#still mad about tea inflation
buckyalpine · 2 months
Here is a list of things that make me mad in no particular order. Angry ranting. Pls ignore this, I'm just screaming into the void. These example apply to very specific situations I've encountered with people who are perfectly capable of doing better.
People who lack common sense. Social awareness. Common courtesy. Saying "Oh my God, I'd never do that" when they've never been even close to said situation but they're now experts on how they'd act while sitting on their pristine Thoroughbred horse, sipping on English tea with their pink so high it may as well be in their nose.
People who say "Well I wouldn't care if it happened to me" or "I'm just being honest" when you point out something they did/said.
When autocorrect/spellcheck decides it cannot for the life of it figure out what you're trying to spell OR it gives you suggestions for every word under the sun except the one you want. All you did was leave out a single letter with the rest of it spelled perfectly and spellcheck decides to go into a coma. So you fix the mistake and the little squiggly red line goes away. Fuck you.
Gnats. WTF is you're problem. I've Googled this shit cause I want to know why tf you can't just fly straight, why do you have to buzz all over the damn place near my head of all places.
Flies. Same thing as above. Why tf can't you just fly straight. WHY NEAR MY EAR. You have the entire world and you decided my room is the place to be? And now we're both miserable because you keep hitting yourself against the window after noticing your grave mistake. I leave the door wide open but you want to keep body slamming the glass.
Giving me life advice on something you know nothing about.
People who don't love their pets. Yeah, you take care of them but you do it as a chore and then complain about it. Those little fur babies deserve it all, give them the best or don't have pets at all.
Holier than thou attitude.
People who laugh at those who are visibly upset and tell them they're being too sensitive.
Allergies. IDK Why tf my body acts surprised as hell every single spring. It's just fucking pollen. Why are you trying to fight it. Do you understand that in your brilliant plan to try and fight the little evaders you actually make me want to end it all because my nose is itching and my eyes are watering and I can't breathe. Food allergies are another level of bullshit. I'll never forget the day this one girl tells me she wished she had allergies? Like it makes you special, mf what??? She was being serious too.
Thin, straight, fine black hair. Can't do anything with it. It doesn't hold hairstyles, doesn't curly, gets heavy as soon as you use any product and 90% of the time it just looks like Snape cosplay. Ask me how I know
Parents who buy their very young children shoes with laces. This is inconvenient for all of us. why tf would you do this when Velcro exists. Your 4 year old doesn't need laces when they have no clue how to even eat cheese with their crackers, mf why did you buy this shoe for them?!
Bananas. Hate them with a burning passion. The smell. The texture. I hate the peel is left out and about like it isn't making the entire room smell. Don't even get me started on banana breath. (Keep in mind this is not me saying I think they're gross. I wish I liked them because they're a super convenient snack and very healthy)
People who lie and say you can't taste the banana in a smoothie. Yes, I can. You always can. You can have 1000lbs of any fruits and that single banana will still stand out.
People who don't understand mental illness/ act ignorantly to those suffering.
Big companies who ask you to donate to stuff. You're going to use this as a tax write off, stfu.
People who laugh at others for not knowing something. Maybe that thing had 0 relevance to their life. Maybe they learned about that because they were taught something else. Either way, how is it funny.
People who laugh at those learning a new language. You're the fucking worst. They are LEARNING. Let them get used to the pronunciation, let them get accustomed to sentence structures, let them make mistakes without being embarrassed. You're the embarrassing one cackling you're damn ass off while they're trying to do something new. You're discouraging them from wanting to continue because you feel the need to be an asshole.
People who make everything a serious debate/conversation.
People who steal. Not out of necessity but just because they can. I'll never forget overhearing this group of kids in my high school bragging and laughing their asses off over how much candy they stole from other kids. They also stole phones. These were not troubled kids mind you, they were doing this for shits and giggles.
Eczema. So fucking itchy, why can't skin just act right. It feels awful, looks awful and just comes and goes as it pleases.
People who clown you for who you find attractive. Why. If I find this person attractive, what in the ever loving flying fuck does it have to do with you. It's just so unnecessarily rude. I don't even get how its funny or why you find it okay to call someone ugly as if this is something they personally have control over.
I'm going to add more to this list.
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padfootagain · 1 year
Where We Kept Our Magic (III)
How We Met Again
Hello lovelies! Here is a second part for my Muggle!Reader AU!! I hope you like this new scene, tell me what you think!
Pairing: Sirius Black x Muggle!Reader
Warnings: none for this chapter
Summary: You and Sirius meet when you’re still young, and yet you fall head over heels for each other. But everything gets complicated when you learn that Sirius is a Wizard! Now, your whole world has to be reimagined. -This series is made of many independent snippets taken from Sirius and Muggle!Reader’s lovestory –
Word Count : 2175
Masterlist for the series - Sirius Black's Masterlist - Main Masterlist
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A couple of weeks have passed, and Sirius misses you. And he hates it. He is surprised by it, too. The feeling has come out of the blue, unexpected and unwanted as it settled in his ribcage, carved his way into his heart.
He doesn’t understand it at all. He’s had only a couple of dates with you, spent two afternoons in your company, and this evening at the concert. He doesn’t know that much about you. He doesn’t know how you drink your tea, what you eat for breakfast, the colour of your eyes under the rain. And it’s making things worse, because he wants to know. He longs to ask you what’s your favourite flower and your favourite colour and how you drink your coffee…
And whenever he closes his eyes, he sees yours, wide open, so close to him, staring into his soul. And he can taste your lips on his tongue again, smell your perfume in the air…
He huffs, annoyed. He’s being ridiculous. You weren’t even together, you’ve shared a few hours and a kiss. You weren’t even his first kiss. Was he yours?
He pushes the thought away, sits up as if it’ll help his brain thinking other thoughts. It doesn’t.
“If I hear you sigh one more time, Pads, I’ll hex you so hard you’ll be sent to Antarctica.”
“You really do have to hang out less with Evans, you’re stealing her silly threats now.”
“I want to punch you in the face so hard.”
“Better, sounds more like you.”
In James’s bedroom, the sun pours in golden hues, fresh and clean and too warm. It almost burns, despite its travel through the windowpane.
Sirius is sitting on the ground, and James is splayed on his bed, a novel in his hand that he disregards in favour of his best friend.
“You really have to see her again.”
“Why? She doesn’t want to see me.”
“She doesn’t want a fling. She literally wants to see you too much for the two of you to be a meaningless fling.”
“And that’s impossible. We’ve been through this already.”
“Clearly we need to go through this one more time, because you’re still mopping…”
“I am not…”
“You are. You miss her.”
Sirius remains quiet, his back resting against James’s bed.
“You should try to see her again.”
“I wouldn’t even know where to look, I don’t know her address.”
“As if it could stop the Marauders.”
Sirius can’t refrain a tender smile.
“Yeah, you’re right. You three are as mad as I am.”
“That’s why you love us so much!” James laughs, nudging Sirius with his knee.
“Fuck off, or I’ll break your kneecaps!”
“And risk mom’s wrath? I believe you.”
Sirius merely chuckles, hiding behind a snicker the way his heart inflated with fondness. James isn’t calling Euphemia his mother anymore, but their mom. True brothers…
“She’s a muggle. We’ll leave for Hogwarts in a couple of months and…”
“Yes, I know,” James rolled his eyes. “You kind of repeat yourself these days.”
“It would be too complicated.”
“Perhaps she’s worth the complication.”
“That comes from a guy who definitely likes complications when it comes to girls…”
Sirius doesn’t finish his sentence, he’s hit by a pillow instead.
“Anyway, what I was saying is… you should try anyway. You’re missing her already.”
“That’s the whole point… what if I fall for her? Like… really fall for her?”
“Your life will get immensely more complicated. And you’ll love every second of it.”
“You and your bloody romantic antics…”
“Ha, yes, I had forgotten how our good old Padfoot is full of cynicism these days.”
Sirius checks the time, and he’s happy to offer a distraction from the current conversation. After all, James and he have to hurry up if they don’t want to be late to meet Remus and Peter at Green Park.
Still, when he’s tying his shoes, he’s still thinking about that smile of yours.
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Summer is too warm this year, you wish for a fresh breeze to cool your skin, your head and your heart.
You’re still thinking about Sirius. You haven’t said a word of it to Jackie, besides telling her that it was over, that you were right and that Sirius didn’t want anything serious. It was hopeless, it would remain a silly crush on a stranger at a concert.
Your heart has other plans though. Because it aches just thinking about him. You can feel his lips on yours and your skin burns at the memory. You see his stormy eyes over and over again at night.
You miss him. You hate that fact, but you can’t deny the truth of it. You miss him, you want to see him again. Even if it means getting your life immensely complicated, even if it means letting him break your heart.
You don’t talk about it, though. What would be the point, anyway? Instead, you merely look sadder than usual, look at the sun through your sunglasses even if you shouldn’t, and try to breathe despite the longing in your chest.
Jackie has managed to drag you to Green Park, despite your terrible mood. She even managed to make you laugh, God knows how. You’re thankful for it, even if you hate it.
You’re lying in the grass, Jackie by your side is reading while you look through the branches at the blue sky and the burning sun. Your world is tainted pink by your sunglasses. You love it.
The park is busy, but you don’t mind. The unregular noises around you are numbed by the grass under you, the branches swaying gently, the superposition and mingling of voices. In the end, you barely notice the noise at all.
And it’s all relaxing, and for the first time in two weeks, your mind wanders not towards Sirius’s grey eyes but the shape of the leaves above you and you wonder how soft they can be up there, caressed only by the wind, before their fall.
Your quiet thoughts are interrupted though, by a frisbee landing right onto your stomach. You’re startled as it passes before your face and the next second rests on your abdomen; you let out a little shriek, that makes Jackie jump as well.
You sit up in a hurry, fumbling with the plastic toy. Damn, what kind of idiotic twat is clumsy enough to throw their frisbee on people…
You turn around, ready to throw hands with the culprit… when you’re left blinking instead.
A boy in a dark t-shirt is running towards you, freezing as he recognizes you.
Sirius blinks. Once, twice, thrice, but you’re still here, sitting in the grass. He can’t help the smile that forms on his lips.
You look so beautiful, so adorable with your pink glasses…
You look down at the frisbee, hand it over to him in a hurry without meeting his eyes.
“Oh, yeah… sorry about that. James is terrible at this game. He’s wearing his glasses, and still can’t aim for shit.”
His attempt at humour is met by a heavy silence and a terrible drop of his heart.
He looks down, cheeks burning, and not only because of his run. He takes the frisbee with a quiet thanks and is ready to walk away again when…
“Hey! Isn’t that your girl, Padfoot?”
You see Sirius wincing as a tall boy with glasses runs to him, half jumping on Sirius’s back as he comes to a stop by his side.
He shoots you and Jackie a grin.
“Hi! I’m James! And you must be Y/N!”
You nod, but can’t seem to find your voice. Jackie introduces herself, struggling not to laugh at you as you steal glances towards Sirius but look away every time his eyes meet yours. Meanwhile, Remus and Peter have joined the small group, introduced themselves, and are now quietly laughing at Sirius’s flushed cheeks, along with the fact that he can’t look away from you.
He's missed you. So terribly. He was a fool. He wants you so badly. He can recall the taste of your lips, and he longs for it now more than ever.
But he shakes himself out of his trance as he hears Remus asking if they can join you and your friend.
“These idiots have never played frisbee before, and I’m tired of trying to teach them. They’re desperate cases, at this point.”
“Thanks, Moony,” James mumbles under his breath, along with something about talent and a weird word… quid… something. You guess it must be a Scottish sport, as Sirius said he went to school there.
Why is he going to a school so far from home though?
You shake yourself. You don’t care. You don’t care about Sirius, about his friends, about their school, or about how the sun shines on Sirius’s magnificent eyelashes. You are about to decline the offer when Jackie grins and accepts… the traitor…
And you hate the rest of this afternoon. You hate it because everything goes smoothly. Sirius’s friends are a little weird but hilarious and nice. And Sirius is a little quieter than usual, but you’ve noticed the way his eyes linger on you, the way he can’t help staring…
And you hate it because you long for his gaze on you. Because you let your eyes drift towards his frame too. Because you feel happy and excited now that he’s near again. Because you want to kiss the cigarette taste away from his lips as he puffs out some smoke.
He catches you smiling dreamily as you look at his earing shining in the summer sun, and you hate the smirk that forms across his features as you shy away under his stare.
Damn, this charming boy…
And the afternoon passes too quickly, too soon already the sun has begun setting, and the park is about to close. You need to go home, and you don’t want to. You need to say farewell to Sirius all over again, and you don’t want to. And you hate him for that…
But as you’re about to part, about to say goodbye to turn around and never see him again, Sirius reaches for your hand, stare too intense to let you escape.
“Can we talk? Just for a minute?”
You struggle to swallow the lump in your throat, but nod anyway.
And you hate the look Jackie throws at you, the knowing kind. You hate everything about today. You hate the softness of Sirius’s palm, the gentleness of his hold as he pulls you away from the group, the warmth of his skin spreading under yours.
You hate everything about him. You hate him… you hate him…
When he turns around, a wild strand of hair swings across his cheek, escaping from his bun, and you hate it too. You hate how good he looks right now, how you long to reach out and brush the hair behind his ear…
“Can I be brutally honest?”
He stares at you intensely again, and there’s confidence in his stature, in the way he leans towards you, in the urgency of his tone. Still, his voice trembles.
“Sure, go ahead.”
He takes a deep breath.
“I want you.”
Your eyes grow round at that, and you hate him. You hate him because you like hearing these words coming from his mouth, because you want nothing but to kiss him…
“I know that last time we… we decided not to see each other again, but… the truth is, I want you. And I… I want us to give it a shot.”
“Sirius, we’ve talked about this.”
“I know, but…”
“I haven’t changed my mind.”
“I have.”
You stop breathing altogether, your heart skips a few beats, and you hate it. You hate it so much you want to cry.
“I’ve changed my mind. I want to try this.”
“Are you playing with me?”
“No, I’m not.”
And you hate the fact that you can read in his eyes that he’s telling the truth.
“I want to try. I like you. A lot. And… these past couple of weeks… and seeing you again today, I’ve realized… I want to give this a try. Let’s go on another date.”
“But Sirius…”
“Give me another chance,” he interrupts you, taking a step closer. “Please… please give me another chance.”
And you want to say no. You want to slap him and you hate him because you’ve been hoping, dreaming of this moment even, and desperately so. And you hate yourself because you want to say yes, and you can’t help the words that pass your lips even if they’re so unbearably unwise.
“Okay,” you nod. “But you won’t get a third.”
He grins.
Slowly, you nod.
Before you can ask where you will meet, Sirius has reached up to cup your face, and has crushed his lips to yours.
And as you lose your fingers through his hair and melt into his arms, you love every second of it…
Taglist : @reg-arcturus-black @wolfmoonmusic @hells-escapees @cloudbroomblog @omgrachwrites
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inflammatory · 5 months
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The 80s. Everyone was young and quick. Not a single album missed. Then the decade passed and some weird vibes got into them and right before Bruce Dickinson left to take some laps making mid solo material they put out FEAR OF THE DARK, a toss-up between the perfect classic maiden guns and some weird bar rock type shit that you could probably safely fuck to without tearing a muscle. Strangely enough, in my opinion this combination made for the perfect ENTRY LEVEL GATEWAY ALBUM, especially for listeners who haven’t yet found the sound of metal quite their cup of tea. Opens with a typical skin ripping gallop track, finds its arguable apex with six minutes of AFRAID TO SHOOT STRANGERS, slowburning into the most hypnotic melodic riffs they ever did. Gems like JUDAS BE MY GUIDE are hidden at the back of a slightly inflated tracklist. They make you listen to the absolute skip that is WEEKEND WARRIOR before you even get to the historical title track. Not Maiden’s best. But the magic that is there still strikes awe. I believe it was for FOTD that they picked up Janick Gers on guitar, who contributes some really fantastic freewheeling lead slop. Think solos that sound like he’s being chased by a murderer simultaneously.
Settling into their sound, a listener must of course sink teeth into the satanic panic classic THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST. A very chewy forty minutes. This was 1982 where Dickinson, the voice you hear on most of the relevant albums, just arrived. And he immediately displays his chops. See title track for one iconic blood curdling shriek. Maiden makes quick work of this album, and saves their very best for last with HALLOWED BE THY NAME, the song that personally first pulled me into the band. They make seven minutes feel like two. To get there, however, Iron Maiden has written some silly shit that they will first subject you to (22 ACACIA AVENUE, skippable). Many members of the band contribute lyrics, but Steve Harris, behind both the band and the bass gallop that made it, oftentimes writes songs that veer comedic.
So we get to SOMEWHERE IN TIME, another rich 80s classic album that keeps gateway listenability by being sweet on melodies and having no overly outrageous Steve Harris lyric moments. On ALEXANDER THE GREAT he does have Dickinson read off a Wikipedia page, ostensibly. But it’s amazing either way. This album also sports WASTED YEARS, considered Maiden mainstream for good reason.
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But forget entry level listening. We want to cut to the very pinnacle of Iron Maiden output. Rest and relaxation after 1986’s SOMEWHERE IN TIME creates SEVENTH SON OF A SEVENTH SON in 1988. The idea of a concept album they waltzed with previously appears fully realised, operatically spotless, SYNTHS. There is no Gers slop here. This is the crystallised daddy of modern prog. Dreamy but white hot. Back to back to back, they put CAN I PLAY WITH MADNESS, THE EVIL THAT MEN DO, and the ten minute title track together. It is for this reason that the first acoustic guitars crawled out from the ocean and evolved pickups and tone switches.
…You could probably also listen to Powerslave. They’re quick on that one too.
For later there is the earlier KILLERS. This has Paul Di’Anno before they swapped him for Dickinson. He’s got a grit to his voice that Dickinson doesn’t have, which works perfect for the songs they were putting out. See MURDERS IN THE RUE MORGUE, one which should catapult this album to classic status by itself. I hear the basis for a lot of modern J-rock/metal in this one. Couldn’t explain it to you, but it’s in the melody. And I honestly love the Di’Anno sound. I would’ve put him with guitarist Gers for maximum impact. Too bad they’re star-crossed by a decade. Fun fact about Di’Anno is that Rob Halford of Judas Priest once tried to hit. He did not succeed.
End notes: Yeah, the Trooper is good and you’ve probably heard it, but it’s carrying its album.
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destinygoldenstar · 2 years
Ranking Every Just Dance 2023 Map For New Years
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So. New years have arrived. To think I have 75 followers now. That’s insane. You guys are awesome. 
I guess I should do something for New Years, huh?
Let’s see...
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Oh! I know!
I’m gonna rank every level from Just Dance 2023!
Why am I doing this?
That’s the only reason.
Okay, for a bit of my background on the game franchise, I’m not a hardcore Just Dance stan, and I am a bad dancer. At least, I was told that by my oh so nice friends ( /j )
However, I remember a lot of fun times I had with the games. One of my friends birthday parties was a dance party with one of the games. In my middle school gym classes around the end of the year, Just Dance was an option to play for the class, and I ALWAYS chose that. We had four people do a dance at a time on the Wii as a little competition. I never won once :(
And even at my senior high school holiday party, we had one of these sessions...
Dancing to the dreaded Rasputin.
That had me drained of energy the rest of the week. That map HAUNTS MY DREAMS.
In terms of myself OWNING a Just Dance Game though... I never did. Yeah, despite my fun, I didn’t own a game myself.
UNTIL this very Christmas, where I got 2023 as a gift from my parents. 
