#spy snape
deepperplexity · 10 months
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Prompt: 7. Stormy Reunion [B3]
Pairing: Snape x Fem!OC
POV: First, OC
Setting: Hideout Cabin somewhere in Scottland
Continuation of: Prompt 2. Restless Waiting, Prompt 3. Snowballing
A/N: It's day seven! Already a week of Rickmas has passed and this feels like a good day for some Snape-Love and I'm so ready for this particular Rickmas Serial to continue 🥰 I do think it will be the one with he most parts, it feels like it right now as I'm figuring out how to get where I imagine it ends 👀
Anyway, I hope you're all having a lovely time and amid the chaos of hosting three Christmas celebrations, writing and hosting Rickmas, finding time for work and family life, well, life's a bit hectic but I think I've been managing it all quite well so far - just a little later in the day I'm posting this as opposed to the previous ones this year so yay on that even if I have kinda dug myself into a little pit of snow with doing so many deep-dives! 😅👏
Tags/TW’s: Confession of [Love, Caring, Attempt At Hiding], Kisses (not on lips), Worry, Longing, Hopeful Wishing, Reunion, Being Alone, Being Kept In The Dark, Having Unanswered Questions
Word Count: 1.6k+
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It happened in a flurry four days ago, from being the secret Christmas decorator of Hogwarts endeavouring to spread as much cheer and warmth as possible among the students and staff through the castle to being whisked away to a Scottish cottage in a manner none of my fantasies had ever concocted by the man I secretly loved. I hadn’t even been allowed to gather my things, to leave Severus’s office for a single second that morning after nearly no sleep.
He’d drank a potion that reeked of something foul, his body had trembled for a moment while he’d supported himself on the backrest of the sofa only for him to appear as good as new a few seconds later, only his lips had still held a deep staining of something blueish from the potion. The moment I’d noticed it, he’d grabbed my arm, tugged me into his side harshly and kissed the top of my head for a second before rushing me out of the office, toward the headmaster's quarters. They hadn’t said a word to each other, just a nod and a look of detachment shared before Severus shoved me into the fireplace of Dumbledore’s office, stepped in with me and touched a loose stone hung from a string just above the inside mantel — impossible to see unless you stood in the fireplace.
I’d puked my guts out all over the barely-there snow after the portkey had taken us away, through barely open barriers of magic that closed behind us so fast my eyes couldn’t quite catch the shimmering light that was the only real sign of the magic being manipulated.
Now, well, I was alone. Severus hadn’t spoken more than five words before kissing my forehead after a second of hesitation. “Stay here, do not leave” he’d said and after the kiss came two more words, “I’m sorry” he’d said and stepped away before disappearing in a strange black whoosh of smoke. But he told me to stay, to not leave, so I stayed. I stayed in the little cottage with drafty windows and creaking floorboards. I stayed within the borders of the walls while looking out on the raging sea half obscured by swirling snow thrown about in harsh winds.
The one thing keeping me company was the thoughts of him, him holding me and kissing my forehead, the way he looked at me, the dread in his voice when he’d spoken of the Dark Lord seeing me in his mind. I had thought myself to be invisible to him, yet he’d acted as if he deeply cared for me, as if my being unsafe frightened him beyond measure. I couldn’t wrap my head around it.
Then there was that one word. That one word he’d called me by that I surely must have misheard for how could I — an average and less than inspiring or enticing witch than most — be called Love by him? I must have misheard… I can’t— The kettle interrupted my thoughts, shrieking that the water was boiling. I poured it into a strainer lined with a filter full of freshly ground coffee beans and waited as it dripped down.
I got comfy in the bay window, two blankets wrapped around and over me while I watched the crazy weather outside and sipped my coffee. The little cottage hadn’t looked like much when I arrived, but as I would have gone insane without anything to do I’d spent the second and third day cleaning — luckily enough finding the attic door hidden by a rather large painting of some strange sea horse — only to spend the current day decorating the whole place with mostly muggle decorations.
