skaluli · 1 year
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based on thomas of ska's newest video and his version of australia
without the bg:
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this is satire dont kill me please i see the fire,, oh wait that might just be the bush fires .. . oH FUCK SHIT WAIT
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astericias · 6 months
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more CRINGE au stuff boo!!! anyone remember when they hid in the ground in double life because they were the only greens. this kinda takes place in their little hiding spot :))
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duckytree · 3 months
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big brother episode 16 part 2
sorry i was gone i had homework
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awearywritersworld · 4 months
when you knock on gojo's apartment door with a tear stained face and wobbly lips, he doesn't waste time.
and by that i mean he doesn't ask questions. he doesn't check the hall to see if anyone's around. he doesn't acknowledge the lateness of the hour.
no, he barely even processes the state you're in before he's pulling you against his chest.
and he holds onto your frame so tightly, as if you're his lifeline. though in this particular moment, it's undoubtedly the other way around.
the air surrounding the two of you remains quiet until he hears you stutter out his name.
"what happened?" he asks gently.
"i-i'm just overwhelmed," you mumble against the fabric of his shirt. "i don't understand why things always have to be so difficult."
even though you aren't entirely positive you're making sense, he hums in way that makes you feel understood.
"do you wanna talk about it?"
you shake your head no. the thought of having to discuss your problems evokes an uncomfortable feeling of dread in the pit of your stomach.
you just want to be held, and gojo is happy to oblige. "alright."
he doesn't say anymore, nor he does he move an inch, save for the small circles his thumb is drawing against your shoulder blade.
he stands there with you until you decide to pull away from him and really, he doesn't mind one bit. he's positive that there isn't a single thing in the world more deserving of his time.
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raveartts · 14 days
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short-king-enthusiast · 8 months
The most irritating thing, is that if you watch season one and then immediately watch season two, everything makes perfect sense. It's a great story. Characters that are vessels for very real emotional storylines and symbolism, but at their core, are silly pirates on a silly pirates show.
However if you watch season one, then spend a year obsessing over the characters, obsessing over characteristics, traits, relationships that are not actually canon but convincing yourself they are. Getting so wrapped up in fanon that your version of the characters and the actual written canon characters are two completely different things. Yeah of course you're gonna be pissed.
Most of the backlash from season two is because people have been reading fanfics for a year and had wildly unrealistic expectations. It's actually fucking fascinating and should be studied. It just keeps happening over and over again in every new fandom and nothing changes
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wyrmswears · 3 months
more of this fuckass idea (jay-centric doodles this time)
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a couple people said they were thinking about making fanwork based off of the purgatory administration idea.. if anyone does please please please tag me 👁👁
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rizzbizzy · 3 months
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period curse upon my faves
Ratchet gets cramps and aches all over, drift gets hip pains and rodimus gets the WORST cold sweats.
Good facts are:
-Rodimus Hot Bodimus Prime makes a great heat pack -Ratchet's shoulders are just the right amount of cold for that hot forehead -Drift gives the BEST hip massages.
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snakeredbirdbatkatana · 2 months
You Didn't Save me (I begged You Not To)
Lex Luthor is not a good man.
He is a literal supervillain, he's also more than aware of the consent issues of what he did when he created Connor.
Yet he is surprised by how furious Superman is making him.
Not that he isn't always angry with Superman but before it wasn't quite so personal.
It was a bigger issue what Superman stood for what he was but right now he's not picking the fight with Superman but with Clark Kent.
He has spent as much time as possible studying everything about kryptonian's from their weakness to their language.
Essentially, Superman should keep better track of his belongings.
Kon-El means abomination.
Lionel Luthor was never a kind man he knows exactly why he is who he is today. He still has slight scars from his fathers belt. Cruel words that years after his father's death, will still haunt his memories.
When he was younger he was friends with Bruce Wayne before being a Villain was his priority.
He remembers hiding at Wayne Manor a feeling of safety he had never felt before.
He's also more than aware that his old friend is running around as a Bat.
