#stay safe and healthy peeps!!!
whumpshots · 2 years
Whump Snippet Saturday #9
Whumpee covers their ears with shaky hands and screws their eyes shut. The fireworks outside triggered their fight-or-flight response, now they're curled up under the kitchen table, trying to do their breathing exercises ... that don't really help.
Only when caretaker sits down next to them under the table does whumpee take a breath that finally fills their lungs to some extent.
"Don't worry. I'll stay," caretaker mutters softly and keeps their distance to not make them feel trapped. "I'll stay."
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marcobodtlives · 8 months
Friendly reminder to stay hydrated friends! ☺️
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Thank you for enjoying my posts I really appreciate it 💖
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notmyprey · 24 days
Idk if this is just a me thing, but like - dont get me wrong. I like a possessive pred- but sometimes the things ppl describe are just red flags from what I understand...
Edit: peeps seem to think this is stupid so far, so it may just be me overthinking all of this, so do keep that in mind :)
For instance:
Ok 🎃👍 : Pred loves their prey and gets jealous easily. Sometimes, they get jealous of their prey's other pred friends. That can mean they nom them on occasion because of that, but they apologize and do better.
Red flag: Pred that doesn't let their prey talk to any of their pred friends or preds in general. Pred eats their prey to show that they own them and doesn't apologize.
Ok 🎃👍 : Pred snatches up their prey cause they get scared that another preds gonna hurt them. The pred apologizes later/in the moment.
Red flag: The pred snatches up their prey for no reason even when the prey told them not to. The pred doesn't apologize at all, and had no fear the prey was going to get hurt, only that the prey was theirs and the pred wanted to show it (again, going against the prey asking them to not to eat them)
Ok 🎃👍 : The prey wandering and the pred panics thinking something bad happened to them. Once they find them, they nom them because "holy heck, I thought you died. I can't deal rn with that. I love ya too much."
Red flag: The prey wanders off, and the pred goes to find them. The pred gets angry that they wandered off and eats the prey even when the prey says they dont want to be eaten. Again, pred doesn't apologize, and the pred doesn't show any remorse.
Like- guys, my beautiful people, these are red flags. 100% understand for story purposes, and even if it's just a character. But if you are catching yourself falling for these ppl irl, please please please rethink what that means.
It's not healthy to be with someone so possessive that you can't be your own person.
I know many ppl here struggle with abandonment issues, and as such, we often fall for people who show us an unwavering loyalty.
But I need yall to realize ppl with these red flags are actually more likely to leave you than you think. If you step out of line, they can get aggressive, think you're cheating, and break up with you.
I just want yall to be safe and happy, ok? It's ok to like this fictionally. Just make sure you aren't accidentally seeking these people out irl, as they are often toxic and can be so so bad for your mental health.
Stay safe, yall 🩵
Should I do more of these? I would point out more potential red flags I see in the vore community in general and what the differences between these traits are as healthy vs. unhealthy relationship dynamics.
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whatlovelybones-if · 1 year
so... i finally made some very good progress. i revised the whole TCS chapter for each individual route and decided to branch them off in different directions. this gave me a huge amount of headache, but ultimately, i was able to scrape off the irrelevant parts and start the rewriting process. this is gonna be highly rewarding, but also a pain in my ass. i'm not regretting it so far tho
on another note, i finally finished writing chapter one of the not-so-top-secret greek mythology project (discord peeps know what's up 👀) i was working on. i'll be writing chapter two in-between the rewriting of TCS. i had my girlfriend, aka the loml (@acourtofserpents <3), unintentionally end up being my editor and she likes it so far. she may be a little biased but it was still pretty good to hear. it will be released before TCS as i've already completed the first chapter and i wanna gauge if it's received well enough to make a blog of its own tbh.
anyways, that's all for this week! hope y'all are staying safe and healthy and hydrated, dear bonnies!
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numberonelittlechild · 4 months
✨🩵Whiteboard Fox Doodle Dump Part 2💙✨
Alright peeps, there’s a second part of the doodles we made in Whiteboard Fox in few months ago! :D
Plus, I should have this to @jav-animations @innocent-angel-girl @pocket-watch-world @lil-bits-of-stuff & @bbsundae for being a part of Whiteboard Fox and I hope you guys like it!
Plus here’s all the doodles we made in Whiteboard Fox.
🩷Snuggles Pt. 2🩷
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First panel: Me, Rosaline, Pocket with a little music box.
Second panel: Me, Locket, Kitty, bbsundae, Peppino & Trix.
Yeah, I haven’t been able to take a photo of these doodles by me and my friendos in Tumblr before… (U//3//U)
💞Me with my friendos in Tumblr💞
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First panel: Me, Rosaline, Locket, Jav, Kitty and bbsundae with snake tongues.
Second panel: Me, Pocket, Lilly and Kitty are slurping up on Ler-Berry Slushies.
Third panel: Me, Rosaline, Lilly, & bbsundae chilling.
Forth panel: Smol Me, Locket, Kitty & Snake
Fifth panel: Our fake clones in a box.
Yeah, I love hanging out with those friendos in Tumblr too, and they are really getting along with me a lot… X3
🚓Me, my sister with the cops💖
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First panel: Drawing of me, my sister and the cops
Second panel: Jack & John’s cosplay
Yeah, I really love those guys from Spooky Month, and they were like us, and they are like me, including my sister… XP
✨Huge Collaborations✨
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First panel: My old rollercoaster collab with my friends in tumblr.
Second panel: Riding on Jack and John’s police car collab in Twitter.
Yep, that’s what I thought about those collaborations in twitter or from tumblr with my friends and joins in Whiteboard Fox… (^//3//^)
💛Jav after she leaves tumblr in February💜
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Here’s what after she leaves out from tumblr, I hope you stay safe, and healthy and have some good memories with her… (0//^//0)
✨🪶More Tickle Doodles🪶✨
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Yes, I really miss lots of tickle arts from tumblr but, it’s just so much fun to be able to draw lots of doodles, and stuff for everyone… (*_*)
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First Panel: Lilly and kitty are booping some users in Tumblr, in April fools for last month.
Second Panel: Me and Pocket’s reaction to Sm6 Hollow Sorrows.
Third Panel: Me and Rosaline expressions from a song: Pity Party.
Yep, I remembered that I posted the first doodle dump, from February for few months ago, I hope you like it, and thanks for your support!! :D
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suckmyskinnyballsmia · 10 months
For all my American peeps:
Ik that toady (thanksgiving) is a day that is scary and intimidating. I hate it too, but let’s remember to take care of ourselves.
We need to respect ourselves, and with this holiday a lot of times people fight, and a lot of things get brought up. But just know that I love you and it doesn’t matter what other people say, just be you and live your life. Stay happy healthy and safe.
Please know that you are loved
And know that politics and religion as table topics always suck but you can get through it and if it gets bad, listen to music and/or excuse yourself to calm down and keep yourself safe.
