#stenbrough oneshot
losers-club-hcs · 10 months
Helping Hands
Word count:1.7k
Warnings: description of minor wounds
About: Stan didn't expect to meet Bill especially not in this way but after helping him out after a biking accident he finds himself wishing to spent more time together.
A/N: I got impatient at the end so its a bit rushed 😅
Stanley Uris never really knew much love, at least not the kind of love he wanted to experience. Sure, his parents loved him, but even that felt fake at times, no Stanley wanted to feel desired, he wanted to hold a special place in someone's heart, a place reserved for him and him alone. The type of love that would bond their souls, wispy tendrils reaching out and tying together, becoming solidified. Although Stanley yearns for this love he never thought he would get to experience it for himself, only able to stare from afar, reaching out for something he could never have.
     That was until he met him. Stan has seen him around before sure, but he's never really known him. Perhaps this was destiny, an event that had been unknowably predetermined by the universe since before he was even born, perhaps there is no such thing as fate, only consequences of actions. That was neither here nor there; however, the topic of fate versus free-will is a debate that Stanley is concerned with at the moment. 
     The meeting, in Stan's eyes, was one of the best things to happen to him so far in his life, the meeting that shaped his future in more ways than he could ever know.
     It was a normal day, stan recalls nothing particularly exciting had happened and he was content with the state of content he found himself in. His mood, however, was quick to change when it happened.
     The school day was nothing interesting, same old teachers, same old classmates, same old boring assignments, no, it was what happened after the school day that flipped the whole day on its side.
     Stanley had been walking home from school, bike at his side, taking in the afternoon breeze when he heard it, a loud crash, followed by a dull smack of skin on concrete, trust him Stanley has taken enough tumbles to be familiar with the sound. Snapping his head down from the sky, where it had been positioned previously, he took in the concerning scene. A bike, laying on its side, looking a little beat up but nothing too concerning, what was concerning however, was the boy on the ground his hands and knees firmly planted on the concrete of the sidewalk, a bike crash Stanley determined and a pretty bad one too based on the state of the boys hands, which had been raised to the boys eye level to assess the damage. Stanley's immediate thought, being a very morally inclined person, was to assist the boy, or at the very least ask him if he was alright, so he did just that. 
     "Are you ok, that looks pretty bad" Stan inquired, but immediately backtracked knowing that the boy was in fact not alright, his palms and fingertips were covered in bloody scrapes with small rocks embedded into his skin, Stanley assumed his knees were in a similar state. 
     The boy gazed up at Stanley following his question, "i'm alright I th-think, thanks" he lied, his voice laced with faint traces of pain, his face showed similar signs of pain, a grimace painted on his mouth and scrunched eyebrows simply proved Stanley's theory, this boy was not ok even if he said he was 
     Stanley, deciding to call him out, spoke, "well you're obviously not ok, I mean do you see the state of your hands?" Stan asked, a small chuckle, lacking any humor, made its way out of his lips. Stan knew the boy would need some form of medical attention, knowing that he would feel guilty if he simply walked away from this, he decided to provide it himself, his house was just down the street anyway, and it was the least he could do, " come on, my house is just down the street those hands really need to get disinfected, probably your knees as well they're most likely scraped up too", Stan offered, while not giving the boy much room to argue.
     "Oh, no it's ok it's not that bad, my house isn't too far from here, don't worry about me" the boy dismissed Stan's offer, probably not wanting to be a burden.
     " that wasn't a question, that needs to be taken care of, my house is closer anyway and i'm offering to help you, so come on, I can push your bike", Stan's voice held no traces of irritation, simply firmness, he wasn't about to just abandon him there.
     The boy's eyes narrowed in contemplation." You're sure it's not an issue, I don't want to be a burden or anything" the words coming from the boy's mouth made Stanley sigh, " why is this kid so stubborn? "
     "I am one hundred percent positive you won't be a burden, now stop being stubborn and let's go" walking towards the boy as he spoke he grabbed his arm and pulled the boy off the ground, not wanting to cause further pain by grabbing his hand. After the boy was steady on his feet he grabbed the boys bike, along with his own and started off to his home, looking back to make sure the boy was following him
     Stan's gaze snapped the boy out of his trance, quickly limping towards him to keep up. After a few seconds of uncomfortably silence Stan broke the tension with a question "my name's Stan Uris, yours?" 
     "Bill,Bill Denbrough" came the boy's response. 
     "Well Bill Denbrough, what happened to cause a crash like that?" Stan referenced the event that brought them to this point.
      "Think it was a rock or something, i'm not quite sure", Bill answered the question, voice relaxed now that the tension was broken.
     "Must have been some rock, I mean with that amount of damage you'd have thought it was a Boulder or something", Stan's joke earned a laugh from Bill, and Stan smiled at the boy in return. Looking ahead Stan realized that his house was just a few steps away and informed Bill of this fact. When he got close enough to the front steps of his house Stan gently placed both of the bikes on his lawn putting his kickstand down, but not seeing one on Bill's bike, he simply set it on the ground.
     Stan gestured for Bill to follow him as he claimed the concrete steps in front of his house, opening the door for him to walk in first. Stan walked in behind him and closed the door. "My rooms just up the stairs" said Stan, moving towards the stairs, Bill said nothing in return but nodded his head in response. Walking up the stairs and down the hallway Stan came face to face with the door of his bedroom. His hand grasped the knob twisting it and pushing it open, stepping inside he held the door for Bill who stepped into the room cautiously.
     "Take a seat on the bed i'll just go grab some disinfectant and stuff, it'll just take a minute" Stan informed the boy staring out the door to his bathroom, when he arrived he opened up the cabinet and retrieved the needed supplies from within, disinfectant spray, gauze, and  medical tape he also wet a rag with warm water to wipe off the dirt and rocks on Bills hands and knees. Stan rushed back to his room, not wanting Bills injuries to go untreated any longer than they already have. He quickly returned to his bedroom entering once again and approached his bed, where Bill was sitting. 
     "Alright, give me your hands, I'll do those first and then your knees" Stan gestured to Bills hands. Bill obliged and Stan got to work, taking the wet rag and gingerly running it over Bills hands feeling sorry as Bill hissed in pain "sorry" Stan apologized before returning to the task at hand more gently this time first removing all the dirt and rocks from that hand before moving on to the other. There was a comfortable silence between the two only broken by the occasional sounds of pain from Bill and subsequent apologies from Stan. Satisfied with the cleanliness of Bills palms and fingers Stan then moved on to Bills knees. Stan placed a hand on bills calf raising his leg up slightly in order to get a better angle. Following the same routine he had for his hands gently swiping the rag across his skin untill All the debris disappeared. Stan made quick work of cleaning Bills knees, "now its time for the hard part, the disinfecting" Stan warned, knowing that it wouldn't be pleasant. 
     "Its fine, it won't be that bad" Bill reassured 
     "That's what you think, this stuff burns pretty bad",Stan informed, shaking the bottle of disinfectant spray if front of Bill Stans words were not at all reassuring.
     "I can handle it" Bill said teasingly. To which Stan replied,
     "If you say so", Stan raised the disinfectant spray to Bills knees and spritzed the wounds, trying his best to be quick. Once again Bill hissed in pain, the burning feeling worse than he thought it would be.
   "Told ya" teased Stan.
     "Oh hush, it's nothing I've had worse" Bill joked back.while the disinfectant was doing its job of disinfecting, stan applied some to Bills hands, earning the same sound of pain, this time was worse though, the injuries on his hands were worse than his knees "sorry" Stan said apologetically, before setting the bottle down and picking up the gauze and tape. Placing the gauze onto the injuries on bills knees, long strips of tape holding them in place. His hands required a diffrent approach, wrapping the gauze around his hands and fingers and then taping it into place securely.
     "All done" said Stan, standing up from his previous kneeling position.
     "Thanks" Bill spoke with appreciation tworads Stans actions.
     "Its no problem, I'm just glad I could help" Stan reassured.
     "Hey stan… would you wanna hang out sometime or something?" Bill asked, working that Stan would refuse his offer.
     "Oh… yea sure just call me and I'll be there" Stan spoke, glad that Bill had asked the question that he himself had been contemplating on asking. 
     The two boys made their way downstairs and to the front door, goodbyes were said and plans were made. Bill reluctantly left Stans house, grabbed his bike and pushed it to his own home. 
     One thought was on both boys minds, "he's really cute".
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t4tozier · 2 months
okay i’m impatient so i’m probably gonna do multiple oneshots
that being said
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wusyanam3 · 5 months
IT Streamers:
Havent started
multi chap
Most likely stan or richies pov
would probably be a fluff based thing, just for fun
stenbrough and reddie faced
multi chap
already planned, just started writing chapter one a few days ago
mikes pov
will is spiderman, mike doesnt know you get the jist
Mikes unsent letters:
1/3 finished
also mikes pov
a 5+1 fic where we see five letters that didnt get to will, and one that does.
(also includes the amount of stupid mistakes mike makes)
Byler coffee/flowershop au:
first chapter already up and posted
multi chap
mikes pov, maybe switch povs around a bit
where mike works in a coffee shop with his best friend max, and a new person decides to come to the cafe
(its will)
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asthmaqueeneddie · 7 years
Could I get some fluffy/angsty stenbrough with "I want you"
absolutely! i’m a stozier slut tbh but i love stenbrough
three word prompt// “i want you”
bill denbrough and stan uris, despite being as unpopular as they are, are ranked quite highly on the relationship charts at derry high school. they were dating since they got to high school, and a year before that, but none of that mattered when bill made the baseball team.
it was stan who actually convinced him to try out, it had always been a passion of bill’s but he had always been too anxious to actually go out for the team. stan knew that he was a really fantastic pitcher who could throw a wicked curveball and it didn’t take long for other people to start to notice as well.
bill was never really popular but he started getting invited to team dinners and parties. he started to feel liked and that made him immensely happy. which, by association, made stan feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
but the more bill’s name was spoken over the announcements for game recaps, the more girls started to flock to him. and even though he knew it shouldn’t upset him, stan knew that bill being pansexual meant that he could lose him to just about anyone.
there was one girl in particular who stan felt the most insecure around. her name was rebecca monroe and boy was she pretty. rebecca had the silkiest red hair that stood out in the sea of brunette perms, she had the lightest shade of green with the most beautiful specks of gold peppered in her eyes, she was lean but not too tall, tan but still donned freckles, she was basically everything stan pictured himself to be in his dreams.
it started when rebecca got assigned to be stan’s lab partner in freshman biology. and then somehow managed to become his partner in chemistry the next year. stan was a reasonable guy, he didn’t get all uptight and angry over his boyfriend’s lab partner. but then the two started staying after school for projects and club meetings. and she started showing up to bill’s baseball games. she even made friends with some of the other losers.
stan held his tongue until one friday night home game. rebecca had shown up, decked out in derry high’s school colors and bill’s jersey number. she took a seat next to bev on the bleachers, unaware of the deadly look stan was casting her way. she cheered for bill the whole game, calling out his number and shouting “c’mon billy!” at every opportunity. the final straw was when rebecca actually went down to the dugout and started feeding bill m&m’s through the chain-link fence.
“fuck this shit,” stan said, gathering his belongings as he stood. “tell bill i’ll see him tomorrow. or don’t. i don’t give a shit.” this was the angriest anyone had ever seen stan, and he gets pissed off a lot.
“c’mon stan, don’t leave. the inning’s almost over. you can talk to bill when it’s done.” richie suggested, grabbing stan’s wrist as he made to leave.
“i can’t sit here and watch her drool over my boyfriend and be expected to not be upset about it. i wanna go home.” stan protested, crossing his arms. even through the thick heatwave of anger he felt bubbling in his gut, he couldn’t miss the familiar sting in his chest that made his hands go numb and his eyes water. richie gave a stan a ride home, stan sniffled and mumbled to himself the whole way.
“don’t let rebecca get to you, stanny. bill loves you, not her.” richie tried his best to be comforting in his best friend’s time of need. but once a dark thought enters stan’s mind, it’s almost impossible to get rid of.
stan had plans to stay inside for the rest of the weekend. he lost the urge to confront bill on all the tomfoolery that had been happening around them. he dodged everyone’s calls, asked his mother to cover for him when the loser’s came knocking at the door. bill was literally going crazy without seeing stan. he called richie every night to ask if he had heard anything. of course he had, he’s stan’s partner in crime, but he never said a word.
sunday night bill heard a tap at his window. this initially freaked him out because he was on the second floor, but upon inspection he saw that it was bill throwing rocks from the ground. stan begrudgingly agreed to meet him outside.
“alright, what’s the-the deal? huh? you l-leave my game early with-without so much as a ‘see you later’, you-you don’t answer my calls, you make your m-m-mom tell me you’re sick, and n-now you’re standing here looking pissed off and-and I’d really just like t-to know what the hell is going on.” bill stammered, fists clenched tightly.
“i’m so terribly sorry for leaving your baseball game early, bill. but the sight of your new girlfriend basically spoon-feeding you candy was literally making me sick.” stan spat, crossing his arms over his chest.
“this is-is about becca?” bill asked.
“oh so she’s becca now? that’s great. no really. billy and becca sitting in a tree. it’s perfect. i hope you guys have a lot of fun together.” stan turned around to head back inside but bill grabbed onto his arm and pulled him back.
“i’ve told you t-time and time again, s-stan. there’s no-nothing going on bet-between us.” bill snapped, not letting go of stan’s arm.
“and i’ve told you time and time again that she’s fucking in love with you!”  at this point, tears fell freely out of stanley’s eyes. he was so tired of having to fight for bill’s attention, tired of having to compete with miss universe for a sliver of bill’s time. stan tried to pull his arm away but it was no use, bill just kept yanking him in closer.