Bruce Wayne even as a child always stood for hope was always ready to change the world to stand for something better.
That's is why years later Lex Luthor is knocking on a door that he's not hundred percent sure he won't be turned away from.
Yet Kon-El means abomination.
"Mr. Luthor I was unaware Master Bruce was expecting you?"
Alfred looks older than Lex remembers for some reason the man always seemed above aging untouchable even by time.
"He's not, I need to speak with him please it's urgent."
He is a Luthor begging is below him, but right now he feels fourteen again, with the belief that the people within Wayne Manor can fix anything.
"Of course. Master Bruce is in his study, I will lead you please follow me Mr. Luthor."
He doesn't bring up how he knows the way. That he once ran chasing after Bruce hiding in that very study. That they had broken a vase playing like little boys did. He doesn't bring up crying, terrified that Alfred had promised him no harm should come to him in these halls.
He doesn't correct how he used to be Master Lex. He lost that privilege long ago.
It's been a very long time since he has laid eyes on Bruce Wayne he's seen the tabloids, even a passing glance at a gala but for some reason he didn't picture slight gray hair, a dark black suit, he imagined a Gotham Academy Uniform or a Nirvana Shirt that Lex always wanted to steel but never quite worked up the courage.
He doesn't even hear Alfred's depart he can't tear his eyes away from Bruce.
His throat is dry like all the moisture has somehow left since he walked through the doors.
He is Lex Luthor but right now he doesn't remember what that means.
"Kon-El means abomination did you know that?"
His voice weak. Bruce's face doesn't change, blank.
" I am not my Father. I don't know what to do but I refuse for my child to think he isn't loved by at least one of his parents."
He breathes.
"All those year ago, you told me that you would help that all I had to do was ask, I was an idiot, it's too late for me but not for him."
Bruce's voice startles him he hasn't realized how deep in his own mind he had sank.
"All you had to do was ask."
Bruce's face painted in the same smirk as if they were eighteen again smoking on the manors roof.
Lex Luthor is not a good person, but for Connor Luthor he will try he will rebuild bridges, bend his pride he will beg on his knees.
He never understood how a parent should be or what it really meant to wake up everyday and have your whole being dedicated to loving and protecting something.
As he watches the rise and fall of his child's chest wrapped in the arms of the third Robin safe in his penthouse behind security straight from Wayne Enterprises and he doesn't regret it.
He know's he would do it all over again and when next Sunday comes and he gets a invite to brunch that he never throught he would see again he knows it was all for the better.
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chin-chin-chu · 1 month
To people who can put their mind in one thing at a time and focus fully, how does it feel to be God's favourite?????
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palilious · 8 months
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Sunshine has been trapped in that basement for 767 days
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chocostrwberry · 11 days
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Nathalie Sancoeur!! The one on the right is just an alt design I was playing with. Ft. Faceless Gabriel!
More info below!!
I made her more monochrome because the Agreste family is very black-and-white, so I made her basically fit their house and their sense of style. It would also be interesting to see how Marinette collides with Adrien’s world; she also wants to be a fashion designer, but her projects are very fun and odd and non-traditional. She also puts lots of care and love into hand-making all of it, contrasting to his father who just approves and doesn’t approve designs. So she unconsciously represents him leaving his prison/comfort zone and experiencing something new and unfamiliar!!
Side fact: The mint green undershirt he’s wearing in his redesign wasn’t part of the originally planned outfit; it was supposed to be just the grey pants and the black polo. But he wanted to wear his favorite color (green) for the first day of school so he snuck it in, and Nathalie allowed it.
Bonus: Nathalie with black eyes and a more “plum” color palette
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i tried making a comic of something that i thought would be funny in a later limited life session but stuff happened and i gave up
it's really unfinished and my art style is still going through puberty but here you go
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respectthepetty · 3 months
In Defense of a Sucky Person
San Pang sucks.
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He says shitty stuff and does stupid shit, but . . . he is a good guy.
