#steamy poetry
bird-inacage · 2 years
Love in the Air: Comparing Sky & Prapai’s Love Scenes
(A one night stand VS our night as one)
Ask and you shall receive. I wrote a post (HERE) a few weeks ago about how I hoped they would give us another Sky x Prapai NC scene, which would provide a direct contrast to their first one. And my prayers were answered. So here’s a deep dive side-by-side breakdown of Episode 8 and 11′s NC scenes.
I’ll start with the more obvious differences in the two scenes respectively. The two exchanges take place at completely different points in their relationship, and these scenes are delivered and framed in a way to reflect exactly that.
> FAST vs SLOW: Episode 8′s one night stand is a whirlwind, a frenzied collision of two strangers. Sky’s objective was to fulfil Prapai’s proposition, and to do that in the most efficient way possible. Due to the indifference in our characters’ execution of said act, the whole rhythm is very staccato: stilted, brash and unsynchronised. In contrast, Episode 11′s love scene is lingering, indulgent and unhurried. Sky and Prapai are attentive to one another’s cues, and it’s an equal back and forth which feels wanting and relishing.
> ROUGH vs SOFT: There were multiple moments in Episode 8′s scene where their interactions in general feel like rough and tumble. There’s an edge of wild aggression, with the way Sky pushes Prapai where he wants him around the room, the way Prapai shoves Sky back onto the bed and bites his neck. There an air of immense impatience to ‘get on with it’ and with that comes a level of heavy-handedness. In Episode 11, Sky and Prapai are gentle and tender with the way they handle one another. This is shown by how they litter each other with kisses and caresses, and how they cup each other’s faces. There’s care and affection laced throughout.
> NOISE vs QUIET: Episode 8 had a very distinctive (almost nightclub like) thrum and beat to accompany the scene. This really helped imitate the headspace of our characters, where the entire engagement feels hedonistic. Their exchange is a heady rush, where the ‘music’ blares out any coherent thinking. Simply do, don’t think. Episode 11 is almost completely the opposite. All we hear is almost entirely just the sounds of them making love; kissing, moaning, breathing, whining, and that’s because this is what they hear. All they can hear is each other, and that drowns out the rest of the entire world. Everything else has fallen away. This time they are completely immersed in one another, and this present moment is all that matters.
> EYE CONTACT: In Episode 8, they barely lock eyes throughout what they’re doing. Most of the gestures feel like Sky is ‘servicing’ Prapai (such as giving him a BJ) or Prapai is ‘servicing’ Sky (when he’s kissing his back) but they’re doing that in physical and emotional isolation of one another. In Episode 11, they constantly face each other and maintain eye contact, especially when they kiss. This is incredibly intimate. To stare into someone’s eyes when you’re allowing yourself to be at your most vulnerable and out of control. When you lock eyes with someone, it means you are intentionally trying to read what your partner is feeling, and registering what is making them feel good. More importantly because you care about their pleasure as much as your own.
Now onto some of the more interesting points of note for me:
I think most people will agree that the reason Episode 11′s scene makes such an impact is due to its emotional weight. Even compared to Rain and Payu’s NC scenes, this one is particularly powerful and touching due to Sky’s trauma around physical intimacy. That puts a huge amount of gravitas on what they’re doing. It’s not just sex, it’s not even just about making love. This is an absolute and fundamental test of trust that could ultimately unravel Sky. Our two characters’ growth throughout the last few episodes is now being epitomised through the act of sex. Unlike Episode 8, this is no longer intimacy with detachment or with doubt. This is intimacy with intentional emotion, and with positive feeling. This is why it’s so important that Prapai prefaced his sentiments clearly to Sky before they went ahead. There’s a mutual acknowledgement of how important this is to both of them.
Sky taking the lead in Episode 8 was of particular significance because Sky was actively trying to retain control by following through on his terms. In Episode 11, Sky isn’t necessarily being passive and allowing Prapai to do whatever he wants, but it's evident that he is letting Prapai to take more of a lead, where he’ll respond or follow. 
By doing so, he’s allowing himself to be at the mercy of Prapai, “Please shut up and take me,” is a clear nod of consent for Prapai to take the reigns. This once again implies a huge degree of trust. The whole reason Sky held back control from Prapai in Episode 8 was because he didn’t trust him. In Episode 11, Sky is essentially giving Prapai permission to overtake him, to overwhelm him. He submits himself to Prapai willingly. 