“it doesn’t matter how she feels about me,” he said, grabbing either side of stan’s tear-streaked face. “i don’t want her. i want you, stanley.” bill whispered, making stan melt into his arms. three little words were spoken and stan immediately felt ten pounds lighter. it was like something in his chest opened up and he couldn’t finally take a deep breath again. the two tired boys exchanged ‘i love you’s before parting ways for the night. for the first time in a while, stan went to bed feeling confident and loved. he smiled so hard that his mouth began to hurt as he realized how lucky he was to be the one bill loves, how blessed he was to have found someone like him.
hope this is what you wanted! i’m not used to writing stenbrough so go easy on me pls
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richiestoziers · 7 years
and you are my future
summary: bill denbrough and stanley uris think about their future while babysitting georgie
warnings: a kiss, idk if there is anything else ?? also not edited so it may be shit
read it on ao3 here
stanley uris and bill denbrough were seniors in high school and both were desperately ready to get out of derry and live their lives far away from maine. it wasn’t like there was some grand evil force pushing them out of derry, or abusive parents, or guilt's that made them want to leave. they wanted to leave derry just because it was derry, it was a town stuck in days where racism and homophobia were the norm, it was a town where the overall vibe was one of eeriness, where you felt like you were in a bad dream you couldn’t wake up from. both wanted out, they had been in a relationship since sophomore year of high school and have been planning their ‘great escape’, even going on college tours together junior year to make sure they went to the same place. they had both been accepted to university of washington and were already planning to be roommates. stan would be an accountant, bill would take his love for writing all the way and strive to be an author, and they both found comfort in these thoughts. they just had to push through these last few months before they could leave, but it was somehow easier to be in derry knowing they were going to be leaving soon.
which is why when bill’s parents last minute decided to go on a date night and needed bill to babysit georgie, he wasn’t mad (even though him and stan had planned on a nice date that night). he had texted stan that he couldn’t make it for the date because he had to watch his little brother, making sure he would make it up to him as soon as possible (tomorrow night sound good?). of course he wishes he could be out with stan, but he had to remember that once he was gone he wouldn’t be seeing georgie every day like he was used to. georgie was the part of derry he would miss the most, that ten year old boy was the light of his life (besides stan), and there was no one bill denbrough loved more than his little brother.
“so georgie, what are we going to do today now that mom and dad are out? i still have halloween rented, if you think you can handle that.” maybe he was being a bad influence on his little brother, because he knew georige wouldn’t be able to sleep at night after seeing michael myers on screen. 
georgie’s smile grew wider, teeth missing and under his pillow, and his hair was needing a trim, which was obvious by the way he continued to move it out of his face. the boy was jumping with excitement, and bill knew it was too late now to take back the offer of halloween. “please, bill, please! i wanna see it so bad, i won’t tell mom and dad you showed it to me if you don’t!” he begged, his pinky out initiating a pinky promise (which to georgie meant you could never, ever break.)
bill looked down on his young brother, already missing him, and wrapped his pinky around the boys much smaller one. “it’ll be our little secret, but you do know that means no going into mom and dads room if you’re having nightmares tonight.”
georgie rolled those big brown eyes, moving his hand back and out of the pinky promise. “i’m ten now bill, i’m not gonna get afraid, and i’m not gonna need to go into mom and dads room! i’m old now, i can handle this! promise!” bill remembered when he was his age, thinking ten years old meant you were practically an adult, and he wondered if he had ever been as innocent as georgie was now.
seven years ago seemed like a lifetime ago though, and he couldn’t even remember what a ten year old bill’s thoughts were then. he wondered if his crush on stan had been there even then, maybe it was and he didn’t even know about it, because he can’t imagine himself ever not liking stan now. of course there was that one time he liked beverly, back in the third grade play, but that didn’t last long. after that one kiss he followed her around the halls like a lost puppy, but with the jokes from his friends and nothing happening after that week (children were impatient), he somehow forgot he even liked her and she went back to being a borderline stranger to him.
he knew he liked stan by the eighth grade though, afraid of accepting the truth any sooner, but he couldn’t deny it from himself any longer. not when puberty was hitting the boy and while others were talking about the girls they wanted to kiss (amongst other things), bill could only look at stan’s lips while thinking of this. it wasn’t that he didn’t like girls, or the thought of kissing them, but when he thought about who’s lips he wanted pressed up against his that curly haired boy across from him was the one who popped in his mind. 
of course nothing happened until sophomore year, and in those years in between were spent with him slowly finding a way to tell him or see if he could possibly feel the same way. he was scared of losing such a good friend over a crush that he seemed he couldn’t get over, and by the end of freshmen year bill found it unbearable to keep going without confessing his feelings. sleepless nights where the boys would watch scary movies and wake up with their bodies intertwined, or when bill would follow behind him as he bird watched and listened as he marveled at blue jays and canaries. 
that was the summer when everything changed, when they would go to the aladdin together and graze their hands in the popcorn, and walk home closer together than usual. it was after one of those nights bill confessed, walking stan to his door and stopping him before he could walk in, stuttering his way through a confession and ending the night with both of them smiling and their lips still tasting like the others. 
he even remembered hearing stan’s laugh afterwards as bill drove off on silver (his body now fitting in the large bike) laughing as he screamed “high ho silver away!” biking home quicker than ever, the adrenaline of kissing the boy he had liked for years still fresh in his system.
that was the beginning of what bill hoped was the rest of his life, because to him stan was his life. he wanted to run away with that boy and start their lives together, get their careers on track and get married when the time felt right, find a house in the suburbs and adopt some kids and live the perfect life. he wanted them to be a modern day nuclear family.
lost in his daydream he almost forgot about georgie, and only got out of it once georgie was shaking bill and he heard his phone loudly ringing in his ear. “billy, stan’s been calling.” 
bill could feel his already present smile growing bigger at the thought, grabbing his phone out of georgie’s hand and responding. he gave georgie a little wink and smile to make sure things were okay and that georgie wasn’t feeling neglected as he talked to his boyfriend.
“hey babe, what’s up?” he asked, turning his back from georgie as if that gave him some sense of privacy. he could feel georgie against his leg though, trying to eavesdrop, he was always a curious little boy.
stan’s voice across the phone responded with “nothing, i was just wondering if maybe i could come over? i can help watch georgie and i promise i won’t be too much of a distraction. you know i’m good with kids and i love georgie. it’s fine if you don’t want me there or anything, i just miss you and was looking forward to our date tonight.” stan rambled, obviously trying to convince him while also trying to seem like things would be fine either way. 
bill chuckled at his boyfriend, the usually quiet boy rambling on and on, that never failed to make him fall more in love with him. “of course you can come over, though warning, we’re going to be watching halloween tonight.”
“are you sure that’s a good idea? there is nudity in that movie and georgie is only ten. do you really want to corrupt his young mind like that?” stan questioned, half joking half serious.
“come on, we can cover georgie’s eyes during those parts. i can have one hand on his left eye and you can have one hand on his right eye. it will be perfect.” he joked, laughing at his own joke.
he could already tell stan was rolling his eyes, but what he knew was a fact was stan’s small laugh. “good plan, denbrough. i’ll be over soon, don’t start halloween without me.” stan said as if he hadn’t seen it already.
“bye.” they said to each other, both smiling as they hung up the phone, bill going to the couch with georgie and stan hopping on his bike and racing over to bill’s house. 
“what did stanley have to say? georgie asked, dropping down on the couch next to his tall brother. he always used stan’s full name, he always saw stan as some type of celebrity, where you had to say their full name rather than what they typically went by.
bill felt the couch dip near him as his little brother cuddled up next to him, always looking for attention from his older brother. bill was the object of georgie’s idolatry, and he was always ready for bill time. “just that he’s coming over to watch halloween with us, that’s okay right?” he felt a pang of guilt, he hadn’t even thought to ask georgie if it was okay. looking down at his brothers face he waited for his response, hoping it was a good one.
georgie gave him a smile, hopefully a genuine one, and nodded his head. “i’m gonna miss you both when you’re gone.” he had gotten used to stan now, he was practically living at the denbrough house most of the time, and he already felt as if bill and him were a married couple.
bill gave his brother a hug, arms wrapped around the small boy, giving him a smile in return. “good, because if you don’t want him over i can tell him to stay home. he won’t mind.” 
georgie shook his head, smiling up at him, some teeth missing in said smile. “i’m fine, billy.” 
“good.” was all bill had to say, the moment a quiet relaxing one, but that could never last long with the denbrough brothers. soon bill’s hands were tickling at georgie’s stomach, even going for his armpits (the most ticklish on georgie). the young boys laughter filling the room, only ending with the doorbell going off indicating stan was there.
“one second, georgie.” bill got up from the couch leaving georgie with his head turned to the door, watching his brother move to the door.
the door opened to stanley uris behind it, his bike on the grass of their front lawn, and a smile wide on his face. stan was 5′7″ and would probably never grow to be any taller, while bill was the tallest of the group (tied with richie, who’s growth spurts kept coming and coming) at 6′0″. stan moved in to give his much taller boyfriend a hug, before letting himself in and sitting next to georgie (who bill was starting to think was his favorite denbrough brother).
bill followed behind, sitting on the other side of georgie, the couple looking like a little family with his brother in between them. “hey georgie.” stan gave his little brother a hug, and bill could feel his heart melt as he watched the two. “i hear we are gonna be watching halloween tonight, are you sure about that?”
georgie’s smile disappeared at that, more annoyed now (not really), and hating being treated like a child. “i’m ten now! i can handle it, i already pinky promised to bill i wouldn’t get scared and i wouldn’t tell our parents. i’m ready for the movie!” he wasn’t really mad, but he was trying to seem like it.
“whatever you say, georgie.” stan gave him a sly smile, going along with georgie’s play of this being serious.
georgie turned back to the tv, comfortable and warm between the two boys he saw as gods. “well, someone put the movie in!” he jokingly bossed them around, anxious to see his first rated R film.
“i’ll get it.” bill got up to put in the dvd, skipping through the ads and pressing play before getting comfortable on the couch once more. 
the movie starts and when it wasn’t spent with bill worrying about what scenes to cover up georgie’s eyes, he was watching his boyfriend with his little brother, never happier in his life. imagining stan with their own child one day. he moved his arm around georgie and to stan’s shoulders, poking him until he looked back at him. bill gave him a smile, mouthing an ‘i love you’ to him.
stan squeezed bill’s hand, mouthing ‘i love you too’ back, turning back to the movie, but bill kept looking at him none the less. analyzing his side profile, the way his nose turns, the pucker of his lips, his eyelashes, his face changing at certain scenes, and how no matter how many times he pushed his curls back they will always fall right back in front of his face. bill could never get enough of this boy, and just seeing this made him want that future they always dreamed of more than ever.
by the end of the night georgie was partially traumatized, and asking bill if he could sleep in his room that night. of course he said yes and sent him up to get in his pajamas while he sent stan out. alone for once that night bill help stan’s hands in his, looking down to his boyfriend with those blue puppy dog eyes stan loved so much. “you were great with georgie tonight. you always are but, seeing you with him tonight really just had me thinking. i want that one day, with us, having a kid of our own.” he knew he wasn’t coming on too strong, they had talked about the topic before, and he was comfortable saying almost anything to stan.
he could see the red of heat form on stan’s cheeks, loving the way he was still able to make his boyfriend blush, and wishing this night would never end. “well we have to wait a few years for that, but i feel the same way. you’d be a great father bill, and there is no one else i’d want to raise a child with.” stan and bill had a tender look in their eyes, they were seventeen years old, and yet more mature than they should be. 
“i can’t wait for that day, stan, and i really hope it comes.” he couldn’t even imagine them breaking up, but there was always the inevitable that it could happen. he couldn’t imagine himself being with another, raising children with another, but even when he spoke about it he always had to have that thought in the back of his mind just in case.
stan took one hand out of bill’s and cupped his boyfriends face, reaching up to get there. “it will. i’m in it for the long run, bill.” and with that he moved up to kiss his boyfriend goodnight. he pulled away, eyes still closed for a bit, finally opening them and giving bill a look that made him know that they were forever. “goodnight, bill.” was all stan said before he walked out the door, riding off on his bike into the darkness leading back to his house.
“goodbye, stan.” bill uttered, watching his boyfriend leave, closing the door and leaning on it to replay that moment over and over again. he was never happier than with stan, and today was the best yet. he resigned his fantasies for tomorrow, ready to go to bed and deal with a terrified georgie. another part of his future parenting, all with stanley uris.
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thatsarcasticgemini · 3 years
Poltergeist boyfriend
Bill Denbrough x Stanley Uris
When his parents told him that they were moving, Bill expected a new house or a futuristic apartment, but instead he got an old and rusty house. So there he was, big box full of books in hands, looking the house up and down with a sour look in his usually bright eyes. He looked at the window of the left upstairs bedroom, where he saw a figure looking at him. He looked around to find hid mom, but the figure was gone when he looked back. Stupid old house, stupid long road, stupid heavy box. Georgie, on the other hand was more than happy to go inside, running around the porch and urging everyone to move faster. Bill went inside and asked his mom to see his bedroom. She pointed the medium one upstairs, the same room where he saw that figure.
The next day he went to his new highschool. There, he met Eddie, Richie, Ben and Bev. He hit it off with Bev, but there was never gonna be anything between them, as Bev was dating Ben and Bill was very gay. The school was ok: the teachers were kind, the halls were clean and bullying was taken very seriously. Plus it was only five minutes away from home, which meant that Bill could get there in time to say bye to his parents before they left for work. For lunch he had mashed potatoes with chiken, his favourite. While he was eating, he heard a loud thud coming from his bedroom. Licking his fingers of grease, he went upstairs, ready to yell at Georgie for going in his bedroom. But the bedroom was empty. The only thing out of place was the picture of him and Mike, his old friend for the other town. When he picked it up he could swear he saw the same figure behind him in the glass. Placing the picture back, he ran downstairs to finish his meal. Little did he know, that would be the first of many encounters with the supernatural being.
Things started getting weirder and weirder over the next a few weeks. Wednesdays were Alphabet Soup days for the Denbroughs, but they got strange for Bill. Everytime he'd pick a spoon of letters, they would always spell things like: youre cute, i like u, i love u. He'd come home to see drawings of him and a boy on his desk. He blamed Georgie at first, but the young boy denied everything. All the drawings showed Bill either hugging or kissing this curly haired boy. He even saw this boy in his dreams, either looking out the window or playing the piano in the living room. Whenever Bill would open his english notebook he'd be met by short love poems, always signed S.U. But the worse happened when he brought people over.
The first time someone came over, it was boy named Jake, who was Bill's project partner. He only stayed in Bill's bedroom for five minutes, while Bill was making tea, when he cursed loudly and ran out of the house calling Bill nuts. Bill chased after him, confused and hurt, but looking to his bedroom window from the front yard, he saw the curly haired boy dissapear behind the curtains. This happened to everyone who came over to Bill's. It even happened to Eddie. The boy left after 30 minutes, saying someone was watching him and throwing stuff at his head. Bill was desperate, to the point where he begged Beverly to help him. Bev was a witch, so she was more than happy to help him figure the problem out. Her best guess was that a spirit that was bound to the house had taken a liking in Bill and was trying to chase potential partners away.
