#tall dudes hate that right? being picked up?
squuote · 1 year
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carry him around like a ragdoll thx
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betasuppe · 6 months
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It didn't take much for me to be absolutely stupid in love with you♡~
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 2 months
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[12:11 pm]
(cw: f!reader, a child)
Dad!Jaehyun was moody which was odd. It had been an unusually easy morning. There was good breakfast, nice morning with cartoons that hadn’t been as annoying as usual. The little, sister dogs had actually even been kind of cute. You were curled up at his side on the couch playing with his hair and being very loving- which he loved.
His daughter was calm, ate all her breakfast, and had been extra cuddly and adorable. She had gone down for her first nap with no fussing and didn’t whine when you got her ready. This was also odd for the almost one year old, it was like hitting the jackpot with her this morning. She was in a cute little dress Jaehyun had proudly picked out himself and little sandals that he loved because her tiny toes scrunched up every time she wore them.
But, all the pleasantness of the morning wasn’t why he was moody. Obviously not, it had been a beyond ideal morning. He was moody because you, his wife, had been teasingly poking fun at your daughter about Uncle Johnny.
Stupid Johnny. Johnny who made his daughter get shy and hide and lean toward the obnoxiously tall man. Seriously, who even needed to be that tall? She planted her cute, wet kisses on Johnny’s cheek instead of her own dad, made her cling to Johnny instead of him. He hated it.
You parked outside Johnny's house, unbuckling your daughter from her car seat. You tickled her side, cooing, "are we going to go see your favorite? Are you excited to see Uncle Johnny, princess?"
Jaehyun's face fell into a grimace, following behind his girls with the diaper bag on his shoulder. Suddenly he was wondering why he accepted the invitation for this impromptu barbecue. Maybe he should lie and say he had a stomachache so you all had to go back home, or say that he just saw his daughter have a diaper blow out and there was no extra clothes. Then it was too late, you'd already rung the doorbell.
The door opened to reveal the smiling giant, "Is that my favorite girl?!"
Your daughter hid her face in your neck, smiling shyly but also not objecting to Johnny taking her from your hold. Johnny held her like a total pro, he was the favorite uncle after all, and greeted you and Jaehyun with hugs while ushering you in.
"Look at you, princess! Are you so happy to see Uncle Johnny?" You smiled brightly at your daughter while snapping a quick picture.
Your daughter simple babbled and cuddled closer to Johnny, making her dad's face fall into a deeper frown. You turned to Jaehyun with a knowing, teasing glint in your eye, "she loves him so much."
He grumbled, "she loves me more though."
You wiggled your fingers at your daughter while Johnny toted her around, "I don't know... she's obsessed with Johnny."
Jaehyun glared at you, "it's like you're trying to hurt my feelings right now. A baby can't be obsessed with anyone anyway."
"She's obsessed with me," you shrug.
"You're her mom, duh."
You snort out a laugh, "Try it out then. Try to get her to leave Johnny."
Jaehyun smugly walks over and tries to coax his daughter to him. She furrows her little eyebrows at him and turns back to Johnny, patting his cheek with a look of wonder. Jaehyun scowls, trying again, even going as far as shaking her favorite toy in her eye sight. But nothing, his daughter lays her head on Johnny's shoulder and whines.
"Dude, you're bothering her," Johnny pouts, rubbing his free hand up and down the baby girl's back comfortingly.
Jaehyun pouts and trudges over to you and embraces you while burying his head in your neck, very reminiscent of what his daughter had just done to Johnny, "she hates me."
"Maybe the next one will love you more than Johnny."
His head snaps up, "next one?"
You smile nervously, "surprise?"
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honkytonk-hangman · 1 year
Line of Sight
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Reader
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Summary: You're almost certain that Jake Seresin could care less about you, that is, until you're in a tight spot and the one guy you assume will hang you out to dry, instead comes to your rescue.
Warnings: language, creepy club dudes, hangman being a little cold but actually he's just shyyyyyy
Notes: this is for @ussgallifrey who let me bang on about the feelings this man has given me <3 honestly this might turn into a mini-series because i havent even begun to resolve all my emotions about this whole vibe yet
Series Masterlist
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“Wait, is that Rooster?” you frown, trying to duck your head to see around the crowd of people at the club bar, your straw falling away from your lips as you do. “And Payback, and–” you cut yourself off, now certain of who and what you were seeing, and turn to look accusingly at your companions. Next to you, Phoenix follows your line of sight, but shrugs, seemingly unbothered about the impromptu appearance of the rest of Dagger Squad. Across from you, Halo winces guiltily, and lowers her brightly coloured cocktail away from her face.
“I may have mentioned our little soiree, and extended the invitation…” she admits, before hurriedly placing down her drink altogether and lifting her hands in a surrendering motion. “Look, in my defence, we’re all friends, and whatever you think about Hangman–”
“–It’s not what I think, Cal! It’s him who clearly doesn’t think much about me!” you stress, a little frustrated that your carefree girls night was now going to end up like all the other weekend nights you’ve had since befriending Dagger.
You loved Dagger, you really really did. They had welcomed you unofficially into the squad with open arms after Phoenix and Bob had adopted you one night at the Hard Deck. You’d been stood up, then dumped unceremoniously, and after crying off all your makeup in the bathroom, you’d been comforted by Nat, who had then introduced you to all her friends, all of whom seemed to dedicate the rest of their night to cheering you up. 
It was funny now to think that that was how this all started, but soon enough you were close with all of them. Well, almost all of them.
Hangman had been nice enough that first night, but after that it seemed as though he could care less about your presence at all. He wasn’t ever actively rude or mean to you, not at all, instead it was like you were just perpetually a stranger. Him snarking at you would be a step up, in your opinion. At least then you’d feel like he saw you as a friend, but as it stands now, his tight smiles and quiet chortles felt like a slap in the face compared to the mega-watt grins and regular peacockish behaviour he’d display with his other friends.
You hate yourself a little that it affects you so much. You know it shouldn’t, but you can’t help it. You liked Hangman. Although a little prideful and pricklish, you could see yourself getting along with him quite well, could exchange banter with him nicely, if he’d ever actually give you a chance. It certainly didn’t help that you weren’t immune to the way he looked, perfect in every single sense, smoulderingly hot even when he wasn’t trying. He was exactly your type, right down to a T, including, you suppose, the fact that he didn’t want you at all.
It had been bothering you more and more recently, and where once you would just shrug him off, now you realise, you’ve been actively avoiding hanging out with your friends, just to sidestep the kick in the guts that came every time he fixed you with a level, seemingly emotionless pity-smile. This week would mark one year since the night you’d been dumped and subsequently picked up again, and if you’d thought about it for longer than five seconds, you’d have agreed with Halo that you should have been celebrating with all your friends.
Phoenix easily waves down the boys, and soon enough your tall standing table is filled out with the rest of the team, and you let yourself relax for a moment as you accept several hugs, the longest of which is with Javy, who shakes you a little as he does, before he reaches for your drink and finishes it off in one.
“Happy one year, bay-bay!” he announces cheekily in the face of your protest, and you playfully swat him away. Coyote relents, but leans back just enough, with his mouth open, and you roll your eyes, before plucking the maraschino cherry from your now empty glass and placing it between his teeth.
The display is enough to make you laugh genuinely, and you watch with a far more relaxed and happy grin as Javy pushes back from the table, pointing at you, Phoenix and Halo.
“Another?” he asks, quickly gathering everyone’s orders and announcing the first round was on him as he disappears toward the bar. Unfortunately, that is when you realise his empty spot at the table is stepped into by someone else, and despite yourself, you can’t help but look.
If you hadn't known that he’d only just arrived, you might have fooled yourself into thinking Hangman been here all along, with how natural he looks leaning with one arm against the table, his eyes scanning the club behind you over your head as you take him in.
You refrain from cursing at just how good he looks in civvies. It was rare you’d see him in anything aside from either his flight suit or his tan uniform, and you’re fairly certain the only other time you had was at one of Dagger’s many beach parties, where he’d been barely dressed at all. Now though, Hangman is filling out a pair of dark wash jeans and a silk jade-green button down like nobody's business, his hair for once not slicked back and styled for work, and he has what you can only assume must be several days worth of stubble.
He looks goddamn good, and you almost vibrate all the way across the room because of it.
Bright green eyes suddenly lock on to yours, and you most hope he calls you out for staring, teases you relentlessly, but after a moment, he simply nods at you, and turns inward to the table.
“You look great,” he says simply, and after letting out a quiet sigh, you choose not to let this ruin your night.
“Thanks, so do you,” you reply, maybe a little sadder sounding than you intended. Hangman glances back over at you and your heart skips just a little when he lifts his chin at you.
“Same dress you were wearing the night that asshole dumped you, right?” His voice holds slightly more humorous inflection than usual and you hate yourself a little bit more for living for the crumbs he gives you.
“Yeah. figured it was thematic or whatever. Look at me now, and all that,” you wave a hand, and really try hard not to sound so glum this time, but you’re not sure it works. Hangman cocks his head, and you swear you see a playful glint spark in his eyes just as he opens his mouth, but unfortunately you never get to hear what he has to say, because Javy chooses that moment to reappear, placing down an armful of drinks and beers right between you.
With the reappearance of his friend, Hangman seems to go back to ignoring you, and you go back to pretending that it doesn’t bother you.
Five minutes ago you had been dancing wildly and laughing with Rooster and Phoenix, three drinks down and getting your giggle on. Now though, you’d managed to lose both your friends in the crowd, which had been okay at first, you weren’t exactly a wallflower and didn’t mind getting your flirt on with a stranger or two, but now, you were wishing hard that at any moment either Rooster or Phoenix might show back up again and save you.
While you weren’t a wallflower, you also weren’t anywhere near as cock-sure as Halo or Phoenix, you weren’t the type of girl who felt comfortable stamping on a creep’s foot and telling him to fuck off and that you weren’t interested.
Which is exactly what you wanted to do right now.
You were trying to be polite still, for some reason, but the drinks in your system prevent you from really reacting as necessary, even as you attempt to move the hands of the guy you're dancing with back to your hips and away from your ass.
“Hey, look, I’m going to get a drink!” you yell over the music, trying to extract yourself from this guy, but just as your luck would have it, he nods happily and makes to move with you, his hands still trying to feel you up.
You move anyway, hoping that at least you might be able to lose him in the crowd, but your new shadow seems determined to stick with you. You really don’t know at this point how to shake him, and as a last resort, you desperately begin scanning the edges of the crowd for any of your friends, so you can try and make eyes for them to bail you out.
Strangely, all your friends seem to have disappeared from the table you’d left them at, even Rooster and Phoenix are nowhere in sight, but you do catch sight of something familiar toward the bar. For once you don’t dread the sight of Hangman and his expressionless gaze, and for once, you attempt to maintain eye contact with him as he glances almost dismissively over at you.
Maybe it’s the look on your face that causes him to doubletake back at you when he briefly looks away, but whatever it is, you’re glad for it, because the next thing you know, the blond is frowning at you, his eyes flickering between you and your unwanted companion. You watch as he straightens up from leaning against the bar, his face filled with the kind of determination that you had only seen on him during the more heated rounds of pool at the Hard Deck.
You could almost let out a cry of joy when he pushes away from the bar and begins beelining towards you, seemingly making sure that he doesn’t lose sight of you even despite the throng of people that he has to weave in and out of. When he’s only a few metres away, his expression shifts from almost angry, into an easy cocky smile that he’s never directed toward you before. It nearly throws you off step, but even if it had, it wouldn’t have been an issue. In a few short strides, Hangman is in front of you, his arm smoothly slung around your shoulder and he uses it to tug you a few steps into his side, and away from your prior dance partner.
“There you are,” he says sweetly, actually sounding glad to see you for once. In your sheer relief at his rescue, you let your hand fall to his chest, your fingertips gliding over the soft silk of his shirt, which doesn’t go unnoticed by him. You blink up, mouth open to utter a soft thank you, and get ready to excuse yourself from the other man’s company, but a tugging at your hand cuts you off.
“Uh, I thought we were getting a drink,” the other guy interrupts, looking accusingly between you and Hangman. The blond barely even looks at him, an insult you know well, before he’s focused back on you, and arm around your shoulder pulling you even closer into him, and forcing your dance partner to release you.
“I’ll take it from here,” Hangman says to him, though he’s gazing at you, doing a damn convincing job of seeming lovesick. “You thirsty, sweetheart?” he adds as he begins to turn you, lead you away from the scene, and you find yourself embarrassingly speechless, only able to nod at for once being on the receiving end of Hangman’s notorious charm.
“Whatever, just so you know man, she didn’t say she was taken,” you hear from behind you. 
“She shouldn’t have to.” Hangman doesn’t even stop moving as he turns his head to shoot back, though his voice is filled with more annoyance than you’ve ever heard from him before. You could almost trick yourself into thinking he was actually mad on your behalf.
“Fucking slut.” The words are just loud enough for the both of you to hear, and even though you tense up at the accusation, you expect the both of you to keep moving, at least until you’re away from this guy. That doesn’t happen though. Hangman does stop this time, though unlike before, you don’t see a trace of anger on his face. Instead, he takes a step back toward the other man, his arm dropping from your shoulders to wrap snugly around your waist. He smiles wide and full, completely infuriatingly, and you see him size up the creep, look him deliberately up and down before he tips his head and opens his mouth.
“And yet, she’s still not going to fuck you,” he stays smiling, wide and cheshire-like. You feel yourself drop into a pool of complete and utter enamour with him, as at last he pulls you away again, leaving your unwanted partner behind, mouthing dumbly at the killer of a takedown he’d just endured, now totally forgotten by the both of you.
You’re still recovering from the utter annihilation when you finally reach the bar, and at last Hangman lets his hold on you drop, and he comes to stand next to you at the bar. He’s still grinning, though it looks like it's to himself, but it widens ever so slightly when he glances down at you while motioning for the bartender. He orders himself another beer, and the same cocktail Javy had stolen from you earlier before you’re finally able to get your thoughts straight again.
“Thanks for that,” you say, nodding towards the dance floor. Hangman looks almost surprised for a few seconds before he shrugs and pays the waiting barman.
“S’nothing.” he waves you off, but fixes you again with a slight frown moments later. “Are you alright? You looked pretty upset when you were trying to shake him.”
You think this might be the most genuine emotion the man has ever shown you, and you’re too far gone to question why, for now you simply want to bask in it.
“I’m no good at telling guys to piss off. Mostly they get the hint, but sometimes… that’s why I always stick with Phoenix or Halo,” you explain a little bashfully. You know how confrontational Hangman can be, you’d seen it for yourself tonight, so you know he likely sees your lack of assertiveness as some kind of weakness. Maybe that was why he didn’t like you?