I LOVE this game, needless to say. I didn’t even know they were still making Just Dance games since like, 2016, so I was in LOVE with the evolution of the gameplay. And the song choices? MWAH. MY CUP OF TEA RIGHT HERE.
This might be one of my favorite Just Dance games I’ve ever played. (Which is not a high bar, so don’t get mad at me)
I actually made this game my new workout routine. I DESPERATELY need exercise for my weak nerd arms, especially for a community performer who can’t help with stage work even if I tried. So this game is gonna be my fun workout routine every day. A gym? What’s that? (I’m still healthy either way, so leave me alone)
And, well, from this being fresh in my mind, and 2023 in the title, I decided to make this my New Years gift to you all to celebrate 2023.
I bet none of you asked for this.
Keep in mind, I am NOT a good dancer, and from my background of Just Dance, I don’t have a lot of knowledge on what makes a Just Dance map good or not. This is just gonna be based on my enjoyment of these maps. I could love a map that’s poor quality by Just Dance standards. Idk, I wouldn’t know.
ALSO, if you’re gonna ask about the rules of the ALT versions... 
I will NOT be ranking ANY of the ones with the actual human coaches.
Those are all TRASH in case you’re wondering. I hate them. They take away from the creativity and magic of Just Dance maps by having them be real backgrounds for me, and I don’t like it when game developers exploit real people for profit. 
So I’m just gonna ban those from my mind.
Then there’s the issue of the versions of the maps, one regular and one extreme... I would say I’d only rank the maps separately if they are different from each other enough, but... I can’t determine that.
So I’m just gonna talk about the maps I want to talk about.
If I don’t mention one, I apologize in advance.
So, let’s get this train wreck started...
X Tier
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Zooby Doo
I hate Zooby Doo. 
Before the dance even started I knew I’d hate this map. 
This is baby game bait, and it nauseates me that executives forced this on talented choreographers who worked on this game. The entire map screams, ‘this is for babies, and absolutely no one else’
The song is awful. Must I say more?
The backgrounds are awful. I don’t understand why they’re all inflatables.
The coaches are awful. ONE OF THEM IS NAMED ‘DOODOO’...
ANYWAY, the coaches are awful. The designs are really bad with no coherences whatsoever, and the inflatables they’re wearing is so distracting and limits leg movement.
Oh, and it’s a duo map. I don’t like duo maps. I think they rely too heavily on using a partner, which if you’re doing it solo, you basically cannot do the dance. Even the best maps suffer from being duo maps because of this. 
And I might, MIGHT have forgiven it all if the dance was at least fun.
It’s not. 
There is little to NO choreo at all here. It’s just flailing around to obnoxious music. And when you’re just dying for the map to end, it K E E P S  G O I N G.
I am never touching this map ever again.
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Stay (Inflatable Version)
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Top Of The World
I like the song.
And that song deserves SO MUCH BETTER.
This in my eyes is only a commercial for a Paddington ripoff. 
Actually, if it was Paddington, I think the map would've been so much better. Mostly because I could follow a bear as a dance coach better than a crocodile, which has little limbs and a big tail! 
(Also why is the croc sad at the start? That’s never explained)
This dance is easy, and yet it still feels impossible to do because the coach is so unreliable. 
And the backgrounds are... not good. Apparently this map REALLY hates color. NOT EVEN FOR THE WRISTBAND THAT’S MEANT TO GUIDE THE PLAYER.
You know, this is a commercial for a CHILDRENS MOVIE, and yet you provide NO COLOR.
That’s absurd to me.
Or, I don’t know how children’s entertainment becomes successful for children.
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Danger High Voltage (16 Bit Version)
How do you RUIN the concept of a 16 bit map?
This is how!
Destroy the energy of the original.
Make the 16 bit backgrounds inconsistent and hard to follow.
Make your coach fart to remove enemies.
Make your coach DAB.
Did you know that in one of my middle school community productions? We all had to do a dance battle in a superhero themed show in front of several people, and at the end, we were all supposed to strike a superhero pose.
Then, the directors decided to YEET that idea in favor of the entire stage DABBING. Because ‘it's trendy’.
I hated dabbing ever since.
And I hate it when directors use ‘it’s trendy’ as an excuse.
The dancing really kills any potential this map really had, and the moments I pointed out already destroy it. It’s above the others for at least being a dance I can follow.
Ok Tier
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Walking On Sunshine
This is not in the bottom tier because the song is actually kinda catchy.
Other than that, this map is NOT GOOD.
I don’t usually mind coach switches because they’re used in clever ways and aren’t just thrown in there. Here though, there is SO MANY switching coaches that it feels nauseating more than anything else. 
And I can tell this is borrowing nostalgia from previous games due to the intro yeeting out a coach for a worse designed version of them. And when half of them are doing their own collective dance, and the other half are doing their own unique one, how am I supposed to understand what to do besides flail about? THE DIRECTIONS DON’T HELP EITHER.
The stick person idea is okay on paper, but is executed terribly. These aren’t stick figures being stick figures, these are knockoffs of previous maps, like I said. And they’re doing a bad job at such.
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There’s only one reason this map is this low.
I HATE this song!
I can’t stand this song.
The censors being incredibly distracting in the map and wherever is the LEAST of it’s problems. I even hate the uncensored version of this song. I think it’s obnoxious and devoid of substance besides trying to win a world record of ‘how much can we cuss in our chorus?’ 
And I don’t even hate songs automatically for cussing. Welcome To The Internet is one of the best songs of all time if you’d ask me.
I’m not even one of those ‘new generation music is bad’ people. But I feel like those kind of people point to this song specifically to make their claim.
That’s the only reason why I’m not playing this map again other than to make this list. Because I don’t like the song.
The map otherwise is okay though. 
The coach looks nice, I think the city background is pretty and I like the defiance of gravity. I think it could have a Spiderverse-esque feel if it went above and beyond with the concept.
Man, those elements just get overshadowed by a terrible song choice though.
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Why does this map feel so dirty?
I get the lyric is ‘Funk and Soul’
Yet to me it sounds like ‘F**king Soul’
One of the dancers lift a finger at one point, and they’re in the back so it makes me think it’s a middle finger.
And at the end that same dancer does a pose you see in a lot of sex stuff.
That’s the most interesting thing about this map. The rest of the map did not do it for me. 
The song is... fine.
The choreo is... fine. Though this is the Extreme level, and it wasn’t very hard for me.
The background is... fine. Though they spin the camera around the bar at one point that makes me feel sick. Especially when they show all that junk food afterwards. Unlike a map like Wannabe where the bright colors are controlled with a mundane background without the flare, this map is all bright colors, no exception. This map kinda gave me a seizure. Especially when there’s WAY too much going on.
If you can get behind that, it’s an... okay map. But I don’t think I’m gonna play it again.
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Drivers License
I think this one is either you like it or you don’t.
I don’t.
I don’t like this song. That’s fully personal taste for me. And the map nothing to help me get invested in it. It’s so slow and boring, and the choreo is aggressively repetitive. 
I think this is meant to be an emotional one, yet it’s clearly trying to hard. The entire focus is on these silhouettes of the couple and the coach looking oh so sad the whole time. If the coach is sad, why would I want to dance, you know?
At least I don’t feel sick dancing to this one.
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If You Wanna Party
I think this one does get a LITTLE too much flack. The choreo is actually pretty fun to dance to when you actually play it, and for that alone, I do find myself coming back to it. 
Especially Jack Rose’s solo bit. Jack Rose is best coach. I don’t care what anyone says.
What really is the issue here is the song. The song did not do much for me. I don’t find myself listening to this song outside of the map. I am NOT one of those ‘new generation songs suck’ people, I just choose which songs I like and which ones I don’t. I think that’s for a lot of people.
Plus I think the song is pretty nostalgia heavy with these past game maps floating in the background. Personally, I think it would’ve been better to use examples from the first three games or so than what appear to be maps from later in the series. That’s just me tho, and I think it would’ve felt like a better celebration of the franchise than what we got.
I do come back to this one for the choreo, but I personally would’ve been okay with the story mode ending with Majesty.
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Telephone (Runaway Version)
I have never been more disappointed with an ALT than this.
You guys probably already know where the original Telephone map is on the list.
For now though, this one is... not great.
First off, they’re seated the whole time.
Second, it’s a duo map, which I don’t like those.
Third, this choreo drains all the energy from the song. There is next to nothing interesting happening to me. I guess the coach’s enthusiasm is enough to save it, and I love the song either way, and I can appreciate the INTENTION of a seated performance, but I expected such a better ALT to Telephone than this.
Why couldn’t we get an Extreme Level of this song?!
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Million Dollar Baby
I almost mistaken this one for the real people dance. But TECHNICALLY no.
It’s Ava Max dance coaching her own song with some pretty diamonds everywhere. Pretty pretty.
Whoop dee doo. Moving on.
Good Tier
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We Don’t Talk About Bruno
I didn’t know where to place this tbh. I’m still questioning why this exists.
But it has it’s moments. I like how close it resembles the movie version and makes it feel like you’re interacting with the people around you. 
The background characters though... yikes.
And I like the choreo on the bridge solo with Mirabel.
I have nothing else to add, just... why?
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Sissy That Walk
The placement is simple: This is just not my thing. But it is well made, and I like the coach singing as well and even being ooped by the censors. Not much else to say.
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Heat Waves
I actually find this map kinda wholesome. You know, for a robot map and easy choreo and a song I don’t care for. I dunno, this robot coach is adorable, and there’s nothing really bad about this one.
But the choreo does limit the player a little bit, especially when the robot spins it’s arms. Humans don’t have that joint capability sillyheads!
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Disco Inferno
This one has some value to it for sure. It has a bit of the charm of Magic, just with a devil instead of an angel. It’s not as good as Magic though, and it’s very... twentieth century. (I never heard of this song before, so I don’t know when it was made)
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Here’s a TOTALLY unpopular opinion...
Arcane is AMAZING.
I don’t talk about it on my blog because it contains certain subjects I fear I won’t be able to talk about without offending someone. Kinda like when I review Dhar Mann. However, it’s easily one of the best quality shows of the DECADE. And we’re only at 2023! And I doubt it’s gonna change!
So of COURSE this amazing show was gonna get a Just Dance map. It just makes sense...
And it’s... okay?
I heard a lot of people say Enemy would’ve been better, and... yeah. But Playground is a good song too. I think our love for Enemy overshadows the rest of the good songs in Arcane quite a bit tbh.
I come back to this one quite a bit more than the others I talked about before actually, which is why it’s higher.
Plus the backgrounds are beautiful and the dance resembles Arcane pretty well. I didn’t even expect there to be any of the psychosis scribbles, but I’m glad they added that there.
My biggest gripe with this though is that this should NOT have been an easy level. Arcane is an INSANE show that is FAR from easy to understand. I think to represent the show, the map should’ve been at least a Hard difficulty. 
That would’ve definitely suited Jinx and let her go WILD with this dance. It IS Jinx after all, she would never take things so easy, let alone have her choreo be this repetitive with it’s chorus. 
Or it could’ve had an Extreme ALT with Vi in it at least. That would’ve been AMAZING. 
Yeah I know it’s a commercial for a show like it was for the crocodile map but... come on. There’s a clear difference in potential here. An Extreme ALT to Playground would make you so much money Just Dance! At least I would’ve played it.
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More (Seraphine Version)
This is just more More.
*Cue laugh track*
Let me rephrase that.
This is just More but with Seraphine and easier choreo, and more of a stray from the music video it’s based on, which is fine, I’m glad they tried something different.
Unfortunately, the different they came up with isn’t as interesting as the original More to me. It’s just a ton of blue backgrounds, and Seraphine. Though to be fair, Seraphine alone makes this ALT worth it.
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I’m sorry. This is one of the goofier ones for me.
But I do have to give the song a LOT of credit for it’s style. Replicating ALL of the story mode’s dancers styles into one is genuinely challenging, and I have to give my props to the battle style of it all.
That said, there’s a few things holding it back for me.
I think this kind of level was missed potential. Basically, when the coaches change up all the time, you only get to pick based off of the first coaches and then you go with whoever is on the side of the map. This makes it difficult for people to pick if they want to dance to the Good or Evil of the dance’s story. This is especially the case for Jack Rose, who switches sides halfway through. Yet you only get to dance with him if you pick Evil. But picking Evil also means you have to dance as these boring raven minion things for fifty percent of the song.
The song itself is also... not my cup of tea. I’m sorry, but I can’t get into it.
This makes the entire dance goofy for me, but I guess since it’s a dance battle, that’s the point. But idk, the heart kiss in the direction part (why you blowing a kiss to an evil witch?) And the way Mihaly just shows up in the crowd WATCHING from the sidelines and letting Sara do all the work.
I feel like if they used a different song and you got to choose which of ALL the coaches present you could play as, this could’ve been a masterpiece. But as is, it’s far from that.
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I can actually get behind this map.
And I don’t even like the song that much.
But for what the dance is, it’s actually kinda easy to get into. I like the coach’s designs and I think the choreo, while easy, is still fine to get into. I was expecting this dance to be so much more aggressively sexual given the song it’s attached to, but I was pleasantly surprised. 
There’s not much to say about this one. It’s good. The song just isn’t for me.
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Watch Out For This
I have no excuse.
This, quality wise, should not be this high. The choreo and coach designs are hilariously awful. And the song is... geez.
But that’s why I love it. This is THE guilty pleasure map. This is ironic enjoyment. I have a good time with this map and how stupid it is. It’s not well made together, but all it’s faults laugh in its face and come together to make something special.
Everything is SPECTCULARLY mediocre at best.
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Yes. I like Radioactive. I think this dance style is very creative and a GREAT arm workout, which is what I’m looking for.
Do not let this fool you. This is a HARD dance to do. That difficulty rating is a lie.
I like how their arms manipulate the backgrounds around them, and the song is... not my favorite from Imagine Dragons. But I don’t hate the song, so I can live with it. Personally, I would’ve gone with Natural.
However, I think this dance is pretty underrated.
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Therefore I Am
I don’t really like how the background has the lyrics of the song. It’s annoying, and it also shoves the song’s censors in your face. Which is a shame because otherwise, I wouldn’t have noticed it because I thought the censors were well handled.
This choreo is actually pretty cool to dance to otherwise. And the background is neatly stylized.
And yes, I also looked at Happier Than Ever from 2022. That one is ten times a better Billie Eilish Just Dance map in every single way.
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Can’t Stop The Feeling
This map is THE intro to the game. And it shows. Honestly this song is SO dance worthy that I find it very hard to believe it took THIS long for it to get in a game. (Or was it used in a previous game? Idk, let me know)
I know I said I hated the game using real people, but here it’s fine with me because it’s only in an intro and Sara gets an Alter Ego when she steps into the Danceverse. (I love Sara’s coach design btw) The Danceverse itself is so much fun and the song accompanies that very well. 
Especially when these dimensions are filled with cameos of previous Just Dance games that I know nothing about. (There was a level that took place in a laundry room?)
That’s really what’s holding it back for me. That and the choreo, being easy and all, is nothing special. I think this map is made for nostalgia bait for hardcore Just Dance fans. For casual players like me, I don’t think it’s gonna do much. But it’s fun.
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Good Ones
Good choreo.
Good background.
Good coach.
A little repetitive but it’s all good.
Would’ve been great if it was longer.
It’s a Good One.
*Cue laugh track*
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Toxic (Extreme)
Yeah I’m sorry, this Extreme level didn’t do much for me. This is one instance where I feel like the two levels are different enough to be ranked separately. However, I DO prefer the ‘easier’ version of the map to this. 
This one is less creative to me. I get it’s meant to be more ‘dangerous’ with the lasers, but that’s about it. It’s definitely an Extreme level, don’t get me wrong, the rating isn’t a lie, but I don’t care. 
There’s not much story to this map whereas the easier version did. This is just ‘sneak past the lasers’
And there is WAY too much spinning in this choreo, which is crazy of a complaint because of how creative some of these spins are. But they get overshadowed when nearly every part of the song has spinning to it. 
This level, to me, is just ‘More Toxic’
*cue laugh track*
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Wouldn’t It Be Nice
But sadly this is only a cover of the song :(
Really though, I love the use of claymation to put this together. Just Dance didn’t have to do this, but they did. 
This, and Pinocchio. Must be the year for claymation.
The dance is so adorable and wholesome, and the backgrounds are so cute that they interact with the song. I like the cat is in the background at one point to foreshadow the ending. Which... WOW.
But sadly it’s a duo map so it loses points for me.
Also I can’t tell if this map hates badgers or they’re just discriminative towards the third wheel of every friend group. Which is occasionally me :(
 Super Tier
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Danger! High Voltage
And I think with the song, this was the right map to do that. I never even heard of this song before this game, and I don’t think I’d listen to it 24/7, but it’s an okay song.
What really sells this map is the coaches and their wild crazy energy. This dance is just one big punk competition on two people trying to best each other, and that’s literally the context of the map. 
This one, to me, is the ‘let’s pray to god no one’s watching you dance this’ map. Because they’d question what the heck is going on. 
That said, it’s still a duo map. I don’t really like the duo maps. I would do the ALT, but... we talked about it.
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I Knew You Were Trouble
Would’ve been higher if the choreo wasn’t so repetitive. (How is this not ranked easy?)
But I do like the song, and I think the map tells the story very well. Plus I enjoy the cosplay in it.
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Boy With Luv (Extreme Version)
I don’t have much to say about this besides... solid. Very solid. The song just isn’t my thing. But it’s still a very well put together map.
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Boy With Luv
Same thing. I just like the miniature aesthetic more. 
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As It Was
Great visuals. Chill song but it’s fine. And there’s some relaly neat choreo here like kneeling on the floor in a jump. Love that move actually.
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Here’s something that’s totally not unpopular of an opinion, but I LOVE K/DA songs.
Yeah I know, the unfollow button is right there. 
I’ve seen several of the music videos of them, and I listen to a few of the songs on loop.
But I will admit, More is one of my weaker K/DA songs if I were to rank them. That’s why this is one of the weaker Extreme levels for me.
With that said, I don’t think non-K/DA fans know how much effort was put into this map. The backgrounds, the choreo, the costumes, and even the twist at the last chorus, ALL stem from the music video. And yet it doesn’t feel unnatural to me. Honestly, I condemn them for sticking to the spirit of the music video. Right down to SEREPHINE! *fangirl squeal*
If I had any gripes with it, I think the models they used on the girls don’t work for me too well, as their faces are way too wide for the models in the video that I’m used to. Their costumes also aren’t anything special (though that’s not Just Dance’s fault) And again, this is far from my favorite song from K/DA.
I know I said I didn’t play the previous Just Dance games so often, but I did see a ranking video of 2022, saw Pop Stars was a map, and I checked it out. While I think that map clearly favored Akali when the video it’s based on gave all the girls time to shine (and More seemed to fix that as every girl has a solo bit) I do think I like PopStars as a Just Dance map MORE than... well, MORE, because PopStars is one of my favorite K/DA songs next to Villain, I think the models and costumes are better, and it feels less... busy. And even if they favor Akali in the map, it’s not very hard to see why.
That’s just a me thing tho.
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Woman (All Mother Version)
Now THIS is an ALT. 
I think the song fits the All Mother so much better than the regular coaches, and she mops the floor with the song’s style. And the choreo here is a lot more fun than the original.
Huh. I prefer an ALT over the original. How about that?
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Sweet But Psycho
Despite that, this map is real pretty. This is definitely one of the more chaotic maps, but I think it works in it’s favor. And the costume of the coach and the rose petals?! WOW.
With that said, this choreo is repetitive. Nearly every chorus is the same. Right down to the verses as well.
