starryeyeesworld 5 months
omad 鉁笍
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Eggs - 150 cal
Broccoli - 16 cal
Soy matcha latte - 105 cal
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starryeyeesworld 6 months
Veggies mealsp酶 moodboard 馃ウ鉁笍
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(As per the results from the poll I made 馃挌 I'm not sure this turned out the way I wanted it but it's cute so here you go)
1) Just having plain uncooked veggies as snack is so nice (especially crunchy vegetables). Even if you add a simple dip it doesn't add too many c@ls!
Recipe for tztziki
You add in a bowl low fat greek yoghurt, grated cucumber, diced dill, diced garlic, a bit of olive oil and salt and you mix it (you can add mint too)
(A recipe for hummus is a bit harder but if you want it dm me and I'll try my best to explain)
2) Cucumbers or tomatoes on a rice cake with a little bit of light cream cheese 馃構
3) vegetable soup
Veggie soup is actually pretty easy to make. Just cut veggies of your choice (carrots, onions, broccoli, celery, green beans). Lightly soute the veggies in a little bit of oil (its good to add them one by one starting from the one that needs to cook for longer to othe once that need less cooking). Then add some veggie broth (if possible low sodium one) and boil until ready.
4) Salad
Literally so easy but delicious and so filling. I usually just put a little bit of olive oil, salt, and lemon juice and it's soo good. Leafy greens, tomato, cucumber, and raw onion 馃構 (you can add a few cubes of low fat feta cheese as well)
5) boiled or souted veggies (Brocoli, carrots) on top of rice is so nice as well, and so quick to prepare and easy to meal prep!
I hope this is somewhat helpful to at least one person~ 馃挌
I'm not sure how this post turned out but I tried my best~
If something in my explanation is unclear, you could always dm me or ask in the comments!!
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starryeyeesworld 4 months
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Compilation of meals I've made to inspire me to go back to eating like that
I've been back at my parents' house for a week, and I'm struggling to keep up my diet 馃槙 I really need to keep myself in check but not raise suspension ;-; pls help
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starryeyeesworld 6 months
I want to post a body check so bad... but there's nothing to "check".. I'm a fucking pig ;-;
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starryeyeesworld 7 months
Just a quick intro..
I made this blog to hopefully help me reach my body goals.
Currently my goal is to steadily lessen my calorie intake because in the past when I've done it suddenly I always end up binging.
Any advice is welcome and I'd love to be friends so anyone is welcome to just come say hi!
Height: 155 cm (5'1")
Hw: 58 kg (128 lb)
Lw: 47.5 kg (105 lb)
Cw: 51.1 kg (112 lb)
Gw1: 50 kg (110 lb)
Gw2: 47 kg (103 lb)
Ugw: 43 kg (94 lb)
Food diary
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starryeyeesworld 7 months
Anyone wanna be @n@ buddies 馃ズ
(I'm just really struggling rn and I feel like I need some support...)
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starryeyeesworld 7 months
I haven't worn my jewellery in while, and this is so satisfying to look at
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My ring is also getting looser
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starryeyeesworld 6 months
A rant cause I'm annoyed
My "friend" is so annoying rn.. she keeps belittling me for having goals regarding losing weight (she doesn't even know about my ed or how much I want to lose) and she keeps saying how bmi is fake and shit and I'm like ??? Obviously if I weight less I'll look smaller/skinnier.. like it's not advanced maths what's so hard to understand?
On the other hand she also keeps complaining about her weight but if I point out to her that she eats grilled cheese and microwave pasta dishes daily she gets upset? (I'm not exaggerating.. we've lived together and our fridge was full of frozen lasagnas, pasta bakes, and carbonara)
Like I'm not trying to be mean at all.. it's just if you're gonna come to me to cry about your weight (after belittling me for mine) I'm gonna be honest with you
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starryeyeesworld 4 months
Iced black coffee!!!
Every morning
Feels great
Gives you energy
Helps face puffiness
Suppresses hunger
It's so perfect
It's all I ever need
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starryeyeesworld 6 months
I finally took some measurements after avoiding it for a while and... my thighs are 5 cm (2 in) smaller 馃槶 it's not that big of a difference, but I'm so happy 馃グ I feel like it's finally working
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starryeyeesworld 6 months
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starryeyeesworld 5 months
I see so many tips for stretch marks/loose skin and that is great
Can someone tell me how to deal with cellulite and skin dimples.. anyone else struggling with it? I feel like I'm the only one with so much fat that i have cellulite...
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starryeyeesworld 6 months
How bad would it be if I have a bottle of soju on an empty stomach?
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starryeyeesworld 5 months
I tried to make breakfast but I accidentally burned it...
It's a sign~
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starryeyeesworld 7 months
Eating <<<<< giving my food to the fatty
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starryeyeesworld 6 months
Omad 鉁笍
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