mmorw · 2 months
I need to see more sub Diabolik Lovers 😭
So, hear me out:
imagine Carla Tsukinami riding his s/o's cock, and when he feels that his s/o is close to cum, Carla simply says "If you take it out and cum outside my cunt I will punish you! " which resulted in his s/o filling him with cum until he can't feel his legs
this is so carla thanks 🦇 anon let me kiss your toes
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cw: afab carla. unprotected. leash use. cowgirl position. tied wrists. uhh forced pregnancy ?? idk. sensible carla !!
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the first thing you think about having sex with carla is really not a very nice feeling, i just know this man has some weirdly kinky fetishes who prioritize pain over.. well, everything.
he is a sadistic person, cruel and ruthless, never showing his weakness or soft side unless necessary. poor you who had to fall into the hands of a guy like that, ush.
he likes grinding, his hand roughly pulling from the loop connected to the leash around your neck, your hard cock is being foolishly stimulated by carla's folds, while that creepy smirk on his lips remains to shine brighter everytime.
“i really can't do this with my wrists being tied—”
“shut it if you don't want me to control your mind and trust me, it will be worse.”
your eyes are trapped looking down at your glans bathed in juices, a joint of your pre-cum with carla's thick slick; which only makes your dick to grind more easily. an soft whisper came out your lips when carla eyes at you and then bothers you moving more quick.
“carla— I don't think I'm getting blood to my wrists.” you gasped, almost saying it in a small whisper as carla moaned. “j-just untie them, how hard could that be?”
“are you still talking?” his hand pulled back roughly the loop of your leash, making your neck and head follow him. he seemed quite bothered, enough to make you look away. “i said shut it, pet. god, every good thing always has something bad glued to it.”
was he referring to your dick wasn't he.
your thoughts were interrupted as soon as you felt the tip of your member forcefully press against carla's entrance, his smirk becoming once again bigger than before.
“carla,” you gasped once you felt him tightening around, low and painful movement trying to sink your cock into his cunt; which carla only enjoyed more.
“listen here, you needy fuck.” he groaned a moment, hissing when he gently arched his back at the sensibility. “if you dare to take it out and cum on my stomach, i will punish you.”
carla was acting like a damn animal, even when the words left his lips as he didn't even took a second to immediately start riding you, pulling the loop of the leash to bring you consciousness again every time you felt your dick being embraced by the same arms of a super damn tight fleshlight— which made you start feeling quite dizzy.
the moans that left carla's lips were immediately heard throughout the room, the fucking bastard didn't even care if anyone close to the place could hear him, he was an exhibitionist !
“pet— you,” he groaned, his eyes closed as he jumped on it, his eyebrowns slightly frowned as he let soft moans subdued by the corner of his fangs, biting his lip harshly. “fuck! ”
your eyes widened a bit as the shaky and sharp sound of that moan, light beads of sweat falling from your forehead once you could see carla's blushing face, maybe it was because of the heat— dickrider at its finest.
you both closed your eyes at the same moment, engulfed by pleasure you once simply accepted that this time you wouldn't dominate (not like you ever did) that greedy cunt of his. as carla keeped moaning, shaky hand on his lips as the other one remembered the leash and pulled your neck roughly towards him.
“it's throbbing— it's throbbing, fuck-” he cried once he felt your hips move up to meet his as well, looking at carla's legs shaking as you bite your lip, throwing your head back in a gasp. “It feels so, so good.”
“carla, please.” you said with your lips hard bitten, an slight eye looking at him on top of you. “i'm going to,, to—”
“shut it!” carla yelled, pushing his buttons further as he leaned towards you, his legs felt heavy and shakily, but he didn't stopped jumping, riding, whatever the hell he was doing.
the minutes passed painfully, and you could swear that you were hearing him beg in whispers how bad he wanted you to come, to make himself feel powerful for being able to make you cum so bad, like the damn slut he was.
miraculously, carla's words were heard taking no more than two more rough pounds for your hips to tilt again and let your glans kiss forcefully carla's womb entrance, letting you roughly came inside the small cavity between his legs.
carla forced his body to stay still, while his expression gave it all away; those stupid eyebrowns of his tilting as one hand fell on your chest, pressing you in place as he let out an shaky whisper of pleasure.
carla might be pretty good at hiding his things, but you immediately knew you'd done a good job once his legs won't stopped shaking after that.
maybe they wouldn't for some minutes, huh.
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zazter-den · 27 days
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This is giving me Shiggy day-collar vibes
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nickeverdeen · 27 days
wahoo !!! are your requests awake ? immediately fell inlove with how you wrote five﹐and i knew i had to send in mail !!!
five x gn ! reader which he met an ordinary / average person﹐until they come in some ‘ unexpected combat ’ & something in them triggers their powers. ( you can choose their superpower﹐or keep it not said. )
i was thinking; they weren't drugged like Viktor﹐they were just unaware of their superpowers ? thank yew !!!
Yep, they’re awake and thanks for the request!
Five x gn!reader who he thought is ordinary, but is proved wrong (hcs)
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Warning: Fighting, shooting, attempted murder
Reader’s power: Bioluminescent constructs
Definetion of Reader’s power: Creating objects using light emitted by living organisms, like fireflies, for combat purposes like creating weapons, shields or barriers
After another long day Five, seeks a moment of respite from the chaos of his own thoughts
He finds himself drawn to a quaint coffee shop tucked away in the bustling city streets
The coffee shop has a steady hum of conversations in the backround and comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee
It seems like a paradies for Five
Suddenly Five’s attention is unexpectedly captivated by the presence of a seemingly ordinary individual seated alone at a nearby table
Despite his initial reservations, as soon as he got his coffee, Five decides to strike up a conversation with the enigmatic stranger, drawn in by you for some reason
As you engage in idle chit-chat, Five finds himself surprisingly at ease in your company, your easy banter providing a welcome distraction from the weight of his own burdens
Though Five initially views you as just another face in the crowd, he can’t shake the feeling that there’s something different about you
It’s a sense of familiarity that he can’t quite place
As your conversation comes to an end and you start to part ways, Five can’t help but feel a lingering curiosity about you
Your brief interaction leaving a lasting impression on him
As Five navigates the crowded city streets, his senses alert him to the presence of shadowy figures lurking in the shadows, their sinister intentions veiled beneath a facade of normalcy
Assassins from Comission, a lot of them
Before he can react properly, the air is rent with the sharp crack of gunfire as the agents of the Commission make their move, their weapons trained on Five with deadly precision
Panic surges through Five as he realizes the gravity of the situation, his mind racing as he teleports a bit away from the chaos unfolding around him
As soon as Five regains his composure he starts fighting as the years of working for the Comission pay off to him
During the fight Five is too preoccupied with the assassins near him to notice the ones in distance
As soon as they fire Five realizes that he’s about to get hit as he won’t make it in time
As the loud shooting continues you feel a small pain in your veins and the pain worsens the more your body tensing when the shooting continues
Just when it seems as though all hope is lost for Five, a sudden surge of bioluminescent energy erupts from you as the loud shooting triggers your powers
Your powers awakening in a blaze of light and energy as they instinctively shield Five from harm creating a barrier to shield him and the bullets dodge back into the shooters
With newfound clarity, Five watches in disbelief as you unleashe your formidable abilities
Your constructs of light and energy manifesting with dazzling brilliance in the darkness
As soon as Five realizes that you obviously are also new to this power he springs into action, his movements fueled by a surge of adrenaline as he engages the assassins with you while keeping an eye on you
With each attack exchanged and each foe vanquished, you and Five draw closer together
Your movements synchronized in a seamless display of teamwork and coordination
As the last assassin dies against the might of your combined forces, Five immediately starts to check-up on you making sure you’re alright and your power is at bay
Once you’re both safely in more private setting, Five wastes no time in confronting you about the extraordinary display of power he witnessed, his curiosity piqued as he never saw a power like that
You’re meanwhile, hesitant to reveal too much too soon, while still being shaken up and confused from what happened
As soon as Five notices your distress he quickly starts calming you down and explain what’s happened and what your powers mean and do
As you engage in a serious conversation, you and Five find yourselfs opening up to each other in unexpected ways, in order to figure things out
By the end of your discussion, you and Five reach a mutual understanding and accept his offer to help you control your powers while studying them in the process
Though the path ahead may be uncertain, Five makes sure you know you can rely on him and tell him anything
At the end of the day to calm your nerves he takes you to his favourite coffee shop and pays for everything while trying to make you feel safe
Over time you and Five learn to respect each other and you feel safe around Five and open up to him about any of your problems
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eoieopda · 6 months
🙏🏻 This is my first time submitting a request because I can’t stop imagining Dino helping his drunk BFF home while secretly being in love with her 🧎🏼‍♀️Please if you have time!
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summary: not all heroes wear capes, but chan would probably do so if you asked. pairing: lee chan x reader type: drabble genre: fluff au: friends to ?, pining word count: 1.4k (oops) rating: pg15 — still, minors do not have my consent to interact. cw: alcohol/drunkenness, obvi; no pronouns or gendered language is used for reader. a/n: not even remotely proofread (double oops), but i still love this down-bad doofus, so i hope you do, too!
“I’m not saying I have superpowers, but I’m not not saying it.”
Your eyes are blinking a little more slowly than usual, but the unimpressed look you fire off at Chan can’t be missed.
“Can you just —” A hiccup cuts your question in half. You frown with your whole face just to make it clear how serious you are. “Hold my hand? It’s wobbly.”
Chan knows you’re referring to the sidewalk — where you stand and sway along to music that isn’t playing — but that description fits his knees, too. 
He hopes you’re too busy pouting at him to notice the way he wipes his palms against his jeans, afraid you’ll notice how nervous you make him. You start to lean a bit too heavily to one side for his liking, though; and he thinks it’s safe to bet that you’re not noticing much of anything.
That settles it.
The second he envelopes your hand in his, you take it a step further, tugging him close enough that you can slot yourself under his arm.
“Smell nice,” you mumble from his side. “‘s that the new stuff? From the place?”
Now, Chan is the one that’s blinking slowly. He was as drunk as you were until you needed him, and despite his sobering up on a dime — which is a superpower, thank you very much — his processing speed is lagging. You nudge him with your elbow, as if that’ll make what you just said make sense.
“Ahhh!” He plays along, making a big show of realizing things. “Yes, that place. By the thing, right?”
You nod. “Exactly.” 
Behind you both, the Uber that dumped you back at your place pulls away from the curb. Three beats later, you tilt your head and cheer “goodbye” at a long-gone Kia. He feels his heart swell three sizes in chest.
“You like it?” He redirects you because he’s a little bit greedy for your praise — and also because he bought this cologne with the hope that you’d compliment it. Chuckling, he notes, “Considering how much I’m propping you up right now, you’ll probably end up smelling like me.”
When you smile and mutter, “Good,” Chan suddenly feels weightless.
It takes some concentrated effort, but he manages to guide you up the front steps to your apartment building. It takes significant concentrated effort to corral you into the elevator once you clear the threshold. You would’ve spent your night talking the doorman’s ear off, otherwise, providing a dramatic retelling of every single step you took over the last few hours. It takes everything Chan has not to laugh at the relieved sigh he gets in thanks for intervening, although it’s hardly altruistic to want your rambling to himself.
Surrounded by the metallic walls of the elevator car, you point to your joint reflection and muse, “Someone’s awful smiley this evening.”
Chan makes eye contact without having to tilt his head. His brain works overtime to churn out a response that isn’t self-incriminating, but the only thought ricocheting around his brain relates to how cute you look, nestled into him.
With a ding, your reflection is gone. The moment goes with it, and without a barrier in front, so do you — like a bat out of hell.
“Oh, my god,” you wail when your apartment door comes into view. “I thought I’d never see you again!”
Chan chases after you, arriving embarrassingly out-of-breath — and more than a little fond — just in time to watch you wrestle your keys out of your pocket. They clatter to the floor the second they’re free. You groan, bereft at the loss.
“Stay here,” he says firmly with a finger pointed because he knows you, knows you’ll take one or both of you out of commission if you don’t heed his warning. 
