#symbiote shattered dream
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First day of Sans x You week Fallen king. I spent more time on this than expected but I like it! I use Raven from the Symbiote AU by @mothiepixie I hope you like it!
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meganwayne24 · 7 months
A Ticking Clock (pt. 1)
Did time ever stop for you?
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Fandom: Insomniac Spider-Man
Word Count: 1517
Pairing: PS5 Harry Osborn x Reader
Trigger Warning: Death, light swearing, anger
All you could hear, so vividly, was ticking. A clock’s arms moving slower and slower, time running out. Covering it was static. The shock of the explosion made your ears ring. Your head was spinning. Reality felt like a dream you were about to wake from. Like everything in your life was leading up to this moment.
Your eyes fluttered open trying to take in your surroundings. The zoo you were in was destroyed. Everything was on fire and damaged and there was no sight of comfort. Bodies of hunters scattered the warm ground with their blood pooling in each man-made pothole. You looked up seeing the shattered glass ceiling realizing a few of the cuts along your body were inflicted by the shards. Still staring up you see Harry fighting Kraven with the symbiote. They were angry, furious punches. You looked to your right to see MJ desperately trying to hold Peter up, the broken blade of Kraven’s sword sticking out of his side.
You went to get up when you realized you were stuck. Your tunnel vision state prevented you from seeing the metal pole that was lying across your chest. It was almost the size of a boulder, but felt like you were crushed under the statue that nearly took out MJ and Peter. You were short of breath, it was likely the impact collapsed one of your lungs.
Peter’s strength gave out, a fair distance from you. You were sure they couldn’t see you. MJ tried to hold him up but he couldn’t walk anymore. You could see her uttering words to Peter but all you could hear again was that ticking. Slower and slower.
It wasn’t looking good for Peter, but you knew things were far worse than you originally suspected when the first word you heard was a violent, desperate, horrified scream.
“HARRY!” It was MJ. Peter was on his back, his breathing visibly shallow. You watched his chest rising up and down, slower…and slower. Harry hit Kraven one last time that seemed to keep him down for a while. He jumped down from the glass and landed a meter away. He sprinted to Peter’s side, his knees hitting the ground hard. The only time you can remember him dropping like that was when he got the news about his mom.
Your hearing started to tune back in briefly as you heard Harry “Hey, hey buddy this is nothing. Remember in 5th grade when-” Pete’s mask was off. His head went limp first, then quickly down his limbs in the matter of milliseconds his body was finally at rest.
“Pete…” MJ couldn’t process what was happening.
“NOOO!” Harry was distraught. He couldn’t stand a loss like this. Not again. They sat there for a minute until Harry looked up at MJ. “Where’s Y/N?” He had been so caught up in losing his best friend. He had to push it aside for now. He stares at MJ intensely, waiting for her to answer. She always had a lead. But when he looked at her, she had nothing but a scared look on her face. “Where is she?! I won’t lose another person. I CAN’T.”
You try to reach your arm out. Something to draw his attention to your direction. You try to say something, but you’re still short of breath and realize yelling isn’t something you can do now. Your cuts have been releasing blood by the minute. You were dying. You started losing feeling in your arm. You couldn’t tell if it was from exhaustion, or the lack of blood flow. Your eyes started to close slightly, the ticking creeping up again. Could you even call it that now though? Now it was just an occasional thump. That’s what it’s been. Your heart begging, pleading with the rest of your body to have something to pump through. But there was almost nothing now. So little in your body and yet so much to lose.
MJ had been your best friend for as long as you could remember. She was just always there. Any event in your life you could think of, there she was, the two of you cheering each other on. And Harry…Harry was everything. Day, night. It was him. A part of you always knew that but you just never could bring yourself to tell him, because what if he didn’t feel the same and you lost him forever. It felt stupid now. You were dying and all you could think of was how you wished you had the chance to tell him. And now it was too late.
“-Y/N. Oh my god Y/N!” You felt so weak but you managed to open your eyes a slight crack. Harry used the symbiote’s strength to lift the pole off of you. You felt a surge of pure pain and let out a brutal, soul-crushing cry. Tears streaming down your face.
Harry got down next to you, his eyes wide with fear. He was afraid of making things worse so he held your hand. His face a mere centimeters away. “I’m sorry. It’s okay, you’re gonna be okay. Please.”
“Harry…” You struggled to breathe let alone speak. “I need…I need to tell you…” Your other hand reached to his face.
“No. You’re going to be okay, you hear me? You don’t die today.” You felt tears on his cheek.
“Harry…please.” You started to gasp for air between words.
“Y/N breathe with me okay?” He starts taking deep breaths in and out. You try to follow but it’s becoming increasingly harder, taking more and more of your energy each time.
“Harry listen please.” He saw something in your eyes. Something he didn’t know he’d been dreading. Desperation. Not for someone, but for time. He stopped speaking and looked at you. “I love you.” You gasped for air. “I always did.” You needed to make it quick. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.” Between each word almost it felt like you weren’t getting air in at all. It didn’t matter to you at that moment though. You watched Harry, suddenly noticing every speck and crease your eyes glossed over before. Before he could respond, your eyes closed. That ticking clock finally stopped. No more noise.
“No. No no no no. Y/N please open your eyes.” Harry was now holding you close to him trying to wake you up. “Please this can’t be it.” His mind started swirling with all the unspoken words that had been in his head for years. Every stolen glance he had ever taken. Every little thing you did when you were excited or scared that he noticed. “I love you. I love you I love you I’m sorry.” He pressed his forehead to yours. His original crying had now become audible sobs. They progressively turned into angry screams.
“Harry you found-” MJ came running over until the image was burned into her brain of what took place. You died in his arms. Peter and you, now gone. Harry gently put you down. He walked onto the path between you and his once lively best friend.
“Heal the world. What’s the point when they’re not here? Heal everyone else’s world but not my own. Our own.” He paused, everything hitting him in that moment. “This isn’t FAIR!” Swiftly following that yell was the black tentacles escaping from him. They projected outwards as Harry screamed with rage. MJ watched in horror as the tentacles started to move their way around you and Peter. Both of your corpses were both being held in the air. The symbiote encapsulated you both, simultaneously placing you on the ground.
That ticking was back. At a much quicker pace than what you had gotten used to. You shot up, eyes wide open. You hadn’t had this much energy for as long as you could remember. Gasping for air, you observed your surroundings. Pete was looking around as confused as you were. He was covered in what looked like Harry’s suit. Pete looked between you and Harry and before you knew it the black tentacles had you pinned against a tree.
“Y/N?” Peter revealed his face from the suit. “Why are you in Harry’s suit?”
“What are you talking about?” You finally look down and see you are enveloped by the symbiote. “Wait no…this isn’t right. MJ? Harry?”