Hangman frowns again, deeply this time, and hands you your drink. For a while he doesn't say anything, but it makes you anxious the way he doesn’t stop staring at you even as he takes a good long drink of his beer. After a moment he relaxes somewhat and glances away. You’re hoping maybe he’ll drop it, or maybe some of your friends will come along and spare you whatever comes next, but he doesn’t, and they don’t.
Hangman points back toward the dance floor with his beer hand and fixes you with a hard, intent stare.
“You feel like that again, you come find me, alright? I’ll tell them where they can go,” the blond tells you firmly, making you blink and splutter, but he holds up his hand and waves you off before you can deny him.
“Halo doesn’t always come out with us, and Phoenix and Rooster are currently eating face, so,” he takes half a step toward you and leans lower into your space, almost making you stumble back. “Next time,” he slings his arm across your shoulder again and grins almost maniacally. “Let Hangman sort them out for you.”
For the first time you really feel like perhaps Hangman is warming up to you. No longer were you feeding off the crumbs of attention, now you see the man revel in your sputtering embarrassment, fully teasing you like you’d wish he would for the past year. You were in his sights now, and you feel your whole body trill with satisfaction.
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mulloey · 13 days
innocents • yunho
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it’s easy to forget you’re his prisoner
warnings: criminal!yunho, mentioned sex trafficking (but it’s in the context of him Not doing it), mentioned murder, reader is held against her will but nothing is done to her without consent, her shitty boyfriend pimped her out kind of and yunho’s not about that but he is Not a good dude in this, dom yunho, implied drugging (alcohol), implied physical punishment, other than the *implications* this is actually pretty tame. also san is yunho’s goon lol
this doesn’t represent yunho, ateez or my perception of them in any way. don’t like, don’t read:) please comment if you enjoyed!
The first time you met Yunho, you were a payment. Your stupid, doofus boyfriend, thinking he was tough and smart enough to survive a life of crime, had gotten in too deep with the wrong people and found himself with a bounty on his head, pursued across the country until he was finally cornered in a dodgy part of Seoul. Dragged unceremoniously to Yunho’s office, he’d realised quickly who he was dealing with, and what was about to happen to him, and in a moment of desperation had offered you up instead. “Take my girlfriend,” he’d begged. “She’s at my house and she’s beautiful, you can have her. Just please don’t kill me.” And Yunho, disgusted that your boyfriend would offer you up like cattle but intrigued by the thought of you, had sent one of his men to pick you up.
You knew what your boyfriend had gotten involved with and you knew how spineless he was, so you weren’t surprised to see an armed man in your doorway, telling you to come with him if you wanted your boyfriend to live. You were more annoyed than anything else, but as much as you hated your boyfriend for selling you out like this, you didn’t want him to die, certainly not in the slow, painful way the man in your doorway had so graphically promised. So you followed, allowing yourself to be brought to a sprawling property on the other side of the city. When you were dragged into Yunho’s office, your coward of a boyfriend wouldn’t even meet your eye. But there was one person who couldn’t take his eyes off of you. The tall, dangerous looking man behind the desk.
He looked you up and down for a moment, ordering his man to turn you around so he could see the back of you, before nodding. “I accept your offer,” he told your boyfriend. “Leave her with me and don’t ever return to Korea, and I’ll wipe your debts and set you free. Understood?”
And without a moment's hesitation, your boyfriend agreed, thanking Yunho profusely for his generosity — for taking her instead of me. You could have attacked him if you weren’t surrounded by armed henchmen, but you were realising now that this pathetic little man wasn’t worth any more of your energy. So you let him scurry away with your back turned, eyes cast downwards to the floor.
The room was silent for a moment, tension in the air, until Yunho spoke. “If you’re wondering what I’m going to do to you, don’t worry,” he said. “I sell things, not people. Not women, at least. You’ll be safe here with me.”
You nodded, not really convinced before he ordered you closer to him. You shuffled forwards, as slow as you could before one of his men shoved you so hard you stumbled, landing on the solid wood of the desk.”
“San, you fucking idiot,” Yunho snapped, standing from his chair and rounding the desk to help you up. You looked you up and down and, satisfied you weren’t hurt, released his grip on you. “Your boyfriend’s lucky you’re such a beauty,” he said. “And so are you. Cus he’s not being fed to dogs right now, and I’m going to take much better care of you than he did.”
For some reason, maybe the sting and annoyance of the idiotic betrayal you’d just suffered, you believed him. Yunho would take care of you. He’d keep you safe. And you’d never be bounty again.
True to his word, Yunho was for the most part perfectly respectful. He didn’t touch or try anything with you without your permission, and he made certain none of his men did either, as made abundantly clear your second month under his care, when a low level fighter had cornered and felt you up, and Yunho, upon hearing about it, had summoned him to his office and, without a word, shot him between the eyes with his own gun.
The only time Yunho wasn’t so nice to you was the few attempts you’d made to escape. As much as he respected you as a person, he’d forgiven a lot of transgressions and missed out on an awful lot of money to have you, and he wasn’t going to let you go. And in the months (you think, time moves strangely in Yunho’s house) you’d been in his possession, he had by his own admission, developed feelings that gave him another reason to want to keep you with him.
After a few failed escape attempts and quite severe reprisals, he’d settled on another way to keep you pliant. With your previous boyfriend you’d gotten heavily into alcohol and as Yunho quickly realised, supplying you with it was a good way to keep you happy and obedient. And to keep you safe by his side, anything that worked was worth it.
You’re a few drinks deep when he comes into your room, taking a seat on your bed, eyes on you. You’re at your desk and facing him, fiddling absentmindedly with an empty glass.
“Come here.”
You feel dizzy, and not just because of the alcohol. You see the small knife in his hand, dwarfed by his massive palms. You know what those palms can do to you. You’ve tried everything to avoid finding out about the knife.
“Are you going to cut me?” You try to sound as afraid as possible, knowing it softens him — not because he feels bad for scaring you, but because he likes it. You’re such a good girl, he’d say, being so afraid of me. He thinks it’s sweet. It makes him happy. And you like when he’s happy.
His face is blank. “Why would I cut you?”
“The knife.”
His gaze flickers to it, then back to you. “Ah,” he says, smiling slightly. “This isn’t for you.”
“Did you hurt someone?” You ask softly.
“I’m going to,” he says. He puts the knife down on the bed, behind his back where you can’t see it. But now you know it’s there and you guess that was his intention. Your time with this man has taught you that nothing, nothing he does is an accident. “Come here.”
His tone is harder now, on the edge of anger. Since becoming his prisoner, as he hates when you call yourself, you’ve learned that Yunho does not like repeating himself — a lesson that has been painfully delivered to you more times than either of you would like. Not wanting another, you scurry over to him, stopping short of settling on his lap, because he hasn’t said you can touch him, and you know not to do it without his permission. Nothing without permission.
He smiles, recognising your obedience and pats his lap. “Sit.”
You settle yourself in your lap, heart still racing slightly, but the feeling of his warm hands on the small of your back always calms you. He strokes up and down your back, humming softly with his gaze fixed on you. “Have you been good today?” He asks.
You nod. “I have. Thank you for the drinks.”
He hums, running his thumb across your plush lips. He pushes it in slightly, letting you suck at the tip while his other fingers stroke your cheek. “I wanted to check on you,” he says quietly, “before I leave. Just to make sure you’re okay.”
“I am,” you say, smiling softly.
He narrows his eyes, studying your face for any signs of dishonesty, but you know better than to lie to him. You know that in less than a second, the soft, gentle touches on your back could turn hard, crushing and striking, and it informs every choice you make with him. He nods, apparently satisfied that you’re telling the truth, and presses a kiss to your lips. “Good girl,” he breathes.
You smile at the praise, out of relief as much as happiness. You’ve learned quickly that Yunho is very, very good at concealing his true feelings — a necessary skill for someone of his profession — so you never bank on him being satisfied with your behaviour until he confirms it himself. But today he is satisfied, and it fills you with relief. “Thank you,” you whisper.
Yunho smiles at you and pushes his thumb back into your mouth. Focused on the feeling, you don’t notice his other hand move from the small of your back to the top of your leg. The feeling of his hand on the sensitive bare skin of your thigh makes you jolt and he tuts, tightening his grip slightly. “Still,” he orders gently.
He lets his hand wander further up your leg, into the sensitive skin of your inner thighs, dangerously close. Your breath hitches as his hand slowly approaches your most sensitive area. “Yunho,” you whisper, the desperation in your voice evident.
He smiles softly but shakes his head. “I don’t have time now, darling,” he says regretfully. “Just wanted to play with my baby a little before I go. Get her worked up and ready for when I’m back.”
The hand on your face moves to grip your thigh, holding you in place as the other pulls your tiny shorts to the side and presses a long finger into your hole. You gasp softly; it’s been a while since you’d started playing with Yunho like this, but you’ll never get used to his size, not just of his dick but of his entire body. Everything about him is large, strong, brimming with restrained power until he has a reason to unless it.
The finger reaches deep inside you, curling as he pushes another in. He starts to pump them slowly, quickly speeding up until you’re whining and squirming on his lap. A third soon joins and you almost choke. “Yunho,” you cry.
He hums, not acknowledging you further. You love when he plays with you like this, clinically and methodically pleasuring you but seeming indifferent to you or your reactions. He doesn’t care what sounds you make, how many times you come undone on his fingers. You’re his toy and he’ll play with you until he gets bored.
He presses his thumb to your clit, rubbing in circles to drive you close to the edge. You’re babbling incoherently now, crying and gasping as he works you to your orgasm.
“Yunho,” you sob as his fingers speed up. “Yunho, I’m gonna—”
“Do it,” he says. He doesn’t look up at you, gaze still fixed in your gushing pussy.
You cry as you let yourself go, juices coating his entire hand. He chuckles at the sight, pumping his fingers a few more times before pulling them out, but you know that’s more due to his time constraints than any desire to show you mercy. Other than your worst misbehaviours, the only time Yunho shows the merciless, cruel side of himself with you is during sex. He’s in charge, and he loves the way you cower and come undone beneath him.
He holds you in his lap for a few more minutes, stroking your gently and whispering praises as you come down from your high, before he gets up, a sad look on his face. “I so wish I could stay, baby,” he says mournfully. “You’re such a good girl for me.”
“Me too,” you sigh. “Please don’t get hurt.
He tilts his head, lips twitching with an amused smile. “I never do that,” he says. “And I’m not fighting anyone tonight. Just teaching them a lesson. Be ready for me when I’m back, yeah?”
You nod and he smiles, pressing another kiss to your lips before picking up his knife and walking out of your room. You hear the lock click behind him, a reminder that as much as you love each other, you’re still his prisoner. But the ghosts of his touches on your skin make it so much sweeter.
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cameronspecial · 10 days
Need the rafe and reader locked up in a room 🙏
Don't Stain The Carpet
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: Swearing and Heated Make Out
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 1.1K
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Topper and Kece were sick of the fighting. It was happening all day, every day now and they just wanted it to stop. They might even prefer the days when the two would be caught in a heated makeout session instead of an argument. So, they devised a plan to get the exes on a more cordial playing field. “Dude, I don’t know what’s wrong with it. One moment it’s running fine. The next, it won’t start,” Topper complains, leading Rafe down to the basement. The other boy grumbles, “Yeah, yeah. Just show me where your laptop is. I don’t know why you called me for it. I’m not fucking IT support.” Topper throws him a sheepish smile over his shoulder. “But you are good with computers.” Rafe rolls his eyes, “Stop being a kiss ass. I’m already here.” 
Once at the bottom of the stairs, Topper shuts up and steps out of the way so Rafe can pass through first. The tall man thinks nothing of it and enters the finished basement; however, when he is face to face with his ex-girlfriend, suspicion overcomes him. It is too late though because as he turns to leave the room and ream Topper out for this setup, the door is locked behind him. He rushes to the door, trying to open it even though he knows it is locked. “Topper, you little shit. Open this door.” He is met with silence, so he steps away from it and turns toward Y/N. “What are you doing here?” he questions. 
She rolls her eyes, “Top said he needed help picking out a gift for his mom. Why are you here?” They both know they have been lied to. It’s obviously from the fact that a laptop isn’t in sight and two separate reasons as to why they are there. 
He glares at her. “Oh, you know, Top said I could meet the Queen of England so I thought wow, I gotta get there. Why does it fucking matter? It was a lie.” She scoffs, “See, that. That is why I broke up with you.” He chuckles and runs his hands through his hair. “One. The breakup was mutual. Two. What. What is the reason you ‘broke up’ with me.” She holds out her hand and motions up and down, “Because you are an ass. That’s why. You only care for yourself and that’s it.” 
“Oh, please. We both know that isn’t fucking true.” 
“Right, sorry. I forgot about drugs and alcohol. Those might be pretty high up your list.” 
His yell has her flinching back and he takes a deep breath while running his hand down his face “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled.” Her arms cross and she stands straighter. “You shouldn’t have,” she chastises. “Look, just because we are locked in here together doesn’t mean we have to talk to each other. I’ll go see if a call can get through. I mean we really should’ve seen this coming. His basement doesn’t get any signals.” 
With her final mutterance, she storms away from him. Her back hits against the wall and she slides down it. He observes as she pulls her phone out, hearing the familiar music of the cat game she enjoys playing sounds through the room. He smiles at the memory of her turning onto her stomach after an eventful night of love-making to play the game. He would always make fun of her and then rest his chin on her shoulder to watch her play over her shoulder. She used to get so excited when she would find the cat she was looking for. A crease in her forehead forms and he laughs. The noise has her staring at him over her phone. “What?” His hand extends toward her hand, “Didn’t get the cat you wanted?” her gaze flicks down to her phone with a frown. God, she hates how much he knows her. “Yes,” she whispers, slouching in embarrassment. 
Silence occurs on them. He shuffles over to the couch and decides to stroll down memory lane. His thumb swipes through the pictures. Her smile is so bright in this one and the sun hits her just right so it adds an extra shine to her eyes. He should’ve deleted all their pictures together when they broke up but he couldn’t bring himself to delete them. So he hid them away in a folder and promised to never look at them again. He hates that a distance has grown between them. He has to fix it.
“The only thing I ever cared about other than myself is you,” he mumbles. “Hmm,” she sounds out, not looking up from her phone. He clears his throat, “I cared- I mean I still care about you. Maybe even more than I care about myself.” He takes a second to think about it. “Actually. I definitely care about you more than myself.” The tone shifts in her room and she puts her phone down. He heads over to her, settling on the floor beside her. She looks him in the eyes and her vision has blurred. “Then why weren’t you there? You promised you would be after all the other things you skipped. The worst thing was that you wouldn’t tell me where you were.” He bites the corner of his lip and reaches into his pocket for his keys. He grows through his keys and holds them out to her, “I was out getting this. I didn’t want to spoil the surprise.” She takes the key ring into her hands and a shiny diamond stares back at her. “You were buying me a ring,” she murmurs. He nods, “I wanted to marry you and I know that this wouldn’t have made up for all the other things I missed, but I was hoping it would show you that I was committed to being with you.”