Your eyes cross a little bit as you stare down the barrel of it, but you listen, thankfully; and he’s able to pick up your slack without anyone receiving a concussion. He’s able to usher you into your own home without further incident, too.
Once again: superpowers.
The task of kicking your shoes off is apparently too much to ask of you, so you wander off to your bedroom without even trying. His Nikes are discarded so hurriedly that they barely hit your mat by the time he takes off after you. The second he catches up, he wins the pleasure of watching you flop backwards onto your mattress.
Funny, he thinks. His heart makes a similar thwump when you smile at him the way you are right now.
Gesturing to the feet dangling off the edge of your bed, he laughs. “Can I please help you?”
You shoot him with dual-wielded finger guns. He takes that as a yes, please, and gets to work on the triple knots you managed to install in your laces.
He hums in acknowledgment without looking up, too confounded by your drunken rope-work to take his eyes off his fingers.
Were you a sailor in a past life?
A little louder and a lot more pathetically, you whine, “Chan,” adding several seconds’ worth of the vowel sound in the process.
Chan has no option but to look up at you. As far as he’s concerned, he’s got no choice but to smile with all of his teeth, too. “You rang?”
“You’re so nice.” It’s supposed to be a whisper, he suspects, but it sounds much more like a shout. “How?”
His bemused snort is disguised by the sound of your right shoe hitting the floor.
“I mean it!” You laugh — like he’d ever doubt you — and smack your palms against your duvet for emphasis. “Like, hello? Good boy alert!”
That — well, that does something to Chan that he’s not willing to unpack right now. Instead, he shucks off your other shoe, bites back his smile, and sits back on his heels.
For a minute, the two of you stay that way: you gazing at him, him gazing right back at you. In every second that slips by in comfortable silence, he works to convince himself that the twinkle in your eye is a byproduct of the shots you took, nothing more. You’re smiling at him like that because you won’t have to sleep in your shoes tonight.
You nibble thoughtfully on your lower lip before your smile turns sheepish. “Chan?”
He’s not thinking that an angel gets its wings whenever you say his name, but he’s not not thinking that.
“The one and only,” he says with a nod, and he only cringes a little bit at his words, after the fact.
Whatever you want to say next seems to be stuck on its way out. In fact, you open and close your mouth twice to no avail. Patience is a virtue, and you are divine, so he waits there — on his knees, no less — and lets you take the lead. Your eyes flick from his face to the fidgeting fingers in your lap, then to the blank space at your side.
“It’s cold out,” you finally declare.
It’s July, but that’s neither here nor there.
“You shouldn’t have to walk home in this weather.”
The sky simply couldn’t be clearer, but Chan would take your word for it if you said that it was green.
“Maybe you should stay.”
He tries not to let the giddiness overtake him. Really, he does. He attempts to shrug nonchalantly, but it's more of a shiver than anything else, and he’s scrambling to his feet before he can chide himself for it.
You laugh — with your whole chest, no less — when he leaps into the spot beside you, settling flat on his back and grinning up at the ceiling. You’re still giggling when you mimic his graceless movements, still beaming when you turn your head to look at him. The air still feels electric, somehow, even after the laughter peters off.
A few moments pass, probably. He doesn’t notice them on their way out.
In a whisper that is actually a whisper, you say his name again, and it kicks off that wild thwump inside his chest.
“Yes?” He responds, much more quietly than his pulse in his ears.
You tug gently at the pillow under his head to draw attention to it. “You’ll probably end up smelling like me now.”
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chaithetics · 1 month
Very Own, Personal Venus
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Pairing: Abel Morales x plus size f (afab) reader Word count: 2.4K Warning/note: 18 + MDNI, fluff, established relationship, oral (f receiving). A/N: Not proofread, I hope you all enjoy it! I was hoping to get this out a lot sooner than what I did, so oops! Plus size, midsize, chubby, curvy girlies are absolute beauties, you/we deserve more love. No physical description mentioned other than reader being plus size! I hope everyone who reads this enjoys it but especially you! Please validate me and this fic, comments, reblogs and asks very much appreciated🫶 Tagging with much appreciation @steven-grants-world x Gif by @flawless-v1ctory
It was a late night at the start of a cool winter when Abel’s car pulled into the driveway and he came home from a long day. Due to the temperature, he’d spent most of the day when at meetings and driving bundled up in his signature, large, caramel coat. 
When Abel stepped inside, it was much warmer, it was perfectly cosy and he quickly took his coat off and hung it on the coat rack then he immediately took his shoes off and placed them in the shoe rack by the door. You weren’t downstairs which didn’t surprise him, it was late and he knew you’d be wrapped up like a gift in bed, either sleeping or reading. 
Abel walked upstairs to your bedroom, the door was open and a light was on, he leaned against the doorway. Abel’s eyes immediately landed on you, the way that your body is laid out in bed and on display, he can’t help but bite on the inside of his cheek as he thinks about how you look like an antique piece of art depicting a goddess treasured in some museum as he takes in the soft waves of your body. His own personal Venus. 
Abel lets out a low, little whistle as he steps out of the shadow of his day that hangs from the doorframe and walks further into the light of where you are in the bed. You hear the whistle and his footsteps against the floor, you start to turn over to look up and face him. 
You blink tiredly for a minute as your eyes focus on his approaching figure and you give him a small smile, staying in the comfortable bed that is just perfectly cosy with all the blankets and covers. You move your arm up so you can rest your head a bit on it as you try to wake yourself up more.
“It’s late…” You whisper as he moves to sit on the bed. 
‘I know baby, I’m sorry.” He says as he caresses your forehead gently while looking at you. 
You’re happy to see him, you miss him during the day and you’ve certainly been missing him more lately with the late nights he’s been working over the last week trying to make everything happen for another deal and the endless issues that an entrepreneur like him is constantly grappling with. 
Abel’s met with your kind smile, as you look up at him. You’re too kind for him, too perfect. It’s the thoughts that come to his mind as he looks at your gorgeous smile and how that makes your plump cheeks look. He caresses your face for a moment, his fingers dancing over the full cheeks and he tilts his head down to place a gentle, grateful kiss there. 
As he does that, you place a hand into his hair, the gelled back hair, neat and short enough, styled so that his natural curls aren’t springing free, much to your dismay. But he’s still perfectly handsome like this. 
You place your other hand to his shoulder and caress it softly with a tired sigh. He’s wearing one of his turtlenecks again and he looks so goddamn good. He knows you love that item of clothing on him, you don’t know what it is but it just is some universal thing that makes every look look better and Abel just pulls them off so well. No matter what colour, fabric, or where they are brought from, they all seem to be tailor-made for his body in the sexiest way possible. Your cheeks heat up a little as you think about how good he looks. You had the most handsome and softly spoken husband in the world.
“How was your day though?” You ask as you watch his face. There’s a tired look there but there’s a smile on his lips which grows each time his eyes look at you and he hears your voice. It’s the best sound in the world to him, especially after a long day. 
“It was okay, it’s better now that I’m here with you.” He whispers which makes you smile. He’s always so sweet, a mouth of sugar. 
Abel’s hand moves down from your cheek as he caresses your neck and then your shoulder, you can’t help but watch his face as the most peaceful expression takes over him as his hand travels further down your body. He ends up caressing your upper arm as his fingers run along the visible stretch marks on your skin, up and down, over and over. It’s a gentle, affectionate touch. He lets out a little peaceful hum. 
He looks completely content and you can’t help but feel the same feeling, an easiness in your bones, as you look at him and breathe slowly as he does too. You’re sure that if you pressed your head against his warm chest and listened to his heart you’d find that you’re both so peaceful and in sync that your hearts would be beating together in time. 
“Is it gonna be a quieter day tomorrow?” You ask as you relax more, feeling your body sink further into the mattress as his hand continues, you can tell that Abel is completely focused on you as he does this. He blinks slowly for a moment, his warm brown eyes had been focusing on where he’d been caressing you and they focus again on your sweet face. He gives a little nod. “Yeah, it should be. I should be home for a late dinner at least, honey.” He says softly in his dreamy voice, it’s becoming a bit breathier. Your eyes then widen, you’d put leftovers in the fridge for him but he might’ve just come straight to bed and not eaten at all. You knew he usually had lunch but it’s been quite a while since then so you tilt your head as you look at his face. “Have you not eaten? Abel! There’s leftovers in the refrigerator, do you want me to heat it up for you? A snack? Oh Abel…” “I’m fine, I’ve eaten today. Might just have a little snack.” He says as he tilts his head to look at you with a growing smirk on his adoring face. 
He moves the silk of your nightgown up to your stomach, exposing your thighs and intimate areas. Abel moves down your body sprinkling some kisses along your neck and full breasts and stomach. He gets down to between your thick thighs and smiles widely. It’s the most animated he’s looked since being home and you can’t help but smile back as your cheeks heat up at this sight. 
“I just need something sweet before bed.” He whispers against the sensitive skin of your thighs, it draws a sharp gasp from you and you feel your fingers start to instinctively search for a corner of a sheet or pillow to grip onto in preparation of what’s to come. His fingers dance along the softness of your thighs. “Can I have a sweet treat, beautiful?” Abel asks in a voice that’s soft and feels musical, you can feel each breath of his words. 
Your cheeks heat up more and you bite your lip, it takes a couple of seconds for your brain to connect to whatever part of your nervous system it needs to to say the ‘yes’ aloud and not just think it. You finally say it and give a quick, frantic nod. 
Abel’s hands expertly run around the soft thighs that he loves, he’s done this a million times and will do it at least another million times more. He peppers on kisses up and down your thighs, you squirm slightly at the feeling of his lips and hot breath. He knows just how to turn you on perfectly and immediately. 
His eyes were closed for a moment as he kissed your thighs and his ran up to your vulva. He ran his fingers around, not getting anywhere near your hole or bundle of nerves as he teased you, he wouldn’t call it that though. He’d say he was building up anticipation. He did that for a moment before he palmed you, you let out a gasp at that and gripped the pillow next to you. You knew what was coming next. 
Abel’s finger circled your sensitive bundle of nerves three times, you couldn’t help but let out a moan. He was kissing your inner thigh now as he moved his fingers and he started to dip one into your hole, it was barely in but he was teasing you nonetheless, starting to work you up. You felt your breath become a little shaky as your cheeks heated, you bucked your hips up, trying to get more contact with his fingers, needing to swallow him up more. 
You gasped, letting out a giggle as you felt his smirk against your thigh at that somatic ask for more. He smiled more and did as he knew you wanted, he started to move his finger in deeper as you eagerly swallowed his digit up with each movement. You smiled and let out a moan as he did that. 
Abel kept kissing your thighs as that happened, he was licking them gently, perfectly content to take his time with you laid out, looking so ethereal with pleasure painted all over your face. When you were like this, it was like a  renaissance painting just for his eyes. 
His fingers pump in quicker, and he adds another finger in which you can’t help but whine at. You dig another fingers  into the pillow next to you and let out a moan as your eyes shut tightly. The feeling of pleasure becomes so much more overwhelming with the extra digit and quicker pace. 
It’s now that his mouth moves up and you feel his nose lightly nudge your clitoris and you gasp out, you can’t help but let out a louder moan at that. Abel’s mouth starts to devour you up, he licks through your folds, kissing along your slit and he starts to slowly lick around your bundle of nerves. “Tastes so good, you always taste so good for me.” He whispers against your clitoris and you can’t help but gasp out and slightly shake at that, the feeling of his words, what they do the fire in your loins and what the feeling of his breath does to those sensitive nerves. 
Abel quickly goes back to licking your beautiful cunt, he’s lapping up like it’s the sweetest treat he’s ever had, like it’s his only source of water and it’s the hottest day in history. You just taste that good to him. He keeps lapping your juices up, pulling out the most amazing noises out of you. 
One of your hands is still tightly gripping onto the pillow but the other quickly moves to his head of perfect hair. You scratch at his scalp, trying to keep it light, despite the fact that with how good he’s making you feel and how overwhelming it is, it would be so easy to scratch harder. You start to tug on his hair as you whine out. His two fingers are still pumping in and out of you at a delicious pace and you can feel his fingers reaching the perfect spot inside. 
