#study!! and don´t get distracted
shyanddreamy · 2 years
A helping hand
Niragi Suguru x Reader
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Summary: Niragi wasn´t at his best moment at high school. Life was unfair with him. But you noticed him. He caught your eye. What happened between you and Niragi was much more than he could ever have imagined in his wildest dreams.
Warnings: soft Niragi, mentions of bullying, violence, smut, fluff and angst (all-in-one because why not), loss of virginity, Niragi being so fucking adorable.
Author´s note: Soooo it´s my first time posting here but I needed to write Niragi´s first time and I know you needed to read it too. English is not my first language so I apologize for any possible mistakes. I really hope you like it. Love u all <3
Day after day, he was always alone; always in the same chair doing the same things. Exactly two hours after his arrival, he packed up his books and left for fifteen minutes before coming back with a coffee. He seemed to be pretty strict with his routine. Maybe you were a bit gossip because you had spent the last few days observing him until you learnt his schedule too. But what could you do? Studying was too boring; you needed a distraction. And he looked like an interesting one.
So that day, when he left the public library, you decided to follow him. You thought he might be going to a coffee shop, but he just was at the vending machine in the hallway.
"Hello there", you said. The boy turned back, but he looked side to side before paying attention directly to you.
"Are you talking to me?", he asked, puzzled.
"There´s no one else here except you", you answered. "Why do you carry your backpack with you just to take a break in the hallway?"
"I don´t want anyone to… steal my books"
"Cute. Are you a high-school student?", you smiled before asking, but he seemed embarrassed and confused. Anyway, he nodded. "And why don´t you study in your own school?"
"I prefer to be here. Is there any problem?"
"No, of course not. I was just curious", you said. "Do you mind if a sit next to you? I can´t concentrate by my own and you are always studying harder. Maybe I can learn something from you"
"It´s fine, I suppose"
He tried to smile, but it was more like an awkward grimace.
"I´m Y/N, by the way"
"Nice to meet you, Y/N. I´m Niragi"
"It´s my pleasure, Niragi"
Since that day, you changed your favourite desk in the public library to be in the same as Niragi. Most of the time you were just sitting there in completely silence, concentrated in your own notes. He was shy and everyday took him like half hour to get used to your presence. Either social skills were not his thing, or he was not used to interacting with girls.
In the coffee breaks were when you took advantage to know more about him. He was a high school senior and wanted to get good marks so he could go to the university the following year. This was your first year at the university, so you told him all about how your experience was. People, teachers, classes, environment… it was pretty different in comparison with high school, and he seemed hopeful at your description.
Ultimately, studying with Niragi was nice. You found yourself thinking that you even felt like going to the library every afternoon, far from the laziness you felt before. But everything changed the day you saw a bruised on his cheekbone. You noticed he didn´t want to look at you at all since you were sitting in front of him and you assumed that was the reason.
After nearly fifteen minutes of hesitation about what you should do, you grabbed him by the chin and forced his face upwards. He also had traces of dried blood next to his nose.
"What happened to you?"
"It´s nothing", he answered trying to hide behind his own hair.
"It doesn´t look like nothing"
He slapped your hand away from his chin and lowered his face again. It was strange because he has never been so rude before. And before you could say anything, he grabbed his backpack and his books and ran away. You went after him without hesitation after quickly gathering your things too.
"Hey, Niragi!", you called out in the hallway getting him to stop. He had no way of escape. "I didn´t want to bother you"
"I´m sorry. It´s my fault", he apologized, turning slowly towards you with his gaze fixed on his feet and his hands clenched into fists.
"No, it´s not", you answered a bit concerned. Anyway, you tried to sound calm. "Has anyone done this to you? Maybe a classmate?"
"No. It´s nothing", he insisted, but you noticed his weeping eyes. You were pretty sure that you spot on. So carefully, you took his hand between yours to get his attention.
"I know that we have fifteen minutes to get a coffee, but I think that, only for today, we should take a longer break"
"I-I´m not sure"
You smiled cheerfully.
"Trust me"
Niragi followed you tamely, but after ten minutes walking down the street, he started to get nervous. Even more when you entered in an apartment building.
"Where are we going?", he asked to you, but you waited to answer until you were in front of your door.
"To my house", you said while you opened it. "It´s not too much, but I can´t afford any more"
"Do you live on your own?"
"Getting a job while you are at college is not much fun, but it´s better than live with my father, that´s for sure", you explained briefly. "C´mon in. I don´t bite"
However, Niragi was suspicious. While you entered in the kitchen, he sat down in the sofa frowned. It was pretty obvious how uncomfortable he was.
"Why did you bring me here?", he asked you suspicious. "I-I shouldn’t be here. Maybe I´d better leave"
When you returned to the living room, you did so with a packet of frozen vegetables in your hand and interrupted his words.
"I don´t have ice, but it will work too", you sat down next to him and pointed to his bruised. "It seems recent, so cold will help. May I?"
Niragi opened his eyes in surprise, realising that you were trying to lend him a hand. He didn´t seem to be used to anyone helping him. And in a way, it was enough to calm him down a bit.
"Don´t worry. I can do it myself"
"It´s ok. I want to do it for you"
He smiled slightly and finally nodded. You remained silence for a few minutes to make him feel comfy while you took care of his bruise carefully. However, you needed to know what really had happened to him.
"So… do you have any problems at high school?", you asked him prudently, but Niragi was still reluctant to speak. "Stay quiet only helps bullies. It´s not beneficial to you"
"I-It´s nothing new. And I can´t do anything. I tried once, but it only got worse", Niragi mumbled. "I am only a few months away from graduation, I can bear it until then"
In that kind of situations, people used to say that you should talk with a teacher or an adult, but it is easier said than done. And as much as you would like to do something about it, you couldn’t force him to do something he didn´t want to.
"Is there anything I can do to help you?"
"I don´t want to be a nuisance, although, well, I am being one already", he muttered. As nervous as he still was, he dared to look you in the eyes. "Why are you so nice to me?"
"Because you are a nice guy, Niragi", you pointed out, setting aside the packet of frozen vegetables.
"We hardly know each other"
"Yeah, I actually know so little about you because you barely talk about yourself, and yet, I´m sure you deserve much better than this"
Your words were enough to make him blush. Damn, he was adorable. You liked his shyness and how easily he got nervous with little things. But he also was clever and pretty interesting if you give him the opportunity to get comfortable enough to talk openly. High school students weren´t really your type, but Niragi could be the exception.
When you put your hand up to his face, caressing his cheek softly, he seemed confused.
"Have you ever kissed a girl?"
"W-What?", Niragi stammered as he shrugged his shoulders. "W-why do you want to know that?"
"Because I want to kiss you. If you want it too, of course."
He looked even more flustered than usual but, at least, he didn´t turn away from your touch.
"You don´t have to do that out of pity"
"It´s not like that", you assured him. "I do want to kiss you"
"But why would you do that?"
"Because I see you, Niragi. I really see you. And I like all what I see"
"I don´t… understand"
"Maybe one day you will"
You approached a bit more until there were only a few inches between your lips. And still caressing his cheek and his hair, you finally kissed him very softly. His mouth didn’t answer at first, but when you started moving your own lips, he did his best to follow your pace. It was obvious it was his first kiss because of his clumsiness, but you were glad to be his teacher. The only thing you wanted was to give him an excellent first kiss. And when you thought it was enough for the first time, you broke the kiss, adding some distance between both. Niragi kept his eyes closed for a few more seconds before opening them again. You couldn´t help but smile as you saw Niragi blinking repeatedly, still muddled.
"Was it good?"
"Yeah, I guess. No, I mean, of course", he responded helter-skelter, making you laugh.
"See? You are incredibly sweet"
This time, Niragi laughed too. And your heart beat faster when you saw a special shine in his eyes. At that very moment, you realized how much you loved seeing that boy happy. He was so beautiful. And you wanted to protect his kind soul.
"Can we do it again? I know I can do better"
"I will gladly repeat. As many times as you want"
By the time you closed the door of your apartment, Niragi had already left his backpack on the floor and was waiting for you to come closer to him.
"Seems like somebody is a bit eager"
"I´m sorry", he said, losing some of the self-confidence he displayed moments before. "I just…"
"I was just teasing you, Niragi"
You walked towards him and stood on tiptoe to get to his lips, wrapping your arms around his neck. He simply placed his hands gently on your waist and followed you to the couch. Niragi plopped down on the sofa and you straddle him. Since your first kiss, you decided to pick up Niragi everyday at the entrance of the library and walked together to your flat instead of staying there. You studied too but also had free time for you. You had started thinking that Niragi was trying to become a total expert in the whole kissing thing.
"Has been a good day at school?"
"Yeah, cool. Better now I´m here"
"I´m talking seriously, Niragi", you insisted, placing your hands on his chest to be able to look at him. "I want to be sure that you are alright"
"I know. And I appreciate it. But everything´s fine, Y/N"
"Well, I´m gonna try to believe you"
You continued kissing each other for a few. Your tongues were tangled and your saliva mixed. Niragi was a quick learner. When you bit his lower lip, he dug his fingers into your hips unconsciously.
"Do you want… more?"
"What do you mean?", he asked you in return, slightly frowned.
"I´m pretty sure you know what I mean. I can feel the bulge in your pants"
His face suddenly flushed and his hands left your body. Niragi even tried to push you into the sofa, embarrassed, but you reminded on top of him.
"I-I´m sorry. I-I didn´t want to make you feel uncomfortable"
"There´s nothing to be ashamed of. Actually, I would be offended if your body didn´t react in this way", you joked, but Niragi was still amazed. "And if you want it, I´m ready to move to the next level"
"I don´t know if I´m… I mean, I don´t know what to do"
"I know you are unexperienced, Niragi, but it´s not a problem for me. I can guide you", you assured to him. "However, you have to be sure that you really want to do it"
"I want to do it, I guess"
"You guess?", you repeated after him. Niragi was so insecure that he could start trembling at any time, so you decided to lend him a helping hand. "We can go ahead and, if you regret it or feel uncomfortable, we can stop whenever you want"
Niragi hesitated for a few seconds before nodding almost imperceptibly.
"Yeah, good. I like how it sounds", he said in a tone of voice so low that it was difficult to hear.
You started kissing him again slowly to restore his confidence, but this time, it didn´t take you long until you moved your lips to his neck. You felt honoured to hear his low moans as you kissed that sensitive part of his body and guided his hands to your hips again. 
"Can I unbutton your shirt?", you asked him gently.
"Yes, it´s fine"
You did it one by one, and when it was done, you left his neck to take care of his bared chest. It was pretty sad to discover some bruises there too. Niragi tensed up as he noticed your gaze on them.
"There are not recent", he promised you in a hurry. Instead of answering, you took off your own shirt and showed him the scar near your shoulder.
"This is from the last day I saw my father", you explained to his visibly puzzled grimace. "I used to have some bruises too, but they will disappear and, eventually, you will heal. People who hurt you can´t control your life. You have so many wonderful things to live, Niragi. And those assholes can´t destroy you"
Words were not coming out of his mouth. He was completely focused on your scar. And without doubting, he came up to kiss it gently. You gasped and entangled your fingers in his hair, letting him freedom to continue kissing your skin and your neck. He was trying to copy what you have done on him before. God, you wanted to go step by step, but you also needed him so bad.
"Should we go to my bedroom?"
"Yeah, I would like that"
In the living room, Niragi was more secure about it than he was when he saw the bed in front of him. He even gulped nervously, so you take his hand gently and guided him to sit on one side of the bed. You stayed upright caressing his hair.
"Are you alright?"
"Do you want me to stop? We don’t have to rush things"
"No. I´m sure. I want to do this", he nodded. "I want to do it with you, Y/N"
"Okay then"
You took off his shirt and caressed his chest, arms and back. The tingling of your fingertips gave him goosebumps. All these sensations were completely new to him.
Then, you got on your knees and put your hands on his trousers. Before getting rid of them, you gave him a glance waiting to his consent. And Niragi nodded again. Once done, you got back on your feet and guided his fingers to your own pants, encouraging him to do something besides staring at you. And with just your underwear, he lay back as you climbed in top of him.
"Don’t look at me like I scare you"
"You don´t", he assured you. "I´m just nervous. I don’t want to disappoint you"
"Get that idea out of your head because there is no way you can disappoint me. If I see you are enjoying it, I´m going to do it too"
You both kissed for a while as your hands explored each other’s body. Niragi was so shy at first but ended grabbing your breast firmly. His breathing got heavier in the moment you stroked his crotch. You got rid of your underwear and continued moving your hand up and down his length a few times. He already was completely hard and pre-cum was shining in his tip.
"How could you keep this secret away from me?"
"What are you talking about?", he asked to you but got puzzled by your naughty smile.
"I´m talking about what you hid under your pants. You are huge"
And immediately, Niragi was blush again. A pride and subtle smile appeared on his face even so. Maybe it was the first time you saw him being proud of something about himself. After the sex, you might teach him what else he should be proud of besides his dick.
"You mean it?"
"Yeah, I´m just telling you the truth", you said. And when you rubbed his tip against your wetness, Niragi moaned. It was time. "Are you ready? For sure?"
