#stuck with a cold on a wet day but at least I had some fun making this
basil-sketches · 1 year
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Made this Spring wreath last week despite the rainy weather over here🌻🌧️
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greyscale-enthusiast · 7 months
chapter 17 thoughts
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You’ve forgotten about our promise.
Shut up.
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I’m not your toy, Reo!
Nagi is a genius, in every sense of the word. We have been told this so many time. Of course he’s going to know the rich ‘i get what i want’ kid has taken an interest in him as a tool for getting whatever recognition he’s looking for. But it’s also the first time he was told he was fun to hang out with, that he’s been made the center of someone else’s world if only for a couple hours a day (we have not been told his background yet).
Nagi knew he was a ‘tool’ for Reo, and he was okay with it. In a way, Reo was also a ‘tool’ for him, with the way the promise to feel alive was dangled by Reo over his head. He thought a friendship could be maintained like that, probably. And Reo had only had friendships like that, so they were both in for an unpleasant surprise once they started wanting more: wanting to be more vulnerable, more authentic. They wanted real connection. And boy they really are teenagers cause the way they seek it is so gut wrenching i had to stop reading for a bit :(
Reo is showing Nagi through his actions he has forgotten the promise to -become the best- together. Reo, before, was kind of okay with the idea of telling Nagi they’see each other on the future. It was a show of good sportsmanship, he’d get across how he was strong enough to not fear what the future departs. Yet he couldn’t say the words because it wasn’t about only football anymore. It was about attachment.
Now, Reo doesn’t want Nagis kind words. He doesn’t want Nagi to look down on him here, because he gave it his best and it still wasn’t enough. Twice. Here, the possibility of Nagi leaving him became a reality to him. So he did what his ego needed him to do to survive and changed tactics. He made Nagi mad enough to ‘properly abandon’ him (still controlling Nagi which Nagi probably knew in some level), maybe to have a reason to leave soccer or to actually force himself to find another way to fight for himself, like he explicitly wanted to do in the MSC vs BM.
(Then Isagi had to come and, not content with being the catalyst to their separation, had to go and make Reo overthink even more his ego survival tactics and further humiliate him in front of his person. Isagi ur so funny.)
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What i really like with Nagi fighting back against the idea of being Reo’s toy is how they both had this perspective of their relationship. Because BOTH WERE DOING THE SAME THING. Both Wet Cat Reo and MSC Nagi were trying to make the other behave ‘out of character’, thus controlling them like toys. But that’s a really cold way of seeing normal friendship interactions. In a healthy friendship you change your friends and they change you, allowing each other to safely explore the aspects of their personalities in a safe space. And Future Nagi, who had probably the least ‘materialistic and exchange-focused’ interactions through his life in the basis of having the least interactions out of the two, will see this, and think ‘i never wanted that but i can sense why you’d think that’. Not like that but in his body, if that even makes sense.
TLDR Reo wanted to be the best and got stuck on the ‘together’ part and Nagi made Reo promise to stay together while getting distracted by the ‘best in the world’ part.
Also TLDR2 Nagi saw Eternal Sunshine and manifested it perfectly in his life. Really the epitome of born to shojo forced to shonen, these two.
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eros-ghoulette · 5 days
It's a rainy day and Delta and Omega spend it at the lake.
Characters: Delta, Omega Word count: 1139
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It was raining. Big droplets were rousing up the lake surface, making it rough, making it uneven; destroying the peace that once had been there. The sun, warm and bright, hadn’t been seen in hours. The world was cold, cold and grey. But it wasn’t ugly; it wasn’t bad. Just because it was different now, it wasn’t bad. It was as pretty as it used to be, as beautiful as it always was; just different.
On the small weathered pier stood a single ghoul. His arms were crossed, his gaze focused on the endless distances of the world. Delta liked the rain. It reminded him of past times and soothed his soul in a way nothing else could. His hair stuck to his forehead, his clothes were soaked, and the occasional wind stung his skin, but he couldn’t bring himself to care.
“I knew I’d find you here,” a deep voice said calmly, and the rain wasn’t pattering down on him anymore, now shattering on an umbrella.
Delta had heard Omega coming and also felt every step the other took on the wood. He didn’t bother to turn his head to look at the quint, but he nodded and Omega understood him.
“You’ve been gone for two hours now,” Omega mentioned. “Alpha got worried, but don’t ask him. He wouldn’t admit it.” The taller chuckled a bit.
The new quint finally turned his head to look at his pack mate, and Omega stopped chuckling; a soft smile grazing his lips that slowly faded.
“Should I go back inside?” he asked, unsure of what to do. But he earned a head shake.
“Not if you don’t want to,” Delta told him and gave a slight smile.
“I want to stay here,” he answered. Both their voices were just loud enough so the other could hear. “I want to stay with you.”
Delta felt his heartbeat quicken and turned back to face the lake, fingers tracing scars through the fabric of his shirt; his gills used to be there. Omega saw it, but didn’t ask. He hadn’t seen the other without clothes since his transition and wasn’t going to pry. But the tall quint also remembered how Delta used to be when it rained. He would float around the lake like an oversized otter and let the droplets hit his skin. And Omega lowered the umbrella, closing it.
“What are you doing?” Delta asked, confused, watching the other with a tilted head.
“I’ll have some fun.”
The guitarist dropped the umbrella, pulling his shirt over his head in the same motion. It was unnecessary as it would get wet nonetheless, but he hated the texture of wet clothes against his chest. Omega also kicked his shoes off and proceeded to take his socks off too.
But it was too late. With an - admittedly rather graceless - jump, he got into the lake, making the water splash around. It was warmer than the air around, and Omega gave Delta a toothy grin as he emerged, arms resting on the pier, chin on them.
“You wanna join me, otter man?” he asked, and Delta could swear the taller bewitched him with those eyes.
He looked down and then back up. He wanted to join him, he wanted it so bad! But he was marked with the past and cursed by the future. His upper body wasn’t what it used to be and it made him feel insecure, incredibly insecure. What if Omega wouldn’t want him anymore? What if the others wouldn’t want him anymore? He looked like a failed experiment and while he didn’t feel like one, he still felt different.
“I…” Delta stopped his sentence, not knowing what to say.
“It’s alright,” Omega said, noticing the inner distress. “You can leave the shirt on, if you want.”
Delta nodded, but the unsure expression stayed on his face. He wanted to feel the water on his skin, he wanted it to be at least a tiny bit like it used to be. And he knew he could trust Omega, he knew his fears were needless, but he couldn’t help it and the anxiety was eating him up.
“Can you… turn around?” It was a stupid question. Because once he was in the water, the other would see him. But water meant something familiar and maybe it would make him feel more comfortable.
“Sure.” The quint let himself fall back, making small waves as he swam further out, his back turned to the pier.
Delta slowly took off his shirt and looked down at himself. And what he saw didn’t bother him. He liked his looks, he liked himself, but he simply was afraid of what others would think of it.
Unlike the other, he slowly slid into the water, also just wearing his trousers. And oh… it felt so right. As if he’d never been absent, as if he’d always been there like that. His gills were gone, yes, but water was still water and Delta was still Delta.
“Can I turn around?” Omega asked after a quiet minute, and the smaller nodded nervously, only to realize how dumb that was.
The guitarist turned, but stayed where he was, arms moving a bit as he held himself over the surface. It was a silent conversation between them and when Delta nodded again, Omega came closer. A soft smile forming on his lips. He wasn’t able to make out much because the rain made the surface barely see-through. What he saw wasn’t new though; he had been with Delta during his transition, it just looked more healed and natural now.
“Can I touch you, otter man?”
The newer quint smiled lightly at the nickname, a stone falling off his chest. Omega didn’t think of him as ugly, didn’t hate him. He saw the purple spots on his blue skin and didn’t think of them as abnormal.
“You can,” he told him, and breathed in at the soft touch on his sides. Omega’s large hand carefully caressed the skin there and accidentally grazed one of the scars. He pulled away.
“I’m sor-”
“No, it’s alright, Megs,” he reassured and blinked a few times. Delta could swear he saw the other’s ears turn darker.
“You’re pretty, otter man,” he finally pointed out. “Really pretty.”
And without saying another word, Delta kissed Omega, hoping the other would be able to hold himself up over the water.
They nearly spent an hour like this, floating around the lake, their tails intertwined so they wouldn’t lose each other. The rain pattering down on the body parts that weren’t in the water. -------------
first time writing Delta and i kinda like it :)
gonna tag you here @sovaghoul
Reblogs are really appreciated
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peakyltd · 1 year
Hello! May I request a fluff one shot of John with female reader from the fluff scenario “is that my shirt?” Please and thank you
A/N: Thank you so much for your request! I hope you'll like it! My mind took it from fluffy to sliiightly smutty (It's really just a little bit and no real smut is actually described) so I hope you don't mind that little turn 🙈
John Shelby x Fem reader
Warnings: Mentions/hinting of smut, not really explicitly described it. Mentions of alcohol.
Word count: 1615
Nothing but you
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(Y/N) walked trough the fields to reach her and John's house. She had promised John not to walk all the way home alone but the night was calm and she felt confident enough to do it anyway.
She had spent time at her friend’s house. It wasn’t supposed to be a long visit until they both decided to get some drinks. Before she knew, she was getting tipsy and it was slowly getting dark.
When she left her friends' house and stepped out in the cold air, she realized the drinks had a bit more impact on her than she thought. She hoped the fresh air would sober her up.
The stroll to her house had actually helped and as she reached the front door, she did feel better. She unlocked it and made her way inside. "John, I'm home!" She called out his name but the house was quiet.
Polly agreed on watching the kids so she and John could have the day for themselves. Or at least (Y/N) did, John had business to do.
"John?" She called out again but got no response. This meant she had the house for herself a little longer. (Y/N) decided to get changed and get herself one more drink.
She slipped into one of John's shirts. They were always comfortable, it basically reached her thighs and the sleeves almost covered her hands.
(Y/N) entered the kitchen and reached for the top cabinet, getting a glass and a bottle of gin. She poured it into the glass and added tonic water.
She was too occupied with her drink that she didn't hear John entering the house. He quietly approached her, a mischievous grin on his face. He was ready to scare her as she turned around, bumping into him.
John's sudden presence scared her, causing her body to jerk back. Spilling her drink all over herself. "My god, John!" She shrieked loudly.
Her reaction and the shock on her face made him laugh. "Hello, darling." He laughed. "Yeah, hello John. Very funny." She scowled him but couldn't help but laugh at the same time.
"Please never scare me like that again, it'll cost me my heart." She said as she took a deep breath. "Can't promise." John answered as he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him as he pressed a kiss on her lips. "Is that my shirt?"
(Y/N) pulled him back in for another kiss, she loved his soft lips against hers. "Maybe." She looked up at him. He let go of her and pulled slightly on the, now wet, white fabric she was wearing. It stuck to her chest due to the spilling of her drink, making it partly see trough. "It looks better on you than on me."
She looked down at the shirt and blushed. "I'm going to get changed." She stated. "You don't have to. I don't mind." He flashed her a cheeky grin. "John Shelby." She chuckled.
"I'm just being honest here, love." He defended himself. (Y/N) shook her head, chuckling, as she crossed her arms to cover her chest. "And I love your honesty but-" "It's not like I don't know what's under that shirt." He interrupted her, pulling her back into his arms.
"John, please." She giggled, looking up at him. Her arms finding its way back around his neck. "Change of subject then, how was your day?" He asked her, a curious glint in his eyes. "Oh it was great, we had fun." (Y/N) happily told him, as she took off his cap. Pecking his lips multiple times.
"I'm glad." John smiled, pecking hers as well. "Did someone drive you home?" He asked, stroking her hair. "Well..." She started. "Not really." "What do you mean not really?" He asked her. "I walked home myself." She confessed to him.
"(Y/N)." He said, shaking his head slightly. "I know John but nothing happened." She assured him as she pressed a soft kiss on the tip of his nose. "You know how dangerous it can be for us." He protested, trying to be stern with her to make his point but he couldn't help but smile a little at the sight in front of him.
He could tell she had been drinking. "I know but you also know that I know that-" She stopped her sentence. "I don't know what I wanted to say but I wasn't afraid to walk alone." She finished, an innocent smile on her face.
He chuckled softly. "Don't do it again next time, okay? I can't miss you for the rest of my life." He told her, knowing this conversation wouldn't' do anything right now. "I promise." She said, standing on her tiptoes to peck his lips once again. She lost her balance and bumped her nose against his. "Oh." She chuckled. "Sorry."
"I guess you had a few drinks?" He laughed, already knowing the answer. "A few." She admitted. "I can tell." He grinned, stroking her cheek. "What?" "I could see it in your eyes but the taste on your lips gave it away." He chuckled. "And maybe your balance did as well."
She giggled. "Okay maybe a bit more than a few. But if I might take a guess I'm not the only one." She stated, also knowing his answer. "I'm not here to judge you." He looked at her, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips before he leaned in to press a kiss on her neck. "I'm just hoping my beautiful wife had her well deserved fun." He mumbled in her ear.
"That she had." Her hand moved to his neck. Her fingernails trailing softly over his skin, goosebumps forming on his body. "Well I'm very happy about that." He pressed another kiss behind her ear. "But I did miss my handsome husband." She teased.
"Maybe we could continue the fun." He whispered softly. "You know, just the two of us in this empty house." He smirked. (Y/N) licked her lips. "I couldn't say no to that." She breathed out, she was excited to finally have some alone time with him.
John kissed her neck again, sucking softly on her skin. His hands moving over her body. A soft moan escaped her mouth.