But it’s what his mouth is doing that is really driving you wild, he’s still lapping through your folds, savouring every last drop of your juices as you whine under him. His hand that isn’t pumping you, is now up holding onto your left breast and squeezing it gently. His eyes are closed now as he treasures this moment, the feeling of your perfect body and how sweet you taste. Abel starts to suck on your clitoris and that’s when you cry out. You try to bite your lip, it feels so damn good and you know you’re close. He keeps pumping his fingers in and out at the same pace, he knows better than to change it up moments away from the finishing line. He keeps licking and sucking on your clitoris, he moans and hums against it as he sucks the release out of you. 
Your hand tightens in his ear as you feel your eyes roll back as the feeling overwhelms your whole body. You release, whining out over the high of your orgasm as Abel mouth and tongue slow down in order to help you ride it out and not overstimulate you. You pant and close your eyes, letting go of the pillow you were gripping and holding it to your forehead. You look down at Abel and he’s still between your thighs, looking up at you. He slowly and gently licks up your release and then sprinkles gentle kisses across your thighs. 
“You’re so perfect, so beautiful for me.” He whispers as he looks at you adoringly. Your cheeks heat up again and you smile tiredly at him.
You’re saying it all with your eyes, you love him, you’re grateful for him. He’s the only one who can make you feel that good. And he feels exactly the same, and he says it all with his eyes too as he looks up at you. 
Abel is looking more tired now though, you’re both absolutely exhausted and ready for sleep now. You’ve had another amazing release because of his handiwork and he got his sweet treat that he needed so badly before bed. 
He smiles tiredly at you and moves his body slowly back up. He kisses your hip one last time, then your soft stomach, making sure to sprinkle it in affectionate kisses as he then lands to your neck for a long, sweet kiss. Abel then rests his head against your chest, he caresses your arm softly as your legs tangle together and you start to play with his hair as you close your eyes, feeling content. Both of your breathing settles, back to normal and then start to slow down as tangled up, you both drift off to sleep. You feel him give your chest one last kiss before he tilts his head, closes his eyes and falls into a peaceful slumber. One he could only have with you.
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fangirl-dot-com · 3 months
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lestappen x reader
📁synopsis: they were supposed to be the good guys. because they always do the right thing. but that was months ago, and maybe y/n doesn't think that anymore. she hasn't thought that since they tore apart her life. with blood staining the said heroes's hands, maybe this life isn't cutting out for her. And why do the villains keep looking at her like she killed her dog? The hero Opollon shouldn't care what Il Predestinato and De Leeuw think of her. But those emerald and sea eyes look oh so familiar.
Coming Soon!
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jttw-monkeybusiness · 10 months
Wukong and Sophie in a nutshell
Sophie: *Tells a long monologue to Wukong about why it's okay to open up about your feelings and fears. If he was just a little bit gentler with his words, people might take him more seriously. It's okay to have differences but if you use nasty words and use force people will not take you seriously* Wukong: "...Speak plainly, woman. I don't speak bottom."
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cookie-crumblr · 2 months
✨My Dastardly Villain~✨
F!Hero Reader x M!Villain Yan OC
Part 1~
His Info: 💰✨
Part 1 _ Next Part>>>
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CW: F!Reader, reader has a vagina, reader referred to as she/her, general violence, reader drinks alcohol, reader’s alia’s is Solar (powers include teleportation, and fire control), dub con (both parties are tipsy), explicit language, reader has tits, unprotected sex- I HAD SO MUCH FUN WITH THIS ONE GAIS I LOVE KAI I HOPE U DO 2 🙈✨, P IN V, oral on ML, umm like slight bdsm if you squint i think… and i think that’s it!
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Song rec: Bop it up! by the marias
Anything in This Colour happened in the past:
An explosion inside the bank sends ripples of vibrations through the streets of New York City.
“He’s just so destructive! It’s so lame! and counterproductive,” You take a long hard swig of your drink.
He nods along with your complaints, enthusiastic as he listens.
The dive bar is full of greasy food, and even greasier patrons. it’s the perfect hole in the wall place to escape.
You’re conversing with a handsome man that’s wearing a black crop top and some grey washed jeans with silver chains decorating every inch of him. Though you have to admit your eyes are dying to see underneath all that.
You snap one of the villain, Sobek’s, obvious traps as you enter the bank.
“Oh my gods!” He responds, “What an absolute asshole! My own co worker is always getting in my way and trying to mess with my process!” He groans while rolling his eyes.
A orb of water whizzes past your head, you look up and find Sobek with a person hovering above the ground, only their lower half in the bubble so they don’t drown, but gods does it look uncomfy hanging there! “SOBEK!!” You roar! “Put that person down!”
“She’s always telling me what to do, like she knows what’s best!” He takes his turn with a swig of his fruity cocktail, but it makes him grimace.
You giggle at his obvious distaste for alcohol. “These idiots we work with really suck.” You say, trying to hold in any stray laughs.
“I’ll toast to that,” He holds up his glass, swaying a little as he does.
“Woah there sailor, someone’s a little tipsy” You reach up to take his glass and fall over onto him.
Catching himself, and you, on the edge of the bar, he says, “You sure you’re not?” and laughs, it’s such a beautiful and honest laugh, all the sounds of the drink machines rumbling and patrons’ boisterous voices fade as only his laughter filters through your ears.
You’re hyper focused on just him now, noticing how soft his hand is on your arm. You admire the way his big veins bulge under his dark skin as they run over the flexed muscles of his forearm.
He looks like a swimmer with some resistance training. you had been admiring his exposed belly for a while… And now you’re touching every ridge of taught muscle, you can’t help but glide your hand down the washboard, you tug on his silver chain that lays lazily over his hips.
You feel hot, and forget to breathe while still leaning over top of him. You hear him sigh out practically in your ear! You didn’t realize just how close you two actually are!
“Ah, um… Sorry, I-I guess I must be pretty tipsy…”You push yourself up, using his thigh… every part of him is so solid, like bricks of gold beneath your weight.
You’re both well over your limits, it would be a bad idea.
His dark brown eyes enrapture you, so full of lust and life, and vigor. He wants you too.
It’s such a bad idea…
“I-I should go,” as you pull away from him, his hand remains loosely floating in the air, lingering where it held you. He doesn’t move to chase you.
You stumble home feeling like you’re floating. You keep thinking about his eyes, how deep and warm they were…
No! stop thinking about him! You missed your chance, don’t go fantasizing now! At least not when you’re outside your nice comfy bed.
Once in your apartment you hurry, stripping as you cross the living room. You slip on some night clothes and go to brush your teeth when you start thinking about him again…
*Pop* you’re teleported from your bathroom to somewhere else, randomly, again!
Shit! This keeps happening! You have the power to teleport, sure… But you can’t control it!
And now you’re even more dizzy as the world spins from the drinks earlier.
As you calm down from your instantaneous, and unexpected jump in space, and grab your head, you start to look around the room…
You’re in a stranger’s bathroom! and the guy from earlier is now right in front of you!
He’s in a loosely held towel, hung low around his hips.He’s still wearing that little waist chain and your eyes linger. That perfect V just in your peripherals but you’re frozen to the spot, staring right at the center of his hips.
“um… Welcome to my place…?” In utter confusion, he stretches up and messes with his hair.
Oh gods… When he lifts his arm over his head, his muscles all over his body just—
You’re still just standing there, staring!
“S-sorry! I don’t know how this keeps happening!” You finally thaw and cover your face while spinning to give him privacy.
“You keep teleporting into people’s bathrooms when theyre naked!?”
“N-No!! i’m not— I’m not some pervert!! I just… Can’t control when or where I teleport—s-sometimes…”
He laughs, “Huh, sure.” He’s not convinced, but he’s not upset by the development, “well… Now that you’re back, wanna… Pick up where we left off?” He tries to sound cool, but he’d be lying if he wasn’t just scared shitless when a random person teleported to his sacred space without any warning.
However, he’d also be lying if he said he was anything but excited with who it turned out to be.
“And…” You look over your shoulder at him through your lashes, “Where did we leave off?”
There is fluttering in your stomach, maybe it’s the alcohol but… Nope. It’s really not. He’s just magnetic.
“you had your hands all over me,” he says with a shit eating grin.
Your skin alights, it’s burning hot and not because of your fire powers. You feel this heat.
“You also had more clothes on…” You say coyly.
“Just get over here,” he commands, which you follow promptly.
“Can I?” You ask a little shyly, hovering your fingers just over the promise lands of his body.
“Be my guest,” He smiles down at you, bringing his arm down so he can caress your cheek. His skin smells so sweet, like almonds.
You put your hand on his chest before sliding it down, swallowing hard as it gets lower and lower… Over that waist chain, and tugging on it, when it’s at its limit it flies back up and tickles him. his belly flexes inward a little under your still roaming hand.
Your eyes follow, wide and filled with wonder at his prospects. He hesitates before letting the towel fall to the floor.
Youre still looking him over when you realize youre still somewhat covered.
You start to strip, dragging it out just a little as you do.
First slipping off the shorts under your big top, holding them up and dropping them next to the discarded towel. Keeping eye contact with your mouth slightly agape, ready and wanting.
You pick up the edges of your top and roll it up a little before you pull it up over your head.
Once undressed you step closer, and reach up around his neck, you feel his hot and hard dick rub against your belly and whine because it’s not already in you.
You jump up and wrap your legs around his waist, he catches you without a problem, and feeling that thing under you is like being on a -very hot- cloud.
You’re both smiling like dorks, and colliding lips and smashing teeth alike, you can’t get enough of eachother and you haven’t even felt eachother yet.
He pushes you up against a wall first, tongue roaming your panting and open mouth, feeling every one of your ticklish little spots. Your soft sounds come out a higher pitch as he continues to torment you.
His massive hands are on your ass, digging in and spreading your cheeks, wishing that they could explore your body further still, but loving the squish of every kneed while they stay.
He groans ravenously in your ear, as he pulls you off the wall and sits you on the counter instead. His head moves down your front and drapes a leg over his shoulder. He’s peppering little kisses and nips all the way down. You’re breathing is becoming ragged, and he’s mesmerized by the way your tits move as your lungs fill up and empty.
“You’re so hot,” He spreads your lips with his thumb and presses his molten tip to your opening.
“Oh my gods!” You whine excitedly!
When he pushes into you he does so slowly and backs out every centimeter or so to push back in further, oh the effect is maddening! “Y-you Liar,” You moan.
“pfff what!?” He bottoms out while scoffing.
“About being shy!” You say before he pulls out to pound into you once and thrashes your whole body, sending a shockwave through you. You grab onto his shoulders fast! “OoooOh!” You whimper.
“C’mon, you’re not gonna finish on me already are you?” He smiles something fierce, that has you clenching, “If i see a ring before i say, you’re getting punished.”
“N-no! i didn’t agree to that!” You complain, before he smacks your clit, making you jump and whine harder. You think you just came, you’re squeezing and fluttering inside but the build up didn’t stop! and, oh shit…
“I didn’t say you could yet,” He tsks, and picks your other leg up putting that one over his other shoulder.
You feel so stretched, and he can reach so much deeper~ “Ah~!” gasps and moans leave you lips in a melody that he wants to put on repeat.
Knocking on the door startles you, but he keeps pounding into you, “Kai Mallory! You better not be doing what it sounds like you’re doing in OUR bathroom!”
“Shit.” He pulls out after a minute of hard debating.
“Who’s that?” You whisper.
“My mom…” He groans and wipes off his face.
He helps you down off the counter. and you both get cleaned up and decent before opening the bathroom door, heads down in shame.
“Sorry mom”
“I did not raise you like this!” She pinches his ear to bring him down to her level. “You’re lucky your sister isn’t home!”
You try to hold in any giggles, but it’s kinda cute funny seeing such a big tough guy let his mom do whatever.
She relents and walks away, before turning back and holding up two fingers to her eyes, and pointing them at you both in a “i’m watching you” motion.
“Sorry about that,”
“It’s all good! I didn’t know you lived at home!” or his name! “Kai.” You sigh it out.
“Come with me, I at least have my own room” He laughs a little embarrassedly.
His palm is warm in your own, you let him lead you down the hall.