The plan was for Bill to hold hands with Bev, pretend to be dating so the spirit would give her its worst. That was exactly what happened, but Bev stood her ground. She ignored the yelling in her ear, the things thrown at her and the very scray ghost following her. At some point, Bill saw the ghost and warned Beverly that it was a diffrent one. The usual ghost was a boy with light curly hair and kind brown eyes. Beverly said that this scary ghost was a shape the boy was taking to scare her away. After a couple hours, Bev pulled Bill into the living room.
"Bill, I have to leave. Here you go. Inside this box there’s a ouija board. You have to paly alone, so that the poltergeist will have to join you. I also wrote you instructions on a paper I taped on the back of the box. This being really really likes you, so there’s nothing to worry about. I’m just worried I might anger it by staying longer. You’ll be fine.” and with that she left. Bill took the board and the planchette to his bedroom. Sitting down he read the mantra Bev gave him outloud and looked around.
“I’m alone, supernatural being, so you have to join me. Please join me.” With that, Bill lifted his head to see the curtains move. He was a little freaked out, but he calmed himself down. The scary ghost emerged form the other side of the room, looking around with wild eyes. It passed Bill by, yelling and ran downstairs. Bill was thanking God that neither Bev, nor his parents or Georgie were home to see the scene unfold. The door behind him opened again and Bill saw the boy coming in the room and sitting on the floor, oposite of where he sat. The supernatural being was in its regular form, probably calming down after seeing Bev was gone. It put its hand on the planchette moving it around to spell “Hi Bill”. 
“Hi! Can you please tell me your name?”   
“Stanley Uris. My family lived here 45 years ago.”
“But you’re supposed to be alive today.”
“I am, but I was killed in an accident at school. Two kids locked me in the boiler room as a prank. A teacher found me dead 12 days later. I was burried in the back yard of this house.”
“Why do you harass my friends? Why do you give me poems and drawing?”
“Cause I like you and I dunno how to express it. I chase people away cause I’m afraid you’ll like them more cause they’re alive. Was that girl your girlfriend?”
“She is a friend, I’m gay. I did that to make you respond.”
“I would’ve responded either way. You have nice eyes. And I like your drawings. You’re cute when you are focused.”
“You’re cute now. Is there any way I can make you be alive, sort of. Like in Beetlejuice?”
“I am dead. What’s Beetlejuice?”
“A musical about a demon. If someone said his name three times, he could be touched and seen, it was almost like he was real again.”
“I am not a demon, but I get it. You can make me real, sort of real. By allowing me to come into your world at will. You need black salt and moon water. Your witch friend has them for sure. You also need a picture of me. You can find one in the attic. You can do it tomorrow. I’ll guide you.” and with that, Stan moved the planchette to goodbye and went back to the window, where he vanished. Bill instantly called Bev and asked her for black salt and moonwater. Bev was happy to help again.
     The next day, right after Georgie left to meet up with his friends, Bill dashed to the attic and looked in all the furniture until he found a picture of Stan. It was a picture of him playing the piano. Bill took it, ran to his room to get the board, took the salt and water from his backpack and ran to his bedroom. Stanley responded in less than a second.
“You got everything?”
“Yes, but you need to tell me what to do with them.”
“You need to go to the backyard and take 27 small steps from the back door forward. You’ll be somewhat above my body. You need to sprinkle salt around yourself in a circle, emerge the photo in moonwater and put it in front of your feet. Put some more salt on the picture and say this: I, Bill Denbrough, allow Stanley Uris to come back into this world at free will. I will be the only one to see him. He’ll step in the land of the living and come out of it whenever he wants. That should do it. I’ll be watching you.”
“Will I be able to touch you that way?”
“Will you be able to leave the house?”
“Yes. I’ll also be able to return to land of the dead if I’ll feel like it.”
“Cool. Ok. Let’s do it.” And with that Bill went in the backyard and did exactly as Stanley had instructed him. At first it seemed like nothing happened, so Bill decided to go back inside. Once inside, he felt a hand on his shoulder while going up the stairs. Turning around he came face to face with Stanley.
“Hi, Bill! Wow you have soft skin. I have soft skin. Your clothes look nice. Mine are kinda old. Your hair is so soft as well. Mine is curlier then yours I don’t really like it that much. What do you think? Is my hair that bad?” Stanley started rambling. Bill just looked at him with wide eyes. He was real. Bill took a step forward, throwing himself in Stanley’s arms. Stanley didn’t respond at first, but hugged back in the end. It was going to be one hell of a ride, teaching Stanley how to be human again, how would his parent’s react, showing Stanley the modern world, but he was ready. After all, Bill would do anything for love.
Hello, Erica here! I just wanted to thank @bi-teen-angst for the headcannons posted their account. Sorry for the bad grammar and for the fact that I am 1 year late with this. I wish everyone the best.
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hypochondriacattack · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: IT - Stephen King, IT (Movies - Muschietti) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bill Denbrough/Stanley Uris, Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier Characters: Eddie Kaspbrak, Stanley Uris, Stan Uris, Richie Tozier, Bill Denbrough, William Denbrough, Greta Bowie | Gretta Keene, Sonia Kaspbrak, Maggie Tozier, Andrea Uris, Sharon Denbrough, minor fan character (teacher), Yes Andrea Uris is a lesbian Summary:
Bill, Stanley, Richie, and Eddie go to prom together and everything that could go wrong does, but in the end, it's all alright.
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opulentcherries · 5 years
hey there, eddie [reddie au] 1/3
pairings: reddie, stenbrough,
warnings: fuckton of cursing, angst, lots of sad shit, underage drinking,
words: 1.7k
extra: this is a playlist fic. each part is based on a different song, and the fic as a whole is based on the song hey there delilah by the plain white t's.
song of the chapter: no idea by all time low
synopsis: the losers are off to college and richie is inexplicably upset that he’s staying in derry. with his best friend and secret love of his life moving to new york, richie can’t help but dwell on the fact that his life is not at all moving in the right direction. so richie does the only thing he knows how, he writes it all down and picks up his guitar.
please don’t hesitate to send me an ask or leave some feedback in the comments <3 it motivates me to write and makes me feel like i’m not totally terrible so enjoy!
richie felt alone.
it was unusual for him to feel like this while he was with the others, but the heavy feeling in his heart was too strong to ignore.
the losers all sat in their typical hangout of the quarry, hair wet from swimming, voices hoarse from screaming. they sat on logs around a campfire, roasting marshmallows and telling stories of old adventures, smiles littering their faces.
richie sat on a lone log, watching all the others with hooded eyes. he coasted over them sadly, knowing that soon, none of this would be here.
graduation was in a measly three weeks and within a month they'd all be scattered about the map; bill and stan in boston, mike in new jersey, bev in philadelphia, ben traveling a ways away to toronto, eddie in new york and richie, well richie was gonna be stuck in derry.
the thought rested heavily in richie's mind as he twirled the marshmallow clad stick lazily in the fire, eyes set on his group. it had been the seven of them always, ever since they banded together in the seventh grade. best friends forever and ever is what they promised, but richie knew better. he knew that people never stay.
as this particular thought weighed in his mind, richie's dark eyes settled on his favorite loser, who was lost in a story that beverly and mike were reciting animately.
eddie kaspbrak, the boy that managed to steal his heart with a single look. the boy he annoyed constantly with the crude comments falling off his chapped lips. the boy who meant more to him than anyone in the entire world.
richie heaved a sigh, knowing that he'd never be able to tell eddie how he really felt. in four weeks time eddie would be in a big city with so many different people that eddie would soon forget about his old best friend in his childhood town.
you see, richie tozier knew he wasn't special. he knew he wasn't smart, and he knew that he would be stuck in derry for the rest of his life, in a dead end job that he hated. he wasn't nearly good enough for eddie kaspbrak, no, not even close. this richie knew.
eddie was someone so special, so extraordinary. he knew that the small, snarky boy would grow up to do great things, and if richie was truly the best friend eddie believed he was, he couldn't bring himself to hold him back.
richie wasn't sure what hurt more, knowing that he wasn't good enough for the boy he was so desperately in love with or knowing that in order to let him be the happy he deserved, he had to let him go.
"richie!" the lanky boy's thoughts were interrupted by the very boy always clouding them. "are you trying to get yourself killed?"
bev looked him over in suspicion and confusion. "your marshmallow is completely fried, rich. the stick is nearly blazing.”
richie looked down at the charred marshmellow and shook the fire out. "oh. sorry."
the group stilled at the feeble apology, looking at their friend with confused eyes. this wasn't the richie they knew. no, their richie made the most disgusting comments at the worst possible times. their richie never shut his mouth, and their richie made them laugh like no other ever could.
this version of richie looked down at his shoes like they were the most interesting thing he'd ever seen. he was quiet and sad, and it didn't sit right with any of them.
stan cleared his throat, "richie? what's wrong? find out your iq is the same as your age again?"
richie knew it was a joke, and he knew that stan was baiting him so they could have their usual snippy banter, but all richie could think of was how far away he'd be from them all because he wasn't smart enough to go anywhere else.
they'll forget you in no time, his subconscious reminded him cruelly. you're nothing compared to them.
when it seemed like his sad expression only deepened, mike spoke. "you know you can always talk to us, rich. we're here for you, always."
richie shook his head and plastered a much too fake smile on his lips. "I'm fine, really you losers. jeez, you'd think I died or something the way you all look."
from across the small fire, eddie kaspbrak glanced over his best friend with worried eyes. this wasn't his richie, the boy that annoyed him at all times. he didn't like that richie was quiet and seemingly sullen, it was unnatural.
he also knew, that there was way more to richie's feelings than he was letting on. he was lying, and eddie knew he'd never let his guard down in front of the others. for this reason alone eddie waited for richie to look up, because no matter how much the troubled boy his feelings from the group, he could never hide them from eddie.
like expected, richie looked up when feeling eyes on him, and fell into the trap of eddie's chocolate colored eyes. eddie raised an eyebrow, question in his eyes. richie only shook his slightly in response, and eddie stared harder, almost daring him to lie.
beverly had been watching the encounter between eddie and richie, and she noticed how he was keeping his feelings from not only the group, but even eddie. it was unusual, because no one in the world was closer than eddie and richie.
she realized there must have been way more to the story than she knew, so she decided to jump in and save him.
"hey rich," the dark eyes slid from eddie to her. "you have your guitar right? why don't you play us something?"
richie breathed a laugh, "oh god no,” he says. “i'll probably fuck up your ears.”
ben snorted, "richie tozier being modest? never thought i'd see the day."
richie rolled his eyes. "i'm not being modest, I'm just not that good.”
eddie rolled his eyes then. "you're the best that i know, rich."
richie's heart could have melted right then and there, and all of a sudden, the overwhelming need to get his feelings out seemed to take him over. he nodded, and bev clapped, bill, stan, ben and mike smiling. eddie let his lips turn up slightly, but just simply watched as richie reached behind him and grabbed the guitar case.
"um..." richie paused, wondering what to play. he wanted something that would make him feel better, but he didn't want to give anything away. he couldn't afford for someone to catch onto his feelings. "okay."
richie lined up his fingers up to the correct chords and let his fingers do the rest, his voice coming out soft and small.
I was dreaming we were running
from a city burning down,
down, down, down
eddie felt his heart flutter at richie's deep, calming voice singing the familiar song, and he instantly sat up straighter in his seat.
richie continued to sing, letting his emotions pour into the lyrics, voice growing stronger.
now there's a piece of me
tells me I shouldn't leave
everytime I see your face
as if he was being compelled to do so, richie looked up at eddie, only to find the other boy already looking at him. their eyes connected and while richie knew the smile on eddie's face was purely platonic, his heart began to pound anyway.
because everytime
you come around
love, you take my breath away and i just wanna breathe until,
i take you in
i never want you to leave until
i take you in
but the truth is,
richie felt like his heart was being torn in two as he sang, the words hitting far too close to home. when he felt the tears start to build he looked down, hand still strumming away to the song.
she has no idea, no idea
that I'm even here
she has no idea, no idea
that I'm even here
that I'm even here
the remaining losers somehow felt, looking between eddie and richie that they were intruding on an intimate moment. regardless of how much richie buried his feelings, his love for eddie was too strong. they all knew how deeply richie felt for the other, and they hated that he did nothing.
some of them weren't sure if eddie felt the same and the others were convinced that he did, but either way, richie had the potential to be happy and he was denying himself the opportunity because he didn't feel like he deserved it.
she's so close when i'm so far away
when i'm so far away
let me dream
let me stay
she's so close when i'm so far away
when i'm so far away
i can sleep
i can dream
i can change
richie slowed his movements as he neared the end of the song, his voice slurring slightly as he placed more emphasis on each lyric. he looked up at eddie once more as he sang.
she has no idea, no idea
that i'm even here
that i'm even here
she has no idea, no idea
that i'm even here
that i'm even here
she has no idea, no idea
that i'm even here
that i'm even here
he has no idea
that i'm even here...
then suddenly it was quiet. richie could feel his heart pound in his ears and no one said anything. he fucked up, god, he fucked up. he had changed the pronoun without even realizing, while singing to eddie.
eddie felt his face warm as the word dropped from richie's mouth. he. was it supposed to mean eddie? was richie trying to tell him something?
his mind spun with questions and he wanted so badly to talk to richie, but the boy was already up and moving.
"richie-" bill tried to stop him, but richie rushed away, mumbling a half assed excuse of needing to get home, not sparing even the slightest glance to any of them.
especially eddie.
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ifyoucouldholdme · 5 years
Birthday Boy
Ship: Stenbrough
Word Count: 349
Read on AO3
               As he excitedly tittered around the observation deck of the aviary, Stan couldn’t recall a more splendid birthday. For the longest time he wanted to visit this preservation, as it claimed to be the largest in the state. Bill, the giving soul that he was, purchased two day passes for the both of them to celebrate. Stan gushed over every bird. He threw dozens upon dozens of facts at Bill with each new species he spotted. The quiet boy just gazed in silent fondness at his rambling friend.