Everything she has felt for him for as long as she has known him comes cropping up and she takes a chance. “Do you still want to marry me?” she questions. His hand rests on her cheek, “More than anything else in the world.” She grins at him with tears leaking out of her eyes. “Then let's get married.” She presses their lips together and swings her leg over him. His fingers lace through her hair, pulling her in closer than possible. As she begins to grind down into him, a loud crash comes from behind him. “I wanted this to work. However, I didn’t want this to work this well,” Topper gripes. Rafe’s eyes narrow at him. “Get out,” Rafe growls at Kelce and Topper, who are standing in the doorway with wide eyes. Kelce and Topper look at each other with a nod. Topper grabs the doorknob and pulls the door closed. “Don’t stain the carpet!” Topper’s voice pleads through the door, causing the newly reunited couple to laugh together.
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming @magicalyoura @rubixgsworld
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oisins-stuff · 1 year
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lo'ak x male metkayina reader
summary; lo'ak sees y/n almost get his shit rocked and falls in love
word count; 2.6k
warnings; homophobia, parent issues, blood, violence (hate crimes?), cussing and little gay dudes
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮
lo'ak sat on the beach with his feet resting in the water. he didn't like this place. it wasn't his home and he couldn't pretend it was. "tsahey!! i'm sorry, dude! it was a joke! calm down!" he heard someone yelling and sand shuffling. before he even turned around he heard a punch land. it wasn't too hard, but it definitely hurt whoever received it. he heard someone spit, get hit again, and suddenly the yelling was much closer. he turned around to see one smaller boy- probably around 7'5- being beat by two bigger guys. "so was it not funny?" he chuckled as he tried to scoot back. lo'ak didn't know if he should help or not. getting in a fight wouldn't be the best thing for him right now. one of the taller boys got closer, but the one on the floor tripped him and tried to run. the other grabbed him while his buddy stood up. "skxawng! y/n, you're fucked!" he was about to throw a punch. y/n kicked the man who was holding him in the knee, causing him to be dropped onto the sand. the other boy punched his friend on accident giving y/n enough time to grab the one who had yelled at him by the tail and kick his ankles. both boys were on the ground in minuted, leaving lo'ak to believe his wasn't needed. "fuckers!" y/n kicked sand on the two before he ran off to another section of the beach, struggling to climb over some rocks. it made lo'ak chuckle. this boy just took down two kids twice his size but can't get over some rocks. he walked over and picked him up, gently setting him on the other side and then jumping over himself. "thanks.." y/n was quiet, which was unexpected since he just did what he did. "no problem. what were they so pissed about? i thought they were about to kill you." lo'ak crouched slightly to look closer at the boys face, his nose was bloody and there was a little blood around his lips. he had a bigger bruise forming on his shoulder, lo'ak turned him slightly to get a better look. "i made a joke- i swear it was a joke- about something. they thought i wanted their girlfriends because apparently i was staring and i said some shit like 'i'd rather have you', it was a lie. they lost it." y/n started trying to wipe the blood off of his face but it'd already dried. "it was a bit dramatic, in my opinion. looks like they almost killed you. what's this mean?" he pointed to the arrow tattoo on his back. "something about struggle and triumph. i just like it because it looks cool, but tsireya insisted it had a meaning. i don't even know how to use a bow and arrow." he was still trying to wipe the blood off. "here," lo'ak crouched down, scooping some water up before putting his hands on y/ns face to wipe off the blood, "i could teach you. maybe you should stay over here for awhile, i don't think you dropping those guys made them any happier." he tried his best to ignore the way y/n was staring into his eyes as he grabbed the shorter boys chin and started to wipe off his cheek. "i would, but i have stuff to do. i don't have food, or any of my supplies. i need to weave baskets and make jewelry." his eyes never left lo'aks. "i can grab you stuff. i'd say lay low for at least two days, even if it isn't the entire day. like come out during the day and switch up where you sleep, ya know?" he dropped his hand from the others chin, rinsing the blood off. "thanks, man."
lo'ak hopped over the tall rocks, the bag on his shoulder almost falling off. "hey, y/n!" he looked down at the boy who was drawing in the sand. he jumped up when he saw lo'ak. "what'd you bring?" he was smiling from ear to ear and standing on his toes, trying to peak in the bag. lo'ak dropped it, letting it all fall out. "some of your basket stuff, jewelry stuff, food and a blanket. i can stay over here, but my siblings might get snoopy." he sat beside y/n as y/n dug through everything. "you have siblings?" he asked, biting into one of the things lo'ak brought. "yeah, three. neteyam is the oldest, but tuk would probably be the one to follow me." y/n seemed so genuinely interested. "i don't have any. my parents don't talk to me much anymore, the made me find my own pod to live in after they found out." he picked up some string and beads and started making a bracelet. "found out what?" he watched as y/ns hands quickly moved to construct whatever he was making. "that i like dudes. they flipped out. they're trying to have another baby because they said they don't want the bloodline to end. i'm a disgrace for being so selfish and refusing to give them grandchildren." he shrugged as if it was nothing. "oh.." lo'ak didn't know how to reply. what if he liked dudes? he thought he might, but girls are cute too. his parents definitely wouldn't react that way, but what if they wanted to meet y/ns parents?
"i... think i might like guys, too. but girls are pretty cute and i've never kissed a guy or anything." he confessed. "wanna change that?" y/n joked, putting his bracelet down for a minute and looking up to smirk at lo'ak. "hey, if you're offering i'm not declining it." he winked, causing the bracelet maker to go quiet. it was obvious he didn't know how to respond after being flirted with, he probably had always been the only flirty one. lo'ak scooted closer in response to the silence. "you can tell me to stop, 'kay?" he waited for any form of consent. y/n nodded, "okay.." he leaned in closer, kissing the corner of y/ns mouth. it was where he had wiped the blood of before. he moved slightly closer with each kiss, eventually getting to his lips. they didn't have a make out session or anything, just a ton of little kisses. y/n was on his back, wrapping his arms around lo'aks neck while lo'ak held himself up with his hands on the sand.
"lo'ak?" neteyam called out from behind the rocks, startling lo'ak and y/n enough to make a small sound. before lo'ak could throw himself off of y/n, neteyam was jumping over the rocks. y/n tried to hurry and get away, but it made them look more suspicious. "woah." neteyam stared at the two, how was he supposed to react to his brother on top of some guy? kiri hopped over the rocks carrying tuk. "dude!" lo'ak flung himself off of y/n to save tuk from seeing them. "oh my god i'm going to vomit!" kiri started gagging and tuk hopped out of her arms to meet y/n. "listen guys, it isn't what it looks like. we were wrestling and he was loosing." neteyam started chuckling and kiri watched tuk. "oh yeah? his arms were around your neck. what's that move called?" neteyam stepped slightly closer. "uh- y/n? what's that move called?" he looked back, but the boy he had been kissing was too busy drawing in the sand with his little sister, both of them crouched in front of their art. "hm?" he looked up, not bothering to help lo'ak defend himself. "lo'ak. you're lips were touching. a lot. i don't think you were wrestling." neteyam started punching him in the arm. "but good for you, dude!" he walked over to y/n to investigate. y/n didn't stand up, still focused on the art. "you do realize you have to introduce us, right? and mom and dad." he walked back over to the rocks. "i'll let you do it later, but it's your turn to watch tuk."
"lo'ak, am i your boyfriend?" y/n was now playing in the shallow water with tuk. "i mean- it's only been a few days. if you want to be, you are. no pressure." he kicked a little water at y/n. "well then, i'm your boyfriend. you're mine. when can i meet your parents?" tuk was now on y/ns back, trying to climb up to his shoulders. "tonight, if you wanna." he smiled as tuk started pulling on y/ns braids to guide him where she wanted to be carried. "alright. i don't know if those guys are still mad, though."
y/n and lo'ak were getting themselves ready to go to the family meeting. they hopped back over the rocks, lo'ak once again helping y/n, for the first time in a few days. lo'aks parents were back in their pod, and lo'ak led y/n up the netted pathways into their home. "hey." lo'ak said as he turned the corner sharply, still holding y/ns hand. y/n was about to pull away when he realized lo'aks family didn't care. he was really shy about touching in public. he didn't want lo'ak to get hurt like he was. "hi!" tuk ran over to y/n and hugged him. neytiri smiled, y/n being good with tuk was a really good sign to her.
when they were all sat down, lo'aks parents started introducing themselves. y/n was really intimidated by jake, simply because he was so much bigger. if he reacted the same way y/ns parents did, he'd be dead. "how did you two meet?" neytiri asked, tuk in her lap. "i cleaned him up after a fight. almost got his ass kicked." lo'ak was quick to answer, he wasn't at all ashamed of this. "no i did not! you said i did good!" y/n punched lo'aks arm before realizing that was just a way to get him to talk. "he did do really good, actually. i saw it." neteyam wasn't choosing lo'aks side on purpose. he did see it, he just didn't care too much. "a fight?" jakes voice was slightly deeper and he seemed mad. y/n wanted to run, just to get a head start. "i- uhm.." lo'ak put an arm around his shoulder. "it wasn't his fault. he was defending himself. he did kick their asses, though. they were way taller than me, even neteyam." neytiris eyes narrowed slightly, she didn't fully believe y/n won the fight. "do you have any family?" kiri tried to break the silence. "kinda- well, yes, technically. my parents, but i don't live there anymore." everyone in the room seemed confused. y/n wanted to make a run for it. he was sure jake was about to kill him, neytiri was about to yell, and neteyam was gonna get him later. sneak up on him in his sleep or something.
"y/n!" lo'aks ears pressed flat against his head. it was the same guys who had been fighting him days before, they were still mad about it. "tsahey!" y/n stood up so fast it made lo'ak jump a little. "i'm so sorry." he ran out of the pod to make sure tuk didn't see it. she shouldn't see this. he was gonna get hurt, bad. he knew it. "fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck..." he whispered as he tried to quietly sneak down to his hiding spot. he couldn't see the boys. "i got you, you stupid little fuck!" one of the boys grabbed him from behind, scaring him so much he screamed. "no! i'm sorry!" he tried to claw himself free. "it's too late for that." the one holding him drug him down to the beach, out in the open. he put y/n down, still holding him by the upper arm. the other boy came over and stood there. one of them punched y/n in the stomach, but he wasn't sure which. he looked back to see the entire family had come down to help him. either that, or join in on the killing of him. he couldn't let himself be embarrassed that bad in front of them, he had to prove that he wasn't a weak little pussy like his dad thought. "fuck you!" he tried again to claw himself free, hoping it'd distract them from him turning around. he got punched again, but he managed to kick the man holding him in the stomach, freeing himself. the other tried to grab him, but he ran slightly farther and tried to make him trip over his friend. it didn't work, instead it made the boy catch up to him. y/n tried to run in circles, zigzags, anything to confuse him. it worked, giving y/n enough time to kick the back of his knees. once he was on the ground, he assumed he was okay.
the other boy, who he thought had been on the floor, came up behind him. he held a knife up to his neck and started taking him to the shore, turning away from the sully family. he really thought he was going to die. he truthfully didn't think he'd make it, he had fucked himself this time. he heard someone stomping- sprinting- over, so did his attacker. he dropped the knife slightly to look back, only to see the father of y/ns boyfriend towering over him. "you think tonowari would be happy about this?" he grabbed the boy by the hair, pulling him off of y/n. he took the knife out of his hand and drug him to tonowaris pod, neytiri grabbing the other. lo'ak rushed over to see if y/n was okay, hoping he hadn't been cut. "holy shit, are you good?" he grabbed y/ns chin, just like he had when they first met, to look at his face. his nose was bleeding again, the bruise on his shoulder hadn't gone away, and he was wheezing, probably had some bruised ribs. "i'm fine." y/n tried to look away. he was tearing up. he let himself be humiliating in front of the only people he wanted to impress. when he looked back up, jake and neytiri were there. "fuck. i'm so sorry. i really didn't know they'd come get me like that." y/n wiped his eyes, trying not to cry. "don't apologize, it wasn't your fault." neytiri tried to comfort him, but he was in too much pain to process what she'd said. "i'm so fucking sorry. i didn't want tuk to see that. i didn't want you guys to get involved. i'm sorry-" he was cut off by neytiri hugging him. he was about to burst into tears. his own mother hadn't hugged him since she'd found out. he really did start crying when neytiri let go and jake hugged him. even though it was only for a second, his own father had beat him after finding out. he hadn't been hugged like that for a long time.
the sully family took y/n back to their pod, gave him a blanket, and sat him down on a bed. lo'ak sat beside him and the rest of the family sat on the floor. "why were they so mad?" kiri seemed genuinely confused. "cuz i'm gay." y/n leaned his head on lo'aks shoulder. he accidentally fell asleep almost straight away. "can he sleep here tonight? please?" lo'ak practically begged his parents, and they said yes.
lo'ak turned his boyfriend and covered him up, crawling into bed with him once his parents had left. his boyfriend. he smiled every time he said it. y/n was really well known on the island, even if it wasn't for a good thing. lo'ak considered himself starstruck.
/ˈstär ˌstrək/
fascinated or greatly impressed by famous people, especially those connected with the entertainment industry.
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moodymisty · 2 months
The words “blood hungry Sanguinius” in your announcement post activated all of my neurons at once. Anyway request time, lemme lay the scene. Sanguinius is in an established relationship, she’s a diplomat or his seneschal, somebody of great importance to him both personally and professionally. The planet they’re currently Crusading™ has put up enough of a fight to be troublesome but peace talks are finally happening, which our dear angel’s beloved is the head of. Except not everybody wants peace. Sanguinius has been waging war on this planet, not everybody is gonna be a fan but people also aren’t stupid enough to just pick a direct fight with the 10ft tall dude who could chuck a spear into space. So they aim smaller, where they know it’ll still hurt. An assassination attempt is made on his beloved. It fails, mind you, but it was too close for comfort. She was hurt and suddenly the great angel isn’t feeling so angelic. He wants cathartic visceral payback and his sons couldn’t agree more. Now that kind of adrenaline-fueled murder rampage will get anybody’s blood pumping so once he gets back he’s headed straight for their room. Obviously he’s relieved that she’s fine, patched up and everything at this point but she still smells like blood and sweat and he just desperately needs to know she’s okay. Needs to hear her voice crying out for him rather than in pain, feel her pulse against his lips. Needs to lick the blood off her. It’s precious after all, he’d hate for it to go to waste (and crucially of course he has to erase the traces of that attack, only he is allowed to draw blood from his beloved, nobody else gets to do that and live)
Do with these brain worms what you will, Misty. Go nuts ❤️
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[ 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖞'𝖘 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 | 𝕬𝖔3 ]
Author’s note: Thank you for the fucking FOOD, friend. I hope you enjoy it, I tweaked a tiny bit just to make it flow better in my head because it was going to keep getting longer if I didn’t stop send help
Relationships: Sanguinius/Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW, semi-graphic depictions of violence in the beginning, Blood drinking/licking/vampirey stuff, fingering, If you squinted you could consider this dubious consent because making out after a near death experience probably isn’t the best trauma response but it’s 40k so whatever, Slightly Yandere Sanguinus also to be honest
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Sanguinus lets his perfect veneer fade for a moment, as he drifts off into thought. Tactical planning and logistics fade into the background, but Sanguinus can still comprehend it all and join back in a moment without anyone noticing.