Whereas the one night stand definitely felt like Sky’s objective to pleasure Prapai, this was considerably more about shared mutual pleasure. It’s not about one person’s pleasure over the other.
There are many moments in Episode 8 where Prapai appears genuinely surprised, impressed, taken aback even by how assertive and experienced Sky is. He’s not expecting it at all. His awe derives from what he doesn’t know of Sky.
Comparatively, in Episode 11, Prapai’s gaze is one of wonder and admiration, and this is now derived from what he does know of Sky. Everything he now understands and knows about Sky only fuels his love and adoration further. The way Prapai looks at Sky in Episode 8 is in spite of what little he knows about Sky, in Episode 11 its in sight of everything he knows about Sky.
In the immediate aftermath of Episode 8′s scene, Sky has intentionally turned away from Prapai. He’s already shutting himself down, closing himself in, internalising his anxieties alone. Once they both reached their climax, it was done. There was nothing more to be taken, said or enjoyed. The transaction has been reached. An abrupt dose of postcoital clarity, like an all too cold crash from a sudden high.
In Episode 11, they remain in each other’s embrace. It almost looks like they haven’t moved an inch away from each other at all. Bodies still connected and intertwined, they continue to kiss and gaze at each other adoringly. That moment immediately after climax, can be a very vulnerable state to be in, and they clearly can’t bear to separate themselves from each other just yet. This depicts a much gentler, tender, mellow descent from a blissful peak that feels wonderfully content.
The stark contrast between the two scenes was beautifully handled, and I’m so so glad we got to see this comparison in all its glory. It’s really a great example of utilising love scenes to enhance your story-telling.
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euesworld · 1 year
"Touch me, kiss me, want me, need me, miss me, breathe me in but don't be too needy.. all I need is for you to look into my eyes and see something dreamy, maybe get down and do something steamy."
All I want is you - eUë
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sanddollarpoems · 2 years
I like remembering the way you kissed me in the shower the night before your flight.
You were leaving me again,
but the way you pinned me against the cold tile wall,
with lips like fire on mine,
they said everything that your words fumbled to express the next morning.
You've never been good with emotions.
You've always preferred sterile data to the blaze of hearts entangled.
But in that moment, there was no hiding.
You were everything you were feeling,
passionate in your want of me,
feeling the goodbye that was coming,
hungry to hold the moment a little longer,
and staving off the ache of separating.
In that kiss you told me everything that you didn't know how to say.
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manxxwriter · 2 years
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barenakedbruja · 2 years
I crave your jokes as much as I crave your dirty words
I crave our conversations as much as I crave our lust
I crave your smiles as much as I crave your mouth
I crave the simple as much as I crave the complicated
I crave the laughing as much as I crave the moaning
I crave you
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ameirysavar · 1 year
She never wanted him. He had been wanting her for too long. She was forced to marry him. He waited for her. She despises him. He desired her. How long can she stop her feelings if she was slowly falling in love with the man who causes her pain? Would a man who had dark desires, can really fall in love… gently?
Billionaire’s Dark Desire © 2022 by Ameiry Savar
Chapter 1
“This is your fault!” My stepmother, Veronica, screamed at me. “If my husband dies, I will kill you too!” she added, her eyes already soaked in tears.
I couldn’t say anything but cry as well. I didn’t want this to happen. I never wanted to hurt my father!
I remained standing and accepted her slaps and cursing. If I tried to answer her, she would just hit me more.
“Stop it, Mom. I don’t want you to be hurt too!” My stepsister, Clementine, stopped her. She held her hands and guided her to sit on the waiting chair.
“I can’t lose your daddy, Clementine! I can’t!”
“Ssh… Dad will be okay, Mom. Just be strong, okay? I don’t want you to be hospitalized too. So, please calm yourself.”
“How? How can I calm down when my husband is dying? Because of this bitch, my husband is dying!”
She pointed her finger at me again, as if I were the most disgusting person on earth. I bit my lips and looked down again. I never wanted to hurt anyone. If only I knew that this would happen, I wouldn’t have run away. But my stepmother wanted me to marry some old man, and I just can’t! I’m still studying in college and have dreams I want to achieve. I can’t let my life be tied to a person I don’t even know.