Whoever had owned the cabin before, or lived there at least, had a peculiar taste in decorations. From embedded seashells in the walls to broken glass shards in a multitude of colours as little tiny windows in the staircase, The tiny kitchen made of shipping boxes for cupboards to the mismatched chairs around the little dining table that looked as if it had been made of old ship planks — barely sanded down to avoid splinters.
But I liked it, it felt cosy and rustic yet warm despite the draft. It felt like a home, rather than some hideout. “Perhaps it is someone’s home, what do I know?” That thought wasn’t the most fun. If it was someone's home, was I an intruder just dumped off here? I sighed and sipped my coffee, flicking my wand to turn on the muggle radio only for the softest of Christmas carols to suddenly fill the space while I tried my hardest not to wonder if Severus was alright, if he was out there somewhere without ever planning to come back for me — why I was even hidden away when I was a nobody I couldn’t fully grasp as I fought the ideas of meaning something to Severus, to the man I loved but had been avoided by and not really ever wanted by it felt like. “I hope I don’t have to spend Christmas here…” I murmured before leaning back in the bay window after having sat my coffee cup on the little stool next to it on the floor.
The door banged open and I jolted at the sudden noise while the cold winds swept in as if seeking to destroy the fragile decorations barely secured to the walls, mantel, and door frames. But the door shut as my double-socked feet hit the floor below and a black figure, dusted with white flakes of snow, stood just inside it. I’d have known that shape anywhere.
“Severus” I exhaled quietly as he turned toward me. His eyes scanned me up and down, the rags for clothes I’d layered on me had me feeling self-conscious but I’d had nothing with me when he dropped me off at the cottage. “Belinna,” he said quietly, a relieved tone to his voice. He looked both relieved and as if he were in disbelief to see me exactly where he’d left me. “Yes, right where you left me.” “I can see that.” “Why am I here?” I asked, the question had plagued my mind. “For your safety,” Severus began quietly while I stepped closer. “And mine.” “Yours?” My stomach knotted at that, remembering his wiped-out state from the last time I’d seen him.
“It was never my intention, believe me.” “Your intention? Intention to, what?” He looked down at me as I stepped up to him. My entire body tingled at being close to him once more. Even if nothing about the situation made sense to me. That he had returned for me, well, that was an emotion all of its own to deal with.
His shoulders stiffened. “To put you in danger.” “In danger? Who could possibly have a reason to harm me more than anyone else?” “The Dark Lord,” he said. It made no sense to me. I had nothing to do with anything. I was just on the outskirts, being a normal person while trying to hold on to a somewhat normal life in the darkness creeping closer.
“Is there a reason for this?” I asked, not sure if I wanted to know the answer while simultaneously burning to know. “I…” He hesitated and I reached out to grasp his hand, halting myself just in time to not actually touch him. But he took my hand, a sizzling sensation shooting up along my arm from where our skin connected. “Because of this,” he said and squeezed my hand softly. “This?” My voice was a mere whisper while I looked at his large hand enveloping mine. “My… feelings, for you.”
My heart hammered, my pulse picking up, warmth spreading over my neck and cheeks. I had hoped, dreamt, and wished — yet, I’d never actually been delusional enough to think my own feelings were reciprocated by the stoic man. I’d overstepped my boundaries plenty of times, endeavouring to get close to him, and he’d at first appeared miserably angered by my attempts yet lately he’d allowed my intrusions upon his personal space. I’d mostly thought he’d given up on shooing me away, selfish as I was to keep coming back time and time again for my own want of him — my heart’s adamant howling about him being the only one for me.