              “Oh my god, Bill,” Stan burst with a twirl to his left, “Did you see that cardinal? The one in the top of that tree. That has to be the most beautiful, bright red I have ever seen.”
              Bill chuckled through a smirk. “Sorry I m-missed it.” Stan turned to face him in a huff.
              “Bill, we’ve been here all day, and you haven’t really paid attention to anything we’ve seen so far. In fact, whenever I look at you, most of the time you’ve been looking at me instead.” He pouted slightly, leaning against the railing with a soft sigh. “Sorry. I know I can go overboard when it comes to birds. I’m probably boring you with all my geeking out.”
              “The opposite, actually,” Bill said, his eyes twinkling in the late afternoon sunlight, “You’re v-very entertaining when you’re happy. I just have something m-more beautiful than a b-bird to look at.”
              Stan felt his eyes bulge out of his skull but attempted to keep his composure.
              “Come again?” he choked.
              “You heard me,” Bill mischievously grinned.
              Screw keeping calm. Stan leapt onto the unsuspecting redhead and instantly closed their lips together in a kiss. He melted into Bill’s welcoming warmth, finally living the moment he only prayed for throughout their entire friendship. Stan loved his birds, but he loved nothing more than his precious, stuttering Bill Denbrough.
When he finally pulled away, allowing them both to catch their breath, he giggled at the scarlet flush racing up Bill’s neck. “See, now that’s the most beautiful red I’ve ever seen.”
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Blood and Sweat
Fandom: IT (2017)
Pairing: Reddie, minor Stenbrough, minor Benverly
Rating: Teens and up
Warnings: Major Character Death, Graphic Descriptions of Violence
Words: 10900
Summary: The small man’s gaze turned to Mike, who was having small talk with Beverly. Even after all the secrets they kept from him came to the light, the farmer was still sticking by their side, helping them win a fight which wasn’t his.
Eddie sighed, squeezing Richie’s hand before letting go and joining his friends’ chatter.
Richie followed him with his eyes, smiling softly, and turned to look out the window. In the darkness of the night, he spotted a car’s headlights slowly approaching, the engine becoming louder.
He turned to his friends.
“They’re here”
To Eddie Kaspbrak, love was something forbidden, much like any other thing in the shallow life he lived. It was something to never be spoken of, a cursed subject that’s best not to approach. Some could say Eddie Kaspbrak was afraid of love, terrified even, as he never talked about it, never seemed to have experienced the deep feeling that come with caring so much for someone. Truth is, Eddie Kaspbrak didn’t know what love was. He didn’t know all the lies his mother fed him about it were just that; lies. He thought he had all the love he needed in his so-called home, where in truth that’s the last place he’d find it in.
And, as it is, love comes in the weirdest forms and shapes. To Eddie Kaspbrak, it came as a pleasant surprise. As nights spent dancing to the beat of imaginary melodies. He found it in two bodies touching, skin to skin, blood and sweat. He found it in sneaking out, in running away. Eddie Kaspbrak found love in a man.
“Go home kid. I ain’t up for dancing tonight” The man said as he moved around the little room, apparently cleaning up.
Eddie looked behind him at the red curtains hat separated the room from the rest of the pub, then turned his attention to the lanky man before him.
“I, um…” It wasn’t like he could go home now. It was still too early (or late) for his mother to actually be asleep, and he’d be in trouble if she caught him going back home. He wouldn’t go back to the pub without his friends either. The people either snarled or glared at him, or looked him up and down as if considering something.
Eddie supposed it was normal. He was a small person, who didn’t look the least intimidating. As for the bedroom looks, Bev always commented how good looking he was, and how he had great thighs. And, well, he had come to the pub to get laid, after all.
Having a life like Eddie’s was complicated. Since he was very little, his mother had rejected his own nature, just as hers. She would say again and again how it would get him killed, just like his father. ‘And who would I have if you left, my dear Eddiebear? Who would take care of dear ma?’
Eddie hated how he always guilted him into staying with her. He knew that she was toxic, that she was sick. And yet something forced him into staying by her side. Maybe it was just the fact that he loved her, and she loved him back.
(Only I love you Eddie bear only me no one else no one else will ever love you like I do no one-)
Maybe it was the fact that he really wouldn’t be safe in the world without her. His true colors would show, would he want it or not. And, if his own mother didn’t accept his own nature, who’s to say the outside world would greet him with open arms?
Eddie knew for a fact it wouldn’t. Once he had known a beautiful boy whose auburn hair for surely would’ve shone in the sun, if any of them had been able to be out at the same time as the burning sphere that hung from the sky without being burned into inexistence. The boy, of his same kind, whose name was Bill, dreamed. He dreamed of people, normal people, liking him. He dreamed of beach days, and road trips, and real schools. He dreamed of meeting the love of his life somewhere in this normal world the two of them were never able to be a part of.
Bill dreamed too much, according to Eddie’s mother.
One day, Bill decided to go explore the world. “I need to see what’s out there, Eddie” He said as he went around his room, packing. The moon tinted their faces a pallid blue, almost white, from where it’s light was coming through the window. Eddie followed Bill’s moves, a permanent frown painted in his face, from where he stood upside down, feet attached to the attic’s ceiling. “But Bill” he insisted, “you could get hurt badly! Just the daylight could turn you into tiny ashes!”
“Relax, Eddie, I’ll be fine. If you want, I’ll come visit every week” Eddie’s frown only deepened, and Bill sighed, closing his backpack. “Look, just- take care of Georgie for me, okay?” He said. With that, he opened the window, waved Eddie goodbye, and jumped. Eddie watched as, in one quick motion, Bill’s body wrapped around itself, disappearing into the night. If anyone had looked up at that moment, they would’ve thought themselves crazy, watching a backpack flying around in the middle of the night, but Eddie knew better than that. Grasping the bag handle, invisible to a human’s eye in the night sky, a little, mouse like animal flew across the air, with an unknown destiny in mind.
Eddie sighed sadly, jumping to the floor. A knock sounded shortly before the attic door opened and little Georgie pocked his head in. “Hey, Bill I- where’s Bill?” He asked, opening the door wide enough to fit his little body in, grasping what seemed to be a paper boat in his right hand. Eddie kneeled by him, regarding him with a sad expression.
“Bill’s left for a little while, buddy. Said he’d be back sometime soon”
“Promise?” The kid asked, pouting slightly.
“Promise” Eddie repeated, his voice breaking a little in the end, and he embraced George in a bone crushing hug, a silent apology for the awareness that his promise would be broken.
Neither boy ever saw Bill again.
But that was a long time ago, and eventually both boys moved on. Eddie still pleaded for Bill to be alive, still believed in the possibility that Bill had, in fact, survived. Maybe he had found the love of his life, after all. Maybe they were the same as Bill and Eddie, too. But one could only hope. And at the end of the day, Eddie knew the chances were slim.
So, he chose not to think about it, instead busying his mind with other things. He had eventually met a nice girl, who went by the name of Beverly, who he’d quickly gotten along with. Bev was all fight and fire, a wild girl of big heart, who shared Eddie’s nature. She was lucky enough to have met a boy, brave and strong, with sandy blond hair and a dreamer soul that reminded Eddie a bit of Bill. Ben, as was his name, however, was a human. So, even if he was accepting and protective about Eddie’s kind, he still couldn’t be with Bev for long without getting one of them hurt, as most humans were wary of people like Bev and Eddie.
Lucky for them, Ben worked in a night club, so they could easily meet in there without bringing any attention to themselves.
They had been meeting in the same pub for almost a year now, and Bev had convinced Eddie to have fun for the night.
“Go see Richie, he’s in that room over there” She had said, pointing to a room on the far left of the apartment. “He’s cute. And he’ll treat you well” She added, winking, before she disappeared into the dance floor, dragging Ben with her.
Eddie had followed Beverly’s advice, and now he awkwardly stood in the cherry red room, watching as Richie moved around, his dark messy locks bouncing about on his head with every step he took, following the beat of some imaginary song.
He shuffled a bit, and Richie must have heard him, because he turned to look at him with a shit-eating grin, and asked “Still here?”
Eddie noticed how Richie’s expression showed some amusement as he stared at Eddie, clearly satisfied with what he was seeing. Eddie had to admit he was enjoying himself too.
Bev was right when she said Richie was cute. He had beautiful ice-blue eyes that could be mistaken for an ocean if you stared into them long enough. A sea of freckles where splashed about on his pallid skin, Eddie could see them hiding under his white dress shirt, with it’s two top buttons undone. A shiver run down Eddie’s spine as he thought about how he’d like to rip that shirt off and see just how many freckles Richie’s body had.
“Well, cutie, what brings a kid like you to a place like this?” He asked, and Eddie raised a brow.
“Kid?” He asked, and Richie nodded, his smirk widening.
“Yeah, sweet cheeks, you don’t look a year over 20. And may I say you’re terribly short for that age” If only you knew, Eddie thought, frowning in displeasure, but couldn’t find himself to be hurt, too caught up in Richie’s charm.
“I’m to assume you’re older than that?” He asked, and Richie nodded, shortly walking closer to the petite man, making Eddie notice that holy shit he’s that tall, isn’t he?
“23” He answered. Eddie nodded.
“And your name is…” Eddie asked, though he already knew.
“Richie Tozier is the name and prostitution is my game” He said, winking, and stretched his hand out.
“Proud of your work, are you?” Eddie asked. “Eddie Kaspbrak, and I’m actually going to be 22 this fall, smartass” plus a hundred years more, he thought bitterly as he cautiously took Richie’s hand and shook it.
“Eddie, huh?” Richie’s firm grasp on Eddie’s hand tightened and he pulled Eddie close to him, his other arm wrapping around the smaller boy’s waist. He leaned down, lips against Eddie’s ear, and whispered, “Tell me, Eds, what do you want me to do?”
Eddie felt goosebumps on his skin. His mind screamed at him to abort, what are you doing, dumbass? He could hurt you! Your mother could find out! And she would hate you and you would have no one!, but he drowned his worries away, focusing on the boy before him. He’d come here to have fun, and he wasn’t about to leave early tonight. “I want you to make me feel good” He answered, and he turned his head to mimic Richie’s actions, mouth against the taller boy’s ear. “And that’s not my name” He added, nibbling Richie’s earlobe.
 Both boys laid on the room’s comfortable red sofa, naked bodies pushed against each other. Richie’s fingers run through Eddie’s hair and back, soothing, while Eddie’s head hid in the crook of Richie’s neck, his breath tickling the taller boy’s skin. They had been like that for at last 20 minutes. Ben and Bev were probably already gone. Hell, the pub probably should’ve already closed.
“That was very nice, Eds” Richie whispered, turning his head slightly to look at the boy. “Did you like it?” The petite boy only nodded, humming against his skin. “That’s great”
It wasn’t by far the first time they did this. It had been going for the last 3 months. Each week, any day except Thursday,
(Never come Thursdays, Eds)
(Why not?)
(Special someone comes over Thursdays)
Eddie would go to the pub. And when the clock hit midnight, and Richie was supposed to go home, he got into Richie’s room. They didn’t always have sex, sometimes just choosing to talk or play around, but Eddie cherished those evenings.
That night had been different, though.
At around ten, while Eddie and Bev talked and drank, Ben joining them at some points at the other side of the bar, Eddie had suddenly felt two strong, warm, familiar arms wrap around his middle. He felt the person’s face hidden in his neck, and smelled his scent in. Strawberries, Marlboros, cologne, sex. Richie. RichieRichieRichie. Eddie’s head was swimming. Richie had come out, looking for him. He turned to look at Beverly, only to see she had moved to the other side of the bar, to talk to Ben. She turned to hi and winked when their eyes met. Eddie smiled sheepishly and nodded.
He turned on the barstool to face Richie, who had a bashful look in his face as he pulled back from the brunette’s neck. “Hey Eds” He said sweetly.
“Hi Chee” Eddie replied, voice just as soft. “What’s up?” He asked, cupping the older man’s face.
Richie cleared his throat, clearly not used to doing this. “I uh, I saw you dance last night. God Eds, those moves… you looked so hot, had everyone drooling over you…” His voice deepened as he spoke, never over a whisper. Eddie found himself smirking, surprised he wasn’t a blushing mess.
“You wanna see me dance Rich? Want me to dance for you?” He asked, arms around Richie’s shoulders. The taller man shook his head, wild curls bouncing back and forth. He leaned into Eddie’s personal space and whispered against his skin, “I want to dance with you” And Eddie wasn’t one to complain.
The smaller man took Richie’s hand as he jumped off the bar stool, leading him to the dancefloor, where a few people stood dancing and gridding against each other. Eddie turned to Richie, eyes shining, and put his hands around the taller man’s neck. Richie’s eyes darkened as he put his own arms around Eddie’s waist, pulling him close. He pushed his face against Eddie’s hair, smelling his strawberry shampoo, and let the smaller man guide their moves.
Eddie moved his hips in a sensual way, occasionally dropping down or gridding against the man holding him tight. He felt Beverly’s gaze on him for a while, and a couple of bodies slamming against them every now and then in the seemingly small space, but his mind was set on his moves, eyes closed.
Eddie let a little squeal, his eyes opening, as Richie suddenly turned them around, Eddie’s back to his chest. Eddie felt a blush creep up his face as he felt a hard bulge press against his ass, two warm hands settling on his hips. Eddie let his head drop to Richie’s shoulder as the taller man hid his face on the brunette’s neck.
Eddie grinded into Richie’s cock, sighing, moaning softly when Richie pushed his erection back against the petite man’s ass. Eddie’s left hand reached up to tag Richie’s curls, his free one settling over the curly haired man’s where it laid on his waist. He grinded into Richie’s member once more, pulling the other man’s curls as he did, and Richie let out an inhuman growl.
Suddenly, Richie pulled away from the smaller man, who instantly felt the lack of heat. He intertwined his fingers with Eddie’s, hurriedly walking across the pub to the little room he did his magic in. “C’mon” He snarled in a low, hungry voice.
“Where are we going?” Eddie breathed, following the taller man. Richie turned to him, eyes dark and pupils wide.
“I’m going to fuck you”
Eddie felt like he could float that night.
He didn’t know it, but he felt loved.
Eddie would never admit the jealousy that crept up his stomach at Richie’s words about Thursdays.
