#superhero lore
laurelwinchester · 2 years
so this next arc in htlgi relies somewhat on the citizens of the glades assisting black canary with her investigation into the missing people and while i do not regret making her a mostly well liked figure in the glades in this fic and generally enjoy the whole the citizens of this comic book city love their resident superhero vibe.... 
realistically speaking how fucking spooky would it be to live in a city with a bunch of costumed and masked vigilantes?
you already live in a city with an extremely high crime rate that honestly must feel full on lawless at times and now you’ve got a bunch of random faceless weirdos appearing as if from nowhere in the dark of night with their oddly fancy violence and fetish get ups, melting into and out of the shadows, and speaking to you in straight up demonic sounding voices. 
like yeah it’d be nice to be saved from the cliche of being mugged in a dark alley but then you’ve got to worry if this possible demon with a discount at party city is going to eat you.
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qu0rky · 2 months
will i ever watch/read that? no, probably not.
but do i still go on ao3 to search up its most popular homoerotic ship and get infodumped all the necessary lore in order to enjoy the fics? yes, give me 14 more of that.
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allurilove · 2 months
Can we have a Mother and son day with Henry and yandere husband spies on us and ends up getting caught? ( this is just a request that you can write later if you want).
When summer was slowly coming to an end, the school season was already beginning. Henry needed new clothes after he grew out of his old ones, and that meant he had to sadly ditch his trusty overalls. Henry begged you to go to the mall with him as he hated shopping with his father. Your yandere husband could be in the mall for hours and hours, and while he blamed you for draining his bank account, he was also at fault too.
Yandere husband had a somewhat fashionable taste, and it must've been a genetic thing since his father was like that too. Your husband wouldn't really let Henry get what he wanted, even the light-up Skechers he dreamed of having. Henry argued that he would be the coolest kid in town if he had those, but your husband said it was tacky.
That's why you were with Henry instead of that big ol' grump. You were the only person who would listen to him! And the only one that was easily manipulated to buy crazy printed t-shirts with exploding dinosaurs on the front! Henry smiled evilly, rubbing his hands together as you paid for the shirt. While the kid would wear the shirt to school, he also wanted to buy it to shove it in his father’s face.
"Do you need anything else?" You asked your son, who was excitedly holding the shirt in his hands.
He was examining it with slight disbelief on his face. Surely, this shirt wasn't school appropriate... but you had bought it for him anyway! What a dream come true!
The kid stroked his chin in thought, tossing the shirt back into the bag. He already knew what he wanted next before you asked that question. “Can I get new shoes?"
"I thought you bought some with your father last week?" You said, pinching his cheek. He blushed before he shyly pulled away from you.
"...I must've grown too big for them now! They hurt my feet." Henry faked a wince and started to stumble as he walked. "Owie... ouch..." He whimpered.
The little kid skipped out of the store with a huge smile, his shoes lighting up with each bounce, and his favorite superhero plastered on the sides. You then bought him a cinnamon pretzel while you sipped on some lemonade. He was very happy until he abruptly stopped walking. He sniffed the air, smelling hints of cedarwood, bergamot, clove, and desperation. He had a pretty good idea of who it was, but for good measure, he licked his index finger and raised it into the air. Henry's eyes narrowed, the gears turning in his head, and his whole body did a 180.
"You!" Henry pointed at the poor fool, who was clearly trying to hide himself behind his cup of Annie's Pretzels.
Yandere husband wore a dark grey trench coat, an infinity scarf around his neck that also covered his mouth, and a pair of black sunglasses by James Oro. He pretended not to see the boy blatantly pointing at him. He got up from his seat and hurriedly walked in the opposite direction, gripping his cup of plain pretzel bites and muttering curses to himself as he heard the angry tiny footsteps behind him.
"Dad!" Henry huffed as he picked up his pace. "I know that's you! I can smell you from a mile away."
Yandere husband nervously chuckled, turned his head to take one glance at his son, and shook his head. He stretched his legs out even further to walk faster, using his hips and arms to gain some sort of leverage over his shorter son. "Dad? My name isn't 'dad'... it's Brad!" He deepened his voice to respond to Henry.
Henry rolled his eyes and managed to grab onto yandere husband's arm. Your man refused to turn his head around and face his son; he was actually scared of what Henry would do to him.
"Oh, hi Brad. Did you happen to see the man that was hitting on my mom over there?" He gestured to you, still standing far away.
"Wait, what?" Yandere husband tensed up, swiveled his head around, and yanked his sunglasses off to take a good look at you with a scowl. "What man, Henry? I don't see anyone—"
"Aha! Busted!" Henry exclaimed and kicked his father in the shins. "How dare you try to stalk us? I am trying to have some quality time with Mom!"
Yandere husband groaned and clutched his leg. "What is wrong with you—"
"Give me your pretzel bites!" Henry demanded, opening his hand. "You don't deserve those." He tsked and snatched the cup out of his father's hand.
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jesncin · 14 days
two things can be true at once:
Martian Manhunter is a character that is being unfairly sidelined and underutilized by DC. It's a shame and J'onn deserves better.
Martian Manhunter desperately needs a huge revitalization of his lore and concepts. J'onn has a ton of foundational flaws that both stop him from growing and make him struggle with long term sustainability as a character the way he is right now.
You'll usually learn the 2nd truth if you read his solos, and don't just limit your knowledge of him to Justice League comics and the cartoons.
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nitpickrider · 2 months
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Wow, Ray. And here I thought no one could beat Clark for the bullshit excuses award Action Comics 425
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heybiji · 1 month
M. May. May we ask about the Heavy Metal guy 👉👈
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HEAVY METAL (real name Otto Teuling) is a metahuman with the ability to turn himself and anything, or anyone, he touches into metal. He debuted as a superhero in Overlook City a couple years ago. He used to be the lead of the popular alt rock band Cold Iron, and released two albums, Tarnish and Patina. After a show on tour went wrong, the audience turning violent, he quit the band and turned up in Overlook as a superhero about a year later. His past popularity, especially with teenagers, has shot him up in the supe rankings, despite him seeming unenthused about the job. Parents, however, think he's a bad influence, and many of his former fans now consider him a sellout.
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hood-ex · 7 months
What's your biggest ick about yourself as a DC stan? Mine is that I tell people I read Batman comics instead of Nightwing comics because it's easier, and I don't have to explain who Nightwing is.
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ch3rryb00m98 · 2 months
I wanna see a hero at McDonald’s so bad…
Anyway here’s the Supers ordering food
Send asks pls!
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idkaguyorsomething · 10 months
RTD said he wasn’t going to undo the Timeless Child or the destruction of Gallifrey, ¡but he never said anything about taking individual Time Lords off the table! ¡Explain who you voted for and why in the tags!
(No, the Master isn’t an option, that fucker’s return is as inevitable as the TARDIS “accidentally” landing nine galaxies and a million years away from where she was supposed to go)
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razmerry · 10 months
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can the mediator of vengeanceclan really fall in love with a kittypet?...
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A/N: I think the next part will be the last and I will be going on a short hiatus for about a month to rest and recuperate
Part 1 Here! / Part 2 Here! /Part 3 Here! / Part 4 Here! / Part 5 Here! / Part 6 Here! /
 Part 7 Here! / Part 8 Here! / Part 9 Here! / Part 10 Here! / Part 11 Here! / Part 12 Here! /
Part 13 Here! / Part 14 Here! / Part 15 Here! / Part 16 Here ! / Part 17 Here! / 
Part 18 Here! / Part 19 Here! / Part 20 here! / Part 21 Here! / Part 22 Here! / 
Part 23 Here! / Part 24 Here! / Part 25 Here! / Part 26 Here! / Part 27 Here! / 
Part 28 Here!  / Part 29 Here! / Part 30 Here ! / Part 31 Here! / Part 33 Here!
<This is Part 33!>
* “Why didn’t you tell me Thalia’s tree was poisoned, and that Ares is a…camp counselor.” If you could even call it that.
* The wind brushes against your face, offering you a short moment to think of all your grievances.
* ‘I have a lot to be discontent with.’
* Static crinkles on the other side, and you close your eyes and imagine your father shifting his cell phone until it’s wedged against his shoulder and ear.
* “I don’t remember you telling me there were monsters lurking around your school, so we’ll call it even.” In your defense there hardly ever are monsters around you these days—Percy’s a different story though.
* “How is Ares these days?” And then after a moment he adds: “and how are Clarisse and Dennis taking to having family around after all this time.”
* ‘The question of the year.’
* He takes your silence for an answer. “That good, huh?”
* “I think he’s really different from what she imagined—and that’s causing some friction.”
* Clarisse has spent her entire life with a mortal parent she couldn’t entirely relate too—someone prim proper who believed in rules and order.
* When she found out Ares is her father she attributed all her other-ness to him.
* Her rage, her rebelliousness, her desire for control — it was all because of him.
* But now, seeing her Father trail after her like a lost puppy, wearing short shorts and sleeveless tanks, and lounging around all day admitting the stories about him were greatly exaggerated—
* “Oh Hercules? He was a real looker in his prime, a real spitfire, the sexual tension ebbed over the pot a little when he slayed Kyknos.”
* “She’s having trouble coming to terms with the fact that all these ‘negative’ traits she's attributed to her father aren’t his, they’re just…who she is.”
* ‘It’s not a bad thing to be full of wrath and rebellion, after all a goddess’ wrath is the only reason I’m alive.’
* “She’s not even that bad though, Annabeth’s been freaking out about the tree and searching for clues in any book she can get her hands on, and Percy’s even worse because he has only child syndrome.”
* Zagreus snorts on the other end. “That’s rich coming from an only-child.”
* ‘It might be nice to have a sibling, especially one that was made specifically so I would have a friend.’
* “Do you think…do you think Poseidon loves Percy?”
* You’ve classified him as a degenerate for so long that the question surprises you, even when it passes from your own lips.
* It’s unimaginable to you that someone would have a child just for the sake of another of their progeny.
* But gods don’t think should children like mortals do.
* “Have you ever met Poseidon (Y/N)?” The phone crackles on the other end when you tell him no.
* “He’s not as good or bad as you’re thinking he is.”
* ‘What the hell does that mean?’
* You hear a thump beside you, and when you turn you see a certain dark-haired, ocean eyed boy.
* “I have to go Dad, I’ll talk to you soon…Cerberus’ treats are in the pantry, love you too.” You sigh when you click the phone shut, turning to Percy with a smile.
* “What’s up?”
* “I don’t know how much longer I can stand this,” he groans.
* ‘Out of the pan and into the fire.’