"Yes, I am"
"Can you see right without your glasses?"
"Yes, for sure. I forgot about them", he said before taking them off and leaving them on the night table.
"And do you want to switch positions or something?"
"I´m good here", he answered. "And you look so pretty up there"
You smiled tenderly.
"You are the sweetest boy I ever met, Niragi"
You kissed him one more time before burring yourself in his length inch by inch. Niragi opened his mouth widely as he chocked a moan in his throat. Feeling himself completely inside of you was much more than what he could afford; the sensation was more amazing than he could have ever imagined. That´s why you gave him a few seconds to recover.
"Are you alright?"
"I have never been better"
"I´m glad to hear that"
You started moving your hips up and down slowly. His sonorous moans were music to your ears. And as you speeded up the pace, you ended up moaning too. You had wanted this since your first kiss and it was so pleasant it finally happened. His hands clung to your thighs at the same time you descended to taste his lips again. Niragi could barely kiss you back, but he did his best. Nevertheless, after a few minutes, you felt his muscles tightening. You knew what that meant.
"I-I think… I am…", he scarcely could talk.
"I know. And it´s okay. I really want to see you cumming, babe"
You caressed his hair and his chest as you quickened your pace as much as you could. Niragi looked directly into your eyes, the pleasure burning in his gaze and his moans filling the room. God, he was even cuter when he was such a mess.
"I love you, Y/N", he confessed in a gasp. "Damn, I…"
A louder moan prevented him from continuing to speak. As he cum, you stopped the movement of your hips gradually. And shortly afterwards, you moved from the top of Niragi to lay back in the bed next to him. You still caressed his chest with your fingertips, smiling as you observe his desperate attempts to catch his breath.
"Was it good?"
"Was even better. Better than anything", he answered, slowly turning his face to you with an exhausted smile. However, it didn't take long for him to change it to a worried grimace. "I have finished too fast, right?"
"It´s your first time. It´s normal"
"I´m sorry"
"Don’t apologize, dumbass", you refuted. "It has been great. I promise. And practice makes perfect"
You hugged him by the waist and left a warm kiss in his shoulder.
"So… that means we can repeat it some time?", he asked, paused.
"I would like to. But you have had enough for today", you concluded before sitting up in the bed.  Instantly you opened your arms and nodded your head at him, telling him without words to come closer to you. "Sex is amazing but cuddling after sex is stunning too"
Although a bit reluctant, Niragi decided to accept your offer and put his head over your bared chest. His arms slowly moved until he was hugged to your body and, a pair of minutes later, Niragi took a big breath of air and let it out slowly. You continued caressing his hair and his back, hoping he didn´t fall asleep.
"You were right. It feels good too", he mumbled.
"I know, baby"
His hands clutched at your body with need, as if he never wanted to let you go again.
"You are the best thing in my life, Y/N. No one has ever cared about me as much as you do"
"Is that why you said that you loved me before?"
Niragi gulped on account of your words. Probably he was trying to make like if that never happened, but it did.
"I´m sorry"
"Stop apologizing"
"But I have to. It has been out of place. I was feeling so many things a-and I said it out loud, but I´m sorry"
"I´m not annoyed", you assured. "But I need you to understand that I don´t feel the same. At least not yet. Right now, I love you as a friend; falling in love takes time"
"I get it", he said, but you noticed a slightly disillusionment in is his voice.
"However… it´s also true that you are the only person who has captured my interest in a long time. So, it´s possible that it means something"
Niragi didn´t believe that anyone could ever notice him. He thought that everyone despised him; that he deserved all the hate he got; that he was only a piece of trash. And he believed that all was his fault for being born twisted. But you had proved him wrong; you had shown him the love he never had. And Niragi could never wish for more.
"Like you said before… We don´t have to rush things", he murmured tentatively.
"Yeah, I agree"
Your day was being a complete disaster. You had a mentoring early at the morning, but it took longer than you expected and you were late for work. As a result, you had left later too and, by the time you arrived to the entrance of the public library, Niragi should have been waiting for you for more than half an hour. As you noticed that he wasn´t waiting for you sitting in the stairs, a group of teenagers a few meters away caught your eye.
"So, you were hiding from us, huh?", one of them laughed.
"I told you he was here, guys", another said.
"You don´t want to spend some quality time with us after classes? We always have so much fun, don´t you think, Niragi?"
It took you a few seconds to realize that one of them had Niragi by the shoulders. He was clearly uncomfortable and these five boys would be his classmates; his bullies. They turned down the street into an alleyway and you didn´t hesitate before following them. They were too busy pushing a terrified Niragi against the wall to notice you until you raised your voice.
"Here you are, guys! It´s so nice to finally have the opportunity to meet you"
Five pairs of eyes were on you at once. They looked confused, but Niragi quickly recognised you.
"Y/N, it´s fine. You should go", he made an effort to keep his voice from trembling.
Or he didn´t want you to see what they were going to do to him, or he was afraid that they might do something to you as well.
"Do you know who she is? It´s your girlfriend or something?", one of them asked him, moody. The only thing that stood out about him was his bright yellow t-shirt.
"Huh? How is this freak going to be dating such a beautiful girl?", another answered, walking towards you with a cocky smile on his face. "Is there any problem, sweetie? I can help you with whatever you need"
"So nice of you to ask", you smiled too. "The truth is that my day has been awful, but I´m so lucky that you are here to make it better"
Before he could say anything, you punched him straight in the nose, making him cry out in pain as the blood began to flow. Suddenly, you kneed him in the crotch and grabbed him by the hair before he could even react.
"I assume that you, dickhead, are the leader of this deplorable gang", you said near his face. "And I am the person you should have never crossed paths with"
"You crazy bitch. I´m gonna…"
You pulled his hair harder, forcing him to shut up.
"What are you gonna do, huh?", you asked, but didn´t obtain any answer. Then you took something out of your pocket and pressed it again that boy´s crotch. His eyes widened, frightened. "Yeah, you are right, it´s a knife. So you should listen to me carefully. If I ever see Niragi again with another bruise, I´m gonna cut your disgusting little dick before you could use it at least once in your entire pathetic life"
You saw the fear reflected in his face. He was terrified. You even thought that he could pee his pants any moment.
"Have you understood what I said?"
"Louder! Have you understood?!"
"Yes! Yes! I promise! I won´t do it again!"
You let him go with a shove moments later. And when you put your sight in the other four kids, they seemed to be petrified.
"The threat goes to all of you", you warned them. "Does anyone have anything else to say?"
Three of them bowed their heads submissively, but the one in the yellow shirt was reluctant yet.
"There are four of us and he is just a girl. We can handle her", he told to his friends, seeking their support.
"Planning to assault a girl in group. So brave, sweetie", you answered, smiling tenderly. "Anyways, I´m going to be nice and warn you that, before entering in this alleyway, I have called the police. I told them that five guys were following me down the street and I was so freaking scared. I suppose that, if they catch you, they won´t be as kind as I am being with you"
"You have kicked one of us! And threatened us!", he shouted. "I am the one who is going to report you to the police"
"It´s your word against mine; an innocent pretty little lady vs five good-for-nothing jerks. Are you sure that they are going to believe you?"
"I can´t go to jail. I´m too young", one of them complained.
"Me too. We should run"
"Maybe we can hide before police came here"
"Finally one of you says something coherent", you commented.
Moments later, without even bothering to say goodbye, they started running out of the alleyway, helping his injured leader to run as fast as them.
"Nice to meet you, guys! You were right, it has been a lot of fun with you all!", you shouted, hoping they could still hear you.
Only when you saw them turning the street, you paid attention to the person who had been in the background all this time. You were alone with Niragi, who was looking at you like if he didn´t know you. He seemed unable to process what had just happened.
"Have I gone too far with them?"
"What the… What have you done?", he finally asked, bewildered.
"I´m sorry. Maybe I should have asked you before doing anything by my own"
"You have threatened them with cutting his…", Niragi couldn't even finish the sentence. "Why do you have a knife?"
"It´s not a knife. It´s a comb. A pocket´s comb", you said, opening and showing it to Niragi. "But that moron was too scared to look at it. And I have sound pretty convincing"
And just like that, after a few seconds of absolute silence, Niragi did something you didn´t expected: he laughed. He laughed so hard he had to lean against the wall. You let him let it all out until, just a few minutes later, he managed to calm himself down.  You've never seen him laughing like this before. And the truth is, it was a bit strange.
"Are you feeling well?"
"Are you kidding me? It has been incredible! I´m feeling more than well", he assured you. "But, what about the police?"
"It was a lie too," you answered. "I knew they would be such cowards"
You went to your house like you supposed to do before the incident happened. Sitting on the sofa with a soda everything seemed better, but Niragi still had too many questions in his mind. He was amazed.
"They were terrified", he smiled, but his gaze soon fell upon you. "I didn´t knew you could be so… I don´t know. I couldn´t imagine you like that"
"Now you know. I guess that´s what happens when life isn´t fair with you. You learn some tricks", you mumbled. "If nobody is there for you, you must become your own saviour. And when you have so much hate inside, your soul gets dark and rotten. That’s why I wanted to protect you before yours was too broken"
"But I don´t want you to protect me, Y/N. I want to be like you. I don´t want anyone to be able to hurt me again"
Niragi was freaking out; seemed astounded. You have never seen him like that, so full of life. You could see it in his eyes; maybe you were too late to save his kind soul. Maybe it wasn´t so kind since the beginning.
"You have enjoyed it. You didn´t just want them to stop; you wanted to fight back, to make them suffer"
Niragi bowed his head as if he were ashamed of his own thoughts. Or maybe he wasn´t ashamed of his mind at all, he only didn´t want anyone to discover all the dark things that were on it.
"There's no reason for you to lie to me. I had tried to prevent you from seeing that part of me because I didn´t want to lose you. I know I´m not a good person, Niragi, but I have no regrets about the way I am", you confessed. "And back there, in the alleyway, when your classmates left and you were looking at me, I have noticed the bulge in your pants. The situation has turned you on"
Niragi flushed and his knuckles turned white from clenching his fists in his lap.
"I can´t say out loud what´s on my mind. I´m twisted. A disgusting freak"
"Society may reject people like us. People who are so fucked up inside that only want to see the world burn. But you can be genuine with me. No matter what you say or what you do, I will never run away from you. Your dark side doesn´t scare me, Suguru"
Niragi´s eyes were wet. He always had thought that he will always be alone, but he saw a part of himself reflected on you. For the first time in his lifetime, he had been lucky to have your paths cross. And without hesitation, Niragi hugged you vehemently and you hugged him back trying to comfort him.
"Don´t ever leave me, Y/N. Please, don´t go"
"I won´t. I promise"
You felt his tears in your cheek and you held him tighter, but you allowed him to let it all out by crying. Sometimes people just needed to have someone by their side; someone to love them no matter what, despite their shortcomings. And from now on, you were going to be there for Niragi just as he was going to be there for you. Neither of you would ever be alone again.
1K notes · View notes
Hi would u write a Xavier one shot were he takes notes for reader because she falls asleep in botany and he wakes her up after class and offers to help her study the lesson in the library so she doesn’t miss out 
Thank you so much for the request anon. <3 This was so fun to write I hope you like it.
Sweet dreams
pairing: Xavier Thorpe x reader
synopsis: You fall asleep in class, but Xavier makes sure that you don´t miss anything.
warnings: fluff, innuendo
word count: 0.6k
The second you sat down in the green house that afternoon, you had known that you most likely wouldn´t be able to pay much attention. Morning classes had stretched out like nothing ever before. And after spending all night awake in an attempt to catch up on studying for the exams to come. A futile attempt as it turned out and a major set back for the day, but you refused to stay in your room and catch up on the sleep all together as well. So, you dragged yourself through the day until the inevitable happened. Ms Thornhill had just started the botany lecture when your eyes grew heavy. Falling close multiple times.
“You can rest if you want. I´ll take notes for you.” Xavier whispered into your ear from right beside you.
The soothing circles his hand rubbed into your back made sleep seem like such a good idea. So, the next time your eyes close, your head sinks to the table. Cushioned by one of your arms and you give in to sleeps grasp on you. When you get shaken awake you don´t know how long it has been.
“Hey, it´s time to go.” Xaviers soft voice rings through to you.
Sitting up and rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you notice that the classroom is entirely empty. Save for the two of you.
“What about Ms Thornhill?” You ask in a raspy voice. Clearing your throat of the remaining drowsiness.
“It´s alright. I talked to her.” He reassures you. “Come on now. Let´s get out of here.”
You pack your back as quickly as possible and follow Xavier. Taking his hand into yours you lean on him as the two of you grab some snacks and then settle down in a quiet corner of the library.
Once there, he explains his notes to you, though it is hard to follow along. With your chin perched on your hand you listen to his voice, not really processing the words that come out of his lips.
“Anyone home?” You get ripped from your daydreams by a hand waving in front of your face.
“Huh? Yeah, sorry.” You blink away the remnants of your daydream.
“What´s got you so distracted?” Xavier gives you a half smile.
“Nothing... Have I ever told you that you have a really nice voice?” You reply with a smile of your own.
“Do I now?” He teases, earning an affirmative hum from you.
“Yes, you do.” You chuckle and lean over to peck his lips.