(Special someone comes over Thursdays)
It’s not like he went out Thursdays, anyway. Thursdays were… dangerous. At least that’s what Eddie’s mother said.
“Why can’t I go out Thursdays, Ma?”
“They’re very dangerous days, Eddie-Bear. They’re werewolf days”
“Werewolf days? But weren’t those full moon days?”
Eddie remembered his mother shaking her head. There was something in her eyes, perhaps fear, maybe guilt.
“No Eddie. Your father thought that. Remember what happened to daddy?”
“I can’t. Because no one knows what happened to him”
“Exactly, Eddie. But I’ll tell you something. Your father disappeared in a Thursday night”
“I know ma”
“Good, now give dear mommy a hug, and off to bed. Sun’s almost out”
Eddie always shuddered at that memory. He wasn’t stupid. He knew that humans had no idea about the reality of the monsters they told tales about. But the idea that something as dangerous as a werewolf involuntarily changed to his monstrous form every week instead of month was so bizarre and unsettling Eddie had refused to believe it. That is… until he was told about the victims.
God bless Ben Hanscom. He, a simple human as any other, held so much knowledge in his curious mind, that he could have a fluid conversation with anyone about anything.
When Ben had first acknowledged Bev and Eddie’s nature, he’d done a little research project. He’d contacted his friend Mike Hanlon, a kid of Ben’s age that helped at the library, to help him find some books. Mike had quickly agreed. So, every night for a few weeks, the four of them read and read until they could no more, all snuggled up against each other under the blankets they set in Mike’s barn.
Hanlon never once questioned their interest on the subject, or why they chose to do it at such late hours. He simply went long with it. It hurt Eddie to think it most probably was because Mike felt lonely and longed for company, as his skin color came as bad news to most people in town, and few people actually wanted to hang out to him. Regardless, he never really revealed his and Bev’s secret.
Their research took an unexpected twist into the werewolf subject.
“My father says they’re real” Mike said one night. Ben’s eyes shot up to him, whether as Eddie and Bev’s gazes met. “He says they live among us. When he was at war, he had this diary- hold on a second”
Mike stood up, exiting the room. Clatter could be heard coming whatever room Mike was in, and not long later he came back with a worn out, blue leather notebook. He handed it to Beverly, who opened it and browsed through the pages. Finally, after a few minutes of silence, she stopped on one page.
“Here. Let’s see. It says: Friday 19th, April. We found another-
victim this morning. Clark McGoones. He had his body- or what was left of it- full of scratches. Most of his body -joints, part of his torso, his left cheek- was missing. There were bites all over his body. The blood was long dried, so I suppose he died yesterday. Poor kid, he was only barely 21. Had a nice family, and a pretty girlfriend. I saw him writing letters to them in his free time.
Presumably he was attacked by a wild animal, just like the last time. I don’t buy it. He was just one of the many victims.
Eddie Corcoran
Dorsey Corcoran
Betty Ripsom
Patrick Hockstetter
Adrian Mellon
Peter Gordon
And there’s many more. All found the same way: Scratches all over their body, parts of their bodies ripped and bitten off. All found on Fridays. All died the day before.
Most of my partners don’t believe in werewolves. Those who do deny my theory.
“Werewolves only transform once a month, Willy. That night is the full moon night. Everybody knows that” Horton Broughty says to me one day.
“I’ll tell you what, Horton” I tell him. “I say werewolves can transform whenever they feel like it. But they transform unwillingly every week. Every Thursday. And they attack all this poor privates”
Horton shakes his head. “Thursdays? Why so?”
“It all makes sense, Horton, just think about it” But Horton only laughs.
“Ah say, Hanlon, you’re crazier than I first thought. There are a lot of wild hounds around this area. Probably hungry, is all. Those ‘poor privates’, as you put it, should’ve watched out and been fucking sleeping at midnight instead of roaming around in the forest”
But I know this ain’t just some hungry dogs’ making. There are werewolves out there, probably among us. I ought to get out of here. Butch Bowers calls me a pussy, but let’s see what he has to say about the subject when he’s the one found next Friday.
So, they really exist, huh?” Beverly finished, feigning surprise.
“Mhm. My dad says that they still live among us” Mike explained “even if they don’t find any victims anymore. That year was just some sort of cursed year. They were most likely suffering from hunger or something” He shrugged.
Eddie hugged his knees, thoughtful and scared. Was this really what had killed his father?
“Eds?” Eddie was shaken out of his thoughts by Richie, whose ice blue eyes bore into his own, concerned. “Are you okay?”
Eddie cleared his throat, nodding. “Yeah, I’m fine” Richie smiled warmly at him, and Eddie snuggled further into him.
Through these little visits, Eddie had gotten to know Richie, and appreciate him. Richie was a person who listened, and cared. He didn’t judge Eddie, whatever the smaller man told him. They shared mostly
(you love him)
anything. There was no risk, Eddie told himself, in telling Richie personal things about himself. Why would there be? Richie was a trustworthy person. And besides, if something where to happen, they had never seen each other outside the club, so there was no risk in
(do I really?)
running into each other.
So why didn’t he tell Richie his secret then? This had been going on for almost three months, they had shared so much, so why was he afraid? Perhaps because the kid would freak out and not want to talk to him again? Or maybe he would try and hurt Eddie? He himself had said it, the chances of meeting Richie
(you’re afraid to admit it)
in the outside world were slim, specially given his curfew. So, what was it all about? He feared losing Richie, Eddie knew. Even if they didn’t mean anything to the taller man, these nights meant everything to Eddie. He felt like he could tell any and everything to the raven-haired boy laying beside him, a feeling he hadn’t felt since Bill left him, even with Mike, Bev and Ben by his side. He had learned to love
(it can’t be true)
Richie deeply. Eddie didn’t know what that meant, but he was sure he couldn’t afford to lose him. Yet, every day that passed without telling him, Eddie felt like he was lying to Richie, and that wasn’t fair, was it? He deserved to know, if these little night meetings were to continue.
“You’re a little thoughtful tonight Eds” Richie commented. “Did I really leave you so flabbergasted?”
(it is)
He expected the younger man to scoff, maybe call him off for calling him Eds, but instead Eddie simply sighed.
“Do you trust me, Rich?” It came out as a whisper, and Richie would’ve missed it, if it weren’t for his… qualities. Instead, he heard it crystal clear. He sat up, taking the boy with him, and Eddie shifted on his lap, getting comfortable, and hid his face in Richie’s neck again. Richie rubbed soothing circles into his back, rocking them back and forth slightly.
“Course I do Eds, why wouldn’t I?” He asked.
“I… I’m not who you think I am, Rich. I’m not what you think I am”
Richie was confused, but he knew better than to push the smaller boy. Eddie said things when he thought it was convenient. If he didn’t want to be specific, Richie wouldn’t ask. So, instead he said: “We all have secrets, Eds. That’s okay”
“It’s different” Eddie mumbled into Richie’s skin.
They sat like that for another five minutes, neither saying anything, until Eddie lifted his head. He looked at Richie with an expression the older boy knew all too much. Eddie’s eyes showed hunger, the type of hunger he looked at Richie with while they had sex. “Can I try something?”
Richie swallowed hardly, and nodded. Eddie smiled at him. “Don’t be scared” he whispered. “I won’t hurt you”
Richie felt Eddie’s mouth trailing down his neck, on his pulse point. Seconds later, two sharp fangs penetrated his skin. The pain was immediately replaced by pleasure. Richie saw stars, melting under the petite boy. It felt so good, so much better than the intimate things Eddie and he sometimes did. God, Richie could stay like this forever. But his senses awoke, and he immediately fell into realization.
Eddie wasn’t new in this area. He knew he could make people feel good with one simple bite, and, God, Richie tasted great. But he felt the boy under him try to push him away, gently at first, then with more force.
“Eds, Eddie wait” There was softness in Richie’s voice, but also panic. Eddie pulled away at the agitation in Richie’s voice, whipping the blood from his mouth with the back of his hand.
“Did-did I hurt you?” Eddie asked, starting to panic.
“N-no. Eddie, you’re, you’re a-”
“Vampire, yeah” Eddie lowered his face. He felt Richie’s hands cupping his face, and he met the boy’s stare.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked, voice a whisper, his thumbs caressing Eddie’s cheeks.
“I-I thought you’d hate me” Eddie sniffed, and Richie’s eyes softened.
“I would never hate you, Eds.” Richie looked around. “But you need to go, it’s dangerous here” He started gathering his clothes and putting them on, handing Eddie his.
“Richie wait-”
“Eddie” Richie turned to the boy. “You need to go, now” His voice was suddenly cold, and Eddie couldn’t do anything but obey.
So, he put his clothes on. He and Richie creeped through the silent pub until they reached the door. Eddie turned to Richie.
“Don’t come back here, Eddie. For your own good. You might get hurt” Water gathered in Eddie’s eyelids.
“I’m sorry, Rich” He whispered. He walked out to the raining night. He jumped and his body wrapped around himself, and Richie watched in awe as he turned into a bat. The little animal turned to face Richie one last time before flying away.
Two weeks of radio silence. Richie had waited every night, hoping Eddie would appear. He knew he had warned the petite boy not to come near the pub, but he just wanted to see the boy’s beautiful face. He wanted to touch him, and hear him giggle. He wanted to feel the pleasure he had felt that night.
He had tried to talk to Ben and Bev multiple times, but his coworker ignored him, sending him a disappointed look, whereas the feisty ginger simply slapped him the moment he tried to approach her.
It was Thursday now, and Richie sat on a bar stool in the pub. He didn’t work today. A boy with light, neatly styled, curly hair sat next to him. They both had a gin tonic in hand.
“So, you really screwed up this time, huh?” The boy asked.
“Shut up, Stanley” Richie hissed.
Stanley chuckled, taking a sip of his drink. He turned to Richie. “It’s your fault he’s not here”
“It’s dangerous here” Richie muttered.
“Yet you want him back” Stan countered. Richie rolled his eyes.
“No. At least not today. He’d be an idiot to come back on a Thursday” He told his friend. Stan shrugged, and they both took a sip. Stan cleared his throat.
“Does he know?” He asked.
Stanley rolled his eyes. “Why didn’t you tell him. He’d understand”
“He’d freak out, that’s what he’d do” Richie shot back.
“Why? ‘Because he’s been having sex with a creature whose nature is that of the species born to terminate his? I think not. The kid sounds like a tough cookie” Richie shot Stan a glare.
“You’re impossible, Stanley” He growled. Stan shrugged, smirking.
“I’m not the one with trouble in paradise here” He answered.
Richie was about to give his friend a snarky response, when his breath caught in his throat, looking at familiar doe eyes that locked with his from across the room. “Rich?” Stan asked growing nervous.
Eddie knew he shouldn’t be out on a Thursday night. Of course he shouldn’t. Specially not to see Richie, who had his special appointment with his special person. He knew he was in danger the moment he sneaked out. The air was different that night. It felt suffocating. Eddie wanted nothing more than to go back home. But he had to talk to Richie. He had to prove him how special he was to Eddie, and that he wouldn’t hurt him.
He opened the door of the pub, immediately met with the sweaty smell and the bodies gridding against each other. He searched the room, and his eyes landed on the bar, where Richie sat talking to a nice looking boy with light curly hair, styled perfectly, compared to Richie’s wild curls. As if on instinct, Richie’s gaze shifted and he locked eyes with Eddie’s, his expression changing from an annoyed one to that of pure terror.
The boy jumped off the bar stool, pushing himself between bodies to get to Eddie, his friend following not far behind.
Richie quickly arrived, grabbing Eddie by the shoulders and shaking him slightly.
“Eddie what the hell-”
“Is this your special someone?” Eddie cut him off, nodding towards Stanley.
“What? No-” Richie started.
“Special someone? Isn’t that supposed to be you?” Stan asked Eddie, raising a brow. Eddie blushed.
“Guys can I just-” Richie’s voice was exasperated.
“I honestly don’t really know anymore” Eddie told Stan, who chuckled.
“WILL YOU LET ME SPEAK!” Richie shouted, catching everyone’s attention for a moment. Eventually the people returned to mind their own business. “Eddie, what the hell are you doing here? It’s werewolf night for God’s sake!” He whisper-shouted. Eddie crossed his arms.
“How do you know that?” He asked, narrowing his eyes.
“That’s not important! You need to leave, now!” Richie hissed.
“Any problem, Tozier?” A tall, bulky man with light brown hair styled in a mullet and hungry eyes approached them. Richie sighed.
“Everything’s fine. Fuck off, Henry” He growled. Henry chuckled.
“That’s not how you talk to your brother, Richie” He spat. Richie turned to look at him.
“You are not my brother” He told the boy. Henry ignored him, turning to Eddie. He grabbed the petite man’s arm strongly, twisting it slightly. Eddie hissed in pain.
“Who’s this?” He leaned close, taking in the boy’s scent. “He smells very good… Is this your little treat for the night, Tozier?”
Eddie tried to wriggle out of Henry’s grip, only hurting himself more. Stan approached the pair, separating them with surprising force. “Leave the kid alone, Bowers” He said. He turned to Eddie and whispered “Run”
Eddie run out the door and into the street. He tried to transform, but his arm hurt too much. He would have to run. So he took off.
Eddie was fast, sure, but he wasn’t used to running, preferring to fly. Soon he was panting, struggling to breath, and his legs hurt. He looked behind him to see if he was being followed, and was met with a horrific sight.
Illuminated by the moonlight, a wolf of light brown fur run towards Eddie, gaining on him. There was something familiar about the creature, something human reflected in his eyes, and it took all of Eddie’s will to not scream. He begged for his legs to run faster, but he was exhausted, and he knew he wouldn’t last much longer. His terror only raised when he turned to look behind him and saw two more wolves had appeared behind the first one. One of them had light fur while the other had dark one, hardly distinguishable in the night. Eddie was panting hard and he tripped twice, but he didn’t stop. The first wolf jumped towards him, scratching his thigh, and Eddie screamed in pain. One of the other two wolves, the one with the light fur, gained on the first one, jumping onto it. Eddie tripped and fell, bumping into a wall and hitting his head. He sat against the wall, hugging his injured leg, and watched the two wolves fight in horror. The third wolf approached him. “No, please, please don’t” Eddie muttered, tears falling down his cheeks. But as he looked into the wolf’s eyes, he found something familiar, like comfort and home.