His room is nice and clean! and he has a bed frame!!! score!
He lays down and pats the bed next to him.
“I can help you with your teleportation problem,” He’s laying with his eyes closed and his arms behind his head. “If you want…”
“Really!? You’re super?” You climb onto the bed but stay near his waist.
“N-no! definitely not!” he bolts back up.
“Kai…?” Your body is still so hot, and he didn’t get to finish…
“C-can I help you finish?” You ask, your hands timidly pawing at his shorts.
“um, yes. is that even a question? hah!”
You pull his short band down and his dick flings out already hard, it looks so painful… His slit pulses as his cock twitches, and leaks some pre.
“So big…” You put your tongue to his wet tip, it still tastes like you. You groan against it, and his hips roll just barely.
His stomach sinks in as he breathes and becomes more excited.
You wanted to play with him a little more but you both just want to cum, you start to play with yourself as you take him into your throat.
You relax it as best as you can but your still gagging around his length.
“You okay?” He asks sweetly.
You hold up a thumbs up “mmhmm~” and bob your head on his dick. As you pull back your head tilts up putting more pressure underneath his cock and as you go back down your head tilts down to give it that pleasurable pause all while his head and glands get sucked and taken so deeply.
You’re massaging him with your tongue and tasting him, and you’re both so excited.
Your fingers spin on your clit and as you cum for the second time that night, so does he.
“mmf!!!” Your throat is filled with a tsunami of cum, you swallow and swallow but there’s still more! some seeps out of your lips around him, you try to lick it up, but he’s already seen. He grabs your jaw in his palm, your mouth still around his dick.
“You let some out…” he wipes your chin with his thumb.
As you stare up into his eyes, you swallow again and realize he’s still hard.
“What’s your name?” he asks, with a dorky smile on his face, and his cock still down your throat.
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The Day The Music Died (Part One)
Sooo...you meet spot and introduce your little world <33but you might know a little more than you are leading on? If you spoke up a little more...maybe others would know?
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You remember seeing a man dressed in dark blue and red with a large S on his chest soaring through the sky. 
He looked free. You thought absentmindedly as you walked through the busy New York crowds. 
Some nauseating feeling bubbled inside of your gut. You wished you could touch the clouds like he could. 
Maybe then you wouldn’t feel so trapped.
One foot after another, you made your way through a dark alley to stop in front of a quaint coffee shop. 
The rats scattered beneath your feet and garbage decorated the shadows. The brick was dusty from age and the sound of horns honking and people walking became white noise as you reached for the door knob to the shop.
“Collin’s Coffee.”
Best fucking gig you’ve got going right now. 
You wondered if that Spider-Guy worked a normal job like you did. 
The thought of seeing a man dressed in clad spandex taking orders made you let out a soft chuckle as you ducked into the comforting atmosphere of the shop.
It gave the radiance of a library in Hognorts with the walls dripping with mounts of knowledge and books. The actual walls themselves had a sharp red brick hidden behind the shelves and posters.
Plants grew from the ceiling and succulents were plotted on the ceramic countertop. 
You quickly removed your bag from your shoulders and placed it behind the counter while reaching for a navy apron. Rubbing your eyes harshly, you began to slowly wake up and soak in your surroundings. 
“Hey! How’s it going, kiddo?”
Mr. Parker. Collin Parker. The kind old man that ran the coffee shop semi-hopped to where you were meticulously placing pastries inside the display case. 
Most of the time, and in the most endearing way, he had more energy than a toddler. 
“Fine. You?” You weren’t the biggest fan of talking, but you would make an effort to check in with the old. They held a tiny soft spot in your heart. 
If you even had one.
“Good, good…just filling out some silly old paper-work. Don’t mind this old man.” Mr. Parker slowly hobbled his way back to his office, letting you finish adjusting the glass plates that presented little scones and croissants.
The front door slammed open as a clumsy pubescent boy stumbled through. 
“Sorry I’m a bit late! I swear I was just on my way but a guy decided to–“ 
Sigh. There goes that peaceful, delicious, quiet. 
“Ok.” You kept it short. Honestly, you couldn’t care less.
“–He was awwwwfulllll! Trust me, if you met a guy like him on the train you’d absolutely lose your mind.” 
You had already lost yours a while ago.
“K.” Your responses where getting impossibly shorter as a the kid rambled on as he found his way behind the counter. 
Peter Parker, estranged somehow related to Collin Parker. He had a good heart, but a huge fucking mouth for a fifteen-year old. His brown fluffy hair bounced as he waved his hands around  to accentuate the supposed “annoying man” he met on the train. 
Peter was a nerdy kid, and you appreciated the child-like joy (probably because he still was a child in your eyes) he carried but you would rather die than admit it. 
You saw him as a little, albeit annoying, brother. 
“You can stop now.” You prided yourself in your honesty, but always tried to tone it down to be a bit less brutal for Peter. 
“Oh–Oh okay, sorry–right, silence.”
He wasn’t going to be quiet for long, but that was okay, you knew how to just–push it away. 
 Anywho…what’s going on? Do you want me to man the counter today? I don’t know if I’m really up for it…you know how much it makes me anxious. I would! I really would but…ya’know. I just get all shaky and–“
Buzzing echoed in your ear as his endless chatter filled the café’s walls. 
“Go in the back. Do restock and phone orders.” Like he always did. 
Peter let out a breath in relief, his shoulders noticeably loosened.
As he awkwardly made his way to the back, almost slipping on the white tile that covered where you and him were standing behind the counter.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you! I won’t disappoint you! Trust me, I’ve gotten reallllyyy good at using the new toaster that I think I am a toasting god!–”
You don’t really care, but you let a tiny chuckle leave your chapped lips before you turned to face the front again. You didn’t have enough energy to really play it off with a smile, but it’s the effort that counts right? 
“Mk. Bye.” 
Peter quickly ducked into the back while slipping in his ear buds to get ready for a comforting day at work. When you started working here, you noticed how he looked up to you. Thinking you were…”cool.” 
It made you gag when you thought about it too much. 
The bell chimed and the first customer of the day came on in. 
“Welcome.” Your voice just barely tipped the ‘annoyed and exhausted but had to make some cash’ tone. 
You looked up at the strange figure that just entered. 
Ok…are you fucking kidding me?
His huge trench coat covered his shoulders as he stumbled in, not too unfamiliar as to Peter’s entrance. 
What made your eyes blink a little more than usual was the stark white skin that stretched over him head to toe. Dark little holes scattered his body and a pair of big sunglasses covered the top half of his face. 
Was that a fedora?
You just swiveled to make your own coffee. A plain, black, hot coffee. Free of charge, and one of the best things to come out of this job. 
Just as you were sliding on the sleeve, you quietly shuffled behind the counter as he coughed behind you. You were almost ignoring the weird customer as a whole. 
To be honest, you just couldn’t bring yourself to care.  
You couldn’t bring yourself to care about most things anymore.
Was that bad? 
Eh. Whatever.
You just busied yourself with minimal tasks like rearranging the pastries in the display or picking at the scabs that littered your fingers. 
The customer coughed again. 
“Do you have asthma? Want me to get you an inhaler?” 
Whoops. That might’ve come out a little to sarcastic. You were genuinely worried, ok? 
Maybe not that worried, but still. You didn’t mean it to come out like that. 
“No! I–I do not…Give me the cash in the register, now please!” 
You were being robbed!
You were being robbed.
“Nah.” Your responses were curt and short as you took short sips from your coffee. 
You needed some caffeine ASAP. 
“Wha–?! There isn’t a ’No’ in this! Give me the cash, now! Please!” The weirdo came up to the counter and this time you noticed how fucking huge this guy was. 
He was probably 7 foot. 
Did he seriously say please? At least he had manners.
“No.” You shrugged and casually went back to what you were doing, but before you could turn fully and brush him aside, a pale white hand launched out and flipped you back. 
”Look at me.” Static rippled in his voice. 
Maybe–just maybe-you wanted to fuck with this guy a little by actively widening your eyelids so you could showcase how you were looking in every other direction except his. 
“Just–Just give me the cash. Or else I’ll…I’ll shoot!” He showed off his other hand as it pointed at you through his pocket. 
If you were dumb maybe you’d have believed him. 
If you didn’t have a certain…experience with guns maybe you’d have believed him. 
“What kinda gun is that?” 
You were starting to get a little impatient with this banter. What if Mr. Parker came out and the poor man went into cardiac arrest? What if Peter stopped listening to his shit music and did his job and saw you fighting with this guy? 
“It’s a pistol.” 
That was definitely not a fucking pistol. 
“No, it’s not.” You shook your head and ran your fingers through your hair. 
“How would you know, huh? What if it is?” Was he trying to be smug? 
“The closest thing that your abnormally large fingers look like would be a fucking Longslide Glock 17 with maybe 3 out of the 17 rounds loaded with your kinda confidence. Gotta say, it is lightweight, sturdy, good for beginners...” 
You were good at talking guns. 
Real fucking good at talking guns. 
It was probably the most you’ve said all day. 
The ghostly white ‘robber’ looked shocked, if you could tell by the way his shoulders recoiled. 
Stepping back he bashfully turned away. 
“I just need some cash, okay? That’s all…please. I’m really not good at this whole supervillain thing.” 
A little gun talk was all it took to break this guy? 
Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. 
You heard the front door bell chime and it broke you out of your thoughts.
“Nah. Maybe some other time. Bye.” 
You waved a little before setting your already cold coffee on the counter to prep yourself to take an <em> actual</em> order. 
“Do you even take me seriously! I am The Spot! I literally–I can travel through-- portals!” 
Unsurprisingly, you kinda got bored of this whole ‘supervillain charade.’ 
“Ok. Bye.” You shrugged him off to turn your attention to the new customer, locking eyes with them and insinuating for them to come up to the front. 
“What?!–I’ll show you! I’ll show all of you!” He angrily threw a–
was that one of his weird spot things?
Anyway, he threw a spot into an empty space in the shop and walked through it. 
Finally. You sighed as you took the customers order. 
And that, even if you didn’t know it at the time, was the end of your little world as you fucking knew it. 
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Look, I'm probably a bad person for enjoying this but every now and again a particular kind of vaguely bratty, eager subbyject will ask me to explain an aspect of their behaviour or their kink with an "I just don't know why I do that!"
So I'll look. And I'll tell them that - well, really, I wouldn't know the inside of their head and it's probably better to talk about things than to play guessing games do they really want to solicit my opinion and it's always that little bit if brinksmanship like it's a challenge to see if I've actually been listening to them during our talks.
And then I'll tell them what I see and they'll just break.
Like full on "I - uhhh - I need a moment" stunned silence interspersed with occasional strings of profanity and "Really?!"
See, I probably shouldn't enjoy that. But it's awfully fun.
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verybadatwriting · 4 months
Just a Little Stab Wound
Summary: Reader, a vigilante, is injured and goes to Peter for help.
Warnings: injuries, blood loss
Notes: I experimented a little, and wrote this on paper for the first draft. I think I like it.
Word count: 1,141
He was just trying to study for a chem test when his phone buzzed. At first he ignored it. After two more buzzes, he finally glanced down at the notifications, and saw they were from you. He smiled before reading them.
Need you
i’m hurt. on way. be ready.
He hurriedly replied,
how hurt?
u there?
When it was clear he wasn’t going to get a fast reply, he went about gathering a whole bunch of first aid stuff.
“Pete?” He heard a tired but authoritative voice. Crap. He’d thought Aunt May was asleep.
“What’re you doing?” She asked, both bemused and amused.
“Science homework?” He said, wishing it had sounded less like a question. Aunt May did not look like she was buying it, but instead of challenging the answer she sighed and reminded him to clean up once he’d finished “Whatever it is you’re really up to.”
Peter nodded itching to go prepare his room. He grabbed a heavy blanket from the bottom bunk and laid it on his floor. He tossed a pillow on top, and made sure that the first aid boxes were close at hand. This next part he always hated. The waiting was excruciating. Never knowing if you were only a moment away, or if you had bled out in some grimey back alley.
