#taking the blame so he doesn't get in trouble and just trying to keep their little brother safe
don't think about how tumble and pounce have the same dynamic as neteyam and lo'ak don't think about how tumble and pounce have the same dynamic as neteyam and lo'ak don't think about how tumble and pounce have the same dynamic as neteyam and lo'ak
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ooffmlsorry · 10 months
OP Men When You're Injured
Context: I don't mean mortally injured, I'm talking something not too serious that kind of inhibits your movement like a broken bone or recovery from a surgery
Law, Kid, Ace, Luffy, Zoro, Sanji
A/N: can we get a little commotion for this gif tho?? Why is he so perfect?? 😭
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Law as a doctor is perfectly normal about your injury. He knows with some rest and eventual rehabilitation you'll be just fine. No big deal.
He makes sure you're healing well and comfortable, like he would with any patient
Law as your boyfriend is different.
In the case of an injury with no risk of infection, he'll press a kiss to it. Yes, like he's kissing your boo-boo 🥹
Law does not leave your side. He is your shadow. Where you go, he's right beside you or at the very least in the same room as you.
At first he deadass tries to convince you he's not lingering at all and he's the same as he always is.
But you both know he's lying. He practically moves his office wherever you decide to be for the day.
He can't help himself. What if you fall? What if you reinjure yourself? He's so pressed about the worst case scenarios, and given his past, can you blame him?
He quietly grumbles and pouts about his own "irrational" behavior because he knows in reality you can absolutely go about your day. You're a little slower but you're fine. But he just can't let you. As soon as you start to struggle, he's right beside you offering to help.
If you're aggravated by his hovering, he's twice as annoyed by it. He's literally so frustrated with himself lmao, you might end up having to comfort him instead.
Even if he complains (is it really complaining if he's actually happy lol) you're happy because all this extra time around you makes him extra affectionate. Law snuggles close to you, justifying his closeness by explaining how physical affection can lower cortisol levels.
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Oh Kid smh 😔he has no idea how to treat you so he just decides to behave like everything's normal lmao
Legitimately though, even if a inanimate object is what caused your injury, he's destroying it. Just out of pure fury that you were hurt.
He'll huff when you fall behind or have trouble doing something, but he just can't leave you to suffer
He's a man of action lol so he'll probably end up doing things for you just for efficiency sake. You're walking too slow? He picks you up. Can't grab or hold something? He'll do the whole thing for you and next time you try to do the same thing you find he's made something to make it a lot easier for you while you heal.
Anything you need to assist you he'll happily build.
If you have a cast or anything like that, he's gonna draw all over it (honestly, the whole crew will. You're gonna have the most bad ass cast ever)
He absolutely calls you a baby for wincing or complaining. He doesn't mean it...mostly.
If he's not keeping an eye on you than Killer is.
It's not like he's worried or anything! Fuck you for saying that!! He just doesn't want to hear or see you whining and complaining. It's annoying. Okay, sure Kid.
He genuinely hate seeing you in pain though, even if it's just wincing it reminds him of losing his arm and he never wants you to experience anything close to that.
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Ace is your little emotional support boyfriend...or maybe it's the other way around 🤭.
He'll curl up at your side while you recuperate and completely dozes off.
He takes looking after you very seriously and asks Marco lots of questions, even if there's not a whole lot he can do.
He doesn't pity you, but he does feel really bad. Even if it was just an accident, he hates seeing you limited in any way.
He might accidentally treat you like you're made of glass.
It's just because he cares a lot, and he really doesn't want anything else to happen to you.
Every single morning he wakes up and asks how you're feeling or if you're in any pain.
There's a lot of people on the Moby Dick and accidents happen all the time, so don't be surprised when he literally clears a way for you to traverse around the ship.
I'm not saying he's impatient buuuut he will definitely glare at whatever part of you is injured and say, "Jeez, can you heal up already?"
He gives you space, but only if you ask for it. He just doesn't want you to feel like you're ever in this alone.
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Luffy is neither patient nor gentle lol but he's extremely loyal
He'll goof off and continue to go on adventures, but he's not gone for long
Even his crew is surprised when tells them he's not going to get distracted because he knows you're back on the Sunny waiting for them.
He's always bringing cool things back to you since you can't do as much as you usually can. Just because you can't be right beside him doesn't mean you have to miss everything.
God bless him he's gonna try to bring you some meat so you'll heal faster 🤭.
He'll absolutely forget you're injured at some point and probably tackle hug you.
The last thing he'll let you do is stay cooped up in bed unless Chopper insists that you have to. Even if you need to rest you can do it right next to him on the head of the Sunny, right?
Exactly like Ace he's going to frown at whatever part of you is injured and say, "Jeez, can you heal up already?!"
He gets whatever you need and probably overdoes it. Need a glass of water? He just straight up brings you the whole barrel.
More is better! Besides, you need to hurry up and get better!
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He's not worried. He's so chill about it, actually. ...Until you start to move around.
The way he switches up is laugh worthy. He goes from nonchalant to overprotective in an instant.
He practically holds his breath as you make your way around the Sunny, watching you like a hawk.
Admittedly, he does tease you a little. He'll grab things for you, but hold them out of your reach or call you a little turtle if you move slower. He thinks it's very cute hehe.
For better or for worse, Zoro's not a hypocrite. He won't hound you to take it easy if you think you're up to a task. Even if Chopper really wishes he would.
He still won't leave you though, unless you're resting and stationary, he's by your side.
Zoro is your attack dog boyfriend. There's no way anyone (*ahem* Luffy) is fooling around too close to you. There's not going to be a chance you could get hurt more or reinjured.
When you're alone he checks in with you to make sure you're okay, not because he's shy about being soft in front of people but more so to protect your privacy.
He kind of likes doing extra things for you, he won't say it out loud but it makes him really happy when he can do things while you recover. He considers taking care of someone he loves to be such an honor.
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Unless whatever injured you is vitally important (e.g. the Sunny), he's kicking the shit out of it on principle because how dare anything even dare to hurt you lmao
Are you surprised that he dotes on you hand and foot? You shouldn't be.
I think it also goes without saying he is cooking you best meals.
They're gonna have to tie him down when it comes time for your rehabilitation because he wants to do everything for you.
He's such a sweet heart! He leaves you little messages like "you're doing great!" and "I love you!"
Literally this man lives with you on the ship and he still got you flowers, a get well card, and a little stuffed animal like he's not going to see you every single day
He loves carrying you (as long as it's Chopper approved). He's beaming down the sunny with you in his arms.
He makes the cutest little picnics so you can eat comfortably
Sanji's also an emotional support boyfriend lol. In between cooking for the crew and other duties, he's curled up right next to.
He might coddle you a little too much but it's just because he loves you so so so much
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all-purpose-dish-soap · 3 months
41 / 3k / soap soulmate au, part 10
Gaz's bullet slides neatly into the target's head, folding into his frontal cortex, his hypothalamus, and lodging to a satisfying stop in his brain stem.
Your job is done.
Ignoring the radio chatter between Gaz and Price, you slip away from the dead man. Your boots grind blood and broken glass into the carpet as you go. You should vanish before Soap's team can catch up to you. You head for the opposite corner of the mansion. They don’t have eyes there.
You slide the ground floor window open and pull Soap's radio collar from your neck. You’re about to remove the earpiece when it crackles in your ear. It's Ghost's voice.
"They got Johnny."
You pause. Your teammates are rough, but they won’t kill Johnny. Right? They won’t kill a soldier.
"Where is he?" Price's voice crackles back.
"Basement lounge," Ghost mutters. The radio catches shouting voices in the background.
"Can you get to him?" Price asks.
Gunshots crackle through the earpiece. Ghost curses. "Negative, sir. Too many mercs and he's agitatin' 'em as it is. Might be able to fish him out, but I'd need a better vantage point.”
“Is he in immediate danger?”
“Don’t think so.”
"Then keep yourself hidden, Lieutenant. Kyle and I are en route."
Your stomach twists. Price doesn't sound like he plans to negotiate. You switch the radio's to KorTac's frequency. "Horangi, what's going on?"
There's a long pause before he replies, and several other voices echo underneath his. "Where the hell are you? SAS is fucking up our whole job. The cargo is gone."
You force yourself to get a grip on your own cover story even as you slip through the window and drop silently to the ground. Snow squeaks under your boots. "How did he know about the cargo?" you ask, your voice careful and even.
"I don't know. Shit, maybe someone fed him information. Military dogs love their rats." There's a pause. Horangi's voice sounds more distant as he speaks away from the mic. "Oy, shitbag. Who gave you the intel?”
You let out a breath of relief. Johnny will have no choice but to give them your name in exchange for his freedom. You'll be far, far away before your teammates know you're gone. KorTac won't bother with trying to track you down. It'd be a waste of money. Even if they did, you've disappeared before. You know how not to be found.
It’ll be a clean break for you both.
Then Johnny's voice crackles into your ear through Horangi's mic.
"No rat," he says. You hear him smirking, but a snarl edges the bravado in his voice. "Your security's piss-poor."
What? No. Bad, that's bad. Johnny’s playing at taking the blame. Of course he is. He thinks he's protecting you. Stubborn idiot.
Horangi chuckles. “You want to die here? That can be arranged.”
Something under your sternum clenches. This is your fault. You stare down at the fresh snow in front of you. You can still leave. Your plan never involved seeing him again, and it certainly didn't involve helping him if he got his ass in trouble. But you're the one who told him where the hostages were. He's only in the basement lounge because of you.
With Price and Gaz in the way, and with Ghost seeking a higher vantage point, sniper in hand, your teammates don’t know how much trouble they’re in, either.
Goddamn him. Why can’t he just rat you out? Why can’t he just be as heartless as you are?
You turn and retrace your trek back to the mansion. You don't know what you're going to do to avoid the confrontation at hand and make a clean escape, but maybe you'll come up with something on the way.
You slip into the lounge behind your teammates. Soap is on his knees, hands ziptied behind his back with the barrel of Horangi's rifle to his head.
Every last one of your squadmates is here. With you, that's a dozen mercenaries. You check the upper corners, the catwalks—Ghost is nowhere to be found. Of course. There'd be no way for Ghost alone to snipe enough of your teammates in one go to pull Johnny out of this mess. Nor is there any alarm you can pull, no authority you can leverage to get your soulmate out of the position you put him in.
You switch your radio frequency back to 141's secure channel. "Ghost, don't shoot. I can talk them down."
But it's Price's voice that echoes back. "Stay put, love. We'll get it sorted."
"Listen to me--"
"You in position, Ghost?" Price asks calmly.
"Affirmative, sir."
"Good. Gaz and I will be there shortly. When I signal, you take out as many as you can. We'll clean up the rest. Until then, stay hidden. We don't need a body count of our own."
You ease your finger off the comm, hands shaking. A fucking bloodbath? That's Price's plan? You think back to how he stared across the interrogation table at you, his eyes crinkling in amusement at the barbs you threw back at him. He'd have killed anyone else.
No, focus. You pull the earpiece out and rip the radio unit, cords and all, away from you. It clatters to the ground. A few of your squadmates glance over. You push your way through them until Horangi's eyes fall on you. Johnny’s do, too, but you refuse to look at him.
"He's obviously military,” you say, pinning Horangi with as severe a look as you can summon. “You can't just kill him. You know what would happen."
Horangi scoffs and looks back down at Soap. "He could be impersonating a soldier for all I know. Besides, military mutts bark." He presses the muzzle of his rifle harder into Soap's skull. "So bark, or I shoot."
"If you let me up right now," Soap growls, "I won't rip your goddamn hands off. How about that?" 
Horangi tuts. "You're in no position to be making threats, mutt. Answer me or I'll shut you up permanently. Who gave you the intel?”
"He's not the only one," you interrupt again, talking fast. "He's... His team. They're looking for him."
Horangi’s gaze rises to you again, a strange look in his eye. You've said too much. "Where have you been?" he asks you with a hard stare.
"With the protectee."
"And where is he now?"
Silence swells between you and him. You feel your teammates' eyes on you now. This is your last chance to walk away. If you do, the path ahead of you will be free and clear. And whatever blood is spilled here in service of this stupid mission will be on your hands.
Soap sees the look on your face. "No, hen, don't--"
"I'm the rat," you say. "I fed him the information. The protectee is dead."
Soap curses and tries to lunge to his feet. Horangi pushes him down with the heel of his boot between his shoulder blades. Soap grunts in pain.
"How interesting," Horangi says. "And why would you do that?"
"Don't listen to her," Soap growls. "She's lyin'."
He's still fighting the cuffs around his wrists. His shoulders jerk with every tug, trying in vain to break the plastic tie. A horrible feeling clutches at his chest. He knows what you're doing, and everything in him rebels against the idea. He's so close to finally having you, so close to saving you from yourself.
He never wanted you to come here. He wanted you safe, far away. The thought of something happening to you is far worse than any of the pain he might have endured if you hadn’t come back for him.
You risk a glance at Soap. He looks stricken. You almost wish you could explain, but it wouldn't make a difference. He should know better. You do your job. That's who you are. Even if it means there’ll be hell to pay.
You force your eyes back to Horangi's. "The bastard deserved it," you say simply.
Horangi scoffs. "Obviously. And we deserve our paychecks.” He watches Soap struggle under his boot. "You know him?"
You glance down at Soap, taken off guard. "He's..."
Soap meets your gaze, his eyes still burning with fire despite the situation. “Hen,” he says. “You are makin’ a mistake.”
Horangi leans onto Soap’s shoulder, pinning him flatter. Soap grunts.
Horangi smirks. “He seems to know you. You know, if it were me, I'd just keep my mouth shut and let him take the blame. That's what he wants, isn't it?” He jabs the barrel of his rifle against Soap’s spine.
Soap’s jaw clenches. He doesn’t take his eyes off you.
"In fact," Horangi muses, "I might be more inclined to believe him than you. Not to mention our employer would be very disappointed to know someone on payroll sabotaged a very well-paying job. I don’t think you’d do that unless you had a good reason.”
You hear your teammates murmur behind you. Horangi is giving you an out. Your teammates will know what you did, but KorTac won't. Plausible deniability brings back the possibility of escape. You're shocked Horangi would offer at all, knowing now what you did.
But you steel yourself. You know what you have to do. "Check his left arm," you tell him.
Horangi examines you, but there's no skepticism in his eyes—only intrigue. He gestures to a few of the mercs behind you. Two push past you. They hold Soap down, and Horangi grabs Soap's cuffed wrists and pushes his sleeve up his arm. It's there plain as day—the soulmark bearing your name.
Soap grits his teeth. You're giving yourself up for him. You're going to take the fall in exchange for his freedom. Why can't you just do one goddamn thing he wants you to do? It should be him protecting you.
He tries to catch your eye again, but you look away from his furious glare. Deep down, a part of him understands you. That infuriates him even more. You're doing this out of some sick sense of duty. Just like everything else.
Horangi is impassive. "Ah. Guess that explains it."
A hand comes down hard on your shoulder, and you're pulled back hard as two of your teammates take you by the arms and ziptie you. You don't struggle. One of them kicks out the back of your knee and forces you to kneel. 
Soap snarls as he tries to shake the mercenaries pinning him down. "Get your hands off her!"
Horangi smirks down at Soap. "You really do like each other, eh? Cute."
Soap's blood burns through him. All his systems are haywire. He's angry at you, but he's more furious than he's ever been in his life at the men holding him down. He jerks again, taking one of the mercs by surprise. He manages to get to one knee before they're on him again, joined by two more of your comrades who stream in to help.
They force him to the ground once more. Horangi digs his knee into Soap's back and jabs him with the butt of his rifle. Another merc kicks a boot into his gut. But Soap doesn't stop. He's not going down without a fight. He won't sit there quietly and let anyone walk away with his woman.
Horangi looks down his rifle at Soap and rests his hand on the trigger, his smirk gone. "Careful," he says, voice low. "I still might just shoot you."
"Then you'd better kill me in one shot, because when I get my hands around your fuckin' neck--"
"Johnny, stop," you interject.
"Why?" he growls. "You think I'm just gonna sit here and watch you give yourself up?"
"You don't have a choice."
"The hell I don't."
Horangi pushes his rifle harder against Soap's skull. "Listen to her, mutt."
"Hey," you snap at him. One of your comrades behind you pulls your arms back, and you realize you're unconsciously fighting to get close. "Let him go."
When Soap sees you straining against your binds, trying to reach him, his heart clenches. He lets out a stream of expletives and throws his body weight against the mercs trying to hold him down.
"You care for him that much? Then again, I guess you don't have a choice."
“Yes, yes. Relax,” Horangi says to you, keeping his rifle trained on Soap. “I don’t plan to kill him. But we're not uncuffing him. Because we're not fucking idiots," he mutters. He steps off Soap and nods toward the back of the lounge where the bar and kitchen are. "Put him in the walk-in."
The mercs pull him roughly to his feet, jerking his arms behind his back. His gaze flicks to you, and he opens his mouth to say something, but you won't meet his eyes. It's like you're trying to shut him out completely, closing yourself into some emotional void. Just like in that interrogation room. He can’t fucking stand it.
Soap growls in frustration as he's hauled backward. He's torn between anger and desperation, wanting to make you understand how much he needs you. But you're so stubbornly set on building your stupid walls and keeping him out.
"This never would've happened if you'd just let me handle it," he snaps at you. "But you had to go runnin' off by yourself instead of listenin’ to me."
You stare at him in disbelief. He's still arguing this? How headstrong is he? "You're the one who refused to rat me out!” you retort, unable to stop yourself. “I was out the fucking window when you went all heroic and forced me to come back and save your ass!"
Soap's temper flares hotter. "Oh, I'm the one who went all heroic?" He yanks his arm against his captors' grip, but it hardly slows them down. “You’re the bloody martyr, aren’t you? Couldn't just let me handle it. Had to go sticking your nose in where it doesn't belong."
"You with a fucking gun to your head? That was you handling it?"
"I've been in worse situations," Soap shoots back, bristling. "I didn't need your help. And I damn sure don’t want you throwin’ yourself into danger like you've got a death wish."
You swallow. You were right to step in and take the fall for what you did, you realize. As rough-tempered as your soulmate is, he's just trying to protect you. He deserves better than you.
"This is... it's what I deserve," you say finally.
Soap's eyes widen in disbelief, his expression going from anger to shock to cold fury. "What you deserve?" he hisses, his voice low and enraged. "What you deserve is a good smack upside the head. You think you deserved to throw your life away for my sake? That's how little you think of yourself?"
"I betrayed my teammates and ruined our contract. I have to pay for that."
He's so fucking over it. You’re letting yourself be ripped away from him because of—what, a mistake you made? Loyalty to your team? Some misguided sense of penance and responsibility? Empty excuses. None of that should matter. You’re meant to be his.
"I don't give a damn what you think you deserve,” he says. “You're not the one who gets to decide that."
"And you are?"
You're looking at him like you don't believe him. It makes something in him snap loose.
"You still think you're expendable," he says, his voice hard. "As long as everyone else is safe. As long as you've done your bloody duty." He jerks his shoulders, angry and desperate to have you in his sight for a few more seconds. "Whatever you tell yourself, you’d best remember you made your goddamn choice to take what Iwanted most away from me. I swear to you, darlin’, when I get out of these cuffs, I will find you and make sure you never leave my sight again. That’s what I deserve.”