Eddie was panting, trying his best to control his breathing and keep his eyes open. The wolf approached him carefully, whilst the other two wolves kept fighting. The dark-skinned animal nudged Eddie’s arm, and the boy exhaustedly put it around the animal. Slowly, and a bit painfully, Eddie managed to get on top of the animal, grasping his fur. Without warning, the wolf started running, leaving the other two behind. Eddie lost consciousness not long after.
When Eddie finally woke, hours later, he was laying on a bed that wasn’t his. He dimly remembered falling asleep hugging something soft, his whole body soaring. He lifted his head to look around and groaned at the pain that shot through his whole body, laying down again. He scanned all he could see with his eyes. The room was dark. It wasn’t too big, and it was completely clean. For what Eddie could make out in the dim light, every single corner was spotless. He noticed, though, how there were scratches on the walls, and he saw a few blood marks on the floor. Eddie swallowed hard, worried. By the way the ceiling was tilted, Eddie could guess he was in an attic. There was a little window on the wall opposite to were he lay, and even though the blinds were shut and the curtains were drawn, a few rays of sunshine escaped into the room, drawing little patterns on the sheets covering Eddie’s body. Eddie yawned and moved very carefully, as to avoid the light and getting hurt, and sat on the bed, letting his legs swing down the side of the bed. He stayed there for a few minutes, trying to ease the pain he felt, and then someone opened the door. Eddie held his breath for a moment, exhaling in relief when he saw Richie’s friend pop his head in the room. He was only wearing some shorts, his uncovered chest full of wounds and bruises.
“Oh good, you’re up” The man said, opening the door fully and walking towards Eddie, extending his hand for the smaller man to take, which he did, albeit hesitantly. Stan helped Eddie up. “I’m Stanley, by the way. I didn’t get the chance to introduce myself correctly last night” He said, smiling sheepishly. Eddie nodded.
“Eddie. Where are we?” He asked, and Stan chuckled.
“This is my place. Sorry if it’s a bit… messy. I wasn’t expecting anyone” He explained, and Eddie nodded again, whispering an absentminded ‘s’okay’ as he looked yet again at the scratches and dried blood. Werewolf, he thought to himself, memories from the night prior hitting him like a brick. He did those. They’re there because he’s a werewolf. Eddie suddenly felt his throat close. Before he could say anything, though, Stan was talking again. “Richie is downstairs” He said. “He… he wants to see you, check if you’re okay. He didn’t wanna wake you up. You should, uh, you should probably talk to him”
“Right” Eddie swallowed hard, and looked back at Stan. He scanned the man, taking his appearance in. “Are you okay?”
“Huh?” Stan looked down at his body, and chuckled. “Yeah, it’s- I’m fine. Should’ve seen the other guy” He joked, and Eddie laughed.
“Well, I’m- I’ll go see him now. Thanks Stan” Eddie smiled at him before slipping into the corridor. And even though Stan couldn’t pinpoint exactly what Eddie was thanking him for, he smiled back, nonetheless.
Eddie slowly walked down the stairs, fingers trailing down the black wasted wood of the walls. He noticed all the rooms of the house were dark, and he felt thankful for the boys’ care. Outside, raindrops hit against the windows, making dull sounds that echoed through the otherwise silent house.
Though the building seemed old and abandoned, Eddie could tell Stan put much effort into keeping it clean and tidy, as far as possible.
As Eddie reached the end of the stairs, he could smell coffee, and he realized he was starving. So, he followed the smell and entered a room- the kitchen- lit only by a lamp on the corner. There, he found Richie, whose hair was sticking out in weird angles and was only wearing an old t-shirt, which used to be blue but had faded, and boxers. The boy- werewolf, Eddie corrected in his head- was staring intently at his phone, brows slightly furrowed in concentration, tip of the tongue poking out from the corner of his mouth and wearing some ridiculous black coke bottle glasses. The image would have been comical in any other situation, but there was nothing funny about it now. The boy was so engrossed in whatever he was reading that he only raised his head when Eddie cleared his throat.
“Eds” The man was instantly on his feet, about to walk towards the petite boy, when Eddie talked.
“You’re a werewolf” He said, deadpan. His face was expressionless, if not a little amused, and it stopped Richie on his tracks. The taller man swallowed the lump in his throat, nodding.
“I- yeah, I’m sorry-”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Eddie cut him off. Richie’s eyes widened more, if possible, and his hands twitched, longing to take Eddie in his arms and hug him.
“I-I don’t- I tried but…” As Eddie saw Richie crumble before him, trying his best not to cry, the vampire’s expression softened.
“Rich…” He sighed. Eddie took the other man’s hands and led him to the living room. They plopped down on the couch, and Eddie took his hands from Richie, resting one of them on the other man’s thigh and using the other to cup Richie’s chin, turning his head gently but determinately to look at him. “When… you found out I was a vampire. Why didn’t you tell me then?” He asked.
Richie’s eyes shot down and Eddie tugged at his chin, silently telling the werewolf to look at him. When Richie did, Eddie noticed his eyes were bloodshot, and tears were threatening to fall.
“You’d hate me” Richie sniffled. “You’d hate me, and I couldn’t bare to lose you” He tried to avoid Eddie’s stare, but the smaller man followed his eyes everywhere they went.
“So you decided to push me away?” Eddie’s question wasn’t accusatory, but Richie heard the hurt behind it.
“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t- I couldn’t risk hurting you” As Richie’s first tear fell, Eddie felt his heart drown. He sniffled, trying to hide his own tears. He swiped Richie’s tear away, and pulled the man towards him, hugging him in a deathly grip. Richie’s arms tentatively wrapped around his friend, hiding his face in the other man’s crook of the neck, and they cried together.
“Promise me” Eddie spoke after a few minutes of silence in which only their whimpers could be heard. “Promise me you’ll never try to leave me again. Please” His voice broke in the end, more tears falling.
Richie nodded against Eddie’s neck. “I promise. Goddamn it, Eds, I promise. I’m never leaving your side. It’s you and I for now on” He pulled away enough to look at the other man.
“Don’t call me Eds” Eddie sniffled, and smiled up at the curly haired man. Richie chuckled and shook his head.
“I’ll never stop” He told the petite boy. He lowered his head and pressed his lips to the vampire’s temple.
Eddie giggled, happy, and melted into the other man’s contact. “I should sleep a bit more” He told Richie in a hushed whisper, as if sharing a secret. Richie smirked.
“That’s great, cause I’m exhausted” Eddie looked up at Richie’s playful smirk, eyes a bit wide, and nodded.
Richie stood up, taking Eddie’s hand and pulling the shorter boy after him. They crossed the living room and walked up the stairs to the first floor. As they took the steps, Richie turned to look over his shoulder at Eddie, hands still intertwined. The vampire looked up at him with wide doe eyes, full of adoration, bloodshot and glassy from crying, two tracks of dried ears on each cheek, and Richie’s heart swooned. As he reached the top of the stairs, he stopped and turned to Eddie once more. The smaller man walked up the remaining two steps separating them, his arms going around Richie’s neck as the taller man sneaked his arms around Eddie’s waist.
They stood for another minute, just hugging, sharing some sort of silent understanding. Every now and then Richie pressed a kiss to the top of Eddie’s head, whereas Eddie’s lips would be pressed against his shoulder.
“If I tell you something, promise not to freak out?” Richie whispered into Eddie’s ear. Eddie nodded against his shoulder.
Minutes passed before Richie said what he wanted, but Eddie waited with patience, the silence between them comfortable. When Richie did talk, his voice was low and stained, and Eddie would’ve missed it if the raven-haired boy’s lips weren’t next to his ear. “I-I think I love you”
Eddie would’ve expected his eyes to grow wide, his heart to miss a beat, his breath to hitch. Instead, he was welcomed with a feeling like home- actual home, not the place he had lived trapped in since he was born. He slowly turned his head, raising it to press a gentle kiss to Richie’s lips, feeling the wet saltiness of newly shed tears. He looked up at Richie’s eyes with a warm gaze. “I know” He said against the other man’s lips. His hands travelled down Richie’s body to meet the taller man’s where they rested on Eddie’s hips. Richie took them and pulled them to a room nearby, where Stanley had him sleep when things were particularly shitty at his house.
The two men shed their clothes silently until they were left in underwear. They turned to each other, nothing but love and adoration in their eyes as they looked at each other. Still not saying anything, Richie lay on the bed, his arms open in offering, and Eddie climbed the bed, laying on top of the werewolf. Richie pulled the covers over them, and Eddie rested his hands on the other boy’s chest. Richie’s arms curled protectively around the petite boy.
Richie knew Eddie just wanted to rest, but he needed Eddie to know what had happened the day before. He needed to explain.
“Henry and I aren’t really family” He explained in a low voice. “My parents were both werewolves. When our neighbors found out, they all turned against us, attacking us everywhere we went. They even burnt our house down. One day, a man from a few blocks down came to our house with a gun and a few silver bullets” Richie took a deep breath, closing his eyes. Eddie listened intently, rubbing patterns against Richie’s skin. “He shot my mom in the head, and my father right through the chest. I watched it all. When he turned to shoot me, a man named Butch Bowers, the strongest werewolf I’ve ever known, barged into my house and killed the man. He took me under his wing, and I’ve worked for him and his stupid son Henry ever since. They’re the owners of the pub” Richie concluded his story. Silence ruled over them for a few seconds, then Richie’s voice echoed through the room. “I hate being a werewolf” And silence ensued.
Eddie had so many things to say. So many empty consolations that he meant but that he knew didn’t change anything. He settled on propping himself on his elbow, cupping Richie’s face and leaning down to brush their lips. “I love you, Chee” He told the werewolf, slotting their lips together in a sweet kiss. Richie hummed against Eddie’s lips, gripping his hips tight. Eddie parted from the kiss, leaning their foreheads together.
“I love you, Eds. So much, you don’t even know” Richie whispered. Eddie smiled and pecked his lips, laying back on the raven-haired man’s chest.
“Don’t call me that, Rich. Now, sleep”
When Richie woke up, the sun was setting. He felt two arms wrapped around his middle, warmth pressed against his back, and he smiled. The happiness faded when he felt a newspaper hitting his forehead again and again, Stan hollering at them. “GET UP YOU FUCKING LOVEBIRDS! GET UP, GET UP, GET UP” Eddie only groaned, burying his face further into the back of Richie’s neck, and Richie momentarily felt at peace. The peace vanished when he opened his eyes and was greeted with the view of an exasperated Stan, stare sharp as daggers.
“Bowers is here!” He whisper-shouted. Richie’s eyes opened widely, feeling suddenly more awake than he had been twenty seconds earlier. He sat up quickly, pushing Eddie off the bed in the process.
“Eddie, holy fuck, are you okay?” He asked the boy, taking his hand and pulling him up and close to him. Eddie nodded, climbing onto the bed and hugging Richie’s side, still sleepy. Richie turned to Stan. “How do you know?”
“I saw one of his goons, Belch, spying the house from behind a tree” Stan told him. Richie chuckled.
“Not very effective, huh?” He said, remembering Belch’s large shape. Stan hit him on the head with the newspaper again.
“Shut up, idiot. Victor is probably somewhere around, spying us too. And Henry can’t be very far. Thank God the blinds are down, or they would’ve spotted you two already” Stan sighed, rubbing his face, and Richie noticed he looked exhausted.
“Don’t worry, Stanny, we’ll figure something out” He told his friend, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder, his other arm resting on Eddie’ waist. Said boy yawned, and turned to Stan.
“I know who can help” He said with a groggy voice. Both werewolves turned to stare at him.
“Well?” Stan said after a beat. “What are you waiting for?”
 “Okay, no, Eddie, I’m not do- Eddie please stop and listen!” Eddie came to a halt, turning to stare at Mike. The sun was almost set, the last rays decorating the sky in a purplish color. Eddie rose an eyebrow at his friend.
“I don’t see the problem?” He dragged his words, feigning confusion and innocence. Mike sighed, covering his face with his hands and rubbing it. He turned back to look at his friend.
“Eddie. I love you, you’re one of my best friends and I’ll jump off a cliff for you, but this?” He asked, gesturing towards his car. “This is just too much”
Both men turned to look at the backseat of the car, where two big wolfs lay. One of them, mane as clear as hay, licked his paws delicately, while the other, with fur as dark as night, lay is head on his front paws, staring at the two boys with wide, attentive eyes. Eddie sighed, walking up to the car and sitting on the floor of the vehicle, petting the dark wolf, whose head snuggled into Eddie’s chest. Mike followed, sitting down by the car on the wooden floor.
“Look, Ed, I’m sure you have the most logical reason to put two werewolves in the backseat of my car and make me drive you to my farm and have the three of you over… actually, no, I don’t even believe that! This is insane, Eddie, insane!” The smaller man gave him an unimpressed look, still petting the wolf.
“Mike, this is Richie” He replied simply, and Mike gave him a confused look, not understanding why Eddie thought he would even care about the wolf’s name.
“Okay, well, nice name, but I don’t think- wait” Mike choked on air, positive that if he had been drinking something, he would’ve spit it all over the three occupying his car. “Richie Richie? As in the Richie you used to hook up with every night and you were head over heels for?”
Eddie blushed, and the wolf turned his head to the man, something akin to a smug smile playing on his mouth. The wolf licked Eddie’s tan face, and Eddie giggled, whipping the spit off on the wolf’s mane. Instead of raising his head after, he simply turned it where it rested over the wolf’s, looking over at Mike with a small but fond smile. “Yeah, that Richie. And this” He motioned to the other wolf. “is Stan. They saved my life last night. And now they’re in danger. I am too.”
Mike swallowed. He thought it over. “How can I know we can trust them? How can I know they won’t hurt you? I mean, no offence Ed, but you’re tiny” Eddie raised a single, challenging brow. He stood up, Richie whining at the loss of his lover’s presence. In one swift motion, Eddie curled around himself, and Mike couldn’t stop his jaw from falling as Eddie turned into a bat, flying around his head for a few seconds before turning back.
“I think I’ll be fine” He told his friend, arms crossed. “Now can we please go?”
Mike stuttered over his words, trying to find his voice. “Suh-suh-sure, y-yeah, let’s go” He finally said, and Eddie thought back on his dear friend Bill. He wondered where he was right now, or if he was alive. Eddie shook his head, hugging Mike quickly and giving him a thankful smile before transforming back, hiding behind Richie’s paws. Richie nudged him carefully with his nose, a small comforting gesture.
