#tbh most of the songs I have aren't fight songs
talesgolden · 2 years
Hello Hi by the way: Luke has absolute/perfect pitch; the ability to identify and (in his case) re-create a musical note without use of a reference tone. This means he can:
name the key a piece of music is in
identify by name all the individual tones in a chord /mass of tones
identify by name individual pitches played on various instruments
identify the pitches and correlating tones of sounds from non-musical instruments (car alarms, squeaky shoes, etc.) <- this one is his favorite
sing a named note on demand without a tone for reference and be on pitch
This does not mean he has supernatural hearing or is hyper smart or anything. It means he has a little bit of natural inclination but more than that, spends so much of his time immersed in music that it’s always in his head, and he doesn’t have to go hunting for or guessing at the notes. He knows where they are, what they’re called, and how to get them.
He’s not hearing things other people don’t. Most people are pitch sensitive, and capable of replicating them to some degree. You know at least the vague way songs go, and that when the end of a sentence lifts you’re being asked a question. Take that, dial it up about a thousand, and then add in names for every tone and imagine that for every tone name there is, you think of it every time you hear it. (The way every time a smoke detector beeps, you think smoke detector, because that’s the noise of a smoke detector. It’s a shrill G# by the way. Oh and then imagine you could open your mouth and whistle that sharp G# on command without hearing it in the moment, first.)
Edit: hi I forgot initially but I am back to say that this also includes a lot of microtones (tones found in the range between piano key notes). Microtones don’t have readily recognizable labels in western music so the answer is “between (note) and (note)” and sometimes how close to one or the other. But they are included in this.
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constantmourning · 1 year
John 'Soap' MacTavish Headcanons (SFW/NSFW)
Warnings: 18+!! MINORS DNI! The page break splits the sfw and nsfw headcanons up! Not proofread as I have No Friends Syndrome :( So, sorry if there are mistakes!
A/N: I was gonna post my fic i've been working on for forever before this, but the fic isn't done yet and I wanted to take a break to write these. This is for @cumikering Hope you enjoy these!
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Is best boyfriend tbh.
CANNOT keep his hands to himself... If you are near, he is all over you. Not anything 'inappropriate' or 'unprofessional'. He's just genuinely very touchy and likes holding your hand or touching the small of your back while standing beside you.
You, him, and Gaz are total menaces when together honestly.
Staying up late doing menace like things around base. Like singing inappropriate songs as loudly as possible as if no one is listening.
Sadly, Price and Ghost are listening...
You and Ghost get along so well, almost too well. Will tell horrible dad jokes and Soap is dying. Please give him a break.
Will kill and die for you.
He isn't jealous, he trusts you and knows you wouldn't do anything to hurt him.
However, he can be very protective of you. If someone even looks at you sideways he is ready to fight.
PLEASE play with his hair! Especially if you're just chilling together?? Play with that man's mohawk, he's begging.
Will kill to just be able to rest his head on your chest while you play with his hair, bonus points if you softly hum or sing while he does this.
Gets very Scottish when excited, but is very willing to translate whatever the fuck he's talking about if you aren't' completely sure what he's saying.
Now onto the Spicy Stuff
Literally so handsy. You thought he was handsy before? Get ready, when that bedroom door shuts, he is on you instantly.
Very skilled with his hands tbh... He knows what he's doing!
If you are shy, he will playfully tease you. Nothing too severe, but he does like to tease you a lot.
ESPECIALLY- especially when he's going down on you and you look away. He will pull back and tease the shit out of you for that.
"Oh, you gotta look at me, I gotta know you feel good~" He says, in a tone that is so fucking hot but you can't help but want to swat at him.
Is down for... A LOT. Will literally try most things at least once.
Super enthusiastic about things if you seem to enjoy it.
If you aren't enthusiastic about it, or seem very... Uncomfortable he is sure to check in on you!
Super big on aftercare! Need to pee? He will carry you to the bathroom. Need a shower, a rag, anything to clean up? He will get it, and help you clean up!
Will lay with you for however long you want after sex. He isn't one to just fuck and leave, at least not most of the time.
Quickies are okay, but he likes fucking or making love a lot more than a quickie.
So sweet and loving. I need him carnally.
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thekidsarentalright · 5 months
Idk if you have talked about this (you probably already did) but I'm just curious, in your opinion what is the kids aren't alright about? Have you done any analysis on the song?
i probably Have analyzed it but i can't find it and its been so long so. will Happily ramble here about what i think its about <3 tbh this is the most beautiful ask i could ever get thank u <3
since you asked what i think tkaa is about, i'm not gonna do this in the normal way i analyze songs, which is a more line-by-line style to paint a picture of the whole story of the song, but instead just wanna like. ramble fksjdnf about it and what it means to me
i think the entire meaning of the song can be summed up by the line, "and in the end, i'd do it all again / i think you're my best friend", which really is to mean that i think that the overarching theme of the song is that life can be worth repeating and going through again for the people that you go through it with. connection and relationships give life incredible meaning, even with the bad things, even with sorrow and darkness, love makes it worth it- i'm yours, when it rains it pours, stay thirsty like before, as the song goes. when the storm comes, as the rain starts pouring and destruction closes in on you, wouldn't it be more comforting to have somebody beside you? facing the chaos with their hands in yours? wouldn't it be worth going through the storm again (stay thirsty like before) just to have those moments with the people you love?
and normally when i analyze songs, i very much try to stay away from analyzing them in a way that is very personal to pete/the members of the band just because... i don't wanna be presumptive! but, this song feels like one of the few that i Can't look at separate from pete and the band. no song feels more like a love letter to the band, and even to the fans, than the kids aren't alright. this band has known each other for over half their lives, they have been best friends and brothers for longer than they haven't been. every up and down each of them have gone through since they met each other, they have gone through together, they have seen their darkest sides and deepest depressions and through it all have Still chosen to love each other and stick together. as the rain has come and poured on them, as the storm that is life shipwrecked the band and sent them stranded in seemingly opposite directions, the love remained. the found each other again, because they were willing to do it all again for each other. their love and friendship is the purest embodiment of the song, and is the thesis of fall out boy as a band, to me. even through destruction and overbearing egos and inner turmoil each of them were experiencing that we are likely to never know the depths of- they Chose that their bonds were worth it, their bonds made life worth living and fighting for.
i feel that spirit, that life is worth fighting for if you have someone/something you love to Live for, is perfectly encapsulated by the lyrics, "and it's our time now if you want it to be / maul the world like the carnival bear set free"- if you want, life is ours for the taking regardless of the rest of the world. carnival bears were often mistreated and repressed, beaten down for acting in their nature, if one were set free they would finally truly be Free to be how they wish to be. in the context of the song, because we have each other, we can take the world on how We want, we can be who We want to be, Together. This is also something that i think is the thesis of fall out boy- the band of underdogs for underdogs, fighting for a space in the world to be safe and express themselves how they want to, and because they've found each other and an audience that Understands them, they can maul the world like the carnival bear set free. they are mauling the world, with every song released and show performed, they're taking on the world on their terms as a united band of best friends. and with their fans behind them, that spirit is embodied tenfold, making this song not only feel like a song for the band, about the band, but Also about the fans and for the fans.