“You know, when you act like that I get in the mood for something that requires a lot less talking…” He murmurs only to be interrupted by a drawn out yawn falling from your mouth.
“On second thought… Maybe we should get you to bed. Let you catch up on that sleep you missed out last night. It´s late already anyway.”
“Yeah, that sounds like a great idea.” You stretch your arms over your head, letting another yawn escape.
Together you walk all the way up to your room. “I´d ask if you´d stay, but my roomie… you know?”
“I know. I know. It´s alright.” He hands you the notes he had taken for you. “You just make sure to get a good night´s rest before you look through those.”
“I will.” You nod.
“Good. Now, sweet dreams.” He kisses your cheek and turns to leave.
You watch him until he rounds the corner of the hallway and then get inside your room. You are barely able to put down your stuff and  lie down. Sleep overtaking you once more the second your head hits the pillow.
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ykwrites · 2 years
Fired- Ukai x reader
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Pairing: Ukai x fem!reader.
Warnings: Descriptions of sex, no use of protection.
Rating: NSFW
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Evenings at the store were... uneventful, just a few highschool students passed by to get drinks or snacks before heading to the library after class.
It wasn't your dream job by any means, but it lasted only about three hours long if your boss didn't take too long coaching Karasuno's volleyball team and it paid okay (as okay as it could, being so easy and giving you the freedom to even study if you had no costumers)
You were in college, this little job helping you buy the few useless things your family rightfully refused buying for you.
It was a thursday evening, 5pm to be exact, your stupid economics book lying on the counter in front of you, so boring it could kill.
As background noise there was Shoyo, rummaging through bags of chips like a desperate child, making it impossible for you to concentrate.
''Hinata, pick one already''you urged.
''Sorry!''he said, peeking from behind the snack shelf with an enthusiastic but still apologetic smile.
''What are you doing here anyway? I can´t imagine you missing practice on purpose''
Shojo was obsessed with volleyball, passionate.
''There wasn't practice today, and the team wanted to go home already''putting three bags of chips on the counter, he explained, a pout clear on his lips.
Huh, weird.
Ukai said he WAS going to practice that day, he wouldn't have asked you to go to work if he wasn't.
Maybe he had plans he didn't want to tell.
A date?
The sole thought sent cold shivers down your spine, hopefully it wasn't for a date.
I should explain now, that the money this job paid wasn´t the only reason why you decided to work there. Maybe Ukai's presence had a bit to do with it.
''Y/n?''Shojo shook his hand in front of your face, making you snap out of it ''You okay?''
''I just... spaced out''you explained ''4,50''
Nodding, the little tangerine searched his pockets for the money, getting distracted when the door opened.
The smell of smoke instantly filled your nose, followed by a very deep and stoic voice.
''Hinata, what are you doing here?''
''Coach!''Shojo responed, smiling ''I'm buying chips''
''Go home, it's late''the blonde spoke, demanding, his presence making you melt with every step closer he took.
Instead of saying anything back, Shojo nodded, put money in your hand and quickly left, running out like he was scared for his life.
For a moment, the store fell silent, Ukai calmly walked around to check that everything was okay, and you decided to pretend you were extremely concentrated on your book, because otherwise you would be eyeing him down.
He was so ridiculously hot, blonde hair tucked back with his signature black band and a loose white shirt on, the first few buttons undone. This outfit was... too formal for him, he usually wore hoodies with the store´s apron on top.
Did he really go on a date? why else would he lie about where he was going?
Even more so dressed that way...
''Whatchu' looking at, kid?''he asked.
O shit, you were eyeing him down.
Pretending not to care, you rolled your eyes, annoyed at the stupid nickname he always used. He was only four years older and acted like he was 90.
''Just how ugly you look''you lied, making him laugh.
''You're the only one who said that today''he sat on a small stool near the soda fridge, fixing his hair.
If it wasn't impossible, you would think he was trying to make you jealous.
''Someone told you that you look good? tell them to get their eyes checked''
''Will do, I don´t think she'll change her mind tho''
Definitely a fucking date, and you couldn't demostrate how much it bothered you.
Knowing you had no right to be even sligthly mad about this, but still being furious and annoyed, you closed your book and started gathering your things to leave. Trying to look as calm as you could, if he was there, your shift was over.
''How was the day?''he quickly changed the subject, his tone still playful ''Lots of costumers?''
He knew the answer to that.
''The usual''your voice was dry but careful not to express emotion.
To be honest, you had never shown Ukai any romantic or physical interest, but he was so out of your league it scared you to confess or make advances. Also, he always called you ''kid'' and pointed out how young and naive you were.
After a while of working with him, you got used to the idea of admiring him from afar, but didn't consider the obvious possibility of him getting a girlfriend.
You just had to get over it, leave your crush in the past and see him as what he was, your boss.
''I´ll head out, you need me to come back tomorrow?''you said, putting on your coat,
''As always, why you ask?'' he looked confused.
''Okay, see you tomorrow then''
''At what time? wouldn't want you to be late for your date''you thougt, but didn't say it.
Your footsteps towards the door were extremely loud, a tense feeling of jealousy and embarrassment flooding your senses.
As soon as cold air hit you, you cursed in between your teeth. The walk home felt longer than usual, with more overthinking than actually walking.
Of course, your feelings towards Ukai were destined to end or be kept in your fantasies forever.
You couldn't complain, you weren't entitled to anything and you were too much of a coward.
That night, you closed your eyes wondering how that woman he was dating must've been feeling, how she felt when his hands touched her, rough and sweet at the same time, demanding.
And his lips... probably soft, tasting of cheap cigarettes, leaving marks to dominate and show she belonged to him.
Oh, what wouldn't you give to feel all of that yourself.
The next day your alarm ringed too early, leaving you plenty of time to overthink while you showered, had breakfast and tried to study for a few hours before having to head out to work.
Before leaving, you looked in the mirror, fixing the short, black pleaded skirt you put on because it was warmer outside.
As always, a short glimpse of hope made you wish he would notice your outfit. (too revealing to work in a small convenience store)
On your way, you crossed paths with a couple of Ukai's students who greeted you enthusiastically, dressed in their sport's uniform.
A couple of them went out to buy drinks for the whole team before friday's practice every week, so it wasn't weird seeing them walk back to the school with bags.
What was weird that day, was Ukai sitting behind the counter with his apron still on, crossed legs up on the counter, leaning back on the chair while lazily smoking instead of ready to leave quickly.
''Hey''he greeted, still not moving.
''Hey''you said, walking past him to leave your things in the back, assuming he would leave right when you got out.
''We have to restock the gum''
''Okay, I´ll get to it after cleaning''
And, he was in the same exact position when you appeared with the broom in hand.
''Don't you have practice?''
''The boys wanted to have a day for themselves''
''And you let them?''you asked, even more confused but trying to look uninterested.
''Well, I have more interesting things to do''
''I thought the interesting plan was yesterday''
''Mhm''avoiding his gaze, you started cleaning the first aisle ''I would think that going on a date is way more exciting than being here, or at practice''
A small laugh escaped his lips, choked.
''If you consider having lunch with my grandma a date, I guess you´re right''
Upon hearing his words, you froze in place.
His grandma?
Before your brain could elaborate, or even realize how stupid and out of proportion your reaction was, he said something, something you would never have expected to hear from him.
''Is that why you got so mad yesterday?''he asked, playful ''because you thought I went on a date?''
This shit had to be a joke, not real, so you promptly ignored him, back turned to pretend you didn´t hear anything.
''How rude of you, not responding to your boss''
What the fuck was happening? Why was he acting like this?
''It was a stupid question''desperately trying to control the situation, you spoke, turning to look at him.
Ukai´s face was easy to read, showing how much he enjoyed himself, arms crossed and a smug smile on his lips.
''Then answer''he dared, standing up.
''I don't care what you do on your free time''
''What a bummer''
He huffed and you looked at him wide eyed, what did he mean by that? This was certainly new, and it didn't make any sense, bizarre and out of place, because in the couple months you had worked for him, he never acted this way.
Ukay was usually a serius, kind of dry and tired man, he probably had cracked two or three jokes in the time you had known him, but never this way.
''Ukai, what do you mean?''you asked, now seriously wondering if the man in front of you was a clone and not the actual Ukai.
Your question seemed to break his facade, making him look away and nervously fix his hairband, letting out a frustrated curse that you couldn't quite hear.
''Nevermind, I was messing with you''he said, quickly getting in the back.
Intuition told you he was lying, and with the urge to find out what all of this was, your feet moved on their own, following him.
Ukai stood with his hands resting on the small table he had full of bills and random paper, cheeks furiously red, even more when he saw you there.
''How rude of you, not responding to your employee''you joked, trying to ease his nerves(and also yours)
''I...played a dumb prank on you, it was inappropriate''now he acted like himself ''I´m sorry if I made you uncomfortable''
''You didn't make me uncomfortable, but I am extremely confused''
''Forget it, kid, a prank doesn't need that much thought''
For some reason, you still thought he was lying, so in a desperate attempt to clear things up and annoyed because he used the little nickname, you walked towards him with an intimidating gaze, resting your hands on the table right next to his with a loud and determined thump.
If this was a prank, you had the right to get him back, and if it wasn't...well, you would NOT miss a juicy chance.
''Seems like you tried to make me jealous''squinting your eyes, you got real close to his face.
Ukai almost jumped back, but after a few seconds of hesitation, he stood his ground, eyes turning dark.
''What if I did?''he said, that tone of enjoyment from earlier coming back mixed with dominance.
There was no going back now, you had to take the fucking chance.
''Didn't take you for a man who gets all scared when a woman doesn't get that he is flirting''you teased.
''Stop trying to piss me off'' he was so close that the familiar scent of his perfume mixed with cheap tobacco flooded every inch of you,
''And what if I am? are you going to do something about it?''
In seconds, his left hand held your chin up, bringing you close to slam his lips against yours with such force it could leave bruises, however you didn´t care if your lips fell off after this, because you kissed Ukai.
This was the kind of kiss that leaves people gasping for air, panting for more touch.
''I knew you liked me''he said, smug, still holding your chin.
''Who said that?''you challenged, walking around the table to bump against him on purpose.
Ukai didn´t flinch but smiled, confidently placing a hand on your waist and the other just at the edge where your short black skirt met your thigh. Instinctively, you shivered, melting under his touch.
Before responding, his lips attacked yours again with burning hunger, getting you desperate on purpose.
''I know you wear these little things just to tease me''his hand traveled up your thigh, teasing.
''Took you long enough to notice''
''Oh''he chuckled, voice deep, his digits moving up to meet the edge of your underwear ''I noticed, every time''
Almost shivering from excitement, you kissed him again, biting his bottom lip to earn a delicious groan and a more adventurous hand placed on your clit teasingly. He didn´t put pressure but smiled down at you, sinister, waiting for you to beg.
His name fell from your lips like a silent prayer and he took it upon himself to make you suffer a little bit, moving his digits only a couple of times.
''What?''he asked, still smiling, aware of how he had you in the palm of his hand with such little effort ''why don't you tell me what you want?''
Waiting for a response, Ukai placed a slow kiss on your cheek, the closest he could to your lips without touching them. It was a clear way of demostrating how he could make you moan so easy, melt under his touch.
''Touch me''you asked, panting.
''Mhm''he nodded, devouring your lips one more time and finally moving his fingers against your heat with a rythm.
Small moans filled the room while he worked his magic, leaving your panties a soaking mess, sticky and warm.
A small knot formed inside you, brain going fuzzy and shockwaves travelling up and down your body. Desperate to feel closer to him, to feel more, you needed to kiss him again and palm his growing bulge. As a response he groaned again, grinding against your hand for a few moments until he unexpectedly took a step back.
''Get on the table''before you could protest, he spoke ''take off your panties first, leave the skirt on''
You more than happily obligued, throwing away a couple of papers and sitting, legs immediately open for him.
Ukai observed the mess he made, proud to see your blushing face and eyes asking him to fuck you senseless, his dick was about to explode, so before going back to kiss you, he took off every piece of fabric in the way, leaving just his shirt on.
Your eyes shoot open at the mouth-watering sight, thick and veiny, slightly bent at the tip, but he didn´t let you look much before he was already kissing you,left hand on your neck while the other teased your folds.
''You are such a good girl''he spoke, inserting a finger slowly ''Your pussy is clenching so much, like you want to cum just now, and I didn't even move''
His words were like a drug, addictive, tempting and a great way to make you go crazy when he finally moved his finger, bending it with the sole purpose of finding the sweetest spot inside you.
At this point you couldn't even kiss him, head thrown back at the pleasure and hips grinding to follow his movements.
Just when you thought things couldn't feel better, he added another finger without warning, making you gasp loudly as he scissored his fingers to stretch your soaking cunt.
''Ukai''you managed to say ''Oh god''
Concentrated on you, he just listened to your sweet and lewd sounds, leaving marks on every piece of skin his lips could find.
Tears pooled in your eyes, the pleasure being too much for you to handle, one hand gripping Ukai's arm for leverage when you finally unleashed with a big, breathy moan, almost a scream.
''Fuck''breathless, you spoke, feeling his hand slip out of you.