She’s asleep right now, oh how I wish I could join her.
After a tense few weeks of failed diplomacy and eventual war, you needed rest; While Sanguinus needs such a thing much more rarely, he still wishes to join you. This whole debacle has been little more than aggravating to him.
While he is used to waging war like this, he knows you took this failed diplomacy as a failure for yourself. You’re still new to this, he knows it’ll fade with time but he wishes he could at least comfort you for a little while.
Though, this whole crusade has been less than what you all expected. Fierce electrical storms have made teleporting or even using Thunderhawks or smaller landers from the Red Tear to planet-side dangerous, so they’ve set up temporary base on solid ground while the war effort continues.
He hates the feeling of it; The nature of it being less secure. He knows you’re surrounded by Astartes, but these walls are old and they don’t know the landscape, or if this old fortress has anywhere to hide. This isn't their home territory, the safety of the cold, metal walls of the Red Tear and it's sister ship-
The door suddenly barges open, and in rush two blood Angels who's armor screeches as they freeze to a halt. It manages to startle Sanguinius somewhat, as his wings shift close to his body.
“Lord Sanguinus! Someone is attacking Our Lady!”
The sentence brings him to high alert even before they finish speaking and he’s already pushing past them to make his way towards you. He barely even notices the title they used for you, one that has only been said a handful of times as they slowly became used to your presence beside him.
Sanguinus is out of his armor at the moment, a rare time for him to stretch his wings and back after being in it for nearly a week straight, and the lessened weight makes his strides even faster as he races to you. His wings are tight to his body to avoid hitting anything or catching drag, and he hears the sound of bolters and ceramite plates crashing into weaker armor. He had them guarding the room at all hours, and as such was able to get alerted to the assassins- he assumes by their dark regalia and deftness- instantly.
“I want at least one alive! I want to know how they got past our perimeter!”
The first intruder he catches sight of has their shoulder blown away by a bolter shell before they could comprehend Sanguinus’ orders, and the second gets grabbed by an Astartes and yells in pain at the audible crack of bone. The third Sanguinus notices behind him and he batters him with the end of his wing, and an Astartes manages to obtain him by grabbing his neck. No matter how skilled they were, they stand absolutely no match to his sons. Even their advantage of surprise offered them nothing in the end.
Sanguinius eventually snags the last one and hands the wretch to his sons, and the lot are carried away.
They might be alive now, but once Sanguinus gets what he wants from them, they’ll wish they weren’t. Especially after he looks towards you.
Your sitting on the floor leaned against the wall, arms tight to yourself. He can see your thin nightdress is stained with blood at the neckline, and your arms also have small bits of blood. Your cheek has a small gash that’s growing a bruise around it, like it’s from a punch or slap.
You have an Astartes combat knife in your hands, blood soaking the blade. He knows you put up a fight despite the odds. It was probably you that alerted his sons.
He can hear them communicating amongst themselves, making sure the room and perimeter are clear. The assassins are removed and will probably get prodded around in by a curious techpriest in the future. He knew that a forward base such as this was a dangerous idea, and this only further cements it. Despite the meteorological issues.
Though his thoughts are on less immediate things, now that he knows you’re safe. His clears his throat slightly but the motion does nothing to distract him.
Something Sanguinius had learned in his younger years was that all blood is different; In taste, smell. Some of it is superior to others in those ways.
As while the room is soaked in blood, he can only smell yours.
“All of you check everywhere for any others. Leave us alone unless I call.”
The Blood Angels present hesitate to move, and their lieutenant speaks why. His helmet rests in his hands.
“Should we not stay to keep you both-“ Sanguinus turns to him and his voice is firm and unwavering.
The captain almost seems surprised, before placing his helmet back on. His men dip their heads for a moment and leave, closing the door and leaving the two of you alone.
The Primarch comes closer, lowering to his knee in front of you.
“You’re not hurt?” His hands grasp your shoulders, and you shake your head.
“No. Not badly enough to complain about at least.” Sanguinus lets out an audible sigh of relief.
He moves to let you stand, offering a hand you take for a moment. You move away to look into a mirror and splash some water on your face, wiping the blood away from it. It does nothing to cut the scent overwhelming the air that only he can parse.
“I’ve sent them to figure out how those men got in, and if there’s more.” You look up at him, before bending down to pick up one of his fallen feathers. He lost a few in the battle, as he does all the time. The Red Tear also has many strewn about in the places he frequents. You hold it in your hand and brush along the quill shaft, smoothing it. It’s a habit you’ve developed.
“Shouldn’t you go with them?” Sanguinus furrows his brow, confused.
“I want to stay with you, so I know you’re safe. And that you feel safe.”
The way you look up at him is worried; What could you possibly be worried about right now besides yourself? You were the one who was almost killed, because he was ignorant enough to bring you here, selfish because of his desire to keep you at his side. He kneels close to you, and tries to hold his breath as his mouth waters.
“What is it, my love?”
You look at him and continue holding his feather, seeing the way his eyes leer at you. You’ve seen it before, and it’s obvious why.
“Sanguinus, you’re hungry.”
How well you already know him, even after such a short period of time.
He gently cups a hand to the side of your face, before leaning inward.
“I’m sorry my love, I can’t help it, you’re like my own personal wine.”
His lips brush across your own, and he can suddenly taste the tiny droplet of blood from where your lip had split. You eagerly return his kiss and the desperation has you gripping him like a lifeline, as if your mind is finally catching up with what’s happened. He eagerly holds you back, his massive hands cupping your waist and swallowing most of it.
Before you know it, he has you in his arms, and he gently drops you onto the bed. It creaks and groans under the weight of him, but you’re little more than a feather to it.
He can see the cut across your collarbone; They must’ve tried to put a knife to your throat, and cut along below it instead. Your heart beat rushes just underneath it.
“Let me help you forget all of this ever happened,”
He whispers, half lost on the smell of your blood. You still feel almost stunned, like everything is a dream, but you’d never refuse him with how safe you always feel in his arms.
Sanguinus’ hands drift up your nightdress until it’s off of you, the stained fabric getting tossed aside.
He leans down to drag his lips along the cut of your collarbone, tongue sweeping away any traces of blood. The droplets that ran down your sternum get wisked away as well, his tongue traveling between your breasts.
He would hate to see it be wasted. The ones who spilled it and attempted to do worse will spill their secrets, and suffer for what they’ve done.
He’ll keep his head turned if they end up bloodless as well. His sons can sate their appetites on them and he’ll mind little.
Meanwhile you writhe underneath him, a hand on your shoulder holding you down while the other presses down close to your hip. Your free hand grasps at him, nails digging into his skin. He hears you saying his name, whispering it like a prayer, but he can barely hear it over the sound of your heart in his ears.
He can stay under control, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t test his willpower.
He loves to call you his wine; Though in some ways it’s almost as if you’re a drug he can never allow himself to have too much of, lest he get lost in it.
His left hand drifts closer and brushes over your hip, his massive palm dwarfing your smaller body. His fingers push between your thighs with ease, and he slips his fingers into your folds and hears the way you whimper at the soft touch. It isn’t long before they press against your entrance and slowly he teases one inside, before slipping in another once he’s readied you enough for it.
He feels the heat of your body as he presses his hand against you, all the while his face never leaves your neck. It’s an awkward angle for him at his overwhelming height, but he makes it work. His teeth ever so gently scrape across the pulsing vein of your neck where old scars from him lie, and he feels the way you shiver.
His fingers curl inside of you as his lips press hard against your neck, tasting every last little bit of blood until your skin is clear apart from the thin sliver of red.
He leans away and presses his lips to yours again, catching your bottom lip between his own. The cut on your lip had just stopped bleeding but his rougher kiss aggregates it enough to make it bleed just a tiny bit more, and you moan into his mouth as he tastes it.
Your hand desperately grasps at his own pressing against your shoulder, trying to grip his fingers and keep you grounded. He loves the way you writhe underneath him, earlier events completely forgotten.
He pulls way from your lips with a soft pop and his hot breath returns to your neck.
He wants to bite it so badly. It’s tormenting him, eating at him. But then he feels when he finally reach your peak, tightening around him and crying out to him in pleasure and not pain. It’s like music to his ears, after hearing your heart race so much in fear barely hours ago. To hear you call his name not to save you but to have him make you feel like this.
He pulls his lips away from your neck as you catch your breath. Another time.
His wings droop slightly, though even folded they take up so much space, shadowing so much more than just your body. They drop even more, and it almost feels like he’s trying to surround you with them and his body.
He gently pulls his hand from your folds but you feel his finger brush against your inner thigh, and the corners of his mouth twitch as you shiver and tense.
“I will never allow your life to ever be threatened again,”
He says, a part inside of him fuming at the fact it happened to begin with. He shouldn’t have been so presumptuous, careless, though deeper down he knows he did everything he could. He’ll do more now. His sons are becoming used to you, accepting of you, they’ll do it with no complaints.
You look up at him with soft, shining skin; Lips swollen. He wishes he could stay for longer, and take advantage of his time without his armor.
“Just don’t worry yourself into dropping feathers,” You joke and smile, voice slightly hoarse. He can still hear your heartbeat racing in his ears, but it’s calming down as you lay underneath him.
Sanguinus laughs and presses a kiss to the tip of your nose. He swallows down his only partly sated hunger for another time.
“I’ll try not to.”
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familyvideostevie · 7 months
october twenty-fifth
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day twenty-five: steve harrington you want steve to go to the halloween party with you, but he’s being dense | friends to lovers, fluff | 1k
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The diner is pretty full for an October weeknight. You had to cram into a booth that is for sure not made for five people. You sit across from Steve, both of you pressed to the window, Robin and Dustin next to you and Eddie on the other side.
The last two weren’t actually meant to be here, but they shouldn’t affect the plan.
Because this is, in fact, a plan. An ambush, really. One that you and Robin hatched and one that Steve does not realize he’s the victim of.
“We’ll take him to the diner and you’ll talk about Nancy’s party and how you’re going to ask another guy and it’ll make him jealous!” Robin had said in a rush over the phone.
“Okay, fine, but he doesn’t like me, Robin. Not like I like him.” You’d thought you kept a tight lid on your long-standing crush on Steve, but Robin, easily the smartest of all of you, figured it out no problem. She's his best friend, after all.
“Not true,” she had insisted. “I know him. And, yeah he hasn't told me about this, but I have eyes. Trust me, okay?”
So here you are.
You take a deep breath and turn in your seat to Robin. “I don’t know whether or not to ask Justin or Thomas,” you say, following the mental script you wrote. “I mean, either of them would make a good Danny.” You made sure to pick guys you know Steve isn't fond of.
“You’re going as Sandy?” Eddie asks. He doesn’t look up from his thumb war with Dustin. You feel Steve’s gaze on you, however. It'll be a miracle if he doesn't see through this ruse.
“Sure am.”
“Hot,” Eddie says. Steve elbows him. “Dude, seriously?” Steve says nothing.
“That dude, uh, what’s his name,” Robin says. She snaps her fingers. “Oh, Chris! He’s tall. He’d work.”
You stir your straw around your milkshake. “That’s true.”
She raises your eyebrows at you. You look over at Steve but he’s munching on his fries, eyes on the ketchup bottle. You raise your eyebrows back at her.
“I just don’t know any of them very well,” you say, really putting it on now. “If I’m going to take a guy to a party in a couples costume —”
“Why the fuck does any of this matter?” Dustin grumbles. Robin kicks him. “Jesus Christ, ow!”
You look at Steve again. He’s got some ketchup on the side of his mouth.
“Steve,” you say without thinking. “Hey, look at me a sec?” His eyes snap to yours. You reach across the table and swipe your thumb across the corner of his lips and then wipe it on the napkin. “You had ketchup. Got it.”
The table has gone silent. Eddie’s eyes are bouncing between the two of you like a tennis match. Oh. Was that…weird? You've done it before. Steve does it to you when you hang out all the time.
Maybe Robin has a point.
“Go with me,” Steve says suddenly.
Robin shoves Dustin out of the booth. “We have to get more soda. Both of you are coming. Get the fuck out!”
“What?” Dustin cries. “What the fuck is going on?” She hauls both him and Eddie away by their arms and winks at you.
Steve seems to take almost no notice.
“Go with me,” he says again, softer.
“Oh,” you breathe. This is what you wanted, right? “I thought you…hated Halloween.” That was his reasoning for not going in the first place when you broached the topic last week.
“Yeah, well.” He frowns. “I don’t want you to take anyone else.”
That annoys you, actually. “Is that supposed to make me want to go with you? You being territorial over me all of a sudden?”
He runs a hand through his hair. “Fuck,” he mutters.
You see Robin, Eddie, and Dustin hovering by the soda machine pretending like they’re not listening.
“Look,” Steve says. He puts his hand palm up on the table. You slowly put yours over it. “I like you. I like you a lot and I want to take you to the party, okay? I’ll wear whatever you want, I’ll do whatever you want. Just please don’t go with someone else.”
Now that's classic Steve Harrington. Brave when it counts.
“Why didn’t you tell me till now?”
The crease between his brows deepens. “I— I don’t know. I’m not good at this anymore, okay?”
“What’s this?” God, he’s making you work for it.
He motions between you. “Liking someone. Wanting to be with them and impress them and all that shit. I’m a bad boyfriend, you know.”
It’s your turn to frown. “I find that hard to believe.” Steve is always so down on himself even when he’s one of the best people you know. A stubborn idiot, sure, but he’s kind and good and there’s a reason you like him.
He shrugs. “But if you’ll let me, I want to take you to the party. I’ll make sure you have a good time, and —”
“Okay,” you say. All he needed was a little shove. Guys are so dumb.
Steve continues like he didn’t hear you. “I’ll take you on a date anywhere you want, too — wait, really?”
You laugh. “Yeah, Steve. Really. I like you, too,” you admit. You tap his ankle with your foot.
He finally smiles. It makes him look boyish and happy. “That’s — that’s good.”
His thumb strokes the back of your hand. “Next time, just tell me you like me, okay?” you say.
He groans. “There better not be a next time. Now you know.”
You shoot Robin a thumbs up, which Steve sees. His eyes narrow. “You idiots can come back now, okay?”
They stumble back into the booth and Dustin zeroes in on your joined hands.
“Oh, gross,” he says. “Really?”
“You’re a child,” Robin says.
Eddie grins. “They’re cute, Henderson. You just miss your imaginary girlfriend —”
“She’s real, asshole —”
Steve keeps his eyes on you and smiles.