You say nothing. Your heart is in your feet as they wrestle him away.
You’re not worth this. You can't be. You've shown him—all but told him you were ready to abandon him mere minutes ago. He just doesn't care. Regardless of what you think, he keeps deciding you're worth the fucking trouble.
You're just trying to do one thing right by him. One thing. But he has to go and tear your heart in two about it anyway. Bastard.
"Let go of me!" Soap barks, voice echoing behind you as they drag him out of sight.
The sound of the large, industrial steel walk-in freezer banging open echoes through the basement, followed by clattering and Horangi barking orders. Then it slams closed.
That's it, then. The last time you'll see him.
You believe him when he says he'll never stop looking for you. You might be stubborn and set in your ways—he happens to be worse. But you know your employer, and you know what happens to traitors who kill the charges they're paid to protect. Regardless of what seemed right at the time.
You know there are prisons with which the CIA won’t interfere.
You're going to live the rest of your life in a cell. Because of your own damn sense of responsibility for some twisted form of penance for your past.
The moment you hear the lock on the walk-in click, whatever solemn self-assurance you felt turns to ash in your mouth. Penance bears a strong resemblance to empty self-righteousness and self-hatred. Worse—it feels a hell of a lot like you're condemning your stubborn bull of a soulmate to a lifetime of searching for a woman who refuses out of spite to be found.
Horangi and the others return, and the two mercenaries at your sides haul you away. You stumble along with them, numb. They drag you out of the building and push you toward the back of a bulletproof KorTac panel van.
What have you done?
part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 / part 9 / [part 10] / part 11 / part 12
more Soap / masterlist
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llamagoddessofficial · 4 months
For the mafia bad sanses, what if we did try and run away?
Oho, the hunt is on.
Horror likes a chase. He always has, he's a hunter at heart. He's also very good at it; he pays much closer attention than people realise to the very small details. On top of being excellent at following scents, easily capable of tracking your movements, he knows your habits and routines like the back of his hand and he can accurately predict where you'll go and what you'll do during your brief escape. Nightmare absolutely expects Horror to find you first - the other two use him like one might use a bloodhound, following his bulldozing lead through the city.
Though it's fun to chase you down, Horror's genuinely worried about you the whole time you're gone. It doesn't help that Nightmare feeds his paranoia to ensure Horror is a vigilant guard - don't you understand he's trying to protect you? He will bring you back. He has to keep his loved ones in places he can keep an eye on them. He's not angry when he finds you, he's not even upset... he just checks you for injuries, and asks if you're hungry.
When you get back, he'll get you a snack.
Dust understands. He really does. He would run away, too, if there wasn't so much on the line for him. But he really feels like an idiot. Somewhere, in the back of his mind, he had started to think of the situation as you and him against them. He started to feel like, maybe, there was... a connection forming? He started to feel like maybe you understood him. Maybe... maybe you trusted him. Maybe he could open up.
... You fleeing is a jolt back to reality. You didn't tell him anything before you left. You don't trust him; he's not your friend. You see him as one of them. Now he feels stupid and embarrassed.
Dust drags his feet about hunting you down. He follows Nightmare's orders, like he always does, but it's obvious he's just letting the other two do it. He still looks after you - he would never go back on his word. But you can tell something's changed.
Killer certainly enjoys chasing. He likes tossing you over one shoulder once he's found you and he's itching for a reason to kill anyone who scared/hurt you before they found you. But once he's actually got you, he's... mature? Sympathetic? He talks to you gently, but without being patronising. What the hell, is this even Killer? He chats with you during the trip home, assuring you that you're not in trouble. He genuinely wants to know why you ran... he wants you to get it out, insisting bottling it up won't help anyone.
... He also explains that when you're outside without them, you're in real, genuine danger. Nightmare is infamous - his enemies might want to take out their frustrations on his prize human, but on top of that, some of his allies might think you're a defector and grasp the opportunity to prove their loyalty by hurting you. Killer's words are gentle, but he paints a vivid picture.
Seems like he really doesn't want you to leave.
Nightmare is frustrated.
When you're brought before him again, you think he's angry with you. He's certainly angry. But at you? Goodness, no, never at you. He's angry at his guards for finding you so slow, and not sufficiently preventing your escape. You're not to blame here, it only makes sense that a pretty bird like you would take flight through the first open window it sees. Nightmare doesn't appear phased by this at all - in fact, the only real consequence (if you could even call it that) for you is that Nightmare is insistent on having a garden built for you, so you can get fresh air to avoid cabin fever. He keeps asking what flowers you'd prefer for it. It's kinda alarming, how blase he is about someone he likes trying trying to flee him.
(Nightmare's very pleased that this has driven a wedge between you and Dust. Better you focus on him instead, dear.)
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aperrywilliams · 5 months
I'm Sorry I Couldn't be Here for You Sooner (Spencer Reid x Fem!BAU!Reader)
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Author Masterlist
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!BAU!Reader.
Summary: You have one of the worst days in a long time at work. When Spencer returns from an assignment to the BAU and sees your current state, he must do something.
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: Frustration/Hurt/Comfort. Just a self-indulgent rant. A lot of cuss words. Spencer is the best boyfriend in the world.
A/N: I just need Spencer to hold me now.
The clock ticks and ticks, but the time seems to stand still. Even if you don't know how long you have been looking at that piece of wood, plastic, and metal, it feels like an eternity.
In the distance, a voice keeps throwing out words and sentences to which you should pay attention. However, even if you tried, looking at the clock on the wall is still more interesting than hearing Hotch talking about new protocols for field agents.
Still lost in your head, you don't notice the meeting is over and people are starting to leave the room. Only when someone squeezes your forearm. It's JJ.
"Are you okay?" she asks, eyebrows furrowed. You look at her and blink a few times.
"Uh- yeah," you mumble. 
Are you okay? No, you're not. But why bother others with that?
On second thought, this may be a chance to spill what's on your mind. JJ is usually a forthcoming and wise person. 
"Well, actually-" you begin, but before saying anything else, JJ cuts you off.
"That's nice. Because I want to ask you if you can babysit Henry tomorrow night. Will invited me to a romantic dinner, and our babysitter is sick. Hope it doesn't make much trouble to you?" the blonde probes.
Okay, you didn't expect that.
Not in the mood to turn the subject back to you, you say yes, and after thanking you, JJ quickly leaves the conference room. Alone with your thoughts for a few seconds, you wonder if the tightness in your chest isn't an exaggeration. You decide to forget about it and go back to your desk.
Opening a folder with the information on the last case, you are ready to write your report. But not too so far on it, Emily approaches you.
"Hey, how are you?"
You have doubts about how to answer the question. A few minutes ago, when JJ asked, you lied to her, and she didn't even notice. Maybe it's good to be honest.
"Actually, not so good," you sigh. And Emily raises an eyebrow. 
"Yeah? What happened?"
"I just don't know, I don't feel good," you try to explain. But you're not sure how to do it either.
"I'm sure it's something you can manage," Emily muses. "Look, whatever it is, have a drink when you get home today, relax a little, and I bet you'll be as good as new tomorrow!"
You open and close your mouth several times, trying to get a word out, but nothing comes to mind. 
A drink and relax? Is that simple?
You let out a hum, and that's enough for a response to Emily.
After wishing you good luck, she heads down the hallway, presumably to Garcia's office.
It's clear that Emily didn't grasp your actual emotional state, but you don't blame her either.
The last case was hard for everyone, so there is no reason to take it personally.
Focusing on your report again, you expect the sour mood surrounding you to fade eventually.
To finish your paperwork, you need to make copies of the reports. So you get up and head to the copy machine. After carefully placing the papers in the tray, you press the start button. When you think it will start copying, the machine stops mid-scan. You frown, and after a few seconds of nothing, you press the 'start' button again. Nothing. You do it again. And again. It's not working, and you feel your blood running hot.
By pressing the button again and again, anger comes.
"What the fuck is wrong with you stupid fucking machine!"
It's not enough to swat with force the button panel; now you're kicking the machine out of pent-up frustration.
"Whoa, whoa, stop right there, pretty girl."
Morgan steps between you and the machine, putting distance with his palms. And that's when you realize your outburst. Panting and still with the heat of rage on your cheeks, you are not yet satisfied.
"What the fuck, Morgan. Now you're defending a fucking copy machine?!" You hiss. Derek narrows his eyes to assess your current state. He's seen you mad, but it usually goes away easily. You are not a dense person.
"Okay, what's wrong, pretty girl? Since when do you unleash your frustration with pretty boy on inanimate things?"
Pretty boy. Spencer. Your boyfriend. Today, your boyfriend is conducting a cognitive interview with a convict in a DC jail—Hotch's orders. You wish he were here.
Morgan knows you usually laugh at his jokes, and even when you are in a bad temper, they help to light the mood.
Not this time, though.
"Don't talk about Spencer or me like that!" You snarl. "He doesn't have to do with any of this!"
Morgan doesn't like you are talking to him. Folding his arms over his chest, he let out an unamused scoff.
"Come on, don't you think you're overreacting here? Was this whole outburst only for a joke? What, are you four years old?"
You want to keep yelling, but a lump forms in your throat that is making it difficult for you to speak or even breathe. Morgan doesn't even wait for you to say something.
"You know what?" Morgan continues. "If you cannot stand the pressure of this job right now, maybe you should go home."
With that said and shaking his head in disappointment, Dereks leaves you there.
Stumped. Frustrated. Broken.
All the anger from moments before turns into an almost uncontrollable urge to cry. What have you done to these people? They are supposed to be your friends, your family. They are supposed to understand you and support you when you need them. And now that it's the time, they've only ignored you, minimized your problems, and even questioned your worth. Maybe Derek is right, and you should go home.
Defeated, you're strolling to your desk when Hotch peaks out of his office and gestures you to come.
Great, just what you needed now.
When you walk into your boss's office, he is already sitting in his chair, sternly looking at you.
"I won't ask you what's wrong with you today because it's your private life. However, I must remind you we are all professionals on this team. If you need time off, you have the right to get it, but I will not tolerate disrespect, like when you are distracted as I give fundamental instructions. If you don't pay attention, it could affect your work in the field and even put the lives of innocent people at risk."
If you didn't feel trampled before, now you feel like a ton of dirt was dumped on you.
You know Hotch can be sharp with words, but his ultimate goal is always to look after the team. But why does it feel like you're not part of that team right now?
"Do I make myself clear?"
With no more energy left in your body, you just let out a 'yes, sir.' Without waiting for another response, he sends you back to your desk.
It's already noon when you resume your work. Your mind spins at a mile an hour, and although it's hard, you force yourself to concentrate enough to get your job done, so at least the salary they pay you is worth it. 
Like a mollusk in its shell, you close yourself in that bubble and stop paying attention to your surroundings. It's your safe place—only you. 
In the distance, you feel your coworkers come and go. Never do you look up. Time goes by, and your throat feels dry from not speaking for hours.
Before everyone starts planning lunch, you are already picking up your lunch bag.
Social interaction is out of the table, so you are secluded in the building roof where an improvisated garden has benches. You sit alone, and the breeze helps to steady your breathing. As you open your Tupperware, you tentatively plunge the fork into the almost-cold pasta.
Even so, you're better here than in the bullpen minutes ago.
Spencer walks through the doors of the BAU. It's 2 in the afternoon, so hopefully, the team is still having lunch in the conference room. Slightly worried that he wouldn't be able to reach you when he wanted to let you know he was on his way, he assumed that you had a lot of work and that your phone was mute.
Arriving at the conference room, Spencer scans the place and immediately catches something odd. You are not there. JJ, Prentiss, Morgan, Rossi, and Hotch are, though.
With an eyebrow furrowed, he asks, "Where is she?"
His teammates perk their heads up.
"Hello to you, pretty boy," Morgan teases.
"How was the interview?" JJ asks.
"Did you eat? You still can sit with us," Prentiss offers.
"Did you get the interview done?" Hotch asks with a raised eyebrow.
Spencer gets an uneasy feeling about what's going on. He knows you weren't feeling so okay this morning, and even if he tried to convince you to take a sick day, you didn't let him.
"Neither of you responded my question," Spencer points, voice harsher than when he asked first.
"(Y/N)? I thought she went home," Morgan muses.
"Why would she do that?" Spencer questions, alarmed. "Something bad happened?"
"She said she was okay when I asked earlier," JJ explains. "Maybe she has an errand to do."
"She was way distracted when we were at the meeting in the morning. She didn't listen a thing of what I said," Hotch adds.
"And you sent her home?" Spencer directs his question to Hotch.
"No, I didn't. She didn't ask it either when I called her to my office."
"You called her to your office? Did you reprimand her?" Spencer asks in disbelief.
"Of course, I did it, Reid. She did something disrespectful to the team," Hotch defends.
"And considering her rage moment directed to the copy machine, maybe it's better if she went home," Morgan supplies.
"Why are you being so dramatic, Reid?" Emily questions, very confused about why Spencer is so upset.
Spencer huffs, frustration running in his veins.
"Are you fucking kidding me right now? Did you ever realize she wasn't doing okay and nobody took her seriously? Yeah, sure, she said she was okay, but did you really check on her? Did you really ask her what was wrong? Did someone listen to her?"
The people in the room go silent after Spencer scolds them. 
Did they help in any way?
"You are unbelievable, and you call yourself profilers," Spencer huffs, turning to exit the room in search of you.
"What are you doing, Reid?" Hotch asks. No turning around to face his boss, and halfway out, Spencer replies.
"The thing you should have done in the first place. And I don't care if it doesn't fall protocol, I can give you my resignation letter tomorrow."
When Spencer reaches the building roof and sees you sitting on one of the benches, he lets out a sigh of relief. He suspected you might be there, considering your things were still on your desk.
You can't see it since your back is turned. Your eyes look at the horizon without focusing on anything in particular.
The breeze is nice despite the November weather in Virginia.
Not wanting to scare you, Spencer slowly approaches you as he clears his throat. You turn around and see him standing a couple of meters away from you, but close enough to see your eyes red from crying.
You know he noticed it, and you avert his gaze.
You don't like the idea of ​​looking vulnerable right now. The morning was already catastrophic enough to explain your current state of mind to Spencer.
Spencer is a man of many words. He is known for his diatribes on any topic at hand. So you expect some kind of rant or even some statistical data about what could be happening to you.
But contradicting his very nature, he just silently approaches, takes your hand to get you up from the bench, and pulls you into a tight, comforting embrace.
And for the first time all day, you feel like you can actually breathe, and your chest isn't tight anymore. Words are not necessary; just being held like that is enough for now.
Spencer kisses the top of your head lovingly.
"I'm sorry I couldn't be here for you sooner. I'm sorry you had such a horrible morning," your boyfriend laments.
You shake your head, still buried in his chest.
Tears fight to come out from the corners of your eyes, and you no longer want to hold them back.
"Let it out, baby. Just let them out."
And that's what you do. For the first time all day, you allow yourself to cry without holding back. Spencer has you the entire time, rubbing your back soothingly.
"I don't know why I feel so bad, Spencer. I don't understand," you muffle your words into his embrace.
"It's okay, love. You don't have to explain to me, or anyone for that matter. There are days when we are not okay, and it's completely valid. Never think you don't have the right to."
Hearing Spencer say that relieves some of the pressure on your head, but you can't help but think about your teammates' words throughout the morning.
Separating yourself from Spencer to look at him, your eyes still denote your inner struggle.
"What if they are right? What if they are right when they say I shouldn't make so much fuzz and rather think about doing my job well?"
Spencer cups your cheeks so you can look at him.
"They are not. Okay? By any means, you are the most professional person I have ever met in my life. Not only that, you are also the most compassionate, selfless, and willing to help to the fullest extent of your capacity. Does JJ need help babysitting Henry? You don't think twice. Does García need assistance organizing a girls' night? You are the first one to be there. Does Hotch need to finish a stack of reports in one night? You offer to help him. Does Derek need a backup to kick his way into a place and catch the unsub? You're the first to watch his back."
You are indeed like that, and you do all that. But you've never seen it as something extraordinary. For you, being part of a team and a family means all that and more.
"And that doesn't even scratch the surface of what you have been to me.
My love, you have been the person who has entitled me to open my heart and love without reservation. You have taught me to trust and that asking for help when you feel bad is okay. You are the light of my life, and I swear I'll do everything in my power so you can see the wonderful person you are and that you deserve all the love and support in the world."
Without a doubt, Spencer has something with his words and eloquence. How can you not believe him? The veil of doubt indeed emerges from time to time, but having someone who is by your side showing you what is really important makes the doubts not cloud your path.
A shy smile appears on your face, your eyes filled with gratitude.
"There she is," Spencer whispers, stroking your cheek with love and never breaking eye contact.
"Maybe I should have listened to you this morning and called in sick," you sigh. Spencer kisses the top of your nose.
"I know you weren't going to do it anyway." 
You giggle because he's right. Spencer knows you too well.
"Lunchtime is almost over. We should come back to work," you remind him. Spencer pulls a face, and you raise an eyebrow at him. "What was that?" You inquire.
Spencer laughs nervously. "It's just I may or may not have made a scene in the conference room earlier, and I may or may not have offered my letter of resignation to Hotch if he didn't allow me to come find you."
"You did what? Spencer, oh my God!" you start laughing. "Does that mean there's a chance we'll both get fired today?"
Spencer thinks about that for a second.
"Honestly? I don't think Hotch would risk losing his two best agents," he decides, winking at you.
"Hope you're right, Dr. Reid. Hope you're right," you voice, grabbing his hand in yours and making the way back to the sixth floor.
Spencer Reid's Taglist: @dreatine @nomajdetective @jayyeahthatsme @rosalinasam2 @averyhotchner @lovelyxtom @princessmiaelicia @pastelbabygirl19 @reidsbookclub @alexxavicry @gspenc @spencerreidisbae123 @calmspencer @pauline5525mgg @anamiad00msday @milivanili99 @laylasbunbunny @leahblackk @miaxx03 @missabsey @taintedstranger @khxna @hiireadstuff @pleasantwitchgarden @dysphoricsanity @levi-of-starz @themoonchildwhofell @silver138 @lovelybaka @shinytinywhispers 
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lee-laurent · 2 months
Finding A Way - Luke Hughes
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Summary: Luke is smitten with the new media girl for the Devils, the only issue... she has a boyfriend already (and he's a Flyers fan)
Content: angst, fluff, cheating, unhealthy relationship, emotional abuse, mentions of sex but no smut
wc: 6.5k
notes: this fic deals with some serious issues, so if you're not comfortable reading PLEASE do not continue. your mental health is wayyyyy more important than a fic, i promise :) however if you do decide to read, enjoy! i've had this written in my notes app for a while and just decided to finish it and put it on here!
Adelaide giggled as Luke stopped suddenly, letting the ice spray over the girl and her camera. Jack watched from the other side of the ice with Nico, rolling his eyes at the sight. Luke had been flirting with the new media girl since the season started but was still adamant that he didn't like her in a romantic way.
"When is he gonna ask her out?" Nico asked, knocking his should with Jack's.
"He still claims that he doesn't like her," Jack shrugged, narrowing his eyes as Adelaide giggled again.
"Well, he's clearly lying. Because they're definitely flirting."
"I keep telling him to bring her over, but he refuses."
"What's going on?" Dawson asked, joining his teammates.