* “The tree right, don’t worry, what’s the worst that can happen? Zeus turns us all into trees as punishment? Being a willow tree might not be so bad—”
* “I meant Tyson.”
* ‘Oh,’
* “I thought you liked him?”
* Percy sighs. “I did—I do! I just…I don’t understand it. Why would Poseidon…have a child with a cyclops.”
* “Well…he’s got that forge underwater, right? And there’s a lot of steam so clothes stick—” Percy flushes.
* “N-no, n-not that!” His hand rotates to the back of his neck, an aggravated blush creeping up his face. “Forget the…laws of attraction or whatever, why’d he have to claim him? Everyone’s making fun of me now, it’s like I’m a joke,” he huffs.
* “Is this about the other kids teasing you?” His silence tells you it is. You sigh. “Look Percy…it’s easy for them to make fun of you for a monster-sibling when they’ve got other demi-gods to pick from.”
* His eyebrow quirks up.
* “What do you mean by that?”
* How do you explain this to a child?
* “Tomorrow, if something happens to your mom, Hades forbid, what are you going to do? Who do you have to rely on in this world?”
* “I have you.” He doesn’t hesitate for a second, not even a blink, the answer slips pass his lips like the most basic truth of this world. “A-and I have Annabeth and Grover, and Ch—” He lists each one off using his fingers as a marker, and you feel a soft smile curl on your mouth.
* “And you have Tyson. Even if we’re all pulled away from you because of the Gods' whims, Tyson will always stay on your side.”
* ‘A child literally made to always be on your side—so you’re never alone.’
* You can see that he understands now by the misty glaze in his eyes.
* “I feel like a dick.” Percy mumbles, his face in his hands. All you can offer is a laugh. “I-I’m going to go find Tyson and give him a hug.” Percy abruptly stands up, remembering that he doesn’t know where he’s heading.
* “He’s probably with Beckendorf!” You shout, earning a bright smile and wave from percy as he starts jogging to the forge.
* ‘What a good kid.’
* You feel good about how that went. But the peace doesn’t last long, because a moment later you feel the presence of someone standing behind you.
* You turn to see everyone’s favorite forever flushed, golden curls, counselor.
* He fidgets with makeshift camp halfblood tank top, the hem rolled between his index finger and thumb.
* “Can I sit?” He asks, and he looks so awkward you can’t bring yourself to say ‘no’—not even as a joke.
* You pat the spot beside you on the picnic blanket.
* “It’s a free hill.” Ares sits down beside you, whistling at the spread of food.
* “Are these Persephone’s baklava?” He picks up the container, a smile creeping on his mouth. “Persephone always made the best stuff, even in the old days.”
* “I didn’t know you knew Persephone.”
* “Of course I did, she was famous back in the day—still is.” The Tupperware container creaks as he snaps off the lid. “I still remember watching her turn Titan-sized and then beat the shit out of Kronos.” He snorts, popping a baklava in his mouth.
* His head tilts to the side, the dots in his mind slowly connecting. “I guess that’s something you have in common.”
* ‘I can’t believe Persephone fought Kronos and won…I can’t believe I fought Kronos and won!’
* Looks like beating the odds is in your blood.
* “You know Persephone is kind of the reason Dite and I broke up—”
* A horrifying thought occurs to you, “were you and Persephone…a thing?”
* “Not really, except for those two weeks I pretended I couldn’t read and we kissed a bit—” that’s concerning, “—basically I found out Persephone was a fertility goddess and I thought it would be cool to torment my dad a little by marrying her—” that’s also concerning. “—how was I supposed to know Dite, who’d been fucking all over Thebes and Olympus by the way, was going to get pissed off about it, or that Kore’d already met her Underworld Daddy.”
* Somehow, that’s the most sensible part of the story.
* There’s a moment where the only sound is the wind scraping against your ear and Ares munching on baklava.
* “What’s your endgame with Aphrodite? She’s married to your brother—”
* “Don’t remind me,” he scoffs.
* “—do…do you want to steal her away from him?”
* He looks at you like you just suggested you both go out and kick some puppies.
* “Of course not, I just want to join them.”
* Oh…OH!
* ‘That makes sense.’
* “Hephaestus will agree as long as she’s happy.” He pops another piece of baklava in his mouth. “All I have to do is get Aphrodite to fall in love with me.”
* It’s not the worst thing you’ve ever heard. In a way they’re all already family considering Hephaestus raised most of Aphrodite and Ares’ children.
* “Knowing you, it'll happen sooner or later.” Despite his faults, Ares is earnest and honest. You can…kind of see the appeal.
* He returns your words of kindness with a small smile.
* “I gave you some juicy gossip so now it’s your turn to give me something—“
* ‘And just like that he’s trash again.'
* “—how do I make Clarisse like me?”
* ‘And just like that he’s redeemed himself.’
* “Why do you think she doesn’t like you?”
* He gives you a look.
* “Right.”
* “I…I didn’t realize she’d gotten so big.” He mumbles. “Last time I checked the was barely bigger than my palm, I guess, I thought she’d always be that small.”
* Gods don’t age the same way humans do, that’s why it’s so hard for them to change or realize things.
* It’s sad, but it makes sense that from Ares perspective he turned away for a second and realized his child had completely grown up.
* “Just give her some time, she’s coming to terms with a lot, you can’t expect her to have a great relationship after you’ve been gone her whole life.”
* Ares nods, standing up and brushing off dirt from his shorts.
* “That’s the most boring advice I’ve ever got,” A small smile curls on his face. “but I’ll still give it a try.”
* You sigh, peace and quiet at last.
* ‘All it cost me was an entire tub of Persephone’s baklava.’
* You’re thinking of laying back and soaking in the sunlight when you hear footsteps get closer.
* ‘Probably Dionysus here to complain about the tree, it’s all coming full circle.’
* “A picnic delivered from the Underworld?” Your ears prick at the sound of the voice, unfamiliar and masculine.
* You turn slowly. A man with curly black hair, bright blue eyes, and dressed in a red tracksuit looks back at you.
* Even though you can’t place him you can feel power radiate off of him. His mouth twitches up in a lopsided smile
* “Do you mind if I join you?”
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booasaur · 1 year
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Gotham Knights - 1x07
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gusherbug · 9 months
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(lore dump sorry)
THE CATCHPHRASE WE KNOW AND LOVE: "My name is Cupid's Comet, and you will address me as such."
THE SUPER LEGAL DISCLAIMER: The...Ah. Ok, yeah, of course. Of course I have to-
*Disclaimer: For all intents and purposes, the use of the phrase "Dove From Above" to describe Cupid's Comet is a metaphor and not a distinct declaration of her species or her planet of origin. For more information, children can go online to learn more...about. Pretty much anything they want. Let 'em go nuts. Whatever. I've been watching this viewer count for like, holy shit, three hours? Three hours. And it's still at one viewer because it's counting me.
**Disclaimer: Man, I've been reading this shit for that long? There's no way anyone's even checking if I'm reading it, right? Why do I have to be the one doing the little kid's show? For Cupid of all people? She doesn't even have a catchphrase, she just gets mad if you shorten her name, it's so robotic. What kind of punishment even is-Ugh, yeah, actually I don't really care. I'm gonna go find someone's desk fern and eat it.
Deering-Do out.
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yamanehaize01 · 3 months
Miracle laid in Serendipity: Unveiling the Voyage of Miraculous Bearers
The Unknowing Tale between Y/n L/n & Adrien Agreste
Chapter 04: Swirl of Magnetica
Previous & Subsequent Chapters | 01 | 02 | 03 | Loading...
Third — Point of View
Perspective of Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
Upon arriving infront of the school, the bluenette waves her hand with a smile when she sees Alya walking towards her. “Hey girl, good morning! You ready for that, you know!” Alya lifts her two fingers, creating peace signs and gesturing it up and down. Marinette gave her a nervous chuckle as she scratched the back of her head. “I-I.. um! O-Of course! Haha-” The bluenette grins widely with an unsure expression, while her best friend gives her a pat on the shoulder. “You better be, because there he is–” Alya was about to point her finger towards the familiar blonde boy, but Marinette cut her off.
“W-What?! W-Where..!” The bluenette stuttered, looking from side to side then looking behind her, as she gasped. Seeing Adrien getting out of the car then closing the door, Marinette could already feel her face reddening and she quickly clung her hands around Alya’s arm, in case she’d fall right then and there. “O-Oh my gosh, A-Alya! H-He’s walking t-this way-! W-What do I do now..?! S-Should I-” Marinette stumbles on her words, uncertain on what to do. And she could feel her heart stop when Adrien notices them ahead, before waving towards them with a gentle smile.
Alya shakes her head with a giggle as she tries to support Marinette’s body, who’s literally about to pass out and fall to the ground if she doesn't keep her on her feet. Alya grabs the bluenette’s forearm and lifts it up, motioning her to wave back at the blonde. Marinette forms an awkward grin, trying her best not to embarrass herself infront of Adrien. “Girl, keep it cool.” Alya whispers, as the bluenette nods her head anxiously. “Marinette and Alya, good morning.” Adrien greeted, it took every ounce of Marinette's energy not to make the situation awkward — attempting to respond back.
“G-Good-.. Good mor..mor-ning! Y-You too! I-I mean- to you! Too..!” She lightly laughs, internally hoping that Adrien wouldn't mind her little slip up. She doesn't know why she couldn't get her act together! She's supposed to have a normal conversation with him, and possibly give him the keychain she designed a week prior, without stumbling herself up in the middle of it. But- it's almost impossible, she feels weak in the knees every time he faces her or just- talking to her normally! The tension isn't forgiving.
“Morning, Adrien.” Alya responded, before looking back at Marinette, it was the perfect opportunity for her friend to hand Adrien the small gift. And she knows that Marinette knows it too, she just needs a little push– just a little bit. So as Adrien was about to continue his way towards the school’s entrance — Alya smoothly guided Marinette infront of the blonde. “I think Mari wants to tell you about something.” The bluenette once again froze in her place, while Adrien looked at them – firstly confused but then it was soon replaced by curiosity, waiting for Marinette to talk.
“I-I.. t-there’s this thing that I-” The bluenette starts, her pupils gazing around, unable to make eye contact. “I.. I- made..” She continues, her face reddening even more as the minute passes by. She squeezes her eyes closed, intending to spill the words out in one go. “I made you a—!” Before Marinette could finish her sentence, a loud and annoying voice interrupted her. “Adrikins~!” At that point, both Marinette and Alya's faces dropped in an instant. Not be able to do nothing but watch Chloe hug Adrien and give him a kiss on each side of his face.