''You did so good for me''he said, stroking your cheek with a passionate kiss.
This moment as you came down from your high, your heart swelled up, because he was being so sweet, loving almost, clearly giving you time to recover and breathe before moving any further.
For a bit, Ukai just kissed your face and your lips gently, touching your body in more of a caring way.
''You wanna keep going?''he asked, not pushy but relaxed, the dominance in his voice now gone.
''Ukai''you said, propping yourself up enough to tangle your hands behid his neck and pull his face closer until his ear was next to your lips, close enough to whisper ''I want you to fuck me, hard''
This time, you were the one smiling playfully when his face turned all red and desperate, welcoming the furious slam of his lips against yours. It was inevitable, you lit a fire in him and he still took his sweet time kissing and touching you all over until he couldn't take it anymore and guided his member with your entrance, bottoming out in a sharp thrust that took every bit of air out of your lungs.
It definitely felt better than his fingers, and that's saying a lot.
Ukai wasted no time and with a low moan, he held your hips and moved fast inside you.
''You feel so good, fuck''he said, squeezing hard where he had his hands and desperately searching for your lips.
Hardly, you kissed him, back arching at the pressure and feeling of him inside you, reminiscing every time you had touched yourself thinking of this very moment, even more turned on now that the fantasy was way better than you imagined.
Ukai was good, rough just how you liked it, extremely good at finding the places that drove you both crazy.
Soon after you were clamping down on him, earning more of those deep moans you loved so much.
''Fuck, pretty, I´m going to cum''he warned, movements getting sloppy.
''Cum inside me'' you pleaded.
''You sure?''
That's all he needed to hear, and in the blink of an eye, he bottomed out one last time to release his warm load inside your walls, hazily slipping out after.
Between shaky breaths and the sweaty mess you both were, you could feel his cum dripping out of you and onto the table to wich he gave a lazy smile.
''You look so pretty like this''he chuckled, setting himself between your legs again, hands lovingly on your waist.
''Well''you laughed, heart almost exploding at the sight of him all fucked out and also very pretty ''You look like a mess''joking, you fixed his hairband.
''All because of you''
''Mhm, if you say so''
''We should go out together''he said, leaving small kisses all over your face.
''Should've asked me out before this, I think you skipped a step''
''Are you rejecting me?''Ukai laughed.
''I can't reject my boss, wouldn't want to get fired''
''Not in a million years, baby, you could punch me and I still wouldn't fire your fine ass''
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Cat Yuu-Heartslabyul
at least the Cat is better behaved than Grim, which isn´t a hard feat to achieve but it´s better than nothing
and it does help him catch Rule breakers, but it still isn´t allowed at formal parties
the Cat might not be a rule Breaker but they are a horrible distraction every time he tries to study it just keeps sprawling out on his desk and demanding pets, which it might do because Trey is worried about Riddle overworking himself
the Cat also tried to chase the Flamingos and Hedgehogs multiple times which forced Riddle to put the Cat on house arrest as soon as they are supposed to be playing a game
and it always manages to sneak into the Cafeteria to beg for treats or leftovers from the other Heartslabyul students
which forced him to give the Cat a firm talking to
the collar Riddle got the Cat does look suspiciously similar to “Off with your Head!” which Riddle will deny
if the Cat plays nice and doesn´t bother him while he´s working in the kitchen he will sneak the some Cat save sweets
but not to sweet, he can´t brush the Cat´s teeth, he tried once and it didn´t turn out so well for the toothbrush and Trey´s hand he wasn´t allowed in the kitchen for some days because of it
he also hides this from Riddle because he´s rather strict about the Cat´s diet
Trey also learned to enjoy doing his homework when the Cat is around, mostly because you can´t be mad at a furball happily rolling around in the sun
he also sometimes stays up late with the Cat cuddles into his lap but because of the lighting a lot of students see Trey sitting like an evil villain instead of an adorable moment
he thought he found the perfect prop for his Magicam account but what he didn´t anticipate was just how difficult one Cat pic can be
even bribing it with treats doesn´t work, it always manages to make the pics blurry by moving around like crazy while eating
he even tried using one of his clones just so he can take a picture but they quickly managed to find out who´s the real one and who´s a fake
the only time he got a picture was after Ace and Deuce were forced to chase it around for the entire day because it managed to escape the Dorm and was chasing the poor Hedgehogs again
but it was worth it because like always the Cat pic blew up
but if you don´t count him always trying to take a pic of them, they get along rather well, they even cuddle up to him when he doesn´t hold his phone or just when they notice he isn´t doing to well
he never liked the Cat and the Cat also started hating him, he hates them for always snitching on him and after some time always leaving their spat out furballs in his shoes
they even bite him once!
he thinks the Cat is nothing but a spoiled little shit and believe me you don´t even want to hear what the Cat thinks of him
he always runs away when it´s his turn to look after them or conveniently forgets to feed the Cat because he had something very important to do which didn´t give him time to tell somebody to take over for him
he even tried to prank the Cat, which weirdly enough succeeded but he also just put a glass of water over the Cat´s favorite nap spot so not a really creative one
he likes the Cat they even join him in his Club activities sometimes
it´s always a funny sight to see a small Cat just keeping up with all of the NRC students or even being faster than them
and the Cat is a good helper when he´s studying, well kinda they usually just sit in his lap so he can´t move away and starts meowing really loudly when he get´s stuck on a problem
he´s 90% sure the Cat was the reason he managed to improve his grade
and they sometimes sneaked into the Classroom when he was taking a test and caused so much chaos that he got some extra time
he´s also the one who has to make sure nothing happens to the Cat, which is just him keeping Ace away from the Cat and the Cat from Ace
those two really don´t like each other
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iaminfourthwing · 5 months
The Generals Daughter
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Chapter III
The sun is up when we stand in formation the next day while Captain Fitzgibbons reads from the death roll. The courtyard is hollowed in almost deadly silence.
We’re all in our assigned uniforms for first years with our patches added and while some of us look like they got a decent amount of sleep last night, I didn`t and I feel like I am ready to be send to Malek. But my mind was running on high speed and I was way too paranoid to sleep, ready for the (mostly im)possible scenario someone might try to pull some shit at night, even though it would be against the Codex. Violet next to me looks like she struggles but is keeping her head high. She is strong which makes me proud.
“We command their souls to Malek.” Oh, we were at the end already.
“Hopefully you all ate breakfast, because you`re not going to get another chance before lunch” Dain says, “and I hope at least one of you first years has the academic schedule remembered.”
“And if we’re not?” someone behind us says. Is he dumb?
“Then I don`t have to be concerned with forgetting your name” Aetos shrugs. Well.
“Sawyer” he looks to the left at a first year. Ah, Sawyer Henrick, the freckled guy that repeats the first year because he didn`t bond during Threshing last year. It takes some balls to do this shit again, he has my full respect.
“I`ll get them there” he answers and turns to the nine of us first years. “Fourth floor, second room on the left in the academic wing. Get your shit and don`t be fucking late” he shouts and heads off to the dormitory.
“This must be shit, doing this again” Rhiannon states.
“Better than being dead” the guy from before claims as he walks on my right side. I think his name is Ridoc but I am not sure. I look around, not saying anything and make my way to the dorms, not noticing that Violet isn't by my side anymore. In her place walks Rhiannon. “Where-“ “Dain” she says before I can ask. Damn Aetos, so much for being subtle.
We`re off to grab our (and Violets) stuff and head over to the academic wing for history, which is going to be boring for both Violet and myself. Violet was trained to be a scribe, so she knows it all, and I had to study everything anyways, order from my father.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
“Welcome to your first Battle Brief” Professor Devera greets us. This will be the only class we`ll have every day.
She takes her time to scan the rows of first years, looking at every cadet she sees, while the second and third years are scattered behind us.
At first, she makes eye contact with Violet next to me and gives her a small smile and nod but when her eyes find mine, she tenses and stops. For around three second it`s quiet, then she nods and continues. Rolling my eyes, I look to the left at Violet, seeing a concerned frown adorning her face. I send her a reassuring smile and turn back to the front where Professor Markham stands. He looks at Violet with disappointment, not because of her personally but the lost chances with that great brain of hers. She would have been an excellent scribe.
His gaze sways over to my side and just like with Panchek, his face pales instantly and fear strikes his facial features, not because of me but the one I share my last name with. Letting out a frustrated sigh I switch my focus on my quill, distracting myself before I start to scream out of annoyance. For fucks sake, I am NOT my father. Why is everyone acting like he rules the fucking continent?
“First topic of the day,” Devera moves to the map “the Eastern Wing experienced an attack last night near the village of Chakir by a drift of Braevi gryphons and their riders.” Oh damn. I sit straighter and focus on the map. Good thing when you have an excellent working memory – you can focus more on the front, less on your notes.
She gives further information and I take it all in. It’s bad enough that dragons aren`t the only animals capable of channeling powers to their riders. But the dragons are the only ones of powering the wards that makes other power impossible within these wards. They make sure we aren`t fucked up by the gryphons and their riders.
“…What questions would you ask? Only answers from first years for the start.”
Okay first of all, why the fuck are the wards faltering and more importantly what caused them to falter in such an unlikely place? They would never answer that question because none of us is authorized in that matter.
The second question would be, why they would choose this place for an attack? The Esben Mountain Range is the highest on the eastern border and the gryphons don`t go really well with altitudes like this. Furrowing my eyebrows, I try to find a pattern in the latest attacks. It doesn`t make any sense. But maybe … maybe they were searching for something.
“Did you want to ask a question?” Devera asks Pryor, a first year in our squad, who doesn`t really knows if he should raise his hand or not.
“Yes” he nods. Then – “No. Never mind.”
“So decisive” Luca, another first year from our squad, mocks him. Aurelie tries to ease the tension but Luca is not done with her teasing.
“No dragon is bonding to a guy who can`t even decide if he wants to ask a question. And have you seen –“ I scoff loudly, rolling my eyes at her demeanor to finally bring an end to this shit, which makes her turn around in her seat a row in front of me. If some of them are already kind of terrified with my face here, why not use it?
Her eyes meet mine and she realizes who interrupted her. She quickly turns back to the map without saying anything anymore.
I hear Violet and Rhiannon whisper to each other but don`t understand anything.
“What altitude is the village at?” Rhiannon finally asks. Oh, that`s a good question, matches with mine I had in my head. It`s Professor Markham who answers, surprised by it. “A little less than ten thousand feet, why?”
“It seems a little high for an attack with gryphons.” Good safe, because now I just realized that the question came from Violet. Smartass.
“… to ask your own questions, Cadet Sorrengail.” Shit, I need to start listening and try not to zone out all the time. Seems like the girl next to me has now all the attention on her. Great job, Vi.
Violet goes on about how this altitude is way too high for gryphons and their ability to channel. Looks like a thought crosses her genius brain as her next question is based on Devera’s information that the squad of riders took an hour to arrive.
“Then they were already on their way” she says. And while I can see what she is talking about – the rest of the first years decide to judge instead of thinking, some of them start to laugh.
“Yeah, because that makes sense” a blonde guy turns around in his seat to laugh directly in her face. Jack fucking Barlowe, the asshole that threw a candidate down the Parapet tried to kill Violet and still has it out for her.
“General Melgren knows the outcome of a battle before it happens, but even he doesn`t know when it will happen, dumbass. Am I right, Melgren Junior?” His eyes find mine when an evil smirk finds its way onto his face. Don`t fucking tempt me, asshole. I am not interested in a conversation with you.
My lack of response seems to annoy him because he tries it again. “I said, am I righ-“
“There is no need to repeat yourself. I ignored you just fine the first time.”
Stunned silence from Barlowe, startled gasps from other cadets, choked laughter from Ridoc. “Oh shit, that was good, Arya!” he laughs next to me and clasps his hand on my shoulder. Yeah no, I don`t think so Ridoc. I should try to keep my mouth shut with that one before I'll regret it.
Violet ignores my remark and continues with her theory and it seems like she is right, because Devera and Markham both look proud and with a knowing smile on their face. “Because they somehow knew the wards were breaking” she finishes.
“That`s the most-“Jack argues. Does he ever know when to stop?! “She`s right.” HA! I have a proud grin on my face, I love her brain!
“Cadet Melgren” I am called by Devera. Startled I raise my head, brow hitting my hairline.
“What would you ask in aspect of the attack?” she asks me. For a moment I study the map again, trying to sort my thoughts.
“What were they looking for and most importantly, did they find it?”
A slow smile spreads over Deveras face and even Markham looks intrigued by my question. “What makes you think they were out looking for something?”
“Well, it just makes sense they searched for something. Like Cadet Sorrengail said, the attack took action at the most illogical place for a drift of gryphons.” I pause, bringing my thoughts into formation. “The wards failing was not a coincidence and even though it seems like they were just passing by, they weren`t. They somehow knew the wards would falter in that specific moment. But whatever they were looking for, it must have been really important if they risk their drift to attack this high up in the mountains.” I finish.
I can hear Ridoc next to me cheering quietly in his seat. And while the first and some of the second years don’t think that far yet, I am pretty sure some of the third years had a similar question in mind, because I hear approving whispers behind me. Years of learning and studying are finally paying off.
