding is so good, and even if you aren't into AUs that deviate a lot from cannon like me, I 100% reccomend it.
Need a Lift? again by Boogum.
Pairing: DJWifi
Getting stranded on a foreign planet sucked. Luckily for Nino, his rival was willing to give him a lift home. Unluckily for Nino, she was beautiful and funny and he might just be in love with her.
Chapters: 1/1
Space Bounty Hunter AU! Really sweet and funny. If you are into flustered!Nino then this fic is for you.
hey, you by peachcitt (@peachcitt here on tumblr!)
Pairing: Adrienette
“Have you ever had a dream about someone that changes the way you think of them?”
or Adrien has a dream about Marinette.
Chapters: 1/1
Okay so, peachcitt is one of my favorite ml writers. Everything that they write is sooo good y'all, and i'm already a sucker for adrienette, so I cannot recommend this fic (or any of theirs) enough.
double dare again by peachcitt (I told ya!)
Pairing: Ladrien (with lots of sided ladynoir)
“Don’t ever do that again,” Marinette says, maybe a little too emphatically, and Adrien looks at her, his expression quiet. His cheeks, Marinette notices, are a little red.
“But I wanted to save you,” he says.
or Ladybug and Adrien can't seem to stop running into each other. (whether that is on accident or on purpose is nobody's business but their own, of course).
Chapters: 30/30
This was a ladrien june fic! Every chapter corresponds to the day's prompts but it also continues a story. If that doesn't make you want to read it then I don't know what it will. I fear fanfic writers, they're insane.
(not) so much by therentyoupay (@therentyoupayfanfiction here on tumblr!)
Pairing: Marichat and adrienette
(The claws are sharp, but the host of Destruction—for all of his loudmouth chaos and lack of reserve—is paradoxically careful.)
Chapters: 1/1
In which Chat Noir pays a visit not long after Marinette has made a pretty difficult decision, and they accidentally make a routine.
Prompt: Marinette gives Chat a hickey. Adrien has a suspiciously similar looking hickey the next day at school...
Gotta be honest with y'all, I did not expect this fic to be as good as it is. The adrienette has everything a stablished!Marichat should have. Marinette conflicted with her feelings? Check. Adrien being a hot mess bc That's My Girlfriend But She Doesn't Know That? Check. Them being absolute idiots? Check. It's good!
Doctor, Doctor, Give Me The News (Your Lips Is The Only Cure I Could Use) by BreG21.
Pairing: Adrienette
Rainwater sloshed up from the pools they had made on the sidewalk and coated his jean pants with every step he took. He couldn't bring himself to care.
He sniffed away some of the water that dribbled down his matted head. "Yeah?"
He paused as if to consider his words while Adrien stared down at him, so lost. "You weren't wrong when you thought you knew. A part of you wanted it to be her, but it was too perfect, you let the illusion fool you because how would you get that lucky. But trust me, Adrien. You weren't wrong."
He wasn't wrong? What was he not wrong about?
You weren't wrong. You want it to be her.
And it finally clicked as a small gasp wisped past his lips. He wasn't wrong.
In which, Plagg falls ill, and with Fu gone and Ladybug being the guardian now, has to go find her civilian self-even with the knowledge that she might not like that-is shocked to realize that even with having the kwami that was supposed to embodied the very being of bad luck, Adrien could conclude the very opposite of what he had thought for so long.
He was so very lucky.
Chapters: 1/1
I screamed so hard while reading this fic. It's just one of those who gets the characters right. Do you like a good reveal? Go read this now.
Operation Mega Sleepover by InTheWild (@smellerbeee here on tumblr!)
Pairing: Adrienette
When Alya and Nino drop out of their long awaited mega-sleepover at the last minute, it leaves Marinette and Adrien alone together for the night. An Adrinette one-shot with lots of fluff and sleepover shenanigans.
Chapters: 1/1
I just,,, I love adrienette fluff so much,,, I love them,,,
You, Me & A Little Bit Of The Future by joonapeach.
Pairing: this is a fortunate case of all lovesquare shenanigans™
Marinette expects some disaster on her first outing alone with Adrien.
She just doesn't expect that disaster to be her future self passing off a baby for her to take care of with Adrien.
(Alternatively... two idiots obliviously in love cooing over their daughter while acting like they have no idea whose kid this is.)
Chapters: 1/1
I think the description says anything that it needs to be said. It's really sweet and funny and I love how they just change their minds so quickly and get emo for literally nothing. Peak shakesperean dumbasery.
The entire Marry That Girl series by Miraculous_Max (Maximilian_Alexander).