before coming to any sweeping conclusion, i wanna talk about the bridge, because i feel like it is the last piece that does fully show what i think the song is about in totality. The bridge goes, "sometimes i just want to sit around and gaze at my shoes / and let your dirty sadness fill me up just like a balloon"- other than the carnival bear line, i believe this might be my favorite lyric of the song (which is saying a lot in a song of banger after banger line), as i feel the imagery it paints is just so heartaching and melancholy in such a beautiful way. there's a lot here in these lyrics, from how in the genius annotations pete annotated this line with a still of someone's shoes and a bunch of guitar pedals on the ground- something he would no doubt gaze down at when gazing down at his shoes while recording or performing, hammering home the meaning of this song being about/for the band and the fans. they share their sadness with each other, with the fans (to an extent), and the fans share their sadness back- music is always a reminder of the bond we all share in our heaviest moments, as is the guitar pedals being present when gazing down at your shoes in sorrow or guilt. another point i want to make is about "gaze at my shoes" perhaps being a play on words about "shoegaze" as a genre of music defined by guitar distortion and effects and a dreamy/ethereal feel- connecting the picture, the lyrics, the meaning of the band and fans always being there and music being a connection between us all, in a way. essentially, i feel this lyric is just a very melancholy, beautiful way to say sometimes its very easy to just wallow in your feelings, but having somebody with you to help take on your sadness, having these connections and these bonds, can make it lighter.
to try and find a way to summarize it, i really do just think the kids aren't alright is about love. in its purest form, it's about love. loving other people enough to live for them, finding the bonds and connections that give meaning to a meaningless existence, allowing yourself to feel pain in equal measure with pleasure. these are things that make life what it is, without these things life would be numb, meaningless nothingness. in the purest way, i believe the kids aren't alright is about what it is to be human and to love with reckless abandon, to be free to be and feel and love even if pain is present. Because pain doesn't diminish the love or light you can experience in life, and allowing yourself to believe anything less is to deny yourself a instrumental piece of the human experience.
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illegiblewords · 9 months
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Jumping off my last analytical post for BG3, I actually do want to talk about Wyll a little. Wyll has been the companion I've had the trickiest time sorting thoughts out on. I do have thoughts on him, and frankly I want to invite people who are mainly Wyll fans to chime in if they have any observations that I might've missed! I don't know if this is the best way to explain it, but my perspective is if his story were a song I'd say he has the makings of a beautiful one--but there are notes missing. Notes that really, really should be there . I don't know why they aren't there, or if they've been hidden somewhere I haven't found yet.
As usual, longass discussion under the cut.
Here is my understanding of Wyll currently, without grabbing specific quotes.
Ulder Ravegard is his dad, who was a humble blacksmith who rose to nobility through some exceptional effort and personal achievement. Pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps sort of guy, takes pride in being compassionate and dealing with others in good faith. Raised Wyll not to consider himself better than anyone due to his status, but also seems to have imparted a lot of lawful good mentalities tbh. One thing that stood out a lot to me was a line Wyll said in Act III about how as a kid, he used to pretend to kill monsters in the park all the time. When he became an actual monster hunter as the Blade of Frontiers he had the disquieting realization that most monsters in reality are only people, just like him and his friends. This is interesting to me because it was NOT a lesson he got as a kid, and from how Ulder treats Wyll I don't think it's something Ulder is quite comfortable with himself. I'd go so far as to argue that, while Ulder's definition of 'good' is genuinely very good--it doesn't leave a lot of tolerance for anyone outside that. His compassion only goes so far and no farther. He's a little black-and-white in his thinking.
Side note: Wyll seems to treat being Blade of Frontiers like being a two-dimensional hero in a storybook at times. The Act III line where he admits it's all just messy people was so fucking interesting, and I wish there was more examination of the messy morality of trying to fight monsters or even understand what monsters are for him. Being good isn't easy or guaranteed and the most impressive title in the world doesn't prove you're actually a hero. Actions come before reputation.
Wyll was, according to the previous point, raised to be the embodiment of lawful good as Ulder saw it. Be selfless, don't indulge in finery or status, be noble, make sacrifices for the greater good. With that in-mind, I want to point out that for all Wyll doesn't like courtly life he loves to dance as something more aligned to that courtly lifestyle. It's one of the things he has left that continues to give him joy. It's an indulgence.
Wyll, as raised by Ulder, sacrifices his own well-being and future in his pact with Mizora to ensure no one else in Baldur's Gate came to harm. He was also bound in such a way that prevented him from explaining what happened or why. When Ulder saw his son return home with one eye, pacted to a devil, obviously in a lot of distress and struggling to explain something... Ulder's reaction wasn't to trust his son's morality or feel concern for him. Ulder decided to hurl out all history, all individual understanding of Wyll's character, and chuck Wyll out like he was a pure evil aligned monster and always had been. He just assumed Wyll was the embodiment of every selfish, depraved impulse he could imagine and a traitor to every cause he believed in. He also does not change his mind on this unless forcibly shown through the tadpole what actually transpired. He is not willing to listen or consider alternate perspectives, and I'd argue he loved his son as an abstract concept/extension of his own moral beliefs more than as his own person. (And as an aside: given how Ulder reacted to Wyll without even knowing his situation, do you think he would be ready to show compassion to someone like Astarion who has done horrific things to others under coercion?)
Note, Wyll never actually deals with previous point emotionally. He never allows himself to feel anger or grief over the way his own father treated him. He never lashes out at Ulder on his own behalf for not seeing him as a person, for not treating him as a person, for not loving him as a person or as his son. Ulder talks almost casually about having misjudged Wyll. 'Whoops my bad, I might be an asshole'. We're in a game where Astarion kills Cazador and just starts screaming and sobbing on his knees over everything that happened. Why isn't Wyll pissed off that everything he endured ALONE, the realization that his father never really saw or trusted him, was met with 'whoops'? Why isn't Ulder more horrified over what he did to Wyll? The fact that he isn't so much as in the same breath as other characters expressing anguish makes me think he still, STILL does not understand what he put Wyll through as his father. And Wyll having no reaction other than 'yay Dad likes me again :D' doesn't ring true imo. It's possible to love someone but be absolutely furious with or hurt by them. Mizora was not the only one who did Wyll dirty.
Wyll's pact with Mizora in the first place hinged on Wyll not trusting himself to keep Baldur's Gate safe from the cult of Tiamat AND Wyll not considering himself someone also worthy of protection too. Wyll is part of the tradition 'other people's suffering counts but not mine, I exist to be a shield for others'. I don't think Wyll has ever been taught he is also part of Baldur's Gate who should be kept safe. Self-sacrifice under those circumstances isn't an informed choice but like a self-destructive person offering their life up for cheap, when it isn't strictly necessary. First resort rather than last kinda deal.
Unless I've forgotten something, Wyll breaking his pact is framed not only by Mizora but the narrative as Wyll being selfish and deciding his father should die instead of keeping himself bound. The narrative itself doesn't really challenge this idea even if Wyll does successfully save Ulder unbound by his pact with Mizora. In my experience, out of all the cast members I think Wyll is the only one who is framed as possibly a worse person for opting out of the abusive relationship he's in. I really don't think he should be. Healthy selfishness (self-care, self-esteem) is not a bad thing. We have sayings about not setting ourselves on fire to keep others warm. I don't know why Wyll isn't given room to realize, discuss, and embrace this. In addition to everything else I've mentioned it kind of kills the shape of his character arc imo. Wyll starts off selfless to a fault. Having him remain selfless to a fault and continue making the same choices he did at the beginning sets him up for spiritual death as a character, which would make him staying pacted to Mizora fitting to articulate that concept in a way. He didn't 'sin' against or wrong other people to become a devil, but he absolutely 'sinned' against himself by allowing it to continue. It's total self-destruction and it's tragic. But when he breaks the cycle, in canon any degree of selfishness is still narratively condemned. He only gets "redeemed" if he saves Ulder, in the sense that he is still enforced as a selfless person/he is only so good as he is selfless. ADDITIONALLY! He's given a choice between protecting people as Archduke or protecting people as Blade of Avernus but there isn't actually a whole lot of discussion about Wyll's own happiness regardless of others. Wyll isn't given room to feel ugly emotions, anger on his own behalf, or basic self-preservation without the game itself side-eyeing him. Wyll should not have to be a "perfect" and selfless person to be a good and worthwhile person worth protecting.