"Could you repeat that Mrs. Shelby?" John teased her, running his hands over her back as he kissed her jaw softly. He knew exactly where to find her soft spots. "Maybe I will if you let me change this shirt." She teased back. "You can wear mine once I'm done with you." He smirked, lifting her chin.
(Y/N) looked at him, the desire too strong to resist. "Tell me more. You have my attention." She told him, sliding her hand over his chest. "I think I should show you instead." He said before crashing his lips on hers.
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Discarded clothing was found all over the floor. (Y/N) and John were laying cuddled up on their sofa, catching their breaths. Their attempt to get upstairs failed. They never even reached the stairs.
John stroked (Y/N)'s hair, a content smile on his face. Her head rested on his chest as she listened to his heartbeat, her arm draped over his abdomen. Carefully moving his fingertips over his skin. The shirt he was wearing before now covered her body.
Nothing mattered but them in this moment.
He watched her. He loved how her hair was sprawled out over his chest, how her cheeks had turned rosy and how beautiful she looked overall. "I love you." His low voice made her look up at him.
She beamed at him. "I love you too. So much." She softly told him as she moved up, straddling him. She leaned down to kiss him gently. John grabbed her face as he kissed her back. Her plump lips felt nice against his. He wouldn't mind to keep them there forever.
(Y/N) slowly pulled away, leaving her lips linger close to his. John's eyes fluttered open to look at her. He was met with that beautiful smile of hers, gazing in each others eyes. His hands moved down to her waist.
"Is there something wrong, sweetheart?" He asked her, a small grin on his lips. (Y/N) pretended to think. "Well..." John didn't wait for her answer as he wrapped his arms around her. He sat up, holding her so she was on his lap. "Well?" He repeated.
"I just-" John cut her off by kissing her again. Her arms moved around his neck eagerly, needing the feeling of his lips against hers again. She pulled him closer, desperate for his touch. He pulled away, smirking.
She looked at him, a slight displeased look on her face. "Oh what is it?" He asked her teasingly. "Did you want more?" His smirk growing. She got off his lap and stood in front of him, adjusting the shirt she was wearing.
"No, I'm fine." She smirked, teasing him. John watched her. She was absolutely gorgeous. "I was just getting a drink anyway." She said as she made her way to the kitchen. "I don't think you are." He mentioned as he got up.
She turned around to face him, watching as he moved over to her. He pushed her backwards until her back hit the wall. He grabbed her hands and put them above her head.
She looked at him, lust filling her eyes once more. "Because I'm not done with you yet." He smirked, attacking her neck with kisses again.
Soon they were all tangled in each other once again. The shirt she was wearing was tossed across the living room. Finding its place with all their other discarded clothes.
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avatarmerida · 1 year
Um idk what to say about this except Hunter deserves to receive more compliments and Amity has never known how to process Willow’s taste in men
“Okay guys, just gimme like 10 minutes, okay?” Willow said, running eagerly ahead. “I just wanna check on my plants real quick. I’m sure they’re okay but I just wanna be totally sure because I-.”
“Go on, we’ll be fine!” Said Amity, seeing Willow was slowing herself down for their sake but desperately wanted to run ahead. Willow didn’t need to be told twice as she darted full speed up the stairs to her room. From the sound of it, her plants were just fine and delighted to see her. As they headed back to the Owl House, Willow’s house was on the way and when she had asked if they could make a quick pit stop Camila saw nothing wrong so long as they were quick and stayed together.
Hunter smiled at the distant sound of Willow happily greeting her plants as he looked around the living room, suddenly aware that it looked stuck in time. A few months ago it was brimming with life and light, and now it was dark and cold without Willow and her dads gracing the rooms with their love and laughter.
“Hey, what are these?” Hunter asked, turning to the dining room table which was covered in glossy brightly colored books.
“Oh, those are just some silly magazines Willow and I used to read when we’d do our homework,” said Amity as she walked in from the kitchen, the vibrant colors reminding her of a less chaotic time. “We would fill out the quizzes inside and gush about these bard coven bands and argue over who our favorite was.”
“Really? Heh.” Hunter flipped through the pages with a quizzical smirk, remembering Willow had once mentioned listening to a band once while they were messaging on penstagram back when they had first met. “Who was Willow’s favorite?”
“Take a guess.”
“Probably the most handsome one, right?” He said pointing to the obvious front man whose face was featured much more than the other members in the collection of mini posters that occupied the series of pages.
“Uh, not exactly,” said Amity, pointing to the corner to the “mysterious loner” of the group. His smile was more reserved than the others and his overall demeanor carried something... familiar.
“Him? Really?” Hunter chuckled, swearing he saw imprints of faded green lipstick stains near his photo. He wondered just how long they had been fading.
“I dunno, Willow has... unique taste.” Amity said with a shrug and slightly soured look. “We very rarely agree on things like that. I mean, she does not get Azura like at all, which just doesn’t make sense if I’m being honest, because I think...”
As Amity continued ranting, Hunter flipped through the pages and read the silly answers written in Willow’s bubbly handwriting, each ‘I’ dotted with a flower and the words twirling at the end as though they were carefully arranged vines. He treated her circled answers like a treasured artifact, admiring the little hearts and daisies she doodled in the corner of the pages. He also couldn’t help but want to take the silly quiz himself and see if their answers matched.
“...but I guess disagreeing can inspire debates. I mean, like the other day I was telling her how when I first met you I called you scrawny and that practically set her off because when she first met you she thought you were sooo cute, so obviously we don’t-.”
“She thought I was cute?” Hunter repeated, tuning back into Amity's rambling.
“Huh? Oh.” Amity’s hand sprang to her mouth, quickly realizing she should not have said that. “Uh maybe? Ya know, ha, it was so long ago, I might be misremembering. Actually, she might have been talking about a wet cat she saw on her way to school so actually-.”
“You just said you were talking about it yesterday.”
“Did I say that? You know, it was so long ago who can really remember what I said, we should-.”
“Amity, if you’re gonna make fun of me could you at least not use Willow? I don’t know why you’d think-.”
“I’m not making fun of you! I just, uh...” Amity insisted, quickly looking back at the staircase to make sure Willow wasn’t coming back yet. She changed her voice to a harsh whisper. “Ugh, okay listen, Willow would kill me if she knew I told you this but... do you remember before Halloween when I told you to change out of your costume?”
“She was actually really upset that I said that because she thought that you looked... handsome.”
Now THAT is a look
“Me?” Hunter asked as though there was someone else she could’ve been referring to.
DON’T listen to her.
“Yeah?” Amity replied, still unable to give a reason. “I mean, she was so mad at me for telling you to change, she threatened to summon a cactus to my bus seat before I sat down.” Amity laughed at the memory, knowing Willow was only a little serious about following through. “And she stared at the photo she took of you like the entire ride, like you were a magazine model or something.”
“She thought I looked... handsome? In my costume? Like the costume I’m wearing right now?”
“Shh! Yes, but you can’t tell her I told you,” said Amity, looking around paranoid. “I wouldn’t lie about that though, I promise.”
Hunter made his way into the living room, finding his reflection for the first time in a hall mirror. It was dusty but still he could see the difference from the last time he had seen his own face. There was a lot to process. Days ago he looked completely different and now it was though he had suddenly aged, he was tired and dirty and covered with scars.
“Do you think... she still thinks I look handsome in it?” He said, his hand tracing his newest scar.  “Ya know, with how... different I look?”
“Well,” Amity started, knowing there was more within the inquiry. “She also talked about how much she liked you, ya know? The way you talk, what you talk about-
“She never mentioned my voice being... annoying?”
“No, actually,” Amity said, realizing Willow was probably the only person she had never heard refer to it in such a way, even as a joke. “Which is saying something because she used to always say that having bad eyesight made her hearing better,” Amity recalled. “I don’t know if that’s true or not but Even when you wore those hideous shoes with the holes all over them she still thought you were so cool... for some reason.”
Handsome AND cool? It seemed too good to be true.
“Does she... talk about me a lot?”
“Ya know, if you really wanna know what Willow thinks about you then you should ask her,” said Amity softly, putting her hand on his shoulder reassuringly. “But don’t tell her you talked to me, otherwise she’ll get suspicious.”
“But has she said anything about... the way I look now?”
“Oh no, you’re not getting any more information from me!” said Amity dramatically, walking back to the kitchen table. “I’ve said too much already, if she ever found out that I said any of this I’d have more than a cactus to worry about.”
“But why wouldn’t she want me to know? Is she embarrassed?”
“Well I dunno, do you tell Willow you think she looks nice every time you think she looks nice?”
Hunter opened his mouth to offer a smug response before he realized that while he did in fact let Willow know she looked nice it was usually agreeing with someone. She would walk down to the basement to show off a new dress she had found while thrift shopping with Vee and wanted to show how nicely it complimented the cardigan Hunter had repaired for her and Hunter would be in awe of how she always managed to pick colors that brought out her eyes. He would think how lovely, how stunning, how utterly beautiful she looked but he never said these words.
Instead, Gus would usually deliver the compliment. He’d say “Wow, Willow you look great!” and then nudge Hunter in the ribs with his elbow as he’d raise an eyebrow and say “Doesn’t she Hunter?” Willow would look at him with anticipating eyes for his thoughts, but the sparkle that found her eyes with her expectations only increased the things to say, and Hunter would end up only being able to nod in agreement or mumble a simple “yes.”
Is that how he made Willow feel? How could he ever...?
“Fair point,” He cleared his throat and tried not to convey the journey his mind was on and hoping he seemed like he was totally normal about the question. “Thank you for your clarification, I shall keep the matter between us.”
“You’re not gonna act... weird about this are you?” Amity asked, fairly certain she already knew the answer.
“Me? Weird? No! W-w-why would I be weird about this?” Hunter sputtered nervously.
Oh, she definitely already knew the answer.
“Okay, well I hear her coming back so zip it,” ordered Amity. “If I wake up with a cactus in my sleeping bag, I’m taking you down with me, spaceman.”
Hunter wouldn't know how to bring it up even if he wanted to.
“Sorry it took so long,” said Willow, entering the room on a vine. “But they’re doing great, luckily the automatic water system I instilled has been working perfectly.”
“That’s great, Willow.” said Amity with a smile.
“Yeah that’s totally great!” agreed Hunter, his voice sounding panicked for no apparent reason. “Awesome! Cool! Yeah...”
“Yeah,” agreed Willow, confused by the room’s vibe. “But uh, we should probably get back to the others. I don’t want Camila to worry.”
“Oh yeah, good idea,” agreed Hunter.
“Oh, before I forget,” said Willow, pulling something off her wrist. “I found this yellow scrunchie in my room and I thought since your hair is longer again, you could use it to keep your hair out of your eyes.”
“Really?” he said, as she slipped the hair tie onto his wrist. “Thanks, Willow.”
“’Course,” she said with a smile. “It’s your color, after all. Plus we gotta make sure we can see that pretty face of yours.” She added with a wink.
“Haha yeah o-o-okay,” he said with a gulp. “I should uh, g-g-go check if the coast is clear.”
He ran ahead as Willow chucked to herself, clearly pleased with his reaction. She watched as he ran to the doorway and pulled his hair back into a ponytail and secured it with Willow’s scrunchie.
“Woah, did it just get hotter in here?” Willow whispered to Amity, a faint crimson gracing her cheeks as she watched fondly as he scanned the outside area, his pulled back hair making it easier for her to see his defined jawline. Before Amity could offer her comment on the change in temperature, Willow cut her off as she continued in a dreamy tone. “Never mind, I think it’s just Hunter. If ya know what I mean.” she added playfully, bumping Amity’s arm with her elbow.
“I really, reeeally don't,” groaned Amity as though she was in physical pain, having endured this talk for months in the human realm and now realizing that there was no end in sight. “You have got to stop saying things that to me I am begging you!” Amity pleaded.
“I’ll stop when he stops,” said Willow with a shrug, fanning herself with her hand for emphasis (half to upset Amity further and half because she was truly grateful she had found that scrunchie).
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heyitssashag · 4 months
We got a big dump of snow on Wednesday and Thursday. I haven’t been out of the house since Tuesday and the cabin fever is beginning to fester. The cold snap has ended so the snow and ice are finally melting. — Tomorrow the kid and I have to go to physio and dental appointments. Hopefully, it’ll rain all night and clear out the rest. I’m not interested in slipping and falling.
I did a comedy show over Zoom on Thursday morning for a big news organization in New York. Mornings have been really hard on me and I was not feeling well. I dragged my ass to be online for 8:45am (it was for their “lunch and learn” and they’re 3 hours ahead). It turned out to be pretty fun and I’m so glad I kicked my ass to show up.
I felt inspired enough to re-work some old jokes right after doing the show. The next day was comedy class. The jokes went over well so that felt good.
I’ve been watching a lot of stand up as well. I wish I could recommend one but none have particularly blown my socks off. One was Pete Davidson’s: Turbo Fonzarelli. It started off gross. Then it was a little funny. Then it went gross again. Then I fell asleep for a few minutes, woke up, and his material got extra weird but I got a few chuckles and that was it. This special was the first one of his that I was able to sit through in its entirety (aside from falling asleep for those few minutes). All of his other specials are stupid and gross. I loved him on SNL so it’s disappointing to see his stand up. — Another special I watched was Dusty Slay’s Workin’ Man. It started out funny and then it got boring until about half way through and it got better. If his first few minutes weren’t funny, I would’ve probably shut it off. I think I laughed the hardest when he talked about doing his “TedX talk”.