A cheerful voice suddenly emerges as Rose and Juleka quickly make their way towards Marinette and Alya, sparing a small glance at the commotion going on with Chloe. “Have you given it to him ye–!” The bluenette immediately put her hand up against Rose’s mouth, muffling her words. While the clueless girl looks at her innocently, Marinette chuckles hesitantly – looking towards Chloe and Adrien to see if they heard Rose. And considering that their overly confident classmate is still yapping on and on about her morning to Adrien, she draws a sigh of relief and removes her hand off of Rose’s mouth.
“Sigh.. unfortunately no, Chloe got in the way.” Marinette replied, as Rose and Juleka glanced back at the two. “Really? Oh no..” Rose whispers, but then Chloe unexpectedly turns around to face them, causing them to pretend to be preoccupied with each other. They could already feel the look Chloe was sending their way, the awkwardness was in the air as Nino swept in to call out for his friend. “Yo, dude! How’s it going? Mornin’!” Nino greets, raising his hand as both of them high-five one another before proceeding to head straight to school.
With Marinette peaking a slight glance back at Adrien as they pass by her, knowing the opportunity is way beyond reach right now. A snap of a finger made the bluenette startled as she heard Chloe laugh. “Seriously, Dupain-cheng! What an embarrassment, right- Sabrina.” Chloe smirks, fanning herself with her hand as Marinette fights the urge to grit her teeth. “Knock it off, Chloe.” Alya retorts, sending her a glare to which Chloe scoffs. “Here comes the savior of the day, really- you're just proving my point. Can't even stand up for yourself, Marinette Dupain-cheng.” Rose gasps, putting both of her hands against her mouth.
“Hey, that's not tru–” Rose was about to say but the other blonde easily brushed her off. “Ugh, I can't with these peasants, let's go Sabrina.” Chloe flips her ponytail back in an arrogant way, sparing them a nasty look. “Y-Yes, Chloe.” Sabrina nods before trailing after Chloe, holding her bag and other textbooks. Both Rose and Juleka was shocked at how the situation turned out, mostly Rose as her eyes followed to where Chloe headed up inside the school. “She’s so rude! How can she say that?” Rose says with a pouty look, turning back at Marinette, who has her head hanging a bit low.
“Mari, don't listen to her. She just wants to get under your skin, and you can't let that happen.” Alya reassures, as Marinette stares back at Alya. “Y-Yeah.. Alya’s right..” Juleka joins in, trying to keep the bluenette to the bright side. Marinette huffs out a breath, calming her nerves down before shaking her head and replacing the frown on her lips into a smile. “Mhm, we know Chloe.. so full of herself.” Marinette sighs, as the three girls let out a smile. Although suddenly, another voice calls out for the group.
“Ayee, girls!” Alix shouts out, waving both of her hands up as she runs towards them. “Hi, Alix!” Said Rose, waving back with a bright smile. “What’s up? Did Mr Agrestimó Francé arrived yet?” Alix questions, adding a tint of accent, earning a chuckle from the four of them. “S-Stop with the nickname..!” Marinette giggles, placing a finger against the side of her face. Alix however, dramatically puts a hand over her chest, looking back at Marinette with a fake-offended expression. “Oh, you're covering up for the model boy now? Hm.. if we place two and two together–” Alix teased, as the bluenette’s face went flustered. “I-I.. I w-wasn’t! I-I’m not even–” Marinette stuttered terribly, as she put both of her hands against her flushed face. “Ooo-! What if, what if!” Rose cheered, lifting a finger up.
“Alright, I think Mari is about to burst into flames if we keep going.” Alya chimes in, as she raises one of her eyebrows with a playful grin. “Fine, I'll stop– for now!” Alix chuckles, crossing both of her arms before asking again – “So, is Adrien late? Or- you know.” Alix hinted, acting a small cough. And as she looked at the four of them, their faces weren't saying any positive notes. “It didn't go exactly as planned..” Alya answered, pinching the bridge of her nose, thinking back at the mayor’s daughter. “Let's just say someone was blocking the road.” Alya clued, receiving a mixed look from Alix.
“Damn, if that's how it's gonna be then you could go and make a quick shot and throw it in Adrien's bag with your name on top, there! Problem solved..!” Alix shrugged her shoulders.
“Pftt– you did not!” Marinette lightly slaps Alix on the shoulder, the mood lightening up entirely. “Now that I think about it! That is a good idea, isn't it?” Rose claps her hands with a big smile, passersby were sending some looks their way- noticeably confused. “Where is Mylene and Y/n, by the way? Are they already inside?” Alix questions, earning a baffled look from Rose. “We haven't seen them, maybe they're just a bit late.” Marinette replied, as both Alix and Rose nodded. “We should probably get settled in and wait for them in class.” Alya says, turning her phone on and looking at the time.
“Sounds good, I need to get these rollerblades secured, gonna use it later!” Alix says, patting the two rollerblades that she holds against the side of her waist.
“Oohh, are we going somewhere after school..!?” Rose innocently asked, as the rest blinked in unison. With Juleka chuckling a bit, placing a hand on top of her friend’s shoulder.
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Second — Point of View.
Perspective of Y/n L/n.
Hovering your hand on the classroom’s doorknob, you tried to quietly twist it open and have a peek inside. The voices of your classmates are now becoming clearer, and it seems the teacher hasn't arrived yet. You open the door enough for you to slid into and close it behind you, most of the clatter dying down and eyes sparing you a swift glance. At that point, you only wanted to head onto your section and sit down. “Oh Y/n!” Alya waves her hand up, as you send her a smile. Lightly holding the handle of your bookbag, then taking the way in the middle.
Audible whispers coming out of Chloe and Sabrina's side of the class, not to mention the unnerving stares they're giving you. From your first day being a part of the class, you did know that Chloe is bad news. She doesn't really mercy you either – quite the opposite, you don't understand where the sudden hatred for you came from. But knowing it's Chloe, she basically hates everybody. Besides herself and a few of her ‘supposed’ friends.
“You have got to be kidding me. Little Miss airhead over here shows up, no wonder she's friends with that baker’s daughter.” Hearing that loud and clear, things like that shouldn't bother you– ignoring her will be best either way. A worry glance lifted from the first row, emerald green eyes dotting on you. Chloe wasn't even trying to hide her voice from bouncing across the room, if Adrien heard it– heck then definitely you heard it too. “How ridiculous..” Chloe quipped, brushing the fabric of her blazer, some quick glares were sent her way but she didn't pay any mind to it.
Once you made it to your desk, you sat down on your seat and leaned low– settling your bookbag down under the desk table. Then lifting your head out from below, unexpectedly bumping into a soft edge. “A-Are you okay..?” Hearing Nathaniel's voice, you turn your head a bit to face him, looking up. Noticing how he has his hand gripping against the edge of the desk, ending up with you narrowly avoiding a rather painful little accident. “I.. thanks, I'm fine.” You replied with a small smile, now fully lifting your head up from under the desk and fixing your posture. As Nathaniel retrieves his hand back next to the side of his notebook, a tinted blush forms on his face.
The sense of recognition among the citizens and also the prestigious higher ups of the city is beyond fluttering. Being heroes, your image as one has been spreading like wildfire since the day you started out. It was overwhelming at first, even now you are still slightly overwhelmed by the thought of many people seeing you as one of the protectors of Paris and appreciated you as one. Your heart feels very light, a warm smile visible on your lips — you haven't got time to realize that Ms Bustier was calling your name. And once you did, it was already too late to recover from.
“Y/n, please pay attention. In some cases we should respect the important topic of our national heroes. And as to why they're putting themselves on the line for the core reasoning of our safety.” The firm tone of Ms Bustier’s voice makes you want to shrink in your seat, and let the table swallow you whole. “O-Of course..! I'm sorry, Ms Bustier. I'll pay attention..” Scarcely, despite keeping track and being limitless in the field of your counterpart — you have to remember that as Y/n L/n, everything is different. And in the eyes of your classmates, family and others that barely knows you, that.. you're just- Y/n L/n. Nothing special besides the fact that you make your life more difficult than it already is.
Which isn’t that surprising either.
“Jeez, someone needs to pour cold water on that pathetic loser. And you know what, I might actually volunteer.” Chloe mused, raising her hand and giving you a sharp stare, with Sabrina lightly chuckling at the statement. Marinette furrowed her eyebrows, striking up a glare at the mayor’s daughter, as Alya seems to be doing the same. “Chloe, enough. It's not nice to speak badly of others, so please. Be kind.” Ms Bustier scolded with a sigh leaving her lips, Chloe only rolled her eyes before speaking with a dried tone. “Hmph, whatever.” The blonde has her chin up and arms crossed, layering with an attitude.
You lower your gaze on your desk, you could feel the humiliation fawning over you. It's not a good feeling to have, the trickling sensation of your stomach twisting and being tightened in a way that it shouldn't be. Not.. not a good feeling. Trying to brush away any lingering thoughts, you set your pupils back at the projector screen on the board. “It's wonderful how much our heroes did in order to keep Paris protected from evil, does anyone want to share their experiences in the midst of an akuma attack?” Ms Bustier smiles, scanning around her students to see if someone will raise their hands. The first one quickly raises her hand, seemingly intrigued.
“Yes, Alya.” Ms Bustier motions her hand towards the direction of the brunette, as the girl stood up. “It's totally amazing! Having to meet the heroes face to face, like really! Watch the vlogs I posted on my Sekkiblog, it's getting tons of views!” Alya squealed excitedly, waving the screen of her phone up. Ms Bustier let out a small chuckle, as the others had their attention towards Alya. Some actually pulling out their phones to visit the page and check. “This is sick, dude!” Nino says, turning his phone horizontally to watch the video.
Adrien feels a slight tug on the inside pocket of his white jacket, looking left and right quickly to make sure his classmates are distracted – he lifts the side of his jacket open, just enough not to draw any suspicion. He was greeted by the view of his Kwami, with his tiny arms crossed. “What plagg?” Adrien whispers, while the Kwami shakes his head and points to his mouth. “How long is this class, there's none of my camembert left–!” Adrien quickly shuts his jacket, nervously looking left and right again before opening his jacket once more. “What was that for..!” Plagg finally whispers with a frown.
“Shh- I thought someone might've heard you, wait.. class is almost over.” A groan escapes the small feline’s throat, clearly not happy about waiting, but he has no choice but to accept it. Adrien let go of his jacket, looking back at the projector screen upfront. His eyes dragged onto the familiar figure of red and black, a determined smile colored on your lips. Cameras are really everywhere, huh? He sometimes wonders how those people capture pretty much a clear angle in the middle of an akuma attack. He has to give them credit, it's not that easy to do. Mostly.