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thank you for reading <3 reblog, send feedback, general masterlist here! promptober masterlist, find all fics under #fvspromptober23
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
I know I just requested something but I’d like to request something else 🥺 we have papas comforting their s/o when they’re feeling big sad. Can we get a ghoul version? The headcanncon and drabble? I’ve been in a really really bad depressive episode and things/people just keep triggering it to get worse. And I’d love some comfort. Even if it’s through fictional characters 🥹
Ghouls comforting their depressed s/o
The very definition of gentle giant.
He can be pretty playful most of the time, especially with Terzo around, but at the end of the day, he's your gentle giant and a massive, two meters tall cuddle bug.
So when he goes to your room after practicing with the rest of the band, he is really surprised to see you not being your usual self and instead just laying in bed, your face hidden in his pillow as your body shook.
He knew you were crying. He knew you very, very well.
He walked over to you, making sure not to walk too fast. He didn't want to startle you. He slowly sat down right next to you, rubbing soothing circles on your back.
"Wanna talk about it?" He asks, kissing the back of your head, since he couldn't get to your face.
You shook your head, so he lied next to you and pulled you into him instead. He heard you mumble something about his music, so he nodded with a small smile, easily picking you up and holding you against his chest with one arm as he turned on some of his favorite songs in the background.
"I'm gonna carry you around for a bit, alright, little bug?"
He hid his face in your hair as you nodded, just slowly walking and swaying around with you in his arms until you fell asleep. He'll deal with whatever happened tomorrow. For now, he was glad you were okay.
No. Nuh-uh. Absolutely fucking not.
No sadness allowed, big or small. Swiss is a guy all about smiles and chuckles.
Therefore, no tears allowed. He sees them, he gets rid of them.
He absolutely hates the idea of you being upset and he'd rather die than let that happen and you're not getting rid of him that easily.
When he saw you upset, he sneaked up on you to quickly turn you to lay on your back and then laid on top of you, putting his full body weight on you with one of those infamous smiles of his.
"Heya, gorgeous."
"Dude, you're heavy..." You would try to push him off, but he'd cling to you, nuzzling into your neck and giving you a small bite, which made you smack his arm... only to get tickled as you tried to free yourself from underneath him. And after just a little bit, he had you squirming as you laughed.
"There we go. Come on, I've got new air flavors for ya. And tomorrow, whatever made you tear up... we're gonna tear it to pieces."
"Swiss, for fuck's sake with those puns of yours..."
"You laughed." He'd grin down at you.
"I did..." You sighed, accepting your fate and napping with him on top of you.
Unless he's angry and stomping around, he walks around pretty quietly and due to your distracting and terrible mental state, you didn't notice him staring down at you.
He doesn't like it. It's not that he needs your attention, he's not a kid. But he knows the ways you usually react to him and that's not it.
While he himself is easily annoyed most of the time, very far from being all 'sunshine and rainbows', he's not a fan of you not being happy.
Not only does it not suit you, but your moods always rub off on him. He needs you happy, even if just so he could be happy himself.
He slowly crawled into bed with you, laying his head on your chest and waiting for you to notice him, his tail swaying slowly like a cat's. It took you a few minutes to feel his body weight on you, that's how lost in your own mind you were.
"Sodo, I..." You wanted to explain yourself, but a look in his eyes told you everything. He knew something was wrong and he was angry about it. Not at you, no. Never at you. At himself, because he didn't notice earlier. Because he didn't do anything earlier.
You broke down crying, unable to finish whatever you wanted to say. He wrapped his arms and tail around you, letting you get it all out.
He's bad at comforting. He knows that. But the least he can do is be there for you and listen when you're ready to talk. And he will do that.
He notices early, but he's busy a lot (usually trying to keep the peace between Sodo and Aether) and he deals with lots of stress of his own, so sometimes he can't help you because he's too distracted by his own duties and issues.
He does notice you feeling worse most of the time and has a whole relaxing routine set up for you both for the evenings.
He's very disappointed in himself for not helping you earlier. Coming to your room and seeing you weep into you pillow absolutely wrecked him with guilt.
Absolutely blames himself for you feeling bad and wishes to cheer you up because he loves you so much and it hurts to see you upset.
"Hey..." he calls out to you quietly, sitting down next to you and rubbing your back soothingly. "Bad thoughts?"
You whimpered out a response, but he didn't get to actually hear or understand you, since your face was deeply burried in his pillow. He could see you crave his contact, but since he wasn't there before, you settled for the next best thing. He must've made you feel so lonely, not being there to help you earlier...
Well, he was here now and had full intention to fix that.
"Wanna cuddle?" he asked, and you nodded, slowly letting go of the pillow and clinging to him instead, hiding your face in his chest. He wrapped his arms aroung you tightly and just held you for a while until you felt better.
"I'm sorry for not being here sooner. I won't let you feel like this again."
"Promise?" you looked up at him, tears flowing down your cheeks.
"Yeah. I promise."
He probably had no idea how serious your issues were at first. Everyone gets sad, so he kinda assumes that's what happened.
And he just hates the idea of you being sad, so he does his best to cheer you up. Piggy back rides, bouncing you around, he's buff and he can carry you around a lot, and since he has a lot of zoomies, he totally runs around the Ministry with you.
He just really wants you to laugh. Please. He loves your laughter. He needs your laughter.
And if he can't get you to laugh, then he'll try his best to get any emotion out of you, as long as it's not sadness.
He's been poking your side for a while now. He tried everything, snacks, drinks, new different vapes, tickling, anything, but you'd just smack his arm and turn away, hiding your face in the pillow as you mumbled at him to please just fucking leave you alone.
He refused to do that, though. You weren't crying anymore, so that was good, right? Right? If you stopped crying, you were no longer sad, right? It was better, right?
He wanted you to hit him. Not because he was a masochist, but because it would help you. Hopefully. Even if you were to bruise him, he wouldn't care. Anything to make you stop crying.
"Quit it!" you smacked his hand away facing him with a glare, your eyes swollen from all the crying. He pouted innocently, claiming he just wanted to make sure you don't cry anymore. "Aether, you fucking idiot..."
You sighed heavily, reaching your arms out to him as fresh tears started to run from your eyes. He quickly pulled you into his chest, letting you snuggle up to him.
"Just hold me next time, you dumbass."
"You got it. Love you, babe."
"Love you too, you braindead moron."
He notices it pretty soon and keeps an eye on you.
Earth Ghouls are stubborn and protective, and he just that. If he notices you want to leave, he makes sure to get a break from whatever is stressing you by picking you up and carrying you outside.
If you feel better after those few minutes, he'll go back to what he was doing, but he'll keep observing you.
If you don't feel better, you both leave. End of story.
"Mountain, I'm fine. Come on, you're being dramatic..." You whined, hiding your face in your hands as he carried you back to his room. You were craddled against his chest, his arms holding you tight enough to make sure you couldn't get out.
"No. You need to rest. I'm going with you. That's it." He shrugged, slightly bouncing your body as he did. He knew you well. Too well, honestly. Because he knew that as soon as he laid you down in bed, you'd cry. And you did.
He helped you undress and change into a shirt of his, the material hanging on you. He knew you liked his shirts. If you got cold, he'd give you one of his hoodies and he's wrap you up in a blanket so tight that you could barely move. And he'd just hold you on his lap until you feel better. Does not care about what's gonna happen to him later at all.
He's a silly guy who loves making you laugh with his silly jokes and tricks on his guitar. That's why he absolutely adores you whenever he sees you smile and giggle.
So he's obviously very much unhappy when he comes to your room to tell you about the last Ritual and he sees you crying in bed.
His first instinct is to jump into bed with you with a joyful "I'm back!"
But then it doesn't work and he starts trying to find any way to comfort you.
"D-do you wanna see a trick I can do with the guitar? Or maybe, uh..." He looked around frantically, trying to find something to cheer you up with. He had good intentions, he really did, but he was still new to it all. He wasn't sure what to do with a crying human, let alone his darling.
He runs around the room, bringing you anything he deems cool enough to show you. Lava lamp, a random book, spare strings for his guitar, spare buttons for his jacket, since Ghouls had the tendency to lose them... He even offered to let you put his mask on if you wanted. Anything, just to make you happy.
He finally gives up, seeing as you shook your head every time and asks you how to help you because he had no idea. And then you ask him to hold you... And he does. Almost knocking the air out of your lungs.
He's still learning, but he cares.
Yeah, no. No chance, no way. She's not letting that happen.
She's completely synced up with you when it comes to emotions. If you're sad, she's sad. And she hates both of those ideas.
Life's supposed to be fun! You're supposed to be happy, enjoying your short human life!
She adores you, you're the cutest person she's ever met, she'll be damned if she lets you be sad.
She knew right away, even before she entered the room. So she didn't walk in, she literally stormed in to hug you and kiss all over your face. She promises herself to be tough for you, but she's not. As soon as you're in her embrace, she's crying already, openly weeping with you.
It doesn't matter why you're crying, she's crying with you. You're both complete messes in each others' arms, letting all emotions out. She will cry with you as long as it takes, until you're both completely worn out by it.
You cuddle with her, both figuring out a nap is in order. Nap first, then a big piece of your favorite cake/pie, and only then will you face the problem, once you're in a headspace that will let you talk about it.
She barely slept through the nap, constantly kissing the top of your head in your sleep and muttering apologies and promises. She'll be here sooner next time. Unless you're crying tears of pleasure, you're not allowed to cry at all and that's final.
And yes, she will make you cry tears of pleasure when you feel better.
Oh, no, no, no, darling, no...
Cumulus is abolutely heartbroken the very second she notices you being sad, she barely holds her own tears, trying her best to be strong for you.
She gives the most wonderful hugs, she'll hold you for hours just to make you feel better.
She's probably gonna shed a few tears herself when you fall asleep because she feels like she failed you.
You had no idea how much time has passed. She's been holding you like this for so long now... Was it so dark before? You were pretty sure the sun was still up when she came in.
You saw her right away, but couldn't say anything, choking on your own miserable and pathetic sobs. You the shock on her face as she just stood there for a while before slowly took a few shaky step only to run to you and hold you tight against her chest (I wanna be held against her chest... - Jez) as she whispered comforting words to you.
And so here you were, slowly falling asleep as you both sat together, your head on her chest as she hummed softly to you, trying her best to hold herself together to not break down in front of you.
She started sobbing only when she was sure you were asleep. Her heart was completely shattered when she saw you in tears. She couldn't let that happen again.
She wouldn't let that happen again, no matter the cost.
She reacts very instinctively. She's already incredibly clingy, but seeing you in tears?
She's running at you top speed and throwing herself into your arms, probably giving you an accidental headbutt.
She's very light, but she's also ridiculously strong, as all Ghouls (and Ghoulettes especially) are. You could be five times Omega's size and she would still pick you up and carry you like a little baby if that's what you need.
You will end up bitten and kissed all over It's how she shows comfort.
She wouldn't even let you get any ice for the aching bump on your forehead, too busy nuzzling against you, kissing and nibbling all over your skin. It tickled in a way.
"You are just the cutest." She would say, rubbing her cheek all over yours before leaving a small bitemark on your skin. You'd have to cover it with make-up, although it didn't really matter right now.
"I love you and if you ever cry again, I'm gonna rip someone's balls of." She declared in a playfully grumpy tone until you gently held her face, a few tears still escaping your eyes, but you were getting closer and closer not to cry anymore.
"I love you too. Please don't rip anyone's balls off, okay?" You chuckled through your tears. You appreciated her enthusiasm, you really did. But you didn't want your issues to cause someone's castration.
She laughed, giving your cheeks a long, slow lick, to get rid of the tears.
"I ain't promisin' anything, puddin'."
Similarly to Phantom, she's still not fully adapted to humans yet, she's still learning.
And similarly to him, her first idea is to give you something cool, so she drapes her little cape over you and hopes that will work.
When it doesn't, she resorts to snuggles. You like snuggles, right? She knows you do, you're always so happy when you snuggle!
She'll sing for you if you want to! She'll do anything just tell her what it is that you need.
Aurora was still not the best at affection, and since her socialization process was mostly around Ghouls who spend half of their free time grabbing each other's dicks, she didn't exactly have the best role models. But she would always adapt quickly.
She learned how to sing and play instruments very quickly. She learned everything very quickly. But hugs... yeah, she could still work on that, considering she almost broke your arm when she initially squeezed you. She didn't exactly learn her own strenth and the weaknessed of the human bodies yet, but it was okay. She tried her best, though.
"Sorry. I just don't like seeing you sad. You're too amazing for that." She explained, resting her head against your shoulders and closing her eyes. "You're incredible. I hope you know that."
You cuddled up to her a bit more and she started humming for you. She's only been around for a while, so she only knows Ghost songs, but that's okay.
Sure, she still uses a bit too much strength sometimes and she hasn't exactly developed a music taste yet, but she really cares about you a lot.
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blazingstar29 · 7 months
Top Gun Workouts - Slider
Everyone’s favourite [living] RIO
Disclaimer: I’m not a PT. In this series i break down characters muscle composition and how i think they’d exercise, if this may trigger you feel free to enjoy my other general shit posting!
Find the rest of the series under #top gun workouts :) So far there’s Mav and Ice
Slider is is also very interesting in his muscular make up. He’s tall, about 6’2 (?) and this DOES matter but not how you think and it’s something I’ll get into in more detail with Goose. Also keep in mind a lot of shirtless photos of Slider are during the volleyball scene so the actors will be in peak physique and probably have done some exercise before shooting to give themselves a ‘pump’.
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I know forearms are a big deal for some of y’all and you’re right to be obsessed with them. Hold out out your arm in front of you as if you’re reaching for something. Does your for arm flex like Slider’s? Some might, some won’t. But for the hollow above the inside of your elbow to appear at the same time as the muscle at the top of your forearm (the sort facing the ceiling) that’s actually very impressive. It’s a combination of low body fat and muscle.
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Sir, put them pits away. It’s pretty blurry but the concave of the arm pit, huge lateral bulge, front deltoid and shoulder are flexed here but even so, that doesn’t appear by itself.
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Slider’s got a low body fat. Flexed on the left and relaxed on the right you can see his muscling pretty clear. Like with Maverick, we see those obliques. Unlike Mav, Slider’s got a slightly narrower waist. And those boulder shoulders are ginormous, well done Rick. His traps aren’t super big which makes sense when we look at his legs in a minute.
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Everyone say thank you Rick for the effort he put in flying into sand and those arms. Full, well defined shoulders, good biceps and impeccable triceps. Yes flexed, no less impressive. Rick knows what hes doing in the gym. In the bottom photo you see those lats and scapular being flexed which shows us the muscle composition nicely. But like everyone, there’s thing that he didn’t focus on as much.