I love yall 💖
And for my people in recovery or struggling with an Ed:
You are not alone.
Make sure you are safe, and try your best.
Food is scary sometimes, and especially with a bunch of people, but know that you are amazing and you deserve nourishment
Please stay safe
And drink your water!
(Ps i wrote/am writing this at 2:12 am so this is probably gunna sound stupid or my grammar is incorrect)
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pedge-page · 9 months
Feelin a little ⚡️sadistic⚡️today and decided to write an alternate future ending for the Cravings series. This is not part of their canon story, but this one would hypothetically take place after Insatiable as a more realistic turnout. This isn’t a continuation because frankly I don’t have a satisfying, or even full ending to this. Its just a thought.
If you liked the ending of Insatiable and want to remain happy with it, DO NOT READ THIS. This is for masochistic peeps who want some heartbreak. 
Warnings: only brief mentions of smut but otherwise, this just a downward spiral of worse case scenarios. Some warnings are spoilers so the only one I’m going to list here is drug use and toxic behavior.— I also did very little research here on actual repercussions of drug charges, rehab, or anything really, so please take all of it with less than a grain of salt and focus on the feels
Again DONT READ IF YOU LOVED THE ENDING TO INSATIABLE. this will ruin everything :)
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You stare at the empty apartment that had become your home for the last two years. That had been filled with so much love, so much laughter and joy. So much insatiable sex and warmth. It’s incredible how much more spacious the floor really is when all the furniture had been removed, how bright the walls really are without any hanging and photos. Despite its small size, it worked just perfectly for you and the man you love. Two years. Memories you could never swipe away despite the cold vacancy of the apartment now, even with the promise of a boundless and full future ahead.
Your hand gently caresses over the hefty bump that has made its own home in you for some months. You sooth your baby’s little kicks, smiling, a tear welling in your eye but you dare not shed it. 
You were ready to start the next phase of your life. The one with a home to call your own, a front porch to rock your baby on, a full kitchen to make a true Thanksgiving feast, a bedroom suite, and then extra rooms for a growing family.
You were ready to start your life.
A life without Frankie Morales. 
You should have known then. With the signs so blatantly evident, like quick temper, aggressive nature in his love making, obsessiveness over you, the jealousy. The way he took too much pride in constantly leaving marks on you. Subtle threats to other men who misinterpreted your kind smile and words as an invite. Forcing you to stay in bed, to take his cock deep into your battered cunt even when you were exhausted. You both thought your orgasms was your way of wanting more, even if the rest of your body protested. but he filled your ears with such sweet praise, touched you with a fervent love that made your heart flutter, adored you like no one else.
From the day you told him you loved him, you should have stopped then, seeing how far he had gone just without you. It wasn’t healthy to rely on someone like that. To say sober. Frankie’s dependence on you was…corrupt. It had been from the beginning.
You ignored it. 
Then Frankie and the boys, including Tom which you were surprised by, were called down for a less than legit mission. Tom didn’t come home, and Frankie, the one you knew, didn’t quite come home the same. He didn’t talk to you about it, ever. None of the guys did. You just held him for hours the night he got back, his hair whiter, eyes more sunken in than ever. After some time, things went back to normal. Until you realized, they were never normal to begin with.
The first evident sign that life wasn’t a hallmark movie anymore was when you had been stuck in traffic during a storm, and then had to pull off for hours until it passed; you couldn’t get a signal out to your boyfriend that you were safe, but going to be home late.
3 hours passed by the time you walked into the apartment. Warm Frankie, gentle Frankie, happy Frankie… wasn’t home.
Instead it was feral Frankie, desperate Frankie, curled in a corner, pale and shaking Frankie who only cracked a timid smile when you had walked in, drenched in rain, but alive and concerned for him. He immediately bear hugged you tight, the jitters passing as he inhaled your wet scent. “I’m okay, I’m okay, I promise. I’m so sorry I’m so late,” you soothed.
He didn’t let you leave his sight the entire night. And even into the morning, when you had to get up for work again, he held you against his body in bed, refusing to let you part, distracting you with sex over and over again until half the day had passed. He texted your boss saying you were out sick from the rain last night. No biggie.
He was only calm when you were around. Only satisfied when you were with him. 
The guys never told you, but he was irritable when it was just him with them. He didn’t like talking as much. Didn’t laugh the way he used to. It’s like the real Frankie only came out when you were there. 
And when you had to take a week for a work trip, he begged you to cancel it. Clawed at his own skin as the day of your flight crept up. Visibly anxious enough that you weren’t sure he’d be okay. “Just stay home, Querida. Please.” 
But he’s a grown man. It’s just a little trip, and he’s one phone call away.
So when the week went by, and he missed a few of your calls towards the end, you came home, worried about what you might find. But you were delighted to see Frankie was, in fact, in high spirits, healthy, and seemingly unaffected by your absence. “Mi Hermosa,” he whispered against your lips, bringing you in his embrace and rocking you gently. You made love sweetly that night, and you started to wonder what it is you were so afraid of.
It took you a few weeks before you noticed the slight powdery trail of cocaine on the handle of his gun safe. And guessing the combination as your birthday, discovering bags full of the stuff, some stored and some half opened, and re-opened, half depleted.
You couldn’t even call Frankie, who was away—you didn’t really know where. He would just up and leave sometimes now. Your heart dropped at the idea of exactly where he’s been bouncing off to. You realized he was more static for your the frequent trips you were taking due to your career taking off. that the two of you were spending less time together, but you weren’t really aware of exactly what he was doing during that time. He clearly was never high when he was around you, and was adept at hiding his problem when you were home.
You called the boys. Santi came running over, swearing repeatedly in Spanish at the sight of the stash. Benny and Will came over too, clearing it all out while you sobbed into Pope’s arms. How could you be so stupid to think it was all going so well?
It then all happened so fast: you weren’t even there when they confronted Frankie, didn’t know it went over badly, that he wasn’t gentle at all, still blown high as fuck, and fists went flying, bloody knuckles and broken noses later. Then getting an immediate court date, not able to come up to see you for a second. You were there in the room, only seeing the wrecked look all over his body, the way he couldn’t even bring his eyes to you. 
He plead guilty to his drug charges, lost his license indefinitely, and was only spared from a prison sentence with the promise of extensive treatment at a rehab center for at least a year, and a large bond, that you and the guys poured a shit ton of your life savings in to. Then Frankie was being husked away to his hospital-like prison, with no visitations until the first year of intense treatment passed.
It was all coming at such a bad time too, having just thrown out the 3 positive pregnancy tests in the dumpster behind the apartment building just this morning. 
None of you told Frankie about the baby before he left. You asked them not to. As far as today went, including Frankie in your life, in your baby’s life, wasn’t an option at the moment. You would deal with that when he was out, when he was Frankie again.