But because of my harsh decision, my father ended up on the surgery bed, fighting for his life.
“It should’ve been you instead of my husband!”
I felt my heart break into pieces again. Hot tears streamed down my cheeks. I would pray for it to be like that. My father was my only real family after my mother died in childbirth. I didn’t even get to meet her. It was my stepmother who always became my mother figure. But I don’t really feel she treated me as her daughter. Would a mother want her daughter to marry a complete stranger?
“I-I didn’t mean it, Mother,” I said in my trembling voice.
“Will you just shut up, Beatrice?! Do you want Mother to be in surgery too?” Clementine said.
I sniffed and didn’t say anything. If only I could turn back time, I wouldn’t have let Dad pick me up. Or I wouldn’t have run away. I would have agreed to marry that man just to make sure that my father would be safe. He didn’t agree with the marriage, but because our business was already in a bad situation, he didn’t have any choice. I understand him. I just can’t accept the fact that I had to marry someone just to save everything. Why me? Why not Clementine?
After a few hours, a doctor came out of the surgery room. My stepmother immediately went to the doctor and faced him.
“Doctor! How’s my husband? Is he okay now? Can I see him now?” she asked worriedly.
“He’s stable for now.”
“For now? What do you mean ‘for now’?”
“We managed to stop some bleeding inside him, but he still needs brain surgery. Sadly, we cannot provide the best surgery for him.”
My stepmother cried again in despair. “What?! But I thought he was okay now!”
The doctor shook his head. “For now, Mrs. Litcher. But if Mr. Litcher doesn’t receive surgery until tomorrow, it could kill him. I’m really sorry.”
“Oh, God! What should I do?!”
“The Bruce Medical Center in the city. I know they can help your husband.”
I touched my mouth when he mentioned the hospital. Bruce Medical Center was the most prominent hospital in the country. They had the best medical center in the world, from the doctors to the machines they used. BMC was like a miracle hospital for everyone. But it was also the most expensive hospital.
“If you are ready, we will prepare Mr. Litcher for his transport.”
“H-How… How can we afford the BMC now? We can’t afford it!” Veronica exclaimed. Then she slowly looked at me. “You! This is your fault! Now how can we get surgery for your father?! He will die because of you!” She went in front of me and slapped me again.
I felt the hard pinch on my face, and my vision slightly blurred. I couldn’t think anymore. Would marrying that stranger really save us? If I said yes, would my father be saved?
“If you don’t have any help to give us now, Beatrice, just go home or go away! Don’t you ever let us see your face!” Clementine said.
“I-I want to see my father, M-Mom—”
“Did you really think I will let you see him? He is dying because of you! Unless you do what we want you to do, don’t ever show your face here again!” Veronica said. She looked at the doctor again and talked with him.
Tears fell down my cheeks once again. I turned around and slowly walked away. There was nothing I could do there. Now my father would die because of me. If only I knew that this would happen, I wouldn’t have entered the car with him. I would have begged him to stay in my friend’s apartment to talk about how we could save our business. Now, everything I love would be gone.
My family owned the biggest resort in the city. We owned an island that only prominent personalities or families could enter. My father said that he started it with Mom. Our resort became known because of her. But because of my stepmother and sister’s luxurious life, everything went downhill. And now they wanted me to pay for what they did. I didn’t even know the man my stepmother was talking about. I just knew him by his surname, Bruce. Everyone knew that the Bruce family was the wealthiest family in our country.
“What should we do now, Mom?” Clementine asked.
“I-I don’t know, Clementine. I might need to sell the resort now.”
I stopped walking and looked back at them. “Y-You can’t sell the resort, Mother!”
Veronica looked at me with her sharp eyes. “And then what? Let your father die?!”
“But Dad wouldn’t like it either! The resort is the only memory left of my mother!”
“Oh, shut it, Beatrice!” Clementine stood up and slapped me. “I said you go now!”
“If you had only agreed to Mr. Bruce’s proposal, then this wouldn’t have happened, Beatrice! It’s your fault that the resort will be gone too!” Mom added.