“You died. Both of you. The symbiote just sort of split from Harry and into the two of you.” MJ, now with a clear mind, had the answer.
“Wait so Harry does that mean..?” You were heartbroken. You knew what him not having the symbiote meant. No cure meant the disease was no longer in remission.
“Yeah, it does.” He didn’t seem too upset. He kept looking at you, like he was more concerned for you than him.
“Okay so how do we-” Before Pete could finish, more hunters started showing up. It was time to go. That ticking thumped normally now, officially drowned out by the adrenaline pumping in your ears from having to run to safety.
A/N: hope you guys enjoyed! i can’t lie I wanna make a part 2 like it feels part 1-ish if you get what I mean. maybe a story idkkkk we’ll see! I should also mention this is one of the first fanfics I've written so if it's rough I apologize lol she's a work in progress!
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strayheartless · 9 months
I have an AU in my head where Gaia gets sick of the Sephiroth’s shit and ends up tuning him back into a baby and shipping him off to Cloud to raise differently.
Like she full of grandma Pascal’s him like “He said mommy I want to destroy every living creature on the planet, but I said m’hijo, don’t do that do something else!”
And Cloud has only a little concept of what’s happening when he helps Tseng excavate an old project S lab. He had a dream about a Moses basket in the middle of a burning Nibelhiem and the sound of crying. He just thought It was new parent anxiety over taking on Denzel, but it all suddenly makes sense when he looks into an incubation chamber and sees a tiny silver haired baby squirming to be held.
He’s annoyed about it obviously. Gaia seems to be under the impression she says jump and Cloud asks how high, but he’s also smart enough to know that this is a chance to save the General and the planet from an endless war. So he scoops up babyroth and takes him back to edge to raise him.
It’s tough going at first. Sephiroth’s is not an easy baby. He’s fussy; his cries can and will shatter glass; he’s stronger than he should be for what Cloud would wager is only about four months old. He starts teething early; he has opinions about carrots and bananas (much to the walls dismay) once he gets onto solid foods; he’s demanding in that way that only baby’s can be, but it seems a little bit more than that.
It takes everyone a while to figure out that what he actually is, is traumatised. He’s clingy in a way that shatters Clouds soul because if they put him down he panics. If he can’t see Cloud, even for a second, Sephiroth seems to think he’s been abandoned.
Eventually though, Seph settles a little, and it doesn’t feel so much like Cloud is running on two hours sleep accumulatively and sheer will power alone. Seph seems to smile a little more and there’s a little look of wonder in his little mako blue eyes that makes everybody melt.
Tifa finds it the hardest to reconcile this tiny child with the man who murdered her father, and it does put significant strain on her relationship with Cloud for a while (that’s not a judgment on Tifa btw, girls aloud to feel conflicted.)
Barrat on the other hand is of the opinion that the Goddess knows what she’s doing and a baby is a baby even if it did commit atrocities in a past life. It’s not current Sephs fault that his human parents experimented on him and a Alien symbiotic parasite god sent him mad. Current Seph just wants grapes and Barrats enough of a sucker for Rosie cheeks to give them to him.
Vincent is very careful with Seph (who they’ve all collectively decided never to full name unless he’s in trouble.). When he’s home from travelling he speaks to him quietly about everything and nothing. He doesn’t really touch him to start with, which frustrates little Seph who seems to think the cloak will add extra comfy cuddles. Over time though, Cloud,Barret and surprisingly Cid (who appears to randomly know a thing or two about babies.) help him get over his fear of hurting the little boy. Seph really enjoys cuddle time with Vincent, and learns to demand to be “upped” whenever he comes home.
Cloud, for his part is just dad, which he finds endlessly strange. He’d never really taken on that role for Denzel, he was the boys guardian sure, but they’d never really discussed the whole “if you want to call me Cloud that’s cool, but if you want me to be your dad I can be that too” thing. Marlene wasn’t his; Barrat was her dad and Cloud was Cloud. A parent of sorts, but not her Father. He was more like a devoted uncle really.
With Seph though it’s different. Cloud is this baby’s entire universe, and once language starts coming into play, various versions of “dada” become increasingly common. He’s not sure how he feels about it at first; this is the man who slaughtered his mother and decimated his villiage, the man who killed Aerith… but he was also just a baby.
This version of Sephiroth didn’t know what he’d done. Gaia had given him a chance at redemption and Cloud will be damned if he holds the acts of a mad man against a kid; no matter the circumstance.
So he’s dad. He feeds Seph, plays with him, baths him, puts him to bed, reads to him and teaches him everything he can. He doesn’t lie to him, and he always explains when Seph doesn’t understand.
And if Tifa slowly adjusts to being Mama then that’s nobodies business but their own.
Life’s nice being a family. Maybe they’ll add to it one day…
Or maybe Cloud will trip over a double Moses basket one day on the way out of the door to work, and when he looks down he sees two little crowns of hair one dark one red, and similar sets of shiny Mako eyes.
Maybe the little red headed one will cough weakly, and the dark haired one will fuss.
And maybe Cloud will curse himself for being a sucker for babies that used to be evil maniacs.
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goldennightengale · 2 years
HELLO!!! I saw your post about the symbiote! reader and wanted to make a request!
Requested!character dates a pokemon trainer!s/o who owns a variety of pokemon *you can pick the pokémon* but their Pikachu is always out of his pokeball and following them wherever they are? Like?? Imagine the bickering between Grim and Pikachu?!
Pikachu: Pika pi....PIKA!!!! *cheeks literally begin to spark*
Grim: Shut yer yappin! I, the great Grim, only stole your food because yer was too slow!
Can you do this request with the dorm leaders? If not, you can do it with three characters of your choosing! Thank you so much!
Warnings: slight mention of eating live Pokémon (Appletun), existential crisis (Ruggie)
Gender Neutral MC
Pikachu, I choose you!
You were so close to completing your final challenge. Standing in front of the final Pokémon Gym, you were prepared to risk it all for your dream of becoming a master trainer. Your Pikachu, a sweet little thing you named Poppy after her love for poppy seeds, nuzzled into your cheek.
She was there with you every step of the way. From the day you chose your starter Pokemon, Poppy had been growing alongside you in both strength and determination. She shared your pain and joy, your tears and frustrations, and listened to your stories of your family every night. She was practically a part of your family by now.
So now you stood together at the final hurdle. You steeled your breath and slowly turned the handle to the battle room, slowly pushing through before the ground beneath you shattered. You screamed and clung to your Pikachu, falling through the void into an adventure you’d never imagined for yourself…
Trey Clover
When I tell you Poppy adores this man 
Literally was attached at the hip the second she met him because he made her blueberry poppyseed muffins
Was he trying to use her as an excuse to see you more often?