"My brother is trying to get with the media girl."
"Adelaide? I don't blame him; she's hot."
"We all know she's hot, Mercer. It's just that he's too chicken to actually ask her out."
"Luke, you're supposed to be practicing," Adelaide teased, wiping the ice from her camera lens.
"I was just coming closer so you can get some good shots of me," Luke cheesed.
"I have enough photos of you. Tell your brother to start moving so I can get some of him.
"Oh, I see how it is. You want pictures of Jack, but not me. Should've known. He always gets the girls," he smirked.
Adelaid blushed at Luke's teasing, hiding her face in her hands. She'd be lying if she said she didn't find the rookie cute. He had made her feel welcome since day one, which the media girl thought was strange seeing as Luke was the shyer of the two Hughes boys.
"I didn't say that at all, Luke. Now go practice before you get us both in trouble."
Luke offered her one last smile, before joining the boys in their next drill. He caught Adelaide's eye few more times during practice, but she was busy taking pictures and speaking with her coworkers to pay him much attention. However, he was able to catch her as he was leaving the locker-room.
"Ady! Wait! Do you need a ride home?" he panted.
"Oh, um, I have a ride. Thanks though, Luke."
"Oh, who's your-"
"Babe! Come on!" a man standing near the entrance shouted. Luke felt his heart drop at the other man's words. He had just called the woman that Luke liked "babe." He could have sworn she was flirting back... guess not.
"One second, Matt! I'm just saying goodbye to Luke."
Luke watch the other man, Matt, roll his eyes and cross his arms over his chest. Tapping his foot impatiently as Adelaide turned to the rookie one last time.
"Maybe I'll bum a ride off you and Jack another time. I'll see you tomorrow afternoon for the game," she smiled, patting him on the shoulder. Luke watched from afar as Matt interlaced his fingers with Adelaide's, talking to her quickly and quietly.
"Come on, Rusty. Where's Ady? I thought you were offering her a ride?" Jack asked, snapping his brother out his stupor.
"She just left with her... boyfriend?"
"She has a boyfriend? Damn. Could've sworn she was into you. Sorry, bro."
Jack's words just pissed Luke off further. He turned on his heel, storming off to the boys' car.
"Luke, you can't mope around for the rest of the day just because the media girl has a boyfriend. I mean, the whole team thinks she's hot, so I'm not surprised she's taken," Jack tried to cheer up his younger brother.
"You're not helping, Jack."
"Sorry, I'm trying," Jack rolled his eyes.
"Just leave me alone. I'm not in the mood to deal with your dumbass."
"Matt, it's not like that. He was just being nice."
"Sure, he was, Ady. Because all those horny hockey boys you work with are always just 'being nice.'"
"You're being unreasonable. Luke is new like me. He's just helping me fit in."
"I don't want you talking to him unless it's work related."
"Okay. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," Ady sighed, looking down at the floor.
"It's ok, princess. I'm not mad," Matt cooed, wrapping his arms around her waist. "I love you."
"I love you too, Matt," she cracked a small smile, pressing a kiss to his lips.
Adelaide loved Matt. And Matt loved Adelaide. They'd been together for almost a year. He protected her from the guys she worked with, at least that's what he told her. Without Matt she wouldn't be safe. She needed him.
"Alright, have a good game. I'm out tonight with the boys, so make sure you get a ride with... what's her name? Sandra?"
"Sarah, Matt. Her name is Sarah. I've told you that like ten times today," Ady sighed, opening the car door.
"Whatever. Doesn't matter. I'll be out late, so don't wait up." And with that, Matt had driven off. Addy sighed, brushing her hair out of her face. She just needed to get through the game and ask Sarah for a ride home. Easy enough; she'd be fine. And everything would go as planned and-
Her eyes shot up, locking with no other than Jack Hughes'. She looked around as if he'd be calling on someone else, but she was the only person in the room.
"Um, hi, Jack."
"Can I speak with you for a moment?" he begged.
"Yeah, sure. What's up?"
"So, you know my brother Luke?"
"Yeah? We work together?"
"Right, so... he has a HUGE crush on you and I was wondering if-"
"I have a boyfriend."
"Oh. Okay, but-"
"I love my boyfriend."
"No 'buts.' This conversation is done. I love Matt."
"Yeah, you said that," Jack furrowed his brow, watching as she sped away to her office. Who was she trying to convince about loving Matt? Jack or herself?
Jack stood there, his mind racing. He watched Adelaide disappear into her office, a part of him still hopeful that maybe there was more to the situation than met the eye. But her words her clear, and it wasn't his place to push any further.
As he walked back to the locker room, he saw Luke waiting by the team's gear. The younger Hughes brother looked like he was trying to shake off a bad mood, but his face was still set in a scowl.
"Hey bro, you alright?" Jack asked, trying his best to sound natural.
Luke shrugged, not meeting his brother's gaze, "Yeah, just... not feeling great."
Jack hesitated before replying, "Look, I know you're bummed about Adelaide. But if she's with Matt and she says she loves him, then... well there's not much you can do."
Luke nodded, but his mind was clearly elsewhere. The team gathered for their pre-game talk, but the tension between the brothers was palpable. Jack glanced over at Luke frequently, wishing he could say something to make things better, but he knew some things were just out of his control.
Meanwhile, Adelaide was back in her office, trying to focus on the game. But the encounter with Jack kept replaying in her mind. She knew Matt could be overprotective, but his jealousy was like a thorn in her side.
As she was preparing to leave for the rink, her phone buzzed. It was a text from Sarah, confirming her ride home. She felt a small sense of relief. At least she wouldn't have to worry about getting home alone.
The game was intense. Adelaide took photos from the sidelines, trying to stay fully focused on her job. But her thoughts just kept drifting back to Luke and her conversation with Jack. She saw Luke on the ice, giving it his all, and she felt a pang of regret.
After the game as the players were filing out, Adelaide was about to leave when Jack approached her again.
"Hey, Ady. Can I talk to you for a second?" he asked, his tone softer than before.
"Sure, what's up?" she replied, trying to hide her exhaustion.
"I just wanted to apologize if I pushed too hard earlier. I just thought maybe-"
"I appreciate it, Jack. But it really is just how things are. Matt and I... are committed to each other."
"Yeah, I get that. I just hate seeing my brother like this."
"I understand. It's complicated, and I wish it were easier. But thanks for understanding."
Jack nodded and gave her a small, sympathetic smile, "Alright, well, see you around, Adelaide."
"Bye, Jack."
As she walked out to meet Sarah, she felt a mix of relief and uncertainty. She loved Matt, but the situation with Luke had stirred up emotions she wasn't ready to confront. For now, she needed to get through the night and take things one step at a time.
The days that followed were a blur for Adelaide. Her interactions with Luke were limited to work-related conversations and occasional small talk. She did her best to remain professional, but the chemistry between the two still lingered in her mind.
One evening, after a win against the Rangers, the team was out for drinks to celebrate. Adelaide was there with Sarah, trying to enjoy the night and push away the nagging thoughts of Luke.
Luke, for his part, was trying to keep his distance, but it was clear he was still hung up on Ady. When the group decided to hit up the nearby bar after the game, Adelaide and Sarah were among the last to arrive. And once he saw her in the bar, the alcohol in his system was not going to keep him from talking to her.
"Hey, Ady," he smiled, approaching her and Sarah. "Glad you made it."
"Hi, Luke," she replied, her voice tinged with a mixture of relief and hesitation.
They chatted casually at first, but as the night went on, Adelaide found herself increasingly drawn to Luke. They laughed together, shared stories, and for a brief moment, the complications of her life seemed to melt away. The alcohol added a sense of liberation, and she noticed Luke looking at her with an intensity that made her heart race.
Eventually, the group's conversation grew more rowdy, and Sarah got caught up in chatting with some friends of the team. Adelaide, feeling a bit detached, slipped outside for some fresh air. Luke, quickly noting her absence, followed her.
"Ady, you okay?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.
"Yeah, just needed a breather," she said, looking up at the stars. "It's been a long week."
Luke stepped closer, his gaze locking with hers. "You don't have to put on a brave face all the time, you know. It's okay to feel tired and burnt out."
She smiled faintly, "Thanks, Luke. It's just... everything's been a bit overwhelming lately."
Before she could react, Luke reached out and gently touched her arm. The warmth of his hand sent a shiver down her spine. Adelaide looked up, her heart pounding. Luke's gaze was intense, and she could see the vulnerability in his eyes.
In a moment of impulsive recklessness, Adelaide leaned in, and their lips met. The kiss was electric, filled with a mix of desperation and longing. For a moment, all the complications, the guilt, and the responsibilities faded away.
When they finally pulled apart, both of them were breathless. Adelaide's mind was racing, torn between her love for Matt and the undeniable connection she felt with Luke.
"I shouldn't have-" Adelaide started, but Luke gently placed a finger on her lips.
"It's okay," he said softly. "We don't have to figure anything out right now."
She nodded, feeling a rush of confusion and regret. "I need to get back inside."
Luke watched her walk back into the bar, a mix of hope and apprehension in his eyes. He knew that this was just the beginning of a much more complicated situation.
Back inside, Adelaide's heart was heavy as she rejoined Sarah and the group. The guilt of what had just happened weighed on her, but she couldn't ignore the thrill and the intensity of the moment with Luke. As the night went on, she tried her best to act normal, but her mind was consumer by the memory of kissing Luke.
The argument had started over something small- Matt's habit of not cleaning up after himself- but it quickly escalated. Adelaide and Matt were in the kitchen of their apartment, voices raised.
"Seriously, Matt? I've asked you a million times to clean up your dishes!" Ady's frustration was evident, as she slammed a dish into the sink.
"I'm tired of this, Ady!" Mat retorted, his face flushed with anger. "It's not like I'm trying to ignore you. I've been busy with work and-"
"Busy? You're always busy with work, but you can't even make a little effort here?!" she shouted, her hands on her hips. "It's not just about the dishes; it's about the respect!"
Matt threw his hands up in exasperation. "Respect? You think I don't respect you? I work hard so we can have a good life. I'm tired of you always nitpicking!"
"It's not nitpicking, Matthew! It's about being partners in a relationship. I feel like I'm doing everything on my own," her voice trembled.
Matt's face hardened. "Maybe if you were a little more understanding, you'd see how much I'm trying. But no, you're just focused on what I'm not doing."
Her eyes filled with tears, "I'm not asking for perfection. I'm asking for some consideration. I'm tired of feeling like I'm always the bad guy here."
Matt's anger seemed to shift into frustration. "You know what? Maybe we need some space. I can't keep doing this every day."
The harshness in his voice stung, and Adelaide felt her heart sink. "So what? You want to just walk away?"
"No, I'm just saying maybe we need to take a break from fighting all the time. I need to cool off," Matt said, grabbing his jacket. "I'm going out with the guys tonight. Maybe that'll help."
Adelaide watched as he stormed out, the door slamming behind him. She was left standing in the kitchen, feeling a mix of anger, sadness, and frustration. The apartment felt cold and empty without him.
With no one else to turn to, Ady grabbed her phone and, in a moment of desperation, texted Luke, asking if she coud come over. Her unresolved emotions driving her to seek comfort elsewhere.
When she arrived at Luke and Jack's apartment, her mind was clouded with the aftermath of the fight. Luke opened the door, his concern clear as day as he saw her tear-stained face.
"Ady, what happened?" Luke asked, pulling her into the apartment.
"I just... needed to get away," she replied, her voice breaking as she sunk into the couch.
Luke sat next to her, "Do you wanna talk about it?"
"I don't even know where to start," she laughed bitterly. "Matt and I had this huge fight. It's like we can't even get along anymore."
As Adelaide opened up about her frustrations, the conversation slowly shifted from comforting to more personal. The tension between the two grew palpable, and before they knew it, their emotions overwhelmed them. The lines between comfort and intimacy were blurred, leading them to kiss passionately.
The next morning, Adelaide woke up with a jolt, her head pounding. She turned to find Luke beside her, a mixture of confusion and guilt washing over her.
"Luke, I... we shouldn't have," Adelaide began, her voice trembling. "This was a mistake."
Luke's face hardened. "A mistake? You think this was just a mistake?"
"Yes," she said, her eyes welling up with tears. "I love Matt. I shouldn't have let this happen."
Luke sat up, frustration evident in his voice. "So, what are you saying? That I'm just some rebound? That this meant nothing?"
"No, it's not like that," she said, reaching for his hand. "It's just-"
"Just what?" Luke snapped, pulling away. "Just that you're confused? Or that you don't know what you want?"
"It's not about you, Luke!" she exclaimed, her voice rising. "It's about me and my choices. I'm committed to Matt. I need to figure out what I want."
Luke was seething. "Well, maybe you should've figured it out before coming here. This is exactly what I was afraid of- being used and then thrown away when it's convenient."
Adelaide recoiled, hurt by his words. "I never meant to hurt you."
Luke looked away, frustration and pain written on his face. "I thought we had something real, but now I see I was just a distraction."
"I didn't mean for this to happen," Adelaide said, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I'm so sorry."
Luke's expression softened slightly, but it was clear he was still hurt. "I get it. But I need time to process this. I can't just pretend it didn't happen."
"I understand," she replied, her voice just above a whisper. "I need to go."
As she gathered her things, the awkwardness and emotional distance between them was almost tangible. She glanced back at Luke, who stood silently by the door, a mix of anger and sadness in his gaze.
"I'll give you some space. I'm really sorry, Luke."
With that, she left his apartment, the weight of her actions heavy on her shoulders. As she drove away, the gravity of what had happened began to settle in, and she knew that repairing the damage she had caused would be an arduous journey.
Adelaide's hands shook as she gripped the steering wheel, her mind racing with the burden of what had just happened. Her thoughts were a chaotic swirl of guilt and confusion. She took a deep breath as she pulled into the parking garage, trying to steady herself before heading inside.
When she entered the apartment, the living room was dark, the only light coming from the sun filtering through the blinds. Matt was sitting on the couch, his posture tense and his face partially hidden in the shadows.
Her heart sank at the sight of him. "Matt, you didn't stay with the guys," she said, her voice shaky as she closed the door behind her.
Matt's gaze met hers, his eyes sharp and questioning. "Yeah. I decided to come home after all. I've been thinking."
"Oh, um, okay," she replied, trying to keep her composure as she walked further into the room.
Matt stood up and approached her, his expression a mix of concern and irritation. "So where were you? I tried calling, but you didn't answer."
Adelaide's heart raced. "I was out for a bit... I needed some fresh air. It was a rough day, ya know?"
Matt's eyes narrowed. "A bit? You were gone for hours. Did something happen?"
She hesitated, scrambling to come up with a believable excuse. "I just went for a drive to clear my head. Fell asleep in a parking lot. It's been stressful with everything going on."
Matt studied her for a moment, clearly unconvinced but unsure of what to say. "You didn't go see Luke, did you?"
The question hit her like a ton of bricks. She forced a nonchalant laugh, trying to mask her nervousness. "No, of course not. I haven't seen him. Why would you think that?"
His expression softened, but he still looked troubled. "I don't know, I guess I just... I felt like something was off. I didn't want to jump to conclusions."
Ady stepped closer to him, putting a hand on his arm. "Matt, I promise you, nothing happened. I was just out trying to process everything. I needed some space, and I didn't think to tell you because I thought you were also out."
Matt weighed her words, the tension in his shoulder easing. "Okay. I just- I don't want us to keep fighting. I care about you, Ady. I don't want there to be any secrets between us."
"I don't want that either," she said, her voice filled with sincerity she hoped would convince him. "I'm sorry for not being more communicative. I'll do better."
Matt nodded slowly, "Alright. Let's just try to move forward and work on things. I don't want to lose you."
Her heart ached, but she forced a smile. "I don't want to lose you either. We'll figure this out. I love you."
"I love you too."
They embraced, and Adelaide held him tightly, feeling both relief and guilt. As Matt settled back onto the couch, Ady joined him, trying to push away the lingering feelings from the night with Luke.
The weight of her deception was heavy, and as she sat beside Matt, the realization that she was living a lie began to settle in. She knew that maintaining the facade would be difficult, and the consequences of her actions were far from over. For now, though, she focused on keeping up the appearance of normalcy, hoping that time would help heal the rift she had created.
Luke felt like he was in a fog. The events of the previous night and that morning replayed in his mind. He knew he needed to talk to someone, but he wasn't ready to fully disclose what had happened. He decided to seek comfort in his brother, hoping for a little bit of guidance in his situation.
Jack met Luke at the rink, finding his brother sitting alone in the locker room. He approached him, a concerned look on his face.
"Hey, Rusty. You've been awfully quiet this morning. Everything okay?" Jack asked, sitting down beside him.
Luke sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Not really, man. I'm feelin' pretty messed up."
Jack cocked an eyebrow, sensing the seriousness of the situation. "You wanna talk about it or..."
"Sort of. It's... complicated," Luke said, avoiding eye contact. "I had a rough night, and I'm trying to make sense of things, I guess."
Jack frowned, "You sure you don't wanna spill the beans? Sometimes talking helps, ya know?"
Luke hesitated, searching for the right words. "It's not really something I can just talk about. I made some... choices that I'm regretting, and I feel like I've fucked things up, royally."
The older Hughes studied him carefully. "I get it. But you know, if you're feeling like you screwed up, you should at least be able to talk to someone you know won't judge you. I'm your brother, it's what I'm here for."
"Not that simple. I just don't wanna drag you into this. I just need to figure out what to do next."
"Are you like in serious trouble?"
"No, Jack... not serious trouble."
"I don't need to call the cops?"
"No, Jack," he laughed bitterly.
"Alright, well, don't bottle it up. You've got people who care about you, and we're all in this together."
Luke nodded, grateful for Jack’s support but still feeling the weight of his decisions. As they got ready for practice, Luke tried to focus on the task at hand, though his mind was still troubled by the consequences of the previous night.
Adelaide avoided Luke like he was the plague the next few days. She poured herself into work, using the camera as a shield to hide behind her. She kept her interactions with the team strictly professional, but her heart began to ache the first time her eyes met Luke's.
Jack noticed the change in his brother and the photographer. Their friendship had vanished, replaced by a strained silence. One day after pratice, Jack cornered Adelaide in the hallway outside the media room.
"Hey, Ady, got a minute?" he asked, casually leaning against the wall.
"Sure, Jack. What's going on?"
"I noticed that you and Luke have been... off lately. Did something happen?"
Her heart raced, but she forced a large smile. "No, nothing happened. We've just been busy with work and all!"
"Come on, Ady. I know you better than that. You two were inseperable when he started here, and now I don't think I've seen you talk to him in days. Did you guys have an argument or something?"
She sighed, the guilt weighing down her shoulders. "It's complicated. I don't want to get into it."
"Oh. Look, I get it if you don't wanna share. But just know that I'm here if you wanna talk. I care about you, so seeing you both like this is kinda hard."
"Thanks, Jack," her voice barely above a whisper. "Appreciate it."
"See you on the ice!"
God, what had she gotten herself into?
The rink was filled with sounds- the sharp scrape of skates on ice, the hollow thud of the puck hitting the boards, the shouted command of coaches, and the occasional shutter of Adelaide's camera lense. Luke Hughes moved with a ferocity that caught the attention of everyone on the ice. His usual smooth, calculated movements had been replaced by agressiveness. Every stride was powerful, every check delivered with a force that echoed through the arena.