“Just like your father. Always thinking ahead and seeing the important aspects. Good job, Melgren.” Everyone else would see it as a compliment but … 
I hate it, with all my heart, because I desperately want to be everything but like my father. Violet takes my hand, knowing how much I hate to be compared to the General.
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verdant-mischief · 7 months
I´ve Never Loved A Darker Blue
If he´s being honest, James is quite surprised that none of his friends have called him out yet. He´s barely listening to their conversation, only hearing bits and pieces of it, and he can´t help sneaking glances over to the Slytherin table, where Regulus is sitting, eating toast and reading a book. When their eyes meet James gives him a smile and Regulus rolls his eyes and looks away, but there´s a light blush on his pale face and when he looks over at James a few minutes later, he smiles back. James feels a flutter in his stomach and is sure that he´s the one blushing now, but luckily his friends are too occupied having a heated discussion about the best way to get back at Snape to notice.
James only manages to tear his eyes away from Regulus when the morning post comes, hundreds of owls flying over their heads, dropping off letters and packages. He flips through the letters he´s received, one from his grandparents, one from a cousin and the last one from his father. He rips open his father´s letter first and reads through it, smiling at the praise for winning their last Quidditch game. The words fill him with pride, but the smile on his face dies immediately, when he looks back over at the Slytherin table. Regulus is holding a letter as well, and James knows instantly that something is wrong. His relaxed posture from before is now stiff, the smile gone from his face and replaced by a stony expression, James has grown to recognize. It´s the look Regulus gets whenever the talk turns to his family; the same one he has seen on Sirius´ face so often in all the years they´ve been friends. James feels his heart dropping, as an icy feeling spreads through him. He desperately wants to go over to Regulus and take him in his arms and kiss him until the smile from before is back on his face, screw what everyone else thinks, but he knows he can´t.
“James? Are you even listening. Hey, Potter!”
James tears his gaze away from Regulus and looks over at Sirius, who´s shaking his head at him in exasperation, as if he can´t believe James isn´t hanging onto every word he´s saying.
“Are you still dreaming? I asked if you want to go to Hogsmeade later. We wanted to go to Zonko´s, remember?”
James shrugs, glancing over at the Slytherin table again, but Regulus is gone.
“No, I… I gotta study. But you guys go.”
Sirius looks like he doesn´t believe any word he says, but before he can call him out on it, Remus rests his head on his shoulder mumbling: “Are you done? We wanted to go to the library before classes, remember?”
A smile appears on Sirius´ face and he nods.
“Right. See you guys in class.”
He jumps up, practically dragging Remus out of the Great Hall, while Peter and James share a look.
“As if we don´t know that they´re gonna make out in that passageway on the second floor,” James mutters, taking a bite from his now cold pancake, while Peter chuckles.
They finish eating, but not even Peter´s babbling is keeping his thoughts from returning to Regulus. He thinks about searching for him before classes, but doesn´t know how he´d get away with it and besides, he isn´t even sure Regulus would want to talk to him right now. In the end he just keeps an eye out for him while walking to class with Peter, but as expected doesn´t see him anywhere in the hallways. Both Remus and Sirius are looking flustered when they join them in class and James rolls his eyes at them.
“Did you find what you were looking for in the library?”, he asks innocently, but lucky for Sirius, McGonagall walks into the classroom before he can come up with an answer.
The day´s classes keep him somewhat distracted for the time being, but he still loses five points in Potions, when he accidently adds far too many beetle legs and makes his cauldron spill over. He´s glad when it´s finally time for lunch, hoping to see Regulus there, even if he can´t talk to him. His gaze flies to the Slytherin table as soon as they enter the Great Hall, but there´s no sign of the younger Black brother.
Regulus doesn´t show up for the entire time and James is getting more and more worried. He´s stabbing his chicken pie distractedly, barely eating anything and even his friends are starting to notice that something´s going on with him.
“Just tired,” he answers Sirius´ question if he´s okay. His best friend doesn´t look entirely convinced, but in the end, he thankfully lets it go.
After lunch he has to fight off Peter, who insists on staying at Hogwarts with him, while Remus and Sirius go to Hogsmeade.
“I´m fine. I´ll probably just take a nap. Go. You need to keep them from buying too many chocolate frogs again.”
James practically throws him out of their room, barely waiting until the door closes behind him before taking out their map and tapping it with his wand. “I solemnly swear that I´m up to no good,” he whispers, watching as the dark lines start to appear on the paper. It doesn´t take him long to find Regulus on it, and he wouldn´t even have needed the map, because his first guess would have been the Astronomy Tower anyway. He mumbles a quick “mischief managed” and dops the map into his trunk, before hurrying out of the room. He ignores the confused stares of the few people in the common room and leaves through the portrait, making his way to the fourth floor where a hidden pathway behind a pillar will lead him to the Astronomy Tower without being seen. He climbs the stairs and as soon as he enters the room, he sees Regulus curled up by the window, his face turned away from him. James feels his heart sink, and he hesitates a moment before he says quietly: “Okay if I come in?”
Reg shrugs, still not looking at him, but he doesn´t outright tell him to fuck off, so James closes the door behind him and walks over to his boyfriend. He sits down next to him on the floor and up close he can see the redness of his eyes, indicating that he has been crying, even though his cheeks are dry now. The sight, though not unfamiliar, breaks his heart. He wraps his arm around Reg´s shoulder, feeling him grow stiff at the contact for a second, before he relaxes and slumps against him, turning his head so that he can bury his face in his sweater. Regulus sniffles softly and James just holds him close, knowing from past experiences there is nothing he can say to make it better.
He keeps his face hidden in James´ sweater, even after he has stopped crying, and James gives him a few minutes before pressing a kiss to the top of his head, mumbling: “Do you want to talk about it?”
He never does, but James needs him to know that he is there whenever he´s ready. Regulus lets out a sigh and shakes his head, just like James knew he would. He shifts around a bit so that he´s sitting more comfortably with his back against James´ chest, and James wraps his arms loosely around his chest.
“Okay,” James whispers. “But I´m here if you want to.”
“I know.”
They sit in silence, watching the other students walk to and from Hogsmeade, while James draws nonsensical patterns on Reg´s arms. He feels him relaxing more and more and when James looks down at him after some time, he notices that Regulus has fallen asleep. A soft smile appears on his face, and he carefully brushes one of his curls behind his ears, trying not to wake him. Despite the dark circles underneath his eyes, Reg looks peaceful asleep, and James wishes he could always be that untroubled.
The sun is slowly falling and a glance at his watch tells him that dinner is about to start and as much as he wants to stay like this forever, he knows he has to wake him up. Reg didn´t have lunch and James barely ate anything as well and he can feel the hunger gnawing at him. Not considering that the others would surely notice and ask questions if he didn´t show up for dinner.
James allows himself another minute of watching Regulus sleep, before he gently shakes him awake. Reg blinks up at him in confusion, and James can´t quite keep the fond smile off his face.
“Good morning, sunshine,” he teases, leaning down and pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose. “Feeling better?”
Reg nods, giving him a small smile, before yawning.
“How long did I sleep?”
James shrugs.
“Dinner´s about to start.”
Regulus´ gaze shifts from James´ face to the window, through which they can see the sun just disappearing behind the trees of the Forbidden Forest, painting the inside of the Astronomy Tower golden. He lets out a sigh.
“I wish we could just stay here.”
James drops his hand from his hair to his face, softly stroking his cheek.
“Me too.”
Regulus looks back over at him, giving him a rueful smile, before twisting in his arms to kiss him. James pulls him closer, burying his hand in his hair as he returns the kiss.
“I´m kind of mad that I missed out on so much make out time because I fell asleep,” Reg says when they part again, and James can´t help but laugh.
“There´ll be lots of other opportunities for that, don´t you worry.” He hesitates before adding: “You looked like you needed it.”
Reg drops his gaze and shrugs.
They are silent for a few moments and James knows they should make their way downstairs to the Great Hall, but neither of them makes a move to get up. His friends are probably already wondering where he is and he should really think of a good excuse to tell them, but he can´t bring himself to care. Reg´s stomach lets out a growl, interrupting his thoughts, and James chuckles softly.
Regulus sighs.
“Starving, actually.” He sits up and stretches, his shirt riding up and exposing a small sliver of skin, and James can´t take his eyes off him. “Like what you see, Potter?” Reg asks, when he notices his gaze, a grin on his face, and James rolls his eyes.
“You know I do.”
Reg´s smile turns a bit shy, a soft blush appearing on his face, and James can´t help but press another kiss to his lips, before finally getting up. His whole body aches, but it was definitely worth it.
“Come on, or we´ll end up missing dinner.”
He holds out his hand and pulls Regulus to his feet, before adjusting his tie and smoothing out the wrinkles in his shirt.
“You´re sure you´re okay?” James asks quietly.
Reg nods and gives him a smile that doesn´t quite reach his eyes, and James can see a familiar sadness in them.
“Never been better.”
He gets on his tiptoes and presses a quick kiss to his lips and before James can say anything, he´s disappeared down the stairs. After a moment, James follows him, his heart heavy in his chest, because deep down he knows that no matter how much he loves Reg, it will never be enough to make this sadness inside of him go away completely.
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oh this looks so fun holly!!! i would like to participate in rolling the dice please~
2 | genshin impact, zhongli (honestly are you even surprised lmao) | no genre, go crazy ;)
thank you and also congrats on 1k!! here's to many more bc you totally deserve it for all your amazing writing ✨💖🥂🍾💐
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thank you so much dear!! ♡
i´m not surprised but still very much elated because i like writing zhongli i should do it more often; after all, i do quite enjoy the manner in which he chooses converse aka i like that he talks in fancy jsjshs
anyway, i hope you have as much fun reading as i had writing; without furtherado, let´s get the ball, or in this case the dice, rolling with...
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trope: drunken confession [space nr. 2]
pairing: zhongli x gn!reader
genre: crack, fluff
warnings: alcohol consumption
second constellation event masterlist
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You overestimated your alcohol tolerance. Or underestimated Zhongli´s. Or both. Probably both.
Much to your delight, the consultant of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor had asked you to accompany him to dinner this evening at ‘Third-Round-Knockout’. Seeing as you had been harbouring feelings for the man for quite some time now, you had been quick to agree.
You were well aware of the restaurant´s rather strong drinks, yet, as you listened to Zhongli´s melodic voice describing scenes from a time long past, your attention lay not with your glass but with the charming geo user right in front of you. Somewhere far back in your mind, a tiny voice wondered how he could know all of these ancient stories in such great detail but the more often your hand moved towards your beverage, the quieter it got.
And that was how you found yourself basically glued to his lips as your cheeks radiated a tingly warmth that slowly spread all throughout your body. Under normal circumstances, you´d stare much less obviously and would at least try to follow his explanations but right now you couldn´t really care.
“(Y/n)?” At the call of your name you merely hummed in reply. “(Y/n), I cannot help but observe a distinctive lack of attentiveness in you tonight. I wonder whether this is due to the lateness of the hour or whether there is something weighing heavy on your mind?”
“Or perhaps,” he studied your glass and then your complexion, bringing a gloved hand up to cup your cheek, “tonight´s beverages are affecting you more than they do affect me. My apologies, I should have been more considerate towards your tolerance when choosing. Please do believe me, it was not my intention to leave you inebriated by the time we part ways, it's just that I usually find myself in the company of those who can never seem to drink enough.”
“No, no, I´m fine! That´s not it!” Zhongli slightly cocked his head to the side and raised an eyebrow as you hurriedly waved your hands in front of you. “It´s really not the alcohol! It´s actually your fault!”
“Oh?” It was impressive how quickly you went from moving a mile a minute to being completely frozen in place. When Zhongli, however, seemed more amused than offended, you remembered how to breathe again. “Would you please care to enlighten me as to how it is my fault you´re so distracted?”
“It´s because of your stupidly distracting face of course! I mean seriously, how is it fair for someone to be this handsome? Like hello?? Normal people exist, you know,” you grumbled, your head supported by your hand now. Breathing out a heavy sigh, you continued with a dismissive wave of your hand. “You´re always so nice and gentlemanly, too. Like, you´re beautiful and well-mannered and also, like, really smart and that's just not fair. And then every time you talk to me, my heart does that stupid fluttery thing and it´s just ugh– Like, you´re you and I ´m me and I just really don´t know how to tell you that I like you more than a friend.”
For a moment, both of you just stared at each other, Zhongli with his brows drawn in surprise and you with a slightly annoyed pout. Then, realisation struck.
“Oh my archons! It´s– I didn´t–” After not being able to come up with any kind of sentence whatsoever, you buried your face in your hands, the embarrassment heating you up more than any kind of liquor ever could. “Oh Rex Lapis, please let the ground swallow me whole.”
“There will be no need for that.” Zhongli´s deep chuckle made you peek out from between your fingers and seconds later any sort of shield was taken from you as firm hands gently grasped your wrists and pulled your hands down between you two. You almost missed how his thumbs drew deliberately slow circles onto the palms of your hands as you lost yourself in intense pools of molten gold and amber. “I must say, even in a situation such as this, you´re so very precious.”
“Huh?” was a rather intelligent remark on your end.