The bell ringing spread across the school, indicating that classes are over. “Okay, students. That's the bell, we will continue on this topic another time.” Ms Bustier nods before undoing the equipment used, putting it back to its case. Kim offered to help, carefully taking the projector from the teacher’s desk. The rest of the students left the room, chatting along the way. “Y/n, Y/n!” Rose calls happily, as she gives you a hug right as you walk out of the door. Adjusting yourself a bit so you weren't blocking the entrance, returning the hug before both of you pull away with Rose putting her hands on top of your shoulders.
“Oh wait! Let's go, Marinette and Alya are waiting for us!” Rose grabs your hand, as the other holds onto Juleka’s hand as well. Dragging both of you with her down the hall, you had to keep a firm grip of your bookbag as it almost slipped off of your fingers from the impact. Trying your best to keep up, you look around, not expecting to make a split second eye contact with those verdant eyes. His mouth slightly opened, intending to call out for you but the opportunity was quick to pass by, leaving him sighing internally.
“What are you thinking, kid? You're quiet.” The small feline flew up, facing his holder with a half eaten camembert in his tiny hands. Adrien exhaled out a breath, putting his stuff inside his locker and closing it after. “Nothing, Plagg.. I feel like I need to apologize to.. someone. She's my classmate.” Plagg hummed as he took another bite of his camembert, savoring the flavor then staring back at his owner. “Why? You did something wrong, did you?” Adrien let out a small cough, looking surprised at his Kwami. “What?! No, I didn't! It's about something else.” The blonde quickly defended himself, although he went silent for a moment, making sure to listen if anyone was approaching to go to the lockers.
“Then go apologize for whatever it was that happened. She's not waiting for you.” Plagg says, his tone coating with disinterest, licking his paw. Adrien blinked in slight disbelief before pinching the bridge of his nose. “Thanks a lot, Plagg. You’re helping.” The blonde spoke, walking over to the bench he left his fencing helmet to. “I know I am.” The feline Kwami snickered as he followed behind, grinning at the sarcasm his holder threw. 
“Make up your mind, if you feel like you need to apologize to the girl, go for it. And wait– make it clear too! Who's truly at fault, was it you?��� Plagg crossed his tiny arms, the Kwami didn't particularly remember the blonde done something wrong to others, or said anything bad. Eh- he will never know, maybe he's taking a nap at that time. How many times has he slept after being satiated by cheese? He lost count basically, his ears could've missed the whole thing, and looking at how he has no idea about what his bearer is talking about. Yeah, he definitely did.
“No, it wasn't me.. sigh, it's one of my closest friends, Chloe. I heard her say some awful things towards Y/n.. I hope she's okay.” He knows that his childhood friend could get a bit too much at times, still- that doesn't justify the way she treated others. “Why should you be the one apologizing? From what I'm getting here, it's your ‘childhood friend’s fault.” The feline Kwami replied, trying to make sense of where Adrien’s getting at. “You don't understand, Plagg. I can try and explain to–” His tiny companion interjects with a quick lift of his paw.
“All I can say is, kid. You're not getting anywhere if you keep having to explain your friend’s actions, and make them see reason. It should be the other way around, is how I see it.” The blonde paused, averting his gaze. Plagg does have a point, but.. how will he be able to do that? It shouldn't be hard, it's.. his childhood friend, he could talk to her about it. He can't just stay ignorant, when he doesn't support her actions at all. “You're right, Plagg..” Adrien muttered, not getting much of a word from the Kwami as it quickly flew over behind his shoulder to hide. The voice of one of his fencing partners called out for him, indicating the training lesson is about to start.
“I’ll be right over!” Adrien yelled back, grabbing his fencing gear before hurrying over the exit door of the locker room. And as the door closed behind him, the feline Kwami quietly made his way towards his holder’s locker. Easily going through the blockage of the front frame of the locker, settling inside the blonde’s bag. His voice soon speaking under his breath with a small yawn – “Could use another nap.”
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Wiping a drop of sweat from your forehead, you walk out of the front exit of the school, following after the students who already made their way outside. Switching your bookbag to your left hand, so you could have a proper look at the papers on your right. Although- you suddenly hear a ring coming from the pocket of your pants, making you stop for a moment to check. Grabbing your phone and turning it on, seeing your mother calling you. You pressed the green button as you placed it against your ear before letting go and moving your shoulder upwards to support the phone from falling.
“Y/n, where are you? Is your classes over?” You hear your mom’s voice over the phone, as you struggle a bit from putting the papers inside your bookbag. “Mom? Erm- yeah, I just got outside of school.” You replied, finally settling the papers and closing the strap of your bookbag, as you slip your hand back to hold your phone properly. “Alright- good! I need you to come over to the subway station and come pick up– wait.. you’ll see once you get there, now hurry up! I haven't got the time since I'm at work–!” The voice over the call cuts out, as it ends.
“What– mom..!” You drew the phone back to look over the screen, who even are you picking up from the train station? Do you even have time– oh! Maybe not-..! You quickly run down the stairs, looking left and right as you ponder for a second on where the train station might be. Before hurriedly making a turn and making sure not to accidentally bump into anyone on the way. “Ugh.. What's up with that weirdo, hold that tight, Sabrina. For a second I thought she's about to steal my expensive purse!” The blonde girl irked, loudly chewing a gum as she crossed her arms.
“Oh please, Chloe. No one wants that.” Alya puts up a smile, holding her phone and scrolling down. As Marinette brings up her notebook to cover her lips. Chloe scoffed, looking over the two with a judging glare. “What did you say–” The blonde blinked twice, seeing both of them turning around and walking away without much of a second glance. She puffs out an irritated groan, while Sabrina tries to tap her best friend on the shoulder to gain her attention – although resulting in a flinch. “Ridiculous! Absolutely ridiculous..!”
Took almost your whole breath, but you finally made it down the flight of stairs and into the train station. Gripping your bookbag against your chest, as you walk closer to the halting train. Just good enough distance to be certain that you won't get pushed off when passengers start getting out. You tilt your head a bit to try and find who your mother's talking about through the train’s window.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, we have reached our destination. Please ensure you have all of your belongings with you before exiting the train.” The announcer said over the speaker, as the people inside started preparing to leave and some people outside were also preparing to get on the train afterwards. Then, the doors begin to slide open – as the people walk out with their belongings in hand, a few weren't paying that much attention and on their phones and headsets. You move slightly to not get in the way, tiptoeing a bit and lifting your head up to see if anyone looks familiar.
Inching yourself to the side, you almost got knocked off – and thankfully you turn your shoulder just in time to avoid a small accident. Suddenly, you heard a voice call out your name, shifting your head to the direction. Your eyes widened slightly, as you mumbled – “Mrs Ikaro..?” The woman forms a warm smile, sending you a small wave from a few distance. You can't believe it, isn't she–! “N/n, N/n..!” You didn't get time to react before you saw a familiar young boy happily running towards you with his arms spread out. Earning a small yelp from you as the toddler gave you a hug, placing your hand on top of the child’s head.
“Gio..?” You muttered the boy’s name, slowly returning the hug, adding up to your surprise as you saw two more familiar faces – walking their way through the passersby. Locking eyes with those keen gray hues, his hair was a rugged mix of copper and sandy highlights, tousled in different areas, creating that messy kind of style. Feeling sort of uneasy within his gaze, you stare over the other. Seeing some similar qualities, more to their facial features, although her hair is leaning towards a lighter sense of shade. Her pupils are the same gray color as the one from their parents.
You didn't expect for your mother’s close acquaintance to come and visit– let alone meeting them again after a long time! “How have you been, sweetheart? You look quite frantic in the middle of your search.” Mrs Ikaro says with a tint of amusement, causing you to lightly scratch the side of your cheek. “I’ve been.. alright! Yep- school’s going fine..!” Mrs Ikaro hummed softly, as her older daughter lifted up a finger to gain your attention, walking up to you. “I’ve heard there's multiple attacks that have happened here in Paris! Also heroes and such–?!” She went beside you as she put a hand over your shoulder, holding her phone up.
“Uh yes, there's–” You tried to reply and view what she’s drawing your attention to, but Gio turned his head upwards — grabbing his sister's arm and leading the phone downwards to let him see. You notice from the corner of your eyes how his brother clicked his tongue in slight annoyance, piercing eyes staring back at you with a tight smile. “Gio- stop, let Y/n see.” Kija hushed, removing her younger brother’s hold on her arm. “Aww.. I didn't see the heroes!” The boy pouts, attempting to jump to be able to see the screen. “It's right there- huh? Sigh, Gio what did you click now.”
“It's the live news..!” The young toddler says with enthusiasm, you blinked twice as you catch the view of the live. Having only seconds to process what it was — when suddenly a loud crash resonated from above the station, making all of you and the few people walking by look up. “What was that?” Mrs Ikaro spoke first, looking back towards her daughter in worry. Part of you is certain that indicates danger, as you then witness people running down urgently from the stairs with a harrowed look on their faces – going over inside the train. You knitted your eyebrows together, grabbing a hold of Kija’s phone and watching the news live to gather up what's happening.
“There's an ongoing akuma attack, you need to find someplace to hide until it's taken care of–” Another violent collision could be heard from above, as Gio hugs you tightly, feeling scared. You pat the boy’s head in an attempt to reassure him, before pulling one of his arms, putting your hand under and quickly crouching down to pick him up. “An attack?! On the very second we arrived, oh no- I need to see this!” Kija clasped her hands together in excitement, as you walked over to Mrs Ikaro and brought Gio into her arms. “Have you lost your mind? It's dangerous!” Soun – the second eldest firmly warned, but Kija sent her brother a bored look.
“He's right, it is dangerous.. anything's at stake there, so it's better if you stay out of harm’s way.” You say, giving back her phone, as you pat her on the shoulder. Kija raised her eyebrows, embarrassment covering your cheeks in realization of your firm tone, on top of that– she's much older than you are..! You gulped down your nerves with a nervous smile, scratching the back of your head. “S-Stay safe, please..” You force out a small cough, turning back and going towards the stairs leading up into the city. “Y/n, oh dear-! But where are you going?” You paused as you heard Mrs Ikaro’s voice, trying to come up with a possible excuse.