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Qian lives in San Pang's parents' rental, and they keep the rent low because Qian lives there (which is probably due to him being San Peng's friend). San Pang also reminds Qian to give Lili and Yuan their New Year's gift, plus he brings the gifts because he knew Qian would forget.
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Each time Qian ends up in the hospital, San Pang is there to comfort the younger siblings and lecture Qian about how his pain is not his own, but his family's. PLUS he pays for the hospital bill.
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He is there even when Yuan ends up in the hospital. And he always brings food with him!
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He shows up! Each and every single time no matter the occasion.
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And he steps in before Qian can become aggressive. Just like at Qian's graduation when a boy was hitting on Lili, before Qian could yell at the child, San Pang asked the boy boring questions to get him to move along.
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He serves as the middleman in ALL of Qian's conflicts because Qian has always left him to do that. When Qian left the first business meeting, San Pang reminded their business partner that Qian would always pick his family over everything else.
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Even when they were arguing at work, San Pang tried to calm both of them down before the whole business collapsed.
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And when Qian snapped at everyone in the office for trying to take care of him, San Pang stepped in to calm Qian down and remind him that Yuan told them all to do that.
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San Pang thinks of Qian as his brother. He does worry about him. He states that often. He does care about him. He also tells Qian that. Which is why San Pang wants Qian to be happy. It's why he does the heteronormative shitty thing and tries to set Qian up with women because he thinks a girlfriend could make Qian happy after Qian has spent his entire life taking care of his siblings, and his siblings thought it was a good idea too when they were younger!
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Which is why he questions Qian after seeing him in bed with Yuan.
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San Pang has been there, for everything. He was there to pick up Qian for work since he wasn't answering his phone! He shows up whether he is needed or not. He remembers when Qian forgets. He pacifies when Qian would fight. He questions when Qian would rather shut down. Yet Qian trusted him enough to tell him that Yuan was gay.
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Even though he treats Lili like a kid, he is the only one who actually questions her and includes her in the conversations. Qian is the authority and Yuan defends him, but San Pang sees that both Qian and Yuan are the same - stubborn. Yuan didn't even tell Lili he was skipping grades.
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So even though he knows some serious shit went down at that party, he is disgusted by Qian's actions, especially after Qian told him not to go after a BLEEDING Yuan.
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Because San Pang was right! Qian and Yuan are stubborn. San Pang saw what was coming, and as sucky as that conversation was with Yuan, he was once again serving as Qian's middleman. He knew that if Yuan confessed to Qian that it would not go over well.
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Yet San Pang still showed up for everyone when shit hit the fan. He showed up for Lili by taking Qian food. He showed up for Qian by offering him suggestions on how to handle the situation instead of shutting down and isolating.
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And he showed up for Yuan.
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San Pang sucks.
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But he found a way for everyone to get out of this impossible situation without more blood being shed.
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San Pang doesn't understand Yuan's romantic love for Qian, but he does understand Qian and Yuan. He knows that Qian needs time, and Yuan needs distance. This conversation isn't easy for him. But San Pang has always been the middleman because if not for him, Qian would be so much worst.
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And he was.
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So as much as San Pang sucks, he is a good guy who is trying to save his friend from being the worst version of himself and destroying Yuan.
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So with Yuan gone, and Qian turning into himself, this outcome between him and Lili makes sense because he was the only one to ever include Lili in the conversation.
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San Pang sucks, but in a family abandoned by the very people who should have been there for them, it matters that he always shows up.
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Even when shit sucks.
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moonbeam-cities · 3 months
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jeremy swayman moments that make me wanna rip my own eyes from their sockets because he's too damn fine: 1/??
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coryosbaby · 1 year
Just imagine subby Ethan being all stressed with econ and stuff like that and asking soft Dom reader to help. I'd literally melt and die right there and then
this is disgusting if u know me irl no u don’t
Warning: finger sucking, oral (m recieving), mommy kink, smell kink, cum play, sex toys, ball sucking LMFAOO, anal play, exhibitism towards the end, sub! Ethan, dom! Reader
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“I’m so sick of this shit!”