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Slider please work on your legs. I’m kidding but it’s interesting to see that he’s got lean legs but next to know muscling. I have a theory for this but it’s more applicable to Goose so I’ll go into detail there with him. Something I’m noticing about the cast is that they don’t have huge chests. Like, these dudes are pretty built but they’re chests aren’t. Especially if you take a look at these guys either side of Goose.
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Probably the typical 80’s lads. Beefier and more built chests. Perhaps there was a focus for the cast to have big stereotypical dude arms? I feel mean calling picking a part their lack of muscling in some areas but there is very few pectoral muscles on stand out in the cast. Hollywood and Ice perhaps being the only ones. Maybe a creative choice for the cast to focus on the ‘hotter’ parts of their body but also may have been a fitness trend in then80’s?
I hate to say it but the tag “Ron Slider Kener’s tits” isn’t…I’m sorry guys but these are not certified jugs im SORRY (I’m kidding, use that tag it’s hilarious and i love it)
Now onto what sort of exercise Slider would do? I have some ideas and a lot of them are built around this.
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Slider you are a show OFF. This is a body building pose if I’m not mistake. He’s doing the vacuum stomach to flex his abs and angling his arms to show them off. Body building is time consuming and requires a certain diet so I don’t think Slider would be purposefully training whilst, I think he may have dabbled in it during College where he had a bit more freedom. Regardless he puts a lot into his physique.
Further more:
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That’s an ankle wrap, now this might just be ankle support for beach volleyball but let me tell you something. If you’ve sprained your ankle badly, and I mean badly, that shit fucks you up for life if you don’t rehab it right. Now again, this may just be for support because both Ice and Slider have the same wrap on the same foot, but taking into account Slider’s lack of muscle on his legs, there’s a potential injury there. Which if you ever need to shunt Slider away out of a story, it’s a good option lmao (guilty as charged.)
If he’s not deadlifting then that may contribute to not having huge trapezoids. For how built his shoulders are I expected them to be bigger. I understood with Ice because his overall physique is just different but Slider confuses me.
Okay, now the actual exercises:
Back, bi’s and tri’s BABY. Over and over and over. They are his pride and joy.
Wide grip bicep barbell curls, hammer curls, arnold press, lateral raises. Tricep dips, tricep cable extensions. Anything and everything.
Rowing, either on the water or on a rowing machine. It takes the weight off his ankle. Potentially cycling too but he’d likely have bigger calves.
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the-chaosbringer · 1 year
Prongsfoot Headcanons
These are my own headcanons, if you don't like them just scroll past, don't leave rude comments.
Sirius and James are that one couple: sunshine dude and intimidating punk that's only soft for said sunshine. It's actually disconcerting when the untouchable, immovable, terrifying boy that only wears black smiles at the bubbly, too bright boy that never stops talking or jumping around. James is the only one Sirius is soft for. (He is ridiculously soft for James.)
Both of them are absolute nerds. 99% of the time they're hanging out with each other, their talks are always about advanced magic: anywhere from Runes, Potions, Transfiguration, Magical Theory, Arithmancy, Spellcrafting, Magical Politics. You name it, they have had in depth philosophical discussions about it.
James is obssessed with Arithmancy and Runes. He's best at Transfiguration, but he finds it boring; Arithmancy ans Runes mean he gets to play around with numbers and languages, mix and match to invent new spells for pranks, house help, schoolwork etc. He finds it fun because it's complex, and it keeps his mind occupied for hours on end.
Sirius, on the other hand, adores Defence and Astronomy. He's fierce with a wand— fiercer than James— and can cast with both hands. Duelling is his favourite pastime, and he drags the Marauders to the Room of Requirement for at least two Duelling sessions a week. People expect him to hate astronomy for its relation to his family, but he actually loves staring up at the stars, mapping them out, finding the constellations and seeing if he can remember the names (he always can). He and James have had so many dates in the Astronomy tower where they have nerd talks while lying on their backs.
Neither of them actually hate Slytherin. They just hate Snape (which: fair). They have friendships with a lot of the non- Death Eater Slytherins, and are often found hanging out in the Slytherin common room, being unnecessarily mushy in order to annoy Regulus and Snape. (Regulus is very annoyed, but he's also happy for Sirius. Snape just stomps into the dorms to avoid them.)
Sirius loves James' arse so much, it might actually be unhealthy. He always— always— has to be touching that arse every few seconds; sliding his hand into James' back pocket as they walk to class, squeezing it like a stress ball, pulling him into his lap, landing a teasing spank to see it jiggle as James walks by, etc. James has gotten used to it. He doesn't even bat an eye, just lets Sirius grope him to his heart's content. (He likes it. He won't admit it. Sirius still knows he likes it.)
James loves it when Sirius picks him up. They're both tall and broad, but while James is built lean and wiry like a Chaser, Sirius looks like he could throw around a hippogriff with ease. James likes that difference because he feels small and protected, and Sirius can just pick him up and sling him over his shoulder or press him against a wall to kiss the living daylights out of him. It is not uncommon to find Sirius casually piggybacking or bridal carrying James to classes, both of them engrossed in a nerd talk.
A combination of James' kajal and Sirius' rings was the reason they got together. Sirius could barely stop himself from kissing James silly when he had kajal on, and James could not stop fantasising about sucking on Sirius' slender fingers. The sexual tension finally boiled over two months into sixth year, when James yelled at Sirius to stop being so damn hot, straddled his lap and kissed him full on the mouth. And then, they became utterly unbearable, snogging and groping left, right and centre till the professors and prefects went mad.
Neither of James' parents were surprised by that development. "About time," his mother said when they announced it during Christmas of 6th year, and his father agreed. "I was wondering when you two fools would get your heads out of your arses."
In addition to his arse, Sirius is also obsessed with James' thighs. They're toned and bronze and so tantalizing, Sirius loves it when James wraps them around his waist. He loves sucking marks into James' inner thighs till he's trembling and whimpering and begging Sirius to just fuck me already, please. Seeing the blue and red bruises on James' legs always leaves him feeling extremely smug— they're proof that James belongs to Sirius, and Sirius only.
Despite having darker skin, James blushes a lot more easily than Sirius does. Sirius remains unfazed through most situations, but James is someone who wears his heart on his sleeve, and gets easily flustered. One smirk and a teasing whisper in his ear from Sirius and he turns firetruck red. Sirius thinks it's adorable. James thinks it's unfair that he can never fluster Sirius. Sirius argues that he gets plenty flustered, it just doesn't show on his face.
James is pansexual. Sirius is biromantic demisexual. Both of them go at it like rabbits. Their dorm mates (especially Peter) hate them.
James' favourite place to sit is Sirius' lap. Sirius' favourite place for James to sit is also Sirius' lap. It's normal for James to shove his way onto Sirius' legs when the boy is mid conversation, and for Sirius to simply adjust James and keep talking to the third person. Most times, it devolves into James grinding down on Sirius as he sucks hickeys into James' neck.
Tag list:
@ambrxsiaa @soopsiedaisies @in-flvx @achilleslikespeas @padfootastic @impishtubist @mycupofrum @fiendishfyre
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shallowseeker · 10 months
Beach Boys
Dean hates that this beach is public.
There’s too many noisy folks, and now a roaming wad of douchey bros (you know the type) is courting Sam for beach volleyball.
Sam looks dumbfounded, like he hasn’t noticed how tall he is, and how that might make him first pick for the intramural beach-losers’ draft.
But Sam, being Sam, quirks an easy grin and says “sure.”
Jack throws puppy eyes, and Sam asks if he can play, too. The dude-bros shrug, friendly in that oily, college-keg-totin’ kinda way.
“I’ll play,” Mary says, jumping up and giving Jack a gentle nudge. “Show you the basics.”
Well, Dean doesn’t wanna play.
It’s been Hell getting his overlapping towels just right so none of the friggin’ hot sand grates against his skin.
The group of college bros move off to the net a little ways down from them and plops their enormous Arctic Cooler keg (surprise, surprise) off to the side.
Rowena pulls her sunglasses down, peeks appreciatively at the mass of tan, muscly bods, and makes to move her entire setup closer, umbrella and all.
“You comin?” she trills.
When Dean shakes his head, she pulls off her oversized hat and plops it on top of his head.
“Suit yourself.”
Sam gets the hang of it pretty quickly, but then, he barely has to even jump to spike the ball.
Mary is good—quick on her feet and able to skitter through the thick, ankle-floppin’ sand like a human sand-crab.
Jack is—not good. He misses more than he passes, and his first serve doesn’t even go over the net. The college bros jeer, and Dean squeezes his empty beer can hard enough that it crunches.
He mentally names them: Smirky Opie for the tall redhead, Stifler for sunglasses guy, and A.C. Slater for the dark-haired one.
They’re all dicks.
Dean can tell.
“You can do it!” Mary keeps saying, and Sam just claps his hands like some kind of deranged rec-league coach.
When Jack digs his first spike, Dean whoops for joy. When Sam slams down a kill, Rowena whistles.
“They seem to be enjoying themselves.”
Dean hadn’t heard Cas come up.
“Yeah,” he says absent-mindedly. “You got the better stuff?”
Dean peeks up, and Cas’s face is shadowed by the glare of the sun. But he’s got two drinks in hand, one deliciously chocolate and frothy-looking.
“Oooh, gimme.”
Cas dutifully hands over the creamy glass of Bushwacker. Then, Dean watches Cas watch him gulp it down. Finding it difficult to keep his gaze, Dean tracks his eyes back to the game, where Mary misses a block at the net.
“Hold this,” Cas says, and a shorter, orange-colored glass gets shoved into Dean’s free hand.
Dean takes a whiff. Rum?
“Whatcha get?”
Cas’s lips twitch, “Jungle bird.”
Dean fails to hold back a smile. “Nice.”
“Rum, pineapple juice, and Campari, though I can pick out many more molecules than that.”
Cas stoops to snag his own towel, discarded and messy on Dean’s right side, then snaps it mid-air, sending tiny granules spraying too near to Dean’s nest of towels.
Cas re-spreads his towel and settles down, no more than a foot of space between them. Dean glances over, finds him lying flat with both eyes closed.
Cas’s hand shoots out expectantly, and with a fond snicker, Dean sets the Jungle Bird in his open palm.
When Cas takes a small swig, his mouth bumps up against the slice of lime hooked onto the glass rim. His unoccupied hand rests against his stomach, looking extra tan against his plain white tee.
Dean kind of wishes he’d move it, maybe drop it strategically into the space between them.
Dean blurts out, “You don’t wanna play?”
Cas squints one eye open. He looks curiously to the volleyball net.
“Not particularly.” Then, “Those males seem somewhat mean-spirited.”
One of the dudes gets hang-time and crams a spike so hard into Sam’s face that Sam barely gets his wrists up to shank it.
“You have more towels than when I left.”
Dean rolls his eyes. So what if he’d hogged the towels? So what if it made more laundry that they'll have to do tonight?
“Sand’s itchy as fuck, man. You see that beach house five doors down? S’got a hot tub built into their deck.”
Cas’s eyes close again, languid and as close to relaxed as Dean’s ever seen him.
“Hot tub. Wouldn’t you find that oppressively hot in summertime?”
“Not at night! That’s the real time to enjoy the beach anyway.”
Cas stares at him for a long time. Dean can’t parse it.
“Yes,” says Cas.
Dean clears his throat and glances back to the game just in time to see redheaded-douchewad-Smirky Opie spike the ball into Jack’s dopey, smiling face.
Blood sprays from Jack’s nose, and Smirky Opie grins wider.
Dean’s blood pressure goes through the roof.
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c0ffee-gh0ul · 5 months
lucas and wallace fluff?? omg why arent people shipping these twooooo
i know!!!! this is such an underrated ship, but i ship it!!
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Wallace and Lucas were about to have their first official date. Sure, they had hung out before this, and talked on the phone, but today, they would be sitting down at a restaurant having a nice meal. It was nothing crazy, just Sneaky Dee’s.
Wallace was getting ready, waiting for Lucas to pick him up. Finally, a boyfriend with a car. He was starting to hate walking everywhere, especially in the bite of the Toronto cold.
“Hurry up, Wallace! I need to pee!” Scott said from the other side of the bathroom door. Wallace ignored him as he kept fixing his hair in the mirror and sprayed cologne on his body. Once he finally did exit the bathroom, Scott ran in there as if he hadn’t peed in a year.
Wallace was nervous. He usually wasn’t nervous on dates. But, he really liked Lucas. Maybe he was the one.
“Why are you pacing?” Scott asked as he exited the bathroom. Wallace didn’t even realize he started doing that. “Are you nervous or something? You’re making me a little dizzy…”
“I guess I am,” He admitted. “I’m never nervous. That’s usually you! Oh, god…”
“Dude, chill,” Scott chuckled, taking Wallace by the shoulders. “Just, um, don’t drink too much, and… Be yourself…? I don’t know, I’m not good at this kind of stuff…”
“Yeah, thanks captain obvious,” Wallace replied. His pacing and timid thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell ringing. “It’s him!”
“Go get 'em!” Scott cheered.
Wallace grabbed his coat and opened the door to reveal Lucas’s tall stature standing in the doorway. “You look great,” He smiled.
“So do you,” Wallace replied.
“Shall we?” Lucas offered his hand for Wallace to take and he accepted.
“Romantically cliche, are we?” Wallace remarked, closing the apartment door behind him.
“I want to impress a man on our first official date, don’t I?” Lucas opened the car door for Wallace and he stepped in.
Lucas drove them to Sneaky Dee’s, which was only about 5 minutes away. Once they sat down at their table, they started reading the menus to themselves and engaging in small talk.
“What are you gonna order?” Lucas asked.
“I dunno… Probably a martini and maybe a tasteful pasta,” Wallace replied.
“Tasteful is a strong word for this place,” Lucas chuckled.
“Well, yeah, tasteful for this place,” Wallace chuckled back. “Slightly undercooked, either over or under seasoned, no in between… And hopefully still hot by the time it gets to the table.”
Once they were waiting for their food, Lucas took Wallace’s hand in his from across the table.
“This is really nice, y’know? I’ve never really been on a real date before,” He admitted.
“Look at you, being soft,” Wallace teased. “I’ve been on a few real dates, but they all kind of sucked.”
“This one won’t suck, I’ll make sure of it,” Lucas smiled. “Speaking of which… I got you something.” He dug through his pockets searching for a small gift.
“You didn’t have to get me anything,” Wallace was already taken aback by Lucas’s efforts.
“I saw it and it made me think of you,” Lucas revealed a bracelet with blue and black beads on it. “It’s the evil eye, it’s for protection against… Like, everything. Plus, blue is your favorite color, right?”
“It is, yeah,” Wallace was astonished. No one had ever given him a gift on a first date, or any date. He gently took the bracelet from Lucas’s palm and put it on. “This is so thoughtful… Since when do you know about crystals and evil eyes and things?”
“I was hanging out with Todd… I guess he’s into that stuff,” Lucas replied.