“Err- haha.. I’ll try and warn everyone else! J-Just in case..!” You're not technically lying out of your tongue, but it's the only excuse you could think of at the moment. Horrified yells and continuous deafening crash shattered the remaining calmness you felt, reverberating off nearby walls and sending vibrations through the air, the ground trembled as the sound reached its peak, filling the atmosphere with a palpable sense of urgency and tension. Without thinking any further, you step up on the first line of stairs as you swiftly continue moving up, pushing yourself to the side when a few other people are going the opposite way down.
As you reach the main ground of the city, you immediately duck your head, seeing a lot of items flying around, colliding with the buildings and some- crashing upon one another. You notice the possible centerpiece of it all, spotting a figure from a far — it was hard to catch a full glimpse of what the figure looked like with all multiple objects and small constructions darting around. One thing about it did tickle your eyebrows, it has sources on what direction it goes. Ending up in a pile stuck in the wall of the houses, even the ground, it's like- that specific areas are absorbing anything close.. but, you could also be wrong, and maybe it has a different function you haven't yet realized.
“This is a bit unfair, don't you think? It’ll be more of a challenge if you didn't take my weapon away! Wait- now I know what you meant! A challenge for me? Aw, you shouldn't have!” The certain masked feline taunted with a smirk then soon a grunt left his throat when he narrowly avoided a metal object from hitting him, with a swift sidestep, he evaded another strike now coming from the villain’s floating amulet that buries ominous power. It emanated an eerie glow that cast shifting shadows down below. The amulet crackled with malevolent energy, its surface etched with cryptic runes and swirling patterns that seemed to pulse faintly with a sinister light.
The female villain is in a clad suit that shimmered with an otherworldly glow. Her attire was a masterpiece of metal trail designs, fused with a single symbolic type of element, embodying a kinetic aesthetic that mirrored her stern and enigmatic persona. The fabric of her outfit appeared to be woven sleek, metallic fibers that hugged her form like a second skin, enchanting her lithe and daunting presence. Embedded within the fabric were intricate patterns of circuitry, glowing softly with a subtle luminescence that traced her silhouette.
From her shoulders, slender metallic tendrils extended like neutral pathways, pulsing with energy and serving both decorative and functional components of her magnetic ensemble. With a flick of her wrist, a glowing energy resonated from the floating amulet, shooting towards the direction of the masked feline, but his movements were a swerve of evasion and counterattack, each step deliberate and purposeful. Dodging with a cocky grin, effortlessly slipping past the onslaught of striking sense of energy from the amulet. His slit eyes never wavered, somewhat always one step ahead of the next attack.
“You little nimble cat, make it easy for the both of us, and hand me that ring of yours.” The female villain demanded in irritation, flicking her wrist once more and targeting the masked feline’s line of direction. “Sorry, but I have to deny the commitment! Proposing is quite a big deal, only Milady gets that privilege from me!” Chat noir shrugged, as the portion of energy went past the hero’s figure, but a set of magnetic infused objects started getting attracted from where the glowing energy had been shot at. Almost half of the objects damaged already in terms of getting out of its built-in place and swiftly flying towards the direction of the knowing feline.
“What a plan you have there! I see where you're getting at–!” With a rather intimidated expression plastering over his face, he attempted to get a headstart, turning around and sprinting back — thinking of some type of tool around the area that he could use to knock a few of the heavy laid objects off to a non-lethal direction. Although- to his luck, he felt a wave of energy burst and collide with his hand, surrounding a major base of the area, as the objects completely darted to his hand. More to his split second reaction when he saw a bus coming to his view from the right, stopping in time, as the weights of the metal bollard was first to press onto his hand followed by the others, making him crash into the middle side of the bus.
“She's really serious about that connection huh- this won't come off.” Chat muttered below his breath, trying to remove the magnetized fixtures and objects from his hand, mostly half his arm with the size of the bollard stuck onto it also. He looks towards the distantly figured from afar, walking painfully slow, as if cherishing the sense of victory that she caused. The masked feline gulped down, presenting a nervous laugh. “What a poor way to turn the events, after all.. victory was already under my name.” She muses, closing her eyes and flicking her wrist accordingly, the ominous energy from the amulet prepares to launch.
“Not on my watch, Magnetica!” The villainess sharply switches her gaze, barely scraping by in terms of the gray-masked heroine’s attack. The bluenette counted her steps, looping her jumping ropes around Magnetica’s arm, though- the female villain shot off the energy loaded amulet towards Multimouse. As the masked bluenette almost dodges if the opponent didn't take advantage of the heroine’s wrapped jumping rope around her arm and pulled her right when she attempted to avoid her charged source.
“Feeling cornered, quivering mouse?” Multimouse’s lips twist in a frown, as she quickly unwinds her jump rope from Magnetica’s arm. Backing off and putting a hand over the side of her waist, that's slowly forming into a glowing white outline. Her feline teammate has already been restrained, the only best course of action is to lead Magnetica somewhere out of the area before she gets tackled down due to the magnetic source that's now formed beside her waist, in remaining mind that their bug partner will show up any second now. Unless, their red-spotted partner is in need of assistance too and constrained somewhere, then- that would be a major problem.
“You say that, but I am still free from all corners, Magnetica! Is this all you’ve got? Sigh.. I was expecting much more.” Multimouse holds her chin with fluttering eyelashes, forming an upwards smile. Magnetica furrowed her eyebrows, heating up an incoming fused attack and targeting the masked bluenette once more. But Multimouse quickly dodges, a yelp escaping from her mouth as she didn't expect a mailbox to appear from the direction to her left, almost getting hit at her waist – where the magnetic outline is currently laid.
Not wasting much time to let the fixtures and other objects gather from all directions, she briefly jumped over a nearby street light and continued until she perfectly landed on top of a roof. Taunting a high wave from Magnetica, as the female villain scoffed, swiftly if not graciously making her way up towards the rooftop, just in time for Multimouse to launch a quick attack and dart off when she missed. Trying to secure the plan she made inside her head and lead Magnetica out of her troubled-made field.
“I told you to stay where it's safe! Why did you follow me out here–”
“Because you're being idiotic yourself! Haven't you grown out of that headspace of yours?” Soun flick the side of your forehead, causing you to rub it multiple times, before sending him a perturbed stare. Both of you are currently crouched down and hiding behind a car, trying to avoid anything that's moving around left and right, getting stamped into the pile. “I'm not being idiotic, I'm just-! Trying to warn people..” You mumbled the last sentence under your breath, however the unkempt auburn haired male somehow heard as he clicked his tongue.
“Wouldn't you argue that mostly everyone knows the danger by now, right when they see floating things crashing around?” You open your lips to speak but then pause, unable to come up with a better reason to put up. “Didn't think so, doesn't this city have heroes? Leave it up to them and don't endanger yourself, that's stupid.” You have a lot of words and reasons pretty much bottled up inside your throat, but you have no choice but to force them down and swallow. You turn your head across the street, seeing a girl around your age trying to scurry her way out of the area without getting hit. An idea popping up inside your head, as you saw a good opportunity to grasp by.
And with that, you hastily stood up from your place and put your bookbag above your head, sprinting across and in the direction of the troubled girl. “Y/n..! Where- that idiot hasn't changed at all.” Soun sighed, putting a palm over the side of his head, looking around for anything he could use to cover if he's thinking about moving from his place as well. You managed to reach the timid girl, grabbing her arm quickly and running forward into the bustling pedestrian lane. A frightened squeak falling from her mouth when a store sign dangerously flies across both of your heads, only an inch to spare you two any injuries. “That was close.. it's okay, we're fine.” You softly comforted, leading her further until you saw a nearby bookstore
A portion of the front wall of it is destroyed, but seemingly there's minimal danger around it, so you swiftly open the door and lead her inside, both of you panting. Spotting a few people peeking from behind the bookshelves, with a concerned look on their faces but also quite puzzled. You hurry over and guide the panic-stricken girl towards the empty aisle, as you put both of your hands onto her shoulders. “H-Ha.. You're safe here, I- need to go..” You remove your hands from her shoulders, wiping the sweats that drip down from your forehead, and turning back to leave the store. The girl stiffened from her place, placing her hand over her forehead as she was sort of recovering from the shock that's been happening at once.
You flinched as you covered your ears from another deafening crash, shifting your attention to the side, your eyes turning small for a second. “C-Chat noir..?” Your voice went pass like a lingering wind, the sound of it unnoticeable. The masked feline visibly trapped within the weight confines of the objects restraining him, keeping him in place. You were about to go ahead and run towards him to help– although you caught a glimmering green light from the corner of your eye. Knowing exactly that signature paw print, you didn't hesitate to move over to the traffic light, seeing how Chat’s weapon is attached to the pole a bit high.
You jump over to grab it, managing to hold onto it with one hand, your feet kicking in the air as you try to pull it down. And– you successfully did, but you ended up landing on your bottom. You stood up, drawing a breath as you remained a proper hold of Chat’s weapon in hand, with your bookbag on the other. And it might've taken you quite a while, but you reach close towards where the feline hero is trapped against. His palm opened, as if he was coming to a silent conclusion that he might need to use his cataclysm in order to free himself. Slit eyes widened upon seeing you, momentarily, at a loss of words. “Y/–.. be careful- be careful!” He stammered, nearly forgetting that he wasn't supposed to know your name– yet at least.
You nod your head with a sheepish smile, rushing over to him, being dumbfounded for a second – darting your eyes left and right, as you look down at the metal staff in your hand. “Stay still, I think this would work..” Chat blinked, curious pupils landing locks on you. “The floor is yours, I’ll keep an eye out for you.” With that, you press hold on the middle paw print of the metal staff, drawing a quick jolt from you as it extends abruptly, dropping your bookbag in the process. The blonde feline couldn’t help but chuckle at your small struggle, he offered out his other hand as your gaze fell on it. “Need some help? What's the big idea?” He questions with a hint of subtle tone in his voice, as you hand him over the metal staff, adjusting its extension – correctly so. 
“Not much, we could use that and angle it beneath this thing to loosen it enough for your hand to slip away through.” You say, tapping the metal bollard that's keeping the masked feline’s hand trapped. “You're onto something,” Chat mused, returning his weapon back in your palm, entrusting the said plan to you. Examining the narrow edges and ways for a moment, you direct the end of the metal staff underneath the tapered edge of the bollard. Pressing it securely, as you push down onto the extended weapon, a silver lining up into your eyes noticing it inches a movement.
Chat remains a watchful eye behind you, and it seems like both of you will have to be on borrowed time as he catches sight of the main key of the chaos — that Paris is currently below into. “Can you do me a quick favor–!” You turned towards the masked feline, almost flinching at his urgent tone, his grin plastered nervously. “Uhm, okay?” You say, switching your gaze back onto the task at hand, though– a half gasp escaping from your lips as Chat moves without delay – his hand wrapping around your upper arm, bringing you close to him. Your side being pressed up against his chest, confusion bubbling up in your system.