Pairing: Adrienette
Let’s say Marinette has a special sketchbook. This sketchbook is filled with drawings of their future house, of Adrien as an adult in multiple occupational settings, of Marinette and Adrien’s wedding, and most importantly, their future children.
Let's say Adrien found this sketchbook.
Works: 8 (All are 1/1 chapters)
Just realized how this list exposes me as number 1 adrienette sucker... oh well. I love how Adrien doesn't feel weirded out by the intensity of Marinette's crush. He likes it! He's as weird and romantic as her! That's one of the reasons I love the lovesquare so much and it makes me happy to see that everyone is in the same boat with me.
Strenght by 11JJ11.
Pairing: Adrienette
Marinette knew she was much stronger than she looked thanks to being a hero. So when her class had an arm wrestling contest she knew that she could beat all of them with ease, but she wasn't expecting anyone else to come close.
Chapters: 1/1
Good ol' accidental reveal feat. the entire class shenanigans. I, once again, screamed for an adrienette fic. Who could've thought.
Super Fan by Taliax.
Pairing: Ladrien
It was a good thing Alya was holding the phone and not her, because it would have slipped from her fingers and shattered. How had she not noticed? She had been there, and somehow she’d missed her crush looking at her like she was an angel sent from heaven.
Forget the perfume ad. This picture was going to be her new desktop.
(In which Marinette realizes that she and Adrien might both be obsessive fans.)
Chapters: 1/1
Canon divergent from after Gorizilla. They're so dumb. That's my opinion on this fic.
How to Kiss Your Crush in Five Minutes or Less also by Taliax.
Pairing: Ladrien
He just needed to know if Ladybug needed Chat Noir. He didn't expect to learn just how much she wanted Adrien.
This would be the best five minutes of his life, if he didn't expect her to forget it.
Chapters: 1/1
CW for making out.
Set during Desperada. I promise there's a happy ending. Also Luka is there for some reason, felt really bad for him.
Laying Down the Rules: The Gabriel Agreste Clauses by LadyKae
Adrien leaves the manor on a dark and stormy night and seeks sanctuary at the only place he feels safe: The Home of the Dupain-Cheng Family. When Sabine learns why her dear boy is fleeing to her home in the middle of the night, she makes a personal visit to one Gabriel Agreste.
There's more rules in play, but not for Adrien and Marinette.
Chapters: 1/1
This is just Sabine going to beat the fuck out of Gabriel and it's really satifying ngl
4am. by hannieks
Pairing: post-reveal lovesquare
In which Adrien has the cat tendency to wake up their owners at stupid o'clock, and Marinette just wants to sleep. Cuteness ensues.
Chapters: 1/1
Really short but really sweet. If you like Adrien acting like a cat then you would like this.
Can I Date You(r Character)? by midnightstarlightwrites (@midnightstarlightwrites here on tumblr!)
Pairing: Adrienette
Adrien turned to her, something unreadable in his gaze. “Are you ok with this?” he asked.
And what a loaded question that was. Was she ok with it? Was she ok with the one guy she couldn’t seem to get over in real life kissing her in a game of Dungeons and Dragons? When she put it like that, it seemed a bit silly to get so worked up.
It was just a game...right?
She was ok with it, right?
“Sure,” she lied. “I’m ok with it.”
When Adrien's character falls in love with Marinette's, they decided to date in-game. What could go wrong?
Chapters: 7/?
THIS ONE IS SO CUTE. You want to scream??? Read this.
two idiots and a hamster by Boogum (again) and carpisuns (@carpisuns here on tumblr)
Pairing: Adrienette
How do you hide your superhero identity from your roommate? (spoiler alert: badly)
Chapters: 5/?
Once @anna-scribbles described this fic as "is literally the closest i’ve ever seen a fic come to matching the energy of canon", and I couldn't have described it better.
And that's all for now! Next time I will probably make an only DJWifi list since I've been treating them so dirty lol.
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
When you say that Marinette isn't allowed to move on while Adrien is, what exactly do you mean by that? Bc Adrien doesn't even try to move on, as we can see in "Lies". How can "He's allowed to move on" and "he doesn't move on" coexist? Am I missing something?
I can answer that with one simple question, and this also deals with anyone who dares say that Lukanette is treated better than Adrimi in the show:
Where’s the Lukanette equivalent of this scene?
Tumblr media
Or this?
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Where the endgame love interest is nearby and they ignore them in favor of their alternate one?
Spoiler alert: it doesn’t exist.
Adrien was trying to take Kagami on a date in Season 2, and Kagami insisted on continuing to pursue him while Luka let Marinette go. Adrien also continued to have romantic scenes with Kagami as well in “Oni-Chan,” “Desperada,” and so on, the former of which had him ignore Ladybug to focus on taking Kagami home (which is fine, he can do that, that’s not the point) and the latter of which only featured Adrien focusing on Ladybug after Kagami was gone.