It’s a well put together map though, but KEEP RASPUTIN AWAY FROM ME.
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This one is definitely something special. I think the map utilizes the song to the max. I love the castle going out of sorts as the song goes on, you know, actually UNDERSTANDING what the phrase psycho means! (Sorry Sweet but Psycho)
I also LOVE the costumes of these coaches.
So why is this not any higher?
The choreo.
I’m SORRY. But this isn’t very strong choreo for me. There’s some bits I liked but others I found goofy, like the part where they hold each other and just bop for no reason. I don’t mind goofy choreo if it’s a goofy map, but this is designed to be a more sophisticated map. 
And also, Extreme level? No. This was NOT very hard of a dance for me. This feels more like a Hard bordering Medium for me.
If it lived up to the Extreme level label, maybe this’d be higher.
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Anything I Do
This song is SO EXHAUSTING.
And that’s a good thing.
I love the style and feel of this map, especially for a song I’ve never heard before. If it weren’t for the slow mo of the dancers in the background and the excessive dropping, which gets old pretty quick and becomes predictable, this could’ve easily made the next tier up.
Perfect Tier
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This is going to sound INCREDIBLY stupid, but...
This map, to me, is CRAZY underrated.
Technically, it’s not the most complicated choreo in the world and is definitely repetitive. (a lot of the easy levels are, to be fair)
However, everything else about the map makes me so giddy whenever I play it. I come back to this level so many times because it’s such a feel good map. The coach is gorgeous, the stars and rainbows help the magic feel, the song itself is magic *cue laugh track*
And the lights around the last third are a very sweet edition.
This is one of my cooldown maps after a workout honestly. Quality wise compared to the others, I shouldn’t love this one as much as I do, but I do anyway. It’s my ranking.
(Also this coach is my avatar)
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Rather Be
This one is REALLY underrated. If you were to ask me which of the story mode’s dance style I fall in line the most with, it’s Mihaly. 
I can definitely get behind their choreo and the map itself is TOTALLY my style. You know how many times I’ve escaped reality with earbuds and go to magical places? 
My college hates earbuds for some reason :(
My biggest gripe is that for a song about going off to imaginary places, they use the same examples every time. I think there’s a bit of wasted potential there. But the world we got is still nice to look at.
This map also has a panda, which reminds me of my sibling, and they never wanna dance with me, so this song is the best way I can dance with them.
Great map that deserves more attention.
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Is this a remaster? 
This is too good for a remaster. I love the secret agent story behind it and the plane background. I love how the coach is disguised for most of the dance, which makes her red spy costume all the more eye catching. I love the choreo for this one, I love how two guys in the VIP section are taking a bath together and yet Just Dance thinks ‘sex’ deserves to be censored, I love how the third chorus has the dancing make her DODGE LASERS, and I love how the pilot dude is okay with this spy flying the plane in the end. I dunno, he’s just like ‘Eh, I’ve been kidnapped and tied up, but she’s hot, so I’ll gladly lose my career and put my passengers in danger.’
I guess the only thing is that the coach is sliding across the scene the whole time and it looks a bit silly.
Great map tho.
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Love Me Land
The biggest problem with this map is that it’s too short.
Mostly because the song is too short.
This song is so groovy and fun with excellent choreography that is my jam to dance to. The coach is HOT. The lighting is fantastic. The map, while only one room, utilizes it to the fullest. It’s just a GREAT MAP...
If it was a longer map, this could’ve easily been higher.
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A deliciously villain song. Or dance in this case.
The choreo is repetitive, but I think it works for the witch character, who just wants to control the other dancers to her movements. And there’s still some really impressive parts as well, my favorite part with the arches moving like ticks on clocks.
Great map.
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You know when I said I played this game for a workout?
Well this map seemed to have that in mind.
I LOVE the map just for that. The warmup stretches at the start? THAT GOLD MOVE WHEN YOU GET ON THE FLOOR?! The coach being an energetic queen? The people dancing with her? 
This is SO CLOSE to making the top tier. The only thing holding it back is that the choreo in the chorus gets repetitive. It’s fun choreo, but it unfortunately bugs me using it in every chorus with little to no alteration. If it wasn’t for that, it would be top tier.
With that said, I still love this map. Again, the energy is through the roof. It’s been awhile since I heard the song, but I’m glad it’s in the game because it really makes you want to dance. I love the mall background as well, as the interactions with the people in it makes the entire place feel alive, even the colors that get added as you dance are you kidding me?! And I don’t even like malls.
Really, if I were to do the game for the sole purpose of working out, this one is gonna be one of my first picks. 
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Physical (Extreme Version)
The issue I had with the original is gone. And the choreo is harder. 
This is basically if the original had no problems and made it to this tier. All the love I had for the original applies here for the most part, except here it’s completely solo designed specifically for workout purposes.
But I am NOT doing that split at the end. You can’t make me.
Now all we need is an Extreme Version to Locked Out Of Heaven and Rather Be.
LESS Zooby Doo Just Dance. Give us what we want!
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Locked Out Of Heaven
Jack Rose is best coach.
At first, this looks like a regular good level, but actually experiencing the map itself is on another level. 
A wannabe dancer being in the show of an oppressive figure who disapproves of their dancing pride is an okay idea for like, a story. But this is a Just Dance map, the simplicity of that story makes it so much deeper. Especially when we actually get to dance with them as though we’re cheering them on.
I love how the witch is constantly in the background to show that she’s watching him. I love the mic thing he has to dance with. (I actually danced to this with a broomstick) I love how that doesn’t get in the way of the choreo.
Said choreo is excellent. It’s nothing extreme, but it doesn’t need to be. It’s a dance to let loose to and imagine yourself in another world where you’re loved and seen, just like the coach imagines. 
The only gripe is the word ‘Sex’ being censored for no reason. 
I can get past the censors in the game, I know they’re necessary, and they don’t distract me in most maps because the focus is the dance. This is an exception though. ‘Sex’ is not a bad word.
Danger High Voltage had ‘hell’ in it, and no one censored that. That’s bs to me.
Really, that gripe only makes me want to sing to the map when I play it, and I think that makes the experience with the map better for me, so... what could I complain?
Let me know, is Jack Rose in any other Just Dance games? Is he basically the Bruno Mars dancer?
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An artist painting their brains out of a numb state of creativity.
I ADORE this map’s art direction with the pastels. And yet somehow none of it feels like too much. Given the map’s context, too much is kinda what it’s going for. 
The coach is phenomenal as well, in both versions of themselves. With the colored version it’s a little hard to see their arms with the sleeves, but I think that’s the point. This choreo wants you to let it all loose.
The way the dance transitions to black and white to all these rapid colors, to the glass shards making both sides collide so seamlessly?!
If I was more familiar with the song, this could’ve made top three.
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Bring Me To Life
Did this have to HIT as hard as it did? No. But it did anyway.
This map is phenomenal in so many ways. And I do not usually say that about the duo maps. It makes the Gold Move hard to do without a partner, and with someone like me, doing the Gold Move even with a partner would be... impossible.
That’s the ONLY issue though. The rest of the map is near PERFECT. 
I grew up with Evanescence music, and this is my favorite song of theirs. This map not only dances to the song, but they TELL A STORY using the song as well!
These doll coaches are out of time in their happy little clock tower, and though they want to be saved and live longer, the tower’s destroyed, and they themselves have to accept their own demise. 
That is HEAVY for Just Dance. And yet it portrays it subtly enough that it does not feel like it’s trying too hard (unlike some other maps).
The choreo also tells this story, with the split being them reaching out to the 4th wall with the ‘save me’ lyric accompanying it. The solo parts of each dancer having the other one reaching out to them. The end part being a hug as they vanish?! 
The costumes of the coaches, the tower, the clock background, it’s all phenomenal with it’s atmosphere. It sets the rest of the dance and hooks you in as you just immerse yourself in the dance.
This song deserved an ALT for the people doing the dance solo.
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So... I have a few things to say about this one.
First, the song. Before Just Dance, I’ve NEVER heard this song before. But now that I have heard it... YEAH!
I listen to this song on loop now, and currently am as I’m writing this.
And the backgrounds? YEAH!
Are they borrowing from Spiderverse? Not very likely, but still, this map just POPS in the color department and somehow does not feel busy. I don’t know how you pull that off. (Maybe it’s the city background looking mundane on purpose to make this comic book world come to life?)
I dance to this one multiple times JUST so I can catch every detail of the map. And I still don’t think I scratched the surface. The colored sound wave on the speakers? The comic book transitions to different areas of the city? The speech bubbles displaying the lyrics? The effort and creativity is off the roof! I’m scared to take my eyes off the map for even a second because I feel like I missed something.
And it’s not like the dance is lacking either. This is probably my favorite Extreme level choreo of the entire game. I am dead serious. I’m a bad dancer, and yet I want to learn this dance better, especially cosplay as these coaches. 
Easy Top Tier map for me. I was caught by surprise for sure.
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You knew this one would be #1 before you even clicked on the post.
You were just here to see how I ranked the other maps.
Every other ranking I’ve seen has this at either number 1 or number 2, and the ones who put it at number 2 only did so because they had some sort of bias towards their number 1.
After playing it myself...
They weren’t wrong.
They are absolutely right.
EVERYTHING about this map is complete and utter PERFECTION.
I don’t even know where to begin!
First off, the song. This is one of my favorite Lady Gaga songs. I could not be happier seeing this song in the game this time. And I didn’t even anticipate the map to be my favorite at first. 
Second, the aesthetic. Genius. For those who don’t know, there’s an extended cut of the song, which is mostly just talking and less song. Basically, it tells the story of a party fanatic getting bailed out of prison and being on the run. Welp, apply it as the aesthetic to the Just Dance map and give us one of the best costumes for a coach of the game! (I love this outfit to death)
Third, the choreo. It’s just Medium level, and yet it has as much energy and pizazz as an Extreme level, without even being an Extreme level. The stomping everywhere, the hand motions, crouching down with sass, the other criminal girls yanking your coach with strings, the upper body only part with the phone and banging at the cell wall?! And so many other moments tat would take forever to mention. Suffice to say, I love Lady Gaga maps. Even before I even got the game, I always wanted to do the Lady Gaga maps.
And what do you know? The coaches from those maps return here and get a bit of the song to themselves! What more do you want? This feels like a tribute to her work for the franchise. And yet these cameos don’t overshadow the main coach of the dance or the others. They’re a part of the map’s story as well. They’re ALL in that prison!
(There’s also the bridge with their mugshots)
This song is on all my playlists in Just Dance, and will probably continue to be on them. I love Telephone that much, for even more reasons than I can give detail to. (The end where they basically just say ‘That’s it, I’m out’? Are you kidding me?!)
There you go, that’s my ranking. Don’t ask me to do the other games.
And Happy New Year and Happy 2023!
6 notes · View notes
In an effort to motivate myself to keep writing this Have another chapter of She Likes Me? She Likes Me Not?
Chapter 2: Tea: It Keeps Things Civilized
von Mekkhan and Son’s Son’s was the kind of upscale coffeehouse and teashop that made most of its profit from inflating the prices for tourists. Locals knew exactly what words to say to suddenly get half-price and the von Mekkhans, Carson and Vanamonde, liked it that way. Any tourist foolish enough to try to get into the Castle was going to pay the price sooner or later, and getting some money out of them now was considered a tax. After all, that money funded the search and rescue operations that often turned up people too dead to invest in the town’s emergency services.
Vanamonde, Van to his friends, was the barista. He had painstakingly bought only the best vintage coffeemakers from Italy and found the best coffee beans and tea leaves from small growers across the world. He tasted each blend and refused to market it unless it was perfection itself. A novelty Van blend could sell out in under twelve hours because of this.
Violetta Mondarev arrived at 16:01 and found Ardsley Wooster impatiently checking his watch next to the cash register, imploring Van to just wait a second more so that he could get his friend’s order in. She’d never heard Ardsley call her a friend before, but she supposed it to be an accurate depiction of their relationship. She didn’t waste any more time thinking about it.
“Hey Van, are you still serving the Darjeeling with orange?” She smiled at Ardsley, trying to apologize.
Van nodded. “Of course! It’s one of our most popular teas.”
Ardsley paid for both of them as Van reminded them that his mother would bring their drinks to their table, which was tucked into a corner by a window far away from the hustle and bustle at the counter.
“So, Violetta, you said that we have a problem.” Ardsley cracked his knuckles. “What is it and what do I need to do?”
“Dr. Trelawney Thorpe thought she was dating Gil, but then the trio got back together and she’s really heartbroken by how it ended.” Violetta looked out the window. “And honestly, knowing Gil, he probably didn’t think they were dating. I mean, sparks. You can’t tell if that vivisection is supposed to be sexy or not. But that doesn’t change that Dr. Thorpe is upset.”
Ardsley nodded. “I know Trelawney quite well. I can try talking to her. I will, of course, have to talk to Gil first to confirm that he did not believe he was dating her and merely saw her as a collaborator.” He grimaced. “Do you think this will go better or worse than it did with Miss von Blitzengaard?”
Violetta laughed. “Oh, Seffie? She was just being dramatic. She understood right away.” The smile faded from her face. “I’m not sure Dr. Thorpe will be the same.”
“No,” Ardsley sighed, “I highly doubt she’ll be as easy to placate as Miss von Blitzengaard.”
“Your drinks,” Mrs. von Mekkhan said, handing Ardsley a cup of single-origin Tanzanian coffee and Violetta her tea. They murmured their thanks to her.
“Well, here’s to a swift resolution,” Ardsley sighed, raising his mug for a toast.
Violetta raised hers and toasted. “To a swift resolution.”
Dr. Wulfenbach’s apartment had once been tactfully described as a “mess”. To Ardsley Wooster, it was a dumpster, bordering on a dumpster fire. He stepped over pizza boxes from weeks ago, printed-out EKGs of various patients (identifying details removed, of course), and dirty laundry to knock at Gil’s bedroom door. He could hear snoring from within.
“Good luck waking the lion,” Gil’s roommate said, emerging from the kitchen with a sandwich in one hand. “He hasn’t slept in a week, and I hope he won’t wake for another day.”
“Bang, this is important,” Ardsley sighed.
Bangladesh DuPree shrugged. “Look, Wooster, I don’t care. What I do care about is that he is finally getting some sleep after a week in the madness place. He’s my friend and nothing is more important than his continued existence.”
“Dr. Thorpe thinks he broke up with her,” he said.
“Really? They were never dating,” Bang said, taking a bite of her sandwich.
“She didn’t know that,” he said, “and now she’s all upset and heartbroken over a breakup that nobody else thinks happened. I need to talk to Gil so I can go tell Trelawney the truth.”
She rolled her eyes. “You’re not going to be able to wake him up. Come back tomorrow, okay?”
He groaned. “You can’t be serious.”
“I am, and if you don’t like it, I’ve got knives.” She reached for her sock, where Ardsley could see the outline of a sheathed knife.
“Fine, fine, fine.” He raised his hands in surrender. “I’ll be back tomorrow.” He backed away and almost tripped over an empty beer can. “And please tell Gil to clean up.”
Bang smirked. “Oh, I will.”
“You have reached the voicemail of Violetta Mondarev. Please leave a message.”
“Hey, Violetta, the bad news is that Gil is asleep, but the good news is that I’m going to try to talk to him tomorrow! So hopefully we can resolve this soon.”
Trelawney Thorpe showed up the next morning to the Baron Wulfenbach Medical Center, floor 6, with a bouquet of flowers and a card. It was early enough in the morning that the clinics weren’t open yet and the building was virtually deserted. She guessed that Ms. Mondarev wouldn’t be there yet.
Mr. von Zinzer, however, was there. “It’s you,” he hissed, picking up the phone on his desk. “What are you doing here, because I will call security.”
“Flowers,” she said, waving the bouquet, “for Ms. Mondarev. And a card. To apologize.”
He put down the receiver. “Just put them on her desk and go away and we will never speak of this again.” He swiveled his chair to face away from her. “I will pretend I never saw you. The flowers were always there.”
She placed the flowers and the card on Ms. Mondarev’s desk. “Thanks,” she said, walking out the door.
From down the hallway, she heard Mr. von Zinzer turn around. “Flowers! For Ms. Mondarev! That magically appeared!”
She laughed and heard him laughing too.
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msfbgraves · 2 years
Konmari - specials and other small observations
So guys I didn't do it. Not this time.
I succumbed to the lure of specials one time again this month, though I'd mitigated the damage by donating a third of the coupons so that I could not buy more than three items I had been lowkey meaning to buy for months anyway. (Knowing full well that 'lowkey' means that I could have quite happily done without, but at least I didn't succumb to a fourth item. I don't know what ramekins are even after googling their use but I would have bought them.) I'd only really identified this as a problem a few weeks ago so I still consider this progress.
But as if to test me...
They had a massive amount of specials this week. This is completely against their schedule, and the reductions were even significant for pre-inflation standards.
And I didn't buy any extra of anything that I didn't already need to replace, no 'let's try this out' 'but it really is a steal' 'Who doesn't like chips', zilch. And today when I thought: "Some cucumber would be nice, maybe if I drive over I can get that really nice special on madeleines..." I thought, Fantine, do you hear yourself? Would you have gone for the cucumber alone? No? So you're not going for the madeleines, either, I don't care how good this deal is!
Of course those specials are simply a personal tic, and not a problem anybody else on earth may need to change, but I was only vaguely aware of it six weeks ago, let alone that I could have done anything at all about it. I would have gone slightly mad at this specialfest otherwise, buying plenty of things I don't miss now at all.
Other stray things: my mother, who needs it least of all the people I know, has started to tidy too. Marie Kondo did say visually tidying a space is contagious without having to say a word. Simply doing it will get people going: "since you're going to goodwill anyway..." You don't have to urge anyone to do anything at all. And you absolutely do not have to fight about it, however messy your housemates are.
Round storage containers- why? I'm not a hobbit!
You will find new uses for things you decided to keep, and it'll keep happening. I like to drink a tea that's called 'autumn storm' or whatever, depending on the brand. Well, I've found some aspen spice, and I have a creeping suspicion that's what that tea is flavoured with. I think I can manage that myself from now on (or until the aspen runs out, anyway. Maybe I'll make my own).
Update: aspen is more like 'winter glow'. Tastes nice enough though, I'm just done with winter!
Though I'm still salty about the 'you have to do all the categories in this order' - bit, I still think doing things by category is a good idea, and that is because (and this is important!) you can decide when to stop without feeling you didn't make any headway.
Because you need to stop, specifically to do 'normal' cleaning. Tidying is messy business, and you won't have a chance to determine how much headway you've made until you periodically put your house in 'normal' order. You'll probably notice this takes less time after each category.
All the pain of the 'omg but should I really let go of this thing?' is in the initial sorting. As soon as it's boxed up and labeled for goodwill or readied for recycling or ready to be sold, you will simply want it out of your face.
Something all the konmari youtube films confirm - you become ruthless in yeeting things you don't absolutely love. And that is like regifting - it's fine when done with care, but don't do it in front of people. This can be mitigated by visually cherishing some things they have bought you that you do love. Very unlikely they remember the things that you don't love, but everybody appreciates seeing you use gifts that you do. And then you can yeet to your heart's content, it really is addictive.
However tidy you get, you will forget that you own things. I think doing inventory at the start of each season is smart. I hardly have a warehouse, but a little 'ooh, it's going to be spring/summer/autumn/winter' checkup is fun. Probably will happen anyway when preparing for Easter/Summer vacation/Halloween/Christmas or Purim/Pesach/Sukkot/Rosh Hashana, Ramadan Eid, Diwali or any other markers I don't know about, but first you're going to have a 'Ah, I have this! Cool!' which will give you new ideas and it will save money.