“Stay put for me.” Hearing his voice close to your ear, you froze – not knowing how to exactly react. His hand went across your back, grabbing a hold of the other end of his weapon, replicating your action as he applied further pressure. The weight seemingly being lifted off of his restrained hand, slowly moving it out of the area – dropping off of your space out mind, you push down on it as well until he's able to tug his hand free. “Finally, ack- now I feel numb!” The white half portion of outline stamped onto his palm, from the looks of it – attempting to absorb any metal energy, grasping your line of sight. And one thought comes to your mind – 
“Cov..Cover..! We need something to cover it with!” You look around, searching for any fabric or material to coat it. However – a sinister voice made you stop, your jaw tightening in place. “What do we have here? Decided to offer a helping hand? Bad choice, little one.” Magnetica ticked, swirling the energy around her finger. Not sparing her a single stare, you firmly lock your fingers with Chat, concealing the magnetic source so as to not drive any attention of nearby materials. The masked feline was left astounded, words shuffling up inside his head, looking down on your intertwined fingers.
“We can't stay around like this–!” You say, about to lead the blonde feline away from the commotion. “Then why don't you hold tight, lovely~?” Suddenly, you were taken back, both of you sharing a split second stare before you felt his arm swiftly going under your knees as his intertwined hand with yours adjusted around your back – lifting you up from the ground, squeezing your hand with his at the feeling of not likely accustomed to being picked up. “Don't worry, I won't drop you.” He gives you a wink, as you return with a bewildered gaze.
“Chat noir! Hurry and find a safe location for her to bring to. Magnetica and I still have some loose ends we need to talk about.” Multimouse drops down infront of the both of you, an assured smile coloring her lips, as she ready up her weapon. “Got it, where's Sekkibug? Haven't received anything from her.” Chat adjusted his staff from under your knee, the weapon opening up its screen as he dragged his slit pupils across, looking for any notifications – but found none. You gulped down, realization dawning on you. Multimouse hastily dodges Magnetica’s attempted fire, making the villainess groan in fury. “I'm not sure either..!” The bluenette replied, as the masked feline’s expression partially waver.
Closing his eyes for a moment, before opening it up – exhaling a breath. He turned around and pressed the middle end of his staff, taking both of you into great heights as he landed on top of a roof. Continuing to run further into the direction, you gaze up – seeing the flicker of concern in his features. Now.. you didn't know just how hard it would get having to control both your life and the life of your counterpart. How will you even tell him you're fine without hovering over too much information? Should you just.. keep it to yourself? You don't know.. it didn't take much to scoot close to your urge.
“Maybe.. Sekkibug’s just running late? She wouldn't want you to worry too much..” Chat spared you a swift glance, his lips turning into a small smile as he lightly chuckled. “..I hope so, haha.. Am I being too obvious?” He hops down from a building and into a small alleyway. “A little bit.. I can't blame you.” You say, as he sets you down, with you feeling more comfortable now that your feet are touching the concrete ground. “Of course, Milady has this on a chokehold, you know.” He snickered, putting a hand over his chest, you playfully shook your head at his statement, as you looked over to his  leather belt – suddenly getting an idea.
“Hand me your belt for a second.” Chat perk up a brow, before following up with your request, undoing his belt around his lower waist as he lends it to you. “This would be a better replacement, check it from time to time to make sure it hasn't loosened.” You say, untangling your fingers with his as you bandage his magnetic fused hand with the belt, wrapping the remaining leather tail around his arm. “Comes in handy, hm? Sharp thinking.” You blinked, as you sent him an unamused stare once you figured out his intended pun.
“I think Multimouse could use your help dealing with Magnetica, you have hero duties to do. She wouldn't want you slacking around.” You clasped your hand together behind your back with a close-eyed smile. Though you stumbled on your footing, caused by the masked feline placing his hand on top of your head and ruffling your hair. “Ehh–!” You put both of your palms onto his hand that's above your head, stopping his relentless act. “Not even a thank you? I’ll go if you say it.” Chat teased, somehow slipping by your grasp as he gave you a pinch on your cheek, a pout forming – feeling his claws lightly digging at your skin. “W-We're even actually..!” You pointed out, your words slightly out of tone and muffled from the way your cheek is lifted up than the other.
“Oh, you're not wrong, aww.. how about your name? That's it!” You let out a small sigh, there isn't anything wrong with giving him your name – it's not like you’ll regularly meet him anyway, aside from maybe your counterpart. You gave in, muttering it under your breath. “It's.. Y/n.” His cat ear twitched, a smile forming onto his lips. “Y/n, already sounding too precious? Don't doubt it, I'll see you again soon, Y/n~” He coos, not giving you much time to react as he smoothly lifts up your hand and places a gentle kiss on the back of it. Bleaming in another upwards smirk, as he pressed the middle button of his staff – propelling him up accordingly, landing onto the roof and quickly turning his way back into the previous location. Leaving you stricken in your place, your lips opening to speak but it's already too late.
You feel gentle shuffling under your sleeves, as the red Kwami smoothes her way out of the ends – quickly twirling in the air as she floats up to face you. “He can be confusing sometimes, or is it only me?” Tikki aligned her tiny hand under her chin, as you shook your head with a small smile. “No Tikki, he is confusing.” You quirk an eyebrow, tracing a gentle caress of your finger along the side of the red Kwami’s face, evoking a soft giggle from Tikki. Nevertheless, another deafening crash has erupted, slicing through the sense of your hearing. The sound was a violent crescendo, a chorus of chaos reverberating through the urban labyrinth. Distant car alarms joined the dissonant symphony of the city’s unrest. You and Tikki look at each other with concern expressions, one thing is for sure —
“The people are counting on us,” You clutch your hand, glancing in both directions before saying — “Tikki, spots on..” The red Kwami nodded as she soon ascended towards your earring, the tone of your voice lingering firm yet to not attract unwanted attention in the process of the transformation. A mixture of glowing light pink and white firstly transferring from the top until it reaches to the limit below your lead vibrant loafer shoes. Form-fitting suit hugging your skin, you unclip your yoyo that's around your waist, refusing to let  another second pass by as you target your yoyo upwards across the balcony railing. The yoyo wraps around the spindle, prompting you towards it with a tug of your fingers onto the string. You effortlessly land on top of the railing, your foot balancing, as you scan a higher building to wrap your yoyo around for a brisk swing. And once you did, you quickly threw your yoyo towards the far off chimney, clinging it around.
You tug on the string once more, jumping off the balcony railing, the yoyo sending you into great heights, swinging by the area of the city. As when you undo your yoyo out of its current source, you proceed to target it around another and another, continuously swinging further without delay until you can now see the prime focus that triggered a harsh setting of metropolitan tumult. You narrowly avoided a soaring street sign, as you set your feet onto the slim base, pushing it downwards as you leap off of it mid air. Immediately undo your yoyo from its clinged place, retracting it back to your hand as you hastily turn back, circling it around the middle base of the street sign before it could hit the ground.
Without any second thoughts, launching it towards the main magnetic source of it all. Blue eyes landing onto your form, both of you making eye contact as you tilt your head to the side, signaling her to move aside. The bluenette grins, buying more of Magnetica’s time in those cowering seconds. “Chat, on your left!” Your voice cut through the atmosphere, undoubtedly earning the masked feline’s attention as he looked over his shoulder. The expression on your face as when he didn't follow through in time, leading to you pulling onto your strings as you land onto the ground, dunking your head — releasing your yoyo around the street sign, letting it go by.
“Milady–” A grunt slips out of the blonde feline’s mouth, when your yoyo envelopes around his abdomen, tugging him towards you — in terms of avoiding Magnetica’s attempted fused attack from making contact on your teammate’s figure. A small mistake revolving your part, as Chat almost collided with you — but the masked feline skimmed his arm across your back before you could potentially stumble backwards from the close proximity. You look up, meeting his seeping green hues, he charms you with a wry smile. “What took you so long, Cuddlebug? I’ve missed you..!” Chat whines, and you are about to open your mouth to speak although your eyes widen when he leans in with his lips pursed together.
Your voice trails off an awkward – “Aha..” as you raise your palm and press it under the masked feline’s jaw, leaning your head back as you lightly push his face away – making your indication clear. “Chat, focus! We can't afford to risk anything right now, Paris is all in shambles!” You say with a resolute tone, your eye catching another attempted strike belonging to Magnetica, targeting from behind the masked feline. Undoing your yoyo around him with seconds to spare, your hand gripping onto your partner’s arm as you dragged Chat to the side – barely on time. “If it isn't Sekkibug who has finally joined my field, you're late. It’ll be all the more satisfying when your miraculous is in my possession.” Magnetica smiles evilly, a scoff then running down her lips once Multimouse goes for an attack.
As both of you and Chat look over towards Magnetica, the blonde feline returns back to face you. Playfully letting out a laugh, making you switch your gaze back at him with a confused stare, especially the frown that's visible on your lips. “She's just jealous, Milady. Obsessed with me in fact!” Chat stated aloud, earning an even more confused glance from you. “I– don't need to know that, Chat.” You sigh, unimpressed by the masked feline’s statement. He sparks you a teasing smirk, brushing his shoulder. “Is Cuddlebug the one getting jealous, purr–haps?” The masked feline murmurs, as you firmly cross your arms at his teasing claim. 
“That's the last thing on my mind, Kit-Kat.” You hummed with a close-eyed smile, lifting up one of your hands as you clatter his bell with the tip of your finger. “It's still on your mind either way, Milady~” Chat remarked, right as you smoothly walked past him, shifting his head towards you. “Enough meowing, and begin pouncing, Chat. Leave it for later.” You wave your finger, not turning back as you let your yoyo fall from your hand — before spinning it simultaneously, with an unwavering smile, continuing to walk towards Magnetica. “Meow?” The black suited feline adds, while he leans over his extended metal staff with his chin hovering over the top, his smug grin very much visible.
Moving with precision, you quicken your steps until you were sprinting towards Magnetica, her glinted eyes counter your attack — the floating amulet in the nick of blasting a charged shot, although it was a slim chance it could’ve ended in her favor, you manage to barely tangle your yoyo around the amulet, causing Magnetica to step back to stop your attempt. And that might’ve just given you a perfect picture of where the akuma might be. A solid reason.