I hate being stuck inside so much. The last 3 days I’ve been going on my parent’s elliptical instead of walks. It’s not the same but at least I’m getting some exercise. My kid was yelling at me because I went all haywire with cleaning the house yesterday. “You’re going to hurt yourself,” they exclaimed! I was just trying to stay busy while not going bat-shit cray-cray.
On Tuesday before the snow hit, I went for my first day back to Art Therapy. I always wanted to try needle felting so they showed me how. I made a swan. Keep in mind, it started off as a sheep. I also wet felted a rock. It makes a great paper weight. 😂
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I had a number of appointments this week with the “shrink”, the neurosurgeon and I also had my Zometa (bone strengthening) infusion at the hospital. A doctor from the cancer clinic also called to see how I’m doing on the new chemotherapy drugs. My actual oncologist is away on paternity leave. My CT scan requisition got lost in the medical abyss so I told her I needed that done, ASAP. They forgot to include my cervical spine on the last requisition so it was probably a good thing it didn’t go through. Now I don’t need to get scanned twice. The neurosurgeon needs to see that to make sure all is well in my neck …and maybe, possibly I can start running again.
Today is the last day of my first cycle of the chemotherapy. I don’t feel great. I get lab work later this week so I’ll get to see my tumour markers. It’s easier to push through side effects when you know the treatment is working.
I also finished my 7th book for the month. The Creative Act By Rick Rubin.
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Rick Rubin is one the greatest producers of all time. (I didn’t say the greatest but he’s definitely one of the top). He’s also a life-long meditator. He seems like a pretty “zen” guy. 🧘‍♂️ I enjoyed the book and found a few nuggets of inspiration. Mostly, I felt validated around my own insecurities when making any sort of art. Apparently, I’m not alone. The art still needs to be made, though! It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks of it. Creating art and not feeling self-conscious nor judged around it is challenging. This has been one of my biggest hurdles. When I was younger, I’d get one negative remark and I didn’t want to create or play anymore. I just shut down. I felt too vulnerable to share that part of myself. It’s taken me this long to get over it. Now, I make art for me. — It’s a thick book but not a huge amount of content. Lots of blank space. I believe that was for effect to give “space” for what we just read and digest it. If you’re any sort of aspiring artist, you may enjoy this book.
I’m meeting with my volunteer coordinator soon to plan for a Chronic Conditions leader training that is starting next week. We’ll both be facilitating it (over Zoom). I’m looking forward to that.
This week, I have to face some dreaded paperwork. I’ve been really dragging it out and have to get it done. It’s stressful and gives me a stomach ache, though. Blah.
I also finally started Stephen King’s Fairy Tale. So far, it’s good. Apparently, it’s a true “fairy tale” (not a horror). So that’s my plan for tonight… along with a cup of tea, of course. Although, the kid just informed me they want to watch the movie “Dumb Money” so I may do that instead.
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DAY THREE: Decorating the Tree w/ Aaron Hotchner
a/n: Omg I am so sorry that I'm three days behind on this challenge, ao3 messed up my tags on all 103 fics so I've had to go back and relabel all them. Thank you so much for your patience, and this challenge has now officially begun!
masterlist | ficmas masterlist | AO3
TAGLIST: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood @their-love
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You were sure that ninety-nine percent of the time, you were babysitting little Jack Hotchner while his dad was out saving lives. You had entered the single father's life when he needed your help the most. You knew Haley's sister, and she had recommended you when she couldn't watch the boy. At first, you were hesitant, seeing as though how hectic his work hours were and you were still in college. But you were well graduated by now, and more than willing to watch Jack for days, even weeks on end, and it wasn't just because of your admiration of his father.
Was the whole 'babysitter having a crush on the father' thing a bit cliche? Of course it was, and you would feel ashamed if it wasn't for the way that he looked at you when he had gotten home.
Jack was sure that this would be another December without his father, and you were determined to distract the saddened boy by showing up to the apartment with all sorts of fun arts and crafts, and tonight, you guys were going to make some ornaments. Of course you didn't give him the glass kind, but the cheap wooden ones that were shaped in either a star or a tree, there wasn't much variety, but Jack seemed hellbent on putting as much detail onto the tree that he chose as he could.
"Do you think daddy will like it?" You heard him pipe up from besides you. You were working on an ornament of your own, your fingers wet with glue as a piece of a pipe cleaner stuck to it. The tree had a poorly drawn star on the top that was then filled in with yellow glitter glue. Beads were glued in place of the bulbs, some ranging from red, blue, to purple; it was a colourful mess and you loved it so much.
"It looks great buddy!" You praised him enthusiastically. You gently wove your finger through the white string that would soon be used to hang it up on the tree. "Once it dries, you wanna put it right next to your dad's FBI ornament?" You asked with a smile. He nodded with a small pout, beginning to rub his eye in a attempt to wash away the tiredness. "Yeah." He said quietly. Your smile softened, gently setting the piece down as you gripped his tiny hand, "C'mon," You said, "Let's put you to bed."
He went down without a fight, you tucking him in as you placed a warm kiss to his forehead.
You wished that it could always be like this, you putting him to bed as you treated to you and Aaron's room, but it wasn't right, and you knew that it wasn't, but why did you want it so bad?
You began to decorate the tree that you had managed to get out from the hall closet that it was stuffed into. It wasn't anything too impressive, but it was good enough for you as you did as you promised, putting his father's FBI vest ornament near the very top. Your ears piqued when you heard the front door quietly open, shutting with faint click as you listened to Aaron kick off his shoes.
You knew the man must've been tired, and with all of the lights off, the only thing illuminating the entire apartment being the Christmas lights, you wouldn't be surprised if he just straight up passed out.
You watched as Aaron's eyes fell on to his messy dinning table, which had all sorts of fun things scattered on it. He picked of Jack's tree, examining it.
"Be careful," You called out to him softly, "It might be wet still. I hadn't put Jack down that long ago, if you want to see him. There's also dinner in the fridge, it should still be warm, but y'know, it's cold and all that." You rambled aimlessly. "Thank you." Aaron had finally said, stomping over to you.
"You didn't have to do this." Motioning to your splurging of Christmas decorations. You just shrugged, grinning at him. "It was the least I could do, Aaron. Plus, I like doing this, and it was totally worth it, because Jack had a fun time too." You could see a grin of his own tugging at the corner of his lips. "Is that so?" You nodded, "Yep. Who do you think that tree is for?"
And you could've sworn you saw his eyes light up.
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andydrysdalerogers · 11 months
The ABC's of Nick Vaughn - "W"
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Pairing: Reader x Nick Vaughn (Before We Go)
Summary: Children its time to learn your ABCs. And Nick Vaughn is here to teach you the lessons. 26 glimpses in the world of you and Nick Vaughn
Warnings: S-M-U-T!!!! (under 18 please leave the chat!) descriptions of sexual activity including some themes of BDSM, loss of virginity, fluffy bits, pet name etc...
The new upload will probably be Sundays. Have fun kittens! Also, the tag list is open!
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
Divider by @firefly-graphics
Previous: V ~ Voyer
ABC Masterlist - Main Masterlist
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W – Wet 
Saturdays were always busy.  After a bit of a lie in, with a satisfying wake up and then it was off to the races.  Saturday was cleaning/shopping/organizing day for you and Nick, always busy during the week.  The one rule was, no work on Sundays, so everything had to be done on Saturday. 
Dishes had to be your least favorite chore, after cleaning the bathroom.  But since Nick offered to always clean the bathroom, you were stuck with the dishes. You tried to keep up with them during the week but sometimes, your Saturdays have a few hours of kitchen duty.  
Headphones in, your favorite smutty book on and off you went.  Washing, drying, putting away. Cursing that you hadn’t invested in a dishwasher yet and vowing with your next bonus you would get one. You have a tub full of soapy water, soaking a baking dish when a pair of strong arms wrap around you and help your hands with the wash.  
“Nicky, you’re gonna splash me and I’m gonna get all wet,” you whined as he continued to “help” you.  
“I like it when you’re all wet,” he murmured in your ear, kissing the skin right below it gently.  
“Nick,” you moaned quietly. “Stop, I have to finish.”  
He didn’t stop, that bastard, and he dropped the plate into the water, splashing you, just as you predicted.  “Oops.”  
“Nicholas!” The front of your white shirt is now drenched.  Your nipples had pebbled from the wet and cold of the room. Nick could see the dark skin peeking through. 
“Oh baby, I’m sorry. Here let me help you get this off.” His hands drifted under the hem of your shirt and up your torso. His palms graced under your breasts, and you hummed at the sensation. He tweaked your nipples, and you groaned as he stiffened them further.  “Always so responsive to my touch, love,” he whispered. Desire pools down below as he doesn’t let up.  Finally, he grasps the hem and pulls over your shirt.  
“I bet you’re just as wet in your panties now, aren’t you?” You nod as his hand drifts down into your leggings. He gets into your panties and runs just one thick finger through your folds. “Oh baby, you’re soaked.”  
“Nicky,” you breathe as he plays with your pussy, not entering, just swiping all of your wetness around your lips and clit. “Fuck, baby, ahh.” He slides said finger in and slowly fucks you with it. 
“You like that? My dirty girl, just letting me finger fuck her in the kitchen. Can you be my good girl and moan for me?” He wraps his fist around your hair and yanks your head back so he can kiss your lips. He slips two more fingers in and pumps, hitting your sweet spot.  You break the kiss to moan out loud.  You feel so full, so drenched at the juices leaking out of you.  
You cry out as he circles his thumb around your clit and your orgasm crashes over you. “That’s it baby, fuck, my hand is soaked.” He removes his hand rapidly and spins you around.  He yanks the leggings off and then lifts you onto the counter.  You didn’t even notice that he had gotten his pants down far enough to release his cock and he plunges inside you.  
“Nicky, fuck, so full,” you cry.  
“That’s it, baby girl.  Fuck, taking me so well. It is almost wedding time but I think I could put a baby in there so you can be my baby mama when you walk down the aisle.”  His hips piston into you relentlessly.  All you could do was hang on and enjoy the rise.  The rise of another orgasm begins to build in your belly.  
“Nick, I’m gonna cum. So good,” you whine.  
“Let go baby. Cum on my cock.”  
With a scream of his name, you cum so hard, you squirt a little and Nick follows right behind. He slows and leans his forehead on your chest as you both try to breathe.  
“What has gotten into you baby?” You smooth out his sweat soaked hair.  
“I don’t know love, but I told you, I like you wet.” 
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@patzammit @slutforchrisjamalevans @jennmurawski13-writes @firephotogrl74 @texmexdarling @atoosa22 @tinkerbelle67
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toasecretsanta · 1 year
When It Rains
Hello!! This is [ @returnofthemackles]’s Secret Santa gift for @bluefoxchild !!! I had fun writing this and I really hope you enjoy it! I combined two of the prompts you gave me for this piece: Two people in a cornfield at night. The darkness is not as empty as it seems to be, and Thunderstorms at night. I also really liked the third prompt you gave me but unfortunately I didn’t have the time to write a second piece to include that one. But! If I am ever able to articulate my idea enough and write something with it, I’ll be sure to tag you in it if I end up posting it! (Little fun fact: the “Clancy” that Will addresses is my friend’s child of Apollo OC, thought I’d give them a little cameo.)
Some quick content warnings for this piece: semi graphic descriptions of death, topics in death, grief, minor swearing/cursing, very brief mention of an ED. If there’s anything that I missed I apologize!
Without further ado, here it is! Happy holidays and please enjoy!! 
Nico had already known that Jason was dead. He didn’t have to be told; he simply knew. It wasn’t like the knowledge just popped into his head, it was more like a feeling. Or a series of feelings. He saw him in his dreams: glimpses of searing pain and blood stained clothes, cold surrounding every inch of his skin with rushing water roaring in his ears like drowning in the coldest, darkest parts of a winter ocean. Flashing images of a thunderstorm, a California beach, Jason’s face drained of all color, bringing out the shocking blue in his cold, dead eyes, wet sand stuck to his cheeks and in his hairline. His glasses were gone. He could hear the screaming voice of a girl, though everything sounded canned and distant. Nico hardly slept for days on end as these dreams haunted him every waking night. 
But the creeping suspicion of Jason’s death didn’t only come to him in the night. Even during the day, awake, just a passing thought of Jason, or the mere mention of his name sent a mind numbing ringing into his ears. It was a ringing he was all too familiar with: the ringing that occurred only when in the presence of death. When he would tell Will, his boyfriend, about everything he’d been seeing and experiencing, Will would try to reassure him that surely Jason was okay, that his anxiety was just getting the best of him, but they both knew that wasn’t true. They knew full well what came along with Nico being a son of Hades, and they knew that his powers were scary and accurate. His gut was never wrong. 
So when Apollo showed back up at Camp and told them of Jason’s fate, he was only confirming what Nico already knew to be true. 
He was beyond upset and frustrated. Jason was the closest thing Nico had ever had to a brother, and now he was gone. He didn’t blame Apollo or anyone else for Jason’s passing, no one except the psychopath who took his life. He knew better now than to hold pointless grudges over people who really had nothing to do with the situation. They did what they could, and Jason made the choices he did to save them. He was a hero. But that didn’t make Nico any less upset. 
There was always the option of summoning Jason’s spirit; getting to talk to him one last time and getting some closure on the situation, but he had only learned just how disrupting that could be to a person’s peace in death. As badly as he wanted to see Jason, he couldn’t do that to him. As hard as it was to sit idly by when he knew he had the power in his hands to do something, he knew he had to let the dead be dead. Jason deserved that at the very least. 
So he tried to carry on. And so is the life of a demigod. People die. You carry on. You have to. Or at least that’s the mentality that kept Nico from feeling like he was going insane on the daily. 