Don’t worry, he made sweets for you too!
He really likes your Alcremie and Appletun, though he does find it funny you had sweet themed Pokémon in your world
Yes, he is slightly mortified by the fact that children will just walk up to Appletun and start eating it and it would let them do it
Does not understand when you say he looks like a Shaymin
Rook Hunt
Poppy unintentionally started a never-ending game of hide-and-seek with him and even now you don’t understand what is happening
She can find Rook no matter where he hides and he loves it
It’s like when a cat stares into a corner at something you can’t see
They have fun and you don’t really mind (though you do get spooked occasionally)
Gets along best with your Decidueye and Froakie, though your Eevees feel a bit nervous when he’s around too long 
He mentioned their tail fur being quite the rewarding trophy and now they kinda fear him
Ruggie Bucchi
Poppy and Ruggie are now partners in crime
She loves when he gives her a portion of his spoils and he is grateful for Poppy’s small size
Great for getting into those hard-to-reach snack dens certain Savanaclaw students make around the campus
Poor you having to clean up their mess and apologize for your little thieves
He adores your Mightyena and Zoroark and definitely gets them involved in the shenanigans 
Has a slight crisis over you owning a whole ass HYENA POKEMON
Howdy, hey! Sorry for this being such a short post. I have been a bit drained from writing so many things and the fact that I haven't been too involved in Pokemon gave me quite a struggle while writing this request. I hope you enjoyed it regardless of the length, and maybe I shall rewrite this to better suit your request.
I hope my work fulfilled your fantasy! - GN
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moonshere · 10 months
A Ghost's death
Kinda referencing this and this
Since most ghosts are already dead people, they cannot die again. Even a shattered core still holds the pained consciousness of its ghost. Despite that, there are still many different ways of 'dying' in the infinite realms.
One of those ways is through the Ancient master of Dreams, Nocturn. People have always called sleep the cousin of death. So ghosts who no longer want to exist in their unliving lives seek out nocturn to become one of his sleep-walkers.
This puts them in an endless dream, while giving Nocturn their power. This symbiotic relationship is why Nocturn is an ancient.
Another sort of death is something of a rebirth. Ghosts are creatures of pure emotion, and the ghost in question would have to experience an extreme emotional pain that cracks the surface of their own core.
The cracks would spread, until the outer shell of their core shatters and returns into an unformed state.
The old ghost would be dead. Their memories, connections and bonds all gone. And while traces of them would still remain, a new ghost would be reborn. This is one of the ways realm-born ghosts form.
They can then grow into a different power set and latch onto different aspects of their previous Obsession, sometimes even developing a brand new one.
For Danny, his human half would negate his memory loss, but it works the same. Should he not be careful with his core, with his emotions, asking for help. He might hurt his core beyond repair, and all that would be left is for him to be reborn again.
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GOD I am so hyped for the Spider-Man 2 Trailer, even if I'm not gonna be able to play it until it releases on PC.
The Gameplay looks amazing, I can't wait to see how the new gliding mechanic works, let alone the new combat abilities.
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I LOVE how much more savage Peter's moveset is while he's wearing the symbiote, some more of his frustration and anger bleeding into his moves.
As for Miles...
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MY MAN HAS LEARNED HOW TO DO THE KAMEHAMEHA. I also love the new blue energy look he's got going on. I wonder if that's a side effect of the NuForm reactor or his abilities maturing.
Gameplay aside, I really want to talk about the little chunk of the story we're given, I'm not gonna talk about the whole thing, but there is some interesting stuff that flies by pretty quick.
First off, we get a look at the Targets Kraven has chosen to potentially hunt:
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In order we see Black Cat, The Prowler, Wraith (Yuri Watanabe), Tombstone, Peter Parker Spider-Man, Miles Morales Spider-Man, The Lizard, Tombstone, and finally a last character that we don't get to fully see.
Now this character could be anyone, but I do have a few theories. It is NOT Norman Osborn. Norman's definitely going to show up as the Green Goblin, either in act 2 or 3 of this game, or as the main antagonist of the 3rd game. But he's not on the radar. So whoever it is, it's not him.
One possibility I think is more likely is that this target might be Otto Octavius, either as Doctor Octopus or the Master Planner. In the time between the last game and this one, he may have escape and is formulating a plan to once again terrorize Norman Osborn.
It could also be Mister Negative, after all we never saw him get sent to prison, just batted away by Doc Ock after his fight with Spider-Man. I could be wrong though.
Now, only in my most wildest hopes and dreams could this happen. But I hope it might be someone we haven't seen before; Deadpool. He could be a source of challenges akin to Taskmaster or Screwball, or the minor antagonist of the story, which Shattered Dimensions did very well.
Moving on from that detour I really want to talk about the Black Suit. Hell, we're all gonna be talking about the Symbiote after this.
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The black suit looks. so. damn. good.
I didn't know how to feel about it at first, but the more I got used to the look the more it works for me. It feels so alien and wrong. It's shines too much, and just looks wet. Like, all of the time. Aside from that, the way it has a thicker, more armored looking outside protecting and intricate, nerve-like looking inside feels perfect for this interpretation.
I think we can assume that at this point in the story, Peter has had the Symbiote for a while, and it's getting more and more of a hold on him. His anger bleeds out during the fight at (what I'm assuming is) Curt Connor's house, beating the ever loving spaghetti out of Kraven's Goons.
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He acts more reckless too, single mindedly going after the attack chopper, which definitely would have ended poorly his Miles hadn't been there to pull him out of harm's way. Hell, I don't think he's even considering what could happen to everyone around that fight should things get messy.
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I can't post too many more images, but I didn't see him swooping in to save anyone in this sequence, just going after the attack chopper. again. In fact, looking back at the video, he doesn't even seem to try to stop that sign from falling, more concerned with taking down the chopper with Miles, even then only giving "Fine" as a response to Miles.
But this is where it really hit for me.
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These two scenes, the one where Peter almost goes after the Lizard, instead of helping the people back on the pier. And the scene where he says, "So do I." in response to Miles comment about the Lizards bigass chompers. Just look at those eyes man, even now Venom is taking form.
To me it feels like the Symbiote is lowing Peter's inhibitions, and raising his levels of frustration, of anger. Letting the venom out. Except it's not just aimed at Peter's enemies, but also his friends and family as well.
I don't think Peter's going to be doing too well at the start of the game, I mean, yeah he's got Mary Jane and Miles, but he's also lost Aunt May, been betrayed by Yuri, and is on the verge of losing Harry, whose only hope is Curt Connors, the very same man he just let escape.
The Symbiote is feeding on not only his anger, but his fears. I think that in this version of the story, it's going to take a little more than church bells and sheer will to pry it off of him. But that's just speculation. Either way, whatever path this game wants to take with the symbiote is going to be one hell of a trip, no doubt.