Like... what bothers me, is that Wyll isn't given room to express or examine anything. He isn't allowed to feel conflicted or angry. He isn't allowed to want for himself. He isn't allowed to be furious with his father or to wonder if his anger at his father (who he still loves) fuels his desire to break his pact with Mizora or if it's just treating himself like he's worth something too. It kind of feels like the narrative itself is dehumanizing Wyll by denying him room to be selfish at all, even when he really needs to be. Even when it would give room for emotional and complex scenes that could resonate.
When I've thought about what kind of romantic partner would be most interesting for Wyll imo, what struck me was it should be someone who is selfish and actually encourages his selfishness a bit. Not in a corrupting way (even if he worries it might be at times) but someone who can encourage some balance in him and vice versa. I don't think Wyll works as a narrative tool to show how nice another character already is or be their trophy boyfriend. As a character, him being imperfect I think is intrinsically important to him feeling real. And guy really does deserve to feel real, you know?
It's been weird, since Wyll approaches some of my absolute favorite themes as a character for being a hero who needs to understand not being heroic all the time is okay/heroes need protecting too sometimes. But he doesn't really do anything with them currently as far as I'm aware. That's made it harder for me to engage with him. If his romance route touches on it more like then that's awesome. But I feel like if we could see full character arcs for other companions regardless of romance, it should be doable for Wyll too.
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errorwarblesrr · 9 months
do you like totk or botw better?
In short: Yes, I like botw better.
Here are my reasons, though!
I know a lot of people view it as the better experience, which is completely subjective and valid if you do and like it better, but I just view botw as being better in almost every way.
I will give it to totk. The dungeons have a lot better atmosphere. The game has some extremely high highs with the build-up to the wind temple, the whole great sky island segment, and the final boss is a much better fight (though dark beast ganon has a better theme song imo).
Other than that, I prefer botw. Totk has a much grander story, but it's completely mishandled. You can argue that totk has a great story but has poor execution, and to me, execution plays a big role in what makes a story good. You can have good ideas bit it all falls apart if they aren't executed well which ends up making the story bad. It's not that totk has a good story with poor execution, it has good ideas but the bad execution leads to a poorly told story. (I hope that makes sense). Botw has less of a story and is more like a set of events. Botw has history and backstory that is told more organically. Link has amnesia so he slowly regains some of his memories of the past with some people trying to help fill him in. It feels more real...in a weird fantasy way. I guess totk is similar with how we see Zelda's memories, but not really? It's weird to explain. Everything 100 years ago is felt in present day botw while in totk most of those things don't really matter as it happened so long ago. Things only start to resurge because Zelda wanted to investigate under the castle. Totk also has twists like a story. Idk if this is making sense but that's how I feel on their stories. There was just not much botw could mess up on story wise as the way it was presented.
Gameplay wise I can not lie totk is technical marvel with the zonai tech. That's the most impressive thing about it. Tbh building contraptions isn't my thing though, it takes too long to make and experiment with a machine when I can just do whatever that machine was gonna do much faster. I see why people have a lot of fun with it though, it just isn't my thing. One thing I HATE in totk though is the amount of menuing I have to do. Elemental arrows had a serious downgrade. Yeah it's cool to fuse stuff to arrows, but not when I have to do it to ever single individual arrow and if I want to try something new I have to scroll past 50 other items in a single line. It's just tedious. If I want to use a good weapon I have to go to the menu, drop an item, and menu again to fuse it to a weapon that will still break. Item breaking is still an issue but it's more annoying and the weapons no longer look cool. Totk has some cool abilities, but idk I'd trade them all for remote bombs lmao. I hate going through caves, especially early game, and having to deal with the rock walls where they want me to fuse a rock to a stick 10 times to get through one cave. There's just a lot of little things gameplay wise that bug me. They doubled down on botws gameplay issues and added some more annoying ones. I don't even have to mention the sages abilities, that's a whole mess.
On the topic of gameplay, botw just has the better world. Idc, exploring that world for the first time is an unforgettable experience. Totks main world is too similar so the magic is gone. The sky and depths are also unimpressive and repetitive. Botw also has the benefit on how the word felt so lonely yet alive. Everything had a purpose or a story. The world has a history. And totk just doesn't have that. Outside of the upheaval, totk doesn't really build on botws world that much. I was hoping to see if they would've added new towns or see how they'd rebuild hyrule, but they really didn't do that. We only got lookout landing, which doesn't really count as a town, and a bunch of building stuff lying around which is cool I guess. Hateno has a school and Terry Town expanded a little, but with the estimate of about 5 years since botw it makes you wonder...what have these people been doing? We can theoretically build Terry Town in one day. There could be new towns.
Totk is a sequel that doesn't really acknowledge it's predecessor which is so odd. Botw stands on its own and is an overall more cohesive experience. Everything in the world feels purposefully crafted for that world while totk just slaps things on top of it with not much thought. Botw has some amazing world building while for totk it's either "the Zonai did it" or has some contradictory world building. For example, the old sages lifted up the sky islands so that Link would be protected from Ganondorf shenanigans, but then other sky islands suggest how they've been around long before Rauru since young Zonai used to train in them or something. There is also how Zelda says Link never leaves her side, but people she interacts with on an almost daily basis do not recognize him and how even treat as if he doesn't know some facts about her. So either she is overexaggerating by a lot and/or lying in her own diary or that people in hyrule have the collective memory of a rock. There's also Zelda supposedly never giving Link the champions leathers yet as a gift, but we see him wearing it in the beginning. Idk there's more contradictories, but I haven't experienced this for botw??? Totk is so disconnected and disjointed in comparison.
I'm trying to be vague but there's a lot to say, I'm sorry. I really was enjoying this game at the beginning but the more I played the more I noticed or saw things that bugged me and just kept adding up and up on each other. Botw was never like this for me. It's just more cohesive and I like that. There are so many other things I haven't brought up like the repetitive cutscenes, or missing characters/characters that SHOULD know Link but don't (namely Bolson and Hestu). But this post is long. I can't keep complaining about this game. Botw really is that one of a kind experience, and totk tries to replicate it but worse. Botw had a vine that totk lacks. You feel so alone, but you meet knew people and make friends. You build connections as you learn about the past and help those around you. There is no story, you're just a person going through the motions and exploring the vast world around you. Totk can't replace that for me. I'm the main character playing a side role in a disjointed world where not much makes sense. Everything is similar in all the wrong ways.
And most important of all, they took away Link's fun dialogue and personality now he really is bland asf and used to defend that he wasn't.
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dragon-cookies · 8 months
Gonna finish off this series with episode 8 and then go binge watch Bluey while I paint my walls today
Alastor distorting video feeds like a cryptid that can't be captured on camera is one of the most interesting things about him tbh
I still really, realllly feel like an all-out war with Heaven should be like, a giant show finale and not the end to the first season. Where do we go from here?? We already know God doesn't exist in this universe, so what other lore is even left to be explored?
Once again Charlie giving some big heartfelt speech really doesn't feel earned when we've barely spent any time with these characters
Hate to keep beating a dead horse here but Alastor when did you start caring about the hotel and its residents
He's a good dad to Nifty though, 10/10
"You have always been a worthy opponent" Pentious we didn't see you fight Cherri Bomb once in the show
Oh fuck off this More Than Anything reprise is really good
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And ofc they had to immediately follow it up with Adam lmao. Not even Alex Brightman can save this character
"That's how they can kill us? With our OWN weapons?" HOW DID YOU NOT KNOW THIS. WHY WAS THIS TREATED LIKE SOME BIG MYSTERY.