But one day, something changed. 
The weather was usually pretty temperate in Camp, that was a nice thing they had going. Never too cold, never too hot, it never rained or snowed, unless of course if Mr. D wanted it to, or if something else major was going on. 
This day started just like any other, but Nico could tell something was off. He woke to cabin 13 feeling particularly cold. There was a weird sort of static electricity in the air, leaving the hairs on his arms standing on end and a tingly feeling crawling across his skin. He went to flip the light switch in the bathroom, but as he touched it, a small shock zapped at his fingertips. He flipped the switch up and down a few times. Nothing. No power. Strange. He got ready in the dark, which his drowsy morning eyes didn’t particularly complain about, and headed out thereafter.
The sky was overcast and thunder rumbled in the distance. He could see dark storm clouds peeking out over the trees surrounding the valley, but they weren’t supposed to be able to cross over the border at Half Blood Hill. Emphasis on ‘supposed to.’
The day carried on and Nico noted the dark clouds rolling around the edges of the camp’s borders, like normal, but it almost seemed like they were building up: billowing and getting darker, thicker, behind an invisible wall. Campers were murmuring and looking up nervously at the sky throughout the day, but nothing out of the ordinary happened until around dinner time. Almost as though someone popped a hole through the barrier in the sky, the storm clouds broke through and started spilling over the top of the valley.
Some Apollo kids were standing at the edge of the dining pavilion, pointing and gawking at the sky as any last remaining glimpses of their father’s symbol in the sky disappeared behind the dark murk of the clouds.
“It’s just clouds, guys.” Will told them, a reassuring yet stern tone to his voice, “A little rain isn’t going to hurt you. Come back to the table and eat.”
“Should we be worried?” An Aphrodite kid asked, pointing their question at the head table all while attempting to pat the frizz out of their hair from the humidity. 
Chiron stood in his full centaur form near the head table, the gray sky reflecting in his eyes. He spoke in a calm tone, “I don’t see a reason for concern. Some healthy rain here and there shouldn’t be bad for our crops or our spirits. Unless Mr. D senses any issue on the matter?”
He cocked an eyebrow at the man sitting at the table next to him, his purple leopard print shirt seeming extra bright in the overcast lighting of the dining pavilion. The man, the god Dionysus, or as they knew him, ‘Mr. D,’ popped a plump grape into his mouth and gave an uninterested shrug followed by a distasteful grunt, “Seems fine to me. The old man in the sky is probably just grumpy about something or other. I wouldn’t get my tunic in a twist over it.” 
Surely enough before long it started to rain, starting as a drizzle, turning more steady, and by nightfall it had turned into a torrential downpour. All of the campers sought shelter in their cabins as thunder wracked across the valley, shaking the very floorboards of the cabins. 
Nico had become quite the regular in the Apollo cabin, what with him dating their head counselor, so they didn’t hesitate to let him in at any point during the day, and especially that night with the storm raging outside. Will knew especially how Nico could get in his own head on nights like these, but his siblings had also really accepted him as one of their own in the recent months. He didn’t hesitate to feel at home in their cabin anymore. 
“Alright, campers.” Will said in his best Chris McLean impersonation as he entered the room with a clipboard and a pen behind his ear, “With the storm being as bad as it is, Chiron has asked the head counselors to do a headcount tonight just to make sure everyone is safe and accounted for. So when I call your name please acknowledge your presence in the most obnoxious way possible.”
You see, Will took his role as head counselor very seriously. He cared for his siblings deeply and it showed, but he could also tell when their nerves were high, that was one thing that came naturally to him, which made it easy for him to know when he needed to try and lift their spirits. Nico appreciated that about him. 
“I know you’re here.” Will put a hand on Nico’s head and gave his hair a rustle, “Don’t go slinking in the shadows on me, di Angelo, I want you safe.” 
Nico rolled his eyes in the most dramatic way possible but Will just smirked at him. Eye rolling was a form of affection in this relationship. 
Will began calling names and his campers responded in their best and most obnoxious ways, just as he had asked. They all laughed together and the room began to seem a little brighter, even in the dim candlelight, as the power in all the cabins were still out. 
He got about halfway down the list before calling, “Kayla?”
No response.
His eyes flicked up from his clipboard, their blue seeming a tad darker than usual, “Kayla? Anyone seen Kayla? Austin?”
Austin looked up from the ukulele he was stringing on his bunk, “I haven’t seen her since dinner. She left with some Demeter kids.”
Will breathed and made a mark on his paper, “I’ll have to check in with Miranda then to make sure she’s not-”
Before he could finish speaking, the door to the Apollo cabin flew open, flashes of lightning filling the room as a thick gust of wind blanketed across them all, extinguishing all of the candles in the room. 
In the doorway stood Kayla Knowles, dripping wet from head to toe, her ginger and green hair plastered to her face. Her breaths were labored as though she had been running. She had her bow slung over her shoulder. 
“The pegasi,” She wheezed as rain poured sideways into the cabin from the jarred door, “They got out of their stables. They’re freaking out, we’re trying to round them up, but the storm is only getting worse.” 
Will immediately ditched his clipboard and moved into action, barking orders at his campers, “Clancy, go get Chiron. Austin, grab some apples and sugar cubes from the kitchens. Nico, come with me.”
Everyone responded to his commands in a flash. Nico grabbed his jacket and threw it on, and they ran out the door into the pouring rain. 
Kayla led them through the dark across camp, and it took less than ten seconds for both Nico and Will to become soaked to the bone. The only thing protecting Nico was the leather of his jacket, but that could only do so much. 
They made it to the pegasi stables, where they found multiple Demeter campers running around frantically, trying desperately to wrangle about six very riled up pegasi. The ground was littered with wet feathers plastered into the mud. 
Will skittered to a halt next to Miranda Gardiner, who had managed to get a lead around the neck of one of the pegasi. He managed to shout over the roaring rain, “What happened? How did they get out?!” 
She spit rain water out of her mouth as her Pegasi reared onto its hind legs, “Woah girl! Calm down, it's okay! I don’t know! It's almost as though someone let them out! I could’ve sworn they were all locked up when I left before the rain started!”
Will took another step forward, arms outstretched Jurassic World style. He spoke in that calm, healing voice he used when soothing one of his patients, “There there Starla, it’s okay. No need to panic, it’s just a little thunderstorm.”
He managed to place a hand softly on the pegasi, Starla’s, neck. She flicked her head anxiously as he brushed his fingertips of his other hand along her muzzle. Even from several feet behind him, Nico could feel the warm, calming energy just oozing off of him. The warmth of the sun in the middle of a cold storm.
Starla exhaled from her nose as she leaned into Will’s touch, relaxing by the second.
“‘Atta girl.” Will smiled as he secured the lead around her neck. At that moment, both he and Starla had seemed to have forgotten about the storm that still raged around them.
“I’ll never understand how you do that.” Miranda breathed.
“You can thank my dad.” Will gave her a wink, “But let’s get her back inside.”
Nico took a step forward, “What do we do about-”
As soon as he spoke, Starla’s eyes went wild once again, as she let out a distraught cry and reared back onto her hind legs, yanking Miranda off her feet and into the mud. 
“Will, get him out of here!” Miranda yelped, grasping desperately for Starla’s lead, “He’s only going to scare them!”
Nico took a step back, taken aback by what she had just said. He had gotten so comfortable here, he had really started to feel welcome for the first time in his life. He saw these people as his family. Because of all of that, he had almost forgotten who he was. Of course they’d be scared of him. 
“I’m sorry, Nico.” Miranda said to him, pushing dripping strands of blonde hair from her face, “It’s nothing personal, but you know how it is.”
He did. He did know.
“He’s fine.” Will said in a stern tone, “She’s just spooked, any sudden movement will scare her.”
He turned to face Nico, his blue eyes almost glowing in the darkness. He seemed to read Nico’s mind, “You’re okay. Stay. Help. I need you here.”
Before he could speak, there was an extra bright flash of lightning, accompanied with an earth shaking crack of thunder, seemingly right on top of them. 
They all spun around as a camper screamed. Standing before them was a pegasus much larger than the others. No wait, it wasn’t a pegasus. A horse, a regular horse. A massive black stallion, its mane so wild it almost seemed like it was a part of the storm itself. It was as though the rain poured heavier around its silhouette, making it almost hard to look distinctly at it. It definitely wasn’t there before.
“Demon!” One of the campers shrieked. 
“It’s not a demon!” Miranda croaked as she struggled to stay on her feet with a panicking Starla, “It’s just a horse! Someone do something about it, please!”
The stallion planted a hoof in the mud, misty clouds billowing up around its ankles. At that moment, it looked directly into Nico’s eyes. Or he could’ve sworn it had. As it did, he felt a tingle shoot up his spine, and under the leather of his jacket sleeves he could’ve sworn every single one of his hairs was standing on end. The longer they locked eyes, the more Nico saw. Lightning flickered throughout the horse’s body, like bombs flashing behind smoke.
“That’s not a horse.” He announced, not even shifting his eyes. 
Flashes of his past dreams sparked across his mind. A different storm. Sand. Empty, soulless, dead blue eyes. The ringing in his ears. He became aware of just how cold he was, standing soaked to the bone in the dead of the night. 
A name came to his mind. He wasn’t sure how he knew it. Maybe it had been told to him before, he wasn’t sure, but he spoke it without thinking, “Tempest.”
“The Gray Sister?” He heard Will’s voice somewhere behind him. He hadn’t realized he had gotten closer to the stallion. 
“No, the ventus.” He took another step closer, the stallion unwavering.
“This isn’t Kingdom Hearts!” Will shouted, “Nico, do you know this horse?”
“Solace, will you stop being a nerd for two seconds?!” Nico shouted back to him, still not looking back and away from the billowing figure before him, “A ventus is a storm spirit. This one is just choosing to take the form of a horse.”
It was almost as though his eyes were locked in place. He couldn’t look away, and he found himself inching closer to the spirit, slowly taking one step after the other. He could feel Will’s presence somewhere close behind him, not letting Nico get too far from him; Will had that kind of aura about him, Nico could always feel him when he was near. There was something about this ventus, the way it was looking at him, the way it was just standing there. It was like it was beckoning him, telling him to come closer. He knew he had the mental willpower to fight whatever the spirit -Tempest- was putting over him, but something in his mind told him not to. He did not sense any sort of malicious intent coming from it. It was as if it knew him.
“Nico, I don’t like this.” He could hear the caution in Will’s voice, “Something doesn’t feel right.”
“It’s okay, I know him.” Nico said, outstretching a hand towards the stallion. He didn’t, he didn’t know him, so he wasn’t sure why he said that, yet he didn’t feel like he was lying. He wouldn’t lie to Will, but there was something familiar in Tempest’s eyes. If he didn’t know this horse, then someone he did know must’ve sent him. That at least had to be true. 
Nico was hardly noticing the frantic campers still scrambling around, trying to wrangle the pegasi, or even the rain still dumping buckets over their heads. It was all white noise at that moment. 
He was right in front of Tempest now. With his outstretched hand he was close enough to touch his muzzle. He hesitated, just for a moment, as Tempest placed one hoof forward and let out a puff of air from his nose. A puff of a cloud released from his nostrils, static electricity crackling within it. It was as if he was sending a message: it’s okay. 
Even in the cold of the storm, Nico felt the warmth of certainty creeping through his veins. He didn’t feel an ounce of fear. He had to do this.
With a decisive inhale, he took a final step forward and placed a hand on Tempest’s muzzle. As he did, several things conspired in about half a second, all playing in slow motion that lasted an eternity. The sky lit up so bright he could’ve sworn Apollo was gracing them with his presence. He felt a bolt of electricity streak across not only his body, but he could feel it transcending into his soul, across his entire being. Every vein, blood vessel, and cell in his body lit up like a Christmas tree, lighting a fiery pain under his skin that he couldn’t even begin to describe with words. 
This is how it ends, huh? His brain asked him in a moment of panic, You got electrocuted by a horse. Good job, bud.
As all of this was happening, he thought maybe he felt his soul leap out of his body. He had spent a lot of time around dead people: spirits without bodies, bodies without spirits. He had felt his own body nearly melt into the shadows themselves, but he’d never experienced the sensation of his soul leaving his body. It was always others: those he commanded. He’d seen it, he’d felt other people’s deaths countless times, but feeling his own existence split at that moment was maybe one of the most mind shattering things he’d ever experienced. 
But he still didn’t feel a lick of fear. Especially once he felt Will’s arms around him.
He heard Will’s voice shouting his name somewhere behind him, but there was a delay. It was like when you’re watching fireworks, and you see the explosion before you hear it. Like a sonic boom on a jet. His soul, outside of his body, yet still attached to it, was perceiving everything a half a second later than his body was. But he felt Will’s arms wrap around him. It was like every other embrace he’d ever given him, but as he felt the warmth of Will’s body collide with his own, it continued farther, reaching out past his body, into the ether, and around his soul. He felt Will touch his essence itself, the very existence of his soul. Like torn paper being ripped from a book, his soul left his body, and then once again in reverse, he slammed back into himself, colliding into his own body with such force, he could feel his brain rattling against his skull. 
They fell backwards, and as their butts hit the ground, everything played back into real time. The lightning flash that lit up the sky finished with a crack of thunder. And like they had entered a vacuum chamber, the rain was sucked back up into the sky, sealing with a pop. And they were slammed back into reality. Or so Nico thought.