"What's up with Rusty?" Jack muttered to Nico, who was stretching nearby.
Nico followed Jack's gaze. "Not sure, but he's been playing like he's possessed. Did something happen?"
Jack shrugged, keeping his eyes on Luke. "Don't know. He's been... off lately. Keeps to himself a lot more."
As practice continued, Luke's focus remained unbroken. He intercepted passes, delivered bone-rattling checks, and fired shots with pinpoint accuracy. His teammates began to whisper among themselves in the locker room, buzz building about the youngest Hughes.
"Hey, Lukey, what's going on with you?" Nico approached him.
Luke shrugged, "Focusing on my game. What's the big deal?"
"The big deal is that you're playing like you're trying to prove something. Or like you're trying to forget something."
Luke clenched his jaws, his knuckles turning white as he gripped his towel. "Drop it, Nico. I'm just trying to play better."
"Alright, man. But if you need me, I'm here. Don't shut out the team."
Luke didn't respond, instead shoving his gear into his bag with a force that spoke for itself. Whatever was eating at him was serious, and the team feared it would affect more than just his game.
Adelaide was at her desk, her fingers flying against her keyboard as she edited photos from their last game. She was immersing herself in her work, hoping it would distract her from her inner turmoil. She was focusing on her job and spending as much time with Matt as possible.
The door to her office swung open, and Luke stepped inside, his presence immediately filling the small space. Her heart skipped a beat, her eyes widening at the determined look on his face.
"We need to talk," his voice barely concealing his anger.
She swallowed hard, her throat dry. "Luke, I'm busy right now. Can it wait?"
"No," he said firmly, closing the door behind him. "We're not leaving this room until we sort this out."
"What is there to sort out? We made a mistake, and we need to move on."
"A mistake?" his voice rose. "Is that all it was to you?"
Adelaide flinched at his tone, "It's not that simple, Luke. You know it's not."
"Then make it simple for me," he demanded, stepping closer. "Do you have feelings for me or not?"
She looked away, unable to meet his intense gaze. "It doesn't matter what I feel. I'm with Matt. I've made a commitment to him."
Luke's hands clenched into fists at his sides. "So, you're just going to ignore what's between us? Pretend it doesn't exist?"
"What choice do I have?" she voice shook. "I love Matt. I can't just throw that away because I slept with you one time."
"Is that all you think this is? A fling?" his voice was filled with heart.
Adelaide felt tears pricking at the corners of her eyes. "No, but it can't be more than that. It's too complicated."
Luke took a step back, "You're scared. You're scared to admit that you want something different. That you might actually care about me. That you aren't happy with Matt."
"That's not true," she whispered, her resolve crumbling. "I do care about you, but it's not fair to anyone if I act on it."
"Fair?" Luke scoffed. "Life isn't fair, Adelaide. You can't just ignore your feelings because it's inconvenient."
She shook her head, the tears spilling over. "I'm trying to do the right thing. I can't hurt Matt like this."
"And what about me?" his voice cracked. "Do I not matter?"
"Of course you matter," she cried, reaching out to him. "But I can't do this. I can't be with you."
Luke stared at her a moment, his breathing heavy. Then, without warning, he crossed the distance between them in two quick strides and cupped her face in his hands. Before she could react, his lips were on hers, kissing her with a desperation that took her breath away.
She was stunned at first, but then melted into it, her hands gripping his shirt to ground herself. For a moment, all her feelings of guilt and doubt vanished, replaced by the overwhelming feeling of being with him. Of being with Luke.
But reality crashed back in and she pulled away, panting. "Luke, we can't."
"Don't tell me you didn't feel that. Don't tell me you don't want this."
"I do want it. But I can't. I have to think about Matt. I have to think about everyone else."
Luke's shoulders fell, the fight leaving his body. "Fine. If that's how you feel, I'll back off. But don't expect me to just forget out this. About... us."
Adelaide sat back down, staring blankly at her computer screen. The photos she was supposed to be editing blurred together, her mind far too preoccupied. She sighed, rubbing her temples in a futile attempt to clear her mind. They kiss that they had just shared haunted her, the memory replaying over and over again, making it impossible to do any work.
Her phone buzzed with a text from Matt: "Dinner tonight? Been missing you lately <3"
Guilt twisted her stomach as she typed back her response. "Sure, sounds great. I miss you too."
She hit send and put her phone down. She felt like a fraud. Everything felt tainted by her feelings for Luke. She decided to take a break from working, grabbing her coat and leaving the office. She was craving some fresh air. As she walked, she called Sarah. The one person she knew she could talk to about anything, and right now, she really needed her advice.
"Hey, Ady! What's up?"
"Hey, Sarah. Can you meet up? I really need to talk."
"Of course. How about the coffee shop near the area in fifteen?"
"Perfect. See you soon."
Adelaide arrived quickly and ordered herself a latte. When Sarah walked in, she felt a wave of relief. Sarah took one good look at her and knew something was wrong.
"What's going on, Ads?"
"I've messed up, Sarah. Big time."
Sarah reached across the table and held her hand. "Tell me everything."
Over the next hour, Adelaide spilled her guts to her confidante. Telling Sarah all about her feelings for Luke, the kiss, the night they spent together, and the guilt that was tearing her apart.
"Ady, it sounds like you're in a really tough spot. But you have to honest with yourself and with Matt. This isn't fair to anyone, especially not to you."
"I know. But I don't know how to choose. I care about them both so much."
"Maybe you need some time to figure things out. Take a step back, give yourself some space to think about what you really want."
"You're right I just need to clear my head. Thanks, Sar."
"No worries, Ads. That's what I'm here for."
"Luke, we need to talk."
"Not now, Jack," Luke muttered, not even looking away from the TV.
"Yeah, now," Jack insisted. "You've been acting insane. What's going on?"
"I can't, Jack. Just... drop it."
"Nope. Not happening," Jack sat next to him, turning off the TV. "Whatever this is, it's eating you alive. Talk to me."
Luke's frustration boiled over. "It's Adelaide, alright? We... we kissed. We... slept together. And then things got out of hand."
"You and Adelaide? Seriously?" Jack's eyes widened in shock.
"She said it was a mistake, that she loves Matt. But... I can't get her out of my head."
"Holy shit, Luke. That's... a lot. But you can't keep it bottled up. It's tearing you apart."
"I know... but I don't know what to do."
"Look, you need to talk to her. Clear the air. This tension is gonna kill ya both. And if she really loves Matt, you need to try to respect that and move on."
"Yeah. I know. But it's so damn hard."
"I get it, bro. But just take it one step at a time. And remember I'm here for you. Even when you royally fuck up like this."
That evening when Adelaide walked in the door, she could already feel Matt's anger. He was pacing back and forth in the living room.
"Adelaide. We need to talk," his voice was taut with anger.
"What about, Matt?"
"About us! About how distant you've been. It's like you're here, but you're not really here," he snapped, his eyes searching hers for an explanation.
"I've been under a lot of pressure with work. You know that."
"This isn't just about work, Ady! You've been avoiding me. We barely talk anymore, and when we do, it's about the team or the game. When was the last time we slept together? When was the last time you were focused on us? What happened to us?"
She felt a pang of guilt, but also a rush of anger. "Maybe if you weren't so obsessed with your career, we wouldn't be having this problem! You're never around, Matt. And when you are, you don't speak to me!"
"That's not fair. You knew how important work was to me when we got together. I thought you supported me."
"I do support you, but I can't be the only one making sacrifices. This is a partnership, not a one-way street."
"A partnership? That's rich coming from you! You used to be my biggest cheerleader, and now I don't even recognize you!"
"Maybe I changed because you never made me feel like I mattered!" she spat back. "It's always been about you and your career, your dreams. What about mine, Matt? What about mine?"
"I never stopped you from chasing your dreams! You can't just blame all our problems on me! You made choices too."
Ady tried her best to think of a response, but Matt continued before she could.
"I can't do this anymore, Ady. I don't even know who you are anymore," his voice breaking with resignation.
"Maybe you're right. Maybe we both need to figure out what we really want," she looked down at her feet.
"I thought we wanted the same thing. But I guess not. Maybe we've grown too far apart."
"I wish things were different, Matthew. I really do."
"Yeah, me too."
For a moment, it seemed like they were about to part ways without another word. But then Adelaide made a gut-wrenching decision. "Matt, there's something I need to tell you. I.... I cheated on you. With Luke."
The confession hit Matt like a punch to the gut. His eyes widened with shock, then narrowed with rage. "What did you just say?"
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for it to happen. It was a mistake-"
"A mistake?" Matt exploded. "You think that's just a mistake? You've been lying to me, hiding things from me while I thought we were trying to fix things!"
Adelaide tried to reach out to him, but he stepped back, his anger turning into something darker. "I didn't want to hurt you. I was confused, and I made a terrible choice."
His face turned red with fury, "You've betrayed me, Adelaide. You've crossed a line. I can't just let this go. You've been living a lie while I've been trying to make thing work."
"I'm so sorry, Matt. Just let me explain."
"No!" his voice echoed through the room, bouncing off the walls. "I don't want to hear it. You've shattered everything we had. I'm done. I can't even look at you right now."
Adelaide sat in her dimly lit apartment, feeling the weight of the last few days pressing down on her. The space felt unusually empty, and the silence was almost deafening. She had spent the entire day reflecting on everything that had transpired and was now preparing for an important conversation.
Her phone buzzed, signaling Luke's arrival. She took a deep breath and went to open the door.
Luke stood there, his expression a mixture of resolve and concern. "Hey," he said softly as he stepped inside.
"Hey," Adelaide replied, trying to muster a reassuring smile. "Thanks for coming over."
They moved to the living room, sitting across from each other. The atmosphere was heavy with unspoken words. Adelaide broke the silence first.
"I wanted to talk about everything that's happened. I know I've hurt you. And I've hurt Matt. And I need to take responsibility for that."
Luke nodded, his gaze was steady but pained. "I appreciate you saying that. I was hurt, and it's been hard trying to understand like... why everything went down the way it did."
"I never meant to hurt you. I was confused. Stuck in a relationship that had been loveless for a while. I was avoiding issues instead of talking about them."
"I get that. I was confused too. We both made mistakes, but we can acknowledge that."
"I think... no, I know that I want to be with you, Luke. I just... can we take things slow? Like super slow? I think I need to process everything that just happened," she giggled lowly.
"Yeah, of course. I'd like that a lot, Ady. Let's take this one day at a time.
"Sounds perfect."
Luke smiled, pressing a soft kiss to her lips. "Now, why don't you tell me why I'm your favourite Hughes brother," he smirked.
She rolled her eyes, "If I must..."
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catalinas-cure · 6 months
bitter fuck
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A/N: okay so this is my first work since not writing since last summer 😭 , probably gonna make a part 2 of when reader & jj get back to the château. requests are open! lmk if I forgot any tags and as always, comments are appreciated 🤗.
summary: you mess up and make it up to jj in the back of john b's van (in front of rafe's house ☠️)
word count: ~2k
tags: eventual smut with bsf!jj/implied fem!reader/ oral in the twinkie/mentions of/jj forcefully getting you into the van
you'd never admit it but you loved how overprotective your bestfriend, jj, was. Just nice to know he cared, sometimes too much for people to believe you two were really just friends.
and could you blame him? It's not like you really tried to keep out of trouble. he kept you in check and you tried to do the same for him.
tonight's argument between the two of you was about none other than rafe cameron, you knew better than to hang around him, especially after what he and barry had put jj through.
pacing back and forth though the château he tried to reason with you.
"i'm looking out for you, okay? would you stop being difficult for a second?" he sits down on the couch, placing his hat in his lap and his face in his palms.
"you don't know what he'd do just to piss me off, what he'd do to you. really think I'd just let you go off with someone like that?" jj half laughs.
"let me go?" you scoff, getting up from the couch.
"sorry! I guess I forgot that I'm not allowed to go anywhere without your permission, that's what you're saying right?" you blurted.
"i'm leaving, don't wait up for me." you snatch your purse and walk out the door, slamming it in your fit of short lived anger.
"fuck!" jj covers his face with a pillow, all he wants to do is keep you safe but you make it so hard for him but fine! If you want to be like that then so be it.
you took off on your bike, putting in your earphones to silence the thoughts of regret you were having.
It wasn't hard for jj to find you, he had your location after all. It just scared him that you couldn't hear the twinkie creeping up behind you when you were pulling up to the front of the cameron's house.
kicking your kickstand to finally come to a stop and calm yourself before you go inside, you start feeling tinges of regret, maybe you should just go back to the château and hope he forgives you...
it's already too late though because jj is right behind you, trying to be as silent as possible. he puts a hand over your mouth and an arm around your waist.
you already know who it is so you don't freak out, feeling oddly more relaxed than you did a second ago. putting your own hand over the one he had covering your mouth. looking up at him, you take in that crazed look he has, eyes dilated so much that you can barely see the blue in them, his usual shit-eating grin replaced with a blank expression
"don't scream…...okay? can you do that for me? hm?" he questions, waiting until you nod "yes" to pick you up and throw you over his shoulder, placing a calloused hand on your ass for whatever reason, you wince at the unfamiliar but not unwelcome feeling.
opening the door to the twinkie with one hand, he places you into back and puts a finger to your mouth, gesturing you to keep quiet.
he goes and gets your bike, hitching it to the bike rack on the back of the van.
finally, sliding the side door open and climbing into the back with you. "so." he says, crossing his arms.
"do you wanna talk now?" he sighs
you crawl on your knees to him and bury your head into his chest, or try to at least. He grabs you by your shoulders and sits you up "are you fuckin' serious, weren't you just trying to go to rafe's house, you ditch me and still try to act like nothing happened?"
he pushes away from you.
"i'm sorry, okay! i fucked up, i was just mad, i should've listened." you wait for him to look back at you but he doesn't. "jay, please, I'm sorry, okay?" you plead, starting to get desperate.
you scooch closer to him and put your hand on his back, trying to break through the distance between you two. "you're my best friend, I know you were just trying to look out for me, l'll listen next time. I promise.” putting your head on his shoulder, hoping he'll forgive you.
"you wanted to go be with rafe so bad, didn't you? go then, i don't care anymore." he laughs "let that dirty kook have you, that's what you want, isn't it? I can't protect you from yourself anymore."
he expects you to go back into the house, his brow raising as he realizes you're starting to cry. "now what? you're not gonna go?" grabbing you by the chin, he wipes your tears.
"speak, c'mon. you're a big girl, use your words." he says harshly, making your muffled cries grow louder. “don't get all shy on me now, where's that attitude you had in the house? can't have rafe seeing you like this, can we?" jj lets go of your chin and cups the side of your face instead, brushing his rough thumb over your soft, tear streaked face.
"don't...wanna go, jay, just wanna stay with you" You mutter, looking up at jj through your lashes, trying to suppress your shaky voice.
“all of a sudden…..don't wanna do what you came for anymore, hm? don't play dumb, I know you like the back of my hand" he says.
he's not mad, he's just disappointed, which is worse. your lip starts to quiver and you try to cover your face out of embarrassment.
"hey.." he calls "you're really not gonna go?" he questions. you wipe your face with the back of your hand and shake your head "no".
"good, that's what I fuckin' thought, c'mere" he motions for you to come to him, laying back on the cushions in the twinkie.
you crawl in between his legs and lay over his chest, a familiar warmth washes over you, you feel safest like this. " 'm sorry, jayj, won't do it again." you sniffle.
"trust me, you won't” jj smacks your ass and sits you right on his lap, the shit-eating grin you love so much finally returning. "still mad at you, y'know." he whispers in your ear
"i'll make it up to you, 'kay?" you start unbuckling his belt, his mouth hanging agape. "shit, forgot to ask, is this okay?" you stop dead in your tracks "mhm, ‘s okay" he answers, eyes starting to gloss over.
you go right back to work, tossing his belt aside and starting to unbutton his pants, looking right at him again "jay, please don't go quiet on me, say whatever you want, just wanna hear you..." you admit
"my bad, i, uh... just been imagining something like this forever. kinda in shock, y'know." he shrugs, trying to avoid eye contact. “take these off for me." you borderline demand.
"yes ma'am." he immediately slips his jeans off of him, fidgeting with his hands, impatiently waiting for you to touch him again.
"need you to look at me when i suck it, can you do that for me?" you ask, palming his erection "i’ll try...” he whines at your touch, starting to get needy.
you slip your hand under the waistband of his boxers, biting your lip as you finally free his aching cock, already leaking precum.
"you okay there? you're allowed to talk, y’know?" you let out a giggle, trying not to burst out laughing at how jj is looking at you right now, like this is all he's ever wanted.
“is it bad that I kinda want rafe to come out here and see you with my dick all in your mouth? cum all over your mouth, my cum." he laughs, eyes fluttering open again at you brushing your thumb over his sensitive tip.
jj winces at your touch, voice starting to catch in his throat “hey..” he meets your gaze as you finally take him in your mouth, causing his eyes to clench shut. “fuck...a little bit of a warning would've been nice." he mewls.
you look away, trying to keep him from seeing you struggle to deep throat his cock. he throws his head back in pleasure, nearly hitting it on his own motorcycle helmet he'd thrown back there forever ago.
"try to stay still, can you do that for me, jay?" he nods frantically, tossing the helmet into the drivers seat of the van. you pump him in your hands a few times "stop teasing me...fuckin' shit." he pants.
he was so beautiful like this, pupils widening at your every touch, his hair a mess, and his face flushed pretty shades of pinks and reds.
you start up again, feeling him hit the back of your throat, you feel a familiar wetness pooling in between your thighs so you try to hurry up in making him cum so you can get to the château and finish what you started.
almost feeling like you're dreaming, jj’s sweet moans bring you back you to earth. " 'm gonna cum...fuck." he gasps as you swirl your tongue around his throbbing head.
soon enough his hips start to buck into your mouth, spurting thick, hot ropes of his seed onto your tongue. his hands quick to root themselves deep into your hair to keep himself from shaking so hard.
you pull off of him, wiping your lips as fast as you can and opening the side door up again to try to get into the passenger's seat, ready to get home. JJ grips your wrist, pulling you back into the van and shuts the door "you're really just gonna get up and leave after that?" he sighs.
you inch towards him, finally curling up in his lap on the seats in the back, waiting for him to speak again. he runs his fingers over your back then raises your face to his eye level. "look at me." he says, wiping the spit from earlier off your chin and tucking some loose hair strands behind your ear. putting his hands on your shoulders, he stops and takes a good look at you.
"you're bigger than i thought you'd be, y'know..” you say, trying to get rid of the uncomfortable silence between the two of you. a wheeze escaping his biten lips. “wow, okay” he smirks, the corners of his eyes crinkling. "so you've thought about it then? i don't know if i should be offended or not" jj teases, his singular dimple becoming visible with how big he's grinning.
"no, no, it's a good thing! I think..." you giggle, beginning to play with his already tousled hair, pursing your lips in amusement at how the situation had changed so quickly.
you snap out of your hazy state and noticed the strange look on his face, gaze flickering from your lips then back up to your eyes as he starts to lean in closer to you. "hi.” he whispers sweetly. "nono, jj, back up!" you laugh, playfully covering your face, feeling him pressing soft, quick kisses on your check and down your neck.
you two roll around in the back until jj has you pinned underneath him, one hand holding the both of your wrists above your head and the other one wiping the sweat off his forehead. "are you gonna behave?" he huffs.