Adrien’s endgame is Marinette/Ladybug, but he’s allowed to test the waters. They could’ve easily had an equivalent where Chat caught Ladybug meeting with Luka and she ignored him in favor of talking to Luka, or where Marinette, Luka, and Adrien are all in the same room and Marinette focuses on Luka over Adrien.
It doesn’t happen. Adrien is asking Kagami on dates in Season 2 and gets a near-lip kiss from Kagami in “Miraculous New York,” as well as multiple attempts to kiss Kagami at the end of the season 3 finale (whether he goes through with it or not isn’t the point; it’s the fact that he’s given the chance). Marinette, meanwhile, was giving Luka the same cheek kisses as always, even though the two are officially dating by “Truth” and “Lies.”
Marinette’s first sign of actually “testing the waters” with Luka was Season 4, and it’s the same episode where she was forced to break up with him. Even when Adrien was confessing to Ladybug and flirting with her, the narrative still shrugged it off and let Adrien claim to Kagami that everything they had was real. It means that, from the narrative’s standpoint, Adrien liked her genuinely and was allowed to have time with her even if he went for Ladybug in the end.
Where’s the same treatment for Marinette? Not here. The girls are already talking about Adrien when Marinette’s panic is unrelated to him in “Truth” and the Adrien pictures are magically back in the episode that confirms she and Luka are dating. Cut to eleven episodes later, and the narrative is pretending like she never really loved Luka at all (Adrien’s feelings are never put into question, regardless of how hard he leaned towards Ladybug).
Plagg encouraged Adrien to try out other options and not to bother with Ladybug when she wasn’t into him anyway, whereas Tikki left Marinette completely dry outside of saying that Luka’s confession was beautiful (that’s not encouragement to move on, it’s an idle comment). If anything, Tikki lured Marinette away from moving on (”The Puppeteer 2″) and any discouragement was more related to Marinette’s actions with her celebrity crush on Adrien as opposed to her feelings..
The show has the gall to talk about “balance” and lets Adrien have Kagami as his side chick, while Marinette’s best Lukanette episode is where Adrien isn’t there for comparison (note that this isn’t a diss on “Silencer”; one of that episode’s best points is that Adrien isn’t there).
And any time Marinette is seen being sad over Adrimi happening, the narrative either bashes her for it or she’s generally put in the wrong for “being overemotional” about it.
The one time Chat was jealous over Theo? He was allowed to push the blame onto Ladybug.
He was salty at the first male hero Ladybug called? Ladybug reassured him that he was irreplaceable.
He whined about Ladybug’s “other cats” in “Hack-San”? Ladybug is the one who apologized to him in the end.
And remember, when Marinette considered Luka in “Frozer,” a date never happened like it did with Adrimi; Luka sent her away to talk to Adrien. They didn’t even get to ride the subway home. When Marinette talked about moving on and how she and Adrien “are just meant to be friends,” the girls literally started arguing over it.
How the Adrimi date in “Frozer” went doesn’t matter; Adrien was able to try. He was encouraged to try. When Marinette considered Luka, she was cut off by the akuma attacking. The show forces her to backpedal at every opportunity so she remains at the same place with Adrien as she’s been in Season 1, and I don’t have to explain how the show often puts Adrien in the right even though he’s wrong (”Malediktator” and “Chameleon”).
Adrien keeps taking little steps towards Kagami and is repeatedly shown shipping moments with Kagami (sometimes just so the show can make Marinette sad), going from “Frozer” (where the date was unsuccessful) to “Heart Hunter” (where Ladybug even noted that he wasn’t calling her “m’lady” when Ryuko was nearby) to “Miracle Queen” (where he ends the episode stroking her cheek and having ice cream with her, even after he felt unsure about the kiss; they clearly progressed), whereas Marinette - despite being the main character - might be seen blushing around Luka (in “Silencer” and “Heart Hunter”) and getting crumbs with him, but any progress she makes with him will be undone in the next episode because the show is obsessed with reassuring its audience that Adrien doesn’t have competition..
The balance is completely off and that’s what I mean when I say that Adrien is allowed to move on but Marinette isn’t. Adrien is allowed to try; Marinette can barely dip a toe in the water before the lifeguard pulls her out by the hair. There are no equivalents, even though you’d think the balance would be tipped in Marinette’s favor due to her being the main character.
It’s not. Adrien is able to date Kagami ten episodes (in production code order) after Kagami’s debut, and Marinette had to wait thirty-seven after Luka’s, nearly four times as long (and it’s the break-up episode).
That’s insane.
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