“You mentioned previously your heart does, may I directly quote you, ‘that stupid fluttery thing’ whenever you talk to me. And although I might have expressed myself a little differently were I in your shoes, I can assure you the sentiment is the very same.” Gifting you a rare smile as he watched your mouth part in an awed ‘o’ shape, he continued. “Without wanting to sound too forward, I would like to invite you to spend the night at my humble residence, mainly because I wish to see you taken care of properly. But I also cannot deny wanting to keep you close now that our feelings lay bare before one another. What say you?”
“That sounds very nice,” you yawned. 
“Then so shall it be.” Draping his long coat over your shoulders, Zhongli held out his hand for you to take as you left the restaurant and began your walk through the tranquillity of Liyue Harbor´s night. “By tomorrow I´d like you to repeat yourself again. I must be sure it is you and not the drink talking. You´ll do that for me, right, dearest?”
You hummed and nodded as you drew the shoulders of his coat more snugly against you, practically melting into the cosy fabric. The man next to you couldn´t help but chuckle at your actions.
“Perhaps,” he mused, “you could also take that chance to tell me more about my… what was it? Ah yes, my ‘stupidly distracting face’, to make use of your phrasing.”
“Only if you promise to stop teasing me about this.”
“Ah, you see, a promise is not unlike a contract. One should not give one´s word when one is not certain to also keep it.”
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tag list: @mccnstruck
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kraro-school-life · 9 months
✦ 27. 12. 23 ✦ 📓 ✦ Wednesday ✦
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Reflection ✧⋆。✎
I don´t think I will use this format every day, but I just like it so much. I pretty much did no studying today, and that´s okay! I have to remind myself that breaks are necessary and it´s not my fault that I can´t do everything at once. I bought new books today, aren´t the covers just so pretty??
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Tasks ✮⋆˙
🗒 To do tomorrow:
I want to do an early studying session, where I can do my work in peace, so let´s see if I will be able to get out of bed for that lmao
⤷ Finish the essay
⤷ Continue math theory summary
Make a study plan / task list for next week (last week before exams...)
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Stats ✧˖°
🌱🌿🪴 - 1h 2min (trying to write that essay)
♫₊˚.🎧 ▷▷ Study Beats Playlist - Apple Music
(I like to listen to instrumentals or lofi when I´m writing, because words in songs can be distracting for me)
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Have a great day/night!! (づ ᴗ _ᴗ)づ♡ ~ ♦️
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maegorsbignaturals · 3 months
Fun hypothetical: what if Maegor was in HOTD (with team green)? Would he and Aegon be besties? Would he start fights with Alicent about her faith of the seven decorations in the red keep? How many years would he take off of Otto's life with his antics? Would Aemond suck those titties dry? Much to ponder...
Hiii!! Thank u so much for the ask!!!
I think that much of Maegor's relationships with TG woould be defined by his position inside the family. Is he one of Alicent's children? His ass was sent in time to the Dance? Or... mayhaps, is he Viserys and Daemon's brother??? MY personal perception of Maegor is that he is followed by duty and tradition and, somehow, even a twisted sence of justice??? (Remember that in f&b said he was going to be "just" but only with those that bent the knee to him, hells, he even gifted gold, titles and lands to Elinor and Elinor's family!)
I don't think that Aegon and Maegor would be besties. Yes, he is fighting for him but that doesn't mean he fully aproves his hyper hedonistic tendencies, and more now that Aegons it the king, there is far more important things to do and now more that his ass is deep into a civil war. Maegor is not the type of being the all pious and strict man always so faithful to his six wifes (come on why nobody ever talks about Maegor having whores at his service, PROBABLY living in the keep?) He visits brothels and gets drunk like any other men do, but hey, we are in the middle of WAR! You cannot get distracted so easily by the pleasures of flesh!
I don´t think he would had that much of a beef with Alicent thanks to the decoration. Yes, there it is giving the war against the faith, BUT the war was not because Maegor tought on establishing the Targaryen's religion and eliminating the faith, it happened because the faith soon showed to be a strenght that could so easily turn the whole kingdom against the Targaryens so easily.
Otto saying Daemon was going to be a Maegor 2: Electric Boogaloo, wait to meet with the OG. What do you mean a parade to show the whole kingdom Rhaenyra's deeds? What that whore needs is to burn and suffer as much as the little Jaehaerys did! Let her sons be maimed and killed in front of her eyes! He is going to take a whole army and his dragon himself and fly to dragonstone to end this thing for once! Crows and promises? Lets bring those doubtful lords here and show them what happens to those who dares to bent the knee to whore queens and their bastard sons! Aegon does not need to fire Otto, he died of a heart attack after a while.
Aemond and Maegor would have an interesting dynamic. Two younger siblings who killed their nephew on their smaller dragon on their bigger dragon. Other than Aegon, Maegor would probably show Aemond some kind of understandement. He KNOWS how it is to be called Kinslayer, it is a tacit familiarity between the other. Probably Maegor would even be a bit fond of him given that Aemond's is Vhagar's new rider, probably training together and studying together. Don't spect open wide fraternity gestures, they are not those type of people and would rather prefer to get in the mouth of their Dragons before giving a hug to the other. Good that Maegor is not on the TB, because all that parasocial relationship he has with Daemond would be redirected to Maegor.
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effelier · 7 months
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28 | 02 | 24
Well I have not posted anything for a good long time, and right now I am only doing it because I am stuck with some homework and had to distract my mind. Then I realized there is a great deal of things that have happened in the time I haven´t posted. My hair grew longer, so I can tie my hair now. I´ve had my first session with the university´s therapist, so it´s for free. My sister got pregnant. I decided I want to do makeup and do my hair and wear nice things that I like and I shouldn´t feel like I don´t have a right to do those things. I also decided I want to start acquiring some experience with the construction industry and the job of an architect, thank God it seems like I will have the opportunity to be an intern. I had to draw up my resume, for the first time in my life. I was really nervous because since I am a (not very accomplished) student there wasn´t much to add to it. I´ve been trying to sat on the right lane, mostly by not hating myself and thinking differently. At the moment I have to work on a presentation due next week (although we probably won´t have to present it until the week after that), and I should keep an eye on my study project, I have only two weeks left to work on it. I´ve been mostly ok, there have been hard days, but it always gets better. My heaviest worry at the moment is that I need to go to church and I really hope we can go this sunday. I also have to go to the bank, but I am confident it will get resolved. I don´t take pictures of my work or my study sessions, but I'll remember to do it from now on since all I have to post are trees and skyes (which I love with all my heart)
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misunderstandings and other problems Part 2 of 2 (modern!Aegon II Targaryen x reader)
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synopsis: “What is your problem?”, you whisper scream at his casually leaning against the countertop figure.
There was no need for anyone possibly in the house to hear you.
“You´ve been hanging out with my brother a lot lately.”, it´s a simple statement, just a fact but his attempt to deflect still makes your blood boil. “And you have been inviting a lot of girls over from what I heard. So?
warnings: mentions of drug use, some angst
word count: 2.1k
Unlike what you had hoped the memories had only deepened more that night and in a very annoying addition to it you had found yourself missing his warmth when you couldn´t sleep. This was going too far, so you shot Helaena a quick text, deciding to meet up after lessons for coffee and a talk in your favourite coffee shop.
When she walks towards the coffee place the next day the first thing she is greeted with, is you sitting over your coffee, head in your hands.
Getting a beverage for herself she plops down in the seat opposite to your figure and makes herself known with a “So? What did he do this time?”
Looking up you raise an eyebrow at her.
“My brother? I´m assuming this is about him.”, a compassionate smile finds its way onto her lips.
“Nothing! Not this time. It´s entirely my fault.”
“Alright then what did you do? We haven´t had a late night SOS since… Oh please don´t tell me it´s what I think it is.”
As her face changed from amused to slight horror you let your head sink down in shame again.
“No, not this time, but in my defence I didn´t mean to! I don´t even know if it really is what I think it is. It´s just… you know him… we smoked something and fell asleep and when I woke up we were cuddling. And when I helped him into his room he just pulled me in with him…. He probably didn´t even mean anything by it. It´s just my stupid brain… Ow!”, you stopped your rambling as she lightly punched you in the arm.
“Didn´t you say and I quote `Ew gross, I would never start anything with Aegon. He is your brother I would never do that to you. Also god knows where he has been.´ only a couple months ago?”
“I know what I said, alright? It´s just that he looked so pretty when he was asleep… My high brain couldn´t help but feel this need to kiss him. Ow, don´t hit me again! I would never act on it. I promise. I just probably needed to talk to someone about it so it can pass.”
“Sometimes you really are something else… I mean really? Aegon? You know Aemond I would understand but Aegon?”
“I love you too, Hel”
The two of you finished your coffees talking some more before deciding to stroll through the city some more in an attempt to get your best friends brother out of your head again. Which with a sober mind was easier than the days before, but even now there was this tiny bit of hope left that would follow you around for the oncoming weeks.
When the time of exams and essays comes you find yourself at the Targaryen’s house more often again. Either studying with Helaena, asking Aemond for help with an essay you are unsure about or just distracting yourselves after deadline you barely made to forget the stress of the past days. And while there is not much time to get into feelings or think about anything outside of schoolwork you naturally see Aegon more. It was his house too after all. Seeing him alone would have been mostly fine, but it was then that he decided to have some… company. Every day. It isn´t until you start basically locking yourself in with Aemond in order to really get some work done though, that he decides to overdo it just a little too much. Sure for as long as you had known him he had done this and you weren´t in a place where you could get mad at him for it, but especially ever since the two of you had gotten closer it seemed like he had stopped doing it so much. And the way these girls looked at you when you saw them in the hallways… you couldn´t even describe it. It was irritating to say the least though. Nonetheless you push it down, try to talk to him normally and focus on your other friends and school.
It is a plan that works well until that one afternoon he makes it so you can´t ignore him any longer.
Aemond and you had been on a project for the past two days now, basically locked in his room, determined to get it over with. Just when he had decided you should take a break, you started to hear it. Almost obnoxiously loud, the moans and screams of Aegon’s name in a high pitched voice sounded through the walls of the floor you were on.
“I´m sorry for my brothers… antics. I´d like to say we don´t know what got into him, cause he has been bettering himself for a while now, but you know…”, as Aemond rolls his eye you nod your head understandingly.
The sting in your heart gets pushed into a box and sealed away with thoughts about your school project. You could still take care of that later. Yet later comes sooner than you had hoped. As Aemond goes on his walk with Vhagar you decide to stay behind and make something to eat for the two of you for when he gets back. Your in the midst of cooking when you hear voices by the door. Stretching your head out of the kitchen, not fully wanting to leave the stove unattended, you have to watch as the oldest Targaryen makes out with probably the girl from earlier. It’s not a pretty sight to see and as he makes a show of grabbing her ass you turn back to your cooking. Shaking your head in annoyance you don´t even notice him entering the kitchen and grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge behind you. Only when he asks what you are cooking you acknowledge his presence.
“What is your problem?”, you whisper scream at his casually leaning against the countertop figure.
There was no need for anyone possibly in the house to hear you.
“You´ve been hanging out with my brother a lot lately.”, it´s a simple statement, just a fact but his attempt to deflect still makes your blood boil.
“And you have been inviting a lot of girls over from what I heard. So? At least Aemond and I are actually doing something productive.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”, there is a kind of fire in his eyes that accompanies the harsh tone in his voice.
“Nothing. I am just saying that I am doing school work with a friend… Why does it even matter?”
“Right, school work.”, he chuckles dryly as if he knows something you don´t before his face turns cold again. “You know what, just forget it.”
“Oh… my…. GOD!”, you exclaimed exasperatedly. “What does it matter? Why do you care so much about who I am spending my time with, huh? Please tell me. It´s not like we are together or something like that.” 
He looked at you, kind of surprised by your gradually rising, normally rather quiet voice. It took a moment for him to try and find the right words, you could see it by the way his mouth opened and closed multiple times. His eyes narrowed, lips pressing together tightly. Pinching the bridge of his nose he exhaled hard and abruptly once before finally answering. 
“It matters because I love you, god dammit!”, as he forcefully brings his fists down onto the countertop only a couple inches from where your abandoned pots stand.
Turning back fully to you, you can now see tiredness creep onto his features as he lets his fists sink to his side.
“What?”, the question escapes in combination with a short and anything but amused chuckle. 
“It´s… I love you.”, he repeated this time quieter as his voice resembled the sentiment shone in his eyes. 
“What?”, you asked again in a sharper tone.
It sounded sharper than you intended and you felt dumb for asking again, but all the other words in your vocabulary seemed to have been wiped from their existence entirely. 
His only answer is to shake his head as he just starts to walk towards his room. 
“Wait!”, you manage to grab his tense shoulder.
To your surprise he actually whirls around to give you a pointed look, prompting you to withdraw your hand as if you had burned it on his body.
“Just forget it, alright?”
That was it.
“No! I am most definitely not forgetting it. And you know why? Because I have been pushing down my feelings constantly ever since you pulled me into bed with you that one evening. I have been telling myself you probably were too high or tired to realize it was me. I have been… I have been… I have had to watch you go ahead and fuck a different girl basically every single day and pretend like I don´t care, like it doesn´t hurt, like we were still friends! You don´t get to just tell me you love me and then walk away! What even was your plan here? I mean seriously?!”