It's so fucking wild to me that we're seeing angels get slaughtered by the dozens and yet we're expected to believe no other demons have ever fought back against them until now??
Al's voice in this part??? Hello????????
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Charlie why are you apologizing to the angels who are literally trying to slaughter your friends and family
jfc why did those two kiss, how does this show have zero idea how to write romance
oh he's fucking dead lmao
DAMN RAZZLE AND DAZZLE BEING BIG DRAGON BOYS, I'm GAME though Charlie why didn't you do this at the start on the battle
Vaggie should've taken Lute's eye tbh
Oh yeah you'd think Lucifer would've been here sooner considering the angels are attacking his kingdom but here we are
Honestly I think Charlie should've been the one to defeat Adam. He was fucking awful to her from the start.
Lute why do you care about Adam?? He was awful to you too???
Also what happened to Alastor?? Is he good??
Also kind of wild we're dedicating an entire song to Pentious but his actual death was played off like a joke
Ohh fuck we're gonna demonize Lilith for being a less-than-perfect parent but completely ignore Lucifer doing the same thing aren't we. This happened in Helluva Boss and I can see it happening again
I love how literally no one gives a shit that Alastor's gone lmao
Oh wait there he is
Ooh so he definitely made a deal with someone, very interesting
Also Lilith??? Is in Heaven???? What??????
Honestly nothing I can say hasn't already been said about this show and finale. Kinda stupid Al literally got hit once and then just fucking dipped until the end, like good job man way to show you cared. BUT ITS OVER AND I'M FREE. I'm gonna go paint my walls and sew some stuff
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picnokinesis · 27 days
OC Ship Song Tag
Tagged by @gabeorelse - ahh thank you!! Okay this will be fun because I don't tend to talk about my ocs much here
Rules: list the ships of your wip (canon or otherwise!) and the song that "describes" your ship, or that would be used for a fan edit of the ship.
This is a bit complicated because actually a lot of my wip projects aren't exactly shippy, especially since I am trying to write predominantly aromantic stories - but Gabe said I could do platonic or single characters if I wanted to 😌 I think what I'm actually gonna do is songs for the characters who , if I had a fandom, people would end up shipping lol. I'm gonna do these for Onkalo because I think that's got the most to going on (and also the longest playlist haha) and actually I think it'll be funny to do this by how common or rare I think the pairing would be hahah
For those who don't know: Onkalo is my original tv series concept set in several hundred years after the collapse of our civilisation. It follows Peregrine, a grief-stricken father who dedicates himself to finding Onkalo, a mythological structure buried under the ground that is said to contain an item of great power. He believes that he can use whatever is inside to protect his son, Ash. On the flip side, Ash, who believes he has been abandoned by his dad, sets off to find him after a disaster destroys their community.
Harper/Reo or Harper & Reo - these two are basically my og spydoc - childhood friends who bonded in adverse circumstances, but then Harper manages to escape the Bad Situation, and Reo is left to suffer the consequences. Reo ends up becoming something of an antagonist, bitter and set on making Harper pay, whilst Harper becomes a semi-parental figure to Ash as he looks for his dad (she is absolutely terrible at it). But, eventually, Reo choses to help Harper, Ash and Connie escape, and sticks with them. It's not completely smooth going, but fundamentally they missed Harper and their friendship too much. If any ship is canon in this show, it's these two.
Songs: Go Down Together by Foxing or La Lune by Madeon for more shippy fandomy stuff, but Sink by Brand New is my song for them, and it's a lot angrier. However, in the show, I'm 100% intending to have the very intense sequence of Reo and the others escaping be set to The Bike Song by Mark Ronson and The Business Intl, because bikes are involved and I'm hilarious - so if anyone set a video to that song, they would absolutely correct.
Peregrine/Caleb or Peregrine & Caleb - the canonical-ness of this one is very muddy, because I'm fighting with my fascination over their dynamic and how they do or don't feel about each other, and my overwhelming desire for this show to be as aromantic as possible. As it stands, Peregrine is entirely driven by his grief and guilt surrounding the death of his wife, Heather, but if he wasn't, then he'd be open to it. I reckon Caleb has a hell of a crush but will take it to his grave. As it happens, they're super doomed by the narrative and almost certainly not going to survive anyhow. However, I reckon if there was a fandom, this would be one of the Big Ships because I know what fandom is like.
Song: Wild Country by Wake Owl
Peregrine & Ash - the relationship between these two is so mired with desperate, familial love and aching anger. Ash wants to hate his dad, but fundamentally he still travels across the country to find him. Peregrine is so driven by the need to protect his son like he couldn't protect his wife that he completely abandons his son to hunt down a folktale that ends up killing him.
Songs: Above the Clouds of Pompeii by Bear's Den, and Welly Boots by The Amazing Devil
Harper & Connie or Harper/Connie- I think anyone who ships this would be so galaxy brained, tbh, but Harper and Connie both travel with Ash and lowkey become his stand-in parental figures, but not in any standard sort of way. Harper is like, reluctant dad figure, and Connie is the only person with the braincell. I reckon the appeal of this one is that this is that they're both people who have been defined by their own communities and families, but in very different ways. I think Harper would learn a lot about what family can be from Connie, and Connie would learn to blame herself less from Harper. People who ship Harper/Connie/Reo would be even MORE galaxy-brained, but adding Reo into the mix would make the whole thing a bit more rancid, bless. I think Connie and Reo would actually be super interesting.
Songs: if it's just Harper/Connie, it's Hello My Old Heart by The Oh Hellos (this one also works really well for Peregrine and Caleb too). If it's Harper/Connie/Reo....ooh, it would probably be Soldier, Poet, King by The Oh Hellos, with Reo being the soldier, Harper being the poet and Connie being the king. Okay damn I lowkey love how that works, like non-romantically.
Connie & Peregrine or Connie/Peregrine- Peregrine actually meets both Harper and Connie on separate occasions earlier in the plot. The dynamic between Harper and Peregrine is lowkey hilarious to me, because I'm pretty sure they look at each other and go 'oh, yikes' and leave it at that. Connie and Peregrine actually get on really well, though, and hang out together for a long while. Peregrine is allergic to nice things though, and actively avoids making new emotional ties. With Caleb, he fails drastically - but he also fails regarding Connie too. Con actually wanted him to stick around, but he tricks her into getting left behind (because he's an ASS, but actually it's mainly because he didn't want her to die/get hurt. And it's a good thing tbh because by the next episode he's captured by an amnesia cult who try to lobotomise him, so....). Anyway, I think both Caleb and Connie are people that Peregrine could have learnt to overcome his grief with, in a different world. I think Connie and Peregrine in particular find common ground in how much their communities mean to them. They are both driven on journeys, spurned by grief and guilt - but for Connie, she still remains in orbit of her family, whereas Peregrine has isolated himself entirely. I feel like not so many people would ship this, but I'm soft about it
Ship Song: I Will Remain by Matthew and the Atlas
Peregrine/Heather - the only CANON ROMANCE, but I killed it lol because Heather is dead from the start. She haunts this entire series, but her relationship with Peregrine is SO IMPORTANT because it drives the entire plot. I love them both a lot augh
Ship song: You Are a Memory by Message to Bears
That ended up SUPER LONG and also won't make sense to anyone probably rip, but!! Here it is!
Tagging - this is obviously optional, and feel free to make this about fandom characters instead if you like! But! @taardisblue, @novantinuum, @chaoticacecryptid, @subducting, @agendergorgon (I think you have ocs? For worm?)
