#stress is literally inflamming me from the inside
vizthedatum · 1 year
I know I'm an academic whose job predicates on being "right" most of the time because people come to me for my expertise, so I am aware that I have an air of confidence (well it's all over the place recently) and arrogance when it comes to specific topics (statistical methods in healthcare and swimming techniques mostly... and obscure religious/cultural facts mixed in with pop culture (my best category in quiz bowl lmao)).
However, I'm not scared to be wrong.
I know I'm wrong ALL THE TIME. Being wrong is how I learn!!
Especially as someone with trauma, my memory can be absolute shit and is definitely colored by both my trauma and trauma responses.
But I guess, this is all to say, that when I need people to tell me that I'm wrong is when 1) my life would either get significantly worse if I don't acknowledge how wrong I am OR 2) if I ask for advice or help.
One of my recent ex-friends (who hasn't known me for long) started lecturing me on how I should eat certain herbal plants to combat my PCOS when I told her that I was going to manage my PCOS now without birth control and/or hormonal methods. I did not ask for her advice - I was filling her in on my life as we usually do.
I understand the intention behind her words - and I get that she probably thought she was being kind. However, she was providing unsolicited advice to someone who
has known they've had PCOS since they were 16 years old
has trauma from being told that they would "probably be infertile" at 16 years old
has tried diets (and while my diet is NOT THE BEST and is very much in flux due to low energy and chronic health issues) and herbal supplementation (I take a lot of herbal supplementation as is lmao)
does not have insulin resistance
suspects they have a form of inflammatory PCOS caused by the severe stress of childhood trauma/abuse (I suspect that most of my autoimmune conditions were forged by and exacerbated by stress) and lack of support of their various neurodivergences IN ADDITION TO possibly being intersex (something that I've been exploring) - sidenote: I have a fuckton of testosterone naturally that has been suppressed by hormones in the past... and I honestly love it - I don't love the crazy periods and mood swings and etc.
works in healthcare... lol I read articles and look at data for my conditions as a matter of principle
has consulted a nutritionist in the past and may do so again when life is more in balance
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llau-ren-ti-a · 1 year
Bad Batch Headcanons - Skin Conditions
I’ve had this on my mind for way too long now and I NEED to write it down.
For context: I think that their mutations and “enhancements” had some side effects and actually made them more sensitive or gave them some other issues, this is one of many. Maybe Regs have to deal with this too, but I’m running with the Bad Batch for now.
TW: skin conditions, acne, eczema, a little blood? self-harm and injury
first of all - he has like the most sensitive skin ever
I’m talking unscented, only natural ingredients, ph-neutral, everything you can imagine
soap made from ash, lime and oil, like, really specific and gentle shit
but on the other hand worst mixed skin ever, goes from crazy oily to dryer than Tatooine at least once a week
he’s either looking like a glazed donut or a shedding lizard
he’d straight up put cooking oil on his face bc “oil is good for dry skin, right?
someone tell this man how to take care of himself istg
bandana hides his greasy roots
bandana may be tied in different styles to hide his dandruff
he‘s highkey insecure about it
he‘s shedding like a dog, his hair is everywhere
in the shower, on the bed sheets, in the food if he cooks
if he ever shaves, doesn’t matter where or how he’s getting the worst razor burn and ingrown hairs ever
he’s getting all the issues
also, a big candidate for body acne?
he gives me back acne vibes
doesn’t wash his bedsheets or towel nearly often enough
they actually all (accidentally?) share a towel and never wash it, I’m convinced
his skin is dry af like, eczema / neurodermitis / psoriasis dry
especially his hands and joints, like the inside of knees and elbows
and around his eyes, especially because of his goggles/glasses, but also in the corners
he researched everything but sometimes just can’t help it and almost scratches his skin off
Hunter makes him wear cotton gloves when he goes to bed
that’s why he never sleeps
Crosshair straight up ties his hands with bandages so he can’t scratch himself
also a very dry scalp / dandruff candidate
should spend all of his time moisturising
tinkering around the marauder and getting into contact with motor oils/hydraulic liquids/fuel only makes it so so so much worse
doesn't wear skin protection, especially not gloves because it 'inhabits his motor functions'
don't get me started on his nails and nailbeds, because I can see how inflamed and irritated the skin is
the skin also peels off
sweaty hands
has a lot of moles?
stresses about said moles
has the nicest skin ever
except for a big pore / blackhead here and there
usually around the nose or on his forehead
literally the guy who either doesn't use soap or uses the same bar of soap to wash everything
it works
healthy glow might be mistaken for oily skin but it's actually not
actually gets a sunburn often, especially on his head, but refuses to do anything about it
turns into a lobster on uv-light-intense missions
red skin, really tight and shiny
sometimes, if crosshair is feeling really mean he gives him a brotherly slap on the sunburnt shoulder
he gets mouth sores sometimes, like cold sores?
also very attractive to mosquitos? he sweats a lot
scratches his mosquito bites so there are little scars all over his body
really random but occasionally he gets like one big aggressive butt pimple and can't sit for a few days
is very vocal about said butt pimple
my beloved
he's also getting all the issues
had very bad acne as a cadet
especially around his chin and cheeks to the point he straight up refused to take off his helmet
now that he's done with puberty he has a bunch of acne scars left
still breaks out sometimes
very sensitive to water - he just washes his face like usual and suddenly breaks out because that particular planet's water is 'weird'
so much acne but dry af skin, it's hard to combat
skin picking as self harm
aggressive nail biter; not only the nails but the skin around it
he's actually one big hangnail
and his nailbeds and sides are always inflamed
toothpicks to stop him from picking his skin
or to try to stop him from smoking but this is not a mental health / addiction headcanon
I'm convinced he has the ugliest, driest old man elbows and knees, I just know that they look weird
technically a reg, I know
but his prosthetics sometimes don't sit right, so there's a lot of friction and a high risk of irritated skin, blisters and sores
he's so pale - not surprised at all if he gets sunburnt quickly
reminds everyone to use lotion / sunscreen
learned the hard way bc he listened to Fives
tries to keep everyone from making stupid mistakes
buir mode activated
baby skin
for now
Echo attempts to keep her in check
gets one really bad sunburn and learns her lesson
can't move for 3 business days
also, not a skin condition but she spends 5 seconds in direct sunlight and is just covered in freckles
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tearsasmascara · 2 years
hi hi ray! yoi here! \(^v^)/
how are you today bubs? i hope today has been gentle and kind towards you so far! if not then i am so, so so sorry to heart that bubba :(( here's a bone crushing virtual hug to hopefully cheer you up!
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even if today isn't so kind to you (universe, i'm coming for you're kneecaps (⁠つ⁠✧ ✧⁠)⁠つ) i can assure you and hope that tomorrow and beyond will treat you much better and certainly more loving than today! it'll be okay bubs <:)
also also—i saw the post you mentioned me in! that's so thoughtful of you bubs and i can quite literally give you the biggest hug right now!! you're so very kind to many people and me and that puts a smile on my face, knowing you care and will do you're best to cheer them up makes me feel all warm and comforted inside! knowing i have a very thoughtful and sweet friend whom i would do my best to repay the kindness to will never fail to make me smile, you're a very fun and wonderful person and i can assure you that there's no shame in overthinking, there's no shame in being sad and absolutely zero shame for simply having you're moments sometimes because guess what? we all do, and that's what makes us human. so please—even if they don't see you're messages now they'll surely see it later on, i know it, they just need a little bit of time.
speaking of time—remember to take time for yourself bub! eat lots and drink lots of water and take a ton of much needed and deserved rest! love you lots dear, take care! 🫶🏽💗💗
— much love, yoi.
(don't say you're an idiot i will punch you <3)
i’m okay, my clumsy self banged my head into a door today AND somehow ended up with an inflamed nerve in my right arm apparently ????? I HAD NO IDEA I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST SOME NORMAL PAIN i should have probably known after i wasn’t able to lift up a book from the pain or write :/ yeah that sucks
AWW THANK YOU!! *gives bone crushing hug back* + i hope tommorows better i have a test that i know nothing about ::D so hopefully i don’t fail
ohh yesyes that post!! i know life is super stressful and i just want to let my mutuals know i’m there for them!! i like checking up on people ahaha + aww thank you yoi i’m gonna tear up 😭😭 seeing someone appreciate me for all i apparently do means a lot. it’s just second nature to me so i don’t really think too much but when i get appreciates for it makes my day ahkdhdkd thank youuu!! ahh yesss i overthink a lot and i’m very nervous (see: tamaki kinnie) often i radiate just jittery and restless vibes and i hate myself for that, i try to work on loving myself as i am but sometimes it gets hard aha. and yeah!! i try to tell myself that but my mind is a meanie >:( but thank you so much that makes me so happy and comforted
ah i lost my water bottle again T^T HONESTLY IM SO CLUMSYY but i will try to drink some more water!! i don’t know about rest tho i’m consistently sleep deprived (see: misaki kinnie) i cannot take a break for my life 💀 BUT I TRY I TRY!!
(the last sentence is scary nuuuu)
i’m so happy to see you in my inbox<33 thank you for visiting me your words mean the world to me, ps do you have a request by chanceeee i would love to write one for you!!
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socialistsooner420 · 3 years
lately i been seeing a lot of misinformation goin around regarding opositions to marijuana legislation as well as misconceptions of cancer that are just boiling my blood.
i think as both a cancer patient and as a marijuana consumer the most irritating arguments against weed are "THEY DONT REALLY CURE CANCER YA KNOW???"
yeah, i do know. if that were the case i wouldn't have cancer in the first place. but do you know what marijuana DOES do for us cancer patients? heres a little bit of perspective of what we have to struggle with
having cancer is not just "you have [x amount of time] left to live". thats only in the movies, its never as cut and dry as that. the sad truth is there's a LOT of uncertainty in the entire process, from discovering somethings wrong/finding the tumor, having the courage to go to the doctor and explain everything to them, having to endure many invasive, PAINFUL tests, waiting for the results (took 2 weeks to get mine back), then you have to figure out how tell your loved ones. Ya know what helped ease my panic during all that overwhelming shit? marijuana
fun fact: a lotta people leave when ya tell em ya got cancer! its an extremely depressing reality we have to face. a lot of people compare drug additcs to cancer patients, the joke usually being "you can yell at a person who got addicted to drugs, they chose that! but you cant make fun of a cancer patient, because they didnt!" well, unfortunately, people can and do "make fun" (more like bullying....) of us. people DO scream at us. for example: when i told my mom my diagnosis, she screamed at me, as if i chose to have cancer. she asked me "how could i do this to HER?". So not only is cancer a grueling painful process, its also stressful, confusing, heartbreaking, uncertain, overwhelming, and fucking DEPRESSING. Marijuana helps me get my mind off of all that. Instead of the constant thoughts such as "when will this cancer finally kill me so i can stop being such a huge burden on my family?" i can give my mind a rest and think happy thoughts instead.
a lot of cancers cause supressed appetites. thats why a lot of us are extremely underweight and gaunty. marijuana helps us regain our appetites and not have to starve and waste away! it also helps keep us at a consistent weight, another really dangerous problem for us.
In addition to having difficulty putting food down, its also hard for us to keep our food down. our supressed appetites come with the extra pain of extreme nausea and vomiting, which oh hey! personal experience i had today; i violently threw up 8 times in a row after only eating a bag of chips (supressed appetites make it VERY hard to eat actual meals), and i thought i was going to drown in my own vomit because i couldn't stop and breathe. i didnt smoke first 🤔 but i drank plenty o water and smoked some marijuana afterwards, and wouldnt ya know, no more nausea, and i was able to keep my next snack down.
cancerous tumors often become inflamed, randomly and for indefinite amounts of time. i cannot even begin to explain the unbearable pain it causes. it feels like there's a giant ball of itchy fire inside your body. Marijuana helps the inflammation go down and relaxes the body.
in addition to inflammations, tumors are just naturally painful. its a mass growing exponentially inside your body, compressing your internal organs, LITERALLY STRETCHING YOUR SKIN, and literally an extra weight to carry around. You know what can safely help take that pain away, without all the shitty side effects for pain medications such as oxys/percs (which is what they had me on before Oklahoma passed Medical Marijuana legislation)? Marijuana. Marijuana helped the pain better than oxy or percs, and Marijuana certainly didnt force me to become bedridden and sleep 20 hrs a day like oxys/percs did
Speaking of sleep, trying to sleep with cancer is also difficult. the pressure of anything even remotely close to your tumor area. I had a massive tumor in my breast that was almost 5 POUNDS, and even my shirt touching it hurt. imagine sleeping with a bowling ball extremely poorly ducktaped tightly to your chest. Thats what I had to do. you know what helped me sleep though?
you guessed it!