"no." you tease, kneeing him in the chest. "can I kiss you, for real this time? he asks. “you literally came in my mouth not too long ago, no!" you stated. he lets go of your wrists and rubs the back of his neck, waiting a bit before he sighs. " i don't care, y’know, i’ll still kiss you..” almost staring into your soul at this point. you can tell he's serious.
"okay?" he questions, "alright..." you say, letting him take over. jj places his hands behind your neck and begins biting at your already swollen bottom lip, the both of you laughing as your foreheads bump together.
finally, he kisses you properly for the first time in all the years you two have known eachother and it just feels right, like everything will be okay.
“that was nice." you plant a kiss on his forehead, wanting to stay like this for just a little bit longer. “don't know why we waited so long. not that i'm complaining." he smirks.
this is what you both needed, what you two craved all this time. and it was finally yours.
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daceydeath · 5 months
Biggest Flex
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Pairing: Seonghwa x Reader
Word Count: 1.6K
Genre: Mafia Romance, Smut
Warnings: 18+, MDNI, Swearing, Alcohol, Violence, Explicit Content
Park Seonghwa is a traditional mafioso so there are only a few rules that apply to those around him. Do not disrespect him, his organization or what he considers his.
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“I'm here with someone, sorry” you repeated as politely as you could, it was probably the fourth time you had said the same thing and the dip shit was still talking to you trying his luck.
“Well he ain't here beautiful so how about you and me…” he started a cocky grin still on his face before you interrupted him again.
“I'm here with someone and he will be back in just a moment” you sighed, plastering on a fake smile that didn't reach your eyes. You knew there would be some kind of trouble once your boyfriend came back but only if you couldn't get rid of this absolute moron before then. 
“Listen you stupid bitch, your man ain't here so how about you stop acting like a tease and come over to drink with us” he shouted getting too close to your face for you to not flinch back “aw is the little slut scared now?”. He reached out to grab your arm.
“Touch her and I'll kill you, you piece of shit” A terrifying snal echoed across the room. Skirting around the guy who was trying to pick you up you almost stumbled to get closer to Seonghwa who looked murderous. The anger rolled off your lover in such palpable waves, you could almost taste it. Even though it wasn't directed at you it still made the hair on the back of your neck stand on end, nothing that happened from this moment was going to be bloodless.
“Hwa” you whispered, sounding loud in the deafening silence that had enveloped the room. Reaching out to touch his arm as he stepped closer to where you were standing.
“Go with Joon baby” he murmured, taking your hand and kissing your knuckles softly “You shouldn't see what happens now”.
“Hwa, he's just an idiot who doesn't know who I'm here with” you continued “you promised me tonight would be just us”.
“I know, but disrespect must always be punished especially when that disrespect involves insulting what's mine” his eyes were still burning with rage but the way he spoke to you reassured you that he didn't blame you.
“Alright Hwa” you nodded, stepping towards where Hongjoong was standing, his gun already on display from the way he had crossed his arms whilst backing up your boyfriend. Hongjoon nodded at Seonghwa before guiding you from the private VIP room and towards the exit, his hand barely touching your shoulder blades. Usually Seonghwa would simply send Hongjoong and some of the others to take whoever he was angry with outside to deal with them away from you but this time he was far more frightening than you had seen him before.
“What's going to happen Joon? Will Hwa be alright?” Your voice showing how nervous you were about what was about to happen.
“Trust me you don't want to know” Hongjoong smirked before noticing your wide eyes and smiling lopsidedly instead “Hwa will be just fine, he has back up with him”. Nodding you didn't feel much better about the situation especially when you heard the first scream and crashing sound making you jump.
“Come on, to the car so you are safe” Hongjoong picked up his pace walking you into the alleyway and in the direction of the black Lotus that Seonghwa had driven you to the club in. Getting into the passenger seat Hongjoong shut your door and took his place in front of your window gun drawn and ready to act if it was required making your anxiety grip your heart like an icy hand squeezing it until you felt like you couldn't breathe. Even though you were outside of the club and shut in the car you could still unmistakably hear the sound of gunshots echo through the night making you shudder and Hongjoon tense in his stance.
After what felt like an hour you saw Hongjoong relax and move from his position holstering the handgun that he had tried to keep from your line of sight. You looked around still feeling anxious but less so since Hongjoong had relaxed, Seonghwa was making his way out of the rear exit door, his black coat swirling in the cold air as he walked over to the car calmly. Hongjoong made his way over to the black Audi sedan that Seonghwa’s men traveled in while Seonghwa smiled at you looking as though he was completely uninjured. He opened the drivers door and slid in beside you, his hand coming to rest on your thigh, his teeth flashing as he grinned at you.
“Let's get you home pretty baby” he hummed, starting the car and letting the engine roar to life. Speeding through the city streets you very quickly found yourself pulling into the gated driveway of his place.
“I thought you were taking me home Hwa” you smiled shyly, biting your lower lip softly making him raise his eyebrow as he looked you over.
“This is your home baby, you know anything I own is yours” he almost purred, getting out of the car and opening your door for you. As soon as you were standing Seonghwa pulled you into a desperate kiss pressing himself against you. 
“Let me show you that you own everything I am” he smirked, making you blush. Scooping you into his arms he carried you into the house, not bothering to even shut the front door, only putting you down when he could lay you on his bed. 
Pulling off his coat and jacket he threw them to the floor, followed them went his tie, waistcoat and shirt leaving him looking glorious in his half naked state. In the time it has taken to rid yourself of your coat he was crawling up the bed and hovering over you. Moving to toe off your shoes he stopped you gently.
“Leave them on baby, I want to undress you myself” his voice turned husky as he pressed his clothed crotch against you letting you feel how hard he was.
“Hwa, I was so worried something would happen to you” you whispered feeling yourself already giving into him.
“I'm sorry you had to see me angry pretty baby” he whispered before connecting his lips to yours, this kiss much more sensual than the last. His lips moved more gently against yours as he swiped his tongue along the seam of your lips and pulled your bottom lip lightly with his teeth. Gasping in pleasure he took advantage by slipping his tongue between your open lips and moving it against your own in slowly making you whimper quietly.
“I forgive you Hwa, I know you just want me safe” you uttered breathily as he began kissing his way down your neck stopping to mouth at the juncture with your shoulder making you sigh. You could feel his lips curl into a smile as he repeated the action making you whine softly and thread your fingers into his hair. Moving back to your lips his hands made short work of tugging you dress down your body leaving you in only your underwear and heels as he sat back to admire you.
“Fuck you're a goddess” he spoke almost revenantly making your heart swell in your chest. Taking your right leg and kissing your ankle and he removed your high heel he repeated the action with the left before undoing his pants and crawling back up your body kissing every inch of your exposed skin in the process. Once his lips reconnected with yours you felt his fingers make their way past the lace covering your core and begin gently teasing you.
“Mmm Hwa” you moaned, lightly rocking your hips against his digits melting into the pleasure he was already giving you. Without moving himself away from you he tugged your underwear further aside and before you could protest the lack of his fingers he started filling you with his length. Inch by inch he sunk into you at a maddeningly slow pace making you arch your back as he bottomed out inside you.
“So tight baby” he groaned gradually pulling his hips back before sinking into you again “you take me so well baby”.
“Ngh… please Hwa” you babbled as he rolled his hips again stretching your velvet walls perfectly. You heard him chuckle breathlessly before he lazily continued rocking his hips into you giving you just enough pleasure to drive you mad.
“Does my baby want more huh? Does she need me to make her mine? Show her who she belongs to?” He teased picking up his pace and walking you moan loudly. He began snapping his hips into you more roughly each thrust hitting the spot that only he could inside you sending you hurtling towards your orgasm.
“Seonghwa… oh my god….” You cried out as the tingle in your belly caught fire and exploded making you cum hard around him, your walls quivering as he kept fucking into you. He growled from somewhere in the back of his throat making your head spin while he continued to pump into your fluttering hole.
“Such a good girl” he groaned, his voice strained as he tried to hold off his own high just a little bit longer, lifting your leg to wrap around his waist to plunge even deeper into you “Fuck I love you so much baby” he moaned as he finally hit his climax filling you with thick ropes of his seed.
“I love you too Hwa” you panted tiredly as he carefully pulled himself from you making you hiss slightly at the feeling of emptiness between your thighs. He languidly got off the bed stripping himself nude before helping you out of your underwear and climbing back into the bed beside you pulling you onto his chest.
“I meant it baby, everything I am is yours” he smiled, kissing the crown of your head.
A/N: Thank you for reading my lovely loves. All your kind support means the world to me xxx
Taglist (open): @christopher-bangnaldoskzz , @armystay89 , @damnyouficc , @roamingpolar , @tara-skyhold , @bakedlilgoonie , @krishastumblernow , @mrsseals16 , @fawnpeaks , @leeknowinggg @uno7 @tanzen-ist-gold
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ginevrapng · 1 year
pairing: fwb!james x reader
word count: 1.9k words
warnings and contents: 18+ contains some sexual content, teasing, touching over clothes, semi-public, james being super desperate to kiss you (and desperate for you in general), some cockblocking, 'love' being used as a nickname ||| chubby-coded reader
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james shares the same class as you, history of magic, and sits next to you. no other marauders are in the class and there's barely any gryffindor's in general in the class so james always makes sure you and him sit together at the back where no one notices either one of you. he sits at the back away from everyone else, he doesn't interrupt the lessons or talk loudly with his friends, he's got something better to do, so people forget he's even taking the class, he doesn't get noticed. paired up with, you, already being, as james teases you about 'a nobody' no one ever pays attention to you both and how you always sit next to each other. he knows calling you a nobody doesn't bother you but it does make you pinch him in the arm in retaliation.
james takes this opportunity to try and talk to you as much as he can without you telling him to be quiet and shut up. binns drones on but james talks way to energetic for your liking in class that you worry that you'll get in trouble. even if you do want to spend your hour giving james your undivided attention, quietly chatting to him.
this particular lesson felt more lengthy and drawn out than normal for him and after class he's planning on setting up some elaborate prank in filch's office that if he told you about you'd absolutely scold him for, saying that it's too risky to do a prank like that in the middle of the day.
james looks around the room to check if anyone is looking his way and no one is. you slightly jump in your chair as you feel a hand placed on your knee. james is resting his hand on your knee and it's not scandalous at the moment but you never know what scheme james has going on in his head. you shift your head slightly and hiss at him, "what do you think you're doing potter!" james keeps looking where he was and looks like he's paying little attention to where his hand is before shushing you. "don't shush me potter, what are you doing? unlike you i'm actually paying attention in class!"
james grins at that knowing you well enough by now, you're such a liar. "hush love. i'm not doing anything." he's lying, you know he's lying, you know him well enough by now. you know that he's teasing you and if he keeps pretending he doesn't know what he's doing to you you're going to get frustrated just like he wants you to do because he thinks you look cute when you're mad and you can't let him win.
you suck your breath in when you feel his large callus palms start to gently stroke your knee, making you shiver in the process. you go to reiterate that he needs to stop because you're in class and you're interested in this class before james stops you by speaking first. "you're such a little liar love, we both know you're paying zero attention to binns. i don't blame you, it's binns. you can't use the whole good girl act who pays attention in every single class on me. i know how much you hate history of magic." he says entirely to smug and impressed with himself.
you grit your teeth regretting every decision that led you to sitting next to james bloody potter. "we've got exams soon," you muttered. at that james chuckled but quickly hid it behind an acted cough. you looked up at him and glared. james looks back and grins, annoying you more than you were.
he slowly moves his hand up your thigh causing your eyes to widen and you to immediately grab his wrist. "james!" you whisper shout at him, right after being said you were worried that you weren't quiet enough and someone might have heard you.
james' eyes soften as he looks at your panicked state and wide eyes, he doesn't move his hand but softly squeezes your plush thigh. "come on love. you trust me, right?" he doesn't push you, he thought before that you like it but are just a bit nervous but at this point james is second guessing his actions. he doesn't know if his heart would handle it if you said you didn't trust him or even worse if he's wrong and he's put you in a situation that you're entirely uncomfortable in.
you're not uncomfortable just wary but with james' words you breath and calm your worry. you have complete faith in him and you know that he'll never put you in a bad situation.
you slowly remove your hand from his wrist and james visibly relaxes before stroking your thigh up and down, barely applying any pressure, almost tickling you but definitely teasing you.
the longer james touches you the more relaxed you get in his hold knowing that you're not going to be caught and he's touching you in ways that bring you comfort, he always makes you feel safe. you realise at some point the idiot is tracing not patterns anymore on your skin but his own name. you distinctly feel the 'J A M E S' traced against your body. his hand gets higher up and you flush at the action. you shoot him a look of warning but he mouths to you, 'trust me love'.
your back straightens as you feel the pads of his fingertips brush up against your underwear. that's all he does, move his hand slowly against you, occasionally grabbing chunks of your thigh and putting extra pressure when he's touching your still covered pussy. he's obviously having fun teasing you and messing with you. he's going to get a book to the back of his head later if this carries on.
james' trousers soon become tight as his dick hardens more every time he grabs hold of your thick thigh and touches your knickers that are now wet from the attention james is giving you. his breath hitches as he feels your soaked underwear knowing that he's the cause of it. he checks the room again to make sure no one is suspecting anything or looking your way and with his other hand he reaches down and palms himself over his trousers.
his eyes dart all over you, taking in the feeling of your soaked underwear and your soft thighs. he see's you biting your lip so hard it's a surprise you're not drawing blood to keep from whimpering. you're trying to look composed but your face is mildly scrunched up because of the light teasing touching and all the stimulation. you look like a goddess. he nearly whimpers while looking at you.
you notice the movement when james starts touching himself and get wetter knowing this is affecting james as much as it's affecting you. you look at him and give him an all knowing smirk and james see's this and wishes so bad that he could kiss you right now that it physically pains him that he can't. you smirk and stifle a giggle as you look down letting him know that you've seen that he's hard. "not m'fault, it's yours. you're really hot," he tells you unashamedly. you press your lips together in a thin line as to not smile too much but james see's right through you. he wants to kiss you again, one where he bites your lip that makes you melt, a kiss that's hungry and passionate.
he wants to kiss you every time you smile, or try to hide a smile; or grin, or smirk, or pout, or get angry, or cross your arms, or laugh at his jokes. he wants to kiss you when he see's you in the great hall, when you furrow your eyebrows when reading something you don't understand in class, when you roll your eyes at him, when you're bantering and making playful remarks to each other. he wants to kiss you every time he see's you, he wants to kiss you when he can't see you. he thinks he must be addicted to your lips because no one has ever made fireworks go off around him and his body tingle with just a kiss.
he wants to brush his knuckles against your cheek and kiss you so hard that he wants to never let you go. he wants to take your hair that's fallen out of place and place it behind your ear while calling you beautiful. he looks at you longingly, wanting you so bad yet knowing that he's in class and he can't touch you the way he wants to.
"you're so fuckin' beautiful, love," he comes close to you and breathes into your ear. james is still touching you and you grip your quill causing your hand to become lighter due to the tight grip you have in hopes that it'll keep you grounded so you don't make any noises that people will hear.
the bell rings and he's still daydreaming about all the things he wants to do with you. as it rings you see everyone start putting their things away and james still hasn't stopped, clearly in his own world. you clasp his wrist and pull it away from your body, "james!" you say as loud as your anxiety of being caught lets you.
james snaps out of his daydreaming and looks to you and grins automatically at you, you give him a small soft smile in return. nodding your head over to the other students who are starting to sling their bags over their shoulders, "the bell james."
james coughs and clears his throat, trying to ignore the thoughts of you in his head and subtly making sure his robes cover his dick. "yeah, yeah. cool."
"james, what'cha you doing now? classes are over for the day and well... y'know, i'm kinda... do you wanna-"
"oi! james!" you both turn you head to the door to see the marauders outside in the corridor.
james has never been more pissed off at sirius than he is right now, wanting nothing more than to whisk you away from everyone else and keep you to himself for the next hour or two.
he knows at this time you typically go back to your common room and read alone in front of the fire now that it's getting colder out and james knows he could warm you up and keep you company while you complain to him about how annoying he was being but he can't. he's got a date planned with filch.
he squeezes your hand other the table and shoves his textbook in his bag before walking out, leaving you standing there alone. when all the marauders turn away to start walking you see james quickly swivel round and mouth out to you 'sorry'. you nod at him and force a smile. disappointed with not being able to spend more time with james you too grab your stuff and head out of the classroom.
"who's that girl prongs? looks like y'know her." sirius asks him curiously, not ever seeing the girl before in all his time at hogwarts.
"nobody." james replies. he already misses you.
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wordstome · 10 months
Satyr!König Headcanons
Yesterday I was talking with the lovely @kneelingshadowsalome about her satyr König au, and boy, did we cook. Good morning Finland, it's time to take some hairy goat man cock! (Most of these are adapted from our DMs! Headcanons in bold are by Salome, with minor changes)
It's just König's luck, really, for him to finally get his hands on a pretty little nymph to fuck and fill with his potent seed and she runs off on him! And now he's certain that she's hiding from him, which has him absolutely fuming. If she's going to play this little game, he'll just have to hunt her down...
Meanwhile, she’s freaking out because her monthly blood is very, very late, and she suspects that awful satyr is to blame. All her little nymph friends are sympathetic, but they did warn her!
She may be sulking about her predicament, but part of her becomes wildly jealous when she sees her friends are "torturing" the poor satyr. Never even wanted to see that big hairy pervert again, but also doesn't want others to frolick around him even if he's chained to a tree!
The little nymph does end up feeling sorry for the man, so when it's nighttime and all her friends have scurried away, she creeps up to him quiet like a mouse to free him. Of course, she ends up getting a pounding for all her troubles...what did she expect?
He's not making the same mistake letting her go again! He makes good on his promise to lick her to completion, and then she just curls up and falls asleep...silly, silly thing. Giving him the perfect opportunity to scoop her up and whisk her to his lair. Her fellow nymph sisters wail and cry and demand her return, but König's not telling where he's keeping her squirreled away.
She's stomping mad about her new situation. Not only is she separated from her sisters and unable to live free and wild in the sunshine as she used to, but she and König are always bickering and arguing, ending up more often than not with him folding her into a mating press...
She's offended when he brings her fresh meat to eat, which of course confuses him. He had only meant to show how strong and competent of a provider he is, hunting for his woman, but his difficult little nymph has the nerve to turn her nose up at it and scold him. Doesn't he know nymphs only eat berries and flowers and other gifts that the earth gives to nourish them?
Of course she tries to break out of the dark woodland prison he's keeping her in, but the first time he catches her, he only gives her a terrible smirk and shows her the exit. She's welcome to leave, but he lives in the dark, deep part of the woods that the nymphs don't dare trespass in, where hungry wolves and other awful satyrs live...
Naturally, she would never risk being caught and taken to some other horny satyr's lair. At least here he gives some care to her wellbeing and all the attention a sulky little nature spirit could want...
He is trying, she supposes...he's stopped bringing her all that awful bloody meat to eat, he makes her a soft little bed of grasses and flowers to sleep on, and treats her like a fussy little princess. But she can't start growing fond of him...!