Wallace looked up and gazed into Lucas’s eyes. The connection between the two of them was like a magnetic pull. They smiled at each other and their gazing was abruptly interrupted by the waiter placing their food on the table.
“Thank you,” They said to the waiter simultaneously, snapping out of their trance.
Their meals sort of matched their personalities. Wallace did end up ordering a small pasta dish. It was light and slightly dainty, like him. Lucas ordered a burger. It wasn’t super sloppy or greasy, but it was big and full of toppings.
“It’s usually not polite to get a messy meal on the first date, y’know,” Wallace teased.
“Can you blame me? Look how good this looks!” Lucas argued. “Though, your pasta does look good.”
“You want a bite?” Wallace asked.
“Sure,” Lucas agreed.
Wallace stuck a piece of penne on his fork and fed it to Lucas. “I was hoping you’d say yes just so I could do that,” He admitted, a flirtatious look on his face.
“This is really good, you made a good choice,” Lucas said, mid-chew. “And, maybe I said yes hoping you’d do that.”
The meal went on, and they talked and laughed, and Wallace got a little tipsy. 
“Oh, you got something on your face,” Wallace said, taking a napkin to Lucas’s cheek.
“And I’m the cliche one?” Lucas joked.
Once they left, Lucas drove Wallace home and they sat in his car for a moment.
“I had a lot of fun,” Lucas smiled. “We should do it again.”
“Absolutely,” Wallace replied. “That was the best date I’ve ever been on.”
Lucas was proud of himself. He kept smiling, which made Wallace smile, too. Their gazing trance started again, and Lucas decided to go for it. He kissed Wallace. Wallace was shocked at first, but he kissed back.
“Damn,” He sighed after the kiss. “You’re a great kisser.”
“And you’re slightly drunk,” Lucas laughed. “Do you want me to walk you to the door?”
“No, no, I’ll be fine. Scott’s still awake,” Wallace insisted. “I’ll call you!” He said, getting out of the car.
“How was it?” Scott asked as soon as Wallace walked through the door.
“It was…” Wallace sighed, plopping himself onto the armchair. “The dreamiest date ever.”
“Dreamy? At Sneaky Dee’s?” Scott questioned.
“As dreamy as a Sneaky Dee’s date could be!” Wallace giggled.
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bangtansocean · 1 year
Roommate's Prohibited List: Three
Content Table: 01 l 02 l 03 l 04
“Where did all this rain come from?!” You complain to yourself as you close the front door with your hip, both hands busy carrying your grocery bags.
“You need help?” A second voice startles you, dropping one of the bags on the floor as you turn to the place where the voice came. 
A tall, pink haired guy stands by the door frame of Yeonjun’s bedroom. He stares at you as he slurps on his instant ramen, blinking repeatedly as he struggles to keep himself awake. The bags under his eyes make it more than obvious that this man has not slept in the last 24-48 hours. 
“I got it, thank you,” You reply in a slightly harsh tone due to your annoyance with the crazy weather, but offer him a smile which he reciprocates. 
“I gotchu,” he says, walking towards you as he picks the fallen bag up, placing it on the kitchen counter. “Sorry I couldn’t welcome you last night, I had a long shift.” He excuses himself. “I’m Yeonjun.” He places the now empty cup of noodles next to the bag as he helps you unpack your groceries and places them on your designated shelf. 
I’m pretty sure I said I don’t need help, you say to yourself as you stand next to him, mimicking his actions as you place everything where it's supposed to be. You both work in silence, finishing to put everything away faster than you thought you would. “I’m y/n, by the way.” You present yourself after you realize you haven’t. “Sorry, the rain got me in a mood. I hate getting wet.” You excuse yourself this time, which makes him laugh. 
“No worries, I can help you unpack the rest of your boxes if you need an extra hand.” He offers kindly, which this time you don’t reject. 
The few boxes you left on the hallway are the ones that are too heavy to carry by yourself, so an extra hand would be more than useful to you right now. 
“Thank you, that would be nice.” You smile back at him. 
Yeonjun gets into moving your boxes right away, carrying them with ease to your room. 
Once they are all in your room, he begins opening the boxes and helping you sort where everything goes. To be honest, you weren’t expecting him to help you organize everything, but you are thankful for his company, and competence. 
You engage in small talk and quickly learn that he is in the medicine major, which explains the I-haven’t-slept-in-3-years kind of look. He gives you all the tea about Beomgyu, and tells you about his crazy ex-girlfriend that almost moved in with them, instead of you. 
In less than an hour, you find a friend in him, confiding in him to talk about everything and nothing as you both work efficiently. “What about Soobin?” you ask, genuinely curious to have the big question answered. 
“You met him already?” He asks, as he throws an empty box from your bed to the corner. “He’s a cool dude. We get on each other’s nerves a lot, but he’s like a brother to me.” He nods to himself, a smile appearing on his face as he thinks fondly of his friend. 
“Is he Beomgyu’s pass friend?” You ask shyly, instantly regretting it when Yeonjun sits on your bed next to you, his body frozen as he looks at you deadpan. 
“What? You like Soobin?!” He snorts, trying to keep his laugh to himself which he fails to do. 
You panic as he covers his mouth with his hands, finding the situation hilarious for some reason. 
“Why are you laughing? And no. I was just asking!” You roll your eyes at him while folding your clothes, placing them in the correct pile and avoiding eye contact with Yeonjun who is still laughing by himself. 
“Sorry, it’s just funny to think of someone actively having a crush on Soobin. He’s a weird ass dude, I think he’s asexual or something. Allergic to people, almost.” He chuckles again. “But yes, he is Gyu’s free pass.” He grabs one of your hoodies and folds it, “and if he wasn’t Gyu’s he would probably be mine.” He shrugs, “So yeah, he’s off limits.” He giggles again. “Not that it matters, I’m sure he would never even think about being around you like that, no offense.” 
Offense: taken.
“Ouch!” You say half-joking, hurt at his choice of words. 
“I didn’t say it because of you though, it’s him! He’s been single for the whole time I’ve known him. Such a complicated guy. He’s waiting for the right one, or whatever.” He exclaims exasperated. “We’ve tried to get him laid, and we almost succeeded a couple of times, but he’s so stubborn! and picky as hell.” He rolls his eyes, annoyed at the memory of his friend rejecting every single girl who has ever shown interest in him.
“He didn’t seem like that to me. He was so smile-y and nice.” You frown. Soobin definitely seemed like a guy who knows what he wants, but he never came across as stubborn or anti-people as Yeonjun portrays him to be. 
“Smile-y?!” Yeonjun laughs again. “He must be sick, or plotting some twisted revenge on me, or Gyu. Who knows, maybe even against you for making him deal with your boxes!” He throws a shirt at you which you throw back harder, laughing at his younger brother-like antics. 
Yeonjun helps you fold the rest of the clothes before organizing them inside the closet, indulging in more small talk about the many memories he has made while living here. He takes his cardigan off, the red crop top coming into view that matched his red belt that held his black ripped jeans in place. For someone who seemed so professional and a future doctor, he sure had the style of a rock star.
“So who is your free pass?” You slurp on your instant noodles, sitting with your legs crossed on the floor of your own bedroom. 
Yeonjun moves around the noodles of his second cup of instant noodles of today, blowing on them before taking a handful to his mouth, answering with his mouth full. “Huening Kai.” He swallows. “It used to be my ex-girlfriend, but obviously that’s changed.” He huffs. “He’s in the medicine field with me, a second year.” 
You listen to him attentively as you indulge in your noodles, nodding as he continues to tell you about this new mysterious friend Kai. 
“You’ll probably meet him soon, we should be having a gathering in the house on friday so we can all properly meet.” He announces before taking another handful of ramen into his mouth. 
“Oh,” You reply, “Am I Invited?” you ask shyly, feeling slightly left out of the plans that were happening and you had no idea about them.
Yeonjun looks at you deadpan again, his cheeks full of food as he rolls his eyes before replying. “Stupid,” he drops his chopsticks on his cup and proceeds to push you lightly on the shoulder. “We’re literally having the meeting because of you, think of it as a welcome party of some sorts.” He shrugs before taking the chopsticks again and finishing his ramen like a hungry animal that hasn’t been fed in months. 
The idea of a welcoming party makes your heart flutter. You really hit the jackpot with these roommates and with the new place. You are extremely thankful to Monica and Mingyu for making this happen for you. 
The rest of the evening you enjoy Yeonjun’s company, moving to his room to watch some T.V but eventually ending up in the living room playing video games on the collective playstation he, Soobin and Gyu bought together. 
“Oh you guys are awake,” Beomgyu walks through the main door, a drenched umbrella in his hand as he smiles once he realizes you guys are playing his favorite game. “I didn’t know you played y/n!” 
He quickly removes his shoes and runs towards the couch, snuggling next to you as he takes an extra controller. “Let me in!” He speaks loudly, turning to Yeonjun who is sitting on your left side, too focused to listen to his roommate. 
“He’s almost dead, you can join us after,” You whisper to him, and continue watching Yeonjun play, as you have already died way earlier in the round.
You’re surprised at how well Yeonjun plays, carrying your team till the end of the round, eventually dying on a 1v1. “Nice try Junnie,” Gyu encourages him. “Now let me in.” 
You laugh as he sits up, connecting his controller to the game. 
The small chit-chat between your two roommates lets you dive into your thoughts, which most were about Soobin. It’s not that you wanted to think about him, but for some reason you couldn’t bring yourself to think about anything else. 
Maybe I just need to get laid, you think to yourself. It could be that your body has gone crazy after seeing the tall, handsome, prince-like guy, awakening a feeling you haven’t had in almost eight months. However, you’re unsure if getting laid would get rid of the butterflies you get in your stomach everytime you think about Soobin. 
Thank you for reading c: Don't forget to comment if you want to be added to the tag list so you can be notified when I update the ff! (If you do, make sure you have your mentions turned on!)
Taglist: @yogurttea @jeonsfizz
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shhh-secret-time · 3 months
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We're back with another Soulmate AU request AND another request from AO3, they're so rare these days! I wanted to do something special for Craig, I kind of feel like he'd be a fuck destiny kinda guy. Anyway y'all know the drill.
Warning: Hot Pokemon takes, Strong-Language, Clyde being a dork again
Pairing: Craig x GN!Reader
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"Dude. Stop."
"Dude! Stop!"
Clyde's voice pulls Craig's gaze over, the bored expression on his face would normally make anyone flinch back but Clyde's used to the look. Years of friendship with the stoic man will desensitize anyone to that kind of look. Craig swears it's just because Clyde's an idiot, no one else in South Park takes that kind of tone with him.
"You sound like a glow-stick over there! I swear you've already popped all those fingers a minute ago, are you on your knuckles now or something?" Clyde puts his DS down on his lap with a grumble.
He's slouched so far down on Craig's couch it looks like he's melting into it, the lower half of his body is barely on the couch at all. He's all but holding himself up with his legs while his back rests on the firm cushions beneath him. He looked like a slinky being tossed down the stairs, but if it got stuck going down a step.
"You're in my house." Craig responded so matter of fact.
Then he finished cracking the hand he was in the middle of working on. He presses his thumb against each finger on his hand. Once each little finger makes that satisfying sound, he wraps his hand around the other and squeezes. His thumb and index finger settle just below the knuckles, feeling the muscles and bone shift under his grip a shiver runs down his spine.
"Gaaaaaah! That doesn't hurt you? You're gonna fuck up your hands man." Clyde physically squirms at the sound, twisting and rolling back and forth as if he's trying to escape the sound.
"No. I like it." Craig picks his DS up from his lap and continues playing on the little handheld device.
"Alright but when you have old grandpa hands at the age of twenty-five don't come crying to me. Spongebob broken finger head-ass." Clyde smirks, returning to the game with his friend.
Craig side eyes him, shooting a small glare his direction but it goes unnoticed. Once again, Clyde is lucky he's one of his best friends. Being stupid makes you brave apparently.
The two fall into a comfortable silence, the music from Clyde's DS playing loudly while Craig's is shut off. The sound of both games going on at once drove Craig mad. If the music didn't line up it felt like someone jabbing him in the head. So, he settled for listening to Clyde's, he knew the brown-haired man liked the Pokemon sound track anyway. A small tradition they started in middle school that's held up. Playing Pokemon next to each other on the weekends, if one got Green the other got Red. If one got Sapphire, the other got Ruby. Right now, Craig has Diamond, and he has Pearl.
Craig was no means a perfectionist, but something about the incomplete Pokedex drove him mad. He hated looking at the black silhouette of a Pokemon uncaught, the taunting ??? made him want to spike the thing into the ground. They would spend hours next to one another talking about their teams, racing to see who could beat the Elite Four before the other, making fun of each other's favorite Pokemon. Craig long since beat the game and was just waiting on Clyde to catch up, he was still waiting on Clyde to catch his Slowpoke like he promised him forever ago.
Clyde was a Slowpoke.
He chuckles at the thought making Clyde look up at him with his brow raised but he chooses not to say anything. After a while Craig closes his DS and chooses to watch Clyde walk around the tall grass.
"You're using the Scyther I traded you?" he asks, resting his cheek on top of Clyde's head. Holding himself up right now sounded exhausting, Clyde made the perfect head rest. Even if he wasn't slumped down on the couch, their height difference allowed for it. To be fair Craig's height difference allowed him to do this to just about anyone. The only person he couldn't comfortably do this too would be Broflovski.
"Yeah! He’s my favorite! He's a handsome devil, reminds me of myself!" Clyde tucks his chin in between his index finger and his thumb, the smug smirk on his lips makes his face look stupid.
"Do you wanna evolve him? You can trade him over and we can turn him into a Scizor."
"Nah, then I'll lose all the affection I've been building him with! Look I've got two little hearts by his head! He loves me man!"
"You can build it back."
"Maybe you can toss away your Pokemon’s affection, but not me Tucker! He doesn't need to change! He's perfect the way he is!" Clyde exclaims as he throws his hand in the air.
Craig's about to respond but stops when Clyde encounters another Pokemon, a Pachirisu nothing out of the normal. But what was out of the normal was the stripe on its tail wasn't the typical baby blue, it was a bright pink. Craig's eyes widen as the sparkles swirl around the little animated creature.
And typical Clyde just button mashes through the whole thing, he's not paying attention to the DS, going on about his love for his Scyther. His thumb moves over the attack button and Craig wants to grab his hand to stop him. But once again he's not fast enough, and the low leveled thing is easily defeated by his level sixty something Pokemon.
"Um dude...you know I love hugs and all, but I thought you hated them?" Clyde's voice is muffled under Craig. Craig has him pinned under him against the couch, chest pressed into his side, arm outstretched to grab the DS.
"Dude! That was a shiny! You could have caught that!" Craig's exclaims shaking the man under him.
"What?! Oh man! I didn't know!"
"How the fuck didn't you know?! It sparkled! It's fucking pink!"
"Uh...was it?"
"What?" Craig stops shaking him at that, tightened fists around his collar loosen only slightly.