When he opened his eyes, they were in a different place. The rain had stopped completely, though he still heard the far away sound of thunder rumbling in the distance. There was a cold, sharp breeze blowing through his hair, miraculously dry, and biting the skin on his face. It was dark: the kind of darkness you only see in your nightmares. The smell of what he could only determine to be farmland lingered on the breeze. Lightning crackled across the murky sky just barely enough to give him a sense of the environment around. They were in the middle of a corn field.
He was on his behind in the dirt, and he could still feel his boyfriend’s arms around him. He was practically in Will’s lap with the way they’d fallen. He probably would’ve hit the ground harder had Will not broken his fall. 
Will let out a disgruntled groan, “What happened? Where are we?”
“I’m not sure.” Nico’s eyes darted around them. He grabbed Will’s hands and unwrapped his arms from around him. He hauled himself to his feet and offered a hand to Will, who took it and pulled himself up. 
Nico was very hyper aware of every physical sensation he was feeling. Everything felt so much more present and real after having that out-of-body experience. It had been so mind boggling he had to double check just to make sure he was in fact in his own body.
“Is that what doing drugs feels like?” He asked out loud, “If so, I am never doing drugs.”
“Not on my watch, you’re not.” Will huffed, wiping the dirt from his shorts, “What were you thinking? You could’ve gotten yourself killed, death boy!”
“I’m not sure I didn’t.” Nico remarked, scanning his surroundings, “And don’t call me death boy.” 
“Right, sorry.”
Will had begun to glow like a human glow stick, a trait that Nico deeply admired, though he knew Will was self conscious about it at times. It gave enough light to the surrounding area that they weren’t completely submersed in inky darkness any longer, though the farther reaches of the cornfield that Will’s light couldn’t touch still remained hidden in shadows. 
Tempest was gone, along with all of the other campers who had previously been present. The only sound was the wind whistling, and rustling the corn stalks around them. 
“Either way, I’m glad you’re okay now.” Will added, “Don’t scare me like that, Nico. I’m not trying to lose you.”
“I don’t plan on going anywhere.” Nico reassured him, giving his hand a squeeze. He wasn’t much of an affectionate guy, but he loved Will and understood that he needed to be comforted sometimes, “The only place I want to go is out of this corn-”
Before he could finish his sentence, he caught movement out of the corner of his eye. 
He spun around, putting an arm out in front of Will. He went to draw his sword, only to realize he didn’t have it. He simply held a hand out towards the darkness.
“Who’s there?” He called out.
There was no response.
“There’s no one there.” Will whispered after a moment of silence, “I’m not sensing any other life near us.”
Will had some weird abilities as a healer son of Apollo, but Nico had never known him to be able to sense life like that without physically touching someone. Maybe there were still things he didn’t know about his boyfriend. 
Nico closed his eyes and reached out into the darkness with his mind. If there was someone lurking somewhere in the shadows, he would know. He would be able to feel their presence. His consciousness raced through the aisles of corn, to the outer reaches of the field. It was endless. It was like an infinite maze of corn, stretching further than even he was able to sense. 
As far as he could tell, he and Will were the only living things in this field.
“There’s no one here, but we’re not alone.” He announced, opening his eyes.
“Yes thank you, babe, that makes a whole lot of sense.” Will said, sarcasm dripping off of his voice. He was in a defensive stance, and Nico realized how silly they probably looked at that moment. They were both standing defensively with their arms out, trying to protect each other. Neither of them had weapons. 
“I mean,” Nico continued, “There’s no one alive here. But darkness is never as empty as it seems. I know better than that. And I definitely saw something.”
Will’s eyes darted around, the blue in them looking almost like a neon sign as he shone from his internal light source, “Well I can’t see shit, cap’n. This is your scene, you lead the way.”
There was an ever so sudden wave of uncertainty in Nico. It was gone as soon as it had come. Nico thought he could hide it well, but there was no hiding things like that from Will. As soon as there was any moment of tension from him, Will would pick up on it.
“It’s okay.” Will said in a soothing tone, “I’m right behind you. You’re not alone.”
Calm washed over him.
They were quite a funny duo. A son of Apollo who could calm anyone with a touch, and literally could harness the power of the sun to make himself glow. And a son of Hades, dark and touch starved, having command over the shadows themselves, who had developed a fear of the dark. Will was like Nico’s own personal nightlight. Metaphorically and literally.
“Tempest brought us here for a reason.” Nico said after taking a moment to center himself, “So I’m thinking maybe we’re not supposed to be finding the exit of this corn field.”
“There’s something in the corn field we’re supposed to find?” Will finished his thought. 
“Yes, that or-” Nico began, but then cut himself off. That’s when he heard it. He thought it had been just an after effect from his little out-of-body experience, from being thrown into this alternate plane of existence or wherever they were, so he hadn’t paid much mind to it. But it was still there, lingering, persistent. The ever slightest ringing in his ears. He was very familiar with ringing in his ears, and it was never a good thing. But in this case, it was the answer to their question.
“Or someone.” He finished. He spun around and slowly turned his head to one side, turning and listening, waiting for the direction where the ringing was the strongest. As soon as he found it, he pointed. 
“This way. Let’s go.”
He grabbed Will’s hand and took off into the corn. Lightning crackled here and there, illuminating the sky, but Will’s light alone was enough to lead the way. They weaved past endless stalks of corn. Every so often, Nico would stop, listen, then take off in another direction, redirecting himself to follow his mental GPS.
“Where are we going?!” Will shouted, his voice thumping with every step as he ran.
“To be completely honest, I don’t know!” Nico shouted back.
“That’s very reassuring!”
“Just trust me!”
“I do!”
As he ran, the ringing got louder and louder, until it was so loud he could no longer hear the wind howling in his ears, or their shoes smacking in the dirt. He thought maybe Will was talking to him, but he couldn’t hear it. 
Finally, after running for who knows how long, they finally broke into a clearing, and Nico halted to a stop. Will nearly slammed into him, but they managed to stay on their feet. 
They both took a second to catch their breath before taking in what they saw before them. In the clearing stood the figure of a large stallion. Now that it wasn’t raining, it was more evident that Tempest really was a storm spirit. Instead of the sleek coat of a regular horse, his body was formed with swirling clouds filled with flickering lightning. Rain poured out from underneath him, spurring up billowing mist around his hooves. His eyes were dark and foreboding. He let out a whiny as he turned, revealing the figure of a person standing behind him.
Nico’s voice caught in his throat as he stared forward. He thought he might’ve cried if he spoke.
He swallowed hard and took a shaky breath, “Jason?”
Jason smiled at him. He had a hand on Tempest’s neck. He wore an old worn sweatshirt, much like one Nico had seen him wearing before. He was wearing his glasses. It was such a relieving sight, not only to see him here, but to see him how Nico had always known him. Not as the way he’d been seeing him the past couple months in his nightmares. With blood stained clothes, no color in his face, glasses gone, cold, dead eyes. He was dead, Nico knew he was dead, but there he was, standing right in front of him, and he didn’t look dead. 
“Hey Nico.” He said, real casual-like, “I see Tempest found you. I’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty.”
Will snorted from behind him, but Nico just raised an eyebrow in confusion, “I- what?”
“It’s- you know,” Jason laughed and shook his head, rubbing the back of his neck, “It was a joke, sorry. Probably not a good way to start this conversation. You’re probably confused.”
Will raised his hand like a student in class, “I can say I am in fact very confused.”
“What’s going on?” Nico asked, taking a step forward, “Jason, I… Apollo told me what happened to you.”
Jason had a somber look on his face as he stroked Tempest’s stormy mane, “I know, I’m sorry.”
Nico shook his head, “Don’t apologize, you have nothing to be sorry for. I miss you, we all miss you, but… You died a hero, Jason. You never have to be sorry that you died.”
“Funny,” Jason gave a small laugh, “As I was dying, I was actually worried about you.”
Nico pointed at himself, “Me?”
“Yeah,” Jason started, “I know it’s hard for you to open up to people, and you opened yourself to me. I was honored to be your friend, but I know you’ve lost a lot of people. So knowing that when I died, you lost another person, I felt pretty shitty.” 
Nico couldn’t help but laugh, “You were literally dying and you were worrying about me? I wasn’t even there.”
Jason scratched his head, “Yeah… But I took solace in knowing that I was protecting my friends. That, and not to toot my own horn or whatever, but I knew I’d be going to Elysium, which meant that I’d get to see Leo again. But when I got there…”
Nico had a realization, “He wasn’t there.”
Jason nodded sadly, “I just don’t understand, why wouldn’t he have gone to Elysium? He should be there.”
“You don’t know.” Will gasped, stepping up next to Nico.
Jason looked up at them, “What do you mean? What don’t I know?”
“Jason,” Nico said, “Leo’s alive.”
Jason’s eyes got wide, shock and confusion on his face, then he exhaled and put a hand on his chest, “That’s such a relief. I might cry right now, seriously. I thought that goof got himself sent to Asphodel somehow. I knew The Fates were cruel, but he doesn’t deserve that.”
“No, no.” Nico shook his head, “He’s alive and fine. And he got Calypso off of her island.”
Jason smiled a large grin, “Really? That’s awesome! Man, I’m so happy for him.”
“Eh, their relationship is questionable, to be honest.” Will remarked, “I’m glad she got off that island and all, but… I won’t get into all of that. But anyway, I stand by my comment about being confused. Can someone please explain what in Hades is going on here?”
“Right.” Jason snapped his fingers, “I sent Tempest to find you, Nico.”
“But…” Nico rubbed his temples, “How? You said you were in Elysium? What is this place? This cornfield? This isn’t exactly how I imagined Elysium.”
Jason laughed, “Right. This isn’t Elysium. I found this place kind of by accident. I think, maybe it’s because I’m a son of Jupiter and all, but I could tell even in the underworld when it was storming in the mortal world. I accidentally stumbled into this weird plane of existence one day while there was a storm up above. I think it’s some kind of in between place? It’s in between the land of the dead and the land of the living. It doesn’t always look like a corn field, this is just how it’s presenting today for whatever reason. Kind of spooky if you ask me. But, I thought if anyone on the living side would be able to enter this place, it would be you, Nico. So I managed to contact Tempest through the storm and sent him to find you. Though, I see you brought a plus-one with you.”
Will gave a casual wave and a lazy grin, “Hi.”
Jason nodded at him, “Hi, Will, it’s nice to see you.”
“It’s nice to see you too.” Will told him, “Kinda weird if I’m being honest, considering, well, that you’re dead and all.”
They both laughed.
“But why did you summon me here?” Nico asked.
“Can’t I want to see my friend?” Jason suggested.
“I- well-”
“Don’t strain your brain thinking about that.” Jason waved his hand, “I know it’s a hard concept to grasp. But I just wanted to talk to you.”
He took a step around Tempest. Nico went to step closer as well, but Jason held out his hand, “Don’t get too close, I don’t want to risk breaking the connection.”
“Right.” Nico took a step back.
“Now don’t fight me on this.” Jason started, “Just let me talk, okay?”
Nico hesitated, then nodded.
Jason gave him a soft look, “I know you struggle, Nico. I know you’ve been through a lot, I know you’ve lost a lot. I can’t say that I can begin to understand how my death affected you, or how anything else you’ve been through has affected you. One of the last times I saw you, and I’m being brutally honest here, Nico, so I’m sorry, but you looked like ass. You were skin and bones, you had no color in your skin. You were sick. I was worried we’d end up losing you even though the war was over. But look at you now! You look great, healthy even. I don’t know what you’ve been through since I’ve been gone, but I can only hope you’ve been getting better. I know it’s an uphill battle sometimes, but I wanted you to know that I believe in you.”
Nico couldn’t help but smile, “I… I think I’m healing. It’s a slow process, but I can feel it happening. All thanks to someone.”
He shot a glance at Will.
Will puts his hands up, “I can’t take any credit for this one, this is all you, sunshine. I’m just here to make sure you’re not doing it alone. Being alone makes pulling yourself out of a hole that much harder. I’m just your alarm clock that doesn’t let you sleep until noon every day and reminds you to take your meds.”
“Which I appreciate.” Nico added.
“I appreciate you too, Will.” Jason butted in, “Thank you for taking care of him. I can tell you make him happy.”
Will kicked the dirt with his shoe, “Aw shucks. It’s my pleasure. Whether he wants to believe it or not, I enjoy his company.”
Jason’s eyes turned to the sky, still rumbling with thunder and lightning. He took a deep, slow breath, “I can feel the storm breaking, we’re running out of time.”
“But there’s so much I want to say to you.” Nico took a step forward before remembering, then leaned back on his heels.
“It’s okay.” Jason reassured him, “You’ll see me again someday. I’m sure of it.”
Nico thought about his sister, Bianca. He had thought he’d get to see her again someday, but after she died, she had decided to be reborn into her next life. It was a guarantee that he would never see her again. He didn’t want the same to happen with Jason.
“Don’t worry about that.” Jason spoke, seeming to be reading Nico’s mind, “I’m not going anywhere. I’ve thought about it, but I think I’ve decided to wait to be reborn. There’s too many people I want to see again. I have to see Piper, I have to introduce her to all the cute girls I’ve met here. I have to see Leo, that jerk, making us think he was dead. He’s actually going to die one day and when he does, he’s getting a piece of my mind. Not before I hug him of course, and thank him for saving my life. And I have to see Reyna too… I know things were weird between us but she was my best friend for so long, she’ll always have a place in my heart. Then there’s Frank, Percy, Hazel, Annabeth… all of them, the list goes on and on. And you of course. So… I think I can chill in Elysium for a while. It’s pretty nice here.”