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A Black Philadelphia Reader: An exerpt
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The common date given for the settlement of Philadelphia is 1682, when William Penn established a Quaker colony, providing it with a name that means “one who loves his brother.” Penn intended an idyllic “greene country towne,” one that was well ordered, with large open spaces within its twelve hundred acres. It “was the first major American town to be planned.” Penn envisioned his “towne” as a place of freedom, particularly in terms of religion. As with a certain amount of history, much of this is myth. The land, of course, had been settled by the Lenape Indians long before the Europeans arrived. Additionally, Penn’s “greene country towne” soon became a highly congested city, plagued by disease, crime, and fires. Its vaunted freedom was largely limited to White Protestants, and its “brotherly love” certainly did not extend to most immigrants, to non-Christians, or, in particular, to its Black residents.
Blacks have been at the center of Philadelphia’s history since before it was even known by that name. More than two thousand Blacks lived in the area once called New Sweden between 1638 and 1655. The fledgling colony encompassed parts of western Delaware and parts of Pennsylvania that now include Philadelphia. One of the most famous of these settlers was Antoni Swart (Black Anthony), a West Indian who arrived in the colony in 1639 aboard a Swedish vessel. Though initially enslaved, records indicate he eventually became free and was employed by Governor Johan Printz.
The history of Black Philadelphians has been one fraught with both great promise and shattered dreams from its beginnings until today. Philadelphia was, as historian Gary Nash observes, “created in an atmosphere of growing Negrophobia”; still, despite ongoing racial prejudice, “it continues to this day to be one of the vital urban locations of black Americans.” It is this paradoxical condition that is the most characteristic dynamic of the city’s relationship with its Black citizens. One facet of this relationship has been constant: whether African Americans have thrived here or suffered egregious oppression, they have never remained silent, never letting anyone else define their situation for them. They have always voiced their own opinions about their condition in their city through fiction, poetry, plays, essays, diaries, letters, or memoirs. The city has been blessed with a number of significant authors, ranging, among others, from Richard Allen to W. E. B. Du Bois to Jessie Fauset to Sonia Sanchez to John Edgar Wideman to Lorene Cary. In addition, there have been numerous lesser known but also forceful figures as well, including the enslaved people Alice and Cato, who were only known by those names. Whether they were native sons and daughters or spent significant time in the city or were there only long enough to experience the city in an impactful moment, Philadelphia has touched them all deeply. This anthology is a documentation of and a tribute to their collective voice. The focus here is not just on writers with a Philadelphia connection but on the authors’ views on the city itself. The hope is to provide a wide variety of Black perspectives on the city.
There is something special about what leading African American intellectual W. E. B. Du Bois once labeled “the Philadelphia Negro.” One reason for this uniqueness is the city’s relationship to its Black inhabitants, in part caused by their intertwined, virtually symbiotic, history. No other major Northern city in the country has had such a long connection with African Americans, one forged in the seventeenth century, and Blacks have never stopped coming. They first settled largely in what are now called the Old City and Center City, where some Blacks still live. They have since scattered throughout the city, sometimes by choice but often by necessity and force, today mostly residing in Northern and Western Philadelphia. Migration patterns have changed over the years, as in other cities, but the Black population in the city has rarely declined and has often increased in number. Philadelphia was, as of 2020, the sixth-largest metropolis in the nation, and Blacks make up more than 40 percent of the population there, more than the percentage of any of the other top ten cities in the country.
Philadelphia has a vibrant and culturally rich history, offering enormous promise to its inhabitants since its beginnings. It was founded with the premise of religious freedom and steeped in the radical independence movement that created this country. The city was settled by Quakers, perhaps the religious group that, in popular opinion if not always in fact, has most vociferously been associated with opposition to slavery. The “peculiar institution” was, in fact, almost nonexistent there by the early years of the nineteenth century. Philadelphia was the center of the Underground Railroad, with such legendary conductors as William Still. As the closest major city situated above the Mason-Dixon line, symbolically separating the North from the South, many fugitives from enslavement passed through Philadelphia. Some moved on, but a large number stayed, as the city seemed like the promised land for many African Americans. This is the powerful narrative of the city’s history that still holds true for numerous people today when they think of Philadelphia.
There is also something unique about the Black experience in this city. Blacks have had a nominal freedom throughout most of their existence in Philadelphia, yet when we look under the surface, Philadelphia’s treatment of African Americans has hardly been benign. The city has held out promises, but unfortunately many of these promises were not kept. Philadelphia may be situated in the North, but as Sonia Sanchez so eloquently writes in her poem “elegy (For MOVE and Philadelphia),” in many ways “philadelphia / [is] a disguised southern city.” There were Quakers, many of whom were abolitionists and worked for the Underground Railroad, but there were many others of the faith who were slaveholders, including the colony’s founder, William Penn. And even if the city was replete with abolitionists, it did not ensure that they viewed African Americans as equals. Blacks were, in fact, disfranchised from the vote in 1838, never to regain it until the ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment in 1870. Although the city was the center of the antislavery movement, not all of its White residents opposed slavery, and even if they did, the Fugitive Slave Acts of 1793 and 1850 hampered efforts to keep Blacks out of bondage. Before and after the Civil War, as demonstrated throughout this text, the city experienced a series of violent racial conflicts and has continue to practice an ugly pattern of segregation in housing, transportation, education, and employment, severely limiting the prospects of improvement for its Black citizens. There is a long history of racial injustice practiced by Philadelphia’s police as well as Black residents being ignored, at best, by the city government.
A Black Philadelphia Reader: African American Writings About the City of Brotherly Love is available for pre-order from Penn State University Press. Learn more and order the book here: https://www.psupress.org/books/titles/978-0-271-09731-2.html. Take 30% off with discount code NR24.
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catoblepon · 1 year
Hi, I'm Catoblepon!
I have a lot of hobbies and I keep finding myself unable to stick with only one, so expect me to talk, ramble, or follow stuff related to spreadsheets, CSS, digital art, videogames & TTRPGs, worldbuilding, web development, etc.
I've been on Tumblr before, but I've barely done more than follow a couple posts, doom scroll, and then leave again. This time I have friends backing me up and I hope my stay is more permanent than temporal. I just hope I don't forget about this again. I also have no idea what I'm doing but I saw there's an HTML editor and I'm a happy web nerd.
I love languages, both natural speaking (like English, Spanish, etc) and artificial (such as C++, Java, Python, etc). I have two beautiful dogs whom I love with my life. I'm not good at intros and I dunno what to add.
Worldbuilding as of right now is the "main" hobby I'm focused on (other than playing video games but I don't do much other than playing them xD). Most of the art, CSS, and spreadsheets (and perhaps other stuff) are related to my worldbuilding worlds. So far, I have four (working on starting a fifth) settings.