Ethan’s voice rings out through your shared apartment as he throws a pencil onto the ground. His econ work sits in front of him, half done, scribble marks laid along the bottom of the page. His head is in his hands, and his bottom lip quivers. You frown at the boy’s frustration, leaning down to put your hand on his back and rub it soothingly.
“What’s wrong, baby?” you ask, and he rubs his eyes harshly, grabbing one of your hands and holding it against his face. It’s a habit, one that he developed since you two had got together, and one he always does when he’s really stressed.
“‘M just… I’m so wrapped up in work..” He sniffles, and you realize he’s crying. “I’m so tired of doing it! But I can’t pass if I don’t finish it.”
“Sweetheart…” You come to wrap your arms around him as he quietly cries into your chest. “It’s gonna be okay. I promise. Why don’t you take a break, hm? We can go watch that show you like, maybe order some takeout. Is that okay?”
He shakes his head.
“I-I need to do this assignment. I can’t finish it tomorrow, I have an exam-“
“You can do it tomorrow. I’ll even help you, if you need it. Right now you need to relax, okay? Please, angel?”
He contemplates for a moment, pretty face covered in tears. But then he nods, and begins to get up out of his seat.
“Yeah. I’ll do it tomorrow.” He wipes his eyes, and you smile, pressing a gentle kiss to his soft lips.
“Good boy.” You praise. You notice that he’s wearing his jeans, and grab his hand. “C’mon, let’s change you into something more comfortable.”
“Okay, momma..”
You beam at the nickname, one you know the boy is the most comfortable calling you. Once he changes into his most soft pajamas, you order takeout and you both watch his favorite show, just like you planned.
But then the poor baby starts getting squirmy. he’s moving around a lot more than usual, his hands trailing along your thighs, adjusting his pretty body. His back presses against your tits, and he can feel your hard nipples poking through the fabric of your tank top. He huffs, knowing that in this position he can’t reach out to feel your tits.
You tilt your head to look down at him, your fingers going up to his hair to settle him.
“Are you okay, sweet boy? Do you need something?”
And at that, he lets out a small whine, turning his body around to kiss you softly on the mouth. It’s slow, but you can feel the need in the action. Your eyes widen at the sudden intrusion of his tongue inside your mouth, gliding against your teeth. You moan, and he turns his body fully around so he can grab you by your jaw and needily push his cock against you.
You chuckle at his eagerness, pulling away to stroke your fingers along his plump lips.
“needy boy,” you coo.
His eyes are glazed over, now; he’s always been the type to get riled up way too easily over the smallest things. He’s such a sensitive boy, so full of want and the need to be touched and fucked. His tongue lolls out to taste your fingers, and he takes two of them into his mouth to suckle gently. You bite your lip, moving your fingers back into his tight throat, and when you teasingly poke the very back of it, he chokes. You smile, watching his eyes become watery from the aggravation. You stroke his neck, fingernails scraping the soft skin over his addam’s apple, and he keens.
“Like having your little throat filled, honey?”
He nods around your fingers, and his eyes roll back in bliss. He loves having things in his slutty little mouth, loves the taste of your skin and the way his throat clenches.
Your hand reaches down to grab his cock, and he moans. He’s hard, incredibly so, and you begin to rub your palm in circles over him. His big thighs shake from the stimulation, and you laugh.
“you’re so perfect, so beautiful. you look good enough to eat, baby.”
Your fingers move out of his throat with a wet pop, and he breathes deeply.
“Thank you.” He says, his voice scratchy.
You smile, and guide his body down onto the bed. He’s on his back, and his tee shirt rides up to expose his torso. You pull down your tank top to expose your tits, and he groans. He tries to reach his hands out to touch them, but you tusk and grab his wrists. He pouts.
“No, no, baby.” You tut. “You don’t get to touch yet.”
