#subject to change etc etc
betweendyingstars · 1 year
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Artist Regulus painting his lovers
This is a DTIYS I’m hosting on instagram to celebrate 1k, so if you’d like to join go find me on there!
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bakedbananners · 6 months
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tough crowd
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andstuffsketches · 2 months
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a selection of robins
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stellaluna33 · 16 days
The Jess episodes in Season 6 are SO gratifying (for those of us who, like Rory, would say, "I KNEW you could do something like this! I KNEW it, I knew it!") but at the same time SO FRUSTRATING, because everything about the way they were written suggests that they were making deliberate comparisons between Jess and Logan- comparisons in which Logan doesn't come off particularly well. Like they went to great pains to imply that: Jess knew Rory better than Logan (the birthday subplot), was better FOR her, was more mature, loyal, freaking noble, etc. etc... And then they just... never went anywhere with it! Logan jumps off a cliff and Rory feels guilty, and... The whole plotline gets dropped and they never talk about it again! It really freaking seemed like they were making a point, but WHAT WAS THE FREAKING POINT??? *flips a table!*
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minilev · 8 months
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Love the fact that canonically 47's biggest fears are Diana laughing at him and leaving him
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blaiddraws · 8 months
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in the reblog tags of my paradox reshie and zekrom post, @spicy-sweet-herba-mystica got me thinkin about paradox kyurem. well. here we go! ghost/dragon type. it's just straight up paradox. both future and past because. all that. and all that being, with a past paradox zekrom and a future paradox reshiram, it'd be weird if i chose either of them for kyurem. so. both it is! ghost type, plus it being Both, relating to the whole kyurem Lore stuff.
anyway whipped this up pretty quick TEE BEE ECH so the design, if i ever come back to it, is likely to change
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halflifebutawesome · 4 months
haiii . Half life playlists ^^
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felassan · 4 months
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in the garden
Dedicated to the lovely @imissthembutitwasntadisaster, who always reminds me how much I love this couple and has inspired me to develop their story!
He came calling three days after their engagement. Her mother was reluctant to leave them alone, but Bhavana insisted on speaking with him. At last, after much hovering and muttering, two cups of tea, and a few hasty promises extracted, she left them to stroll in the garden. She rested her fingertips in his elbow only until they were out of sight of her mother; when they turned the corner, she stepped away, and he stopped. 
She looked back at him. “General?”
He flinched. 
“Please, don’t call me that,” he said, the first words he’d spoken since they stepped outdoors.
“What should I call you then?” “Just my name.”
The great and rising general of the land, in her garden, next to her overgrown amaryllis, asking her to call him by just his name. Her friend, looking nervous in her garden.
He smiled at her, a smaller smile than normal.
She kept walking, trying to be absorbed in noting changes she wanted to make, but was soon stopped by his voice.
“I came to break the engagement, if that is what you want.”
When she looked back at him, he was standing straight and proud, but she recognized the clenching of his hand that betrayed his nerves. He looked every bit the decorated General Vallot she had heard spoken about; but that small action, the clenched hand, brought him back to simply being her friend Claude. 
“I know you don’t love me, and I don’t love you.”
The breath left her lungs. These days, she had been turning over every interaction of theirs, examining his behavior, wondering what could have provoked the proposal. Romantic love had been the most likely explanation, and yet that explanation had just been taken from her. She almost wanted to laugh: in confusion, in relief, in heaven only knew what.
“Then why–?” “Because Dane was insulting your honor, and as your friend, I couldn’t let that stand. I apologize if I’ve confused you. I came here to explain myself, and to let you leave the engagement if you want. I’m sorry I couldn’t come sooner.”
Stunned, she stepped closer. “Leave the engagement?”
He nodded. “I would handle it all; you wouldn’t have to worry. I don’t want to saddle you with anything you don’t want.”
When she didn’t respond, he hesitated. “You don’t… you don’t have to answer immediately.” 
She blinked and tried to formulate a response, but words failed her. Instead, she took his elbow and led him to a bench. He sat tall and straight on the edge of the bench, just as he always did. His scar flexed as he clenched his jaw. There had been a time when she hadn’t seen the scar; but once seen, it was impossible to miss, even as it hid itself. 
“Give me some time to think it over. I….”
At that, he smiled at her, shockingly gentle. It was hard to believe that smile belonged to the man who had earned such acclaim in the court. It looked better suited to a scholar or someone else gentle and removed from the world. 
“How long would you like?”
“A week. Please. I’ll write to you.”
He nodded, eyes softening with another smile. Slowly, he stood, and began to stroll further in the garden. From her seat, she was able to take him in. His clothes were simple, but of high quality and cut well. His shirt was muted blue, and his pants were black. It all looked new, except his shoes. They had clearly seen years of hard use. He bent to look at a flower, using his left hand to bring it closer. Left. That was strange.