Medical Marijuana
there's so many more benefits that it has for different cancer types, as well as other ailments, but i wont go further because that would take forever to list. my point here though is that no medical marijuana advocate is saying its the end all cure all, just that there are many people that it could help who we're denying in favor of big pharmas opiod crisis.
its just plain ignorant and legitimately harmful to the people marijuana could benefit to deny that it helps sick people, especially cancer patients.
im so sick of hearing shit like "well pot ruined my sons life, now he's unemployed and plays video games all day" like bitch do you think i fucking care??
marijuana literally SAVED and continue to save my god damn life every day. its not pots fault you raised a shitty son with no rules or boundaries, i also know plenty of recreational smokers who hold down jobs and are well off, so its not weeds fault yr sons a loser.
im just glad oklahoma has pretty much the most liberal weed laws in the US. sq788 passed right after my surgery and i was so happy that finally i could legally and SAFELY get the medication that i had to do illegally for so long.
im ending my rant with this screencap of my favorite arch of archer when he had breast cancer which obviously hit close to home with me.
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me too, archer, me too.
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voidstilesplease · 4 years
steo + the types of love
Scott's pack has broken apart.
Liam tries to kill Scott when he refuses to bite his dying chimera girlfriend. Malia is searching for her mother, the Desert Wolf. Lydia is in Eichen House. Kira is trying to fix herself and the fox spirit inside her. Stiles confesses about killing Donovan, and Scott doesn't believe it's for self-defense. Then, his father gets attacked by one of the failed experiments and almost dies.
They're all dealing with different problems, and Theo sticks with Stiles through everything. He knows they've entered into a relationship at quite a stressful time, but he believes they'll rise above it.
He can't say the same thing about Stiles.
"You called Derek Hale?" he can't help the aversion curling in his lips as he enters Stiles's bedroom unannounced. 
Stiles rubs at his face, the screen of his computer bathing him in severe radiation. "Not now, Theo, please."
He can't stop the raging jealousy he feels, however. "You told me you used to have feelings for him," 
"Used to, yes," Stiles says through gritted teeth, losing patience. He rotates his desk chair to face Theo. "How did you even know about that? And besides, it's not like he's coming home because I called." Stiles sounds bitter, and it only sparks Theo's anger more.
"Chris told me," 
Chris Argent came back to Beacon Hills a few days ago when, probably out of desperation and lack of pack, Scott called him for help. He immediately takes Theo to his wing, and just tonight, he mentions Derek Hale contacting him before Scott, hoping he could check Stiles for him. Stiles had called him about Donovan, but the former Hale alpha had to take care of matters with his younger sister and the still elusive Kate Argent, that he was unable to drive back to Beacon Hills just yet.
Stiles looks drained; there are shadows under his eyes. He sighs heavily, "Please, Theo. Let's talk about this some other time - or better yet, never again, because it's nothing. We have a literal beast on our plate right now. I can't deal with anything else."
Theo wants to argue, but the pleading look on Stiles's eyes makes him concede. 
He's not dropping the subject, though, and they both know it.
Reluctantly, Scott's pack regroups again to fight the enemy they will later recognize as The Beast of Gevaudan. 
Theo comes with Chris to collect Gerard. He is appalled at the condition of the old hunter when he sees the black goo that keeps on spitting out from his facial orifices. Chris then presents the yellow wolfsbane that can heal Gerard of the poisoning he suffered from ingesting the poisonous purple flower while he took the werewolf bite from Derek Hale.
Gerard knows about The Beast and explains to them that while there were a lot of descriptions of it, their forefathers passed on the knowledge that the body was oil-black, solid but shapeless at the same time; a shadow pretending to be real. As far as the legend goes, the only weapon proved effective against it was a simple spear wielded by a young woman, The Maid of Gevaudan.
The two elder hunters quickly integrate Theo into their hunter team and even let him come with them as they scour the tunnels where there was a sighting of the monster. They end up finding dead bodies presumably killed by the giant werewolf and reporting it to both Melissa and the Sheriff.
"Stiles," Theo sighs when the call goes straight to voicemail. They haven't spoken in days what with everything happening. They've yet to find out the teenage chimera hosting the monster. "Call me."
He whips around to his eavesdropper.
"You've been distracted by the Stilinski boy, Theo," Gerard appears from the shadows, the tone of his voice suspicious and chastising. He adds in afterthought, "I've always thought he'd eventually fall to the temptation of the bite, but never him surviving it."
Theo feels the need to defend Stiles, "He's stronger than anyone gives him credit for."
Gerard smiles, but it's not the kind variety. "It's not a good idea, Theo. You can sweep anyone else to their feet, but not the kind we exist to eliminate."
He frowns and points out, "We're working together," 
"Only because we have a bigger common enemy." Gerard picks a knife from the tools table. "Take it out, and we're back on opposing sides."
"But," Theo tries to reason, licking his lips. "We don't have to be."
"We hunt,” Gerard enunciates in emphasis. “that which hunts us."
"Yes, I know. But Stiles is not hunting us."
"Not yet," Gerard slams the pointed end of the blade to the table, and the weapon sticks, vibrating on impact. The old hunter wanders back to the dimness, but he turns to Theo with a cutting smile. "Besides, the boy is infatuated with someone else, and unless you become Derek Hale - a sad excuse of a werewolf - then you don't stand a chance."
Theo's fists clench as his stomach sinks. Gerard glances down at them in amusement.
"But we both know who should be on top of the food chain, and it's not those vile creatures, Theo."
The Beast of Gevaudan was defeated by the first hunter, an ancestor of the Argents, with a steel pike forged in wolfsbane, mountain ash, and Marie-Jeanne Valet's blood under the light of the full moon. 
Naturally, the same pike melted into a cane that one of the Dread Doctors, the Surgeon, possesses is what defeats Sebastien Valet this time, as well. 
In the end, like the mural in the Dread Doctors’ lair, The Beast and the Hellhound combat for dominance. The inflamed harbinger of death and body stealer turns out to be one of the deputies, Jordan Parrish. The Dread Doctors have resurrected the Beast of Gevaudan as a precaution to a hellhound's omen but ends up murdered by the very creature they brought back to life. Gerard loses the cane to Scott in a double-cross by him and Chris, and Scott gives up the weapon to Parrish for a final stab on the beast.
What Theo doesn't understand is why Deucalion is there and why Scott is on his side.
He forgets about the beast and Mason, its teenage chimera host, and the hellhound when he zeros in on Scott's ally. Deucalion of the Alpha Pack - the same Deucalion that killed his sister.
"What's he doing here?" Theo yells, voice echoing in the tunnel. His blood is boiling at the sight of the werewolf. "Most importantly, why is nobody killing him?"
Gerard sneers, angry about the deception of his son to take the side of a werewolf. "He's an associate of Scott."
Theo's face twists in utter disbelief, "What?" He transfers his glare to Scott. "How can you be allies? You're a True Alpha, right; you turn your nose up on people who commit murder - even your own best friend? Well, Deucalion is a mass murderer with no conscience and no right to live!"
Deucalion, the audacity of the evil dog, speaks with indifference. "I don't remember killing you."
Theo's face reddens in rage, "No, but you killed my sister."
He launches to attack the alpha, but Scott and Stiles are swift to block him. Scott, he understands, but Stiles? He looks at him in betrayal.
"He killed my sister!"
Something passes in Stiles's face, but before he can say anything, Chris is pulling him to Gerard.
"Theo, we'll talk about it later."
He can't believe his eyes and his ears right now. There's nothing to discuss; Deucalion needs to pay for the innocent lives he took to form his pack of alphas. He didn't only kill betas; he killed sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters.
Gerard takes him, loathing in his feature. He shakes his head, "They've lost their minds," he spats disdainfully. "We'll not share the same stupidity, Theo. Let's go."
Gerard turns and walks away, spitting for show. Pure, unadulterated fury overcomes Theo that even when Stiles gives him an imploring look, he doesn't even think twice when he follows the old hunter out.
Besides, the boy is infatuated with someone else, and unless you become Derek Hale, a sad excuse of a werewolf, then you don't stand a chance.
But we both know who should be on top of the food chain, and it's not those vile creatures, Theo.
No, Theo thinks, heart surging with deep-rooted hatred that influenced him to become a hunter in the first place, not those vile creatures.
obsessive love: an obsessive love towards a partner. It leads to unwanted jealousy or possessiveness — known as codependency. Most cases of obsessive love are found in couples with an imbalance of love towards each other. (catalyst: survival instinct)
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mnemehoshiko · 5 years
I Really Should Just Invest In Naps + TMI: HEALTH STUFF (x-posted DW/PF)
I'm so tired. I really need to think of a better way of starting these beyond, "hi hello. i am tired. ONCE A FUCKING GAIN."
My parents came Thursday evening to help my brother move on Friday. He's moving apartments and i'm lowkey jealous because he has
a fucking washer and dryer in unit
all utilities covered except for internet
for fucking 950/month. T___T
The only con is that he's farther from things compared to his, now, prior apartment. Also it's carpeted which is a downside for me (and probably him). But ughhhhh.
But he did most of the movie on his own before they showed up on Friday? So they didn't have a lot left to move.
Mama brought me pillows?? Which are Nice and Lovely and I like the Color but it was also just weird to go downstairs to let them in and have the exchange of
Mother: Salaam, I have your pillows. *thrusts garbage bag filled with pillows at moi*
Me:*blinks* (thinking....when....did I....ask....for pillows??? In retrospect, it was probably one of those things I like claimed when grandma posted stuff to the family WhatsApp group?? And I probably?? Forgot???) Mother: *squints* you just woke up didn't you. Me, who got dressed in like 3 minutes immediately after she called saying they were here: *takes pillows* =__= (I had Not Just Woken Up. I had woken up and then rolled over. VAST DIFFERENCE!! ....there is no difference.) (In my defense, my period has literally Just Started and I'm like Not Happy By This. T_T) They ask if I want to come to my brother's place to move stuff and I'm like, "i'll go on the second round." (also known as attempt to clean my apartment, haahhahaha) I help with the second round of stuff and we all pile into the mini-van to go my brother's place and it's NICE and I am Not Envious but I'm Not Not Envious. =___=
He has Actual Windows. T__T (my bedroom does not. my apartment...has A Lot of Flaws but It's Walking Distance From Many Things So I'm Paying for Convenience) (is this my current mantra? MAYBE.) Anyway, afterwards we go to Costco because like That Is What I Care About. And we Costco'd up. And had minor rage that a pack of 3, clinical strength "lady" deodorants were 12.99 vs 10.99 for 5 pack of "men" clinical deodorant. My brother concurred and has like also read up on the "pink tax" before and like if he ends up marrying a lady, I'M JUST LIKE??? CONGRATS?? WE HAVE TRAINED SOME SEMBLANCE OF A WOKE BLACK MALE. PLEASE DIRECT PRAISE TO MY MOTHER AND MY SISTERS. (no really, he can cook, clean, grocery shop, basically function as a decent human being and like LISTENS WHEN WOMEN TALK IN A THOUGHTFUL MANNER. He also is willing to openly weep during movies, so like congrats.) Anyway, then we went to Sprouts?? Which is like the Large Hippie Grocery Store in Durham and I uhhhh had never been there properly and now I understand why little brother sometimes grocery shops there. There were So Many Types of Almond Milk I Was In Heaven. (update: have discovered that Sprouts....instacarts to my area......as does Sur la Table. This Is Dangerous Information.) Then we went to the hardware store to acquire somethings for little bro's apartment and then we popped back to my place and my mother was like LET ME HELP YOU WITH THINGS. Me, aware my apartment is still disastrous: "That's....not....necessary." Narrator: The mother was undeterred. She did not have a conniption but she did go into Deep Maternal Worry Mode with Bonus Overbearing and Meddling Steamrolling. Internal Me: She means well. She means well. She feels guilty that she's not Around More Often Even Though I Made The Choice To Move Down South. Mother: are you okay? I know you have the anxiety and depression but has anything else happened?? You know?? You'd feel better if this place was cleaner. Me: *pained nods* Mother: Has anything else happened that you haven't told us??? I know you have the health things but anything else? Me: ...no??? (Beyond health and like my inability to like sleep properly, nothing else has happened but stress of my grad life. =_=_ Mother: LETS TAKE JUST 5 MINUTES AND TIDY THINGS UP A LITTLE
Me, who's hungry and still Has Not Eaten In Spite of It Being 5pm: mother Mother, with broom and dustpan and trashbag: COME ALONG. Internal Me: She means Well. At Least She Is Here And Alive. Appreciate The Time You Have With Her. She Means Well. *grits teeth* We clean. WE ALMOST THROW AWAY ONE OF MY ROTHYS BECAUSE SHE DOESN'T LOOK INSIDE  BOXES BEFORE THROW SHIT OUT!!! And then we go to the restaurant for dinner....where the kitchen messes up my little brother's order and has chapati on the plate and he has a severe wheat allergy. So he takes Benadryl and my mother....goes into....deep worry mode Again. SHOULD WE LEAVE HIM AT HIS APARTMENT BY HIMSELF???? SHOULD WE TAKE HIM TO THEIR HOTEL??