“But ‘m so stressed, momma.” He gives you puppy dog eyes, and he makes sure to run his calf along your ankle. “Don’t you wanna make it go away?”
You know he uses guilt tripping to try and get his way in times like this, and honestly, it works every time. He’s just too pretty to say no to, too perfect to you.
“You’re so spoiled, y’know that?” You say.
“I just wanna feel good…”
“I know, sweetheart,” you stroke his soft hair out of his face and he brings his hand up to feel yours. “I’m sorry. I know you’re really upset right now. And I’m gonna give you want you want. Because we take care of each other, right?”
You hold his hand as you reach over to the bedside table to pull out a bottle of lube from the first drawer. He giggles, excited that you’ve brought it out. Another thing he likes is when he gets all wet and messy.
He sighs in ecstasy when you reach into his pajama pants to pull his length out. You rest it on top of the waistband, and squirt some lube onto your hand. You then bring his cock into your palm and begin to stroke him. He keens, cock achy as he hears his own wet prick being fucked against your hand.
“T-Thank you, momma. You feel so good.”
“You’re welcome, baby.”
You move your body down so your mouth is near him. You can smell him, musky and oh so delicious, and bring his wet tip into your mouth.
His mouth falls open, and he whimpers.
“Oh, fuck!”
He thrusts his dick against your lips. He tastes so good, as sweet and as yummy as any candy or desert. Your brain gets foggy, feeling entranced by him.
And then you’re suckling one of his balls into your mouth, spit dripping down your chin as taste his sack. He’s shaking, pretty balls aching to be emptied and milked.
And when he’s cumming for the first time, when you’re tongue goes down to his ghost over his taint, he yells, and shoots thick creamy ropes all over his belly.
But you don’t stop. Your hand goes back to his dick and you aggressively stroke him, and he begins to cry.
“Yes! Nnngh.. use me, use me, momma! ”
And when he squirms, trying to crawl away from the delicious friction you’re giving him, you just laugh. It’s cute, the way his body and his brain are at two different standpoints; he needs to get away, needs to calm down, but he just loves the feeling of being overstimulated too much :((
You grab him by his throat, and he gasps. You maneuver his body to be up on his knees, his back pressed against your naked chest.
“You’re going to cum as many times as I want you to tonight. You wanted me to touch you, so that’s exactly what I’m going to do.”
He sobs, and then he’s gasping for air as his cock shoots out another load of white sticky cum onto your hand.
“Oh, that’s it. That’s my fuckin’ boy. Yeah, little cock feels so good, doesn’t it?” You bring your nose into his neck, feeling the sweaty skin there. God, he smells so fucking good. Your eyes almost roll to the back of your head, cunt throbbing and soaked. He’s all yours, yours to play with and use, and the heady scent of him is making you go feral.
Ethan nods eagerly. Regardless of the overstimulation, he’s still all excited and his stomach is twisting with butterflies. You’re so kind, and such a goddess to him. He can’t believe hes so lucky.
“‘W-Wan-“ he exhales shakily, and his head falls forward onto your arm. “‘Wanna cum again, momma. Want you to milk me. Feels so so good…”
You giggle, and he tries to calm his racing heart beat for a second by resting against you. You gently rub his shoulders, press kisses to his lean back. And then he’s bringing himself back down onto the bed and asking for you to use toys on him.
And of course, you do just that; soon, he’s sobbing as you press a dildo into his ass while a vibrator is shoved against the base of his leaking dick. He’s all messy, cock covered in sticky cum and wet lube, and hickeys liter his now completely nude body. His mouth is gagged with your panties and his throat is filled with the taste of you.
He cries when you finally manage to shove the whole silicone dick inside him, hips fucking up into the strong pulse of your pink vibrator.
Your wet pussy is pressed against his thigh as you control him this way, and he sobs as you leak all over his leg. And then, you whip out your phone and begin to record his body being abused and split open. He’s your perfect little doll, and he knows it.
And that’s why he starts to put on a show for the camera, giving into the adulterated bliss of his raging thoughts.
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