“Wish to say something? Or am I to be held in uncertain limbo for the rest of my life?” he asked as I just kept staring at our joined hands, the shrieking wind beyond the cottage the only sound. It made me look up at him, the harshly held features of his face, the depth of his onyx eyes, the thin line his mouth was set in. All of him was tense and stiff, except the gentleness he held my now trembling hand with. “I thought my feelings were one-sided…” “I assure you, that was my intention. And I have failed in that regard. You are… persistent. ” That made me smile knowingly, for I was a very persistent person when it came to him. Other things I could easily give up on, but not him. Not what my heart wanted. “Regarding you, yes.” “It was foolish of you,” he said. “Now you’re in death’s sights.” “Aren’t we all? We will all die at some point. I’d rather die knowing I did all I could to follow my heart than hide in fear of it.” “You are far braver than me,” Severus exhaled while his thumb began to stroke my knuckles. “I highly doubt that, if rumours are true.”
Silence descended as we looked at each other. My stomach tied itself up in knots, my breaths came faster while all the words spoken began to sink in. An overwhelming need to embrace him nearly pushed me to move closer. I couldn’t read him though, nobody ever seemed able to. All I could see was a slight fear mixed with want in those dark eyes of his.
…To Be Continued…
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A/N: Am I driving myself wild with several long fics at a time? Yes. Am I regretting my decision to go deeper this year? No. Will I end up not even having needed the letter+number system this year? Maybe. But by gosh I am having so much fun writing these stories and it feels so good diving deeper than usual and getting to follow several characters for a longer time 😍👏 Also, I'll be continuing Snape's serial tomorrow again as the prompt lines up perfectly! *scurries off to start writing*
Q: If you have to pick between fluffy cuddling time or passionate smut in a fic - which is your pick? A: Passionate smut all the way for me 😂 I love and adore fluffy cuddling with all the feels but passionate smut with all the emotions running amok at the same time always hits the mark for me no matter what mood I'm in 🙈
TAGLIST: @lizlil @snapefiction @darkthought15 @monstreviolet @flowerdementia @marvelschriss @once-upon-an-imagine @ravennight41 @caseydoodles98 @slytherinprincess03 @theconsultingdetectiveswife @grimmyhild @monster-energies @myobscureimaginarium @snowblossomreads @eternal-silvertongued-prince @cherryglossie @setsuna-meiou31 @helena211 @a-queen-and-her-throne @justsaturn0 @turvi @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky @sunnylikesfrogs @mamawolfsmith16 @dianilaws @sassanoe @snapesrn @bernadette-peters12 @sammy-13 @smartowl999 @castleofthorns @serenanight87 @leah1243
@morphineisouthoney @meteoritewolf69 @bionic-otp @elizabeth-baelish @romanceandsarcasm @severuslovebot @glowstar826 @rickmandowneyjr @yellowbadgermole @snapesangel @a-queen-and-her-throne @impulse-anchor @commodoreseverus @writewithmarites @alisongurl13 @yan-senna @writewithmarites @reinekefoxart @nixislight @lokisbjchnl @ladykardasi @lyrixsnape @sunset90 @mamawolfsmith87 @snowblossomreads @ladykardasi @a-queen-and-her-throne @eternal-silvertongued-prince @lyrixsnape @daddythanatos
Want to be tagged? 💚 You can tag yourself HERE! Or tell me and I’ll gladly tag you! 😍
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lilithofpenandbook · 1 month
Something about Dumbledore being so hard on Snape
Dumbledore being scornful of Snape even when Snape was on his knees
Dumbledore emphasising that Snape made a mistake and must pay for it
Dumbledore who kept reminding Snape of his mistake even when he was grieving Lily
Dumbledore who didn't just let Snape change sides, he needed Snape to change his heart
Dumbledore who made the same mistakes as Snape and has been living in guilt ever since
Dumbledore who realised Snape was following in his footsteps
Dumbledore who may have started out thinking of Snape as cowardly or selfish but soon grew to trust him
Dumbledore who gave Snape half truths because if worst came to worst then Voldemort would have all the information right on his arm
Dumbledore who trusted Snape enough to not lie to him about the fact that he wasn't telling him everything even though he knew Snape resented it
Dumbledore who trusted Snape so much he knew that even if Snape resented him he would not betray him
Dumbledore who left everything he worked for in Snape's hands knowing it would be safe
Dumbledore who asked Snape to be the one to kill him, not just to save Draco's soul but for his own aake
Dumbledore who chose to die but only at the hands of someone he had grown to love
Dumbledore who once saw Snape as a desperate selfish boy that disgusted him
Dumbledore who made Snape his heir
Dumbledore who made Snape his.
