#spooky olli
numbuh-1507 · 5 months
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Happy Pico Day, everyone!
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bandtrees · 6 months
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meat man, a virtueless fool, working in a rathole business
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deadbatzz · 2 months
aided self-destruction
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jacenotjason · 8 months
so you guys remember ollie right?
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this silly fellow?
would if he met
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the gang
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ninjawitdaddyissues · 6 months
that shit absolutely slapped and i dont think i will ever stop thinking about it actually
fuck yes weird art shit that is niche and spooky i am eating WELL
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rottenraccoons · 1 year
ok so I just finished every ending in 1.5 AND I DIDNT EXPECT FRANCESCO'S ROUTE TO BE SO ZESTY 😦👀👀
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nervousnumbat · 1 year
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Mirror of Souls by Olly Jeavons/Artofolly
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fluorescent-if · 5 months
ROs as genres of horror?
I am so sorry this took so long to get to, today has been hectic and I'm just now getting the chance to look at my inbox 😅
Cameron- Slashers
Ollie- Found Footage
Rose/Rory- Creature Feature
Terra- Horror Comedy (or Southern Gothic)
MC- lovecraftian/cosmic horror
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Can we see the kids you mentioned in past posts
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This is Rose, Gabby and Sophie's daughter. She loves Halloween and often gets into spooky antics with her best friend Augustus Wonder who goes by the nickname Auggie (Auggie is Skid and Pump's adopted son). She tends to question Auggie but trusts in his decisions as they haven't gotten them killed or possessed yet. She's friends with the Hatz polycule kids and Lizzie's twin children too, but her best friend out of all of them is Auggie. She is 7 years old.
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This is Auggie. He has a nasty habit of summoning demons and other supernatural beings with his grandpa's old occult stuff that Skid just won't throw away despite being the one who's often possessed by the things his son summons. Auggie has heard the stories of his dads' old adventures when they were his age and wants to make memories like that with his friends and often takes things into his own hands to make sure those memories happen. His fathers don't mind him doing this, but they want him to stop summoning things in their house. Auggie is 8 years old.
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This is Ollie, Charlie and Hannah's son. His cousins babysit him regularly but often likes being held by Rose because she smells like flowers and he finds that comforting. He is only a few months old but it is clear that he likes spooky things like his parents because when given the choice, he will choose the bat onsie that his dad bought for him. He's calm and doesn't really cry unless his cousins, Auggie and Rose are all freaking out or he's hungry.
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This is Maya, Ember and Felix. Maya is the bio child of Roy and Sally but they and the rest of their siblings will refer to Robert, Ross, Roy, Sam and Sally as their parents. Maya is 13 and goes by They/Them pronouns. Maya had a worse gender crisis than Roy did when they were trying to figure out what they were. Maya is often relaxed and goofs off often but can be serious when they want to be. Ember is Sam and Sally's bio daughter and is 12 years old. Ember is the most charismatic of her siblings and was quite the troublemaker when she was little, Ember does have a temper that as inherited from Sam but she rarely gets mad because she's very patient. Felix is Roy and Ross' bio son and is 11 years old but looks way younger because he was cursed with Roy's shortness. Felix is the most quiet child in the family but had his moments where he's quite loud.
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This is Edmund, Faith and Aiden. Edmund is the bio son of Roy and Robert and is 9 years old. Edmund has the nicknames of Eddie and Ed, his full name is only used when his siblings or parents need to get his attention. Edmund is also the most chill out of his siblings. Faith is the bio daughter of Sam and Ross and is 6 years old. Faith doesn't talk much and when she does it's blunt and straight to the point, she's also going through a picky eater phase. Aiden is the bio son of Sam and Robert and is 4 years old. Aiden is a troublemaker but is also responsible when he wants to be.
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This is Wilhelmina and Octavian, but they prefer Billie and Otto. They were named by their father, their mother Lizzie didn't like their names at first but grew to like them as time went on. Billie loves fantasy and often gets called a fantasy nerd by Otto. Billie can and will be dramatic. Billie isn't the smartest person but she can have her moments of brilliance when push comes to shove. Otto is a horror nerd, in particular he likes clown related horror, hence his costume. Otto likes seeing things go down hill if it doesn't hurt him, his friends or his family. Otto is quite smart for his age, often the one making the action plan for capturing whatever Auggie summons if it breaks loose and posseses someone (which it often does). Otto holds the title of scariest kid in the friend group. Billie and Otto are both 7 years old.