I keep saying this, but no more 'just in case'. Just in case is not now, and right now it is making your life harder by being in it. Of course this does not go for stuff that makes you feel secure to have it, like spare tires or medical supplies or spare keys, or, as is common in Holland, just in case it gets hot enough to go to the beach. I count that as sparking joy. But I'll keep this 'just in case I might take up making sushi', or 'just in case all my good clothes get lost in a fire' 'Just in case I gain 15 pounds'; or, in my case, 'just in case I do learn how to reliably use a drill even though it has been twenty years, I'm a spaz and I have never learnt despite several attempts' sweetheart, you will deal with that if you should get there.
Marie Kondo says that unused stuff gives off sad vibes. But loved stuff gives off vibes too. And the vibe is: "Play with me. Come on, play with me! You'll love it!" And that is 100% awesomesauce, but it makes me even more hesitant to add to things. It will want to get used. Discarding it when unused will feel painful, there is no two ways about that. So must I own it? And I'm not being a minimalist about it, it's fantastic to answer this question with a resounding "hells, yeah!!" But must I, really? Can I borrow it? Simply to get a feel for it? Every purchase has a honeymoon period. But what then? Stores always urge you to buy, have you noticed? "Don't miss out! Limited time only!" You wouldn't buy a pet that way, ideally, you shouldn't buy anything that way, because things aren't dead. They want to be in use, and money is much more lovingly spent maintaining things than replacing them, if, of course, you have the choice. But even on very little money and with low quality things, getting a sense of what you have and where to find it at the very least will save you time and energy, and that energy can be spent on your dreams, your health, or some slightly higher quality items that don't constantly need to be replaced. Stuff wants to be in your corner. Clutter never is.
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moemoemammon · 3 years
Following that "least favorite" request could we get their reactions to being to told that they're their favorite, but to not tell the other brothers so their feelings don't get hurt? Maybe because they relate to them the most or just get along really well. Thanks!
You're My Favorite! But Don't Tell the Others-
(Feat. GN!MC and the Demon Bros)
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
There are no words to explain the overwhelming satisfaction ion Lucifer’s face after you tell him that. Of course, it’s only natural that he would be your favorite, all things considered.
The Avatar of Pride won’t ever forget this moment. He carefully considers your words and agrees not to tell anyone, as much as he’d love to bring it up, because he knows more than anyone what kind of chaos would ensue should the others (especially Mammon) find out.
But they can tell something’s up when the eldest has been heard humming all day. He moves about the house with even more grace than usual, and hasn’t scowled even once.
But the REAL shocker was when Mammon tried hiding a bill right as Lucifer walked in... and the eldest let him off with a warning. A WARNING! The brothers thought the Devildom must’ve frozen over, but you and he knew different.
“MC, I would like you to accompany me to Le Pluvier this afternoon, once you've finished your studies. I've already made reservations, so be sure to get ready on time. I've made sure to consider the things you might like to eat, so I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself. Don't be late." "...I'm grinning? I don't know what you're talking about."
The gigantic grin on Mammon’s face is so bright, it could rival the sun. You’ve seriously made his day. No, his year. Actually, he’s pretty sure he could ride this high for the next millennia! There’s nothing in this world that could dampen his spirits right now! 
He feels like he just won big at the casino! Of course he’s your favorite! He WAS your first demon, and now he’s gone and claimed his rightful spot as your number one! Good luck trying to keep him from saying anything. Mammon’s gonna throw it around in everyone’s faces for as long as he can milk it.
And you thought he was clingy before, just wait till you see how he treats you after hearing that. Despite always calling you his ‘servant’ or his ‘human’, you’d  think your roles were reversed. Mammon spoils you every chance he gets, buying you clothes and trinkets, filling the spaces in your room with the things he knows you like, monopolizing you completely until nearly everything you own is a gift from him.
Your words also help soothe that jealousy of his a little. Only a little, though. It’s easier to watch you talk to other demons when he knows he’ll always be your first man.
“Didja really have to stay after class that long? I know you were talkin' to that demon that lent you a book, but you outta ask ME for stuff! Tch... you're lucky I'm in a good mood today! But I guess I don't have to worry about some low level demon like that, seein' as I'm your favorite!"
Wait wait wait....Come again? Did you seriously just say what he think you said..? That had to be a mistake! Some kind of...uh..verbal typo! Because there’s absolutely, positively, NO WAY in all of the nine layers that he could be your favorite demon. And yet you still insist that you’re telling the truth, and Levi feels like he’s died and gone to heaven. 
Red faced and stammering up a storm, Levi looks like he might die. Is it really okay for a shut-in otaku to feel this giddy? Seriously, he hasn’t felt like this since he got his hands on a signed copy of a Ruri Hana audio drama! No no, this definitely beats that!
You’ve managed to inflate his nearly nonexistent ego, and now he feels like there’s nothing he can’t do! Maybe he could even go to Majolish right now?? THAT’S how good he’s feeling!
Almost as bad as Mammon in keeping it a secret. He doesn’t tell anyone right away, but they’re suspicious when they notice how much time he’s spending out of his room. And then when he and Mammon get in another petty argument, he drops the bomb that he’s your favorite demon in the entire Devildom, and you can guess how things go from there.
“Uuuoooo...!!!!! I've decided..! Since I've got a serious stat buff, I'm going to open a booth at the next convention coming up..! I'll sell my Ruri-chan fan art and spread her influence all over the Devildom! I'd never have the guts to do it normally, but I feel like I could do anything right now! Y-you'll go too, won't you MC?"
You nearly made this man spit tea all over his book, and now he’s coughing and spluttering and trying to figure out what could’ve prompted what he’s taking as a confession. You.. do realize what you’re saying, don’t you? And you know the kind of effect your words have on him?
Satan isn’t the type that wears his heart on his sleeve, so you have to look for his subtle expressions to tell how he’s feeling. But there’s nothing subtle about the redness of his ears and how he’s begging you not to look at him right now. For the sake of his sanity, give him a minute to recoup.
When he does recover, he agrees to keep it a secret for obvious reasons. And it’s hard to tell that he’s in a good mood, other than the fact that he hasn’t tried to pull any pranks on Lucifer lately. But Asmo sees all, and literally hounds him into spilling the tea.
He tells him a lie of course, but now the other brothers are noticing just how happy he is. Satan's smiling way too much today, isn't he? And he didn't even get mad when Beel got whipped cream on his jacket! Well, not THAT mad, anyway.
"Haaah... everyone's been harassing me all day, claiming I'm smiling a lot. I'm sure I look the same as I always do, but I'll admit that I've been happy ever since you told me that this morning. Wait.. you did think I've been grinning too, do you? I have??"
Asmo always jokes about being your favorite and announces it as if the two of you are married, but when you actually confirm that his longing for you isn’t one sided, he ends up smearing lip balm across his cheek in shock. Did you... really say that just now? He knew it all along, but hearing it like that is just...!
Ooooh, he’s so happy he can hardly contain himself! Asmo throws his arms around you, peppering your face in kisses until you feel sticky from lip balm, wipes your face clean, then marks it up all over again. Good luck getting rid of him, because he might never let go.
Immediately posts it to Devilgram. Did you really think he’d let such a momentous occasion go unannounced? You must not have been paying attention to the kind of person he is! Asmo would put you on a pedestal in front of the world like a precious jewel if he were able, but this’ll have to do. He won’t hide his love at all!
Of course, the others don’t take too kindly to it, not that he cares. He never leaves your side, pampers you like crazy, and has even attempted to get you to move into his room. Lucifer put an immediate stop to that, though. Boo...
“I just can't get enough of you, MC! Just being near you gets me so excited that I can hardly stand it! You'll take responsibility for what you're doing to me, won't you? And in exchange, I'll take my time showing you just how much I love you. After all, you're my favorite, too!"
Beel never has a problem with choking while he eats, and it comes as naturally as breathing. Unfortunately neither of that applies right now, since you just made him choke on a meatball sub.
He usually takes your words with quiet acceptance, but this might be the most emotion you've ever witness from the stoic demon. His eyes are wider than that time that laid on an entire gingerbread mansion, sparkling up with such deep emotion you wouldn't be surprised if he cried. Instead he softens up and immediately embraces you.
...And doesn't let go. Sandwich long forgotten, he's been carrying you around all day, and ignoring any questions or protests from his brothers. Also insists on feeding you throughout the day. The food tastes better when he can enjoy it with you, so why not just bring you everywhere?
When he isn't carrying you, he's following you around subconsciously, either close up against you like a protective wall, or just far enough that you're within his line of sight. As far as not telling anyone, he... tells Belphie immediately. It was an accident though, since there's not much he keeps from his twin.
"MC, I won a meal ticket for Godevil Chocolatier. Let's get something for dessert today. Ah, you can get as much as you want, too. I really want to see what things you choose. They might become my favorites."
There's nothing in this world that can wake Belphegor from his sleep, unless he allows it. No loud noises, no amount of shaking or smacking, and not even dragging him around the house. But the moment you whisper that he's your favorite demon, the Avatar of Sloth is wide awake.
Hey, you're not just saying weird things to get a reaction, are you? Because if so, this is a new level of cruel. Yet you confirm that you mean it and swear him into secrecy, and Belphie tries his best not to show how happy he is. A smile keeps creeping up on his face that he struggles to force down. It's annoying...
As funny as it’d be to tell everyone the news, he's good at keeping secrets. Instead, you've noticed that he's been sleeping a little less that before. When he does take one of his hundreds of naps, he finds some way to be closer to you. He's even been seen sleepwalking to your exact location somehow-
It's hard for him to believe that you're not teasing, though. How could HE be your favorite demon here? Belphie doesn't do anything special to win you over, yet after everything he put you through, you like him enough to deep him your favorite?
"You're weird, MC. I mean... me? I won't deny that I'm really happy though, but I guess I'm in disbelief. You should spoil me even more until I believe you. Lend me your lap for a few hours, okay?" "...I wonder what Lucifer would think if I told him, heheh."
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inkmemes · 3 years
this  country  (  2017  -  2020  )  sentence  starters ↪  taken  from  the  bbc  mockumentary.  trigger  warning  for  mentions  of  religion,  death,  sex.  alter  as  you  see  fit  ♡
“i like the underdog.”
“don't be a fucking dick.”
“everyone comes together on days like today and just forgets their utter hatred of each other.”
“everyone who's anyone's going to be there and there are people from my past that would love to see me slain.”
“there's a tea rooms there and under the counter they've got a panic button and if i take one step inside, they can press that. the police will be there in three minutes.”
"he whatsapped me the other day asking us to go laser quest with him and i ... well, i clicked on it by accident, didn't i? so he knows i've seen it."
"i mean, i get it, but it's not making me feel nothing."
“it's baffling. i'm baffled by the entire situation, if i'm honest.”
“what the actual fuck? what the actual fuck? you have fucking lost your head, mate. you have lost your fucking head.”
“when i get hold of you, i swear to god i will fucking deck you.”
"someone's just been throwing plums at my house. i'm going to kill them. i can't believe it. i can't believe it. all over this. plumming on here, plumming on that. plum on the sofa, look! there's nothing left that hasn't been plummed."
“i've had a target on my back since the day i was born.”
“thank you very much, enjoy your free potatoes.”
“do you know how small your brain is?”
“hogwarts is that way, dumbledore.”
“he used to say i looked like the puppet off the dolmio advert.”
“there's a kid crying over there. do you want me to...? i can tell him to shut the fuck up if you want?”
“he genuinely looked like a moomin.”
“on my first day of karate club, karate master goes to me, [name], i don't know why you're here because i can't teach you anything. if anything, you should be teaching me." and just gave me his black belt.”
“you know that little old blind man? yeah, when i was punching him in his face, the lens from his glasses broke and cut my knuckle.”
“some things are just best left in the past, where they belong.”
“what's the point in knocking if you're just going to walk in anyway?”
“it was a miscarriage of justice though, cos what people forget is 12 out of them 20 hostages actually found it funny.”
“i lied so much i still don't know what's real life and what's plain lies.”
“i'm so glad you're out of that lying phase.”
“he likes to be the only person on the road, so whenever he sees a car coming the other way he just pulls over.”
“nasa went through hundreds of them in the '60s. and now every time i see a really bright star in the sky i can't wish on it, cos in my head i'm thinking, ‘that's probably just a spacecraft with some monkey bones in it.’”
“you absolute traitor. that's my cheese - it's my fucking house!”
“don't you dare eat that cheese. you eat that and i will smash this. i promise you, i will smash you with this.”
“fuck! you switched them!”
“yeah, i can see it's fucking burnt, sherlock.”
“i honestly am ashamed to know him, sometimes.”
“if you knock on someone's door, don't take no for an answer. get into their house. if they say, ‘leave my house’, stay. and if they say, ‘i'm going to call the police’, you walk upstairs and see if there's anybody else upstairs to sell to.”
“she looks like uncle fester.”
“right. i'm going to piss in their flowers, then.”
“you really need to go home. your mum's called the police and everything.”
“you're also fired from being my best mate, by the way.”
“in business, there will always be setbacks. i don't drink my own juice, fray bentos doesn't eat his own pies. but that's business.”
“do you know what, i don't actually want to play this any more, because it is actually very, very boring.”
“i'm ashamed of myself, that's not usually me, so don't get the wrong impression.”
“i genuinely think one of them fancies me as well.”
“it's fate her moving across the street.”
“the problem with finding a girlfriend in the village is that most of the girls you meet round here are old-age pensioners.”
“yeah, i am looking for a relationship, but thing is i've just got so many trust issues, yeah, with being fucked over massive in the past, so no matter how much i get close to someone now i'm thinking in the back of my head, ‘shit, am i going to get fucked over?’ because i've been fucked over in the past massively. my last relationship proper fucked me up.”
“i went through a really dark phase. listening to papa roach and just blowing everything up with them little french bangers.”
“shut up, you don't know what you're talking about!”
“i don't like the man. i know he's my uncle, but i don't like him.”
“it's just malicious lies, that's all it is.”
“i'm not saying i've got a cruel heart, but if she ain't willing to take me as i am rather than the monster i've become, then she can literally just jog on back to sea with all the other fish cos i don't care.”
“what do you look for in a boyfriend?”
“the key to dating, yeah, is the two rs and the three ts. 'respect, rapport, and talking, talking, talking.' don't ever let that ball hit the ground. good relationships are built on great conversation.”
“on a date, you've got to tell them all the interesting stuff about you, because that's what they'll be interested in.”
“he said to me, he goes, ‘you can't smoke on here.’ i said, ‘i'm not smoking, i'm vaping.’ the look on his face when i said that. i don't think he knew what vaping… what a vape is.”
“you would make me the happiest mouse if you say yes and become my spouse.”
“here's a tip, [name], next time you take a chick out on a date, don't bore her to tears.”
“roses are red, violets are blue, i've got five fingers, the third one's for you.”
“get out of my way, pipe cleaner.”
“[name] phoned me the other day at three in the morning saying, ‘come quick,
there's a hedgehog in the garden that looks exactly like grandad.’ so i got up, i got dressed and i ran over to [name]'s as fast as i could and then i just stopped in the middle of the street at three in the morning and thought, ‘what the fuck am i doing with my life?’
“you're joking me? because if you are joking me, that is massively harsh.”
“oh, let me get a song up on youtube. you're going to absolutely love this, [name]. here we go… listen to this. oh, for fuck's sake, advert.”
“let's go down the pub and get shitfaced.”
“where do i see myself in five years? well, me and [name] will have a flat in the middle of the village and all of our furniture will be inflatable and we'll have cable and it will pay for itself, because we're going to use the spare room to breed quails, because their eggs are worth fucking shitloads.”
“is this about the calippo, still? because you offered to buy me that.”
“if he wants to go, good luck to him, i say. i reckon he thinks that i can't live without him, which is a laugh, because he went a whole weekend away once and i got on all right. i just ended up following this cat around the village.”
“i've got to do what's right for me, at the end of the day, instead of worrying about other people.”
“how about you say sorry? sorry for the massive knife that's hanging out the back of my back because of you.”
“oh, and while you're stabbing me in the back, feel free to bend down and kiss my arse.”
“can i just ask you an honest question? why would you want to leave the village when we've got a pub and a shop?”
“i think you don't know how lucky we have it to be doing nothing with our lives, like. we're all going to die, anyway, so what's the point in doing anything?”
“i want ownership of the words fucknut and dickmilk.”
“i had this come through the post. and i've got a few concerns about it. firstly, this guy on the front looks really arrogant. not the sort of guy i was expecting, if i'm honest.”
“this is starting to stress me out a little bit.”
“why are you trying to stress me out? you know i'm already stressed out as it is.”
“the bloke that used to live in there, right, kept hearing strange noises coming out of his attic at night. and he'd go to the fridge and find that food was missing from the fridge. so he thought, ‘i'm just going to go up to the attic and check this out.’ and he found an entire family of peruvian panpipe buskers just living up there. and he thought ‘i'm just going to leave them to it, ‘cos they're not really doing me any harm.’ and then, a few years later, he thought, "well, i'll just go up to the attic to check on them. ‘see if they're all right.’ and it turned out they'd all died of asbestos poisoning. yeah, he doesn't live here any more.”
“some people will always be scared of me, and i can't change that, no matter how nice i am. but there's a balance to be had between being nice and being feared.”
“don't really like catching up. it's not my thing.”
“i just watched this video of this girl doing a random act of kindness on youtube. she basically paid for this old man's shopping at the till. and this old man was, like, about 90 years old. and he's so fucking old, like, you could see through his skin. and he just starts bawling his eyes out. he's like, ‘you're fucking joking me, this ain't fucking real life.’ i just thought... i want to make someone feel like that. ‘cos that's... i really… that's what i want to do.”
“i'm not dead. just can't be arsed to text her sometimes.”
“you know, correct me if i'm wrong, but four texts a day is complete madness. no-one can keep up with that.”
“i am doing kind things selfishly.”
“i was at midnight mass one year, right, someone got tipped off i was there. as i was coming out the church, someone tries to shoot me with a crossbow.”
“well, i haven't seen the film, have i? that's why i came here - to watch the fucking film - like a normal human being.”
“i've made an effort by coming here tonight. i didn't want to come.”
“i had to wheel him here from his house in an asda trolley, cos he was just too heartbroken to move.”
“sometimes you don't know what you got until you ain't got it any more. like blockbuster's. i just took 'em for granted - and then, one day, gone, and you spend ages trying to figure out what went wrong, and then you realise it was your fault all along.”
“i thought you said you wanted to fix things.”
“she wanted it to go that way, and it just wasn't gonna go that way. she even got me thinking that they'd get back together… ..but that's manipula.... manipulative people... do that. and he's better off without her.”
“that wasn't much to write home about.”
“it's fucking dead, isn't it?”
“basically, somebody's been sending me threatening letters, and i don't know who's doing it - and i am concerned, because my peripheral vision is poor, so, if somebody attacks me from the sides or snipes at me from an upstairs window, i am fucked - but my hearing is excellent, see? so i just need to spend a few days inside honing my sonar, and i'll be fine then.”
“if you don't like the work, the circus is in town and they're always looking for clowns.”
“his soul is just going to crumble to dust.”
“this really is not a good situation for me. a physical threat is something that i can deal with, but a sexual thing is not my area of expertise.”
“just really fucked in the head, mate.”
“what have i done? i haven't done anything wrong.”
“do you know how sad that is? that is so, actually, sad. that makes me sad for you, that you can't take a joke.”
“i think i just got a bit carried away with the whole thing.”
“your finger's going up my arsehole, mate.”