#these two just make me so incredibly feral#while snape was a mirror of tom and harry he was also a mirror of dumbledore#not just a mirror but an echo#a following#he followed dumbledore's footsteps#and dumbledore must have seen this. seen snape and seen himself#dumbledore never quite forgave himself for his mistakes and thats probably why he was so harsh on snape#because he was angry at himself and that anger passed down to the one who followed his footsteps#the one who inherited everything from him#the two are literally father and son like their story is woven like that of a father and son#from snape following dumbledores footsteps in going to the dark and accidentally indirectly killing the one he loved#to his returning home like an estranged son begging his father for help#to their dynamic of a stern father and a son who has too much expected of him yet rises to meet that expectation#severus snape#albus dumbledore#pro snape#pro albus dumbledore#also that line “snape was Dumbledore's”#do you understand how much that makes me feral?#he was Dumbledore's. just that. Dumbledore's.#he wasn't his son as such but more than just his spy teacher even more than his friend#and the way harry was Dumbledore's man so fiercely loyal and trusting and how he saw dumbledore as his protector and father figure#and how Dumbledore loved him despite trying hard not to#that line “snape was Dumbledore's” echos harry and Dumbledore's dynamic#Snape was Dumbledore's. what exactly was he of Dumbledore's doesnt matter because you cant define it#just that he was Dumbledore's
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batwingsrosa · 6 months
There are characters in this franchise who did not let themselves be bit by a three headed dog to protect a stone or ran through the castle in their nightshirt upon hearing someone scream.
Or agreed to spy on the most dangerous person on earth withoutht gaining anything.
With the prospect of being tortured and killed if they were ever found out.
Who risked being exposed by trying to save Lupins life at the battle of the seven Potters- eventhough they hated that man.
Who ignored forbidden activities their students did so they would not be punished by the deatheaters(,the carrows).
Or who lept out of a window so they wouldn‘t have to hurt his colleagues.
And still Severus remains the most hated.
To quote another post i can‘t find anymore:
„These are not the actions of someone who does not care.“
His actions show, that he cared deeply for the safety of his students and colleagues.
And still he is treated worse that Bellatrix or Barty or Regulus or Draco or Lucius.
When he was the most caring and devoted and human all of all of them.
Make it make sense.
Actions speak louder than words.
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st-severus · 1 year
severus snape is mean because he is super smart but has low self esteem but doesn’t realize it plus no social life so he’s always like “why can’t these 12 year olds do a basic super advanced life-saving potion when I, Severus Snape was bringing the dead back to life and learning all their secrets thrice weekly at their age while correcting everyone’s textbook?”
whereas if he ever talked to like two other people he would know that was actually a big deal and he should hella lower his expectations
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ahleecollaborations · 1 month
So like we all know that most of the side characters in HP weren’t fully fleshed out and left a lot of questions (especially pivotal side characters) and this is for a LOT of reasons. Mainly cause the series is in Harry’s POV.
This gives Fanfic writers so much wiggle room to develop those characters and I love it!
So today I wanna talk about Percy Weasley and a thought I had that was spurned on by some recent HC from other mutuals on here.
So we’re all coming to the conclusion Percy would straight up do something illegal, get away with and never be suspected (only by Arthur cause he KNOWS his son) 10000%
This is my theory about canon book Percy (not fanfic) just by what little we know.