What do I enjoy reading in worldbuilding?
Lava related worldbuilding
Wild Magic
Magic and technology!
Species (especially animals)
Settlements (tell me all the weird details!)
Daeliha is a dark world filled with magic and your typical fantasy species but with twists, such as Elves having a symbiotic relationship with bacteria. Its people are constantly quarrelling, with anger and fear brewing for centuries. Now, however, people are rediscovering forbidden knowledge that had been hidden away in dusty temples, threatening to release old powerful magic upon the world.
Fifty years ago, magic appeared in the world, and with it, new places, flora, fauna and worse, people. As those newcomers start to claim lands for themselves, the people indigenous to Iphars have to fight to adapt and keep what is theirs.
Humanity always dreamed of interacting with aliens. When no aliens arrived on Earth, humans decided to take matters into their own hands and travel themselves to new planets. There, they become aliens to meet other people, the technologically advanced society invading other worlds. But humans did not confine themselves to physical worlds; they also discovered access to a dimension of dreams. Of course, they immediately started to transform and adapt it for their own needs and entertainment. Thus, Altrea dimension was born. Will they manage to mess it up?
Shattered is a place of brokenness, as its name says. It is composed of many islands and giant animals floating in space and surrounding a single star-like object, which has three states: light, dark, and rain. On these islands, one finds life, civilized and not-so-civilized societies; outside of them, one finds death and corpses of unknown creatures floating in a never-ending state of decay.
I enjoy games! Videogames, tabletop games, all the games! I mainly play solo games or games I can play with my friends (with them, of course!).
Favourite videogames
Pokemon (the last good for me was the fourth-gen)
Legend of Zelda
Favourite TTRPG
D&D 5e
Fragged Empire
Solo journaling ttrpg (Even made one!)
I love trying new games!
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Small drawing of shattered Dream and Raven symbiote. I also did a little write up for Lore to this pair.
I'm still a lil'new to this world of AUs but I hope you all like it!
An AU where humans had sealed away Monsters but also became fearful of those with mage lineage. Rare as it was. 1000 years later, Raven, a woman in her early 30s, lived with her young daughter in a secluded forest away from most towns. 
One night, Raven woke to the smell of smoke and the sounds of her daughter's frightened screams. They had been found by one of the villages nearby and despite using her shields and plant magic, Raven was unable to fight them all off and she fled, both her and her daughter injured. 
Meanwhile, Dream in his shattered state had fled from battle injured and in desperate need for a host to gain his strength. He chose to hide in this insignificant universe but sensed a soul, green he believed, filled to the brim with anger, hatred, and guilt. He followed it to a woman, injured but able, as she sobbed and clung to the body of a young child. He couldn't tell whether or not the younger was alive or dead, but it was too good an opportunity to pass. As he slid his way over, the familiar sounds of a angered and frenzied mob grew closer. 
"My goodness, miss, you look exhausted." He said in a low, weak voice. 
"Wh-..." Raven looked around before eyes fell upon the small symbiotic creature. "What do you want?" Her voice was shaky. 
"I can help." He stated but gained a scoff. 
"Can you bring people back from the dead?"
"No," he began. 
"Then what's the point? My daughter's already gone." She answered lowly. "I…"She trailed off. Eyes tired and unfocused as she looks down but at nothing in particular 
"All the more reason for us to work together, they don't deserve to get off scot-free for this...I should know..I've been you…" He shouldn't dally, but having her willingly give in compared to fighting him would be much easier. 
"I think I see the witch!" A call came from the distant treeline. He could feel, absorb, and taste the surge of fear, anger, and hatred, emit from this doe eyed woman as she clung to the small body in her arms. 
"They each should suffer for this. Revenge for every, pained breath that little one has gone through…" he growled out. He was almost convinced himself he was actually trying to help her and not just recover. 
Her breath hitched as she slowly looked up to flashlights that tunneled down upon her. 
"Clocks ticking…all you have to do is accept my help…" he growled. Surprised as she stood slowly, the emotions underneath were reflected in those brilliant green eyes. 
Raven clung her daughter to herself, shaking as the tears rolled down her cheeks and her lip curled in a snarl. 
"I…" she choked out from behind a sob, but cleared her throat and firmly stood her ground as shouts grew louder and louder from the forest. 
"I accept" 
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noveratus · 1 year
Let me tell you guys about the dream I had tonight. It has been months since I watched Interview with the vampire, but apparently the gay vampires have infected my brain.
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So, in my dream, there was this village where vampires lived hidden among humans, and they had this symbiotic relationship. Humans donated their blood to the vampires and didn't say anything to the outside world, and, in exchange, the vampires kept them safe from other animals, helped them hunt and just overall assisted the humans using their superhuman abilities.
Then Lestat arrived in the village. As you can imagine, the village didn't take kindly to strangers. Now, I know that normally vampires can tell when other vampires are around, but for some reason, Lestat had actual magic in my dream that he claimed to have learned from a witch, and using this magic he managed to pass as human despite the amount of vampires there. He also had this little doll that acted as his servant for some reason.
Now, Lestat had heard about this village in the past. It wasn't the only place in the world where humans and vampires had learned to coexist, but it was the one he chose to destroy because the convictions of the vampires in the village was very similar to Louis' and he was really really mad at Louis after the whole murder attempt.
So Lestat decides to stay in the village despite the villagers treating him poorly. And so the hunting begins.
The humans in the village start disappearing at night, one by one, leading to the relationship between humans and vampires to grow tense. In order to calm them down, the leader of the vampires promises to find whoever was behind this and execute them. All other vampires agree and the persecution starts. Of course, despite Lestat being a stranger, he was still believed to be human thanks to the magic, so no one suspected him (magic wasn't something widely known among vampires, apparently.)
Vampires start being executed left and right as fingers are pointed for reasons that are less than viable. People being in the wrong place or just happening to be alone are considered the culprits for nothing. Chaos ensues and some of the vampires even start to rebel, starting to hunt humans again when they think they will be the next to be executed anyways. One of these rebels makes the mistake of trying to drink Lestat's blood, dying in the process. This is seen by others, and they realize Lestat is, in fact, a vampire and likely the one responsible for all of this. Even if he wasn't, they wanted a scapegoat, and Lestat was the perfect candidate for it, so they go after the vampire, burning the hotel he was staying in down and tracking his scent to punish him for his actions.
They fail to find Lestat, however, instead they only find his things and living servant, which they proceed to shatter despite her pleas to be spared.