You were a vigilante, like he used to be, before he joined the Avengers. You though, you did not have the favor of law enforcement, since some (okay, much) of your activities weren't exactly legal. Peter met you while you were both stopping a robbery. Both of you had a fun time, probably due to the fact that you had the same sense of humor. Just before the cops arrived, you and Peter fled to a nearby rooftop. 
All that said, you and Peter had become friends, and then something more. You’d been to his home before, usually just to hang out, but also if you were injured he’s who you’d head to.
For the most part, Peter was used to it. He appreciated having someone his age who really understood the weight that came with having superpowers. If talking to you came at the price of occasionally patching you up, he’d happily help you out.
Finally, after what felt like hours, but was really only ten or so minutes, you landed on the fire escape and knocked on his window. You smiled when he looked up and let you in. As he got closer, he saw it was more like a pained grimace.
“Oh my God,” Peter whispered, eyes drifting to your abdomen, which was painted red with your blood. You held your hand against it, but the blood still leaked out. 
“Hey Pete,” You said, gasping through the pain before promptly tumbling through the window and into his arms.
Peter gingerly lifted you over to the blanket and set you down. You held pressure on the wound as you lay there, splayed out on the floor. Peter was readying a wad of gauze bandaging when out of the corner of his eye he saw yours start to drift closed.
“Hey!” He said. “You need to keep your eyes open, okay?” He asked. Reluctantly, you complied.
“You’ve got pretty eyes,” You murmured. 
“Thanks,” Peter smiled, not taking his “pretty” eyes off the gash across your body as he continued bandaging.
“Keep talking, love,” He prompted you.
“M’kay,” You hummed. “Just for you, pretty boy.”
At this, Peter’s cheeks flushed and he glanced at you, worry filling his eyes.
“You must be delusional from blood loss.”
“Nuh uh!” You protested as he turned back to work. “I’m just incredibly lucky and got you.”
A few minutes later, Peter had you all patched up. Then he helped you sit up, a rather painful process. Your shirt was filthy so he helped you out of it and upon seeing how much blood and grime covered your skin, he retrieved a basin and rag to gently wash the filth away. After he was done, you put on one of his t-shirts.
“It’s comfy,” you said.
“Looks good on you,” He replied.
After a moment, you looked up at him, truly taking in the worry lacing each and every one of his features.
“Thank you,” you finally, quietly said.
“Of course,” he replied.
“What’d I do to deserve you?” You asked, leaning your forehead onto his shoulder. His arms wrapped around you, holding you close, but he stayed careful not to hurt you. 
“You’re in no shape to even think about going home,” Peter said. “So you might as well spend the night.”
“That’s exactly what I was thinking.”
He gently scooped you up and somehow managed to climb up his bed’s adder. He set you down on your side, facing away from the wall, and tucked you in. He climbed back down, and started cleaning up while you drifted off to sleep. 
You later felt him slip into bed behind you. It was comforting, having his chest against your back. You nestled into his arms and stayed like that the rest of the night.
Peter woke up first. He didn’t dare move a muscle. From how peaceful you looked right now, nobody ever would have guessed that you’d come awfully close to death just a few hours ago. 
He heard his aunt get up and start making breakfast. Her footsteps slowly came down the hall to his room. Hastily, he covered your face with the blanket.
“Hey, Peter,” Aunt May called as she entered the room. “Do you want eggs? I’m making some.” 
“Sure! Thanks!” He said, internally cringing at his voice, which sounded way too cheery. For one wonderful second, Peter thought she was going to leave. Then, her eyebrows shrunk together as she noticed the suspiciously human shaped lump in her nephew’s bed.
“Uh,” she started, “Who’s that?”
“Promise you won’t get mad?” He asked after a moment. She raised an eyebrow in response.
“Uhm, Aunt May,” Peter said, “This is my partner. They’ve got superpowers, like me, and they don’t really want other people to know who they are. Last night they got hurt, like really hurt, and they came to me. Please don’t be mad at them, they didn’t have anywhere else to go.” 
His aunt just stood there, this stressful moment stretching on forever. Finally, someone broke the silence.
“I’s okay, Peter,” you said, pushing the blanket away from your face. “Hi Ms. Parker. I’m Y/n.” Your groggy voice wavered slightly, as if afraid of what she might say. Your face, soft from sleep, made Peter fall in love with you all over again. Seeing the way Peter looked at you, combined with your honesty and desperation, Aunt May seemed to relax.
“Nice to meet you, Y/n,” she said. “Would you care to join us for breakfast?”
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angstylittleguy · 6 months
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meet my mind-reading OC, Aurora "Rory" Estrada!
She's a third year college student at the Franco Dale Learning Institute majoring in Psychology.
Rory woke up one morning with the ability to hear the thoughts of the people around her, and she hated it. The voices were constant, and there was no off switch. Music was the closest thing she found that battled it, and she never went anywhere without her headphones.
Aside from reading minds, Rory also picks up on the emotions of people around her. She inherits their sadness, their anger, happiness, all of it.
There was one good thing about her abilities, however. When she was around people who also had powers they didn't ask for, she felt a static sensation on the nape of her neck. With this, she is able to find others like her, and it makes living a little less hard.
Link to the navigation page for more info about Rory and her friends Here
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ohwrite · 1 month
Hm, villain who reads minds x a really mentally unstable civilian and knows what they need and want as a result
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plzravagemethxxx · 3 months
BLOODLUST Masterlist
Part One Part Three
"Fine. Fine." Y/N raised her hands in surrender. "But I'm only consenting to reconnaissance. We go in, collect information, and we get out."
KF and Robin exchanged giddy smiles.
Then Robin turned to Y/N, a sly gleam in his eyes. "Ready to be whelmed?"
The fire is still burning bright when the four of them arrive at Cadmus.
The fire brigade was busily attempting to put out what flames still remained, as well as trying to rescue the scientists and workers who were in the building.
"STAY PUT," a firefighter ordered through a megaphone. "WE WILL GET YOU OUT!"
That was the last thing Y/N heard them say before suddenly the ground shook with the weight of a loud explosion from within the laboratory. She saw the impact blow two of the men in lab coats out the window and into the air.
"KF, go!" she shouted, and she didn't need to tell him twice.
In a blink of an eye, Kid Flash raced towards Cadmus and ran up the steep face of the building, catching the poor scientists before they could meet an untimely demise. His momentum led him to speeding up to the roof, where he deposited the scientists before he tripped and fell.
"Shoot!" he managed to yelp, before quickly finding purchase on the windowsill. "Oh, thank god."
"It's what's-his-name!" one of the firefighters exclaimed. "Eh... Flash Boy!"
Robin snorted.
"It's KID FLASH!" KF grumbled. "Why is that so hard?"
"He's soooo smooth, isn't he?" Robin mused as he, Aqualad, and Bloodlust ran up to the building.
"Shut it, Rob," Bloodlust snarked. She grabbed her knife and sliced her palms and the soles of her feet. Then she lunged up at the side of the building. "STICK!" Her hands and feet stuck strongly to the concrete, and she began to climb up like a spider towards KF. "Hold on, buddy."
"Yep!" KF replied. "Kinda all I can do at the moment!"
In a couple seconds, Bloodlust crossed the building and arrived just before KF's grip could falter completely. She grabbed his wrist, and he clung to her arm fast, and she hauled the two of them into Cadmus through the open window.
"Must they always run ahead?" Aqualad muttered as he watched. He sighed. "We need a plan—"
But then he turned, and found Robin, too, had disappeared from his side. Instead, he saw the youngest of them all running up the fire truck ladder before grabbing onto an unused hose and using it like a rope to swing himself into the window as well.
Aqualad sighed. "Of course."
He hurried over to the fire trucks, right beside the firefighters still trying to hose down the fire.
"I need to borrow that!" he quickly warned, before he pulled his two Atlantean weapons from their sheaths and redirected the water from the hose to propel himself into the air, up to the roof, where the two scientists remained. "Step aboard. Now."
The men didn't hesitate. Aqualad landed first, as he set foot on the windowsill his friends had entered through, then lowered the scientists down the ground.
"Finally," Bloodlust called as Aqualad entered the building.
"I appreciate the help," he sarcastically replied.
"Hey, you handled it!" Robin protested, typing away at one of the computers he'd opened. "Besides. We're here to investigate. Poetic justice, remember?"
"Yeah," Y/N noted. "Investigate. KF," she added sternly, leveling the redhead with a look as he made shadow puppets using the light of Robin's screen.
"Sorry, sorry," Kid Flash mused in a very unapologetic tone. He glanced back to see Bloodlust was no longer looking, then resumed his shenanigans with a silent snicker.
"Robin," Bloodlust called, "found anything?"
"No, not much yet," the Boy Wonder replied. "Check some of the physical files and stuff, might be something there."
"Got it." She marched over to another desk and plucked the papers off of it, struggling to read the contents in the minimal light. She found notes on different DNA samples the lab had been given, most likely via ancestry tests and the like. One paper had, in bold red letters at the bottom, PATERNITY TEST NEGATIVE. Y/N set that paper aside and kept looking.
Suddenly, she heard the familiar ding! of an elevator, and frowned. She looked up to see Aqualad had gone off, and KF was following, and so she did the same.
She found the two boys standing at the mouth of a hall leading to an elevator shaft.
"There was something in the..." Aqualad muttered.
KF frowned. "Elevators should be locked down."
"Well, this one isn't," Bloodlust replied, stalking over to it. She heard Robin's footsteps as he followed. "That's suspicious. Rob, is this what I think it is?"
"This is wrong," he agreed, pulling up his holographic screen to search his archives for a confirmation. "Thought so. This is a high-speed express elevator. It doesn't belong in a two-story building!"
"Unless the building isn't just two stories," Bloodlust realized. She touched the doors and frowned. "Aqualad, you said you saw something enter the elevator?"
"Something that also doesn't belong here," he said.
He stepped up to the doors and gestured for Bloodlust to step aside. When she did, he placed his hands on the gap between the doors and pried them open with a shout.
The rest of them clambered beside him and gazed down at the elevator shaft. It stretched downwards for far longer than a supposed small-scale genetics laboratory should require.
"And that's why they need an express elevator," Robin quipped.
He pulled his grappling hook launcher out of his pocket and fired it into the ceiling of the shaft. Then he leapt into the shaft and continued to fall and fall until his line eventually came to an end at just around a floor labeled SB 25.
"I'm at the end of my rope," he muttered, a soft shock in his tone as he swung over to the door of the elevator. He quickly sidestepped until he found a decent spot to sit, then produced his screens again.
Aqualad came down next, followed by Bloodlust and then Kid Flash.
"I knew something was off with this place," Bloodlust hissed, touching the cold metal of the door again. "Not only is this an express elevator; these doors are heavily reinforced. They're probably not indestructible, but most definitely bulletproof. And I can feel it vibrating. Robin, these have tech behind them. Passcodes."
"On it," the Boy Wonder replied. "Bypassing security... there. Go."
Aqualad didn't miss a beat. He tore these doors open too, then the four of them slipped inside quickly. They found themselves, wide-eyed, in another enormous hallway. The lights were a deep red, the walls and ceiling and floor a murky black. Panel upon panel of black metal ran down the hall, giving the room a strange aura about it.
"Welcome to Project Cadmus," Robin announced.
Kid Flash wasted no time in rushing again. Aqualad tried to grab him to stop him, but the boy was far too fast. He sped ahead, only to severely underestimate his speed and fail to smoothly as he neared the end of the hall. He tripped and skidded across the floor, grunting in pain.
And then there was a thud. A heavy, scarily close weight dropping beside him, and KF opened his eyes as a strange, elephant-sized creature lifted its foot and began to lower it right over him.
Luckily, as per his powers, KF was more than fast enough to get out of the way of the herd of... creatures? As he stepped back and rejoined his friends, who were now in the hall with him, he struggled to understand what he was looking at.
The creatures were enormous. They had gravelly gray skin with strange red markings and pale underbellies and curved tusks emerging from the sides of their fanged mouths. Their eyes were a deep red and their faces seemed curved in permanent snarls. Bloodlust swore one of them met her gaze as it passed. They roared and blew steam from their nostrils, the heat so intense it was nearly disorienting.
"What are those?" Bloodlust asked in a hushed whisper, only for her eyes to then catch a glimpse of yet another anomaly. "Huh?!"