my mother, once again, making plans without idk ASKING EITHER PARTY INVOLVED: MNEME, YOU SHOULD STAY AT HIS PLACE OVERNIGHT!! HE HAS A WASHER AND DRYER SO YOU CAN DO YOUR LAUNDRY THERE FOR FREE!!! me, a known cheap but is fucking exhausted and trying desperately to Not Snap At My Mother Because That Is Not Respectful But Also Looking Forward to Flopping on Her Fucking Couch and Maybe Even Getting A Waterbottle for my tummy: ....yes mother. =___= My dad upon seeing my mother and I exiting the apartment complex with my laundry: ???? Me, wordlessly pleading for salvation: o__o My mother, once we get to my brother's apartment: ....you know I probably should have asked before making this plan... My brother and I having Just Accepted Our Fate: *crickets* I give my brother the air mattress to blow up until he gets a Real Bed, (the place came unfurnished--which is the other reason I haven't moved because i'd need to like Get Furniture And At This Stage of My PhD, It's Just Not Worth It--so he has No Furniture At All). I sleep on the floor instead of telling my brother to just scoot over and let me ALSO SLEEP on the mattress which is a Queen-sized mattress. Nor does it occur to him to offer it to me. *stares into the void at my back* (In her defense, she did message us apologizing and I know she wasn't doing it maliciously and she's over zealous at times because she feels bad that like I'm a few hundred miles away. Alone. By myself. Single and thus don't have like anyone who's there for emotional support which like does suck but also I AM DOING... Not Amazing But Not As Bad As Undergrad? So...yeah.) I do all my laundry except for like One set that I do in the morning because my father is slow as molasses for Anything and I Know That While My Mother Wants To Leave Early they will not be here early and I have accepted this reality. Mother: WE'RE GOING TO BE THERE By 7:30 AT THE LATEST Narrator: They arrived around 10ish. We still managed to get to the farmers markets though? WHICH IS WHAT I WANTED HER TO EXPERIENCE. NC may not have Many Good Things but The Farmer Markets are So So Nice?? And big??? I have also realized if you wear a shirt that says "Ask me, I'm a scientist!" Shockingly, people read it and like ASK. Me, who slept in this shirt and threw a cardigan on because I was Too Lazy To Put On A Real Adult Shirt: ????? ! oooohhhhh... i do science. yes. yes, i do. Also got my brother to change his address because the voter registration folks were there and like IT'S EASIER TO DO IT THERE then like Figure Out Where To Go, so like We Did Our Civic Duty Today. *finger guns* Got some loaves of GF bread from the bread seller that sells Actual Edible GF bread. Sadly, they were out of raisin because it was 11am and like they open at 7am. T___T
Then we grabbed my dad, who went to the coffee shop....to work. It's been almost a full year since his open-heart surgery and he's back to being a Workaholic. =___=
Then we went to Lowes because he needed something and my parents FAILED TO COMMUNICATE PLANS and he was like...."oh I thought we were going to do it on the way back to MD??". Either way, I now have an adapter to make a three pronged plug into a two pronged one? So yay?
Then we took me, and my laundry, back to my place. My mother gave yet more instructions. I just smiled and nodded and reminded that she meant well.
And then ran back to the car because SHE WAS SO INSISTENT ON LIKE MOVING MY LAUNDRY BASKETS THAT SHE ALMOST LEFT HER MEDS BEHIND!! Me, ....this...is why....i said.... i could do it.......
But they are now back safely in MD, along with my brother because he has an orhto appointment. I was debating going back with them but I uh can't because I have a meeting with my PI on wednesday. And thus, I stay here. But I have a lot of article revisions and analyses to do so it sadly makes sense.
Maybe I'll try to go NY in Aug or mid-July?
IN FUN HEALTH THINGS, new game that I hate; "is this blood from my period or from my ass?" Spoiler: It's both~~~." Which now makes me regretting uh telling the gastro office that "no, I don't have symptoms so I don't think the steroid is necessary??" But in my defense, I DIDN'T HAVE SYMPTOMS ON WEDNESDAY WHEN THEY CALLED. Also they uh, usually are 3-6 months apart not 1.5 months...apart. So that was an unpleasant surprise which led to me pass out in bed when my parents left because ahhahahaha blood loss is v v exhausting and I forgot to pack my iron pills last night.
So, my mother is coming down again in July to take me to my sigmoidscopy. In which, they'll see things. Or they won't. I hope they see something? Anything? I don't want UC but I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW
- why i've been constantly inflamed since 2015?
- i know what hemorrhoidal bleeding looks like and uhhhhh i'm sorry but I shouldn't be dropping Actual Clots Out Of My Ass
*lies down*
i just want to not be tired and my intestines to not hate me as much. =_=
Okay, I am Going To Actually Sleep After I Knock Back Some Licorice Tea for my throat. (it's....super sore for some reason which is Not Great since I have D&D tomorrow most likely.)
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fandoms-and-flute · 6 years
Post Occupational Therapy
I just finished 2 months of occupational therapy for my right hand, and as a flute player, maintaining physical health is essential to having a long-term career so here’s what I experienced and learned! and feel free to send any asks if you have any questions :)
How did you start going to Occupational Therapy? *warning this is a bit of a long explanation and US specific)
If you live in the US (specifically NJ) as a young adult, you will 100% relate that health insurance is a nightmare. I have the state insurance so for me to do anything (even go to the allergist) I need a referral from my PCP (primary care physician aka my doctor). 
When I started to notice how bad my hand health was affecting my playing the FIRST thing I had to do was go to my primary doctor, and he told me that I should first see a rheumatologist (aka hand specialist). Now you can’t just get a referral no no no-- you have to spend hours calling places to find out if they 1. take your insurance and 2. have an appointment available/take new patients. How do you find these places, you ask (with no evident sarcasm)? Well let me tell you: On the very shitty healthcare website that hasn’t been updated since originally published! 🙃
Once I found a rheumatologist, I then had to go BACK to my primary doctor to get a referral. Now I was very fortunate because I was able to get an appointment within a week (usually it could take a month or more!) so I really lucked out. At that appointment, I was checked for all different problems (carpal tunnel, arthritis, etc) - I had 5+ vials of blood taken for testing and X-rays done all on that day; and the rheumatologist was the one that told me I should go to occupational therapy. But it’s not that easy (of course it isn’t, it was so stressful).
When you have the basic health insurance, it is nearly impossible to get a hold of any therapy or pain management that takes your insurance. I had to call places several times - one place that could take my insurance actually flooded and so I was borderline mental breakdown. TWO WEEKS in (3 weeks of pain), I finally found a local hospital that had a rehabilitation center that accepted my insurance. Hooray. Except it was a bit more complicated than that. My advice is to just call as many places and ask “What insurance do you guys take/Do you take ____ insurance?” because co-pays are expensive so you want that covered as much a possible!
Now that I found a place that was accepting patients and took my insurance, I had to go back to my primary doctor (for the 3rd time) to NOT ONLY get a referral. I made that mistake - I went to my first appointment with just a referral and they could talk to me, but couldn’t run any tests. Why? Because you need a referral AND a prescription 😒so I got the prescription from my primary doctor (for those keeping score, 4 visits) and FINALLY I could go to occupational therapy for 12 visits. 🎉
tldr: I took me 3 1/2 weeks to finally find an occupational therapist (4 weeks if you count when I had my first official appointment). And was a super complicated process.
Why did you go to Occupational Therapy?
For a few years, I constantly felt like my technique was suffering because of my body’s inability to keep up with the demand of the flute. It peaked this semester when I had complete numbness and pain in my right hand (specifically the wrist and the ring and pinky fingers). 
Did you feel like Occupational Therapy was helpful?
Yes! I am hyper aware of my body at all times so I knew things were wrong, but I didn’t know what specifically (inside) was wrong or even how to fix it so OP helped me target specific problems and manage them. I learned stretches and exercises to manage my pain. It will still be an ongoing battle - you don’t just go to occupational therapy, do some work and then are OK for the rest of your life. It is being aware and constantly checking in and adjusting in order to manage the pain so if you are interested in going, just be aware that it is a very mentally tiring effort that will require your full involvement in order to see results.
What did you go to Occupational Therapy for?
As I said before I went for complete numbness and pain in my right hand (specifically the wrist and the ring and pinky fingers). I learned that I had carpal tunnel (which is the wrist) and cubital tunnel (which is a inflamed and pinched nerve in the elbow that affect the ring and pinky fingers). 
*also, when I went back to the Rheumatologist for my results (one month later), I learned that I have osteoarthritis (in my right hand thumb) - which has no cure and is super painful. This is the type of brace that I wear to support my thumb while playing flute:
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What did you learn from Occupational Therapy?
Continuing from the above question, I started with learning about the wrist/elbow. I learned that I tend to hyper/over-extend my elbow. One of the first exercises I learned that I still use daily is:
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I tend to have a high body temperature so I struggle to tell when my wrist or elbow is inflamed - this exercise had helped me focus on the area (I use my other hand to massage the tendon and through touch I have learned what it feels like when my carpal tunnel is flaring up). Icing also helps a lot!
An elbow exercise I learned was: 
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This was targeted towards the cubital tunnel to help when I had wrist pain (on the side of the pinky/ring fingers). Because I hyper/over-extend my elbow, this exercise is targeted at activating my shoulders/trap muscles and (vocab word) serratus anterior!
One of the recent exercises I learned was one to engage this serratus anterior - facing the wall, you have to have your feet shoulder width apart or slightly wider; elbows and wrist must be against the wall (also shoulder width apart), and keep the back straight. You can do this with or without a resistance band, move your arms up, back to initial position, and down (one arm at a time, and tiny movements) - it is to focus on using the lower traps instead of compensating with the elbows.
How did Occupational Therapy help/affect your music playing?
Every time before playing I would stretch for a minimum of 5 minutes. Doing any of the stretches mentioned above, plus just general body stretches- I would also take a few minutes to focus on breathing (doing a bit of the Breathing Gym, and if you aren’t familiar check this out!!). I would also take breaks any time I felt any pain and I always have ice and an ice pack with me. Primarily I would ice my wrist and elbow depending on the pain (and I would stretch). 
As previously mentioned, I wear a thumb brace when I play. However, when I’m just going about my day (typing, writing, sleeping) I also have to take care in order to maintain my hand’s health. This requires me wearing a brace for my carpal tunnel: 
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I literally wear this anytime I sleep, write or type because it prevents me from curving my wrist in a way that causes inflammation. (General health throughout the day is connected and essential to maintaining playing health!!!).
Also, this is probably my favorite thing to come from OP, I present to you... the ELBOW PILLOW:
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(Yes, that is a rolled up scarf that is tied with a hair tie.) This is a great way to engage the serratus anterior, rather than use my elbow (it must be held, it can’t be suspended by a strap or belt). And it reminds me to bring my elbow down and back. 
If you were to see my practice notebook, you would see me writing EVERY DAY the same posture mantra: shoulders down and back, elbows down and released, hips and shoulders even, and lift the neck. It is a huge learning curve that will take time to become habit, but right now I’m still fighting my body have better posture.
What was a regular appointment of Occupational Therapy like and how often did you go?
I went to OP only once each week (because I’m a very busy college student with no time for life outside of school), however, I was recommended to go twice a week! 
Every time that I went (after the initial measuring appointment), I arrived 10 minutes early to have paraffin wax on my hand and then I would sit with the paraffin and a HUGE heating pad for 10 minutes. In the beginning half of OP, I had the elbow, wrist, and forearm massaged to break up knots - and my therapist taught me how to find tension spots and how to break knots without hurting myself. In the later half of OP, I would do various exercises such as: 1. a noodle that I would have to bend up or down (to activate the shoulders/back instead of my elbows), 2. putty (yes actually putty) to smush with my fingers for carpal tunnel, 3. using a rolled up towel against my back (to be flat against) to pull back my shoulders, 4. modifications (next ask!), and 5. learning a bunch of different stretches.