You wrapped your yoyo around an approaching fixture – going for Multimouse’s line of direction, remaining in a blink of an eye as you pull it down for it to meet the concrete ground instead. While the masked feline kept you covered in the course, a swift rotation of his metal staff was enough to conquer her strike. “Say, since you're acquainted with magnets,” Chat trails off with a curious yet flowy tone, turning his body to the side – carelessly dodging a detached car door, as he spun his weapon, brushing his shoulder a bit before continuing. “Do you agree that Milady and I have that magnetic pull between me and her?”
The visible deadpan faces that you, Multimouse and even Magnetica weren't hard to notice. “Are you that foolish? Don’t question me about that!” The female villain’s level of hatred and anger couldn't suffice much longer, letting her power do its work as she shot at a specific spot. Her unexpected sidestep causes you to retract back, your shoulder accidentally meeting with Chat’s chest, as he places his hand across your shoulder in a gesture to make sure you're okay. “That was a bad moment to ask,” The masked feline chuckled, however your eyes widened as a street sign was headed both your way. It was indeed a cycle of mess, as you got a small glimpse of Magnetica’s evil grin in the midst of her fighting with Multimouse. And before you could even make sense of the reason she's grinning, there’s not enough time to process it.
You moved quickly, with you spinning your yoyo to defend against the overwhelming magnet-attracted objects, while Chat did the same with his metal staff, rotating the said weapon to retaliate any close encounters. Despite that however, with the amount of strong magnetic effect around, Chat's hold on his weapon was slipping off, as it went flying in an angle upwards. “I swear, my own weapon is lacking loyalty!” You notice the mishap at the corner of your eye, fortunate enough – it was about to head past you, and then you wait for that small chance to time it right. As you were able to grab a firm hold of the metal staff, the force caused you to get pulled for a moment towards its direction but your traction against the ground kept you on foot.
The masked feline went over to you, in order to help — although, that only resulted in a mistake as you both weren't expecting one of the city fixtures to come out of nowhere, propelling you both into the air and as soon you and Chat landed onto the ground, knocking the wind out of both of you. Mixture of your grunts and huffs corresponding with the impact, as the two of you rolled over the road – Chat kept a tight hold around you, his other hand placed against the back of your head. The side of your face pressed against his chest, ending with you on top of him. A blush forms onto the blonde feline’s features, quicken beats of his heart didn't go unnoticed by your eardrum. Pretending a cough, he played it off –
“She's giving mixed signals, wouldn't you say so, Milady?” Pushing both of your hands onto the concrete ground, Chat blinks twice before slipping his hand from your head and laying it against your cheek, allowing you to lift your head to face him. His slit pupils are shrinking slightly, focusing solely on you and his dangerous pace of heartbeats. For him, it felt like time went by so slowly for a moment, unable to keep himself from getting lost within it. Those eyes that he could only wish will set on him one day – just like his that already have locked themselves onto you since. He didn't if so realize that only a mere two seconds had transpired in between, he felt your hand placed on top of his own – heavens.. he can't look away-
“Gnh-?” A confused expression flickers on his face after you block his face with your palm, as you then spoke. “She has plenty of signals around already, what's left for us is to take the hint, come on.” You say, removing your hand from his face and pulling yourself up, with your other hand holding his – helping him up on his feet. “It's you-! Oh I've been searching for you, have you been hiding like a little coward?” A breaking sound of a voice made both of you turn your heads, your expression wavering when you saw Multimouse landed roughly against the ground from Magnetica’s use of attack. “Multimouse..!” You sling up your yoyo back to your hand, gripping it as you run towards your teammate to aid her.
Chat extended his weapon accordingly, making sure to gain more pressure around it to ensure it doesn't slip off again. He didn't move from his place just yet, his gaze concentrating on Magnetica’s shift of attention. “P-Please! I-I found it, I found it..!” The person shakens, his appearance wrinkled with sweat and fear, he tries to walk towards the female villain – but his foot is stuttering to make a step. His hand up in the air, holding a bangle bracelet, its silver base shining within the sunlight. “Hand it over, now.” He flinched from Magnetica's tone, he nodded fearfully, attempting to hurry – but the bracelet was suddenly getting pulled by one of the magnetic sources, the look of panic on his face was inevitable. “N-No! I-It's falling off!” He scraped his teeth, trying to pull the bracelet back, but it was futile as his hold vanished from it, and the only thing he could do was reach his hand out.
Magnetica’s eyes shot wide, she moves to the bracelet’s source of direction, the chaos of fixtures avoiding her presence – as to not land any hit on her figure. Her field of vision kept intact on the bangle bracelet, though – she blinks when it stops, a black gloved hand securing hold of it. The faint sound of his sharp claw accidentally grazing onto the silver base, she went silent and immovable on her stance. The masked feline shrugs her piercing glare, he adjusted the bracelet right on his knuckles – providing a taunting act despite any consequences. “Is this your kind of style? Silver with this design is nice and all,” He turns his hand like so, as if examining the bangle bracelet, brushing his thumb on the intricate patterns. “But gold could maybe suit it better.”
A low huff came out of his mouth, his grip tensed around his staff, the screeching noise of metal dragging down on metal was an unsettling feeling on the eardrums. His unnatural instinct saved him from the sharp top point of a detached street lamp, the glass breaking in the process of his defense. Bits of multiple shards that explode close to his face, causing him to lower his head, front hair casting down on the middle bridge of his nose. “I guess you didn't like the suggestion?” His voice sways through, putting up an innocent grin as he lifts his head up after. Then followed by a fused shot coming his way, dodging shouldn't be that hard – but the approaching magnet source was both attracting his weapon and the bracelet, stubbornly leading him towards it rather than avoiding it.
From where you're standing, you saw the scene happening after tending Multimouse and helping her from any encounters with the fixtures –  especially since she's also at a disadvantage with the glowing white outlite stuck on the side of her waist. It comes with an itch for you to head towards your feline companion as well, although — a faint gasp passes from your lips. The huge shadow dimming the sun from the masked feline’s view, Chat could see it, Multimouse could see it, the few people standing distance away could see it, Magnetica could sense it – You thought you could prevent it if you could just wrap your yoyo around and use any other support nearby to stop it. But you already hesitated, the timing won't be right.
Only the best course of action is to use your voice.. even if it’ll barely help or it will, you always knew not to take any chances if not necessarily.
“Chat noir– Cataclysm!!” You shouted through the barriers of your throat, the blonde feline’s expression shifted – that flashy smirk lining up. He lifts up his right hand, tossing the bracelet up high, a firm tone elevates, as he activates his ability, following the word — “Cataclysm!” A bubbling void-like particle floats on his palm, destruction awaiting the touch it places. The car alarm rang above, its shadow dimming onto his figure moreover, a momentary advantage for Magnetica. Quickly dissolve as the feline hero’s hand presses firm onto the car, turning it into nothing but fragments of ashes, as it falls like leaves onto the ground. “Give that back, that doesn't belong to you!” Magnetica charges towards him, a nick of time as he leaps up to retrieve the tossed bracelet, then landing back.
“How about a trade~? Where is your akuma hiding from?” He puts the bracelet back onto his knuckles, catching a quick glimpse of the masked bluenette dashing from the corner of his eye. “Do you take me as an idiot? How about handing me your miraculous first!” He counters her moves and hits, receiving a scowl from the female villain. “Two for one?” You tap the tip of your finger onto the front of your yoyo, your chin tilted up a bit, wondering. They halted for a moment, Magnetica through clenched teeth– looking at you. You sent her a careless smile, hinting at an ideal opportunity. “If so, that bracelet might be made out of lucky— charm..!” You throw your yoyo upwards, a burst of shining red particles starts to surround it, creating a specific object. And, happens to be a.. chain necklace?
You reach up and obtain the red and black small spotted item before any magnet source could attract it. Multimouse ready her weapon at hand, attempting to catch Magnetica off guard – as the villainess steer her gaze at the masked bluenette. Both sides eager to overtake and defeat the other, while the black suited feline sweeps in to join the battle dance. “A thin necklace? What plan am I going to do with this?” You scan around, a little surprised mumble flowing out of your lips, as you spin your yoyo to your side – stopping a metal object from stealing a hit. You knitted your eyebrows together, determined to figure it out. You kept a firm hold of the chain necklace. “There has to be a way.”
“S-Sekkibug..!” A male voice from behind drags you from your thoughts, he hurries over towards you, cowardly trying not to get hurt as he reaches you. Then when you turn back to face him, he desperately holds your hand with both of his, squeezing your palm shakily. “P-Please, you need to help me! I don't wanna get fired from my job! T-That bracelet needs to get returned to Ms Heima..!” He begged, you blinked twice at his request. Ms Heima? Who exactly is her..? Or is he- referring.. Routing your gaze back to the female villain, you wave off the many clouds above your head.
To Magnetica..? The slick shine of the silver bracelet manages to catch your eye, clamped right onto Chat’s knuckles. A spark twinkle around your pupils, picturing an idea inside your head. Your lips gracing into a smile, you face back the panicked individual infront of you, as you gave him a pat on the shoulder. “Don't you worry, I think I know exactly what to do in order to return it around her wrist.” You reassured, a hint of mischief in your tone yet he didn't seem to notice. “R-Really?! Oh- thank you so much, Sekkibug..!” He bow down his head onto your hand in gratitude, as you scratch the back of your head from the unexpected gesture. “No need to thank me, we’ll handle it. Please, stay safe.” He lifts up his head, nodding eagerly before scurrying off. Looking down on the thin necklace in your hand, you were about to go on and head towards your feline teammate.
But it seems like he already beat you to it. His arm trailing across your back, supporting you as he swivels you around and against his side. Orienting his metal staff, fending off the close approaching fixtures from meeting you off guard, both of you slowly walking backwards. “Who would've known that you had plenty of time for chit chatting?” He muses, with a little edge to his undertone than usual. Your thoughts got a bit shambled up to reply instantly, shifting your gaze. “Isn't that my job, Cuddlebug?” He leans in close, his breathing hovering over yours — quickly shutting him off as you press the back of your closed hand against his cheek, turning his face back ahead.
“He asked me for help, I had to. And it might've just given me an idea, can you hand me the bracelet? I have a plan.” He hummed playfully with close eyes, before unexpectedly sliding his arm off your back, making you wobble backwards – your foot traction on the ground wasn't enough, as it was at that point – relying on your back heel to balance yourself. “Chat–!?” You called out in the middle of your fall, though– he still managed to seize you before then, his hand capturing yours in a swift intertwine. It occurred quicker than what you could comprehend in your daily studies — and the only thing your mind centered on entirely was the silver bracelet that seamlessly slips over your intertwined hand with his til it settles around your wrist. “How many times have you fallen for me, Milady~?”