Now a few months since the incident, 7 months pregnant, you packed the apartment quietly minus your little sniffles. Pictures of the of you at the fair, in a museum, on vacation in Miami, were packed in a cardboard box and sealed away until you could find your home again. His furniture and belongings went into storage for the time being while your parents found a little house that could accommodate you and baby Morales. With one last look, you close the apartment door, breathing heavily. You hope to see Frankie again the moment he was allowed visitors. To see him smile again just for you. To come to a new home and see his baby boy growing, and filling the time he missed with an infinity of love, devotion, and health.
So when you gave birth all by yourself, and fended two jobs while nurturing your baby all by yourself, and strapped the infant in the car as you drove 4 hours to the rehab center to see your boyfriend all by yourself, it didn’t feel—good, to be told Frankie specifically requested not to have any visitors today. And even when you tried to argue with the receptionist about the situation, to give him your name specifically, she came back with the same answer, and said the patient has a right to refuse visitation, even after it is permitted. 
Santi stays with you for a few days after, given what an absolute exhausted wreck you had become after braving the whole year and only running on sheer hope this whole time. The guys rotated shifts, fed you and the baby, cleaned, let you sleep your depression away until you were ready to move on. 
Frankie denied their visitation too.
Another year goes by, and still no Frankie. He had gone completely off the grid for everyone. All the doctors reported was that he was responding well, fully taking charge and utilizing the time that he needed to get clean. You learned that he had found a place to live in the area and regularly returned for treatment. But he never once contacted any of you to where he lived.
Good. You were doing much better too.
And when the third year goes by, celebrating your son’s second birthday, you don’t feel such guilt when you stumble upon a new man and invite him in to your life. And how much he takes to loving a son who isn’t his own. And when you feel a sense of excitement after a long time without it, when the new love of your life gets on his knees to propose, asking you to continue to fill his life with a home to share. And when you’re pregnant with another baby, your little Francisco being so excited to be a big brother, in the new house that had never breathed the same air as the man who left you behind all that time ago.
It does become a problem when you answer the knocks on your front door, swinging it open to a very frail, very thin, and very remorseful looking Francisco Morales standing there, looking at the swell in your stomach, wedding ring on your finger, and carbon copy of himself as a child standing at your hip.
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mssorceressupreme · 3 days
Could I please request something? Let me start off by saying, I Love your work, never stop! And please, prioritise your assignments...
But could I request a Minho X Maze C!reader?
The reader meets the gladers with her friends at the beginning of the Scorch Trials, and they are also friends with Aris, since they've been at the way station for a while, and they all plan on breaking out together.
Could I also request that the members of Maze C use slang similar to today? Like cook/ed, eat, slay, lock in, gyatt (unironically), smash, sus, dead ass, bet, and cap. The gladers are confused on their slang and the Maze C peeps are confused abt glader slang.
Idk this just seems so funny, and you write with so much passion and creativity, I just think you'd write this super well!
You can totally ignore this request, or change it up, I really look forward to when you post! Good luck with all your school, assignments and other commitments, please never stop writing, I speak on behalf of all your followers who genuinely love your work!
Stay safe, stay healthy and have a good day ❤️❤️❤️
SLAYYY that’s such a funny prompt I can imagine them being the most gen z gladers ever ngl, I’d love to write this for you love ❤️❤️❤️ Stay healthy and safe too, hope you’re keeping well xx 🫶🏼
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Humour Me
Pairing: Minho x Reader
Summary: you’re a glader from Maze C, who ends up meeting gladers from Maze A with possibly the weirdest slang you’ve heard in your life.
Warnings: none :)) it’s a cute fluffy ish one
The first time you and your crew met the Gladers was at the beginning of the chaos. The Scorch Trials loomed ahead, but you’d been at the way station long enough to recognise the signs of an inevitable breakout. Aris, your close friend from Maze B, had roped you and your squad from Maze C into the plan to escape together with these newcomers.
You watched as the doors opened, revealing a group of confused and wary boys from Maze A. They filed into the room, looking around with cautious eyes, scanning every corner, every unfamiliar face. One of the boys stood out—a tall, athletic guy with short-cropped black hair and an air of confidence. You’d heard Aris mention him in passing, always with a sense of admiration. "That one’s the runner," Aris had said. "Fast as hell. You’ll like him."
Your crew was chilling at the far end of the room, sprawled across the couches of the only lounge area in the facility, making jokes despite the tense atmosphere. Your friend Gia stretched out, yawning dramatically. “Deadass, if they don’t feed us soon, I’m gonna raid the snack bar. I’m starving.”
“Bet,” another friend, Agnes, responded with a laugh. “I’ll cook up an escape plan once I'm actually fed.”
"Oh they are feeding us well alright..." Freya drooled at the sight of the new Maze A boys.
"Smash." Violet added, "...specifically, the brunette with the blue shirt. For research purposes, I might need to approach him."
"Stop! Guys, we need to lock in! I'm not getting distracted by some newcomers." You asserted.
The Gladers, hearing your conversation, looked at each other in confusion. One of the Gladers with a British accent, leaned over and whispered something to the asian one. You couldn’t hear, but from their expressions, you guessed they had no idea what you were talking about.
Violet stood, approaching them and the others with Aris, offering a friendly smile. "So, you guys ready to break out of this place with us or what?"
You widened your eyes, 'Violet, get back here!' you thought to yourself. Scoffing, you stood up, catching up to Aris and her.
"I'm Violet, that's Y/N, Aris, Agnes and Freya. What brings you guys to the lounge? Us?" Violet chuckled.
The brunette obviously found her charming and responded, "You're pretty straightforward aren't you? Well uh, I'm Thomas. Minho, Newt, Frypan, and Winston. We honestly just came here to relax for a bit..."
"Slay, so did we." You replied.
"Honestly, this place is kinda sus so we're thinking of escaping as soon as we can, we've gyatt to get out of here." Violet teased, noticing that the maze A boys were rather fit, a little too fit not to notice.
Minho, arms crossed, raised an eyebrow. "You talk funny," he said with a hint of amusement. "We heard you guys earlier. What’s 'smash' supposed to mean? You guys trying to attack us or somethin'?"
You blinked, momentarily confused. "It means...uh, they're fond of you guys?"
He shook his head, clearly baffled. "You’ve got some weird lingo."
Aris chuckled beside you. "Yeah, and you guys don’t? ‘Shuckface’? What even is that?" Aris mentioned a few terms he heard the gladers using previously.
Minho’s lips twitched, holding back a laugh. "You wouldn’t get it, greenie."
You rolled your eyes but smiled, finding his teasing kind of charming. "Oh, bet. You think I wouldn’t get it, huh? And what’s ‘greenie’ supposed to mean?"
"It means newbie," Newt piped in from beside Minho. "Someone new to the Glade. First day, all that."
"Sounds odd," you joked, crossing your arms. "Anyway we've got to lock in and find a way out soon."
At that, Minho squinted at you, clearly trying to figure out your slang. "Lock in? You’re making even less sense now."
You laughed, genuinely entertained by the language barrier. "It just means we've got to focus, dude. Gonna use it. Anyway, we’re planning to break out of this place together, right?"