Recap: he was a described as straight laced, worked in the ministry as the right hand to the Minister (high freaking up in the food chain), ambitious, and he “turned against his family” before “coming home” and fighting alongside his family in the battle of Hogwarts.
But what if he didn’t? Didn’t turn against his family all along?
What if he too (like Snape) was a spy in the ministry?
He’s seen as so rigid and straight laced that he’d never be suspected as being defiant. So what if he used that and his ambitious and cunning mind to be the inside right hand of the Minister of Magic?
Parallel to Snape’s role as Nose-less lunatic’s right hand and covert spy.
And the only one to ever know to ever suspect… was his father.
Because Arthur was his handler/contact to the Order?
As another ministry employee, Arthur would be able to talk to Percy no questions asked. And as his father he’d only be okay with his child being a spy and keeping it a secret from his wife if he could watch out for him.
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thesongthesoulsings · 10 months
I had to...
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snapeaddict · 4 months
(June) Snapetober Day 31 - Costume
Listen. This might be 8 months late, but at least it's there. I have nothing else to say for my defence.
When his body exploded in pain again, he held down to the one thing that could keep him sane, or so he thought – patterns. It was interesting, really. Albus would certainly have much to say about this. He would say, pensively, ‘Ah, yes. A great flaw of his. Once proven effective, Tom holds on to strict modes of action, and one failure rules out even the most effective strategy’. He would then add something about mental plasticity, perhaps something about the boy Tom had been, as if to reassure himself that he had always been the adult.
In any case, it was true: the Dark Lord was a man of habit, especially when it came to torture. It would take one some time to realise that, of course. It would take many sessions and a rather thorough interest in dark spells to pinpoint each cycle, each pattern. It would take a little more time, then, to place within these patterns the fits of anger, themselves only but a regular variation. But it was doable.
Severus knew them all by heart. The surprise always lay in the intensity and duration of the torture sessions, not in the spells and methods employed. He secretly prided himself on the knowledge that he would have been a much more imaginative torturer had he wished to be; it was naturally not the kind of thing he liked to admit to himself on a good day, but it certainly made encounters such as this one more bearable.
And so he thought of this as his body convulsed; a broken stream of thought, of course, repeatedly interrupted then pursued after fits of spasms, vomiting, and blackouts. By this point he could also track, more or less, retrospectively, how many had occurred, if left alone for a few hours of respite that was. So he counted: one, two, three crucios; head under water; a broken nail, or finger; one choking spell, fire in his veins, a blinding spell, and invasion of his mind.
It was a good idea. Disorientation was the enemy of even the most skilled occlumens. And sudden sensations of cold, or direct burns on the skin, they all made focus within oneself, rather than outside, terribly hard to maintain: it worked, to an extent. Severus had long lost any sense of his surroundings. He maintained the barriers in his mind intact; he ignored the agony of his body, with growing difficulty. He counted the spells.
And repeat.
Darkness again.
It was fine; it was. He knew it was coming. Natural body reflex; exhaustion. He could never evaluate how much time had passed when he awoke, though. That he should work on.
‘Severus – Severus. Dear boy, can you hear me?’
He came to, slowly. He heard himself moan pitifully, he tried to exhale to manage the pain, but his nose was stuffed with dry blood. It must have been a while, he thought confusedly. Since it had dried. And where…?
The well-known voice reached his ears, then his brain, and he turned his swollen face in its direction, keeping his eyes shut for just another moment as a wave of relief overcame him.
He felt a hand stroke his hair. He relaxed, instinctively.
‘I have called Poppy. Do not try to move just now.’
‘Albus…’ Severus repeated a bit louder, as if to convince himself he was not hallucinating. He opened his eyes: the headmaster, who was kneeling just beside him, gave him a joyless but comforting smile. Silver beard, starry robes and blue eyes shone in the moonlight. Still it was dark… the floor was cold. A sigh of relief escaped him when a warming spell slowly reached his freezing bones.