König, meanwhile, is on cloud nine with his pretty little nymph. she stays right where he wants her, always pouting and mewling for his attention, and only fusses a little bit when he warms his cock inside her. what more could a nasty satyr like him even want?
It becomes endearing, how well he provides all she asks for. Not that she's ever going to show her feelings to him of course. Just happens to twirl the hair on his chest around her fingers before she falls asleep on his lap...
Falling for this nasty old faun isn't what she signed up for when she straddled him that day. But she also can’t complain, because he is good with that tongue of his…
So good she can't even find it in herself to be mad when he pervs on her when she's resting and trying to get some sleep:
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It’s nighttime when she’s woken up with a start. Probably just König back from a hunt, hopped up on adrenaline and ready to breed her again. But to her horror, it’s some other strange faun man, leering at her with dubious intent. Turns out there are downsides to making your little pet nymph scream with pleasure every night: namely, that the wrong person might hear...
Ordinarily, she would have no trouble fleeing or fighting back, but she’s just not used to the dark wood and hard packed dirt of this part of the forest, and finds herself frozen with terror as the stranger approaches her. He’s nowhere near König’s size, but that doesn’t mean he won’t be giving her a tough time.
Then she hears a very familiar roar, but this time it’s not of frustration or pleasure as she's used to hearing it, but raw anger, and she knows her satyr is back and very much not pleased to find an intruder menacing his little nymph. Nymphs are no lightweights when it comes to offensive magic in their arsenal, of course: König's already learned that the hard way. But they call him the king for a reason...his powers are a different ballpark entirely.
The intruder barely has time to beg for his life when König is summoning forth thick, thorny vines to ensnare him, causing the other satyr to holler in pain. The nymph knows what's about to come, and stuffs moss into her ears just as the sound of pan flutes fills the air. She watches in a mix of horror and intrigue as the intruder writhes and panics, tearing himself to shreds on the thorns...
It's over quickly, and the whole ordeal sends her trembling into her soft little bed of moss and grass. There's a brief period of time where she knows König is disposing of what's left of the intruder, and then she feels his gentle touch on her back.
She sniffles as she meets his adoring, half-crazed gaze. She knows she should be petrified of him, considering she just watched him drive another man to such madness that he ended his own life in the most painful manner possible. He's rubbed off on her in a terrible way, though, because all she can think of doing is spreading her pretty legs for him...
Haha anyway hope you guys enjoyed those headcanons! Maybe König's satyr madness will seize me again sometime and I'll write more :)
PS. The Greek god Pan, who is very notably depicted as a satyr, is known for two things that he lent his name to: pan pipes and the word panic. The origin story of the pan pipes is that he was chasing a nymph, who turned herself into reeds to escape him. He then proceeded to turn those reeds into an instrument he could put his lips all over....nasty!
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pixelchills · 9 months
So, I think it's time to talk about Sun in Help Wanted 2 and how I think a lot of people have (in my opinion) misunderstood the sass and now think Sun is some mean bully who needs a cigarette and a vacation.
Posting my thoughts under here for spoiler warnings:
I think first and foremost we need to understand that Sun has always, ALWAYS, been a sucker for rules. He had one rule for Gregory in Security Breach, which he broke and Sun banned him from the Daycare.
In the Arts & Crafts game in HW2 Sun is overly giddy and excited, a little bit anxious but clearly tries to hide it. He wants you to just follow the rules and do arts and crafts with him!
If you follow the rules, you get no mean or sassy comments and instead he gives you praises and even does the cute yippee jumps at the end.
But if you misbehave (throw things at him, eat the supplies) he gets irritated, but none of the voicelines really hint towards him being mean or sassy to you, but more of his worry about his own and your safety.
You throwing things at him: Sun sees you're making a mess, he doesn't like the mess. If you hit him with the items he often laughs at it sarcastically and tells you to stop. Firmly. Sometimes he lets out comments under his breath ("I should turn off the lights myself").
You eating the art supplies: well, we all collectively know it is not healthy. Sun obviously doesn't want you to do that either. I think at this moment he just knows you're a damn idiot since you're an adult and are eating the googly eyes. I don't blame him for getting so angry; Sun realises he is just babysitting an adult which is not something he is supposed to do.
Sun doesn't like the arts you make if you haven't followed the rules. This is where he gets sassy and mean. His rules were very simple! If anything, this just proves the fact Sun is a little goody-shoes who values rules and doesn't like those who don't follow them.
During the course of the arts and crafts, Sun is impatient. He rushes you and keeps bugging about the time. "You're taking foreverrrrrr" is my favourite line just simply how frustrated he sounds. We always knew Sun was speedy and has no patience to just sit and wait. He needs to have his hands busy because that's most likely his way to deal with his anxiety - sitting still doing nothing will make his anxiety worse, or depression, or whatever he is trying to hide.
Because that's how he is in the RUIN version of the level. Just sitting in his pillowfort, sad and depressed. Just wanting to be left alone. Too long for doing nothing, his sad thoughts and the neglect has caught upon him. He is so so sad, but let's you work on the crafts as long as you just get out and leave him to continue sulking.
He doesn't trust you. Sun says: "It's safer this way". But it might not mean that it's safer for you, but safer for him. He doesn't want to give himself the false hope of someone coming to his rescue, or he has the fear that you're a human who will hurt him again. Either of those options are just really, really sad and I think everything he went through between these two games is a worth of an analysis, but we'll leave that for another day.
In short: Sun is still the same Sun we all fell in love with, he hasn't turned into a sassy bully just because he doesn't like your art. But we need to understand he is just THAT strict for the rules, because breaking them will either get him, or you, in trouble.
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 10 months
Do it for Him | Jeon Jungkook
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Summary: You and your husband can't conceive but you will do everything in your power to make it possible to pacify his father's wishes. Little did you know your father in law is a little too willing to help. Pairing: fem!reader x Father in Law Jungkook Word Count: 2.8k Warnings: Yändere, and manipulation into cheating and explicit language. a/n: This is my first time writing something like this so I'm not really sure how I did. There's gonna be a part two for sure so this is more like the introduction part of the Yandere aspect and setting up the plot. And a special thanks to @coralmusicblaze for the request <3
"Wait please, let's talk about this" I say running down the stairs after my husband. "You heard the doctor yourself, we can't have children" he rushes to say but decides to stop in his tracks, his back to me still. "They didn't say we can't, they just said it would be more difficult. There are still options available to us" I say hoping to reassure him. 
"First I'm a shit son for wanting to marry someone I love instead of marrying for money" he says bitterly looking towards me. "A now I'm an even worse son because I can't 'continue the family line' so his corporate empire can continue or whatever the fuck he talks about" he says as he continues to beat himself up about something that isn't even his fault. 
"We'll work through this. We can keep trying and we will continue going to the doctor to see if they can help as well okay?" I say rubbing his arm. "It'll all be okay as long as we stick together" I say holding the side of his face softly encouraging him to look at me. "Okay?" I question, waiting for his agreement. 
He looks in my eyes, seeing my dedication to him and he nods his head, whispering a quick okay before placing a soft kiss on my lips. "Everything will work out, I promise" I say wrapping my arms around his waist and pulling him close to me and he returns it right away, holding me in a firm embrace until the car pulls around, the driver opening the door for us.
"Where are we going?" I ask, seeing that we've missed the turn to go home. "We have to go tell my parents" he says with a clenched jaw. "What? Now? We only just found out, shouldn't we at least take some time to think about this?" I ask concerned with what might happen if we tell them while he's still in a vulnerable state of mind. "I would rather just get it over with so they won't pester us about it anymore. Let's just tell them that we're having trouble conceiving and we're going to go to a doctor to see if they can help. That way the blame can't be put on either of us" he reasons and I nod my head in agreement. 
"Hey" he says grabbing my hand making me look up at him. "You know I love you right?" he says and runs his thumb along my knuckles. I nod my head and give him a tight lipped smile, putting up a strong front for him. Truth is, this is just as upsetting for him as it is for me, if not more. No one wants to admit that they need help with something that is supposed to happen naturally, between a man and woman that love each other. A child made with love...
"So basically your dick doesn't work" Mr. Jeon says, not pulling any punches. "Honey please" Mrs. Jeon says, trying to reign him back in which helps a bit. "My dick works just fine" my husband says ultimately taking on a defensive stance against his father. "First you beg me to give you my blessing to marry her, and now after all of that you're not able to do the one thing that I am asking you to do for our family. We need an heir to inherit the company and I want to see that happen now" his father says standing up and walking out of his office that we all had gathered in. "Let me talk to him" my mother in law says with a pained expression, "No, it's fine I'll go" I say standing up and giving her a kiss on the cheek telling her not to worry.    
 "I'm not interested in a lecture about the children" my father in law says with his back turned to me, clearly thinking it was his wife who has come to reason with him. "I'm not interested in doing that either" I say walking closer to him where he is standing on his balcony, over looking the city. He turns to face me and takes in my form for a little longer than I had hoped he would, his eyes dragging up my figure, lingering on my chest before turning back around. "I'm sorry you had to see that" he says not bothering to spare me a second glance.
I decide to walk up to the railing next to him and take in the view as well, breathing in the fresh air and trying to regain some sense of peace before I try speaking again. "It's his fault isn't it?" he questions, still looking out at the scene in front of him. "It isn't anyone's fault" I say mirroring his posture. "It has to be someone's fault" he says, upset that no one wants to tell him the truth. "It's funny, you both put up such a fight to be together and it turns out you aren't as compatible as you thought you were" he laughs bitterly,  pushing himself off the railing and turning to walk back inside. 
"That's not fair, it's not our fault" I call after him. "Life's not fair sweetheart. Get used to it" he says and closes the door behind him. I let out a sigh and turn back toward the city and look up at the sky, trying to clear my thoughts and hold back the tears that I can feel are moments away from falling. "Hey" my husband says, placing his hand on the small of my back making me jump not realizing that he had already come to find me. 
"How did it go?" he questions softly and when I go to open my mouth in response only a soft whimper comes out, now finally feeling my heart start to crack while tears stream down my face. "Come here" he says wrapping his arms around me, pulling me in as close as he can while I start sobbing into his chest, not being able to hold it in anymore. "It's okay baby, it's okay" he says softly coaxing the tears out of me. "We'll figure it out just like you said" he whispers and I nod showing him that I haven't lost hope. I guess at the end of the day, I'm not as strong as I thought I was. 
"How long are you going to be gone?" I question him as he finishes packing up a suitcase for his business trip. "Only a few weeks" he says as if it's nothing. "Weeks? What about the doctor? What about me? What about-" I ramble but am cut off by his lips on mine. "It's already all taken care of" he whispers against my lips and rubs his nose against mine before pulling back to continuing packing. 
"You talked to the doctor already?" I question and he nods his head. "Yep he says things are looking good and he's hopeful that we'll be able to conceive soon. We could even conceive now if you want to try" he says turning back around, drinking me in before pulling my body flush against his and giving a few light kisses on my neck already making me breathless from his touch on my sensitive skin. "How much longer until you're done?" I say trying to keep my mind straight. "Give me five minutes" he says and comes back up to give me a urgent kiss before running back and getting a few more things. 
"Text me when you land" I say walking up to the car while the driver places his bags in the trunk. "Of course" he says giving me one more kiss full of longing, making me not want to let him go. He pulls back a few moments later and nudges his nose against mine again before pulling away. "I love you" he says softly and rubs his thumb over the dark purple hickey he gave me on my neck, one to 'remember him by' as he had said proudly while I tried to scold him. 
"Don't take a test until I come back okay?" he says turning towards me one more time before getting in. "I won't" I laugh and shake my head at him while he gets in the car. "Bye" he says rolling down the window to give me one last goodbye before the driver pulls out of the driveway. I wave and watch as the car goes down the street until it turns the corner. "Be safe" I whisper under my breath and go back inside. 
After closing the door I head back into our bedroom and look down at my phone seeing a missed call from my father in law but he didn't bother leaving a message. He never calls me and since our last interaction wasn't the best I have no idea why he would even bother getting in touch with me now. 
"Y/n" he says simply when he picks up my call. "Yes?" I say waiting for him to get on with what was so important that it required a personal call from him. "Has my son left for the airport yet?" he questions and I'm curious as to why he would be asking me that instead of him. "Uh yeah he just left a few minutes ago" I say deciding to forward the information anyways. "Great, I need to speak to you about something, in person" he says which confuses me even more. "Why can't you just tell me now?" I question. 
"This is a personal matter and I would prefer it if we could just talk about it privately and have a civil conversation" he says and now that I take note of the background noise I can tell that he's probably in the car. "Okay that's fine" I concede without much of a fight and he tells he'll be there soon and hangs up without another word. I would prefer to avoid all conflicts with him since he's already not too fond of me to begin with but I might as well not give him another reason to be upset with me. 
"Hello" I say opening the front door for him and he walks in like I am simply 'the help' letting him into his own home and makes his way over to my husband's office. 'Sure make yourself at home' I think to myself and roll my eyes at him while closing the front door. "And to what do I owe the pleasure?" I question walking in with my arms crossed in front of my chest and leaning against the doorframe. "Y/n please sit down. I promise, I mean no harm" he says in the softest tone I've ever heard come out of his mouth which leaves me furrowing my brown and doing as he says, being caught off guard by his demeanor. 
"I wanted to discuss something with you" he says sitting on my husbands chair behind his desk. "So you said" I say lifting a brow at him. He's not usually one to mince words or beat around the bush, an example being the last interaction we had in person. "Why is it that you can't conceive?" he ask, coming back to his normal self somewhat but keeping that softer tone still. "I don't think I'm obligated to tell you that" I say simply, keeping my walls up despite his sudden change of character. 
"I just wanted to know if this is a situation that I can somehow...remedy" he says putting a strange emphasis on the end. "Meaning?" I question, not fully understanding what he could possibly mean by that. Or more like, I hope his thought process isn't just as twisted as mine is. "Well if the burden is on my family, mainly on my son then wouldn't it make sense that we would be the ones to help solve this problem?" he says standing up and walking around the desk to lean on it in front of me, still at somewhat of an appropriate distance. 
"Right" I say waiting for him to get to the point. "And seeing as I'm the one who is desperately awaiting an heir, shouldn't I be the one who is putting in the most effort find a solution?" he says never breaking eye contact. "Mr. Jeon what are you trying to say?" I say sitting upright in the chair, my body language showing clear discomfort. "Don't call me that" he says lowering his voice an octave catching me off guard and almost sending a current running up my spine. 
"What should I call you?" I say crossing one leg over the other, shifting around, suddenly feeling warm under his gaze. "By my name, or would you prefer something else?" he says with an eyebrow raised. "I would prefer to call you Mr. Jeon" I say in defiance, continuing to keep my walls up. "I guess that's fine, as long as you remember that it's me you're referring to" he says bending at the waist to meet me at eye level. 
"Referring to while what?" I ask feeling my heart rate pick up with this new proximity. "While I do what my son should've been able to do in the first place"  he says looking down at my lips for a moment before straightening back up, providing me room to breathe again. "Mr. Jeon I think you should leave" I say after clearing my through and getting up to walk out of the room but before I'm able to get far he holds me back by my wrist, pulling me towards him. 
"There's no need to run sweetheart, we're just talking" he says and brushes my hair out of my face that had been moved out of place by his sudden movements. "I'm not running" I say through clenched teeth trying to stand firm though I feel my defenses crumble with every honey coated word that drips from his lips, leaving me conflicted. "Good, then why don't you sit back down for me." he says and gently guides me back by my waist to do as he suggested. 
"Let's just say this, I have a proposition for you" he says leaning back on the desk again. "There's nothing to propose, your son is my husband" I say trying to show him how crazy this all is. "I am aware" he says plainly waiting for my further reasons to decline his offer. "Shouldn't that be reason enough?" I question, not understanding how he doesn't see how sick and twisted this arrangement is that he is proposing. 
"You duty to your husband is to always want the best for him correct? To do anything to make him happy? Don't you think that he would be happy coming home from his long trip away to find you pregnant with his child?" he says circling around the chair I'm in, dragging his finger along the back of it and stopping to rest his hand on my shoulder. "But it wouldn't be his child" I say looking up at him which was a huge mistake as his gaze has got me feeling breathless from the intensity. Pupils dilated and eyes forever trained on my entire existence, tracing every curve with his eyes, desperate to see what is hidden underneath everything I'm wearing. 
"He doesn't have to know that. He would share his DNA, and that's good enough for me" he says brushing it off. "Well then why don't you and your wife have another child?" I question, "Then he can take over when my husband retires. They would be the same age anyway if I were to have a child now" I say quickly offering a solution. "Haven't you always wanted to be a mother? Have a child to call your own?" he questions now holding my jaw in place, maintaining eye contact. 
"Yes" I say now nervous from the intimate contact. "And my son has always wanted to be a father no? He knows it would take a lot of pressure off everyone once you do have a child right? I would pull back and we would have our heir. Don't you want that?" he questions. "Not like this" I whisper barely holding on, the last of my defenses finally diminished. "Do it for him. No one has to know I promise." he says, rubbing his thumb against my bottom lip. 
"But I love him" I say, my eyes welling up with tears, knowing that I don't have the fight in me to stop this anymore. "And you're doing this because you love him" he says closing our proximity and bringing his lips close enough to touch but holds back for a second. "It's your call" he says and waits for me to take the next move 'I'm so sorry' I think to myself, begging for my husband's forgiveness and close my eye while also closing the distance between us. 
Part two Do it for Us | Jeon Jungkook
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heartfullofleeches · 3 months
First Time
 Popular “Final Girl” Yan + Shy “Creep” Fem Reader
Summary: Your best friend guides you through your first time with a boy.
Word Count: 2.2k 
CW: Death/Murder, Violence, Just Girls being Girls(And being in love)
[First person to guess every horror movie reference I put into this fic you get a cookie. There are exactly five.] 
“Beautiful… Isn't she?”
Silence permeates as a camera's watchful eye tunes itself to the dimness of the surrounding area. Posters line every corner of the bedroom - those littering the wall nearest to the phone screen simplest to decipher. A sickle raised high over a field of crops. A gloved hand hovering over a woman in bed - each finger strapped with a razor sharp blade. The teeth of a saw tool dangling over a dismembered hand. Not the typical decor one might expect from the local college heartthrob, but those in her inner circle were well acquainted with her preferred tastes in media. 
Pixie lights strung beneath the hood of the canopy draped over her bed served as the only source of light beyond the bulb adorning her dresser mirror. The twinkling orbs cast radiant shine upon the mattress below - bathing the body nestled in a sea of pillows in their ethereal glow. Knees bend to your chest, your brows furrow in frustration at  getting nail polish everywhere except where it should be. The hem of the nightgown she let you borrow clinging to your side, rolling further up your hip as you reach for another paper towel to start over. 
Your hand falls short of the roll as the weighty presence of eyes watching your every move becomes too asphyxiating to ignore - swiping the orange haired, blue eyes doll of the nightstand in its stead, using it as a shield. 
“Gracie…” The volume of your whine crackles in the phone's speakers. “I'm not ready. Can't you just show him pictures? I swear you have more of me than yourself.”
Daina sticks out her tongue, waggling the ball of her piercing in your direction. “I wouldn't be so sure about that, but even if that’s true can you blame me? You're adorable, babe- Back me up here, Noah.”
“She’s….wow…. It's hard to believe she's the same girl from highschool.”