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addictsitter · 2 months
have not rambled about it here yet so i'm overdue but i watched rise of red.
in accordance with the rest of the franchise, it has its cheesy moments, its utter disrespect for its own established canon, etc etc. special effects budget was ten whole dollars and a shoestring this time. (note: they spent zero of that on cinderella's glass slippers. those shoes were in a league of their own tbh)
rita ora was really good as the queen of hearts. that one surprised me a little tbh. kylie cantrall was a delight as red and malia baker did great as chloe.
we're gonna pretend i did not bawl like a baby at brandy and paolo montalban. kay? kay.
once again, descendants lives up to its predecessors in themes, i will say that. the queen's clear emotional abuse of red was good and led to what is probably one of my favorite lines in the movie? specifically from "love ain't it" when red sings "you say 'love ain't it' and i wish i could compete with all the grief that you've experienced" bc that's just? that's such a way to phrase that??
the continued use of "people aren't inherently born evil" once again coming up with bridget was great because it's such a good way to continue underscoring it and how trauma can shape a person.
biggest bangers go to "red" and "get your hands dirty" which might be my favorite song in the entire movie?? malia and morgan killed it?? and the discussion of how everything isn't black and white, how there's perspective to things, how compromise isn't bad and how sometimes you can and will do anything for someone you love... i just love it?? so much.
the plot felt a little rushed but that happens with every descendants movie tbh.
OH and one thing i loved was ella's line about how bad people don't think they're bad and how that ties into audrey's perspective in "queen of mean" in d3 and "i never thought of myself as mean" and chad's... everything.
did i care for their disregard of established canon to turn it into a high school au? not necessarily, but high school hades and maleficent were fucking funny. also aladdin and jasmine being That Couple was fucking adorable, no lie.
(shout out to red's "okay" and chloe's "that's my dad" "...ew")
also?? i don't know why they cut most of the first verse of "fight of our lives" but that was fun and i loved it and i loved that the girls got the homoerotic swordfight
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socdarlings · 1 year
contact names for the gang + socs
quotes are my perspective on the person and why i chose that name
ponyboy: ballad of a thin man - bob dylan, 1965. “song revolves around the mishaps of a boy, who keeps blundering into strange situations, and the more questions he asks, the less the world makes sense to him.”
johnny: johnny b. goode - chuck berry, 1958. “the song is about a semi-literate "country boy" from the New Orleans area, who plays a guitar ‘just like ringing a bell’, and who might one day have his ‘name in lights’.”
dallas: insight - joy division, 1980. “this song is almost as depressing as the eternal. giving up on life and hope and looking back at the past and wishing you’ve done something different. describes dallas before his life ends.”
twobit: cupid - sam cooke, 1961. “keith just reminds me of a doughboy and a loverboy, always picking up soc girls and dumping ‘em later.”
darry: the eternal - joy division, 1980. “This song just digs down into the deepest, most dank and dark recesses of tortured, unyielding depression. darry curtis is never going to ever leave tulsa and will die in tulsa. It’s just in the cards for him. This song also goes for dally.”
sodapop: little red corvette - prince, 1983. “This song is about casual dating and the fear of being replaced. It’s a sad but realistic song about the dangers of getting too attached to someone who isn’t ready for a commitment.”
steve: isolation - joy division, 1980. “A fear that never goes away. You wake up with it, you get into bed with it. You're afraid of things that are weeks in the future and of things that are tomorrow almost equally. You feel inferior to everyone, but you don't look up to them either because you just aren't like them. Steve has a hard time understanding people emotionally, and that isolates him from everyone.”
tim: cold, cold heart - hank williams, 1951. "Why can't I free your doubtful mind and melt your cold, cold heart?"
curly: behind blue eyes - the who, 1971. “‘Behind Blue Eyes’ is written from the perspective of a man who is hated and shunned. He's asking for empathy, but is clearly unhinged and seems to have anger issues.”
angela: wildflower - skylark, 1972. “She's faced the hardest times you could imagine. And many times her eyes fought back the tears. And when her youthful world was about to fall in, each time her slender shoulders bore the weight of all her fears.”
cherry: cheri, cheri lady - modern talking, 1985 “tbh I misheard this song and thought it said ‘cherry, cherry lady’. regardless the song’s about a girl who’s lost in the world, both emotionally and spiritually.”
marcia: sunday girl - blondie, 1978. “I think a happy go lucky song describes marcia best. doesn’t really show her other side with people, except cherry.”
evie: cherry bomb - the runaways, 1976. “a tough grease girl who’s just trying to survive day to day life in tulsa. does not have a good relationship with her parents. lets her soft side show around steve.”
buck: alone and forsaken - hank williams, 1952. “I just figure buck is just that kinda guy who’s always gonna be alone and can’t connect to people.”
sylvia: jolene, dolly parton, 1973. “Your beauty is beyond compare, with flaming locks of auburn hair, with ivory skin and eyes of emerald green.”
bob: the figurehead - the cure, 1982. “a depressing song about keeping up appearances and acting tough despite suffering on the inside. the man in the song is on the verge of suicide and yells out his frustrations, but nobody helps him.”
randy: heroin - the velvet underground, 1967. “this song basically describes randy turning to drugs in ‘that was then, this is now’ after everyone around him either leaves him or dies. it reinforces his idea that the warring sides of both greasers and socs will only leave more people dead and there’s no point in fighting.”
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vammieposts · 3 months
i love finding doctor who in random places, just now I was struggling to find the lyrics of a Belgrado song bc I was hoping to be able to translate it but I ended up on their bandcamp which led me to this persons profile which led me to this other album with this as the cover!?!? hi cybermen i wasnt expecting to see you guys here. but this ended up leading me down a several hour long rabbit hole of doctor who music as a genre
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Ok so as I write this post i'm discovering more and more really good doctor who inspired music that I personally enjoy/think others will enjoy
Chameleon Circuit - probably the most well known doctor who fan band, very fun, rock, 2008-2014, according to wikipedia they invented the term "Time Lord Rock", or "Trock", which is used to describe music created for and by doctor who fans about doctor who
Hero of a Hundred Fights - The Remote, The Cold (2001) - Faction Paradox stuff, sort of math-rock, they're really good! lots of BIG SOUND as my brain describes it, and cool lyrics+art, from Wisconsin according to wikipedia, my fellow eda fans, this is for YOU (tbh this and solid space are my favorites so far, chameleon circuit is good but doesn't appeal to me much personally)
Solid Space - Space Museum - as I described above, this stuff has a fun sort of electronic atmospheric feel, makes you feel like you're in a big empty fancy building at night, the kind of music you can wiggle slowly to and feel like a little robot person, has songs called the Tenth Planet and Earthshock, if you like cybermen you'll like this lol
DOCTOR IN DISTRESS - of course, I couldn't possibly leave this out could I? Very Important Song
Viva Computer - This Town will Never Let Us Go - calm, fun electronicy, as you can probably guess based on the songs namesake, faction paradox!
Starvefish - This Town Will Never Let Us Go - Also faction paradox!
The Go Go's - I'm Gonna Spend My Christmas with a Dalek - a beautiful product of dalek mania, my favorite christmas song, and the most confusing description of a dalek I've ever heard which includes at least one large toe. Included on the compilation, "Who is Dr Who"
The Art Attacks - I am a Dalek! - fun song! rock, feels very 80s but i don't know much about music tbh oh wait its 1978, pretty close!
Time Crash - another "Time Lord Rock" band, if you want to find them on youtube don't mix it up with the Time Crash: Children in Need special tho. I like the lead's voice a lot! its very chill and fun!
Also, these aren't doctor who themed, just related via actors, but Peter Capaldi was in a post-punk band called the Dreamboys and Billie Piper was a pop artist!