Aris nodded, leaning against the wall. "We’ve been here long enough to know it’s not safe here. They’re hiding something. We need to get out, head for the Scorch."
Minho looked you over for a second, clearly still processing your slang but understanding the urgency. He glanced at Thomas, Newt, and Frypan before locking eyes with you again. "Alright, let’s do it."
"Wait, so you'll form an alliance with us?" Freya beamed, "Slay."
Winston furrowed his brows, "Haven't had to "slay" anything since the glade. You guys need somethings sliced up?"
Agnes chortled, "Man you guys are funny as hell."
"Dude, you guys are the ones just spewing klunk at this point." Frypan laughed.
"Are you hearing yourself?" Agnes retorted.
"Alright shank, at least we'll be the ones breaking you out of this place." Fry continued.
"That's cap. Agnes has already cooked up an escape plan." You defended your gladers.
"Cooked? Where? You know...I was the head chef back in my glade." Fry grinned clearly proud of himself, "Let me know if you need assistance girl."
"Of course, I'll need someone to wash the dishes after I'm done cooking." Agnes was sarcastic, with playful tone.
"She kinda ate with that one." Freya was amused.
"Okay we're all cooked if we don't make a move now. Can we actually get to the planning?" You brought everyone back on track.
"Just don’t use any more of your weird phrases around me greenie." Minho warned, attempting to tease you.
You smirked. "No promises."
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yoonjinkooked · 2 years
it’s been a while...
I’ll try to keep it short, simple and not too sappy. 👋
yeah, this is it, folks. 
I don’t think I will be coming back here anymore. I can’t and won’t say that staying away has been good for me, because in the grander scheme of things, was being here ever really bad? No, not really. It just isn’t me anymore. 
I’m healthy, and in a very good headspace. I don’t need writing and imagines as an outlet to function. My creativity has been going into my career, into my plans for the future, and sure, here and there, I do write a bit, but without reason, deadline or outside influence. 
What I’m trying to say here is, I’m good. For the first time, after a long time. I don’t waste my time, I don’t try if it’s not reciprocated, I don’t dwell on stuff I have no power over, and being like that, being that person, it kind of can’t co-exist with Neri, who I was here. 
So, I’m leaving this account open, for you to revisit if you ever wish to re-read some of my work. Who knows, maybe one day it clicks and I decide to wrap up all the loose ends? I won’t be active in other bts fanfic spaces either, so if you see my story without my user, it ain’t me - do be a nice soul and report it, as I do like to keep what’s mine safe. 
Stay healthy, peeps. Surround yourself with good - good vibes, good people, good music, good wine, good all around. 
Wish you nothing but the very best and see you, maybe, sometime, somewhere. 
Neri 🍉
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 8 months
Hi hi Ange~
I feel like I haven’t stopped in a while, just was thinking of you and wanted to see how you’re doing? I’m currently taking it one step at a time, but it feels like every step is in quick sand 🫠 anyway, I need some new Ewan char crumbs or some sort of kick in the rear bc I feel a new hyperfixation coming on and I don’t think I can handle any new fangirl stuff— it’s so much energy lmao 😂
Speaking of which, I was wondering what some of your fav tv shows are other than hotd? Also, what tv show do you think the Ewan chars would be their favourite?? Of course you don’t have to answer, I just love always seeing your answers to questions like these !
I hope you’re doing well and that life is treating you kindly. Think of you often and hope you’re staying safe and healthy! Much much love you, Ange. 🩶🩶🩶
-Hannah Montana anon.
Hi, love!
I am okay, thank you. Work is busy and my days are spent on back to back calls in an office chair that is slowly destroying my spine, but otherwise I can't complain!
Sorry to hear that life is feeling sluggish! I hope it's temporary. What's your new potential hyperfixation?
I am gonna blend both your questions and associate each of the Ewan characters with one of my favourite TV shows!
Abraham - The Walking Dead. I think he'd enjoy the use of weapons, and I have a feeling he'd really like Negan as a character.
Aemond - The Fall of the House of Usher. I think he'd enjoy the gothic horror of it.
Billy Taylor - Derry Girls. It's good, wholesome comedy, and I think it would make him laugh.
Billy Washington - F is for Family. The protagonist, Frank, is a miserable dick, and I think he'd really vibe with that.
Ettore - Black Mirror. It's dark and fucked up, just like he is.
Genyen - It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. I think he'd find Dennis Reynolds extremely relatable.
Michael - Peep Show. "I'm having a good time! Well...not really, but it's like I am!" Need I say more?
Osferth - Letterkenny. This is a bit of a stretch, but I think he and Wayne share a lot of the same values.
Tom - The Boys. It's action packed and funny enough that I feel he'd be into it.
Thank you for checking in, and for thinking of me! I am sending you lots of love, and I hope life feels lighter for you very soon xoxo
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francology · 11 months
Riding the Wave of Ocean Heroes: Conservation & Sustainability
Hello lovelies ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა I hope you've been doing great since the last entry hehe. I just wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for your ongoing support and interaction with my weekly updates. This post will be my last (at least for a while). I really hope you've managed to pick up a thing or two from my blog. Thank you for being here, and I appreciate all of you (づ๑•ᴗ•๑)づ♡
Now, let's dive into something super cool today – marine conservation and how we can be kinder to our oceans.
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Did you know? Around half of the world's population lives within 100 kilometers of the coast. That's a lot of people living near the sea, right?
Coastal places by the sea are like gold mines for our planet. They help out the global economy, and they do some pretty amazing stuff, like storing carbon (which is great for the environment), protecting our shores, and providing us with yummy food (Mcleod et al. 2011; Barbier et al. 2011).
You see, more than 775 million people really rely on the sea and its coastal wonders (Selig et al. 2018). For example, fish is a big deal, giving about 3.2 billion people some of their protein. It's even more crucial in places where people are still developing their countries (FOA 2018). Plus, it's not just food; it's like a vitamin boost in your meal. And, tons of people make a living out of fishing and farming seafood, almost 57 million of them! (FOA 2018).
Now, when we talk about tropical spots near the sea, they're like treasure chests. There are amazing places like coral reefs, mangroves, and seagrasses that are teeming with life, and they help out our planet in so many ways. That's why a bunch of groups and campaigns are working hard to keep these places safe and sound.
Let's focus into how people in Malaysia are doing for a sec. Here are some rock stars doing their part to save these coastal wonders:
ICRI (International Coral Reef Initiative) Malaysia: These people are all about creating safe spaces in the sea for our underwater buddies to thrive. Right now, only 1.4% of Malaysia's waters are protected. They're on a mission to change that!
The Dugong & Seagrass Conservation Project: This one's all about saving dugongs (those adorable sea cows) and the seagrass they munch on in the Bay of Brunei, Lawas, Sarawak East Malaysia. It's a big deal because these seagrasses need some protection from overfishing and other stuff that could hurt them. The locals are getting in on the action too.