That was a relief to hear. Nico felt selfish for feeling that way, but he was relieved that Jason was deciding to wait. Of course, he would try not to be upset with him if he decided to move on, he went through all that grief with Bianca, and he knew he had grown beyond that. He couldn’t withhold Jason or anyone else from their peace. That was a choice a person had to make themselves, for themselves. 
“Just remember,” Jason continued, “I may be dead, but I’m not gone. When it rains, I’m there with you. When you go outside and you feel the electricity in the air, or when you grab a doorknob and it shocks you, just think of it as me, saying hello. I will always be with you. Death isn’t the end of the line. You of all people should know that.”
Nico wouldn’t admit it, but he could feel tears welling up in his eyes. It was weird to him to know that people cared about him, but it was a realization that he was slowly making. Yes, he was a son of Hades. Yes he was dark and foreboding and creepy sometimes. Yes, he lingered in the shadows and managed to convince himself that he was not welcome anywhere or with anyone, but he was slowly learning that he was very wrong. People liked him for who he was. He remembered Miranda’s words: I’m sorry Nico, but you know how it is. He did know how it was. He was allowed to exist and take up space. He was still trying to convince himself of that, but deep down he knew it to be true. And he didn’t have to do anything alone anymore. 
Lightning streaked across the sky, and thunder shook the ground beneath their feet.
“It’s time for me to go.” Jason announced, “I’m glad things are working out for you. And I’m glad I got to see you one last time. Don’t take this the wrong way, but I hope it’s a long time before I see you again. Not because I don’t want to see you, but because I hope you’re able to live a long, prosperous life. You’re still so young, I’d hate for you to have the same fate I did.”
“I understand.” Nico told him, “But don’t feel like you have to wait for me. When you feel like it’s your time… do what your heart tells you to do.”
“I don’t feel that way. I know it’s my choice and no one else can make that for me.” Jason gave him a smile, “But my choice is to wait for now.”
Another crack of thunder and lightning. Like a switch, a heavy, thick sheet of rain began to pour onto them. The corn around them shook with the weight of the storm.
“Goodbye, guys!” Jason shouted over the rain, “It was nice to see you both! If only for a few minutes! And Nico! Please don’t forget to eat!”
“Jason, wait!” Nico shielded his eyes from the rain.
“I agree, Will is definitely more your type than Percy!” Jason waved at them, “Don’t tell him I said that, though! You know what, actually do tell him I said that!”
“Jason, I-!”
Suddenly the wind picked up, and the rain turned sideways, and with it so did the world. Nico fell backwards, reaching out and desperately grabbing for Will, who was also now falling. They found each other’s arms as Jason’s feet stayed firm on the ground. Tempest reared as lightning streaked across his body. Rain was pouring straight down onto Nico’s face and soaking his clothes once again. 
Jason waved one last time as the world began to warp around them. Things moved into slow motion once again, Jason became further and further away, the rain forming a sort of wind tunnel around them. Things slowed to the point of feeling like a video, moving frame by frame. Nico and Will were both screaming, but they could no longer hear themselves as the rain roared louder and louder. The ringing in Nico’s ears became so loud, he felt like his mind was being split with an ice pick. 
Until it all stopped.
Nico woke with a start, frantically trying to regain his bearings.
He felt a hand on his shoulder, “Hey, it’s okay! You’re safe.”
He turned to see Will next to him, concern in his eyes. He had straw sticking out of his hair.
Nico took a moment to breathe and take in his surroundings. It was daytime, and they were on the ground in what he realized was the pegasi stables at Camp. Their clothes were damp from the rain, but dry enough to make it seem like they’d been laying there for hours. All of the pegasi were in their stalls, looking at the two of them like they were a nuisance for being in their house so early in the morning.
“That was real, right?” Nico asked Will, grabbing his arms, making sure he was really there, “Tell me I didn’t just dream all of that.”
“It wasn’t a dream.” Will seemed unsure, “I don’t think? Whatever it was, it happened. We saw Jason.”
Nico was relieved to hear WIll acknowledge out loud that he’d experienced the same thing and that Nico’s mind hadn’t just made it up. They had really seen Jason. Talked to him, even.
Nico felt some sort of peace at that moment. He felt as though he could lay to rest his lament over Jason’s death. Would he still miss him? Of course. But something was different now.
“We should get back into camp.” Will said, pulling himself to his feet. His butt was covered in dust from the wooden floor of the stables, “Everyone has probably been wondering where we’ve been.”
“”I’ve been wondering where we’ve been.” Nico muttered. Will offered him a hand and he took it, managing to get back onto his own feet. 
“Yeah, that was kinda freaky.” Will agreed, “But kinda awesome at the same time?”
“Tell me about it.” Nico shook his head, “Come on, sunshine, let’s go home.”
They walked to the doors of the stables. As Nico’s fingers touched the handle, a small shock zapped at his fingertips.
He smiled, “Hello to you too, Jason.”
And with that, they left, probably on their way to a week’s worth of dish duty.
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atlasmoonshine · 2 years
How I almost died on a camping trip (Long story, tl;dr at bottom)
Ok so my geology class has an end-of-semester field trip to the Appalachian Mountains for extra credit. Naturally, I take it because I have never gone camping before and it was a great opportunity to do so. The first day was a lot of fun, we went rock climbing with no harnesses, almost fell 50+ feet, went into a cave with only one opening as wide as my body, almost got stuck, fun times!
But those, while dangerous, were not the near-death experience.
So before the field trip started, my professor talks about it in the syllabus. HOWEVER, there was NO MENTION OF A SUPPLY LIST. It LITERALLY only said "just bring money for food." My assumption was that they would provide supplies or something.
They did not.
I had NO sleeping bag, NO blanket, NOTHING. I only had a tent because I buddied up with someone. It was just me and the cold, hard ground, just completely raw-dogging nature. But I didn't realize she'd be the one raw-dogging me. And she didn't bring lube.
So what DID I bring, you may ask? Just enough clothes to last the weekend, the shittiest keychain flashlight known to man, a multitool knife, and snacks for the van. That's it.
It was cold. It was in the 20s that night, and me NOT HAVING A SLEEPING BAG OR BLANKET, I layered up on clothes so I'd at least be a LITTLE warmer. I had like 2 hoodies, 3 shirts, 2 pants, and 3 pairs of socks on.
So this is where the trouble starts. It was 1 AM and I had to pee. I stumbled out of my tent with my shitty flashlight. This flashlight, turns out, was only good at telling the general shapes of things, nothing else. So I saw a dip in the land and assumed it was just a ledge.
It was not.
I slipped and fell on my ass directly into a creek. My pants were SOAKED from the ass down, my socks were soaked, my shoes were soaked. And although I had the self-preservation skills of a lemming, even I knew that wearing wet clothes in 20F weather was BAD NEWS. And I had no clothes to switch into, as all the clothes I had were currently clinging to my freezing body.
I make it back to my tent and I start shaking like I have never shaked before in my life. Have you ever held an ice cube for so long it started to burn? My ass down to my toes were BURNING. My feet no longer had feeling in them except for the icy hellfire that punished me for having bodily functions. I couldn't even lay down because I had to sit on my feet with the hopes my body heat would at least ease the pain a little. After a couple hours, my torso started feeling REALLY warm, despite nothing really changing. I may not be a survivalist, but I've heard that's generally a bad sign.
4 am hits. After THREE HOURS of accepting death, being in the most pain I have been in in a hot minute, my tentmate, who has been peacefully sleeping next to me unaware of me fighting for my life, wakes up. I'm assuming from me vibrating so much I was rubbing against the tent floor making noise. She asks me "How are you doing?" I say "Miserable, I think I'm dying, thanks! :D" I tell her the terrible situation I was in and she asked the question I'm sure every reader has asked at this point:
"Why didn't you wake me up?"
And at this moment: I learned something VERY interesting about myself. The reason I didn't wake her up was because I didn't want to disturb her. I didn't want to disturb her with me LITERALLY dying. In an ACTUAL LIFE OR DEATH SITUATION, when given the choice between POTENTIALLY bothering someone or just straight up dying, I CHOSE DYING. For some reason, my brain put bothering someone and LITERALLY DYING on the EXACT SAME TIER.
So that's how bad my social anxiety is.
Anyways, she lent me some pants so I'd stop wearing my soaked jeans and gave me some socks and let me use her sleeping bag for a couple hours before everyone else had to wake up. Somehow, I made out of it alive while still keeping all my toes. But I came out of it with some new knowledge about myself:
My social anxiety is SO BAD that I would LITERALLY rather die than potentially bother someone.
Tl;dr: I almost died of hypothermia because of social anxiety
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Wardrobe Malfunctions (3/?)
Here's another one ^u^ Had a little bit of a hiatus, and while i didn’t really write much in that time, I’ll most likely be able to get more stuff posted soon. The next chapter of Distorted Reflections is very close to done, so look forward to that ^u^
Warnings: making fun of Four
After a long day of walking up and down mountainsides, Four was about ready to collapse immediately. Of course, as one of the (barely) older members of the group, he refused to betray just how tired the trip had made him. So when they were finally making camp for the night, he ignored dinner and instead dumped his bedroll somewhat close to where the fire would be and fell asleep almost immediately. 
In hindsight, he really should have looked before dumping his bedroll and then himself there.
When he woke up, he felt sore, which was expected at least. But when he stretched and then moved to run his fingers through his hair, his hand got stuck in the snarl of hair. He frowned, still somewhat asleep, and retracted his hand from the tangle. Despite the displeased cold feeling he got from ignoring his messy hair, he got up and headed over to the fire, taking a seat on the ground and watching Wild mix something in the pot over the fire. 
When he heard snickering, he looked over at Twilight, who had some dried brush in his hands as he got closer.
“Sleep well there, Smithy?” he asked, amused.
Four’s brows furrowed.
“Pretty sure I slept on a rock, and I think my hair is probably suffering from bedhead, but otherwise, I slept fine.”
Wild laughed.
“Bedhead might be an understatement,” Wild replied.
Four shrugged, not bothered yet. He knew he probably looked messy, which would explain the increasing cold feeling, but he was not yet in the state to care about that. He continued to watch the fire and the food being cooked as the rest of the group woke up and joined around the fire.
Wild dished out oatmeal, chopping up some berries and fruit to add to it, and digging into his supply of courser bee honey and sugar cane to offer to the meal. Four, of course, was left indecisive and just grabbed a bit of everything to add to his meal, eating bits at a time. As the meal continued and the others grew more awake, the sound of barely concealed laughter met his ears. Now more awake, he glared at the instigators. 
“What? I know I have bedhead already, so what’s so funny?” 
Legend shook his head.
“It ain’t just bedhead. You look like Wild and Hyrule after an adventure through the woods.”
“Mm!” Warriors quickly swallowed the food in his mouth, pointing his spoon at Legend, “That’s a great comparison! I was gonna say he looks like Wolfie when he tries to itch his back in the dirt!”
There was a round of loud laughter that Four just huffed at, placing his bowl on the ground and standing up.
“Alright, if you’re all quite done, who's got a mirror shield I can borrow?”
Time willingly handed his over with a chuckle, and Four took a second to observe his appearance. His blond hair was stuck together in sticky clumps, pine needles sticking out of the clumps every which way, and some branches finding a home in the larger tangle he had found earlier. The cold feeling increased, a flash of anger making him inhale sharply. 
He dropped the mirror shield, giggles from behind him, forcing his feet to rush to his bag that was haphazardly dropped next to his bedroll the night before. He tore through it, grabbing his hair brush and the hair products that had been forced upon him the last time he had visited Dot. He ran through the woods and toward the pond they had passed by before making camp. He dunked his head in, letting the lukewarm water hopefully get rid of the sticky mess of sap that made its way into his hair last night. He ran his fingers through it, trying to dislodge as much dirt and debris from his hair as possible. Of course, it wasn’t working as well as he had hoped it would, and he sat back on his knees, hair wet and dripping, sighing.
“Hey Four, you need help?”
Four jumped, spinning around to see Wind standing there, hands raised peacefully and with a hairbrush in one hand. Four narrowed his eyes.
“You aren’t here to make fun of me, are you?”
“No, that’s already happened and been done. I’m just here to try and help you out.”
Four sighed, shrugging and then turning back around to face the water.
“Go ahead.”
Wind stepped closer, and his pants rolled up to his thighs as he stepped into the water. He dipped the brush in and then carefully brushed through the large chunks of hair stuck together. He paused every so often to pick dirt and sticks from the mass of hair but would return to brushing it soon after. It took a few minutes, but eventually, Wind hummed happily and released his hold on Four’s head.
“It’s not perfect, you’re gonna need like a warm bath or something to fix it completely, but this is pretty close to normal.”
Wind stepped out of the water and let Four take a moment to peer at his reflection in the water, shaking his still wet hair side to side to see that a lot of the larger sticks and pine needles that had been there were gone. Parts of his hair were still stuck together in clumps, but it was less than it had been.
“Thanks, Wind, I appreciate it,” He said, smiling back at the younger hero.
“No problem,” Wind smiled back, then his grin turned mischievous, “Hey, how about we get them back for this?”
Four’s grin widened.
“I’m listening.”
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amanyxia · 6 months
Yesterday, the snow kept falling
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There's something romantic about spending a cold winter night with the person you love.
At least the setting makes it seem that way.
The snow has been falling since yesterday. There's so much snow out there that I've been stuck at his place, which is not a problem. He's decided to spend the evening with me instead of working himself to exhaustion.
The evening started with me only wearing his hoodie and the collar he got for me. Purple with a tiny bell attached to the O-ring. He had it custom-made for a good price and I've never been happier to wear it for him.
I am his after all.