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sparfloxacin · 7 months
I’ve been thinking about doing a list of something like ”olli/allu things I can’t believe have actually happened” but there are so many things it almost feels too overwhelming to do 😂😭
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ask-voidianspooky · 12 days
(OOC post)
hey! if you're a voidian, you've probably found this blog because i sent a link to it. if you're not a voidian, i don't know why or how you're here, and i don't really care, but stick around for a while maybe?
anyway, this is the ask blog for the character named spooky. if you have a question for me, the mod of this blog, address it to ollie. it'll just make things easier for all of us.
the purpose of this blog is twofold: one, it will be another concrete piece of void lore, something easy to keep track of and look back at. two, it's an easy way for every voidian to interact with the lore of the gods and all that junk.
the blog has a secret third purpose, of course, which is that i thought it'd be a fun way to test out making an ask blog! i wanna do something more concrete with some life seri/es junk later, but obvi that's not now because, if you're a voidian, you know i'm busy.
anyway! if you want to send in an ask as your void character, make sure you're off anon. other than that, enjoy :)
(if you aren't in the void, it's just a discord server that has lore. this blog is made to facilitate that lore between friends. don't be afraid to stick around though!)
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numbuh-1507 · 8 months
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After almost two years, I've finally finished this piece.
And by finished, I mean the first part. I really need to learn when to stop.
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theflyingfeeling · 1 year
If you watch the stream later can you maybe share your thoughts about that part?🥺
I just finished watching it and dfdgfgfsdfkkfjsd many many thoughts!! 😭 I mean, I've been smiling and swooning about the whole thing stupidly since the morning but now I'm just a puddle on the floor 🥺
First of all, his fucking smile when he was texting Olli, it's too much cuteness 😭😭😭 And then he kept checking his phone to see if Olli had answered?! Like, constantly?! Aleksiiiiiiii your crush is showing SO bad it's almost embarrassing (except that it's not, it's just friggin' cute) 💞 The DELIGHT on his face whenver there was a new message from Olli, and dffgddffsfsssf can we also just take a moment to imagine OLLI in the dead of night being so completely down with the idea of looking for spooky stories for Aleksi's stream, because it's not like he had anything better to do, apparently? Come ooooooooooooon guys what are you doing 😭😭😭😭😭 What was the time even at this part? Getting close to 1 AM? Oh god, imagine Olli just sitting in the dark browsing the internet for something suitable for Aleksi's stream, and Aleksi didn't even have to ask, Olli suggested it himself 🥺 Because he's a supportive boyfriend like that 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
My headcanon for what happened afterwards is that they kept texting each other about how Aleksi's stream went and just about anything, maybe there was even a late-late-night phone call with soft, low voices... 💓 I'm so happy they'll be back on tour soon and they can resume their late-night talks in person again 💕
Imagine if Olli stayed at Aleksi's the night before they fly to the US and they did a stream together from Aleksi's studio?? I would combust 😭
Other noteworthy moments I found from the stream include (apologies for no timestamps):
Aleksi mentioned something about his "biggest fear" but didn't want to elaborate because "then it might happen" or smth -> what if his biggest fear is to fall for a bandmate but he can't even think about it because that would mean he'd have to admit that has already happened 😭 /shippyglasses
At some point he was browsing his phone and said there was a video of him cycling -> I bet Allu and Olli send each other silly cycling videos 🥰
Also, a fic idea popped into my head: Karl the studio ghost is real and he's trying to spook Aleksi and his "very close friend", but he fails because Aleksi and Olli are too lost in each other hanging at Aleksi's studio 🥰
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
Harley: *kidnnaped some random innocent guy* So I kidnnaped this guy so I could formally tell you guys that I'm a totally changed person and want to join your hero team. *dislocates the guy sholder and teaches him how to use it to scape the handcuffs* See I'm not only letting this civilian go free but when he's kidnnaped for realsies he'll know how to escape. So whacha y'all think am I in the team or not?
Batman: You're in. I'm proud of your redemption.
Ollie: What? Just like that?
Batman: She said she is good and I trust her.
Ollie:You don't even trust yourself.
Batman: Sorry, she is in. I also already agreed that Poison Ivvy, Catwoman, Penguin and Riddler should joint as well.
Ollie: Why? That's a massive security risk!!! Did you hit your head one time to many, Spooky?
Batman: Eh. Now I'm going to use my enormous fortune to have some fun and maybe kill Joker.
Clark: Jason. I looked under the mask. I know it is you.
Diana: Also you are not wearing hells. Bruce uses plataform shoes because he likes to feel tall.
Batman: I'm tall. Also who is Jason?
Diana: Exactally, kiddo. You've grown to be a tall man, Bruce on the other hand is what you guys would call a short king.
Ollie:*milldly disapointed* Also, who is Jason? Really?
Jason: Okay fine. But I only agreed with Harley. Selina was actual B, Riddler was Nightwing and I have no clue why, Penguin was Red Robin and I understand this one even less and Ivvy was Batgirl.
Diana: Please explain.
Jason: B lost a bet and now we all have a be Batman day.
Harley: Soooo am I in or not? *looks at Superman with puppy eyes*
Clark: *can't say no to puppy eyes* Sure.
Diana: Dear Demeter grand me your pacience.
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satisfiedskye · 1 year
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he’s watching from somewhere.
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cfrog · 1 year
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I'm officially Team Werewolf!! And that means cool werewolf theming! Featuring some of my spooky ocs >:3c
Come fight me!
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