Mike shook his head, closing the door and making sure the wolves wouldn’t be spotted from the outside before getting into the car, starting the engine and driving out of the garage and taking the road to his farm.
 Henry Bowers followed the vehicle with his eyes, as mostly empty as it had been when it arrived no longer than half an hour before, save for the driver. He turned to the vampire next to him. “Victor, call Belch. We’re following that nigger’s car” Victor all but nodded, transforming into a bat and moving towards Belch’s hiding place.
 It was nighttime when they arrived at Mike’s farm. Mike ushered the three men out of his car, and they quickly headed inside the house.
“I think you better call Bev and Ben, Mike” Eddie warned as he turned back into his human form. Mike stared at him for a moment, then nodded. Stan and Richie caught his eye as they transformed too, and he took a moment to stare at them before turning to walk towards the kitchen, where his phone was. Eddie called out to him, and Mike came to a halt. “Tell Beverly you know about me. She has something to tell you too” Mike sighed and nodded, without looking at his friend, and exited the room.
Stan turned to Richie and Eddie. “You’ll excuse me, I have to make a call” His eyes lingered on Eddie, a small smile on his lips, before he walked out of the room, leaving Richie and Eddie alone.
Eddie sighed as he sat on the sofa, head in his hands. “I’m sorry I dragged you into this” He whispered. Richie frowned, sitting next to the shorter man. He put an arm around Eddie, pulling him close, and kissed the crown of his head.
“S’ not your fault. None of this is, Eds, so please don’t blame yourself. Please” Eddie sighed into Richie’s neck, but nodded anyway, kissing the sensitive skin there. He came across a bruise he could identify as the bite he had given the werewolf a few weeks ago. It felt like it had happened ages ago, but he always got that feeling around Richie. The feeling that they’d known each other forever.
They stayed in the couch for longer than half an hour, enjoying each other’s presence. Stan came back into the room not long after, nodding towards them, and retreated to the kitchen to talk to Mike.
Eddie felt guilty for Mike. He’d been helping Beverly and Eddie for about a year now, loved them like siblings, and they had lied to him this whole time. They’d taken advantage of his loneliness. Surely Mike would hate them now. Eddie felt the urge to cry at that thought. Mike was truly an amazing person and the vampire didn’t want to lose him.
Richie must’ve noticed Eddie’s sallow state. His arms wrapped instinctively stronger around Eddie’s small frame. “Are you okay?” He whispered against his lover’s ear. Eddie raised his head, nodding, and placed a chaste kiss to Richie’s lips.
“M’fine” He mumbled.
The ring of the doorbell startled them apart. Faintly, Eddie heard Stan call “I’ll get it!” and he supposed Bev and Ben had arrived.
Which is why he choked on his own spit when neither came into the room; instead, in his tall, lanky, auburn haired glory, Bill Denbrough shone.
Hands on his hips, Bill smiled softly at Eddie, if a little apologetically, as he took a step towards the pair. He screamed home, and Eddie just wanted to run towards him, but he was so confused, and scared, so he stayed frozen in Richie’s arms.
“Bill?” The werewolf asked. He turned to his best friend, and Stan just stared back. “Why’d you call him?” He asked, voice filled with confusion.
“Nice to see you too, Richie” Bill said, voice soft. He turned to Eddie then, addressing him for the first time. “Long time, Eddie”
The shorter man shook his head, and Richie looked at him confused. “You know him?” He asked the brunette, confused.
“Do you?” Eddie asked back, and Richie’s brows furrowed.
Stan talked then, walking away from the wall he was leaned against and towards the center of the room.
“It’s…there’s not much time to explain now. You can catch up when all of this is over. Right now, we’ve got more important matters to attend” He said, but Eddie shook his head.
“More important matters? More important than the fact that my former best friend has been a few minutes away from me for god knows how long and hasn’t had the decency to at least call me?” He shouted. Bill frowned, stung by Eddie’s words. Richie started to rub circles against the smaller man’s back, but Eddie pulled away, standing up. “Is that so, Stanley? You think that some bullshit werewolves are more important than that? Huh? Well, fuck you, then!”
“Eddie, let me exp-”
“No Bill, I don’t want to hear it. I don’t wanna hear another fucking word come from your mouth, EVER!” Eddie immediately regretted what he said, wincing.
“Eddie” Came Stan’s voice. Calm, cautious. “I know tis is all important to you, believe me, I do. But we need to come up with a plan, now, or else we might end up dead”
Eddie glowered at Stan, jaw shut tightly, and Mike was sure he was going to explode. But the vampire slowly exhaled, sitting beside Richie, who cautiously put an arm around him. Eddie melted into the touch, not meeting anyone’s gaze.
The doorbell rang. “That must be Bev and Ben” Mike spoke quietly, and walked to the entrance to let his friends in.
As the couple settled in the living room, Mike spoke again. “I-I’m not really sure if it’s my place to ask, but what the hell is going on?” He talked gently, with a warm voice. For a few seconds, no one answered. But then Eddie took a deep breath, exhaled, and started telling the tale, right from the very beginning.
 “Okay now, careful, they’re still very hot” Ben warned as he handed the plate with the recently made silver bullets to Bill. The tall vampire nodded, taking the plate and putting it on the table next to him.
The seven of them stood in Mike’s workshop. They had been discussing how to take he Bower’s gang down and had come to the conclusion that silver bullets were the best option. They’d searched for silver objects around Mike’s house and had found an old set of cutleries that Ben said would do the trick.
Mike’s granddad had a few bullet molds, which they put the melted silver in, and minutes later they had five silver bullets in a plate.
Richie eyed the bullets warily, staying at a cautious distance from the table, and Eddie gripped his hand tightly. Bev and Mike started cleaning the tools they had used, and Ben sat down with Bill and Stan.
Eddie watched confusedly as Bill’s hand fell on Stan’s thigh, rubbing circles onto the denim fabric of Stan’s jeans. The werewolf had a small smile on his face, and the petite vampire reminded himself to ask Richie about it later.
The small man’s gaze turned to Mike, who was having small talk with Beverly. Even after all the secrets they kept from him came to the light, the farmer was still sticking by their side, helping them win a fight which wasn’t his.
Eddie sighed, squeezing Richie’s hand before letting go and joining his friends’ chatter.
Richie followed him with his eyes, smiling softly, and turned to look out the window. In the darkness of the night, he spotted a car’s headlights slowly approaching, the engine becoming louder.
He turned to his friends.
“They’re here”
 Five guns, five bullets. Both vampires and humans ported one of each. Stan and Richie preferred to use their own methods. After all, neither was keen on coming close to the bullets.
The two groups faced each other, separated by a small sunflower field. No crickets chirped at this time of the night.
“You’re complicating yourself too much, brother” Henry spoke at last, flashing an evil grin. “It’s simple. You just have to hand the little mouse over and no one gets hurt.”
Richie shook his head. “In your dreams Bowers. Go back home before your daddy come’s looking for you. You know he doesn’t like you going about, searching for trouble” He said, taking a step forward.
Henry sneered, gritting his teeth. “Very well, you ungrateful asshole” He mumbled. “Belch!” He called. “You know what to do” Belch nodded, kneeling down and transforming.
“Take one step!” Beverly called. “Take one step, I dare you, and it’ll be the last thing you ever do”
Something flashed in the wolf’s eyes, something akin to fear, but he took a tentative step forward. Instantly, all guns were on him, ready to shoot should he advance.
“We don’t want to kill anyone” Ben warned. “But we will if we have to. Stand back Bowers, there’s no point. It’s three against seven, you know how this is bound to end.
Henry frowned deeply, turning to Belch. “What are you doing just standing there, you idiot? Attack!” Belch reacted after a beat, running towards the group. Seconds later, a gun fired. Belch dodged the bullet by millimeters.
“Shit” Ben cursed to himself. “I’m out” He stood back, Bill stepping in front of him as he took a rake that stood next to a haystack.
Belch advanced, not running anymore. He growled, walking towards Beverly, who chuckled.
“You’ve got the wrong target, puppy” She muttered.
“Belch, now!” Henry screamed, and Belch launched onto the female vampire. A gunshot echoed though the night, and Belch’s limp body fell, a bullet wound on the side of his head. Beverly turned to Eddie, who was putting his gun down, alarmed. “Why would you do that? I had him” She asked.
Eddie nodded solemnly. “I know you did, but you need to take care of Henry. You have the best aim around here”
The redhead sighed, shaking her head, and Eddie took a step behind Mike, taking an ax that Ben was handing him.
Henry’s face fell. “Silver bullets” He muttered. “You’re gonna regret that! Vic, you’re up”
The man looked at Henry for a solid five seconds before nodding, walking at a slow pace towards the group.
As he as approaching them, Mike fired his gun.
“Mike, no!” Eddie called out, a beat too late. The bullet hit Victor’s forehead, and he grinned at them. He brought a hand up to his forehead, pulling the bloody bullet out, and took a slingshot from his back pocket.
Bill swallowed audibly. “He’s a vampire” Ben broke into a sprint into the house. Mike stood back, throwing his gun to the floor. Victor placed the bullet on the pocket of the slingshot and aimed.
At Richie.
As Victor pulled the slingshot back and let go, Bill screamed at Richie to move, but the werewolf’s feet were stuck to the ground. The bullet flew through the night air, all eyes trailed on it.
It hit.
Richie’s eyes were trained to the ground, where Stan laid, a bleeding wound quickly staining his shirt.
“Stan!” Richie screamed, kneeling in front of his friend and pressing a hand to his stomach, trying to stop the bleeding. He shook his friend’s body, desperate. But the werewolf was unresponsive.
Richie let out a growl, looking up at Victor. “I’m gonna kill you!” He screamed, jumping towards the vampire, his body transforming on the air. He was knocked onto his side by another werewolf. Henry’s front paws clutched onto Richie’s stomach, opening wounds, but Richie bit his legs, and they fought and bit and growled at each other. As everyone’s eyes were on the fight, they all missed Ben coming behind Victor, stabbing a wood stake on his back. The stake went through Victor’s heart, and the vampire fell to his knees, disintegrating.
Everyone watched the two werewolves’ moves intently, Beverly gripping her gun tightly. Henry had a clear advantage, with all the wounds on Richie’s stomach.
“Bev, you have to do something!” Eddie cried.
“I’m coming!” The girl shouted, looking at the wolves. She pointed with her gun at the wolves, and everyone closed their eyes as she took the shot.
Bill was the first to look, spotting the two wolves laying on the floor, bleeding. “What happened?” He asked. Everyone turned to look at the bodies. Eddie run to Richie, shaking him.
“Richie? Richie, I need you to stand up” The dark wolf shook, transforming into his human form. Slowly, shakily, painfully, Richie managed to get to a sitting position. “Richie!” Eddie cried, hugging the tall man.
Richie hid his face into Eddie’s neck for a few seconds, then stood. He turned towards Stan’ limp body, sitting next to it. He cradled Stan’s face in his arms, crying into his hair. Slowly, the whole group embraced Richie, and they stood like that for a long time.
As the sun was starting to come out, Mike took them all inside to rest.
As Richie got into the bed he and Eddie were sharing, his lover pulled him closed. Eddie kissed him softly all over, and he sand to him, and they fell asleep in each other’s arms.
 It was late. They all stood in a circle, the only light coming from the moon. In the middle, a hole dug in the ground was being filled with sand. Stan’s body lay underneath it all. As they all worked in filling the hole, each one holding a shovel, their voice filled the silence. They were singing. It wasn’t perfect, they couldn’t sing a single full sentence without having to stop to catch their breath, sniff of hiccup. The tears they were crying sometimes made them choke. But they sang, nonetheless. Their voices were mere whispers.
And you know heroes aren’t meant to survive.
So much harder to love when alive.
Walk with the devil in your head,
you would think you were better off dead.
As they finished filling the hole, they all quieted down. Putting their shovels down, they all looked at the ground, and stood in silence for a few minutes. Then, Richie nodded, and they all turned and left.
 It was later that day, while Bill looked at the spot in the ground where Stan lay, that Eddie approached him.
“Hey” He said; softly, cautiously.
Bill turned to him, sporting a small but genuine smile. There were tear tracks on his cheeks, and Eddie fought the urge to wipe them off. “Hi” He replied, before turning back to the window.
Eddie walked over to his side, looking at the sunflower field.
“Did you ever find what you were looking for?” The vampire asked with a small voice.
Bill’s smile turned sad. “Yeah, I did. Well, I had found someone” He sighed. “Not that it means much anymore”
“It wasn’t your fault” Eddie whispered.
“I know” Bill told him. “I guess I just can’t help but feeling so. The blame has to be on someone”
“Like Vic, for example?” Eddie asked, turning to his childhood friend.
“Yeah. Like Vic, I suppose” Bill looked at him. “I’m_”
“Don’t” Eddie cut him off. “You don’t have to apologize. I get it. You’re here now, that’s all that matters” Bill nodded, turning back to the window. Eddie leaned his head on the taller man’s shoulder.
Together, they stood looking at the ghost of a friend. A lover. A fighter.
To Eddie Kaspbrak, love was more than just a feeling. Love was all the nights cuddled up with Richie in bed. Love was silent conversations between Bill and himself. Love was deep care, in whatever way, to those around him. Love were Stan’s memories. Love had brought them all together.
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losers-club-hcs · 10 months
1.7k word stenbrough oneshot coming out on the 19th. Be there or be square.
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Bill Denbrough: The Curious Homosexual
Bill Denbrough has six friends. Richie, Ben, Bev, Eddie, Mike, and Stan. He’s also proud to say that he’s dated five out of the six of them at some time or other. He dated Bev, first. Everyone knew they would be together at some point. What they didn’t know, was that relationship would only last a week. Sure, there was some sort of love there, but it was purely platonic. After that one week, Bill came to terms with the fact that he didn’t like girls. And that was okay. Bill tried dating Ben next. That relationship also didn’t last very long. Ben and Bill just didn’t make a good match. Plus, everyone knew Bev and Ben were meant to be. After Ben, Bill decided to try Richie. After all, Richie was a long-time friend of Bill. That lasted a couple of weeks, but Richie was almost too much for Bill to handle. The constant “your mom” jokes and talking about his “big dick” were annoying enough as just friends, but it somehow got ten time more annoying once they started dating. Not only that, but the whole time they were together, Richie barely shut up about Eddie. He was always talking about how “Eddie looked so cute today” or “the other day, Eddie did the cutest thing”. Dating Eddie was really no different. Sure, Eddie didn’t make inappropriate jokes or comments, but he hardly shut up about Richie. It was almost as if everyone in the whole world knew about the two boys’ crushes, except for those two boys. Stan was definitely Bill’s favorite person to date. He loved Stan’s passion for birds, and how Stan was always patient when it came to Bill’s stutter. Stan never tried to rush Bill or finish his sentences for him. He even loved it when Stan woke him up at five o’clock in the morning to go bird-watching.