Tropical Research and Conservation Centre: These ocean heroes are based in the Celebes Sea, and they're all about saving sea turtles and fixing up coral reefs that got bashed up by fish bombing practices in Malaysia. They're on a mission to keep our underwater world vibrant and healthy.
So, there you have it! These incredible peeps are working hard to make sure our oceans stay awesome. It's all about taking big steps and little steps, but together, we can keep those secret underwater gardens thriving 🌊⋆。°்⋆
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Author's note: One of my all-time favorite YouTube channels recently released a new video that I believe is absolutely worth your time. His videos are like compelling stories paired with stunning cinematography. In this latest video, he highlights the alarming issue of the world's coral reefs deteriorating. It's crucial to shed light on real-world issues that are overlooked.
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Barbier, EB, Hacker, SD, Kennedy, C and Koch EW 2011, ‘The value of estuarine and coastal ecosystem services’, Ecological Monographs, vol. 81, no. 2, pp. 169 - 193. 
FOA 2018, The state of world fisheries and aquaculture 2018 (SOFIA), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.
Mcleod, E, Chmura, GL, Bouillon, S, Salm, R, Bjork, M, Duarte, CM, Lovelock, CE, Schlesinger, WH and Silliman, BR 2011, ‘A blueprint for blue carbon: toward an improved understanding of the role of vegetated coastal habitats in sequestering CO2’, Frontiers in Ecology and the Envinronment, vol. 9, no. 10, pp. 552 - 560.
Selig, ER, Hole, DG, Allison, EH, Arkema, KK, McKinnon, MC, Chu, J, Sherbinin, Ad, Fisher, B, Glew, L, Holland, MB, Ingram, JC, Rao, NS, Russell, RB, Srebotnjak, T, Teh, LCL, Troeng, S, Turner, WR, and Zvoleff, A 2018, ‘Mapping global human dependence on marine ecosystems’, Conservation Letters, vol. 12, no. 2, p. E12617.
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yae-35 · 2 years
Ok so Peep is an adult now right? she was born and raised in the Material Plane bla bla bla and naturally having a mom like Chirp, Peep's definitely a bundle of energy who marches to the beat of her own drum. I feel like she was one of those "chosen one" kids who went on heroic journeys in her youth, and now she's just a regular adult living her life.
Growing up, Peep's picked up on Chirp's worries about their mortality. I think it would be natural if Peep surpressed any thoughts of her own towards the matter, saying she and Esme are strong and healthy, but the thoughts are lowkey getting into Peep's skin too
And boom!! Grandfather shows up!!! He already knows about Esme and Peep a few years (maybe a decade?) ago. Of course, he was initially furious, but I'm guessing because Chip and Squak, y'know, saved the magic yadda yadda, he mellowed out over the years, and decides that he'd like to take great-granddaughter in just as he did with his grandchildren. He reaches out by some means (not by showing up in the Material Plane tho!! yucky) to Chirp stating that like he'd want to invite Peep over to stay with him during that year's bloom so she could make her debut.
He doesn't explicitly say anything, but Chirp suspects that he probably wants to repeat what he almost did with both her and Squak by using Peep as a marriage chip or as a potential successor (ie. bolster the Lords of the Wing's power). Of course, Chirp is hesitant about this, butttt she does recognize that Peep is her own person and whatever Peep chooses, she'll just have to support her daughter (she's defo getting Squak to subtly keep tabs on Peep 24/7 Like yeah sure, he's not exactly the best person to keep someone well-behaved, but all Chirp wants is for Peep to be safe not exactly coddled, and Squak is her ride or die ofc).
Plot twist though!!! Peep has actually been in correspondence with Grandfather for a few years now, although the topic of visiting the fey realm for Peep's first Bloom has only been on the table for a few months. I feel like Peep met Grandfather on one of her secret trips to the fey realm by accident as a kid?? (don't ask how they could meet when Grandpapa is always in the sky and don't ask how Chirp doesn't know about it either). The Lords of the Wing are in a relatively good position socially and politically during these times, so there's no big condition that Peep has to meet in order to be officially allowed into the fey realm. The only condition Grandfather would lay out is that Peep should debut into society as a Lord of the Wing, a rising vicountess.
Remember what I said about Chirp's insecurities about mortality seeping into Peep? So there's this macguffin item that's rumored to give immortality to those who possess it, and it's currently in the fey realm. Since the fey are effectively immortal, that little side effect is meaningless to them, but there's probably another, bigger reason as it why it's important to them. Like sure, Peep could just go in and try to get it, but it's currently in the hands of idk some random court. She needs the leverage of a noble title to get even remotely close to the item. Oh, also I'd like to add that since the effect of the item naturally can only affect one person, I'd feel like Peep would want to give it to Esme. Peep's a halfling, so she's confident that she'll live long enough to figure out an alternative for herself, but she's alright with not living forever. It's her parents' happiness that comes first, anyways.
Depending on whether Peep is genre-savvy or not, she could clear any miscommunications or betrayals along the way by admitting to Grandfather right away that her goal is to procur that item or she could also not, but I'd like to give her a W and say she did explicitly say that in one of her letters to her great grandpappy. Grandfather will help her in exchange for her to be known as the new member of the Lords. Humans are *slowly* being more common in the fey realm, and capitalizing off that trend by introducing a half-human into polite society is a gamble with high rewards. (also yeah, you get to spend time with estranged family woooo...)
When Peep debuts as Vicountess Featherfowl of Fledglington (?? idk about land names), I feel like she'd have a whole new personality to subvert expectations and gather potential suitors who are aligned with her targeted court. Being Chirp's daughter and all, people expected Peep to be just as rambunctious and thrill-seeking (well, she is, but she's not going to show it *that* early). Eventually, Peep's reputation allows her to be known as Vicountess Philippa Featherfowl the Demure, and Peep's steadily on her way to becoming whatever their version of the Diamond of the Season is.
Now, she has a long line of suitors right? And remember what I said about the macguffin being in one random court? There's an interesting prospect in Peep's list of suitors. A noble lady from the Seelie Court (maybe a daughter or granddaughter of Titania's, or even a lady in waiting).
Ok, so Peep's intrigued by this proposal bc
1.) she knows that Chirp had offended the Seelie Court when she was just a toddler,
2.) Peep has enough evidence to conclude that whatever she's looking for might reside in the Seelie Court, and there shouldn't be any harm investigating,
3.) In Chirp's words, the Seelie Court is the "most basic of feys", ie. the most vanilla choice that a girl like Chirp's daughter could make, and this subversion of expectations are likely going to make rounds in the gossip department
4.) It's the Seelie Court, anyways. A safe choice if Peep wants Grandfather's approval
5.) Okay, so maybeee this noble lady is just Peep's type, but that's just a bonus
Of course, this Seelie suitor did not actually want to court Peep willingly. It was an "ooo go entertain this newcomer and bring back all the dirt you got on her" from the King and Queen. Maybe they fall in love, maybe they become unlikey friends? Maybe Peep's true self might surface? Idk I just needed to put some type of conflict bc all my mind is focused on is making my new blorbo living my other blorbo's life but w less angst.