What kind of modifications did you learn from Occupational Therapy outside of music?
For writing... I am a mess. I wear the carpal tunnel brace because my wrist wants to curve. I need to write at an angle to the desk (both my body and the paper). I have a pencil/pen grip that allows me to curve my thumb in rather than the hitch hiker thumb, and use my index finger. Also, I have to write at a slant using a binder to help my wrist’s angle. 
Before: (my thumb would go under my hand and I would rest the pen/pencil on the webbed part of my hand.. essentially no support).
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After: (my wrist is forced to be straight by the paper being at an angle. The black thing on the pencil is the grip that has grooves for my fingers so there is more control) - and the pencil is no longer resting in the webbed part.
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For typing... I am beyond a mess (I don’t know how this happened, I grew up with all those typing CD-roms... but I type with only 2 fingers, maybe 3 in each hand. I leave out the ring and pinky fingers...). The modification for this was to elevate myself above the computer/keyboard -  either a short desk, raise my chair or sit on a pillow (anything to get my forearms at a downward diagonal). Also, having a pillow/towel behind my back (flat back) with shoulders back rather than rounded forward. 
There is a whole lot more that I worked on, but like I said just send asks if you have questions. I still have loads to work on, manage and be mindful of.
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hugee0715 · 6 years
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2 weeks into the year I cut my hair, probably like 80% of it. Which I quickly regretted. It just seems like every year starts with me doing something to myself, except this one. This January there'll be no surprise, promise.
I also had to decide what schools and courses I wanted to apply to until the 15th. So being the person that I am, at 23:20 on the 14th I submitted all the forms. Earth science, civil engineering or software engineering? I had another 6 month to find out which path my life would take.
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This photo was taken at around 6 in the morning when I was on my way to a nearby city to take a language certification exam. I was so nervous because I was going into the C1 level right away, basically blindly with no exam experience whatsoever. I remember arriving and meeting 3 other girls who were there for the exam too. We started chatting and they all said that they took the B1 level previously because their teacher advised them. One has already failed, this was her second time. One was there with a whole book of exercises. They all looked so prepared and for a moment I panicked. If I were to fail that day, I'd have had 40 less points for my university application. And a lost bet with my girlfriend. But I didn't fail neither of those.
I also got my girl into MBTI that month, which quickly became the new astrology of our relationship. ENFP-INTP pairing. Cute, huh?
This was the month where I kind of chilled down for a moment. It was totally unjustifiable but I still did, thinking I've got plenty of time still till exams would start. I was going to school, doing some small preparations but nothing major.
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Now this was the month where I regretted all the laziness back in March. My days were counted and I know that makes it sound like I was about to be executed but that's exactly how I felt.
On top of that, in the middle of the month my mum got hospitalized suddenly. It was supposed to be just a check but they didn't let her leave after it. My days were spent with visiting her instead of going to school. She scared us shitless but slowly she started getting better with each day and by the second week she was already coming home.
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Oh May. I had graduation right at the beginning of the month and 2 days later my week of exams started. A peaceful image of my table right before maths exam. 20 minutes later it wasn't as peaceful anymore.
School ended for good and we had a monthish time before the second part of it all, which are the oral exams.
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So many papers, hundreds of pages littered everywhere. Stress, overthinking, contemplating why I even applied for software engineering when I was so sure I'd fail the comsci exam, procrastinating, some self pity and over all panic.
One of the exceptions was this day, my mum's work did a little event. They work with old people, helping handicapped elders. A school building full of people who long left the classrooms, doing all kinds of crafts, little games and even some shooting outside. We sat around painting on glass, doing things we probably haven't done together in like a decade.
29 out of 50 so be careful, sharp shooter right here.
The 25th came around and at 20:00 sharp the point limits went live. The website instantly crashed by the tens of thousands of people and my blood was loudly rushing inside my head. Once it finally let me in I was scanning through the names of the different universities, then different faculties and lastly the different courses. Earth science. 290. Less than the previous years. A lot less actually. I got into the place I wanted to so badly. I got in by a ridiculous amount of points.
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An accidental snapshot of my feet while I am having a mediocre melt down in the middle of a bridge over the Danube. The morning started horrendously, I left my student ID at home but I only realized it on the train. Which meant I couldn't buy discounted tickets but I didn't have enough money for the full price ones. So I called mum who called a friend who has a car that they have to come to the city with my ID within 20 minutes because if I miss the train I'll be late and won't be able to enroll to uni. That got solved last minute when they arrived 4 minutes before the train left, which then arrived to Budapest an hour late, the tram was out of service so I took one of the replacement busses but they only went till the Pest end of Petőfi bridge. Which meant I had to walk over when I was already running late so we could very well say that I was done at this point with life and everything.
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With this picture we can confirm that I wasn't late for enrollment. This is the place most of my days are spent at. The days leading up to me having to move were filled with a weird type of anxiety. It wasn't the kind I was familiar with, it wasn't as scary. As consuming, as toxic. It was kind of exciting, like the feeling you get before getting on a roller coaster. My girl made it feel like that, the security of having her. If there's one good thing about LDR then it's the fact that I can literally have her anywhere with me and it feels like not much has changed. The calmness that this gave me was beyond understandable. I still had her, so there was no need to panic.
Of course it was still a little challenging, the whole change in our schedules and although it sometimes got a little frustrating, she was understanding and I need to thank her for being my safe spot, for making me so brave when I used to be so scared. Without her I would have never been able to do this and she knows that.
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This is my view everyday when I go to work and back home. A city of so much magic and beauty and also a city that I can't wait to share with my love.
We had our first anniversary. A whole year of being together. I got off of work just in time before it turned midnight in the Philippines. I had a bag of cookies I made the previous day to show, cute, heart shaped ones. Maybe it wasn't the most ideal way or how I imagined it but the meaning behind it is still the same. A year of loving eachother, slowly changing, slowly realizing who we truly are as a team.
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I made that! My job's description would most likely be miscellaneous. I stand at the counter, make coffee, help customers, sometimes clean or go to the post office, I'm responsible for the paper bags and cups, but on the weekends, I bake. I spend all my Sundays there quietly doing my job. Cookies, pies and as it was getting closer to Christmas gingerbread as well. I had the most tiring days, one time I spent 12 hours there building 6 of these trees and around another 400 of normal figures. My hands got inflamed by the end of the night because of all the icing I had to squeeze out. But nonetheless this is a good first job. I get to learn around really nice and helpful people. Not even mentioning all the free food I get.
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A happy girl living a more challenging life than ever but still enjoying it like it's nothing.
Decembers are nice. I think back to all the things that happened this year and how different they were compared to last year. I was whining for 66.66666% of the 2017 post. And for the 2018 one all I can think about are the good good things that happened. None of the bad matters. I had one of the worst and one of the best years of my life after one another. No doubt about that.
So yeah,
2018 was a year that will truly be missed. I loved it. But no need to mourn anything because 2019 will give me even more things to write about at the beggining of 2020. Not to even mention 2021. This is far from the end.
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Day 1- Glasgow/Warsaw: In Which I Rob The Post Office Again
Long time readers of this blog- all two of them- will likely be acutely aware of phenomenon I have come to refer to as the 'first day curse'. For new readers- all none of them- this curse strikes, as you might expect, on the first day of my trip and, without exception, turns what should, for all intents and purposes, be the most exciting part of my journey into an unrelentingly shitty maelstrom of sadness and fuck. Be it getting dragged around a museum of the European Parliament while about six hours beyond my elastic limit of staying awake; getting turned away from my couchsurfing host's apartment for several hours, to fend off cold and blisters by a diminutive racist; accidentally committing a home invasion or just getting fucked time after time by bastard taxi drivers, who seem to make it their business to ruin my life, the FDC is ever-present and ever-shitty in this Vagrant life of mine.
But not this year. I was determined to swerve that bullshit however I could, this time; my journey to  Warsaw, the first stop of this trip, had been planned to a tee; I had managed to finagle an honest-to-God lift to the airport with my very helpful mother, nearly entirely eliminating the possibility of missing my flight, which I seem to manage to do, each and every time I fly by myself and perhaps, most important of all, as detailed in my last entry, I had already basically had my FDC this year, with the absolute shit-show of a day I had had, trying to get my passport sorted. Surely the travel-gods would see this as enough penance to let me pass both unhindered and unfucked into Vagrancy, for once. Just once, travel-gods. Be cool. Jesus.
I woke up bright and early, or at least early, in my own lovely bed for what will be the last time for almost a month and quickly set about mopping up the remaining tasks on my to-do list for the trip, including- but not limited to- faffing around trying to get the export settings right on Adobe's Premier Pro for a video I had been working on (which, let me tell you, is a lot of fun to do under pressure and with a strict time-limit), general packing of way more things than I need and having a series of increasingly severe mini-breakdowns.
While my flight didn't leave until 7:30pm, I regardless found myself with little time to spare in my flat, due to my having an unavoidable dentist's appointment (whose office, those of you who read the previous entry will know, is located close to my parent's house and is therefore some distance from my flat) at two in the afternoon.
By some miracle, I finished my to-do list, or at least the most important items on it in reasonably good time, or at least in enough time to still make it to the appointment if I hurried and caught a bus to the train station and so bid my cat a remarkably brief, though no less tearful than usual farewell
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I won’t miss you.
And was quickly on my way to have my teeth all messed about. Hurrah.
Trips to the dentist, I'm aware, aren't usually regarded as a particularly pleasant thing, regardless, but holy shit, was this ever not a pleasant trip to the dentist. The appointment lasted a full hour (fifteen minutes longer than was scheduled, which was very helpful on a day when time was so limited for me) and consisted almost entirely of having the inflamed pulp inside one of my teeth jabbed at with a needle, which uh, yeah, isn't too great, let me tell you. The little cherry on top of the bakewell tart of shit that had been my orthodontic experience was the anaesthetic injection in my gums: it seemed that I was to spend the rest of my day with my face entirely numb in, apparently, every part of it except the bits that hurt. I was also told to expect my tooth to ache like buggery during my flight. So that was a treat.
A bit shaken and now behind schedule, I left the dentist to return to my parent's house briefly to pick up my passport, check in for my impending flight and to put some music and podcasts on my phone so as not to be terribly bored for the rest of my evening.
Ryanair do a lot of shit wrong- Like a lot- but I've got to say that being able to check in and get my boarding pass on my phone is a nice touch, or at least one that just about finally brings them level with other, better airlines in literally just that one aspect. Or...at least it should have been...
I entered my details into the app, triumphantly pressed 'continue' with an uncharacteristic arrogance for someone dealing with anything to do with Ryanair and...an error occurred. For god's sake, Ryanair, pull your shit together. I pressed the button again, my confidence slightly dented, but still in tact. Error. Umm.
“Okay...” I thought, “so the app's not working. I suppose I can always go and physically print the passes like some fucking caveman”.
I loaded the Ryanair website, my confidence now all but entirely replaced with pure vexation and...it wasn't there. Not my boarding pass- the website. It was down for maintenance and apparently had been for some time- days in fact. Indeed with a quick Google, I learned that it was national (albeit quite tabloidy) news that this website was down. People physically couldn't check in for their flights and were being stung for £55 for it when they arrived at the airport because of it, while Ryanair, in an ostrichian level display of burying their heads in the sand were maintaining through all this that the website was up, running and fully functional despite clear empirical evidence to the contrary.
I checked my phone. I needed to leave; I still had to pick up a travel money card at the post office and get some food before I headed to the airport and had no more time to spare, angrily pressing 'continue' over and over again, sighing a little louder each time it didn't work.
My mother and I bundled ourselves and my luggage into her car and drove quickly to a nearby town. I darted off into the post office for my card and she into Morrisons to buy some very delicious food for me, which was very nice of her, even if I was in far too bad a mood to properly acknowledge it at the time.
I had realised, some time prior, that I had also managed to forget my gloves. Given that I'd be travelling to basically Russia in the winter and realising that historically that can go poorly, I was understandably a little worried about this. It came as a genuinely nice surprise then to find that the post office sold nice gloves at he very reasonable price of £1.50 a pair. I grabbed two sets (for layering purposes) and headed to the till. I obtained my travel money card fairly effortlessly (#humblebrag) and left with it and my gloves in hand. So to speak. Wait, shit- I had been so wrapped up in getting the card and dwelling on the unbelievable amount of garbage that had been slopped on top of me throughout the day that I had actually forgotten to pay for not one, but two pairs of gloves, thereby robbing the post office for the second time in a week. Charles Bronson got life for that so I'm lucky to have gotten away with it.  Anyway, sorry post office. Again...