“i'll hold the back of your head, so you don't bash yourself.”
“when i lie in future, i don't want a massive lecture on how bad lying is, cos deep down, you're the worst of us all, mate.”
“i'd quite like a coke.”
“it's going to be like gluing a breadstick back together, because… like, as if a breadstick's been in a blender and it's all… ...the pieces smashed up.”
“like, this one time i started a fight club in the village hall, and i got a black eye from beating myself up. but it made my enemies think, ‘fuck, if she can do that to herself, what the fuck can she do to me?’”
“i'm absolutely 1,000% sure i've broken it in two places.”
“i knew this day would come.”
“i should be in tk maxx, getting the bargains that i deserve.”
“unlike you, [name], i'm not a fashion disaster.”
“i'm still warm in my grave, and she's sucking off the pallbearer.”
“you know, it took me ten years to get over [name], and i only went out with her for half a day.”
“i swear to god, if i see him here again, i swear to god, i will have no hesitation in just going up to him and just planting one on his face.”
“right, then keep your nose out of my business, yeah? nosy old cock-womble.”
“[name]’s attitude to me is puzzling. if i walk past her in the street
and say hi, she'll tell me to fuck off. yet every year, she sends me a really sweet, nice christmas card. you know, there's just no consistency there.”
“he's good-looking up close, isn't he?”
“don't show me any weakness, because i will take advantage.”
“no, put the brick down, you fucking psychopath.”
“when i asked him, he just said, ‘come to my office now,’ which means we're in the fucking shit, cos we're always in fucking shit.”
“i shouldn't be paying you at all.”
“i've always had a son. i talk about him all the time.”
“he's my son. he's not my dog.”
“it reminds me of the wicker man. i don't really know why.”
“i just find it weird how you can be so close to someone and they can be such a big part of your life, and then the next minute, you're just sort of strangers in the night.”
“i don't want the emotional implications.”
“well, about five years ago, i sold my birthday to my mum for about 200 quid, which means my mum's legally entitled now to never celebrate my birthday ever again for the rest of my life. not even, like, a happy birthday cup of tea, or a moonpig card, nothing - which is the worst decision i ever made in my entire life.”
“he deserves that anyway, because he's been sexting my nan, so…”
“what's this surprise? cos i need to know whether it's going to be worth this walk.”
“i always see them banners above the motorway, and i always thought, ‘who the fuck does them?’ well, now i know. people like me.”
“did you know you can't get stung by a stinging nettle if you grab the leaf top and bottom, like that? it's only when you touch it on the sides, it stings. agh, actually, that stung, then.”
“pez dispenser, they're cursed. they are, i'm not even joking. honestly, when i had one of them, i had the worst bout of bad luck i ever had in my life.”
“i swear down, it's a short cut. it might be a pleasant walk, we might enjoy it.”
“i'm not scared of the fox twins. i'd just like to sit them down and ask 'em plainly, ‘look, guys, what is going on? ‘cos this has just gotten completely out of hand now. you know, stop walking on your knuckles, stand up straight, be the best version of you that you can be. get a job, even. there's a trolley boy who works at tesco's, you know, who may as well have been raised by wolves. if he can get a job, you guys can walk it.’”
“yes, there has been talk of strange goings-on in the woods, ghost sightings and the like. but… ...they're never from particularly reliable sources.”
“i live with a ghost. there's a ghost in that house. he's like a civil war cavalier, with all the hair and the hat and all that. and every time i walk into the living room, he doffs his cap. and on his shoulder, he's got this crow that barks at me. it means i spend less time in the house, really. not because of him, because he's-he's quite peaceable. but the crow is malevolent. and i'm not having that. i can't share my house with a malevolent bird.”
“that's haunted as fuck.”
“am i going mad here, or does that, to you, look like that's where just ghost will hang out all the time?”
“look at him, little red riding twat.”
“if he's got an attitude with me, i swear to god, i'll just grab the steering wheel and drive us all into a wall.”
“it's a bit annoying, actually. cos this is not the first or the second time i've had to tell you, really, is it?”
“his sparkle has just gone.”
“you know my dad actually wrote the song wonderwall on the back of a beer mat in the space of ten minutes, don't you?”
“i've just got a tiny, tiny, tiny little favour to ask you.”
“when i think of [name], i think of someone who is very loyal. and very, very stupid. sort of more stupid than loyal. sort of 70% stupid, 30% loyal, probably. because she's very loyal. but extremely stupid.”
“do you know what? i actually don't think he loves you at all and i don't think he's ever loved you.”
“all right, that's harsh and unnecessary, but fine.”
“frankly, she is behaving like the antichrist.”
“i literally just got here.”
“you are such an unemotional slab of ham, [name].”
“i've got so much shit on that man you would not believe.”
“there's something in my eye.”
“i just can't quit him, you know?”
“yeah, we might have a fiery relationship,  but when we're together, it's just… it's just pure chemistry, isn't it?”
“i'm not proud of it, believe me. but at the end of the day, i'm a very vindictive person, you know? it is what makes me me.”
“i basically went out and bought an alpaca off gumtree for £500. of all the mistakes i've made in my life, that was possibly the largest. definitely the physically largest.”
“yeah, i really don't wanna talk about that.”
“her only loyalty is to herself, staffies, and the tv channel dave… ...which, in my opinion, is a tv channel made by knuckle-draggers for knuckle-draggers.”
“i can't move on till i've seeked revenge, unfortunately.”
“if that was in france, that would be fine, but we're not in france.”
“the only thing we had in common, really, was stealing, and that was more my thing that i got him onto. but it just goes to show, you know, some friendships last and some friendships don't, but that's just the way it is.”
“you know it was me that got you sacked, don't you?”
“the thing i learnt about friendship is, you gotta accept each other's flaws, no matter how toxic they may be.”
“shit-stirring from beyond the grave.”
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slytherinnbitch · 3 years
Day 51: You're gorgeous
Draco Malfoy is one of the most beautiful people of the world, in Harry's opinion. This everyone knows. What they do not know is Draco looks ethereal, almost angelic in the morning. When the sun is just filtering softly through the translucent white curtains and he is having his first cuppa.
Sipping his tea with his hair falling from one side over his face, making it shine gold. That's when Harry falls more in love with him. Everyday, without fail.
Harry makes sure to tell Draco how beautiful he is, every morning without fail as well. Making Draco blush so prettily even though he has said it for the past three years.
It's no different when Harry tells him again that morning, "You're gorgeous. As always," he steals a quick kiss as he places sits beside him with his cuppa.
Draco frowns for the first time instead of smiling. He turns to Harry and says, "You don't need to lie, Harry. I know how I look. I'm hideous."
And it's Harry's turn to frown because that can't be right. "Why would I think that way?" Harry inquires because he can think of nothing.
"Harry, I took a Sectumsepra to my throat and face yesterday. I have three scars across my face, how can you even stand to look at me!" Draco argues and Harry's heart aches.
He still feels guilty about the bathroom incident in 6th Year. Even if Draco had accepted his apology and told him that it wasn't his fault and he had been forgiven a long time ago.
Those scars don't bother Draco anymore because they can't be seen but these new ones apparantly do.
"Why would you be hideous, love? Even I have a scar on my face, do you find me hideous?" Harry questions back because he wants the whole truth.
"Because I look weird and I know I do because I saw some people looking at me funny when we were leaving Mungo's last night. And your scar is different. That saved the Wizarding World."
"Ugh, your ego gets bigger everyday. Did you think that people were looking I'm the Saviour and moreover I was carrying twenty or so bags when someone else was not even carrying one because they are the patient. Seriously, some people and their inflated ego. As if!" Harry mocks and uses an posh accent as he says the words, making Draco laugh and shoving him playfully.
"Plus your scars saved me. And I'm your world, am i not?" Harry says cheekily and Draco laughs out loud.
"You're mad, Harry Potter. I tell you, barking mad." Draco smiles at him and Harry knows Draco's mind is diverted.
"Mad for you," Harry waggles his eyebrows and Draco groans.
"Walked right into that one, didn't I?"
"That you did, love." Harry encircles his arms around his waist and squeezes him slightly.
He kisses the scars on his face before finally claiming his mouth.
"I love you, Draco Malfoy. And you will always be breath-takingly gorgeous to me, no matter what. You understand?" Draco nods minutely and kisses him again.
And if Harry feels wetness on his cheeks, he can always ignore a few things.
Day 50: Blairon fallout || Day 52: You're ridiculous
Sorry this is so small, it was just an idea which landed in my head suddenly and I had to do it!!!
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memelleity · 3 years
chris fleming sentence starters
❝ you’re fine, you’re fine, you’re fine. ❞
❝ i don’t wanna look like i just got out of a “take back your life” seminar, like i feel like this is my day, you know what i mean? ❞
❝ i’m old enough to know that not all dreams come true. ❞
❝ it’s worth it. ❞
❝ is what you want, huh? is this the life you want? ❞
❝ you’re working hard, getting nowhere. like a spider in a toilet bowl. ❞
❝ there’s really no other way to explain this other than through this soon-to-be hit song… ❞
❝ i’ll be right back, i’ll be right back. ❞
❝ board game couples give off an even more menacing vibe than poly couples. ❞
❝ what… is… that? ❞
❝ why do i feel like that guy washes his hands with strawberry milk? ❞
❝ they should invent something for guys with this kind of affliction. ❞
❝ wanna hear about all the cool spots that i binge eat vegan donuts in my car? ❞
❝ i’m not really an adult… i’m more like a chicken who escaped a slaughterhouse and is just trying to get by. ❞
❝ ____, i’ll do it for you. ❞
❝ if i don’t have boba tea every single day by three, then i feel like i might do something bad. ❞
❝ i’m sorry, i can’t seem to hear you. ❞
❝ just because i have bad hair doesn’t mean that i’m polyamorous. ❞
❝ it’s not that i want to, i’m just afraid i’m going to. ❞
❝ you can, but you should not. ❞
❝ i’m talking about party city too much. ❞
❝ it’s like a minotaur. you don’t wanna make it mad, but you certainly don’t wanna turn it on. ❞
❝ it means he’s attracted to anyone, regardless of their gender. ❞
❝ am i man? can i consider myself a man if, in a pinch, i can dry myself off with a hand towel? ❞
❝ this is what happens when i child gets an inflated sense of responsibility… ❞
❝ i’m afraid to talk to men. ❞
❝ i just feel like dancin’. ❞
❝ this only benefits you and is menacing to me. ❞
❝ what we’re doing here today… we could both go to jail for a long time. ❞
❝ oh… okay… i didn’t know about that… ❞
❝ i live off of a hummingbird diet… i have so much sugar, every time i blink all i see is adam lambert in a david’s bridal. ❞
❝ it’s hard for me to face the embers of that dream… ❞
❝ it was a frozen soundtrack-related fender bender. ❞
❝ quiche is just pizza that went to private school. ❞
❝ what’s wrong with me? ❞
❝ that would make me uncomfortable if i weren’t used to her strange bullshit. ❞
❝ isn’t boba more of a treat than an everyday thing? ❞
❝ my friend said, “isn’t boba more of a treat than an everyday thing?” and now his number is no longer saved in my phone. ❞
❝ i don’t know how i’ve been in the dark about all this, it seems pretty firm in the zeitgeist… ❞
❝ is he running at me? ❞
❝ are you still talking to me? ❞
❝ at what age will i become ok having an absolute meltdown in a public place? ❞
❝ she was the one who taught me to be the incredible woman i am today. ❞
❝ you and i will be caked in subpoenas. ❞
❝ here’s how you should respond if your boyfriend proposes to you on christmas: step one, get him in a leg lock. ❞
❝ step two: piledrive. ❞
❝ this isn’t me. i’m tired of pretending. ❞
❝ please do not talk about ____ in that way. ❞
❝ how nice would it be to have the confidence of a teenage coffee drinker? ❞
❝ is he gay? am i gay? ❞
❝ your fantasy of going to jail with me is becoming a problem with our working relationship. ❞
❝ it seems to me you lived your life like a wet cowboy boot… ❞
❝ you’re a burnout. ❞
❝ your actions are saying ‘i wanna be as close to you as possible.’ ❞
❝ she pretended to not know me. ❞
❝ you know that “i’m gonna go through a shoplifting phase and get away with it” shade of blonde? ❞
❝ you have a unique sense of humor. ❞
❝ i don’t know what i’m talking about. ❞
❝ i should have known… i sensed something conspiratorial before... ❞
❝ we done here? ❞
❝ no one’s taken a risk in massachusetts since the boston tea party. ❞
❝ ____! how’d you get in my house? ❞
❝ am i the conduit? ❞
❝ she’s small, so she’s unaware of all the damage she’s capable of doing. ❞
❝ is that even legal? ❞
❝ why me, though? ❞
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belit0 · 4 years
Caught in the Act
can you like have madara ruining your shit and tobirama and hashirama come in and catch you (female reader) thank you i’m just a slut😀 and fuck anon i want people to know i’m horny
We are all horny ppl when it comes to the Uchiha. I fucking support you a lot, I’m like that but with Indra
Rating: E
Pairing: [Uchiha Madara / Fem Reader]
Additional Characters: [Senju Hashirama] [Senju Tobirama]
Tw: Domination, Degrading, Roughness, Some Praising
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“Tell me why do I have to be here when this is a favor requested of you?
"Because if I have to suffer Hashirama’s lack of intellect, you as my lover will too. Now find that man’s fucking coat so he can stop bothering me.”
It’s nothing new to witness the leader of the Senju lose and forget his Hokage dressing gown, but it’s something that always causes great annoyance to the leader of the Uchiha. Outraged at his old friend’s lack of responsibility, when Hashirama asks him to help find it for him, Madara only avoids exploding in the air because he knows it’s a good excuse to spend time with you and not working.
“I could be taking a nap at home… Or having some sweet jasmine tea while thinking about the beautiful face you make when you get angry… Maybe even eating something while I remember your muscles on me and- ”
“You’re walking on thin ice, [Y/N]. Shut up and look.”
With a tense posture, Madara passed by you, heading to check out the different rooms of his best friend’s house. Imitating his action, you took a different route from him, and searched the other end of the big building.
Sliding the door of Hashirama’s main room, you hit the target first. On the large two-person bed, stretched out, red and immaculate, lay that piece of cloth that gave reason to your lover’s grumpiness.
Entering the bedroom, you slid your hand over the material, feeling the softness in your fingertips. A mischievous urge attacked your mind, and a great idea to provoke Madara suddenly struck you.
Quickly, to prevent him from catching you in the act, you put on the Hokage garment, which was considerably large. Hashirama was monstrously tall, so the cloth touched the floor and dragged over it when you slid it over your shoulders.
Laughing weakly, you looked at yourself in the mirror on one of the walls, and found that the cloth was not at all flattering in your form. Even more tempted, you tried to keep your composure, and prepared for the stampede that would come upon you in a minute.
“Dear! I found it! But there’s something wrong with it, hurry up up and come have a look!”
After a second, you heard Madara’s footsteps approaching the room where you were, and the anticipation in your chest began to grow. Suddenly, you regretted your stupid joke a little. Walking down the corridor, you heard him talking, without even reaching the door.
“What do you mean by something wrong? If you did something to that damn piece of trash I swear that-”
Posing, you surprised him with a… great… idea. With both arms in the air and over your head, you put on the best smile of satisfaction that your features could have had at his reaction, and despite the growing anxiety in your stomach about his glance, you rejoiced for a second in the situation.
Yes, one second.
From the door frame, the Uchiha was paralyzed by the image you offered to him. His eyes had quickly changed from a deep black colour to a bright red, with an unnerving dancing pattern in them, characteristic of Mangekyōu.
His shoulders were stiff in their stance, his chest was forced up and down by clearly strained breathing, his biceps were increasingly inflated with every second that passed thanks to the two fists he held tightly on either side of his body.
His hair began to bristle, and the tension in the air became extremely heavy. Not brave enough to speak or look him in the eye, you put your hands together in front of your legs, bent your shoulders and your head. Reducing your size as much as possible, as if trying to make yourself invisible to Madara’s terrifying gaze, you waited for the inevitable.
With the voice that made your blood run cold and your hair stand on end, he spoke, intimidating from across the room.
“What… are you… doing… with… that…”
A grunt erupted from his chest, deep and serious, animalistic, making you exult when it hit your ears. Without courage, you continued to stare at the ground.
“That… belongs… to him.”
You nodded, hoping that your good behavior would calm the beast in front of you.
“You… are… not… his…”
Another nod.
“Look at me.”
Trembling and in your reduced form, you raised your head reluctantly, staring at those terrifying red orbs. Suddenly, all you wanted to do was take off that dressing gown once and for all, show Madara that it was a foolish mistake.
“Who is your owner?”
You said it without hesitation, quickly after his question, which generated a slight smile of satisfaction on the Uchiha’s face. Crossing his arms over his chest and looking at you over his nose, he continued.
“Are you mine, or are you his [Y/N]?
"I am all yours Madara-Sama.”
“Kneel before me.”
“Look what a pathetic bitch you are, dressed in that shit, taking my orders without a problem… Tell me [Y/N] Why should I fuck you right now?”
Knowing your man’s habits, you answered.
“Because I’m a stupid little whore who needs your cock right here, right now. Please Madara-Sama, don’t deny it to me, I need you inside my tight pussy.
"Oh well, really? If my slut is so desperate for my dick, you leave me no choice but to give you what you ask for.”
“Please sir.”
“Come here.”
On all fours, knowing what turns him on, you crawled to his feet, where you sat back on your knees and looked at him from below.
“Use your filthy little mouth.”
Obeying his orders, you rose to the height of his hips. Biting the waist of his trousers, you captured the cloth between your teeth, and with experience you lowered it strongly to his ankles.
“What a talented little pup, an expert in doing everything without hands… Go on”
Smiling slightly at his compliment, you repeated the action, but in his underwear, revealing a semi-erect limb, which promised to harden with little effort.
“No hands, or I’ll have to take them off.”
Faced with Madara’s threat, you understood that it was better to stick to his rule than to challenge him, and you introduced his penis into your mouth, maneuvering your head at a strange angle.
Working at a steady pace, his member became rigid in a matter of a couple humid strokes and your task became easier. Moaning at the situation generated by a foolish prank, you devoured your man’s cock with hunger.
After a few minutes in the same rhythm, Madara needed a speed boost, and he grabbed your hair. Combing it into his grip while breathing heavily thanks to your supplies, he held it with one of his big hands, forming a ponytail. With the new security of the hairstyle, he was able to use your hair as a handle to press your head harder against his length. As your nose hit his pelvis and your throat begged for a break, you placed both hands on his thighs, trying to free yourself from his hold.
At that moment, he stopped all activity dead on, but did not allow you to free your mouth. Even with his limb inside your moist cavity, he moved away from you a little to stop the pressure at the bottom of your throat, and spoke.
“I said without hands [Y/N]… Did your hunger for my dick cloud your mind? No problem, I told you that I would take care of it if necessary.”
Without further ado, he took your wrists and held them above your head, fully stretching your arms. Releasing your hair, he gave you the freedom to move as you wished, but now your upper limbs were minutes away from losing circulation and falling asleep, which was a big pain in the ass.
Because that’s what Madara is really like, a big, big pain in the ass.
Taking up your task, you put your best effort to make him cum just with your mouth. Moaning over his member, your pussy was dripping from him to hear him talk, on the verge of his orgasm.
“Oh [Y/N] don’t you dare stop, keep it up, you beautiful obedient whore. Eat my whole cock like it’s all you need, I want to fill that naughty little slut’s mouth with all my cum”.