Lestat, who essentially recorded all of this through the doll's eyes and shows this to the vampire council as proof that the village has turned against them and is trying to kill vampire nobles such as himself. The vampire council believes him and sends their 'guards' which are essentially vampires trained for the sole purpose of killing other vampires after the village to destroy all of them for their betrayal and blasphemy.
My dream ends with Lestat talking to this noble vampire woman that he seemed to trust about his plan and how fun it was while it lasted. The woman asks if he really is ok with how things turned out, and he asks her why it wouldn't be. She says that not long after what he showed them through the eyes of the doll, a new vampire was said to have arrived in the very same village Lestat had doomed, a vampire who went there looking for Lestat to rescue him from the wrath of the villagers.
A vampire by the name of Louis de Pointe du Lac.
And that was how my dream ended :) I thought it was a cool fanfic/ spin off story in a way so I decided to share it here. So, what do you guys think happened next?
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hcmteam · 1 year
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The moment when Mirage risked his life to save him. It replays at the back of his head continuously. Some would say it’s a speck of trauma. To Noah, it replays solely because of immense guilt. How reserved, and hesitantly cooperative he was to the cybertronians; caring little of what they could think, or feel if they were even capable of that. It all changed during the final battle. Mirage- what the hell Mirage… Seeing him take multiple bullets, deafening agony, his blood spilling. Witnessing the mecha’s face structure wince and shape from the usual cocky expression full of energy to one that was enduring the worst of pains, frowning in sadness and worry. Limbs shattered, body firm as he shield Noah even if he didn’t treat Mirage the best. All of this pain just to protect someone like him? A someone who doubted their intentions? It seemed unfair, an injustice. Noah didn’t deserve rescue, not after what he tried to do back then. Seeing Mirage’s life fading away is what he finally realized completely, this was no machine. Mirage had a soul, they all have souls; and Noah never gave second thoughts a chance to linger. They too have lives, ambitions, dreams, hope. Mirage had all of these and now he was gone; or so Noah thought, and thus the fusion- the exo suit was created. The suit was the soothing reassurance that yes, Mirage lived. It was a chilling experience, the definition of double senses. Noah not only could he feel his own heartbeat, but also feel the weak and faint thrum of Mirage's spark. The sense of relief was overwhelming but welcoming. It was proof enough that Mirage never died, instead, he entrusted his frame to Noah as one final act to keep the promise. After that and once he finally fixed Mirage completely back to how he was, Noah reflects. No doubt that a bond was born from that moment, even if grief played a good part. The exo suit was symbiotic, the perfect concept of two beings working together as one. Noah will admit, it was an experience out from this world, but worry crawls. The reason the exo suit happened was because Mirage laid down his life for him. What Mirage has to do that again in order to fuse? It’s something Noah wouldn’t want from the cybertronian. And thus there’s many blue prints, a concept of an exo suit replica. Noah wants to help and protect everyone he loves without endangering their lives. And that includes Mirage. He won’t stand by and let that happen to him again.
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kittynannygaming · 1 year
[The Sandman] Prompts & Ideas Masterlist
For you, Sandman fandom! Maybe I’ll write some; you can pick one or as many as you wish. Tag me if you write/draw/other something, that will make me happy and I can add your take to the prompt. The [+idea] is an option.
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1- Symbiote Macabre; Venom Crossover
In 2018, a little bit before he went back to GB, Hob Gadling helped his friend Eddie on a article and got a symbiote of his own: Macabre. [+ Macabre and Hob have a good relationship and they have a dad jokes contest going on. Dreamling or Hobrintheus]
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2- The Last Wish; Puss In Boots, The Last Wish Crossover
The Wishing Star is a sentient and old being. Once the last wish done, she leaves and creates a new universe. She was aware of the fights and fighters, took a shine on Puss, Softpaws and Perrito and granted them reincarnation in the New Universe.
Wolf!Death was made aware of it and he was afforded the right to go between the 2 universes because Puss gained his respect (even if his role as Death would be limited since there would be another Death). Once breathing his last breath, Puss got a new life as Robert ‘Hob’ Gadling. Wolf!Death was there in 1389 at the White Horse. He felt Death holding her gift and looking at them, he recognised Softpaws and Perrito.
Fast forward, Wolf!Death felt a tug for a few years now (but work you know) and once he followed it, he found Dream/Softpaws in the fishbowl with Roderick Burgess asking for his son. This is when Fawney Rig heard the whistle for the first time. Wolf!Death had so much fun!
- Dream & Death remember (by me)
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3- The Boundless; the other side of the Endless
Robin (1332-1371) and Marian (1330-1371) Gadling are very proud of their children, all 7 of them. When they die in a road accident, it's not Death who whisk them away but a Being way older, the force of Transformation.
They explain that 2 of their creations, Night and Time, had children together but weren't very qualified as parents. Time spending his life alone, scorning his children when they come and ask for help and Night playing favorites, creating rivalry than can torn families apart. As their children are the Endless, concepts given conscience, they need an alternate, who can show them all about being and living outside of their duties.
And they need parents, badly, so that was the deal: Robin & Marian and their children, when they died (or had a traumatic experience who shatter their whole being whatever come first) are going to become the Boundless family. Robin will be Worth and Marian, Love.
Will (or Scarlet for his red hair like Robin's grandpa 1352-1372), the eldest, die at the age of 20, with his love Mary, 19, both murdered by one of Mary's rejected suitor. They are buried together after a postmortem marriage. Will stays Will (Where there is a will, there is a way) and Mary became Guidance.
Alan (or Ellen, when he felt like it, with their faithful lute Lady Christabel 1354-1384) die when he was 30, in the middle of a village dying of an illness, accompagnying them to their last breath with their songs. They will be Birth. The spark needed to create Life.
Robert (or Hob 1356-???), their third boy. Who loved Life more than anything and bragged that he would never die and was granted his wish. Meaning that only a traumatic experience can bring him back to the family. But even when he lost his wife, his baby and Robyn, and all the consequences, his will to live never flickered. He was brought back in the family the 7 June 1889 when he thought he lost the love of his long life. He becomes Hope. Eleanor, baby Marion and Robyn will be part of this 2nd life.
Tucker (or Tuck 1359-1399), who went to became a monk and left, because they didn't like having their authority questioned. He came back to his village, buring family and friends one by one. Marrying lovers in secret. Died at 40. He became Improvement, the act of becoming better.
The twins Richard & John (or little John, for John was Marian's father, 1361-1391). Both died at 30 in an avalanche, Richard trying to capture the beauty of the scenery on paper and John simply happy to be with his brother and enjoying the view. Richard becomes Passion and John, Elation.
Mochán (or Much, the baby of the family 1363-1379) died the youngest too. He was always hiding in the forest or looking for quiet places. Always trying to find inner peace. No one knows if the animals feasting on him was before or after his death. He becomes Serenity.