Hot tears had started to stream down your cheeks as you took a step back from him. All the hurt from the past weeks overshadowing any joy of what he had just told you. Your eyes locked with his own blue ones as he took a step towards you. Now tearing up himself he tried to get to you, but for every step he took towards you, you took one backwards until you ran out of space. With your back mow pressed to the cold wall, he softly laid his hands on your cheeks. His thumbs tried to wipe away the tears, but they just fell harder.
“Why didn´t you tell me earlier?”, your body was now shaken by sobs as you weakly hit his chest.
Aegon just let you do your thing. Just holding your face and never caving in under your gaze. When you had calmed down he pulled you close. Wrapping his arms closely around your frame in a tight hug, laying his chin on the top of your head and you thought you heard him say “It´s because I thought you deserved someone better.”
The two of you stood there until your tears ran dry. Only then you dared to lock eyes with him once more, daring to lean your foreheads against each other. It was like there was nothing and yet so much left to be said, but neither of you found the words.
“I love you too.”, you finally whispered.
Suddenly aware of the situation the two of you are in you also feel his hands return to cup your cheeks once more. This time really drying the tears that were left. The soft touches of his rough fingers made your breath hitch and a shudder run through your body. His lips brushed over yours for only second at first, before you locked them together in a feathery, almost hesitant kiss. Your hands fell from where they had been laying on his back to hook in his belt loops as his hands guided your face closer to his. Aegon hummed as your lips became hungrier. The deep sadness and hurt from before had made place for nervousness which now was eaten up by relieve and excitement, but as soon as the kiss had started it ended too. Taking a step away from Aegon once more you felt the nervousness come crawling back.
“I´m sorry I screamed at you… I didn´t mean to… you know?”, you pulled your arms around your middle to stop them from shaking.
“Well I guess I deserved it a bit. But why didn´t you say anything?”, he pulled you back against his body by the hips.
“No you didn´t, I could and should have just said something. I guess I just… I felt like you would secretly still only see me as your sisters friend or that you would laugh at me and never talk to me again. I don´t know what I thought to be honest. I was just stupid.”
“Well now that you did say something, how would you feel about going out with me on Friday?”
“I´d love that.”
Aegon took your chin between his thumb and pointer finger, opening his mouth to say something as you both were interrupted by a third voice coming from just outside the kitchen.
“I´m really glad you two made up again, but I´d be even more glad if I could get myself something to eat and drink now.”
“I´m sorry Hela.”, you said looking over her brothers shoulder, before leading Aegon out of the kitchen by his hand.
Laying down on the couch where all of this had started you intertwined your legs and laid your head on his chest once more. Breathing in the smell of weed and his something you could only describe as him, this time you looked up at his eyes that were resting on you. Pecking your lips, you laid there for a while before you spoke again.
“So what are we gonna do on Friday?”
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gnomeyflamingo · 1 year
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Teacher: “We have new students today. More souls to share my profound misery with.” 
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Acco: “High school’s weird.” 
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Atreo: *sobs* “Omw- Narratively I'm devastated but moodlet wise I'm fine, how does this makes any sense?!” 
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*Misses class having a distressed nap*
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Acco: “Hmm brownie sliders, also weird…” 
*writes diary in the toilet for some reason* 
Acco: “Dear diary, my first day at high school has certainly been unusual. I’m part of a betting pool about who principal Summer is having a baby with. I think it's Don Lothario."
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Atreo: “Kiry I’m having the worst day.”
 Kiry: “I’m sorry to hear that." 
Atreo: "I just wanna go home and mope." 
Kiry: "Oh but I thought we could spend some more time together after school and catch up properly?” 
Atreo: “We should but can we do it tomorrow?"
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Teacher: “Keep studying everyone. Ignore Miss Ito serving her in-class detention because I don't want to stay after school.”
 Esma: *writes* “I won’t catfish my teacher on Simder, pretending to be a sexy astronaut.” 
Teacher: “For 6 months!” 
Esma: "... It was 8 actually."
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Teacher: “Yes! 8 months I chatted with her, telling her how much I loved her, planning our life together, picking baby names. What’s wrong with this generation?!” 
Atreo: “This is gonna be on the test isn’t it?” 
Teacher: “Yes.”
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Teacher: “Anyway, putting my emotional devastation aside, Atreo brought in something special today. Spicy Dragon, his childhood toy. Atreo, come up here and tell us all about it.” 
Atreo: “... W-What?!”
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Everyone suddenly t-poses and choruses: “Talk about it. Talk about Spicy Dragon Atreo. Explain yourself.” 
Atreo: “Oh no. The curse!”
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Kiry: “Woah, Atreo? You alright?” 
Asmara: “What’s the matter bae- uh, I mean friend?” 
Zehra: “It must be the curse only I know all about… Poor Atreo.”
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Teacher: “Mr Atherstone, are you alright? I’d tell you to go to the nurse’s office if we had one.” 
Atreo: “I-I’m not, sorry, I- Can I leave?” 
Teacher: “We don’t support such an action I’m afraid. Your grades will suffer.” 
Atreo: “Fine. I’ll just wait it out.”
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Atreo: “Today was the WORST!” 
Acco: “Aw, let me distract you.” 
Atreo: “Please!”
Acco: “Who do you think Principle Summer’s having her unborn child with?”
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Atreo: “She’s pregnant?! Who would ever woohoo with her?” 
Acco: “I was thinking Don Lothario but a lot of students are betting on the Grim Reaper.” 
Atreo: “Yeah that tracks. I guess not having Principle Summer as my mum makes me feel a lot better about my life.”
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Brielle and Alejandro return from work, Brielle having earned a raise.
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Despite missing a class and being off for 3 days, Atreo is performing superbly at school and is eligible for early graduation. 
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But instead he opts for an early night.
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Atreo doesn’t celebrate or even tell his family about his grades, before going to bed. He soon drifts off with no intention of travelling anywhere to meet anyone tonight…
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A few hours later… 
Zehra: “He looks gorgeous when he’s sleeping. I’m happy I took so many pictures and DNA samples. Oh I think he’s waking up. Hello my love!”
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Atreo: “Uhhh- W-wha-ZEHRA?!” 
Zehra: “I’m so happy you could make it. I was a bit worried when you teleported in, t-posed, then fell asleep on the couch but you’re here and that’s all that matters.
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Atreo: “Where am I?!” 
Zehra: “My romantic hideaway! It’s the surprise I was talking about! You can bring your future conquests here, get them all flirty-” 
Atreo: “This place isn’t flirty! It’s terrifying!,” 
Zehra: “Don’t fret my love-”
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Atreo: “Forget this! I’m out of here-” 
Zehra: “Atreo wait, it’s a full moon and past midnight, it’s too dangerous the werewolves are out!”
Atreo: “By the Watcher, why? Won’t you end my suffering?”
Nope 😈
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popmusicu · 5 months
The best tip for studying: music.
As i began my first year of university, a lot of doubts took over me. Like, will I like the degree? Will I make friends? And the most haunting of all of them: will I pass my classes? 
I must say I´ve been here for less than 2 months, but it has been a journey discovering the perfect recipe to understand classes, and I haven´t discovered it, yet. The first class that I had, the proffesor told the class: you will be suprised, none of you knows how to really study. Of course I thought that was a lie, I know how to study, my grades were pretty good in high school and that was enough for me. However, the first test came (I have been studyng for 9 days) and well, it wasn´t the outcome that I was waiting. 
So, after that traumatic experience (it really wasn´t, but I like some drama) I discorvered that in order to pass my classes I must, first, learn how to study. 
My trip began in reading in total silence, as I´ve been taught my whole life. The school I went always told the kids to stay in silence, to not interrupt the class unless the teacher asked you a question, to not go to the bathroom ("why didn´t you go on the break?"), to not paint your nails or wear makeup, to not question the school methods and to not and to not and to not!!! It was pretty authoritarian to be honest. 
So, one day I was studying and my boyfriend told me, why do you study in silence? you should try to put some music. And at first I was in denial: no, that doesn´t work for me. But, after that first grade that I mentioned I gave at try, and it was life changing.
I started with the songs I liked, they gave me energy to keep going and to not distract mysellf on my phone. I started resdiscovering new songs, new genres and I started to really like studying. Then I went for classical music, because as I read long texts I caught myself singing the songs and not really reading. It worked, but then it began to be a little repetitive and consequently, a bit boring. 
And finally, I started listening to brazilian artists: my perfect match. It is entreteining and soft, a mix from samba to pop music. And the best part: I don´t understand a single they are saying! so I don´t get distracted, but I do get all the other benefits. 
My recommendations of my favorite singers are Seu Jorge, Chico Buarque, Elis Regina, Adoniran Barbosa and Toquinho. 
That is my best tip for studying and I hope I discover more before the semester ends, the ride of university have been fun.  
-Emilia Zamorano
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arleneworld22 · 7 months
Good night
I think It's a bit sad that you are not looking for new music, but I understand it too, I'm someone who likes to listening the same 20 songs again and again, sometimes youtube goes on shuffle and I end find new songs to enjoy, but I actually never looking for new ones, it's like... they just come to me(? I guess, but also as I spend a lot of time on IG I end up find new music because of reels jeje.
I also have a playlist, that I made it through the years, I never have the courage to listen it complete because is fill about too much emotions about you, but I most of the time listening the same songs separated, if you want me to send it to you just tell me.
My family is fine, and yeah your teory it's right, he is very tall and he is just 18yo, he likes to calls me "mi hermanita", because he likes to laugh about I'm his older shorty sister. Pandemic changes him a lot, he is more focus in his studies, and his habit to reading (because I make too much pressure on him to help him with his comunication and writing skills) and now he becomes someone very deeper to talk about, he has very strong ideas and when he doesn´t know somenthing he ask for everything even more than when he was a kid, and somehow it leaves you thinking and reflectioning. My mom practice volleyball now, she finishes the day veeery very tired and sometimes sore, but she enjoy it a lot, she made new friends and have... I think she has a better social life than me looool.
I have 2 bad experiences with alcohol (you know one) the other is a long story (the stress and pain that I felt makes me free me of alcohol for like... I think one year complete because of trauma I guess) with a happy ending, I already over it, if you want to know it just ask for; but since these two I take a lot of care about that, i don't like beer so I just drink sweet wine and apple cider but I'm still doing it carefully and a few times a year; I become very extrovert too when I drink but that's was exactly what got me in troubles, so I drink just a little.
I think it's very cute and perffect to stay at home and watch something, as he doesn´t like to stay frecquently at home we hang out somewhere, most of the time just to walk or hang out with our friends, well currently we spend time at home too but because I end up tired from work, I propose him if we could have nap dates and he acepted so I'm excited for that.
Don´t worry about the notifications, actually I get distracted veery easy and I end up checking your blog like ten or fifteen (or more) times a day, so we both are weirdos about this.
I never write about my sign class, because I didn't think you would be interested into it, I'm going to ASOME (Asociacion de Sordos de Mexicali) is a little near to your home I think, I like this school because the teachers are deaf and they are the perfect teachers for this.
Thank you for your kind words and your funny condolences.
I know this test is veeery stalker but that kind of ankward questions helps to undersand better the person who is answering the test. HAHAHAHAHAHA I CAN FEEL THAT "Omg No. Way" I had the same reaction when I see your type personality.
But excuse me?! water being passive,?! You didn't pay attention to Katara and her blood's mater?!, water isn't passive, water is always in move, though everything in it's way, I think you could be water master for sure because water is the element of change, you are calm most of the time but as the water, there is alwas an energy pushing you towards, and that makes you change, everything around you helps to you to change, you can go calm or strong and always somehow carry everything with you as a river or sea does.
Hey if we are going to talk about dangerous skills, as airbender I could learn to steal air from a body you know? (actually I don't know, I just made it up) but I think air is more my element and I truly could like to be The Avatar
The anime... I wasn't sure if you wanted to know the name, it's Sekaiichi hatsukoi, it doesn't have an ending as anime, and the manga neither lol, it's on going so I still don't know how it ends, if you want to read it I warning you that is a (+18) manga, I didn't know that! so you decide if you want to continue that way hahaha, I wanted to share you the ending with no specific reasons, just wanted to share it with you because I really love it.
I already watched lucky star, like, idk four times I guess, I remember learned the final choreography when I was teenager, I really enjoy to dance, Nichijou is in my list, and I never listened Azumanga daioh, but I'm going to added.
I'm not sure if I'm going to see him this weekend, I told him not, but I'm between rest on sunday or go to the church with his family, they are christians and I like to see how they talk about God's love and the high energy they share in the service I like that, but I'm still not sure.
I know it's very late but I always check if what I wrote has sense because I don't usually write in english, sorry.
Also tell me more about her, it helps me too to face the reality, I know I said I was fine with that but few days after you say "she said yes" I started to feel confuse and then sad, and more sad, and cried, and get angry, cried again, then happy, the bittersweet feeling, and now I'm kinda of fine but I think it's not enough, so it would help me read more about her, write as much as you want, be a little cruel, I'm not afraid to feel some pain.