Some Doctor who Music fun: (doctor who, Delia Derbyshire, and the BBC radiophonic workshop have a really interesting place in electronic music history soo have fun learning)
But yeah there's my collection from this morning, and these are just my own personal taste plus a couple that are really good and I think others will enjoy so please rb with your favorite bands and songs you think should be added!
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dukesmebby · 2 years
summer child (s.h)
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a/n: this has been the only thing on my brain for the last two weeks<3 this is based off of the song summer child by Conan Gray so please give that a listen if you'd like! I just couldnt stop thinking about this song is made for him. HUGE thanks to @translatemunson for being the damn reason this got done. also thanks to @munsonswife for helping convince me to post<3
warnings: i dont think there should be any but lmk! just steve being kinda in his feels tbh
You see all the flowers in the weeds
You're scared of the dark when you sleep
You cover up your arms with your sleeves
Even in hundred-degree heat
Your father was awfully mean
Steve doesn’t always trust easily, you know that, but he hasn't stopped trying to trust the people he meets these days. Always trying to see the good as a way to give him hope. You know the man standing across from you is not proud of how he has always treated people and that bothers him. You also know he would fight tooth and nail or even die for you and any of his friends in a heartbeat. You wish he knew you'd do the same thing for him. You know that he can hardly sleep unless he has his lamp on and the windows closed and curtains drawn. You don't even remember the last time he slept for more than three hours in a night. You also know from your years spent together he wouldn't dare try sleeping like that when his father is home. He doesn't usually sleep most of the time when his parents actually are home. To him the house doesn't feel like home unless Robin or the kids are there with him. What you don't know is that he doesn’t ever feel at home anywhere without you.
Your favorite color is green 
It reminds you of the summer you turned three
Runnin' through sprinklers on your street
And you laugh and you dance in the wind
And you sway and you hug and you kiss
He often thought about when he was a kid, spending summers with his grandparents while his parents were off on some business trip. A time when he was allowed to run around and have fun and honestly just be a kid. No stuffy cocktail parties that he had to dress up for and act like he wasn't a ten year old boy. A time when his Grandpa would practically have to drag him inside after a full day of playing in the sprinklers with you. The summer breeze blowing through the trees the two of you would climb, and inevitably you would fall out of. After he made sure you were alright and kissed your scraped up knees better the two of you decided no more climbing trees, at least not for you. He thought about how when you guys were older you would sneak out to Lovers’ Lake just to get away from it all together. After Vecna, he didn't think he would ever feel that happy again. He stopped believing that he might get to feel like that.
But there's darkness behind those eyes
Even when you smile
Oh, summer child
You don't have to act like all you feel is mild
You don't really love the sun, it drives you wild
You're lyin', summer child
You know that Steve doesn't like to let people see that side of him anymore, his softer side coming out in bits only you and the gang would see. When he would smile it never went all the way to his honey brown eyes. He wishes he could be like that all of the time but he gets so tired of pretending in front of everyone. You're just grateful to see him happy in the small flashes that you do. When you get to see the flash of excitement spark all the way up to his sweet doe eyes. You know he is still the same man behind all of the walls he has built, you just wish he knew that if he wasn’t he was allowed to be the new version of himself around you. You wish he knew it was safe to be vulnerable like that with you no matter what. You hope he knows he can be angry that his childhood was stolen from him. You hope he knows he is allowed to be sad that his parents were never around. You hope he knows he is allowed to be loved by you, he deserves it even. 
Aren't you way too busy
Taking care of everybody
To take care of yourself?
When the sun goes missing
Aren't the flowers just as pretty?
Aren't the oceans just as deep?
The trees as green?
He needs to take a break, you know it and he knows you know it. He has been running himself ragged trying to do it all. He's been picking up more shifts to distract himself while also agreeing to take robin to and school and helping Hop get his place put back together. He feels so much guiltier about trying to be Superman when he realizes he hadn't called you all week, and it was already Thursday. You don't even remember the last time he slept for more than three hours in a night. You know Steve has been trying to distract himself lately and frankly you'd had a lot of coursework to catch up on so you don’t mind that he hadn't called. That doesn't mean it didn’t have you worried. You don't remember the last time you saw him eat a real meal which just wouldn't do for you. You know he doesn't stop long enough to eat, you are usually the only person that can get him to hit pause and actually take care of himself. You need him to understand that we all love him even if he wasn't the hero everyday.
And as for me
I'll watch you weep
Oh, summer child
You don't have to act like all you feel is mild
You don't really love the sun, it drives you wild
You're lyin', summer child
Steve notices you acting a little bit different around him. He notices the fact that you start bringing him lunches on his breaks so that he's actually eating something. He notices when you offer to pick up robin or the kids so that he doesn't have to. He notices you hanging onto his arm for longer than usual on date night Sunday. He also starts to notice that when you're over hanging out with him and he falls asleep before you leave he doesnt wake up in a dark room. He wakes up with his lamp on and the curtains closed. It makes his heart ache and his stomach churn. He is starting to feel alot like a kid again, because of you.
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lakesparkles · 9 months
for the shipping ask game, 2, 7, and 11 with matthew/julie/gideon! your art of them is so important to me
First thing, thank you so much!!! This motivates me draw/talk more about them, usually I get worried to do so because I'm afraid of making them too ooc ^^'
2 - What song fits your pairing the most?
I'm very sad to say that I didn't find a good song for them yet... But I hope I do soon. Sometimes I find songs that fit Gideon, but not the three of them... Or two of them, even.
7 - Favorite headcanon trope/idea? (Your own or someone else's)
Also a bit hard because I usually think of headcanons for the characters more than the couple haha
But hmm I'll say random headcanons then. I'm still a fan of the idea that they would have a lot of cats because they would be perfect for them, honestly. Matthew would preted he doesn't care about the cats at first but of course he does.
Gideon is an anime fan so he makes Julie and Mattew watch some with him. Julie actually enjoys it because it reminds her of how she and Gordon used to do the same when they were younger.
I would say how they don't deal well with fights because of the lack of health romantic relationships in their lives, but it would be way too long.
They would be terrible people together, I love them.
11 - If they aren't a canon pairing, how would you get them together?
They're half canon, at least...
I imagine it would start when Julie and Gideon start interacting with Matthew more because they're planning something (or are bored tbh). They would have that fake politeness everytime they want to get anything from him, but in the middle of that, it'll become something more genuine than what they expected and they'll realize they actually like to have Matthew around, even when a big part of their interactions is teasing.
And about Matthew and Julie, at first he didn't think too much about her, she was just there. Until they talk and realize they may have things in common and he's surely Julie's type, so all of these would make them have mixed feelings about each other.
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avelera · 2 years
Hello love!! ♥️ Any thoughts on We Are Going Down together by Dove Cameron and Khalid as anti-dreamling song??? It‘s a beautiful ballad and I keep imagining Hob and Dream singing it together and believing that it’s what they could do/ be for each other!?? That they could give up everything to be together because they love each other so deeply, but we as the reader know that no matter how far they’re willing to go for the other one they ultimately could never give up who they are at heart (which.. v healthy tbh, although co-depended feral lovers has always been my fav trope). Imo Hob would die to protect dream in a fight but he would never give up his immortality to love him and Dream would equally do everything to ensure Hobs safety and comfort, but could never abandon his responsibilities to the dreamers and his function to love him. The song just screams I WOULD DO EVERYTHING FOR YOU, but the tragedy is that they truly couldn’t??? Agree? Disagree? I chose to scream at you specifically because you have an understanding of these characters and wrote different versions of them in totally different emotional states and general vastly different situations and yet they’re the same at the core?