And here I will be contradicting myself on that statement. If they ever become closer, Peep's potential lover/friend is going to realize that oh shit, Peep's not immortal. She'll live long, but not long enough. Their entire argument post-enemies-to-blank is about whether or not Peep should use the macguffin on herself or not. Like this could go so many way. If Peep chooses Esme over herself, the Seelie suitor could either 1.) accept Peep's choice and grapple with the same anxieties Chirp has 2.) find a way to make herself mortal, so she does not have to worry about living a life after Peep. If Peep chooses herself, it's not like her parents would be upset, in fact, they'd be happy that Peep chose her own happiness, but Peep might be riddled with guilt because this was the reason why she came here in the first place. Ultimately, I think Peep will choose Esme, and the Seelie suitor might find a way to become mortal if their bond is that strong enough.
If this is too lacking in action, idk throw in a mage battle between Peep and someone?? I'm actually just here for the Bridgerton-esque drama but like a diet coke version bc this is honestly just a self indulgent fic/headcanon 😅
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heykoonsy · 1 year
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Word Count: 2.6k+ 
Pairing: OC x Jake, OC x Danny
Summary: Charlotte’s stay at the Somerset Sapiens Farm was short-lived, her intelligence quickly astounding the owner; Henry Somerset himself. Hoping to become a client, Charlotte is gifted to an eccentric vampire known for supplying the wealthy elite with high quality humans for their gatherings. Charlotte, however, intends to use this vampire’s power and connections another way.
Content Warnings: 18+ for mature themes
Chapter 4: First Contact
Charlotte stood in front of the door of a large apartment complex. It was a matte brown color with a gold number two hundred and twenty-two above the peep-hole. Charlotte shifted her weight awkwardly as she debated what to do. Knock? Try the knob? Who was she kidding? They probably caught her scent the moment she exited the elevator. There weren’t many humans crawling the city streets at this hour–in fact, she was pretty sure Mr. Velasquez’s employees were the only humans living anywhere in the vicinity. 
Charlotte looked behind her, towards where Julio was faltering by the elevator. He looked like he wasn’t sure if he should stay until she got in or leave them alone. Charlotte decided for him–she waved him off and he took the direction almost too well. Julio gave her a knowing nod and stepped onto the elevator. His expression was stern, but not without emotion. Worry was at the forefront of his mind at the moment. He kept his eyes on Charlotte until the door closed. 
Charlotte looked back at the brown door separating her from the others again. Twenty-four hours ago, she’d been out of her mind with anxiety. Her mind raced from hope to sorrow, to anger, to longing–and yet, after feeling those emotions so vividly, she was clearly not done with the emotional ride. She was more anxious than ever. 
But it was time to face her fears–she’d been still for long enough. She’d been standing in front of this door for longer than she wanted to. Despite only standing in front of it for no more than a minute, she understood that this partition between her and the boys had been here for years now. Years ago, she’d decided to look through the peep-hole and saw whoever was in view at the time. But now, she was the one being observed, no longer safe behind the door. 
Charlotte took a deep breath and before she could talk herself out of it–knocked on the door. 
For a moment, there was only silence. But then she heard it–the unmistakable sound of someone walking up to the door. Charlotte hadn’t realized it, but she forgot to exhale. The air was caught in her throat and it refused to leave. The door swung open—
Charlotte was immediately pulled into a hug. 
After releasing the air she was keeping, Charlotte felt long brown hair tickle her nose. She recognized the color, the texture, the smell. Charlotte didn’t know if it would be okay if she hugged him back, but that thought was quickly dispelled when she felt his grip on her get tighter. 
“Sam,” Charlotte breathed.
“You’re really here,” Sam said breathlessly.
“I’m here.”
Sam let go first and then grabbed Charlotte’s hand to lead her inside. Charlotte took in the room quickly. The room was bathed in a soft yellow light, just like her bedroom. It looked like she’d just stepped into the living room. There were two plush white couches facing each other, a fuzzy rug was sprawled between them on the floor. 
Charlotte’s eyes first caught Josh, his soft curly hair bouncing as he walked quickly over to her. Sam stepped out of the way and Charlotte lifted her arms so that Josh could pull her into a soft, warm hug. 
He chuckled quietly, “Look at you,” he said. His eyes warmed at the sight of her, here, healthy, and alive. 
Charlotte felt her cheeks warm, she looked away, growing uncomfortable with all this attention on her. She looked up, her eyes meeting Danny’s. However, when they did, Danny seemed to shrink into himself. 
“He’s not coming,” Josh said in a voice that hinted at irritation. 
Charlotte could feel the unmistakable feeling of disappointment well in her chest. She swallowed hard, trying to find her voice. She wanted to play it off, like it was fine. But it wasn’t fine. She was devastated. She’d spent the last twenty-four hours convincing herself that she could see him again–that she should see him again. 
And he didn’t even show up. 
Charlotte put on a smile regardless. “It doesn’t matter, it’s still nice to see you guys.”
“It’s nice to see you too,” Danny said, clearly trying to move past the elephant in the room. 
Charlotte was thankful for the redirection, but she could not help but wonder how much Danny was keeping to himself again. 
“My plane landed an hour ago–I jumped on the next flight home once I heard from Danny.”
Charlotte looked at Sam, taking in his radiant features. He was practically glowing with excitement. His hair was longer, touching his shoulders. The smile plastered on his face threatened permanence. 
“You’ve been traveling a lot, I hear.” Charlotte said. 
Sam beamed. “I’ve seen so much, I’d love to show you my pictures.”
Charlotte smiled, “Absolutely. All I’ve seen of the world is forest fires these days.”
“Not before she eats,” Josh says, gesturing towards a table in the kitchen. “I made some food, it’s probably nothing compared to roasted opossum, but it might just suit your tastes.”
“We have plenty of time,” Danny said, picking up pillows and blankets that were tossed on the couch beside him.
Charlotte looked at them curiously. 
Sam looked down at her, smiling again. “We wanted to do something familiar with you,” Sam said. 
“A sleepover seemed like the perfect way to spend our reunion.”
Charlotte looked at each of them, her eyes threatening to well with tears. She had several sleepovers with Venny–and after many hissy fits–they eventually included Quincy. Charlotte let Venny brush her hair, and they all laughed and danced and watched movies. Then, when the sun came out, they’d go on a quick monitored walk before bed. In the stillness of the morning, they’d talk about their futures, their fears, their hopes. 
Charlotte didn’t realize how much she wanted this. To get a taste of the same closeness she’d experienced with the boys all those years ago. She couldn’t help but laugh at the difference this time. Here they were; a city miles away from where they’d met and said goodbye. She was no longer in dire straits. She was comfortable, happy even, with her life and what had become of her. 
“A sleepover sounds great,” Charlotte smiled. 