“Agh… -gasp- [Y/N] -gasp- I’m… I’m…”
A shot of hot liquid hit the bottom of your throat, while you felt his limb throbbing inside your cavity. Swallowing everything he had to offer, you dutifully waited for his release to end.
“What a good puppy… I think you’ve earned the benefit of being rewarded. Take it all off.”
With a broad smile coming from his compliments, you did what he asked, standing completely naked in front of him.
“Put Hashirama’s coat back on.”
Without wanting to contradict him and make him angry again, you took the garment from the floor and dressed it on your naked body, looking at him with curious and expectant eyes.
“In bed, lying on your stomach.”
Putting yourself in the right position, you waited.
“Show me that beautiful ass of mine, rise it up.”
Following his demand, and with your stomach still leaning on the bed, you positioned your legs over your knees, providing an easy entrance for Madara. What you did not expect, is that the Uchiha would continue with his jealousy whim.
Taking Hashirama’s gown in both hands, he tore a hole where your cunt was, accessing it through the fabric instead of removing it from your body.
Two fingers were inserted mercilessly inside you without warning, moving towards a specific point that made you moan suddenly.
“You will not say another man’s name when you are giving yourself to me you naughty whore.”
An overpowering spanking hit your skin covered by cloth, making your whole being vibrate.
“Tell me [Y/N], tell me whose pussy is this.”
A third finger entered you, moving at an overwhelming frequency. A second spanking hit your buttock before he spoke again.
“You don’t sound very convinced… I’m going to ask you again. Who is the owner of this pathetic little cunt?”
His tongue attacked your slit for a few long seconds, before inserting his fingers back into you accompanied by more spanking.
“What is it [Y/N]? What does my slut want?”
He got into you firmly, using your fluids as sufficient lubrication to slide in. Hashirama’s coat soon found itself soaked in the body liquids flowing from the union between the two bodies, with the hole in the fabric being the main factor in allowing penetration.
Lost in the pleasure of both, drowning in moaning and heat, neither of you noticed when the front door opened and closed, when footsteps sounded down the hall, or when two pairs of curious and surprised eyes stopped to look at the scene unfolding before them.
The Uchiha slammed on the brakes, being able to recognize that voice anywhere. Not coming out of you, he faced the gaze of Hashirama and Tobirama.
Understanding the situation, you refused to face those men, and hid your face in your arms and the leftover cloth, holding your eyes and hoping that the shame would soon be over.
“This… well…"
Without noticing it, his pelvis moved involuntarily towards you, hitting a spot with his member just inside you and making you moan in front of the two brothers.
Tobirama blushed completely, coughing uncomfortably and looking away, while Hashirama seemed not to care at all.
"Is that my dressing gown?
"Yes… we found it…”
“Oh well… oh well… I’ll send you the ticket later… Shall we go Tobi?”
“But brother! They are using your bed, they broke your clothes, they desecrate your room! You should say something to that damn Uchiha instead of…”
A growl of fury escaped from inside Madara, who was still inside you, when Hashirama interrupted before a fight broke out.
“Now, now, Tobi, you’ll understand when you stop being a virgin… come on, there’s a new tea shop I’m really dying to try!”
The front door soon opened and closed again, and at the same time, Madara took his overwhelming step over you, thanking his beautiful friendship with Hashi from the heart.
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e350tb · 3 years
The Owl House: A Blight on Gravesfield (Chapter Five)
The sun rises over Gravesfield.
...so the first essay topic will be up online this afternoon. Now back to weird local myths!
In 1660, King Charles II was restored to the English throne, and the whole Civil War period came to a close. Sort of. There was still a lot of political and religious controversy in both the British Isles and in the colonies; but that’s mostly a topic for another course. We are going to be following the continuing adventures of the Wittebanes.
John died in 1672 of pneumonia, but before he did, he had a family house constructed on his estate; that house, the Historic Wittebane Home, is still, and access is free to all Gravesfield residents, so if you have some time it’s well worth a visit. Although it looks small and uncomfortable now, in the 1660s it was the height of colonial luxury.
John left his estate to his son, the confusingly named John Philip Wittebane. We’ll call him John Philip to avoid too much confusion. Before John Philip took over the estate, he had sailed both as a merchant and as a buccaneer in the Caribbean; we believe he sailed with Henry Morgan in the raid on Maracaibo in 1668-69. While there, he purchased investments in a number of industries, and while he divested from them when he returned to Connecticut to collect his inheritance, they had made him a very wealthy man.
He immediately put his wealth to use by buying up most of the small farmers around Gravesfield, and by 1690, it was reckoned that most people in Gravesfield were employed by him. It became effectively a Wittebane company town, with John Philip even serving as the city’s mayor several times.
This is where our next myth comes to play; that in 1687, John Philip Wittebane had a woman put to death for witchcraft, and that consequently, her ghost haunts the Historic Wittebane Home.
Now, I’m a historian, I can’t tell you ghosts are real. That’s a job for ghostbusters. But was a woman really hanged in Gravesfield for witchcraft, nearly twenty years after the end of the Connecticut Witch Trials?
The local newspaper tell us that on June 13th, 1687 - a Friday - a ‘vagrant, suspected by some of heresy and witchraft, was duly hanged by the magistrate on account of the cruel and vicious murder of Henry Finch, who had been struck down while attending the ‘pigges’ on the Wittebane estate.’ So we have a clear cause for the hanging, and a ‘suspicion of witchcraft,’ but we don’t have a connection.
Frustratingly, this newspaper doesn’t tell us how poor Henry Finch died. Was he cruelly hexed? Well, if we go digging about in the archives, we might find a different story…
A brisk and foggy dawn was breaking over Gravesfield.
Ben Frakes was not a man of means by any stretch of the imagination, and as he stepped out into the cold air, he wished he could afford a car. (Well, he could, but it was hard to justify the expense.) It had been an uncomfortable night. Life in his one-room apartment had its charms - chief among them proximity to the college - but on cold nights it could be miserable, especially when his radiator was still broken.
Still, he was in fairly good spirits. His course on Gravesfield’s myths, and the truths behind them, was going very well, and the students seemed engaged. And it was a very good time of year to be in the history business; the annual Gravesfield History Fair was coming up, something he always looked forward to. It was always a riot; apart from a small county fair, there would be historical talks and tours of the old battlefield and the Historical Wittebane Home, and even the yearly battle reenactment; one which Ben had taken part in every year for his whole time in Gravesfield.
He was always on the Redcoat side and therefore always lost, but having fun was the main thing. Even if it was a bit of historical revisionism on the part of the townsfolk.
He was just starting off down the sidewalk to the college grounds when he spied a rustling in the nearby bushes. For a moment, he was prepared to dismiss it as a rabbit or a bird, but then, to his astonishment, a little white head poked out.
“Is that a cat?” he asked himself.
Slowly and gently, he crept forward, leaning down behind the bush. The cat emerged, gently headbutting his outstretched hand.
“Hmm… too much grooming to be a feral,” mused Ben. “Have you gotten out of someone’s yard?”
Carefully, he picked up the cat.
“Am I gonna have to print out a wanted poster for you?” he asked, chuckling. “I’ve got some milk in my fridge, maybe… what the?”
His gaze turned to the cat’s paws. Just under one of the back paws, he could see a peculiar mark, almost like a lock. He frowned.
“That doesn’t look healthy,” he mused. “Okay, pre-class prep can wait, I think you need a vet.”
He started off in the direction of the vet. He wasn’t concerned about making it to his class; that was still hours away, and he’d been planning on spending the morning doing some marking. But that mark… cats did not have marks like that.
At least, not in his world.
Camila was not an oblivious woman, especially when it came to her daughter.
She had had some suspicions the night before; most people wouldn’t jump through a portal into the unknown to get their friend to help, after all. But things were messy and upsetting, and people did irrational things under stress, so she’d shelved that thought.
When she walked into her living room the next morning and found them sound asleep in each other’s arms - well, suffice it to say, her suspicions grew a bit.
When Luz eventually blinked open her eyes, she found her mother sitting on the couch with a cup of tea in her hand, smiling wryly down at her.
“Good friends, are you?” she asked.
Luz blinked, and then glanced over to Amity.
She yelped and pulled herself out of her friend’s arms, which in turn woke her up with a start. Both sat up, Luz turning bright red.
“What’s going on?” demanded Amity. “Are we being attacked?”
Camila took a sip of her tea.
“Don’t worry,” she replied. “If we are, I’m sure Luz is very well protected.”
“Mooo-oooom,” groaned Luz, burying her head in her hands as Amity turned red too.
“Uh, Ms. Noceda, it’s… I’m…” Amity scratched the back of her head. “Please don’t get mad, Luz…”
“Mad?” Camila tilted her head. “Why would I be mad?”
“I… um… I…” Amity stammered.
“I need to take a shower!” exclaimed Luz. “Far away from here! Goodbye!”
She darted off the inflatable mattress and out the door.
Amity buried her head in the blanket, moaning softly. Camila frowned, moving a little closer to her.
“Amity,” she asked. “Is everything alright?”
“Sure,” sighed Amity. “Why wouldn’t it be?”
Camila reached down and put a hand on her shoulder. She was surprised to see Amity jolt away from her; her frown deepened.
“If you ever need to talk,” she said. “Just remember that I’m here.”
“Thanks,” replied Amity, looking away, “But I don’t think I will.”
She got up and walked away.
Luz spat her toothpaste out into the sink (she was surprised at how much better-tasting human toothpaste was than the stuff they used on the Isles, although it probably didn’t provide the same magical plaque protection) and washed her hands, whistling to herself. She didn’t know why - it wasn’t as though she was calm or cheerful - but perhaps music calmed the soul.
“Okay,” she said to herself. “Gotta go back to the historical society. Maybe there’s a lead to getting Amity home on that creepy curator guy’s conspiracy board… also wanna see if the bookstore’s still there. I think Amity would like it.”
She turned to the door and immediately froze.
Camila was leaning against the closed door, arms crossed.
“I think it’s time we talked, mija.”
Luz pursed her lips.
“...do we have to do it in the bathroom?”
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NATO and the US are going to ignite this war…taking us all to the next level of fried hell. Don’t they get it? Provoking Putin is to going set off a firestorm. They need to backdown and give Putin his space. Unless world intelligence sources know differently…this madman is on nuclear high alert and his targets are in sight.
This is NO TIME for American cowboy jingoistic talk for midterm elections. It is no time for precious snobs in Europe sitting in grand halls of power sipping tea with their fucking pinky fingers pointed united and collectively towards the Ukraine…ALL are spouting hallow words of NATO/EU unity.  ALL are useless fucks evoking the name of Churchill and rubbing each other’s cunts. Useless FUCKS who will fry the planet.
We have the French presidential elections next month. Many feel Macron will sweep into power. Jean-Luc Melonchon is my choice. He is such a long shot. The left is an array of theories and academic blah blah blah!!!…very tedious but sounds great in the university lecture.  The far Right is mired in hate and cliches trying to rally the older French voice (… along with that actress who supports animals who has gone on record as a homophonic cunt…supporting the far right. I think The Academy gave her an honor nod for her breasts. or was that the BAFTA people who support old page 3 models living in the south of France) Then there is Alain Delon who supports the far right. Both eat this far right blah blah blah shit like fresh hot croissants.
The French intellectual class is at full speed explaining the Ukraine and parading their presidential candidate with flourished bullshit. same story of blah blah blah everywhere…no différences.
The EU still political fluffers under massive tables. They do not want to stoke inflation fires out of control like the US. Never mind that the various states of the EU dug this nightmare themselves with a huge dependence on Russian petroleum. At least The United States keeps a reserve of oil. It would be interesting to do an accounting for each European state and their prudent reserves. PROBABLY STUCK IN SOME OBSCURE BRUSSELS OFFICE OF LOST CAUSES TOO BE BOTHERED ADDRESSING THIS IMPORTANT ISSUE OF NATIONAL SECURITY. ooopppssss…Europe’s FUCKED. A. G. A. I. N.
France has done its homework. We have not put all our eggs into Russian petroleum…oooppppssssss Germany ….You are fucked dry in your ass. Europe quit crying about big daddy-Vlad. Your collective stupidity landed you in this mess. cope with this situation and deal with the citizens of Europe taking to the streets because you all think like collective wankers.
big-bro America has grown VERY WEARY of your wars. Do you think we’re stupid. Your looking down your nose at us has never fostered feel-good vibes. Top ten universities in the world…7 USA…2 UK…1 Zurich. Do you think we are bloody stupid enough to shoulder this war??? Joe and Jane USA are extremely exhausted.
Please stand down US & EU. All it took was an assassin taking out a royal to ignite WWI. I think he was a no big deal royalty. Maybe he was. He was not memorable.
Stand down world. The wrong move could ignite the wrath of the madness of Daddy -Vlad.
Wrote a book.
Sorry. It is a catharsis for me.
Sending love to you.
Croissant Sistah somewhere in the vineyards of France
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spacesnail3000 · 5 years
Let It Snow Chapter 2/4: But The Fire Is So Delightful
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader (no use of Y/N)
Summary: She was his Omega, and Steve had a plan. She would love him. He knew she would.
Word Count: 5,485
Warnings: Dark!Steve Rogers, stalking, ABO dynamics, mating cycles/heat, nonconsensual somnophilia, masturbation, me taking extreme liberties with how ABO biology works, come eating (kind of), comeplay, and lots and lots of tension (18+ ONLY)
A/N: The much-anticipated second chapter is up! Sorry for the wait, it has been so busy lately. Thank you so much to my beta reader @jessieray98​!! She's AMAZING!! Enjoy!!
Series Masterlist  Main Masterlist
They did a walkthrough of the house, and she appraised the workmanship of the construction; the carvings on the crown molding, the carefully placed light fixtures, the backsplash in the kitchen, and the coordinating brickwork and woodwork on the fireplace. As if she hadn’t already seen the house during its construction dozens of times, made all the design choices, picked out the type of tiles, the wood, the color of the walls.
She made suggestions for furniture and cracked a smile at the few pieces Steve had moved here the last time he visited. A small rickety table in the kitchen with two mismatched chairs, a small end table in the living room, and of course, the air mattress inflated in the master bedroom.
“That can’t be very comfortable.”
“It wasn’t, but it’s better than the ground.”
“How do you feel about a big canopy bed in here?” she asked, gesturing to the center of the bedroom. “And a storage bench at the end. Maybe an antique armoire over here. This room has great natural light. What do you think?”
“That sounds nice,” he nodded. “Whatever you think is best.” She gave him a soft smile that made his heart skip. “But, I do want it to be cozy.”
The sound of her light giggle sent his heart fluttering towards her, a hummingbird flying to warmer places for the winter. 
“Oh, I can do cozy. West Elm has these huge fluffy pillows that are great for nesting, and—” She faltered at the mention of nesting, at the dark look that came over his face as he approached her. “Not that you’ll necessarily be—uh—nesting—or—have a-an Omega—who—who’s—"
“It’s okay.” He gave her an easy smile and placed a large hand on her upper arm, almost engulfing the whole thing in his palm. “I like that idea. Tell me more.”
Her smile returned, shy this time, and she continued. “Well, um, yeah, and we can get these huge fluffy blankets and really soft comforters that are really easy to clean.”
Steve hummed. “Is that what you do for your nest?” Her face heated up and she looked embarrassed, but he held her gaze, willing an answer out of her. She nodded and he smirked. “I’m sure your nest is very cozy, Omega.” As she became more flustered, he changed the subject, giving her bicep another squeeze before letting go. “I was thinking curtains here,” he gestured to the window, “What do you think?”
They made their way through the rest of the cabin, talking about furniture and décor and color schemes. She grew more flustered with each of Steve’s touches, each token of praise he gave her, and once they reached the last bedroom on the top floor, Steve noticed she seemed to be having pre-heat symptoms again—labored breathing, trembling fingers.
He knew it would only be a matter of time before she needed him to do something about it.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” he asked, placing a hand on her back. He used the touch to get closer to her, discreetly scenting her warm aroma. Alcohol hadn’t been able to affect him since he received the serum but when he breathed her in, he felt drunk for the first time in decades. 
“Y-yeah,” she nodded, putting some distance between them. “Let’s just finish up. The landscaping next—right?”
They reached the back door and Steve opened it, only to invite a force of cold air and snow inside the house. Neither had noticed how bad it had gotten outside, but Steve suspected the blizzard was picking up now.
He closed the door hastily and looked to the woman beside him, her face strained with concern. “It’s snowing way too hard out there for us to look at the yard.”
She frowned. “But we need to get back to the city before too long.”
“Let’s just sit down for a while and relax. I’ll make some tea and we can wait for the weather to calm down.”
Sensing the anxiety coming off her, Steve purposefully exuded calming pheromones to help ease her mind. Guiding her with a hand on her lower back towards the kitchen, he sat her down at the table and then got to work boiling some water.
He was prepared. At first, he had been worried about being too prepared, that he would draw suspicion. However, she was too wrapped up in her thoughts to pay him any mind, even as he brewed a cup of earl grey tea—her favorite—and made it how she liked, a splash of milk and two sugars.
“Here you go.” She took the steaming mug and looked up at him with wide eyes.
He kneeled in front of her, hands on her knees. Her eyes fluttered closed at his touch. “Yes, honey?”
She hesitated a moment before speaking. “What if we can’t make it back tonight?”
“Well…” he sighed, looking up at her earnestly. “There’s a blizzard coming. It’s already pretty heavy in the city—it’s only gonna get worse from here.”
“Oh my God…” Her hands were shaking again, almost spilling her tea on her white dress. He carefully took the mug from her and set it on the table.
“We’ll just see what happens. If we do need to stay overnight, you can have the air mattress.”
Her expression seemed to crack before his eyes, anxiety and panic taking her over. Mouth open in distress, she laughed humorlessly, hands covering her face again as she bent over to her knees. Once she straightened up, avoiding Steve’s gaze, she glanced out of the kitchen window, at the snow piled up halfway the windowsill.
“Oh God, oh God… We’re not gonna make it back home!” She shook her head, still laughing. “There’s no way. I knew we shouldn’t have come out here. A blizzard—oh my God—” she moaned, rubbing her face with her hands. “We’re trapped here!”
“Hey, honey, relax.” He placed gentle hands on her upper arms, rubbing softly. “It’s gonna be okay. I’ve got enough supplies to tide us over a few days. There’s plenty of wood in the shed. You’re gonna be okay.”
She shook her head rapidly, almost violent with it. Tears gathered in her eyes, making them shine in the dim light of the kitchen. “No, no, no, no, no—Steve—you don’t understand!”
He took her hands and held them on her lap. “Then tell me.”
Lips thinned into a straight line, she looked down at their hands. “My heat is soon… I’m sure you’ve been able to smell it on me…”
Steve was always prepared. He had practiced his reaction to this in the mirror so many times.
Letting out a deep breath, he said, “Your heat?” She nodded. “When is it due?”
“I didn’t expect it so soon!” she said quickly. “I thought it would come later this evening but now—now—well, I’m in my pre-heat and I’m—” Tearing her hands away from Steve’s to cover her eyes from his furrowed eyebrows and concerned frown, her words cut off, a muffled sob coming out instead.
Now that she had broken, he could come in and comfort her, protect her, provide for her, be the Alpha she needed.
“Oh, honey,” he cooed, wrapping her in his arms, letting her cry against his shoulder as he stroked her back. “It’s okay. It’s gonna be okay. I’ll take care of you.”
She pulled back, looking at him like he was crazy. “What?”
“I’ll take care of you,” he repeated. “I’ve got food. Blankets. Whatever you need.”
“You’re not mad?”
He chuckled and cupped her face. Big thumbs wiped away her tears. “No, sweetheart. You can’t control this.”