Seated in a sort of crouched position on the top of the monster was a tiny creature with beady red eyes and markings to match the bigger creature over its own cool gray skin. There were hard-looking lumps on their knees and curved appendages coming from the sides of its face. As the monsters passed, the tiny creature's horns began to glow a bright red.
Y/N's heart skipped such a long beat it might as well have stopped. There was this strange sensation in her body as she met the goblin-creature's gaze; a tingling which started at the top of her head and trickled pleasantly down to the tips of her bare toes. She was always aware of the blood in her body thanks to her metahuman powers but suddenly her understanding of it all was... heightened? Was that the right word? She was hyperaware of the beat of her heart, of the rush of her bloodflow, of the—
Y/N jumped. "What?!"
Kid Flash was standing right next to her, his hand on her shoulder, a concerned look in his eyes.
"Are you okay?" he asked. "You sorta zoned out for a second."
"I..." Y/N took a shaky breath, then frowned. Why was her breathing so heavy now? "Sorry, I just... I don't know." She put her hand to her chest. "My heart feels like it's going supersonic right now. It... it must be the shock, I guess."
Robin didn't look convinced. "Doubtful. Are you feeling alright?"
"Yeah," Bloodlust assured him. "I'm okay. Um. What were those?"
Aqualad shook his head. "We do not know. But this is proof that Batman, Black Canary, and you were right. Cadmus is keeping far too many secrets."
"Well?" Robin prompted. "We're here now. Might as well uncover a couple more."
Y/N frowned. "Robin, I said only reconnaissance."
"C'mon!" KF protested. "Blood, we're already here. We can't exactly leave now! You can't say you're not curious."
This is a bad idea, Y/N noted. She glanced at her friends' faces, their looks of hope for her to agree with them (even in Aqualad's gaze, surprisingly). But I am intrigued by all of this. What were those things? Can we find that out? And not be caught by our mentors?
"Fine," she amended, waving KF away from her face. "Fine, fine. But if things go south, I'm calling Arrow."
"What?!" KF demanded.
"Hey, better him than Bats, right?" Y/N reminded him. "And he can help keep Canary from killing me."
"It's a deal," Robin said, cutting off Kid Flash before he could get annoyed. "If stuff hits the fan, you can call GA."
"Good." Y/N nodded. "Now. Where do we start?"
They were shocked upon opening the first vault, which really didn't bode well.
Robin found a bit of difficulty in hacking open the vault, which he was initially frustrated by.
"That's a first," he grumbled. "Hold on."
There was no need to hold on, however, because he managed to crack the code five seconds later. With a satisfying click and hiss, the vault doors slid opened.
"Okay..." Robin muttered, looking into the vault. "I am officially whelmed."
Inside the vault was column after column of cylinder-shaped semi-transparent containment chambers. Within each chamber was yet another unidentifiable organism with similar characteristics to the giants and gremlins from earlier. At the center of the room was an energy of sorts; a buzzing, bright blue ball of something, flashing rapidly as it drew power the containment chambers.
"They're... they're living batteries," Bloodlust realized.
Kid Flash marched up closer to the chambers. "This is how they hide this massive underground facility from the world! The real Cadmus isn't on the grid! It generates its own power with these... things." He placed his hands on his hips. "It must be what they're bred for."
Aqualad turned to Bloodlust. "You were right, my friend. They truly live up to the legend of their name."
Bloodlust nodded silently.
"So Cadmus creates new life," Robin noted. He marched up to the blue sphere of power, to the little control panel at the base of the structure, and connected his own monitor to the controls. "Let's find out why."
Y/N saddled up beside Robin and read his screen over his shoulder. Her eyes fell on paragraph after paragraph of scientific terminology and lab reports.
"They call them Genomorphs," Robin narrated. "Whoa! Look at the stats on these things!" He tapped on the image of the giant creatures from earlier, opening up a window with a characteristic breakdown of the organism. "Super strength, telepathy, razor claws—these things are living weapons!"
"They're engineering an army," KF muttered. "But for who?"
"Wait." Robin leaned forward and tapped on one of the files. "There's some other stuff. Project Kr and... ugh." He shook his head. "The file's triple encrypted. I can't—"
The four of them whirled around at the sudden shout, eyes wide and hands clenched into fists. Rushing towards them, a group of growling Genomorphs at his heels and shoulder, was... was that Guardian?!
"Wait!" he shouted, stopping dead in his tracks as he scanned the faces of the teenagers. Recognition flashed in his eyes. "Robin? Aqualad? Kid Flash? Bloodlust?"
"Hey, at least he got your name right," Robin teased KF before he continued trying to hack into the files.
"I know you," Aqualad spoke up. "Guardian. A hero."
"I do my best," Guardian humbly said.
"What are you doing down here?" Bloodlust demanded. "And why've you got those Genomorphs with you?"
"I'm Chief of Security," Guardian explained. "You're all trespassing. But we can call the Justice League, figure this out."
"You think the League is going to approve of you breeding weapons?!" KF fired back.
"Weapons?" Guardian questioned. "What're you... what am I..."
But he was cut off as the Genomorph on his shoulder turned to him, its horns glowing red. Y/N, too, staggered back, suddenly overcome with a strange urge; although, to do what, she was unsure.
Guardian pressed a hand to his head, groaning in discomfort. But then he opened his eyes again, a glimmer of determination in his eyes, and he looked back at the protégés. "Take them down hard! No mercy!"
Bloodlust was the first to act. She slipped her knife from its sheath and slashed at her palms, allowing the stray drops of her blood to fall.
"SMOKE!" she ordered, and her blood erupted into billowing red smoke.
Robin was quick to take advantage and produced his grappling hook launcher again. He fired it up onto the support beams overhead, then leapt up, allowing the wire to carry him to brief safety.
The Genomorphs advanced, slashing through the smoke and snarling; but their vision was obscured. Bloodlust took full control of the smoke and concentrated it around the eyes of the Genomorphs, blinding them but allowing her and her friends full visibility.
One came too close for comfort, and she lunged at the monster, letting the blood on her palms touch its skin.
Instantly, the Genomorph let out a high-pitched, agonized shriek as its flesh began to burn and boil. It fell to the ground, and Y/N moved on to the next enemy combatant until she heard the electric crackling of Aqualad's weapons and followed the sound. She saw him knock down Guardian, and she ran alongside him and KF to escape the vault.
They booked it as fast as they could, staying out of reach of the Genomorphs by just a hair. Alarms began to blare, sending waves of pain through Bloodlust's head, but she kept sprinting until she found Robin, busily hacking away at the elevator. KF ran ahead, seemingly scolding him, until the elevator door opened and they rushed inside. Bloodlust quickly followed.
"You couldn't wait for us?" she panted, turning to Robin with a glare.
"You made it!" Robin grinned. "No need to complain!"
The growling of the Genomorphs grew closer, and Y/N looked up and yelped, pushing herself against the side of the elevator just in time to allow Aqualad to jump into the shaft. The doors shut behind him, trapping them inside.
"Okay, good," Bloodlust sighed. She stood and dusted herself off, then commanded her hands to heal. "Now, we leave."
But the floor level display continued to increase. They were going deeper into the sublevels.
"We're headed down?" Aqualad demanded.
"Dude!" KF turned to Robin. "Out is up!"
"Excuse me?" Robin frowned. "Project Kr? It's down, on sublevel 52."
"This is out of control," Aqualad protested. "Perhaps... perhaps we should contact the League."
"On it," Bloodlust began, but before she could reach her communications device, Robin grabbed her wrist. She leveled him with a wide-eyed glare. "Explain yourself or I will cut off your hand, Robin."
"Look, Blood, I think you're going to want to see this stuff," he implored. "Trust me."
"You promised that I could call Arrow!" Y/N reminded him. "Make good on your word!"
But then the elevator dinged open, and soon Y/N was too shocked by what she saw to even remember to call Oliver.
The hall—if it could even be called that—was strange, red, and flesh-like in appearance. Glowing blue pustule-esque structures jutted out from the wall, emanating ominous light.
"What is this place?" Bloodlust whispered.
Robin ran ahead.
"No!" Bloodlust reached for him, but he was already too far. "No, I don't like this at all, guys."
"Well, we are already here," KF tried to convince her, before quickly shutting up because Bloodlust gave him such a cold look he turned away. He elected to run after Robin.
Aqualad sighed heavily. "I will go with them. If you wish to stay back, that is your decision."
Y/N wanted to fall to her knees and kiss his feet in thanks. She hated this feeling of being here. The air was thicker, the walls looked alive, it was unnatural, unreal in all the worst ways.
But then Robin's words came back to her:
Look, Blood, I think you're going to want to see this stuff. Trust me.
"N-no." Bloodlust swallowed her nerves. "I'll come with you."
Aqualad hesitated. Then he offered her a gentle smile, and placed a hand on her shoulder.
"That is quite brave of you, my friend," he assured her.
Y/N nodded. "Thanks."
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avengerthoughts · 7 months
When The Sky Falls - Pietro Maximoff x Reader
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Authors Note: Hello! I honestly had a lot of fun writing this, and it's been in my drafts FOREVER, so I hope you like it ! At first I intended to write this into just a single shot, but then I got carried away with actually writing it, so it'll have to be a multi-part series. I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Non-Graphic mentions of past torture, general sad backstories that comes along with villain origins. Tony's kind of an ass in this, I'm soRRY !!!! kind of star-crossed lovers ????
Pairing: Pietro x Reader
Prompt: Like the twins, you were a HYDRA experiment; your powers focus mainly on healing and wound transferring. Your past is a dark secret for Tony, and what happens if he finds out when it's too late?
Words:  4,783
That's what united the three of you. Having not only Ultron in common, but also HYDRA as well. You had arrived at Hydra first, but the memory of how you wound up there, or anything predating, was nothing but a dark abyss. The only memories that managed survival were early memories of experimentation. Injections, tests, so many that there isn't even a number anymore.
The twins arrived at the same facility years after you had, and since they were kept in the cells next to you, friendship was inevitable. You never got to see them while you were kept captive by HYDRA scientists, but you had little things. Small cracks in the walls, holes that were barely big enough to fit a finger through and sometimes even smaller than that. It may not have been much, but it was enough, and the happiness it provided was nothing like you had ever felt before.
You'd never really had a friend before, then.
Naturally, those within HYDRA weren't too fond of the yapping you three did, and you had found out the hard way the first time they overheard a conversation between you and Wanda. As a consequence for disobedience, they had punished you harshly as a result, despite the pleas and the apologies that left your mouth as they dragged you off.
They had done such a number that you couldn't see properly for a week straight after, and could barely move enough to retrieve your daily food rations. After that, you three learned to only talk when night fell. While no one kept prisoner within HYDRA's walls were ever privy to the beautiful night sky, it was easy to tell when night had fallen. The staff would thin out, and what staff remained would be more focused on their 'important work' than three measly prisoners in the corner.
Still, on their first days you managed to give them a quick run down on things before they had caught you that day. When the best time to sleep was, what to look out for in their meals in case they tamper with it, and how if they ever got hurt too badly all they had to do was sit beside one of the finger-sized holes in the wall and you'd be able to heal them by just touching them. Your first punishment though is what prompted them to ask why you couldn't just heal yourself.
Truthfully? It was the one question you could never answer, and neither could HYDRA. Whatever powers ran through your veins went completely null whenever you used it on yourself, except for the psychic shields. That was the only thing, so it sort of balances out, in a way, but after that they felt a bit more protective of you. The three of you have been inseparable ever since. Along with your healing abilities came an ability to, of course, use psychic shields (or force fields as they're more commonly known by), but also light forms of telekinesis, and an ability to transfer a persons injuries to your own body.
HYDRA was currently training you in the ability to provide a cloak of invisibility to another person within your psychic shield, something that was proving a little more challenging to learn. Transferring wounds, however, is something you often did with the twins when your healing magic wasn't working right that day or you couldn't muster the energy for it, and they only figured it out when Wanda noticed a slight difference. When you actually healed them with magic, your hands would glow white, like an angel, and when Wanda had caught notice of it she was sure to ask you.