I clenched my fists. I can’t let her sell our resort! My dad was already dying, and losing the only memory of my parents would kill me. I sucked in a deep breath and stared at my stepmother.
“F-Fine… I will accept it. Just don’t sell the resort and save my father!”
Continue reading this here: https://reamstories.com/page/lk6cpds93v/story/ll7efn1kqx
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hiddleschick · 1 year
I was 20
and those cool, chestnut eyes
freckled nose, cheeks
& tousled hair
lured me with prose and wit, from
cynicism to nihilism
to Nietsche
"God is Dead"
Soft vinyl playing Yaruma's River
and a warm Maker's Mark
A hushed blur, the segue into a safe embrace, the lean-in--
"Take a shower with me?"
The door is cracked
One small sliver of blue-beamed steam lifts
while fractals dance off the single, icy bulb overhead
The couch is suddenly not as soft, stiff--
And the butterflies come
Their wings batter my ribcage like
ribbon on glass
Uncertainty, yet
complete certainty
The door ajar
Suddenly I'm feeling really safe
and for the first time in a while, seen
Clothes drop to the floor
Step-in, slide the glass door
& no words could ever ring near half as clever
as those which he whispered in that
Cerulean beam.
Now, completely entwined
I'm serving a purpose
This is what affirmation feels like
I want more
Finishing what was started
to satisfaction, hot and complete
Cold for a moment, then:
I feel like a baby who's been taken to bed, kissed on the forehead and tucked in
I trust as a child trusts
Take me to bed.
I never knew I could witness such beauty
"And you were beautiful." 🥀
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beviebamm · 1 year
to be your sweat to have a destination set how I would fall to graze your face just to feel your hand rush to my place an interesting way to love you to somehow be a part of you
Yes, I want to make you sweat.
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wettvagina · 1 year
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Spread my legs & dig in
Don’t even need to slip it in,
Tongue-fuck me until I cream
Or maybe even squirt
Either way I’ll scream & scream
Moan and groan when you treat me like dirt,
Once I’m milked and you’re a rock
Move your hands baby, don’t jock*
Put on a condom and then we’ll fuck,
Slowly and with ease, you slip it in
Thrusting and thrusting the feeling so keen
Make you cum, then watch
Pull up your pants but I’m still eyeing your crotch .
*jock-Caribbean slang for jerking off/masturbaiting
chatiniea cc
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euesworld · 2 years
"A kiss was what I thought I wanted, but then we made eye contact and I knew you wanted so much more.. a night of fire was ahead, from the bed to the floor."
The shower's not on but it's still getting steamy in here, haha - eUë
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dreamscapelit · 2 years
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Dark Trespass
A Necromancer’s Heart book one
A Necromancer’s Peril book two
A Necromancer’s Fight three
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writingstylez · 8 months
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manxxwriter · 2 years
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“I’d rather stay and bury my head in your collarbone and breathe you in.”
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barenakedbruja · 2 years
I can still hear the way he pleaded, wanting me to do it again.
I can still hear the way he teased, demanding I tell him what I want next.
I can still hear the way he gapses, how his breath sped up as I took him in my hands.
I can still hear the way he smiled, so proud of how he made me cum against his fingers.
I can still hear the way he begged for more.
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violentandflowery · 1 year
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cubslovesyouboo · 2 years
The ride organic
The ride home was pretty quiet
Just the background noise coming from the cars and the rain hitting the roofs of cars. The atmosphere was a little bit intense it was like our bodies were just ready to emerge together and not leave each other! How can you fathom what was going to happen later that night. Love? Baby? Sweetheart? The words coming from his mouth! I suddenly snap out my state, he ask are you okay ? What’s wrong ? Tell me what’s up ! I say oh sorry I was just so focused on the way rain was pouring on the windows. Nothing going on! He replied alright( in a laughing tone) just let me know if need anything (honest tone) he Said
We almost back to the house we can go relax and rest today was so busy ! I nodded and agreed! But I Just couldn’t shake off this intense energy it was like my body was out of control! Suddenly we arrive at his house he parked in and then turned off the car. He opened my door to get me out! I thanked him for doing that ! We hurry inside because it’s still raining. We go to his room and get into something comfortable!
Author note 😌~I have to finish this story sometime later or sooner Aha let me know if you like it
-Sy 🪐
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