"I didn't know, you know I'm color-blind right?" Clyde takes the opportunity to sit up, he chuckles at Craig's expression.
Although rare, it's not unheard of. Craig isn't a robot, or a man born without emotions, he just has a hard time expressing them sometimes. Clyde knows that, but it's still funny every time he sees that crack in Craig's usual stoic nature. Even more so that it was over a stupid video game and Clyde's inability to see color.
So instead of responding to him Craig shakes his head and furrows his brows, confusion written clear on his face.
"Yeah man," Clyde takes a breath in between cackling. "I'm completely color blind, lost it when we were in high school. It's my soulmate thing. I see in black and white now." He waves his hand over his face with a dorky grin.
He doesn't respond at first, taking a moment to take in what his best friend was saying. "I just thought you dressed like that on purpose."
"Come on dude! Would it kill you to say something nice to me?! Just oNCE!?" Clyde smacks him with the cushion tucked behind him which Craig uses to beat him back.
After a brutal beat down using a couch cushion, Craig pulls back the weapon and looks down at the defeated pile of Donovan further pressed into his couch. He sits back with his leg pulled up towards his chest, arm thrown lazily across his knee.
"So, you can't see color because you haven't met your soulmate? That sounds rough."
"Yeah, it kinda sucks, it's gonna sound gay but I miss seeing things like the sunset and movies are kinda lame now. I still wear this jacket because at least I know it's red." Clyde collects himself and tries to fix his hair that's been flattened down.
"Hm." A low grunt and Craigs on his feet.
To anyone else it would be the end of the conversation, it would be their que to move on and talk about something else. But Clyde isn't just anyone. He's the guy who's been with Craig since they were kids, he knows that grunt. That shift in body language. Craig's uncomfortable but wants to say something.
"Come on Tucker Bear don't be like that, tell me what's going on." The nickname earns him a glare, but it stops the black haired man from going to the kitchen. He grins at him in return, telling Craig that he's getting what he wants.
"What have I told you about calling me that?"
"That you love it so much and you're so grateful that your best friend would give you the best nickname ever." The sentence is almost cut short from the way he scrambles back away from Craig, holding his hands up defensively. His voice is cracking from the way he tries to keep the giggle out of it.
Craig stops and sighs, his hands come up to the strings on the side of his hat. The frayed yellow rope splitting at the ends from how often he twists it between his fingertips. He does it when he needs to collect his thoughts, figure out a way to put them into words.
".... you didn't tell me you got your Soulmate thing." It finally comes out in a soft tone.
"Are you upset because I didn't tell you? I'm sorry man." Clyde's silly demeanor drops, quickly shifting to one that matches his friend’s tone. He stands up and follows him into the kitchen.
"No. I just..." A pause and he opens the fridge door. Scanning the inside for something to drink, his mouth is incredibly dry right now. "...didn't know. I thought you were like me."
"Like you?"
"Like...born without a mark or whatever."
That's all he can say, all that comes out of his mouth. Craig snaps the can of soda open and takes a sip and it feels like a rock settling in his stomach. His lips press together tasting the sugary drink on his lips. The rock in his stomach lurches up when he sees Clyde's eyes well up with tears, little beads of water spilling from his lids. For the second time that day, he makes Craig's eyes widen.
"Are you crying?"
He quickly goes to wipe the tears away from his brown eyes, the little orbs always looked like a baby cow's. Using the sleeves on his jacket, he sniffles and looks up at him. "It's just- you don't have a soulmate!"
"Yeah, I know."
"That's so sad dude!"
"I guess."
He sobs again, the tears spill faster and harder down his face. Craig sighs and gives into the over dramatic man an awkward pat on the back. The rest of the day was spent calming Clyde down and reassuring him that he wasn't actually angry at him for killing the shiny. They watch a few episodes of Red Racer where Craig describes the colors for him until he got tired of it.
All through the day the conversation gnawed at the back of his head. It followed him to bed and kept him from sleeping. Clyde refused to go home so he spent the night on the floor next to him. Didn't want to sleep on the couch but didn't want to sleep in the bed with him. Wanted to be near but not close enough to make Craig want to peel his skin off. He appreciated the idiot.
But it was that idiots fault he was thinking so hard on this. Why was he born without a soul-mate tic, or thing or whatever the fuck it was called. Were there others like him or was Craig Tucker really that just unlucky? Why did he care so much, he made it this far in life by himself. So why was it just now starting to eat at him?
With a huff he turned and rolled over towards the window next to his bed, staring up at the night sky. The moon was half full today, and it was cloudy out so he could barely see the stars. He was a grown man majoring in Astronomy, he didn't need a stupid mark to tell him where to go and who to be with. He could still see color fine. No flowers were blooming out of his face making his allergies act up.
No, it was just him. Just him and whatever was out there waiting for him. Right now, he really wanted it to be sleep.
Eventually he gave in to the tired behind his eyes, lids so heavy he couldn’t keep them open anymore but burned when he finally closed them. Clyde was gone the next morning when he finally woke up, he left him a text saying he was going to pick his sister up and do something with her.
It didn't matter he had class to get to anyway, the semester was in full swing, and he didn't have time to fall behind. As he gets ready, pulling his blue hat over his head and the matching NASA jacket over his shoulders, he peers down at his DS left on the side table. He picks it up and tucks it into the pockets of the jacket, in between classes he could wait in the lounge and play on it a little more. There wasn't much left to do but he could always grind his team to a hundred.
Once he feels ready, he steps out of his house and starts the walk to the bus stop. Ever since he moved out of his parents the walk to the college campus took a little longer than normal, so it was easier to just ride the bus there. He sticks his headphones in and settles in the worn-out seats of the dirty looking white bus. Somehow cleaner than the yellow ones from when he was still a teenager, but not by much. The music from his DS playing in his ears drowns out the sounds of people mumbling to themselves and whatever other weird thing South Park could throw at him.
It also drowns out your footsteps. Drowns out your question if the seat next to him was taken. So, it isn't until he feels you sitting next to him that he notices you're there. He side-eyes you for a moment, which you return with a little nod. A part of him is relieved when you don't immediately try to make small talk with him. Instead, you offer him a little smile and go back to the book in your hand. His amber eyes travel down to peek at what it is you're reading, and he's surprised when instead of a textbook he sees a comic.
Guardians of the Galaxy
From the angle you were holding it, he couldn't tell exactly what issue you were on, but the cover looked good. He cocks his head to the side a little to get a better look. Feeling his eyes on you, you look up at him and raise a brow. It takes a second, but you piece together what he's trying to do so you close the comic and show it off to him.
You're on an issue he's already read through. He removes the headphones from his ear.
"I didn't think anyone else read the Guardians series." Craig says, it's out of pocket for him to be the first to initiate but the thought of meeting someone who's a fan like him is actually exciting. It's enough to pull him out of his little mental funk.
"Yeah! I just started collecting these issues last week! Have you read this series?" You say with a smile that’s a little too bright for him.
He nods again at you, and that's where the conversation should have ended. You go back to your reading, and he goes back to his game. But it doesn't, you lean over and catch a glimpse at what he's playing. He watches the recognition sparkle up in your eyes.
"Oh, which one is that? Gen four, right?"
"Yeah. It's Diamond."
"Oh! Cool! I've got Platinum! I gotta default to the third one because I don't have friends who play the game!" You laugh at your own joke, eyes going from the DS to his.
Craig stares down at you for a while. He sets the DS in his lap and pushes the palm of his hand against his fingers. Hands popping and snapping again, the little tic making him relax. You don't comment like Clyde does, but you are still talking.
"Gen four has to be my favorite in the series! I just couldn't get into Black and White!" That makes him stop and look at you like you're crazy.
"That's the best one in the series though."
"That's what everyone tells me, but I hated the starters!"
Time slips past him, the way you pull him into the conversation so naturally. It isn't until the bus pulls up to the campus that he realizes he's been talking to you the entire time. You perk up when the bus lets out a sigh and a hiss, telling its passengers that they've reached their destination.
"Oh, this is my stop! Hey, it was awesome talking with you!" You grin and stand up, slinging your bag over your shoulder.
You give him a little finger salute and take off, you're so quick to scurry away he doesn't have time to tell you that this is his stop too. Of course he's never noticed you around campus before, Craig was never one to waste his energy on things that didn't require it. He had his select group of friends and was happy with that, but now here you were wedging your way into his mind. As he stands up to get off the bus, lazily throwing the headphones over his neck, it dawns on him that he didn't even catch your name.
Oh well, so much for that. Maybe he'd see you around.
The universe must have answered that for him because the next morning he sees you on the bus again. He watches as you push past the isle of seats and plop down next to him with another book in your hand. A different issue, a different conversation. There are days where you sit in silence doing your own thing. Then there are days where you talk his ear off and he just sits and listens, occasionally throwing in his thoughts on whatever you're talking about.
But he listens. That was new, normally he just tends to zone out if he doesn't care. Somehow you find a way to make him care, a way to make him invested in the conversation. He even goes out of his way to learn your name and what you're studying.
"Ah it's just general studies right now, a little bit of everything until I figure out what I wanna do. I wasn't even planning on going to college, it just kinda happened." You tell him leaning back in your seat.
"What, so you just woke up one day and decided that was it?" Craig scoffs a bit at the idea but the amused glint in his eyes doesn't go unnoticed by you.
"Heh. Well Mr. Space-boy not all of us know what we wanna do with life from the womb." You snicker at his reaction, tallying another eyeroll in your head.
"It's Space-Man. I'm Space-Man Craig." He corrects you before moving on, so you don't comment on the little pink hue on his face. "I get that but how do you go from I'm not going to college, to just doing it?"
You smile, it's different than the dorky one you usually shoot at him or the one when you tell a bad joke. It almost seems sad. He can't put his finger on it, but he doesn't need to wait long for you to roll up your sleeve. On your wrist is a font that looks almost like an alarm clock, the block black ink reads "0:00".
"Had this guy I was with. Was with him for six years, we were high-school sweethearts, prom date, whole nine yards. They were my soulmate, the little counter on my wrist told me that much." You take a deep breath, and he watches the way your fingers move across the skin.
He pops his fingers again, pushing them against each other.
"Well, about a year ago I realized...I kinda hated it? Hated the fact this stupid mark on my body got to dictate who I fell in love with? I mean we didn't even have anything in common, and while we never really argued we just had a different outlook on life. I think a part of me still loves him, but...I can't really love him in the way this thing wants me to." You emphasize that you're talking about the marking on your skin by holding it up.
Little rays of sunlight brush across your skin and Craig can't help but follow it. You had a soulmate, of course you did. He feels that rock in his stomach again, weighing heavier than it did last time. The week he got where he wasn't thinking about this whole thing was nice, but now that he's reminded his body tenses back up.
He cracks his fingers again, squeezing the side of the palm.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to trauma dump on you." He raises a brow at you silently asking you what you mean by that. "Call it a sixth sense, or the fact that you pop your fingers and do that little Hm when you're thinking about something. So, I figured you were annoyed by the random dump."
You were more attentive than he would have given you credit for. He hasn't known you that long and you're already picking up on things that took Clyde years to. Then again, Clyde and attentive don't really go hand in hand.
"No, it's not you. It's the..." He rolls his wrist a few times trying to find the words, fingers eventually find purchase on the strings of his hat dangling by his face. "Soul-mate thing. I don't have one."
"Ah yeah, I can see how that's a weird topic for you then! But hey that's kind of cool!" You beam up at him, the sunlight slips off your wrists and onto your lips.
Wait, what?
"You get to pick who you wanna love, that's awesome. That means the connection goes deeper! You gotta build something with someone, nothing telling you to just jump straight into a relationship! No pressure, just you and the other person!" Your eyes are like little stars as you speak. A tiny galaxy that he can't seem to pull himself out of.
Wait, what?
Like clockwork, the bus stops and you go to get up. Except this time Craig is fast enough, he takes your hand. His fingers slip into your palm and stop you from moving. Your finger salute falls back to your side. He just looks at you for a while, the only thing he can hear right now is the collection of people getting off the bus and his own heartbeat drumming in his chest.
"If you're not getting off, I need you to sit down please!" The bus driver makes you flinch and sit back down next to Craig.
"Sorry sir!" You call back.
When you look back at him with a confused look, he freezes again. His mouth hangs open for a second, only to close. He almost looks like a fish out of water from the way he's trying to collect his thoughts. Craig expects you to get back up and tell him goodbye. To run off the bus and never speak to him again.
Instead, you sit there, patiently waiting for him to collect himself. You wait there even when the door to the bus shuts and the engine kicks back on. You look at him with wonder and he has to avert his gaze from you. Pulling his hat over his eyes for a moment because he realizes he's still holding your hand and the heat coming up to his face is too much.
"I... I’m sorry. I just wanted to-" What did he want? His mind was drawing a blank, he was floating and the only teather was your hand in his.
He knew he wanted to keep holding your hand. He knows your touch doesn't bother him like it should. He wants to steal a few more moments with you because these bus rides aren't enough time. Something he's never felt before.
"You're good. Take your time." You can't know what that means to him to hear you say that. To not pull your hand away and call him a freak for just grabbing you like that. Instead, you turn your palm over and give his hand a squeeze back.
"I want to...do that." He says it. With his eyes covered so he's not blinded by that smile on your face. He can hear it in your voice, the way you chuckle.
"Do what?"
"You know what I'm trying to say."
"Maybe. You better say it just so I can be sure." You're teasing him now, leaning forward so you can get a peek at his blushing face.
Craig huffs again, frustration building up in his chest. He moves the hat from his face and stares you down like a showdown. His brows knitted together with newfound determination.
"I want to build a connection past this." There. It's out. Out in the open, out in the space between the both of you. Confession falls from his mouth in that monotone voice he's so famous for.
"Hell yeah. I'd like that Space-Man Craig." You laugh and it sounds so sweet.
He smiles down at you, and it feels like a gift. It's the first time you've seen him look at you like that. You make a silent promise to yourself that it will not be the last time you see it.
"So, any idea where the bus is going now?"
"No idea. Wanna get off at the next stop and walk to campus?"
"Nope! You stopped me from going to class so now you're taking me out. I want food!"
Craig scoffs at you and takes the headphones off his neck, he offers you the other bud. He sticks the one in his ear and pulls out his phone. His fingers slide across the screen going for the music app. He hands you the phone and gestures for you to pick something.
You excitedly take him up on the offer, sticking the bud in your ear. You begin going on about whatever album you’ve been listening to, and the whole ride he sits and listens to you. Nodding along so you know he’s listening, not that he really has to. You can tell from the way he looks at you that you have his undivided attention.
So wrapped up in the music and your voice he doesn’t even notice the font on your wrist change. It’s not that boring clock anymore, it shifts and swirls around. A moving tattoo that eventually turns into a painting melting down your arm. The deep darkness of space with a little astronaut sitting on the moon, just watching the sun.
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