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Charlotte raised herself from her spot on the couch slowly, making sure not to wake Sam or Danny as they slept at her feet on the rug. She tip-toed over to the kitchen, eager to get a glass of water. She’d spent so much of this reunion talking with the boys about their adventures these last five years. 
Josh filled in a lot of the missing information about his rallies and movements. He was working to better species relations between humans and vampires. It was a noble cause–but Charlotte understood too well that the division between them extended beyond strength and opportunity. Her time at Somerset haunted her to this day. As much as Josh talked about seeing humans as equals, Charlotte knew that her people had been reduced to livestock. Humans like Charlotte and Quincy were a rarity among the bulk of her species. 
But there was nothing she could do. Josh was so hopeful, so full of life thinking that he was working towards a greater future on her behalf. Who was she to inform him of everything that she saw in Somerset? What she’d heard? What she’d felt? She’d seen humans that couldn’t walk, or talk, or feed themselves, clucking after one another in high pitched whines. These people–her people–were no longer Josh’s equal. She didn’t believe that they ever could be.
Sam explained that he didn’t have much of a reason to travel like he was. Charlotte let him give half-baked responses and confusing answers. She didn’t need to know why he refused to stay tied to one location. What she was more interested in hearing about were the places he visited. All of the exciting cultures and food and scenery. He spoke of mountains and lakes and something called an Eiffel Tower. He’d poured over photo after photo–explaining everything he remembered. He took special care to explain human-made landmarks and their cultural significance. 
It was all fascinating–every question she had, he seemed to have an answer for. However, to Charlotte it seemed like she was learning about some different species. How could humans be capable of building such large monuments and tombs? The concept of leaving a mark on the world was foreign to her–why would you want anyone to know you were there? How could you be so reckless with your own safety? Did they not have anyone they wished to protect?
Regardless, the photos were pretty. Charlotte didn’t care for a lot of the buildings–but the ones Sam showed her of nature? Breathtaking. Awe-inspiring. Mountainsides, forests, something called an ocean. Such beautiful places. Sam told her that many of his photos needed to be taken using a timer, as natural light was often the only way to capture these places in their true form. He told her how dangerous it all was–how locals called him crazy for risking so much just for a single photo of a sunny mountain. 
But Charlotte understood his sacrifice–and without it, she would not know Sam as well as she did right now. 
Danny had been doing a lot of networking within his position at his father’s company. He was hoping to make a lot of meaningful connections while he learned from the best of the best. Danny did not share his reason for this, but he seemed very serious about everything. Charlotte tried not to pry. 
Charlotte reached the kitchen quickly, her eyes adjusting to the dark without the screen of the TV shining its blue light around the room. She stopped at a cupboard and felt around for a glass slowly. Once she pulled one out, she placed it under the spigot and filled it slowly. She enjoyed the sound of the running water, remembering a time when it was scarce. She pressed the glass against her lips and drank greedily. 
“Can’t sleep?”
Charlotte looked over at Danny in the archway of the kitchen. He was nothing but a shadow with the light of the TV shining against his back. She leaned against the counter, swallowing slowly. She shook her head. 
“Me either,” Danny said quietly. 
Charlotte could tell that there was something on his mind. She put her glass down and stayed quiet while he struggled with what he wanted to say. 
“I’m sorry,” Danny uttered out quietly.
“You didn’t force me to be here,” Charlotte said, dismissing him with her palm. “I had a great time tonight.”
For a moment the two of them just stood there, until Danny’s apology really registered within her. He wasn’t apologizing for their meeting. He wasn’t apologizing for persuading her to see Sam and Josh again. Instead, he was apologizing for who wasn’t here. Who’s absence she felt even more now in the quiet of Josh’s apartment. She’d seen his face plastered all over the walls, in small frames and large ones. She’d seen things that were likely his lying around on end tables and chairs all around her. 
“You…you don’t have to…” Charlotte trailed off. “It’s not…” 
Charlotte slowly turned her back to him, feeling very exposed all of a sudden. She wanted to assure him that he had done nothing wrong–wanted him to know that he was not to blame. The pain she was feeling right now was not because of Danny. 
“Charlotte,” came his knowing whisper.
Charlotte couldn’t stop the tears from spilling from her eyes. The sound of his voice drew them out of her–these horrible thoughts she was trying to ignore. But, just like always, Danny had a way of seeing right through her. She caught a sob before it burst out of her, her shoulders collapsing inwards with the force. She couldn’t stop shaking or feeling the oppressive weight of her own hubris. 
Why would he bother seeing someone who didn’t want to see him?
Charlotte knew that she was arrogant for thinking that Jake would drop everything in his life and come running the minute Danny told him about her. Like he was waiting on bated breath for Charlotte to return to him. How stupid could she have been? They had only known each other for a second–why would she ever think that he would waste another on her? 
Charlotte felt Danny’s arms collect her, their strength enveloping her entirely.
“It’s okay,” Charlotte lied. “I’m alright,” she reassured absolutely no one.
Danny stroked her hair as she cried, and, eventually, Charlotte didn’t have a single tear left. Within the next few moments, Danny was able to convince Charlotte to rest on the couch. After she was tucked up nice and snug, Danny sat at her feet and watched as her breathing became even.
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It was the wee hours of the evening, when the sun had just gone down and twilight was upon the city, when Danny stirred on the couch. He inhaled deeply and blinked his eyes open. He looked to his left, where Charlotte was still curled up on the couch. To his right, he saw Sam still asleep on the floor and Josh rolled onto his stomach on the other couch. Danny slowly rose from his position at Charlotte’s feet and stumbled a little as he walked towards the bathroom. 
When he was finished up, he came back into the living room to see a figure standing at the doorway. He was shocked at first, but after realizing who it was, he sighed. 
“You didn’t tell me you’d be meeting at Josh’s.”
Danny watched as Jake’s eyes swept over Charlotte, taking every inch of her in with what Danny could only assume was hesitation. Jake was faltering slightly, his hands opening and closing with an urge he wasn’t keeping at bay well enough. 
“We decided last minute,” Danny said quietly.
Jake closed his eyes and turned towards the door. “I’ll leave,” he said. 
Danny narrowed his eyes at Jake as he walked out the door. Before Danny knew what he was doing, he followed Jake into the hallway outside of the apartment. 
“You’re really doing this?” Danny said, harsher than he meant to.
Jake looked back at him. “Yeah, I am.”
Danny felt the anger well up within him–burning a hole in his chest. “You were the first one I called,” he said bitterly. “You were the one I thought needed to know.”
Jake said nothing. 
“Why didn’t you want to see her?”
Jake stared at Danny like he was looking through him. Danny clenched his jaw. He hadn’t seen Jake in months, the two of them were in completely opposite worlds. While Danny had been off working for his father, Jake had been who knows where, doing who knows what. Danny searched Jake’s eyes for something–anything to explain why he was being so distant. The first thing he noticed was the bags underneath them. Then, he noted his unkempt hair and muted visage. Danny’s expression grew softer, and he looked at Jake with pleading eyes.