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camuslittlesister · 1 year
Summer of Smut 2023 - 1
This is the first of a few fanfics I’ll be writing for this year’s Summer of Smut challenge, hosted once again by the lovely @voltage-vixen with @xxsycamore​. All deets will be on their blogs. Past fanfics also on the master lists for the past editions, or feel free to scroll down the blog to find them. 
I regressed to being 17 and writing fanfics based on songs. Maybe this one is a little dark in the meaning, but it’s meant to be the song alluded to in the story because of the sound. https://open.spotify.com/track/4AH5FTj8Qr5ZiWxXQJG2qs?si=5de14fe16b2446e7
Suppressed Colours (絕彩)
Prompt Playing Dirty in a Water Fight/Strip Tease in the Summer Otome Hakuoki SSL  Ship Saito x Okita (I said what I said) Warning It partly takes place during a scene that exists for real in the game so could be considered a spoiler. Some vulgar language. Also it's long AF, sorry. And wholesome. I just love them too much. 
愛が欲しいだけ 明日も靡く陽炎の如く優雅な炎
(I just want love. Also tomorrow, graceful flames, just like a shimmering heat wave) - SUGIZO ft 京
Translation credits
I didn't like that Hajime ended up on a team with Chizuru-chan, when I got stuck with Hijikata-sensei. The source of all evil. Not that he looked happy to be with me, either. The jerk. Why is he even here? I can hear Harada-sensei's teasing him, but I can't make up the words he is actually saying. Only his tone. Whatever, I don' t really care. I don't mind that Hajime is on the opposing team, I should focus on that. I wouldn't get to see him looking this cute if he wasn't. Although I'd get to see him from the sidelines, which is good too. I couldn't do this, though, I thought, as I picked up my gun and headed it for his thigh, close enough to spread a stain on his crotch but not somewhere I'd hurt him. I would never do something that'd mean he'd be out of action the rest of the weekend. I smirked, and he looked at me with a competitive fire in his eyes. Water straight in my face, as if he wanted to wipe the smirk off my face. Game on. I love you but a challenge is a challenge, I told him in my own mind, as way of apology for what I was about to do. 
"Hajime! Sōji! Behave" Hijikata growled with an intimidating glare, like he had been some military general in a past life. We walked to the battle area, the weather so hot the stain had already dried off Hajime's swimsuit. Great, now I needed to focus on winning and I couldn't get his dick out of my mind. We didn't really have any plans for after the waterpark closed, knowing him he'd be rushing home to study once the weather was less unforgiving, but I just wanted to make him wetter and wetter. How did I even fall in love with someone this prim and proper? Even in bed he never gets properly wild. Not the way he makes me feel, at least. At times I have to wonder if he just has incredible self-control, or he doesn't feel as strongly as I do. It makes me want to do anything to try and make him let go, but he is always a step ahead of me. And it drives me wild. 
Oh, Hijikata is so good at this. Guess even he would have something positive about him. Or Chizuru-chan is bad. She is a lovely klutz, we've been friends since we were little. Either way, we have won. I smiled triumphantly as I wrapped my arm around Hajime's shoulder: "Don't look so gloomy, I'll give you a consolation prize". He went off to the spectators' side, as I went to face the next team, a little more distracted than I wished I was. By the time our team was defeated, he was seemingly sleeping on a float, looking the cutest I had ever seen him. For a hormonal teenage boy I was having quite the wholesome lovey-dovey thoughts at the sight. It was hard to wake him up, but it needed to be done. The sun was beginning to set, the teachers were busy hitting on women at the bar, even Hijikata looked like he might be getting laid that night, and I couldn't imagine who would ever fuck that annoying bore, but I wasn't inclined to lose to him. If he was going to get some, so would I. "C'mon sleeping beauty, time to get changed and head home..." I teased him as he dozily raised his head from the float at my shaking his shoulder. 
I headed for the showers, and my hair were barely lathered when the door to the cubicle opened.  "How did you know it was me?" I looked at Hajime in surprise.  "It doesn't matter" he replied, trapping me against the wall of the shower "what game are you playing today?" I didn't know what to answer, I had a few going on at the same time, which one was he asking about? I smirked. He pressed his body against me, like he wanted to make it clear he wanted an answer. I could feel my dick stir already, it had been far too long since he had touched me, between the summer kendo tournaments and him starting tutoring for next year's entry exams already. He looked down briefly, he knew. He moved away, leaving me in the shower with my unmet desire. "Am I taking you home, right?" this time it was he who did not reply, heading for the next cubicle in silence. I returned to washing my hair and body, unable to let go of the thought of his hands on his from my mind. 
Fuck, I was proper hard in no time. Guess there's no way I can leave this cubicle like this, I thought, before turning my back to the door just in case and closing my eyes to try and conjure the image of Hajime as he looked when on top of me, his big blue eyes looking up at me as he trailed his way down my stomach, taking his sweet old time to get anywhere fun so that I would be begging for release before long. He had a talent for making it grow so much it was outright painful, I swear. If my body could want him any more than it already did, he'd find a way to make it happen. I bit the wrist of my free arm that propped me up against the wall, hoping that between that and the noise of the water nobody would know what I had just done. Except Hajime, he would know. No way he wouldn't know what he had done to me. He probably had done it on purpose. I made sure to watch the cum wash away entirely with the soap, hoping nobody in the changing room could tell, and breathed out a long sigh before turning off the water and wrapping myself in the towel. 
Hajime was already out of his shower, acting as if nothing had been going on. I had to turn away from seeing his muscles flex as he towel dried his hair, the last thing I needed was another erection right away.  "Do you want to go to the spot on the hill?" he asked, nonchalantly. Was he doing it to torture me? He must have known I wanted to go home with him, even after taking care of myself once already!  "What if I say no?" I replied.  "I'll go by myself" he left me no choice. I got dressed, making sure he saw everything that there was to see. Ha! A blush. Even he isn't immune, clearly. Cute.  We saw some of our classmates but made our excuses. Nobody seemed to suspect we were going home together, thankfully. The last thing we needed was our secret being found out. It wasn't a long walk, and the sunset turning to dusk was quite romantic. 
I grabbed drinks from the vending machine as he sat overlooking the lit-up city. It was a romantic spot, so I was surprised there weren't other couples out there. I sat down next to him, passing him a drink that was so often near his lips I didn't even have to ask what he wanted. "Thanks", he said, drinking it right away. I followed the drink down his throat, his Adam's apple moving with his every gulp. How could something so simple be so alluring? I wasn't drinking mine, and he took my hand in his.  "What's up with this?" I asked. "What do you mean?"  "You act cold, and now you're all touchy feely all of a sudden" "You act like a brat, you ask for it..." maybe he had a point. I lowered my head on his shoulder, not caring if someone saw us like that.  "I wanted to go home with you. I even prepared myself for it when I was in the shower" he turned his head to kiss mine. How can he be so sweet at times? He drives me insane.  "Some days I feel like all you want from me is sex..." he said, his soft voice having a hint of admonishment in it. "That's not true. I just don't know how else to show you how much I love you" "And that's without your obvious crush on Hijikata-sensei" 
I sat back up. I was fuming."Crush? On that demon? Are you mad?" he gave me a knowing smile. I cupped his cheeks, maybe a bit more violently than I intended, kissing him there and then. He didn't seem convinced that he was the only one I had eyes for, but he relented: "Let's go home." We went to his place, which was closer than mine, and found a note from his parents. Good, at least there would be no awkward greetings before heading to his room, or worries about being heard. We went straight to his room, and he sat on the bed with his back against the head. "Show me how much you love me, then" there wasn't as much challenge in his tone or eyes as there was in the situation. He made no move to touch me or himself, just sitting there with his gaze fixed on me as I sat on the edge of the bed thinking. After a few moments I stood up, and headed for the stereo, looking for a specific CD and a specific song. 
As the bass began to shake the space, I silently thanked the gods for the inspiration to wear a buttoned shirt that day instead of a t-shirt. It wouldn't have been quite as sensual to just take that off in one pull. I pretended not to care, looking around his desk while also playing with my buttons but not actually unbuttoning the shirt. I could see his jeans getting bulkier and, yet, he made no move to speed me up, looking at me like he wanted to see how far I would take it. It kinda made me want to stop and walk away. Why could he never throw me a bone with a sliver of vulnerability? Was he not dying to have me in his arms? I continued my slow strip-tease to the sound of the music, unsure what to do exactly because I had only seen women doing it, until eventually the song came to a close and I was back on the bed, naked, Hajime still fully dressed. 
He pulled me close enough to kiss, soon rolling us over so that he'd be on top of me. He looked down at me, always cutting an impressive figure from that angle even though I was the taller one, his expression serious, almost broody. He too undressed, and I gave in and hurried to help. If he teased me any longer I'd be hard again already. I wanted to be the one taking care of him instead. Once his clothes too had gone he was once again straddling me, this time his dick almost pointing at me like a sword. It was almost like a flashback of being on the floor of a dojo with a sword pointing at my throat as he made his way to my lips. He knew what I wanted and wasn't going to just give it to me, that much was clear. 
I wrapped him in my lips, but the range of movement in that position was limited and he knew it. He was making a point. I looked up to him pleadingly. Eventually, he smiled sweetly and moved away, reaching for the bedside table. It was a smile that, at last, reassured me that he really felt about me the way I felt about him. I pushed my legs on his shoulders, and laced my fingers with his on the bed as he finally gave me what I had wanted all along, our breaths and moans mixing like the notes in the music we had, by then, forgotten about. "I love you" he whispered, after collapsing on me when he was done. I kissed his head, wrapping my arms around him tight: "And I love you. Always"
Author's note: if you actually played the game you may recognise what the ending is based on. Yes, fangirl be fangirls, I had to give a nod to the Oshi's ability to kill one's my ovaries in one whispered word. If you have no idea, play the game. You should anyway.
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capslearning · 1 year
Now securing RANK in CA exams is EASY for me too!!!
Dear Friends,
The title may seem a bit unrealistic, initially, and you may think that Sanket has become insane and what non-sense he is going to talk about! So let me clear friends, this is not the case and I am perfectly alright while writing this article. :-p
Believe me my friends, clearing CA Exams and securing rank is not at all a difficult task; provided we follow a proper and systematic approach towards studies.
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First of all, say Good Bye to fear of CA Exams and don‟t get concerned about the results. “You just concentrate on your efforts, and let efforts themselves take care of your results.”
Fall in love with your studies. Once you will get into love, both you and study will attract each other resulting into spending more time with each other .;-)
Don‟t consider yourself different from a rank holder. We all are rank holders.
Remember friends, rank holders are not from any other planet, they are someone amongst us only! Neither they are taught by different teachers, neither they get different (easy) question paper, nor they have access to notes which are not available to others. Everything is same, but what makes them different from us is their “efforts” which we can be easily put into.
Don‟t be afraid of any adverse situations. “Nothing great was ever achieved in perfect conditions”. So fight with those adversities and emerge as a “winner”. Here, it
would be worthwhile to quote that there is always “Prosperity in adversity”. Also, I would add that not always results come in the way we would have expected, but don‟t get nervous or disappointed. Take this as a motivation to try harder this time. And Don‟t take any step
which is harmful to yourself and your family. Because everything can be achieved later, but life once gone cannot come back again.
Sincerity: Be sincere in your studies. Avoid cell phones and other distractions during classes. Be attentive. Do your homework religiously.
Have faith in your teachers and study material. „First seek to understand, and then be understood.‟
Consistency: Consistency is the key to success. Start studying from the very first day of the joining CA Course (if not yet, start now) till the day of your results. Studying regularly will help you to sail with ease during peak time.
Rightly said, „Failing to plan is planning to fail‟. Planning plays an important role for securing good marks. Make a detailed plan of how to complete your syllabus.
We can divide the whole planning in four parts –
The first part is when we are busy in our tuitions and articleship. At this time, we should get a fair idea of all the subjects and whole syllabus. We can prepare our own notes or highlight important points.
The second part is of self study during preparation leave. Make sure that every
subject is revised for at least three times. Also appear for test series. Because if you don‟t  appear for test series, your Final Exams will become Test Series.
The third part is a day before exam. This is too crucial part because if you are unable to revise the whole course within this period, it will get difficult to recollect anything during exams. We get roughly 20 hours between two papers, so plan accordingly. We should be able to complete whole syllabus along with Revision Test Papers and Mock Test Papers in those 20 hours.
On the day of previous paper, start with easy things. Next day, complete upto 95% of the syllabus and then on the day of exams, complete the remaining and quickly recapitulate formulae, headings of Standard on Auditing and Accounting Standards, etc.
The fourth part is all about those 3 hours 15 minutes. Keep your mind calm in this period. In initial 15 minutes, read whole paper thoroughly. Prepare a blue print of how you are going to attempt next three hours. Then start solving accordingly. Have proper track of time. Do take a break of 5 minutes after 90 or 100 minutes. This will help refreshing you. Also keep spare time of 5 minutes at the end to check the paper.
I think the above simple steps will prove useful for you. Wish you all the best for all your endeavors in life. Success is waiting for you, just start with a single step and grab it. So I think now everybody would definitely strive to secure rank.
Always Yours, Sanket Gala
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