No strong opinion on the song, honestly, I'm not familiar with it ^^;;
As for the idea though, of Dream and Hob having limits to their love even if they wish they didn't... I'd simply consider that mature, adult human behavior? Even as I'm sure Dream for all his romanticism would love to devote himself 100% to a lover, I don't think he'd ever include "sacrifice the Dreaming" in that bargain, just as Hob would never include "sacrifice my immortality" in that bargain, just as I don't think most people would/could/should include "sacrifice my life's work" or "literally die for you" in any relationship??
But I don't think that's a bad thing? Honestly, I wouldn't ship them if I thought they would? I actually find it quite important that Hob would never die for Dream, because the last thing Dream needs in his life is someone who gives even a whisper of an inch of justification to suicide ideation. I think what Dream needs to hear, far more than "I'd die for you" is "I'd never die for you, are you crazy? That's nuts. I will live for you and do my damndest to make sure you live as well but people aren't stories and dying for someone should never, ever have to happen??"
I think Dream seeing himself as a story (I know we get very meta with that since obviously he IS a story but let's accept the premise of being in-universe for a second, Hob doesn't live his life like he's a story) is how he martyred himself to his role as the Dream Lord and never managed any sort of healthy existence. IMO it's why he wishes so badly for a lover to give him something else to care about that much, because as a romantic he thinks only love can be worthy of being the singular focus of his life outside his task, but of course, no one single relationship can do that, nor should it. But I think someone like Hob, who wouldn't martyr himself for anything but can understand having a purpose in life and a life's work would maybe begin to help disentangle Dream from this like... deeply unhealthy martyrdom to his function and complete inability to like... admit he's a person with needs?
Just as a final note on the song, or at least that sort of message from a song, I could see them listening to it and Hob being like, "Well that's ridiculous nonsense, I'd never ask someone to die for me, that's crazy, isn't that right, Dream?" and Dream being all... distracted like "Gosh I wish that were me," about it until Hob slaps him upside the head like "No. Bad. If I died and I found out you died for me I would PHYSICALLY HAUNT YOU or better yet, reincarnate until we're in the same life again so I could shake the drama king out of you. We do not DO THAT in this house, Dream!" And maybe, someday, Dream would come around enough to realize that's Hob's love language but also just, y'know, sanity, and you can love someone, indeed love them more effectively, when you focus on living for someone instead of relying on self-destructive grand gestures like dying for them?
Christ, Dream needs therapy so badly...
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choppedcowboydinosaur · 2 months
Here is my view/retrospective on the legacy of emo rock/pop punk bands I listened to growing up. Also, some bands that aren't emo/pop punk but I still like.
All American Rejects: I always thought they were the rivals to Green Day, but their legacy isn't as big as the other bands in pop culture at the time. Their legacy on Bionicle for Toa Inika commercials is good. Shame they aren't as big in retrospect since I like their songs a s a kid and as an adult.
Green Day: They had a massive Pop culture impact. They peaked with the American Idiot album. A lot of their early stuff is good. Their early albums in the 90's capture this sense of malaise, angst and edginess while occasionally having funny songs. American Idiot is probably their strongest album and the most political one since it's against the Bush Administration, the Iraq War and all the shit the neocons were doing at the time. It was very energetic, intense and introspective. While 21st Century Breakdown feels like the leftovers of American Idiot. It still has the same style as American Idiot but is not as intense. 21st Century Breakdown felt more resigned than American Idiot. Like the fight was fading from them. I still like 21st Century Breakdown nonetheless. The most recent song I heard was that one where they are making fun of mass shooters called Mommy's Little Psycho. It's a decent song in its own right and the subject matter is a good satire. But in terms of the energy, it felt lacking compared to their older stuff. It feels kind of worn out. If that's how that song was, I'm guessing the rest of the album it came from must be the same unfortunately.
Politically, they are the definition of being fake rebels especially Billy Joe Armstrong. He acts like an edgy anarchist but is more of a basic bitch liberal. Kind of a shame tbh since their live shows seem fun. He never criticized Obama's foreign policy and surveillance state despite building off what Bush did. That always bugged me since he was one of the most vocal anti-Bush rockers during that time period. I've noticed this since middle school when comparing them to other pop punk bands at the time like Rise Against which was more radical. Mind you my middle school years was during George W. Bush's 2nd term where everyone was bitching about him. Sorry to bitch about politics folks it ends here. Overall, they do have good music with their older songs, but they aren't as edgy as they make themselves out to be.
My Chemical Romance: These guys also had a big impact on pop culture and Gerard Way leveraged it for his comic book writing career. When I was growing up, I thought of them as THE EMO ROCK BAND growing up. Their early stuff is surprisingly raw and kind of hardcore. Their later stuff is still good but doesn't have the same edge as their first album. The first album is more politically driven because of Gerard Way's trauma to 9/11 and it's aftermath. But it's integrated as more of this darker feeling rather than being explicit like Green Day was. I still like them.
Blink 182: They surprisingly had a big effect on other pop punk bands. Looking back, it feels like a lot of smaller bands at the time were imitating them like MxPx, Sum 41 and Anarbor. A lot of those bands felt like they were copying that fun feel Blink 182 has. They were always more light fun rather than being edgy or political. But that's fine since they were good at it. They basically were the band that were reflective of young boys in the 2000's. Fun, crass but not that edgy but still entertaining, nonetheless.
Jimmy Eats world: I don't know if they left a massive legacy but i like some of their songs. They can go surprisingly hard with songs like Disintegration.
Fall Out Boy: I don't know if they influenced other bands but I do like a lot of their earlier stuff. Mainly the stuff from the early 2000's. Their early 2010's albums like Save Rock and Roll and American Beauty are ok. I have a particular soft spot for the song What a Catch Donnie. It just speaks to me.
Panic at the Disco: I always felt they were meant to be rivals to MCR. I do enjoy the earlier stuff. Though the later stuff is just Brendan Urie doing his own thing which is still decent, and you can see how he evolves. I always thought Panic at the Disco was the whole band not just a Brendan Urie vehicle. I always thought bands just focused on staying together rather than splitting apart to do their own thing. Turns out that's actually pretty common in bands. I guess a lot of those rock band movies I watched as a kid were misleading. Really love that Green Gentleman song. It's probably my favorite song of theirs.
Red hot chili peppers: They're not pop punk but I still like their music. They're fun and interesting to listen to even to this day. I'm not sure what sub-genre they fall under buy I guess they fit into the alt-rock umbrella, I guess. Many of their songs still hold up and have a good variety to them. Some are intense, some are more introspective, and some have this sort of laid-back feel to them. I think that variety is why I like them.
Foo Fighters: I've grown to appreciate them over the years. Since I did not listen to them as a kid but rather as a teenager. Which is funny since they are probably older than most of the bands listed here so I guess I got into them kind of late. Once again, they're not pop punk but still good. I've listened to them from the mid 2000's to my high school years. I've gradually listened to more of their songs, and they hold up really well.
The Offspring: I've grown to appreciate them over the years. Since I only listened to a few of their songs growing up (mainly the Crazy Taxi theme song) but as an adult have listened to more of them. Basically, they are what Green Day wishes it was politically. They're left wing but they feel more legit somehow. Like they're more sincere and have more of an edge to them. They're not anarchist but more legit. I guess they incorporate it more naturally rather than having to put up a front. Also, they have lots of funny songs too. So, it's a good balance.
Atari's: I discovered them some years ago. Shame I never listened to them beforehand. They are fairly good. Not the greatest but worth listening to some of their songs. The acoustic version of Looking Back on Today is really good. Better than the electric guitar version. The acoustic one feels more soulful.
Anarbor: I learned of them through Cartoon Network as a kid. I enjoyed them when I was younger. They didn't stand out too much and were kind of reflective of the bands of that time period. They were still enjoyable, nonetheless.
Reel Big Fish: They are ska not pop punk, but I love their music. They are very funny as hell. I put them here as an honorable mention. They are not just funny but very entertaining in their own right.