I find him sitting on the living room floor between the couch and coffee table. The lights in the room are a pale pink and there's a fake fireplace video playing on the TV that's mounted on the wall.
I giggle which gets his attention.
You're so cheesy.
He smiles and holds up a bottle of my favorite red wine.
And I got just the drink to add to it.
He fills two wine glasses, and I walk towards him before he holds his hand up. Stopping, I cock my head to the side, confused.
That hoodie. Take it off. You don't need it, I'll keep you warm. And be a good girl and come to me on all fours.
Him ordering me around like that always gets me so turned on.
I go ahead and do what I'm told. I throw his hoodie off me and drop down to all fours, making my way to him.
As soon as I'm close enough, he grabs me by my collar and brings me to him for a long, yet soft passionate kiss.
After cuddling on the floor by the couch, talking and drinking for a while he begins to play with me.
He starts carelessly pouring the wine down my bare chest, watching it run down my naked body like blood. My skin is as white as the snow still falling outside. His eyes glimmer with amusement while he goes to lick up the mess he made. Starting with my breasts, giving each one an equal amount of attention. He then makes his way all the way down to the warmth between my legs, already soaking wet for him.
He stops and looks up at me while stroking the inside of my thigh. I let out a gasp, looking into his gray eyes shining in the pink light. Him touching me like this is enough to make me come.
May I?
He asks, kissing my knee and still looking into my eyes. I smile, looking down at him. He knows he doesn't have to ask yet he does anyway.
I say breathlessly.
He grins then spreads my legs farther apart and starts worshipping every inch of my body with his tongue. Getting a taste of me inside and out. He grips my thighs, pulling me in closer.
I let out soft moans and threw my head back.
I smile again, feeling like I'm the one with all the control.
Feeling like a Queen being pleased by her servant.
After some time, his lips find their way back up to mine. He grabs my face with both hands and completely gets on top of me. His cock finds its way into my soaked pussy, taking all of him in.
It makes me lose control instantly and the sex turns aggressive yet passionate at the same time. Deep, warm kisses. Nails digging into one another. Teeth, scraping against each others necks like wild animals.
Two naked bodies going at each other until both are satisfied.
This night was everything we needed.
Only us and no one else.
Thanks to the snow trapping me here for a couple of days, everything feels complete.
I don't think I ever posted the first couple of short romances I wrote on here so here it is. Thought I'd share it here along with a little photo edit I made. I wrote this probably two years ago now and I've got one other short, kinda fun, romance I'll post on here next!
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tonguetiedraven · 2 years
Bonrin secret relationship that gets found out at the worst timing ever (panic induced fluff)
I wasn't sure how to write this one (I'm terrible at coming up with plots for secret relationships, lol) But I hope this fits what you wanted <3 <3
— — — — —
Bon was going to kill Lightning. It was cold as hell out here and he couldn’t feel his toes, and it was entirely that sloppy man's fault.
Well, that and the fact that Rin’s shitty building didn’t have a fire escape. Bon could probably survive the drop, but he’d still have only the sweater and underwear, and he couldn't exactly travel the streets like that. 
At least he’d gone for that instead of the towel.
This was so tremendously stupid. He really would kill Lightning this time. Or at least kick him. It wasn’t like he was naked out here, but it was evident he’d been undressed, and while Bon’s hair was wet, he knew Lightning wouldn’t believe him when he said it was just a shower. It really had been too. He’d come back from work all disgustingly sweaty and just wanted to be clean, and his boyfriend had pulled him into a shower with a promise of a heated massage. It promised to be wonderful, and there was some kind of soup simmering in the kitchen, and it was going to be the best kind of night. They so rarely got to be alone and have real dates. It was always midnight meals, and on rare occasions, early walks. (Extra rare because getting Rin up early was a nearly impossible task.)
But no. They’d gotten in the shower, Rin had just gotten his hands full of shampoo, Bon was leaning in for a quick kiss, and the damn knocking had started and Kuro had howled out a warning. Bon had bolted out to the escapeless fire escape, and now he was stuck here because of stupid Lightning rambling about some stupid mission. 
It had been two months now. They’d kept this thing (this thing they’d been nervous and uncertain about, and this thing Bon was now confident and crazy about) secret. They’d kept it secret because their friends were nosey as hell, and they felt like it had the potential to be a big thing if it was allowed to grow. Their friends would poke and tease and peer too close, and that stress would break it before it could even really start. If it didn’t go well, they’d be able to just shrug the entire thing off and nothing would have to change.
There was also the whole 'Son of Satan' thing to throw a wrench in their plans, and how frowned upon same sex relationships were by the higher ups.
One day Bon would break free of this entire stupid organization. He'd be proudly holding Rin's hand too.
Bon didn’t think he’d enjoy a secret relationship, but it was fun with Rin. It was fun trying to come up with clever ways to see each other. Fun to steal a kiss when someone could walk in. 
But Bon had never liked secrets, and he wanted to be honest, but he didn’t know how. He knew how he did not want to be found out though, and this was absolutely it. 
He was freezing. It was even worse knowing Rin was inside with supernatural flames that could wash this chill away with a wonderfully warm embrace. It might take full flames at this rate. His goosebumps had goosebumps.
The voices inside were getting louder. Had they moved to the living room? Thankfully the curtain (one Bon had picked out) blocked him from immediate view. 
"It's not like I'm asking a lot. It's even a pretty girl. I'm sure you'll actually like her."
What? Bon straightened in indignation and wrapped his arms a bit tighter around his chest. What the hell was Lightning talking about? What did a pretty girl have to do with anything?
"Yeah, nice figure, pretty face. She's your type." Shura added, and when had she joined? Also, what? Rin wasn't that shallow, and who were they trying to set Rin up with? Rin was already set up, thank you very much.
Bon couldn’t hear Rin’s response, and a small part of Bon was worried about how he didn't like that. He trusted Rin, but he still wanted to know what he said, and was that bad?
(It wasn’t like Rin would have a reason to turn them down. He had reasons, but not one they knew about.)
“Why not? Come on! Promise it'll just be a few dates. You won't have to do anything, and she really is pretty."
“Fuck off, guys,” Bon muttered, feeling a little thrill at Rin denying the date because Rin had him. Take that world. Bon got Rin and not you. Even apparently fake dates weren't going to happen. He'd feel warm and happy about that if he wasn't freezing to death out here.
A crack of lightning had him abruptly straightening and had his heart thumping. It was dark outside, and hard to see much of what was happening in the sky with the city's glare, but there were clouds, and it was possible they were —
Before he could even finish the thought, a drop of something tremendously cold fell on his nose. Bon shivered and wrapped his arms around himself all the tighter. He hugged his knees to his chest, curling his toes and trying to tug his sweater — which was probably Rin’s because it was a bit too small for him — around as much of himself as he could. The ice-laced rain started to fall in earnest, and Bon was 100% going to get hypothermia if he stayed out here.
Going in was unimaginable though. Going in meant Lightning and Shura seeing and knowing, and he could not imagine worse people finding out. There would be a million questions and endless teasing, and Bon would die and he'd and take as many of them with him as he could. But he was going to die anyway, because it was freezing out here.
Bon squeezed himself as far into the corner as he could, but the rain was still falling and he was still freezing, and he was starting to really tremble, and this entire thing was so damn stupid. 
Another boom — one loud enough to make his heart skip a few beats—and the window to the fire escape slid open. 
“Ryuuji!” Rin grabbed hold of his arms and pulled him into the apartment, wrapping him up in a tight hug as Lightning slammed the window shut again. 
“What the hell are you—Oh my god!” Shura started to point and bounce up and down, and Bon couldn't even look at her as Lightning's delighted and grating laugh filled the air. He was shivering too hard, and Rin's wonderfully warm arms weren't quite enough to make it go away.
"Shut up!" Rin growled, dragging him away from the window and towards the couch.
"Why was he outside?!" Lightning asked, his voice made it obvious he was smiling.
"Forget that, why aren't you dressed? Why are you wearing Rin's sweater?!"
"Shut up!" Bon tried to growl, but he was stuttering too hard to make it even mildly threatening. Rin dropped into a crouch in front of him and started rubbing heat back into his legs while Shura shuffled over with a blanket.
"No. I want answers." Shura had a delighted grin on her face, and Rin's death glare as he snatched the blanket away did nothing.
"Go and get him some soup."
"Your hair is wet." Lightning shuffled forward, beaming just like Bon had known he would be. "Both of your hair is wet. Were we interrupting something?"
"It's raining mo-moron."
Rin's eyes shot up to his in immense worry at how bad his stutter was.
Lewin didn't seem concerned. "Yeah, but half of your sweater is dry."
"It-it wasn'--" His cheeks were turning red, he could hardly feel Rin's warm touch, and the stuttering would not go away. If only he had stayed outside for a little longer. He could have passed out and avoided all of this.
Shura came back in with the bowl and looked moderately less giddy. "What the hell were you thinking hiding out there?"
"How long has this been a thing?"
"Is that why you didn't--"
"Everyone out!" Rin barked, rising up to his full height (which still left him shorter than either of them) and glaring as flames burned through his hair. "I'm not taking your assignment, and you're not telling anyone about this!"
"You can't boss us arou--"
The burst of flames made Lightning tilt his head curiously and had Shura laugh disbelievingly.
"Yeah, you know that isn't going to work. We'll leave, but we're talking about this tomorrow."
"Yeah," Lightning added, grinning all giddily. "I wanna hear all the details."
Shura nodded her agreement and dragged Lightning away by his collar. Rin herded them out, muttering threats while Bon tried to get his teeth to stop chattering enough to say something. He slammed and locked the door, and rounded back on Bon with a furious look that promptly melted into pure concern.
"Ryuuji," Rin huffed, hurrying across the apartment to reach his side. "Babe, you're all frozen."
"Yeah, well, your sweater isn't as warm as you are." He almost managed to say it without stuttering. The blanket was helping, and he could sort of feel that his toes were on carpet.
Rin manhandled him around as easily as if he was a doll and laid him out on the couch, wrapping him up in the blanket and climbing up beside him, stretching to his full (short) height and sending a wonderful sort of warmth over all of Bon. Or all of Bon that he could reach. The blanket was helping with the half Rin couldn't reach.
"This," he finally said after a few seconds of heavy and mildly awkward silence, "was not how I wanted that to come out."
"I'm sorry." Rin whispered. "I didn't--"
"It wasn't your fault. I shoulda just hid in the bathroom and hoped they stayed out."
"I shoulda told them to go away. You got all cold and I let it out and you didn't get your shower and now you're gonna get sick and it's all my--"
Bon managed to move one hand and press it over Rin's mouth to stop the ramble. "Hey, none of that. It was always going to come out. Just kinda hoped Yukio or Konekomaru would be the first to know."
Rin got even more quiet. "Yeah?"
"It... it was gonna come out?"
Oh. Bon shifted a little, feeling his limbs more now and only shivering a little. He had been teased about being a bonritto any time he wrapped up in a blanket, but he liked being in one with Rin.
"Yeah. At least for me. I... I want this to be a long term thing, Rin."
Rin hugged him closer and hid his face against Bon's throat, warming that up too. "Then we probably better start texting people. I doubt they'll be--"
As if on cue, Bon's phone started ringing with Shima's ringtone while Rin's started blasting Yukio's. That was surprisingly quick. Or not so surprisingly. Lightning had probably started messaging before he'd even gotten out of the apartment.
Rin looked over at his phone and frowned. Bon agreed.
"You know what? I say we just turn those off tonight and deal with the fall out tomorrow. Get our date and then just send a mass text to everyone that it's true, we're together, and they can all ask one question that we might answer. We should just delete Shima's without reading it though. Lightning too."
Rin laughed brightly and hugged him even tighter. The horrible shivery feeling had retreated, and he could really feel the hug now.
Well, tomorrow was going to be weird, but at least this wouldn't change.
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snow-system-wol · 4 months
(We gave S'ria poor emotional reactions to the cold and severe winter weather is a trigger for him, I don't know how it took us this long to realize that he'd have seasonal depression.)
It took far too long for S'ria to realize – he was pretty sure almost everyone figured out before he did.
In his defense, he'd had plenty of times to miss it. Limsa Lominsa had never had too extreme of a difference between seasons – it got pretty hot in the warm months, but not all too cold. The next winter (and another season besides) passed while he was in Ishgard, and he had been miserable the entire time he was living there regardless of time of year. He avoided normal winter weather for the following years too, with him traveling between different climates and continents that were experiencing different seasons. 
But now, he was living in Revenant’s Toll and the seasons mattered so much. Each one was strongly felt, from pleasant Springs to sweltering Summers to brisk Falls to… Winter. 
While some families had opted to return to Doma, many put down roots here instead, and so there were always a handful of children slightly underfoot. S'ria didn't mind them (and Menphina actively found them endearing). The first time that year it snowed, they were ecstatic about it, only to be rather crestfallen that it barely stuck on the ground.
The time after that, though, it built up a proper few ilms and they immediately rushed out to begin snowball fights. It took a lot of very stern lectures from their parents (and some Scions as well) to stop them from trying to use shields to sled down the hill by the lake – namely because there were too many things outside the walls that want to kill them. S'ria would have considered escorting them, if the hours of cold would not be so uncomfortable.
S'ria wanted to understand their excitement, but he just couldn't. He would have assumed it was just the difference between children and adults, but… well, several of the grown adults in the Scions seemed equally delighted. Some, mayhap, were looking forward to the holidays, but many were just very excited to see it snow.