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4- Orpheus Gadling; The Not-So-Quite-a-Reincarnation fic
Hades & Persephone were more than moved when Orpheus came for Eurydice so, when he died, they decided to meddle a little bit. When Orpheus came, Persephone talked with Eurydice and told her that, if Orpheus didn't succeed, she will be reincarnated after 3 millennium in a sort of sleeping death. So, when Orpheus looked back, Eurydice went to "sleep". When Orpheus was killed, Hades grabbed Orpheus' body's parts and, with the help of his wife, made him whole again (it took a lot of time, like a millennium) and put him to rest before sending his body back to the Human World to be with Eurydice again (they're the sappy couple). Except, he was an adult with no memory except his first name - Orpheus - in 2019. Guess who found him? Our very immortal Hob Gadling and he honestly couldn't let this kid alone so, after a check-up by a very discreet doctor, in a very discreet hospital, Orpheus became Orpheus Gadling, son of Robert Gadling. Orpheus loved to have Hob as a father, Hob loved to provide for family again. Win, win. Then (in 2022) Morpheus get out and saved his ex-wife. [+ My idea is that Hob & Dream meet at the New Inn a few times, Dream saves Calliope, Dream talks about it with Hob (sort of), Hob wants to meet the ex-wife. So they have a sort of dates-à-trois. Once it's Dream & Hob, once Hob & Calliope, once the 3 of them... fast forward, it's holidays, Orpheus decides to come home. The 3 gather at the New Inn (Hob talked about his adopted son the last time but didn't gave any name or showed pictures), Orpheus enters, smiles (Morpheus & Calliope are gobsmacked), "Dad!" he says loudly and go right to Hob to hug him. Then he looked at Dream & Calliope and asked if they met because, he seems to know them but can't remember. Dream tried to leave but with Calliope and Hob, he can't so they go to Hob to discuss things. Dreamling or Immortal Throuple]
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More to come (but it’s quite late here)
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hitnessgymdanderyd · 4 months
Unveiling the Fitness Journey How Personal Trainers at Hitness Gym Danderyd Sculpt Success
In the tranquil suburb of Danderyd, nestled amidst the serene Scandinavian landscape, lies a haven for fitness enthusiasts: Hitness Gym Danderyd. Stepping into this state-of-the-art fitness center, one is greeted not just by gleaming equipment and modern amenities, but by a team of dedicated personal trainers committed to sculpting success, one client at a time.
A Personalized Introduction
Your fitness journey at Hitness Gym Danderyd begins with a personalized introduction to your designated personal trainer. Unlike conventional gyms where you're left to navigate the labyrinth of machines alone, here, you're welcomed into a supportive and motivating environment tailored to your individual needs.
Assessing Your Ambitions
Before embarking on any fitness regimen, it's crucial to understand your goals and aspirations. At Hitness Gym Danderyd, personal trainers take the time to comprehensively assess your ambitions, whether it's shedding those stubborn pounds, building lean muscle, or enhancing overall well-being. This initial consultation sets the cornerstone for a customized fitness plan crafted exclusively for you.
Crafting a Tailored Fitness Regimen
Armed with insights garnered from the initial assessment, your personal trainer meticulously crafts a tailored fitness regimen designed to optimize results. From cardio exercises to strength training and flexibility drills, each session at Hitness Gym Danderyd is thoughtfully curated to challenge and empower you, pushing past limits you never knew existed.
Nutritional Guidance for Optimal Performance
No fitness journey is complete without paying heed to the fuel that powers your body. Recognizing the symbiotic relationship between nutrition and performance, personal trainers at Hitness Gym Danderyd offer comprehensive nutritional guidance, ensuring that you're not just eating, but eating right. Whether it's debunking dietary myths or devising meal plans tailored to your dietary preferences, they're with you every step of the way.
Monitoring Progress and Adjusting Course
As you progress along your fitness odyssey, periodic assessments are conducted to track your advancements and recalibrate your regimen accordingly. Whether it's tweaking the intensity of your workouts or introducing novel exercises to stave off monotony, personal trainers at Hitness Gym Danderyd are adept at adapting to your evolving needs, ensuring that stagnation is but a distant memory.
Cultivating a Community of Support
At Hitness Gym Danderyd, you're not just a client; you're part of a vibrant community united by a shared passion for health and wellness. Beyond the confines of the gym floor, social events, workshops, and group activities foster camaraderie amongst fellow fitness enthusiasts, providing the support and motivation needed to stay the course, even when the going gets tough.
Celebrating Milestones and Embracing Transformation
As you inch closer towards your fitness goals, Personal trainer Danderyd are there to celebrate each milestone, no matter how small. Whether it's fitting into that coveted dress size or shattering a personal best, your victories are their victories. And as you stand on the precipice of transformation, they're there to cheer you on, a testament to the unwavering commitment to your success.
In the bustling suburb of Danderyd, amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life, lies a sanctuary for those who dare to dream, to aspire, and to transform. Welcome to Hitness Gym Danderyd, where personal trainers don't just sculpt bodies; they sculpt success, one client at a time.
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junzofay · 8 months
Minecraft Piss Stream
Asphyxiate within my abyssal void, an inner void of perpetual sin,
Consuming valiant souls who dare venture in.
Reality crumbles, drowning in inky despair,
A tempest seethes, disseminating torment through thickened air.
Far beneath these darkened, foreboding skies,
Gaia quakes, tortured by its solitary cries.
My heart's arrhythmia fades, a ghostly beat,
Your touch fades like ashes, cruel and fleet.
Another diurnal fades into endless night,
Innumerable grains in this chasm's bite.
A ceaseless march, a cursed countdown to the end,
Crawling ever closer to Thanatos, on morality’s path we wend.
A comet's blaze paints the heavens, a fleeting, fiery sight,
I hesitantly reached for you, enraptured by your light.
Mandibles grate in silence, an endless inner scream,
Ears haemorrhage, trapped within a perturbing dream.
Violets bloom, piercing through ribcage,
Snow descends, decaying, encage.
Torn apart, fragile as a dandelion's breath,
Aching for inspiration, to embrace your death.
In this twisted realm, devilry takes hold
Smothering my soul, baleful and cold
Lies masterfully disguised as truths, concealed stories untold
Sanity melts away, a slick tale to be foretold
Screams echo through the cobblestones of despair,
A cacophony of pain, a tormenting affair.
Splintered minds, consumed by eternal night,
Shattered dreams, vacuumed from sight.