‘I have been so worried, Severus. I waited for you… 5 days, and still no sign of you - no, don’t tire yourself, you will tell me everything later. If you are here, I know all is well.’
Severus started coughing. Gently, softly, in a fatherly way, Albus helped him in a half-sitting position.
The younger man rested his head against the headmaster’s chest, exhausted by the effort.
‘If you are here, I know all is well… isn’t it?’
Severus closed his eyes again. He tried to focus, he fought off the urge to fall asleep in the warm embrace.
‘Headmaster… yes… my cover… it is intact.’
‘He knows nothing?’
‘He knows… what he must know.’
‘You are relaxing, Severus. It is good.’
His breathing slowed, like that of a sleeping man.
‘You are safe… Poppy is coming. Get comfortable. Sleep…’
How good it felt to let go, to be unbothered by what was happening inside, and outside… To no longer be so cold… He was to have tea with Minerva, at 4 pm. What day was it? She would reschedule, surely… Holidays too, soon… Albus sounded satisfied… Hogwarts... Hogwarts, finally…
He smiled slightly, through the pain and spasms. He felt Albus’ arms tighten their grip around him, and fell into a half-sleep.
‘Severus, dear boy.’
But those arms...
‘Dear, dear boy.’
Too tight…
‘You have become too comfortable… too attached.’
‘You feel safe in his arms, Severus. Tell me... has the spy traded allegiance for safety?’
His eyes snapped open. They met with blue ones which, at first, he thought he recognised. Then he noticed the reddish hue, the pupils, too yellow, too long, too narrow… the smile, predatory.
The spell that had been warming him, started to burn him.
And he had not seen it coming, no; he had not expected the pain, the perversion, had not placed them within the anticipated cycle of cruelty. He had gotten too comfortable.
He was taken by surprise, and a broken-hearted cry escaped his lips.
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nightingale2004 · 5 months
Do you guys know what would've been awesome?
If severus, Regulus and Remus were a spy team.
Imagine it, both Severus and Regulus death eaters, double agents for the Dumbledore against the dark lord, Dumbledore sent in Remus to go spy on Fenrir Greyback and his pack. (I know it's not Canon) Remus meets up with Dumbledore's spies, and they trade information. They work on plans, and they turn the tides of war together.
Now that I'm thinking about it, this would've been a really good trio.
Let me know your thoughts on this team of spies.
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gladdy-art · 5 months
Erm I drew that rel Goff from hairy potah because he is neat.
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Ps. Jk Rowling… more like Jk Not-cool-ling!!!
Pps. Why tf this moffo gotta be in love with that chick? Can’t he just have a childhood best friend?
Ppps. I’m officially deleting his poopoo cannon motivations from my memory
Pppps. Why do you just keep adding p
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sevsbestfriend · 19 days
The room was thick with tension as Dumbledore prepared to address the Order, the anticipation of the war-torn group palpable. Just as he was about to speak, a figure emerged from the shadows, a chilling sight that froze everyone in place.
The man, clad in deep forest green robes, his face obscured by a pitch-black mask, was a formidable presence. The only part of him that remained visible was his eyes—eyes that Lily would recognize anywhere. Those eyes had been a constant in her life, a connection that predated magic, Hogwarts, and even James. Her breath caught in her throat as she whispered his name in her mind: Sev.
The entire Order, save Dumbledore, reacted instinctively, wands drawn and trained on the mysterious figure. Dumbledore, however, raised his hand, urging them to lower their defenses. His gaze remained fixed on the figure, a mix of expectation and concern in his expression.
As Lily's shock subsided, she took in the full extent of the man's condition. The realization hit her like a curse—he was limping, blood soaking his robes from a deep wound in his lower torso, and, most horrifying of all, he was missing an arm. Her heart clenched painfully in her chest.
