hypogryffin · 6 months
Erina and Sophie....
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erina and sophie..... perhaps even sophie and erina....
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wu-does-art · 2 years
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will probably had a very interesting talk with mike later.
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alwaysbewoke · 4 months
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slutneto · 11 months
i have been stewing in the hate crimes md content for almost a month now, why did nobody tell me that house's subconscious (the Amber hallucination) literally told him to tell wilson he loves him. that happened on my screen. i rewatched it 5 times with my volume all the way up bcs it felt like a fever dream. pain and repression show.
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Adorkable Twilight & Friends - “Repression Suppression"
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“Feelings buried alive never die.”
Karol Truman
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mayoiayasep · 2 months
top 5 things i want from the next paralive arc
5. rtl groups interact with more than one other group...
4. baby rokuta and itsuki meeting + more itsuki lore. please
3. kei leaving visty direct aftermath, like if kei was the leader beforehand i want to know how the power ended up shifting to shogo, especially bc touma is older than him
2. more general details on the phantommetal and how they work + mechanics details for trap reactions. like what determines what the phantom illusion looks like and how trap reactions work(?)
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sixpomseeds · 2 months
thinking about wyll finally removing the stone eye after killing mizora and opting for a practical replacement while allowing himself one tiny indulgence: the ersatz eye he commissions has a black sclera and a deep, beautiful brown iris.
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abuzd · 4 months
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meeko-mar · 2 years
I saw a take on a TT that was talking about the new cover; and they said that it's odd that Horikoshi did this(specifically, Izuku cradling Katsuki and looking feral) when "that's not how it happens in the manga," and furthermore says,
"In the manga, Izuku doesn't think about Katsuki for longer than like a minute, doesn't seem bothered by it for too long" or similar so they don't know why this cover should hold the weight that it does, essentially.
Because in their claim, Izuku didn't CARE about Katsuki's death for more than a second.
They have also claimed that they like the relationship of BKDK(not romantically, but otherwise) and I am like HOW can that be your takeaway if you appreciate anything about their relationship ??
We all KNOW Izuku lost his marbles at the SIGHT of Katsuki. We all KNOW that he was raging out of control again, and we all KNOW that Mirio was the only one able to get close to Izuku to tell him that Katsuki would be okay. (And what would have happened if he DIDN'T get through to Izuku??)
We all saw Izuku have to pull himself together and then put himself behind that wall of BW, behind his scarf, behind his Quirk, and FOCUS himself on Shigaraki.
He was VERY MUCH BOTHERED by Katsuki's death. That's not subtext. That's TEXT.
What part of this entire STORY signals that Izuku wasn't bothered??
Like, the theme here is that Izuku supresses ALL of this trauma and possibly other feelings that he views as "gross" or not something he can explore rn. If you don't know what Izuku looks like when he's holding back his real emotions for the sake of the current mission, you're not reading the text. You're not seeing the visuals. There's different interpretations but I don't think this one is really up for debate.
Izuku was EXTREMELY AFFECTED, DEVASTATINGLY AFFECTED by Katsuki's death, and the cover is emblematic of that.
ANYWAY sorry had to vent about that.
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wigglebox · 1 year
Sometimes I remember people actively think Dean represses his feelings about anything and is always angry tho but then I remember people from his surrogate father to his historical hero across the board have told him to basically “man up” and stop crying about shit and stop complaining.
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kellymagovern · 2 months
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"Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways." —Sigmund Freud
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Mom, you said I never learned what you told me
But you're a liar, I can easily say what you taught me
You taught me to be quiet but also loud
Talk when I must, but silence when you're mad
Be assertive but never speak out of line
Otherwise, I'll face your punishment, one so divine
Divine? Apologies, I should probably explain
God is a narcissist who tells you to never complain
He'll tell you you'll burn in hell if you don't worship his name
It's funny, you're not religious yet you do just the same
You taught me I need to be better
But never how to get better
Though you'd probably say otherwise
I'm sorry, fuck, you hate when I apologize
You think when I do that I make myself a victim
I'm sorry, damn it, I'm sorry, I need to remain calm
No matter what I did, I was lacking or too much
I tried, I really tried, mom, begging for forgiveness in the church
You taught me to make friends but never the ones I want
Giving me ones on a silver platter, feeling like me choosing other ones was a taunt
You never appreciated me being the quiet kid
With a few friends that you never approved
But you did like my grades, I was so smart for my age
I know I'm now burnt out, but please forgive this disgrace
I'm aware you like to tell your friends about your daughter
What an ungrateful child she is, but at least she may become a great teacher or mother
Yeah, you never appreciated my dream career
Always saying I'll end up following in your footsteps, all my words falling on deaf ears
You taught me to hate myself
Even though you'd never admit it yourself
Mothers always hate their eldest daughters
And love their obedient sons who aren't just like mirrors, reminding them of their darkest hours
You told my psychologist I look up to you
That that's why I started to break myself so soon
But that's a lie, you should know by now
You made me in your image, though you're scared of that
I even have your hand-me-downs that make me feel like a child
Playing dressup and going outside to show off to the world your pride
You taught me to fear vulnerability
Though now you miss my naivety
You took off my door
You snatched away my phone
You made me take some pills
You threatened me with making some calls
You laughed when I cried
You yelled when I yelled
You weren't there when I smiled
I lost my trust yet I continue to overshare to anyone who would care
Because you were always in the other room, but you were never there
You made my cries feel like a disease
My anger a symptom that I should never release
My numbness a constant, though you didn't like that either
If I never acted like a victim then you were never the problem, so why bother?
You didn't want to be like your father
Congratulations, you still became your parents' daughter
With your fathers' anger but without the violence
And your mothers' neglect but without the whining
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rchetypal · 1 year
"None of us stands outside humanity's black collective shadow."
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Nothing has finally disappeared and nothing has been made good. The evil, the guilt, the profound unease of conscience, the obscure misgiving are there before our eyes, if only we would see. Man has done these things; I am a man, who has his share of human nature; therefore I am guilty with the rest and bear unaltered and indelibly within me the capacity and the inclination to do them again at any time. Even if, juristically speaking, we were not accessories to the crime, we are always, thanks to our human nature, potential criminals. In reality we merely lacked a suitable opportunity to be drawn into the infernal melee. None of us stands outside humanity’s black collective shadow. Whether the crime lies many generations back or happens today, it remains the symptom of a disposition that is always and everywhere present – and one would therefore do well to possess some “imagination in evil,” for only the fool can permanently neglect the conditions of his own nature. In fact, this negligence is the best means of making him an instrument of evil. Harmlessness and naïveté are as little helpful as it would be for a cholera patient and those in his vicinity to remain unconscious of the contagiousness of the disease. On the contrary, they lead to projection of the unrecognized evil into the “other.”
— Carl Jung, The Undiscovered Self
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How do you turn off feelings?
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