Her nose crinkles, irritation present in her scowl. “Are you trying to say my girl wasn't cute back then? Cuz if you are you can sit your ass back on that couch and have your hands keep you company tonight.”
“No, no, I was just-”
Daina cuts him off with a wave of her hand, acrylics clacking loudly against the phone screen. “Just get your ass over here before I change my mind. There's a lot of boy's who'd kill to be in your place so I don't know what's taking you so long.”
“That's the other thing. Can you text me your address?”
“Ugh, I already told you it like a thousand times already.”
“Yeah, but I forgot. This would be a whole lot easier if you just sent it to me.”
“Can't. My phone's acting up right now. Couldn't even message my dad before he had to board his flight. I'll tell you one more time and final. Grab a pen and write it down if you seriously can't remember something as simple as an address.” 
You effectively give up on painting your nails by the time Daina is down with her end of business. She always made it look so easy when she did hers. Then again, when was the last time you had done anything without her. You've been attached to each other's hip since you could crawl. Daina-Grace White - your best friend til the very end. She always took care of the hard parts for you, but tonight she was letting you take the lead. You're nervous. What if tonight doesn't go as planned? What if you make a mistake?
“Trouble in paradise?” 
Your leg jerks back on reflex as a pale hand brushes your right ankle. Upon seeing the worry plastered on her face, you nudge your foot against her hand - resting your head on Daina’s shoulder as she pulls your leg over her lap.
“I'm scared, D….” Anxiety and fear bubble in your chest, smothering your voice in their icy grasp. 
“Scared? Why?” Daina lifts her hand, motioning for you to hand her the nail polish. You pass it over - arms hugging the doll tighter as you rock back and forth to soothe your nerves. 
“How can I not be? What if something…everything goes wrong? What if I mess up somehow?... What if we get-”
 “Two things. One, stop moving so much while I'm trying to paint your nails for you.”
Daina sucks air through her teeth. “Okay- Three things. Number two - stop apologizing for everything. Everything's gonna be just fine…. Wait, that last bit was supposed to be the third thing. Just remember you got this, okay? I'm here with you one hundred percent of the way. Remember our promise?”
Daina sticks out her pinky finger - smile soft as the cool greens of her eyes. You hook your finger around her, returning her grin. 
Faces inches apart, the floral scent of her lip gloss wafting into your nose - A knock at the front door halts the natural pull your bodies have toward one another. Daina’s shoulders slump, the time it takes her to yank herself out of bed and away from you extending the patience your guest has as the knocking at the door grows louder. 
“That's probably him.” She huffs - retrieving the scrunchie looped around her wrist as she stomps towards the bedroom door. Passing the doorway, a devilish grin replaces her annoyance as she hauntingly whispers. “I'll be right back, ooooo-” 
Daina snorts, smacking the door frame as she turns on her heels. “Be right by the time I get here.” 
Nodding, you place the doll back where you got it as you stand. Footsteps trail towards the closet door as Daina takes her leave. With her favorite distraction out of sight, the woman turns to her phone to numb her brain to the impending headache sure to come the split second she unlocks the front door. A single message stands out between other friends’ queries over what her plans for the night are. 
“Just landed. Take care of the house while I'm out. By the way, your aunt wanted me to pass you a message. Did you happen to see your cousin's baseball bat when you were there the other day? She can't seem to get a hold of you and he starts practice in the morning. He probably just left it with a friend. Be safe. 
Daina makes a mental note to reply to her father before she falls asleep. She's already done enough to give him a heart attack raiding his record cabinet earlier this evening. What he didn't know wouldn't hurt him. If all went according to plan he wouldn't find out about anything that happened on this fateful night. A night to commemorate the loyalty between two souls, intertwined by the bond they share.
Nearing the front door, Daina holds her phone between her lips as she weaves her waist length hair into a braid. A smarter girl would've asked you to do it for her - the feeling of your hands carding through her locks next to ecstasy. She peeks through the peephole, the fear of her next door neighbors returning early running through her like a poison. Daina never thought she'd be so happy to see the man on the other side of the door. 
“Well look who finally decided to show up.” Daina's bubbly demeanor resurgences as she opens the door. “I was starting to worry you got lost. 
Noah sheepish rubs at his neck. “I’m not too familiar with the bus schedules on this side of town. Anyway, I brought you guys some-” 
“Yeah, yeah- That's great. Get your butt in this house, Mister.” Daina drags Noah through the doorway by the scruff of his coat, nearly forgetting to close the door behind her as she leads him back down the hallway towards her bedroom. She practically skips her way there, yanking the boy along as he pauses to take in the layout of her living room. Music swirls around them long before they reach the door - the carpet fresh with wheel tracks. 
“Huh. Never thought you'd be into classical music, Daina. Then again, I never really took you for a horror fan.”
Daina giggles, using her excitement to fuel her enthusiasm towards the same old saying many have told her before. “There's a lot you don't know about me, Noah. It's my dad's stuff if that makes more sense. Not usually my cup of tea, but tonight is a night for experimentation after all. She should still be in the bathroom. Care to dance while we wait?” 
Daina wasn't giving him a choice, throwing her arms over his broad shoulders as she threw herself against his chest. She sways back and forth, letting the transcendental rhythm of music puppeteer her ever move.
“Is it wrong to admit that I'm jealous?” Her voice crackles in Noah’s ear, hands coursing down the length of his spine as she eyes the closet door. “I'd give anything to take your place, but I'm afraid things wouldn't be the same between us if I did…. I can't lose her, Noah. Everything we've been through together. Everything she's bound to achieve. She doesn't need me, but she still humors me by allowing me to stay. There's nothing I could never do to repeat her kindness.”
“Hey, Daina…. Are you sure she's in the bathroom?”
“Yeah? Why do you ask?”
“The lights are off…. And the door is wide open.”
The cry of a closet door swiveling on its hinges falls victim to the swell of the music, consumed by it and the soft hums emitting from Daina's throat. The shadows of the closest bleed away to a face, hidden by the obscurity of a painted mask as it creeps from the abyss - gloved hands clasped tightly around the handle of a metal bat. Daina pulls her hands from Noah's neck at the safety of her own fingers and to not ruin this perfect moment with her presence any longer. His eyes flicker towards the mirror - terror the final emotion they withhold. 
The music freezes abruptly as the loud, wet crunch of metal connecting with malleable flesh and hardened bone rings through the bedroom. Voice sealed as his fate, Noah falls to the ground without uttering a word - red blooming from the split in his skull forming a halo around his neck. The bat is brought down on his head again - shoulders squared at the downward swing, blood splattering on his assailant’s nightgown as his body seizes before falling motionless once more. Disbelief pours from the bat welder's mouth in the form of gasping laughter and shortness of breath. You rip the mask away from your face, greedily sucking air through your lips and nostrils.
“I did it…. I actually did it. Daina! I killed him! I did it!”
“Fuck yeah you did, baby!” Daina leaps over Noah’s still body, swooping you into her arms as she attacks her face in a fury of kisses and praises. “You were so cool sneaking out of the closet like that! I almost pissed myself thinking you were someone else - that was amazing!”
Your laughter crescendos with every smooch pelted against your temple and cheek. Daina's hand clasps over your mouth as she struggles to keep her own laughter to a reasonable volume. 
“Shh, Shh, Shh- Pipe down a bit, babe. I don't want us getting caught just yet. Not until we’re old and gray.” 
“I thought you said your neighbors were gone this week too - and nobody lived in the house on the other side.” 
“I did, but at this rate we'll wake the entire neighborhood!” 
Beaming from ear to ear, the adrenaline pumping through your veins takes a backseat as you bashfully gaze at your girlfriend. “Did you really mean it? You'd let me kill you too if you could?”
Daina rubs her nose against yours, staring back into your eyes as if you were the most gorgeous piece of art she'd ever laid focus upon. “Only problem with it is I'd never get to hold you in my arms again.” 
“Daina….That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. ” A stray tear runs down your cheek which she swiftly kisses away. “I…. I love you. I can't wait to do this with you again. Can we keep the next one alive longer - I want to get a better at that expression on their face as I bash the head in.”
“Anything for you, babe. I love you too - so damn much. So much it hurts. I can't wait for our life together…. But I don't think we're done here just yet.”
Blood smears the tarped floor as hands pull their mangled body towards the bedroom door, cries for help dampening this beautiful scene between you and the girl who would stick by your side through the very worst. Daina nods in the direction of her bed, a string of lights twinkling in the dark. 
“Go grab those lights, Babe. We aren't finished just yet.” 
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margotw10bis · 6 months
Crashing On Crush.JJK [m] 9
Tumblr media
crush!Jungkook x reader
Genre: smut; series; romance; angst
Words: 5k
Synopsis: What happens when your first encounter with your crush is Jungkook seeing your ass?
Warnings: pure angst; drugs (please, if you have addiction problems get some help, you are strong enough 🤍); fingering; praising kink; oral sex (m. receiving)
previous ← 9 → next
Jungkook met Mina when they were twelve, in middle school. It didn't take long for them to become best friends, enjoying spending their after-school time at the bookshop, reading mangas. At first, it was just friendship, the best kind of friendship actually. Back then, everything was simply perfect. But things changed in high school.
Jungkook knew that things at home weren't great for Mina: her dad just lost his job and started drinking alcohol pretty much everyday. That's why Mina used to go to Jungkook's after class, avoiding as much as she could her own home where she didn't feel safe.
However, gradually, Mina spent less time at Jungkook's. She even spent less time with Jungkook, period. Jungkook, on the other hand, noticed some changes in Mina: she was less cheerful, she lost weight and she was less happy. It was like she didn't feel anything at all. She also didn't go to class anymore. The truth is that Jungkook felt like he was loosing her and that terrified him. So he started hanging with the same people as Mina, not good people.
One day, Jungkook witnessed Mina inhaling a strange white powder. He screamed at her, telling her that she was crazy. Mina would have cried if she wasn't amorphous but that's exactly what she wanted: not to feel the pain, not to feel anything. She told her bestfriend that all the darkness around her was too much to bare so what's wrong to not suffer for a few hours? Jungkook did try to reason her out but she didn't listen. She ended up telling: 'rather you're with me, rather you leave me but you can't stay in the middle'.
Jungkook didn't think much. He actually loved Mina and he knew she loved him too. So he started using. How could this white powder be such a big deal? At first, ketamine was good. Really good actually. Jungkook felt like everything around him was far away and he could just stay there, in peace. But then, he begun to feel bad if he wasn't using. He wasn't taking K for Mina anymore, but for himself.
He was seventeen, he was too young to depend on some thing, on some drug to live. He knew it was illegal, especially in South Korea where drug using is severely reprimanded. But he kept it safe in his room, not too much, just for him. Well, not exactly... Mina was so afraid that her parents could discover that she was using that she asked Jungkook to keep her dose in his room. And she was using way more than him. The amount of special K in Jungkook's sockets drawer couldn't be for personal using.
He doesn't know who reported him but one day, after class, he ran to his room in a desperate need to inhale ketamine to finally feel good. He didn't expect to see three police officers in his bedroom. When they asked him questions, he lied and said it was only his. He lied to protect Mina, and she didn't tell the truth, too afraid of the consequences for herself. She let him take the blame for the both of them even when she knew that if she had said the truth, Jungkook wouldn't had this much trouble. Nonetheless, Jungkook doesn't hold a grudge against Mina: he was the one who made the call to lie.
With the amount of drug in his room, the judge didn't believe it was only for personal using and thought that Jungkook was dealing. But, as a minor, he decided to give him a chance to take change of his life. So the judge convicted Jungkook: he had to spend three years - until his majority - in a juvenile detention facility.
It was more like a mandatory military service but with violent teenagers. But there was also an addiction treatment center. It was so hard to get clean while he didn't have anyone he loved around him. Mina was afraid of her parent's reaction if she visited him. And Jungkook's parents... Well, he doesn't really remember what happened because one of the main effects of ketamine is memory loss. So he doesn't know if he told them to back off or if they didn't want to see him anymore but the result was the same: he was alone, and scared.
He was seventeen and he felt like his whole life was over. He was suffering from the deprivation of drug - it was so fucking painful that he felt like dying - and he was damn aware of how people were looking at him: with disgust. Everyone was judging him, even the persons who were supposed to help him. He was so angry at everyone but even more at himself. He has been so fucking stupid to start using because now it was so hard to stop. He hold on on the thought that he did it for Mina, because he loved her.
But was it enough? Loving Mina didn't give him anything when he finally stepped out the facility three fucking years later. He had no diploma, no job, no money, no one. Even if he was out of the center, he was not free. People was still despising him every time he applied to a job and 'juvenile detention facility' was clearly written on his resume. It didn't really help that he had his first tattoos on his arm. He wasn't free because he still had to account to his probation officer.
Before his first meeting with his PO, he was angry, already expecting another person treating him like shit. However, Seokjin was nothing like that. Jungkook was surprised to meet a guy not so much older than him. The first thing Seokjin asked him was 'Tell me about you'. Jungkook sighed and started telling his drug and prison story for the thousandth time like he was expected to. But Seokjin cut him off and said 'Not that, tell me about you. As a person'. Jungkook was so taken aback to be finally treated as a human being after all these years that he cried in front of his PO for hours.
After that, Seokjin became like a big brother to him. He helped him so much with his addiction and pretty much everything. Seokjin had to supervise Jungkook for two years and he knew that Jungkook was ready to do things right. That's why he didn't hesitate to tell him 'Start over. In a new city, where nobody knows you. Be the man you want to be. Be confident and for God's sake, be happy'.
The next day, Jungkook packed the few things he owned and went straight to Seoul. He became a graphic designer as the only skill he had honed in prison was drawing. He met some friends, including Taehyung and he did start over, willing to do things right this time. Not once he was attracted to do drugs, even if some days were harder than others. He wasn't really happy but he was living without too much pain, until he met you.
You cry in Jungkook's chest while he is telling you about his past. Jungkook doesn't cry, and he is surprised about that. Maybe he's already cried too much about his past or maybe he doesn't want to pain you more with his own tears. You stay silent for a few minutes, no words comforting enough coming to your mind. So you just head up and kiss him. Your tears drop on Jungkook's cheeks and he holds you tight.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Jungkook" You sob
"Please don't cry. I hate to see you cry" He says gently
Why does he confort you when he is the broken one? He is such a good person, he doesn't deserve any of what happened to him. And that makes you want to cry harder.
You are kissing Jungkook as if your lips were ointment on his wounds. Your hands on his shoulder and hair, his hands cupping your cheeks, there is no space between your two bodies. The darkness around you is oddly a protection from the outside world. You create your own place where is no past, no future and no pain. Just the two of you. You feel the urge to make sure he knows that he is not defined by his past.
"You're a good person, Jungkook"
"Thanks" He replies, awkward since he is not used to be praised like that
"Listen to me, you are a good person"
"Thank you" He says again but not really believing it, not with what he has done
"You are a good person. And I'm going to repeat it until you truly believe it. You are a good person"
You look at him in the dark. You can't see his face but you can hear faint sobbing. You kiss him again and Jungkook can't understand how you can think he is a good man after everything he's told you. But you do. Jungkook's past is rough but it shows one thing: he is truly a good person because, after everything he's been through, he is still kind and loving and he is still willing to do things right while it would be way easier for him to just give up and start using again.
Through his kisses, Jungkook is making a promise to you and to him. As long as you are willing to have him by your side, he'll cherish you and protect you. He'll do anything you want because if you think he's a good man, Jungkook believes you are a true angel, the best thing that ever happened to him. Maybe he is a little selfish to hold on on you but he doesn't care since he fucking loves you.
You fall in love with him all over again while you both fall asleep, holding each other tight.
Waking up in Jungkook's arms is the most delightful thing that can happen in the morning. You move your head up carefully and see him sleeping. He is so damn cute like that. Most of the time Jungkook is ridiculously hot and empowering. But right now, in the arms of Morpheus, he looks like a little boy. Somewhat, it warms your heart because he doesn't seem to suffer anymore.
You move slowly and cautiously, and step out of the bedroom. You hear some noise in the kitchen and find Seokjin already making breakfast.
"Do you need help?" You ask him
He turns around and discovers a still sleepy expression on your face.
"I'm almost done. Coffee?"
You nod, grateful for the cup full of the dark brown salutary beverage. You take a sip and moan in pleasure. You definitely needed it. You feel like you were knocked out by all the deep and intense emotions of Jungkook's past and that it'll take a few days to lighten the weight of it.
"I wanted to talk to you" Seokjin tells you gently and you give him an attentive look "Jungkook's addiction is a life-time fight. He'll never stop struggling with it. He is a good boy but everything he is dealing with can be... overwhelming. So, if you think you can't manage it, tell him now. The more you wait, the harder it'll be for him to deal with it alone again"
You stay silent for a moment. You don't really know what to say. You know that Seokjin just wants to protect Jungkook and he knows way more about addiction than you. The least thing you want is to hurt Jungkook. So you take the time to think about what Seokjin has said.
"I don't want him to be alone" You eventually decide to respond and Seokjin gives you a genuine smile
You don't have time to talk more because Jungkook, with messy hair, steps in, rubbing his eyes.
"Good morning everyone" He mumbles, still half-asleep and a tender smile forms on your face
He pecks the top of your hair before sitting down next to you. Why does it feel so natural? So good? But you do blush a little when you remember that you're not alone and that Seokjin has witnessed everything.
Jungkook sips on his coffee that Jin has just served him and opens his mouth:
"Hyung, could you check my place?"
"Sure, but it'll be in two or three days, I have some appointments"
You look at Jungkook with a questioning face.
"Mina might had hidden some K and I'm not sure how I'd react if I find some. I rather not risk it"
You gently rub his back to erase the sad tone you heard in his voice.
Not so long after breakfast, Jungkook and you took the car to go back to Seoul, Jungkook behind the wheel this time. Your heart beats fast and your cheeks blushed when he grabbed your hand. Fortunately, the drive was way lighter than the day before. You also proposed to Jungkook to stay a few days at your place, saying it was a nonsense for him to pay a hotel while waiting for Seokjin to check his apartment and make sure everything is safe. You made a quick stop at Jungkook's and you stayed close to him while he took some cloths in a bag, being aware of a potential discovery of drug that could affect him.
That's how you end up like this. You both took a welcoming shower and changed into loungewear clothes. Jungkook is damn hot in his black sweat shorts and big t-shirt. You also chose an oversize - pink - top and some pj mini shorts in the same color. The truth is that you're hot, and not only because of the Korean summer. You can't deny that Jungkook's presence makes you way more sensitive to everything around you. However, you act like nothing's going on and you both sit on the couch, watching TV. You don't really pay attention to the screen, especially when Jungkook, almost laying, pulled you closer so your back is leaning on his buff chest and your whole body is surrounded by his.
You suddenly feel Jungkook hot breathe on your neck. Shivers travel all over your body. He doesn't wait too long before kissing your skin. Why are you so responsive to his touch? You immediately feel your pussy getting wet, and it doesn't help that his hands begin to explore your body. You feel him everywhere: your chest, your stomach, your bare thighs. A soft moan escapes your lips when his left arm disappears underneath your shirt. Jungkook caresses your boob and pinches your hardening nipple. His touch is so fucking good. You missed it so much. The stimulation of this sensitive part of your body makes your pussy clench.