"Bellatrix and Rudolphus Lestrange are now dead," the man announced, his voice raspy but firm. "Along with the rest of the Lestrange family. While the latter was not requested, there were some... complications."
Dumbledore nodded solemnly, reaching into his robes to produce a large sack full of Galleons. He handed it to the man, who accepted it without hesitation.
"Your arm..." Dumbledore began, his voice heavy with unspoken concern.
"It's a work in progress," the man replied curtly, dismissing the concern as he reached into his robes and retrieved an envelope, sealed with the emblem of a Raven. "Here is the information you requested."
Dumbledore accepted the envelope, his eyes never leaving the figure before him. "Thank you, my boy," he said softly.
"Don't thank me," the man scoffed, his tone cold and detached. He briefly glanced at Lily, their eyes meeting for the briefest of moments. Her heart ached at the sight. "It's just business."
And with that, he vanished as quickly as he had appeared,.
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darkcrowprincess · 13 days
Jegulus fic idea:
There needs to be more Regulus as a spy fics. And yes let half his reason for being a spy be because he loves James. Yes of course it's because of the horcrux stuff. But Jegulus is hopeless tragic romantics let them be hopeless tragic romantics. If Lily gets Snape doing that for her, let Regulus do it for James. Also this is mostly my annoyed feelings for Dumbledore not having more spies. Especially slytherin spies. Like bitch you can not have Snape doing all that shit by himself. Slytherins make the best spies for a reason, having another one would definitely not hurt.
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bananacat890203 · 1 year
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Drarry in Potions. I think Drarry rly fit in Anya & Damian lol (*the storyboard is from spy_family)
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basiatlu · 8 months
Don't know if you're still accepting the poses meme asks, but maybe pose C2 for Sirius x Snape (whether as adults or teens), if you're interested ?
Btw your art is gorgeous, I'm so happy you reached the 1k followers, your drarry art is just so (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) and your artstyle is so good? Like I don't know how to describe it but the poses and shapes just feel so satisfying to watch (there's something about the way you draw Draco's jaw, nose and eyelashes that is just so yummy).+ You know how to draw animals and kids, which I really admire
Thank you so so so much, Anon!! Wonderfully sweet of you to say 🥹💖 Drawing Draco has definitely evolved a bit since I first drew him last summer. I loved getting to draw a Sirius and Sev interaction so thanks for the request!
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noe-clara69 · 10 months
Okay so hear me out: draco as a spy for the order.
He proves himself to the golden trio in fifth year, for reasons I have yet to explain but will figure out soon enough, and runs to Severus during the summer in between fifth and sixth year before he gets the dark mark. Snape calms him down and they figure out what draco wants to do moving forward and what would be the smartest thing to do while keeping his morals in tact. They figure out the spy solution.
So snape takes draco to the order and is like “he should be a spy” and everyone’s like “no 😠” at first but then dumbledore goes “yes 🤓” and everyone goes “yeah we were joking he can join our club 😁” (I’m being funny not serious. I am also seriously minimizing the amount of time all of this will take and the complexity of all of it, but follow along)
Does all of that make sense? You guys obviously can’t read my mind and have no idea what I’m going to do with the characters yet, but this solves a big plot hole that I was trying to figure out a way through.
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hp-fanfic-archive · 2 months
O Mine Enemy by KirbyLane Pairing: Gen, Severitus Rating: T Word Count: 373k When Harry finds an injured Snape on his doorstep and must hide him from the Dursleys, he has no idea that this very, very bad day will be the start of something good. Harry and Snape are thrown together by annoying relatives, a series of strange dreams, and Voldemort's latest hunt for Harry, but their greatest challenge may well be surviving each other. This will be a long summer unless the two can find a way to work together. A slow-burn enemy-to-mentor story.
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cavedogman · 2 years
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inspired by a little scene from the fic ‘the spy’s charge’ by planesinthesky
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