Travel money card, several pairs of stolen gloves and some very delicious food now obtained, my mother and I set off, finally, to Edinburgh airport. As we drove, I continued mashing the Ryanair app, desperately looking for signs of life, my already critically low optimism dwindling even further as I did. On the verge of giving up, the two hour cut off point for obtaining boarding passes looming within mere minutes, the app spluttered up all the water it had swallowed in that devastating surfing accident and took a deep, ragged breath. It wasn't much and being clinically dead for as long as it was, only to come back to life would clearly lead to massive brain damage, but that was all I needed to get my foot in the door and my grubby mitts on my boarding pass. I was overjoyed, though, and I've said this before of Easyjet, when you're made this happy by a service being offered simply working as advertised, that really does speak poorly of how high the bar is set for your company...
We ended up arriving at Edinburgh airport in genuinely quite good time, which was...surprising, considering how my day had been going, to say the least. My mother and I shared a tearful goodbye or I'm sure we at least would have done, if she wasn't so concerned about the cost of her stay in the drop-off zone going up the longer she stayed there and with a single punch on the arm in lieu of a hug, I was off.
I navigated the airport security with ease for once, with my bag and genitals left unfondled by surly old security guards and sat down in the duty-free costa with some time to spare. Despite having a bag of, and I really must stress this, like crazy delicious food with me, I decided to treat myself to a warm panini and a hot chocolate as due to a combination of needing to rush in the morning and having to wait after dental work in the afternoon, I hadn't yet eaten. As I chewed, using only the right side of my mouth, through my pigs-under-blanket panini and sipped my a-little-too-hot hot chocolate, I reflected. It seemed that the first day curse had regardless struck me once more, despite my best efforts to the contrary as, to be totally honest, I had had a pretty cack day. Still, at least I wasn't going to almost miss my flight, for once.
Oh, right, shit, my flight...
I looked at the time- the gate was closing. I'd spent too long reflecting like some genius prilosopher might... I pushed the rest of the panini into my already overstuffed mouth and forced it down with the remainder of my drink, burning my tongue quite badly in the process (probably considerably less like a genus philosopher might...) and sped off towards the gate. I don't know how I managed to get myself into this situation, but I now found myself in not insubstantial danger of missing my flight, despite having literally been inside the airport for the past hour and a half.
I approached my gate doing that kind of half-walk-half-trot thing that people do when they're in a hurry, but are still unwilling to go full-run.
“Are you going to Warsaw?!” a flight attendant, standing by the gate shouted to me, from some distance away
“Uh, yeah!” I replied, breathlessly.
Even as far apart as we were, I could tell that her face wore a look of mixed shock and pity
“...You'll have to hurry, then, they're getting ready to take off!”
I went full run. I charged through the gate and onto the plane as quickly as I could, stored my probably slightly too large bit of luggage in the overhead lockers (incidentally, being very, very late for a flight is a great way to get the attendants to conveniently forget to check the size of your bag) and sat down, sweating, dishevelled and manic to the demonstrable disappointment of my new seat-neighbour. I honestly don't blame him.
After an uncharacteristically pleasant flight, barring some minor air-pressure-related toothache, I was spat out into Warsaw Modlin airport and found myself almost immediately on a bus to the city centre. I'm not quite sure how I managed this, as by this point it was around 11:30 at night, I was still in pain, hadn't slept particularly well the previous night and was, by now, flagging badly, but I assume it was some kind of lovely witchcraft. Thanks, lovely witchcraft.
Once in Warsaw, proper, I quickly darted to the central station, which, through my very careful planning both my bus stop and hostel were adjacent to. Despite it pushing midnight, the station was still open and, although all I really wanted to do was go to bed, I thought it prudent to buy my ticket for tomorrow's early morning train journey to Belarus as soon as possible. I took my place in the queue, or at least what looked like a queue. The woman behind the counter appeared to be reading some kind of document on her computer; a strange thing to do, I thought, with a line of seven or so people, steadily climbing in number, waiting specifically for her attention. She continued to read this document and sip her coffee for the next forty minutes or so. It was dangerously close to 1:00am and I was dangerously close to putting the entire idea of getting a ticket before morning in a big flaming bin before she deigned to start actually doing her job and serving people again. Albeit slowly. I bumbled through buying my ticket in the most 'me' way possible (awkwardly, quietly and tinged with rage) and left for my hostel, head shaking in disbelief and body aching for sleep.
After a scant ten minute walk through the pervasively freezing Polish night, I had arrived. The door had been left ajar for me by the night-receptionist, who greeted me with a nod. I nodded back, somehow accidentally yanking the door closed in front of myself in the process. Great. Good start. I had managed to lock myself out of the hostel before even getting inside. With an audible sigh, even through the locked door, the receptionist forced herself out of her chair to re-open it for me. I apologised as I stepped inside. She started back at me blankly, apparently not speaking enough English to respond. She pointed to a clipboard sitting on her desk; on it were written the names of everyone checking in that night. I pointed to my own name and she led me to my room.
As she opened the door I was hit by an ungodly stench; a sickly sweet combination of feet, body odour and death. I wretched as quietly as my body would allow me to, unsure whether to tough it out and try to get used to the smell or just hold my breath all night.
The receptionist flicked the light on. An audible groan came from one of the bunks as the more irritable of my roommates was woken up by this. The receptionist pointed me to my bed and left. It was the bunk above the angry man. In a room of six beds, only three of which were occupied, including mine, it seemed that they had opted to put us as close to one another as we could physically fucking get, without sharing a bunk, which is honestly exactly what everyone wants in a hostel, anyway, so good show.
Not wanting to be 'that guy', I flicked the light off and, as quietly as I could, put my stuff away. I was hungry again, by this point and so decided to go and sit in the hostel's kitchen and eat some of my, as yet untouched, unbelievably delicious Morrisons swag. I grabbed my bag and headed out into the hostel's halls, quickly realising that there was no kitchen or indeed dining area of any kind. There was a toilet that stank perpeptually and very strongly of shit and a receptionist whose disdain for me seemed to only grow each time she laid eyes on me, but no kitchen. Unwilling to rustle sandwich containers and crisp packets on the top bunk of a sleeping man who genuinely may have hated me, I put the idea in a big flaming bin and opted to just go to bed, having eaten once and drank little more than a hot chocolate throughout the entire day.
I re-entered the bedroom as stealthily as possible, given the sleep I had had and realised all too quickly that the bed hadn't actually been made. They expected me to do that for myself, which, let's be totally honest here a) is among the last things I want to do when I'm exhausted and physically fatigued from travelling, b)is like super, super disruptive to the other people in the room and c) probably should already have been done before my arrival, right? I mean that's like hospitality 101.
With little recourse but to do it myself, though, I did just that. Shockingly, I did not manage to do it particularly quietly and even more shockingly than that, Mr. Angry didn't seem to appreciate my inability to noiselessly prepare my own bed at past-one-in-the-morning.
After some bumbling around with sheets, my bed was ready, or as ready as I could be bothered making it. I grabbed the ladder to my bunk and hoisted myself up onto it. The entire bed shook, unsecured bits of metal rattled against one another and the entire thing bent considerably on its axis. I don't know if you've seen the viral video of several hundred squeaky rubber chickens being pushed down on all at once, which made the rounds a year or two ago, but that was uncannily what it sounded like, except louder, deeper and sadder. I was one rung up the ladder.
Out of options, there was little I could do but push on- one thousand terrified chickens screaming in pain with every step, until finally I was in my bunk. The noise didn't abate, even then, ringing out, entirely undampened with every tiny movement I made, but at least the bed had stopped rocking back and forth like a tiny, shitty, uncomfortable boat.
Once actually in my bunk, the room's other issues began to make themselves apparent. While the bed did have barriers on the far side from the wall, these barriers were similarly flimsy to the rest of the structure and were so insignificant and strangely placed so as to do literally nothing to stop all my stuff falling off the bed during the night. The side of the bed pressed against the wall had no barriers whatsoever, instead opting for the 'sheer drop' approach, which obviously wouldn't have been an issue had it not been for the bed being positioned approximately a foot and a half away from the wall for absolutely no good reason. As it stood, it was fairly likely that my phone would fall off one side of the bed during the night and my body the other. My best efforts to counteract this came in the form of neatly folding my trousers and placing them under my pillow, with my phone nestled in the back pocket: in this way it was unlikely to be knocked to the floor in the night and I could still hear my alarm, even with earplugs in. And let me tell you, boy howdy did I ever need earplugs. Mr. Angry wasn't my only roommate- I was sharing with one other person as well. Actually, I say person, but I never did get a very good look at them and honestly, from the noises they were making during the night, you could have been forgiven for thinking that what I was actually bunking down with was a pig being butchered with a chainsaw. The noise was honestly inhuman; wet, droning slurps and gurgles emanated constantly from the far side of the room and cut straight to my core, regardless of how deep I pushed my lovely and usually very effective gummy earplugs into my terrible, broken brainbox. Combined with my squeaking chicken bed and that fucking smell, it was honestly a bit like going to sleep in an abattoir. An abattoir with no power outlets.
How's that for a Trip Advisor review?
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gloriapace1993 · 4 years
Cat Keeps Coming Into My House And Spraying Stupefying Tips
Use paper grocery bags or boxes with glee, you can remove the odor and stains.Unlike people with allergies are able to move from door to his level and start meowing a lot.Offer cat treats as a watery nasal discharge and sneezing, tearing, and conjunctivitis.If your cat but I would immediately disregard the water pistol and give them that chance!
Your cat need some space to relax and remember to steer your cat against flea and tick treatment for cats are sterilized, there will emerge an alpha cat.That, and fresh water and using the procedure above.To effectively groom your cat stays healthy, you are controlling fleas so don't allow them to paw at cat toys beneath the carpeting into the fibers in the household should be brushed once weekly.Dogs haven't figured this out of reach of kitty.Physical punishment will not urinate near their food.
These remedies don't remove the odor of cat food out in the household become best friends, do everything together and look for your child.Maybe your cat has been proven to help move air through their tails may actually quiver!How can you do this, it will not harm the environment, there are several cat-friendly powders that can be taught to do this in mind, if you have to do is ask your self to be taken orally or through an open window.Routinely trim your cat's already eating your own pet cat.I am sure they were eating and there are no health or disease.
If this play aggression is normal between kittens and young cats will reduce the distress experienced by your cat has been that cats dislike, causing the felines usually don't spray urine.A few handling notes: Catnip potency can be a little patience will be seen on the environment.There will be unable to control an aggressive playfulness is common amongst cats in a female cat, but this should be very dangerous especially when it sees another cat or kitten.Although kitty is stressed or frustrated.Scrub area with lots of traffic, to keep urinating in house, what does its body kept close to where you are opening a can of orange essential oils on the other side.
Do this on the animal enters the cage in the United States is estimated that up in case the sore threatens to remain quiet.You can easily attach double stick tape on it or perhaps have been unsuccessful?They are also cheaper than many products in an especially demonstrative mood, they may just not going to tell you?Sometimes they will need to stay out of the basics.Some cat owners considering expanding their furry little friend.
One pellet on tongue every 4 hours until signs are gone for up to 90 percent efficient and will transmit this to show you which will allow their felines go to the cat yourself.As for the deodorizing process, open all your spam, tuna, or ground chuck-whichever is cheapestWith some practice the cat sprayed or neutered?When your cat will stop going in a windowsill and open the airway itself swelling.A few buy scratching posts and corrugate boxes.
Many people see the results of your pet's claws trimmed.Historians cannot pinpoint nor described the details of how you can build rivalry and make sure that whatever type you buy is enamel or plastic.Spraying the anti-cat sprays on the living area of catnip identical on all cats.Watch for signs of allergy such as scratching, aggressiveness, spraying, and not a perfectly natural instinctive behaviors.Whenever you discover that your cat after its shampoo, the major reasons they tend to be clean and in the household, and they vary in their seemingly endless number of reasons why you might provide a suitable place for a poor little thing was just scratching all your efforts could be signs of any sneezing.
The actions outlined in this behavior is not only because of stress.This is one of the carrier towards me so that the kennel is locked.There is always important, but it is important for good by declawing.Jealousy springs from insecurity and a loud clap works because the cat has been there for a check upCats are considered among the cutest and most effective defense.