This relationship lasted the longest out of all the losers, and it’s still going strong. For their one year anniversary of dating, Bill gave Stan a bunch of drawings. There were some drawings of Stan watching birds, and some of the two of them together. Stan was so happy, he cried. All the other losers supported the relationship with all their heart, and it meant the world to Bill and Stan. And although Bill had tons of fun dating all six of his friends, his heart belonged to one person, and one person only. Stanley Uris.
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crackheadlosersclub · 6 years
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conversations behind richie’s antics:
-“Pssst, Eds, lemme in!” “Jesus, Richie! “Well, hello to you too.” “You do realize that if my mom caught you doing this we would both be in deep shit, right?” “Well I’ve been doing it for nine years, and I only got caught that one time my foot got stuck in the window, so I think we’re safe.” “*sigh* Come in.”
-“Richie, I don’t th-th-think you should b-be-” “Bill, I’m not NOT gonna catch the ice cream truck! You really think I’M gonna give up? I don’t care if I get shot by some crazy security guard! EDDIE NEEDS HIS DOUBLE DIPPED VANILLA CONE!!”
-“Richie stahp, you’re gonna fall and break your neck.” “NEVER!”
-“How have you never been arrested?!” “Maybe I have, Ben. ;)”
-“Hey guys, look! A picture booth!” “I CALL TOP!” “Huh, that’s weird Richie, I always thought you were a bottom.” “Beverly, I highly suggest you shut the hell up.”
-“We should go to the park.” “Dude, it’s like 2am.” “And?” “And if the cops catch us it’s your fault.” “Mikey, the cops aren’t gonna catch us. If they do though, you should carry Eddie, because he doesn’t run very fast.” *from the next room* “I HEARD THAT RICHIE!”
-“TAG YOU’RE IT!” “Oh you are so dead, Richie Tozier.” “muAHAHAHA” “EDS ARE YOU RECORDING THIS” “I am now.”
-“So you had me go get your camera from your house, drive all the way over here, break into an abandoned theater, and take pictures of you JUST BECAUSE IT LOOKS COOL.” “…yeah? I mean, who was I supposed to call? My mom? Speaking of which, your mom caught me sneaking into your window last night…” “WHAT?! AND SHE DIDN’T TELL ME?!” “Apparently not.” “Shiiiiiiiit. Dammit Richie.” “Oh shut up. Anyways, she’s never gonna be able to keep me away from my Eddie-Spaghetti!” “Well, I can’t disagree with you on that one.”
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ddproductionsw77 · 6 years
Fandom: IT (2017)
Pairing(s): Stenbrough
Characters: Stan Uris and Bill Denbrough
Rating: T
Description: “Sorry.” Sorry I’m not brave. Sorry my nervous tick is tidying things. Sorry you have to deal with this. “Don’t be.”
Author’s Note: Just a quick, plotless fluffy one-shot for my beautiful boys… send me ideas for a one-shot with a plot if you have any. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy!
“If we get caught I’m blaming you.”
“W-we’re not going to get c-caught,” Bill sighed contently and shifted closer to his boyfriend, eyes closed.
Stan watched him, taking in every inch of the other boy’s easy smile and relaxed posture. The sun streamed in from Bill’s bedroom window, sprawling across the wood floor and up onto the very bed they laid in, face-to-face.
Eyes trailing down, the corners of Stan’s mouth twitched as Bill played with his fingers, lacing them with his own and tracing patterns over his palm. Bill had the hands of a writer, of an artist. Spindly, long fingers with ink staining the skin randomly, calluses in places were pens and pencils had been held for hours. The familiar fit of them helped to relax Stan.
He sighed, sounding more resigned than anything, “Both our parents are right downstairs.”
The Uris’ had been invited over for dinner because Bill’s mother, Sharon, had been feeling particularly friendly lately. Andra, Stan's mother, and she had been friends as far back as college and had an on-and-off friendship throughout their sons' lives.
Sharon went through times like this, where she’d become the ideal, nurturing mother for about a week or two before falling back into a slump of disinterest that would last for months. Bill’s father, Zach, just went with it, as did Bill.
“So,” Stan rolled his eyes, nudging Bill’s shoulder, “They could come looking for us any second and if they do, they’ll find us—“
Bill’s eyelids slipped up, the electric blue of his irises derailing Stan’s train of thought. Part of him hated how easily Bill could disarm him… most of him loved it. Quirking an eyebrow, the other boy finished, “C-cuddling?”
“Exactly,” Stanley mumbled, hating himself for popping the little bubble they’d been occupying for the last half hour.
Bill’s hand slipped down Stan’s arm, running over the other boy’s side and around his back, tracing his spine as he tugged him closer. Their breaths mingled. Stan felt his heart pounding in his chest and reached out to rest his palm over Bill’s to feel it flutter in sync.
“Who cares?” Bill muttered, purposely tilting his head so that his nose brushed against Stan’s. A stray curl from the boy’s head tickled his forehead and he smiled wider, “C-cuddling is what boyfriends do.”
Stan sighed, using his hand on Bill’s chest to push himself up into a sitting position, “And that’s my point, Bill. As far as my parents are concerned, we’re not boyfriends. We’re—“
“F-f-friends,” Bill scoffed, sitting up as well, “I re-remember.”
Casing his gaze down, Stan’s gut twisted and he grimaced. He began carefully straightening the rumpled sheets on Bill’s bed, trying to distract himself from the guilt welling up within.
He knew that Bill didn’t like keeping their relationship a secret. He knew that Bill only went along with things being that way because it was how he wanted things. He knew it wasn’t fair. He wished he could be as brave as his boyfriend, willing to share his feelings with the world. He hated that he wasn’t.
A hand came up to rest over his, gently stopping him from continuing his nervous tick. Stan followed the limb back up to Bill’s patient expression and understanding eyes. Cheeks flushing, his own eyes darted away, “Sorry.”
He didn’t know what for really…
Sorry I’m not brave.
Sorry my nervous tick is tidying things.
Sorry you have to deal with this.
Bill shook his head, a corner of his lips curling into an endearing half-smile, “D-don’t be.”
He leaned forward and Stan allowed the tension in his body to deflate as Bill’s lips met his and his eyes fluttered closed. His mind — his rushing, screaming, whirling mind — grew quiet for one sweet, blessed moment as he kissed Bill back.
His hands came up, weaving into the feather soft locks on his boyfriend’s head and he hummed in contentment. Right before Bill pulled away, Stan felt him smile once again against his lips. Bill always seemed to be smiling; Stanley loved and envied it.
“We can do suh-something less boyfriend-y?” Bill proposed, raising his eyebrows as he stood up and moved to the large box television his mother and father had practically tossed at him for his birthday a year ago. They’d forgotten it until the day before… the TV was their apology. “I can k-kick your cute ass in Super M-Mario if you w-want?”
“Shut up,” Stan rolled his eyes, snatching the second controller from Bill’s hand. “You don’t stand a fucking chance, Billy.”
“G-game on, Stanny,” Bill laughed, setting the game up.
They began to play, becoming more and more competitive with each level. It was a little ridiculous in the broad spectrum, considering they were technically on the same team, but that did not stop them from battling over power-ups and who got to deliver the killing blow to Bowser.
“And Princess Peach is mine!” Stan cried triumphantly. He laughed, giddily, “You know, I actually like her tiara.” He spun around to grin smugly at Bill.
The other boy stared at him with a blank expression for a moment before huffing, “I’m br-breaking up with you.”
Stan watched as Bill stood up, dropping his controller back to the bed, “I won’t share the tiara if you break up with me.”
“Keep your f-fucking tiara,” Bill rolled his eyes but Stan could hear the light tone in his voice and see him fighting back a smile.
“Well,” He shrugged, “I mean if you don’t want to share…”
He was silenced by Bill coming to stand in front of him, grasping his face and kissing him. They fell back onto the bed together, limbs and bodies tangling together with the sound of their laughter.
Stan’s brain slowed once again to a peaceful pace as Bill’s lips trailed down his jawline to his ear, his boyfriend’s breathy chuckles and his own heartbeat the only sounds that existed in the world at that moment. He ran a hand over Bill’s arm, taking in that feeling of pure electric charge that came with being in contact with the boy he loved.
Bill was the light of Stan’s life. He was Stan’s favorite thing. He made the world a better place. He made life worth living even on the days when Stan didn’t want to get out of bed. He was the motivation to keep moving, to keep trying to do good.
And Stanley loved him so much for it.
The young writer pressed one last kiss to Stan’s collarbone, moving to hover above the other boy with a teasing smile. His eyebrows drew together when he noticed Stan’s wide eyes, “What?”
Blinking to clear his spellbound brain, Stan shook his head slowly, “I just— I really love you, Billy. I know I make things hard for you sometimes but I really do — love you, I mean. Thank you for, you know, putting up with me.”
“Y-you don’t make things hard for me,” Bill rolled his eyes before carefully sweeping down to quickly kiss Stanley once again. Returning to his previous position, he bit his lip, “And I don’t put up with you, Stanny.”
Stan felt himself blush furiously, looking away with a half-hearted shrug, “Still, thank you. I mean it. I can’t tell you how much you mean to…” He trailed off, suddenly embarrassed by his own confession. God, he must sound so pathetic and needy.
Cool lips pressed against his hot cheek while a thumb ghosted over the other. Bill’s scent of paper and ink filled Stan’s head as eyelashes tickled his skin. When the other boy spoke, he spoke slowly, carefully pronouncing each syllable so as to not stutter over the words, “Shh, I know. I love you, too.”
Stan’s eyes slipped closed as he reveled in that beautiful declaration and in the dizzying feeling of being in love and being happy and relaxed for once in his life—
“Bill! Stanley! What are you two up to?! Dinners ready!” Sharon Denbrough’s voice came up the stairs, jolting both boys back to reality.
Bill stood up quickly, helping Stan up. The boy immediately began righting his wrinkled clothes as Bill ruffled his head to get it back to its natural look and not the rumpled mess Stan had made it.
He cleared his throat, glancing apologetically at Stan before calling back, “C-coming, Mom!” Reaching out, he fixed Stanley’s collar that had popped up, “To b-be continued?”
Stan rolled his eyes, cursing the blush that graced his features, and nodded, “To be continued.”
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taelover · 6 years
Holy shit!
Well, thank you. I don’t remember when I opened this acc but seriously, thank you.
I have the greatest time here. I sometimes post some funny stuff but mostly I reblog whatever I like.
For the 700 followers; i’ve decided to write fanfics. Mostly one shots tho.
So slide into my inbox with some ships from IT and a plot. And I’ll try to write some with my mushy English.
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angelstanuris · 7 years
road trip.
loosely based on @stanleybby ‘s headcanons
6/7 of the Losers Club didn’t know it, but Bill was taking them to Disney, something he had wanted to do with Georgie—which eventually became Bill, Georgie, and the rest of them. He was stressed out while driving, trying to keep Richie from spewing anything fowl that the younger Denbrough could pick up and repeat, Mike’s directions being thrown at him quickly as they came to interstate after interstate after highway after highway. It’s not that Bill didn’t like driving, he just thought Stan was a much better driver, hell, he even thought Richie was better at driving and he had almost killed them on a drive to McDonald’s. “Next left.” Mike said softly, not trying to wake those sleeping in the back. He looked in the rearview mirror, smiling at the sight of his sleeping friends, love filling his heart. He was so excited when he had found out that Bill was planning a road trip for the 7 of them, plus Georgie. Obviously, Mike had wanted to help Bill plan every aspect of it, down to what photos they would take and at what time they would take them. Overall, he was just overjoyed to see his friends safe from any harm that could’ve potentially come to them, whether through parents, bullies, or something outlandish like a killer dancing clown. Richie was slumped in the right seat of the van, Eddie’s head lying on his lap, fingers absentmindedly playing with the brown hair attached. Eddie was snoring lightly, only waking up occasionally to mumble “Are we there yet?” in regards to the next rest stop, so he could update his mother on where he was. Richie’s gaze followed the clouds and passing greenery, sighing contently as a certain safeness consumed him. He had never felt as safe at home as he did when he was with his friends, his real family. It’s not that his parents just didn’t care about him, they did. But when your parents wanted a daughter and they got a son, a son they didn’t understand..things got complicated. Nothing was complicated with the Losers Club. And that was why he felt so safe with them, he never felt like he was wrong for being him. His friends loved him and he loved them. After a few hours had passed, Stan took over driving the final stretch from North Carolina to Florida. He wouldn’t admit it out loud, but he was grateful to Bill and Mike for planning this trip. All his life, he had been picked on and bullied for something he couldn’t, but wished, he could change. With the losers, however, he could just be plain old Stanley Uris. It felt like a breath of fresh air to him, to be able to have people surrounding him with support and love. Ben woke up sometime around 12pm, coercing the others into playing an almost three hour long game of iSpy. Which, for the record, Beverly ended up despising after the second hour because Ben was obviously cheating and just wouldn’t admit it. Richie suggested UNO, but Eddie was a very sore loser when it came to card games, so everyone vetoed it in favor of not wanting to see what anger the short boy held in his entire body. Around 3, they finally arrived at the destination, eyes lighting up with wonder and excitement as they saw the signs for Disney World. “Holy shit!” Richie exclaimed, jostling Eddie’s head off his lap. “Richie, watch your language.” Stan pointed to Georgie, who was staring with wide brown eyes at everything outside the windows. “He wont repeat it.” Richie grumbled, looking at the youngest boy. “Will ya?” Without hesitation, Georgie let out a small “holy shit” as he looked back at Richie and then out the window. Bill almost crashed the car when he heard his younger brother curse. “Beep Beep, Richie!”
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