Sum 41: I heard a few of their songs like Fat lip growing up. They are another one of those bands that in retrospect are reflective of the time they were made in. They're entertaining but don't stand out too much or change the genre.
The main thing I remember them from is We're all to blame from Godzilla Final Wars. 10-year-old me loved that and it goes harder than a Sum 41 song has any right to. it also spawned tons of Godzilla AMV's in the late 2000's on YouTube. I still love it to this day.
Those are my views on 2000's emo rock bands, pop punk bands and other bands of that time. There is a tinge of nostalgia to this, but I also tried to be more analytical. It's kind of hard not to be nostalgic about this since I pretty much grew up with these bands as a kid. But I hope I did a good job, nonetheless. Hope you enjoyed reading this!
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 3 months
Wedding ask game + Campbell and Derek?
Who first brought up the option of marriage? Was it an easy topic?
Derek brings it up first! They both want to but the logistics, what it means for their careers, and figuring out timing is hard to navigate
Which one proposed? Was it grand and public? Discreet and private? Was it expected?
Derek proposed. Bell knows he's going to propose but doesn't know exactly when it'll happen. It's either just the two of them, around the rest of the BAU, or one of them gets injured on the field and Derek half proposes in the ambulance
Show us their engagement and/or wedding rings!
one of these!
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Did they plan the wedding by themselves, with help, or with a professional planner?
They plan it with some help from the BAU – like JJ and Will, it's very simple, just the team in Rossi's backyard, he cooks, either Reid gets ordained or Gideon does and shows up to surprise them, not sure what season it happens in so idk who all is there but everyone else helps with decorations and JJ, Rossi, and Hotch go dress shopping (Rossi and Hotch argue over paying for the dress)
Was the planning and time up til the wedding stressful?
Time up til the wedding was stressful because of cases and their lives are always stressful, but nothing about the wedding was. Penelope is in charge of keeping all of the plans organized so once everything is figured out it's only a matter of waiting until things settle down enough to have the wedding and then she just pulls out all of the plans, sends the jet to pick up Derek's family, and they're good to go
Who were the first people to find out about the engagement? How did they react?
the team, if they aren't there when Derek proposes then Hotch finds out first, otherwise they're all there. Hotch pretends he's not crying, Penelope is very much crying, it's just sweet and lots of hugs and everyone is very happy for them
Who are the maids of honour and/or best men? Why and how were they chosen?
They fight the most over Reid tbh. In the end since the entire guest list is just the team + Derek's family + Jack, they don't end up having wedding parties, just Jack as the ring bearer and Henry as the flower boy (he insists, he likes the flowers more than the rings)
Was there any drama whatsoever regarding the guest list?
Not at all, they have all the same friends
Show us a mood/stimboard of their wedding’s general aesthetic.
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Do they get married through court? Church? Third secret option?
Third secret option – they file the paperwork at city hall and then have their ceremony performed by either Reid or Gideon (neither are particularly religious but whoever does the ceremony likely gets ordained because that matters more to Derek's family)
When do they get married? Night or day? Any specific reason for either?
Night, mostly just because they agree that they like it better but also because given their lives, it's easier to get married at night because they're less likely to get called in to work
Do either of them play music while walking down the aisle (if they do at all)? If yes, show us their song.
Yes, this string cover of Take Me To Church for Bell (or the whole thing, it's not exactly a long processional
Show us their outfits!
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Do they follow any familiar, cultural, and/or religious traditions at any point of the wedding?
I don't think so
Who was the ringbearer?
Jack Hotchner
Who married them?
Either Reid or Gideon
Show us their vows. Did either of them tear up at them?
(I don't have them written but yes they both tear up)
Did anyone oppose the marriage? Did they speak then, or did they just forever hold their peace?
Nope, at least not anyone who was there
What was the ceremony like? Any highlights?
It was very fun, it was outside in the snow (with a lot of space heaters), at some point Jack and Henry start making snow angels in their little wedding suits so they relocate inside. Highlights include Reid calling Bell his sister and Penelope getting wasted and giving a speech about how she always wanted to hate Bell and be jealous of her but she just loves her so much, also Reid and Morgan just being silly and adorable
Did anyone pass out from a food/alcohol coma?
No alcohol comas but Penelope did get very drunk, lots of food comas because Rossi prepared a whole Italian feast
Do they have a honeymoon? Where to? How soon after?
They keep trying and not being able to because of work but eventually have a honeymoon at a cabin they rent that they fall absolutely in love with
Do they renew their vows? Remarry, even?
I don't think so!
If the couple could describe their wedding in a sentence, how would they?
If you could describe their wedding in a sentence, how would you?
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littlebittyhollowbugs · 3 months
1, 8, and 15 for the ask thingie?
1- my favorite song is a hard one I love the whole soundtrack to pieces, but I have particular fond memories of hearing Greenpath, the dung defender and especially sealed vessel for the first time.
When I entered Greenpath my first playthrough, was when I think I really fell in love with the game. And the music played big part in that. It gives big studio Ghibli vibes and it feels cozy but adventurous all at once. I will never forget that moment.
Dung defender I heard first actually while watching my sister play, and it was the first boss fight I remember where the music immediately stuck out to me. It captures knighthood and honor so well. and it's one (big) aspect of that fight that makes it so much fun. That and Ogrim's cheerful, playful demeanor.
Sealed vessel though! Sealed vessel was actually the very first song I heard, and I had saved it to a playlist of mine. (To help inspire my writing.) Years before I even got into hollow knight. So my brother actually bought the game the year it came out for his birthday and he and my little sister were obsessed with it for a while, I had no interest. (Didn't really play video games at all back then.) but I always really loved the art style and the vibes of the game, and I would listen as they told me about whatever bits of lore they could figure out. Anyway at one point my brother was showing me some video that had the sealed vessel soundtrack in the background and I went to look it up and save it later because THAT. SONG.
Especially the build up near the end, I get goosebumps every time. TO. THIS. DAY.
It always deeply impressed me, but now, after playing the game, and having the context for it, it makes it hurt so much worse. I will quite literally tear up if I am listening to it without distracting myself. (And the first time I heard it in game, was also while watching my sister play. At the time I did not have all the context and this was before I became obsessed, I still was tearing up though, you have no idea how distressed I was watching that fight.)
Moving on to question,
8- My favorite enemy probably lore and character design-wise, I'd have to say the mantises. I actually struggled so much in both the mantis tribe and queens garden because of them. (I was terrible my first playthrough tbh I've gotten so much better but it was fun) but I love them so much. (I'm obsessed with mantis tribe lore actually. I don't ever talk about it here, but my sisters and I have tons of headcanons and theories anyway) The traitors were annoying but they make the queens garden area so interesting and I've gotten a ton better at dodging their attacks. and walking through the mantis village after defeating the mantis lords and gaining the respect of the tribe, it's so cool. I love bowing back to them. I love them.
Also really love like, all of the mosskin. The mosscreeps are adorable and the one moss knight standing by the lake of Unn, love that guy especially.
15- Least favorite boss? Honestly, I really don't like fighting any of the dream warrior bosses. At least not after beating them once. I play in the godhome a lot and they are some of the few bosses I just, don't ever replay. Not because they are really that hard for me, actually the bosses that have taken me the most tries to beat (watcher knights, sentinel Hornet, PV, NKG ect.) are some of my favorites in the game. They're just the most.. tedious? The most annoying? I guess. And they aren't even really bad, just in comparison to other bosses in the game you know? And the characters themselves and the character designs and whatnot I find really interesting, but the boss fights themselves, Not the most enjoyable.
Wow, those are some long replies XD thanks for the ask! I love any and all excuses to talk about this game.
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