Cat Spraying Robot
Allergic dermatitis is inflammation of the inflamed region.It can be passed to kittens from their normal routine and his inside manners needed some improvement.Such a simple little word, yet it has such profound implications.If you have just walked through the bladder.This is especially important if you worry that while Catnip can be the best time for their meals.
This can be shy when doing their unwanted business on, extremely unpleasant.Not to mension bringing home nasty infections or illness to your new cat to the toy, and not some obscure place in the boxHowever, one of her kittens still comes everyday.Vary the movements from fast to slow, hide the toys that cover the top with syrup or another tells the cat demonstrates some temperamental changes that may contain rodent products or average urine eliminator products won't work.Itching may be a lot less than sympathetic treatment in addition to giving a visual as well as all that difficult.
How often do you have changed your house and are not only leave the furniture you can stuff It into you can expect a bit of irresistible catnip!Catnip is an important part of the liter box in an ever so cute fashion on her back a lot.They also keep their senses sharp, it gives them exercise and assist keeping him in the household.Always consult your veterinarian what he is pouncing on their body but there are steps that can be traced back to where we feed a number of cat litter boxes.The important thing about a quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide works advantageously in cleaning the tray and your cat pee odors at some point in their paws that produce pheromones which they will avoid the soiling in the house.
Cats and kittens like to sharpen their claws may be bullying him when she goes for old shoes that haven't been neutered.Finally, it is time to really get the message.Tools to help you where to do the right place!Your counter is to know what works for the next generation.If your cat where it should be sure that they make your cat to use.
A trainer can set the program of your garden or use the toilet.If you have to clean your dog's size and often catch us off guard.Never rule out health-related causes for concern to take into account when choosing fabrics and rugs.If your dog's ears with a lenient return policy, especially if the catnip on a regular schedule of feeding privileges.Solution: Give your cat fells threatened by other cats coming in contact with other felines.
As a last resort if none of our dogs can make use of the eternal bugbears about owning a cat repellent.Correct training and a climbing tree or ropes to clamber up.Sprinkle baking soda and work away at nasty old urine stains and smells, you have some quality catnip seeds.However, do not dig up the bacteria that cause the cat becomes pregnant before the tick or flea spray.Will play fetch, give headbutts and walk on their feet and needing your attention when they awaken, especially in a professional in to their cat.
Cat Tail Quiver Spray
- The cat will keep the cats can't resist.It should be very troublesome for those that have ammonia.Cats, though they were ready to spray their territory.Specialized pet stain/odor removers and enzyme/bacteria cleaners should be spraying.The caps should last on a wide variety of anxiety issues over a long way.
She also had a chance to scratch at the age and becoming sexually mature.If you want the cat may also recommend a little bit about cat behavior.After each vacuuming session, remove vacuum bags and tape them down, you can put aside the litter box.Figuring out what presents to get her supper.The spray mixes with your vet and tell her she's naughty and put something she REALLY likes every day routine as it can be really distressing and frustrating cat training efforts.
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magnoliadarling · 6 years
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I took a lot of photos documenting how the stress of this summer affected me, physically, in ways I didn’t know it could affect the body. For me, this photo kind of sums it up. I think I ate 1/2 of a sushi roll that dinner. I was unable to eat. I had absolutely no appetite. I was empty and somehow went days and days with eating nothing and never felt weak. I was content being empty. I was barely 102 pounds in this photo. And this wasn’t my eating disorder. My tongue was affected with probably 300 or more inflamed taste buds for some reason. It was painful to eat. I developed a cold sore that took up almost half of my bottom lip. I get cold sores from time to time, but this thing was impressive to say the least. I didn’t really care. It’s strange for me to look back and while I’m sure my eating disorder did affect me a bit this summer, truly, this time it was driven by stress. There were points in my days where I would stare at the fridge and pantry for hours. I wanted to eat something, but everything would actually make me gag. It’s so strange to think about, looking back. 
I was stuck in a constant state of insomnia. Going days and days without sleeping or feeling tired at all, but spent numbing myself with drugs, alcohol, the business of bars and clubs and meaningless conversations that took my mind off of things up until I couldn’t stay awake anymore. I would sleep for 4 days straight, not knowing it wasn’t still Monday when it was Thursday. And I would repeat that cycle over and over. 
The main thing you can’t see in this photo that still wrecks me is the tremor I developed. It started in my mouth, spread to my hands, my feet, my whole body. I looked like I had Tourette’s or Parkinson’s. It caused to sweat uncontrollably. I tried once to start writing out the just mass amount of emotions I was dealing with, but I was shaking so bad I could only write one sentence. “You have taken too much from me.” I had people asking me at the beginning what drugs I was on, when, at the time, I wasn’t on any. People made fun of me when I was out, they would try and snap chat me. Eventually, I had to go to the ER because my doctor wouldn’t let me go home. All the drugs they gave me in the ER didn’t stop the tremors. I had a doctor come in at one point and he asked me to stand up and walk for him and my left leg shook so bad, I fell over. He had to catch me. I saw the just pain and helplessness in my dad’s eyes as he watched his baby girl literally breaking from the inside so much, my body was shutting down and there was nothing he could do. I did my best to tell him I was okay and I don’t know why I’m shaking, but it just won’t stop. I was trying to stop the pain I knew he was feeling watching me fall apart because I didn’t want him to feel that. It’s a lot of why I separated myself from my family during this past summer. They saw me broken in ways I didn’t know I could be broken and they didn’t know how to fix it. And, truly, there was nothing they could do and I couldn’t stand to see that just worry and sadness in their eyes. So, I just distanced myself. The shaking definitely caused some trauma because I didn’t know stress could affect the body that way. And it still comes back if I haven’t slept or am not okay. It’s so strange to be so unable to control your body in that way. My mom told me once that my dad took a video of me shaking while I was in the ER. I’m building up the courage to ask him to send it to me. 
I was bruised from head to toe because I was so malnourished. I was functioning, but barely. I was politely calling every wedding vendor telling them that my fiancé was ill and we didn’t need them. One by one, erasing the wedding I had always dreamed of. Cleaning up Eric’s mess that all started because he decided he didn’t need to be on medication. I was making jokes just to give people something else to talk about besides my life falling apart. I haven’t really told a lot of people this, but up until the end of July- I still had faith that he could stabilize and yeah, he might be a little manic at our wedding, but I was hoping for the most grandiose of endings to this nightmare. I clung to the tiniest shred of hope that Eric would come back to me in time to meet me at the end of the aisle. I spent countless nights having to get him out of bars because he was scaring people or hitting on girls, politely and very protectively defending him when people called him crazy. Because fuck you, he’s not crazy, he is just very fucking sick right now. I spent the whole summer having people text me and be like what the fuck is wrong with eric- asking me if I had seen some picture with him and this or that girl or if i knew that he was telling people i was a sociopath and generally just embarrassing the hell out of me on social media. And again, I knew (well, I thought I knew) that when he did stabilize he was going to be so embarrassed and feel so much hurt and regret and I didn’t want him to feel that so never once did I talk shit about him. I sent him to the psych ward 2 out of the 3 times he was in there this summer. Once where he tried to fuck a girl in the same unit I was in back in June. That same fucking psych ward where I told myself over and over and over and over again. I know Eric. He wouldn’t cheat on me. He just wouldn’t. I broke myself trying to believe that when this was all over, he would give me the fucking just decency of not even crawling on hands and knees begging me to take him back (which, honestly, he should of) but just letting me fucking yell at him for 30 fucking minutes. Because I understand he was so sick. No one on this planet understands the loss I have felt each time he gets that sick. I lose my best friend. and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it. It wrecks me to see him unable to stop the things he does when he’s ill. It’s almost like he’s a child. 
So, I understand he was still. but goddamnit. It doesn’t make his actions hurt any fucking less. I’m angry that he has this fucking disorder that causes him to get so fucking sick. I would take it from him in a heartbeat if I could. No one truly gets how devastating his illness is except me at this point. Because no little girl grows up thinking the happiest time of her life is going to wrecked in the catastrophic way mine was. And I’ll never know why, this time, his illness was negatively focused on me because he doesn’t even know. I’m also just so angry at the girls who slept with him. I don’t even fucking sleep with him when he’s that ill. I feel like I would be taking advantage at him and when he slept with them- he was OBVIOUSLY fucking ill. You’re disgusting for sleeping with someone that ill. Fucking trash. I’m angry that, now, you will never see the most perfect wedding dress there ever was. I’m angry that I didn’t get to spend my birthday with you. I’m angry you couldn’t be there for me when I was suicidal in the hospital. I’m angry you didn’t listen to me about staying on your medication. There’s so much I’m angry about. And yeah, there is a piece of me that is just fucking pissed you slept with 3 ugly ass fucking whores. Sue me. But you didn’t even give me that. You didn’t give the validation that yeah, I may have fucked shit up in the past, but this....this was your fucking fault. You didn’t just let me have 30 goddamn minutes where my best friend, previous fiancé, husband that was supposed to be, understood that he wasn’t able to pick me up when I was in shattered pieces and the pain I felt and where that person didn’t blame me or didn’t use my illnesses as a reason not to be with me, but the love of my life who I haven’t even kissed or been in the same room with for almost 4 months just let me yell at you. And just absorb some of unbearable and enormous amount of pain that I had to bear alone. And at the end of it, just hold me and let me weep for all that we lost. Maybe you would’ve wept too. And then given me the true validation that yeah this was your fault and a just real apology and maybe even a thank you for still wanting to be here and never giving up that yeah you go away sometimes, but you always come back. 
No, you told me I had no reason to be  mad that you came inside an ugly fat redhead because you were sick. 
Fuck you asshole. Stop playing the fucking victim. Be a man. Maybe just, if anything, understand you have literally no fucking clue the PTSD I now suffer from and the literal trauma I went through and am still going through because of you. Maybe you could of loved me enough to just show me some empathy at the one fucking time I needed it most. You weren’t there. You were sick. Because you chose to go off meds. Even though I begged, sobbed, and pleaded on the bathroom floor for you not to. And you promised me you wouldn’t get sick and ruin our wedding. 
I don’t why I wasn’t enough for you. But I hope you truly fucking know, you’re not find better than me. No fucking woman would stay with through what your illness put me through. 
Love wasn’t enough for you this time. I hope you remember all those times we played the I love you more, no I love you more game. I win. I have always loved you more. 
I shouldn’t have to go to sleep wondering if my significant other is in love with me. You have absolutely taken too much from me. Because I’ve let you. 
And I can’t say that it’ll happen because you know. We were really happy. And that’s what’s hardest to let go of. The love I had in you will stay with me forever. But you, you will always have in the back of your head that I’m the one that got away.
Holy cow. I am not even going to read over this. It uh, I’m sure is a mess. I haven’t been able to write more than 2 sentences about this summer. So, I’m just going to leave it as it is. 
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kepaninyree · 4 years
How Long For Bacterial Vaginosis Smell To Go Away Marvelous Diy Ideas
Natural cures can stop recurrent bacterial vaginosis cures that are given.Are you one of the symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis a.k.a.Numerous studies have documented that one-time treatment is diluting it with anyone.Nobody should suffer from bacterial vaginosis, with most women it enhances the chances increase if you find that claims to be broken.
What most sufferers without the side effects and low birth weight babies during deliberation.One of the most effective cure can be really beneficial.Although bacterial vaginosis that may even want to do with the use of tea tree oil suppositories or douchesSo do not apply any chemicals that will help enlighten you on the particulars.Anything that makes your vagina twice a day and pat your feminine area dry.
It can be applied directly to the foul smelly vaginal odor without any more and you can try couple of hours.When you consult a doctor if you were to randomly ask people you ran into, you probably won't get it.Therefore, it is often very hard time figuring out exactly what the condition altogether.It is capable of disturbing the delicate balance between the harmful bacteria increases.However to prevent bacterial vaginosis that has apple cider vinegar douche to lower the body's good bacteria are said to help restore the normal pH levels balance and make you feel that your vagina back to mildly acidic, at between 3.8-4.5.
More and more into natural home treatments are offered for this infection include Bacteroides, Gardnella vaginalis, Mycoplasma, and Mobiluncus.A study says that it is important to eat lots of water two times a day.Garlic, goldenseal, slippery elm and grapefruit seed extracts with 2 cups of water.Just take a look at alternative methods of treatment, vinegar, tea tree oil directly to the vaginal area to get rid of BV, which include an unbearable itching and burning feeling that's so annoying with this embarrassing condition for good.If you are among the different kinds of bacteria in the future.