“Shhh, sweetheart. It’s okay—I promise, it is.”
Her lip trembled again, and she said in a small voice, “But what will you do? During it?”
“Whatever you need me to do. It’s all up to you.” He knew that eventually she’d be begging for him, but he didn’t mention that. When the time came, he wanted her to think it was her idea—that is, if he could hold himself off.
Shy, she frowned and looked down. “I’ve never… never… I’ve never spent a heat with anyone else…”
A deep satisfaction swept through his chest, and his possessive Alpha howled at the thought of being her first mate during a heat. Her only mate. “That’s okay, sweetheart. I’ll be here for whatever you need,” he repeated, forcing himself to relax before he did something to put her off. 
She pulled further away, trying to distance their bodies. He allowed it for now, not wanting to distress her further by suffocating her. Steve needed her to come to him, seek out his affection and attention—and he knew she would eventually.
“I don’t expect anything of you,” she said quickly, looking away from him, embarrassed. “I can handle it myself, so you don’t have to—you know—”
His smirk went unnoticed by her. Of course she was going to be a little reluctant at first to accept him as a heat mate—she was a modest, proper woman, after all—but she would come around eventually. He was what she needed, and she belonged to him. Tonight, he would have her, and there was no way around that.
“Whatever you want, honey,” he repeated, “I’m here for you either way.” Rising to his feet, he smoothed his hand over her hair, his Alpha purring when she leaned into his touch. “Drink up. I’ll make us lunch in a little bit. You’re gonna need energy for once your heat hits.”
“I’m gonna unload the car.”
It didn’t take long to get all of the boxes from the bed of his truck. Luckily he had covered them with a tarp, so they weren’t soaked through with snow, but the blankets would be freezing cold.
There were plenty of linens and pillows, along with some clothes for him (which she could wear too, if she was inclined, but he wouldn’t complain if she stayed naked the entire time). The boxes also contained food, cooking supplies, emergency supplies, and toiletries.
Once he got everything inside, his first objective was to light the fireplace. His Omega wouldn’t want to nest with cold blankets, and he knew that even if she felt warm due to her impending heat, the temperature in the house was frigid. However, the cabin wasn’t too primitive. It had central heating, so he set the temperature to the mid-70’s. After that, he unpacked the food into the new refrigerator before pulling out some ingredients for something simple, calorie-dense, and high in protein.
“I don’t have much… How about some toast?”
She nodded absently. “Okay…”
He cooked up a few pieces of toast and slathered them in peanut butter. On the side, he placed some dried fruit, dried meat, and hard cheese that he had on hand. He had brought plenty of meat, but it had to be defrosted first; he also had dried grains, beans, and legumes, but they would take longer to cook. This meal was quick, and the peanut butter, meat, and cheese had plenty of protein. She could pick at the small bite-sized pieces until she was full.
“Here you go, honey.” He set the plate in front of her at the table. “Once you finish, I have some linens for you if you want to make a nest upstairs. You might want to take a nap, too, before it really hits.”
She followed his instructions, wonderfully submissive for him, eating everything on her plate while Steve prepared a winter vegetable and lentil soup. He chopped up some turnips, leeks, shallots, carrots, kale, acorn squash, and fennel and started boiling some stock with lentils. Once he dumped all of the ingredients in, he left it to simmer and it would be ready later for dinner.
After she was finished eating, she wandered into the living room. He had left the blankets and pillows folded in front of the fire to warm up. From there in the kitchen, with the open floor plan that she designed, he had the perfect vantage point to watch her.
“Steve?” she said, turning to look at him, frowning when she saw him already watching her.
“Yes, sweetheart?”
She paused and then said, “I think I’m ready to nest.”
“I’ll help you take the blankets upstairs.”
“Yeah, it’s best if I stay up there for my heat. That way my heat scent won’t stink up the house.”
Approaching her, his chuckle echoed against the bare wood floors of the living room, sounding all too hollow in the empty house. “Your scent doesn’t stink, sweetheart, let me make that clear.”
Embarrassed, she looked away from him. “Steve…”
“Why don’t you get those pillows.” He pointed to a couple of pillows off to the side and bent down to grab most of the linens, easily bringing them upstairs. “I’ll grab the rest.”
When he turned to go back downstairs, he found her walking slowly into the bedroom, arms piled so high with blankets and pillows that her whole face was obscured. He chuckled low in his throat at the sight of his sweet little Omega before taking the blankets from her and depositing them near the mattress.
“I told you just to get the pillows, honey.”
She looked up at him, pouty lips and wide doe eyes. “I wanted to help more…” she murmured. He couldn’t contain his wide smile, the warmth in his heart for his wonderful Omega.
“I’m going to get some wood to light this fireplace for you. Make yourself at home.”
“Thank you…”
“Of course,” he replied. “Anything for you, Omega.”
And with that, he went back downstairs. He collected firewood and supplies and went back up to make the fire for her. He kept on eye on her while he did, observing as she made her nest.
Every move from her was so thoughtful, careful. Steve had already fitted the mattress with a thick memory foam mattress pad, a thermal insulating cover, and a waterproof liner, and she added sheets and pushed the air mattress into the corner of the room nearest the fireplace. She felt each linen between her fingertips and sniffed each blanket, and then started layering them on the thick air mattress. After lining the walls with pillows, she layered a few quilts atop the mattress before loosely piling together the fluffy faux fur blankets, shifting them around and fluffing them up until she seemed to be satisfied.
Once she was done, she settled on the edge of the air mattress and yawned.
Steve stood, the fire lit, and he couldn’t help but praise her. “That looks like a lovely little nest, Omega.” Squirming at the praise, she avoided his eyes and rubbed her thighs together, thanking him with a small voice. “Do you want to take a nap? I can wake you up for dinner if you want.”
He noticed the shift of her thighs as she made herself comfortable. “That would be nice.”
“Okay. I’ll be in the kitchen. I’ll keep the noise down for you.” She hesitated and he said, “Why don’t you take off your shoes and jacket? Get comfortable.”
His Omega obeyed him once more and handed her jacket to him, toeing off her shoes, leaving her in thin tights and her white dress. Then she climbed underneath the blankets and disappeared amongst the fluff and fabric.
“Sweet dreams,” Steve said, hesitating to observe his Omega, comfy and cozy in her nest, before turning to leave.
 She slept for a few hours, well into the evening, while Steve kept an eye on her. Watching over his sleeping Omega was familiar to him—something he had done plenty of times sneaking into her brownstone.
Sometimes he would be content to watch, committing the sight to memory of his Omega, sleepy, relaxed, at peace. Other times he would sketch her as she slept, trying to get all of the details right—the slope of her nose, the texture of her hair, the serene look on her face while she dreamed.
Occasionally, he had touched himself—only when he was really frustrated, really needed relief from his sweet Omega. And there were a few times that he had he touched her, too. It was the first time that started it—he simply couldn’t help himself, the temptation had been too alluring.
His cock was hard immediately after entering her room, overcome by the smell of her consuming him. He started by cupping himself through his pants, soft at first, then more firm as he neared her sleeping form.
Carefully, he displaced the blankets, pulling them back from her body. Usually she wore comfy pajama sets, occasionally a silky negligee, like she was dressing up just for him. But tonight—oh, tonight—she wore nothing underneath the blanket, her skin bared to him, glowing in the moonlight coming in through the window.
An invitation if he had ever seen one.
One hand groped his cock through the fabric of his trousers while the other started on her skin. First her face, trailing soft fingers down her cheekbone, her neck, brushing over her sensitive scent glands. Nipples hardened from the sensation and the cool air, and he couldn’t resist taking one in his hand and squeezing lightly, grazing his knuckles over one areola, then the other, until goosebumps rose all across her smooth skin.
Without making a sound, he took his dick out, letting his balls hang heavy above the waistband of his pants, his shaft pointing up and twitching as he took it in his hand.
It was meant to be quick, just like every other time—it wasn’t Steve’s intention to draw it out. He didn’t want to risk waking her, and so he worked himself to a quick completion, his orgasm easily approaching with how worked up he already was. But after he came over his fist, he stayed hard, the sight of her naked body making his blood boil.
He didn’t know how much longer he could wait for her to fall for him.
He wanted more.
Needed more.
His hand moved from her breast, down her beautiful smooth stomach, to the trimmed pubic hair on her mound, and down between her legs, where the folds of her cunt awaited. Soft, warm, velveteen.
She wasn’t wet, but he could change that.
He brought his hand to the tip of his cock and swiped up a big dollop of cum that was close to running down his shaft. Bringing it to her face, he smeared a little beneath her nose, a little on her lips, then went back to collect more from his knuckles. By the time he brought his hand back to her face, her Omega senses picked up the scent of strong Alpha pheromones.
Her mouth was opened just the smallest amount, and it allowed him to stick his finger in and rub his seed along her tongue, her gums, the insides of her cheeks, until her mouth was coated liberally, the corners of her lips glossy and glistening, everything slippery as he pushed his finger in and out of her mouth. Instinctually, she started sucking on his finger in her sleep, the taste and scent of his semen penetrating her dreams, her hindbrain telling her what to do to please her Alpha.
It was a risk, and his heart hammered inside his chest, but she didn’t wake, luckily. After she had sucked all of his seed away, her mouth went slack once more. A breath of relief escaped him, but he couldn’t stop now.
He collected more come and brought his fingers to her pussy this time. He could already smell her arousal within, the primitive nature of her body creating slick at the smell and taste of his come. Still, he rubbed his fingers around and inside her entrance, which would stimulate her Omega biology to produce more in anticipation of mating.
It wasn’t long until he saw her glinting up at him, inviting his fingers deep inside her pussy to draw as much of her cream out as he could. Every now and then she squirmed in her sleep, or let out the smallest whimpers or moans, but she remained unconscious despite Steve’s manipulation of her body.
He brought his hand to his mouth, tasting their combined juices, breathing her heady sweet scent in, and he let out a low growl, the noise rumbling in his chest. After dipping his fingers back inside her, collecting as much of her wetness as he could, he took his cock and worked it up and down, sticky and filthy wet, slick sounds reaching his ears, coating his cock in her beautiful scent as if he had just fucked her deep, full of his come—
A groan escaped his lips as he allowed himself to come, knowing the longer he stayed, the more of a chance there was that she’d wake up.
Spurts of come shot over his hand and in the air, some landing on her stomach and thighs. Mouth open, he continued to work his cock with his eyes on her limp body, her splayed legs, her swollen cunt, and the streak of cum on her outer labia, taunting him with what would one day be. He bit his lip once his cock got too sensitive to touch, and his hips jerked once, twice, a third time, as his body pulsed from his orgasm.
After he recovered, he took out a handkerchief and cleaned his hands. He left his cock sticky with her juices, hoping to preserve the scent of her on his body for as long as possible. As much as he wanted to leave his come on her belly, even rub it in, mark her in his scent, mark her as his—he knew he couldn’t, so he wiped the streaks away, doing his best to clean her up.
One day, he would come all over her, use his seed as a signature of ownership over her life, evidence of his love to his Omega. But not today.
Before he covered her back up, he leaned down, face right near her dripping cunt. He breathed in deeply, taking in her scent. Nudging his nose against her clit, he leaned forward, licking up the length of her cunt, tasting her sweet cream straight from the source.
He managed to stop himself after a few more tastes, committing the sweet, earthy, salty flavor to memory, and left her pussy soaking wet with her own juices before he slipped out of the house.
In the aftermath, he had been afraid of her finding out it was him, waking up disgusted and confused. However, she was none the wiser to his midnight excursions. She treated him the same as ever, greeting him with her lovely smiles, making conversation with him after their planning meetings were done, giving him baked goods for him to try whenever she made something she knew he liked. Never had she realized the depraved way he lusted after her or how he had manipulated her body as she dreamt.
Nor did she realize now, as she napped in preparation for her heat, that Steve watched her. In between unpacking the supplies he brought and preparing meals for the next few days, he came back into the bedroom to tend to the fire and watch her, leaning against the doorway and scenting the room as her aroma grew stronger. Then he would leave again, trying to keep himself busy so he wouldn’t feel tempted to take her while she slept.
He unpacked everything for the bathroom—towels and toiletries and anything she might need. All of the emergency supplies were put away in the hall closet, within easy access if either of them needed anything. He sorted through a box of books, choosing an old Agatha Christie book to read for whenever he had downtime—if he had downtime, what with the onset of her heat. Once all of the boxes were unpacked, he moved back to the kitchen.
It was necessary to have easy meals, things he could heat up quickly during the short times she would be sated in between their lovemaking. The soup would make plenty of leftovers for them; other than that, he cooked up some chicken breasts and marinated a few different cuts of meat. He prepared plenty of food for whatever she would want, depending on how her appetite was during and after her heat.
He was just finishing up preparing a meal for the next day when he heard her call for him.
“Steve?” Her voice sounded scared and a little wary. Immediately he ascended the stairs and reached her in no time. Trapped in the bedroom, her scent was much thicker, and she seemed to be sweating, her skin glistening in the glow of the fire. She was in the middle of pulling off her tights, and she lowered the skirt of her dress just as he entered, so he saw a glimpse of her navy colored panties.
“Hey, honey, how are you feeling?” His eyes tracked her movements as she pulled the tights off, following the line of her long legs.
She coughed, all too aware of his attention on her body. “Um… thirsty… can I have some water?”
“Of course.”
He was quick in getting her a glass of water, but when he left the kitchen, she was in the living room, looking around, stumbling steps and uncoordinated movements.
“What do you need, honey?” he asked, reaching her with two long strides. He took her arm to steady her when she almost tripped over her feet.
Her attention was diverted from whatever she had previously been doing by the glass of water in his hand. When she took it from him too quickly and wavered on her feet, her other hand came up to rest on his chest, allowing him to secure her with hands at her waist as she drank it down. A trail of water dripped down her chin and onto her neck, wetting the high neckline of her dress and darkening the white fabric.
When she was done, Steve couldn’t help but reach up and swipe away the droplets of water in the dip of her throat. Eyes wide and round, she looked up at him, licking her lips, chest heaving against his as she tried to catch her breath. Now her body was almost flush against him, drawn to his warmth and scent, eyes fluttering as she breathed him in.
“Steve…” she whispered, a little pitchy, almost a whine. He could feel her body heat radiating against him, her fingers grasping his shirt, trembling, sweet for him.
He had to use all of his restraint to not grab her and kiss her until she was begging for him. “What were you looking for, sweetie?” His tone was gentle, but deep, the rumbling of his voice through her body distracting her even more.
“W-what?” she asked, eyebrows furrowing, mouth parting with confusion, body pressing up against him the slightest bit more.
“Why did you come downstairs?”
That seemed to break the spell he had on her, and she pulled back, eyes a little clearer. “Oh… Oh, right. I was looking for my purse.”
 “You left it in the kitchen earlier. Let me grab it. You need to go back upstairs, honey. Your heat’s right about to hit.” He was so close to losing control, her body pressed up against him tempting him so.
“I know…” Separating herself from him, she nodded, and he let her go, already mourning the loss. 
After retrieving her purse and leaving her water glass in the kitchen, Steve led her upstairs with a hand against her lower back, which she leaned into, craving his touch now. It was there in the middle of the staircase that she fell off the precipice into her heat.
Suddenly, she cried out, one hand clutching the stair railing, the other clutching her stomach. She nearly stumbled down a few stairs before Steve caught her with his arms around her waist, purse forgotten and tumbling down the stairs, receipts and pens and lipsticks scattering across the floor.
“Sweetheart,” he breathed, turning her to face him as he held her against his strong chest. Her body shook violently in his arms and she whimpered. “Honey, you’re okay—I’ll take care of you.”
Hiding her face in her hands, she shook her head, her words contrasting her body’s reaction to his touch. “No, no, no, no, no—Steve—no, you can’t be—this isn’t—I can’t—”
With one hand, he took both of her wrists, pulling her hands away from her face and keeping her body pressed against his. A firm hold on her jaw tilted her face up towards him; he was sure he’d leave bruises, though he couldn’t bring himself to care anymore.
“Look at me,” he said in that commanding Captain’s tone, one he knew she wouldn’t be able to resist. He said her name, firm and deep, and repeated himself. “Look at me now.” Her eyes opened, red and watery, tears overflowing her bottom lid and making shiny trails down her cheeks. When he caught her gaze, pinning her attention to him with the intensity in his eyes, he continued, “Tell me what you need.”
She bit her lip and kept her eyes on his, enraptured. “I—I don’t… I don’t know,” she breathed. “I-I’ve never done this with another person…”
“Omega,” he rumbled, the vibrations against her chest making her whimper.
Her tone got higher, hysterical, as she continued. “I’ve never done this outside my house! My nest doesn’t even smell right! I’ve never done a heat without my toys—I don’t have anything to—to—” She was sobbing now, breaths choppy and stuttered, face wet, mascara smeared. He needed to comfort her before she got too worked up. Using his hips to pin her against the wall, he took her face in both hands and repeated her name softly. Gentle fingers brushed over her cheeks, her temples, her lips, until she stopped sobbing and was looking up at him, scared and confused, still so distraught—his poor little Omega.
“Sweetheart, it’s okay,” Steve whispered, trying to exude calming pheromones and a sense of security. “It’s okay. You’re okay. I’ve got you.”
“It wasn’t supposed to be like this!” she bemoaned.
Of course Steve didn’t tell her that it was supposed to be exactly like this.
“Oh, sweetheart—"
“We have to go!” She gasped, wincing as another cramp hit her stomach. “Maybe I can make it back to my apartment if we go right now—” Her desperate speech morphed into a grunt at the end, her hand breaking from Steve’s grasp to clutch her stomach.
Steve brought one hand down to her stomach, placing it on top of hers. She pressed her body forward into his touch, mewling, her instincts once again aching for him even as her mind resisted. “It’s snowing too hard, darling. It’s too dangerous.”
“But I—”
“I’ve got you, Omega,” he breathed, and her eyes shot up to his. Hers sparkled, so full of fear and lust and confusion, and he got lost in it for a moment before he realized how close their faces were.
“No, Steve,” she shook her head, “You can’t—we can’t.”
“We can—”
“I don’t want—”
He had waited too long for this moment. Steve was sick of waiting, too impatient now at this pivotal point to listen to her. Not now, when her scent was taking over his mind, clouding his thoughts, and her body was begging for him to breed her. Although she was saying no, her scent was telling him how much she needed him.
His voice hardened as he cut her off. “You don’t have a choice, Omega.” She shivered at the command in his voice, at the menacing tone underneath it all. His eyes suddenly seemed steely, like they were taking her apart with just a glance, like he wanted to consume her, destroy her. “Your body wants this. I know it does. You want me, just admit it.”
“No,” she whimpered, blood pounding in her veins, fear mixing with her primal instincts. A burst of lust went through her as he pressed one palm against her pelvis and wound the other around the back of her neck, thumb pressed against her scent gland. She moaned and pressed herself against him, slick leaking onto her thighs, a little gasp of air rushing over his neck. “Alpha!”
The look of strife in her eyes showed him how her brain was warring with her body, her instincts working against her own will. But she needed him now, her body knew it, and that was enough for Steve.
He smiled and shook his head, condescending tone laced through his words as he spoke. “You need an Alpha, honey. Pretty little Omega… You need a knot. You need my knot. There’s only one way this is going to end.”
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isitandwonder · 4 years
I’ve seen so much shit go down these past few days and I really don’t need stuff  like that at the end of this fucked year. I’ve been talking back and forth with mutuals over the last several days, I’ve seen the mess unfold on Twitter, people came to my inbox to ask what was happening.