In a desperate need of friction, you arch your back, throw your head back into his large shoulder - giving him more space to bite your neck - and press your thighs together. Jungkook smirks when he notices how needy you become. You look so hot when you're horny. And he is willing to push your arousal further.
His tattooed hand travels down to the hem of your shots. Skillfully, his fingers find their way under the fabric. You moan louder when you feel his touch on your wetness. The sight of his inked strong arm into your little pink shorts is hot. It's definitely a sin but you're ready to go to Hell just to see it for a second longer.
"No panties, uh?" Jungkook teases you with his raspy voice and it makes you fucking weak, but Jungkook's discovery also rushes blood directly into his cock
Your throat dries but your pussy dampens. You have no doubt at this point that your pj is completely ruined - not that you care anyway. Jungkook uses his delicate digits to circle your clit. You feel like in heaven. You whine like you haven't been touched for years. You are so desperate in his arms and Jungkook loves it. He keeps kissing your neck, fighting the urge to mark you. His left hand squeezes your nipple harder, making it deliciously painful. At this point, your pussy is dripping and doesn't stop clenching around nothing. Jungkook knows it and to be honest, he really wants to enter you with his fingers but he waits for you to say the little word his dominant side loves so much. He is ready to tease you for hours and to push you on the edge for that.
When a weak 'please' comes from your open mouth in a moan, he immediately places his hand lower, feeling all your wetness.
"You are so fucking wet" He says in some proud voice while pushing a finger in your pussy
It's so good that you clench around it. Jungkook's pace is a torture, purposely slow with his thumb rolling on your sensitive clit. Being behind you allows him to perfectly control his movements, just like you would if you were touching yourself - except that Jungkook's expertise provides you way more pleasure.
Your hands come up to grab his black and long hair that tickle your throat's thin skin and the back of his neck. You turn your head as much as you can to kiss him. The hand that used to attack your breasts cups your jaw to kiss you deeper. Your moans are directly swallowed by Jungkook's mouth. He loves hearing you so much, his hard cock is painful in his pants.
Jungkook enters you with another finger and speeds up the pace. You don't even know how is it possible but you get wetter. Your whole pussy is a huge pool of arousal. You're not embarrassed at all because you know that Jungkook loves it. You feel hot under his touch, you feel sexy.
You feel your orgasm building up slowly, your pussy clenching and relaxing around his digits. You are short on breathe but it feels so fucking good.
"Oh my god, Jungkook" You moan against his perfect swollen lips
"Cum on my fingers like a good girl" He whispers in such a seductive tone that you feel like fainting
His words drive you crazy and he finger-bangs you harder. You definitely feel on the edge of your orgasm and you pull on his hair, making him groan. He presses his thumb deeper on your abused clit and it's the end for you. You reach your climax in a loud moan while a huge wave of delightful pleasure makes your legs shake. But Jungkook doesn't stop and continues to slide his fingers in your oversensitive cunt at a slow pace but definitely makes you shiver. Your legs close up in reflex and your body spams. Your eyes close and your features torn in an almost painful pleasure. Seeing you like this drives Jungkook crazy. Knowing that you are this shaken up by his touch boosts his ego and possessiveness.
"Come on, babe, give me one more" He murmurs in your ear
He doesn't really know why he wants to push you further. Obviously, he wants to give you more pleasure but there is something else. Maybe he wants to erase the night you spent with another man, make sure that you feel more pleased by him than by the other guy. His competitive side added to his possessiveness makes him hungry for a second orgasm from you.
"I can't" You tell him in a breathe, your brain in the fog of pleasure
"I know you can"
You don't really know what kind of spell he put on you but you nod, giving him the approval to play with your cunt again. And he does. He pulls off of your pussy just to smear your arousal over your whole groin. It's so dirty to feel your juices messily recovering your skin but this is fucking hot. You never felt so naughty and yet so horny.
"Are so you wet for me?" His possessive side is dying to hear you tell him that
Jungkook wants to give you so much pleasure that you won't ever find another man attractive. He also knows that it's not only his dominant and possessive part but also the part that cares about you. Is it weird to say he wants to ruin you to keep you in his arms? He doesn't really have time to think about it because you open your mouth to speak up:
"Only for you"
Your words make Jungkook's cock twitch in his pants and he groans in satisfaction. 'Good fucking girl' He thinks and he enters you again with two fingers. You jolt in his arms but Jungkook keeps you in place with left forearm. Your mind is above clouds. The pleasure provided by the overstimulation after your orgasm is beyond words. It's painful and delightful at the same time. You can't even recall your name. The only thing you can say is Jungkook's name with a choked voice. You're a fucking mess.
"Cum again for me, babe'"Jungkook urges you while kissing your neck
The pet name and his fingers in your swollen and sensitive pussy are dangerous for your sanity. It doesn't take long for you to cum around his digits in a muted groan. Jungkook doesn't push you further when he notices how you're shaking in his arms due to the two orgasms he provided you. He hugs you tight and kisses your hair.
You feel exhausted after the two tsunamis of pleasure that rushed over you. Your whole body is flabby but your mind is in a euphoric phase that makes you laugh. It's like a shot of dopamine. After being this harsh with your body, Jungkook is now very gentle, caressing your arms and your stomach and kissing everywhere he can: the top of your head, your cheek, your neck, your shoulder.
"I think you should take a shower" He tells you softly, motioning to your messy intimate area.
You blush hard when you realize that you look really dirty - in all kind of ways. You nod shyly and bit your lower lip. You definitely feel unpleasant by your drying juices between your legs but you feel too good in Jungkook's arms to leave them.
"Do you want to come with me?" You ask, your cheeks reddening
"How could I say no?"
Jungkook's smile is perfect. His bunny teeth and scrunching nose are the definition of happiness. Right now, you are so close to say the 'L' word. To stop thinking about it, you stand up and walk to the bathroom, Jungkook right behind you. It's only when you have taken off your cloths and you've already entered the shower that you notice Jungkook's hard cock. The sight of his big and thick length shakes your pussy. Your instinct controls your movements and your hand wraps around him.
The soft skin under your fingertips makes you almost moan. Jungkook closes his eyes in delight while you start pumping him. Your mouth waters and you purse your lips, creating some kind of cringe face. Jungkook frowns when he sees your face.
"Is something wrong?" He asks with a worried voice, wondering if you are forcing yourself to touch him
"No, it's just that..." You wince while you are looking for the right words, embarrassed "I wonder how you taste"
Jungkook's releases a reassured sigh.
"Take my cock in your mouth if you wanna know" He says, playfully but that doesn't make you laugh
"I'm not really good at it" You whisper, kind of ashamed
Jungkook's steps closer to you and cups your face in his big hands, forcing you to look at him. The hot water coming from the shower makes your skins glistening and blankets you in a steam cloud. It's like a protective shield around your two body.
"I will never force you to do something you don't want to do. But if you don't want to do it just because you are afraid of not being good enough, I can guide you. I won't judge you. Whatever you decide, I'm okay with it" Jungkook's voice is so soft that your heart is melting
He pecks your nose delicately and somewhat, feeling how much he cares about you gives to some courage.
"I'd like you to guide me then" You say in a murmur
Jungkook nods and helps you get on your knees. You can't deny being a little intimidating by his size right in front of your face. The red on your cheeks is clearly noticeable. However, as Jungkook is witnessing you kneeled, he gets really horny. He couldn't be in a more dominant position while he is standing up and you're on your knees, ready to suck his boner. You look so fucking innocent while his big cock is inches away from your pretty mouth. God, what he'd do to this mouth... The simple thought makes his dick twitch. Why does he like so much the idea of teaching you how to suck his cock?
"You can start by kissing it" He says with a raspy voice
You do as he says, softly kissing the tip. A drop of pre-cum stains your swollen lips and Jungkook has to bit his lower lips to prevent his moan. You're so hot right now that he is a second to cum. You don't seem to be aware of his inner state and you start pumping him slowly at the base while you kiss him more.
At some point, driven by your own horniness, you take a fat lick from the base of his cock to the tip. Jungkook moans loudly, giving you more confidence to continue. Your tongue caresses his length everywhere without taking him into your mouth. The stains of saliva make his dick so pretty. You can't wait any longer and open your mouth wide to take the tip.
More precum settles on your tongue. The salty taste makes you moan, sending vibrations in Jungkook's length. You slowly take him more, careful that you don't hurt him with your teeth - and it's not really easily owing to his size.
"You're doing good, babe. Open your pretty mouth wide for me"
Jungkook's voice is shaken because of the pleasure. You look up at him and meet his perfect face with delight painted on it. Jungkook almost looses it when he sees you looking at him. Your eyes are so innocent while you have his cock in your mouth. The duality of the scene is a sin. A moaned 'fuck' escapes his pierced lips.
You take him deeper and deeper, almost feeling his cock in your throat. Your hand slides on what you can't take into your mouth. Your tongue wiggles around his tip and insists on the sensitive spot connecting the tip to his length. Jungkook's groans grow deeper and he slightly moves his hips. He doesn't want to push too much but the pleasure you provide him is too unbearable to stay steady.
Seeing that he likes it, you grow bolder and push your head further, almost taking his entire dick in your throat.
"Fuck, babe!" He moans "Your mouth feels so fucking good"
You pull off to breathe and take him again, your nose touching is pubis. You gag on his cock and Jungkook swears he's in heaven. He feels your tight throat contracting around his dick while you chocked in it and it's so fucking hot. The bathroom is fulled of Jungkook's pleased groans and choking sounds from your part - music to his ears if he is being honest. This is so shameless and hot, making your pussy so wet that you don't know if it's from your arousal or the shower. It doesn't help that the praising and the pet name make you clench around nothing. Will you ever stop feeling butterflies in your stomach when he is calling you 'babe'? You seriously doubt it.
You decide to catch your breathe while sucking him less deep but faster. His length is dripping from your saliva and your pace drives Jungkook crazy.
"Come on babe, suck on my cock like a good girl. Keep going, I'm gonna cum" He manages to say between his clenched teeth
His inked hand grabs your hair, not to push you but to feel you more in someway. He stands tall on front of you, sexier than ever. He is like a god, powerful and maybe a little dangerous for your sanity. It makes him look even more dominant and you can't deny that it makes you horny. You didn't even know you liked it so much before meeting Jungkook.
A last glance at you, sinfully hot on your knees while his big cock is fulling your pretty mouth, drives him over the edge.
"Babe, I'm cumming, pull off-" He moans
As he tries to step away, you grab his hips to keep him in your mouth. You don't move your head but your tongue is still swirling like crazy around his cock and you feel his first shot of hot and thick cum. You moan fromthe sensation, closing your eyes to have a better taste of his spunk. Seeing you loving his cum makes Jungkook releases more in your mouth, until he completely empties his balls in your warm mouth.
Both Jungkook and you are out of breathe. You slowly stand up, grabbing the hand Jungkook provides you to help. Your legs hurt but it's immediately forgotten when you meet the bliss on Jungkook's handsome face. He rushes over your lips and kisses you passionately.
"Who is the dickhead that told you you weren't good at it?" He asks, half-joking half-serious
"My ex, when we broke up" You try to stay neutral but the memory is still painful - he told very mean things the last time you saw him
"Let me tell you something. He lied. It's the best blowjob I've ever had"
You see the sincerity in Jungkook's eyes and you feel proud. You realize that he helps you overcome your insecurities without even having you feeling like trying to do so. Jungkook just makes you happier.
You hug him tight and he kisses your forehead. You both appreciate the peaceful silence and the warm water, before going to sleep. There is no doubt you'll sleep tight after those mind-blowing orgasms.  
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joydoesathing · 5 months
what would happen if anatolii knew about this. What was Nacho thinking just running away was he that different compared to now
*cracks knuckles*
hoooooo boy, get ready cuz i got a whole character arc below
(again this is just my take on the story, so it's highly headcanonned)
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"I'm sorry for running away. I'll make sure to make it up to you and your mother..."
nacho was more reckless back in his former years when he was first having a fling with frances. but when he did get her pregnant, he realized that he messed big time. realized that not only he's got a child on the way but has no means to provide for them both and isn't personally ready for big commitments like being a father or even getting married. why would he be? he was barely even 20. he never really thought that far ahead.
he didn't want to ask his parents for help. they'd definitely kill him if they figured out he got this girl they never met pregnant. he didn't also have the guts to tell frances the bad news.
his buddies at the time, who were just as reckless and short-sighted as he was, recommended that he could just... leave all that complicated and deep mess with frances behind him. just run away.
i mean he could do it. like him, frances probably wouldn't turn and complain to her parents first for help (for the same reason nacho wouldn't turn to his own parents for help) . his parents doesn't even know they had a fling together. even if she will become desperate enough to find them and try to turn to them for help, would they even accept her? let alone believe her?
"you wouldn't get in trouble. there's no one else that knows about it than you two."
" i mean, i'm sure she'll figure out something. she should know at least the basics."
that's what his buddies kept on assuring him. but even he could see that just up and deserting frances like that is just straight up cruel.
but was he in any room to still complain? it's not as if he had the resources nor the strong will to commit and face the heavy consequences of his actions.
and with that, he ran off but wracked with the small feeling of guilt.
while he tried having his new start, that feeling of guilt just grew bigger and bigger and started eating away at his conscience. he kept on trying to deny and delude himself with the words of his buddies, but it did nothing to stop that guilt completely.
it made him finally see that he's nothing more than a dirty dog running with its tail between its legs. a jerk and a coward. he had a feeling that he was going to have his comeuppance and it wasn't going to be pretty.
and so it did, a year and a half after he ran. his partner, depressed and completely driven to madness , tracked him down and almost murdered him in a psychotic rage.
he was forced to see the result of his cowardice and neglect. he didn't blame frances for doing that. who wouldn't go mad if they've been abandoned by someone who thought they could trust?
after she was stopped, he decided not to press charges on frances , although that didn't stop her from still getting institutionalized. being incapable to care for her child, nacho finally decided to man up and take his and frances' child up as his own and take raise him.
he knew that it's such a scummy thing to do. to just NOW take up the responsibility when everything was blown out of proportion. but he decided to not run away now, just because of that. his son needed a parent more than anything else now.
as he went on raising anatolii, he felt that he had absolutely nothing to be praised for. unknowing people says: "you're such a strong man, raising a son all by yourself."
he just did what he should have done from the start. right now, he takes care of his son wholeheartedly as an act of repentance, for both frances and anatolii. to show that he's truly sorry for being the coward he is.
for now, nacho is keeping the truth the whole mess between him and frances well-kept from anatolii. the only thing that anatolii does know about his mom is that she's alive but never drops by to visit due to some "personal problems and conflicts". but nacho always assures him that his mother loves him no matter what.
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grandlinedreams · 5 months
|| hey remember that thing I said abt boot riding and condescending, mean Coop :)
|| notes: unestablished timeline, could be seen as pre or post s1, reader can be whatever they want, waves hand something something idk man I've got it so bad for this guy also HEY. MDNI. BIG TIME. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.
|| warnings: pretty much pwp, oral (m receiving), cum eating/swallowing, cursing, boot riding, Cooper is mean, hair pulling, afab reader i guess
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Cooper isn't sure if it's the oppressive heat, the lack of decent drinking water or food that isn't roasted radroach to blame for your attitude, or if it's something else entirely ㅡ but you've found his last nerve over the last couple hours and are determined to rip it to shreds.
Part of him says he could save himself some long term trouble and put a bullet in your head, but he won't for two reasons. One, that's a waste of ammo. And two, he likes having you around.
You're a good companion, when you aren't in such a piss-poor mood. But it's that mood that's the current issue ㅡ and so, Cooper comes up with his own solution when you get just a little too mouthy for his liking.
"Come on now sweetheart," he grunts, voice low as he watches you, "you can take it, can't you?"
Your answer is garbled for the length currently occupying your mouth, tip of him pushed far enough that it threatens to gag you. Cooper doesn't think he's seen anything prettier than the tears in your eyes over his cock in your mouth.
He groans when you swallow around him, fists a hand tight into your hair to guide you ㅡ and the way you squirm also catches his attention. But one thing at a time, and he isn't about to give you whatever it is you think you deserve until after he's done.
He tells you so, eyes glinting as you whine around him, sound silenced by the rough jerk of his hips. "Come on, sweet thing," he coos, mocking as he cups your chin, thumbs at the bead of drool that slides from the corner of your mouth, "not gettin' shit if you can't behave."
This isn't the first time he's been in your mouth, nor will it be the last ㅡ but the pitiful look on your face only furthers his pleasure as he bucks, listens as you choke and gag around him.
His head tips back as you suck, fist tightening in your hair as you slide your tongue over the underside of him, the steady pulse as his breath hitches a little. "Fuck," he huffs, "see? Told you I'd find somethin' for you to do with that mouth of yours other than bitch."
You squirm again, thighs rubbing together to try and give yourself a little friction as his already rough rhythm turns choppier ㅡ and then he's spilling down your throat with a low groan that only adds to your own arousal.
Cooper pulls free of your mouth and watches as you swallow before he tucks himself away and snorts when you give him an expectant look. "What's that for, sugar? Never promised I was gonna help you out."
Your lips part like you want to protest, but he's right ㅡ he'd never said he was going to do anything afterwards. He smirks, makes a show of debating before he crouches in front of you, tips your chin up so he can meet your eyes.
"Poor thing, did suckin' me off get you that hot and bothered?" Your cheeks flush, and his amusement grows. "I guess I can help you out. But we're doing this my way, hm?" You blink, watching as he moves to settle a little ways away, then gestures. "Well? C'mere, babydoll."
Cooper watches you, tracking you as you settle over him in his lap. He reaches for you, pulls you flush to him before he cups your face with gloved hands. "You wanna get off so bad, you'll take whatever I give you, hm?"
Your cheeks burn, betraying you as you nod and listen to him click his tongue, sizing you up before he leans to kiss you. It'd almost be sweet were it not for the way he anchors you to keep you from withdrawing, muffling your soft noises before pulling away.
"Alright, sweetheart," he breathes, "I'll give you somethin'."
"Come on sweetheart, I thought you wanted this."
Your cheeks blaze, a mix of embarrassment and arousal as your hips rock, bitten off whine that makes Cooper snicker as he watches you rut against his boot. The dusty leather is far from what you'd been expecting, but Cooper had been adamant ㅡ either you got off on his boot or you didn't get off at all.
He at least pushes it against you, offers that modicum of reciprocation beyond the dark, hungry way he watches you grind against the only thing he's willing to offer.
The edge of it digs against the ache of your core, makes you groan and grind down harder.
"Look at you, honeybunch," Cooper drawls, determined to keep up a steady stream of commentary and make this all the worse for you, "that needy for me you're willing to hump my boot like a bitch in heat. Pathetic."
It should annoy you, but all the insult does is send heat curling in your veins to join the needy, sticky slick between your legs as you whimper and continue moving. Your thighs ache, your head spins with the way you're panting ㅡ but you're so close.
Cooper knows it to, doesn't miss a beat as he listens to you whimper, noises arching to something more pitched before you're shuddering, rocking your hips in rough, tiny little movements before you're panting, body trembling with the force of your orgasm.
"See, sugar? Wasn't so hard, was it?" His tone and words are a playful taunt, one that has you glaring at him.
"Fuck you."
Cooper grins, eyes dark. "That's the plan, babydoll."
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