A tint of puzzlement looms onto your face, ignoring his question altogether as you pull yourself up using his lent hand. A last dot of time when you drag him over behind you – switching places as you spin your yoyo in shield of Magnetica’s charged shot. “Almost but not quite, Magnetica.” You provoked, your face displaying a composed and unbothered expression. “I can't tell you just how much I despise bugs! Bring me back what's mine!” Magnetica seethes, bawling her fists as she carves a path towards both you and the masked feline. “The tables are turning around, Magnetica! Actually I can invite one more visitor..!” Multimouse chuckles, her jump rope slowly glowing bright pink as she activates the ability — “Multitude!” The exact replica of her appeared, an addition to her defense against the overwhelming metals around the city. “Oh I didn't cower, you insolent mouse. After your little bug friend drops like a fly under my wrath, you’ll certainly be next!” Magnetica laughs evilly, as the twin Multimouses share each other a dismissive look.
“Saving me for last? See, I told you she's obsessed with me, Milady.” Chat grins, his remark filling your brain with loading errors, as you couldn't help but facepalm yourself. However a beeping alert transcends from the blonde feline’s ring, as he crosses his slit pupils down to check, roughly three charges remaining. “Nevermind, it's reversed, I’ll be the first..!” Chat nervously jokes, as he lunges towards Magnetica, thrilled for a fight despite the short amount of time he has left. You lead your yoyo back to your hand, raising your wrist and locking the lucky charm’s necklace onto the bracelet, a small click resounding after. Yet abruptly — a startled noise came from the masked feline’s direction. His metal staff overpowering his grip, throwing him off into a bunch of metal fixtures. The horizontally extended weapon against his stomach pinning him firmly, struggling to break free.
“You bit your own tongue, how interesting!” Magnetica mocked, firing a fused charge behind her continuously – a sabotage towards the masked bluenette who’s right on her tail. You glance for a second at your feline companion, a sense of urgency showering down. For some reason, he's always been at risk, you don't particularly get it. However he hasn't shown any deep concerns about the thought, but.. that's also the reason why that reminds you so much of.. him. Risky and cocky, flirty also. It's so distinctively him, even his luck is outwardly against him too. You find it silly, but even with the latter– worried also. So through and through, you wouldn't allow such an ending. And you're certain, neither does your other teammate.
And then you.. waited.
Standing still, making eye contact with the villainess — till you can snatch the opportunity, and snatch you did. Once she even angled her fused amulet at her main target, it was already too late to back down from. As the magnetic charge shot in your direction, you sprinted forward and threw her silver bracelet directly at her as well. Both item and magnetic energy barely hit one another from the force. Magnetica’s lips widened, as she retrieved her bracelet, returning it onto her wrist, only noticing the thin red and black spotted necklace locked onto her bracelet at a moment’s notice. You use the front of your yoyo as prevention from her magnetic shot, your yoyo glowing white at the outline. Point on the dot, you smirked. Going exactly how you blue printed inside your head.
A beep rings in your senses, a major sand loss on the hourglass. Your eye twitch, launching your yoyo towards Magnetica, an already satisfied smile on her face at two Multimouses hurdling to defend against the bundle of city fixtures and scraps rushing their way from behind her. She merely yawns in indifference, turning her body to the side, resulting in your yoyo to go past her. Then.. “Wait, why is this–” she froze from her place, a faint sound of the swaying chain necklace connecting to your yoyo’s magnetic source. Her arm was forced to go with it, causing her whole body to be pulled back. She crashes into her own pile of metal ruins, grunts leaving her throat. “Multimouse, destroy the amulet!” You yelled, dodging the heavy swirling metals that fortunately and unfortunately got attracted by your yoyo’s magnetic source. The two bluenette’s turned their heads, before nodding in unison. “We will, Sekkibug!”
“No..! This can't be happening! You.. Sekkibug, what did you do!?” Fierce anger displayed in her eyes, not receiving any answer from you as she could only watch as her amulet broke into pieces onto the ground. Her eyes closed in defeat, as the ominous black and glowing purple butterfly was revealed and out of the bridge of control. All of the magnetic energy slowly falters and loses grasp of connection, falling one by one from either the air or its stamped place. You halt in your step once you're face to face with the akumatized victim. Grabbing her wrist and unclipping the lucky charm necklace from the bracelet, and swiftly returning your yoyo back to your hold. Staring up at the escaping akuma as you took some steps back.
“We had seen through your tricky disguise, evil akuma.” You glide your finger across the middle of your yoyo, as it opens up evenly and reveals the inner dimension. Latching the strings onto your pointer and middle finger gracefully, slinking the yoyo across the down line of the strings as you revert it back and swathe it around your other wrist. Then abruptly retract the movements, spinning your yoyo synchronously. “Don't fret now, and face justice!” Locking your sight onto the flailing akuma, with due time you throw your yoyo towards its flying progression, having a successful capture of the akuma as your yoyo immediately closes back, momentarily snaring the akuma. “Trapped ya’!”
You stare down at your yoyo, pressing its main front, triggering it to open as the newly white butterfly flutters out. “Fly high, purified butterfly.” You bid the butterfly a soft farewell, lending your hand under it for a bit, as the white butterfly continues to fly into the blue skies. Another beep from your earring scoops your attention, as you press a finger on top of it, the third spots already flickering out. You wouldn't want to know how much your feline teammate has left, so with that, you drag your hand downwards before throwing the red and black spotted object into the air, firmly shouting —
“Miraculous Ladybug!”
The lucky charm item bursts into multiple tiny ladybugs, all of them splitting into different directions, clearing out the awful mess that the city endured in the present time. And soon, returning the akumatized victim back into her original appearance, her eyes flutter open rapidly. Looking around with a fuddled expression, before standing up on her own. “How did I end up here?” She questions, an addition to her baffled mind as she saw the two– three? female heroes infront of her, and then a masked cat-like male running up next to the bug spotted heroine. She wasn't expecting to meet the superheroes face to face, but she guessed wrong. A curious spark on her face as you all did a signature gesture. “Pound it!” And on the spot, the masked feline’s ring last charge blinks nonstop as a warning of de-transformation.
“Happened twice now! The bad luck is growing on me day by day.” Chat cried out as a dramatic effect, taking his metal staff from his back. “I wonder when my lucky charm will come and save my bad omen, one day~” The blonde feline sent you a sneaky look from the corner of his eyes, a hint in his message that you half figured out but– half not. “Chat, you need to go, you're about to change back–” You pause when he unexpectedly lifts up your chin by the top edge of his staff. “You're such a worrywart, Cuddlebug.” He teased, as he pulled back quickly and turned around, and just like in that alleyway — leaving you stricken and confused at his direct and indirect actions. Or are you the only one not processing very direct clues from your feline teammate?
“Ahem..” Ms Heima cleared her throat, as she dusted her uniform. You shifted your attention onto the akumatized victim and Multimouse, both of them blinking at what they just witnessed. “Well- Miss..! Haha- if you want I can escort you back to your home? Office? I wouldn't mind.” Multimouse saves the awkward silence, as the woman shakes her head. “No, I'm fine. I think I already troubled you all enough, I’ll call a taxi.” She says with a small smile, bringing up her phone, as Multimouse nodded in her decision. “Stay safe, ma’am. My partner and I will be on our way as well.” You say, as she gave you a nod of her own. And with that, you and Multimouse go on separate ways, traversing effortlessly into the city of Paris. 
Locating your safe spot to de-transform, you drop down onto the corner alleyway near to your house, right across the street. You look left and right, securing if anyone’s shadows will appear in the corner. When you saw none of the sorts, you closed your eyes and softly muttered — “Spots off.” a swift moment transpires as you change back into your civilian form. Your kwami flying out of your earring, you cupped your palms together, as the tired Tikki lay down softly in it, the urge for energy causes her hunger to intensify. “Y-Y/n..” Tikki mumbles, as you quickly pat your pockets for food. A cheery smile hovering over your lips, before taking out the mini bread bun from your left pocket.
As you undo the silk strings, you unwrap it from its plastic, then hand it into Tikki’s small hands after. You let Tikki finish consuming her food, as she smiles in content before smoothing her way inside your sleeves for cover. You got out of the alleyway, a dark colored car infront of your house managed to tickle your eyebrow in curiosity to why it's parked purposely there. By then– you remembered your mother’s supposed visitors. A mixture of panic pierce into your heart, four seconds counter on the pedestrian countdown. You run hastily towards the lane, crossing the street in time as you drew a breath. Your legs took you infront of your front door, not knowing if you should knock or ring the doorbell– or just walk in..! Well– you already erase option three in the clouds above your head.
The doorbell would be preferable, atleast you think so.. you shake your head, okay– you’ll just go ring the doorbell and hope your mother answers the door instead..! And if not– well, just go come up with some light lies, like got trapped in the midst of the akumatization or something? Yup that's clearly reasonable– you paused.. a ring from your phone causing you to look back and snatch your phone a bit too hard from your back pocket. Strange glances from passersby throwing your way, you quickly press the doorbell – before facing the door— but there isn't any door anymore, only an opened one. Your eyes slowly go up to meet those glinted gray hues, his severe gaze darting on yours, you gulped down awkwardly.
“Did being a reporter work out, Y/n?”
Why do you have a feeling that he's not going to easily let that go..?
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nitpickrider · 2 months
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The Atom's had some reprints in Action before now that I've skipped but this is his first real backup in the book Give him some love, folks! Action Comics 425
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jesncin · 4 months
Idk if it's just me but Lois calling Clark 'Smallville' in MAWS never seems natural? Like, it feels forced? Idk. Like just another thing off the Superman adaptation checklist and they gotta do it because the old show did.
YES ACTUALLY!! It felt very "well the fans are expecting Lois to call Clark 'Smallville' so she better do that" instead of being an established city girl + country boy dynamic like in STAS (MAWS doesn't have this dynamic at all). STAS!Lois considers Clark a country bumpkin and judges him for it. Meanwhile in MAWS it just sorta happened for the sake of a reference.
Many things in MAWS felt this way. Like Jimmy calling his persona Flamebird (that's random? oh that's a superhero mantle name reference), Ivo naming his suit Parasite (what idiot names their suit something so un-brand friendly and gross sounding?? oh it's a Superman rogue), the existence of newsie kids (why do we somehow still have child labor in this futuristic Metropolis with robots and holograms? oh it's a nod to outdated characters at the expense of plot and logic) all for references to the comics that take you out of the experience. It's intrusive instead of being smartly integrated.
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