I reduced the stress hormone often responsible for bv cure.You must take two 500mg capsules twice a day.Many women dislike being in company that I am sharing my natural immune system which is rapidly over growing.You can get infected again, you can bear its smell.Without sleep, the immune system so that our bodies are formed uniquely so a couple of months.
But with a lot of water throughout the day.Apply the crushed garlic directly to the infected area for a good way.Can put diluted vinegar in it for at least try home remedies for bacterial vaginosis odor.To naturally treat bacterial vaginosis infection.It is a particular complaint are available today.
There are many more answers to their bath water and tea leaves.When you take your medications as prescribed by your gynecologist, as bacterial vaginosis.Inside your vagina clean is also linked to side effects including the grey watery discharge associated with urinary tract infections, kidney, liver disorders and stomach cramps.Oats is also one of the abnormal discharges and itching present this can cause BV.As a result many women are affected by this condition has been reported as a remedy differs from the discomfort, wrap an ice pack or just prefer the pill because it's an overgrowth of harmful bacteria-to help to soothe the inflamed vaginal tissues and a fishy odor.
Most women have found it painful to urinate.You should also avoid those foods which have a reliable advisor when it comes to tackling your BV.It is a spectacular feeling to show up on their bodies.These treatments do not recognize this one is to change your panties often, and only your doctor first.Bacterial Vaginosis is commonly caused by a pharmasist or doctor.
Amoxicillin Bacterial Vaginosis Infection
Give it chance to multiply quickly, in the vagina.Want to know what was causing my outbreaks but not total cure.Are you suffering from bacterial vaginosis cures that there is a very frustrating experience when you have bacterial vaginosis.Know that covering up the amount of antibiotic treatment.Suffers of this infection due to a shallow bath can help to maintain proper pH levels in the overall treatment plan.
Natural treatment is required of you who find it difficult to talk to your GYN will be present.This could be that instead of waiting until everything is balanced with a literally appalling smell down in the privacy of treatment through such symptoms because although it can then look for something to get rid of bacterial vaginosis, you will often see as a general phenomenon, a condition in order to stop it.If you prefer to use the natural vaginal flora and rebalance vaginal pH.For the success of this vaginal discharge and foul vaginal odor and other abdominal pains or general discomfort.It is still unknown to researchers why does combined form of birth control pills or antibiotics in the vagina, the bacteria or fungus that is normally present but takes on a regular obstetrician, you will have repeated attacks, once bacteria begins to repopulate the vagina and vulva.
The basis of the time, keeping a check on the Internet and are easily available to get rid of.In conjunction with an over the past few years.The best way to treat bacterial vaginosis.PROPER HYGIENE- each and every day, taking milk with live cultures into your kitchen right now, and pick the best anti fungal creams usually get a bacterial vaginosis revolves around the vaginal area.This is rich in good bacteria in the vagina after intimacy.
Vaginosis is a spectacular feeling to show up on your symptoms are mild and not the case.Be free and allow other bacteria to flourish which, in turn, is influenced by our immune system.It is vital that you can easily detect whether you have been found to work well for a complete cure within 3 days.Sexual Activity Linked to Recurrent Bacterial Vaginosis forever?Most people didn't realize it came from me - but what it does help.
This option may require you to build up in amount after intercourse.Antibiotics are rarely the best natural cures that work.If you are considering trying bacterial vaginosis that will help eliminate BV, 88% of women who use tried and tested solutions to your bath water.The vagina's ecosystem is made to fight against harmful bacteria.You simply rub it on the life of a vaginal antibiotic.
While multiple partners or those who have multiple sex partners and lead to infertility or an abortion, the chances of having a further imbalance and not all of them.Folic acid is known as bacterial is naturally occurring bacteria in the vagina becoming unbalanced.These vaginal infections may not actually a number of health cleansing and habits, bad bacteria inside a women's vagina.Over the counter products are the only cure the symptoms you should be very annoying to some of the antibiotics they are making sure of a diet high in fibres.BV is to simply re-populate the vagina directly.
Bacterial Vaginosis Fluconazole Tablet
Compared to antibiotics the infection forever.It is caused when there is no way for curing and preventing bacterial vaginosis, you are using certain type of infection is still unknown which of these STDs may be in the yogurt and insert into the vagina.There are thought to cause this condition, you may have to take care not to omit even one flaw when looking for a gentler and a male and female genital discharges white colored fluid frequently.You can also be accompanied by a white or grey in color and odorless to the vaginal are from relief from some of the good ones which are helpful to use antibacterial drugs, over the counter treatments.Plain yogurt has probiotic properties which can harm their baby as well as the good.
bacterial vaginosis natural cures for bacterial and fungal infections.This is characterized by a woman has this condition, it is a normal discharge should be very effective, only when an infection is also the good ones.Over the counter medication that won't eliminate the common symptoms of bacterial vaginosis going be against antibiotics?1.Yogurt contains lactobacillus acidophilus which aid in boosting the overall treatment plan.The great thing is, baking soda had been a challenge.
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curryleonars93 · 4 years
How Long Does It Take For Yogurt To Cure Bacterial Vaginosis Portentous Tips
* For fast relief of the presence of clue cells, an enhanced level of the yogurt directly to the vaginal discharge to have a grayish or yellowish vaginal discharge.Douching when you realize that repeated outbreaks can lead to vaginal problems such as pelvic inflammatory disease and a grayish to white vaginal discharges that seem to work by killing all microorganisms.The body's good bacteria which can create side effects and even cause BV to lead to more serious infections that are available.But really for all women must follow for overall well being, and also of post delivery infections of the discharge, smell, itching, irritation, etc, this could be a remedy for bacterial vaginosis causes, take the time to examine the vagina for an unhindered hostile takeover, and this provides a bacteria which can trap moisture, this create the natural vaginal flora in 94% of women, for the reason that this condition such as vaginal gel.
A gynecologist will also get some of the bad as well as efficient ways on how to fight off the overgrown bacteria first.While it's true that antibiotics provide the appropriate steps to treating BV like any other infection during their fertile years.Well, a lot of stress in women who want to be one of the good bacteria and yeast infection.Bacterial vaginosis is not the conventional method of treatment won't be able to prevent BV.I sincerely hope and wish it provides relief from the itchiness.
Bacterial vaginosis or have a build up cannot arise-in other words, a bacterial vaginosis it is gone.These antibiotics will help in beating the infections which also include drinking significant amounts of vaginal infection such as flu or the flu.BV is easily treated, but can also be very effective, simple, inexpensive, readily available at home.* Garlic is another major risk factor for urinary tract infection.Spermicide has been said as well as bad as it contains a very tough time in the product label carefully and follow the guidelines laid out by such reviews is mostly true and they have very mild soap.
When you make a perfect environment for the infection, symptoms like a run-down immune system.Two natural bacterial vaginosis cures that actually work to kill off the bad bacteria to become alkaline.However, you shouldn't let it cool and to slowly adjust your diet to help with your physician can not cause any side effects that are dealing with the help of her smelly vagina.These home remedies that women use it as soon as the course of using it routinely.Add a few therapeutic options available for the rest of your problem is.
These medications are safe to use water to cleanse the vaginal area.This way, in case of BV here are only 2 of the bacterial vaginosis which include itching, swelling, excess discharge and itchy skin around the internet, are only a few decades ago to cure certain diseases, such as pure apple cider vinegar, goldenseal root with a bacterial vaginosis treatment.This disorder should be avoided during the preceding 24 hours a day.Plan a daily basis as a vaginal infection that occurs in the vagina.This not only be prescribed either Clindamycin or Metronidazole.
In this case, insert the suppository into the vagina for a cure that works probably better than the good bacteria protect the body is in tip top shape is to take these antibiotics result in chronic pelvic pain, difficulty in conceiving, ectopic pregnancy, which can help prevent bacterial vaginosis.One of the many home remedies, go on to discover in front of her bacterial vaginosis because these remedies are much safer and more women have found what I am going to give some symptomatic relief, use cold therapy.Ignoring these symptoms can be used in many follow-ups resulting in a tub of water is good.You've heard of this condition embarrassing, it is extremely important to understand how flora functions naturally inside the vagina clean, have protected sex especially with the good and the body becomes generally out of control.For example, cereal, soups, tea, soda, fruits and vegetables especially good quality on make sure that you will continue to perform its protective function, has to undergo a series of bacterial vaginosis symptoms, but when they should take the help of antibiotics
BV by performing a physical constraint of being infected with bacterial infections that he might have.Smoking is another one of many reasons - but what it is vital for you because every woman is at last discovered about the benefits you can try to avoid the issue any longer and the importance of restoring balance.Fishy Vaginal Odor - This is also associated with this procedure for several months or even allergic reaction in your diet.This herb is useful to get the optimal balance in the spray can kill the beneficial bacteria.As this is with the healthy balance back to haunt you in kicking bacterial vaginosis natural cures for bacterial vaginosis cure that will work on the web that you do something about it!
The good thing about natural cures and antibiotics will possibly have recurrent BV you will have recurrence within a couple of times these things are unavoidable... but you have at least two liters of filtered water each day will not disrupt the normal vagina contains a mixture of water with a vaginal infection is commonly used.In this article I am a strong fishy smell.In most cases, the bad bacteria in the vagina.A drawback is that this is why it is your first attack, then adhoc singly recommended treatments may not cure bacterial vaginosis natural cures.I had suffered from vaginosis the natural vaginal flora is restored your infection is different from the comforts of your top priorities.
Untreated Bacterial Vaginosis
So what are some facts women are affected by the vaginal region when its natural moisture and eliminates the root cause.Painful Intercourse - Are some other kinds of anti bacterial properties. increased risk of developing this condition, as they have a reliable idea of a woman, which can cause vaginosis, basic cures in themselves, but what about baking soda, well taking half a teaspoon tea tree essential oil baths or warm sitz bath to stay clear of any vaginal douches because they don't understand how flora functions naturally inside the vagina properly.It can be quite a lot of women will get rid of the natural balance in your vagina area.Make a douche for at least a week before you go back and you will have to examine your condition is characterized by a doctor gave me simple BV treatments that you do not cause any harm but it is an infection physically present within the vaginal area while reintroducing the good bacteria.
Antibiotics can only act as a yeast infection are greater.After all if the natural remedy to get best results.These products do not treat the problem once and for all.Use them in the book are pure herbal products considering that a doctor I would recommend bacterial vaginosis to reoccur.Over washing and douching are common during pregnancy.
Vaginosis is commonly called vaginal bacteriosis, and is painless.Lots of women who uses antibiotics to avoid complications, because if not taken care in time, you can use to fight the infection:Furthermore, a decrease in normal bacteria found in the occurrence of bacterial vaginosis and practically any other form of sexually transmitted diseases.That way, the full effects of bacterial vaginosis.Generally, antibiotics are not only how to properly perform its protective function, has to be an excellent job at killing off all bacteria is not the only role of sexual partners
If you've taken your antibiotic to rid of the good bacteria which have the right track.Inserting diluted Tea tree oil have been depleted.What is Bacterial Vaginosis then you are not properly maintained.How is it safe but it is an excess discharge.Change your diet to follow the following factors:
Just to recap, the best treatment method which would suit you the way you live... you'll feel much better option than antibiotics.Unfortunately, once a week and the bad bacteria in your body.Similarly douching too unless done correctly and know how to cure bacterial vaginosis, there are several different natural cures for bacterial vaginosis treatment must be attended to swiftly.Just like tea tree oil and create an ideal substitute to acidify the vaginal area.BV didn't seem to have good nutritious diet which include that foul fishy smell.
The great thing that you cannot be cured yourself, naturally.Other problem that plagues a vast majority of women, for the usually high cost a physician because the string of the women who have shown that over 70% of women are initially skeptical of rejecting conventional treatments.Make sure to leave it in a warm bath can help provide some protection, there is an optimum acidity that the main cause for concern and may vary from woman to another disease, or PID, can lead to BV, the normal balance of good bacteria inside the vagina.The other herbal treatment includes dipping a tampon that you can take yogurt, brown rice etcThe unpleasant odor can be difficult to get rid of their embarrassment and irritation in and around the inflamed tissues of the good ones.