Yet I didn’t want to give this unsubstantiated, rather silly and exaggerated accusations room on my blog. I hoped it would die down. I’m also only lurking on Twitter and IG and would never get involved with fandom there cause those sites stress me out.
This whole mess also made me enormously angry so I needed time to calm down.
Now I only like to say a few things and then I hope I can be done with this.
I think this whole shit show is a perfect example for the dark side of social media, how things get inflated, facts messed up and allegations thrown around. It shows that for a lot of people it’s all about performative behavior. I doubt these accusations would’ve been aired if it had been John Smith from next door who behaved badly. I’m also shocked by a culture that completely disregards facts and proof and judges entirely emotional. Where’s your brain, people?
Of course, you never know with celebs, but the balance of probability still applies to them as well. Someone against no other complains have ever surfaced, who loves his mum and sis, talks very respectful of female colleagues and even donated his salary to an anti-sexual violence charity must truly be rather cunning to be a secret abuser.
When there are allegations of sexual misconduct, you should believe the ‘victim’. Okay, I’m totally with that. But that ‘victim’ doesn’t have to give you any proof for anything they accuse another person off, probably destroying their livelyhood with just a few words? Not even a coherent account of what they’re accusing someone off? Like, what the fuck??? Are people out of their minds?
If you choose to go public with heavy allegations, of course you have to give some facts of what happened to you. Not sordid details but facts that can confirm and explain what you’re hinting at. Like a date, proof you were where you said you were, or a general outline of what happened so other people can comprehed and consider if your allegations are believable. Because we’re all aware of false allegations esp against celebs. We’re also all aware that this is usually no fun for the alleged ‘victim’. So it’s for their own safety and integrity that they have to share some facts. Esp in a case where the allegations started vague with ‘bad experience’, then morphed into ‘sexual assault’, to end up as ‘harassment’ or ‘attempted sexual misconduct’. If you accuse someone of these offences you have to give at least some facts as to what transpired. Otherwise those big words are baseless which doesn’t mean they won’t do harm to both the accuser and the accused.
I believe a ‘victim’ if they have some sort of proof for what they say they were subjected to or can at least give a consistent account of what happened. To describe yourself as a ‘victim’, something objectively harming has had to have happened to you. Sorry, but otherwise it all frays out into a subjective feeling of discomfort, which then is on you and on no one else.
Without some details, simply nothing happened and all this is a storm in a tea cup.
No one forced the people who brought these allegations up to post on social media. They said nothing physical happened and they don’t want to press charges. Why did they even post it then? To warn other women? But to warn someone you have to tell them what you’re warning them about. Did they want to cut Tim down a nodge? Did they want attention and clout? Were they still angry and just wanted to vent? Whatever, social media is not the best place to work through trauma. Get a therapist or a councelor or a lawyer. But just putting unsubstantiated accusations out there is the worst way for everyone involved.
There is no proof this person ever even met Tim. There is no proof anything happened between them. Not that I don’t believe them that he acted like a douche, but if it’s just their word and no proof for anything or details are needed even I could claim the same this woman does (and I have proof I ‘met’ him twice). So you see where this ‘believe the victim’ leads us. Nowhere. The ‘victim’ has at least to proof that there was possible victimisation.
I get it, the girl who met Tim presumably at a party during HSN filming had experienced some form of sexual abuse in high school (her post from 2018 was not about any celebrity afaik but about a guy she went to high school with. I’ve also never seen proof that she accused any other celeb. This was Twitter running amok imo). As nothing physical happened between her and Tim, I assume he said something to her that made her uncomfortable.
He was 19, maybe drunk/high. She was a bit older. He chatted her up, she said no. He backed off but might have said something nasty.
I’m not denying this could’ve happened. But that is life, not assault. It can make you angry and you might post about this incident to show he’s a douche. But label this sexual assault or sexual misconduct? We don’t live in a perfect world. She didn’t feel threatened or violated, just uncomfortable. But of course sexual assault gives you more clout than telling the story of a 19yo wannabe Hollywood star hitting on you and then getting pissy when you turned him down. I mean, water is wet, right? But assault? Misconduct? Harassment? Now you’re talking...
Maybe the incident was more traumatizing to her than it would have been to other people because of her previous experience in high school. We don’t know. As she doesn’t say what happened, we can’t make up our minds. Which doesn’t stop people from throwing all kinds of shit around.
But, please, a guy saying some shit to you isn’t the same as a guy raping you. Is there no awareness of nuance anymore? Have you all gone mad? Yes, trauma differs for everyone, but come on. Men shouldn’t behave vile against women, but there’s still a difference between verbal insults and physical assault. Nobody is perfect and those without sin cast the first stone.
I’m sure this wasn’t Tim’s finest hour. If she’d just said what happened we could all have handled this better.
But Tim’s not a Kevin Spacey ffs.
I know we’re all bored out of our minds. But can we please keep a sense of proportion here? Stop leveling everything to look woke. It’s insulting to real survivors.
Tim is not a predatory rapist and that woman is not a pathological liar out to destroy celebs. The truth lies in between and for sure is much more pathetic, petty and boring.
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butlerbarb · 5 years
Sweets (Leviathan x Reader)
i suppose i should start this blog off with the first fic i posted on ao3!
Staring at yourself in the mirror as you fiddled with your uniform, you sighed. It just didn’t fit right! Diavolo had said he found the one that matched your human world size the closest, but apparently demons and humans were different in more ways than you thought. With another tug at the chest area, you groaned, deeming it good enough for now. You’d get Asmodeus to fix it later.
Exiting your bathroom, you grabbed your D.D.D just as it buzzed to life with a text. Catching Leviathan’s name on screen, you smiled and unlocked your device. Taking a quick look at the text Mammon had sent you – something along the lines of wanting you to skip with him again – before you opened Levi’s.
Leviathan: Gud morning. Are you going to RAD today?
[Y/N]: …I HAVE to go.
Leviathan: Why do you have to go? You’d have a better time skipping school and playing games with me all day.
You rolled your eyes. Really, what was it with these demons and wanting you to skip school? It was everyday that at least one of the more troublesome brothers asked you to skip and do something else with them. Even if some days you wanted to skip, you knew Lucifer would have you hide if he did, so you tended to avoid any of their persuasion.
[Y/N]: I AM a student, after all.
Hitting send on the text, you clicked your phone off and shoved it into your pocket. Pulling the door to your room open, you were immediately greeted by Mammon, fist already raised into the air to knock on your door. His eyes went wide, and he laughed, his hand falling and landing on his hips in typical Mammon fashion. His shocked expression quickly morphed into a grin that oozed confidence, again, typical Mammon fashion.
“Are you psychic now, Human? Or were you just that excited to see the GREAT Mammon, that you came rushing out of your room?” Mammon spoke, as cheerful and loud as ever. You stared at him, shaking your head at his overflowing confidence, he was very annoyingly cute.
“Yes, Mammon, I was just SO excited to see you this morning I came rushing out of my room as soon as I heard your footsteps.” You spoke sarcastically, hoping Mammon would catch it. He didn’t. Instead, your words only seemed to inflate his ego more. You watched in disbelief as his grin grew wider and a small blush dusted his cheeks.
“Ha-ha! Of course, ya’d be excited to see me! I am the GREAT Mammon, after all!” He boasted again, leaning down slightly towards you. You laughed, rolling your eyes again and reaching a hand towards his waiting head. You gave his hair a ruffle, bushing a part of it out of his eyes.
“Yes, yes of course, you are very great, Mammon. Now let’s go to breakfast please, I’m starving.” Mammon let out a quiet, happy cheer at your praise, refusing to pull away from your hand until you pushed him away. He took off down the hall, leaving you to walk by yourself, to which you wonder what the point of him coming to your room was anyway. With a shake of your head, you pulled your phone out of your pocket as it buzzed again.
You snorted at the text, getting read to type a reply when another two texts popped in from Leviathan.
Leviathan: Well, go on and go if you’re gonna go. Come back home quickly tho. Leviathan: I can’t do any of the co-op dungeons by myself, you know.
You laughed, smiling to yourself as you walked down the stairs to the first floor. You had forgotten that Leviathan had made you play on of his PC games with you the other day, claiming that it wasn’t cause he liked you, he just need someone to do the two player dungeons with and you were the most reasonable choice. He was cute.
[Y/N]: Roger, boss! <3
You watched in amusement as he read the text immediately and the three dots popped up, disappeared, popped up a second time and then disappeared again. Leviathan never ended up replying, much to your amusement, making you think he simply went into emotional overdrive and shut down. He was really cute.
You pocketed your phone right as you stepped into the dining room. Claiming the seat in between Mammon and Beelzebub, you greeted everyone at the table and began piling some food onto your plate. Beelzebub always made comments about how little you ate – although everyone ate very little compared to him – not realized that you couldn’t eat most of the stuff demons ate. Monkey brains, spider legs, you swore you caught Satan downing a vial of poison before. Demons ate things you were sure would kill you in the most painful way possible.
After breakfast, Mammon and Beelzebub accompanied you to your class – Mammon unwillingly, of course – and you spent most of the morning trying to get both brothers to focus on their work instead of slacking off. You felt your phone buzz a few times, but you made sure not to make a habit of checking your phone in class, you didn’t want your teachers, and subsequently Lucifer, getting mad at you.
Around lunchtime was when you finally pulled out your phone at Mammon’s insistence. He demanded you check out this new game he had playing, claiming you would like it as well. You noted that you had a few texts from some demon friends the brothers said would be okay for you to talk to, most just asking if you were busy after school, wanting to hang out. You would have, had you not had plans with Leviathan. Texting them back, telling them you were busy, you then proceeded to the app store to download the game Mammon wanted you to.
You opened it up, both Mammon and Beelzebub now leaning over your shoulder to watch you play. It was a rhythm game focusing on cute, demon idol girls. It also contained gacha elements, so you knew this was just another game Mammon would blow all his money on until he got bored. It was fun, and you had no trouble picking up how to play, having fallen victim to plenty of rhythm games back in the human world.
Mammon complained as you easily S-ranked even the hardest difficulties, claiming he was only able to do up to normal, hard on some songs. Beelzebub laughed at him, claiming he just didn’t have any rhythm himself, which of course, set Mammon off on a tyrant. You ignored Mammon’s insistent yelling, tuning both brothers out as you focused on a particularly difficult song. You tuned them back in once you were finished, only to watch as Beelzebub full-combo-ed an especially difficult song on max difficulty. You high-fived the younger brother, laughing as Mammon complained in the background.
Turning back to your phone, you caught a glimpse of a notification banner sliding off-screen. Closing the rhythm game, you opened your messages, seeing Leviathan’s name at the top. Seeing as he completely ignored your last message made you chuckle.
Leviathan: What’s uuuup? Ur still at RAD, rite? Could you hit up Lament and get some Bufo Egg Milk Tea for me on your way home?
Smirking to yourself, you typed out your reply:
[Y/N]: My services do not go free of charge
You could feel Levi rolling his eyes at you as he typed his response. Once Levi had started warming up to you after making a pact with him, you realized he enjoyed it when you gave him playful responses and teased him lightly. He was always annoyed when his brothers did it, but for some reason played along when it was you.
Leviathan: FINE, be that way [Y/N], I’ll give you some cash so you can get something for yourself, too. I’m still gonna ask you to pay me back tho lol. Thanks in advance 👍
[Y/N]: Aw, you’re the best Levi! I’ll be home in a little, you better have snacks ready :3
After your conversation with Levi, the bell rang for the end of lunch. You headed back to your classroom with both brothers in tow, happily anticipating the end of the day. Your last classes were fairly laid back, meaning time passed by in a blur. Once you and everyone else were released, you insisted Mammon and Beelzebub take you to Lament, knowing you’d probably get lost on your own. You made the trip as quick as possible, knowing if you stayed there for any longer than necessary Beelzebub would try to order everything in the café. You got what Levi wanted, and a snack and drink for yourself with the money he sent you. Mammon demanded you buy him something as well and pouted when you told him you only had the money Levi lent you.
After waiting for an extra 15 minutes so Beelzebub could get his absolutely massive order, the three of you headed back to the House of Lamentation. You quickly ditched the second- and sixth-born brothers in favour of the third-born. You knocked on his door gingerly, entering quickly after you recited the secret password. Leviathan was reclined on his bed, phone in hand as he gazed up at you. He held his hand out expectantly, and you took the hint to hand him his drink. He shifted over slightly in the bed, allowing you room to scooch in beside him.
“What’d you get?” He asked, gesturing to the drink and paper bag you held in your hand. You only shrugged in response; you weren’t really sure what you got yourself. Mammon had pointed out the things that were most “human-friendly,” so you just got that. Explaining that to Levi, he only nodded in response before going back to his phone. You took an experimental sip of your drink, slightly scared about what it would do to you, only to find that it was actually surprisingly good!
You hummed happily as you continued to sip on your drink as Leviathan laughed beside you. Taking the pastry you got out its bag, you started at it in slight horror. It looked… strange to say the least. It was a cupcake that you had thought was adorned with a fondant eyeball and icing. As it turned out, this guess was very, very wrong. The eye seemed to follow you as you moved it around and to your utmost horror, it blinked. Had you not been in Leviathan’s room, you most likely would have thrown it across the room. With a grimace, you held it out to the demon beside you.
“Is this like… safe for me to eat? It feels like it’s gonna attack me if I do…” You spoke quietly, eyeing the cupcake warily. Leviathan laughed at your question, grabbing your wrist to bring the item closer to his face. He sniffed it, before letting go of your hand and shaking his head.
“Nah, I think you’ll be fine, lol. I think it’s chocolate.” He replied, using his pinky finger to swipe a bit of the icing off of it. Bringing it to his mouth, he nodded in confirmation as he licked the sweet icing off his finger.
“Yeah that’s chocolate. The eye won’t hurt you, it’s not actually real.”
“No buts! Just eat it or go give it to Beel.”
With a sigh, you hesitantly brought the dessert to your mouth. Taking a small bite out of it, your eyes lit up at the taste. Surprisingly, it was just as good at the drink! You happily took a bigger bite, no longer feeling creeped out by how it was seemingly living, you were free to enjoy how yummy it was.
“See? I told you it was good, normie.” Leviathan laughed, his hand reaching out to pick off a piece of the actually cake for himself. He hummed to himself, muttering under his breath about telling the guys on the forums to check this out. You snorted, was all that all he was thinking about? People he only knew through the internet? He was so lame, it was cute.
“What does your drink taste like?” You asked, now suddenly curious of the cup he held in his hand. His eyes widened as you reached out to grab it from him, jerking his arm away from you. You frowned, reaching out further for it, only to have him pull it further away from you. This continued until you were practically on top of him, yet he was still just barely able to hold it out of your reach.
“Levi,” you whined, sprawling yourself on top of him as you tried to reach for his drink. “Let me have a taste!”
“No way! That’d be like, an indirect kiss or something!” He protested. At his words, you practically deadpanned, staring him right in the face. No longer reaching for the drink, you let your hands fall to his chest as you continued staring at him. You watched as very noticeable blush dusted his cheeks a bright red colour, as well as the tips of his ears.
“What? Quit staring at me like that!” He pouted, turning his face away from you in an attempt to cover his quickly darkening blush. You nudged his chin with your hand, forcing his gaze back onto you. You stared down at him until he finally met your eyes again, a pout on his lips. God, when he looked like this you could have sworn, he was the Avatar of Lust, not the Avatar of Envy.
“You’re so worried about an indirect kiss, does that mean you’ve never actually kissed someone, Levi?” You asked quietly, leaning down closer to the demon underneath you, watching him squirm in panic at your question. He refused to meet your eyes, the colour on his ears darkening more than you ever thought possible. Although, seeing as you were in the realm of demons, you supposed anything could be possible now.
“Quit it…” Leviathan muttered sheepishly, his bottom lip jutting out more and more. Moving your hand from his chin, you slide it up the side of his face and into his hair. Just like his older brother, Leviathan was weak to having his head rubbed and hair played with.
“I’ll stop if you want me to, Levi. I won’t use the pact to make you stay if you don’t want to.” You offered, backing off slightly and getting ready to remove yourself from him. He stopped you, however, his hands shyly resting on your hips to keep you in place. He refused to meet your gaze, but you could tell by the way his fingers dug into you slightly that he didn’t want you to leave.
“Tell me what you want, Levi.” You teased, using the hand that wasn’t tangled in his hair to trace the side of his face. The embarrassed glare he shot at you was so adorable, you almost cooed at him like a child, but you knew that would only ruin the mood. You slowly dragged your hand from his cheeks to his lips, using your thumb to pull at his bottom lip slightly. The noise that left his mouth, similar to that of a kitten, was adorable to say the least, and you could feel yourself swooning at his cuteness.
“Levi, you’re so cute.” You whispered, leaning down to ever so slightly brush your lips against his, watching in amusement as he stretched to fully connect your lips with his. You moved to brush your lips against his again, but right before you could, you swerved to the left slightly. Grabbing his once discarded milk tea and bringing the straw to your lips, you took a sip before scowling at the taste. You assumed it was probably because of the weird, slimy texture of the Bufo eggs, but something about it was off-putting.
From underneath you, Leviathan groaned, frowning up at you. You feigned innocence, tilting your head to the side as if to ask did I do something wrong? Before you could react to anything, Levi’s hands that were once on your waist moved to cup your cheeks in the blink of an eye. He then, suddenly feeling bold you assumed, brought your lips to his forcefully. The kiss was awkward, clearly showing his inexperience, but it made it more endearing to you.
Leviathan, the socially awkward, shut it nerd, was willingly giving you, a human, his first kiss. This was the best day of your life, really. You sure hoped Levi was enjoying it as much as you were, if not you were sure the situation would quickly become awkward. You definitely didn’t want this to ruin the friendship you had with him, and his brothers as well.
Demons, as you just found out, could hold their breath much longer than humans. When you pulled away from him, he was nowhere near as out of breath as you were, but you could probably blame that on your own excitement and the way he kissed you without warning. You weren’t complaining, though, you liked the bolder, confident side of the normally awkward and sheepish demon.
Leviathan frowned up at you, obviously upset that you pulled away when he wasn’t finished. You rolled your eyes at him, poking his cheek lightly as he tried to pull you back down to him. You rolled off of him, curling into his side. He sighed, wrapping one arm around you as his other grabbed his previously discarded drink. You didn’t realize when you had let go of it, more than likely sometime when he was kissing you.
“Weren’t we supposed to be playing games?” You asked, peering up at him from under your lashes. He glanced down at you, a hint of a smile on his face as he shook his head at you.
“We were, but you seemed more interested in stealing my drink from me. Can’t believe I let a normie like you kiss me.” He replied, setting his drink down of his nightstand to grab his phone. You watched as he loaded up a website, one you certainly didn’t recognize, and began furiously typing on his phone. You snorted at his response, batting him lightly on the chest.
“Oh please, Levi, you’re the one that kissed me. You’re so cute when you’re confident, by the way.” Levi’s typing slowed to a stop at your words, his cheeks flaring to life once again. He refused to look at you, his eyes staying focused on his phone screen as he tried to finish what he was typing.
“Whatever, it’s not my fault you teased me like that.” He spoke, trying to sound as confident as possible, although you knew he was freaking out on the inside. He blew a strand of hair out of his eyes, the arm he had wrapped around you tightening slightly. He was embarrassed for sure, but you found it all the cuter.
Peeking at his phone, you caught a brief glance of what Levi was typing and had to suppress a laugh.
You guys aren’t gonna believe but totally just kissed a super cute waifu! LMAO!
You didn’t know what a “waifu” was or why it was a “LMAO” moment, but it didn’t really bother you.
Leviathan really was the cutest.
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