With each tick, shadows intertwine
Whispers of despair, a haunting rhyme
Captive in inescapable web, woven by time
Invisible in this labyrinth of Crete, where aspiration is a crime
In the distant depths of solitude, I am confined
Chains of isolation, dense and unkind
Lacrimation flows like rain, habitual and aligned
Yearning for solace, but solace I can't find
Raging storms within, a tempestuous sea
Symbiotic in sorrows, struggling to be free
Tormented by the Hecatoncheires, my soul's decree
An eternal accord, a Sisyphean plea for mercy
In this pastiche of anguish and strife
Breathing befits Ares, tenuous is life
Yet, in the darkest abyss, a flicker of light
A cruel mirage that will cease to ignite
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johnmoakler · 9 months
Fiduciary Focus with John Moakler - Unraveling the Essence of Trust in Financial Planning
John Moakler
Financial landscapes can be labyrinthine, and traversing through fiduciary relationships often appears intimidating. It's common for people to feel uneasy about having their financial future in the hands of someone they barely know, which can provoke feelings of fear, doubt, and hesitance. However, the cornerstone of this complex process remains rooted in one fundamental component: trust. Trust is what John Moakler, a seasoned fiduciary, emphasises when guiding individuals through their personal finance journey.
Imagine a world where your financial planner isn't just a number cruncher, a faceless entity wielding the colon as their weapon of choice in crafting complex financial strategies. Instead, picture a relationship built on the bedrock of trust—a partnership where your financial planner is more than just a guide through the labyrinth of investments, but a steward of your dreams, aspirations, and, most importantly, your hard-earned money.
In the realm of financial planning, the term "fiduciary" is often thrown around like confetti at a celebration. But what does it really mean, and why should you care? A fiduciary is more than a buzzword; it's a commitment, a sacred pact between you and your financial planner. It signifies that your planner is legally bound to prioritize your interests above all else. No fine print, no hidden agendas—just a straightforward dedication to your financial well-being.
Embarking on financial planning, one must acknowledge the crucial role of this fiduciary bond. It surpasses a mere contractual agreement and rests on the trust vested in an individual committed to securing your economic future. While numerical figures often cloud our judgment, the fundamental element of trust remains pivotal for fruitful financial planning. Trust is what John Moakler, an experienced fiduciary, emphasizes when he navigates individuals through their personal finance journey.
Consider this: you wouldn't entrust your deepest secrets to a stranger, nor would you willingly share your vulnerabilities with someone who doesn't earn your confidence. The same principle applies to your financial planner. Trust is the bridge that connects you with the person responsible for shaping your financial destiny. Without it, the journey becomes a perilous tightrope walk, fraught with uncertainty and doubt.
In the landscape of financial planning, the absence of trust can manifest as a ticking time bomb. The financial world is rife with tales of individuals who handed over their financial reins only to find themselves entangled in a web of deceit, betrayal, and shattered dreams. This underscores the vital role that trust plays in the symbiotic relationship between you and your financial planner.
Building trust isn't a one-size-fits-all endeavor. It's a nuanced process that requires time, communication, and a shared commitment to your financial goals. Your financial planner isn't just a number-crunching automaton; they are human, and understanding the person behind the spreadsheets is crucial. This is where the magic happens—the convergence of expertise and empathy, creating a synergy that propels your financial journey forward.
In the realm of financial planning, the key to a strong advisor-client relationship lies in transparency. A trustworthy planner, such as John Moakler, prioritizes open, candid communication about your financial strategy. The main aim is to elucidate the complex financial schemes, thereby enabling clients to make well-informed decisions. This collaborative arrangement promotes an atmosphere of mutual understanding and shared responsibility in shaping one's financial future.
Trust is a delicate dance—one misstep, and the harmony can be disrupted. It requires consistent communication, a commitment to understanding your unique financial fingerprint, and a genuine interest in your aspirations. A fiduciary relationship isn't a transaction; it's an ongoing dialogue, a partnership that evolves as your life and financial landscape undergo transformations.
In the cacophony of financial advice and market fluctuations, the fiduciary focus provides a steady anchor. It's a reminder that, beyond the numbers and charts, there's a person dedicated to safeguarding your financial interests. In an industry where the colon and bullet points often reign supreme, the narrative of trust is a refreshing departure—a return to the fundamental human connection that underpins our financial decisions.
Picture this: the financial landscape is a vast and unpredictable terrain, much like a wilderness waiting to be explored. In this wilderness, your financial planner is not just a guide; they are your compass, steering you through the twists and turns of economic currents and market fluctuations. The fiduciary relationship, in essence, transforms this expedition into a collaborative adventure. It's a partnership where both you and your financial planner navigate the unknown, adapting strategies to weather storms and seize opportunities that arise.
Trust isn't a static entity; it's a dynamic force that thrives on communication and understanding. A fiduciary relationship encourages an open dialogue that goes beyond mere financial discussions. It invites conversations about your values, fears, and aspirations—elements that shape the tapestry of your financial life. In a world where numbers often dominate, these conversations breathe life into the relationship, transforming it from a transactional engagement into a meaningful connection. Your financial planner becomes not just an advisor, but a confidant who comprehends the nuances of your financial journey.
In an environment often defined by financial unpredictability, the fiduciary responsibility offers a reliable foothold. It's a commitment assuring that despite market disturbances or economic variations, John Moakler as a financial planner stays firm in his pledge to his client’s benefit. This duty serves as a consistent source of stability in a domain where change remains the sole certainty.
In the multifaceted world of financial planning, the fiduciary emphasis is the key element that merges professional competence with human understanding. It acknowledges that each financial choice is intrinsically tied to a personal narrative—a tale of dreams, hurdles, and victories. Adopting this fiduciary philosophy with John Moakler, you not only safeguard your economic future, but also commence a journey where trust serves as the guiding principle, communication is the medium of exchange, and your financial planner evolves from merely a guide to a trusted companion through life's economic challenges.
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januaryagain · 1 year
Last week I met somebody else.
And when I finished in their bed, I pretended they were you.
Your hypocrisy is justified, but doesn’t mean that it is in any precedence of fair, or comforting, to be consciously aware of. It is not satisfactory to be alive in your mind if not also alive in your dreams. Do you know that I sleep covered in roses? That while I rest I scratch my skin, and claw at my hair until there is nothing left of me except bone dust and my favourite jewellery?
I still have scars in the mornings.
What did you give me except side eyes and sex and the indescribable sensation of being enough?
What did you leave me with except your ghost and your games and the need to look for you in every single room?
Last week I met somebody different.
His hair was blonde and when I looked into his glasses, I thought I saw your eyes.
The way you glance at the floor when I pass is symbiotic with how I gaze at the world when someone mentions your name. Corners of the moon pale and crush in complexity; they blink and bribe when you enter my peripheral, corporeal or not. My windows show me the pieces as they land gently in my backyard.
They get pricked by the roses my father never uprooted.
Last week I met somebody.
I expected roses, drenched in shattered moon specks and rusted bracelets.
I expected roses, but they never came.
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