“Did you hurt your arm?”
He turned, a whisper of shock on his face. “What?” “Aren’t you right-handed?”
He turned back to the flower. “Yes. It was simply a training accident.”
She nodded.
Turning, he straighted. “I should leave now. Thank you for your time.”
She nodded again, but when he began to walk away, she bolted to her feet. “Let me walk you out. My mother will never let me hear the end of it otherwise.” With the reminder of her mother, she began to search around the garden till her eyes landed on the forget-me-nots at her feet. “Here.” She plucked a bunch and tucked them behind his ear, all attention focused on situating them just so. When she was satisfied, she stepped back with a smile. “So my mother doesn’t suspect.”
He blinked, then smiled down at her. “Thank you, Bhavana. Send me word whenever you make up your mind.”
She nodded and settled her hand into his elbow, her heart and head much quieter than it had been a quarter of an hour ago.
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gertritude-art · 2 years
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I am opening up commissions, if anyone is interested!  I will probably take about 4-5 of them to start with :^)
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not-poignant · 11 months
State of all the stories and where we're at in terms of how far through them we are.
Just some educated guesses by yours truly because literally nothing I'm writing is planned:
Underline the Black - Over halfway (I think! I'm pretty sure!)
Underline the Blue - lol, not over halfway
Underline the Gold - not over halfway, but it won't be as lengthy as some of the others, don't quote me on that please my family can't handle the humiliation and disgrace of my poor guesses anymore it brings shame upon my household my cat is sad.
Underline the Red - we're really in the beginning, these guys have a journey ahead of them I think dslkafjsda
Underline the Silver - Embryo
A Stain that Won't Dissolve - Over halfway (in what I'm writing, I'm up to chapter 29)
Palmarosa - *laughs in 'oh shit we're not even a quarter of the way through I think'*
The Nascent Diplomat - Probably over 3/4 (fourth and final part to come after)
Constellations - Early days re: 4 chapters being done, but it also isn't planned to be super long. Maybe around 12-17 chapters.
Smoke in Autumn - Believe it or not, probably not even a quarter of the way through. It's one of the reasons this one's taking so long, because when I dive in I want to really dive in.
Stories that will finish or likely finish in 2024 - The Nascent Diplomat, Underline the Black, Underline the Gold (probably), A Stain that Won't Dissolve, Palmarosa (depending on if I can keep up this pace, if I can't, or have to slow down, it may go into 2025).
Stories that will start in 2024 - Underline the Silver, The Lone Wolf IV, probably something else that's supposed to be Mallory & Mount or Vexteria if I'm not a giant coward about it.
All else will be ongoing :D
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izzyspussy · 1 day
my sister is telling my dad the story of last night and they are hard core both sidesing it. "well, you know, she doesn't take apologies well..." 1. that's her fucking problem not mine. 2. that doesn't have any fucking bearing on the two and a half hours straight of transphobic talk. 3. not taking an apology well is one thing, telling someone they're "lucky" you're not assaulting them when they say they're sorry for being a bit rude is actually a totally different thing LOL!
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vaguely-concerned · 3 months
the nature of humanity is that every so often someone boldly claims, with full hubristic confidence, "I have something completely new and original and never-before-heard to say about anders!". and every time in my head I rest my finger tenderly over their digital lips to quiet them and say "believe me when i tell you you do not"
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katabay · 7 months
I'm sure that there s a perfectly good reason, but it's just really funny to me that Pompeyo has beef with a teenager (Marcus). What a way to NOT copy Sulla
lmaoo yeah
honestly, it’s very one sided: Pompeyo is trying so hard to get along with Marcus and it’s just not clicking because Marcus distrusts him for being a (former) political ally of Felix.
like, from Marcus' point of view, Pompeyo let Felix fuck Crasso over for his own gain, and fully expects Pompeyo to behave exactly like Felix once Pompeyo fully realigns himself with Crasso. Marcus really only acts civil to Pompeyo because of Publius (who. god. he needs a new name so bad. Paolo? Paris? I might give up trying to pick a name that begins with P and just name him Celestino or something, tbh), and even then. the civility is debatable.
later tho! it takes two events that happen several years apart from each other, but they do come to an Understanding. Pompeyo is actually totally unaware of the moment that Marcus decides that Pompeyo is part of the family.
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Marcus still gives Pompeyo a lot of shit, but it's no longer actively hostile. just regular, garden variety fucking around (affectionate) and making Pompeyo's life a little bit difficult on purpose because it's kind of funny.
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coryolanussnow · 3 days
anyway here’s a sample of my alternate ending snowbaird fic
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ask-ruth-weaver · 2 months
Thoughts on a certain emo cop leaving you behind..
...Mixed to say the least. It takes me years to trust and minutes to untrust.
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