After that, she only let you heal her if you could with magic. In part because she couldn't stand the thought of you taking on her injuries, but also because she knew her brother was worse off, and that there was no way in hell that she'd be able to talk you out of transferring his wounds, not in a million years. However, it wasn't a one-sided friendship either, the three of you were there for one another in a way that nobody else could. Not even Bucky; even with his own experience in HYDRA, it still wouldn't be the same.
Wanda, Pietro, and yourself all lived it together, and that set the foundation for an unbreakable bond. It was no surprise when they broke you out of the facility after being released themselves, and it was even less of a surprise when you had followed them and joined forces with Ultron. Their own trauma was separate from yours, and while you may not know what it's like to sit three feet from a bomb for two days straight, but you knew rage.
You knew anger.
And you were angry for them.
When they finally broke you out of the facility, it was the first time you had actually were able to see their faces, and them your own. It was also then that Wanda had granted you with memories of the past, and the memory shards she had when she uncovered a bit about your past on her own (lots of face-punching got her those memories). Pietro was gentle with you then, giving you the biggest of hugs. While Pietro already had a special spot in your heart, your time together with him solidified it.
You knew you were in this together with them, no matter what. You fell for him, and you fell hard, but you always focused on giving your friends the revenge they deserved.
What you didn't know, is that Pietro knew.
He's not exactly the smartest guy around when it comes to dating.
He thought your crush was more superficial, like you didn't REALLY like him, like you just thought he was hot and that you were just looking for fun.
Did that make any sense? Did you even show any signs that you were even interested in that kinda stuff?
Absolutely not, he's an idiot, but, ya'know, he's your idiot.
He makes up for being an idiot by being a fucking gremlin (read: he makes it a personal hobby to tease you a TON, and to see just how much he can make you blush like an idiot in a day. Shared idiocy, if you will, just a town over. Idiotcity, and idiotvile.)
Wanda has tried many (many, please just pay her for her matchmaking services at this point) to explain things to the both of you; explain to her brother that you like him for more than just his stupid biceps, and explaining to you that her brother is an idiot (but a sweet idiot. Most of the time-).
The thing is he likes you too, more than he lets you see, more than he's even told his sister, and every single day he fights the urge to just sit you down and spill everything to you even though he thinks you won't return his feelings to the same degree. And everyday you do the same.
A weird love limbo (that sounds weird, maybe not a limbo, maybe like....love purgatory??).
It got worse when you had fallen into a style you liked; practical in nature, for all the fighting you'd be taking part in, except for all the white. White leather pants so you could move without worrying about anything showing that shouldn't be, but you kept your top small and skin-tight, because running raises body temperature, and you're more of an agile, keep-dodging-swings-like-a-roach-you-can-never-kill person than someone who drenches themselves in combat.
And boots that actually were practical boots and not New York Fashion Week boots. Your sleeves were detached from your actual top; starting at your elbow in a silver cuff, translucent fabric hugging your forearm comfortably to a tie around your finger, while the other part of the sleeve billowed down to your side, sort of medieval royalty style, and boy did you look like fucking royalty to him.
Even now, he still can't help but stare at you, captured by how beautiful you look. In all white like an angel, but decorated in silvers and blues like an elf.
Elf angel?
Heavenly elf?
He doesn't know, all he knows is that you're drop dead gorgeous, and he loves the way you look so divine, and the way your top hugs your--damn it. Don't look there Pietro, are you a fucking idiot? (yes.)
That being said, he flirts with you.
A lot.
Sometimes just because he can, but mostly because he really really (REALLY) likes you, and can't help it. Naturally, you actually flirt back.
That's how your damnation into the love limbo purgatory was birthed, really. It put the both of you in this odd place of no PDA has actually been exchanged, but you flirt often enough that Wanda has to make fake throwing up sounds to get you two to stop half the time.
The thought of you actually being in love with him never actually crosses his mind with any substance, not even when Wanda tries to explain it, he's always thought it was more of a superficial crush because....well, frankly, he doesn't think he's good enough for you.
It sounds crazy, he knows, The Amazing Pietro (cue muscle flash here) insecure?? Feeling something more than just thinking you're cute, more than just....liking you as a friend. It's a strange feeling, strange enough that it's not like anything he's felt in the past. It's real, this love he feels for you, and maybe....just maybe....he's scared of losing you if he says anything.
It shows prominently when The Avengers meet the four of you in the Salvage Yard. Since you didn't have that excellent of offensive powers, you had hidden in the shadows, kept a psychic field on Wanda to make sure nothing hurt her, and just when Ultron was giving a speech from a place of deep seeded hatred, Tony had showed up just in time. Cracking witty jokes, as if everything was just peachy.
"This is funny? It's what, comfortable?" Pietro had questioned as he stepped forward, and you kept a precautionary field around him, "Like old times?"
"This was never my life." Stark had defended, and you narrowed your eyes as you stepped forward in turn, but stayed behind Pietro.
"No?" You questioned, "But you supplied it, you funded it; took black-tie pictures next to the military officials that were peddling the devastating weapons you created; caring more about the girls around your arm than the families you were killing." You tilted your head, knowing you were getting into his.
It didn't take like for all hell to break loose, and in the chaos Captain America had sent his shield flying at you when you had made a move to use your psychic shield around Ultron. While Wanda was quick to use her own powers to take him down, it wasn't in time to prevent the shield from crashing into your abdomen and breaking a rib or two, and the subsequent piece of metal you crashed into as a result of the shield's velocity.
A broken rib and a gash in your side might be enough to take a normal person down, but HYDRA has done worse to you. Still, Wanda helped you up and made a mental note to check back in on you when all this mess was said and done. Thanks to your time with HYDRA you'd grown used to tuning out the pain for small waves of time, and combined with the adrenaline rushing through your veins, you had no problems putting a psychic bubble around Pietro as he fell to the floor below, just to be sure he wouldn't get hurt.
When Wanda left to do her mind tricks on the Avengers, you jumped down to a slightly dazed Pietro, and Cap giving him blow and telling him to stay down. A strong emotion of protectiveness overcame you and the next thing you know, you're encasing him in a psychic shield and flinging him across the room.
"Pietro!" You exclaimed, rushing to his side, "Pietro, are you okay?"
"Ah," Pietro sighed, shaking his head a little to try and center himself again, "Yeah, yeah I'm good." It wasn't until he had actually moved his head to look at you that he saw the blood staining the white of your attire, and his eyes widened in both worry and fear.
"Princessa," He uttered out, moving closer to you, hands already at your side to inspect the gash "What happened? How bad are you hurt? Which of them did this?"
"I'm fine, silly boy," You shook your head, placing your hands on top his, "When the shield hit me, I fell onto something sharp, that's all. I'll be fine. A rib is definitely broken, but Hydra has done far worse to me, it's nothing I can't handle. I am a tank, very strong." You jokingly flashed your arm muscles to lighten the mood.
Pietro had looked at you skeptically, not fully believing that you were as okay as you were making it seem. There was a good amount of blood still staining your otherwise white top and he couldn't help but question whether or not you were telling him the truth, and the little jump of fear in his heart got the better of him. He held eye contact with you as his grip got just a bit more firm.
"Promise me you'll watch out more, okay?" Pietro practically begged with puppydog eyes that tugged on the strings of your heart just right, "You cannot heal yourself, but you can still use your shields. Care for yourself as I care about you, I've lost a lot, I can't lose you too, okay? Just...promise me?"
"Hey," You spoke softly when you noticed his eyes pooling a little, even as he tried to blink them away, and you moved one of your hands to cup his cheek, "I promise, okay? I'll be more careful."
In all the time you'd shared together, he'd never actually saw you injured before, not even in Hydra. Sure, he could hear it, hear your screams from down the hall, hear your groans of pain when they threw you back into your cell, but he never actually saw anything, and seeing that large cut in your side and all that blood staining your top? It struck a chord in him, and he realized he couldn't live without you.
He also realized he couldn't live without getting to punch Captain America in the face for that whenever he got a chance to.
Which he did, after you two had both gotten up to help Wanda make sure she could spin her webs of fear.
It's a good thing that HYDRA managed to successfully train you in that invisibility thing before you were broken out, because it came in handy when cloaking Wanda from Thor after she had finished putting her spell on him, and Natasha so she wouldn't hear her coming, but you weren't there in time to protect her from Clint. Pietro got there first, literally flinging him across the room after seeing him hurt Wanda (and winning a Best Brother Of The Year Award), and quickly took Wanda to safety to recover.
What Pietro didn't know was that you had lingered behind to bend down to Clint and let him know that it was very mean to electrocute unarmed foes.
"That wasn't very nice of you," You scolded with furrowed brows, "Were you just going to electrocute her to death? I believe that's illegal in what, at least 20 states."
"No offense, but I'm not taking lessons on morality from back alley Shee-Ra." Clint groaned, "Maybe next time if you got the cape on."
"Shee-Ra?!" You nearly screeched with excitement, "You really think so?! I love Shee-Ra--wait, old stuff or new stuff?"
"The old Shee-Ra or the new Shee-Ra?" You asked before sighing, "Whatever, it doesn't matter, old man. I'm the original Shee-ra and you, my not-friend, are healed."
What are you-" Clint questions as you put your hands on him, healing the rib he was recovering from. "What?"
"There. That wouldn't have healed on it's own, not properly," You explained calmly, standing back up, "I don't want people dead, I just want my friends to have justice. Please do not do that brain thing again, we are not prisoners on Death Row."
You moved to leave the office you both were in, ready to leave a very confused Clint questioning your motives and true nature, when darkness hit you. Ultron had decided to take you out himself when he saw that you had healed the enemy. From there you were taken onto the jet with the rest of the team; in part to question you, but also to do you the same courtesy you did Clint. If you'd been left there, you would've been killed by Ultron himself.
Clint had explained the whole....encounter to the team, and while they were all wondering why you were really with Ultron then if you'd been so willing to heal Clint, they still kept you in handcuffs. But they put the seatbelt on you too. When you woke up, it was the next day and while everyone had already emptied into the 'Safe House', you were kept in the jet. Naturally, being the enemy is reason enough, and there was no hope for release until one of them came in and started the interrogation.
Wiggling out of the restraints was pointless too, and it hurt. Now you were reminded of your wounds, and as a result their pain now that you didn't have the adrenaline to help. They even parked the jet so they could leave the door open without you actually seeing the house. Nothing but sticks, grass, and branches as far as the eye can see. In the silence, you wondered if your friends made it out okay, if they completed their plan, if they were missing you, what Ultron would tell them both.
Would they forgive you?
Would they kill you if they saw you?
Would Ultron lie?
Was what you did truly so awful?
If you don't get out of here soon you'll never know, you'll die from an infection first. And you were hungry, starved (quite literally). Would they even feed you? Probably not, right? I mean what's the reason to? You're the enemy, allied with people actively trying to destroy them, if anything they should kill you after interrogating you. That's not the style of The Avengers, though. They'll just let you rot either in prison or in a SHIELD cell, where you'll probably be experimented on like you were at HYDRA.
Thor was gone, Natasha was pretty much out of commission, and Tony had been sent to fix a perfectly working tractor, it was left to Steve to question you. Thankfully, Steve came with lunch though, so it made it less anxiety inducing to see him walking up to jet's ramp to set the plate in the seat beside you.
"I know you must be hungry," Steve speaks, releasing you from your handcuffs so you could eat, "When we're done talking, there's a medkit inside, whether you go inside to get it or it's brought to you, depends on you."
You eyed him suspiciously, quietly, wary of his kindness when you should be held prisoner right now. What angle was he working? Was this something that was going to be held over your head later? That's what HYDRA would do. Then they would kill you. Or they would kill your family in front of you, maybe pluck out an eye, and then kill you. The polite smile he offered didn't help either, and you couldn't help but slowly put the plate into your lap, eyeing it for any suspicious activity before returning your gaze to him.
"Why?" You question, not taking a single bite of food until you know for sure it isn't poisoned, "You're being kind. Nice. Why?"
"You don't want to hurt people. I mean sure, you're with the bad guy," Steve shrugs casually, eyeing you, "but...you don't do what the bad guy does. The only time you engaged in combat was when I had hit that guy, and Clint hit Wanda, you were only on defense because you care about them. You weren't hitting to kill."