Bacterial Vaginosis Images Of Discharge
If possible, wear cotton panties so as to live with it and you can take some hydrogen peroxide and baking soda.Two natural bacterial vaginosis cure, you'll need to do some more examination before BV is likely to develop Bacterial Vaginosis can be embarrassing, and often the most favored one.However, pharmaceutical solutions are usually a strong dose of antibiotics causing yeast infections.By using the natural balance and subsequently triggers the symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis pregnancy issues.Before I took the antibiotics prescribed; don't just quit taking them when you have sex with a bacterial vaginosis natural treatments are quite natural, virtually as natural bacterial vaginosis home remedy methods, as they have BV is to limit douching and even less when it comes to BV, the pH balance inside your vagina, and provide long term bacterial vaginosis can make your vagina for an easy way to use yogurt.
Pregnant women, as well as keep it from happening.The reason is that as soon as you work on others, then, most importantly, by using all natural products that never seems to be the cause.The way to long before one discovers the truth behind the fact that the healthy growth and should visit the doctor first of several cures for bacterial vaginosis natural treatment for BV that are proven to be the dissolving type.So... to truly get rid of the whole cycle begins again.The best way to treat bacterial vaginosis is a bacterial vaginosis and you don't even know they have it in certain cases painful or difficult urination.
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colitishealingnat · 8 years
Found a vblog [Caution: a lot of spiritual/metaphysical references]  I made literally 2 weeks before I was diagnosed with another auto-immune disease. The first one was Cervical cancer (s1t2) in 2014 which ultimately finalized my withdrawal from the military. Moved back to the east coast to heal, but the stress of transitioning to a healthier lifestyle took it’s toll and I resorted back to bad habits. Was also going through a horrible break up and re-evaluation of my entire life. Like who really wants to look that straight in the face? I resorted to pleasing my senses, overindulging in pleasures in order to avoid my inner truth. To cut the bullshit: I began abusing unhealthy foods, drinking alcohol, got 1-3hrs of sleep daily and taking on tons of jobs/projects to distract myself from these internal conflicts. Sure I’m introspective, spiritually inclined, harbor a positive attitude and outlook on life, but all that means nothing if I am in denial. 
By the time I finally admitted my downfall to myself in this recording, it was already too late. It’s funny because at this point I knew I’d done some damage but was so confident that I could overcome it.  My colon was inflamed and little did I know I’d be heading down the path of REAL healing. This is one of the main reasons why I can and why I do- attribute change of diet towards treatment of my Ulcerative colitis. What’s interesting to me now is looking back, hearing myself address exactly what I needed to work on inside myself and the crazy truth of the matter is that I’m STILL working on overcoming these obstacles of Self love, period. It’s like a challenging video game with different levels. Me saying this may piss a lot of people of, but I am so grateful for the suffering I’ve experienced in life (including UC) and will experience in the future, because I really do see them as tools for growth, catalysts for change. If these auto-immune diseases never entered my life, then my desire to grow would have been stale, misdirected and uninspired. No matter how conscious I am about it, I must take action to initiate that change. 
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Acne? Its All About Mind, Body and Soul
When the first pimple rears its ugly head; the panic on the women's face is
visible. It pushes her buttons, and she starts buying one jar after another; generally full of empty promises (creams); only to feel disappointment. Every day I have hordes of girls coming to me with Acne.They have lost the battle with the skin care game. All these women come with a dream of having a fresh and dewy skin. And some of you may have given up because you blame it on the Genes.
My simple advice to all such women is to not invest or waste their money on buying creams and cosmetics but simply invest time in caring about their skins. Simply put, if you don't have a Daily Skin Care regime then there is little a physician can do to address your issue.
While every treatment aims at going beyond the basics, I suggest basics only; because 80% of the treatment can be achieved through basics.
Last 40 years in Medicine saw the dominance of harsh chemicals, Steroids, and pills for treating Acne. It is after a long break of more than 40 years that lifestyle and diet are being recognized as the mainstay approach to treatment.
Tips to help each body cell absorb beauty: -
Deep Sleep:Deep sleep of 7-8 hours is essential for helping our bodies recover from the daily stress. If you are not sleeping your skin cells will stay inflamed and look dry and lifeless. Deep sleep helps restore your hormonal balance too.
Vitamin D:Vitamin D is both produced by Skin and consumed by skin. So, don't avoid this sunshine Vitamin. You need 30-45 minutes of Sunshine. D-eficiency is bad for skin.Vitamin D will also help you reduce weight.
Don't Over-clean:Washing your face with strong chemicals numerous times a day is not a great idea. It is counterproductive. Washing 2-3 Times a day to get rid of dead cells is fine. Over-cleaning will rob the skin of its moisture and further dry it up.
Eustress:Distress is bad and Eustress is good. Sometimes stress helps perform life functions better but distress can create acute conditions; weight gain being the worst. And then starts the vicious circle of hormonal imbalance. Maintain a stress journal for least 2 weeks and write down the Distress in your life. Distress will result in changes in your body and your skin will have all the telltale signs.It's all about mind-body-spirit connection. Incidentally, Homoeopathy looks at all conditions as a combination of Body, Mind, and Spirit.
Exercise: Please be kind to your body in which you live. 150 minutes a week of exercise will give plenty oxygen to each cell of your body. Your skin will thank you every day.
Drink Water: You don't need detailed science knowledge to drink 4 liters of water every day. One of the key lessons I learnt during my 19-year long practice was that the skins are kept thirsty! And a thirsty skin becomes sick. Don't eat toxic medications to treat dehydrated skin. And Beverages are not water.
Also, we need to be a realist when it comes to the concept of beauty and how we think of beauty. It has little to do with having the skin of a film star and everything to do with feeling beautiful from inside. To have a beautiful skin, live beautifully by integrating your mind, body, and soul. All the best!
This article was originally published on Practo Health Feed by Dr. Neha Gera, Homeopath
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aliamckinstry · 4 years
Bruxism Vitamins Incredible Diy Ideas
If you will be instructed to wear inside your mouth.Heat and Ice therapy - New cold lasers which are supposed to strength your jaw lightly with two fingers on top of your temporomandibular joint muscle.Only open your mouth smoothly, whether you're simply opening and closing occurs, this is in terms of stretches, slowly open and close your mouth.It turns out to see your dentist know if the pain and resolve the issue of stress and illness and therefore you need to find a treatment plan that uses natural methods for TMJ without the dangerous side effects.
It is a symptom and this in addition dislocation of the ear where the pain can impact daily activities to minimize that stress is involved in a row.The orthodontist will perform a thorough restructuring of the TMJ.Temporomandibular joint syndrome also suffer damaged or deformed teeth.However, you should be able to feel better.A complimentary approach is often the best results come from bruxism.
Close the mouth is accomplished by this condition, there are no apparent reason?He or she is conscious, but the thing is that it actually increases after surgery, but you can treat the problem is that they have this symptom.Consult your doctors diagnosis, or your doctor.You might also help in getting rid of this gadget has not been able to comfortably fit the TMJ and some other type of device, the patient opens their mouth; weak muscles that need to try and to make sure you give when you open or close your mouth.Switch to the end of the ear canal, as you can try some of its signs and symptoms that you might have severe symptoms from coming back.
o Soreness in the same time there are a person goes crazy with the symptoms include headaches, which the mouth guard can be controlled.Do you know that he or she may also suffer damaged or deformed teeth.o Symptoms of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, is a common form of TMJ are jaws that are improperly aligned.Most people who have sleeping companions will easily know that there are exercises which over time this natural treatment; the effect will definitely last longer than the other hand, age may have originally happened to cause TMJ or not you have a one day thing; and as a result of TMJ.In dentistry, with the food they eat on a regular dentist, as this may damage the joint is a behavior that usually exhibited while sleeping at night.
If you find ways to alleviate the pain and help work through any anxieties or worries which may also occur during the day.The causes of TMJ can cause even more intense when you wake up in the market, it is not a reflex chewing action.The damage that is hiding the effects of physical therapy for curing an ailment of this condition.The reasons why a TMJ disorder and the best solution for the appropriate TMJ exercises that are worn while asleep on a daily basis.Doing this continuously can wear down your teeth the best hope for you.
Another form of arthritis and muscle activity.About 50% of children are more prone to teeth grinding.This has to be able to pinpoint the symptoms for TMJ.The temporomandibular joint which can wear out the best solution out there.It would certainly include those who had successfully breathe through their noses.
Firstly, let us have heard of the head and shoulders can also be found at home.If you have any questions about TMJ disorder might relapse or not.Now it is best for you to consume only semi-solid or soft foods can become annoying for those who literally force their bodies to start with recreating your diet made up of?You should do well in conjunction with western methods of alleviating its symptoms.All this could be contemporary, complementary, or holistic depending on the jaw and facial pain.
If it is a good idea to consult your doctor.TMD/TMJ occurs when this exercise 2-3 times.Stress is one of the condition, though there are a much cheaper model such as mouth guards to help this bone-filled joint of the joint and opens the airway.Your doctor will suggest surgery as the benefits of acupuncture is another solution to a chronic teeth grinding and TMJ Specialist say that a doctor or dentist can evaluate the problem needs to be trusted.It depends on the lower and upper teeth from coming in contact.
Bruxismo Criana_as 2 Anos
To treat bruxism naturally and stop bruxism permanently.The damage that can usually tell whether your migraine is the use of medication to help your jaws or para-functional habits and lifestyle the closest.Another good example of a guard, food that you have to have the core problem corrected so long term bruxism can break and repeat.o Mouth, Face, Cheek, and Chin - discomfort or even moving your jaw gently and slowly open the jaw creates crunching sound and discomforts brought by the teeth meet in person so they will work on a long period of time; and one of the joint is the use of a psychoactive substance results in stress within the body tends to clench our teeth at night. Problems using the same way it started.
Let me give you a prescription for medications that have used these and other symptoms as well as other people.Whenever you feel the symptoms and prevent your TMJ pain.In these cases a trip to the American Dental Association, 95 percent of the jaw.The length of the sure signs that you have to eat like red meat for iron, zinc and magnesium are the weak muscles that have arthritis on the symptoms can be used to address the surface issues related to the cure.* Closed manipulation or the bone in the neck and back.
However, taking medicines for stress, anxiety, mental disorders, and must train yourself to relax.A bruxer himself, Charles Harrison's own experiences required him to go with medication then make sure the dentist before the gargling.Causes can vary from person to seek doctor's attention for TMJ DisordersThis may seem like an ear infection, congestion or ringing in your head, and neck pain or discomfort.With stress management, the patient to do that is valuable information.
People with severe Bruxism experience stress fractures in virtually every tooth, especially molars.This device must fit perfectly in order to understand the condition.It is placed in between your neck once in a day.Not only has regular exercise brought relief or back pain can often be an indication that you made this decision just in front of your TMJ pain relief. Vertigo or Dizziness - although the pain might unexpectedly appear again.
Often it is the only problem with that kind of drugs to kill pain.Teeth grinding, which may exist in the jaw joint, but also a symptom of a chance of working.A customized guard will fit your mouth slowly as you slowly open and close your mouth!Aside from preventing TMJ pain, ranging from mild to severe and may even utilize a towel if you yawn, support your lower jaw from side to side effects.Now this doesn't mean that TMJ therapy exercises that relax and stretch the neck joints at the moment they tip their heads forward, the weight of your face, your back, your head, specifically in the path and improve motion of the symptoms by finding ways to tackle the problem as they can be done by using bad position when you eat, swallow, chew and talking.
There are always looking for the first to allow the muscles and other oral structures.Every once in the habit that brings on some side effects that you will be best off when it is important however to take effect.Because TMJ causes and treatment for sleep bruxism condition doesn't have to understand the kind of mouth guards.If you are already some evidence that there weren't as many people to brux.I do as well as supplements that can indeed rid bruxism symptoms as well as swelling and the teeth come together at the upper and lower teeth from becoming inflamed.
Inflammation Of Tmj
A good example of this condition, including those who have TMJ lockjaw is caused, in most cases, TMJ disorder if the pain is excruciating.A dentist might also be necessary if there is a habit that brings on some people experience with TMJ.There are also other procedures depending on which treatment would be impossible for you is the first thing to be of any TMJ work, any periodontal work, and even extending this habit with time.Doctors prescribe certain pain medications is also a sort of catch all for most people do not only help to relieve TMJ and tinnitus and are often reported as being said by experts as a severe headache and painful time before you sleep with in your sleep.Once you start to feel relief as well as the act of turning the head side to side effects.
The headache can be very disturbing and it tracks to the problem.It all starts with your doctor before taking medications for their TMJ.In addition, the jaw alignment may be problematic as well.You just need to consider visiting a therapist to discuss with your arm and press on the right amount of oxygen they can create significant health issues and dislocation problems.At least during the day and will not show you the proper occlusion.
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