“Jake, what’s wrong?”
Despite the obvious tone shift, Jake turned away from Danny and started down the hallway to the elevator. 
Danny crossed his arms and watched him leave. He gave himself a moment before turning back towards the apartment. There, he saw Josh waiting just inside the door, leaning against an end table.
“He saw her?” Josh asked, eyes finding Danny’s.
Danny nodded. 
“And nothing changed…” Josh crossed his arms and looked over at Charlotte.
“What do you know?”
Josh shook his head. “Not enough.”
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maru-senpai · 1 year
Hey peeps and geeks.
I don’t have anything special to say today, OTHER THAN 8 DAYS TIL GHOST.
Did that sound right?
My grammar isn’t grammaring today sadly.
Hah. You see what I did there.
I can’t find anything else to say..
Stay safe and healthy my peeps and geeks.
Y’alls favorite #1 loser signing off.
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royal-whims · 1 year
Hi again ☺ I was wondering if you would create a story about watching a movie with "him" and end up getting scared because you hate horrors (even though he purposely put one on, so you'd lean closer to him) and end up hiding into his side. Maybe a healthy amount of kissing, laughing and cuddling too?
Thanks again,
She hated horror movies.
It was the only thing she could think of when she walked over to the couch and saw the tv screen.
“The Cellar on Ghost Street…?” She asked hesitantly, slowly sitting down.
“Yup!” Came a cheery voice from behind her, popping the P. She turned to see him walking into the living room looking a lot more relaxed than she felt.
“It’ll be fun!,” He said, flopping down onto the couch beside her, wide smile on his face.
Fun. Right.
She mentally readied herself.
It wasn’t enough. 30 minutes into the movie and she was already scared. She was curled up on the couch, hands by her face in case she had to cover her eyes for another jump scare. The main character had gotten stuck in an old abandoned house, and every creak of the hardwood floor sounded much too similar to the creaks of their own house, making her fidgety.
She looked over at him and was shocked to see him enjoying it. His face was all smiles and he was one hundred percent focused on the movie. She frowned.
She jumped as the door in the movie slammed shut, whirling around to make sure it wasn’t their own and shuddering thankfully when she confirmed it. Subconsciously, she felt herself edging closer to him. She thought she heard a smirk but when she looked up, he was completely straight-faced.
His arm was strewn across the top of the couch, looking so inviting and open. It wouldn’t hurt to just…she thought to herself. She looked back at the screen, the main character was going down into the dark cellar, and cringed. She inched closer until his arm over the couch was wrapped around her and sighed, relaxing into the hold.
“If you wanted to cuddle you could have just asked.”
She turned to see him looking at her, amused. She huffed. “You know I don’t like these kinds of movies,”
She nestled closer into him. He brought his other arm around her so they were fully cuddling, his warmth making her feel safe and held. She brought her arm up as well, returning the gesture and holding his chest. She exhaled peacefully, feeling much more at ease in the hold.
A monster jumped out and she yelped, burrowing fully into his side.
He laughed and put a hand on her hair.
“It’s okay,” he said, petting it softly, then placing a kiss on it. She squeaked and clung onto his shirt.
“We should turn off this movie,” she peeped.
He let out a chuckle that vibrated through his chest. “Alright,” he said softly, grabbing the remote and clicking the tv off.
She was still holding onto him.
She stayed hidden in his chest until she felt him move. He softly grasped her cheek and lifted her face until they were face to face. “It’s off,” he said quietly. He gazed at her, making butterflies rise up in her stomach, and she couldn’t respond.
“You look beautiful.” He said, staring intently into her eyes. She was too mesmerized to say anything, his smooth, soft face too captivating for words. Slowly, she felt herself leaning in to him, getting closer and closer until her lips grazed his own. She stopped, apprehensive, just for a moment, until she felt a tug from the hand on her face and suddenly his lips were on hers and they were swirling in a rush of euphoria.
His hand traveled up into her hair as he kissed her, the horrors of the movie long gone. It was passionate, but sweet, and her head spun at the softness of it. He pulled back for a moment, and she mourned the loss of contact, until he came back with a kiss that took all the breath from her lungs. She didn’t know how he could be so gentle, so tender, and yet so gripping. She felt her legs turn to jello, even on the couch, and clung to him to keep her stable, kissing him back. He held onto her waist with his hand and pulled her flush to his chest, causing a blush to rise up on her cheeks.
And then he finally pulled away, slowly, leaving her breathless. He looked into her face sweetly, drawing a hand down her hair.
He held in a laugh and she frowned.
“What?” She asked, confused.
“Seems like the horror movie was a good idea,” he answered, a smug smile on his face.
Realization dawned on her and she grew bright red.
“Hey!” She said as he jumped up to run away from her.
“It worked didn’t it?” He called back, darting away from her as she started chasing him around the living room. And yet, she couldn’t help but feel she wasn’t too mad it worked anyway.
Maybe they’d watch that movie again.
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thinkingnot · 2 years
first chapter in me has been hooked, this is a rec but i dont really know what happens yet, still on the first chapter and its just so good ive been thinking about it at school the whole day i gotta tell peeps bout it!! :D
The Pros and Cons to Being Invisible by Sleep_Deprived_Astronaut
starring the boi tommy he’s a pro hero, the syndicate villains has taken interest in him yep yep usual plotline but the TWIST!!! learning to boundaries respecting sbi <- as stated by the author theyre trying!! so, first chapter we got to know tommy’s power and it seems to be ghost&spirits related, he can phase through walls and talk to nebulous beings that only he could see, btw tw child abuse, and theres quackity and beeduo in here as far as ive gotten!!!
also chatters are childlike entities and they exist in a realm almost in a way faes exist like people cant see them but they can lowkey interact with things but not people except for tommy
its just really cool worldbuilding here on!!!! my summary or the authorms doesnt reflect the full coolnest of these ideas!!!
a sleep deprived astronaut found family sbi hero tommy angst hurt and comfort fic thats literally all the keywords needed to get me interested woooooo
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the author’s summary: “Let me look after you.” The villain says, no short of a beg, yet something so much more insistent at the same time. Tommy pulls away, but hands grip his arms tightly, forcing him to stay. “Let me keep you safe.”
Tommy pulls again, frowning at the villain, “No,” he says, “I don’t need someone to look after me. I’ve been looking after myself for years now. I don’t need you; I don’t need anyone!”
Tommy's a hero, a pillar of good in the city, an enigma to anyone who meets him, and particularly endearing to the leaders of the Syndicate. Tommy doesn't mind keeping the company of villains all too much, but it's when they get particularly clingy where he tends to draw the line.
OR: I haven't seen a possessive SBI fic where Tommy says no and they actually attempt to listen to him for once. That's right, we're getting healthy boundaries AND angst. Although the villains aren't too good at the whole being 'civil' thing, and Tommy's all too happy to teach them the basics.
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