S'ria thought it was just unpleasant, but it felt like an unkind response to others having fun. It was just… well, it was very cold, and it turned to wet slush, and if he crouched down his tail went into the frigid muck, and the way sound was muffled got eerie, and his bones hurt. He could have continued, there were more complaints than that.
It was a relief that he had no imminent duties, because that let him take a bit of a break.
He spent part of that day helping in the kitchen for the warmth of the stove, and the rest relaxing with hot cups of tea. The next saw him spending a lot of time near the oven, trying not to get in anyone's way, but didn't quite have the energy to be more than a slight help. The day after that a full blizzard rolled through town and S'ria spends much of the day curled up in bed where it was warm.
It wasn't until nearly a week of acting like this that G'raha and Alphinaud both knocked on his door together, and it certainly felt like an intervention. It was this visit, bringing him food and some gentle “are you all right?”s that made him realize – oh, there was a thing happening here, wasn't there?
Knowing didn't make the problem disappear, but at least it made it make sense and that was something. In some ways it was more frustrating, to know that his well-being crashing was from so mundane a reason, but it was something. And knowing did allow some attempts at solutions, even as much as it could get a bit trying at times.
Tataru tried to help, offering herbal remedies that S'ria occasionally tried, when the taste wasn't off-putting. (No matter how many health benefits some of those bitter little leaves had, he wasn't going to manage to drink that.) Thancred was quicker than usual to good-naturedly compliment his work, which was… equal parts sweet and odd. The twins and G'raha pestered him the most of anyone, insisting he got outside to catch what limited daylight the days would afford him, and bringing him warm food and company on the days that he couldn't quite manage that.
G'raha, in particular, tended to drop by the most – somehow bringing an additional blanket almost every time. S'ria was almost afraid to ask where he was finding them, at this point, but the pillow heap was starting to look more like a nest. While his bed was still more comfortable, there were definitely a few nights where G'raha and him were so comfortably buried in blankets that they both just slept there for the night.
They assured him that, if nothing else, this series of storms was like to run its course soon. It was nice to hear, though S'ria was considering spending next winter exclusively in warmer climes.
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fatale-distraction · 2 years
happy friday! for DADWC, how about some Krem/Inquisitor? :D
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No specific prompt used, but let's go with "Secret Dating in King-Sized Quotation Marks".
"Huh? What?" the young mercenary shook himself out of the brief stupor he suddenly found himself in, and looked up to see his chief peering at him strangely. More strangely than usual, at least, considering The Iron Bull had only one eye from which to peer, and a face crossed by countless scars.
"I called your name like, seven times."
"You were staring."
Rich, reddish brown eyes flicked guiltily to the side, where Krem could just catch a glimpse of the subject of his spaced-out day dreams. She was sopping wet. Long, curled strands of hair spilled from tightly coiled braids and stuck to her cheeks, her neck, her violet-inked forehead. The Inquisitor had flung herself head-first into yet another ill-advised situation and ended up falling into a particularly deep stretch of the river that wound itself serpent-like through the Emerald Graves. Good natured laughter filled the air as Sera and Cassandra hauled her out of the water, mercifully unharmed. She was grinning bashfully, drops of water still clinging to her lashes and dripping from her chin.
Most interesting, however, was the way her tunic clung to her leanly-muscled arms, her breeches to toned calves and thick, soft thighs, the rivulets of water trickling down between her breasts.
"I was what?" Krem asked.
"You have all the subtlety of a brick wall, my friend," sighed Bull.
"Yeah, I'll get that taken care of." The Inquisitor was now stripping her leathers off and laying them out to dry in the dappled sunlight. When the sun hit it just right, the pale fabric of her tunic seemed almost translucent as it stuck wetly to her skin. "'Scuse me."
The Iron Bull shook his head as his lieutenant made a beeline for her. The spectacle had begun to end, now that Ellana was safely out of the water and drying off, so when Krem brushed past her, bumping their shoulders together as if by accident, no one but Bull noticed. He saw the surprised look on the elven girl's face turn into a lip-biting blush when Krem pretended to apologize and kept walking toward a nearby copse of trees. She waited a few moments, unraveling her braids and squeezing her hair out with a towel before unsubtly wandering after him.
His arms snuck around her waist as she strode right past the tree he had concealed himself behind. Ellana squealed in pleasant surprise, and Krem clapped an un-gloved hand gently over her mouth.
"Ssh," he bade her, lips pressed against her sensitive ear. The day was fairly warm, but Ellana's unexpected plunge had left her skin cold and as covered in gooseflesh as it was in freckles. Krem pulled her closer against his chest and bent to press his face against the nape of her neck. "You're freezing," he murmured into her damp, red locks.
"Generally, that's what tends to happen when one plunges into a snowmelt-swollen river." Ellana twisted against him, trying to turn herself face-to-face with Cremisius, but he held her tightly, fingers skimming along her midriff.
"And why exactly did you plunge into such a river?"
"I firmly believed it would be fun."
"And was it?"
"Not in the slightest."
Krem's laugh reverberated through his chest, his breath tickling her neck. "How unfortunate, your worship--ow!"
At this, Ellana had broken free from his grasp with a clever turn of her hips and a well-placed knee. She whirled on her partner, whose cheeks flushed an attractive red, eyes predictably falling to wear her tunic clung like a second skin to her bare breasts. "I told you, in private I want you to call me by my name," she reminded him with a stern frown, one hand against his chest.
"You haven't a bra on," Krem informed her intelligently.
She smirked. "No, I haven't."
Mischievous carnelian eyes raised to meet her own amethyst ones. "You should have less clothes on."
"You're quite succinct today, Cremisius." Slim fingers crept around his neck, nails scratching lightly over dark, velvet-soft hair. Soft red lips pressed against his, their eyes fluttering shut as the pair lost themselves in the brief kiss.
"Ellana," he murmured against her open mouth before delving his tongue in to meet hers. He felt her breasts press against him as she went up on her tip toes. A hand drifted down to guide her thigh up over his leg, squeezing the thick, muscular flesh.
"Ssh, we can't," she whispered, gently pushing away, only slightly. Just enough to be able to gaze up into her lover's handsome face. "Not here. They'll be wondering."
Krem nodded, and took a shuddering, sobering breath. He enjoyed one last good squeeze, ducked down to claim another coy kiss, then reluctantly walked the Inquisitor back to camp. It had been his own idea to keep things between them hushed. Technically speaking, she was his boss's boss, and on top of it, the world wouldn't look kindly on a Dalish girl and a 'Vint as a couple. It just wasn't something she needed to deal with right now.
Still, at times like this, he regretted suggesting they be discreet. He'd kill to have her proudly on his arm, to kiss her even when people were looking, to go on a real date with her in a public place.
As Krem returned to his position guarding camp with the Chargers and Ellana moved to warm herself before the fire, Sera and Cassandra shared a look.
"Who the fuck do they think they're fooling?" demanded Sera, wrinkling her nose.
The Seeker shook her head. "They think they're being so sneaky...She doesn't even have a brassier on."
Sera grinned, blatantly staring. "I know, right?"
For @dadrunkwriting
Hope you enjoyed!
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quietplace26 · 2 years
Here's a Ghostwire: Tokyo x Reader series~ It involves most of the cast being some sort of yokai. I'm not including Ed and Dave as I'm not sure how to incude them in. I'm also not including Hannya. He can go die in a hole.
Reader's gender is your choice. (male/female/gn) But I'm gonna try to stick with gn. So they/them pronouns.
Akito: Kitsune
Mari: Kitsune
Erika: ?
Rinko: ?
KK: ?
Yokai au
Reader had always wanted to travel since they were little.
One day after a boring day at work they just decided do it.
So with a map in front of them and a dart in hand, they closed their eyes and threw the dart. Their destination was chosen. Japan.
Luckily Japanese was actually a language they understood and can speak easily!
With all their belongings packed, they head off to Japan for the adventure of the lifetime!
The first few weeks of their trip went well. But it was when they arrived to a tiny village and decided to explore the nearby forest was where the adventure truly began...
"Was I supposed to go right or left?" Reader was looking at a map closely, not paying any attention to their surroundings until they tripped over something.
"Ow!" Faceplanting into the dirt was not a fun experience, but this leads them to finding a path that wasn't on the map.
Feeling curious about this mysterious path, they decided to see what the path had to offer. It offers an old but pretty shrine.
With their curiousity fullfilled, they turn to leave and head back to the village when a loud clap of thunder stops them.
The sky, which was clear seconds ago, was now pitch black and rain was begining to fall!
With no where else to hide from the storm, reader ducks inside the shrine for shelter.
Seeing how hard the rain came down they knew they were probably gonna be stuck out here for the night.
At least they had their stuff with them!
As they settled down for the most likely a long, wet night, reader finally notices how they weren't alone in the shrine.
Two pairs of glowing eyes glared at them from the darkness and growls could be heard from the same direction.
When lighting struck outside, they see that the creatures were actually a pair of black foxes.
A few hours later, and they find themselves with a lapful of cuddly foxes.
It was a rough start at first, but after apologizing to them, in japanese since they noticed how strangely... confused the foxes looked when they spoke in english, and sharing their food with fluffy pair, the foxes quickly went from wary to friendly.
Oh, and the smaller fox was female while the bigger one was male.
As the rain fell more and more, and darkness swallowed up the shrine, reader decided it was time to at least try and settle in for the night. They had a feeling it was going to be a long, cold one...
They woke up the next moring to not only the storm still going strong, but also to a pair of foxes snuggled up under their blanket with them
They wanted to squeal at how cute the fluff balls were~
With the storm still going strong, they decide the best thing to do was to remain in the shrine for the time being. The foxes remained as well, so at the very least, they weren't alone or bored.
They even gave the foxes names! The female was Ebony and the male was Shadow.
They played with the foxes. Playfully chased them around and let chase them in return.
They talked with the foxes. They talked about everything. They told the foxes about where they were from, what they were doing in Japan, and what they hope to do in the future!
They even shared their food with the foxes. Even when they had barely enough for themselve, they willingly gave their portion of the food to their furry little friends!
Shadow looks at his food and back to them. He huffs and nudges the food back over to them with a growl. He was clearly telling them to eat as well. How cute~
The storm finally ends the next day. This meant they could leave and continue on with their travels.
They smile sadly as they rubbed both Ebony and Shadow's furry heads. Both foxes were whining sadly, making reader feel even more sad about leaving their furry little friends.
"Goodbye..." However as they started to leave, a female voice to calls out to them. "W-wait!" And a hand grabs their hand.
Whipping around, they were shocked to see a young girl dressed in a kimono. She was crying and clutching their hand tightly. But what caught their attention the most was the fact she had a pair of fluffy fox ears on her head and a equally fluffy tail swaying behind her.
"D-don't leave!" The girl cried as her fox ears fold back into her head sadly.
Reader could do nothing but blink at the girl, confused as to what was even happening. They zeroed in on her fox ears and mumurred, "Ebony?" Was this girl Ebony?
'Ebony' nodded with a sniffled. "M-my name is Mari..."
Okay then... Glancing behind Mari, they see another figure by the shrine. It was a young man. He too was dressed in a kimono and even had a pair of fox ears like Mari, but unlike Mari who had one tail, he had nine.
In the back of their mind, they recall reading a book about Japan's myths and legends. One of them spoke of foxes with nine tails called Kitsunes...
With Mari cuddled to their side, reader makes their way back to the shrine where the male was waiting. "Shadow?" The Kitsune huffs. "It's Akito to you human." The way he said human was rather insulting. Was he insulting them?!
Also they wanted to pet his ears so badly. They looked so fluffy!
Once the trio was back in the shrine, Mari shifts, and wasn't that a sight to see, into her fox form and snuggles into reader's arms.
Akito goes on to explain that the shrine used to belong to both his and Mari's parents, they were siblings, but when they passed on, it became Akito's duty to run it.
Eventually though, human's forgot about them. This made Akito angry as his parents did so much for the humans of this land, and all they got in return was absolutely nothing!
Wanting nothing to do with humans now, both he and Mari stay in their old shrine, living out their days peacefully away from humans... at least until an odd looking human stumbled into their shrine one rainy night.
They look down at a calmer Mari, who was now dozing off in their lap, and look back at Akito. "Can I ask you a question?"
"What is it human?" Can this pretty boy stop calling them 'human'? It was getting kinda old.
"Is it possible for you and Mari to hide your ears and tails?"
The Kitsune narrows his eyes. "...Yes. Why?"
What was about to come out their mouth was a stupid idea, but reader did stupid things all the time so the hell with it!
"I want you and Mari to come with me as I travel across Japan."
Akito stills, looking wide eyed at them. "You... want us to come with you?" His fluffy ear slowly fold back into his hair and all nine his fluffy tails wrapped around him. He looked so unsure... "Really?"
Reader nodded with a serious look on their face. "Yeah!" They held out a hand to Akito. "Come with me!"
Akito's eyes flickers toward the held out hand. After a moment of hesitation, he reaches out and grabs it.
Reader smiles, and to their delight, the rather serious Kitsune shyly returns it, looking adorably flustered as he did~
Seriously. Can this guy get even more cute?!
"I gotta ask you something. When's the last time you and Mari left this shrine?"
The Kitsune tilts his head, his ears twitching. "Left the shrine?"
Akito placed a hand on his chin, humming as he thinked. Reader's smile dimmed slightly. How long had these Kitsune siblings been in self isolation?!
Akito snaps his fingers and smiles. "400 years!"
400... years? Oh dear... This is gonna be quite the shock once Akito and Mari see how far humans come since then...
"Uh... Akito? I think I need to explain a couple things to you before we all leave..."
This might take awhile... but reader can't bring themselves to regret it one bit!
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