"You could've thrown me into a sharp pole, or killed Clint when he was down, but you healed him, helped him. Why?" Steve continues his questioning and you look down, pushing the broccoli around.
"You may not have hurt me, mister Rogers, but my friends are angry with you....so I am angry with you," You had begun, "We shared time together, in Hydra."
"Hydra?" Steve questions, and sympathy is written on his features.
You nod.
"Yes. Wanda and Pietro joined of their own accord, but....I didn't." Your brows knitted together, setting the plate back on the seat it was previously on, "They put....things, in me ran tests on me, experiments, I was their Guinea Pig. A rat in their maze. Then Pietro and Wanda joined, and we just...bonded. We went through everything together."
"So you feel obligated to help them?" Steve questions, but you shake your head.
"No." You begin, lifting your head to gaze at the trees, "I mean yes and no; we're friends, so of course I do, but it isn't my only reason. Do you know how horrifying it must be for two kids to sit mere feet from a bomb? Children. Children never deserve to experience that kind of horror, and Stark funded the military's selling of weaponry on the black market for so long, whether he knew it or not is a different story."
"Then what's the other reason?" Steve asks, and you're silent for a moment.
"It's....complicated." You tried to reason when faced with the idea of unpacking everything.
"I was alive during the second World War, and I don't look a day over 30," He spoke, trying to lighten the mood a little before looking at you a bit more sincerely, "I promise, no matter how complicated it is, I've got you."
"Well...Truth be told, for the longest time I didn't have memories before being in Hydra," You confessed, turning your gaze back to the trees, "I couldn't remember who I was, where I came from...who I came from, nothing. All I could remember was Hydra, and all the pain they've caused. I still don't know how long I was kept there, you could tell me I was in there for a thousand years and I'd believe you." You offer a soft chuckle, looking back down at your hands.
"I'm sorry," Steve says sincerely, voice stern, brows knitted together, "You didn't deserve that, I'm sure your family will be happy to know you're okay."
"That's the thing, mister Rogers," You paused for a moment, tears stinging your eyes as a sudden wave of emotions flooded you at the memories you'd been trying hard to forget again this whole time.
It's a bit ironic; you'd been wishing for years for even just a small fragment of a memory from your past, anything before your time in HYDRA. Anything, even just something as simple as a playground in summer, a sandwich made from your mom, anything. You would've killed for it. And now? Now you'd do anything forget them. When you wished for your memories back, you didn't think they'd come with so much pain, so much sorrow.
You were thinking you'd get happy memories; ones of getting an ice cream with your mother on a hot day, or a high school graduation, your mom taking you dress shopping for prom, attending a holiday dinner with family...Instead, what you got were memories of why you were taken in the first place; your mother spending most of your childhood trying to keep you in hiding, and the memory of hearing her screams as you were dragged off into a van before a gunshot was heard.
"Wanda--the witch, when her and Pietro had managed to secure my escape, she..." You took in a deep, shaky breath, "She has many powers, and she's not evil, she's not bad, she's so sweet," You nodded, mostly to yourself, as you looked back up at him, "She helped me remember, gave me my memories back with a single touch, and then shared with me the memories she had when trying to dig up information on my past for me."
"That was...awful nice of her, I'm glad you could get them back." Steve said quietly, hanging onto your every word.
"It was, it is," You nodded again, blinking back tears, "Can you imagine how much it hurts, to wait so long to remember your family, wait with the hope that if you ever escape you can see them again, just to find out they're dead?"
Steve was silent, but his gaze flickered down to his lap for a moment, taking in a breath, before looking back up at you, "I'm sorry, really, I wish it were different for you."
"Me too," Your tears fell freely now, "My mother spend my entire childhood trying to hide me from the men of Hydra, worked herself to death to move us so often, to keep me fed and clothed, and you know who my father was? The person who could've stopped it all?"
Steve was silent for a moment, trying to do the math himself, "Who?"
"None other than billionaire, playboy, philanthropist himself, Tony Stark." You finally confessed.
"You mean-"
"Yes. I mean." You took in another breath, "She tried to talk to him in person, and you know what he did? He had his security throw her out. She tried calling, sending letters, even emails, and guess what the genius of our time tells her?"
Silence fills the air as Steve simmers in shock, trying to take in everything, trying to reason his way through things like he always did to come to his own conclusion. He didn't think you were lying, he's too kind-hearted for that, and your tears of pure agony told him you were truthful. What he was trying to do was figure out if Tony really would do all that, or if maybe it was just a series of misunderstandings.
Steve has a habit of trying to see the best in people who aren't actively trying to destroy the world, and Tony was no different, even despite their differences. He knew HYDRA was serious business, and by extension he knew how difficult it must've been for your mother to keep you hidden from them for so long, and how incredibly strong and intelligent she must've been for doing so.
His brows furrow together as he thinks. No matter what the case is, misunderstandings or not, that's a horrible thing for a kid to live through and an equally horrible thing to be told. He couldn't imagine how it must've felt to be a single mother, trying desperately to keep her child safe from those maniacs, just to be thrown out by the same man who helped bring that child into the world in the first place.
"What does he tell her?" Steve asks, and he almost doesn't want to hear the answer.
"He comes to the apartment we were staying in and tells her that she's crazy and needs serious help. He tells her to stop contacting him, hits her with a restraining order, and then he takes one look at me and then look my mother dead in the eyes and tells her that there's no way a kid like me could've come from him. Says 'that thing isn't my problem', and that if she calls contacts him again he'll have her thrown in prison."
Steve is silent.
"My mother died trying to protect me, to save me from the horrors of that place. She never contacted him again. Stark never bothered to take a DNA test either. So my family is dead, and yes, I have my own motivations for wanting to see the his fall."
"That...That wasn't right, I'm sorry, for everything." Steve says, and steals a glance outside before returning his gaze to you, "Look, you're free to leave the jet, okay? Med-Kit is on the dining table, and Tony's out working on a tractor or something right now so you should be able to dodge him for now. I'll make sure the team knows you're good, okay?"
"Thank you." You speak quietly, returning the smile he gives you before leaving the jet himself.
Leaving you questioning many things, but most of all, what will you do now?
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minminyoonjii · 2 months
#2 Collision
[Stray Heart Untold Series]
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It was supposed to be a boring B-class case. Until you realized something was wrong when Lupis joined you on the hunt.
Violence|One-sided Fight|Remember The Hint From The Introduction 💗Stray Heart Untold Reports
🍄Wordcount: 1K
“Was my presence even needed?” you asked, glancing at your partner. He sighed, “Mustorius’s word is clear,” he said, straightening his posture. You huffed, twirling your staff, “I understand that but the report listed this as a B-class case. We can’t be the only heroes on standby. It’s even a surprise to see you on the field, mutt,” you said, booping his nose. He scoffed, “Put some respect on my name,” he said, a smile etching to form. 
The both of you held eye contact for a second before giggling. “Oh, of course, your divine,” you said, bowing. His eyes widened, “If the higher-ups saw this their hearts would drop,” he said, forcing you back up. You rolled your eyes, “Come on now, Lupis. You can’t be serious,” you joked, knowing the truth in that statement. “A Seraphim bowing to an interspecies pack. That sentence alone would send them into shock,” he glared, crossing his arms.
You huffed, "You know I'm not one to care for the hierarchy," you grumbled, walking ahead. "I know but you have to understand from my shoes, the heir bore from divinities’ right-hand mingling with the blessed. It's not heard off," he said, trailing behind you. "Understood," you sulked, choosing to focus on the case. "Tennyo, we can have an in-depth conversation after. There’s something you need to know," he said, looking around. 
You raised an eyebrow, "What is it, Min?" you asked, looking down at the report. He noticed that you called him by his nickname but brushed it off, "Listen well, because I'm only going to say this once," he said, taking a deep breath. "This is not a B-class case. It's a cover-up," he continued, showing the actual report. Your eyes widened, "What's the cover-up for?" you asked, reviewing the true report. "Wolf.A is back," he said, showing you a blurry picture. 
"Isn't he banned for another month?" you questioned, squinting your eyes. He sighed, "It's supposed to be but an anonymous tip-off says otherwise," he said, cracking the joints in his neck. You took a step back, "How sure are we that this isn't just a setup?" you asked, keeping the report file. He shrugged, "That's why they sent us out to check," he said, entering the spotted site. A shiver ran down your spine, "Seung, I have a bad feeling about this," you said, staying on guard. 
Seungmin nodded, "It's eerie enough that this place is abandoned," he said, stepping into the building. "Low-class even for a villain," you mumbled, scanning the hallway. "I heard from the D-class spies that the neighbourhood has heard strange music playing, it looks like this used to be a campus," Seungmin said, pushing open a thick wooden door. You coughed at the dust, "Is this an auditorium?" you said, voice scratchy from the cough. 
Seungmin hummed, "Looks like it," he said, heading towards the stage. You squinted in the dark, eyes adjusting to the void, "Is that a piano?" you questioned, walking up the side stairs. "Watch your step, they could've wired the place," Seungmin warned, drawing out his weapons. You nodded, touching the piano when your hand went through it, "It's fake," you said when multiple loud clicks echoed. 
Seungmin's breath hitched, "Don't move, I think you triggered something," he said, stepping back. The stage lights turned on, directing their gaze on you. "Lupis, on my cue, run," you commanded, using your divine voice. Seungmin bit his tongue, "Fuck, I trust you have a plan," he said, clenching his grip around his spear. You smirked, "I do," you said, pinpointing the trigger points within the auditorium. With a deep inhale, "Now," you commanded, teleporting to the top of the stage. 
Seungmin ran on cue as arrows shot from the trigger points. You furrowed your eyebrows, "Are those sticks?" you mumbled, witnessing the arrows glitch into plain wooden sticks. A voice echoed from the speakers, "Quite swift for an angel," it said, distorted. "What was your goal?" you shouted, teleporting back onto the stage. The voice chuckled, "What makes you think I have a goal? Can't we villains have a little fun with our counterparts?" it cooed, turning on all the lights. 
You glared, "Why don't you show yourself?" you said, hitting the base of your staff on the stage. "Aww, and why should I, angel? It's much fun watching you get riled up like this," the voice laughed, its taunting voice echoing within the hall. You groaned, using your powers to break down all the technological equipment in the hall. "We'll meet again!" the voice yelled as the equipment bubbled into its molecular state. "Bastard," you grumbled, leaving the campus frustrated. 
Seungmin perked up when he heard your footsteps, "Was it Wolf.A?" he asked, sniffing for any signs of blood. You shook your head, "Just a fucking taunt, it felt like a sick game," you huffed, leaning against the wall. "Any hint?" Seungmin asked a frown etched on his lips. "None, it was a distorted voice, I couldn't even tell the gender, let alone identity," you said, frustrated with the lack of progress. 
Seungmin patted your head, "It's fine, I'll report this to the organisation. Why don't you take the rest of the day off?" he said, giving you a small smile. Your eyes widened, "Would Hyun allow it?" you asked, body buzzing to get into comfy clothes. Seungmin chuckled, "Called him right after I escaped, and he said we're done for the day as long as the report is submitted by tomorrow," he said, lightly pinching your cheek. "Thank you, Minnie," you whined, leaning in for a hug. 
Seungmin gruffed, reluctantly hugging back, "Enough, now go wash up, you smell worse than a wet dog." he teased. "You bitch," you gasped, pulling away from the hug. Seungmin laughed, brushing off the dust you got on his suit. You glared, "I'm telling Cheon-sa," you threatened, biting back a smile. Seungmin's blood ran cold, "No! Come on, Nyo. Anything but that," he whined, gripping your shoulder.  You smirked, "Imagine, Lupis. A month without his famous brownies," you hummed, patting his cheek before teleporting home. Seungmin's jaw dropped, "Two can play that game," he grumbled, dialling a number. The phone rang, "Is everything alright, Minnie?" the voice asked. Seungmin chuckled, "Nyo is going to sulk to you in a bit but before that, listen to my side," he said as he returned to the organisation.
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➶Taglist: @3rachasninja @angelhyunjinnie
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